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A22723 Twelue sermons of Saynt Augustine, now lately translated into English by Tho. Paynel Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.; Paynell, Thomas. 1553 (1553) STC 923; ESTC S115408 41,436 175

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that throughe theyr clamours sacrilegius boldnes they maye defend them selues from the Moone the whiche by Gods commaundement and ordinaūce at certayne and appoynted tymes doth waxe darke or fromany other sorcerye or wytchecrafte And yf ye see or perceaue any that offer vp theyr vowes vnto trees or vnto any foūtaynes or that hange aboute them or any of theyrs any diabolicall philaters or caracters herbes or the ioyse of anye herbe or that as I haue sayde do seeke vppon sothsayers diuiners or inchaunters correcte them sharpelye and say vnto them that al that so doe do lose the sacrament of baptysme And inasmuche as we haue harde say that Sathan hath so deceyued both men and womē that they wyll not worke vpon the thursdaye I protest both before God and his holy aungels that excepte they which obserue those thinges amende and redeme such sacrilege with longe and sharp pennaunce that they shall be dampned for euer Nor I doubte not but y t suche wretches the which as in the honoure of Jupiter wyll not worke vpon the thursdayes wyl not be ashamed at al nor yet fear to worke and labour vpon the sunday And there fore take hede that ye earnestly do chasten as many as ye knowe that doe so And yf they wyll not amende suffer them nother to speake nor to eate nor yet once to dryncke in your cōpany And yf they be belongynge vnto you or of your familie skorge theim that they at the leaste which remember not theyr soules health maye feare the punyshmēt of their bodies I my deare brethren remembring your manifolde perilles and daungers do thus tenderly warne and admonishe you yf ye then wyllyngelye do herken vnto me ye shall come to perpetuall ioye and lyfe euer lastyng the which he vouchsafe to graunt you that with the father and the holy goste doth liue eternally Sobeit ¶ Of a Christen name and that a Christian shulde often tymes thynke whye he is named a Christen man and why he beareth the crosse of Christ in his forehead Ser. ii I Do reioyce mi moost derelye beloued brethren and do thanke God that I haue deserued to fynd you in good helth And truly my brethrē a father doth ryghteously not without a great cause reioyce as ofte as he doth fynd hys chyldren healthfull in body and deuout in the feare of God And inasmuche as the goodnes of God hath graunted me double gladnes aswell of youres as of myne owne health I must now open and declare vnto you the thynge whiche pertayneth and is for the vtilitie helth of your soules It is very necessary dere brethren that w t all our intention and mynde we should studye to enquyre and vnderstande whye and wherefore we be Christians and why we beare the crosse of Chryste in oure foreheaddes Ye muste vnderstande and perceaue good brethren that we are not made Christians to be carefull for thys lyfe For as sayth y e apostle yf we in this lyfe onelye doe beleue and trust in god then are we of all other the moste wretched and miserable For he that doeth thynke onelye vppon this lyfe is compared and likened vnto a beast For what other thynge doe beastes care for but onelye to eate to drincke to slepe and to lyue voluptuouslye And euen suche are all they that thynke moore vppon theyr bodyes then vppon theyre soules that loue glottouye and lecherye more then iustyce or chastitie Therefore my dearelye beloued ye muste vnderstand and know that we are made christians to thynke continually vppon the eternall world reward that is to come and to labor more for the soule then for y e bodye Our fleshe shal continue but for a fewe yeares in this worlde but oure soules yf we lyue and do well shall inherite heauen w tout ende But yf we do euyll workes that God forbyd and labor more for bodelye pleasure then for the helth or saluation of oure soules I feare me that when good men shall be receyued with the aungelles vnto eternall lyfe that we that god forbyd shalbe caste headling into helfyer Good brethren it is not ynoughe that we haue receyued a christen name excepte that therwith we do good christēmēs workes To hym it is ryght profitable to be called a christiane that loueth chastitie that exchueth ebriete that abhorreth pride and that as very poison doth reiect enui He is a righte good Christen man that stealeth not that beareth no false witnes that lyeth not that vseth no periury that committeth no adultery that doth frequente the churche that doeth not taste of his fruytes vntyll he fyrst