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A77726 An answer, or confutation of divers errors broached, and maintained by the seven churches of Anabaptists contained in those articles of their confession of faith propounded to the Parliament, and other grosse opinions held by them against the cleare light of the gospell. By Thomas Bakewell. Imprimatur John Downham. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1646 (1646) Wing B526; Thomason E336_10; ESTC R200810 49,330 53

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this they say the childes sicknesse was so sore that there was no breath left in him ver 15. therefore say they it was not the soule but breath returned I answer 〈◊〉 is plaine that the soule was gone and came againe at the prayer of the Prop●●●● 〈◊〉 it is said the breath was gone which was the signe that the soule was gone that they might the better beleeve it but that breath being gone returned not againe but vanished but the soule returning and acting in the childe caused new breath which was never in the childe before therefore the soule is not the body Fifthly If man can kill the body and cannot kill the soule then the soule is not the body but Christ saith feare not them that can kill the body and cannot kill the soule Math. 10.28 then the soule is not the body But they say that Joshuah killed all the soules in Mackedah and in Libnah and all the soules in Lacish Eglon and in Hebron Josh Therefore the soule may be killed and every living thing hath a soule Job 12.10 which may be killed or dye I answer these places are thus to be understood the vitall or principall part of humane life was stone dead for their better encouragement against the rest of their enemies which should be killed in like manner and should never trouble them more when their vitalls or humane life is stone dead But they say our soule is bowed downe to the dust Psal 44.25 therefore the soule must turne to dust and be buried in the grave for saith David Thou wilt not leave my soule in grave Psal 16.10 I answer it was but Davids vitalls of humane life was almost gone and must returne to dust and be buried in the grave As the vitalls and spirit of a beast goes downeward so must his Eccles 3.21 onely the spirit or vitalls of a beast shall abide there but our vitalls of the body shall be raised againe and not left in the grave for ever but the soule that divine thing may be in glory when the body lyes dead As the soules of Christ and the theife were in Paradise when their bodies were dead on the Crosse Luke 22.43 the soules of Abraham Isaach and Iacob were living when their bodyes were dead Math. 22.32 and the soules of them that are slaine for the word of God are in white robes of glory and crie how long wilt thou not avenge our bloud on them that dwell on the earth Revel 6.9 10 11. But they say those soules is meant their bloud cried as Abels bloud did Gen. 4. I answer Cains sinne in spilling that bloud cried for vengeance againe these soules that crie speake of their bloud saying our bloud but if the bloud had cried it would have said how long will it be ere thou avenge me and they are called soules but their bloud was not their soules unlesse when a man hath lost some bloud they affirme that he hath lost some part of his soule or so many drops so many soules then if the soule can live when the body is ●●aine then the soule is not the body But then they say Jacob begot so many soules of such a wife and so many soules went downe into Egypt G●n 46.22.25 26 27. I answer those that went to Egypt are called soules from the better and more noble part of man that divine thing in them but Jacob begot but the vitals of humane life and no more as I shewed before being onely a father of their flesh but God alone is the father of spirits thus you see how they differ in their originall cause or discent and also unto what they returne Now I shall shew that the soule is not the body by differences betwixt them while they remaine together First the body is the carkase Numb 14.29.33 1 King 13.24 25. but the soule is the hidden man of the heart 1 Pet. 3 4. his flesh upon him shall be in paine and his soule within him shall mourne Job 14.22 with my spirit within me will I seeke thee early Isa 26.9 O my soule why art thou so disquieted within me my soule is cast downe within me Psal and Paul puts both these together saying though our outward man perish yet the inward man is renued daily 2 Cor. 4.16 so then if the body be the carkase and the soule be some divine thing in that carkase as you see both these propositions are proved then the soule is not the body but some divine thing that is within it Secondly while the soule and body are together the soule may be wounded and greived when the body hath no hurt nor is in danger of any hurt They were pricked at the heart and cut to the heart Acts and the Soule of Christ was sorrowfull before any hurt came to his body Math. 26.38 and false Prophets slay the soules of some with lyes Ezek. 13.18 19. Her soule was vexed within her 2 King 4.27 when her body had no hurt A wounded spirit who can beare Prov. 18.14 then the soule is not the body Thirdly the body may be afflicted when the soule is not for in affliction joy aboundeth They rejoyced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name Acts. 4. they sung psalmes in prisons Acts. 16. therefore the soule is not the body Fourthly the soule and body may be distinguished about holy duties both are required for saith Paul glorifying God in your bodies and soules for they are his 1 Cor. 6.20 but saith the Lord They sit before thee and heare thy words as my people when their hearts are gone after their covetousnesse Ezek. 33.31 They draw neare with their lips when their heart is farre from me Math. 15.8 so then you see the soule may be wanting in holy duties when the body is present therefore the soule is not the body Fifthly the soule may have sweete intercourse with God when the body is not active in it Hannah prayed when her lips did not move and Moses prayed acceptably when he saide nothing Exod. 14.15 and so did Nehemiah Chap. 2 14. God hath promised to heare the desires of the heart Psal When bodily exercise profiteth little 1 Tim. 4.8 then the body is not the soule Lastly to affirme that the body is the soule will cause many absurdities for then to seeke the Lord with all the heart and soule is but to bring their carkases to the ordinances and when God opened Lyd●a's heart it was to open her carkase And when the Lord gives a new heart it is to give a new carkase and a broken heart is a broken carkase and a cleane heart is a cleane carkase and the renting of the heart is the renting 〈◊〉 the carkase and when the soule of Jonathan was knit to the soule of David if he body and soule were the same thing it seemes their bodies were tyed together which were miserable folly for any man to thinke then I hope this may
