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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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and encouraged them to kepe the high way sic currere vti tandem acciperent premium The Lord be his comfort wherof I doe not doubte and I thanke God hartely that euer I was acquaynted wyth hym and that euer I had suche a one in my house Protomartyr is the first Martyr whome he so called because he was the first that suffred here in those bloudy dayes And yet agayne I blesse God in our deare brother and of thys tyme protomartyr Rogers that he was also one of my callinge to be a prebendarye preacher of London And nowe because Grindall is gone The Lord I doubt not hath and koweth wherein he will bestowe him I truste to God it shall please him of his goodnes to strengthen me to make vp the trynytye out of Paules churche to suffer for Christ whome God the father hath annoynted the holye spirite doth beare witnes vnto Paule and al the Apostles preached Thus fare you well I had no paper I was constrayned thus to write To Augustine Berneher BRother Austine I thanke you for your manifolde kindenesse This almes was sent him by the Ladye Katherin Duches of Suffolk to who he wrote againe a worthy letter which is l●st and many other writen bot● to her others I haue receiued my Ladies graces almes sixe Royalles syxe shillinges and eyghte pence I haue written a letter here vnto her grace but I haue made no mention therof wherfore I desire you to render to her grace harty thankes Blessed be God as for my selfe I wante nothyng but my Ladies almes commeth happilye to relieue my poore brothers necessity whome you know they haue cast and kepe in prison as I suppose you know the cause why Farewell brother Austine take good heede I pray you let my brothers case make your the more wary Read my letter to my ladies grace I would maistres Wilkinsō maystres Warcup had a copy of it for althoughe the letter is directed to my ladies grace alone yet the mater therof pertaineth indifferētly to her grace and to all good women which loue God and his worde in deede and truth Yours in Christ N. R. ¶ To Maistres Glouer a woman zelous and harty in the cause and furtherance of Gods gospell MAistres glouer I wysh you grace peace and although I am not acquainted with you yet neuertheles hearing that your husbād master Glouer is in prison for gods wordes sake and also that you are a womā harty in gods cause and thirdly that old father Latimer is your vncle or nere cosin whō I do thinke the lord hath placed to be his standerd bearer in our age and country agaynst his mortal foe Antichrist I was thus bold to write vnto you in goddes behalf to do accordinge to the report which I here of you that is that you be hartye in Goddes cause and hartye to youre mayster Christ in furdering of hys cause and settinge fourth his souldiours to hys warres to the vttermost of your power Let no carnality nor worldly regard of any thinge set you to declare your trew hart which you are said to beare to your mayster christ aboue all other thinges Be harty nowe also to your husbande and declare your selfe to loue him in God as the true faythfull christiā womā vnto her husbād is bound to do Now seing your husbād which is set by gods ordināce to be your head is redy to suffer abide in aduersity by his masters cause to cleaue to his head christ see like wise that you do your dutye accordyngly and cleaue vnto him your hed suffre with him that you maye furder his cause His cause nowe I vnderstande to be Chrystes cause and therefore beware good syster in Chryste that in no wyse ye hynder it Loue so hys bodye and the case and wealthe thereof as youre loue maye further hym to the wynnynge bothe of bodye and soule vnto euerlastynge lyfe And thys loue shall bothe God allowe your husbande shall haue iuste cause to reioyce thereof and all the godlye to commend you therefore and to number you for the same amonge the godlye and holye women of God To youre husbande I haue written more And thus fare you well nowe good deare Sister in our sauioure Christ I was the bolder to write vnto you for that I vnderstoode my dearely beloued brother Austyne whome I call Faustus shouldbe the carier a manne whome I thynke God hathe appoynted to doe much pleasure for hys preste seruauntes to hys warres Yours in Christ N.R. To a frend that came to visite hym in prison but could not speake wyth hym WElbeloued I thancke you hartelye for youre manyfolde kyndnes but the Lorde shal I trust acquite you youre meede Thoughe Sathan rage the Lorde is stronge inough to brydle hym and to put an iron chayne ouer hys nose when it shal please hym In the meane tyme they that are the Lordes wyll flee vnto hym assuredly he wyl not forsake them that seke vnto hym in verye deede and in truthe Thys bearer my manne is trustye you maye sende your token by hym Let Nycolas keepe styll the shyrtes The Lorde rewarde that Ladye VViatte whyche for hys sake hathe thus remembred me I doe not knowe her personne What canne I rendre to maystres Wylkynson for all her benefytes Nothyng surelye but to desyre the Lorde to acquite her with hys heauenlye grace If you tarye I shall haue more to saye to you peraduenture hereafter Nowe Vale in Domino charissime Yours in Christ N. R. ¶ The manner of D. Ridleyes handlinge in the Scholes at Oxford and of the impudent spite full cruel dealing of the papistes which he set before his disputation by way of a preface and is not vnfitte here to be placed among the letters translated out of his lattin copy into englysh I Neuer yet in all my life sawe or hearde anye thing done or handled more vaynelye or tumultuously then the disputation which was had with me of late in the scholes at Oxford And surelye I coulde neuer haue thoughte that it had bene possible to haue found anye within this realme beyng of any knowlege learning and auncient degree of schole so brasen faced and so shameles as to behaue themselues so vainly and so like stage plaiers as they did in that disputation The Sorbonical clamours which at Paris when popery most reigned I in times paste haue sene might be worthely thought in comparison of this Thrasonicall and glorious ostentation to haue had muche modesty Howbeit it was not to be wondred at for that they which should there haue bene Moderatoures and rulers of others and whiche should haue geuen a good example in woorde grauitye c. 1. Tim. 4. as Paule teacheth gaue worst example of all and did as it were blowe the trompet to other to rayle rage roare and cry out By reason wherof good christian reader it is manifest that they neuer sought for any truth but only for
suffred them that toke your bodies then to haue takē your life also now had ye ben folowing the lābe in perpetual ioyes away from the cōpany assēble of wicked men But the lord woulde not haue you sodainly so to depart but reserueth you gloriously to speake maintain his truth to the world Be ye not careful what ye shal say for god wil go out in with you wil be presēt in your harts in your mouthes to speak his wisdō althogh it seme folishnes to the worlde He that hath begon this good work in you confirme strengthen continue you in the same vnto the end and pray vnto him that ye may fear him only that hath power to kil both body and soule to cast thē into hel fire Be of good comfort al the hears of your heads be numbred Math. 10. and there is not one of them canne perishe except youre heauenlye father suffer it to peryshe Nowe ye bee euē in the field and placed in the forefront of Christes battaile Doubtles it is a singuler fauour of God and a special loue of hym towardes you to geue you this foreward and preeminence and a signe that he trusteth you before others of hys people Wherfore deare brethrē and sisters continually fyght thys fyght of the Lorde Your cause is most iuste and godly ye stand for the true Christ who is after the flesh in heauen and for hys true religion and honour whiche is amplye fully sufficiently and aboundantly conteined in the holy Testament sealed wyth christs own blood How much be ye bound to god to put you in trust with so holy and iust a cause Remember what lokers vpon ye haue to see beholde you in your fight euen god and all hys holy aungels who be redy alway to take you vp into heuē if ye be slain in thys fight Also you haue standing at your backes al the multitude of the faithful who shall take courage strength desire to folow such noble and valiaunte christians as ye be Be not afeard of your aduersaries i. Iobn 4. for he that is in you is stronger then he that is them Shrynke not although it be payne to you Your paynes be not now so greate as hereafter your ioyes shall be Reade the comfortable chapiters to the Ro. 8.10.15 Heb. 11.12 And vppon your knees thanke god that euer ye were accoūpted worthy to suffer any thing for hys names sake Reade the second chapter of S. Lukes gospell and there ye shall see howe the shepheardes that watched vpon their shepe all night as soone as they heard that Christe was borne at Bethlem by and by they went to see hym They did not reason nor debate with themselues who should kepe the wolf from the shepe in the mean time but did as they were cōmaūded cōmitted their shepe vnto hym whose pleasure they obeyed So let vs do now whē we be called and commit all other thynges vnto hym that calleth vs. He wyll take heede that all thinges shal be wel he wyll helpe the husband he will comfort the wyfe he wil guide the seruaunts he wyll kepe the house he wil preserue the goods yea rather then it should be vndone i. Pet. 5 he wil wash the dishes and rocke the cradell Cast therfore all your care vpon god for he catech for you Besides thys ye may perceaue by your imprisōment that your aduersaries weapōs against you be nothing but flesh bloud and tyranny For if they were able they would maintaine their wycked religion by gods worde but for lacke of that they woulde violently compel such as they can not by the holy scripture perswade because the holy worde of God and all Christes doings be cleane contrary vnto them I pray you pray for me and I wyll praye for you And although we be a sunder after the world yet we are in Christe I truste for euer ioyning in the spirite and so shal meete in the palace of the heauēly ioyes after this short and trāsitory life is ended Gods peace be with you Amen .4 of Ianuary 1554. ¶ To certaine of hys beloued frendes in god exhortyng them to sticke constantlye to the professed truth of the gospell in those days of tryall and not to shrynke for any trouble THe grace of God be with you Amen I did write vnto you of late told you what extremitye the parliamente had concluded vppon concernyng religion suppressyng the true and settyng forthe the vntrue entendyng to cause all men by extremity to forsweare themselues and to take agayne for the head of the church him that is neyther heade nor member of it but a very enemy as the word of god and all auncient writers do record and for lacke of law and authority they wyll vse force and extremity which haue bene the arguments to defend the Pope and popery sith his wicked authority began fyrste in the worlde But nowe is the tyme of tryall to see whether we feare more God or man It was an easy thing to hold with Christ whiles the prince and world held with hym but now the worlde hateth hym is the true tryall who be hys Wherfore in the name and in the vertue strength and power of his holy spiryte prepare youre selues in any case to aduersitye and constancie Lette vs not runne away when it is most tyme to fyght Remember that none shal be crowned but such as fyghte manfully and he that endureth vnto the ende shal be saued Ye muste now turne all your cogitations from the peryll ye see and marke by fayth what foloweth the peryl either victorye in this worlde of your enemies or els a surrender of this life to inherite the euerlastyng kyngdome Beware of beholdyng to much the felicity or the myserye of this worlde for the consideration and earnest loue or feare of eyther of thē draweth from god Wherfore thynke wyth youre selues as touchyng the felicity of the worlde it is good but yet none otherwyse then it stādeth with the fauoure of god it is to be kept but yet so farre forthe as by kepyng of it we loose not god It is good to abyde and tary styll among our frendes here but yet so that we tary not therwithall in gods displeasure and hereafter to dwell in hell with the deuils in fyre euerlastyng There is nothyng vnder god by may be kept so that god beyng aboue all thynges we haue be not loste Of aduersity iudge the same Imprisonment is paynefull but yet liberty vpon euil conditions is more payneful The prisons stincke but yet not so much as swete houses where as the feare and true honor of god lacketh I must be alone and solitary it is better so to be and haue god with me thou to be in company with the wicked Losse of goods is great but losse of gods grace and fauour is greater I am a poore symple creature and cannot tell how to answer before such a greate sorte of noble
trial of our fayth for the beautifying therof Be not peruerted with them that be peruerse and intractable they resist not you they resiste Christ and bee workers agaynst their own saluation Shew as much modestye and humilitie as you maye possible so shall your labour please God beste and your aduersaryes receaue the more shame and others seing your modest conuersation amongest these contentious bablers shal glorifye god in hys truth by you the more abhorre them as you see it hath come to passe in tymes paste Be contente that Semei doe rayle at Dauid and cast stones a whyle 2. Reg. 16. be sure his raylyng iudgement wil fall vpon hys owne pate Haue alwais that notable rule of Christes church before your eyes 1. Cor. 11. which Sainct Paul writeth that if any bodye be contentious neyther we neyther the churche of god hath any suche custome Desyre all oure brethren in the bowells of Iesus Christe to keepe the bonde of peace which is the vnity of Christs church where bee all the treasures of spirituall consolation in heauenlye thynges Hebr. 12 Let no roote of bytternes sprynge vp which the deuill with all diligence seeketh to thruste in amongest the children of god Kysse one another with the kysse of vnfayned brotherlye loue and take one another by the hande cherefully and say let vs take vp our crosse together and go to the mount of Caluary there be willing to suffer what soeuer it pleaseth god we shal Hetherto we haue not resisted to blodshedding Our blood must not be to deare for the lord and then hys kingdome shall not be to deare for vs. Thus exhorte one an other to offer your selues a ioyfull sacrifice vnto God for thys is that pleasaunte sacrifyce wherew t his wrathe shal be pacifyed which is now kindled moste iustly agaynste vs. Be thankefull vnto God that it hath pleased him to make you worthye of this glrious afflictiō yea I pray you geue thankes vnto god for me that it hath bene hys good wil to take me most filthy vnthankeful sinner to be one of this nūber My ioy of the loue of God towardes me in this behalfe is such that it maketh al my straite imprisonmēt to seme pleasure god be praised I cā not be sory though I would O how great is the loue of God towardes vs Be mery brethren reioyce continually in the lord for the victorye is ours yea heauē is ours all the glory therof Faynte not but runne out for we are euen at an end Be glad of nothing so much as in the mortification of the old Adam murmure not in no case what soeuer necessitie you be in Cōmunicate your necessities to me to others of his people and God will make vs to deuide stakes Be alwaies praysyng God talking cōforting teaching exhorting in God and he will not see you vtterly destitute I commend me to your faythful prayers all And you Careles see that you be in my doungeon with me as I am in spirite with you in the Kynges Bench and with you al. Thyne owne brother Iohn Philpot To Maistres Anne Hartipole who was fallen from the syncerity of the gospel which she had before long knowē and professed to the Pope and his Idolatrous religion THe grace of God and true lyght wherewith he lighteneth the hartes of all the true and faythfull beleuers louers and followers of his holy Gospell lyghten your harte by the mightye operation of his holy spirit Amen I haue not hetherto beene accustomed to write vnto you in the matters of oure cōmon fayth which is now daūgerously assaulted especially for that otherwyse by corporall presence and mutuall conference we haue had consolation in the same as the time present dyd requyre In the which I perceiued your iudgement and constancy to be so much that I receiued by your good and godlye example strength in the same as I haue done euen from the begynnyng before I was called vnto the lyghte of the gospell in the whych you wente before me and ministred occasion to me to follow at such tyme as that blessed woman Anne Askewe nowe a glorious Martyr in the syghte of Iesus christ was harboured in your house so that I thought it superfluous and not nedefull to wryte thereof vnto you that of so long tyme haue ben instructed and by so many learned bookes confyrmed But now hearyng that the old serpente our auncient enemy which lyeth in continual wayte of our steppes hath bytten you by the heele and geuen you a foule fall I cannot but be hartely sory and as brotherly charitye moueth me testifye the same vnto you by writyng for that I maye not presently otherwyse open my selfe in thys behalfe Alas syster that so syncere profession shoulde receyue so grosse an infection to the dishonoure of god and of hys churche What meaneth it that you are so sodeinly departed from Ierusalem vnto Hierico Luk 10 to be a companion of theues idolaters to the vtter ouerthrowyng of that good which you haue professed for as sainct Iames teacheth vs he that offendeth in one is gyltye in all and to come to Idolatrye and straunge worshyppyng of god forbidden by his word is of all transgressions the moste detestable Therefore I cannot cease to wonder howe you could so soone be allured or drawen therto I had thought the loue of the truthe had beene so graffed in youre harte that neyther persecution sworde fyre nor gallowes myght haue broughte thys to passe that at the voyce of a handemayde in the fyrste temptation you shoulde haue denyed Christe For not to walke after the synceritye of hys Gospell in deede is to denye hym and none can be pertakers of the Lordes table and of the table of deuylles whyche is the popyshe Masse and the malignaunte synagoge vsyng the same Me thynke I heare your excuse pretendyng your conscience to be sounde before GOD notwythstandyng and that your conscience wyll geue you leaue thus to doe wyth the common sorte of dissemblers both wyth God and man but I must tell you playn Syster in Gods cause that your conscience so affected is a syckelye and vnsound conscience and craftely blinded for before GOD there is no suche conscience alowed whyche alloweth your bodye to do that whiche it condemneth We shall receyue all accordynge to that whyche we doe in oure bodies whether it bee good or euyll and it is commaunded vs as well to glorifye GOD in our bodies as in oure soules We must shewe oure faythe by our outwarde conuersation that men seynge oure good workes myghte glorifye oure father whiche is in heauen Wyll ye nowe wyth youre presence goe aboute to beautifye that whyche hetherto you haue iustely destroyed What do you elles in so doynge but notifye your selfe to bee an infydell to the churche of Christe that wyll be contente to associate your selfe wyth her enemye for the contentation of man Hathe euer any personne of God so done that
sufferyng hys passion crucyfyed dead and buryed to the entent to bring vs again into fauour with god the father almighty to be a sacrifice host oblation Esa 48.43 Gen. 1.22 Esay 53. Act. 10. Math. 8. not only for original sinne but also for al actuall sinnes of the whole generatiō of mankind For al the works merites deseruings doings obediēce of mā towards god although they be done by the spirit of god in the grace of god yet being thus done be of no validitye worthynes nor merite before god except god for his mercy grace accompt thē worthy for the worthines merites of Christe Iesus The same Christe went downe to the hels and trulye rose agayn the thyrd day and ascended into the heauens that he mighte there stil reigne haue dominiō ouer al creatures frō thēce shall come c. I beleue in the holy ghost coequal with god the father the sōne proceding frō thē both by whose vertue strēgth operation the true catholike church which is the comuniō societie of Saints is guyded in al truth veritie kept frō al errours false doctrine the deuil all power of sinne Which church is sanctifyed hallowed with the precious blood spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ Iohn 10.8 Galat. 1. 1. Timo. 3. which hath also her signe and marke that she heareth foloweth the voyce of her only true pastour christ no straungers Thys church also is the house of god the cōgregatiō of the liuing god the pyller of truth the liuely body of Christ a church both in name in dede I beleue the remission of synnes by the only meanes merites of christs death passiō who was made vnto vs of god that only sacrifice oblation offered once for al for euer for al thē that be sanctifyed I beleue the resurrectiō of the body wherby in the last day al mē shal ryse again frō death the soules ioyned againe to the bodyes the good to euerlastinge lyfe the wycked to euerlastyng payne punyshment And nothyng may more certaynly stablysh confyrme our fayth that we shal ryse agayn immortal both in body soule thē the resurrectiō of Christ our Sauiour fyrst fruites of the dead Now that Christ our head is rysen we being his body mēbers must folow our head Death hell and synne can not sunder nor plucke vs from him For as the sonne can not be deuyded nor sundred frō the father nor the holy ghost from them both no more may we being the faythful mēbers of Christ be seperated frō christ And for a confyrmatiō of our resurrection christ wold be sene after his resurrectiō in his most gloryous bodye hys woūdes being handled felt speaking teaching eating drinking c. We looke sayth S. Paule Iohn 10 Iohn 1. Phil. 3. for Iesus Christ our Sauiour which shall transfygure our vile bodies conforme thē to his glorious body by the same power vertue wherwith he is able to subdue all things euen like as the grayn of wheate sowē in the groūd Iohn 12. is fyrst putrifyed brought as into a thīg of nought yet after that it sprīgeth vp freshly with a goodlyer colour forme beautye then it had before The bodye is sowen in corruption and ryseth in incorruptiō 1. Cor. 15 it is so●en in dishonour riseth in honour Thus I verely knowe and assuredly beleue the resurrection of our bodyes to haue lyfe eternal by Christ for Christes sake Verely verely I say vnto you sayeth Christe he that heareth my woorde and beleueth on hym that sent me Iohn 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into dampnation but is escaped from death to lyfe It is Christ that died once for our sinnes Roma 10 Ose 13. and is rysen agayne neuer more to dye it is he that swallowed vppe death and hath caste it vnder hys fete for euer What nowe can death doe vnto vs Verely nothyng ells but for a little tyme seperate our precious soules from oure wretched bodyes that diuyne substance from a Masse of synne that eternall lyfe from a bodye of death and so send our soules out of this miserable wretched sorrowfull lyfe cumbred wyth all calamities vnto that most blessed felicitie and ioyes eternall As concerning the holye and reuerente sacramentes of Christes Church whiche be in number .ii. the Sacramente of baptiseme and the Supper of the Lord I beleue them to be as Saint Paule calleth them confyrmations or seales of Gods promises whiche haue added to them a promyse of grace and therefore they are called inuisible signes of inuisible grace The Sacramente of baptisme is a marke of Christes Churche a seale and confirmation of oure acceptation into the grace and fauour of God for Christes sake For hys innocencye hys ryghteousnesse hys holynesse hys iustyce is ours geuen vs of God and our synnes and vnryghteousnesse by hys obedience and abasing of hymselfe to the death of the crosse are hys whereof baptisme is the signe seale and confirmation Baptisme is also a signe of repentaunce to testifye that we be borne to the waues of perilles and chaunges of lyfe to the entent that we shoulde dye continuallye as longe as we liue from sinne and ryse agayne like new men vnto ryghteousnesse Rom. 6. The other sacrament which is the Supper holy maundy of our Sauiour Christ wherby the church of Christ is knowen I beleue it is a remembraunce of Christes death passion a seale confirmation of his most precious body geuē vnto death euē to the vile death of the crosse wherwith we are redemed deliuered from synne death hel damnation It is a visible word because it worketh the same thing in the eyes which the word worketh in the eares For like as the woorde is a meane to the eares wherby the holy ghost moueth the hart to beleue Ro. 10 so thys Sacramente is a meane to the eyes whereby the holy ghoste moueth the harte to beleue it preacheth peace betwene God and man it exhorteth to mutuall loue and all godly life and teacheth to contemne the world for the lyfe to come when as Christe shal appeare which now is in heauē no where els as concernyng thys humaine body Act. 1.3 ▪ Yet doe I beleue assuredly that hys very body is present in his most holy supper at the contemplatiō of our spirituall eyes so verely eaten with the mouth of our fayth For as sone as I heare these most comfortable heauenly words spoken and pronounced by the mouth of the minister thys is my bodye which is geuen for you when I heare I say thys heauenly harmonye of gods vnfallible promises truth I loke not vpō neyther do I behold bread wyne for I take beleue the words simply and plainly euen as Christ spake them For hearing these words my senses be rapte vtterly
stay your owne conscience wyth the sure truth faithful word of god 1. Cor. 3 with the infallible testimonies of holy scripture For although gods mercy is ouer al hys works Psal 3. Heb. 3. yet it doth not extend but only to them that hold fast the confydence reioicing of hope vnto the end not being weary in wel doing but rather waxe euery day strōger and stronger in the inward man Therfore in the Reuelatiō of S. Iohn 2. Cor. 4. where it is entreated of the beast and hys image it is also said here is the sufferaūce of saints here are they that kepe the commaundements the fayth of Iesus Christ Wherby almighty god doth shew plainly that he doth vse those wycked men as instruments for a tyme to try the patience fayth of hys peculiar people without the performance wherof we can haue no part among the lyuyng but as it is said in the same Reuelation the feareful shal haue theyr part in the lake that burneth wyth fyre and brymstone whych is the second death But peraduenture ye wyll obiect and saye vnto me what shal we do Shal we cast our selues hedlong to death I saye not so But this I saye that we are all bounde yf euer we loke to receyue saluation at gods hand in this case wholy to be obedient to hys determinate counsel and foreknowlege 1. Corin. 12 expressed by the gyft of the spiryt in holy Scripture and then to cast all our care vpon hym who worketh al in al for the best vnto them that loue hym Roma 28. thus he geueth commaundement saying come away from her my people Apo. 18. that ye bee not partakers of her synnes and that ye receyue not of her plagues Now who hearyng thys terrible voyce of god which must nedes be fulfylled wyl not wyth al spede dyligēce apply hymself to do therafter except such as wyll presūpteously tempt hym And as touchyng suche the wyse man sayeth Ecclesi 3. he that loueth peryl and daunger shal peryshe therein but they that be of the fayth of Abraham euen as he dyd so wyl they in al assayes trials be obediēt to the heauenly voyce howsoeuer it semeth contrary to theyr own natural wyl carnal reasō Psalm 36. according to the sure word of fayth which sayth hope thou in the lord kepe hys way hold thee styl in the lord abyde patiently vpon hym Let not thy ielousy moue thee also to do euil 2 Cor. 6. Come out from among thē ioyne not your selues to their vnlawful assembles yea do not once shew your selues wyth the least part of your body to fauour theyr wycked doyngs but glorify god as most ryght is so wel in your whole body outwardly 1. Cor. 6. as inwardly in your spirit or els you can doe neyther of hothe wel for your body doth belōg to god so wel as your spirit At the dreadful day of iudgement we shal al receyue the works of our bodyes accordyng to that we haue done 2. Cor. 5 whether it be good or bad Therfore whatsoeuer we do we may not bring the spirit in bondage to the body but contrariwise we must subdue the body and the will of the flesh to the spirite that the spirit may freely accomplishe the will of God in all thinges for otherwise we shall neuer bee partakers of his promise with the true children of Abrahā For as S. Paule saith they which are the children of the flesh are not the childrē of god if we shal liue according to the flesh we shal die For to be carnally minded is deth but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because that the fleshly mynded is enmity of god for it is not obedient to the lawe of God neyther can be So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God Nowe chose you which way you wil take either the narrow way that leadeth vnto life which christ himself and his faithful folowers haue gone through before or els the broad path way that leadeth to destruction which the wicked worldlings take their pleasure in for a while I for my part haue now written this short admonition vnto you of good wyl as God be my witnes to exhort you to that way which at length you your selues should proue and finde to be best yea and reioyce therof And I do not onely write this but I wil also wyth the assistance of gods grace ratify confirme and seale the same wyth the effusion of my blood when the full time shal be expired that he hath appointed which so farforth as I maye iudge muste nedes be within these few dayes Therfore I now byd you al most hartely farewel in the lord whose grace be with your spirit Amen Watch pray watch and pray pray pray So be it Iohn Hullyet ❧ Letters of Maister Robert Glouer a gentleman of muche godlye learnynge innocencye and vpryghtnes of lyfe and hartye zeale to the worde of God burnte at Couentrie for the faythfull testimonye of the same the .14 daye of September In the yere of our Lord .1555 To my moste intyrelye beloued wyfe Marye Glouer THe peace of conscience whiche passeth all vnderstanding the sweete consolation comfort strength and boldenesse of the holy ghoste be continuallye increased in your hart through a feruent earnest and stedfaste fayth in our most deare and only Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I thanke you hartelye moste louyng wyfe for your letters sent vnto me in my imprysonment I redde them wyth teares more then once or twyse wyth teares I say for ioy and gladnesse that God had wroughte in you so mercyfull a worke fyrst an vnfayned repentaunce secondlye an humble and harty reconciliation thyrdly a willyng submission and obedience to the wyll of God in all thynges Whiche when I redde in your letters and iudged them to proceede from the bottome of your hart I coulde not but be thankfull to God reioysing with teares for you and these hys greate mercyes poured vppon you These your letters and the hearyng of your moste Godlye procedynges and constante doinges from tyme to tyme haue muche releued and comforted me at all tymes and shall bee a goodlye testimonye wyth you at the greate daye agaynste manye worldlye and deintye daines whiche set more by their owne pleasure and pelfe in this world then by Gods glory litle regarding as it appeareth the euerlasting healthe of their owne soules or others My prayer shal be whylest I am in this world that god whiche of his great mercy hath begonne his good worke in you will finishe it to the glory of his name and by the myghtie power and inspiration of hys holye spirite so strengthen stablishe and confyrme you in all his wayes to the ende that we maye together shewe forth his prayses in the worlde to come to our vnspeakeable consolation euerlastingly Amen So long as God shall lende you continuance in this
death for hys sonnes sake What a spectacle shall it beto the worlde to beholde so godlye a fellowshippe as you seruauntes of god in so iust a quarrel as the gospel of Christ is with so pure a conscience so stronge a fayth and so liuelye a hope to offer your selues to suffer moste cruell tormentes at the handes of Gods enemyes and so to ende your dayes in peace to receaue in the resurrection of the ryghteous life euerlasting Heb. 11. Be stronge therfore in your battayle The Lord God is on your syde and hys truth is your cause phi 3 and agaynst you be none but the enemies of the crosse of Christ as the Serpent and hys seede the Dragon wyth hys tayle Math. 3. Iohn 8. the marked mē of the Beast the ofspring of the Pharisees the congregation malignaunt the generation of Vipers murtheters as theyr father the deuyll hath bene from the beginnynge To conclude such are they are the Lord God hath alwayes abhorred and in all ages resisted and ouerthrowen God from whom nothing is hid knoweth what they are He that searcheth the hartes of men Psal 34. Heb. 4. he hath founde them oute to be craftye subtyll full of poyson proude disdaynefull stifenecked deuourers rauenees and barkers agaynste the truthe fylthye and shamelesse and therefore doth the spirite of God by the mouthes of his holye Prophettes and Apostles call them by the names of Foxes Iude. 1. Serpents Cockatrices Lions Leopardes Bulles Beares Wolues Dogges Swine Beastes teaching vs thereby to vnderstande that their naturall inclination is to deceaue poyson and destroye as muche as in them lyeth the faythfull and elect of God Psalm 76. But the Lord with his right arme shall defende hys little flocke agaynste the whole rabblement of these worldlings Matth. 20. Luk. 2i Math. 10. 1. Pet. 2. whiche haue conspired against him he hath numbred all the heares of hys childrens heades so that not one of them shall peryshe withoute hys fatherly will He keepeth the sparowes muche more will he preserue them whom he hath purchased with the bloode of the immaculate Lambe He wil keepe them vnto the houre appoynted wherein the name of God shall bee glorifyed in his Sainctes In the meane tyme let them woorke theyr willes Math. 10 Sapi. 3. let them enuye let them maligne let them blaspheme let thē curse banne betraye whyppe scourge hange and burne for by these meanes God will trye his electe as golde in the furnace and by these fruites shall they also bring themselues to be knowen what they be for all theyr shepes skinnes For as he that in suffering patiently for the Gospell of God is thereby knowen to be of Christe euen so in likewise is the persecutour of hym knowen Psal 7. to be a member of Antichriste Besydes thys their extreme crueltye shall be a meane the sooner to prouoke god to take pitie vppon hys seruauntes and to destroye them that so tyranouslye entreate hys people as we maye learne by the historyes as well in the bondage of Israell vnder Pharao in Egypte Exod. 13. Esd 3.13 as also in the miserable captiuitie of Iuda in Babilon Where as when the people of God were in moste extreme thraldome then did the Lord stretch forth his mighty power to deliuer hys seruauntes 2. Mach. 7. Iacob 4. i Pet. 5. Apo. 9. Heb 12. Iacob 2 Though God for a time suffer them to bee exalted in theyr owne pride yet shall they not scape hys vengeaunce They are hys roddes and when he hath worne them to the stumpes then wil he caste them into the fyer thys shall bee their fynall rewarde Our dutie is in the meane while paciently to abide the wil of god which worketh all thinges for the beste Thus dealeth he wyth vs partly for our trial 2 Cor i2 Esdras 36 partly also for our synnes which we most greuously haue committed to the great slaunder of hys gospel wherby the name of God was euill spoken of amonge his enemies Roma 2. for the whiche he nowe punisheth vs wyth hys fatherly corrections in this worlde i. Cor i Luke 15 that we should not be dampned wyth the worlde By thys meanes seeketh he hys sheepe that were lost to bryng them home to the folde agayne By this way seketh he to reforme vs that we may be like vnto him Ephesi 4 after the image of his sonne Iesus Christ in all holines and righteousnes before hym Finally thys way vseth his godly wisdome to make vs therby to know hym Ose 13. our selues in hym that afore tyme had in a maner forgotten him praysed bee his name therefore And as for these Balaamites which now do molest vs commit thē to the handes of god geue hym the vengeaunce and he will reward them Rom. 12. phil 2 Luke 8. Marke 4. psal 8. psal 4. Ieremy 12. Fal ye to prayer and let these belly gods prate For he is in heauen and slepeth not that kepeth Israell He is in heauen that made the seas calme when the Disciples were afraid Let vs now faithfully call vpon hym and he will heare vs. Let vs cry vnto the Lord for he is gratious and merciful When we are in trouble he is wyth vs he wyll deliuer vs and he wyll glorify vs. If we come vnto hym we shal fynde hym turned vnto vs. If we repent vs of our wickednes done against hym Ieremy 18 then shal he take away the plague that he hathe deuised against vs. Let vs therfore earnestly repent bryng forth the worthy frutes of repentaunce Let vs study to be hys then shall we not nede to feare what these hypocrites do agaīst vs Matth. 12. which with their pretensed holines deceiue the hartes of the symple and abuse the authoritie of god in hys Prynces causing them by their procurement to testify their ambicious prelacie and to erect vp their Idole agayne wyth the Romish Masie God in whose handes are the hartes of kynges Iob. i2 pro. 15.22 opē the harte of the Quenes hyghnes to espye them out what they be so to wede them out that they no longer be suffred to trouble the congregation of God to poyson the realme wyth Pope holy doctrine psal 24.30 78. God almighty for hys sonne Iesus Christes sake deliuer the Quenes highnes and this her church realme from these proude prelates which are as profitable in the churche of Christe as a polecatte in the myddes of a warren of connies To conclude my bretherne I commit you to God and to the power of hys worde whiche is hable to establysh you in all truth Hys spirite be wyth you and worke alway that ye maye be myndful of your dueties towardes hym whose ye are both bodye and soule Whome see that ye loue serue dreade obey aboue all worldly powers and for nothyng vnder the heauens defyle your conscience before God Dissemble not wyth hys worde
their pigges of worldlye pelfe c. Could the wicked papistes euer haue wroughte their cursed feates as they haue nowe done for the aduauncing of their paultrye and brynging the reaste of their tyrannye and cruell purpose to passe had not these dissembling gospellers bene so aplyable to their myndes at the fyrste dashe and with theyr subtill persuasions bewitched the hartes of others to come to their wickednesse No surely they shoulde sooner for shame dispaire and distresse of minde haue hanged themselues as their predecessour Iudas dyd and therefore I dare accuse them all before God excepte they repent as accessaryes to the wilfull murther of all the Godlye Christian Preachers that haue of late bene putte to death wythin this Realme and also of the soules of such as perish for lacke of true preaching Ah now do I perceaue that it was not for noughte that the Prophet so sore threatneth them with eternall damnation Esay 30 when he cryeth woe be vnto those shrincking children that secke succour vnder the shadow of wicked Pharao Oh woe is my harte for them that euer they shoulde so slyde frō the Lord their Instructour and cause other to do the same Yea the most mercifull Lorde hym selfe doth in his woorde bewayle them and as it were mourne for them saying alas for these disobediente shrinckyng children that they will take counsell withoute me alas that they will take a secrete aduyse and not oute of my spirite Esay 30. and therefore heape they synne vppon sinne c. Nowe tell me O you vayne and carnall gospellers that bee not onely content to playe the disobediente shrincking children your selues but also as muche as in you lyeth doe assure all other to doe the lyke to the greate dishonour of GOD and destruction of your brethrens soules tell me I saye where you haue that counsell and wicked aduyse Verely oute of the spirite of errour and lyes for oute of the Lordes spirite of truth you haue it not for the spirite of God is alwayes consonante and agreable to hys woorde Yea in his word he commaundeth the true seruauntes of God to set themselues at libertye 2. Cor. 6 and not anye longer to beare the straunge yoke with the vnbeleuers But you contraryewyse counsell them to become agayne the bondslaues of Sathan and his sonne Antichriste seruyng their Idolatrye and superstition with their bodelye presence You byd them beare still the straunge-yoke of mens traditions and deuilyshe inuentions with the vnbeleuers tellyng them that there is honest fellowship betwene ryghteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse and good companye betwene lyghte and darkenesse and frendlye concorde betwene Christ and Beliall and that the beleuer and the infidell may parte stakes well enough that their bodye which is or ought to be the tēple of the holy ghost may agree with Images wel enough whiche be forbidden by the word of God yea and teaching them to worshippe the greatest Idoll that euer was vnder heauen and therefore whereas the Lorde by hys holye Prophet doth commaunde hys people to come oute from amongest them and to seperate thē selues from thē and to touch no vncleane thinge you like tempting Serpents do will them to thruste in them selues amonge the thickest of them to ioyne thē selues which ought to be the mēbers of Christes mysticall bodye to the wicked members of Sathā And not only to touch vncleane thinges but also to behold and outwardly worship them yea to receaue into their bodies which ought to be the temple of the liuyng god the most filthy Idoll the straunge god Mauzim the papistes God of defence yea and there to retain him vntil the Iakes receaue hym which is a more meter place for hym then the sanctifyed body of a Christian Alas and weale away that euer anye man that beareth the name of a Christian yea of a Gospeller and fauourer of Gods word should become such a vyle slaue to Sathan and to do hym such notable seruice in these perilous dayes by the meanes wherof he hath preuailed more then he euer dyd in so shorte tyme since the beginnynge of the worlde Oh what deuyll hath bewitched you you runnagates frō God that you shoulde now doe hym such diligente seruice whom you haue not only pretended to hate but also promised at your baptisme vtterlye to forsake Yea and that you shoulde nowe become suche pernitious enemyes to Christ whose woorde you haue so long pretended to loue some of you nygh these .20 yeares Haue you cleane forgotten what you professed and promysed vnto hym at your baptysme Hath not the deuill seruauntes enough of the papistes and infidells to sette a woorke to suppresse Christes syncere religion but he muste sende forth you to helpe hym whiche of all other oughte to hynder his cruell enterpryse Where bee your wittes become oh you madde men the which for a little mucke of thys molde wyl lose the precious parte of euerlasting lyfe Well if you wyll needes playe the traytours agaynst God and dissembling deuils and runne hedlong into hell your selues yet I praye you take not suche paines to draw others wyth you which by their wil would not come there Goe not aboute to persuade them that euil is good Esay 5. that darkenes is light and that soure is swete least your woe and damnation be the greater If he shal be sore punyshed that hydeth hys talente in the grounde and doth none other man good therewyth howe muche more shall he be punished that occupyeth his talent to euill vses and imployeth the same to the destruction of hys weake brethren Math. 18. for whom Christe dyed If it were better for one to haue a mylstone hanged aboute his necke and to be caste into the middest of the sea then to offend one of Christes little ones yea though it were but by example what then shall become of them that leade them forth of the waye to commit most strong and detestable Idolatry If euill may not be done although good should come therof then that euil may not be done wherof cōmeth nothing but innumerable euils both to bodye soule yea so many as a greate volume were not able to contayn thē if they should be ryghtly descrbed I could make a great many of strong argumentes forth of the scriptures to proue the doings of these dissēblers both with god man to be deuilish detestable but these be sufficient to warne such as haue not their harts hardned but as for the rest I will say wyth S. Iohn Apoc. 22. he that is filthy let hym be filthy stil and vpon their own heades be the peril of their perishyng And now againe to you my deare hartes which by such haue bene deceaued or are by feare or fragilitie fallen to you I speake and of loue I warne you my deare and faithfull frendes of London whom I loue in the Lorde as I am no lesse bounde I woulde bee full lothe to be a witnesse agaynste anye of you all at
of my fal also deliuered me his name be praised foreuermore Amē Neyther deuil nor cruel Tyrāne can plucke any of christes shepe out of hys hand Of the whych flocke of christes shepe I trust vndoubtedly I am one by meanes of his death bloudshedyng which shal at the last day stand at hys right hand and receyue wyth other his blessed benediction And now beyng condēned to dye my cōscience mind I prayse god is quyet in Christ I by his grace am very wel willyng content to geue ouer thys body to the death for the testimony of hys truth and pure religiō agaynste Antichriste and all hys false religion and doctryne They that reyort otherwyse of me speake not truely And as for Fountayne I saw him not all thys while Thomas Whittle Ministes Another letter of M. Thomas VVhittell written to a cerrayne godly woman OH my deare and louing Sister in Christ bee not dismayd in this storme of persecution for Paul calleth the gospel the word of the crosse because it is neuer truly taught but the crosse and cruell persecution immediatlye and necessarilye doth followe the same and therefore it is a manifeste token of Gods truth that hath bene here and is styl abroade and that is a cause of the rage and crueltye of Sathan agaynste Christ and hys members whiche muste bee corrected for their sinnes in thys worlde their fayth muste bee tryed that after tryall and paciente suffering the faythfull maye receaue the crowne of glorye Feare not therefore my welbeloued but proceede in the knowledge and feare of GOD and he will keepe you from all euill Call vppon hys holy name and he will strengthen you and assiste you in all your wayes and if it please hym to lay his crosse vppon you for his Gospells sake refuse it not neyther shake it of by vnlawfull meanes leste you shoulde as God forbyd fynde a more greuous crosse and tormente of conscience if you shoulde dissemble and denye the knowen veritye then is any persecution or death of bodye Oh howe happye are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake Their rewarde is greate in heauen The momentane afflictions of thys lyfe are not worthy of the glorye that shall bee shewed vppon vs. Oh remember the Godly wemen of the olde testamente and newe whiche liued in Gods seruice and feare and therefore are nowe in blisse and cōmended for euer as namely Iudith Hester Abigaell the Mother of the .vij. sonnes Marye Elizabeth Susanna Lidia and Phebe and others Set their examples before your eyes and feare nothing for Sathan is conquered by our Sauiour Christ sinne is putte to flyght and the gate of immortalitie and eternall life is sette wyde open God graunt we may enter therin through the doore Iesus Christe Amen Thomas Whittel Maister Bartlet Grene to certayne of hys frends a litle before his death BEtter is the day of death sayth Salomon then the day of byrth Mā that is borne of woman liueth but a short time and is replenyshed with many miseries but happy are the dead that die in the Lord. Man of woman is borne in trauell to liue in misery Man through Christ doth die in ioye and liue in felicitie He is borne to die and dyeth to liue Strayght as he commeth into the world with cryes he vttereth his miserable estate strayghte as he departeth with songes he prayseth god for euer Scarce yet in hys cradell in deadly enemyes assaultes him after death no aduersarye maye anoye him Whilest he is here he displeaseth god whē he is dead he fulfilleth his will In thys life here he dyeth through sinne in the life to come he liueth in righteousnes Through manye tribulations in earth is he still purged with ioye vnspeakeable in heauen is he made pure for euer Here he dyeth euerye houre there he liueth continualy Here is synne there is righteousnesse Here is tyme there is eternitie Here is hatred there is loue Here is payne there is pleasure Here is myserye there is felicitie Here is corruption there is immortalitie Here we see vanitie there shall we beholde the Maiestie of God with triumphant and vnspeakeable ioye in glorye euerlasting Seeke therfore the thynges that are aboue where Christe sitteth on the ryghte hand of God the father vnto whom with the sonne and the holy ghost be all honour and glorye worlde wythoute end Amen Christe deus sine te spes est mihe nulla salutis Te duce vera sequor te duce falsa nego In Englyshe thus O Christ my God sure hope of health besides thee haue I none That truth I loue and falshode hate thou arte my guyde alone Yours in Christe Bartlet Grene. A letter of Iohn Careles to one Mystres Cotton THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the eternall comfortes of his most pure holy mightye spirit with the encrease of fayth liuely feeling of his swete mercies be with you dere frend faythfull louing Sister good Mystres Cotton to the ful encrease of your ioye in Christe now and euermore Amen As from the very bottome of my poore hart I wish vnto you health both of body soule my deare louing Syster in the Lord so will I neuer cease praying vnto god for the same according vnto my most boūdē duty Howbeit of your body vpō conditiō but of your soule without any conditiō being wel assured that the lord for his deare sonnes sake wil perfectly graūt me the same so farre forth as shal be most for your profite So that if the health of your body wil stand with the wealth of your soule I am sure I shal haue my peticiō graunted for the health of the same But if the sicknes of your body be for the health of your soule as I am sure it is then haue I also my desire graūted because I aske the same no further thē it maye stand with the other But for the euerlasting health of your soule do I hartely pray without the additiō of any conditiō for it is the lords good wil I should so do Therefore I am sure my request is already graunted therin for his sake who hath redemed the same with his most precious blood yea in whō you were elected before the foūdation of the world was layd This is moste true therfore let nothīg perswade you to the contrary Rest vpō this rocke be you sure the gates of hel shal not preuaile agaīst you I know deare hart that you haue done much good to the poore for Iesus Christs sake yet beware you do not put any truste or confidence in your good dedes merits or deseruings but only in Iesus christ which hath geuē you him self wholy to be yours with al his holynes righteousnes iustificatiō redēptiō al that euer he may On the other side he hath takē vpon himself al your sinnes misery infirmitye hath made a full satisfaction for them with the sacrifice of his own
