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A41106 Christs alarm to drowsie saints, or, Christs epistle to his churches by William Fenner. Fenner, William, 1600-1640. 1646 (1646) Wing F682; ESTC R25397 286,079 411

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wee desire to doe what wee are commanded to doe wee shall have enemies enough in the world Our Tribe is a hated Tribe Of all Offices the office of a reprover is the most unwelcome Paul was counted an enemy because hee told the Galatians the truth Micaiah was hated because hee dealt truely with Ahab people love their lusts as their members yea as themselves Ergò of all men wee are most hated Every man is beleeved in his own profession but wee People do not hate Taylors that make them a good garment nor a Shoo-maker that makes them a good Shooe nor a Cook that makes them a good Feast nor a Phisitian that makes them a good potion nor a good Lawyer that makes them a good suite though these doe but provide for the body and yet wee that provide for peoples soules if wee make them a good Sermon that would save their soules for ever so they would obey it wee are hated for our labour Ergò when Moses came to speak of Levi that were the Ministers of Israel hee prayes God that God would deliver them out of the hands of their enemies Lord smite through the loynes of them that hate him Deut. 33. 11. I say wee have many enemies in the world and therefore wee had need to hang together who ever bee at oddes wee should stick close Our message is hardly beleeved and therefore wee had need to bee all of one minde The word which wee preach is adverse to flesh and blood and therfore wee had need all joyntly to obey it otherwise how doe wee think that wee shall perswade any others Force the more united the more strong O if we would all joyn forces in one wee might make all our Parishes quake all the wicked round about their very hearts would bee ready to faile them if every Pulpit did rowze them If they could come in no Church but they were made to sit upon thornes I verily beleeve few would have any heart to goe on in their evill doings Thirdly another Use is how wee see it is a very usefull and a profitable thing that one good Minister should now and then come and help another and preach for another that our people may see our consent that wee all preach the same thing and that is not our private preaching but all the Ministers that are of God are just of the same mind This made the Apostle whensoever hee was to write to a people that hee knew would bee somewhat backward to beleeve them hee would joyne other Ministers with him as consenting together with him Indeed when hee wrote unto Timothy he would not doe it for hee knew that hee did not need hee knew the faithfulnesse of his heart But when hee writ to the Corinthians where false Apostles had been and had made many of them to doubt hee joyned Sosthenes with him as it were confirming the same thing 1 Cor. 1. 1. when hee wrote to the Galatians hee told them hee had Peter on his side and Barnabas and Titus and James and John and how the Apostles gave unto him the right hand of Fellowship Gal. 2. 1. 9. Hee writing to the Philippians hee joynes Timothy with him Phil. 1. 1. And so writing to Philemon about a thing that though hee hoped Philemon would doe yet because hee knew he might have many carnall reasons against it hee joyns another with him Philem. 1. This is of very good use when one good Minister comes and backs anothers Ministery For as it is with men-pleasing Ministers that make as if the way to heaven were easier than it is people hope that other Ministers will come and confirming it make it good Ezek. 3. 6. O they love such a Doctrine alife and they hope there will be moe of that minde So when they heare a strict Minister that delivers the Word to them as it is and as they shall finde it at last day tush this is so uncooth that they hope that it is but the opinion of their precise Minister and that no body else is of his minde Now when God shall bring a cloud of witnesses it is I say of very good use I confesse that when a Minister speaketh the truth though no body else come to set it on besides him hee shall bee a witnesse against all the people that will not beleeve and vext at the voyce of his preaching Noah condemned all the world albeit there were none but hee But yet symphony and agreement and the consent of the Ministers of God is an Ordinance of God when it may conveniently bee had Thus I have spoken of this second point of Doctrine of the unity of Ministers To the Angell of the Church in Sardis I acknowledge this point is not so much for the generall profit of you all But you must bear with me for handling of it Wee shall come now to you ere long For I am sure if any portion of Scripture may doe us good in these dead times the Treating of this Epistle may And yet it is not lost time to speak unto the Ministers if by any meanes I may provoke my self and my Brethren to the abounding in the unity of the Spirit and of Faith and heart and minde for the further spreading and enforcing of good Revel 3. 1. And unto the Angell of the Church in Sardis write these things saith hee that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven Starres I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead And unto the Angel of the Church in Sardis write YEE have had two Doctrines from hence concerning Gods Ministers I told you there is one more and then I have done and so will proceed The Doctrine is this That a Minister may bee in fault that the people are dead that they have no more heart to good things that they are so ignorant so cold so ungodly so worldly so vain as they are I say the Minister may bee in the fault The point is very clear from this place The Lord being to reprove the people here of Sardis for their deadnesse in Religion he directs his reproof to their Minister To the Angel of the Church in Sardis write I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead Hee accuses the Minister for the deadnesse of the Church that was committed to his charge hee meanes the Church but hee speakes to the Minister You will say how doe yee prove that hee means the Church I Answer there be three places that doe manifest the same The one is Revel 1. 4. There John tells us that hee indeed writes to the Churches for that in the inscription of every Epistle the Minister onely bee named John to the seven Churches in Asia So that this latter is sent to the Church that is in Sardis John meanes it to the Church and not onely to the Minister A second place is Rev. 1. 11. what thou seest write to the seven
