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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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more then was in the fountaine or originall seeing he receiued all from thence 3 What maketh this place I pray you for the power of externall iurisdiction Here it is saide that God gaue of his spirit to seauentie Elders and rulers of the people and enabled them for their office endued them with wisdome and knowledge and dexteritie in iudging of the people this maketh nothing for their purpose vnlesse they will also say that there is a secret influence of knowledge and wisdome deriued from the Pope to all other Bishops whereby they are made able to execute their office but I trow they will not say so for Alphonsus de castro truly saith of the Popes of Rome constat plures eorum adeo esse illiteratos vt grammaticam penitus ignorent it is certaine that many of them were so vnlearned that they hard and scant knew their grammar 4 The argument followeth not from one particular countrie as this was of the Iewes to the vniuersal Church that because the seauentie Elders receiued iurisdiction from Moses yet that cannot be proued out of this place for they were rulers before and commaunders of the people the were now but inwardly furnished and further enabled yet it were no good reason that therefore the Ecclesiasticall Ministers ouer the whole Church should receiue their power from one 5 Neither doth it follow that because the Prince and ciuill Magistrate may bestowe ciuil offices create Dukes Earles Lords constitute Iudges Deputies Lieutenants by his sole authoritie that by the same reason Ecclesiasticall ministers should receiue their power office from their superiors for although the Church from ancient time hath thought it good to make some inequalitie and difference in Ecclesiasticall offices for the peace of the Church yet the superiors haue not such a soueraigntie and commaunding power ouer the rest as the Prince hath ouer his subiects The Protestants THat Bishops haue not their Ecclesiastical iurisdiction from Rome but do as well enioye it by right of their consecration election institution in their owne precinctes circuites prouinces cities townes yea as the Pope doth in his Bishopricke and by much better right if they be good Bishops and louers of the truth thus briefely it is proued 1 The Apostles had not their iurisdiction from Peter but all receiued it indifferently from Christ this the Iesuite doth not barely acknowledge but proueth it by argument against the iudgement of other Papists cap. 23. Ergo neither Bishops are authorised from the Pope though he were Peters successor for if he were to graunt it for disputation sake he is no more to the Bishops of the Church then Peter was to the Apostles If hee gaue not the keyes to the Apostles neither doth the Pope Saint Peters successor to the Bishops the Apostles successors for they may with as great right challenge to bee the Apostles successors as he can to be Saint Peters Nay the Apostles gaue no power or iurisdiction to the Elders and pastors whom they ordained Act. 20.28 Take heede to the flocke ouer the which the holy Ghost hath made you Bishops or ouerseers and Ephes. 4.11 Hee hath giuen some to bee Apostles some Prophets some pastors and teachers so then the pastors and teachers though ordained by the Apostles yet had their calling and office frō God and not from the Apostles much lesse now can they receiue their power from any no not from the Pope for he is no Apostle no nor Apostolike man hauing left the Apostolike faith 2 Augustine saith Solus Christus habet authoritatem praeponendi nos in ecclesiae suae gubernatione de actu nostro iudicandi de baptis 2.2 Onely Christ hath authoritie saith hee to preferre vs to the gouernement of the Church and to iudge of our dooings the pastors then of the Church haue the keyes of the spirituall regiment from Christ himselfe not from the Pope or any other THE EIGHT QVESTION OF THE temporall iurisdiction and power of the Bishop of Rome THis question hath two partes first whether the Pope in respect of any spirituall error 51 iurisdiction haue also the chiefe soueraigntie in temporall and ciuill matters and so to be aboue Kings and Emperors secondly whether the Pope or any Bishop may be the chiefe Lord and prince ouer any Countrie Citie or Prouince THE FIRST PART WHETHER THE Pope directly or indirectly haue authoritie aboue Kinges and Princes The Papists THe Papists of former times were not ashamed to say that the Pope is the Lord of the whole Church as Panormitane in the Councell of Basile Fox page 670. Yea Pope Innocentius the third said writing to the Emperor of Constantinople that as the Moone receiued her light from the Sunne so the imperiall dignitie did spring from the Pope and that the papall dignitie was seuen and fortie times greater then the imperiall yea Kinges and Emperors are more inferior to the Pope then lead is to golde Gelasius distinct 96. But our later papists ashamed of their forefathers arrogancie in wordes seeme to abate somewhat of their proud sentence but in effect say the same thing For they confesse that the Emperor hath his office and calling of God and not from the Pope neither that the Pope directly hath any temporall iurisdiction but indirectly hee may depose Kinges and princes abrogate the lawes of Emperors and establish his owne he may take vnto himselfe the iudgement of temporall causes and cite Kings to appeare before him yet not directlie saith the Iesuite as hee is ordinarie Iudge ouer the Bishops and whole Clergie yet indirectlie as hee is the chiefe spirituall Prince hee may doe all this if hee see it necessarie for the health of mens soules And so in effect by their popish indirect meanes they giue him as great authoritie as euer hee vsurped or challenged Bellarmine lib. 5. cap. 6. 1 The Ecclesiasticall and ciuill power doe make but one bodie and societie as the spirite and the flesh in man Now the Ecclesiastical power which is as the soule and spirite is the chiefe part because it is referred to a more principall end namely the safetie and good of the soule the other is as the flesh to the spirite and respecteth but a temporall end as the outward peace and prosperitie of the common-wealth Ergo the spirituall power is chiefe and may commaund the other Bellarm. cap. 7. Ans. First it is a very vnfit and vnproper similitude to compare these two regiments to the soule and the bodie for by this meanes as the spirite giueth life to the bodie and euery parte thereof so the ciuill and temporall state should receiue their office and calling from the Ecclesiasticall which the Iesuite himselfe denieth and so directly the one should rule the other for the soule directly I trow not indirectly moueth the body and gouerneth it But if wee will speake as the Scripture doth we make all but one bodie and it is the spirit of Christ who is the head that giueth
of his abasing and humiliation Fulke annot in hunc locum as S. Paul saith That he made himselfe of no reputation and tooke vpon him the forme of a seruant Philip. 2.7 The Protestants THat Christ our Sauiour by the vertue of his death did ouercome hel and the deuill we doe verily beleeue which may be called a discent into hell that he also suffered the torments of hell vpon the crosse and so descended into hell for vs to abide that bitter paine which we had deserued to suffer eternally we doe also holde and teach for what rather may be called hell then the anguish of soule which he suffered when he being God yet complained that he was forsaken of God Furthermore if descending into hell be taken according to the Hebrew phrase For entring into the state of the dead so we also graunt that Christ descended into hell Fulk Act. 2. sect 11. But for the descending of Christ into hell after your sense to deliuer the Patriarkes from thence when you can proue it out of Scripture we will yeelde vnto you 1. The soule of Christ which he committed into his Fathers hands was in Paradise where he promised the theefe should be with him Luke 22.43 How then could his soule be three daies in hell as you affirme from the time of his death to his resurrection Fulke Luke 11. sect 4. Bellarm. answereth that it was not impossible that the soule of Christ should be in two places at once cap. 15. which is an answere not worthy to be answered for who hath taught them so boldly to builde their phantasies vpon Gods power hauing no warrant not assurance of his wil May not the Vbiquitaries by the same reason proue the omnipresence of Christs humanity because he is able to make his soule and body to be in many places at once as well as in two and so consequently by his power which is infinite as well in all places as in many 2. We beleeue that the Patriarkes and godly Fathers were in heauen or Paradise as well before the resurrection of Christ as after for in as much as they were iustified by faith in his blood they receiued the same crowne and reward of righteousnes that we doe being iustified by the same meanes This we haue proued more at large controu 9. quest 1. Wherefore seeing there were none in hell which they call Limbus Patrum to be deliuered there was no such cause why Christ should descend into hell Therefore he descended not to deliuer the Patriarkes that remained in darkenes 3. They agree not among thēselues about this article of Christs descension to deliuer the Patriarkes Andradius saith it cānot be proued out of Scripture but Bellarmine and our Rhemists doe bring their best arguments for it out of Scripture they alleadge also diuers causes of his descension the Romane Catechisme rendreth two reasons one to set the Patriarkes at liberty the other to manifest the power and vertue of his death in hell but that S. Paul saith was sufficiently manifested and made knowne vpon the crosse Colos. 2.15 Thomas Aquinas beside these addeth a third that as Christ died for vs to free vs from death so it was conuenient that he should descend into hell to deliuer vs from the descension into hell as though Christ by his death did not fully deliuer vs from eternall damnation Some other holde that Christ went thither to suffer the torments of hell that he might fully pay our raunsome by suffering the whole punishmēt due vnto mankinde but this is a very grosse and erronious opinion for Christ suffered fully in body and soule vpon the Crosse when he cried Consummatum est It is finished that is he had fully appeased the wrath of God by his sufferings Augustine saith plainely that he knew not what good Christ wrought for the iust soules that were in the bosome of Abraham when he descended into hell a quib eum secundum beatificā praesentiam diuinitatis nunquam video recessisse From whom I finde hee was neuer absent or withdrew himselfe by the blessed presence of his diuine power Ergo in his iudgement Christ descended not to deliuer the Patriarkes And concerning the soule of Christ he writeth flatly Si mortuo corpore anima latronis ad Paradisum mox vocatur quempiam adhuc tam impium credimus qui dicere audeat quoniam anima Saluatoris nostri triduo illo corpor●ae mortis apud inferos custodiae mancipetur If the soule of the theefe straightway being gone from the body was called vp to heauen is there any man so wicked to say that the soule of our Sauiour was kept three daies in the prison of hel By his sentence then the soule of Christ passed straight to heauen and descended not to hell AN APPENDIX CONCERNING the place of Hell The Papists THe place where damned spirites are tormented they say is about the center of the earth the lowest of all places and nothing lower then it Bellarm. de error 102 Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 10. Their Limbus Patrum the place of darkenes where the Fathers were before Christ is say they in the highest parte and as it were the brimme of hel Rhemist Luke 1● 22 Betweene these two places there is a great gulfe or space and there is Purgatory Rhemist Luk. 16. sect 8. Wherefore they conclude veros inferos esse loca subterranea That the subterrestriall and infernall places doe properly make hell Bellarm. cap. 8. And so hell should be properly a place of punishmēt because of the farre distance from heauen whereas not so much the distance of place as the absence of Gods spirite and losse of his fauour maketh it a place of horror and miserie Argum. 1. Math. 12.40 As Ionas was three daies and three nights in the belly of the Whale so the sonne of man must be in the hart of the earth but the graue is not in the hart but the brimme of the earth Ergo we must needes vnderstand Hell which is in the midst of the earth Bellarm. cap. 12. Ans. 1. This place cannot otherwise be applied then to signifie the burial of Christ and his abode in the graue and his rising againe the third day of his soule it cannot properly be meant for Christ saith he will giue them the signe of Ionas in himselfe but a signe is conspicuous visible and apparent how could then the descending of his soule be a signe vnto them which they knew not neither could see But the laying of his body into the graue and the remaining there to the third day they were all eye witnesses of Also there is great affinity betweene the two Greeke words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a signe which is there vsed Math. 12.40 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth sepulchrum a graue the one word being fitly deriued of the other what better 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 then could he giue them then 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his owne graue or Sepulchre Secondly to
obedience seing they are inioyned things not commanded by God nay contrary to his commandements The Protestants NO obedience to any ruler either spirituall or temporall is to be yelded vnto but for the Lords sake and in such matters wherein we haue the warrant of Gods word for our obedience 1 Coloss. 3.23 Seruants be obedient to your masters and whatsoeuer you do doe it heartily as to the Lord But if any thing be inioyned vs which is not warranted by the word of God we cannot with a good conscience obey as before the Lord. Agayne Saint Paul saith Coloss. 2.18 Let no man at his pleasure beare rule ouer you or beguile you or as the Rhemists translate seduce you wilfully Ergo no man must impose rules of life beside the Gospel for this were to rule ouer men at their pleasure 2 Augustine sayth Cum homo conster anima corpore oportet nos ex ea parte quae ad hanc vitam pertinet subditos esse potestatibu● ex illa parte qua credimus deo ad eius regnum vocamur non oportet nos cuiqua● esse subditos Seeing a man doth consist both of bodie and soule in regard of that parte which the affayres of this life concerne we ought to be subiect to the higher powers but in respect of that part whereby we beleeue and are called to the kingdome of God we must be obedient to none August in 13. ad Rom. Therefore no man may impose any new religion vpon vs which altogether toucheth the conscience THE THIRD PART CONCERNING THE vow of continencie or chastitie The Papistes THe vow of chast and continent life is commendable and meritorious they say in all that doe take it vpon them and after the vow made they are sure error 89 to receiue that high gift of continencie if they duely labour for it Rhemist annot 1. Corinth 7. ver 7. But whosoeuer marrieth after the vow made sinneth damnably and turneth back after Sathan Rhemist annot 1. Tim. 5. sect 12. 1 Math. 19.12 Some haue made themselues chaste or as the Rhemists doe very homely translate it haue gelded themselues for the kingdome of heauen this proueth the vowes of chastitie to be both lawfull and meritorious Rhemist in hunc locum Ans. This is meant onely of those that haue the gift of continencie who if they be sure they haue receiued it may vow and purpose single life but without such assurance no man can vow continencie lawfully Secondly but as for meriting it commeth neither by being maried or vnmaried but is the free gift of God through Christ. Fulk ibid. 2 1. Timoth. 5.12 Hauing damnation because they haue cast away their first fayth that is the vow of continencie which they made to Christ it cannot be meant of the first fayth in baptisme for that is not lost by mariage Rhemist And againe vers 15. They are turned back after sathan we may here learne for those to marrie which are professed is to turne back after Sathan Rhemist in eum locum Answer First Saint Paul speaketh not here of widowes alreadie chosen but to be chosen hee would haue younger widdowes to bee chosen because they woulde waxe wanton and marrie and therefore it is not like that by the first fayth heere is meant the vowe of chastitie seeing there is no cause that these younger widdowes shoulde make any vowe beeing excluded by the Apostle from Church seruices Secondly vers 14. Saint Paul himselfe Counselleth the younger widdowes to marrie therefore it is not like they were votaries Thirdly by the first fayth is vnderstood the Christian fayth which the younger widowes waxing wanton and lasciuious nor carying to match with Infidels were in danger to breake as the Apostle telleth them of some that had done so already and were turned backe after Sathan Fourthly we say not that the fayth of baptisme is broken by all mariage but with ioyning with Infidels Fiftly it appeareth what breach of faith Paul meaneth when he sayth They waxe wanton and idle and are busie-bodies goe from house to house and speake things vncomely verse 13. Which is a sliding back from the Christian fayth when our life iarreth with our profession not a breach of any vow of continencie Fulk 1. Timoth. 5. sect 10.12 The Protestants OVr sentence then appeareth to be this that the vow of continencie cannot lawfully be made of all neither is indifferently to be required of them seeing all are not indued with that gift Fulk Math. 19.6 And that it is better euen for vowed persons hauing rashly presumed beyond their strength to marrie rather then to burne Fulk 1. Cor. 7. sect 8. 1 The scripture euery where commaundeth such to vse the benefite of mariage that haue not the gift to liue single 1. Cor. 7.2 For auoyding of fornication let euery man haue his wife and ver 9. If they cannot abstaine let them marrie Wherefore they transgresse the commandement of God and presume rashly that hauing not this gift doe vow virginitie Bellarmin Answer First Saint Paul wisheth men to marrie not for euery temptation of lust but when they are ready to fall into externall workes of vncleannes as into fornication and therefore hee sayth For auoyding of fornication let euery one haue his wife For Saint Paul felt the pricke of the flesh that is the lust of concupiscence and was buffeted of it yet maried not for all that cap. 30. Rhemist annot 1. Corinth 7. sect 8. Answere First we say not that for euery light temptation which by resisting may be ouercome in those that haue the gift of continencie a man is to desire mariage but when he is continually enflamed with lust so that the will doth consent though he be not yet so ouercome that he fall in outward vncleannes and this is the Apostles meaning when hee sayth It is better to marrie then to burne that is with inward lust when his minde is disquieted And such a man as doth burne with secret concupiscence still wrastling with that fire and not being able to quench it if he refuse to vse the lawfull remedie of mariage is in danger also to fall into outward fornication 2 Concerning Pauls example First the place is not so to be vnderstoode of the lust of concupiscence for it is not like that the Apostle being kept vnder with hunger colde imprisonment should bee so greatly tempted that way But either it may be vnderstood of the particular temptation to pride and vainglorie as he him selfe expoundeth it vers 7. lest I should be exalted out of measure through the abundance of reuelations Or else generally Saint Paul vnderstandeth by flesh the whole masse of corruption and whatsoeuer was in him that resisted the spirite In this sense he crieth out Roman 7. Who shall deliuer me from this body of death Caluin 2 Though we yeeld that Saint Paul was tempted of his concupiscence yet he ouercame and subdued it obtayning from God after some striuing grace and power to quench
power for he was not quickned or restored to life by his humane soule but by his diuine power his soule was ioyned againe to his bodie Augustine also giueth another reason why he cannot be said to be quickned or made aliue in spirit that is in his soule for then he must haue died before in soule But Mors animae peccatum est à quo ille immunis fuit But the death of the soule is sinne from the which Christ was free 2 The Apostle speaketh onely of those which were incredulous and disobedient not of the faithfull such as the Patriarkes were and Prophets Yea sayth Bellarm. they might be vnbeleeuers at the first but after repented before they dyed Ans. Then the Apostles comparison could not hold if any were saued without the Arke for as then eight persons onely were saued all without the Arke perished so now without baptisme and faith of the Church for by baptisme he vnderstandeth not the washing of water but the inward grace of the spirit none can be saued If then any were saued out of the Arke there may now also be saluation out of the Church Augustine also sayth Ii modò qui non crediderunt Euangelio illis intelligantur esse similes qui tunc non crediderunt cum fabricaretur arca They which now beleeue not the Gospell are like to them which beleeued not then while the Arke was in making And they which doe now beleeue and are baptized are like to those which then were saued in the Arke Augustine thinketh therefore that they were incredulous persons and vtterly perished both bodie and soule And so is our opinion 3 The text saith not he went and deliuered but went and preached for Augustine calleth it an absurd thing to thinke that the Gospell was preached to them that were dead which in their life time were incredulous for if the Gospell bee preached in Hell sayth he it would followe that it is not necessarie it should be preached here in the world if men when they are dead may heare it and be conuerted And againe it would ensue sayth he that there should bee a Church in hell for where the word is preached there is a Church Wherefore he concludeth that it must needes be vnderstood of Noah his preaching in the spirit and power of Christ Arcae fabricatio praedicatio quaedam fuit The building of the Arke was a kinde of preaching Epistol 99. So also he expoundeth that 1. Pet. 4.6 The Gospell was preached to the dead Ex circumstantia loci apparet eum intelligere eos qui nunc mortui sunt sed olim in vita Euangelium audiuerunt Commentar in epistol ad Roman 4 The text is not that were in prison but doth better beare this sense that are So the Apostles meaning is this that they which were incredulous and disobedient in time past when Noah in the spirit of Christ or Christ by his spirit in Noah preached to the world were then destroyed in the flood now for their increduliti● are punished in the prison of hell The Protestants THat the holy Patriarkes Fathers and Prophets dyed in the same faith before the comming of Christ which all true Christians doe now hold and were presently receiued into the ioyes of heauen and not kept in any infernall place or dungeon of darknes thus it is proued 1 They had all faith and beleeued in Christ yea the same faith that is now preached as it is defined by the Apostle Heb. 11.1 They also by this faith obtained remission of sinnes Rom. 4.7 Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiuen as it is alleadged out of the Psalme Ergo they were blessed but out of the kingdome of God there was no blessednesse to be found therefore they also went to heauen 2 If the heauens were not opened before Christs ascension as the Rhemists affirme then none went to heauen before Christ ascended But that is false Henoch and Elias by their owne confession were taken vp into Paradise so was the soule of the theefe vpon the Crosse. But Paradise is heauen yea the third and the highest heauen as S. Paul calleth it 2. Corinth 12.4 And so Augustine expoundeth that place Voluit Deus Apostolo demonstrare vitam in qua post hanc vitam viuendum est in aeternū The Lord would shew vnto the Apostle that life wherein after this life we shall liue and remaine for euer De Gene. lib. 12.28 These three therefore went to Paradise which is no infernall or place of darknesse but a Celestiall habitation of ioy light and felicitie They were not then in Limbo Patrum in the dungeon of the Fathers Wherefore we conclude there was accesse to heauen before the ascension of Christ. 3 The Fathers and Patriarkes before Christs comming were in Abrahams bosome but that was no infernall place or prison such as they imagine Limbus Patrum to be Augustine proueth that it could not be membrum or pars inferorum a member or part of Hell or any infernall place as the Iesuits hold First the text saith there is magnum chaos a great gulfe a great distance betweene Luk. 16.26 and vers 23. The rich man sawe Abraham a farre off wherefore it is not like that both those places should be infernall Secondly Abrahams bosome was quietis habitatio faelicitatis sinus a place of rest and blisse but so is not any infernall place where there is horror and darknesse Thirdly the place where the rich man was is called Hell or infernall there is no such thing sayd of Lazarus that he was in any lower place but aboue in some high and farre distant place for the rich man is sayd to lift vp his eyes Augustine then concludeth Ne ipsos quidem inferos vspiam scripturarum locis in bono appellatos reperire potui Epistol 99. I doe not finde that this word infernall is taken any where in the scriptures in the good part And therefore the bosome of Abraham being a place of rest sayth he cannot be any infernall place AN APPENDIX OR APPERTINANCE OF THIS question concerning the apparition of Samuel The Papists THey hold opinion that it was the very soule of Samuel that appeared at the error 10 witches house at Endor vnto Saul and vse it as an argument to proue that the soules of the Patriarkes were not in heauen but in some infernall place before Christs comming because Samuel ascended out of the earth Bellarm. De Christ. anim lib. 411. Argum. 1. Because he that appeared to Saul is called Samuel in the text Augustine answereth that the Images of things are called by the names of the things themselues as Genes 41. Pharao sayd he sawe eares of corne and fat and leane kine in his dreame when they were but the images of such things So the diuell because he appeared in the shape of Samuel Samuel himselfe is sayd to be seene Ad Simplicianum lib. 2. quaest 3. Argum. 2. Ecclesiastic 46 It is set downe as a commendation of Samuel
other but all shall not passe through Purgatorie by their owne confession They are driuen to this shift to graunt that vers 13. the fire is taken in one sense namely for the sentence and iudgement of God and vers 15. in another that is for the flames of Purgatorie But who seeth not how absurd a thing this is that in an allegorie the same word and in the same place should be so diuersly taken Thirdly The day shall reueale it that is sayth Bellarmine the day of the Lord at the comming of Christ the Rhemists vnderstand the particular day of euery mans death so well they agree together But it is apparant that this is the meaning that the day that is the time shall declare it for God hath appoynted a time to examine euery mans doctrine by fire which is nothing els but the iudgement of God by the fire of his word whereby euery man in the day of his calling and conuersion shall knowe whether he hath preached aright or not Fulk The Protestants THat there is no such place of Purgatorie after this life but that here onely is the place of repentance and to be reconciled vnto God and that the soules departed are presently either receiued vp to heauen or thrust downe to hell thus it is proued out of the scriptures Argum. 1. The scripture maketh but two kinds of works either good or euill Ecclesiastes 12.14 But two sorts of men he that beleeueth shall be saued he that beleeueth not shall be condemned Mark 16.16 But two places heauen and hell Math. 25. Christ hath but two flockes one of sheepe at the right hand another of goates at the left and he saith to the one Come ye blessed to the other Goe ye cursed There are but two sorts of men therefore but two places Ergo no Purgatorie Bellarm. There shall be indeede at the comming of Christ but two places heauen and hell Purgatorie shall haue an end Ans. First you say your selues that there shall be two infernall places for euer Hell for the wicked and a Limbus for infants that dye vnbaptized and heauen that maketh three and now you say there shall be but two Secondly there are but two places now because there are but two sorts of men for the beleeuers are alreadie passed frō death to life Iohn 5.24 The vnbeleeuers are alreadie condemned Iohn 3.18 Thirdly Augustine consenteth with vs Non est vlli vllus medius locus vt possit esse nisi cum diabolo qui non est cum Christo There is no middle or third place but he must needes be with the diuell that is not with Christ. De peccator remiss merit lib. 1. cap. 28. And againe Tertium locum penitus ignoramus imo nec esse in scripturis sanctis inuenimus The third place beside heauen and hell we are vtterly ignorant of nay wee finde not in scripture that there is any Arg. 2. S. Paul saith that euery man shall receiue the works of his bodie according to that which he hath done either good or euill 2. Cor. 5.10 Therefore there is no place to cleanse and purge the soules of men after this life for then they should not receiue according to the works done in their flesh Bellarmine sayth that euen they whose sinnes are remitted after death doe receiue nothing but that which was done in the flesh for they deserued in their life time to be helped after death Ans. First as for desert we will shewe elsewhere that it hath no place before God neither in this life nor the life to come for the scripture sayth Blessed is he to whom the Lord imputeth no sinne not who deserueth remission of sinnes Rom. 4.6 Secondly this deuised and friuolous distinction doth not stand with the Apostles meaning for he speaketh of things actually done in the flesh not deserued to be done and of the workes of the bodie not of the soule of things perfectly done not begun onely or in choate and he vseth it as a reason to perswade men euen while they liue to be accepted of God vers 9.11 But if there might be any such helpe after death there needeth no such hast presently to be conuerted vnto God Argum. 3. Apocal. 14.13 Blessed are the dead from henceforth that dye in the Lord for they rest from their labours Ergo there is no Purgatorie for all the godly departed are at rest Bellarm. First it is not meant of all the godly but onely of Martyrs which dye for the name of Christ. Ans. As to liue in Christ Iesus is a phrase of scripture signifieth to liue godly in Christ 2. Timot. 3.12 so to dye in the Lord signifieth to dye in the faith of Christ 1. Thessal 4.16 Therefore this place is vnderstood of all the godly Bellar. 2. This word amodò from henceforth is not to be vnderstood straight after their death but straight after the day of iudgement thē they shal be blessed Ans. First by this reason none that are dead in Christ should be happie before that time And yet by your owne confession Martyrs are straightway receiued vp to heauen Secondly S. Iohn vseth this word elsewhere to signifie from this time forward as Iohn 1.51 Christ sayth to Nathanael From henceforth you shall see heauen open Rhemist Thirdly it may be also vnderstood of the soules of Purgatorie that are without danger of sinne and damnation and are put in vnfallible securitie of their saluation with vnspeakable comfort Ans. First so the Saints liuing are blessed being as well without feare of damnation Rom. 8.1 and are assured of their saluation Rom. 8.16 Secondly I pray you what rest or comfort can they haue that endure greater paine then any in this life And how can their consciences be quieted seeing their soules are so afflicted for bodies they haue none whatsoeuer they suffer is in soule how then can ioy and paine comfort and horror be together in the soule Fulk ibid. THE SECOND PART OF THE CIRCVMSTANces and other matters belonging to Purgatorie The Papists error 11 1. THey say it is an article of faith to beleeue that there is a Purgatorie and that he which beleeueth it not is sure to goe to Hell Bellarm. lib. 1. de purgatorio cap. 11. The Protestants WE hold that it is not onely an article belonging to the faith but contrarie to it and that though there were a Purgatorie yet it should not be necessarie to saluation to beleeue it First because the scripture hath not determined it which containeth all things necessarie to saluation Secondly the Greeke Church holdeth it not to this day they confesse no Purgatorie though they pray for the dead it were a hard matter therfore to pronounce them damned Thirdly Augustine doubted of it He sayth that there should be some such place after death non incredibile est it is not incredible vtrum ita sit quaeri potest aut inueniri aut latere fideles potest whether it be so or not