breade and wine and saide of the cuppe drinke ye all of this the Pope geueth a cleane contrarye commaundemente that no laye man shall drynke of the cup of their saluation as thoughe the cuppe of Saluation by the bloud of Christ pertained not to lay men And wheras Theophilus Alexandrinus whose workes Saincte Hierom did trāslate about eleauen hundred yeres passed saith that if Christ had bene crucified for the Deuils his cup shoulde not be denied them yet the Pope denieth the cup of Christ to christen people for whome Christ was crucified so that if I should obey the Pope in these thinges I muste nedes disobey my sauior Christ But I was answered hereto as commonly the papists do answer that vnder the forme of bread is whole christes flesh and bloude so that whosoeuer receaueth the forme of bread receiueth aswel christes bloud as his fleshe Let it be so yet in the forme of breade onely Christes bloude is not dronken but eaten nor receaued in the cuppe vnder forme of wyne as Christ commaunded but eaten with the flesh vnder the forme of breade moreouer the bread is not the sacrament of his bloud but of his fleshe only nor the cup is not the sacrament of his flesh but of his bloud only and so the Pope kepeth from al lay persons the Sacrament of their redemption by Christes bloud which Christ commaunded to geue vnto them And furthermore Christ ordayned the sacrament in two kindes the one separated from the other to be a representation of his deathe where his bloud was separated from hys fleshe whiche is not represented in one kynde alone so that the lay people receiue not the whole sacrament wherby Christes death is represented as he commaunded Moreouer as the Pope taketh vpon him to geue the temporal sword or royal imperial power to kinges prynces so doth he likewise take vpō him to depose them from theyr imperial states if they be disobedient to hym and commaundeth the subiectes to disobey their prynces assoyling the subiectes aswel of their obedience as of their lawfull othes made vnto theyr true kinges and Prynces directly contrary to gods commaundeniente who commaundeth all subiectes to obey theyr kinges or other rulers vnder them One Iohn Patriarche of Constantinople in the time of S. Gregory claimed superioritie aboue all other bishops to whom sainct Gregorye writeth that therin he did iniurie to hys iij. brethren which were equall with hym that is to say the bishop of Rome of Alexandria of Antiochia which iij. were patriarchal seas aswell as Constantinople and were brethren one to an other But sayeth Saincte Gregorye if anye one shall exalte him selfe aboue all the rest to be the vniuersal bishoppe the same passeth in pryde but now the bishop of Rome exalteth himselfe not only aboue all bishops but also aboue all kynges and Emperours and aboue the whole world taking vpon hym to geue and take away to set vp and put downe as he shall thinke good And as the deuill hauyng no such authoritie The deuil● the Pope are like yet toke vpon hym to geue vnto Christ all the kyngdomes of the world if he would fall downe and worshippe him in lyke manner the Pope taketh vppon hym to geue Empyres and kingdomes beyng none of hys to suche as wil fal downe worship him and kysse his feete And moreouer his lawyers and glosers so flatter him that they say he may commaund Emperours and kynges to hold hys stirroppe when he lighteth vppon hys horse and to bee hys footemen and that if any Emperour or kyng geue hym any thyng they geue hym nothyng but that is hys owne and that he may dispense agaynst Gods word agaynste the old and new Testament against S. Paules epistles and against the Gospel And furthermore whatsoeuer he doth although he draw innumerable people by heapes wyth himselfe into hell yet may no mortal man reproue hym bicause he beyng iudge of al men may be iudged of no man thus he sytteth in the tēple of god The Pope is Antichrist that is Christs enemy Wherfore the Pope is Antichrist as he were a god nameth him self Gods Vicar yet he dispenseth agaynst God If this be not to play Antichrists part I cānot tel what is Antichrist which is no more to say but Christs enemy and aduersary who shall syt in the temple of God aduauncyng hymselfe aboue all other yet by hipocrisy and fayned religion shall subuert the true religion of Christ and vnder pretense and colour of Christian religion shall worke agaynst Christ therfore hath the name of Antichrist Now yf any man lyfte hymselfe hygher then the Pope hath done who lifteth him selfe aboue all the world or can be more aduersary to Christ thē to dispense agaynst Gods lawes where Christ hath geuen any cōmaundement to commaund dyrectly the cōtrary the mā must nedes be takē for Antichrist But vntyl the tyme that such a person may be found men may easly coniecture where to find Antichrist Wherfore seyng the Pope thus to ouerthrow both gods lawes and mans lawes taketh vpon hym to make Emperours and kinges to be vassals Subiects vnto hym specially the crowne of thys realme with the lawes customes of the same I see no mean how I may cōsent to admit this vsurped power within this realme cōtrary to myne othe mine obedience to gods law mine allegeaunce and duety to your maiesty and my loue and affectiō to thys realme This that I haue spoken against the power and authority of the Pope I haue not spoken I take God to record and iudge for any malice I owe to the Popes person whom I know not but I shal pray to god to geue him grace that he may seke aboue al things to promote gods honour and glory and not to follow the trade of hys predecessors in these latter dayes nor I haue not spoken it for feare of punishment and to auoyde the same thynkyng it rather an occasion to aggrauate then to diminish my trouble but I haue spoken it for my most bounden duty to the crowne liberties lawes and customes of thys realme but most especially to discharge my conscience in vtteryng the truthe to gods glory castyng away all feare Luke 12 by the comfort which I haue in Christes wordes who sayeth Feare not them that kill the body and cannot kill the Soule but feare hym that can caste both body and soule into hell He that for feare to lose this life will forsake the truth shall lose the euerlasting lyfe and he that for the truthes sake wyll spend hys lyfe shall fynde euerlasting life And Christ promiseth to stād fast with them before hys father which wil stand fast with him here Mathe. x. which comforte is so great that whosoeuer hath his eyes fixed vpon Christ cannot greatly passe of thys life knowyng that he may be sure to haue Christ stand by him in the presence of his father in heauen As touchyng
the Sacrament I saide that forasmuch as the whole matter standeth in the vnderstandyng of these wordes of Christ Thys is my body Thys is my bloud I saye that Christ in these wordes made demonstratiō of the bread and wyne and spake figuratiuely The sacraments haue the names of those thyngs wherof they are sacramentes callyng bread hys bodye and wyne hys bloud bicause he ordeyned them to be the sacramēts of his body bloud And where the Papists say in these two pointes contrary vnto me that Christ called not bread hys body but a substaunce vncertayne nor spake fyguratiuely herein I sayde I woulde be iudged by the olde church and which doctrine could be proued the elder that I would stand vnto And forasmuch as I haue alleaged in my booke many olde autors both Grekes and Latynes which about a thousand yeres after Christ continually taught as I do if they could bryng forth but one old author that saith in these two poyntes as they say I offred vi or vij yeres agoe and doe offer yet styl that I will geue place to them But when I bryng for the any author that sayeth in moste playne termes as I do yet sayeth the other parte that the authors mente not so as who shoulde say that the authors spake one thyng and mente cleane contrarye And vppon the other parte when they cannot fynde any one authour that sayeth in wordes as they say yet saye they that the authors mēt as they say Now whether thei or I speake more to the purpose herein I refer it to the iudgemēt of all indifferent hearers Yea the old church of Rome aboute a thousād yeres together nether beleued nor vsed the Sacramēt as the church of Rome hath done of late yeares For in the beginning the church of Rome taught a pure a sound doctrine of the sacramēt but after that the church of Rome fell into a new doctrine of trāsubstantiatiō with the doctrine they chaūged the vse of the sacramēt cōtrary to that Christ cōmaūded the old church of Rome vsed aboue a M. yeares And yet to deface the old thei say that the new is the old wherin for my part I am cōtent to the tryal to stand But their doctrine is so fonde and vncomfortable that I marueile that any man would allowe it if he knewe what it is and what so euer they beare the people in hand The Papists make Christ two bodyes that which they write in theyr bookes hath nother truth nor comforte For by their doctrin of one body of Christ is made two bodies one naturall hauing distance of members with forme and proporcion of a mannes perfite body and thys bodye is in Heauen but the bodye of Christe in the Sacramente by theyr own doctrine must nedes be a monstruous body hauing neyther distance of members nor forme fashion or proporcion of a mans naturall body and such a body is in the sacrament teache they and goeth into the mouth with the forme of breade and entreth no farther than the forme of bread goeth nor tarieth no lōger thā the forme of bread is by natural heate in digesting so that when the forme of breade is digested that bodye of Christe is gone And forasmuch as euil men be as long in digesting as good mē the body of Christ by theyr doctrine entreth as far tarieth as long in wicked as in godly mē And what cōforte cā be herein to any Christian mā to receaue Christs vnshapē body and it to entre no father than the stomake and to depart by and by as sone as the bread is consumed It semeth to me a more sound and comfortable doctrine that Christe hath but one body that hath forme and fashion of a mans true body which body spiritually entreth into the whole mā body and soule and though the sacrament be consumed yet whole Christe remayneth and fedeth the receauer vnto eternal lyfe if he continue in godlines and neuer departe vntill the receauer forsake him And as for the wicked they haue not Christ within thē at al who cā not be wher Belial is And this is my faith and as me semeth a sound doctrine according to Gods word and sufficient for a Christian to beleue in that matter And if it canne be shewed vnto me that the popes authority is not preiudicial to the thinges before mencioned or that my doctryne in the sacrament is erronious whych I thinke can not be shewed then I was neuer nor wil be so peruerse to stand wilfully in mine owne opinion but I shall wyth al humility submit my self vnto the Pope not only to kisse hys feete but an other part also An other cause why I refused to take the B. of Gloucestre for my iudge was the respect of his own persō being more than once periured Fyrste for that he beynge diuerse times sworne neuer to consent that the B. of Rome shoulde haue any iurisdiction with in thys realme but to take the king and his successours for supreame heades of thys realme as by gods lawes they be contrary to this lawful oth the said B. sate then in iudgement by autority frō Rome wherin he was periured and not worthy to sit as a iudge The second periury was that he toke his bishoprike both of the Queenes Maiestye of the Pope makyng to eche of thē a solemne oth which othes be so cōtrary that in the one he must nedes be periured And furthermore in swering to the Pope to mayntayne his lawes decrees a constitutions ordinances reseruations and prouisions he declareth him selfe an enemye to the Imperial crowne and to the Lawes and state of this Realme whereby he declared himselfe not worthy to syt as a iudge within this Realme and for these considerations I refused to take him for my Iudge ¶ This was written in an other letter to the Quene J Learned by D. Martin that at the day of your maiesties coronacion you toke an othe of obedience to the pope of Rome and the same time you tooke an other othe to this realme to maintayne the lawes liberties and customes of the same And if your Maiesty did make an oth to the pope I think it was acording to the other othes which he vseth to minister to princes which is to be obedient to him to defend hys person to mayntayn his autority honour lawes landes priuileges And if it be so than I besech your maiestye to looke vppon youre othe made to the Crowne and the realme and to expende and way the two othes together to see how they agree and then to do as your graces conscience shall geue you for I am surelye perswaded that willingly your maiesty will not offend nor do against your conscience for nothyng But I feare me there be contradiction in your othes and that those which should haue enformed your grace throughly did not their dutyes therin And if your maiesty ponder the two othes diligently I thynke you shall
Math. 23 Vae vobis qui clauditis regnum ante homines qui tulictis clauem scientiae ipsi non introijstis introire volentes prohibuistis Et vnde frates dixerimus has tetras exitiosas tenebras in mundum inuectas exhalasse vnde quaeso Apoca 9. quā ex fumo fornacis magni putei ahyssi vt iam obscuratus sit sol aêr ex fumo putei Iam iam procul dubio fratres apudnos puteus apertus est locustae luxuriātur abaddon regnat Ergo fratres qui estis Christi qui signum dei habetis in frontibùs vestris Apoc. vij i. Iohn v. hoc est arra spiritus obsignati estis in populum peculiarem Deo viriliter agite confortamini Maior enim est qui est in nobis quam qui est in mundo Scitis autem quod omne quod natum est ex deo vincit mundum haec est victoria quae vincit mundum fides nostra Fremat frendat insaeniat quantumlibet mundus scitote quod nemo potest nos tollere de manu patris quia maior est omnibus qui proprio filio suo non pepercit sed pro nobis omnibus tradidit illum Rom. viij proinde qui steri potest vt non cum illo omnia nobis donet Quis intentabit crimina aduersus electos dei Deus est qui iustificat quis ille qui condemnet Christus est qui mortuus immo qui suscitatus est qui intercedit pro nobis Quis nos seperabit a dilectione Dei Num afflictio Num angustia Num persecutio Num fames Num nuditas Num periculum Num gladius reliqua nostis fratres Speramus plané cum Paulo per gratiam Domini nostri Iesu Christi quôd nihil prorsus nos poterit separare a dilectione Dei quae est in Christo Iesu Domino nostro Quod vt vobis sit nobis omnibus contingat gratia miserecordia seruatoris nostri Iesu Christi nos pro vobis Deo volente indesinenter orabimus vos pro nobis ne aliquando orare desinatis etiam atque etiam in visceribus Iesu christi fratres in Domino charissimi quantum possumus obnixe precamur Bene valete fratres charissimi Gratia domini nostri Iesu Christi sit semper cū omnibus vobis Amē Vester in domino N.R. The same in English To the brethren which constantly cleaue vnto Christ in suffring affliction wyth hym and for hys sake GRace and peace from GOD the father and from oure Lorde Iesus Chryst bee multiplied vnto you Amen Althoughe bretherne we haue of late hearde nothyng from you neyther haue at thys presente anye newes to send you yet we thought good some thing to write vnto you wherby ye might vnderstand that we haue good remēbrance of you continually as we doubte not but ye haue of vs also When this messenger comming vnto vs from you of late had brought vs good tidinges of your great constancye fortitude and pacience in the Lord we were filled with much ioye and gladnes geuynge thankes to god the father through our lord Iesus Christe which hath caused his face so to shyne vpon you with the lighte of spirituall vnderstanding hath so lyghtned your hartes that nowe being in captiuity and bandes for Christes cause ye haue not ceased as much as in you lyeth by words but much more by dede and by your example to stablishe and confyrme that thyng which when ye were at liberty in the world ye laboured to publish and set abroad by the word doctrine that is to say holding fast the word of life ye shine as lights in the world in the middes of a wicked croked natiō Phi. 2. that with so much the greater glory of our Lord Iesus Christ and profite of your brethren by how much Satan more cruelly nowe rageth busily laboureth to darken the lighte of the gospell And as for the darknes that Satan nowe bringeth vpon the church of England who nedeth to doubt therof Of late time oure sauiour christ his Apostles prophetes and teachers spake in the temple to the people of englād in the english tongue so that they might be vnderstande playnly and without any hardnes of the godly such as sought for heauēly knowlege in maters which of necessity of saluatiō perteyned to the obteyning of eternall life but nowe those thinges whiche once were written of them for the edifienge of the congregation are red in a straunge tongue without interpretation manifestlye agaynste Saincte Paules commaundemente so that there is no manne hable to vnderstande them whyche hath not learned that straunge and vnknowen tounge Of late dayes those heauenlye misteries wherbye Christe hath engraffed vs into hys body and hath vnited vs one to an other whereby also being regenerate and borne a newe vnto God he hath nourished encreased and strengthned vs wherby moreouer either he hath taught and set forth an order emonges them whych are whole or els to the sycke in soule or body hath geuen as it were holsome medicines remedies those I say were all playnly set forth to the people in theyr owne language so that what great exceding good thinges euery man had receaued of god what duty euery one owed to an other by gods ordinance what euery one had professed in his vocation was bound to obserue wher remedy was to be had for the weake feble he to whō God had geuen a desire and wyllyng hart to vnderstande those thinges might sone perceaue and vnderstande But now all these thinges are taught and setforth in such sorte that the people redemed with Christes bloode for whose sakes they were by Christ himself ordained cā haue no māner of vnderstandinge therof at all Of late forasmuche as we know not how to pray as we oughte our Lorde Iesus Chryst in his prayer wherof he would haue no man ignorant and also the holy ghost in the psalmes hymnes spirituall songes which are set forth in the bible did teach and instruct al the people of Englād in the english tounge that they myght aske such thynges as are according to the wyll of the father might ioyne theyr harts lippes in prayer together but now al these thynges are cōmaūded to be hid shut vp frō thē in a straūge tonge wherby it must nedes follow that the people neyther can tel how to pray nor what to pray for and how can they ioyne theyr hartes and voice together when they vnderstande no more what the voyce sygnifyeth then a brute beast Fynally I heare say that the Catechisme which was lately set forth in the english tong is now in euery pulpet condēned Oh deuelish malyce and most spite fully iniurious to the saluation of mankynd purchased by Iesus Christ In dede Satan could not long suffer that so great light shuld be spread abroad in the world he saw well inough that
of it to the behoofe of the church or of the house And moreouer I had not only no part of his moueable goods but also as his old receiuer then min called M. Staūton cā testify I paied for him towards his seruantes cōmō liuertes and wages after his deposition 53. li. or 55. poūdes I canot tel whether Notwithstanding these godly and iust requestes no iustice could be had vntil that now of late some of these shameful iniuries by order of law haue bene redressed In al these matters I besech your honourable maiesty to heare the aduise of mē of conscience and especially the archbishop now of Yorke which for that he was continually in my house a yeare and more before myne imprisonment I suppose he is not altogether ignoraunt of some part of these things and also hys grace doth know my sister for whose succour and some relief now vnto your highnes I make most humble suit The .xvi. day of October Anno. 1555. N. R. ¶ An aunswer to a letter written vnto him by West sometyme hys Chaplayne I Wish you grace in god and loue of the truth without the which truely stablished in mens hartes by the mighty hād of almighty god it is no more possible to stand by the truth in Christ in time of trouble then it is for the waxe to abide the heat of the fyre Syr know you this that I am blessed be God perswaded that this world is but transitory and as sainct Iohn saith the world passeth away the lust therof i. Iohn 2 Math. 10. I am persuaded christs wor●es to be true whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him wil I confesse also before my father which is in heauen and I beleue that no earthly creature shall be saued whom the redemer and sauiour of the world shal before his father deny This the lorde graunt that it may be so graffed established and fixed in my harte that neither thinges present nor to come high nor low life nor death bee able to remoue me thence It is a goodly wish that you wish me depely to consider thynges pertaynyng vnto gods glorye but if you had wished also the neither feare of death nor hope of worldly prosperity should let me to maintain gods word and his truth which is his glory and true honour it would haue liked me well You desire me for gods sake to remember my selfe In dede syr now it is tyme so to doe for so farre as I can perceiue it standeth me vpon no lesse daunger then of the losse both of body and soule and I trowe then it is time for a man to awake if any thyng will awake him He that will not feare him that threatneth to cast both body soule into euerlasting fier Luk. 12. whom will he feare With this feare O Lord fasten thou together oure fraile fleshe that we neuer swarue from thy lawes You say you haue made much suite for me Sir God graunt that you haue not in sauyng for my worldly deliueraunce empayred and hindered the furtheraunce of Gods worde and his truthe You haue knowen me long in dede in the which tyme it hathe chaunced me as you say to mislyke some thynges It is true I graunt for sodayne chaunges wythout substantial and necessary cause and the heady setting forth of extremities I did neuer loue Canfession vnto the minister which is able to iustruct correcte comforte and enforme the weake wounded and ignoraunt conscience in dede I euer thought myght do much good in Christs congregation and so I assure you I think euen at this day My doctrine and my preaching you saye you haue heard often after your iudgement haue thought it godly sauyng onely for the Sacrament whiche thyng although it was of me reuerently handled and a greate deale better then of the rest as you say yet in the margēt you write warely and in this world wisely and yet me thoughte all sounded not well Syr but that I see so many chaunges in thys worlde and so much alteration els at this your saying I would not a lyttle maruayle I haue taken you for my frend and a man whom I fansied for plainesse and faith fulnes as much I assure you as for your learnyng and haue you kept this so close in your hart from me vnto this day Sir I consider mo thinges then one and will not say al that I thynke But what nede you to care what I think for any thing that I shal be able to do vnto you either good or harme You geue me good lessons to stand in nothyng against my learning to beware of vayne glory Truely sir I herein lyke your counsel very wel and by Gods grace I entend to follow it vnto my liues ende To write vnto those whom you name I cannot see what it wyll auayle me For this I would haue you know that I esteme nothyng auailable for me which also wil not further the glory of God And now because I perceiue you haue an entire zeale and desyre of my deliueraunce out of this captiuitie and worldly misery if I shoulde not beare you a good heart in god agayne me thynke I were to blame Sir how nighe the daye of my dissolution and departure oute of thys world is at hand I can not tel the Lords wyll be fulfilled how soone soeuer it shall come I know the Lordes wordes must be verified on me that I shall appeare before the incorrupt iudge and be countable to him of al my former life And although the hope of his mercye is my shooteanker of eternall saluation yet am I perswaded that whosoeuer wittingly neglecteth and regardeth not to cleare his conscience he cānot haue peace with God nor a liuely fayth in his mercye Conscience therefore moueth me consideryng you were one of my familye and one of my householde of whom then I thynke I had a speciall cure and of all them which were within my house whiche in dede ought to haue bene an example of godlinesse to al the rest of my cure not only of good lyfe but also in promotyng of gods word to the vttermost of their power but alas now when the tryal doth separate the chaffe from the corne how small a deale it is god knoweth which the wynd doth not blowe awaye this conscience I say doth moue me to feare least the lightnes of my family shal be layd to my charge for lack of more earnest diligent instruction which should haue ben done But blessed be god which hath geuen me grace to see this my default and to lament it from the bottome of my heart before my departyng hence This conscience doth moue me also now to requyre both you and my frend Doctour Haruy to remember your promises made to me in times past of the pure setting forth preachyng of gods word hys truth These promises although you shal not nede to fear to be charged with them of me hereafter before the world
yet loke for none other I exhort you as my frēdes but to be charged with them at gods hand This conscience and the loue that I beare vnto you biddeth me now say vnto you both in gods name feare god and loue not the world for god is able to cast both body and soule into hel fire Psa 2. When hys wrath shal sodenly be kindled blessed are al they that put their trust in him And the saieng of S. Iohn is true Iohn 2. al that is in the world as the lust of the flesh the lust of the eies and the pryde of life is not of the father but of the world the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the wyl of god abideth for euer If this gift of grace which vndoubtedly is necessarily required vnto eternall saluation were truely and vnfainedly graffed and firmely stablished in mens harts they would not be so light so sodainly to shrinke from the mainteynaunce and confession of the truth as is now alas sene so manifestly of so many in these days But here peraduēture you would know of me what is the truth Syr gods word is the truth as s Iohn saith Iohn 17. Eccl. 27 and that euen the same that was heretofore For albeit man doth vary and chaunge as the moone yet Gods word is stable abideth one for euermore and of Christ it is truly said Christ yesterday and to day the same is also for euer Heb. 13 When I was in office all that were estemed learned in gods word agreed this to be a truth in gods word written that the common praier of the Church should be had in the common tongue You know I haue conferred with manye I ensure you I neuer found man so far as I do remember neyther olde nor newe Gospeller nor Papist of what iudgement so euer he was in this thyng to be of a contrary opinion If then it were a truth of gods worde thinke you that the alteration of the world canne make it an vntruthe ▪ If it cannot why then doe so manye men shrinke from the confession and maintenaunce of thys truthe receyued once of vs all For what is it I pray you els to confesse or deny Christ in this world but to maintayne the truth taught in gods word or for any worldly respecte to shrynke from the same This one thyng haue I brought for an ensample other thynges be in like case which now particularly I nede not to rehearse For he that wil forsake wittingly either for feare or gayne of the world any one open truthe of gods word if he be constrained he wil assuredly forsake god and all his truth rather then he will endaunger himselfe to lose or to leaue that he loueth better in deede then he dothe God and the truth of his word I like very wel your playn speaking wherin you saye I must either agree or dye and I thynke that you meane of the bodily deathe whiche is commō both to good bad Syr I know I must dye whether I agree or no. But what folly were it then to make such an agreement by the which I could neuer escape thys deathe which is so common to al and also incurre the gilte of death and eternall damnation Lord graunt that I maye vtterly abhorre and detest this damnable agreement so long as I liue And bycause I dare say you wrote of frendship vnto me this shorte earnest aduertisement and I thinke verelye wishyng me to lyue and not to die therfore bearing you in my hearte no lesse loue in god than you do me in the world Apostata was he which fled from hys captaine to the enemy He was also so called that departed from the chrystyans to the Iewes Gentiles I say vnto you in the worde of the lorde and that I say to you I say to all my frendes and louers in god that yf you doe not confesse and maintayne to your power and knowledge that which is grounded vpon gods word but will either for feare or gayne of the world shrinke and play the Apostata in dede you shall dye the deathe you know what I meane And I beseche you al my true frendes and louers in God remember what I saye for this maye be the laste tyme peraduentute that euer I shall write vnto you From Bocardo in Oxford the 18. day of Aprill 1554. N.R. Chariss fratri venerabili in Christo compresbytero Ioanni Hopero gratiam pacem DIlecte frater venerabilis in Christo compresbyter cōdonet mihi precor tua dilectio quod hactenus a tua captiuitate tua simul mea tuam dilectionem meis literis non salutauerim quando ingenue fateor mihi abs te quae tua erat humanitas binae literae datae fuerūt diuersis quidem temporibus sed eis sēper profecto in quibus aut mihi per iniquitatem temporis rescribere bene non licuit aut si rescripsissem de literis ad te tuto perferendis multum dubitaui Iam vero charissime frater quum ex illis tuis lucuhrationibus quas mihi non nisi obiter videre contigit facile intelligo nos in ijs quae sunt nostrae religionis fundamenta bases omium aduersus quas mundus hodie tantopere insanit probe conuenire in vnū conspirare vtcūque in rebus minoribus religionis appēdicibus olim tua prudentia mea simplicitas in alîquibus fateor vterque suum sēsum habebat iam inquam cognoscat tua dilectio quod ex animo deus mihi testis est in viscerihus Christi te diligam frater in veritate propter veritatem quae permanet in nobis vt mihi per suasum habeo per gratiam dei per manebit nobiscum in aeternū Quoniam autem vti video frater mundus causam suam igere nō cessat cōtra Christum seruatorē quantū potest maximis munitionibus cōspirat 1. Corin. 10 sūmas conatur erigere altitudines a duersus cognitionē Dei iungamus frater dextras in Christo pro nostra viriliquantumque in nobis situm erit non armis carnalibus sed spiritualibus si non possumus demoliri saltem pulsemus illas altitudines simul nos iam Frater praeparemus ad diem dissolutionis nostrae per quam cum Christo post momentaneam carnis iftius nostrae afflictionem in aeternum gratia Domini Iesu Christi simul cum illo triumphabimns in gloria sempeterna Ohsecro frater saluta meo nomine venerandum illum tuum concaptiuum mihi vere venerahilem patrem D. Cromerum de quo mihi crede ex primo die quo de eius sanctissima grauiss constantia in confessione veritatis euangelicoe audiui semper maximā consolationem maximumque gaudium concepi in domino integritatem enim eius viri grauitatem innocentiā iāpridē vniuersa pene credo nouit Anglia Benedictus
it and in the steade of Gods holye worde the true and righte administration of Christes holye Sacramentes as of Baptisme and others they mixte theyr ministerye with mennes folishe fantasies and manye wicked and vngodlye traditions withall In the steade of the Lordes holye table they geue the people with muche solemne disguising a thyng which they call theyr Masse but in dede and in truth it is a verye maskyng and mockerye of the true supper of the Lord or rather I maye cal it a crafty iuglynge whereby these false theeues and iuglers haue bewitched the mindes of the symple people that they haue broughte them from the true worshippe of GOD vnto pernicious idolatry and make them to beleue that to bee Christe oure Lorde and Sauiour which in deede is neyther God nor man nor hathe any life in it selfe but in substance is the creature of breade and wyne and in vse of the lordes table is the Sacramente of Christes bodye and bloude and for thys holy vse for the whych the Lord hath ordeyned them in hys Table to represent vnto vs hys blessed bodye torne vppon the crosse for vs and hys bloud there shedde it pleased hym to call them hys bodye and bloude whych vnderstandyng Christe declareth to bee hys true meaning when he sayeth Luke 22. doe thys in the remembraunce of me And agayn Saincte Paule lykewyse dothe set out the same more plainly speakyng of the same Sacrament after the wordes of the consecration say●ng as often as ye shal eate of thys bread and drynke of thys Cuppe ● Cor. 11. ye shall set forthe he meaneth wyth the same the Lordes deathe vntyll hys commyng agayne And here agayne these theues haue robbed also the people of the Lordes cuppe contrary to the playne wordes of Christ written in hys Gospell Nowe for the commen publique prayers whiche were in the vulgare tongue these theues haue brought in agayne a straunge tongue whereof the people vnderstande not one word Wherein what doe they elles but robbe the people of theyr diuyne Seruice wherein they oughte to praye together wyth the mynyster and to praye in a straunge toungue what is it but as Saincte Paule calleth it barbarousnes chyldishenes vnprofitable follye yea and plaine madnesse For the godly articles of vnity in Religion and for the wholsome Homelies what doe these theeues place in the stead of them but the Popes lawes and decrees lying Legendes and fayned fables and myracles to delude and abuse the symplycitye of the rude people Thus thys robbery and thefte is not onelye committed nay sacrilege and wycked spoyle of heauenlye thynges but also in the stead of the same is brought in and placed the abbominable desolacion of the tyraunte Antiochus of proude Senacheryb of the shameles faced kyng of the Babilonical beaste Vnto thys robberye thys thefte and sacrilege for that I cannot consente nor God wyllyng neuer shall so long as the breath is in my bodye because it is blasphemye againste God hyghe treason vnto Christe our heauenly Kyng lord maister and oure onely Sauiour and redemer it is playne contrarye to Gods worde and to Christes Gospell it is the subuersion of all true godlines and agaynste the euerlastyng saluation of myne owne soule and of all my brethren and systers whome Chryste my Sauioure hathe so dearely boughte wyth no lesse pryce then wyth the effusion and sheddyng forthe of hys moste precious bloude therefore all ye my true louers in GOD my kynsefolke and countreymen for thys cause I say know ye that I am put to deathe whiche by Gods grace I shall wyllynglye take wyth hartye thankes to GOD therefore in certayne hope wythout any doubtyng to receyue at gods hande agayne of his free mercy and grace euerlastyng life Althoughe the cause of the true man slayne of the thefe helpyng hys neyghboure to recouer hys goodes agayne and the cause wherefore I am to bee put to deathe in a generalitye is bothe one as I sayde before yet knowe ye that there is no small difference These theeues against whome I doe stande are muche worse then the robbers and theues of the borders The goodes whiche they steale are much more precious and theyr kindes of fight are farre dyuers These theeues are worse I say for they are more cruelll more wycked more false more deceytfull and craftye for those will but kyll the bodye but these wyll not stycke to kyll bothe bodye and soule Those for the generall thefte and robberye be called and are in deede theues and robbers but these for theyr spirituall kynd of robberye are called Sacrilegi as ye woulde say churche robbers They are more wycked for those goe aboute but to spoyle men of worldlye thynges worldlye ryches gold and syluer and worldlye substaunce these goe aboute in the wayes of the Deuill their ghostlye father to steale from the vniuersall churche and peritcularlye from euerye man all heauenlye treasure true faythe true charitye and hope of saluation in the bloude of oure Sauioure Iesus Christe yea to spoile vs of our Sauiour Christ of hys gospel of hys heauenlye spirite and of the heauenlye heritage of the kingdome of heauen so dearelye purchased vnto vs wyth the deathe of oure Maister and Sauyoure Christe These be the goodes and godlye substaunce whereuppon the Christian before God must lyue and withoute the whiche he cannot lyue these goodes I saye these theues these churche robbers goe aboute to spoyle vs of The whiche goodes as to the man of God they excell and farre passe all worldlye treasure so to wythstande euen vnto the death suche theues as goe aboute to spoyle both vs and the whole churche of such goods is most hyghe honourable seruice done vnto God These churche robbers be also much more false craftye and deceytfull then the theues vpon the borders for these haue not the crafte so to commende theyr thefte that they dare auouche it and therefore as acknowledgyng themselues to be euyll they steale commenlye vppon the nyghte they dare not appeare at iudgements and sessions where iustice is executed when they are taken brought thether they neuer hange any man but they bee ofte tymes hanged for theyr faultes But these Church robbers can so cloke and coloure theyr spiritual robbery that they can make the people to beleue falshed to be truth and truth falshod good to be euel euell good light to be darknesse and darknesse light superstition to be true religion and idolatry to be the true worshyppe of god and that which is in substance the creature of breade and wine to be none other substance but onlye the substance of Christ the liuing Lord both God and man And wyth this their falshed and craft they can so iuggle and bewitch the vnderstāding of the simple that they dare auouch it openly in courte and in towne and feare neyther hanging nor hedding as the pore theues of the borders do but stoute and strong like Nembrothe dare condemne to be burned in
flaming fyre quicke and aliue whosoeuer will goe aboute to bewray their falshed The kind of fight against these church robbers is also of an other sorte and kinde then is that whiche is agaynste the theues of the borders For there the true men go forth against thē with speare launce with bow and byl and al such kind of bodelye weapons as the true men haue but here as the enemyes be of an other nature so the watchmen of Christs flocke the warriours that fight in the Lordes warre muste be armed and fight with an other kinde of weapons and armour For here the enemies of God the souldiors of Anti-Christ although the battel is set forth against the churche by mortall men being flesh and bloud and neuerthelesse members of theyr father the deuil yet for that theyr graund maister is the power of darknesse theyr members are spirituall wickednes wicked spirites spirites of erroures of heresies of all deceate and vngodlines spirites of idolatry Ephe 6 superstition and hipocrisye which are called of S. Paule Principates powers Lordes of the world rulers of the darknesse of this world and spiritual subtilties concerning heauēly things therfore our weapons must be fit and mete to fyght agaynst such not carnall nor bodely weapons as speare and launce but spiritual and heauenly we must fight agaynst such with the armor of God not entendinge to kill they re bodyes but their errours theyr false craft and heresies theyr idolatry superstitiō and hipocrisy Eph 6. and to saue as much as lieth in vs both theyr bodies and soules And therfore as S. Paule teacheth vs we fighte not against fleshe and bloude that is we fyght not with bodely weapon to kyll the man but with the weapons of God to put to flight his wicked errours vice and to saue both body and soule Our weapons therfore are faythe hope charitye righteousnesse truthe pacience prayer vnto God and our sword wherwyth we smite our enemies we beate and batter and beare down all falshed is the word of God With these weapons vnder the banner of the crosse of Christ we do fyght euer hauinge our eye vpon our graunde Maister Duke and captayne Christe and then we recken our selues to triumphe and to winne the crown of euerlastinge blesse when enduringe in this battaile withoute anye shrinking or yelding to the enemies after the example of our graund Capitaine Christ our Mayster after the exāple of his holy Prophetes Apostles and Martyrs when I say we are slayne in oure mortall bodyes of our enemies are most cruelly and without all mercy murdered down like a me any of shepe And the more cruel the more payneful the more vyle and spitefull is the kind of the death whereunto we be put the more glorious in God the more blessed and happye wee recken withoute all doubtes oure Martyrdome to be And thus much dere loeuers frends in god my country men kinsfolk I haue spoken for your comfort least of my deathe of whose life you loked peraduenture sometimes to haue had honestye pleasures and commodities ye myghte be abashed or thinke any euill whereas ye haue rather cause to reioyse if ye loue me indeede for that it hathe pleased God to call me to a greater honoure and dignitye than euer I did enioye before eyther in Rochester or in the Sea of London or euer shoulde haue had in the Sea of Durham whereunto I was last of all elected and named yea I count it greater honoure before God in deede to die in his cause whereof I nothynge doubte then is any earthlye or temporall promocion or honoure that canne be geuen to a man in thys worlde And who is he that knoweth the cause to be Goddes to be Chrystes quarell and of hys Gospell to bee the common weale of all the elect and chosen children of God of all the inheritoures of the kingdome of Heauen who is he I saye that knoweth this assuredlye by Goddes woorde and the testimonye of hys owne conscience as I through the infinite goodnes of god not of my self but by hys grace acknowledge my self to do who is he I say that knoweth this both loueth fereth god in dede in truth loueth beleueth hys maister Christ and hys blessed gospel loueth his brotherhode the chosen children of god and also lusteth and longeth for euerlastinge life whoe is he I say againe that woulde not or can not fynde in his harte in thys cause to be content to dye The Lord forbid that any such shoulde be that shoulde forsake this grace of God I truste in my Lord God the God of mercies and the father of all comfort throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde that he whiche hathe put thys mynde will and affection by hys holye spirite in my harte to stande agaynste the face of the enemie in hys cause to chose rather the losse of all my worldly substaunce yea and of my life to then to denye hys knowne truthe that he well comfort me ayd me and strengthen me euermore euen vnto the ende and to the yelding vp of my spirite and soule into hys holye handes wherof I most hartely besech hys moste holye sacred Maiestye of hys infinyte goodnes and mercye throughe Iesus Christe our Lord. Amen Now that I haue taken my leaue of my countrey menne and kinsfolke and the Lorde doth lende me life and geueth me leysure I wyll bydde my other good friendes in God of other places also farewell And whome fyrste or before other then the Vniuersytye of Cambridge whereas I haue dwelte longer founde more faythfull and hartye frendes receyued more benefites the benefytes of my naturall parentes onlye excepted then euer I did euen in mine owne natyue countrey wherein I was borne Farewel therfore Cambrydge my louyng mother and tender nurse If I shoulde not acknowlege thy manyfold benefits yea if I shold not for thy benifits at the lest loue the agayn truly I were to be counted vngrate vnkind What benyfytes hadst thou euer that thou vsest to geue bestow vpon thy best beloued childrē that thou thoughtest to good for me Thou diddest bestowe on me all thy Schole degrees of thy common offyces the Chaplaynshyppe of the vniuersity the office of the P●ortorship of a cōmon reader and of thy priuate cōmodyties emolumētes in colledges what was it that thou madest me not partner of Fyrst to be Scholer then Fellow and after my departure frō thee thou calledst me agayne to a Mastership of a right worshipful colledge I thanck thee my louing mother for all this thy kindnes and I pray God that his lawes the syncere Gospel of Christ may euer be truly taught faythfully learned in thee Farewell Pembroke hall of late mine own Colledge my cure my charge what case thou artin now God knoweth I know not well Thou wast euer named sithens I knewe thee which is nowe a .xxx. yeares agoe to be studious well learned and a greate
thus Although thy Episcopall Sea now beinge ioyned in league with the seate of Sathā thus hath now both handled me the saintes of God yet I do not doubt but in that greate City there be many priuy mourners which do dayly mourne for that mischief the which neuer did nor shall consent to that wickednesse but do detest abhorre it as the wayes of Satan But these preuy mourners here I wil passe by and bid them fare well with theyr fellowes hereafter His farewel to these mourners is in the letter nexte followyng when the place and occasion shall more conueniently require Amonge the worshipfull of the City and speciallye which were in office of the Meraltye yea and in other Citizens also whome to name now it shall not be necessary in the time of my Ministerye which was from the later parte of sir Rowland hilles yeare vnto sir George Barnes yere a great part therof I do acknowledge that I found no small humanity gētlenesse as me thought but to say the truth that I do esteme aboue al other for true christiā kīdnes which is shewed in gods cause and done for his sake Wherfore O Dobbes Dobbes Alder man knight thou in thy yere diddest win my hart for euer more for that honorable act that most blessed worke of god of the erection setting vp of Christs holy hospitales truly religions houses which by thee through thee were begon For thou like a mā of God whē the matter was moued for the reliefe of Christes poore selye members to be holpen from extreame miserye hunger and famine thy harte I say was moued with pity and as Christs highe honourable officer in that cause thou calledst together thy Brethren the Aldermen of the City before whome thou brakest the matter for the poore thou diddest pleade theyr cause yea and not only in thine own person thou diddest setforth Christs cause but to further the matter thou broughtest me into the counsell Chamber of the City before the Aldermen alone whom thou haddest assembled there together to heare me speake what I could say as an aduocate by office and duetye in the pore mens cause the Lord wrought with thee and gaue thee the consent of thy brethren wherby the matter was brought to the common counsell and so to the whole bodye of the Citye by whome withe an vniforme consente it was committed to be drawne ordered and deuysed by a certayn number of the moste wittye citizens and politique endued also wyth godlines with ready hartes to setforward such a noble act as could be chosē in all the whole city they like true faythful ministers both to their city their maister Christ so ordered deuised and brought forth the matter that thousandes of sely poore mēbers of Christ which els for extreme hunger and misery should haue famished and perished shal be relieued holpen brought vp shal haue cause to blesse the Aldermen of that time the common counsell and the whole body of the city but specially thee O Dobbes and those chosen men by whom this honorable worke of god was begon and wrought and that so long through out al ages as that godly work shal endure which I pray almighty god may be euer vnto the worldes ende Amen And thou O Sir George Barnes the truth it is to be cōfessed to gods glory and to the good example of other thou wast in thy yeare not only a furtherer and contynuer of that which before thee by thy predecessor was well begon but also diddest laboure so to haue perfyted the woorke that it should haue bene an absolute thing and a perfect spectacle of true charity and godlines vnto all christendome Thyne endeuour was to haue set vp an house of occupatiōs both that al kind of pouerty beyng able to worke should not haue lacked whervpon profytablye they myght haue bene occupied to theyr own relief and to the profyte and commodity of the commen wealth of the City and also to haue retired thithers the poore babes broughte vp in the Hospitales when they hadde come to a certayne age and strengthe and also al those which in the Hospitalles aforesayd haue bene cured of theyr diseases And to haue brought this to passe thou obteinedst not without great diligence and labor both of thee and thy brethren of that godly king Edward that christian and pierles Princes hand his princely place of Bridewell and what other things to the performance of the same and vnder what condition it is not vnknown That this thine endeuor hath not had like successe the fault is not in thee but in the conditiō state of the time which the lord of his infinit mercy vouchsafe to amende when it shal be hys grations wil pleasure Farewel now al ye Citizens that be of god of what state cōdition so euer ye be vndoubtedly in London ye haue heard Gods word truely preached My harts desire and dayly prayer shal be for you as for whom for my time I know to my lord God I am countable that ye neuer swarue neyther for losse of life nor worldly goodes from Gods holy word and yeld vnto Antichrist wherupō must nedes follow the extreme displeasure of God the losse both of youre bodies soules into perpetuall dampnation for euermore Now that I haue gone through the places where I haue dwelt any space in the time of my pilgrimage here vpō earth remembringe that for the space of kinge Ewardes raygne which was for the time of mine office in the Seas of Lōdon and Rochester I was a member of the higher house of the parliament therefore seing my God hath geuen me leysure and the remembraunce therof I will byd my Lordes of the temporalty farewell They shall haue no iust cause by Gods grace to take it that I entende to say in ill parte As for the spiritul Prelacy that now is I haue nothing to say to them except I should repeat again a great part of that I haue sayd before nowe alredye to the sea of London To you therfore my Lordes of the temporaltie wil I speake and this would I haue you fyrst to vnderstande that when I wrote this I loked dayly when I should be called to the chaunge of thys lyfe and thought that thys my wrytyng should not come to your knowlege before the time of the dissolution of my body and soule shoulde bee expired and therefore knowe ye that I had before myne eyes only the feare of God and christian charity towarde you whiche moued me to wryte for of you hereafter I looke not in this worlde either for pleasure or displeasure If my talke shall do you neuer so much pleasure or profite you cānot promote me nor if I displease you ye can not hurte me or harme me for I shall be out of youre reache Now therfore if you feare God and can be contente to heare the talk of him that seeketh nothing at your