unto the Angell of the Church in Sardis write these things saith hee that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven Starres I know thy works that thou hast a name that thou livest and art dead These things saith hee that hath the seven Spirits of God and the seven Starres THese words contain the Description of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom this Epistle is sent unto the Church in Sardis and in particular to the Minister there who is here called the Angell of the Church in that place And the description does instance in two royalties of our Saviour Jesus Christ First That hee hath the seven Spirits of God that is he hath the Holy Ghost and all his spirituall graces in his hands to give to whomsoever hee pleases for the quickning of them and the sanctifying of them that if any of his members want spirit or any spirituall good hee hath it for them These things saith hee that hath the seven Spirits of God This wee handled the last day Now wee proceed to the second Royalty of our Lord Jesus Christ That hee hath the seven Starres hee speaks of the seven Churches of Asia Christ hath all their Ministers in his hands and hee calls them starres First because the starres doe direct It s a great help when Mariners can see a starre in a dark night When Paul and they that sailed with him could see neither Sun nor Starre the company were without all hope of comming safe to Land Act. 27. 20. they knew not what to doe when there was not a starre to bee seen The starres serve for direction in the night So good Ministers are for direction unto people they serve to direct people to Christ Like the starre in the East When the Wisemen saw the starre they rejoyced with exceeding great joy Matth. 2. 10. that starre directed them to Christ it went before them all the way and shewed them where to finde Christ so a poore soule rejoyces to finde a godly Minister O thinks hee he is a starre to direct mee to Christ Secondly Because the starres doe shine so good Ministers doe shine forth and hold out a light to give light to them that sit in darknesse and in the shadow of death Yee are the light of the world sayes Christ Matth. 5. 14. when a man sits in a dark house hee cannot see to doe any thing but if one come and open a window or a casement and letteth in light now hee may see to goe about his businesse so Beloved people that dwell in dark Parishes where no sound Ministery of the Word is they know not what to doe to bee saved they erre they wander they grope they stumble and fall they see not how to bee godly and happy for evermore But when a faithfull Minister comes now light is let in and those that have a minde to goe to Heaven now they may see the way thither so that in this sense too Ministers are starres Thirdly Because starres have influence upon these inferiours bodies as God sayes of the Pleiades and Orion which are a company of starres in the heavenly Orbe Canst thou binde the sweet influences of the Pleiades or loose the bands of Orion Job 38. 31. the starres have influences into things here below The Pleiades open the earth they make herbes and flowres grow the spring is when they arise once Trees begin to sprout and the plants do waxe green Orion it produces cold the Winter comes when that shews it self the starres have a great influence into sublunary bodies so it is with Ministers Bad Ministers are like the starres of Orion they serve to coole peoples hearts and dead them to all goodnesse But good Ministers are as the starres of Pleiades no soule can have any minde in him to that which is good but they doe exceedingly help and further they quicken the heart they warme and fructisie the soules of Gods Elect. Againe the Starres doe hang high so the Ministers of Christ are set high they hang high that all the people may have the benefit of their glistering Zachany calls them the Prophets of the most High And thou childe shalt bee called the Prophet of the most High Luk. 1. 76. But I have handled this Point in effect when I spake of Ministers being Angels and therefore I will omit it now Thus yee see the Ministers are starres Now hee calls them seven because hee speaks of seven Congregations Ephesus Smyrna Pergamos Thyatira Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicea Seven Churches seven Congregations and every one had their severall stars Whence wee see that every Parish should have a particular faithfull Minister Paul appointed Titus to ordain Elders in every City Tit. 1. 5. The Apostles ordained Pastours and Elders in every Church Act. 14. 23. So it was in the time of the Law as the Text sayes Moses of old time hath in every City them that Preach being read in the Synagogues every Sabbath day Act. 15. 21. The Reason is first because those Towns that have not a faithfull Ministery in it generally doe all perish I doe not deny but some soules in such blinde places may come otherwise to bee converted and saved but generally they perish for ever that live in such places as the Evangelist sayes of Galile True they had sorry Priests but they had not a faithfull Ministery sayes hee The people sate there in the region and shadow of death Matth. 4. 16. that is till they had a better Ministery they were in a damnable estate So that it is a pitifull thing when any Town or Parish are without a faithfull Ministery no starre of Heaven shining among them Secondly because when people have no faithfull Minister of their own generally they care not for removing of their dwelling neither will they goe a mile or two for the meanes they content themselves with what fare they have at home though it starve them to death Like the people under the false Prophets they liked them well enough My people love to have it so Jer. 5. 31. Nay they love such prophets better than them that would deale plainly with them Nay there bee many that when they have a faithfull Minister at home will bee sneaking out to a drunken Minister abroad they would rather live under such a one Thirdly Another Reason why every Church should have its particular Starre every congregation had need of a faithfull Ministery of their own Because if there be any godly Soule or any one that desires the salvation of his Soule and lives under a blinde guide hee cannot goe out without giving very great offence it will bee thought a giddinesse and a flighting of their own Minister at home now if every Parish had a sound Ministery in it this would not bee When people came out of every Parish round about unto John they had no Pastour of their own but they came flocking unto John no question but this bred heart-burning against John I and ill-will against those
off the Son of God and everlasting life Still when the Prophets would speak unto the people this was their preface The Lord sent mee so sayes Isaiah the Lord sent mee Esa 48. 16. so sayes Jeremiah the Lord sent mee When they refused to hear what he said O sayes hee Truely the Lord sent mee of a truth the Lord hath sent me unto you to speak all these words unto you Jer. 26. 15. One would think it wore enough to strike terrour into the hearts of men to put off any Sermon any rebuke any exhortation of Christs Ministers when they know the Lord sends them Of a truth the Lord hath sent mee to speak all these words unto you May bee the Minister is as poore a creature in himself as one of you O but remember who sends him as Christ sayes hee that heareth you heareth mee and hee that despiseth you despiseth mee and hee that despiseth mee despiseth him that sent me Luk. 10. 