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A65888 A sober expostulation with some of the clergy against their pretended convert Francis Bugg his repeated gross abuse of the people called Quakers, in his books and pamphlets, viz., his New Rome arrainged, History of Quakerism, Second summons, Picture of Quakerism, and other pamphlets which may serve to invalidate the authority of the snake in the grass, as it refers to his books. Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1697 (1697) Wing W1959; ESTC R20305 65,396 156

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particular our approved Writers in England as Sound in the Christian Faith as appears in his own Book Entituled A Serious Appeal c. Printed Anno 1692. If he will not stand to this but contradict himself against us we cannot help that F. B. may take him by the Hand and give him the Right Hand of Fellowship 26. That the Principles and Practices of the Quakers are contrary to those of the French Protestants and indeed to all other Christians p. 41. Note Here are two great Falshoods contain'd in this Charge and they are in general and indefinite Terms too for first as to those Principles of the French Protestants as Cited by F. Bugg himself p. 41 to 47. they Believe and Confess 1. That there is but one God only whose Being only is Simple Spiritual Eternal Invisible Immutable Insinite and Incomprehensible 2. That in that Divine Being there be the Father Son and Holy Ghost 3. That the Father is the First Cause in Order and the Beginning of all things the Son his Everlasting Word the Holy Ghost his Vertue Power and Efficacy 4. That tho' these Divine Three are distinct or distinguished i. e. as to their Relative Properties of Father Son and Holy Ghost yet not divided but of One and the Same Essence i. e. Being Eternity Power and Equality 5. That the Doctrine contained in the Holy Scriptures i. e. of the Old and New Testament proceeds from God from whom only and not from Men it derives its Authority and that all Matters necessarily required for the Worship of God and our Salvation are therein testified they say contained and therefore that 't is not lawful for Men or Angels to add unto take from or change this DOCTRINE i. e. the Doctrine necessary to God's Worship and our Salvation as they say 6. That God of his Rich Grace Mercy and Bounty delivers his Children through our Lord Jesus Christ i. e. from Sin and Condemnation 7. That Jesus Christ being the Wisdom and Eternal Son of God took upon him the Nature of Man so that he is God and Man but one Lord Jesus Christ and that he might be able to suffer in Soul and Body was made like unto us in all things Sin only excepted so that as to Man's Nature he was indeed of the Seed of Abraham and David Conceived in due time in the Womb of the Virgin Mary by the Secret and Incomprehensible Power of the Holy Ghost and that in one and the same Lord Jesus Christ his Two Natures i. e. as God and Man are inseparably united yet each retaining its distinct Properties so considering Christ in his Deity as not to deprive him of his Manhood we having one Mediator between God and Men even the Man Christ Jesus 8. That by that one Sacrifice which Jesus Christ Offered upon the Cross we are Reconciled unto God i. e. being Reconciled by his Death we who believe in him shall be saved by his Life Rom. 5. 9. That the Lord Jesus Christ by the Power and Spirit of God was Raised from the Dead to which I add That he ever lives in his own proper glorious Body in which he Ascended into Glory and wherein he is Head of his Mystical Body the Church which as united to him and his Glorious Body is One Body 1 Cor. 12. 12 20 27. Ephes. 1. 23. and 4. 4. and 5. 30. Phil. 3. 21. 10. That Jesus Christ is so conferred upon us as to be our Advocate with the Father and that he commandeth us in our Prayers to present our selves or Pray to the Father in his Name 11. That God will have the World Ruled and restrained by Laws and Civil Government and therefore he appointeth Kings and Common-wealths and other kinds of Principalities whether Hereditary or otherwise i. e. as it pleaseth him and also what pertaineth to the Ministration of Justice whereof he himself is the Author therefore hath he delivered the Sword i. e. of Justice into the Magistrates Hands c. 12. That also much Honour and Reverence ought to be given to them as unto God's Officers and due Obedience yielded unto their Laws and Tribute and Taxes paid and the Yoke of Subjection born if the Magistrates be