onely faith but loue or charitie obtaineth remission of sinnes Bellarm. ibid. Rhemist in hunc locum The Protestants Ans. THe argument is not from the cause to the effect but from the effect to the cause for Christ doth not reason thus she loued much therefore many sinnes are forgiuen her but contrariwise Many sinnes are forgiuen her therefore she loueth much As the next words declare to whom little is remitted he loueth little And our Sauiour sayth in plaine words in the last verse That her faith had saued her whereof her loue was an effect Argum. That the contrition of the heart is no meanes of our iustification nor a meriting cause or procuring of remission of sinnes Saint Paul sheweth Rom. 4.5 6. To him that beleeueth faith is counted for righteousnes And Dauid declareth the blessednesse of that man to whom God imputeth righteousnes without workes It is faith then onely that obtaineth remission of sinnes and a man is iustified without any respect had to his workes Therefore neither contrition nor any other worke inward or outward procureth remission of sinnes but faith onely is the meane So Augustine sayth Opera sequuntur iustificatum non praecedunt iustificandum Workes followe a man alreadie iustified they goe not before to iustification De fide operib cap. 14. Therefore the worke of contrition is not auaileable to iustification The Papists 5. COntrition they say is not necessarie for veniall or small offences neither error 11 is a man bound thereunto So. lib. 4. distinct 17. articul 3. The Protestants THis assertion is cleane contrarie to scripture for the Prophet Dauid praieth not onely to be kept from presumptuous sinnes Psalm 19.13 but euen to be cleansed from his secret faults vers 12. Augustine agreeth Non solum propter vitae huius ignorantiam sed etiam propter ipsum puluerem mundi huius qui pedibus adhaerescit quotidianam habere debemus poenitentiam Not only for the ignorances of this life but euen for that drosse and dust of the world which hangeth vpon our feete we ought daily to repent vs. He meaneth the lesser and smaller scapes of our life The Papists error 12 6. THere is a kind of cōtrition that proceedeth only from the feare of punishmēt when a man doth leaue sinning not for any loue or delight he hath in God but onely for feare of damnation Euen this contrition also is good and profitable yet this seruile feare is at length cleane driuen out by charitie But there remaineth still in the godly an awe and feare of God and his iudgements with mistrust and feare of hell and damnation as Math. 10. Feare him that can cast bodie and soule into hell Rhemist Iohn 4. sect 6. Bellarm. lib. 2.17 The Protestants FIrst we acknowledge that the feare of punishment is necessarie in the beginning to make a way for true loue to enter as the bristle or needle as Augustine sayth maketh roome for the thred to enter We also confesse that there is a continuall feare and reuerence of God in the godly such as children haue of their parents but as for any mistrust or feare of hell and damnation after loue be once entred and we made the children of God which breedeth terror and anxietie of conscience it is cleane expelled and thrust out of the doores by loue Argum. So saith the Apostle There is no feare in loue but perfect loue casteth out feare and maketh vs to haue confidence in the day of iudgement 1. Ioh. 4.17 18. But he that feareth damnation and is afraid of the day of iudgement cannot haue confidence in that day So Augustine Quid dicimus de illo qui caepit timere diem iudicij si perfecta in illo esset charitas non timeret What say we to him that feareth the day of iudgement if loue were perfect in him he would not feare it THE SIXT QVESTION OF AVRICVLAR Confession the second part of penance The Papists error 13 NOne can rightly seeke for absolution at the Priests hands vnlesse they confesse particularly at the least all their mortall sinnes whether they be committed in mind heart will and cogitation onely or in word and worke with all the necessarie circumstances and differences of the same Rhemist Ioh. 20. sect 5. And this sacramentall confession as they call it must be made secretly to the Priest Concil Trident. sess 14. can 6. Argum. 1. This wonderfull power of remitting and retaining of sinnes which was giuen to the Apostles and their successors Ioh. 20.22 were giuen them in vaine if no man were bound to seeke for absolution at their hands which can not be had of them without distinct vtterance to them of our sinnes for they cannot rule the cases of conscience vnlesse they haue exact knowledge and cogitation of their sinnes Rhemist ibid. Ans. 1. God hath not made his ministers in Christs stead iudges of cases of conscience as though there were in them an actual power to remit and absolue sinnes but their office is onely to declare and set forth vnto all penitent persons the promises of God for remission of sinnes the seueritie of Gods iudgement against impenitent persons which is especially performed in the preaching and applying of the word either publiquely or priuately as S. Paul calleth the Gospell committed vnto him The word of reconciliation 2. Cor. 5.16 2. A man therefore may by their ministerie which are the preachers of reconciliation finde remission of sinnes without a particular declaration thereof neither is it necessarie for them to haue so exact a knowledge of our sinnes seeing they are not absolute iudges of the conscience but the ministers and ambassadors of reconciliation 2. Corinth 5.20 3. And Ministers are not to stay while suite is made vnto them for their helpe but they ought to exhort and desire men to be reconciled to God by their ministerie Argum. 2. As the Priests in the law had onely authoritie to discerne the leprosie of the people and therefore Christ sendeth the lepers to the Priest Luk. 17.14 so men must reueale the spirituall leprosie of sinne to the Priest Rhemist ibid. Ans. First the leprosie was not healed by the Priest but onely declared to be healed so sinnes are declared to be forgiuen by the Priest not properly forgiuē Secondly the Priest receiued not knowledge of all diseases but of this that was contagious therefore it would not followe hereupon that all sinnes are to be confessed to the Priest but such as are notorious where publique confession is by Church discipline inioyned and such confession we denie not Thirdly the argument followeth not from the Priests of the law to the Ministers of the Gospell for the Priesthood of the law is translated wholly vnto Christ who hath all knowledge to discerne and power to heale our spirituall diseases The Protestants COnfession of sinnes such as the scripture alloweth we doe acknowledge as namely these foure kinds There are priuate confessions either to God alone as Daniel confesseth
godly men there remaineth doubt mistrust feare error 72 of hell and damnation and the feare of Gods iudgements causeth iust men to humble themselues least they should be damned And so S. Paul saith Worke out your saluation with feare and trembling Philipp 2. Rhemist 1. Iohn 4. sect ● The Protestants Ans. WE acknowledge a dutifull reuerence feare of God alwaies remaining in the godly but it is farre from that seruile and slauish feare which is caused onely by the remembrance of hell fire and eternall iudgement Augustine doth thus resemble the matter The chaste wife saith he and the adulterous doe both feare their husbands sed casta timet ne discedat vir adultera ne veniat But the chaste wife is afraid least her husband should depart the adulterous is afraid least he should come Such a feare as is in the chaste wife we graunt to be in the children of God but not the other 2. We also confesse that the horror of hell is profitable to make a way and entrance for the calling of worldly and hard harted men as the needle or bristle as Augustine saith maketh a way for the thread But in a man already called this feare is expelled by loue as the Apostle saith 1. Ioh. ● ●8 For we must be of those that loue the appearing of Christ 2. Tim. 4.8 Not of that number which feare it and wish it were prolonged August Si possumus efficere fratres vt dies iudicij non veniret puto quia nec sic erat male viuendum If we could bring it about that the day of iudgement should not come at all we ought not for all that to liue ill His meaning is that we ought not to liue well onely for feare of Gods iudgements THE FIFTH PART OF THE VSE of the Law The Papists error 73 THe law they say is by Christ Ministratio vitae effecta made the ministration of life Andr. lib. 5. in qua omnis nostra salus consistit wherein consisteth our saluation Catech. Colom ex Tileman de leg loc 3. err 14. they call it Verbum fidei and verbum Christi the word of Christ and the word of Faith to be obeyed and followed of all Christians that which Christ vttered to the yong man Math. 19.17 If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commandements Concil Trident. sess 6. cap. 7. So their opinion is that the law is made vnto vs a meane and instrument of our saluation The Protestants Ans. FIrst our Sauiour vttered those words to the yong man onely to humble him thereby and to teach him to know him selfe for otherwise the Apostles should haue taught contrary doctrine to their master who exhort men onely to beleeue and they shal be saued Act. 16.31 Argum. The Law was not ordeined to saue men but it serueth onely as a Schoolemaster as S. Paul saith to bring vs to Christ Galath 3.24 It also reuealeth and discouereth sinne Rom. 7.7 The Apostle also calleth it the killing letter and ministery of condemnation 2. Cor. 3.6.9 How then can it procure our saluation therefore what can be more opposite and contrary to Scripture then this assertion of theirs Let Augustine speake Testimonium legis eis qui ea non legitimè vtuntur testimonium est quo conuincantur eis qui legitimè vtuntur testimonium est quo demonstratur quò liberandi confugere debeant peccatores The testimonie of the law to them which vse it not aright is a testimony to conuince them to them which doe a testimony to teach them to whom sinners ought to flie for their deliuerance Ergo the law doth not it selfe worke our deliuerance but sendeth vs to our deliuerer THE THIRD PART OF THIS controuersie of Iustification THe particular questions are these First of Free will and the power thereof Secondly of Faith Thirdly of good workes Fourthly of the manner of our iustification THE FIRST QVESTION of Free will THe parts of this question First whether free will in spirituall things were vtterly extinguished by the sinne of Adam Secondly of the power and strength of free will in vs. THE FIRST PART WHETHER FREE WILL be vtterly lost by the transgression of Adam The Papists FRee will is not vtterly extinguished but onely abated in strength and attenuated error 74 Concil Trid. sess 6. cap. 1. The Rhemists also gather by the parable of the man in the Gospell that lay for halfe dead Luk. 10. vers 30. that neither vnderstanding nor free will and other powers of the soule are vtterly extinguished and taken away but wounded onely by the sinne of Adam Rhemist ibid. The Protestants Ans. IT is but a feeble collection and of small force which they draw from this allegorie for allegories and similitudes as they know themselues right well doe not hold in all things but wherein onely they are compared neither doe they necessarily conclude Argum. But that we are altogether dead in sinne by the transgression of Adam the scripture speaketh plainly in many places without allegorie Ephes. 2.1 5. When we were dead in our sinnes he hath quickened vs in Christ. Likewise Coloss. 2.13 he sayth not as in the parable 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 they left him for halfe dead but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 plaine dead men indeed Augustine sayth Cum peccauit primus homo non in parte aliqua sed tota qua conditus est natura deliquit When the first man sinned he did not offend in any one part but wholly in that nature wherein he was created And in another place Natura tota fuit per liberum arbitrium in ipsa radice vitiata Our nature wholly was corrupted by free will in the very roote or originall that is in Adam Ergo all the powers both of bodie and soule wholly corrupt and decayed in spirituall things THE SECOND PART OF THE POWER AND strength of free will in man The Papists THey say not that a man by his free will only is able to liue well or to obtaine error 75 eternall life but yet by the power of free will stirred prepared and assisted by the grace of God he is able to doe it The first stirring then and motion of the heart they say is of God Then it is the part of free will to apprehend the grace offered and to giue consent vnto it and to worke together with it Trid. Concil sess 6. cap. 5. can 4. Eckius setteth downe foure steps or degrees to iustification The beginning of our calling is onely of God by inspiring of grace into vs this is the first degree The second is in our owne power to giue assent vnto grace once inspired Thirdly to obtaine that which by so assenting we doe desire is onely of Gods gift and this is the third degree gratiae gratum facientis of grace which maketh vs gracious or acceptable The fourth degree of perseuerance in the grace of saluation receiued is partly in our power and free will partly of the grace of God
knowne in time of persecution exercebant patientiam Ecclesiae they did proue the patience of the Church but now as Augustine saith exercent sapientiam they doe exercise the wisedome of the Church Let not the number and multitude offend vs of those which doe band themselues against the Church for so it must be Christs flocke is but a little flocke Let vs not be afrayd of their wisedome power or strength the scripture teacheth vs that they in their generation are wiser then the children of light yet the Lord our God that is with vs and fighteth for vs is wiser and stronger then they Let them not deceiue vs with a shew of holinesse for Sathan can transforme himselfe into an Angel of light neither let it moue vs because they endure some trouble and losse of their goods and imprisonment of their bodies for their religion which is falsely so called for S. Peter saith That men may suffer as euill doers and so doe these And S. Augustine saith Si poenae martyres faceret omnes carceres martyribus pleni essent omnes catenae martyres traherent If the punishment onely and not the cause made Martyrs al prisons should be full of Martyrs and all that are bound with fetters and chaines should be Martyrs But let vs not stumbling at any of these stones be constant in the faith and go forward in the profession of the Gospel which is grounded vpon the Scripture sealed with the blood of Martyrs waited and attended vpon these many yeeres as the mistresse with the handmaid with peace prosperitie and abundance of all blessings With them there is no peace to be had their owne Doctors teach that no reconciliation can be made betweene vs And indeed so it is for there is no fellowship betweene light and darknesse The Israelites were commanded not to sow their ground with diuers seedes nor to plough with an oxe an asse What is this els but that the Church of God cannot consist of beleeuers Idolaters of true Christians and hypocrites Catholikes and Heretikes Protestants and Papists Their seede and ours is diuers they sow the doctrine of men and humane traditions we sow the seede of Gods word The oxe is onely fit for the Lords plough that chaweth the cud and deuideth the hoofe the asse doth neither Who is he that deuideth the hoofe chaweth the cud Augustine telleth vs Fissa vngula pertinet ad discernendū quid dextrū quid sinistrū ruminatio pertinet ad eos qui cogitant postea quid audierint He deuideth the hoofe that deuideth and discerneth what is good what euill and they chaw the cud that do meditate of that which they heare out of the word But such are not the common Catholikes among Papists for they do not allow euery one the mistresse the mayd the ploughman and artificer to talke of Scripture or moue questions and doubts in Religion and so make them asses not oxen to chaw the cud They say it belongeth not to euery Christian to discerne betweene true and false doctrine but they must take their faith of their superiours and obey them in all things and so neither would they haue them deuide the hoofe taking from them their discerning iudgement There is no agreement therefore to be looked for at their hands no more then yron or clay can be tempred together Their old vessels cannot receiue the new liquor of the Gospell but they must first become new themselues they must first put off their beggerly ragges of Popish ceremonies and superstitions or els they shall neuer put on Christ And to be short Reuertantur illi ad te ne tu reuertaris ad illos Let them returne vnto vs we will not returne to them as the Lord saith to Ieremie But lest now we should be thought to speake without booke deepely charging our aduersaries with heresie lyes false doctrine and prouing nothing we will take some paynes of set downe some principall opinions of the Papists which haue in the purer ages of the Church been condemned for heresies Marcellina the companion of Carpocrates the archheretike worshipped the Images of Iesus and Paul and offered incense vnto them August heres 7. So the Papists do worship the Images of Saints and in the second Nicene Councel it was decreed that the Image of God should be worshipped with the same honour that God himselfe was The Heracleonites did anoynt their sicke which lay a dying with oyle and balme Heres 16. So the Papists haue found out extreme vnction and made it a Sacrament The Caians did hold that the sinne of Iudas in betraying Christ was a benefite to mankind Heres 18. The Papists come somewhat neere One of them affirmeth that the Iewes had sinned mortallie if they had not crucified Christ Ex Iuell defens Apolog. p. 676. The Pepuzians iudged heretikes because they permitted women to be Priests Heres 27. So it was decreed in the Florentine Councel among the Papists that in the case of necessitie not only a lay man but an heretike pagan and a woman to may baptize The heretikes called Angelici were condemned because they worshipped Angels Heres 39. So the Rhemists teach that Angels may be worshipped Annot. in Apocal. 3 sect 6. There was a sect of heretikes that walked with bare feete because God sayd to Moses put off thy shooes c. Heres 68. And so are there of Friers that goe barefoote as the Friers Flagellants and Franciscanes The Priscillianists did make the Apocrypha that is bookes not Canonicall of equall authoritie with Scripture Heres 70. So doe the Papists the bookes of Tobie Iudith Machabees and others which are not found in the Canon of the Hebrue they make thē bookes of Canonical Scripture and part of the word of God yea they say that whatsoeuer the Pastors of the Church doe teach beside Scripture in the vnitie of the Church is to be taken for the word of God Rhemist annot 1. Thessal cap. 2 sect 12. An Archheretike called Marcus did hold that Christ did not verily suffer and indeed but in shew onely and appearance Heres 14 The Appollinarists also affirmed that Christ tooke humane flesh without a soule Heres 55. I pray you how farre are the Papists from these heresies for they affirme that Christ suffered not in soule Nay the Rhemists hold that it is a blasphemous assertion so to say Annot. Hebr. 5. v. 7. What is this els but either with Marcus to say that Christ suffered but in shewe and that he felt nothing in soule when he cryed out vpon the Crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken me for if there were no such matter indeed Christ must haue vttered those words only in outward shew and pretense Againe they cannot shift off handsomely from them the Appollinarists heresie for why did Christ take vpon him our flesh and soule but to redeeme man that was lost both in bodie and soule and therefore he must needes haue
suffered both in bodie and soule for if there were no vse of the humane soule in the worke of our redemption you might as wel say with the Appollinarists that Christ had no soule at all Thus Augustine reasoneth Si totus homo perijt totus beneficio saluatoris indiguit sitotut beneficio saluatoris indigebat totum Christus veniendo saluabit If the whole man both in bodie and soule were lost he wholly had need of a Sauiour and if he wholly needed a Sauiour Christ by his comming did wholly saue him Ergo it followeth that Christ must wholly haue died suffred in bodie soule to redeeme man that was wholly lost in bodie soule The Anthropomorphites did imagine that God was in shape and proportion like a man Heres 50. Doe not our Rhemists sauour strongly of this heresie which allow the image of God to be pictured like an old man with gray haires in their Churches Annot Act. cap 17. v. 29. The heretikes Abeliani thought it not lawfull for their sort to liue without wiues and yet they neuer vsed nor kept companie with their wiues Heres 87. Do not the Papists come neere them which hold that their priests which were married before orders ought not afterward to haue accesse to their wiues yet are they their wiues still neither is the marriage knot dissolued betweene them Rhemist Act. 21. sect 1. The Pelagian heretikes did hold three pernicious opinions First that a man may be perfect in this life and keepe all the Commandements Heres 88. So the Rhemists say it is possible to keepe all the precepts of the law Annot. Ioan. ●4 sect 1. Secondly the Pelagians say that grace is giuen vnto men onely to this end that they may more easily doe those things which they are commanded to doe by their owne free will Heres 88. So the Rhemists say that man was neuer without free will but hauing the grace of Christ it is truely made free Annot. Ioan. 8. sect 2. What is this els but that his free will is made more free and that grace helpeth him not whollie to worke but more easily onely Thirdly the Pelagians hold Gratiam Dei non ad singulos actus dari That the grace of God is not needfull to be giuen at euery assay but that their free will in most things is sufficient August Epist. 106. So the Rhemists say that though the Gentiles beleeued specially by Gods grace yet they beleeued also of their owne free will Act. 13. sect 2. What say they els but that a man may beleeue by his owne free will without grace The Manichees condemned the eating of flesh as being vncleane and impure Heres 46. So the Papists also forbid at certaine times the eating of flesh And herein they perhaps differ from the Manichees They held that flesh was vncleane by creation The Papists by reason of the curse for God cursed the earth and not the waters say they and therefore vpon fasting daies fish is preferred before flesh Durand lib. 6. capit de alijs ieiunijs So they both agree in this that flesh is a thing impure and vncleane for if they had not so thought why did not that popish Bishop of London Stokeslie rather suffer the pigge to be eaten which was found in one Frebarnes house in Lent time his wife being great with child longing for a peece thereof then command it as an vncleane thing to be buried in Finsburie fields and so the good creature of God to be spoyled and lost There was also another most blasphemous opinion of the Manichees for they held that the parts and members of Christ were dispersed euery where and that in their meates drinkes they did deliuer the members of Christ which were tyed and bound in the creatures Tales saith Augustine ●unt electi eorum vt non sint saluandi à Deo sed saluatores Dei liberant enim membra Christi cum manducant The elect amongst them for so they call their principals do make themselues the sauiours and redeemers of God for they doe set at libertie as they imagine the members of Christ he is not their sauiour Compare now the opinion of the Papists with these heretikes see if they be not cosin germanes for as they made themselues saluatores Christi sauiours of Christ so is it a saying amōg the Papists that Sacerdos est creator createris sui the Priest at Masse which by fiue words speaking maketh the body of Christ is a maker say they of his maker a creator of his creator Ex Iuell lib. artic p. 615. But herein the Papists go beyond the Manichees for they deliuered the bodie members of Christ frō the prison of the creatures and sent them vp to heauen the Papists bring them downe from heauen and close them in the creature vnder the shape of bread and wine Thus farre we thought good to shew how neere the Papists come to the heretikes of olde time that it might appeare to the world that we doe not vniustly charge them with heresie and that we haue good cause to shunne and abhorre their poysoned doctrine Many other heresies I could haue produced which are reuiued by our aduersaries raked againe as it were out of their graues where they did quietly rest But that I am not of purpose now to deale in this matter which may in a seuerall Treatise God willing hereafter as time and opportunitie shall serue be handled more at large I haue onely by the way giuen a tast of the bitter and sower doctrine of Poperie that our countrymen which haue been any thing that way infected may take warning that if they haue sipped of the whore of Babylons cup of fornicatiō they should leaue of before they haue drunke more deepely lest they in the end be constrained to draw out the very dregges thereof and to be drunken with their intoxicate cup. If they will in time be warned they may a word to a wise man is sufficient and if they be wise they will also take heed in time I say vnto them as Augustine did sometime to the Donatists Si sapitis bene rectè si autem non sapitis nos vestri curam gessisse non poenitebit quia et si cor vestrum ad pacem non conuertitur pax nostra tamen ad nos reuertitur If you will be learned it is well and as we wish but if you will not it repenteth vs not that we haue had some care of you for although your hart be not conuerted to the peace of the Gospell yet our peace returneth to vs againe Here by the way I must remember my selfe of one thing which I had almost ouerslipped Euery where both in this Preface and in this whole booke speaking of our aduersaries I call them Papists as we are knowne by the name of Protestants I suppose our English Romanists will take no offence or griefe hereby so to be called although I haue heard that some
iudgement and authoritie of the Emperor King Prince or other supreame magistrate and may also by generall Councels be corrected and censured thus it is proued 1. Peter was iudged of Paul Galat. 2. and of him iustly reproued Ergo the doings of the Pope may be iudged and censured Bellarmine answereth that it was not iudicialis censurae but fraterna correptio it was no iudiciall censure but a brotherly reprehension We replie First publike censure and reprehension is a part of ecclesiasticall iudgement and discipline therefore Peter being publikely rebuked was therby iudged also of Paul Secondly the question is not onely concerning publike open iudgement but whether it be lawfull to call the Popes doings into question whether his decrees are absolutely to be receiued without any scāning or discussing or making any doubt thereof for this we hold that it is the duety of all Christians to examine and trie the trueth of all things which they are to receiue and beleeue though they sit not formally and iudicially as in consistories to iudge their spirituall pastors so the Beraeans iudged of the Apostles doctrine so may the Popes decrees be examined and iudged Thirdly the Iesuite granteth that the Pope may be rebuked and brotherly reproued but the Extrauagant denieth it non est qui audeat dicere domine curfacis sic none dare say vnto him sir why doest thou so 2. Euery soule must be subiect to the higher powers Ergo the Pope Rom. 13.1 Bellarm. answereth that the Apostle here speaketh of all superiours both spirituall and temporall and therefore it cannot bee concluded that the Pope ought to obey but hee must bee obeyed because hee is also a spirituall power We replie Saint Paul in this place speaketh onely of the ciuill Magistrate First he calleth them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Princes which is not meant of ecclesiasticall or Church gouernors nor so taken in any place of scripture Secondly they are sayd to beare the sword Thirdly tribute is payde to them those thinges agree not to ecclesiasticall gouernors so the Iesuite is answered THE FOVRTH PART WHETHER THE Pope may be deposed from his papacie The Papists SOme of them holde that the Pope ought not neither can be deposed for heresie error 44 because it is not possible for the Pope to fall into heresie Pighius the Iesuite confesseth this to be a probable opinion but himselfe defendeth it not he confesseth also the opinion of Caietanus that the Pope may be deposed for manifest and apparant heresie Bellarmines opinion is this that the pope can not be deposed for any cause but heresie and not for all heresie but that which is manifest and apparant Neither is he then deposed by any act of the Church but is of himselfe deposed and ceaseth any more to bee pope so the Church may afterward punish him but he is then no Pope for as soone as he is become an hereticke his popedome in the very Acte is gone from him Bellarmin cap. 30. He reasoneth thus A manifest hereticke is not so much as a member of the Church much lesse can he be pope who they say is the heade of the Church and therefore in such a case the pope is deposed without anie sentence and if afterward the Church proceede against him they doe not iudge the Pope for he had lost his papacie before We answer First if a manifest hereticke be actually deposed it is by the secret iudgement and sentence of God for by no other authority can he be deposed as they hold but before God manifest heresie and close and secret heresie is all one therefore the Pope is also actually deposed for secret heresie and not onely for manifest and so some of the papists think as Iohann de Turre veniata Secondly what call you manifest heresie or how is hee knowen to bee a manifest hereticke Can hee bee an heretick before hee bee conuinced shall iudgement passe against him vncondemned A murtherer is a dead man by lawe yet hee liueth till iudgement passe vpon him so is the Pope beeing an heretick yet Pope till he be iudicially proceeded against as a murtherer dead by right is in act yet liuing till by law he is depriued of his life An heretick sayth Saint Paul after two or three admonitions auoyd that is saith the Iesuite he is now excommunicate before the sentence of the iudge Be it so but hee must first be admonished and if he still continue obstinate then he is a manifest heretike so before the Pope can be knowen to be a manifest heretick he must be found obstinate he cannot be obstinate vnlesse he refuse to be admonished if he be admonished then is he iudged Thirdly an heretick ceaseth not to bee a priest as they speake no not after heresie is knowen for manifest heretickes may baptize The Donatists in Augustines time were manifest hereticks and yet the Church did not baptize againe after them If a manifest heretick cease not to be a priest neither ceaseth he to be Pope there is like reason of both for if an heretick because he is not a member of the Church can not be a Pope neither also can he retayne the priesthood Lastly who seeth not what bare and friuolous shifts those are one saith the Church may iudge the Pope not as he is Pope but in respect of his person an other sayth that they may iudge the man which was Pope but hee is then no Pope because his heresie tooke from him the papacie Why masters what iugling is here is the Pope one thing and the Popes person an other By the same reason you may say that the Pope neither eateth nor drinketh nor sleepeth nor dieth and so make a god of him because it is the popes person that doth all this and not the Pope And by this shift you make no difference betweene an heretick Bishop o● heretick priest and heretick Pope for by the same reason none of them all shall be subiect to the iudgement of the Church for we may say that a manifest heretick whether Bishop or priest hath lost by that very act of falling into heresie his priesthood and Bishoprick and then is neither Bishop nor priest And so you may conclude altogether that neither Pope Bishop nor piest can bee deposed from heresie The Protestants WE doubt not to say that the Pope both lawfully hath been depriued somtime by the Emperour somtime by generall Councels not onely for hesie but for other notable crimes and may still bee proceeded agaynst by the same right as well as any other Bishop or Prelate 1 Diuers examples wee are able to bring forth how the Pope hath been deposed for other crimes beside heresie Pope Iohn the 13. was deposed in a generall Councel by the consent of Otho the Emperour for other matter beside heresie as that he ordayned Deacons in a stable that he committed incest with two of his sisters that playing at dice he called to the diuell for helpe
