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A17866 A treatise upon death first publickly delivered in a funerall sermon, anno Dom. 1630. And since enlarged By N.C. Preacher of Gods word in Scotland at Kilmacolme in the baronie of Renfrew. Campbell, Ninian, 1599-1657. 1635 (1635) STC 4533; ESTC S118869 47,144 129

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to live that I may live with Christ This made Ambrose to say I am not afraid to die because I have a good master This made the Apostle St. Paul to say I desire to be dissolved to be with Christ for that is the best of al and That al otherthings are but drosse and dung in respect of the excellencie of the knowledge of Christ God worke this desire in us for while wee are at home in these bodies we are absent from the Lord and ground it upon the assurance of the remission of our sinnes and our perfect union and plenary reconciliation with our God in Christ Jesus The Lord give us grace to be perswaded with the Apostle that if the earthly house of this tabernacle be dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternall in the heavens 2 Cor. 5. But alas here is our miserie that every one of our bodies is a remora to hinder the ship of our soules to stretch sail within the saving harborie of Gods crowning mercies God fasten the anchors of our faith and hope therein that after the tempest of this life we may enjoy peace and everlasting happinesse The third doctrine by way of consequence is this It is appointed Then let no man fear death for it is inevitable and whether we flie from it or goe to it it ever followeth us at the heels it hangeth over our heads as the rock doth Tantalus his head which cannot bee removed There are who desire not to hear tell of it at all and if the preacher urge this point hee becommeth odious To the old Latines this word was so ominous that they periphrased it by another for when they should have said in plaine termes Mortuus est He is dead they said Vixit He lived Abiit ad plures He went to moe for there are moe dead then living As for the vulgar sort they are so besotted with a bruitall stupiditie that they thinke not on death at all But a generous heart should make it its object its butt acquainting it selfe with it at all times representing it before its eyes even in the least occurrences it may seize upon us A king of France died of a small skelfe of a speare in the midst of his pastime An Emperour of the scratching of a pinne Anacreon of one graine of a raisin Aeschylus of the shel of a snaile which fell from the clawes of an Eagle in the aire Milon with both his hands in the clift of an oak Charles of Navarre of the fire of a candle in aquavitae Philemon and Philistion of laughter Dionyse Tyran Diagoras and others of joy O what a feeble creature is man that the very least vermine spider gnat doth kill him and yet feareth death which the Hart the Elephant Phoenix and longest living creatures must yeeld to without any grudging or reluctance Certainly there is no passion more violent in man then feare and produces more strange effects but of all feares the fear of death is the most foolish mad and desperate for it may wel hasten aggravate but never stay or diminish the dint thereof Multi ad fatum venere suum dum fata timent Many precipitate their end in fearing it Seneca in O Edip. Optanda mors est sine metu mortis mori the most desirable death is to dy without fear of death Idem Aristotle the chief of Philosophers calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 most fearfull because as it cannot be eschewed so it killeth the man Yet this is a maxime that no sound naturalists will goe from that good and valiant citizens such as Pericles praised in his funerall oration should undergoe it for the defence of their wives children friends citie countrey gods And the Stoicks themselves defend their Philosophie to bee a continuall meditation upon death because the motion of the soule being ravished out of the body by contemplation is a prentiship or resemblance of death And they deemed him to be the best Philosopher who gave the surest precepts against the feare of death So in my opinion he is the best divine who teacheth himselfe and others to doe well to die well Would we die well let us first doe well Qualis vita finis ita such life such death August Non potest male mori qui bene vixerit he cannot die ill who lived well for a godly life hath a happie death The very Paganes of old the Romanes Greeks Egyptians who howbeit they became vaine in their imaginations and their foolish hearts were darkned Rom. 1. 21. and ignored the resurrection of the dead yet they might have taught many of us now adayes by a spotlesse life before the world to die well because they esteemed an easie death should follow after a reproachlesse life But alas men live now as if there were no death to follow no hell to swallow no count to render no judgement to be executed no soul to keepe no God to fear no devill to torment or else they lull themselves asleepe on the devils pillow the cradle of carnall securitie And with the Epicure Sardanapalus and the rich glutton they never thinke upon death till it surprise them and they either care not because they conclude there is no pleasure after this life or else they despaire casting themselves headlong into horrible agonies and inextricable perplexities In the mean time ye may wonder that Pythagoras Socrates Anaxarchus Codrus Cleombrotus Curtius Seneca Cato Cleopatra died resolvedly and yet they knew not where they were going Why then are we pultrons and cowards seeing we are assured to go upon the wings of angels to the bosome of Abraham Their naturall courage made them to disdaine it Mors non metuenda viris Manhood is not daunted with death Lucanus Shall not then our spirituall knowledge perswade us that our death is nothing but a passage to life a passe-port to immortalitie a doore to paradise a seasure of heaven a chartre upon glory or as saith Bernard a passage from labour to rest from hope to reward from the combate to the crowne from death to life from faith to knowledge from pilgrimage to our long home from the world to our father And as another saith It is a change of the crosse unto the crown of the prison to the palace of captivity unto liberty Scripture is more pithie it calleth it A sleep a rest of our flesh in hope a going to our fathers a gathering to our people a recommending of our spirit to God a rendring up of the ghost a walking with God and the Lambe Object But some may say here Why should we not fear seeing worthie persons yea reverend church-men who led a godly life and exhorted sundrie not to fear were mightily troubled at their death and when they should have had most peace they were most disquieted I answer Their fear was a diligent not a diffident a holy not a hellish a filial not a servile a godly not a
