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A34877 A supplement to Knowledge and practice wherein the main things necessary to be known and believed in order to salvation are more fully explained, and several new directions given for the promoting of real holiness both of heart and life : to which is added a serious disswasive from some of the reigning and customary sins of the times, viz. swearing, lying, pride, gluttony, drunkenness, uncleanness, discontent, covetousness and earthly-mindedness, anger and malice, idleness / by Samuel Cradock ... useful for the instruction of private families. Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706. 1679 (1679) Wing C6756; ESTC R15332 329,893 408

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of thy Father the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Now Christ told the Sadducees that God is not the God of the dead but of the living Matth. 22.32 God so stiling himself their God sheweth that their souls did still live though separated from their bodies and also that their bodies should be raised again and both souls and bodies being re-united should live for ever * Deus est Deus Abrahae s●il totius God is the God of the whole man and not a part only And thus much for the proof of this Article out of the old Testament But the new Testament doth more clearly assert this Doctrine life and immortality being in a more evident manner brought to light by the Gospel as the Apostle tells us 2 Tim. 1.10 To give some few places of many that might be brought for the proof hereof Matth. 25.46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the Righteous into life eternal John 3.16 36. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Mark 10.30 But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time and in the world to come eternal life John 12.25 He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal 1 Thes 4.17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall we ever be with the Lord 2 Cor. 5.1 For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens John 17.27 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me Having thus shewed that everlasting life is plainly asserted both in the old and new Testament I come now to shew that there are three degrees of this everlasting life held forth to us in the Scriptures 1. There is a life eternal Initial which is the life of grace John 3.36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life that is hath it begun in him hath the earnest of it in his Soul 2. There is a Partial life eternal which is the life which belongeth to the Soul when it is separated from the body 'T is the happiness which the souls of the Righteous enjoy between the time of death and the day of Judgment The Scripture is abundant in asserting this kind of life eternal which the separated soul injoys in the other world Eccles 12.7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it Matth 10.28 Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the Soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell Luke 12.4 Be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they can do But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear Fear him who after he hath killed hath power to cast into Hell yea I say fear him Heb. 12.23 To the general assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect Luke 23.43 Our Saviour said to the penitent Thief To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luke 23.46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice he said Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit and having said thus he gave up the Ghost Acts 7.59 And they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit Phil. 1.23 For I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and to he with Christ which is far better 1 Pet. 3.19 By which also he went and preached to the Spirits now in Prison Rev. 6.9 10. And when he had opened the fifth Seal I saw under the Altar the Souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the Testimony which they held And they cried with a loud voice saying How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth 3. There is a life eternal Perfectional which shall be conferred on the Saints after the re-union of their Souls and Bodies Matth. 25.34 46. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World Then shall the Righteous go into life eternal Now this perfectional life everlasting which will be the portion of the Saints at the last day is such a life as shall be free from all evil and full of all good 1. Free from the evil of sin The Souls of the Just shall then be made perfect 2. The evil of temptation There was a Tempter in Paradise there will be none in Heaven 3. The evil of affliction All tears shall be wiped from your eyes Rev. 7.17 2. This life shall be full of all good 1. Their Vnderstandings shall have a clear knowledge sight and vision of God 2. Their Wills shall be perfected and adorned with an absolute and indefective holiness 3. Their Affections shall be set right with an unalterable regularity 4. They shall injoy an uninterrupted communion with God 5. They shall be blessed in their company 6. And lastly They shall have this blessedness secured to them without fear of ever losing it or being deprived of it But though the Saints shall enjoy such an eternal life in bliss as we have before described yet it shall not be so with the wicked Eternal life in misery will be their portion They shall be tormented 1. With the pain of loss 2. With the pain of sense 3. With the worm of Conscience a tormenting reflection on their former folly 4. With despair of ever coming out of that woful misery which is the very Hell of Hell But of these things I have spoken more largely in the former Treatise pag. 130. It remaines therefore now that I shew what improvement we are to make of this Article and then I shall shut up this discourse 1. We may from hence learn how inexcusable they are who hazard and expose their souls and bodies to eternal torments for a short satisfaction of their bruitish lusts 2. We should consider that there is no concern we have in the World that should lie so near our hearts as the making our peace with God upon sure and safe grounds 3. From hence we may learn how highly we ought to prize the blood of Christ and his undertaking by which alone we can escape the wrath that is to come 4. It may shew us how we ought to pity those who are running on in a full carreer
mutable Creature that he should fall It was most congruous that God having made such a Creature as Man furnished with such powers and capable of being governed by a Law and of being moved by promises and threats should for some time hold him in a state of tryal unconfirmed that it might be seen how he would behave himself towards his Creator and that he should be rewardable or punishable accordingly in a state that should be everlasting and unchangeable But if any shall further inquire into the manner of this first defection 't is most probable there was in the instant of temptation a suspension of the understanding's Act not only as previous to the sin but as a part of it and thereupon a suddain precipitation of Will as Estius determins But let us not too curiously inquire into this matter 'T is wholsom counsel that one gives that we should labour rather to get sin out of our Souls than trouble our selves how it came in For as a man that falls into a deep Ditch or Pond 't is Austin's similitude does not lie there considering how he fell in but labours speedily to get out so it should be with us in this case 4. Let us consider what were the sad effects and consequents of this sin and breach of Gods Covenant First Upon our first Parents Secondly Upon us their Posterity 1. Our First Parents were hereby deprived of their Original Righteousness and Communion with God 2. They became depraved and corrupted inclin'd to evil and indisposed to good 3. They brought themselves under an estate of wrath were driven out of Paradise and were made liable to death both Temporal and Eternal And though they were reprived for the present from suffering the penalty the Law requires yet 1. Sorrows were inflicted on the Woman in Child-bearing Under which we may comprehend her sorrows in breeding bearing bringing-forth and bringing up her Children 2. Sorrow also was inflicted upon the Man Gen. 3.17.18 Cursed is the ground for thy sake in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the dayes of thy life Thorns and Thistles shall it bring forth In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat thy bread c. 3. His Dominion over the Creatures was much impaired 4. He was rendred utterly unable to help out of this miserable estate 2. Let us consider the sad effects of Adams fall in reference to us 1. We were involved in the guilt of his first transgression For the Covenant was not made with Adam only but with all mankind who where seminally or radically in him We were not indeed then personally in him for we were not then Natural Persons but we were in him seminally and virtually And God may justly reck●n us to have been seminally in him because our Essence was to be deriv●d from him And as when a man is guilty no part of him is innocent so we were guilty of ●dams first sin so far forth as we were parts of him and in him As Levi is said to have payed Tythes in Abraham because he was in the Loins of his Father Abraham when Melchizedech met him Heb. 7.9 10. though he was born some Generations after him on the same groun● it may well be inferred that all Adams posterity did eat of the forbidden fruit in him because they were all at that time in his Loins And the Apostle speaks to the same purpose Rom. 5.12 By one man sin entred into the World c. In whom * E●● in q●● h●● viro non mu●ie●e q●●d vir sit praecipuu● a●●●or posteritatis tam ●si m●lio p●i●●est la●sa ●raim all have sinned If a Father by Treason forfeit his Estate no wonder if his Children de deprived of it 2. We were hereby d●prived of Original Righteousness Rom. 3.23 All have sinned that is in Adam and so come short of the glory of God that is are depriv'd of his glorious Image which in mans first creation was stamped upon him By reason of that first sin of Adams whereof all are guilty want of Original righteousness and depravation of Nature are come upon us as a just punishment of Adams transgression and are the sad consequents of it Therefore some say that God now deprives Souls of Original Righteousness Non qua Creator sed qua Judex 3. Instead of Original Righteousness a corrupt disposition and vitiosity of Nature was imparted to all their Posterity descending from them by ordinary Generation The Soul is now propense to evil because it wants that rectitude that should regulate it As sickness besides the depriving us of health affects our bodies with corrupt humors Mr. Cotton on Eccles 11 Vers 5 holds that God forms the Soul of man of the Spirituous part of the seed of the Parents and so Original corruption is naturally propagated from the Parents to the Children This corrupt disposition is called The old Man Rom. 6.6 The sin dwelling with us Rom. 7.17 It is called Flesh as opposite to grace Rom. 7.18 The Law of the Members Rom. 7.23 Body of sin Rom. 6.6 The body of death Rom. 7.24 Lastly A mans own lust James 1.14 In which place by the next words following 't is plainly distingui●hed from actual sin as being expr●sly affirmed to be the procreant cause of it So that by this Original corruption all our Faculties are depraved 1. Our Minds blinded 2. Our Wills rendred averse to that which is good 3. Our Memories unfaithful to retain what is good but too tenacious of evil 4. Our Consciences defiled 5. Our Affections disordered These are some of the sad Consequents of Adams First transgression 4. We are cast under the wrath and curse of God Besides the effects of this wrath and curse upon our Souls of which before our bodies are now liable to diseases and deformities and all our enjoyments and every condition of our lives is subj●ct to a curse And which is most deplorable we are liable by reason of our sins to Eternal wrath and misery 5. We are hereby rendred utter unable to help our selves Rom. 5.6 The Law exacts perfect and perpetual obedience under a curse Gal. 3.10 Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them Now here observe Two things 1. What the Scripture speaks concerning mans Impotency and inability to help himself out of this miserable condition wherein he is by Nature 1. He is said to be meer darkness Eph. 5.8 Ye were sometimes darkness sayes the Apostle to the Converted Ephesians but now ye are light in the Lord And 1 Cor. 2.14 But the Natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God For they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 2. To have a heart of stone Ezek. 36.26 3. To be enthralled under the Dominion of sin and Satan Acts 26.18 4. To be dead in sins and trespasses Eph. 2.1.5 5. To be without strength in Spiritual things Rom.
pierced Now our Saviour was actually condemned and delivered up to that kind of death by Pilate who gave sentence it should be as the Jews required and they required he should be Crucified There are three things observable concerning Crucifixion 1. 'T was a painful death The hands and feet which of all parts of the body are most nervous and consequently most sensible were pierced through with nailes which caused a lingring and tormenting death 2. 'T was an ignominious * 'T was servile supplicium Thieves and Robbers were usually by the Romans punished with this kind of death death and therefore among the Romans inflicted upon their Slaves and fugitives 3. A cursed death as 't is written Deut. 21.13 Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree Having premised these things let us now consider what are the instructions we should learn from this Article that our Saviour was Crucified 1. Christ hath hereby redeemed us from the curse of the Law being made a curse for us Gal. 3.13 that is he hath indured that most shameful death of the Cross which was accounted accursed and inglorious 2. Christ hath blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us and taken it out of the way nailing it to his Cross One ancient custome as they tell us of Cancelling Bonds was by striking a nail through the writing Our Saviours Crucifixion hath done this for us 3. Seeing Christ was Crucified for us we should in imitation thereof labour to Crucifie sin in our selves Our old man must be Crucified that the body of sin may be destroyed We must remember that those that are Christs must crucifie the flesh with its affections and lusts Gal. 5.24 4. We should often meditate on the bitter Cup our Saviour drank and on those nails that pierced his hands and feet that so we may be the more ready and willing to suffer for him We should consider how he humbled himself and became obedient unto death even the death of the Cross teaching us thereby to humble our selves and with patience to bear the lowest condition for his sake and to imitate him who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross and despised the shame We come now to the next word in the Creed viz. He Dyed Our Saviour was not only nailed to the Cross but died thereon He suffered upon the Cross a dissolution and died a true and proper death Dead He died for our sins according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.3 He was cut off from the Land of the Living Isa 53.7 8 10. and made his Soul that is his life an offering for sin He said Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit and having said so he gave up the ghost Luke 23.26 'T is true Christ did voluntarily die for he saith no man taketh away my life from me but I lay it down of my self John 10.18 That is He laid not down his life by a necessary compulsion but by a voluntary election He took upon him a necessity of dying for our benefit But the Jews were the causes of his death and by wicked bands crucified him Acts 2.23 and slew him and hanged him on a tree Acts 5.30 They are truly said to have done it because by their incessant importunity they prevailed with Pilate to do it Our Saviour therefore being truly put to death and suffering a real dissolution let us consider what union was dissolved by his death and what continued In Christ there were two different substantial unions One of the parts of his humane nature each to other in which his humanity consisted and by which he was truly man the other of his natures divine and humane by which it came to pass that he was both God and Man in the same person Now the union of the parts of his humane nature was dissolved on the Cross and a real separation made between his Soul and Body But yet there was no disunion of either of them from his Deity The union of the natures remained still nor was the Soul or Body though separated one from the other separated from the Divinity but still remained united unto it When he cried out My God My God why hast thou forsaken me it intimates no more but that he was bereft of those joys and comforts from the Deity which were necessary to asswage the bitterness of his present Agony Having thus shewed that our Saviour did really die Let us now inquire why it was needful he should die 'T was requisite for these reasons 1. That the new Covenant or Testament might be ratified by his blood Where a Testament is there must needs be the death of the Testator Heb. 9.16 2. That he might perform that part of his Priestly Office which required the shedding of his blood For without shedding of blood there is no remission Heb. 9.22 Therefore Christ our Passeover must be Sacrificed for us 1 Cor. 5.7 3. If he would redeem us he must give himself a ransom for us 1 Pet. 1.18 19. For we being enemies could not be reconciled to God but by the death of his Son Col. 1.21 And by his death he hath destroyed him that had the power of death that is the Devil Heb. 2.15 By his death was our redemption wrought as by the price that was paid as by the atonement which was made as by the full satisfaction that was given that God might be reconciled to us who was before offended with us and Buried Thus we have seen what our Saviour died on the Cross And as he really died by the separation of his Soul from his Body so his body was carried and laid up in a Sepulchre hewn out of the Rock in which never man was before laid This the Evangelists do sufficiently testify Now that the Messias was to be buried was typified by Jonas who was three dayes and three nights in the Whales belly And accordingly the Son of Man was to be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth * He is said to be three dayes and three nights in the Grave the whole time or space of three dayes being put for a part of it by a synecdoche see my Harm Ch. 6. pag. 266. Mat. 12.40 The Psalmist intimates as much Psal 16.9 My flesh shall rest in hope for thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell (a) My Soul In Hell that is my dead body in the Grave see the next §. nor suffer thine holy one to see corruption Isay 53.9 He was cut off out of the land of the living He made his Grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death Christ being put to death his body was by Joseph of Arimathea begged of Pilate and by him and Nicodemus one of their great Council taken down and wound in fine linnen with spices as the manner of the Jews was to bury and laid in a new Sepulchre in a Garden nigh the place of his execution and a great
dead body In all which places the word rendred here the dead or dead body is Nephesh And Anima is used pro cadavere in Virgils Aeneiad 3. animamque Sepulchro condimus And as the word Nephesh sometimes signifies a dead body and might have been so rendred in Psal 16.8 so the word Sheol there rendred Hell does also sometimes signifie the grave As Psal 55. v. 15 Let death seise upon them and let them go down quick into Hell Psal 141.7 Our bones are scattered at the graves mouth where the word Sheol signifies the grave and not a place or receptacle of Souls under the earth And let this be further considered that these words are to be understood only of Christs Resurrection as appears plainly by the Apostles drift v. 31. and prove not at all the deliverance of his Soul out of Hell but of his body from the Grave And if the words instead of Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell had been rendred thus as the Hebrew words as we have shewn will well bear thou wilt not leave my dead body in the Grave nor suffer thine holy one to see Corruption there had been no pretence to alledge this place to prove Christs descent into Hell Having thus examined their Scripture-grounds for this Doctrine I come now to consider the ends assigned by them why our Saviour should thus descend And those are two 1. Some hold that he descended into Hell to deliver the Souls of the Patriarchs detained till then as they suppose in limbo Patrum that is in an out-skirt or outward region * The Papists divide Hell into four Regions 1. The Hell of the Damned or place of everlasting torments 2. Purgatory where they say the Souls of such as were not sufficiently purged from their sins in this life are detained for the thorow purging of them And are there in torment equal for the time to that of the damned 3. Limbus infantium a place where they suppose such children are disposed of as die without Baptism whom they suppose to suffer the loss of H●aven and heavenly happiness but no pain or torment 4. Limbus patrum Where in like manner the Fathers before Christ as they suppose were detained though suffering no pain yet wanting the joys of H aven And they say Christs Soul when it was separated from his Body descended thither to deliver them f●om thence and to carry them to Heaven of Hell where they suffered no pain indeed yet wanted the joys of heaven I Answer There is no ground to believe that the Souls of the Patriarchs or other Righteous Persons that died before the coming of Christ were kept in any place below which can be called hell or limbus Patrum Abraham's bosom surely was in the Heavens above far from any region where the Devil and his Angels were Elias was carried up in a Chariot to Heaven and our Saviour sayes Many shall come from the East and West and shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 8.11 And surely the Kingdom of Heaven is no region of Hell This also must be remembred that Christs death was efficacicous for the Salvation of Believers before his coming as well as since he being a Lamb slain in the decree of God from the beginning And therefore no necessity to place the Patriarchs in limbo our Saviour having by his Allsufficient merits and intercession provided a better place for them 2. Others say that the end of our Saviours descent into Hell was to triumph over Satan and all the powers below within their own dominions And the places of Scripture they bring to prove it are Col. 2.14 15 He blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross And having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in it And Ephes 4.8 Wherefore he saith when he ascended up on High he led Captivity Captive and gave gifts unto men I Answer From these two places of Scripture no more can be proved than this that Christ triumphed over Principalities and Powers at his death upon the Cross and led Captivity Captive at his ascension into Heaven And if the places be well weighed I believe they will be so far from proving that Christ descended into Hell to triumph there that they will appear more proper to perswade the contrary For why shoud he go to Hell to triumph over them over whom he had triumphed on the Cross And why should he go to Captive that Captivity then which he was to lead Captive when he ascended into Heaven And further in vain shall we pretend that Christ descended into Hell to lead Captivity Captive if we withal maintain that when he descended thither he brought none away that were Captive there And for his triumphing over his enemies in Hell surely the Prophet David intended no such thing when he said Acts 2.26 27. Therefore did my heart rejoyce and my tongue was glad because thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell He speaks of it as a matter of joy and gladness as a matter of great benefit not to be left there But can it be accounted a benefit or matter of joy to any one not to be left or permitted to stay in that place to which he came purposely that he might triumph over his adversaries whom he had conquered surely no. So that there seems not to be any sufficient ground to assign either of these for the ends of his supposed descent But to come closer to the matter none need trouble themselves to find out ends why our Saviour should descend thither seeing there is no express place in the Scripture where the Holy Ghost sayes that Christ did descend into Hell the place of the damned The four Evangelists that wrote the History of our Saviour make no mention of his going to any such place The Apostle Paul 1 Cor. 15.1 2. mentions Christs Death Burial and Resurrection but not a word of his descent into Hell This was no part of the Gospel which Paul Preached And for the further clearing of this matter let us consider these things 1. His God-head could not descend being every where present as we said before 2. His Body was laid in the Grave 3. His Soul went not to Hell but immediately to Paradise the place of joy and bliss Luke 23.43 This day sayes our Saviour to the penitent Thief shalt thou be with me in Paradise These things being premised I see not that this article of Christs descent can be understood of his Soul either metaphorically or really Others therfore understood it of his body And here also is some difference For some by Christs descending into Hell understand only his burial because in those Creeds where this Article of Christs descent was expressed there is no mention of his Burial but it is wholly omitted Thus the Athanasian Creed who