will and pleasure make you to beleue embrace the truth Amen An other farewell to the prisoners in Christes gospels cause and to all them which for the same cause are exiled and banished out form theyr own country chosing rather to leaue al worldly commodity then theyr mayster Christ FArewel my dearly beloued brethrē in Christ both ye my fellowe prisoners ye also that be exiled banished out of your countreis because ye wyl rather forsake all worldly commodity then the gospel of Christ Farewell al ye together in Christ farewell be mery for ye know that the trial of your faith bringeth forth patience and pacience shal make vs perfect whole and sound on euery syde and such after trial ye know shal receiue the crown of life according to the promise of the lord made to his derely beloued let vs therfore be pacient vnto the comminge of the Lorde Iacob 5 As the husbandman abideth paciently the former and latter raine for the encrease of his croppe so let vs bee patiente and plucke vp our hartes for the comminge of the lord approcheth apace Let vs my deare brethren take example of patience in tribulation of the Prophetes which spake lykewise Gods worde truelye in his name Let Iob be to vs an example of patience and the end which the Lord suffered 1. Pet. 1. which is full of mercy and pity We know my brethren by gods word that our fayth is much more precious then anye corruptible golde and yet that is tried by the fyre euen so our fayth is therfore tried likewise in tribulations that it may be found when the Lord shall appeare laudable glorious and honorable 1. Pet. 2. For if we for Christes cause doe suffer that is gratefull before God for thervnto are we called that is our state and vocation wherwith let vs be contēt Christ we knowe suffred for vs afflictions leuinge vs an example that we shoulde folowe his fotesteppes for he committed no sinne nor was there anye guile founde in hys mouth when he was rayled vpon and al to reuiled rayled not again whē he was euill intreated he did not threaten but committed the punishment therof to hym that iudgeth a right Let vs euer haue in fresh remembrance those wonderfull comfortable sentences spoken by the mouth of our sauioure Christ blessed are they whiche suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theyrs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are ye when men reuile you Math. 5 persecute you and speake all euell againste you for my sake reioyse and bee gladde for great is you reward in heauen for so did they persecute the prophetes which were before you Therefore let vs alwaye beare this in our minds that if any incommodity do chaūce vnto vs for rightousnes sake happy are we whatsoeuer the world doth think of vs. Luke 21. Christ our maister hath told vs before hand that the brother should put the brother to death the father the sonne and the children should rise against their parentes and kill them that Christs true Apostles should be hated of all men for his names sake but he that shal abide patiētly vnto th end shal be saued Let vs thē endure in al trobles paciētly after the exāple of our maister Christ be cōtēted therw t for he suffred being our maister lord how doth it not thē become vs to suffer Luke 6. For the disciple is not aboue hys maister nor the seruant aboue hys lord It may suffice the disciple to be as his maister and the seruaunte to be as his lord If they haue called the father of the family Math. 10. the maister of the household Belzebub how muche more shall they call so thē of hys household Feare thē not then sayth our sauiour for all priuities shal be made playne there is now nothyng secrete but it shall be shewed in light Of Christes woordes let vs neyther be ashamed nor afrayde to speake them for so Christ our maister commaūdeth vs saieng that I tell you priuily speake openly abroad and that I tel you in your eare preach it vpon the house top And feare not thē which kyll the body for the soule they can not kill but feare him which can cast both body and soule into hel fire Know ye that the heauenly father hathe euer a gratious eye and respecte towarde you and a fatherlye prouidence for you so that withoute his knowledge and permission nothyng can do you harme Let vs therfore cast al our care vpō him and he shall prouyde that which shall be best for vs. For if of ij small sparowes which both are sold for a mite one of them lighteth not on the ground without your father and all the heares of oure head are numbred Math. 10. feare not then sayth oure Maister Christ for ye are more worth then many smal sparowes And let vs not sticke to confesse our maister Christe for feare of daunger whatsoeuer it shal be remembryng the promise that Christe maketh sayeng whosoeuer shall confesse me before men him shall I confesse before my father which is in heauen but whosoeuer shall deny me him shall I lykewyse deny before my father which is in heauē Christ came not to geue vnto vs heare a carnall amity a worldly peace or to knitte hys vnto the world in ease peace but rather to separate deuide thē frō the worlde to ioyn thē vnto hymself in whose cause we must if we wil be his forsake father and mother and stycke vnto hym If we forsake him or shrinke from him for trouble or deathes sake which he calleth hys crosse he wyll none of vs we cannot be hys If for hys cause we shall loose oure temporall lyues here we shall fynde them agayne and enioye them for euermore but if in hys cause we wyll not bee contented to leaue nor lose them here then shall we lose them so that we shall neuer fynd them again but in euerlasting death What though our troubles here be painfull for the tyme and the sting of death bitter vnpleasaunt yet we know that they shal not laste in comparison of eternitye no not the twincklyng of an eie and that they pacientlye taken in Christes cause shall procure and get vs vnmeasurable heapes of heauenly glory 2. Cor 4. vnto the whiche these temporal paynes of death and troubles compared 1. Pet. 4. are not to be estemed but to be reioysed vpon Wonder not saith S. Peter as thoughe it were anye straunge matter that ye are tryed by the fire he meaneth of tribulation whiche thyng sayeth he is done to proue you Nay rather in that ye are parteners of Christs afflictions reioyce that in hys glorious reuelaciō ye may reioice with mery hartes If ye suffer rebukes in Christes name happye are ye for the glory and spirite of god resteth vpon you Ol them God is reuiled and dishonored but of you he is glorifyed Let no man
be ashamed of that he suffreth as a christian in Christs cause for now is the time that iudgement and correctiō must begin at the house of god and if it begin first at vs what shal be the end of those thinke ye which beleue not the gospell And if the righteous shal be hardly saued the wicked and the sinner wher shal he appeare Wherfore they which are afflicted accordyng to the wil of god let them lay down and commit their soules to hym by wel doyng as to a trusty and faithful maker This as I said may not seme straunge to vs for we know that all the whole fraternity of christes congregatiō in this world is serued with the like by the same is made perfect For the feruēt loue that the apostles had vnto their maister Christe and for the great cōmodities increase of all godlines which they felt by theyr faith to ensue of afflictiōs in Christs cause thirdly for the heapes of heauenly ioyes which the same doe get vnto the godly which shal indure in heauen for euermore for these causes I say the apostles of theyr afflictions did ioy and reioiced in that they were had and accompted worthy to suffer cōtumelies and rebukes for christes name And Paule as he gloried in the grace and fauour of god whereunto he was brought and stode in by faith so he reioyced in his afflictions for the heauenly and spiritual profits which he numbreth to ryse vpon them yea he was so farre in loue with that that the carnal man lotheth so much 1. Cor. 2. that is with Christes crosse that he iudged himself to know nothing els but Christ crucified be wil glory he saith in nothyng elses but in Christes crosse yea he blesseth all those as the only true Israelits and elect people of god with peace and mercye which walketh after that rule and after none other O Lord what a wonderfull spirit was that that made Paule in setting forth of himself against the vanity of Satans Pseu dopostels and in hys clayme there that he in Christes cause dyd excel passe thē al 2. Cor. 11 what wonderful Spirit was that I say that made him to recken vp al his troubles his labors his beatīgs his whippings scourgings his shipwracks his daūgers and perils by water and by land his famyne hunger nakednes and cold with many moe and the daily care of all the congregations of Christ among whom euery mans paine did pearce his heart and euery mans griefe was greuous vnto him O Lord is this Paules Primacy wherof he thought so much good that he did excel other Is not this Paules saying vnto Timothy hys own scholler 2. Timo. 2 doth it not pertaine to whosoeuer will be Christes true souldiours beare thou saith he the afflictiōs like a good souldiour of Iesu Christ This is true if we die with him he meaneth Christ we shall liue with him if we suffer with him we shal raign with hym if we deny him he shall denye vs if we be faithlesse he remayneth faythefull he cannot denye himselfe Thys Paule woulde haue knowen to euerye body for there is none other waye to heauen 2. Tim. 3 but Christ and hys waye and all that wyll lyue godlye in Christe shall sayeth Sayncte Paule suffer persecution By thys way went to heauen the Patryarckes the Prophetes Christ our maister hys Apostels hys Martyrs al the godly since the beginnyng And as it hath ben of old that he which was born after the flesh Gal. 4 persecuteth hym whych was borne after the spirit for so it was in Isaackes tyme so sayd Saynt Paule it was in hys tyme also And whether it be so or no nowe lette the Spyrytuall man the selfe same man I meane that is indued wyth the Spirite of almighty God let hym bee Iudge Of the crosse of the Patryarckes as ye may read in their stories if ye reade the booke of Genesis ye shall perceyue Of other Saint Paule in few words comprehendeth much matter speakyng in a generalitie of the wonderful afflictions death and tormentes whiche the men of God in gods cause and for the truth sake willingly and gladly dyd suffer Heb. 11. After much perticuler rehersal of many he saith other wer racked and despised would not be deliuered that thei might obtayne a better resurrection Other againe were tryed with mockinges and scourgings and moreouer with bondes and imprisonment they were stoned hewen a sunder tempted fel and were slain vpon the edge of the sword some wandred to and fro in shepes pilches in goates pylches forsaken oppressed afflicted such godly mē as the world was vnworthy of wandryng in wildernes in mountains in caues and in dennes and all these were commended for their faith And yet they abide for vs the seruaunts of god for those theyr brethren which are to be slayn as they wer for the worde of gods sake that none be shut oute but that we may all go together to meete oure maister Christe in the ayre at his commyng and so to be in blisse with hym in body and in soule for euermore Therefore seyng we haue so muche occasion to suffer and to take afflictions for Christes names sake pacientlye so many commodities thereby so waightye causes so manye good examples so greate necessitye so sure promises of eternall life and heauenlye ioyes of hym that cannot lie Let vs throwe away whatsoeuer might let vs all burden of synne and all kynde of carnalitie and patiently and constantly let vs ronne for the beste game in thys race that is set before vs euer hauyng our eyes vpon Iesus Christ the ryngleader Heb. 12. capitain and perfiter of our fayth which for the ioy that was set before him endured the crosse not passyng vpon the ignomy shame therof and is set now at the right hand of the throne of god Consider this that he suffred such strife of synners against hym selfe that ye shoulde not geue ouer nor fainte in your myndes As yet brethren we haue notwithstande vnto death fyghtyng against synne Let vs neuer forget deare brethren for Christes sake that fatherly exhortatiō of the wyse that speaketh vnto vs as vnto hys children the godly wisdome of god saying thus my sonne despise not the correction of the Lord nor fall not from hym when thou art rebuked of hym for whom the Lorde loueth hym doth he correcte and scourgeth euery childe whome he receyueth what chylde is he whome the father doth not chasten If ye be free from chastisement whereof all are partakers then are ye bastardes and no children Seyng then when as we haue had carnal parents which chastened vs we we reuerenced them shall not we much more be subiect vnto oure spirituall father that we myght lyue And they for a little tyme taught vs after theyr owne mynd but this father teacheth vs to our commoditye Heb. 12. to geue vnto vs hys holines Al chastisement for
the present tyme appeareth not pleasaunt but payneful but afterward it rendreth the fruit of ryghtuousnes on them whiche are exercised in it Wherfore let vs be of good chere good brethren and let vs pluck vp our feble members that were fallen or began to fainte harte handes knees and all the rest and let vs walke vprighte and straighte that no lymping nor haultyng bryng vs out of the way Let vs looke not vpon the thinges that be presente but with the eyes of our fayth let vs stedfastlye beholde the thynges that bee euerlastyng in heauen and so choose rather in respect of that which is to come with the chosen members of Christ to beare christes crosse then for this short life time to enioy all the riches honors and pleasures of the broad world Why shoulde we christians ferre death Can death depryue vs of Christ which is all our comforte our ioye and our lyfe Nay forsothe But contrary deathe shall delyuer vs from thys mortall bodye whyche lodeth and beareth downe the Spirite 2. Cor 5. that it can not so well perceyue heauenly thinges in the whiche so long as we dwell we are absent from God Wherfore vnderstandyng oure state in that we be christians that yf our mortall bodye whiche is oure earthlye house were destroyed we haue a building 2. Cor. 5 a house not made wyth handes but euerlastyng in heauen c therefore we are of good cheare and knowe that when we are in the bodye we are absente from God for we walke by faythe and not by cleare syghte Neuerthelesse we are bolde and hadde rather be absent from the bodye and presente wyth God wherfore we stryue whether we be presente at home or absent abroad that we may always please hym And who that hath true faith in our sauiour Christ whereby he knoweth somewhat truly what Christ our Sauiour is that he is the eternal sonne of God lyfe lyght the wisdome of the father all goodnes al rightuousnesse and whatsoeuer is good that hart can desire yea infinite plēty of al these aboue that that mans hart can eyther conceyue or thynke for in him dwelleth the fulnesse of the godhead corporally and also that he is geuen vs of the father and made of God to be our wisdome 1. Cor. 1. our rightuousnes our holines and our redemptiō who I say is he that beleueth this in dede that would not gladly be with his maister Christ Phili. 1. Paule for this knowlege coueted to haue bene losed from the body and to haue bene with Christ for that be counted it much better for himselfe had rather to be losed than to liue Therfore these wordes of Christ to the thiefe on the crosse that asked of him mercy were full of comfort and solace this daye thou shalt be with me in paradise Luke 23. To dye in the defence of Christes gospell it is oure bounded duety to Christ and also to our neyghbor To Christ Rom. 9 1. Iohn 3. for he died for vs rose again the he might be lord ouer all And seyng he dyed for vs we also saieth S. Iohn shoulde ieopard yea geue our lyfe for our bretherne And this kynd of geuyng and losyng is gettyng and wynnyng in deede for he that geueth or loseth his lyfe thus getteth and wynneth it for euermore Apo. 14. Blessed are they therfore that die in the lorde and if they die in the Lordes cause they are most happy of all Let vs not then feare death which can do vs no harme otherwise than for a momēt to make the flesh to smart but that our faith which is surely fastened and fyxed vnto the worde of god telleth vs that we shall be anone after death in peace in the handes of god in ioy in solace and that from the death we shall go straight vnto life For S. Iohn saith Iohn 11. Iohn 5 he that liueth beleueth in me shal neuer dye And in an other place he shall depart from death vnto life And therfore this death of the christian is not to be called death but rather a gate or entraunce into euerlastynge life Therfore Paule calleth it but a dissolution and resolution and both Peter and Paule 2. Pet. 1. 2. Cor. 5 a puttyng of of this Tabernacle or dwelhouse meanyng thereby the mortal body as wherin the soule or spirit doth dwell here in thys world for a smal time Yea this death may be called to the christian an ende of all miseries For so long as we liue here Actes 14. we must passe through manye tribulations before we can enter into the kyngdome of heauen And now after that death hath shot hys bolt al the christian mans enemies haue done what they can and after that they haue no more to do What coulde hurte or harme poore Lazarus that lay at the ryche mans gate hys former penury and pouerty hys miserable beggerye and horryble sores and sycknes For so soone as deathe had stricken hym with his dart so sone came the angels Luke 16. caried him straight vp into Abrahams bosome What loste he by death who frō misery payne is set by the ministery of Aungels in a place both of ioye and solace Farewell deare brethren farewel and let vs comfort our hartes in all troubles and in death with the word of God for heauen and earth shall perishe but the word of the lorde endureth for euer Farewel christes dearely beloued spouse here wandring in this worlde as in a straunge land farre from thyn own countrey and compassed about on euery hande with deadly enemies which cease not to assaulte thee euer seekyng thy destruction Farewell farewell O ye the whole and vniuersall congregation of the chosen of god here lyuyng vpon earth the true churche militant of Christ the true mysticall bodye of Christ the very household and family of god and the sacred temple of the holy ghost Farewell Farewel O thou little flocke of the hygh heauenly pastor Christ Luke 12 for to thee it hath pleased the heauēly father to geue an euerlastyng and eternall kyngdome Farewell Farewell thou spirituall house of god thou holy and roi all priesthode thou chosen generation thou holye nation thou wonne spouse Fare wel Farewell N. R. ¶ This that followeth which he further wrote concerning his cruell handlyng in the scholes at Oxford also of the condēnation of him O. Cranmer M. Latymer c we would not here omitte though in order in should before haue bene placed next after the preface to his disputation Folio 78. KNow gentle Reader that maister Prollocutour dyd promyse me in the disputations publikely that I should see myne aunswers how they were collected and gathered of the Notaries and that I should haue licence to adde or diminishe to alter or chaunge afterwarde as I should thynke best would make for me to the aunsweryng of the propositions He promised moreouer publikely that I shoulde haue both tyme and
true honoryng of God also that can shew you the descente of Christes church from the begynning of it vntyll thys daye that ye maye perceaue by the lyfe of your forefathers these two thynges the one that Chrystes woorde whych sayde that al hys must suffer persecutiō and trouble in the world be true the other that none of all hys before our time escaped trouble then shall ye perceiue that it is but a folly for one that professeth Christe trulye to looke for the loue of the worlde Thus shall ye learne to beare trouble and to exercise youre religion and feele in deede that Chrystes woordes be true in the worlde ye shall suffer persecution Iohn 16 And when ye feele your religion in deede saye yee be no better then youre forefathers but be gladde that ye maye be counted worthye souldioures for thys warre and praye to God when ye come together that he wyll vse and order you and youre doyinges to these thre endes whyche ye muste take heede of the fyrste that ye gloryfye God the nexte that ye edifye the churche and congregation the thyrde that ye profyte your owne soules In all youre doynges beware ye be not deceaued For although thys tyme be not yet bloodye and tyrannous as the time of oure forfathers that coulde not beare the name of Christe wythout daunger of lyfe and goodes yet is oure tyme more perellous both for bodye and soule Therefore of vs Chryst sayde Luke 18. thinke ye when the sonne of manne commeth he shall fynde anye fayth vpon earth He sayde not thynke ye he shal fynde anye man or woman chrystened and in name a christian but he spake of the faythe that saueth the christian man in Chryst and doubtles the scarsitye of faith is now more and wyll I feare increase then it was in the time of the greatest Tyrannes that euer were and no maruell whye Reade yee the syxte chapter of Saynte Iohns Reuelation and ye shall perceyue amonges other thynges that at the opening of the fourthe seale came out a pale horse and he that satte vppon hym was called deathe and hell followed hym Thys horse is the time wherein hypocrites and dissemblers entred into the Churche vnder the precente of true religion as monkers Friers Nonnes massynge priestes wyth suche other that haue killed moe soules wythe heresyes and superstystitiō thē al the Tyrānes that euer were killed bodies with fyre sword or banishement as it appereth by hys name that sitteth vpon the horse who is called death for all soules that leaue Christ and trust to these hipocrytes lyue to the diuil in euerlasting payne as is declared by him that followeth the pale horse which is hel These pretēsed and pale hypocrites haue stirred the earthquakes that is to witte the princes of the world agaynst Christes church and haue also darkned the sonne and made the moone bloody and haue caused the starres to fall from heauen that is to saye haue darkned wyth mistes and daylye doe darken as ye heare by they re sermons the cleare sonne of Gods moste pure woorde the moone whiche be Gods true preachers whiche fetche onelye lyghte at the sonne of Gods woorde are turned into blood prisons and chaines that theyr light can not shine vnto the world as they would Wherupō it cōmeth to passe that the stars that is to say Christian people fal frō heauen that is to witte from Gods moste true word to hypocrisye most deuelyshe superstition and idolatrye Let some learned man shew you al the articles of your belief and monuments of Christian fayth from the time of Christe hetherto and ye shall perceiue that there was neuer mention of such articles as these hypocrites teache God blesse you and praye for me as I do for you Out of the Flete by your brother in Christe Iohn Hoper To all my deare brethren my relieuers and helpers in the City of London THe grace of God bee with you Amen I haue receaued from you dearelye beloued in our sauioure Iesus Christe by the hands of my seruant william Downton your liberality for the which I do most hartly thank you and I prayse god hyghly in you and for you who hathe moued youre heartes to showe this kindnes towardes me prayinge hym to preserue you from all famyne scarcity and lacke of the truth of hys word which is the liuely foode of your soules as you preserue my body from hunger and other necessities which should happē vnto me were it not cared for by the beneuolence and charity of godly people Suche as haue taken all worldlye gooddes and landes from me and spoyled me of all that I had haue emprisoned my bodye and appoynted no one halfepeny to feede or to relieue me wythall But I doe forgeue them and praye for them daylye in my poore prayer vnto God and from my hearte I wyshe their saluation and quietlye and pacientlye beare theyr iniuries wyshyng no farther extremity to bee vsed towardes vs. Yet yf it seeme contrary beste vnto oure heauenlye father I haue made my reckenyng and fullye resolued my selfe to suffer the vttermost that they are able to do against me yea death it selfe by the ayde of Christ Iesu who dyed the moste vyle deathe of the crosse for vs wretches and myserable synners But of thys I am assured that the wycked world with all his force and power shall not touche one of the heares of our heades wythout leaue ad lycence of oure heauenly father whose wyll be done in al thynges If he wyll lyfe lyfe bee it if he wyll deathe deathe be it Onelye we praye that oure wylles maye bee subiecte vnto hys wyll and then althoughe bothe we and all the worlde see none other thynge but deathe yet yf he thynke lyfe best we shall not dye no althoughe the sword be drawen oute ouer oure heades as Abraham thoughte to kyll his sonne Isaac yet when god perceaued that Abraham had surrendred hys wyll to Gods wyll and was contente to kill hys sonne god then saued hys sonne Dearely beloued if we be contented to obeye gods wyll and for hys commaundementes sake to surrender oure goodes and our selues to be at his pleasure it maketh no mater whether we kepe goods and lyfe or loose them Nothing can hurte vs that is taken from vs for Gods cause nor nothyng can at length doe vs good that is preserued contrary vnto Gods commaundemente Lette vs wholye suffer God to vse vs and ours after hys holye wysedome and beware we neyther vse nor gouerne oure selues contrarye to hys wyll by oure owne wisedome for yf we doe oure wisdome wyll at lengthe proue folishnes It is kept to no good purpose that we kepe contrarye vnto his commaundementes It can by no meanes be takē from vs that he would should tary with vs. He is no good christian that ruleth hym selfe and his as worldlye meanes serueth for he that so doth shall haue as many chaunges as chaunceth in the world To daye wyth the
worlde he shall lyke and prayse the truthe of GOD to morowe as the worlde wyll so wyll he lyke and prayse the falshode of manne to daye wyth Chryste and to morowe wyth Antichriste Wherefore deare brethren as touchynge youre behauoure towardes God vse both youre inwarde spirytes and youre outewarde bodyes youre inwarde and youre outwarde man I saye not after the meanes of menne but after the infallible woorde of God Refrayne from euyll in bothe and glorify your heauenlye father in both For yf ye thynke ye can inwardly in the hart serue hym and yet outwardlye serue wyth the worlde in externall seruyce the thyng that is not GOD ye deceaue youre selues for bothe the bodye and the soule muste together concurre in the honoure of God as Saynte Paule playnlye teacheth 1. Cor 6. For if an honeste wife be bounde to geue both hart and body to fayth and seruice in mariage and if an honest wiues fayth in the hart cannot stande with an whorysh or defiled body outwardlye muche lesse can the true faythe of a christian in the seruice of christianitye stande with the bodely seruice of externall idolatry for the mystery of mariage is not so honorable betwene man and wyfe as it is betwene Chryste and euery Christian man as Saynte Paule sayeth Therfore deare brethren praye to the heauenlye father that as he spared not the soule nor the bodye of hys dearelye beloued sonne but applyed bothe of them with extreame payne to worke our saluation both of bodye and soule so he wyll gyue vs all grace to applye our bodies and soules to be seruantes vnto him for doubtles he requyreth aswell the one as the other and cannot be miscontented with one and well pleased with the other Eyther he hateth both or loueth both he deuideth not his loue to one and hys hatred to the other Let not vs therefore good brethren deuide our selues and saye oure soules serue hym whatsoeuer our bodies do to the contrarye for ciuile order and pollicie But alas I knowe by my self what troubleth you that is the great daunger of the world that wil reuenge ye thinke youre seruice to God wythe swoorde and fyre wythe losse of goodes and landes But deare bretherne waye of the other syde that your enemies and Gods enemies shal not do asmuch as they would but asmuch as God shal suffer them who can trappe them in their owne counsels and destroye them in the middes of theyr furies Remember ye bee the workmen of the Lord and called into his vineyard there to labour till euening tyde that ye may receyue youre peny Math. 20. which is more worth then all the kinges of the earth But he that calleth vs into hys vyneyard hath not tolde vs how sore or how feruently the sonne shall trouble vs in our labour but hath bidde vs laboure and committe the bytternesse therof vnto hym who can and will so moderate all afflictions that no man shall haue more layd vpon hym then in Christ he shal be able to beare vnto whose mercifull tuitiō and defence I commend both your soules and your bodeis 2. September 1554. Yours with my poore prayer Iohn Hooper An aunswere of a letter wherby he was aduertised of a godly company to the number of thirty taken at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyarde and caried to prison THe grace of God be with you Amen I perceaued by youre letter howe that vppon new yeares daye at nyghte there were taken a godlye companye of Christians whilest they were praying I do reioice in that men can be so well occupied in this perillous time and flye vnto God for remedy by prayer as wel for their own lackes and necessities as also charitably to pray for thē that persecute them So doth the worde of God commaunde all men to pray charitablye for those that hate them and not to reuile any maiestrate with words or to meane him euyll by force and violence They also maye reioyce that in well doynge they were taken to the prisō Wherfore I haue thought it good to send them this little wrytyng of cosolation prayng god to send them patience charity and constancye in the truth of hys most holy word Thus fare you wel and praye to God to send his true worde into this realme agayne amongst vs which the vngodly bishops haue now banished 4. Ianuary 1554. ¶ To the godly and faithfull company of prisoners in both the Counters which were taken together at prayer in a house in Bowchurchyard THe grace fauour consolation and ayde of the holy gost be with you now and euer so be it Dearely deloued in the Lord euer sythens your imprisonment I haue ben maruelously moued with great affections and passiōs as wel of mirth and gladnes as of heauines and sorow Of gladnes in this that I perceiued how ye be bent and geuen to prayer and inuocation of gods helpe in these darke and wicked procedings of men against gods glory I haue bene sory to perceiue the malice and wickednes of mē to be so cruell diuelish and tyrannical to persecute the people of god for seruyng of god for saying and hearyng of the holy psalmes and the word of eternall life These cruell doings do declare that the papists church is more bloody and tyrannical then euer was the sword of the Ethnickes gentiles When I heard of your takyng and what ye were doing wherfore and by whome ye were taken I remembred how the christians in the primitiue church were vsed by the cruelty of vnchristened heathens in the tyme of Traiane the emperour about 77 yeres after Christes ascension into heauen The christians were persecuted very sore as thoughe they had bene traitors mouers of sedition Wherupon the gentile emperour Traiane required to know the true cause of christian mens trouble A great learned man called Plinius secundus wrote vnto him and saide it was because the christians said certaine psalmes before daye vnto one called Christ whom they worshipped for god When Traiane the emperour vnderstode it was for nothyng but for conscince and religion he caused by his cōmaundements euery wher that no man should be persecuted for seruyng of god Lo a gentile and heathen man would not haue such as were of a contrary religion punished for seruing of god But the pope and his church haue cast you into prison beyng taken euen in doyng the worke of god and one of the moste excellente workes that is required of christian men that is to witte whiles ye were in prayer not in such wicked and superstitious prayer as the papistes vse but in the same prayer that Christ hath taught you to pray and in his name onely ye gaue god thankes for that ye haue receaued and for hys sake ye asked for such things as ye want O glad maye ye be that euer ye were born Math. 5 to be apprehēded whilest ye were so vertuously occupied Blessed be they that suffer for righteousnes sake For if god had
learned and wyse It is better to make answer before the pompe and pryde of wycked men then to stande naked in the syght of all heauen and earth before the iuste God at the latter daye I shal dye then by the handes of the cruell man he is blessed that looseth this life full of mortall miseries and fyndeth the lyfe full of eternal ioyes It is a griefe to depart from goods and frendes but yet not so much as to depart from grace and heauen it self Wherefore there is neither felicitye nor aduersitie of this world that can appeare to be greate if it be wayed with the ioyes or paynes in the worlde to come I can doe no more but praye for you doe the same for me for Gods sake For my parte I thanke the heauenly father I haue made myne accoūptes appointed my selfe vnto the wil of the heauenly father as he will so I will by his grace For gods sake as soone as ye can sende my poore wyfe and chyldren some letter from you and my letter also whiche I sente of late to Downton As it is tolde me she had neuer letter from me sith the comming of master S vnto her the more to blame the messengers for I haue written diuers times The lord comfort them and prouyde for them for I am able to do no thyng in worldly thinges She is a godly and wise womā if my meanynges had bene accomplished she should haue had necessary thinges but that I meant god can performe to whome I commend both her and you all I am a precious iewell now and deintely kepte neuer so deintely for neither mine own mā nor any of the seruaunts of the house may come at me but my keper alone a simple rude mā god knoweth But I am nothing careful thereof 21. Ianu. 1554. Yours bounden Iohn Hooper An other letter to certaine godly parsons wrytten to the same effecte THe grace of god be with you Amen I doe geue our heauenly father thankes that moueth you to remēber your afflicted brethern and I do as I am bound pray for you that wyth your remembraunce of me ye prouide helpe succour me with such goods as god doth endue you withall Doubtlesse yf euer wretch vyle synner was bounde vnto God I am most specially bound for these tenne monethes almost euer synce my imprisonmente I haue had no lyuyng nor goods to sustayne my self wythall yet such hath bene the fauoure of our heauenly father that I haue had sufficient to eate and drynke and the same payed for Seyng he is so mercifull and carefull for my synful body I doubt not but he hath more care of my wretched soule so that in bothe I may serue his maiesty and be a liuely and profitalbe mēber of hys poore afflicted church I do not care what extremity this world shal worke or deuise praying you in the bowels of hym that shedde his precious bloode for you to remember and folow the knowlege ye haue learned of his truthe Be not ashamed nor afrayde to follow hym beware of this sentence that it take no place in you Luke 9 no man sayeth Christ that putteth hys hand to the ploughe and looketh backewarde is meete for the kyngdome of God Remember that Chryste wylled hym that would builde a Tower to sytte downe fyrst and loke whether he were able to performe it leaste he should begin and leaue of in the myddest and so be mocked of hys neyghbors and lose therwythall asmuche as he bestowed Luke 14 Christe tolde suche as woulde builde in hym eternall lyfe what the price thereof was euen at the begynnyng of hys doctryne and sayde they shoulde be persecuted Math. 10. Also they shoulde sometyme paye and bestowe both goodes and landes before the Tower of saluation woulde be builded Seyng the pryce of truthe in religion hathe bene alwayes the displeasure and persecution of the worlde let vs beare it and Christ wil recompence the charges aboundantly Yt is no losse to lacke the loue of the worlde and to fynde the loue of God nor no harme to suffer the losse of worldly thinges and fynde eternall lyfe Yf man hate and god loue man kyll the body and god bryng both body and soule to eternall lyfe the exchange is good and profitable For the loue of God vse synglenes towardes hym beware of this folyshe and disceytfull collusion to thynke a man may serue god in spirite secretly to his conscience althoughe outwardly with his bodye and bodelye presence he cleaue for ciuyl order to such rytes and ceremonies as nowe be vsed contrarye to god and hys worde Be assured that whatsoeuer he be that geueth thys counsayle shal be before God hable to doe you no more profytte then the fygge leaues dyd vnto Adam 1. Cor. 6. Glorifye GOD bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are gods Take heede of that commaundement no man is able to dispense wyth it Such as be yet cleare and haue not bene presente at the wicked masse and idolatrous seruice let thē pray to god to stande fast such as for weakenes and feare haue bene at it repente and desyre god of forgeuenes and doubtles he wyll haue mercy vppon you It is a feareful thynge that many doe not a lonelye thus dissemble wyth God but also excuse and defende the dissimulation beware of that dere brethern for it is a sore matter to delite in euil things Prouer. 2 Let vs acknowledge and bewayle oure euyl then god shal sende grace to amend vs and strength better to beare his crosse I doubt not but ye wyll iudge of my wrytyng as I meane towardes you in my hearte which is doubtles your eternall saluation in Christe Iesus to whome I hartelye commende you 14. Iune 1554. To a merchaunte of London by whose meanes he had receyued much comfort in his greate necessity in the Fleete where how cruelly he was handled you shall see in the letter nexte followyng THe grace of god be with you Amen I thanke god and you for the great helpe and consolation I haue receiued in that tyme of aduersity by your charitable meanes but most reioice that you be not altered from truth although falshod truelly seketh to distayne her Iudge not my brother truth by outward appearance for truthe now worse appeareth more vily is reiected thē falshod Leaue the outward shew see by the word of god what truth is accept truth dislike her not though man call her falshode As it is now so hath it ben heretofore the truth reiected falshod receiued Suche as haue professed truthe for truthe haue smarted and the frendes of falsehode laughed them to scorne The tryall of both hath ben by contrary successe the one hauyng the cōmendation of truth by mā but the cōdemnatiō of falshode by god florishing for a time with endles destruction the other afflicted a litle season with immortal ioyes Wherfore dere brother aske demaūd of your
faythe and firme hope of eternall life dearely beloued whiche of long tyme ye haue learned and throughlye perswaded your selues in by the truth vnfallible veritye of the heauenlye worde sealed with christes most precious blood is verye sore and daungerouslye assaulted and by all meanes possible attempted to be taken from you that ye should haue no longer credit to gods truth but beleue mās lies nor haue you saluation by Christe that once died and offred himself for sinne once for al but that ye should beleue now your saluation in Christ to be manye times offered by wicked men euery day in the abhominable masse to the vtter conculcation and defacing of christes death as the wicked pope and his adherents would perswade you not as Christ your sauiour hath taught you But this sodaine and miserable chaunge from the truth vnto falshode from god Christ to the deuil and Antichrist doubtles cōmeth of god for our manifold synnes towardes the heauenly father our shephard that taught vs a long time with his blessed word and we were neither thankefull for it nor yet put our trust in hym as in one that onely could saue and defend his own word but we thought in our folishnes that the world was so much and so many wayes with the word of God that euen by mannes strength it myght haue ben defended wheras the truth of gods word is permanent and neuer fayleth saying Ieremy 17 Psal 30 cursed be they that make flesh their defence shield For as king Dauid when god had broughte him to possesse hys kyngdome peaceably sayde like a foole as he was I shall neuer be more vnquieted but yet the Lord turned his face from hym and he found straight way such an alteration as he neuer founde before with increase of newe daungers more troublous then euer he had before euen likewise whē god had geuen vs a blessed and holy king and such maiestrates although they were synners as wished the glorye of god onely to be preferred by true doctrine we lyke carnall men thought our selues so sure and so stablished that it had not bene possible to haue sene such a pitious and myserable chaunge and the truth of gods word so oppressed as we see at this present daye But we be most worthely punished euen the same wayes that we haue offended We dyd put our trust in fleshe and where as Gods spirite in fleshe dwelled as in our holy blessed kyng Edward the sixte he is now dead in the flesh and his holy soule resteth with the heauenly father in ioyes for euer he is nowe I saye taken from vs and cannot helpe vs such as in his tyme seemed much to fauour the glory of god are become gods enemies can both hear other to proced against the glory of god also set fort the same thēselues as much as thei may so that such spirituall and godly persons as sought in the flesh gods glory are taken from vs or els in such case as they can doe vs no good And such fleshe as folowed and loued God in the sighte of the worlde and had great vauntage by hys word are become his very enemies and not only his but also enemies to hys members But yet as kyng Dauyd knew his folish foly and with repentaunce repented and found grace so it may please god to geue vs of his grace holy spirit to amend our faultes in the lyke offence and helpe vs as he did him But doubtles great is our iniquity For there was neuer so great abhomination redde of and so quickly to preuaile as this abhomination of the wicked masse hathe preuailed in Englande And all Christen men knowe that the Turkes and heathen neither haue nor yet had euer any so sensibly knowen and manifest an Idoll Wherfore Vpon this psalme as vpon dyuers other he wrote a godly most comfortable treatise whe● unto he annexed this letter as a preface that almighty god of his mercye may preserue his people in this noble City of London I haue write vpon the 23. psal of king Dauid to aduertise men howe they shal beware of heresies and false doctrine and so to lyue to his honour and glorye Albeit I knowe dearely beloued that all those whiche seeke Godes honour and the furtheraunce of his gospel bee accompted the Quenes enemies although we daily pray for her grace and neuer thynke her harme but we must content to suffer slaunder patiētly to beare al such iniuries Neuertheles this is out of doubt that the Quenes highnes hathe no aucthoritye to compell any man to beleue any thyng contrary to gods worde neyther may the subiecte geue her grace that obedience in case he do his soule is lost for euer Our bodies goods and liues be at her highnes commaundement and she shall haue thē as of true subiects but the soule of man for religiō is bound to none but vnto god and hys holy word To a certayne godly woman instructing her how she should behaue her selfe in the time of her widowhode THe grace of god and the comfort of his holy spirit be with you and with all them that vnfainedly loue his holy gospell Amen I thanke you deare sister for yor most louing remembraunce and althoughe I can not recompence the same yet doe I wishe with all my hart that god would doe it requiring you not to forget your duty towardes god in these perilous days in the which the Lorde wyll trye vs. I truste you doe increase by readyng of the Scriptures the knowledge you haue of God and that you diligently applye your selfe to folowe the same for the knowledge helpeth not excepte the lyfe be accordyng there vnto Further I do hartely praye you to consider the state of your widowhode and if God shall put in your mynde to chaunge it remember the sayeng of Saint Paule 1. Corinthians 7 it is lawfull for the widow or mayden to mary to whom they list so it be in the lord that is to say to such a one as is of Christes religion Dearely beloued in Christ remember these wordes for you shal fynd therby great ioy and comfort if you chaunge your state Whereof I will when I haue better leysure as now I haue none at all further aduertise you In the meane time I commende you to God and the guidyng of hys good spirite who stablyshe and confirme you in all well doyng and keepe you blameles to the daye of the Lorde Watche and praye for this day is at hand Yours assured in Christ Ioh Hoper An aunswer to a frende of his for a woman that was troubled with her husband in matters of religion how she should behaue her selfe towardes him THe grace and peace of God our deare father throughe Iesus Christe oure Lord Amen As concerning the party whom you wrote vnto me of I haue here sent you mine aduise and what I thynke is beste in this case to be done Fyrste she shall
remember the counsell of S. Paule 1. Cor. 7. where he speaketh to suche as be coupled in matrimoy and be of two sundry and diuers religions If the vnbeleuinge man will dwell with the faythfull woman the wife cannot forsake him Or in case the vnbeleuing woman wil dwell with her beleuing husband the husband cannot forsake her But if the vnbeleuing party whether it be husband or wife will departe the beleuing partye is at libertye Now in this time to beleue that the priest can make God or to beleue that which was not God yesterday can be both God and man to daye so to honor that which was but very bread yesterdaye for the true God that made both heauen and earth and al that be in them and for the body and soule of Christe that suffred for oure redemption and toke from vs our sinnes vpon the crosse is very idolatry to be committed of no christian man for the payne of it with out repentance is euerlasting dampnation In matrimonie it is mete therefore that which partye so euer be perswaded knoweth the truth be it the husband or the wife the truth be spoken taught and opend vnto the party that is not perswaded For as Saint Paule sayeth howe knowest thou O man whether thou shalt saue thy wife or how knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy husband Therefore let the best and more godly partye be diligent in sauinge by his or her laboures the party that is not instructed nor perswaded in the truth If it preuayle then is the worse part amended and the best part hath done his or her duty and office as it is commaunded Ephesi 4. Colloss 3. 1. Pet. 3. In case the worse part will not be amended but tary still in errour and so offend the almighty God the author of mariage let the beste parte that is perswaded and knoweth the truth as in this case the woman labour with her cōpaniō to be free and at liberty and not to be compelled to honour any false God or to serue God otherwise then shee knoweth she maye do with a good conscience as she is taughte by the word of God And if she may thus obteyne to be at libertye and be not compelled to do thinges agaynst her conscience she may not in any wyse depart from him that she is maried vnto If this woman cannot wyn her husband to the truth nor obtayne to liue freelye and at libertye in the faythe of Christe her selfe lette her cause some godlye and graue men or women to perswade with her husbande as well for hys owne better knowledge as for the freedome and libertye of her selfe and let her and whosoeuer entreateth of the mater vse modesty sobernes and charitye and pray vnto God that their doinges maye take vertuous and godlye successe In case which God forbidde the husband will not reforme himself of his error nor suffer his wife to refrain the company and fellowship of such as be present at the masse whereas an idoll is honored for God this wyfe muste make aunswere soberly and christianly that she is forbidden by gods lawes to cōmit Idolatrye Actes 5. Exod. 20. and that gods is more to be obeyed then man and so in any case beware she offēd not against the firste commaundemente whiche is thou shalte haue no other Gods but me It maye come to passe that when the husbande shall perceaue the wifes loue and reuerence towardes him and also her constancye and strengthe in the truthe and true religion of GOD althoughe he be not conuerted vnto the truthe by her yet he will be contented to suffer her to vse the libertye of her conscience without compulsion to any religion that she doth by Gods worde detest and abhorre But if there bee no remedye but either the wife muste followe in idolatry her husbandes commaundement or elles suffer the extremitye of the law here must the wife remember and learne whether there bee anye lawe or not that can compell her ordinarilye to come to the masse whereas idolatrye is committed If there be no lawe or other meanes to compel her then her husbands foule words which be nothing els but threatninges to put her in feare she muste if she can wyth wisedome and womanhode amende the same if she cannot then must she christianly and pacientlye beare them as a woman of God that for his sake muste suffer as muche as hys pleasure is to lay vpon her In case there be a lawe to compel her and al other if otherwyse she will not obey to come to the masse firste she muste wisely and discretly way her husbandes nature whether he is wont to be in deede workes and offers cruell as he is in wordes If she can fynd that his nature is as the most part of mens be more churlish cruel in words then in workes then howsoeuer he threatneth by daungerous woordes he will not accuse his wife to harme her but rather excuse her In case eyther for lacke of loue or for feare of losing of hys goodes she perceaue verely that he mindeth to bring her in daunger by a law then must she pray to God and vse one of these two extreme remedies First if she finde by prayer her selfe strong to abyde the extremity of the lawe yea though she should dye let her in no case depart frō her husband In case she find her self to weake to suffer suche extremitye then rather then to breake company and mariage betwene God and her conioyned by the precious blood of Christ she must conuey her self into some such place as idolatry may be auoided For if the husbād loue the wife or the wife the husband more thā Christ he nor she be not mete for christ Math. 10.16 Luke 14.9 Yea if a man loue his owne life more then Christ he is not mete for Christ And what doth it auaile a mā to win all the world to lose his soule But here the womā must take heede that incase for the keping of the mariage betwene god and her she depart from her husband that she be alwayes in honest vertuous godly company that she may at al times haue record for her godly behauiour if any thinge shoulde be layde to her charge and let her liue a sole sober and modest life with prayer and sobernes to god that it may please him to banishe suche wicked lawes and wicked religion as make debate betwene God and man husbande and wife then God shall from tyme to tyme geue counsell to euery good man woman what is best to be done in such pitifull cases to his honoure to the saluation of our wofull troubled cōsciences Out of the Flete by the prisoner of the lord Iohn Hoper To my beloued in the Lord. W. P. THe grace of God be with you I haue sent you letters for my wife who is at Franckford in high Almayne I pray you conuey them trustely and spedelye and seale