effectuall power to euery parte Ephes. 4.15.16 2 It is false that the ciuill magistracie onely concerneth the outward and temporall commoditie onely for vnto Princes also is committed the chiefe care of religion and the worship of God They are to see true religion aduaunced yea to watch ouer Ecclesiasticall ministers and to charge them to looke to their offices the Prince is Gods minister for the wealth both of the soules and bodies of his subiects And therefore Saint Paul exhorteth to pray for Kings and gouernours that wee may liue not onely a peaceable life but in all godlines and honestie 1. Timoth. 2.2 Ergo it is parte of the magistrates office as to procure the peace of the people so to haue a care of their godlie life Wherefore it is false as the Iesuite supposeth that the chiefe ende of the ciuill gouernement is onely outward and temporall Ergo his argument is nothing worth 2 Azariah the high Priest droue Vzziah the King out of the temple when hee would haue burned incense and caused him to goe out of the citie and dwell apart 2. Chron. 26. Iehoiada likewise deposed Athalia 2. King 11. Ergo the Pope may depose wicked and vngodly Princes Bellarmine cap. 8. Answere First wee denie that there is now or ought to bee any such high Priest in the Church of God to haue the chiefe authoritie in spirituall matters as there was in the lawe for hee was the type and figure of Christ who is our high Priest and chiefe Bishop Secondly these examples doe not excuse the Popes tyrannie who hath deposed rightfull Kinges and Emperors and better then himselfe as Pope Zacharie deposed Childericus the French King and set vp Pipinus Gregorie the seuenth set vp Rodolphus against Henricus the fourth the Emperor Pope Paschalis set vp the sonne of the saide Henricus against his father But we will answere more particularly to these examples To the first First it was not the sole act of Azariah the high Priest but there were 80. Priests that ioyned with him beside and they all spake to the King this example therefore maketh nothing for the sole authoritie of the Pope who saith that he may depose the Emperor himselfe without any Councell Innocent 4. Secondly they did not depose Vzziah they onely withstoode him according to the lawe of God because hee vsurped the priests office so ought faithfull Bishops and pastors euen to reproue the greatest Magistrates for the manifest contempt and open breach of Gods lawe Neither did they constraine the King to goe forth before they saw the iudgement of God vpon him for the text saith they compelled him to go forth because the Lord had smitten him they saw the leprosie to rise vp in his face vers 20. This therefore was the extraordinarie iudgement of God and not of the high priest Thirdly he was not deposed from the Kingdome though he dwelt alone his son did execute the office only for him and raigned after him for being a leper by the law he was to dwell apart Leuit. 13.46 Here was nothing done we see by the sole authoritie of the high Priest but they had the manifest and direct lawe of God vnto the which their Kings also were subiect To the second example we answere First Athaliah was a tyrant and an vsurper and ought not to raigne and therefore was iustly deposed Secondly Iehoiada did it not by his owne power but assembled the Fathers and Princes of the land 2. Chron. 22.2 He shewed them the young King and they made a couenant with him Iehoiada onely gaue directions the King being now knowen vnto them vnto the Captaines and gouernours Thirdly they had the flat word of God for that action The Kings sonne must raigne as the Lord hath saide concerning the sonnes of Dauid ver 3. So when the Pope hath any such warrant from God he may doe as Iehoiada did The Protestants THat the Pope or any other person Ecclesiasticall hath no manner of temporall iurisdiction either directly or indirectly ouer Kings Princes Emperors but ought of right to bee subiect to them and their lawes it is thus proued 1 By the same reason whereby the Iesuite proueth that the Pope directlie hath no temporall iurisdiction we will conclude that neither indirectlie can he haue any and so none at all Christ while he liued vpon earth tooke vpon him no temporall iurisdiction either directly or indirectly he refused to bee a King Iohn 6. Nay hee would not bee a Iudge in ciuill matters as in deuiding the inheritance being thereto required Luke 12.13 Hee payed poll money Matth. 17. hee did submit himselfe to the iudgement of Pilate an heathen Iudge therefore seeing Christe vsed no such temporall iurisdiction neither can any Minister of Christe for the seruant is not aboue the Master Onely Antichrist dare presume beyond the example of Christ. 2 The Fathers of Basile doe vrge that place of Saint Peter 1. Epist. 5.2 against Panormitane who had vnaduisedly sayd that the Pope was Lorde of the Church But the Apostle saith Feede the flocke of Christ not by constraint but willinglie not as Lordes ouer the Lordes inheritance verse 3. But the Pope contrariwise vseth all forceable constraining and tyrannicall meanes killing slaying imprisoning deposing those that will not obey him who calleth himselfe chiefe Lorde and Magistrate of the whole Worlde Surely this is Antichrist and not the Minister of Christ or successor of Saint Peter whose counsaile he refuseth to followe and obey 3 Let but the stories of former times bee searched there wee shall finde how wickedly and insolently the Popes behaued themselues towards Kings and Emperors Pope Alexander caused Henry the second to doe penance for Beckets death and to bee displed of the Monkes Innocent the third caused King Iohn to kisse the feet of the Bishop of Canturburie his own subiect Alexander the third did tread vpon Emperor Frederick his neck Pope Innocent spoyled Frederick the second of his Empire caused him to bee poysoned and his sonne Conradus to be beheaded and these Emperors were deposed by the Popes in order Henricus 4. Henricus 5. Frederick 1. Philippus Otho the 4. Frederick 2. and Conradus his sonne It is not good they say to put a sword into a mad mans hand and thinke you not that these Popes vsed the temporal sword very discreetely which they thus vsurped making fooles and slaues of Emperors as Pope Adriane did that rebuked Frederick the first because he held his stirrup on the wrong side and did excommunicate him for setting his name before the Popes in writing Th● very insolent diuellish and Antichristian practise of this their temporal power sheweth from what originall it commeth euen from the father of pride Lastly Augustine saith writing vpon those words Rom. 13. Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers Si quis putat quia Christanus est non sibi esse vectigal reddendum aut tributum aut non esse exhibendum honorem debitum
abomination of the whore of Babylon There are three monstrous and shameful prerogatiues which the Canonists ascribed to the Pope in times past and they are these his power dispensatiue his power exemptiue his power transcendent so we will call them at this time error 53 First his prerogatiue in dispensing was wonderfull it would offend a Christian eare to heare what his grosse Canonists are nothing ashamed to say Papa potest dispensare contra ius diuinum the Pope may dispence against the Lawe of God contra ius naturae against the Lawe of nature contra Apostolum against the Apostle contra nouum testamentum against the new Testament Nay Papa potest dispensare de omnibus praeceptis veteris noui testamenti the Pope may dispence with all the Commaundements both of the olde and new lawe What intolerable blasphemies are here The practises also of Popes are agreeable hereunto for did not the Court of Rome dispence with King Henry the eights marriage with his brothers wife but that vngodly dispensation at the last was ouerthrowne and it was well concluded by act of Parliament Anno. 1533. That no man had authoritie to dispence with Gods lawes error 54 2 Concerning his power exemptiue the Pope say they is not bound to any lawe No man is to iudge or accuse him of any crime either of adulterie murther simonie or such like If he fall into adulterie or homicide hee cannot bee accused but rather excused by the murthers of Sampson theftes of the Hebrues the adulterie of Iacob As Oziah was stricken for putting his hand to the Arke inclining no more must subiects rebuke their Prelates going awry by the inclination of the Arke the fall of prelates is vnderstoode This generally is the opinion of the Canonists but the Iesuites doo holde the contrarie that it is lawfull euen for an inferior priest to rebuke the Pope Rhemist Annot. in 2. Galath sect 8. Wherefore seeing they confute themselues they neede not any other refutation error 55 3 Concerning the third power which we call Transcendent One saith that non minor honor Papae debetur quàm Angelis that there is no lesse honor due to the Pope thē to Angels Another saith Papatus est summa virtus creata The Popedome is the highest power that was created of God aboue Angels or Archangels Againe those wordes of the Psalme thou hast put all things vnder his foote as sheepe and oxen fowles of the ayre fishes of the sea they thus blasphemouslie applie to the Pope by sheepe and oxen vnderstanding men liuing vpon the earth by the fowles of the ayre the Angels in Heauen whom they say the Pope may commaunde by the fishes the soules in purgatorie Ouer all these the Pope say they hath absolute power who may if it please him release all purgatorie at once What horrible blasphemies are here Yet our Rhemists and other Iesuites are somewhat more modest which confesse that the Pope is but Christs Vicar in the regiment of that part which is on the earth Annotat. 1. Ephesians sect 5. Seeing then they confute themselues wee will not further trauaile herein but proceede THE TENTH QVESTION CONCERNING Antichrist and whether the Pope be that great aduersarie vnto Christ. THis question is deuided into many partes First whether Antichrist shall bee some one singular man Secondly of the time of his comming and continuing Thirdly of his name Fourthly of what nation or kinred hee shall come Fiftly where his place and seate shall bee Sixtly of his Doctrine and manners Seauenthly of his miracles Eightly of his Kingdome and warres Ninthly whether the Pope bee the very Antichrist This then is a most famous question and worthie throughly to bee discussed euery poynte therefore must be handled in order The Papists THey hold that Antichrist whose comming is foretolde in the Scripture shall error 56 be one particular man not a whole bodie tyrannie or Kingdome as the truth is Bellarm. cap. 2. lib. 3. 1 They vrge the words of our Sauiour Iohn 5.43 I come in my Fathers name and ye receiue me not if another come in his owne name him will ye receiue Here Christ say they speaketh of another that shall come namely Antichrist for here one is opposed to one namely Antichrist to Christ not a Kingdome to a Kingdome or sect vnto sect but one person to another Bellarmine cap. 2. lib. 3. Ans. First here is not so much an opposition of persons as there is of doctrine as to preach in the name of God and to preach in the name of men and though Christ be the chiefe doctor and teacher that came in the name of his Father yet all true preachers beside doe come in the same name for so our Sauiour saith of his Apostles He that receiueth you receiueth me and he that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me Matth. 10.40 Therefore he that receiueth the Apostles receciueth God they also then doe come in the name of Christ and so Christ and all the faithfull make but one Iohn 17.21 2 Neither doth Christ here speake of one speciall enemie but of all false prophets for it is not vnusuall in the Scripture in the singular number to expresse a multitude being of the same kinde as Iohn 10.11.12 There is a comparison betweene Christ the true shepheard and the hireling where by the name of hireling all false shepheards and spirituall theeues are vnderstood and so is it in this place therefore they cannot conclude out of this place that Antichrist shall be but one man 2 An other proofe is out of 1. Iohn 2.18 the Antichrist shal come 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Greeke article 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 expresseth some singular notable person Bellarmine ibid. Ans. It is false The Greeke article doth not alwaies in scripture assigne some particular person as Matth. 4.4 Man shall not liue by bread onely the Greeke text hath 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the man and yet is it vnderstood not of any one man but of all in generall so 2. Tim. 2.17 The man of God that is euery faithfull minister or good Christian yet is it expressed with the article Fulk Annota 2. Thess. 2. sect 8. 3 Apocal. 13.18 It is the number of a man the proper name of Antichrist is set downe Ergo but one man Bellar. ibid. Rhemens 2. Thes. 2. sect 8. Ans. The name here mystically described which shal conteine 666. in number for so the Greek letters 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doe signifie being nūbred doth not expresse any particular name of one man but rather of the whole societie and bodie of Antichrist for it is said to be the number of the beast Now by the beast is vnderstoode the Romane Empire the name whereof is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Latinus which letters doe arise in computation to the whole number of 666. And this name Irenaeus thinketh to agree best to this place Further seeing the Rhemists themselues by the best do vnderstand
shrines and the like yea aboue his owne breaden God so doth the Pope for he rideth vpon mens shoulders when his breaden God is caried vpon an hackney he exalteth his throne aboue the altar the Crosse is caried on the right hand of Emperours swordes and scepters but is layd vnder his feete In the yeare of Iubile he beateth vpon the gates of Paradise with a golden hammer Fulk annot 2. Thesse 2.10 so then howsoeuer like an hypocrite he seeme to adore his breaden God yet indeede dooth hee magnifie himselfe aboue it Bellarmine hath no other shiftes to foyst off our arguments but these hee sayth this Mauzzim is like enough to be the diuell himselfe whom Antichrist shall worship but he careth neither for siluer or golde or else it is himselfe And how I pray you can a man worship himselfe or else saith hee it is some strong castle where he shall lay his siluer and golde or else you know not what Bellarmin 14. 2 That Antichrist shall not abolish Idoles of siluer and golde but rather commaund the people to worship them as the Pope now doth it is playne Apocalyps 9.20 The Rhemists obiect that hee speaketh here agaynst the heathen Idols which is here called the worship of diuels Answere First in this place Iohn speaketh of the ende of the worlde in the opening of the seuenth seale and the Idols of the heathē were abolished long agoe Neither is there any knowen nation in the worlde that hath worshipped Idols of golde siluer brasse stone or wood but the papists for these many yeares Secondly all worshippers of Images doe worship diuels for Idolatrie is a seruice inuented by the diuell Fulk annot Apoc. 9. sect 4. The Protestants THat Antichrist shall not in outward shew be an open enemie to Christ but secretly and closely and vnder pretence of religion take away all religion thus we make it playne 1 These places alleadged before doe prooue it Iohn 1.2.18 the Antichrist and the Antichristes shall bee enimies all alike but the Antichrstes in Saint Iohns time were couert enemies Ergo so shall the great Antichrist 2. Saint Paul calleth it the mystery of iniquitie 2. Thess. 2.7 and he shal come in all deceiueablenesse of vnrighteousnesse vers 10. and God shall send them strong delusion to beleeue lies vers 11. All this prooueth that Antichrist shal worke closely cunningly mystically by deceiuing by delusion not by open enimitie and prophanenes or by violence and tyrannie onely as the papists imagine 3 Antichrist shall be the greatest enemie to Christ and his kingdome that euer was in the worlde But hee is a greater enemie that pretendeth friendship and yet is a foe that vnder the name of Christ persecuteth the Christian fayth then he that openly destroyeth it making no shewe of Religion as Dauid complayneth Psalm 41.9 Yea my familiar friend whom I trusted which did eate of my bread hath lift vp his heele against me This was accomplished in Iudas who betrayed Christ with a kisse who was the greatest enemie of Christ sinning against his owne knowledge and conscience Euen so they now a dayes are the greatest enemies that Christ and the Church hath that betray Christ with a kisse which name themselues the Church of God and yet make hauock of the Church 4. Lastly Augustine sayth as much that Antichrist shall come with deceiueable doctrine and shew of righteousnes Quid expa●escimus in Antichristo nisi quia nomen suum honoraturus est Domini contempturus Quid aliud facit qui dicit ego iustifico Quid aliud est dei ignorare iustitiam suam velle constituere quam dicere ego iustifico ego sanctifico What other thing doe wee feare in Antichrist but that hee shall honour his owne name and contemne Christs What else doth he which sayth I doe iustifie I make holie What is this but to destroy the righteousnesse of God and to bring in his owne Marke nowe I pray you if all this bee not true of the Pope of Rome for hee taketh vpon him to iustifie to sanctifie to dispense with mens sins for an hundred yea a thousand yeeres to ridde soules out of Purgatorie nay to commaund Angels to carrie their soules to heauen that die in their Pilgrimage to Rome as Pope Clement the sixt did what is this else but to saie Ego iustifico sanctifico I iustifie I sanctifie and who I pray you doth so if Augustine may be iudge but Antichrist but thus the Pope doth Ergo he is Antichrist THE SEVENTH PART CONCERNING the miracles of Antichrist The Papists ANtichrist they say shall be a Magitian and worke straunge signes and error 63 wonders by the power of the diuell and these three miracles by name shall bee wrought by him Hee shall cause fire to come from heauen and make the Image of the beast to speake and thirdly hee shall faine himselfe dead and rise agayne Bellarm. cap. 15. 1. He shall by the helpe of the diuell cause fire to come downe from heauen as it is Apocal. 13.13 Answere First it is a great question whether the diuell haue any such power to bring downe fire from heauen for the Iesuite himselfe remembreth the storie 1. King 18. How Baal his priests would haue fetched down fire from heauen but they could not onely Elias did it and he that will doe the like must haue Elias his spirite as Christ sayth Luke 9.55 2. It is very grosse to vnderstand this literally for the whole chapter is mysticall of the Beast with seuen heads of another beast with two hornes and all the rest But three waies Antichrist may fitly bee sayde to bring fire from heauen First by fire the holy Ghost may be vnderstoode as Matth. 3. and Act. 2. The spirite appeared in fierie tongues so Antichrist and his ministers make men beleeue that they doe conferre the holy Ghost as in consecration in absolution of sinners and such like Secondly the Popes thunderbolts of excommunication are resembled to fier whereby he hath made the whole world afrayde in times past as though he could cause the heauens to fall vpon men yea to make the matter more likely the Pope vseth burning Tapers in excommunicating men which with violence are throwen downe as though GOD himselfe did rayne fire from heauen vpon them And this is the terrible manner of their excommunication there are three candles burning set vp and then they begin to accurse them whom they excommunicate bodie and soule to the diuell and let vs say they quench their soules in hell fire if they be dead as this candle is put out and with that they put out one of the candles If they be aliue let vs pray that their eyes may be put out as this candle is and so the second candle goeth out and that all their sences may fayle them as this candle looseth his light and so the third candle goeth out Beholde here is the fire which the Pope and his popelings doe bring
from his whole ministerie But the power before spoken of hee hath at his first receiuing of orders We thus shew it Whatsoeuer belongeth to the office of a Minister set ouer a flocke or charge hee receiueth the power thereof when he is ordayned But to preach the word belongeth to the office of such for preaching is properly the feeding of the people But see the absurditie of the papists they say it is not proper to the priesthood to preach but onely to haue power to sacrifice the body of Christ But it is proper to the Bishop say they to preach We answere First then the Bishop is properly the pastor of euery flocke and congregation in his diocesse for hee that properly feedeth is properly the Pastor And hee that is properly the Pastor hath the charge of soules properly yea more then hath the particular Pastor for he is improperly their Pastor but as it were the Bishops substitute and Vicar But what Bishop in the worlde is able to beare so great a burthen to haue the especiall and proper charge of all the soules in his diocesse It is not to be denied but he hath a charge of their soules as a Christian Prince also hath in some respect of his subiects but to say hee is the proper Pastor and hath the proper principall charge of soules in teaching and feeding of them for the question is now of preaching not of gouerning who is able to abide it Secondly but our Rhemists tell vs another tale that many that are not able to preach are meete enough to bee Bishops 1. Timoth. 5. sect 13. Ergo it is not proper to Bishops neither to preach I pray you then for whom is it proper if neither for Bishops nor inferior Pastors then for none Thirdly they make but seuen orders of Ecclesiasticall Ministers and the priesthood is the chiefe for a Bishop and a priest make but one order as Bellarmin confesseth cap. 11. But to none of all these orders it is proper to preach for seeing it is not proper to the priest none of the inferior orders can challenge it See then what goodly orders these are which leaue the very chiefe parte of the ministery vndone which is the preaching of the word I thinke their meaning is that this preaching is not so necessary a dutie but may be well spared in the Church 2 That which a man is bound to doe vnder paine of the curse of GOD that he may lawfully performe in due order without the leaue of men but a woe is layd vpon them that preach not the Gospell where they are bound 1. Cor. 9.16 Ergo. Argum. Wicliffi 3 A man is bound to giue corporal almes to the poore the needie the hungry the thirstie neither is he to craue leaue of any Ergo much more to teach the ignorant to comfort the weake and doe other dueties appertayning to his charge Argum. Wicliffi Concerning the power of giuing orders As Saint Paul speaketh of the laying on of his handes 2. Timoth. 1.6 so he maketh mention of imposition of hands by the Eldership 1. Timoth 4.14 And the Rhemists vpō that place mislike not the practise of the Church that their Priests doe lay on their handes together with the Bishop vpon his head that is to be ordayned So that by this it is manifest that imposition of hands doth not wholly and folie belong vnto the Bishop seeing the rest of the Elders were wont to lay on their hands likewise or the Bishop in the name of the rest Fulk annot Tit. 1. sect 2. So that the Elders were not excluded THE THIRD PART CONCERNING THE office and title of Cardinals The Papists BEllarmine would faine haue the office of Cardinals as ancient as the Apostles error 72 times and the name to be worthilie appropriated to the See of Rome that as the Pope himselfe by his prudence and holines is tanquam cardo Ecclesiae to the Church as the hingell to the dore vpon the which it is turned and borne vp so his Counsellers and assistants should be called Cardinals hauing the care of the Vniuersall Church but the Iesuite beside some vaine shew of mothworne antiquitie hath not one good argument to proue the name and office of Cardinals to be either ancient or commendable Then especiall office as they are Cardinals is to elect and chuse the Pope and to be assistant vnto him in Counsell for the gouernement of the vniuersall Church Bellarm. cap. 16. The Protestants THat neither the name of Cardinals as proper to Rome is ancient nor their office or either of them lawfull or commendable but vsurped and Antichristian thus briefely it is shewed 1 In Augustines time it was a common name vsually applied both in the good and euill parte to chiefe and principall men of any place or sect as he calleth the ringleaders of the Donatists Cardinales Donatistas Cardinall or captaine Donatists de baptism lib. 1. cap. 6. Surely if it then had been onely due to the assistants of the Romane Bishop Augustine had been much to blame to applie the name to Heretikes 2 Augustine thus writeth to Hierome Quamues secundum honorum vocabula saith hee Episcopatus presbyterio maior sit tamen in multis rebus Augustin Hieronim minor est Though according to the custome of the Church a Bishop be greater then a Priest yet Augustine a Bishop in many things is inferior to Hierome a Priest Now Hierome was a Priest of Rome and a Cardinall as our aduersaries say and therefore they picture him commonly in a red gowne and habite of a Cardinall yet you see Augustine as a Bishop was before him though for his great learning he putteth himselfe behinde him 3 Augustine in another place complaineth of one Falcidius a Deacon of Rome qui duce stultitia saith hee diaconos presbyteris coaequare contendit who being led or carried away with follie did goe about to make Deacons equall vnto Priests Is not the same follie now generally practised in Rome or a greater for they doe not onely preferre Cardinall Deacons before Priests but euen before Bishops and Archbishops in Augustines time this was counted a great follie 4 Concerning the office of Cardinals in the electing of the Pope we haue shewed before quest 2. part 2. that it is of no great antiquitie and that it is iniurious to three estates to the Emperor who was wont to cōfirme the election to the Clergie of Rome who had in times past interest in the election and to the people whose consent was also in time past required But now all these are excluded and the matter is wholly referred to the Chapter of Cardinals THE FOVRTH QVESTION CONCERNING the Keyes of the Church committed for the execution to the pastors and gouernors thereof THis question hath foure partes First wherein the authoritie of the keyes consisteth secondly to whom they are committed thirdly whether there is absolute power of binding and loosing in the Church or ministerially onely fourthly
saepe tam diu clamatur vt fiat in Psal. 63. What medicine or plaister wilt thou buie to heale thy sinne Behold euen now while I preach vnto thee change thy heart and it is already done which we so often call vpon you to be done See then by the preaching of the word our heart is chaunged our life amended and our sinne remitted THE SECOND PART TO WHOM THE authoritie of the keyes is committed The Papists error 74 THe authoritie and power of excommunication say they is not in the whole Church but onely in the Prelates neither was the power of binding and loosing giuen vnto the whole church but in their own name not in the name or right of the Church doe the pastors and Prelates exercise this power Remist 2. 1. Corinth 5. sect 3. Bellarm. lib. 1. de Clericis cap. 7. The Church is sayd to binde and loose because the Prelates doe binde loose as a man is said to speake and see though he onely speake with the tongue and see with the eyes 1 They seeme to proue it by S. Paules example 1. Corinth 5. I absent in bodie but present in spirit haue decreed S. Paul vseth here his Apostolike power in sending his letters and Mandatum to haue the incestuous person excommunicate Ergo the right was in him and not in the Church and so consequently in the Bishops his successors Ans. First S. Paul sendeth no Mandatum but sheweth his Apostolike power in decreeing the incestuous person worthy of excommunication and requiring the same to be executed by the Church Fulk 1. Corin. 5. sec. 2. Secondly though Paul gaue the sentence yet was it done both in the power of Christ and the name of the whole Church for he had decreed onely that he should be excommunicate it was not actually done but to the due performing thereof there is required the congregating of the Church in Christs name the presence of Paul in spirit by his apostolike power that it should be done in the name of Christ. Al this sheweth that Paul gaue sentence in the name of the whole Church 2 Paul they say by the preeminent power of his Ministerie pardoneth the incestuous person whom he had excommunicate Rhemist argument in 1. ad Corinth Ans. The text is plaine that he consenteth the Church should pardon him 2. Corinth 2.10 To whom you forgiue any thing I forgiue also Heere not Paul onely but the whole Church pardoneth Fulk ibid. 3 The Iesuites simile may bee returned vpon his owne head for as the eye and tongue in the bodie are but instruments of the life and power of the soule which quickneth the whole bodie so the gouernours of the Church do execute the discipline of the Church by the spirit of Christ which is giuen to the whole bodie The Protestants THe authoritie of excōmunication pertaineth to the whole Church although the execution and iudgement thereof to auoyd confusion be committed to the gouernours of the Church which exercise that authoritie as in the name of Christ so in the name of the whole Church Fulk totidem verbis annot 1. Cor. 5. sect 3. 1 Math. 18.17 If he wil not heare thee tell the Church this place proueth that although the exercising of the keyes be referred to the gouernours of the Church yet the authoritie and right is in the whole Church for the keyes were giuen to the whole Church The pastors and gouernours though they be excellent and principall members of the Church yet are they improperly called the Church Argument Illyrici 2 We conclude the same also out of S. Paules words 1. Cor. 2.21 All things are yours whether Paul Apollos or Cephas whether things present or things to come and ye are Christs and Christ Gods Ergo whatsoeuer power is in the Church it is the Churches not onely the common vse and the benefite thereof because it may be answered that although the keyes be onely granted to the Prelates yet they vse them to the good of the Church but the right also and possession thereof euen as the Church is the inheritance and proper possession of Christ. 3 Augustine consenteth Ecclesia quae fundatur in Christo claues ab eo regni coelorum accepit in Petro. Tract in Iohann 124. The Church which is founded vpon Christ receiued in Peter the keyes of the kingdome of heauen But the whole Church and not onely the Pastors is founded and builded vpon Christ Ergo. THE THIRD PART WHETHER THE PASTORS of the Church haue any absolute power to remit sinnes otherwise then as Ministers onely The Papistes error 75 THey spare not to say that Priests haue full right to remit sinnes and are not ministers onely thereof and dispensers but haue full power as Christ had and he that doubteth of their right herein may as well doubt whether Christ had authoritie as man to remit sinnes Rhemist annot Iohn 20. sect 3. And againe they call it an expresse power and commission yea a wonderfull power which is giuen vnto Priests to remit sinnes and therfore it followeth necessarily that men should submit themselues to their iudgement for release of their sinnes Annot. Iohn 20. sect 5. 1 They reason thus out of our Sauiours owne words Iohn 20.21 As my father hath sent me so I send you He sheweth his fathers commission giuen to himselfe and then in plaine termes most amply imparteth the same to his Apostles But Christ had full right to remit sinnes Ergo also the Apostles and their successors for they haue the same power that Christ had Rhemist annot Iohn 20. sect 3. Ans. First it is great presumption and spoken without any ground to say that Christ by sending his Apostles into the world gaue them as full large and ample commission as he himselfe had for neither the Pope in whom remaineth as they say the Apostolike authoritie by their owne confession can doe all that Christ did as to ordaine and institute Sacraments and Christ say they might forgiue sinnes without the Sacraments which the Pope cannot doe and so consequently neither the Apostles whose full iurisdiction he hath in this behalfe Bellarm. de pontif lib. 5. cap. 4. Secondly the power therefore here granted to the Apostles is in the name of Christ to declare and pronounce remission of sinnes according to the wil of God not properly in their owne power to release or absolue sinners 2 He breathed vpon them and gaue them the holy Ghost vers 22. Therefore he that denieth the Priests authoritie to forgiue sinnes he must denye the holy Ghost to be God and not to haue power to remit sinnes Rhem. ibid sect 4. Ans. What a blasphemous consequence is this The holy Ghost hath absolute power to forgiue sinnes Ergo the Apostles also and all other Priests haue the same power First by this meanes they make no difference betweene the fulnes of power in our Sauiour Christ and the communication of that power to other Ministers of Christ it is sayd that the