that the Assizes drew nigh at which he could not expect but to be condemned surely above all things in the world he would endeavor to get his pardon 3. Let us seek it as those who are not content to be put off with any thing else besides it And to encourage us hereunto let us consider 1. God is ready to pardon He hath sworn that he delights not in the death of a sinner 2. Christ died for this very purpose to redeem us and when he was on the earth he complained that people would not come to him and believe in him that by him they might have life 3. All means of grace afforded to us are intimations that God intends us mercy if we be not wanting to our selves 4. All good motions and stirrings of the Spirit of God in our hearts are significations of his good will towards us 5. And lastly As vile or viler sinners then we are have obtained pardon and why then should not we encourage our selves to seek after pardon while it may be obtained SECT V. Of the Resurrection of the Body The Resurrection of the Body THis is one of the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ Heb. 6.2 'T is set before the Eternal Judgment which will adjudge men to their eternal state because 't is previous to it The Scripture speaks of a two-fold Resurrection 1. A Metaphorical Resurrection viz. that of the Soul out of the state of Sin and Spiritual Death Of this the Apostle speaks Ephes 2.1 Ye that were sometimes dead in Sins and Trespasses and Col. 2.13 You that were dead in your sins hath he quickned Grace Righteousness and Holiness is the Spiritual life of the Soul and where these are wanting there must needs be a spiritual death in sin Rom. 8.6 to be carnally minded is death but the Spirit is life because of Righteousness verse 10. that is the Soul is alive Spiritually when it is partaker of righteousness and grace Our Souls therefore must first rise from their state of death in sin to the new life of grace if we desire to have a part in the glorious Resurrection of the body to eternal life of of which I am to speak afterward and as the Apostle sayes Rom. 6.4 As Christ was raised from the dead so must we be raised from the death of sin that we may walk in newness of life 2. The Scripture speaks of a real Resurrection viz. of our bodies namely of the same body that died which shall be raised again and re-united to the same soul that at death departed from it This resurrection of the body is that which we profess to believe in this Article And to confirm our faith therein let us consider these two things 1. God can do it He can raise our bodies when dead to life again 2. He has declared he will do it 1. God can do it For he is Omnipotent Therefore saith our Saviour to the Sadducees who denied the Resurrection * Acts 26.8 Luke 18 27. Eph. 1 1●.13 Ye do erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God Mat. 22.29 And the Apostle Acts 26.8 reasons thus Why should it be thought a thing impossible that God should raise the dead He that could make this World out of nothing at first undoubtedly can raise up mans body again which though it have suffered many changes and transmutations yet is not turned into nothing Though the parts of mans body be dissolved yet they perish not The first dust out of which man was made was as far from being flesh as any ashes or dust now can be And God who is Omniscient knows how to distinguish the dust of one mans body from anothers And being Omnipotent can give to every body what belongs to it to make it the same numerical Body again This he can do according to the mighty working That Parable Ezekiel 37. Where by reviving dead bones is shewed that God would certainly rest●re the p●ople of Israel out of captivity that Parable I say supposes the Resurrection of the Dead as a thing well known and certainly believed by that people whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself Phil. 3.21 Abraham thought it possible Heb. 11.18 19. When he really intended to Sacrifice his Son Isaac accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the Dead Job not only thought it possible but firmly believed it and spake of it with assurance Job 19. verse 25. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth verse 26. And though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God verse 27. Whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another though my reins be consumed within me Martha doubted not of it John 11.24 For speaking of her brother Lazarus then dead She said I know that he shall rise again in the Resurrection at the last day And indeed there are many things in nature that seem to carry a resemblance of it When we go to sleep solemnly commending our selves to Gods pardoning mercy in Christ and to his gracious protection we do as it were lye down in our graves our sleep is a great resemblance of death and our rising in the morning of the Resurrection The Sun sets every night and disappears yet rises joyfully in the morning The Seed that we sow first dies before it be quickned 1 Cor. 15.56 The earth receiveth the bare seed and by corrupting it restoreth it in a better fashion than she took it in The Seed s●wn is so far from perishing that it rises up far more beautiful Whereas it was sown dry and hard it springs up fresh and green So why should it seem incredible that our bodies shall rise from corruption with far more excellent qualities than they had before God can raise them that is our first Argument 2. God hath declared that he will do it and that is abundantly sufficient to induce us to believe it Observe these Scriptures for the proof of it Dan. 12.2 And many * That is all shall arise and they will be many not a few For many is not opposed to all here but to few Romans 5.19 By the disobedience of one man many i. e. not a few were made sinners For all were made sinners of them that slept in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt John 5.28 29. Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth they that have done good unto the Resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the Resurrection of damnation Acts 24.15 And I have hope towards God which they themselves also allow that there shall be a Resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust Luke 14.14 Thou shalt be recompenced at the
Resurrection of the just John 6.39 And this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day verse 40. And this is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day 1 Thes 4.14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him Verse 15. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep verse 16. For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ sholl rise first Let us now consider what improvement we should make of this doctrine 1. Let us take heed of erring about this doctrine Let us take heed of the leven of the Sadducees who said there was no resurrection Acts 23.8 There are two sorts of persons that exceedingly erre about this doctrine 1. Those that affirm that there is no other Resurrection but that which is Spiritual viz. that of the soul from the death of sin This was the error of Hymenaeus and Philetus 2 Tim. 2.17 18. They acknowledged no other Resurrection but the renovation of the mind which passes upon a man in this life Now this Spiritual Resurrection is limited only to true Believers but the Corporal belongs to all that are in the Graves of whom our Saviour says John 5.29 They shall all come forth some to life and some to damnation which cannot possibly be meant of the Spiritual Resurrection and therefore there is another besides that 2. Those that say the same numerical body that died shall not rise again but some new airy body not flesh and blood bones and sinews as ours are made up of But this is a great error For 1. If the same bodies do not arise then 't is not a Resurrection but a new Creation I acknowledge 't is not necessary they should arise with every parcel and particle of flesh they ever had or had when they dyed but they shall rise with so much of their bodies as shall make them the same numerical bodies that died As a man in the Wars if he lose an arm or a leg yet we say and say truly he is the same man still that he was before So the dead shall rise with so much of their bodies as shall when reunited to their souls make them the same persons they were before 2. Our Saviour sayes all that are in the Graves shall come forth that is surely the same bodies that lay there and not other bodies for them Rev. 20.13 'T is said the Sea shall render up its dead surely not new bodies but the old bodies that were buried there 3. The Bodies of true Believers as well as their Souls are united to Christ and thereby made the Temples of the Holy Ghost as the Apostle assures us 1 Cor. 6.19 And can you think Christ will lose any one of his members he assures us to the contrary John 6.39 r 40. 4. The Apostle tells us this corruptible this mortal shall put on incorruption and immortality 1 Cor. 15.53 Therefore the same bodies that are now mortal and must die shall be raised And indeed the Apostle plainly shews all along in that excellent discourse of the Resurrection that he intends that the same body that dyed should rise again 5. It seems most agreeable to the Justice of God that it should be so viz. that the same numerical body that was the souls instrument either in good or evil actions either in works of Righteousness or Sin should partake with the Soul also in its rewards or punishments shall they that beat down their bodies and bring them into subjection or suffer Martyrdom in their bodies for the cause of Christ be rewarded in other bodies than those that thus suffered Or shall that body and flesh of a wicked man which was so great an instrument of his soul in sinning against God and dishonouring of him and hurting others be dissolved into dust and shall another body be framed for that miserable soul to suffer with it those exquisite torments that the damned must suffer for ever Surely this cannot be Therefore it seems most agreeable to the Justice and Providence of God that every one should receive either reward or punishment in his own body which he had here in this life 6. Christ hims●lf did rise with his own body viz. with that body that had been crucified And others that had slept in their Graves did come forth thence at our Saviours Resurrection and surely they came forth with those very bodies that slept there and not with new bodies Matth. 27.52 53. * We have here the first fruits of the resurrection to confi●m our faith And so much of the first use 2. Let us labour to strengthen our Faith in the belief of this Article And in order hereunto let us consider 1. This Article was that which many faithful Christians were ready to suffer Martyrdom for and to seal with their own blood 1 Cor. 15.29 else what shall they do or what shall become of them that are baptized that is that suffer Martyrdom * For so the word to be Baptized signifies sometimes as Mark 38. and the praepos 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies for Acts 9.16 See Apost hist page 182. for the dead namely for professing to believe the Resurrection of the dead And why stand we in jeopardy every hour viz. of the like Baptism for the same profession either from pers●cuting Sadducees who allow no Resurrection or from the furious Jews who deny Christ to be risen 2. This Article is a great foundation of a Christians hope 1 Pet. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead For if in this life only we had hope we were of all men most miserable 1 Cor. 15.19 3. This Doctrine tends much to the illustrating the infinite wisdom power justice and mercy of God 4. It teaches us how much we owe to our Lord and Saviour who hath redeemed our bodies as well as our souls and will save our bodies as well as our souls 3. If there will be a Resurrection let us not bewail the death of our pious friends with too much sorrow or concernment Their bodies are but laid up for a glorious Resurrection 4. The consideration and belief of the Resurrection should strengthen us against the fear of our own death As God said to Jacob Gen. 46.3 4. Fear not to go down into Egypt for I will go with thee and bring thee
his spirit 4. They are such who by the assistance of grace do labour to mortifie their inward lusts and to purifie their hearts from secret sins 5. They are such in whose hearts the interest of God prevailes above the interest of the World or of the Flesh 6. They are such who labour to be holy in all manner of conversation 1. To be religious towards God 2. Righteous towards men 3. Sober and temperate in the government of themselves 4. Diligent and faithful in the discharge of their relative duties 7. They are such as truly love all the people of God and such as are true members of Christs holy Catholick Church 8. They are such as labour to be sincere in all that they do 9. They are such as labour to be watchful over themselves viz. over their thoughts over their affections over their words over their actions and over their aims and ends 10. They are such as in their Judgments do approve the wayes of God as most eligible and most safe 11. They do consent to and own the Covenant they were entred into in their Baptism And these are the characters or marks of such as are Converted Now if any one on serious examination of himself do find that there is any seed or principle of true grace in him and that it is the sincere purpose of his heart to walk with God then he ought to encourage himself to come to this Ordinance which was instituted to strengthen the weak Christian And so much of the duties which are to be performed before you come to this holy Ordinance I come now to shew what are the duties required of you in the time of receiving Which are these 1. Carefully avoid distractions as much as possibly you can through the whole administration and gird up the loyns of y●ur mind and be intent upon the work you are about 2. Labour to quicken and excite and awaken in your souls these following graces 1. Awaken repentance and a bleeding sorrow in thy heart for all thy sins past and especially for those that sit heaviest upon thy conscience Say to thy soul in some such soliloquies as these O my soul that ever I should have been such a vile wretch that I should have so grievously offended my merciful and bountifull Creator O what a mercy is it that I am out of Hell God might have cut me down in my sins and cast me down into the Lake of fire and brimstone And has he hitherto spared me and does he now offer me a pardon sealed with the blood of his dear Son O the unsearchable riches of his free grace and mercy O my soul how should this melt thee into penitent tears How should this consideration make thee loath and hate every sin that thou hast ever been guilty of and make thee willing to renounce and forsake them all and to turn to God in sincere obedience 2. Awaken and excite a spiritual appetite in thy self Say to thy soul Happy yea thrice happy O my soul are they whose sins are forgiven and whose iniquities are covered blessed are they to wh●m God will not impute their transgressions but will pardon them in and through his Son Yea happy are they whose justification is testified to their consciences by their Sanctification and by their sincere desire and endeavor to walk before God in all holy obedience O my soul that this may be my portion whatever God denies me else in this world Oh that this may be a day wherein I may have a clear manifestation of Gods pardoning mercy made to my Soul Oh that I may receive a plentiful effusion of the graces of the Spirit into my heart O that my lusts and corruptions may be mortified and subdued O that I may be enabled to do all my duties better than ever I have done O that I may be more watchful over mine heart and tongue and all my wayes than ever I have been O that my soul may depart much bettered much revived comforted and strengthned from this holy Ordinance 3. Awaken Faith Say to thy self O my Soul it is not a confident and groundless perswasion that Christ will save thee that is the faith now required of thee But thou must humbly cast thy self at Christs feet and seriously and deliberately own and acknowledge him for the only Saviour of mankind and humbly cast thy self on the free mercy of God and his merits and intercession for the obtaining the pardon of all thy sins and must consent to take him for thy Lord as well as thy Saviour and be willing he should rule in thee by his holy Spirit and govern thee by his Laws O my Soul willingly freely deliberately surrender thy self to him to be pardo ed in his blood to be sanctified by his spirit go to him trust in him for grace as well as pardon And though thou hast before given up thy self to him and by acts of Faith united thy self to him yet labour now to excite and put forth stronger acts of faith and affiance in him that thou maist be more firmly united unto him Say Lord I come to thee sweet Saviour I give my Soul here anew to thee Take it wash it in thy precious blood from the g●ilt of all my sins and sanctifie it by thy holy spirit Thou hast said whoever comes unto thee thou wilt in no wise cast out O receive me though an unworthy wretch O absolve me from the guilt of all my sins of every sort and kind O keep my poor Soul that I now commit unto thee unto eternal life There in no other name given under Heaven whereby I can be saved Therefore I do profess and declare that thy merits obedience and sufferings I do alone depend on and abide by for my reconciliation and peace with God and do now renew my Covenant that I was entred into in my Baptism resolving by thy grace to be for ever thine 4. Awaken excite and stir up thy heart in love to God and to Jesus Christ Say to thy self O my Soul how great is the love of God in sending his only Son to dye to save poor lost Sinners He did not thus for the Angels that fell O how great is the love of Christ who would stoop so low That the eternal Son of God should take our nature and be born of a poor Virgin that he should dye and suffer and endure so much for poor worms for enemies that he should sweat drops of blood in the Garden in his agony that he should have his precious body thus broken and his blood shed to redeem us Was there ever love like this O my Soul what hath been done by thee in return for all this love O my sweet Jesus thou art worthy of all love and service from me though mine heart is base and disingenuous and is not sufficiently affected with thy love Thou art infinitely lovely though my heart loves thee not as it ought to do Thou wast exceeding
lovely and amiable even in thine humiliation in this World but O how glorious art thou now triumphing in heaven O how beneficial are thy merits how desirable are thy graces O let that fulness of grace that is poured forth without measure on thee flow down to us thy poor members O my Soul imagine now thou sawest thy sweetest Saviour nailed on the Cross his body torn with the nails and his side pierced with a Spear Canst thou chuse but love him who endured so much to redeem thee from eternal misery The Apostle Paul ravished with the love of Christ cryes out If any man love not the Lord Jesus let him be anathema maranatha The penitent woman in the Gospel to whom much was forgiven loved much Luke 7.47 And shall it not be so with thee Now consider O my Soul Christ sayes if ye love me keep my commandments If thou love him love him in sincerity and delight to please him Love his person highly value his merits love his ordinances love his graces love his commands O my Soul canst thou upon all these considerations say with Peter Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest that I love thee 5. Excite in thy self love to all Christians to all the members of Christ Pray earnestly that the Lord would protect them and defend them that he would be pleased to perfect holiness more and more in their hearts and unite them more and more one to another in his truth and in the bond of love and make them more exemplary in a holy conversation and supply them with all needful outward mercies and conduct them safe to his heavenly Kingdom 6. Excite love in thy Soul to thy very enemies say to thy self O my Soul thou must forgive if thou expectest to be forgiven Thy dear Saviour requires this of thee Matth. 6.14 If ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you Verse 15. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses If thou expectest to be forgiven so many thousand Talents thou must not take thy brother by the throat for an hundred pence Matth. 18.28 Thou must labour to be merciful as thine heavenly Father is merciful Readiness to forgive injuries and wrongs is a great sign of a gracious state but malice and revenge is a black mark and character Therefore O my Soul pray for thy very enemies this day Lord convince them of their sins give them hearts to repent of them turn their hearts from them draw them to thy Son that by him they may have pardon and life give them such a frame of spirit that thou maist bless them O that I may meet their souls in Heaven where we shall always love and agree together and never fall out more 7. Awake and excite in thy self spiritual joy and thankfulness Say with holy David bless the Lord O my Soul and forget not all his benefits Hath Christ redeemed thee from the curse of the Law being made a curse for thee Hath he redeemed thee and that not with silver and gold but with his own precious blood Hath he made thy peace with God through the blood of his Cross Hath he vanquished death and Satan for thee Through his blood shalt thou have an entrance into heaven and eternal glory Oh transcendent mercy Oh how great is this Salvation which Christ hath purchased for us On the heighth and depth and length and breadth of the love of God in Christ Jesus Be astonished Oh my Soul at this love and never be forgetful of it call upon the holy Angels to joyn with thee this day in blessing God for these great and glorious benefits and never be unmindful of so transcendent mercies And thus much of the graces we must especially labour to excite and exercise in the time of Receiving There are some other directions also that it will be needful thou shouldst observe at this time 1. Employ thine outward senses so as to stir up in thine heart Spiritual graces For the work of the Communicant lyes not so much between the body and the elements as the Soul and Christ 2. When thou seest the bread broken think of these four things 1. The great pain and anguish our Lord endured when his Body was broken on the Cross Canst thou see Christs body broken for thee and thy heart not break with deep contrition for thy sins 2. Consider the great love of our Lord in submitting to such grievous pains and such disgrace for our sake Think thou hearest him say behold my friends how my flesh is torn and wounded for your sakes Was there ever grief was there ever love like mine 3. Consider the vile and odious nature of sin which brought our Lord to such miseries and required such blood to expiate it 4. Consider what the redemption of every Soul that shall be saved did cost It cost more than all the men and Angels in the World could ever have paid for it 3. When thou takest the bread into thine hands and eatest of it then say Lord thou art the bread of life thou art the only redeemer of lost Souls I freely take thee for my Lord and Saviour I freely consent to the Covenant I was entred into in my Baptism Lord save me and sanctify me O interpose thy merits this day for my pardon and strengthen me by thy grace that I may be faithful to thee to the end and so may at last receive a crown of life Lord behold the Sacrifice of thy Son For the sake of his obedience and sufferings be pleased to be reconciled to me to pardon all my transgressions and by thy grace so to sanctify mine heart that no sin may have dominion over me Fill me with joy and peace in believing If I have found favour in thine eyes give me more and more of the graces of thy holy Spirit and cause me to grow in grace daily and make me fruitful in good works 4. When thou takest the cup into thy hand think again of the wonderful love of Christ that he should purchase us to himself with his own blood Oh the infinite value O the infinite worth of this blood This was the blood that only could make expiation and give God ful satisfaction for our offences One drop of this blood is worth a World This is the blood of the everlasting Covenant Heb. 13.20 that is whereby our Saviour ratified and confirmed the covenant which God made with fallen man which covenant shall never be altered O blessed Saviour wash my Soul in this thy precious blood from the guilt of all my sins and cleanse me from all mine iniquities and be to me all that which thou didst intend to be to those who shall be saved by thee By such prayers soliloquies and holy meditations thou should'st labour to Sanctifie thy heart when thou art about receiving this holy Sacrament 5. Joyn with all the rest of the Communicants in a hearty praysing God for