possesse your lyues in pacience sayeth he In the which words he geueth vs both commaundement what to do and also greate consolation and comforte in all troubles He sheweth also what is to be doone and what is to be hoped for in troubles and when troubles happen he biddeth vs be pacient and in no case violently nor seditiously to resist our persequutors because God hath such cure and charge of vs that he wil kepe in the myddes of all troubles the very heares of our heade so that one of thē shal not fall away without the wil pleasure of our heauenly father Math. 10. Whether the heare therfore tarye in the heade or fall from the heade it is the wil of the father And seing he hath such care for the heares of our head how much more doth he care for our life it self wherfore let gods aduersaryes do what they lust whether they take the life or take it not they can do vs no hurte for theyr crueltye hath no further power then god permitteth them and that whiche commeth vnto vs by the wyll of our heauenlye father can be no harme no losse neyther destruction vnto vs but rather gayne wealth and felicitye For all troubles and aduersity that chaunce to such as be of god Rom. 8. by the wil of the heauenly father can be none other but gayne aduauntage That the spirite of man may feele these consolations the geuer of them the heauenly father must be prayed vnto for the merites of Christes passion Iacob 1. 1. Cor. 1.8 for it is not the nature of man that can be contented vntill it be regenerated and possessed with gods spirite to beare pacientlye the troubles of the mind or of the body When the minde and hart of a man seeth of euery side sorrowe and heauines and the worldlye eye beholdeth nothinge but suche thinges as be troublous wholy bent to robbe the poore man of that he hath also to take from him his lyfe except the man waigh these brittle and vncertayne treasures that be taken from him wyth the riches of the life to come and this life of the bodye wyth the life in Christes precious blood and so for the loue and certeynty of the heauenly ioyes contemne al thinges presente doubtles he shall neuer be able to beare the losse of goods life or any other thynges of this world Therfore S. Paule geueth a verye godlye and necessarye lesson to all menne in thys short transitorye life and therein sheweth how a manne maye beste beare the iniquytye and troubles of thys world Col. 3. if ye be risen agayne wyth Christ sayth he seke the thynges whiche are aboue where Chryste sitteth at the ryght hand of God the father Wherfore the christian mans fayth must be alwaies vpon the resurrection of Christe whē he is in trouble and in that glorious resurrectiō he shal not onelye see continuall and perpetuall ioye and consolation but also the victorye and triumphe of all persequution trouble synne death hell the diuell and all other persequutors and tyrannes of Christe and of Christes people the teares and weepinges of the faythfull dryed vp they re woundes healed theyr bodies made immortall in ioy theyr soules for euer praysynge the Lord and coniunction and societye euer lasting with the blessed company of Gods electes in perpetual ioy But the wordes of S. Paule in that place if they be not marked shal do little profite to the reader or hearer and geue him no patience at al in this impaciēt and cruel world In the fyrst part Saynt Paule commaundeth vs to thinke or set our affections on things that are aboue When he biddeth vs seke the things that are aboue he requireth that our mindes neuer cease from prayer and study in Gods worde vntyll we see knowe and vnderstande the vanities of thys world the shortnes and mysery of this lyfe the treasures of the world to come the immortality therof and the ioyes of that life and so neuer cease seking vntill such time as we know certeynly and be perswaded what a blessed man he is that seeketh th one and findeth it and careth not for thother though he lose it and in seking to haue ryght iudgement betwene the life present and the life to come we shal find how little the paynes imprisonment slaunders lies and death it selfe is in this world in respect of the paynes euerlastinge the prison infernal and doungeon of hel the sentēce of gods iust iudgement and euerlasting death When a man hath by seeking the word of God found out what the thinges aboue be then must he as Saynte Paule saythe set his affections vpon them And this commaundement is more hard then thother For mans knowlege many times seeth the beste and knoweth that there is a lyfe to come better then this life present as you may se how dayly men and women can prayse and commend yea and wysh for heauen and to be at rest there yet they set not theyr affection vpon it they do more affect loue in dede a trifel of nothing in this worlde that pleaseth theyr affection then a treasure of all treasures in heauen whiche their owne iudgemente sayeth is better then all worldlye thinges Wherefore we must set our affections vpon the things that be aboue that is to say when any thyng worse then heauē vpon the earth offereth it selfe to be ours yf we wyll geue our good willes to it and loue it in our heartes then to see by the iudgemēt of gods word whether we may haue the world wtout offēce of god and such thynges as be for this worldly lyfe wythout his displeasure If we cannot S. Paules commaundement must take plate set your affection on thinges that are aboue If the riches of this worlde maye not be gotten nor kepte with gods law neyther our lyues be continued with out the denyall of hys honour we must set our affection vpon the riches and lyfe that is aboue and not vpon things that be on the earth Therfore this second commaundemēt of S. Paule requireth that as our myndes iudge heauenly thinges to be better then thinges vppon the earth and the lyfe to come better then the life present so we should choose them before other preferre thē and haue suche affection to the best that in no case we set the worst before it as the most part of the world doth and hathe done for they choose the best and approue it and yet follow the worst But these things my godly wife requyre rather cogitation meditation and prayer then wordes or talke They be easy to be spoken of but not so easy to be vsed and practised Wherfore seyng they bee gods giftes and none of ours to haue as our own when we would we must seke them at our heauenly fathers hande who seeth and is priuye howe poore and wretched we be and how naked how spoyled destitute of all his blessed giftes we bee by
reason of sinne He dyd commaunde therfore his disciples when he shewed them that they should take patiently the state of this present life ful of troubles persecutiō Math. 24. Luke ij to pray that they might wel escape those troubles that were to come and be able to stād before the sonne of man When ye finde your selfe to muche oppressed as euery man shall be sometyme with the feare of gods iudgement vse the 77. psal that beginneth psalm 77. I wyll try vnto god with my voice and he shall harken vnto me In which psalme is both godly doctrine and great consolation vnto the man or woman that is in anguish of mind Read also his exposition vpon this psalm most cōfortable for all broken and afflicted hartes Vse also in such troubles the .88 psalme wherin is conteyned the prayer of a mā that was brought into extreme anguish and misery and beyng vexed with aduersaries and persecutions saw nothyng but death and hell and although he felt in himselfe that he had not onely man but also god angrye towardes hym yet he by praier humbly resorted vnto god as the onely porte of consolation and in the middes of his desperate state of trouble put the hope of his saluation in him whom he felt his enemye Howe be it no man of hym selfe can do this but the spirit of god that striketh the mans hart with feare Rom. 8 prayeth for the man striken feared with vnspeakable groninges And when you feele your selfe or know any other oppressed after suche sort be glad for after that god hath made you to know what you be of your self he wil doutles shew you comfort Note this well to thy comfort that art afflicted and read the 4. chap. of Eccle. declare vnto you what you be in Christ hys only sonne vse prayer often for that is the meanes wherby god wil be saught vnto for his gifts These psalmes be for the purpose when the minde can take no vnderstādyng nor the hart any ioye of gods promises therfore were these psalmes also made . frō the which you shal learne both patience consolation Remēber that although your lyfe as all christian mens be be hyd and appeareth not Col. 3. what it is yet is it safe as S. Paule saith with god in Christ and when Christ shal appeare thē shall our liues be made open in him with glory But in the meane time with seekyng and settyng our affections vpon the thynges that be aboue we muste patiently suffer whatsoeuer god shall send vnto vs in this mortal lyfe Notwithstandyng it might fortune some would saye who is so perfect that can let all thynges passe as they come and haue no care of them suffer all thynges and feele nothyng be attēpted of the deuill the worlde and the fleshe and not be troubled Verily no man liuyng But this I say that in the strēgth of Iesus Christ thinges that come may passe with care for we be worldly yet are we not caried with thē frō Christ for we be in hym godly We may suffer things and fele them as mortall men yet beare them and ouercome thē as christian men We may be attempted of the deuil the flesh the world but yet although these thinges pinche they doe not pearce and although they worke sinne in vs Rom. 8. yet in Christe no damnation to those that be grafted in hym Hereof may the christian man learne both consolation patience Consolation in that he is compelled bothe in hys bodye and goodes to feele payne and losse and in the soule heauines and anguish of mynde how be it none of thē both shall separate him from the loue that God beareth hym in Christ He may learne patience for as much as his enemies both of the body and soule and the paines also they vexe vs withal for the time if they tary with vs as long as we liue yet when death commeth they shal auoide and geue place to such ioyes as be prepared for vs in Christ for no paynes of the worlde be perpetuall and whether they shall afflicte vs for all the tyme of our mortall lyfe we knowe not for they be the seruauntes of god to go and to come as he cōmaundeth them But we must take hede we meddle not forceably nor seditiously to put away the persecution appointed vnto vs by God but remember Christes saying Luke 2 possesse you your liues by your patience And in this commaundement god requireth in euery man and woman this patient obedience He sayeth not it is sufficient that other holye Patryarckes Prophetes Apostles Euangelistes and Martyrs continued theyr lyues in patience and pacient sufferyng the troubles of this worlde but Christe sayeth to euerye one of his people by your owne patience ye shall continue your lyfe not that man hathe patience of hym selfe but that he must haue it for hymselfe of God the onelye geuer of it if he purpose to be a godly man Now therfore as our profession and religion requireth patience outwardlye withoute resistaunce and force so requireth it patience of the mynde and not to be angrye wyth God althoughe he vse vs that be his own creatures as him listeth We may not also murmure against God but say alwais his iudgements be right iust and reioyce that it pleaseth him by troubles to vse vs as he vsed heretofore suche as he most loued in this worlde haue a synguler eare to this commaundemēt Gaudete exultate be glad reioyce for he sheweth great cause why Math. 5. your reward saith he is great in heauen These promises of hym that is the truth it selfe shall by gods grace worke both consolation patience in the afflicted christian person And when our sauiour Christ hath willed men in trouble to be content and pacient because god in the ende of trouble in Christ hath ordeyned eternall consolation he vseth also to take from vs all shame and rebuke as thoughe it were not an honour to suffer for Christe because the wycked worlde dothe curse and abhorre suche poore troubled Christians Wherfore Christ placeth all his honourably Math. 24. and saith euen so persecuted they the Prophetes that were before you We may also se with whom the afflicted for Christs sake be estemed Heb. 11. by S. Paule to the Hebrewes where as the number of the blessed and glorious company of Sainctes appeare nowe to our faith in heauen in ioye yet in the letter for the tyme of thys lyfe in suche paynes and contempte as was neuer more Let vs therfore consider bothe them and all other thinges of the worlde sithens the fall of man and we shall perceiue nothing to come to perfection but wyth such confusion and disorder to the eye of the worlde as thoughe thinges were rather lost for euer then like to come to anye perfection at all For of godly men who euer came to heauē no not Christ himselfe
without the other then fire can bee without heate saying these wordes with the hart man beleueth vnto righteousnes with the mouth he confesseth vnto saluation Wherein he declareth that euen as the cause of our acceptation through Christ is the confidence and faithe of the hart in the promises of god so is the confession outwardlye of the same fayth by the mouthe the fruite that all christian faythfull hartes brynge forthe throughe the same gyfte of GOD. And where as thys effecte of confession of faythe is not there wanteth also the cause of confession whiche is true faythe for as the tree is knowen by her fruites so is faythe by her effectes And as the wante of fruite is a demonstration that the tree is vnprofitable so the wante of true confession of faythe is a token that the faith is dead The ende of the vnprofitable tree Math. x. 1. Pet. 3. is cuttyng down and castynge into the fyre the ende of the fruitles faythe is death and castyng to eternall dampnation Wherefore Saincte Peter requyreth vs to make aunswere to euerye man that demaūdeth of vs of such hope as is in vs with gentlenes reuerence which is a very testimony that we sanctify god in our hartes as it is before expressed in the same chapter For the greatest honour that man can geue to god is to confesse in the tyme of trouble truly and faithfully hys holy worde and fayth Wherfore it is the duty of euery christian to pray study to haue a through knowledge of his faith in Christ and as the glory of god shall requyre the cause of his religion to bee readye to make aunswere for the same howe soeuer the world feare displeasure frendship or other lettes shall moue vs to the contrary vppon payne saieth Christe in the x Math. x. of Mathew that I will deny hym before my father which is in heauen But how harde a thyng it is to confesse Christe in the dayes of trouble not onely the scripture but also daily experiēce in good men and women doth declare True confession is warded on euery side with many daungers on the righte hande and on the lefte hande now with fayre meanes then wyth foule threatnynges fearefull and daungerous as it is sayde by Christe our Sauioure they shall betray you to the iudges and of them ye shall be beaten and iudged to deathe Of the other syde shall pull vs backe the loue of wyfe childrē brother Syster kin frends and the loue vnto our selues But he that is ouercommen by any of these meanes hath his iudgemēt he is not meete for me sayth Christ These thynges be impossible vnto men yet to christian men in Christ possible and so necessary that christianity and true religion cannot bee in hym that is a fearde to confesse Christ and his gospell in the tyme of persecution The wisdome of the world doth say although I accomplishe the desyre of my frendes and to the sight of the worlde am present at the masse and with my body do as other men do or as I may do yet my hart is clean contrary to their belief I do detest such Idolatry beleue that the thing that I am present at is mere idolatry and abhominatiō Here be fayre words for an euill purpose and pretenced excuse for a iust condemnation before God For if it be true that ye know the thing which ye resort vnto to be the dishonor of god why doe ye honour it with your presence If ye know it to be euil why refrayne ye not from it If your conscience saye it is Idolatry why serueth your body such things as your fayth abhorreth If in your hart you know but one God why with your exterior presence serue ye the thing that ye knowe is not God If your fayth see idolatrye why doth your silence cōfesse and allow the same Two mē in one god loueth not If the inwarde man knowe the truth why doth the outward man confesse a falsehode If your spirite be perswaded that the masse is idolatry why do ye with your bodely presence vse it as a God and geue godly honoure to it Do ye not perceaue that it is written Esay 25. Math. 15. these people honor me with theyr mouth but their harts be farre frō me The cause why God was offended with these people was that outwardly they confessed him serued him but their hartes were farre frō him inwardly Wherfore ye may see what it is to beare two faces in one hoode outwardly to serue God and inwardly to serue the deuil Now marke of thys place if it be so horrible damnable a thing to be false in the hart which none knoweth but God and is worthy also of damnatiō what is to be iudged of the outward and manifest vse of idolatry which not only God but also euery good man knoweth and abhorreth There is no coulor nor cloked hipocrisie that God cā away with If the hart thinke not as the tong speaketh or els the tong speake otherwise thē the hart thinketh both be abhominable before God 2. Cor. 6. Read ye the .3 and the .6 Chapters of the fyrst Epistle of S. Paul to the Corinth where as S. Paule sayth know ye not that your bodie is the temple of the holy ghost If your body be the temple of the holy ghost what agrement hath it with idolatry Can one body at one time bee the temple of the holy ghost and be present at such idolatry as god abhorreth and detesteth Can a mā serue two masters If he do he loueth as Christ saith the one and hateth the other Math. 6. As god requireth of a faithful man a pure hart euen so requyreth he that his external profession in al thinges be according therunto for both body and soule be detters vnto god he redemed them both The woorde of God sayth vnto vs 1. Cor. 6. glorifye and beare God in your bodies If we be present at such idolatry as God forbiddeth and our own knowledge in conscience is assured to be euill do we glorifye God in our bodies No doutlesse we dishonour him and make our bodyes the seruauntes of idolatry not only to Gods dishonoure but also to the great daunger both of body and soule For this is a true saying of S. Augustine he that doth against his conscience buildeth to hell fyre It is not enough for a Christian man to say I know the masse is nought but to obey ciuill lawes and orders I wil do outwardly as other men do yet in my hart abhorre it neuer thinke it to be good Doutlesse these two mindes the spirite to thinke wel the body to do euil in this respect be both naught god wil spue that whole mā out of his mouth as he did the minister of the cōgregatiō of Laodicia Apo. 3. The 8. chap. the .10 of the fyrst to the Corinthians in thys matter in this time be places very
muche expedient to lead gouerne the iudgement of euery Christian mā where we may see that the Corinthians in dede had knowlege perceaued right well that neither the idoles amongest them neyther the meate dedicated vnto the idoles were any thing passed as light of both as of thinges of nothing vppon that knowledge vsed to be present and also to eate at the feast of the meate dedicated vnto Idoles Wherewithall Paule was so sore offended that he gaue this sentence if a man see thee which hast knowledge 1. Cor. 8 sit at table in the Idoles tēple shal not the conscience of him which is weake be boldened to eate those things which are sacrificed to Idoles and through thy knowledge shall the weake brother perish for whō Christ died Now when ye sinne so against the brethren and wound their weake conscience ye sinne against Christ This iudgement of Paul is more to be followed thē al our own fayned and wrested defences which would fayne seme to do wel whē we halt on both sides which god abhorreth Paule hath a profounde depe consideration of that mans fault that hath knowledge perceaueth his dissimulation to be daūgerous perilous to al persons which he dwelleth with al. First such as be of a right and stayed iudgement and will not prostrate their bodies to an Idole do condemne nedes must such dissimulation The very Idolaters themselues haue a defence of their abhomination by the presence of him that the Christiā congregatiō knoweth to haue knowledge The weaker sort that would gladly take the best way by a dissemblers halting playing of both handes embraceth both in body and in soule the euil that he abhorreth in hys hart and though he haue knowledge yet with his presence he estemeth it as other do which haue no knowledge If S Paule sayd that the weake brother doth perish for whō Christ died by him that abused knowledge in meates and drinkes that of themselues be indifferent how muche more by the knowledge of him that vseth manifeste Idolatry forbidden of God as a thing not indifferent Take hede what s Paule meaneth and what he would proue against this man which had knowledge that neither the Idoles neither the meates dedicated to Idoles were any thing Forsooth this would he proue that a poore man that wanteth knowledge by the example of him that hath knowledge doth there aduenture to do euil which he would not do in case he sawe not those that he hath good opinion of to go before him as authors of the euill And in dede the ignoraunte people or those that be halfe perswaded in a truth yea or els throughly perswaded what is euill when they haue any notable men or women for an example to follow they thinke in following of them they be excused yea although peraduenture they do it against their consciences as ye may see how many good men by the example of Peter began to dissemble yea Barnabas hymselfe the Apostle of the Gentiles Gala. 2 But how great offence this is before god so to make a doubtful cōscience or striuig against knowledge to do any thing that is not godly let the iudgement of men passe and measure it from gods word Christ sayth Math. 18 it were better a milstone were hanged about such an offenders necke cast into the sea And doutlesse the payne must be the greater bycause we geue offence willingly and agaynst our owne consciences and thys before God is a wicked knowledge that causeth an other to perishe Woe be vnto hym that is learned to bring his brother to destruction Doth a Christian man know the truth to bring his brother to a lye For those weaklinges that we make to stomble Christ died as S. Paul sayth God defend we should confyrme any mans conseience in euil Let euery mā of god waye with himselfe the doctrine of S. Paul that cōmaundeth vs to flye Idolatrye 1. Cor. 10 And marke what s Paul in that place calleth Idolatrye It is to be sene plainly that he speaketh not of such idolatry as men that lacke knowledge in their hartes what god is and what god is not do commit For in the .8 chapter before he sayth that men knowe that the idoles were no gods and that although by name the gentiles had many gods yet they knew that there was but one god Therfore he meaneth nothing by this cōmaūdement fly idolatry but to auoyd such rites ceremonies and vsages as outwardly wer vsed in the honour reuerēce of the idoles that wer no gods and waying the right vse of the Lords supper and the dignitie therof with the manner and vse of the Gentiles towards their gods he would bring the church of the Corrinthians to vnderstand how that as the diuine and sacrate rites ceremonies and vse of the sacrament of Christes body and blood did sanctifye him and declare hym that vsed it to be the seruaunt and child of God so dyd the rites sacramentes of the Gentiles defile the vsers therof and declared them to be the seruauntes and children of the idole notwithstanding that they knew in their harts the idole was nothing God by his sacrament doth couple vs vnto him let vs pray therfore to him that we pollute not our selues with any rites ceremonies or vsages not instituted by god and so diuide our selues from him In this cause if a faithful man should be at the masse it is to be considered with what mind those that he doth there accompany himselfe withal do come thyther and what the ende is of the worke that the priest doth The people come to honour the bread and wine for god and the priest purposeth to consecrate bothe god and man and so to offer Christe to the father for remission of sinne Nowe do they that adioyne them selues vnto those people professe and declare a societie and fellowship of the same impietye as s Paul layd to the Corrinthians charge S. Paule was not offēded with the Corinthians bicause they lacked knowledge of the true God but bicause contrary to their knowledge they associated thē selues with idolaters For this is true that in al rites sacraments honorings whether they be of god or of the deuil there is a professiō of a communion so that euery man protesteth to be of the same religiō that the rest be of that be pertakers with him I know there be many euasions made by men that iudge a mā may with sauegard of conscience be at the masse But forasmuch as M Caluine M. Bullynger and other haue throughlye aunsweared them suche as be in doubte maye reade theyr bookes This is my cōscience after Gods woorde Iohn Hoper ¶ An epistle of the famous learned man M. Henry Bullinger written to M. Hoper in the tyme of hys trouble which for the worthines of the matter we thought not impartinent here to place emonges hys letters Reuerendissimo VVigorniae Glocestriae Episcopo D. Ioanni
Ierusalem the true church of God 3. Reg 13. and by goyng to Bethell to serue God in a congregation of their owne settyng vp and after theyr owne imaginations and traditions for the whych doyng god vtterly destroide all Israell as all the prophets almost doe testifye This happened vnto thē for our ensāple that we might beware to haue any felowship with any lyke congregation to our destruction God hath one catholike church dispersed throughout the world and therfore we are taughte in our crede to beleue one catholike church and to haue communion therwith which catholike church is grounded vpon the foundation of the prophets and of the apostles and vppon none other as S. Paule witnesseth to the Ephesians Ephe. 2. Therfore where so euer we perceiue anye people to worship god truly after that word there we may be certain the church of christ to be vnto the which we oughte to associate our selues and to desyre wyth the Prophet Dauyd Psal 2. to prayse god in the middest of this church But if we behold through the iniquity of tyme segregations to be made wyth coūterfayt religion otherwyse then the word of god doth teach we ought than yf we be requyred to be companions therof Psal 26 Apoc. 2 to say agayne wyth Dauyd I haue hated the Sinagoge of the malignant and wyll not sitte with the wicked In the Apocalips the church of Ephesus is hyghly commended bycause she tried such as saide they were apostles and were not in dede and therfore would not abyde the company of them Further god commaunded his people that they should not seke Bethell neyther enter into Balgala where idolatry was vsed by the mouth of his prophet Amos. Also we muste conside Amos. 5 1. Cor. 3. that our bodies be the temple of god and whosoeuer as S. Paule teacheth doth prophane the temple of God hym the Lorde will destroy may we than take the temple of Christ and make it the member of an herlotte Al straunge religion and idolatry is counted whoredome with the prophets and that more detestable in the syght of God thē the aduoutrous abuse of the body Therfore the prynces of the earthe in the reuelation of sainct Iohn Apo. 17 be sayd to goe a whorynge when they are in lone with false religion follow the same How then by any meanes may a christian man thinke it tolerable to be present at the popyshe priuate masse whiche is the very prophanation of the sacrament of the body blood of Christ and at other Idolatrous worshiypynges rites which be not after the worde of god but rather the derogation therof in settyng mannes traditions aboue gods preceptes synce god by his worde iudgeth all straunge religiō whiche is not accordyng to hys institution for whoredome and aduoutry Some fondely thynke that the presence of the bodye is not materiall so that the hearte doe not consente to their wycked doyngs But such persons little consider what S. Paule writeth to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6. commaundyng them to glorify God as well in body as in soule Moreouer we can do no greater iniurye to the true churche of Christe then to seeme to haue forsaken her or disalowe her by cleaning to her aduersarye whereby it appeareth to others whiche be weake that we allow the same and so cōtrary to the word do geue a greet offence to the churche of God and doe outwardly slaunder as much as men may the truth of Christ But wo be vnto him by whom any such offence commeth Better it were for hym to haue a mylstone tyed aboute hys neck and to be cast into the bottome of the sea Such be traitours to the truthe lyke vnto Iudas who with a kysse betrayed Christ Our God is a gelous god and cannot be content that we should be of any other bodye then of that vnspotted church whereof he is the head onely and wherin he hath planted vs by baptisme This gelousy which god hath towardes vs wil cry for vengeaūce in the day of vengeāce against al such as now haue so large consciences to doe that which is cōtrary to gods glory the syncerity of his word except they do in time repent and cleaue vnseparably to the gospel of Christ Mar. 8. how much soeuer at this present both men and women otherwyse in their owne corrupte iudgement do flatter themselues God wylleth vs to iudge vprightly to allow and follow that which is holye and acceptoble in hys sight and to abstayne from all maner of euyl and therfore Christ cōmaundeth vs in the gospel to beware of the leauen of the Phariseis which is hypocrisy Heb. 10 S. Paule to the Hebrewes saithe that if any person withdrawe hymselfe from fayth he shall not be approued in hys iudgement and therfore he sayth also that we are none such as do withdraw our selues vnto perdition but we belong vnto fayth for the attaynemēt of lyfe Apoc. 13 S. Iohn in the Apocalips telleth vs plainly that none of those who are writen in the booke of lyfe do receyue the marke of the beast Ephe. 5. phil 2 which is of the papystical Synagoge either in their foreheades or els in their hands that is apparauntly or obediently S. Paule to the Philippians affyrmeth that we may not haue any fellowship with the workes of darkenes but in the myddest of this wycked and froward generation 2. Cor. 6. we ought to shyne lyke lightes vp holdyng the worde of truth Further he sayth that we may not touch any vncleane thyng which sygnifyeth that oure outwarde conuersation in forreyne thynges oughte to bee pure vndefiled as well as the inward that wyth a cleane spirite and rectifyed body we myght serue god iustly in holynes and rightuousnes all the dayes of our lyfe Apoc. 18 Finallye in the 18. of the Apocalips god byddeth vs plainly to depart from this Babilonical Synagoge Thess 3 and not to be pertakers of her trespasse S. Paule to the Thessaloniās commaūdeth vs in the name of the Lorde Iesus Christe to wythdrawe ourselues frō euery brother that walketh inordinatelye not accordyng to the institution which he hath receyued of him Ponder therefore wel good brethern and systers these Scriptures which be written for your erudition and reformation wherof one iote is not written in vayne whych be vtterlye againste all counterfaite collusion to be vsed of vs wyth the papistes in theyr phantasticall religion and be aduersaries to al them that haue so light consciences in so doyng and if they do not agree wyth thys aduersary I meane the worde of God whiche is contrary to theyr attemptes Math. 5 he wyll as it is signified in the gospell delyuer them to the iudge which is Christe and the iudge wyll delyuer them to the executioner that is the deuil and the deuil shall commit thē to the horrible prison of hel fyre Math. 24. where is the porcion of all hypocrites
downe to hel and fetcheth vp agayne Praysed be that Lord for euer yea praysed be hys name for that he hath geuen me true experience and liuely feling of the same Blessed be the lord god whose mercy endureth for euer whiche hath not dealt with me according to my deepe desertes nor destroyed me in hys dyspleasure when I had iustly deserued it Oh what rewarde shal I geue agayne vnto the Lorde for all the great benefites that he hath done for my soule I will gladlye receyue the cup of saluation at his hande and will worshippe his name with prayer and with prayse Ah my deare hart yea most deare vnto me in the lord thynke not this sodaine chaunge in me to be some fickle phātasy of my folish head as in dede some other would surelye suspect it to be for doutles it is the meruelous doynge of the Lord most mercifull vnto me hys vnworthye creature God for his great mercy sake geue me grace to be more than full vnto him then I heretofore haue ben and kepe me that I neuer fall forth of hys fauour agayne And now my deare brother most blessed messenger of the lord whose beautifull feete haue brought much glad tydings vnto my soule what shall I do or say vnto you in the leaste parte to recompence your fatherly affection and godly care that you continually kepe for me Oh that god would geue me the spirite of feruent prayer that I might yet that waye supplye some little part of my duty toward you Ah my true louyng frend how sone did you lay aside all other busines to make a swete plaister for my wounded conscience yea and that out of a painfull payre of stockes which place must nedes be vneasye to wryte in But god hath brought you into a strait place that you might set my soule at libertye Out of your pynchyng payneful seat you haue plentifully powred vpon me your precious narde the swete sauour wherof hath greatly refreshed my tired soule The lord likewyse refresh you both bodye and soule by powring the oyle of his gratious Spirite into yours swete hart Ah good Ieremy Ieremy 20 hath Phasure put thee in the stockes Why now thou hast the ryghte rewarde of a prophet Thy glory neuer began to appeare vntil now I dout not but shortly in stede of Ahikam the sonne of Saphan Ieremy 26 Iesus the sonne of the liuyng god will come and deliuer thee forth of the hands of all thine enemies wil also make good against thē the Antichristian Sinagoge al the wordes that thou hast spoken in hys name Ieremy 1. The lord hath made thee this day a strong defēded Tower an iron pyller and a brasen wall against the whole rable of Antichrist and though they fyghte against thee neuer so fiercely Ieremy 15. yet shall they not ouercome thee for the Lord himselfe is with thee to helpe and delyuer thee and he will ridde thee out of the handes of the wycked wyll delyuer thee out of the hands of the tyrānes And in that you are not busy in casting pearles before swine Math. 7 nor in geuing holy things vnto dogs you are much to be commended in my simple iudgement And sure I am that your circumspect and modest behauiour hytherto hath bene as much to gods glory confusion of your enemies as any mans doinges that are gone before you Wherfore myne aduise most earnest desyre is wyth all other of your louyng frendes that you styll keepe that order with those bloodthursty byshoppes that you haue begonne For though in conclusion they wyll surely haue your blood yet shall they come by it wyth shame enough and to their perpetuall infamy whiles the world doth indure They would in dede condemne you in hugger mugger to darken gods glory if it might be but Sathans thoughtes are not vnknowen to you and the depthe of hys subtiliy is by you wel foreseene Therfore let them do whatsoeuer god shall suffer them to do for I know al thynges shall turne to your best Though you lye in the darke storryed wyth the bishoppes blacke cole dust yet shall you shortly be restored to the heauenly light psal 68 and made as whyte as snowe in Salmon and as the wyngs of a Doue that is couered wyth siluer wings and her fethers lyke golde You knowe the vessell before it is made bright is soyled wyth oyle and other thinges that it may scoure the better Oh happy be you that you be nowe in the scouryng house for shortly you shall be set vpon the celestial shelfe as bryght as aungels Therefore my deare harte I wyll nowe accordyng to your louyng requeste caste awaye all care and reioyse wyth you and prayse GOD for you and praye for you day and nighte Yea I will nowe with Gods grace synge psalmes of prayse and thankesgeuyng with you for nowe my soule is turned into her olde rest agayne and hath taken a swete nappe in Christes lappe I haue cast my care vpon the Lorde which careth for me and wyll be Careles accordyng to my name in that respecte whiche you woulde haue me I wyll leaue out my vnsemely addition as long as I lyue for it can take no place where true faythe and hope is residente So soone as I had red your most godly and comfortable letter my sorrowes vanished away as smoke in the wynde my spirite reuiued and comfort came agayne wherby I am sure the spirite of god was author of it Oh good maister Philpot which art a pryncipall potte in dede sylled with most precious lycour as it apeareth by the prenceous powryng forthe of the fame oh pot most happy of the high potter ordayned to honour whiche doest contayne such heauenlye treasure in thy earthen vessell oh potte chryse happy in whom Christ hath wrought a great myracle altering thy nature and turnyng water into wyne and that of the best whereout the maister of the feast hath fylled my cup so full that I am become dronken in ioy of the spirite through the same when Martyrdome shall breake thee O vessell of honour I knowe the fragraunce sauoure of thy precious narde wyll much reioyce the heauy hartes of Christes true members although the Indasses wyll grudge murmure at the same yea and burst out into wordes of slaunder saping it is but lost and waste Be not offended deare harte at my Metaphoricall speache for I am disposed to bee merye and with Dauid to daunce before the Arke of the Lord and though you play vpō a payre of Organes not very comely or easy to the flesh yet the swete sound that came from the same causeth me thus to do O that I were with you in body as presently I am in spirite that I might syng all care awaye in Christe for now the tyme of comforte is come I hope to be wyth you shortlye if all thinges happen arighte for my olde frendes of Couentrye haue put the Counsell in
remembraunce of me not sixe dais ago saying that I am more worthy to be burnt then any that was burned yet Gods blessyng on their hartes for their good reporte GOD make me worthye of that dignitie and hasten the tyme that I might set forthe hys glorye Praye for me deare harte I bese●h you and will all your company to doe the same and I wil pray GOD for you all so longe as I liue And now farewell in Christe thou blessed of gods owne mouthe I wil for a time take my leaue but not my last farewell Blessed be the tyme that euer I came into the kynges Benche to bee ioined in loue and fellowship with such deare childrē of the lord My good brother Bradford shal not be deade whyles you be alyue for verelye the spirite of hym dothe teste on you in most ample wyse Your letters of comforte vnto me in eche poynt do agree as though the one were a copy of the other He hath planted in me and you doe water the Lorde geue good increase My deare brethrē and fellow prisoners here haue them humbly and hartely commended vnto you and your company mournyng for your miserye but yet reioysing for your plenteous consolation and comfort in Christ We are all cherefull and mery vnder our crosse and do lack no necessaries praised be god for his prouidence and great mercyes towardes vs for euermore Amen Iohn Careles ¶ To certayne godly women forsakyng theyr owne countrey and goyng beyond the seas in the tyme of persecution for the testimony of the Gospell THe spirite of truth reueled vnto you my derely beloued by the gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ be continually abidyng with you and augmented into a perfecte buildynge of you into the lyuely temple of God throughe the mighty operation of his power Amen I read in the Euangelists of certain godly women that ministred vnto Christ followyng hym in the dayes of his passion and neuer forsooke hym but beyng dead in hys graue brought oyle to annoynt him vntil that he had shewed himself vnto them after hys resurrection and hydden them shewe vnto hys disciples which at his passion were dispersed and tell them that he was rysen and that they should see him in Galile To whom I may iustly compare you my louing systers in Christ who of late haue sene hym suffer in hys members and haue ministred to their necessity annointing them with the comfortable oyle of your charitable assistance euen to the death and now since ye haue sene Christ to liue in the ashes of them whom the tyrannes haue slayne he wylleth you to go away vpon iust occasion offered you to declare to our dispersed brethren and systers that he is risen and liueth in hys elect members in England and by deathe doth ouercome infidelitye and that they shall see hym in Galile which is by forsakyng this world and by a faythfull desyre to passe out of this world by those wayes which he with his holy martyrs hath gone on before God therfore entier systers direct your way as he dyd Abraham and Tobias vnto a straūge land God geue you helth both of body soule that ye may go from vertue to vertue grow frō strēgth to strength vntyl ye may see face to face the god of Sion in his holy hyl with the innumerable cōpany of hys blessed Martyrs and Sainctes Let there be continuall ascensions vnto heauē in your hartes Let there be no decrease of any vetue which is already planted in you Be as the light of the iust such as Salomon sayth increaseth to the perfect day of the Lorde Let the strength of god be cōmended in your weake vessels as it is Be examples of faythe and sobrietie to all that ye shall come in company withall Let your godly conuersation speake where your tonge may not in the congregation Be swift to heare and slow to speake after the counsell of S. Iames. Be not curious about other mens doings but be occupied in prayer and continuall meditation wyth reuerent talkyng of the worde of God without contention amongest the sainctes Let your faythe shine in a straunge countrey as it hathe done in your owne that your father which is in heauen may be glorified by you to the end This farewell I send you not as a thyng nedefull which know alredy what your duety is and be desirous to performe the same but as one that woulde haue you vnderstand that he is myndefull of your godly conuersation whereof he hathe had good experience and therefore wryteth this to bee as a perpetuall memoriall betwixt you and hym vntyll our metyng together before god where we shall ioy that we haue here louyngly put one another in memory of our duetye to performe it Farewell agayne myne owne bowels in christ and take me with you wheresoeuer you goe and leaue your selues with me that in spirite we may be present one wyth another Commend me to the whole congregation of christ wyllyng them not to leaue their countrey without witnes of the Gospell after that we all be slayne which already be stauled vp and appoynted to the slaughter and in the mean season to pray earnestly for our constancy that Christe may be glorified in vs and in them both by lyfe and death Farewell in the Lorde Yours for euer Iohn Philpot. ¶ An exhortation to a Syster of hys constantlye and cherefully to stick to the truth and to abide the triall of that doctrine which she had fruitefullye professed GOd the eternall father who hath iustifyed you by the bloode of hys sonne Iesus Christe and calleth you to hallowe hys name thoroughe a good conuersation and profession of lyfe he sanctifye you with daily encrease of vertue and fayth by his holy spirite that you may appeare a vessell of sanctification in the myddest of thys wycked and peruerse generation to the lande and prayse of the Gospell Amen I haue occasion myne own deare syster to prayse God in you for two causes the one that to your habilitie you are readye to shewe your selfe a naturall louyng syster vnto me your poore afflicted brother as by your gentle tokens you haue eftsones testified beyng absent as also presently visityng me which well declareth that you be a verye naturall syster in dede and to be praysed in this behalfe But in the other that you be also a syster to me in faythe after Christes gospell I am occasioned to thanke god so muche the more how much the one excelleth the other and the spiritual consāguinity is more perdurable then that which is of flesh and bloode and is a worker of that whyche is by nature for cōmonly such as be vngodly be vnnaturall and onely louers of themselues as daily experience teacheth us The lyuyng lord which throughe the incorruptible seed of hys worde hath begotten you to be my liege syster geue you grace so to grow in that generation that you may encrease to a perperfecte age in the lord to be
