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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10342 A sermon vpon part of the prophesie of Obadiah touching the destruction, as of Idumæans, so of Papists; and meanes whereby it must be wrought: preached at Saint Maries in Oxford by Iohn Rainoldes, on the 28. of October last. 1584. Rainolds, John, 1549-1607. 1584 (1584) STC 20623; ESTC S106047 14,278 33

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his goods and honour you as highly as Pharao did Ioseph yea hee shall reward you with a crown of glorie an incorruptible crown and yee shall shine as starres for euer and euer But if ye thinke his cōming to be farre of and so begin to smite the seruants and the maidens nay I would to God yee did smite them onely so that ye taught them too for that were a benefite but if ye famishe them and play the good felowes your selues with the world eate drink be drunken your master will come in a day when ye looke not for him in an houre that ye are not ware of wil cut you in peeces giue you your portion with the vnbeleeuers By the Roman lawes of the 12. tables if a man owed money vnto sundry creditours after iudgement giuen did not agree with thē himself or others for him his creditours might after certain daies respite cut his body in peeces take them ech a part therof Phauorinus the Philosopher reprooued this lawe as cruell barbarous But Caecilius the Lawier replyed well vpon him that so great a punishmēt was appointed of purpose that they might neuer com vnto it For now we see many said he laid vp fast cast into fetters because the paine of fetters is cōtemned by lewd persons But I neuer read nor heard that of olde time any was cut in peeces because they could not set light by that punishement Metius Fufetius the Prince of the Albanes hauing promised the Romane king Tullus Hostilius to succour him against his enemies did treacherously deceiue him by whō he was therfore tied to two carts his handes to the one his feet to the other so the horses being driuē contrary wayes he was torne in peeces Liuie misliketh this punishment as ouer sharp saith that ther was smal regard of humane lawes had in it But Uirgil weighing better the greatnesse of the fault aloweth it with graue censure At tu dictis Albane maneres Traitours in our dayes though they be not torne with horses as Metius yet are they rent in peeces as Metius was quartered The Papists complaine therof to foreine natiōs as of outragious tyrānie when they are put vnto it for traiterous factes against our prince But it is vsuall and lawful for the Pope as Leo the tenthes practise in Guicc●…ardin doth witnesse to quarter men for treason wrought against him Now this seuere punishment which hath bin thought fit by mortal Iudges to be laid vpon vnfaithful debters vpō treacherous persons vpon rebellious Traitours is the same that Christ the immortal iudge denounceth vnto you if ye be disloyall to God your soueraine Lord if ye breake promise with him and his seruants if yee pay them not the debt which yee owe them and giue them their portion of meat in due season A very greeuous punishment yet nothing to that which Christ importeth by it For hee doth import as the wordes following shew that yee shall haue your portion with the vnbeleeuers And the vnbeleeuers shall haue their portion in the lake that burneth with fire brimstone which is the second death Of Damocles a Heathen man it is recorded that whē Dionysius the Tyrant entertained him magnificently princely although at the first bee thought him selfe happie respecting the traine of men attendant on him the place of gold and siluer the gorgeous cloathes the sweet perfumes the Uiands most delicate all furniture rich and royall yet after seeing a sworde hanging by a threed let downe ouer his head he could take no ioy of his entertainment nay hee tooke griefe and desired earnestly to be dimissed from it How much lesse ioy should you take in your eating your drinking your pleasures with which as worldly baites the Prince of this world doth pamper your flesh against the day of slaughter sith there hangeth ouer your neckes an axe of vengeaunce not that may perhaps but that will assuredly not kyll your bodies onely but both bodies and soules not with temporall death but with euerlasting into hel fit ●… there shalbe weeping and gnashing of teeth O consider this yee that forget God least he teare you in peeces and there be none that can deliuer you The warriour that spoi leth the Idumaeans shall honour him and he that watcheth ouer the Israelites to saue thē shall see the saluation of God And thus much to them who through want of wil search not the secrete thinges of Esau. As for the defect which this exploite suffereth through want of habilitie because such as should doo it are eyther not trayned or not maintained to it in sufficient sort that is so much hurtfuller to vs then the former by how much the contagion of it spreadeth farder For souldiours ought to learne and practise feates of warre as x expert men haue noted before they deale in martiall affayeres with their enemies and as y they should employ themselues to no businesse but to their seruice onely so shoulde they be allowed victuals other necessaries that they need not to doe it Wherupon the Lord appointing Priestes and Leuites to serue him in this a warfare as Moses termeth it ministery alotted thē b offerings first frutes and tithes of all the land to liue by with c Cities to dwell in and groundes annexed therunto And beside the cōuentence of their abode together in Ierusalem and other Cities that they might the better betrained from their infancie to skill of the priestly and Leuitical duties to teach y e law of God and offer incense and Sacrifice there were also e Colleges and companies of Prophetes wherein the younger learned vnder the elder as children vnder fathers to be mē of God to prayse his name and teach his wil. These orders receiued by the Church of Israel should bee followed by ours though not in all particulars yet in the general equitie For as they who serued about the holy thinges did eate of the temple they who wayted at the Altar were partakers wyth the Altar so the Lord ordeined too that they who preach the Gospel should liue of the Gospel And Timothee who was chosen to serue in this warfare as a souldiour of Christ did not onely knowe the Scriptures frō his infancie but also was brought vp to the ministerie by S. Paul whose doctrine behauiour framed him vnto it In which consideration our Auncetours prouided houses Glebeland Tithes other profites for the commodious dwelling and maintenance of Pastours and endowed Byshoprickes Cathedral and Collegiat Churches as we call them with landes and reuenewes that learned godly Teachers being placed there myght instruct others by their doctrine and behauiour as S. Paul did Timothe For the fuller perfecting finishing of whom to all the Lordes worke they founded Uniuersities and Colleges therein also But I would to God these nurseries