burden insupportable some of them have called it the burden of Issacar that they cannot be permitted to live as they list or that they should be barred of any of Christs Ordinances or that any should controul them 17. When they are excessively hard and difficult to be pleased and are too ridged exacters of observance and respect from their inferiors 18. When they love others not according to their true worth but according to the measure of respect which they shew to them 19. Proud persons are usually most injurious both in words and actions towards weak adversaries 20. Proud persons are very resentful of any injuries either reall or supposed done to them and when they are wronged they look for great submission and satisfaction 21. Pride makes people exceeding loath to be beholding to others Some will almost starve rather than make their wants known 22. The Pride of the heart very often shews and manifests its self in the vanity of the garb and attire 23. Pride many times makes people to slight the Ministers and Messengers of God and to hear their teachers as Judges not as Learners 24. Pride very often makes those in place apt to domineer over their inferiours and to think of the dignity of their places more than of the duty they owe to God and the people in those places 25. Pride makes people spend profusely for their credit or reputations sake But when an object of Charity calls they are backward enough Their estates are more at the command of their credit than at the command of God or charity And so much of the second Particular namely what pride is and what are the signs and evidences of it I come now to the third viz. 3. To shew the great evil malignity and danger of it And this I shall represent to you in sundry particulars 1. Consider that Pride is a very ruining sin It undid Angels 1 Tim. 3.6 and our first Parents It overthrew the Tower of Babel drowned Pharaoh prostrated Goliah hanged Haman destroyed Senacharib made Nebuchadnezzar like a beast caused Herod to be eaten up with lice Prov. 15.25 God threatens that He will destroy the house of the Proud 2. 'T is a very disquieting sin 1. 'T is a great disquieter of a mans own Soul Every little thing casts a proud man into a passion It renders his life miserable and puts him in the power of any man to be his tormentor A small neglect or affront disorders a proud man even almost to distraction A remarkable instance hereof we have in Haman Esther 3.5 2. It is a great disquieter of others a great occasion of disquiet in private families and so likewise in Parishes it makes men very firebrands in the places where they live It makes them full of animosity against those that cross them in any thing and full of envy at those that are above them And so in Church and State none so troublesome as proud persons Look also upon the lamentable effects of it in the world O cursed Pride thou child of the Devil how dost thou set the whole world on fire what woful divisions contentions and mischiefs dost thou cause where thou prevailest 3. Pride usually blasts parts It blinds the mind and makes people over confident of their own conceits 'T is also very frequently the high-way to Apostacy Mark those that are proud in a Parish or family and if there come any infection of schism or heresie near them they are commonly the first that catch it 4. Pride commonly hates fraternal admonition and reproof and so keeps off the proper remedy and means of amendment and reformation 5. 'T is the mother of many other sins as of revenge oppression and hard and injurious dealing 6. 'T is a very extensive sin 'T is apt to shoot it self into our whole conversation yea which is saddest of all to creep into our best duties There is scarce a good action we do but this cursed flye will be apt to get into it and poyson it if we take not great care * S●p●rbia maxime tim●nda in recte actis Luth. and watch our hearts very strictly 7. 'T is a great impediment to conversion It obstructs saving illumination A proud person is hardly convinced of the greatness of his Sins Original s●n will scarce be acknowledged by him and he thinks but slightly and diminitively of his actual Sins such a person is hardly brought to see the necessity of conversion and his absolute need of a Saviour And so much of the great evil and danger of this Sin 4. I come now in the fourth place to give some remedies and directions against it 1. Enter into a serious consideration of thy own vileness * E Coelo descendit Nosce teipsum Consider the infirmities weaknesses and sicknesses of thy body but especially the great depravedness of thy Soul Want of due and serious consideration and descending into a mans self is the great cause of Pride Meditate on thy manifold sins and the deserts of them and meditate on thy weaknesses and miseries and then tell me whether thou hast any cause to be proud 2. Often meditate on the glorious nature and attributes of God on his infinite greatness holiness and purity and tha is one good means to abase thee and make thee to abhor thy self Job 42.5 6. I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear but now mine eye seeth thee Wherefore I abhor my self and repent in dust and ashes 3. Consider how d declares that he hates abhors and resists a proud person nd he must needs fall whom God sets himself against He resists the proud but his grace and favour is towards the lowly Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord Prove 16.5 4. Look upon the great imperfection of thy graces and thy manifold failings even in thy best duties Ex ignorantia tui venit superbia Ignorance of thy self is the cause of thy Pride 5. Look upon our humble Saviour Nulla creatura humilior Deo sayes Laurentius excellently The most powerful sight in the world for the humbling of the soul is a Crucified Saviour What an example of humility hath he left us His whole life was a constant Lecture of Humility He condescended so low as to wash his Disciples feet John 13. Non ex officio sed ex amore in exemplum as one sayes upon the place 6. Look on the holy Angels how they humble themselves and condescend to minister for the good of the people of God who are so much their inferiors 7. Look upon the examples of the most eminent Saints and you will find they were eminent in this grace of humility See instances hereof in Abraham Gen. 18.27 Behold now I have taken upon me to speak to the Lord who am but dust and ashes In Jacob Gen. 32.10 I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies which thou hast shewed unto thy servant for with my staff I passed
I acknowledge there may be dancings that are modest decent and inoffensive But there are some that are not so especially among the meaner sort which many times are rude and uncivil and too often are introductions to worse evils and mischiefs 2. Stage-playes That there are some of them less evil and offensive than others is not improbable But if we may believe those that have much frequented them as they are commonly used in our Nation they do a great deal of mischief For besides the danger that does often arise from the ill company that frequents them and the great mispence of pretious time which should be better imployed in the seeing and hearing of them 't is said they represent vice in such a manner especially this sin of uncleanness as makes it seem a very small matter and a thing meerly to be laughed at * The morals of some of our Comedians seem to be little better than his in Terence Non est flagitium mihi crede adolescentulum scortari neque potare Mitio in Adelphis and many of their expressions and gestures seem rather to teach it than to make people out of love with it and to abhor it as God would have us If these things be so I see not that he did much mistake who called them the Devils Lectures For as the pious and serious exhortations of faithful Ministers are bent to beat down lust and concupiscence which is so dangerous to the Soul so it seems quite contrary these Playes design with all the wit art and eloquence they can to stir it up and excite it and by their lascivious and immoral expressions infuse such an infection into the Phansie and put such thoughts into the mind which the corruption of nature in those that have had modest education would hardly ever have suggested And 't is no wonder that they are so much frequented For as 't was observed by the Philosophers of old many turned from other Sects to the Epicureans but scarce any from the Epicureans to other sorts The reason was because mans nature is so inclined to sensuality I shall say no more upon this particular but only this I never knew any get good by frequenting of them I believe many have got a great deal of hurt 3. Lascivious books such as are Play-books Romances amorous Poems and Sonnets such books as these certainly do a great deal of hurt especially to the youth of the Nation If one great remedy as I have shewed before against all sorts of uncleanness be the preserving of our thoughts as much as possibly we can from all unclean imaginations and phansies surely those books that suggest ugly and immoral things to the mind as amorous books usually do must needs be great depravers of mankind and great teachers of vice and immorality And they that desire in such arguments to shew their wit to the poisoning of the minds of men do therein declare that they want very much the true wisdom which would teach them better things There is indeed a kind of scurrilous and obscene wit that makes fools laugh but wise men frown And they that love to have their sensuality tickled and excited delight in such things and in such Books There is a grave Author who has this conceit concerning good men who write and leave good books to the world that instruct it in Piety and Virtue namely that as their books after their decease do good and turn men to righteousness so their joyes in heaven shall be encreased And contrarily that wicked men who write and leave such books to the World which corrupt it with error and immorality as their books do hurt and mischief after their decease so their torments in hell they dying impenitently shall be increased Methinks the very apprehension of this should make all men take heed what books they send out into the world and should put them often upon serious consideration beforehand whether the r books be like to do good or hurt to mankind And if those that write corrupting books did but consider this surely they would burn their papers before they should ever see the light 4. Lascivious Pictures which are dangerous provocations and incentives to Lust There are in some Families strange and shamefull pictures framed no doubt to excite the lusts of the flesh which all good Christians should remember they are engaged in their Baptism to fight against and to endeavour to subdue Such Pictures as these no modest eyes can indure to behold Methinks where there is any thing of virtue or civility any thing of humanity or good breeding Such odious Pictures should be abominated and cast away as a detestable thing And though there may be much art shewn in such draughts yet the exquisiteness of such Pictures as these no modest eye can indure to behold Methinks the art will never compensate for the immorality and infectiousness of the Picture 5. Lascivious dresses A modest and comely adornment of the body does very much declare the modesty and purity of the mind But a garish immodest dress naked breasts and shoulders what do they declare but a vain and frothy mind to say no worse And what a great offence do these things give to those that are serious and sober Nay they say the Pope himself hath severely prohibited this practice to the Ladies of Rome as being immodest and unseemly And methinks we that are Protestants should have a greater zeal for chastity and purity than the Pope And as for painting and spotting the face and hanging out the signes of half moons and stars and the like why do they do it said once a Reverend Divine of our Church if they do not intend to entertain strangers But alas he that shall go about to reprove these things in so corrupt and degenerate an age as this is is like to get little more by it than to be laughed at for his pains But let them laugh on and laugh to the end if they can while the faithful reprover having discharged his conscience leaves the success to God 10. If other remedies will not do make use of the remedy of Gods own appointment which is lawful wedlock observe what the Apostle sayes 1 Cor. 7.2 9. For the avoiding of fornication let every man have his own wife and euery woman her own husband For better is it to marry than to burn And if any shall say they fear poverty and a great charge will come upon them if they should marry let them consider that it is a thousand times better to lead a poor life in the fear of God according to his own ordinance which he hath sanctified than to defile their bodies and Souls with uncleanness and impurity though they might gain never so much of the world by such a course I shall shut up this discourse with the advice of pious Mr. Herbert in his Church-Porch Wholly abstain or wed Thy bounteous Lord Allows thee choice of paths take no by-wayes But
they have had to the contrary Deut. 29.19 20. When they shall bless themselves saying I shall have peace though I walk after the imaginations of my heart adding drunkenness to thirst the Lord will not spare that man but his anger and jealousie shall smoak against him Where these black marks are found we have great cause to fear that such men have out stood the day of their visitation But whatever others do let us look to it that we carefully improve our day of grace And that is the first Direction 2. Dispatch in the first place and with the greatest care and diligence thy great work which must be done or thou art undone for ever Secure thy interest in Christ and the pardon of all thy sins in him thy state in grace and thy title to Heaven And when that great work is once well done thou may'st go quietly and chearfully about thy worldly affairs and businesses The generality of men are the veriest children and fools as to their main concernment imaginable They mind the world seriously but neglect the one thing absolutely necessary If a King should send his Ambassador and give him among the rest one principal instruction charging him above all things to mind and observe that which if he did he should be highly rewarded at his return but if he neglected it he should forfeit his head I question whether any instance can be give since the world began of any Ambassador so stupid and careless as to neglect a matter that so much concerned him But alas how oft is this done by the children of men in a matter of greater moment Thou that wouldest it may be severely have censured and condemned this Ambassad●r if he had so grosly neglected his duty de te fabula narratur thou art the man This thing is more than verified of thee who mindest the things of this life but neglectest the great business for which thou camest into the world and which above all other things thou shouldest have minded There is no necessity that thou shouldest be rich and leave such an inheritance to thy Son or so many hundreds in thy inventory but it is of absolute necessity thou shouldest be converted and repent of thy sins and get thy soul cleared of all thy guilt by faith in Christ and shouldst honour God in this world and should'st be in such a posture and frame of mind and heart that thou may'st be fitted to dye These things are necessary to thee the other are not Labour therefore to do thy great work in the first place and do not defer it and put it off God calls thee now to repent do not put God off and say thou wilt do it hereafter Ask thy self this one serious question whether thou ever dost intend to repent or no If not thou declarest thou intendest to damn thy Soul If thou dost intend to repent why wilt thou not now do it The longer thou delayest the more unfit thou wilt be Besides consider this thou in thy distresses and necessities cryest to God to relieve thee and to help thee presently When thou art in pain or under a grievous sickness thou wouldst think it hard if God should say I will ease thee of thy pain seven years hence why shouldst thou then put God off with delayes And 't is a sad observation that some make concerning those that wilfully delay to turn to God namely that few of them are converted at last Therefore upon all these accounts defer not thy main work thy conversion to God and securing thy peace with him whatever else thou neglectest 3. Labour to keep certain set times for thy private devotions and be constant to them Especially be careful to observe the Lords-day well From our conscienciousness and diligence in the duties of Gods worship and service on that day we may make a probable conjecture of the success of our worldly affairs and businesses the week after This a learned man * The renowned J●dge Hale in his Meditations sayes he could not but take notice of in himself and as to his own concerns though otherwise he was not addicted to superstitious observations 4. Keep conscience tender and that will reprehend thee for wasting thy time or ill imploying it Thou wilt then be careful not to spend it in any thing that thy conscience will reproach thee for and which must be repented of afterwards Remember God and conscience must be pleased whoever be displeased 5. Promise not to thy self long life but live as one that is uncertain of another day The groundless expectation of long life makes people many times less careful rightly to improve the present time Men will spend prodigally out of a full purse who otherwise would be sparing if they knew they had but little 'T is observed of some that have promised themselves long life that they have been cut off very suddenly Thou reckonest possibly upon years whereas it may be thou hast not moneths to live However say this to thy self every morning I am now brought to the beginning of a new day O my soul let me improve this day well so as I may give a comfortable account of it unto God The Sun may return again after it hath set But this day when it is once gone I shall never see again 6. Take heed of those things that rob people of their time and watch carefully against them And they are such as these 1. A sluggish and sloathful habit of mind Spontanea lassitudo aspontaneous lassitude or weariness is a sign the body is out of order And a voluntary sloathfulness and sluggishness is a sign of a distempered Soul sloath is an averseness from that labour which is our duty through a carnal love of ease He is most sinfully sloathful who is most voluntarily sloathfull 'T is certainly a very dangerous life for any man to live out of a calling or to be idle and slothful in his calling But the worst kind of sloth is a backwardness and listlesness to our greatest duties The Apostle cautions us not to be sloathful in business but fervent in Spirit serving the Lord Rom. 12.11 And if we would but take pleasure in the work God calls us unto we should not then be weary of it or slothful in it 2. Overmuch sleeping and drouzing and lying a bed Suppose there be two young scholars whereof one sleeps but six hours usually in a night and the other nine The one of these out-lives the other 21 hours in a week how much will he gain of him a year 3. Too long dressing and finefying the body Indeed neatness and cleanliness are very commendable but overmuch curiosity in dressing and adorning the body as it is a great vanity so it is a great and unnecessary expense of time 4. Long visits * Amici sures temporis and unprofitable and impertinent discourse of which I spake something before under the third head Indeed visits may be prudently ordered and spent in
A SUPPLEMENT TO Knowledge AND PRACTICE Wherein the main things necessary to be known and believed in order to Salvation are more fully explained and several new Directions given for the promoting of real Holiness both of Heart and Life To which is added a serious Disswasive from some of the reigning and customary sins of the Times viz. Swearing Lying Pride Gluttony Drunkenness Vncleanness Discontent Covetousness and Earthly-mindedness Anger and Malice Idleness By Samuel Cradock B. D. late Rector of North-Cadbury in Somerset-Shire Useful for the Instruction of private Families Quod de Scripturis authoritatem non habet pari facilitate rejicitur qua accipitur Hieron LONDON Printed for Thomas Simmons at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard 1679. To the INHABITANTS of NORTH-CADBURY in SOMERSETSHIRE My Loving Friends SOme years since when I stood in the Relation of a Pastor to you I wrote my Book of Knowledge and Practice aiming therein more especially at your benefit Which Treatise I hope through the Lords blessing hath been of some use to you I have since thought that it would not be a service unacceptable to you to add by way of Supplement a more full explication of the Main Principles of the Christian Faith and some Further Directions for regulating of your Practice and to send them unto you to supply my Personal absence God only knows whether I shall ever see your Faces again in this World Providence having fixed my Habitation at so great a distance from you However my hearts desire and prayer to God for you is that you may be saved and if this poor Book may in any measure contribute thereunto I shall heartily rejoyce The holy Apostles no doubt in writing their Epistles aimed at the Spiritual good of the Church in general yet we may well suppose that those particular Churches to whom their Epistles were directed read them with more especial regard and possibly reaped more signal benefits by them than others did So though I design these instructions for your Spiritual good and benefit of all those into whose hands they shall come Yet I hope they shall be more especially minded and regarded by you to whom they are particularly directed and in contemplation of whose necessities and with an aim at whose benefit they were particularly framed I know many of you are such of whom the Apostle speaks Heb. 5.12 Who have need that one teach you the first Principles of the Oracles of God and have need of milk and not of strong meat I should be glad to have you all rightly instructed in the main fundamentals of Christianity and that not for your sakes only but for my own that I may give up my account with joy and not with grief Heb. 13.17 But yet I must tell you that it is not enough to save any of you that you are of the true Religion except you be true to it and live agreeably thereunto God hath indeed made sufficient provision by the obedience and death of his Son to save Mankind But you must earnestly leg of God to inable you to do your part which is unfeignedly to repent of all your sins savingly to believe in Christ and to accept him for your Lord and Saviour and to deliver up your souls to him that you may be pardoned through the infinite merit of his active and passive obedience and sanctified by his Spirit and inabled by his grace to lead a holy and good life And as I earnestly desire you all to have an especial care of your own Souls so do I with some importunity intreat all that are Parents or Masters of Families among you that they would take great care to instruct their children and servants in the main Principles of the Christian Religion I have often thought that if ever real Piety and Christianity flourish in England more must he done by Parents and Masters in instructing those under their care than is now ordinarily done I hope this short Treatise may with the blessing of God something assist and help you in performing that part of your duty May the God of all grace lead you and guide you in ways of truth and holiness and inable you to live in love and peace one with another And though I should never see you again in this life yet may the Father of Mercies through his infinite goodness grant that I may meet your Souls in Heaven This is the earnest desire and prayer of him who was once your unworthy Pastor and is still your very loving and affectionate friend Wickham brook Novemb. 6. 1678. SAM CRADOCK The CONTENTS of the FIRST PART CHAP. I. Of God SECT 1. Of the Nature of God and his Divine Attributes page 1. SECT 2. Of the Trinity of persons in the unity of the Divine Essence page 18. SECT 3. Of the works of God page 31. 1. Creation where Of good Angels page 32. Of evil Angels page 40. 2. Particular page 48. CHAP. 2. Of Man Page 62 SECT 1. Of the happy State wherein Man was created and the Covenant of Works made with him in that State p. 62. SECT 2. Of his Fall and the consequents thereof p. 66 SECT 3. Of the Covenant of Grace made with Man immediately after his Fall which shews the only way of his recovery to be by Jesus Christ p. 73 CHAP. 3. Of Jesus Christ Page 80 SECT 1. Of his Titles which in the Creed are four 1. Jesus p. 80 2. Christ where of his three Offices Prophet p. 83 Priest p. 86 King p. 88 3. His only Son p. 91 4. Our Lord p. 93 SECT 2. Of his Natures Divine and Humane p. 95 SECT 3. Of his birth p. 96 SECT 4. Of his Life p. 100 Here a short and methodical History of our Saviours Life is exhibited and the particular Times in which he instituted Baptism and the Sacrament of his Supper are pointed at Vpon both which Sacraments there are distinct discourses added at the end SECT 5. Of his Death and Burial p. 137 SECT 6. Of that Article in the Creed He descended into Hell page 131 SECT 7. Of his Resurrection and ten several appearings after it in the space of forty dayes he continued on the earth p. 143 SECT 8. Of his Ascention and sitting on Gods right hand p. 149 SECT 9. Of his coming to judg the World p. 154 CHAP. 3. SECT 1. Of the Holy Ghost p. 162 SECT 2. Of the Catholick Church 166 SECT 3. Of Communion of Saints p. 175 SECT 4. Of forgiveness of sins p. 178 SECT 5. Of the Resurrection of the body p. 193 SECT 6. Of Life everlasting Of Baptism p. 200 Of the Lords Supper p. 205 Of the Lords Prayer p. 220 The second part contains a serious disswasive from some of the reigning and customary sins of the Times viz. Swearing Lying Pride Gluttony Drunkennness Vncleanness Discontent Covetousness and Earthly-mindedness Anger and Malice Idleness ERRATA IN page 267 after the eighth Direction add Ninthly Take heed of saying ●s
