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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11606 A threefold preseruatiue against three dangerous diseases of these latter times 1. Non proficiency in grace. 2. Fals-hearted hypocrisie. 3. Back-sliding in religion. Prescribed in a sermon at S. Pauls Crosse in London, September, 17. 1609. By William Sclater, Batcheler in Diuinity, and sometimes fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge. Sclater, William, 1575-1626. 1610 (1610) STC 21847; ESTC S116857 29,329 42

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sanctified throughout in their whole spirit 1. Thess 5.23 and soule and body and that especially in them is eminent Their hearts are renewed to an vnfayned l●ue of God in Christ Iesus so that whatsoeuer they do in Gods seruice proceeds frō this fountaine Loue of God in Christ 2. Cor. 5.14 Followeth their fourth staire The fourth degree Luk 2.10 Rom. 10.15 Haue tasted of the good word of God I like that exposition The good word of God that is the Gospell that tidings of good things and great ioy to Gods people For herewith are the wicked affected euen to reioycing They receiue the word with ioy Mat. 13.20 Now briefly the differences betwixt them and Gods children in reioycing are these 1. Grounds of ioy in the Reprobates are carnall deepe mysteries things nouellons and rare much affect them as Athenians Act. 17.20 Mar. 12.37 2. Misunderstanding the promises rauish them the Conditions are distastefull Restraints vncomfortable As to malefactours in prison the tydings of a generall pardon after a Parliament how welcome is it the preface especially runnes merrily It pleaseth the King of his mercifull inclination to pardon all faults and offences But when the restraints come in the after-clause Except murther Treasons and Burglaries c. how is all that ioy turned into mourning and murmuring at the grace of the Pardoner from which they are excluded 3. This ioy ariseth suddenly like a flash of lightning Mat. 13.20 Incontinently saith our Sauiour they receiue the word with ioy Whereas neuer was child of God suddenly brought frō Hell to Heauen from the discomfort of a wounded conscience presently to reioyce in the Gospell 4. As suddenly wrought so as suddenly and irrecouerably lost whereas the ioy of the Saints is durable Ioh. 16.22 5. This sweetnes once tasted by a child of God by an heart seasoned with grace so affects them Pro. 23.23 that all things are sooner parted with then the Gospell An Hypocrite likes well of the word ad haras vsque till it touch him in his earthly profits howbeit rather then the s●ine should perish Christ himselfe shal be entreated to depart out of their Coastes Mat. 8.34 The last degree Caieton ad locum The highest pitch they can reach vnto remaines Tasted of the powers of the world to come Caieton me thinkes well aymes at the meaning To taste of the powers of the world to come sayth he is when a man for the world to come for the future resurrection and the last iudgement begins to set vp the regiment of the soule ouer the body Thus speaks hee like a Philosopher of flesh and spirit Let me adde something for more distinct explanation Men are sayd to taste of the powers of the world to come when as the meditation of the life to come beginning at the last iudgemēt works powerfully in their hearts How powerfull this meditatiō is Luk. 13.24 we may see in many seeking to enter but not being able Take for instāce those poore soules in the Church of Rome drunken with the wine of that harlots fornicatiōs What volūtary macerating of the body distributing their goods abandoning the world see we in them and all to purchase their heauen Neuer were the Priests of Baal more zealous for their Idoll then these for themselues to winne saluation And shall we say they enter If any man so thinke Rom. 9.31 32. I may commend his charity but shall neuer approoue his iudgement Heare the Apostle Israel which followed the law of righteousnesse attayned not to the law of righteousnes Wherefore Because they sought it not by faith but as by the worke of the law The application is easie And though I will not say but that some man holding iustification by workes in theft may perhaps be saued yet this I think I may be ●old to affirme whosoeuer holds it in hypothesi for his owne particular a Iew or Infidell may be saued as soone as he What is then the odds betwixt Gods child and a reprobate in this