A TREATISE UPON DEATH First publickly delivered in a funerall Sermon anno Dom. 1630. And since enlarged By N. C. Preacher of Gods word in Scotland at Kilmacolme in the Baronie of Renfrew Hebr. 9. 27. For it is appointed for men once to die c. EDINBURGH Printed by R. Y. for J. Wilson Bookseller in Glasgow Anno 6●5 Christian Reader IN this changeable vicissitude of decaying time and continuall succession of dying ages there is nothing more certain then death which is painted forth in the face of all living creatures Man not excepted the noblest of all who in all sexes rankes and conditions must once die and then enter into judgement For this radicate moisture must drie up and this naturall heat must grow cold this soaring breath must flie up and this surmounting soul must flit out of this earthly tabernacle that it may returne unto its native soil where it shal rest eternally in these heavenly mansions stately habitations and most pleasant paradise of God Whereunto Christ the spoiler of principalities and powers our captain forerunner and perfect Saviour is victoriously and triumphantly gone before us and now according to his comfortable promise is preparing a sure place a royall palace for all those who with a godly sorrow groane under the unsupportable burthen of their grievous sins and with assurance of faith beleeve in and long after his saving and glorious appearance So that we need not sorely and immoderately lament for the absence of those whom we once dearly loved in this sower valley of tears and wearisome pilgrimage of many stations every houre whereof is more dangerous then another Seeing they have joyfully and happily arrived at their journeys end heaven and at last are crowned with incomprehensible glory strengthened with never fading immortalitie replenished with exquisite joyes of Gods favourable presence and drowned with over-flowing pleasures at his right hand for evermore These points with many others in that kinde I have handled in this subsequent meditation first publickly delivered by me in a Sermon at the buriall of an honourable Baron with his religious Ladie both laid in their grave at once whose names of blessed memorie I conceal from thee for such reasons as I thought good Which meditation surely I had buried with them or at least closed up in my study if not the good opinion of conscionable and zealous hearers had raised it up again from the grave of oblivion by their diligent search and lecture of manuscripts here and there dispersed far from my expectation former intention So that I was forced to review and inlarge the originall copie by the advice of my learned and much respected friends such as reverend prelats doctours and pastours of our church who have best skill in such matters of spirituall importance For I have ever been of that minde that every wise man should make choice of some intire and trustie friends who will be so far from flattering and fostering him with a self conceit that by the contrary they will plainly admonish him of his errours and infirmities and give him sound and ripe counsel when there is any businesse in hand that may especially concerne his credit and estimation Amongst the which the operations which flow from the gifts of the minde have the first place seeing none how capable so ever is fully adorned with them he should seek help of others For God hath not given all gifts to every one and he who is shorter-sighted then I may see a spot in my face which I cannot see my self and it were to be wished that there were more premeditation in this age so fertile of invention wits and writs Did the Greek oratours and Poets go to their Athenaeum and the Latine to their Aedes palatinae for to consult with the most learned of their time about the divulgating of their monuments and we who have more divine documents then ever any paganish Writer could dream of bring forth so abortive fruits As for my self I will not answer for others but if I had had no other to take counsel by surely this lucubration should never have seen the face of the sun or come unto the hands of these censuring and critick dayes where there is nothing so good but it hath its own carpers and enviers nothing so bad but it hath its own favorers and embracers In it I meddle not with curious and fruitlesse questions new doctrines dangerous tenents accompanied with varietie of ostentative and sophisticate learning and farded with the abused colours of pratling and adulterate eloquence wherewith too many seek their own praise by disgracing their sincere profession by venting their loftie presumption by scandalizing their holy mother the church by defiling the white robe of Christs righteousnesse laid abroad to us in the gravitie integritie simplicitie and majestie of divine scriptures which ought to be the only square and rule of our actions the touchstone of our speculations and the soveraigne judge of all our controversies Which controversies alas to the unspeakable grief of the better sort to the pitifull seduction of some miscarried simple ones from the puritie of truth to the impuritie of errour to the inevitable destruction of many obdurate ones to fearfull and damnable inconveniences what by sects schismes and heresies this long time ago what by oppressions murthers massacres as bloudy consequences have troubled the peace of this Christian world Neither did I suffer this sermon to come to open light because it was my own brood