Nature to us And First He hath revealed himself to be a pure simple immaterial invisible Being a Spirit of transcendent glory Joh. 4.24 not having any matter or corporcity nor being compounded as bodies are And therefore we should not Picture him to our Eye-sight nor represent him to our Fancies under any bodily shape or figure whatsoever but should raise our apprehensions to the highest and holyest to the purest and most Spiritual conceptions of him that we can possible frame We should labour to see this invisible God by the eye of Faith and observe his power and efficacy working in all his Creatures 'T is He that enlightens us by the Sun and warms us by the fire and makes our food to nourish us and his other Creatures to do us good The Schoolmen say There are Three ways of knowing God First Per viam eminentiae when we ascribe all possible perfections to him Secondly Per viam negationis when we remove from him all imperfections whatsoever Thirdly Per viam causationis when we see and acknowledge that all things that are made are made by him and receive their being and all their powers and perfections from him Secondly God is an infinite Being for whatsoever hath no cause of being can have no bounds or limits of being set to it For the reason why any Being is bounded limited and confin'd to such a measure and degree of Being only is because the Author of its existence communicated and bestowed only so much being power and efficacy upon it and no more He that made it set limits and bounds to it that hitherto its Essence should go and extend and no further All things that receive their Being as all things Created do can have no more of being life power or vertue than is given them by the Author of their Nature And as they received their Being from him so they received their limitation to this or that set kind of Being also The First Being therefore that hath nothing to give it Being hath nothing to give it limits and as it were to confine it to this or that kind form and degree of Being As therefore the First Being could not be the cause of existence to it self so neither could it limit confine or bound it self And there was nothing else without it that could set bounds or limits to it It remains therefore that it must needs be an Essence unbounded unlimited and so absolutely infinite and immense Infinite in Life and so Eternal Infinite in Wisdom and so Omniscient Infinite in Power and so Omnipotent and infinite in Goodness and all perfections That Being therefore that hath more Power Wisdom and Goodness than all the World beside that is the Being we call God That Being that hath communicated to all things else the Being Power Life Virtue and all such perfections as they have is the God whom we acknowledg adore and worship We come now to consider the Attributes of God more Particularly which are those glorious excellencies Of the Attributes of God and proprieties of his Divine Essence which declare and manifest his Nature to us and whereby we are inabled in some measure to conceive aright of him And these are of Two sorts Incommunicable Communicable First Incommunicable which are such Attributes as agree to God alone and cannot belong to any Creature Such as are His Eternity Omnipresence Omnipotence Omniscience Secondly Communicable which are such Attributes which though they be infinite perfections in God yet some resemblances of them are found in the Creatures Such are His Wisdom Holiness Justice Mercy and Faithfulness I begin with His incommunicable Attributes And God is Eternal I. God is an Eternal Being and none is Eternal but himself Psal 90.2 From everlasting to everlasting thou art God That which had no cause had no beginning and that which had no beginning is Eternal Time which is a duration that hath beginning and end is competible to man and other visible Creatures A●viternity which is a duration that hath a beginning but no end is competible to good and evil Angels and to the Souls of men But Eternity which hath neither beginning nor end belongs only to God Isai 57.15 He is called The high and l●sty one who inhabiteth Eternity that is who alone is Eternal He speaks of Eternity as a House or Palace which a King inhabiteth or dwelleth in as his own peculiar Possession in which no other man has any right but himself And 2 Pet. 3.8 The Apostle says A Thousand years with him are but as one day and this is the first of his incommunicable Attributes He is Eternal Let us now consider what improvement we should make of this Attribute Gods Eternity should fill our Souls with admiring thoughts of him Who can think of Eternity without amazement Man is a Creature of few days and ere long shall be no more here Our Bodies are perishing but our Souls must last to Eternity Let us therefore mind things Eternal 2 Cor. 4.18 Whatever we neglect let us labour to secure to our selves Eternal happiness Zeuxi● that famous Painter said He did pingere aeternitati he drew his Pictures with such care that they might last if it were possible and be famous to Eternity Let us all so pray so read so live and do all that we do as those that desire to obtain a happy Eternity Nulla satis magna securitas ubi periclitatur aeternitas We can never be over carefull to secure our Eternal state in Bliss and happiness II. God is Omnipresent Omnipresent or every where present He is not confined or limited to any place Jer. 23.24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord Do not I fill Heaven and Earth The sweet Singer of Israel Psal 139.7 8 9 10. Cryes out Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Or whither shall I free from thy presence If I ascend up to Heaven thou art there if I make my Bed in Hell behold thou art there if I take the Wings of the Morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the Sea even there shall thy hand lead me and thy right hand shall hold me if I say the darkness shall cover me even the night shall be light about me yea the darkness hideth not from thee but the night shineth as the day the darkness and the light are both alike to thee Gods Omnipresence should imprint a constant awe of his Majesty upon our Souls We should always behave our selves as those that believed he stood by He is neither shut up in nor excluded out of any place nay he is beyond all place or space where any Creature is He is every where for his Essence is unbounded And further this should convince us that he is incomprehensible and that we cannot have a full adaequate and comprehensive knowledge of him (b) Non esset Deus magnus nisi esset major captu nostro Canst thou by searching
what sweet Meditations should we have of Gods Mercy Love thankfulness and praise should be our daily exercise Had we Davids heart what Songs of praise would the consideration of Gods Mercy teach us to indite How affectionately should we recount the Mercies of our youth and riper years Yea of every state and condition we have been in to the honour of our great Benefactor But especially if God hath touched our hearts with his saving grace if he hath effectually called us and inabled us to repent of our sins and believe in his Son O then how should we bow down our heads and adore his free grace as the cause thereof If we have received any grace tending to our own sanctification or the edification of others Let us say as Paul did 1 Cor. 15.20 By the grace of God I am that I am Thirdly The meditation of Gods goodness and mercy to us should possess us with a superlative love to God Most certainly the prevailing love of God is the surest evidence of true sanctification He that hath most love has most grace And if you truly love God you will be loath to offend him The love of God doth not reign in that soul where the love of the World or of the Flesh or Pleasure reigneth Fourthly The Mercy of God should teach us to imitate him in this Attribute We should labour to be mercifull as our Heavenly Father is mercifull that is as to the manner though we cannot reach to the measure The goodness of God should possess us with a desire to be conformed to his goodness in our measure Summae Religionis est imitari quem colis Now God is mercifull two ways especially in Giving Forgiving First In Giving O how does the Lord supply our wants daily Let us therefore shew mercy to those that want our help Secondly In Forgiving O what a vast number of debts does the Lord forgive us Gods mercy to us layes the greatest Obligation imaginable upon us to forgive others (c) A Christian may remember offences in cautelam though not in vindictam Matth. 18.23 Shall not we forgive an Hundred Pence who have had Ten Thousand Talents forgiven unto us Fifthly We should especially observe and take notice of the mercy of God so highly manifested in the design of our Redemption 1 Joh. 4.10 Here is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be a propitiation for our sins Was there ever Mercy like this We have reason to cry out O the depth of the riches of the mercy of God! O Lord what is man that thou art so mindful of him or the Son of man that thou thus visitest him with thy favour and mercy Sixthly Gods goodness and mercy should encourage our Souls to trust in him How many friends have some men with whom they dare trust their Estates or Lives because they are confident they truly love them And shall we not trust God who is love it self 1 John 4.16 I come now to the last of Gods communicable Attributes which I shall speak unto which is His faithfulness in keeping of his Covenant and Promises V. God is Faithful Faithful One letter of Gods glorious Name is abundant in truth or faithfulness The Scriptures abundantly bear Testimony unto this Deut. 7.9 Know therefore that the Lord thy God he is God the faithfull God which keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that love him and keep his Commandements to a Thousand Generations Isai 49.7 The Lord who is faithfull Rom. 3.4 Let God be true that is owned and acknowledged for such though all mankind should be false and deceitful Now Gods Faithfulness is manif●sted Two ways In fulfilling his promises In accomplishing his Threatnings God cannot in any case fail of his word It is impossible for him to lie Heb. 6.18 Tit. 1.2 As God is light and in him there is no darkness 1 Joh. 1.5 So he is truth and in him there is no falshood The strength of Israel will not lye 1 Sam. 15.29 And Numb 23.19 God is not a man that he should lye God hath promised to them that repent and believe in his Son that they shall be saved He hath promised to give his Holy Spirit to them that ask him Luk. 11 9. And we have reason firmly to believe these promises As for Temporal things he hath not promised them to any of his Children absolutely but with a tacit condition if he in his infinite Wisdom see it good and expedient for them So that as to these we must humbly refer our selves to his infinite Wisdom 'T is true we are required to pray for these Temporal things in faith but not with an assured particular perswasion that God will give us the very particular things we ask but with a faith of dependance on God and submission to his Holy will When we act faith on the All-sufficiency and Power of God and humbly resign our selves to his Holy will we may be said to pray in faith I come now to the Lessons which we are to learn from the consideration of this Attribute First We should learn from hence that the commands of God are serious and his promises and threatnings will certainly be accomplished There is nothing of reason or sence can be spoken against an Holy life by any one who believes the veracity and faithfulness of God and the truth of his Word Hath God said and do you believe it that he will come in flaming Fire to take vengeance on all them that know not God and obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Thess 1.8 And can you continue in ignorance and disobedience Hath he said that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 6.9 And can you continue in unrighteousn●ss Hath he said Heb. 12.14 Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord and can you slight Holiness And mock at serious Piety If you believ'd God to be faithfull and his Word true how could these things be so Secondly Gods faithfulness is a great aggravation of the heinousness of the sin of unbelief He that believeth not God hath made him a lyer faith the Apostle 1 Joh. 5.10 And this is the rather to be heeded that we may stir up in our selves a diligent watchfulness against this sin which with many is accounted but a meer infirmity O what matter of humiliation doth our proneness to this sin namely to distrust God justly minister unto us Many men hardly trust the promises of God so much as they would the word of a mortal man whom they account honest and just Certainly Gods faithfulness and truth should teach us to hate every motion to unbelief Vnbelief is the very bane of all Religion so far as it prevails Let it be our great care therefore to extirpate all remainders of this sin of Infidelity out of our hearts Thirdly If God be faithful this should be a great encouragement to us to trust in him and
in his promises It should be the solid ground of our faith the stay of our Souls the foundation of all our hopes Faith is animated by Gods veracity and truth and from thence all other graces are excited in us O Christians what life should it put into our hopes to think that all those words that God hath spoken are most certainly true that all those descriptions of the everlasting Kingdom all those exceeding precious promises that concern this life or that which is to come will certainly be made good that all those expressions of the exceeding love of God to his poor Servants are certain and sure O how should our faith live upon this truth of God and by it be daily more and more strengthened And particularly that none of his promises concerning his Church will fail or fall to the ground Fourthly How thankfull should we be to God for giving us such gracious promises to encourage us in the ways of our obedience He has promised that he will never never leave nor forsake those that are in Covenant with him Heb. 13.5 We have good assurance That all things shall work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8.28 That he will give grace and glory and no good thing will he with-hold from them that walk uprightly Psal 84.11 And what can we desire more Fifthly We should labour to get an interest Christ in whom all the promises of God are Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 That is have their foundation firm establishment and unalterable ratification Sixthly We should learn the Divine art of living upon the promises of God and fetching comfort for the support of our lives from them Most men live on their present enjoyments not on Gods promises Whereas the Prophet tells us Habak 2.4 The Just shall live by his Faith Certainly nothing makes us so humble lowly and puts us into so much ease and quietness of mind as to live by Faith on God Isai 26.3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stay'd on thee because he trusteth in thee Seventhly The truth and faithfulness of God should engage us to be true and faithfull to him Have we not ingaged in our Baptism to forsake the Devil the World and the Flesh and to devote our selves to the sincere service and worship of God the Father Son and Holy Ghost Are not his Vows upon us that is Vows to serve him faithfully Psal 56.12 And shall we be like those false Israelites of whom 't is said Psal 78.36 37. Nevertheless they did flatter him with their mouth and they lied unto him with their Tongues For their heart was not right with him neither were they steadfast in his Covenant And have we not in the course of our lives made many particular promises to God in our particular distresses And shall we expect that God should perform his promises to us when we take no care to perform ours to him Shall we expect that God will perform his promise of pardon to us when we take no care to perform the conditions required of us upon the performance of which we may comfortly expect to have the Divine promises made good to us Eighthly We should endeavour to imitate God in this Attribute of his faithfulness Let us be true to God and true also to man Remember you serve a God of truth and 't is the glory of his servants to be like him The Devil indeed is the Father of lyes but God hates all lying as contrary to his Holy Nature If you would be like God labour to imitate him in his truth and faithfulness SECT II. Concerning the Trinity of Persons in the Vnity of the Divine Essence TO prevent all misapprehensions concerning God and the Divine Nature it will be requisite that we carefully attend unto the Declaration or Revelation that God hath been pleased to make of himself in the Holy Scriptures For surely we have all the reason in the World to assent to those assertions or testimonies that God is pleased to give unto us concerning himself and that according to their natural and genuine sence The Sum then of this Revelation held forth to us in Holy Scriptures is this That God is one That this one God is Father Son and Holy Ghost That the Father is the Father of the Son and the Son the Son of the Father and the Holy Ghost the Spirit of the Father and the Son and by reason of their mutual respects and relations to each other and their peculiar properties arising from those particular relations they viz. Father Son and Holy Ghost are distinct each from other This one God is set forth to us in the Scriptures as the only true God whom we are to believe in adore worship and obey This is the first cause Soveraign Lord and ultimate end of all For the proof hereof we shall produce Divine Testimonies whereon Faith may safely rest And first we shall prove God to be one Secondly The Father to be God the Son to be God the Holy Ghost to be God Thirdly We shall shew that the explanations usually made of this Doctrine are accordi●g to truth though we make use of some words or expressions which are not literally or Syllabically contained in the Holy Scriptures but are such as do not teach any other Doctrine than what is therein contained and are to our apprehensions fairly expository of them And surely if Ministers may not set forth the sence of the words of Scripture in such expressions as they apprehend do most clearly convey the true and genuine meaning of them to the People to what end serves that great Ordinance of preaching the Word I shall begin therefore with the Original Revelation and shew you what is delivered to us by Divine Testimony and this I shall give you in these particulars following First We are assured by Divine Revelation that God is one Deut. 6.4 Hear O Israel the Lord our God is one Lord. Isai 44.6.8 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of Hosts I am the first and I am the last and besides me there is no God Is there any God besides me Yea there is no God I know not any Isai 45.5 I am the Lord and there is none else there is no God besides me 1 Cor. 8.4 As concerning therefore the eating of things Offered in Sacrifice unto Idols we know that an Idol is nothing in the World and that there is none other God but one Secondly That the Father is God He is often so called only in reference to his Son And if he had an eternal Son as we shall prove presently He is an Eternal Father and his Paternity was from Eternity co-existent with his Deity The Father is a person subsisting of himself This is denied by none Eph. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all Spiritual blessings in Christ Luk. 23.34 Then said Jesus Father forgive
own body on the tree 1 Pet. 2.24 2. From the dominion of sin we have a promise Rom. 6.14 that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are not under the Law as a Covenant of Works exacting perfect obedience and ministring no strength to perform it but under a Covenant of Grace in Christ which ministers strength to resist sin and overcome it So Tit. 2.14 The Apostle tells us that Christ gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works 3. From Satan He rescues us 1. from his power and dominion The Seed of the woman Gen. 3.15 destroys the power of the old Serpent the Devil And therefore the Apostle tells us Acts 26.18 that he was sent to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles that thereby he might open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that they might receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among them that are sanctified 2. From his Temptations By Faith in Christ we are inabled to quench the fiery darts of the Devil Eph. 6.16 And the Apostle tells us 1 John 5.18 that whosoever is born of God keepeth himself that the wicked one toucheth him not that is tactu qualitativo as Cajetan saith so as to leave an impression of his own Devilish nature upon him 3. From his Accusations Rev. 12.10 I heard a loud voice saying in heaven now is come Salvation and Strength and the Kingdom of our God and the power of Christ for the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accuseth them before God day and night And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb c. 4. From the curse of the Law He came not to take away the Law as a rule of life but to free us from the curse of it He hath redeemed us from the curse of the Law by being made a curse for us Gal. 3.13 5. From death The last enemy is Death But Christ will raise our bodies to a glorious life and so destroy Death 1 Cor. 15.26 54. Thus Christ is an All sufficient Saviour able to save to the uttermost Heb. 7.25 able to save both soul and body and that for ever Heb. 5.9 He is the author of eternal Salvation to all that obey him And therefore Ephes 5.23 He is stiled the Saviour of his mystical body All the three Persons save but in a different manner The Father saves by the Son The Son by paying the price of our Ransom and Redemption The Holy Ghost by perswading the heart savingly to close with Christ for the obtaining this Salvation Wouldst thou therefore O sinner have Christ to be thy Saviour then 1. break off thy si●s by Repentance and surrender thy self up to him to be pardoned in his blood and sanctified by his spirit For though Christ be able to save and willing to save yet they that remain impenitent and disobedient have neither part nor portion in him 2. Labour to stir up in thy heart a high love to Christ who has done so much for thee 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ says the Apostle let him be Anathema Maranatha So much of his first Title Jesus The second Title of our Saviour is Christ Christ which signifies anointed now He was anointed by the Spirit of God to three Offices To be our Prophet Priest King Messias and Christ signifie the same thing Joh. 1.14 we have fo●nd the Messias which being interpreted is the Christ Among the Jews after the Babylonish Captivity the name Messiah was very frequent and familiar In the Chaldee paraphrase * The Chaldee Paraphrase was not an Exposition word for w●rd of the Hebrew Text but it took in the general sense of the learned Jews by way of Comment now extant there is express mention of the Messiah in above seventy places The Jews expected a Messias to come of their own Nation of the Tribe of Judah and of the Family of David And so was Christ our Lord. In the old Testament three sorts of persons were anointed Kings Priests and Prophets To these three Offices was Jesus annointed and took them all on him for our benefit For a threefold misery lay upon men that were to be saved 1. Ignorance and blindness of mind 2. Guilt which we were not able to satisfie for 3. Depravation and corruption of nature Bondage and Captivity to Sin and Satan which we were not able to free our selves from Suitable to these three necessities Christ is Anointed to a Threefold Office of Prophet Priest and King He was a Prophet to teach us a Priest to make Atonement for us and a King to govern us and defend us Of these his Three Offices I shall speak in order 1. He took on him the Office of a Prophet Christ was a Prophet Anointing with Oyl was a Ceremony used in the Old Testament whereby three sorts of persons viz. * 1 Kings 19.16 Prophets * Lev. Priests and Kings were inaugurated into their Office And their Vnction signified 1. Their call to their Office 2. A collation of gifts to fit them for their Office As Oyl does revive and refresh so the effusion of the graces of the Spirit of God makes Persons fit and apt for the work to which they were called Thus Christ though he were not materially yet he was really Anointed by God to this Threefold Office with the gifts * Hae duae part●s Unctioris Christi si● differunt quod donorum collatio ad humanam naturam tantum ordinatio ad officiū ad utramque naturam pe●tinet and graces of the Holy Ghost which quickned and made him joyful in all his undertakings for our Redemption Which Anointing or effusion of grace into his humane Nature he received not in measure John 3.34 But abundantly above what was ever imparted either to Angels or any of the members of his mystical Body This may appear from Psal 45.7 compared with Heb. 1.9 Thou hast loved Righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath Anointed thee with the Oyl of gladness above thy fellows And from Isa 61.1 compared with Luke 4.18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath Anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor c. Acts 10.30 God hath Anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with Power c. And the Apostle tells us Acts 3.22 23. That Moses had Prophesied of this great Prophet commanding he should be heard and obeyed in all things Deut. 18.15.18 19. Now our Saviour executed his Prophetical Office by making known the will of God to the Children of men and by revealing to them the way of Salvation His teaching was of Two sorts Outward Inward For his Out-ward teaching 1. He taught by the Patriarchs and Prophets that lived before his coming in the Flesh 2 Pet. 1.21 For Prophesie came not