16. So much shall suffice to have been spoken of the first way whereby Christ is said to have the seven Starres that is the Ministers of the Church namely he hath the sending of them Secondly Hee hath them that is hee hath the giving of them their Commission as they have their Mission from him so they have their Commission from him too They are not onely messengers but Embassadors This Commission hath two things first the heads of their Embassage that Christ sends them to treat of Secondly the authority of their Embassage that Christ invests them with For the first the heads of their commission Christ hath the appointing of them what they shall treat of and they are five First they shall preach the Word Goe and preach the Gospel to every creature Mark 16. 15. Secondly to remit the sin of all them that doe embrace the Gospel Joh. 20. 23. that is to pronounce all the promises of the Covenant of Grace and in particular forgivenesse of sins to all true penitent and beleeving Soules Thirdly to administer the Sacraments of the New Testament to all the said persons to whom the promises of eternall life doe belong for the assuring of their hearts concerning all the things of the Kingdome of God to them in particular Matth. 28. 19. Fourthly To build up the Church of God for the perfecting of the Saints and the edifying of the body of Christ untill they all come c. Ephes 4. 12. Fifthly to shut the Kingdome of Heaven upon all that have an evill heart of unbelief to goe on in their sins and not to stoop to the Scepter of Jesus Christ Mark 16. 16. and in divers other places These are the heads of their commission that Christ will have them treat of in their Embassage unto men Secondly now for the Authority that hee invests them with it is not any carnall or earthly authority to jet and to vaunt or to domineere as though they were Lords and Gods heritage 1 Pet. 5. 3. no sayes Christ it shall not be so with you But hee that is greatest among you hee shall bee as the least Luk. 22. 26. and therefore I doe not here speak of any earthly authority No the Authority that Christs Ministers have and they have it from him is a spirituall Authority uamely not onely to preach and to declare forgivenesse of sin and to administer the seales of the covenant and to build up the Saints and to denounce wrath and damnation to all that continue in their unregenerate estate through impenitence unbelief but to do all these things with a heavenly Power and Authority to have an Office under Christ for the doing of them so as to be the very mouth of Christ and that which they doe according to their commission from him to stand firme and good for ever and ever I will give power to my two witnesses Rev. 11. 3. The Lord hath given me power and authority sayes the Apostle 2 Cor. 10. 8. You will say this is great power indeed all the Kings Potentates of the earth have not so great power as this this is a power of life and death not naturall nor temporary but Spirituall and eternall this is a power not oven mens Bodies but over their soules not in small matters but either for salvation ordamnation This is a great Commission how come they by such a great one as this is O sayes Christ I am able to invest them with as much as this comes to For all power is given unto me in Heaven and Earth Matth. 28. 18. q. d. I am able to furnish you with all authority and power goe you in my name and preach you in my name in my name bid people repent and beleeve in my name open heaven to all that doe obey and shut it upon all that doe disobey and I will make it good The use of this is First have the Ministers of Christ such a Commission from Christ then they are the greatest Embassadors that ever were or can be Embassadors of earthly Kings have a great Commission they represent the Kings person from whom they come Alas what are they to these they come about petty things about civill peace or warre and yet they are Lord Embassadors they are Lords by their places they are much respected among men O then what great Embassadors are the Ministers of Jesus Christ that represent the King of Kings person that represent the person of the Lord of Lords that came to Treat of peace betweene God and Man or of open Hostility between the Creator and the Creature as Paul sayes now then wee are Embassadours for Christ As though God did beseech you by us wee pray you in Christs stead be reconciled unto God 2 Cor. 15. 20. that is we have a very great commission we represent the person of our Lord Jesus Christ we come to treat with you about eternity according as you heare us or heare us not so it will be with you unto all eternity O consider what we have to do you are enemies unto God from the womb as long as your sins doe remain ye are enemies still we come to set you at one again Yee know the condition yee know what the heads of our commission bee if yee will not hearken unto them and submit yee are damned for ever if ye doe blessed and happy are yee for evermore was there ever such a great Embassage as this as the Apostle sayes To make known the mystery of the Gospel for which I am an Embassadour in bonds Ephes 6. 19 20. q. d. though the wicked and blinde world look upon me as a Schismatique and a malefactour and cast me into the prison and here I am in bonds they see no such thing in me as an Embassadour of the great God yet the truth is though I bee in bonds they shall know it one day to their cost who I was and what a commission I had and what it is to slight it and put it off I
every soule present this is the way to catch some When a Minister labours to hit all Fourthly some Ministers may be unsuccessefull for not preaching roughly enough Beloved our times are knotty times Rough hewing is needful Now people had need heare of hell and damnation and wrath and vengeance against their sins Some save with feare as the Apostle speaks plucking them out of the fire Jude 23. Fifthly Again May bee a Ministers successe is not seen may be he is successefull though he shall not live to see it as Christ sayes One sowes and another reaps Joh. 4. 37. as the Prophets sowed and the Apostles reapt So Beloved we may sow now and those that come after us may bee they shall be the reapers The present age now may sow seed for the succeeding Arbores serit quae alteri prosuit saeculo As the Chinah make their dishes the Fathers lay them into the fire and the third generation after takes them out Though we doe not see our seeds to come up may be we meet with no harvest this may be our comfort if we can but sow for others afterwards to reap Let us have a care of sowing many a man that now hears the word and now is brought up under a good teaching Ministery though yet he doe not obey it who knows what God will doe may be God may cast him into some horrible affliction yet before he dyes and sling terrour into his Soule and then what we have delivered may doe him good And therefore we should never lin sowing though wee never see the Harvest this should bee our comfort that the ground hath the seed Let us still powre in good examples into our people Parents into their children Masters into their servants Ministers into their hearers let God alone with it when and what and where the Harvest shall bee Lastly Some Ministers are not godly and then how can they looke for good successe as God sayes If they had stood in my Counsell and caused my people to heare my words then they should have turned them from their evill way Jer. 23. 