AN ANSWER OR CONFVTATION OF Divers Errors Broached and Maintained By the Seven Churches of ANABAPTISTS Contained in those Articles of their Confession of Faith Presented to the PARLIAMENT and other grosse Opinions held by them against the cleare light of the GOSPELL By THOMAS BAKEWELL 2 TIM 3.8 9. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt mindes reprobate concerning the faith But they shall proceede no further for their folly shall be manifest unto all men as theirs also was Imprimatur John Downham LONDON Printed for Henry Shepheard and William Ley and are to be sold at the Signe of the Bible in Tower-Streete and at Pauls-Chaine neare Doctors Commons 1646. The Contents of this Boooke CHAP. I. THis Chapter containes a confutation of many errours mentioned by the Anabaptists in their Articles of faith defended against me by one of their Teachers CHAP. II. This Chapter containes other wicked errours of the Anabaptists mentioned against me First that the bodies of men consisting of flesh and bones is their soules and that they have no other Secondly that the breath of men and beasts is their spirits and that it is immortall and liveth when their bodies are dead Thirdly they hold that in the Resurrection the bodies both of men and beasts shall rise againe and their breath shall be againe infused into them CHAP. III. This Chapter containes wicked errours mentioned against me by the Anabaptists who hold an Universall Redemption by Christ if not of beasts as was mentioned in the former Chapter yet of all men although they be already in hell torments CHAP. IV. In this Chapter they hold it unlawfull to use that Prayer of Christ Math. 6.9 as a Prayer by the godly and the ungodly with a briefe confutation of that errour CHAP. V. This Chapter containes a disputation with the Anabaptists about the Magistrates power in commanding those of a contrary judgement to conforme in publicke worship or to punish them in case of refusall To the Reader CHristian Reader The Apostacy of others should be as a warning to us that as we have set our hand to the plow of profession we may not looke backe Luke 17. but goe on unto perfection and presse toward the marke and for the joy that is set before us we should endure the Crosse and runne with patience the race that is set before us and never turne to the right hand nor to the left but goe on thorough the narrow gate along the straight way to Zion with our forces thitherward and encourage our hearts to the Lord by that everlasting Covenant that shall never be forgotten and we shall obtaine if we faint not the end of our faith shall be the salvation of our soules if we hold out to the end we shall be saved being faithfull to the death we shall have the Crowne of life then I say Good Reader take heede of Apostacy doe not beginne in the spirit and then end in the flesh for then your former righteousnesse shall never be remembred but for your sinne you shall dye but to those that persevere in the way of righteousnesse all their former sinnes shall be forgiven and never remembred more but they shall be cast into the bottome of the sea and blotted out of the book of remembrance and they shall be esteemed as perfectly righteous having no spot nor wrinckle nor any such thing then keepe thy garments for thou must walke with Christ in robes made white in the blond of the Lambe pure religion will keepe thee from being spotted by the world and that thou mayest so doe keepe thy selfe from the fornicatours of the world yea from both scandalous and erroneus persons doe not inquire saying how doe they serve their Gods Deut. 12.31 Come not among any erronius persons Israel living amongst them soone learned their workes Psal 110.35 enter not into their paths goe not with with wicked men avoyde it passe not by it turne from it and come away Prov. 4.14 15. If they say loe here is Christ or there beleeve them not for there shall arise false Christs and false Prophets that if it were possible would deceive the very elect Wherefore if they say behold he is in the desart goe not forth behold he is in the secret chambers beleeve it not Math. 24.24.26 If they preach any other Gospell then that the former Saints have beene taught let them be accursed Their new Lights is but Satans delusion when he transforms himselfe into an Angel of light The old way is the good way our Fathers walked therein and were not confounded Psal 22.44 Then if they bring not this doctrine receive them not into thy house nor bid them God speede 3 Jon. 3.10 Pertake not of other mens sinnes keepe thy selfe pure and he not carried about with every winde of doctrine The slight of men and cunning craftinesse whereby they lie in waite to deceive with fairs words They deceive the hearts of the simple and carry away captive unstable soules into destruction then it is a good thing the heart be established with grace Be ye rooted and built up in Christ and stand fast against all the wiles of the divell be not like the Athenians desiring to hear● have not itching cares after novelties labour to have godlinesse with content and a setled minde upon the truth of the Gospell so shalt thou stand in these perillous dayes When iniquity abounds and the love of many waxes cold labour to love the truth and thou shalt not be given up to beleeve li●s labour to doe the will of God and thou shalt know his doctrine whether it be of God and receive nothing for truth till thou hast weighed it in the ballance of the Sanctuary let not thy affections be fastened on any thing before thou hast tryed it receive nothing for the love of men nor respect of persons but search the scriptures and see whether those things be so and follow Paul but as he followes Christ and if sinners entice thee consent thou not if they say come let us heare such a Trades-man preach goe not with them least thou be snared to thy destruction Then doe not tempt the Lord nor presume of thine owne strength to stand in such temptations but take heede least thou fall be ever jealous of thine owne heart for it is deceitfull above all things keepe it with all diligence and leane not to thine owne understanding and if thou desirest satisfaction in any point in controversie acquaint thy Pastor with it before thou give consent to any thing new come up or to walke in a way not cast up from the ancient pathes reads this Book and let the Scripture be thy Judge and if it satisfie thee in any thing give God the prayse and let me be remembred in thy prayers and I shall remaine thine in all Christian duties to be commanded THOMAS BAKEWELL A CONFUTATION OF Divers Errors of the Anabaptists contained in their