haue offered part of thē vnto God that doth pay his tythes yearelye to be destributed amonge the nedy that doth loue his curate and honoureth preistes that loueth euery man as hym selfe and hateth no man Uerelye he is not onely a christen man that doth feare and exchewe as the swearde of Satan deceit full weyghtes double measures but christ him self doth also dwell in hym He is a good christiane that cōming to the churche doth exhibite and offereth vp his offering and that after his possibilitie and substaunce doth geue a peny or a morsell of bread to some poore man that receiueth the pore into his house that wassheth the pore mens fete that doth not only make no debate but reduceth such as are at discorde and stryfe to vnitie and concorde that doth shew reuerence and the loue of vnfayned charitie vnto his frendes elders that doth lyue chast and admoninisheth his chyldren and his neighboures with word and dede in sobriete and chastite He is a good Christen man that as ofte as the holye and solemne feastes drawe nere doth certayne dayes before abstayne and keepe chastitie with his wyfe that the more conueniently with a more sincere and sure conscience a chaste body and a clean hart he may come vnto the Lordes borde and table And he lykewyse that can the lordes praier and his crede by rote that faythfully doth teache his chyldren the same Now good brethren ye haue herde who be good christians and therefore let vs with Gods ayde and helpe do the beste we can or may that this christen name be not wrongfully and vaynelye in vs and that Christes sacramentes suffer no iniury in vs but in hearte let vs continually thinke vppon good Christen workes and in dede fulfyll them For I praye you what maner a Christian cal ye him y t scarcely commeth once to the churche and yet when he cometh doth not stande vp to praye for his sinnes and misdedes but to prate bable to cause stryfe and debate or elles to drynke if he may fynd a conuenient place tyll he vomit agayne after that he hath well droncken ryseth vp like a madde man to leape and daunce and to synge luxurious and fylthye songes of loue Suche a one doeth not feare nother to steale nor yet to commit adulterye to geue false wytnes to curse nor yet to
to feare God that he teache nor cōpanye with none other mans for as the kynge maye put hym to death that returneth home from the hoost to hys wyfe without licence so maye God punyshe hym perpetuallye that beynge farre from hys wyfe committeth adulterye I praye you good brethren yf so be that any of you through your necessary busynes or by the kinges commaundement be at some tymes farre from your wyues why shoulde ye not lyue so longe in chastitye for the loue of God and y e welth and saluatiō of your soules Doe thy busynesse and the Kynges commaundemente inforce the for so many dayes not once to touche thy wyfe and the loue and precepte of God shall not perswade thee to touche none other mans but I would that all they y ● whyche for lucre sake onelye and riches and at the kinges commaundement do obserue and kepe these thynges and dissemble to kepe them for Gods sake should knowe y t yf penaunce do not ayde and helpe them that they when they shall stande in iudgemēt before GOD can not escape frō hearing of heauye dolorous wordes for these wordes shalbe sayde vnto them Gette you hence from me ye wycked and cursed people into eternall fyre And what a thynge is this that a bolde champion goyng to battayle shall at some tymes peraduē ture sleye no lesse then tenne of hys enemyes and commit tynge of adultery with some mayd taken in warfare doth murder his owne soule with the sworde of synne Consider howe great an euyll it is that man should be more cruell to hymselfe murderynge hys owne soule through letcherye then to the bodyes of hys enmyes by victory Forsothe it is a dolorous and alamentable thyng that he as I haue sayde who hathe victoriouslye ouerthrowen ten of hys enemyes shoulde be ouercome by a woman or that he which hath ouerthrowen so many of hys enemies bodies shoulde in hearte and soule be ouercome by a woman Surelye it is to greuous a thyng that he which can not be ouercome with no weapon shoulde be subdued through bodely lust and pleasure or that swete and pleasaunt wordes shoulde ouerturne hym whome no hardnes could ouerturne or that he which disdayned to be the bondman of man shoulde me rite to be the bondemanne of synne when that it is a more vnworthye thynge to serue in mynde then in body as it is wrytten For of whomesoeuer a man be ouercome vnto the same is he in bondage Good brethren yf I shoulde not shewe you these thinges I should aunswere for your soules at the daye of iudgemente But whosoeuer he be that is more