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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09658 Aggeus and Abdias prophetes the one corrected, the other newly added, and both at large declared. Pilkington, James, 1520?-1576. 1562 (1562) STC 19927; ESTC S105053 233,877 506

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grace strength● and boldnes to offer oure bodies to deathe withoute feare for the buildinge of Gods house rather then to see it lye waste troden vnder fete What greater comfort cā any Christians haue than in geuing their bodies to death for the buildinge of thys house whan he hears God saye that he is delited in their so doīg that he wil shew his glorie in them What greater promocion can a mā come to than to be one such instrumēt wherin God wil be delited and shew his glorie Death of the body is greuous to the flesh but death of the soule is a thousand times more fearful too a good man the one is a litle painfull for a tyme the other hath grefe without ende Therfore Christ saieth feare not them whiche kyll the bodye and can not hurt the soule but fear him which can cast bothe bodye soule into hel fire Suche an earnest loue shoulde we haue to the buildinge of Gods house bothe the hearers teachers bothe to build be builded by al meanes possible because he is so well delighted in it that we should feare neither losse of goods nor yet death of body no nor displeasur of mā so that we maye please God haue hym delighted in our doynges To please man is but a smal thinge but to please God is the greatest good thinge that can be he the honours me saieth God I wil glorifi him and he that cōfesseth me before men I wil confesse him before my father and he that is ashamed of me I will bee ashamed of hym and he that denies me before men I wil denie hym before my father in heauē verse 9 Ye haue looked for muche beholde it is but litle ye haue brought it into the house and I haue blowē on it And why so sayeth the Lord of hostes ▪ because thys is my hous● whiche lieth waste and 〈◊〉 runne euery one to his ow●● house ¶ The chiefest reasons too perswade 〈◊〉 euill man to leaue any wicked wayes 〈◊〉 to set before him and often to put hym 〈◊〉 remembraūce howe God hath ben angry● with hym when he did such thinges and punished him as long as he laye in suche forgettinge of his Lorde God and also to threaten him with greater plagues if he do continue in them styll Bothe these kyndes of counsayle doeth the Prophete here vse to sturre them vp to buylding of this house of God He bothe sundry 〈◊〉 cals to their remembraunce the great p●●●ges whiche they suffered ofte and longe afore tyme for not buyldinge Gods house and also biddes them not thinke that all their sorowe was at an ende but more greater scourges was hanging ouer their heads if they would not buylde his house earnestly and if they ceased not to sinne God woulde not cease to punish them and if they continued styll not regardinge the buyldinge of his house God woulde continue still encreasinge his curses on thē Ye haue ben gredy desiringe muche sayth the prophet ye haue scraped and scratched together all ye could laye your handes on ye haue spent your money and wroughte youre selues weary thinkinge to enriche your selues by suche meanes but beholde and marke it well and it is come but too litle Where the scripture vses to saye beholde there it tels some notable straunge thinge as this is here that their laboure wasted awaye vnprofitably they coulde not tel how That waye wherby all other waxe wealthy hathe done you no good those meanes whiche God vses to woorke by in other and blesse them in you it hath not gone forwardes accordinge to youre expectation and lokinge for yea and that whiche is most merueilous youre corne other fruites hath not onely not encreased in the fielde but whē it hath ben brought into the barnes it hath consumed there you coulde not tell how A man woulde thinke his corne were sure inoughe when it is in the barne for whilest it is in the fielde it is subiect to many daungers as blassinge myldews frost byting thunder beating layde with a raine or shakē with the wind stolē or eaten with beastes c. but euen in youre varnes saieth God I haue blowen on it It is as easye for me saieth God to waste it in the house as in the field For if I but blow on it it is not able to stande in my sight And as afore he saide their money fell out of the purse botome so now in their houses their fruites were not sure No locke vp in stoone houses if ye will it is as easy for God too consume it there as to blow a blast with hys mouth yea nothing shal withstande hym whatsoeuer ye deuise but he will take it frō you ye shal not haue your pleasure by displeasing God nor any thing shall prosper with you vntil ye build him his house that is to say maintain his pure religiō defend his honour forsake your vain pleasures refrain your gredy coueteousnes The defēding of true religion with a good godly life is nowe the true buyldinge of Gods house nowe commaunded vnto vs and that man Citie or countrye whiche doeth not build this house so hath shall haue the like plages fall on theym vntyll they ernestly build this house of the Lords For as a kinge is stablished in his kingedome whan his godly lawes are taughte kepte and that realme is strongly buylded and blessed of God wher good order is maintained so is Gods church cōgregatiō wel surely builded where gods word religion is purely taught sin punished vertue embraced God can no more suffer his lawes to be contēned or his honor geuen to Idols thā kings can suffer their kingdoms to be betraied to their enemies For as in the hole history of the Iewes cōmon welth in the boke of the Iudges and the kings while the people liued in the fear of the Lord kept his religion geuen thē from God thei were defended by god from all enemies round about thē were thei neuer so many so stronge But when they would worship God either as thei lust thē selues or not at al or els as he did not appoint them thā they were geuen into the hand of the Philistins Ammonites Chaldees Egiptians c. somtime for the space of .40 yeares sometime .18 sometime 70. and whan they were least three years So shall all they that buylde not or pull doune Gods true religiō set vp the Popes taughte by manne and not of God lykewise be punished or worse eyther wyth hunger pestilence swoorde or blynde ignoraunce not knowynge God and bee geuen vp too theyr owne lustes without remorse of conscyence or anye feare of God whyche is the greatest plague that can be Marke oute of oure owne Chronicles what was the estate of th●● oure Realme when we were made Tributaries to the Romayns by Iulius Ceasar and so continued .400 yeares more Or
our appointed time If this were well considered it woulde make our proude Peacockes feathers too fall when we remember frome whence we come and whither we shall and how we be not able too thinke of oure selues a good thoughte but that all oure goodnes is geuen vs of God and vnto him we bee traytours and theeues if we be proude of his giftes and geue not him worthy thākes for them but take the prayse to oure selues Thus by degrees doth God encrease his plages and threatning not destroying vs at the firste but by layinge on vs one litle rodde at the first he biddeth warneth vs to beware of the next for that wil be greater if we amend not this he doth by his other Prophetes also In Osee he cōpares hym self to the mothe Lyon in punishing for the mothe doth not eate vp clothes hastely but by leasur by litle and litle but the Lyon deuoureth vp all at once So saieth God I will be no more onely as a mothe in clothes in punishing you so gently and by leasure for by that gentle kynde of punishinge ye waxe wors● 〈◊〉 worse but I will come now as a Liō and destroye you quickely for ye abuse my gētlenes and I can not hold my handes any longer beside you Lorde soften oure har● hearts that wher we be gilty in thesame fault of negligent buyldinge thy house we may heare and feare those great 〈◊〉 teninges towardes vs wee maye dri●●● thee and obtayne mercy for our sins pa●● and here after be more diligente too serue thee verse 12 Then Zerobabel the sonne of Salathiel and Iosua y● sonne of Iehozadac the hyghe Priest and all the remnaūt of the people gaue eare vnto the voyce of the Lorde their God and vnto the woordes of Aggens the Prophete ●● as much that the Lord their God sent hym and the people were afraid in the sight of God verse 13 13 And Aggeus the messenger of the Lorde sayd in the messages of the Lorde to the people sayinge I am with you saieth the Lorde ¶ Hitherto from the beginninge hathe ben nothinge but chydinge and threateninge for their greate negligence in buyldinge Gods house nowe folowes the profite and commoditie that came by suche a sharpe kynde of rebukinge They began to geue eare vnto it marke it and were afrayde too heare and consider those plages whiche yet hanged ouer their heads they beleued those sayinges too bee true whiche Aggeus sayde vnto them and thei ●eared God This is the ordinary way that God vseth to teache by whiche the scripture sets before vs to learne too beleue in God and feare him First to rebuke sinne and declare the anger of God towardes sinners and preache repētaunce as Ihon Baptist and oure sauioure Christe began to preache repent the kyngdome of God is at hāde Fayth commeth by hearing saith sainct Paule and hearinge by the woorde of God therefore he that will beleue and haue his fayth encreased must be diligent in the scriptures too heare sermons and marke what God saieth vntoo vs there What maruayl is it if the Papistes haue so litle faith seing thei reade not the scripture and hold opinion that it is not necessary yea not to be suffered that the scripture should be muche read or taughte but the Popes lawes customes and decr●es The whole scripture hath these .ii. chiefe partes into the whiche it is deuided the lawe and the Gospell the lawe contaynes properly the setting forth of sinne threatninges curses Gods anger toward sin●● remorse of conscience for thesame dānation hel despaire the Gospel contains cōfort hope forgeuenesse mercies in Christ heauen saluation agrement with God Thus teaches s. Paule sayinge the lawe workes anger within a man in consciēce towards him self for displeasing his 〈◊〉 God and also declares what is sinne the angre and iust iudgement of God for sin By the law comes the knowledge of syn Agayn he saieth I had not knowen coueting lusting and desiring for any vnlawfull thing to haue ben sinne except the law had said thou shalt not lust nor couet The gospel is the power of God to saue al that beleue in Christ whiche saieth come to me all ye that laboure and are laden I will refreshe you thus God loued the worlde that he gaue his onelye begotten sonne c. with many suche like promises as if any man sinne we haue an aduocate with the father c. this profit came here to this people by preaching the law of God and threatninges vnto theym that they whiche were afore so forgetful of their duties now hearing the great anger vengeaunce of God that hanged ouer their heads ready to fal on them it styrred them vp to do their duties and fear God Thus maye we here se the fonde tender eares of them which would not heare nor haue the law preached but all together the