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B00832 The lives of saints written in Spanish, by the learned and reuerend father Alfonso Villegas, diuine and preacher. ; Translated out of Italian into English, and conferred with the Spanish. By W. & E.K. B..; Flos sanctorum. English Villegas, Alfonso de.; Ribadeneyra, Pedro de, 1526-1611.; Kinsman, Edward.; Kinsman, William. 1614 (1614) STC 24731.5; ESTC S95676 392,335 715

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he neuer staid long but continuallie trauailed from one place to another to escape his handes Once he came to the court of Achis king Geth who was a Phillistin being knowen of the courtiers he was led vnto the king that he might also see and knew him that had killed in the field the most valiant Champion of all the Philistians Golias the Giant Dauid feared that comming before the king he might incurre danger of his life wherefore to free himself of that perill he vsed a kind of pollicy in which he shewed himself as wise as he had before time valerous His craft was to faine himself foolish mad make faces and diffigure his countenance in diuers strange fashions to pulle at one and after at another and yf any catched at him againe to slip away from them as allso to let spi●tle fall on his beard and such like frantick toyes The king seing and thincking this to be done for nought but meere foolishnes scoffed at him and said to his courtiers To what end haue you brought this fellow hither want I fooles in my house take him away By this deuise Dauid was deliuered from the danger of death and out of the hands of the Phillistims O blessed Patriarch and Seraphicall Father holie S. Frauncis howe well and how perfectly wast thou pictured in this patterne Thou like a newe Dauid being yet verie yong wast persecuted not by Saule but by the deuill that endeuoured and laboured to depriue thee of the life not only of bodie but allso of soule Achis the king of Geth is this world in whose court thou wast and continuedst for a time in companie of other worldly men These made thee knowen to the world and the world did fixe his eyes vpon thee But thou fearing daūgers which hong ouer thy head to deliuer thy life out of his handes didst like a wise man faine thy selfe a foole Thou didst alter thy countenance when forsaking all that the world esteemeth thou didst embrace that which he most dispiseth When flying from all pleasures and delights thou didst make choice of contempt and afflictions Thou sometimes didst cherish one sometime another therby seeming to catche hold of them but if anie beganne to lay hold on thee to make the liue in sinne as others thou didst auoide and flye away from them Thou diddest many other things as a foole according to the iudgment of the world as in louing and seeking pouertie in appareilling and vsing of thy body not only meanely but also rigourously whereby the world reputed thee a foole and a verie dizard But thou like Dauid by this dilligence wast deliuered from out of the hands of Philisteans the hands of this world that so thou mightest fight and make fierce and cruell warre against him not only by thy owne person but also by thy sonnes and by thy daughters the religious people of thy holie order who continually waging warre against this enemie obteine many glorious spoiles and victories I haue taken the life of this blessed Saint out of the writings of S. Bonauenture S. Antoninus of Florence and others SAINT Frauncis was borne at Assisium a city in the valley of Spoleto in Italy in the yeare of our Lord 1182 and his father was a marchaunt called Peter Bernardo At his Christning he was named Iohn which name was after at his Confirmation chaunged into Francis for so was the will and pleasure of his father He was brought vp well and had good education as being the eldest sonne of his father who set him to learne both Latine and French intending to make him his factoure in marchandise whereunto the knowledge of many languages was as he knew well verie necessary S. Frauncis being come to years of discretion began to help his father in his trafficque aswell within as without the cittie And for that by this meanes he was as chiefe master and much money was returned thorough his hands a thing most perillous and pernitious for yong men he spent verie prodigally in what he liked This wrought many yong men of his years and of euil behauior into his company whoe moued him to liue as they did drowned in lasciuiousnes in ryot and youthfull vanities Thus he gaue himself wholly to delights to feastings and vaine company and yet alwaies in this euill behauioure he shewed some tokens of what he should then and what he woud be after ward On the one side he omitted not to commit all sinnes with out any feare yett on the other side he did some good deeds as giuing of almose in liberall sort for naturally he was very compassionat to the poore One day it fell out that a poore man asked an almose of him and he because he was verie busy gaue him none The poore man departed assoone as Francys perceued it he reproued himself and rūning after him found him out and not only gaue him almose but also very lowely craued pardon of him and forthwith he also made a vowe that from thēceforth he neuer would deny to giue any thing that was demaunded of him for Gods sake if it lay in his power And perseuering in the obseruation of so worthy a vowe euen vntill his death he receaued manie especial great fauours of God one was that as often as euer he heard these words for Gods sake so often he felt a great tendernes of hart the cause of great consolation In regard of the Almose and other good deeds S. Frauncis did God sent him many good inspirations which serued as meanes to pull him out of that euill course of life in which he liued One of these meanes and motions was a whole yeares imprissonment in the city of Perugia among other citisens of Assisiū caused by a controuersie between these two cities Francis in this prison shewed himself a man of great courage in aduersity as being always mery and comforting other his fellow prisoners that were pensiue and sad Peace was concluded between these citties the prisoners were discharged and Francis fell againe to his former courses prodigally spending his fathers goods among his companions in feasting gaming and carnallity and this life he led vntill he was 25. years old Comming to that age God did call him againe by a long and grieuous infirmitie the booke wherein man learnes manie good lessons First he learneth a liuelie and feeling knowledge of this trueth that he is mortall and that his health is not of himselfe He learneth moreouer to know his sinnes seing that sicknes is often times caused by them He learneth allso to feare hell fire as more neerely threatning deserued punishment which feare doth more earnestly stirre him vp to desire and thirst after eternall ioyes He learneth to despise all worldly riches as things that cannot restore him to health He lerneth to prepare himselfe to dye seinge infirmitie the harbinger of death in his lodginge He learneth to feare the iust iudgements of God making this discourse if in time of Mercie he chastizeth
our peregrination by all the Churches S. Matthew being among the Hebrews had written his Gospell in the Hebrew toung and S. Mark remaining in Rome among the Romaines in Latin S. Luke wrote his in Greek because he preached among the Greeks It is said that at all times that S. Paule saith in his epistles After my Gospell Ierom. de scri eccles he meaneth of the Gospell of S Luke for that he wrot it being in his company S. Dorotheus B. of Tyrus saith that S. Luke wrot his Ghospell by the apointment of S. Peter not of S. Paule because he saith in the beginning therof that he wrot it by the relation of them who sawe it from the beginning S. Paule did not so This holy man wrot also another treatise which is called the Acts of the Apostles In the beginning of which he speaketh of the Ascension of CHRIST into heauen and of the coming of the holy Ghost Then speaketh he of the miracles and preach●●g of the Apostles of their persecutions the death of S. Stephen the conuersion of S. Paule the death of S. Iames the Great and the imprisonment and escape of S. Peter After this he goeth on with 〈◊〉 peregrinations of S. Paule his persecutions and trauells of all which he himself bore no litle part and goeth on till he leaueth S. Paule in Rome Then S. Luke departing from thence returned into the Orient traueled ouer a great part of Asia arriued in Egipt He visited Thebais the higher the lower in all places preaching the faith of CHRIST sand conuer●ing soules in euery place where soeuer he went At the end of his peregrination he came to the great city of Thehais and was the prelate and pastor therof and as such a one laboured to destroy the Idolls and to build Churchs Which he might the better doe by reason of the great multitude that receued the faith of CHRIST and were Baptised by hearing his exhortations S. Luke remained there many years ordered bishops and priests whom he sent into diuers countreis to preache In such sort that this prouince brought forth many good plants worthy of the eternall life This holy Euangelist catied alwais with him two Images he had made himself the one of our B. Sauiour and the other of his B. mother which were good means to conuert the Painims for that not only he did miracles with them but all they that sawe them were moued to great deuotion These two Images were so like the one to the other that he which did not know whose pictures they were might yet easily know that there was some neere kindred between the two persōs represented by them To conclude the holy Euangelist being 84. years old passed frō this mortall vnto the eternall life Nicephorus Callistus in his ecclesiasticall history saith that S. Luke died a martir in Grecia and that he was hanged on a Oliue true lib 2. Cap. 43. but it is commonly holden that he died a naturall death The same Author and others with him say that Constantin the sonne of Constantin the Great by the meanes of one Artemius who whas after ward a glorious martir brought to Constantinople the bodies of S. Andrew from Patrasso a city of Achaia though at this time the body be at Amalphi a city of the kingdome of Naples in Italy of S. Timotheus from Ephesus in Asia and S. Luke from Thebes where it remained and that he builded a sumptuous Church to lay in all the said blessed bodies Nowe the citisens of Padoa say that they haue the body of S. Luke the Euangelist in their city in the Church of S. Iustina The Church celebrateth the feast of S. Luke on the day wheron he died which was on the. 18. day of October in the yeare of our Lord. 90. and in the raigne of Domitian as Canisius accounteth * ⁎ * The life of S. Hilarion the Abbot THE Apostle S. Peter Cap. 4. in his fiirst Canonicall epistle hath one sentence fear full for the good and dreadfull to the euill viz If the iust shall scant be saued what shall become of the sinner If he that hath serued God all his life doth tremble at the hower of death what shall he do who hath bin a wicked man and is a sinner at that dreadfull hower This was verified in S. Hilarion the Abbot who being at the point of death felt a great fear in his ●oule but he incouraging it said Depart my soule out of my body of what art thou afraid thou hast serued CHRIST 70. years and dost thou nowe fear to dy The life of this holy Abbot was written by S. Ierome in this sort SAINT Hilarion was borne in Tabata fiue miles from the city of Gaza in Palestina His father and mother were both Idollaters so that he grewe as a rose among thornes Being a litle child he was sent to study in Alexandria in which place he made demonstration of his rare towardlines and inclination vnto goodnes rare witt morall vertues which caused all men that knew him to loue him But he was much more beloued of God for in that place he atteined vnto the knowledge of the Christian faith which he receiued and was Baptised So that he who before was only accounted a vertuous man was now such a one in verity and in deed and delighted in nothing but in vertuous actions and the seruice of God spending the greater part of his life in the Church and in the company of godly priests and by meanes of them he came to the knoweledg of S. Antony who dwelt in the desert and amazed all worldly men to see and heare of his strict life and his sanctity in confounding the deuills in which he reioiced the heauenly court Hilarion had a great desire to see him in the desert which when he had done he chaunged his ordinary clothes and put on such weedes as the mōks that were in the company of S. Antony wore with whom he also staied two months In this time he marked the order of his life his grauity in behauior his incessant praier his humility in the entertainment of straingers his seuerity in correcting offenders the austerity he vsed toward his body in diet apparell and sleeping he sawe the multitudes of people which came from all costs vnto him to obtein remedy and help for all maner of necessities by his intercession and praiers Hillarion thought that this was the beginning of the reward of the long endured trauels of Anthony and that he should do well to follow his steppes This being determined he returned into his country where the found his father and mother deceased wherfore he diuided his patrimony and bestowed part on his brethren and part on the poore hauing in mind these words of CHRIST He that doth not renounce all that he posesseth cannot be my disciple At that time Hillarion was 15. years old and by this means being poore yet accompanied by CHRIST he went vnto
passed into Africk and from thence into Cycile where he made his stay vpon a cragey mountein In the day he made a bundle of wood and laid it on the back of one of this disciples to cary vnto the next towne to be sold and with the mony arising therof they bought bread with the which those few that were with him liued and sustenied their lifes He could not liue vnknown in that place nether for a man posessed with euill spirite in Rome cried out and faid Hilarion the seruant of God is in Cycilc So that many diseased people came thither to recouer their health by his meanes By cause he perceiued himself honoured in that place also he departed and went into Dalmatia where was a dragon that destroied all the countrey deuoured the oxen and other beasts and killed the husband men and the shepheres The blessed man hauing compassion on the people caused a great stack and pile of wood to be made and when he had praied he commeunded the dragon to go vpon the stack of wood and when he was on it he bad the people set fire ther vnto and thus the dreadfull dragon was brent and consumed with fire in the sight of all the people Then he determined to depart from that place also for which cause he was embarked and being on the sea he was assailed by pirats His disciples with the others that were in the shippe doubted they should be slaine but the good man reprooued them for distrusting in God And Then standing on the deck he praied and stretchinh out his hard against the pyrats said Come no further this way O straunge and wonderfull thing at the saieng of these words they turned aside and returned back as swiftly as though a strong gale of wind had caried them away The sea was also obedient vnto him for at such time as he was at Ragusium the sea swelled and rose out of measure and so much that the people of the country feared all of them should be ouerflown and drowned The blessed old man took land made the signe of the Crosse in the sand and held vp his armes against the storme and the sea was asswaged and ceased incontinent to the great admiration of all the country who kept this deed in memory and the fathers vsed to tell the same vnto their children Another time as he sailed and not hauing any thing to pay for the fraight he would haue giuen vnto the owner of the bark a book in the which he had written the foure Ghospells with his owne hand which he alwais carried about him because he had cured before time the sonne of the master of the bark he would not receiue the book of him but he gaue him his fare and rendered vnto him infinite thanks for his former benefit Finally this blessed old man remaining in Cypres and hauing sent Isichius his disciple to visit the ashes ruines of his distroied monastery and to salute the monks remaining in that prouince staid in the city of Papho vnto which place many sick men and men possessed came out of all parts of the Island and the holy saint by praier healed them Isichius being returned from Siria the reuerend father conferred with him of his departure from thence which he did not vpon inconstancy but only to fly from credit and honour which was bestowed vpon him in that place So hauing found out a place not far distant from the city which stood out of the way and was vnhabitable for the craggines knowing that the going vp vnto it was very difficult for they must go vp creeping with their hands and that at the toppe therof was a plesante and delightfull place furnished with many trees and cleare founteins and that as the fame went many euill spirits haunted and vsed in that place and therefore none was so hardy as to dwell there the holy man resolued to make the same his habitation There were some that came to visite him yea many diseased persons and among others one sick of the palsy who was the owner of the place Great were the conflicts and encounters the seruant of God endured in that place by the deuills who did incessantly disquiet him because he was come to thrust them out of their long continewed habitation The blessed man took thereat great consolation for that he had there some enemy with whom to contend and striue S. Hilarion being nowe come to the age of 80. years Isichius his disciple being absent fell sick and perceuing that the hower of his death drew nere he wrote a schedule or note of his hand in which he left by his testament Isichius his disciple to inherite all his treasures the book of the Gospells written with his owne hand his long relligious weede the sackcloth or hoode with which it was couered When it was known in the country that the holy saint was sick some came to visite him and he charged them deeply that assoone as he was dead they should bury him in the same place where he dwelt and that they should not keep him aboue ground the moment of an hower When the pangues of death came all things failing but his sences which were perfect looking with his eyes open he spake to his soule and said Depart forth nowe depart feare not thou hast serued CHRIST 70. years and doest thou nowe feare death In speaking these words he ended his life His body was buried incontinently as he had apointed so that his death and buriall was reported in the city both at one time His disciple Isichius being certefied of his death returned into Cypres and faining that he desired to dwell in the same place where is master did dwell and was buried after ten moneths passed he stole away the blessed body of his master venturing his life for the same for if the Cypriots had knowne it he had bene slaine by them and caried it into Siria and buried it in his auncient monastery an infinite company resorting thither to see it The blessed body was found hole perfect and entier and so were all his cloths and garments euen as he and they were when he was aliue casting a very sweet pleasant smell S. Ierome saith that vntill his time there had ben variance and controuersy for the Syrians say they haue his body as they haue indeed and the Cypriots say they haue his spirite but aswell in the one as in the other place are seen many miracles done by the intercession and merits of this glorious saint but much more in the place of Cypres for in that place the blessed father took great delight The death of S. Hillarion the Abbot was on the 21. of October and on the same day the Church celebrateth his feast It was also in the yeare of our Lord 379 Valentinian being the Romain emperour Nicephorus Callistus wrote of this holy saint in the 11. book cap 14. The life of S. Vrsula and the eleuen thousands Virgins ON the sel●e
the Ensigne and left the warre Then said Pirrhus vnto him Tell me Art thou a soudier as this man saith S. Menna answered It is true I was a souldier but when the wicked Edict of your Emperours was proclaimed I left the army and departed from the warre What mooued thee said Pirrhus to leaue the warfare Art thou a Grecian or a Christian S. Menna answered I haue bene I am and I desire to be euer a Christian I left the host because I would not be partaker of your impieties So Pirrhus comitted him to close prison On the next daie giuing audience he comaunded that Menna should be brought before him and then he said vnto him Come hither thou presumptuous fellowe what mooued thee to come into the Theater and to hinder our festiuall daies which are celebrated in the honor of our Gods Whence art thou why diddest thou leaue the armie S. Menna answered I am of Egipt and because I desire to fight vnder the banner of IESVS CHRIST I forsook your armies which be but seeble and weak And where hast thou bene said Pirrhus all this time Menna answered I had rather liue a sollitarie life for the loue of my God in the companie of sauage and wild beastes then contine we with you that know not the true God and loose my soule for it is written Lord do not destroy my soule with the sinners nor my life with the bloodthirstie men Softe not so many words said Pirrhus Offer sacrifice vnto the Gods and they will restore vnto thee the honorable offices thou haddst in the host and augment the same also Menna said I only desire to please the eternall king and of him to receaue the crowne of imortallity Loose not time in threatning mee for I regard not thy torments at all but desire rather to suffer for the loue of Iesvs CHRIST my Lord and my God The Iudg comaunded that Menna should be laid flat on the ground and then to be beaten with rawe sinewes of beastes vntill he obeied the commaundment of the Emperours The executioners began to beat him rigorouslv and during the torment a minister of the Idolls laboured by perswasion to bring him to sacrifice to their Gods The blessed M●itir said to him Why doest thou perswade me thus thou counsellor of darknes and captaine of iniquitie If I would not do it at the commandment of the Iudg doest thou think that I will do it at thy perswasion I giue thee to vnderstand that I haue by my side IESVS CHRIST who for this which I suffer and endure for his sake will giue vnto me an eternall reward and vnto you and your Emperours he will giue perpetuall torments not only for your owne sinnes Idollatrie but also because you do your endeauour that he should not be loued not serued by his owne faithfull seruants goe to said Pirhus make ready the other torments to tame the stub brone hart of this fellowe Forth with was prepared for him the torture with the cord in the which the holie saint hanging on high the Iudg said vnto him Menna doest thou yet remēber thy self wilt thou yield or shall we prouide greater torments The blessed martir answered very litle is that I haue yet suffred to that which my Lord and king deserueth I should suffer for his sake because he keepeth about me many Angells that asist and help me encouraging me not to shrink at thy torments Pirrhus said Scourge this villaine and rebell yet more seuerely who having a king alreadie faith he hath another which is not knowne Then said the saint Thou indeed doest not know him for if thou diddst to haue his loue thou wouldest forsake thine Emperours since he can better reward thee then they can And who is this great and potent king said Pirrhus S. Menna answered This is IESVS CHRIST the sonne of the liuing God creator of all things vnto whom all that is in heauen and earth is subiect Then said Pirrhus Doest thou not know Menna that to be the only cause why our Emperours haue commaunded you Christians to be tormented namely that you should neither professe IESVS CHRIST for God nor adore and worship him Menna answered what is that to me If that be their intention their power and torments are of no auaile Rom. 8. to make me forsake my dearest Lord God It is said Who shal be able to seperate vs from the lone of CHRIST or from his seruice not tribulation nor affiction nor famine nor persecutson nor dangers much lesse the world Be assured that what soeuer persecution is raised against vs shall not make vs alter our mindes The Iudg commaunded his gashed and wounded body should be rubbed ouer with rough sharp clothes which paine he tollerated very patiently Pirrhus remained astonished hereat and said vnto him verely Menna it seemeth thy bodie which is thus tormented is not thine owne but borrowed of some other The martir answered him I feele not thy torments because I haue my God by me who doth helpe defend me vnto those that haue him with them all things succeed prosperously Then said Pirrhus set other burning torches vnto his sides that we may ouercome this his obstinacy The fire was brought applied and although they burned his sides two whole houres together yet the martir spake not one word Where vpon Pirrhus said Doest thou not feele the fire that burneth thee S. Menna answered I feele it not for CHRIST giueth me strength who hath said to me in his holie writt Esay 43. That if we passe by the fire the flame shall not burnevs He saith also in another place Mat 10. that we must not feare them that kill the bodie and cannot kill the soule but him we must feare that can send both bodie and soule into euerlasting fire Then said Pirrhus How canst thou alleadg these testimonies out of the bookes of thy God being a souldier when hadest thou time to read and study them Then said the blessed martir The same IESVS CHRIST our God said vnto vs That when we should be brought before kings nad Iudges for the profession of his name we should not care what to speak for that he would direct vs what we should answere Pirrhus said Tell me Menna whether your CHRIST did foretell you that you should suffer those torments yet surely said Menna for that he being God knew right well all that was to happen in after times Well well said Pirrhus leaue this vaine talk made and diuised of thine owne head and sacrifice vnto the Gods or I will condemne thee to be consumed with fire Do thy will said Menna for as I haue told thee already although thou hast power to torment my bodie yet hast thou none ouer my soule The Iudg said wilt thou haue daies of respitte to consider of this matter that thou maist free thy self from this thy blindnes and error The blessed martir made answere Long since haue I determined and resolued
base because the too much or excesse was a thing reprouable for his person the too litle was not fit nor conuenient in respect of his function He was very merciful toward the poore and gaue them much almose of the mony which many rich men gaue vnto him very largely By these pious deeds Ciprian became in few daies so famous that among the heathen also he was renoumed and no lesse hated as one by whose meanes many left their paganisme and were made Christians For which cause they conferred among themselues howe they might take his life away and to haue a commaundement for it from Themperours Valerian and Gallien who at that time persecuted the Church most cruelly and put many Christians to death euery day God did not permit that this their purpose should come to passe as yet Because a man of such holy life and excellent learning as Cyprian was for some short time necessary to be in the church to the end he might with this holy sermons and admonitions draw many soules out of the bandes of sinne bring them vnto pennance and to the end he might exhort many to forsake the world and enter into relligion and that many damosells liuing in monasteries might keep perpetuall chastity This excellent doctor was also necessary for no preach the truch vnto the heretiks the vnion vnto the schismatiks and peace vnto the children of God He was asso necessary for the incouragement of the martirs to persuade them with a willing mind to suffer torments and death for the sake of IESVS CHRIST with hope to acquire the crowne of glorie in heauen He was likewise necessary to the end that they which only lost their goods in the persecution should be by him comforted in making them assured that they should haue them doubled in heauen This persecution being runne through diuers provinces and cities came also vnto Carthage and was put in execution with such rage and fury that it was worthy of note to see the miserable Christians to goe one this way another that way all of them in feare and dread labouring one while to saue their goods another while to preserue their liues In a short time the prisons were replenished with Christians not with thiefs or malefactors There was no offence punished but that which seemed most heinous vnto the painimes to be a Christian After certein daies expired the Christiās which were imprisoned were taken forth and executed in the high streets with diuersity of tormēts Theire dead bodies lay in heapes and no man was so hardy as to touch or bury them What did the holly Bishop S. Ciprian in this time of great calamity and misery He called the Christians to him some times one and sometimes another and led them into certeine secret places where he preached vnto them telling them that the time was euen nowe cōme in which it was to be clearly seen who was in deed the frend of God by perseuering in the confession of the faith by not fearing the tirants that had power to do harme only vnto their bodies and not vnto their soules but rather the more the bodies were abused the more glory should redound vnto their soules that therefore they should not hate the tirants which persecuted them but rather loue and pray vnto God for them knowing that IESVS CHRIST hath said that the difference between the Christian and the pagan is that the Christian doth loue his frends and foes also whereas the pagan loueth none but his frends He made vnto them demonstration of this verity by the example of CHRIST who praied for them that Crucified him and that therefore if they would be his true children they ought to imitate him in works Many other things said the good prelate vnto thē which if the tirants had heared they might haue bene conuerted by these words Yet they brought forth very gret fruite in the harts of the catholikes because they did much animate them not to fear the rigour to the persecution Ciprian also ordeined many things to preuent and auoid many incoueniences which happened euery day As to apoint stout and lusty fellowes who in the night at certein howers of security took away the bodies of the Martirs which lay in the streets and buried them to others he gaue in charge that the Christians which came out of prison with life yet very euill entreated with torments should be led by them vnto their houses there they should see them haue phisik with all speed He ordeined others to helpe the Christians which were designed to be taken and fled hither and thither and to prouide them sustenaunce and clothing These and such others the like prouisiōs did the Blessed Bishop make in that time full of calamity and he had such a notable gift in commaunding things to be done that euery one obeied him And though they put them selues in manifest daunger yet did they performe all his commaundements The Proconsull who had the charge in Carthage to persecute the Christiants was aduertiezed of the good deeds that Cyprian did wherupon he would be informed who he was and when he heard that the people loued him and that he was of great autority with euery one he durst not arrest him to put him to death but caused his commaundement to be declared vnto him which was that he should depart from Carthage and go vnto a city called Corubitana In that place he staied about a yeare but the Proconsull deceasing he retruned vnto a place neere vnto Carthage and staied in certein gardeins which had bene sometimes parcell of his owne patrimony and which he had sold to be spent in almose But he which had purchased them had giuen restored them agein vnto him freely without any recompence And if the persecution had ceased S. Cyprian had sould them ageine and had giuen the price coming of them agein vnto the poore Remaining certein daies in these gardeins accompanied with manie priests and deacons and other friendes among whom was Pontius who wrote his life many of the city of Carthage and of other places also came to visite S. Cyprian and to confer with him of heauenly matters and at all times they found him affable and curteous Euery one was by him comforted euery one holpen and he persuaded and exhorted them all to serue God Some of his frends besought him to depart from thence and to remaine a litell further of from the Proconsul who being newly come might seek to get him into his handes and put him to death therefore staying there he was in great daunger But he who had receued a reuelation that about one yeres end after his banishment he should obtein the crown of martirdome had not the power to depart out of that place for he had a gret desire to die for the faith of CHRIST The Procon●ull had notice where Cyprian dwelt and howe much people came thither to visite him wherefore he sent officers to attach him