liuing single if he haue the gift he ought to doe it for hauing not the gift and yet presuming he burneth in lust and so is set further backe in the course of godlines Caluin argument 2 We are bound to loue God with all our heart with all our soule with all our strength Therefore whatsoeuer thing there is whereby wee may expresse the loue of God we are bound by commandement to doe it it is not left to our owne will for not to loue God more then thou doest if it be in thy power it is a grieuous sinne Martyris argument Bellarmine answereth thus Qui deum diligit super omnia etiamsi eum non tam ardenter amet quàm forte posset vel non faciat pro eo omnia quae posset ille habet deum pro summo bono cap. 13. He that loueth God aboue all things although he loue him not so entirely as perhaps he may neither doth all things for his sake that lie in his power yet for al this he esteemeth of God as his chief good I pray you see what contradictorie speeches these be The Iesuit sayth a man may loue God perfectly and aboue all and yet not loue him so much as he is able that is imperfectly so a man by his Monkish diuinitie may loue God aboue all and yet not loue him aboue all for if he did he would refuse to do nothing for Gods loue that is in his power 3 Luk. 17.10 When you haue done all those things which are commanded you say we are vnprofitable seruants and did nothing but that which was our duetie to doe Ergo we are bound to doe all things that are to be done and we cannot doe that which we ought much lesse more then wee ought to doe Martyris argument Bellarmine answereth First Christ sayth when you haue done all which I commanded you not which I counselled you Ans. As though the argument followeth not strongly you cannot doe the lesse that is keepe my commandements therefore you cannot doe the more that is speaking now as the Iesuite doth the Counsels of perfection which are more then the precepts It is a precept of necessitie to dispense our goods to the vse of the poore it is a counsell of perfection as they say to giue all away to the poore But if a man cannot performe the first that is keeping his goods to vse them aright much lesse is hee able with a resolute minde to giue them all away Secondly he answereth Christ biddeth them to say so as shewing their humilitie not that they were indeede vprofitable seruants A poore shift as though Christ enuied the good of his seruants or would obscure their wel-doing and doth not rather aduance it to the vttermost and make the most of the seruiceable workes of his children as wee see Matth. 25.34 And Christ being a faithfull Prophet would not surely deceiue his Disciples and tell theme one thing and himselfe knowe and thinke another But these Frierlike mists and smoake of Locusts is not able to dimme the cleere light of this scripture which sheweth that when we haue done all wee can doe wee come farre short of our duetie 4 Augustine though sometime he seeme to make some difference betweene a precept and a Counsel Praeceptum est saith he cui non obedire peccatum est Consilium quo si vti nolueris minus boni adipisceris non mali aliquid perpetrabis De virginit cap. 15. A precept is that which not to obey is sinne A Counsel is that which if thou wilt not followe thou doest not commit any euill yet thou hast the lesse good Though he seeme in words I say to make difference yet his meaning is this That a precept is of things necessarie as to followe vertue to eschue vice A Counsel is of things indifferent as to vse or not to vse as to eate or not to eate flesh But yet the occasion may so serue that euen this counsel is necessarie for we ought not to eate flesh to offend our brother Multa facienda sunt non iubente lege sed libera charitate Many things are to be done sayth he not by force of any lawe but by the rule of charitie that is we haue no particular law but the generall rule of charitie A Counsel then is seene in things indifferent which are alwaies lawfull but not alway expedient and it is nothing els but a particular application of the generall rule of charitie Charitie wisheth that nothing should be done to offend our brethen 1. Cor. 10.32 The scripture likewise giueth libertie to eate flesh there is no generall precept or prohibitione yet the Apostle giueth counsel that is according to the rule of charitie sayth that although all things are cleane Malum tamen est homini qui per offensionem manducat yet it is euill to the man that eateth with offence Roman 14.20 Here we see the transgression of an Apostolicall Counsel is sinne And though we be not bound by any particular precept at this time or that to abstaine from flesh yet qua facienda sunt libera charitate the things that are to be done in the dutie of loue doe as well binde vs as if we had a direct commandement for loue is the fulfilling of the commandements yea it is one of the great commandements to loue one another Yet the counsel or libertie concerning indifferent things remaineth in it owne nature free still as the Apostle counselleth to eate not asking any question in such a case it is neither euill not to eate nor good to eate but if any man be present that may take offence by our eating then is it euill to eate So Augustine cōcludeth Multa mihi videntur licere non expedire quae per iustitiā quae coram deo est permittuntur sed propter offensionē hominū vitanda sunt Many things are lawful but not expedient lawful before God but not expedient because of the offence of our brethen De adulter coniug lib. 1. cap. 14.17 Thus we see Augustine doth nothing fauour the popish distinction of precepts and counsels for by his sentence euen Counsels that is the libertie and freedome of things indifferent are restrained and made necessarie in the externall vse by the rule of charitie THE THIRD QVESTION CONCERNING vowes in generall THis question hath three parts first whether it bee lawfull for Christians to make vowes Secondly in what things lawfull vowes consist Thirdly whether voluntarie vowes be any part of the worship and seruice of God THE FIRST PART WHETHER VOWES PERtayned onely to the old law and are not now permitted vnto Christians The Papists THey hold it as lawfull and as free a thing for Christians to bind themselues by vowes vnto God as it was vsed and practised of the Iewes in the time of the error 85 lawe 1 Isay 19.21 They shall knowe the Lord in that day and doe sacrifice and oblation and vow vowes vnto God and performe them This
debent Cui fidei tantum iuristribuit Apostolus vt eam potestatem appellaret dicens Mulier non habet potestatē sui corporis sed vir c. Maried couples doe owe fayth troth one to the other which mutual troth the Apos maketh such accoūt of that he giueth it the name of power saying The woman hath not power of her owne bodie but the man and likewise the man c. Augustine sayth that by the very plighting of their troth each to other they receiue mutuall power and interest one of anothers bodie But this troth was plighted before the consummation of their mariage Ergo they had one interest in another then and can do nothing one without the consent of the other de bon coniugal cap. 3. THE SIXT QVESTION CONCERNING the rules and discipline of Monasticall life THis question hath foure partes First of the solitarie and seuere kind of life in Monkes and Eremites Secondly of their canonicall houres appoynted for prayer Thirdly of their habite and apparell Fourthly of their maintenance whether it ought to come by their labour THE FIRST PART CONCERNING THE solitarie and austere life of Monkes The Papists TO liue in solitarie places to weare sack-cloth to be giuen continually to error 94 fasting to lie hard to fare meanely and by other such wayes to punish and afflict the bodie they say are notable meanes to bring the soule to the contemplation of heauenly things 1 John Baptist liued in the desart fared coursely and was barely apparelled he ate Locusts and wilde honie and ware a garment of Camels haire he was a right paterne of true Eremites Bellarm. cap. 39. lib. 2. de Monach. Answer First Johns life was not so austere as they make it for the place where he liued was not so solitarie but that there were villages and houses not far off as it may appeare by the peoples resort vnto him his apparel was of Camels hayre and was somewhat course yet no such thing as sack-cloth or haire-cloth for of the finest of the Camels haire Chamblets and Grograines are made that are had in price amongst vs his diet also in eating Locusts wilde honie was vsual in that coūtrey Secondly we denie not but Iohn liued an austere life because he was a preacher of repentance had a singular office to prepare men for the cōming of Christ Therfore his calling being extraordinary he cannot be an author of an ordinary calling among Christians Thirdly seeing Christ came eating and drinking liued amongst men and was apparelled as others were why should Christians rather choose to imitate the Baptist who had no office or ministerie in the Gospel Math. 11.11 then our Sauiour Christ whose life and doctrine is for our imitation The Protestants THat the solitarie life of Eremites in flying the comfortable societie of men and their rigorous manner in the vnnatural chastising of their bodies is contrarie to the rule of the Gospell thus we shew it 1 Heb. 10.24.25 Let vs consider one another and prouoke one another to good workes not forsaking the assemblies of our selues together as the maner of some is but exhorting one another here the Apostle speaketh manifestly against those that shunne the societie and companie of their brethren because they must needes fayle in the dueties of charitie as in exhorting one another and prouoking to good works these dueties Eremites can not performe therefore their life is vnlawfull and Math. 24 it is a note of false prophets and false Christs to liue in the desarts Againe they that loue solitarie places doe offer themselues to tentation and fall into the snares of the diuel God saw it was not good for Adam no not in Paradise to liue alone but I think their desarts are farre vnlike to Paradise Christ to be tempted of the diuell was lead into the Wildernes Therfore such places are fit for Sathans working The preacher sayth Two are better then one for if one ouercome him two shal stand against him Eccles. 4.12 We are better able being ayded by our brethren to resist Sathan then being alone We ought not then to tempt God and not knowing our own strength to goe forth into solitarie places and as it were prouoke Sathan to the Combat 2 That cruel and inhumane kind of chastising their bodies by fasting other discipline vtterly is vnlawful The Monks called Grandimōtenses did weare shirts of maile next their bodies the Charter Monkes haire-cloth the Monks Flagellants went bare-foote in linnen shirts leauing an open place in the backe where they did daylie whip themselues before the people till the blood followed Moses a certaine Abbot did so afflict his bodie with fasting and watching that for 2. or 3. daies together many times he had no appetite at all to his meat neither could sleepe An other Eremite as Cassianus writeth did purpose with himselfe not to eate meate vnlesse he had some guest or stranger with him and so was constrayned to abstaine somtime fiue dayes together two other Monasticall brethren trauayling in the desart of Thebaide did vow not to take any sustenance but such as God should send them and as they went a certaine wilde people contrarie to their custome offered them meat the one tooke it as sent of God the other refused it because he thought it to be sent rather of man then of God and so died Basilius magnus and Gregor Nazianzene did so pluck downe themselues by immoderate fasting that when they were called to bee Bishops they were not able to sustaine the labour thereof Where in all the scriptures learned these men thus to punish their bodies this is not with Saint Paul to subdue and bring vnder the flesh but to kill and destroy it contrary to that saying of Saint Paul No man euer yet hated his own flesh but loueth cherisheth it see I pray you how these men loued and cherished their bodies Let vs heare what Aug. sayth Tudeseris res humanas segregas te vt nemo te videat Cui proderis tu ad hoc peruenisses si nemo tibi profuisset An quia veloces pedes tibi videris habuisse ad transeundum praecisurus es pontem Thou leauest the care of humane things and separatest thy selfe that no man should see thee to whom doest thou good in so doe doing Hadst thou come to this perfection thy selfe if no man had done thee good because thou hast quickly passed ouer wilt thou cut off the bridge that no man else should passe See then Augustine maketh the heremiticall life altogether vnprofitable to men THE SECOND PART CONCERNING the habite and shauing of Monkes The Papists BOth these superstitious customes for Monks to be knowne by their coules error 95 shauen crowns they receiue and allow as cōmendable and fit for them to be knowen by Beside some shew of antiquitie scripture they haue none but their best reason is this that as Senators souldiers Noble mē rustikes are knowē by
shepheard Bellarm And the Apostle willeth all men to obey their Bishops and ouerseers Heb. 13.17 and to submit themselues vnto them from which rule neither Kings nor Emperours are exēpted Prelates must be obeyed Ergo not obey Rhemist ibid. Ans. First the obedience here required we acknowledge that it ought to be yeelded by Kings Emperours to those that haue the ouersight of their soules for the Prince is bound to receiue and beleeue all true doctrine which is taught by the Pastors and Bishops of the Church agreeable to the word of God vnder paine of damnation and the Pastors are bound vnder the like paine to obey the Princes lawes made according to the word of God Secondly wherefore the spirituall obedience of the ciuill Magistrate to the word of God taught by the Pastors of the Church is no exemption of them from their ciuill obedience for euery soule is subiect to the higher powers Rom. 13.1 Fulk annot 13. Heb. sect 9 The Protestants THat Ecclesiasticall persons are subiect to temporall gouernours and are to be iudged by their lawes the scriptures speake plainly 1 Rom. 13.1 Let euery soule be subiect to the higher powers Ergo Bishops yea the Pope himselfe if he haue a soule The like sayth S. Peter 1.2.13 Submit your selues to all manner ordinance Salomon remoued Abiathar from the Priesthood and put in Sadock Paul appealed and submitted himselfe to Caesar. Againe if Priests offend and commit any grieuous sinne as of murther theft who shall punish them The ciuill Magistrate onely beareth the sword They must either grant that priests are no euill doers which were to too grosse or if they be that they are vnder the ciuill Magistrates power for he is the Minister of God to take vengeance vpon euery euill doer Rom. 13.4 In Augustines time the controuersies betweene the Catholike and Donatist Bishops were committed to the iudgement of the Emperour Ait quidam saith he Non debuit Episcopus proconsulari iudicio purgari Quasi verò ipse sibi hoc comparauerit ac non Imperator ita quaeri iusserat ad cuius curam de qua rationem deo red liturus est res illa maximè pertinebat But saith one a Bishop ought not to haue been purged before the Proconsul or ciuill Magistrate As though sayth Augustine the Proconsul did of himselfe intermeddle in this matter and was not commanded rather of the Emperour so to doe vnto whose charge that matter principally appertained and whereof he shall make account vnto God Ergo by his sentence the cause of the Bishop principally was to be iudged by the Emperour THE SECOND PART WHETHER THE PRINCE haue power ouer Ecclesiasticall goods The Papists THe goods of the Clergie both secular and Ecclesiasticall are and ought to error 99 be exempted from paying tribute to Princes yet they haue not this libertie say they by the Lawe of God but by the grant of Princes themselues Rhemist annot Rom. 13. sect 5. Bellarm. de Clericis cap. 28. Genes 47.22 27. The lands of the Priests were exempted from paying tribute Ergo it seemeth that this custome is grounded vpon the law of nature Bellarm. Ans. First the Hebrew word signifieth rather Presidents such as were the Kings officers not Priests as Tremellius sheweth who were maintained by the Kings prouision being officers of his houshold for Genes 41.45 Ioseph is sayd to marrie the daughter of Potyphar prince not priest of On. The same word Cohen is there vsed for it is not like that Ioseph would match himselfe with an idolatrous priests daughter Secondly but be it granted this was but a politike constitution for that coūtrey other Princes are not bound to Pharao his law Thirdly they gaine nothing by this but that it is an humane constitution The Protestants THat Princes haue authoritie to punish Ecclesiasticall persons offending in their goods either by displacing them or by conuerting the Church possessions by them abused to better vses we haue shewed before Contr. 5. quest 6. part 1. And that their goods ought to pay tribute subsidie taxe vnto the prince thus now it is proued 1 Our Sauiour Christ paied poll money Math. 17.25 Rom. 13. Euery soule ought to be subiect to the higher powers and there vers 5. paying of tribute is made a part of subiection the argument therefore thus followeth Clergie men are subiect to Princes therefore they ought to pay tribute 2 Ex concessis we reason thus from their owne confession That which Princes gaue to the Church vpon good cause they may take away but this immunitie not to pay tribute was first granted as they confesse to the Church by Kings and Princes Ergo they haue the same right hauing iust occasion to take it from them againe What Augustines iudgement is we haue seene in the place before alleadged THE THIRD PART CONCERNING THE PRINCES authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall The Papists error 100 THe Prince they say hath no authoritie to giue voyce deliberatiue or definitiue in Councels concerning matters of religion nor to make lawes Ecclesiasticall concerning the same Onely they giue them authoritie to execute the Ecclesiasticall lawes made by the Church Rhemist 1. Corinth 14.16 Bellarm. de pontif lib. 1. cap. 7. 1 Kings and Princes may in their owne persons execute if they will whatsoeuer their inferiour officers do as to heare and determine causes as the Iudges and other Magistrates doe but the Prince cannot execute any Ecclesiasticall function as to preach baptize Ergo he hath no authoritie in causes Ecclesiasticall for how can the Prince impart that to others whereof he is himselfe incapable as to giue Bishops and Pastors power to ordaine to preach and such like Bellarm. Rhemist ibid. Ans. First the authoritie of ciuill Magistrates doth not giue any thing to Ecclesiasticall Ministers which appertaineth to their office as to ordaine preach baptize neither is the Prince to deale in these offices yet may the ciuill Magistrates command them to execute their charge and dueties according to the word of God Wherefore it followeth not Princes cannot execute the pastoral dueties themselues Ergo they ought not to see them executed Dauid Salomon Iehosophat Ezechia commanded the Priests to execute their office according to the law of God though it was not lawfull for them neither did they execute any thing proper to the Priests office in their owne persons neither doth any Christian Prince challenge any such right in Ecclesiasticall functions wherefore it is an impudent slander of Bellarmine which he giueth forth of our Queene Iam re ipsa Caluinistis in Anglia mulier quaedam summus pontifex And now sayth he in England the Caluinists haue a certaine woman for their chiefe Bishop De notis eccles lib. 4. cap. 9. 2 It doth not followe that the Prince might as well execute Ecclesiasticall offices as he may ciuill in his owne person if he haue authoritie ouer both No more then it followeth that because Ecclesiasticall persons doe teach both ciuill Magistrates
and Church officers their dueties and may in their owne persons execute the one that is spirituall duties that they may as well intermeddle in the other But these two offices of Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall gouernment are distinguished and must not be confounded The Prince though he haue authoritie to command Ecclesiasticall persons yet being a ciuill Magistrate is not to deale with the execution of spirituall dueties Bishops pastors likewise haue a spiritual charge ouer kings princes to shew thē their duties out of Gods word yet because they are persons Ecclesiastical they ought not to meddle with meer Ciuill dueties The Prince hath the soueraigntie of externall gouernement in all causes ouer all persons yet not alike for Ciuill offices he may both command and execute Ecclesiasticall duties he commandeth onely Bishops and pastors haue also a spirituall charge ouer all prescribing out of Gods word as well the duetie of Magistrates as of Ministers but not alike for the one they may fully execute so may they not the other The head in the naturall bodie resembleth the Prince in the commonwealth in some sense the head giueth mouing to the whole bodie and all the parts thereof but to the principall parts in the head the eyes tongue eares it giueth beside the facultie of mouing the sense also of seeing tasting hearing So in the common-wealth by the Princes authoritie all persons are kept in order and vrged to looke to their charge both ciuill officers and spirituall as al the parts of the bodie receiue mouing from the head But the ciuill officers receiue power and authoritie beside and their very offices of the King as the parts in the head receiue sense from their fountaine but Ecclesiasticall Ministers receiue not their offices from the Prince or any mortall man but they haue their calling according to the order of the Church of God Argum. 2. For the space of 300. yeeres the Church after Christ had no Christian gouernours but all Heathen and Idoll worshippers yet then the Church was established and preuailed Ergo Ciuill Magistrates ought not to deale in Ecclesiasticall affayres Bellarmine Ans. 1. Euen then also the Heathen Emperours had authoritie in Church matters and if they had commanded any thing agreeable to true religion they should haue been obeyed as Cyrus in the law which he made for building the temple Ezra 1. Darius the Median for worshipping the true God Dan. 6. Fulk Rom. 13. sect 3. The heathen Emperours then had the same power but they knewe not how to vse it Christian Princes doe succeede them in the same office but are better taught by the word of God how to exercise the sword Secondly we denie not but that in the time of persecution all things necessarie for the spirituall building thereof may be had without the Magistrate as a Vineyard may bring forth fruite without an hedge but it cannot enioy peace nor be in a perfect estate in respect of the externall gouernement but vnder good Magistrates as the Vineyard may soone be spoyled the wild bore and the beasts of the field may breake in vpon it hauing no hedge The child being in the womb though it haue as yet small vse of the head but is fed by the nauell which is in steed of the mouth hath in it selfe the lineaments and proportion of a humane bodie yet it wanteth the perfect beautie till it be borne and come forth and the head receiue his office So may the Church haue a being in persecution and the want of the ciuill head may be otherwise supplied but it is not beautifull till the head be set vp and the sword put into the Christian Magistrates hand Argum. 3. Princes haue no cure nor charge of soules Ergo they are not to meddle with Ecclesiasticall lawes Rhemist annot 1. Corinth 14. sect 16. Ans. Parents haue charge ouer the soules of their childrē for they are charged to bring them vp in the instruction and information of the Lord Ephes. 6.4 Therefore Princes also haue directly charge of the soules of their subiects according to their place and calling by prouiding and making good Ecclesiasticall lawes and compelling them to the true seruice of God As the Ecclesiasticall Ministers in another kind and more properly are said to haue the cure of soules in feeding and instructing the people Fulk ibid. The Protestants THe ciuill Magistrate by the word of God hath power to make and constitute Ecclesiasticall lawes and to establish true religion and see that all persons vnder their gouernment doe faithfully execute their charge To say therefore that the Church officers are to deuise lawes concerning religion and the Prince onely to execute them is to make the Prince their seruant and doth derogate too much from the princely authoritie Neither doe we giue vnto the Prince absolute power to make Ecclesiasticall lawes for first the Prince is not to prescribe what lawes he listeth to the Church but such as onely may require the true worship of God Secondly that it is expedient and meete according to the commendable custome of this land that the godly learned of the Clergie should be consulted withall in establishing of Ecclesiastical ordinances vnlesse it be in such a corrupt time when the Church gouernours are enemies to religion for then the Prince not staying vpon their iudgement ought to reforme religion according to the word of God as we see it was lawfully and godly practised by King Henrie the 8. Thirdly we doe make exception of all such Ecclesiasticall canons and ordinances the making whereof doth properly belong to the office of Bishops and gouernours of the Church for our meaning is not that it is not lawful for Ecclesiastical Ministers to make Ecclesiastical decrees which do properly concerne their office as concerning the censures of the Church excommunication suspension absoluing binding loosing and such like which things are incident to their pastorall office and yet we grant that the Prince hath euen in these cases an ouerruling hand to see that none abuse their pastoral office But that any lawes ought to be made without the authoritie of the prince which the prince is bound to execute we vtterly denie And so we conclude that the ciuill Magistrate hath power ouer all persons and in all causes both temporall and ecclesiasticall in such manner as we haue sayd 1 S. Paul willeth that praiers should be made for Kings and Princes that vnder them we may leade a peaceable life in all godlines and honestie 1. Tim. 2.2 Ergo it is their duetie as well to procure religion by their authoritie as ciuill honestie Againe He beareth not the sword for nought Rom. 13.4 He hath power to punish al euill doers therfore also to correct euill ministers to make Ecclesiastical lawes for otherwise he should haue no ful power to correct the transgressors thereof 2 We reade that Iosua Dauid Salomon Iosia did deale in ecclesiasticall matters which concerned religion and the worship of God
Bellarm. They did it by an extraordinarie authoritie not as Kings but as Prophets Nay it was an ordinarie power for all the good kings of Iuda beside as Iehosaphat Hezekiah and others did take care of religion this was so properly annexed to the kingly office that idolatrous kings also tooke vpon them to command false religion as Ieroboam set vp two golden calues and Ahaz king of Iudah cōmanded Vriah the high Priest to make an Altar according to the patterne which he sent from Damascus 2. King 16.11 This power also was afterward exercised by Christian Kings and Emperours as Constantinus Theodosius Martianus made lawes for the Church Fulk annot 1. Cor. 14. sect 16. Iustinianus the Emperour decreed many things concerning Church affayres as how excommunication should be vsed how Bishops and Priests should be ordained concerning the order and manner of funerals that the holy mysteries should not be done in priuate houses Carolus magnus decreed that onely the Canonical bookes of scripture should be read in the Church he chargeth all Bishops and priests to preach the word Lodouicus Pius his sonne and Emperour after him ordained that no entrie should bee made into the Church by Simonie that Bishops should bee chosen by the free election of the Clergie and the people All these Emperours did lawfully exercise their princely authoritie in Ecclesiastical matters Ergo other princes may doe the same still 3 Augustine saith Epistol 50. Quis mente sobrius c Who in his right wits would say to the King It pertaineth not to you who in your kingdome is religious or sacrilegious to whom it cannot be said let it not pertaine vnto you who in your kingdome will be chast or vnchast And in another place Ad fratres in erem serm 14. Tunc iustitia dicitur gladius ex vtraque parte acutus quia hominis defendit corpus ab exterioribus iniurijs animam à spiritualibus molestijs Then iustice is rightly called a sword with a double edge because it doth both defend the bodie from externall and corporall wrongs and the soule from spirituall vexation That is the sword of the Magistrate serueth as well to prune the Church and to cut off all errors and heresies in religion as to destroy the vices and corruptions in manners AN APPENDIX OR FOVRTH PART OF THE QVEstion whether the Prince in any good sense may be called the head of his kingdome and consequently of the Church in his kingdome The Papists THey do appropriate this title to be called heads of the vniuersall Church to error 101 the Pope of Rome most blasphemouslie for there can be no head of the vniuersal bodie but Christ But for Princes to be called the head that is chiefe gouernours of the Churches in their kingdomes they do abhorre it Whereupon Bellarmine is so saucie as to checke and controule King Henrie the 8. because he was called the head of the English Church 1 The heathen Emperours were not heads of the Church being not so much as members thereof therefore neither Christian Magistrates which doe succeede them in that authoritie Rhemist annot 1. Pet. 2. sect 6. Ans. 1. The argument followeth not they were no true mēbers of the Church therefore could not be heads that is haue the soueraigntie of the externall gouernment for wicked kings and princes doe keepe their magistracie gouernment still who though they be not true members of the Catholike Church yet ought to be obeied as princes 2. Though the metaphorical name of head agreed not vnto them yet were they by Gods ordinance appointed to be heads gouernours of his people protectors of his Church should haue been if they had not abused their authoritie 3. Christian princes though they haue the same authoritie which they had yet now exercising the sword according to Gods law and being Nurses of the Church may vse and retaine those princely titles in deed to be called Patrones and defenders of the faith head that is chiefe gouernours and protectors of the Church which by right had been due vnto the other if they had vsed their authoritie as they should 2 Christian princes are members of the Church Ergo not heads for if they were heads how could the Church stand without them as it did in the time of persecution Ans. First as though the head is not a member and part of the bodie though a principall one so the Prince is a member of the Church but a principall and chiefe member not of the inuisible Church for so Christ is onely head but of a particular visible Church Secondly we denie not but that the inuisible and spiritual Church may consist without the Magistrate but a visible flourishing and wel-gouerned Church cannot want a head or chiefe gouernour that is as a wall or hedge vnto it The Protestants TO bee head of the vniuersall Church is proper onely to Christ and in that sense is not communicable to any creature for he is to his Church as the head to the naturall bodie giuing vnto it influence of grace spirit and life he is therefore the onely mysticall head of the vniuersal Church But in another sense the Prince may be said to be the head and chiefe gouernour of his kingdome of that particular visible Church where he is king We make him neither the mysticall head which is only Christ farre be that blasphemie from vs nor a ministerial head as they make the Pope to be as Christs Vicegerent in the Church but a politicall head to keepe and preserue the peace of the Church and to see that euery member doe his office and duetie But this name we confesse is vnproperly giuen to the Prince neither were we the first inuentors of it for the papists first gaue it to Henry the 8. And there are other titles which doe sufficiently expresse the office of the Prince and may bee more safely vsed If any man thinke it too high a name for any mortall man and so not to be giuen to any we will not greatly contend about it But if any denye it to the Prince as thereby to abridge her of her power in Ecclesiastical matters we doe stand stiffely for it and are bold to affirme that with much better right is this title attributed to the ciuill Magistrate then it was to the Pope yea and that it hath been of old giuen in a modest and sober sense to Kings and Princes and may with a fauourable exposition be still and Princes also may receiue this honour and title at their subiects hands with protestation of their Christian meaning herein 1 This phrase for the King to be called the head is not vnusuall in scripture 1. Sam. 15.17 Saul is sayd to be the head of the tribes Psal. 18.43 Dauid the head of the nations Isay. 9.15 The Prince or honourable man the head of the people yea Princes are called Gods Psal. 82.2 which is a name of greater Soueraigntie then to be called heads
