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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10708 The. holie. Bible. conteynyng the olde Testament and the newe.; Bible. English. Bishops'. Parker, Matthew, 1504-1575. 1568 (1568) STC 2099; ESTC S122070 2,551,629 1,586

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Christe and his Apostles in Iudea Samaria and Galilee for into these three partes this lande is deuided ¶ The places specified in this mappe with their situation by the obseruation of the degrees concerning their length and breadth Ascalon 65.24 23.31 Azot 65.35 32. Bethlehem 65.55 31.51 Bethphage 68. 31.58 Bethsaida 66.51 32.29 Bethabara 66.34 32.1 Bethania 66. 31.58 Cana of Galilee 66.52 32.48 Capernaum 66.53 32.29 Catmel mount 66.31 32.50 Cesarea Stratonis 66.16 32.25 Cesarea Philippi 67.39 33.5 Chorazim 66.53 32.29 Dan one of the fountaines whence Iordane springeth 67.25 33.8 Ennon 66.40 32.18 Emaus 65.54 31.59 Ephren 66.8 32. Gadara or Gazara 66.48 32.23 Gaza 65.10 31.40 Iericho 66.10 32.1 Hierusalem 66. 31.55 Ioppe 65.40 32.5 Ior the other fountaine whence Iordane springeth 67.31 33.7 Magdalon called also Dalmanutha 66.48 32.28 Naim 66.35 32.33 Nazareth 66.56 32.42 Ptolemais 66.50 32.58 Samaria the citie 66.22 32.19 Sidon 67.15 33.30 Silo 66.27 32.19 Tyrus 67. 33.20 Tyberias 66.44 32.26 HONY SOIT QVI MAL Y PENCE ¶ The newe Testament of our sauiour Iesus Christe I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christe because it is the power of God vnto saluation to all that beleue Rom. i. A preface into the newe Testament 〈…〉 Christ Apostle● ▪ and with other such 〈…〉 vnto vs the sum● at 〈…〉 the s● 〈…〉 that whiche was 〈…〉 〈…〉 and ●phetes in their propheticall volumes written by the inspiration 〈…〉 in this booke more playnely and 〈…〉 out ▪ vtterd 〈…〉 selfe same sp●nt by the children of the prophetes the holy Apostle● In deede the 〈◊〉 was geuen by Moyses but grace and veritie came by Iesus Christe whiche grace this booke of the newe Testament doth most euidently commende and set out In th● discoursed the wholy misterie of our saluation and redemption purchased by our 〈◊〉 our Christe here is his holy conception described his natiuitie his circumcision ▪ 〈◊〉 whole life and conuersation his godly doctrine ▪ his diuine miracles In this booke of the newe Testament is set out his death his resurrection his ascention his sending of the holy spirite his session in our fleshe on the right hande of his father making ●nuall intercession to him for vs. In this booke contayned the fourme and ord●r of his last iudgement after the generall resurrection of our bodyes These be the 〈…〉 of our fayth these be the groundes of our saluation these be thu● written that we shoulde beleue them ▪ and by our beliefe shoulde enioy life euerlasting Once and in tymes past God diuersly and many vvayes spake vnto the father ▪ by the prophete● but in these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs vpon vvhom the endes of the vvorlde be come by his ovvne sonne vvhom he hath made heire of all thinge vvhose dignitie is suche that he is the brightnesse of his fathers glory the very image of his substaunce ruling all thinges by the vvorde of his povver This heauenly doctour so indued vvith glory and maiestie ▪ vve ought most reuerently to beleue as commended vnto vs from the aucthoritie of the heauenly father to be hearde as his most vvelbeloued sonne in vvhom is his vvhole delight by vvhom he vvyll be pleased and pacified It vvyll els come to passe saith that prophete Moyses that vvhosoeuer shall not here and obay that prophete in the vvordes that he shall speake in his fathers name I vvill be saith the father reuenger of him This is the last prophete to be looked for to speake vnto vs In hym be vniuersally inclosed the riches and treasures o● the vvisdome and knovvledge of God his father by him he hath decreed finally to iudge the vvhole vvorlde the liuing and the dead ▪ by him hath he decreed to geue to his elect the life euerlasting and to the reprobate vvho hath contempned his life and doctrine death euerlasting Let vs therfore seriously heare and obay this our heauenly teacher submit our selues to this our iudge and revvarder Let v● esteeme his doctrine and conuersation as a ful perfect and sufficient patterne of al holyne● and vertue Let vs esteeme the doctrine of this booke as a most inflexible rule to leade vs to all trueth and nevvnesse of life Here may vve beholde the eternall legacies of the nevve Testament bequeathed from God the father in Christe his sonne to all his elect●● ▪ I say the legacies liuely renevved vnto vs not of deliueraunce from Pharao his seruitude but from the bondage and thraldome of that perpetuall aduersarie of ours the deuill here may vve beholde our inheritaunce not of the temporall lande of Chanaan or of the translation of vs to the place of vvorldly paradise but here vve may see the full restitution of vs both in body and soule to the celestiall paradise the heauenly citie of Hierusalem aboue there to raigne vvith God the father God the sonne and God the holy ghost for euer ▪ vvhiche legacies of his Testament promised and bequeathed vvere notvvithstanding recorded in the bookes of the olde Testament to our auncient fathers vvhiche in hope beleued in Christe to come vvho vvas painted before them in figures and shadovves and signified in their olde sacramentes ordayned for that tyme but novve more euidently renevved and exhibited vnto vs ▪ not in figure ▪ but in deede not in promise but in open sight ▪ in feeling in handling and touching of this eternall life most manifestly confirmed vnto vs in Christe his blood in this his nevve Testament continued and reuiued yet in nevve sacramentes the better to beare in our remembraunce this his eternall Testament of all ioyfull felicities Let vs novve therefore good christian people reioyce in these glad tidinges expressed vnto vs by the name of the gospell of our sauiour Christe and let it neuer fall out of our remembraunce that vve vvere sometime ouervvhelmed in darkenesse and set in the shadovve of death let vs consider that vve vvere sometime by our naturall byrth the chyldren of God his vvrath and vvholly estraunged from the housholde of God Let vs beare in minde that vve vvere somtime no people of God nor his beloued that vve vvere by nature braunches of the vvilde oliue and novve by mere mercy grafted into the right and naturall oliue tree vvhervpon let vs the rather repose our life in feare and reuerence If vve be novve the chyldren of light let vs vvalke in this our light in all holynesse and godlynesse of 〈◊〉 approuing that vvhiche is pleasing to the Lorde Let vs haue no felovvship vvith the vnfruitfull vvorkes of darknesse and let vs hencefoorth be no more chyldren vvauering and caried about vvith euery vvinde of doctrine and by the deceipt and craftinesse of men vvherby they lay in vvayte to deceaue vs but let vs folovve the trueth in loue and charitie and in al thinges grovve vp into him vvhich is the head that is Christe our sauiour If vve be novve the chyldren of grace and made liuely members
into Egypt neither to farre ouer the other lest we be caryed away to Babylon Let vs not syng the song of our Lorde in a straunge lande that is to say let vs not dispute the worde of God at all aduentures aswell where it is not to be reasoned as where it is and aswell in the eares of them that be not fyt therfore as of them that be If we can in no wyse forbeare but that we must needes dispute let vs forbeare thus much at the least to do it out of tyme and place conuenient And let vs entreate of those thynges which be holy holyly and vpon those thynges that be misticall mistically and not to vtter the deuine misteries in the eares vnworthy to heare them but let vs knowe what is comely aswell in our scilence and talkyng as in our garmentes wearyng in our feedyng in our gesture in our goynges in all our other behauyng This contention and debates about scriptures and doubtes therof specially when such as do pretende to be the fauourers and studentes therof can not agree within them selues doth most hurt to our selues and to the furtheryng of the cause and quarrels that we woulde haue furthered aboue all other thinges And we in this saith he be not vnlike to them that being mad set their owne houses on fire and that slay their owne children or beate their owne parentes I maruayle much saith he to recount wherof commeth all this desire of vayne glorie wherof commeth all this tongue itche that we haue so much delyght to talke and clatter And wherin is our communication Not in the commendation of vertuous and good deedes of hospitalitie of loue betwene christian brother and brother of loue betwene man and wyfe of virginitie and chastitie and of almes towarde the poore Not in psalmes and godly songes not in lamentyng for our sinnes not in repressyng the affections of the body not in prayers to God We talke of scripture but in the meane tyme we subdue not our fleshe by fastyng watchyng and weepyng we make not this lyfe a meditation of death we do not striue to be lordes ouer our appetites and affections we go not about to pull downe our proude and hygh myndes to abate our fumishe and rancorous stomackes to restrayne our lustes and bodyly delectations our vndiscrete sorowes our lasciuious mirth our inordinate lokyng our insatiable hearyng of vanities our speakyng without measure our inconuenient thoughtes and briefly to refourme our lyfe and maners but all our holinesse consisteth in talkyng And we pardon eche other from all good lyuyng so that we may sticke fast together in argumentation as though there were no mo wayes to heauen but this alone the way of speculation and knowledge as they take it but in very deede it is rather the way of superfluous contention and sophistication Hitherto haue I recited the mynde of Gregorie Nazianzene in that booke whiche I spake of before The same aucthour sayth also in an other place that the learnyng of a christian man ought to begyn of the feare of God to ende in matters of hye speculation and not contraryly to begyn with speculation and to ende in feare For speculation saith he either hye cunnyng or knowledge yf it be not stayed with the bridle of feare to offende God is daungerous and inough to tumble a man headlong downe the hyll Therfore saith he the feare of God must be the first begynnyng and as it were an A.B.C. or an introduction to all them that shall enter into the very true and most fruitful knowledge of holy scriptures Where as is the feare of God there is saith he the kepyng of the commaundementes and where as is the kepyng of the commaundementes there is the clensyng of the fleshe which fleshe is a cloude before the soules eye and suffereth it not purely to see the beame of the heauenly lyght Where as is the clensyng of the fleshe there is the illumination of the holy ghost the ende of all our desires and the very lyght wherby the veritie of scriptures is seene and perceaued This is the mynde and almost the wordes of Gregorie Nazianzene doctour of the Greeke Churche of whom saint Ierome saith that vnto his tyme the latine Churche had no writer able to be compared and to make an euen matche with hym Therfore to conclude this latter part euery man that commeth to the readyng of this holy booke ought to bryng with hym first and formost this feare of almightie God and then next a firme and stable purpose to refourme his owne selfe accordyng thervnto and so to continue proceede and prosper from tyme to tyme shewyng hym selfe to be a sober fruitfull hearer and learner which yf he do he shall proue at the length well able to teache though not with his mouth yet with his lyuyng and good example which is sure the most liuely and effectuous fourme and maner of teachyng He that otherwise intermedleth with this booke let hym be assured that once he shall make a count therfore when he shall haue sayde to hym as it is written in the prophete Dauid Peccatòri dicit deus c. Vnto the vngodly sayde God Why doest thou preache my lawes and takest my testament in thy mouth Wheras thou hatest to be refourmed and hast ben partaker with adulterers Thou hast let thy mouth speake wickednesse and with thy tongue thou hast set foorth deceipt Thou sattest and spakest agaynst thy brother and hast slaundered thyne owne mothers sonne These thynges hast thou done and I helde my tongue and thou thoughtest wickedly that I am euen such a one as thy selfe But I wyll reproue thee and set before thee the thynges that thou hast done O consider this ye that forget God lest I plucke you away and there be none to deliuer you Who so offereth me thankes and prayse he honoureth me and to hym that ordereth his conuersation ryght wyll I shewe the saluation of God ¶ Prayse be to God The yeres from the ●reation of the worlde ¶ A description of the yeres from the Creation of the worlde vntill this present yere of 1568. drawen for the most part out of the holy Scripture with declaration of certayne places wherin is certayne difference of the reckening of the yeres 1948. WE recken from Adam vntill the flood a thousand sixe hundred fiftie and sixe yeres Genesis 5. and .6 and from the flood vntill Abraham .292 yeres Genesis .11 23●8 From Abraham vntill Isahac a hundred yeres Gen. 17. From Isahac vntyl Iacob sixtie Gen. 25. And frō Iacob to Ioseph 90. yeres Ioseph liued afterward .110 yeres Gen 50. 2448. From the death of Ioseph vntyl Moyses there is according to Philo sixtie yeres And from Moyses till the departure of the children of Israel out of Egypt .80 yeres Actes 7. 2520. The people remayned in the wildernesse .40 yeres Deu. 29. And then were brought into the land of Chanaan by Iosuah who was gouernour ouer the said
they be seperated from the holy thinges of the children of Israel and that they pollute not my holy name in those thinges whiche they halowe vnto me I am the Lorde 3 Say vnto them Whosoeuer he be of all your seede among your generations after you that goeth vnto the holy thinges whiche the chyldren of Israel halowe vnto the Lorde hauing his vncleannes vpon hym that soule shall be cut of from out of my sight I am the Lorde 4 What man soeuer of the seede of Aaron is a leper or hath a running issue he shall not eate of the holy thinges vntyll he be cleane And who so toucheth any man that is vncleane by reason of a dead body or a man whose seede runneth from hym in his sleepe 5 Or whosoeuer toucheth any creeping thyng whereby he may be made vncleane or a man of whom he may take vncleannes whatsoeuer vncleannes he hath 6 The same soule that hath touched any suche shal be vncleane vntyll euen and shall not eate of the holy thynges vntyll he haue washed his fleshe with water 7 And when the sunne is downe he shal be cleane and shall afterwarde eate of the holy thynges forasmuche as it is his foode 8 Of a beast that dyeth alone or is rent with wylde beastes wherby he may be defiled he shall not eate I am the Lorde 9 Let them kepe therefore myne ordinaunce lest they for the same lade sinne vpon them and dye for it if they defile it I the Lorde sanctifie them 10 There shall no straunger eate of the holy thing neither a ghest of y e priestes neither shall an hyred seruaunt eate of the holy thyng 11 But if the priest bye any soule with money he shall eate of it like as he that is borne in his house they shall eate of his meate 12 If the priestes daughter also be maried vnto a staunger she may not eate of the halowed heaue offeringes 13 Notwithstanding if y e priestes daughter be a wydowe or deuorsed and haue no chylde but is returned vnto her fathers house agayne she shall eate of her fathers meate aswell as she dyd it in her youth But there shall no straunger eate therof 14 If a man eate of the holy thyng vnwittingly he shal put the fifth part thervnto and geue it vnto the priest with the halowed thyng 15 And the priestes shall not defile the holy thynges of the chyldren of Israel whiche they offer vnto the Lorde 16 To lade them selues with misdoyng and trespasse while they eate their holy thinges for I the Lorde do halowe them 17 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying ' 18 Speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes and vnto all the children of Israel and say vnto them Whatsoeuer he be of the house of Israel or straunger in Israel that wyll offer his sacrifice for all his vowes and for all his freewyll offeringes whiche they wyll offer vnto the Lorde for a burnt offering 19 Ye shall offer at your pleasure a male without blemishe of the beefes of the sheepe or of the goates 20 But whatsoeuer hath a blemishe that shall ye not offer for it shal not be acceptable for you 21 And whosoeuer bryngeth a peace offering vnto the Lorde to accomplyshe his vowe or a freewyll offering in beefes or sheepe it shal be perfite to be accepted there shal be also no blemishe therein 22 Blynde or broken or lame or hauyng a wen or skuruie or scabbed ye shall not offer suche vnto the Lorde nor put a burnt offering of any suche vpon the aulter vnto the Lorde 23 A bullocke or a sheepe that hath any member superfluous or lackyng mayest thou offer for a freewyll offering but for a vowe it shall not be accepted 24 Ye shall not offer vnto the Lord that which is brused or crusshed or broken or cut away neither shal you make any offeryng therof in your lande 25 Neither of a straungers hande shall ye offer the bread of your God of any such because their corruption is in thē and they haue deformitie in thēselues and therfore shall they not be accepted for you ' 26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying 27 When a bullocke or a sheepe or a goate is brought foorth it shal be seuen dayes vnder the damme And from the eyght day and thencefoorth it shal be accepted for a burnt sacrifice vnto the Lorde 28 And whether it be cowe or ewe ye shall not kyll it and her young both in one day 29 When ye wyll offer a thanke offeryng ' vnto the Lorde offer it wyllyngly ' 30 And the same day it must be eaten vp so that ye leaue none of it vntyll the morowe I am the Lorde 31 Therfore shall ye kepe my cōmaundementes ' and do them I am the Lorde ' 32 Neither shal ye pollute my holy name but I wyll be halowed among the children of Israel I am the Lorde which halowe you 33 And that brought you out of the lande of Egypt to be your God I am the Lorde ' The xxiii Chapter ' 2 Of the holy dayes 3 Of the Sabboth 5 The Passouer 6 The feast of vnleauened bread 10 The feast of the first fruites 16 Whitsontide 24 The feast of blowyng trumpettes 34 The feast of tabernacles ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto thē The feastes of the Lorde which ye shall call holy conuocations euen these are my feastes 3 Sixe dayes ye shall worke but the seuenth day is the Sabboth of rest an holy cōuocation so that ye do no worke therin it is the Sabboth of the Lorde in all your dwellynges 4 These are the feastes of the Lorde euen holy conuocations which ye shall proclayme in their seasons ' 5 In the fourteenth day of the first moneth ' at euen is the Lordes Passouer 6 And on the fifteenth day of the same moneth is the feast of vnleauened bread vnto the Lorde seuen dayes ye must eate vnleauened bread 7 In the first day ye shall haue an holy conuocation ye shal do no seruile worke therin 8 But ye shall offer sacrifices made by fire vnto the Lorde throughout these seuen dayes and in the seuenth day is an holy conuocation ye shall do no seruile worke therin ' 9 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying 10 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say vnto them When ye be come into the lande which I geue vnto you and reape downe the haruest therof ye shall bryng a sheafe of the first fruites of your haruest vnto the priest 11 Which shall waue the sheafe before the Lorde to be accepted for you and euen the morowe after the Sabboth the priest shall waue it 12 And ye shall offer that day when ye waue the sheafe an hee lambe without blemishe of a yere olde for a burnt offeryng vnto the Lorde 13 And the meate offeryng therof shal be made of two tenth
voyce and sayde vnto them Ye men of Iurie and all ye that dwell at Hierusalem be this knowen vnto you and with your eares heare my wordes 15 For these are not drunken as ye suppose seeyng it is but the thirde houre of the day 16 But this is that which was spoken by the prophete Ioel 17 And it shal be in the last dayes sayth God of my spirite I wyll powre out vpon all fleshe And your sonnes and your daughters shall prophesie and your young men shall see visions and your olde men shall dreame dreames 18 And on my seruauntes and on my handemaydens I wyll powre out of my spirite in those dayes and they shall prophesie 19 And I wyll shewe wonders in heauen aboue and tokens in the earth beneath blood and fyre and the vapour of smoke 20 The Sunne shal be turned into darknesse and the Moone into blood before that great and notable day of the Lord come 21 And it shall come to passe that whosoeuer shall call on the name of the Lorde shal be saued ☜ 22 ☞ Ye men of Israel heare these wordes Iesus of Nazareth a man approued of God among you with miracles wonders and signes which God dyd by hym in the middes of you as ye your selues also knowe 23 Hym haue ye taken by the handes of vnryghteous persons after he was deliuered by the determinate councell and foreknowledge of God and haue crucified and slayne hym 24 Whom God hath raised vp and loosed the sorowes of death because it was vnpossible that he shoulde be holden of it 25 For Dauid speaketh of hym I sawe the Lorde alwayes set foorth before my face for he is on my ryght hande that I shoulde not be moued 26 Therfore dyd my heart reioyce and my tongue was glad Moreouer also my fleshe shall reste in hope 27 Because thou wylt not leaue my soule in hell neither wylt thou suffer thyne holy one to see corruption 28 Thou hast shewed me the wayes of lyfe thou shalt make me full of ioy with thy countenaunce ☜ 29 Ye men and brethren let me freely speake vnto you of the patriarke Dauid For he is both dead and buryed and his sepulchre remayneth with vs vnto this day 30 Therfore seeyng he was a prophete and knewe that God had sworne with an oth to hym that Christe as concernyng the fleshe should come of the fruite of his loynes should syt on his seate 31 He knowyng this before spake of the resurrection of Christe that his soule shoulde not be left in hell neither his fleshe shoulde see corruption 32 This Iesus hath God raysed vp wherof we all are witnesses 33 Then sence that he by the ryght hande of God was exalted and hath receaued of the father the promise of the holy ghost he hath shed foorth this which ye nowe see and heare 34 For Dauid is not ascended into heauē but he sayeth The Lorde sayde to my Lorde syt thou on my ryght 35 Vntill I make thy foes thy footstoole 36 Therfore let all the house of Israel know for a suretie that God hath made that same Iesus whom ye haue crucified Lorde and Christe 37 Nowe when they hearde this they were pricked in their heartes and sayde vnto Peter vnto the other Apostles Ye men brethren what shall we do 38 Then Peter sayde vnto them Repent and be baptized euery one of you in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of sinnes and ye shall receaue the gyft of the holy ghost 39 For the promise was made vnto you and to your chyldren and to all that are a farre of euen as many as the Lorde our God shall call 40 And with many other wordes bare he witnesse and exhorted them saying Saue your selues from this vntowarde generation 41 Then they that gladly receaued his worde were baptized And the same day there were added vnto them about three thousand● soules 42 And they continued stedfastly in the Apostles doctrine and felowship and in breakyng of bread and in prayers 43 And feare came vpon euery soule And many wonders and signes were done by the Apostles 44 And all that beleued kept them selues together and had all thynges common 45 And solde their possessions goodes and parted them to all men as euery man had neede 46 And they continued dayly with one accorde in the temple and brake bread from house to house and dyd eate their meate together with gladnesse and singlenesse of heart 47 Praysyng God had fauour with all the people And the Lorde added to the Churche dayly such as should be saued ¶ The .iij. Chapter ¶ 7 The halt is restored to his feete 12 Peter preacheth Christe vnto the people 1 NOwe Peter and Iohn went vp together into the temple at the nynth houre of prayer 2 And a certayne man that was lame from his mothers wombe was brought whom they layde dayly at the gate of the temple which is called beawtifull to aske almes of them that entred into the temple 3 When he sawe Peter and Iohn that they woulde go into the temple he desired to receaue an almes 4 And Peter fastenyng his eyes vpon hym with Iohn sayde Loke on vs. 5 And he gaue heede vnto thē trustyng to receaue somethyng of them 6 Then sayde Peter Syluer and golde haue I none but such as I haue geue I thee In the name of Iesus Christe of Nazareth ryse vp and walke 7 And he toke hym by the ryght hande and lyft hym vp And immediatly his feete and ancle bones receaued strength 8 And he sprang stoode and walked and entred with them into the temple walkyng and leaping praysyng God 9 And all the people sawe hym walke and prayse God 10 And they knewe hym that it was he which sate and begged at the beawtifull gate of the temple And they wondred and were sore astonyed at that which had happened vnto hym 11 And as the lame which was healed helde Peter and Iohn all the people ran amased vnto them in the porche that is called Solomons 12 And when Peter sawe that he aunswered vnto the people ☞ Ye men of Israel why maruayle ye at this or why loke ye so on vs as though by our owne power or godlynesse we had made this man to go 13 The God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Iacob the God of our fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus whom ye betrayed and denyed in the presence of Pilate when he had iudged hym to be loosed 14 But ye denyed the holy and iust and desired a murtherer to be geuen you 15 And kylled the Lorde of lyfe whom God hath raysed from the dead of the which we are witnesses 16 And his name through the fayth in his name hath made this man sounde whom ye see and knowe And the fayth which is by hym hath geuen to this man health in the presence of you all 17 And nowe
Legales as it were where christes lawes be expressed and conteyneth 4. bokes or Gospelles Matthaewe Who principally treateth of the actes of Christe of his humanitie of his death resurrection and assention Chapters 28. Marke Wherin chiefly is treated the fortitude of Christe and doth repeate most thinges of Matthewe Chapters 16. Luke Which speaketh chiefly of the annunciation of the blessed virgin and Christes actes death and resurrection Chapters 24. Iohn In whom Christes diuinitie is chiefly shewed and other actes of his diuine power Chapters 21. Historical shewyng the actes deedes of y e Apostles and is one booke Act. of Apo. Wherin S. Luke declareth the sendyng of the holy ghost after his visible assention into heauen of the actes of the Apostles especially of Paul wherin is also set out as it were the young age of the Churche in her first grouth Chapters 28. Sapiētial be named these wherin the wisdome of Christ is expressed by examples preceptes of godly lyuing geuen by his Apostles be bookes 21. Romanes Wherin Paul doth reuoke the Romanes from the errours of the Gentiles declaryng the order of their iustification what shoulde proceede and what should folowe their iustification Chapters 16. Corinth 1 Wherin he doth call backe some that were deceaued of false Apostles Philosophers by their eloquence some which were deceaued by the iudaicall obseruation of the lawe he calleth them backe to true faith and to the wisdome of God Chapters 16. 2 Wherin Paul vpon their conuersion and repentaunce prayseth and comforteth them Chapters 13. Galath Wherin Paul calleth home agayne such as were deceaued by false prophetes that they shoulde returne backe to the lawe and to their ceremonies and wylleth them to come agayne to the true faith of the Gospell Chapters 6. Ephesians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Ephesians which did persist constantly in the faith of the Gospell receaued Chapters 6. Philippians Wherin the Apostle prayseth the Philippians for that after they had receaued the worde of trueth they did not receaue the false Apostles Chapters 4. Colossians Wherin Paul blameth the Colossians for that they were reduced by the false Apostles and exhorteth them to returne to the veritie of the Gospell Chapters 4. Thessalonians 1 Wherin he doth commende the Thessalonians which receauyng the worde of trueth though they suffered persecution of their owne kinrede yet they did persist in the faith nor woulde receaue the false Apostles Chapters 5. 2 Wherin the Apostle instructeth them of the last tymes of the commyng and of the persecution of antechrist of his aduauncement and ouerthrowe Chapters 3. Timoth. 1 Wherin Paul instructeth him of the order and office of Bishops and Deacons and of all ecclesiasticall discipline Chapters 6. 2 Wherin Paul doth exhort him to the crowne of martirdome and doth infourme him of all the rules of the catholike veritie and what shal be done in the last dayes and of his owne sufferyng Chapters 4. Legales also Titus Wherin Paul doth instruct Titus his disciple of the constitutyng and ordering of priestes or elders of all spirituall conuersation and of the eschewing of heretikes Chapters 3. Philemon Wherin the Apostle commendeth Philemon of his faith to Christe and of his charitie to the godly and he prayeth him to deale gentlye with Onesimus his seruaunt and to entertayne him friendly Chapter 1. Hebre. Wherin the Apostle sheweth the weakenesse and the abolishment of Moyses lawe and the perfection of the doctrine of the Gospell and that Christ is true God and man and a mediatour betweene God and man Chapters 13. Iames. Wherin Iames geueth exhortation vnto patient sufferyng and that there is no exception of persons before God and doth also open the hurtes that come by an euyl tongue he forbiddeth warres and discentions he rebuketh the riche that be vncharitable and doth stirre men to vertue Chap. 5. Peter 1 Wherin Peter geueth thankes vnto God which by the death of his sonne did mercifully saue all mankinde and doth instruct to good life diuers states of men Chapters 5. 2 In which the Apostle induceth the beleuers to holde the true faith he doth note and condempne the falsenesse of heretikes and doth describe the seconde commyng of Christe Chapters 3. Iohn 1 In which saint Iohn doth testifie of the worde of trueth and life exhortyng men to confesse their sinnes affirmyng that we haue Iesus Christe an aduocate with the father disswadyng men from the loue of the worlde and perswadyng them to loue God and their neighbours Chapters 5. 2 Wherin he commendeth the elect Lady and her sonnes and doth exhorte them to brotherly loue and doth admonishe them to eschewe heretikes Chapter 1. 3 In this he prayseth the godlinesse of his beloued Gaius which he extended vnto straungers and he doth exhort him to perseuer styll in that godlinesse and well doyng Chapter 1. Iude. In the which the Apostle doth admonishe all men of their owne saluation and he doth bryng in by the way the altercation that was betwixt Michael and the deuyll and doth detest the life of the heretikes Chapter 1. Propheticall Apoca. Which treateth of reuelations shewed vnto Iohn by an angell in the Isle of Pathmos of the tribulations which the Churche of Christe did then suffer prophecieth also of such tribulations which the Church shall suffer hereafter especialy in the time of antechrist and of the punishmentes of them which be dampned and of the rewardes of the elect Chapters 22. ¶ Faultes escaped In the first prologue pag. 3. line 26. destoyed reade destroyed 27. line neither the reade neither by the. In Matthewe chap. 26. vearse .71 reade this felowe In the actes chap. 13. vearse .4 they sealed reade they sayled Chap. 15. vearse .3 conuersation reade conuertion Romanes chap. 11. vearse .9 in the margent write Psal 68. Colossians chap. 3. vearse .16 the worde of God reade the worde of Christ Hebrues chap. 1. vearse .8 righteousnesse reade rightnesse HEre is to be noted that such partes and chapters which be marked and noted with such semy circles at the head of the vearse or line with such other texts may be left vnread in the publique reading to the people that therby other chapters and places of the scripture makyng more to their edification and capacitie may come in their roomes And here let the minister of Christ and dispenser of the misteries of God haue a due and weightie consideration to reade this hie treasure of Gods worde with all reuerence and grauitie truely distinctly and sensibly for it is the mightie power of God to salu●tion to euery one that beleueth So let the hearers also with all mekenesse and lowlinesse receaue this worde that is thus grafted and grounded amongst them by the great mercie of God which worde is able to saue their soules saith the holy Apostle saint Iames. For as both the reader and hearer be pronounced blessed by Christes owne mouth who heare the worde of God and do fulfyll it
So be they pronounced both reader and hearer by the holy prophete Ieremie accursed which do the worke of God fraudulently and negligently From the which he defende vs who bought vs with his most precious blood To whom with the father and the holy ghost be all honour and glorie Amen ¶ A Preface into the Byble folowyng OF all the sentences pronounced by our sauiour Christe in his whole doctrine none is more serious or more worthy to be borne in remembraunce then that which he spake openly in his Gospell saying Scrutamini scripturas quia vos putatis in ipsis vitam eternam ●abere et ille sunt quae testimonium perbibent de me Search ye the scriptures for in them ye thinke to haue eternall lyfe and those they be which beare witnes of me These wordes were first spoken vnto the Iewes by our sauiour but by hym in his doctrine ment to all for they concerne all of what nation of what tongue of what profession soeuer any man be For to all belongeth it to be called vnto eternall life so many as by the witnes of the scriptures desire to finde eternall life No man woman or chylde is excluded from this saluation and therfore to euery of them is this spokē proportionally yet and in their degrees and ages and as the reason and congruitie of their vocation may aske For not so lyeth it in charge to the worldly artificer to searche or to any other priuate man so exquisitely to studie as it lyeth to the charge of the publike teacher to searche in the scriptures to be the more able to walke in the house of God which is the Church of the lyuyng God the pyller and ground of trueth to the establishing of the true doctrine of the same and to the impugnyng of the false And though whatsoeuer difference there may be betwixt the preacher in office and the auditor in his vocation yet to both it is said Search ye the scriptures whereby ye may fynde eternall lyfe and gather witnesses of that saluation which is in Christe Iesus our Lorde For although the prophete of God Moyses byddeth the kyng when he is once set in the throne of his kingdome to describe before his eyes the volume of Gods lawe according to the example whiche he shoulde receaue of the priestes of the leuiticall tribe to haue it with him and to reade in it all the dayes of his life to th ende that he might learne to feare the Lorde his God and to obserue his lawes that his heart be not aduaunced in pryde ouer his brethren not to swarue eyther on the ryght hande or on the left yet the reason of this precept for that it concerneth all men may reasonably be thought to be commaunded to all men and all men may take it to be spoken to them selfe in their degree Though almightie God him selfe spake to his captayne Iosue in precise wordes Non recedat volumen legis huius ab ore tuo sed meditaberis in eo diebus ac noctibus c. Let not the volume of this booke depart from thy mouth but muse therin both dayes and nyghtes that thou mayest kepe and perfourme all thinges which be written in it that thou mayest direct well thy way and vnderstande the same yet aswell spake almightie God this precept to all his people in the directions of their wayes to himwarde as he ment it to Iosue For that he hath care of all he accepteth no mans person his wyll is that all men shoulde be saued his wyll is that all men shoulde come to the way of trueth Howe coulde this be more conueniently declared by God to man then when Christe his welbeloued sonne our most louing sauiour the way the trueth and the lyfe of vs all dyd byd vs openly Searche the scriptures assuring vs herein to finde eternall life to finde full testification of all his graces and benefites towardes vs in the treasure thereof Therefore it is most conuenient that we shoulde all suppose that Christe spake to vs all in this his precept of searching the scriptures If this celestiall doctour so aucthorised by the father of heauen and commaunded as his only sonne to be hearde of vs all biddeth vs busily to Search the scriptures of what spirite can it proceede to forbid the reading and studiyng of the scriptures If the grosse Iewes vsed to reade them as some men thinke that our sauiour Christ dyd shew by such kynd of speaking their vsage with their opinion they had therin to finde eternall lyfe and were not of Christe rebuked or disproued either for their searching or for the opinion they had howe superstitiously or superficially soeuer some of them vsed to expende the scriptures Howe muche more vnaduisedly do suche as bost them selfe to be either Christes vicars or be of his garde to lothe christen men from reading by their couert slaunderous reproches of the scriptures or in their aucthoritie by lawe or statute to contract this libertie of studiyng the worde of eternall saluation Christe calleth them not onlye to the single readyng of scriptures saith Chrisostome but sendeth them to the exquisite searching of them for in them is eternall lyfe to be founde and they be saith hym selfe the witnesse of me for they declare out his office they commende his beneuolence towardes vs they recorde his whole workes wrought for vs to our saluation Antechriste therefore he must be that vnder whatsoeuer colour woulde geue contrary precept or counsayle to that whiche Christe dyd geue vnto vs. Very litle do they resemble Christes louing spirite mouing vs to searche for our comfort that wyll discourage vs from suche searching or that woulde wishe ignoraunce and forgetfulnesse of his benefite to raigne in vs so that they might by our ignoraunce raigne the more frankly in our consciences to the daunger of our saluation VVho can take the light from vs in this miserable vale of blindnesse and meane not to haue vs stumble in the pathes of perdition to the ruine of our soules who wyll enuie vs this bread of lyfe prepared and set on the table for our eternall sustenaunce and meane not to famishe vs or in steede thereof with their corrupt traditions and doctrines of man to infect vs All the whole scripture saith the holy apostle Saint Paul inspired from God aboue is profitable to teache to reproue to refourme to instruct in righteousnesse that the man of God may be sounde and perfect instructed to euery good worke Searche therefore good reader on Gods name as Christe byddeth thee the holy scripture wherein thou mayest finde thy saluation Let not the volume of this booke by Gods owne warrant depart from thee but occupie thy selfe therein in the whole iourney of this thy worldly pilgrimage to vnderstande thy way howe to walke ryghtly before hym all the dayes of thy lyfe Remember that the prophete Dauid pronounceth hym the blessed man whiche wyll muse in
the lawe of God both day and night remember that he calleth him blessed whiche walketh in the way of the Lorde whiche wyll searche diligently his testimonies and wyll in their whole heart seeke the same Let not the couert suspitious insinuations of the aduersaries driue thee from the searche of the holy scripture either for the obscuritie whiche they say is in them or for the inscrutable hidden misteries they talke to be comprised in them or for the straungnes and homlynes of the phrases they woulde charge Gods booke with Christe exhorteth thee therefore the rather for the difficultie of the same to searche them diligently Saint Paul wylleth thee to haue thy senses exercised in them and not to be a chylde in thy senses but in malice Though many thinges may be difficult to thee to vnderstande impute it rather to thy dull hearing and reading then to thinke that the scriptures be insuperable to them which with diligent searching labour to discerne the euill from the good Only searche with an humble spirite aske in continuall prayer seeke with puritie of life knocke with perpetuall perseueraunce and crye to that good spirite of Christe the comforter and surely to euery suche asker it wyll be geuen such searchers must nedes finde to them it wylbe opened Christe him selfe wyll open the sense of the scriptures not to the proude or to the wyse of the worlde but to the lowly and contrite in heart for he hath the kay of Dauid who openeth and no man shutteth who shutteth and no man openeth For as this spirite is a bening and liberall spirite and wyll be easyly founde of them whiche wyll early in carefulnesse ryse to seeke hym and as he promiseth he wyll be the comforter from aboue to teache vs and to leade vs into all the wayes of trueth if that in humilitie we bowe vnto hym deniyng our owne naturall senses our carnall wittes and reasons so is he the spirite of puritie and cleannes and will receede from him whose conscience is subiect to filthynesse of lyfe Into suche a soule this heauenly wysdome wyll not enter for all peruerse cogitations wyll separate vs from God and then howe busyly soeuer we searche this holy table of the scripture yet wyll it then be a table to suche to their owne snare a trap a stumbling stocke and a recompence to them selfe VVe ought therefore to searche to finde out the trueth not to oppresse it we ought to seeke Christe not as Herode did vnder the pretence of worshipping hym to destroy hym or as the Pharisees searched the scriptures to disproue Christe and to discredite him and not to folowe him but to embrace the saluation whiche we may learne by them Nor yet is it inough so to acknowledge the scriptures as some of the Iewes dyd of the holyest of them who vsed suche diligence that they could number precisely not only euery verse but euery word and sillable how oft euery letter of the alphabete was repeated in the whole scriptures they had some of them suche reuerence to that booke that they woulde not suffer in a great heape of bookes any other to lay ouer them they woulde not suffer that booke to fall to the grounde as nye as they coulde they woulde costly bynde the bookes of holy scriptures and cause them to be exquisitely and ornately written VVhiche deuotion yet though it was not to be discommended yet was it not for that intent why Christe cōmended the scriptures nor they therof alowed before God For they did not call vpon God in a true fayth they were not charitable to their neighbours but in the middes of all this deuotion they did steale they were adulterers they were slaunderers and backbiters euen muche like many of our christian men and women nowe a dayes who glory much that they reade the scriptures that they searche them and loue them that they frequent the publique sermons in an outwarde shewe of all honestie and perfection yea they can pike out of the scriptures vertuous sentenses and godly preceptes to lay before other men And though these maner of men do not muche erre for such searching and studiyng yet they see not the scope and the principall state of the scriptures which is as Christe declareth it to finde Christe as their sauiour to cleaue to his saluation and merites to be brought to the lowe repentaunce of their liues and to amende them selfe to rayse vp their fayth to our sauiout Christe so to thinke of him as the scriptures do testifie of hym These be the principall causes why Christe did sende the Iewes to searche the scriptures for to this ende were they wrytten saith Saint Iohn Hec scripta sunt vt credatis vt credentes vitam habeatis eternam These were written to this intent that ye shoulde beleue and that through your beliefe ye shoulde haue euerlasting life And here good reader great cause we haue to extoll the wonderous wisdome of God and with great thankes to prayse his prouidence considering howe he hath preserued and renued from age to age by speciall miracle the incomparable treasure of his Churche For first he did inspire Moyses as Iohn Chrisostome doth testifie to wryte the stonie tables and kept him in the mountayne fourtie dayes to geue him his lawe after him he sent the prophetes but they suffred many thousande aduersities for battayles did folowe all were slayne all were destroyed bookes were brent vp He then inspired agayne another man to repayre these miraculous scriptures Esdras I meane who of their leauinges set them agayne together after that he prouided that the seuentie interpreters shoulde take them in hande at the last came Christe him selfe the Apostles did receaue them and spread them throughout all nations Christe wrought his miracles and wonders and what folowed after these great volumes the Apostles also did wryte as Saint Paul doth say These be wrytten to the instruction of vs that be come into the ende of the worlde and Christe doth say Ye therefore erre because ye knowe not the scriptures nor the power of God and Paul dyd say Let the worde of Christe be plentifull among you and agayne saith Dauid Oh howe sweete be thy wordes to my throte he saide not to my hearing but to my throte aboue the hony or the hony combe to my mouth Yea Moyses saith Thou shalt meditate in them euermore when thou risest when thou sittest downe when thou goest to sleepe continue in them he saith and a thousande places more And yet after so many testimonies thus spoken there be some persons that do not yet so much as knowe what the scriptures be wherevpon nothing is in good state amongest vs nothing worthyly is done amongest vs In this whiche pertayne to this lyfe we make very great haste but of spirituall goodes we haue no regarde Thus farre Iohn Chrisost It must nedes signifie some great thing to our vnderstanding that almightie God