nature common to all the Sons and Daughters of Adam and Eve 5. He took an humane Soul as well as an humane Body For he increased in wisdom and stature Luke 2.52 In the one in respect of his body in the other in respect of his Soul He whose knowledge did increase with his years must have a Subject proper for it which is no other than an humane Soul This was the Seat of his finite understanding and directed will distinct from the will of his Father and consequently of his Divine nature as may appear by that Luke 22.42 Not my Will but thine be done 6. In this union the two natures remain really distinct in Christ without either conversion or transubstantiation of the one into the other and without commixtion or confusion of both into one There was no conversion of the humane nature into the Divine or of the Divine into the humane 7. Though with us the Soul and Body being united make a Person yet in Christ the Soul and Body were so united as to have their subsistence not of themselves as in us but in the God-head No sooner was the Soul united to the Body but both Soul and Body had their subsistence in the Second Person in the Trinity SECT III. How our Saviour became Man THis union between our humane nature and the Deity of the Son of God was wrought in the womb of the Virgin Mary Yea our Saviour was not only made man in her but of her The humane nature which he assumed being made of her substance This I shall clear and make out by these assertions was conceived by the Holy Ghost 1. He was not conceived in her by the help of Man but by the power of the Holy Ghost Her womb was the Bride Chamber where the Holy Ghost did knit this indissoluble knot between the Deity of the Son of God and our humane nature Joseph was only Christs legal Father his Foster-Father Luke 3.23 Being as was supposed the Son of Joseph This conception therefore was wrought by the Holy Ghost He immediately and miraculously inabled the Virgin Mary to conceive our Saviour Luke 1.35 And the Angel said unto her the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee therefore that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God The Holy Ghost did not perform any proper act of Generation such as is the foundation of paternity but framed the humane nature of Christ of the substance of the Virgin 2. The humane nature of Christ was totally sanctified and so fitted for a personal union with the Word John 17.19 For their sakes I sanctified my self Christ out of his infinite love humbled himself and became Man Yet at the same time out of his infinite purity he would not defile himself by becoming sinful man The humane nature in its first original was formed by the Holy Ghost and in its formation sanctified and so united to the Word that as the first Adam was the fountain of our Impurity so the second Adam might be the fountain of our Righteousness 3. Christ took our nature cloathed with sinless infirmities Culpable and sinful infirmities he did not take on him Indeed poenal infirmities such as are common to all the Sons and Daughters of Adam as to be subject to pain grief and sorrow hunger thirst cold c. such he took on him Isa 53. v. 4. Surely he hath born our griefs and carried our sorrows But he took not on him poenal infirmities such as are personal He took our sinless infirmities to shew the truth of his humanity He took them on himself that he might pity us and might teach us by his holy example how to bear them 4. As the Virgin Mary conceived our Saviour by the power of the Holy Ghost so she brought him forth into the world He was born of her And under this head these particulars are to be taken into consideration 1. Christ was born of a woman that was a pure Virgin Born of the Virgin Mary untouched by man even when she brought him forth The promised Messias was to be born after a miraculous manner Jer. 31.22 The Lord hath created a new thing in the earth a woman shall incompass or inclose a man It is a new Creation because wrought in a woman without the help of man The Prophesie in Isaiah must be fulfilled Isa 7.14 Behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son and shall call his name Immanuel The Messias promised before and under the Law was to be born of a Virgin 2. The Messias was to be of the house and lineage of David Of whom the Apostle says Acts 2.30 that he being a Prophet knew that God had sworn with an oath to him that of the fruit of his loins according to the flesh he would raise up Christ to sit on his Throne And it is from many places of Scripture evident and certain that Mary and so Christ did lineally descend from David 3. Observe the time when Christ was born It was when Augustus was Emperor and taxed the Jews and all Nations under his dominion as we find Luke 2. 4. Observe the place where our Saviour was born It was in Village of Judah called Bethlehem that the Prophesie in Micah might be fullfilled Mich. 5.2 But thou Bethlehem Ephratah though thou be little among the thousands of Judah yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel 5. Let us consider the manner of his Birth which was very mean namely in the Stable of a common Inn. 6. Observe the first tidings or manifestation of his birth which was made by Angels to poor Shepherds Luke 2.10 11. And the Angel said unto them Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord And thus we have shewed how our Lord and Saviour was born into the World and became man Before I shut up this particular it will be needful that I shew why it was requisite he should be both God and Man 1. It was requisite he should be God for these reasons 1. That by his Divine and mnipotent power he might uphold his Humanity that it should not sink under the weight of Gods wrath l●id upon him for our sins * This s●nne think was shadowed in ●●e Altar ●n which the Sacrifice wa● to be burned which was made of wood but covered with brass to keep it from bei●g co●●umed So Christ was Man but the weakness of the humane nature was covered with 〈◊〉 pow●r o● Divinity so that it might be supported under its sufferings The wrath of God was so heavy that no meer Creature could bear up under it The man-hood of Christ would have sunk under those sufferings had not the Divine power upheld it 2. That he might
stone rolled to the door of the Sepulchre Matth. 27.60 Thus the design of the Jews made his Grave with the wicked intending he should be buried with them who were crucified with him But the design of Heaven placed him with the rich in his death and caused a Councellor and a Ruler of the Jews to bury him So that we may interpret that place of Isaiah thus He was buried nigh to the wicked yet with the rich when he was dead Our Saviour notwithstanding the malice of the Jews being thus honourably buried The Chief Priests desired of Pilate that the Sepulchre might be made sure lest his Disciples should steal him away which was accordingly done the Stone being sealed with the publick Seal and then a watch was set upon the Sepulchre We come now to consider what improvement we are to make of this Article 1. Then seeing Christ did really die and was buried let us testifie our communion with him in his death by dying unto Sin 2. In his Burial by the burial of the old man 3. In his Resurrection by rising unto newness of life This the Apostle hints to us as our duty Rom. 6.4 Therefore we are buried with him by Baptism into death that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life SECT VI. Of that Article in the Creed Descended into Hell He descended into Hell AFter Christs Crucifixion Death and Burial the Creed subjoyns He descended into Hell In treating of which I must in the first place suggest this that this Article of Christs descent into Hell was not in the antient Creeds 'T is not found in the Rules of Faith delivered by Irenaeus lib. 1. c. 2. by Origen lib. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Tertullian Adversus Prax. cap. 2. 'T is not in those Creeds that were made by the Councils as explications of this Creed particularly not in the Nicene where the words are these He was Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate He suffered and was buried and the third day he rose again according to the Scriptures It was not in the Roman or any of the Oriental Creeds This being premised we come to consider this Article which cannot with any shew of reason be understood of Christs Divine nature which is every where present and cannot be said either to ascend or descend It must therefore be understood of his humane nature And here it will be needful to enquire whether it be to be understood of his Soul or of his Body If it be to be understood of his Soul it must be meant either Metaphorically or really Some understand it Metaphorically and so by Christs descent into Hell they understand those inexpressible sufferings of his Soul a See Calv. Instit lib. 2. c. 16. which of all his sufferings were the most grievous by which he felt the wrath of God in his Soul for our sins But these sufferings were all antecedent to his death he having suffered part of them in the Garden and part on the Cross and all before he commended his Spirit into the hands of his Father and said it is finished and gave up the ghost But the descent into Hell as it now standeth in the Creed seems to signifie something done after his death Besides the torments of the damned are surely such as these 1. Remorse of Conscience or the never-dying worm 2. A bitter sence of an utter rejection from the favour of God 3. Despair of ever being eased of that unsupportable misery Now certainly none of these could befall our Saviour He did not endure so much as for a moment any of the Hellish torments Therefore surely in this sense Christs Soul did not descend into Hell Others hold that Christs Soul did really and by a local motion descend into Hell This they pretend 1. To prove and that from three places of Scripture And 2. To assign the ends for which he did thus descend We shall examine both First They say that though these words are not formally expressed in the Scriptures that Christ descended into Hell yet they are contained virtually in them which they will prove 1. From Eph. 4.9 Now that he ascended what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth by which they understand Hell For answer by the lower parts of the earth I humbly conceive is meant the earth it self which is the lowest part of the World as Heaven is the highest For before Christ could ascend unto Heaven it was necessary he should descend to the Earth by his incarnation but there was no necessity of his descending into Hell And further the Grave may be called one of the lower parts of the earth in opposition to the surface or upper part of it on which we live And this is all that seems to be meant in this place 2. They pretend to prove it from 1 Pet. 3.19 where 't is said that Christ being put to death in his humane nature was quickned or raised up again by the power of his Spirit or God-head by which he preached to the Spirits in Prison whence they infer that he descended into Hell to preach to the Spirits there in torments Answer From these words it appeareth 1. That Christ preached in the dayes of Noah by the same Spirit by the vertue and power of which he was raised from the dead But that Spirit was not his Soul but something of a greater power 2. those to whom he preached were disobedient all that time the long-suffering of God waited for their repentance and return while the Ark was preparing And 3. Their Souls or Spirits for their disobedience are now in Hell and for refusing of that mercy that was offered to them by the preaching of Christ 'T is true indeed this was not performed by an immediate act of the Son of God as if he had personally appeared on earth and actually preached to the old world but it was performed by the Ministry of Noah who was guided and inspired by his Spirit and accordingly is called a preacher of Righteousness 2 Pet. 2.5 The third place they alledge for the maintenance of their opinion is Acts 2.25 26 27 a place that relates to Psal 16.10 Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell c. Therefore say they surely Christs Soul did locally descend into Hell I Answer Soul is sometimes taken properly only for the Soul or Spirit of a man sometimes improperly for the whole person as Acts 27.37 We were in the Ship two hundred threescore and sixteen Souls Sometimes the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nephesh which signifies a Soul doth also signifie a dead body as Levit. 19.28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead Levit. 21. v. 1. There shall none be defiled for the dead among his people Numb 6.6 All the days that he separateth himself unto the Lord he shall come at no
and when he had thus spoken he shewed them his hands and his feet 3. For a further proof of his Resurrection let us consider the manner of it and his several Appearings after it 1. Very early on the first day of the week with a great Earthquake our Lord arose and an Angel descending rolled away the stone and sate thereon The watchmen are frighted away 2. Mary Magdalen Joanna Mary the mother of James with others come to the Sepulchre with spices prepared to embalm him The Angel speaks to them not to be affraid but to come and see where Jesus had been laid but was now risen He bids them go tell his Disciples that in Galilee they should see him 3. The women go and tell the same to the Disciples but their words seemed to them as idle tales 4. Peter and John run to the Sepulchre and see the linnen cloaths in which Jesus was wrapped but his body was not there They return home wondring but Mary Magdalen still stayed there weeping and looking back she saw Jesus yet thought it had been the Gardner but upon his speaking to her she discerned that it was He. This was his first appearing after his Resurrection 1. Appearing She goes to imbrace his feet which he forbids but sends her to tell his Disciples whom he calls his Brethren which she accordingly does but they believe her not The other women run to the Sepulchre to try if they likewise could see him and being there told by the Angel that he was risen Christ meets them in the way and sayes All-Hail and sends them to his Brethren to tell them they should meet him in Galilee 2. Appearing This is his second appearing The affrighted watchmen who had fled into the City and had acquainted the Chief Priests with all that had hapned have money given them to say that his Disciples stole him away while we slept But how miserable a fiction was this For if they had stoln his body away which yet they did not could they have put life into it 3. Appearing And we see our Saviour is alive again His third appearing was to the Disciples that were going to Emaus His fourth was to Simon Peter 4. Appear His fifth appearing was to his Disciples met together Thomas being absent 5. Appear Here he shews them his pierced hands and side See these things morefully set down in the 8th Ch. of the 6th Book of my Harmony and eats a piece of a broiled fish and an honey-comb with them bids them tarry at Jerusalem till the gifts of the Holy Ghost should be poured forth upon them He gives them a new Commission and breaths on them saying Receive ye the Holy Ghost adding whose sins ye remit they are remitted and whose sins ye retain they are retained Thus he appeared five times on the day of his Resurrection His sixth appearing was to his Disciples on the eighth day after his Resurrection 6. App●ar being the first day of the Week Thomas being present whom he condescends so far to satisfie that he cries out my Lord and my God 7. Appear His seventh appearing was to several of his Disciples at the Sea of Tyberias as they were fishing he helpeth them to a great draught of Fish having before caught nothing whereby they knew him Peter casts himself into the Sea to swim unto him The other Disciples come to him by boat He eats with them bread and fish He asks Peter thrice whether he loved him and commands him to feed his Sheep He foretelleth him of his future sufferings and reproves him for his Question concerning John 8. Appear His eighth appearing was on a Mountain in Galilee to above five hundred at once Where he gives commission to his Disciples to go and teach all Nations and baptize the Converted And promises that not only many shall be converted to the Faith but that miraculous gifts of the Holy-Ghost shall be conferred on them that believe as casting out Devils speaking with tongues c. and that he will be with them and their successors to the end of the World ● Appear His ninth appearing was to James His tenth and last was on the fortieth day after his Resurrection 10. Appear At which time having commanded them to wait at Jerusalem for the descending of the Holy Ghost upon them and answered their question whether he would restore the Kingdom to Israel at that time or no He led them forth to Mount Olivet and there lifting up his hands and blessing them he was carried up into Heaven a Cloud receiving him out of their sight Two Angels appearing to them assure them that he will so come to Judgment as they had seen him go to Heaven And thus much for our Saviours several appearings after his Resurrection Fourthly Let us consider how our Saviour arose The principal cause of his Resurrection was God himself For no other power then that which is Omnipotent can raise the dead as the Apostle intimates Acts 2.32 This Jesus hath God raised up Eph. 1.19 20. according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places This great work is attributed to the Father but not to him alone For to whomsoever that infinite power doth belong by which Christ was raised That Person must be acknowledged to have raised him The Son of God therefore being of the same essence and consequently of the same power with the Father and the same being true also of the Holy Ghost we must accordingly acknowledge that the Father Son and Holy Ghost raised up Christ from the dead John 2.19 21. Jesus said unto them destroy this Temple and in three-days I will raise it up he spake of the temple of his body So that not only God the Father raised the Son but also God the Son raised himself by the power of his Divinity which was never separated after his incarnation either from his Body or his Soul 5. Let us consider the time when he arose viz. on the third day from his passion This was foretold of the Messias not only that he should rise again but that he should arise the third day after his death it was typified by Jonas as we shewed before Our Saviour did rise properly on the third day after his death and he was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth synecdochically the whole time or space of three dayes being put for a part of it Our Saviour rose the first day of the Week and his Resurrection being so eminent a declaration that he had fully accomplished the work of our Redemption from thence the Sabbath was changed to that day Acts 20.7 And upon the first day of the Week when the Disciples came together to break bread Paul preached unto them 1 Cor. 16.1 As I have Ordained in the Churches of Galatia
Christ and are purified thereby and are Sanctified by the holy Spirit of God and by vertue thereof do lead a holy life daily endeavouring to perfect holiness in the fear of God such persons are really and truly Saints and being true members of the Church of Christ are the proper subject of this Article 2. Who are those persons with whom these Saints have communion and in what doth this their communion consist 1. The Saints of God living in the Church of Christ have communion with God the Father praying unto him and praising of him trusting in him and exercising such acts of worship as he requires 1 John 1.3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also may have fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ David affectionately expresseth his desire of this communion Psal 42.1 As the heart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my Soul after thee O God 2. They have Communion with God the Son 1 Cor. 1.9 God hath called us to the fellowship of his Son For being united to Christ by faith they are thereby made partakers of his Righteousness and receive spiritual life and grace from him for the sanctifying of their natures and sincerely endeavour after conformity unto him 3. They have communion with God the Holy Ghost The Apostle hath two wayes assured us of the truth hereof one Rhetorically by a seeming doubt If there be any fellowship of the Spirit Phil. 2.1 The other directly praying devoutly for it 2 Cor. 13.14 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all Amen This is the communion which the Saints enjoy with the three blessed persons in the Trinity John 14.23 If any man love me sayes our Saviour he will keep my words and my Father will love him and we will come unto him and make our abode with him And the presence of the Spirit cannot be wanting where these two are inhabiting for if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his The Spirit therefore with the Father and the Son inhabiteth in the Saints For know ye not saith the Apostle that ye are the Temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 Cor. 3.16 4. The Saints of God living here in the Church of Christ have communion with the Holy Angels They are Ministring Spirits for our good Heb. 1.14 They rejoyce at the Conversion of a Sinner They do many good offices for the people of God which possibly they are not sufficiently sensible of And this their Ministry is exercised as 't is probable about the ordinary concernments of our lives and not in some extraordinary cases only 5. The Saints of God living in the Church of Christ have communion with all the Saints departed out of this life and admitted to the presence of God The Godly on earth do in heart and affection converse with the Saints in Heaven And 't is probable the Saints triumphant wish to the Saints militant the happiness they enjoy and possibly pray for them in general though their particular cases they may not know But we are not to think as the Papists fondly conceive that they interpose their merits for us and that for this cause we are to invocate them or perform any Religious worship towards them These are but inventions of mans brain wanting warrant from the word of God 6. The Saints of God living in the Church of Christ have communion with the Saints living in the same Church If we walk in the light sayes the Apostle we have fellowship one with another 1 John 1.7 And another Apostle tells us 1 Cor. 12.13 By one Spirit they are are all baptized into one body So that they have communion one with another in these offerings 1. They all joyn together in the use of and have benefit by the same ordinances and all partake of the same promises are all ingraffed into the same stock and receive life from the same root 2. According to their places and calling they teach and admonish one another 3. They endeavour to walk by the same Rule and to mind the same things * Acts 3.16 Heb. 3.13 4. They pray one for another Ephes 6.18 and Jam. 5.16 Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much 5. They comfort and encourage one another in the wayes of God 6. In respect of temporal things they are ready to succour relieve and help one another according to their abilities Having thus opened the nature of this Article let us now consider what are the instructions we should learn from it 1. If we believe this communion of Saints which hath been before described then let us seriously consider whether we have a part and share in it or no. There are many instead of communion with God and with Christ have communion with Satan and instead of communion with Saints have communion with the ungodly and wicked and joyn with them in the practice of iniquity in swearing swaggering drinking revelling and scoffing at Saints and Saintship and this they account and call good fellowship But let no man deceive himself The Apostle tells us 1 John 1.5 6 7. That God is light and in him there is no darkness at all If we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lye and do not the truth But if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another c. 2. If we have a share and part in this communion it should inflame our hearts with an ardent love to all that are within this communion If similitude of shape or feature will beget a kindness if congruity of manners and disposition will unite affections what great love should there be among all the Saints who have the same image of God stamped upon them and are acted by the same spirit Surely all that are true members of Christ should heartily desire and pray for the welfare of all their fellow-members And should have their hearts touched with the miseries that befall either the Church of Christ in general or the particular members thereof See Amos 6.6 3. A belief of this Article should teach us that as we are to do good to all in our several places and according to our abilities so especially to those who are of the houshold of Faith SECT IV. Of Forgiveness of Sins the forgiveness of sins REmission or Forgiveness of Sins is a priviledge that belongs to them who are true members of Christs holy Catholick Church That we may the more clearly explain this Doctrine we shall consider 1. What Sin is 2. What are the kinds of it 3. What is the wages due to it 4. By whom sins are forgiven 5. Vpon what account they are forgiven 6. What forgiveness of sins doth contain in it
