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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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ensueth errour For wée flippe out of one sin intoo another out of one heresie intoo another Out of these at length springeth an euill conscience which bringeth foorth despaire What is too bée done in these miseries Chryst is too bee soughte Hée alone is able too remedie these mischéeues But where I pray you is hée to bée sought among our kinred and aquaintaunce No not so Where then In the holy citie Hierusalem that is too say in the churche Among whome among them that haue the woord Whē thou hast héere foūd Christ whom thou hadst lost thou must kéepe hym by faith by calling vpon him and by holy conuersation least hée forsake thée againe and so thou perish by the losse of Chryst as Iudas did ¶ Of the third BIcause the dooing of Ioseph Marie putteth vs in minde of the care and dutifulnesse of parents towards their children and in likewise the dooing of the childe Iesus admonisheth vs of the dutie of children and of their obedience towards their parents I will therfore speake of them bothe howbéeit somwhat briefly bycause y e same thing is woont too bée taught more exactly in the Catechisme Therfore on the parents béehalfe I thinke these admonishments ensuing too be necessarie First let parents beare in minde that the cause why they bryng forth chyldren is y t their children should be Citizens of the Churche and that they shoulde toogyther with them woorshyp God and that whēsoeuer thēselues shal fal a sléepe in the Lorde they may leaue woorshyppers of God in theyr roomes I would God there were many that would thinke thys earnestly Besides this let them persuade themselues that al their laboure is loste but if they bring-vp their children in the feare of God oftentimes call vpon Gods helpe ageinst so many snares which the diuel layeth for the tender age Wée héere many complain of the disobediēce of their children but they marke not that they are punished by God for that they would make their children good without the blissing of the Lord which they seldome call for in good earnest Thirdly let them consider how noble a thyng a childe is whom God himselfe hath shaped in his moothers wombe nourished brought foorth intoo the light and endued with bodie and soule to the intēt he should as it were in a table represent God his first paterne Fourthly let them know that these things are too be delt withall in order Untoo the body nourishment bringing vp apparell and sometime correction that they may kepe their children in awe Untoo the soule they owe doctrine and that of twoo sorts namely of Godlinesse of ciuilitie By the one they shall kéepe a good conscience before God by the other they shall obteine a good report among men For these are the twoo things that we must chéefly séeke after in this lyfe Paule comprehendeth them both when he sayth Yée parēts bring vp your children in nurture and awe of the Lorde Which is confirmed by the déede of Tobias who instructing his sonne sayth All the dayes of thy life beare GOD in thy minde and beware that thou consent not vntoo sinne Héere first he cōmendeth vnto his son the study of godlynesse and secondly he chargeth him that he consent not too sinne that is that he giue not eare too such as intice him to sinne And so he requireth of his sonne a certeine holy ciuilitie Last of all let parents consider how many sinnes they cōmit and heape one vpon an other which doo not their dutie in bringing vp their children as they ought too do First they trāgresse y e law of nature which telleth al men y t their duetie is to bring vp their children godlily honestly Secondly they sinne ageinst God For they despise the commaundement and authoritie of God For he commandeth that children should bée brought vp godlily and honestly and he is a despiser of GOD that refuseth too doo as he is commanded Thirdly he offendeth ageinst his owne estimation For gods wil is that parents should after a sort bée in his sted so far foorth as perteyneth to outward discipline But they make small account of this dignitie who neglect their dutie Upon these sinnes ensue many punishments both ghostly and bodily as well in the parents as in the children yea and in all the posteritie Now what maner of duetie children owe to their parēts the example of the child Iesus sheweth euidently so that it néedeth not greatly to séeke precepts from elsewhere First he went vp too Hierusalem with his parents wherby good childrē may lerne too worship god with their parēts and to loue holy méetings and reuerently too bée present at the Ceremonies of the Church Secondly he disputeth demaundeth and héereth Héereby may our children lerne too demaund the things y t they know not to dispute of things doutfull and to harken to suche as teach aright For although Chryst disputed not of any thing bicause he was in dout of it nor demanded any thing bicause he was ignorant of it ne herkned to thē bycause they could teach him more rightly Yet the example profiteth vs. Therfore must godly children at their cōming home dispute with their parents if they stand in dout of ought that they haue heard c. Furthermore Chryst loseth his parents his kinsfolk and his acquaintance for the woord of God Héerby may our children also lerne too set more by God than by their carnal parents and too haue the woord of God in greater regarde than the hestes of their parents Lastly Chryst returneth with his parents is obedyent vntoo them Héerby our children may lerne too stād in awe of their parēts to obey them in al things that are godly honest These vertues of childrē as they haue very large promises of good successe in this life so the vices in childrē which fight against these vertues haue threatnings of most gréeuous punishments which also extend themselues euen vnto their posteritie For the ofspring for the most part receiueth the vices of the auncitrie as it were by inheritance ¶ Of the fourth BIcause I haue spoken somewhat already of this .iiij. place the .viij. day agoe I will now speake not past a woorde or two Chryst in respect of his Godhead did not grow in age wisdome and fauor but in respect of his manhod and bicause he tooke vpon him the very nature of man in déede in it hée grew in age wisdome and fauoure Whose example would God wée could folow y t as wée grow in yéeres so wée might grow in wisdome and fauor bothe with God and men And that this may befall vntoo vs Chryste graunt vs too whom bée glory world without end Amen The .ij. Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospell Iohn ij ANd the third day there vvas a mariage in Cana a citie of Galilee and the moother of Iesus vvas there And Iesus vvas called and his Disciples vntoo the mariage And vvhen the vvine failed the mother of Iesus
secondly for that we be made partakers of his flesh and of his Godhead and thirdely for that by it we communicate and are vnited togither one with another Moreouer by this supper is ment that wée are spiritually nourished and susteined or fed with the body and blud of Christ. For like as bread and wine doo nourish encrese preserue and comfort mens bodyes So doth Chrystes body blud nourish encrease preserue and comfort our soules vnto euerlasting life if so be that true fath bée found in vs. What is the signification of this Supper in respect of the time to come This holy supper signifieth that by the power of Chrysts body raised from the dead our bodies also shal one day rise ageyn that they may be made like vnto the glorious body of Chryst. Wherevpon Paule sayth If Chryst bée risen agein wée also shal rise ageine that we may enioy the cōtinual presence of Chrysts body for euermore Whervppon certein of the holy fathers haue termed this Supper conduct money bicause it putteth them that receiue it before their death in mynde that Chryst is vntoo them the passage from these troubles to eternal blisse What is the signification of the Lords Supper in respect of the euerlastingnesie It is a perpetuall warrant of Gods fauour towards men at no time subiect vntoo chaunge and therfore the Lord himselfe calleth this his supper the newe Testament as which shall neuer become olde at any tyme. How be it too the intent this thing may be vnderstood more cléerly I will as bréefly as may be declare what things are most méete in euery Testament and how all those things which ought to méete in euery last wil or testamēt doo méete héere and moreouer what the new testament is In euery testament or last wil there be fiue things First the Testator that maketh the wil. Secondly the goods which the Testator bequeatheth Thirdly the heirs that are made Fourthly the death of the testatour And fifthly the conditions that are to bée kept of them that are made heires by the wil. In this new Testament the testator is Chryst. The heritage is the possession of eternall life The heires are the children of God that is to say al that beléeue in Chryst. The death of Chryst the testator folowed presently after For he died was buried and rose ageine the third day The conditions too bée obserued of the heyres that are named are that they should beléeue in Chryst and obey him and continue in innocencie of life vnto the end And if they fall intoo sinne that they earnestly repent them before their death Héerevppon wée may now in this wise conclude what the new Testament is The new Testament is is an euerlasting couenant stablished by the death of the Testator Iesus Chryste concerning the grace of God the forgiuenesse of sinnes and the frée gift of eternall life promised too all nations people that beléeue in Chryst crucified ¶ Of the second WHen Paule sayth Let a man examine himselfe and so eate of that breade and drinke of that cuppe for hee that eateth vnvvorthely and drinketh vnvvorthely eateth and drinketh his ovvne damnation These woords of Paule confirme foure things First that the vse of the Supper ought too bée in the church Secondly that it is necessary for men to trie themselues before they vse this Supper Thirdly that hée which receiueth thys Supper vnworthely dooth sinne most gréeuously And fourthly that this supper is too bée ministred onely vnto those that are able too examine themselues I will speake of the second only that is to say how euery man ought to examin himselfe that mindeth too vse this Supper too his behoofe How then must he proue himselfe that will vse this supper That doth Paule teach the seconde Epistle too the Corinthians and y e .xiij. Chapter in these woords Examin your selues whither you bée in faythe examine your selues Know yée not your selues that Chryst is in you By which woordes is vnderstoode that rightful triall consisteth in this that true Fayth and the presence of Chryste bée felte in vs that is to say too vse plainer woordes He is tried and cōmeth woorthely too Chrystes holy Supper that commeth too it reuerently in the feare of God in true repentance in true faith and with a Godly purpose And on the contrary parte he that preaseth to it vnreuerently without the feare of god without true repentance without true faith and with purpose to sinne commeth vnworthely not making difference of the body and blud of the Lorde and hée eateth his owne damnation Therfore whosoeuer approcheth too this supper and hath a purpose to continue in his sinnes he is a blasphemer and receiueth the sacrament with Iudas But too the intēt rude people shold not rashly presume to come to this supper the discipline of confession absolution is instituted in our churches too very good purpose For this discipline auaileth greatly to this that a man may orderly examine himselfe Howbeit too y e intent we may iudge aright cōcerning cōfession and absolution first it is too bée known that as there bée two sorts of cōfession so there be two sorts of absolution also One kind of confession is to God only that is too wit when a man confesseth his sin before God acknowledgeth himself to bée a sinner and desireth forgiuenesse for Christes sake without such confession none of ful yéeres is saued In this wise did Dauid confesse himself when he sayd Haue mercie on mée O God for I haue sinned against thée Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man liuing shal bée iustified in thy sight So confesseth Daniel himself when he saith Wée haue sinned and done amisse with our fathers So did y e publican whē he durst not lift vp his face vnto heauen but strake his brest saying O God be mercifull too mée ● sinner Unto this cōfession aunswereth the absolution that is giuen by only God And this is done when a mā beléeueth his frée promise For whosoeuer beléeueth is iustified from sinne that is to say set frée from sinne For sith that sinne is a falling away from the lawe will of God with a binding vntoo euerlasting death damnation vndoutedly absolution must be the releasing of the beléeuing man from that bonde wherby he is bound to euerlasting death and damnation So was Manasses assoyled so was Dauid so was the théefe vppon the crosse so was Mary Magdalene So are we assoyled dayly when we say with a true heart I beléeue the remission of sinnes and when we pray with faith forgiue vs oure trespasses Let this suffize concerning the first kynd of confession and the absolution of the same An other Confession is of Discipline when a man for counsell instruction and confirmation of his Faith commeth to the minister of the Churche acknowledgeth himselfe a sinner craueth comfort and desireth too bée instructed with Gods woord too the intent his conscience may be made quiet In
only that wée should learne by the example of this multitude first too séeke the kingdome of God but also that we should bée confirmed concerning the power of Chryst. For Chryst sheweth that he hath a care of those that hée his and he declareth that no man is able too performe any thing in his vocation vnlesse ●e be present with him in his businesse and as it were put to his hand too the dooing of it according as he sayeth Without me yée can doo nothing And the Psalme sayeth Unlesse the Lord build the house in vayne doo they watche that kéepe it The places are foure 1 The néedfulnesse in héering Gods woord is commended by the example of this multitude which was so gréedy too héere Chryst. 2 An Image of the Church and of the teachers hearers of the woord 3 The present miracle and the vse of the same 4 The example of Peter bothe in catching the Fishes and also in the acknowledging of Chryst méete too bée folowed ¶ Of the firste ANd it came too passe vvhen the people preased vpon him too heere him The example of this multitude teacheth vs that the gospell is too bée her● desirously For this people would neuer haue folowed Chryst so earnestly if they had not vnderstoode that his doctrine had bin very néedfull This multitude then folowed Christ not too lye in the wynde for him not too take aduauntage of his woords not too laugh him too scorne as the Scribes Pharisies and Hypocrites did but too héer Gods woord too déefed with the bread of saluation For the woord of God is heauenly bread farre swéeter than the Hony and the Hony combe as is said in the Psalm This multitude therefore like a sorte of hungry soules come flocking about him as one that were dealing of some large almesse and not without cause For as the body is susteyned with materiall b●●●d bicause it is materiall it selfe so is the soule nourished with spirituall bread ▪ which is the woorde of God bicause it selfe is spirituall Ageyne like as the appetite too meat betokeneth health and the lothing of it is a ●oken that the body is faint and ill at ease So the longing after Gods woord 〈◊〉 a sig●● that the soul is in good plight and contrarywise the lothing of Gods woord bewrayeth the disease of a crased soule Therfore if wée lothe Gods woord wée must doo as they doo that are diseased in their body For like as they take counsell of Phisitians that by receyuing a medicine they may recouer health and haue a good stomacke too their meate So wée when Gods woord goeth ageinst oure stomacke and that our soule lotheth it must by Prayer séek too Chryste the Phisitian that hée may make oure soules too like of Gods woorde whiche is the breade of saluation least wée starue for want of Gods woorde For Gods woord is the heauenlye foode That is too say the breade of life and the drinke whereof who so euer drinketh shall not thirst for euer Ihon. 4. How bée it too the intent we may hunger after this bread of life and thirste after this heauenly drinke as this multitude did Wée muste thinke vppon the néedfulnesse of thys foode whiche béeing perceyued there is no man but wil haue an appetite too it vnlesse it bée suche a one as is so blinded bereft of his wits by the Deuil that hée hath no care at all of his soule helth The first néedfulnesse is this that euery soule must néeds die whiche is destitute of this heauenly foode vntoo the ende For firste wée obteine life when wée conceiue fayth by the woord Ageine the woorde is the foode of fayth wherewith it is fed and nourished This néedfulnesse is confirmed by oure Lords saying Hée that beléeueth not shall die for faith cōmeth not from else where than by héering the woord of God Rom. 10. Ageine without this food mā abideth vnder Gods wrath Hée that beléeueth not sayth Chryst the wrath of God abideth vpon him Besides that this is the food