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A01727 A godlie, zealous, and profitable sermon vpon the second chapter of Saint Iames. Preached at London, by Master George Gifford, and published at the request of sundry godly and well disposed persons Gifford, George, d. 1620. 1582 (1582) STC 11860; ESTC S108636 20,920 56

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to shew that although he loued Isaac déerely yet he loued God more so y t if we féele our loue to the Lord our God to be so small that it cannot preuaile with vs to kill and mortifie the lusts of sinne and vaine plesures of the flesh how shall we perswade our selues that we are like Abraham which had denied the loue of himsefe so farre that he did neuer grudge but would willingly haue killed his sonne Rahab after shée had made confessiō what she did beleeue concerning the God of Israel for the same Gods sake for the true religion and for the Church or people of God tooke the messengers and did hide them to the hazard of her life all y t she had affirming to the king when he sent to séeke thē that they were departed Doth not this improue the faith of those which for the religion of God are so farre off from hazarding their liues goods that they dare not be séene when neuer so little daunger doth arise wherein are those like vnto Rahab which will turne with euery winde and a man cannot tell what religion they be of they will be sure to rowe with the tide and neuer to striue against the streame doe such now iustifie themselues lyke Rahab haue they such a faith as she had No déerely beloued they are as yet verye Infidells and loue themselues and the worlde more then they loue GOD and his truth this thing then is most euident y t the true beléefe doth make all those y t haue it ready willing to loose their liues their goods for y e gospel this must not séeme to be a strange doctrine whē as our sauiour telleth vs in sundry places y t he y t doth not forsake al take vp his crosse folow him cannot be his disciple Wel we must therfore be so hot and zealous in the profession of true religion that it cause vs to forget our own state and commoditie we must haue so burning a loue to Gods truth that nothing may be able to quench the same We must not stagger and varie because we shal endure trouble Let vs conclude this point wherein it is proued y t they erre are deceiued which doe not make account of kéeping religion pure of louing it before all other things and so of giuing to God his due honour Remember y t from hence ye are to fetch the first part of y e true description of a godly mā the triall of the iustifieng faith which is but one therfore worketh alike in all which are pertakers of it though not in the like mesure with all mark how far y e holye Ghost doth differ in setting forth a righteous man from y e common māner of worldlings wheras he taketh it to be y e chiefe work which respecteth God himself his truth they passe ouer that count it no matter though a man be an Idolater or superstitious or a swearer which doth not reuerence the name of God so y t he be a friendly man to his friend such lyke how great an enimy he be to y e word of God it skilleth not these are brute beasts w tout vnderstāding very Atheists which wil say plainly they can sée no differēce betwéen the papists the professors of y e gospel both because they are not able to iudge of doctrine also y t they looke but vnto men now let vs come to y e second thing wherin they erre which this text doth confute sharply they suppose as I tolde ye y e men are to haue no farther regard but to this not to hurt passing by all those duties wherin they are to do good vnto their brethren not duly cōsidering how y e law of god doth not only bind vs to abstein frō hurting our neighbor but also doth most straightly tie vs to do al good déeds vnto them so that he is guiltie before God not onely which committeth that which the law forbiddeth but also which leaueth the thing vndone which the law enioyneth Now then because the true faith bringeth vs to haue care to obey God wholy S. Iames requireth that a man should shew his faith not only by leauing y t which is euil but also by the performaunce of y t which is good for thus he saith shew me thy faith by thy déeds that faith which is without works is dead héere by y e way obserue by comparison how far of are those frō grace which swarme ful of vncleane vices their whole race is nothing but a continual sinning wheras this is euidently héere proued y t such mē as carie a great shew of vprightnes in refraining from sundry vices are stil without testimonie of true beléefe because their holy déeds do not appeare for when as y e holy scriptures do testify y t y e hart is purified by faith y t those are borne againe in the new spirituall birth that they are new creatures haue a new heart a right spirit created and renewed in them it must néedes be that they are prepared vnto euery good worke they haue not onely put off the olde man with his corrupt lusts but haue also put on y e new man which is created in righteousnesse and true holinesse as they haue walked in darknesse so now they walke in the light There is one step yet further in this matter I trust that as ye will confesse this that if those do not beléeue well which haue no good workes to shewe although they be in some things vpright and much more the foule and filthy liuers which dishonour God and his truth so ye will also be brought to sée that those miserable men are yet further off which barke against this holye doctrine and