Infidels so that the Soveraign Government of God be preserved Thus I have abstracted divers of the most material passages out of the Citation before of the French Protestants Confession of Faith which he has set forth an Abstract of quoting the first Volume of J. Quick's History Synod in Gal. Reform p. 6 to 15. Note that in the second and fourth Article the word Persons is left out and that for the more plainness a few Parenthesis's some beginning with i. e. are added and the ninth altered more into Scripture words in this Abstract which I am perswaded as they are sincerely owned by me may be freely owned assented unto and signed by most Quakers so call'd in England and elsewhere consequently so far from being contrary thereunto or to all other Christians either in Principles or Practices as F. B. has most falsly and slanderously Misrepresented and Aspersed them The Lord if it be his Will give him to see and confess his great Injustice and Injury before he Dies But a little further to pursue his base and false Dealing 27. F. B. again very abusively and falsly quotes E. Burrouogh's Works thus viz. About Water-Baptism p. 518. We utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God but it is an Institution of the Whore of Rome and England received it by a Popish Institution c. p. 44. Note Which base Perversion and Abuse is evidently Refuted in The Quakers Vindication p. 2. Col. 1 2. thus This is very partially and unjustly Cited and in the first words falsly for E. Burroughs's Answer in the very place is thus viz. As for Baptism and the Supper of the Lord we do own it and it is practised of us in the Life and Power of God but as for your Baptism that is to say SPRINKLING INFANTS calling it the Baptism into the Faith and that they are made Members of the Church thereby and that it is a Seal of Regeneration as you say these foregoing words Bugg leaves out that we do utterly deny and do say it is no Ordinance of God neither was it ever commanded by him or practised by his Saints c. thus F. B. before Cited E. B. But again Note Here he did not say that Water-Baptism without distinction is a Popish Institution but objected against Sprinkling Infants and calling it the Baptism into the Faith c. for he knew that Water Baptism it self was practised by John the Baptist by special Commission from Heaven peculiar to him and his Ministry and also in the Apostle's time by some of them long before the Pope was Wherefore F. Bugg's gross Perversion and Abuse in this and many other things too numerous now to recite are notorious and shameful the Lord the Righteous Judge to whom we commit our
Love of God to Mankind and that God blessed their i. e. the Quakers Meetings with the Comfortable Enjoyment of his Presence for many Years as F. B. has more fully declared for us in his Book stiled The Quakers Detected Printed 1686. Two Years after he had left our Communion and turned to the Church of England F. B. his Title of New Rome c. is a refuted Calumny unjustly cast upon the Protestant Subjects called Quakers Foxonian Quakers is a scornful Nick-name and no such distinction own'd by the said People His Charges of dangerous Errors and pernicious Principles tending to Overthrow the Christian Faith to obstruct the Jews Conversion to encourage MAHOMETISM and to pervert the right way of the Lord are also Perverse and Lying Aspersions and Calumnies which neither are nor can be proved by him or you his Abettors against the said People on due Examination besides his dubious Question on his own Charge renders him the more uncertain and questionable therein by his thereupon saying viz. Which whether so or no deserves the Examination and Consideration of the Christian Ministry of all Protestant Churches so short and dubious is he in his own Examination and Consideration tho' very loud clamorous and positive in his Charges wherein he does it seems but make work for others which he is never able to perform himself nor his Abettors Tending to Encourage Mahometism is a new as well as undue Charge what 's his pretended Reason or Proof for the same In his Preface to the Reader p. 2. His supposing That they do not believe Christ to be distinct from the Saints or from his Body the Church which he is Head of herein is a mistake yet this can be no proof of his Charges if by distinct from them be meant separate from them as may be rationally supposed for Christ and his Saints as to their Beings are distinct and not confounded yet not divided nor separated from each other in Spirit That