my sister wyth Christ for euer Loke therfore that you continue a faithfull syster as you are called and are godlye entered not onely to me but to all the churche of Christe yea to Christ hymself who voucheth you in this your vnfained faith worthy to be his sister Consider this dygnitye to surmounte all the vayne dignitye of the worlde and let it accordynglye preuayle more wyth you then all earthely delyghtes for thereby you are called to an equall portion of the euerlastyng inheritaunce of Christe yf nowe in no wyfe you doe shewe your selfe an vnnaturall syster to hym in forsakyng hym in trouble whiche I trust you wyll neuer for no kynde of worldly respecte doe You are vnder daungerous temptations to bee turned from that naturall loue you owe vnto Christ and you shall be tryed with gods people through a sieue of greate affliction for so Sathan desyreth vs to be sifted Luke 22 that through feare of sharpe troubles we myght fall from the stablenes of our fayth and so be depryued of that honour ioy and rewarde which is prepared for suche as continue faythfull brothers and systers in the Lordes couenaunte to the ende Therefore the wyse man in the booke of Ecclesiasticus byddeth them that come to the seruice of the Lord to prepare them selues to suffer temptations Synce then that for the glory of God and oure fayth we are called nowe to abyde the bronte of them and that when our aduersarye hathe done all that he can yet we maye be stable and stande thys Christ oure fyrste begotten brother looketh for at oure handes and all our brethren and systers in heauen desyre to see our faythe throughe afflictions to be perfecte that we myghte fulfyll theyr number and the vniuersall churche here militaunte reioyseth at our constancye whome all by the contrarye we shoulde make sorye to the daunger of the losse bothe of bodye and soule Feare not therefore what so euer be threatned of the wycked worlde prepare your backe and see it bee readye to carye Christes crosse And yf you see any vntowardnes in you as the fleshe is continuallye repugnaunte to the wyll of GOD aske wyth faythfull prayer that the good spiryte of GOD maye leade youre synnefull fleshe whether it woulde not Iohn 21 for yf we wyll dwell in the flesh and follow the counsel thereof we shal neuer do the wyll of God neyther worke that tendeth to our saluation You are at thys present in the confynes and of Babilon where you are in daunger to drinke of the whores cup vnlesse you be vigilāt in prayer Take hede the serpent seduce you not from the symplicity of your fayth as he dyd our fyrst mother Eue. Let no worldly felowshippe make you pertaker of iniquitie He that toucheth tarre cannot but be defyled thereby and with such as be peruerse a man shall soone be peruerted with the holy you shall be holy Psa 15. Therfore say continually with the prophet Dauid vnto the sainctes which be on the earth all my will is on them You haue bene sanctifyed and made pure through the truth take hede you be not vnholied and defyled least the laste be worse then the first I write not this bicause I stande in any doubt of your syncere continuance of the which I haue had so good experience but because the dayes be euyl and in the same it is the duty of euery one of vs to exhorte another I am bold to put you my good sister in remēbraunce of that which doth not a litle cōfort me to remember in my troubles daily temptations Wherfore I doubt not you wil take that in good part which commeth from your brother both in spirit and bodye who tendreth your saluation as earnestlye as his owne that we might ioy together eternally with such ioye as the world shall neuer be able to take from vs. Thankes be vnto god you haue begunne to runne a good and greate tyme well in the waies of the lord runne out the race to the ende which you haue begunne and then shall you receyue the crowne of glory None shal be crowned but such as law fully stryueth 2. Tim. 2. Be not ouercome of euyl but ouercome tuill wyth good and the Lord shall make you one of those faythfull virgins that shall followe the Lambe wheresoeuer he goeth Apo. 4. the which Christ graunt both you and me Amen This was for the fyrst fruits of his Archdeaconry wherof al the tyme of his imprisonment he had no commodity and yet his sureties were compelled to pay the same Cōmend me to all thē that loue me in the Lord vnfaynedly God encrease our faith geue vs grace neuer to be ashamed of his gospel That same request which I haue made to my brother Thomas I make also to you desiring you by al meanes you can co accomplish my request that my sureties myghte be satiifyed wyth that is myne owne to the contentation of my mynde whyche cannot be quiet vntill they bee discharged therefore I pray you helpe to purchase quietnes that I myghte departe oute of this worlde in peace My dissolution I loke for daily but the Lord knoweth how vnworthye I am of so high an honour as to dye for the testimony of hys truth Pray that God would vouchsafe to make me worthy as he hath done of long imprisonmente for the which his name be praysed for euer Praye and looke for the comming of the Lord whose wrath is great ouer vs and I wil praye for you as long as I liue The .ix. of Iulye in the Kinges Benche Your owne louyng brother as well in Fayth as in bodye Iohn Philpot. To my deare frende and brother in the Lord. M. Robert Harrington GEntle maister Harrington I can not tel what condigne thankes I maye geue vnto God for you in respecte of that great gentlenes and payn which you haue takē for the relief of me of other our afflicted brethrē in Christ God be praysed for his mercy whose louing prouidēce we haue sene towards vs by such faythful stewards as you haue bene towards a great many Blessed be you of god for the louing care which you haue takē for his pore flocke God hath reserued your reward of thankes in heauē therfore I do not go about to render you any lest I might seme to iudge that you loked for that here which is reserued to a better place I thāke god for that I haue foūd by your faithful diligent industry god forgeue me my vnworthines of so great benefites god geue me grace to serue him faithfully to rūne out my race with ioy Glorious is the course of the martyrs of Christ at thys day Neuer had the elects of god a better time for their glory thē this is now may they be assured vnder the crosse that they are Christs disciples for euer Me thinke I see you desiring to be vnder the same the fleshe draweth backe Iohn
now fil vp the measure of their fathers which flew the prophets and Apostles that al righteous blood from Abell to Bradford shed vpō the earth may be required at their hands Of this therfore I thoughte good before my death as time liberty wold suffer me for the loue and duty I beare vnto thee to admonishe thee good mother and my sister the towne that ye woulde cal to minde from whence ye are fallen and study to do the first woorkes Ye knowe if you will these matters of the Romysh supremacye and the Antichristian transubstantiation wherby Christes Supper is ouerthrowen his priesthoode euacuate hys sacrifyce frustrate the ministery of his worde vnplaced repentaunce repelled fayth fainted godlines extinguished the masse maintayned Idolatrye supported and all impietye chearyshed you know I say if you will that these opinions are not only besides Gods word but euen directly againste it and therfore to take part with them is to take part against god agaynst whom you can not preuayle Therfore for the tender mercye of Christ in his bowells and blood I besech you to take Christes collyrium and eye salue to annoynte your eyes that ye maye see what ye doe and haue done in admittinge as I heare ye haue admitted yea alas authorised and by consent confirmed the romyshe rotten ragges whiche once ye vtterly expelled Oh be not canis reuersus ad vomitum be not sus lota reuersa ad volutabrū coeni Beware least old Sathā enter in with seuen other spirites and so the laste shall bee worse then the firste It had bene better ye had neuer knowē the truth then after knowledge to runne from it Ah woe to this world the thyngs therin which hath now so wrought with you Oh that euer this dirt of the deuill should daube vp the eye of the realme for thou O mother art as it were the eye of the realme If thou be light and geue shine al the body shalfare the better but if thou the lyght be darkenes alas how great will the darkenes be What is man whose breath is in hys nose-threls that thou shouldest thus be affrayd of hym Oh what is honour life here but plain bubbels What is glory in thys world but shame Why arte thou affrayde to carye Christes ccosse Wilt thou come into his kingdome and not drinke of his cup Dost thou not knowe Rome to be Babilon Doste thou not know that as the old Babilon had the children of Iuda in captiuitye so hath this true Iuda that is the confessours of Christ Dost thou not know that as destruction happened vnto it so shall it do vnto this And trowest thou that God wil not deliuer his people now when the tyme is come as he did then Hath not God commaunded hys people to come out from her and wilt thou geue ensample to the whole realme to runne into her Hast thou forgottē the woe that Christ threatneth to offence geuers Wilt thou not remember that it were beter a mylstone were hanged about thy necke and thou throwen into the sea then that thou shouldest offend the litle ones And alas how hast thou offended Yea how dost thou stil offend Wilt thou consider things according to the outward shew Was not the Sinagoge more seemely like to the true churche then the simple flocke of Christes Disciples Hath not the whore of Babilon more costly aray and riche apparel externally to set forth her self then the homely housewife of Christ Where is the beautye of the Kinges doughter the Church of Christ Withoute or within Doth not Dauid say within Oh remember that as they are happy which are not offended at Christ so are they happy which are not offended at his poore church Can the pope his prelates meane honestly which make so much of the wife and so litle of the husband The churche they magnifie but Christ they contemne If this church were an honest womā that is Christes wife except they woulde make much of her husband Christ and hys word she would not be made much of of thē Whē Christ and his Apostles wer vpon earth who was more like to be the true church They or the prelates bishops and Sinagoge If a man shoulde haue followed custome vnity antiquitie or the more parte should not Christ and his company haue bene cast out of the dores Therfore badde Christ search the scriptures And good Mother shal the seruaūt be aboue his maister shal we loke for other intertainemente at the handes of the worlde then Christ and his deare Disciples founde Who was taken in Noes time for the church Poore Noe and his family or others Who was taken for gods church in Sodome Lot or others And doth not Christ say as it went then so shall it go now towardes the comming of the sonne of man What meaneth Christ when he saith iniquitie shal haue the vpper hand doth he not tel that charitie shal waxe colde And who seeth not a wonderfull great lacke of charitie in those which would now be taken for Christes church All that feare god in this Realme truly can tel more of this then I can write Therfore dere Mother receaue some admonitiō of one of thy poore children now going to be burned for the testimony of Iesus Come agayne to Gods truth come out of Babilon confesse Christ and his true doctrine repent that whiche is past make amendes by declaring thy repentaunce by the fruites Remember the readinges and preachings of Gods Prophet and true preacher Martyne Bucer Call to mynde the threatninges of God nowe some thynge seene by thy children Leauer and others Let the exile of Leauer Pilkinton Gryndall Haddon Horne Scorye Pouet c some thing awake thee Let the imprisonmente of thy deare sonnes Cranmer Ridley and Latimer moue thee Consider the Martyrdome of thy Chickens Rogers Saunders Taylour And nowe cast not awaye the poore admonition of me going to be burned also to receaue the like crowne of glorye with my fellowes Take to harte Gods callyng by vs. Be not as Pharao was for then wil it happen vnto thee as it dyd vnto hym What is that Hardenesse of hart And what then Destruction eternally both of bodye and soule Ah therefore good Mother awake awake repente repent bustell thy self and make haste to turne to the Lord for elles it shal be more easye for Sodome and Gomorre in the day of iudgement then for thee Oh harden not your harts Oh stop not your eares to day in hearing gods voice though it be by me a most vnworthye messenger Oh feare the Lord for his anger is begonne to kindle Euen now the are is layde to the roote of the tree Ye know I prophecyed truely to you before the swet came what woulde come if ye repented not you carnall gospelling and now I tel you before I depart hence that the eares of mē wil tingle to heare of the vengeaunce of God that will fal vppon you all both towne and vniuersitie if
ye repente not if ye leaue not your Idolatry if ye tourne not spedely to the Lord if ye stil be ashamed of Christes truth whiche ye knowe Oh Perne repent Oh Thomson repente Oh ye Doctors Bachelors and Maisters repent Oh Maior Aldermen towne dwellers repente repente repente that ye maye escape the nere vengeaunce of the Lord. Rent your harts and come apace calling on the Lord. Let vs al say Peccauimus we haue synned we haue done wickedlye we haue not harkened to thy voyce O Lord. Deale not with vs after our deserts but be merciful to our iniquities for they are great Oh pardon vs our offences In thyne anger remember thy mercy Turne vs vnto thee O Lorde God of hostes for the glorye of thy names sake spare vs and be mercifull vnto vs. Let not the wicked people say wher is now their god Oh for thine own sake for thy names sake deale mercifully with vs. Turne thy self vnto vs and vs vnto thee and we shall prayse thy name for euer If in thys sort my dearly beloued in hart and mouth we come vnto oure father and prostrate oure selues before the throne of his grace then surely surely we shal find mercye then shal the Lord loke merely vpon vs for his mercye sake in Christ then shal we heare him speake peace vnto his people for he is gracious and mercifull of greate pitye and compassion he cā not be chiding for euer his anger can not last long to the penitent Though we wepe in the morning yet at night we shal haue our sorow to cease for he is exorable hath no pleasure in the death of a sinner he rather wold our conuersion and turning Oh turne you nowe and conuert yet once againe I humbly besech you then the kingdome of heauen shall draw nygh The eye hath not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of mā is able to conceaue the ioyes prepared for vs if we repente amende oure liues and hartely turne to the Lord. But if ye repente not but be as ye were and goe on forwardes with the wicked following the fashion of the world the Lord will lead you on with wicked doers ye shall peryshe in your wickednes youre blood will be vppon your owne heades your part shall be with hipocrites where shall be wepyng and gnashyng of teeth ye shall be caste from the face of the Lorde for euer and euer eternall shame sorrow woe and misery shall be both in body and soule to you worlde without end Oh therfore ryght deare to me in the Lord turne you turne you repent you repent you amend amend your liues departe from euill do good follow peace and pursue it Come out frō Babilon caste of the woorkes of darkenes put on Christ confesse hys truth be not ashamed of hys Gospel prepare your selues to the crosse drinke of Gods cuppe before it come to the dregges and then shall I with you and for you reioyce in the daye of iudgemente whiche is at hand and therfore prepare your selues therto I hartely besech you And thus I take my Vale in aeternum with you in thys presente lyfe myne owne deare hartes in the Lorde The Lorde of mercy bee with vs all and geue vs a ioyfull and sure meetyng in his kingdome Amen Amen Out of prison the .11 of February Anno. 1555. Your owne in the Lord for euer Iohn Bradford ¶ To all those that professe the name and true religion of our Sauioure Iesus Christe in Lankeshyre and Chesshire and specially abyding in Manchester and theraboutes Iohn Bradford a moste vnworthy seruant of the Lord now not only in bondes but also cōdemned for the same true religion wisheth mercye and grace peace and encrease of all godlines frō god the father of all pietie throughe the desertes of our Lorde Iesus Christ by the workyng of the most mighty and liuely spirite the comforter for euer Amen I Heare it reported credibly my derely beloued in the lord that my heauēly father hath thought it good to prouyde that The enemies had apointed to burne hym at Māchester but the lord altered their purpose as I haue preached his true gospel and doctrine amonges you by worde so I shal testify and confyrme the same by deede that is I shall with you leaue my life which by his prouidence I firste receaued there for in Manchester was I borne for a seale to the doctrine I haue taught with you emonges you so that if from henceforth you wauer in the same you haue none excuse at all I know the enemies of Christ which exercise this crueltye vpon me I speake it in respect of mine offence which is none to thē wardes thinke by killyng of me amongs you to affray you and others lest they should attempt to teach Christ truly or beleeue hys doctryne hereafter but I doubte not but that heauenly father will by my death more confyrme you in his truth for euer And therfore I greatly reioyce to see Sathā and his souldiours supplanted in their own sapience which is playne folishnes emonges the wise in deede that is emonges such as haue heard gods worde and do followe it for they onely are accompted wyse of the wisedome of God our sauiour In dede if I shoulde simplye consider my lyfe wyth that which it ought to haue bene and as God in hys lawe requireth then could I not but crye as I do Iustus es domine omnia iudicia tua vera Righteous art thou O lord and all thy iudgements are true For I haue muche greued thee and transgressed thy holy precepts not onely before my professing the gospel but sythen also yea euen sithē my commyng into prison I do not excuse but accuse my selfe before god and all his church that I haue greuouslye offended my Lorde god I haue not lyued hys gospell as I shoulde haue done I haue sought my selfe not symply onely his glory and my brethernes commodity I haue ben to vnthākful secure carnal hypocritical vayn glorious c. Al which my euils the lorde of mercy pardon me for his christes sake as I hope certainly beleue he hath done for hys great mercy in Christ our redemer But whē I consider the cause of my cōdemnation I can not but lamēt the I do no more reioyce thē I do for it is gods verity and truth so that the condēnation is not a condemnation of Bradford simply but rather a condemnation of Christ and his truth Bradford is nothing els but an instrument in whom Christ and his doctrine is condemned And therfore my dearely beloued reioyce reioyce and geue thākes with me for me that euer god did vouchsafe so great a benefit to our countrey as to choose the most vnworthy I meane my selfe to be one in whom it woulde please him to suffer any kynde of affliction much more thys violent kynd of death which I perceiue is prepared for me emongs you for his sake Al glory praise
heritike but not of others thē of heretykes whose prayse is a disprayse You are not able to reason agaynst the priestes but God wil that al they shal not be able to withstand you No body will doe so but you only In dede no matter for fewe enter into the narow gate whiche bryngeth to saluation How be it you shall haue with you I doubt not Father Traues and others my brothers and systers to goe with you therein but if they will not I youre sonne in GOD I trust shal not leaue you an inche but goe before you praye that I maye and geue thankes for me Reioyce in my suffetyng for it is for youre sakes to confyrme the truth I haue taughte Howe soeuer you doe beware thys letter come not abroade but into Father Traues hys handes for if it should be knowen that I haue penne and Inke in the pryson then wold it be worse with me Therfore to your selues kepe thys letter commending me to God and his mercy in Christ Iesus who make me worthy for his names sake to geue my life for his gospel church sake Out of the Tower of London the .6 day of October 1553. My name I wryte not for causes you know it well enough lyke the letter neuer the worse Commende me to all our good brethren and sisters in the Lord. How soeuer you do be obedient to the higher powers that is in no point eyther in hand or tong rebell but rather if they commaund that which with good conscience you can not obey lay your head on the block and suffer what soeuer they shal do or say By pacience possesse your soules To my very frende in the Lorde Doctor Hyll Phisition THe God of mercy and father of al comfort at this presēt and for euer engraffe in your hart the sense of his mercy in Christ and the continuance of his consolatiō which can not but enable you to cary with ioy what soeuer crosse he shall lay vpon you Amen Hetherto I coulde haue no such libertie as to write vnto you as I thinke you know but now in that through gods prouidence I haue no such restraint I can not but somthing write aswell to purge me of the suspition of vnthankfulnes towardes you as allso to signifie my carefulnes for you in these perilous dayes least you should waxe colde in Gods cause which god forbid or suffer the light of the Lorde once kindled in your hart to be quenched and so become as you were before after the example of the world and of many others which would haue bene accompted otherwise in our daies and yet stil beguile them selues still woulde be so accompted althoughe by their outwarde life they declare the contrarye in that they thinke it enough to keepe the harte pure notwithstanding that the outwarde man doth currye fauoure In which doing as they denye God to bee Ielous and therfore requireth he the whole man as well bodye as soule being both create as to immortalitie and societie with hym so redeemed by the bloude of Iesus Christ and nowe sanctifyed by the holy spirite to bee the temple of God and member of hys Sonne as I say by their partyng stake to geue God the harte and the world the body they deny god to be Ielous for els they would geue him both as the wife will do to her husband whether he be Ielous or no if she be honest so they play the dissemblers with the church of God by their facte offending the godlye whome either they prouoke to fal with them or make more careles conscienceles yf they be fallen and occasioning the wicked and obstinate to triumphe against god and the more vehemently to prosecute their malice against such as wil not defyle themselues in body or soule with the Romishe ragges now reuiued emonges vs. Because of this I meane lest you my dere Maister brother in the lord shuld do as many of our gospellers or rather gospell spillers doe for feare of man Esay 2 whose breath is in his nostrelles and hash power but of the body not fearing the Lorde whiche hathe power both of soule and body and that not onely temporally but also eternally I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you aswell because duty deserueth it for manye benefites I haue receiued of God by your handes for the which he reward you for I cannot as also because charitye and loue compelleth me not that I thinke you haue any neede for as I maye rather learne of you so I doubte not but you haue hetherto kepte your selfe vpright from halting but that I might both quiet my conscience callyng vpon me hereabout and signify vnto you by some thyng my carefulnes for your soule as painfullye and often you haue done for my body Therfore I pray you call to mynde that there bee but two maisters two kyndes of people two wayes and two mansion places The maisters be Christ and Satan the people be seruitures to either of these the wayes be straite and wyde the mansions be heauen and hell Agayne consider that this worlde is the place of trial of gods people and the deuils seruauntes for as the one will followe his maister whatsoeuer cometh of it so will the other For a tyme it is harde to discerne who perteyneth to god and who to the deuill as in the calme and peace who is a good shipman and wariour who is not But as when the storme aryseth the expert mariner is knowne as in warre the good souldiour is seene so in affliction and the crosse easelye gods children are knowen frō Sathans seruants ●or then as the good seruant will folow his maister so wyll the godly followe their Capitayne come what come wyll where as the wycked and hyyocrites will bidde adew and desyre lesse of Christes acquaintaunce For whiche cause the crosse is called a probation and triall bicause it tryeth who wyll goe wyth GOD and who wyll forsake hym As nowe in Englande we see howe smal a companye Chryste hathe in comparison of Sathans souldiours Lette no man deceyue hymselfe for he that gathereth not with Christe scattereth abroade No man can serue two maisters the Lorde abhorreth double hartes the luke warme that is suche as are bothe whote and colde he spitteth out of his mouthe None that halte on both knees doth god take for hys seruaunts The way of Christe is the strayte waye and so strayte that as fewe fynde it and fewe walke in it so no man can halte in it but nedes muste goe vpryghte for as the straitenesse wyll suffer no reelyng to thys syde or that syde so yf anye man halte he is lyke to fal of the brydge into the pit of eternal perdition Stryue therfore good maister Doctor nowe you haue founde it to enter into it and if you should be called or pulled backe looke not on this side or that side or behynd you as Lothes wyfe dyd but strayght forewardes on the ende which set
to God to bee loth to goe vnto hym when he calleth If my dearest frende of a speciall fauoure and tender good will shoulde sende a horse for me to come vnto hym shoulde I bee displeased thereat yea shoulde I not bee willynge and gladde to come vnto hym And halas yet if death the Lordes palfreye the Lordes messenger shoulde come I thynke I should not bee so readye but be fearefull as you foresee your selfe to be Wherethroughe I doubte not but you take occasion to lament the weakenes of youre fayth and seeing your neede to prepare for remedye agaynste the tyme of nede and to begge of GOD hys ayde strength and comforte agaynste that pintche whiche vndoubtedly you shall haue and fynde hys promyse true that in an acceptable tyme he heard your prayer Suche as I am haue no suche foresighte of death and therefore are lesse presentlye dismayde which wil turne to oure greater griefe in the plunge saue that for my part I hope he will neuer tempte me further then he will make me hable to beare Into hys handes I offer my selfe besechyng hym for hys Christes sake to keepe me soule and bodye to hys kyngdome and glorye and to lead me order me and dispose me as he will in all thynges in all places and for euer that at the length I may come whether I wil that is into hys owne blessed presence and fruition of immortalitie with you and hys Sainctes Amen Thus muche I thoughte good to write vnto you for thys presente to occasion you the lesse to feare death which eyther needeth not or boteth not and therefore euen reasonable men muche more spiritual mē labour to striue against the feare of that which they can by no meanes auoyd But of thys hereafter I trust mouth to mouth to speake with you Now as to my soule I praye and wyshe vnto you my most deare sister in the Lord whose grace guyde you and his mercy embrace you on euery side for euer Amen Yours Iohn Bradford To my good frend in God Maister Humphrey Hales AS to my deare frend I wishe vnto you gētle maister Hales health of soule and bodye to Gods glorye and your euerlasting comforte Amen Although it be commonly spoken and as commonly verifyed that seldome seene is soone forgotten yet it is not so commonly seene or experienced amonges them whose frendship is in God the Father throughe Christ as oures is but in those whose frendship is begonne in respect of some earthly commoditie And therfore leste I should incurre thys suspition at your hands which haue so many wayes deserued the cōtrary I thought it my duty to refresh if it nede refreshing the amitie in God begonne betwixt vs which I doubte not shall continue so long as we liue or elles I would be sorie In consideration whereof both mindefull of my promyse made vnto you and careful for your safetye I haue caused a place to be prouided for your wiues deliueraunce where she may so quietly and safely remaine that for the auoyding of the perilles and daungers of these dayes I see none more conueniente I meane it in Hadley at D. Taylours house where I trust there is no peril to you ward nor to any that feareth or regardeth any perill that thereby maye happen And herein of very loue and good wil I am the more familiar and bolde to admonish you not as distrusting you god forbid for I thynke of you as of a very childe of god but as one carefull for you lest you shoulde at length throughe the common infirmitie of our fraile flesh the manifold offēces geuē of the world do exteriourly as the world doth to saue your sleue and maime your arme for euer as those do which for the sauing of their goods ieoperde goodes of bodye and soule in the peril of eternall dampnation If I suspected any such thing in you gentle maister Hales I then would goe aboute to tell you what this life is a smoke a shadow a vapoure c. what the glorye of thys life is grasse haye yea how full of misery it is and hath more allowes then honye Iob. 9. If I suspected any thyng your cōscience I wold thē set before you on the one part the iudgemēt of Christ which shal be most assuredly the terrible sentēce to thē which ar ashamed to confesse his gospell the eternall woe and myserye whiche they shal be cast into that will not obey his gospel here and on the other parte the most pleasant shoute of the Angell to summon all men to come before oure captaine and brother Christ the collectiō and catchyng of vs vp in the cloudes to mete our maister the eternall ioye and felicitie whiche we shall receaue that here confesse hym here suffer wyth hym here lose any thyng for hys sake If I did in any poynte so much as thynke that you would defyle your body in the Antichristian seruice nowe vsed then would I go about to set forth these thinges briefly spoken more at large But as I sayd before I say agayne because I am as wel perswaded of you my derely beloued brother as of any in your profession state I cānot but pray god to make perfect the good which he hath begun in you and desyre you as you haue begon in god so to go forward As your exāple hath done good to many so cast not al down with a type Terrible is that wo which Christ threatneth to them by whome offences do come You know that the way to saluation is straiter then men make it You knowe the soule is to be considered aboue all thyngs Happy is the losse of that bodily lyfe liberty and goods by the which a spiritual life fredome and felicity is purchased What should it profit a man to winne the whole world and to lose hys own soule Who would desire a two yeres mery lyfe for an eternall sorrowe as these masse gospellers doe which yet are vncertaine of two yeres lyfe and god knoweth what woundes their consciences haue Hard is it to recouer health to the conscience and because I am carefull for it to you wardes as to mine own brother and dere frende therfore I wryte thus We are in gods power and not in the power of our enemies he it is that hath all our heares numbred before he saye Amen no man shall once touche you Into hys handes committe your selfe cast your care on hym haue a care to please hym then he wyll care to kepe you You knowe the othe the Athenienses dyd make pugnabo pro sacris solus cum alijs I wyll fyghte for the defence of religion both alone and with others Which saying of the heathen wil be to our condemnation if for his holy worde gospels sake we dare not aduenture the losse of that he hath lent vs kepeth for vs and can when he will take away from vs or vs from it If worldly men dare ieopard a iointe with god rather
champions or els yf ye feele suche infirmitie in your selues that ye be not hable geue place to violence and go where ye maye with free and safe conscience serue the lord Thinke not this counsel to come by chaunce or fortune but to come from the Lorde other oracles we may not looke for nowe As God tolde Ioseph in a dreame by an aungel that he shoulde flye so yf ye feele such infirmity in your selues as shoulde turne to gods dishonor and your owne destruction wythal know that at this present I am as gods aungel to admonish you to take tyme whyles ye haue it and to see that in no case Gods name by you myghte be dishonoured Ioseph myghte haue obiected the omission of his vocation as perchaunce ye wil doe but deare hartes let vocations and all things els geue place to gods name the sanctifyeng therof Thys I speak not as though I wuld not haue you rather to tary to stād to it but I speake it in respect of your infirmity which if ye feele to bee so greate in you that ye are not certayne of thys hope that god wyll neuer tempt you aboue you hability fly and get you hence and know that therby god wil haue you tried to your selues to others For by this you shal know how to take thys world and your home here as no home but that ye loke for an other and so geue occasion to others lesse to loue thys world and perchaunce to some to doubte of their religion Wherin though they be earnest yet would not they loose so much as ye do for your religion which ye confyrme to me others by your geuyng place to violence Laste of all ye haue cause to reioyce ouer these daies because they be dayes of conformation in the which and by the which god our father maketh vs lyke to christes image here that we may be like to him elswhere For if we suffer with him we shall reigne with him if we be buryed with him we shal rise with him if we cōpany with him in afflictions we shall reioyce with him in glorye if we sowe with him in teares we shal reape with him in gladnes if we cōfesse him before men he will confesse vs before his Father in heauen if we take his part he will take ours if we lose ought for his names sake he wil geue vs all thinges for his truthes sake So that we ought to reioyce bee glad for it is not geuē to euery one to suffer losse of coūtrey life goods house c. for the Lords sake What can god the father do more vnto vs then to cal vs into campe with his sonne What may Christe our Sauiour doe more for vs then to make vs his warriours What can the holy ghost doe to vs aboue this to marke vs with the cognisaunce of the Lord of hostes This cognisance of the Lord standeth not in forket cappes tippettes shauen crownes or such other baggage and antichristian pelfe but in suffering for the Lords sake The worlde shall hate you saith Christ Loe there is the cognisance and badge of gods children the world shal hate you Reioyce therfore my dearly beloued reioyce that god doth thus vouchsafe to beginne to conforme you and make you like to Christ By the triall of these dayes ye are accasioned more to repēt more to pray more to contempne this worlde more to desire life euerlasting more to be holy for holy is the ende wherfore GOD doth afflict vs and so come to gods company Which thing because we can not do as long as this body is as it is therfore by the doore of death we must entre with Christ into eternall life and immortalitie of soule and body which God of his mercy send shortlye for our Sauiour Iesus Christes sake Amen Iohn Bradford To myne owne deare brother Maister Laurence Saunders prisoner in the Marshalsee GOds sweete peace in Christe be with you my good brother in the Lord Iesus with all your concaptiues Amē I was letted this morning from musing on that which I was purposed to haue thought on by reasō of you against whō I sawe my selfe giltie of negligence euen in this poynt that I would not write I should say that I had not written vnto you as yet therfore out of hande in maner I prepared my selfe to purge my self hereof not that I wil go about to excuse my fault for that were more to loade me but by asking both god and you pardon to get it no more layde to my charge Now then as I was thus purposing partly doing cōmeth there one with a letter from you for the which as I haue cause to thanke god and you howbeit not so that you should thinke I geue not the whole to god so I see my selfe more blame worthye for thus longe holding my peace Howbeit good brother in this I haue geuen a demonstration to you to behold my negligence in all other things and especially in praying for you and for the church of god whiche for my sinnes and hypocrisie hypocrisie in dede euen in this writing god deliuer me from it haue deserued to bee punished Iust is god for we haue deserued all kindes of plaggues at his hands but yet merciful is he that will on thys wise chastise vs with this world ne cū mūdo condēnemur He myght otherwise haue punished vs I meane he might haue for other causes cast vs in prison me especially then for his gospell and wordes sake Praysed therfore be his name whiche voucheth vs worthy thys honour Ah good god forgeue vs our sinnes and worke by this thy fatherly correction on vs on me especially effectually to loue thee and thy Christ and with ioyfulnes vnto the end to cary thy crosse through thicke and thinne Alwayes set before our eyes not this gallowes on earth if we still sticke to thee but the gallowes in hell if we denye thee or swarne from that we haue professed Ah good brother if I coulde alwayes haue GOD hys maiestie mercye heauen hell c. before mine eyes then should I obdurare as Paule writeth of Moses Heb. 11. obdurauit in quit perinde quasi vidisset eum qui est inuisibilis Praye for me as I know you doe and geue thankes also for in domino spero non nutabo Psal 22. Si ambulauero per valle●n vmbrae mortis non timebo quia tu domine mecum es Amen I thinke we shall bee shortly called forth for now legē habent secūdū legem c. otherwise will they not reason with vs and I thynke theyr shootanker wil be to haue vs to subscribe The which thing if we do though with this condition so farre as the thing subscribed to repugneth not agaynst Gods word yet thys will be offensiue Therefore let vs vadere planê and so sanê I meane let vs all confesse that we are no chaungelinges but reipsa are the same we were in
way Math. 7 2. Timot. 3 2. Cor. 5 Math. 14. which few walke in for fewe lyue godly in Christ Iesu few regard the lyfe to come few remember the day of iudgement fewe remember how Christ will deny them beforh hys father that do denye him here few consider that Christ wyll be ashamed of them in the last day which are ashamed now of hys truthe true seruice few cast theyr accomptes what will be laid to theyr charge in the day of vengeaūce fewe regard the condemnation of their owne consciences in doyng that which inwardly they disalow few loue god better then theyr goodes Rom. 14. but I trust yet ye are of these few my derely beloued I trust ye be of the little flocke which shall enherite the kyngdome of heauen I trust ye are of the mourners and lamēters which shal be comforted with comfortes which neuer shal be taken from you if ye nowe repente your former euils Luke 10 if nowe ye stryue agaynste the euyls that are in you if now ye cōtinue to call vppon God if nowe ye defile not your bodies with anye Idolatrous seruice vsed in the Antichristian churches Ephesi 4. if ye moleste not the good spirite of God which is geuen you as a gage of eternal redēption a coūseller master to lead you into all truth whiche good spirit I beseche the father of mercy to geue vs all for hys dere sonnes sake Iesus Christ our lord Acts. 20 to whom I cōmend you al to the word of his grace which is able to helpe you all saue you all that beleue it follow it serue god therafter And of this I would ye were al certain that al the heares of your heades are numbred so that not one of thē shal perish Math. 8. Iob. 1. Psa 104 Psa 13. 1. pet 5 neither shal any man or deuil be able to attempt any thing much lesse to doe any thing to you or any of you before your heauēly father which loueth you most tēderly shal geue thē leaue when he hath geuen them leaue they shal go no further then he wyll nor kepe you in trouble any longer then he wyll Therfore caste on hym all your care for he is carefull for you onely studye to please him and to kepe your consciences cleane and your bodies pure from the Idolatrous seruice which now euery where is vsed and god will meruelously and mercifully defend and comforte you whiche thing he doe for hys names sake in Christ our Lord. Amen Iohn Bradforde To my good Lady Vane THe true sense and swete feelyng of gods eternall mercies in Christe Iesus bee euer more and more liuely wrought in your hart by the holy ghost Amen I most hartely thanke you good madame for your comfortable letters where as you would be aduertised what were beste to bee done on your behalfe concernyng your iij. questions the truthe is that the questions are neuer well sene nor aunswered vntil the thynge whereof they arise bee well considered I meane vntill it be sene how great an euill the thing is If it be once in dede in your hart perceaued vpon probable and pithy places gathered out of gods booke that there was neuer thing vpon the earthe so great so much an aduersary to gods true seruice to Christes death passion priesthode sacrifice and kingdome to the ministery of gods worde and sacraments to the church of God These questions were concerning the masse wherin she desired hys iudgement to repentaunce faith and all true godlines of life as that is wherof the questiōs arise as most assuredly it is in dede then cannot a christiā hart but so much the more abhorre it and al thynges that in any point might seme to allow it or anye thyng pertainyng to the same by howe much it hath the name of gods seruice Agayne your Ladiship doth know that as all is to be discommended and auoyded which is followed or fledde from in respect of our selues in respecte of auoyding Christes crosse so the ende of all our doynges should be to godwards to his glory to our neighbours to edification and good example wherof none can be geuen in allowing anye of the .iii. questions by you propoūded But because this which I write now is breefe and needeth the more consideration or explication as I doubt not of the one in you so from me by Gods grace you shall receaue the other shortly For I haue alreadye written a little booke of it which I will send vnto you He meaneth his booke whiche he calleth the hurt of hearīg masse in the which you shall haue your questions fully aunswered and satisfied and therefore I omitte to write any more hereaboutes presentlye beseching God our good father to guide you as his deare childe with his spirite of wisedome power and comforte vnto eternall life that you may be stronge and reioyce in him and with his church to cary Christes crosse if he shall so thinke it neede 1. Pet. 1. which is a thyng to be desired wished and embraced if we looked on thinges after the iudgement of Gods word and tryed them by that touchstone If you be accustomed to thinke on the breuitie vanitie and miserie of this life and o● the eternitie truth and felicitie of euerlasting life if you looke on thinges after their endes and not after their present appearaunce only if you vse your self to set gods presence power and mercy alwayes before your eyes to see thē as god by euery creature would you should I doubt not but you shall finde such strength and comforte in the Lord as you shall not be shaken with all the power of Sathan Gods mercy in Christ be with you and his good spirite guide you for euer Amen An other letter to the Lady Vane AS to myne owne soule I wishe to your Ladiship grace and mercy from God our deare Father in Christe our Lorde and Sauioure I thanke God that something he hath eased you and mitigated his fatherly correction in vs both I woulde to God he had done so much in the behalfe of the greefe of the body to you as he hath done to me For as for the soule I trust you feele that which I pray god encrease in you I meane his fatherly loue and graunte that I may with you feele the same in such degree as may please him I wil not say as you feele least I should seeme to aske to muche at one time God doth often muche more plentifullye viset with the sense of hys mercye them that humble them selues vnder his mightye hande and are sore exercised as you long haue bene then others whiche to the face of the worlde haue a more shewe and appearaunce Therfore I wysh as I do and that not only for myne own commoditye but also that I myght occasion you to the consideration of the goodnesse of God which I by your letters doe well espye which is in
idolatrous seruyce but with their ha●●s say they and wyth theyr spirites they serue the lorde Math. 8. And so by this meanes as they saue theyr pygges which they would not lose I meane their worldlye pelfe so they would please the protestantes and bee counted wyth them for gospellers Company not with Mōgrels yea mary would they But mine owne beloued in the Lord flee from such persones as from men most perilous and pernicious bothe before God and man Mongrels are false both to god and man for they are false to bothe and true to neyther To the magistrates they are false pretendyng one thyng and meanyng cleane contrary God wil haue the whole seruice of soule and body He made both He kepeth both He redemed both To god they are most vntrue geuing him but a peese whych shoulde haue the whole I woulde they woulde tell me who made their bodyes Dyd not GOD as well as theyr sprites and soules And who kepeth bothe Dothe not be still And alas shall not he haue the seruice of the body but it must be geuē to serue the new found god of Antichristes inuention Dyd not Christe bye both our soules and bodies And wherwith wyth any lesse pryce then wyth hys precious blood Ah wretches thē that we be if we wyll defyle either parte with the rose coloured whore of Babylons fylthye Masse abhomination Apoc. 18 2. pet 2 Hebr. 6.10 Math. 12 Luke 11 Mongress sinne againste their owne consciences It had ben better for vs neuer to haue bene washed then so to wallow our selues in the fylthy puddle of popery It had bene better neuer to haue knowen the truth then thus to betray it Surely surelye let such men feare that their later ende be not worse then the begynnyng Their owne conscience now accuseth them before god yf so be they haue any conscience that they are but dissemblers and hypocrites to God and man For all the clokes they make they cannot auoyde this but that their going to church and to Masse is of selfe loue The onely cause why Mongrels goe to Masse is to auoyde the crosse 1 Cor. 10. Actes 5 Deut. 12. that is they go thether because they would auoyde the crosse They go thether because they woulde be out of trouble They seke neither the Quenes highnes nor her lawes which in thys poynte cannot bynde the conscience to obey because they are cōtrary to gods lawes which bid vs often to flee Idolatrye and worshipping hym after mens deuises they seke neither I say the lawes if there were anye neyther theyr brethernes commoditie for none commeth therby neyther godlines or good example for there can be none found in goyng to Masse c. but horrible offences and woe to them that geue them but they seeke their owne selues their own ease theyr escapyng the crosse c. Math. 15. when they haue made all the excuses they can theyr owne conscience wyll accuse them of this that their goyng to church is onely because they seeke themselues For yf there woulde no trouble ensue for taryeng awaye I appeale to their conscience woulde they come thether Neuer I dare say Therfore as I sayd they seke themselues they would not cary the crosse And hereof their own conscience if they haue any conscience doth accuse them Now if their conscience accuse them at this present what will it doe before the iudgemente seate of Christe who wyl then excuse it when Christ shall appeare in iudgement Luke 9.12 Mark 8. and shall begynne to be ashamed of them then which now here are ashamed of him who then I say wyll excuse these Masse gospellers consciences wyll the quenes hyghnes She shal then haue more to do for her selfe then without harty and spedye repētaūce she can euer be able to aunswer though Peter Paule Marye Iames Iohn the Pope and all hys Prelates take her parte with all the syngyng Syr Iohns that euer were are and shall bee Wyll the Lorde Chauncellour and prelates of the realme excuse them there Nay nay they are like then to smarte for it so sore as I woulde not bee in theyr places for all the whole world Wil the lawes of the realme the nobilitie gentlemen Iustices of peace c. excuse oure gospell Massemongers conscience then Nay God knoweth they can do little there but quake and feare for the heauy vengeaunce of God lyke to fall vppon them Will their goodes landes and possessions the which they by theyr dissemblyng haue saued wyl these serue to excuse them No no god is no merchaunte as our Masse priestes be Will Masses or trētals such trash serue No verily the haunters of thys geare then shall be horribly ashamed Wyll the Catholike church excuse them Nay it wyll most of all accuse them as will all the good fathers Patriarkes Apostles Prophetes Martyrs cōfessors and saintes with al the good Doctors and good general counsels The most abhominatiō o●●aeth is the Masse al these alredy condēne the Masse al that euer vseth it as it is now beyng of all idoles that euer was the most abhominable and blasphemous to Christ and hys priestehode manhode and sacrifice for it maketh the prieste that sayth Masse the Masse priest is Christes fellow gods fellow and better then Christ for the offerer is alwayes better or equiualent to the thyng offred If therfore the priest take vpon him there to offer vp Christ as they boldly affyrme they do thē must he nedes be better or equal with Christ Hebr. 5. Oh that they would shew but one iote of the scripture of god calling thē to this dignitie or of their authority to offer vp Christ for the quicke and dead to apply the benefyt vertue of his death and passion to whom they wyll The Masse priestes frendship is better-then christes Surely if this were true as it is most false and blasphemous prate they at their pleasure to the contrarye then it made no matter at all whether Christe were our frende or no if so be the Masse priest were our frende for he can apply vs Christes merites by his Masse if he wyll and when he wil The Masse priest is aboue god for he can make god Math. 24. and therfore we nede litle to care for Christes frendship They can make hym when they will and where they wyll Loe heare he is there he is saye they but beleue them not saith Christ beleue them not beleue them not sayth he For in hys humane nature and body which was made of the substaunce of the virgins body and not of breade in thys body I say he is sitteth on the right hand of God the father almighty in heauen from whence and not from the pixe shal he come to iudge both the quicke dead Act. 3. Rom. 8 Hebr. 7 Hebr. 9. 1. Thess 5. In the meane season heauē saith S. Peter must receiue him And as Paule saith