behalfe Ans A Reprobate makes himself the onely or principall terme of his intention in all his performances nor otherwise can desire Gods glory then as subordinate to his owne benefit A meere mercenary affection shall you see in all such no one thing done of loue towards God or with sincere desire to glorifie his name Gods child though he vseth meditation of saluation as a spurre to obedience yet beholds something beyond it more to be desired that is That God in all things may be glorified And if euer the question could come betwixt Gods glory and the saluation of his soule whether should be preferred Rom. 9.3 rather had he be Anathema from Christ then that the glory of GOD should be impeached It s an excellent speach of Bernard Bernard de diligendo Deo cap. 3. Non sine praemio d ligitur Deut etsi absque praemit intuitu di●gendus sit and againe Vacua ●amque vera charitas esse non potest nec tamen mercenaria est And this is the vndoubted character of our adoption and regeneration to that immortall vndefiled and neuer-fading inheritance reserued for vs in the heauens Now brethren for closing vp of this point Application 2. Cor. 13.5 giue mee leaue to exhort as the Apostle doth Prooue your selues whether you be in the faith or no examine your selues Hee doubles the exhortatiō because its a matter waighty and of most difficult performance and Peter 2. Pet. 1.10 Giue diligence to make your calling and election sure Beloued in Christ Iesus it s no so ordinary a grace as we commonly imagine to be assured of saluation or adoption For behold how many great things euen Reprobates attaine vnto Knowledge of the mystery of Christ apprehension of his excellency worthy gifts of the holy Ghost reioycing in the Gospell many powerfull effects of the world to come and yet are neyther chosen to saluation nor indeed truely regenerate to a liuely hope in CHRIST IESVS Alas beloued how many are there amongst vs boasting of vndoubtfull assurance of saluation that neuer reached to this scantling of Reprobates I say therefore againe Proue we and examine ourselues sift we these deceitfull hearts of ours to the bottome that we may attaine some measure of wel grounded assurance that we are the sonnes of God Let this also be the touchstone which the Lord seemes to commend vnto vs. Compare we our measure of grace with that wee find Reprobates to haue attained nor let vs euer please our selues in any one till we can say of euery one Herein yet I goe beyond a Reprobate Thus farre could neuer cast-away ascend What if wee haue the knowledge of Christ what if faith so that wee could remoue mountaynes and want obedience Can that knowledge saue vs can that faith assure vs Behold euen Reprobates alleadge for themselues Lord Mat. 7.22 haue not wee prophecied in thy name and in thy name cast out Deuills
with abundance God graunt the day come not vpon vs when we would wish to run from sea to sea to heare and shall find no meanes When children begin to play with their bread discreet● Father● take it from them or keepe them shorter let vs feare lest this delicacy bring on vs a scarcity of hearing the word of God Home-deuotions are comfortable if vsed in their seasons but we know who hath sayd Pro. 28.9 The prayer of him that turneth his eare from hearing the law is abominable And if we would auoyde Apostasy take heede how wee forsake the gathering together of the Saints Beware how the garishnesse of the world dazle thine eye and bewitch thine heart 2. Tim. 4. Demas ouertaken with the loue thereof forsakes Paul And Loue not the world sayth the beloued Apostle the fashion thereof passeth away ● cos nos paragetas 1. Ioh. 2.17 or as some render the glittering shew thereof withdrawes and steales away the heart from God How many haue our owne eyes seene mirrours of holy carriage in their meane estate whom the loue of aduancement and the enioying thereof hath made ouer dissolute would God not also scandalous to their profession Keepe good conscience precisely neyther allow thy selfe in any thing no not the smallest which conscience rightly informed condemnes Rom. 14.22 Blessed is hee which condemnes not himselfe in that which he allowes As blessed he that allowes not himselfe in that which his heart condemnes Herein therefore be precise Do nothing no not the least with a doubting or recoyling conscience The stroke of Conscience neglected in small things it growes by insensible degrees to swallow greater without reluctation