vpheld the Church of S. Iohn Lateran with his shoulders And considering the purity and sincerity of his hart howe he despised the world and loued pouerty his constancy in this purpose of following that Euangelicall life written in his Rule according to which he desired to liue and regarding also his great zeale for the saluation of soules his feruent desire to imitate IESVS CHRIST he said without doubt this same is the man I sawe in my sleep I suppose that this man with his good example of life and doctrine will help to susteine and vphold the Church of God and with all he graunted vnto S. Francis his request and desire and confirmed his Rule Viuae vocis oraculo viz by word of mouth Then the holy man made a solemne profession in the hands of the Pope so did all his company promising to liue after that Euangelicall Rule when this was done the Pope ordeinted S. Francis Generall of all the order These things happened in the year of our Lord 1209. But because there was no Bull made therof at this time therefore the confirmation of this order of Friers Minors is not accounted but from the time of Honorius the Pope who 15. years after this confirmed the same by a particuler Bull and other Popes since haue confirmed and illustrated the same with speciall graces and priuiledges S. Francis returned to Assisium and with his brethren withdrew him selfe into a litle house n●ere to the city and there continued in praier and meditation From this house they went to a litle Church or chappell belonging to the Benedictine monks who bestowed it freely vpon S. Francis This chappell was called S. Maria de Angelis or by another name S. Maria de Portiuncula This was the first house or formed monastery of al the order The first time S. Francis came thither he seemed to be very ioifull and said to his Friers that this place should be the head of all his order S. Francis then departed from thence and so did all his brethren and went preaching not only in the city of Assisium neere vnto them but also in other places especially the Seraphicall father becōming an Euangelicall trōpet passed thorough cities castles and townes preaching the word of God not with eloquent words or worldly wisedome but with feruour and power and spirit of the liuing God The people who sawe and heard him speak thought him to be a man of a higher and another world for his hart and visage was euer ●rected toward heauen and he laboured to direct euerie one in his company to think of the world to come many were conuerted by his wordes and many did keepe him company who for the desire they had to imitate IESVS CHRIST followed the footsteps of the holy saint whom they took for their guide despising all kind of worldly goods and embracing holy pouerty It would be tedious to recount all the things this holy father did as his godly exercises and the holy life he led when he began to found his relligious order First he was most abstinent in eating and drinking his ordinary diet was bread and water with some pulse and sodden herbs If at any time he was forced by sicknes to eat flesh when he was recouered he would for a requitall repaire the abstinence brokē with double austerity on his body He so diuided the yeare into lents that he fasted almost all of it eating but only once a day His first lent began at th end of twelftyde vntill Easter Another he kept after Easter for the cōming of the Holy Ghost Another for the Apostles S. Peter and Paul Another against the Assumption of our Lady and when that feast was gone he fasted tille the feast of S. Michaell tharchangell and then at the blessed feast of All Saints he began his Aduent vntill Christmas The bare earth was the ordinary bed for his weak and feeble body and for a pillowe he laid a stone vnder his head He sl●pt very litle but watched almost all night in praier His apparaill was one gowne with a hood and a rope was his girdle he went some times vnto the desert places and mountains to pray the more quietly It happened on a time that S. Francis being in the night in the desert Sacianum in a litle caue the deuill called him by his name and the blessed man answered him not knowing who it was that called him The fiend said to him There is not so great a sinner in the world but God will pardon him if he be conuerted but they that will shorten their daies with rigorous penances shall find no mercy before the heauenly maiesty The seruant of God hearing these words was astonied and studied whither he did well or no in doing such and so austere penance But that he might know who it was that talked with him by the permission of our good God he was surprised with a greuous temptation of carnallity assoone as he perceaued it he threw of his cloths and gaue him self a very sore discipline and bicause it did not repell the assault he hasted out of the caue naked as he was and tumbled vp and downe in the snowe of which there was much in that desert When he had so done he made seuen heapes of snow in a round compasse and coming into the middest of them said to himself Thou my body yonder great one thou seest is thy wife these four be thy children two boies and two girles the other two be thy seruants nowe thou must take paines to maintein them and prouide cloths for them all least they dye for cold But if thou thinkest it chargeable endeuor thy self to liue chast and to serue God only which is a great deale better and more easye In this sort the holy saint ouer came the tentation and the deuill with shame departed away The glorious father aduised his friers to be abstinent and to auoid Idlenes if they would be freed from such tentations The great loue S. Francis bare to CHRIST may be knowen by this that there was neuer any so much desired to liue as he did to dye for CHRIST his sake this moued him to go into Siria among the Infidells that he might obtein the crowne of martirdome but he returned for that he could not obtaine his desire Also the glorious father bare great loue vnto his neighbour helping euery one in their necessities aswell of the body as of the soule It was his ordinary vsage if he sawe any poore man with ragged clothes to exchange with him he vsed to all of them great respect and reuerence for he thought he sawe CHRIST in euery one of them The wonderfull miracles he did worke as casting out of deuills healing of the sick and raising of the dead be so many that only of them a iust volume might be made many of them are mencioned in the Bull of his Canonisation which is a sufficient proofe that they be of good credit and Authenticall
the venerable and B. Prelat S. Dionise bad the headsman to do his office And he being ready began with him and then went to Rusticus and lastly to Eleutherius and cut of all their three heads in that order Although God permitted these his seruants to be put to death as is aboue said yet was not he forget full of them yea because he would the more glorify them and not suffer their bodies to be dishonored his will was to worke a wonderfull miracle in that place The headles body of S. Dionise arose on his feet and tooke vp in his hand his owne head and went as it were in maner of triumph untill it mett a vertuous woman coming out of her own house not farre distant from the place where the holy saints were martired The body of S. Dionise being come vnto that place where the woman was deliuered his head vnto her as a pretious treasure and shee also receued it as a most goodly Iewell The bodies of SS Rusticus and Eleutherius continued still in the place of execution and the headsman and the other officers talked and deuised to cast them into the riuer to be deuoured by the fihses and with all to bereaue the Christians of them who as they knew well would reuerence and esteem them very much A woman called Ca●ulla who had bin a defender and helper of S. Dionise and his companions in this persecution heard of their wycked designe intention and inuited the headsman and the officers vnto her house to make good cheare and accordingly did sett meat and drink before them In the meane space shee sent for certain Christians secretly who conuayed away and hid the bodies of the holy martirs When the officers and headsman had eatē their fill they went out to looke for the bodies of the blessed saints to haue put in practise their lewd designe and not finding them they streightwaies made a tumult and threatned exceedingly such as had stollen them away but the discreet woman appeased them with gifts and with fair words and so they departed quietly away The Christians laid the bodies of the holy saints in a priuate house without the walls of Paris and after certein years there was builded for them a goodly sumptuous and stately Church where they now do rest They who do visite their holy relicks do obteine many graces by the intercession of these holly martirs The death of these holy saints fell on the same day that the Church celebrateth the same viz on the 9. of October in the year of our Lord. 96. in the time of Domitian or Traian as others say S. Dionise was 90. years old when he was martired as Trithemius saith He wrote certein books replenished with merueillous and profound doctrine viz De Ecclesiastica Caelesti hierarchia De mistica Theologia De diuinis moninibus and others out of which the faithfull belee●ers reap no les fruit of his doctrine them the former had gathered by the good example of his holy life as the third Countell of Constātinople affirmeth in which place 6. Sinod Cōstātinop they were acknowledged for his books and were highly esteemed The life of S. Callistus Pope and martir SALOMON saith in Ecclesiasticus cap. 37. The abstinē● man encreaseth the daies of his life This sentence is verified in Gallen the prince of phisike and medicine who liuing 140. yeares and being asked howe and by what meanes he liued so long answered I neuer rose from the table satiate and full More are they that dy by furfet and to much then by abstinence and too litle This being considered by the B. Pope Callistus he ordeined the fast called the Ember by commaunding the faithfull that in the foure times of the year viz the Spring Sommer Autumne and Winter they should fast three daies in one week in euery one of these quarters and likewise in those daies pray vnto God that he would giue and conserue the fruits of the earth and also that prayer maie be made vnto God for them that take holy orders at those times Also as the church saith in a praier fasting was instituted for the good of body and soule being vnto them bothe a holesome medicine oration Quadrag The life of this holy Pope was written by Damasus and other Authors in this maner BY the death of S. Zepherinus Pope and martir Callistus the first of that name was placed in the Chair of S. Peter He was borne in Rome and was the sonne of Domitius He builded a Church in the honor of the glorious virgin which is called Santa Maria trans Tiberim though as Pla●●na saith it cannot be that which is so called at this present bicause at that time the Christians had not such large liberty as to build sumptuous Churches yea those which they had were litle meane and priuat as this was then because of the persecutions but Gregory the 3. enlarged it and before him Pope Siluester the first that builded publik Churches Pope Callistus at this owne cost caused to be made a Churcheyard in the way called Appia which is called the Churchyard of Callistus where many martirs are buried In this Churchyard was afterward built the Church of S. Sebastian therein are conserued many relicks and many alters and litle chapples are vnder the ground where masses were said in great secrecy for feare of the Pagans This same Pope as is afore said ordeined the feast of the Qua●uor tempora or Ember daies And bicause the giuing of holy orders was vsed to be done but once in the yeare which then was not sufficient for that the number of the faithfull was very much augmented it was also necessary to encrease the number of priests and Deacons and so it was permitted to giue holy orders at those foure times of fasting Callistus for bad all faithfull beleeuers to participate or conuerse with persons excommunicate and also commaunded that no excommunicate person should be absolued Cap. Consang 3 q. 4. except the cause was first heard and the party satisfied He also was the first who prohibited matrimony betwene kinsfolks and apointed the same consanguinity vntill the seuenth degree though it after was limited to the fourth degree as it is at this present This good Pope gouerned the Church of God vertuously 6. years 2. months and 10. daies in the which he gaue holy orders fiue times in the moneth of December and ordered 8. Bishops 16. priests and foure deacons and then was martired Vsuardus recounteth his martirdome in this ensuing maner sa●eng That the Emperour Alexāder Seuerus hauing kept him long in prison caused many bastanadoes to be giuen him allowing him with all verie litle sustenaunce and lastly he caused him to be thrown out of a window of the prison and in that sort he yielded vp his soule vnto God The Church celebrateth his feast on the. 14. day of October which was the same day he was martired in the year of our Lord. 224. It
of th'emperour Traian The life of S. Felicitas Martyr ONe of the affections which parents ought to conquer and bring to a meane is the ouer-great fondness of loue to they re children For though nature hath engrafted a loue vnto them and reason teacheth that loue is due to them yett is it due with such proportion and measure that the loue of they re children depriue them not of the loue of God which ought to be prized and preferred aboue all other Moreouer they ought to marke well and regard wherein consisteth the true loue of they re children For manie times parents desire and procure for they re children the false fayned fading goods of this world with such painfull endeuoure such vnquencheable thirst that euerie thing seemeth to meane and to little in repect of that which most they wish them and faine would haue for them And herein they bound the limitts of they re loue this they prefixe as they re only marke not regarding how to enrich they re children with vertues nor make them worthie of those verie goods which they painfully scrape and carefully heape vp together for them litle mindfull of instructing them how to purchase those euerlastinge vnspeakeble treasures of glorie in whose comparison all the good and riches of earth are only shadowed conterfayted goods To teache and instruct parents in this trueth and set before they re eyes a rule and patterne of they re duety the holie Churche makes this day a commemoracion of Holie S. Felicitas She was a most honourable Matrone of Rome where being lefte a widow with seauen sonnes she liued without blame or reprehension bending her greatest care and endeuoure to serue her selfe and make her children serue allmightie God And so much preuailed her good example and holie education that Gods loue was so deepelie rooted in they re harte as to make them holie martyrs of his in the time of the Emperoure Antoninus when before the eyes of they re blessed mother with cruell torments and sundrie kinds of death they bought one euerlasting lyfe as hath bin said in the month of Iulie But after those glorious Knights of CRHIST IESVS the sonnes of blessed Felicitas had manfully fought and wonne the victorie all the rage and furie of the Emperour was turned againste that holie mother whose woords had encouraged and giuen her sonnes weapons to fight the battaile The Tyraunt therefore commaunded that she should be cast into a loth some prison to the end that sparing for some time her lyfe he might make her grieue daylie more and more for her childrens death For though she reioyced as knowing that now they were cittizens of heauen yett could she not as a mother but feele some sorrow they being lost to her allthough she had gained them to God There he kept her foure months in prison to afflict her and molest her the more and at the length seing that still she perseuered constant in the faith of IESVS CHRIST he commaunded her to be beheaded Of this blessed mother the patterne of all christian mothers of this martyr or as S. Gregorie saith more then martyr for she was eight tymes martyred seauen in her children and once in her selfe the same S. Gregorie hath these words Let vs behold my brethren consider this woeman and be ashamed to see her so much surpasse vs. Often times one only word said against vs doth trouble and vexe and make vs breake all oure good purposes whereas neyther torments nor death it selfe was able to conquer blessed Felicitas nor make her yield or giue backe one foote Wee with a blast of contradiction are streight waies dismayed and shamefully fall she wrought a way thorough steele and flint to obtaine and euerlasting crowne We giue not the least part of oure goods to the poore for the loue of CHRISTE she offered him her flesh in sacrifize Wee when God calleth backe for oure children which he had giuen vs in loane waile euerlastingly without comfort she be-wayled her children vntill they died for CHRISTE and reioyced when she did behold them dead And Peeter Archeb of Rauenna saith B holde a woman whose children liuing were cause of her care dead of her securitie Most happie she that now hath as manie faire shining lights in heauen as heretofore she had sonnes on earth Happie in bringing them into this world most happie in sending them vp into heauen She was farre more diligent and industrious when the tyraunt commaunded them to be slaine and when she walked amonghst they re dead bodies then when she did rocke them in the cradle and gaue them milke with her owne brests she viewed full well with the eyes of her soule that as manie wounds as they receaued so manie should be the pretious jewells of they re victorie how manie they re torments so manie they re rewards the crueller they re combats the more glorious they re crowns what shall I say of this valerous woman only this that she 's no true mother that loues not her children as this loued hers Hitherto are the words of S. Peeter of Rauenna The martyrdome of S. Felicitas was on the 23 day of Nouember the yeare of oure Lord 175. There is mention made of her in the Roman and other Martyrologes * ⁎ * The life of S. Chrisogonus Martyr GREAT was the ioje and content the holy man Ioseph conceiued when he was taken out of prison in which he had remayned a long tyme suffring therein many troubles ●fflictions especially being vpon his deliuery ou● made gouernour ouer all ihe land of Egipt No lesse was the content and spirituall ioye S. Chrisogonus had when he departed out of prison where he had continued two yeares and had endured the ordinary molestations incident to prisons though he was not taken out to be a prince on the earth but to be a glorious and happie Saint in heauen whether his soule presently ascended by meanes of his martyrdome The life of this holie Sainct was written by Venerable Bede and by Ado Archbishop of Treuers in this manner SA●NT Chrisogonus was borne in Rome of a noble and honorable family and was in all his cariage and behauiour no lesse worthie and gracious with all men He was apprehended by the comaund and apoyntment of Dioclesian the Emperour and was kept in prison two yeeres contynually being there releeued with all things necessary by a vertous woman his disciple called Anastasia wife vnto Publius a man great and potent in the cittie but an Idollater This Phlius hauing knowledg of that which this wife Anastasia did shutte her vp and locked her stronglie in a chamber of his pallace setting a guard and watch ouer her to the end she should not send any help or relief vnto Chrisogonus as also that the should not haue any sustenance for here self determining that both the one and the other of them might dye by famine Notwithstanding the blessed woman was shut vp in this sort yet she found meanes to
in the Councell of Chalcedon Some holy doctors as S. Cyrill S. Iohn Damascen S. Augustine and S. Thomas declare the maner therof The substance of that which they say is this that the blessed virgin hauing conceiued IESVS CHRIST our Lord shee was his mother for that her most chast pure and more then illustrious bloud serued for matter of which the holy Ghost by his deuine vertue formed the body of IESVS CHRIST for which cause shee became a true and veritable mother as any other mothers be Hauyng layd this foundation of truth I say that to be the mother of God argueth the great noblenes and worthynes of this holy damosell This is proued by a principle the phylosophers hold to wyt that there is not only a proportion betweene the cause and the effect but also if the cause be not empeached or hindered it produceth a like effect to it selfe euen to the Indiuiduum and the accidents as a lyon that hath spots produceth not only another lyon but also with the same spots This being graunted I say that if the naturall guifts of the wyt complexion and proportion of members naturall condition of CHRIST were transcendent and excellent in the hiest degree as it is apparant by the sacred scripture also said by the holy doctors we are by great reason to find all the same in the B. virgin as in his true and veritable mother to witt that shee was of an excellent wyt an amyable complection of an admyrable beauty absolute proportion of limmes and most goodly naturall condition So that saying that IESVS CHRIST was the fairest of all men Psal 44. v. 3. the same may be affirmed of the B virgin wherfore we may well say thus O lady vnto whom shall we liken thee what goodlines shal be like vnto thyne who is so beutifull as thou art The sonne compared vnto thee is foul and vgly the moone is dark and obscure and the starres are as clouds The Angels are far inferior and the Seraphins come not nere vnto thee vnto whom shall we liken thee but euen vnto IESVS CHRIST thy sonne will you haue saith S. Gregory a liuely pattern of the glorious virgin fixe your eys and behold IESVS CHRIST Behold the sonne in him you shall see a picture of the mother note you that there is litle difference between the mother and the sonne Such a sonne and of such and so great perfections was fit for such a mother and such a mother endued with so many graces was fit for such a sonne yee ought also to consider a heuenly workmanship betwene the B. Virgin her sonne for she gaue him one thing which was the humain nature he gaue vnto her another to wit the fulnes of grace The mother gaue vnto him that which she had to wit the humanity and CHRIST being God and fountein of grace gaue it vnto his mother Of this groweth two admirable things The one is that as the glorious virgin for his nature is his mother so is shee his daughter in respect of grace so that the mother is daughter and the sonne is father and that which other mothers say in sport to their sonnes calling them my king my prince my father and my treasor the glorious virgin might say it in truth and verity This also ariseth betwene the mother and the sonne That as the sonne for his humaine nature is made like vnto his mother so the mother in respect of grace is like vnto the sonne Shee was humble in proportion not in equality as he charitable as he obedyent as he and in her proportion full of grace as he so the Angell called her A●haile full of grace The consideration of this mother and sonne Luc. 1. goeth further The virgin in his conception bestowed the bloud of her vaines of which to forme his body and in the nyne moneths that she caryed him in her wombe ouer beside the giuing vnto him her most chast bowells for his rich pallace and the couerings and pannycles of her hart to be the tapissery of his chamber shee also gaue him the very same meate shee took her self so that like a blissed doue with her bill shee put the nutriment in the mouth of her sonne After he was borne the armes of his mother was his cradell holding him vnto her brest she warmed him better then Abysac warmed Dauid IESVS being growen vp his mother gaue him her handes her care and diligence to the end all things shee had might serue him After he was dead taken from the crosse shee took him also in her armes and embraced him with tender affection All this gaue the mother vnto the sonne The sonne gaue vnto the mother grace in her conception in preseuring her from sinne he gaue vnto her the vse of reason before the ordinary time and at three yeres old he conducted her as his owne vnto the Temple Then he aduaunced her higher vntill he made her his mother most fit for such a sonne in such maner that shee is no reproch vnto CHRIST before his eternall father the Angels and all men Yea he glorieth and ioyeth to haue such a mother as Mary is IESVS CHRIST and his mother were in this as other things most faithfull louers for the presents and gifts the one had from the other liked them so well that they neuer left them IESVS had his humanity of his mother and he so firmely embraced it that as the deuines say that which he once vnited to himself he neuer last He lost his life in his passion and in the three dayes he lay in the sepulcher the humane nature was not there for his parts to wit the body and the soule were seperated asunder but the parts were neuer seperated from the diuine Suppositum It is also very cleare that the iewels with which this infant was borne and were bestowed on her in her conception were neuer lost for shee neuer commytted any mortall sinne Let vs then conclude this first tretise to wit of the nobility which accrewed and arose vnto the virgin in being the mother of God with the words of S. Augustine to wyt That to be the mother of God is so great a dignity that by it shee surpasseth not only all mankind but also all the Angels Asmuch as it is more to be the mother rather then the seruant so much is the dignity greater to be the mother of the prince then to be his seruant This reason also conuinceth it for that so much the more is a thing aduanced in perfection the more or nerer it is vnited to God who is the hiest perfection This is the daughter that is borne this day the infant whose feast the Catholike Church celebrateth a litle infant but a great Lady An infant whose graces cannot be expressed but by him that created her THis is a day of great desart a day whose memorie reioyceth both heauen and earth This is the day in which shee is
most pure and chast as she was before and euer shall be Shee shall haue another spouse in heauen which shal be God himself to wit The Holy Ghost the third person of the holy Trinity He shall be her spouse and by him shee shall conceiue without losse or dammage vnto her virginity and hauing conceiued shall bring forth into the world our Sauior and Redeemer After we haue thus reioiced with Ioachim and Anna for that thy haue such a daughter borne vnto them we may also reioice with their other kinsfolke for that they haue gotten nowe such a kinswoman Let vs reioice also with the sinners for that nowe this day is borne their aduocate Let vs reioice with the Angels since that on this day is borne their Queene let vs reioice with God since on this day is borne his mother daughter and spouse And at the last let vs reioice with the virgin her selfe since God hath elected her to such gretnes and dignity And the occasion of this being for that we be sinners for if sinne had not bin God had not bin made man and if he had not bin made man shee had not bin his mother Therfore without doute shee being aduaunced to this gretnes by our occasion will remember vs and obteine for vs of the same God who is her sonne pardon and mercy for our sinnes transgressions and also his heauenly grace that we may be partakers of his glory The life of S. Adrian Martir THE worthy king Dauid speaking with God in one Psalme said Ps 118 I haue inclined my hart to do iust and good workes for retribution sake that is hauing regard vnto the reward which ariseth in doing them It is not euill to exercise and do good and holy workes in hauing regard vnto that which is gained therby in doing them The reason hereof is that the guerdon or reward which is expected is God himselfe In such sort that he who for that respect doth good workes doth them for the loue of God In the number of those may the glorious martir S. Adrian be accounted who by hearing of the greate guerdon the martirs expected did voluntarilie offer himselfe vnto martirdome His life was written by Ado. B. of Triers and it was in this manner THE Emperour Maximian commaunded that the Christians that were in the citie of Nicomedia a city of Bithinia should be diligently sought out Many were apprehended and after that the Emperour had admonished and willed them to adore the Idoll and sawe them constant and firme in the profession of the faith of IESVS CHRIST he bad them all to be chained vnto wodden postes and to be beaten with the rawe sinewes of beastes and when he heard them in they re tormentes to praise the name of IESVS CHRIST he caused their tounges to be cut out and theire mouthes to be beaten with greate stones The number of these martirs was 23. Adrian was present there as an officer to attend and see that the commaundement of the Emperour should be executed He was an Idolater and a man of good account with Maximian And when he sawe howe patiently the holy martirs tollerated those terrible tormentes wondering therat he said vnto them I coniure you by the God which you adore and for whom you suffer these torments to tell me truly what guerdon or reward you expect for I suppose it to be very greate The holy martirs though they had no tonges by the permission of God answered him thus The reward we expect is such so greate that eyes neuer sawe it nor eares haue hard it nor the hart of man cānot conceiue it for it is an vnspeakable good which God hath prepared for his frends Adrian hearing this desired not to heare any more but being inspired by God and shewing himselfe desirous to be partaker of so greate good entred into the midst of the martirs and said to the Register before whom the matter was handled write also my name with these soulders of CHRIST for I will be a Christian also as they be The Emperour was certified hereof and when the name of Adrian was read vnto him among the other Christians which were prisoners he caused him to be called said vnto him O Adrian what art thou become foolish that thou seekest to lose thy life wretchedly Adrian aunswered I haue been but nowe I am not a foole for that I am a Christian and no more an Idolater as I haue bene before time The'mperour being desirous to make him alter his purpose discoursed and conferred long with him but seeing his words did not preuaile in rage and fury he caused him to be chained and fettered and put in prison Adrian was about 28. yeares old had to wife a woman called Natalia who was a Christian When shee heard what had befallen vnto her husband shee went with greate ioy vnto the prison and fell at his feet and kissing his fetters wherewith he was gyued said vnto him Blessed art thou ô Adrian my husband and my Lord nowe thou hast found the riches which thy father left not vnto thee Passe securely vnto IESVS CHRIST in whom thou hast reposed thy treasure which thou shalt find herafter in the time of necessity when no man shall be able to deliuer from punishment the wretch which shal be condemned The father shall not be able to deliuer the sonne nor the mother the daughter nor the transitorie riches of the world nor the ambition to haue many seruants and a great patrimony the freind shall not be of ability to help the freind only the deedes which a man hath done shall do a man good and pleasure Thou my Lord hast IESVS CHRIST in thy company in whom thou hast deposed and laid vp thy treasures walk in the way thou hast begon be not wery therof to the end thou maiest enioy the promises Take heede let not the remembrance of earthly and momentary things moue thee to turne backward from thy way begon nether let thy kinsfolks nor the wailings of thy father and mother nor the flattery of thy freinds nor the menaces of thy enemies moue thee Let not the torments of the tirant put thee in feare but fixe thy eyes vpon the constancie patience of these holie martirs which be with thee Imitate them in life and thou shalt be rewarded with them in death The blessed woman hauing said these words went vnto the holy martirs one by one and kissed their gyues and fetters saieng I beseech you ô seruants of IESVS CHRIST to animate and encourage my husband gaine you his soule Be vnto him a father that by your meanes he may be regenerated vnto euerlasting life Adrian said vnto his wife Goe home from hence my deare and chast sister for when the time shall come that we shal be examined and iudged I will bring thee notice therof that thou maiest be present and see the end of this work Certein daies after S. Adrian vnderstood that they resolued to
which meanes the two holy martirs rendered vp their soules vnto their Creator Their bodies being taken away were buried by some Christians But Dioclesian vnderstanding that the Christians came secretly to make their praiers at the place where the holy martirs were buried caused their bodies to be taken out of their graues and to be thrown into the sea At such time as Dioclesian commaunded it he said Let them be cast into a place where they may be no more seen least they be accounted for gods by the Christians who are so ignorant that they do think it better to adore them that haue been our seruants then those whom we adore for our gods God Almighty did not permit those blessed Relikes to ly hidden but rather his pleasure was to cause the sea to do them honour and to bring them vnto the shore When the Christians sawe them they tooke them vp with reuerence and buried them in a place vnknowen vnto the pagans Afterward in processe of time the body of S. Gorgonius was caried vnto Rome and was buried in the way called Lauicana betwen the two bay trees The Spanish book saith Via Latina After this Pope Gregory 4. caused it to be translated into the church of S. Peter The church celebrateth their feast on the day of their Martirdome which was on the 9. day of September in the yeare of out Lord 280. in the time of the afore named Emperour Dioclesian The life of S. Nicholas of Tolentine THE Apostle S. Iames in his canonicall epistle Iac. 5. admonisheth vs to pray vnto God one for an other because the cōtinuall praier of a iust man is of greate force But if it be so as it is indeed and that the praiers of the iust men that be here vpon the earth do help much notwithstanding that they be subiect yea rather falling as IESVS CHRIST saith seuen times a day Prou. 24. though they be slight faults howe much more may we beleeue the praiers of them who do alredy enioy the vision of God and the diuine Essence and be confirmed in grace and be certein and assured neuer to loose it nor neuer to sinne do help and do vs good The holy saints gaue vp their lifes for Gods sake some in effect as the martires and others by the way of goodwill as the Confessors and to be brief they all offered it vp readily in the seruice of God endeuoring all they might not to offend him by any meanes Such like as these without doubt be hard of God when they ask any fauour of him But omitting the examples and testimonies of the holy scriptures which make this thing an Article of faith we haue most euident examples in many holy saints vnto whom God graunted many fauors and graces which they requested of him not only in their life time in this world but also after their passing into heauen to possesse the euerlasting glorie One of these was S. Nicholas the Bishop and Confessor by whose praiers God graunted vnto a man and his wife a sonne who was also called Nicholas and was a holy man by whose merits God graunted many fauors and graces vnto them that deuoutly recommend themselfs vnto him His life was written by S. Antoninus Archibishop of Florence and by a relligious man of his order in this maner SAINT Nicholas was borne in the Marcha d' Ancona in a village called S. Angelo in the territorie of Fermo His father was called Compagnone and his mother Amata These two were borne of noble bloud rich they were and good Christians but they liued in some discontent for that hauing bene married together a good space they had yet no children They had a particuler deuotion vnto S. Nicholas the Bishop and Confessor and him they besought continually that he would of God obteine that fauor for them that they might haue a fruit of benediction With this entent they went to visite his church in the city of Bari in Puglia In that place the holy saint appeared vnto them and did assure them that they should haue a sonne whom thy should name Nicholas after him and also that he should be a blessed seruant of God Euery thing fell out iust as the Saint said for the being returned home Amata conceiued and at her due time brought forth a sonne whom they called Nicholas and as he tooke his name of S. Nicholas Bishop and Confessor by whose intercession he was obteined euen so he was like vnto him in many things From a child he was inclined to serue God he frequented the Church he hard masse and praied with greate deuotion moreouer he fasted gaue almes and followed his study so that as he encreased in age euen so he did in vertue learning and science and to be short he determined to be a man of the Church He was already made a chanon of the church of S. Sauiour in the place where he dwelt and it happened that a worthy and renowned father of the order of S. Augustine came thither to preach One day among others Nicholas was at the sermon in the which the preacher expounded these wordes of S. Iohn 2. Iohn Do not you loue the world nor the things that be therin The preacher spoke such good matter vpon that text that Nicholas resolued to abandon the world and to take the habite of S. Augustine in that same cōuent where the said preacher dwelt with whom he had bene acquainted before that time When he entended to execute in deed the resolution he had made before time he asked leaue of his father and mother who though they were aggriued to want the sight of their sonne yet did they giue him licence Nicholas went vnto the conuent of Tolentinum to craue the habite of S. Augustine which was giuen him readily for they had before then notice of his good life Hauing receiued the habite he proceeded from vertue to vertue labouring to atteine vnto perfection So that being a relligious man he was a mirrour for other relligious men and being a priest he was a looking glasse for other priests and when he was a preacher a spectacle for other preachers to behold their duety and function In this holy saint among other vertues his abstinence shined most clearly for in 30. years space that he continewed in the conuent of Tolentinum he did neuer eat flesh eggs fish milk nor any thing made with milk He fell one time into a greuous infirmity which brought him vnto deaths dore wherupon the phisitions told him that if he would recouer his health he must eat flesh wherunto he answered that in so doing he should by desiring to auoid one danger fall into another and that in flieng the infirmity of the body he should incurre the malady of his soule by giuing liberty vnto his sensuallity and appetite The prior of the conuent seeing the phisitions to affirme that it was necessary for the blessed man Nicholas to eate flesh commaunded him in the vertue of