that strengthneth too eternall life Héeruppon sayeth Paule The Gospel is the power of God too saluation too euery one that beléeueth Lastly to cōclude all in one woord Gods word is y e vncorruptible séed as the Apostle Peter teacheth wherwith wée who before were the children of wrath by reason of y e sinne of our first Parentes and of our selues are begotten a new borne a new through the grace of the sonne of God Therfore as by nature wée are born the children of wrath that is of damnation vnt● euerlasting death So by grace through the séed of Gods woorde wée are borne the children of grace that is to say of blissing to eternal life They that beléeue are the children of Abraham and heires of the promisse Wherfore if the helth of our soules if the escaping of death Gods wrath and damnation if the dignitie that wée are called too by being adopted the sonnes of God doo moue vs Let vs bée desirous of Gods woorde let vs héere it and kéepe it and that not onely after the example of this multitude but also of the whole Churche whiche coueteth nothing more than too bée throughly fed with this woord of God ¶ Of the second IEsus vvent intoo a Shippe in vvhiche he sate him dovvne and taught the people standing on the shore In these woordes is the state of the Church militant and floting in the waues of this world very trimly peinted out In which picture thrée things are too bée obserued The ship it self Chryst sitting in the ship and the people standing on the shore The shippe it self is a shadowe of the Churche Chryst betokeneth all true Preachers and teachers The people standing on the shore represent the héerers of the woorde Now like as a shippe is horribly shaken when a tempest riseth on the Sea euen so nothing is more shaken and tossed in the worlde than the church which thing the story of the whole world auoucheth How sorowful was the shaking of this shippe when Cayne slue his owne brother And afterwarde when Lothe was in Sodome and Abraham in his wayfarings Ageine howe sore was Gods Churche shaken firste in Egipte and after that by the space of fortye yéeares toogyther too passe ouer in silence the persecutions whiche the Churche endured at all times vnder the Iudges vnder the kings and in the captiuitie of Babilon And too omit other things and too speake of our time Howe sore is the Churche shaken by them that wil séeme too bée Citizens of the Churche Some assaile it with heresies as with horrible tempests sent out by the Diuell him selfe What is it that the Sacramentaries doo not What is it that the other Sectaries Anabaptistes and Libertines doo not too ouerturne this little ship of Peters The Byshops condemne it of heresie The Iewes iest at it The Turke despiseth it The ciuill Magistrate in many places appeacheth it of sedition as wée reade in the storie of
opinions yet they agrée in this that bothe of them doo set themselues ageinst Chryst. Herode and Pilate were enimies yet they agrée in this point that bothe of them desire too dispatch Chryst out of the way Thus doth vngodlinesse conspire ageinst Chryst and his holy Gospell As concerning that hée sayth Chryst had put the Saducées too silence it is too bée knowne that the Saducées who denyed that the soules of men liued after death and took away the resurrection of the deade did striue ageinst him eyther too the intente too win him too subscribe too their opinion or else too make him a laughingstocke too the rude people that was seduced and noozled by these teachers Therefore they stepte vntoo Chryst after this manner If the dead shall rise ageine many incommodities many debates and many absurdities will ensue This they goe aboute too proue in this wise There was a certeine woman among vs that had bin wife too seauen men one after an other Nowe if there shall hée a rising ageine of the deade this woman shall arise and the seauen husbands that shée had shal arise also Now if shée stick too any one of them the rest wil fal at oddes with him and if they all dwel with hir toogither nothing can bée more troublesome too the woman nor nothing more hard for the men too abide Therfore séeing that these absurdities should folow the resurrection of the deade it is yll done too auouche that there shall bée a resurrection This was their maner of reasoning whose duetie it had bin too instructe the people a righte concerning the hope of euerlasting life from whiche like a sort of false caytiues they withdraw mē yet wil néedes be called rightuous But Chryst stoppeth these felowes mouthes and so putteth them too silence that béeing dashed out of countenance with his woordes they had not what too say Therefore hée reproueth them confuteth them and teacheth them Hée reproueth them for that they were ignorāt in the Scriptures and yet would take vpon them too be teachers of the Scripture Hée confuteth thē openly by putting foorth an example God is the God of the liuing God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob Ergo Abraham Isaac and Iacob doo liue If they liue they liue eyther in their bodies or in their soules In their bodies they liue not for you know their tumbes therfore they liue in their soules whiche you falsly surmise too die togither with their bodies But now mennes soules liue that in their time they may return intoo their bodies too the intent that suche as haue done wel in this life may receiue rewarde and those that haue done euill may suffer iuste punishement This is the summe of the confutation What dooth that teache twoo things The one is that the deade shall rise ageine by the myghte and power of GOD vntoo whom nothing is impossible Hée was able too create all things of noughte and why shall hée not bée able too call soules ageine intoo their bodies specially sith hée hath determined it and that it is too the aduaūcement of his rightuousnesse and glory Paule in the seconde too the Philippians sayth Wée look for a Sauiour from Heauen euen Iesus Chryste whiche shall transforme our corruptible bodies that they maye become like vntoo the glorious bodie of him through that same power whereby hée is able too make all things subiect too him selfe Therefore when oure reason beginneth to dispute of y e resurrection let vs set foure things ageinst it Gods determination Gods almightinesse Gods iustice and Gods glorie His determination for that he hath ordeyned appointed too raise the dead Bicause God is vnchāgeable he wil neuer call back ageine or disanull this determination And there are certeine examples of this determination remayning Chryst our Lord rose agein from the dead Enoch was conueyed aliue intoo Heauen Helias was taken vp aliue intoo heauen in a fyrie Charyot Let his almightynesse bée set ageinst our reason whiche thinketh it vnpossible for the dead too ryse ageine For if he could not do the thing that he hath determined too do he wer not almightie And if he were not almightie neither were he too bée called God ▪ His iustice requireth that wée should render reward too them that haue deserued wel and punishment too the vngodly Wée sée that in this life the godly for the most part are in ill case and the vngodly in good case But now in asmuch as Gods iustice requireth that the good should fare well and the euill should fare amisse and that it falleth not out so in this life there must néedes bée another life to come wherin God according too the rule of his rightuousnesse should render too the godly life euerlasting to the vngodly the payns of hel Also gods glory is too bée set ageinst the Saducées opinion and our own reason God made man for his own glorie that he shoulde continually prayse and glorifie him Whiche thing verely could not come too passe except there were a resurrection of the dead Moreouer Chryst instructeth the Saducées concerning the state of men after the resurrection There shal bée no vse of mariage there shal bée no begetting of children but they shal liue for euermore in continuall chastitie as the Angels of God do Therfore ther is no debate to bee feared betweene the many husbandes that haue had one selfe same woman too wyfe one after an other when they lyued héere Thus much concerning the Saducées the confutation of their errour and the confirmation of vs for the Resurrection of the dead the beléefe wherof is warranted vntoo vs by the determination of god which is vnchangeable by his mightinesse wherby he is able too make all things subiect too him by his iustice wherthrough he recompenceth euery man according too his déedes and by his glorie which must bée rendred vnto him of the Saincts world without all end ¶ Of the second NOw steps foorth the Pharisie and demaundes of Chryst which is the chéefest commaundement of the law Our Lord answereth Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God vvith all thy hart vvith all thy soule and vvith all thy povvers This is the first and greatest commaundement and the second is like vntoo it Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe In these tvvo commaundements hang all the lavv and the Prophets That is too say whatsoeuer Moyses and the Prophetes doo teache of the true seruice of God it is conteyned in these two poynts Forasmuch as I haue lately on the .xiij. Sunday after Trinitie and ofte elsewhere spoken concerning the lawe of God and tolde what it is what is the vse of it that no man is able too fulfil it and how it is abrogate from the godly I wil not héere repete the same things any more but will speake of two other things First wherfore Chryst sayth that the second cōmaundement of louing a mans neybour is like vntoo the first of louing God Ageine
is pro●●rly he that is not a Greeke or a Roman which name is now applyed too any that is in conditions and manners rude féerce cruell vnciuill vnnurtured or in spéeche grosse vnlearned harshe vneloquent Also it signifieth an Alient Forreyner or Straunger borne Benefactour any body that bestoweth a good turne pleasure benefite or frendship vpon vs. C CAlamitie proprelye a laying of Corne by excesse of winde and soule weather and by a Metaphore also it signifieth any manner of greate trouble affliction aduersitie or miserie that ouerthroweth a man or bringeth him vnder foote Celebrate too set foorth too publishe too solemnize too vtter too declare or too doo a thing with praise deuotion reuerence pompe or ioyfulnesse Centurion a Captaine of a hundred men Circumstance a farre fetche or windlasse in a matter a thing that comprehendeth matters in it Also the large setting out of a thing by his seuerall membres and particulars A going about the bushe Circumstant things that are about vs things that beset or be séege vs things that enuyron and hem vs in on all sides things alwayes conuersaunt and at hand with vs things that accompanie vs. Ciuilitie curtesie good behauiour honest conuersation comely and gentle behauiour Communion felloweship partaking partnership companie vse or enioying of a thing in common Also the vniting or knitting toogither of diuers persones as it were in one league and bond of aliance as well by inseperable consent of wil and affection of minde as by outward conuersation and trade of life Consecrated halowed made holy put or appoynted too a holye vse assigned too the seruice of God Constancie a stedfast and continuall sticking too the truthe an vnmouable abiding in all goodnesse It is contrary too wauering Contrite broosed or broken as things are brayed in a morfer Therof commeth Contrition which is an inward remorse with an earneste sorrowe and gréefe of minde for sinne or for offending God Conuince too prooue a thing substancially euidently plainly too ouercome by manifest and apparant reason too shew a thing by suche effectual and open arguments that the very aduersarie may not bée able too gainsay it Crosse is put for any persecution affliction trouble losse hinderance disease of body or disquyetnesse of minde Curiositie an ouermuche carefulnesse or inquisitiuenesse in other mennes matters Hée that is infected with this vice Paule termeth a Busybody Curiousnesse is an ouermuche precisenesse in a mannes own dooings D DElusion or Illusion Mockerie mockage a deceitfull thing and whatsoeuer bleareth mens eyes that they cannot discerne the truthe Demonstration a pointing too a thing with the finger a setting foorth of a thing too the eye an open plaine and manifest shewing of a thing Depraue too marre too corrupt too infect too staine too defile Distinguishe too put a difference betwéene things too seperate intoo partes or membres too disseuer too diuide Durable longlasting of long continuance that which endureth wel that whiche is able too holde out E EXclude too shutte out putte out thruste out or kéepe out F FElicitie happinesse blissednesse blisfulnesse the full and perfect state of béeing well the full fruition or enioying of God and all good things Figurate too signifie or pretend a thing after a couert darke manner too shadowe or represent too méene or betoken too imploy or purporte too beare the Image or likenesse of a thing too counterfet G GLorie is a renowmed and vniuersall reporte of woorthynesse purchased by deserts of many great benefites and good turnes Glorifie too giue glorie honoure praise or commendation too any body or too mainteine the good name honour and estimation of a bodye Also too bring too euerlasting blisse and heauenly felicitie H HAbitation a dwelling place Hypocrite is suche a one as in outwarde apparel countenance or behauioure pretendeth too bée another man than hée is in déed suche a one as counterfetteth himselfe too bée holy or rightuous and is not Honour is the estimation that is giuen by agréeable iudgement and consent of good men too any body in commendation and rewarde of his singular vertues I IMpediments lets hinderances stoppes Incest vnlawful copulation of man and woman within the degrées of kinred or aliance forbidden by Gods law whyther it bée in mariage or otherwise Incorporate too grafte one thing intoo the body of an other too make one body or substance of twoo or mo too mixt or put toogither Incurre too runne intoo Infallible vndeceyuable that whiche wil not deceiue nor can bée beguyled vnguileful vndeceitful deceitlesse sure certeine assured soothfast Institute too begin too go in hande with a thing too ordeine too purpose too appoint too make too found too stablishe too decrée too set vp a new too bring in a new Interprete expounde open make plaine and manifest too an other mans vnderstanding too shew the sence or méening of a thing Also too accepte or take the meaning of a thing in good or ill parte Iunocation is a calling vpō any thing with trust in the same It consisteth of twoo partes that is too witte of prayer and thanksgiuing Iustisied found rightuous made rightuous accounted or accepted for rightuous that is too say frée and cléere from sin or set frée from sinne and the penalties therof M MAgistrates are all Princes Rulers Gouernours or Officers placed in authoritie by God or by the souerein of any common weale Maiestie the stately porte and honorable renowme of any Prince people superior or souereine and the comely beautifull grace of any thing that is excellent Matrone an auncient sober and discréete woman that eyther hath or hath had children such a one as for hir sad behauiour deserueth too bee called a mootherly woman Mediation the earnest minding or thinking vpon a thing the often cōsideration and musing vpon a thing mindfulnesse studie Metaphor is the putting ouer of a woorde from his proper and naturall signification to a forreine or vnproper signification As Fol. 62. where the worlde is termed a fielde Chryste a séedman and his woord the séed in whiche spéeches the woords field séedman séed importe other things than their proper signification yéeldeth Minister a seruant that is alwayes at hand or that is redy too put his hande too all things It is a name sitly giuen too the Clergie as whiche putteth them or ought too put them continually in mind of their dutie and calling which is too bée seruants of God and his Congregation and not Lords ne seruants of the fleshe the world and the Diuel Morall perteyning too manners behauiour conuersation and life among men Misterie a secret or hid thing y e vnderstāding knowledge wherof passeth the capacitie of common reason too teache vntoo O ORacle an aunswere or saying of God or of a Prophet in Gods name such as is certein and infallible P PArable is an applying of some thing that hath no life or no body too our matter fitly alledged for some likelynesse or vnlikelinesse which it hath