22. I dare not say absolutely that a carnall Minister shall never have good successe in his Ministery As if a Minister should conclude hee were a good man because God hath blessed his labours No that is not a good argument for First It is the Word that converts and not the person of the speaker I dare not tye God to the goodnesse of any mans person God as he is a Creator he is a wise God and can write well with a bad pen and cut well with a blunt naughty knife Secondly Such may bee sent of God and gifted for the Ministery and therefore for all that I know they may bee an Organ of conversion sometimes Thirdly Paul rejoyced that Christ was preached by the false Apostles though it were but of envy Phil. 1. 15 16 17 18. you will say how could he rejoyce in that that was a wicked manner of Preaching Why surely hee could not rejoyce in it but that hee did think that it might doe some good Fourthly This may bee thus or else no man can be assured of his salvation For if a carnall Minister cannot be the meanes of conversion c. Fifthly They may say at last day Lord Lord wee have Prophesied in thy name and in thy name have we cast out devils and yet Christ will say unto them I know you not c. Sixthly Why else does our Saviour Christ bid people heare the Scribes and Pharisees but that he implies they may be a meanes of good to them Seventhly Judas was sent out to Preach Matth. 10. 4. Christ said to him as well as the rest When yee goe Preach saying the Kingdome of Heaven is at hand ver 7. Eightly Experience hath found this to bee true some godly soules have confessed this very thing that such as now they see to be palpably carnall have been the means of their conversion c. Many helpt Noah to build his Arke that perished in the waters God may make the crowing of a Cock to be a meanes of a wakning Peters Conscience The temptations of the Devill to be the means of Luthers quickning and therefore I doe not simply affirm that carnall Ministers cannot convert But this I say it is a very rare thing as Christ sayes If the blinde lead the blinde both shall fall into the ditch Matth. 15. 14. So if a Hypocrite lead a hypocrite the Drunkard lead the drunkard c. It is a woe to a Parish when their Ministers are not godly Woe to the City sayes God Zeph. 3. 1. why so Her Prophets are light persons ver 4. Woe to such Townes whose Ministers will goe to the Alehouse whose Ministers will keep company and bee haile fellow with every vain fellow whose Ministers will embrace this present world whose Ministers are proud and envious and malicious that give a bad example to the people that depend upon their charge Woe to them sayes God The curse of God is upon such Parishes God hath hardly any intention to save such peoples soules Or if he have any of his Elect there God will save them some other way as God told the naughty Shepheards I even I will search out my sheep and seek them out Ezek. 34. 11. that is I will search them out some other way I will not do it by you and therefore when he hath a minde to save a poore people he sends good Ministers among them or them to good ones Turn o backsliding children sayes God and I will take you one of a city and two of a family and I will give you Pastors according to my heart Jer. 3. 14. c. God would have none but wise-hearted men to work in his manuall Tabernacle Exod. 35. 10. how then doe we think he will let fooles as all carnall Ministers are c. Saint Paul said it was a part of the hope that he had in the presence of Christ at his comming that God had made him the instrument of gaining soules to his Kingdome For what is our hope or joy or crown of rejoycing are not even you in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his comming 1 Thess 2. 19. and hath made a promise to such as convert soules so runs the Promise They that turn others to righteousnesse shall shine as the stars Dan. 12. 3. indeed this is but a secondary evidence of Salvation c. O Beloved if we could convert any of your Soules what a comfort would it be whereas if a man be a wicked man what hope can he have that God will blesse his labors nay he hath said expressely that if a man will not obey the voyce of the Lord cursed shall he be in the field and in the house and so in the Pulpit in his studies he cannot look for Gods assistance as God told the wicked Priests I will curse all your blessings if ye will not lay it to heart Mal.
CHRISTS ALARM TO DROWSIE SAINTS OR Christs Epistle to his Churches By WILLIAM FENNER B. D. sometimes fellow of Pembroke Hall in Cambridge and Minister of Rochford in ESSEX REVEL 2. 7. Hee that hath an eare to hear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the Churches LONDON Printed by J. D. R. I. for John Rothwell at the Sun and Fountain in Pauls Church-yard M DC XLVI Insigni Eruditione Pietate V THOMAE HILL S. T. D. Acad Cantabrigienss Dignissimo Procancellario Coll Trin in eadem Acad Magistro Posthumum hoc GUILLIEL FENNERI Opusculum In Debitae observantiae Testimonium D. D. D. J. R. Bibliopola TO THE READER THE Author of these ensuing Sermons was a Minister of God famous in his Generation a burning and shining light one to whom if ever to any God had given the Art of winning of Soules whom I have often heard Preaching and alwaies in the demonstration of the Spirit and power and not in the inticing words of mans wisedome He was as Nazienzen saith of John Baptist Tota Vox all Voice A voice in his habite in his gestare and in his life and conversation as well as his Doctrine and being now dead he is still a voice by his Works which he hath left behinde him And in particular by these Sermons Printed according to a Copy written with his own hand which handle a Subject very necessary for these times wherein there are many that have a name to live but are indeed dead and many that are spiritually alive but yet full of deadnesse and unactivenesse to that that is good Now this Treatise will be usefull if God give a blessing to it to make the dead Christian living and the living Christian more active and lively in all godlinesse which that it may effect is the prayer of Thy soules friend in Jesus Christ ALAMY The Contents THE Coherence Page 1 The Division Page 2 1 Observ That Ministers are to be Angels Page 7 1 Vse The Ministery no base office Page 10 2 Vse If Angels they must be holy Page 11 3 Vse If Angels they must be ready to preach and labor in the word Page 13 4 Vse If Angels they are mainely for Gods Elect. Page 17 5 Vse If Angels with what reverence ought wee to hear them Page 19 2 Observ All true Ministers as one ibid. How Page 21 What unity Page 24 Ministers ought to preach often Page 32 The reasons of their unity Page 39 1 Vse Ministers not to envy one another for the faithfull discharge of their duty Page 41 2 Vse Ministers must labour to be of one minde Page 42 3 Vse Good for Ministers that they preach one for another Page 44 Ministers may be in fault the people are no better Page 46 People a cause of the Ministers deadnesse Page 48 Particular Preaching does good Page 51 Generall preaching hartfull seven Reason ibid. Morall preaching does no good Page 57 Not enough to professe onely the name of Christ Page 61 The more the word ●onvinces the more subtleties the heart aeviseth Page 63 Cold preaching of the word is unsutable to the nature of the word