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A69169 [Certein workes of blessed Cipriane the martyr, translated out of laten by J. Scory] Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage.; Scory, John, d. 1585.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. De mortalitate.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Ad Fortunatum.; Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. Epistola ad Thibaritanos. 1556 (1556) STC 6152; ESTC S111012 40,894 104

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you haue powred out your drinke offeringes and to thē you haue offered your sacrifices shal not I be angry with these thīges saieth the Lord In like maner Hieremy saith walke not after straūge goddes to serue them worshippe thē not Hiere 7. neither prouoke me thorowe the workes of your hādes to scatter you abrode Io. also in the reuelaciō saithe Apo. 14. If any doo worshippe the best and his ymage shall receue his marke in his forehead or in his hād he also shal drin ke of the wine of Goddes wrathe myngled in the cuppe of his wrathe he shal be punished with fire brymstone in the presence of the holy angels in the presence of the lambe And the smoke of their tormentes shal ascēde vp euermore Neither shal they haue any rest daye or night who so euer they be that shall worshipe the best his ymage The .iiij. chapter THat God wil not easely iꝑdon ydolaters it appeareth by Moses in Exodus the praieth for the people and yet obteyned not Oh Lorde saithe he this people haue synned a great synne Exod. 32. and made for them selues Goddes of gold yet forgeue them their sinne I beseche the yf not wipe me out of the boke which thou hast writē And the Lord said vnto Moses I will put him out of my boke that hathe synned against me In like maner whan Ieremy praied for the people the Lord spake vnto him saieng Iere. 7. Thou shalt not praie for this people thou shalt neither geue thankes nor byd praier for thē for I wil not heare them in the tyme that they shall call vpon me in the tyme of theyr troble Ezech. 14. Ezechiell also threateneth the same wrathe of God against them the synne against God saieng and the worde of the Lord came vnto me saieng Thou sonne of man whan the land sinneth against me and goeth furthe in wickednes I shall stretche out myne hād vpon it and destroy all the prouision of their bread and I will send hūger among them to destroye man best in the land And thoughe Noah Daniel Iob these .iii. mē war amōg thē yet shall they deliuer neither sonnes nor daughters but shall them selues only be saffe In likemaner in the furst boke of kings it is writē yf one man synne agaist an other 1. Reg. 2. they shal make intercession vnto the Lord for him but if a man synne against the Lord who shall praiē for him The .v. chapter THat God is soangrey with ydolatry that he hathe also cōmaunded thē to be slayne which haue entised others to offer to ydolles and to serue them we reade in the Deuteronomy Deu. 13. Yf thy brother or thyne owne sonne or thy daughter or thy wiffe the lieth in thy bosome or thy frende which is as thine owne sowle vnto the entise the secretly saiēg let vs go serue straūge goddes the Goddes of the gētiles thou shalt not cōsent vnto him nor herken vnto him neither shal thine eye spare him nor kepe him secrete but shalt vtter him Thine hande shall be first vpon him to kill him and than the handes of all the people To be short they shal stone him and he shall dye because he went about to turne thee awaye frō the Lorde thy God And agayne the Lord speaketh and sayeth that a cytie ought not to be spared althou the hole tytie shall cōsent to Idolatrie Yf thou shalt heare saye of one of thy cyties which the Lorde thy God shall geue thee to dwel in that they saye Let vs go and serue straunge Goddes whiche thou haste not knowen Thou shalt smyte kill with th edge of the sworde all that are in that cytie and thou shalt burne the cytie with fire it shall neuer more be inhabited Yea it shall neuer be buylt againe that God may turne frō his fearce wrathe And the Lorde shal shewe the mercy and haue compassiō on the and multiply the yf thou shalt heare the voice of the Lorde thy God and keape his cōmaūde mentes Mathathias beyng myndfull of the force of this cōmaūdement slewe him that came to thaltar to do sacrifice 1. Mac. 2. But yf before the comming of Christ these cōmaūdemētes touching the worshipīg of God and despising of ydolles war obscrued keapt How muche more ought they to be keapt after the comming of Christ Forasmuche as he at his comming did not exhorte vs with