holy obedience to eate some He without any reply bad the meat which he should eate to be brought vnto him There was brought vnto him as it is said a boiled chicken or some other foule whatsoeuer it was and the blessed man hauing it before him besought our lord to do him that fauour that he might not eat of that foule and yet not to runne into the sinne of disobedience wherupon the foule returned vnto life and flewe away out of the platter leauing all them that were present astonished and the holy saint iocund and glad On the next night the B. Virgin Mary accompanied with S. Augustine visited him and the glorious virgin bad him to send for a loafe of bread into the market place and to put it in water and to eate therof in the name of IESVS CHRIST and he should be cured of that infirmity Herof cometh the vsage that the bread which is called the breade of S. Nicholas of Tolentino is blessed on that day in the conuents of S. Augustine that his feast is solemnised and this breade helpeth and cureth many infirmities as is to this day seene by experience especially the feuer tercian which was his infirmitie as is thought S. Nicholas being healed and cured of the aforesaid infirmity returned vnto his accustomed penance and austerity of life he vsed to fast three daies in the week which he had obserued from the age of seuen years He whipped himselfe in the night many times and his discipline or whippe was certein chaines of Iron his bed was made with a litle hay and his habite was of course cloth full of pieces he vsed to pray very much for he continued in his oraisons from the houre of the Complin vntill it was farre in the night and from the houre of mattins vntill masse was celebrated and from the houre of None vntill the euensong The blessed man spending his time in these and other like good exercises was much vexed and mollested by the diuell who endeuored to drawe him from these his holy imploymentes by scoffs and deceits and sometimes by the permission of God by tormenting and beating him in such sort that the friers hearing the noise came forthwith to defend him and they found him laid at length vpon the ground like a dead man and so they caried him back vnto his couch of hay and yet he for al this omitted not his prayers He visited sick men with great charity and endeuored to help and cherish them as much as he was able He had greate compassion vpon some sinners which had made their confession vnto him and for them he praied fasted and said masse with greate deuotion The like he did for the soules in purgatory vnto the which he had greate deuotion which was increased much more in him by a reuelation he had of the great paines they suffered in that place when there came any frier as a stranger vnto his conuent he shewed him all the kindnes he could possibly neither did he forget the state of prisoners but rather in his sermons and priuate communications which he had with rich men and men in autority he persuaded them to the works of mercy as a thing very acceptable vnto our lord This blessed Saint comforted the afflicted gaue consolation vnto men in tribulation set atonement betwene men that were at variance He was a refuge for them that were in affliction a helper vnto the needy and the raunsomer of them that were slaues and in bondage God shewed many miracles by the meanes of this glorious saint aswell in his life time as also after his death which be fell him in the afore said conuent of Tolentine and when he was now at the last gasp he called the friers and desired them all to forgiue him if he had offended them in any thing and after he had receiued the most holy sacraments he caused a crucifix to be set before him and in speaking vnto CHRIST his B. Mother and his holy father S. Augustine he yelded vp his soule vnto God on the. 10. day of September in the yeare of our Lord. 1307. Afterward Pope Eugenius the. 4. hauing made due diligence and hauing receued full information of his life and miracles put his name in the catalogue of the holy Confessors in the yeare of our saluation 1446. The life of SS Protus and Iacinctus Martirs THE Apostle S. Paule saith Rom. 1. that by the meanes of visible things we come vnto the knowledg of the inuisible things of God His meaning is that by the knowledg of the creatures we come vnto the knowledg of the creator Even so it happened vnto the glorious martirs SS Protus Iacinctus by the means of a holy damosell called Eugenia They studied philosophy and other humaine sciences and by that study they came to the knowledg that the Gods which the Gentils adore were false and that there was but one God onely After this by conuersing with some Christians they vnderstood that IESVS CHRIST is the true God and they were conuerted vnto his faith In collecting their life out of that which S. Isidore and Simeon Metaphrastes write in the life of S. Eugenia I say That SAINT Protus and S. Iacinctus were eunuches and attended vpon a noble Lady called Eugenia daughter vnto Philip a Roman senator who being elected Regent of Alexandria by the senate went thither with Claudia his wife Eugenia his daughter and all his family There went thither also with Eugenia Protus Iacinctus the two Eunuches And because in that city there was a study of diuers sciences Eugenia the two Eunuchs be stowed their time in study and they all three profited much therin Philosophy was their chiefest study and by speculation in the same thy came to knowe that it was a foolish and vaine thing to adore many Gods for reason did make demonstration that such wicked and lewd men as were Iupiter Apollo Mars and all the other which the heathens adored for Gods were not only vnworthy of the name of God but also of men since their deeds and actions were bestiall and abhominable After this beginning to frequent the company of christians they had vnderstanding of the misteries of our faith and so desired to be baptized To performe this the better Eugenia determined to put her self in mans apparell and in that sort to depart from her fathers house taking with her Prothus and Iacinthus the Eunuches to seek out a holy Abbot called Helenus to be by him Baptised and receiued into his society This Abbot gouerned a monastery of relligious men and had a reuelation that Eugenius so called was a woeman yet because he knew it to be the wil of God that things should proceed in that maner he kept it from her He Baptised them and gaue vnto them all three his religious habitt and they liued therin a godly vertuous life Afterward Helenus the Abbot deceasing the monks who thought Eugenius had bene a man chose hir
mention of this miracle of raising the kings sonne from death to life by S. Matthew and also of the two dragons and of other miracles and admirable acts the Apostle did in Ethiope although he do not particularize the same he saith also that much people came vnto the place where S. Matthew lodged and would haue done sacrifice to him as if he had bene a God and presented many gifts vnto him and that the Apostle said vnto them I am not a God but a mortall man and the seruant of IESVS CHRIST who is the true God Then he requested them to bestow those presents and gifts which they would haue giuen him vpon the building of a temple to the same IESVS CHRIST for he whom he preached and by whose power he did those miracles was the true liuing God exhorting them to be Baptised in his name for that was the true waye and meanes to obteine euerlasting life To conclude the Apostle said such words and confirmed them so with miracles that the king with all his court and a great number of other people were Baptised The king had a daughter called Iphigenia who was very beautifull but much more commended for her wisedome who hauing heard S. Matthew oftentimes in his sermons to commend and extoll virginity conceiued a good liking of him and vsing his aduise was closed in a monastery with 200. other damosells desiring to do the same S. Matthew staid in Etiope 23. years continually conuerting soules to our Lord IESVS building Churches ordering priests consecrating Bishops gaining many soules and augmenting the faith of CHRIST and that which he preached with the mouth he performed also in deeds to the edification of others lib. 2. pedagog his life being holy and exemplary Clement of Alexandria saith that S. Matthew neuer eate flesh and that he liued only with herbes King Egippus afterward deceasing his brother Hyrtacus succeeded in the kingdome This newe king to establish himself more suerly in the kingdome and also moued with the rare beauty of Iphigenia intended to marry her To bring this his purpose to effect he acquainted the Apostle with his intent thinking it a good meanes to drawe the mind of the yong woman to his will The Apostle aunswered the king that he would giue notice vnto Iphigenia of the good that ariseth of matrimony and howe it is a holy thing and that then he might come and talk with her himself The king thought this would be a very good course and for that the Apostle said he would declare this matter in a sermon the king said that he would also be present therat Sonday came and the Apostle in the presence of Iphigenia and the other relligious women the king being there also and all the cheifest Lords of his court began to discourse of matrimony and to shewe howe necessary it was for the conseruation of mankind and gaue it other commendations He also said that matrimony was ordeined and instituted by God and howe good it was to haue children All this pleased Hirtacus very well and he awayted to hear the Apostle say that Iphigenia might forsake and leaue the estate of a relligious woman and take a husband and be made Queene of Ethiope But the conclusion of Apostle was farre otherwise then Hirtacus exspected for then he fell in hand to treate of the grieyous punishment that adulteres deserued out of which he seemed to inferre that if the seruant of any king was so bold as to take away his wife from him he did not merite only to be put out of fauour and to be disgraced but also he deserued to dy an euill death though he did not effect but only attempte it Therefore ô king I giue thee to vnderstand said Apostle looking vpon him that Iphigenia is the spouse of IESVS CHRIST the king of heauen and if thou seek to take her away from him thou shalt fall into his heauy displeasure When Hirtacus perceaued the conclusion of the Apostles words and wherunto they tended he was moued to great indignation which he vttered in his countenance and so threatning him he departed out of the Church Iphigenia was heereat surprised with great feare and with the other relligious women kneeled at the feet of the Apostle and asked his aduise what shee and they should do to be quit of the persecution and assault the king had begon against her virginity The Apostle incouraged them all with good words and put a veile vpon euery one of their heads making them hereby and by their vowing the three vowes of Pouertie Chastity and Obedience true Nonnes and these were the first Nonnes the were among the Christians This being done the Apostle said Masse and hauing ended the same there came thither a cruell fellow sent by Hirtacus who gaue the Apostle many wounds with a speare so that the Altar was all stained with bloud and his body lay dead in the place The grief and compassion of the people for the death of S. Mathew was so great that they made a commotion and rose in armes entending to kill the tyraunt and had effected it if some priests had not intromitted themselues and said them sayeng that God would not be pleased there with and that therefore he commanded Peter to put vp his sword into the sheath Then Hyrtacus laboured by the meanes of some ladies to persuade Iphigania to be his wife but seeing that this way would not remoue the holy virgin from her good purpose in a diabolicall rage he caused the monastery to be fired but S. Mathew was seene in the aire to quench it The sacrilegious tyraunt escaped not this deserued punishment for God strook him with the leprosy which was so sore that he killed himself for paine and the kingdome came to the brother of Iphigenia sonne to Egippus who was a Christian ruled that prouince many years to the honour and glory of God which was spred through all Ethiope where the body of S. Matthew was kept and holden in great veneration and reuerence vntill the time of pope Gregory 7. when it was translated ro the city of Salerno in Italy where it is holden in great veneration to this day by all good Christians Great reason there is to doe so for that this glorious Apostle hath three honorable titles for euery of which he meriteth to be honored The first is of Apostle the second of Euangelist the third of martir His death was on the 21 day of September and on that day the Church celebrateth his feast and in the year of our Lord. 90. in the raigne of Domi●ian after Canisius It is not with out mistery that among all the other Euangelists whom the Church vseth in her seruice S. Matthew holdeth the first place as likewise doe S. Paule and Dauid of the one of which almost euery day the epistles be red of the other the psalmes be song The mistery may be for that all three were great sinners to giue hope to all
them that hartily are conuerted vnto God that he not only pardoneth them but also sheweth vnto them especiall fauors honouring them first vpon earth and then making them great also in heauen Concerning the ghospell of S. Matthew I write this to satisfy curious witts it is commonly said that he wrote it in Hebrew and some say the contrary This happeneth for that as Guido Fabricius saith there were two manners of speaking Hebrew the one was the Auncient which the Patriarchs and Prophets spake and the other was called Moderne or Hyerosolimitan for that it was vsed in that city For in Ierusalem there traded many forreme●s and strangers and by the commerce they had with them being Syrians and Chaldeans and other nations there were mingled words of sondry languages therin This Hebrew Hyerosolimitane lāguage IESVS CHRIST spake as it is to be seene by many words in the gospell as Abba father Mammona Iniquity and such like Then I say that S. Matthew wrote his gospell not in that Auncient Hebrew language but in the Modern Hyerosolimitaine in which CHRIST spake The same which Guido Fabricius saith is affirmed also by Petrus Gallesinus in his annotations vpon Doroteus Bishop of Tyrus in his book of the life 's of the disciples of CHRIST S. Ierome saith that the Ghospell of S. Matthew was translated into Greek and that it is not knowne who did it The same holy saint saith that in his time the Hebrew text of S. Matthew was in the city of Cesarea but it was lost after that and was found again in the time of Themperor Zeno or of Anastasius who succeeded him hard by the body of S. Barnabas the Apostle who at that time was found in the Island of Cyprus as Nicephorus Callistus saith It was lost again Nicep lib. 16. cap. 37. and as Iohn Eckius that learned Catholike Doctor in the life of S. Matthew affirmeth Pope Nicholas 5. being desirous to find it send word into all parts where he thought he might haue notice therof and promised 5000 ducats of gold to him that brought it to him But for all that it was not found vntill the time of Themperouor Charles 5. vnto whom God reserued many good fortunes among which this was not the least This is not in the Spanish Afterward the Catholike king Philip. 2. his sonne caused it to be put into the Bible Royall which he caused to be printed and it is in it at this present and was againe translated into Latine by the aboue named Guido Fabricius The life of S. Maurice and other holie Martirs THE Euangelist S. Iohn rehearseth in the Apocalipse Ca. 9 that he saw a huge multitude of locusts to come out of a great pitt who were permitted and had leaue for fiue months to do all the euill they could on the earth These locusts represented the tirants who afflicted the martirs and vexed them in the fiue outward sences They killed their bodies and not their soules and herof it cometh that the holy martirs perseuered in the confession of the faith with such courage because they knew all the euill and mischiefe the tirants could do them was not extended further then the body This being considered by a noble and valiant regiment of Theban souldiers whose Coronell was called Maurice permitted themselues to be euill intreated and slain being assured that only their bodies endured paines and that the crueltie of the tyrant could not hurt their soules by any meanes The tirant that martired them was Maximian of whom and of Dioclesian one may rightlie say that there was neuer serpent so pernicious nor dragon so fell in the craggie mountains of Arabia or in the thick woods and deserts of Ethiop as these two before-named tyrants were against the Catholiks as may be seen in the life of S. Maurice and his companions martired with him which martirdome is written by Eucherius Bishop of Lyons Venerable Beda and other Authors of Martirologes THE Emperour Maximian entending to passe out of Italy into Fraunce to pacyfy certein people which were in rebellion against the empire for the better effecting of his enterprize had commaunded legions or Regiments of souldiers to be sent vnto him out of sundry prouinces One legion as Vsuardus saith cōteined 6666 souldiers And bicause the great populous city of Thebes in Egipt which standeth on the bank of the riuer of Nilus was subiect vnto the Romain empire that sent also a legion of the which Maurice was Coronell and Exuperius was standerd bearer The other principall officers of the Regiment were Candidus Gereon Vitalis Innocentius and Tirsus All the common souldiers of this Regiment were Christians and had bin Baptised by Zabdus B. of Ierusalem This goodly company came first vnto Rome and visited the pope who was called Marcellus This good pope confirmed them all in the faith and gaue them his benediction and dismissed them Then they departed in the company of Maximian and passed the Alpes and came vnto a city which at that time was the head of the people of Sedun called Agaunum at this present it is called S. Maurice di Sauoya In that place Maximian had a mind to make a solemne sacrifice vnto his gods to the end they might be his aiders in this his entreprise and commaudned all the principall officers of the army to be present thereat Maurice and his Thebans hearing the same stepped all aside somewhat out of the way sayeng that they being Christans would not be present therat Maximian being certefied therof was much displeased and tooke it as a mutiney worthy of seuere punishment To which purpose he sent to their quarter the marshall and prouost to chastice some of them for a terror to the rest to reduce the others vnto the army and to the sacrifice The chasticement inflicted was this The officers made them passe vnder a spear and told them and when they came vnto the tenth man they incontinent cut of his head This was the ordinary punishmenr of that time when an host or Regiment cōmitted a trespasse The Thebans which remained and escaped in patient and quiet maner boldly said that they would not be present at the sacrifice do what they could Themperour seing them to be resolute renewed his anger and bad that they should be tenthed or decimated againe for so that punishment was called This sentence no lesse cruell then vniust being begun to be executed it is a thing considerable to behold with what inconquerable courage the holly martirs seemed to tollerate the slaughter made of them The Thebans were by nature valiant and bigge of body but herin they shewed singular and rare valour in that they did not complain of the tirant and also for that they looked cheerefully on the matter They animated one the other but aboue all Maurice their Coronell went amongst them exhorting sometimes this man otherwhiles that man and told them that since they had heretofore endaungered their lifes for and in the
which was written by Nicetas a philosopher and recounted by Simeon Metaphrastes and their martir dome was written by Ado Archbishop of Triers SAINT Cosmus and S. Damianus were brethren and phisitions and were borne in Egea a city of Arabya in Asia Their father and mother were Christians and Catholiques Their father died when they were yet litly children wherfore their mother Theodora brought them vp with great care and dilligence And being a woman of good behauior and chiefly because shee was a good Christian shee would not permit them to comit any fault or offence but endeuored to enstruct and direct them in vertue and godlines So that they became good children like to their good mother and good schollers like vnto their good mistris Amongst the other good qualities of these two breathren the profession of the Catholique faith shined most in them for which cause they despised and contemned Idolatry and other wicked superstition They were chast and honest in life and fled from all sensuall delight and tamed their flesh with austere sackcloth disciplines and fastings which be the most certein remedies to ouercome that enemy euen as they ouercame it by the grace of God Also couetousnes that abhominable vice neuer entred into their hart but rather bicause they made small account of mony and liued in poore and meane estate they were called Anargeni which is to say Men without monie and in this sort obseruing the Ghospell they liued an Angelicall life And to auoid Idlenes which is the mother of vices and stepmother vnto vertue they vsed the science of phisicke euen from theire childhood became skilfull and expert phisitions They gaue and ministred phisicke vnto the sick without any expectation of temporall gaine but only for the loue of God When the infirmity was perillous and not to be cured by art they resorted vnto God by praier and making the signe of the Crosse they healed and cured them and heerein they followed the steps of the Apostles They imitated the Patriarcks in being benigne pi●tifull charitable in liuing a life in simplicity without doublenes or hypocrisy They imitated the Prophets in that they were zelous of Gods honor in reproouing them that were stubborn and obstinate in euill deeds They imitated the martirs in the valiancy of their minds shewed against the common enemies of mankind the world the flesh and the deuill They imitated the preists in their religious life chastity and grauity offering their body and soule for an acceptable sacrifice vnto God to serue him withall humility and obediencence to obserue and keepe his holy commaundements They imitated the monks in obedience concinency and pouerty in silence and repose of soule And at one word they imitated all the saints as much as lay in their power Thus they ranne their race making the world to wonder at their sincerity so that the report of them was spred very farre The rumor of them being dispersed came to the eares of Dioclesian and Maximian those noted persecutors of the Christians who had decreed that all the Iudges gouernours lieutenants and other officers of the prouinces subiect to them should put to death all that denied to sacrifice vnto the Idols Lisias the gouernor in the city of Egeas hauing notice of the blessed phisitions Cosmus and Damianus caused them to be brought before him and demaunded of what countrey they were and their names They answered that they were Arabians and borne in the city of Egea and that their names were Cosmus and Damian and that they were both Christians The gouernour persuaded them to sacrifice vnto the Idols but seeing them cōstantly to refuse it he commaunded them to be tied hand and foot and to be cruelly beaten and after he had giuen them other torments he caused them to be throwne into the maine sea bound as they were They were no sooner cast into the water but an Angell came to their aide who vntyeng all their hands brought them aliue and vntied vnto the shore The gouernor was certified of that wonder wherfore he caused them ageine to be brought before him and requested them to teach him their Art magicke and inchauntments wherby they were deliuered from the sea and then he promised to be their good friend They answered We be Christians and haue no skill in Art magike but were deliuered our of the sea by the power of our Lord IESVS CHRIST The gouernor caused them againe to be put in prison and the next day a great fire to be kindled then he threw the blessed martirs into the same but the flame was deuided into two parts and the holy saints remained in the midst at their praiers The gouernor was astonied to see such a wonder yet he did not repent of his wickednes but caused them to be hoised aloft and to be beaten againe with wands and stones and beholding the holy saints cheerefull in countenaunce and to contemne the torments he caused them to be lifted vpon two Crosses and there to be stoned to death The officers threw the stones and though they cast them with all their might yet came none of the stones so farre as the holy martirs but fell vpon them that stood by to see the spectacle and wounded many of them but especially them tha threw them The gouernour seeing this an beleeuing assuredly that it was done by inchauntment enraged with fury and indignation commaunded them to be shot to death with Arrowes and the same happened to the Arrowes as did before vnto the stones for they did light on them that shot them and none touched the bodies of the martires At last he commaunded they should be both beheaded and in this sort the holy martirs finished their lifes and obteined the crowne of Martirdome Their bodies were buried by some vertuous people with out the walles of the city Egea It is said that ioyntly with these holy martirs SS Cosmus and Damian three other holy martirs were beheaded whose names were Antimus Leontinus and Euprepius and were their brethren as some Authors write There is a booke of the miracles that God showed by the merits of SS Cosmus and Damian wherof this is one A clowne sleeping in the field a serpent crept into his mouth and so further into his body wherby the poore man was in great danger of death He with great deuotion craued the help of the holy martirs and they were seene visibly by his side and commaunded the serpent to come out of his body and so it did These holy saints also gaue him phisike which cured him and then they vanished away the second Nicen Councell in the third action maketh mention of the booke of the myracles of SS Cosmus and Damian The Church celebrateth their martirdome on the 27 day of September which was in the yeare of our Lord 301 and in the time of Dioclesian and Maximian The bodies of these holy saints be in Rome in a Church dedicated to their name The venetians say not
our lord and Sauyor IESVS CHRIST was borne therin when he came to liue in this world and also but in farre lower degree for the S. Ierome dyed there to liue in heauen But aboue all other prouinces Spaine oweth an especiall duety vnto S. Ierome for the many epistles he wrote to particular persons therin as also for that after many hundreth years that he dyed in Bethlehem it seemed he was raised to life in Spaine not he in person but his name and religion for in the time of Pope Gregory II. the king Don Alonso the. II. raigning in Spaine there came out of Italy two holy hermites into the kingdome of Toledo in Spaine and by their good example of life and holy admonitions others were conuerted vnto that holy religious order Don alonse Peccia Bishop of Iaen and Petro fernandez Peccia his brother and Hernando Laguez chief chaplen of the kings Chappel Chanon of Toledo who being elected Arch-Bishop therof refused that dignity beside these many other noble men of marke and quality Many of the before named chose that life for that they had conceyued a great dread and fear of the king Don Pedro who at that time reigned in Castile after the death of the king Don Alonso his father because he had a delight to shed mans bloud so much that if the offence or fault were neuer so small he caused very rigorous punishment to be inflicted vpon the delinquents which seuere kind of Iustice was not vsed to be excuted in Spaine Wherefore the king gained thereby the surname of Cruell to this day I cannot tell if the doing of his Chronicler who did smally befrend him as it seemeth for some priuat respect did not help forward to settle confirme that odious name of Cruell vnto him from that time vnto this All these liued together certein years in the desert then they besought Pope Gregory to giue them a habite and a rule vnder the name of the hermitts of S. Ierome but the Pope gaue vnto them the rule of S. Augustine the name and habite they haue at this daie This order was confirmed in the third yeare of the Popedome of S. Gregorie on S. Lukes daie in the yeare of our Lord 1373. The order which is called in Spaine of the Isidori which is also of S. Ierome was instituted in the time of Pope Martin the 5. by frier Lopes de Ouiedo professor of the monasterie of Guada Lupe who out of S. Ieromes workes tooke a rule which is printed with his other workes and with the helpe of some that desired to followe it and with licence from the sea Apastolike he founded certaine monasteries in Italy which are called Isidori or the congregation of frier Lopes Of the first named relligious men of the order of S. Ierome there be in Spaine many worthie monasteries but in especiall fifteene which are called Royall because alwaies they haue bin fauoured by the kings They were especially fauoured by the Catholique king don Phillip the second of that name who built them a monastery an college in the Escuriall vnder the title of S. Laurence the Royall and the rule institution of the glorious S. Ierome In which place be many rare singular reliques of saints many pictures Images the workes of famous painters and caruers manie bookes of great vale we much riche stuffe for the church Challices Crosses and other things for the seruice of the Altar and there also is buried the corps of the mightie Emperour Charles the fifte of that name and other of the blood Royall By these and other the great and costlie things in this Royall house euidentlie appeareth the deuotion of the said king Don Phillip toward the glorious Doctors S. Ierome and his blessed religious order wherefore we maie hope that the same saint wil be his good aduocate vnto God that his Royall person and also his Realme shall encreasein temporall and wordlie goods and also that he shall inioye the celestiall kingdome of heauen by the intercession of this blessed saint To the wich God bring vs also of his infinite mercy Amen The end of the month of September OCTOBER The life of S. Remigius THERE shall spring a fountaine saith the prophet Ioel Cap. 3 and come from out of the house of God and passe by water the brooke of thornes in which words the prophet doth fortell us what shall happen after the latter iudgemēt The bodie of a mortall man is fitlie resembled in a brooke for it runneth swiftlie to death and perdition nay further it is a brooke of thornes for that of it selfe it produceth nothing but euill desires and worser deedes shat wound and pierce the soule like thornes But a fountaine after the latter day shall spring from out of the house of God and water these thornes whereby are deciphered those streames of glory which shall ouerflow the bodies of the elect and adorne them together with they re soules The Gloss saith this text may be well applyed to the primitiue Churche when the Apostles and preachers of the Ghospell did in the manner of a fountain spring from out of the house of God from the Catholicke Churche to water wich they re heauenlie doctrine the thornie brooke of Paganisme In this sence it fitteth that glorious Archb. of Rhemes S. Remigius who was indeede a fountaine of lyfe that springing from out of the house of God with the sweete and pleasant streames of his lyfe and doctrine watered that riuer of thornes Clodoueus who being a king and worshipper of Idolls was conuerted to the faith by S. Remigius and with him all his court and armie of men The lyfe of this glorious Saint was written by Hinc marus Archbishop of Rhemes in this manner following VVHEN the hand of our Lord did chastize the Frenchmen for they re sinnes with along bloudie warre which the Vandalls a fierce and cruell nation did wage against them there dwelled in the desert a holy Monk called Montanus who had lost his sight by continuall bewailing the sinnes of his nation For knowing that all they re afflictions and scourges were caused by they re many fold offences he cōtinually prayed and with teares beseeched allmightie God to redress all they re miseries and graunt them pardon for all they re sinnes and be cōtented with that punishment he had allreadie inflicted vpon them God vouchsafed at length to heare his prayers and graunt his request where fore he did reueale vnto him that shortlie there should be borne a child whose name should be Remigius that comming to be Bishop should with his preaching and good example with draw men from vices conuert them to God appease his wrath and stay his punishment He reuealed allso to this holie man the parents of this Childe Emilius and Cili●ia people of great religion and charitie of noble bloud and great reuenews liuing in the tertitory of Laudum Montanus went and acquainted them whith his reuelation whereof both