falling away from saluation Of the fathers that folowed the times of the apostles wée déeme according too the rule of Ambrose We iustly condemne al new things which Chryst hath not taught bycause Chryst is the way too the faithfull Therefore if wée teache any other thing than Chryst hath taught let vs iudge it detestable And according too this rule of Paules If any man teach any other gospel accursed bée hée But the Papistes to bleare the eyes of the simpler sort doo tell them they must enquire of the auncient wayes and that they must not passe the olde bounds whiche our fathers and anceters haue stablished which thing if it be scarce lawfull too doo in the boūds and buttels of fields howe much lesse shal it be déemed lawful to be doon in the bounds of Religion Surely we passe not the boundes whiche God the first founder of religion hath pitched which the holy Patriarkes and Apostles receiuing by heauenly inspiration maynteined from which the holy Martyrs among whom holy Abel holdeth the first place with inuincible courage of mynd draue back the Bores and Wolues and finally which the son of God hath stablished with his owne precious blud but we abyde within thē constantly As for y e bounds which the old serpent with his broode hath pitched within which is enclosed nothing but mere dānation wée make no conscience too passe them Therfore wée father y e true religiō vpon God who is called of Daniell the auncient of dayes Wherby it wil appéere bothe that the same is the auncientest and that it representeth the nature and disposition of the firste founder of it Wherfore as it is most stedfast euermore so it always continueth like it selfe But whiche is that Religion continually stedfaste in it selfe What is the effecte of it Whiche are the partes Gods woorde and the signe added to the woorde appoynteth the true rule of Religion and seruice of God for God hath alwayes bin woont too vtter his will too men by his woord and by some outward signe For loke what the word putteth into mens eares too be conueyed vntoo the mynde the same thing doth the signe set before the eyes too bée séene to the intent that by them as it were with windowes a certain light myght be conueyed in vnto the soule so as the woord and the signe might bée a double warrant audible and visible the end and drift of which is all one Howbéeit so as the interpretation of the signe is to bée fetched alwayes out of the woord alone What maner of things these be the fiue times in whiche GOD vttered his woorde and gaue signes will shew most openly as are the state of man before his fall the time wherin he was promised recouerie the time of renuing the promise the time of Moyses publike weale and finally the time of the performaunce of the promise by exhibiting Iesus Chryste our Lorde It is too bée shewed by Gods worde and heauenly signes that in these fiue tymes the religion was one selfsame and alwayes agréeable with it selfe in all poynts Before mans fal when Adam was garnished with Gods image God had deliuered too man bothe the worde and the signe The woorde required the knowledge of God and obedience towards him It forbad man too attempt any thing ageinst Gods prohibition vnder a threat of punishment and it had a promise of immortalitie which promise Adam embraced by faith And the trée of life as a visible warrant conueyed the same by the eyes intoo the mynde All whiche things tended too this end that Adam representing Gods Image as it were in a glasse shold cōtinually serue and praise God Wherby it is manifest that the true religion before mans fall was the pure woorshipping of God according too Gods woord the rule wherof was the woord and the signe The parts therof were the acknowledging of God beléefe of the immortalitie that was promised and obedience towards God both inward and outward And the end therof was to represent gods image too praise and magnifie him And in that estate was the seruice of God most perfect such as it shal be after the resurrection sauing that as then it shal bée much fuller not in substance but in degrées This manner of seruing God in such sort as was enioyned too the first man is required of vs also after his fal Neither is ther any alteration made in the maner of woorshipping but there folowed an horrible mayme in all mankinde after the fall of our first Parents insomuche as no man is able too perform this seruice too the ful no nor too begin it vnlesse he haue accesse too the trée of life whiche is Iesus Chryst. Ageine after that mankinde was falne in our firste Parents God eftsoone vttred his wil by woord and signe wherby is learned with what seruice God would bée woorshipped after the fall By the woorde hée rebuketh the transgression of his commaundement by the woorde hée made promise of the Messias who becomming man should pay the raunsome for Adams giltinesse and restore too man the image of God which he had lost by sinning And he added a sign too y e woord which was as it were a certeine visible sermon concerning the Messias The signe was the killing and offering vp of beasts and frutes of the earth Héerevpon it followeth that God requireth the selfe same manner of woorshipping after the fall whiche was before the fall although it haue not the same perfection in his degrées whiche it had before the fall For God requireth héere an acknowledging of him hée requireth an acknowledging of our owne sinne hée requireth an acknowledging of Chryst who is in steade of the trée of life that was in Paradise hée requireth fayth in the Messias hée requireth obedience through Faith too the intent that by little and little Gods Image may bée more and more repayred in man by Chryst that is too say that in the minde may shine assured knowledge of God in the soule holinesse and in all the powers obedience too be perfourmed according too the precisenesse of the woorde These things are bréefly shewed by woorde and signe in the beginning of Genesis For that I may vse Platoes woords the auncient fathers béeing better than wée and dwelling néerer vntoo GOD were better and more substancially taught by shorte grounds and outwarde signes than wée bée taughte by long Sermons For in olde tyme thys manner of teachyng was common and familiar as well vntoo Diuines as Philosophers that what soeuer they hadde vttered in short groundes the same thyng they auouched wyth certeine outwarde signes As soone as man was falne GOD vttered this grounde with his owne voyce The womans séede shall breake the heade of the Serpent The outwarde signe whiche in a certeyne Image purported the same thing was the offering of Sacryfises commaunded too the Fathers by GOD. Therefore when Abell offered hys Sacryfises hée hadde an eye alwayes too the firste grounde that had bin vttered
office Fifthly if it happen them too bée cast intoo prison and too bée put too torture for performing their dutie accordingly what shall they then doo Shall they denie Chryst in no wyse But they shall sende theyr Disciples vntoo Chryst not fearing them that an doo no more but kil the body but him rather who as hée can destroy bothe body and soule so also can hée saue them bothe Thus much is spoken bréefly concernyng the first place ¶ Of the second ARt thou hee that shall come or doo vvee looke for an other The errour of Iohns disciples con●erning y e Messias gaue occasion of this message and demaunde For they béeing partly offended at the outward appéerance of Chryst as it appereth by the Lords answer and partly béeing begiled through affection too theyr maister mystooke Iohn too haue béen the Messias Iohn too the intent too rid his disciples of this errrour sendeth them too Chryst too enquire of hym whether hée were the very Messias or whether some other were styll too bée looked for that by this meanes they myght bothe by words and déedes of Chryste himselfe bée more fully instructed concernyng Chryste that he was the true Messias and not Iohn Iohn then sendeth not his disciples to Chryst for that he himselfe douted of Chryst but too procure the saluation of his douting disciples Let vs therefore learne of Iohn too haue a lowly opinion of our selues that wée take not any thing vppon vs arrogantly And let vs learne of his disciples to performe obedience too our superiours and specially too them that by woorde and lyfe doo send vs the right way to Chryst. ¶ Of the third BUt what aunswereth Chryst Go and beare Iohn vvoord vvhat ye heare and see The blinde see the lame vvalke the lepres are clensed the deafe heare the dead rise ageyne the poore receyue the glad tydings of the Gospell and blissed is he that is not offended at mee This answer conteineth foure things signes vndoutedly shewing the true Messias the image of the Churche in thys life to whome the Gospell perteyneth and an admonition that no man should bée offended at the outwarde appéerance of Chryst and his Church The proofe that Iesus himselfe is the very Messias is this Whosoeuer by his owne power giueth sight too the blinde to the criples ablenesse too go vpright to the lepres helth too the deafe hearing to the dead lyfe and preacheth the glad tydings of the gospel too the poore that is to say too the consciences that are broken and sorowful with the féeling of sinne Hée out of all doubte is the true Messias For Esay prophesieth of the Messias in these Ye weake hearted bée of good comfort feare not Behold your God shall bring a discharge of vengeance God himself shall come and saue vs Wherby shal we know him the Prophet answereth Then shall the eyes of the blinde bée opened and the eares of the deafe shall heare and the lame shall leape as a hart and the toongs of many shal be loosened And the same prophet sayth The spirit of y e Lord is vpon mée bicause he hath annointed mée to preach glad tidings to the poore that I should remedie them that are broken in heart and preach libertie too prisoners and let them out that are shut vp In as much then as yée sée mée according too the foresayings of the Prophets too perfourme these things by mine owne power why doo yée not acknowlege mée to be the Messias And so Christ by this demonstration proueth himselfe to be the true Messias and teacheth that it is his office too giue aide too the miserable and afflicted Furthermore y e image of the church kingdom of Christ is séene héere to be despised before the world The hearers of Christ are the poore the sick and the despised in the sight of the world vnto these doth Christ preach y e way of saluation and healeth their diseases And like as he did then heale the diseases of the body euen so at this day healeth he the cōsciences of sinners woūded with sin bringeth spiritual gladnesse to their hartes whiche thing they féele in very déede which in true inuocation doo heare the voice of the Gospel Where he sayeth that the poore receiue the glad tydings of the Gospell he sheweth to whom the Gospel belongeth namely to the poore that is to say to the broken in hart for the filthynesse of their sinnes Whereupon it is sayd in the psalme A sacrifice too god is a troubled spirite a contrite and humbled hart O God shalt thou not despise And an other Psalme Whiche healeth them that be of a broken harte And Esaye the .57 GOD dwelleth with the broken and lowly spirite too quicken the spirite of the lowly and too quicken the heart of the broken The Gospell then perteineth only too such as féeling their owne sinnes are sorie for them and are afrayde of Gods iudgement and cast away purpose of sinning any more The Gospell therfore is a ioyfull tydings of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and a comfort in the heart through the woord and the holy ghost which belongeth vntoo them only that repent and beléeue the Gospell receyue remission of theyr sinnes are endued with the rightuousnesse of Chryst which béeing imputed too them for theyr owne they appéere as ryghtuous in the sight of God are endued with the holy Ghost and being now made a newe creature in Chryst beginne too obey Chryst through Faith and endeuer daily too abounde in all knowledge and vnderstanding Philip. j. The Lords admonishment Blissed is hee that is not offended at mee giueth an inckling héere first that Iohns Disciples were offended at the person of Christ secondly it warneth all men in generall not too bée offended at the outward appéerance of Chrystes kingdome so as they should eyther not receiue the Gospell at all or else hauing receiued it should reiect it after which sort many are in all times offended Cicero in his time was so offended at the bondage of Gods people that hée would not receiue the Doctrine of the Churche Euery citie sayth hée too Laelius hath his peculiar religion and wée haue ours Though Hierusalem were in prosperitie and that the Iewes were in quietnesse yet notwithstanding should wée for the glory of our Empyre the maiestie of our name and the traditions and customes of our auncetors holde scorne of the superstitions of their religion and now much more bicause that nation hath shewed what good wil it beareth to our empire by warres and how déere it is too the Gods immortall in that it is subdued and let out too ferme c. These foure things doo the Papistes also boast of at this day Glorie maiestie of name traditions of elders Lordship But Christ in this place biddeth vs take héede that wée suffer not our selues too be deceiued with such ghosts but rather that we should ioyne our selues with the litle and despised flock which heareth the voice of
toogither with him did set foorthe Christe with some kinde of melody wherby the godly may lerne too encourage one another too set forth and too vtter the praise of God Another is that shée teacheth the people For when as the Scribes Pharisies ceased a holy woman commeth forth speaketh of him vnto all y e looked for redemptiō in Ierusalē The third is that shée openly acknowledgeth Christe too bée the Sauiour and redéemer For shée vnderstoode that this babe was the promised séed that should tread down the serpents head and so deliuer man that was lost out of the Deuils tiranny ¶ Of the third ANd the Childe did grovve and vvas strengthned in spirite and vvas filled vvith vvisdome and the grace of God vvas vvith him This is as much too say as according as the childe Iesus grew in age so the diuine nature vttered it selfe in him and he profited from day too day more and more in wisdome and toogither with his age encreased also the giftes of mind in him How bée it in as much as the Godhead can by no meanes bée increased it is manifest that these things perteine too his manhode For as he grew vp by little and little in his body so in respect of his soule the giftes of the mind encreased daily more and more Neither is this a straunge thing in Chryst whoo for our sakes tooke vppon him the shape of a seruant wherein he was also abased For like as he was abased for our sake so also grew he ageine by little and little vntill that by his resurrection he entered ageine intoo his glorye Neither was this doone without a lesson and warning vntoo vs. For wée are taught that the cause why he grew was for that we should out of his fulnesse receiue grace for grace Wée also are admonished by the example of the sonne of God too endeuer our selues continually too encrease that wée may daily more and more abound in the true knowledge of God and all vnderstanding and that wée should with an vpright iudgement and affection try what things are godly holy and honest and daily bring foorth the true fruites of faith and that in such wise that the day folowing may surmount the day that went before For he that goeth not still forward in the knowledge of GOD and vnderstanding of godlinesse goeth backeward For by little and little fayth is quenched in him and Chryst is buried ageine in his heart whereby it commeth too passe that he falleth againe intoo sinne against his conscience Héereof wée haue example in Dauid For he had profited in Ghostly wisdome aboue al the men of his time and the grace of God was w t him But what came too passe By sitting still in his Princely throne he became somewhat faint That glowing zeale of Gods glory which was in him when he fought ageinst Golias ouercame him which was in him when he was in perill through the daily persecution of Saule was by little and little alayed And what ensued theruppon There came in hys sight a faire and beautifull woman and his lustes were stirred vp without any let For the heate of the spirit was then become starke cold Wil giueth place too affection and by by he falleth into sinne ageinst conscience by committing aduoutrie wheruntoo within a while after he addeth the murder of one of his best subiects which wickednesses he afterward recouered with hipocrisie by y e space of a whole yéere although in the meane while he pretended godlinesse which notwithstanding was banished from him as long as Gods spirit was not with him There are many other suche examples which admonishe vs too folow herein the example of the childe Iesus that wée fall not from the state of grace Therfore like as he grew in wisdome and the grace of God was vpon him so let vs also grow in wholsome wisdome and let vs pray too Iesus the fountaine of wisdome that he will giue vnto vs abundantly of his fulnesse Which thing if wée doo it will come too passe that the grace of God which wée obteine by Chryst and for Chrystes sake shal abide vppon vs. For as the only grace of God is the cause of our daily procéeding and furtherance in spirituall giftes so grace is reteined and abideth when wée are not drowsie but worke lustely so as wée may not séeme too haue receiued grace in vaine Too this purpose maketh y e saying of y e Apostle Yée are made partakers of Christ if wée hold stedfast vntoo the end the faith that is begon in vs. Too this purpose also maketh this sentence of Paule Quenche not the spirit Gods gifts therfore must bée chéered vp with continuall exercise that wée may profit daily more and more too the glory of God the father the sonne and the holy Ghost Too which onely God bée honor and glory for euermore Amen The day of the Circumcision of the Lord commonly called Newyeeres day ¶ The Gospell Luke ij ANd after that eight dayes vvere finished that the childe should bee circumcised his name vvas called Iesus according as he vvas named by the Angel before he vvas conceiued in his moothets vvombe The exposition of the Text. THis feast of the Circumcision of the Lord is solemnized in the Churche for thrée causes Of which the first is that the storie may bée knowen The second is that the benefite of God toward mankinde which the storie setteth out may bée vnderstoode The third is y t we may vse the benefit of God aright both too the glory of god also too our owne saluation and the edifying of others The storie is that our Lord Chryste the eyghte day after his carnall birth was circumcised according too the Law of Moses that the name was giuen him which was foretolde by the Angell and he was called Iesus The benefit which the storie setteth out is that that was done for our sake according as Paule teacheth He was made subiect too the Lawe too the intent he might redéeme them that were vnder the Lawe Lastly the vse consisteth in these things that knowing the benefite wée may bée thanckfull too God confirming our fayth by this déede and after the example of God the father and his Sonne Iesus Chryst endeuer too deserue well towards al men And too the intent these things may serue the more effectually too informe vs of this benefite I will handle twoo places which are 1 Of the Circumcision 2 Of the most swéete name Iesus ¶ Of the first TOo the intent wée may the more distinctly vnderstande this doctrine of the circumcision these are the things that séeme méete too bée expounded in order Howe God is woont too instruct man of his will what maner a thing that Circūcision of the flesh was and what things are too bée marked in it whereupon shall bée grounded the order of the Sacramentes both of the old Testament and of the newe Why Christ was circumcised and which is