wordes only but also with deades which after he had suffred al maner of iniure is and reuiling wordes was also crucified to teache vs by his example bothe to suffer and die that who so euer he be that will not suffer for his sake should be vtterly wtout excuse forasmuche as he hathe suffred for vs. And seing the he hathe suffred for other mens synnes muche more ought euery mā to suffer for his owne synnes And therfore in the gospel he treatneth and saithe who so euer shal confesse me before men Math. 10. him wil I also confesse before my father which is in heauē but who so euer shall denye me before men him wil I also denye before my father which is in heauē In like maner thapostle paule saithe Yf we die together with him we shall also liue together with him 2. Tim. 2. Yf we suffer with him we shall also raygne together with him Yf we denye him he shall also denye vs. Iohan also saieth ● Ioan. 2. he that denieth the sonne hathe not the father he that confesseth the sonne hathe bothe the sonne and the father Wherfore the Lord dothe exhorte and strenghten vs to despise deathe Math. 10. saieng Feare ye not them that kil the body but can not kill the sowle but rather feare him which can kille bothe sowle and body in to hell fire Ioan. 12. And againe he saieth he that loueth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his liffe in this worlde shall preserue it vnto eternal liffe The .vi. chapter THat we which ar redēpte made aliue thorowe the blode of Christ ought to preferre no thing before Christ the Lord speaketh in the gospel and saithe he that loueth father or mother aboue me is not worthy of me Math. 10. And he that taketh not vp his crosse folowe me is not worthy of me In the Deuteronomy it is also writē in like maner Deu. 33. They that saie to father or mother I knowe the not the parents that haue not knowē their owne sōnes these haue keapt thy commaundementes and obserued thy testament Rom. 8. In like maner saieth thapostle Paule Who shall separate vs from the charite of Christ shall tribulacion or anguishe either persecution or hungar either nakednes or daunger or the sword as it is writen For thy sake are we killed al the daie long Psal 43 and are cownted as shepe appointed to be slayne Neuertheles in all these thinges we ouercome thorowe his helpe that
For it shal be geuē you in that howre what ye shall speake Math. 10 For it is not you which do speake but the spirite of the father that speaketh in you He hathe promised the yt shal be geuē offerd vs of God in that houre what we maye speake And that it is not we that thā speake but the spirite of the father which forasmuche as he neither departeth nor is separated from them the confesse doeth bothe speake ys crowned in vs. In likemaner Daniel whan he was compelled to worship the Idol Bel whome bothe the king people did than worshippe in the defence of the honour of his God Dani. 14. be brake out with the full liberte of faithe saiēg I worshippeno thing but only the Lord my God which hathe made heauē and earthe The ma●chabeis What should I speake of the bitter tormētes of the blessed martyrs in the Machabeis of the manifolde paines of the vn brethren of the mother that did bothe 01 comforte her children in the tormētes died also hereself with them Are not ther doctrines of great vertue faithe witnessed And do they not exhorte vs also thorowe their passions vnto the triumphe of martirdome The prephetes Thapostels what we ought to learne at the death of good men Mat. 2. What shal I speake of the prophetes whome the spirite hathe incorraged vnto the aforeknow●age of thinges to come What shall I saie of thapostles whome the Lord hathe chosen Haue not the inste whā they are slaine for rightfulnes sake taught vs also to dye The birthe of Christ beganne straite waies with the martyrdome of infantes and babes that so many as war two yeares olde and vnder were slayne for his name sake The age that was not yet able for the bataile was neuertheles mete to receiue the crowne that they might appear * to be innocētes Or it might appeare which are slayne for Christ the innocent infancye childhode was killed for his name sake It is nowe declared that no man is free from the daunger of persecuciō seyng that suche lytleones haue suffered martirdome What reasonable cause can any christian man haue 〈◊〉 haue no excuse that wil not beyng a seruaunt suffer seyng the Lorde himselfe hathe first suffered And that we wyl not suffer for our owne synnes when he hauyng no synne of his owne hath suffered for vs The sonne of God hathe suffered to make vs goddes