Such being his life and deeds not only men and they which embraced his Rule imitated him but also women as S. Clara a maide of a worshipfull family in Assisium who went to the conuent of S. Francis accompanied with the people of her fathers house although shee had not said any thing to them of her intention and the glorious father S. Francis receaued her and gaue vnto her a Rule wherby to liue in a monastery And within few daies many other well disposed damosells came to her who all liued vnder the Rule that S. Francis gaue her which is called the order of S. Clara. So that this blessed father hauing also founded another order there were three Rules ordeined by him all which were confirmed by the popes The first was of the friers minors whose end is to exercise themselues in contemplations and in the actiue life by the exercise of preaching The second Rule was of Nonnes of the order of S. Clara who be of two sorts some haue reuenews and lands and liue in common Some other haue no reuenews and these are called of the first Rule and liue of almose The third is of the Penitents which are called of the third Rule and these also be of two sorts some haue reuenews and liue in colledges and in common and these be properly called relligious persons and the vowe they make is solemne be they men or women The women of this Rule do differ from the Nonnes of S. Clara in this that they were no veiles and be not bound but only to the obseruance of the three essentiall vowes vnder paine of mortall sinne as Pope Leo 10. declared The other of this third Rule liue in their owne house and haue reuenews and their vowe is not sollemne and these by consequence are not properly relligious persons but persons of honest behauiour and are called vsually in Italy Pizzo●cheri The seraphicall father S. Francis was not satissied with sending some of his relligious men into sondy countreis to preach the Gospell to cōuert soules vnto God but he himself in person trauelled into diuers kingdomes and realmes as into a great part of France and then into Spaine and especially to the church of S. Iames in Galizia Then he imbarked and passed into Egipt and preached in Siria and in the countreis of the Souldan with whom the holy man talked and persuaded him to receaue the faith of CHRIST and ha gaue him leaue to preach vnto his moores but for that he gathered no fruit in that country he returned into Italy and went to Rome where Honorius 3. was pope after Innocent 3. in the year of our Lord 1216. There he found the glorious father S. Dominick who came too haue his Rule and order confirmed Whilest S. Dominick treated therof he had one night a reuelation in the which IESVS CHRIST displeased for the many sinnes of the world seemed to be redy to ruinate destroy it Then sawe he our blessed lady to kneele before him and intreate him to spare it And to moue him to mercy shee presented vnto him the same S. Dominick and S. Francis saieng to him by the meanes of those two his seruants there should be great reformation of life in the world At this our Lord was appeased In the said vision S. Dominick sawe S. Francis and when thy mett in Rome he knew him and embraced him very kindly and tenderly and conferred with him of the seruice of God and the profit of their religious orders and told him also of the vision he had seene This B. father being in Rome was presented to the pope Honorius 3. and talked with him of many things And the pope with the consent of the cardinalls confirmed his Rule and they all receaued sperituall ioy in hearing his diuine discourses For though his speech was lowely and familiar yet did it leaue such an impression in their minds that it made them euen melt and relent and though it made them lament their sinnes yet were they not therefore weary of his company but desired it the more His profound humility made euery one ●o wonder for though his life was so holy yet reputed he himself to be the vilest sinner in the world And if any said to him say not so for it is not true he would aunswer in this maner If God had shewed such fauors and mercies vnto any man as he hath to me how wicked and lewd so euer he had bin he would haue rendered greater thanks and haue kept his commaundements better then I haue done And if my sweet Lord should abandon and leaue me I should commit more euills then all the men in the world do good and therefore I am a greater and more vnthankfull sinner them they The holy saint bare a most reuerent respect to all priests and vsed to say that if he mett a priest and a saint of heauen he would giue the greater reuerence to the priest and that he would first kisse the hands of the priest and then he would do reuerence to the saint for wee are to giue most reuerence to him at whose hands we receiue the blessed body of our Lord. A great volume might be written of the particuler accidents that befell to him aswell with his relligious as with other seculer men he shewed in them his vertue and the great fauors and mercies God bestowed on his blessed soule and they be briefly written in the chronicle made of him for say or write neuer so much of him yet much more shall remaine to be said or writen I will speak only of the speciall mistery that God wrought in him when he imprinted his blessed wounds in his body a thing most certein For not only many relligious men who conuersed with him and among others S Clara who sawe them with her eies and touched them with her hands giue testimony of the truth therof but also Gregory 9. who canonised him affirmeth that he himself sawe them It fell out in this māner The holy Patriarch being retired and with drawen into a solitarie place to fast his Lent of S. Michaell in the moūteines of Aluerne two yeares before his death one morning very earely about the feast of the Exaltation of the holy Crosse in Septēber he sawe the likenese of a sixe winged seraphin burning with fire and casting beames glittering exceedingly which descended with great swiftnes and drewe nere to the place where S. Francis was betwene the said wings appeered the figure of a man crucified The vpper most wings he held aboue his head the two in the middle with which he fl●we were spread abroade in the manner of a Crosse and the two other were gathered vp together couering all the body from the head to the foot The holy saint maruelling at the presence of this glorious vision felt in his hart an excessiue ioy mixt with liuely cōpassion caused by the signe of his deerely beloued CHRIST IESVS crucified He streight wayes fell into an
contrariewise the humillity vertue of Placidus fauored by the praier of S. Benedict was the cause that he safe aliue came out of a riuer wherinto he fell was in iminiment dāger of drowning His good successe was very profitable beneficiall for all Christians to whō his good example was a light direction in the way of vertue God did shew them many fauors by his praiers merites His life was written by Iordano a houshold dweller with the same saint and at the commaundent of the Emperor Iustinian Laurence Surius rehearseth it in this maner THE Gothes hauing conquered made them selues Lords of Italy Theoderik the secōd being their kinge Iohn sitting in the chaire of S. Peter and Iustinian being Emperour in Constantinople there came to Rome an honorable man of the order of Senators called Tertullius surpassing all others in posessions and allied to the Emperour in bloud Moreouer he was a iust man and vertuous which made euery one to loue him and manie call him father of the countrie He had a wife of an equall degree vnto him and by her three sonnes and one daughter The eldest sonne was called Placidus the second Eutichius the third Victorinus the name of his Daughter was Flauia they were all holy people for so good a tree did bring forth good fruite From their child hoode their father and mother instructed them to serue God to loue patience humility temperance and charity And though Tertullius was continually emploied in the affaires of the Emperour yet omitted he not to spend much time in visiting Churches and monasteries seeking in what he might the good of his soule and the seruice of God At that time the most blessed father S. Benedict liued in Sublak shining with sanctitie and miraculous deedes Much people resorted vnto him from all parts with a desire to saue their soules to be of his holie religious order so he builded 12. monasteries placed in euerie one of them people of a pure holy and vertuous life who should instruct in the seruice of God those that came newlie to his order yet some of those nouices he kept with himself to be their teacher All these things related in the presence of Tertulius the Senator in Rome moued him to go and visite the saint being nobly accompanied as his state required appareled with scarlet gold and precious stones Assone as he sawe the holy mā he fell downe with greate reuernce and humility at his feete and with sobbes and teares requested him to pray vnto God for remission of his sinnes S. Benedict beholding the great humillity of this noble Senator raised him vp and conferred long with him about things apperteining to the good of his soule the obtaining of eternall life aduising him to regard thes aboue all thigs At this Tertulius tooke great consolation and left his sonne Placidus being vij yeares old with s Benedict which happened in the yere of our Lord 522. he recomēded the charge of the child vnto him and besought him to bring him vp and teache him in his rule so crauing the blessing of the holy man he returned to Rome Placidus staied with his Mr S. Benedicte profitted so in the way of vertue and gaue so good hope what he would be therafter that the holy Patriarch shewed him especiall fauor very carefully instructed him how to a void be freed from tentations and howe to vse them to his profitt Placidus loued abstinence kept his vigills fastings and austeritie and with great care was attent to all things belonging to the seruice of God were it day night or any time whatsoeuer And all though he endeuored to adorne his soule with many vertues yet was he so compleat in obedience that the father S. Benedict wondered therat considering how to shewe himself obedient he did those things that were vnseemely for one of his birth of his linage As he was obedient so he was humble for these two vertues goe alweis together without humlity obedience is rather forced then voluntarie On a day there wanted water in the cell and Placidus went to dippe a paile in the riuer the vessell fell out of his hand into the water as he dipped it and as he would haue reached it he fell in allso and was in daunger to be drowned but in the instant that he fell in God reuealed it to S. Benedict who said to his disciple Maurus that was neere him Sonne Maurus runne speedily for the ●●hld Placidus is fallen into the water he gaue him iointly his benediction S. Maurus ran apace and behoulding a far of the child ready to sink not thinking whither it was land or water but transported with charity and obedience ran vpon the water and tooke him fast by the heare of his head came out with the same speed he went in Being come to the bank he was astonied to see he had walked vpon the water as if it had bene vpon dry land neuer sinking nor being as much as wette Hauing returned he told hather Benedict the case and the blessed Patriarch said I cannot attribute it to my merit but to thy prompt obedience And Maurus he said that it be fell so for that he had commaunded him that for his part he had no interest in this miracle as done with out foresight delay or reflection Of this same holy and humble contention Placidus was the iudge and said when I came out of the water I sawe ouer my head the habite of the Abbot wich you father do nowe were and so you be the man that hath deliuered me from this great daūger and this was a signe of the great vertue and merite of Placidus since he merited to see that which Maurus could not Of the aforesaid 12. monasteries built by S. Benedict in Sublake some were set on the toppe of the hill and therefore the monks were much troubled to fetch water for their necessary vses for they were forced to go● farre for the same They requested S. Benedict to remoue thē to some other place auoid this trouble He cōforted thē saieng tha● y● they would returne to their monasteries God would prouide no doubt water for them On the next night the blessed father accompanied with Placidus only went vp to the hill and remained there all night in praier and laid three stones one vpon another and returned to his Cell The day ensuing the monks came to him for water the holy Abbot said vnto thē Goe to the toppe of the mounteine and digge where ye find three stones lieng one vpon another for God is able to furnish yee in that place with water to ease you of your trauell They did so and went to the toppe of the hill and found as he said In that place they digged making a pi●t or well deepe and wide like a litle bath which was filled with water and rose in such quantity that it was not only sufficient
him he learned the knowledge of holy writ This holy saint vnderstanding that the Blessed Virgin was yet aliue in Ierusalem had a great desire to see her and so he went thither and sawe her Hubertinus recounteth of him that seeing the great brightnes of her face her heauenly beauty her celestiall words and the great company of Angells that attended vpon her he said of himself that he had adored her for God if by faith he had not knowen there could be none but only one God The same S. Dionise relateth how he was present at her glorious passage out of this to euerlasting lyfe and reckoneth the names of the Apostles there present also He returned to Athens where he continued exercising his office of pastour and in conuerting soules vnto God vntill the last year of the raign of Nero in the which he went to Rome to see his maister S. Paul at whose martirdome he was present as he saith in an epistle of his to S. Timothee who was also the disciple of S. Paul Then he returned vnto Athens where he staied vntill S. Clement the disciple of S. Peter came to be Pope who beholding in S. Dionise good qualities enioyned him to go and preach the faith of CHRIST in Gallia nowe called Fraunce and adioined vnto him a priest called Rusticus and Eleutherius a deacon S. Dionise thus accompanied went into Gallia and came vnto Lutetia now called Paris which city he found to be great and rich populous and furnished abundantly both from Heauen and earth the climat very temperate producing noble and haughty minds the earth very fertill bringing forth all things necessary for the body S. Dionise reputed it euen another Athens as Diuining it should be both in literature and study such as it after wards came to be He resolued to make his abode it that place and began to open his heauenly brest and show the riches inclosed therin by preaching the Gospell He added to his words many great miracles and wonders as restoring theire sight vnto the blind hearing to the deafe and speache to the domb curing many also of sondry other infirmities Wherfore in a short space such was his fame he grafted in that place most fertill plants and there made a garden which brought forth quicklie abundaunce of fruit He not only preached IESVS CHRIST in that city but also blessed and sent his disciples to preach in sondry costs of the world He sent S. Eugenius the first prelate of Toledo a great city of Spaine into that countrie where he preached the Ghospell and conuerted many vnto the Christian faith Some others were sent into Germany who likewise gained many soules unto God yea not only many men were conuerted and made Christians but also the temples of the Idolls were razed to the gorund and moreouer many Churches built where the name of IESVS CHRIST was lauded and praised This was a grat tormēt to the deuill the deadly foe of mankind wherfore he incensed diuers to persecute S. Dionise imagining that with takinge away his life all this would fade and vanishe like smoake and the adoration of Idolls would returne to its former estate and credit So some of his ministers instigated by him went to Rome to certefy themperor Traian therof as Suidas and other Authors affirme though Metaphrastes saith it was vnto Domitian who in his deeds was a deuill incarnate it may be these complaints were addressed vnto Domitian and that he ment to send Fessenius Sisinius the gouernor of that prouince to apprehēd S. Dionise or put him to death and that Domitian deceasing in the meane space and the Senate reuoking and repealing all the decrees of that bloudy tirant the execution of this decree was staied vntill the time of Traian vnto whom new complaints of Dionise being come he reuiued the decree made by Domitian vpon which Fessenius caused the B. Bishop to be apprehended S. Dionise was 90. years of age when he with Rusticus and Eleutherius were taken The gouernor discoursed a long time with them accusing S. Dionise very much for preaching of new gods against the edict of themperour and Senate of Rome and for labouring to extinguish the adoration of the auncient Gods so much renowned in the world gods which had bin so fauourable to the Romain empire as to extend and enlarge their dominion ouer all the world Haue compassion ô Dionise said the gouernor of this they old age And make some recompense for the harme thou hast done Confesse they errors and recant thy opinions which be vaine and with out all foundation persuade the people to abandon these new fangles and returne to their former vsages S. Dionise hearing this repleat with the zeale of Gods honor answered that he had persuaded many to leaue the adoration of the Gods knowwing it to be a vaine and foelish thing to account those for gods who were vnworthy to be called men their wickednes and infamy was such when they liued that it was a great blindnes to adore stocks stones pieces of wood that what he had preached was verie true concerning IESVS CHRIST his being true God and that neither fear nor threats nor torments should moue him or stur his fellows from their faith The gouernor was angrie at this aunswer and arose on a rage out of his chaire and said The Gods be despised the Emperour disobeied his subiects and people seduced by your forceries in doing false and counterfeit myracles These your transgressions deserue a rrigorous punishment wherfore I giue sentence that you be forth with put to death SS Dionise Rusticus and Euleutherius not shewing anie the least signe or token of feare or basenes of mind said with a cheerfull countenaunce Let them that adore your Gods be like vnto them we only adore the God of heauen and by his power and not by sorcery we haue restored sight to the blind speeche to the dōb health vnto the sick and freed many that were posessed with the deuill Let the ministers of the Idolls do such things if they can to conserue their credit estimation but they are farre from working such wonders whose Idolls haue mouths yet cannot speake haue eies and see not they haue eares and heare not They doe only kindle and nourish the fire wherin they themselfs burne and they that serue them shal be partakers therof with them These words put the gouernor into a further chafe so that he confirmed the sentence of death and committed them to the hands of the executioners So the glorious martirs were led forth of the city to the toppe of a high hill where they were to be executed Then S. Dionise kneeled downe lifting vp his eies and hands vnto heauen said O Lord God omnipotent IESVS CHRIST sonne of God Holy Ghost the comforter holy and vndeuided Trinity receaue in peace the soules of thy seruants who for thy sake do loose our lifes Rusticus and Eleutherius aunswered with a loud voice Amen After this
him aloft in the aire All that were present cried out fearing he would cast the holy man downe hedlong being weak and feeble with continuall fasting but Hillarion with a cheerefull countenaunce said Let me deale alone with this lusty wrastler and turning vp his hand took him by the heare of the head and threw him vnto the ground and then sett his feet on him yea he trode and spurned him with his feet saieng Here yee shal be tormented yee accursed dinells the poore man yelling and houling and turning his face toward the ground And S. Hillariō said vnto God Ah my Lord deliuer this wretch vnloose this man that is bound it is as easy for thee to vanquish and ouercome many as one In this space were hard to come out of the mouth of this wretch sundry and diuers voices like a confused shout or noise of people but lastly he was made hole and ●ound and within a few dayes after he came vnto the monastery with his wise and children and brought presents vnto the man of God who said vnto him hast not thou read what befell vnto Giezi 4. Reg. 5. Act. 4. and vnto Simon magus the one sold the grace and gift of the holy ghost and the other desired to buy it and both of them were punished seuerely for their sinne If thou knowest so much retorne vnto thy house with thy gifts for I will not take them Oryon wept and said father receue them and giue them vnto the poore S. Hilarion replied Thou maist do that better then I for thou dwellest in the city and knowest them that be needy I haue forsaken all myne owne goods vnto what end should I take care or charg of other mens I know that vnto many the name of a poore man is an occasion of avarice there is none that giueth better vnto the poore then he that reserueth nothing for himself Oryon was much discomforted at his words and lay prostrat on the grount before him wherefore the blessed Abbot said vnto him My sonne be not aggreiued or afflicted at it for that which I do for my self I do also for thy good If I should receiue thy gifts I should offend God and the legion of deuills should returne into thee againe In the city of Gaza there was a yong maid of good life on whom a yong man was enammored This man endeuouring by all meanes possible to drawe her to his will and nothing preuailing went vnto Memphis and made his mind knowen vnto the inchaunters and sorceres of the temple of Esculapius They gaue him a plate of brasse wherin were grauen dredfull figures and bad him lay it vnter the threshold of the damosells dore and to couer it with earth and then to say certein words which they taught him Vpon this the damosell took such affection vnto him and was so fonde that it was rather madnes then loue for she called fot him with aloude voice she scratched her face rent her heare and did other follish and rauing tricks The father of the damosell brought her to be holpen vnto S. Hilarion and the deuill who tormented here howled and said I haue ben enforced to come hither I was well in Memphis Alas howe great be the torments I endure thou doest commaund me to come forth and to depart and I am bound vnder the threshold of the dore in a plate of brasse I cannot depart from hence vntill the yong man who hath set me here do vnloose me S. Hillarion said vnto him Is thy force then such that a plate of brasse doth keep thee in bondag Tell me nowe why art thou so bold as to enter into this handmaid of our Lord The deuill aunswered I came in to preserue her virginity Ah villanie said the holly saint wouldest thou that art the enemy of chastity preserue her virginity Why didst not thou take possession of him who sent thee hither The deuill replied why should I do so for he is a frend to the deuill my companion To conclud S. Hilarion deliuered and set free the damosell and would not haue the impediment the deuill named to be taken away to shew that nether magick nor inchanntment are of power to or withstand the will of God Then he reproued the damosell for some light and wanton behauior shee had vsed for punishment whereof God had permitted the deuill to torment her S. Antony wrote some letters vnto this holy saint and reioiced to haue aunswer from him againe And if at any time there came any sick men to him from Siria he said vnto them Why do you fetch such long iourneis hither to me and haue my sonne Hillarion in your owne countrey There were nowe many Monasteries founded and the holy man visited them at vsuall times and as he went to visite them one time in this maner he came by the way vnto a territory called Elusan and found them celebrating the feast of their Goddesse Venus in her temple When the people though they were Idollaters went out to meet and receue him for they had bene much obliged vnto him for doing good vnto many of them The holy saint enterteined them louingly wept for tendernes of hart looking stedfastly toward heauen besought them rather to adore IESVS CHRIST then those stockes and stones and if they would do so he promised he would come and visite them oftentimes These simple words void of retorike were so forcible with that rude nation that before he departed thence he set downe a plott and the forme for the building of a Church and they moued him to make the heathenish priest which made sacrifice vnto the goddesse a Christian which thing they obteined The holy saint visiting the monasteries builded by his disciples came vnto one whose gouernor was a couetous man at the importunity of them that went in his company Nowe hard by the monastery there was a vineiard and they perceued that with in it there were many watchmen to kepe out those that came with the holy man from entring the same lest thy should meddle with the grapes that were ripe hauing ●lings with which they threw stones against his company S. Hillarion smiling therat went vnto another monastery of a good man who besought yea importunated him to eate a few grapes to refresh himself being faint with his long iourney The holy old man said Accursed is the man that seeketh the refreshing of his body before that of his soule Let vs first make our praiers and pay our det we own vnto God after that yee may go vnto vineiard When God was serued S. Hillarion went vnto a high place and blessed the vineiard then he bad his flock to go and feed therin The number of them that went was litle lesse then 3000. for so many he had in his company This vineiard did vsually euery year yeald 100. measurs of wine and. 20. daies ofter the people had eaten the grapes the vintage was made and it yelded that year 300. measures
his resurrection after which they were to see him againe for that he would manifest himself vnto them really and veritably in body and soule When allsoe his eternall father would truly come to inhabite by grace in him who loueth him and obserueth his lawe There is no other particuler mention of S. Iude nor of S. Symon in the Ghospell but that they were presēt in all places at all times that the Ghospell saith the Apostles were with IESVS As at the banket in the desert Io. 10. when CHRIST fed much people twise with a fewe loaues and a fewe fishes They were present at the raising of Lazarus at the entring of our Lord into Ierusalem when they sange Osanna They were present at the supper when our Lord washed their feet communicated them made them priests and consecrated them Bishops They fled also when IESVS was taken in the garden they sawe him raysed to life not as a spirite but the same that he was before he died Our Lord talked and conuersed with them as may be seene by the actions of Thomas who touched the wounds of his hands and side they sawe him also ascend into heauen they were also present at the comming of the Holy Ghost with the other Apostles when they receiued him they receued also his gifts and especially that gift of toungs with which they preached the Ghospell in diuers parts of the world Symon preached in Egipt and Thaddeus in Mesopotamia They kept company in Persia and preached therin together as S. Isidorus Ado and venerable Beda say Assoone as they came into that country all the Idolls which before gaue oracles became dumb and whereas Baradach captain to the king of Babylon whom some Authors call Xerxes hauing then in hand a great interprise desired to be enformed of the successe therof by oracle and passed from one vnto another at last one of them bad him looke for no answer as long as Symon and Iude Apostles of CHRIST were in the country Baradach caused them to be sought out and brought before him He demāded who they were from whence they came and what they did in that same country The Apostles aunswered that they were Hebrews seruants of IESVS CHRIST and that they were come into that country for the good of all maner of persons in teaching them the true faith which if they receued it should be the right meanes for the sauing of their soules Baradach said to them when I returne from the dispatch of my affaires I will heare you willingly The Apostles said It shal be better for thee presently to confesse him by whose meanes thou maist ouercome thine enemies and reduce them to the obedience of thy king Baradach said I think your God be more potent then ours sine that your comming hath put them to silence but tell me what successe shall the warre vnto which I go haue The Apostles said To the end thou maist see that thy Gods be not only impotent but also liers and deceuers we will giue them leaue to aunswer to thy demaunds that they giuing an answer of that which they know we may showe what they be and what they can do The Gods answered by their ministers whom Baradach had caused to come thither That the warre should be long and that therin much slaughter should be on both sides When the Apostles heard their answer they laughed and Baradach said to them I heare these words to my grief and sorrow and do you laugh The Apostles replied feare not for too morrow at three a clock there shall come embassadors from the Indian rebells vnto thee who shall most humbly entreat thee for peace and submit themselfs wholly to thy mercy When the ministers of the Idolls heard these words of the Apostles thy scoffed therat and in a rage against them said to the captein These fellowes come from the Indians thy enemies that thou crediting their deceitfull speeches maist not be prouided and furnished with defence and then the Indians may come and giue thee some notable discomfiture To this the Apostles replied and said to the captein we do not bid thee to tarry a moneth or longer but one day only if thou find vs to ly punish vs as thou please Baradach aunswered I think best to keep you them also in prison vntill I see which doth deceiue me and then I will punish them that do deserue it On the next day euen as the Apostles said the embassadours to the Indians came with whom Baradach hauing concluded a peace resolued to punish seuerely those false prophets but the Apostles staid him saieng that thy were not come in to that country to take away any mans life but to giue it vnto many Then the captein would haue giuen them many Iewells but they would not take any He had them vnto Babilon where the king was vnto whom he repeated what had befallen betwene him and the Apostles and commended them very much and said they had the gift of prophecy knew things to come were humble and vertuous and coueted no temporall gaine At that time the king had in his companie two magitians or Inchaunters one was called Zaroes theother Arphaxat who were fled out of India where S. Matthew preached for that he had discouered their wickdnes and deceits These mallicious fellowes seeing the Apostles to be of the colledge and company of S. Matthew their deadly foe persecuted them saieng of them much euill vnto the king And with their inchantments caused many serpents to appeare in the place to terrify the Gentills and to hurt the Apostles but they by their word only commanded the serpents to wound the inchauntors but not to kill them The serpents obeied put them to great griefe and paine and moreouer hauing lost hereby their reputation and credit they were enforced to depart from Babilon and to go vnto other cities They laboured what they could to do some mischief vnto the Apostles saieng in euery place where they passed that they were enemies to their Gods would not haue them to be adored and that they seperated wifes from their husbands vnder the collour of relligion and such other things And in the places where credit was giuen vnto them they gaue the people warning that if the Apostles came that way they should put them to death and neuer suffer them to speak The holy Apostles preached the faith without empeachment or contradiction in Babilon and conuerted many for that they did many miracles especially in healing all sickfolks from their infirmities what soeuer They baptised the king and all his family and hauing instructed many in the faith they ordered priests and deacons and made Abdias bishop who had followed them from Ierusalem and had as he saith seen with his corporall eies IESVS CHRIST in his mortall flesh If fell out at that time as the said Abdias recounteth it and S. Antoninus of florence repeateth it that a woman daughter to a noble man of Babilon was
so honoring them and imitating their vertues we shall receiue help and benefit by their asistance and prayers in this world and be receiued into the glorie which they posesse in the eternall beatitude Vnto the which God bring vs for his great mercy sake Amen The commemoration of the faithfull deceased THE prophet Daniell being in Babylon discouered a fraud and deceyt which the ministers of a temple vsed in making men to beleeue that their I doll called Bell did cate vp those meates that were offred vnto it when as they themselues indeed did eate it vp Darius the king punished these men with death where vpon the people raised an vproare and commotion against the prophet and the king not being able to restraine their furie they threw him into a denne among Lions to be by them rent and torne in pieces In this wofull state the holie man remained sixe daies being grieuous aswell for the continuall sight of the lions as for that the place was filthie and stincking and beside all this honger afflicted him exceedinglie It fell out at that season that the prophet Abacuc being in Palestina and carying victualls to his sheapheards an Angell told him that God comaunded he should carry that Victuall vnto Daniell who was in the Lions denne in Babilon Abacuc excused himself saing that he knew not where Babilon was neither did he know Daniell The Angell said I will shew thee and with that he took him by the haire of the head and in a moment set him in Babilon in the Lyons den and shewed him Daniell readie to die with hunger Abacuc said vnto him Daniell eate of this meat that is sent thee by God Daniell did eate thereof and was some what refreshed and enabled thereby to support and beare the affliction of that place of punishment vntill at last he was taken out by the kings comaundement By this figure is represented liuely vnto vs the commemoration the Catholique Church maketh for the dead on the next day after the feast of all saints Daniell in the lions denne representeth the soules that be in the paines of purgatory It agreeth also verie fitlie that the lions did not rent nor teare Daniell in pieces also that the sight of them was grieuous in that place of paine and also hunger afflicted him very much So the soules that be in the paines of purgatorie be not tormented by the diuells which is very iust as not firt that they should chastice those that they could not ouercome The place it self which is allotted vnto them is painfull and grieuous for it is full of fire which is the same with the fire of hell as S. Augustine affirmeth Honger doth afflict them also which is the great desire and longing they haue to see God For though they be secure to see him at length yet it is a great grief vnto them that the time is prolonged The prophet Abacuc who caried meat vnto his sheepheards is a figure of euerie good and faithfull Christian which doth good vnto the soules in purgatorie For in the carying of meat vnto his sheapheards viz vnto his Curate or any other priest in bringing bread and wyne vnto the Church and the other almes which are done for the soules such as praiers and sacrifises bee an Angell cometh and bringeth it vnto Daniell in the denne And in deed it is an article of the Catholique faith that all those things that be offred for the soules in purgatorie by persons that be in the state of grace or else if the work it self doth merit and deserue it as the holie sacrifise of the masse both comforteth and helpeth the soules that be in purgatorie exceedingly THE vndoubted veritie that there is a purgatorie is an Article of the Catholique faith and he that denieth it shall thereby prooue himself an heretique This truth is prooued by the testimonies of the scripture as that excellent learned man frier Alfonce de Castro saith in his book he made against hereticks Esay saith Our Lord shall wash the vncleanes of the daughters of Syon and the bloud of Ierusalem in the spirit of Iudgment in the spirit of heat The prophet Malachy also threatning sinners with the coming of Almightie God to chastice them saith of him that he is a fire in which the siluer is molten and purified These two places are alledged by S. Augustine to prooue that there is a purgatorie after this life IESVS CHRISTOUR our sauiour saith the same viz that he that shall speak wordes against the Holie Ghost shall not be pardoned neither in this World nor in the World to come S. Gregorie vseth this sentence and so doth S. Bernard also as an effectuall proof of this veritie For they say if sinnes be not remitted in the other world this sentence shall not be remitted in the other world should not haue beene written And the truth beinge that in all holie writt there is not any superfluous word fot to say there were any as S. Basile saith in his Exameron were blasphemie it followeth then that there is a purgatorie for it is a cleare case that no sinne is pardoned in hell S. Paul also writing to the Corinthians saith 1. Cor 3. that the workes euery one hath done be they gold siluer or stones wood haie or strawe the fire shall try them And then he saith imediatly that he whose workes shall haue need of this tryall shall suffer detriment so that such shall not be saued but by fire hom 6 sup exod ● Origen alleadgeth this sentence to prooue this veritie There is another verie forceable reason for this point S. Iohn saying in the Apocalips speaking of the holie heauenly cittie of Ierusalem that none shall enter thereinto with any spot or staine of sinnes Cap. 21. yet manie mē dye with veniall sinnes others that haue mortall sinnes are cōfessed haue not time to do their enioined penance Of these who are pardoned and absolued of their faults it is cleare that they shall do penance in purgatorie before they enter into heauen for thither they cannot come with any spot Therefore we must needs confesse that there is a Purgatory where the soules shal be purified refined from all their filth defects with which they depart out of their bodies before they enter into heauen Moreouer many holy persons of vertuous life who are worthy of credit herein haue had reuelations of this truth as S. Gregorie writeth in his dialogues But beside all these reasons alleadged I wil relate one which is of great authoritie and was as it is said the first cause and beginning that mooued the Catholique Church to ordaine Gui l●el in rationall ib 7. cap. 25. and institute the Commemoration of the faithful departed on the next day after the feast of all saints and this it is In the life of the holie Abbot Odil● written first by Peter Damian Cardinall of the Church of Rome and related by frier Laurence