cannot abide that a man should say to the wicked and vngodlye thou art in the waye to hell thou shalt dye the death if thou returne not from these euills They may thunder raile against men and saye they vtter damnation but let them looke if they can quench the light which the Holy Ghost hath giuen in this text Let vs retourne to the former matter againe We must not onely abstaine from euill but also doe good there be many likewise deceiued in this doing good restraining it to the baser and lesser part they looke but vnto the bodies of their bretheren and suppose they are to haue no further regard but of them to reléeue and ease the miseries of the flesh let the soule be neuer so blinde neuer so sicke in neuer so great danger of eternall destruction they haue no pitie of that which doth bewray that they sée no further then this lyfe they haue no true loue nor pitie in thē for then woulde they loue the soules of men which are so precious they would pitie the wofull miserie that they be in For how absurd a thing is this y t one should be carefull to ease the calamitie
not sée nor vnderstand that it is not the purpose of the Apostle in this place to dispute vpon this point whether y e true faith doth saue iustifie or not but to shew that such as haue not good workes haue not the true faith in them and therefore whatsoeuer they professe they cannot be saued for he doth not propounde his matter thus what auaileth it though a man haue Faith and haue not workes but what auaileth it though a man saye he hath faith hath no workes Wherby it is very manifest that when Saint Iames doth attribute the name of faith vnto this dead Image hée doth it not in proper but in abusiue speach and after the manner of those men which called it faith when as in very déede it is none but onely a certeine resemblaunce and shaddowe thereof Thus much for this enteraunce state of his disputation now followe his reasons by which he doth proue that this kinde of Faith cannot auaile or profite a man for hee doth proue it very stronglye and pithely● The first of them is taken from a comparison or similitude which he setteth downe thus If a brother or a sister bée naked and destitute of daylye foode and one of you saie vnto them depart in peace warme your selues and fill your bellyes notwithstanding ye giue them not those thinges which are néedfull to the bodie what helpeth it This is the summe of the matter There commeth vnto you a poore man or a poore woman which lacketh clothes and sustenaunce you giue them gentle and fayre wordes God helpe ye God succour yée and send ye reliefe but ye giue them nothing can this helpe the poore man or the poore woman Shall they not for all your louing words sterue for colde die for hunger if euerye man should serue them so and giue them no other almes why doe yée not sée then that as this almes liberalytie to the poore which is but in faire speaches is colde doth not help so in like manner y e Faith which is but in words and outwarde profession of speach although it be w c neuer so great brags is dead thē furder why do ye not vnderstand that a thing which is weak and dead in it selfe can by no meanes haue power to giue life and to saue But obserue it a little better thus the comparison standeth if that liberalitie which is onely in words be colde or dead and doth not profit the poore nor make him a liberall man which vseth it then it followeth also that that Faith which is onely in speach is dead and therefore cannot saue or profit him which hath it if wordes onely could profit or cause it to be faith why should not wordes also profit the poore man or woman which is destitute If words onely can make a faithfull man why should not words make a liberall man If for a man to saie hée hath faith be of that power to do the greatest things as namely to couple vs to Christ to raise the soule from death to lyfe to put the Diuell to flight and to ouercome the world Should it not be able to doe y e lesser that is to say so far to preuaile with vs to haue such power in vs as to bring forth good works Déere brethren know y t if it bée aliue do the former it must néeds doe this if it doe not this latter then surely it is dead can do nothing to saue vs. This is a most plaine and forcible reason to proue that the faith of a carnall and worldly Gospeller is but a dead shewe of faith and therefore he is not iustified nor saued neyther can bée iustified nor saued thereby séeing it hath no life in it selfe to worke and to bring forth fruites it cannot giue lyfe vnto him for how shoulde it bring that which it hath not To set it foorth more plainly thus y e Apostle addeth but some man might saye thou hast the faith and I haue workes shewe me thy faith by thy workes and I will shewe thée my faith by my workes He sheweth héere how euery simple man which is a true Christian maye be able to deale against the greatest and most skilfull Doctour that is to proue that he hath no faith if he hath not good workes for when hée saith Some man will say it is as much as if he had said any man may say thou hast faith that is thou makest thy boast that thou hast faith shewe it by thy workes because faith is an holy thing wrought by Gods spirite and a lyuely and mightie thing therefore it cannot be without holy good actions For as a man is knowen to be dead when he doth not breath cannot stir sée heare and such lyke and contrariwise when he doth any of these he is known to be aliue euen so is it with faith if it can or doe bring forth no good workes then is it dead on the contrary part the