which is nothing but aduocation Dan. 10.23 Math. 18.10 Rhemist annot 1. Iohn 2. sect 5. Ans. First the argument followeth not for the Angels at the appoyntment of God may serue for our protection and defence though they be not aduocates for vs to obtaine remission of our sinnes Secondly the places alleadged proue no such aduocation of Angels but onely defence and protection Dan. 10.23 The Angel was readie at the first praiers of Daniel but he was letted a while This proueth that angels may knowe our praiers when it pleaseth God and be ministers of his helpe vnto vs which we denye not not that they are our aduocates The Protestants THat angels are not to be worshipped nor inuocated as mediatours intercessors or aduocates the scripture speaketh euidently 1 Coloss. 2.18 Let no man beguile you in the humblenes and worshipping of Angels Ergo not lawfull to pray vnto them or to worship them Rhemist The Apostle speaketh heere against the wicked doctrine of Simon Magus that affirmed that the angels both ill and good were mediators for vs vnto God and against the superstition of the Iewes that worshipped the angels by whom the law was giuen Ans. The Apostle condemneth both these superstitions as likewise the popish inuocation of angels because all will-worship is forbidden which is not after the prescript of Gods word Coloss. 2.23 Fulk in hunc locum 2 If any man sinne sayth the Apostle we haue an aduocate with the father Iesus Christ the Iust he is the propitiation for our sinnes Iohn 2.2 Ergo Christ onely is our aduocate Rhemist Christ is our aduocate in the highest degree because by himselfe and his owne merites without the assistance of any other he obtaineth pardon for vs. The other as angels and Saints are as secondary intercessors that obtaine not any thing by their owne merites but onely through Christ. Ans. First he onely and properly is an aduocate that can pleade the iustice of his clients cause which euery one that prayeth for vs cannot doe for though the angels and Saints departed should pray for vs which we knowe not by the scriptures as our brethren vpon earth doe yet should they not be mediatours and aduocates but petitioners and intreators for vs Fulk ibid. Secondly we gather many strong arguments out of this place for the sole sufficient aduocation of Christ. First the Sonne is the best and onely sufficient aduocate with the father therefore where we may haue free and bold accesse to the Sonne Heb. 4.16 what need haue we of the seruants helpe 2. He is the only aduocate that is iust and righteous before God so onely is Christ the angels are imperfect in his sight Iob. 4.18 Ergo. Thirdly he must be our aduocate that is also the propitiation for our sinnes Ergo onely Christ. Augustine saith Dicitis angelos nos colimus vtinam illos coleretis facile ab illis disceretis illos non colere But ye will say ye worship not images but Angels I would you did truely worship and reuerence them for you should soone learne of the Angels not to worship the Angels in Psal. 96. THE NINTH GENERALL CONTROVERSIE CONCERNING SAINTS DEPARTED THis Controuersie hath two parts first of those that being departed suffer some punishment after this life Secondly of those that are straight receiued to ioye in heauen The first part hath two questions first of the place of darknesse where the faithfull remained till the comming of Christ as the Papists imagine Secondly of Purgatorie THE FIRST QVESTION OF LIMBVS PATRVM where the Patriarkes were imagined to be The Papists THey haue deuised and imagined in their foolish conceit foure infernall and subterrestrial places Hell Purgatorie Limbus infantium where children remaine dying without baptisme and Limbus Patrum where the Fathers were before Christs comming These places they distinguish three waies first by the situation Hell is lowest Purgatorie is next Limbus infantium in the third place Limbus Patrum vppermost Secondly they differ in measure of punishment some of them haue poenam damni and poenam sensus a double punishment both of losse in that they are excluded heauen and of paine also as Hell and Purgatorie the other two Limbi are but dungeons of darknes onely where they suffer no other smart or paine but are onely absent from God Thirdly they differ in time and continuance say they Hell and the dungeon of children shall abide for euer but Purgatorie and the dungeon of the fathers are temporall the one that is Limbus Patrum is many yeeres agoe dissolued and Purgatorie also shall cease say they at the comming of Christ Ballarm de purgat lib. 2. cap. 6. This then is their opinion that the Patriarkes and Prophets before Christs comming were not in heauen but were kept in an infernall place of darknesse yet without paine and were deliuered by Christs descending into hell Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 11. Rhemist Heb. 9.8 Argum. First Heb. 11.40 God prouiding a better thing for vs that they without vs should not be perfect That is say the Rhemists the Fathers of the law could not be admitted to the ioyes of heauen till the Apostles and other of the new lawe were associate with them and a way made into heauen by the death and ascension of Christ Rhemist ibid. Ans. First by this reason the Patriarkes could not enter into heauen before the death of the Apostles if there were no enterance found vnlesse they were associate with them Secondly if the way were not opened before Christs ascension then the Patriarkes could not ascend before where were they then al those 40. daies for they were deliuered out of Limbus Patrum before Christs resurrection Thirdly there is therefore no such meaning of this place but it is to be vnderstood of the resurrection when as all the elect shall be consummate together and enter bodie and soule into heauen Fulk 2 Zachar. 9.11 I haue loosed thy prisoners out of the pit where there is no water That is out of Limbus Patrum Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 11. Ans. Augustine giueth a cleane contrarie sense of the place by the pit without water he vnderstandeth Humanae miseriae siccam profunditatem sterilem vbi non sunt fluenta iustitiae sed iniquitatis lutum The drie and barren dungeon of humane miserie where there are no springs of iustice but the puddle and mire of iniquitie That is the Prophet speaketh of the deliuerance of the people from their cruel and vniust bondage and captiuitie 3 1. Pet. 3.19 In the which spirit he also went and preached vnto the spirits that were in prison which sometime had been disobedient in the daies of Noe. This place proueth euidently sayth Bellarm. that Christ descended into hell and deliuered the fathers from thence De Christi anima lib. 4.13 Ans. The place can haue no such meaning First by the spirit here the humane soule of Christ cannot be vnderstood but is diuine
it may be enquired and it may either be safely found out or remaine hid and vnknowne to the faithfull Enchirid. 69. Augustine saith A faithfull man may safely be ignorant of Purgatorie The Papists error 12 2. THey say they onely goe to Purgatorie that dye in their veniall and light transgressions or which haue their sinnes remitted but not satisfied for the punishment Bellarm. lib. 2. de Purgat cap. 1. The Protestants FIrst we denye that any sinnes are of their owne nature veniall as they affirme for the wages of al sinne without the mercie of God is death Ro. 6.23 Secondly what equitie should there be in this that veniall sinnes should be punished with the hellish fire of Purgatorie that exceedeth al the afflictions of this life yea and a longer time then any man liueth vpon earth for the Pope taketh vpon him to pardon for thousands of yeeres and yet mortall and deadly sinnes as they call them may be satisfied for here where neither the penance can be so grieuous nor so long Thirdly the sinne once remitted there remaineth no punishment Mark 2.5 Christ saith to the sick of the palsie Thy sinnes are forgiuen thee and vers 10. That ye may knowe that the Sonne of man hath authoritie on earth to forgiue sinnes I say vnto thee arise take vp thy bed and walke The releasing him of the punishment of his bodie was a signe that his sinnes also were forgiuen and the sinne being remitted the punishment also ceaseth Wherefore who so leaueth the world without sinne is no more guiltie of any punishment The Papists 3. THe soules in Purgatorie doe neither sinne any more neither can they merite error 13 Ecclesiastes 9.5 The dead knowe nothing at all vers 10. there is neither worke knowledge nor wisedome in the graue Bellarm. cap. 2. The Protestants WE say that if there were any such place as Purgatorie the soules there tormented must needes both increase in charitie and righteousnes because the more they are purged the more pure they are and the lesse drosse is in them and being in vnspeakable torments they cannot choose but tremble and feare yea and also be disquieted in their soules as the Saints were sometime in their afflictions here vpon earth and therefore cannot be without sinne for feare hath painfulnes as the Apostle saith and he that feareth is not perfect in loue 1. Iohn 4.18 Ergo a seruile or slauish feare is sinne That place alleadged doth not onely take away meriting or working from the dead but all knowledge and vnderstanding And it is spoken in the person of the Epicure and sensuall man that thinketh that the dead knowe nothing The Papists 4. THey affirme that the soules in Purgatorie are certaine of their saluation in error 14 the midst of their torments for euery soule departed straight after death receiueth sentence of life or death Bellarm. cap. 4. The Protestants Ans. FIrst that euery soule is iudged presently after death we grant and it maketh strongly against your Purgatorie for the sentence giuen is either of death or life and the sentence being giuen is accordingly executed so that they which receiue sentence of life goe presently to heauen the other to hell For to what purpose els should the sentence be giuen if it be not straightwaies in force So S. Paul saith that they which looke to be clothed with their house from heauen shall not be left naked or vnclothed 2. Cor. 5.2 3 4. But if some soules ordained to life eternall should pause a while in Purgatorie being vnclothed of their flesh they should be left altogether naked hauing not yet receiued their clothing from heauen Secondly where there is securitie of saluation there is the greatest comfort ioy that can be how then can the soules in Purgatorie be so grieuouslie tormented which cannot be els where then in their conscience for as for the whipping scalding freezing of soules in Purgatorie they are but old wiues fables the ioy then of the soule is in the conscience so is the sorowe how then can both these be matched in the soule together to haue vnspeakable ioy as also to feele most horrible paine 5 In these poynts alreadie set downe our aduersaries we see are bold to define certainly of Purgatorie but there are as many poynts and somewhat more which they leaue in doubt and vncertaine First where Purgatorie should bee Bellarmine gesseth it is in the bowels of the earth next to hell cap. 6. so doe the Rhemists Luk. 16. sect 8. But they doe not all agree neither hath their Church defined it Secondly they cannot tell how many yeeres Purgatorie endureth whether an hundred or two hundred or thousands of yeeres Thirdly they can not tell certainly whether it be materiall fire which burneth in Purgatorie but they say it is probable Fourthly neither cā they shew how corporall fire should worke vpon the soules in Purgatorie being spirituall and incorporall Bellarmine cap. 12. Fiftly they are vncertaine whether the diuels or angels be the tormentors in Purgatorie cap. 13. Sixtly whether the paine of Purgatorie be at all time alike or by little and little slaked toward the end and whether it doe exceede all the paines and sorowes of this life they yet remaine vncertaine and are not able to determine Bellarm. lib. 2. de purgat cap. 14. Let vs leaue them therefore with their vncertainties and brainsicke phansies for the vaine inuentions and imaginations of men haue no end but are fitly by the Prophet cōpared to sparkles that leape out thick out of the fire but are soone extinguished Walk saith the Prophet in the light of your fire and sparkes that you haue kindled that is as the sparkes giue but a dimme light for a man to walke by he may stumble and grope about still for all that light euen so no maruaile if the Papists doe wander vp and downe in their imaginations walking by the light and sparkles of their phantasticall and mathematicall fire of Purgatorie THE THIRD PART WHETHER THE PRAIERS OF the liuing or any other workes of theirs doe profite the dead The Papists THeir opinion is that the praiers of the liuing are neither auailable for the Saints in heauen for they neede them not not for the damned in hell for they cannot be helped but onely for the soules tormented in Purgatorie who doe finde great ease say they by the praiers of the liuing and therfore we ought to pray for them Bellar. lib. 2. de purgator cap. 15.18 Rhemist annot 2. Thessal 2. sect 19. Argum. 1. Christ while he liued profited the dead for he raised to life the rulers daughter Math. 9. the widdowes sonne Luk. 7. and Lazarus which were dead therefore euen so the members of Christ ought one to helpe another the liuing the dead Bellarm. cap. 15. Ans. First is not here a strong argument thinke you Christ raised Lazarus and some others from death to life Ergo we ought to pray for the dead for it followeth
not that vpon the miraculous workes of Christ we should build the ordinarie dueties of Christians Augustine would haue told you that Christ is not to be imitated in such workes Non hoc tibi dicit non eris discipulus meus nisi ambulaueris supra mare aut nisi suscitaueris quatriduanum mortuum He saith not vnto thee Thou shalt not be my disciple vnlesse thou walke vpon the sea raise one that hath been dead foure daies But Learne of me for I am humble and meeke Secondly if prayer for the dead be vnto vs as the raising of the dead was to Christ then as all the dead are to be praied for so Christ should haue raised againe all that went then to Purgatorie or els by your conclusion he failed in charitie as we doe now if we pray not for the dead as you beare vs in hand Thirdly though the Saints departed and the faithfull liuing are members of the same bodie and so are bound in loue one to the other yet it followeth not that one should pray for the other They with vs and we with them doe wish and long to see the redemption of the sonnes of God accomplished Reuel But charitie bindeth vs not one to pray for another because we knowe not one the particular needes of another Nay to pray for any departed is against the rule of charitie for loue beleeueth all things and hopeth all things 1. Corinthians 13.7 Wee ought to hope the best of the dead that they are at rest but in praying for them wee presuppose they are in miserie and so neede our prayers therefore wee hope not the best of them as charitie willeth vs. Argum. 2. Iohn 5. vers 16. The Apostle sayth There is a sinne vnto death for the which a man ought not to pray that is deadly sinne wherein a man dyeth without repentance but for other sinnes not vnto death whereof men repent themselues it is lawfull to pray Ergo we may pray for those that are departed not in deadly sinne for this place is properly to be vnderstood of praying or not praying for the dead because so long as a man liueth he may be prayed for because all sinnes are pardonable in this life Rhemist ibid. Ans. First a sinne vnto death is not onely finall impenitencie but sinne also against the holy Ghost such as was the sinne of Iudas and of the Pharisees Secondly though we should vnderstand it of finall impenitencie yet it is but a so●y argument some of the dead ought not to be praied for Ergo the rest may Thirdly the text cannot be vnderstood of praying for the dead for the text sayth not If any man see that his brother hath sinned not vnto death but If he see him sinning but the dead doe neither sinne nor are seene to sinne Fourthly whereas you say that all sinnes are pardonable in this life our Sauiour Christ saith contrary that the sinne against the holy Ghost can neuer be forgiuen neither in this world nor in the world to come Plura apud Fulk ibid. The Protestants TO pray for the dead is a worke neither pleasing before God because he hath no where commanded it nor auailable for them that are departed because they haue their iudgement alreadie While we liue let vs one pray for another but when we are gone the praiers of the liuing helpe vs not Argum. 1. The ground of this popish opinion of prayer for the dead is their superstitious deuise of Purgatorie for none els doe they hold it lawfull to pray for but for the soules onely in Purgatorie But there is no Purgatorie as we haue shewed before after this life our purging is onely in this life Christ hath by him selfe purged our sinnes Hebr. 1.3 Christ his bloud is the chiefe and onely purgation of our sinnes there are also other inferiour and ministeriall purgings whereby that onely soueraigne purging is made beneficiall and applied vnto vs as the inward operation and worke of the spirit is compared to fire Math. 3.11 1. Corinth 3.13 There is also a purging fire of affliction compared by the Prophet to fullers sope Malach. 3.3 There also shall be a third purging fire in the day of the Lord 1. Pet. 3.7 when as the corruption and mortalitie of our bodies shall be purged away and then shall our mortalitie put on immortalitie 1. Corinth 15.53 Other Purgatorie after this life we acknowledge none Seeing then that there are no soules in Purgatorie and for none els it is lawfull to pray but for the soules tormented in Purgatorie it followeth that we are to pray for none at all that are dead Argum. 2. No prayer is acceptable to God without faith We must pray without wauering and doubting Iames. 1.6 But so can we not pray for the dead for we cannot tell in what case they are for whom we pray whether they be in heauen hell or purgatorie and therefore we cannot assure our selues that our prayers are heard but must needes pray with great doubting and wauering of the mind Ergo such praiers are in vaine Iames 1.7 Argum. 3. Our praiers profite not the dead because there is no place after this life for repentance or remission of sinnes for this should be the end and intendment of our praier that they might be released of their sinnes and eased of their paine There is no remission of sinnes after death because there is no true repentance repentance there is none because there can be no amendment of life which alwaies followeth repentance for Iohn Baptist that was a preacher of repentance bid not onely the people to repent but to bring forth fruites worthie repentance Math. 3.2.8 So saith the Prophet Ezechiel If the wicked will returne from his sinnes and doe the thing that is lawfull he shall liue and not dye 18.21 There are two parts then of repentance as Isay sayth Cease to doe euill learne to doe well 1. Isay. 16.17 But there is no place of working out of the bodie Ergo then no repentance To this Augustine agreeth Non est apud inferos poenitentia ad salutem proficiens ecce nunc tempus est salutis nunc tempus remissionis In hac vita poenitentiae tantum patet libertas post mortem nulla correctionis est licentia De tempor serm 66. In hell or among the dead there is no repentance vnto saluation behold now is the time of saluation the time of forgiuenes In this life onely haue men libertie to repent after death there is no place for amendment What is become now I pray you of your Purgatorie repentance after this life there is no saluation to be had because there is no remission of sinnes no remission of sinnes because there is no repentance there is no repentance because there is no amendement Rhemist Our Sauiour saith Math. 12.32 that blasphemie against the spirit shal neither be forgiuen in this world nor the world to come Ergo some sinnes may be forgiuen in the world
to come Ans. Mark expoundeth Mathew He saith It shall neuer be forgiuen Mark 3.29 So that not to be forgiuen either in this world or the world to come is nothing els but neuer to be forgiuen for if it be not forgiuen in this life it shall neuer be forgiuen Bellarm. Yea but Mathew must expound Marke because he setteth it downe more fully and Marke doth but abridge the Gospell written by S. Matthew De Purgat lib. 1. cap. 4. Ans. But why should not Mark rather expound Mathew seeing he writ after him and we vse to expound the former writers by the later not contrariwise AN APPENDIX OR AN APPERTINENCE TO this part concerning the burials and funerals of the dead THere are certaine poynts wherein there is no great variance or dissension betweene vs. First we confesse that it is meete and conuenient that the bodies of Christians being departed should after a seemely and comely manner be brought to the graue as Dauid commendeth the men of Iabesh Gilead for burying the bodie of Saul 2. Sam. 2.5 The brethren also tooke the bodie of Stephen buried it Act. 8.2 Secondly it is not to be denied but that lamentatiō and sorow may be made for the dead obseruing S. Pauls rule that We mourne not as those that haue no hope that is excessiuely 1. Thess. 4.13 where S. Paul doth not simply forbid Christians to sorow but not as the Gentiles The brethrē also made great lamentation for Stephen Act. 8.2 Thirdly we doe also graunt that according to the diuers customes of coūtreys it is not vnlawfull to vse some comely rites and ceremonies in the buriall of the dead not for religion but for orders sake as among the Israelites the mourners were wont to goe about in the streetes Ecclesiast 12.5 And Christ commended the woman in the Gospell for anoynting of him against his buriall Mark 14. But beside these poynts by vs confessed and acknowledged there are other more waightie matters as touching the order of funerals wherein we worthily and iustly dissent from our aduersaries error 16 1 They doe attribute much to the places where men are buried as in Churches and Churchyards but especially vnder the Altar Rhemist as the soules of the righteous doe rest in Christ who is that altar vnder the which the Apostle sawe the soules of Martyrs so for the correspondence to the place in heauen their bodies are commonly layd vnder the altar where the sacrifice of the body of Christ is daylie offered Annot. Apocalyps 6. vers 9. Ans. The altar of the Crosse was the onely place where the bodie of Christ was sacrificed neither need it to be often offered in sacrifice but it sufficed once onely to haue been done Heb. 9.25.27 And in the Communion we acknowledge no sacrifice but of praise and thanksgiuing Heb. 13.15 It is kept onely in remembrance of the death of Christ 1. Cor. 11.25 And how should it be auaileable for the dead seeing it profiteth not all the liuing but onely those that are present which doe eate and drinke the holy elements of bread and wine in remembrance of the bodie and blood of Christ giuen and shed for them So saith the scripture Doe this as oft as you doe it in remembrance of me 1. Cor. 11.25 The doers therefore agents and receiuers haue the present benefite not they which are absent how then can the dead receiue any solace by it It profiteth then not a whit to be layd in Churches or Churchyards or other hallowed places as they call them for all places are alike neither helpeth it the dead to be buried in one place more then another for God shall command the sea and all other places to giue vp their dead Apocalyps 20. The very heathen did confesse as much one sayth It skilleth not humíne an sublimè putrescam whether I rot vnder or aboue the ground And another thus writeth Coelo tegitur qui non habet vrnam Heauen is a couering to him that hath no other coffin It were a foule shame then for Christians to exceede the very Gentiles in their superstitious conceits Augustine sayth Si aliquid prodest impio sepultura preciosa oberit pio vilis aut nulla If sumptuous funerals profite the wicked then homely or no burials doe hurt the godly Therefore as it helpeth not a wicked man to be buried in one place more then another so it doth not hinder or hurt the godly and righteous man 2 We condemne also their superstitious ceremonies which they vse at their error 17 funerals as the burning of Tapers which signifieth say they that the soules of the dead are aliue Bellarm. de purgator lib. 2. cap. 19. Ans. First this superstitious vse of setting vp candles was directly forbidden in the Elibertine Councel Canon 34. Of the like sort also were other superstitious vsages as the going about of the belman to will the people to pray for their soules the ringing or iangling of bels to bring their soules to heauen with queere songs and other melodie to commit the bodies to the ground and commending their soules to the protection of Saints We denie not but comely and decent orders voyde of superstition may be vsed according to the fashion of the countrey as Iacobs bodie was embaulmed after the manner of the Egyptians Genes 50.2 At the buriall of their Kings the Israelites vsed to burne odors Iere. 34.5 The Iewes manner was to wash the bodies of the dead to winde it vp in a linnen cloth and burie it with spices and odors So our Sauiours bodie was buried after the manner of the Iewes Iohn 19.40 We reade also that Ioseph was put into a coffin or chest Genes 50.26 Of these and the like customes Augustine giueth a rule writing vpon those words in the Gospell Iohn 19.40 As it was the manner of the Iewes to burie Non mihi videtur Euangelista sic frustra dicere voluisse ita quippe admonuit in huiusmodi officijs quae mortuis exhibentur morem cuiusque gentis esse seruandum in Iohann tract 120. Me thinketh the Euangelist sayd not thus without cause hereby letting vs to vnderstand that in performing such dueties of buriall to the dead the manner and custome of euery countrey is to be kept The Iewes also had a custome with some companie or frequencie of people to bring their dead to the ground Eccle. 12.5 And in the while to vse some admonition to the people concerning death and mortalitie which came in by sinne and of the wrath and mercie of God Syrus interp in Mark 14.3 Neither doe we see why it is not lawfull now among Christians at funerals and burials to haue some godly sermon and exhortation to put the people in mind of their end and to comfort them with the hope of the resurrection as also to giue God thankes for those his faithfull seruants that did glorifie him by their life and by their godly departure This seemeth also to haue been the
commendable custome of the Church in ancient time as Augustine writeth thus Exposit. in Psal. 103. part 1. Pauca nos cogit dicere temporis angustia quod nouit charitas vestra debere vos exequijs fidelis corporis solenne obsequium The shortnes of the time causeth me to be briefe and you know that we are to performe a solemne dutie to the bodie of our faithfull brother The sermon seemeth to haue been made at some funerall The Iewes also the buriall being ended did comfort those that mourned and eate and dranke with them and gaue them the cup of consolation Ierem. 16.7 Iohn 11.31 Both which customes may be kept and retained without any superstition But other customes and ceremonies that doe sauour of impietie and doe any way implye prayer or commendation of the soules of the dead ought to be left and abolished 3 Another abuse in popish funerals is their superstitious and often remembrance of the dead for they haue their weekes mind for the dead the seuenth error 18 day nay their halfe weekes mind the third day their moneths mind the thirtith day and beside their anniuersarie or yeeres minde I pray you what neede all this Where doe they finde that wee should mourne for the dead a moneth thirtie dayes together much lesse a whole yeere Ioseph mourned but seuen dayes for his father Genesis 50.10 So did the Gileadites for Saul 1. Samuel 31.13 The Egyptians in deede mourned threescore and tenne daies when Ioseph mourned but seuen that we may see a manifest difference betweene the moderate mourning of the faithful and the excessiue lamentation of infidels But the popish yeeres mindes doe farre exceede the Egyptians stinted mourning there being fiue times 70. daies in a yeere Yet yeerely stipends erected for weekely monethly quarterly or yeerely sermons we mislike not being ordained for the instruction of the people without any relation to the soules of the dead otherwise then to giue God thankes for them and those good things which the Lord wrought by them error 19 4 They doe greatly erre and are deceiued in holding it to be a meritorious worke which is performed in the buriall of the dead alleadging to this purpose that place 2. Sam. 2.5 where Dauid sent messengers to the men of Iabesh Gilead saying Blessed are ye of the Lord that you haue shewed such kindnes vnto your Lord Saul and haue buried him therefore now the Lord shewe mercie and truth vnto you Bellarm. cap. 19. Answere There can be no such conclusion gathered out of these words The Lord will shewe mercie according to his truth and promise to those that are mercifull Ergo it is meritorious to be mercifull for here the reward dependeth of Gods promise and truth not vpon the worthines of the worke Indeed Dauid saith as it followeth in that place I will recompence this benefite because you haue done this thing They might deserue kindnes at the hands of Dauid because one good turne requireth another but before the Lord there is no merite or desert Secondly to burie the dead is a worke of charitie and therefore commanded as all other dueties of charitie are The things then commanded we doe of duetie we are bound to doe them Ergo they are not meritorious So saith our Sauiour Christ Doth the master thanke his seruant for doing that which he was commanded I trow not Luk. 17.9 error 20 5 In their funerals and suffrages for the dead they doe make great difference betweene the rich and the poore for they say it is possible that so many prayers and suffrages may bee made at once for the dead that their soules may at once be deliuered out of Purgatorie Et ideo in hoc solo casu melior est conditio diuitis quàm pauperis quia habet vnde suffragia fiant pro ipso And therefore in this case onely the estate of the rich is better then the poore because he hath wherewithall suffrages should be made that is able to giue great legacies and bequests to that end Albert mag de officio miss tract 3. Againe they haue greater respect vnto the Pope departed then any other for the first day there must be 200. Masses read for his soule and for nine daies after an 100. Masses euery day Tilemann de primat pontif error 86. Ans. Where doe they reade in all the scriptures that the rich in matters of the soule should be preferred before the poore nay the scripture saith plainly that God is no accepter of persons Act. 10.34 And S. Iames saith We ought not to regard a rich man that weareth goodly apparell hauing a gold ring before a poore man in vile apparell 2. vers 2. Where also doe they learne to pray for none but for those for whom they are hired to pray And if praier be a worke of charitie and if by their praiers they can deliuer mens soules out of Purgatorie why doe they not extend their charitie to all in praying for them What if the rich Glutton and poore Lazarus were aliue now or these popish Masse-mongers had liued then would they haue been bought for money to haue prayed for the rich mans soule and let Lazarus alone It is like they would But surely all their Masses should neither haue profited the one nor the want of them haue hindered the other Marke I pray you what Augustine saith Praeclaras exequias in conspectu hominum purpurato illi diuiti turba exhibuit famulorum sed multò clariores in conspectu domini vlceroso illi pauperi ministerium praebuit angelorum A goodly funerall did the friends and seruants make for the rich man arayed in skarlet in the sight of the world but a more blessed buriall had the poore man in the sight of God by the ministerie of the angels Therefore there is no respect of persons to be had among the dead neither haue the rich any greater priuiledge for the multitude of suffrages then the poore that wanteth them for no doubt the rich mans executors spared for no cost Masses Trentals Diriges they had enough if they were then to be had yet for all this stirre his soule went to Hell and Lazarus soule was by the angels caried to heauen that had none of this geere 6. Lastly if there were no other thing to be misliked in their Funerals this were sufficient to condemne them as abominable that they thinke their singing error 21 chaunting ringing giuing of dole and almes to the poore and all other their superstitious customes doe helpe and profite the dead Bellarm. ibid. Augustine giueth two reasons of this duetie to be shewed in the burying of the dead First Corpori humando quicquid impenditur non est praesidium salutis sed humanitatis officium What duetie is performed in enterring the bodie is an officious worke of humanitie not any reliefe for the health of the soule Secondly sayth he Corpori mortuo sed tamen resurrecturo impensum huiusmodi officium est quodammodo eiusdem
fidei testimonium This Christian duetie bestowed in burying the dead bodies which shall notwithstanding rise againe is a liuely testimonie in vs of the same faith That is we doe carefully commit the bodies of Christians to the ground knowing that they are not lost but shall rise againe but as for the dead themselues they receiue no benefite at all Curatio funeris pompae exequiarum viuorum sunt solatia magis quàm subsidia mortuorum This great prouision for funerals this great pompe of burials they are comforts for the liuing not helpes to the dead Impleant ergo homines ista erga suos postremi muneris officia sui leuamenta moeroris Let men therefore performe this last duetie to their friends which is also a great lightening of their griefe Ergo funerals profite not the dead but comfort the liuing yea it is called the last duetie which is performed at burials If it be the last then there is no duetie afterward to be done therefore prayers also are superfluous for if it were needfull to pray for the dead then the last duetie should not be in the buriall another comming afterward And thus much also concerning the manner and order of funerals THE SECOND PART OF THIS CONTROuersie of the Saints departed that are in ioye and blisse THis controuersie standeth of these seuerall questions 1. Of the blessed estate of the Saints in heauen and of the Canonizing of them vpon earth 2. Of the adoration of Saints First whether they be to be adored or not and whether it be lawfull to sweare by them Secondly of the diuers kinds of worship Thirdly of the worship of Saints vpon earth 3. Of the inuocation of Saints whether they pray for vs and vnderstand our praiers 4. Of the adoration translation keeping of reliques and of the miracles wrought by them 5. Of Images and the signe of the Crosse other matters thereto belonging more particularly handled 6 Of Churches the forme vse ornaments dedication of them and such like 7 Of Pilgrimages and Processions 8 Of holy and festiuall daies the Lords day Saints daies and of Lent 9 Of the Virgin Mary her conception vowes assumption worship merites Of these now in order THE FIRST QVESTION CONCERNING THE blessed and happie estate of the Saints departed THis question hath two parts First of their blessednes which they haue before God in heauen Secondly of the publishing or making knowne their blessednes before men which they call the canonizing of Saints THE FIRST PART OF THE BLESSED estate of the Saints before God in heauen The Papists BEllarmine taketh great paynes Lib. 1. De Sanctis in sixe long chapters together to proue that the Saints departed doe presently enioy the sight of God and doe enter into blisse and that their soules forthwith are receiued into heauen and are not kept in any secret by-places till the day of iudgement But all this while he sighteth with his owne shadowe for we grant as much as he proueth that the righteous are with Christ so soone as they are loosed from their bodies as Christ sayd to the theefe vpon the Crosse This day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luk. 23.42 See also to this purpose Philipp 1.23 2. Corinth 5.1 Heb. 12.22 All these places doe euidently proue that presently after their departure the soules of the faithfull doe enioy the presence of Christ and the celestiall companie of the Angels in heauen Yet our aduersaries stay not heere neither are contented with this that the Saints are blessed but proceede further and giue them a full possession of blessednesse making no difference betweene error 22 them and the Angels in glorie but affirme that they are as highly exalted as the Angels are Rhemist annot Luk. 15. sect 2. And Bellarmine therefore taketh vp Caluine because he saith the Saints are yet in hope and expectation of the perfect fruition of glorie Cap. 1. lib. 1. De Sanctis The Protestants WE confesse that the Saints in heauen are alreadie blessed yet they looke for the full accomplishment and perfection of their glorie when as their bodies shall be glorified in the resurrection Then it is sayd they shall be like the Angels and yet not in all things much lesse are their soules now equall to the Angels in glorie Fulk ibid. annot Luk. 15. sect 2. Argum. 1. The Saints shall be as the Angels but not before the resurrection Math. 22.30 Neither can it be proued out of that text that they shall then be equall to the Angels in all things for it is not all one to say they shall be as the Angels because they shall then neede no marriage as to say they shall be equal to the Angels in all things Apocalyps 6.10 The soules vnder the altar doe crie Lord how long Ergo they are in expectation of greater glorie And reason also giueth as much that the bodie and the soule being ioyned together in the kingdome of God shall make a fuller weight and measure of ioye Argum. 2. The wicked spirits and damned soules haue not yet their full and perfect torment Ergo neither the Saints their perfect ioye The diuels are now tormented and kept in chaines of darknesse 2. Pet. 2.4 Iud. 6. But their full damnation is reserued for the day of the Lord Math. 25.41 They are not yet tormented in such measure as they shall be and themselues make account for Math. 8.29 Luk. 8.31 Lastly if now the Saints are equall to the Angels in ioye their soules onely being in heauen it then followeth that in the resurrection when their bodies shall be restored to their soules their happines shall farre exceede the Angels which no where the scripture teacheth vs vnles they will thus reason Christ tooke not the Angels but the seede of Abraham Hebr. 2.16 Ergo wee are better then the Angels But to this Augustine answereth very well Some perhaps will say that wee are better then the Angels because Christ dyed for vs and not for the Angels Quale est sayth he ideo se velle aegrotum laudari quia vitio suo tam detestabiliter aegrotauit vt non posset aliter quam medic● morte sanari As if a sicke man deserued commendation because by his owne fault he was so dangerously sicke that he could not be healed but by the death of the Phisition Quid hoc aliud est quàm de impietate gloriari Christus enim pro impijs mortuus est What is this els but for man to boast of his wickednes Christ dyed not for angels but for men because they were wicked THE SECOND PART OF THE Canonizing of Saints The Papists error 23 THe Canonizing of Saints is nothing els but the publike determination and sentence of the Church whereby men that are dead are iudged to be Saints and worthie of honour and worship as to be prayed vnto temples and altars to be set vp in their names holy daies to be appoynted for them and their reliques to