commend further vnto thee good reader the cause in part before intreated it shal be the lesse needefull hauing so nye folowing that learned preface whiche sometime was set out by the diligence of that godly father Thomas Cranmer late byshop in the sea of Canterburie whiche he caused to be prefixed before the translation of that Byble that was then set out And for that the copies thereof be so wasted that very many Churches do want their conuenient Bybles it was thought good to some well disposed men to recognise the same Byble againe into this fourme as it is nowe come out with some further diligence in the printing and with some more light added partly in the translation and partly in the order of the text not as condemning the former translation whiche was folowed mostly of any other translation excepting the originall text from whiche as litle variaunce was made as was thought meete to such as toke paynes therin desiring thee good reader if ought be escaped eyther by such as had the expending of the bookes or by the ouersight of the printer to correct the same in the spirite of charitie calling to remembraunce what diuersitie hath ben seene in mens iudgementes in the translation of these bookes before these dayes though all directed their labours to the glory of God to the edification of the Churche to the comfort of their christian brethren and alwayes as God dyd further open vnto them so euer more desirous they were to refourme their former humaine ouersightes rather then in a stubborne wylfulnesse to resist the gyft of the holy ghost who from tyme to tyme is resident as that heauenly teacher and leader into all trueth by whose direction the Churche is ruled and gouerned And let all men remember in them selfe howe errour and ignoraunce is created with our nature let frayle man confesse with that great wyse man that the cogitations and inuentions of mortall men be very weake and our opinions sone deceaued For the body so subiect to corruptiō doth oppresse the soule that it can not aspire so hye as of dutie it ought Men we be all and that which we know is not the thousand part of that we knowe not VVhereupon saith saint Austen otherwyse to iudge then the truth is this temptation ryseth of the frailtie of man A man so to loue and sticke to his owne iudgement or to enuie his brothers to the perill of dissoluing the christian communion or to the perill of schisme and of heresie this is diabolicall presumption but so to iudge in euery matter as the truth is this belongeth onely to the angelicall perfection Notwithstanding good reader thou mayst be well assured nothing to be done in this translation eyther of malice or wylfull meaning in altering the text eyther by putting more or lesse to the same as of purpose to bryng in any priuate iudgement by falsification of the wordes as some certaine men hath ben ouer bolde so to do litle regarding the maiestie of God his scripture but so to make it serue to their corrupt error as in alleaging the sentence of saint Paule to the Romaines the .6 one certaine wryter to proue his satisfaction was bold to turne the word of Santificationem into the word of Satisfactionem Thus. Sicut exhibuimus antea membra nostra seruirae immundicie et iniquitati ad iniquitatem ita deinceps exhib●amus membra nostra seruire iustitiae in satisfactionem That is as we haue geuen our members to vncleannesse from iniquitie to iniquitie euen so from hencefoorth let vs geue our members to serue righteousnesse into satisfaction where the true worde is into sanctification Euen so likewise for the aduauntage of his cause to proue that men may haue in their prayer fayth vpon saintes corruptly alleageth Saint Paules text Ad philemonem Thus. Fidem quam habes in domino Iesu in omnes sanctos leauing out the worde Charitatem which would haue rightly ben distributed vnto Omnes sanctos As fidem vnto in domino Iesu VVhere the text is Audiens charitatem tuam fidem quam habes in domino Iesu in omnes sanctos c. It were to long to bryng in many examples as may be openly founde in some mens wrytynges in these dayes who would be counted the chiefe pillers of the Catholique fayth or to note how corruptly they of purpose abuse the text to the comoditie of their cause VVhat maner of translation may men thinke to looke for at their handes if they should translate the scriptures to the comfort of Gods elect whiche they neuer did nor be not like to purpose it but be rather studious only to seeke quarrels in other mens well doynges to picke fault where none is And where any is escaped through humaine negligence there to crye out with their tragicall exclamations but in no wyse to amende by the spirite of charitie and lenitie that whiche might be more aptly set VVhervpon for frayle man compassed hym selfe with infirmitie it is most reasonable not to be to seuere in condemning his brothers knowledge or diligence where he doth erre not of malice but of simplicitie and specially in handeling of these so deuine bookes so profounde in sense so farre passing our naturall vnderstanding And with charitie it standeth the reader not to be offended with the diuersitie of translatours nor with the ambiguitie of translations For as Saint Austen doth witnesse by Gods prouidence it is brought about that the holy scriptures whiche be the salues for euery mans sore though at the first they came from one language and thereby might haue ben spread to the whole worlde nowe by diuersitie of manye languages the translatours shoulde spreade the saluation that is contayned in them to all nations by suche wordes of vtteraunce as the reader might perceaue the minde of the translatour and so consequently to come to the knowledge of God his wyll and pleasure And though many rashe readers be deceaued in the obscurities and ambiguities of their translations whyle they take one thing for another and whyle they vse muche labour to extricate them selues out of the obscurities of the same yet I thinke saith he this is not wrought without the prouidence of God both to tame the proude arrogancie of man by his suche labour of searching as also to kepe his minde from lothsomnesse and contempt where if the scriptutes vniuersally were to easie he woulde lesse regarde them And though saith he in the primatiue Churche the late interpreters whiche did translate the scriptures be innumerable yet wrought this rather an helpe then an impediment to the readers if they be not to negligent For saith he diuers translations haue made many tymes the harder and darker sentences the more open and playne So that of congruence no offence can iustly be taken for this newe labour nothing preiudicing any other mans iudgement by this doyng nor yet hereby professing this to be so absolute a
Egypt foure hundreth and thirtie yeres 43 The maner of celebratyng the Passouer 1 AND the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron in the lande of Egypt saying 2 This moneth shal be vnto you y e begynnyng of monethes and the first moneth of the yere shall it be vnto you 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregation of Israel saying In the tenth daye of this moneth euery man take vnto hym a lambe according to y e house of the fathers a lambe throughout euery house 4 If the houshold be to litle for y e lambe let hym take his neyghbour whiche is next vnto his house accordyng to the number of the soules euery one of you accordyng to his eatyng shal make your compt for a lambe 5 And let the lambe of yours be without blemishe a male of a yere olde whiche ye shal take out from among the sheepe and from among the goates 6 And ye shall kepe hym in vntyll the fourteenth day of the same moneth and euery assemble of the congregation of Israel shall kyll hym about euen 7 And they shall take of the blood and stryke it on the two syde postes and on the vpper doore post euen in the houses where they shall eate hym 8 And they shall eate the fleshe the same nyght rost with fire and with vnleauened bread and with sowre hearbes they shall eate it 9 See that ye eate not therof rawe nor sodden with water but roste with fire the head feete and purtenaunce therof 10 And ye shall let nothyng of it remayne vnto the morning That which remayneth of it vntyll the morowe shall ye burne with fire 11 Of this maner shall ye eate it with your loynes girded and your shooes on your feete and your staffe in your hand and ye shall eate it in haste for it is the Lordes passouer 12 For I wyll passe through the lande of Egypt this same nyght and wyll smyte all the first borne of Egypt from man to beast and vpon all the gods of Egypt I wyll execute iudgement I am the Lorde 13 And the blood shal be vnto you a token in the houses wherin you are and whē I see the blood I wyll passe ouer you and the plague shall not be vpon you to destroy you when I smyte the lande of Egypt 14 And this day shal be vnto you a remēbraunce and you shall kepe it an holy feast vnto the Lorde throughout your generations ye shall kepe it holy for an ordinaunce for euer 15 Seuen dayes shal ye eate vnleauened bread so that euen the first day ye put away leauen out of your house For who so euer eateth leauened bread from the first daye vntyll the seuenth daye that soule shal be rooted out of Israel 16 The first day shal be a holy conuocation and the seuenth day shal be an holy conuocation vnto you there shal be no maner of worke done in thē saue about that only which euery man must eate that only may ye do 17 And ye shal obserue the feast of vnleauened bread for this same day haue I brought your armies out of the lande of Egypt therefore ye shall obserue this day and all your chyldren after you by an euerlastyng decree 18 The first moneth and the fourteenth daye of the moneth at euen ye shall eate vnleauened bread vnto the .xxi. day of the same moneth at euen againe 19 Seuen dayes shal ther be no leauened bread founde in your houses and whosoeuer eateth leauened bread that soule shal be rooted out from the congregatiō of Israel whether he be straunger or borne in the lande 20 Ye shall eate nothyng leauened but in all your habitations shall ye eate vnleauened bread 21 Moyses called for the elders of Israel and sayde vnto them Choose out and take you to euery housholde of you a lambe and kyll the passouer 22 And take a bunche of Isope and dip it in the blood that is in the bason strike the vpper post of the doore and the two syde postes with the blood that is in the bason none of you go out at the doore of his house vntyll the mornyng 23 For the Lord wyll passe ouer to smyte the Egyptians and when he seeth the blood vpon the vpper doore post and the two syde postes he wyll passe ouer the doore and wyll not suffer the destroyer to come into your house to plague you 24 Therfore shall ye obserue this thyng for an ordinaunce to thee thy sonnes for euer 25 And when ye be come to the lande whiche the Lorde wyll geue you accordyng as he hath promised ye shall kepe this seruice 26 And when your chyldren aske you what maner of seruice is this ye do 27 Ye shall saye it is the sacrifice of the Lordes passouer whiche passed ouer the houses of the chyldren of Israel in Egypt and he smote the Egyptians and saued our houses And the people bowed them selues and worshipped 28 And the chyldren of Israel went and dyd as the Lorde hadde commaunded Moyses and Aaron euen so dyd they 29 And at mydnyght the Lorde smote the first borne in the lande of Egypt frō the first borne of Pharao that sate on his seate vntyl the first borne of the captiue that was in prison and all the firste gendred of cattell 30 And Pharao rose in the nyght he and his seruauntes and all the Egyptians and there was a great crye in Egypt for there was not a house where there was not one dead 31 And he called vnto Moyses and Aarō by nyght saying Ryse vp and get you out from amongst my people both you and also the chyldren of Israel and go and serue the Lorde as ye haue sayde 32 And take your sheepe and your droues with you as ye haue sayde and depart and blesse me 33 And the Egyptians were fierce vpon the people that they myght sende them out of the lande in haste for they sayde we be all but dead men 34 And the people toke there dowgh before it was sowred whiche they had in store being bounde in clothes vpon their shoulders 35 And the chyldren of Israel dyd accordyng to the saying of Moyses and they borowed of the Egyptians iewels of siluer and iewels of golde and rayment 36 And the Lord gaue the people fauour in the syght of the Egyptians so that they graunted such thynges as they required And they robbed the Egyptians 37 And the children of Israel toke their iourney from Rameses to Suchoth sixe hundred thousand men of foote besyde chyldren 38 And a great multitude of sundry other nations wēt also with them and sheepe and oxen and exceedyng much cattell 39 And they baked vnleauened cakes of the dowgh whiche they brought out of Egypt for it was not sowred For they were thrust out of Egypt and could not tary nether had they prepared for them selues any prouision of meate 40 The dwellyng of the chyldren of Israel which they dwelled in Egypt
sonnes shall washe ' their handes and their feete therin ' 20 Euen when they go into the tabernacle of the congregation or when they go in to the aulter to minister and to burne the Lordes offeryng they shall washe them selues with water lest they dye 21 Likewise they shal washe their handes their feete lest they dye and it shal be an ordinaunce vnto them for euer both vnto hym his seede throughout their generations 22 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying ' 23 Take vnto thee principal spices of the most pure Mirrhe fiue hūdreth sicles of sweete Synamond halfe so much euen two hundreth and fiftie sicles of sweete Calamus two hundreth and fiftie sicles 24 Of Cassia fiue hundreth sicles after the waight of the sanctuarie and of oyle Olyue an hyn 25 And thou shalt make of the oyle an holy oyntment euen an oyntment compound after the craft of the apoticarie 26 It shal be the oyle of holy oyntment and thou shalt annoynt the tabernacle of the congregation therwith and the arke of the testimonie 27 And the table and al his apparell and the candlesticke and all his vessels and the aulter of incense ' 28 And the aulter of burnt sacrifice with ' all his vessels and the lauer his foote 29 And thou shalt sanctifie them that they may be most holye whatsoeuer toucheth them shal be sanctified 30 And thou shalt anoynt Aaron and his sonnes and consecrate them that they may minister vnto me in the priestes office 31 And thou shalt speake vnto the children of Israel saying This shal be an holy oynting oyle vnto me throughout your generations 32 Vpon mans fleshe shall it not be powred neither shal ye make any other after the makyng of it for it is holy and ' shal be holy vnto you ' 33 Whosoeuer maketh lyke that or whosoeuer putteth any of it vpon a straūger shall perishe from amongst his people 34 And the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses Take vnto thee sweete spices Starte Onycha sweete Galbanum these spices with pure Frankensence of eche a lyke wayght 35 And make of them sweete smellyng incense after the craft of the apoticarie mingled together pure and holy 36 And beate it to powder and put of it before the arke of the testimonie in the tabernacle of the congregation where I wyll meete with thee it shal be vnto you most holy 37 And you shal not make to your selues after the makyng of that incense which thou shalt make it shal be vnto you holy for the Lorde 38 Whosoeuer shall make lyke vnto that ' to smell thereto shall perishe from amongst ' his people ¶ The .xxxj. Chapter 1 God geueth his spirite to Besaleel and Ooliab the workemen to inuent all thynges which appertayne to the trimme makyng of the tabernacle 13 What signe the Sabboth is 18 Tables of stone written with the finger of God 1 AND the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 2 Beholde I haue called by name Besaleel the sonne of Vri the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iuda 3 And I haue fylled hym with the spirite of God in wisedome and vnderstandyng in knowledge and in all maner worke 4 To fynde out wittie deuises and to worke in golde siluer and in brasse 5 And in the craft to set stones and to carue in tymber and to worke in all maner workmanship 6 And beholde I haue geuen hym to be his companion Ooliab the sonne of Achisame● of the tribe of Dan and in the heartes of all that are wise hearted I haue put wisedome to make all that I haue commaunded thee 7 The tabernacle of the congregation the arke of the testimonie the mercie seate that is thervpon and all the furniture of the tabernacle 8 And the table and his furniture and the pure candlesticke with all his furniture and the aulter of incense 9 And the aulter of burnt offeryng and all his furniture and the lauer with his foote 10 The vestmentes to minister in and the holy garmentes for Aaron the priest and the garmentes of his sonnes to minister in 11 And the annoyntyng oyle and sweete incense for the sanctuarie accordyng to all that I haue commaunded thee shal they do 12 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 13 Speake vnto the children of Israel and say In any wyse see that ye kepe my Sabbothes for it is a signe betweene me you in your generations for to knowe that I the Lorde am he that doth sanctifie you 14 Kepe my Sabboth therefore for it is holy vnto you He that defileth it shal be put to death for whosoeuer worketh therin the same soule shal be rooted out from amongst his people 15 Six dayes shall men worke and in the seuenth day is the Sabboth of the holy rest of the Lorde whosoeuer doth any worke in the Sabboth day shall dye the death 16 Wherefore let the children of Israel kepe the Sabboth that they obserue the Sabboth throughout their generations it is a perpetuall couenaunt 17 For it is a signe betweene me and the children of Israel for euer for in six dayes the Lorde made heauen and earth and in the seuenth day he rested and was refreshed 18 And when the Lorde had made an end of commnuyng with Moyses vpon the mount Sinai he gaue hym two tables of witnesse euen tables of stone writen with the finger of God ¶ The .xxxii. Chapter 1 The Israelites do pray vnto the golden calfe 7 God warneth Moyses of the sinne of the people 9 The people of Israel of a styffe necke 11 Moyses intreateth God for Israel cityng his promises 15 Moyses descendeth of the hyll The tables described of God 19 Moyses beyng angry breaketh the tables and the calfe 21 He chideth his brother Aaron 27 The Idolaters be murdered of the Leuites at Moyses commaundement 30 Moyses rebuketh the offence of the people 31 He wyll be putten out of the booke of lyfe and haue the peoples offence pardoned 33 They that be writen in the booke of God 1 ANd when y e people sawe that it was lōg or Moyses came downe out of the mountaine they gathered them selues together vnto Aaron and sayd vnto hym Vp make vs Gods to go before vs for we wote not what is become of this Moyses the man that brought vs out of the lande of Egypt 2 And Aaron sayd vnto them Plucke of the golden earynges which are in the eares of your wiues of your sonnes of your daughters bring them vnto me 3 And all the people plucked of the golden earinges which they had in their eares and brought them vnto Aaron 4 And he receaued them of their handes fashioned it with a grauer made of it a calfe of molten mettel and they said These be thy gods O Israel which brought thee out of the lande of Egypt 5 And when Aaron sawe that he made an aulter before it and Aaron made proclamation saying To morowe is
Ye shoulde haue eaten it in the holy place as I commaunded 19 And Aaron sayde vnto Moyses Beholde this day haue they offered their sinne offering and their burnt offering before the Lorde and suche thinges are come vnto me if I had eaten the sinne offering to day shoulde it haue ben accepted in the sight of the Lorde 20 And when Moyses hearde that he was content ❧ The xi Chapter 1 Of beastes fisshes and byrdes whiche be cleane and whiche be vncleane 1 AND the Lorde spake vnto Moyses and Aaron and sayde vnto them 2 Speake vnto the chyldren of Israel and say These are the beastes whiche ye shall eate among all the beastes that are on the earth 3 Whatsoeuer parteth the hoofe and is clouen footed and chaweth cud among the beastes that shall ye eate 4 Neuerthelesse these shall ye not eate of them that chawe cud and deuideth the hoofe onlye as is the Camell whiche chaweth cud but he deuideth not the hoofe therefore is he vncleane vnto you 5 Euen so the Connie whiche chaweth the cud but deuideth not the hoofe he is vncleane to you 6 And the Hare though he chaweth the cud yet because he deuideth not y e hoofe he is therefore vncleane to you 7 And agayne the Swyne though he deuide the hoofe and is clouen footed yet he chaweth not the cud he is vncleane to you 8 Of their fleshe shall ye not eate and their carkasses shall ye not touche but let them be vncleane to you 9 These shall ye eate of all that are in the waters whatsoeuer hath finnes and skales in the waters seas and riuers that shall ye eate 10 And all that haue not finnes nor skales in the sea and riuers of all that moue and liue in the waters let them be abhomination vnto you 11 They I say shal be an abhomination vnto you ye shall not eate of their flesh but abhorre their carkasses 12 Let all that haue no finnes nor skales in the waters be abhominable vnto you 13 These are they whiche ye shall abhorre among the foules and that ought not to be eaten for they are an abhomination The Egle the Goshauke and the Ospray 14 The Vultur and the Kyte after his ' kinde ' 15 And all Rauens after their kinde ' 16 The Estrich the nyght Crowe the Coockowe and the Hauke after his kynde ' 17 The Falcon the Cormorant the great ' Owle ' 18 The Backe the Pellicane the Pye ' ' 19 The Storke the Iay after his kinde ' the Lapwyng and the Swalowe 20 Let all foules that creepe and go vpon all foure be an abhomination vnto you 21 Yet these may ye eate of euery creepyng thyng that hath wynges and go vpon foure feete euen those that haue not bowynges aboue vpon their feete to leape withall vpon the earth 22 Euen these of them ye may eate the Arbe after his kinde the Selaam after his kinde the Hargol after his kinde and the Hagab after his kinde 23 All other foules that creepe and haue foure feete shal be abhomination vnto you 24 In such ye be vncleane and whosoeuer toucheth the carkasse of them shal be vncleane vntyll the euen 25 And whosoeuer beareth the carkasse of them shall washe his clothes and be vncleane vntyll the euen 26 And euery beast that hath hoofe and is not clouen footed nor chaweth cud such are vncleane vnto you euery one that toucheth them shal be vncleane 27 And whatsoeuer goeth vppon his pawes among all maner beastes that go on all foure feete such are vncleane vnto you and who so doth touche their carkasse shal be vncleane vntyll the euen 28 And he that beareth the carkasse of them shall washe his clothes and be vncleane vntyll the euen for such are vncleane vnto you 29 And let these also be vncleane to you among the thynges that creepe vpon the earth the Weasel and the Mouse and the Toade after ther kinde ' 30 The Hedhogge the Stellio the ' Lacert the Snayle and the Moole 31 These are vncleane to you among all that creepe whosoeuer doth touche them when they be dead shal be vncleane vntyll the euen 32 And whatsoeuer any of the dead carkasses of them doth fall vpon shal be vncleane whether it be vessell of wood or rayment or skinne or sacke or whatsoeuer vessell it be that any worke is wrought in and it must be plunged in the water and it shal be vncleane vntyll the euen and so shall it be cleansed 33 All maner of earthen vessell wherinto any of them falleth shal be vncleane with all that therein is and it shal be broken 34 All maner meate also that is vsed to be eaten yf any such water come vpō it shal be vncleane And all maner drynke that is vsed to be drunke in all maner such vessels shal be vncleane 35 And euery thyng that their carkasse falleth vpon shal be vncleane whether it be ouen or kettle let it be broken For they are vncleane and shal be vncleane vnto you 36 Neuerthelater yet the fountaynes and welles and collection of waters shal be cleane styll but that which toucheth their carkasses shal be vncleane 37 If the dead carkasse of any such fall vpon any seede vsed to sowe it shall yet be cleane styll 38 But and yf any water be powred vpon the seede and a dead carkasse fall theron it shal be vncleane vnto you 39 If any beast of which ye may eate dye and any man touche the dead carkasse thereof he shal be vncleane vntyll the euen 40 He that eateth of the dead carkasse of it shall washe his clothes and be vncleane vntyll the euen And he also that beareth the carkasse of it shall washe his clothes and be vncleane vntyll the euen 41 Let euery creepyng thyng that creepeth vpon the earth be an abhomination and not be eaten 42 Whatsoeuer goeth vpon the brest and whatsoeuer goeth vpon foure or that hath mo feete among all creepyng thynges that creepe vpon the earth of that see ye eate not for they are abhominable 43 Ye shall not make your soules abhominable with nothyng that creepeth neither make your selues vncleane with them that ye shoulde be defyled therby 44 For I am the Lorde your God Be sanctified therfore and ye shal be holy for I am holy and ye shall not defyle your soules with any maner of creeping thyng that creepeth vpon the earth 45 For I am the Lorde that brought you out of the lande of Egypt to be your God ye shal be holy therfore for I am holy 46 This is the lawe of beastes foules and of euery lyuyng creature that moueth in the waters and of euery creature that creepeth vpon the earth 47 That there may be a difference betweene the vncleane and cleane and betweene the beast that may be eaten and the beast that ought not to be eaten ' ¶ The .xij. Chapter ' ' 2 A lawe howe women shoulde be purged after their delyueraunce '
shall haue lynnen breeches vpon his fleshe and shal be girded with a lynnen girdle and with a lynnen cap shall he be attired These are holy garmentes therfore shall he washe his fleshe in water when he doth put them on 5 And he shall take of the congregation of the childrē of Israel two hee goates for a sinne offeryng and a ramme for a burnt offeryng 6 And Aaron shall offer his bullocke for his sinne offering and make an attonement for hym and for his house 7 And he shall take the two hee goates and present them before the Lorde at the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation 8 And Aaron shall cast lottes ouer the two goates one lot shal be for the Lord and the other for the scape goate 9 And Aaron shall bryng the goate vpon which the Lordes lot fell and offer hym for a sinne offeryng 10 But the goate on which the lot fell to be the scape goate shal be set aliue before the Lorde to reconcile with and to let hym go as a scape goate into the wildernesse 11 And Aaron shall bryng the bullocke for his sinne offeryng and reconcile for hym selfe and for his house and shall kyll the bullocke for his sinne offeryng 12 And he shall take a censer full of burning coales from of the aulter before the Lorde and shall fill his hand full of sweete incense beaten small and bryng them within the vayle 13 And put the incense vpon the fire before the Lorde that the cloude of the incense may couer the mercy seate that is vpon the witnesse and he shall not dye 14 And he shall take of the blood of the bullocke and sprinckle it with his finger vpon the mercy seate eastward and before the mercy seate shall he sprinckle of the blood with his finger seuen tymes 15 Then shall he kyll the goate that is the peoples sinne offering bryng his blood within the vayle do with that blood as he dyd with the blood of the bullocke sprinklyng it vpon the mercy seate and before the mercy seate 16 And he shall reconcile the holy place from the vncleannesses of the chyldren of Israel and from their trespasses in all their sinnes And so shal he do for the tabernacle of the congregation that is set among them euen among their vncleannesses 17 And let there be no body in the tabernacle of the cōgregation when he goeth in to make an attonement in the holy place vntyll he come out and haue made an attonement for hym selfe and for his housholde and for all the congregation of Israel 18 And he shall go out vnto the aulter that is before the Lorde and reconcile vpon it and shal take of the blood of the bullocke and of the blood of the goate and put it vpon the hornes of the aulter rounde about 19 So shall he sprinckle of the blood vppon it with his finger seuen tymes and cleanse it halowe it from the vncleannesse of the chyldren of Israel 20 And when he hath made an end of reconciling the holy place and the tabernacle of the congregation and the aulter he shall bryng the liue goate 21 And Aaron shall put both his handes vpon the head of the liue goate and confesse ouer hym all the misdeedes of the chyldren of Israel and all their trespasses in all their sinnes puttyng them vppon the head of the goate and send him away by the hand of a conuenient man into the wyldernesse 22 And the goate shall beare vpon hym all theyr misdeedes vnto the lande of seperation and he shall let the goate go into the wyldernesse 23 After Aaron shall come into the tabernacle of the congregation and put of the linnen clothes whiche he put on when he went in into the holy place and leaue them there 24 And let hym washe his fleshe with water in the holy place and put on his owne rayment and then come out and offer his burnt offering and the burnt offering of the people and make an attonement for hym selfe and for the people 25 And the fat of the sinne offering shall ' he burne vpon the aulter ' 26 And he that caryed foorth the goate for the scape goate shall washe his clothes and bathe his fleshe in water and then come into the hoast 27 And the bullocke for the sinne offering the goate for the sinne offering whose blood was brought in to clense the holy place shall one cary out without the hoast to be burnt in the fire with their skinnes their fleshe and their dounge 28 And he that burneth them shall wash his clothes and bathe his fleshe in water and then come into the hoast 29 And this shal be an ordinaunce for euer vnto you that in the tenth day of the seuenth moneth ye humble your soules and do no worke at all whether it be one of your owne countrey or a straunger that soiourneth among you 30 For that day shall the priest make an attonement for you to cleanse you and that ye may be cleane from all your sinnes before the Lorde 31 Let it be a Sabbath of rest vnto you and ye shall humble your soules by an ordinaunce for euer 32 And the priest whom he shal annoynt and whom he shall consecrate to minister in his fathers steade shal make the attonement and shall put on the linnen clothes and holy vestmentes 33 And shall reconcile the holy sanctuarie and the tabernacle of the congregation and shall cleanse the aulter make an attonement for the priestes and for all the people of the congregation 34 And this shal be an euerlastyng ordinaunce vnto you to make an attonement for the chyldren of Israel for all their sinnes once a yere And he dyd as the Lorde commaunded Moyses ' ❧ The .xvij. Chapter ' 4 All sacrifice must be brought to the doore of the tabernacle 7 To deuyls may they not offer 10 They may not eate blood ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 Speake vnto Aaron and vnto his sonnes and vnto all the chyldren of Israel and say vnto them This is the thing whiche the Lorde hath charged saying 3 What man soeuer of the house of Israel kylleth an oxe or lambe or goate in the hoast or that kylleth it out of the hoast 4 And bryngeth it not vnto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation to offer an offering vnto the Lorde before the dwelling place of the Lord blood shal be imputed vnto that man he hath shed blood and that man shal be cut of from among his people 5 Wherfore when the chyldren of Israel bryng their offeringes that they offer in the wylde fielde they shall bryng them vnto the Lorde euen vnto the doore of the tabernacle of the congregation by the priest to offer them for peace offeringes vnto the Lorde 6 And the priest shall sprinckle the blood vpon the aulter of the Lorde whiche is before the doore of the tabernacle of the
from among their people 30 Therefore shall ye kepe myne ordinaunces that ye commit not one of these abhominable customes whiche were committed before you and that ye defile not your selues therein I am the Lorde your God ' ¶ The .xix. Chapter ' 1 A repetition of lawes pertaynyng to the ten commaundementes 9 A consideration for the poore 26 Witchcraft is forbidden ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 Speake vnto all the congregation of y e chyldren of Israel and say vnto them Ye shal be holy for I the Lorde your God am holy 3 Ye shall feare euery man his mother and his father kepe my Sabbathes I am the Lorde your God 4 Ye shal not looke vnto idols nor make you moulten goddes I am the Lorde your God ' 5 If ye offer a peace offering vnto the ' Lorde ye shall offer it at your pleasure 6 It shal be eaten the same day ye offer it and on the morowe And if ought remayne vntyll the thirde day it shal be burnt in the fire 7 And if it be eaten the thirde day it is ' vncleane and not accepted ' 8 Therfore he that eateth it shall beare his sinne because he hath defiled the halowed thing of the Lord and that soule shal be cut of from among his people 9 When ye reape the haruest of your land thou shalt not thorowly reape the corners of the fielde neither shalt thou gather the gleaninges of thy haruest 10 Thou shalt not dishonest thy vineyarde neither gather in thorowly the grapes of thy vineyarde but thou shalt leaue them for the poore and straunger I am the Lorde your God 11 Ye shall not steale neither deale falselye ' neither lye one to another ' 12 Ye shall not sweare by my name falsely neither shalt thou defile the name of thy God I am the Lorde 13 Thou shalt not do thy neighbour wrong neither rob hym neither shall the workmans hyre abyde with thee vntyll the mornyng 14 Thou shalt not despise the deafe neither put a stumblyng blocke before the blynde but shalt feare thy God I am the Lorde 15 Ye shall do no vnrighteousnesse in iudgement thou shalt not fauour the person poore nor honour the person mightie but in righteousnes shalt thou iudge thy neighbour 16 Thou shalt not go vp and downe with tales among thy people neither shalt thou stande agaynst the blood of thy neighbour I am the Lorde 17 Thou shalt not hate thy brother in thyne heart but shalt in any wyse rebuke thy neighbour suffer not sinne vpon hym 18 Thou shalt not auenge nor wayte to do displeasure agaynst the chyldren of thy people but shalt loue thy neighbour euen as thy selfe I am the Lorde 19 Ye shal kepe mine ordinaunces Thou shalt not let cattell gender with a contrary kinde neither sow thy fielde with mingled seede neither shalt thou put on any mingled garment of linnen and wollen 20 Whosoeuer lieth and medleth with a woman that is a bondmayde betrothed to a husbande but not redeemed nor freedome geuē her she shal be scourged but they shall not dye because she was not free 21 And he shall bryng for his trespasse vnto the Lorde before the doore of the tabernacle of y e congregation a Ramme for a trespasse offering 22 And the priest shall make an attonement for hym with the Ramme which is for the trespasse before the Lord concernyng his sinne whiche he hath done and the sinne which he hath done shal be forgeuen him 23 When ye come to the lande and haue planted all maner of trees conuenient to be eaten of ye shall counte the fruite thereof as vncircumcized euen three yere shall they be vncircumcized vnto you and shall not be eaten of 24 But in the fourth yere all the fruite of them shal be holy and commendable to the Lorde 25 In the fifth yere shall ye eate of the fruite thereof that it may yeelde vnto you the encrease thereof I am the Lorde your God 26 Ye shall not eate vpon blood neither shall ye vse witchcraft nor obserue tymes 27 Ye shall not rounde the corners of your heades neither shalt thou marre the tuftes of thy bearde 28 Ye shall not rent your fleshe for any soules sake nor print any markes vpon you I am the Lorde 29 Thou shalt not make thy daughter common that thou wouldest cause her to be an whore lest the lande also fall to whoredome and become ful of wickednesse 30 Ye shall kepe my Sabbathes feare my sanctuarie I am the Lorde 31 Ye shall not regarde them that worke with spirites neither seeke after soothsayers to be defiled by them I am the Lorde your God 32 Thou shalt ryse vp before the hore head and reuerence the face of the olde man and dreade thy God I am the Lorde 33 If a straunger soiourne with thee in your lande ye shall not vexe hym 34 But the straunger that dwelleth with you shal be as one of your owne nation and thou shalt loue hym as thy selfe for ye were straungers in the lande of Egypt I am the Lorde your God 35 Ye shall do no vnrighteousnesse in iudgement in metyarde in wayght or in measure 36 True balaunces true wayghtes a true Epha and a true Hin shal ye haue I am the Lorde your GOD whiche brought you out of the lande of Egypt 37 Therfore shall ye obserue all my ordinaunces and al my iudgementes and do them I am the Lorde ¶ The .xx. Chapter ' 2 They that geue of their chyldren to Moloch shall dye therfore 6 Against suche as seeke after Soothsayers 19 Of incest ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 This shalt thou say to the chyldren of Israel whosoeuer he be of the chyldren of Israel or of the straungers that dwell in Israel that geueth of his chyldren vnto Moloch let hym be slayne the people of the lande shall ouerwhelme hym with stones 3 And I wyl set my face agaynst that man and wyll cut hym of from among his people because he hath geuen his chyldren vnto Moloch for to defile my sanctuarie to pollute my holy name 4 And though that the people of the lande hyde their eyes from the man that geueth his chyldren vnto Moloch and kyll hym not 5 I wyll put my face agaynst that man and agaynst his kynred and wyll cut hym of and all that go a whoring after hym to commit whordome with Moloch from among their people 6 If a soule turne hym selfe after suche as worke with spirites and after soothsayers to go a whoring after them I wyll put my face agaynst that soule and wyll cut hym of frō among his people ' 7 Sanctifie your selues therefore and ' be holy for I am the Lorde your God 8 Kepe ye myne ordinaunces and do them I am the Lorde whiche sanctifie you 9
Whosoeuer he be that despiseth his father or his mother let hym dye for he hath deminished the estimation of his father mother his blood be vpon him 10 And the man that breaketh wedlocke with another mans wyfe euen he that breaketh wedlocke with his neyghbours wyfe let be slayne both the adulterer and the adultresse 11 And the man that lyeth with his fathers wyfe and vncouereth his fathers nakednes let them both die their blood be vpon them 12 If a man lye with his daughter in lawe let them dye both of them they haue wrought abhomination their blood be vpon them 13 If a man also lye with mankinde after the maner as with women kynde they haue both committed an abhomination let them dye their blood be vpon them 14 And if a man take a wyfe and her mother also it is wickednesse They shall burne with fire both hym them that there be no wickednesse among you 15 And if a man lye with a beast let hym ' dye and ye shall slea the beast also ' 16 If a woman go vnto any beast and lye downe thereto thou shalt kyll the woman and the beast also let them dye their blood be vpon them 17 If a man take his sister his fathers daughter or his mothers daughter see her nakednesse and she his nakednesse it is a wicked thing they shal be cut of in the sight of their people he hath vncouered his sisters nakednesse he shall beare his sinne 18 If a man lye with a woman hauing her natural disease and vncouer her nakednesse and open her fountayne and she also open the foūtayne of her blood they shall both be cut of from among their people 19 Thou shalt not vncouer the nakednesse of thy mothers sister nor of thy fathers sister for he that doth so hath vncouered his next kyn they shal beare their misdoyng 20 If a man lye with his vncles wyfe and vncouer his vncles nakednesse they shall beare their sinne and shall dye chyldlesse 21 If a man take his brothers wyfe it is an vncleane thyng he hath vncouered his brothers nakednesse they shal be chyldlesse 22 Ye shall kepe therefore all myne ordinaunces and all my iudgementes and do them that the lande whyther I bryng you to dwell therein spewe you not out 23 Ye shall not walke in the maners of this nation whiche I caste out before you For they committed all these thinges and therfore I abhorred thē 24 But I haue sayde vnto you ye shall enherite their lande and I wyll geue it vnto you to possesse it euen a lande that floweth with mylke and hony I am the Lorde your God whiche haue seperated you from other nations 25 And therefore shall ye put difference betweene cleane beastes and vncleane betweene vncleane foules and cleane Ye shal not defile your soules in beastes and foules and in all maner creeping thinges that the grounde bryngeth foorth whiche I haue seperated from you as vncleane 26 Therfore shall ye be holy vnto me for I the Lorde am holy and haue seuered you from other nations that ye shoulde be myne 27 If there be a man or woman that worketh with a spirit or that is a soothsayer let them dye Men shall ouerwhelme them with stones their blood be vpon them ' ¶ The .xxj. Chapter ' 'A lawe for the priestes ' 1 AND the Lorde sayde vnto Moyses Speake vnto the priestes the sonnes of Aaron say vnto them Let none be defiled by a corse among his people 2 But by his kynsman that is nye vnto him that is by his mother and his father by his sonne and his daughter and his brother 3 And by his sister a mayde that is nye vnto hym whom no man hath knowē for her shall he be defiled 4 But he shall not be defiled vpon hym that hath aucthoritie among his people to pollute him selfe 5 Let them not make baldnesse vpon their head nor shaue of y e lockes of their bearde nor make any cuttinges in their fleshe 6 They shal be holy vnto their God and not pollute the name of their God for the sacrifices of the Lorde made by fire and the bread of their God they do offer therfore they shall be holy 7 Let them not take a wyfe that is an whore or polluted nor put from her husband for such a one is holy vnto his god 8 Thou shalt sanctifie hym therfore for he offereth vp the bread of thy God he shall therefore be holy vnto thee for I the Lorde which sanctifie you am holy 9 If a priestes daughter fall to play the whore she polluteth her father therefore must she be burnt with fire 10 He that is the hie priest among his brethren vpon whose head the annoynting oyle was powred and that consecrated his hand to put on y e vestments shal not vncouer his head nor rent his clothes 11 Neither go to any dead body nor make hym selfe vncleane by his father or his mother 12 Neither shall go out of the sanctuarie nor pollute the holy place of his God for the crowne of the annoynting oyle of his God is vpon him I am the Lord. 13 He shall take a mayde vnto his wife ' 14 But a wydowe a deuorsed woman or a polluted or a harlot these shall he not marrie but shall take a mayde of his owne people to wyfe 15 Neither shal he defile his seede among his people for I am the Lorde whiche sanctifie hym 16 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses ' saying ' 17 Speake vnto Aaron and say Whosoeuer of thy seede in their generations hath any deformitie let hym not prease for to offer bread vnto his God 18 For whosoeuer hath any blemishe shall not come neare as if he be blynde or lame or that hath a brused nose or that hath any misshapen member 19 Or is broken footed or broken handed ' 20 Or is crooke backt or bleare eyed or haue a webbe or other blemishe in his eyes or be skuruie or skabbed or hath his stones broken 21 No man that hath a blemishe is of the seede of Aaron the priest shall come nye to offer the sacrifices of the Lorde made by fire When he hath a deformitie let him not prease to offer the bread of his God 22 Let him eate the bread of his God ' euen of the most holy and of the holy ' 23 Only let him not go in vnto y e vayle nor come nye the aulter because he is deformed that he pollute not my sanctuarie for I am the Lorde that sanctifie them 24 And Moyses tolde it vnto Aaron and to his sonnes and vnto all the chyldren of Israel ' The .xxij. Chapter ' 3 Who ought to abstayne from eating the thinges that were offered 19 Howe what and when they shoulde be offered ' 1 AND the Lorde spake ' vnto Moyses saying 2 Speake vnto Aaron and his sonnes that