treasures are their hurded where theues cānot come to steale them there is your hart and therfore you can and wyll say as the philosopher sayd when he was robbed of al he had Omnia mea mecum porto I cary al wyth me If he an heathen toke hys ryches to be the worldes rather then hys howe muche more should we so do Therefore my deare brother accordyngly prepare your selfe as you haue done and do I hope Read the .2 of Ecclesiasticus how he counsaileth them that wyll serue god to prepare themselues to temptation Often set before your eyes the iudgement of Christ his commyng in the cloudes and the resurrection which is now our comfort especially in afflictions I wryte to you none otherwyse then I am persuaded I thanke god and purpose to go before you I knowe there is an eternall lyfe I hope to be pertaker of it through christ I know this is the way thether I meane by suffring I know yf we suffer wyth hym we shall raigne wyth hym I know that by the crosse he maketh vs lyke to Christ here that we mayghte be like to hym elsewhere therfore I wryte to you not wordes only And hereupon I am the more earnest as to admonish so to pray you to cleaue styl to the lord and hys true religion which you haue receiued and I for my part am sure that I haue preached vnto you For the confirmation wherof as I am in bondes so I trust in the goodnes of God and his power to geue my lyfe in and for the same that you and others might be certeyne and follow as god shal cal you and vouche you worthy Remember that die you must but whē as you know not so where and how it is vncertain to you Again al that you haue you must leaue behind you for nothing shall go with you but a good or an euil conscience Moreouer to whō you shal leaue your goods it is hyd from you for you may purpose but god wyll dyspose Therfore if god wyll haue you to dye or to lose your goodes for hys cause how much are you boūd then to blesse God sure you may be that you can not perish for of all wayes to heauen it is the most sure way Your goods God wil preserue so that your children shal find them although the wyckeh spoyle euerye peece of them for the rightuous mans seede I haue not sene saith Dauyd beg theyr bread but god wyll blesse them into a thousande generations the which thyng I pray god to remember towardes your chylderne for his name sake Amen Thus wyl I betake you to god and to his holy word which is able as to teache you whych way to serue god so to saue you if you beleue and loue it If I thought it myght do you any good I would send you a boke which Iames Bradshaw already hath to teach you how you shuld behaue your selues especially cōcerning the Masse I wrote it sithē my trouble Cōmend me to T. Riddleston although I feare me he haue defiled himselfe in this false seruice That boke I would wish he wuld read as you shal aduertise me I wil do in sending to him I shal pray god to illuminate his eies with his grace Commend me to Syr W. Charelton who I trust hath kept himselfe pure from idolatry god graunt he so continue Written in haste as it appeareth from the Counter in the Poultre By yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To hys godly frendes G. and N. encouragyng thē to prepare themselues to the crosse and patiētly to endure afflictions for god cause and hys hohys Gospell THe God of all mercies and the father of al consolations shew vnto you more and more the riches of his mercies in christ Iesus our lord and graunt you a liuely faith to apprehend and pul vnto your selues the same to your euerlastyng comfort Amen Because my mind will not let me rest to thinke vpon as it were to see sore stormes like to fal more felly thē any yet we haue felt I should rather say ye haue felt are lyke to feele if ye continew to confesse christianly as ye haue begunne I thought it my duety to admonish you that therefore ye shoulde not be dismayde nor thynke it any straunge thyng For vndoubtedly you cōfessyng Christ accordyng to the truth taught you yea receiued of you though trouble come the same shal be so farre frō hurting you that it shal profit you excedingly making you therby lyke to him which for your sakes suffered much greater sorrow then al men can sustain aswell that your sorrowes and afflictions whatsoeuer they be that shal come vnto you shuld be sāctified in his crosse that which he suffred as also that in him ye might haue both exāple how to order your selues in the crosse and how sone shortly and gloriously the ende of your crosse wil be Therfore I say be not dismayde in that the crosse cannot but conforme and make vs lyke vnto Christ not symply of it self but by gods spirit which maketh it hys chiefe meane therto fyrste in putting vs in mynde of our corruption receaued of Adam the cause of al care then by occasioning vs to remēber as well our priuye hydde sinnes as also our more manifest euils that we there throughe might be prouoked to repentāce asking of mercy the whiche vndoubtedly god wil geue vs for his christes sake therto also his holy sprite to sāctify vs if we aske the same Nowe this sprite will not cease more more both to mortify the old man with his desires also to renew repaire the new man dailye with augmētation encrease so that at the lengthe we shal be made so lyke to Christ that we cānot but be coupled vnto him I meane not by faith as now we be but euē in dede leauing here behind vs with Hely our cloke the flesh which one day god wil call quickē again to be like vnto the glorious immortal body of his son Iesus Christ out lord after the it hath suffred slepte as his hath done the afflictiōs time which god hath alredy apoīted My dere brethern and sisters this is most certaine that the afflictiōs and crosses which ye shal suffer god hath alredy apointed for you so that they are not in the power choise and wil of your his enemies If ye would fly thē ye cānot but will ye nil ye nedes muste ye haue them If ye wil not cary them in the loue of god ye shal cary them in his displeasure Therfore cast your care on him which careth for you hath coūted al the heares of your heads so that one shal not perish if that ye commit your selues to his ordering wher els your heads bodies yea soules too shal perishe if that ye with draw your selues as vnwilling to take his cup to drink of it not that I would haue you to thrust your selues hedlong rashly to
eie hath not sene the eare hath not heard the hart cānot conceiue how great glorious gods reward wyl be vpō your bodies much more vpon your soules God opē our eies to see and fele this in dede Then shal we thynke the crosse which is a meane herto to be commodious Then shall we thanke god that he would chastice vs. Thē shall we saye with Dauid happy am I that thou hast punished me for before I wente astray but now I kepe thy lawes This that we may do in dede my derely beloued let vs firste knowe that our crosse cōmeth from god Secondly that it commeth from god as a father that is to our weale good Therfore let vs thirdly cal to mind our sinnes aske pardon Whereto let vs fourthly loke for help certainly at gods hand in his good time helpe I say such as shal make most to gods glory to the comfort cōmoditie of our soules bodies eternally This if we certainly conceiue thē wil there issue out of vs harty thankes geuīg which god requireth as a most precious sacrifice That we may al through Christ offer this let vs vse earnest praier to our god and dere father who blesse vs kepe vs and cōfort vs vnder hys swete crosse for euer Amen Amen My dere hartes if I could any way comfort you you should be sure therof though my lyfe laye theron but now I must do as I may because I cānot as I would Oh that it would please our deare father shortly to bring vs where we should neuer departe but enioy continually the blessed fruicion of hys heauenly presence pray pray that it may spedely come to passe pray To morow I wyll sende vnto you to knowe your estate send me worde what are the chiefest things they charge you wythall From the Counter By your brother in the Lorde Iohn Bradford To Mystres Hall prysoner in Newgate and ready to make aunswer before her aduersaries OVr most merciful god and father throughe Christ Iesus our lord and sauiour be merciful vnto vs and make perfect the good he hath begonne in vs vnto the ende Amen My deare Sister reioyce in the lord reioyce be glad I say be mery and thankful Math. 5 not only because Christ so cōmaundeth vs but also because our state wherin we are presētly requireth no lesse for we are the lords witnesses God the father hath vouched saffe to choose vs emonges many to witnes and testify that christ hys sonne is Kyng and that hys word is true Christ our sauiour for hys loues sake towards vs wil haue vs to beare recorde that he is no vsurper nor deceyuer of the people but Gods Embassadour Prophet and Messias so that of al dignities vpon earthe this is the highest Greater honoure had not hys Prophetes Apostles nor dearest frendes then to beare witnes wyth Christ as we now doe The worlde folowyng the counsell of theyr Syer Sathan would gladly condempne Christ and hys verity but loe the lord hath chosen vs to be hys champions to lette this As stoute souldiours therfore let vs stand to our maister who is wyth vs and standeth on our ryght hande that we shall not be muche moued if we hope and hange on hys mercye he is so faythful true that he wyl neuer tempt vs further then he will make vs hable to beare Therfore be not carefull for I heare say thys day you shall be called forth what you shal answer The lord which is true cannot lie hath promysed and wyll neuer fayle nor forget it that you shall haue both what and how to aunswer so as shall make hys shameles aduersaries ashamed Hange therfore on this promyse of God who is an helper at a pinch and a most present remedy to them that hope in hym Neuer was it hearde of or shal be that any hopyng in the lord was put to foyle Therfore as I said I say againe Deare Syster be not only not careful for your answeryng but also be ioyfull for your cause Confesse Christ and be not ashamed and he wil confesse you and neuer be ashamed of you Thoughe losse of goodes and lyfe be lyke here to ensue yet yf Christ be true as he is most true it is otherwyse in dede for he that loseth hys life sayth he wynneth it but he that saueth it looseth it Our synnes haue deserued many deathes Now if god deale so with vs that he wil make our deserued deathe a demonstration of hys grace a testimonyall of hys veritye a confirmation of hys people an ouerthrowe of his aduersaries what great cause haue we to be thankful Be thankeful therfore good Syster be thankefull reioyce and be merye in the Lord be stoute in hys cause and quarell be not faynte harted but runne out your race and set your captayne Christe before your eyes Beholde how great your rewarde is See the great glory and the eternitie of felicity prepared for you Striue and fyght lawfully that you may gette the crowne Runne to get the game you are almost at your iorneyes end I dout not but our father will with vs send to you also 4 Reg. 2. as he did to Hely a fiery charette to conuey vs into his kyngdome Let vs therefore not be dismayde to leaue our cloke behind vs that is our bodies to ashes God wyll one daye restore them to vs lyke to the body of our lord and sauiour Iesus christ whose cōming is now at hande let vs loke for it and lift vp our heads for our redēption draweth nigh Amen Amen The Lord of mercy graunt vs hys mercy Amē I pray you pray for me and so desire my bretherne whiche be wyth you Gods peace be with vs all Amen Blessed be the deade that dye in the Lorde then how much more they that dye for the Lord. Your brother in bondes Iohn Bradford ¶ An admonition to certayne professours and louers of the gospell to beware they fall not from it in consentyng to the Romyshe religion by the example of the shrinkyng haltyng and double faced Gospellers THe peace of Christ which is the true effecte of gods gospell beleued my derely beloued bee more and more plentifully perceyued of you throughe the grace of our deare father by the myghty workyng of the holy spirit our comforter Amen Though I haue many lettes presently to hynder me from writyng vnto you yet beyng desired I could not but somethyng signifye my readye good wyll in this behalfe so much as I may when I cannot so much as I woulde You heare and see how Sathan bestirreth hym ragyng as a roryng Lyon to deuoure vs. You see and feele partlye what stormes he hath raysed vppe to drowne the poore boote of Christ I meane hys church You see how terribly he trayneth his souldiours to geue a fierce onset on the voward of gods battel You see how he hath receyued power of god to molest gods children and to begyn at hys house By reason wherof consider
ioyfull and couragious confessing of his Christ Amen I pray you continue as I trust you do to kepe both soule and body pure in gods seruice Striue to enter in at that narrowe gate thoughe you leaue your landes and goodes behinde you It is not loste which for Christes sake we leaue but lent to a great vsurye Remēber that this time is come but to trye vs. God make vs faythfull to the end God kepe vs alwayes as his children Amen I pray you cōmende me to Maister Osburne to al our good brethren in the Lord. The peace of Christ be with vs all Amen Amen Yours in Christ Iohn Bradford To a frend of hys instructyng hym howe he shoulde aunsweare hys aduersaryes MY good brother our mercifull God and deare father through Christ open your eyes effectually to see and your harte ardentlye to desire the euerlasting ioy which he hath prepared for his slaughter sheepe that is for suche as shrinke not frō his truth for any stormes sake Amen When you shall come before the Magestrates to geue an answere of the hope which is in you do it with al reuerence simplicitye And because you maye be somthyng afrayd by the power of the Magestrates cruelty which they wil threaten against you I wold you set before you the good father Moses to followe his example for he set the inuisible God before his eyes of fayth and with them loked vpon God his glorious maiestie and power as with his corporal eyes he saw Pharao and al hys fearefull terrors So do you my dearely beloued let your inward eyes geue such light vnto you that as you know you are before the magistrates so much more you and they also are presente before the face of god whiche will geue such wisedome to you fearing him and sekyng his prayse as the enemies shal wonder at and further he wil so order their hartes and doings that they shal will they nyll they serue gods prouidence towards you which you cā not auoyde though you would as shal be most to his glory and your euerlasting cōfort Therfore my good brother let your whole studie be only to please God put hym alwaies before your eyes for he is on your right hand least you shoulde be moued he is faythfull and neuer will suffer you to be tempted aboue that he wil make you able to beare Yea euery heare of your head he hath numbred so that one of them shall not perishe without his good will which can not bee but good vnto you in that he is become your father through Christ therfore as he hath geuē you to beleue in him God encrease this be liefe in vs all so doth he nowe graciously geue vnto you to suffer for his names sake the which you ought with all thankefulnes to receaue in that you are made worthy to drinke of the self same cuppe which not only the very sōnes of god haue dronke of before you but euen the very natural sonne of God him selfe hath brought you good lucke Oh he of his mercy make vs thankeful to pledge hym agayn Amen Because the chiefest matter they will trouble you go about to deceaue you withal is the Sacrament not of Christs body and blod but of the alter as they cal it therby destroying the sacrament which Christ instituted I would you noted these 2. things First that the sacrament of the alter which the priest offreth in the Masse eateth priuately with hym selfe is not the Sacrament of Christes body and blood instituted by hym as Christes institution plainly written setforth in the Scriptures being compared to their vsing of it playnly doth declare Agayne if they talke wyth you of Christes sacrament instituted by hym whether it be christes body or no aunswer them that as to the eyes of your reason to your taste and corporall senses it is bread and wyne and therfore the scripture calleth it after the cōsecration so euē so to the eyes tast and senses of your fayth which ascendeth to the ryght hand of God in heauen where Christe sitteth it is in verye deede Christes body and bloud which spritually your soule fedeth on to euerlastyng lyfe in fayth and by fayth euē as your bodye presently feedeth on the sacramentall breade and sacramentall wyne By this meanes as you shal not allow transubstantiation nor none of their popish opinions so shal you declare the sacrament to be a matter of faythe and not of reason as the papistes make it For they deny gods omnipotencye in that they say Christ is not there if bread be there but faythe loketh on the omnipotency of god ioyned with his promise and doubteth not but that Christ is able to geue that he promyseth vs spiritually by faith the bread still remaynyng in substance as well as yf the substaunce of bread were taken away for Christ saith not in any place this is no bread But of thys geare god shal instruct you if you hang on hys promise and praye for the power and wisedome of hys spyryt which vndoubtedly as you are bounde to loke for prayeng for it so he hath bound hymselfe by hys promyse to geue it the which thyng he graunt vnto vs both and to al hys people for his names sake through Christ our lord Amen Iohn Bradford ¶ A letter writen to a deare frende of hys wherein he entreateth as briefely so moste perfectlye godly soundly and pithely of gods holy election free grace and mercy in Iesus Christ FAythe of gods election I meane to beleue that we be in very dede the chyldren of god through Chryst and shal be for euer inheritours of euerlastyng lyfe throughe the onely grace of God our father in the same Christ is of all thynges which god requireth of vs ▪ not only most principall but also the whole summe Rom 14 Heb. 11. Exod. 20 so that wtout this faith there is nothyng we do that can please god And therfore as god first requyreth it in saying I am the Lord thy God c. that is I remit thee thy synnes and geue thee my holy spirite and for euer wyll I kepe thee Math. 6. so our Sauiour would haue vs to be perswaded when we come to praye and therfore teacheth yea he commaundeth vs to call God our father whose power were not infinite as we professe in the fyrst article of our beliefe where we call him expressely our almighty father if we shall doubt of his finall fauour And therfore I cannot but much meruell at some men which seme godlye and yet are in thys behalfe too malicious both to God and man For what is more seemely to God then mercy whiche is moste magnifyed of the electe chyldren of God And what is more seemelye to man then humilitye the which is not nor cannot bee in dede but in the electe of god for they alone attribute nothyng at all to themselues continuallye but dampnation Ieremy 9. that in God only
we be ashamed hereof for losse of life frendes or goodes he wil be ashamed of vs before his father and his holy Angels in heauen Therfore take hede for the Lords sake take hede take hede defile not your bodies or soules with this Romish Antichristiā religiō set vp amōgest vs again but come away come away as the Angell cryeth Apoca. 18. from amongest them in their Idolatrous seruice least you be partakers of their iniquitye Harkē to your preachers as the Thessaloniās did to Paul that is conferre their sayinges with the Scriptures and if they sound not therafter Esay 8. the morning light shal not shine vppon them Vse much and harty prayer for the spirit of wisedome knowledge humblenesse mekenesse sobrietye and repentaūce which we haue great nede of because our synnes haue thus prouoked the Lords anger agaynst vs but let vs beare his anger acknowledge our faultes with bitter teares and sorowful sighes doubtles he wil be merciful to vs after hys wonted mercy The which thing he vouchsafe to do for his holy names sake in Christ Iesu our Lord to whom with the father and the holy ghoste bee all honoure glorye prayse and euerlastynge thankes from thys tyme forth for euermore Amen Out of prison by yours in the Lorde to commaunde Iohn Bradford To my dearely beloued in the lord Mystres VV. and Mystres VV. ALmighty God our deare and most mercifull father be always with you both my entierly beloued mother and Syster in the Lorde and as hys babes he for euer kepe you vnto hys eternal kingdome throughe Christe our Sauiour Amen I purpose not to go about to render thankes to you for gods great goodnes towardes me by you because I can not Either of you hath so heaped vpon me benefits that it were hard for me to recken the tythes He for whose sake you haue done it and all the good you do one daye recompence you after your hartes desyre in hym In the meane season I beseche hym to reueale vnto you more and more the ryches of hys grace and loue in Christ by whom ye are beloued and were before the worlde was and shall be doutles worlde wythout ende Accordyng to the reuelation your sense or fayth herein so wyll you contend to all pietie and godlines as S. Iohn saith he that hath thys hope wyll purify hymselfe as Christ is pure 1. Iohn 3 For howe should it otherwyse bee but if we bee certainlye persuaded that heauen is ours and we citizens therof but I say we should desire the dissolution of our bodies and death to dispatche vs and to do hys office vpon vs If we dyd certainly beleue we were members of Christ and gods temples how should we but flie from all impuritie and corruption of the worlde whiche commeth by concupiscence If we dyd certainly beleue that god in dede of hys mercy in Christ is become our father in that hys good wyll is infinite and hys power accordyng therto how coulde we be afrayde of man or Deuil Howe coulde we doubte of saluation or any good thynge whiche myght make to Gods glorye and our owne weale Now that we shoulde be certayne and sure of thys that we are Gods children in Christ marke whether all thynges teache vs not Beholde the creation of thys worlde and the gubernation of the same doe not these teache vs that God loueth vs And is gods loue out of Christ the beloued If not his loue as he is vnchangeable Iohn 13. Doth not S. Iohn say that he loueth to the ende whom he loueth Therfore I say the very creatures of god concernyng both their creation conseruation tell vs that god loueth vs that is that we in Christ be his childrē and dearlinges although in our selues and of oure selues wee bee otherwyse namelye chyldren of wrathe Agayne loke vpon the law of god and tell me whether it do not requyre this certainty of you namely that you be gods dere childrē in Christ Doth not god plainly affirme say I am the Lord thy God Doth he not charge you to haue none other gods but hym How then can you perishe if god be your god psal 143 Doth not that make god no god Doth not Dauid say that those people be happy which haue the Lord for their God Besides this loke on your beliefe do you not professe that you beleue in God your father almighty whiche wanteth no power to helpe you as he wanted no good wyll in Christ to choose you Do you not say that you do beleue remission of synnes resurrection of the body life euerlasting felowship wyth the sainctes c. But how doe you saye you beleue thys geare and be not certayne therof Is not fayth a certaintie Is not doubtyng against fayth as S. Iames sayeth Pray in faythe and doubte not for he that doubteth obteyneth nothyng Math. 8 When Peter beganne to doubte he had lyke to haue bene drowned beware of it therfore Moreouer for to certifye youre consciences that you be gods childerne shal neuer finally perish through gods goodnes in Christe beholde your heade your Capitaine I meane Christe Iesus Wherefore came he into this world but to redeme you to marry you vnto hymselfe to destroye the workes of Sathan to saue and seeke that whiche was loste Wherfore suffered he so greate and bytter passions Dydde he it not to take awaye your synnes Wherefore dydde he ryse from deathe Dyd he it not to iustifye you Wherfore dyd he ascende into heauen Dyd he it not to take possession there for you to leade your captiuitye captiue to prepare and make ready all thynges for you to appeare before the father alwayes praying for you If these be true as they be most true why thē stand you in a doubt Do you not therby deny Christ Wherefore were you borne of Christian parentes and in gods churche but because you were Gods chylderne by Christ before you were borne For thys cause you were baptised and hetherto the Lorde hathe thus delte wyth you sparyng you correctyng you and blessyng you but why Verely because you be hys children and shal be for euer through Christ Tell me why hath God kepte you till thys tyme but that he wyll for hys sake haue you euen here made lyke vnto Christ th●t elsewhere you may so be Why hathe he opened youre eyes from Popery but because you be hys childerne in deede When you do praye doe you not call hym father Why doe you doubte of it then Why wyll you beleue the Deuil more thē God your father the Sonne and the holy ghoste more then the holye worde of GOD bothe in the lawe and in Gospell more then all the blessynges and castigations of God Do not all these preach to you and tell you that you are gods babes throughe Christ Therefore my derely beloued beleue it and geue not place to the Deuill but withstand hym strong in fayth Marke 9 Luk.
10. Heb. 6.10 Mar. 8. Luke i1 that they returne not to their vomyte stumblyng on those synnes from the which there is no recouery causing thee to deny thē before thy father making their later end worse thē the beginning as it chaūced to Lothes wife Iudas Iscariot Fraūces Spira and to many others But rather strengthen them and vs all in thy grace and in those thynges which thy worde teacheth that we may here hazarde our lyfe for thy sake and so shal we be sure to saue it as yf we seke to saue it Math. 6 we cannot but loose it and that beyng lost what profyte can we haue yf we wynne the whole worlde Oh set thou alwayes before our eyes not as reason doth thys lyfe the pleasure of the same death of the body and prysonment c but euerlastyng lyfe and those vnspeakable ioyes which vndoubtedlye they shall haue which take vp the crosse and follow thee and eternal hell fire and destruction of soule and bodye for euermore which they must nedes at lēgth fal into the which are afrayde for the hoare froste of aduersitye that man or the Deuil styrreth vppe to stoppe or hynder vs for goyng forward our iourney to heauens blisse to the which do thou bryng vs for thy names sake Amen Your owne in the Lorde Iohn Bradford ¶ To my deare frende and brother in the Lorde Maister George Eaton ALmightye God our deare father geue to you dailye more and more the knowledge of hys truth and a loue and lyfe to the same for euer in all thynges throughe Iesus Chryste oure Lorde Amen I shoulde begynne with thankes geuyng to god and to you as hys steward for the great benefites I haue oftentymes receyued from you and speciallye in this tyme of of my most nede farre aboue my expectatiō but because thankfulnes lyeth not in wordes or letters and because you loke not to heare of your wel doyng of man I am purposed to passe it ouer wyth sylence and to geue my selfe presentlye to that whiche is more profitable vnto you that is as god shall lend me hys grace briefly to labour or at least to shew my good wyl to helpe you in gods gifte to me as you by your doyng the lyke in gods gyfte vnto you haue as alreadye done so occasioned me greatly hereto I woulde gladlye haue done it heretofore but I haue bene discouraged to write vnto you leaste hurte thereby mighte come vnto you which is the only cause I haue not hetherto writted nor now would not haue done but that I stand in adout whether euer herafter I shal haue liberty to write vnto you And therfore whilest I somthing may I thought good to doe thus much to declare vnto you howe that as I thynke my selfe muche bounde to God for you so I desyre to gratifye the same as God should enable me The dayes are come and more and more do approch in the whych tryal wyl be of such as haue vnfainedly redde and hearde the gospel for all others wyll abyde no tryall but as the worlde wyll But of you because I haue better hope I cannot but as pray to god in hym to confyrme you so to beseche you of the same I knowe it will be a daungerous thinge in deede to declare that whiche in woorde you haue confessed and in harte haue beleued speciallye concernyng the papisticall Masse but notwithstandyng we must not for daungers departe from the truth excepte we wyll depart from God For in as muche as GOD is the truth and the truth is God he that departeth from the one departeth from the other Nowe what a thyng it is to departe from God I nede not to tell you because you know it is no lesse then a departyng from all that good is and not onely so but also a coupling of your selfe to all that euill is for there is no meane eyther we departe from god and sticke to the deuill or departe from the deuyll and sticke to God Some men there be whiche for feare of daunger and lo●le of that they must leaue when where and to whom they knowe not doe deceaue them selues after the iuste iudgement of God to beleue the deuill because they haue no luste to beleue God in harkenyng to Sathans counsaile of partynge stake with God as to be persuaded that it is not euyll or elles no great euill inwardlye in harte to conceale the truth and outwardly in facte to betraye it And therefore thoughe they know the Masse to be abhomination yet they make it but a strawe in going to it as the world doth in whiche thynge the Lorde knoweth they deceaue them selues to dampnation dreame they as they luste For surely the bodye departyng from the veritye and so from god wil drawe and drowne in dampnation the soule also For we shall receaue accordyng to that we doe in the body good or badde And therefore the matter is more to bee considered then men make of it the more it is to bee lamented But I trust my ryghte dearely beloued you wyll consider thys with your self and call your conscience to accompt as gods word maketh the charge Beware of false Auditours which makyng a false charge can get no quietnesse of the conscience after gods woorde Therefore caste your charge and there shall you see that no beliefe of the harte iustifyeth whiche hath not confession of the mouth to declare the same No man can serue .ii. Maisters He that gathereth not with Christ as no masse seer vnreprouyng it doth scattereth abroade Gods chosen are such as not only haue good hartes but also kisse not their hands nor bowe their knee to Baal Christes Disciples are none but such as deny thēselues take vp their crosse folow him He that is ashamed of Christ his truth in thys generation must loke that Christ wil be ashamed of him in the day of iudgement He that denyeth Christ before men shal be denyed before God Now two kindes of denial there be yea three kindes one in hart an other in worde the thirde in deede In the which kindes al masse gospellers be so bitten that all the Surgeons in the world can laye no healing playster therto till repentaunce appeare and drawe out the matte● of vsing the euill and resorting to the Masse For pure should we be frō all spottes not onely of the flesh but also of the spirite And our dutye is to departe not only from euill that is from the Masse But also from the appearaunce of euil that is from cōming at it Woe vnto thē that geue offence to the children of God that is which occasion by any meanes any to tarye in the church at Masse time much more then they which occasiō any to come therto most of all they which enforce any therto Assuredly a most heuie vengeaunce of go● hangeth vpon such Suche as decline to their crokednes God wil lead on with wicked workers whose portion shal be snares Psa 11. fyre
Martyne Bu●er but the cogitation of one which was my father in the Lord and now I am assured with the Lord at home where we yet are from home by reason of thys oure corruptible habitacles wherein we abyde the Lordes leasure If you would knowe the reason that moueth me to aunsweare as I haue done to the foresayde doubtes or questions it is thys You see that the Apostle in thys place to the Romaines speaketh of the deliueraunce of euerye creature from the bondage of corruption and that to the beautifying of the glorye of Gods children Thys is so manifest that no man can well denye it It is but a simple shyfte to saye that the Apostle doth meane in thys place by euerye creature man onelye He is not wonte to speake on that fort Neyther dare I saye that the Apostle speaketh here hyperbotically or excessiuely although some thinke so But as I sayd I say agayn that the Apostle doth here simply affirme that there shall be a renouacion a deliuerance from corruption not only of man but also of al and of euery part of the whole world of euery part I say meaning partes in deede not such as be rather vices added for plagues then for partes For by reason of sinne ▪ many spottes corruptions are come into the world as is all that is hurtfull and filthy in the creatures Also al that commeth of corruption as perchaunce flees vermyne and such like Thys renouation of all things the Prophets do seme to promyse when they promise new heauens new earth For a newe earth seemeth to require no lesse renouation of earthly thinges then new heauens do of heauenly thyngs But these things the Apostle doth playnely affirme the Christ will restore euen whatsoeuer be in heauen in earth Col. 1. Therfore me thinkes it is the dutye of a Godly minde simply to acknowledge and therof to bragge in the Lord that in our resurrection al things shal be so repayred to eternitie as for our sinne they were made subiecte to corruption The auncient writers our of Peter haue as it were 2. pet 3 agreed to this sentence that the shape of this world shall passe a way through the burning of earthly fire as it was drowned wyth the flowing of earthly waters August de ciuitate dei lib. cap. 6 These be S. Augustines wordes Wherto I will adde these which he there writeth the qualities sayth he of the corruptible elementes which agreed with our corruptible bodyes shal vtterly be burned with that same worldlye conflagration and burning as I sayd but the substance it self shall haue those qualities which do agree by a meruelous chaunge to oure bodyes that the world chaunging into the better may openly be made mete to man returned euen in the flesh into the better These be hys words Wherby it is plaine that this good man did beleue that the elements should be renewed but of other things he medleth not except it be of the sea by the occasion of that which is in the Apocalips howbeit so he speaketh that he can not wel tel whether it also shal be chaūged into the better adding these wordes but we read that there shal be a new heauen and a newe earth For he dyd vnderstand the place of Esay concerning the new heauen and new earth simply of other things he expresseth nothing But Thomas Aquinas entreateth thys questiō more exactly or rather curiouslye affyrming the celestial bodies the elementes mankinde to be renewed but in no wise beasts plantes c. to bee so and this is hys principall reason The renouation of the world shal be for man therfore such shall be the renouation as shal be conformable to the renouation of man But the renouation of man shal be from corruption to incorruption frō mouing to rest the things therfore that shall be renewed with man must be broughte also to incorruption Now the celestial bodies the elementes were made to incorruptiō the one wholy in euery part the other that is the elementes though in part they are corruptible yet cōcerning the whole they are incorruptible as man is incorruptible cōcerning part that is the soule But beasts plātes c. are corruptible both wholy in euery part therefore they were not made to incorruption and so are they not conformable to the renewing that is they are not receaueable of incorruption and therfore they shall not be restored This reason is true in this part that it affirmeth thyngs shal be restored with man and with him shal be brought to perpetuitie as the Apostle sayth to be deliuered from the bondage of corruption Agayne hys reason is true herein also that mans reason may soner be persuaded the things now partly incorruptible shal be restored altogether to incorruptiō But now to say that by no reason those things may be broughte to perpetuitie which now both wholy partly be tēporall and momentane howe can he proue it in that the nature being of all thyngs dependeth on the omnipotencie of God which after hys own pleasure doth geue to things which he hath made their being and al is one to him to make a thing temporall and to make it eternall For he made all thynges of nothing and therefore heauen and the celestiall bodyes haue no more of them selues that they be perpetuall then haue those thinges that laste but a daye Wherfore thys reason which Thomas maketh is not fyrme in that it wholye leaueth to that which now seemeth and appeareth in thynges In deede as I said it hath some shewe or probabilitie that these things shal be renewed to eternitie for the glory of gods childrē which now somthyng are pertakers of the same But now seing that both it which they nowe haue and also shall haue dependeth vpon the becke pleasure of God whō hath God made of counsell with hym concerning the renouation of the world of al things that he can tel what partes of things what kindes of things he wil renewe Yea euen Aristotle dyd acknowledge that Physice or natural knowlege because it bringeth his reasons frō the disposition nature of things hath not ful necessitie of his reasons For nature is nothing els thē the ordinarie wōted wil of god as a miracle portēt or monster is the rare vnwonted wil of God We say that the nature of stones al heuie things is to sinke dounward which is nothing elles but the pleasure of God so depelling them and puttinge them downe for elles of them selues nothyng is eyther heuye or lyghte all is a like to be caryed downewardes or vpwardes Who may make God subiecte to hys worke Can not he that made all things of nothyng geue hereafter to the thinges that he hath made that wherof nowe in them selues they haue no capacitie These thyngs I do therfore rehearse to the end I myghte declare that when we dispute what god wyl do concernyng hys workes how
Iude. 1. as Peter Paul Iude prophecyed it shold be to poison kil our soules wyth false doctrine And where he fayleth hys purpose that way then moueth he hys members to persecute the sely carcases of the Saints because they wyl not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuyng Christ confesse a dead bready christ and honour the same as Christ god man Exod 20. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Corin. 10 contrary to gods cōmaundements Thys is the working of Sathā who knowing hys own iust dāpnation would al mankynd to be pertakers wyth him of the same such a mortal hatred beareth he agaynst god his people Matth. 4. And therfore when thys wicked tempter could not kyll Christ with suttel temtation to fal down worship him thē he stirred vp hys seruantes the byshops Pharisees to kil hys body wherby notwithstanding the deuyl lost hys title enterest which he had to mans soule and mā by his precious passion and death was raunsomed frō the deuil death hel to immortalitie lyfe euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in kylling of Christ he lost all and so shall he do in vs if we abyde constant and strong in the fayth of our lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ vnto the end God graunt it for his mercyes sake in Christ blessed are al they that put their trust in hym Amen Wherfore my hartely beloued brethrē sisters be of good cōfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is strōger thē he that is in the world Therfore draw ye nere to god Iames. 2 he wil draw nere to you Resist the deuil he wil as Iames saith flee frō you Beware of the leuē of the Pharisees Math. 16. Touch not pitche least ye be defiled therewith Eate no swynes fleshe for it is against the lawe I meane defyle not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with thys false wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitch Apo. 13.14 Apo. 18 2. Cor. 6. swynes flesh Beware of the beastes marke lest ye drinke of the cup of gods wrath If god haue geuē you knowlege fayth dissēble not therwith Deny not the knowen verity before men lest Christ denie you before hys father Come away frō Babilon as Iohn biddeth you touch no vncleane thing but seperate your selues from the companye of the vngodly as Paul commaundeth you What soeuer ye haue done amysse heretofore now repent and amend psal 129. for with the lord there is mercye and plenteous redemption The third thing note which I gather out of the foresayd words of Peter is this that he sayth reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christs passiōs Our sufferings my welbeloued are christs sufferings and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he rekoneth it to be done to himself as he said to Paul Act. 9. Saule Saule why persecutest thou me Col. 1. Therfore we ought to reioyce in our sufferings as Paul writeth which we suffer with Christ one with an other as Peter sayth so to fulfyll that which is behinde of the passions of Christ in our flesh which Christ hath by hys passion fully redemed saued vs in hys own person howbeit hys elect must suffer with him for him vnto the worldes end Mat. 5. that he may be glorifyed in thē and they therby corrected clensed frō sinne in thys world be made more mete temples for the holy ghost and also obtain a great reward in heauē for their suffering for righteousnes sake according to his promise And therfore I say my brethrē reioyce in the lord alwayes agayne I say reioice Let vs reioyce in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ Phil 3. Galat. 6. wherby the word is crucifyed to vs we to it And why shoulde we so greatly reioyce in the crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because saith Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words aboue writē Wherin is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this world but at his coming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayn and then shall they that haue sowen in teares reape in ioy as christ sayth blessed are they that wepe here for they shal laughe Blessed are ye when mē hate you thrust you out of their company rayling on you abhorring your name as an euel thīge for the sonne of mās sake Luke 6 reioyce ye in that day and be glad for your rewarde is great in heauen Wherfore my dearly beloued through hope of thys heauenly ioye reward 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 12 which he that cā not lie hath promised which ioy is so great that no eare hath heard no eie hath sene nor the hart cā thinke where we shal dwel for euer in the heauenly citie the celestiall Ierusalē in the presence of God the father Iesus Christ our mediatour as Paul sayeth and in the cōpany of innumerable Angels and with the spirits soules of al faythful iust men reioyce be glad seīg ye be called to so great glory 2 pet i. see that ye make your election vocation sure by good workes specially by suffering aduersitie for the Gospels sake Phil. 1. for it is geuen vs of god saith Paul not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer pray for me that I may end my course with ioye Haue brotherly loue amongest your selues Iohn 14 which is a tokē that ye be Christs distiples Edifie cōfort one an other in the word of the lord the god of peace loue be with you alwaies Amē For your liberalitie kindnesse shewed vpō the prisoners afflicted people of god in this time of persecutiō the lord wil reward you whē he cometh to reward euery mā according to their dedes and wil not leaue a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you rich in al grace Matth. 10. 2. Cor. 8. that ye alwayes hauing sufficient may be ryche vnto al manner of good workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother nowe in bondes for the gospell Thomas Whittell To my louyng and faythfull brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kynges Benche THe same faith for the which Abrahā was accompted iuste and Mary blessed wherby also al iust men liue the lorde god our louing father encrease and stablyshe in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and swete Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I cā not worthely sufficiently prayse god my hartely be loued brother for the consolation ioye that I receaued by reasō of your louing letters repēting me much that
I being so long so nere you did not enterpryse to stirre vp familiaritie comunicatiō betwene vs by writing to our mutual cōsolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherin to reioyce where al things are transitory vaine yea mā him self respecting this life but as Dauid saith Psal 16 the Saints that dwel vpon the earth such as excel in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowship loue ioy of faythful men and children of god being as we now be in double bondage the body within clay walles the soule wtin these frayle earthly bodies be so great and comfortable howe vnspeakeable wil those ioyes be when we shal be deliuered frō al corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of god Where we shal be present together continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his dere sonne christ our redemer brother and the blessed companye of Angels al faithful saued soules Oh the incomparable good things and heauenly treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by christ Iesu For the obteyning wherof we ought to set light by al tēporal grefes and transitory afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythful wil not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue oure strength that namely in the end of our life Eccle. 11. whē the tree where it falleth lieth stil as the preacher sayeth when euerye one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the end he suffereth hys somtime to fal but not finally to perysh as Peter sincked vpon the sea but yet was not drowned and synned greuously vpon the lande throughe infirmitie denying his Maister but yet found mercye for the ryghteous falleth oftentymes And Christs holy Apostles are taught to say remitte nobis debita nostra Yea thoughe the righteous fall saieth Dauid he shal not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth hym wyth hys hande Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God toward vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plante in my harte true repentance and fayth to the obteyning of remission of al my synnes in the mercyes of God and merites of Christe hys sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it greueth me to see the spoyle hauocke the Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedye This is gods wil ordinance that his people shal here both be punished in the flesh tried in their fayth as it is writtē many are the troubles of the righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al for by a strait path narowe dore must we enter Whether Into the ioyful kingdome of heauē Therfore blessed are you other that suffer persecutiō for christs sake for the possessing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fyght a good fyght that we may kepe the fayth and end our course with ioyful gladnes for now the tyme of our deliuerāce is at hand The lord guide defēd and kepe vs you al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a short death passe to that long lasting life Farewel my dere and louing brother fellow souldiour in Christ farewel I say in him who receaue our soules in peace when they shal depart frō these tabernacles and he graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery metyng at the last day and continuall dwelling together in hys eternall and heauenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell minister To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY dere and welbeloued brethren in Christ M. Filles and Cutbert I wish you al welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of synne faythful affiance in christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with al necessary things for this bodely life The soule of mā is immortal therfore ought to be wel kept lest immortalitie to ioy should turne to immortalitie of sorow As for the body be it neuer so wel kept much made of yet shortly by nature wil it perysh decay But those that are engraffed and incorporated into Christ by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of their electition and enheritaunce excityng and stirring them not onelye to seke heauenly thyngs but also to hate vyce embrace vertue wyll not onely do those things but also if neede requyre wyll gladlye take vppe theyr crosse and followe theyr Captayne Mat. 26. Mar. 14 theyr Kynge and theyr Sauioure Iesus Christe as hys poore afflicted Churche of Englande nowe doth agaynste that false and Antichristian doctrine religiō nowe vsed and specially that blasphemous masse wherein christes supper and holy ordinaūce is altogether peruerted and abused contrary to his institution Luke 22. 2. Cor. 1● and to Paules procedinges so that that whiche they haue in their Masse is neyther sacramēt of christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the priestes falsely pretende It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible signe of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicantes accordyng to christes example and as it was of late yeares in thys realme And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne Heb. 9.10 for Chryste with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sāctified Beware of false religion and mens vaine traditiōs and serue god wyth reuerence and godly feare accordyng to the doctryne of hys Gospel Luke i1 whereto cleane ye that ye maye be blessed though of wycked men ye be hated accursed Rather drinke of the cup of Christ wyth his church Apo. 18. then of the cup of that rose coloured whore of Babylon which is ful of abhominatiōs Rather striue ye to go to heauē by that path which is strayte to fleshe and bloud wyth the little flocke then to go the wyde way followyng the enticements of the worlde and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Lyke as Christ suffered in the flesh saith S. Peter pet 4.3 so arme ye yourselues with the same minde for Christe suffered for vs leauyng vs example to follow hys footesteppes Blessed are they that suffer for hys sake great is their reward in heauē He that ouercommeth saith S. Iohn shal eate of the tree of lyfe he shal haue a crowne of life Apoca. 2.3 and not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white aray not be put out of the booke of life yea I wil confesse hys name sayth Christ before my father and before hys aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sit with me on my seate And thus I bydde you farewel mine owne bretherne and deare fellowes in Christ whose grace and peace be alwaye