and first issue upon that grave purpose which requireth moe years deeper learning sounder judgement longer experience then I a youth can attain to for the present but because of two reasons which I adde to the former The first is because there is no meditation more familiar to me then that of death Out of the countrie many thousands did fall on every side of me and in my countrie since my admission to this painfull and dreadfull cure of souls one speciall point of my charge is to visit those good Christians over whom I watch at their last farewell to this world that I may render a joyfull and comfortable accompt of them to my Master the great shepheard of the flock The second reason is because of two men whom I highly honoured during their pilgrimage here The one was a principall nobleman of my paroch who in his journey to heaven took such pleasure in reading this meditation that he himself did dict it to one of his servants a little before his death And I dare say without flatterie that his generous and religious soul did even in this life in a singular manner taste of the glorie to come O what divine sentences O what comfortable speeches did he utter to us who attended on him O what ravishing contemplations and private soliloquies had his soul with God on his death-bed These as so many antidotes preservatives corroboratives he used against that last agony By these as so many scales
requested by my near and dear friends yea abundantly warranted by these who have the prioritie of place in church government above me and as it seemeth by your favourable silence and Christian attention invited to speak I have purposed by the speciall concurrence and assistance of the spirit of my God to deliver unto you a brief meditation upon death Pray ye all to God to engrave it by the finger of his all-pearcing spirit in the vive depth of my heart that again by way of spirituall communication I may write it upon the tables of your hearts as it were with a pen of iron and the point of a diamond that both preacher and hearer may lay it up in their memories and practise it in their lives and conversations And I intreat you all and most of all these who are of a tender conscience I entreat you I say in the tender bowels of mercie not to misconstruct my coming hither which ought rather to be a matter of singular comfort then of prejudged censure a matter of profitable instruction rather then of envious emulation a matter of pious devotion then of repining contention I think not shame with the glorious apostle to preach in season and out of season for the converting winning and ingathering of soules I do not say this That I consent to these who contemne and condemne altogether such meetings for albeit I would confesse unto them that the time place and persons were extraordinarie as indeed they may seem to these who have not travailed out of their paroch churches or seen forrein countries yet the customes of the primitive church see Nazianzen Ambrose Jerome c. and of our reformed churches in France Genevah Germanie upper and lower in great Britaine and elsewhere maketh all three ordinarie and the subject of this present meditation viz. Death proveth the same to be common THE SERMON Hebr. 9. 27. For it is appointed for men once to die c. THis is a short a memorable a grave assertion Short because few in words but full of substance Memorable because a remembrance of death Grave because the vive representation of it before our eyes should teach us our frail and transitorie condition in this world But that I may proceed with a clear method without the which there is no solid discourse marke these points 1 The logick analysis of these words 2 The grammaticall and criticall expositions 3 The doctrines conforme with their severall uses inferred upon them 4 And lastly the conclusion of this whole action by way of application to these two dead corps As for the analysis I shall not be curious in it Ye see only the subject of this sentence is Men once to die The attribute Appointed The sentence it self is generall because the appointment is generall Death generall The subject of death Man generall The number of death Once if unitie can be a number As for the exposition There are three words which need to be cleared The first whereof is appointed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 expounded by worthie Suidas Laid up as a reward and so indeed death is the wages of sinne Phavorinus following that most learned Hesychius turneth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is prepared and so indeed it is prepared for all men once to die But our Greek and Latine ancient and moderne writers translate it ordeined decreed established for all men once to die I embrace their orthodox versions yet they will suffer me to explain this word by others in scripture 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is foreseen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is foreknown 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is fore-purposed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it is predestinate that all men must once die I confesse all these foure words are to man diverse modo percipiendi yet to God they are all one who howbeit he be the first and the last yet in him there is neither first no● last So that the meaning is this It is the irresistible will eternall decree unchangeable purpose unsearchable counsel of the wise and everliving God That all men and women living upon the face of the earth must once die Obj. But this may be called into question by two or three instances taken out of the old and new testaments In the old Genes 5. we read That Enoch was no more seen by man but taken by God And 2 King cap. 2. that Elias was caught up in a fierie chariot unto heaven so that they were both translated not to see death In the new we read 1 Thess 4. That these who shall survive at the day of judgement they shall be changed in the twinckling of an eye and caught up into the clouds for to meet with the Lord in the aire and to be ever with him so that these also shal not taste of death I answer first That some few extraordinarie instances do