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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A60421 The last sermon of Mr. Henry Smith sometime Master of Arts in Christ-Church College in Oxford, & late minister in Sallop. With his earnest invitations to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. And directions to young beginners that they may be fitted for that Holy Communion, and receive it with profit. 2. His holy and pious sayings in general, necessary for all persons. 3. Instructions for young people, exhorting them to obedience, and duty towards their parents. 4. The sad effects of disobedience, in the examples of many wicked and unnatural children, who ame [sic] to untimely ends. With prayers suitable to divers occasions, by the same author. Published for the instruction and benefit of all Christian people. Licensed and entred according to order. Smith, Henry, d. 1702. 1686 (1686) Wing S4041; ESTC R220563 10,445 29

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Soul Be not credulous to believe reports least in so doing you creat to your self much trouble Let not anger over-power you nor be subject to unruly Passion for he that cannot govern himself would do ill to rule others If Parents or Children dye consider they were born to that end and that we may go 〈◊〉 them but they cannot return to us and therefore restrain from immoderate sorrow for no sorrow unless for Sin is available Let every man be just in his dealings least God blast his endeavours for there is nothing so secret but his eyes behold it If we submit our selves to those that are set ●ver us we do not therein so much obey Man 〈◊〉 God whose pleasure it is that it should be so If any be afflicted with sickness or calamity ●et him not repine but bear it as the chaste●ing of the Lord who sancti●es affliction to ●hose that trust in him to the saving of their ●ouls ●he profitable Sayings of H. S. to exhort Children to be Dutiful and Obedient to their Parent● LIttle Children next to serving God observe to be obedient to your Parents 〈◊〉 all things for so is the will of your Hea●enly Father Remember what is threatned to naughty ●d disobedient Children That the Ravens of ●e Valley shall pluck out their Eyes and the young ●gles shall eat them up Moses in his Law sayes That whoever ●rseth Father or Mother shall dye the death ●herefore take heed and do it not no not 〈◊〉 your Heart for although Man regards it ●t God will surely punish you If your Parents be angry strive to pacifie ●em with soft and gentle words and so w●ll 〈◊〉 win their love If at any time you have committed a ●deny it not but be sorry for so doing 〈◊〉 observe for the future you do so no more Children above all temporal Blessing prize the Blessing of your Parents for ne● any prospered on whom their Pare● Curse was intailed Consider what Christ sayes He has ●clared That whoever breaks the least 〈◊〉 the Commandments is guilty of the wh● Law And the Fifth ●ommandment 〈◊〉 Thou shalt honour thy Father and Moth● that thy dayes may be long in the L● which the Lord thy G●●eth th● Those that cast off Obedience to th● Parents will never be obedient to any b●side them The lowly and me●k God giveth Gra● but the proud and stubborn shall be abash● Consider little Children that you 〈◊〉 dye for Death as often crops the blosso● as the ripe fruit and then what will beco● of you if you are not found obedient to th● that God has set over you for your good Satan first striveth to alienate the hearts 〈◊〉 Children from their parents then from Go● O let Virtue my little ones be yo● Treasure that so you may when you dy● be numbred among those little ones th● Christ took in his Arms and blessed Obedience is the Crown of Youth and in all God accepts it before Sacrifice Obey not through fear but love and so God will bless you and you shall see many happy dayes Sad Examples of the untimely ends of Children disobedient to their Parents THE first in Holy Writ that I find disobedient to his Father and to despise ●im is Ham the Son of Noah the Patriack who beholding his Fathers nakedness de●pised and sco●●ed at it holding him that ●ade him a being next to God in derision for which he and all his Posterity in●ailed a Curse for ever to be ser●●nts and sla●es to his Brethren and thei Seed and to have no portion in the Inheritance of his Father wherefore Josephus is of opinion that be●oming a ●unagate in the Earth in process of time his own children a●ose up against him and slew him The second example in Scripture is of Phineas and Hophni Sons to Elie the High ●riest who in despight of their Father li●ing licentiously despising him disobeying ●is commands they both in one day fell by ●he Sword of the ●hili●●ines At what time for their wickedness God suffered the 〈◊〉 of his Covenant to be taken and old 〈◊〉 their father who had been too tender towar● them to fall ●ack and break his Neck The Third is of Absalon who und● mining the Throne of a too