sect 8. Ans. 1. In this place Christ reproueth the Pharisies for their swearing and condemneth it by this argument that howsoeuer they thought it a smal matter to sweare by the Temple yet in effect they did sweare by God himselfe See thē the boldnes of these men that dare iustifie swearing by creatures by the same reason that Christ condemneth it 2. Our Sauiour saith nothing but this that in euery othe there is an inuocation of the diuine power and therefore whosoeuer sweareth by a creature committeth idolatrie in making it his God The Protestants 1. THat it is great impietie to make vowes vnto Saints it is thus proued Isay 19.21 In that day the Egyptians shal know the Lord and shal do sacrifices and vow vowes vnto the Lord. But sacrifices are not due vnto saintes but onely to God therefore neither vowes Againe the vowes of Christians are not to binde them selues to go in pilgrimage or to offer vnto this Saint or that this Image or that as Augustine saith alius pallium alius oleum alius ceram one voweth a cloke another oyle a third a wax Candle God careth not for these vowes saith he Sed hoc quod hodie redemit ipsum offer hoc est animam tuam But offer and vow vnto God that which as this day hee hath redeemed that is thy soule The vowes therefore of obedience and repentance and all Christian dueties are the true vowes the vowing of body and soule to the seruice of God Rom. 12.1 But this can not bee vowed vnto any but to him that redeemed vs Ergo not to any Saint 2 That wee ought onely to sweare by the name of God the scripture is plaine Deuteron 6 13. Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him and shalt sweare by his name and by no other Exod. 23.13 But saintes are not to be feared nor serued for the Septuagint translate 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thou shalt worship God which kinde of worship the Papists themselues dare not attribute to saintes Ergo neither are we to sweare by them Againe to sweare is to cal him to witnesse by whome we sweare and so to make him our God for whom we sweare by wee confesse to be a searcher and knower of our hearts and a reuenger of false swearers To sweare then is to call God to witnesse Quid tu facis cum iuras Deum testem adhibes Augustine What doest thou when thou swearest Thou callest God to wintesse But they that sweare by saints call them to witnesse and none els are called to witnesse but they by whom they sweare Ergo they make Saints their Gods seeing God is called vpon in euery oath THE SECOND PART OF THE distinction of the two kindes of worshippe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Papists error 26 THat kinde of worship which is proper to God they say is fitly expressed by the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 neither is this word vsed but for the worship of God the other word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken for all kind of seruice both of God men so that the religious worshippe which is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is onely to be giuen to God the other called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may bee attributed to Angelles and Saintes Bellarmine Cap. 12. The Protestants This distinction is but of late inuented and coyned of our aduersaries somewhat to countenance them out in their idolatrous and superstitious worship of saints We thus do refell it Argum. 1. This distinction helpeth them not for heere are onely two wordes which doo betoken two kinds of worship 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the religious honor 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is the ciuil dutie such as seruants performe to their masters They should haue found out three names for their three kindes of worshippe they haue gained nothing by this distinction but that ciuill adoration is due vnto Saints such as is giuen to men vpon earth As for their fayned word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which may be called a superseruice when they can find it in scripture they shal know more of our minde and yet receiuing this terme it signifieth but a more ciuill seruice it betokeneth not a new kinde of religious worship Argum. 2 Neither are the wordes so vsed as they make vs beleeue for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which they make proper for the seruice of God is applyed to men as Leuit. 23. Opus seruile non facietis You shal do no seruil work the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Lodouic Viues also sheweth out of prophane authors that somtime the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken for the seruice of men or maids to their masters in 10. lib. Aug. de ciuit Dei cap. 1. So contrariwise the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken in scripture for the proper seruice of God as Gal. 4.8 Ye did seruice to them that by nature were no gods the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ergo religious seruice is only due vnto God not to Angelles or saints for they are not by nature gods Augustine saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 debetur Deo tanquam Domino 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 verò nō nisi Deo tanquam Deo quaest in Exod. 94. Religious seruice is due vnto God as Lord religious worship is onely due vnto God as he is God THE THIRD PART CONCERNING the kissing of holy mens feete The Papists IT is a signe of reuerence done both to Christ and other sacred persons as Prophetes Apostles Popes or others representing his person heere vpon error 27 earth Rhemist act 4. sect 3. Argum. 1. The Shunamite fell downe and embraced Eliseus feete 2. King 4.27 Ergo the Popes feete ought to be kissed Ans. 1 Your popes must be first as holy men as this Prophet was who was thus reuerenced for his holynes before they can challenge the like honor 2 This reuerence to the prophet was voluntary in the woman not looked for or exacted by the prophet as the pope looketh for it of duty 3 Heere is no mention made of kissing of feete but onely that she caught him by the feete which was partly a signe of her ioy that she had met with the prophet partely by this sodain and disordered gesture the prophet perceyued that she was troubled in minde for Gehazi would haue thrust her away but he said Let her alone for her spirite is troubled within her 4 This is no warrant for the pope to offer his feete to be kissed of Kinges and Emperours because the woman fell downe at the prophetes feete think you that if the King of Israel had so done the prophet would haue suffered it Argum. 2. Marie kissed Christs feete Ergo the popes feete ought to be kissed Ans. What arrogancie is this that the pope a mortall and sinfull man should challenge that honor which was done to Christ being God in the flesh and void of sinne He might also
themselues confesse and we denye not but it may better be made then the image of the Trinitie yet can there not be any true image of Christ as he was in forme of man for the image doth onely expresse his bodily shape not as he was God in the forme of man and so such a picture were dangerous to the weake and ignorant being a lying image shewing Christ onely as man who was both God and man And againe the image which is made of his bodily shape is no more the image of Christ then of any other man Fulk Act. 17. sect 5. But some will say if Christs image cannot conueniently be made because it expresseth not his Godhead by the same reason we cannot make a picture of a man because his soule being inuisible cannot be painted Ans. The reason is not alike for he that pictureth a man liuing setteth forth the life beautie and motion of the bodie by which effects by a consequent the soule is resembled which causeth and worketh these things in the bodie but in the bodily shape of Christ there cannot be made to appeare any such notorious signes of his Godhead 2. Though it bee not simply vnlawfull to expresse in painting the visible shapes that were shewed in vision to the Prophets if it be onely for vse and signification of the historie or if there be any other commendable vse yet to make those shapes for any vse of religion or seruice of God is abominable idolatrie Fulk ibid. Epiphanius sawe in a Church at Anablatha an image painted in a table as it had been of Christ or a Saint he tooke it downe and cut it in peeces affirming that it was contrarie to the scripture for any image of a man to hang in the Church of Christ. The Elibertine Councel Canon 36. decreed that no pictures should be made in Churches If no pictures much lesse carued images which are a more strong prouocation to idolatrie Augustine rendreth a reason why it is dangerous to haue images in Churches where there is yea but the least feare of superstition Quis orat intuens simulachrum qui non sic afficitur vt ab eo se exaudiri putet nec ab eo sibi praestari quod desideret putet Who sayth he prayeth beholding an image and is not so affected as though he were heard of it and hopeth not to haue that performed by it which he desireth Psal. 113. THE THIRD ARTICLE WHETHER THE images of Saints are to be worshipped The Papists error 40 THat images are to be reuerenced and worshipped so it be not with the diuine honour due vnto God it was concluded in the late Tridentine Chapter sess 25. confessed by our Rhemists Act. 17. sect 5. maintained by the Iesuites Bellarm. cap. 12. Argum. 1. The brasen serpent was worshipped of the people seeing it was set vp in a high place and gaue health to those that looked vpon it Ergo images may be worshipped Bellarm. The people also fell downe before the Arke and tabernacle and worshipped God Ergo lawfull praying to fall downe before a Crucifixe Rhemist annot Heb. 11.21 Ans. First it was not the serpent that healed thē but Christ who was thereby prefigured Iohn 3.14 The serpent was lift vp that the people might round about the better behold it and it sheweth forth also the lifting vp of Christ vpon the Crosse. It was not set vp to be worshipped neither was it worshipped till the people fell into superstition and offered incense to it and therefore because the people abused that monument Hezekiah brake it downe 2. King 18. Secondly it is not all one to fall downe before in or at the Arke and tabernacle and to worship God as to worship the Arke or tabernacle You doe not onely fall downe before a Crucifixe but worship it neither is it as lawfull to worship before a Crucifixe as it was before the tabernacle for the one was commanded of God the other is the superstitious deuise of men Argum. 2. As the image of Nabuchadnezzar was for his honour so the image of Christ is for his Rhemist Reuel 13.14 Ans. A good similitude if Christ himselfe had not forbidden so to be honoured and worshipped Argum. 3. Man is honoured because he is the image of God Ergo images of Saints to be reuerenced because they are their Images Bellarm. cap. 12. Ans. First man is a liuely image of Gods owne making images of Saints are the workes of men Secondly no image can so liuely represent a Saint being but a dead thing as man who hath a liuing soule is the image of God Thirdly we doe reuerence men with ciuill honour not with religious worship as they doe their images Fourthly though Gods image in man were to be worshipped yet it would not followe that Saints images should for all diuine worship belongeth onely to God but the Saints themselues though they were aliue are not to be worshipped much lesse their images Argum. 4. The chiefe Iconomachi that is enemies or oppugners of Idols say they are the Iewes Samaritanes Mahometanes yea the diuell himselfe loueth no images Bellarm. ibid. Ans. First it followeth not the Iewes and Turkes abhorre images and therefore Christians ought to loue them for the heathen hated many vices which are also to be abhorred of Christians Secondly they were not the first Iconomachi Image haters for Moses was an Iconomach when he caused the golden Calfe to be burnt to powder Hezekiah an Iconomach that brake downe the brasen serpent Iosiah an Iconomach that caused the Idols to bee destroyed 2. King 23. Nay God himselfe was the first Iconomach that forbiddeth Images and Idols to be made in the moral law Thirdly I pray you where did the Iesuite learne that the diuel hateth an image I am sure the scripture speaketh contrarie that what was offered to Idols was sacrificed to diuels 1. Corinth 10.20 The Protestants THat Images or Idols are not at all to be reuerenced or worshipped or to be made or set vp in Churches or in any other place for any religious or rather irreligious vse thus out of the holy scriptures we make it plaine Argum. 1. The making of any similitude or likenes to fall downe before it and worship it is flatly forbidden in the second commandement Exod. 20. Ergo they are not to be worshipped So likewise Deut. 4.15 Isai. 40.18 and in many other places in the old Testament Worshipping of Images which is idolatrie manifestly forbidden in the new Testament Rom. 1.23 1. Corinth 10.20 1. Iohn 5.21 Ergo not lawfull Ans. One Catharinus a great Papist sayth that the commandement in the lawe against images was but temporall and to continue but till the establishing of the new Testament But Bellarmine vtterly misliketh this answere being most absurd for the morall lawe is perpetuall De imaginib sanct lib. 2. cap. 7. They doe giue therefore a more deliberate answere that the scriptures doe reproue and condemne the idolatrie of the heathen which
as much as Bernard sayth whose speech they themselues allow In sacramēto exhiberi veram carnis Christi substantiā sed spiritualiter non carnaliter that the very substance of Christs flesh is exhibited vnto vs in the sacrament but spiritually not carnally This Bellarmine acknowledgeth to bee true though hee would not haue the worde spiritually to bee vsed lest it might bee as hee sayth by vs misconstrued This then is our fayth and iudgement that wee are verilie in this sacrament engrafted into the bodie of Christ and doe truely eate his flesh and drink his blood but all this is done spirituallie onely and by faith As for their carnall eating and deuouring of Christ we vtterlie reiect and condemne it Argum. 1. In the receiuing of the sacrament there is a double coniunction we are ioyned to Christ make one body also amongst our selues so saith S. Paul 1. Cor. 10.16.17 We are made partakers of the body of Christ and wee that are many are one bread and one body but our participation with the mysticall bodie of Christ is spirituall Ergo also our communication with his naturall body Fulk in hunc locum Arg. 2. If the body of Christ be in the sacrament thē is it eaten torne with the teeth And what is eaten goeth into the belly is cast out into the draught Mark 7.19 I pray you what is now become of the body of Christ doth it passe the same way that other meates doe Bellarm. answereth lib. 1. cap. 11. ad argum 5. that they are the accidents of the bread and wine which are eaten and chawen or rent by the teeth not the body of Christ and yet the body of Christ goeth down into the stomack but no further but when the formes of bread wine begin to be corrupted there the body of Christ goeth away Bellarm. cap. 14. Ans. 1. This is new learning that the accidents of meate are chawen in the mouth not the meate it selfe that the formes only not the substance is altred corrupted in the stomack Say also that men are nourished with accidents not with the substance If the priest chance to drink too deepe of the chalice and so become drunk I pray you what is it that maketh him so light headed Is it think you the accidents onely of wine Surely a drunken man would not say it If a Mouse chance to creepe into your pixe and fil her hungry belly with your God-amight what is it that the Mouse feedeth vpon trow you they bee accidents onely for you say that the consecrated host goeth no further then the stomack and yet it is too much that the housel of Christians should be housed in a mouses belly These are but ridiculous and light questions yet such as haue troubled your grauest and sagest heads and remayne vnanswered 2. Bellarmin denieth that the body of Christ being eaten goeth any further then the stomack But our Rhemists goe further they say that we are made a peece of his body and blood They should rather haue sayd that his body and blood is made a peece of vs being conuerted into our substance But silly men we pitie them If we should presse them still with these questions they would sooner run mad then find out any reasonable and sober answere for vs. Argum. 3. Christ in his flesh is ascended vp to heauen and there must remayne till his comming againe Act. 3.21 Agayne he saith The poore you shal haue alwayes but me alwayes you cannot haue Mark 14. Ergo Christ being now in his humanity in heauen cannot bee present in the sacrament vpon earth Bellarmine answereth that the carnall presence of Christ doth not draw him out of heauen his naturall bodie remaineth there still yet by his omnipotent power he can make his bodie to be in many places at once cap. 14. Ans. If Christs bodie be in heauen and in earth and in many places at once it must either be his owne naturall bodie which was borne of the Virgine Mary or he must euery day create himselfe a new bodie but this were to too absurd to be granted that euery day there should be a new Christ. Neither can the first be admitted for a natural bodie hath a natural presence but so hath not Christs bodie in the Sacrament for it is not there naturally being without shape or forme neither visible nor sensible And how can it stand with the propertie of a true naturall bodie to be in a thousand places at once for so must Christs needs be and in more too seeing he is kept and hanged vp in euery popish Church And further if totus Christus whole Christ be in the Sacrament both with his bodie and soule you must either graunt that there are many whole Christs seeing he is in many places at once or els if there be but one whole Christ his humanitie must be dispersed euery where as his Godhead is and so are you against your wils become Vbiquitaries Hearken what Augustine sayth Cauendum est ne ita diuinitatem adstruamus hominis vt veritatem corporis auferamus We must take heede we doe not so maintaine the diuine nature of the man Christ that we take away the nature of his bodie Argum. 4. The fathers in the law did eate the same spiritual meate and drinke the same spirituall drinke in their Sacraments that we doe 1. Corinth 10.2.3 but they did not eate the flesh of Christ nor drinke his blood but onely spiritually by faith Ergo no more doe we Argum. 5. There remained wine still after the consecration and distribution amongst the Apostles for Christ saith He will drinke no more of the fruite of the vine Math. 26.29 So S. Paul calleth the other element bread after the consecration 1. Corinth 10.17 We that are many are one bread because we are partakers of one bread Likewise cap. 11.26 Ergo there remaineth still bread and wine in the Sacrament And therefore no bodie of Christ for they cannot be there both together as they teach Lastly we must vnderstand that this their deuised and forged opinion of the reall presence of Christ is of no antiquitie in the Church neither was there any question about it for a 1000. yeeres after Christ til the time of Berengarius who liued about Anno. 1060. who was sore troubled for maintaining the truth against the carnall presence and vnder Pope Leo the 9. and Nicholas the 2. was constrained twise to recant yet there was no publique lawe or decree made in the Church concerning transubstantiation till the Councel of Laterane which was held vnder Pope Innocent the 3. Anno. 1215. And that this grosse opinion fauoureth not a whit of antiquitie it may appea●e by the resolute iudgement of Augustine Sacramenta ex similitudine ipsarum rerum nomina habent secundum quendam modū sacramentū corporis Christi corpus Christi est c. The Sacraments because of some likenes doe beare the
lier Augustine sayth of Christ Secundum corporalem praesentiam simul in sole luna cruce esse non potest Christ according to his corporall presence cannot be in the Sunne the Moone and vpon the Crosse all at one time And concerning the other poynt he writeth thus Spatia locorum tolle corporibus nusquam erunt quia nusquam erunt nec erunt Take away space of place from bodies and they shall be no where and if they be in no place then are they not at all Argum. 2. The reall and carnall presence of Christ in the Sacrament is a thing superfluous needles and vnprofitable First the fauour of God in the remission of sinnes through Christ is as well sealed vnto vs in Baptisme as in the Lords Supper what neede then the carnal presence in the one more then in the other Secondly that Christ is in bodie present in the Sacrament is not perceiued by any sense for they neither tast him see him nor feele him it must be then a worke of faith but by faith Christ is as well apprehended being absent as being supposed in this manner to be present Ergo this kind of presence is needles Argum. 3. It is an inglorious vnworthie and vnseemely thing that the glorious and impassible bodie of Christ should be inclosed in the formes of bread and wine deuoured and chawed eaten and gnawed of mice subiect to mould and rottennes to be spilt vpon the ground burnt in the fire for all these inconueniences must needes follow vpon the carnall presence Bellarm. It is no more inglorious or impossible for these things now to happen to the bodie of Christ thē it was for him to be carried in his mothers womb to be swathed in swadling bands and to be subiect to iniuries which were done to his bodie vpon earth Ans. First as though there be the like reason of the passible bodie of Christ while he liued in the world which was buffeted whipped pearced with nayles crucified and of his glorious and impassible bodie now that it may in like manner be rent and diuided Secondly neither was it possible that Christs passible bodie should be subiect to the like infirmities as to rottennes corruption consumption in the fire as his bodie is now in the Sacrament If it were then verified in Christ Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one to see corruption for his bodie did not putrifie or corrupt in the graue much more is it true in the glorious bodie of Christ that it cannot suffer any such things How then are you not ashamed to affirme that the bread and wine are made in the Sacrament the very bodie and blood of Christ seeing those elements if they be kept long will waxe sower and mouldie and fall to corruption which things once to thinke of the glorious bodie of Christ were great impietie Leaue off for shame then these your grosse opinions so much derogatorie to the glorie and honour of Christ. THE SECOND QVESTION CONCERNING Transubstantiation The Papists IF any man shall say that there remaineth the substance of bread and wine in the Sacrament after the words of consecration or shall denye that the whole error 115 substance of bread is changed and conuerted into the bodie of Christ and the whole substance of wine into the blood of Christ the formes and shewes onely of bread and wine remaining which singular and miraculous conuersion the Church calleth Transubstantiation let him be accursed Concil Tridentin sess 13. can 2. Bellarm. lib. 3. de sacra euchar cap. 19. Rhemist Matth. 17. sect 1. Argum. 1. Christ transfigured his bodie marueilously in the Mount as wee reade Math. 17. sect 1. Ergo he is able to exhibite his bodie vnder the formes of bread and wine Rhemist Ans. First your argument followeth not Christ could giue a glorious forme to his passible bodie Ergo he can take away the essentiall properties of his naturall bodie and yet keepe a true bodie stil. Or thus Christ could glorifie his bodie not yet glorified Ergo he can or will dishonour his glorious impassible bodie by enclosing it vnder the formes of base creatures to be deuoured of dogs and mice which is honoured and worshipped of the Angels and Saints in heauen Secondly the question is not so much of Christs power as of his will therefore you conclude not aright Christ is able to doe it Ergo he will Argum. 2. He that seeth water turned into wine by the power of Christ need not to doubt how he changeth bread into his bodie Rhemist Ioh. 2. sect 2. Ans. First when you can bring any warrant out of scripture for your imagined conuersion as we haue for this miracle we will giue eare vnto you Secondly and when it shall appeare to the senses that the bread is changed into flesh as the water was knowne to be turned into the wine by the colour and tast we shall then no more doubt of this conuersion of the bread then they did of the other of water Thirdly if Christ could alter and change the substances of creatures what reason haue you to giue such an omnipotent power to euery priest with a fewe words to doe as much as Christ himselfe could when he was present Fourthly all this proueth but an abilitie and power in Christ not a will or purpose to worke any such change or conuersion Argum. 3. Though the substance of bread and wine be chaunged yet the formes remaine still for these causes First because if the formes also should be changed there should be no sensible signe left and so no Sacrament Secondly the faith of the receiuer is the better tried this way who beleeueth the flesh of Christ to be present though he see it not Thirdly Christ would not haue the formes altered because man abhorreth to eate humane flesh in the proper shape Bellarm. cap. 22. Ans. First your first reason is insufficient for neither doe the bare and naked signes or accidents of the elements make a Sacrament but the substance of thē for betweene the Sacrament and the thing thereby represented there ought to be some conueniencie and agreement namely as the bodie is nourished by bread and wine so doth the soule feed vpon the bodie and bloud of Christ. But they are not the accidents of bread and wine that nourish vs but the substance Ergo not the accidents but the substance is the visible signe Likewise in Baptisme it is not the forme or outward accident of water that is the signe but the substance of water that washeth 2. It is a more liuely operation of faith to beleeue in Christ absent in heauen then present in earth although he appeare not to the senses And Christ is indeed properly the obiect of faith as he is now in heauen Hope saith the Apostle entreth into that which is within the vaile whither our forerunner Iesus is entred for vs Heb. 6.19 Faith and hope therefore doe leade vs to things within the vaile that is things
this side and on that now on the right hand againe on the left to sigh to smite vpon his breast to lift vp the Chalice and shew it to the people and set it downe againe as also the diuiding of the host into three parts which signifie three parts of the Church in heauen in earth and in purgatorie the rinsing of part thereof in wine and eating part drie the washing of his fingers before consecration kissing of the altar the patten the booke the paxe sprinkling of holy water censing of odors crossing the chalice the bread their mouth breast and face which signe of the crosse they make aboue twentie times in one Masse while Adde also vnto these their tedious yrksome songs the rude noyse and vnedifying sound of strange instruments and the whole course of their Masse musicke set forth in a strange language and endited to the honour of Saints All these superstitious rites with diuers more vaine vnfruitfull abominable they notwithstanding with force and maine defend and maintaine Bellarm lib. 2. de missa cap. 14.15 Concil Trid●ntin sess 22. ca● 7. The Protestants 1. THis multitude of humane inuentions agreeth not with the institution of the Lords Supper for we reade not of any such kissing kneeling becking bowing or the like ridiculous gestures to haue been vsed when our Sauiour instituted the Supper nor afterwards by the Apostles to haue been practised wherefore wee contenting our selues with the plaine institution of Christ doe worthily reiect all such toyes 2. Most of these gestures are impious and tend to idolatrie in the adoration of bread and wine which are but creatures and they are all friuolous and hypocriticall stealing away true deuotion from the heart and making men to rest in the outward gestures of the bodie Augustine sayth very well Corpus genibus flexis prosternis collum curuas in oratione video vbi iaciat corpus sed quaero vbi volitet animus Thou bowest the knee bendest thy bodie in prayer stretchest out thy necke I see where thy bodie lieth but what is become of thy soule 3. Concerning Church songs and Musicke Augustine thus writeth S●briè Psallimus in Ecclesia diuina cantica Prophetarum We sing treatably and soberly in the Church the diuine songs of the Prophets Two conditions he requireth first that we sing holy Psalmes taken out of the scriptures Secondly that they be sung treatably and distinctly Etiam illic sayth he si sonum non sensum libido audiendi desideret improbatur Euen in good songs if we follow the sound not the sense it is to be discommended but in popish songs neither of these conditions is kept for both the dittie for the most part is idolatrous stuffed with inuocation and adoration of Saints and the note is so diuided and drawne out in length that nothing can be vnderstood THE EIGHT QVESTION OF THE FORME OF THE Masse which consisteth partly of the Canon partly of such things as are rehearsed before and after the Canon THE FIRST PART OF THE PRAIERS WHICH goe before the Canon of the Masse WE doe not vtterly condemne whatsoeuer is sayd or sung in their Leiturgie or Masse for as they haue their introite so we doe bid the people after due preparation in our Communions to draw neere We haue also our Confiteor a confession of sinnes to be said before the Communion Other formes also which haue been vsed of ancient time we doe not refuse as Dominus vobiscum The Lord be with you Kyrieeleson Lord haue mercie of vs Sursum corda Lift vp your hearts with Alleluia praised be God and Sanctus Sanctus holy holy and Gloria in excelsis Glorie be to God on high the preface also to the Communion Verè dignum iustum est It is meete right and our bounden duetie And we vse also the Lords praier after the distribution These formes we mislike not vsing the same our selues which notwithstanding we borrowe not from them but from the ancient and purer ages of the Church But the corruptions additions immutations which are vsed by them in these prefaces to the Masse we doe vtterly condemne as their introite and confiteor is stuft full of idolatry and inuocation of Saints their Kyrieeleson is 9. times repeated in an vnknown toung Eleuation and adoration was brought in by Pope Honorius anno 1222. the Agnus was deuised by Pope Sergius ann 700. the Pax by Innocentius plura apud Foxum p. 1403. THE SECOND PART OF THE Canon of the Masse The Papists 1. FIrst the forme of their Masse they haue they say by tradition from the Apostles error 139 Rhemist 1. Cor. 11. sect 22. The Protestants THeir owne authors doe testifie that euery patch of their Masse was thrust in by Popes later then the Apostles as by Leo the 1. Gregory the 1. Gregory the 3. Innocentius the 3. Honorius the 3. with many other yea Gregory the 1. confesseth that one Scholasticus made the most part of the Canon Ergo it was not deuised by the Apostles Bellarmine answereth that Gregory setteth not downe any one man by this name Scholasticus but meaneth generally some notable learned man and in this sense S. Peter saith he which was the author of the Canon may be called Scholasticus Bellarm. cap. 19. Ans. This deuise of the Iesuite is rather to be laughed at then to be confuted who euer heard before that S. Peter and the other Apostles were Scholastici Schoolemen what is this els but to set the spirite of God to schoole in saying that the Apostles being men endued with the holy Ghost were brought vp in Schooles Againe Gregory findeth fault with the said Scholasticus that in composing the Canon he would put in his own praiers and leaue out the Lords praier but if this Scholasticus had beene Peter I think Gregory would not haue beene so bolde as to haue rebuked him The Papists 2. THe Canon of the Masse they say is perfect and absolute voide of all error and therefore not to be changed or abrogated Concil Trident. sess 22. can 6. Bellarm. cap. 21. The Protestants BVt we on the contrary side more truly and agreeably to Scripture doubt not to say that there can be nothing more corrupt abominable fuller of all impiety heresie lying then is their idolatrous sacrifice of the Masse as it shall now more particularly appeare by the collection of the seuerall errors THE ERRORS AND BLASPHEMIES that are to be found in the Canon of the Masse 1. THe Priest speaking of the bread and wine thus saith Which we offer vnto thee for thy holy Catholike Church and againe afterward Which we offer for the redemption of their soules What great blasphemie is this to offer bread wine for the redemption of the Church for the which Christ in great loue offered vp himselfe 2. The Priest saith Worshipping the memoriall of the Virgine But Christ instituted the Sacrament to be kept in remembrance of himselfe and not for the worship of Saints 3. By