Page 64 It is cold two wayes Page 66 Evill life causeth th● Preacher seem vile Page 67 1 Vse A Minister may be the cause why the people are dead Page 68 2. Ministers of all m●n should care to be most quickned ibid. 3. People should pray for their Ministers Page 69 4. Ministers should take h●ed of their charge ●●●irable Royalties of Jesus Christ ibid. 1 That he hath the Seven Spirits of God Page 72 Gives the spirit to whom he pleases Page 75 The Reasons why Page 77 Vse 1. If Christ have the spirits what hath he not Page 80 2. We are without excuse if we want the spirit when Christ hath him to give Page 81 How we may obtain it Page 86 3. Those that want the spirit may have supplies from Jesus Christ Page 89 Signes of it Page 93 Second Royalty of Jesus Christ he hath the seven Stars Page 96 Ministers why Stars Page 97 Every Parish should have one Page 98 Vse 1. A Miserable thing when a Land is darkned Page 100 2. We are to blesse God when the Starres shine ibid. 3. Take heed those few Stars we have set upon us Page 101 Six fignes when they are about to vanish ibid. Why God will take away his Stars Page 105 Christ hath seven Stars in five respects Page 107 Vse 1. They have their Mission from him therefore t is comfort to true Ministers ibid 2. They must doe his Message Page 108 3. They must give him account Page 109 4. A great mercy Christ should send unto them ibid. The heads of their Commission their Authority Page 120 Vse 1. If their Commission be from Christ they are the greatest Embassadors that are or can be Page 121 2. They must take heed how they discharge their Function Page 122 3. To condemn them that obey not the Ministery Page 124 4. God takes it not well at our hands that Ministers should be vilipended Page 126 5. They must preach no mercy at all to them that stand out wilfully Page 129 6. They that fear God must obey the voyce of his Servants Page 131 Ministers had need of many rare gifts Page 133 1. To open the Scriptures ibid. 2. To deduce from them Page 134 3. To Convince Page 135 4. To move affections ibid. 5. To speak Pro Re Nata Page 136 6. To chuse speciall Texts for speciall occasions Page 137 Vse 1. A Minister had not need to be a foole Page 139 2. They are not Christs Ministers that are not gifted ibid. 3. They must goe to Christ for gifts Page 140 4. Stir up those he gives them Page 141 5. They must rely on Christ ibid. 6. People should pray for their Minister Page 142 Meanes to enlarge the Ministers hearts and gifts to the people ibid. Christ hath the prospering of his Ministers Page 149 The Reasons 1. Because Ministers are nothing in the World Page 151 2. Conversion is supernaturall Page 152 Vse 1. The Ministers can onely make try all whether they can convert the people or no. Page 153 2. They must waite though they have not successe presently Page 154 3. It may condemn the World that lets not Ministers have successe ibid A Minister hath all good successe from Christ Page 156 Vse 1. Why some Ministers now adayes have so little successe Page 157 Carnall Ministers may sometimes convert Page 159 2. Christ doth blesse true Ministers Page 161 3. If they have not successe they ought not to be discouraged Page 162 4. The greatest hurt to Ministers is to deprive them of the joy of their labors ibid. Christ disposeth continueth or removeth them Page 163 Reason 1. Because no man is a Pastour that entereth not at the doore Page 164 2. None can be placed in a Parish but by this Bishop Christ the Archbishop of our Soules Page 165 3. He payes them
Asia Now hee speaks of the Holy Ghost in the same number because that one and the same Holy Ghost is severally and intirely powred upon them all The Spirit of God was in Ephesus and the Spirit of God was in Smyrna and the Spirit of God was in Pergamos and so in Thyatira and so in Sardis and Philadelphia and Laodicea and therefore hee calls him the seven Spirits of God though hee bee but one and the same Spirit Thirdly hee calls him the seven Spirits of God by a common Metalepsis of putting the effects for the cause because there bee many and sundry gifts and graces of the holy Spirit of God the number seven being put to signifie the perfection of them and the universallnesse of them Now that the seven spirits of God are nothing else but that one and the same holy Spirit of God is plain out of Rev. 1. 4 5. John to the seven Churches in Asia Grace bee unto you and peace from him which is and which was and which is to come and from the seven Spirits which are before his Throne and from Jesus Christ which is the faithfull witnesse Which words are Saint Johns saluting of the seven Churches in Asia wherin hee wishes them all grace from the blessed Trinity q. d. Grace bee to you and peace from God the Father and from the holy Spirit of God and from the Lord Jesus Christ the faithfull and true witnesse Calling the Father which was which is which is to come and the Lord Jesus Christ the faithfull and true witnesse and the Holy Ghost the seven Spirits of God It is the very self same salutation that Paul uses in all his Epistles in effect saving that this is more full and more lofty and august Now then by the seven Spirits of God hee cannot mean any creature or creatures as Angels or so but hee must needs mean the Holy Ghost because hee prayes for grace from the seven Spirits of God which no creature is able to give Yee know God onely can give grace God onely is the Authour of all grace Hee onely can justifie and sanctifie and quicken and give a man eternall life as James Every good and perfect gift commeth from above Jam. 1. 17. It were Idolatry in John to wish to the Churches grace from the seven Spirits of God if hee meant by them any Angels or any other creatures Wee might worship the Angels if they were able to give us grace wee might pray to them and serve them and feare them and adore them if they could bee the Authours of grace to us Now this is Idolatry Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serve Matth. 4. 10. Of him and through him and to him are all things to whom bee glory for ever Amen Rom. 11. 36. Yee know it is the glory of God to bee the Cause of all grace Now what saies God I am the Lord that is my Name and my glory will I not give to another Isa 42. 8. Well then you see what is here meant by the seven Spirits of God even the holy Ghost himself that one the same holy Spirit of God These things saith hee that hath the seven Spirits of God that is these things saith Christ that hath the holy Spirit of God to give him to whomsoever hee pleases Not as though that were all that Christ hath the holy Spirit of God for so Paul had the holy Spirit of God I suppose also that I have the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 7. 40. so Peter and David and all the Saints all the people of God have the holy Spirit of God nay a man is dead in trespasses and sins and is a meer carcasse like a dead body without a soule that hath not the holy Spirit of God therefore that is not all the meaning of it that Christ hath the holy Spirit of God for so all the children of God have him and are quickned by him up to all goodnesse But Christ hath the holy Spirit of God that is hee hath him to give to whomsoever hee pleases But it may be objected is it not God the Father that gives the holy spirit to all his poore children I Answer Yes it is very true Hee hath him to give to whomsoever hee is pleased to give him for the Holy Ghost is his Spirit as well as Christ hee flowes from them both And therefore saith our Saviour How much more shall your Heavenly Father give the holy Spirit to them that ask him Luk. 11. 