blasphemed the name of the Lorde and cursed and they brought hym vnto Moyses His mothers name was Selomith which was the daughter of Dibri of the tribe of Dan. 12 And they * put hym in warde that the minde of y e Lorde might be shewed thē 13 And the Lorde spake vnto Moyses saying 14 Bryng the cursed speaker without the 46 And ye shall take them as inheritaūce for your children after you to possesse them for an inheritaunce they shal be your bondmen for euer but ouer your brethren the children of Israel ye shall not rule one ouer another cruelly 47 If a soiourner or straunger waxe riche by thee and thy brother that dwelleth by hym waxe poore and sell hym selfe vnto the straunger or soiourner by thee or to the stocke of the straungers kinne 48 After that he is solde he may be redeemed agayne one of his brethren may redeeme hym 49 Either his vncle or his vncles sonne may bye hym out or any that is nye of kinne vnto hym of his kinred may redeeme hym either yf his hande can get so much he may be bought out 50 And he shall recken with hym that bought hym from the yere that he was solde in vnto the yere of Iubilee and the price of his beyng shal be accordyng vnto the number of yeres according to the tyme of an hired seruaunt shall he be with hym 51 If there be yet many yeres behynde accordyng vnto them let hym geue againe for his deliueraunce of the money that he was bought for 52 If there remayne but fewe yeres vnto the yere of Iubilee let hym count with hym agayne and accordyng vnto his yeres geue hym agayne for his redemption 53 And he shal be with hym yere by yere as an hired seruaunt and the other shal not raigne cruelly ouer him in thy sight 54 If he be not redeemed thus he shall go out in the yere of Iubilee both he and his children with hym 55 For vnto me the children of Israel are seruauntes they are my seruauntes which I brought out of the lande of Egypt I am the Lorde your God ¶ The .xxvj. Chapter 3 They are blessed that kepe those thynges that God biddeth 14 A curse to them that breake them 1 YE shall make you no idols nor grauē image neither reare you vp any piller neither shall ye set vp any image of stone in your lande to bowe downe vnto it for I am the Lorde your God 2 Ye shall kepe my Sabbathes and reuerence my sanctuarie for I am the Lorde 3 If ye walke in my ordinaunces and kepe my commaundementes do thē 4 I wyll sende you rayne in due season and the lande shall yeelde her increase and the trees of the fielde shall geue their fruite 5 And your thresshyng shal reache vnto the vintage the vintage shall reache vnto sowyng tyme and ye shall eate your bread in plenteousnesse and dwell in your lande safely 6 And I wyll sende peace in the lande and ye shall lye downe without any man to make you afrayde And I wyll ridde euyll beastes out of the lande and there shall no sworde go throughout your lande 7 And ye shall chase your enemies and they shal fall before you vpon y e sworde 8 And fiue of you shall chase an hundred and an hundred of you shall put ten thousande to flight your enemies shall fall before you vpon the sworde 9 For I wyll haue respect vnto you and make you increase and multiplie you and set vp my couenaunt with you 10 And ye shall eate olde store and cary out olde because of the newe 11 And I wyll make my dwellyng place among you and my soule shal not lothe you 12 I wyll walke among you and wil be your God and ye shal be my people 13 I am the Lorde your God which brought you out of the lande of Egypt that ye shoulde not be their bondmen and I haue broken the chaynes of your yoke and made you go vpright 14 But and if ye wyll not hearken vnto me nor wyll not do after these commaundementes 15 And yf ye shall dispise myne ordinaunces either if your soule abhorre my lawes so that ye wyll not do all my commaundementes but breake my couenaunt 16 I also wyll do this vnto you For I wyll bryng vpon you fearefulnesse consumption and the burnyng ague to consume your eyes and gender sorowe of heart And ye shall sowe your seede in vayne for your enemies shall eate it 17 And I wyll set my face agaynst you ye shall fall before your enemies they that hate you shal raigne ouer you and ye shall flee whē no man foloweth you 18 And yf ye wyl not yet for all this hearken vnto me then wyll I punishe you seuen tymes more for your sinnes 19 And wyll breake the pride of your power and I wyll make your heauen as iron and your earth as brasse 20 And your labour shal be spent in vayne for your lande shall not geue her increase neither shall the trees of the lande geue their fruites 21 And if ye walke contrarie vnto me and wyll not hearken vnto me I wyll bryng seuen tymes mo plagues vpon you accordyng to your sinnes 22 I wyll also sende in wylde beastes vpon you which shall robbe you of your children and destroy your cattell and make you fewe in number and cause your hye wayes to be desolate 23 And if ye may not be refourmed by these thynges but shall walke contrary vnto me 24 Then wyll I also walke contrarie vnto you and wyl punishe you yet seuen tymes for your sinnes 25 And I wyll sende a sworde vpon you that shall auenge my couenaunt And when ye are gathered together within your cities I wyll sende the pestilence among you and ye shal be delyuered into the hande of the enemie 26 And whē I haue broken the staffe of your bread ten wyues shall bake your bread in one ouen and they shall deliuer you your bread agayne by wayght ye shall eate and not be satisfied 27 And if ye wyl not yet for all this hearken vnto me but walke agaynst me 28 I wyll walke contrary vnto you also in indignation and wyll chastise you seuen tymes more for your sinnes 29 And ye shall eate the fleshe of your sonnes and the fleshe of your daughters shall ye deuour 30 I wyll destroy your hye places and cut away your images and cast your carkasses vpon y e bodyes of your idols and my soule shall abhorre you 31 And I wyll make your cities desolate and bring your sanctuarie vnto naught and wyll not smell the sauour of your sweete odours 32 I wyll bryng the lande vnto a wildernesse and your enemies which dwell therin shall wonder at it 33 And I wyll strowe you among the heathen and wyll drawe out a sworde after you and your lande shal be waste and your cities desolate 34 Then shall the lande enioy
be doing and the Lorde shal be with thee 17 And Dauid commaunded al the lordes of Israel to helpe Solomon his sonne saying 18 Is not the Lord your God with you and hath he not geuen you rest on euery side for he hath geuen the inhabitours of the lande into my hande and the land is subdued before the Lorde and before his people 19 Nowe therefore set your heartes and your soules to seke the Lord your God Vp and buylde ye the temple of the Lord God to bring the arke of the couenaunt of the Lorde and the holy vessels of God into the house so buylt for the name of the Lorde The .xxiii. Chapter 1 Dauid being olde ordeineth Solomon king 3 He causeth the Leuites to be numbred 4 And assigneth them to their offices 13 Aaron and his sonnes are for the hie priestes 14 The sonnes of Moyses 1 SO when Dauid was olde and full of dayes he made Solomon his sonne king ouer Israel 2 And then he gathered together all the lordes of Israel with the priestes and the Leuites 3 And the Leuites were numbred from the age of thirtie yeres and aboue and the number and summe of them was thirtie and eyght thousande men 4 Of which twentie and foure thousand were set to further the worke of the house of the Lorde and sixe thousande were officers and iudges 5 Foure thousande were porters foure thousand praysed the Lorde with such instrumentes as was made to prayse withall 6 And so Dauid put an order among them deuiding them in partes Of the children of Leui Gerson Caath and Merari ' 7 Of the Gersonites was Laadan and ' Semei ' 8 The sonnes of Laadan the chiefe was ' Iehiel Zethan and Ioel three 9 The sonnes of Semei Selomith Haziel and Haran three These were the auncient fathers of Laadan 10 And the sonnes of Semei were Iahath Zina Ieus Beria these foure were the sonnes of Semei 11 And Iahath was the chiefe Ziza the seconde but Ieus and Beria had not many sonnes therfore they were in one reckening according to their fathers housholde reckened for one auncient housholde 12 The sonnes of Caath Amram Izahar ' Hebron and Vzziel foure ' 13 The sonnes of Amram Aaron and Moyses And Aaron was separated to haue the rule of the holy thinges in the place most holy he his sonnes for euer and to burne incense before the Lorde and to minister vnto him and to blesse in his name for euer 14 Moyses also the man of God and his children were named with the tribe of Leui. 15 The sonnes of Moyses Gersō Eliezer ' 16 Of the sonnes of Gersom Sebuel was ' the chiefe ' 17 The sonnes of Eliezer Rehabia the chiefe And Eliezer had none other sonnes but the sonnes of Rehabia were verie many 18 The sonnes of Izahar Selomith the' chiefe ' 19 The sonnes of Hebron Ieriahu the first Amaria the seconde Iahaziel the thirde and Iecmaam the fourth 20 The sonnes of Vzziel Micha the first ' and Iesia the seconde ' 21 The sonnes of Merari Mahli Musi ' The sonnes of Mahli Eleazar and Cis. ' 22 And Eleazar dyed and had no sonnes but daughters and their brethren the sonnes of Cis toke them 23 The sonnes of Musi Mahli Eder and ' Ieremoth three ' 24 These are the children of Leui after the houshold of their fathers euen the auncient of the fathers according to their offices and after the number and summe of the names of them that dyd the worke in the seruice of the house of the Lord from the age of twentie yeres and aboue 25 And Dauid sayde The Lorde God of Israel hath geuen rest vnto his people that they may dwell in Hierusalem for euer 26 That the Leuites also shoulde nowe no more beare the tabernacle and al the vessels for the seruice thereof 27 For according to the last wordes of Dauid the Leuites were numbred from twentie yeres and aboue 28 And their office was vnder the hande of the sonnes of Aaron for the seruice of the house of the Lorde in the courtes and celles and in the purifying of all holy thinges and in the worke of the seruice of the house of God 29 In the shewbread in the fine ●●owre in the meate offring in y e wafers of sweete bread in the frying panne in the gredyron and in all maner of measures sise 30 And to stand euery day in the morning to thanke and prayse the Lorde and so likewise at euen 31 And to offer all burnt sacrifices vnto the Lord in the Sabbathes in the new moones and on the feastfull dayes by number and custome continually as they were commaunded before the Lord. 32 And that they should wayte on the tabernacle of the congregation on the holy place and on the sonnes of Aaron their brethrē in the seruice of the house of the Lord. ' The .xxiiii. Chapter ' ' Dauid assigneth offices vnto the sonnes of Aaron ' 1 THese are the deuisions of the sonnes of Aarō The sonnes of Aaron Nadab Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar 2 Nadab also and Abihu dyed before their father had no children But Eleazar Ithamar executed the priestes office 3 And Dauid ordred them on this maner Zadoc of the sonnes of Eleazar and Ahimelec of the sonnes of Ithamar were according to their offices in their ministration 4 And there were mo auncient men founde among the sonnes of Eleazar then the sonnes of Ithamar And thus were they ordred together Among the sonnes of Eleazar there were sixteene rulers according to the houshold of their fathers and eyght among the sonnes of Ithamar according to the housholde of their fathers 5 And thus were they put in order by lot the one sort from the other and so were there rulers in the sanctuarie and lordes before God aswell of the sonnes of Eleazer as of the sonnes of Ithamar 6 And Semeia the sonne of Nathanael the scribe of the kinred of the Leuites wrote them before the king the lordes before Zadoc the priest and Ahimelec the sonne of Abiathar and before the auncient fathers of the priestes and Leuites one principall housholde being reserued for Eleazar and one for Ithamar 7 And the first lot fell to Iehoiarib and ' the seconde to Iedaia ' 8 The third to Harim and the fourth to ' Sehorim ' 9 The fyft to Melchia and the sixth to ' Miiamin ' 10 The seuenth to Hakos and the eyght ' to Abia ' 11 The nynth to Iesua and the tenth to ' Secaniah ' 12 The eleuenth to Eliasib the twelfth ' to Iakim ' 13 The thirteenth to Huppa and the fourteenth ' to Iesebeab ' 14 The fyftenth to Bilga and the sixtenth ' to Immer ' 15 The seuenteenth to Hezir and the eyghteenth ' to Aphses ' 16 The nynteenth to Pethahia and the' twentieth to Ieheskel ' 17 The twentie and one to Iachin and ' the twentie and two to Gamul ' 18 The twentie and
his burthen 24 Haue I put my trust in golde or haue I sayde to the wedge of golde thou art my confidence 25 Haue I reioyced because my power was great and because my hande gat so much 26 Dyd I euer greatly regarde the rysing of the sunne or had I the goyng downe of the moone in great reputation 27 Hath my heart medled priuyly with any disceite or did I euer kisse myne owne hande 28 That were a wickednesse worthy to be punished for then shoulde I haue denyed the God that is aboue 29 Haue I euer reioyced at the hurt of myne enemie or was I euer glad that any harme happened vnto him Oh no 30 I neuer suffred my mouth to sinne by wishing a curse to his soule 31 Dyd not the men of myne owne hous holde say Who shall let vs to haue our belly full of his fleshe 32 The straunger dyd not lodge in the streete but I opened my doores vnto him that went by the way 33 Haue I kept secrete my sinne and hyd myne iniquitie as Adam dyd 34 Though I coulde haue made afeard a great multitude yet the most contemptible of the families dyd feare me so I kept scilence and went not out of the doore 35 O that I had one which woulde heare me beholde my signe in the whiche the almightie shal aunswere for me though he that is my contrarie partie hath written a booke against me 36 Yet will I take it vpon my shoulder as a garlande binde it about my head 37 I will tell hym the number of my goinges go vnto him as to a prince 38 But if case be that my lande crye against me or that the forowes thereof make any complaynt 39 If I haue eaten the fruites therof vnpayed for yea if I haue greeued the soules of the maisters therof 40 Then let thystles growe in steede of my wheate and cockle for my barlye Here end the wordes of Iob. The .xxxii. Chapter 1 Elihu reproueth them of folly ● Age maketh not a man wife but the spirite of God 1 SO these three men ceassed to aunswere Iob because he held him selfe a righteous man 2 But Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite of the kinred of Ram was very sore displeased at Iob because he called hym selfe iust before God 3 And with Iobs three friendes he was angry also because they had founde no reasonable aunswere and yet condempned Iob. 4 Nowe taried Elihu till they had ended their cōmunication with Iob for why they were elder them he 5 So when Elihu sawe that these three men were not able to make Iob aunswere he was miscontent 6 Therfore Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite aunswered and sayde Considering that I am young and ye be men of age I was afrayde and durst not shewe foorth my mynde 7 For I thought thus within my selfe It becommeth old men to speake and the aged to teache wysdome 8 Euery man no doubt hath a mynde but it is the inspiration of the almightie that geueth vnderstanding 9 Great men are not alway wyse neither doth euery aged man vnderstande the thing that is lawfull 10 Therefore I say heare me and I wil shewe you also myne vnderstanding 11 For when I had wayted till ye made an end of your talking and hearde your wysdome what arguments ye made in your communication 12 Yea when I had diligently pondred what ye sayde I found not one of you that made any good argument against Iob that directly could make aunswere vnto his wordes 13 Lest ye should say We haue found out wisdome God shall cast hym downe and no man 14 He hath not spoken vnto me and I wil not aunswere hym as ye haue done 15 For they were so abashed that they coulde not make aunswere nor speake one worde 16 When I had wayted for they spake not but stoode still and aunswered no more 17 Then aunswered I in my turne and I shewed myne opinion 18 For I am full of matter and the spirite within me compelleth me 19 Beholde my belly is as the wine whiche hath no vent lyke the newe bottels that bruste 20 Therfore will I speake that I may haue a vent I will open my lippes and make aunswere 21 I will regarde no maner of person no man will I spare 22 For if I woulde go about to please men I knowe not howe soone my maker would take me away The .xxxiii. Chapter 5 Elihu accuseth Iob of ignoraunce 14 He sheweth that God hath diuers meanes to instruct man and to drawe hym from sinne 19. He afflicteth man and sodenly deliuereth hym 26 Man beyng deliuered geueth thankes to God 1 WHerefore heare my wordes O Iob and hearken vnto all that I will say 2 Behold I haue now opened my mouth my tongue hath spoken in my throte 3 My heart doth order my wordes aright and my lippes talke of pure wysedome 4 The spirite of God hath made me and the breath of the almightie hath geuen me my lyfe 5 If thou canst then geue me aunswere prepare thy selfe and stande before me face to face 6 Beholde before God I am euen as thou for I am fashioned made euen of the same molde 7 Beholde my terrour shall not feare thee neither shall my hande be heauy vpon thee 8 Now hast thou spoken in myne eares I haue heard the voyce of thy wordes 9 I am cleane without any fault I am innocent there is no wickednesse in me 10 But lo he hath piked a quarell against me and taketh me for his enemie 11 He hath put my foote in the stockes and looketh narowlye vnto all my pathes 12 Behold in this hast thou not done right I wil make aunswere vnto thee that God is greater then man 13 And why doest thou then striue against him for he shall not geue the accomptes of all his wordes 14 For God speaketh once or twise and yet man vnderstandeth it not 15 In dreames and visions of the night when slumbring commeth vpon men that they fall asleepe in their beddes 16 He roundeth them in the eares and sealeth their correction 17 That he may withdrawe man from euyll enterprises and deliuer hym from pride 18 And kepe his soule from the graue and his life from the sworde 19 He chasteneth hym with sickenesse vpon his bedde he layeth sore punishement vpon his bones 20 So that his lyfe may away with no bread and his soule abhorreth to eate any dayntie meate 21 In so much that his body is cleane consumed away and his bones appeare which before were not seene 22 His soule draweth vnto the graue and his lyfe to death 23 Now yf there be a messenger one among a thousande sent for to speake vnto man and to shew him the right way 24 Then the Lord is mercifull vnto him and sayth He shal be deliuered that
who coulde inuent that we shoulde b●th plea●●untly ●●ng and therewith profitably learne whereby wholsome doctrine might be the deeper printed in vs for that which with violence and f●rce is learne 〈…〉 w●nt to abide long but that which entr●th into vs with pleasure and by louing grace it continueth the longer in our heartes it sticketh the fast●r in our memories Now as for the matter and content of the psalme what is there but that a man may learne it there Is not there to be learned the valia● ●rtitude the righteousnes of iustice the so●ernes of temperaunce the perfection of prudence the fourme of penaunce the measure of 〈…〉 to vertue or perfection is it not there taught In the psalme is contayned absolute diuinitie both prophecie of Christes comming 〈…〉 threatfull warninges of the iudgement the h●pe of our rysing againe the feare of Gods punishmentes the promyses of euerlasting ioy the re●e● 〈…〉 all thes● be layd and couch●d vp in the psalter bo●ke as in a great treasure house common to all m●n Which booke the prophete Dauid from 〈…〉 among many instrumentes of musicke to agree with the instrument called the Psalterie signifying thereby as I can iudge the grace 〈…〉 aboue by the inspiration of the holy ghost For this only instrument of all other haue the cause of his sounde from his vpper part where the 〈…〉 by their wr●stes haue their sounde comming foorth out of the lower part of them but the Psalterie put foorth the sweetenes of his harmonious melodie from the vpper part teaching vs thereby that we should set our whole studie and meditation in heauenly thinges aboue and not by the sweetenesse of the tunes to be borne downe to the sensuall affections and delectations of the fleshe ¶ Saint Austen THe sweete tunes O Lord wherto thy holy scriptures geue so liuely a grace when they be song with the moderate voyce of expert men I do confesse that they do somwhat delectably stirre me but yet not for that I would dwell and abide still there but for that my minde might ryse vpward to godly affection and heauenly deuotion Notwithstanding when I feele this in my selfe that the melodie moueth me more then the matter of the dittie which is song I confesse then that I offend mortally therein NOW let the gentle reader haue this christian consideration within him selfe that though he findeth the psalmes of this translation folowing not so to sounde agreeably to his eares in his wonted wordes and phrases as he is accustomed with yet let him not be to much offended with the worke which was wrought for his owne commoditie and comfort And if he be learned let him correct the worde or sentence which may dislike him with the better and whether his note r●eth either of good wyll and charitie either of enuie and contention not purely yet his reprehension if it may turne to the finding out of the trueth shall not be repelled with griefe but applauded to in gladnesse that Christe may euer haue the prayse To whom with the father and the holy spirite be all glory and prayse for euer Amen ¶ The argument of the first psalme ¶ The first psalme seemeth to be a preface vnto the residue It declareth that the iust man only hath the true felicitie in this worlde whose delight is wholly in practising the lawe of God As for the vngodly man although he seeme for a tyme to prosper and to florishe yet his ende is very miserable and wretched 1 BLessed is the man that walketh not in the counsell of the vngodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sitteth in the seate of the scornefull 2 But his delight is in the lawe of God and in God his lawe exerciseth him selfe day and night 3 And he shal be lyke a tree planted by the waters syde that bryngeth foorth her fruite in due season and whose leafe wythereth not for whatsoeuer he doth it shall prosper 4 As for the vngodly it is not so with them but they are like the chaffe which the winde scattereth abrode 5 Therefore the vngodly shall not be able to stande in the iudgement neither the sinners in the congregation of the righteous 6 For God knoweth the way of the righteous and the way of the vngodly shall perishe ¶ The argument of the .ij. psalme ¶ All conspiracies of the Gentiles Iewes Princes Magistrates and Kinges against Christe be but altogether vayne for God hath marueylously appointed hym Lorde and king ouer al people to the vtter confusion of his aduersaries An exhortation to Kinges and Iudges for to be learned for to serue God and for to receaue his sonne Christe For happy are they that trust in hym 1 WHy do the Heathen so furiously rage together and why do the people imagine a vayne thing 2 The kynges of the earth stande vp and the rulers take counsell together against god and against his annointed 3 Let vs breake say they their bondes a sunder and cast away their cordes from vs. 4 He that dwelleth in heauen wyll laugh them to scorne the Lorde wyll haue them in derision 5 Then wyll he speake vnto them in his wrath and he wyll astonie them with feare in his sore displeasure 6 Saying euen I haue annointed him my kyng vpon my holy hyll of Sion 7 I wyll declare the decree God sayde vnto me thou art my sonne this day I haue begotten thee 8 Desire of me and I wyll geue thee the heathen for thyne inheritaunce and the vttermost partes of the earth for thy possession 9 Thou shalt bruise them with a rod of iron and breake them in peeces like a potters vessell 10 Wherfore be you nowe wel aduised O ye kinges be you learned ye that are iudges of the earth 11 Serue ye God in feare and reioyce ye with a trembling 12 Kisse ye the sonne lest that he be angrye and so ye perishe from the way if his wrath be neuer so litle kindled blessed are all they that put their trust in hym ¶ The argument of the .iij. psalme ¶ Dauid maruayling at the great number of his enemies calleth vpon God for helpe He putteth his trust in God and therfore he feareth not his aduersaries but he reioyceth at the successe that God geueth vnto hym ¶ A psalme of Dauid when he fled from the face of Absalom his sonne 2. Samu. cap. 15. 16. 1 O God howe are myne enemies increased many do ryse vp against me 2 Many say of my soule there is no saluation for it in God Selah 3 But thou O God art a buckler for me thou art my worship and the lifter vp of my head 4 I dyd call vpon God with my voyce and he hearde me out of his holy hyll Selah 5 I layde me downe and slept and I rose vp agayne for God sustayned me 6 I wyll not be afrayde of ten thousandes of the people that haue set
them selues against me rounde about 7 Arise vp O God saue thou me O my Lorde for thou hast smitten all myne enemies vpon the cheeke bone thou hast broken the teeth of the vngodly 8 Saluation is of God thy blessing is vpon thy people Selah ¶ The argument of the .iiii. psalme ¶ Dauid at the rebellion of his sonne Absalom cryeth to God for helpe He reproueth the chiefe doers of his aduersaries and exhorteth them to repent He is glad that they haue plentie of victuals and other necessaries seyng that he him selfe is assured of God his fauour ¶ To the chiefe musition on Neginoth a psalme of Dauid 1 HEare me when I call O God of my righteousnesse thou hast set me at libertie when I was in distresse 2 O ye sonnes of men how long wyll ye go about to bryng my glory to confusion ye loue vanitie ye seeke after lyes Selah 3 For ye must know that God hath chosen to him selfe a godly man God wyl heare when I call vnto hym 4 Be ye angry but sinne not commune with your owne heart in your chaumber and be styll Selah 5 Offer the sacrifice of righteousnesse and put your trust in God 6 There be many that say who wyll shewe vs any good O God lift thou vp the light of thy countenaunce vpon vs. 7 Thou hast put gladnesse in my heart since the time that their corne and wine increased 8 I wyll lay me downe in peace and take my rest for thou God only makest me to dwell in safetie The argument of the .v. psalme ¶ Dauid afflicted with enemies requireth God to heare his prayers to guide him and to destroy wicked flattering rebels trusting most assuredly that the godly shall be of hym defended and blessed ¶ To the chiefe musition vpon Nehiloth a psalme of Dauid 1 GEue eare vnto my wordes O God vnderstande thou my pensifnesse 2 Hearken thou vnto the voyce of my crying my kyng and my Lorde for vnto thee I wyll make my prayer 3 Thou shalt heare my voyce betymes O God I wyll early in the morning direct a prayer vnto thee and I wyll looke for helpe from thee 4 For thou art the Lorde that hath no pleasure in wickednesse neither can any euyll dwell with thee 5 Suche as be foolishe can not stande in thy sight thou hatest all workers of iniquitie 6 Thou wilt destroy them that make a lye God wyll abhorre both the blood-thirstie and deceiptfull man 7 As for me I wyll come into thyne house trusting in the multitude of thy mercy and in thy feare I will humble my selfe in thyne holy temple 8 Leade me O God in thy righteousnesse because of myne enemies make thy way playne before my face 9 For no trueth is in their mouth their inwarde partes are very wickednesse their throte is an open sepulchre they flatter with their tongue 10 Destroy thou them O Lord let them perishe through their owne counsailes cast them out in the multitude of their vngodlinesse for they haue rebelled against thee 11 And all they that trust in thee wyll reioyce they wyll triumph for euer because thou defendest them and they that loue thy name wyll be ioyfull in thee 12 For thou O God wylt blesse the righteous and thou wylt compasse hym about with beneuolence as with a shielde The argument of the .vj. psalme ¶ Dauid besecheth God of his mercy to mitigate the afflictions whiche he felt in his body and soule to this ende that he in this lyfe might prayse God And forsomuch as he assureth him selfe that God hath hearde his prayer he pronounceth that his enemies shall be put to shame ¶ To the chiefe musition on Neginoth vpon eyght a psalme of Dauid 1 O God rebuke me not in thine indignation neither chasten me in thy wrath 2 Haue mercy on me O God for I am weake O God heale me for my bones be very sore 3 My soule also is greatly troubled but O God howe long shall I be in this case 4 Turne thee O God and deliuer my soule Oh saue me for thy mercies sake 5 For in death no man remembreth thee and in the graue who can acknowledge thee 6 I am weerie of my groning I washe my bed euery nyght and I water my coutche with my teares 7 Mine eye is almost put out through griefe and worne out through all mine enemies 8 Away from me all workers of iniquitie for God hath hearde the voyce of my weeping 9 God hath hearde my petition God wyll receaue my prayer 10 All myne enemies shal be confounded and sore vexed they shal be turned backe they shal be put to shame sodainlye The argument of the .vii. psalme ¶ Dauid prayeth God to deliuer him from such as do persecute him to death for that he is innocent and hath deserued no suche thing at their handes comforting him selfe therfore in God he threatneth destruction to his enemies ¶ Siggaion of Dauid whiche he song vnto God in the busines of Chus the sonne of Iemini 1 O God my Lord in thee I haue put my trust saue me from all them that do persecute me and deliuer thou me 2 Lest he like a Lion seasoneth on my soule teareth it in peeces hauyng no rescue 3 O God my Lord if I haue done any such thing or if there be any wickednesse in my handes 4 If I haue done euyll vnto hym that had peace with me and if I haue not deliuered hym that is without a cause myne aduersarie 5 Then let myne enemie persecute my soule and take me yea let hym put me to death and lay myne honour in the dust Selah 6 Arise O God in thy wrath and stand thou vp agaynst the rage of myne enemies stirre thou for me according to the iudgement whiche thou hast geuen 7 And so shall the congregation of the people come about thee for their sakes therfore place thy selfe on high 8 God wyll iudge the people geue thou sentence with me O God according to my righteousnesse and according to my perfection that is within me 9 My desire is that y e wickednesse of the vngodly may come to an ende and that thou wouldest assist the iust who art the tryer of heartes and of reynes O most righteous Lorde 10 My buckler is with God who preserueth them that be vpright in heart 11 The Lorde is a righteous iudge and the Lorde is prouoked to anger euery day 12 If the wicked wyll not turne he wyll whet his sworde bende his bowe and haue it in a redinesse to shoote 13 He hath prepared hym instrumentes of death he hath ordayned his arrowes agaynst them that be persecutors 14 Beholde he wyll be in trauayle of a mischiefe for he hath conceaued a labour but yet he shall be brought to bed of a falsehood 15 He hath made a graue and digged it but he hym selfe
not leaue my soule in hell neither wylt thou suffer thyne holy one to see corruption 11 Thou wylt cause me to knowe the path of lyfe in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioy and at thy right hand there be pleasures for euermore The argument of the .xvii. psalme Dauid prayeth God to delyuer hym from his enemies which were many mightie and cruell He taketh God for a witnesse of his innocencie trustyng to see his face at the day of resurrection A prayer of Dauid HEare thou O God of iustice be attentiue vnto my complaynt geue eare vnto my prayer not proceeding out of fayned lyppes 2 Let iudgement come foorth for me from thy face and let thine eyes loke vpon equitie 3 Thou hast proued myne heart thou hast visited it in the nyght season thou hast tryed me and founde no wickednesse for I purposed that nothyng shoulde scape my mouth 4 As touchyng other mens workes through the wordes of thy lyppes I haue kept me from the way of the violent 5 O holde thou vp my goynges in thy pathes that my footesteppes slyp not 6 I call vpon thee O God for thou wilt heare me incline thine eare to me hearken vnto my wordes 7 Shewe thy marueylous louyng kindnesse thou that art the sauiour of them that trust in thee from such as ryse vp agaynst thy ryght hande 8 Kepe me as the apple of an eye hyde me vnder the shadowe of thy wynges from the face of the vngodly that go about to destroy me from myne enemies that compasse me rounde about to take away my soule 9 They haue inclosed them selues in their owne fat with their mouth they speake proude thynges 10 They haue nowe compassed me on euery syde where our way lyeth they toote with their eyes to ouerthrow me downe on the grounde 11 His doynges be lyke a lions that is greedy to take a pray and as a lions whelpe lurkyng in secrete places 12 Aryse O God preuent his commyng make hym to bowe delyuer thou my soule from the vngodly which is thy sworde 13 ●Deliuer thou me O God from men ●which be thy hande from men from the worlde whose portion is in this lyfe whose bellyes thou fyllest with thy prime treasure 14 Whose children haue aboundaunce they leaue enough of that they haue remaynyng to their babes 15 But as for me I will beholde thy face in ryghteousnesse I shal be satisfied when I awake vp after thy lykenesse ¶ The argument of the .xviij. Psalme Dauid declareth that he wyll at all tymes trust in God and call vpon hym for helpe because God hath with his mightie arme and wonderfull meanes deliuered hym from cruell enemies which dyd set vpon hym lyke fiendes of hell He imputeth this Gods fauour towardes hym to proceede of that he loued Gods worde ryght dealyng and honest companie Thus encouraged with Gods presence and ayde he maketh sure count not only to ouerrunne and destroy his enemies and rebelles but also to subdue vnto hym other nations of the heathen that God amongst them also may be praysed To the chiefe musition the seruaunt of God and of Dauid who spake vnto God the wordes of this song in the day that God deliuered him from the hande of all his enemies and from the hande of Saul And he sayde 1 I Wyll entirely loue thee O God my strength God is my stony rocke my fortresse and my delyuerer my Lorde my castell in whom I wyll trust my buckler the horne of my saluation my refuge 2 I wyll call vpon God who is most worthy to be praysed so I shall be safe from myne enemies 3 The panges of death haue compassed me about and the outragiousnes of the wicked haue astonyed me with feare 4 The panges of a graue haue compassed me about the snares of death ouertoke me 5 But in this my distresse I dyd call vppon God and I made my complaynt vnto my Lorde he hearde my voyce out of his temple and my crye came before his face euen vnto his eares 6 The earth trembled and quaked the very foundations of the hylles tottered and shooke because he was wroth 7 In his anger a smoke ascended vp and a fire out of his mouth dyd cōsume and euery cole therof dyd set a fire 8 He bowed the heauens also and he came downe and it was darke vnder his feete 9 He ridde vpon the Cherub and he dyd flee he came fleeyng vpon the wynges of the wynde 10 For his secrete place he dyd put darkenesse and for his pauilion rounde about hym he dyd put darknesse of waters in cloudes of the ayre 11 His cloudes haylestones and coles of fire fell downe before hym after lyghtnyng 12 God also thundred out of heauen and the most hyghest made his voyce to sounde haylestones and coles of fire 13 He shot out his arrowes and scattered them he cast foorth much lyghtnynges and destroyed them 14 And the bottomes of waters appeared and the foundations of the rounde worlde were discouered at thy chidyng O God at the blast of the breath of thine anger 15 He hath sent downe from aboue to fetch me he hath taken me out of many waters 16 He hath deliuered me from my strong enemie and from them which hate me for they were to stout for me 17 They preuented me in the day of my trouble but God was vnto me a sure stay 18 He brought me also foorth into a place of libertie he brought me foorth because he had a fauour vnto me 19 God rewarded me after my righteous dealyng accordyng to the cleannesse of myne handes he recompensed me 20 Because I had kept the wayes of God and had not wickedly shronke from my God 21 For all his lawes were before me and I reiected none of his commaundementes from me 22 And I was sounde pure towardes hym and I was weery lest I shoulde offende hym with my wickednesse 23 Therfore hath God rewarded me after my righteous dealyng and accordyng to my cleannesse of my handes in his syght 24 With the holy thou wylt be holy with a perfect man thou wylt be perfect 25 With the cleane thou wylt be cleane and with the frowarde thou wylt be frowarde 26 For thou hast saued the people oppressed and thou hast brought downe the hygh lokes of the proude 27 Thou also hast lyghtened my candell God my Lorde hath made my darknesse to be lyght 28 For in thee I haue discomfited an hoast of men and with the helpe of my Lorde I haue skipped ouer the wall 29 The way of the Lorde is a perfect way the worde of God is tryed in the fire he is a shielde vnto all them that put their trust in hym 30 For who is a Lorde besides God or who hath any strength besides our Lorde 31 It is God that hath gyrded me with valiauntnesse of warre and he hath made my way playne 32 He hath made
God for I haue called vpon thee let the vngodlye be put to confusion and be put to scilence in the graue 18 Let the lying lippes be put to scilence which speake against y e righteous greeuous thinges with disdaine contempt 19 Howe plentifull is thy goodnes which thou hast layde vp for them that feare thee and whiche thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee before the sonnes of men 20 Thou hydest them priuily in thyne owne presence from the raginges of all men thou kepest them secretly as in a tabernacle from the strife of tongues 21 Blessed be God for he hath shewed me marueylous great kindnes in a strong citie 22 And when I fled with al haste I said I am cast out of the sight of thine eyes neuerthelesse thou heardest the voyce of my prayer when I cryed vnto thee 23 Loue God all ye his saintes for God preserueth them that are faythfull and rewardeth most aboundauntly the proude doer 24 All ye that put your trust in God be ye of a good courage and he wyll comfort your heart The argument of the .xxxij. psalme ¶ Dauid teacheth mans felicitie to consist in the forgeuenes of his sinnes when God imputeth them not vnto him that confesseth them from the bottome of his heart vnfaynedly without all hypocrisie He exhorteth the wicked to haue asense and feeling of their sinnes and so putting their trust in God shall obtayne mercy ¶ A wyse instruction of Dauid 1 BLessed is he whose wickednes is forgeuen and whose sinne is couered 2 Blessed is y e man vnto whom God imputeth no vnrighteousnes in whose spirit there is no guile 3 For whyle I helde my tongue my bones consumed away through my dayly roaring 4 For thy hande is heauie vpon me day and night and my moysture is like the drouth in sommer Selah 5 Therfore I haue made knowen my faultes vnto thee and my righteousnes haue I not hid I sayd I will confesse my wickednes vnto God and thou forgauest the vnrighteousnes of my sinne Selah 6 For this shall euery one that is godly make his prayer vnto thee in the time when thou mayest be founde so that in the great water fluddes they shal not come nye hym 7 Thou art my refuge thou wylt preserue me from trouble thou wylt compasse me about with songes of deliueraunce Selah 8 I will geue thee wise instructions and teach thee in the way wherin thou shalt go I wil guyde thee with mine eye 9 Be ye not lyke a horse or lyke a mule whiche haue no vnderstanding whose mouthes must be holden with bit and brydle lest they fall vpon thee 10 Great plagues remaine for the vngodly but who so putteth his trust in God mercy imbraceth him on euery side 10 Be glad in God reioyce O ye righteous be ioyfull also all ye that be vpright of heart The argument of the .xxxiij. psalme ¶ Dauid exhorteth all men to prayse God in calling to remembraunce his goodnes trueth promises power and prouidence for whatsoeuer he saieth or promiseth he perfourmeth it Gods power appeareth by thinges created his prouidence in disapoyntyng mens deuises God seeth and knoweth al thinges and taketh care of all God deliuereth those that feare him and is their ayde and buckler in all distresses 1 REioyce in God O ye righteous for prayse becommeth well the iust 2 Confesse it to god with the harpe sing psalmes vnto hym with the viall and with the instrument of ten stringes 3 Sing vnto him a new song do it cunningly make a sweete noyse with your musicall instrumentes alowde 4 For the word of God is right and euery worke of his done in fayth 5 He loueth righteousnes iudgement the earth is ful of the goodnes of God 6 By the worde of God are the heauens made and all the hoastes of them by the breath of his mouth 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together as it were vpon an heape and layeth vp the deepe as treasures 8 Let all the earth feare God let all they that dwell in the worlde stande in awe of him 9 For he spake and it was he commaūded and it was brought to passe 10 God bringeth the counsell of the Heathen to naught and maketh the deuises of the people to be of none effect 11 The counsayle of God shall endure for euer and the thoughtes of his heart from generation to generation 12 Blessed is the nation that hath God to be their Lorde that people hath he chosen to be an inheritaunce for him 13 God looketh downe from heauen and beholdeth all the chyldren of men from the place where he resteth he eyeth diligently euery dweller on the earth 14 He fashioneth their heartes together he vnderstandeth al their workes 15 A king is not saued by the multitude of an hoast a man of great myght escapeth not by much strength 16 A horse for to saue is vanitie and he can deliuer none by his great strength 17 Beholde the eye of God is vpon them that feare hym and vpon them that wayteth after his mercy 18 To deliuer their soules from death and to preserue their liues in dearth 19 Our soule wayteth after God he is our ayde and shielde 20 For our heart shall reioyce in him because we haue put our trust in his holy name 21 Let thy louing kindnes O God be vppon vs like as we haue put our trust in thee The argument of the .xxxiiii. psalme ¶ Dauid setteth foorth the exceeding goodnes of God towardes the innocent and iust and towardes those that worship hym feare hym and trust in hym for God heareth them whensoeuer they call vpon hym in their necessitie he is present with them in helping deliuering and defending them Agayne he ordereth so seuerely the wicked that he bringeth them to desolation that no remembraunce be left once of them ¶ Of Dauid when he chaunged his behauiour before Abimelech whiche droue him away and he departed 1 I Wyll alway blesse God his prayse shall euer be in my mouth 2 My soule shal glory in God the humble shall heare therof and be glad 3 Magnifie God with me and let vs exalt his name all together 4 Carefully I sought God he hearde me yea he deliuered me out of all my feare 5 Let them turne their eyes on him and make speede to come vnto hym and their faces shall not be ashamed 6 Lo this same poore man hath cryed and God hath hearde hym and saued hym out of all his troubles 7 The angell of God campeth rounde about them that feare hym and deliuereth them 8 O taste and see how gracious God is blessed is the man that trusteth in him 9 Feare God ye that be his saintes for they that feare him lacke nothing 10 Young Lions do lacke and suffer hunger but they whiche seeke God shall want no maner of