up again So a dying Saint may say to his body fear not to go down into the grave into the dark and dismal vault my dear Redeemer will bring thee up again Death to the Righteous is but like the pulling down of an old ruinous house to build it again in a more excellent and glorious manner 5. If God can and will raise the dead it should strengthen our Faith in Gods power that he can raise us up out of any affliction into which we are at any time fallen and that he can raise up his own interest in the World or in any Nation though it be never so low See Rom. 4.17 21. What cannot that God do who quickneth the dead 6. It should teach us not to set too high a price or value upon our own lives when we are called to expose them for the cause of Christ or for our Countreys good Every faithful servant of Christ that so loses his bodily life takes the best course to have it restored to him with advantage And in this sense our Saviour sayes he that loseth his life shall save it that is shall not only recover it again at the Resurrection but shall over and above also be rewarded with eternal life in glory John 12.25 He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this World shall keep it unto life eternal If God therefore call thee to expose thy body to death for him fear not to do it He will raise it up again in a more glorious manner 'T is said of those Worthies Heb. 11.35 that were wracked and tormented for professing the truth that they refused to be delivered viz. to the prejudice of their Consciences expecting a better Resurrection than that now offered them viz. to be delivered or raised up from their present pains and sufferings They expected a Resurrection of their bodies to eternal glory 7. This should deterr us from sinning with our bodies which must be raised again and if we die in our sins must suffer with our souls everlasting punishment Let us take heed of imploying our bodies as instruments of sin Remember O sinner that wretched body of thine which thou hast so often debauched by drunkenness and polluted and defiled by uncleanness it must rise again to damnation except thou repent that tongue of thine with which thou hast so often lyed cheated scoffed at serious piety and dishonoured God by swearing cursing ribbaldry backbiting c. shall be tormented in that same flame that Dives was tormented in Luke 16. As Christ said of Judas it had been better for him he had never been born so we may say of some men It were better for them they might not rise again But as the Soul and Body sinned together so they must suffer together And as they inticed one another to sin so they must be together for ever miserable 8. And lastly Let us labour to be united unto Christ by a lively faith that he may raise us up as our Head He will raise the wicked as their Judge He is Lord both of dead and living and so hath right by that dominion to raise the dead Rom. 14.9 and will accordingly do it And some he will raise to suffer everlasting punishment and others to a glorious everlasting life And of such as these the Apostle speaks John 11.25 Whoso believeth on him shall never die that is eternally so as to suffer everlasting punishment It now only remains that I should answer three questions and then I shall shut up this discourse 1. Seeing men return to the earth at several ages the Infant at one age and the man at another it may be questioned whether they shall arise in the same age and disproportions of age and stature which they had whilst they lived Answer Augustine * Restat ergo ut quisque su●m habeat mensuram vel quam habuit in juventute vel quam haiturus esset si vixisset August de civ lib 22. c. 13. resolves it negatively and determines it thus That we shall all of us be raised in that proportion of strength which men attain to commonly at their best estate And this resolution of the case the Apostle doth seem to favour when he saith that though the body be sown in weakness in the weakness of old age or infancy yet it shall be raised in power All imperfections and deformities shall be taken away For neither is it likely that Infancy being imperfection and old age being corruption can stand with the estate of a glorified body Quest 2. How can there be a Resurrection seeing the Apostle tells us that flesh and blood shall not enter into the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 15.50 Answ Our Bodies shall be fitted for that glorious state by the mutation of their qualities See Apost Hist pag. 183 and 184. Our bodies shall not enter into Heaven vile * The Apostle tells us the body shall be raised a Spiritual body that is a body endued with Spiritual qualities free from carnal desires and wholly subject to the Spirit as now they are but shall be changed As mens hearts are changed here by regeneration so their bodies shall be changed in the Resurrection changed in qualities not in substance As a corn of grain that is sown is raised in substance and kind the same but divers in qualities rising up with blade and ear and corn in it It doth not rise in just the same figure in which it was sown but with advantage So it will be in the Resurrection Quest 3. What shall become of them that shall be found alive at Christs coming Answ They shall not dye but shall be changed suddenly from a mortal into an immortal state See 1 Cor. 15.51 52. 1 Thes 4.15 17. SECT VI. Of Life everlasting And the life everlasting IN treating of this Article which the Nicene Creed calls the life of the World to come I shall first shew that both the old and new Testament bear witness to it and give us sufficient ground to believe it Dan. 12.2 Many of them that sleep in in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt God plainly shewed to those who lived under the old Testament that there is an everlasting life in the world to come by the examples of some whom he took and translated out of this world into the other without death intervening Enoch who lived before the giving of the Law and Elijah who lived after are both instances of this Gen. 5.24 Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him Heb. 11.5 By Faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him And so Elijah was carried up in a fiery Chariot and by a whirlwind into Heaven 2 Kings 2.11 After Abraham Isaac and Jacob were dead God stiled himself their God Exod. 3.6 Moreover he said I am the God
practice of these things 1. Betake thy self to some retired privacy and sequestring thy self from worldly cares and business labour to bring thy mind into a good calm sedate frame and fitness for this great work 2. Earnestly beg of God to give thee the assistance of his holy spirit to inable thee to fit thy self for this solemn Ordinance 3. Seriously consider the danger of receiving this Sacrament unworthily that is without such a disposition of mind and such a preparation of heart and such reverence and devotion as is agreeable unto so holy an Ordinance Such persons as are not so fitted and yet approach to this holy Table are guilty of profaning this Sacrament which is the commemoration of Christs death and of vilifying the signs and pledges of his body and blood and so incur the danger of temporal Judgment and chastisement here and without repentance of eternal hereafter 4. Seriously consider what is required to a worthy receiving And here a twofold caution is to be observed 1. That the pitch of worthiness is not to be set too high so as none shall be thought sit to partake of this Table but such as have a high and eminent degree of grace For this ●●dinance was appointed for the ben●fit of the lowest Believers and s● such as are weak in the Faith 2. That it be not set too low so ●hat a●● person though very ignorant of the true nature and end of this ordinance if he be free from gross open and scandalous sins may be thought fit to come and be admitted to it That we may therefore avoid both these I shall set down 1. What qualifications are requisite to a worthy Receiver 2. What are insufficient The qualifications requisite are these 1. Knowledge The fundamental principles and grounds of Christianity and the nature signification end and use of this Sacrament must be known by every one that would be a worthy receiver Ignorant persons therefore are totally unfit for the present and must first be instructed before they be admitted to this holy Ordinance But by the knowledge required we do not mean the profound knowledge of a Scholar who knows how to dispute upon any of these points and knows all the distinctions about them but the savoury knowledge of a Christian which hath these properties 1. 'T is not a meer speculative floating or swimming in the brain but a knowledge that affects the heart and works upon the affections 'T is such a knowledge of God as causes the heart to fear him such a knowledge of sin as works in the heart a hatred and loathing of it 2. 'T is an humbling knowledge Knowledge not sanctified puffeth up 1 Cor. 8.1 But the more any Soul is savingly inlightned the more it sees and is sensible of its own folly and corruption and great depravedness 3. 'T is a knowledge that is operative for the drawing the Soul to Christ and for the mending of the heart and reforming of the life Never let any man tell me that he has knowledge enough he knows as much as the Minister can teach him he knows the way to Heaven and Salvation as well as any body can shew him when I see him going on in paths leading down to Hell Shall any man perswade me that he has a sufficient skill in Physick and yet when he is dangerously sick he is neither sensible of it nor applies any fit remedy for himself Certainly that knowledge of the things of God is not right which does not affect the heart nor reform the life 2. Repentance They that are truly penitent have wrought in them by the Spirit of God 1. A Conviction of the evil and danger of their sins 2. True contrition and godly sorrow for them 3. A hatred and loathing of them 4. They are brought humbly to confess them with sorrow and shame unto God And 5. To turn from them unto God by sincere amendment of their lives 3. Faith in Christ This is a main qualification requisite to a worthy Communicant The main acts of Faith are these two 1. A serious owning and acknowledging Christ for the only Saviour of the World 2. A sincere giving up of the soul to him to be pardoned in his blood and sanctified by his Spirit and a solemn trusting and depending on him for all the benefits purchased by his death and passion And such a faith as this is operative for the purifying of the heart and reforming the life 4. Love Of this grace there are several acts required 1. We ought to excite a great love in our Souls to God our Creator and constant benefactor who sent his Son to redeem us 2. We ought to excite and stir up in our souls a great love to Christ Jesus who humbled himself to the death for us In contemplation of which transcendent love of Christ the Apostle cries out If any man love not the Lord Jesus let him be Anathema Maranatha 1 Cor. 16.22 Q. But you will say how may we know whether there be in us a sincere love to Christ or no 1. Have we been deeply wounded with a sence of our sins and have we betaken our selves to him as our only Physician to be cured and have we found him curing our accusing condemning consciences Hath our love to Christ any such foundation as this 2. Do we own Christ and love him as considered in all his Offices Do we love Christ not only as a Priest that has made atonement for us but as a Prophet and a King Do we love the guidance of his holy Spirit and the guidance of his word Do we love his Soveraignty as well as his Saviour-ship 3. Do we love him for his deep humiliation and bitter sufferings which he so readily underwent for us and for the great redemption and salvation he hath wrought for us 4. Are we willing to obey Christ If you love me sayes our Saviour keep my commandments 5. Is the interest of Christ dear to us Are we concerned in his honour and dishonour Are we suitably affected when his interest prospers or is trampled upon when it goes well or ill with his Church 6. Do we love him for those eminent graces which were so conspicuous in his life 7. Are we willing to be serviceable to him and to suffer for him when he calls us to it 8. Do we love him for his constant intercession for us at Gods right hand Let us try our love to Christ by these marks 3. We ought to have in our hearts a true love and charity to all Christians We should excite in our Souls a true love to all those that are real members of Christ We should love their persons graces and fellowship These we should love with a complacential love But besides these we should love our very enemies with a love of benevolence wishing well unfeignedly to them and praying for them The proper offices and effects of this Charity are 1. Forgiving injuries 2. Doing good against evil 3. Speaking
dust Fine cloaths may make Children and young folks proud but wise and considering persons are not usually affected with such things Be cloathed with humility sayes the Apostle 1 Pet. 5.5 that is the best cloathing of all 9. Is it grace or goodness that thou art apt to be proud of This is a thing very irrational and absurd For predominant pride cannot consist with grace but is a great sign of a graceless state If thou hast grace so far as thou art proud of it thou dost abuse it contradict it and act against the very nature of it For Pride is to grace what a consumption is to health Be not high minded but fear sayes the Apostle Rom. 11.20 When you think you stand take heed lest you fall 1 Cor. 10.12 And thus much of the eleventh Direction namely that we should reason our selves into a loathing of this sin 12. Look on the humbling judgments of God that are abroad in the world and turn them all as so many Cannons against thy Pride Methinks every serious Christian should think it unreasonable and unsuitable in such a calamitous time as this is when God calls to humbling and abasing our selves and to sympathize with others that are in an afflicted condition now to lay it out in pride and vanity and garish garbes and attire more than formerly We have seen many humbling sights and felt many humbling strokes and have heard many dismal cries of our afflicted Brethren and shall we now be proud I know the world is at that pass that a Minister will be thought to do more wisely to save his breath than spend it upon so hopeless a design as to think by all his arguments to reform people in this particular The pride of the world is now too high to be born down by Sermons or the most earnest and serious exhortations Alas 'T is a monster that has not been conquered by War nor Plague nor Fire And do you think it will be born down by the breath of a poor Minister though exhorting never so seriously However we must do our duty and lift up our voice like a Trumpet and shew Israel their sins whether they will hear or whether they will forbear And if I can bring but one sinner who is concerned in this reproof to consider his wayes and to forsake his pride and vanity I shall not repent me of this pains 13. Consider how God in the contrivance of mans redemption designeth the humbling of all whom he intends to save For he hath ordained that no man shall be justified by a righteousness of his own performance but by the satisfaction merits and intercession of the Redeemer Therefore he prepareth men for the reception of this pardon by humbling them and making them vile and mean in thir own eyes 14. Read what Christ expects from them whom he intends to save and then you will see what a great measure of humility and self-denial is required of them Except ye become as little Children ye cannot enter into the Kindom of Heaven Matth. 18.3 15. Treasure up some Scripture precepts against Pride and have them alwayes ready in your minds such as these he that humbleth himself shall be exalted God resisteth the proud Pride goeth before a fall Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord Prov. 16.5 A mans Pride shall bring him low but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit Prov. 29.23 16. Earnestly beg of God to give you the grace of Humility Concerning which excellent grace that I may treat the more profitably I shall shew 1. The Counterfeits of it 2. Wherein the true nature of it consists 3. The great benefits and advantages of it 4. The means to attain it For the First The counterfeits of it There are four things that carry a shew of humility but are at a great distance from it 1. When men vilifie and discommend themselves or their own performances on purpose to draw others to praise them He that doth so cozens himself into Pride by a shew of Humility A man would be ashamed if he were told he used that mean stratagem to procure his own praise But so glorious a thing is humility that pride to hide its own shame does sometimes put on the vizor and semblance of it 2. When men effect to wear some unusual habit or some mean and sordid cloaths or to use some clownish unhandsome and uncivil behaviour which may make them taken notice of and observed by others This may look like Humility but is far from it There may be a russet Pride and a leathern Insolency 'T is not alwayes couched under silk and sattin Many times there is a very ugly pride under mean cloaths The Capuchins among the Papists go in poor cloaths with naked legs and Sandals Who hath required these things of them I think the Apostles rule is here to be observed whatsoever things are honest pure lovely and of good report and praise-worthy among men Phil. 4.8 These we should follow and not affect a vain signularity not warranted by the word of God 3. When they choose to converse for the most part with their inferiours that they may bear sway and be the chiefest among them this is no argument of Humility but rather of Pride 4. When men live basely meanly in no degree answerable or according to the estate and condition God hath put them into this is not humility but an argument of a covetous and sordid spirit And so much of the counterfeits of humility 2. I come now to shew wherein the true nature of Humility consists and in what particulars it evidenceth it self In the general True Humility is a lowly frame and temper of Soul arising from wise serious and deliberate consideration 'T is principally rooted in the mind and evidenceth it self in these Particulars 1. The Soul that is truly humble is deeply sensible of its manifold weaknesses wants and imperfections 'T is sensible of the darkness of its mind the depravedness of its will the disorder and irregularity of its affections * Humilitas est animi demissio orta ex vera status conditionis suae agnition● Camer 2. 'T is very sensible of its great sinfulness and manifold transgressions against God O sayes such a Soul who have I in the whole course of my life too much neglected my Creator who gave me my life and being and in many things how grievously have I sinned against him And the wages of every sin being death how obnoxious and liable have I made my self to the wrath and curse of God What a mercy is it that I am out of Hell who have so many wayes broken the holy and righteous Law of God 3. As a consequent hereupon 't is very sensible of its great unworthiness of those mercies it enjoyes from God The humble soul sayes as good old Jacob did Gen. 32.10 I am not worthy of the least of all thy mercies which thou hast shewed to thy