they do not Pray in the Name of Jesus to God the Father thereby to own his Mediatorship is a notorious and publickly known Lie as Thousands can Testifie consequently far from proving his said Charges Nor make Confession of Sin to God in Prayer nor beg Pardon for the same are also two notorious Falshoods knowing that many who frequent our Meetings have great need of both sincere Confession Repentance and Pardon of Sin for Christ's sake and their own poor Souls But look at Christ within the Light within his Intercession within and so did all true Christian Believers who knew the Mystery of Christ in them who believed and walked in his Light and received the Spirit of the Son of God into their Hearts making Intercession and crying Abba Father We do not believe this to be any pernicious Principle either tending to Overthrow the Christian Faith or to Encourage Mahometism His Crucifixion within is not this to insinuate that they do not believe Christ Crucified without which is a perverse and injurious Falshood implied against them having often confessed Christ Crucified without on the Cross at Jerusalem as the Scripture testifies And if we should say that F. Bugg and such envious Apostates do Spiritually Crucifie Christ afresh unto and in themselves and put him to open shame by maliciously Reproaching his Truth and People this is not to deny his being Crucified without I cannot see any Mahometism from thence justly Chargeable upon us Neither does his following Objection prove us guilty thereof but himself very Ignorant of Christ and Christianity viz. Object Yet they have among them many good Exhortations and they own Christ to be the Word of God the Power of God the Wisdom of God will not this do Supposing they mean all to be within yea Heaven and Hell and all within c. Unto which F. B. the Framer of the Objection has Cited this for Answer viz. The Mahometans hold Abraham to be the Friend of God and Moses the Messenger of God and Christ the Breath of God and they Punish such as speak against Christ whose Religion was not say they taken away but mended by Mahomet Heylins Cosmog Lib. 3. p. 104. And our Saviour is called in their Alchoran The Word the Power the Soul and Strength of God c. Quoting the Lives of the Patriarchs Printed 1694. Answ. 1. The People called Quakers do utterly deny Mahometism 'T is not at all Concerned in their Principles or Religion being Christian and wholly Opposite to the Adoration of that Impostor Mahomot 2. They utterly deny that Christs Religion could be mended by Mahomet or any Man or Men else whatsoever 3. But if the Mahometans hold Abrham to be the Friend of God and Moses his Messenger and Christ the Breath the Word the Power the Soul and Strength of God and Quakers hold the same this can no more prove that their Principles and Doctrines tend to encourage Mahometism than that the Holy Apostles Doctrine did so for they held Christ to be the Word of God John 1. 1 John 5. 7. Rev. 19. The Power of God and the Wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1. 24. Yea The Life Strength and Arm of God and a Quickning Spirit also Isa. 53. 1 Cor. 15. Could this be to Encourage Mahometism No sure 'T were Blasphemy to Assert it The Mahometans hold many Truths out of the Law of Moses corruptly mixt with their Mahometan Imposture and so do many Idolaters Apostates and Antichrists in Christendom does it follow that because the Quakers own those Truths that therefore they are either Mahometans or Idolators c. 2. That 's no good Consequence and but ill Argued at this Rate F. Bugg may as well prove any true Christian to be of any Religion and himself also a gross Impostor because he holds some Truths which gross Imposters c. hold Neither can he Mahometize or Unchristian the Quakers by his False Supposition viz. If they do not come to this Result to own the same Jesus that was Born of the Virgin Crucified Dead Buried Rose again and in the sight of the Galileans Ascended into Heaven Seeing we do Sincerely and Frequently and Publickly own and confess the same Jesus both in Print and Publick Testimony as Thousands are Witnesses that we Confess Jesus Christ come in the Flesh Born of the Virgin Mary that he was the Word which took Flesh and Christ also a Spirit even a Quickning Spirit 1 John 1. 14. 1 Cor. 15. 45. But F. Bugg Falsly adds this more Possitive Charge viz. And Publickly Condemn their Books which Teach the Contrary Preface p. 2. And what 's contrary but that the Quakers disown the same Jesus that was Born of the Virgin Mary which is a Notorious Falshood and Calumny And therefore I Challenge him and you his Teachers Abettors and Congratulators to produce those Books of the Quakers with the Pages and Words wherein the same Jesus is so disowned otherwise for shame Retract and Condemn this his Abuse and Calumnious Aspersion He