caused waters to gushe downe like as out of riuers 17 Yet for all this they sinned still against hym so that they prouoked the most hyghest in the wildernesse 18 And they temped god in their heartes in requiring meate for their lust 19 They spake against God they said can God prepare a table in the wildernesse 20 Beholde he hath smytten the stonie rocke and waters haue gushed out and streames haue flowed out aboundantly but can he likewise geue bread can he prouide fleshe for his people 21 Wherefore God hearde them he was wroth a fire was kindled in Iacob and there arose vp heauy displeasure against Israel 22 Because they beleued not in the Lord nor did put their trust in his saluation 23 And yet he commaunded the cloudes aboue and opened the doores of heauen 24 He raigned downe Manna also vpon them that they shoulde eate and gaue them corne from heauen 25 So man dyd eate the bread of angels he sent them meate inough 26 He remoued the east winde from vnder the heauen and through his power he brought in the south winde 27 He rained fleshe vpon them as thycke as dust and fethered foules like as the sande of the sea 28 He let it fall among their tentes euen rounde about their pauilions 29 So they dyd eate and were wel filled for he gaue them their owne desire neuerthelesse they were not alienated from their lust 30 But whyle the meate was yet in their mouthes the heauy wrath of God came vpon them and slue the welthyest of them and made the chosen men of Israel to stoupe 31 For all this they sinned still and beleued not his wonderous workes 32 Therfore their dayes dyd he consume in vanitie their yeres in a short troublous time 33 When he slue them they sought hym they repented them and made God their morninges worke 34 And they remembred that the Lorde was their rocke that the Lorde most hyghest was their redeemer 35 Neuerthelesse they dyd but flatter him with their mouth and they made hym a lye with their tongue 36 For their heart was not vpright with him neither continued they faythfull in his couenaunt 37 Yet for all that he beyng most merciful cleane pardoned all their misdeedes and destroyed them not 38 Yea many a tyme he dyd much for to represse his anger and neuer woulde suffer his whole rage to breake out 39 For he considered that they were but fleshe and that they were euen a winde that passeth away cōmeth not againe 40 How oft dyd they prouoke hym in the wildernes greeued hym in the desert 41 They turned backe and tempted the Lorde and prescribed boundes to the most holy God of Israel 42 They thought not of his hande in the day when he redeemed them from the enemie 43 Howe he had wrought his miracles in Egypt and his wonders in the fielde of Zoan 44 For he turned into blood their riuers fluddes so that they might not drinke 45 He sent amongst them all kind of flyes who dyd eate them and frogges who destroyed them 46 He gaue their fruites vnto the caterpiller their labour to the grashopper 47 He destroyed their vines with hayle stones and their wilde figge trees with the harde frost 48 He smote their cattell also with haylestones and their flockes with thunder boltes 49 He cast vpon them the rage of his furie anger disdayne and trouble by sending foorth euill angels amongst them 50 He made away to his indignatiō spared not their soule from death he gaue their lyfe to be subiect to the pestilence 51 And he smote all the first borne of Egypt the first fruites of concupiscence in the pauilions of Cham. 52 But as for his owne people he led them foorth like sheepe and conducted them through the wildernesse like a flocke of cattell 53 He brought them out safely that they shoulde not feare and ouerwhelmed their enemies with the sea 54 And brought them within the borders of his sanctuarie euen to this mountayne which his right hand purchased 55 He dyd cast out the heathen also before them he caused their land to be deuided among thē for an heritage made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tentes 56 Neuerthelesse they tempted and displeased the most hyghest Lorde kept not his testimonies 57 They turned backewarde and they went astray like their forefathers they started aside like a bowe that breaketh 58 For they stirred hym to anger with their hygh places and prouoked him to ielousie with their carued images 59 When the Lorde hearde this he was wroth toke sore displeasure at Israel 60 So that he forsoke the tabernacle in Silo the pauilion wherin he dwelt amongst men 61 He deliuered his force into captiuitie and his glorie into the enemies hande 62 He gaue also his people ouer to y e sword and was wroth with his inheritaunce 63 Fire consumed his young men and his maydens were not maryed 64 His priestes were slayne with the sworde and his wydowes made no lamentation 65 But the Lorde awaked as though he had slept like a giaunt making a triumphant noyse after wine 66 He smote his enemies in the hynder parts put them to a perpetual shame 67 He refused the tabernacle of Ioseph and chose not the tribe of Ephraim 68 But he chose the tribe of Iuda euen the hill of Sion which he loued 69 And there he buylded his temple on high and layde the foundation of it like a grounde euer to continue 70 He chose also Dauid his seruaunt and toke hym away from the sheepefoldes 71 As he was folowing the ewes great with young he toke hym that he might feede Iacob his people and Israel his inheritaunce 72 So he fed them according to the simplicitie of his heart and guided them by the discretion of his handes The argument of the lxxix psalme The prophete in the name of the Israelites greatly afflicted lamenteth at the destruction of the temple and of the citie of Hierusalem done by the Heathen and at the slaughter of his people He prayeth God aswell to take vengeaunce of the enemies in turning his displeasure on them as to pardon hym and his their manyfolde sinnes for his names sake that they might prayse him for euer ¶ A psalme of Asaph 1 O Lord the heathen are come into thyne inheritaunce they haue defiled thy holy temple they haue made Hierusalē an heape of stones 2 They haue geuen the dead bodies of thy seruauntes to be meate vnto the soules of the ayre and the fleshe of thy saintes vnto the beastes of the lande 3 They haue shed their blood like water on euery syde of Hierusalem and there is none to burie them 4 We are become an open shame vnto our neyghbours a very scorne and derision vnto them that are rounde about vs. 5 O God howe long wylt thou be angry
out of course 6 I haue sayde ye are gods and ye all are chyldren of the most highest 7 But ye shall dye lyke as a man doth and princes them selues shall fall away lyke as other do 8 Arise O God and iudge thou the earth for thou shalt take all Heathen to thine inheritaunce The argument of the .lxxxiij. psalme ¶ The prophete in the name of the Churche moueth God not to suffer any longer the outragiousnes of a great number of enemies whose endeuours be onlye for to destroy the Churche and the name of the chyldren of God Wherefore he wisheth iust punishment for them ¶ A song the psalme of Asaph 1 HOlde not thy tongue O Lorde kepe not styll scilence refraine not thy selfe O Lorde 2 For beholde thyne enemies make an vprore and they that hate thee haue lifted vp their head 3 They haue deuised shrewde counsell against thy people and they haue consulted against thyne whom thou defendest 4 They haue said come and let vs roote them out that they be no more a people and that the name of Israel may be no more in remembraunce 5 For they haue conspired all in one minde are confederate against thee 6 The pauilions of Edom and the Ismaelites of Moab and Hagerites 7 Gebal and Ammon and Amalec the Philistines with the inhabitauntes of Tyre 8 Assur also is ioyned vnto them they were a great ayde to the chyldren of Lot Selah 9 But do thou vnto them as vnto Midian as vnto Sisera as vnto Iabin at the brooke Kishon 10 Whiche perished at Ein Dor and became as the doung of the earth 11 Make them their princes and al their captaynes lyke Oreb and lyke Zeeb and lyke Salmunna 12 Whiche sayd let vs take to our selues the houses of God in possession 13 O my Lorde make them lyke vnto a wheele and as chaffe before the winde 14 Lyke as a fire that burneth vp the wood and as the flambe that consumeth the mountaynes 15 Persecute them euen so with thy tempest and make them afrayde with thy storme 16 Make shame to appeare in their faces that they may seeke thy name O God 17 Let them be confounded and astonied with feare euer more more let them be put to shame and perishe 18 And let them knowe that thou in thy name God eternall art only O thou the most highest ouer all the earth ¶ The argument of the .lxxxiiij. psalme ¶ The prophete like a vertuous prince openeth the singuler affection of his heart towarde the house of God beyng sory that he can not come thyther through the trouble that he was oppressed He affirmeth them to be most happy who may be at the publique seruice in the Churche for to prayse God He requireth Gods mercy and fauour that he may be restored to Hierusalem for to set foorth his prayse for he that putteth his trust in God is happy ¶ To the chiefe musition vpon Gittith a psalme of the sonnes of Corach 1 O How amiable are thy dwellinges thou God of hoastes 2 My soule hath a desire and a longing to enter into the courtes of God my heart and my flesh leapeth with ioy for to go to the liuing Lorde 3 Yea the sparowe hath founde her an house and the swallowe a nest where she may lay her young euen thy aulters O God of hoastes my king my Lord. 4 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they wyll be alway praysyng thee Selah 5 Blessed is that man whose strength is in thee thy wayes are in their heart 6 They iourneying through the vale * of teares yea when euery cesterne at their name is filled with water do accept it for a fayre pleasaunt well 7 They wyl set forward frō a stoute courage to a stoute courage that the God of Gods may be seene of them in Sion 8 O God Lorde of hoastes heare my prayer geue eare O God of Iacob Selah 9 Beholde O Lorde our shielde and loke vpon the face of thyne annointed 10 For one day in thy courtes is better then a thousande els where I had rather be a doore keper in the house of my God then to dwell in large tabernacles of vngodlynes 11 For God the Lorde is a sunne and a shielde God geueth grace and worship he withholdeth no good thyng from them that liue in any perfection 12 O God of hoastes blessed is the man that putteth his trust in thee The argument of the .lxxxv. psalme ¶ The prophete maketh a publique prayer vnto God thanking hym and praysing him for that he hath forgeuen the people their sinnes He prophesieth of the comming of Christe by whom iustice peace glory prosperitie and saluation commeth the fruites of them that be iustified by Christe ¶ To the chiefe musition a psalme of the sonnes of Corach 1 O God thou art become gracious vnto thy land thou hast brought Iacob agayne home out of captiuitie 2 Thou hast forgeuen the wickednes of thy people and couered all their sinnes Selah 3 Thou hast taken away al thy displeasure and turned thy selfe from thy wrathfull indignation 4 Turne vs O God of our saluation and let thyne anger ceasse from vs. 5 Wilt thou be displeased at vs for euer and wylt thou stretche out thy wrath from one generation to another 6 Wylt thou not turne agayne and reuiue vs that thy people may reioyce in thee 7 Shew vs thy louing kindnes O God and graunt vs thy saluation 8 I wyll hearken what God the Lord saith for he speaketh peace vnto his people to his saintes that they turne not agayne to folly 9 For truely his saluation is nye them that feare him insomuch that glory dwelleth in our earth 10 Mercy and trueth are met together righteousnes and peace haue kissed eche other 11 Trueth shall bud out of the earth and ryghteousnes shall looke downe from heauen 12 Yea God shall geue all that is good and our earth shall geue her encrease 13 Euery man shall cause righteousnes to go before him and he shall direct his steppes in the way The argument of the .lxxxvj. psalme ¶ Dauid beyng sore afflicted calleth earnestly to God for helpe complayning of the mischeuous dealinges of his enemies He praiseth God for his manifold goodnes and power aboue all gods of the Heathen prophesiyng that all nations shall worship hym He desireth that he may be taught of God and deliuered from his enemies that he may glorifie God ¶ A prayer of Dauid 1 BOw downe thine eare O God and heare me for I am poore and in miserie 2 Preserue thou my soule for I am holy my God saue thy seruaunt that putteth his trust in thee 3 Be mercifull vnto me O God for I do call dayly vpon thee 4 Comfort the soule of thy seruaunt for vnto thee O Lord do I lift vp my soule 5 For thou Lorde art good and gracious and of great mercy vnto all them
calamitie can hurt them God mightily preserueth them in all afflictions and temptations He promiseth those that knowe hym loue hym and honour hym in callyng vpon hym for helpe in their neede that they shal be hearde deliuered brought to honour they shall haue long lyfe in this worlde and after this lyfe they shal be saued both body and soule 1 WHosoeuer sitteth vnder the couer of the most highest he shal abide vnder the shadowe of the almightie 2 I wyll say vnto God thou art my hope and my fortresse my Lorde in whom I wyll trust 3 For he wyll delyuer thee from the snare of the hunter and from the noysome pestilence 4 He wyll couer thee vnder his wynges thou shalt be safe vnder his fethers his faythfulnesse shal be thy shielde and buckler 5 Thou shalt not be afrayde of any terrour of the nyght nor of any arrowe that fleeth by day 6 Nor of any pestilence that walketh in the darknesse nor of any deadly fyt that destroyeth at hygh noone 7 A thousande shall fall beside thee and ten thousande at thy ryght hande but it shall not come nygh thee 8 Thou only with thine eyes shalt beholde see the rewarde of the vngodly 9 For thou O God art my hope thou hast set thine habitation very hygh 10 There shall no euyll lyght on thee neither shall any plague come nye thy dwellyng 11 For he wyll geue his angels charge ouer thee to kepe thee in all thy wayes 12 They wyll beare thee in their handes that thou hurt not thy foote agaynst a stone 13 Thou shalt set thy foote vppon the Lion and Adder the young Lion and the Dragon thou shalt treade vnder thy feete 14 Because he hath set greatly his loue vpon me therfore wyll I deliuer hym I wyll set hym vp out of all daunger because he hath knowen my name 15 He shall call vpon me and I wyll heare hym yea I am with hym in trouble I wyll deliuer hym and bryng hym to honour 16 I wyll satisfie hym with a long lyfe and I wyll cause hym to see my saluation ¶ The argument of the .xcij. Psalme ¶ It seemeth that the prophete made this psalme to be song vnto the people vpon the Sabbath dayes for to stirre them vp the better to knowe God and to prayse God in his workes He commendeth the settyng foorth of Gods prayse in musicall instrumentes He reioyceth much and wondereth at Gods workes But the foole vnderstandeth not that the wicked be they neuer so fortunate shall come to a wretched ende for the wicked shal be destroyed and the godly shall prosper The greatest felicitie that the iust hath in this lyfe is to be planted in the house of God there continually for to prayse hym ¶ A Psalme the song for the sabbath day 1 IT is a good thyng to confesse vnto God and to syng psalmes vnto thy name O thou most hyghest 2 To set foorth in wordes thy louyng kyndnesse early in the mornyng and thy trueth in the nyght season 3 Vpon an instrument of ten strynges and vpon the Lute vpon the Harpe with a solemne sounde 4 For thou God hast made me glad thorowe thy workes I do reioyce in the workes of thy handes 5 O God howe glorious are thy workes thy thoughtes are very depe 6 An vnwise man doth not consider this and a foole doth not vnderstande it 7 Wheras the vngodly do bud vp greene as the grasse and wheras all workers of iniquitie do florishe that they notwithstandyng shal be destroyed for euer and euer 8 But thou O God art the most highest for euermore 9 For lo thine enemies O God lo thine enemies shall perishe all the workers of wickednesse shal be destroyed 10 But my horne shal be exalted lyke the horne of an vnicorne for I am annoynted with excellent oyle 11 And myne eye shall see those that lye in wayte for me myne eare shall heare the malitious persons that rise vp agaynst me 12 The ryghteous shall florishe lyke a paulme tree and shall spread abroade like a Cedar in Libanus 13 Such as be planted in the house of God shall florishe in the courtes of our Lorde 14 They shall styll bryng foorth fruite in their age they shal be fat and florishyng 15 For to set foorth in wordes that God is vpright he is my rocke and no iniquitie is in hym ❧ The argument of the .xciii. psalme ¶ The prophete prayseth the mightinesse of the maiestie of God which is declared from the beginning of the world partly by the wonderful continuaunce of creatures made in it and partly by testifiyng his wyll cōmaundementes and holynesse to his people 1 GOd raigneth he is clothed with a glorious maiestie God is clothed with strength he hath girded hym selfe he hath made the worlde so sure that it can not be moued 2 Euer since the worlde began thy throne hath ben set sure thou art from euerlastyng 3 The fluddes are risen O God the fluddes haue lyft vp their noyse the fluddes haue lyft vp their waues 4 God which is on high is more puissaūt then the noyse of many waters then the mightie waues of the sea 5 Thy testimonies are most certayne holynesse is an ornament to thine house O God in all tymes ¶ The argument of the .xciiii. Psalme ¶ The prophete calleth vpon God earnestly for to take avengeaunce of the wicked who do afflict the innocent without cause He complayneth of their outragiousnesse and tiranny He reproueth them of foolishnesse in that they thynke and say that God seeth them not for God knoweth their wickednesse and seeth their priuie thoughtes And in punishyng them he shall cause the good to lyue vprightly who fyndeth no ayde against the wicked but only God For God fauoureth no iniquitie it is he that wyll destroy all them that oppresse the innocent 1 O God the Lord of all auengeaunce the Lorde of all auengeaunce shewe thy glorious maiestie 2 Be exalted O thou iudge of the world and rewarde the proude after their deseruyng 3 O God howe long shall the vngodly howe long shall the vngodly triumph 4 All such as be workers of iniquitie they babble they prate stoutly they make boastes of them selues 5 They oppresse thy people O God and they afflict thine heritage 6 They murther the wyddowe and the straunger put the fatherlesse to death 7 And they say tushe the Lorde seeth it not neither doth the God of Iacob vnderstande it 8 Vnderstande ye vnwyse among the people O ye fooles when wyll ye be well aduised 9 He that hath planted the eare shall he not heare yf he shapeth the eye shall he not see 10 He that chasteneth the heathen shall not he punishe it is he that teacheth man knowledge 11 God knoweth the thoughtes of man that they are but vanitie 12 Blessed is the man O Lorde whom thou wylt chasten and whom thou wylt instruct in thy lawe 13 That thou mayest geue hym patience in
after and the people which shal be borne shall prayse the Lorde 17 For he hath loked downe from his high sanctuarie out of heauen did God beholde the earth 18 That he might heare the mourninges of such as be in captiuitie and delyuer the children of death 19 That they may declare y e name of God in Sion and his prayse at Hierusalem 20 When people were gathered together kyngdomes to serue God he afflicted my strength in the way he shortened my dayes 21 But I say O my God take me not away in the middest of myne age as for thy yeres they endure throughout all generations 22 Thou hast before tyme layde the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thy handes 23 They shall perishe but thou wylt remayne styll they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment and as a vesture thou wylt chaunge them and they shal be chaunged 24 But thou art and thy yeres can not fayle the children of thy seruauntes shal dwell and their seede shal be maynteyned in thy syght ¶ The argument of the .ciii. psalme ¶ The prophete stirreth vp hym selfe and all that is within hym to blesse God for such benefites as both he hym selfe and all the Israelites haue at his handes receaued in that he pardoneth their sinne redeemeth them from death and maketh his holy wyll knowen vnto them beyng men miserable and of a short lyfe Finally he calleth vpon angels and all sortes of men with all their power to blesse God who is kyng of heauen and earth 1 BLesse God O my soule and all that is within me prayse his holy name 2 Blesse God O my soule and forget not all his benefites 3 Who forgeueth all thy wickednesse and healeth all thine infirmities 4 Who redeemeth thy lyfe from destruction and crowneth thee with mercie and louyng kyndnesse 5 Who satisfieth thy mouth with good thynges causyng thy youth lyke an Egles to be renued 6 God executeth iustice and iudgement for all them that are oppressed with wrong 7 He made his wayes knowen vnto Moyses his workes vnto the children of Israel 8 God is full of compassion and pitie loth to be angry and exceedyng great in mercie 9 He vseth not to continue in chydyng neither reserueth he his anger for euer 10 He dealeth not with vs accordyng to our sinnes nor rewardeth vs according to our wickednesse 11 For accordyng to the hyghnesse of heauen aboue the earth his mercie preuayleth to them that feare hym 12 Loke howe farre distaunt the east is from the west so farre a sunder setteth he our sinnes from vs. 13 Yea lyke as a father pitieth his owne children euen so is God mercifull vnto them that feare hym 14 For he knoweth wherof we be made he remembreth that we are but dust 15 The dayes of man are as the dayes of an hearbe he florisheth as a flowre in the fielde 16 For the winde passeth ouer it and it is no more seene and the place therof knoweth it no more 17 But the mercifull goodnesse of God endureth for euer and euer vpon them that feare hym and his righteousnesse vpon childers children 18 Euen vpon such as kepe his couenaunt and thinke vpon his commaundementes to do them 19 God hath prepared his seate in heauen and his kyngdome ruleth ouer all 20 Blesse God O ye his angels mightie in operation who fulfyll his worde in hearkening vnto the voyce of his word 21 Blesse God all ye his hoastes you his ministers that do his pleasure 22 Blesse God all you his workes in all places of his dominion O my soule blesse thou God The argument of the .ciiij. psalme ¶ The prophete blesseth God the creatour and gouernour of all thinges by whose prouidence man beast hath the vse of the ayre cloudes angels earth hilles valleys bread drinke trees sunne moone day nyght and sea 1 MY soule blesse thou God O God my Lord thou art become exceeding great thou hast put on glory and maiestie 2 Who is decked with light as it were with a garment spreadyng out the heauens like a curtayne 3 Who seeleth his vpper chaumbers with waters and maketh the cloudes his charriot and walketh vpon the wynges of the wynde 4 He maketh his angels spirites and his ministers a flaming fire 5 He hath layde the earth sure vpon her foundations that it can neuer moue at any tyme. 6 Thou coueredst it with the deepe lyke as with a garment the waters stande vpon the hilles 7 At thy rebuke they flee at the noyse of thy thunder they bluster downe apace 8 The hilles mount aloft and the valleys settle downe beneath vnto the place where thou hast layde a foundation for them 9 Thou hast set them their boundes which they shall not passe neither shall they returne agayne to couer the earth 10 Who also causeth the springes which runne betweene the hilles to flowe into the riuers 11 All beastes of the fielde drinke therof and the wylde asses quench their thirst 12 The foules of the ayre haue their habitation nigh vnto them singing out of the midst of the bowes of trees 13 He watereth the hilles from aboue the earth is replenished with the fruite of thy workes 14 He causeth grasse to growe for cattell * and hearbes for the vse of man 15 That he may bryng foorth foode out * of the earth both wine that maketh glad the heart of man and oyle to make hym haue a chearefull countenaunce also bread to strengthen mans heart 16 The trees of God be satisfied euen the Cedars of Libanus which he hath planted 17 Wherin the birdes make their nestes in the fyrre trees the storke buyldeth 18 The high hilles are a refuge for goates and so are the stonie rockes for comes 19 He hath made the moone for certayne seasons and the sunne knoweth his goyng downe 20 Thou makest darknes and it is night wherein all the beastes of the forrest do go abrode 21 The Lions do roare after a pray and in seeking their meate of God 22 When the sunne ariseth they recoyle backe and lay them downe to rest in their dennes 23 Man goeth foorth to his worke and to do his seruice vntyll the euening 24 O God howe manyfolde are thy workes thou hast made them al in wisdome the earth is ful of thy ryches 25 So is the sea it selfe large and wyde in compasse wherein are thinges creeping innumerable both small and great beastes 26 There go the shippes and there is that Leuiathan whom thou hast made to take his pastime therin 27 These wayte all vpon thee that thou mayest geue them meate in due season 28 When thou geuest it them they gather it and when thou openest thyne hand they are filled with that which is good 29 When thou hydest thy face they are troubled when thou takest away their spirite they dye and are turned agayne to their dust 30 When thou sendest
felicitie of thy chosen that I may reioyce at the gladnes of thy people and that I may glorie with thyne inheritaunce 6 We haue sinned with our fathers we haue done amisse and dealt wickedly 7 Our fathers did not well consider thy wonders in Egypt neither did they remember thy manifolde great goodnes but they rebelled at the sea euen at the red sea 8 Neuerthelesse he saued them for his names sake that he myght make his power to be knowen 9 And he rebuked the red sea and it was dryed vp so he led them through the deepe as through a wyldernesse 10 And he saued them from the hande of suche as hated them redeemed them from the hande of the enemie 11 As for their aduersaries the waters ouerwhelmed them there was not one of them left remayning 12 Then beleued they his wordes and song prayse vnto him 13 But within a very short whyle they forgat his workes they woulde not wayte for his counsell 14 And they were taken with a great lust in the wyldernesse and they tempted God in the desert 15 And he gaue them their desire and sent leannes withal into their soule 16 They enuied also at Moyses in the tentes and at Aaron the saint of God 17 So the earth opened and swalowed vp Dathan and couered the company of Abiram 18 And the fire was kindled in their company the flambe brent vp the vngodly 19 They made a calfe in Horeb and worshipped the moulten image 20 Thus they turned their glory into the similitude of a calfe that eateth hay 21 They forgat God their sauiour who had done so great thynges in Egypt wonderous workes in y e land of Cham and terrible thinges at the red sea 22 Wherfore he appointed to destroy them had not Moyses his chosen stand in the breache before hym to turne away his wrathful indignation lest he should destroy them 23 Yea they thought scorne of the lande most to be desired they gaue no credite vnto his worde 24 But they murmured in their tentes they would not hearken vnto the voyce of God 25 Then lift he vp his hand against them to geue them an ouerthrowe in the wildernesse to geue their seede an ouerthrowe amongst the nations and to scatter them in sundry landes 26 They ioyned them selues vnto Baal Peor they also did eate of the sacrifices of the dead 27 And they prouoked the Lorde vnto anger with their owne inuentions and a plague fell mightily amongst them 28 Then stoode vp Phinehes he executed iustice and so the plague ceassed 29 And that was imputed vnto hym for righteousnesse in generation and generation for euermore 30 They also prouoked God at the waters of strife and all was not well with Moyses for their sakes 31 For they had caused an alteration to be of his spirite so that he spake vnaduisedly with his lippes 32 Moreouer they destroyed not the Heathen as God commaunded them 33 But they were mingled amongst the Heathen and learned their workes 34 Insomuch that they dyd seruice vnto their idols whiche were to thē a snare 35 Yea they sacrifised their sonnes and their daughters vnto deuils 36 And they shed innocent blood euen the blood of their sonnes and of their daughters whom they sacrifised vnto the idols of Chanaan and the lande was defiled with blood 37 Thus were they stayned with their owne workes and went a whoryng with their owne inuentions 38 Therfore was the wrath of God kindeled against his people insomuch that he abhorred his owne inheritaunce 39 And he gaue them ouer into the hand of the Heathen and they that dyd hate them were lordes ouer them 40 Their enemies oppressed them and brought them into subiection vnder their hande 41 Many a time dyd God deliuer them but they rebelled against hym with their owne inuentions and were brought downe for their wickednes 42 Neuerthelesse he did beholde them in their aduersitie in geuing eare to their complaint 43 And he remembred his couenaunt and repented according to the multitude of his mercies 44 Yea he made all those that led them away captiue to pitie them 45 Saue vs O God our Lorde and gather vs from among the Heathen that we may geue thankes to thy holy name and glory of thy prayse 46 Blessed be God the Lord of Israel frō world to world without end and let all people say so be it Prayse ye the Lord. The argument of the .cvii. psalme ¶ The prophete exhorteth all men to prayse God and to thanke God for it is he that helpeth them in all distresses when they crye vnto him He prouideth houses and cities for them that els would wander as vagabondes in wyldernesse He satisfieth the hungry and the thirstie He setteth at libertie prisoners and captiues He healeth the sicke and diseased He comforteth and helpeth those that be in ieoperdie of seas He maketh a fruitfull lande barren a barren grounde fruitfull He bringeth princes to lowe estate setteth vp the poore in honour At these things the godly reioyseth the mouth of the wicked is stopped 1 COnfesse you it vnto God for he is gratious and his mercy endureth for euer 2 Let such as God did redeme speake whom he hath redeemed from the hande of the enemie 3 And whom he gathered out of the landes from the east and from the west from the north and from the south 4 They went astray out of the way in solitarines ●and● in wildernes and found no citie to dwell in they were hungry and thirstie their soule fainted in them 5 And they cry vnto god in their trouble who deliuereth them frō their distresse 6 And he leadeth them foorth by the right way that they might go to the citie inhabited 7 O that men would confesse vnto God his louyng kindnesse and his marueylous actes done to the chyldren of men 8 For he satisfieth the greedie soule and filleth the hungry soule with goodnes 9 Suche as fit in darknesse and in the shadowe of death beyng fast bounde in miserie and iron 10 Because they went from the wordes of the Lorde and lightly regarded the counsayle of the most highest 11 Therfore he humbled their heart thorowe heauines they fall downe and there is none to helpe them 12 And they cry vnto god in their trouble who deliuereth thē out of their distresse 13 For he bringeth them out of darknesse and out of the shadowe of death and breaketh their bondes in sunder 14 O that men would confesse vnto God his louing kindnes and his marueylous actes done to the chyldren of men 15 For he breaketh the gates of brasse smyteth the barres of iron in sunder 16 Foolish men are plagued for their mischeuous wayes for their wickednes 17 Their soule abhorreth all maner of meate and they be euen harde at deathes doore 18 And they crye vnto God in their trouble who deliuereth them
heart is in the hand of the Lord lyke as are the riuers of water he maye turne it whyther soeuer he wyll 2 Euery mans way seemeth right in his owne eyes but the Lorde pondereth the heart 3 To do righteousnes and iudgement is more acceptable to the Lorde then sacrifice 4 An high looke a proude heart and the plowing of the vngodly is sinne 5 The deuises of one that is diligent bring plenteousnesse but he that is vnaduised commeth vnto pouertie 6 To hoorde vp riches with a deceiptfull tongue is vanitie tossed to and fro of them that seeke death 7 The robberies of the vngodly shal be their owne destruction for they wyll not do the thing that is right 8 The way of the vngodly is frowarde and straunge but of the pure man his worke is right 9 It is better to dwell in a corner on the house toppe then with a brawling woman in a wide house 10 The soule of the vngodly wisheth euyll and his neighbour findeth no fauour in his eyes 11 When the scornefull is punished the ignoraunt take the better heede and when the wise is instructed he wyll receaue vnderstanding 12 The righteous man wysely considereth the house of the wicked and for their wickednesse God ouerthroweth the vngodly 13 Who so stoppeth his eares at the crying of the poore he shall crye hym selfe and not be hearde 14 A priuie rewarde pacifieth displeasure and a gyft in the bosome stilleth furiousnesse 15 The iust delighteth in doing the thing that is right but destruction shal be to the workers of wickednesse 16 The man that wandereth out of the way of wysdome shall remaine in the congregation of the dead 17 He that hath pleasure in bankettes shal be a poore man and whoso delighteth in wine and delicates shall not be riche 18 The vngodly shal be a raunsome for the righteous and the wicked for the iust 19 It is better to dwell in the wyldernesse then with a chydyng and an angrye woman 20 In a wise mans house there is a great treasure and oyle but a foolishe body spendeth vp all 21 Who so foloweth righteousnesse and mercy findeth both life righteousnesse and honour 22 A wyse man skaleth the citie of the mightie ouerthroweth the strength wherein they trusted 23 Who so kepeth his mouth and his tongue the same kepeth his soule from troubles 24 He that is proude and arrogant is called a scorner whiche in his wrath worketh presumptuously 25 The desire of the slouthfull kylleth him for his handes wyll not labour 26 He coueteth greedyly all day long but the righteous geueth and spareth not 27 The sacrifice of the vngodly is abhomination howe muche more when they offer the thing that is gotten with wickednesse 28 A false witnesse shall perishe but a good man speaketh constantly what he hath hearde 29 An vngoly man hardeneth his face but the iust refourmeth his owne way 30 There is no wysdome there is no vnderstanding there is no counsayle against the Lorde 31 The horse is prepared against the day of battayle but the Lorde geueth victorie ¶ The .xxii. Chapter 1 A Good name is more to be desired then great riches and louing fauour is better then siluer and golde 2 The riche and poore meete together the Lorde is the maker of them all 3 A wyse man seeth the plague and hydeth hym selfe but the foolishe go on still and are punished 4 By humilitie and the feare of the Lorde commeth riches honour and life 5 Thornes and snares are in the way of the frowarde but he that doth kepe his soule wyll flee farre from them 6 Teache a chylde what way he should go for he shall not leaue it when he is olde 7 The ryche ruleth the poore and the borower is seruaunt to the lender 8 He that soweth wickednes shal reape wickednes and the rodde of his anger shall fayle 9 He that hath a bountifull eye shal be blessed for he geueth of his bread to the poore 10 Cast out the scorneful man and so shal strife go out with hym yea variaunce and sclaunder shall ceasse 11 Who so loueth cleannes of heart for the grace of his lippes the kyng shal be his frende 12 The eyes of the Lord preserue knowledge and he ouerthroweth the wordes of the transgressours 13 The slouthfull body saith there is a Lion without I might be slaine in the streate 14 The mouth of straunge women is a deepe pit wherein he falleth that the Lorde is angrye withall 15 Foolishnes is bounde in the heart of the chylde and the rodde of correction shall driue it away 16 Who so doth a poore man wrong to increase his owne riches and geueth vnto the ryche at the last commeth to pouertie hym selfe 17 Bowe downe thyne eare and heare the wordes of the wise applie thy mind vnto my doctrine 18 For it is a pleasaunt thing if thou kepe them in thyne heart and order them in thy lippes 19 That thou mayest put thy trust in the Lorde I haue shewed thee this day the thing that thou knowest 20 Haue not I warned thee very oft with counsayle and learning 21 That I might make thee knowe the trueth that thou with the veritie mightest aunswere them that sende vnto thee 22 Rob not the poore because he is poore and oppresse not the simple in iudgement 23 For the Lorde him selfe wyll defende their cause and do violence vnto them that haue vsed violence 24 Make no frendship with an angrye wylfull man and walke not with the furious 25 Lest thou learne his wayes and receaue hurt to thy soule 26 Be not thou one of them that binde their hande vpon promise and are suretie for waightie causes 27 For if thou hast nothing to pay they shall take away thy bed from vnder thee 28 Thou shalt not remoue the auncient lande marke whiche thy fore elders haue set 29 Seest thou not that they which be diligent in their businesse stande before kinges not among the simple people The .xxiij. Chapter 1 WHen thou sittest to eate with a noble man consider diligently what is set before thee 2 Measure thyne appetite if it be gredyly set 3 Be not desirous of his daintie meates for meate begyleth and deceaueth 4 Take not ouer great trauayle to be riche beware of suche a purpose 5 Wylt thou set thyne eye vpon the thing which sodenly vanisheth away For riches make them selues wynges and take their flight lyke an Egle into the ayre 6 Eate thou not the bread of hym that hath an euyll eye neither desire thou his daintie meate 7 For as though he thought it in his heart he saith eate and drinke where as his heart is not with thee 8 The morsels that thou hast eaten shalt thou parbreake and loose those sweete wordes 9 Tell nothing into the eares of a foole for he wyll despise the wysdome
afflict her by the way of the sea beyond Iordane in Galilee of the heathen The .ix. Chapter 5 He prophecieth of Christes natiuitie and dominion 1 THE people that walked in darknesse haue seene a great light As for them that dwell in the lande of the shadowe of death vpon them hath the light shined 2 Thou hast multiplied the people and not increased their ioy * they reioyce before thee euen as men make merie in haruest and they be ioyfull as men that do deuide the spoyle after the victorie 3 For thou hast broken the yoke of his burthen the staffe of his shoulder and the rod of his oppressour as in the day of Madian 4 And truely euery battayle that the warrier maketh is done with confused noyse and defiling their garmentes with blood but this battayle shal be with burning and consuming of fire 5 For vnto vs a chylde is borne and vnto vs a sonne is geuen vpō his shoulder doth the rule lye and he is called with his owne name wonderfull the geuer of counsell the mightie God the euerlasting father the prince of peace 6 He shall make no ende to encrease the rule peace and shall sit vpon the seate of Dauid and in his kingdome to order the same and to stablishe it with equitie and righteousnesse from hence foorth for euermore This shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bring to passe 7 The Lorde sent a worde into Iacob the same is come into Israel 8 And all the people of Ephraim shall knowe and they that dwell in Samaria that say with pryde and high stomackes on this maner 9 The tyle worke is fallen downe but we wyll buylde it with squared stones the Mulberie timber is broken but we shall set it vp agayne with Cedar ●● But the Lorde shall strengthen the enemies of Razin and ioyne his aduersaries together against him 11 The Syrians before and the Philistines behinde and shall deuour Israel with open mouth After all this is not the wrath of the Lorde ceassed but yet his hande stretched out styll 12 For the people turneth not vnto hym that chastiseth them neither do they seeke the Lorde of hoastes 13 Therefore hath the Lorde rooted out of Israel both head and tayle bough and reede in one day 14 By the head is vnderstande the senatour and honourable man and by the tayle the prophete that preached lyes 15 For the guides of this people are deceauers and those that be gouerned are vtterly lost 16 Therefore shall the Lorde haue no pleasure in their young men neither haue pitie of their fatherlesse and wydowes for they are altogether hypocrites and wicked and al their mouthes speake folly After all this is not the Lordes wrath ceassed but yet his hand is stretched out styll 17 For vngodlynesse burneth as a fire and shall deuour bryers and thornes and it shall burne as in the thicket of a wood and the wicked aduaunce them selues as the smoke is caryed vp 18 Thorowe the wrath of the Lorde of hoastes is the lande full of darknesse and the people be consumed as it were with fire no man doth spare his brother 19 But he robbeth on the right hande and doth famishe he eateth on the left hande and he shall not haue inough euery man shall eate the fleshe of his owne arme 20 Manasses shall eate Ephraim and Ephraim Manasses and they both together shall eate Iuda After all this is not the Lordes wrath ceassed but yet his hande stretched out styll ¶ The .x. Chapter 1 He threatneth the oppressours of the poore 12 And prophecieth against Sennacherib 1 WO be vnto them that make vnrighteous lawes and that causeth their actuaries to wryte greeuousnesse 2 Where thorowe the poore are put from their right and my seelie people robbed of iudgement that wydowes may be their pray and that they may rob the fatherlesse 3 What wyll ye do in the tyme of visitation and when destruction shall come from farre to whom wyll ye runne for helpe and where wyll you leaue your glory 4 That when I withdrawe my hand ye come not among the prysoners nor lye among the dead After all this doth not the wrath of the Lorde ceasse but yet is his hande stretched out styll 5 O Assur whiche art the staffe of my wrath in whose hand is the rod of mine indignation 6 I wyll sende hym among those hypocritishe people among the people that haue deserued my disfauour wyll I sende hym that he vtterly rob them spoyle them and treade them downe lyke the myre in the streete 7 Howbeit his meaning is not so neither thinketh his heart on this fashion But he imagineth howe he may roote out and destroy muche people 8 For he saith Are not my princes all kynges 9 Is not Chalno as easie to winne as Charchamis Is it harder to conquer Hamath then Arphad or is it lighter to ouercome Damascus then Samaria 10 As who say I were able to winne the kyngdomes of the idolaters and their gods but not Hierusalem and Samaria 11 Shall I not do vnto Hierusalem and her images as I dyd vnto Samaria and her idols 12 Wherefore it shall come to passe that assoone as the Lorde hath perfourmed his whole worke vpon the hill of Sion and Hierusalem then wyll I visite the fruite of the stoute heart of the kyng of Assyria with his proude lookes 13 For he standeth thus in his owne conceipt This do I thorowe the power of myne owne hande thorowe my wysdome for I am wyse I am he that remoue the landes of the people I rob their treasure and haue pulled downe the inhabitauntes like a valiaunt man 14 My hand hath found out the strength of the people as it were a nest and like as egges that were layde here and there are gathered together so do I gather all countreys and there was none so bolde as to moue the winge that dare open his mouth or once whisper 15 Shall the axe boast it selfe against him that heweth therwith or shal the sawe make any bragging against hym that ruleth it That were euen lyke as if the rod did exalt it selfe against him that beareth it or as though the staffe should magnifie it selfe as who say it were no wood 16 Therefore shall the Lorde the God of hoastes sende among his fatlinges leanenesse and burne vp his glory as it were with a fire 17 And the light of Israel shal be that fire and his holy one shal be the flambe and it shall kindle and burne vp his thornes and bryers in one day 18 Yea all the glory of his wooddes and fieldes shal be consumed with body and soule and they shal be as an hoast of men whose standard bearer fayleth 19 The trees also of his wood whiche remayne shal be of such a number that a chylde may tell them 20 After that day shall the remnaunt of Israel and suche as are escaped out of the house of Iacob seeke no more comfort at him that
shed in the lande thou shalt be put out of remembraunce for I the Lorde haue spoken it The .xxij. Chapter The worde of the Lorde agaynst Hierusalem for manslaughter and denying due honour to their fathers and mothers and other wickednesses 25 Of the wicked doctrine of the false prophets and priestes and of their vnsatiable couetousnesse 27 The tirannie of rulers 29 The wickednesse of the people 1 MOreouer the worde of the Lorde came vnto me and sayde 2 Thou sonne of man wylt thou not iudge wylt thou not iudge this blooddy citie wylt thou not shewe her all her abhominations 3 And tell them thus saith the Lorde God The citie sheddeth blood in the middest of it that her tyme may come and maketh idols agaynst her selfe to defile her selfe 4 Thou hast made thy selfe giltie in the blood that thou hast shed and defyled thee in the idols which thou hast made thou hast caused thy dayes to drawe nye and made the tyme of thy yeres to come therfore wyll I make thee a reproche among the heathen and to be a mockyng in all landes 5 Whether they be nye or farre from thee they shall laugh thee to scorne thou that hast gotten thee so foule a name and art full of trouble 6 Beholde the rulers of Israel euery one in thee was redy to his power to shed blood 7 In thee haue they dispised father and mother in thee haue they oppressed the straunger in thee haue they vexed the widowe and the fatherlesse 8 Thou hast dispised my holy thynges and defiled my Sabbathes 9 Tale tellers are there in thee to shed blood in thee are such as eate vpon the hylles and in thee they commit abhomination 10 In thee they discouered their fathers shame in thee they haue humbled her that was set apart for pollution 11 Euery man hath dealt shamefully with his neighbours wife and abhominably defiled his daughter in lawe in thee hath euery man forced his owne sister euen his fathers daughter 12 Yea giftes haue ben receaued in thee to shed blood thou hast taken vsurie and encrease thou hast oppressed thy neighbours by extortion and forgotten me saith the Lorde God 13 Beholde I haue smitten my handes vpon thy couetousnesse that thou hast vsed and vpon the blood which hath ben shed in thee 14 Is thy heart able to endure or may thy handes be strenghthened in the dayes that I shal haue to do with thee Euen I the Lorde that speake it wyll bryng it also to passe 15 I wyll scatter thee among the heathen strawe thee about in the landes and wyll cause thy filthinesse to ceasse out of thee 16 Yea and thou shalt be thine owne inheritaunce in the sight of the heathen that thou mayest knowe that I am the Lorde 17 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me saying 18 Thou sonne of man the house of Israel is vnto me as drosse all they are brasse tinne iron and lead in the middest of the furnace euen drosse of siluer are they 19 Therfore thus saith the Lorde God Forasmuch as ye all are turned into drosse therfore beholde I wyll bryng you together vnto Hierusalem 20 Lyke as they gather siluer brasse iron tinne and lead into the middest of the furnace and the fire is blowne there vnder to melt them euen so wyll I gather you in mine anger in my wrath and let you remayne there and cause you to melt 21 I wyll bryng you together and blowe the fire of my wrath vpon you and ye shal be molten in the middest therof 22 Lyke as the siluer is molten in the furnace so shall ye also be molten therin that ye may knowe howe that I the Lord haue powred my wrath vpon you 23 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto me saying 24 Thou sonne of man tell her Thou art an vncleane lande which is not rayned vpon in the day of wrath 25 There is a conspiracie of her prophetes in the middest therof as a roring lion rauenyng his pray they deuour soules they haue taken the riche and pretious thynges they haue made her many widowes in the middest therof 26 Her priestes haue broken my lawe and defiled my holy thynges they put no difference betweene the holy vnholy neither discerne they betweene the cleane vncleane they turne their eyes from my Sabbathes and I am defiled among them 27 Thy rulers in thee are lyke woolues rauenyng the pray to shed blood and destroy soules for their owne couetous lucre 28 As for her prophetes they daube with vntempered morter they see vanities and diuine lyes vnto them saying The Lorde saith so wheras the Lorde hath not spoken 29 The people in the lande vsed wicked extortion and robbery they vexe the poore and needy and oppresse the straunger agaynst right 30 And I sought among them for a man that woulde make vp the hedge and set hym selfe in the gap before me in the landes behalfe that I shoulde not destroy it but I coulde fynde none 31 Therfore haue I powred out my cruel displeasure vpon them and consumed them in the fire of my wrath their owne wayes wyll I recompence vpon their heades saith the Lorde God The .xxiii. Chapter 4 Of the fornication that is to say of the idolatrie of Samaria and Hierusalem vnder the name of Aholah and Aholibah 11 In comparison of Samaria he sheweth that the fornication of Hierusalem is the filthier 22 The destruction of Hierusalem is prophecied 36 The adulterie of both the whores is founde out 47 Their destruction 1 THe worde of the Lord came vnto me saying 2 Thou sonne of man there were two women the daughters of one mother 3 And they committed fornication in Egypt they played the harlottes in their youth there were their breastes pressed and there they bruised the tea●es of their virginitie 4 The names of them were Aholah the elder and Aholibah her sister and they were mine and they bare sonnes and daughters thus were their names Samaria is Aholah and Hierusalem Aholibah 5 Aholah played y e harlot when she was mine and she was set on fire with her louers the Assyrians her neighbours 6 Which were clothed with blewe silke both captaynes and princes they were all pleasaunt young men and horsemen rydyng vpon horses 7 Thus she committed her whordome with them beyng all chosen men of Asshur with all on whom she doted and defiled her selfe with all their idols 8 Neither left she the fornication that she vsed with the Egyptians for in her youth they lay with her they bruised the brestes of her maydenhead and powred their whordome vpon her 9 Wherfore I deliuered her into the handes of her louers euen into y e handes of the Assyrians vpon whom she doted 10 These discouered her shame toke her sonnes daughters and slue her with the sworde an euyll name had she among women