whole body of the Congregation but I doubt you meane the execution of it which is to be inflicted not by all but by many 1 Cor. 5.3 2 Cor. 2.6 and so they are to admit of Infidels when they become Christians but those that are already baptized neede not such admittance The three and fortieth article You beleeve that a particular Church must trie their Officers gifts and then they may preach publickely and take upon them the charge of a Pastor but I doubt of it your answer is that when Christ gives ability to any they ought to improve it for their Masters advantage but I say it must be also in that place where their Master sets them or else they doe it for their owne advantage and not for his but you say if they be found false your Churches will not be corrupted by them but I say if children be left fatherlesse and have none to take care of them they will soone be corrupted and to say that you will not be corrupted and yet use no meanes to preserve your selves is but presumption like Peter who said that he would not deny his Master and yet tarried in the High Priests hall so your Church will not be corrupted and yet you take away those that are appointed to keepe you from corruption The sixe and fortieth article you beleeve that none must separate from a Church rightly constituted for corruptions that are in it but if you doe not dissemble you make it an article of your faith to beleeve your selves to be Schismatickes The nine and fortieth article You beleeve that you are bound to yeelde subjection to all civill Lawes made by the King and Parliament and yet you daily oppose Government The two and fiftieth article you beleeve that you have a conscience voyde of offence both towards God and towards man when as you cast off Gods Law in the worke of conversion Article 25 and mans law in Ecclesiasticall things Witnesse your setting up Churches without their authority these be your articles of faith then you saide you would beleeve all that is written by the Prophets and Apostles desiring to disclaime all heresies and opinions which are not after Christ But I charged you upon this promise of your owne and upon your generall promise together with your seven Churches to be as good as your word and not to dissemble in the very articles of your faith but when I had waited the full time appointed and saw no answer come I went to know the cause of it and he told me flatly that he would never write more unto me CHAP. II. Behold greater Abominations the Anabaptists maintained against me That the bodies of men consisting of flesh and bones is their Soules and that they have no other Secondly that the breath of men and beasts is their spirits and that it is immortall and liveth when their bodies are dead Thirdly They hold that in the resurrection the bodies both of men and beasts shall rise againe and their breath shall be infused againe into them TO these things I answer First That man hath two natures the one a Divine or spirituall substance like that of Angels adorned with divine faculties as the Understanding Judgement Reason Will Affection and Conscience the other part of man is humane being made of the foure Elements as all mortall creatures are and what casualties befall a beast may befall a man and man hath no preheminence above a beast for all is vanity Eccle. 3.19 but the soule spirit or heart of a Man that divine thing may be bound in the bundle of life 1 Sam. 25.29 being uncorruptible 1 Pet. 3.4 so then when the corruptible body dies the spirit depart from it and returnes to God that gave it Eccl. 12.7 Therefore when the Scripture calls this divine thing a Spirit distinctly it is for the most part to be understood of those principall faculties of it as the Understanding Reason and Judgement This is the spirit of your mind Ephes 4.23 because the Spirit searcheth all things yea the deepe things of God 1 Cor. 2.10 And when the Scripture distinctly calleth this divine thing the Heart it is to be understood the Conscience If thy heart condemne thee God is greater 1 Joh. 3.2 Davids heart smote him 2 Sam. 24.10 The Law written in the Heart or Conscience Rom. 2.15 And when that divine thing is called the Soule distinctly it is to be understood the Will and all the affections saith Paul We were willing to have parted unto you our owne soules because you were deare unto us 1 Thes 2.8 Hannah powred out her soule before the Lord 1 Sam. 1.15 Yet when that divine thing is called by any of those names it is to be understood the whole inward man although sometimes Spirit signifies the principall ruling faculties and by Soule is meant the Will and Affections that are to be regulated by them and so here is meant the Conscience as an officer in trust to see that this divine order be kept within us yet for substance it is the same thing although declared by severall faculties of it Now I shall prove that this divine thing the soule spirit or heart of man is not the body consisting of flesh and bones first from the immediate causes from whence they came and they differ thus we have fathers of the flesh and we give them reverence but God alone is the father of spirits Heb. 12.9 Numb then although the fathers of our flesh begot our bodies yet saith the Lord all soules are mine Ezek. 18.4 for he formed the spirit of man within him Za●h 12.1 and he gave it Eccles 12.7 then the soule is not the body Secondly the soule and body differ when they returne out of the world then the body returnes to dust from whence it came Gen. 3.19 and the spirit or soule returnes to God that gave it Thirdly when the separation is made the body dyes for it is appointed for all men once to dye Heb. 9.27 We must needes dye all and be as water spilt upon the ground 2 Sam. 14.14 but after death to Judgement When the body is dead the spirit of man goes upward Ecces 3.20 21. to a particular Judgement Then this living soule Gen. 2.7 this incorruptible heart of man goes before the Judge and receives either the sentence of absolution or of condemnation while the body is dead and at the resurrection when the bodies of all are raised and made capable to receive their finall estate then they shall be brought before the Judge to have the sentence passed upon them for it then if the soule can live and receive judgement when the body is dead then the soule is not the body Fourthly the body lives no longer then the soule is in it for when the soule of the childe was gone the body lay dead but when the soule came into him againe the Prophet said see thy sonne liveth 1 King 17.20 21 22 23. but to
his Kingdom and cast into the furnace of sin Mat. 13.41 42. Both reprobates and their sins shall be cast into hell fire and the Saints shall inherit all things Revel 21.7 Their second reason why Christ dyed for all and yet all not saved is this because he would have nothing preached to man but what is true but if Christ dyed not for all men and yet the Gospel preached to all and requires all to believe then some men are required to believe that which is not true I answer it is not sin in God to command man to believe in Christ although he knows they cannot because he made them able at the first to doe it if he had then required it and if man by sin hath now disabled himselfe yet God is not to be blamed for requiring that which he made them able to do at the first no more then a man is that hath two debtors and both disable to pay him the one he freely forgives and of the other he requires the debt nor doth he require them to believe that which is not true when the Gospel is preached unto them but if they can truly believe they shall be saved and preaching the Gospel is the instrumentall means to work faith in men that they may believe Rom. 10.1 and then He that beleeveth shall be saved Mar. 16.16 Again the Lord somtimes sends his Gospel to try if men will repent and believe and if we doe not repent and believe it makes us guilty of a great sin in not doing of it when he requiers it of us and to say God requires some to believe that which is not true is a sin to judge of the secret will of God before that he hath revealed it unto them Their third reason why Christ dyed for all and yet all not saved they say is to leave man without excuse for man cannot say that Christ hath not dyed for him and the Gospel was preached to every creature to leave many without excuse I Answer Will God give the greatest gift that ever hee gave to man as well to