actions stirring thereof doe shew it to be aliue This is a strong place against all those which doe not onely vaunt themselues of a vaine and dead beléefe but also woulde leaue no mark to know who are of God and who are of the Diuell Let a man take thē tardie in any foule vice wherin they wallow say vnto them ye are out of the waye ye haue not the true beléefe in God ye are couetous ye are a worldling ye are a drunkard an adulterer or such like their aunswere is readie Who made you able to iudge can you tell how I beléeue will you take vppon you to sée what is in my heart whatsoeuer you say I haue as good a beléefe as your selfe Marke well now I pray ye for héere you may learne how to answere such fellows say thus vnto thē faith indéed of it selfe is a secret thing in the hart but yet because it can no more be without good déeds then fire can be without heate the Lord doth bid vs by his Apostle to say vnto ye shewe me your faith by your works whē your tongue is foule your déedes are wicked most certaine it is that the hart is vncleane there is no right faith for y t doth purge the hart as S. Peter saith Act. 15. Looke but vpon mens words outward brags of their beléefe ye would thinke there were such plentie of faith y t there could be almost no more euery man doeth so strongly beléeue in Christ But come to this touchstone trial which is héere giuen vs shew thy faith by thy works it shall by by carry vs so far on y e other side when we sée such flouds of all horrible beastly sins y t it will cause vs to think vpon this saieng When y e Son of man commeth shal he finde faith vpon the earth For if this be true as it is most true because God himselfe hath set it downe y t the faith which
workes and that Rahab was iustified by workes c. We must note that this word iustified is taken diuers waies in y e scriptures which is one cause as I noted before why S. Paule and S. Iames séeme to be contrarie S. Paule prouing that we are iustified by faith taketh it as cōtrary to this word condemned for being by our sins guiltie to receiue the sentence of condemnation we are in Christ into whose mysticall body we are incorporate thorough faith acquit and discharged which is called iustification this cannot be by the workes of the law because there is not perfection in the déedes of any but euen the most pure are vncleane spotted Therfore as S. Paule saith they are all vnder the curse which holde of the workes of y e law for it is written Cursed is euery one which cōtinueth not in al things which are written in y e book of the law to do them y e reason of this is to be considered in the most holy and pure nature of God vnto whom no vncleane thing can be coupled no vnpure thing although it be but in part can abide his presence or haue fellowship with him The word iustifie is also taken in this sence as when a man doth declare and shew forth before men y t he is a righteous person also before God that is the meaning of the word in this place that looke how by faith we are iustified before God so by the fruits of our faith we are iustified that is declared to be iust before men For proofe that the Scripture doeth vse the word iustified in this sence look vpon the saieng of Dauid That thou maist be iustified in thy saieng and pure when thou iudgest there it can signifie no more but that God might shew and declare himselfe to be iust In the Gospell of S. Luke chap. 16. ver 15. You are they saith Christ to y e Pharesies which iustifie your selues before men but God doth know your hearts In this saieng it is most apparant that there is a iustifieng before men which the Pharisies in coloured hypocrisie did séeke for but Christ telleth them they were neuer the better because they were not of vpright heart before God The word is also taken in other sense which I omit If any man will now demaund how it can be proued that S. Iames doth vse it in this latter sense rather then in the former I aunswere that the very place it selfe and go no further doth declare this thing for when the Apostle saith thus Some man will say shew me thy faith by thy workes is it not apparant that he speketh of that which is before men or declared vnto men and not of that which is before God In lyke manner when he saith Abraham was iustified by works when he offered his sonne Isaac vpon the Alter Doth not y e scripture shew that before God Abraham was iustified long before by faith If it be obiected againe y t if may also be sayd how he was before y e time iustified before men or that he had shewed by his déedes vnto men y t he did feare and loue God and then what shoulde hinder but that it may be taken for a more full and perfect iustification or an increase therof as well before God as before men I aunswere that before GOD a man being iustified to speake properly there is no increase thereof for he is fully and wholy discharged and acquite or els it is no iustification But because we haue receiued the grace of iustification but in part and not in full measure therefore our iustifieng before men is more and more declared by degrées as good workes doe more and more abound in vs and so Abraham was by this one worke more iustified before men thē by all y e rest of his déeds therfore it may well be set downe in stéed of al y e rest we sée héere then y t because by the scriptures this must néedes be taken for an increase of iustification in our father Abraham y t it must necessarily be vnderstood of that iustification which is before men ye sée now y e meaning of this text and the drift scope of the Apostle is