Surius we read Iacob phil in sumpt vin● in spec historlib 25.106 that a religious man returning from the visitation of the holie sepulchre in Ierusalem and other places of the holie land the ship where in he sailed was driven forceably vpon certaine vninhabited I'lands which were full of rocks and craggie hilles neere vnto Thessalonica be called the Iles of Vulcan The religious man took land in the I le and found in an obscure and secret place an hermite vnto whom he went and among their conferences the religious man told him that he was of the prouince of Aquitaine in France The hermite hearing that was very glad as appeared by his countenance and asked him if he knew the monasterie of Cluny and Odilo the Abbot thereof The religious man said yes and desired to know the reason why he demaunded that question The hermite answered know you that in this Iland be hollow places full of wind and fire which some call the mouth of Vulcan by the which are seene divells to enter in and to go out ordinarilie in diuers and sundrie shapes and formes Sometimes by their externall looks they seeme to be cheerfull and iocund and at other times they see me to be pensiue and sadde I being desirous to know the causes of this different behauiour adiured and charged them in the name of Almightie God to tell me the true cause and they said vnto me that they make show of ioye and gladnes when the soule of any person that hath liued well in the world whom they could neuer induce to committ mortall sinne is brought vnto purgatorie for some veniall sinnes and the diuells seing them to suffer in the flames are satisfied therewith and shew their gladnes by externall signes But if there be giuen any almes any masses said or any good workes done by good people as fasting and prayer whereby the soule departeth sooner out of that place and flyeth vnto heauen this causeth the diuells to be afflicted They complayne especiallie of the monkes of Cluny where continuall prayers are made for the soules of the dead that they may be deliuered out of that paine Therefore I praie thee said the sollitarie hermite and I coniure thee in the name of God Almightie to request the Abbot Odylo and the other to say masse and prayers without ceasing for the soules in purgatorie since so much good aryseth thereof The religious man wondred at his wordes and promised him faithfully to deliuer the message So being returned into France he visited that monasterie and recyted vnto the Abbot and his monkes all that which befell in those caues and mouth of Vulcan The holie Abbot Odylo vnderstanding the same ordeined and commaunded that in all his monasteries they should haue the soules in recomendation Then he made a generall constitution throught all his order that euerie yeare on the next daie after the feast of all saints they should make a generall Aniuersary for the soules of the faithfull deceased The Bishop of Rome who was at that time Iohn the 16. hauing notice hereof examining well the deed and seeing it to be holie and repleat with vertuous compassion not only approoued it but also comaunded the same to be done through the vniuersall Church This Catholique article that there is a Purgatorie being certain and also explaned ye must vnderstand that the proper place is one of the partes of hell of which there be foure One is of the damned the other of the children that dye without Baptisme before they haue the vse of reason the other is Purgatorie and the fourth is Limbus Patrum or the place of the holie fathers where the holie soules remayned before CHRIST dyed and were then deliuered out of the same place which now at this present is vacant It is also very certaine that by especiall order and decree of Almightie God some soules haue their Purgatorie in places particuler to them selues diolo lib. 4. cap. 40. 55. as S. Gregorie saith of one that had his Purgatorie in a Bayne for his faultes committed therein and it being manifested vnto a priest and that he should celebrate Masse for him he was quitte and freed and went vnto heauen Concerning the paines of Purgatorie you must vnderstand that it is fire and as S. Augustine saith it is the same that the fire off hell is and is yet discreet and different For as the naturall fire consumeth the straw and puryfieth the gold so this fire consumeth eternally the soule in hell after the manner of straw and the soules in purgatorie which be like gold it burneth and purifieth It hath also another propertie that it tormenteth not all men equally and therefore it is called discreet fire for it maketh one to feele more paines another lesse according to the faultes and sinnes they haue committed It is vsually said thereof and it is most true that the stoning of S. Stephen the grydiron of S. Laurence the arrowes of S. Sebastian the Iron combes of S. Vincent and all the martirdomes the saints endured do not come neere the paines of them that suffer in purgatorie And there is as great difference betweene the one paine and the other as betweene the soule that suffreth in purgatorie and the bodie that suffreth heere in this world There is adioyned vnto the paine of feeling a greeuous longing and desire the soules haue to see God which is so great that in some sort it doth surmount the paine of feeling which is the fire They see themselues there without remedy for any thing they can do of themselues they know they must paye the vttermost farthing if they in the world do not help them In that place doth afflict them the negligence and carelesnes of their kinsfolk and friends they sorrow also for the ingratitude of their heires and slownes of their excecutors in acomplishment of their willes They say many times with the holie man Iob Haue mercy and compassion of vs you at the least who in the world are said to be our friends for the hand of our Lord hath touched vs. we be in those paines Iob 3. out of which we cannot deliver our selues you may well do it but why then do you not you may help vs why be you then so forgetfull you may ridde vs from and out of these sharp and byting torments why be you then so negli●gent or rather cruell as to let vs lye still therein The father cōplaineth of his sōne the wife of the husband the sister of the brother and the friend of his friend Sometimes God permitteth those that haue not remembred their friends deceased to he forgotten themselues and to suffer that which they haue permitted other men to suffer and to be tormented by the torments from which they would not help to deliuer others Lastlie you must vnderstand that to do good vnto the soules in Purgatorie is not only profitable vnto them but also vnto those that do it sins it is a
work of great charitie acceptable vnto God profitable to keep a man out of sinne and is also good for the health of the body The holy Ghost entendeth so much in these wordes saying 2. Macha 12. V. 46 To pray and to do good for the dead is a holie and a healthfull work and is also very profitable for the soules their paines being diminished and they deliuered the sooner The workes that help them are foure viz Almes fasting discipline with other penall works an the fourth is the holie sacrifice of the Masse said for them You must also vnderstand that there is difference betweene these workes for that three of them if they shall do the soule good must be done in the grace of God and if they be done other wise they do not help them except they be done by the apointment of another And if that he that commaundeth the good work to be done as to giue almes or such like be then in the state of grace in this case the work is good and auaileable and helpeth the soule though the person that did that good work were not in that good estate himself Concerning the masse and these other workes as I haue insinuated before there is a difference For that helpeth alwaies not with standing that he that said it was not at that time in the fauour of God for that he who offreth it doth it in the person of the Church who is alwaies in the fauour of God and therefore it helpeth those soules alwaies for whom it is especially said and celebrated So that we may truly saie that this is the best and most secure work that can be done for the soules in purgatorie If this which we haue said be the truth as vndoubtedly it is viz that the paines in purgatorie be so great and excessiue and that also being true which S. Augustine saith as it is for certaine to wit that to see God one houre only is of more worth then all the treasures of the world And sithens with all them he cannot do that which one may do with the good workes he doth for a soule in purgatorie that is to deliuer it out of payne and that it may see God before the time it should otherwise see him How greatlie and vnspeakablie shall that soule be obliged and bound vnto the person that shall so help to deliuer it without doubt more then can easilie be said And that soule being so much bound vnto any partie after it is heauen and enioyeth the glorie of God shal be his perpetuall aduocate to beseech the diuine maiestie to be gratious vnto him that hath beene so good vnto it by procuring it to be freed from the fault land deliuered from paine purchasing heauen by enioying it before the deserued time Which happie felicitie in his kingdome God graunt vnto vs all for his heauenly bounty and infinite mercy Amen The life 's of SS Vitalis and Agricola Martyrs THE Apostle S. Paule in his epistle to the Galathians Galat. 3. speaking of them that are baptized haue put on IESVS CHRIST by receauing his faith saith that in the sight of God there is neither seruaūt nor freeman but all are equall His meaninge is not that among Christians there should not be maisters and seruaunts some to commaund and some to obey for this would be contrarie to all good gouernment and to the common course and vniuersall order of the world wherein the Starres the Riuers the Trees the Beastes the Byrdes the Fishes are euidentlie distinguished not onlie by theire vertues but also by theire greatnesse and lessenes and by a certaine preeminence and subordination besides that if there were equallitie in all men none would vndergoe painfull and meaner offices in the common wealth none would laboure and toyle none plowe nor sowe and euerie one rulinge and none obeyinge all would runne streight waies to ruine and destruction So that S. Paules meaninge is not that Christians should be all equall in this but rather as S. Ierome and S. Augustine say that in the eyes and sight of God the seruant is no lesse worthie nor lesse esteemed then the master if both of them be Christians and bothe do the workes of Christians Of this we haue an example in the two holie martyrs SS Vitalis and Agricola Agricola being the master Vitalis the seruant They were both Christians and martyrs and equally esteemed and regarded by IESVS CHRIST and the holie Church doth celebrate the feast of them both equally Their life written by S. Ambrose was in this manner IN the persecution of Dioclesian and Maximian there dwelt in the citty of Bologna in Italy a noble citisen called Agricola who had a seruant named Vitalis They were both Christians and for that cause were apprehended by the ministers of these two cruell Emperours These holy Saints being in the presence of the Pre●ident the seruant to wit Vitalis was first put to torments thereby the more to terrify the master And because seruāts be ordinarily scourged for their chastisment and do tremble and quake to see the whippes it was the Iudges will that the first torment of Vitalis should be scourging and so he caused him to be beaten rigorously After that he put him vnto other manner of torments and herein the Iudg was so cruell and the officers so mercylesse that the bodie of the holie martyr was whollie couered with blowes and woundes So that search neuer so narrowly you could not see any thing but woundes and gashes There was not any blood left in his vaines but all was shed and the scourges and wandes of Iron where with they stroke him hit not ne touched not the whole skin any more but the rawe flesh and the bare bones so that his very bowells were seene The glorious martyr lifted vp his eyes vnto heauen and made a deuout prayer saying O my Lord LESVS CHRIST my God and Sauiour I humblie beseech thee that it would please thee to receaue my soule for I desire much to enjoye the crowne which thy holie Angell hath shewed vnto me His prayer being ended he yealded vp his soule vnto God Agricola was present at this spectacle who being a man of good nature pleasing behauiour friend to all affable doing good and hurting none was generally beloued of all And therefore the executioners yea and the Iudg himself also being desirous to haue him change his mind and to sacrifice vnto the Idolles wherby he might be deliuered from death made him to be present at the martyr dome of his seruant Vitalis to the end he might learne as is said before to beware by another mans cost and affliction But he that had seene the successe of his seruant was more desirous to gaine a crowne as he had done rather then to be terrifyed with the torments and so he remayned firme and constant in his first good purpose The Iudge and the officers were wroth and enraged against him and the more for that they
had vsed him courteously and he had despised and contemned them in which rage the Iudge commaunded he should be put on the Crosse The executioners were not slowe to execute the cōmandement of the ludge Forthwith the Crosse was brought and Agricola was stripped naked Then layd they him at length vpon the same piercing his handes and feete with sharp nayles they crucifyed him lifting him vp a loft In that place was to be seene a wonderfull and liuely representation of the Lord in his seruant that is to say of CHRIST in Agricola The holie martyr being thus raised on high shewed that he made smalle account of earthlie thinges but desired heauenlie He hauing bene on the Crosse a good space on the same daie that his seruant Vitalis yealded vp his soule vnto God by scourging he rendred vp also his spirit on the Crosse And so the maister and the seruant were equall in theire martyrdome and in theire reward Their bodies were buried in a Churchyard where the Iewes were buried and in that place they remayned as Roses among thornes and light in darknes vntill the time of S. Ambrose as he saith himself writing the story of their martyrdome But he hauing notice of the place where they were at the request of a holie widowe called Iuliana who had particuler and speciall deuotion to these holie saintes took them out of that place and translated them into a Church which the same Iuliana had builded vnto them where their bodies take their repose and rest and their soules expect to be reunited vnto them at the last daye of Iudgment The martyrdome of these holie saintes was on the 4. of Nouember and vpon that daie the Church maketh of them a commemoration This befell in the yeare of our Lord. 298. in the raigne of the Emperour Diocletian Spanish saith The bodies of these holie saintes are said to be in the Roiall monasterie of S. Maria Naxara in Spaine The foure Crovvned THe Apostle S● Paul writing vnto Timothie his disciple saith None shal be crowned but he which fighteth lawfully which is asmuch as if he had said He that fighteth acording vnto the apointement of his captaine such a one moriteth the crowne and to triumph Amongst the Romaines in their warres some did worthy and very notable exploites but because some were against the apointement of the captaine they did not only depriue them of the crowne of victorie but chasticed them seuerely Some fathers there were which put their owne sonnes vnto death for that they went out to answere a challenger on the contrary part in single combate although he returned with victory and slew his aduersarie honorablie And this because he had bene forbiden Vpon paine of death not to issue out to any such incounter without speciall license Hereby wee se that that souldier only deserued to haue the crowne of triumph which fought and got the victory by the apointement of his Captaine It is conuenient that we imitate IESVS CHRIST euen as these holy martirs imitated him which are called the foure crowned because their names were not knowen These verily did merite the crowne for that they imitated IESVS CHRIST and as he gaue his life for their snakes in like manner did they giue their lifes for his sake The life of these holy martirs and of other fire whose bodies are buried in one and the same Church within the citty of Rome was this taken out of the Martirologes of Venerable Bede and Ado Archbishop of Treuers THe vnsatiable hunger of Dioclesian and Maximian those two great and professed enemies of IESVS CHRIST and his holy saints was not satisfied although by their order and apointement and of others which were their Iudges and presidents there was shed much Christian blood daily through most partes of the world but the more they put to death the more their cruellty encreased It was told vnto Dioclesian that there were in Rome foure citisens Christians whose names were Seuerus Seuerianus Carpoforus and Victorinus The Emperour commaunded that they should be forth with apprehended and led vnto the Idoll of Esculapius and if they refused to worship it that they should be scourged to death and acording to his apointement it was done They were led and conducted vnto that diuell and they made account of him as he was refusing to adore him wherevpon they began to torment them They pulled of their clothes and bound them vnto seuerall pillers The scourging which was giuen them was such and so great that in that torment they yealded vp their soules vnto God The tirant commaunded that their bodies should be cast into the street that the dogges might dououre them and although they remained there fiue daies yet they were not touched by any beast whereby it euidently apeared that men were more cruell and bloody then the very beastes The Christians took vp their bodies and buried them in the Arenarium three miles out of Rome in the Via Lauicana It is said that pope Melchiades who liued shortly after their martirdome put them into the Catalogue of holy martirs and because their names were not knowne he called them The foure Crowned But afterwardes it was reuealed to a holy man that their names as is said before were Seuerus Seuerianus Carpoforus and Victorinus Of the fiue Martirs SS Claudius Nicostratus Simphorianus Castorius and Simplicius NEERE vnto the place where the foure martirs last spoken of were buried there had bene laid two yeares before but on the same daie the bodies of fiue other holie saints who in like manner had bene put to death for the faith of CHRIST by comandement of the same Emperour Dioclesian Pope Melchiades who ordeined the feast of the foure crowned to be celebrated entended that together with them there should be a commemoration of these fiue martirs which were called Claudius Nicostratus Simphorianus Castorius and Simplicius These holy saintes were caruers and remained in Hungarie by the apointment of the Emperour and wrought together with many other of their trade in the quarries of marble which the Emperour vsed in his buildings in diuers places of the world Foure of these blessed men were Christians and Simplicius was an Idolater As the wrought together the Chizells and other tooles of Simplicius were oftentimes broken and the tooles of the others did neuer break Simplicius being much amased hereat demanded of Simphorianus how it fell so out and he made answere my tooles break not for that euery time I take any of them into my hand to work I call vpon IESVS CHRIST my God vpon this occasion Simphorianus vsed such perswasions vnto Simplicius that by the help of God he was conuerted vnto the Christian faith and was Baptised It fell out afterward that Dioclesian gaue the charge vnto these fiue blessed saintes of a building in which they should set the statues of diuers liuing beastes and in the midest of them an Idoll of one of his heathenish Gods The holie saintes made vp
to celebrate the feast of the dedication of Churches as namely in Rome is celebrated the dedication of the Church of S. Saluator The historie thereof taken out of the life of S. Siluester the pope was this EVEN from the time of the Apostles there was alwaies amongst the Christians some especiall places dedicated vnto God which of some were called Oratories and by others Churches Thither came the Christians and met together especiallie vpon the Sundaies to heare the word of God to be present at the diuine seruice to pray to heare masse and to receiue the body of our Lord IESVS CHRIST in that most holie Sacrament But after that the Emperour Constantine was Baptised by S. Siluester and was healed by the meanes of his Baptisme not only in his soule of his sinnes but also in his body of his leprosie he as a person thanckfull to the deuine maiestie of whom he confessed to haue receiued this grace and benefitt made a lawe and published a decree through all the lands subiect to the Empire of Rome that euerie one might build Churches where it best pleased him And that by his example he might encourage others thereunto in the yeare of our Lord 325. he caused a Church to be builded in the honor of IESVS CHRIST Sauiour of the world in his owne palace of Lateranum adorning it with many rich Iewells and vessells of Gold and Siluer but aboue all he beautifyed it with an Image representing our Blessed Sauiour himself very liuelie and this place was deuoutlie visited by the faithfull beleeuers S. Siluester the pope consecrated that Church which was the first that had bene publiklie consecrated among the Christians for the celebration of the diuine offices In that place the same Bishop set the Altar vpon which S. Peter celebrated the holie masse and it was of wood like vnto an emptie chest The Apostle vsed this manner of Altar euen as the other popes his successors did compelled by the necessitie of the time For the persecution being very sharp the afflicted Christians flying from one place vnto another carried with them this portable Altar to celebrate thereon sometimes in the caues vnder the ground sometimes in the Churchyards where the bodies of martyrs were buryed and sometimes in the priuate houses of Catholiques The mind of S. Siluester was that this Altar should remaine for a memorie in the first Church of the Christians and comaunded that none but the Bishops of Rome should celebrate vpon it And that all other priests should celebrate not vpon an Altare of wood but vpon an Altare of consecrated stone And to the end the memory hereof should continew and be perpetuall he ordained that euerie yeare the dedication of this Church should be celebrated And this is the feast which is sollemnised on the 9. day of Nouember It is a thing very necessarie and conuenient that among Christians there should be some places dedicated vnto God as Churches and Oratories bee to the end they might resort thither to pray demaund help of God in their needes and troubles For if in citties and other townes be diuers shoppes for perticuler thinges and if in the house be seuerall roomes for sundrie offices it is also necessarie that among the multitude of Christians there should be some places where they may treat and speak with God And these being dedicated to such a worthie work it is also conuenient that they should be consecrated and also that all due respect and reuerence be giuen vnto them All this our Lord would giue vs to vnderstand by the example of the Temple of Salomon the workmanship whereof was of exceeding great Maiestie as may be seene in two things especially which the holie scripture reciteth to witt That in the Temple there was not a thing but it was of Gold or ingraued or set in Gold The other was that the fabrick or workmanship being so magnificent and stately yet in all the time of the building thereof there was not heard the noise of hammer or any other toole therein Some expound these words thus saing that this was a kind of speech commonly vsed when they would shew what speed a thing hath beene done withall as when it is said such a thing was done before it was seene or heard So although the work of the Temple lasted many yeares yet in respect of the hugenes and magnificence thereof it may be said that therein was not seene nor heard the stroke of an hammer Others say that euery thing was brought thither ready wrought from other parts and that they did nothing but lay and couch things in their due place And so this Temple was a figure of the B. Martirs who are hewed and squared in the Quarries of this world suffring heere diuers troubles and afflictions but then in heauen they suffer no more strokes nor feele more troubles but haue their reward for that which they haue borne and supported in the world In these things then is shewed the statelines and magnificene of this Temple In the which although it was the Temple of God yet was there only in it the Ark of the Testament and that not alwaies neither for at the time of the captiuitie of Babilon the Prophet Ieremy hid it in a hill and then they put into it another made like it and yet for all that it was greatly honoured not only by men but euen by God himself Then by greater reason ought we to reuerence and honour our Churches in the which resideth IESVS CHRIST true God and true man and that really in the B. sacrament of the Altare There are not sacrificed Bulles and weathers but the vnbloodie sacrifice of IESVS CHRIST vpon the Altar of the Crosse is there represented where he is offred in a liuely sacrifice to his eternall father for the saluation of mankind and the same doth the Priest daily in his name in the holie sacrifice of the Masse In our Churches be also the sacraments by which are healed and cured sundrie infirmities Some be weak to encounter and fight against the Diuell the world and the flesh and to make such men able and strong the sacrament of Confirmation is giuen vnto them To others for the same pu●pose and to make them rich in vertue there is giuen the sacrament of the holie Eucharist And to the end others should be continent the sacrament of Matrimonie is giuen vnto them For others that be wounded hurt and ready to die of sundrie infirmities and they whose soules are already and whollie dead in mortall sinne are prouided the sacraments of penance and extreame vnction So that the Church is as an Apothecaries shop stored with spirituall medicines for all the infirmities and maladies of the soule and body also Besides these in the Catholike Church be the treaso●s of God For therein are pardoned sinnes in it are giuen the giftes of the holy Ghost in it the praiers of the faithfull are more meritorious and be sooner addressed and
of his determination in the time that was giuen him for aduise Great was the vproare and tumult that the pagans made searching for the kindler of the fire entending to punish him with the greatest torments that might be imagined There was no great difficulty in finding him for S. Theodore himself confessed that he had done it and in his words and countenance he shewed himself to be well pleased with the act and the rather for that an Idoll of the same Goddesse had bene burned therein This on the other side was as dispeasing to the pagās who held that Idoll in high estimation They took S. Theodore and haled him vnto iudgment howling and yelling generally as if they had bene beastes or out of their wittes The iudges demaunded of them if he had kindled that fire The holie saint forthwith confessed that he had done it and willed them to make readie torments for he was prepared to endure them The desire and willingnes which the iudges beheld in S. Theodore to suffer torments made them haue the lesse will to torture him wishing to themselues the like couragious stomake as the yongman had Wherevpon without regard of the complaints exclamations of the common people who fearing their Gods would chastice them all for this trespasse that Theodore had committed against them besought them with great instancy to put him to death In this rage and furie of the people the iudges said to S. Theodore notwith standing thou hast deserued death yet we will pardon thee and make thee high priest of the Idolls if thou wilt sacrifise vnto them and leaue and relinquish the name of a Christian The blessed youngmā deriding them said In deed you promise me great preferment and that which may mooue a man to follow your counsell For the priestes of your Idolls I hold them to be accursed wretches and if I be made chief of them I shal be made the most accursed wretch of them all Long since haue I laughed at this folly and madnes of many great men that sometimes the Consulls yea the Emperours of Rome themselues would take the office of the high priest which you promise vnto me vnder a shew of religion and they which were first clothed in purple were clad after in the habite of fooles or madmen And many times they cut in pieces liuing beastes for their sacrifice putting some part thereof to seethe and some to be consumed with fire Such a blindnes is not committed but by them that be blind as they bee since by leauing the adoration of the God of heauen they adore Gods made of wood stones and mettall The Iudges hearing the reasons perceiued they lost their time and could not preuaile with Theodore wherefore they called him a sacrilegious blasphemous and wicked villaine and commaunded he should be tormented They bound him vnto a post and whipped him then rent they his flesh with crooks of Iron and put burning torches vnto his sides The more dilligēt the execucioners were to torture him so much the more cheerfully the blessed martyr as if he had bene in a pleasant garden song this verse of Dauid I will alwaies blesse our Lord his praises shall euer be in my mouth When the cruell officers were tyred they took him from the post and cast him into a dark dongeon in the which were heard all that night voyces which song sweetly and the roome was filled with an admirable brightnes and those that were without were partakers hereof When the keeper of the prison perceiued it he called some companie vnto him and went into the place where S. Theodore was finding no more persons there but the holie saint the rest that were prisoners as he was who were all a sleep The next daie they tormented him againe and seing him firme and constant in his faith they gaue sentence that he should be burned and the iudgment was put in execution As the holie saint stood in the fire praising and glorifying God the fire indeed took his life away but spared his bodie for it did not consume nor scorch one haire of his head Wherefore a religious woman called Eusebia wrapped it in a cleane sheet and enterred it that we might enioy this pretious treasure which hath caused this assembly of people to honor him and celebrate this daie of his tryumph where euery one is holpen for his sake Out of this man he casteth diuells another he deliuereth from infirmities vnto others he releeueth the infirmities of the bodie vnto others the necessities of the soule There those that be tossed with the tempests of the world find a safe port secure hauen There the Orphants find a father the pilgrins an Inne the afflicted a comforter and help for them that are in necessitie O thou holie saint and glorious martyr Theodore that art among the quiers of Angells vouchsafe to go vnto the presence of God and praie before the throne of his maiestie for vs that be in this place assembled to celebrate the tryumph of thy blessed martyrdome Encline to vs that call vpon thee honor thee and be present at the sollemnity of thy feast And though our corporall eyes cannot see thee yet cast downe thine eyes vnto our sacrifises and bowe thine eares vnto our prayers make present hereof we beseech thee vnto the maiestie of God desiring him to harken vnto vs and to heare thee that vnto him may be recommended thy country which is also ours thy brethren kinsfolk friends and they that vnto thee be religiously minded who be here present and that he would defend vs from all our enemies in generall and in especiall from these barbarous Scithians Thou as a valiant souldier fight for vs as a holie martyr praie for vs. Obtaine for vs a perpetuall peace that we may imploy our selues in the seruice of him whom thou seruest And if perhaps there needeth greater help speak vnto thy brethren to acompany thee Call vnto Peter head of the Church speak vnto Paul doctor of the Gentiles and vnto Iohn the beloued and famous diuine that the Churches which these men haue founded and the soules whom they haue conuerted may remaine constant in the holie and Catholike faith which they once receiued That they may be also freed from heretiks and heresies from tyrants and their tyrany and by confessing IESVS CHRIST boldly and faithfully seruing him they may afterwards posesse and enioye him eternally being partakers of his grace in this world and of his glorie in the kingdome of heauen The holie Church maketh commemoration of S. Theodore on the daie of his martyrdome which was on the 9. of Nouember about the yeare of our Lord 300. Diocletian and Maximian being Emperours The body of S. Theodore is in the Church of S. Sauiour in Venice whether it was brought from Constantinople And it is certainly belueeued that it is he whose life we haue heere written though there were more martyrs of this name The life of SS Trypho Respicius and Nimpha