Here are Four Falshoods in this Observation 1. That Is. Penington denies Jesus of Nazareth to be Christ we find not that denial in his Works 2. That he makes HIM BUT a Vail a Garment c. This is not so spoken by Is. Penington of Him i. e. the Intire Jesus of Nazareth or Son of God but of his Flesh which he took on him called the Vail by the Apostle himself Heb. 10. 20. wherein he does not call Jesus Christ himself but a Vail or Garment 3. That Is. Penington and G. W. mean that Jesus is only a Garment is a foul Perversion and never so intended by either 4. Or that they mean ' t was the Light that was therein that was Crucified and only is the Christ. This also is an absurd Consequence and Perversion for they mean that Christ was Crucified according to the Flesh that he was put to Death as concerning the Flesh 1 Pet. 3. 18. which his Spirit or Light within could not be therefore the one thing G. W. and Is. P. Intend or mean is neither to deny Jesus of Nazareth to be Christ nor that he is only a Garment as both are unjustly Charged and 't is to be observed how F. B's Friend George Keith has Contradicted and Confuted him in this very Charge in his Serious Appeal Printed but in 1692. against Cotton Mather p. 25 26. in these words viz. But because he cannot fix his false Charge upon me of denying Christ he Essayeth but with as ill Success to fix it upon my Brethren as Dear Isaac Penington whom I well knew to be a true Believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and whose Soul I believe is in Rest in Christ in Heavenly Glory And as to his words we can never call the bodily Garment Christ but that which appeared and dwelt in the Body It is easie to put a fair and charitable Construction on it as well as on Christ's words when he said He that hath seen me hath seen the Father and yet many saw Christ's Body of Flesh that never saw the Father But to clear this thing I. P. speaketh this in opposition to Socinians and others Tinctur'd with Socinian Principles as if the Manhood of Christ that was Born of the Virgin excluding the Eternal Word was the only and whole Christ whereas Christ was before his Body of Flesh therefore he is said to have come in the Flesh and to have taken Flesh and if we consider Christ as he was before the World was by whom all things were Created and in respect of his Godhead the Body was not that but the Garment of it when he assumed it But when we consider Christ as Man as every other Man hath both Soul and Body belonging to his Essential Constitution as Man so had Christ and still hath a most Glorious Soul and Body Observe now how Charitably and Plainly G. Keith hath Vindicated Is. Penington both contrary to F. Bugg's and Tho. Crisp's Calumnies and Abuses against him in this very Matter As to F. B's Railing and Scoffing at Womens Meetings p. 5. falsly Accusing G. Fox with assuming Divine Attributes to HIMSELF and the Quakers with Adoring him p. 6. These often repeated Calumnious Abuses are Answered and Refuted in these Answers to F. B. c. viz. 1. A Just Enquiry 2. A Charitable Essay 3. Innocency Triumphant 4. The Counterfeit Convert 5. The Quakers Vindication against F. Bugg ' s Calumnies 6. The Contentious Apostate and his Blow Refelled 7. The Contentious Apostate Recharged 8. The Quakers Answer 9. Innocency against Envy Some of which Answers are Sold by Tace Sowle and others by Thomas Northcott London F. B. has not given a fair Reply or Answer to any of them but for want of better Matter Reprints his old Refuted Stuff over and over Among those called Divine Attributes which he accuseth G. F. with assuming to himself are these viz. 1. Who is the Son of God 2. I was in the Paradice of God 3. That it was Christ the Eternal Power of God that spake in me at that time unto them 4. Pretended Miracles wrought in his own Name only Journ p. 371 374. 5. He that hath the same Spirit that raised up Jesus Christ is equal with God p. 5. Which with other pretended Instances partially and perversly pickt up this Mocker terms a few Instances of Blasphemy But 1. To the first If G. F. said Who is the Son of God which should rather have been a Son of God yet therein he did not say That he himself is the only begotten Son of God that Eminent Title belongs only to Christ for was not Adam called The Son of God Luke 3. 