First séeke the kingdome of God and the righteousnesse of God and afterward séeke the rest of things necessary too liue by I will obey this commaundement of my Lorde assuring my selfe that he wil verily performe that which he hath promised how much so euer reason the whole worlde grudge ageinst it and endeuer too ouerturne this order appointed by Chryst. God féedeth the birdes and why should he not féede mée that am obedient to him He giueth mée a body and why should he not giue me rayment He giueth mée life and why not foode He giueth euerlasting things and why not temporall things Whosoeuer therefore is godly must folowe this rule of Chryst First séeke Gods kingdom and his rightuousnesse and all things else shall bée cast vnto you But alas for sorrow many offende ageinst this rule For first they offende whiche not onely héere not the woorde of God them selues but also are a let vntoo others that they should not héere it Lyke as vngodly husbands doo whiche withholde their wyues from héering Gods woorde for couetousnesse of their owne gayne Thus by their rashe boldenesse they rush intoo Gods office maliciously despise Christes commaundement whereby it commeth too passe that whatsoeuer they go about hath ill successe First they méene too prouide for the body and afterward if they can finde any leysure they haue a little regarde too the soule I gather wyll some saye for my Wyfe and my Children Thou doost well and I allowe thy méening for Nature teacheth and reason perswadeth that the husband should care for his wife and children And Paule sayth He that neglecteth his owne is worse than an infidell But gather thou according too Chrysts rule and the example of this people First séeke the kingdome of God and next be diligent in thy vocation If thou doo otherwise thy children shall haue small ioy of thy labours For thy labour is cursed and cursed is the frute of thy labours and it shall not profite thy children For this is a most true saying The thirde descent enioyeth not the goodes that euill meanes haue got Experience teacheth that the goodes which are euill gotten by the parents are for the most part wastfully and shamefully spent by their children among harlottes in brothelhouses in tauerning in quarelling and brauling Wherfore if wée haue any liking of goodlinesse let vs folowe Chrysts rule and the example of this multitude Which thing if wée doo wée shal féele Gods hand too bée bountifull towards vs. ¶ Of the second NOw let vs looke vpon the circumstances of this present miracle which are many First the Lord sayth to Philip From whence might we buy bread that these may eate Why is this p●t 〈◊〉 by the E●angelist And he sayd this too trie him that is too say to prooue what fayth he had who erewhyle hadde séene the water turned intoo wyne at Cana in Galilée But what answer maketh Philip Tvvoo hundreth penyvvoorth of bread vvold not suffise them that euery one might take a little Héere Philip béeing forgetfull of the miracles that he had séene before calleth his owne reason to counsell as if he should say It is a great company and it requireth a great summe of mony to suffise them and we haue in maner nothing For it is too no purpose to make questions of bying bread it is to us purpose to stād debating this or that where impossibilitie letteth But there 〈◊〉 another Disciple named Andrew and sayth Héere is a boy that hath fiue barly loues twoo fishes But these are nothing for so great a company This disciple is past hope as well as his fellow But what sayth Chryste too this géere He sayth too them make the folke sit downe as if he had sayd for asmuch as it semeth a thing impossible too your iudgement that so great a company should héere be saued from perishing for hunger I whoo haue sayd vntoo them you séeke first the kingdome of God and his rightuousnesse and all things else shabe cast vnto you will shew by déede that my promis is not vain doo you no more but bid the people sit downe too eate Héere the disciples obey their maister and to the nūber as it were of fiue thousand men do settle them selues to their repast looking too be fed by miracle When they were set downe Iesus tooke those fiue barly loues and two fishes and first blissing them and giuing thanks distributed as much as he listed to his guestes And after that they were suffised he said too his disciples Gather vp the broken meat that remaineth that nothing be lost And they obeying him gathered vp twelue baskets full of broken meat Ye sée the miracle wherby Chryst confirmeth his diuine power his promis and his office What must wée lerne héereby Many wholsome doctrines may bée gathered hereof First héere is confirmed that which we haue heard in the first place namely that they which folow Chryst shal not perish for wāt of foode according as you haue herd alredy Secondly by this miracle is confirmed Chrystes loue towards them that folow him Of which thing also we haue herd in the first doctrine Furthermore by this miracle wée are assured that Chryste contrary too the iudgement of reason can helpe when he will For like as the kingdome of Christ and the kingdome of the worlde are diuers so maye other things bée doone in Chrystes kingdome than can be doone in the kingdome of the world For hée that is chéefe in Christs kingdome is almightie whose will is a déede For as Dauid sayth he hath done all things whatsoeuer hée woulde both in heauen and earth Therefore when the Gospell setteth before vs the woonderfull woorkes of God concerning the resurrection of the dead the lyfe euerlasting the eternall punishment of the wicked and such other things we must not call our owne reason too counsel to demaund of it what can be done but wée must aske the question at Gods woord only For if God say ought too vs by and by wée must call too mynde his mightynesse and his truth In as much as hée is mighty nothing is too him impossible And bycause he is true whatsoeuer he sayth is assured and stedy For he sayth Heauen and earth shall passe but my woordes shall not passe Wée are taught also by thys miracle and déede of Chrystes that God wil with his blissing encrease the smal thinges of the godly For suffisance consisteth not in the greate abundance of things but in the Lordes blissing whiche only maketh men rich Wherevpon Chryst in the .xij. of Luke sayeth Mans life consisteth not in the abundance of things that he possesseth And Dauid in the hūdred and one twentith Psalme sayeth and there is abundance too them that loue thée Oftentimes it falleth out that some poore man fearyng God is better fed with bread and potage than a wicked rich man with his daintie dishes and sweete wines The poore Lazarus was better fed with the
bicause the tumb was nere at hand rolling a great stone to the mouth of the graue they went their wayes And there were presente Mary Magdalene and Mary Ioses sitting against the tumbe and other women which also were come with Iesus from Galilee beholding where and how his body was bestowed And when they came home they prepared spices and oyntments and rested the Saboth day according to the cōmaundement But the next day that foloweth the preparation of the passe ouer the high Preests and Phariseys came togither vnto Pylate saying Sir wee remember that this deceyuer while hee was aliue sayd After three dayes I will ryse agayne Therefore commaund the Tumbe to be garded vntil the third day leaste peraduenture his Disciples doe come and steale him awaye and say vnto the people Hee is risen from the deade and the last errour shall be woorse than the first Pylate sayde vntoo them Yee haue a watche go and make it as sure as yee can Then they went their wayes and garded the Tumbe sealing the stone and setting watchmen about it too keep it The exposition of the text FOrasmuche as no woorke is more woonderful than the work of our redemption which is the passion and death of our Lorde Iesus Chryste according too that saying of Peter in the firste chapter of his first Epistle Yée are not redéemed with transitorie things as Golde siluer but w t the precious blud of the vnspotted vndefiled Lamb namely of Iesus Christ It becometh vs right déer beloued brethren sistern to endeuer by al means possible to knowe the storie of this woonderful woork specially séeing it is betaken vntoo vs in the Articles of our fayth where we professe our selues too beléeue in the sonne of GOD our Lord Iesus Chryst that suffred vnder Ponce Pilate was crucified dead and buryed c. And that too the end that by the knowledge of this storie fayth might bée stirred vp in vs hy the holy ghost wherby it may come too passe that the frute of this woonderful woork may extend vntoo vs. How bée it too the intente I maye the more distinctly and plainly speake of this wonderfull woorke I will deuide the whole doctrine of the Lords passion intoo thrée places or articles whiche are these 1 How many sundry wayes our Lord suffred 2 The estimation and frute of our Lords passion 3 The godly and helthful meditation of our Lords passiō ¶ Of the first BIcause wée haue sinned bothe in bodye and soule and that satisfaction must néeds haue bin made for bothe our Lord Iesus Chryste suffered bothe in soule and bodie Therefore I wil speak of his suffring in bothe namely of the soule and body of our Lord. That he suffred in soule hée himselfe witnesseth bothe in spéeche and in outward apparance In spéeche when hée saith My soule is heauie euen vntoo death and vpon the Crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee Héerunto also dooth pertein the prophecie of Dauid concerning Chryste The sorowes of Hell haue compassed mée aboute that is too say I was striken with excéeding greate sorowes Hée testifieth his sorowe in outwarde appéerance at the graue of Lazarus Iohn the xj and in the garden At the graue when hée thought vpon the Deuilles tirannie ouer mankinde and the miserie of mankinde For all the sorowes of minde that Christe endured by the space of thrée and thirtie yéeres vntoo his death are part of the passion which the sonne of God suffered In the garden hée sheweth that the heauinesse of his minde was excéeding greate when for the bitternesse of sorrowe he sweat droppes of bloud It is a naturall thing for a man too wéep and sometime too sweat in excesse of sorowe at the hearing of some sodaine euill but neuer was any man found yet that sweat bloud for sorowe for no man is able too susteine so great sorowe If yée demaund the causes of this excéeding great sorow yée shall vnderstand that it is not one cause but many whereof the chéefe are these First the thinking vpon the tirannie ouer mankinde and the excéeding great miserie wherwith all men were oppressed for falling from God Secondly the thinking vppon Gods wrath whiche it behooued him too sustaine for our sinnes whiche hée tooke vppon him selfe For all bée it that he were cléere from all sinne yet tooke hée vppon hym the gylte of the synnes of all the whole world Wherevppon Iohn sayeth The Lamb of GOD taketh awaye that is too say beareth in his bodie the sinnes of the world The sonne of God therfore did in very déed féel the wrath of his father Which féeling stirred vp so great sorow in his most holy soule that he swet blud Thirdly y e thinking vpon the punshment which he forsaw he should shortly the next day folowing suffer in his most holy body and the reprochfulnesse that he should bée put vntoo Fourthly the thinking vpon y e vnthankfulnesse of y t most part of the world For he forsaw it should come to passe that many wise men many mē of power diuers others shoulde take scorn of this his punishment which he should sustein too redéeme them yea that they should persecute him his Hée foresaw also y t the gretest part of thē y t beare y e name of christians should through their own wickednesse vngraciously depriue thēselues of this his benefit Which four causes procured most bitter sorow in y e hart of christ Upō this our lordes sorow must wée also thinke y t wée may bée stirred vp too fayth godlinesse least wée perish with y e thanklesse world Let this suffice bréefly too bée spoken concerning the vexation of Chrysts soule Now wil I speake of the punishmēt of his body For although that the vexation of his body began in the Ox stall whē ther was no roome for our lords mother in the Inne and afterward whē at the eight day of his birth he was let blud in circumcising and so foorth vnto the time that he was made a sacrifice for vs vpon the alter of y e crosse yet notwithstanding I will at this time intreate but of that punishment which he endured last of all And although that by the storie which I haue alredy recited a man may easily vnderstande how sundry wayes our Lorde was afflicted in his most holy body neuerthelesse I will gather intoo a short sūme that which is dispersed at large in the story diuide it according too the state of the places in whiche he was punished The places are these The gardin the house of Caiphas the consistorie of the préests the house of Herod the common hall and Galgata that is too say the place without the Citie where offenders were wont too bée put too execution What suffered he in the Gardin He was betraied with a a kisse the souldiers layde hands vpon him hée was apprehended and piniond he was led away like a théefe a murtherer and there also all