things of the flesh sayes the Apostle Rom. 8.5 There are some who too much delight in eating and feeding making their belly their God like Philoxenus who wished he had the neck of a Crane that he might have the longer delight in swallowing and tasting his meat and drink These people should remember that the flesh is one of the enemies they are engaged by their baptism to fight against and therefore should not pamper it unto wantonness 2. Want of due understanding what is truly conducing to health and to the furthering of us in our duty towards God and man A decaying body ought carefully to be supported but an unruly body ought carefully to be subdued And they that do not duly consider their own constitution and what is the duty incumbent upon them in reference to their particular Temper and the state of their bodies will be apt to erre in this matter 3. Making appetite the rule and measure of our eating and drinking whereas appetite was given to us to make that grateful to us which reason bids us to eat and not to be our measure Many a mans appetite is stronger than his concoction and many healthful people have an appetite to more than they ought to eat or than nature can well digest We see in Swine and many greedy Children that they would many times even kill themselves with eating if they had not the reason of others to govern them Appetite therefore is not to be our rule either for quantity or quality of meats but reason in this as in other things is to be our guide and governor When reason hath nothing against it then appetite sheweth what is most agreeable to nature and what the Stomach is like best to close with and digest But God hath given us reason as well as appetite and though as the common saying is * Venter non habet aures the belly and the appetite hath no ears yet reason should make them hear yea and obey too 4. The exceeding deliciousness and pleasantness of some meats tempts the appetite to desire more than nature requires So the quality oftentimes tempts and invites to an excess in quantity 5. The evil custom of urging and importuning others to eat more than they have a desire unto This is many times a great cause of Gluttony We are all more prone to exceed than to fall short and we need no incitation to eat our own appetite is apt to incite us too much But many people think it a piece of civility to urge importune and almost force their friends to eat though they will not urge them in the like kind to drink more than they have a mind unto And so much of the causes of Gluttony 3. I come now to the third thing I propounded to speak to namely the great evil and danger of this sin And this I shall shew in sundry particulars 1. 'T is a great enemy to the Body Plures gula * Quicquid avium volitat quicquid pis●ium natat quicquid ferarum discurrit nostris sepelitur ventribus Sen. quam gladius The throat hath killed more than the sword Many men dig their graves with their teeth and dye because they put not the knife to the throat (a) Prov. 23.1 Pone cu●trum i. e. modum adhibe gulae tuae eamque velut cultro gutturi infixo refraena Menech How hard soever it hath gone with some people in the World at some particular times yet more have been killed by their own Gluttony than ever were starved to death through want It may well be supposed that a little more than half the quantity of meat and drink which many people take would afford them as lasting and as healthful a state of body as the over measure they ordinarily use Intemperate men are Valetudinis suae proditores as he said betrayers of their own health For Gluttony though it kills not suddenly yet it doth it surely and certainly like the Dropsie of which 't is said it killeth as it filleth that is by degrees and insensibly Gluttony fills the body with crudities which are the root of most sicknesses There are few diseases but are the effects of Gluttony or excess in drinking 't is excess that commonly breeds them and layes the matter and foundation of them And if this were well understood I wonder that wicked men if they do not believe a life to come yet should not be affraid of shortning this their present life by their intemperance 2. 'T is a great enemy to the mind and to all the exercises operations and imployments of it both religious and civil It makes men heavy drousie dull and shathfull The body ought to be the instrument of the Soul in the service of God But Gluttony makes it a clog to the Soul and exceedingly indisposes it for the duties we owe either to God or man 3. Gluttony is a great symptom of a carnal mind and a carnal mind is enmity against God as the Apostle tells us Rom. 8.7 And that which opposes God is sure to be destroy'd And the spirit of God further assures us at the thirteenth verse of that Chapter that they that live after the flesh shall dye and that not only a temporal death but except they be converted an eternal death also 4. It breeds lust and furthers the power of concupiscence As dunging the ground makes it fruitful especially in weeds so Gluttony fills the mind with the weeds of filthy thoughts filthy desires and inclinations and thence come filthy words and filthy actions He therefore that feeds his body high does plainly and evidently pamper his enemy but he that beats down his body and keeps it in subjection as the Apostle speaks 2 Cor. 9.27 by fasting and abstinence takes a right course to mortifie the lusts of the Flesh 5. 'T is a shameful abuse of Gods good creatures which are given us for our use Would you not think those men exceeding blame-worthy who should take good and wholsome meat and throw it into the channel or sink Gluttons by their great excess do that which is much worse For they not only abuse Gods good creatures by their ex●ess and riot but they thereby hurt their own bodies also 6. 'T is a most ungrateful sin It carries Gods good provisions over to his enemy even to the strengthning of fleshly lusts and turneth them all against the giver of them Is it not a horrible disingenuous thing so to provoke and dishonour God with his own mercies Pride Idleness fullness of Bread and hard-heartedness to the poor were the provoking sins of Sodom Ezek. 16 49. 7. 'T is a kind of idolatry to mind the belly inordinately The Apostle tells us of some Phil. 3.19 whose belly was their God And such persons worship a craving God that will not let them alone except they serve him 8. A gluttonous appetite maketh our very table become a snare to us Deut. 6.11 12. When thou hast eaten and art full
then beware lest thou forget thy God How apt are people at a full table to offend with their teeth yea and with their tongues also The table of a Glutton is usually a snare not only to his body but to his soul 9. 'T is a time-wasting sin Long sitting at meals and feasts how much precious time doth it devour which should be better imployed 10. 'T is a costly expensive sin It overthrows and wasts many a mans estate How great a part of the riches of many Kingdoms are spent in riot excess and luxury God threatens Prov. 23.20 That the glutton shall come to poverty And so it very frequently happens 11. It hinders mercy and liberality and relief of the poor For frugality is the purse-bearer to Charity The Prodigal House-keeper is not usually the most charitable to the poor True and prude●t hospitality is one thing and prodigal house-keeping is another They that spend so much upon their own bellies seldom are so charitable to the poor as they might and ought to be 12. Gluttony is alwayes a great crime but much more heinous in times of publick calamity and when the people of God are under great afflictions See what God sayes by the Prophet Amos 6.1 4 5 6. Wo to them that are at ease in Zion who lye upon beds of Ivory and stretch themselves upon their couches and eat the Lambs out of the Flock and Calves out of the stall That chaunt to the sound of the viol and invent to themselves instruments of musick that drink wine in bowls and anoint themselves with the chief oyntments but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph Observe also what God saith by the Prophet Isaias Chap. 22. Verse 12.13 14 And in that day did the Lord God of Hosts call to weeping and to mourning and to baldness and to girding with sack-cloath and behold joy and gladness slaying Oxen and killing Sheep eating flesh and drinking wine let us eat and drink for to morrow we shall dye And it was revealed in mine ears by the Lord of Hosts surely this iniquity shall not be purged from you till ye dy● saith the Lord. Lastly The greatness of this sin may appear in this that it is so often and so frequently committed Gods own people I suppose are not often tempted and overcome by drunkenness or uncleanness but let them take heed of Gluttony For this sin is apt to steal upon people before they are aware 'T is a sin that is apt to incorporate it felf with our appetite and desire of eating for the preservation of our health Our corrupt nature is as prone to excess in this kind as any other and therefore we had need be the more watchful against it And so much of the great evil and danger of this Sin 4. I come now in the last place to prescribe some helps and remedies against it 1. Look upon all your food as given you by God Receive it as from his hand and beg his blessing upon it And remember the Apostles rule whether ye eat or drink or whatever you do do all to the glory of God And if you have Gods glory in your eye it will be a great means to keep you from intemperance in this kind 2. Labour to mortifie and subdue the irregular inclinations and desires of the flesh What a horrible thing is it that a mans heart should be set upon the pleasing of his belly They that are true Christians ought to crucifie the flesh with its affections and lusts 3. Remember how the first sin came into the World by eating O sin not as our first Parents did by an inordinate pleasing of your appetite 4. Check your appetite and resolve that shall not be satisfied to the full Be affraid of sinful excess The Apostle speaks of some Jude verse 12. that did eat without fear A man that would be temperate in this kind must be watchful over himself and must exercise some authority over his appetite For the belly is a Brute that commonly hath its ears stopt to Scripture or reason 5. Use all sensual delights in subserviency unto as means to their right end namely to make you more thankful more fit and more chearful in the service of God 6. Labour to understand well what is most conducing to your health and let that be the ordinary rule and measure of your diet both for quantity and quality Man in endued with reason as well as appetite and reason if we will listen to it will tell us that our health is more to be regarded than our appetite God alloweth us that which is most for our health and forbiddeth us nothing but that which will hurt us God would have us temperate that a healthful body may be serviceable to our Souls in our Masters work The common rule that most people do go by in cating is their appetite They think they must eat as they have appetite and if they could eat more with an appetite and not be sick after it they think they have not been guilty of Gluttony and excess Mr. Baxter who is not only a learned Divine but a skilful Physitian also writing about this sin of Gluttony and the frequency of it in his cases of conscience pag. 378. Conjectures that most sorts of people do usually offend herein and that particularly labouring people do ordinarily eat near a fourth part more than they need that Shop-keepers and persons of easier Trades near a third part that voluptuous Gentlemen and their attendants do often exceed near half and that the children of such Parents as govern not their appetites but let them eat and drink as often and as much as they will do usually exceed above half and thereby lay the foundation of the miseries and diseases of their whole life after And therefore he judges that children should be taught betimes some common and necessary precepts about their diet and what tends to health and prolonging their life and what to sickness and death and that these principles should be instilled into them with other moral precepts in the books that they first learn For 't is certain that none love sickness and death but all love health and life And therefore those whom the fear of God doth not restrain from this kind of excess may possibly be restrained from it through the fear of sickness and death But alass few grown people much less children have any considerable knowledge what measure is best for them to use but the common though deceitful rule they go by is their appetite 7. Sit not too long at meals For by that means people are tempted to eat a little and a little more and so at last they fall into excess 8. Do not over perswade and importune others to eat more than they have a mind to notwithstanding it is counted so great a piece of civility so to do We think them highly culpable who urge people to drink more than is fit for them why then
company-keeping maintains kindness and friendship and love among neighbours To this I answer can any rational man imagine that the helping to destroy the soul the body the estate the good-name the family of their neighbour is any argument of kindness to him Surely such persons as draw one another into such courses are the greatest enemies to one another imaginable 2. They will alledge that those holy men Noah and Lot fell into this sin I answer Noah fell into it but once and that as it seems upon ignorance and surprize not knowing at first the property quality and operation of the wine * Gen. 9.20.21 which was the fruit of the Vineyard he himself had planted And possibly he was the more easily overtaken as being over-joyed when he tasted such excellent fruits of his own labours and allowing himself a little more freedom in drinking thereof than in all likelihood he would have done had he known the power and vertue of the wine And accordingly we do not find that he was ever overtaken so again As for Lot indeed we read that he was twice overtaken but both times by the perswasion of his own Daughters * Gen. 19.33.35 to which he was possibly the more ready to give ear because their hearts being oppressed with grief for the destruction of Sodom the loss of their goods and sudden death of his wife he thought they might take a little more liberty in the use of wine at that time for their comfort and refreshment and supporting their spirits under such great and sore afflictions And we know that they that venture to go near the brink do sometimes fall into the water So that however those holy men were overtaken once or twice yet they were no drunkards They fell into this sin by surprize it was not their usual practice And these examples no more justify those who live in this vice than Peters once denying his Lord and Master excuseth those who make a total and final Apostacy from him The spirit of God hath purposely recorded the * Sunt cavendi non cadendi exempla slips of these holy men to shew us how frail our nature is and to caution us not to presume upon our own strength but to be the more watchful and also to shew us that they who fall through infirmity into the like sins should not despair of Gods mercy in Christ if they seriously repent of them and forsake them No Pilot in his wits when he sees Sea-marks purposely set up to give warning of rocks sands or shelves upon which others have made Ship-wrack will take occasion thereby to run his Ship upon them but rather will imploy all his care and skill to avoid them that he may escape the like danger And this is the use we should make of these examples 3. They say they do it to drive away care and trouble of mind and melancholy For answer to this I desire first to know what cares and troubles they are they desire thus to drive away Perhaps they are some checks and rebukes of their consciciences for their sins If so they may possibly by such divertisements stop the mouths of their consciences for the present but they will roar louder upon them hereafter It were a thousand times better for them to go alone than into such wild company and to think soberly of their condition and of their misery and the true way of coming out of it To go into merry and vain company is but a bad remedy to drive away melancholy or to stop the mouth of an accusing conscience We may say to such persons as Solomon does Eccles 2.2 I said of laughter it is mad and of mirth what doth it And Chap. 7. Verse 4. The heart of the wise man is in the house of mourning but the heart of fools is in the house mirth If we saw a mad man whoop and hollow and make a great noise we should not envy but pity such mirth The vain and foolish merriment of wicked company is that which a sober and serious mind can never be pleased with And therefore they that seek such company to divert and drive away their melancholy take the direct way to increase it Now melancholy is of two sorts either such as arises from the mind or such as arises from the body As for that which arises from the mind the best way to drive it away is to clear the Soul of all guilt by true repentance and flying to the blood of Christ for pardon For they are happy and they only whose sins are forgiven and whose iniquities are covered and to whom God will not impute transgression Secret and fervent prayer also to God which gives vent to the mind and so eases it is an excellent remedy in this case To which I may add the imparting the troubles of our mind if they be urgent to some wise and faithful friend and craving his advice and counsel as a good way and means also to obtain ease But if the Melancholy arise from the body by reason of darksome fumes and vapors it casts up into the mind some proper Physick is then requisite and the moderate use of such things as may exhilerate the spirits Yea business and imployment is a great remedy in this case For standing waters stagnate and gather mud whereas running waters are clear and sweet Good company also I mean of wise and sober Christians is a great help against this malady And striving to be chearful in an innocent and inoffensive manner that our pectorals may be shaken and fumes dispersed is of great use likewise But as for going to the Ale-house or Tavern and consorting with such company as usually frequent those places in my opinion it is far from being a proper remedy for Melancholy but ordinarily does more increase it especially when people come to reflect how greatly God has been dishonoured and their souls hurt by such meetings 4. They say they do it to pass away the time * Damna fleo rerum sed plus fleo damna dierum Blind wretches Are you so near Eternity and know not how better to improve your time Can you sit tipling and prating away your precious time over your Pots when the mudwalls of your bodies are daily crumbling down and when you know not how soon you may be summoned to appear before Gods dreadful Tribunal But it may be you will say you are Gentlemen and so have more time and leisure at your own disposal than other men have who must earn their bread before they eat it But hark you in your ears Where there is much leisure from worldly business God expects more time should be spent and imployed on the soul and not spent in idle merriment and sinful jollity 5. Some will pretend their heads are very weak and a little overturns them and so they hope they are the more excusable I answer they that know their own weakness should be more especially watchful
themselves to consider what kind of life that is that is there lived They savor and relish earthly things but spiritual things seem to them to have no tast in them But the true Christian exercises himself in the meditation of things invisible and lives in the believing views of the excellency and reality of those things and by faith ascertains them to himself The Martyrs had their hearts set on things unseen The invisible comforts and recompenses of the other life bore up their hearts against the terrors of visible and present torments And so much of the causes of Covetousness 4. I come now to shew what are the marks and characters of such as are Covetous and Earthly-minded and who may be stiled men of the World 1. Men whose knowledge and skill lyes only or chiefly about the things of the world They are shrowd understanding men in worldly matters but in the things of God and such as concern their Souls and their everlasting welfare meer Children In the things that concern their trades or professions they are notable men but talk with them about the Covenant of Grace about Conversion and Regeneration about the true nature of Repentance or Faith and they know little 2. Their hearts are chiefly set on these things The things of the World they love and affect as being sutable to their spirits The Apostle commands us 1 John 2.15 Not to love the World nor the things of the World for all the things of the World may be reduced to these three heads the lust of the flesh or sensual pleasures the lust of the eye or riches and such things as are seen with the eyes and the pride of life that is preferments and honours But though the Apostle commands we should not set our hearts or affections on these things yet this is the Worlds Trinity and more adored by them than Father Son and Holy-Ghost 3. Their discourse is chiefly about these things 1 John 4.5 They are of the World therefore speak they of the World Their breath is earthy which they say is a sign of death Talk with them about worldly things none more free to discourse than they But speak to them of matters that concern their Souls they have nothing to say Such discourse is usually unpleasing to them 4. Their pains and endeavours * Rem Rem quocunque modo Rem Ocives querenda pecunia primum est Virtus post nummos are only or chiefly for the things of the World They take little pains about their own Souls or the souls of those under their care but are mighty industrious about the things of the World They rise early and sit up late to acquire them but a short attendance upon religious duties and exercises what a weariness is it to them and they are ready to snuff at it as the Prophet speaks Mal. 1.13 They take a great deal of care and pains how they may live here it may be ten or twenty or thirty years but they take no thought how they should live a thousand years hence when they have left their bodies in the earth Oh were the endeavours of these men for the saving of their immortal precious souls but any thing answerable to the pains they take to get the World how happy might they be God is not always pleased to bless and succeed the endeavours of men who are very diligent in their calling and painful and laborious to get wealth God sees it best to keep them low But what man ever was diligent and serious in seeking the things of eternal life and working out his Salvation that did not find God assisting of him and prospering his endeavours 5. They are very careful to secure to themselves those temporal things but use no answerable care to secure to themselves things eternal They are very careful about the Titles of their Lands and Purchases and hardly ever think themselves secure enough Let a Minister come to one of these men on his Death-bed and ask him concerning the evidences of his estate he will tell him they are all safe in such a trunk or chest But let him ask him what evidences he has that his Soul is in a safe condition Alas He has nothing to say He has not minded those things His Soul is left upon miserable uncertainties He has taken no care to secure to himself erernal * Nulla satis magna secu●itas ubi periclitatur aeternitas happiness He has taken care to leave a clear estate to his children but no care to clear his Soul of guilt or to deliver himself from the wrath that is to come 6. They are commonly very solicitous about their own private interest but little or nothing concerned about the interest of Christ or his Church They are wholly and only for themselves We read 1 Sam. 4.13 that old Eli's heart trembled for the Ark of God which was the symbole of his gracious presence among them But how little are worldly and earthly-minded men concerned how it fares with the Church of God provided their own private worldly concernments be safe and secure 7. These outward things they make their trust and confidence They set their prime affections of love and trust upon them in that measure which is only due to God The rich mans wealth is his strong City Prov. 10.16 They make Gold their hope and fine Gold their confidence Job 31.24 Their wealth is the Idol upon which they dote Their confidence and trust is taken off from God and placed upon their riches As the Psalmist speaks Psal 52.7 Lo these are the men that make not God their strength but trust in the abundance of their riches And this their way is their folly and a course very injurious to God who should be the only object of our trust and can only help us in a day of trouble The Scripture doth frequently disswade men from such carnal confidence 1 Tim. 6.17 Charge them that be rich in this World that they be not high-minded nor trust in uncertain riches but in the living God Psal 62.10 If riches increase set not your hearts upon them And our Saviour himself gives us this precept Matth. 6.19 Lay not up for your selves treasures upon earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal but lay up for your selves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal For where your treasure is there will your hearts be also And so much of the marks and characters of such as are earthly-minded 5. I come now to shew the great evil of Covetousness and earthly-mindedness 1. 'T is a sin the Scripture testifies very much against 1. 'T is called Idolatry Ephes 5.5 Col. 3.5 because the Covetous man loves * Amor tuus Deus tuus his money more than God and more trusts in it 2. 'T is called the root of all evil 1 Tim. 6.10 'T is the cause