swete comfortable promises mercies in Christ nor can not abide the anger of God iuste iudgement for sinne to be taught saying it bringes a man into dispaire and that it is not nowe in the time of grace mete too be preached A man as he is made of bodye soule so hath he the lawe geuen hym too beate doune the lustes of the fleshe and keepe hym in due feare to his Lorde and God least the soule should despaire when it cōsiders the greatnes of the sinne whiche the fleshe and mynde drawes hym to he hath the cōfort of Christ offered vnto him in the gospell So least we be proud forget God we haue the lawe geuen too set before vs the righteousnesse of those thinges which God requires of vs oure weake vnable●nes to fulfill thesame and the righteous sentence of deathe and Gods anger pro●nounced vpon all that fulfill not thesame lawe But least we shoulde despayre 〈◊〉 haue the vnspeakeable mercies of God ●●●fered vnto vs in his sonne whiche by hys death hath conquered death and paied the full price for the sins of the whole world He biddeth vs when we feele oure owne weakenes vnablenes to fulfill his law to come vnto hym aske help and mercy at his handes and doubte not thereof but it shal be graunted For as we see in iudgementes here amongest vs there is a royal seate set where the iudge sittes he that is accused standes at the barre holdes vp his hande heares his enditement redde witnes is broughte in againste him and ●● iustly condempned to death so we shal see Iesus Christe the righteous iudge of the worlde that will not be brybed sit in hys seate of maiesty at the laste daye all the companye of Aungels about him and we shall stande at the barre as accused en●yted for breakinge that righteous lawe of his woorde the deuill whiche entised vs so to do shal beare witnes that to be true yea and our own conscience also the fea● of
¶ Aggeus and Abdias Prophetes the one corrected the other newly added and both at large declared The earnest loue that I beare to thy house hath eaten me Psal. lxix Ioan. ii Phinees hath tourned awaye my anger because he was moued with loue of me Num. xxv Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres 1562. ¶ A Preface to al that loue the earnest promotinge of Gods glorye in his Churche by true religion ALthoughe the commen vsage of dedicating bookes is to require the defense of some woorthye personage of learnynge or authoritye for the thing that it is written yet the maiestie of the matter in thys boke is such that it rather defendes than sekes defence and thexample of the Prophet whych wrytes it not to one but manye suffers me not to sende it to any one sorte of menne particularly but generallye to all that should vnfeinedly promote the encrease of Gods glory bicause all degrees of men do owe a dutye to the buildinge of this gods house And if anye offence be taken as God knowes none is purposelye giuen the defence of manye is greater than of a fewe and that authoritye or credite which one manne alone can not bring to passe al iointly together shal more easely obtaine The Prophet is sent from God to the Prince the highe Priest and the people so I speake to the rulers the ministers and comminalty The cheef intent of his Prophecie is to stirre all to the spedye buildinge of Gods house whiche they had so long neglected my labour is to bring some of euery sort for al is not possible to an earnest fortheringe of gods true religion of late most mercifullye restored vnto vs which not long agoe most cruellye was persecuted of manye yet hated and of euery man almost now to coldlye folowed and practised But if this Prophecy were read and depelye considered with such a hungry desire of gods glorye as the Prophete spake and wrote it and I for my parte and pore abilitie haue declared it I doute not but the good should be stirred by gods spirit more earnestly to seke gods glory the froward shuld be afrayed of gods plague ashamed stubbernely to striue against the trueth cōtinually The state of religion in these our miserable dayes is much like to the troublesom time that this Prophet liued in God graunt that after many greuous stormes it may take like roote in vs as it did than in them After the long captiuity of gods people in Babilon god gaue them gracyous king Cyrus which set them at liberty and sent them home to builde Goddes house So after our longe Romish slauerye God raysed vs vp good kynges which restored vs gods booke that long had bin buried and loused vs from the bondage of straunge gods forreyn powers cruell hipocrites and wicked Idols And as after that short fredome vnder good Cirus ensued the crueltye of Hamman for negligently handling gods buildinge And not long after milde Ester came blouddy Antiochus for their falling from god So for our talking gospel and not worthely walking nor folowing it vnder our gracyous late Iosias crept out a swarm of Romish waspes stinging to death all that would not worship their Gods nor beleue their doctrine God for his mercies sake graūt that now for our vnthankful coldnes in gods cause vnder our myld Ester burst not out again bloudy Antiochus with his whelpes iustly to auenge our cold slacknes in gods religion and insensible dulnes Gods word is neuer offered and geuen in vaine or to vse at our pleasure but it workes eyther saluacion in them that here beleue and folowe it or els condemnacion in them that proudely despise it sturdely rebell or forgetfully do heare and vnthankfullye receyue his mercies Therefore as after a storme folowes a calme and after winter comes sommer so nowe where God hath geuen a breathing time lest our weakenes had not bene able to haue borne hys heauy displeasure anye longer let vs earnestlye applye our worke whan we haue time for the nyghte wyll come whan no man shall be able to worke If this be true as it is most true in deede that euerye dede of our sauiour Christ is our instruction also that what thynges soeuer are wrytten they be writtē for our learning as S. Paul teacheth let vs cal to remēbraunce what zele earnest loue our sauiour Christ especially shewed in building his fathers house and restoringe the true vnderstanding of the scriptures frō the supersticious gloses of the Scribes Pharises and also what a feruent desire of promoting gods glory our fathers haue shewed afore vs that we may be good scolers of our schoolemaister Christe Iesus and obedient childrē walking in the steppes of our fathers Oure Lorde and sauyour christ comming into the temple and finding it full of biers sellers and chaungers was greeued to see Gods house so misused gate a whippe and droue them al out saiyng My house is a house of praier but ye haue made it a denne of theues so surely al Christians whiche vnfeynedly● beare the name of christ and zelously loue the building of his house woulde gladlye see sinne punyshed and lamente that the whip of Gods disciplyne is not shaken in gods house to the driuing out and confusion of all gredy theues which if they can not get in at the dore by lawfull meanes wil climbe in at the wyndowe and for a litle money wil sel the bodyes and soules of Christes sheepe and make gods house the Popes market place But as she that had so much worke to doe that she could● not tell where to begin sate her downe left al vndone so I say worldly wise men see so many thinges out of order in Gods house and so little hope of redresse that they can not tell which to correct or amēd first and therefore let the whippe lye stil and euery man to do what him lust sin to be vnpunished And not onely this euil reignes but the worlde is come to such a dissolute liberty and negligēt forgetting of god that men sleping in sinne nede not so much a whip to driue anye out of the Churche so fewe come there but they nede a great sorte of whips to driue some fewe thitherwarde For come into a Church on the Sabboth day and ye shall see but few though there be a sermon but the alehouse is euer full Wel worth the Papistes therfore in their kind for they be earnest zelous and painful in their doinges they will build their kingdom more in one yeare with fire and fagot than the colde gospellers will do in seuen A popishe summoner spy or promoter will driue mo to the church with a worde to heare a latin masse than seuen Preachers will brynge in a wekes preaching to heare a godly Sermon If this be not true remember the late dayes of popery and see who durst offend him that weere a shauen crowne Who loked so high
people of 〈…〉 it is not yet time too buylde gods 〈◊〉 And so because the rebuke is general 〈◊〉 all sortes younge and olde 〈…〉 learned and vnlearned they maye 〈◊〉 stande that it is their duties to build go●● house what manner of men so euer they be What a comforte is this for the poor vnlearned man whan he heareth that 〈◊〉 refses not but requires takes in good woorthe that litle seruice whiche he 〈◊〉 and willes him to builde his house 〈◊〉 wel● as the ●yche that he should not 〈◊〉 god loues not poore men nor 〈◊〉 are not able to serue him but he loue 〈◊〉 onelye the ●yths and learned and they mu●●● serue hym Nor agayne he most not thinke I maye doe what I will God cares not for me no● he hath no worke for me to doe in his house It is in buyldinge Gods spirituall house as it is here with vs in oure buyldinges In buyldinges there bee maister Masons and Carpēters which do deuise the worke drawe out the facion of it set their men on woorke there bee also some that fell trees cary stones bringe morter and make cleane the place c. So in buyldinge gods house there be riche learned there be poore and meaner learned but the lowest and meanest of al as he is the creature of God and made not him selfe soo god hath some woorke for him to doe and requires his seruice If he be not a ruler or a preacher yet he hath wyfe and chyldren whome he must se liue in the feare of god and that god wil require of his hand and though he be not maried but both lame blind yet he hath a body and soule which Christe dyed for and they be the house of God and temple of the holy Ghost which we should buylde and of that thou shalte make accoumpt He that hath receyued greater giftes hath a greater charge and more worke shall be looked for of him but if he haue no more but life in him and be not able to styrre any part of him neither hande nor foote yet god will looke that hys mynde shal be continually occupied 〈◊〉 prayer for him selfe and others that he 〈◊〉 no dronkard glutton c. and thynke no● but this is the hyghest seruice that the 〈◊〉 man liuing can do to god Such a louin●e god is our god euen to the poorest man l●uing that he geues him as wel as the ryc●● all thinges indifferently whiche shoulde bring hym to heauen as baptisme fayth ▪ hoope and charitie repentaunce prayer fasting auoyding whoredom theft murther anger c. all are as cōmon as eas●● to come by or rather more easy for the poore then the ryche He disdaynes not but thākefully takes the poorest seruice that 〈◊〉 least creature he hath can do so that he 〈◊〉 it diligently and willingly wil reward that litle so done as liberallye as he doeth the greater He that hath receyued muche shall make a counte of muche and he that hath but litle yet shall make a counte 〈◊〉 that litle But this is marueylous that where all sortes of the people were in faulte 〈◊〉 Prophet is sent by commission from god ▪ namely to Zerubabel the chiefe ruler i● the common wealth and to Iosua the hye Priest as though they had onely synned or they coulde or shoulde remedye thys matter What reason seemes this that when many do offende a few shal be rebuked when all the people be negligent the chiefe rulers both in Ciuil matters of the comō wealth and the chiefe Prieste highest in matters of religion are blamed This is the hye wisedom of god the mans wyt can not attayne vnto and there is greate reason if it be wel considered why it shoulde be so God our heauenly father knowinge the crookednes of mans heart how readye we be all to euil hath appoīted rulers in the comon wealthe too minister iustice punish sinne defend the right cause mē to do their dueties And in his churche he hath placed Preachers to teache his lawe to pul downe superstitiō Idolatry too styrre vp the slouthful negligēt to serue and fear him If either the one or bothe of these rulers be negligēt in their office the people which be alwais readi to seke their owne ease pleasurs fal frō god but god wil punish the ruler for their negligēce that neither they did their duties thē selfs nor see the people doe theirs and thei shal be gilty of the sins of the people and partakers of their wickednes because it was done through their negligence in not punishing and seing the people do their duties bothe to god and man Speake to Zerubabell y● sōne of Salathiel ruler of Iehuda and to Iosua Whan God gathered his church 〈◊〉 ▪ he appointed Moyses and Aaron two ●●●thren to be the chief rulers of the people the one in religion and the other in Ciuil matters to teach vs that these two kin●● of rulers be lawful and necessary in a common wealth that they should loue sticke together like brethren ▪ that the one with the woorde and the other with the sworde shoulde ioyntely buylde gods house pull downe Antichrist the Pope and set vp the kingdome of Christ. When the chyldren of Israel had committed idolatry in Baal Peor and fallen to adultry with the wo●men of Moab Moyses in the name of god commau●des all the Rulers of the people to be hanged on gallowes againste the Sunne be●cause they did not their dueties in keping the people from such mischiefe To the preachers saieth Ezechiel thou sonne of man I haue made thee a watche manne to the house of Israel thou shalt heare woordes of my mouth and shew them from me If I saye to the wicked thou wicked thou shalt dye the death thou wilt not speak to him that he maye kepe him frome hys wickednes the wicked shal dye in his wickednes but I wil require his bloudde of thy handes but if he wil not leaue hys wickednes when thou tel best him he shall dye in his wickednes ▪ and thou hast saued thine owne soule because thou hast done thy duety in warning him By these punishementes we maye se that it is neyther the duety of Ciuyll rulers by what name so euer they be called to be negligēt in their duety or to set in an euill deputy for them to gather vp the profites that they may go hawke or hunte game or keepe whores for god that gaue theym that authoritiye will loke ▪ for a count for it of them nor that it is lawfull for Bishop Deane ▪ Archedeacon ▪ Prebendarie or Parson to set in a parish priest to make cōiured water serue the people in a straunge tunge which neither he nor they vnderstande for by these meanes the people be not amended Hely hauing complayntes made to him of the vnhappines of his chyldren fell and brake his necke because he would
Mary when the Aungel saluted her wōdred that God would cal such a poore mayden virgyn to be the mother of his sonne But euer he that thinks him self vnworthy God takes him as worthy those that thinke so highly of thē selues that they be worthy God refuses makes vnworthy Therefore let euery man that feeles him self in consciēce withdrawē frō doing his duty to god by any kynd of sin say thus to him self Is it tyme for thee to delite thy self in this or y● kynd of synne gods house vnbylt Think y● god hath left this in writing to rebuke hī styrre him vp to be more diligēt in repairīg his house wherin god dwels And let eueri mā cōfort him self that god not onli requires but takes in good part the least seruice that the poorest mā liuing cā do And as he saide afore in the seconde verse this people sayeth it is not tyme to buylde c. nothinge the vnkyndenes of that people to whome he had so often and longe ben so louinge a Lorde and maister So he sayeth now this house lyes waste to set out before them y● greatnes of theyr disobedience that they did not neglect and leaue vnbuylt a common house a Bishop● palaice or an Abby but that house wherin God him selfe sayde he woulde dwell where onely they shoulde offer their sacrifices whiche onely not oute of the whole worlde but amonge the places townes cytyes in all Iewry he chose by name too be worshipped in in whiche onely he was moste delited and made promys to Salomon in the dedicacion of thesame that he woulde heare the prayers of the that there called vpon hym in faith That house thei did not onely suffer it to decaye but were so forgetful of it that they let it lye waste desolate layde no hande to it as thought it belonged not to them nor it were theyr duety they hadde so farre forgotten God whiche willed them so straightely to do it The Lord for his mercy sake graunt that thesame vnkyndnes maye not be layde iustly against vs whiche leaue that house vnhuylt yea treade vnder oure feete like filthy swyne wherin not the sacrifices of Moyses are offered but for the saluation of whiche Christ offered his bodye a sacrifice to be kylled and his bloude shed and in whiche his holy spirite dwelles if thorough vnthankefulnes we driue him not awaye This house is the holy churche of Christe generally and oure owne bodyes and soules particulerly which be not only membres and partes of his misticall body but the temple and house where the holye Ghoste dwelles where in he wil chiefly be worshipped verse 5 And now thus sayth the Lord of hostes cōsider in your harts your owne waies verse 6 You haue sowen muche and broughte in but litle ye haue eaten and not ben satisfied ye haue dronke and not ben filled with drinke ye haue ben clothed and not kept warme ye haue wrought for wage put your wages in a purse with a hole in the botome ¶ Although ye haue lien lōg without consideratiō of your duty toward God hys house buylding haue ben sore punished of god not knowē the cause of it haue sought your pleasur profit but not obtained them being so blinded in fulfillinge your worldly lustes yet now the mightye Lord of hostes power whome all other creaturs except you obey giues you warning now to cōsider better in youre heart your tyme past not so negligētly wey the working of god with you for he hath lōg punished you to haue had you to amend ye regard it not at all Synne of it self is darkenes whosoeuer walkes in sinne ▪ walkes in darkenes knowes not what he doeth if a man geue him self to be ruled by sin it makes of fooles mad men darkenes so the reasō that it knowes not what to do or saye They had thus many yeares ben plaged knew not the cause why but layd it on some other chaūce then not building gods house which was the chief cause or els like insensible beastes without the feare of God regarded it not as though it had come of some natural cause god had not plaged their sinne But as his disease is most perillous which lies sicke feeles not his sickenes nor can not cōplayne of one parte more than an other for thā the disease hathe equally troubled the whole body so they which lye walowing in syn so forgetting God al goodnes that thei fel● no remorse of consciēce are desperate almost past all recouery yet God most mercifully dealing with this people sendes his Prophet to warne them sturre thē oute of their slepe that their thei should no longer so lightly wey Gods displeasure towardes them but depely wey why and wherfore these plages were thus poured vpō them The scholemaister correctes not his scoler nor the father his child but for some fauts for their amendment no more hath God sent these plages to you so many yeares but to remēber you of your disobediēce towards him that ye should turn to hym But if the leude scoler or vnthrifty sonne do not regarde the correction laid vpō him nor cōsider not the greatnes of his faulte nor the displeasure of his father or scholemaster ther is no goodnes to be hoped for of him so is it w e you if ye thus lightly or els not at all cōsider your lyfe paste Gods dealing with you how euil things haue prospered with you all the time ye thus haue disobeyed god Whē the life of mā pleases god saies Salomō all things prosper go forwards with him but whā he offendes his god all creaturs turn to his hurt hinderaunce If thou heare the voyce of the Lord thy God saith Moyses and kepe all the commaundementes which I teache thee the Lorde wil make thee greater than al other people thou shalt be blessed in the citie and in the fielde thy chyldren the fruit● of the earth and all thy cattel thy shep● ▪ Oxen shal be blessed and increase but yf thou heare not the voyce of the Lorde thy God and kepe his cōmaundements thou shalt be cursed in the towne in the field● thy chyldren shal be cursed and the fruit● of the earth and the fruit of thy cattel thy sheepe and thy Oxen the Lord will sende vpon thee nede and trouble and destructiō on euery thinge thou goest aboute vntyll he destroye thee c. These plagues when they fall in any country are not lightlye to be considered But as the Phisicion seing in a glasse by the water the disease within the body by the learninge searches out the cause of the disease and ministers good things for thesame so in lokinge in the glasse of gods worde the diseases and sinnes which are in common wealthes we shall soone perceyue the cause of these plagues wholsomely minister some