reprobates as to the elect to leave them without excuse Would not a lesse gift then Christ himselfe bee sufficient to leave them without excuse But then they would confirme this from these words of Paul saying The free gift came upon all men unto justification of life Rom. 5.18 Hence they would gather that Christ hath dyed for all men For by him all are justified and have life by Christ and yet many of them shall bee damned O hellish inference all this is to leave them without excuse but the truth is this as by the offence of Adam judgement came upon all men that were in him by nature even so sayth this Text by one Christ the free gift of righteousnesse came upon all the elect when they are in him by grace unto justification of life for as none is guilty of the first Adams sin till they are in him by nature so nor is righteousnesse by Christ till they are in him by grace and not many ages past they said although Christ taketh away the sins of all the world yet none are justified from the sin till they by faith behold it but here they are not ashamed to say that the righteous God should pronounce all to be just having given them Christ to die for their sins and the life of grace to believe it and after all this that God should condemne these justified persons What miserable blasphemy is this Shall not the Judge of all the earth doe right Gen. 18.25 Is God unrighteous that taketh vengeance how then shall he judge the world Rom. 3.5 6. Then doe not harbour such blasphemous thoughts of God for whom he justified them he also glorified It is God that justifieth who shall condemn It is Christ that dyed Rom. 8.30 33 34. The fourth reason Why Christ dyed for all and yet not all saved is this they say Christ dyed for Adam and all his posterity because the elect should proceed out of his loynes I Answer as they are flesh and bloud they are the children of the first Adam and so in him under sin and condemnation but as they are new borne they proceed from the second Adam which is Christ Hee shall see his seed and he shall see the travell of his soule and be satisfied Esay 53.10 11. God the Father by Covenant gave them to Christ from all Eternity therfore sayth he Behold I and the children which thou hast given me Esay 8.18 But will it follow that all must be elected because all sinned and must all be given to Christ because they are descended of Adam or must Christ die for all because all came of Adam By this reason what is done to any is done to all if any be saved all are saved if any be damned all are damned because wee have all our nature from one man but cannot God bestow his gift on whom hee will must all have a like because all are alike descended I hope when Adam had condemned all it was Gods free grace to pardon any and as many as he pleaseth The fifth reason why Christ dyed for all and yet all not saved is because by Christ all shall rise again at the last day 1 Cor. 15.21 22. Hee is called the resurrection John 11 25. For by the sin of Adam all die and so lost their bodies so by Christ shall all rise again some to the resurrection of salvatian and some to the resurrection of damnation Iohn 5.29 Then say they because Christ raiseth all therefore he dyed for all I Answer although it is by Christ all reprobates are raised that is by his power those vessels of wrath that are fitted for destruction may be filled with it and because the body of Adam sinned as well as the soule against an infinite God therefore the bodies of reprobates should be punished with their souls eternally and because Christ will send his Angels to gather up the bodies of reprobates to bring them to their soules to bee tormented eternally Is this a good argument that Christ hath dyed for them and bought those soules and bodies this shews plainly they are goats and none of the sheep that the good sheepherd dyed for they are dogs and shall bee without when as his sheep shall never perish but shall have eternall life John 10. Sixthly They say Christ dyed for all and yet not all saved because the Father gave him all I answer Those that are given in to his wrath to be ruled with a rod of iron to say he dyed for all such you had as good say that hee died for devills being so given on to his regall power that they shall not doe what they list but then they say he died for all to purchase to himselfe a Church But cannot a man purchase a Lordship unlesse he lay down money and bargain for the whole World and when he hath purchased all the World and then
workes faith in us Rom. 10 17 by which we beleeve in Christ then is not the VVord of God necessary to save where it is although God is able to worke faith in his elect without it in places where it is not but this being the orrdinary way for our salvation and while this lasteth we must not seeke any extraordinary way then you say the way that God saves men you will leave to him and every mans experience when as you make it an article of your faith to beleeve that the Law of God can be no instrumentall meanes to worke any qualifications as the Law to fit the soule for the seeds of grace when as three thousand witnesses by experience were pricked by the Law in one place Acts 2.37 before the Gospell was applied to cure them and multitudes more in scripture besides every godly mans owne experience but your conscience hath forced you to renounce this article and instead of beleeving it you leave it to every mans owne experience The seven and twentieth article you beleeve that the three Persons in Trinity are made over to Christians in their fulnesse but I suppose they have no more of God then a finite creature is able by the weake hand of faith to receive According to thy faith be it unto thee Math. 8.13 But you answer God makes knowne his grace and good will to man in Christ by his Spirit so farre as he pleseth but who doubts of this but I suppose we are not capable to receive the fulnesse of God we have but our measure according to the gift of Christ Ephes 4 7 13. neither doe we receive the fulnesse of Christ but out of his fulnesse we receive Iohn 1.16 The nine and twentieth article you beleeve that those which are beleevers are in truth really separated both in soule and body from all sinne through the bloud of the everlasting Covenant but I much doubt of this you answer that you beleeve all sinne is so taken away by Christ that it shall never hinder the salvation of any beleever but this is not my doubt then you say for a beleever to have no sinne while he lives in the flesh that you deny and so have cast away this article of your faith in which you have published to the world that you beleeve that every beleever is really separated from all sinne both in body and soule by the bloud of Christ then for shame doe not carry one face in private and another publickcly to the world The three and thirtieth article you beleeve that Christ hath a spirituall Kingdome here on earth which is his Church that he hath purchased and redeemed but this I grant then you beleeve that this purchased redeemed Church of Christ is visible and a company of Saints called and separated from the world by the VVord and Spirit of God to the visible profession of faith and the Gospell and baptized in the faith and joyned to the Lord and to each other by a mutuall agreement in practicall enjoyment of the Ordinances