Fearefull are the instances we haue daily in this kind But I spare to trouble you One reason onely I will annexe to set edge on this exhortation and then shal be the end Beloued in Christ Iesus The Lord hath long bene amongst vs by the heauiest of his temporall iudgements Those arrowes of his displeasure Famine and Pestilence haue bene made almost drunken with the blood of our slaine And yet behold the wrath of the Lord is not ceased but his hand is stretched out still Wonder we at this that the Lord should walke thus stubburnly towards vs More wonder it is but that his mercies are endles that wee haue not bin vtterly consumed For that which Isaiah speakes of Iudah Is 1.5 is it not true of vs That wee fall away more and more I can well remember since the one halfe of these miseries hath brought vs on our Knees in sack-cloth and ashes in prayer and fasting for our sinnes that haue drawne downe the wrath of God vpon vs. And a man would thinke these Afflictions should haue that effect in vs which the Lord teacheth to bee the end of his Iudgements Hos 5.15 To make vs seeke him the more diligently Oh that it were not true that wee harden our hearts the more continuing and encreasing our Apostasies scarce euer bethinking our selues of humiliation As if we meant to stout it out with the Lord and to dare him to do his worst Oh Iob. remember who hath sayd Hath any bin fierce against the Lord that hath prospered and what himselfe threatens viz. Leu. 26. to walke as stubburnly towards vs as wee can do against him and to encrease our plagues seuen times more except the lighter preuaile to humble vs. Some course therfore betimes let vs take to stop the fierce wrath of the Lord that is gone out against vs. It 's a fearefull thing saith our Apostle to fall into the hands of the liuing God who is in his wrath a Consuming fire If our houses had taken fire we haue this wisdome to thinke one bucket of water may do more good to stop the flame then almost a riuer when it hath begun to gather strength Would God we were as wise for our liues and soules as we are for the trash of this world Surely more preualent to quench the fire of Gods displeasure in the beginning is one teare then a whole showre streame of them when it 's once inflamed Other meane thē this I know none to stop the course of Gods wrath 2. Par. 7.13 14. If I send pestilence among my people If my people among whom my name is called vpon do humble themselues pray seek my presence turne from their wicked wayes then will I heare in heauen and be mercifull vnto their sinne and will heale their land Right honorable why are not you a petitioner to those in authority that a Fast may be proclaimed Stay you til you come againe to your thousands in a weeke Alas how agrees that with Christian compassion to those that in the Interim lose wiues children those that are deerest vnto them and what a seruile and Pharoah like resolution is this neuer till needes must to send for Moses and Aaron to intercede for vs vnto the Maiesty of God I beseech you therefore in the bowells of Christ Iesus if there be any consolation in Christ if any cōfort of loue if any fellowship of the spirit if any compassion and mercy fulfi●l my request importune the performance of this duty proue the Lord with these things see if he rebuke not the Destroyer for your sakes If you consent and obey Is 1 19 20. you shall eate the good things of the land But if yee refuse and be rebellious God graunt I proue not a true Prophet you and your children and your people shal be deuoured of the Pestilence If these things preuayle not with authority let me yet admonish euery of vs that in our houses by our selues and our families we may be carefull this way we shall then see that gracious promise performed to vs and ours when thousands fall at our right hands Ps 91.7 and ten thousands at the left it shall not come nigh vs. Ezek. 9.4 A marke is set by commaundement from the Lord on the forheads of th●se that mourne for the abominations that are done in the middes of Ierusalem And let vs be assured of the same LORDS protection for vs and ours if we be such as from our hearts mourne for the detestable things are done amongst vs. Now the God of all grace that hath called vs to his eternall glory by Iesus Christ make vs perfect confirme strengthen and stablish vs that we may be kept blamelesse vnto the day of the Lord Iesus Christ To him be glory and dominion for euer Amen FINIS