38. Was this then Blasphemy How Ignorant is this Mocker of Scripture Language 2. To the second It was no Blasphemy to say he was in the Paradice of God no more than to say he was a Man in Christ for so said Paul yet no Blasphemer 2 Cor 12. 3. It is no Blasphemy to say That Christ or the Spirit of Christ speaketh in or through his Ministers and Servants for both he and they so testified See Mat. 10. 19. 2 Cor. 13. 3. Mark 13. 11. Luke 12. 11. 4. 'T is a notorious Lie also That G. F. pretended Miracles wrought in his own Name only for he ascribed them not to himself but to the Power of God and his Motion to whom he frequently prayed for the Sick and Diseased upon which the Lord restored some to him therefore G. F. returned the Praise See his Journ p. 103 170 171 407. 5. The fifth Instance as 't is worded is disown'd and we do not believe that G. F. ever said this of himself but that he 's wrong'd herein See what G. Keith saith to it contrary to F. B. Serious Appeal contra Cotton p. 60. viz. And whereas he would in the Conclusion fix it upon G. F. that he thought himself Equal with God and that the Soul of Man was God or a part of him But seeing he bringeth not this from G. F. but from Faldo a most Partial and Envious Adversary it is not to be regarded and W. Penn hath sufficiently Vindicated G. F. and also G. F. hath cleared it in his Book that he did Witness both the Son and the Holy Spirit revealed in him who as he taketh notice by the Westminster Confessions Acknowledgment are Equal to God the Father What says F. B. to this Vindication The rest of his Aspersions are Answered in the aforesaid Answers As to the Account and severe Characters F. B. gives in the Quakers Name against False Ministers and Ministry p. 7 8. this he has scraped and patch'd up and printed and reiterated over and over in most of his Pamphlets against us and will needs have it that therein the Quakers reproach the Ministers of the Gospel Christ's Ministers p. 10. which we positively deny and 't is wholly without proof and what he cannot prove i. e. that we reproach Christ's Ministers in Testifying against
Salvation and Compleat Redemption which Christ Jesus has obtained for us i. e. for all Mankind thro' his Mediation and Sufferings 7. Our Really Believing and Confessing the Lord Jesus Christ his Passion Sufferings Death Atonement and Reconciliation made for us and his Resurrection Ascension and Glorification as without us according to Scripture cannot be to Allegorize all these away as if only transacted within us as we have been unduly Accused for they were really done and transacted without us by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ tho' our true Knowledge of the Power of his Resurrection and Fellowship of his Sufferings and our being Conformable to his Death must be Experienced within us if ever we Live or Reign with Him 8. We sincerely Prefer and Esteem the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament contain'd in that Excellent Book commonly called the Bible as most Eminently Confirmed by Divine Authority and Faithful Witnesses before all other Books whatsoever extant in the World and yet our preferring the Holy Spirit from whence the Scripture came before the Letter of the Scripture is not to undervalue the Scripture for the Spirit must needs have the Preference and Preheminence as being the Author and Original Cause and Dictator of the Holy Scriptures and Giver of Light and Life also whereby truly to understand them and to live accordingly 9. As for Baptism and the Lord's Supper they are Scripturally considered by us in their several Dispensations both as in the Figure and in the Substance in the Type and Antitype as the Outward or Literal were Typical or Figurative of the Inward and Spiritual we confess and own considered in their Places and proper Dispensations but the Substance is more Excellent and Permanent than the Shadow as the Inward and Spiritual Grace is more Excellent than the Outward and Visible Signs and as Christ's Spiritual Baptism which is the Saving Baptism was Typified by John's And to Eat and Drink or Sup with Christ in his Kingdom of that Spiritual Meat and Drink which he gives for Life to the Soul was Typified or Figured forth by his Outward Supper of the Passover Bread and Cup for the Outward Element of Water cannot wash away Sin from the Soul neither can the Outward Bread or Cup give Life or Nourishment to the Soul The Shadows flee away but the Sum and Substance remain 10. We sincerely Believe and have often Confessed the Immortality of the Soul of Man that was Created in God's Image and the Doctrine of the Resurrection of the Dead according as laid down in Holy Scripture 1 Cor. 15th Chapter and of Eternal Judgment by Jesus Christ as being Judge of the Living and of the Dead in the Great and Last Day of Judgment at the Great Harvest which is the End of the World God having appointed a Day wherein he will Raise the Dead both the Just and Unjust and also Judge the World in Righteousness by that Heavenly and most Glorious Man Christ Jesus whom he hath Ordained Acts 17. 