commanded by Christ their Head and King but I much doubt of these things then you answer saying you beleeve that the Church of Christ is a purchased people called to their visible profession of him and for invisible things you leave to God till he make them visible But here all men may see the falsenesse of your faith for when you should bring it into the presence of God then you leave it but how dare you publish to the world that those whom Christ hath purchased and redeemed are visible making profession of faith and the Gospell and baptized and joyned to the Lord and to each other in the practicall injoyment of the Ordinances When as know I put you to it you dare not stand to it but you will leave it to God and so you cast away this article also and I thinke if I should goe to all whose hands are at them they would shuffle in the same manner and I would wish you to take them to helpe you and so if you can prove all the redeemed of Christ to be such I am sure he saith himselfe other sheepe I have which are not of this fold them I must bring in Iohn 10.16 then are all visible and called and already make profession c. Nay those that are in the state of grace are not so visible for that white stone and that new name written no man knowes but he that hath it Revel 2.17 they are called hidden ones Psal 83.3 and the Lord had seven thousand which the Prophet knew not of 1 King 19.18 And sometimes the Saints themselves in the visible Church may disagree Witnesse Abraham and Lot and Paul and Barnabas Gen. 15.7 Acts 15.39 and then the cruelty of this article shewes from whence it came which condemnes all that are not in your Church to be reprobates then I cannot blame you for leaving it to God when you are questioned for it but if your heart condemne you take heede of hypocrisie God is greater then your heart and knoweth all things 1 Iohn 3.21 The foure and thirtieth article you beleeve that to this visible Church all are bound to come and acknowledge Christ to be their King Priest and Prophet and to be enrouled amongst his houshold servants now this I grant if you mean the universali invisible Church but I much doubt whether it ought to be so in yours or in any visible Church but you answer that you know not how any can be either Sonnes or Servants of God that are not of his houshold this I grant to be true in the invisible Church but as I proved before all are not visible so then their names ought to be written in heaven Luke 10.20 but not written amongst your company then you say that you are ignorant of any invisible Church or House of God I answer Ignorance will not excuse your sinne for Christ is the Head of the body or Church both of things visible and invisible Revel 1.16 17. then although you know not the Church of the first borne in which the soules of just men are made perfect yet you may know that there is such a one Heb. 12. and although the Saints departed know not what is done in the visible part of the Church here as the Prophet saith Isai 63.16 will this prove that there is no such thing Againe if you know nothing in the Church but what is visible to all you plainely show your selfe to be an hypocrite For spirituall things are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2.14 there is foode which you know not of you have not tasted of that hidden Manna Revel 2.7 Iohn 6.32 and while your name is at those articles you want that inward grace of faith to beleeve them and so cannot see like Moses him that is invisible Heb. 12.27 The sixe and thirtieth article You beleeve that every particular Church hath power to chuse for themselves meete persons into office and none other
suffice to shew that the soule is not the body Secondly they hold that the breath of men and of beasts is their spirits and that it is immortall and liveth when their bodies are dead To this I shall doe as before to prove that their breath is not their spirit and answer what they have to say to the contrary as I goe along onely as I said before that the spirit soule or heart of man is for the most part meant the same thing for substance onely by spirit some times is meant the understanding or principle ruling part of that divine thing and the soule is meant the lower parts or lesse principle the will and affections which are to be regulated by them and by the heart is meant the conscience that officer of the soule which hath a charge to see that this Order be kept yet I say for the most part when any one of these is named all that divine thing is meant then the breath of man and beasts is not the spirit I prove by these arguments First mans breath is a vanishing thing his breath is in his nostrils and wherein is he to be accounted of Isa 2 22. It is a winde that passeth and commeth not againe Psal 76.39 It was breathed into man Gen. 2 7. the Lord commanded the winde to breath and the breath came into them But the soules of men are created 1 Pet. 4.19 God is the Father of the spirits of all flesh Numb 16 22. and the heart of man is incorruptible 1 Pet. 3 4 then the vanishing breath of men and beasts is not their spirit Secondly man and beast have all one breath and yet the spirit of man goes upward and the spirit of beasts goes downewards to the earth Eccl●s 3.19.20 21. therefore the breath of men and beasts is not their spirit Thirdly Job makes a distinction betweene the spirit of man and his breath saying if God should set his heart on man to gather unto himselfe his spirit marke and his breath Job 34 14. Here is that divine thing the spirit with the signes of it which is the breath then all flesh shall perish and turne to dust but his spirit shall returne to God that gave it and the spirits of men and Angels can live in the third heavens above the region of the winds without breath neither shall men when their bodies are made spirituall at the resurrection neede any breath for it is no part of soule or body and Legions of spirits have beene in one man and yet I supose he had no more breath then another man and they might all speake and yet the man not breath then I suppose the breath is but a part of the winde already created infused into mortall creatures while they remaine mortall in this life and then to returne and never come againe Psai 78 39 therefore the breath of men and beasts is not their spirits But they say the ●oure windes are called the foure spirits of the heavens Zach. 6.5 Hence they conclude that winde or breath in man is his spirit I answer the winde moves the cloudes of heaven as our spirits move us or as the vitals of beasts move them therefore they are called the spirits of the heavens but our breath doth not move us so but rather some thing within us moves us and when our breath goes out in speaking or otherwise we should dye if we had not something else within us to draw it in againe acting with our vitals and when that power is gone we dye But they say the body without the spirit is dead Jam. 2.26 and that say they is their breath But if we should grant this that the body without breath is dead yet it will not so follow that breath is the spirit but that breath is a signe of life or a signe that there is a spirit in that body which doth produce that breath As the fruite of the tree is not the life or spirit of the tree but rather a signe that there is life in that tree that doth produce