desirous to be greued or angrye with me then to amende hymselfe he can not nowe throughe ignoraunce excuse hym sayinge that he was not monished of these thinges nor forbydden to do euyll nor prouoked by oft castigation and admonition vnto all suche thynges as shoulde please God But I beleue that the mercy of god shall so inspire euerye negligente person that they shall be muche more wrothe and angrye wyth them selues then wyth the priestes good medecines and admonitions And as the sycke and weake persons do require bodelye helth of the carnall phisition so shall they require and demaunde soule helth of the spirituall and goostlye Phisition But I do hope and trust that throughe the mercye of God they shall so studye to comforte chere vs by theyr good amendemente that they shall come moste prospe rouslye God willyng to the eternall rewarde and lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ Of the true paymente of tithes Ser. x. GOd my dearly beloued brethren beinge mercifull vnto vs y e tyme approcheth draweth on together in oure harueste And therfore wyth thankes vnto God that hath geuen vs all let vs thynke vpon our offeringes and true payment of our tythes For God which hath vouchesafed to geue vs all doth also vouchesafe to reape and to aske vs tithes nor that for hys owne gayne and vse but for our gaine and profite For he doth promise vs by the Prophete saying Bring in sayth he all youre tithes into my barnes that there maye be meate in my house and proue me sayeth the Lord in these thynges whether I shal not open vnto you the caractes and the cloudes of the skye geue you fruyte aboundantlye See now I haue proued howe that tithes do profite vs more then they do profite the Lorde O ye imprudente and vnwise people what euil thing doth God commaunde that he should not be worthy to be hearde he sayeth thus Thou shalte not delaye to offer vp vnto me the tithes of thy barne and of thy wine-presse Y fit be sinne to be tardius and slowe in offring vp and paying thy tithes howe great a trespasse is it to offer none at all He sayth agayne Honor and worship thy lorde God with the frute gayne of thy true and iust laboure Do sacrifice and offer vnto him of the first and chiefest of al thine increase that thy barnes may be replenished wyth corne and that thy winepresses may redounde and flowe ouer with wine Thou doste not geue that thing frely nor yet without gayne that sone after thou shalte receaue agayne with great lucre Per aduenture thou dost demaūd to whome shal that thing be profitable that God doth receaue to restore againe And agayne thou dost aske me to whose profite it redoundeth that is geuen vnto the pore If thou beleue wel it is thine owne vtilitie and profite but yf thou wauer be in doubt thou hast lost it Tithes good brethren are the tribute of y e iudgement and pore people therfore geue the poore their tribute and the priestes their offeringes And if perchaūce thou haue no tithe corne as hath the husbandman then thy witte and thy hādy craft wherwith thou dost sustayne thy selfe is Gods and of that thing thou doest gayne get thy liuing withal he doeth aske require tithes Geue him the tithes of thy wages and lucre which thou doeste gayne in warfare the tithes of thy merchaundise and of thy handy craft For why it is a diuerse thing y t we geue and paye for the earthe then that we geue for the vse of our life Therfore o thou mā geue it because thou dost possesse it geue it because thou hast deserued to be borne for the Lord sayth thus Euery man shall redeme his soule there shall be no sicknes nor no misaduenture among thē Thus thou hast in holy scripture Gods owne writynge wherwith he doth promise y e y t if y u paye thy thites y u shalt not only haue aboundance of fruite corne but also y e helth of body Thy barnes sayeth he shalbe ful of corne thy winepresses shall redounde with wine and there shalbe no sicknes amonge you Seinge then that by the true payinge of tithes thou mayst merite both the earthlye and the heauenly rewarde why dost thou through couetousnes defraude thy selfe of