not altogether break the band of ordinarie courses once set down by God who is without shadow of turning or changing Secondly I answer That Enoch and Elias in so far as they were men they were mortall but in so far as they were such men they were immortall that is In so far as they were types of the resurrection and of the prototype Jesus the immortall coeternall coessentiall Son of God the Father And as for those who shall remain alive upon the earth on that great day their death will not be reall but analogicall not actuall but virtuall or equivalent that is They shall not die as their predecessours a naturall death but their extraordinarie change shall supply or be in stead of an ordinarie death So that ye may manifestly perceive the appointment of God is surer then the center of the earth or the foundation of the heavens for these two are grounded upon it and it upon none except it self the center and fundament of all whose appointment is himself in whom there is no composition no accident Quicquid enim in Deo Deus est that is whatsoever is in God is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 very God him very self one and the same yesterday to day and for ever And thus far of the exposition of the first word appointed The second word is Death Suidas by a periphrase 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is a refuge from evils and as it were a most safe haven after some storme Phavo●inus who wrote after the rest of Greek authours giveth foure short descriptions of death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is A separation of the soul from the bodie A disjunction of the foure elements whereof our bodies are made The loosing of the life The chasing away of cares Scripture calleth it a loosing not a losing or dissolution not a destruction Our Theologues they commonly make three sorts of death First 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Naturall death not that nature is the cause of it for it is sui conservatrix a defender of it self but that it is made common
to all things in nature and under the sun things also above the divine nature onely excepted have their owne changes as well as their influences Secondly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Violent death when the course of nature is interrupted by some strange event common also to all living creatures And the Pagans themselves without any contradiction acknowledged these two sorts The third is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The death of deaths called spirituall death and it is twofold either first when a man is dead in his sins through desertion occoecation obduration impenitence or last when a man because of his continuance in the same is cast away from Gods presence and union as a reprobate and consequently is adjudged to the hells without any recoverie deliverie mercie God preserve us from this estate and happy shall we be if we die before we die for so we shall not die when we die that is if we die to sin before our bodie die for so when it dieth we shall not die spiritually and he that will live when he is dead must die while he is alive that whether we live we live to the Lord or whether we die we die to the Lord Whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords Rom. 14. 8. For Christ to us in death and life is advantage Philip. 1. 21. For Christ therefore died and rose again and revived that he might be Lord both of the dead and living Rom. 14. 9. And thus far of the exposition of the second word Death The third word is Man I know the naturalists being blindfolded intoxicate and infatuate with self-love and self-conceipt gave innumerable glorious titles to man and amongst the rest they called him the monarch of heaven and earth the midst betwixt the Creatour and the creature the Lord compend and picture of this world a little world the delight and miracle of nature the miracle of miracles yea a mortall God and as the Stoicks say in one thing lesse then God But it is to be remarked that the most solid Philosophers did call man amongst other disparagements the patterne of imbecilitie the prey of time the pastime of fortune the pourtraict of inconstancy the subject of envie and calamitie Or as Diogenes saith rottennesse in his beginning a beast in his life the food of worms in his death But to leave all exotick observations let us speak of him in the language of Canaan There are three words which in the originall signifie man The first word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Isch 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 noble strong worthie excellent man for in the estate of innocencie and integritie he was created perfectly holy in body and soul in which sense Philo Judaeus calleth God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the patterne and man Gods 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 image 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 effigie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 workmanship But alas O man thou hast made a great change and hast lost infinite treasures for earthly toyes of holy thou art become unholy of perfect imperfect and art metamorphosed from the image of God to the image of Satan The second word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Enosch 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 painefull sorrowfull miserable man for by his vile apostasie from his Lord and King from his Master and Father he hath brought shame and punishment upon himself and through him to his whole posterity as water is derived through the channell to the streams or as the sappe of a tree is sent up from the roote to the branches The third word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Adam and this word is almost one with Enosch for it signifieth weak feeble impotent man and so it is distinguished from Isch As in greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 differs from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Psalme 49. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bene Adam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bene Isch that is the rich and the poore the noble and the ignoble potent and impotent But this third word Adam signifieth most especiallie the matter whereof wee are made clay earth dust And in this sense Moses Deut. 32. Jer. 22. 29. say O earth earth earth hear the word of the Lord that is O man man man earth by constitution earth by disposition earth by dissolution set down in the Latine wel terra quam terimus terra quam gerimus terra quam quaerimus And Chrysostome saith more it is our countrey ournurse our mother our board our house our sepulchre Augustine tearmes it our strange land and Nazianzen our step-mother and this is Gods own conference with man in that terrestriall paradise Gen. 3. 19. Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return confessed by Abraham Gen. 18. 27. I am but dust and ashes and by Job ch 10. 9. O Lord thou hast made me as a pot of clay and wilt bring me unto dust again And this is amplified by Solomon Siracides yea the Turks and Pagans who affirme that we were once made of earth must return to it again as waters to the sea And this is Gods owne voice to Isaias ch 40. 6. repeated in 1. Peter 1. 24. All flesh is grasse and all the glory of man is as the flower of grasse the grasse withereth and the flower thereof decayeth Where first mark the matter of man in the word flesh that is a senslesse dead lump till that the Lord and Prince of life breathe into his nostrils the breath of life and so he become a living soule Secondly the continuance of man and that very short represented first by grasse which the mower cutteth the winde withereth the frost consumeth secondly by a flower which the hand plucketh the winde shaketh the rain walloweth both of small endurance for one winter taketh away both Even so man may in the pleasant flower of his age bud flourish fructifie but when the smiting winde of Gods decree bloweth on him he withereth decayeth dieth And when hee is gone were he ever so glorious in this life there is no more memorie of him then of a beautifull flower in a mowen meadow his loyall wife his loving children his neare friends his dear companions all forget him and howbeit in the vanitie of their ambitious spirit and pride of their loftie heart they would erect sumptuous tombes speaking trophees gorgious monuments onely times prey upon him he is not sensible of such things for Esay 63. 16. Abraham is ignorant of us and Israel knoweth us not and after this life he must be in one of these two estates without a third either in hell sempiternally confined and if he bee there what comfort can hee receive of funerall preparations multitudes of convoy bearing of branches and such like superfluities which reach not beyond the span of this life or if he be triumphing in heaven no earthly pompe no humane magnificence no worldly preheminence can adde any thing to that superexcellent weight of glory no more then a drachme to the weight of the whole earth or
of Ecclesiasticus a wise though not a canonick book chap. 38. Let tears follow the dead and cover his body according to the custome and neglect not his buriall and then comfort your selves for your heavines for it cannot do him good but hurt you I remember of the Epitaph of one of the kings of Assyria 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Looking upon me learn to lead a holy and gody life And if the dead would speak they would teach us this Videte quod sumus eritis quod sumus fuimus quod estis See what we are ye shal be as we are we were as ye are To this effect have two eies in buriall one cast upon the dead and so there will be none of us so unnaturall but he will be touched as he who feeleth not the losse but the absence not the captivitie but the libertie not the death but the change of his friend to a better estate And if we do so our cariage cannot but be decent modest circumspect wise charitable in a word Christiā another eie fixed upon God who is al eye and not only beholds the things of this great universe but also the very inward reines and most latent corners of the hearts of men And if we do so there wil be none of us but wil bridle his natural affections secret passions in such fashion that they carry him not beyond the bounds of right reason moderation religion The second is out of St. Paul 1 Thess 4. 13 14. I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we beleeve that Jesus died rose again even so also them who sleep in Jesus wil God bring with him that we may all meet where our last randevous heaven is and there be united to God who is the center of all yea all in all And thus farre of that generall doctrine with the uses thereof Now let me come to some speciall doctrines which are as so many necessary consequences of it The first doctrine by way of consequence is this It is appointed Then there is nothing in this world able to save a man frō the piercing stroak of death beauty cannot keep Absalom nor strength Sampson nor valour Josua nor wisedome Solomon nor policy Achitophel nor court Haman nor the crown Saul nor an hundreth and twenty seven provinces Ahasuerus nor the palace Nebuchadnezzar nor nine hundred sixty and nine years Methusalem What the best things could not keep the godliest from the same Righteousnesse could not keep Noah nor faithfulnesse Abraham nor meeknesse Moses nor integritie Samuel nor patience Job nor a blamelesse life Zacharias nor the heart of God David The bark defendeth the tree the feather the fowle the scale the fish the feet the Hynde and the Hare and armour one man against another And as saith Epicurus against all other things we may arme our selves but against death there is no armour for it consumeth armour it selfe in which sense Alexander the great said to the Gymnosophists hee could not give them immortalitie And the wise man affirmeth this Prov. 30. 