these fruits Then they say Mans breath of life was breathed into him Gen. 2.7 and when the childes breath was gon he died 1 King 17.17 And if God take away breath from all mortall creatures they dye and returne to dust Psal 104.27 therefore say they the breath of man and beast is their spirit I answer as before it will not follow because the signes of life come and goe with life that therefore it is life it selfe There be many signes of life as eating drinking walking and talking and when they cease man dies yet these be but signes of life and so is breath in men and beasts and therefore it is not their spirit Fourthly to affirme that the breath in man and beasts is their spirits many absurdities would follow for they having one breath Eccles 3.19 and if this were their spirit then a beast may have the spirit of wisedome and knowledge Isa 11 and the spirit of a beast might search the deepe things of God as well as the spirit of man 1 Cor. 2.10 11. and the spirit of a beast may be wounded Prov. 18.14 and if breath were spirit then God would delight in broken breath Psal 51. and in poore and contrite breath Isay 66. And if breath be spirit some shall be borne of breath and God will give new breath and all the gifts of the spirit would be nothing but more breath added and when the spirit also departed from Saul his breath failed him and those that separate from the Church do it because they have not the breath Jude 19. and Daniels excellent gift of the spirit was nothing but a great breath And when God requires that we should Sing and Pray with the Spirit he meanes nothing but breath many more vile absurdities would follow if we should be so damnably blinde as to beleeve that the breath of men and beasts is their spirit as some Anabaptists hold Thirdly they hold that in the resurrection the bodies of men and beasts shall rise againe and their breath shall be infused againe into them To this as to the rest I shall shew that the bodies of beasts shall not rise againe and for brevity answer what they have to say against it as I goe along First beasts have not immortall spirits as I have shewed before unto which their bodies should be againe united but their spirits are gone downeward to the earth Eccles 3.21 Then if these beasts should be raised up againe it would be a new creation of beasts out of the earth as they were at the first and could not be a resurrection of them from death to life Secondly the Scripture makes no mention of the resurrection of beasts and we must not be wise above that which is written 1 Cor. 4.6 but the Scripture saith Thou bringest man to destruction and sayest returne ye children of men Psal 90.3 As in Adam all dye so in Christ shall all
be made alive but every man in his order 1 Cor. 15.21.22 23. So then although we beleeve the resurrection of men we dare not beleeve the resurrection of beasts But they say That when the Lord hath take● the breath of all creatures and they are dead and turned to dust then he sends forth his spirit and they are created and so he renues the face of the earth Psal 104.29 30. this they say is a plaine resurrection of all the creatures from death to life I answer Here in this place they are said by the Spirit of God to be created and so in Gen. 1. The Spirit of God moved upon the waters in the work of Creation And saith Job The Spirit of God made me Job 33.4 all this I grant yet this will not prove a resurrection unlesse you make the worke of Creation to be a resurrection from death to life But they say this was spoken after they were dead and returned to dust Psal 104.29.30 I answer this is frequent in scripture For things that were done first to be set downe last 1. Sam. 15.35 There is mention of Sauls death and Samuels mourning for him and then Chap. 17. Saul conferres with David about his going to fight with Goliah and afterwards he persecutes David But was all this after his death because it is set downe after it Againe thou renuest the face of the earth this cannot be meant of the resurrection from death to life but rather it is to be understood an enlarging of strength and comfort after some great scarcity with a new supply of plenty But here is nothing concerning resurrection from death to life Thirdly the Saints of God never expected any resurrection of beasts that ever I read of before these Anabaptists but they have alwayes expected a resurrection of men for saith Job Job 19.25 When wormes have destroyed this body yet in my flesh I shall see God And Martha saith I know that he shall rise againe in the resurrection of the just Iohn 11.24 and saith David My flesh shall rest in hope Psal 16.9 And besides the Saints in all ages embalmed the dead and buried them in coffins and sepulchers and cleane linnen to declare that they expected that they should rise againe but I reade of no such thing done to beasts and they that expect their resurrection might doe well to bury them more decently that the world may see that they beleeve a resurrection of beast Fourthly there is no example in Scripture that any beast ever did rise from death to life but we have many examples of men and women received their dead raised to life againe Heb. 11.35 and the man that was buried in the Sepulcher of the Prophet and touching his bones he revived and stoode upon his feete 2 King 12.21 And in the New Testament one newly dead and another in the coffin and another dead foure dayes and many came out of their graves at the death of Christ then if we have so many examples of men that arose and not one of beasts we must beleeve the one and reject the other as an abominable errour Fifthly beasts can neither dye the death of sinne nor suffer the death of eternall punishment neither can they rise to the state of grace nor to the state of glory which were a most miserable and shamefull thing for any to affirme therefore there is no resurrection for beasis Sixthly To rise from death to life at the last day is called the resurrection of the just and the unjust Acts. 24.15 Now if they say that beasts have done evill they shall come forth to the resurrection of damnation Iohn 9 25. or if some have done good and some evill then some of them shall be saved and some damned and then they must come before Christ the Judge on the Throne to receive either the sentence of absolution or condemnation These abominable errours are not fitting to be named amongst Christians much lesse to be embraced and defended by any and it would seeme incredible that any should be so blinde as to harbour such errours where the light of the Gospell comes but onely we know at the downefall of Antichrist The divell will stir up all the old heresies that ever was to uphold that tottering Babell But to come againe to the argument the covenant of workes was not made with beasts but with man onely then it was not the beasts but man onely that sinned against that Covenant of workes and man onely was punished for the breach of it and not the beasts although his punishments was not only upon his person but upon his whole estate and so accidentally the beasts were punished but not as their punishment for their sinne but as mans punishment for his sinne Then if beasts have neither sinne nor punishment from what should they be redeemed but they say if all men were not redeemed how should they rise again I