commit periury But whether they be men or women that exercise and doe suche vngodly workes thei nether receaue the name of a Christian nor yet the sacramente of baptysme to theyr ayde and consolation but to theyr iudgement and damnatiō And without they repente theym and doe penaunce they shall peryshe for euer Now good brethren I haue opened vnto you who be good and who be euyl Christians And therfore folow those that ye se and perceaue to be good chasten chyde and correcte those ye know to be nought y t through your owne vtilite and theyr amendemente ye may haue and optayne doble rewarde For they that are good chaste sober hūble and gentle wyll by the grace of God continue in theyr good and godly workes and the myslyuers quickelye or euer they departe from hense amend them selues for yf they die without repentaūce they shall not come to ioye but to perpetuall and euerlastynge death from the whiche God vouchesafe to delyuer vs. So be it ¶ Of the mistery frute and manner of fastynge in Lent iii. Ser. WE oughte to esteme suppose y e whole tyme of oure lyfe to be a place to exercise vertue in and with al vertue to stryue to come to the celestiall rewarde But that must and oughte most specially to be done and fulfilled in this holy tyme and dayes of Lent the whiche dayes beyng halowed with abstinēce and fastyng do adde so much to the vertue of y e soule how muche they diminishe of the voluptuous pleasure of the body This is alawfull number of fasting dayes the whiche are celebrated in holy examples Moyses when he shoulde receaue the lawe of God did fast forty dayes and forty nightes without other meate or dryncke by such abstinence and fastyng he was prepared and ordeyned to receaue the wyll and the commaundementes of God Helias after he had fasted fortye dayes was translated and caried out of the world in a charet of fire to the hiest place of heauē Our lord and sauiour through fastinge of xl dayes did triumphe and ouercame the temptations of the deuil and as victorious came to y e predication and declaration of the gospell And we in like maner oughte to faste and to obsrrue these dayes ▪ the whiche we do reade to be consecrated and halowed by suche examples Let vs therefore consecrate and honour these dayes with al alacrite ioyfulnes of heart and minde prefer them aboue al wordly bankets and bodely debate For in these dayes we are most kindled and inflamed to fulfil the wil and the cōmaun dements of god for through abstinence the pleasure of the body is much swaged and debated Truly the pure minde doth then make most haste to God and to do and fulfil hys commaundementes when it is not mistempered wyth surfettynge nor wyth the sacietie of meates and drynkes Where of oure Sauioure in hys Gospell dothe saye Take hede to youre selues leste youre heartes be ouercomme with surfets with dronckennes and with worldelye cares and cogitations leste that sodayne daye come on you vnwares for it shall come as a snare vpon y ● vniuersall worlde and no mā shall scape it Also this great vtilitie and profyt is in these hungery and fastinge dayes for through suche abstinence and abstayninge from lawful thynges we are monished muche exhorted to abstayne frō that which is vnlawfull We abstayne from fleshe the whiche vpon other dayes we may vse lawfully We abstain from wyne the whiche we maye vse moderatelye Let vs therfore which do exchue and auoyde the thynge that is lawfull flye and aboue all thynges auoyde synne that can neuer be well and lawfullye vsed And if we intende purpose to fast from meat let vs aboue all thinges fast and abstayne frō synne For what doth it auayle vs to abstayn or to voyd the body of meat if we replenish the soule with vyce and synne What doeth it profytte the to be pale and wanne with fastynge if thou be blowen and pufte vp with hatred and enuy What doth it auayle vs to abstaine from wyne yf we be droncken and full of the poysen of anger What auauntageth it the to abstayne from flesh ordeyned to be eaten yf thou backbyte and speake malitiously of thy neyghbour What doth it auayle vs to abstayne frome those thynges whiche are at sometimes lawefull if we do those thinges which are neuer lawfull Therfore let vs as I haue sayd fast and abstayne from meat but muche more frō vice that we maye be replenished with the abundance of good holy conuersation and in time to come deserue merite through gods grace and fauor to be satisfied with the reward of good workes For they as we do read in the gospel are blessed that hūger and thirst iustice for they shalbe satisfied In trueth we oughte to choose thys cōpensation that is to geue to distribute such meates as we do abstayne fro to the poore neadye For it is written Blessed be they that are content to suffer that in another place they may be refreshed For that gyft is acceptable vnto God when the neadye is fed and refreshed when the bare is clothed when anger is not perfourmed nor finished whē y e time of anger is not kept and whē euil is not done for euil Our fastinges are then thankeful and acceptable vnto God when we do refreshe and cōfort those that faste for verye nede necessite for then we shal heare this sentence Uerely I say vnto you inasmuche as ye haue done it vnto one of y e least of these ye haue done it to me O the great be nignitie and goodnes of god the which to