wayes to cut of them that shoulde escape neither shouldest thou haue shutte vp the remnaunt thereof in the day of affliction 15 For the day of the Lorde is neare vpon all the heathen as thou hast done it shal be done to thee thy rewarde shall returne vpon thyne head 16 For as ye haue drunke vpon myne holy mountaine so shall all the heathen drinke continually yea they shal drinke and swalowe vp and they shal be as though they had not ben 17 But vpon mount Sion shal be deliueraunce and it shal be holy and the house of Iacob shal possesse their possessions 18 And the house of Iacob shal be a fire and the house of Ioseph a flambe and the house of Esau as stubble and they shall kindle in them and deuoure them and there shal be no remnaunt of the house of Esau for the Lorde hath spoken it 19 And they shall possesse the south side of the mount of Esau and the plaine of the Philistines and they shall possesse the fieldes of Ephraim and the fieldes of Samaria and Beniamin shall haue Gilead 20 And the captiuitie of his hoast of the children of Israel which were among the Chanaanites shall possesse● vnto Zarephath and the captiuitie of Hierusalem which is in Sepharad shall possesse the cities of the south 21 And they that shall saue shall come vp to mount Sion to iudge the mount of Esau and the kingdome shal be the Lordes ❧ The booke of the prophete Ionas ¶ The first Chapter 3 Ionas fled when he was sent to preache 4 A tempest ariseth and he is cast into the sea for his disobedience 1 THe worde of the Lorde came vnto Ionas the sonne of Amittai saying 2 Aryse go to Niniue that great citie and crye against it for their wickednesse is come vp before me 3 And Ionas rose vp to flee into Tharsis from the presence of the Lorde and went downe to Ioppa and founde a ship going to Tharsis so he payed his fare and went downe into it that he might go with them vnto Tharsis from the presence of the Lorde 5 Then the maryners were afrayde and cryed euery man vnto his God and cast the wares that were in the shippe into the sea to lighten it of them but Ionas was gone downe into the sides of the shippe he laye downe sleeping 6 And the shippe maister came to him and saide What meanest thou sleeper Vp and call vpon thy God if so be that God wyl shine vnto vs that we perishe not 7 And they saide euery one to his felow Come let vs cast lottes that we may know for whose cause this euil is on vs. And they cast lottes and the lotte fel on Ionas 8 Then saide they vnto him Tell vs for whose cause is this euill come vpon vs what is thyne occupation whence camest thou what countrey man art thou and of what nation 9 And he aunswered them I am an Hebrue and I feare the Lorde God of heauen which hath made the sea and the drye lande 10 Then were the men exceedingly afraide saide vnto him Why hast thou done this for the men knewe we that he fled from the presence of the Lorde because he had tolde them 11 And they saide vnto him What shal we do vnto thee that the sea may be calme vnto vs For the sea wrought and was troublous 12 And he saide vnto them Take me and cast me into the sea and the sea shal be calme vnto you for I know that for my sake this great tempest is vpon you 13 Neuerthelesse the men assayed with rowing to bring the shippe to lande but they could not because the sea wrought and was troublous against them 14 Wherfore they cryed vnto the Lorde and saide We beseche thee O Lord We beseche thee let not vs perishe for this mans lyfe and lay not to our charge innocent blood for thou O Lorde hast done as it pleased thee 15 So they toke vp Ionas and cast him into the sea and the sea left raging 16 And the men feared the Lorde exceedingly and offered a sacrifice vnto the Lorde and made vowes 17 And the Lorde prepared a great fishe to swalowe vp Ionas Ionas was in the belly of the fishe three dayes and three nightes The .ij. Chapter 1 Ionas is in the fisshes belly 3 His prayer 11 He is deliuered 1 AND Ionas prayed vnto the Lorde his God out of the fisshes belly 2 And saide In affliction I cryed vnto the Lorde and he heard me out of the belly of hell cryed I and thou heardest my voyce 3 Thou haddest cast me downe into the deepe into the middest of the sea and the floods compassed me about all thy billowes and waues passed ouer me 4 And I saide I am cast away out of thy sight yet wyll I loke againe toward thyne holy temple 5 The waters compassed me euen vnto the soule the deapth closed me on euery side and the weedes were wrapt about my head 6 I went downe to the bottome of the mountaines the earth with her barres was about me for euer yet hast thou brought vp my lyfe from corruption O Lorde my God 7 When my soule fainted within me I remembred the Lorde and my prayer came in vnto thee into thy holy temple 8 They that holde vpon lying vanitie forsake his mercie 9 But I wyll sacrifice vnto thee with the voyce of thankesgeuing and wyll pay that that I haue vowed for saluation is of the Lorde 10 And the Lorde spake vnto the fisshe and it cast out Ionas vpon the drye lande The .iii. Chapter 2 Ionas is sent againe to Niniue 5 The repentaunce of the king of Niniue 1 AND the worde of the Lorde came vnto Ionas the second time saying 2 Aryse and go to Niniue that great citie and preache against it the preaching which I speake vnto thee 3 So Ionas arose and went to Niniue according to the word of the Lord Niniue was a great citie and excellent of three dayes iourney 4 And Ionas began to enter into the citie a dayes iourney and he cryed saide Yet fourtie dayes Niniue shal be destroyed 5 And the men of Niniue beleued God and proclaymed a fast and put on sackecloth from the greatest of them to the leaste of them 6 And worde came vnto the king of Niniue which arose from his throne and put of his robe and couered him selfe with sackcloth sate downe in asshes 7 And he caused a cryer to crye and say through the citie by the counsell of the king his nobles Let neither man nor beast bullocke nor sheepe taste ought at all neither feede nor drinke water 8 And let both man beast put on sackcloth and crye mightyly vnto God yea let euery man turne from his euill way and from the wickednesse that is in his handes 9 Who can tel whether God wyl turne and be moued with
teareth in peeces and there is no man that can deliuer 9 Thyne hand shal be lyft vp vpon thyne enemies and all thyne aduersaries shall perishe 10 And it shall come to passe in that day saith the Lorde that I wyll take thyne horses from thee and destroy thy charrettes 11 I wyll breake downe the cities of thy lande and ouerthrowe all thy strong holdes 12 All witchcraftes wyll I roote out of thyne hande there shall no mo soothsayinges be within thee 13 Thyne idols and thyne images wyll I destroy out of thee so that thou shalt no more bowe thy selfe vnto the workes of thyne owne handes 14 Thy groues wyll I plucke vp by the rootes and breake downe thy cities 15 And I wyll execute a vengeaunce in my wrath indignation vpon the heathen such as they haue not heard The .vi. Chapter 1 An exhortation to heare the iudgement against Israel being vnkinde 8 What maner of sacrifices do please God 1 HEarken ye nowe what the Lorde sayth Arise thou and contend with the mountaynes and let the hilles heare thy voyce 2 Heare O ye mountaines the Lordes quarel and ye mightie foundations of the earth for the Lorde hath a quarell against his people and wyll pleade with Israel 3 O my people what haue I done vnto thee or wherein haue I greeued thee geue me aunswere 4 For I brought thee out of the lande of Egypt deliuered thee out of the house of bondage and I made Moyses Aaron and Miriam to leade thee 5 Remember O my people what Bala●h the king of Moab had deuised against thee and what aunswere that Balaam the sonne of Beor gaue him from Sethin vnto Galgal that ye may knowe the righteousnesse of the Lorde 6 Wherewith shall I come before the Lorde and bowe my selfe to the hye God Shall I come before him with burnt offeringes and with calues of a yere olde 7 Hath the Lorde a pleasure in many thousandes of Rammes or innumerable streames of oyle shall I geue my first borne for myne offences and the fruite of my body for the sinne of my soule 8 He hath shewed thee O man what is good and what the Lorde requireth of thee namely to do iustly to loue mercie and to humble thy selfe to walke with thy God 9 The Lordes voyce cryeth vnto the citie and the man that shal be saued considereth thy name hearken what is your rodde heare him that warneth you 10 Are not yet the treasures of wickednesse in the house of the wicked and the scant measure which is abhominable 11 Should I iustifie the false balaunces and the bagge of deceitfull weightes 12 For the riche men thereof are full of crueltie and the inhabitantes thereof haue spoken lyes and haue deceitfull tongues in their mouthes 13 Therefore I wyll take in hande to punishe thee and to make thee desolate because of thy sinnes 14 Thou shalt eate and not haue inough yea thou shalt bring thy selfe downe in the middes of thee thou shalt flee but not escape and those that thou wouldest saue wyll I deliuer to the sworde 15 Thou shalt sowe but not reape thou shalt presse out Oliues but oyle shalt thou not haue to annoynt thy selfe withall thou shalt tread out sweete must but shalt drincke no wine 16 Ye kepe the ordinaunces of Amri and all the customes of the house of Ahab ye walke in their counsels therfore wyl I make thee waste and cause thy inhabiters to be hissed at and ye shall beare the reproche of my people The .vii. Chapter 1 A complaynt of the litle number of the righteous 5 Against the trueth ought w● not to holde with our greatest friendes 14 The prosperi●ie of the church 1 WO is me I am become as one that goeth a gleanyng in the haruest there are no mo grapes to eate yet would I faine with al my hearte haue of the best fruite 2 There is not a godly vpon earth there is not one righteous among men they al lye in wayte for blood and euery man hunteth his brother to death 3 Yet they say they do wel when they do euyll the prince asketh and the iudge iudgeth for a rewarde therfore the great man speaketh out of the corruption of his soule and so they wrappe it vp 4 The best of them is as bryer and the most righteous of them is sharper then a thorne hedge the day of thy watchmen and of thy visitation commeth then shal be their confusion 5 Let no man beleeue his friende nor put his confidence in his brother kepe the doore of thy mouth from her that lyeth in thy bosome 6 For the sonne dishonoreth his father the daughter riseth against her mother the daughter in law against her mother in lawe and a mans foes are euen they of his owne housholde 7 Neuerthelesse I wil looke vp vnto the Lorde I will patiently abyde God my sauiour my God shall heare me 8 O thou enemie of myne reioyce not at my fall for I shall rise againe though I sit in darkenesse yet the Lorde is my light 9 I will beare the wrath of the Lord for I haue offended hym till he sit in iudgement vpon my cause and see that I haue right then will he bring me foorth to the light and I shall see his righousnesse 10 She that is myne enemie shall loke vpon it and be confounded which nowe sayth Where is the Lorde thy God myne eyes shall beholde her when she shal be troden downe as the myre in the streetes 11 This is the day that thy walles shal be buylt this day shall dryue farre away the decree 12 And at that time shall they come vnto thee from Assur from the strong cities and from the strong holdes euen vnto the riuer from the one sea to the other and from mountayne to mountayne 13 Notwithstanding the land must be wasted because of them that dwell therin and for the fruites of their owne imaginations 14 Therfore feede thy people with thy rod the flocke of thyne heritage whiche dwel desolate in the wood that they may be fed vpon the mount of Carmel Basan and Gilead as aforetime 15 Maruelous thinges wil I shewe thee like as when thou camest out of the lande of Egypt 16 This shall the heathen see and be ashamed for all their power so that they shall lay their hande vpon their mouth and stoppe their eares 17 They shal licke the dust like a serpente and as the wormes of the earth that tremble in their holes they shal be afrayde of the Lorde our God and they shall feare thee 18 Who is such a God as thou that pardonest wickednesse and forgeuest the offences of the remnaunt of thyne heritage He kepeth not his wrath for euer for his delite is to haue compassion 19 He shall turne againe and be merciful to vs he shall put downe our wickednesses and cast all our sinnes into the bottome of the sea 20
46 Then sayde I vnto the angell what young person is it that crowneth them and geueth them the palmes in their handes 47 So he aunswered and sayd vnto me It is the sonne of God whom they haue knowledged in the world Then began I greatly to commende them that stoode so stiffely for the name of the Lorde 48 Then the angell sayde vnto me Go thy way and tell my people what maner of thinges howe great wonders of the Lorde thy God thou hast seene ¶ The .iij. Chapter 4 The wonderous workes whiche God dyd for the people are recited 31 Esdras marueyleth that God suffereth the Babylonians to haue rule ouer his people whiche yet are sinners also 1 IN the thirtith yere after the fall of the citie I was at Babylon and lay troubled vppon my bed and my thoughtes came vp ouer my heart 2 For I sawe the desolation of Sion and the plenteous wealth of them that dwelt at Babylon 3 And my spirite was sore moued so that I began to speake feareful wordes to the most hyest and sayde 4 O Lorde Lorde thou spakest at the beginning when thou plantedst the earth and that thy selfe alone and gauest commaundement vnto the people 5 And a body vnto Adam without soule whiche was a creature of thy handes and hast breathed in hym the breath of lyfe and so he liued before thee 6 And thou leddest hym into Paradise which thy ryght hande had planted or euer the earth brought fruites 7 And vnto him thou gauest commaundement to loue thy way which he transgressed and immediatly thou appoyntedst death in hym and in his generations Of whom came nations tribes people and kinredes out of number 8 And euery people walked after their owne wyll and did wonderfull thinges before thee and as for thy commaundementes they dispised them 9 But in processe of tyme thou broughtest the water fludde vpon those that dwelt in the worlde destroyedst them 10 So that by the fludde that was wrought in eche of them that was by death in Adam 11 Neuerthelesse one of them thou leftest namely Noe with his householde of whom came all ryghteous men 12 And it happened that when they that dwelt vpon the earth began to multiplie and had gotten them many children and were a great people they began to be more vngodly then the first 13 Nowe when they liued so wickedly before thee thou didst choose thee a man from among them whose name was Abraham 14 Hym thou louedst and vnto hym only thou shewedst thy wyll 15 And madest an euerlasting couenaunt with hym promisyng hym that thou wouldest neuer forsake his seede 16 And vnto hym thou gauest Isahac vnto Isahac also thou gauest Iacob and Esau As for Iacob thou dydst choose him to thee and put backe Esau And so Iacob became a great multitude 17 And it came to passe that when thou leddest his seede out of Egypt thou broughtest them vp to the mount Sina 18 Bowing downe the heauens setting fast the earth mouyng the grounde makyng the deapthes to shake and troublyng the worlde 19 And thy glorie went through foure portes of fire and earthquakes and windes and colde that thou myghtest geue the lawe vnto the seede of Iacob and diligence vnto the generation of Israel 20 And yet tokest thou not away from them that wicked heart that thy lawe myght bryng foorth fruite in them 21 For the first Adam bearyng a wicked heart transgressed and was ouercome and so be all they that are borne of him 22 Thus remayned weaknesse still and the lawe in the heartes of the people with the wickednesse of the roote so that the good departed away and the euyll abode styll 23 So the tymes passed away and the yeres were brought to an ende Then dyddest thou rayse thee vp a seruaunt called Dauid 24 Whom thou commaundedst to builde a citie vnto thy name and to offer vp incense and sacrifice vnto thee therin 25 When this was done nowe many yeres then the inhabiters of the citie forsoke them 26 And in all thynges dyd euen as Adam and all his generations had done for they also had a wicked heart 27 And so thou gauest the citie ouer into the handes of thine enemies 28 But do they of Babylon then any thyng better that they shoulde therfore haue the dominion in Sion 29 For when I came thyther and sawe there so great wickednesse that it coulde not be numbred then my soule sawe many euyl doers in this thirteth yere so that my heart fayled me 30 For I saw howe thou sufferedst them in such vngodlinesse and sparedst the wicked doers but thine owne people hast thou rooted out and preserued thine enemies and this hast thou not shewed me 31 I can not perceaue howe this happeneth Do they of Babylon then better then they of Sion 32 Or is there any other people that knoweth thee sauyng the people of Israel or what generation hath so beleued thy couenauntes as Iacob 33 And yet their rewarde appeareth not and their labour hath no fruite For I haue gone here and there through the heathen and I see that they be riche and wealthy and thynke not vpon thy commaundementes 34 Waygh thou therfore our wickednesse nowe in the ballaunce and theirs also that dwell in the worlde and so shall thy name be no where founde but in Israel 35 Or when was it that they which dwel vpon earth haue not sinned in thy sight or what people hath so kept thy commaundementes 26 Thou shalt finde that Israel by name hath kept thy preceptes but not the ●other people and● heathen The .iiij. Chapter 5 The angel reproueth Esdras because he seemed to enter into the profounde iudgementes of God 1 AND the angel that was sent vnto me whose name was Vriel gaue me an answere 2 And sayd Thy heart hath taken to much vpon it in this worlde and thou thinkest to comprehende the way of the hyghest 3 Then sayde I Yea my Lorde And he aunswered me and sayde I am sent to shewe thee three wayes and to set foorth three similitudes before thee 4 Wherof yf thou canst declare me one I wyll shewe thee also the way that thou desirest to see and I shall shewe thee from whence the wicked heart commeth 5 And I sayde Tell on my Lord. Then sayde he vnto me Go thy way waygh me the wayght of the fire or measure me the blast of the winde or call me agayne the day that is past 6 Then aunswered I and sayde What man borne is able to do that that thou shouldest aske such thynges of me 7 And he sayde vnto me If I shoulde aske thee howe deepe dwellynges are in the middest of the sea or howe great water springes are in the begynnyng of the deepe or howe great water springes are vpon the stretchyng out of the heauens or which are the outgoinges of Paradise 8 Peraduenture thou
6 Vpon the one she leaned her selfe as one that was tender 7 The other folowed her and bare the trayne of her vesture 8 The shine of her beautie made her face rose coloured the similitude of her face was chearefull and amiable but her heart was sorowfull for great feare 9 She went in thorowe all the doores and stoode before the kyng The kyng sate vpon the trone of his kyngdome and was clothed in his goodly aray all shining with golde and set with precious stones and he was very terrible 10 He lyft vp his face that shone in the clearnesse and looked grimly vpon her Then fel the Queene downe was pale and faynte leaned her selfe vpon the head of the mayde that went with her 11 Neuerthelesse God turned the kinges minde that he was gentle that he leaped out of his seate for feare and gate her in his armes and helde her vp tyll she came to her self againe he gaue her louing wordes also and said vnto her 12 Hester what is the matter I am thy brother be of good cheare 13 Thou shalt not die for our commaundement toucheth the commons and not thee Come nye 14 And with that he helde vp his golden rodde and layde it vpon her necke 15 And imbraced her frendly and sayd Talke with me 16 Then sayde she I sawe thee O Lorde as an angell of God and my heart was troubled for feare of thy maiestie and clearnesse 17 For excellent and wonderfull art thou O Lorde and thy face is full of amitie 18 But as she was thus speaking vnto hym she fell downe agayne for fayntnesse 19 For the whiche cause the kyng was afraide and all his seruauntes comforted her ¶ The .xvj. Chapter ¶ The copie of the letters of Artaxerxes whereby he reuoketh those whiche he first sent foorth 1 THe great kyng Artaxerxes whiche raigneth from India vnto Ethiopia ouer an hundreth and twentie and seuen landes sendeth vnto the princes and rulers of the same landes suche as loue him his frendly salutation 2 There be many that for the sundry frendshippes and benefites whiche are diuersly done vnto them for their worship be euer the more proude and hye minded 3 And vndertake not only to hurt our subiectes for plenteous benefites may they not suffer and begin to imagine some thing against those that do them good 4 And take not only all vnthankfulnes away from men but in pride and presumption as they that be vnmindfull and vnthankfull for the good deedes they go about to escape the iudgement of God that seeth all thinges whiche iudgement hateth and punisheth all wickednesse 5 It happeneth oft also that they which be set in office by the higher power and vnto whom the businesse and causes of the subiectes are committed to be handled waxe proude and defile them selues with shedding of innocent blood which bringeth them to intollerable hurt 6 Whiche also with false and deceiptfull wordes and with lying tales deceaue and betray the innocent goodnesse of princes 7 Nowe is it profitable and good that we take heede make searche therafter and consider not onlye what hath happened vnto vs of olde but the shamefull vnhonest and noysome thinges that the deputies haue nowe taken in hande before our eyes 8 And thereby to beware in tyme to come that we make the kyngdome quiet and peaceable for all men and that we might sometime drawe it to a chaunge 9 And as for the thing that nowe is present before our eyes to withstande it and to put it downe after the most frendly maner 10 What tyme nowe as Aman the sonne of Amadathu the Macedonian a straūger veryly of the Persians blood and farre from our goodnes was come in among vs as an aliaunt 11 And had obtayned the frendship that we beare towarde all people so that he was called our father and had in hye honour of euery man as the next and principall vnto the kyng 12 He coulde not forbeare him selfe from his pryde hath vndertaken not only to rob vs of the kyngdome but of our life 13 With manyfolde deceipt also hath he desired to destroy Mardocheus our helper and preseruer whiche hath done vs good in all thinges and innocent Hester the like partaker of our kyngdome with all her people 14 For his minde was when he had taken them out of the way and robbed vs of them by this meanes to translate the kyngdome of the Persians vnto them of Macedonia 15 But we finde that the Iewes which were accused of the wicked that they might be destroyed are no euyll doers but vse reasonable and right lawes 16 And that they be the chyldren of the most high liuing God by whom the kyngdome of vs and of our progenitours hath ben well ordered hytherto 17 Wherefore as for the letters and commaundementes that were put foorth by Aman the sonne of Amadathu ye shall do well if ye holde them of none effect 18 For he that set them vp and inuented them hangeth at Susis before the port with all his kinred and God whiche hath all thinges in his power hath rewarded hym after his deseruing 19 And vpon this ye shall publishe and set vp the copie of this letter in all places that the Iewes may freely and without hinderaunce holde them selues after their owne statutes 20 And that they may be helped and that vpon the thirteenth day of the twelfth moneth Adar they may be auenged of them whiche in the tyme of their anguishe and trouble would haue oppressed them 21 For the God that gouerneth all thinges hath turned to ioy the day wherein the chosen people shoulde haue perished 22 Moreouer among the hye solempne dayes that ye haue ye shall holde this day also with all gladnesse 23 That nowe and in tyme to come this day may be a remembraunce of good for all such as loue the prosperitie of the Persians but a remembraunce of destruction to those that be seditious vnto vs. 24 All cities and landes that do not this shall horribly perishe and be destroyed with the sworde and fire and shall not only be no more inhabited of men but be abhorred also of the wylde beastes and foules The ende of the rest of the booke of Hester ❧ The wysdome of Solomon The first Chapter 1 Howe we ought to searche and inquire after God 2 Who be those that finde hym 5 The holy ghost 8.11 We ought to flee from backbiting and murmuring 12 Whereof death commeth 15 Righteousnesse and vnrighteousnesse 1 LOue righteousnesse ye that be iudges of y e earth consider deepely of the Lorde in goodnesse and seeke hym in singlenesse of heart 2 For he wyll be founde of them that tempt hym not and appeareth vnto such as put no distrust in him 3 For wicked thoughtes seperate from God and his power when it is tryed reproueth the vnwise 4 For why wysdome shall not enter into a wicked soule nor dwell in the body that is subiect vnto sinne 5 For the holy
for in her is the spirite of vnderstandyng which is holy one only manifolde subtile quicke mouyng cleare vndefiled plaine sweete louyng the thyng that is good sharpe which can not be letted doyng good 23 Kynde to man stedfast sure free from care hauyng all vertues circumspect in all thynges and passyng through all vnderstanding cleane subtile spirites 24 For wisdome is nimbler then all nimble thynges she goeth through and attayneth to all thynges because of her cleannesse 25 For she is the breath of the power of God and a pure influence flowing from the glorie of the almightie God therfore can no defiled thyng come vnto her 26 For she is the bryghtnesse of the euerlastyng lyght the vndefiled mirrour of the maiestie of God and the image of his goodnesse 27 And beyng but one she can do all thinges and remaynyng in her selfe she renueth all and in all ages of tymes entryng into holy soules she maketh Gods friendes and prophetes 28 For God loueth none if he dwell not with wisdome 29 For she is more beautifull then the sunne and geueth more lyght then the starres and the day is not to be compared vnto her 30 For vpon the day commeth nyght but wickednesse can not ouercome wisdome The .viij. Chapter The effectes of wisdome 1 WIsdome reacheth from one ende to another mightily and louyngly doth she order all thynges 2 I haue loued her and laboured for her euen from my youth vp I dyd my diligence to mary my selfe with her such loue had I vnto her beautie 3 That she hath the companie of God it commendeth her nobilitie yea the Lorde of all thynges hym selfe loueth her 4 For she is the scoolemaistresse of the nurture of God and the choser out of his workes 5 If a man woulde desire riches in this lyfe what is richer then wisdome that worketh all thynges 6 For yf prudencie worke what is it among all thynges that worketh better 7 And yf a man loue ryghteousnesse her labours are but vertues For why she teacheth sobernesse and prudence righteousnesse and strength which are such thinges as men can haue nothyng more profitable in their lyfe 8 If a man desire much knowledge she can tell the thynges that are past and discerne thynges for to come she knoweth the subtilties of wordes and can expounde darke sentences she forseeth signes and wonders or euer they come to passe and the endes of all tymes and ages 9 Therfore I purposed after this maner I wyll take her into my companie that she may liue with me knowyng for certaintie she shall geue me good counsayle and speake comfortably vnto me in my carefulnesse and griefe 10 For her sake shall I be well honestly taken among the commons and with honour among the elders though I be young 11 I shal be founde to be of sharpe iudgement so that I shal be marueylous in the sight of great men and the faces of princes shall wonder at me 12 When I holde my tongue they shall byde my leasure and when I speake they shall geue good eare vnto me and if I talke much they shall lay their handes vpon their mouth 13 Moreouer by the meanes of her I shall obtayne immortalitie and leaue behynde me an euerlastyng memoriall among them that come after me 14 I shall set the people in order and the nations shal be subdued vnto me 15 Horrible tirauntes shal be afraide when they do but heare of me among the multitude I shal be counted good and mightie in battayle 16 When I come home I shall fynde rest with her for her companie hath no bitternesse and her felowshyp hath no tediousnesse but mirth and ioy 17 Nowe whē I considered these thinges by my selfe and pondered them in my heart howe that to be ioyned vnto wisdome is immortalitie 18 And great pleasure to haue her friendshyp and that in the workes of her handes are infinite riches and that who so kepeth companie with her shal be wise and that he which talketh with her shall come to honour I went about sekyng howe to get her vnto me 19 For I was a lad of ripe witte and had a good vnderstandyng 20 But when I grewe to more vnderstandyng I came to an vndefiled body 21 Neuerthelesse when I perceaued that I coulde not enioy it except God gaue it me and that was a poynt of wisdome also to knowe whose gyft it was I stepped vnto the Lorde and besought hym and with my whole heart I sayde after this maner The .ix. Chapter A prayer of Solomon to obteyne wisdome 1 O God of my fathers and Lorde of mercie thou hast made all thynges with thy worde 2 And ordeyned man through thy wisdome that he shoulde haue dominion ouer the creatures which thou hast made 3 That he shoulde order the worlde accordyng to equitie and righteousnesse and execute iudgement with a true heart 4 Geue me wisdome which is euer sittyng about thy seate and put me not out from among thy children 5 For I thy seruaunt and sonne of thy handmayden am a feeble person and of a short tyme and to young to the vnderstandyng of iudgement and lawes 6 And though a man be neuer so perfect among the children of men yet yf thy wisdome be not with hym he shal be nothyng regarded 7 Thou hast chosen me to be a kyng vnto thy people and the iudge of thy sonnes and daughters 8 Thou hast commaunded me to builde a temple vpon thy holy mount and an aulter in the citie wherin thou dwellest a likenesse of thy holy tabernacle which thou hast prepared from the beginning 9 And thy wisdome with thee which knoweth thy workes which also was with thee whē thou madest the worlde and knewe what was acceptable in thy syght and ryght in thy commaundementes 10 O sende her out of thy holy heauens from the throne of thy maiestie that she may be with me and labour with me that I may knowe what is acceptable in thy syght 11 For she knoweth and vnderstandeth all thynges and she shall leade me soberly in my workes and preserue me in her power 12 So shall my workes be acceptable and then shall I gouerne thy people ryghteously and be worthy to sit in my fathers seate 13 For what man is he that can knowe the counsayle of God or who can thinke what the wyll of God is 14 For the thoughtes of mortall men are miserable and our forecastes are but vncertaine 15 For why a corruptible body is heauy vnto the soule and the earthy mansion kepeth downe that vnderstandyng that museth vpon many thynges 16 Very hardly can we discerne the thynges that are vpon earth and great labour haue we or we can fynde the thynges which are before our eyes who hath then sought out the ground of the thynges that are done in heauen 17 Oh Lorde who
can haue knowledge of thy vnderstandyng and meanyng except thou geue wisdome and sende thy holy ghost from aboue 18 For so the wayes of them which liued on the earth were refourmed and men haue learned the thynges that are pleasaunt vnto thee and were preserued through wisdome The .x. Chapter The deliueraunce of the ryghteous and destruction of the enemies commeth through wisdome 1 SHe preferred the first fourmed father of the worlde that was created alone and brought hym out of his fall 2 And gaue him power to rule all thynges 3 But when the vnrighteous went away in his wrath from her he perished by the furious desire to murther his brother 4 For whom when the water destroyed the whole worlde wisdome agayne preserued it her selfe gouernyng the iust man by no costly worke of wood 5 Moreouer when the nations were confounded or ioyned together in their malicious confederacie she founde out the righteous and preserued hym faultlesse vnto God and kept hym strong agaynst the loue of his sonne 6 She preserued the ryghteous when he fled from the vngodly that perished what tyme as the fire fell downe vpon the fiue cities 7 Like as yet this day the vnfruitfull waste and smokyng lande geueth testimonie of their wickednesse yea the vnripe vntymely fruites that growe vpon the trees and for a token of a remembraunce of the vnfaythfull soule there standyng a pyller of salt 8 For all such as regarded not wisdome gat not only this hurt that they knewe not the thynges which were good but also left behynde them vnto men a memoriall of their foolishnesse so that in the thynges wherin they sinned they coulde not be hyd 9 But as for such as toke heede vnto wisdome she hath deliuered them from sorowe 10 When the ryghteous fled because of his brothers wrath wisdome led hym the ryght way shewed hym the kyngdome of God gaue hym knowledge of holy thynges made hym riche in his labours brought to passe the thynges that he went about 11 In the disceiptfulnesse of such as defrauded hym she stoode by hym and made hym riche 12 She saued hym from the enemies and defended him from the deceauers In a strong battayle she gaue hym the victorie that he myght knowe howe that the feare of God is stronger then all thynges 13 When the ryghteous was solde she forsoke hym not but delyuered hym from sinne She went downe with hym into the dungeon 14 And fayled hym not in the bandes till she had brought hym the scepter of the realme and power agaynst those that oppressed hym As for them that had accused hym she declared them to be lyers and brought hym to perpetuall worshyp 15 She deliuered the ryghteous people and faultlesse seede from the nations that oppressed them 16 She entred into the soule of the seruaunt of the Lorde and stoode by hym in wonders and tokens agaynst the dreadfull kynges 17 She gaue the ryghteous the reward of their labours and led them foorth a marueylous way on the day tyme she was a shadowe vnto them and a lyght of starres in the nyght season 18 She brought them through the red sea and caryed them through the great water 19 But she drowned their enemies in the sea but brought them out of the bottome of the deepe 20 So the ryghteous toke the spoyles of the vngodly praysed thy holy name O Lorde and magnified thy victorious hande with one accorde 21 For wisdome openeth the mouth of the dumbe and maketh the tongues of babes to be eloquent The .xj. Chapter 1 The miracles done for Israel 13 The vengeaunce of sinners 28 The great power and mercie of God 1 SHe ordered their workes in the handes of the holy prophete 2 So that they went through the wildernesse that was not inhabited and pitched their tentes in the waste desert 3 They stoode agaynst their enemies and were auenged of their aduersaries 4 When they were thirstie they called vpon thee and water was geuen them out of the most hye rocke their thirst was quenched out of the harde stone 5 For by the thynges wherthrough their enemies were punished were the children of Israel helped in their neede 6 For in steede of a fountaine of the perpetuall runnyng flud all troubled with gorie blood 7 In reproche of the commaundement published to murther the infantes thou gauest vnto them aboundaunce of water and that not loked for neither 8 Declaryng by that thirst then howe thou hadst punished thine aduersaries 9 For when they were tryed and nurtured with fatherly mercie they knewe howe the vngodly were iudged and punished in the wrath of God 10 For these hast thou exhorted as a father and proued them but vnto the other thou hast ben a boystuous kyng layed harde to their charge and condempned them 11 Whether they were absent or present their punishment was a lyke 12 For their griefe was double and mournyng for the remembraunce of thynges past 13 For when they perceaued that their punishmentes dyd them good they thought vpon the Lorde 14 For whom in his castyng out before as an abiect they had denied with derision him in the ende when they sawe what happened they wondered at for they were of another thirst then was the iust 15 But for the foolishe deuises of their wickednesse wherwith being deceaued they worshipped serpentes that had not the vse of reason and vile beastes thou sentest a multitude of vnreasonable beastes vpon them for reuengeaunce 16 That they myght knowe that loke wherewithall a man sinneth by the same also shall he be punished 17 For vnto thy almightie hande that made the worlde of naught it was not vnpossible to sende among them an heape of beares or wood lions 18 Or cruell beastes of a straunge kynde such as are vnknowen or spout fire or cast out a smokyng breath or shoote horrible sparkes out of their eyes 19 Which myght not only destroy them with hurtyng but also kyll them with their horrible syght 20 Yea without these beastes might they haue ben slayne with one wynde being persecuted by the reuengeaunce and scattered abroade through the breath of thy power Neuerthelesse thou hast ordered all thinges in measure number and wayght 21 For thou hast euer had great strength and myght and who may withstande the power of thyne arme 22 For why lyke as the small thyng that the ballaunce wayeth so is the worlde before thee yea as a drop of the mornyng deawe that falleth downe vpon the earth 23 But thou hast mercie vpon all for thou hast power of all thynges and makest thee as though thou sawest not the sinnes of men because they shoulde amende 24 For thou louest all the thynges that are and hatest none of them whom thou hast made for thou wouldest not haue made any thyng yf thou hadst hated it 25 Yea howe
the commaundementes of the Lorde shal be shamed 21 He that is the ruler among brethren is holden in honour among them and he that regardeth such as feare the Lorde is acceptable in his sight 22 The feare of the Lord causeth that the kingdome faileth not but the kingdome is lost by crueltie and pryde 23 The glorie of the riche of the honorable and of the poore is the feare of God 24 Despyse not thou the iust poore man that hath vnderstanding and magnifie not the riche vngodly 25 Great is the iudge and mightie in honour yet is there none greater then he that feareth God 26 Vnto the seruaunt that is discrete shal the free do seruice He that is wyse and well nurtured will not grudge when he is refourmed and an ignoraunt body shall not come to honour 27 Be not proude to do thy worke and dispayre not in the time of aduersitie 28 Better is he that laboureth and hath plenteousnes of al thinges then he that is gorgious and wanteth bread 29 My sonne get thy soule honour by mekenesse geue her her due honour 30 Who shall iustifie him that sinneth against him selfe Who will honour hym that dishonoureth his owne soule 31 The poore is honoured for his faythfulnesse and trueth but the riche is had in reputation because of his goodes 32 He that ordereth hym selfe honestly in pouertie howe much more shal he behaue hym selfe honestly in riches And who so ordreth hym selfe vnhonestly in riches how much more shall he behaue him selfe vnhonestly in pouertie The .xi. Chapter 1 The prayse of humilitie 2 After the outward appearaunce ought we not to iudge 7 Of rash iudgement 14 Al things come of God 29 Al men are not to be brought into thine house 1 THe wysdome of hym that is brought lowe shall lift vp his head and shall make hym to sit among great men 2 Commende not thou a man in his beautie neither despise a man in his vtter appeeraunce 3 The Bee is but a smal beast among the foules yet is her fruite exceeding sweet 4 Be not proude of thy rayment exalt not thy selfe in the day of thy honour for the workes of the hiest onely are wonderfull yea glorious secrete and vnknowen are his workes 5 Many tyrauntes haue ben fayne to sit downe vpon the earth and the vnlikely hath worne the crowne 6 Many mightie men haue ben brought low the honorable haue ben deliuered into other mens handes 7 Condemne no man before thou haue tryed out the matter and when thou hast made inquisition then refourme righteously 8 Geue no sentence before thou hast hearde the cause but first let men tel out their tales 9 Stryue not for a matter that toucheth not thy selfe and stande not in the iudgement of sinners 10 My sonne meddle not with many matters and if thou gaine much thou shalt not be blamelesse if thou folow after it thou shalt not attayne it and though thou runnest thy way afore yet shalt thou not escape 11 There is some man that laboureth and taketh payne and the more he weerieth him selfe the lesse he hath 12 Againe some man is slouthfull hath neede of helpe wanteth strength and hath great pouertie 13 And gods eye loketh vpon him to good setteth him vp from his lowe state and lifteth vp his head so that many men maruel at hym and geue honour vnto God 14 Prosperitie and aduersitie lyfe and death pouertie and richesse come all of the Lorde 15 Wysedome nurture and knowledge of the lawe are with God loue and the wayes of good are with him 16 Errour and darkenesse are made for sinners and they that exalt them selues in euyll waxe olde in euyll 17 The gift of God remayneth for the righteous and his good will shall geue prosperitie for euer 18 Some man is riche by his care and ●gardship and that is the portion of his rewarde 19 In that he sayth Now haue I gotten rest and nowe will I eate and drinke of my goodes my selfe alone and yet he considereth not that the time draweth nye and death approcheth that he must leaue all these thinges vnto other men and dye him selfe 20 Stand thou fast in thy couenaunt and exercise thy selfe therin and remayne in the worke vnto thy age 21 Maruell not at the workes of sinners but put thy trust in God and byde in thy labour for it is but an easie thing in the sight of God to make a poore man riche and that sodenly 22 The blessing of God hasteth to the rewarde of the righteous and maketh his fruites soone to florishe and prosper 23 Say not what helpeth it me and what good thing shall I haue hereafter 24 Againe say not I haue enough how can I want 25 When thou art in welfare forget not aduersitie and when it goeth not well with thee haue a good hope that it shal be better 26 For it is but a small thing vnto God in the day of death to rewarde euery man according to his wayes 27 The aduersitie of an houre maketh one to forget al pleasure when a man dieth his workes are discouered 28 Iudge no man blessed before his death for a man shal be knowen in his children 29 Bring not euery man into thyne house for the disceytfull layeth wayte diuersly are like stomackes that belche filthyly 30 Like as a partrych in a maunde so is the heart of the proude and like as a spie that loketh vpon the fall of his neyghbour 31 For he turneth good vnto euyll and slaundreth the chosen 32 Of one sparke is made a great fire and of one disceytfull man is blood increased and an vngodly man layeth wayte for blood 33 Beware of the disceytfull for he imagineth wicked thinges to bring thee into a perpetuall shame 34 If thou takest an aliaunt vnto thee he shall destroy thee in vnquietnesse and dryue thee from thyne owne wayes The .xii. Chapter 1 Vnto whom we ought to do good 10 Enemies ought not to be trusted 1 WHen thou wilt do good knowe to whom thou doest it and so shalt thou be greatly thanked for thy benefites 2 Do good vnto the righteous and thou shalt finde great reward though not of him yet no doubt the Lorde him selfe shall rewarde thee 3 He standeth not in a good case that is alway occupied in euil geueth no almes for the hyghest hateth the sinners and hath mercie vpon them that shewe the workes of repentaunce 4 Geue thou vnto such as feare God and receaue not a sinner 5 As for the vngodly and sinners he shall recompence vengeaunce vnto them and kepe them to the day of wrath 6 Geue thou vnto the good and receaue not the sinner do well vnto hym that is lowly but geue not to the vngodly Let not the bread be geuen him that he be not mightier then thy selfe therin for so shalt thou receaue twyse as much euyll in all