wyth you Amen This worlde I do forsake To Christ I me betake And for hys gospell sake Patiently death I take My body to the dust Now to returne it must My soule I know ful wel With my god it shal dwel Thomas Whittell ❧ Letters of Maister Robert Samuell a godly and learned Minister and preacher of Gods worde burnte at Ipsewiche for the faythfull testimony of the same the 18. of Auguste 1555. of whose straunge tormentes and vnmercifull handlyng c reade in the booke of Martyrs Fol. 1270. An exhortation to the patient sufferyng of afflictions for Christes cause and the verity of hys Gospell Eccle. 9. A Man knoweth not hys tyme but as the fishe is taken wyth the angle and as the byrdes are caught with the snare euen so are men caughte and taken in the perilous time when it commeth vppon them The tyme commeth the daye draweth nere Ezechi 7. Better it were to dye as the preacher sayth Eccl. 4 then to lyue and see the myserable workes which are done vnder the Sunne such so dayne and straunge mutations such wofull hainous and lamentable deuisions so fast approcheth and none or verye fewe thoroughly repenteth Esay 1. Alas for this synful nation a people of great iniquitye and seede of vngraciousnes corruptyng their wayes They haue forsaken the lord they haue prouoked the holy one of Israell to anger and are gone backward Who now liueth not in such security and rest as thoughe al daungers were cleane ouerpast Who nowe blyndeth and buffeteth not christ with seest me and seest me not Yea who liueth not now in such felicity worldly pleasures and ioies wholy seeking the world prouidyng and craftely shyftyng for the earthly clodde and all carnall appetites as thoughe synne were cleane forgotten ouerthrowen and deuoured Lyke hoggyshe gaddernes nowe are we more afrayde and ashamed of Christ our Messias Math. 8 fearyng the losse of our fylthy pygges I meane our transitory goods and disquieting of our synfull and mortall bodies in thys short vncertayn and miserable lyfe thē of a legion of Deuyls seducyng and driuyng vs from hearing reading Marke 5. and beleuing Christ gods eternall sonne and hys holy word the power to saue our soules vnto vanities lyes and fables Rom. 10. and to this bewitchyng world Oh perilous aboundaunce of goodes to much saturity of meates wealth quietnes Genes 19. which destroied wyth so many soules those goodly Cities Sodome and Gomorre Ieroboam so long as he was but a poore man not yet auaunced to hys dignitie liued in the lawes of god without reprehension but brought once to welth and prosperous estate he became a wycked and most shamefull Idolatour And what made the couetous young man so loth to follow Christ Math. 19. when he was bydden to forsake but worldly wealth which he then enioyed Wo be vnto these false elusions of the world baites of perdition hokes of the Deuill which haue so shamefully deceyued and seduced ful many from the ryght pathe vnto the Lord into the high wais of confusion and perpetuall perdition We myght now worthely deare christians lamente and bewaile our heauye state miserable condition and sorowful chaunce yea I say we myght wel accuse our selues and with Iob curse these our troublous wicked Iob. 3. and bloody last days of thys world were it not that we both see and beleue and fynde in gods sacred booke Esay 10 that a remnaūt god hath in al ages reserued I meane the faythfull as many as haue bene from the beginnyng of the world exercised whetted and pullished with diuers afflictions troubles tossings cast and dashed against all perils and daūgers as the very drosse and outcastes of the earth and yet wyll in no wyse halte betwene god and Baal 1. Cor. 4 for God vtterly abhorreth two men in one he cannot away wyth thē that are betwene both but casteth thē away as a filthy vomite Apoca. 3. Christ wil not parte spoile with his mortal enemy the deuil he wil haue all or lose all he wil not permit the Deuil to haue the seruice of the body and he to stand contented with the harte and mynd but he wil be glorified bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are hys as S. Paule sayeth 1. Cor. 6 For he hath made all bought all and dearely payde for all As S. Peter saith 1. pet 1. wyth hys owne immaculate body hathe he cleane discharged your bodies from sinne death and hel and wyth hys most precious blood payd your raunsome full pryce once for all and for euer Nowe what harme I pray you or what losse sustayne you by this Why are you O vayne men more afraide of Iesus your gentle Sauiour and his gospel of saluation then of a legion of cruel deuils goyng about wyth false delusions vtterlye to destroye you both bodies and soules Thynke you to be more sure then vnder your captayne Christe Doe you promise your selues to be more quiete in Sathans seruice then in Christes religion Esteme you more these trāsitory and pernicious pleasures then god and all hys heauenly treasures Oh palpable darkenes horrible madnes and wilful blyndnes without comparison to much to be suffred any longer We see wyll not see we know and wyll not knowe yea we smarte wyl not fele that our own conscience wel knoweth Oh miserable and brayneles soules which would for folish pleaiures and slippery wealth lose the royall kyngdome and permanent ioyes of god wyth the euerlastyng glory which he hath prepared for them that truly loue hym and renoūce the worlde 2. Cor. 4 The chyldren of the worlde lyue in pleasure and wealthe and the Deuyll who is theyr GOD and Prynce of thys worlde kepeth theyr wealthe whyche is proper vnto them and letteth them enioye it But let vs whiche bee of Christe Ioh. 12 seeke and enquyre for heauenlye thynges whiche by gods promyse and mercye in Christ shal be peculier vnto vs. Let I say the Cretians epicures and such other beastly Belials and carnall people passe for thynges that be pleasaunt for the body and do appertayne to thys transitory lyfe yet shall they once as the kinglye Prophet sayth runne about the Citye of god to fro howlyng lyke dogges Psalm 58. desiring one scrappe of the ioyes of gods elect Luk. 16 but al to late as the rich glutton Let vs therfore passe for those thynges that do perteyne to the spirit and be celestial Coloss 3 Heb. 13 Iob. 7. We must be here saith Paule not as inhabitours and home dwellers but as straungers not as straungers onely but after the mynde of Iob as paynefull souldiours appoynted of our gouernour to fyght agaynst the gouernour of darknes of this world agaynst spiritual craftines in heauenly thynges The tyme is come we must to it Ephesi 5 1. pet 4 the iudgemēt must begin first at the house of god Began they not first wyth the
them they harken vnto me and to no straungers and I geue them euerlastyng lyfe Iohn 10 for they shall not be loste nor no man shall plucke them out of my handes no nor yet this flatte ryng world wyth al his vayne pleasures nor any Tyranne wyth his great threates and stoute bragges can once moue them out of the way of eternall lyfe What consolation and cōfort may we haue more pleasaunt and effectuous then this God is on our side and fighteth for vs he suffereth he smarteth is afflicted with vs. As the world can do nothing against his might Esay 4 neither in takyng away or diminishing of hys glory nor putting him from his celestial throne so can it not harme nor hurte any one of his chyldren without his good wyll Ephesi 5 for we are members of hys bodye out of his flesh and of his bones and as deare to him as the apple of his eye Let vs therfore with an earnest fayth set fast hold and sure feeling vpon the promises of God in the gospel and let vs not be sundred from the same by any tēptation tribulation or persecution Let vs consider the verity of god to be inuincible inuiolable and immutable promising and geuing vs his faythfull souldiours life eternall It is he onely that hath deserued it for vs it is his only benefite and of his only mere mercy vnto hym only must we render thākes Let not therfore the vayne fantasies and dreames of mē the folish gauds and toyes of the world nor the crafty delusions of the deuil driue separate vs from our hope of the crown of righteousnes that is laid vppe in store for vs against the last day Oh that happy and mery last day I meane to the faythfull when Christ by hys couenaunt shall graunte and geue vnto them that ouercome and kepe hys wordes to the ende that they maye ascende and sit in seate with him as he hath ascended and sitteth on throne wyth hys father The same body and soule that is now wyth Christ afflicted shal then be wyth Christ glorified nowe in the butchers handes as shepe appointed to die 2. Timo. 2. then sitting at gods table wyth Christ in hys kyngdom as gods honourable and dere childerne where we shall haue for earthly pouerty heauenlye riches for hunger and thirst saturitye of the pleasaunt presence of the glory of God Psalm 16. for sorrowes troubles and colde irons celestial ioyes and the company of Aungels and for a bodely death lyfe eternall Oh happy soules oh precious death and euermore blessed righte deare in the eyes of god to you the spring of the Lord shall euer be florishyng Then as sayth Esay the redemed shall returne come againe into Sion praysing the Lord and eternall mercyes shal be ouer their heades they shall obtaine myrthe and solace sorrowe and woe shall be vtterly vanquished yea I am euen he sayeth the Lord that in all things geueth you euerlastyng consolation To whom with the Father and the holy ghost be glory and prayse for euer Amen Robert Samuell An other letter written to the Christian cōgregation called the fayth of Robert Samuell The beliefe of the hart iustifyeth and to knowledge with the mouth maketh a man safe Rom. 10. Feare not the curse of men be not afrayde of theyr blasphemies and reuilinges for wormes and mothes shall eate them vppe lyke cloth and woll but my ryghteousnesse shall endure for euer and my sauing healthe from generation to generation Esay 51. COnsidering with my self these perillous times 2. Timo. 3. perishing daies the vnconstant and miserable state of man the decay of our fayth the sinister reporte false slaūder of gods most holy word these vrgent causes in coscience do constrayne me to confesse acknowledge my fayth and meanyng in Christes holy religion as S. Peter teacheth me saying 1. pet 3 be readye alwayes to geue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with mekenes feare hauing a good cōscience that whē they backbite you as euill doers they may be ashamed for asmuche as they haue falselye accused your good conuersation in Christe As touching my doctrine for that litle talent that god hath geuen me god I take to recorde mine own conscience mine auditorie knoweth that I neither in doctrine nor maners willinglye taughte any other thing then I receaued of the holy Patriarckes Prophets Christ hys Apostles For it were not only sinne but also the very part of a cursed miscreant to deny to belye or betray the innocēcie of that heauēly doctrine or to be ashamed to cōfesse stād to the defence of the same Mar. 8. seing the christ plāted it with his most precious blood and all good men haue more estemed the true infallible word of god then al this transitorye worlde or their own mortal liues And I beleue this doctrine of the Patriarkes Prophets Christ hys Apostles to be sufficient absolutely perfect to enstruct teach me al the holy church of oure duties towards god the magistrates our neighbours Fyrst principally I do assuredly beleue wtout any douting that there is one deitie or diuine essence infinite substāce which is both called is in dede god euerlasting vnbodely vnpartable vnmeasurable in power wisdome goodnesse the maker preseruer of al things as wel visible as inuisible yet there be three distinct persons al of one godhead or diuine being of al one power coequal cōsubstantial coeternall the father the sonne the holy ghost I beleue in god the father almighty c. As touching god the father of heauē I beleue as much as holy scripture teacheth me to beleue The father is the first person in trinitie Ephesi ● first cause of our saluation which hath blessed vs with al maner of blessings in heauēly things by Christ which hath chosē vs before the foūdations of the worlde were layd that we should be holy without blame before him who hath predestinate vs ordeyned vs to be his childrē of adoption through Christ Iesu Act. 17. Psal 176. In him as it is sayd we liue we moue haue our being he nourisheth feedeth geueth meate to euery creature And in Iesus Christ hys onely sonne oure lord I beleue that the word that is the sonne of god the second person in trinitie did take mans nature in the wombe of the most blessed virgin Mary Heb. 1. So that there be in hym .ii. natures a diuine nature an humaine nature in the vnitie of persō inseperable conioyned knyt in one Christ truly god trulye mā the expresse perfect image of the inuisible god wherin the wil of god the father shineth apparantly wherin mā as it were in a glasse maye behold what he ought to do that maye please god the father Borne of the virgin Mary ●●trulye
excluded for fayth wholy taketh place not flesh nor the carnal imaginatiōs of our grosse fleshly and vnreuerent eatyng after the maner of our bodely foode which profiteth nothyng at all as Christ witnesseth Ioan. 6 but with a sorowfull woūded conscience an hungrye and thirstie soule a pure faythful mynde do fullie embrace behold and feede loke vpon that most glorious body of Christe in heauen at the ryghte hand of god the father very God and very man which was crucifyed slaine his bloodshed for our sinnes there now making intercession offring geuing his holy body for me Rom. 8. Heb. 9 yea my body my raunsome my full pryce satisfaction my Christ and al that euer he hath and by thys spirituall and faythfull eating of thys liuely and heauenly bread I fele the most swete sappe tast of the fruites Roma 5. benefites vnspeakeable ioyes of Christes death passion fully disgested into the bowells of my soule For my minde is quieted frō al wordly aduersities tormoylinges and troubles my conscience is pacified frō sinne death hel dāpnation my soule is ful hath euen enough wil no more for al things are but losse vyle phil 3 dunge and drosse vaine vanitie for the excellent knowledge sake of Christ Iesu my Lord and Sauiour Thus nowe is Christes flesh my very meate in dede Iohn 6. Ephesi 5 Galat. 2. his bloode my verye drinke in dede I am become flesh of his flesh bone of his bones Now I liue yet not I but Christ liueth in me yea I dwell in hym and he in me for through fayth in Christ and for Christes sake we are one that is of one consent mynd and felowship with the father the sonne and the holy ghost Ioan. 17. Thus am I assured and fully persuaded and on this rocke haue I builded by Gods grace my dwelling resting place for body and soule life and death And thus I commit my cause vnto Christ the righteous and iuste iudge who will an other day iudge these debates and controuersyes whom I humblye beseche to caste hys tender and merciful eies vpon the afflicted and ruinous churches and shortlye to reduce them into a godlye and perpetuall concorde Amen Thus doe I beleue and this is my fayth and my vnderstanding in Christe my Sauiour and his true and holy religion And this who so euer is ashamed to do Mar. 8. among this adoulterous and sinneful generation of hym shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glory of his father with the holy Angels Robert Samuell ❧ Letters of Maister Iohn Hullyer a true pastour and a faythfull minister in Gods Church who for the confyrmation of that doctrine which he had most faythfully professed and taught gaue hys bodye to bee burnte at Cambrige the .16 daye of Aprill Anno. 1556. A letter written to the Christian congregation exhorting them constantly and faythfully to abyde in the doctryne of the Lorde IT standeth nowe moste in hande O deare Christians all them that looke to be accounted to be of Christes flocke at that greate and terrible daye when a seperation shall be made of that sorte that shall bee receaued from the other which shall be refused faythfully in thys tyme of greate afflictions to heare oure Maister Chris●es voyce the only true shepeheard of our soules which sayth Matth. 24. whosoeuer shal endure to the end shal be safe For euē now is that great trouble in hand as here in England we may wel say that our Sauiour Christ spake of so long before which should followe the true and syncere preachyng of hys Gospell Therfore in thys tyme we muste needes eyther make that we be hys faythfull souldiours and continue in hys battell vnto the ende puttyng on the armour of GOD Ephesi 6. 1. Thess 5. the buckler of fayth the brest plate of loue the helmette of hope and saluation and the sworde of hys holy worde whiche we haue hearde plentifullye wyth all instance of supplication and prayer or elles if we do not worke and laboure wyth these we are Apostataes and false souldiours shrynkyng moste vnthankefullye from our gracious and soueraigne Lord and Captayne Christe and leanyng to Beliall For Luk. 14 as he sayth playnlye who soeuer beareth not his crosse and followe hym he can not be hys Dysciple And no man can serue .ii. Math. 6. Maisters for eyther he muste hate the one and loue the other or elles he shall leane to the one and despyse the other The which thinge the faythfull Prophette Helias signifyed 3. Regū 18 when he came to the people and sayde whye halte ye betwene .ii. opinions If the Lorde be GOD follow hym or if Baall bee he then followe hym Nowe let vs not thynke but that the same was recorded in wryting for oure instruction whom the endes of the worlde are come vppon Roman 15 as the Apostle Sainct Paule sayeth what so euer thynges are written aforehande they are written for oure learnyng If Christe be that onely good and true shepeheard that gaue hys lyfe for vs then let vs that beare hys marke and haue our consciences sprinckled wyth hys bloode followe altogether for oure saluation hys heauenlye voyce and calling according to our profession and fyrste promyse But if we shall not so do certaynely say what we can although we beare the name of Christ yet we bee none of hys shepe in deede for he sayth very manifestlie my shepe heare my voyce and followe me Iohn 10 a straunger they wyll not followe but will flee from hym for they know not the voyce of a straunger Therefore let euerye man take good hede in these perillous dayes whereof we haue had so muche warnyng aforehand that he be not begyled by the goodly outwarde shewe and appearaunce as Eue was of our olde subtill ennemye whose crafte and wilinesse is so manifolde and diuerse and so full of close wyndings that if he can not bring hym directly and the plaine strayght way to consent to his suggestions then he wyll allure him and wynde hym in by some other false wayes as it were by a traine that he shall not perceaue it to deceaue hym with all and to steale from hym that goodly victorie of the vncorruptible and eternall crowne of glorie 2. Timot. 2. whiche no man elles can haue but he that fyghteth lawfullye as at thys presente daie if he can not induce hym throughlye as other doe to fauoure hys deuilyshe religion and of good will and free harte to helpe to vpholde the same yet he will enuegle hym to resort to his wicked and whorysh Scholehouse and at tht least wise to be cōuersant and kepe company with his congregation there and to holde hys peace and say nothing whatsoeuer he thynke so that he be not a diligent souldiour and a good labourer on Christes syde to further hys kyngdome by that subtill
meanes flatteryng hym that he shall both saue hys lyfe and also hys goodes and lyue in quiete But yf we loke wel on Christes holy wil and testament we shall perceyue that he came not to make any such peace vppon earth Math. 10 Iohn 14.15.16 nor yet that he gaue any such peace to hys Disciples I leaue peace wyth you saieth he my peace I geue you not as the world geueth it geue I vnto you Let not your harte be troubled nor fearefull these thynges haue I spoken vnto you that in me ye shoulde haue peace In the world ye haue affliction but be of good cheare I haue ouer come the world The seruaunt is not greater then his lorde and maister if they haue persecueed me they shall also persecute you If any man come to me and hateth not hys own father and Mother wyfe chyldren Systers yea and moreouer his owne lyfe Luk. 6.14 it is not possible for hym to be my disciple Blessed be ye that nowe wepe for ye shall laughe wo be vnto you that now laugh for ye shal mourne and wepe he that wyll fynde his lyfe shall lose it Iohn 12 Therfore the god of that true peace and comfort preserue and kepe vs that we neuer obey such false flatteryng which at length will paye vs home once for all bringyng for hys temporall peace and quietnes euerlastyng trouble vexation disquietnes for these vayne and transitory goodes extreme losse and vtter dammage of the eternall treasure and inhericaunce for thys mortal lyfe depriuation of the most ioyful lyfe immortal finally the entrance into endles deth most miserable vnmeasurable payne and torment both of body and soule Now cōferring these two Scholemaisters together let vs cōsider the thyng wel and determine with our selues which way we ought to take and not to take the common broade way which semeth here most pleasaunt and that the most part of people take Surely I iudge it to be better to go to schole wyth our maister Christ and to be vnder hys ferula rodde although it seme sharpe and greuous for a time that at the length we may be coheritours wyth hym of euerlastyng ioy rather thē to kepe cōpany with the Deuils scholers the adulterous generatiō in his Schole that is al ful of pleasure for a while and at the ende to be payd wyth the wages of continual burning in the most horrible lake which burneth euermore wyth fire and brimstone without any ende What shal then these vayne goods and temporal pleasures auayle Who shall then helpe when we cry incessantly wo wo alas and weale away for vnmeasurable payne griefe sorrowe O let vs therfore take hede betime and rather bee content to take paynes in thys worlde for a tyme that we may please god Our sauiour Christ the true teacher sayeth euery braunche that bringeth not forth fruite in me Iohn 15 Eccl. 41. my father wyll take away It is also written not in vayne the chyldren of the vngodly are abhominable children and so are they that kepe company wythe the vngodly What doth he els I pray you that resorteth to the ministration seruice that is most repugnaunt and contrary to christes holye testament there kepyng styl silence and nothing reprouing the same but in the face of the world by hys very dede it self declareth hymself to be of a false fearefull dissembling fayned and vnfaithfull hart and to haue laid away from hym the armour of light discouraging asmuch as lyeth in him al the residue of Christes hoste and geuyng a manifest offence to the weake and also confirmyng encouraging and reioycing the hartes of the aduersaries in al theyr euil doing By which example he doth shew hymselfe neyther to loue god whom he seeth to be dishonoured blasphemed of an Antichristian minister nor yet hys neighbour before whome he should rebuke the euyll Leuit. 18. as it is expressely commaunded in gods holy law where it is sayd thou shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neighbour that thou beare not sinne for his sake Wherfore let such a one neuer fantasy to deceiue himselfe that his name is registred in the boke of lyfe to haue the stipend of christes souldiour except he do the duty and performe the part of a faithful right true souldiour as other haue done before For such fearefulnes commeth not from god as testifieth S. Paule saysng 2. Timot. 1. God hath not geuen vs the spirite of feare but of power of loue Be not ashamed saith he to testify our lord but suffer aduersitie also with the gospel through the power of god which saued vs called vs with an holy callyng To be now feareful when most nede is that we shuld be of strōg hartes is vtterly that reiecting of the feare of god plaine vnfaithfulnes disobedience to the expresse commaūdemēt of our Sauiour christ which saith in his holy gospel Mat. 10. feare not them that kil the body c. For what faithfulnes do we expresse towardes hym when he saith thus to vs and yet we declare in our doings the very contrary beyng euer feareful euē as the vnbeleuyng Israrlites which vnfaythfully feared gods enemies the heathē Cananites where as he had oftētimes geuen thē commaundemēt by his true prophet Moses to do the contrary For the which cause Nume 13.14 al the whole nūber of that secte were destroyed in processe of time in the wildernes and enioyed not the pleasaunt land of promise Which was a bodely figure shewed before and now agreing to the promise of the heauēly inheritaūce which shal be geuē to none other but only to all such as with loue vnfained be wholy bent without any feare of mā to fulfil gods holy wil pleasure But all they that pertaine to the lyuely faith to the winning of the soule wil faithfully sticke to the cōmaundement trusting most firmely faithfully that he that gaue the same wil also geue strength plentifully to performe it euen in the weakest vessels of al as we haue heard sene by many and diuers exāples he only be praised therfore S. Peter saith feare not though they seeme terrible vnto you ● pet 3. neither be troubled but sanctify the lord god in your harts Only saith S. Paule let your conuersation be as it becommeth the gospel of christ Cōtinue in one spirit in one soule phil 3 labouring as we doe to maintayne the faith of the gospel in nothyng fearing your aduersaries which is to thē a tokē of damnation and to you of saluatiō that of god for vnto you it is geuē the not only ye should beleue in Christ but also suffer for his sake Wherfore let vs be right wel assured that we shal yelde a most straight reckening and accompt yf we transgresse the said most wholsome precepts geuē us of our maister Christ of his apostles now in thys troublesome time wherin the gospel is persecuted
shew ourselues feareful souldiours as it is manifestly declared in the Reuelaciō of S. Iohn where it is written Apo. 2. that the fearefull shall haue their part wyth the vnbeleuing and abhominable in the lake that burneth wyth fire and brimstone which is the seconde death Apoc. 3 Againe it is written in the same booke for our warnyng because thou art betwixt both and neyther cold nor whote I wyll spewe the out of my mouth Now therfore good christians these true testimonies of gods liuely worde depely considered and wayed lette vs chiefly stand in awe of hys most terrible iudgementes Esay 8. Prouer. 3. and be not as they that presumptuously tempt hym Let him alway be our feare dread He now chasteneth he nowe nurtereth vs for our profite delightyng in vs euen as a louyng father in hys beloued childe Heb. 12 1. Cor. 11 2. Reg. 7. to make vs perfect and to haue vs to be pertakers of his holynes He now iudgeth vs not vtterly takyng away hys euerlastyng loue and mercy from vs as he dothe from the malignaunt and wycked that we should not be condemned wyth the wycked world but if we now refuse hys most louing chastising followe the world we must nedes haue our portiō wyth the world Wyde is the gate broad is the way which leadeth to destructiō Math. 7 and many there be which go in therat But straite is the gate narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there be that fynde it Oh how much better is it to go thys narrow way wyth the people of god then to enioy the pleasures of sinne for a tyme. In consideration whereof let vs wythout anye more slackyng and further delayes in thys great warnyng by gods louyng visitation submit our selues betime vnder hys myghty hand 1. pet 5 that he maye exalte vs when the tyme is come And thus I wholy committe you to hym and to the worde of his grace which is able to build further beseching you most hartely to pray for me that I may be strong through the power of hys might and stande perfect in all thynges beyng alwais prepared and redy lokyng for the mercye of our lord vnto eternal rest and I will pray for you as I am most bound So I trust he wil graciously heare vs for hys promise sake made vnto all faithfull in his dearely beloued sonne Christ our alone Sauiour whose grace be with your spirit most deare Christians for euer So be it By your Christian brother Iohn Hullyer a prisoner of the Lorde ¶ Iohn Hullyer beyng of longe tyme prysoner and now openly iudged to dye for the testimony of the lord Iesus wysheth hartely to the whole congregation of God the strength of hys holy spirite to theyr euerlasting health both of body and soule I Now most dere christians hauyng the swete comforte of gods sauing health and beyng confirmed wyth hys free spirit be he only praysed therefore am constrayned in my conscience thinkyng it my very duety to admonish you as ye tender the saluation of your soules by al maner of meanes to separate your selues from the companye of the Popes hirelinges consideryng what is said in the reuelation of S. Iohn Apo. 14. by the Aungel of god touching al men The words be these If any man worship the beast and hys image and receyue hys marke in his forehead or in hys hand the same shall drynke the wyne of the wrath of God which is poured into the cup of his wrath and he shall be punished with fyre and brimstone before the holy aungels and before the lambe and the smoke of theyr tormēt ascendeth vp euermore Marke well here good christians who is this beast and worshippers that shal be pertakers of that vnspeakable torment This beast is none other but the carnall and fleshly kingdome of Antichrist the Pope wyth hys rable of false Prophetes and ministers as it is most manifest the which to maintayn their high titles worldly promotions and dignities do with much crueltye daily more and more set forth and establish their owne traditions decrees and decretals contrary to gods holy ordinaunces statutes lawes and commaundements and wholy repugnant to hys syncere pure religion and true worshippyng Nowe what doe they elles but worshippe thys beast and hys image which after they had once already escaped from the fylthines of the world 2. peter 2. through the knowlege of the lord and Sauioure Iesus Christe are yet again tāgled therin and ouercome vsing dissimulation vnfaithfully for feare of their displeasure doing one thyng outwardlye and thinkyng inwardlye an other so hauing them in reuerence vnder a cloke and colour to whom they ought not so much as to say god spede Iohn 3. adioining themselues to the malignaūt congregatiō which they ought to abhorre as a dēne of theues murtherers Iohn 10 EZe 16 as the brothel house of most blasphemous fornicators whose voices being contrary to christes voice if they were of his flocke they would not know but wold fly frō thē as he himself being the good shepehard of our soules doth ful wel in his holy gospel testify Iohn 10. Agayn what do they els I pray you but receiue the beastes marke in their foreheades in their hands which do beare a faire face and coūtenance outwardly in supporting them as other do being ashamed openly to confesse christ and his holy gospel But this fainednes dissimulatiō Mar. 18. christ and hys gospel wil in no wise allow of whō it is said whosoeuer shal be ashamed of me my words in this adulterous and synful generation Luke 9. of him also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he shal come in the glory of his father with his holy angels Therfore sayth almighty god by his prophet Malachy Mala. 1. Heb. 6 cursed be the dissēblers Ye wer once syghtned and tasted of the heauenly gift were become partakers of the holy ghost tasted of the word of god and of the power of the world to come Luk. 6. 2. Iohn 2. And our Sauiour Christ sayth no man that putteth his hand to the plough and loketh backe is apt for the kingdom of god Therfore S. Iohn the Apostle vseth this for a manifest token that the backesliding frō the true teachers of gods word declareth euidētly that they be not of the nūber of them For sayth he they went out frō vs but they were not of vs for if they had bene of vs no dout they would haue cōtinued wyth vs. Surely so long as we vse dissimulatiō to play on both handes we are not in the light For whatsoeuer is manifest Ephe. 4 the same is light as the elect vessel of god S. Paul witnesseth Wherfore good christiās for gods most dere loue deceiue not your selues through your own wisdō through the wisdō of the world which is folishnes before god but certify
letters to nor fro I coniectured that when the bishop and the Chauncellour had sene them it moued them the rather to haue me away being more desirous as I suppose to haue had me dispatched priuily in pryson thē to come opēly to my answer The maner of entreating vsing me at my first cōming to prison dyd partly declare the same Certayne sergeauntes Constables of Couentry beyng appointed to haue the conueying of vs to Lichfield to be deliuered there to one Iephcot the Chaūcellours man sent frō Couentry wyth vs for the same purpose we were commaunded to horsebacke aboute 11. or .12 of the clocke on Friday beyng market day that we myght be the more gased and wondred at And to kindle the peoples hartes more against vs they did proclayme a letter concerning a proclamation made for calling in and disanulling of al such bokes as truly expound interprete the scriptures We came to Lichfield about 4. of the clocke at nyght had leaue to repose our selues our supper tyme. We Inned at the signe of the Swanne where we were enterteyned frendly and gently After supper Iephcot repayred to vs whome we intreated that vpon sureties we myght rest our selues that nighte beyng vnprouided of any thyng to helpe our selues withal in the pryson at that present He was content at the fyrst as he semed but afterwards whether it was by persuasiō or rather as it semed to me he did but of pollicy put of the tyme till he had gathered a multitude to stare and wonder vpō vs and also that we should prouyde nothyng to ease our selues wythall he reuoked hys promise and so by consente we were hadde to the pryson the the multitude wonderyng at vs. I wylled Iephcot before to execute hys offyce wyth mercy tellyng hym that they shoulde haue iudgement wythout mercy that shewed no mercy And this mercy I founde at hys hand He put me into a pryson the same nyght where I continued vntyll I was condemned a place next to the doungel narrow of roumes strong of buildyng and very cold wyth small lyght and there alloweth he me a bundel of straw in stead of my bed wythout chaire forme or any thyng els to ease my selfe wythall God of his mercy gaue me great patience through prayer that nyghte so that if it had bene hys pleasure I could haue bene cōtented to haue ended my life But Iephcot and one Persey the bishops man whyche afterwardes was my continuall keper for the most part came to me in the mornyng to whome I said this is great extremity god send vs patience and no more Then they were content that I should haue a bedde of myne owne procurement But I was allowed no helpe neyther night nor day nor company of any man notwythstanding my great sicknesse nor yet paper penne or ynke or bookes sauing my new testament in Latine a prayer boke which I priuily stole in Within two daies after M. Chauncellour and one Temsey a prebendary there came to me into my prison M. Chauncellor exhorted me to conforme my selfe to my Lord and to the church He wished to my soule no more hurt thē to his owne belike because I had laid to hys charge at Couentry the sekyng of my bloode vniustly and wrongfully Now thus the second tyme I aunswered M. Chauncellour to hys exhortation that I refused not to be ruled by that church that was content to be ordered and gouerned by the worde of GOD. He asked me how I knewe the worde of God but by the churche The churche sheweth whiche is the word of god therfore the church is aboue the word of God This is no good reason in learnyng sayd I to Mayster Chaūcellor For it is like vnto this Iohn shewed the people who was Christ Ergo Iohn was aboue Christe Or els I haue a man that knoweth not the king and I tel him who is the kyng am I therfore aboue the kyng M. Chaūcellour said he came not to reason with me and so departed So remained I without any further conference of any man by the space of .8 dayes and tyll the bishops commyng in in the which tyme I gaue my self continually to prayer and meditation of the mercifull promises of god made vnto al wythout exception of person that cal vpon the name of his deare sonne Iesus Christ I found in my selfe daily amendment of health of body increase of peace in conscience and many consolatiōs from god by the help of his holy spirit sometymes as it were a tast and glymmering of the lyfe to come all for hys only sonne Iesus Christes sake to hym be all prayse for euer and euer Amen The enemy ceased not many tymes sundry waies to assault me oftētimes obiectyng to my consciēce mine own vnworthines through the greatnes of the benefite to be coūted among the number of them that should suffer for christ or his gospels sake Against hym I replyed wyth the word of God in thys sort what were all those whome God had chosen from the begynnyng to be hys witnesses and carye his name before the worlde Were they not men Act. 14. as Paule Barnabas said similiter obnoxii peccato aswel subiect to wickednes sinne imperfections as other men be Euen such were Noe Abraham Dauid and all the rest Rom. 11 Roma 4. Quis prior dedit illi as S Paule sayth Who gaue firste vnto him And also speaking to euery mā What hast thou that thou receiuedst not Likewise Iohn al haue receiued of his fulnes Iohn ● they wer no bringers of any goodnes to god but altogether receyuers They chose not god first but he chose them They loued not god first but he loued thē first Yea he bothe loued and chose them when they were his enemies Roma 10. full of sinne and corruption and voyde of all goodnes Est dominus omniū diues in omnes super omnes inuocātes eū He is and wyl be stil the same god as riche in mercy as mighty as hable as redy as wyllyng to forgeue the synnes wythout respect of person to the worldes ende of all them that call vpon hym Prope est dominus omnibus inuocantibus eum God is nere he is at hād Psal 145. he is wyth all wyth al I say and refuseth none excepteth none that faithfully in true repentaunce cal vpon hym in what houre what place or what tyme soeuer it be It is no arrogancy nor presumption in any man to burthen god as it were wyth hys promise of duty to clayme and chalēge hys aide helpe and assistance in all our perils daungers and dystresse calling vpon him not in the confidence of our owne godlines but in the truste of hys promises made in Christ in whom and by whome and for whose sake whosoeuer boldly approcheth to the mercye seate of the father is sure to receyue whatsoeuer is expedient or necessary either for body or soule in more ample wayes and large manner
slea hys brother Moste manifest examples agaynst the parentes 1. Reg. 3. for the offences of theyr childrē Contrariwse how greatly myght Hānah reioyce ouer Samuell her sonne 2. Reg. 13 whom she had broughte vp in the house of the Lord What thanks should Tobias wife geue for her sonne Toby 3e Reg. 1 How happy was Salomon to be taught by the prophete Nathan But aboue all wydowes thryse blessed was the happy mother of seuen sonnes that so had instructed thē in the feare of God ● Mach. 7 that by no torments they would shrynke from the loue of hys truth Of the laste parte Sainct Paule sheweth that a widow shoulde be chosen if she haue nouryshed her chylderne yf she haue bene lyberall to straungers yf she haue washed the saintes fete and yf she haue ministred to them in aduersitie Herein it is euident how earnestly Saint Paule would haue wydowes bent towardes the poore for that as thoughe they onelye had bene therfore mete he apointed onely wydowes to minister vnto the Saintes and to gather for the poore Which vse also continued almost throughout the primitiue church that wydowes had the charge and gatheryng for poore men and straungers Of your neighbours I nede not to put you in remembraunce seyng you daily fede them wyth good hospitality by which meanes also many foreiners are of your relieued but of the poore almes houses myserable prysoners here in London manye lackyng their libertye wythoute cause some vnder the colour of religion some only kept for fees and some on priuate mens displeasure Alas that Christe so hungreth and no man wil fede hym is so sore opprest wyth thrust and no man wyl geue hym to drynke destitute of all lodgyng and not releued naked and not clothed sicke and not visited emprisoned and not sene In tyme paste men could bestowe large summes of money on copes vestmēts and ornaments of the church Why rather follow we not Saint Ambrose example which solde the same to the reliefe of the poore or Chrisostomes commaundement whyche wylleth fyrste to decke and garnyshe the lyuyng temple of God But alas suche is the wyckednes of these oure laste dayes that nothyng moueth vs neither the pure doctryne the godlines of lyfe nor good exāples of the aunciēt fathers If in any thyng they erred yf they haue written any thing that serueth for sectes and dissention that wyll their charitable children embrace publish and mayntayne wyth sword fagotte and fire But all in vayne they striue agaynste the streame For though in despyte of the truthe by force of the ores of craftye persuasion they maye bryng themselues into the hauen of hell yet can they not make all men beleue that the bankes moue whiles the shyppe sayleth nor euer shal be able to turne the directe course of the streame of gods truthe Our Lord Iesus Christe strengthen you in all pure doctryne and vpright lyuyng and geue you grace vertuously to bryng vp your chyldren and family and carefullye to prouyde for the poore and oppressed Amen At Newgate the .20 of Ianu. 1556. Your assured Bartelet Grene. To my very louyng frendes and maysters M. Goring M. Farneham M. Fletewode M. Roses wel M. Bell M. Hussey M. Calthorpe ▪ M. Boyer and other my Maisters of the Temple Bartelet Grene wissheth health of body and soule VEry frendes are they which are knit together wyth the knotte of Charity Charity dothe not decay but increase in them that dye faythfullye Whereof it followeth that though we be absent in body yet are we present in spirite coupled together wyth the vnitie of fayth in the bond of peace which is loue How is be worthy the name of a frend that measureth hys friendship wyth the distance of place or partyng of persons If thy frende be out of sight is thy frendship ended If he be gone into the coūtrey wilt thou cease to loue hym If he be passed the seas wilt thou so forsake him If he be caried into heauen is charity hyndred therby On the one syde we haue the vse of the fathers from the primatiue church that gaue thākes for their frends that died in the fayth to proue that charity died not wyth death On the other side saith Horace Coelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt What speake I of Horace Saith not S. Paule the same thyng For we are mēbers of hys body of hys fleshe and of hys blood yea we are members one of another Is the hande or arme foote or legge a member when it is disseuered from the body How can we be members except we be ioyned together What is the line that coupleth vs but loue When all thinges shall fayle loue fayleth neuer Hope hath his ende when we get that we hoped for Fayth is fynyshed in heauen Loue endureth for euer loue I say that procedeth of charity For carnall loue when that which he loued is lost doth peryshe wyth the flesh Neither was that euer but fleshly loue which by distaunce of place or seueryng of bodies is parted a sunder If loue be the end or sūme of the lawe yf heauen and earth shal perishe if one iote of gods word shall not decay why should we thynke that loue lasteth not euer I nede not to wryte much to you my frends neyther can I haue leysure now that the kepers are risen But thys I say if we kept Christes commaundement in louyng eche other as he loued vs then should our loue be euerlastyng Thys frendshyp Paule felt when it moued hym to say that neyther length nor bredth meaning no distance of place neither height nor depth should seuer him from the loue of Christe Wey well thys place and mete it wyth Paules measures so shall you finde that if oure loue bee vnfayned it can neuer be ended Nowe maye you saye why writest thou this Forsoth to the end that if our frendship be stable you may accomplish thys the last requeste of your frende performe after my death the frendship we beganne in our life that amitie may encrease vntil god make it perfect at our next meting together Maister Fletewode I besech you remēber Wittrance Cooke two singular mē amōges cōmon prisoners Maister Fernhā M. Bel with M. Hussey as I hope wil dispatche Palmer and Richardson with his companions I praye you M. Calthrop thinke on Iohn Groue an honest poore man Traiford and Rice Aprice his accōplices My Cosin Thomas Witton a scriuener in Lomberd strete hath promised to further their deliuerye at the least he can instruct you which way to worke I dout not but that Maister Boyer will laboure for the good wyfe Cooper for shee is worthye to be holpen and Gerard the Frenchman There be also diuerse other wel disposed men whose deliuerance if ye will not labour for yet I humbly besech you to seke their reliefe as you shall see cause namely of Henry Aprice Lancelote Hobbes Lother Homes Carre and Buckingham a yong man
loueth me vnto the ende and wyll not lose me but wyll rayse me vnto lyfe at the last day psalm 27. The lord is my lyght and my defence of whom then should I be afrayde The lorde is the preseruer of my lyfe what can man then do vnto me I am one of the lordes elect who shal lay ought thē to my charge The lord hymselfe doth iustifye me Rom. 8. who shall then condempne me Sith Christ is myne and I am hys what shal make me carefull or who shal separate me from his swete loue which as Salomon saith in his sweete songes is mightier then the deathe No no let the Tyrannes come when they wyll I trust they shall fynd me ready and wyllyng to goe home to my heauenly father whether my good brethern be gone before me wyth ioy tryumphe and victorye ouer the bloodye Beast and her Babilonicall broode blessed be god therfore Your swete examples of Helias Daniel and the Israelites doe muche confirme my faith in Christ although I be farre inferiour to any of them But as you say full well god himself is my father doth loue me his prodigal sonne wyth an euerlastyng loue sure I am therfore he wil not see me lacke eyther for body or soule for he fedeth the birdes brute beastes yea and men that he much worse then they as you ful wel haue sayd And further my deare hart where as you say that your heauines and sorowe is when you call to remēbrance my crosse and double crosse c ah my good louing sister let not my crosses make your good tender harte heuie but rather be glad reioyce with me that God of hys great mercye will repute me worthye to beare them for his sake Sing psalmes with me of prayse thankesgeuing for God hath made me able to beare them paciently if they wer a thousande times so many moe as they bee as in deede my sinnes haue iustly deserued Wel is me the euer I was born that he woulde vouch me worthy to suffer at al hands or al sorts of men for hys sake or rather that it would please his goodnes to choose me poore caitiffe in whom him self would suffer For the enemies doe not punishe me for my sinnes as they might iustely doe but they do persecute swete Christe in me whose truth I do professe And now as concerning the most comfortable doctrine of our eternall election in him before the foundation of the world was laid I do protest before God man that if euery heare of my head were a mans lyfe I would willingly geue them all in the defence therof Full litle wotteth our free wil men what they do whē they go about so rashely to condēne that doctrine The Lord illuminate their mindes with the light of his holy spirit that they may once see the truth therof and leaue their kicking against the pricke In dede deare frend in the respect of thē and the peril which they be in you and I both haue good cause to mourne lament and be sory to pray for them day night that the Lord if it be his wil would conuert them And whether their blindnes be of simplicitye as I hope it is or of wilful obstinacie which thing is greatly to be feared yet haue I no cause to be angry with them for it is their own harme where as mine should haue bene the like if god had left me to my self as he myght most iustly haue done and for that I am as I am his name only haue the prayse and for hys sake I will alwayes seeke to do them good as much as lyeth in me And what soeuer they haue sayd or shall saye or do againste me I doe and will as hartely forgeue them al as I would be forgeuen of god my great sinnes trespasses For sure I am that what soeuer he be that hath any true tast or liuely felyng of the great mercye loue and kyndnesse of God towardes hym in Christe he can not beare hate or displeasure agaynste anye thynge but synne Sathā the only author therof Therfore in that they doe talke so muche of loue and let so little appeare in their dedes it doth euidently appeare how litle taste and liuelye feelyng of the free mercye of God in Christe they haue A weake fayth hath euer a colde charitie annexed vnto it which is quenched with euery vnkinde worde Yours vnfaynedly Iohn Careles To my deare Sister M. C. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus Christ the cōtinuall ayde strength comfort of hys most pure holy and mightye spirite with the increase of faith and liuely feling of hys eternall mercyes be moste effectuouslye wrought in your hart my deare and faithfull Syster to the full accomplishing of that good worke which the Lorde hath so graciously begonne in you that it may be to the setting forth of his glory the comfort of hys poore afflicted church and to your owne eternall consolation in hym Amen I thanke God most hartely for you my deare hart in the Lord with all remēbrance of you in my prayers as of duty I am bound not douting but you do the same for me to my great ioy comfort in the middest of my crosses which daily do increase yea and that in such sort that if the faythful god by your hartye prayer and others gods deare children dyd not put to hys helpyng hand I should surely syncke downe vnder thē Ah good sister begge hard of our deare father for me that he would shortly tread Sathan vnder my feete and that I may play the man in the Lordes battel as you bydde me be ioyfull in my Christ what payne or peril soeuer I suffer And reioyce wyth me good sister in the Lord and let vs be mery in him not only to chere the good harts of al our faythfull frends but also to anger the cankered hart of Sathā that croked Serpent our ancient enemy For I know that there is nothyng that can greue his malicious mind more thē the myrth gladnes and hartye reioysyng of the childrē of God in their good Christ Ah my faythfull frend if your good hart be heuye who cā make mine light If you be sory who cā make me glad But if you be mery and reioyce in the Lord there shal no trouble make me sad or sorowful Be of good cheare therfore my good sister comfort my swete brother V. Oh that I mighte once heare that he and his bridegrome were in bedde both together and that he had taken a swete slepe in hys louers armes as Iohn dyd vpon hys lappe on the Maundie night Iohn 13 Commend me vnto him most hartelye and desyre hym for the Lords sake to fulfyl my ioye increase my crowne Bid hym be mindefull of me in hys harty prayers as I neyther wyll nor can forget hym in myne Full deare is he vnto my soule So are you my good sister the Lord he knoweth