represse and asswage the couetousnesse of man saith y t whatsoeuer is geuen to the least poore man that is is geuen vnto himselfe The goodnes of God graunte you my brethren that ye may so serue please hym with your abstinence almes dedes good workes that he the whiche doth lyue eternallye maye brynge you to the eternall and true lyfe So be it ¶ Of fastynge in Lent and almes dedes iiii Ser. I Praye you in lyke maner I admonyshe you my derely beloued brethren y e none of you do presume to dyne in this lawfull and moste holye tyme of Lent except it be vpon the sundaye or that paraduenture ye be in suche care and weakenesse that your in firm tie and sicknes doth not suffer you to fast For why to fast vppon other dayes is other a remedye or elles a rewarde but not to abstaine in dent is synne He that at any other tyme doeth faste shall haue pardon and remission but he that doth not fast and abstayne in Lente shall fele payne And yet let hym that through feblenes cannot fast prepare somewhat as secretlye as maye be for hym selfe and other if there be any modiseased than hym selfe that they maye eate it together But he shall inuite nor call none such to his repast dinner
sorowfull for all suche vngodlye thynges as it hath at any tyme thought vpon or desired lette the eye wepe lette the mouthe praye continuailye lette the eare heare the worde of God let the handes geue and be doinge of charitable and almose dedes receaue the poore pilgrime fede the sycke and hongry and cloth the naked lette youre fete be goynge to the churche your knees labour to bowe downe vnto God for as there was no member but that through synne hath displeased God so let there be no member without sufferaunce of semblable and lyke payne for God hathe geuen vs oure members to serue him withal and not to serue the worlde But alas my brethren the citezens of heauen and Gods familiare frendes are made the seruauntes of the worlde embrasyng leaning a great deal more to earthly thinges then to eternal to theyr own substance then to themselues But good brethren ye should not do so for why the time is at hande and it doeth threten vs. Ryse ye vp therfore that do eate the bread of heauines Let vs haste vs to the churche and with sorowfull teares confesse oure synnes But first this order must be takē and kept We or euer we go to cōfession must think vpon our sinnes and trespasses and in opening of them so confesse to god and to his minister the prieste the maner circumstaunces of them that we maye departe from theyr fete not burdened but exone rated lightened And good brethren looke ye prolongue not the time to confesse your sinnes for he that doeth prolongue or procrastinate the time vnto the last day of lent or of his life to cōfesse his misdedes he geueth good euidence that he doth it not willynglye nor gratiouslye nor with a pure heart but against his will Marke and consider howe suche constrayned and vnwyllynge seruice doth please ether god or mā And therfore let vs not delaye frō daye to daye to confesse and to opē the secretes of oure heartes for God hath promised forgeuenes to those that are penitent and not to those that delaye theyr confession or penaunce vntil to morowe therfore let vs not prolonge nor delaye oure confession But yet when thou man or womā goeste to confession loke thou laughe not nor that thou be gorgeouslye nor wel apparelled nor that thou beginne not to vtter and shewe fables but that with al humilitye and tokens of repentaunce ye do cōfesse your synnes one to another And I praye thee not to feare to be confest But howe shall I confesse this and that O thou man as ofte as thou doest feele and perceaue that doubte not but that it is the very temptation of the deuil the whiche desireth so to inwrappe intangle thee that thou beynge already in sinne might do without any greate temptation that shulde please hym And therefore my brethren feare ye not to confesse youre synnes for I knowe that thynge lesse the whyche I knowe by confession then that whiche I knowe not Why do ye then feare to confesse your sinnes he is a wretched sinner as ye are and perchaunce a more wretched sinner then ye are that doeth heare your confession He is a manne he differeth nothinge from you he is but as ye are Why dost thou then thou sinful man feare thee to confesse to a synner Choose what ye wyll but yf ye lurke vnconfessed ye shalbe condemned withoute confession GOD doeth require confession too acquite and delyuer him that is humble and to condemne him eternallye that is prowde Be confeste my brethren and delaye it not haste you to come to the holy haruest of confession for cōfession is the helth of the soule the destroier of vyce the restorer of vertue the