indu●gent fath● conspired his death and rose in Rebelli● against him but what ensued He w● caught by Gods Divine hand in an Oak 〈◊〉 there whilst he was hanging thrust throu● by Job and cast into a deep Pit The fourth is of Adonija who casting 〈◊〉 all tyes of Duty and Obedience usurped h● fathers Throne wh●●st he was yet alive b● what was his end He was slain by t● Sword of King Solomon Nor have t● Examples of our later days been less drea●full for few Youths that have been execut● for Robbery or such like Crimes but at t● place of Execution sadly confessed that d● obedience to their ●arents and falling in● evil company brought them to their untimely ends A Prayer in Sickness or at the point of Deat● O Holy and most Gracious Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in whose hands th● souls of the faithful are layed up till the day of Recompence have mercy upon the so● and body of me thy poor and afflicted ser●ant O spare me a little that I may reco●er my strength before I go hence and am no more seen cast me not away in thine anger nor forsake me when strength fails let not thy hot displeasure burn against me least ●n a moment I am consumed nor turn away by Amiable countenance but be thou my Physician O thou Physician of souls let ●y precious blood wash and cleanse me from 〈◊〉 Iniquitie that so whether I live or whe●er I dye I may be thine and through thy Grace be added to make up the number of ●●y Elect Even so be it Lord Jesus Amen A Prayer for young People O Lord regard my tender years and accept in good part these my early Sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving ●at I most humbly offer to thy Holy Name ●●rengthen and support me O most merciful ●●ther that as I grow in years I may grow 〈◊〉 Grace and the knowledge of thy Divine ●●ll that so when I have with patience pas●●d through this troublesome World I may ●rive at the place thou hast prepared for all ●●se that love and fear thee and this I 〈◊〉 thou wouldst grant me not for my own ●e for I am unworthy of the least of thy ●●rcies but for the sake of my blessed ●●rd and Saviour Amen A Prayer and Thank'sgiving after the receiv●● the Holy Communion MOst merciful Father we re●der u● thee all thanks praise honour a● glory for that it hath pleas'd thee of t● great mercy to grant unto us miserable s●ners so excellent benefits and priviledges 〈◊〉 to be received into ●he fellowship and co●pany of thy dear Son Jesus Christ our Lor● yea by his means we are thy adopted Ch●dren and he is made our elder Brother Y● O Lord we come nearer than so He is o● Head and we are the Members of th● mystical Body And all this proceeds fro● thy gracious goodness and compassion F● thou hast delivered him to death to give 〈◊〉 life Thou hast made him a Sacrifice 〈◊〉 the necessary food and nourishment of 〈◊〉 Souls thou gavest way to the piercing of 〈◊〉 sides from whence issued water and Blo● that we might know how we came clean● from ou● sins and redeemed from damna●on Yea O Lord God thou hast present● us in this Sacram●nt that whole Tragedy● his passion that we out of Sorrows might● cover Joys out of his Groans might be co●forted and out of his death be presented● life everlasting we beseech thee O Heav●ly Father to grant us this request that th● never suffer us to become so unkind as 〈◊〉 forget such wor●hy Benefits but rather m● 〈◊〉 of them in our hearts 〈…〉
in●reated to embrace Life and Salvation ●ay how we have been almost at the Gates of Heaven and then fainted and turned back not ●hinking it a prize wor●h striving for In ●uch a case I say if God withdrawing his ●avour should give us up to a Reprobate ●ense and we by sad experience find the hour of Grace is past and not the least Beam of ●t left to comfort and refresh our weary souls ●hen I say we should be miserable and yet this will be the case of every impenitent Sinshadow for although God is a God of Patien● and forb●arance long-suffering and abu●d●nt in m●r●y and pardon yet will not h● spirit alwaies strive with m●n but bei● grieved and often affronted will withdraw 〈◊〉 self and then will they be given up to be g●verned by their own Lusts and unr● passions and run into all wickedness as to● plain are the examples of Cain and Judus a● many others that I might instance as 〈◊〉 examples of Divine Vengeance through th● own per●erseness and folly for the mo● Mercies and Opportunities we have to repe● the greater will ●e our punishment and sham● if we neglect to lay hold on them for if b● such neglect we grieve and affront the Ho● Spirit that with sighs and groans unu●ter●ble makes intercess●●n for us what can we le● expect than that so high an affront should b● as highly resented And upon the like oc●sion was it that the Prophet Isaiah in t● 1. Chapter of his Pr●phecy the 2 3 4 an● 5. Ver●es thus complains viz. Hear O He●vens and give ear O Earth for the Lord ha● spoken I have nourish●d and brought up Childre● and they have rebelled against me The Ox knoweth