laid open vnto ye but my chiefe purpose is yet behinde and that wherin we are to be wrought vppon yet remaineth which is a more particular application and handling of this doctrine For we must not passe away thus with y e matter vnlesse we minde to take smal fruit therby Ye will confesse these things which I haue handled to be true as of necessity we are forced thervnto we cānot but grant y e the holy ghost hath giuē a perfect touchstone then I am to exhort you in the name of God as ye tender and loue the saluation of your soules to giue attentiue héede a little not to let this thing slip away from ye do ye graunt that the faith which is without works is dead And that it is no better then the faith of diuels And yet wil ye still suppose that idolaters swerers railers adulterers couetous worldlings griping vsurers such like are in good case or continuing such canne hope for mercie Do ye confesse y t ther is but one true faith which was the faith of Abraham and Rahab Doe ye also acknowledge that the same faith in them did shew it selfe by good déeds And wil yée still accept it for a sufficient proofe of a good and sound testimonie of a true beliefe when any man can say I do hurt no man I liue vprightly pay euerye man his owne I haue alwaies ben reputed taken for an honest man what would ye require more of me I liue as my neighbours doe I trust God will hold me excused although he haue no regarde of any obedience to the worde of GOD to consider wherein his glorye doth consist nor yet anye care of men to profit either theyr soules or theyr bodyes but contenteth himselfe with this if hée doe them no good to doe them no harme I will shew you déerelye beloued howe these sortes of people are deceyued by two fowle errours which this text doth most strongly ouerthrowe the first is this that they looke but vnto mē and restraine their duetie vnto them whereas they should chiefly looke vnto that which they owe vnto God then to that which belongeth to their brethren the seconde is that they suppose themselues bound no further but to absteine from hurting without regard of doing the dueties of loue wherein one man is to profit and further another As concerning the first of these both the example of Abraham and also of Rahab do manifestly conuince them because the fruites of their faith or the works whereby they were iustified did not so much respect man as God for in Abraham there appeareth onely a loue towards God for whose sake he was cōtented to forget y e affection of a father
which lasteth but for a daye and not respect that which is eternall I must therfore héere againe admonish ye that such as will haue proofe of their faith by good works must exercise the same as wel to the soules as to the bodies of men and because therein doth stand the greatest loue of all other they are therein to shewe themselues most earnest There is no more excellent note of faith and of the true feare loue of God then when a man is gréeued and mourneth to sée men out of the waye to life running headlong in their sinnes vnto destruction and when as he doth in loue and pitie admonish them and séeke by instruction to draw them out of the snares of the Diuell On the contrary side he can neuer say he hath anye droppe of grace which delighteth and sporteth himselfe at the lewde and wanton behauiour of other men Iudge déere bretheren these Cockbraines which cannot be merrye but at the sinfull and prophane speaches of vaine men doe they shewe the fruites of Faith Those abhominable beasts which delight to make mē dronk to the intent they may laugh are they of God or of the Diuell We must diligently exercise the contrary labouring to draw one another to God and to conuert their soules which go astray which is the speciall and chiefe good work that we can do vnto men To féede the hungrie to cloth the naked to visit y e sick those which are in bōds to opē as it wer the bowells of mercie and compassion to all that are in misery are verye excellent and glorious fruites of faith haue great promises of reward in y e holy Scriptures yet are they not comparable to these when the soule is sicke in prison and in the chaines of Satan to visit and reléeue it When it is pining away for want of heuenly food to minister vnto it when it is full of grieuous sores and deadly wounds to giue wholsōe medicines salues vnto it to mourn with the bowells of pittie compassion for it From hence it ariseth that al true faithfull hearts doe sob and grone with sorrow when they sée men left without instruction and when they behold the desolations and ruines of the Church it doth pinch them euen at the heart it causeth bitter teares to flow out of their eyes when they behold any famine and dearth of the foode of life and when they sée them runne from Sea to Sea and from the one ende of the land to the other to séeke for it When they sée the young man and the beautiful virgin perish for thirst he that shall denie this or stand in doubt thereof neuer knewe as yet what the vse and benefit of the word is nor yet what that loue in the spirite is which the Lord commendeth vnto vs. I might héere stand long in perticulars to shewe the crueltie of those Parents which suffer their children to be without the knowledge of God and to perish in their sins For one of the chiefe fruites of their faith doth stande in this which the Apostle commaundeth Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath but bring them vp in the nourture and instruction of the Lord. For those which haue the riches and wealth of the world the Holy ghost