victor and ouercomer of frendes the feare of hell the obstacke of satan the cote and garment of aungels the hope of the churche the helth the gyde the light the esperaunce and hope of all faythfull people O wonderful and holy confessiō thou dost close vp the mouth of hel and openest heauen gates O confession without thee the iust man is estemed vnthankefull and the synner shalbe reputed as deade O the lyfe of all iuste men the glorye of al sinners Thou art onely necessary for synners and yet he that wilbe estemed iuste muste oftentimes visite the. Finally ther shal nothing remayne in iudgement that was auoyded disclosed by confession Clean and pure confession is so pondered and wayde and God dothe set so muche and suche store ther by that the theues confession hanginge vpon the crosse was aswell accepted as thoughe he had died for gods cause beholde howe muche y ● synners short confession dyd auauntage him But we priestes woulde to god we were good prieste ▪ shoulde so diligently and with suche moderatiō watche to fasten y e word of feare of contrition in the heartes of synners that we feare them not from confessiō and so to opē theyre heartes that they nother shut vp nor cloose theyr mouthes from the same Nor we should not absolue the penitent excepte we sawe and perceaued that he were confeste For the beliefe of the hearte iustifieth the confession of the mouth maketh a manne safe And therefore he that hathe the worde of confession in hys mouth and not in hys hearte is other crafty or elles false And he that hathe it in hys hearte and not in hys mouth is other prowde or fearefull Therefore it behoueth priestes to bee suche as do knowe what maner of medecine and howe muche therof they shoulde minister to euerye sycke manne The Lorde whyche lyueth and reygneth for euer beynge his ayde and comfort Amen ¶ Of Penaunce Ser. vij I Praye you my dearelye beloued brethren that if anye of you after y e course and frailenesse of man be ouerthrowen through the subtile craftines of satā or inwrapped in deadlye synne and hath as sayeth the Apostle destroyed in him self the temple of god I pray him that he despere not of the mercy of God but that he arise vp quicklye from his iniquitie and sinne leste y ● by the cōtinuaunce custom therof he drowne him selfe in hys owne ruine for he shal not be odious nor abhominable vnto god that hath done committed sinne but he that doth reste and continue in synne And because no man shoulde mistrust the mercy of god the Lorde by his prophete doeth comforte vs sayinge I desire not the death of any synner but that he should returne frō sinne and liue And agayne Whensoeuer the wicked sinner shal returne from his wickednes yt shall not hynder nor hurte him But this hys greate mercy doth then profite vs when we slacke not to returne vnto him nor ioyne nor accumulate synne vpon sinne Furthermore we maye knowe the woundes and fractures of y e body by the woundes and fractures of the soule For if a mans legge or hande be once broken it is wonte to be hardely brought and restored to hys
vnto his house trees alters or any other vayne thynge where the poore wretched symple people are wonte to make theyr vowes and doth not hewe them downe and destroye them he is and shal be partaker of al such witchcraftes and sorcery as is and shalbe committed there And what a thinge is this that whan anye suche tree vnto y e which they were wonte and accustomed to do sacrifice do fall that no man dare gether it to make them fyer withal I pray you to behold mark the wretchednes and the folyshnes of man the whych doyng honor to dede trees despise gods cōmaundements They dare not burne y e braūches of trees yet throughe inchauntmentes they caste themselues hedlyng into hel fyer And therefore let hym which hetherto hath not don this euell reioyce be gladde thanke god therefore striue to continu faithfully in good workes But let him that hetherto hath deliuered hym selfe vp to be entangled and taken with suche deuelyshe enorme fashions lette him I say do penaunce fly withal feare despise those foresayde wytchcraftes that god may forgeue hym and for the glory of his name cause hym to come to the euerlasting blesse of heauen And forasmuch as it is come to my knowledge that as yet there are some y e whiche throughe simplicitie and ignoraunce or els thoroughe glutteny the which thinge is mooste to be beleued feare not nor are not ashamed to eate of such sacrilegius meates as are yet after the vse custom of Paganes offered vp bewitched I denunce and streightly cōmaund you before god his aungels y t ye haunt nor com no more to no such diabolical dinners made in any temple or at any fountayne or tree And likewise yf any thing