sonnes And wyl not the sonne of man suffer that he maie contynue the sōne of God Yf we be hated of the worlde the hatered of the world christ suffered first Yf we suffer reuiling wordes in this worlde if we be driuen to flee yf we indure tormentes the maker Lorde of the worlde haue tasted of more grenouse paines who also warneth vs saing Yf the worlde saith he hate you Ioan. 15. remember that yt hated me first Yf you war of the world the worlde wolde loue that which war his owne Ioan. 15. But bicause ye are not of the worlde but I haue chosen you out of the world therfore doeth the world hate you Remēber the worde which I haue spoken vnto you ther is no seruaūt greater thā his Lorde Yf they haue persecuted me they shall also persecute you The Lord and our God hathe performed and done whatsoeuer he taught and can the disciple and scollar be excused that learneth yet doeth not accordingly Let none of you dearely beloued brethren be so feared with the feare of persecutyon to come or with the comming of Antichrist that houereth ouer our heades that he should not be founde armed at all pointes with thexortacions of the gospel and with the heauenly cōmaundemēts warninges Antichrist is come but Christ wil also sodēly come vpō him The ennemy murdereth and is very cruell but the Lord doeth by and by folowe to reuenge our afflictions woūdes The enemy is āgry threatneth but ther is one that can deliuer vs out of his handes He ought to be feared whose yre vēgaūce no mā cā escape according as he him selfe warneth sayeth Feare ye not them that kill the body but the sowle they can not kill Mat. 10. But feare him rather that is able to destroie bothe sowle and body in to hell Ioan. 12. And againe he saithe he that loueth his life shal lose it he that hateth his life in this worlde shal keape yt vnto eternall life And in the reuelacion he instructeth and warneth vs saing Apo. 14. yf any man worshipe the best and his image and taketh his marke in his forehed and in his hād he shall also drinke of the wine of the wrathe of God mingeled in the cuppe of his wrathe and he shal be punnished with fire and brymstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the lambe And the smoke of their tormētes goeth vp world withoute ende Neither shall any of them that worshippe the best and his image haue any rest either daie or night Vnto a temporal and world 〈…〉 and ●ight men at bothe 〈◊〉 and prepared and they counte it great glory honoure yf it maie be their chaūce to be crowned in the presence of the people in the presēce of themperor Beholde the highe and noble fight which ys beutified with an heauenly crowne wher as god maye loke vpon vs fighting and that he casting his eyes vpō thē whome he hathe vouche saued to make his childrē maye haue a plesaunt beholding and spectacle of of our battaile Whan we warre and fight with the armor of faithe God loketh vpon vs his angels do beholde vs Christ doeth approue vs. What worthye glory is it howe great felicite and happines to fight ther whearas God is the defēdar and to be crowned ther whearas Christ is iuge Let vs arme our selues most dearely beloued brethren with all our strenght let vs be prepared and made redy to the battaile with an vncorrupted mynde with a perfecte faithe and with deuoute vertue Let the armyes of God marche on and go forewarde vnto the bataille that is ●●tched against them Let the perfecte man be armed that the perfecte lose not his late consrācy Let the fallen be also armed that the fallē maye receuie againe that which be had lou Let honour prouoke the perfecte let sorowe prouoke the fallen vnto the fight and battaile The blessed Apostle doeth arme and prepare vs to the fight saieng we wrastle not against fleshe and blodde Ephe. 6. but against powres against the rulars of this darkenes of this worlde against spiritual wickednes in heauēly thinges Put you on therfore all the armor of God that ye may be able to resiste in the most wicked daye that whan ye haue performed al thinges ye may stande hauing your loynes girded with the truthe The armor and weapons of Christians clothed with the brest plate of rightfulnes and shodde that ye maye be redy to the gospel of peace taking vp the shilde of faithe wherby ye maye quenche all the firy dartes of the deuel and take the helmet of healthe and the sworde of the spirite which is the worde of God Let vs put on these armowres let vs fortifie our selues with these spiritual and heauēly defences that we maye be able in the most wicked daie to resiste and beate backe the deuels threatninges Let vs put on the brest