13. so that the Father gives the holy spirit to whom hee will but it is in Christs name Christ is the store-house of this gift When the Father gives his holy spirit unto any man it is onely in Christs name as himself speaks The Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name Hee shall teach you all things Joh. 14. 26. Mark it is onely in Christs name Well now wee see the point That Christ onely hath the Holy Spirit of God to give to whom hee pleases If any poore creature would fain have the holy spirit of God to be in him hee must come to Christ for him Though the barrell bee never so full of good Wine yet when it is hoopt round about if one would have any hee must draw it at the tap so Beloved the Lord hath hoopt himself up from men hee hath closed himself up from all men by reason of mens sins hee hath shut himself up no man can have any of his holy spirit but hee must come and draw it at the tap hee must come to Jesus Christ the Lord vents himself onely in him as Christ saith hee that beleeveth on mee as the Scripture hath said Out of his belly shall slow rivers of living water What is that this spake hee of the spirit which they that beleeve on him should receive Joh. 7. 38 39. Mark Christ is the tap yee must come to him by true beleeving or yee cannot receive any of Gods holy Spirit Hee only hath him to give to them that doe imbrace him From him proceed all the graces of the Spirit that any men doe injoy This is his Roialty as being the only King and Head of the Church and the opened fountain that all that would bee saved must repaire unto Hee is the beginning of the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost proceedeth from him as hee is the Son of God and as hee is man hee is anointed with him The Spirit of the Lord is upon mee saith he Luk. 4. 18. Ho every one that would have him come unto mee for him Away with your sins and take mee abhorre all your own waies see what damnable creatures yee are in your selves whether your lusts and corruptions carrie you what will become of you if yee goe on in your own paths if yee would have grace and mercy and life and salvation come to mee The Spirit of the Lord is upon mee to powre him upon
to you wretch that devise evill the Lord knowes your devilish intentions ye are thinking to be revenged but God will be revenged on you ye are minding to go by-and-by to such a piece of villany but the Lord will find you out This is preaching in season So when a soule cannot be cast downe but when he comes to a Sermon there he meets with his owne case his temptations are treated of wine and oyle is powred into his wounds this is to preach in due season O what gifts had a Minister need to have He had need of daily inflvence from God Daily instincts that God should guide his tongue and his heart Now Beloved it is Christ alone that gifts all his true Ministers I will be with thy mouth saies he to Moses The use of this is First here we see that a Minister had not need be a foole no no he that winneth soules is wise Pro. 11. 30. he must be a wise man that would be a Minister it requires more then humaine wisedome to catch soules when the heart hath so many put-offs so many deceits so many strongholds so loth to obey the word so subtill to invent excuses so crafty to thrust away the truth There is some wisdome required to catch fishes and birdes and vermine how much more to catch men who is sufficient for these things The best of us all may blush to thinke how unfit we are to be Ministers O how should we blesse God if he fit any of us in any suitable measure and when we have done our best we had need to goe home and downe on our knees and cry shame on our selves for not doing better Secondly Then they are none of Christs Ministers that are not gifted for this mighty worke Will he send a foole on such a waighty Message as this is He that sendeth a Message by the hand of a foole cutteth off the feet and drinketh dammage Pro. 26. 6. That is if a man have a businesse of any great importance He had not need to imploy a foole in it lest he suffer great dammage It is all one as if one should chop off ones feet then bid him go on our errand O Beloved preaching of the Gospell is a worke of infinit importance the humbling of mens hearts the convincing of consciences the converting of mens Soules these are great businesses doubtlesse they are no Fooles that Christ sends on such errands True all Christs Ministers are not alike gifted some have meaner gifts then othersome have but he that hath least he is fitted in some measure to dispence divine mysteries to call home Gods elect to build up the called to judge all his hearers to stop the mouthes of gainsayers to hew down the obstinate to shew unto men the things belonging to their peace to give the Saints their due and the wicked their due That a good man cannot come but he shall have heavenly meat to feed on Nor a wretch neither but his Ministery wil single him out give him his bit to chew upon He that cannot doe this in any measure he is none of Christs Ministers Surely he will not send such a Message by a fooles hand but either he makes him a wise able man or else he runs without his sending Thirdly then my Brethren hence we learn whether to go for gifts if we would be enabled to our calling let us goe to Jesus Christ that hath the seven stars in his hands he can make our inflvences strong and our light heate mighty he can give us a gift of boldnesse to feare no mens faces He can unty our stammering tongues that we shall have liberty in speaking He can make our tongues a sharpe sword He can make us sons of consolation unto some of thunder unto others If we want knowledge in the mysterie of Christ let us make our wants knowne unto him he will instill into us If we want words he can make them flow in unto us If we want affections he can purge away our iniquities fire our hearts lips While the Apostles were together at prayer Act. 1. 14. suddenly the Lord Jesus sent them the gift of the holy Ghost in fiery cloven tongues Act. 2. While Paul and Silas were praying in the prison the Lord backt them from Heaven made them instruments of turning the heart of the Goaler Let us pray then not only in our Pulpits before our Sermons but also in secret God giveth the greatest gifts in secret and like man revealeth himself apart as secret meales make a fat body so does secret prayer it makes a well-liking soule Again this should teach us to stirre up the gifts that hee gives us Wee should labour to put them forth a man may lose the benefit of Christs gifts for want of rouzing up himself and putting of them forth as Paul sayes to Timothy I put thee in remembrance that thou stirre up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of hands 2 Tim. 1. 