of Oppression Extortion Cheating Lying Theft False-witness-bearing breach of Promise c. It occasions a great deal of trouble to the World by Quarrelling Contention Law-Sutes and the like He whose affections are inordinately set on money will not stick at the breach of any of Gods commandments There is scarce any sin so base and vile but he that is under the power of Covetousness will venture to commit it for gain and advantage * Avaritia Christum vendidit Therefore Davids prayer was Psal 119.36 Incline mine heart to thy testimonies and not to covetousness He might have said and not to lust or not to pride but it seems he looked on Covetousness as a Mother-sin which was like to produce many other sins wherever it prevailed 2. 'T is a very close sin 'T is a sin hardly discerned and so more hardly cured 'T is a secret subtil sin that hides it self under the cloak of frugality and good husbandry A man may be free from unlawful getting from deceit and injustice and yet be earthly-minded for all that If God should suffer a Professor to fall into drunkenness or uncleanness his conscience would be sure to flye in his face and severely talk with him But people that are Covetous and Earthly-minded hardly discern themselves to be so or think it no crime to be so though the Apostle 1 Cor. 6.10 reckons the Covetous among those that shall not inherit the Kingdom of God 3. 'T is a very insnaring sin They that will be rich sayes the Apostle that is that are resolved so to be either by hook or by crook fall into temptation and a snare 1 Tim. 6.9 Such persons will not stick at any thing that may promote their gain They will not care to make shipwrack of their consciences to gain the world And therefore Covetousness is many times the root of Apostacy Dem●s hath forsaken me sayes the Apostle 2 Tim. 4.10 having embraced the present world Luke follows a suffering Paul but Demas through the love of the world forsakes him 4. 'T is a great dishonour to the Christian Profession What shall they that have Heaven set before them for a reward dote upon the earth Shall they that pretend to understand the surpassing excellency of the things above have their hearts and affections set on things below The Psalmist sayes Psal 135.15 The Idols of the Heathen are silver and gold 'T is a shame that silver and gold should be the Idols of Christians Therefore the Apostle writing to the converted Colossians Chap. 3. v. 1 2. tells them that if they be risen with Christ they must set their affections on things above and not on things on the earth 5. It much hinders profiting by the Wo●d The Cares of this life choak the Word Matth. 13.23 There are many come to hear the word and sit before the Lord as his people whose hearts go after their Covetousness Ezek. 33.31 and so the word profits them not 6. It unfits a man to be a good Magistrate or a good Minister A Magistrate should be a man fearing God and hating Covetousness Exod. 18.21 A Gospel Minister should not be greedy of filthy lucre 1 Pet. 5.2 If either of them be under the power of Covetousness they are never like to discharge their duties faithfully 7. 'T is a very disquieting sin It disquiets the hearts of men and deprives them of inward peace They that covet after money pierce themselves through with many sorrows sayes the Apostle 1 Tim. 6.10 It creates also a great deal of trouble and disquiet to particular Families He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house sayes Solomon Prov. 15.27 A covetous Master of a Family will make his Children and Servants very slaves and drudges and will hardly allow them things necessary and Convenient 8. It exceedingly hinders a due preparation for death They that have their hearts over-charged with Covetousness and the cares of this life seldom take their latter end into due consideration How hardly sayes our Saviour shall they that have riches enter into the Kingdom of God Math. 10.23 that is that have their hearts set on their riches and trust in them Corpulent birds seldom flye high Neither do they whose great care is to load themselves with thick Clay Heb. 2.5 6. mind Heaven or the things of the other life And so much of the evil of Covetousness 6. I come now to give some directions and to prescribe some remedies against it 1. Labour to understand wherein the true happiness of man consists Riches and wealth are not the distinguishing marks of the favour and love of God Men may have them and yet be of the number of them who have all their portion in this life Psal 17.14 God indeed does sometimes give riches to his own children that they may appear to be his blssiengs And to many of his own children he denies them that they may appear not to be his chief blessings The true happiness of man consists in reconciliation with God in conformity of his nature to him in having his Spirit dwelling in him and in being serviceable to him in his generation He that hath these is truly rich though he be poor in this World And he that wants these though he flow in riches and wealth yet I am not affraid to tell him he is for the present but a miserable man and in an unsafe condition 2. Consider the people of God ought to have a great confidence in Gods Fatherly care over them We are much pressed in Scripture to cast our care on God Psal 55.22 Cast thy burden on the Lord and he shall sustain thee 1 Pet. 5.7 Cast all your care on him for he careth for you Matth. 6.31 Take no thought for your life wha● you shall eat or what you shall drink or for your body what you shall put on but seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you What makes children and servants less solicitous and anxious less careful and covetous in their Parents and Masters house than when they are for themselves Why they depend on their Parents and Masters to provide for them and that sets them at ease as to that particular And should not we then depend on the care and providence of our heavenly Father Why should we not trust God for our bodies as well as for our souls considering the many gracious promises he has made to take care of us The Apostle uses this as a great argument against Covetousness and that we should be content with such things as we have because God hath said I will never leave thee nor forsake thee Heb. 13.5 3. We should labour to moderate our affections to the things of this World Holy Agurs prayer was Prov. 30.8 Give me neither Poverty nor Riches but feed me with food convenient for me Our Saviour tells Martha Luke 10.42 that one thing is necessary 'T is not necessary we
should be rich or learned or healthful or have a great name in this World but 't is absolutely necessary to our happiness that we should break off our sins by true repentance that we should be converted that we should savingly close with Christ by Faith that we should be new creatures that we should live to the honour of God and good of the World If these things be found in us God hath given us the best portion and therefore we may well be contented though he give us not so large a portion of the things of this life Yea upon this account in a good cause we ought to take joyfully the spoiling of our goods or the loss of our estates remembring that God hath given us a better portion that cannot be taken from us 4. We should consider our Souls are Spirits and were made for higher things than meerly to grovel on the earth Our Souls are our best part and our greatest care should be to secure them If it go well with the soul it will go well with the body also But if the soul be lost and must suffer everlasting punishment 't were better we had been made Toads or Serpents than Men and rational creatures Certainly it argues the great depravation of mans Soul that it should take so much care for the body how it may be cloathed and fed and how it may injoy all the delights which are suitable to it and that it should take so little care of it self to secure unto it self eternal happiness In order therefore to the securing of our souls we should labour to possess our minds with right and sound principles such as these That the best part of man ought to have most care bestowed upon it That things of everlasting consequence ought to be sought before things of meer temporal concernment That things absolutely necessary ought to be sought in the first place That he is a wise man that takes due care to save his soul but he is a fool that to gain the World loses his Soul Such Principles as these laid deep in our minds may be a great means to preserve us from an eager and greedy pursuit of the things of the world 5. We should consider our time here is but short 1 Cor. 7.29 therefore we had not need act the part of children and only follow bubbles We have but a short winters-day of life to live If a man come to a great City and have a great deal of business to do and but a short day to do it in he had not need trifle but mind the business seriously for which he came thither Let us therefore mind our great business for which we came into the World let us look to the main whatever else be neglected 6. We should take heed of earthly-mindedness and pursuing the things of the World too eagerly lest that happen to us which sometimes happens to those that dig in the mines of the earth while they are eagerly digging and delving there the earth falls on them on a sudden and miserably buries them Let those that follow the World so hard with the wretched neglect of their souls and are loading themselves continually with thick clay take heed they be not at last crushed under it and perish by it 7. We should set before our eyes the examples of the most eminent Saints and servants of God in all ages They counted themselves but Pilgrims and strangers here Heb. 13.37 and yet they were such of whom the world was not worthy Scultetus observes that none of the Saints mentioned in the Scripture were spotted with this sin of Covetousness The Apostle tells us that Abraham sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Country because he looked for a City which hath foundations whose builder and maker is God And the truth is they that have God for their Father Christ for their Redeemer the Holy Ghost for their guide and comforter the holy Angels for their Protectors the Promises of God for their present support and Heaven for their inheritance hereafter should have their hearts withdrawn from worldly things and should more mind and think of their Countrey that is above * Dum mala pungunt bona promissa ungunt 8. Those to whom God hath given riches in this World should consider that these are their particular duties 1. They should labour to get the spiritual riches of grace which they may carry with them into the other World 2. They should not over-value their riches nor esteem them too highly nor set their hearts upon them Psal 62.10 3. They should not put their trust or confidence in them 1 Tim. 6.17 4. They should not glory in them nor boast of them Jer. 9.23 5. They should not be tempted by their riches to scorn or despise the poor Jam. 2.6 6. They should not by reason of their wealth and power oppress the poor 7. They should honour the Lord with their substance Prov. 3.9 1. By promoting Piety and the service of God 2. By works of Charity * Quas dederis solas semper habebis opes Habeo quod dedi perdidi quod servavi and beneficence to the poor and so make to themselves friends of their riches Luke 16.9 Now riches are made friends when they are so used as they may be evidences and give testimony of our Piety Charity Justice and Mercifulness A poor mans hand whom we have relieved is a bill will be accepted in Heaven Prov. 19.17 He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord and he will pay him again 8. They should often and seriously meditate on the account they must give how they have used their wealth They should consider they are not absolute Lords of their estates but Gods stewards and to him they must give an account 9. They should be willing to let go whatever God shall call them to part with and that without regret or murmuring as if a piece of their heart were rent away with it And so much of the remedies and directions against Covetousness I shall now shut up this discourse with this one Caution that seeing Covetousness does especially consist in the inward desires of the heart which are best known to a mans self and which no man knows save the spirit of a man that is in him 1 Cor. 2.11 We should therefore be very wary and tender of charging Covetousness upon others We may more safely and securely judge our selves in this matter than we can others For we can better know the nature and qualification of our own desires than we can possibly of another mans Let us therefore take heed of evil surmizes and ungrounded suspicions of others Some persons are apt to surmize a man to be covetous upon such grounds as these 1. He will not be bound for a friend or relation though in never so great a strait I Answer I think no man ought to be bound for another any further than he finds himself able
6. I shall shew who are the persons that should especially be perswaded to the practice of this duty For the First What is meant by redeeming time Time may be considered either as past present or to come 1. For Time past there is no recalling of that the loss of it ought to be bewailed by us and that with great bitterness * Damna fleo rerum sed plus fleo damna dierum 2. For Time to come that we are uncertain of Only two times we are assured will come the time of Death and the time of Judgement And he is no wise man that does not provide and prepare himself against both these 3. The Time present This only is our time and this we should labour well to imploy improve and husband to the best advantage And so much of the first particular what is meant by redeeming Time 2. To what purposes are we to redeem time There are many excellent purposes for which we should do it Particularly 1. To consider our wayes and find out the sins of our lives that we may humble our Souls before the Lord for them and may undoe them again by true Repentance 2. To sue out our Pardon and make our Peace with God by betaking our selves to Christ Jesus and giving up our selves to him to be Pardoned through the infinite merit of his active and passive obedience and to be sanctified by his Spirit 3. To consider what unruly affections are in us that we may set our selves through the aids of grace to subdue and mortify them 4. To consider how we may frame our outward conversation so as may tend to the honour of God and credit of our Profession 5. To consider what is the part that God hath appointed us to act in this world and what are the peculiar duties incumbent on us in reference to our particular calling and station that we may perform them wisely faithfully and diligently 6. To consider that this life is our seed-time and that we shall reap hereafter according to what we sow here And therefore we had need look to it that we sow good seed and do what good we can while we have opportunity He that sowes to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption and he that sowes to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting Gal. 6.7 7. To consider that we are not only to take care to clear our own Souls of guilt but to humble our selves for the crying sins of our Nation by which our Heavenly Father is highly dishonoured that so we may do our part to stand in the gap and divert the wrath of God And so much of the purposes for which we are to redeem Time 3. I come now in the third place to consider from what we must redeem time There are many things from which we must redeem it 1. From the ordinary business and affairs of this life For though we are to be diligent in our particular callings yet we must not suffer our worldly business to ingross all our time We must labour so to contrive the business of our callings that they may not intrench upon that time which we are to imploy for the good of our Souls 2. From the lawful refreshments of our lives such as eating drinking sleeping recreations c. In which there is very often too much of our time spent 3. From Conversation and company especially such company among whom we cannot expect either to do good or to receive good 4. We must be especially careful how we employ our solitary hours and when we are alone that we do not spend that time n melancholy and impertinent musings and rovings and wandrings of thoughts but imploy it in meditation on things profitable and useful And if we had the care and skill to keep our minds to good works when we are alone It would be of incredible advantage to us both for the improving of our reason and much more to improve us in real piety and Christianity And so much of the third Particular From what we must redeem time 4. What are the reasons that should press this duty upon us 1. Our time is but short we have but a little of it We have not seven or eight hundred years of life as the Patriarchs had before the flood Mans life is now ordinarily very short Few live to threescore years and ten and very few to four-score And take out of the longest life that any live here 1. The folly and inconsiderateness of Child-hood and youth 2. The time spent in eating drinking and sleeping though with moderation 3. The time of sickness and indisposition of health 4. The time spent in journeys and travel 5. The time spent in recreation and visiting of friends 6. The time of weakness valitudinariness unusefulness in old age I say take out all these and the residue that remaineth for our business of greatest moment and consideration we shall find will be but a small pittance or portion And therefore having so little time we had not need waste it prodigally 2. Our time flyes away very swifly Job 9.25 26. compares it to three very swift things to a Post to a Ship on the Sea and to an Eagle flying to her prey Let any one consider how soon a year is gone and then tell me whether time does not fly away apace 3. A great deal of our time we have already mispent Let us reflect on our infancy Childhood and youth Alas How many years have passed over our heads ere we came to have any consideration for what end we came into the world or what work we had here to do Nay how many in their youth have weaved those cursed wehs of sin which must be afterwards unweaved and undone again with great sorrow and shame Nay how much of the time which we have spent in Gods own worship may be reckoned to our lost time God commands us to use the World as if we used it not But we are apt to pray as if we prayed not and to hear as if we heard not and to worship God in such a cold and formal manner as if we minded not what we were about 4. Consider what a damned soul in hell would give for a little time to recover himself out of that woful misery if it were in his power to purchase it O how cutting must it needs be to him to think how he might have procured everlasting joy and bliss to himself but he foolishly neglected his time and season for the doing of it which is not now to be recovered If God by an extraordinary dispensation should grant to a damned Soul one moneth or week to come out of hell upon tryal surely such a person would better improve his time than before he had done When people come to die at how dear a rate would they be willing to purchase some of those hours which they foolishly mis-spent and squandered away before 5. Consider time is a Talent
such discourse as is very profitable and then they will not be only testifications of civility and respect from one friend to another but a great advantage and improvement to them many wayes 5. Immoderate and too long sports games and recreations Indeed some fiting recreation may be needfull to him who has wearied himself in honest labour He that mowes must sometimes whet his sythe and he that travails must sometimes bait And therefore recreations that are lawful moderate and seasonable and conduce to the refreshment of nature and fitting us more for our business are very allowable but too much and too long recreation is a most prodigal expence of time Nay there are some who labour hard and take great pains at their sports and recreations who are very idle in their due work And what a folly is this to be so active and labourious about their pleasures and to neglect their main business 6. Vain impertinent and ungoverned thoughts are a great consumption of time especially in melancholy persons But this also I touched before 7. Reading of vain and corrupting books such as Play-books c. is another great waster of precious time Surely we should not imploy our time in reading any books but such as tend to make us either wiser or better or more useful not in such as tend to the depraving and corrupting of our minds Such wasters therefore of precious time as these are should be carefully avoided by us And so much of the sixth Direction 7. Consider how exceeding comfortable the review of time well spent will be when you come to dye What a strong cordial is it to a departing soul when he can say with the blessed Apostle I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the Righteous Judge shall give me at his appearing 2 Tim. 3.7 8. Or with Hezekiah Esay 38.3 Remember now O Lord how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart and have done that which was good in thy sight 'T was once said by a holy man in this Nation that if any uncomfortable Passion could betide a Saint in Heaven it would be that he had spent his time no better nor had done God more service here And therefore the pious and renowned Vsher cryed out on his Death-bed Lord pardon my omissions But as the review of our time well spent and imployed will be exceeding comfortable to us at our dying hour so the contrary must needs be exceeding cutting O how do people wish then they had spent their time Which of these two accounts do you think will then be most comfortable Item so much of my time spent in Ale-houses Taverns in idle company in pleasures and pastimes in foolish mirth and jollity c. or so much of my time spent in fervent prayer to God and praising of him so much in hearing his word in meditation in self-examination in pious discourse c. 'T is hardly possible for voluptuous persons who have their minds filled with vanity pleasure to imagine what a different sense they will have of things when they come to dye from what they have now and how precious that time will then appear to them which they made so little account of before They will then begin to see their folly as they say Moles have their eyes opened just before they die And as Hagar sat down and wept when her water was spent Gen. 21.15 So these people will then weep and howl when their time is gone and can never be recalled And so much for the direction as to the manner how we should redeem time 6. I come now in the last place to shew who are the Persons that should especially be perswaded to the practice of this duty 1. Those that are young They should take heed of Satans grand delusion who will perswade them if he can that 't is too soon for them as yet to think of improving their time and if they should do so now they will lose their prime time of pleasure But I shall refer them to my directions to the young in my book of knowledge and practice for the answering such suggestions They should consider how many great advantages will accrue to them if they now improve their time well Hereby they will prevent many sins and sorrows hereby they will come to some eminency of knowledge grace and spiritual experience hereby they will do God more service in their lives and their joyes and comforts will be greater when they come to be old and their death will be more comfortable and their reward in Heaven much greater 2. Those who have lost much time before If a traveller hath loitered in the morning he had need spur up and ride hard in the remaining part of the day lest the night overtake him and so disable him from accomplishing his journey They that have lost much precious time in the former part of their life had need use double diligence in well improving of it afterwards 3. The sick and aged They ought to look upon their Sun as setting and their glass as almost run out And therefore if ever they will bestir themselves to secure to themselves a happy eternity they must do it now 4. Those that at present enjoy more then ordinary Spiritual helps and advantages for the good of their souls or such opportunities as they have not before met with As when God casts them into a good Family or vouchsafes to them the help of some faithful Minister or the example of some exemplary Christians whose help they had not before Those to whom God vouchsafes such advantages should especially be careful to improve them remembring that opportunity is the quintescence of time A man may have a great deal of time and yet but few opportunities to effect an important business and 't is the character of a wise man to make a right improvement of the opportunities vouch-safed to him 5. Those that are in any office of Magistracy or Ministry whereby they have an especial opportunity of doing good to many They should be very careful to improve this season for it will not alwayes last If therefore thou art a Magistrate consider thou hast now a great opportunity to encourage Piety Vertue and Honesty and to beat down Sin Vice and Wickedness Do what thou canst for God while thy Magistracy lasts If thou art a Minister Preach the word faithfully in season and out of season Exhort Reprove Rebuke with all long-suffering and patience strive to win as many souls to Christ as thou canst Thou knowest not how soon thy mouth may be stopped And I may make the like address to others also If thou art rich distribute and communicate to the poor whilst thou hast an estate possibly it may be taken from thee and then thou canst not do it If thou art a Parent or a Master of a Family do good to the souls of those under thy care while thou hast time Remember that both thy life and their lives are uncertain and thou knowest not how long th●u mayest have opportunity to do it 6. The Ignorant They that have been hitherto ignorant should consider they must get knowledge if they intend to be saved for without the knowledge of the main fundamental Principles of the Christian Religion how is it possible they should be good Christians or know what God requires of them in order to their Salvation 7. Those that have been lately recovered from any dangerous sickness They should remember that God has renewed the lease of their life which possibly both themselves and their friends thought expiring They should remember the resolutions and promises which they then made to God and possibly to others in their sickness It is said of the Mariners that were in the Ship out of which Jonah was cast that when the Sea ceased from raging and all was safe that the men feared the Lord exceedingly and offered a Sacrifice to the Lord and made vows Jonah 1.16 Observe they made vows after their deliverance Many make vows in their danger that are little careful to perform them when the danger is over But let all those that love their Souls be careful to perform the vows they made to God in their sicknesses and distresses And so much of this last particular namely the persons who ought especially to be perswaded to the practice of this duty FINIS