plate of rightfulnes that our brest maye be defended and saued against the dartes of the ennemye Let vs be shodde thorowe the doctrine of the Gospell and haue our fete armed that when we shal beginne to treade and thurst downe the serpent he maye not be able to byte ouerthrowe vs. Let vs manfully bear the shylde of faythe by whose defence what soeuer the ennemye throweth against vs may be quenched Let vs also take the helmet of saluacion to couer our heades How euery member and parte of the body must be armed ▪ that our eares may be defended that they maye not heare nor geue hede vnto cruell proclamations and lawes Let our eyes be fortiyed that they beholde not the detestable and abhominable ymages Let our forehed be fensed that the marke of God may be kept safe Let the mouth be armed that the myghtye conquering tonge may acknowlege and confesse her Lord Christ Let vs also arme the ryght hande with a spiritual sworde In Cipriaenes tyme the people receiued the sacrament in their right handes that it maye manfully contemne and despise the vncleane and wicked sacrifices that that which hathe receyued the Lordes body being mindful of the thankes geuing maye in the same embrace her Lord which shal after of the same her Lorde receyue the rewarde of an heauenly crowne O howe excellent and great a daye is that that is comming moste dearely beloued brethren when the Lorde shal beginne to numbre his people and by his diuine knowlege to examine the workes of euery one to sende the gylty into hell and to condēne our persecutours vnto a perpetuall burning in the paynefull flame but vnto vs to rēder the rewarde of faythe and godlynes What maner of glorye shal that be and how great gladnes to be admitted to see goddes honour the thou maist receaue with Christ the Lord thy God the ioye of euerlasting healthe and lyght To salute Abraham Isaac and Iacob all the Patriarkes and Prophetes the Apostles Martyrs To reioyce in the delectaciō of the gyft of immortalitie with the iuste men and frēdes of God in the kingdome of heauē To receiue that ther which neither eye hath seen neyther eare hath herde ● Cor. 2. nor hath entered into the harte of man For thapostle teacheth that we shall receyue greater rewarde then either our workes or afflictions here can deserue sayeng The afflictiōs of this lyfe are not worthy of the glory Rom. 8. which shal be shewed vpon vs. When the shewyng of this glorye shall come when the charitie of God shal shyne ouer vs thā shal we be happy mery being in honour thorow the goodnes of the Lorde But alas 〈…〉
them to the bataile of persecutiō and suffering we must first of al declare that the ydolles which mā mateth for himselfe are no goddes for the thinges that are made are not greater than their mater neither can these ydolles defende and saue any man which wolde them selues peryshe from their temples except they were 〈◊〉 of man Neither ought thelementes to be worshipped which according to thordenaunce and commaūdement of God do serue man The ydolles being ouerthrowē and the maner of the lemonies declared The. 2. chap. we must shewe that the Lorde onlye ought to be worshipped To these then must we adde what is the threatning of God against them that do sacrifice to ydolles We must teache furthermore that God wil not easely pardon Idolarers And that God is so greued with Idolatrie that he hathe also cōmaunded them to be slayne which haue en●ysed men to sacrifice and serue ydolles To these muste be added that the whiche are redemed and made aly●e thorow the blood of Christ ought to ●●e ferre nothing before Christ because he preserred nothing before vs but for our sales he preferred aduersitie before prosperitie pouertie before ryches bōdage before lordship death before immortalitie Cōtrarywyse we in our sufferinges preferre the ryches and pleasures of paradise before worldlye pouertie the dominion and euerlasting kingdome before temporall bondage immortalitie before deathe God and Christ before the deuell and Antichrist We ought also to bring to remembraunce that none that are escaped out of the deuelles clouches and delyuered from the snares of the worlde shoulde desire yf they happen to fall into affliccions and troubles to go forthe againe vnto the worlde and so lose that they had escaped But rather that they ought to endure continue in faythe inthe truthe and in the perfectyon of the heuenly and spirituall grace that they maye artayne the victory and crowne We must also shewe that afflictions and persecutions doo therfore happen that we maye be tryed And that the sufferinges of wronge and