6. wee must stir up the gift in us When Father Isaac would prophecy to his Sons hee stirred up his spirit with savoury meat When Elisha would Prophecy before the three Kings hee called for a Minstrell to stirre up the spirit of Prophecy in him Deborah cryes awake awake Deborah Awake O my soule sayes David When Christ would pray to his Father the Text shews how hee stirred up himself These things spake Jesus and lift up his eyes unto heaven Joh. 17. 1. He lift up his soule and his spirit as Sampson went and shook himself if his spirit had been in him it had been well but like a foole he had driven him away But it should seem when hee had the spirit in him this was his wont hee shooke himself as at other times hee used to stirre up the Spirit in him so wee should stirre up the Spirit in us wee should rouze up our gifts like sparks out of the ashes and bestirre our selves soundly remisse using of them lets them warpe and wane Again wee should labour to relye more upon Christ we trust too much to our notes but O if wee could trust more to Christ that 's warmest matter that comes down from heaven in the speaking not that wee should leave all without study till wee come into our Pulpits No prepare as much as wee can But then if we would trust in Christ for his present assistance and yearn up to him for prompting it would make our Ministery more lively When a Sermon is an effect of Faith that 's it that does most good then Christs Spirit Preaches and not wee as the Prophet David sayes The Spirit of the Lord spake by mee 2 Sam. 23. 2. Again this should teach the people of God if they would have their Ministers inabled indeed to doe their soules good that they should pray for them that Christ would mor furnish them How often does the Apostle tell the people that
long he will continue us It s a dolefull signe when Christ takes away his Ministers from a place it s a signe he hath no more soules to save if he had he would let his Ambassadours lye beseeching still so that this is one great reason because Ministers are His Ambassadours Secondly Because Christ hath all power in Heaven and in Earth as he told his Apostles when he sent them out to preach All power is given to me in Heaven and in Earth Math. 28. 18 q. d. I have power to send you and I have power to continue your Ministery as long as I thinke fitting and I have power to take you away I have power to ordaine you either for salvation or the damnation of men Whom I will I can convert by your Sermons and whom I will I can deliver up to the counsell of their own hearts that they shall not be converted by you Now if Christ have all power in Heaven and in Earth then he hath power to continue his Ministers as long as his will is I need not stand to prove this it is too evident he hath power to lengthen his Ministers lives to prolong their liberties when he takes away one he hath power to put in another as good when he meant to take away Elias he anoynted Elisha in his roome If their enemies be never so many he can tye up their hands he deliverd Paul from the mouth of the Lyon though fortie men had vowed to take him away by death he diverted their plot and continued him still nay when he was in Bonds yet he was able to get him liberty to go abroad with his keeper and to preach the Kingdom of God to as many as came Suppose the world be never so mad against Christs Ministers yet as long as he hath any more worke for them to doe he can hold off their singers from meddling with them till they have finished the Taske that hee hath given them to doe The Use of this is first That Ministers should not fear to bee deprived of their liberty so long as they doe well indeed if they doe ill if they bee wicked or idle or unworthy such Ministers should fear they doe deserve to be put down But if wee bee godly Ministers it is our basenesse to feare any such thing Christ hath the continuing of us our times are not in mens hands but in his What a horrible thing is it that wee should goe against our conscience in any thing or bee afraid to speak what God bids us to bee mealemouthed to bee discouraged with rumours or dangers wee should keep nothing back of the whole counsell of God wee are starres in his hands and hee hath the continuing of us though men fight against us they cannot prevaile against us till our businesse is all done As the Lord told the Prophet Jeremiah They shall fight against thee but they shall not prevaile against thee for I am with thee Jer. 1. 19. Let us then be afraid of nothing but sinne Let us bee afraid to doe any evill either towards God or towards man let us be harmlesse in the midst of a crooked and a perverse generation Let us deale faithfully with our people let us undauntedly Preach Rebuke Exhort with all long suffering and Doctrine make our faces hard against the wickeds faces no matter for their railings their threatning speeches their malicious accusations and not feare the Lord Jesus hath the continuing of us Secondly Here we may see the reason why the Gospel continues in any place a man would wonder it should continue any where because the world cannot abide it Which of the Prophets have not your Fathers persecuted saves Stephen Act. 7. 52. They that doe evill hate the light it cuts them to the heart Every one hates mee sayes the Prophet hee was reproached for the Words sake Report say they and wee will report it One time they put him into a dungeon Another time they would have killed him Shemaiah writ Letters to the high Priest against him Jer. 29. 25. And yet hee continued his Ministery untill the day of the Captivity Nay hee had liberty when others had their liberty taken away Yee know Christ himself Preached dayly in the Temple and they took him not though they gnasht their teeth at his Doctrine and sometimes were in the minde to throw him down headlong and break his neck sometimes to stone him yet till his houre was come he had his liberty And the truth is a man would wonder how any of Gods Ministers have their Liberties continued when there bee so many Drunkards so many Enemies of all goodnesse so many that follow their own ungodly lusts and the Gospel is an eye-sore unto them and yet in many places it stands still This is Gods doing You see here Christ hath the continuing of his Ministers they shall have their liberty as long as God hath any use for them Thirdly Is it so that Christ hath the continuing of his Ministers then this is of use also unto you Now you heare whence to have your good Ministers continued even by seeking to Jesus Christ hee can lay a charge upon all the world where they are to let them alone He can say Doe my Prophets no harme Psal 105. 15. you will say why what shall we doe I Answer first let us repent of our sinnes it is our sins that removes the Ministers of God if we would repent us of our sins and turn from our wicked wayes and let the Word work upon our hearts this would continue the ministery of the Word as God told Judah when they should repent of their sins O sayes hee I will bee your God and you shall be my people and my Sanctuary shall be among you for evermore Ezek. 27. 27 28. that is by Sanctuary he meanes his publique Worship the preaching of his Word and other of the meanes of grace when they repented of their sins then these should be continued So Beloved if yee would repent of your sins I do not mean one or two or a few or so But if there might be a generall Reformation among us this would fasten the Word among us as in a sure place Secondly Let us prize the Gospell the Gospell loves to stay there where it is welcome it will never goe away if it might have good entertainment if wee would honour it and glorifie it and pluck up our affections in the dearest manner to it this would preserve it among us for ever The Church of Philadelphia that used the Word best had it longest c. Our Saviour Christ hath a saying Into what soever Towne or City yee enter enquire who is worthy there abide Matth. 10. 11. And as hee sayes Luk. 10. 7. Goe not from house to house The Gospell does not love to change houses till it be urged so it does not love to change Townes if it may have good usage So Beloved if wee would give the