bicause yée must folow him into the wildernesse wheras is y e crosse famin woolues a thousand deadly daungers but rather that wée lift vp our minds intoo heauen where Chryst sitteth at the right hand of the father in heauenly glory For we that are his mēbers shal by none other way come intoo heauen than by the same that he we●● whoo is our head He in this life endured hunger cold and other distresses let vs also beare the lyke paciently Which thing if wée do wée shall one day bée glorified with him ¶ Of the second ANd the Lord said to his disciples I haue pity of this people bicause they haue folovved me novv these three dayes and haue nothing to eate And if I shal send thē avvay to their ovvn houses they vvil faint by the vvay In these woords is described the affection of Chryst toward the people y t folowed him He is sory for the hunger of their bodies much more it is to be thought y t he was sory for the hunger of their soules For as the soule is much nobler than the body so y e hunger of y e soul is much more hurtful What thē dooth the merciful Lord He féedeth the body w t bodily food the soul with ghostly food He féedes the body with earthly bread the soul with heauenly bread y t is with gods woord Héer our reasō which wil séeme to haue skil in gods matters though it be but foolish demaūdeth What is not Chryst God why then did he not woorke a miracle féede them out of hand or why did he not sustein them without bread He wold not alter y e order or nature w tout a great cause And the order appoynted by God is y t like as the body is fedde with bread so the soul should bée nourished and susteyned by Gods woord And this is it that is spoken in Moyses Man liueth not only by bread but by euery woord that procéedeth out of the mouth of God Therefore it is not his wil y t we should loke for any thing cōtrary to this order appoynted by God but that we should leane vnto his heauēly mercy looking for help at his hād in time conueniēt This order established by God madbraind heads do inuent It is written of two Hermites that fell among théeues and had not aught too eate that when they had endured hunger a great whyle and that one of the Théeues at lengthe taking pitie vpon them gaue them bread too eate The one of them sayd I will eate none vnlesse it bée giuen mée from heauen But the other tooke it with thanksgiuing ate it and anone ●●ter he that looked for bread from heauen dyed for hunger whereas the other escaped that looked for no miracle but tooke the bread that the théeues gaue him as it had bin at the hand of God The Anabaptists also inuert this order at this day Chryst hath commaunded the Gospell too bée preached that the soule may bée nourished with it as spirituall foode But the Anabaptists despysing the woord looke for new reuelations without the woord Whereby it commeth too passe that they fall into the Diuels snares who turneth himselfe intoo an Angell of light too the intent he may throwe them headlong intoo damnation Therefore bicause Chryst would not inuert the order established by God he delayed the miracle But yet at length the affection that he beareth too those that bée his which is greater than the affection of the father towards his children did ouercome him For what maner of affection Chryst beareth towards those that are his not only the Euangelist sheweth in this Gospel when he sayth I take pitie of this people But also the Prophet Esay 49. setteth it out in a most goodly figure Can the moother sayth he forget hir owne chyld y t she should not pitie the sonne of hir owne wombe Although she should forget yet will not I forget thée Beholde I haue written thée vppon my handes Also the Parable of the prodigal childe peynteth out this affection of Chrysts towards those that bée his What shall I say of similitudes parables Chrysts crosse sheweth what maner affection he had towards his owne For he so loued vs when we were yet his foes that he suffred most reprochfull death too redéeme vs. But too what purpose are all these things First too this purpose that wée should put on a childly affection toward God the father our Lord Iesus Christ. Secondly that by falling intoo consideration of his loue towardes vs we shuld in this life hold nothing déerer nothing swéeter nothing preciouser than too submit our selues wholly too his will and too obey his voyce wherein consisteth the perfection of a Christen man in this life Wee read that our father Abraham did so who after he had herd the Lorde say vntoo him Walke before me and bée perfect receiued a commaundement too offer in sacrifice his only begotten sonne Isaac whom Sara had borne vntoo him in his olde age But what dooth he he obeyed Gods wil without delay making ready a bundel of stickes went about too slea his sonne But the Angell of the Lord withhild his hand This being doone God sayd vntoo Abraham Now I know that thou fearest me We sée héer in our father Abraham how earnest he was too obey God sith he wold not spare his only sonne but wold haue killed him at the commaundement of the Lord. But alas for sorow there are many too bée found that will not kill so much as one of their affections at the commaundement of their most mercifull father God so farre of are they from desire of folowing the example of our father Abraham Furthermore Chrystes fatherly example towards vs must put vs in mind of like good will and loue towards our brethren I haue giuen you an ensample sayth he loue ye one another like as I haue loued you ¶ Of the third THis present miracle wherein God with seuen loues and a few small fishes féedeth foure thousand men serueth too this purpose too confirme the truthe of Chrysts Gospel and too encrease the faith of the people that were present wherof I wil say no more at this time But I wil speake somewhat concerning the right vsage of Gods giftes wherby we may bée stirred vp too thankfulnesse towards God and vse Gods blissing aright First therefore this is too bée obserued that the bread encreaseth in the hands of Chryst as he prayeth and giueth thanks too the heauenly father Wherby we are taught that all blissing is of the Lord according as Paule 1. Timoth. 4. teacheth when he sayth All the creatures of God are good Stay héer a litle consider how the things which thou hast as bread and drink are Gods creature and not thy creature Wherfore thou playest the théefe if thou take any thing frō him ageinst his wil. Which thing thou dost as often as thou vsest Gods creatures without thanksgiuing and
calling vppon God For whatsoeuer thou hast as thine owne is another bodies and vnlawful vnlesse thou desire it of him Héervppon it is that Chryst teacheth his seruants too pray Giue vs this day our daily bread Sée héer The selfe same bread is called oures and Gods It is oures when wée get it by iust trauell And it is Gods bycause it is his creature which it is not lawful for thée too vse except thou aske him leaue before Therfore Paule addeth also for it is sanctified or made holy by the woord of God and by prayer It is sanctified that is too say the vse of it is made pure and lawfull vntoo vs that wée may vse the creature with a good conscience But by what meanes is it sanctified By the woord and by prayer By the woord vnderstand thou faith which the word requireth For by the woord taken holde on by fayth we professe our selues too beléeue two things The one is that the Lorde according too his vnmeasurable and infinite wisedome hath created all things for mannes sake The other is that we are of y e number of those who through grace in Chryst haue recouered that right of lordship ouer al other liuing things which was lo●● in Adam that we may mayntayne this lyfe whiche wée ought too imploy too the enlarging of his glorie This profession of fayth is accompanyed with prayer that GOD may graunt vs too enioye the foode receyued at his hande with a good conscience in all feare and reuerence Lastly wée must knit vp our meales with thanksgiuing yea and with repetition of prayers and so are our meats halowed vntoo vs. But they too whom their meats are not halowed in this wise doo double wrong For first they robbe God of his honor in that they call not vpon him nor acknowledge him too bée the giuer of all good things And secondly they vse the creature of God ageinst the will of it Whereuppon Paule sayeth that the creature is made subiect vntoo vanitie From the whiche vanitie God in the second of Osée promiseth that he wil deliuer the creature Now although these things which are already spoken may sufficiently warne vs too vse Gods creatures aright after the example of Chryst yet notwithstanding too the intent our slothfulnesse may be the more reproued I wil recite certeine reasons that may moue vs. The first Chryst himselfe who created all things prayed gaue thankes as often as hée had occasion too vse Gods giftes Muche more then becommeth it vs so too doo who are stark beggers in the Lords sight The seconde The yoong Rauens doo after their maner call vppon the Lord and hée féedeth them Whereupon Dauid sayth that the Lord giueth food to the yoong Rauens that call vpon him For the Rauen acknowledgeth not hir birds for hir owne as long as they bée callowe and therefore shée forsaketh thē but the Lord bicause they should not starue féedeth them with little wormes til they bée spoone fethered and then their damme commeth ageine and knowing them brings them vp The third The Turks assemble twice a day before dinner and before supper too desire the blissing of the Lord and wée chrysten folkes neglect it The fourth The Heathen men began their meales alwayes with sacrifice and inuocation although they could not call vpon God aright The fifth The church frō the beginning of the world begā with blissing whensoeuer it had occasion to vse Gods gifts For nothing was more rise amōg thē thā calling vpō God For by oure prayers wée bid God too our meales too whom bée honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen Vpon the .viij. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospel Math. vij BEvvare of false Prophetes vvhiche come vntoo you in Sheeps clothing but invvardly they are rauening VVolues Yee shall knovve them by their frutes Do mē gather Grapes of thornes Or Figges of thistles Euen so euery good tree bringeth foorth good frutes But a corrupt tree bringeth foorth euil frutes A good tree cannot bring foorth bad fruites neyther can a bad tree bring foorth good fruites Euery tree that bringeth not foorth good fruite is hevven dovvn and caste intoo the fire VVherefore by their fruites yee shall knovve them Not euery one that sayth vntoo mee Lord Lord shall enter intoo the kingdome of Heauen but hee that dooth the vvil of my Father vvhiche is in Heauen hee shall enter intoo the kingdome of Heauen The exposition of the text OF thys Gospell there were twoo causes One was the doctrine of our Lord Chryst whiche hée set foorth in the v.vj .vij. chapiters Another was the vanitie of false teachers among the Iewes who partely corrupted the doctrine of Moyses and the Prophetes and partely abolished it The Lorde therefore commaundeth all men bothe too learne the things that are arighte and too beware of the corruptions of false teachers And in this respect the Lorde who is the Phisition of mennes soules foloweth the maner of faithful Phisitians of the bodie For like as these after they haue ministred true Physicke doo teache what hurtefull things are too bée auoyded So the sonne of God our Sauior Phisitian dooth first and formost appoynt a wholsome medicine for the soule and afterward warneth what things are too bée eschued The effect of this gospell is this That as the false Prophets which are too bée knowne by their woorks are too bée shunned so true godlynesse consisteth not in the bare professing of religion but in true repentance and amēdment The places are thrée 1 A charge of eschuing false Prophets 2 A description of false Prophets 3 The forewarning of Chryst Not euery one that saith vntoo me Lord Lord shal enter intoo the kingdome of heauen but he that doth the wil of my father c. ¶ Of the firste BEvvare of false Prophets This charge of Chryste is vniuersall and perteyneth too all men wherefore it is too bée aduisedly weyed and borne away And in this charge thrée things are too bée considered Néedfulnesse Bond and Use. The néedfulnesse surely is muche greater than the cōmon sorte vnderstandeth For the Diuell the enemie of Chryst and of mankind dooth all that he can eyther too abolishe vtterly the kingdome of Christ or too deface it with stumbling blocks For the performance wherof he vseth diuers fetches according too his owne woont For either he laboreth too take the wholsome doctrine quite away as he hath doone in Turkey or else he endeuereth too corrupt it with his trash as he did in Paradise and at all times sithens or else he mangleth and misturneth the Sacraments as he hath doone in the papacie and many other places Or else he poysoneth the manners and liues of men with his venim Then he assaileth the Scripture and the sound Doctrine too the intent too obteyne at least wise one of these four things First too persuade vs that God regardeth vs not Secondly that wée should attempt somwhat ageinst our own vocation Thirdly that we
who being armed by Sathan at length slue his owne brother bicause hée was of an other religion than hée was of After him folowed many false Prophetes vntill the flud wherewith bothe the false teachers themselues and also their disciples were punished Anon after the floud Sathan sent false teachers ageine into the church which so wasted the Lordes vineyarde that the truthe of God remayned alonely with a few of the house of Sem. So also frō thencefoorth vntoo Chryste alwayes false teachers crepte intoo the Church most cōmonly they got intoo their hands the chéefe ordering of things as well in lay matters as matters of the Churche After Chrystes resurrection there came moe false Prophetes and at all times they were moste in number At length the Pope who is very Antichryste hathe sente out swarmes of heretickes and chéeflye Monkes whiche haue moste miserably torne Chrystes Church with false doctrine And at this day there bée false teachers euery where In conclusion where so euer Chryste layeth his good séede intoo the ground there by and by Sathan putteth too his séede of Darnel Therfore it is not for nothing that Chryste warneth vs too beware of false Prophets Wée know from whence false teachers come and whyther they goe Now that the greatenesse of the daunger may bée weyed I will reherse certeyne of their names First they are called by a general name false Prophets that is too say suche as séem too be teachers of the truthe hauing ordinarie succession authoritie and yet neuerthelesse are lyers as who in steade of true doctrine doo foyst in deuilishe lyes and mennes dreames of whiche sorte there were store in the papacie 2. Of Iohn the Apostle they bée called euill spirites as well for that they are sent by Sathan who is euill as also an occasion of euill of damnation vntoo many 3. Of Iude the Apostle they are termed Clouds without water like vntoo Caine Balaam and Chore. Woe be vntoo them sayth hée for they haue folowed the wayes of Cain are vtterly giuen too the error of Balaam for lukers sake and perishe in the treason of Chore. Fourthlye Paule calleth them Dogges bothe bicause they teare Gods woord and also bicause they scare Chrystes shéepe from his shéepefolde Fifthlye they bée called euill woorkemen bicause they woorke amisse and the ende of their laboure is bothe the destruction of them selues and the damnation of those that giue eare vntoo them Sixthly The Apostle Iohn calleth them Antichrystes not bicause they denie Chryste but bycause they peruert Chrystes doctrin and are ageinst Chryst in their life Seuenthly Paul calleth them enimies of Christes crosse bycause they impute not the begynning meane and ende of Saluation vntoo Chrystes merite alone In this Gospell they are called woolues but yet masking in shéepes clothing that is too say pretending themselues too bée made men where as that notwithstanding they lyke woolues leape priu●lie into Chrysts fold tearing and killing Chrysts shéepe with false doctrine and counterfeyt holynesse But what is the outwarde countenaunce of false teachers They come sayth Chryst in sheepes clothing The Lorde in this place speaketh not generally of all euill teachers but onely of one kinde For there bée some that teache well and liue amisse and some that teach amisse and liue amisse and other some that teache amisse and séeme too liue well Of this thirde kinde of Prophets the Lorde speaketh héere For by them is greatest danger What is their desire That dooth Chryste set foorthe in a trimme image When he termeth them Woolues For as the desire of the Woolfe is first too scare the shéepe from the folde then too harrie them intoo the wooddes and thirdlye too deuoure them and destroy them Euen so the false Prophets endeuer by their wile too withdraw the shéep that is too say the godly and weake persons from the true church and too driue them intoo the wyldernesse where is no foode of Gods woorde too the intent they may get the masterie of them and at the length murther not so muche their bodies as their soules Howe true this it Turkey beareth wytnesse whiche is deceyued by their false Prophet Mahomet So doothe the papacie plunged in errour by the Antichriste of Rome So do many nations whiche are ledde awaye in horrible outrages by the Libertines and Anabaptistes But thou sayst How can I that am a rude and ignorant person discerne in this varietie of opinions who bée the true techers who hée the false Too the intent wée may discerne and iudge the shepherd from the woolfe Chryst sheweth vs the marks of the woolf he draweth out the false teachers in their proper colors They come to you saith he in sheeps clothing If a man looke but vpon their outward visor he wold take them for most holy men or rather for angelles of God But if yée plucke off their visours yée shall fynde them woolues first for that their voyce is not lyke Chrysts voyce yea rather with a strange noyse they scare away Chrysts shéepe from their shéepfold intoo the wildernesse too the intent they may kil mens consciences and destroy their soules And this is one marke Besides this hée addeth an other when he sayeth Yee shal knovv them by their frutes Héere thou must bée well aduysed that thou take not the leaues for the frute An euill trée hath now and then beautiful leaues and agein● A good trée oftentimes hath plentifull frute but leaues not altoogether so fayre too sée too But what are the true frutes of Prophets They are thrée worshipping doctrine and maners comformable too the doctrine The true Prophete hath his maner of worshipping his doctrine and his manners according too the prescript woord of God The false prophet hath a manner of worshipping deuised by men a doctrine of mens traditions and manners too outwarde shewe honest howbéeit sauouring altogither of hipocrisie ¶ Of the third NOt euery one that sayth too mee Lorde Lorde shall enter intoo the kingdome of heauen but he that dooth the vvil of my father vvhich is in heauen he shall enter intoo the kingdome of heauen This saying of the Lorde conteyneth two lessons One concerning them that shal bée damned and an other concerning them that shall bée saued And he speaketh of them that are in the outwarde felowship of the Churche for of the others there is no dout but they bée damned But who are they that be damned They are those that glorie of Chryst and do not the will of the heauenly father Who are those They that brag of Fayth which they haue not that is too wit which professe fayth without repentaunce and godly life These dooth Christ pronounce too bée da●●ed and no maruell at all For such persons sinne horribly First they sinne in lying bycause they lie vntoo God Secondly in dooing reproche bicause they abuse Chrystes bloud whiche was shedde for vs. Therefore let vs not folow the outrages of lustes and tirannie but let vs