goodes whiche shoulde haue necessarely ben bestowed to the buyldinge of gods house we shoulde not haue felt gods rodde so sharpeli but God would haue ben pleased and shewed his glorie amonge vs. But whan men would not geue lād● fast inough to Abbeys than the Pope rather than his chaplēs should want would robbe many Parisshes to fede his mōkes God graunt that the gospell maye restore that iustly whiche the Pope toke wrongfully awaye and gaue them yet a right● name of impropriations because improperly thei be takē away properly belong to the parishes The workemā is worthy hys byre he that serues the gospel muste lyue of the gospel Therfore those impropriacions whiche take awaye the Preachers liuinge be againste the woorde of God But what doeth this belong to vs or oure time doth goo require of vs to build him Abbeis Nunries Chauntries c. no surely but this was an outwarde exercise for that grosse harde harted people for a time to be excused in that they should not buylde temples to Idols ▪ and teacheth vs to buylde god spirituall house wherin we maye offer spirituall sacrifices prayers to him where in he is well delited will shew his Maiestye This house is nowe for vs to be vnderstande generallye the hole churche and companye of Christians and the bodye and soule the hearte minde or conscience of all Christiās particularly wherein god dwels by his holy spirite as sainct Paule saieth to the Corinthians Do ye not knowe that your bodyes be the temples of the holy ghoste and whiche he hath sanctified to be kept holy for him self alone by Baptisme and for the whiche Christe hath died that we mighte liue by 〈◊〉 whome he hathe redemed with hys 〈◊〉 and wasshed cleane from all sinne 〈◊〉 shoulde liue no more to our owne lustes and desires but to him that hath redemed vs. It is written that God dwels not in Tempels made with handes nor is worshipped with any worke of mānes hādes but he is a spirite an inuisible substance and wil be worshipped in spirite truthe not in outwarde woordes onely of the lippes but with the depe sighes gr●ninges of the heart and the hole power of the mynde and earnest hearty callinge on hym in prayer by faithe And therfore he doeth not so muche require of vs to ●uyld him a house of stone and timber but hath willed vs to praye in all places and hath taken awaye that Iewish and Popish holinesse whiche is thoughte too be more in one place than an other All the earthe is the Lordes and he is present in all places ▪ hearinge the peticions of them which call on him in faithe Therfore those Bishops which thinke with their coniured water too make one place more holy than the reste are no better than Iewes deceyuinge the people teachinge that onely to be holy which thei haue censed crossed oyled and breathed vpon For as Christ saide to the woma● thinkinge one place to be holier to 〈◊〉 than an other Woman beleue 〈◊〉 time is come whā ye shal worship 〈◊〉 ●t Ierusalem nor in this byl but the true worshippers shal worship God in spirite truthe so is it now saide the place makes not the man holy but the man makes the place holy and ye shal doe worship youre Idols stockes stones neither at Walsingham Ipswich Cāterbury nor Shene for God chuses not the people for the place sake but the place for the people sake But if ye be in the middest of the fielde God is as ready to heare youre faithfull prayers as in any Abbey or Nunrye yea a thousand times more for the one place he hates as defiled with Idolatry and the other he loues as vndefiled and cleane If the good man lye in pryson tyed in chaynes or at the stake to be burned for Gods cause that place is holy for the holines of the man the presence of the holy Ghooste in him as Tertullian sayeth Yet there shoulde be common places appointed for the people too assemble and come together in to prayse oure God For where the Apostle rebuked them whiche woulde not resorte with the rest of the Christians to make their common praiers together to hear his woorde and receiue his sacraments it proues they had some common place to resort to And where saincte Paule requires that all thinges should be done in a comely order what can be more comely or agreing to good order then 〈◊〉 haue a time appointed and a place too resorte vnto together to worship oure onely God Nay how shal they come together ●●cept place and time be appointed Howe shal they know when whither to resort vnappointed How canne the sheepehearde teache his sheepe if he haue not a folde to gather them together in In the Apostles time when the rulers were not christened they resorted into priuate houses and chaūbers by the water side 〈◊〉 worship their God but when princes became christened they had churches appo●●●ted for them yet all these prayers preachinges that were priuely in parlers and by the waterside were as pleasaunte too God yea better peraduēture for cōmonly they came of a greater and better l●ue 〈◊〉 faith as ours be now Those also whiche than were buried in no halowed churche nor churcheyarde nor christē moldes as they be called when it is no better then other earth but rather worse for the cōm●●●● that Bishops vse about it were no worse then they which were buried with al solēnitie It appeares in the gospel by the Legion liuing in graues the widdows some going to burial Christ buried withoute 〈◊〉 Citie c. that then thei buried not in halowed Churchyeardes by any Bishops but in a seuerall place appointed for thesame purpose without the Citie which custome remains to this day in many godli places As that thē was lawful no hurt to the ded so is it nowe one place is as holy as an other to be buried in sauinge that cōly order requires the bodies not to be cast awai because thei were the temples of the holy ghost shal be glorifed at the last dai again but semely to be buried an honest place to be kept seueral frō beastes vnreuerēt vsing thesame for thesame vse It is Popish to beleue that which the bishops doe teach that place to be more holi then the rest which thei haue halowed as thei sai with washing it with their cōiured water crossing cēsings processiōs c. that God wil hear our praiers afore one Idol or Image rather then an other or in one Abbey as pleases thē to apoint him rather than an other Wher it pleases thē to graūt mani daies of pardon ther God must hear their praiers soner work mo miracles so God is become their seruaūt shal be wher thei wil apoint him But blessed be the God our lord which by the
light of his word doth cōfoūd all such wicked fōd fātasies as thei can deuise to fil their bellies maintayne their authoritie Churches be Gods schoole house the preacher is a schoole maister sent from God is teache vs his woorde we be his scholers and thyther must resort to learn oure lessons and his holy wil to amend our liues ▪ to make our praiers to him desiring mercye for our wickednes past and beg gra●e and strength for that whiche is to come to thanke him for all his goodnes so mercifully poured vpon vs to receiue his Sacra●mentes and professe our fayth which w● haue in him For these causes must we haue churches as common places to res●● vnto vse thē with such comelines as be●comes men professing Christ and not 〈◊〉 binde any holines to this churche or th● churche as though it laye in vs too ma●● holy or vnholy when and what we lust As sainct Maries in Cambridge was had inough to saye masse in for three yea●● space all that woulde not heare it mus●● be prisoned althoughe Bucer was the● burried but whan it pleased the Carnal● commissioners to saie it was not holy be●cause he laye buried there than the Heretike muste bee digged vp and burned 〈◊〉 their masses were woorth nothinge A● other mighte lye still and not hurte the●● masses though they were of his opinion The house of God nowe for vs left 〈◊〉 buylde is sometime called in scripture generally the whole company of Christians and sometime euery particular man as sainct Paul teaches Timothe how to liue in the house of God whiche is the churche and congregation of God the piller seat of truth And to the Hebrues it is writen you be the house of God perticularly also it is sayde to euery man doe ye not know that your bodyes be the temple of the holy ghosts and he that defiles the temple of God him wil God destroy Again ye be the husbandry of God and the building of god And sainct Peter saieth ye are buylt like liuely stones for a spirituall house of God This spiritual house muste be diligently buylded of vs and the buyldinge of thys house of wood and stone amonge the Iewes was a figure of this spiritual house buyldinge for oure dayes This is that whiche sainct Paule calles so often edifiynge or buyldinge one an other and that edification whiche he speakes so muche of in all his Epistles that is as much to saye as one to sturre vp an other to vertue and godlines For as the buyldinge goes forward and encreases by laying to one stone after an other and one poste or tree after an other vntill the house be finished So we by goinge forwarde dayly in the feare of God and godlines shal at lengthe bee ● meete house for God too dwell in This house is the bodye soule of man whiche must be buylt with dayly hearinge God● woorde praier mercie faith with godly exercises as s. Paule saieth ye be cytezens with saincts of Gods house builded in the foūdacion of the Apostles the prophetes God because he would haue vs alwaies praying calling on hī for his help hath so ordred the matter that this eart●● house of ours wherin he dwels should alwaies be in building or repairinge that we should not be ydle and thinke we ha● done our duty but euer desiringe him 〈◊〉 help forward the building of this his 〈◊〉 If we ouercome one euil affectiō straight waies rises an other after one tēpta●● cometh an other the deuill neuer ceases to throw doune oure house Dauid sa●●th except the Lord build the house they labor but in vayn which build it Let vs doe all we can therfore pray the lord to further our worke the rulers with the sword defēd the good punish the euil the preachers with y● word the scholemasters by their teaching the fathers by bringing vp their childrē the maisters by correctiō of their seruāts the peple in obeyīg their heads neighborly loue euery one defend true religiō to the vttermost of his power driue away the Pope his baggage and as occasiō requires guide the ignorāt rebuke croked stomaks amēd fautes in the feare of the Lord bring into the right way all such as run astrai that thei may be mete houses for God to dwell in Thus hath euery mā a part in bylding gods house but the greatest porciō is lefte to euery man which is his own consciēce to amend that he finds amisse in him self because euery man knowes him self best Great faultes onely do appeare vnto the worlde by rulers muste be punished but the priuy hid faults which euery mā knowes in him self for the moste parte for no man knowes all that be within him self muste bee corrected within him selfe by prayer sighinge repentaunce and asking forgiuenes Dauid saieth who knoweth his owne faults Lord clense me from my priuy hid secret sins spare thy seruaūt frome other mens sins Thus must euery one him self seuerally and iontly altogether clime vp to the hils that is our lofty mindes cut doune the penishe desires of oure heartes though it be painfull also correct the hye minded whiche are called often in the scripture hylles and cutte doune the highe trees growinge on the toppes of them That is to saye to bringe into good 〈◊〉 the high men of the world whiche should geue good exāple for the people to folowe and to punishe their fautes and rebuke them as well as the lower sorte They muste neither for feare nor flattery leaue theym vnpunished nor saye that is good which is euil afore God For as God ha●● geuen one lawe for all men highe lowe to liue after and like a righteous iudge wil punishe all that breake it So must al indifferently be punished here if rulers ● ministers do their duety that breake hy● lawes God hath geuen no more liberty● to sinne to the ryche than to the poore 〈◊〉 hath not willed th one to be punished and the other to escape but generally indifferently hath sayd to all that soule whi●● sinnes it shal dye and in iudgemente ye shal regarde no person but iustly iudge y● whiche is iust neyther condēyne the poor● because he is poore nor deliuer the ryche because he is ryche So must the preacher tell euery man his duetye spare neither high nor low neither flatter the ryche for rewardes nor feare the mightye for highe lokes or bitter woordes for whan he does his worst he can not hurte thy soule but a litle punish thy body These are hard hyls to clim and croked trees to fraine meete for any worke yet it muste be done God requires this of euery mannes hande too bringe some thinge to the buylding of his house and according to his power And if we marke these woordes well we shal see our