saith He that hath this worlds good and séeth his brother stand in néede and shutteth vp his compassion from him how dwelleth the loue of God in him If this be true that the rich men of the world do not loue God when they wil not part with their riches to reléeue y e miserable carcase of their bretheren then doubtlesse it is a more strong argument against them when as so many soules perish for want of good pure instruction which by their wealth they might procure if they did not make more account of their riches then of the saluation of men Gods word pronounceth them blessed which imploye theyr goods to féede the poore then how much more blessed a thing is it when they are imployed to the ministring of spirituall foode which neuer perisheth But let vs come to those which haue the charge of soules what is the principal good work which they are to shew their faith by wherein they are to declare their loue towardes Christ and his Church Simon Ioanna louest thou me Féede my shéepe féede my Lambes féed my shéepe When as therefore the hireling the idle Drone and the Idoll shepheard haue the flocke of the Shéepe Lambes of Christ and doe not féede them or at the least doe so féede them that they are neuer the better where is the faith which they boast of is it anye other then the dead faith and the faith of Diuells Whosoeuer therefore will haue the testimonie of his faith in this callyng he must execute the office as the Scripture bindeth him Is it possible that he can giue credit to the word of God and be of a right beléefe and not regard this The rest of his good déedes whereby some man will say he doth shewe his faith are no good déedes for if he did them of loue towards God and his bretheren would he not then doe that wherein his loue to both should most of all shewe it selfe Can he loue God and hate God Can he loue men and hate men Or can hée loue God and not regard to do his wil Or can he loue men and not care for the saluation of their soules O my bretheren who cannot say to such a man Shew me thy faith by thy works Who will be so blinde as to think such are in good case I will nowe drawe towardes an ende onelye by this place exhorting euerye man while God giueth him time and abilytie to giue himselfe to the exercise of good workes and the seruice of God And déere bretheren what shoulde make vs so slacke considering howe shorte our time is and howe great reasons ther are to perswade vs as first to begin with that which is taught in this place is it not a meruelous blessing to haue the witnesse of our faith Is it not a miserable curse to be without the true peace of conscience and to abide stil in doubt Doeth not GOD promise vs also although we can deserue nothing but when we haue done all that we can we are still vnprofitable seruaunts that all our good workes shal be rewarded euen to a Cup of cold water which is giuen for his sake Make yée bagges which neuer waxe olde or treasure which neuer faileth in heauen c. Shall not the promise of reward mooue vs Go further how déere and precious ought the name of our God to be vnto vs how much ought it to delyght vs to heare it magnified how much ought we to abhorre to sée it stayned and dishonoured Is not his name honoured when those which call vppon him are fruitfull in good workes Héerein saith Christ is my Father glorified that ye goe and bring foorth much fruite Also he saith Let your light so shine before men y t they may sée your good works glorifie your father which is in heauen Is not Gods name dishonoured by the euill conuersation of those which professe his worde Saith not S. Paule The name of God is euill spoken of through you among the heathen Ought not the Gospell to bée déere vnto vs Is it not in the mouth of y e greatest number of worldlings when they sée y e euill déeds of professors Loe these are your Gospellers héere is their holye doctrine these are they which hunt after Sermons ye may sée what they are what their teaching is they haue as fewe good works as other men they are all in wordes O wretches shall not these things moue vs to let the world sée our faith and loue towards God by our good works likewise is ther any greater loue which can be shewed towards men thē when they shall be moued by our good déeds to glorifie God in y e day of their visitation when our godly deling shall cause them to confesse that it is an holy religion which we professe so giue eare ioyne themselues vnto the same Happy man which by his holy life is a meane to drawe others from their euil wayes to bring thē to be schollers in y e same schoole that he is Contrariwise what a woful and miserable wretch is that which slaundereth dishonoureth the holy word by his sinfull life which driueth other from it and so thrusteth them on headlong to destruction O vncharitable man shall not the bloud of such in some sort be layd to thy charge when thou driuest them from the Lord and his truth as much as lyeth in thée and driuest them headlong to destruction I might procéede to many perticulars but then I should be ouer tedious The Lorde plant these things in our hearts and giue vs grace to continue in all goodnesse to our liues ende to his glorie and our eternall comfort Amen FINIS ¶ Imprinted at London by Thomas East for Tobie Cooke dwelling at the Tigers head in Paules Churchyard 1582. Mat. 12. 33 Luk. 6. 43. Iam. 3. 11. 1. Ioh. 3. 7. Ephe. 4. 5 1. Tim. 2. 5 Gen. 21. Gen 21. 12 Ro. 4. 12. Ioh. 8. 3. Gal. 3. 10. Psa 51. 4 Luk. 16. 15 Ephe. 6. 4. 1. Ioh. 3. 17 Ioh. 21. 15 Ma. 10 42 Luk. 12. 33 Ioh. 15. 8 Mat. 5 16. Rom. 2. 24