things in order concerning well dooing First I will recite the causes whereby wée ought too bée stirred vp too do well Then will I entreat of the frutes therof and lastly of the manner of well dooing according too certeyn rules God in his law séemeth too set foorth a great reason when he sayth Loue thy neyghbour as thy selfe As if he had sayd This is one reason why wée ought too loue one an other for that mā is next neybour vntoo man Of whiche loue there is a moste goodly example set foorthe in the Samaritan whiche was so carefull and diligente ouer the man that had falne among théeues One man therfore ought too doo well by an other bycause man is neyghboure vntoo man and that in twoo respects First in respect of creation for one self same God created vs all now wée sée how greate kyndnesse ther is in manye liuing things whiche healpe and cherishe one an other wyth mutual dutyfulnesse as is too bée séene in the Storkes 2. Man is neyghbour too man in respect of likenesse For all men are made too the lykenesse of God and haue all one nature of manhood 3. Man is neyghbour too man by reason of conuersation of lyfe and humane felowship And these thrée respects of neyghbourhod are common too vs not only wyth all Chrystians but also wyth all men in the world as bothe Heathen and Iewes Howbéeit a Christian is neyghbour too a Chrystian first in respect of the mysticall body For all wée that beléeue in Chryst haue put on Chryst and wée are his members he is our head and wée liue al by one selfe same spirit of Chryste Surely this respect of neybourhod ought of dutie too stir vs vp too doo good one too another If wée thought earnestly vpō this societie and mystical coniunction of vs al in one body then vndoutedly like as the hande playeth y e seruaunt too all the rest of our members and in likewise euery member vntoo other so wée also by reason of this mysticall coniunction in our body should séeke too doo good one to an other 2. A christian is neyghbor too a christian in respect of regeneration or new birth wherby wée are born a new y e children of God the father Therfore séeing that brothers of one womb doo serue one an others turne in this life much more becometh it vs so too doo who cal vppon God the father of vs all saying Our father which art in heauen 3. A christian is neybor too a christian in respect of oure calling For wée bée called too the vnitie of spirite in the bonde of peace Ephes. 4. 4. A Chrystian is neyghbour too a Chrystian in respect of the glorie too come For all of vs by fayth doo looke for one selfe same glorie of immortalitie where wée shalbée felowes toogither euerlastingly praysing God with one mynde Thus much concerning the causes of mutual well dooing among men But what are the ende thereof There bée foure chéefe First Gods glorie This endes should of duetie put the children of God in mynd too doo good 2. The reléefe of our néedy neyghbour whoo is our owne flesh 3. Example wherby others may hée edified and prouoked too like wel dooing 4. The reward For Chryst sayeth He that giueth a draught of water too one of my disciples in my name shall not lose his rewarde Howbéeit forasmuch as a question may bée asked concerning the maner of wel dooing I will adde somwhat also concerning the same Salomō in the fift of the prouerbes sayth Drink the water of thyne owne wel and of the ryuers that run out of thyne owne spryng Let thy welles flowe out abrode that there may bée ryuers of waters in the stréetes but let them bée only thyne owne and not straungers wyth thée Héere he knitteth thrée things toogither First● that a man should enioy his owne goods secondely that hée shoulde bestowe part vpon others and thirdly that he should bée master of his owne goods and not lashe out all in one day Too bée shorte Gods woorde faith and charitie are the certeynest rules that can bée But of this matter more shal bée spoken when wée come too entreate of the vse of riches ¶ Of the thirde THe children of this vvorlde are vvyser in their kynde than the children of lyght This is a most gréeuous complaint that the children of this worlde are wyser in their kynde than the children of lyghte That is too wit worldely men are more carefull in getting temporall goods which perteyn onely too this presente lyfe and that continuyng but a very shorte tyme than Christians are carefull for the gettyng of heauenly goodes which shall endure for euer Surely thys blindnesse is lamentable The body is regarded and the soule is neglected Who séeth not how true this saying of Chrysts is Shew mée a husbandman that is not more carefull in gathering goodes and fynding his householde than some Christian is too get the treasures of heauen The marchaunt man sayleth the sea is in hazarde of many dangers oftentymes suffreth great losse and endureth colde and heat and that not for one houre one day or one yéere but all hys lyfe long only too scrape toogither earthly possessions But the Christen man can scarce fynde in his hart too tarrie out one houre too héere Gods woord or too bée present at the distribution of the Sacraments They spend many houres in toyes and tales but they can not fynde one houres leysure no nor scarce a minute of an houre too call vppon God and too talke with Iesus Chryst in prayer But what are the causes of this blindnesse They are chéefly twoo The one whiche is also a cause of other inconueniences is the corruption of mans nature whiche maketh a man more forewarde too euill than too good The other cause of this blyndenesse is for that earthly goodes are sensible and therefore doo moue the mynde more strongly for a good thyng mooueth not vnlesse it bée knowen Whervppon Austin wée maye loue thinges vnséene but things vnknowne wée can not loue Nowe sensible things are more known than spirituall things bycause sensible things are knowne by experience where as spirituall thynges are knowne onely by Fayth What is too bée doone then Wée muste endeuer too abound in knowledge of heauenly thinges too the intent wée maye also abound in the féeling of them And therfore Paule wisheth too the Phillippians that they maye abounde in all knowledge and vnderstanding too this ende that they maye bée pure and without offence vntoo the day of Chryste ¶ Of the fourth MAke y●e freends of the vvicked Mammon that vvhen yee shall haue neede they may receyue you intoo euerlasting habitations It is called the wicked Mammon or the Mammon of vnryghtuousnesse eyther for that riches are prouocations vntoo euill or bycause riches are false and deceytful For they cannot bée called the Mammon of iniquitie because they are wrongfully gotten For almesse done of goods wrongfully gotten pleaseth not God
Pharisie who thought himself godly and rightuous and was not so maketh vs a Prayer too knowe an Hypocrite by Contrariwise the silie Publicane casting himselfe flat before God and acknowledging his own vnclennesse and yet neuerthelesse fléeing vntoo mercy dooth by his exāple set foorth a forme of true and healthful prayer The places are thrée 1 Of the rightuousnesse of the Law and of the fondnesse of the Pharisie 2 Of Christen rightuousnesse and of true repentance 3 Chrystes iudgement concerning the Pharisie and the Publicane ¶ Of the firste HE sayde too certeine vvhiche had an opinion of themselues that they vvere ryghtuous Héere I must néedes speake of the rightuousnesse of the Lawe what is it and what is the vse end and prerogatiue of it For thereby wée shall vnderstand how farre the Pharisies are wide from the true rightuousnesse What is the rightuousnesse of the Lawe It is a perfecte obedience of all our members inwarde and outwarde vntoo Gods lawe of the harte the affections the will the mouth and ▪ bréeflye of all the powers and abilities as well of the bodie as the minde whiche obedience it behoueth too be not at startes but continuall not vayne but perfecte and full not stayned but pure and chaste suche as mighte haue bin performed by Adam before his fall and suche as is performed by the holye Angelles in Heauen That the rightuousnesse of the Law ought too bée suche a one bothe Moyses and Chryst doo teache in these woords Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD with all thy harte with all thy soule with all thy strengthe and with all thy power and thy neyghboure as thy selfe Moreouer forasmuche as hée is pure holy chaste nothing can please him but that whiche is pure holye and chaste And they that fulfill this rightuousnesse they onely haue the promisse of the Law For thus sayeth Moyses The man that dooth these things shall liue in thē No man Chryst onely excepted didde euer performe this perfecte and continuall obedience suche as the Lawe requireth Wherefore all they ▪ that thynke them selues ryghtuous wyth thys rightuousnesse of the law are not only blinde and arrogant but also blasphemous ageinst the law of GOD which they measure by their owne slender skill and not by the voyce of GOD. That none is able too fulfil the law of GOD I haue declared a late and will now bréefly bring the same too oure remembrance ageine Firste oure members bothe inwarde and outward wherwith wée should execute obedience to the Lawe are mangled and corrupted with a certeine horrible outrage so as they are able too doo nothing aryght Agein the Law of sinne as a moste stoute Gyant grypeth our limmes euen after that wée bée borne a newe that wée cannot performe what we woulde Héereuppon S. Paule cryeth oute O vnhappy man that I am who shall deliuer mée from this bodye subiecte too Death And in another place Too will is present with mée but too performe I finde not in my selfe Also I doo not the good that I would doo but the euill whiche I would not doo that doo I. Thus the regenerate haue a forewarde will but they are destitute of ablenesse too performe that which they would so importunate is our houshold enimie withdrawing vs from that whiche is good What shall wée saye then of them whose will is not yet reformed suche as all they bée that are not regenerate Too the furtherance héereof also maketh it that the Law of God is spirituall but wée are carnall For thus hathe Paule béeing at that time a faythfull Chrystian sayd The Law is spirituall but I am carnall solde vnder sinne Héereby it is easie too sée that wée are not able to performe due obedience too the law For how is it possible that flesh should performe spirituall rightuousnesse I alledged many and sundry other reasons not long agoe whereby I shewed that no man in this life is able too yéeld perfect and ful obedience too the Law What is too bée doone then Héere thou shalt firste heare the voyce of the Lawe What sayeth hée Curssed is hée that continueth not in all the things that are written in the book of the Lawe Héere thou hearest the sentence of the Lawe Let this saying of the lawe humble thée before God and vtterly cast thée downe that thou maist acknowledge both the filthinesse of thy sinne and thy iust damnation What is too bée doone héer Are we able too eschue the cursse of the lawe Thou art not able of thine owne power Wherefore thou must eyther perish or else séeke a remedie ageinst this damnation of the lawe but other remedie surely there is none than only Iesus Chryst who purposely came into the world too take vppon himselfe the curse of the lawe and too delyuer all that beléeue on him from the power of the lawe that is from damnation which the law threatneth too those y t transgresse it Therefore this cursse extendeth it selfe too all men that héere not Chryst nor are clothed with his rightuousnesses that they may appéere apparelled therewith in the sight of God For Chryst is the end of the law too iustifie all that beléeue Rom. 10. These things haue I spoken concerning the rightuousnesse of the lawe too this intent that I might shewe how fond these Pharisies were which thought themselues rightuous and hilde scorne of others as vnholy and vnrightuous But what is the cause that this Pharisie and the rest of his rable thought themselues rightuous The cause was blindnesse For he was so blinde that he saw not the méening of the lawe yea rather he saw only the couering of the lawe and neuer looked into the brest of the lawe according as the text of this gospel sufficiently declareth For he sayth I thanke thee that I am not as other men extortioners vniust adulterers or as this Publicane He had séene the letter of the law then but not the spirit that is he stacke only in the outward woorks but he considered not the spirituall méening which the law requireth How bée it too the intent these things may be set the playner before our eyes let vs sée first what maner of woorkes this Pharisies were Secondly Let vs lay them too the law of God Thirdly let vs gather therby what wanted in him And fourthly let vs sée of how many sinnes he was founde giltie and cast by the lawe though he vaunted himselfe rightuous before men The woorkes of this Pharisie were faithlesse procéeding of méere misbeléefe and pryde Now in as much as the scripture saieth plainely without faith it is impossible too please God who is so madde as too call this outwarde visor rightuousnesse Let vs lay his woorkes that he bosteth of too the woord of God The lawe requireth pure obedience This man out of his most vncleane hart draweth slaunders ageinst God and his neighboure The lawe commaundeth him too loue his neighboure He accuseth him yea and that before the iudgement seate of God
onely Carnally only Chryste was séene of the greatest parte of the Iewish nation which neuerthelesse was damned Therfore the séeing of Chryst in the flesh onely dooth not of it selfe profit too saluation but rather furthereth too greater damnation Herode saw Chryste so did Pilate likewise so did Iudas Cayphas and many other vngodly persons whose damnation teacheth vs that too sée Chryst outwardly in the flesh auayleth not too saluation if there go not true faith in Christ with it Chryst was séen in the flesh and in the spirit at once toogither of the wise men of Marie of Simeon Zacharie Zacheus the Apostles and many others whose séeing turned too their soule helth bicause they not only beheld Chryste with their outwarde eyes but also with the eyes of their harte Whiche thing is manifestly séen in that woman whiche for washing Chrystes féete with hir teares wiping them with the hear of hir head heard Chryst say vntoo hir that hir sinnes were forgiuen hir for the faiths sake whiche shée had in him Of this séeing chéefly speaketh our Lord in this place when he sayth Many Prophets and Kinges haue longed too see that you see and haue not seene In spirite onely doo all they sée Chryste whiche beléeue in him for so dooth Chryst him self interprete it when he saith As Moyses lift vp the Serpent in the wildernesse So must the sonne of man bée exalted that all whiche beléeue in him may not perishe but haue life euer●asting After this sort did Abel sée Chryste in his sacrifice so did Abraham of whome Chryst beareth recorde saying Abraham sawe my day and was glad So sée we Chryst at this day as many of vs as beléeue in him Now that they whiche sée Chryst in this wise are blissed this saying of our Lord vntoo Thomas testifieth Blissed are they that beléeue and sée not For we sée him in the Gospel where he appéereth face too face vntoo vs that we should be transformed intoo the likenesse of him Hithertoo concerning the first maner of séeing Chryst and the partes of the same after which maner hée is séene in this world Now foloweth the other maner of séeing which is in the glory too come where we shall sée him moste perfectlie bée delighted with euerlasting gladnesse enioying the moste pleasant and comfortable beholding of him But wherfore dooth hée auouch those too bée happy that sée Chryst First for that Chryste is the woorde of life without which there is no saluation too bée looked for For this woord of life deliuereth the beléeuers from eternall death For like as he that séeth not Chryste and specially with the eyes of faith abideth in prison and vnder the power of the Diuell euen so he that séeth Chryst ouercommeth the world and all euils according too this of Iohn This is the victorie that ouercommeth the world euen your faith But doo we not sée many godly men too be in yl case in this life and too be put too moste gréeuous punishement I answere Yet are they blissed for the sequele of the matter For there shall be a moste ioyfull deliueraunce from all euils wherewith the godly are oppressed in this life And therefore Christe saythe in Mathew Blissed are those that mourne for they shal receiue comfort ¶ Of the second A Certeine Lavvyer stood vp tempting him and saying Master vvhat shall I doo too haue euerlasting life Iesus ansvvered Thou shalt loue the Lord thy GOD. And as it is written in Mathew if thou wilte enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Too the intent we may vnderstande this answere of Chryste aright it is too bée noted that there are two kindes of men with whom Chryst hath too doo For some are Hipocrites and some repent in good earnest The Hipocrites