whose merites and praiers namely of the Saints grant we may be defended Thus the merites and praiers of Christ are excluded 4. We beseech thee saith the Priest to receiue this oblation which we beseech thee in all things to make blessed Heere the Priest is made a mediator betweene Christ and his Father desiring God to sanctifie the body blood of his sonne 5. Who the next day afore he suffered But the Scripture saith The same night For this is my body Heere they haue put in enim of their owne and left out quod pro vobis datur Such is their boldenes that they are not ashamed to change the words of our Sauiour Christ. 6. He saith further The holy bread of eternall life which vouchsafe thou with a pleasant countenaunce to beholde The bread of eternall life is Christ himselfe if this be he how dare ye presume to offer him vp to his Father 7. As thou didst vouchsafe to accept the righteous giftes of Abel and the sacrifice of Abraham Heere the sacrifice of Christ is compared to the sacrifice of beastes and the Priest seemeth to attribute as much efficacie to the one as to the other 8. And the holy sacrifice which thy high Priest Melchisedech did offer vnto thee This is a plaine vntruth and a flat lie as we haue shewed alredy that Melchisedech sacrificed bread and wine 9. Command thou these to be brought by the hands of thy holy Angell vnto the high altar in heauen What an absurd thing is this that he should desire that to be carried into heauen which he eateth and deuoureth And if this be the body of Christ what need the help of an Angell to carry it vp to heauen is not Christ able to lift vp his own body or what need that to be conueied to heauen which was neuer from thence 10. As many of vs as shall receiue thy Sonnes body and blood And yet for the most part none receiue but the Priest and when the people doe communicate the wine they haue not how then can he say As many 11. Remember O Lord the soules of thy seruants which rest in the sleepe of peace and graunt them a place of refreshing and rest Heere is an other error contrary to the Scriptures in praying for the dead and the praier also is contrary to it selfe for first he saith they rest in peace and yet afterward praieth for their refreshing 12. Vouchsafe to giue some portion with thy Saints And why doth he not rather pray to be admitted to the fellowship of Christ 13. Deliuer vs by the blessed intercession of the Virgine What then is become of Christs mediation and intercession 14. Let this mingling together of the body and blood of our Lord Iesus Christ be vnto me saluation of minde and body Then is not Christs blood shed vpon the Crosse the full sufficient and perfect saluation of mankinde if there be an other saluation beside 15. Grant me so worthily to take this holy body and blood that I may merite to receiue forgiuenes of sinnes O sinfull man how canst thou merite that which is Christs onely gift 16. Let the priest bow himselfe to the host saying I worship thee I glorifie thee I praise thee What monstrous Idolatry is this thus to worship a piece of bread 17. Let this communion purge vs from sinne If they meane the principall purging of our sinne so doth Christ onely purge vs Heb. 1.3 If they vnderstand the instrumental meanes of our purgation so are we purged and iustified onely by faith Rom. 3.28 18. Respect not my sinnes but the faith of thy Church By this reason one may be profited by an others faith which is contrary to the Scriptures the Iust shal liue by faith his owne and not an others 19. Let vs worship the signe of the Crosse What I pray you wil not these Idolaters worship 20. Let this sacrifice which J haue offered auaile to obtaine remission of sinnes If the Masse be auaileable for this end wherefore then died Christ Thus we see with how many and what great and horrible blasphemies this popish nay rather diuelish canon of the Masse is stuffed indeede it is an epitome and abridgement of Papistrie the marrow sinewes and bones of their idolatrous profession yea the very darling of the popish Church it is the very proper badge and marke of a papist He that hateth the Masse hateth the whore of Babylon he that loueth the Masse cannot loue the truth If then I should be demaunded at once which of all popish blasphemies and heresies I thinke most abominable contrary to the faith and to be abhorred of all good christians though I know that there are many of this kinde yet I would redily answere the Masse the inuention whereof I am wel assured cannot be ascribed but to the deuil himselfe the author of all lies and blasphemies I conclude therefore with that saying of Gregorie as he said concerning the word Antichristus so may I in as good sense of this word Missa as it is now vnderstoode of Papists Si spectes quantitatem vocis duae sunt syllabae si pondus iniquitatis est vniuersa pernicies If you marke the quantitie of the word it standeth but of two syllables but if we respect the waight of iniquitie it containeth all impietie and vngodlines Soli Deo immortali Patri Filio cum Spiritu sancto sit honor et imperium sempiternum THE THIRD BOOKE OR CENTVRIE CONTAINING A THIRD HVNDRED OF POPISH ERRORS AND HERESIES ABOVT the controuersies of the fiue Popish Sacraments and of the benefites of our redemption and concerning the person of Christ CONSISTING OF SEVEN SEVERAL CONTROVERSIES THE 14 15.16 17 18 19 20. in number Jmprinted at London by Thomas Orwin for Thomas Man 1592. To the right honorable Sir Robert Cicil Knight one of her Maiesties most honorable priuie Councell BOth that general loue right honorable which the Church of God doth beare to your worthie and honorable Father for his sincere and sound affection to religion and the dutifull reuerence which our vniuersitie of Cambridge and generally the whole company of Students doth owe vnto him as their singular good Patrone haue moued and caused me at this time to cōmend this last part of this worke to your Honor his sonne of whose loue also vnto the Gospell following your Fathers steppes we are all perswaded and conceiue no lesse hope of your honourable fauour to learning I haue as your Honor seeth vndertaken an hard peece of worke and thrust my shoulders vnder an heauy burthen for in this worke I haue taken vpon me to discouer and lay open all popish Heresies and Errors to portraite and decipher the whole body of papistrie to spread abroad the whore of Babylons skirtes that her filthines may appeare to vncouer her whorish face which masked vnder the visour of the Church and religion for we may say to them as Leo Bishop of Rome did sometime to certaine Heretikes Ecclesiae
marriage lawfully contracted and consummate is onely made voyd in the case of adulterie as we haue before proued 2. Neither doth the infidelitie of the one partie make a nullitie of marriage for S. Paul sayth that the woman in that case is not to forsake her husband 1. Corinth 7.13 Of this matter see more quaest 2. part 2. of this controuersie 3. Neither is the fault committed before the marriage sufficient to disable the marriage once done for thē question might haue been made of the strength of Dauids marriage with Bathsheba And Augustine doubteth not thus to conclude Posse sanè fieri nuptias ex male coniunctis honesto postea placito consequente That marriage may very well stand betweene those that once had vnlawfull carnall copulation but afterward an honest purpose of marriage followed But there are certaine cases wherein matrimonie vnlawfully contracted yea consummate may be dissolued as first if the consent of either partie be wanting as when by tyrannicall coaction and compulsion they come together and the consent is still withholden Secondly if the consent of both be wanting as in the marriage of children that are not able to giue consent Thirdly if there be an error of the person as if one be thrust vpon a man in stead of another as Lea was vpon Iacob or an error in the condition of the partie as if he or she be an Hermaphrodite an Eunuch or such like Fourthly if they marrie within the degrees forbidden by Moses law In all these cases Matrimonie thus vnlawfully begun and ratified may be dissolued But lawfull matrimonie cannot be abrogate but either by naturall death or lawfull diuorce for fornication In the case of desertion also and long absence of either partie after the expecting of his returne some terme of yeeres with probable intelligence of the parties death or if he be wilfully absent of his lewd and dishonest life the innocent partie by the wise and deliberate sentence of the Magistrate may be pronounced free THE FIFT QVESTION OF THE COMPARISON betweene Virginitie and Marriage The Papists error 40 VIrginitie is preferred before marriage not onely for that it is a more quiet state of life and freer from troubles in this world but that it is more conuenient for the seruice of God and that it hath a gratefull puritie and sanctitie both of bodie and soule which marriage hath not Rhemist Argum. 1. Corinth 7.32 The vnmarried careth for the things of the Lord how she may please God Ergo virginitie is a fitter state of life to serue please God in Rhemist ibid. The Protestants FIrst we graunt according to the Apostles saying in this place that virginitie is also a fitter state of life for the seruice of God yet not simplie but for those onely that haue the gift of continencie for they which cannot abstaine may and doe serue God with a more quiet mind being married then many popish virgines which burne in the lust of concupiscence Secondly yet it followeth not that virginitie is a more holy and cleane thing in it selfe and more meritorious before God then marriage is for this were to make marriage vnholy vncleane whereas it is not the act of marriage but the abusing thereof that bringeth vncleannes with it before God in themselues neither is more holy then other Argum. It is faith which maketh vs accepted of God not the merite of any worke and therefore of all faithfull beleeuers it is sayd Apocal. 14.4 These are they which were not defiled with women for they are virgines And he vnderstandeth all that are redeemed by Christ from amongst men and are the first fruites of the Lambe vers 4. And not onely those which properly in common vse of speech we call virgines True godlines therefore a sincere faith whereby we are diuorced from the world and ioyned to God is the true virginitie Augustine Sicut non est impar meritum patientiae in Petro qui passus est in Iohanne qui passus non est sic non est impar meritum cōtinentiae in Iohanne qui nullas est expertus nuptias in Abraham qui filios generauit As there was no greater merit of patience in Peter that suffered then in Iohn who suffered not so there was no greater merit of continencie in Iohn that was neuer married then in Abraham that begat children See then by his iudgement there is the same merit of married and vnmarried persons THE SIXT QVESTION OF THE TIMES OF marriage prohibited The Papists THere are certaine seasons in the yeere wherein for the holines of the festiuall times they hold it vnlawfull to haue marriage solemnized as from the Aduent error 41 to the Epiphanie from Septuagesima Sunday as it is called to the octaues of Easter from 3. daies afore the Ascension to the octaues of Pentecost Ruard Tapper artic 20. pag. 526. But the Councel of Trent hath somewhat moderated this time and cut it shorter thinking it vnreasonable that marriage should be prohibited the third part of the yeere for so much the time interdicted ariseth to if account be taken of the weekes The time of Pentecost therefore they haue dispensed with and the time prohibited at Easter they would haue begun not from Septuagesima but from Ashwednesday Sess. 24. cap. 10. Vpon these times they hold it vnlawfull publiquely to haue marriage solemnized both for the holines of so great feasts and because of receiuing the Sacraments Bellarm. de matrim cap. 31. Argum. God commanded the people to abstaine from their wiues when he was to appeare vnto them in Mount Sinai Exod. 19.15 And Sam. 21.4 Before the high priest would deliuer the shewbread to Dauid and his companie he asked if the young men had kept themselues from women Ergo marriage is not lawfull at all times Bellarm. ibid. Ans. First these places alleadged doe rather proue that men in those interdicted times ought not at all to come at their wiues thē that the solemnization of marriage should be restrained but I thinke they would be ashamed to forbid men their wiues companie so long together as fiue or sixe weekes at the Natiuitie and eight or nine weekes at Easter why then should not the one bee as lawfull as the other Secondly the abstinence from their wiues was commanded then as a legall and ceremonial kind of sanctification as was also the washing of their clothes Exod. 19.10 And the companie of women was at some times counted as a legall pollution not as a sinfull or vncleane act of it selfe as the women after childbirth were commanded to purifie themselues Leuit. 12. from a legall pollution onely not from any sinfull or vncleane act for then it had been a manifest iniurie to that holy birth that Mary purified her selfe according to the lawe Luk. 2.22 Wherefore seeing it was a legall kind of sanctification it is not to be intruded imposed vpon Christians now Thirdly neither can they proue that this kind of abstinence
people What this singulatim credere meaneth he sheweth a few lines after Quicquid cum loquor agnoueris in te quisquis expertus ●s crede contingere omnibus qui de manu inimicorū precioso sanguine redimuntur That which I say thou that hast the experience thereof in thy selfe knowe that it is common to all that are redeemed by that precious blood Ergo euery man must haue a particular feeling and experience of his redemption in himselfe The Papists 2. FAith a man may feele and knowe to bee in himselfe because it is an act onely of vnderstanding but a man cannot bee assured thereby that error 77 his sinnes are forgiuen him or that he is in the state of grace Rhemist 2. Corinth 13. sect 1. The Protestants Ans. WE see what a poore miserable faith the faith of popish Catholikes is They say it is but a bare act of the vnderstanding which bringeth with it no certaintie or assurance of saluation But the Apostle Hebr. 11.1 defineth faith after another sort It is the ground of things hoped for and the euidence of things not seene Faith then hath two parts as it worketh the euidence and knowledge of heauenly things in the vnderstanding so also it begetteth a strong hope and perswasion in the heart of the promises of God it is not therefore onely an act of the vnderstanding Argum. But that by a liuely and true faith men may knowe that they are in grace and may bee assured of saluation Saint Paul teacheth Proue your selues whether you be in the faith know ye not how that Iesus Christ is in you vnlesse yee be reprobates 2. Corinth 13.5 By faith therefore wee may knowe whether Christ bee in vs Ergo whether wee are in the state of grace for Christ dwelleth onely by faith in the elect and such as shall be saued Ephes. 3.17 Augustine Vnusquisque inspiciat se intus appendat se probet se in omnibus factis suis fides quae operatur per dilectionem si in vobis est iam pertinetis ad praedestinatos Let euery man looke into himselfe examine proue himselfe if faith working by loue bee in you euen now yee doe belong to the number and companie of the predestinate Ergo by a liuely faith men may bee assured of their election THE SECOND PART OF THE DIVERS kindes of faith The Papists error 78 1. THere is a kind of faith called fides implicita the faith of simple men and idiots who although they are not able to giue a reason of their beleefe yet it is enough for them to say they are Catholike men that they wil liue and dye in that faith which the Catholike Church doth teach Rhemist Luk. 12. sect 3. This implicite faith which they say is sufficient for common Catholikes is nothing els but to beleeue as the Church beleeueth though they knowe nothing themselues particularly The Protestants AS before they spoyled faith of the better part thereof which is a stable and certaine perswasion of the heart so now also they robbe it of the other part which is an euidence and light of spirituall knowledge for faith cannot stand with ignorance but necessarily bringeth with it an illumination of the mind as it worketh stablenes in the heart Argum. Wherefore it is not enough for a Christian to say he beleeueth as the Catholike Church beleeueth for we must be readie to giue account to euery one that asketh of that hope that is in vs 1. Pet. 3.15 Ergo euery true Christian must be able to giue account of his beleefe Augustine writeth Ita apud omnes vulgatam confirmatam esse catholicam fidem vt nec notitiam possit fugere popularem That the Catholike faith was so common and so plaine that it could not bee hid euen vnto the popular sort For now in these dayes the prophecie of Ieremie ought to bee fulfilled They shall all knowe me from the least of them to the greatest Hebr. 8.11 The Papists error 79 2. THey affirme that the faith of miracles spoken of 1. Corinth 12.9 is of the same substance with the common iustifying faith it differeth onely in an accidentall qualitie of more feruor deuotion and confident trust Rhemist ibid. Yea that faith which Saint Iames calleth a dead faith is notwithstanding a true faith and the same which is called the Catholike faith and which the Apostle defineth Hebr. 11. and in substance all one with that which iustifieth Rhemist Iam. 2. sect 11. The Protestants FIrst the faith of miracles and the iustifying faith are not all of one nature because the faith of miracles may bee in wicked men Matth. 7.23 The iustifying faith can be in none but those that shall be saued Mark 16.16 They that beleeue shall bee saued But what intolerable boldnes is this to ascribe greater confidence and trust to that faith which may be in wicked men then to the true iustifying faith in the elect Secondly the dead faith that Saint Iames treateth of is not of the same nature with the iustifying faith nor that faith which is handled Heb. 11. For by that faith the Patriarkes pleased GOD and beleeued that hee was a rewarder of those which sought him verse 6. But this dead faith hath no such operation Againe it is great blasphemie to make this dead faith and a liuely iustifying faith of one and the same kinde and nature for as a dead man cannot be said properly to bee a man no more can a dead faith bee properly called a faith Nay further the faith of diuels and the faith of Saints cannot bee of one nature and substance but this dead speculatiue faith may be in diuels Iam. 2.19 Ergo it is a blasphemous assertion that these two faiths are all of one Augustine saith Discerne fidem tuam a fide daemonum daemones credunt quod oderunt distinguit Apostolus fides quae operatur per dilectionem Discerne thy faith from the faith of diuels the diuels beleeue that which they hate The Apostle doth distinguish them faith which worketh by loue Ergo a dead faith which is fruitelesse and worketh not by loue is the faith of diuels and so not of one nature with a true iustifying faith THE THIRD PART WHEther charitie be the forme of iustifying faith The Papists IT is so affirmed by our Rhemistes Iam. 2. sect 11. Faith being formed error 80 and made aliue by charitie iustifieth Loue is not as the instrument whereby faith worketh but as the proper forme Tapper ex Tileman Heshus de fide err 7. Argum. Saint Iames saith As the bodie without the spirite is dead so faith without workes is dead 2.26 But the soule or spirite giueth the forme and life to the bodie Ergo so doe the workes of charitie to faith Rhemist The Protestants Ans. WE must consider of what kinde of faith Saint Iames speaketh not of a liuely or iustifying faith but of a dead faith which in deede is no faith neither can possiblie receiue any
life or quickening to bee made a true and right faith The words then are thus to be read and distinguished So faith without works is dead that is this kinde of faith which neither worketh nor euer shall Not thus Faith is dead without workes as though a true faith were quickened by works But euen as the bodie is dead hauing neither soule nor the operations thereof life motion sense so this vaine speculatiue kinde of faith is dead both wanting the spirite and soule that is hauing not one sparke of true faith neither the operations and fruites thereof which a liuely faith sheweth by loue as the soule worketh life and motion in the bodie for a liuely faith can neuer bee without workes And a dead faith will neuer haue workes but remaineth dead for euer Wee must not therefore thinke that it is one and the same faith which sometime is dead without workes and againe is made aliue and quickened when workes come But wee must vnderstand two kindes of faith one altogether voide of good workes which is onely a faith in name and a verie dead faith Another is a liuelie faith alwaies working and this can neuer become a dead faith so neither can the other bee euer made a liuelie faith Argum. That charitie is not the forme or any cause of faith but the effect rather and fruite thereof we doe learne out of the word of God Christ saith Iohn 3.18 Hee that beleeueth shall not bee condemned but is alreadie passed from death to life Iohn 5.24 Faith then is able to saue vs and alone iustifieth vs before God without loue which alwaies foloweth a true faith but is not ioyned or made a partner with it in the matter of iustification But faith could doe nothing without the forme thereof Ergo charitie is not the forme of faith Saint Paul also faith Faith which worketh by loue Galath 5.6 The being and substance of faith is one thing the working another Loue onely concurreth with faith in the working it is no part of the essence or being of faith August Ea sola bona opera dicenda sunt quae fiunt per dilectionem haec necesse est antecedat fides vt inde ista non ab istis incipiat illa Those onely are to bee counted good workes which are wrought by loue faith of necessitie must goe before for they must take their beginning from faith and not faith from them Faith then goeth before loue that worketh therefore loue is not the forme of faith for forma prior est re formata the forme should goe before the thing formed THE FOVRTH PART HOW MEN are iustified by faith The Papists WEe are saide to bee iustified by faith because faith is the beginning error 81 foundation and the roote of iustification Concil Triden sess 6. cap. 8. Faith then by their sentence doth not fully iustifie the beleeuer but is the beginning way and preparation onely to iustification Andrad ex Tilem de fide err 11. Rhemist Rom. 3. sect 3. The Protestants FAith is not the beginning onely of our iustification but the principall and onely worker thereof neither are wee iustified in part or in whole by any other meanes then by faith Argum. He that is at peace with God is fully and perfectly iustified his conscience cleared and his sinnes remitted But by faith wee haue peace of conscience Ergo by faith wee are fullie and perfectly iustified Rom. 5.1 The Scripture also faith The iust man shall liue by faith Rom. 1.17 But wee liue not by iustification begun onely but perfited and finished Ergo our full iustification is by faith Augustine vpon these words Iohn 6.29 This is the worke of God that yee beleeue c. Si iustitia est opus Dei quomodo erit opus Dei vt credatur in eum nisi ipsa sit iustitia vt credamus in eum If iustice or righteousnes bee the worke of God how is it the worke of God to beleeue in him vnlesse it be righteousnes it selfe to beleeue in him See then it is not initium iustitiae credere sed ipsa iustitia it is not the beginning of iustice to beleeue but iustice and righteousnes it selfe THE FIFT PART WHETHER faith bee meritorious The Papists BY faith we doe merite eternall life Catechis Roman p. 121. ex Tilemann de error 82 fide err 20. Rhemists also ascribe meriting to faith Rom. 3. sect 3. Argum. Faith is a worke Ergo if we be iustified by faith wee are iustified by workes and soe consequently by merite The Protestants Ans. FAith in deed is a worke but not any of our owne works it is called the worke of God Iohn 6.29 God doth wholly worke it in vs Ergo wee cannot merite by it Argum. Saint Paul saith Ephes. 2.8 By grace are you saued through faith not of yourselues for it is the gift of God not of workes least any man should boast himselfe Faith then is no meritorious cause of our iustification but onely an instrumentall meanes whereby we doe apprehend the grace of God offered in Christ God giueth both faith and the end of faith Vtrumque Dei est as Augustine saith quod iubet quod offertur Beleeue and thou shalt be saued both come of God the thing commanded that is faith and the thing offered namely saluation Ergo all is of grace THE SIXT PART WHETHER to beleeue bee in mans power The Papists RHemist Act. 13. sect 2. giue this note that the Gentiles beleeued by their error 83 owne free will though principallie by Gods grace therefore to beleeue partly consisteth in mans free will though not altogether this is their opinion The Protestants FAith is the meere gift of God Ephes. 2.8 and wholly commeth from God it is not either in part or whole of our selues Argum. Rom. 11.36 Of him through him and for him are all thinges Ergo fidei initium ex ipso neque hoc excepto ex ipso sunt caetera Therefore saith Augustine the beginning of our faith is of him vnlesse wee will say that all things else are of God this onely excepted And afterward hee sheweth that our faith is wholly of God not part of him part of our selues Sic enim homo quasi componet cum Deo vt partem fidei sibi vendicet partem Deo relinquat So man shall as it were compound with God to chalenge part of faith to himselfe and leaue part for God THE SEVENTH PART WHEther faith may be lost The Papists error 84 A Man may fall away from the faith which once truely he had as Saint Paul saith of some They had made shipwrack of faith 1. Timoth. 1.19 Rhemist ibid. Ergo true faith may be lost The Protestants Ans. THe Apostle saith Some hauing put away a good cōscience made shipwrack of faith Such a faith in deed that hath not a good cōscience may be lost for it is not a true liuely faith but a dead fruitelesse faith Argum. But hee that once
questions wherein we dissent from our aduersaries both as touching all the offices of Christ his propheticall office kingdome and priesthood as likewise concerning the benefites purchased by the death of Christ the benefites of our redemption and saluation Now in the last place we are to prosecute such matters in question betweene vs as doe concerne the natures of Christ. And this treatise containeth three controuersies First of the humane nature of Christ. Secondly of his diuine nature Thirdly of them both considered together THE EIGHTEENTH GENERAL CONTROVERSIE CONCERNING THE HVMANE NATVRE OF CHRIST THis Controuersie is diuided into these questions First of the vbiquitie of the humanitie of Christ. Secondly whether he encreased in wisedome Thirdly whether he suffered in soule Fourthly whether he descended into Hell Fiftly concerning the place of Hell THE FIRST QVESTION OF THE VBIQVITIE OF the bodie of Christ whether his humanitie be euery where The Papists THey doe seeme in words mightily to impugne this opinion of the Vbiquitaries error 97 as they are called which doe erroniously hold that the humanitie of Christ is euery where as his deitie is and that the properties of one nature are really imparted vnto the other whereupon it followeth that the humanitie of Christ is euery where because it is verely vnited and made one person with the Godhead in Christ. This opinion the Papists would be thought to detest and abhorre and the Iesuite bestoweth great paines by sundrie arguments to confute it as by diuers places of scripture Math. 28. He is risen he is not here vers 6. Iesus sayd Lazarus is dead and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there Ioh. 11.4 Ergo Christ as he is man is not euery where Againe the opinion of the Vbiquitaries doth ouerthrow the article of Christs ascension for if Christs bodie be euery where as they hold he can neither ascend nor descend Bellarm. de Incarnation verbi lib. 3. cap. 11.12 The Protestants IT is true Catholique and sound doctrine that the humane and diuine nature are truely vnited in Christ and doe make but one person or hypostasis neither by confusion of the natures nor conuersion of one into the other but by vnitie of person for as the bodie and soule make one man so God and man is one Christ. And the better to vnderstand this mysterie we must set downe these three positions 1. Though the two natures in Christ be so vnited that they make but one person yet neither the natures are confounded nor yet the properties but as Christ is both God and man so there is in him a double power will and vnderstanding one humane and created the other diuine and vncreated 2. By reason of this vnion all the excellent graces of the spirit in the highest degree and aboue measure are giuen and bestowed vpon the humanitie of Christ Ioh. 3.34 but such notwithstanding as destroy not his humane nature but are qualities created as his humanitie also was created 3. There is also a mutuall communication of the proprieties of both natures each to other though not really in respect of the natures So we say in Concreto in the concrete that is taking the whole person of Christ that Christus homo that is the man Christ is omnipotent is euery where and Christus Deus that is Christ being God died for vs was buried rose againe but in the abstract it is great blasphemie to say that the Godhead of Christ died was buried or rose againe or that the humanitie of Christ is omnipotent or in euery place The Vbiquitaries now hold that there is a reall communication of the proprieties of both natures therfore doubt not to say that the flesh and bodie of Christ is euery where in all places at once The Papists in outward shew are enemies to that opinion but indeed and in truth as it shall now appeare they are not farre off from being in the same error First the same arguments which they vrge against the Vbiquitaries doe returne vpon themselues for although they will not say that Christs bodie is euerie where yet they hold that it may bee in a thousand places at once yea and more to if the Sacrament be at once in so many places celebrated for Christs bodie is reallie and verely in the Sacrament But those places alleadged He is risen he is not heere and the rest doe proue that Christ can be but in one place at once This their opinion also is against the article of Christs ascension and abiding in heauen till the day of iudgement for if the same bodie wherein Christ sitteth in heauen be in the Sacrament either when he is present in earth he is absent in heauen contrary to the scripture Act. 3.21 which sayth The heauens must containe him till that all things be restored or els if he be in both places at once they must needes make his bodie infinite and so destroy the nature of his humanitie which can be but in one place If they say it is another bodie and flesh which Christ by his diuine power maketh to bee present in the Sacrament that were much more absurd for then Christ should haue many bodies and other flesh then that which was borne of the Virgine Mary We see then they are not farre off from the opinion of the Vbiquitaries 2. The Rhemists doe approue that argument whereby Hierome proueth that the Saints may euery where be present at their bodies monuments They follow the Lambe whither soeuer he goeth but the Lambe is in euery place therefore they that be with the Lambe Christ be present euery where Whereupon it followeth that the Lambe Christ in humanitie must be euery where for how can he be present els in innumerable places at once where any reliques or monuments of Saints are Neither can they excuse this vbiquitarie presence of the humanitie of Christ and the soules of Saints by their agilitie and celeritie because they can quickly passe from one place to another for if they must bee present at their monuments whensoeuer they are called vpon they must of necessitie be often in many places at once for in one and the same instant men may resort to their monuments which are in diuers places farre asunder Thus they are driuen not onely to graunt an vbiquitie or omnipresence of the humanitie of Christ but euen of Saints also which those whom they call Vbiquitaries would neuer graunt 3. The bodie of Christ is visible and palpable now in heauen and hath a place according to the quantitie of his bodie Bellarmine confesseth as much cap. 12. But that bodie which is in the Sacrament hath none of these properties it is neither seene nor felt neither hath a place according to the quantitie of a bodie for they close it vp in small round cakes Wherfore destroying these properties of the humanitie of Christ they may as well and do in effect take away the other namely the being of Christs bodie in