not haue left some grapes Howe are the things of Antichrist sought out his secret things are searched Howbeit as S. Paul though he were assured that al who sailed with him sheuld escape aliue yet said that they could not escape except the mariners abode in the ship so though it be certaine that Antichrist and his members shalbe cōsumed yet cannot that be except they be set vpō by warriours For god doth worke by meanes ordinarily And this is the meanes that he hath ordeined for the atchieuing of that conquest as we sawe before in the Ambassadours message Arise let vs rise vp against her to battaile The warriours whose seruice the Lord doth vse therto are all his seruants in a sort his people most willing in the day of his armie but speciallie Preachers and Ministers of hys worde For his worde is the rodde of his mouth the breath the sword wherby he doth destroy his enemies ministers are souldiours by whose hand he weeldeth it For which cause their function is cōpared to warfare in that it is written by S. Paule Who goeth to warrefare any time at his owne cost And No man that warreth entangleth himselfe with affayres of life that hee may please him who hath chosen him to be a souldiour And God saith of thē by the Prophet Esay I haue set watchmē vpon thy walles O Ierusalem which all the day and all the night continually shall not cease The watchmen and warriours therefore of the Lorde the keepers of hys Church the conquerours of his enemies the spoylers of the Idumaeans the consumers of Antichrist and Antichristian impes are ministers of his word Pastors Teachers who to please him by whō they are chosen souldiours should not bee entangled with affaires of life to discharge their dutie should bee sent foorth and kept on publike cost to preserue their flocke shoulde watche day and night continually ouer it The lesse marueile is it if in our English Churches Antichrist and Edom bee not consumed yet nay if they attempt to consume vs if by Popish pollicies by superstitious tokēs by blasphemous writings by trayterous libels and conspiracies they vndermine our state if they take craftie counsaile against the people of God and say Let vs possesse his habitations by inheritance if they looke for a day when they may crie once againe rase it rase it to the foundation thereof in a word if they raunge through the land like woolues sucke the blood of sheep and lambes sith the shepheardes fayle the watchmen are a sleepe the warriours doo not fight through want somewhere of will somewhere of abilitie Of will where they entangle themselues with such affaires as draw them from their warfare and are not content to be watchmen in Ierusalem but they must haue a watchmanship in Caesarea too or if they haue one flocke alone yet doo not fee●… it but take their ease in Sion Of abilitie where there is not sufficient prouision for trayning of men to make them good souldiours nor maintenaunce sufficient to finde them being trained that setting all other cares of life apart they may attend their charge wholy To them heere amongest vs who through want of will are backwarde in this seruice of the Lorde God of Hoastes so much hath been spoken so often so earnestlie both out of this and other places that I am halfe ashamed againe to solicite them with Precept vpon precept Precept vpon Precept Notwithstanding as I haue read that when wee had gotten Calice from the Frenchmen there was one appointed to put them in remembraunce from time to time of Calice in all their solemne meetinges for State-consultations till they had regained it so I am perswaded that til the amendement of this fault bee woone it is most conuenient for the Lordes remembrancers in all our Church-assemblies to wish it to be thought of Wherefore to put you in minde euen nowe also of our Spirituall Calice I beseeche you fathers and brethren whom it toucheth nowe at length to regarde the state of the Soules the precious Soules of men committed to your charge whose blood if they perishe for lacke of that attendaunce which you ought to giue them will crye for sharper vengeaunce then did the blood of Abel Or if my perswasion cannot preuaile with you yet let his preuaile whose prayer hath preuailed for you who died himselfe that you might liue who saide and all thinges were created whose word the winds and seas obey Consider the function that hee hath called you to the dutie laide vpon you the reward if you do it the punishment if you doe it not Who is saith hee a faithful and wise Stewarde whom his master maketh ruler ouer his housholde to giue them their portion of meat in due season Blessed is that seruant whom his master when he commeth shall finde so doing verily I say vnto you he shall make him ruler ouer all his goods But if that seruant say in his hart my master doth deferre his cōming and begin to smite the seruants and maidens and to eate and drinke and to bee drunken that seruants master wyll come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an houre that he is not ware of and will cut him in peeces and giue him his portion with the vnbeleeuers Our Sauiour the sonne of God the king of kinges Lord of Lordes hauing entertained men and women of all degrees to be his houshold seruants is carefull to feede them with conueniēt food y t they may serue him in their vocatiō frutefully This food is the doctrine of his holy word which must bee deuided in diuers sorts vnto his seruāts according to their diuers states some to be fed with milk some with strong meat some humbled with y e law some raised with the gospell each to haue his portion of meat most wholesome for him Nor only must they haue it but haue it too in due season as oftē as they need it which is so oftē that y e holy Ghost to shew the cōtinuall necessitie thereof doth will it to be giuen them in season and out of season For as mens bodies should loose their temporall life vnlesse as they decay still so they were repaired with sustenance of meat and drink in like sort mens soules are fainting stil also to their hazard of life eternall vnlesse they be refreshed with the food of Gods word Wherefore that his seruants and maidens he not famished the master of the houshold hath made you his stewards to minister meat vnto thē If you behaue your selues as wise stewards faithful wise in discerning what portiō of meate they need eche and when faithfull in giuing it to them in due season your master shal come who now is absent as it were and gone into a farre countrie but he shal come againe and fill you with blessednesse he shal make you rulers ouer al