be sent you from thens feare it and as though you sawe the deuyll refuse it and so refuse it that ye suffer no maner of parte of such sacrilegius banke●s to be exhibited or broughte into your houses that because of this sayeng of the Apostle ye cannot sayth he drynke of the cup of God and of the cuppe of deuylles ye can not be partakers of gods table and of the table of Deuylles And because some are waye or euer I eate therof I do blesse me Let no man presume to doe soo for howe doth he that eateth of suche sacrilegius and wicked meates blesse his mouth that putteth a swearde to his owne hearte For as the bodye is slayne with the sweard so is the soule slaine with such deuelyshe and wycked meates But we truste in the mercye and goodnes of God that he wyll vouchesafe so to inspyre and inflame you to goodnes that the wickednes of the deuyl nether in other thinges nor yet in these sacrilegius obseruations and sorceries shal not come among you but that ye shall fasten and fet all your hope in God nor neuer returne agayne to their wicked abhominations our lord Jesus Christ whose empyre and honour is infinite graūtynge the same So be it ¶ Of exchuynge and auoydyng of ebrietie and dronkennes Ser. xii ALthogh dere brethren I do beleue y e thorough y e mercy of God ye doo feare the vice of drunkennes euen as ye do feare the depe pytte of hell and that ye youre selues wyll not drinke intemperatly nor ouer much nor compel no nother man to drink more than nedeth yet it can not be but that there be some negligent persons whiche wil not be sober But yet I pray you that do lyue soberly not to be miscontent nor yet to blame vs for nedes we must blame and accuse all suche drunkardes For notwithstandynge my wel beloued brethren that drunkennes be a greauous vyce and muche odious before God yet amonge manye it is throughout al the world so customably and commenly vsed that they which wil not know gods commaundemētes thinke and beleue it to be no synne Insomuche that at all theyr bankettes they doe laugh them to skorne that cānot drynke and quaft al out And thoroughe an enuious loue and amitie they are not ashamed to adiure inforce men to drinck more then suffiseth Trulye it were a lesse faut for hym that maketh a man drunken to wound him and to cutte his fleshe with a sworde than to kyl and murder his soule with superfluitie of drynke And forasmuch as oure bodyes are made of earth and that the earth by longe and to muche continuaunce of rayne is made moyste and so resolued into myre and durte that it can not be tylde nor sowen so in lykewyse whan our flesshe is to muche moysted w t drincke it cannot receaue spirituall culture nor tyllage nor bring forth the necessarye frutes of the soule And therfore as all men do desire sufficient raine for theyr feildes to exercyse tyllage withal and to reioyce in the aboundaunce of fruyte and corne so in the feild of the body men oughte to drynke that behoueth only lest that by the superfluitie and aboūdaunce of dryncke the earth of the body beyng reduced broughte as into a plashe of myre be more apte to brynge forth the wormes and serpētes of vice than the fruytes of good workes All drunkardes are lykened vnto fennes and plasshes for your charitie doth knowe that al suche thinges as growe in maras groundes do bryng forth no fruite nor nothinge els but serpentes todes and other dyuers kyndes of wormes more apt to feare man withall than to brynge forth anyethyng that should profit hym or his liuing For al such herbes and trees as do grow in fennes and plashes or about the bankes of suche places seme to haue no maner of vtilitie or profyt in them insomuche that euery yeare once men do burne them Take good hede for the thyng whiche cometh of drunkennes is prepared for the fyer And euen such as I haue sayde be al drunkardes whose diners indure and continue all the day longe and theyr suppers vntil the mornyng The whiche whē they seme to be most sober can scasely stand whose senses are slowe ponderous dull and in a maner buryed Finally in their vsual and customable drunkennes they nother knowe them selues nor yet no nother man they can nother walke nor stande nor heare nor say any thinge that doth pertayne or stand with reasō Nor they are not ashamed to drink to fyl thē selues tyl they vomit agayn and to dryncke by measure without measure They prouide for greate goddardes stryue as by a certayne law how they should drynke and he that can out drynke or ouercome his fellow shalbe for his euel doyng greatly exalted praysed Of this thinge doth growe and ensue stryfe and debate and diuers horible lepes wherby the body is much troubled Of this doth chaunce and follow adultery and somtymes murder And as oft as they do take excesse of drynke theyr stinking and fylthye bodies as thoughe they were smytten with the paiseye hauynge not the vse of theyr feete are fayne to be borne and caryed to