here to runne to their owne houses that is as muche to sai as with al their wit and power they do satisfye their owne lustes seeke their pleasures hunt and gape for their own profit ▪ to enryche them selues buylde costly houses and laye lande too lande and neuer thinke they haue inough Woulde to God they whiche preache Christ were not gyltye in not buyldinge Gods house as they shoulde as well as others bee If it be taught of contencion ambicion or vayne glory Paule sayeth he is glad that Christ is preached but woo bee to him that teaches for suche causes and preaches not for pure loue and duety to his Lord God seekinge his own glorie All preachers must saye bee their giftes neuer so greate not vnto vs Lorde not vnto vs but to thy name geue all prayse and glorie And all the bearers muste saye wee do not beleue the worde because suche a man teaches it but because God spake it for the authoritie of the gospell hanges not on the messenger which bringes it but on gods maiestie whiche sendes it For as Peter and Ihon when thei had healed the blind begger and the people maruayled sayd why do ye wonder as though we had done this by our owne power and holines so 〈◊〉 all Preachers saye wonder not at vs 〈◊〉 prayse God whose messengers we be 〈◊〉 him whose spirit he hath geuen to speake in vs. For it is not we that speake when we speak any truth but it is the holy spirit of God that speaks in vs whose instrumēts 〈◊〉 be Thus haue all partes ben giltie of 〈◊〉 building Gods house the Lord for 〈…〉 sake forgeue vs all that which 〈…〉 and styrre vp our mindes to do our 〈◊〉 more diligentlye frome hencefoorth 〈◊〉 we maye escape the plagues whiche ●●●lowe verse 10 Therefore the heauens 〈◊〉 shytte vp from geuing these dewe vpon you the earth is closed from yelding their fruite verse 11 And I will call a droughte vpon the earth and vpō the hyls vpon the wheat vpon the new wyne vpon the 〈◊〉 and vppon whatsoeuer the earthe bringeth forthe vpon man and vppon beaste and vpon all the labour of youre handes Now folowes the other kynde of perswading which the Prophet vses that is of the great plages that hange ouer their heads yf they did continue in t●is stubbornes and would not build gods house For although they had suffered great thinges yet these were muche greater which were to come and God would not holde his hād vntill they went earnestly about to build his house as they were commaunded In the further verse he repeates the plages in other woordes whiche he spake of before and more playnlye toke the cause of all the scarcenes that was amonge them why of so great labour they had so litle fruite and encrease Here we may see how necessarie it is often to repeate and beate in one lessō because we be so dul to learn And althoughe many be wearye to heare one thing often yet sainct Paule saieth to the Philippians I am not w●arye it is profitable for you to repeate one thīg oftē The heauēs sayeth he haue ben locked vp from geuing any dew or rayn to you and the earth hath ben so harde drye by that meanes that no fruite coulde growe Maruayle not if the earthe be barren whē moysture comes not from heauen for nothinge can multiply here except it be blessed from heauen And this is true not onely in worldely thinges but also in spiritual giftes of the soule to teache vs 〈◊〉 loke vp to heauen and from thence to 〈◊〉 and loke for all goodnes frō gods hād●● What hast thou saieth sainct Paule which thou haste not receiued of God and sainct Iames saieth euery good gift and euery perfit gift is from aboue comming from the father of light For as the ray●● and dewe from aboue watering the gr●●● makes it fruitful so the grace of the holye Ghoste comminge frome God the father for his sonne Christes sake styrres vp 〈◊〉 myndes to al goodnes Thus by outw●●● blessinges God will teache vs to loke ●p to hym for all goodnes For as it is betwixt the earthe and the cloudes so 〈◊〉 betwixt God and oure heartes bothe 〈◊〉 vnfruitfull except they receyue blessinge from aboue But it had ben amonge them now 〈◊〉 it was in the time of Achab when Iesabel did so persecute the true Prophetes 〈◊〉 they were compelled to hyde them selues in Caues and Dēnes of the earth Eli●● tolde the kynge that there shoulde bee 〈◊〉 dewe nor rayne in all the countrye but at his woorde whan he sayde it should be for God had geuen that priuilege too the Prophete to set foorth his doctrine it rained not of three yeares and a halfe nor was any dewe but greate hunger famine and ●●arcenes of all fruites in the countrye So nowe when Gods house laye vnbuilded the heauens did not water the earth but great barennes was of all thinges This is one of the plages that God threatens to sende on all countries for contemninge his woord sayinge I wil make hea●●n as harde as brasse ouer youre heads 〈◊〉 ye shall not wringe out of it a droppe 〈◊〉 or rayne to comfort the earthe and I will make the earthe as harde as yron that it shall not geue her fruite and so for false worshippinge of God all countries haue ben diuers tymes thus punished Englande hath had many great droughtes and dearthes bothe in the time of Pop●ri the gospell but if ye marke it well you shall finde greate diuersitie betwixte 〈◊〉 In the dearthes vnder the gospell it was not for wante of thinges that God 〈◊〉 not send them plēteously but through the wickednes of man whiche in so great plenty and blessinges of God made a ne●●●es dearth For farmes were raised that farmers mighte not foorthe to sell 〈◊〉 they were wont Many thinges were gotten into few mens handes thei woulde sell as thei list not as thīgs were worth ▪ according to charitie beinge content with a reasonable gaines Corne was cari●● out of the realme or solde through many handes or it came to the markets euery one woulde raise the price and haue s●me parte of gaines some woulde feede their Hogs with it els let it foist in their barnes be eatē with myse rather then they would bring it to the market to pull do●● the price Men of honor worship were 〈◊〉 come shepemaisters and grasiers tyll●●● was turned into pastur and townes 〈◊〉 graunges all not to make thinges ●●●per whiche might haue suffered but ●●●rer which was is hurtful not tollerable But since the Pope was restored 〈◊〉 haue had vnseasonable weather bothe 〈◊〉 weate and droughte the earth hathe 〈◊〉 brought foorth her fruit straūgers 〈◊〉 deuoured much of that whiche ye had All your latin processions singing of gospel● vnder
God sayde vntoo him that he woulde sende him to kinge Pharao to deliuer hys people he was afraide merueyled y● he being but a shepeheard should be sent on such a message to so mighty a prince But after that God had promised him that he woulde be with him he was encouraged and toke in hande to go to Pharao on his embassage to lead Gods people oute of Egipt When God sent his Aungell too Gedeon threashing his corne and sayd he shoulde deliuer the people from their enemies which inuaded their countrye and laye as thicke in nūber as Greshoppers do in the fielde Gedeon doubted at the matter vntyll such time as God said vnto him that he wold be with him And after triall of his fayth in the promise made vnto him he durst with .100 naked men hauing no weapons but earthen pottes a fire brād horns in their hāds set on their enemies which fledde all awaye as soone as they hearde the p●t sheardes knocked together Oure sauioure Christe after hys Ascencion sending his Apostles into the whole worlde to preache and baptise addeth no greater thinge to comforte them with all in this great and daungerous enterprise that so fewe vnlearned men shoulde conquere the whole world but saythe behold I am with you euen too the ende of the worlde What good successe their preachinge had we at this present daye yet feele and see and also howe he is presente alwayes with his euen too the ende and howe true his prayer is that he didde not praye onely for his Apostles but for all that should beleue on hym by their preachinge Whā sainct Paule sayeth that he was perswaded that neither nakednes pryson hūger persecution nor lyfe neither deathe aungels nor powers could pull hym from the loue in Christ Iesu He had nothinge is strengthen hym self withall but that God promised that he was with him and then he boldely sayde if God bee with vs whoo can be against vs All be but dust worms and vylenes in his sight nothing can preuayle againste those whome he doeth assist with his grace Therfore whan we doubte to take in hande anye good woorke whiche agrees with the woorde of God for any worldlye reasons or carnal fear let vs styrre vp our fayth and heare God speaking and saying vnto vs I am with you be ye not afrayd If thy conscience beare thee sure witnes that thou sekest nothinge but the glory of God the profite of his people no doubt God will asist thee in suche enterprises offers this hys promise to thee also sayinge I am with thee be not afrayde but go on forwardes and I will blesse thy doinges seme it neuer so hard or vnpossible to thee verse 14 The Lord waked vp the spite of Zerubabel sonne of Salathiel prince of Iuda and the spirite of Iosua sonne of Iosedec the high Prieste the spirite of all the remnaūte of the people and they went and wroughte in the house of the Lorde of Hostes theyr God In the .xxiiij. daye of the sixt moneth in the second year of kynge Darius ¶ This is a notable Metaphore worthely sets foorth the nature of sin in that he saieth the Lord waked vp the spirite of all this people for sinne is a sleepe of the soule hauing no feare nor feling of God so long as a man lyes in it It is nowe tyme saieth sainct Paule to awake out of slepe meaning sinne God in his woord by such outward bodely thinges declares vnto vs the nature of spiritual thinges both good and euill As the dead body lyes rottinge stinking in the graue fearfull to looke on and greuous too remember so when wee lye buried in sinne we stinke in the sight of God he can not abyde to loke at vs nor will remember vs. And as we when the body lieth on slepe in the bedde whiche is an image of our graue can neither se fele heare taste smell vnderstande nor yet moue out of the place vntil we be awaked nor can take any pleasure at al in any one creature of God So when we lye walowinge in sinne we neyther see the maiestie of God with the eyes of oure faythe nor feele hys mercies offered vntoo vs in hys deare sonne and oure onely Sauioure Christe Iesus nor yet can wee taste at al howe sweete the Lorde is Oure eares are stopped from hearing good counsayll we perceiue nothinge at all of Gods goodnes towards vs his word is not sauery vnto vs neither yet bee wee moued or stirred vp too doo anye one good woorke of charitie But nowe it pleased the Lorde pitying their miserie too wake them vp out of thys dead sleepe and sette them in hande with buylding of his house agayne But where he had preached too them both the law the gospell threatnings cōfortes with the plages they were moued to nothing but feare as is saide in the verses before but after they hearde the glad tidinges of the gospell that God promised to be with them then they were awaked out of their sleepe and wroughte lustely So it is the gospell that quickenes and geues lyfe but the law kylles feares and threatens For as after sleepe the bodye being awaked it is freshe lustye stronge and couragious to do his worke so after the fearful threatninges of the law when we heare the gladde tidinges of the gospell that God will be oure Lorde and dwell with vs the minde is comforted strengthened moued vp to do his dutye And as a man is iudged too be wakinge when he canne doe the office of a manne as talke woorke write or suche like so is manne awaked out of the slepe of sinnes when he lyues in charitie feares God walkes accordinge to his lawe in hys vocation Further as whē a man lyes in hys dead slepe he can not awake except some noise awaken him or some other call hym 〈◊〉 can we not arise oute of sinne excepte the spirite of God or his preacher which is his watcheman with often cryinge vnto vs awake vs. Crye therefore and feare not saieth Esaye the prophete lifte vp thy voice lyke a trumpette and tell my people their wickednes So that it is the trūpet of Gods woorde continually sounding in oure eares whiche is the onely waye too awake vs out of this sinfull slepe But the Papistes turne thorder and saye cease and crie not holde thee peace sai nought lyue in rest and bee still and so let all goe to hauoc and the people perishe Thus we maye learne here the necessitie of preaching and what inconueniēce folowes where it is not vsed Where preachinge fayles saieth Salomon the people perishe therefore let euery man kepe hym selfe in Gods schoolehouse and learne his lesson diligently for as the bodye is norisshed with meate so is the soule with the woorde of God as sainct Mathew saieth A man doeth not liue by bread onely but