16. The grave the barren wombe the earth and the fire they never say Enough As the barren womb cannot be filled with seed nor the earth with waters nor the fire with fewell so the grave is never satisfied with the dead Death is rigorous inflexible inexorable irrevocable irreparable This is verified in the worthie Patriarchs or Genearchs before and after the floud in the religious judges and kings of Israel in the divine Prophets Evangelists Apostles in the reverend fathers doctours and preachers of the primit●● and reformed churches in all the Martyrs with the rest of Gods elect two being extraordinarily excepted Yea it behoved Christ Jesus God and man in one person hypostatically united albeit he was the prince of life to lay down his precious life for man dead in sinnes and trespasses and so take away the guilt of sinne and the sting of death So that unhappie is that man who seeks and sues by all meanes to flee from death for wheresoever he go it wil meet him either soone or late or whosoever places his chief felicitie here where there is nothing but miserie or thinkes of a brittle and transitory cottage to make a sure and permanent citie for as long as we are in the flesh we are absent from the Lord debarred and sequestrate from our eldest brother who even now is preparing a place for us that shal never be taken from us And by the contrary happie is hee that prepareth himselfe timously that when deaths doome is execute upon him he may be found ready for those heavenly mansions so glorious by creation so beautifull in situation so rich in possession so commodious for habitation Where the king is Christ the law love the life eternitie life without death light without darknes mirth without sadnes health without sicknesse wealth without poverty credit without disgrace beauty without blemish bountie without measure felicitie without any mixture of misery O Lord take us from our selves to thy self there where thou shalt be life to our souls health to our bodies sight to our eyes musick to our ears honey to our mouthes perfume to our nostrils meat to our bellies truth to our wits good to our wills peace to our consciences delight to our affections in a word as saith Bernard where thou shalt be the soule of our soules We say with Augustine Fecistinos domine ad te inquietum erit cor nostrum donec requiescat in te Thou art the center of our soules we cannot be at rest till that once we see thee that in seeing thee we may know thee in knowing thee we may possesse thee in possessing thee love thee in loving thee live with thee and in thee in living with thee and by thee become one with thee receive that palme of victory the garland of triumph that crowne of immortalitie from thee Oh fain would we be at thee but our sins cloy and clog us and pull us downe by the neck and shoulders O Jesus who art our valiant and unconquerable captaine take thy al-piercing sword from thy thigh and cut the fetters of sin the bands of Satan that our souls like so many soaring Eagles may flee out of these base and corruptible prisons of our bodies to those royall palaces of that free new supernall Jerusalem the mother of us all Use of admonition Is death inevitable and the stroak thereof irreparable then let us in time thinke upon it This is the day of salvation if this sun-shine of grace once set it will never rise again and we are either won or lost here and there is no repentance no preaching no conversion no church in hell In the mean time this our naturall life is but a broken reed a cob-web to lean unto which because of the inconstancie uncertainty shortnesse naughtinesse of it is justly
compared by profane and divine writers to a passenger to a walking to a pilgrimage to a race to a post to a chariot to a whirlegig to a warfare to a tabernacle to the flitting of a tabernacle to a turning wheel to a stage-play to a table-play to dice to counters to a tale to a tennice-court to a weavers shutle to the dayes of a hireling to the moneths of vanitie to the wing of an eagle to an eagle in the aire to a span or hand-breadth to a smoak to a blast to a breath to winde to a passing cloud to a vanishing vapour to a bell to a space to a tyde to an ocean of waters to a ship sayling through the sea to a gowne soon put off or on to a sleep to a night watch to grasse to hay to a fading flower to a leaf to a thought to a dream to a shadow to the dream of a shadow to vanity to vanity of vanities to nothing to lesse then nothing This Epicharmus alludeth unto while he calleth man 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a blowne bagge Aristophanes and Plutarch 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 like the flies of Aristotle at the river Hipanis which appear in the morning are in their full strength at noone and die at night like Jonah his gourd which sprung in one night and withered in another wee are like a blast and away with us as ye say in your trivial proverb And this we shall see more clearly if we look more narrowlie to our life Euripedes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 This Augustine expoundeth I know not whether to call this a mortall life or a vitall death 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 saith one is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our life is a violence or trouble 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our body a sepulchre 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our beauty and colour a carion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our frame and shape a band 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our generation is a casting of us unto earth another funus est fumus our buriall a rieke So that this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a life not a life And this shall be more manifest if wee take a view of our ages First our infancie is full of infirmitie and tears when we are in our mothers bellies the least fall of her may crush us into pieces the smoak of a candle may smother us and she is so ashamed of our birth that no honest matron desireth to be delivered of us in publick And are we once come to light we creep in our own filth when other creatures take them to their feet or wings to feed themselves Secondly our child-hood is full of wantonnesse and foolishnesse we hunt after toyes and trifles not able to govern our selves wearisome of the instruction of our parents and masters and when they have much troubled themselves with us we are not worthie perhaps the paines taking on Thirdly