contrary to all the reste to make them seme among the simple or carnall as though they serued for your purpose and euen so may the rankest heretyke in the world do to stablish his heresy withall But surely in the ende such rakers shal receiue a heuy reward which will be a great deale soner thē they wene let them make as light of the matter in the meane space as they list Ah what a great griefe is this how greatly to be lamēted in these our woful dais that so many which beare the name of christiās vnto whom it hath pleased the lord of his great goodnes infinit mercy to reuele the blessed knowlege of his holy sincere word and therto hath opened the eies of their minds illuminate their vnderstāding wherby they do perceiue aswel what is pleasaūt acceptable in his sight as also what is abhominable detestable in the same do yet that not withstāding not only leue the good which they ought withal their indevour to haue done but also with a wicked boldnes do commit that euil which they ought in no wise to haue done that is where as they ought by al godly meanes to haue encouraged their christian brethrē and Sisters to be strong in the lord and boldly to confesse Christe bearyng his crosse also with ioy and patience and to auoyde al detestable idolatry superstitiō and wickednes which is the right occupieng of their talent and the very ende wherto God hath geuen thē the same do contrariwise as much as in them lyeth both by worde wicked example discourge their weake bretherne and Sisters from the bold confession of christes verity that they shoulde not with ioye and patience beare Christes swete crosse and also do prouoke yea allure and draw thē to all kynde of idolaty supersticion and wickednes in beyng present with the papistes at their most horrible and blasphemous Masse and other Antichristian seruice Whereby it is now come to passe alas therfore that the old prouerbe that S. Peter speaketh of 2. Pet. 2. is found to true the dogge is turned to his vomite agayne and the Sowe that was washed to her wallowing in the mire to the vtter destruction of many a one vnles the lord of his great mercy geue them grace to repent and turne in time Oh world of wickednes and case most lamentable that euer any man to whome the Lorde hathe geuen any of hys good gifts should now apply the same to the destruction of his christian bretherne and Sisters for whome Christ shed his most precious bloud Alas that euer there shoulde be any such vnthankfulnes found amongest those that beare the name of gospellers It had bene muche better for such vnles they in time repent that they had neuer knowen the gospell then thus beastly to abuse their knowledge not only to the terrible destruction of themselues but also of many other simple soules whiche woulde neuer haue bene presēt or pertakers with the Antichristes at their Babilonical superstition had it not bene for such tēpting Serpents which haue subtely deceyued them vnder a pretence of knowlege Oh miserable blynd guides and blynd leaders of the blind who can sufficiently lament your wofull state into the which your worldly wisdom hath brought you hath god for your ingratitude so geuen you vp to your selues that you can nowe finde in your hart with your knowledge to go about to destroy that thing which you ought chiefly to edifie I meane the church of Christ wherof you pretend to be members also to erecte and edifie the thing which God he knoweth you ought by al lawful meanes to pul down destroy I meane the Sinagoge of Sathā or malignant church of Antichrist Ful well am I assured O you holow harted hypocrites that the pestilent papists thēselues neither by feare nor flattery coulde euer haue bene able to haue brought so many simple soules that had some zeale to gods word to the presence of their deuilyshe Idolatry if you such lyke carnal gospellers had not holpe thē aswel with your lying persuasions as also with your deuelysh doings most wicked exāples Therfore I must nedes say that you haue shewed your selues to be greater enemies to the church of Christ dearer scends to the church of Antichrist then the very papistes thē selues be Verely you are farre fitter instrumentes for the deuill to vse his disceate by then the papistes be they neuer so ranck yea to saye the truth you are a farre sweeter bayte to catche the simple soules that do not suspect you then the fynest papists vpon the whole earth For is not this a swete kind of gospelling trow you to the senses of the carnall man to come tel him that is somthing feareful worldly minded with al that he may by the word of God lawfully go to church do al things outwardly as the papists do only let his hart be towardes god and al shal be well enough yea and so he may liue be quiet saue his landes goods and do much good an other way many a day to come when the gospel shal come again c and to make this bayte yet somthing more sweter more subciller to deceaue to garnishe the same with diuerse sayings and examples of the holy scriptures which at the fyrst blush before they be wel weighed seme to make somthing for your purpose thinke you I say that thys is not a swete slight of the subtill Serpent to deceaue the simple soules of carnall wauering minded men withal Yes verelye for this is as the Prophet Ezechiell sayeth a sowing of pyllowes vnder al arme wholes EZec. 13. and bolsters vnder the heades of young and olde to catch soules and to lay the conscience a slepe vpon But when the tyme shall come that God doth waken them then will such slepers say with the Prophet woe be to thē that so haue done Woe be vnto such vngodly gospellers that geue such counsel vnto carnall mē making them by euill meanes to seeke to saue their liues wherby they are like vtterly to lose the same both in body soule for euer These be the enemies of the crosse that Saint Paule speaketh of Phil. 3. which with swete preaching flatteryng wordes deceaue vnstable soules These do not choose rather to suffer aduersitie with the people of God then to enioye the pleasure of synne for a litle season esteming the rebukes of Christe to bee greater ryches then all the treasures of Egipte Heb. 11. Matth. 8. as good Moses dyd But these godlesse hypocrites with the Gergesites set more by their Porkettes then by the companye of Christe and therefore haue they not onelye desyred hym but also compelled him to depart oute of their coastes and in hys stead they haue gently receaued the Deuill and Antichriste hys eldest sonne yea with all their force and might they haue brought him in againe as a good Swineheard to kepe
the greate daye I haue founde great kyndnes of you God recompence you and therefore dutye doth bind me and loue doth compel me to call crye vnto you to come away from that filthy whore of Babilon and bie no more of her wicked wares Meddle not with her marchaundyse at thys market tyme of Easter for verelye her synne is alreadye ascended vppe into heauen and hath also procured Gods plagues and vengeaunce shortlye to be poured vppon her whereof you shall surelye be partakers if you doe not in time repent your backeslidyng shrinking from the Lord. Repent I say repente for the tender mercy of God and haue compassion vppon your owne soules before it bee to late Trulye deare frendes it is nowe no tyme to flatter with you neyther can I laughe at your harme whiche I see to be at hande thoughe it be hydde from your eyes as it was from the Ierosolimitanes when Christe wepte full bytterly at their merye singing c. It is not the parte of a true harte to laughe with his frend when present peryll is at hande but rather to lament to see hym so merye when he hath more cause to mourne In whiche respecte I am euen constrayned with weepyng teares to call vnto you my deare frendes of London in generall because I will name no person that you may yet take hede know the tyme also of Gods first visitatiō for sure I am that hys seconde is harde at hande Doe not you thinke to flee from hys presence for hys heuye hand will finde you out though you should hyde your selues in the very bottome of hell as the Prophette Dauid sayeth Psal 139 Thinke not then that these Romyshe rockes whereinto you daylye creepe can couer you from hys fearefull face when he shal beginne to cal you to accompte for the talent that he hath lent you It is not that your fayned excuse of feare and fragilitie of the fleshe that shall excuse your follye and flying backe from hym No no you will be euen spechles at that day when euery bodye shall spye howe you haue defyled your maryage gramente wyth the superstitions of the whore of Babilon Apoc. 7. and howe you haue wyth that greate harlotte committed fornication in the body and spirite agaynst your deare husband Christ whiche redemed you neyther with corruptible gold nor siluer 2. Pet. 1. but with hys owne moste precious harte bloode and clensed you in the fountayne of water through his woorde that you myghte bee vnto him selfe a glorious spouse and congregation Eph. 5. withoute spotte or wryncke in hys syghte Then will it appeare in the presence of Aungell man and deuil how lyke dogges you haue tourned to your vomitte agayne and as filthye swyne soyled your selues in the popyshe mier pittes and dyrte of the Romyshe dregges Repente therefore I saye agayne repente in tyme and take the earneste warnyng that GOD doth sende you by me his poore messenger willyng you to turne vnto hym before it be to late But peraduenture you will saye as the gestes dyd that were fyrst bidden to the feaste you can not so easelye forgoe your farmes your cattell goodes and landes your wyues and children c. O my deare frendes for the Lords sake lay awaye these vayne yea wicked excuses for verelye God wil in no wise accepte them Consider for Christes sake your duty towardes God in these daungerous daies Math. 3. wherin the Lorde is willing to trye the chaffe from the good corne and to purge hys store with his fanne that is his crosse that he may bring the wheate into his barne and burne the chaffe with vnquencheable fyer You are called vnto a kyngdome that must be wonne with suffering on euery side Into the which you must also enter as S. Paule sayth through many tribulations temptations and afflictions Act. 14. in that whiche you must trauell as straūgers pilgrimes in thys wretched world which is not our natiue countrey nor the place where we must rest for euer Oh thē learne to leaue all things willingly that you do here possesse and lift vp your mindes alwayes to the heauenly habitation where you shal continually remaine in ioyes vnspeakeable Repose not your felicitie in the pelfe of this world which shortly shal perish come to nought but set your harts ioy vpon the liuing god who in Christ for his sake hath geuen him self wholy to be your portion and inheritance for euer therefore of ryght ought you with gladnes to geue your selues wholy vnto him both in body and soule But that do you not so long as you seeke to serue two Maisters Math. 6. which yet you can not do as Christe affirmeth though you cloke colour and counterfeite neuer so much Do you thinke it but a smal thing for the Lord god hym selfe euen the mightye Iehouah to geue him selfe wholye to be your owne good God and moste deare louing father Do you thinke it but a light matter that he hath geuen for you euē to the death of the crosse his own onely dere sonne Iesus Christ in whō was is all his whole pleasure delite yea and that whē you were his very enemies by the whiche gift he hath geuen you al thinges both in heauen in earth Do you esteme it but a trifle that he hath geuē you the holy ghost by whose power mighty operation you are made the very sonnes of god and coheyres annexed with Christ of al your fathers goods and possessions But peraduenture you will aske me who doth not seriouslye regard all these aforesayde most precious giftes Verely I say that none of you al doth regard thē that do not wholye geue ouer your selues agayne to serue him yea and that in suche holynesse ryghteousnesse as is accepted before hym For if you did dulye consider the depthe of hys aboundaunte bottomeles loue and mercye in Iesus Christe you woulde so loue hym agayne that you woulde boldly burste out and saye with S. Paule who is he or what is it that shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God in Iesus Christ our Lord Rom. 8. Read the whole Chapter and the .11 and .12 to the Hebrewes for your comfort But I knowe that some of you wyll saye doth none loue god and serue hym trulye but such as lye in pryson or geue their liues for hys sake Then God helpe vs for verye fewe shal be saued In dede deare frends euē so our sauiour christ doth say Math. 22. Math. 7. Luk. ●2 many are called but fewe are chosen and straite is the gate that leadeth to lyfe and fewe finde it And in an other place Christ calleth his true Church a little flocke And as concerning the fyrst parte of your question Christe doth also make you a playne direct answere saying that whosoeuer will be hys Disciple Math. ●6 must nedes take vp hys crosse follow him And againe he that
Margaret feare not them that can but kil the bodye and yet can they not do that vntill God geue them leaue but feare to displease him that can kill both body and soule and cast them into hel fire Let not the remembraunce of your children kepe you from God The Lorde hymselfe wil be a father and a mother better then euer you or I could haue bene vnto them He himselfe will do al things necessary for them yea as much as rocke the cradell if nede be He hath geuen his holy aungels charge ouer them therfore cōmit them vnto hym But if you may liue with a cleare conscience for els I would not haue you to lyue and see the bringyng vp of your children your self loke that you nourture them in the feare of God and kepe them farre from Idolatry superstition and all other kynd of wickednes and for gods sake helpe them to some learning if it bee possible that they may increase in vertue godly knowledge which shal be a better dowry to mary them withal then any worldly substaunce and when they be come to age prouide them such husbandes as feare god and loue hys holye worde I charge you take heede that you matche them wyth no papistes and if you lyue and marrye agayne your self which thing I would wishe you to do if nede require or els not good wyfe take heede howe you bestowe your selfe that you and my poore children be not compelled to wickednes But if you shal bee able well to lyue gods true widowe I would counsell you so to lyue stil for the more quietnes of your selfe and your poore children Take hede Margaret play the wise womās part You haue warning by other if you wil take an example And thus I committe you my swete children vnto gods most merciful defence The blessing of god be with you god send vs a mery meeting together in heauen Farewel in Christ farewel myne own deare harts all Pray pray To my deare Syster M. C. THe euerlasting peace of god in Iesus christ the cōtinuall comfortes of his most pure and holy spirit be wyth you my deare and faithful louing Sister and comforte your harte with the plenteous consolation in Christ that with the aboundance of the same you may according to your old custome comfort me in my sorowful estate that I may be occasioned therby to praise the lord with and for you and other his deare children Amen Albeit my dere faithful louing Sister that it were now my part very duty to shew myself so cōfortable ioyful in god for the greate triūphe glorious victory that he hathe so graciously geuē vnto his dere faithful child good M. Philpot that you al other whose sorrowes I dare saye are much encreased might be solaced by the same yet alas such is my losse lack of him that I cānot but so sore lamēt the same that I feare me I shal not onely discōfort you therw t but also displease god which for my sīne hath takē him away And thoughe it had ben both mine honesty duty seing my self to be in so much sorrow to haue kept the same to my self not to haue encreased yours therwith yet could I no lōger forbeare but to cōmunicate some part therof to the ende that you might communicate again to me either your ioy or sorrow whether so euer you haue most store of If your ioy in christ haue the victory as doutles it ought to haue in the respect of gods glory which is so mightely set forth by his swete saint thē I pray you come to me as shortly as you can cōmunicate some part thereof vnto me whose froward and stubborne harte cannot yet be cōtent to preferre the good wil glorye of god before myne own wil cōmodity as I ought to do But if sorrow in you haue gottē the vpper hand as in very dede it doth be guide to do in me good Sister come speake with me ●o lo●e as you can that we may measure our mourning together and in cōforting one an other may be both cōstrained to forget our sorrowes praise god with him who is now synging in sola●e ● hys swete companions that so constantly went before hym loking and wishing for vs two I dare wel say god graunt vs grace to follow their faith and fotesteppes vnto the end Amen Ah my dere harte me thinkes I am like a vessel of wine that after it hathe bene tumbled and tossed to and fro if it should not haue a vente would burst in pieces Euen so the takyng away of this very man of god whose swete cōfort my poore soule doth lacke so tosseth and tormoileth my poore heuy harte that excepte I shoulde as it were wyth a vent expresse the same to god wyth weping teares and opē the same to you wyth wordes and letters I thinke verelye it would burst in pieces which thyng were to me most happely welcome so that god were pleased therewithall Oh yf nature wil so worke in a wycked worldlyng to make hym hartely to lamēt the losse of his frende by whose death he doth yet obtaine diuers commodities howe can it be but the tender harts that be mollified with the good spirit of god must nedes bewayle the taking awaye of those deare hartes by whose death they are depriued of so many heauēly benefits which so farre without comparison do passe al earthly treasures Ah deare hart I neuer wiste what the benefit of that worthy Bradford was vntil now that I feele the wante of hys deare fellow Philpotte which full oft poured the precious water of lyfe and comforte vppon my poore afflicted foule But now alas for my great ingratitude negligence other my great sinnes god hath taken them bothe from me I shal no more hear thē in thys life the more is my sorrow declare vnto me the most cōfortable message of gods great mercy towards me Their worthy writings alas shal no more bring me the most ioyfull newes and mery tidinges of the Gospel to tel me that al my horrible sinnes and offences are frely forgeuē me Oh my great losse which maketh me much to lament and so vexeth and tormenteth my minde that I cannot wel tel what I write Oh true token of gods terrible wrath agaynst me in takyng away suche precious iewels of comforte from me But iust is the iudgement of god against me for my synne which haue largely deserued to be depriued of their swete and comfortable company not onely in thys life but also in the lyfe to come But yet I know the Lord wil not so do but of his great mercy he hath taken thē at thys time frō me that I might make the more haste with harty desyre to be dissolued to be with them Oh gracious god how much is thy mercy How meruelous is thy louīg power how great is thy goodnes and the aboundance of thine exceding kindnes which
these boysterous wyndes that blow The Lord can lay them when he luste And bring the raging waues full lowe But your safegard shall styl remayne In a strong castell of defence God graunt vs well to meete agayne With myrth and ioye in his presence Iohn Careles To the afflicted Christian ☞ Feare not for death passe not for handes Onely in God put thy whole trust For god wil requyre thy blood at their hands And this thou doest know that once die thou must Onely for Christ thy lyfe if thou geue Death is no death but a meane for to lyue A letter of Doctor Taylour of Hadley written to his wife This pac●er is called syr Robert Bracher a false protesstant in Kyng Edwardes dayes afterward a deadlye enemye to that religion whiche he had professed and now is become a protesstante agayne serueth at S. Denys in Lōdon in Fann●-church strete calleth hym self Harry Bradshawe Thys pedler cōmyng to the buryal of hys frende and gods great enemye Walter Clarke of Hadley albeit he came somewhat to late to the market as he sayd yet be●ng desyrous to vtter hys ware opened there his packe ful of most p●stilent poysoned doctrine Thys was one of thē that so vnmerc●fully thrust D. Taylours wife childrē out of the do●es as she h●● 〈◊〉 can testifye whiche we haue here placed as it came to our handes with certayne other letters following DEare wife I pray god be euer with vs through Christ our only Mediatour Amen I thanke you for my cap I am somthing proud of it for it is one steppe frō the cleargy in these dayes I thank god my harte is cleane deuided from their proceedings For I know that no mā can serue .ij. Maisters specially if they agree no better thē Christ Antichrist do I am glad that Hadley can skil of such packing ware as was brought thether the fyrst day of May last past Christes shepe cā discerne christs voice frō the voyce of straungers theues or hyrelings The packe bringer was sory that he came to late to the funeral market of hys faythfull frend But here I wil leaue thē both to Gods iudgement someting touche the matter wherof the packer made mentiō on his opening day At the first he called the scripture as I heare ful of darke sentences but in dede it is called of S. Dauid a candle to our fete a light to our pathes Our Sauiour Christe calleth his word the light which euyll doers do flye frō hate lest their dedes should be reproued therby S. Paul wold haue vs to walke as childrē of light in any wise not to cōtinue in ignorāce or darknes But al we in the world perteyn to .ij. princes eyther to the father of light truth or els to the prince of darknes lyes In these dayes preachers declare euidently of whō they are sent and with what spirit they speake to what prince they belong For they cry out againste Gods lightes sunne moone sterres torches lampes lanternes cressets cādels in gods booke the Bible prouided of gods great goodnes mercy to auoyd al foule darknes cloudes mistes or daungerous doubtful waies in this our iourney to our heauēly father long home mansiō houses derely purchased heritage Esay gods faithfull messenger sayeth woe be vnto thē that call sweete sower good euil light darknes Therfore cōmeth my people into captiuitie because they haue no vnderstādyng Our sauiour Christ pronoūceth errours heresyes to remaine amōg the people so long as ignorance of the scriptures remaineth And hereby it appeareth to al good cōsciences what they meane which defame or accuse gods blessed word being ful of light as though it were ful of darknes These oules wold haue al day lightes scraped out of bokes harts churches Oh lord turne their hartes tonges bowe thē frō the way of darkenes lest they go to the prince of darknes be cast into the paradise of vtter darknes where is weping gnashing of teeth Now touching the packes of wolle packes of cloth I feare they were as al other their wares be transsubstantiate into flockes euē his very finest packing stuffe against only fayth iustifying ▪ for the corporal presence of Christes body in the sacramēt for praying for soules departed for auriculer cōfessiō Abrahams iustification by faith by grace by promise not by workes is plainly setforth both in the Epistle to the Rom. cap. 4 to the Gala Cap 3. And Abrahams works of obedience in offring vp his sonne so long after his iustification must nedes be takē as a fruit of a good tree iustifying before men not of iustificatiō before god for thē had mā to glorye in then did Christ die in vaine And where as the .6 chap. of S. Iohn was alleaged to proue the Christ did geue his body corporally in his supper euē as he had promised in the said 6. chap. it is most vntrue For only he gaue his body sacramentally spiritually effectually in his supper to the faithfull Apostles and corporally he gaue it in a bloody sacrifice for the life of the world vpō the crosse once for al. There in his own persō in his own natural body he bare al our sines by whole stripes we were healed as S. Peter proueth 1. Pet. 2. Esay cap 53. In dede receauing Christs sacramēt accordīgly as it was instituted we receaue Christes body Christs blood euen as I sayd before the Apostles dyd But the popysh Masse is an other matter The Masse as it is now is but one of Antichristes youngest doughters in the which the deuill is rather present receaued then our Sauiour the .2 person in Trinitie god man O Lorde god heauenly father for Christes sake we besech thee to turne againe England to the right way it was in in King Edwardes tyme from thys babilonicall stewyshe spirituall whoredome conspiracye tyranny detestable enormityes false doctrine heresye hardnesse of hart and contempte of thy worde cōmaūdements frō this euident opē Idolatry sacriledge simony blasphemy superstitiō hypocrisy transubstātiate Angel of light day deuil kingdōe of lies foule vain schismes sectes sedition apostasie gaye swete poyson honied and sugered viperous venime wily woluishnes Sathanical subtiltye and abhomination in the sight of God and of all such as put on the true spectakles of holy scripture I am the more plaine now in this matter because I feare greatly the many wil be to much ready to go frō Christ to Antichrist from the Bible true gods seruice religiō to latine lying legendes portases Massebokes superstition They say their church can not erre in any point when in dede they be not of gods church and therefore they can do nothing but erre euen as they do almoste in all cases of true fayth But to come again to the packer rather thē preacher he brīgeth S. Chrisostomes sentence writing ad popu●ū antiochenum
Lordes cause VVilliam Coker A letter of Nicholas Shetterden a faith full Martyr of Iesus Christ written to hys Mother a little before hys death O My good Mother whō I loue with reuerence in the Lorde according to my dutye I desire your fauourable blessing and forgeuenesse of all my misdedes towards you Oh my deare Mother in fewe wordes I wyshe you the same saluation whiche I hope my selfe to feele and partly taste of before thys come to you to read and in the resurrection I verely beleue to haue it more perfectlye in bodye and soule ioyned together for euer and in that daye GOD graunte you to see my face with ioye but deare Mother then beware of that greate Idolatrye and blasphemous Masse O let not that be your GOD whiche Mice and wormes can deuoure beholde I call heauen and earth to recorde that it is no GOD yea the fyre that consumeth it and the moystnes that causeth it to moulde And I take Christs Testament to wytnesse that it is none of his ordinaunces but a mere inuention of men and a snare to catche innocentes bloode and nowe that GOD hath shewed it vnto you be warned in tyme. O geue ouer old customes and become new in the truth What state soeuer your fathers be in leaue that to God let vs followe the counsel of his word deare Mother embrace it with hartye affection reade it with obedience let it be your pastime and cast of all carnall affections and loue of worldly thinges so shall we meete in ioye at the last day or els I bid you farewell for euermore Oh farewell my frendes and louers all God graunt me to see your faces in ioye Amen From Westgate the .11 of Iuly .555 Nicholas Shetterden appoynted to be slayne for Christes cause and the mayntenaunce of hys most sounde and true religion A letter wrytttn by the Ladye Iane Gray to her Syster the Lady Katheryne immediatly before she suffered I Haue here sent you good Syster Katherin a booke which although it be not outwardly trymmed with gold This booke was a newe Testament in Greke in the end whereof she had written this letter yet inwardly it is more worth then precious stones It is the booke deare Syster of the law of the Lorde it is his testament and last wyll which he bequethed vnto vs wretches whiche shall lead you to the path of eternall ioy and if you with a good mynd do read it with an earnest purpose follow it it shall bring you to an immortal euerlasting life It wil teach you to liue learne you to die It shal winne you more thē you shold haue gayned by the possessiō of your woful fathers lands For as if god had prospered him you should haue in herited his lands so if you apply diligently this boke seking to directe your life after it you shal bee an inheritour of suche riches as neither the couetous shal withdraw from you neither the these shal steale neither yet the mothes corrupte Desire with Dauid good Sister to vnderstand the law of the Lord your god Liue stil to die that you by death may purchase eternal life And trust not that the tendernes of your age shal lengthē your life for as sone if God cal goeth the young as the old And labour alwayes to learne to die Defye the world denye the deuil despise the flesh delight your self only in the Lord. Be penitent for your sinnes yet despayre not be strong in faith yet presume not desire with S. Paule to be dissolued to be with christ with whō euē in death there is lyfe Be lyke the good seruaunt euen at midnight be wakyng lest whē death cōmeth and stealeth vpon you lyke a thefe in the night you be with the euil seruaunt found slepyng and least for lacke of oyle you be found lyke the fyue folyshe women like hym that had not on the weddynge garmente and so be caste out from the mariage Reioyce in Christ as I prayse God I do Folow the steppes of your maister christ take vp your crosse lay your sinnes on his backe alwais embrace him And as touchyng my deathe reioyce as I do good Sister that I shal be deliuered frō this corruptiō and put on incorruption for I am assured that I shal for loosing of a mortal lyfe winne an immortal life The which I pray god graunt you send you of hys grace to lyue in hys feare and to dye in the true christian faith from the which in gods name I exhort you that you neuer swarne neither for hope of life nor for feare of death For if you wil deny his truthe to lengthen your life God wil deny you and yet shortē your daies And if you wil cleaue vnto him he wil prolong your dais to your comfort his glorye to the which glory god bring me now and you herafter whē it pleaseth him to cal you Fare you wel good Sister and put your only trust in god who only must helpe you Letters of M. George Marshe a godly faythfull and learned pastour in Christes churche put to deathe at VVestchester wyth moste cruell kyndes of tormentes as you may see in the booke of Martyrs fol. 1122 for the constant and faythfull confession of Christes Gospell To the professours of gods worde and true religion in the towne of Langhton GRace be wyth you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of Iesus Christ our Lord Amen I thought it my duty to wryte vnto you my beloued in the lord at Langhton to stirre vp your harts to cal to your remēbrance the words which haue ben told you before and to exhort you as that good man and full of the holy ghost Barnabas dyd the Antiochiās that with purpose of hart ye continually cleaue vnto the lord Actes ●● and that ye stand fast be not moued away from the hope of the gospel wherof God be thanked ye haue had plenteous preaching vnto you by your late pastour M. Saunders other faythful ministers of Iesus Christ Luke 8. Rom. 1 which now when persecution aryseth because of the word do not fall away like shrinking children and forsake the truth being ashamed of the gospell wherof they haue bene preachers but are willing and redy for your sakes which are Christes mistical body to forsake not onely the chiefe principal delites of this lyfe I meane their natiue countreyes frendes liuings c but also to fulfill their ministery vnto the vttermost that is to wyt with theyr paynful imprisonments bloodshedings if nede shal require to confirme and seale christes gospel whereof they haue bene ministers and as S. Paule saith they are ready not onely to be cast into prison Acts. 12 but also to be kylled for the name of the lord Iesu Whether these beyng that good salte of the earth Matth. 5. that is true ministers of gods worde by whose doctrine being
not kepe away the foules from picking it vp would he so bestow his sede in you as he hath if that he would not hedge in your hartes his field frō commō pathes frō breaking in of beastes to destroy it Wil he be more careles thē a good husbandmā to wede out the wedes which are in vs lest they should ouergrow the corne of hys word Wil not he bestow mucke marle vpon vs that we may bring forth more fruite Yf in a good husbandman this be not lacking alas how should we thinke then but that the lord god a good husbandman nothing but good only good how I say should it be but that he is moste careful to kepe his sede alredy sowē in your hartes by the ministery of vs other his preachers that to the bringing forth of iust and ful frutes He that hath begōne with you doute not my derely beloued but that he wil happely make an end with you He hath begon to sow his sede in you as I dare say ye feele it be sure thē that al this wil follow First he wil haue Skarecrowes in your hartes I meane such sparkcles of his feare wil he droppe yea already he hath dropped into you that the birdes of the aire vain euil cogitatiōs shal not be cherished of you but expelled by crieng to the lord for his help Secōdly he wil make such hedges as shal kepe you aswell from by pathes of al euil customes vsages as also preserue you frō the power of euil dominiō of sinne which would haue the vpper hād on you Thirdly he wil doutles poure such showres vpō you to supple you so ●ede you so mucke marle you by tēptation other exercises that the Sunshine of persecutiō shall make more to the ripenyng of hys seede in you then to the witheryng of it away These thynges my dearely beloued the Lord god which hath begonne them in you and for you wyll continue with you that in the ende you maye be broughte into hys barne there to reste wyth hym in eternall felicitie For Gods sake therfore wayte and looke for no lesse then I haue told you at hys handes a greater seruice can you not geue him Yf god kepe not the order I haue told you but perchaūce beginne to mucke and marle you to poure hys showers vpō you to nippe you with his weeding tonges c reioice be glad that God wyll doe that in you and wyth you at once which a long tyme he hath bene a workyng in for others Now vndoubtedly great showers are fallen to supple our hartes that gods word might enter therin and take roote Now the Lord goeth a weedyng to weede out of vs oure carnality securirye couetousnes selfe loue forgetfulnes of God loue of this world Now the lord doth mucke mar●e vs loading vs wyth heapes and burdens of crosses that our hartes myghte be made good grounde to bryng forthe fruite to gods glory by patience as well in suffryng inward temptations and griefes wherof we must complayn to the Lord for hys Skarecrowes to dryue them forth of vs ●s also in sufferyng outward assaultes for the which we must cry to our Maister for hys hedges and defence Which hathe ij partes the one concernyng vs to helpe and deliuer vs and the other concernyng our or rather hys obstinate aduersaries to take vengeaunce vpon them which he will do in hys tyme. Therfore let vs by patience possesse our soules knowing that they which perseuer to the ende shal be saued Let vs not be werye of well doyng for in our tyme we shall reape the fruites therof But rather whiles we haue tyme let vs redeme it in doyng well to al men but specially to the houshold of fayth which thyng hether to you haue done the lord therfore be praysed and in the day of hys comming he recōpence you and in the rest I hope well I meane that you haue declared no lesse in cōfessyng the truth planted in your hartes by your wordes and workes after your uocation to the glory of God I hope you haue godly behaued your selues not being as too many be now a daies euen mungrels geuing halfe to God halfe to the worlde halting on both knees going two waies I meane it of the Masse gospellers which are worse thē any papistes In this point I hope wel of you my dearly beloued that you haue not contaminated your selues that you haue both confessed the truth as ofte as nede hath requyred and also haue refrayned from comming to church now where is nothing but idolatrous seruice ● hope you haue glorifyed god both in soule and body I hope you haue gathered with Christ not scattered abroad I hope you haue drawen no yoke with vnbeleuers nor communicated with other mens synnes but haue abstayned from all appearaunce of euill confessing in harte confessing in tong confessing in dede acte the true knowledge of God which he hath of hys great mercye geuen vnto you not to bee as a candle vnder a bushell but vppon the candlesticke to geue light that men may see your good workes and glorifie your father which is in heauen All thys I hope of you my beloued and also of al puritie of life and godly conuersation not doubting but in this behalf also you haue declared gods veritye in your harte and for the Lordes sake do so still in all poyntes that is in your vocations be diligent and ryghteous towards your selues be sober and pure towards your neyghbours be charitable and iuste towardes god be faythfull and thankefull louing and obedient Vse earnest and often hartye prayer Meditate much vpon and often hearken to the word of god If you be called geue with modestye an accompt of the hope whiche is in you Be not ashamed of Gods true seruice allow not that with your presence which is contrary to Gods wil. Make not the mēbers of Christes Church that is your selues mēbers of Antichristes church Be not ashamed of the gospel or of such as be bound therfore but rather be partakers therof first inwardly by cōpassion prayer c then outwardlye by geuing according to that the Lord hath lent you to that ende and laste of all by suffering wyth vs if God so will and if it be nedeful for you For my dearly beloued be certayne that no mā can touch you or lay handes vpon you but by the will of God which is all good towards you euen as the wil of a most deare father which an not alwayes be angrye or otherwyse vse his rodde then only to chastice and correct not to destroy hys children Agayne be certayne that no crosse shall come vnto you before you nede it For God is oure Phisicion and when he seeth oure soules in perill he preuenteth the peryll by purgation and ministring Phisicke which is the crosse As therfore for the body we follow the aduice of the Phisicions for the health
thereof thankefully vsing their counsell and obeying theyr preceptes so for gods sake let vs for our soules being sicke thankefullye receaue the heauenlye Phisicions phisicke and dyet so shall we waxe stronge men in GOD and in hys Christe Which thyng I besech thee O holy spirite to worke in vs all Amen My dearly beloued thys haue I brieflye written vnto you Phil. 4. not as one that seketh any giftes as Paul sayth but as one that seeketh aboundaunt fruites on your behalfe and to your commoditye For it is better to geue then to receaue sayteh Christe by hys Apostle S. Paule who testifyeth that according to that we sowe so shal we reape He that soweth little 2. Cor. 9. shall reape little he that soweth muche shall reape much Neuer shoulde we forgette how that the Lorde Iesus being riche for our sakes became poore that we myght be made riche by hym Agayn neuer shoulde we forget that we are dead to sinne and aliue to ryghteousnesse Therefore shold we liue wholy vnto god for god not for our selues In al things therfore we must auoide the sekyng of our selues as wel in doing as in leuing things vndone If the crosse come vpon vs therfore then are we happy for the spirite of God and the glorye of God resteth vpon vs. Therefore reioyce saith christ for your reward is great in heauē Math. 5 In this we are made like to Christe here therefore we shal be so els where euē in eternal ioye endlesse glory The high way to heauē you know is afflicciō so that al that wil liue godly in Christ Iesu must suffer persecution If we were of the world the world wold loue vs Iohn 15 but we are not of the world but beare witnes against the world therfore the worlde doth hate vs. But let vs reioice our lord hath ouercome the world He suffred out of the Citie bearīg our rebuke saith the Apostle Let vs then go out of oure tentes beare hys rebuke that is let vs denye our selues Heb. 13 take vp our crosse which is his also followe him Let vs know esteme this more riches thē al the treasures of the world as Moses did Let vs know that he that saueth his life shal lose it Let vs know that the way to saluatiō is a strait waye and a waye wherein we can not carye oure bagges and chestes with vs. Let vs know that no excuse of wife farme house or childrē wil excuse vs. Let vs know that in this case we must be so far frō louing father mother Luke 14 ▪ wife children that we must hate thē our own selues also Though this be a hard saying yet we must not leaue our loades man for a litle foule way Yea rather we shoulde knowe in dede that it is but hard to the flesh which if she be hādled deintely will be imperious vnder muste she be kepte that the spirit which is a precious thing in gods sight may haue her cōmodities If we should follow the fansye of the fleshe we coulde not please god Against it we haue made a solemne professiō as also agaynst the deuil the world in oure baptisme And shal we now loke for easie thyngs of our enemies Shal we not loke rather to be hardly entreated of thē O that we considered oftē in dede what we haue professed in baptisme then the crosse we should be wel acquainted together For we are baptised into Christs death that is as to be pertakers of the benefite of his death which is remission of sinnes so to bee made like therunto cōtinually by dying to sinne O that we cōsidered what we be where we be whether we are going who calleth vs how he calleth vs to what felicitie he calleth vs wherby he calleth vs then my deare harts in the Lord we should say to al worldly persuasions persuaders follow me Sathan thou seuerest not those things that be of god but the things that be of men Shall we not drinke the cuppe which our heauenly father hath appoynted for vs O Lord god opē thou our eyes that we may see the hope wherunto thou haste called vs. Geue vs eyes of seing eares of hearing hartes of vnderstanding In the fauour thou bearest to thy people remember vs visite vs with thy sauing health that we maye see the good things thou hast prepared for thy elect childrē that we may haue some syght of thy heauenly Ierusalē and haue some tast of the swetenes of thy house O deare father kindle in vs an earneste desire to bee with thee in soule and body to prayse thy name for euer withall thy saintes in thy eternall glorye Amen Iohn Bradford To my deare fathers D. Cranmer D. Ridley and. D. Latimer IEsus Emanuell My deare fathers in the Lorde I beseche God oure sweete father throughe Christ to make perfecte the good he hath begonne in vs all Amen I had thought that euery of your staues had stande nexte the doore but nowe it is otherwise perceaued Our deare brother Rogers hath broken the Ise valiauntlye and as thys daye I thinke or to morrowe at the vttermoste hartye Hoper syncere Saunders and trustye Taylour ende theyr course and receaue their crowne The nexte am I whiche hourely looke for the porter to open me the gates after them to enter into the desyred reste God forgeue me myne vnthankefulnesse for thys exceedyng greate mercye that amonges so manye thousandes it pleaseth hys mercye to choose me to be one in whom he wyll suffer For althoughe it bee most true that luste patior for I haue beene a greate hypocrite and a greuous synner the Lorde pardon me yea he hath done it he hath done it in deede yet hic autem quid mali fecit Christe whom the Prelates persecute hys veritye whiche they hate in me This is a singuler mercye of God to haue death which is a due punyshmente for synne turned into a demonstratiō and ●es●fication of the Lordes truth hath done no euill nor desermeth death Therefore oughte I moste hartelye to reioyce of thys dignation and tender kindnesse of the Lorde towardes me whiche vseth the remedye for my synne as a testimoniall of hys testament to hys glorye to my euerlasting comforte to the edifying of hys Church and to the ouerthrowing of Antichriste and hys kyngdome O what am I Lord that thou shouldest thus magnifye me so vyle a man and myser as alwayes I haue bene Is this thy wonte to sende for suche a wretche and an hypocrite as I haue bene in a fierye chariot 4. Regū 2 as thou diddest for Helias Oh deare fathers be thankfull for me and praye for me that I styll maye bee founde worthie in whom the Lord would sanctifye hys holy name And for your parts make you readye for we are but your gentlemen hushers Nuptiae agni paratae sunt venite ad nuptias I now goe to leaue my flesh
is a good confession of Christ and his verity before the wycked world Oh that you would follow the good example of a great nūber of your godly neighbours which are graciously escaped the snares of Satā are nowe where they serue the Lord with a safe conscience and enioy the right and free vse of hys worde and sacramentes followe them for the lordes sake get you hastely out of Sodom for surely the lorde is vtterlye minded to destroy it Lynger not as Lothe did if you loue your owne liues lest you find not altogether so much mercy at the lordes hands as he did for verely you haue tempted him to farre alredy haue to much despised his long sufferyng leuitie and gentlenes whiche ought to leade you to earnest and hartye repentaunce He hath mercifully forborne you these ij yeres past and more if he fynd no fruite in you shortly make reckening to be pulled vp by the rotes euery mothers sonne of you for the axe is alredy laid at the rote of Englād as it was by the Romains at the roote of the Iewes when Iohn Baptiste began hys preachyng I pray god that we fele not the sharpe stroke of it as they did Pray pray pray and repent in time conuerte to the lord that he may heale your backslidings before your woundes be vncurable I could here say much more but time wil not suffer me I trust this shal be sufficient to al such as haue any sparke of faythe loue or true feare of God As for the rest they are as a point with themselues whatsoeuer any man either write or say thei wil surely dissēble one way or other to saue their pigges yea thoughe they doe but put their names in the Popes bookes Wel yet saye not an other daye but that ye were warned and though it were but by a poore symple man yet it was by him that wisheth wealthe to all youre soules one that in this pointe hath told you the truth and he trusteth shortly you shal see him seale the same wyth his blood through the helpe of the good prayers of all you that truly repēt and mind vnfainedly to turne the lord in time As for the rest I wil pray for them but let them kepe their owne praiers to themselues in goddes name for I wil bee no pertaker wyth them sith I know the same is turned vnto sinne Thus with most harty thankes for all your benefites and manifolde kindnes shewed vnto me my poore brethren beseching god to recompence the same seuen folde into all your bosomes as I doubt not but he wil according to his vnfallible promises I do hartely cōmit you al vnto gods most merciful defēce who euer haue you al in his blessed kepyng Amen The blessyng of God be with you al Amen Your poore daily and most bounden Oratour Iohn Careles prisoner of the Lorde in the kinges Bench at all tymes abiding gods moste mercifull will and pleasure Pray for me for gods sake as I will neuer forget you by gods grace To hys VVyfe AS by the great mercye of God at the tyme of hys good wyl and prouidence appointed my dearely beloued wife you and I were ioyned together in the holy and christian state of godly matrimony as well to our great ioye and comfort in Christe as also to the encrease of his blessed churche and faithfull congregation by hauyng lawful children by and in the same with the which God of his mercy hath blessed vs praised be his name therfore euen so now by his merciful wil and deuine ordinaunce the tyme is come so farre as I can perceiue wherin he wyl for his glory and our eternal comfort dissolue the same and separate vs asunder agayne for a tyme. Wherfore I thought it good yea and my bounden duetye by this simple letter to prouoke stirre and admonish you to behaue your self in all your doinges sayinges and thoughtes most thankfully vnto our good God for the same And therefore my deare wyfe as you haue hartely reioyced in the lord oftētimes geuen god thankes for his goodnes in bringing vs together in his holy ordinaunce euen so now I desire you whē thys tyme of our separation shal come to reioyce with me in the lord and to geue him most harty thanks that he hath to his glory and our endles commoditie separated vs agayne for a little time and hathe mercifullye taken me vnto him selfe forth of this miserable world into his celestial kingdom beleuing and hoping also assuredly that God of his goodnes for his sonne Christes sake will shortly bryng you youre dere child●rne thether to me that we may most ioyfully together sing praises vnto his glorious name for euer And yet once again I desire you for the loue of god as euer you loued me to reioyce with me and to geue GOD continuall thankes for doing his most mercifull wil vpon me I heare saye that you doe oftentimes vse to repete this godlye sayinge the Lordes will be fulfilled Doubtles it reioiceth my pore hart to heare that report of you and for the Lordes sake vse that godly praier continually teach your children and family to say the same day and nighte and not onely to say it wyth your tonges but also with your hart mind ioyfully to submit your wil to gods wil in very dede knowing and beleuing assuredly that nothing shal come to you or any of yours otherwise then it shall be his almyghty fatherly good will pleasure for your eternall comfort and commodity Which thing to be moste true and certaine Christ testifieth in his holy gospell saying are not .ij. Math. 10. little sparrowes sold for a farthing and yet not one of them shal perish without the wil of your heauenly father And he concludeth saying feare not ye therfore for ye are better thē many sparowes As though he should haue said if god haue such a respecte and care for a poore sparrow whiche is not worth one farthing that it shal not be takē in the lime twig nette or pitfall vntil it be his good wyll and pleasure you may be wel assured that not one of you whom he so derely loueth that he hath geuen his only dere sonne for you shal perish or depart forth of this miserable life without his almighty good will and pleasure Therfore deare wyfe put your truste and confidence wholy and only in him and euer pray that his wyll be fulfilled and not yours excepte it be agreeing to his wil the which I praye GOD it may euer bee Amen And as for worldly things take you no care but bee you well assured the Lorde your deare God and father wyll not see you nor yours lacke if you continue in his loue and childly feare and kepe a cleare conscience from al kind of idolatry superstition and wickednes as my trust is that you will doe althoughe it bee with the losse and daunger of this temporall life And good