Martyrs GREAT was the pride of that hauty king Pharao in persecuting the people of Israell Exod 1. seeking all meanes he could to hinder them from increasing But the blessed God of heauen ordained that the more dilligent the wicked king was against them so much the more he should remaine defeated in his enterprise and disgraced all things falling out contrary to his designes and entent for the people multiplyed and encreased the more The same befell vnto the diuell for in the first growing and spreading of Christianity he desired to root out the Christians and to that intent he stirred vp the tyrants to put them to death martyr them as indeed innumerable of them were But the more he laboured herein the more the number of the Christians encreased This may be seene by the example of three holie martyrs to witt SS Tripho Respicius and Nimpha The diuell began with one of them thinking to end with him but the two others seing his martyrdome offered themselues voluntarily and without compulsion vnto martyrdome and to dye in company with him for the loue of CHRIST their Lord. The manner hereof as it is extant in diners martyrologes was in this sort SAINT Trypho was borne in Rome in a street called Saxea He being verie yong exercised himself in good and holie works and God by his meanes did some miracles by healing persons posessed with the diuell and grieued with other infirmities In that sharp persecution of Decius this holie saint showed himself zealous of the honor of God by preaching IESVS CHRIST publiklie without fearing the Edicts of the Emperour or the cruelty that his officers vsed against the Christians He encouraged the feeble and animated the faintharted not to dread the torments which should quickly end and were meanes to attaine perpetuall ioye in heauen A gouernour called Quilinus being certified hereof and finding it to be very true for that S. Trypho himself confessed the same he commaunded he should be tormented The first was the ordinary torment that was to tye him vnto the Equuleus where his bodie being racked it was rent and torne with hooks of Iron Then set they burning torches vnto his sides and gaue him many blowes with kno●ted staues and lastlie his feet were burned through with hot burning nayles S. Trypho tollerated all this with a couragious mind and a cheerefull countenance so that a Tribune called Respicius seing it considered thus That a man of flesh and blood could not haue such strength nor tollerate so great and so many torments if he were not asisted and holpen by God And if God did help him it was certaine that he was very high in his fauour Whereupon it might be truly gathered that the God whom this holie man confessed and for whose sake he endured so many torments and by whom he was so much holpen was the true God and that all the other were false Gods In the time that Respicius stood in these considerations there came to him a gracious dewe from heauen vnto which he made no resistance but openly confessed that he was a Christian When the officers that tormented S. Trypho heard this they layd hands on him and began to torment them both together Then did they lead them into the Temple vnto the statue of Iupiter and S. Trypho kneeled downe not to adore it but to make the statue fall in pieces to the ground as appeared euidently by that which followed There was present hereat a damsell called Nimpha who seing this miracle said with a loud voice IESVS CHRIST is the true God and those which the Gentiles adore be false Gods and of no force seing the prayers of the Christians make them fall to pieces By occasion of these words Nimpha was likewise tormented with SS Tripho and Respicius The officers beat them with certaine whips which had plūmets of lead tyed to the end of euery cord This was giuen vnto them with such cruelty that they all three yealded their soules vnto God in that torment Which was on the 10. of Nouember in the yeare of our Lord. 251. In the raigne of the aforenamed Decius And on the same daie the Church celebrateth their feast The life of S. Martin Bishop and Confessor WE read in the first book of kings of that valyant and couragious yong man Dauid Cap. 17. that when he returned with victory from the battaile with that fierce gyant Golyas he made all them that came to see him to wonder He was yong well proportioned and talle of body as Caietan noteth well vpon this place and giueth this reason saying that Saul put his armor on him when he would haue sent him against the gyant and that Dauid refused them which was not for that they were to bigge but for that he was not vsed to beare armor Of Saul we know by the Scripture that he was very tall and then Dauid necessarilie must be so also 1. Reg. 9. He was beutifull and well sett and had also a comely countenance and went in leather like a sheapheared he carryed in the one hand the great head of the Gyant and in the other the blouly sword which had cut it of The sterne and grimme sight of the Gyants head made the beauty and comelynes of Dauid to seeme more The people came wondring and euers one was delighted with the sight of him In this maner came he before Saul with whom was Ionathas his sonne the heire of the kingdome who seeing the behauiour of Dauid as the text saith took such affection vnto him that euen there in the sight of them all he took of part of his garments and put them vpon Dauid Thus much of this figure serueth for our propose that Ionathas did shew his great loue vnto Dauid in bestowing his garments on him The same did the glorious S. Martin with IESVS CHRIST for with him he deuided his garmets wherein he shewed that he loued him much as is euident in the discourse of his life written by Seuerus Sulpitius which we haue abridged in this maner SAINT Martin was borne in Sabaria a towne of Hongarye His parents were of noble bloud but they were Gentills his father had bene Coronell of the horse in the army of the Romains and was retired to his house to rest and repose himself Martin being ten yeres old went to the Church against his fathers mynd and requested to be made a Catechumen which was to write his name in the rolle of them that desired to be Christians for after they were well instructed in the faith they were to be Baptised He spent his time in seruing of God and entended no other thing but to please him conuersing always with his seruāts in the Church There he was enstructed in learnyng and good behauiour He had a great desire to goe and liue a solitary life in the desert if his tender age had not hindred him and also an edict that came from Rome which commaunded that the sonnes of
endured great and extream thirst for that they were to bring their water from a place distant farre from them This blessed and holy saint strook the earth in a place where our sauiour in the figure of a lamb appeared vnto him and there sprang vp a plentifull fountein of water pure and cleare with the which all the distressed Christians were recreated and conforted The life of this holy Pope was written by Damasus Simeon Metaphrastes and other graue Authors in this maner SAINT Clement was the sonne of Faustinus and borne in Rome in the region called Caeli-montana Where at this present is the Church of S. Iohn La eran This holy saint did helpe the Apostle S Paul in his preaching as he writeth thus philip 4. that thou help the persons that trauell with me in the Ghospell with Clement and my other coadiutors whose names are written in the book of life Yet S. Dorotheus Bishop of Tyrus saith that Clement of whom S. Paul speaketh was Bishop of Caria and was disciple vnto the same S. Paul and that he was one of the first that receiued the faith by his preaching among the Greeks The most common receaued opinion is that this Clement of whom we now treat was the Pope and went with S. Paul for a time neuerthelesse he was after the disciple of S. Peter S. Clement was not only a man of very holy life but also verie learned wrot many things which haue bene lost by antiquity of time There are extant yet his fiue epistles the first of which is most elegant being al repleat with learning and a true Apostolicall spirite which some of the Popes his successors do alleage in many places He wrot likewise the Canōs of the Apostles the eight books called Apostolique Constitutions which ordeine that in the seuen regions of Rome should be seuen Notaries to write the deeds and martirdome of the Christians He commaunded also that vnto them that were Baptised should be giuen the Sacrament of Confirmation assoone as they had learned the principles of the Christian faith He also ordeined that the Bishops Chaire should stand in a publique and eminent place This holy saint preached thee word of God with such feruour and so great courage that manie Gentills pagans were conuerted vnto the faith and many that were already conuerted not content with the obseruation of the precepts of the Ghospell did keep also and obserue the counsells thereof As a holy damosell did called Domitilla who was niece vnto the Emperour Domitian as daughter to one of his sisters and to Flauius Clemens the Consull which holy virgin was by this Pope consecrated and veyled for a Nunne He also conuerted vnto the faith Theodora the wife of Sisinius a man great and potent in Rome This man desirous to see what the Christians did in their oratories where they vsed to pray and whither his wife vsed to go went thither one time very secretly but by the permission of God he was strook blind This blindnes of his body was an occasion vnto him that he recouered the sight of his soule for the prayer of S. Clement caused the recouery of his corporall sight his holy words and admonitions were the cause that he was Baptised and recouered there with the sight of his soule Sisinius being Baptised many noble men of Rome moued by his example receued the faith So that for this and manie other miracles the holy Pope did he was much malliced by the ministers of the Idolls and other lewd people whom the diuill vsed as instruments and meanes to disturbe the increase of Christianity and to dispatch out of the way Clement who did him much scath and harme These moued a mutiney and vproare against him though there were some that took his part and defence Some accused him at the iudgment seat of Mamor●inus gouernour of the city and others defended him saieng that Clement did not any euill or hurt to any person but did rather good vnto them in curing the sick reliuing the necessity of the poore that he quieted controuersies and made atonement betwene many men They that accused him said he brought in a strange relligion and persuaded men to adore for God a man that had bene crucified and did what he could to annihilate the adoration of the auncient Gods that he caused many maides that they maried not to them vnto whom they were espoused making the title of relligion an excuse and collour for the same The Gouernor of the city hearing all this caused Clement to be brought before him vnto whom he said I vnderstand that thou art borne of an honorable family in this city and that thou art of the Roiall bloud therefore thou art more obliged not to transgresse the customes and lawes of thy forefathers Tell me I praie thee what strange relligion is this thou preachest and what is that crucified man whom thou wouldest haue adored for God to the notable despite and disgrace of the know●n Gods adored by out elders S. Clement made this aunswer Most prudent Iudge I desire thee not to be ouer-ruled by the speechs of the vulgar people who are ignorant and malicious but to giue eare vnto me and if of that wherof I am accused I do not with iust reasons defend my self then condemne me without any fauour Mamertinus said I will present thy cause before th'emperour Traiane where thou maiest if thou canst excuse thy self and iustify thy cause for I will neither condemne thee nor absolue thee When the Gouernou● sawe time conuenient he made relation of the mutiney raised against S. Clement and what was the cause also vnto th'emperour to the end he might sett downe what should be done therin the person accused desiring to make proofe of his Inocency in showing that the faults imposed vpon him had no sufficient ground Traian decreed that Clement should sacrifice vnto the Gods or els be banished into Chersona Mamertinus hauing this direction laboured all that he could to bring Clement to sacrifice vnto the Idolls and he on the other part endeuored to drawe him to be a Christian to let him knowe that the banishment which he was to suffer for professing CHRIST should be vnto him pleasaunt and acceptable It pleased God to giue such efficacy and grace vnto the words of the holy saint that Mamertinus yelded and shedding many teares for compassion of Clement and his vexations said vnto him The God whom thou adorest help thee in this tribulation which thou art to suffer for his loue Then he prouided him a bark and of things necessary for the voyage and sent him into exile There went many voluntarily in the company of the blessed Pope who being arriued and come in saffly vnto the Island found there more then 2000 Christians who by the sentence of th'emperour had bene condemned to digge stones out of the quarries These holy confessors of CHRIST among their other mollestations had one which vexed them much in that
their labour being very painfulle yet wanted they water to drink and that lirle which they had they were compelled to fetch it two miles of The holy Pope Clement moued vnto compassion with their intollerable paine and toile made his praier vnto God beseeching him to haue pity on his people His praier being finished he lifted vp his eies as Metaphrastes saith and sawe vpon a litle hillock a lambe who held vp his right foot as though he shewed where the Water was S. Clement was fully persuaded that the lamb was IESVS CHRIST because none saw it it but himself only so he went to that place and said In the name of IESVS CHRIST digge heere Some began to digge on the one side and some on the other and to cast vp the earth not in the place where the lambe shewed but in a place hard by S. Clement himself took a spade and making a litle hoale where the lamb had showen there sprang out incontinent a veine of pure and cleare water which gaue great consolation vnto the holy saint and to the other Christians who were much confirmed in the faith by the same This miracle moued also many of the Painims to go and heare his doctrine by which they were conuerted vnto the true faith Because the number of Catholiks increased and the report of that which happened in the Islād was so spread abroad that it came to the eares of Traiā he was enraged therat and sent thither a Gouernour called Aufidianus who put many of the Christians to death But when he saw they died willingly for the profession of their faith he thought the best way would be to put Clement only as their guide vnto death wherupon he caused him to be apprehended When he sawe him to be firme and stable in his faith he gaue sentence against him that he should be caried into the mayne sea and throwne into the same with an anchor tied vnto his neck The sighes the sobbes the lamentable voices of those afflicted Christians cannot be expressed when they sawe them selues depriued of Clement in whom they found refuge and comfort in their laboursome and discomfortable life hauing him they thought they had a father and a master euery one found him to be their faithfull frend and their louing brother he made much of them all he instructed them all he gaue help to all by all the meanes he could The Christians being in this tribulation seing then that if they lost Clement they lost all these things besought God with great instancy to deliuer him out of that perill and daunger or els that they might end their life 's with him The holy Pope also aggrieued to leaue them in this tribulation lamented for them and yet comforted them in the best maner he could At the very instant that he was to be cast into the sea the people standing on the shore lifted vp their voices and cried aloud Lord IESVS CHRIST saue him and the blessed Pope said Eternall father receaue my soule This being said he was cast into the sea where he ended his life and all the Christians were very pensiue and sadde Among others there were two desciples of the holy saint the one called Cornelius and the other Phaebus who said to the rest of the Christians Brethren let vs make our prayers vnto God and beseeche him through his fauour to shew vnto vs the reliques of his holy saint This counsell pleased them all very well and so they went vnto prayer they had not yet finished the same when the sea began to decrease and to depart away for the space of three miles from the shore and was so firme that men might passe all that way dryfoot where they found a chappell builded in the middest wherof was the body of S. Clement in a sepulcher and there was also the Anchar which had bene fastened vnto his neck This myracle did not only happen at that time but also did befall euery year for seuen daies continually in that place beginning on the day of his martirdome and enduring for sixe dayes following Thither resorted much people from sundry quarters to see the myraculous sepulcher of the holy saint at the time of the annuall discouery which endured and continued many years as affirmeth Symeon Metaphrastes who auerreth that in his time viz about the year of our Lord 620. this myracle was seene And it is also affirmed by Ephrem B. of Chersona venerable Beda Gregory B. of Towers Ado. Arch B. of Tryers l. 3. 〈◊〉 28. and Nicephorus Callistus yea all these Autors writing the life of S. Clement make mention of this myracle Ephrem B. of Chersona and Gregory B of Towres report another strange and admirable myracle as that a woman going with her litle infant a pilgrimage to this place and being in the Church where the body of the blessed martir lay The infant fell fast on sleep and the seuen daies being passed and expired the sea encreased and returned to the wonted place in such hast that the mother of the child which slept whether fearing the speedy flowing of the water or els vpon forgetfulnes saued her self and left him there behind her When shee was escaped all daunger and the sea was risen to the shore remembring then that shee had left her litle sonne behind her shee showed great signes of dollour and grief yet she knew not what to do but ranne now hither now thither by the seashore and looked about that at the least shee might see the dead body of her litle infant but shee could not so shee returned home to her house sadde pensiue and discomfortable and passed all that year in continuall lamentation When the yearly day of the martirdome of this holy saint came againe she made another iourney vnto the sepulcher and comyng to the same shee found her litle sonne sleeping sweetly euen as shee had left him the year before Shee took him in her a●mes and kissed him ofte and weeping for ioy and tendernes asked him what had become of him all that year The infant answered her that he knew not that a yeare was passed for he had slept all the while Then in the time of Pope Nicholas 1. being in the yere 860. the body of S. Clement by the ordynance of God as it may well be beleeued was taken out of that place in the sea by a holy man called Cyrillus and was carried vnto Rome buried in a Church builded vnto his name The same Pope caused also another Church to be built in the Island where the fountayn sprang vp by the prayer of S. Clement and intitu●ed it also to his name S. Clement was Pope 9. years 2. months and 10. dayes He gaue orders twise in the month of December and ordered 15. Bishops 10. priests and 21. deacons The Catholike Church celebrateth his feast on the day of his martirdome which was on the. 23. of Nouember in the year of our Lord 102. In the time
write a letter vnto Chrisogonus after this manner Vnto the holie confessor of IESVS CHRIST Chrisogonus Anastasia sendeth greeting Although my father which begot we was an Idollater yet my mother that bore me who was called Fausta was a Christian and a vertuous chaste woman She instructed me in the Christian faith euer from my childhood and after her death I was maryed vnto a sacrilegious and cruell man whose bed and companie I haue oftentimes refused excusing it with infirmities which I desired God to send me for that purpose I spent the night and the day in prayer desyring my sweet Sauiour that I might imitate his blessed example This most cruell man after he bath consumed my patrymonie amongst wicked and lewd company like vnto himself hath imprisoned me as if I were a malefactor or a detestable offender and forbiddeth any sustenance to be guiē vnto me that I may perish and dye for want of food Although I shal be glad to loose my life for CHRIST his sake neuerthelesse I find great grief that my goods be wasted in such lasciuious sort in such lewd company and in the seruice of the false Gods Therefore I beseech thee thou seruant of IESVS CHRIST to pray vnto God Almightie for me and that the either alter the mind of this my husband that he may be conuerted or els if he continew and perseu●r in his hardnes of hart and obstinacy that he take him out of this world And better it shal be for him to be taken out of this life then to adde daily sinne to sinne which will put him to double torments in hell I promise and vowe vnto Almightie God and to thee his seruant ●hat if euer I get cleere and freed from this affliction to spend all my time in the seruice of my Blessed Sauiour IESVS as my vse and custome was and in helping and prouiding fot thy necessities and to releeue the wants of all other holie confessors Our Lord keep thee euer thou B seruant of God Remember me and praie for me S. Chrisogonus hauing receiued this letter made his prayers and oraysons for Anastasia and then together with other confessors that were in the same prison he answered her in this manner Among the tempestuous stormes of this world in which at this present thou art enwrapped be assured that thou shalt be relieued by IESVS CHRIST who will easilie cast headlong into the bottomeles pitte the diuell that doth assa●le and torment thee Haue patience in the middest of thy troubles and put thy trust in him for he wild deliuer thee Cry out aloud vnto him Exalt thy voyce with the prophet and say why art thou so sad o my soule and why art thou so disquieted with in me Trust in God still for I will euer confesse that he is my saluation and my God Thinck Lady that it is his will to bestowe on thee the riches and treasures of heauen since he taketh away and depriueth thee of wordly comforts Be not too much troubled nor afflicted for that crosses and tribulation lighteth vpon thee that liuest vertuously God doth try vs but doth not deceaue vs. To trust in man is vayne and deceitfull an he that putteth his hope or confidence in him is accursed and euer deceiued but blessed is he that putteth his trust and affiance in God who neuer deceaued any Continewe in thy vertuous excercises and hope for rest and quietnes only in God whose comaundemers thou keepest when it shall best please him and thou thinkest least he will send thee trāquillitie a calme tyme. The darknes shall flie away and the light shall appeere The frost and pinching cold of the winter shall passe and the ioyfull sweetenes of the spring shall succeed A quiet and comfortable tyme shall come that thou maiest cherish and relieue those againe that suffer persecution for the loue and profession of CHRIST God giuing thee heere meanes that thou mayst help other with temporall necessities and receiue thy self of him euerlasting rewards Our Lord be with thee good lady and pray for me With this Epistle S. Anastasia receiued great consolation endeavoring to equall if not to surpasse thereby the many compla●nts she had made of her hardharted and cruell husband Her persecutions encreased still he giuing to her now but the fourth part or one quater of a a smalle oridinary loaffe And she thincking verily that her death approached wrote another letter to S. Chrisogonus after this tenor and to this effect To the blessed martyr and Confessor of CHRIST Chrisogonus Anastasia sendeth greeting The end of my life draweth neere vouchsaffe to remember me and to pray vnto God to receaue my soule when it departeth from my body since for his loue and the profession of his holie name I suffer all this torment The holie man returned this answere Chrisogonus to Anastasia As darknes precedeth and goeth before light so after infirmitie ensueth health and life cometh after death Prosperities and aduersities haue the like and the same endes therefore let not the heauy and sorrowfull fall into desperation nor the happy and fortunate be proude or too much puffed vp Be of good comfort ô handmaid of CHRIST for thy peregrination which hath beene repleat with tempestuous stormes shal be finished with a prosperous and happy conclusion thereby desires shal be acomplished enjoying CHRIST by the palme of Martyrdome The further course and processe of her greeuous persecutions may be seene in her life on the 25. day of December Of S. Chrisogonus you are to vnderstand that the Emperour Dioclesian being in the cittie of Aquileya martyrising the Christians he sent to Rome to haue Chrisogonus brough thither to him who being come the Emperour said to him I will bestowe on thee high dignities I will make thee Prefect of the cittie that thou maiest so arise to be Consull And indeed such places and preferments are fittest for men of noble linage and such worthie partes as thy self hath but vpon this condition that thou wilt worship our Gods S. Chrisogonus answered I adore one onely God With my soule and hart I reuerence him and with all externall signes and tokens I confesse IESVS CHRIST to be the true God And as for thy Idolles which be habitacles of diuells and fiendes I detest and accurse them Dioclesian comaunded that he should be beheadded and that his body should be cast into the sea and so it was done A priest called zoilus found his bodie afterward and buried it honorablie His martyrdome was on the day whereon the Church celebrateth his memorie which was on the 24. of Nouember on a Tuesdaie in the yeare of our Lord. 302. Dioclesian being Emperour His name is in the Canon of the masse Of this holie saint wrote Suidas Ando venerable Bede Vsuardus and the Romane martyrologe The life of S. Catherine of Alexandria IN the Book of kings it is said of king Salomon that he had many wines It was the will of God that the Hebrewes should
of their coming The holie Bishop fetching a great sigh made them this answere Arrius is already dead in the sight of God for that he hath so grieuously blasphemed against the diuine essence denying that there is one naturality of all the three persons Peter then took the two priests aside and said to them in secret Although I be a grieuous sinner God out of his mercy hath called me to martyrdome and I will shew you part of mistery reueiled vnto me and I do it the rather for that you two are to succeed me in this dignitie wherein I now am the one after the other first Achillas and then Alexander I was at my prayers with great attention as my custome is and on a so daine IESVS CHRIST my Lord and God appeared to me in the likenes of a little infant The glorie of his face could not be seene so great was the splendour and brightnes that did proceed from it He was apparailed with a long harment which reached downe to the ground but it was rent from the toppe to the bottome and with his two hands he pulled it together to couer the nakedn●s of his breast which when I saw I was in a great feare but after being somewhat reuyued I asked him Omy Lord IESV what is this that I see how petifully is this your garment torne And he answered me Thou talkest often hereof but doest not endeuour to know it But know thou that Arrius hath done this evill vnto me who seeketh to get away may people from me which be my herita●ge and which I haue purchased with the shedding of my very deerest blood This which thou hast seene I wishe thee to shew to Aquila and Alexander which are to succeed the that they may as thou hast done Anathematize and excomunicate him that his soule may he saued This being saied and charging and enioyning them so to do it being the will of God he dissimissed them and sent them away in peace And it happened that people perseuering and awayting at the dore of the prison for the defence of the life of their Pastor to auoyd a tumult and the effusion of blood the tirannous ministers of the Emperour gaue direction and order that in the nigh at the officers should make a breach through the back side of the prison and take out of the same the holie Bissop Peter and to lead him to the place where S. mark had before time beene martyred and euen thus the cruell officers did and there beheadded him His body wad buryed in the same cittie of Alexandria by the Christians This was on a wedensday being the 26. of Nouember on which day the Church celebrateth his feast And it was in the yeare of our Lord 312. Maximinus being Emperour Of this holie saint maketh mention the Councell of Ephesus and the seuenth generall Synode S. Gregorie Nazianzene Eusebius in his 8 book 14. Chapter and 9. book 6. chapt Nicephorus The Tripartite historie Vsuardus Venerable Bede and Ado. The life of S. Saturnine Martyr OVR first father Adam hauing offended Almightie God in breaking his comandement God ●●ioyned him in penance for his sinne to digge and till the ground Hereof it cometh that all men being partakers of his sinne for as S. Paul saith all sinned in him we be also partakers of his penance and punishment So it befell to S. Saturnine that glorious martyr who being old was condemned by the Emperour Maximian to labour about the building of certaine Thermi or hote bathes by carying sand morter and stones from one place to another though the cause why he suffred this slauery and drudgery was not for any sinne he had comitted but only for that he was a Christiane which this tyrant hold and accounted to be the most heynous offence of all other and therefore he layd on him these grieuous afflictions The life of this holie martyr with the life of S. Marcellus the Pope was written by the notaries of the Romaine Church and is rehersed by Laurence Surius in this manner The Emperour Maximian returning from Africa to Rome and being desirous to please Dioclesian that had aduanced him to high estate and made him his partner in the Empire and knowing that Dioclesian had comaunded certaine artificiall hote Bathes to be made was very dilligent to further and hasten the workes for which cause he comaunded all them that were conuicted of any grieuous or heynous oftences among which he held and accounted the Christians not to be the least to wor●k and labour about that building vnder a saffe guard and watch hauing many ouerseers and masters ouer them Among other that were condemned to this slauery an honorable old man called Saturnine was one His work was to digge sand and to carry it from one place to another and for that through his weakenes and debillitie of age he fainted and tyred oftentimes and was not able to doe his taske as the ouerseers of the work required they often rated and reuiled him But he was holpen out very charitably by other Christian that were yonger and especially by one Sisinnius who carried those burdens that were apointed for himself and most of those that belonged to Saturnine and that so cheerefully that they went singing H●mnes and psalmes in the praise of IESVS CHRISTE The surueiors of the work wondering at the same acquainted a Tribune called Spuriu● there with and he certyfied the Emperour Maximian thereof who comaunded they should be brought to his presence They being before him he said to Sisinnius what is your name Sisinnius answered I am a sinner and a seruant of the seruants of IESVS CHRIST and I am called Sisinnius The Emperour said vnto him what verses be those that you sing as you work Sisinnius answered If thou diddst vnderstand them or haddst notice of thē thou shouldest also know thy ceator who is the Creator said Maximian but the inuincible Hercules To vs Christians said Sisinnius it is a thing abhominable and detestable to speak such a word or to name him in such sort Choose one of these two things said the Emperour eyther sacrifice to our God Hercules or els assure thy self thou shalt be put to a terrible death Sisinnius answered I haue alwaies desired to dye in that manner and to be worthie to obtaine the crowne of Martiredome for the profession and loue of my Lord IESVS CHRIST Maximian chasing at these wordes deliuered him to Laodicio a prefect charging him either to compell Sisinnius and Saturnine to sacrifice to their Gods or els to put them to a cruell death He put them into prison where they remained a while and there they conuerted many Pagans to the faith of CHRIST Then were they taken out from thence loaden with giues and fetters bare foote and barelegged and so l●d into a Temple to do sacrifice when they were brought before the Idoll Saturnine lifted vp his voyce and sayd O lord confound the Idolls of the Gentilles At these wordes the