our youth-hood is full of vaine idle and rash pleasures leading us to debauchery lulling us asleep in their bosome for to cut our throat like so many pillules of gold which under their outward beauty keep an inward sowrenesse like so many Dalila's to betray us to our enemies or like so many Syrens to devour us or like so many Judases to kill us with a kisse Fourthly our man-hood is full of pride emulation ambition with thousands of carking irking and pricking cares so that in this life we walke upon briars and he who hath the crowne on his head his heart is full of thornes and neither his purple nor his precious stones nor the magnificence of his fare or his court can keep him from traitours flatterers and assasinates So that some princes have thus spoken of their purple O cloath more glorious then happy Fifthly our old age is full of sicknesse complaints miseries for when a man hath done what he can to make himself honourable rich learned wise then it cometh to the which few winne many wish to come to it but they are no sooner arrived but they would bee far from it for with it are catarrhs colick gravell gout fever c. till that death give the stroak so that we begin in tears and end in miseries Astrologers such as Proclus Ptolemee and Aliben have more subtilly then solidly compared our ages looking to the perfection of the seventh number to the seven planets in this manner First our infancy humide moveable to the moone in the which having none or very little use of reason we live and grow like plants and in this only we differ from them as Philo Judaeus saith that other plants have their roote on earth but ours is in the heaven Secondly our child-hood to Mercurie wherein wee are taught and instructed Thirdly our youth-hood to Venus the dayes of love dalliance and pleasure Fourthly the Zeni of our youth the prime of our beauty to the sun in his goodly array Fifthly our ripe and full man-hood to Mars when we bend our desires intentions determinations towards preferment honour and glory Sixthly our raw old age to Iupiter when we begin to number our dayes and to apply our hearts unto wisedome Seventhly our rotten and decrepit age to Saturne when we are overclouded with sorrow tending to the doore of death which lyeth wide open at all times to all persons when the tyde of our dayes shall have a perpetuall ebbe without a full plemmura our leaf once fallen shal never spring up againe till that the world be no more So that ye see howbeit the spaces of our short time be compared to the heavens above yet they make us not immortall For as they have their owne courses which beginne and end according to their proper motions even so wee are wavering and wandring planets till that our first mover God settle us with eternall rest In the mean time we may say with Job ch 14. 1 Man that is borne of a woman is of few dayes and full of trouble And with Jacob Few and evil are the dayes of my pilgrimage Therefore let us live as sojourners aiming at our journeys end as runners looking for the prize as fighters sweating for the crowne for this is a strange land and this world is a banishment and heaven is our countrey and paradise our native soile and GOD our Father and Christ our Brother and the Spirit our comforter and the spirits justified our kindred and the holy angels our companions Why doe we not long for them But alas poore miserable wretches that we are wee fix not the eyes of our soules upon that life which is hid in Jesus otherwise wee would bee willing to lay downe this transitorie uncertain calamitous life for to regain that permanent secure and glorious life Oh if wee could see with the eyes of faith the things that are not seen by the eyes of a naturall man and which wait for us then ten thousand
remedia cum mortis imminent pericula It is no time to prepare remedies against imminent death Foreseen dangers harme least But let us studie it in the morning that the evening of our dayes may bee calme and peaceable Yea let us gather our selves together before the supreme decree of death passe out against us at unawares that so wee may meet it with as much readinesse of minde as it is willing with greedines to receive us who should not be drifters off of repentance like Salomons sluggard or any more supersede flatter or foster our selves with vaine and deceitfull conceits of the immortalitie of this melting mortalitie or admire this dying carcasse which the wormes must feed upon ere it be long or be ravished with the astonishing fabrick of our bodies which are but clay tabernacles and death at our flitting will dissolve the pinnes thereof Therefore O young man remember thy Creator in the dayes of thy youth O strong man go not a whooring from the living God! O old man who hast one foot in the grave already let death be set before thy eyes And thinke not O beastly drunkard O devouring glutton but as thou insultest over thy companions in the excesse of meat and drinke so thy liver will faile thee and the powers of death and of the grave shall triumph over thee ere it be long O leacherous man who sowest where thou darest not reap deflowring virgines defiling the honourable bed of marriage the fierie heat of thy concupiscence shall be quenched in the flouds of oblivion ere it be long O avaricious extortioner O ambitious worldling howbeit now thou canst pledge whole monopolies devoure widows houses eat up the poore rob the altar yet thou shalt get one morsell that thou canst not digest ere it be long O generous man howbeit thy heart now erected in thy breast inthe forme of a restlesse piramide be the fountaine of thy life it shall be dryed up like a summer strype ere it be long And as it was primum vivens so it shall bee ultimum moriens ere it be long O brave man thy noble and straight face which now contemplates the heavens shall bee defaced in the slimie valley ere it be long O wise man who knowest the estates of kingdomes the secrets of princes the mysteries of nature and hast made up a store-house within thee of all commendable vertues thou and they shall perish together ere it be long O eloquent man whom of all men I thinke to be most compleat thy tongue which now