muche to the bodies and goodes of the wicked men as to the mynde and conscience nor this ioye shoulde not be so muche worldly and outwarde to the good as too the soule and inwarde Greate worldlye peace was in all the worlde when oure sauioure Christe was borne but that peace whiche the Aungels sange glorie be to God in hygh in earth peace is rather the peace of conscience because God and man were now reconciled and peace was made betwixt vs and God because his sonne had taken oure nature vpon hym and was made man but vnto the wicked it maye alwayes well be sayd there is no peace too the wicked sayeth the Lorde What a trouble was Herode in whan the wyse men came asked where was he that was born king of the Iewes The scripture sayeth that Herode and all Ierusalem was troubled at this questiō Herode thoughte he shoulde lose his kingdome and the scribes Phariseis thought that their authoritie was gone whiche thinge greued them so much that thei had rather haue hadde no Christe then loste that authoritie But Herode deuises a policie to saue him selfe withall and kylles all the chyldren that were twoo year old● and vnder thinkinge amongest theym all he shoulde haue kylled Christe and he had rather haue kylled all then the onely Christ shoulde escape What a trouble was he in whā he caused such a murther for fear or a yonge chylde What reason is it that suche a kynge shoulde so much feare a yōg chylde But God prouided well ynoughe for hys sonne and was as wyse readye mercifull to saue deliuer hys sōne christ as the other was subtil and cruel to murther him for Herode had rather slea all y● chyldren then that one Christe shoulde escape God had Ioseph take Marie and the chylde Iesus and ●lee into Egipt tarye there vntyll he gaue hym contrary word What trouble were the Scribes Phariseis in whan for his doctrine preachinge and miracles whiche were so wonderful that they coulde not tell what to saye but sometimes saide Do we not saie wel that thou arte a Samaritan and haste a deuil another time they woulde haue throwne hym doune of the hyll and agayn thei say it hath not ben heard of frome the beginninge that any man hath opened the eies of hym that was born blinde and agayn a manifest wonderfull signe they haue wrought we can not denie it and also yf we let hym alone thus the whole worlde will folow him Howe was the other Herode which beheaded Ihon Baptist troubled when he heard of his miracles wold haue hadde him to haue wrought some in his sighte Howe was Pilates wyfe troubled in her dreame for hym and sente her husbande woorde that he shoulde not medle with him howe gladly woulde Pilate him selfe haue deliuered hym wasshed his hands to declare his innocencie and sayde he founde nothinge woorthye of deathe in him Howe were all the Priestes afearde when they heard tel that he was rysen frō death and gaue money to the watchemen to ●aye hys Disciples came and stole hym a●● ye when they slept Why sh●uld they feare a dead man ●f we were a man only he coulde not hurte them if a God they coulde not withstande him ▪ What trouble were the priestes in when they forbad the Apostles to preache any more in Christes name and folowed the counsel of Gamaliel sayinge if it were of God they coulde not abolishe it Why shoulde they bee afrayde of a deadde man Howe was kynge Agrippa troubled whā Paule had defended his cause and sayde to hym thy greate learninge O Paule maketh thee madde How were the great learned Philosophers in Athēs troubled when Paule preached the resurrection of the dead and of Christe and sayde What meanes this sawer of newe doctrine hee semeth too teache newe Gods What a trouble was the Emperour Tiberius in when Pilate wrote to him of the preachinge miracles of Christ and he demaunded that the whole parliament of Rome woulde worshippe hym as a God But they consideringe that he is a gelous God and that he will haue no other worshipped with him but all honor muste be geuen to him onely denied him to be a God or yet to be worshipped there as God What caused Pope Leo the x. to bee so afraide whan Zuinglius beganne too preache the Gospell but that hee perceyued the lighte of Gods woorde woulde deface his pompe pryde and sette abrode all his wickednes too the worlde to be laught at and least he should go forwarde in preachinge and rebuking hys abhomination he sent hys letters too him sealed vnder hys bull of lead willing hym too holde his peace and preache no more suche of thinges he woulde geue hym what liuinge and as many bishoprikes as he woulde yea to be a Cardinall and whatsoeuer he woulde aske excepte his owne seate to be Pope But be lyke a true Preacher went on forwardes in hys busines settinge vp Christe and pulling doune Popery What makes the Pope at this daye hys Clergy too burne persecute empryson all that loue the Gospell but that they feare to loose their lordlines make their bellye 's their God and woulde lyue at ease like lords of the lande What makes thē to denye Christ to be a Go● not so muche in playne woordes as in doctrine dedes couertly but that they se they get muche ryches by reliques pylgrimages sainctes masses pardons c. whiche do as much in effect as denye Christes too bee God because they seeke helpe by these meanes in their troubles and forgeuenes of sinnes with comforte of conscience which all belong so vnto Christ that whosoeuer sekes them other wayes or els where then at his handes onely do as muche as in them lyes as to make Christ no God robbe hym of that honour whiche is due to him only and geue it to Gods of their own making What maruayle is it if they folow the olde decree of the Romaynes in their parliament where they denied Christ to be receiued and worshipped for a God because he shoulde not haue all honour alone as it is due to him onely Thus we se what great trouble it is to the wicked to haue Christ and his doctrine to come abroade and how true this was that the Prophet saith here and what trouble hath ben and shal be too the ende where the Gospell is preached The father shal deliuer the sōne to death and the sonne shall ryse agaynste the father so shal the mother against the daughter and the daughter against the mother brother againste brother c. whiche thinges we all see at this daye to haue comen to passe Howe many wyues rather then they woulde forsake God haue suffered death forsaken husbande chyldren goodes and countrye and willinglye banished theym selues and so haue many good husbandes also Howe hath one brother persecuted another One frende
Christe alone for of his fulnes al we haue receiued as saint Ihon saieth And where we haue giftes of the holye spirite by measure so muche as pleases god of his goodnes to geue Christ oure Lorde and sauiour had the fulnes of the spirite without all measure that of hys fulnesse wee all might receiue part Christ hath the fulnesse of the gifts of the spirite so muche that although he geue part too vs all yet he hath nothinge lesse him self For as the Sunne geues light plentifull to the whole world and yet kepes the self same light within it self so oure sauioure Christe God and man hath the perfite fulnes of all goodnes in him selfe and yet geues part to vs as he thinkes good not losinge anye pece of that he hath him selfe but lightninge oure darkenes with that light which he hath withī him self Saint Paule saith he is our wisedom righteousnes holines and redemption because he geues vs all these thinges As it is in fleshe soo is it in all other creatures although a probable obiectiō to the contrari maye be made out of the scriptures them selues Oure sauiour Christe saying woo to the Scribes and Pharise is which taught that he which swore by the temple or the aultar was nothing but if he swore by the golde of the temple or the offering on the aultar he was in faut semes to teache contrarye for he ads vntoo more sayinge that the temple makes the golde holy and the aultar the offring and that he which sweares by the aultar sweareth by it and those thinges whiche be on it and he that sweares by the tēple sweares by it him whiche is in it as thoughe the temple the aultar made other things holy Sainct Paule speakinge of the marriage of the faithful and the vnfaithefull saieth that the vnfaithful part is made holy by the faithful But here you must marke that this holines which sainct Paule speakes of belōges nothing to the saluation or forgeuenes of sinne of the vnholy party but teaches that such mariage to cōtinue is not vnlawful whoredome the chyldren so borne be not bastards Heathēs That other holines in the temple and the aultar is but suche a holines as Moyses teaches in his law which than was a ceremony but is now taken away therfore belōgs not to vnto vs. Any thing is called holy by the law of Moyses which is dedicated to serue god in any kind of ceremoni or seruice in the temple is no more turned to serue man in any kind of ciuil matter or in his house or els which by his institution signifies some holy thing vntoo vs. But these be called holy not because any holines for saluation is in them or that they can geue holines to other things but because the ende vse where vnto they be turned is holy Nothing beside man cā receiue this true holines for faith is the instrument means wherby true holines is receiued which profit to saluation whereof the Prophete speakes here chiefely But it is not so with the euilnes sinne of man for y● doeth not only defile the man when it is in him but all that the euil mā doth is euil also as all the touches the thing which is defiled is defiled also For as a car●on doeth not onelye smell euill it selfe but infectes all that come nere it So that man whiche is defiled in soule doth defile all