man of small vnderstanding that feareth God is better thē one that hath much wysdome and transgresseth the lawe of the highest 24 A craftie suttle man can be wyse but he is vnrighteous and with giftes he wrasteth the open and manifest lawe againe there is that is wise and iudgeth righteously 25 A wicked man can behaue him selfe humbly and can ducke with his head and yet is he but a deceauer within He hydeth his face and disguiseth it and because he shoulde not be knowen he preuenteth thee 26 And though he be so weake that he can do thee no harme yet when he may finde oportunitie he shall do some euill 27 A man may be knowen by his face and one that hath vnderstanding may be perceaued by the looke of his countenaunce 28 A mans garment laughter and going declare what he is The .xx. Chapter 1 Of correction and repentaunce 6 Of the gift of the wyse man and of the foole 23 Of lying 1 SOme man reproueth his neighbour oft times but not in due season Againe some man holdeth his tongue and he is wyse and discreete 2 It is much better to geue warning and to reproue then to beare euil wyll for he that knowledgeth him selfe openly shal be preserued from hurt and destruction 3 Lyke as when a gelded man through desire and lust defileth a mayden euen so is it with him that vseth violence and vnrighteousnesse in the lawe 4 O how good a thing is it a man that is reproued to shewe openly his repentaunce for so shalt thou escape wylfull sinne 5 Some man keepeth scilence and is founde wyse but he that is not ashamed what he saith is hatefull 6 Some man holdeth his tongue because he hath not vnderstanding of the language and some man keepeth scilence wayting a conuenient time 7 A wyse man wyll holde his tongue tyll he see oportunitie but a wanton and vndiscreete body shall regarde no time 8 He that vseth many wordes shal hurt his owne soule and he that taketh aucthoritie vpon him vnrighteously shal be hated 9 Some man hath oft times prosperitie in wicked thinges Againe some man getteth much and hath harme losse 10 There is some gift that is nothing worth Againe there is some gift whose rewarde is double 11 There is an humilitie for glories sake and some commeth to worship from lowe estate 12 Some man byeth much for a litle price and must pay for it seuen folde 13 A wyse man with his wordes maketh him selfe to be beloued but the merie tales of fooles shal be powred out 14 The gift of the vnwyse shall do thee no good nor yet of the enuious for his importunitie is seuen folde for he loketh to receaue many thinges for one 15 He shall geue litle say he gaue much he openeth his mouth and cryeth out as it were one that cryed out wide 16 To day he lendeth to morowe asketh he againe and such a man is to be hated of God and man 17 The foole saith I haue no freend I haue no thanke for all my good deedes yea euen they that eate my bread speake no good of me O how oft and of how many shal he be laughed to scorne 18 He taketh a more perilous fall by such wordes then if he fel vpon the grounde euen so shal the fall of wicked men come hastyly 19 In the mouth of him that is vntaught are many vnconuenient and vnmeete wordes 20 A wyse sentence shall not be alowed at the mouth of the foole for he speaketh it not in due season 21 Some man sinneth not because he hath not wherewithall and in his rest he shal be stinged 22 Some man there is that destroyeth his owne soule with shame and for an vnwyse bodyes sake destroyeth he it and with accepting of persons shall he vndoe him selfe 23 Some man promyseth his friende a gift for very shame and getteth an enemie of him for nought 24 A lye is a wicked shame in a man yet shall it be euer in the mouth of the vnwyse 25 A theefe is better then a man that is accustomed to lye but they both shall haue destruction to heritage 26 The conditions of lyers are vnhonest and their shame is euer with them 27 A wyse man shall bring him selfe to honour with his wordes and he that hath vnderstanding shal be set by among great men 28 He that tylleth his lande shall euer ease his heape of corne he that worketh righteousnesse shal be exalted and he that pleaseth great men shall escape much euill 29 Rewardes and giftes blinde the eyes of the wyse and make him dumbe that he can not tell men their faultes 30 Wysdome that is hid and treasure that is hoorded vp what profite is in them both 31 Better is he that kepeth his ignoraūce secrete then a man that hideth his wysdome 32 The necessarie patience of him that foloweth the Lorde is better then he that gouerneth his lyfe without the Lorde The .xxj. Chapter 1 Not to continue in sinne 5 The prayer of the afflicted 6 To hate to be reproued 17 The mouth of the wyse man 26 The thought of the foole 1 MY sonne if thou hast sinned do it no more but pray for thy foresinnes that they may be forgeuen thee 2 Flee from sinne euen as from a serpent for if thou comest to nye her she wyll bite thee the teeth thereof are as the teeth of a lion to slay the soules of men 3 The wickednesse of man is as a sharpe two edged sword which maketh such woundes that they cannot be healed 4 Strife and wrongfull dealing shall waste away a mans goodes through pride a riche house shal be brought to naught so the riches of the proude shal be rooted out 5 The prayer of the poore goeth out of the mouth commeth vnto the eares and his vengeaunce or defence shall come hastyly 6 Who so hateth to be refourmed it is a tokē of an vngodly person but he that feareth God wyll remember him selfe 7 A mightie man is knowen a farre of by his tongue but he that hath vnderstanding perceaueth that he shall haue a fall 8 Who so buildeth his house with other mens cost is lyke one that gathereth stones to make his graue 9 The congregation of the vngodly is lyke stubble gathered together their ende is a flambe of fire 10 The way of the vngodly is set with stones but in their ende is hell darkenesse and paines 11 He that kepeth the lawe wyll holde fast the vnderstanding thereof and the ende of the feare of God is wysdome and vnderstanding 12 He that is not wyse wyl not be taught in good but the vnwyse man aboundeth in wickednesse and where bitternesse is there is no vnderstanding 13 The knowledge of the wyse shal flowe lyke water that runneth ouer and his counsaile is lyke a pure fountaine of life 14 The heart of a foole is lyke a
thou feelest that thou hast eaten to much arise go thy way cast it of thy stomacke and take thy rest and it shall ease thee so that thou shalt bring no sicknesse vnto thy body 22 My sonne heare me and despise me not and at the last thou shalt finde as I haue tolde thee In all thy workes be diligent and quicke so shall there no sicknesse happen vnto thee 23 Who so is liberall in dealing out his meate many men shall blesse him and prayse him with their lippes and the same is a sure token of his loue faithfulnesse 24 But he that is vnfaithfull in meate the whole citie shall complaine of him and that is a sure experience of his infidelitie and wickednesse 25 Shewe not thy valiantnes in wine for wine hath destroyed many a man 26 The fire prooueth the hard iron euen so doth wine prooue the heartes of the proude when they be druncken 27 Wine soberly druncken quickeneth the lyfe of man If thou drinkest it measurably thou shalt be temperate What is the lyfe of him that is ouercome 〈◊〉 wine what taketh away the lyfe euen death 28 Wine was made from the beginning to make men glad and not for drunkennesse wine measurably drunken is a reioycing of the soule and body A measurable drinking is health to soule and body 29 But if it be druncken with excesse it maketh bitternesse and sorowe vnto the minde 30 Drunkennesse filleth the minde of the foolishe with shame ruine minisheth the strength and maketh woundes 31 Rebuke not thy neighbour at the wine and despise him not in his mirth Geue him no dispitefull wordes and preasse not vpon him with contrary sayinges ¶ The .xxxii. Chapter 1 Of the discretion and prayse of the preacher and of the hearer 15 Of the feare faith and confidence in God 1 IF thou be made a ruler pride not thy selfe therein but be thou as one of the people take diligent care for them and loke well thereto 2 And when thou hast done all thy dueie sit thee downe that thou mayst be mery with them and receaue a crowne of honour 3 Speake thou that art the elder for it becommeth thee but with sure knowledge hinder not musicke 4 Speake not where there is no audience and poure not foorth wysdome out of time at an importunitie 5 Lyke as the carbuncle stone shineth that is set in golde so doth a song garnishe the wine feaste 6 And as the Smaradge that is set in golde so is the sweetenes of musicke by the mirth of wine 7 Geue eare and be still and for thy good behauour thou shalt be loued 8 Thou young man speake that becommeth thee and that is profitable and yet scarse when thou art twyse asked 9 Comprehēde much with fewe wordes in many thinges be as one that is ignoraunt geue eare and holde thy tongue withall 10 If thou be among men of high aucthoritie desire not to compare thy selfe vnto thē and when an elder speaketh make not thou many wordes therein 11 Before the thunder goeth lightening and before nurture and shamefastnesse goeth loue and fauour 12 Stand vp betimes and be not the last but get thee home soone 13 And there take thy pastime and do what thou wilt so that thou do no euil and defie no man 14 But for all thinges geue thankes vnto him that hath made thee and replenished thee with his goodes 15 Who so feareth the Lord wyl receaue his doctrine and they that get them to him betimes shall finde grace 16 He that seeketh the law shall be filled withal as for him that is but fayned he wyll be offended thereat 17 They that feare the Lorde shall finde the iudgement and their righteousnesse shal be kindled as a light 18 An vngodly man wyll not be refourmed but can helpe him selfe with the example of other in his purpose 19 A man of vnderstanding despiseth no good counsaile but a wylde and proude body hath no feare yea euen when he hath dealt rashly with another man but his owne doinges shal be his rebuke 20 My sonne do nothing without aduisement so shall it not repent thee after the deede 21 Go not in the way where thou mayst fall nor where thou mayst stumble against the stone againe neither trust thou to the way that is playne 22 And beware of thyne owne children and take heede of them that be of thyne owne householde 23 In all thy workes put thy trust in God from thy whole heart for that is the keeping of the commaundementes 24 Who so beleueth gods worde taketh heede to the commaundementes and he that putteth his trust in the Lorde shall want nothing The xx● Chapter 1 The deliueraunce of him that feareth God 4 The aunswere of the wyse 5 The litle discretion of a foole 12 Man is in the hande of God as the earth is in the hande of the potter 25 We ought not to dispose our selues to become subiect to other 1 THere shall no euil happen vnto him that feareth God but when he is in temptation the Lorde shall deliuer him keepe him from euill 2 A wyse man hateth not the lawe but an hypocrite is as a ship in raging water 3 A man of vnderstanding geueth credence vnto the lawe of God and the law is faithfull vnto him 4 Be sure of the matter then talke therof be first wel instructe then mayst thou geue aunswere 5 The heart of the foolishe is lyke a cart wheele and his thoughtes runne about lyke the axeltree 6 Lyke as a wylde horse that neyeth vnder euery one that sitteth vpon him so it is with a scornefull friende 7 Why doth one day excell an other seeing all the dayes of the yere come of the sunne 8 The wysdome of the Lorde hath so parted them a sunder and so hath he ordayned the times and solempne feastes 9 Some of them hath he chosen and halowed before other dayes 10 And all men are made of the grounde and out of the earth of Adam In the multitude of science hath the Lorde sundred them and made their wayes of diuers fashions 11 Some of them hath he blessed made much of them halowed them and claymed them to him selfe but some of them hath he cursed brought them low and put them out of their estate 12 Lyke as the claye is in the potters hande and all the ordering therof at his pleasure so are men also in the hande of him that made them so that he may geue them as lyketh him best 13 * Against euil is good and against death is lyfe so is the vngodlie against such as feare God 14 Beholde these are the workes of the hiest and there are euen two against two and one set against another 15 I am awaked vp last of al as one that gathereth after in haruest in the giftes of God and in his blessing I am increased and haue filled my wine presse lyke a grape gatherer 16
where thou hast scatered vs. 14 Heare our prayers O Lorde and our petitions bring vs out of captiuitie for thyne owne sake get vs fauour in the sight of them which haue led vs away 15 That all landes may know that thou art the Lorde our God and that Israel and his generation calleth vpon thy name 16 O Lorde loke downe from thy holy house vpon vs encline thyne eare and heare vs. 17 Open thyne eyes and beholde for the dead that be gone downe to their graues whose soules are out of their bodies ascribe vnto the Lorde neither prayse nor righteousnes 18 But the soule that is vexed for the multitude of her sinnes which goeth on heauyly and weakly whose eyes begin to faile yea such a soule ascribeth prayse and righteousnes vnto the Lorde 19 For we poure out our prayers before thee and require mercie in thy sight O Lorde our God not for any godlynes of our fathers 20 But because thou hast sent out thy wrath and indignation vpon vs according as thou diddest threaten vs by thy seruauntes the prophetes saying 21 Thus saith the Lorde Bowe downe your shoulders and neckes and serue the king of Babylon so shall ye remaine still in the lande that I gaue vnto your fathers 22 But if ye wyll not heare the voyce of the Lorde your God to serue the king of Babylon 23 I wyll destroy you in the cities of Iuda within Hierusalem and without I wyll also take from you the voyce of mirth and the voyce of ioy the voyce of the bridegrome and the voyce of the bride and there shal no man dwel more in the lande 24 But they would not hearken vnto thy voyce to do the king of Babylon seruice and therefore hast thou perfourmed the wordes that thou spakest by thy seruauntes the prophetes namely that the bones of our kinges and the bones of our fathers should be translated out of their places 25 And lo nowe are they layde out in the heate of the sunne and in the colde of the night and dead in great miserie with hunger with sword with pestilence and are cleane cast foorth 26 As for the temple wherein thy name was called vpō thou hast layd it waste as it is to see this day and that for the wickednesse of the house of Israel and the house of Iuda 27 O Lorde our God thou hast intreated vs after all thy goodnes and according to all that great louing mercie of thyne 28 Lyke as thou spakest by thy seruaunt Moyses in the day when thou diddest commaunde him to write thy lawe before the children of Israel saying 29 If ye wyl not hearkē vnto my voyce then shall this great multitude be turned into a very small people among the nations for I wyll scatter them abrode 30 Notwithstanding I am sure that this folke wyl not heare me for it is an hard necked people but in the lande of their captiuitie they shall remember them selues 31 And learne to know that I am the Lorde their God when I geue them an heart to vnderstande and eares to heare 32 Then shal they prayse me in the lande of their captiuitie and thinke vpon my name 33 Then shal they turne them from their harde backes and from their vngodlines then shall they remember the thinges that happened vnto their fathers which sinned against me 34 So wyll I bring them againe into the lande which I promysed with an oth vnto their fathers Abraham Isahac and Iacob and they shal be lordes of it yea I wyll encrease them and not minishe them 35 And I wyll make an other couenaunt with them such one as shall endure for euer namely that I will be their God and they shal be my people and I will no more dryue my people the children of Israel out of the lande that I haue geuen them The .iii. Chapter 1 The people continueth in their prayer begun for their deliueraunce 9 He prayseth wysdome vnto the people shewing that so great aduersities came vnto them for the despising therof 36 Only God was the finder of wysdome 37 Of the incarnation of Christ 1 ANd nowe O Lorde almightie thou God of Israel our soule that is in trouble and our spirite that is vexed cryeth vnto thee 2 Heare vs O Lord and haue pitie vpon vs for thou art a mercifull God be gracious vnto vs for we haue sinned before thee 3 Thou endurest for euer shoulde we then vtterly perishe 4 O Lorde almightie thou God of Israel heare nowe the prayer of the dead Israelites and of their children whiche haue sinned before thee and not hearkened vnto the voyce of the Lorde their God for the whiche cause these plagues hang nowe vpon vs. 5 O Lord remember not the wickednesse of our forefathers but thinke vpon thy power and name nowe at this time 6 For thou art the Lorde our God and thee O Lorde will we prayse 7 For thou hast put thy feare in our heartes to the intent that we should call vpon thy name and prayse thee in our captiuitie that we might turne from the wickednesse of our forefathers that sinned before thee 8 Behold we are yet this day in our captiuitie where as thou hast scattered vs to be an abhomination curse and subiect to exactions like as it hath happened vnto our fathers also because of al their wickednesse and departing from thee 9 O Israel heare the commaundementes of lyfe ponder them well with thyne cares that thou maiest learne wisdome 10 But howe happeneth it Israel that thou art in thyne enemies lande thou art waxen olde in a straunge countrey and defiled with the dead 11 Why art thou become lyke them that go downe to their graues 12 Euen because thou hast forsaken the well of wysdome 13 For if thou hadst walked in the way of God truely thou shouldest haue remayned still safe in thyne owne lande 14 O learne then where is wysdome where vertue is where vnderstanding is that thou mayest knowe also from whence commeth long continuaunce and lyfe the light of the eyes and quietnesse 15 Who euer founde out her place or who came euer into her treasures 16 Where are the princes of the heathen become and such as ruled the beastes vpon the earth 17 They that had their pastime with the foules of the ayre they that hoorded vp siluer gold wherin men trust so much and made no end of their gathering 18 What is become of them that coyned siluer and were so carefull and coulde not bring their workes to passe 19 They be rooted out and gone downe to hell and other men are come vp in their steades 20 Young men haue seene light and dwelt vpon earth but the way of reformation haue they not knowen 21 Nor vnderstande the pathes thereof neither haue their children receaued it yea right farre is it from them 22 It hath not ben heared of in the land of Chanaan neither hath it
to them that worship thee 34 Yet for thy names sake we beseche thee geue vs not vp for euer breake not thy couenaunt 35 And take not away thy mercie from vs for thy beloued Abrahams sake for thy seruaunt Isaacs sake and for thy holy Israels sake 36 To whom thou hast spoken and promised that thou wouldest multiplie their seede as the starres of heauen as the sande that lyeth vpon the sea shore 37 For we O Lord are become lesse then any people and be kept vnder this day in all the worlde because of our sinnes 38 So that nowe we haue neither prince duke prophet burnt offering sacrifice oblation incense nor sanctuarie before thee 39 Neuerthelesse in a contrite heart and an humble spirite let vs be receaued that we may obtayne thy mercie 40 Like as in the burnt offering of rammes and bullockes and like as in thousandes of fat lambes so let our offering be in thy sight this daye that it may please thee for there is no confusion vnto thē that put their trust in thee 41 And now we folowe thee with al our heart we feare thee and seke thy face 42 Put vs not to shame but deale with vs after thy louing kindnesse and according to the multitude of thy mercies 43 Deliuer vs by thy miracles O Lorde and get thy name an honour that all they which do thy seruauntes euyl may be confounded 44 Let them be ashamed thorow thy almightie power and let their strength be broken 45 That they may knowe how that thou only art the Lorde God and honour worthy throughout all the worlde 46 And the kinges seruauntes that put them in ceassed not to make the ouen hot with wild fire drie straw pitche towe and fagottes 47 So that the flambe went out of the ouen vpon a fourtie and nyne cubites 48 Yea it toke away and brent vp those Chaldees that it gat holde vpon beside the ouen 49 But the angell of the Lorde came downe into the ouen to Azaria and his felowes and smote the flambe of the fire out of the ouen 50 And made the middes of the ouen as it had ben a colde winde blowing so the fire neither touched them greeued them nor dyd them hurt 51 Then these three as out of one mouth praysed honoured and blessed God in the fornace saying 52 Blessed be thou O Lorde God of our fathers for thou art prayse and honour worthy yea to be magnified for euermore 53 Blessed be the holy name of thy glorie for it is worthy to be praysed magnified in all worldes 54 Blessed be thou in the holy temple of thy glorie for aboue all thinges thou art to be praysed yea and more then worthy to be magnified for euer 55 Blessed be thou in the throne of thy kingdome for aboue al thou art worthy to be well spoken of and to be more then magnified for euer 56 Blessed be thou that lokest thorow the deepe and sittest vpon the Cherubims for thou art worthy to be praysed and aboue all to be magnified for euer 57 Blessed be thou in the firmament of heauen for thou art prayse and honour worthy for euer 58 O all ye workes of the Lorde speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 59 O ye angels of the Lorde speake good of the Lord prayse him and set hym vp for euer 60 O ye heauens speake good of the Lord prayse hym and set him vp for euer 61 O all ye waters that be aboue the firmament speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer 62 O all ye powers of the Lorde speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 63 O ye sunne and moone speake good of the Lord prayse him and set hym vp for euer 64 O ye starres of heauen speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 65 O ye showres and deaw speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 66 O all ye windes of God speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer 67 O ye fire and heate speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer 68 O ye winter and sommer speake good of the Lord prayse hym and set him vp for euer 69 O ye deawes and frostes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 70 O ye frost and colde speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set him vp for euer 71 O ye yee and snowe speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer 72 O ye nightes and dayes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 73 O ye light and darkenesse speake good of the Lord prayse him and set hym vp for euer 74 O ye lightninges and cloudes speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer 75 O let the earth speake good of the Lorde yea let it prayse him and set him vp for euer 76 O ye mountaynes and hilles speake good of the Lorde prayse hym and set hym vp for euer 77 O all ye greene thinges vpon the earth speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer 78 O ye welles speake good of the Lord prayse him and set hym vp for euer 79 O ye seas and fluddes speake good of the Lord prayse hym and set him vp for euer 80 O ye whales and all that moue in the waters speake good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer 81 O all ye foules of the ayre speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 82 O all ye beastes and cattel speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 83 O ye children of men speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set hym vp for euer 84 O let Israel speake good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer 85 O ye priestes of the Lord speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 86 O ye seruauntes of the Lord speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 87 O ye spirites and soules of the righteous speake good of the Lorde prayse him and set him vp for euer 88 O ye holy and humble men of heart speake ye good of the Lord prayse him and set him vp for euer 89 O Anania Azaria and Misael speake ye good of the Lorde prayse ye him set him vp for euer which hath deliuered vs from the hell kept vs from the hande of death ridde vs from the middest of the burning flambe and saued vs euen in the middest of the fyre 90 O geue thankes therefore vnto the Lorde for he is kinde hearted and his mercie endureth for euer 91 O all deuout men speake ye good of the Lorde the God of all goddes O prayse him and geue
his kingdome he went about to obtayne the lande of Egypt also that he might haue the dominion of two realmes 18 Vpon this entred he into Egypt with a strong hoast with charets Elephants horsemen and a great number of ships 19 And began to warre against Ptolome the king of Egypt But Ptolome was afrayde of him and fled and many of his people were wounded to death 20 Thus Antiochus wanne many strong cities and toke away great good out of the lande of Egypt 21 And after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt he turned againe in the hundred fourtie and three yere and went toward Israel 22 And came vp to Hierusalem with a mightie people 23 And entred proudely into the sanctuarie and toke away the golden alter the candelsticke and al the ornaments therof the table of the shewbread the pouring vessels the chargers the golden spoones the vayle the crownes golden apparell of the temple and brake downe all in peeces 24 He toke also the siluer and golde the precious iewels and the secret treasures that he founde 25 And when he had taken away altogether caused a great murther of men and spoken very proudly the departed ino his owne lande 26 Therefore there was great lamentation throughout all Israel 27 The princes and the elders of the people mourned the young men and the maydens were defiled and the faire beautie of women was chaunged 28 The bridegrome and the bryde toke them to mourning 29 The lande and those that dwelt therein was moued for all the house of Iacob was brought to confusion 30 * After two yeres the king sent his chiefe treasurer vnto the cities of Iuda which came to Hierusalem with a great multitude of people 31 Speaking peaceable wordes vnto thē but all was deceite for when they had geuen him credence 32 He fell sodenly vpon the citie smote it sore destroyed much people of Israel 33 And when he had spoyled the citie he set fire on it casting downe houses and walles on euery side 34 The women and their children toke they captiue and led away their cattell 35 Then builded they the citie of Dauid with a great and thicke wall and with mightie towres and made it a strong holde for them 36 Beside all this they set wicked people and vngodlie men to kepe it 37 Stored it with weapons and vitailes gathered the goodes of Hierusalem and layed them vp there Thus became it a theeuishe castel 38 Thus they became a heauy burthen laying wayte for the people that went into the sanctuary and for the cruell destruction of Israel 39 Thus they shed innocent blood on euery side of the sanctuary and defiled it 40 Insomuch that the citezins were faine to depart and the citie became an habitation of straungers being desolate of her owne seede for her owne natiues were faine to leaue her 41 Her sanctuary was cleane wasted her holy dayes were turned into mourning her Sabbathes were had in derision her honour brought to naught 42 Loke how great her glory was before so great was her confusion and her ioye turned into sorowe 43 Antiochus also the king sent out a commission vnto all his kingdome that all the people should be one 44 Then they left euery man his lawe and al the heathen agreed to the commaundement of king Antiochus 45 Yea many of the Israelites consented therevnto offering vnto idols and defiling the Sabbath 46 So the king Antiochus sent his messēgers with his commission vnto Hierusalem and to all the cities of Iuda that they should folow the lawes of the heathen 47 And forbad either burnt offering meate offering or peace offering to be made in the temple of God that there should no Sabbath nor hie feast day be kept 48 But commaunded that the sanctuary and the holy people of Israel should be defiled 49 He commaunded also that there should be set vp other aulters temples idols to offer vp swines flesh and other vncleane beastes 50 That men should leaue their children vncircumcized to defile their soules with all maner of vncleannesse and abhominations 51 That they might so forget the lawe and chaunge all the holy ordinaunces of God 52 And that whosoeuer would not do according to the commaundement of king Antiochus should suffer death 53 In lyke maner cōmaunded he throughout all his realme and set rulers ouer the people for to compell them to do these thinges 54 Commaunding al the cities of Iuda to do sacrifice vnto idols 55 Then went the people vnto the heathen by heapes forsooke the law of the Lorde and committed much euil in the lande 56 And the droue the Israelites into secrete places euen where so euer they coulde flee for succour 57 The fifteenth day of the moneth Casleu in the hundred threescore and fifth yere set king Antiochus an abhominable idoll of desolation vpon the aulter of God and they builded aulters throughout all the cities of Iuda on euery side 58 Before the doores of the houses and in the streates where they brent incense and did sacrifice 59 And as for the bookes of the lawe of God they brent them in the fire and rent them in peeces 60 Whatsoeuer he was that had a booke of the testament of the Lorde founde by him yea whosoeuer endeuoured him selfe to kepe the lawe of the Lorde the kinges cōmaundement was that they should put him to death 61 And through his aucthoritie they executed these thinges euery moneth vpon the people of Israel that were founde in the cities 62 The twentie and fifth day of the moneth what time as they did sacrifice vpon the aulter which stoode in the steade of the aulter of the Lorde 63 According to the commaundement of king Antiochus they put certaine women to death which had caused their children to be circumcized 64 Not onely that but they hanged vp the childrē by the neckes throughout al their houses and slue the circumcizers of thē 65 Yet were there many of the people of Israel which determined in thēselues that they woulde not eate vncleane thinges but chose rather to suffer death then to be defiled with vncleane meates 66 So because they would not breake the blessed lawe of God they were cruelly slaine 67 And this great tiranny encreased very sore vpon the people of Israel The .ii. Chapter 1 The mourning of Mathathias and his sonnes for the destruction of the holy citie 19 They refuse to do sacrifice vnto idols 24 The zeale of Mathathias for the lawe of God 33 They are slaine and wyll not fight againe because of the Sabbath day 49 Mathathias dying commaundeth his sonne to sticke by the worde of God after the example of the fathers 1 IN those dayes there did stand vp one Mathathias the sonne of Iohn the sonne of Simeon the priest out of the kinred of Ioarib from Hierusalem and dwelt vpon the mount of Modin 2 And had fiue sonnes Iohn called
disciples vnto hym he gaue them power agaynst vncleane spirites to cast them out and to heale all maner of sicknesse and all maner of disease 2 The names of the twelue Apostles are these The first Simon whiche is called Peter and Andrewe his brother Iames the sonne of Zebedee Iohn his brother 3 Philip Bartholomewe Thomas and Matthewe which had ben a Publicane Iames y e sonne of Alphee Lebbeus whose surname was Taddeus 4 Simon the Cananite Iudas Iscariot which also betrayed hym 5 Iesus sent foorth these twelue whō he cōmaunded saying Go not into the way of the Gentiles and into the citie of the Samaritanes enter ye not 6 But go rather to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel 7 As ye go preache saying The kyngdome of heauen is at hande 8 Heale the sicke cleanse y e lepers rayse the dead cast out deuyls Freely ye haue receaued freely geue 9 Possesse not golde nor syluer nor brasse in your purses 10 Nor yet scrippe towardes your iourney neither two coates neither shoes nor yet a staffe For the workman is worthy of his meate 11 But to whatsoeuer citie or towne ye shall come inquire who is worthy in it and there abyde tyll ye go thence 12 And when ye come into an house salute the same 13 And if the house be worthy let your peace come vpon it but if it be not worthy let your peace returne to you again 14 And whosoeuer shal not receaue you nor wyll heare your preachyng when ye depart out of that house or that citie shake of the dust of your feete 15 Veryly I say vnto you it shal be easier for the lande of the Sodomites and Gomorreans in the day of iudgement then for that citie 16 Beholde I sende you foorth as sheepe in the middest of woolfes Be ye therfore wyse as serpentes and harmelesse as doues 17 But beware of men For they shall delyuer you vp to the councels and shal scourge you in their synagogues 18 And ye shal be brought to the head rulers and kynges for my sake in witnesse to them and to the Gentiles 19 But whē they delyuer you vp take ye no thought how or what ye shal speake For it shal be geuen you euen in that same houre what ye shall speake 20 For it is not ye that speake but y e spirite of your father which speaketh in you 21 The brother shall delyuer vp the brother to death and the father the sonne the chyldren shall ryse agaynst their fathers and mothers and shall but them to death 22 And ye shal be hated of all men for my names sake but he that endureth to the ende shal be saued 23 But when they persecute you in this citie flee ye into another For verily I say vnto you ye shall not ende all the cities of Israel tyll the sonne of man be come 24 The disciple is not aboue the maister nor the seruaunt aboue his lorde 25 It is enough for the disciple that he be as his maister is and that the seruaunt be as his lorde is If they haue called the lorde of the house Beelzebub howe much more shall they call them of his householde so 26 Feare them not therfore For there is nothing close that shal not be opened nothing hyd that shall not be knowen 27 What I tell you in darknesse that speake ye in lyght And what ye heare in the eare that preach ye on the houses 28 And feare ye not them which kyll the body but are not able to kyll the soule But rather feare hym which is able to destroy both soule and body in hell 29 Are not two litle sparowes solde for a farthyng And one of thē shall not light on the grounde without your father 30 Yea euen all the heere 's of your head are numbred 31 Feare ye not therefore ye are of more value then many sparowes 32 Euery one therfore that shall confesse me before men hym wyll I confesse also before my father which is in heauēs 33 But whosoeuer shall denye me before men hym wyll I also denye before my father which is in heauens 34 Thinke not that I am come to sende peace into the earth I came not to sende peace but a sworde 35 For I am come to set a man at varyaunce agaynst his father the daughter agaynst her mother and the daughter in lawe agaynst her mother in lawe 36 And a mans foes shal be they of his owne householde 37 He that loueth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me And he that loueth sonne or daughter more thē me is not worthy of me 38 * And he that taketh not his crosse foloweth me is not worthy of me 39 He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his lyfe for my sake shall fynde it 40 He that receaueth you receaueth me he that receaueth me receaueth hym that sent me 41 He that receaueth a prophete in the name of a prophete shall receaue a prophetes rewarde And he that receaueth a ryghteous man in the name of a ryghteous man shall receaue a ryghteous mans rewarde 42 And whosoeuer shall geue vnto one of these litle ones to drynke a cuppe of colde water only in the name of a disciple veryly I say vnto you he shall not lose his rewarde ❧ The .xi. Chapter ● Christe preacheth ● Iohn Baptist sendeth his disciples vnto him 7 Ch●istes testimonie concernyng Iohn 1● The opinion of the people concernyng Christe and Iohn 20 Christe vpbraydeth the vnthanfull cities ●5 The Gospell is reuealed to the simple ● They that labour and are laden ●9 Christes yoke 1 AND it came to passe that when Iesus had made an ende of commaundyng his twelue disciples he departed thence to teache and to preache in their cities 2 ☞ When Iohn being in prison heard the workes of Christe he sent two of his disciples and sayde vnto him 3 Art thou he that shoulde come or do we loke for another 4 Iesus aunswered and sayd vnto them Go and shewe Iohn agayne what ye haue hearde and seene 5 The blinde receaue their sight the halt do walke the lepers are cleansed and the deafe heare the dead are raised vp and the poore receaue the Gospell 6 And happy is he that is not offended in me 7 And as they departed Iesus began to say vnto the multitude cōcerning Iohn What went ye out into the wildernesse to see A reede shaken with the winde 8 Or what went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft rayment Beholde they that weare soft clothyng are in kinges houses 9 But what went ye out for to see A prophete yea I say vnto you and more then a prophete 10 For this is he of whom it is written Beholde I sende my messenger before thy face which
diuers of them came frō farre 4 And his disciples aunswered hym From whence can a man satisfie these men with bread here in the wildernesse 5 And he asked thē Howe many loaues haue ye They sayde seuen 6 And he commaunded the people to sit downe on the grounde And he toke the seuen loaues and when he had geuen thankes he brake and gaue to his disciples to set before them And they dyd set them before the people 7 And they hadde a fewe small fysshes And when he had blessed he commaunded them also to be set before them 8 So they dyd eate and were suffised And they toke vp of the broken meate that was left seuen baskettes full 9 And they that had eaten were about foure thousand And he sent thē away 10 And anone he entred into a shippe with his disciples and came into the parties of Dalmanutha 11 And the Pharisees came foorth and began to dispute with hym sekyng of him a signe from heauen tempting him 12 And when he had sighed depely in his spirite he sayth Why doth this generatiō seke a signe Veryly I say vnto you there shall no signe be geuē vnto this generation 13 And he lefte them and went into the ship agayne departed ouer the water 14 And they had forgotten to take bread with them neither had they in the ship with them more then one loafe 15 And he charged thē saying ☞ Take heede beware of the leuen of the pharisees and of the leuen of Herode 16 And they reasoned among them selues saying We haue no bread 17 And Iesus knewe it and sayth vnto them Why reason ye because ye haue no bread Perceaue ye not yet neither vnderstande Haue ye your heart yet hardened 18 Haue ye eyes and see not and haue ye eares heare not Do ye not remember 19 When I brake fyue loaues among fyue thousande men howe many baskettes full of broken meate toke ye vp They say vnto hym twelue 20 When I brake seuen among foure thousande howe many baskettes of the leauynges of the broken meate toke ye vp They sayde seuen 21 And he sayde vnto them Howe happeneth it that ye do not vnderstande 22 ☞ And he came to Bethsaida they brought a blynde man vnto hym and desired hym to touche hym 23 And he caught the blinde by the hand and led him out of the towne and whē he had spyt in his eyes put his handes vpon him he asked him if he saw ought 24 And he loked vp saide I see men for I perceiue thē walke as they were trees 25 After that he put his handes agayne vpon his eyes made hym see And he was restored saw euery man clearely 26 And he sent hym home to his house saying neither go into the towne nor tell it to any in the towne ☜ 27 And Iesus went out his disciples into the townes that long to Cesarea Philippi And by the way he asked his disciples saying vnto them Whom do men say that I am 28 And they aunswered Some saye that thou art Iohn Baptist and some saye Elias Agayne some saye that thou art one of the prophetes 29 And he sayde vnto them But whom say ye that I am Peter aunswereth saith vnto him Thou art very Christe 30 And he charged them that they should tell no man of hym 31 And he began to teache them howe that the sonne of man must suffer many thynges be reproued of the elders and of the hie priestes scribes and be killed and after three dayes aryse agayne 32 And he spake that saying openly And Peter toke hym asyde and began to rebuke hym 33 But he turned about and loked on his disciples and rebuked Peter saying go after me Satā for thou sauerest not the thinges that be of God but the thinges that be of men 34 And when he had called the people vnto hym with his disciples also he said vnto them Whosoeuer wyll folow me let hym forsake hym selfe and take vp his crosse and folowe me 35 For whosoeuer wyll saue his life shall lose it But whosoeuer shall lose his life for my sake the Gospels the same shall saue it 36 For what shall it profite a man yf he wynne all the worlde and lose his owne soule 37 Or what shall a man geue for a raunsome of his soule 38 Whosoeuer therfore shal be ashamed of me and of my wordes in this adulterous and synnefull generation of hym also shall the sonne of man be ashamed when he commeth in the glorie of his father with the holy Angels ¶ The .ix. Chapter ¶ 2 The transfiguration of Christe 13 Elias is come 26 A dumbe spirite is cast out 29 Why the disciples coulde not cast it out 33 The disciples contende for superioritie 38 One casteth out deuyls that folowed not Christes disciples 43 Of the offences of hande foote or eye 49 Of seasonyng with salt 1 AND he saide vnto them Veryly I say vnto you ther be some of them that stande here whiche shall not taste of death tyll they haue seene y e kyngdome of God come with power 2 And after sixe dayes Iesus taketh Peter and Iames and Iohn and leadeth them vp into an hye mountayne out of the way alone and he was transfigured before them 3 And his rayment dyd shyne became very whyte euen as snowe so whyte as no fuller can make vpon the earth 4 And there appeared vnto them Elias with Moyses And they talked with Iesu 5 And Peter aunswered and sayth to Iesu Maister here is good beyng for vs let vs make also three tabernacles one for thee and one for Moyses and one for Elias 6 For he wist not what he saide for they were afrayde 7 And there was a cloude that shadowed them and a voyce came out of the cloude saying This is my beloued sonne heare hym 8 And sodenly when they had loked rounde about they sawe no man more then Iesus only with them 9 And as they came downe from the hyll he charged them that they should tell no man those thynges that they had seene tyll the sonne of man were rysen from the dead agayne 10 And they kept that saying with them and demaunded one of another what the rysing from the dead againe should meane 11 And they asked hym saying Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come 12 He aunswered and sayde vnto them Elias veryly when he commeth firste restoreth all thynges And the sonne of man as it is written of hym shall suffer many thynges be set at naught 13 But I saye vnto you that Elias is come they haue done vnto him whatsoeuer they would as it is writtē of him 14 And when he came to his disciples he sawe much people about them and the scribes disputyng with them 15 And strayghtway all the people whē they behelde hym were amased ran to hym