his owner and the Ass his Masters Cr● but Israel doth not know my people doth not cons●der A● sinful Nation a Nation laden wi● iniquity a Seed of evil doers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger they are gone away backward Why should you be striken any more you will revolt more and more the whole Head is sick and the whole Heart is faint In consideration of this I say let us look back and consider what God has done for us how gracious he has been and what little Reason we have to sin against so much mercy and goodnes● against so much light and so much love and how we by doing it provoke him to withdraw the light o● the Gospel and to remove his candlestick from among us and overshadow us with darkness and des●la●ion as too sadly the Churches of Asia though planted by the b●essed Apostles have experienced of which once glorious and flourishing Churches now rem●ins nothing but a Name those C●un●ries being at this day totally overspread with Paganisme and Superstition and this proceeded from their luke-warmness and coldness in holy Duties plenty of the Gospel for want of being rightly us●d surfeited them made them grow wanton and so forget the hand that protected them cavelling about niceties and falling at variance among themselves to the scandal of their profession And what less can we expect unless in tim● we repent and be heartily sorry for the mercies we have abused and thankful for the many deliverances we have had no Natio● under Heaven having more visibly participated the Almighty's immediate favour How often and how m●raculously have we been delivered from the treacherous conspiracie● and bloody contrivances of our implacable Enemies visited as with a Fatherly correctio● by Plague Sword Fire and m●ny othe● calamities to wean us from our Sins and ye● have been hardened the more which may justly incense the God of me●cies to deal wit● us according as he has pronounced by hi● Prophet ●eremiah in the 23. chapter of hi● Prophecy verse 10. Moreover I take fro● them the Voice of Mirth and the Voice of Gladness the Voice of the Bridegroom and the Voi●● of the Bride the sound of the Milstone and th● light of the Candle In which words are comprehended all that can render a people miserable in this Worl● and the World to come Therefore whilst i● is to day hear his Voice a●d put not off Repentance till to morrow for no man knows what a day may bring forth Delays are the guilded Baits smoothed over by which the Devil insnares and deludes mens Souls leading them through ●he whole progress of their life by vain flat●eries of long continuance here when God ●nows we are as often cut off in the flower of ●ur Age as when Palsey-Winter chills our ●lood and leades with trembling steps unto ●he Grave and then we may assure our selves ●s Death leaves us so will Judgment find us ●nd woe and alas will be our condition if at ●he coming of the Bridegroom we want Oyl ●n our Lamps for then it will be too late to ●●y and we shall for ever be shut out or if ●e should enter wanting a Wedding Gar●ent that is if we should by vain flattery or 〈◊〉 con●dent relyance on Gods mercy have ●ome pro●pect of Heavenly happiness and yet ●ever enjoy it our case will be so much the more miserable And it will be more tolera●le for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of ●udgment than for such because they never ●ad the means of Salvation offered them but groped in the dark Mist of Errour darker ●han th●t the Angel overshadowed them with when they groped for Lot's door And what ●an be then expected but for ever to be shut ●ut from the Beati●ick Vision to hear the dreadful Sentence of Depart from me ye cursed ●nto everlasting F●re And who can dwell with everlasting burning ●er 33. 14. And ten to ●ne this will be the end of such as trifle out their time in hopes a Death-bed ●epentan● will be sufficient to attone for the sins 〈◊〉 their whole life when for the most part th●● are at that time neither able nor willing 〈◊〉 especially of all impenitent sinners for 〈◊〉 the Son of Sirach says Eccl. 21. 10. ●he way 〈◊〉 sinners is paved with stone but at the End is 〈◊〉 Darkness and Pains And holy David in 〈◊〉 61. 12. saith God rewardeth every man acco●ding to his Works yet is not God willing th●● any should perish but that all should be save● and has in the Gospel of his Son left precio● promise as Balm to cure the wounded Sou●● Nay he is not only desirous but e●trea●● desirous we shou'd be saved for our ble●● Saviour assures us There is more joy in H●a●● over one Sinner that repenteth than over Nin● and Nine just persons that need no Re●enta●● And God expostulating with the rebellio● Israelites dema●ds of them the question 〈◊〉 will ye dye O house of Israel seeming ther● b● loath to stretch out his hand against them but like an indulgent Father strives to re●lai● them by mildness and prevent their ruin● for certain it is that his mercies are over 〈◊〉 the works of his Creation Nor was