answer Although all men are not redeemed neither doe they all rise by vertue of redemption yet Christ by his power will raise those that are not redeemed to partake of that punishment that is due to them for acting in that sinne with their soules when the whole man broke Covenant with the Eternall God But they say it is sufficient to punish the soule eternally although the body rise not I answer if they had kept that Covenant the body should have had the benefit of it to eternity therefore because it sinned with the soule it must suffer with it eternally But they say the body riseth without sinne I answer yet if it did so the soule being filthy and comming out of hell will defile it as a just requitall to the body which defiled the cleane soule as soone as it was infused into it but I suppose the bodies of reprobates shall not rise without sinne But as the tree falls so it lies there is no repentance in the grave but the same body and no other shall arise Job 19.26 For sin shall lye downe with him in the dust Job 20.11 and having the guilt of sinne upon it As a Part of the curse it shall be raised to partake with the soule in punishment for the whole man sinned and the whole man shall be punished eternally But they say As by the sinne of one man death came upon all men and beasts so by one man came the resurrection of the dead For in Adam all dye so in Christ shall all be made alive 1 Cor. 15.21 22. Answ Beasts were but the goods of men it was man onely that sinned and was punished for all men being in Adam sinned and died for their owne sinne for it was theirs as soone as they were in him by nature so also those that are in Christ shall rise againe to grace here and to glory hereafter CHAP. III. Turne thee yet againe and see greater abominations They hold an Vniversall Redemption if not both of men and beasts yet of all men although they be already
world Iohn 17.9 Sixthly This word World is sometimes taken for all the elect that ever were or ●ver shall be Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world Iohn 1.29 Iohn 2.2 Seventhly This word World sometimes is meant the wicked of the world who are in present being The world hateth you Iohn 15 19 Eighthly The World is sometimes meant the godly in present being Behold the world is gone after him John 12.19 Ninthly This word World is sometimes taken for the elect in present being before conversion Herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Sonne to be a Propitiation for our sinnes 1 Iohn 4.10 God that purpoased to love his people from all eternity loves them actually as his creatures as soone as they have being in the world so God loved Adam and Eve when they had sinned as not to hate his owne worke in them but loved it and therefore sent them a Saviviour God so loved the world those in present being yet not as his children till he hath sent to them his Sonne and hath given them saith to receive him then as many as received him he gave power to become the Sonnes of God to them that beleeve in his name Iohn 1.12 Now let us trie whether Christ died for all these worlds if not let us see for which of these worlds he died First if Christ died for the universall world then he died for divels and for Angels that never sinned and for the creatures in the whole world yet I deny not but the Angels that never sinned and all mortall creatures have some benefit by his death in respect of establishment Isai 49.8 but I utterly deny that Christ died to redeeme any creatures but mankinde only He tooke not on him the nature of Angels but the seede of Abraham to make reconciliation for the sinnes of the people Heb. 2.16 17. To save his people from their sinnes Math. 1.21 neither can it be understood that Christ died for the world of Gentiles onely For he was sent to the lost sheepe of the house of Israel Math. 14.24 and the Angels told the Jewes saying Vnto you is borne this day a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2.10 And for the world of the elect I know none that makes question of it whether called or uncalled to the estate of grace yet in Gods due time they shall be sure to finde the benefit of it So then here lies our controversie they affirme that Christ died for all the wicked and reprobats in the world but I affirme the contrary upon these grounds First Christ died for the elect onely for saith Paul From the beginning God hath chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the spirit and beleefe of the truth 2 Thes 2.13 He saith I have chosen and ordained you that you should goe and bring forth fruite Iohn 15.16 Christ was ordained for you who doe beleeve in God seeing you have purified your soules in obeying the truth 1 Pet. 1.20 21. As many as were ordained to eternall life beleeved Acts 13.48 that is called the faith of Gods elect Tit. 1 1. Those who are predistinated he calleth justifieth and glorifieth Rom. 8.30 But Heaven is not appointed for all it shall be given to them for whom it was prepared Math. 20.23 Some stumble at the word being disobedient whereunto they were appointed 1 Pet 2 8. Some of old were ordained to this condemnation Jude 4. And some are called to inherit a Kingdome prepared for them and some are charged to depart into everlasting fire prepared for them Math. 25.34 41. Some are vessels of mercy prepared for glory and some are vessels of wrath fitted for destruction Rom. 9.22.23 Those unnaturall brute beasts were made to be destroyed 2 Pet. 2.12 Then are some ordained to salvation and others to damnation and some ordained to the meanes 〈…〉 and not others and for some heaven is prepared and for others hell is prepared then sure Christ did not dye for all and every man in the world and that world whose sinne Christ taketh away and is a Propitiation and for whose persons he is an Advocate is onely the elect which may be called a world for multitude Iohn 12.19 Revel 19.6 But then they scornfully answer saying they will reade world alwayes where they finde the word elect and elect alwayes where they finde the word World then thus saith Christ I pray for them I pray not for the elect but for those that thou hast given me out of the elect and I am no more in the elect Iohn 17.9.11 And this is condemnation that light is come into the elect Iohn 3.19 Thus changing the signification of the word World they bring in this damnable conclusion in scornfull derision of the truth of God But they say if Christ died for none but the elect then unbeleefe is no sinne and some would sin in beleeving Christ hath died for them when it is not so I answer God gave man faith at the first to beleeve that it he had done as he commanded he should have lived for ever and although man hath lost this grace of faith yet God hath not lost his power to command man to use this faith Man is to beleeve in Christ and if he doe not he sinnes against the Gospell no man can sinne in beleeving that Christ hath died for his sin when it is not so for if he truly beleeve he shall be saved and then it is so Secondly Christ did not die for all and every man in the world for he died for none but those which his Father gave him He came not to doe his owne will but the will of his Father that sent him He must doe his Fathers businesse Luke 2.49 And he must finish the worke he gave him to doe Iohn 17 4. But it is the Fathers will that all which he gave him that he should lose none Iohn 6.39 but all was not given to Christ not the world but those that thou hast given me Iohn 17.6 and God gave him no reprobates for Christ gave his eternall life to all that his Father gave him verse 2. And the Father commanded him to lay downe his life for those that he gave him Iohn 10.17.18 But if Christ had died for more then his Father gave him then it seems Christ would have more then was agreed by the Father to give him but this would fasten sinne upon Christ in not being content but to will have more then his Covenant then Christ died not for all and every man in the world but then they will grant that Christ died for no more then his Father gave him for say they All things are delivered unto him of his Father Math. 11.27 Psal 2 7.8 I answer It is true divels and reprobates are under his Regall power to rule them with a rodde of iron but none are under his Scepter of grace and glory but his elect