both ryghteous before God and walked in all the lawes and ordinaunces of the Lorde that no man coulde fynde fault with them 7 And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barren and they both were nowe well stricken in age 8 And it came to passe that when Zacharie executed the priestes office before God as his course came 9 Accordyng to y e custome of the priestes office his lot was to burne incence whē he went into the temple of the Lorde 10 And the whole multitude of the people were without in prayer whyle the incence was burnyng 11 And there appeared vnto hym an Angel of the Lorde standyng on the ryght syde of the aulter of incence 12 And when Zacharias sawe him he was troubled and feare came vpō him 13 But the Angel sayde vnto him Feare not Zacharie for thy prayer is hearde and thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare thee a sonne thou shalt cal his name Iohn 14 And thou shalt haue ioy and gladnesse and many shall reioyce at his birth 15 For he shal be great in the syght of the Lorde and shall neither drynke wine nor strong drynke and he shal be fylled with the holy ghost euen from his mothers wombe 16 And many of the chyldren of Israel shall he turne to their Lorde God 17 And he shall go before hym with the spirite and power of Elias to turne the heartes of the fathers to the chyldren and the disobedient to the wisedome of the iust men to make redy a perfect people for the Lorde 18 And Zacharias saide vnto the Angel By what token shall I know this For I am olde and my wyfe well stricken in yeres 19 And the Angel aunswered and sayde vnto hym I am Gabriel that stande in the presence of God and am sent to speake vnto thee and to shewe thee these glad tydynges 20 And beholde thou shalt be dumbe not be able to speake vntyll the day that these thynges be perfourmed because thou beleuedst not my wordes whiche shal be fulfylled in their season 21 And the people waited for Zacharias and marueyled that he taried so long in the temple 22 And when he came out he coulde not speake vnto them And they perceaued that he had seene a vision in the temple For he beckened vnto them and remayned speachlesse 23 ☞ And it came to passe that assoone as the dayes of his office were out he departed into his owne house 24 And after those dayes his wyfe Elizabeth conceaued and hyd her selfe fiue monethes saying 25 Thus hath the Lorde dealt with me in the dayes wherein he loked on me to take frō me my rebuke among men 26 And in the sixth moneth the Angel Gabriel was sent from God vnto a citie of Galilee named Nazareth 27 To a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of the house of Dauid and the virgins name was Marie 28 And the Angel went in vnto her and sayde Hayle thou that art freelie beloued the Lorde is with thee blessed art thou among women 29 And when she sawe hym she was troubled at his saying and caste in her mynde what maner of salutation that shoulde be 30 And the Angel saide vnto her Feare not Marie for thou hast founde grace with God 31 For beholde thou shalt conceaue in thy wombe and beare a sonne shalt call his name Iesus 32 He shal be great shal be called y e sonne of the hyest the Lord God shall geue vnto him the seate of his father Dauid 33 And he shall reigne ouer the house of Iacob for euer and of his kyngdome there shal be none ende 34 Then said Marie vnto y e Angel How shall this be seing I knowe not a man 35 And the Angel aunswered saide vnto her The holy ghost shall come vpon thee the power of the hyest shall ouershadowe thee Therefore also that holy thyng whiche shal be borne shal be called the sonne of God 36 And beholde thy cosin Elizabeth she hath also conceaued a sonne in her olde age this is her sixth moneth whiche was called barren 37 For with God shall nothyng be vnpossible 38 And Marie saide Beholde the handmayden of the Lorde be it vnto me accordyng to thy worde ☜ And the Angel departed from her 39 ☞ And Marie arose in those dayes went into the hyll countrey with haste into a citie of Iuda 40 And entred into the house of Zacharie and saluted Elizabeth 41 And it came to passe that when Elizabeth hearde the salutation of Marie the babe sprang in her wombe and Elizabeth was fylled with the holy ghost 42 And she cryed with a loude voyce and saide Blessed art thou among women because y e fruite of thy wombe is blessed 43 And whence commeth this to me that y e mother of my lord should come to me 44 For loe assoone as the voyce of thy salutation sounded in mine eares the babe sprang in my wombe for ioy 45 And blessed is she that beleued For those thinges shal be perfourmed which were tolde her from the Lorde 46 And Marie saide My soule magnifieth the Lorde 47 And my spirite reioyceth in God my sauiour 48 For he hath loked on the lowe degree of his handmayden For loe now from hencefoorth shal all generations call me blessed 49 Because he that is mightie hath done to me great thinges holy is his name 50 And his mercy is on them that feare him from generation to generation 51 He hath shewed strēgth with his arme he hath scattered them that are proude in the imagination of their heartes 52 He hath put downe the myghtie frō their seates and exalted them of lowe degree 53 He hath fylled the hungry with good thynges sent away the riche emptie 54 He hath helped his seruaunt Israel in remembraunce of his mercy 55 Euen as he promised to our fathers Abraham and to his seede for euer 56 And Marie abode with her about three monethes and returned agayne to her owne house 57 ☞ Elizabethes tyme came that she shoulde be deliuered and she brought foorth a sonne 58 And her neyghbours and her cosins hearde howe the Lorde hadde shewed great mercy vpō her and they reioyced with her 59 And it came to passe that on the eyght day they came to circumcise the chylde and called his name Zacharias after the name of his father 60 And his mother aunswered and said not so but he shal be called Iohn 61 And they sayde vnto her There is none in thy kinrede that is named with this name 62 And they made signes to his father howe he woulde haue hym called 63 And he asked for wrytyng tables and wrote saying his name is Iohn And they marueyled all 64 And his mouth was opened immediatly and his tounge loosed he spake and praysed God 65 And feare came on all them that dwelt nye vnto them And all these sayinges were noysed
that are without Do ye not iudge them that are within Them that are without God iudgeth Put away from among you that wicked person The .vi. Chapter 1 He rebuketh them for goyng to lawe together before the heathen 7 Christians ought rather to suffer 12 He reproueth the abusing of christian libertie 15 and sheweth that we ought to serue God purely both in body and in soule 1 DAre any of you hauing businesse with another be iudged vnder the vniust and not rather vnder y e saintes 2 Do ye not knowe that the saintes shall iudge the worlde If the worlde shal be iudged by you are ye vnworthy to iudge the smallest matters 3 Know ye not howe that we shal iudge the angels Howe much more thinges that parteyne to this lyfe 4 If then ye haue iudgement of thinges parteynyng to this lyfe set vp them to iudge whiche are least esteemed in the Churche 5 I speake it to your shame Is it so that there is not a wyse man among you no not one that can iudge betwene brother and brother 6 But one brother goeth to law with another and that vnder the vnbeleuers 7 Nowe therefore there is vtterly a fault among you because ye go to lawe one with another Why rather suffer ye not wrong why rather suffer ye not harme 8 Nay ye your selues do wrong and do harme and that to your brethren 9 Knowe ye not that the vnrighteous shall not inherite the kingdome of God Be not deceaued neither fornicatours nor idolatours nor adulterers nor weaklinges nor abusers of them selues with mankinde 10 Nor theeues nor couetous nor drunckardes nor cursed speakers nor pyllers shall inherite the kingdome of God 11 And such were some of you but ye are wasshed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus and by the spirite of our God 12 All thinges are lawfull vnto me but al thinges are not profitable Al things are lawfull vnto me but I will not be brought vnder the power of any 13 Meates are ordeyned for the belly and the belly for meates but God shall destroy both it and them Nowe the body is not for fornication but for the Lorde and the Lorde for the body 14 And God both hath raysed vp the Lorde and also shall rayse vs vp by his power 15 ☞ Knowe ye not that your bodies are the members of Christe Shall I then take the members of Christe and make them the members of an harlot God forbyd 16 Know ye not that he whiche coupleth him selfe with an harlot is one body For two sayth he shal be one fleshe 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord is one spirite 18 Flee fornication Euery synne that a man doeth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his owne body 19 Knowe ye not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost whiche is in you whom ye haue of God and ye are not your owne 20 For ye are dearely bought therefore glorifie God in your body and in your spirite which are Gods The .vii. Chapter 1 The apostle aunswereth to certayne questions which the Corinthians desired to know 2 as of single lyfe 3 of the duetie of mariage 11 of discordes and discention in mariage 13 of mariage betweene the faythfull and vnfaythfull 18 of vncircumcising the circumcised 21 of seruitude 25 of virginitie 39 and seconde mariage 1 NOwe as concernyng the thinges wherof ye wrote vnto me ☞ it is good for a man not to touche a woman 2 Neuerthelesse to auoyde fornication let euery man haue his owne wyfe and let euery woman haue her owne husband 3 Let the husbande geue vnto the wyfe due beneuolence Lykewyse also the wyfe vnto the husbande 4 The wyfe hath not the power of her owne body but the husbande And likewyse also the husbande hath not the power of his owne body but the wife 5 Defraude you not the one the other except it be with both your consentes for a time that ye may geue your selues to fasting and prayer and afterward come together againe that Satan tempt you not for your incontinencie 6 This I say of fauour not of commaundement 7 For I woulde that all men were as I my selfe am but euery man hath his proper gift of God one after this maner another after that 8 I say therefore vnto them that be vnmaryed and wyddowes it is good for them if they abyde euen as I. 9 But if they can not abstayne let them marrie For it is better to marrie then to burne 10 Vnto the maryed commaunde not I but the Lord Let not the wyfe depart from the husbande 11 But and if she depart let her remayne vnmarried or be reconciled vnto her husbande againe And let not the husbande put away his wyfe 12 But to the remnaunt speake I not the Lorde If any brother haue a wife that beleueth not if she be content to dwell with him let him not put her away 13 And the woman which hath to her husbande an infidell and he consent to dwel with her let her not put him away 14 For the vnbeleuing husbande is sanctified by the wyfe and the vnbeleuyng wyfe is sanctified by the husbande els were your children vncleane but nowe are they holy 15 But if the vnbeleuing depart let hym depart A brother or a sister is not in subiection in such thinges But God hath called vs in peace 16 For howe knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy husbande or how knowest thou O man whether thou shalt saue thy wyfe 17 But as God hath distributed to euery man as the Lorde hath called euery one so let hym walke and so ordeyne I in all Churches 18 Is any man called beyng circumcised let him not adde vncircumcision Is any called vncircumcised let him not be circumcised 19 Circumcision is nothing and vncircumcision is nothing but the keping of the commaundementes of God 20 ☞ Let euery man abyde in the same calling wherin he was called 21 Art thou called a seruaunt care not for it Neuerthelesse if thou mayest be free vse it rather 22 For he that is called in the Lord being a seruaunt is the Lordes free man Lykewyse also he that is called beyng free is Christes seruaunt 23 Ye are dearely bought be not ye the seruauntes of men 24 Brethren let euery man wherin he is called therin abyde with God ☜ 25 Nowe concerning virgins I haue no commaundement of the Lord yet geue I counsell as one that hath obtayned mercy in the Lorde to be faythfull 26 I suppose therfore that it is good for the present necessitie for I say it is good for a man so to be 27 Art thou bounde vnto a wife seke not to be loosed Art thou loosed from a wyfe seke not a wyfe 28 But and if thou marrie a wyfe thou sinnest not and if a
which I preached vnto you which also ye haue receaued and wherin ye cōtinue 2 By the which also ye are saued yf ye kepe in memorie after what maner I preached vnto you except ye haue beleued in vayne 3 For first of all I deliuered vnto you that which I receaued howe that * Christe dyed for our sinnes agreeyng to the scriptures 4 And that he was buryed and that he arose agayne the thirde day accordyng to the scriptures 5 And that he was seene of Cephas then of the twelue 6 After that he was seene of mo then fiue hundred brethren at once of which many remayne vnto this day some are fallen a slepe 7 After that he was seene of Iames then of all the Apostles 8 And last of all he was seene of me as of one borne out of due tyme. 9 For I am the least of the Apostles which am not worthy to be called an Apostle because I persecuted the Churche of God 10 But by the grace of God I am that I am And his grace which is in me was not in vayne But I laboured more aboundauntly then they all yet not I but the grace of God which is with me 11 Therfore whether it were I or they so we preache and so haue ye beleued 12 ☞ If Christe be preached howe that he rose from the dead howe say some among you that there is no resurrection of the dead 13 If there be no rysyng agayne of the dead then is Christe not rysen agayne 14 If Christe be not rysen agayne then is our preachyng vayne and your fayth is also vayne 15 Yea and we are founde false witnesses of God For we haue testified of God howe that he raysed vp Christe whom he raysed not vp yf it be so that the dead ryse not agayne 16 For yf the dead ryse not agayne then is not Christe rysen agayne 17 If it be so that Christ rose not againe then is your fayth vayne and ye are yet in your sinnes 18 Therfore they which are fallen in a slepe in Christe are perisshed 19 If in this lyfe only we haue hope on Christe then are we of all men moste miserable 20 But nowe is Christe rysen from the dead the first fruites of them that slept 21 For since by man came death euen so by man came the resurrection of y e dead 22 For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue 23 But euery man in his owne order ☜ The first fruites is Christe afterward they that are Christes at his commyng 24 Then commeth the ende when he hath deliuered vp the kingdome to God the father when he hath put downe all rule and all auctoritie and power 25 For he must raigne tyll he haue put all his enemies vnder his feete 26 The last enemie that shal be destroyed is death 27 For he hath put downe all thynges vnder his feete But when he saith all thynges are vnder hym it is manifest that he is excepted which dyd put all thynges vnder hym 28 When all thynges are subdued vnto hym then shall the sonne also hym selfe be subiect vnto him that put all thinges vnder hym that God may be all in all 29 Els what shall they do which are baptized for the dead yf the dead ryse not at all 30 Why are they then baptized for them And why stande we in ieopardie euery houre 31 By our reioycyng which I haue in Christe Iesu our Lorde I dye dayly 32 If I haue fought with beastes at Ephesus after the maner of men what auauntageth it me yf the dead ryse not agayne * Let vs eate drynke for to morowe we shall dye 33 Be not deceaued Euyll wordes corrupt good maners 34 Awake truely out of slepe and sinne not For some haue not the knowledge of God I speake this to your shame 35 But some man wyll say howe are the dead raysed vp With what bodie shall they come 36 Thou foole that which thou sowest is not quickened except it dye 37 And that which thou sowest thou sowest not that body that shal be but bare corne as of wheate or of some other 38 But God geueth it a body at his pleasure to euery seede his owne body 39 ☞ All flesshe is not the same flesshe But there is one maner of flesshe of mē another flesshe of beastes another of fisshes and another of byrdes 40 There are also celestial bodies and bodies terrestrial But the glorie of the celestial is one and the glorie of the terrestrial another 41 There is another glorie of the sunne and another glorie of the moone and another glorie of the starres For one starre differeth from another starre in glorie 42 So is the resurrection of the dead It is sowen in corruption it ryseth in incorruption 43 It is sowen in dishonour it riseth in honour It is sowen in weakenesse it ryseth in power 44 It is sowen a naturall bodie it ryseth a spirituall bodie There is a naturall bodie and there is a spirituall bodie 45 As it is also written The first man Adam was made a lyuyng soule and the last Adam was made a quickenyng spirite 46 Howebeit that is not first whiche is spirituall but that whiche is naturall and then that whiche is spirituall ☜ 47 The first man is of the earth earthy the seconde man is the Lorde from heauen 48 As is the earthy suche are they that are earthy And as is the heauenly such are they also that are heauenly 49 And as we haue borne the image of the earthy so shall we beare the image of the heauenly 50 This saye I brethren that fleshe and blood can not inherite the kyngdome of God Neither doth corruption inherite incorruption 51 Beholde I shewe you a misterie We shall not all slepe but we shall all be chaunged 52 In a moment in the twynklyng of an eye at the last trumpe For the trumpe shall blowe and the dead shall ryse incorruptible and we shal be chaunged 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortall must put on immortalitie 54 When this corruptible hath put on incorruption and this mortal hath put on immortalitie then shal be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swalowed vp into victorie 55 O death where is thy stynge O hell where is thy victorie 56 The stynge of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe 57 * But thankes be vnto God whiche hath geuē vs victorie through our Lord Iesus Christe 58 Therfore my beloued brethren be ye stedfast vnmouable alwayes riche in the worke of the Lorde forasmuch as ye knowe that your labour is not in vayne in the Lorde ¶ The .xvj. Chapter 1 He putteth them in remembraunce of the gatheryng for the poore brethren at Hierusalem 13 We must perseuer in fayth in the loue of Christe and of our neyghbour
our mortall flesshe 12 So then death worketh in vs but life in you ☜ 13 ☞ Seing then that we haue the same spirite of fayth accordyng as it is written I beleued and therefore haue I spoken We also beleue and therefore speake 14 For we knowe that he which raysed vp the Lorde Iesus shall rayse vp vs also by the meanes of Iesus and shall set vs with you 15 For all thynges do I for your sakes that the plenteous grace by thankes geuyng of many may redounde to the prayse of God 16 Wherefore we are not weryed But though our outwarde man perishe yet the inwarde man is renued day by day 17 For our exceedyng tribulation which is momentanie lyght prepareth an exceedyng and an eternall wayght of glorie vnto vs. 18 Whyle we loke not on the thynges whiche are seene but on the thynges which are not seene For the thynges which are seene are temporall but the things which are not seene are eternal ¶ The .v. Chapter 1 Paul proceedeth to declare the vtilitie that commeth by the crosse 4 howe we ought to prepare our selues vnto it 5 by whom 9 and for what ende 14 19 He setteth foorth the grace of Christ 20 and the office of ministers all the faithful 1 FOr we knowe that yf our earthly house of this tabernacle were destroyed we haue a building of God an habitation not made with handes but eternall in heauen 2 For therfore sygh we desiryng to be clothed with our house whiche is from heauen 3 So yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked 4 For we that are in this tabernacle sigh being burdened because we would not be vnclothed but would be clothed vpō that mortalitie might be swalowed vp of lyfe 5 He that hath ordeyned vs for this thyng is God which hath also geuen vnto vs the earnest of the spirite 6 Therfore we are alway of good cheare and knowe that as long as we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lorde 7 For we walke by fayth not after outwarde appearaunce 8 Neuerthelesse we are of good comfort and had rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lorde 9 Wherfore whether we be at home or from home we endeuour our selues to be accepted vnto hym 10 For we must all appeare before the iudgement seate of Christe that euery man may receaue the workes of his bodie according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad 11 ☞ Seing then that we knowe the feare of the Lorde we fare fayre with men For we are knowen well enough vnto God I trust also that we are knowen in your consciences 12 For we prayse not our selues agayne vnto you but geue you an occasion to reioyce of vs that ye may haue somwhat agaynst them which reioyce in the face and not in the heart 13 For yf we be to feruent to God are we to feruent Or yf we kepe measure for your cause kepe we measure 14 For the loue of Christe constrayneth vs because we thus iudge that yf one dyed for all then were all dead 15 And he dyed for all that they which lyue shoulde not hencefoorth lyue vnto them selues but vnto hym which dyed for them and rose agayne ☜ 16 Wherefore hencefoorth knowe we no man after the flesshe Insomuche though we haue knowen Christe after the flesshe nowe yet hencefoorth knowe we hym so no more 17 Therfore yf any man be in Christe he is a newe creature Olde thynges are passed awaye beholde all thynges are become newe 18 And all thynges are of God whiche hath reconciled vs vnto hym selfe by Iesus Christe and hath geuen to vs the ministerie of reconciliation 19 For God was in Christe reconciling the worlde to hym selfe not imputyng their sinnes vnto them and hath committed to vs the preachyng of the atonement 20 Nowe then are we messengers in the rowme of Christe euen as though God dyd beseche you through vs. So praye we you in Christes steade that ye be reconciled vnto God 21 For he hath made him to be sinne for vs whiche knewe no sinne that we shoulde be made the ryghteousnesse of God in hym The .vj. Chapter 1 An exhortation to christian lyfe 11 and to beare him like affection as he doeth them Also to kepe them selues from pollution of idolatrie both in body and soule and to haue none acquayntaunce with the heathen 1 WE also as helpers exhorte you that ye receaue not the grace of God in vayne 2 For he saith I haue heard thee in a tyme accepted and in the day of saluation haue I suckoured thee Beholde nowe is that accepted tyme beholde nowe is that day of saluation 3 Let vs geue none occasion of euyll in any thyng that the ministerie be not blamed 4 But in all thynges let vs behaue our selues as y e ministers of God in much pacience in afflictions in necessities in anguisshes 5 In stripes in prisonmentes in strifes in labours 6 In watchynges in fastinges in purenesse in knowledge in long suffryng in kyndnesse in the holy ghost in loue vnfaigned 7 In the worde of trueth in the power of God by the armour of righteousnes of the ryght hande and on the lefte 8 By honour and dishonour by euyll report and good report as deceauers and yet true 9 As vnknowen and yet knowen as dying and beholde we lyue as chastened and not kylled 10 As sorowyng and yet alway merie as poore and yet make many riche as hauyng nothyng and yet possessyng all thynges ☜ 11 O ye Corinthians our mouth is open vnto you our heart is made large 12 Ye are in no strayte in vs but are in a straite in your owne bowels 13 I promise you lyke rewarde as vnto children Set your selues at large 14 ☞ And beare not ye a straunge yoke with the vnbeleuers For what felowship hath righteousnesse with vnrighteousnesse Or what communion hath lyght with darkenesse 15 Or what concorde hath Christe with belyall Eyther what part hath he that beleueth with an infidell 16 Or howe agreeth the temple of God with images For ye are the temple of the lyuing God as saide God I wyll dwell in them walke in them wyll be their God they shal be my people 17 Wherfore come out frō among them and seperate your selues from them saith the Lorde and touche none vncleane thyng and I wyll receaue you 18 And wyll be a father vnto you and ye shal be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lorde almightie ❧ The .vij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth them by the promise of God to kepe them selues pure 3.7 Assuryng them of his loue 8.13 and doeth not excuse his seueritie towarde them but reioyceth therof consideryng what profite came therby 10 Of two sortes of sorowe 1 SEyng that we haue these promises dearely beloued let vs
wyll God bryng with hym 15 For this say we vnto you in the worde of the Lorde that we whiche lyue remayning vnto the cōmyng of the Lord shall not preuent them which sleepe 16 For the Lorde hym selfe shal descende from heauen in a shoute and in the voyce of the Archangell and in the trumpe of God And the dead in Christ shall aryse first 17 Than we which lyue which remaine shal be caught vp together with them in the cloudes to meete the Lorde in the ayre And so shall we euer be with the Lorde 18 Wherfore comfort your selues one another in these wordes ☜ The .v. Chapter 1 He infourmeth them of the day of iudgement and commyng of the Lorde 6 Exhortyng them to watche 12 and to regarde such as preache Gods word among them 1 BVt of the tymes seasons brethrē ye haue no neede that I write vnto you 2 For ye your selues knowe perfectlye that the day of the Lord shall so come euen as a theefe in the nyght 3 For when they shal say peace safetie then shall sodeyne destruction come vppon them as sorowe vpon a woman with chylde and they shall not escape 4 But ye brethren are not in darknesse that that day shoulde ouertake you as a theefe 5 ☞ Ye are all the chyldren of lyght and the chyldren of the daye We are not of the nyght neither of darkenesse 6 Therefore let vs not sleepe as do other but let vs watche and be sober 7 For they that sleepe sleepe in the night and they that be druncken are druncken in the nyght 8 But let vs which are of the day be sober puttyng on the brest plate of fayth and loue and a helmet the hope of saluation 9 For God hath not appoynted vs to wrath but to obtayne saluation by our Lorde Iesus Christe 10 Whiche dyed for vs that whether we wake or sleepe we shoulde lyue together with hym 11 Wherefore comfort your selues together and edifie euery one another euen as ye do ☜ 12 And we beseche you brethren to know them whiche labour among you and haue the ouersight of you in the Lorde and admonishe you 13 That ye haue them in hye reputation in loue for their worke and be at peace among your selues 14 ☞ We exhort you brethren warne them that are vnruly comfort the feeble mynded lyft vp the weake be pacient towarde all men 15 See that none recompence euyll for euyll vnto any man but euer folowe that whiche is good both among your selues and to all men 16 Reioyce euer 17 Pray continually 18 In all thinges geue thankes For this is the wyl of God in Christe Iesus towarde you 19 Quenche not the spirite 20 Despise not prophesiynges 21 Examine all thynges holde fast that which is good 22 Abstayne from all appearaunce of euyll 23 And the very God of peace santifie you throughout And I pray God that your whole spirite and soule and body may be preserued blamelesse in the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe 24 Faythfull is he whiche called you whiche wyll also do it 25 Brethren pray for vs. 26 Greete all the brethren in an holy kysse 27 I charge you in the Lorde that this epistle be read vnto al the holy brethren 28 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you Amen ❧ The first epistle vnto the Thessalonians written from Athens The seconde Epistle of the Apostle Saint Paul to the Thessalonians ❧ The first Chapter 3 He thanketh God for their fayth loue and pacience 11 He prayeth for the encrease of the same 12 And sheweth what fruite shall come therof 1 PAul and Siluanus and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians in God our father and the Lord Iesus Christe 2 Grace vnto you and peace from God our father the Lorde Iesus Christe 3 We are bound to thanke God alwayes for you brethren as it is meete because that your fayth groweth exceedyngly and the loue of euery one of you toward another aboundeth 4 So that we our selues reioyce in you in the Churches of God ouer your pacience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer 5 Which is a token of the ryghteous iudgment of God that ye may be counted woorthy of the kyngdome of God for which ye also suffer 6 For it is a ryghteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you 7 And to you whiche are troubled reste with vs in the reuelation of the Lorde Iesus from heauen with the Angels of his power 8 In flamyng fire rendryng vengeance vnto them that knowe not God and that obey not the Gospell of our Lorde Iesus Christe 9 Which shal be punisshed with euerlastyng dampnation from the presence of the Lorde frō the glorie of his power 10 When he shall come to be glorified in his saintes and to be made marueylous in all them that beleue because our testimonie toward you was beleued in that day 11 Wherfore also we praye alwayes for you that our God woulde make you worthy of the callyng fulfyll all good pleasure of goodnesse in the worke of fayth in power 12 That the name of our Lorde Iesus Christe may be glorified in you and ye in hym accordyng to the grace of our God and the Lorde Iesus Christe ¶ The .ij. Chapter 3 He sheweth them that the day of the Lorde shall not come tyll the departyng of the fayth come first 9 and the kyngdome of Antichriste 15 And therfore he exhorteth them not to be deceaued but to stande stedfast in the thinges that he hath taught them 1 WE besech you brethren by the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christe and by our assembling vnto hym 2 That ye be not sodenlye moued from your minde nor be troubled neither by spirite nor by worde nor yet by letter as from vs as though the daye of Christe were at hande 3 Let no man deceaue you by any meanes for the Lorde shall not come excepte there come a fallyng away first that that man of sinne be reuealed the sonne of perdition 4 Whiche is an aduersarie and is exalted aboue all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing hym selfe that he is God 5 Remember ye not that when I was yet with you I tolde you these thynges 6 And nowe ye knowe what withholdeth that he myght be reuealed in his tyme. 7 For the misterie of iniquitie doth alredie worke tyll he whiche nowe onlye letteth be taken out of the way 8 And then shall that wicked be reuealed whom the Lorde shall consume with the spirite of his mouth and shall destroy with the brightnesse of his commyng ☜ 9 Euen hym whose commyng is after the workyng of Satan in all power signes and wonders of lying 10
the king as hauyng the preeminence 14 Other vnto rulers as vnto them that are sent of hym for the punyshment of euyll doers but for the lande of them that do well 15 For so is the wyll of God that with well doyng ye may stoppe the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men 16 As free and not as hauyng the libertie for a cloke of maliciousnes but euen as the seruauntes of God 17 Honour all men Loue brotherly felowship Feare God Honour the kyng 18 Seruauntes obey your maisters with all feare not only yf they be good curteous but also though they be frowarde 19 * For it is thanke worthy ☜ yf a man for cōscience toward god endure griefe and suffer wrong vndeserued 20 For what prayse is it yf when ye be buffeted for your faultes ye take it paciently But yf when ye do well ye suffer wrong take it paciently then is there thanke with God 21 For herevnto veryly were ye called for ☞ Christe also suffered for vs leauyng vs an ensample that ye should folowe his steppes 22 Which did no sinne neyther was there guyle founde in his mouth 23 Whiche when he was reuiled reuiled not agayne when he suffred he threatned not but committed the vengeaunce to him that iudgeth righteously 24 Which his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree that we beyng deliuered from sinne shoulde liue vnto ryghteousnes By whose strypes ye were healed 25 For ye were as sheepe goyng astray but are nowe turned vnto the sheephearde and Byshop of your soules The .iij. Chapter 1 Howe wyues ought to order themselues towarde their husbandes 3 And in their apparell 7 The duetie of men towarde their wyues 8 He exhorteth all men to vnitie and loue 14 And paciently to suffer trouble by the example and benefite of Christe 1 LIkewise ye wyues be in subiectiō to your husbandes that euen they whiche obey not the word may without the word be wonne by the cōuersation of y e wiues 2 Whyle they beholde your chaste conuersation coupled with feare 3 Whose apparel shal not be outward with brayded heere hanging on of gold eyther in putting on of gorgeous apparel 4 But let the hid man whiche is in the heart be without all corruption so that the spirite be at rest and quiet whiche spirite is before god a thing much set by 5 For after this maner in the olde tyme dyd the holy women whiche trusted in God tyre them selues and were obedient vnto theyr husbandes 6 Euen as Sara obeyed Abraham and called hym Lorde whose daughters ye are as long as ye do well and are not afrayde for any terrour 7 Lykewyse ye husbandes dwell with them accordyng to knowledge geuyng honour vnto the wyfe as vnto the weaker vessell and as vnto them that are heires also of the grace of lyfe that your prayers be not hyndered 8 ☞ In conclusion be ye all of one minde of one heart loue as brethren be pitiful be curteous 9 Not rendryng euyl for euyll or rebuke for rebuke but contrarywyse blesse knowyng that ye are therevnto called euen that ye shoulde be heyres of the blessyng 10 For he that doeth long after lyfe and loueth to see good dayes let hym refrayne his tongue from euyll and his lippes that they speake no guyle 11 Let hym eschewe euyll and do good let hym seke peace and ensue it 12 For the eyes of the Lorde are ouer the ryghteous and his eares are open vnto their prayers Againe the face of the Lorde is ouer them that do euyll 13 Moreouer who is it that wyll harme you yf ye folowe that which is good 14 Yea happy are ye if any trouble happen vnto you for ryghteousnes sake Be not ye afrayde for any terrour of them neither be ye troubled 15 But sanctifie the Lorde God in your heartes ☜ Be redy alwayes to geue an aunswere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you 16 And that with mekenesse and feare hauyng a good conscience that where as they backebite you as euyll doers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conuersation in Christe 17 For it is better yf the wyll of God be so that ye suffer for wel doyng then for euyll doyng 18 ☞ Forasmuch as Christe hath once suffered for sinnes the iust for the vniust to bryng vs to God and was kylled as parteynyng to the fleshe but was quickened in the spirite 19 In which spirite he also went preached vnto the spirites that were in pryson 20 Which sometime had ben disobedient when once the long sufferyng of God abode in y e dayes of Noe whyle the Arke was a preparyng wherein fewe that is to say eyght soules were saued in the water 21 To the which also the figure agreeth that nowe saueth vs euen baptisme not the puttyng away of the fylth of the fleshe but in that a good conscience maketh request to God by the resurrection of Iesus Christe 22 Which is on the ryght hande of God and is gone into heauen angels powers and myght subdued vnto hym ¶ The .iiij. Chapter 1 He exhorteth men to ceasse from sinne 2 to spende no more tyme in vice 7 to be sober and apt to pray 8 to loue eche other 12 to be pacient in trouble 15 to beware that no man suffer as an euyll doer 16 but as a christian man and so not to be ashamed 1 FOr as muche then as Christ hath suffered for vs in the fleshe arme ye your selues lykewise with the same mynde for he which suffereth in the fleshe ceasseth from sinne 2 That he hence forwarde shoulde lyue as much tyme as remayneth in y e fleshe not after the lustes of men but after the wyll of God 3 For it is sufficient for vs that we haue spent the tyme that is paste of the lyfe after the wyll of the gentiles walkyng in wantonnesse lustes in excesse of wynes in excesse of eatyng in excesse of drynkyng and abominable idolatrie 4 And it seemeth to them an inconuenient thyng that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of riote and therefore speake they euyll of you 5 Whiche shall geue accomptes to hym that is redy to iudge quicke and dead 6 For vnto this purpose veryly was the Gospel peached also vnto y e dead that they shoulde be iudged lyke other men in the fleshe but should lyue before God in the spirite 7 The ende of all thynges is at hande 8 ☞ Be ye therefore sober and watche vnto prayer 8 But aboue all thynges haue feruent loue among your selues For loue shall couer the multitude of sinnes 9 Be ye harberous one to another without grudgyng 10 As euery man hath receaued the gyft euē so minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manifold grace of God 11 If any man speake let hym talke as the wordes
that sate on hym hadde a payre of balaunces in his hande 6 And I hearde a voyce in the myddes of the foure beastes saye A measure of wheate for a penie and three measures of barly for a penie and oyle and wine see thou hurt not 7 And when he had opened the fourth seale I hearde the voyce of the fourth beast say come and see 8 And I loked and behold a pale horse his name that sate on him was death and hell folowed after hym and power was geuen vnto them ouer the fourth part of the earth to kyll with sworde with hunger and with death and with the beastes of the earth 9 And when he had opened the fift seale I sawe vnder the aulter the soules of them that were kylled for the worde of God and for the testimonie which they had 10 And they cryed with a loude voyce saying Howe long taryest thou Lorde holy and true to iudge and to auenge our blood on thē that dwell on y e earth 11 And long whyte garmentes were geuen vnto euery one of them and it was sayde vnto them that they should reste yet for a litle season vntyll the number of their felowes and brethren and of them that shoulde be kylled as they were were fulfylled 12 And I behelde when he had opened the sixt seale and loe there was a great earthquake the sunne was as blacke as sackcloth made of heere the moone waxed all euen as blood 13 And the starres of heauen fell vnto the earth euen as a figge tree casteth her vntimely figges when she is shaken of a myghtie wynde 14 And heauen vanished awaye as a scroule when it is roulled together and all mountaynes and yles were moued out of their places 15 And the kynges of the earth and the great men and the ryche men and the chiefe capitaines and the myghtie men and euery bonde man and euery free man hyd them selues in dennes and in rockes of the hylles 16 And sayde to the hylles rockes fall on vs and hyde vs from the presence of him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the lambe 17 For the great day of his wrath is come and who is able to endure ❧ The .vij. Chapter 4.9 He seeth the seruauntes of God sealed in their forheades out of all nations and people 15 which though they suffer trouble yet the lambe feedeth them leadeth them to the fountaynes of lyuyng water 17 and God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes 1 AND after that I sawe foure angels stande on the foure corners of the earth holding the foure wyndes of y e earth that the wynde shoulde not blowe on the earth neither on the sea neither on any tree 2 ☞ And I sawe another angell ascende from the rysing of the sunne which had the seale of the lyuyng God and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure angels to whom power was geuen to hurt the earth and the sea 3 Saying Hurt not the earth neither the sea neither the trees tyll we haue sealed the seruaūtes of our God in their foreheades 4 And I hearde the number of them which were sealed And there were sealed an C. and xliiii thousande of all the tribes of the chyldren of Israel 5 Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed .xij. thousande Of the tribe of Ruben were sealed .xij. thousande Of the tribe of Gad were sealed .xij. thousande 6 Of the tribe of Aser were sealed .xij. thousande Of the tribe of Nephthali were sealed .xij. thousande Of y e tribe of Manasses were sealed .xij. thousande 7 Of the tribe of Simeon were sealed xij thousande Of y e tribe of Leui were sealed .xij. thousande Of y e tribe of Isachar were sealed .xij. thousande 8 Of the tribe of Zabulon were sealed xii thousande Of the tribe of Ioseph were sealed .xii. thousande Of the tribe of Beniamin were sealed xii thousand 9 After this I behelde and we a great multitude which no man could number of all nations and kinredes and people and tongues stoode before the throne and before the lambe clothed with long whyte garmentes and palmes in their handes 10 And cryed with a loude voyce saying Saluation be ascribed to hym that sitteth vpon the throne of our God and vnto the lambe 11 And all the angels stoode in the compasse of the throne and of the elders of the foure beastes and fell before the throne on their faces and worshypped God 12 Saying Amen Blessyng and glorie and wisedome and thankes honour and power and myght be vnto our God for euermore Amen ☜ 13 And one of the elders aunswered saying vnto me What are these which are arayed in long whyte garmentes and whence came they 14 And he sayde vnto hym Lorde thou wotest And he sayde to me These are they which came out of great tribulation and haue wasshed their long robes and made them whyte by the blood of the lambe 15 Therefore are they in the presence of the throne of God and serue hym daye and nyght in his temple and he that sitteth in the throne wyll dwell among them 16 They shall hunger no more neither thirst neither shall the sunne lyght on them neither any heate 17 For the lambe which is in the myddes of the throne shall feede them and shall leade them vnto fountaynes of lyuyng water and God shall wype awaye all teares from their eyes ¶ The .viij. Chapter 1 The seuenth seale is opened there is scilence in heauen 6 The foure angels blowe their trumpettes and great plagues folowe vpon the earth 1 AND when he had opened the seuenth seale ther was scilence in heauē about the space of halfe an houre 2 And I sawe the seuen angels standyng before God and to them were geuen seuen trumpets 4 And the smoke of the odours whiche came of the prayers of all sainte● ascended vp before God out of the angels hande 5 And the angel toke the senser and fylled it with fire of the aulter and cast it into the earth and voyces were made and thundrynges and lyghtnynges earthquake 6 And the seuen angels whiche had the seuen trumpettes prepared them selues to blowe 7 The first angell blewe there was made hayre fire mingled with blood and they were cast into the earth and the thirde part of trees was burnt and all greene grasse was burnt 8 And the seconde angell blewe and as it were a great mountayne burnyng with fire was cast into the sea and the thirde part of the sea turned to blood 9 And the thirde part of the creatures whiche were in the sea and hadde lyfe dyed and the thirde part of shippes were destroyed 10 And the third angell blewe and there fell a great starre from heauen burning as it were a lampe and it fell into the thirde part of the ryuers and into fountaynes of waters ▪ 11 And the 〈◊〉 of the stares is called wormewood and the thirde part was turned to
thou sawest vpon the beast are they that shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eate her fleshe and burne her with fire 17 For God hath put in their heartes to fulfyll his wyll and to do with one consent for to geue their kyngdome vnto the beast vntyll the wordes of God be fulfylled 18 And the woman which thou sawest is that great citie which raigneth ouer the kynges of the earth ❧ The .xviij. Chapter ● The louers of the worlde are sory for the fall of the whore of Babylon 4 An admonition to the people of God to flee out of her dominiō 20 But they that be of God haue cause to reioyce for her destruction 1 AND after that I sawe another angell come from heauen ▪ hauyng great power and the earth was lyghtened with his glorie 2 And ●e tryed myghtyly with a strong voyce saying Great Babylon is fallen●s fallen and is become the habitation of deuyls and the holde of all foule spirites and a cage of ●ll vncleane and hatefull byrdes 3 For all nations haue dronken of the wine of the wrath of her fornication the kinges of the earth haue committed fornication with her the marchauntes of the earth are waxed riche of the aboundaunce of her pleasures 4 And I hearde another voyce from heauen say Come awaye from her my people that ye be not partakers of her sinnes and that ye receaue not of her plagues 5 For her sinnes are gone vp to heauen and God hath remembred her wickednesse 6 Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you and geue her double accordyng to her workes and powre in double to her in the same cuppe which she fylled vnto you 7 And as much as she glorified her selfe lyued wantonly so much powre ye in for her of punishement sorowe for she said in her heart I sit being a queene and am no wydowe and shall see no sorowe 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day death and sorowe and hunger and she shal be brent with fire for strong is the Lorde whiche shall iudge her 9 And they shal bewayl her the kinges of the earth shall lament for her which haue committed fornication with her haue lyued wantonly with her when they shal see the smoke of her burnyng 10 And shall stande a farre of for feare of her punishment saying Alas alas that great citie Babylon that myghtie citie for at one houre is thy iudgement come 11 And the marchauntes of the earth shall wepe and wayle ouer her for no man wyll bye their ware any more 12 The ware of golde and siluer and precious stones neither of pearle raynes and purple and sylke and skarlet and all thinne wood and all maner vessels of yuorie and all maner vessels of most precious wood and of brasse and yron and marble 13 And synamon and odours and oyntmentes and frankensence and wine and oyle and fine floure and wheate beastes and sheepe and horses charrets and bodies and soules of men 14 And the apples that thy soule lusted after are departed from thee and all thynges which were daintie and had in price are departed from thee and thou shalt fynde them no more 15 The marchauntes of these thynges whiche were waxed ryche shall stande a farre of frō her for feare of the punishment of her wepyng and waylyng 16 And saying Alas alas that great citie that was clothed in raynes and purple and skarlet and decked with golde and precious stones and pearles 17 For at one houre so great ryches is come to naught And euery shippe gouernour all they that occupie shippes and shippemen which worke in the sea stoode a farre of 18 And cryed when they sawe the smoke of her burnyng saying what citie is lyke vnto this great citie 19 And they cast dust on their heades cryed wepyng waylyng and saying Alas alas that great citie wherein were made riche all that had shippes in the sea by reason of her costlynesse for at one houre is she made desolate 20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen and ye holy apostles and prophetes for God hath geuen your iudgement on her 21 And a myghtie angell toke vp a stone lyke a great mylstone and cast it into the sea saying With suche violence shall that great citie Babylon be cast shal be founde no more 22 And the voyce of harpers and musitions of pypers and trumpetters shall be heard no more in thee and no craftes man of whatsoeuer craft he be shall be founde any more in thee and the sounde of a myll shall be heard no more in thee 23 And the lyght of a candle shall shyne no more in thee and the voyce of the brydegrome and of the bryde shall be hearde no more in thee for thy marchaunts were the great men of y e earth and with thyne inchauntment were deceaued all nations 24 And in her was founde the blood of the prophetes and of the saintes and of all that were slayne vpon the earth ¶ The .xix. Chapter 1 Prayses are geuen vnto God for iudgyng the whore and for auengyng the blood of his seruauntes 10 The angell wyll not be worshipped 17 The fowles byrdes are called to the slaughter 1 ANd after that I heard a great voyce of much people in heauen saying Alleluia Saluation and glory and honour and power be ascribed to the Lorde our God 2 For true and ryghteous are his iudgementes for he hath iudged the great whore which dyd corrupt y e earth with her fornication and hath auenged the blood of his seruauntes of her hande 3 And agayne they sayde Alleluia and her smoke rose vp for euermore 4 And the xxiiij elders the foure beastes fell downe worshipped God that sate on the throne saying Amen Alleluia 5 And a voyce came out of the throne saying Praise our Lord God all ye that are his seruauntes ye that feare hym both small and great 6 And I hearde the voyce of much people euen as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of strong thundringes saying Alleluia for the Lorde our God omnipotent raigneth 7 Let vs be glad reioyce geue honor to hym for the mariage of the lambe is come his wyfe made her selfe redy 8 And to her was graunted that she should be arayed with pure and goodly raynes For the raynes is the ryghteousnes of saintes 9 And he sayde vnto me write Happy are they which are called vnto the supper of the lambes mariage And he said vnto me These are the true sayinges of God 10 And I fell at his feete to worship him And he saide vnto me See thou do it not for I am thy felowe seruaunt and of thy brethren euen of them that haue the testimonie of Iesus Worship God For the testimonie of Iesus is the spirite of prophesie 11 And I sawe heauen open beholde a white horse and he that