commendest so much S. Andrew answered I sacrifice euery day to the omnipotent lyuing and true God not the smoke of incense nor flesh of bulles nor bloud of skeep but the immaculate lamb in consecrating his most blessed body which being receiued by the faithfull the lamb remayneth intyer and whole as he was before although the faithfull do truly really eate his flesh drink bloud How may that be said Egeas The Apostle answered if I should tell thee and if thou wouldest vnderstand it it were first necessary for thee to be a Christian Egeas replyed I shall make thee by force of torments to tell me howe and by what meanes I may vnderstand it Then put he him in prison vnto which place resorted much people who would haue taken the Apostle away violently if he had not hind●●ed it for out of the prison he preached to them and persuaded them not to rebell against the tirant whose cruelty would be vnto him an occasion of merit If he shall afflict the body said the Apostle he hath no power to hurt the soule his torments will quickly end but the reward shall endure for euer We ought rather to make much of him and to honor him then to vse him displeasantly since he may do vs much good and but a litle harme with these and the like words the Apostle stayed the people from any commocion or insurrection against the Proconsull The next day Egeas caused the Apostle to be brought before him and said I am persuaded thou art now better aduised and wilt fortake thy follyes which haue darkned thy mynd and that thou wilt leaue the worship of that thy CHRIST and enioy the sweet and delightfull life of this world and auoid withall bitter death The Apostle answered without the beliefe of CHRIST there is no true content nor true life as I haue always preached in this prouince whither he sent me to the end men should leaue and abandon the adoration of Idolls and receaue the true faith of IESVS CHRIST and so escape eternall death and obteine euerlasting life For this same cause said Egeas I will also procure thee to adore the Gods to the end these people whom thou hast deceiued may forsake the vanity of the doctrine and returne to the relligion of the auncient Gods for as I gesse there is not a city in all Achaia but the Temples are abandoned and thou art the cause of it I will haue thee also to be the cause to alter their course and to frequent the Temples againe and to renew their sacrificing in which doing the Gods wil be appeased toward the for now against thee they be sore offended But if thou be resolued to do other wise prepare thy selfe to endure and support terrible torments which shal be inflicted on thee and lastly thou shalt dy on the Crosse To this the Apostle answered Listen to me thou son of death thou dry rotten logge designed to nourish hell fire hitherto I haue spoken myldly to thee thinking that thou being a reasonable creature wouldest haue made vse and benefit of my words and haue forsaken thy false and vaine Gods but since I see thee so obstinate and hard harted I tell thee plainely think not to terrify me with thy threats do thy worst for the greater the torments be so much more shall the reward be which IESVS CHRIST will bestow on me and the greater shall the paines be which are prepared in hell fire for thee where the Gods whom at this time thou adorest shall giue thee thy due reward tormenting thee eternally for indeed they be no other but deuills Egeas raging exceedingly at his words caused the Apostle to be stripped apointed seuē fellows to beate him with all cruelty who gaue ouer three times for others to come in theire place And so many were the blowes they gaue to the Apostles body that it powred bloud out so abondantly that there was not one place free from wounds from the head to the foote Then Egeas said oh Andrew haue cōpassion of thy self consider that the bloud thou sheddest is muc● if thou doest not change thy oppinion I must crucify thee The holy Apostle answered sayeng I am the seruant of IESVS CNRIST and do not fear but loue the Crosse Thou hast more reason to fear for that if thou doest not beleue in CHRIST thy torments shall differ from myne for myne shall end in two dayes and thine shal be euerlasting Egeas could keep patience no longer but comaunded that he should be crucified yet not nailed to the cross with nailes but bound with cords which he apointed not for any pitty he had but to the end the torment might continew the longer Whilest the executioners led him to his martirdome an infinite company of people resorted to him crieng with a loud voice What hath this iust man and friend of God done that he should be Crucified The holy Apostle entreated them not to hinder his martirdome but went ioifull and merry and by the way preached to those that acompanied him When he saw the Crosse a farre of he said deuoutlie I adore thee o pretious Crosse consecrated with the bodie of CHRIST and adorned with his members as with perles and Iewells Before CHRIST came to thee thou diddst terrifie men but now thou causest ioie and delight O good Crosse made so beautifull by the bodie of CHRIST I haue desired thee a long time I haue sought thee diligently and now I haue found thee receaue me in thine armes and lift me vp from men present me to my master that he maie receaue me by thy meanes who hath redeemed me by thee Hauing said this and being now neere vnto the Crosse he stripped himself out of his clothes and gaue them to the officers who binding him to the Crosse lifted him vp as the sentence iudgement was There was a great number of people about the Crosse all lamenting and complaining of the cruell and wrongfull torments that the Apostle suffred But he comforted and encouraged them to suffer ioifully the like torments for CHRIST his sake when occasion was offred S. Andrew remained two daies on the Crosse the people complaining and criyng out aloud It is not iust that a man so holie so modest of so good partes and that teacheth so good doctrine should die in this manner Egeas vnderstanding that the people murmured against him fearing some tumult determined to take the Apostle from the Crosse and for that intent went vnto him The Apostle said vnto him What doest thou heere Egeas If thou comest to beleeue in CHRIST he will as readilie pardon and receaue thee as any other But if thou come to take me from the Crosse it is in vaine for I am now going to my Lord and king It seemeth I am now before his iudgment seat where I shal be rewarded and thou shalt be chasticed The Apostle seing that they yet laboured to take him from the Crosse and that
brightnes in maner of a lōg vesture euen to the ground so that the paynims could not see her The holy saint was let thorough all the city and brought back vnto the gouernour who seeing her constancy gaue sentence that shee should be beheaded The cursed father of the blessed damosell who had bene present at this dollorous spectacle and was not any thing mollified but rather more incrudelized desired the gouernour to shew him the fauour to execute the sentence pronounced by him against his daughter which request was easily graunted The glorious saint was led out of the city vnto a h●l●e where was the ordinary place of execution and there kneeling on her knees shee made a deuout prayer vnto God rendering him thankes for bringing her to that passage Then bowed shee her head before her father who voide of pitty lifted vp the sword and cut of her head Then returned the cursed wretch vnto the city vaunting he had done a memorable act for the seruice of his Gods saying he deserued to be honored by th'emperour and to haue his name eternized But God almighty was not pleased with his boasting of so inhumane an act for vnexpectedly it thundered and therwith a thunderbolt fell which strook and killed him out of hand So that at one time the daughter ascended to heauen where shee was receued with ioy and triumph of the heauenly citisens and of the celestiall king and the father descended into hell where he is and shall be perpetually tormented by the deuills The body of this glorious damosell and martir S. Barbara was buryed by a holy and religious man called Valentinian with musique songs to the praise laude of God of S. Barbara his spouse The martirdome of this blessed damosell was on the. 4. day of December in the year of our Lord. 288. in the time of Diocle●ian and Maximian This holy saint is a speciall aduocate against tempests thunder and thunderbolts Petrus Galesinus the Apostolique protonotary wrote the life of S. Babara and saith that he collected it out of S Iohn Damascen out of Arsenius and out of other Grecians and it is conformable to that which is here written The life of S. Sabba Abbot SAINT Theodoret writeth in his relligious history that holy Abbot called Publius congregated together many hermus and builded a conuent On a day conferring with them among other things he said That as one going to the high stret or market place to prouide things necessary for his house and at one shop buieth cloth at another shoes out of this is furnished with bread out of another is prouided of wine euen so the relligious man in the conuent is from one man to lern patience from another humility from an other chastity and he like of other vertues For this cause in ancient timme some seruants of God although it was pleasing and to yous for them to like in the desert and wildernes yet did they gather many disciples together and make conuents to the end that some being instructers of others and some lerning of their superiors or betters all might be saued One of these was S. Sabba the Abbot whose life collected out of Cyrill the monck and some Authors of martirologes was in this manner SAINT Sabba was borne in the prouince of Cappadocia in a city called Mutalasium his fathers name was Iohn and the name of his mother was Sophia and it was in the time of Theodosius 2. th'emperour of Rome It fell out that the father of S. Sabba went to serue in the warre that was then in Alexandria and recommended his sonne vnto his brother called Ieremy whose wife hated the child and could not abide to see him but vsed him hardly This was in part the cause that S. Sabba went vnto a monastery in the which Gregory a holy man was Abbot He receaued Sabba into the monastery and gaue him the relligious habite where he liued a holy life exercising himself alwayes in vertue but his abstinence was most remarkable and his mortification was admirable and so was his humility and patience wherfore God shewed by him some myracles and one in especiall which befell in that monastery and this it was The baker had one day put his cloths into the ouen which was somewhat hotte to dry and forgetting them put in fire which already flaming thorough all the ouen he remembred the cloths but could not gett them out by any meanes The poore man made moane for his mis-happe and by chance Sabba was there present who made the signe of the Crosse in the ouen and then he went into the ouen flamyng as it did and took out the cloths whole and without any hurt Then he asked leaue of his superiour to depart from that monastery and to go into a desert where he liued a solitary life certaine yeares and endured many terrible tentations of the deuills He went also vnto Ierusalem to visite the holy places where the misteryes of our redemptiō were wrought And being one day in that city neere vnto the Church of S. Iohn Baptist he healed a woman that had a bloudy flixe he cured another that was cruelly tormented by the deuill Whiels S. Sabba was in Ierusalem there was exceeding scarcity of water and there was not any to be found not to be had to drink in such sort that the people were ready to dye for thirst The good father Sabba fell to praier prostrated on the earth with his body but his soule being lifted and fixed in heauen in that manner he continued in praier all night the teares which bathed the place on earth where the holie saint was gaue testimonie with what efficacie he had requested God to succour and relieue his people in their necessitie It pleased God to shew fauour vnto his seruant for there fell a verie great shower of raine that filled the cisternes and satisfied the people euerie one yielding infinite thanks vnto God that had showen compassion vnto them though many of them did not know who had been the meanes to obtaine so notable a fauour Then did this good father collect and assemble toger her many disciples and founded some monasteries and liued a holie relligious life and finallie died in Ierusalem in the yeare of our Lord. 424. being 94 yeares old His body was buried between two Churches was afterward caried vnto Venice where at this present he ●eth in the Church of S. Antoninus The life of S. Nicholas Bishop and Confessor WE read in the book of kings that God talking of the noble king Dauid 2. Reg. ●3 said of him that he had found a man according to his owne hart and herefore made him captaine and ruler ouer his people These words though at the first said of Dauid may be very well applied vnto the glorious S. Nicholas for he was a man according to Gods owne hart They were verified of Dauid because he was pitifull and myld and the same may be said of S. Nicholas
for he was mercifull and myld also and endued with other good qualities and ver●ues ●●r which cause God elected him to be the captaine and pastor of his people in the city of Myrrea The life of this glorious saint was written by the Patriarch Methodius Symeon Metaphrastes and other Greeke authors our of whom Iohn the Deacon and Leonard Iustinian made a collection Out of these two was this sumarie taken and is in this manner SAINT Nicholas was borne in Patarae a city in the prouince of Licia His father and mother were Christians noble by birth and deuote seruants of God To this good couple God graunted a sonne in reward of their many teares praiers and continuall almes deeds desiring him to send vnto them an heire who should vse their goods in his seruice God heard the prayers of his d●uou●e seruants and comforted them by gyuing vnto them their sonne Nicholas Of him it is thought that he had the spirite of God euen from his infancie for that assoone as he was borne he began to serue him Assoone as he knewe what it was to eate he knew also what it was to fast for he would not take the brest to sucke but one time only in a day especially tw●se a weeke to wit on the wednesday and the Friday and this fast he obserued all the dayes of his life Being somewhat growen in years he shewed signes of great vertue which increased in him as his yeares did His father sent him to schoole to learne to read and also other sciences where Nicholas made proofe of his delicate wytt because in very short time he profitted very much He would not keepe company with other yong men of his yeares who suffred themselfs to be transported into all vices and wantonnes but his conuersation was only with the most vertuous and honest people He avoyded also not only the conuersation of women but abhorred them euen as a deadly poyson for youth And to eseape the warre which is made by wicked thoughts and carnall cogitations against youth he tamed his flesh with watchings fastings hayrecloths and such like exercises He frequented the Churches and oratories of the Christians for he desired to be as the Temple of the Holy Ghost These holy exercises and other vertues in which Nicholas was employed did so shine in him that he was praysed and commended of euery one For as to see old men behaue themselues like yong men see meth a monstrous thing so on the other side to see a yong man to haue the deportment and cariage of old men is a thing very commendable and laudable S. Nicholas had an vncle who was Bishop of the city where he was borne a learned and a holy man He persuaded the father and mother of Nicholas to dedicate their sonne vnto God in the seruice of his Church and to be a priest It was an easy matter to obteine it of them for they remembred God had graunted that sonne vnto them through their many praiers therfore they willingly rendred him vnto God againe with right good will that he might alwaies be employed in his seruice The father and mother of S. Nicholas hauing made this graū● his vncle made him priest whilest he gaue him orders he sayd these words vnto them that stood by Brethren I see a newe sonne arise in the earth who shal be a great consolation and repose for the world Happy is the pasture and happy be the sheepe that shall deserue to haue such a sheapherd The day shall come also when you shall see him reduce many straying sheepe vnto the flock of CHRIST you shall see him to be the consolation of the cōfortles health of the sick and rest for them that be in tribulation All that which this good Bishop said was afterward found in S. Nicholas When S. Nicholas sawe he was a priest he thought it conuenient that with his newe dignity he should encrease his austerity and strict life imitating heerin the trees and plants which the more they spred their braunches the larger their roots grow also vnder the ground So the holy saint stro●e to be more sober and temperate more continen● more rygorous toward his owne body chastising the same with more seuerity not to make it dye but to make it more subiect vnto the spirite He depriued it of the ordinary sleepe of eating and of apparell although he did not like to go in stayned or spotted apparell as some hypocrits do but such as was comely and fitting for one of his dignity of function He frequented the Church more ●h●n he had vsed he was more earnest at his prayer then before time he would neuer read any book nor take it in his hand but the booke of the holy scripture or els some holy lecture treating of some ghostly matter He showed more modesty in his countenance more grauity in his speech so that it seemed although he were in mortall flesh that he led the life of a man imortall There befell in the country of Lycia and in all the East a great contagious pestilence which killed very many and among others within the space of three dayes died both the father and mother of S. Nicholas and he remayned sole inheritor to all their goods The yong man being already dedicated to God regarded not to be the heite but rather desired to be the dispenser of his fathers goods giuing out of them continually many almes deeds And because among many other he did one rare deed of charity it shall not be amisse to make a recitall therof by particulers There was in the city of Patara a gentleman of a good house who had bene before time very rich and nowe was become poore This man had three daughters which were of good yeares and ma●igeable but because he had not wherewith to maynteine endowe thē with portions he vrged and sollycited them to get their liuyng and his also by dishonest life The poore father though he was ashamed so to doe spake to them to that purpose the distressed maydes shed teares incessantly considering to what a miserable estate their fathers pouerty had brought them S. Nicholas had an inkeling hereof and thought he could not bestow his almes better then with the same to delyuer their bodies from shame and their soules from synne He took a good some of mony all in gold and lapped it in a napkin and departing from home by night he went to the house of the poore decayed gentleman The holy man looked about to put in the mony in some place where the distressed man might light vpon it taking care that he should not know who bestowed in vpō him whilest he studyed therof hesa w●y M●n●light the casement of the chamber windowe where the poore man lay not fully open S Nicolas cast the gold wrapped in the cloute in at the wyndowe and went downe The poo●e man rising vp and finding there the mony the benediction of God he was in
400. in the raigne of the Emperours Valentinian and Theodosius after he had beene Bishoppe 20. yeares The Catholike Church celebrateth his feast on the 7. day of December which was the day he was consecrated Bishop which is done because those other dayes for the most part fal in the holy week or else Easter His body was buried in the same Citty of Millan in his Church God did many miracles by meanes of this saint after his death euen as he had done many whilest he liued Let vs all pray vnto God that by the merits and intercession of S. Ambrose he would make vs partakers of his heauenly glory Amen The immaculate Conception of the mother of God GREAT was the indignation that the potent King Assuerus had conceiued against the Iewes that were in his Realme wherevpon he made a law by which he commanded all the Iewes to be put to the sword And to the end none should appeale from this nor entreat for them he made another law by which he commaunded vnder paine of death that for certaine dayes none should be so hardy as to come and speake vnto him except hee were by him called The beautifull and wise Queene Ester vnderstanding what the King her husband had decreed desired to go and entreat for the people yet feared to be the first to prooue the rigour of the law if she came to the kings presence before shee was called But at the last her pitty ouercame feare She adorned her selfe in rich and costly apparell shee set on her head a royall Crowne and accompanied with two Damosels one of the which led her by the hand and the other held vp her traine shee came into the place where the King was and lifting vp her eyes shee was in great feare so that shee swounded and fell vnto the ground The king seing that stood vp and sustained her by the armes that she might not fall and then touched her with the rodde of Gold which he had in his hand in signe and token of clemency and pitty and said vnto her Be not afraied my sister for the law was made for others not for thee Hester was somwhat comforted seeing the king so mild and grati●us toward her and craued pardon of him for her people and obtained it This figure is very fit and agreeable to our purpose for the Immaculate Conception of the most B. Virgin Mary King Assuerus signifieth our Lord God who published a law against all mankind for the sinne of the first man and because all men are borne in originall sinne the law would therefore that they should be depriued of his sight thrust out of his presence This law being promulgated God concealed himselfe and would not permit any humaine creature to see him as Esay the Prophet said Indeed thou art a hidden God and th●re is no man that hath seene thee Queene Hester which accompanied with two damosels went with such feare vnto the king signifieth the mother of God whose chiefe attendants were chastity and humility When therfore this Queene was to be in this world and her soule was infused in the body organized and fashioned in the wombe of her mother Anna by little and little it had fallen into originall sinne and therewith bin distained if the King Assuerus had not preuented it God hasted to it and sustained it with his armes by preseruing it from all spot of sinne and telling her that the law was not made for her whereby he would inferre that he exempted her from the generall law by the which all other are conceiued in sinne Then bowed he the rod of gold touched her therewith which signifieth the person of the word The Virgin was touched with the rod of Gold when God was made man in her sacred wombe for to that end God preserued her from sinne that she might be the worthy mother of his only begotten sonne The king Assuerus bad her also to craue a grace and fauour and she was not slack therein yea all mankind receiue especiall fauours of God by the merits and intercessions of this most pure Virgin I also hope to receiue of her one particuler grace which shall be this that by her meanes her Son will graunt me grace to entreat truly of the misery of the pure Conception of his mother Wherefore for the vnderstanding thereof I say That OVR Lord God hauing created our first fathers in his fauour and friendship he enriched them with giftes and graces naturall and supernaturall He gaue vnto them the Lordship and dominion ouer all corporall and earthly creatures he clothed them with originall iustice which was a gift granted not only vnto Adam but also vnto all his posterity he gaue vnto him a most blessed house which was the terrestriall paradise a place full of felicity and content And because Adam seing himselfe so rich and honored should not haue occasion to grow insolent and proud he gaue a precept vnto him as a paying or owing fee and vassellage by acknowledging God for his Lord which was he forbad thē to eate of the fruit of one only tree in the garden Adam broke the commandement and offended him for the which God did chastice him exemplarly There was a publick act or arraignement made in the which were present the three diuine persons Angels and many other creatures Before all these were Adam and Eue brought as publick penitents in body with their heads vncouered and in place of fetters their guiltines which the diuines call Reatus which remained in their soule after they had sinned and was like a cord which tyed them In steed of a taper which publicke doers of pennance carry in their hand serued naturall reason which notwithstanding had lost for the most part its light by their sinne In this manner were our first fathers produced and accused before the iudgement seat of God and being examined of their sinne Adam confessed it yet he laid the fault vpon Eua and Eua likewise excused her selfe by the serpent The guilty persons hauing confessed their offence they were sentenced so that from that time they began to dye Their goods were confiscated and they thrust out of the terrestriall paradise their posterity were proclaimed Traitors their discendents that were borne of them the children of wrath and disfauoured of God And wholly to execute the sentence against Adam there was a degradation made of him for he lost as we may say the red or inflamed Vestmēt of charity the Stole of immortality the Maniple of original iustice the Girdle with which reason restrained sensuality the white Albe of innocency and the Amice which was as a helmet of fine temper with which he defended himselfe from the temptations of the deuill This degradation of the person of Adam being performed holy writ saith that God gaue vnto him and Eua certaine short garments which was as the habite of publicke penitents and from these our garmēts fetch their originall It were well that so great
regard were not had of those garments and that men and women were not so proud and curious of them This was then the chastisement God inflicted vpon Adam of the which some lighteth on his posterity as this vniuersall law that we be all conceiued in originall sinne and borne the children of wrath This law was promulgated in the world three times first in the law of nature secondly in the law written and thirdly in the law of grace Iob was the trumpet of the law of nature but first preceded the musicke of the trumpet conformable to the lawe for the law was rigorous the musicke rigorous as thonder stormes and thonderbolts which fell on his flocks and heards of cattell and killed and consumed them all The miserable man being thus afflicted and oppressed with infinite aduersities and troubles opened his mouth and said Let the day wherein I was borne perish and so let the night also wherein I was conceiued let that night be turned into darkenes and be filled with misery and bitternes The Holy Ghost saith that Iob did not sinne in saying these words whereby it is euident that Iob did not curse the day wherein he was borne nor the night wherein he was conceiued but he cursed the originall sinne for that he endured and suffered so many troubles and aduersities because he was conceiued and borne in originall sinne which is the fountaine and spring of all euils The trumpetter in the law written was Dauid who saith in one psalme My mother hath conceiued me in sinnes as if he had said That which I say of my selfe I say also of all them that are borne and shall be borne S. Ierome in his translation doth not say sinnes but sinne although it be all one and the selfe same thing for the originall sinne in Adam was one sinne only and all men commit it in him This sinne is called in the plurall number because it is the occasion of all the sinnes committed in the world The denouncer of this law in the law of grace was S. Paule who writting to the Romans saith All haue sinned and haue neede of the grace of God Hitherto we haue shewed the publication of the law now let vs see how it comprehendeth the posterity of Adam if there be any exempt from it To this I say that although the soule of it selfe is not distained because God created it yet assoone as it is infused into the body at that very instant that they be together body and soule that creature is one of the posterity of Adam and per consequens the child of wrath and is in originall sinne Of this IESVS CHRIST was free and cleare for that he was the naturall sonne of God and by the same of nature Impeccable He was also free of this sinne for he that contracteth this sinne must discend from Adam by naturall propagation as to be borne of a woman by the worke of man And CHRIST though he was borne of a woman yet was it not by worke of man So that he descended from Adam after the corporall substance as the diuines say which is the same we haue said to wit that CHRIST was borne of the virgin Mary and was conceiued without originall sinne After IESVS CHRIST I say the same of the B. Virgin his most holy mother that she was conceiued without sinne but not for the reasons spoken before of the sonne but by grace and especiall priuiledge which it pleased God to graunt vnto her This is confessed in celebrating the feast of her conception to wit that there was not a moment nor instant in which her soule was in the disfauor of God but that assoon as she had her being she was gratious in his eyes she was faire and without any spot That this is so may be prooued by many reasons and congruencies very efficacious One is that of and from originall sinne arise two dammages and losses which be the effects thereof The first is the rebellion which we haue within our selfes making vs to be slow and negligent to doe good and dilligent to doe euill This saith S. Paule writing to the Romaines I feele a law within my selfe I feele a subiection an enemy who hindereth me and will not let me doe that which reason willeth The other dammage is that we are subiect to corruption and to be turned to dust after our death This said God vnto Adam assoone as he sinned Thou art dust and to dust shalt thou returne So that these being the effects of original sinne and not being found in the most B. virgin as indeed they were not it is a necessary Consequens that there was no sinne in her That these two defects were not found in her of the first it is a thing certaine and the doctors confesse it to wit that in her that biting dog who is called by the diuines Fomes peccati was quite quenched and tied and therefore she had no inward temptations but most assured peace and quiet in such sort that though she had appetite and sensuality yet did they neuer annoy her but were alwayes subiect vnto reason And hereof it cometh that she committed not any sinne either mortall or veniall in all her life She neuer spoke idle word she neuer was wroth out of reason no not when she saw her sonne hang on the Crosse and that the officers and other souldiers who stood about him scoffed at him haled him and vsed reuiling and opprobrious words to him This would haue mooued any mans hart vnto indignation yet the B. Virgin was not wroth with them nor gaue vnto them any euill language whereby to commit sinne and this is the common opinion We may then say that in her was not that spot of originall sinne And that her body was exempt on the other side from being conuerted into dust it is the tradition of the Catholicke Church that her body and soule was assumpted into heauen Then if the effects of originall sinne which be found in them that are stained therewith were not in the virgin it followeth that she had not that sin and that her Conception was most pure The other reason is this That either God was able to preserue the B. Virgin from this defect and would not doe it or else that he would haue done it and could not If you say that he was able to doe it and that he would not herein you put want of will to be in God that he would not doe vnto his mother all the good that he could and this you may not say by any meanes Then if we say that he was willing and could not doe it in saying so great preiudice is done vnto his omnipotency yea it is great blasphemy Let it be said then that he was able and would doe it and that really he did it Moreouer the greatest dignity that God could impart vnto a pure creature was to make her his mother and this so rate and singuler gift was bestowed on
verses at the sepulcher of the Apostles SS Peter and Paule and another work in the which he wrot the lifes of the Popes who were his predecessors He also ordeined that the psa●mes of Dauid should be song one part of the quier sayeng one verse and the other part another verse which is obserued vnto our time through all the vniuersall Church though it was vsed before in some particuler Churches by the notice of S. Ignatius vnto whom it was reueiled that the Angells in heauen song in this maner as he sawe it himself being in a traunce Also Damasus Councelled thereto by S. Ierome commaunded there should be said at the end of euery psalme Gloria patri filio spiritui sancto sicut erat in principio nunc semper in secula seculorum Amen He ordeined also that the priest before he began masse should say the generall confession He also gaue authority approbation to the translation of the holy Bible made by S. Ierome for before the translation of the 72. interpreters was commonly vsed This good Pope ended this life on the 11. day of December in the year of our Lord 380. in the time of Theodosius being 80. years old of which he was Pope 18. years 3. months 11. dayes He gaue holy orders 5. times in the month of December and ordered 32. priests 11 deacons and 62. Bishops His body was buryed in the Church of the Apostles which he had bu●●ded in the same where his mother and sister were buried He was afterward translated vnto another Church which he had builded called S. Laurence in Damaso The life of S. Lucy virgin and Martir AT such time as Gedeon was captaine of the people of God Iudi● 7. they were in great danger and feare because their enemies were neere them and verie potent and strong themselues being but fewe in number and weak God commaunded Gedeon to do some enterprise and the people trusting in God hoped to atchieue victorie yet they conceiued not any meanes how it should come to passe For to fight hand to hand they might seeme rash and foolish to run headlong on their owne deaths The people remaining thus in doubt God spake vnto Gedeon and bad him to diuide his people which were 300. into three parts and when night came euerie souldier should haue in one hand a Trompet and in the other hand a vessell of earth and within it a burning light In this manner they should assault their enemies on three sides and when they came neere them they should sound the trompet●s and break the vessells of earth knocking one against the other that the burning lampes might be seene on a sodeine and then all of them should make a great shoute As God apointed so it was done The souldiers sounded the Trompets which awaked the Madianits who seing on a sodeine so many lights and hearing such a noise remained astonied and full of dread and knew not how to defend themselues or to offend their enemies but in steed of striking the Hebrewes they wounded one another By this stra●ageme the madianites were ouerthrewne and quite discomfited and the Hebrewes obtained a notable victorie By this figure we learne that when the vessels of earth are broken the lights are discouered and the enemy ouerthrowne which thing noteth that in the war●e which IESVS CHRIST figured in Gedeon maketh against the Madianites which are the diuells vessells of earth are vsed hauing within them burning lampes that shine most clearlie when the vessells of earth be broken These earthen vessells signifie the hole● martyrs for their bodies were of earth which being broken when they were diuersly tormented their burning and liuelie faith did shine more gloriously It is seene by experience that holy men are most knowne and reputed the light of the world by the meanes of their death Then is laid open their constancie fortitude and patience their liuely faith and other vertues where with they were adorned whilest they liued their vertues were couered as the torch is in the earthen vessell but when the vessell is broken that is to saie when the holie person dyeth the light is discouered and their death weakneth the diuell vtterlie Though this figure maie be apropriated to all the martyrs yet in perticuler it agreeth verie fulie vnto S. Lucy who by her death showed the light and discouered the brightnes of her liuelie faith and other vertues which were in her soule Moreouer she is the aduocate for the sight the obiect of which is the light Yet we will not saie that she had her name Luce of the light The life of this glorious saint was written by venerable B●d● Ado Archbishop of Treuers and other approoued author SAINT Lucy was borne in the Cittie of Syracusa in the is'le of Sicilia of honorable parents and of a great familie She was a Christian from her infancie and so instructed in the faith that shee perswaded her owne mother to exercise her selfe in all vertuous workes and especiallie in giuing large almose and relieuing the necessities of their neighbours The holie damosell finding a fit opportunitie distributed to the poore all her patrimonie which was verie great to set her selfe free from a rich Nobleman who by the consent of her mother and kinsfolke should haue beene her husband though she neuer consented to it An occasion fell out in this sort The mother of S. Lucy called Eutitia had bene sick foure yeares of the bloodie flixe no worldly helpe could be had to cure her At that time the report of S. Agatha was spread ouer all Sicilie who a little before had beene martired her bodie being in the Cittie of Catanea where many miracles were done and many sicke persons of sundrie infirmities were cured by visiting her sepulchre S. Lucy perswaded her mother that they might goe together and visite the reliques of the holie saint not doubting but that by her meanes she might be deliuered from her infirmitie Eutitia was content and went with her daughter vnto Catanea attended in such manner as was fit for their degree and estate When they came vnto the sepulchre of S. Agathata Lucy fell to prayer requesting the glorious Martir to obtaine of God by her intercession health for her mother Lucy being thus in prayer S. Agatha accompanied with many Angels appeared vnto her and with a familier pleasing countenance said vnto her Sister Lucy wherefore doest thou demaund that of me which thou thy selfe maiest giue vnto thy mother Aske thou this fauour of God for if he loue me he loueth thee also and if he will heare my prayers he wil also heare thine and where I haue giuen my life for his sake so shalt thou also giue thy life for his loue And if I be the cause that the cittie of Catanea be famous and and renowned for that it is washed and bathed in my bloud and posesseth my bodie so shall the citty of Syracusa by the same meanes be famous and