one place for it is as proper to the bodie of Christ to be seene and felt as to be in one place at once 4. Bellarmine granteth being vrged with that argument that Christs soule was in Paradise after his passion and therefore not in hell he confesseth that it was not impossible that Christs soule should be in two places at once Lib. 4. de Christi anima cap. 15. Yea he sayth that Christ may if he will turne al the world into bread and the bread so made conuert into his flesh and so his bodie may be as well in euery place of the world as now it is in the Eucharist Lib. 3. de incarnat cap. 11. What great oddes now I pray you is there between the opinion of the Vbiquitaries and of the Papists but that they say that the bodie of Christ is euery where ordinarily by the power of the Godhead the other say his flesh is in many places at once by a miracle The one sayth Christs bodie actually is in euery place the other that it may be if Christ will THE SECOND PART WHETHER OVR SAVIOVR Christ did verily encrease in knowledge and wisedome as he was man The Papists CHrist they say in the very first creation of his soule and from his conception error 98 was endued with the fulnes of al wisedome grace and knowledge neither can he be sayd properly to haue encreased in any of these gifts 1. Christ was anoynted from his mothers womb and then the spirit of God was vpon him for the Angels that appeared to the shepheards call him Christ Luk. 2.11 And Iohn sayth The word was made flesh full of grace and truth 1. vers 11. Therefore euen then he had receiued all abundance of grace and knowledge Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4.2 Ans. 1. We grant that our Sauiour was the Iesus the Christ euen from his natiuitie not that thē he actually straightwaies entred into those offices or receiued plenarie power of all the graces of the spirit but because he was euen from his mothers wombe consecrated and appoynted thereunto for it no more followeth because he is called Christ that he then had his actuall anoynting then that because he was called Iesus from his natiuitie that he had actually performed our redemption The full anoynting of the spirit was fulfilled in his baptisme when the holy Ghost came downe in the likenes of a Doue and then beginning to preach in his first sermon at Nazareth he sheweth the accomplishment of the prophecie of Esay The spirite of the Lord is vpon me c. Luk. 4.18 2. Neither doe the words of Iohn import so much as they gather The word was made flesh and dwelt amongst vs full of grace and truth which is not to be vnderstood of the very first assuming of the flesh but of the dwelling of the word in the flesh amongst vs and so appeared to be full of grace and truth Argum. 2. Christ was the Sonne of God in his very incarnation and euen then was the humanitie perfectly vnited to the Godhead therefore immediatly vpon this vnion and coniunction of both natures in one person must needes follow the fulnes of grace in the humane nature Againe Adam was created in perfect wisedome therefore much more the second Adam Bellar. cap. 4. Ans. 1. If presently vpon the vniting of the two natures together it had been necessarie that the humane nature of Christ should haue receiued whatsoeuer by the presence of the diuine nature was to be conferred vpon it then Christ straight waies must also both in bodie and soule haue been glorified for it can not be denied but that as the bodie of Christ after the resurrection receiued more glorie then before so also his soule being the other part of his humanitie was more glorified By this it is euident that the humanitie receiued not at once the fulnes of all grace and glorie in the first vniting of the Godhead 2. Adam was created perfect in bodie and soule and if Christ therefore ought to haue the fulnes of the gifts of the soule in his creation as Adam had why ought he not also to haue had a perfect bodie as Adam was created withall Wherefore as it was no dishonour to Christ to grow vp in stature of bodie so neither was it to encrease in the gifts of the mind The Protestants THat Christ was euen from his birth and first conception perfect God and perfect man we doe assuredly beleeue and that in the very incarnation the diuine and humane nature were vnited together Also we graunt that the Lord Christ might haue created to himselfe a soule full of all wisedome and knowledge as he might haue made himselfe a perfect bodie but seeing it pleased him to bee borne of a woman and first to dwell in the bodie of an infant wee doubt not to say as the scripture teacheth vs that he also Encreased in wisedome 1. He was in all things like to his brethren onely sinne excepted Heb. Ergo he grew vp and encreased in knowledge according to the manner of men which may be done without sinne 2. The scripture sayth plainly which cannot lye that Iesus grew vp and encreased in wisedome and stature Luk. 2.52 And lest they should answere that this encreasing was onely in the opinion of men it followeth And in fauour with God and men he increased in wisedome stature and fauour not onely in shew before men but in truth before God and as verily and indeed he grew vp in stature so also in wisedome 3. Christ testifieth of himselfe That neither the Angels nor the Sonne of man as he is man knoweth of the day or houre of his comming to iudgement but the father onely Mark 13.31 Ergo Christ as hee was man had not at once all fulnes of knowledge Bellarmine thus expoundeth this place Filius dicitur nescire quia non sciebat ad dicendum alijs The Sonne is sayd not to knowe because he knewe it not to reueale it to others but to keepe it secret to himselfe Ans. First then by the same reason the Angels doe knowe it also but that they are charged not to declare it to men for the text sayth that neither the Angels nor the Sonne of man knoweth the time Secondly in this sense also the father might be sayd not to knowe it for neither hath he reuealed it to any Lastly although we doe affirme according to the scripture that the child Iesus did increase in the gifts of the mind as he did in the stature of his bodie yet we do put great difference between him and all other children that euer came into the world for as his conception birth were not after the cōmon manner for he was cōceiued by the holy Ghost brought forth without trauel and labour as August sayth Nec concipiendo libidinē nec pariendo perpessa est dolorē In conceauing she felt no carnal desire in bearing she suffered no payne So likewise
the holy and blessed babe in the constitution both of bodie and soule excelled the common condition of all other infants for as he was voyd of originall sinne so he was without the effects and fruites thereof which doe shewe themselues in children for neither suffered he the like pangs and infirmities in bodie being in his infancie as other children doe that are vexed and tormented in bodie neither was he subiect to the vnreasonable and brutish motions of the minde which are in children Therefore Augustine sayth Hanc ignorantiam animi infirmitatem quam videmus in paruulis nullo modo fuerim in Christo paruulo suspicatus This kind of ignorance and infirmitie of minde which is in children I cannot thinke to haue been in the babe Christ. And what ignorance and infirmitie he meaneth afterward he expresseth Cum motibus irrationabilibus perturbantur nulla ratione nullo imperio cohibentur When their brutish and vnreasonable motions come vpon them they are ruled neither by reason nor any other gouernment These infirmities both in bodie and soule wee denye to haue been in Christ and yet we doubt not to conclude that as Christ grewe in stature of bodie as Augustine sayth Mutationes aetatum perpeti voluit ab ipsa exorsus infantia He passed through the ages of mans life beginning with his infancie so likewise as the scripture sayth he increased in wisedome Luk. 2.52 AN APPENDIX OF THE MANNER of Christs birth The Papists THey say Christ came out of his mothers wombe the clausure not stirred as error 99 he passed thorow the doores when he came in to his disciples the doores being shut Iohn 20.19 and as he passed thorow the stone arising out of the Sepulchre Rhemist annot Iohn 20. sect 2. Bellarm. de Eccles. lib. 4. cap. 9. The Protestants 1. IT can neuer be proued that Christs bodie came either thorowe the wood of the doores or thorowe the stone of the Sepulchre or clausure of his mothers wombe And concerning the last the scripture is euident to the contrarie where it is sayd that our Sauiour Christ was presented to the Lord according as it is written Euery male that first openeth the matrix c. Luk. 2.29 2. We graunt that both the birth of Christ his rising out of the graue his comming in the doores being shut was strange and miraculous because one substance gaue place to another for a time and after the passing of his bodie the place remained whole and shut as before but not in the very instant of passing The red sea gaue place to the Israelites while they passed and closed together againe so did the prison doores open miraculously to the Apostles Act. 5.19 An incredulous Iewe seeing the eare of Malchus so soone healed would not haue thought that Peters sword went betweene it and his head as we are sure it did So we say concerning the birth of Christ that the place gaue way while he passed and closed vp afterward againe as before Augustine bringeth in Christ thus speaking Ego viam meo itineri praeparaui and a little after transitu meo illius non est corrupta virginitas I made a way for my selfe out of the wombe neither by my passage was her virginitie lost Christ had a way out of his mothers wombe but if the clausure had not giuen place there had been no way made Againe he sayth Spatia locorum tolle corporibus nusquam erunt quia nusquam erunt nec erunt Take away space of place from bodies and they shall be no where and if they be no where then are they not at all But the Papists in saying that Christ went thorow the very substance and corpulence of things doe take away from his bodie his proper place for two substances cannot be in one place and therefore they destroy the nature of his bodie THE THIRD PART WHETHER CHRIST suffered in soule The Papists THey vtterly denie that Christ felt any paine or anguish in soule vpon the error 100 Crosse otherwise then for griefe of his bodily torments but doe charge them with horrible blasphemie that doe so affirme Rhemist Math. 27. sect 3. 1. The scripture doth ascribe the worke of our redemption and reconciliation only to the blood of Christ vpon the Crosse Coloss. 1.20 Ephes. 1.7 Ergo the death of the bodie of Christ without any further anguish in soule was sufficient Bellarm. de Christi anima lib. 4. cap. 8. Ans. 1. By the blood of Christ vpon the Crosse must needes bee vnderstood all the parts and circumstances of his passion both his sufferings in bodie and soule for if it should be vnderstood properly the blood of Christ onely were sufficient and so his bodie and flesh should be excluded and if the shedding of his blood be taken simply we shal finde that it was no part of his death for his side was pearced whereout issued water and blood after he had yeelded vp the ghost and all the torments of death were past yea after he had vttered these words vpon the Crosse It is finished that is he had payd the full raunsome for mankind Iohn 19. vers 30.34 Wherefore by his blood must be vnderstood by a Synecdoche when one part is taken for the whole all the other paines and torments which he suffered in his flesh Secondly yea and the paines of the soule to are by that speech fitly expressed for the blood of euery creature is the life thereof Genes 9.4 Leuit. 17.14 But the soule is the life of man Ergo not vnproperly by the shedding of Christs blood euen the vexation and at the last the expiration of his soule and so his whole passion both in body and soule is signified Wherefore as in those places alleadged we read the blood of Christ or the blood of the Crosse so otherwhere in more generall termes the Apostles call it The dying of Christ 2. Cor. 4.10 And the suffrings of Christ 1. Pet. 4.13 Argum. 2. If Christ when he cried out vpon the Crosse O God my God why hast thou forsaken me had felt the wrath of God and despaired of his help he should most greeuously haue sinned Bellarm. ibid. Ans. 1. It cannot be that Christ thus cried out for the paine of bodily death for then he had beene of greater infirmitie then many of his seruants that in the midst of extreme torments neuer complained And therefore it must needs be the burthen of the wrath and curse of God that he endured for our sinne that made him so to cry out vpon the crosse 2. Neither doth it follow that Christ vttered those words in despaire but only to shew the great anguish trouble and perturbation of his spirite being vpon the crosse considered now as a meere man his diuine nature and power repressing and hiding it selfe for a time and although in the vexation of his soule he thus cryed out yet he was not altogether left comfortlesse in spirite in that he said My God
my God which wordes must needs declare an inward confidēce and assured trust in God The Protestants WE holde it was necessary for our redemption that Christ should not onely suffer bodily paines but also feele the very anguish and horror of soule that as by his death we are redeemed both body and soule so he should pay the ransome for both in his body and soule 1. That our Sauiour suffered great anguish in soule the scripture testifieth for before his suffring in his body vpon the crosse being in the garden he saith of himselfe My soule is heauy vnto death at the same time being grieuously troubled he sweat water and blood and last of all hanging vpon the crosse he cryed out By those effectes it is euidently proued that there was a greater feare in him then of the death of the body for many holy Martyrs haue without any shew of such griefe endured horrible torments in the flesh and therefore consequently it followeth that those things proceeded from the griefe of his soule as the Apostle sheweth Heb. 5.7 He offered vp praiers with strong crying and teares to him that was able to saue him from death and was heard in that which he feared If it had beene onely feare of bodily death what need such strong cries with teares And the text is plaine that he was heard that is saued frō the death which he feared but he was not saued from the bodily death for he died and gaue vp the ghost wherefore it was the great horror of soule that caused him to feare Bellarm. answereth for all this that it was the bodily death which he feared but not of necessitie because he could not otherwise choose but willingly he would abide this brunt also of the feare and sorrow of death Voluit poenam maeroris timoris subire vt redemptio esset copiosae And heerein he exceedeth all other men that haue suffered for they are ridde from feare because God giueth them greater comfort and they regarde not the present torment but Christ willingly and of his owne accord drew himselfe into this agonie of feare Ans. 1. That Christ as he was God had determined and set it downe to dye for the world it is not to be doubted of but that as he was man he had not a desire to escape death as being ignorant of Gods determination it is contrary to the Scriptures which make mention of his earnest praier that he made thrice that the cup might passe Math. 26. Therefore Christ willingly entred not into that agony of feare in his humane desire but as submitting himselfe and his will in obedience to his fathers will 2. He is contrary to him selfe in saying that Christs bodily sufferings were sufficient for our redemption and yet graunteth that Christ vt redemptio esset copiosa That our redemption might be more full would abide also the smart of the feare of death If he feared but the bodily death as he saith yet was he troubled in soule and therefore besides bodily paine he suffered anguish in his soule Argum. 2. Act. 2.24 Whom God hath raised vp saith S. Peter and loosed the sorrowes of death for it was impossible that he should be holden of it Ergo Christ suffered the sorrowes of death and felt the wrath of God which caused those sorrowes The vulgare Latine hath the sorrowe of hell solutis dolorib infern● which pincheth the Papists very sore for how could Christ be loosed from the sorrowes of hell if first he had not beene helde of them That which Bellarmine answereth that Christ loosed the sorrowes of hell for others which were to be deliuered is but a poore shift for the text is plaine It was impossible that he that is Christ himselfe should be stil holden of it it is spoken of the holding of Christ and not of any other Argu. 3. The prophet Esay saith He was wounded for our sins and broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes are we healed Esay 53.5 But we could haue no peace with God vnlesse all the punishment due vnto vs for our sinne had beene vndertaken by Christ wherefore seeing we by our sinne had deserued to be punished both in body soule it was necessary that our redeemer should be wounded and broken wholly for vs for how els by his stripes should we wholly be healed Augustine thus reasoneth against Felicianus the Arrian and proueth that Christ tooke not onely humane flesh but an humane soule Si totus homo peri●● c. If man wholly were lost saith he he had wholly need of a Sauiour and if he wholly needed a Sauiour Christ by his comming wholly redeemed him therefore Christ tooke vpon him the whole nature of man both body soule for if since the whole man hath sinned Christ onely had taken our flesh the soule of man should still remaine guiltie of punishment haec Augustine cont Felician cap. 13. By the same reason we proue it was necessary that Christ should suffer both in body and soule by the which Augustine inferreth that Christ tooke both body and soule he did assume them both to redeeme both But he redeemed vs not in being borne for vs or walking or preaching heere vpon earth although these were preparations to his sacrifice but by dying and suffering for vs Ergo he suffered both in body soule the punishmēt due vnto sinners They graūt that Christ suffered anguish in soule yet not properly in the soule but onely for the bodily death which was no part of the punishmēt of the soule which consisted in the very sense and feeling of Gods wrath and the torments of hell due vnto mankinde for their sinnes This punishment of the soule ought also necessarily to haue beene vndertaken by Christ being the redeemer both of body and soule THE FOVRTH PART WHETHER CHRIST descended in soule into hell to deliuer the Patriarkes The Papists THey doe beleeue that Christ according to his soule went downe to hell to error 101 deliuer the Patriarkes and all iust men there holden in bondage til his death Rhemist Act. 2. sect 12. Argum. 2. He that ascended is he that descended first into the lowest parts of the earth Ephes. 4.9 that is into hell the which is the lowest place in the earth Bellarm. cap. 12. Ans. 1. The earth it selfe is in respect of the world the lowest part so that here one parte of the earth is not to be compared with another but the whole earth in respect of the high heauens hath the name of the lower partes so is it taken Psal. 139. ver 15. Thou hast fashioned me beneath or in the lower partes of the earth But Dauid I trust they will not say was borne in hell because he speaketh of the lower partes of the earth consul Bez. in hunc locum So that by the descending of Christ into the lowest partes of the earth is meant nothing els but the lowest and extreamest degree
be in the hart of the earth is nothing els but to be within the earth according to the Hebrew phrase as Exod. 15.8 The hart of the Sea that is within the Sea So Christs body was in the earth it lay hid as it were in the bowels of the earth 3. This exposition is against themselues for if Christ went downe to the very hart and midst of the earth which is the center then he descended to the place of the damned for neither Limbus Patrum nor Purgatory are in the center or lowest part of the earth by their opinion but they themselues holde the cōtrary for they say that Christ by descending deliuered soules out of the two vppermost hels Limbus and Purgatory but not out of the nethermost hell which is the place of the damned Rhemist Luke 16. sect 8. Also it should follow of this their interpretation that the soule of Christ was as long in hell as his body in the graue which is against the opinion of many Papists Argum. 2. Luke 8.31 The Deuils desired Christ that he would not send them into the deepe what is that els but the lowest region of the earth where hell is which Saint Paul calleth the lowest partes of the earth Bellarmine Ans. We deny not but that God hath prepared and that there is a place of vnspeakable torments ordeined for the deuill and his angels and all damned soules but that this place should be in the center of the earth the places alleadged proue not for the word Abyssus translated the deepe is sometime taken figuratiuely in a metaphore as Rom. 11.33 O the deepenes of the wisedome of God the word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not much varying in signification from abyssus so the place of their punishment is saide to be a great depth that is a place of vnsearchable and vnspeakable miserie and horror Neither must this word abyssus of necessitie be referred to the earth for there are abyssi maris the depths of the Sea Exod. 15.8 as well as of the earth The lower places which S. Paul speaketh of Eph. 4. may be either vnderstood generally of the whole earth which is pars mundi infima the lowest part of the world or els of the great abasing of Christ from heauen to earth being God to become a seruant as also the graue of Christ was that lowest part of the earth for the Apostle saith in the comparatiue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the lower not the lowest and so your vulgare Latine translateth inferiora not infima terrae but hel is the lowest part the graue is saide to be the lower The Protestants THat there is a locall place of torment prepared for the deuill and his angels we doubt not being so taught in the Scripture Math. 25.41 A place of darkenes 2. Pet. 2.4 Farre distant from the heauenly mansions of the blessed Luke 16.26 Neither doe we deny but that it may be in the earth or wheresoeuer els it pleaseth God but wheresoeuer hel is there is but one that deuision of hell into three or foure regions we vtterly condemne as a meere deuise of man without Scripture and this we say that the place of hell causeth not the torment but the wrath and curse of God for euen out of hel God may make a man to feele the torments of hell as we doubt not but our Sauiour Christ did for vs and our redemption vpon the crosse Argum. 1. It is possible to feele the paine of hell in the soule although not ●n the proper and appointed place of hell as Iob complaineth The arrowes of the Almightie are in me the venime thereof doth drinke vp my spirit and the terrors of God fight against me And therefore he saith his griefe was heauier then the sand of the Sea Iob. 6.4.14 Iob felt euen the hell of conscience in himselfe for the time yea our Sauiour bare the burthen of his fathers wrath vpon the Crosse as we haue shewed before Ergo it is not the place that maketh hell Argu. 2. Hell is nothing els as the Scripture defineth it but to be cast into vtter darkenes There shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth Math. The darkenes causeth weeping horrible gnashing of teeth the vnspeakable punishment both of body and soule this darkenes is not the absence of the light of the sunne for neither shall the Saints in heauen haue that light because they neede it not Apoc. 22.5 And it shal be a place of darkenes to the damned angels which haue no vse of the Sunne light they also are reserued in chaines of darkenes Iude 6. as they are no materiall chaines so neither is it an outward darkenes but the absence of Gods fauour and the light of his countenance as the people are saide to haue sit in darkenes before the light of the gospell by the preaching of Iesus Christ did shine vnto them Math. 4.16 But they much more shal be and are kept in darkenes that are condemned to hell where they feele nothing but the horror of Gods wrath his eternall and endlesse curse with vnspeakable torments now in soule and afterward both in body soule without all comfort or hope of refreshing vtterly excluded from the presence of God wherefore it is not the place but the wrath of God and absence of his spirite that causeth such endlesse and vnspeakable punishment Argu. 3. As for your distinction of hell the brim whereof you say is Limbus patrum the middle parte Purgatory the lowest and nethermost hel it selfe the place of the damned in Augustines time it was not knowne for first that the bosome of Abraham was part of hell he vtterly denyeth Apparet non esse membrū inferorum tantae illius foelicitatis ●inum That bosome of so great blisse can be no mēber or part of hel Epist. 99. Again Purgatory he vtterly refuseth acknowledging but two places heauen for the faithfull hell for the damned and vnbeleeuers Tertium locum penitus ignoramus imo nec esse in scripturis sanctis inuenimus A third place we are vtterly ignorant of yea we finde in holy Scriptures that it is not August hypognost THE NINETEENTH CONTROVERSIE OF MATTERS WHICH ARE IN QVESTION concerning the diuine nature of Christ. THis controuersie containeth three Questions First whether Christ be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of him selfe Secondly whether he be mediator as God or man or as both Thirdly whether he haue by his desertes purchased any thing for himselfe THE FIRST PART WHETHER CHRIST be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of him selfe The Papistes error 103 THey deny that Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of himselfe and affirme that he had not onely his person but his substance of his Father whereupon they are bolde to charge Caluine with blasphemy for saying that Christ is God of himselfe as well as the Father Rhemist Ioh. 1. sect 3. Argum. The word was with God to wit the sonne is with
confer grace p. 416 2 Of the difference of the olde and new sacraments pag. 418 3 Of the character imprinted by the Sacraments pag. 419 4 Of the necessitie of the sacraments pag. 420 3 Of the number and order of the Sacraments 1 Of the number of them pag. 42● 2 Of their degrees amongst themselues pag. 424. The twelfth controuersie of the sacrament of Baptisme eight questions 1 Of the name and definition of Baptisme pag. 426 2 Of the partes that is the matter and forme of Baptisme pag. 427 3 Of the necessitie of Baptisme and whether baptisme may by any other way be supplied pag. 428 4 Whether women and lay men ought to baptise pag. 432 5 Of the baptisme of infants and whether they haue faith and of the baptizing of bels pag 434.436 6. Of the effectes of Baptisme 1 Whether our sinnes be cleane taken away in baptisme pag. 436 2 Whether baptisme be onely for sinnes past pag. 438 3 Of the priuiledges of Baptisme pag. 439 7. Of the difference between the baptisme of Christ and the baptisme of Iohn p. 441 8. Of the ceremonies and rites of baptisme pag. 442 The thirteenth controuersie of the Eucharist or Lords Supper two parts 1 part Of the sacrament it selfe 10. questions 1 Of the Real presence pag. 445 2 Of Transubstantiation pag. 455 3 Of the reseruation of the Sacrament pag. 459 4 Of the elements of bread and wine pag. 461 5 Of the words of consecration pag. 463 6 Of the proper effect of the Lords Supper pag. 465 7 Of the manner in receiuing the cōmunion whether it ought to be receiued fasting pag. 467 8 Of receiuing in one kinde pag. 468 9 Of the adoration of the Eucharist pag. 472 10 Whether the wicked receiue the body of Christ. pag. 473. 2. part Of the sacrifice of the Masse 8. quest 1 Of the diuers representations of the death of Christ. pag. 475 2 Of the sacrifice 1 The name of the Masse pag. 476 2 Of the sacrifice it selfe pag. 477 3 Of the name of priests pag. 481 3 Of the vertue and efficacie of the Masse pag. 483 4 For whom the Masse is auaileable pag. 484 5 Of priuate Masses pag. 485 6 Of the manner of saying Masse pag. 487 7 Of the idolatrous ceremonies of the Masse pag. 488 8 Of the forme which is the Canon of the Masse pag. 490 THE CONTENTS OF THE THIRD BOOKE The fourteenth controuersie of Penance nine questions 1 Of the name of penance pag. 501 2 Whether it be a Sacrament pag. 502 3 Whether any other sacrament of repentance beside baptisme pag. 504 4 Of the materiall partes of Baptisme 1 Of the matter and forme pag. 504 2 Of the three partes Contrition pag. 505. Confession pag. 505. Satisfaction pag. 505. 3 Whether repentance goe before faith pag. 506 5 Of Contrition pag. 507 6 Of Auricular confession pag. 510 7 Of Satisfaction 1 Whether the punishment remaine after the sinne is pardoned pag. 514 2 Whether a man may satisfie the wrath of God by his workes ibid. 3 Whether one man may satisfie for another pag. 516 8 Of penall iniunctions 1 Whether penall workes be necessary to repentance pag. 517 2 By whom they are to be enioyned pag. 518 3 Of pardons and indulgences pag. 519 9 Of the ceremonies and circumstances of Penance pag. 522 The fifteenth controuersie of Matrimony seuen questions 1 Whether Matrimonie be a sacrament pag 524 2 Of Diuorcement 1 Whether there be any other causes of diuorce beside fornication pag. 525 2 Whether mariage be lawfull after diuorcement for adulterie pag. 528 3 Of the degrees prohibited in mariage three partes 1 Of the supputation of degrees pag. 529 2 Whether any of the degrees prohibited in Moses law may be dispenced with pag. 531 3 Whether any other degrees by humane law may be prohibited pag. 533 4 Of the impediments of marriage pag. 535 5 Of the comparison between virginitie and the married estate pag. 536 6 Of the times of mariage prohibited pag. 537 7 Of the ceremonies of marriage pag. 539 The sixteenth controuersie three questions 1 Of Confirmation 1 Whether 〈◊〉 be a sacrament pag. 541 2 Of the matter and forme thereof pag. 542 3 Of the efficacie and vertue pag. 543 4 Of the rites and ceremonies pag. 544 2 Of Orders 1 Whether it be a Sacrament pag. 545 2 Of the efficacie pag. 547 3 Of the ceremonies pag. 548 3 Of extreame Vnction 1 Whether it be a Sacrament pag. 549 2 Of the vertue and efficacie pag. 550 3 Of the minister and the ceremonies pag. 551 The seuenteenth controuersie of the benefites of our redemption three partes 1 part Of Predestination 1 Of the reprobation of the wicked pag. 553 2 Our election free without respect to our workes pag. 555 3 Of the certaintie of predestination pag 556 2 part Of our Vocation 1 Of sinne 1 Of Originall sinne pag. 558 2 The difference of sinnes pag. 559 3 Of veniall sinnes pag. 560 4 Whether all sinnes be remissible pa. 561 5 God no author of sinne pag. 562 6 Of the works of the not regenerate 563 2 Of the law 5. parts 1 Whether it be possible in this life to keep the Laws pag. 564 2 Whether iust men doe sinne pag. 566 3 Of the works of supererogation p. 567 4 God not to be serued for feare pag. 568 5 Of the vse of the Law pag. 570 3. part Of iustification 1. Of freewil 1 Whether it be vtterly lost pag. 571 2 Of the power of free will in man Ibid. 2. Of Faith 1 What faith is pag. 576 2 Of the diuerse kindes of faith pag. 578 3 Charitie not the forme of iustifiyng faith pag. 579 4 How men are iustified by faith pag. 581 5 Whether faith be meritorious Ibid. 6 Whether faith be in mans power pag. 582 7 Whether it may be lost Ibid. 8 Whether wicked men haue faith pag. 583 3. Of good workes 1 Which be the good workes of Christians pag. 584 2 Whether there be any good workes without faith Ibid. 3 The vse of good workes 1 Whether they be applicatorie pag. 585 2 Expiatorie pag. 586 3 Meritorious Ibid. 4 Of the distinction of merites pag. 589 5 The manner of meriting pag. 590 4. Of Iustification 1 Of preparatiue works to iustification pag. 591 2 Of two kindes of iustification pag. 592 3 Of inherent iustice pag. 593 4 Of iustification onely by faith pag. 594 The 18. controuersie concerning the humanitie of Christ fiue questions 1 Of the vbiquitie or omnipresence of the bodie of Christ pag. 596 2 Whether Christ encreased in knowledge pag. 599 3 Of the manner of our Sauiours birth pag. 601 4 Whether Christ suffered in soule pag. 602 5 Whether Christ descended in soule to Hell to deliuer the Patriarkes pag. 605 6 Of the place of Hell pag. 607 The 19. controuersie concerning matters belonging to the diuine nature of Christ three questions 1 Whether Christ be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 God of