batailes of persecution ought not to be feared because the Loide is more myghty to defende than the deuel is to fight against vs. And to the intent no man should be afrayde and trobled thorowe afflictiōs and persecutions which we suffer in this worlde we must proue that it was toloe beforehāde that the worlde should hate vs and that it should stire vp persecutions against vs that the truthe of Goddes promise in rewardes that shal hereafter folowe myght manifestly appeare by this self thīg in that these persecutions do happē Neither dothe any newe thing happen nowe vnto christians for asmuche as good mē from the beginning of the world haue ben persecuted the rightful haue ben oppressed and Filled of the vnrightfull Last of all we must declare what hope and what rewarde abydeth the rightfull men and martyrs after the afflictions and passyons of this liffe and that we shall receiue more in rewarde of our suffering than we suffer here in the self afflictyons The first chapter THat ydolles are no goddes and that none of thelemēs should he worshipped in goddes stede is manifest in the Cxiij psalme The ydolles of the gētiles ar gold siluer Psal 113. the workes of mens handes Mowthes haue they but they speake not they haue eyes and see not They haue eares heare not neither is ther any breath in theyr mowthe Let them be like vnto them that make them In likemaner in the boke of the wisdome of Salamon it is writen Sap. 15. They haue estemed as Goddes all thidolles of the nacions which haue neither eyes to see neither nostrels to drawe brethe neither eares to heare nor fingars on theyr handes to feale Their fete also are vnhapte and sloo to walke For man made them and he that hathe a borowed spirite fashtoned them But no man can make a God like vnto him selfe For Seing he ys mortal that is also but a deade thing which he fashioneth with vngodlye handes For he that maketh them is more excellēt than the thinges which he worshippeth We reade also in the boke of Exodus Exod. 2● ▪ Thou shall not make for thy selfe any grauen ymage neither the likenes of any thing Further as touchīg thelementes Salamon saith Neither toke they so muche regarde of the workes that ar made Sapi. 1● as to knowe who was the craftesman of them but some toke the fire some the aire some the winde some the course of the starres some the great water some the Sūne Mone for goddes But thoughe they had suche pleasure in their veauty that they thought them to haue ben Goddes yet sholde they haue knowe howe muche more fairer ys he that made them Or yf they marueled at the power and workes of them they might haue perceiued therby that he that made these mighty thinges is mightyer then they The .ij. chapter THat god only ought to be worshipped we reade in Deuterono Deu. ● Exo. 〈◊〉 Thou shalt worshippe thy Lord God and him only shalt thou serue Also in Exo dus Thou shalt haue non other gods besides me In like maner in the same boke of Deuteronomy Se now how the I I am he and that ther is no God besides me Deu. 32. I can kil and make aliue I strike and heale againe neither is ther any that can deliuer any man out of my handes Apo. 14. Iohan also in the reuelacion saithe And I sawo an Angel flie in the myddes of heauē hauing an euerlstaing gospel to praethe vnto them that litte and dwelle on thearthe and to all nacions kinreds tonges and people saing with a loude voice Feare God rather and giue honour to him for the howre of his iugement is com and worshippe him that made heauen and earthe the sed and all that in them ys In like maner also the Lord maketh mentyon in the gospell of the first and second comaūdement saing He are Israel The Lord thy God ys one Lord And thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with all thy harte Math. 22. and with al thy sowle and with al thy strenght This ys the first commaundement and the second ys like vnto this Thou shalt loue thy neyghboure as thy selfe In these two cōmaundementes-consisteth the host lawe ꝑphetes And againe This is eternall liffe Ioan. 17. that they should knowe the alone the true God Iesus Christ whome thou hast sent The .iij. chapter VVhat God threatneth to thē the do sacrifice to ydols we maye reade in Exodus thus Exod. 22. He the offereth vnto any goddes saue to the Lord only shal be roted out Also in the Deu teronomye Deu. 32. They offered vnto druels and not vnto God Esa 2. In like maner in Esay They worshipped the Idolles which their owne fingars had made Ther kneleth the man ther falleth the man downe before them so that thou canst not bring him awaye frō thēce And againe To them