their tounges to be in silence Because B●ld●d and Sop●a● did so much blame him he here yelded accōpt of his lyfe past Iustice is to deliuer the poore and iudgement is to punishe the wicked these two are in deede a kingly vesture garment (h) That is the tyrannie That 〈…〉 d●d 〈…〉 these plagues k That is I ●●ue ●ll things plentifully that appertayne to my necessaries l By the de●we is signified happy prosperous estate by the corne is ment his childrē as though he would say my posteritie also shal be infe●●citie Or haruest Or renued ▪ (m) Here is shewed of what excellencie an vpright and verttuous life is (a) Before is declared how greatly God doth blesse the godly here is shewed how hea●●y a crosse be layeth on them to proue them (b) They now despise me whiche with al their powre when I was in prosperitie ●●●ld nothing 〈◊〉 ●e 〈◊〉 was so w●ake c Here Iob declareth ●hat a●iect●s they were that nowe reu●led him and sheweth that they are wicked lyke vnto their fathers which died ye● they ●●●e to age (d) Shewing hereby their basenes and their pouertie beyng such outcastes yet now they scorne Iob which is a great griefe to be mocked of such (e) what great griefe is this that Iob beyng once in hygh auctoritie now to be in miserie and mocked of such vile villayns (f) That is seyng me now in miserie not able to correct them they ●est and scorne at me without measure as vnbridel●● in their ●steti●ns g The right hande declareth 〈◊〉 and the left hand afflict● and miserie so 〈◊〉 I com●●neth by the young m●n that ●se 〈…〉 That is t●ey eue●●h●ewe all my doinges without helpe of any othe● i That is most swiftly (k) It is the maker among the Hebrues to haue their garmentes ●owed round in euery part sauing a ho●e only in the highest of it to put foorth the necke (l) Iob sayth not this as blaming God but greeuous a●●liction moued a●●ection That is thou didst se● me in h●e auctoritie and ●●denly thou patteit me ●●wne Meaning death that shoulde bring him to the graue He that is once dead can no more be hurt (p) In steede of comfort they gaue me mockes (q) My talke was so lamentable and my crying so great that I might well be called a companion of dragons and Estriches (r) with the heate of my sore troubles (a) In this chapter Iob declareth his vpright liuīg not to bost against God but to refel the false s●aunder of his aduersaries The fleshe was obedient to the spirite neither was he led with carnall desire Iob here sheweth that the feare of God did driue him frō wickednesse (d) Meaning that before men he was giltlesse in obseruing all the preceptes of the seconde table “ Or plants (e) Let her be a bonde slaue to an other man “ Or bowe downe vpon her (f) Though mans punishmēt for adultrie be omitted yet gods plague will neuer rest to consume and roote it out (g) That is if I in lawe haue reiected the complaint of my seruaūt what shoulde I do when God calleth me to lawe (h) Iob expresseth the cause why he dyd pitie his seruaunts for that they had one creator both made of the same substaunce 〈…〉 ●●dowes (k) By the thing vp of the ●unne and go●ng downe of 〈◊〉 moone he meaneth the prosperitie and ●●●icitie that he was in l That is d●d I euer ●ommend the workes of 〈◊〉 owne hande That is I did not feare to do iustice ▪ either be geuing 〈◊〉 to y e multitude or to get th● fauour of my friendes and kinred Meaning that he did not holde his peace or kepe at home in the iust suite or cause 〈◊〉 That is I will carie the booke not the aduersarie shal make 〈◊〉 my shoulder and wyll a●cept it for 〈◊〉 great gift meaning he would cōfesse his fault if he had offended (p) That is with great reuerence That is i● the h●●eling that hath laboured in the land haue ●en de●aunded o● his wages by me (r) That is y● I haue by violence compelled my land to be cared and not geuen foode to the labourers The Hebr●es reade 〈…〉 〈…〉 “ Or E●● dayes shall speake Or The multitude of yeres shall “ Or iudgement (c) To proue Iob plagued for his o●●ences And as though therefore it had ben wysdome for them to holde their peace “ Or word● (e) That is I shoulde breake in the middes if I shoulde not speake my mynde is so hot within me (f) I will say trueth ▪ all thinges layd apart (g) The Hebrue word is to alter the name calling a rude man learned or a wicked man iust There is cause w●y ye shoulde despise me although I be young for I am as you are made by go●s spirite created of the earth and receaue lyfe of hym (b) Iob before desired to pleade his cause before god without feare therfore sayth Elihu I am here in gods steede whom thou nedest not to ●e●●e ▪ for I a● made of the matter that thou art I haue ●earde the bo●st of thy righteous life that thou art innocent and iust therfore wil I not proue thee wicked of thy former life by thy 〈◊〉 (d) God speaketh two maner of wayes vnto men either by sleepe or by his rod of sicknesse and other plagues For to beate downe the pride of man God sendeth his plagues Th●t is 〈…〉 decayeth life can take 〈◊〉 sustenaunce Here spe●keth ●e of ●econd ●econd way wherby God speaketh to man by afflictions “ Or To the buriers (h) If there be a messenger seene to declare gods wil truely and shewe his benefites one of a thousand man regardeth the same then will God haue mercie i The health of the body is the blessing of God He 〈…〉 the comfort of the ho●●●ost But it prouoked g●ds wrath vpon me (m) That is my soule shall appeare cleare in the land of the liuing (n) That is to shewe thy selfe iust and not wicked (a) Here Elihu proueth that God can not be vniust because he is the iudge of the world the gouernour and creator of all (b) Let vs s●an the cause by reasoning in or●er o●●ustice (c) That is he hath not 〈◊〉 with me ●●cording to the ●quitie of 〈◊〉 cause d That is 〈◊〉 his scotish●● beareth 〈◊〉 the scornefull ●●profes of the ●o●kers (c) As thoug● Elihu would say is it meete that the vniust and wicked shal be rulers or ●●nocentes commit wickednesse or inferiors to controll princes or subiectes to resist the king how much lesse thē oughtest thou to do so to God the king of a● kinges f That sodainely 〈◊〉 ●ore they 〈◊〉 aware of it For 〈◊〉 ●s frayle natur● cannot 〈◊〉 to Gods 〈◊〉 searcheable secrets and therefore 〈◊〉 leaue thē with all humilitie God c●●lteth one 〈◊〉 humbleth an other as the foure Monarches of the worlde for example that is of the Assyrians of the Persians ▪ of the Grecians
forsake his owne countrey and friendes lykeneth him selfe to the most innocent bird a doue seuered farre from her company who vttereth her griefe onely by mourning and not by any other fact endeuour or auengement Morning prayer (a) Wordes s●ken of me in which it is saide that I shal be king “ Is for me (b) I haue made a vowe to prayse thee which thing I minde to do “ He hath bowed d●wne my soule a My soule or els my ●hiefe honour and dignitie “ Confesse () To be song lyke to the song that beg●n destroy not “ O congregation meaning Sauls counsell (a) You execute with hand deede wickednesse deuised before in your heart (b) From God and his Churche (c) As gren● wood kindled goeth out before the pot seethes so let wicked counsell before it worketh any effect be brought to naught “ Fruite () To be song lyke to the song beginning destroy not Euening prayer “ Place me on high (a) To destroy me (b) Their outragious dealing 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 my 〈◊〉 ●nite d Our shield (a) Because thou hast promised to deliuer those that feare thee (b) Be thou glad to seeke my frendship “ Rashnes () A psalme of Dauid Of Israel (b) Then that I of my selfe can get vpon to saue my selfe (c) ☞ “ Kepeth scilence Morning prayer “ VVall. (a) All the griefes that lyeth hid ●n your hear●es (b) Often out of the prophetes (a) Pray b Fores shal eate then (c) That professe hym in lyfe and learning (a) Their owne false reportes shall worke mischiefe vnto them “ Prayse ta●●th thee Euenyng prayer “ VVords or thinges of iniquitie (a) Doctrine of law and ceremonies (b) At the rising of the sunne and moone (c) Great riuers be (d) Thou ordaynest the earth to bring foorth corne “ A crue of souldiers “ (a) They shal denye their doynges “ VVatred “ Confesse “ Confesse “ Confesse “ Confesse Mornyng prayer “ Iah a name of God that signifieth hym to be alwayes and other thinges to be of hym (a) Those to haue children and a familie that had none before “ The women that tolde it abroade (b) That is a woman ●e●nyng Debor● (c) In the lande of promise “ Stalmon “ Bashan (d) God destroyeth his enemies as he saueth his people (e) Progenie (f) It is deriued of a worde that signifieth to ouerwhelme “ Calues of the people “ Embassadours “ Vpon the heauens 〈◊〉 heauens 〈◊〉 eternitie () A musicall instrument (a) Great calamities Euenyng prayer “ Quietnes and pleasure “ Shall place me on hygh “ Haah haah Morning prayer (a) To his angels other creatures not to oppresse Dauid in his troubles “ Knowe not the number (b) To battayle (a) Geue hym grace to iudge accordyng to thy lawe “ Iudgement (b) He alludeth to the myracle of Gedeon Iudges ● “ Tharshish (c) Sheba is thought to be in Arabia and Seba in Ethiopia 〈…〉 () To be song Euenyng prayer (a) Peace b They wyll not be bridled with lawes trustyng to bribery and to their strong holdes (c) They be not ashamed to vtter their naughty thoughtes “ From aloft (d) Euen they that pretende to be Gods people do s●t by them that fyll their ●ellyes and haue riches and thus they reason “ My correction in the mornyng (e) Their honour dignitie estimation aucthoritie soule at the resurrection “ Smoketh (a) As landes be measured by roddes poles so God as with a rod measured Iurie out of all the worlde for his inheritaunce “ How long (b) Pharao and his people (c) Of stout Pharao lorde of lande sea (d) God gaue the spoyles of Pharao and of the Egyptians to the children of Israel wanderyng in wildernesse fourtie yeres Or by the people in the desert is meant fishes in the sea Or Pharao fed Gods people in the desert in that his destruction assured them that God cared woulde prouide for them To be song as the song beg●nn●ng To be song of Asaph Morning prayer “ Ne●e (a) Be not proude “ Desert (a) Gouernement of tirauntes (b) For to defende them selues “ Brought asleepe “ Confesse thee “ He gathereth the grape that i● he taketh from them () An instrument of musi●ke (a) The handes of them that lye a dying be pluckyng and catchyng (b) I coulde not scape death in this calamitie but God yet may make me liue many yeres (c) All that God doth is most holy (d) To drowne the Israelites in the red sea (e) Lightn●ng and hayle () To be song Euenyng prayer i Par. vii “ S●oan “ Soule “ Man “ or princes (a) They rose in the morning to pray to God (b) As though he were not omnipotent “ S●o●n (c) Or strength meaning the fir●t borne Egypt was named of the sonne of Cham. (e) Or holy countrey So he calleth Chanaan because it was full of mounta●nes “ g He suff●●ed the arke to be caried away of the Philistines “ Prayse● “ Iehudah Mornin● prayer () To be song (a) These three tribes folowed the arke when it was caried “ Snuffe “ The Cedar trees of God (b) Euphrates (c) To thy glory (d) Succour (e) Man placed by thy (f) For thy glory () To be song An instrument to sing psalmes God heard the Israelites complaint of his owne good motion and not of their deserts being els vnto hym as other vnknowen “ Secrete that is in a cloude where secretly God was hid (c) In crooching to God after they were ouercome (d) The children of Israel (e) God () To be song (a) A congregatiō to iudge of life death is of God and the office of God Euenyng prayer (b) Beare fauour vnto “ Remoued To be song “ Hidest “ Sor. “ Ashshur “ Arme. (a) Ammonites and Moabites “ Iehoua a Gods people do iourney to Gods house through desertes where no water is to be had for to drinke yet be they content of their iourney hauyng drinke inough at home (b) They wyll not be wearie but by goyng they wyll haue more lust to go “ Kepe the thres holde (a) In offending hym (b) The presence of God through the incarnation of Christ● Morning prayer 〈…〉 “ Rahab (a) There shal be founde but fewe to be saued out of those places but one or two in respect of the multitude that shal be gods people in Sion “ He and he “ He is borne there (b) All my cunning wit senses and strength are occupied in setting foorth thy prayse (a) Care and safegarde (b) Prayse thee and geue thee thankes (c) The graue for after men be layde in it they be most commonly forgotten in a short tyme. “ In 〈◊〉 Euening prayer “ Be buylded vp “ The pride (a) He meaneth the ioyful noyse of the trumpet Num. 10. to call the people together It was an argument of the maiestie and presence of God (b) Make vs superiours
● and xxv●●● Exod. xxi c Leui. xx b. Deut. 37 c. ii Reg. xv a Math. v. e. Rom. xii ● Pro. xxiiii d Iere. x. d. i. Reg. xv c. Prou. xix b iiii Reg. ● c. Mich vi b. “ Or and the light of the wicked or ▪ the workes of the vngodlye Pro. xxv d. Prox. xix d Mat xviii d Or a man that loueth pleasure shal be poore Or oyle Eccle. 25. c Prou. xii b. “ Or howe muche more when it is offred with an euyll minde Prou. xix a. Esai i. d. and .xlvi. b. Psal 33 c. “ Or safet● is of the Lorde 〈◊〉 x●i● b 〈◊〉 ●v ● Eccl. xxxi d Pro. xxiii c Or thou therefore take heede “ Or three tymes Prou. vi a. and .xi. b. xxxvii c. “ Or dettes “ Or why causest thou hym to take Pro. xxiii a Deut. 27. c. Iere. xvii b. Eccle. 27 ●● Or 〈◊〉 not●●ng Meaning the en●●ous and couetous men Prou xii d. Deut. 27. c. Prou xiii d. Eccle 30. a. (b) From ●●●truction Prou 24 ▪ a. c Prou. xxi c. Pro. xxii ● Or murmuring “ Some read● straunge ●●●on● Pro. xxiii d and .xxiiii. c Or 〈◊〉 a A duersitie doth trye a man what he is Psal 37. a. Prou. xvii a “ Or rewarde Iob. xxi b. Prou. xx a. “ Or of them both Pro. xviii b “ Or the man Prou. xii b. Prou. vi a. “ Or stande not ●n Luk. xiiii b. Eccle. viii b. Math. v. c. “ Or be not hastie to striue “ Or of false liberalitie Prou. xv a. Ge. xxxii a. i. Re. xxv c. “ Or bones are “ Or 〈◊〉 maule “ Or saltyeter or sope or nitre Rom. xii c. i. Re. xxx b Prou. xxi b “ Or his spirite Psa xxxii b Or woulde hide a pretious stone in an heape o● stones 〈…〉 d Prou xxii d Prou xix c. Or hydeth “ Or that can render a reason Eccl. xxiii b Or a contentious Or as flatteringes “ Or many Eccle. x. b. Ecc. xxvii b Luk. xii c. Eze. xviii a Iam. iiii b. Or deceiptfull Or bitter “ Or neyghbour Prou. xxii Prou. x. c. “ Or he that prayseth his frende with a loude voyce rising early in the morning it shal be counted to hym as a disprayse Prou. xix b xxi xxv “ 〈…〉 of another Eccle i. a. Eccle. x●ii a and xvii c. Leui. xxvi e “ Or men “ Or foode i. Cor. ii d. Pro. xix a. “ Or feedeth gluttons Pro i. b. “ Or can trye hym Eccle. x. a. Pro. 29. c. Iob. xiii c. Psal 32. c. i. Iohn i. b Gene ●●i b Prou. 〈…〉 Prou. xii ● Eccle. xx ● i. Tim. vi ● Prou. xx●● Mat●● xv a. Or of a murderer ii Cor. ix b Prou 28 b. Or and not be cured Prou 28. b. Eccle. x a. Prou. v. ● Luk. xv ● (a) That is deliuer his soule or saue his lyfe Or vsurer Or truely “ Or his sonne “ Or a mans pryde shall bryng hym lowe “ Or cursing “ Or shal be exalted ☞ Psal xix e. Deut. xiii a. “ Or feede me with foode conuenient for me Exod. v. a. Deut. viii c. Iob xx d. “ Or whose eyes are hau●e Exo. xxi b. Deu. xxvii e “ Or of the brooke Prou v● ● “ Or houses “ Or a kyng (a) Lamuel signifieth God with hym or with them For when Solomon builded the temple to god and promoted his honour god was with hym and the Israelites Neither is it any straunge thyng in the scriptures one man to haue many names “ Or ordinaunce Or of all the afflicted children “ Or he shall haue no neede of spoyles that is he shal not neede to get his liuyng vnlawfully Or br●●d “ Or know● “ Or prayse her (a) He doth not condemne the creatures and gyftes of God as euyll but the carefull sekyng of them and the pride truste that man hath in worldly thynges He proueth by sixe reasons that true felicitie is not to be put in any worldly thing (b) The first reason is that nothyng can be attayned in this life without labour care (c) 2 Mans lyfe is but short and vncertayne And though the earth it selfe continueth for a longer time yet it cōmeth to an ende at the last (d) 3 Neither astronomie nor any other science is perfectly knowen o● this lyfe (e) 4 Man in this lyfe is so desirous to see and heare news always that he is neuer satisfied nor content with his estate (f) 5 The first clause is vnderstanded of thynges made by nature y e seconde of thynges 〈…〉 (g) 6 It is the reward of the sinne of curiositie of our forefather Adam that knowledge can not be attayned vnto without great trauayle the ende of all which knowledge is for to teach man humilitie (h) Man is not able of his owne power to refourme that is amisse and is ryse vp from sinne nor to knowe his imperfection wekenesse to do any thyng that is good without the grace of God He preue● 〈◊〉 ●re c●●s ▪ that true 〈…〉 c●n●●h not in any worldlye ●fute (a) 〈◊〉 There is no long contentatiō in any ●st or plesure with ● lyfe (b) ● The mother of vaine pleasure and muche laughter is foolyshnes (c) 3 He that arriveth hym self to the studie of godly wisedome may not haue to much pleasure in drynkyng o● wyne (d) 4 The more plentie of gorgious buyldyng apparell riches or worldly pleasure the more vexation of minde and all are but vanitie in comparisō of godly felicitie as Solomon affirmeth of his owne experience (e) God hath appoynted that man should be obedient to godly reason as to his kyng and not to be ledde with carnall affection (f) They both suffer like aduersitie in this world or as touching the corruption of the body they dye both a lyke (g) Meaning in this world (h) That he myght seke the true felicitie whiche is in God (i) He rebuketh men that maketh careful prouidence to enrich their heires by vnlawful meanes to their owne dampnation not knowyng who or what they shal be eyther good or euyll (k) As it is the blessyng of God to obteyne ryches honestly so is it no lesse blessing to refresh him selfe with the fruites therof in measure Of both whiche blessinges Solomon confesseth hym selfe to haue tasted largely and yet not happy thereby (a) Although true felicitie is not to be put in any worldlye thing yet God hath appoynted al necessarie thinges to be done in due tyme order and measure (b) God hath appoynted y t euery man shoulde diligently trauayle take paynes in his vocation to the ende he woulde haue hym humble feare God Eccle. i. d. (c) There is no difference betwixt a man and a beast as touchyng the body whych of them both dyeth but the soule of man liueth immortally and the body of man riseth vp agayne by the mighty power of the spirite of God The immortalitie of the soule is not knowen by carnall reason or
is of body soule Act. xvi c. ii Cor. .i. a Eccle. xxx c () In asking God forgeuenesse () But that our care towarde you in the syght of God myght appeare vnto you So hath codex Complutensis Ambrosius and Theophilactus so readeth the olde translation y e translatiō of Stephanus (a) Grace here signifieth beneuolence or almes Actes xi d. () Or reade but through the feruentnesse of other prouoking al● to the perfectnesse of your loue Rom. x. ● i Pet. iiii c. Prou. iii. l. Mark xii d. Luk. xxi ● i Pet. iiii c. Prou. iii. l. Mark xii d. Luk. xxi ● Exod. xvi d (b) In preaching the Gospell Some vnderstande Luke Other Barnabas ▪ Rom. xii c. (c) His well doyng is approued before God man i. The●● ▪ Actes x● d. i Cor. xv a. ii Cor. viii a. Rom. xv f. Prou. xi d. Galath vi b Exo. xxv a. Eccle. 35. a. Psal cxii b. (a) Daui● speaketh of y e man which feareth God and loueth his neyghbour () Or 〈◊〉 greatly affectioned toward you Ephe. vi ● ▪ ii Cor. xiii c (b) Meaning a certayne mā among them which thus spake of Paul (c) That is the giftes and vocation which God had geuen hym to wy●● others by Gen. iii. a. (a) That is more perfect doctrine concerning christ Iesus Actes xx g ii Cor. xii d. (b) Let not the trueth of Christe be thought to be in me yf I suffer my ioy to be shut vp which I haue conceaued of Grecia (c) In his earth he had respect to the Lorde but this fashion of boastyng seemed according to man whervnto they compelled hym Philip. iii. a. (d) In the present daunger of death Deut. xxv a ▪ Actes xvi c Actes xiii c Actes 27. g. Actes x. d. i Cor. ix d. Actes ix d. (a) That is Christian or I speake it in Christe (b) That is to say into the highest heauen (c) Mans infirmitie was not able to declare them neither were they shewed vnto 〈◊〉 for that 〈◊〉 ▪ Iohn ii b. i Cor. ix a. Act. xx g. ii Cor. xi c. Eccle. 46. c. i Reg. xii a. (d) Thus sayde his aduersaries that though he toke it not be hym selfe yet he dyd it by the meanes of others Galath v. c. i Cor. v. ● Deu. xix d. Mat. xviii c Iohn viii c. Hebr. x. f. Math. x. d. i Cor. xi f. ●e●e 18. c. (a) In that he humbled hym selfe and toke vpon hym y t fourme of a seruaunt ii Cor. x. ● i Cor. xvi f. Rom. i. a. i Cor. i. a. ii Cor. i. a. (a) Which is the corrupte lyfe of man without Christe Actes xv a. Iohn 3. ● Actes viii a. i Cor. xv b. Philip. iii. a. (b) That is of the lawe of God whiche was geuen to the auncient fathers Actes ix e. (c) That is with any mā as though I had neede of his counsel to approue my doctrine Math xvi c Act. xxii d. (d) That is the Gospell which is the doctrine of fayth Actes xv a. (a) Albeit they had ben conuersant with Christe afore tyme. () That is they taught me not but approued my doctrine perfecte in all poyntes Actes xi d. ii Cor. ix ● (b) Meaning before all men Philip. iii. a. (c) For so the Iewes called the gentiles in reproche Rom. iii. c. Ephe v Rom iiii c (a) To whō Christe was so liuely preached as yf his liuely image were set before your eyes or els had ben crucified among you Gen. xv b. Rom. iiii a. Iames. ii d. Gen. xii a. and .xxii. b. (b) Whiche thynke to be iustified by them Deut. 27 d. Abacuc ii a Rom. xx c. Hebre. x. g. Leuit 28. a. Ezech. xx b Rom. x. a. Abacuc ii a Rom. xx c. Hebre. x. g. Leuit 28. a. Ezech. xx b Rom. x. a. De● xxi d (c) I wyll 〈…〉 that ●ou 〈…〉 lesse vnto God thē 〈…〉 which 〈…〉 to another Gen. xv d. Exod. xii f. Iudith v. b. Actes vii a. Rom. iiii c. Rom. v. c. Act. vii g. (d) Constant and alwayes lyke him selfe Rom. vii c. i Tim. i. b. Some reade ▪ all ye that are bapti●ed into Christe ▪ haue put on Christ ☞ () That is the law whiche before he called a scoole maister Luk xx b. Iohn iii. b. Rom. viii a. Rom. viii c. (a) For our adoption vnto Christe is sealed by hym (b) He instructeth both Iewes and Gentiles to call God their father in euerie language so that none are excepted (c) When ye receaued the Gospell ye were idolaters therfore it is shame for you to refuse libertie and become seruauntes ▪ yea and seyng the Iewes desire to be out of their tutleship (d) That is the troubles and vexations which God sent to try me whyle I was among you (e) For they are but ambitious (f) They woulde turne you from me y t you myght folowe them (g) And imprinted so in your heartes that ye loue none other Gen. xvi a. Gen. xxi a. Hebr. xi a. Gen. xvi a. Gen. xxi a. Hebr. xi a. (h) By an allegorie that is another thyng is meant Apo. xxi a. Esai liiii a. Gen. xxi b Esaias i x. a. Act. xxv a. (a) For we are in the Churche of Christ which is our mother and not of the syn●gogue which is seruaunt vnder the lawe Galath vi a. ● Cor. xiii a. i. Cor. v. a. Rom xiii a. i. Cor. viii a. Mat xxii d Mark xii c. Leuit xix d Rom. xiii c. Iacob ii b. Mat. xxvi b i. Cor. vi b. Ephe. v. a. i. Tim. i. b. (b) Christe hath not only remitted there sinnes 〈◊〉 sanctified thē into newnesse of lyfe Rom. xv a. (a) For his reioycyng is a testimonie of a good conscience Rom. xiiii c Rom. xv f. i. Cor. ix b. Iohn iiii b. ii Thess iii. b (b) By the worlde he meaneth all outward ●ompes ceremonies things whiche please mēs fantasies Galath v. a. (c) That is vpon ● Iewes As. Ro. ● i. Cor. iiii c. Rom. i. a. i. Cor. i. a. i. Pet. i. a. Galath i. a. a Where as we were not ●e naturall chyldren ▪ he receaued vs by grace and made vs his chyldren Coloss i. b. Galath iiii a Rom. viii c. ii Cor. i. d. (b) Though we be redeemed from the bondage of sin by the death of Christe Rom. 6. yet we hope for this seconde redemption which shal be whē we shall possesse our inheritaunce in the heauens whereof we haue the holy ghoste for a gage as ca. 4. Rom. xv c. Psal cx a. Danie vii d Psal viii b. Hebr. ii d. i. Cor. xv d. Ephe. v. e. Coloss i. e. Rom. v. a. Coloss i. c. Coloss ● a. (a) Not by creation but by Adams transgression so by birth ▪ Esai xxv d. Titus i. d. Philip. ii a. Coloss ii b. That is the cause o● y e diuision that was betwene the Iewes the Gentiles i. Cor. iii. b. Esa xxviii d Rom. ix f. Psal cxviii c i. Cor. iii. b. Esa
Cor. i. a. Ephe. i. a. Iob. xxiii b. S●pi ii a. Iames. i. a. Rom. v. a. Iohn x. g. Actes x. g. Esai ix a. Daniel ii g. Agge ii b. Actes ii a. Luk. xii c. Ephe. vi c. Mat. xvi d. Psal xviii ● Rom ii b. Heb●e ix ● i Iohn i. b Apoca ● b. (c) Whe● Christ appeared vnto the worlde and when the Gospel was preached Philip. ●● Esai xl b. Eccle. xiiii b Iacob i. b. Mat xviii a Exod. xix a Deut. vii ● ●●th v. e. 〈…〉 d. Math. v. b. Rom. xiii a. T●tus iii. a. Rom. xii c. Ephe. vi a. Coloss iii. d. i. Tim. vi a. Titus ii b. Math. v. a. Iohn xiii b. Ephe. v. a. Math. viii c. Esai liii b. Ephe. v. c. Coloss iii. c. () meke (a) God hath made vs whē we were his enimes heires of his kyngdome shall not we forgeue our brethren a small ●ault Psal 34. c. (b) To take vengeaunce on hym Math. v. b. Esai viii c. Math. x. d. i. Pet. 〈…〉 Titu●●● i. Pet. ii b Math. v. a. Rom. v a. Gene. vi a. Gene. vii ● Rom. vi a. Heb. i. b. ii b Rom i. d. Ephe. iiii d. (a) Although the wicked thynke this Gospel newe and vexe you that imbrace it yet hath it ben preached to thē of tyme past whiche now are deade to the intent y t they myght haue ben condempned of dead to sinne in the flesshe also myght haue lyued to God in the spirite ▪ which two are the effect of the Gospell Prou. xi d. (a) By elders he vnderstandeth all them which preach teach or minister in the Church Actes xxi f ii Cor. i. e. i. Tim. iiii b. Titus ii d. ii Tim. i. c. ii Cor. i. e. i. Tim. iiii b. Titus ii d. ii Tim. i. c. i Cor. ix d. ii Tim. iiii b Math. vi d. Luk. xii c. Iohn i. b. Iacob iiii b. i. Pet. i. a. (a) The sum of our saluation and religiō is to be ledde by Christe to y e father who calleth vs in the sonne Iohn i c. Coloss ii b. i. Cor. viii a. (b) 〈…〉 be sure in it self forasmuch as god cannot chaunge yet we must confirme it in our selues by the fruites of the spirite knowyng that the purpose of god electeth ▪ calleth sanctifieth and iustifieth vs. ii Cor. v. ● Iohn xxi d i. Iohn i. a. Mat. xvii d. Mark i. b Luk. iii. d. Acte● xx ● i. T●m iii. a. ii Tim. iii. a. i Pet. iii. a. Iud● i. ● (a) That is euidently sene in the Pope his priestes which by lyes and flatteries sell mens soules so that it is certayne y t he is not the successour of Simō Peter but of Simon Magus Genes vii a. Gene. xii d. Iob. xv b. i. Cor. x. c. (b) For in your holy feastes they syt as members of the church where as in deede they be but spottes so deceaue you reade Luk. 1● Num. xxii b Iudic. i. d. Iohn viii d. Rom. vi c. Hebr. vi a. and .x. c. Math. xii d. P●o xv ● Actes xx f. ii Pet. ii a. Iudi. i. e. i. Tim. iiii e. ii Tim. ii a. (a) He meaneth thē whiche had once professed christian religion but became afterward contemners and mockers as Epicurians Atheistes Iohn xiiii b Esa●s ●i b. Psal x● a. i Cor. vii c. Math 14 d. i. Thess v. a Apoc iii ● Apoc. xx ● Mat. xvii a. (a) The effect of y e Gospell is that we all beyng ioyned together in Christ by faith shuld be the sonnes of God (b) That is Christe with vs and we with our selues 3. Reg. viii e. ii Par. vi g. Ioh. xiii c. Psal 32. d. Luk. xv d. (a) That is by fayth and so obey hym for knowlege can not be without obedience Iohn xiii d. Leuit. xix d Ioh. xvii b. Actes xx f. (b) the grace of the holy ghost Esa●●iiii d. (c) Christ cōmunicateth hym selfe vnto you teacheth you by the holy ghost and his ministers d By this name ▪ ●e me●neth y e whol● Churche of Christe in generall ▪ ●uk xx ● 〈◊〉 ● b Ge●e 〈…〉 Iohn 〈…〉 (a) This loue is the speciall fruite of our fayth and a certayne signe of our regeneration Math. v●● Iohn xv b. Iacob i. a. i Iohn v. c. Ioh. xiii d. Math. vii c. ● Deut. xi●i a. Ma. xxiiii a. Mar. xiii a. Luk. xxi d. (a) Who beyng very god came from his father toke vpon hym our fleshe He that confesseth o● preacheth this truely ▪ hath the spirite of God els not Iohn xiii d i Thess i. b. Iohn iii. c. Rom. v. b. Exod ● d. 〈◊〉 v. ● Iohn xiii c. Math. xii d. i Cor. xv g. (a) The water blood that came out of his syde declare that we haue our sinnes washed by hym ▪ and he hath made ful satisfaction for the same (b) Whiche testifieth to our heartes that we be the childrē of god Mat. vii a. Mark xi d. Luk. xi b. Iohn xiiii ● (a) According to godlynesse and not with any worldly affections (b) We can not receaue the grace of God except we haue the true knowledge of hym of the whiche knowledge loue proceadeth (c) According to Gods worde Iohn xiiii c i. Iohn v. a. (a) That is in godly conuersation as they whiche haue both the knowledge and feare of God (a) Agaynst assaultes of Satan and heretiques Gen. xix f. Gen. iiii b. Num. xvi f. Gen. iiii b. Num. xvi f. Apoc. i. ● Esai iii ● Actes xx f. ● Tim● iiii a ● Tim iii. a. ● Peter ii a. (a) Of things which were hyd before (b) Christe receaued this reuelation out of his fathers bosome as his owne doctrine but it was hid in respect of vs so that Christe as Lorde God reuealed it to Iohn his seruaunt by the ministerie of his Angel to the edification of his Church Math 24. c. Dani. vii d. Mat. xvii a. Esai xliiii b Rom. vi b. Gene. ●● b. (a) The eternall diuinitie of Iesus Christe is here moste playnely declared with his manhood and victorie ouer death to a●re his 〈…〉 shall not 〈◊〉 ●uercome ●y death (b) In spiritual treasures (c) The word of God is the sworde with two edges Nu. xxxi c. 3. Reg. xvi g iiii Reg. x. d Ier. xxvii b. Psal ii b. i Thess v. a. ii Pet. iii. c. Esai xxii f Iob. xii c. ii Cor. v. a. Prou. ii b. Heb. xii b. Esai vi b. Esa ▪ xxvii ● Iob. xxii b. Ose ● b. Luk. ●x● ● Esaias ii d. Osee x. e. Luk. xxiii d Ezech. ii c. Ezech. iii. c. Gene ix b. Math. 26 c. Act. xiiii c Esai xxi c. Ieremi li. a. Ioel. iii. e. ●sai xxi c. Iere. li. a. Math. ●● d. ii Peter iii ● i Thess ●● i Tim. vi ● Esa xlvii d. Ierem. li. a Ierem. li. b. Ierem 〈…〉 () That is prayse ye god because y e antichrist and all wickednes is taken out of the worlde M● xx● a. 〈…〉 Esai liii b. Esaias ● Esai xlv c. ii Pet. iii. a. Esai xxv d. Esai lx ● Esai lx c Esaias lx d. Apoc. i. a Apoc. xi b. Esai xliiii b Apoc. i. b. Esai lv a. Iohn vii f. Deut. iiii a. Pro. xxx a.
no eye had seene me 19 And that I were as though I had not ben but brought from the wombe to the graue 20 Are not my dayes fewe Let him then leaue of fro me and let me a lone that I may comfort my selfe a litle 21 Afore I go thyther from whence I shall not turne againe euen to the lande of darknesse and shadowe of death 22 Yea a lande as darke as darknesse it selfe and into the shadowe of death where is none order but the light is there as darknesse The .xi. Chapter 1 Iob is vniustly reprehended of Sophar 7 God is incomprehensible 14 He is mercifull to the repentaunt 18 Their assuraunce that liue godlie 1 THen aunswered Sophar the Naamathite and sayde 2 Shoulde not he that maketh many wordes be aunswered Shoulde he that bableth much be commended therin 3 Shoulde thy lies make men holde their peace and when thou mockest others shall no man make thee ashamed 4 For thou hast sayde my doctrine is pure and I am cleane in thyne eyes 5 But O that God woulde speake and open his lippes against thee 6 That he might shewe thee the secretes of wysdome howe thou hast deserued double according to right Know therfore that God hath forgotten thee for thyne iniquitie 7 Art thou able to finde out the secretes of God Or wilt thou attayne to the perfectnesse of the almightie 8 It is hier then heauen what art thou able to do deeper then the hel how wilt thou then knowe it 9 The measure of it is longer then the earth and broder then the sea 10 Though he turne all thinges vpsyde downe close them in gather them together who will turne hym from his purpose 11 For it is he that knoweth vayne men he seeth their wickednesse also shoulde he not then consider it 12 Yet vayne man would be wyse though man newe borne is lyke a wilde asses coulte 13 If thou preparedst thyne heart and liftedst vp thyne handes towarde hym 14 If thou wouldest put away the wickednes whiche thou hast in hande so that no vngodlinesse dwell in thy house 15 Then mightest thou lift vp thy face without shame then shouldest thou be sure and haue no neede to feare 16 Then shouldest thou forget thy miserie and thinke no more vpon it then vpon the waters that runne by 17 Then should thy lyfe be as cleare as the noone day thou shouldest shine forth and be as the morning 18 Then mightest thou be bolde because there is hope and take thy rest quietly as compassed with a trenche 19 Then mightest thou lye downe and none to make thee afrayde yea many one should make suite vnto thee 20 As for the eyes of the vngodly they shall faile and they shal not escape and their hope shal be sorowe of minde The .xij. Chapter 1 Iob accuseth his friendes of ignoraunce 7 He declareth the might and power of God 17 And how he chaungeth the course of thinges 1 SO Iob aunswered saide 2 Then no doubt ye are the men alone and wysdome shall perishe with you 3 But I haue vnderstanding aswell as ye and am not inferior to you Yea who knoweth not these thinges 4 I am as one mocked of his neighbour who calleth vpon God he heareth him The iust the vpright is laughed to scorne 5 Being as alight despised in the heartes of the riche and as one redy to fall 6 The houses of robbers are in wealth and prosperitie and they that maliciouslie meddle against God dwell without care in those thinges that God hath geuen richely with his hande 7 Aske the cattaile and they shall enfourme thee the foules of the ayre and they shall tell thee 8 Or the encrease of the earth and it shall shew thee or the fishes of the sea and they shall certifie thee 9 What is he but he knoweth that the hande of the Lorde made all these 10 In whose hande is the soule of euery liuing thing and the breath of all mankinde 11 Haue not the eares pleasure in hearing and the mouth in tasting the thing that it eateth 12 Among olde persons there is wysedome and in age is vnderstanding 13 Yea with God is wysdome and strength it is he that hath counsell and foreknowledge 14 Beholde if he breake downe a thing who can set it vp againe yf he shut a thing who wyll open it 15 Beholde if he withholde the waters they drye vp yf he let them go they destroy the earth 16 With him is strength and wysdome both the deceauer and he that is deceaued are his 17 He carieth away the wyse men as it were a spoyle and bringeth the iudges out of their wittes 18 He taketh away the subiection of the people from their kinges and girdeth their loynes with a bonde 19 He leadeth away the great men into captiuitie and turneth the mightie vpside downe 20 He stoppeth the mouth of them that speake trueth disapoynteth the aged of their reason 21 He powreth contempt vpon princes and maketh the strength of the mightie weake 22 Loke what lyeth hid in darkenesse he declareth it openly and the very shadowe of death bringeth he to light 23 He both increaseth the people and destroyeth them he maketh them to multiplie and diminisheth them 24 He taketh away the hearte of them that be heades of y e people of the earth and causeth them to wander in the wildernesse out of the way 25 They grope in the darke without light and he maketh them to stacker like a drunken man ¶ The .xiii. Chapter 1 Iob compareth his knowledge with the experience of his friendes 16 The penitent shal be saued and the hypocrite condempned 20 He prayeth vnto God that he would not handle him rigorously 1 LO all this haue I seene with mine eye heard with mine eare and vnderstande it 2 What ye knowe that same do I know also neither am I inferior vnto you 3 Neuerthelesse I talke with the almightie and my desire is to commune with God 4 As for you ye are workmaisters of lyes and vnprofitable phisitians altogether 5 Woulde God ye kept your tongue for then might ye be taken for wise men 6 Now heare my reasoning and ponder the argument of my lippes 7 Wyll you speake wickedlie for gods defence and talke deceitfully for his cause 8 Wyll ye accept the person of him or wyll ye contende for God 9 Shall that helpe you when he calleth you to reckening For as one man mocketh an other so do ye mocke him 10 He shall punishe you and reproue you if ye do secretly accept any person 11 Shall not his excellencie make you afrayde Shall not his terrible feare fall vpon you 12 Your remembraunce is lyke vnto a sparke and your bodies lyke the claye 13 Holde your tongues for my sake that I also may speake and my sorowe shal be the lesse 14
Wherefore do I beare my fleshe in my teeth and put my soule in myne handes 15 Lo though he slay me yet wyl I trust in him but I wyll reproue myne owne wayes in his sight 16 He shal be my saluation for there may no hypocrite come before him 17 Heare diligently my wordes and ponder my sayinges with your eares 18 Beholde now haue I prepared my iudgement and knowe that I shal be founde righteous 19 What is he that wyll go to lawe with me if I now holde my tongue I dye 20 Neuerthelesse graunt me two thinges and then wyll I not hide my selfe from thee 21 Withdrawe thyne hande from me and let not the fearefull dreade of thee make me afrayde 22 Then call and I wyll aunswere or let me speake and geue me then an aunswere 23 How many are my misdeedes and sinnes let me knowe my transgressions and offences 24 Wherefore hidest thou thy face and holdest me for thyne enemie 25 Wylt thou breake a leafe driuen to and fro and wilt thou pursue the drye stubble 26 For thou layest sharply to my charge and punishest me for the sinnes of my youth 27 Thou puttest my feete also in the stockes and lokest narowly vnto all my pathes and makest the print thereof in the heeles of my feete 28 And I as a rotten thing do consume away as a garment that is motheaten ¶ The .xiiii. Chapter 1 Iob describeth the shortnes and miserie of the lyfe of man 14 Hope sustaineth the godly 22 The condition of mans lyfe 1 MAn that is borne of woman hath but a short time to lyue and is full of miserie 2 He commeth vp and is cut downe like a floure He fleeth as it were a shadow and neuer continueth in one state 3 Doest thou open thyne eyes vpon such one and bringest me into thy iudgement 4 Who can make it cleane that commeth of an vncleane thing no bodye 5 The dayes of man surely are ●ece●●●ned the number of his monethes are knowen onely vnto thee thou hast appoynted him his bondes which ●e can not go beyonde 6 Go from him that he may rest vntill his day come which he loketh for lyke as an hireling doth 7 For if a tree be cut downe there is some hope yet that it wyll sproute and shoote foorth the braunches againe 8 Though the roote of it be waxen olde and the stocke thereof be dead in the grounde 9 Yet when it getteth the sent of water it wyll budde and bring foorth bowes lyke as a tree that is planted 10 But as for man when he is dead perished and consumed away what becommeth of him 11 As the waters passe from the sea and as the flood decayeth and dryeth vp 12 So man after he is asleepe ryseth not he shall not wake tyll the heauens be no more nor rise out of his sleepe 13 O that thou wouldest hide me in the graue keepe me secret vntyl thy wrath were past and to appoynt me a time wherein thou mightest remember me 14 May a 〈◊〉 man lyue againe ▪ All the dayes of my lyfe wyll I wayte still till my chaunging shall come 15 Thou shalt call me and I shall aunswere thee despise not thou the worke of thyne owne handes 16 For now thou numbrest all my goinges and geuest no delay vnto my sinne 17 Myne iniquitie is sealed vp as it were in a bagge and thou addest punishement vnto my wickednesse 18 The mountaines fal away at the last the rockes are remoued out of their place 19 The waters pearse through the very stones by litle litle the floodes washe away the grauell and earth so shalt thou destroy the hope of man 20 Thou preuaylest still against him so that he passeth away thou chaungest his estate and puttest him from thee 21 And whether his children come to worship or no he can not tell And if they be men of lowe degree he knoweth not 22 But while his fleshe is vpon him it must haue sorowe and his soule shall mourne within him The .xv. Chapter 1 Eliphaz reprehendeth Iob because he ascribeth wysdome and purenes to him selfe 16 He describeth the curse that falleth on the wicked reckoning Iob to be one of that number 1 THen aunswered Eliphaz the Themanite and saide 2 Shalla wyse mans aunswere be as the winde and fill a mans belly as it were with the winde of the east 3 Shall he reproue with a worde that is nothing worth speake the thinges which can do no good 4 Surely thou hast cast of feare and restrainest prayer before God 5 For thy mouth setteth forth thyne owne iniquitie seeing thou hast chosen the tongue of the craftie 6 Thyne owne mouth condempneth thee and not I yea thyne owne lippes shape an aunswere against thee 7 Art thou the first man that euer was borne or wast thou made before 〈…〉 8 Hast thou heard the secret counsell of God and doest thou restraine wysdome to thee 9 What knowest thou that we knowe not And what vnderstandest thou but we can the same 10 With vs are both olde and aged men yea such as haue liued longer then thy father 11 Thinkest thou it a small thing of the consolations of God with thee is a lying worde 12 Why doth thyne heart so bewitche thee And wherefore winckest thou with thyne eyes 13 That thy minde is so pufte vp against God and lettest such wordes go out of thy mouth 14 What is man that he should be cleane and he which is borne of a woman whereby he might be righteous 15 Beholde he doth not trust his 〈◊〉 yea the very heauens are not cleane in his sight 16 How much more then an abhominable and vyle man which drincketh wickednesse like water 17 I will tel thee heare me and I will shewe thee that I haue seene 18 Which wyse men haue tolde and haue not hid that which they receaued from theyr fathers 19 Vnto whom alone the earth was geuē and no straunger went among them 20 The vngodly soroweth all the dayes of his lyfe as it were a woman with childe and the number of a tirauntes yeres is vnknowen 21 A feareful sounde is euer in his eares and when he is in peace the destroyer shall come vpon him 22 He beleueth neuer to be deliuered out of darknesse for the sworde is alwayes before his eyes 23 He wandreth abrode for bread where it is knowing that the day of darkenesse is redie at his hande 24 Trouble and anguishe wil make him afrayde and compasse him about as is a king in the middest of an armie 25 For he hath stretched out his hande against God and armed him selfe against the almightie 26 He runneth proudly vpon him with a stiffe necke fighteth he against him 27 Where as he couereth his face with fatnesse and maketh his body well lyking 28 Therefore shall his