béeing proude and swelling throughe opinion of their owne rightuousnesse think them selues too haue no néed of Chryst and therfore they persecute him one while by tempting him another while by slaundering his doctrine and sometime by open violence When suche as these bée doo séeke the way of saluation he poynteth them too the lawe and saythe If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundementes But those that fall vntoo repentaunce and séeke the way of saluation at Chrystes hand are not sent by Chryste vntoo the law and too Moyses but he taketh them too him self and biddeth them beléeue on him Which thing whē they do he graūteth ouer his owne rightuousnesse vntoo them that they should not be subiect too the curse of the law Wée wil make this more apparant by examples The Pharisie of whom wée heard a late séemed rightuous vntoo him self but he was pronounced vnrightuous by Chryste bicause he had not the rightuousnesse of the law whiche he made his bragges of Contrariwise the Publicane that broughte his sinnes intoo the Temple with him whiche hée there bewayled fléeing too the mercy of God went his way home iustified And in as much as he was iustified and made rightuous he was also made an heir of eternal life In Mathew the lawyer asketh Christe the question saying what shall I doo too get eternall life and Chryste answereth If thou wilt enter intoo life kéepe the commaundements Contrariwise the wretched théefe being a sinner repenteth vpon the Crosse and calleth vpon Chryste by faith too whom Chryst sayth This day shalt thou bée with mée in Paradise that is too wit in euerlasting lyfe In this Gospel cōmeth also a Doctor of the law too tempt the Lord sayth what shall I doo too possesse eternal life Too whom our Lord answereth Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God thy neighbor as thy self which is all one as if hée sayd if thou wilt enter intoo life kéep the commaundements But too the sinfull womā Luk. 7. he saith Thy faith hath made thée whole And so Chryst dealeth with twoo kindes of men according too the diuersitie of whom hée sheweth the right way vntoo heauen Why sheweth he the way by y e law sith no man was euer able too come too heauen by y e way Bicause it is the straightest way too heauen according too this The man that doth these things shall liue by them This way therfore doth Chryst shew too them that hold scorn of him For whosoeuer despiseth Chryst eyther hée shall die for euer or else fulfill the lawe which is impossible for him too doo Agein there is another way to heauen which is open too those only that beléeue in Chryst who is the way intoo heauen ¶ Of the thirde THou shalt loue the Lord thy God vvith all thy vvhole hart vvith all thy vvhole soule vvith all thy vvhole povver and vvith all thy vvhole thoughte and thy neighboure as thy selfe This is a summe of Gods lawe and an abridgement of the ten commaundements In both of these commaundementes there are foure things too bée considered First the affection that is required too bée in man towardes God and his neighbour 2. The obiect namely God and
the neighbour 3. The causes of obedience that is too say of louing God and oure neighboure 4. The maner of louing 1 The affection that the Lawe requireth is louingnesse which can not please vnlesse it bée pure voyd of hypocrisie For nothing can please God which is painted bicause hée is voyd of all paynting and is holy pure and vncorrupted 2 The obiectes that is too wit the things whereabout the affection of louing must bée occupied are God and oure neighbour 3 The causes of louing God and our neighboure are set downe in the commaundement For God is too bée loued bicause hée is our God and Lord and our neyghbour is too bée loued bicause hée is our neighboure 4 The maner of louing is expressed also For God is too bée loued with all the whole heart with all the whole soule and with all the whole thought and a mannnes neighbour is too be loued as a man loueth himself Howbeit the things that wée haue touched bréefly must bée expounded more at large Loue or charitie in general is an entier affection embracing a thing with fréendly and harty good will in suche wyse as the mynd burneth in desire of it wisheth most wel vntoo it This charitie is of twoo sortes the one of God towardes the creature and the other of the creature towards God and other things Ageine the loue of God towards his creatures is of twoo sortes One vniuersall wherewith he embraceth all his creatures susteyning and vpholding them that they may continue in their state This louingnesse is called also his vniuersall mercy Another is peculiar wherby God with the inward affection of his heart loueth his Churche ryght déerely in his sonne This moued him too giue his sonne according too this saying so God loued the world that he gaue his only begotten sonne This moueth him too giue the holy Ghost This moueth him too preserue the Churche Too bée short this louingnesse maketh him too giue himselfe whole too his Churche The thinking vpon this loue of God wyll comfort vs ageinst the sentence of the Lawe ageinst the bitternesse of the crosse and ageinst temptations at the instant of death Also this louingnesse of God causeth God too chastise his children and ageyne too heale them when hée hathe striken them I haue spoken of Gods loue towards his creatures Now foloweth concerning the loue of the creature toward God men and other things This charitie or loue is the entier affection wherwith man must loue God next God his neighbour as him self This loue of the creature therfore is of two sortes also One wherwith it fauoreth God another wherwith it fauoreth the neighbour Now that loue wherewith it becommeth vs too embrace creatures hath many degrées Of whiche the firste is that whereby wée loue our brethren that are knit vntoo vs by aliance of Chrystes spirite The second is that whereby we fauour those that are bounde vntoo vs by any aliance of the fleshe The third is that wherby wée loue others that are vnknowen vntoo vs. The fourth is that wherby wée endeuour too doo good too our enimies The fifth is that wherby wée fauour eche other creature according too the degrée of their woorthinesse Whiche are the causes of louing God or wherfore doo wée loue GOD. Although it may be sufficiently knowne by the commaundement yet notwithstanding I will repeate the causes more déepely and set eche of them seuerally by it selfe Therefore the loue of man towards God first is kindled by the remembrance of Gods benefites towards vs by thinking vpon the vnmeasurable loue that hée beareth vntoo vs ward Secondly it must bée encreased by the liuely féeling of Gods fauour towards vs whereof wée haue experience euery minute And thirdly it must bée excéedingly enflamed by hope and trust of the good things promised These causes are conteyned in these woordes Loue the Lorde thy God Hée is Lorde that is too say Defendor God that is too say Gouerner and Sauiour and Thine that thou shouldest looke for all good things at his hand Wée haue after a sorte what manner a thing the loue of God is wherwith man ought too loue God and therwithall wée haue séene the causes But what is the maner of louing In what manner and after what sorte must wée loue him That is expressed in the text by these woordes VVith all thy vvhole hart vvith all thy vvhole soule vvith all thy vvhole povver vvith all thy vvhole thought This woord vvhole signifieth thrée things which must go ioyntly with mans loue towards God First that the loue of men towardes God must be perfect secondly that it be pure and thirdly that it be continuall Then are they sayd too loue God with all their whole harte which perfectly purely cōtinually bear an earnest loue towards God so as they fear him onely trust in him only and repose their hope in him only Mē are said too loue God with all their whole soule when their wil is answerable in all things perfectly purely continually too his heauenly will Which thing we pray may take place when we say Thy wil be doone Hée is loued with al a mans whole power whē all the members inward and outward doo perfectly purely continually bend thē selues togither too obey and serue God He is loued with all a mans whole thought when there is no space too be found wherein God is not loued purely perfectly and holily This is the manner of louing God substancially which neuer was in any mā since Adams fal saue only in Christ albeit there be certeine slender beginnings of it in the regenerate Of whiche thing there be foure tokens First too prefer the obedience of God before all things in the world according too this He that loueth me wil kéep my commaundements and my father wil loue him Secondly too vse the holy Misteries reuerently in the fear of God Thirdly too allure others by our example too loue God Fourthly too loue our neighbour for Gods sake Where these foure things méet thou hast euident tokens of loue begone towards God whiche must from day too day take newe encreasement in the regenerate I haue spoken of the first poynt of the lawe that is of the loue toward GOD Now wil I speake of the second point that is too wit of louing our neighbours concerning whiche let these thrée things be obserued The causes of the loue the maner and the order The causes are twaine the one is cōmaundement and the other is nature bicause man is neighbour vntoo man The commaundement of God is that wée shuld one loue another Chryst also giueth this charge Loue yée one onother Too dysobey this commandement is a most heinous offence The other cause is nature soothly for that man is neighbour too man and that many wayes as in respect of creation in respect of resemblance in respect of regeneration in respect of the common life and in respect of the glorie too come
of the law which is openly proclaymed ageinst all that repent not that is ageinst all spirituall Lepres But what remedie is there ageinst this ghostly Leprosie It is not too bée cured by any cunning of man There is but only one Phisitian that can clense it which is Iesus Chryst. Too whō if the Lepre come and humble himselfe before him calling vpon him and crauing too bée healed This most skilful Phisitian wil by and by first with his own blud wash of the filth of this spiritual Leprosie and then with his spirituall oyle anoynt the infected limmes vntill they bée made ful whole Untoo him therfore must wée go on the féete of faith his medicine which is offered by the voyce of the Gospell is too bée receyued with the mouth of the hart that is too say with fayth Of him is too bée requested that effectuall Oyle wherwith the appaired powers strength are renued and great héede is too bée taken that wée fal not intoo this Leprosie ageine by loosing this helthfull medicine of Gods worde and this healthfull Oyle of the holy Ghost Which thing if wée doo the curing of vs will be the harder afterwarde For when any disease hath taken too déepe a roote it is a harder matter too heale it Of the second ASsoone as he savv them he said Go and shevv your selues too the preest Whom he had healed in their going away by his only becke thē sendeth hée too the préestes who though they were wicked and couetous yet did they serue in the ministerie ordeyned by God But why sendeth hée them too the Préests There were many and great causes The first was that hée might trie their faith whither they beléeued his word and his promisse For God is woont by diuers means too trie the stedfastnesse of his seruants in faith not too their hurt or hinderaunce but too the intent that their fayth béeing tryed and as it were fined in the fire of temptation maye become the purer So was the fayth of Abraham tryed when he was commaunded too go kil his onely begotten sonne So was the womans fayth of Syrophaenicia tryed and there bée manye other examples as of Iob Ioseph Dauid and all others The seconde is that by this his dooing hée may confirme the publike ministerie ordeyned by GOD. For the Préests had a commaundement too discerne and iudge of Leprosie too receiue intoo the open congregations suche as will bée throughly clensed excluding the others And if hée had doone otherwise hée mighte haue séemed too haue broken Moyses law which hée came not too break but too fulfil performe The third is bicause the lawe the Préesthood beare witnesse of Chryst according as hée sayth himself The law and the Prophets beare witnesse of mée For wheras the préests were commaunded too iudge of Leprosie and to take an offering for the clensing of the Lepre that was healed It was a figure of Chrystes power who cannot only iudge of Leprosie but also clense the same and that with the sacrifice of his owne bodie and with his owne precious bloud The fourth is that the préests might lern by that miracle that the true Messias was come For so Esay tolde them before that Chryste shoulde shewe his presence by woonderful miracles among whiche this is reckened vp for one that hée should make the blinde too sée clense the Lepres Therfore when the préests had séene this heauenly miracle they shuld haue concluded vppon the Prophecie of Esay that Iesus the sonne of Mary was the true Messias promised in old time too the fathers specially sith the Prophesies cōcerning Chrysts comming did leuell all too this time The fifth is that the Préestes béeing by this miracle conuicted that Chryste the true Messias was come should sende their hearers and the people vntoo Chryst the moste skilful and cunning Phisitian bothe for bodie soule which thing they didde not leaste their owne gaine shoulde bée abated They haue many folowers now a dayes specially in the papacie The sixth is that these Lepres béeing receyued by the record of the Préests should shew their bountifulnesse toward God and the ordinarie ministerie Notw tstanding beside these true causes for which Chryst sent these Lepres too the Préests The Papistes haue forged another namely that wée shoulde shriue oure sinnes too the Préests numbring vp all our faults with all the circumstāces of them which surely is a thing vnpossible The Papists therfore doo wrest this text too a straunge sense with their allegorie doo make grinnes wherewithall the wretched consciences are horribly snarled And so of a moste comfortable Gospel they make a moste butcherly slaughterhouse of consciences What Is not priuate confession too bée reteyned Yes in déede but not in consideration of this Allegorie nor yet after the maner of the Papists whiche like Iudges exact the reckening vp of all a mannes sinnes and denie that ther is any remission if there bée not a ful rehearsal of all the sinnes which as Dauid witnesseth no man vnderstandeth muche lesse can hée then recken them vp But what is the cause why auricular confession is kepte stil in our Churches of Denmark For the commodities therof whiche are very many The first is that in this priuate talke the rude and ignorant may bée instructed which haue need too bée instructed in the Cathechisme The second is that in it striplings and yong men may bée tryed howe they profite For it is the duetie of a good shepeherd not only too teach godly doctrine openly but also his office requireth that after the example of Paule hée shoulde make a proofe of his hearers at home howe muche they haue profited in godlinesse For in this priuate cōmunication hée shall pricke foreward the slouthful as it were with a spurre hée shall commende the diligence of those that haue profited muche and encourage them too like continuance The third is that in this priuate conference an accounte of their fayth is required of those whose fayth and relygion may iustly bée doubted of The fourth is that in this talk the weak consciences are reléeued with doctrine counsel and comforte specially when they bée entangled with any scruple of conscience For suche persons doo wel by themselues if they get them too their shepherds that they may bée raysed and receiue comfort The fifth is although hée that beléeueth truely in Chryst is cléerely acquit from his sinne for where as sinne is a falling from Gods law and wil with a binding of the partie too euerlasting death and damnation out of doubt euery one is acquit that beléeueth the free promise according too this saying hée that beléeueth in the Sonne hathe euerlasting life whervpon it foloweth that true absolution is a deliuerance of the beléeuing man from his béeing bound too eternal death and damnation yet notwithstanding it is profitable for all men too heare the Gospell priuately also which béeing vttered by the mouth of the Minister declareth forgiuenesse