thinges that he takes in hand Ualentianus a christiā man turned from Idolatrye to the knowledge of Christ afterwarde made Emperour when other had cast vpon him suche holye water as thei made to their Idols he was angrye with theym that they defiled hys coate and smote the priest that gaue hym the holy water moued him to sacrifice For he thought as truth is that whatsoeuer was consecrated too Idols was so● filthye that it defiled whatsoeuer it touched if it was receiued with such opinion of holines as they thought Some read here if he that is defiled by the deadde doe touche c. the sence is bothe one of this that Many vncleane thinges were in Moyses lawe that whosoeuer touched theym shoulde bee vncleane also as he that touches a dead body shal be vncleane .7 days and he that hathe the fluxe of seede shal be vncleane he that touches the bed where suche haue lyen or sits where they haue sitten shal be vncleane also But this is not so muche for the vncleanes whiche is in the dead body or the sede by nature for bothe be the good creatures of God as the vnder this figure God woulde teache vs that we shoulde not as muche as touche sin whiche is the death of the soule Likewise the euyll lustes whiche raygne whā the flux of the sede is be the causes which make them vncleane which suffer suche diseases and affections So that whether we reade he that is defiled in soule or he that is defiled by the dead it is sinne that bothe do meane For that not onely defyles but killes the soule which doth it And sinne is such that it defiles all that touch it as Strack saieth comparing it to pitch He that touches pitche is defiled with it Sainct Paule saieth also euil communications corrupt good maners Dauid saieth the sinners prayer is turned into sinne The good man therefore makes all his woorkes good and the euill defiles euery good thinge he takes in hande This verse teaches plaine that the hole life of an euill man whatsoeuer hee doeth is defiled For as sainct Paule requires of a good man that whether he eate or drinke or whatsoeuer he do he shoulde do all to the glorie of God So the euil man if he eate drinke slepe wake talke worke ▪ or be Idle all is defiled before the Lord. For an euil tree can not bring foorth good frute nor figges growe on bryers yea let him studye praye faste geue almisse bye ●rentals geue his body to be burned or do what he can deuise and it is defiled If I had all faith saieth sainct Paule so that I coulde make mountaines to sturre out of their places if I knowe all secretes geue my goods in almes and my body to be burned I am nothinge better it profites me nothinge if I lacke charitie All euyl men lacke charitie For by this shall ye bee knowen too be good men and so my schollers if ye loue one another sayeth our sauiour Christ therefore whatsoeuer they do it is defiled The good man if he eate or drinke he doth it with thankes giuinge to God for suche sustenaunce righteously gotten and soberly takes it to refreshe his weake nature that he may the better serue his Lorde God If he woorke vse marchaundise or anye other kynde of lyfe he doth it so much for his own as for the comen profit But the euil man either geues not due thankes for his meate
they lust in the best pastures and to breake his hedges that in so doinge the sooner they be fat the sooner they may be slayne So God those people whiche he loues not in Christ his sonne he lets them take theyr pleasure correctes them not for their amēdement but lets them woorke their iuste condempnation in geuinge theym vp too their owne lustes Euery father saith the apostle correctes his chyldrē those which he correctes not be bastards And although correction of God seme sharp and bitter for the present tyme ▪ semes to come of hat● and not of loue yet the ende is sweete louing profitable that he may geue vs his holines A vessel if it be foule muste be scoured before wine be put in it he that wil make his ground fruitfull must first pull vp the weedes before he sowe good seede So by these sharpe medecines of Gods correction muste the bodye be purged that the mynde maye bringe foorth his due fruyte in feare and reuerence Let vs in Englande therfore remember Gods plagues whiche we haue suffered of Gods good wil so longe and many for oure amendement and let vs lamente oure hardenes of heart that haue ben soo greuously longe punished and yet haue not duely considered the heauines of Gods hande nor the greatnes of oure sinnes whiche haue so prouoked his anger vppon vs. We are sufficiently taught by all exāples before vs if we wil learne by these present plages that we feele what a greuous thinge horrible synne it is in Gods sight to leaue Gods house vnbuylte yet lyke vnreasonable beastes and vnsensyble we neyther feare oure good God as ● Lorde nor loue hym as a father as Malachie sayeth If I be youre Lorde where is the feare ye owe me If I be youre father where is the loue that is due vnto me From hence foorthe God promises too blesse their fruite and woorkes and they had not so great scarsenes before but now they shoulde haue as great plentye So that whan man turnes vntoo God God turnes vntoo hym when man amendes God lookes cherefully on hym where before he was angry whan man leaues sinninge God leaues plaginge whan man buyldes Goddes house and maintaineth his true religion God blesseth his house all that is in it As Moyses teaches If thou heare the voyce of the Lorde thy God to doe his commaundement thou shalte be blessed in the Citie in thy house in the fielde c. And howe came all thys to passe that they were so amended by preachinge rather then plaginge for that whiche coulde not bee obtayned in 40. yeares plagues was gotten in three weekes preachinge Aggeus came the firste daye of the 6. moneth and the 24. of thesame thei beganne to worke so they hadde no more tyme too preache in nor too prepare their tooles in but three weekes and three dayes Suche a stronge thing is the woorde of God sharper then a twoo edged swoorde and pearcinge to the deuision of the minde soule and where it is earnestly receiued it makes many to feare no deathe nor displeasure nor to thinke any thing painfull so that he maye please hys God Therfore let vs haue it in reuerence vse it heare it reade it marke it remember it and practise it for in it is shewed vntoo vs all the counsaill of God and it is sette for a sufficient doctrine to vs to sturre vs vp too the doinge of our dutye and saluation of our soules to the worshipping of God and vnderstanding his goodnes offered vnto vs. Also a worthy example it is to be folowed of all that haue correction of other that when the rodde will not serue to proue wordes and counsayle For often many be suche that they wil do more for a woorde then a stripe and often strokes harden the heart when gentlenes wynnes and perswades verse 20 The woorde of the Lorde was spoken the second time vnto Aggeus in the .xxiiii. daye of the moneth saying verse 21 Speake too Zerubabell the ruler of Iuda saying I wil trouble heauen and earthe also verse 22 And I wil destroy the seate of the Kyngedomes and I will breake in sunder the strengthe of the Kyngdoms of the Heathen and I wyll throwe doune the Chariots and the ryders in them the Horses shall fall doune and the ryders on them and the noblest shal be slayne by the swoorde of hys brother verse 23 In that day saieth the Lord of hoostes I will take thee Zerubabell sonne of Salathiel my seruaunt saieth the Lorde and I will put thee as a signette because I haue chosen thee sayeth the Lord of hoostes ¶ The people of God nowe going diligently aboute to buylde the Lords house and woorkinge at it now three ful monethes did so well please the Lorde that he sent his Prophete twyse on a daie to comforte and encourage them in their doings least they shoulde fainte or bee slacke in goinge forwarde as they were before Such a louing Lord is our good God vnto his people that he will mayntayn and set forwarde all suche as go about diligently to walke in their vocation and buyld hys house to their power Euery moneth from the beginninge of the restoringe of thys Temple they hadde one message or other from God by his Prophete too will them to continue and go forwarde in this well doinge and buylding Gods house In the syxte and seuenth moneth came this Prophete Aggeus with goddes message vnto them as is sayde before In the eyght moneth comes Zacharias the Prophete In the 9. moneth comes this Prophete agayne twyse on a daye frome God with comfortable promises in the 11. moneth comes Zachary againe So whyle they were thus diligent to do their duty God was as ready to shewe them mercye and will be to all whiche do the like as he hath promised that to euery one that hath it shal be geuen Therfore if we be desirous to haue encrease of the Lordes blessinges let vs be diligent to encrease that littel whiche we haue geuen vs first and it shall be encreased to muche more He bringes the Lordes message and not hys owne like a true seruaunt not for money as the Popes pardoners and Priestes do but freely and willinglye comes twise a daye as the Lorde appointes hym Contrariwise if the people folow not the which they be taught God takes his woord and Prophetes from them It is written of a holy father called Felix whiche when certaine desired hym too preache he sayde In time past when men did as they were taughte God opened many preachers mouthes nowe the people will not learne therfore God stoppes their mouthes He is now sent to Zerubabel the prince and chief ruler specially by name but not as though this promise perteined to hym onely and not to the rest of the people but by hym to the rest of the people Under the name of Zerubabel is conteyned