31. before whose Tribunal-Seat all must appear to Receive their Final Judgment and Sentence according to their Deeds done in the Body whether they be Good or Evil. 11. That Christ's Gospel Ministry must be free without forced Maintenance filthy Lucre or Covetousness 12. That Magistracy or Civil Government is God's Ordinance the Good Ends thereof being for the Punishment of Evil Doers and Praise of them that do Well These Things we Sincerely Believe and Own but to do F. Bugg Right we find not that he has Charged us in the Tenth Particular about the Resurrection though some other Apostates have And we know no other Doctrine or Principle Preached Maintained or Received among or by Us since we were a People contrary to these before-mentioned nor do we Own any contrary thereunto Signed in Behalf of the said People and to Clear my own Innocency in Particular By G. Whitehead A Brief Advertisement to the Impartial Reader upon Francis Bugg's last Book falsly Stil'd The Picture of Quakerism Drawn to the Life THat it may appear that as to Matter of Doctrine and divers other things contain'd in the said Book he has frequently Repeated and Impos'd the same Notorious Calumnies and Perversions Unjustly upon the People called Quakers with other Abuses which in the foregoing Treatise and other of our Books in Answer to him have been and are fully Detected please to take a Brief Catalogue of some of his Notorious Calumnies Lies and Abuses with short Notes on them as followeth 1. In his Dedication to the Bishops of the Church of England whom he flatters thus viz. My Lords I have not leisure to trace them i. e. the Quakers in all their By-paths from the very beginning of their Rise and to shew how they branched forth from the Seeds of the Ranters Levellers and other Latitudinarians Observe pray herein he Imposeth a Nototious and Scandalous Falshood upon the Bishops it being well known that the said People call'd Quakers as to their Rise sprung and branched forth from and out of Religious Families of the Puritans so called and of the most sincere among those called Independent Anabaptist and Presbyterian Churches and Families and others and not from the Seeds of Ranters as he has grosly defamed them thereby Abusing both Bishops and other Readers 2. Their Contempt of the Scripture as Beastly Wares p. 2. Calling them Beastly Ware p. 42. That the Quakers have Condemn'd the Holy Scriptures p. 48. That our Teachers tell us that the Scriptures are Dust Death Beastly Ware c. p. 61. That their Chief Work in their Meetings as well as Writings was to lower the Power of the Magistrates Reproach the Ministers c. and the Bible Beastly Ware c. p. 97. He further saith I know if I had recommended the Scriptures ye would have rejected them as Serpents Meat Beastly Ware your frequent Epithets p. 121. And Beastly Ware again p. 125. Hist. Obs. Thus he still shamefully Abuses the Readers Bishops and others by these most gross repeated Blasphemous Calumnies manifestly Detected both in the foregoing Expostulation and other Answers to him So that he shamefully pleases himself with frequent Repetition of his old stinking loathsom Stuff to defame the Quakers 3. That possibly our Women learn'd of my self i. e. of G. W. to call the Scriptures Dust Death Beastly Ware c. p. 122. Obs. My Conscience bears me Witness he hath suggested a horrid Calumny against me herein having had a high and reverend Esteem for the Holy Scriptures from my Youth upwards 4. That they i. e. the Quakers sprung out of the Dregs of the People as Ranters c. Obs. Both which are Abusive Aspersions before Detected Query Didst thou F.B. spring out of the Dregs of the People as Ranters when first thou turnedst Quaker For shame for shame leave off such sordid Stuff 5. That the Quakers deny Christ and that their Doctrine teacheth to deny him to be Christ who was Born of the Virgin and