stand to their courtesie whether any will bee saved or not what miserable arguing is this Seventhly They say Christ dyed for all and yet all not saved because His Father made him Iudge of all John 5.27 28 29. I answer as before by this Argument he dyed for Devills and Angels that never sinned for he is the judge of all but if Christ shall slay those that will not have him to rule over them and cast unprofitable servants into utter darknesse Luke 19.22 27. and render vengeance on these that obey not the Gospel 1 Thes 1.7 8 9. Is this sufficient to prove that Christ hath bought them with his heart bloud when hee shall thus condemne nhem let all wise men judge But then they say if Christ should condemne these that he dyed not for in that he would be unjust I Answer as before If this were so then Christ were unjust to condemne the Devills or else they must prove that Christ dyed for Devills but men and Angels were all condemned for their sin against the Covenant of works and hee was not bound to send men a Saviour to redeem them and to establish those Angels that did not sin This may suffice to prove that Christ did not die for all and every man in the world CHAP. IV. They hold it unlawlull to use that Prayer of Christ Matthew 6.9 at a Prayer both by the godly and ungodly THey say the godly must not use this Prayer of Christ because the fift petition is forgive us our trespasses when as they are forgiven already and therefore ought not to pray for pardon of sin being pardoned already I Answer David a man after Gods own heart when Nathan the Prophet told him that the Lord had put away his sin yet he prayed the Lord to deliver him from bloud guiltinesse 2 Sam 12.13 Psal 51.14 and in his old age he prayed the Lord not to remember the sins of his youth and to pardon his iniquity for it is great Psal 25.7 11. And although the Lord will cleanse the house of Israel from all their uncleannesse yet for this he will be enquired of by them Ezek. 36.25 26 29 97. And they must take up words and say take away all our iniquity Hos 14.2 and the Apostles by Christ were taught daily to say forgive us our sins because we sin daily and our assurance is but for the time present and who knows how soone he may lose it and say with David and Jeremiah I am cut off Psal 31.22 Lam. 3.54 and with Iob Though thou holdest me for thine enemy and settest me as a mark for thine arrow Iob 7.20.13 24. But they say if any man lack assurance of Gods favour let him pray for it rather then for pardon of sin being done already I answer assurance of Gods favour is employed in that prayer for pardon of sin for it is sin onely that separates betweene us and our God Esay 59 2. and we should more desire the pardon of sin being an offence to God then our own comfort that comes by that pardon again the way to get assurance and to keepe it is by praying for the forgivenesse of sins for suppose we have at the present our comfortable assurance that all our sins past are forgiven yet we sin continually and every new sin is as a cloud betweene God and us and darkens our assurance of it now by this prayer we disperse and dispell these clouds which would soon deprive us of all our comfortable assurance of Gods favour therefore David prays to be clensed from all his secret sins although unknown Psal 19.12 for all sinnes will cause the Lord to hide his face from us more or lesse Esay 54.2 but they say Christ taught his Disciples to pray for pardon of sin before hee suffered because hee had then appeased the wrath of his Father yet afterward hee required no such thing but if Christ had not satisfied the wrath of God before he came in the flesh and suffered in it then I would know what became of all the Patriarks and Prophets that died before but I have often said that God made a Covenant with Christ from all Eternity to give him all the Elect as they fall in the severall ages of the World upon condition that he should give his life a ransome for them and so the Father set him a day and trusted the Son for the payment of it and gave him all the elect according to their Covenant that fell in those ages before the day of payment for the purchase and then in the fulnesse of time he paid for the purchase and now the Son trusts the Father to give him all the Elect that fall in those ages since the purchase was paid so then the death of Christ was vertuall to save those before his comming as well as those after for God was in Christ reconciling the World or multitude of the Elect in every age of the World from the first to the last to give them to Christ and so by vertue of the Covenant he was slaine from the foundation of the World Revel 13.8 Therefore it is said by Isaiah unto us a child is born Esay 6.9 And Abraham saw his day and was glad Joh. 8.58 And Christ was as pleasing to his Father before he came in the flesh as after for sayth he I was set up from everlasting then I was by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight Prov. 22.23 30. Therefore if Christ say in Jobs time I have found a ransome then he will deliver his soule from going into the pit and his life shall see the light Iob 33.24 28. so then in every age when the Father gave any to Christ his death did vertually satisfie for them they being in Christ by faith with whom the Covenant was made but they say before Christ suffered all power to forgive sins was in the Father and afterward given to him Mat. 28.18 And then and not before he got the keyes of hell and death Revel 1.18 I Answer Christ had power to forgive sin before he suffered Mat. 9.5 6. for he was King of his Church ever since that promise was made to Adam Gen. 3.15 and had the keyes of hell and death ever since although he never made it known to the world till then Rom. 16.25 and if that covenant had not been made before the covenant of works was broken by Adam all creatures had perished eternally but they say although Christ taught remission of sins after his death yet then he did not teach to pray for pardon of sinne I Answer that prayer which he had taught before was to remain to the worlds end for sayth he When you pray say forgive us our sins and to denie this were to renounce all those truths taught by him before his death and to confine our selves onely to what hee taught afterwards Again then the Doctrine of resurrection was most in question to be resolved on