him agayne by suche tokens So God wyll bothe by hys spirite poure his loue into our hearts and let vs se the care that be taketh for vs and will also by outwarde sacramentes as badges marke vs for hys people by thesame seale vs surely too hym selfe and sturre vs vp to loue him agayn and looke diligently to oure dutie If earthely lords and princes will soo safelye defende theyr seruauntes let them not doubt but God that is Lorde of lordes will defende hys people frome all daungers and wronges be they neuer so manye and soo greate if they woulde earnestly in faithe call vpon hym in the daye of their trouble forsake their owne strengthe witte and polic●e truste in him onely Dauid sayeth wel the Lord is not delited in the strēgth of an horse nor the strong legges of man but the Lorde is wel pleased with them the which feare him with them that trust in his mercy There is no waye sooner to prouoke Gods anger and make hym to forsake vs in trouble than to trust to our selues and in our owne witte strength policie for that is as muche to take the praise to oure selues from him and mistrust God that he can not or wil not defēd vs. And although we must not trust in oure selues yet wee muste vse all meanes whiche he hathe ordeined for oure defence For as we muste be diligent to do all good workes and not put our trust of saluation in them but sai with saincte Luke whan ye haue done all that I commaunded you saye ye bee vnprofitable seruauntes so we must vse alwayes lawefull to defende oure selues yet saye our help is from the Lord which hath made both heauen and earth he hath ordeyned suche meanes to saue vs by and workes by thesame our deliuerāce whan pleaseth him sometimes too shewe hys power he deliuereth vs without such ordinarie meanes And why wil God thus saue them for any goodnes in them which had so longe forgottē him his house or for their good workes who had so lōg ben so disobediēt no but euen because I haue chosen thee saieth the Lord. This is the first chiefest cause why he bestoweth his goodnes vpō any people ▪ euē because he hath chosen thē in Christ afore the world was made for this cause he cōtinueth bestowing his blessing to the ende vpon thē whom he hath once chosen Saincte Paule reasoninge of this matter putteth twoo causes wherfore God shuld loue iustifye and chose vs either freely of grace and mercy saieth he or for the goodnes of oure woorkes If it shoulde bee for oure woorkes than sayeth he it can not be of grace and if it be of free grace loue and mercie than is it not for our woorkes neither paste nor too come for than grace shoulde not bee grace saieth he if it were not thus freely geuen If God shoulde chose vs for anye goodnes in vs than hee shoulde but doe one good turne for another and freely withoute rewarde doe nothinge whiche is mooste againste his nature that doeth good for euyll yea and where he seeth no possibilitie of goodnes or rewarde to be looked for Who hath geuen him anye thinge firste and he shal be recompensed agayne sayeth sainct Paule as though he shoulde saye no. I haue chosen you and ye haue not chosen me sayde Christe to his disciples and Apostles And as he thus chose theym soo he choses all whiche he choosen and so he will declare his fre grace loue and mercy to al which be his freely euen because it pleased hym to chose them and they deserued not to be chosen of him but rather to be caste away from hym Whan God promised too deliuer his people in like distresse by hys Prophete he sayde for myne owne sake for myne owne sake I will doe it And not onely thus in bodely deliueraūce but in forgeuenes of sinnes he saies likewise it is I it is I whiche forgeueth thy sinnes for myne owne sake Thus freely God oure heauenly father for the loue whiche he beareth too vs in his sonne Christe in whome he had chosen vs from the beginninge and for whose sake he continueth hys fauour to vs he I saye bestowes all his blessinges freely on vs bothe in bodye and soule in this lyfe and after The will of God is the firste cause of doinge all good thinges and whan he wil all thinges worke and they him whan he wil not thei staye and cease so because his chosing of vs cōmeth of his free will mercy it is the firste and chiefest cause of our saluation If he shoulde be sturred too chose vs for our goodnes whiche he foresees in vs that is euer vnperfite or if for any other cause within vs or without vs than he shoulde not be the firste cause and mouer of all thinges But sainct Luke sayth In him we lyue be and are moued That whiche moues an other thinge is in nature afore that whiche is moued also it is better stronger and wyser but to say that any ting is stronger wyser or better than God is treason and blasphemie too his maiestie therfore his will is the firste cause of all our goodnes Thus our good God teaches vs comforte his people that all thinge shal turne to the best to them which loue him be the troubles neuer so many and great the mās witte can not tel how to escape Let kings and princes fal together by the eares kyl murther shewe what crueltye they can gette or lose kyngdoms warre fighte or what they can deuise God will saue and deliuer his people if it please him oute of all their handes Whan Pharao persecuted the Iewes thorough the read sea God saued his people and drouned the Egiptians In the wildernesse whā Seon and Ogge two mightie kynges denied them vitayles and passage God destroied them bothe and gaue their landes to his people After they came to the lande promised he droue oute 7. mightie people and delte it to the Iewes and when all the Heathen people whiche dwelt rounde about them made warre againste his people hee destroyed them all In Babilon when they were prysoners vnder Balthasar kynge within the cytye and Darius kynge of the Medes with Cyrus the king of the Persians beseginge the cytye rounde aboute that none shoulde escape when the cytye was taken God did not onely deliuer hys people from all the cruell handes of these three mighty kynges but gaue them such fauour in the sighte of Cyrus that he not onely hurte them not but set them at libertie sente them home to their countrye gaue them licens too buylde this temple restored their Iewels whiche Nabucadnezer tooke awaye and gaue free licens to euery man to helpe theym with money as muche as they woulde Who coulde haue thought Gods people shoulde haue ben now deliuered oute of the handes of three Heathen kynges beinge
thee doe not so muche murmur and grudge agaynst hym or the thinge by whiche it was done but loke vp to thy Lorde God whiche author beinge displeased with thy sinne will this waye correct thee and bring thee to repentaūce amendement of lyfe and the knowledge of thy selfe thyne owne vylenes and hys holy maiestie mercye and power whome thou hast prouoked so too punishe thee yet in mercy and not as thou hast deserued or els he will trye thy pacience and declare thy fayth and hope that thou haste in him to the worlde that his might may be praysed in thy weakenes whiche althoughe of thine owne selfe thou bee not able to suffre suche aduersitie yet by the strength of his spirite thou bothe can and will In the next vse is declared the cause of this greate destruction and Gods vengeaunce so greuously poured vpon this people ▪ It was thesame sinne that droue Adā out of Paradise beinge not content with his owne state but woulde be felow with God and out of whiche as out of a roote springes all mischiefe The beginning of sinne is Pryde sayeth Ecclesiasticus .10 Whan a man leaues consideringe of hys owne vylenes and the mightie power maiestie of God whiche aucthor of both is able to work lowlines in any honest hert and beginnes too flatter and please hym self in any good gift that he hays within hym or withoute him in body or soule in worldly wealth or wisedom for than hee forgets God and him selfe runnes headling to all mischief offending God hurtinge him self The pryde of this people was bothe sundry greate both of mind wisedom and politie strengthe of bodye holdes castels and towres wealthe and plenty of corne and cattell that it mighte be well sayde of them that whiche proues true in all wealth makes wanton We will entreate of all these in order as the Prophete does and sette them oute some thinge more at large The kinde of pride that here is touched wherein they reioyced so muche trusting in them selues and offendinge God was theyr strong holdes theyr high castels buylded on the top of the rockes soo strongelye that they were sure ynough as they thoughte frō all hurt and daunger that thei should not be ouercomen These be pleasaunt thinges too a worldly wit and therfore we are sone taken with the loue of them To declare the inexcusable pride of this people the Prophete sayes the pride of thyne owne heart hays deceyued thee as though he shoulde saye it is not God nor the deuill onely nor any other mans counsayll or perswasion that hays thaughte thee this or beaten it in to thy head but it is euen thy self thine owne deuise and free will thine owne proude hearte and vaine truste that thou haste taken in thine own strēght goods It is a notable woorde that the holy Ghost puttes here whan he sayes The pride of thine owne heart hays deceiued thee and well declares the nature of pride and wel springe of all sinne to beginne in thy heart and thine owne free wil. From the heart come euill thoughts murther adultery theft c. As sainct Matthew says .15 And well maye that be sayde too deceyue man that vnder the cloke of godlines honesty profite or pleasure intises a man to it where in the ende it proues wicked hurtfull and displeasaunt For except it had in the beginninge some fayre shew of some goodnes in it no man woulde be allured to it If it wer good in dede it were no deceate but because it is not it maye well be sayde to deceyue Pride amonge all other sinnes hays this propertie that it euer rises of some good thing that a mā hays geuē him of God and takes the praise of it hym self For no man is so foolish to reioice in any thinge that is euyl of it self except it haue some apparance of goodnes in it Whan God gyues a good gift to any man than the deuil and his own froward nature makes him not too gyue God due thankes for it but to reioyce in hym self as though he him self were worthy all the praise for findinge out or vsing wel suche a gifte Thus the Pharise beinge proude of his owne righteousnes in fastinge holynes and payinge his tithes abuses the good gifts of God and takes parte of the ●raise to him self whiche should be geuen holy to Cod alone and also in pride he contemnes The poore Publicane whiche sate prayinge by him because he was not so holy as he was So stronge holdes and castels is the good gifte of God but to reioice in them not puttinge his hole truste and deliuerance in God is a great pride vnthankefulnes to God which hays geuē thee suche giftes to stirre thee vp rather to prayse him whiche hays taught thee to find out the profitable vse of such things But it is harde for a worldly man to haue these and not be proude of them therefore he sayes thy pride hais deceiued thee Beauty is the good gifte of God but because in outward apperāce it semes good ▪ it sone deceyues man entisinge him too euill rather then to prayse God in it the wyse man sayes loke not in the face of a mayden lest thou he entised with her beutie ▪ Towres castels holdes bulwarkes bee ordeined by the prouision of God to defend his people ▪ but yet muste we euer know that in vaine laboures the watchemen be they neuer so many wise and strong to defende the cytie except the Lorde defend it as Dauid sayes What an vnthankful pride is this toward God that whan ●e hays geuen vs wit too deuise suche engynes of warre to defende oure selues with all and liberally bestowed on vs men and money to make suche thinges withall than we doe rob him of his due glorie and take that praise to our selfs which is due to him and reioice in oure selues Because thei dwelt and buylded their holdes on the toppes of hils thei thought no man shuld be able to climme vp to hurt them excepte he coulde flie and though vnderminings will hurte many times and throw doune great castels yet where the buyldinge is ●n the hard rock of stone as this was thei cannot mine through the rocke so the aboue except thei coulde flie thei could not come nere thē nor by low thei could not pearce the hard stones of the grounde worke beinge so many harde depe and stronge Wyne is pleasant to loke on sweete too taste and chere the hearts of man yet in drinkinge it sone deceiues a man ouercomes the braine and therefore the wyse man counsails sayinge delite not thy self in loking on the wine whan it shines merely in the glasse The woordes of womē are swete yet oft ful of poyson Riches is the good gift of God yet the Apostle cals them the nettes of the deuill because vnder a fare pretence we bee soone tangled with the desire of them So