esteemed among men in their consciences indeed they say they are better then the whole world I but their heart does not greatly esteeme them nay it slights them and seekes them accordingly this is a dead heart Eighthly thus ye see what is the life of the heart it is the absolute will of the heart when the heart is inclined towards God when it intends God when it maks choice of his wayes and puts off whatsoever is contrary to them when it prizes and endeares every one of them all when it savours them and is full of care for them I might adde another the cleaving of the heart when the heart cleaves to the Lord as it is said of Hezekiah that he clave to the Lord 2 King 18. 6. when the heart closes in with God and will not let him goe no nor let his wayes goe it sticks to a Godly course all the world cannot pull him away not firenor faggot though it be never so much hindred and interrupted by the flesh yet now it hath a sticking quality in it as David sayes I have stuck to thy Testimonies Psal 119. 31. Now because when the heart is made willing on this fashion towards God there is left still an adverse unwillingnesse by reason of the flesh so that the heart can never put forth these acts without horrible clogges therefore now in a live heart towards God there be other acts that are not in a heart that is alive to the world And the reason is this Because when the heart is alive to the world the hearts of it own nature is willing unto that and there is no unwillingnesse mixed together with it never was it heard that the heart should be willing and unwilling to the same thing till saving grace came to divide asunder the will in two ye know the regenerate are two men apeice and they have two wills one towards God and another towards sinne and the world nay it 's the same will that hath both these branches in it and this does much puzzle the hearts when they finde such a deale of unwillingnesse in them towards God Therefore I say there be other acts of life in the heart towards God aud they are five The first is the preparing of the heart whereby the heart prepareth it selfe towards God 2 Chron. 30. 18. 19. 1 Sam. 7. 3. The second is the Combating of the heart Gal. 5. 17. 23. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I beate downe my body 1 Cor. 9. 27. The third is the endeavouring of the heart it reaches forth it selfe Phil. 3. 13. it stirres up it selfe it awakens it selfe why art thou so sad O my soule Psal 42. 5. The fourth is the binding of it selfe by determinations and purposes so Paul bound his owne heart with a determination before he came unto Corinth 1 Cor. 2. 2. Daniel knowing how unwilling his heart would be to abstaine from the Kings meat though by grace he was willing therefore his heart bound it selfe with a purpose he purposed not to defile himselfe with the Kings meat Dan. 1. 8. So Act. 11. 23. The fifth is the groaning and sighing of the heart as David though he were willing yet feeling the unwillingnes of the flesh therewithall fetch a groane O that my wayes were so direct that I might keepe thy Statutes Psal 119. 5. So Paul groaned earnestly to be dissolved 2 Cor. 5. 2. This is the putting of the heart more forward These I have named you may name more it may be But thus if the heart be alive towards God it will doe because it feeles a great deale of unwillingnesse it gets what advantage it can of it selfe to make it selfe willing as the Church ere ever was aware my soule made me like the Chariots of Aminadab Cant. 6. 12. it sets it selfe right as the soule when it 's dead it neglecteth this act quite and cleane from day to day as the Psalmist sayes of dull Israel he calls them a generation that set not their heart aright Psal 78. 8. REVEL 3. 2. And art Dead WE are come to declare what it is to be a live Christian quickened up towards God and all his holy wayes and after sundry passages we came to enquire what is the life of the soul here I propounded five things First what is the life of the minde Secondly what is the life of the heart Thirdly what is the life of the conscience Fourthly what is the life of the memory And Fifthly what is the life of the affections We have spoken of the first what is the life of the mind ye know by nature the minde is alive to the things of the world and dead towards God and therefore we enquired what the life of the minde is it cannot be the bare knowing of things it may be dead to what it knowes it cannot be the bare thinking of things nor the bare approving of things nor the bare studying of things the minde may performe all these acts to a thing that it is dead to no no the life of the minde is First the applying of the minde Secondly the meditating and minding of the minde Thirdly the considering and weighing of the mind Fourthly the remembring of the minde Fifthly the devising and plotting and projecting and contriving of the minde Sixthly the Judgement of the minde The 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of the minde looke where the minde is alive there it puts forth these dispositions and therefore when the minde is alive towards God it lets out these towards him Then in the second place we came to enquire what is the life of the heart and this we spake of the last day we shewed you the heart may be somewhat towards a thing and yet be dead towards it for all that First there be shallow acts of the heart the outside acts of the heart there may be so much heart as to bring a man to good duties to constant preaching and hearing and praying and the like and civill carriage and the like and yet the heart dead to them all This is not the life of the heart The life of the heart lies at the bottome of the heart not in the outside no it lies deep within as Salomon sayes my Sonne keepe my sayings in the midst of thy heart Prov. 4. 21. Secondly there be flitting acts of the heart Though they be never so deep in the heart yet if they be such as doe not stay there the heart is dead still for if it were alive it would keep them Let thy heart retaine my words keepe my Commandements and live Prov. 4. 4. Though the word doe stirre one never so much for the present This is no life except thou retaine it and hold it fast a man may have many flashes of life in him but as long as the heart does not keep them it remaines dead when people are moved onely by sits humbled by fits startled by sits their righteousnesse is onely as a morning dew