in clothes and laid in a manger O thou blessed Angell these signes that thou giuest are more like to make one misse God thē to find him How is God an infant God wrapped in clothes God in a manger Haue regard what thou saiest thou glorious Angell for all these things denote and shew basenes contrarie to the state and maiestie of God The Angell replyed beleeue me it is as I haue said God without being changed hath made a wonderfull mutation He being eternall is now a little infant newlie borne He whom the earth cannot containe and for whom the heauens are too little is now in a poore small chamber wrapped in course clothes God who hath his seat aboue the Cherubins at this present is laid to rest in a manger of beasts O great misterie O strange wonder All yee that be full of curiositie and loue to heare things the like were neuer heard and to see strange maruailes the like were neuer seene see and consider this marualie Go to the stall of Bethleem with the sheapheards to see God a little infant newlie borne to see the Virgin Mother that hath brought forth a child and that in so strange admirable a place Let me aduise and counsell you that you goe not thither with emptie hands since the poore sheapheards brought presents vnto him Let vs carry that which is most agreeable for our profit He was found in a base place let vs bring vnto him humillitie He lamented let vs come vnto him shedding teares for that we haue offended him Let vs beseech him to vse vs fauourablie and to shew his mercy toward vs since he was borne for that end and purpose And in especiall let vs beseech him that among all others he will do vs this fauour that is to giue vs that grace that we may be worthie to enioy his glorie Amen Nicephorus Callistus saith that the Emperour Iustinian commaunded that the feast of the natiuitie of our Lord should be celebrated Before the time of this Emperour this festiuall day was celebrated in some particuler Churches But he hauing as we may assuredlie thinke conferred the matter with the Pope the Bishop of Rome ordained it to be celebrated vniuersallie through all Christendome on the 25. of December and on the same manner as it is kept at this present accompanying the same with other festiuall dayes as of S. Stephen S. Iohn and of the holie Innocents The aboue-named Iustinian gouerned the Empire in the yeare of our Lord. 565. The natiuitie of our Sauiour CHRIST was in the yeare of the world 3962. by the most common receaued opinion The life of S. Anastasia Martyr KING Dauid talking with God in the person of the martyrs saith We be passed by fire and water and thou hast brought vs into a place of refreshing This maie be well applyed to the glorious martyr S. Anastasia who after a long imprisonment suffred martyrdomes the one of water the other of fire and being deliuered from the one by meanes of the other her blessed soule obtained the place of refreshing which she enioyeth at this present in heauen The life of his holie saint was described in the manner that ensueth by venerable Bede and Ado Archbishop of Treuers SAINT Anastasia was borne in Rome and was maried vnto Publius a noble man of great account but yet a pagan He hauing knowledge that his wife gaue much almose vnto the Christians which were in prison iudged that she was a Christian also And fearing to loose his goods though he had the greater part thereof in mariage with her he determined to accuse her the persecution of Dioclesian and Maximian being at that season very sharp and rigorous And least any other should accuse her and so g●t his goodes he determined to do it first him self This cruell man shut her vp in a chamber where he kept her many daies giuing her mea● by stint and measure and entending to famish her he did euerie daie d●minish it Whilest the holie saint remained thus in prison she wrote certaine letters to a holie martyr called Cris●gonus who was likewise in prison and returned her answeres whereat she receiued great consolation Shortlie after Anastasia was freed of her imprisonment but she fell into other troubles for she was taken by a gouernour who kept her two months in prison where shee was relieued by a good and vertuous woman called Theodora who was martyred also afterward The two months being expired the gouernour put her in a Bark together with 270. Christians men and women that they might be cast into the sea The officers performed the decree of the gouernour yet the water pardoned and did not drowne them but cast them on the shore in saftie in the Iles called Palmaria To that place came the gouernour of Illiria or S●lauonia with his souldiers who had in charge also to put the Christians to death He put them againe in prison and tormented them after diuers manners S. Anastasia was bound to foure postes somewhat high from the ground and when they had racked her by the hands and feet in most cruell sort they kindled a fire vnder her which by litle and litle depriued her of her mortall life whereby she obtained life euerlasting Among these holie Martyrs there was one called E●titianus a man verie rich plaine and void of mallice From this man they took all his goods of which he seemed to make no regard and if any thing had bene spoken to him thereof he would answere thus Take from me what you will yea all that I haue to lose you shall take my head before you take CHRIST from me The bodie of S. Anastasia half consumed was buried by a matrone called Appolonia after she had dressed it with costlie oyntments And when she had many times embraced and kissed it she wrapped it in most pure white linnen and buried it in a garden she had where shortlie after she caused a Church to be builded after the name of the saint This glorious martyr is one of the saints named in the Canon of the masse which is no small priuiledge Her martyrdome was about the yeare of our Lord 300. Dioclesian and Maximian being Emperours on the 25 of December And because on that daie the natiuitie of CHRIST is celebrated the commemoration of this saint is only made in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Masse of the three which on that daie are 〈◊〉 Some write that Pope Telesphorus ordeined that three Masses should be said on that daie And some Authors saie that the first Masse signifieth the Gentiles who were in a manner blind in their Idollatrie and therfore it is said at midnight The second is said at break of day when the light is seene although but a litle and this signifieth the Hebrewes who had some light from God which was but litle for they had all things in figures and shadowes The third Masse which is said at the cleare daie signifieth the Christians who haue the cleare light of
his blessed bodie was found I refer you vnto the feast of his Inuention which the holie Church keepeth on the third of August in which place you may read some more of them At this time we will speake only this That seing this saint made prayer for them that stoned him we which desire to honour him in celebrating his feast may hope that he will be a good meanes to obtaine mercy for vs of the heauenlie Maiestie and that by his especiall fauour we may haue the guift of perseuerance in his seruice vnto our death that afterward we may be worthy to see him in his glorie Amen Eusebius saith the death of S. Stephen was in the yeare of CHRIST 34. in the raigne of Tiberius Caesar Durandus in his rationall saith that the death of S. Stephen was on the third of August when his Inuention is celebrated which as he saith in the same booke was on the 26. of December being the day whereon his principall feast is kept The Chruch changeth it as the same Guilielmus saith to haue the Martyrdome more festiual adioining that rather then the Inuention vnto the birth of Christ The life of S. Iohn the Euangelist THE holy and valiant man Mardocheus the faithfull Chronicler of the King Assuerus and Esther recounteth that he being aduised and attent and hauing continuall regard to the health and welfare of his King and Lord heard one day that some seruants of the King had made a conspiracy to kill him and resolued to put it speedily to effect Mardocheus noted the words and taking knowledge of the men made a memoriall wherein he wrote all their conspiracy and wrought so that it came to the Kings hands who caused the affendors to be imprisoned and after they had confessed their offence to be punished according to their deserts There was no reward giuen to Mardocheus for discouering this treason but there was made only a no●e in the Annales of the Kings of Persia Some dayes after it happened that the King commaunded that booke to be read vnto him that he might reward the seruices done vnto him whereof in that booke the memory was conserued and when he came to that place where mention was made of Mardocay the King perceuing that he had bene the cause of a great and man●●est deliuery from a danger of his life studied what reward to bestowe on him At last he determined that Mardocay should be arr●ied gorgeously and led th●rough the Citty vpon a goodly Horse and that before him should go trumpets sounding and declare that i● was the Kings will and pleasure that Mordecay should be hounoured and euery man was charged to do him honour This history agreeth and fitteth well S. Iohn Euangelist figured in Mord●cay For as he was Croni●l●r to the King of Persia so S. Iohn was a faithfull Cronicler of IESVS CHRIST The one was holy the other most holy Mardocay discouered the conspiracy made against the King whereby he auoided a greiuous hurt S. Iohn hauing notice also of another conspiracy that the Ebyoni●es heret●kes plotted against IESVS CHRIST denying that he was God wrote his Ghospell against them whereby their iniquity was disclosed the damage preuented and they confounded This writing was written in the memoriall of God and then came the day wherein the memorials are read and seing what S. Iohn had done for IESVS CHRISTS sake not only for this seruice but for diuers others worthy of rewarde it pleased his Lord to honour him euen as it happened to Mardocay To this end was giuen vnto him a gorgeous and rich vesture the like whereof is hardly to be found for the tittles that do agree vnto this holy saint do not ordinarily concurre in any other at one time He was set vpon a horse which was the speciall fauour bestowed on him by God The horse was that which Dauid meaneth in a Psalme saying O Lord thou shalt saue both men beasts In some sence you may vnderstand by beasts the bodies as by the names of men we may vnderstand the soules as if he had said that at the day of iudgement the holy saints shall goe to heauen both in body and soule Vpon this Horse viz. his owne body it pleased God that S. Iohn Euangelist not staying for the day of iudgement should rise againe assoone as he dyed and go vp into heauen as many great authors hold who yeeld many strong arguments to proue that S. Iohn Euangelist is in heauen both in body and sou●e whereunto be entred like another Mordecay triumphantly with trumpe●ters before him who proclaime all his heroicall acts and declaring that God will so honour him and that he would haue him honored of all The life of this holy Apostle and Euangelist ensuyng is collected par●ly out of the Gospell and in part out of diuers good and graue Authors SAINT Iohn the Euangelist was the sonne of Zebedee brother of S. la●es the greater who was beheaded by Herode S. Iohn after Onuphrius was borne in the third yeare of CHRIST Lib. 1 ●a 28 He was of a noble house as Nic●phorus and S. Ierome say And they be of that opinion for that S. Iohn was familier in the house of the high priest as appeareth in the night that CHRIST was taken for S. Peter was suffered to come in by meanes of S. Iohn as one whom they respected Though he was a gentleman yet for to auoid idlenes the nurse of many vices he vsed the trade of fishing ioyntly with his father and brothers and the rather because their house was nere the sea of Galily This sheweth they were not so poore as some make them in that they had a barke of their owne wherewith they fished They being then one time busy at their fishing CHRIST called them and bad them follow him and be his disciples They knowing him to be their kinsman and reputing it happy that he would accept them into his schoole forsooke their father the barks and the nets and went to IESVS CHRIST S. Iohn was now abou● 28 yeares old and a virgin as he was all his life of a good nature beautifull in countenance very amiable and wise Whervpon the sonne of God tooke vnto him an especiall affection and made him his fauorite among all the Apostles This same Euangelist esteemed this prerogatiue so highly that when he recounteth any thing in the Ghospell where he is to name himselfe in steed thereof he vseth this phrase The disciple whom Iesus loued IESVS CHRIST shewed often to him particuler kindnes of the which one was that when he was to be transfigured vpon mount Thabor in the presence of three Apostles one of them was S. Iohn he was one of them that was present when our Sauiour raised the daughter of the prince of the Synagogue in the presence of two other Apostles he being the third S. Iohn gaue notice to his mother of the great affection CHRIST bore to him who guided by motherly affection or
clear that he who is to he head of others must haue both hony and gall for he must at one time be affable myld toward the lowly and humble and must shew himself sterne and rigorous to the prowd and hauty S Peter had these conditions he was not altogether mylde for when occasion serued he knew to fight with his sword and to wound men but S. Iohn he was peaceable myld at all times Moreouer S. Iohn was the kinsman of CHRIST after the flesh ●f he had giuen him the Papacy it would haue bene thought and he should haue giuen occasion to think so that such a dignity might haue bene bestowed vpō their friends and kinne He gaue it then to S. Peter with whom he had no kindred S. Thomas saith also that our Lord gaue the Papacy to S. Peter for that he loued him more Iohn 21. then any other as it is collected out of the same Ghospell and therefore it was good reason he should be preferred vnto that high dignity Christ hauing giuē that function vnto S. Peter said to him obscurely that he should dye on the Crosse as he did S. Peter who loued S. Iohn dearly asked our Lord. what should become of him as if he had said Shall Iohn also dy on the Crosse the sonne of God answered him what if it please me that Iohn stay till I come to iudge both the quick the dead to the o Peter what importeth it to know it the same S. Iohn also recounteth that the brethrē talked amongst themselfs that he disciple should not dy but they marked not that CHRIST said not that he should not dy but if it pleased him that he should liue vntill his second comming what had S. Peter to do to know it This speech S. Iohn made himself is not sufficient but that some make a doubt for there the many that say that he liueth yet is to come and preach against Antechrist in the company of Enoch and E●●as whom God keepeth aliue for that entent and that S. Iohn is to be martired with thē Some ag●ine be of a contrary opinion and say that the same S. Iohn who treateth of the commyng of Enoch Elias in the Apocalipse Cap. 11 saith thy shal be two so that if he should haue him ioyned vnto them he would not haue concealed it And to the end it may appear which of these two opinions is of greatest autority I will in this place name them that be of those opinieus this I say if it be lawfull to put this matter in opinion for that considering the words of S. Iohn of himself against the other Apostles that douted of his death it seemeth not secure to say that the Apostle did not dy They that affirme that he dyed not be Abbot Ioachin and George of Trapeunt a grammaryan who made a treatise of this matter and Francis Mairon red this treatise and saith also that S. Iohn is yet aliue He was a franciscan fryer and was the first that determinately saith Mai. 4. dis 49. that the mother of God was conceiued without originall synne for thought that Scotus who was a fryer mynour also moued the questiō yet he did not resolue the matter clearly though he seemeth to be of that opinion as Mairon is who affirmeth and determyneth it to be so These three Authours I haue seene and I know not if any other be of that opinion for that Theophilactus and Euthimius who be graue and ancient autors if you mark their words well say only that in their time it was the opinion of some that S. Iohn was not dead and the same saith Symeon Metaphraster also But other holy doctors be of a cōtrary oppinion S. Ierome saith plainely in many places In mat 20. that S. Iohn dyed the same in auouched by S. Iohn Chrisostome Tertullian who wrot the martirdome of S. Iohn H● 26 in epis ad h● lib de In ●● 21. Lib. 3. c. 3. Lib. 1.35.4 d. 43 art 3. when he was put into the boyling oyle saith that then he was deliuered from death but he afterward dyed and the same saith venerable Bede Eusebius of Cesarea in his ecclesiasticall history Polyerates B. of Ephesus said that S. Iohn dyed Nicephorus Callistus not only saith that he dyed but also that he rose againe incontinent and that he went into heauen in body and soule and S. Thomas Aquinas is of that opinion also S. Ierome and venerable Bede seeme to infer that S. Iohn is in heauen both in body and soule for they say that he dyed without griefe and that his body was not turned into dust So that the Authors who say S. Iohn did not dy be not of any great account and against them is the opinion of many and auncient doctors Iudge then whom we shall beleeue But in my opinion there is no dout but that S. Iohn did by After that IESVS CHRIST ascended into heauen and after the commyng of the Holy Ghost at the which S. Iohn was present with the other Apostles and disciples S. Luke recounteth in the Acts of the Apostles Act. ● that S. Peter and S. Iohn going into the temple to pray at the nynth houre healed a lame man to the great wonder of all the people Whereupon the two holy Apostles were led into the consistory of the Iewews where they constantly professed the faith of IESVS CHRIST They were also put in prison and beaten whereof they much reioyced thought they had receued a singular benefite in that they had suffered persecution for the name of IESVS CHRIST In this consistory was present Gamaliel a disciple of CHRIST who laboured to set the Apostles free without punishment but he could not effect it S. Iohn remained in Ierusalem certaine yeares and that was as some thinke as long as the B. Virgin liued after the Ascension of our Sauiour into heauen He had a great regard and care of her● he stayed ordinarily in her company He said masse vnto her and she did often times receaue the B. Sacrament at his hand as S. Bonauenture saith The communication that these two blessed creatures had together was questionles euen ●eraphicall being both of them so inflamed with the loue of God as they were After the death of the B. Virgin S. Iohn went to preach in Asia which country fell vnto his lotte in the diuision of prouinces This glorious Apostle preached with great zeale and founded seuen Churches in seuen principall Citties viz Ephesus Smirna Perg●mo Thyatira Philadelphia Sardis and Laodicea In all th●se places he ordained priests to administer the sacraments to the Christians that were many in euery one of these Citties It befell that Domitian a most cruell tyrant was made Emperour of Rome who persecuted the Christians in all the lands subiect to the Empire In this persecution S. Iohn was taken in Ephesus and brought to Rome and was there put into a vessel of boyling oyle
Iohn the young man began by a little little to fall vnto lewdnes and at the last to be a Captaine of robbers and murderers by the high way S. Iohn being returned and vnderstanding what was become of the young man was aggrieued for the same and went vnto the desert where the young man kept and haunted in fine he met him He at the sight of the Apostle began to fly and S. Iohn followed him saying My sonne why doest thou flye behold I am weary and euen tyred in cōming to seeke thee in this desert and vnhabited place doest not thou perceiue that it is euill done of thee a young man to flye from me an old man If thou doest it for feare of the account thou hast to render vnto God for thy sinnes I offer my selfe to answer for thee at the day of iudgement The hart of the young man relented at the words of S. Iohn and at the teares he saw to fall on his white beard so he fell at his feere bewayling his sinnes S. Iohn tooke him home and the young man amended his life and serued God with great feruour after that time Sometime this seruant of God shewed indignation against them whom he knew would not amend their faults S. Policarpe his disciple writeth of him that being one time in a bayn Cerinthus the heretike came in and then he made hast to get out saying with indignation Let vs get hence quickly lest the filthy and corrupt water of Cerinthus infect vs meaning by the water the false doctrine of the heretike His disciples importunated him to write that which he preached that they might haue it in continuall remembrance The Apostle condiscended to their request and commaunded a generall fast and continuall prayers to be kept by all the people Then went the vpon a mountaine and tooke only with him his disciple Procurus Metaphrases saith they heard thunders and thunderclaps with whirlewinds which put Procurus in great feare and dread but these tempests being aleyed S. Iohn began to say In principio erat verbum and so Procurns wrot and continued the Gospell after his enditing wherein he laboureth to destroy the errour of the heretiks called Ebionits who held that CHRIST was not God and the principall entent of S. Iohn was to shew and proue that CHRIST is true God And because he flew so high the figure of an Eagle which is a foule that soareth aloft is attributed vnto him The holy Euangelist was now farre in yeares and when he talked with his disciples he had allwayes in his mouth these words My sonnes loue one another and they said Maister let vs heare some other words for we haue heard this very often And he answered them I say this thing vnto you for that this is sufficient and he that doth this doth all Hauing then had reuelation of his death being 99. yeares ald he assembled all his disciples and led them vpon a high mountaine where a Church stood In that place he caused his sepulcher to be opened and stripped himselfe of part of his cloths and put off his shoes and so aliue he went into his sepulcher his disciples making great lamentation and then there came from heauen a cleare brightnes vpon that place enuironing the body and the holy place And they that were present remained in a traunce as it seemed for great dread and being come to themselues they saw S. Iohn no more but the graue couered with earth which seemed to boyle vp a pretious liquor that cured many infirmities This was the passage of S. Iohn and as S. Ierome and venerable Bede affirme his death was without any griefe and his body neuer felt corruption Of which words S. Thomas Nicephorus Callistus and many other Authors take occasion to say that S. Iohn was raised againe and ascended into heauen both in body and soule where he hath an eminent place since the titles he had in the world were so honourable He had the title of Virgin Apostle of Euangelist and of martir at lest in will and desire yea S Augustine S. Iohn Chrisostome and Ruffinus call him martir for when he was put into the vessell of oyle he should haue dyed if God had not myraculously deliuered him and his will was always prompt and ready to dye for the loue of IESVS CHRIST Beside the said titles he had another rare and singular name of the Disciple beloued of CHRIST of his brother and sonnes of the same mother by the will and appointment of the same God This glorious Apostle did spend 70. yeares in preaching and conuerting of soules all which time he continued busy in the seruice of God alwayes louing him and alwayes perswading others to serue him But all this which we haue said is but little to equalize the great glory that he enioyeth in heauen although that which he hath and what place he possesseth there God and he best knoweth Let it suffice vs to recommend vs to him by taking him to our Aduocate and imitating his life asmuch as lyeth in vs And so ayded by him we may be rewarded by God and see S. Iohn in heauen yea God himselfe enioying him in his glory for euer Amen The Catholike Church celebrateth the feast of S. Iohn Euangelist on the. 27. day of December And his death was in the yeare of our Lord. 100. or there about in the time of Traian the Emperour The feast of the holie Innocents THERE is mention made in the booke of Kings of a most cruell woman 4. Lib. Cap 11. called Athalia who was the mother of k●●g Ochozias This woman her sonne being dead vpon ambition and desire to raigne got into her hands the children which were of the bloud royall and put them all to death One only escaped he● hands who w●s called Ioas. This child was saued by the care and diligence of the nurse that brought him vp and of Ioiada the high priest who hid him so that Athalia could not get him into her possession and power and in processe of time Ioas was king of Israell This cr●ell Arhalia was a figure of Herod who holding the kingdome of Israell by violence for that he was a forrainer and of a strange countrie to assure himselfe of that kingdome he killed many innocent children as Athalia had done before out of whose hands escaped Ioas by the industrie of his nurse and of Ioiada which kept him secret So IESVS CHRIST figured in Ioas fled from Herod by the care and industrie of his most B. mother and of S. Ioseph who deliuered and kept him free out of Herods furie when they carried him into Egipt Ioas was afterward king of Israell IESVS CHRIST was and is King of heauen and earth and the vniuersall redeemer of all mankind The historie of these holie Innocent infants was written by S. Mathew the Euangelist in this manner AFTER the birth of the sonne of God into the world Luk. 2. and after his circumcision on
of the Church Afterwards kneeling vpō his knees continuing his prayers his enemies crying out kill him kill him his head was clouen with many woundes all lighting in one place his braines were scattered about the ground his bodie did fall close besides the Aultar before which he had offered himselfe to God as a sacrifize The Monkes and cleargie men fearing to leese that precious treasure of their Prelats bodie assembling together did strippe him of his cloathes found all his bodie from the neck to the knees couered with a rough haire shirt and his breeches also made of hairecloth With this token of his santity the remēbrance of his vertues they did shed many teares saying one vnto another how farre was he from affecting the Crowne and seeking after earthly honour that did so despise and chastize his owne flesh as if it had bin his mortall enemies They apparailed him in his Pontificall roabes and buried him before the aultar of S. Iohn Baptist and of S. Augustine first Bishop of that citty God that is wonderful in his sainctes working manie miracles to witnesse his santity and glorie This renowned champion of IESVS CHRIST Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury Primate of England Legate of the Sea Apostolique and glorious martyr suffered in the yeare of our Lord 1171. in the 53 yeare of his age scarce a moneth after his exile after he had bin Prelate 12. yeares 5. whereof he liued peacebly in his chaire and 7. in banishment Of him Petrus Blesensis a Frenchman by birth a great fauourite of Henry the 2. King of England and a graue writer of those dayes hath these words Thomas was the publisher of Gods word trumpet of the Ghospell friend of the spouse pillar of the cleargie sight of the blinde tongūe of the dumbe foote of the lame salt of the earth ornament of his countrie minister of the highest Vicar of CHRIST the annoynted of our Lord. All his conuersation was a schoole of vertue the rule of good manners a patterne of saluation He was vpright in iudging industrious in executing discreet in commaunding modest in speaking circumspect in his counsaile most sparing in his dyet most liberall in giuing peaceable in wrath in flesh an Angell meeke in iniuries fearefull in prosperitie well-assured in aduersity allmost lauish in almes giuing and euen altogether mercie the glorie of religious men and the loue and greatest delight of the people with many other prayses to the same purpose Neither is it only hee but all the most famous men of those dayes who extoll S. Thomas as the only patterne and myrrhoure of good Prelats King Henry himselfe did plainely declare how much he did lament his death For he not only swoare that he neuer so much lamented the death of father nor mother nor would haue bin so sorrowfull for the death of his owne childe but he also of his owne accord ca●● vnto Canterbury and going barefooted from S. Dunstans Church presented himselfe before the shrine of S. Thomas and bathing the ground with his teares stripped himselfe out of his Princely roabes and vpon his naked backe receaued ● stripes of euerie Bishop and 3. of euerie monke that was present and afterwards fasted all that day and night with great deuotion A rare example of pietie humilitie and deuotion in a Christian Prince such as scarce hath his match and paragon in all Ecclesiasticall Histories And surely God did manifestly declare how acceptable this penance of the King was in his sight For the selfe same day he by his Captaines obtained a glorious victorie wherein the King of Scottes was taken prisoner And manie other prosperous successes ensued this act of humiliation the holy Saint euidently ayding him from Heauen that humbled himselfe so much vpon earth and helping him that subdued and conquered thus himselfe to conquer subdue and gloriously triumph ouer all his enemies Moreouer his murderers notwithstanding they were men of knowen nobilitie and great possessions and in high estimation for their valoure and cheualrie yet forsooke they all riches and voluntarily crossed all the hopes of their preferments going in pilgrimage to Hierusalem where they did publique penance All of them dyed within three yeares after the facte committed verie penitent for their offence calling vpon the sainct desiring his patronage and intercession whose death they acknowledged to haue bin wickedly contriued and executed by themselues yet pretious in the sight of God and glorious in the eye of all the world That time which they liued was alwayes with a perpetuall trembling of bodie and soule like men astonied and distracted hauing euermore winde and weather against them acknowledging all to be the iust Iudgement of Almightie God for their heynous offence But especially he that gaue the saincte his first wound dyed with a consumption and rotte of all his limmes he himselfe casting away the flesh which rotted off from the very boanes and calling vpon the most glorious martyr for pardon and forgiuenesse God of his mercie and by the intercession of this holie Prelate graunt vs pardon and grace to follow his steppes The life of S. Siluester Pope and Confessor SAINT Paule writing vnto Tymotheus his disciple said a Bishop ought to liue sincerely and it is fit that in him be not any thing to be iustly reprooued And for to showe what ought to be in him he setteth downe some properties that a good Bishop ought to haue among other things he saith that he ought to giue good example to them that be without the Church which be the Pagans left he fall into reproach and into the snare of the deuill S. Iohn Chrisostome saith that one of the things wherewith the Apostles spred their doctrine through all the world and the Ghospell was receiued of all men was because they liued without reprehension and gaue good example to euery one and submitted themselues to great paines and desired no reward at all They fled from honours riches pleasures and embraced troubles tribulations and afflictions They did not complaine nor sought reuenge but pardoned and did good to them that did them euill wherefore the pagans said it was not possible for the man that liued so to be in any errour for that God as they said would not haue suffered it and so thereby they iudged the doctrine they preached to be true and veritable and so holpen by god they receued it On the other side those who by their office and function they haue are bound to giue good example and liue euill do very much hurt by their wicked life And these as S. Paule saith Fall into reproach and snares of the deuill for with their euill and wicked life they giue others occasion to do euill and chiefly vnto the painimes who as S. Iohn Chrisostome saith seing the Christians to steale murder commit fornication and other sinnes say that their God cannot chastise them or els that he is like vnto them And so by their fault the holy name of God is