than our frēdes adiurynge compelling vs vnto the same but after they haue once put it in vse custome the heate of drunkennes doth so kidle and inuade them that it inforsythe thē to be alwaies thristye But he that doth desyre to be deliuered from this vice euen as he aproched came to y e darckenes and vice therof through the encrecement of drinke so by the diminition of the same he may by litle lytle returne to the light and vertue of sobernes For yf he should with drawe at once his excesse of drinking he euēwith heuines whan he is most feruentlye athriste would crye out saye that he had rather be deade thā to forsake his customable drinking and dronkennes no thing cōsidering that it were farre more tollerable that the body should die than that the soule through ebriete and excesse of drinke should peryshe for euer And therefore to auoide the sufferaunce paine of suche hete and to be deliuered from such tormētes as he suffereth let him as I haue said daily diminishe somwhat of that excesse superfluitie vntil he become to a resonable wayes and custome of drinckynge For he that wyll as I haue saied diminyshe and debate this thinge shalbe delyuered of hys darkenes nor shall nomore suffre suche intollerable payne Now good brethren I declaring and she wyng you these thinges doe quite vnburden my self before God And whosoeuer he be that is inclined to y e exces of drinke despiseth to here me or that his table wyll adiure compel men to drinke he shall at the daye of iudgement geue a rekeninge both for hym selfe and them And because there be certayn preistes the which shuld prohibit and forbydde such thynges that enforce and compel men to drynke more than nedeth let them from henseforth begyn to correct and to amend them selues and so to chastē other that they whan they shal appeare before god suffer not for theyr owne drunkennes and other mens to but that through their owne amendment and the correction of other they may merit to come to the eternal euer lasting reward And of this I do desire you aboue al thinges yea adiure you by the feareful day of iudgemente y t ye as ofte as ye do bankette one another auoyd and flye as poysen that haynous and fylthy custome by the which ye other willingly or against youre willes are wonte to drinke by great mesure with out mesure For this vnhappy custome doth yet continu and remayn of the custome vsage of Paganes And who soeuer he be that consenteth that this custom of drinking quafcing other at his own table or at anye other mans be vsed lette hym not doubte but that he doth sacrifice to y e deuil By the which bybbing and quafting the soul of man doth not onelye peryshe but also the body is greatlye and muche fe blished with al. But I hope that God of his tender mercy shal vouchesafe so to inspire you with grace y t this most shameful and lamētable vice shal so abhorre you that you shall neuer suffer it to be vsed more but that all suche thinges as shoulde be spent in such drunken superfluite shalbe spente and go to the releife and refresshynge of the pore our Lord Christ Jesu grauntingthe same the whiche doth lyue and reigne with the father and the holy gost for euermore Amen ¶ Imprinted at London in Powles churche yarde at the sygne of the holye goost by Ihon Cawood Prynter to the Quenes Maiestie Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Esai Ser 215 Luke 6. 1. Cor. 4 Jam 2 Psa 14 Exod. 23 Eccl. 20. Jam. 5. Deu. 18 Tobi. 4. math 7. Ser ●1● 1. cor 15 Ser. 46. Luk. 21. Ser. 62. Luke 2. Mat. 10 Esay 58 Esay 58 math 25 Esay 58 Ezec. 18 matth 25 Ser. 66. Jacob. 5 Rom. 10 Prou. ●● ● Jo. 1 Psal 31 Eccle. 17 ● cor 6 1. cor 11 Confession matt 4. matth 3. Eccle. 5. Esay 1. ● Pet 2 Eccl. 21 matth 26 Joau 11 1. Ti. 2. Ezec. 33 Ser 3● Heb 13. Heb. 4 1. Joa 1 Job 15 Psal 99 Ecele 5. Johel 2 Roma 6 psal 126 Jaco 5. Confession Rom. 10 Ser. 57. 2. cor 3. Ezec 33 Ezec 18 Rom. 2 2. Regū 11. 12. Psalm 6 Psa 101 3. reg 21 4. re 21. Luc. 7. math 22 Ser 127 matt 10 Dani. 4. matth 7. Esay 43 Luc. 19. Eccle 3. Jaco 2. matt 25 Ser 243 1. cor 9 Ephe. 5 matth 7. Ezec. 18 Heb. 13 1 cor 6 1 cor 7 1 cor 5 Psa 107 psal 13 52 Psal 33 matt 25 2 Pet 1 Ser 219 ca. decimae 16. quest 2. Mala 3 Exo 22 ca. deci 16. que 1 ca decim 16. que 1. Pro 33 ca. deci 16. que ● mala 3 Ser 231 Deut. 18 Gene. 1. 2 Pr 2● 2 Pe 2● Joh. 1. Rom. 1. Deut 13 Gala 4 Job 1. math 8. Job 1 1. cor 5 1 cor 10 math 6 1 cor 10 ●●● 23● ●ro 31 math 25 Gen 40 Exd. 32 math 14 Eccl 19. Pro 23 Ephe. 5. Prou. 21 Prou. 31 Eccle. 19 Eecl 31. 1 Cor 6 Psal 6●