third is mixed of both The midlemost is not only lawfull but also néedefull and holy in somuch as he that hath it not can not bée reckened among the children of God The vngodly or the Heathenishe and wicked thoughtfulnesse and care is that which groweth of distrust and of the ignorance of Gods prouidēce This heathenish care is in the Gospell of this day condemned by the mouth of Gods owne Sonne and forbidden too the children of God by many reasons as wée shal sée afterward This vnholy and prohibited carefulnesse is sometime called the care of the fleshe partly bicause it procéedeth of the corrupt iudgement of the fleshe without faith and partly bicause it tendeth too a fleshly ende namely the ease and restinesse of this present life The carefulnesse which I saide was necessary godly and holy without which no man can bée accounted among the children of God is commended vntoo vs by testimonies of the scripture and many examples of holy men Rom. 12. It is saide Let him that ruleth doo it with diligence 1. Tim. 5. If there be any that careth not for his owne and specially for them that bée of his housholde he hath renounced the fayth and is worse than an infidell Abraham Isaac Iacob had a godly care for their housholde After that Ioseph had prophecied of the seuen plentifull yeres and of other seuen barren yeres that should folow those plentifull he tooke vpon him at Pharaos cōmaundement too care for the imployment of those seuen yeres store and prouision after a godly maner Daniel in Babylon and the godly kings and Prophetes among the people of God did not compasse so great matters without this godly care Paule 2. Cor. ●● Coloss. 2. 1. Thessal 2. vttereth his carefulnesse for the churche So doe kings for their realmes housholders for their housholds the ministers of the woord for their héerers the schoolemasters for their scholers too bée bréef al mē in their seueral vocatiō may haue or rather ought too haue this holy care if they will execute their dutie accordingly But too y e intent this holy and néedefull care bée not steined with any vice it is too bée knowne that fiue things are required thervntoo Of which the first is Gods commaundement For the godly mind must take nothing in hand but by the cōmandemēt of god Honest therfore must that vocatiō bée wherof the care shal bée godly holy Agein that holy care must procéede of faith for without faith nothing can please God Thirdly forasmuche as if the Lord kéepe not the Citie they watch in vain that kéepe it prayer and thanksgiuing must go with it Prayer verely wherwith too desire gods helpe and thanksgiuing wherby too attribute our successe vntoo God and not too our owne wisdome or worthinesse For soothly it is y e best remedy y t can be ageinst the tēptation of hethenish thoughtfulnesse too flée vntoo God by earnest prayer Whiche thing Paule teacheth in the fourth chapter too the Philippians in these woords Bée carefull for nothing but in all things let your requests bée made known too God by prayer and entre●ance with thanksgiuing Fourthly our care must tend principally too the glory of God For although regard may be had too the welfare of our house yet the principall end must bée Gods glorie Fifthly if our care and trauell haue not so good successe as we would wish Let vs submit our selues to y e wil of God our father in true feare and lowlynesse according to the counsel of Peter saying Submit your selues vnder the mighty hande of God that he may exalt you in the time of exalting and caste all your care vppon him bicause he careth for you And Psalme 5. Cast thy care vppon the Lorde and he shall féede thée and he shall not suffer the iust man too bée tossed continually for euer The mixt care is that which in part ●éemeth godly and in part is conuinced or found too bée vngodly As when wée regard the things that perteine too our duetie whiche thing God requireth ernestly at our hands but yet through a certeine misdouting of Gods prouidence bred in vs by nature wée passe our ●ounds trayterously rush intoo Gods office As when a housholder bringeth vp his children aright and after a godly manner and looketh well too his housholde but so as ouer much fearefulnesse and sorow driueth him too impacience when his trauel care haue not successe according too his minde Therefore let the godly man cast this care vpon the Lord and doo his duetie lustely and not suffer his godly care too bée stayned with heathenishe distrust too the intent that hauing cast away this hethenish distrust and sorowfulnesse peace may continue with vs inwardly wée may bée more modeste and méeke towardes men wyth whom let vs serue al one God shaking of the yoke of Mammon and heathenishe carefulnesse Thus muche haue I sayed concerning the thrée kindes of carefulnesse too the intent we may know from whiche of them the Lord dissuadeth vs in this Gospell For he dissuadeth vs not from the godly holy carefulnesse suche as hée himselfe susteyned most of all men but from the vngodly hethenish care Now héer bée set in order six arguments by which is cōfirmed Gods prouidence care for vs. Wherupon is concluded y e heathenish care which procéedeth of wante of knowing Gods prouidence is too bée shaken off The first argument Is not the life more than meat and the bodie more than rayment That is if God haue giuē the greater thing wythout your care why shoulde hée not gyue that whiche is the lesser Then sith hée hath without your care giuen vs soule and bodie which are great things why shoulde hée not giue vs foode and rayment whereof these things haue néed that they may continue and not decaye specially séeing hée hath created all these things too our vse The second Look vpon the foules of the ayre vvhich nether sovve nor reape nor gather intoo their barnes that is too saye Your heauenly father féedeth the birds of the ayre which are far inferior vnto you if yée respect the degrée of woorthinesse why then should hée not féede you whom hée hathe created after his own likenesse With this argument dooth Dauid cōfort himselfe when hée sayeth Whiche giueth meate too the yoong Rauens that call vpon him The third VVhich of you by taking thought is able to make himself one cubit higher and vvherefore then take yee thought for your rayment As if hée had sayd Uaine is this thought of yours God giueth stature of the bodie without thy care and why shold hée not giue rayment without this thy heathenish distrust of god as though he refused to assist thée in thy labor The fourth Consider the Lilies of the field hovv they grovv The Lilies in the féeldes take their sappe of the earth according as God hath disposed before and they are so beautifully arayed as that Salomon in all his glory
health Like vntoo whome are the moste parte of those that are called by the name of Chrystians Chrystes forwardnesse is set foorth for vs too folowe who vpon euerie occasion that hée coulde catche holde on was earneste too enlarge the bounds of his kingdome For as by this iorney hée sheweth howe greatly hée thirsted mannes saluation so by his example hée commendeth vntoo vs diligence in his vocation Now foloweth the first part of this Gospel And beholde they brought vntoo him a man that vvas sicke of the Palsie lying in a bedde And Iesus seeyng their fayth sayde vntoo him that vvas sicke of the Palsie ▪ Bee of good cheere my sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee In this firste parte of the storie wée haue foure things whiche are néedefull too bée obserued The firste is the example of the bearers Secondlye the man him self that had the Palsie Thirdly the respect that Chryst had too the fayth of thē Fourthly how the man that had the Palsie was receyued of Chryst. As concerning those that bare him their fayth bewrayeth it self by tokens certeine which burneth in suche wise whersoeuer it is that no ashes can choke the flame of it This faith had they conceyued eyther by séeing him teache and heale others before or vpō the report that they had herd of Chrysts dooings The effect is that they had persuaded thē selues that hée woulde receiue them that were afflicted and heale them This liuely faith of these ●earers yéeldeth fiue folde frute of whiche the first is the confession of Chryst whome it was a harde rare matter too confesse among so many outragious enimies The seconde is in●ocation whiche can no more bée from true faith than heate can bée from fire For all the wisshes of the beléeuers whiche neuer cease are inuocations The thirde is valiantnesse of minde in that they hazarded their life for acknowledging of Chryste For the Pharisies Scribes and chéefe men of this people did persecute all those that gaue any honour vntoo Chryste The fourth is the loue of their neighbour whereby they fauoured their neighbours vnfeynedlye And the fifth is the paine and trouble that they took for the help of their neighbour For they not only beare him which was a point of charitie but also when they could not come the next way vntoo Chryst by reason of the throng they gate vp intoo the house top and let downe the diseased soule by the windbeams which déed was not voyd of dāger What learn wée by this Let vs euen in spite of the worlde cōfesse Chryst as these bearers did Let vs cal vpon him both for our selues for others Let vs put our selues in peril for y e truth of y e Gospel if néed so require Let vs loue our neighboure entirely not onely in affection but also in déede And let vs spare no paines if wée may doo them any good An other thing whiche I sayd was too bée obserued in this first part is the man himself that was diseased of the Palsie in whō are thrée things too bée marked His disease the cause of his disease and that hée wold bée caryed vntoo Chryst. His disease was the Palsie whiche is when one of a mans sides eyther the right side or the left loseth his féeling and natural mouing Surely a right gréeuous disease whereby y e whole vse of a mans bodie is hindered The cause of the disease was double Uniuersall which is originall sinne in all men And speciall whiche had his beginning eyther of disordered lyuing or else of some very sore disquietnesse of minde Nowe in that hée would bée borne vntoo Chryst it betokeneth that hée had fayth like as those had that did beare him Let vs also folowe this example of him that had the Palsie Let vs acknowledge as wel our inward as our outward disease let vs confesse our sinfulnesse and let vs suffer our selues too bée caryed vntoo Chryste as this man that had the Palsie did The thirde thing that I admonished you too consider in this first parte is that Chryste sawe the fayth of those men that is too witte of him that had the Palsie and of them that caryed him Whereby wée may learne these things First in what sorte Chryste is minded towardes vs. For hée is of the same minde towards vs that hée was towards the man that was sicke of the Palsie For the Lorde is no accepter of persons And secondlie that Chryst hath not an eye so muche too the greatnesse of our sinnes as too our fayth This fayth obteyneth of Chryst all things for the welfare both of the body and the soule And although I think this man that was sicke of the Palsie had some little sparke of fayth yet I will not striue ageinst it if any mā say that the bearers had the fayth and not the Palsie man For it is no straunge matter for corporall yea and for spirituall benefits too bée obteyned for the faith of other men For like as one man by his wisdome may make another man proue wise so he that beléeueth may by his faith obteine faith for other men Howbéeit like as no man is wise by another mannes wisdome but by his owne so no man is saued by another mans fayth but by his owne Héer then wée may learne both too pray for other folks that the grace of God may increase towards them and also too request others that they will commende vs too God with their prayers For the prayers of the godly is greatly auailable The fourth thing that I set foorth too bée lookt vntoo in this first parte is the manner how hée receyued this Palsie man whiche is expressed in these woordes Bee of good cheere my Sonne thy sinnes are forgiuen thee Héere let twoo things bée thorowly weyed The one is why hée receyued this Palsie man in suche wise and the other is the saying of Chryste in receyuing him This Palsie man séekes deliuerance from his bodilye disease and wherfore then sayth Chryst thy sinnes are forgiuē thée Undoubtedly there bée great and weightie causes The first is too teache vs that diseases are the rewarde of sinne as Paule sayth the reward of sin is death And Christ in the .5 of Iohn sayth vntoo one whom hée had healed behold thou art made whole beware thou sinne not héereafter least some worser thing befal thée 1. Cor. 11. for misusing y e Lordes supper vnreuerently many were dead many were weak The second is too teache vs where the healing of the body is too bée begon namely at the minde whose spottes muste first bée cleane wiped out before a man minister Phisick too the bodie Let vs therfore kéepe this order in curing oure diseases First let vs acknoweledge the disease Next let vs repent and desire forgiuenesse of our sinnes for Chrystes sake Then let vs in the feare of God and with thankesgiuing vse the ordinarie meanes of helpe and let vs acknoweledge the Phisitian too bée Gods minister who in Gods
too our purpose Particularitie is the restrayning of the largenesse of Chrysts benefites which are offered generally too all men vntoo a feawe And it is properly the occasion of falling which as well the wilfull as the weake do take by miswresting or by misvnderstanding the doctrine of Election and predestination Pastort Shepherds a name aptly applyed too the Ministers and Curates of Chrysts church wherby they are put in minde too féede their flockes with Gods woorde and Sacraments and good example of life Perplexitie anguish distresses according too our English prouerbe a pecke of troubles When men bée so snarled and entangled that they wote not which waye too winde them selues out or what way too turne them Pomp the countenancing of things in furniture and setting foorth too the outward showe Prefigurate couertly darkly or slightly too foretoken foreshew import shadow or represent a thing too come Preposterously aukly frowardly ouerthwartly vntowardly vndaftly setting the cart before the horses arsiuersie topsiteruie Priuation the vtter taking away voydance or beréeuing of a thing so as it haue no more being Prohibition a forbidding a forwarning a forfending a commaundement or lawe restrayning a man from dooing a thing Propiciation procurement of mercy forgiuenesse attonement and fauour Propiciatorie that whiche reconcileth or whiche purchaseth mercy forgiuenesse attonement and fauour Also it is put for the mercy seate Proposition a ground or foundation in a sentence or oration whervpon too builde dilate argue gather and conclude the matter Also it is sometime put for the full effect conteint purport and méening of a sentence or matter Purifie too purge too clense too make cleane too make pure too skowre R REgeneration or new birth is when by being washed outwardly by Baptim and clenzed inwardly from sinne by the woorking of the holy Ghoste wée are graffed intoo Chryste and made the children of God and heires of his heauenly kingdome Renegate is he that renounceth or forsaketh his profession as when a Protestant becommeth a Papist A Turncote Reprobate a castaway a forlorne person Also a frowarde peruerse wilfull and obstinate person such a one as is giuen vp too his own wickednesse and hardned in his wilfulnesse and so consequently past grace S SAcriledge is properly the stealing of Holy things or of things dedicated and appoynted too a holye vse or the stealing of things out of a holy or halowed place And so by a maner of spéech it is any spitefull or contemptuous fact doone too the derogation of Gods glorie or the breach of Religon and is as it were high treason too God Sanctifie too halow too make holy too kéepe holy whereof commeth Sanctification which is halowing making holy or holynesse As Chryst is our Sanctification that is to say Chryst is our holynesse or the thing that maketh vs holy Saluation soulehealth or rather perfect blisse heauenly ioy euerlasting welfare bothe of bodye and soule Or it is the cléere deliuerance and frée sauing of vs from sinne death hel the Diuel and damnation by Iesus Chryst. Satisfaction is a making of amends for misdéeds displesures or wrongs doone too the ful contentation of the partie that was gréeued Secular worldly of the world Societie felowship companie Solemnize too doo a thing with great pompe reuerence or deuotion Sincere pure cleane vncorrupt vnmingled vndefiled vnfeyned vnstayned voyde of guile voyde of craft swéet sound vpright T TAbernacle a Tent Hall or Pauilion such as men of war pitch in the fields too lie in Testimonies witnessings witnesse bearings recordes depositions Throne a Kings seate or chaire of estate a séege Royall Tumult vprore hurlyburly commotion insurrection Type a figure shadow signe tokē representation or Image of a thing too come V Vnite too make one thing of twoo or mo too cupple to knit too ioyne toogither Vocation or calling is that estate degrée or trade of life too which any man is allotted eyther by birth by commaundement of God by appoyntmente of the Magistrate by oportunitie of time or by necessitie FINIS It is too bée noted that the twoo miles mencioned in the .131 leafe of the first side and .22 line are dutch miles which make of our Englishe miles seauen miles and a halfe Also it is too bée noted that the authour of this woork deuideth the Table of the ten commaundements in suche wise as that hée putteth the fifth commaundement intoo the first Table vnder the name of the fourth and beginneth the seconde Table with the sixth commaundement whiche is of prohibiting murther which he accounteth as fifth in order procéeding after the same manner vntoo the last commaundement whiche hée deuideth intoo two commaundementes contrary too the vsuall order and accompt of our Church ¶ Imprinted at London by Henry Bynneman dwelling in Knightrider streete at the signe of the Marmayde for Lucas Harrison and George Byshop Anno Domini 1569. CVM PRIVILEGIO