floweth like milk and honey and powreth Nectar and Ambrosia upon the famished and thirstie souls of thy hearers and drowneth as it were the soyle of their hearts with a soft-silver running river shall lick the dust ere it be long O thou comely Rachel beautifull Bethsheba alluring Dalilah thy pampered and well covered skinne in the grave shall be like that of a drudge or vile kitchin-maid ere it belong O young gallant who art enamoured with thy beautie thinking thy self another Adonis Nereus Narcissus thou shall be like Aesope or Thersites ere it bee long And whatsoever thou be O man hear what I say Thy force once must languish thy sense faile thy body droup thine eyes turne in thine head thy veines break thy heart rent and thy whole frame like an old rotten oak shall fall to the ground or like a leaking ship shall sinke into the harbour of thy grave The wise man compares thee to a ruinous house which decayeth piece and piece but that comparison is familiar to those who are acquainted with scripture The certaintie whereof should weane and spean our affections from the base things of this earth and should worke in us an ardour of minde a vehemencie of spirit a serious and sedulous endeavour to bee delivered from the prison of this body the Red sea of the miseries of this life the captivitie of sinne the thraldome of our corruption the tyrannie of Satan Yee know if a couragious man be many years in a stinking solitarie and dark prison he would be glad to change his infamous life with a glorious death But if the judge command the jailour to bring him forth to bee set at libertie I pray you when he seeth the brightsome light of the sunne and tasteth of his wonted joyes in meat drink apparell companie is he not ravished within himself Even so it is with us while we are in Mesech in the Egypt of sinne under our spirituall Pharaoh the devil being compassed about with robbers on the land pirates on the sea hereticks in the church few or no godly men we cannot but be plunged in a deep dungeon of grief and sorrow But when it will please that unappealable judge that high possessour of heaven and earth to command the jaylour Death to loose us from the prison of this body then we shall behold the glorious face of the Sonne of righteousnesse and eat and drink of him who is the bread and fountain of life and be clad with the robe of his justice and enjoy the blessed companie of Saints and Angels in the highest degree of happinesse This heavenly meditation so possest many godly ones of old that long before-hand not hating their naturall but longing after a supernaturall life welcomed and invited death This made Moses to preferre the reproach of Christ before the court of Pharaoh This made Elias to cry out It is enough O Lord take my soul for I am no better then my fathers This made David to say Into thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit because thou hast redeemed my soul This made Polycarpus to say Receive me Lord and make me partner with thy Saints of the resurrection This made Ignatius Pauls disciple Bishop of Antioch to say I care not for things visible or invisible so that I may winne Christ And in another place fire gallows beasts breaking of my bones quartering of my members crucifying of my body all the torments of the devil together let them come upon me so that I may enjoy my Lord Jesus and his kingdome This made Hilarion to say Depart my soule why fearest thou why tremblest thou thou hast served CHRIST now almost seventy yeares and art thou afraid to depart This made Jerome to say Let us embrace that day viz. of death which shall assigne every one of us to his house which shal free us of the snares of this age and restore us to paradise and the kingdome of heaven Which made Gregory Nazianzen to say That that day shall make us partakers of that fruition and contemplation of the soveraigne good and place us in the bosome of Abraham and shall unite us to the assemblie of Saints and congregation of the just where saith Epiphanius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 viz. The garners are sealed and the time fulfilled and the combate ended and the field empty and the crownes are given This made Augustine to say I desire to die that I may see Christ and I refuse
devilish fear because they feared God as a judge and they hoped in him as a Saviour they feared him and so they sued for him appealing from the tribunall of his justice to the throne of his mercie ab irato Caesare ad placatum from an offended God in the height of his justice to a pacified God in the depth of his mercies And I would have the simple ignorant people to know here that outward disturbances in fits of heavie exasperate inveterate sicknesse are not evident and infallible tokens of a totall or finall desertion for the godly patients may have inward joy glorious and unspeakable which the standers by see not And by the contrarie some who have led a lewd life without any remorse of conscience or compunction or contrition of heart may seeme to have a peaceable death and say that they are ready for their God when in the meane time their heart giveth their mouth the lie Others desire to die because of great povertie or intolerable paines or losse of goods good name friends c. But God make us not to fear death because we are assured of his favour in the pardon of our huge and manifold transgressions and imputation of Christs righteousnesse for that is only the thing which justifieth us before God Use of encouragement Then why should we fear death Agathias calleth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the mother of tranquilitie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the stayer of sicknesse Euripides 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the greatest remedie of evills Aeschylus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the medicine of incurable diseases Anacreon 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a deliverie from travels which after trouble giveth us rest healeth our sicknes taketh away our povertie endeth our greatest feares and cares It is the way of all flesh and it is common to kings and beggars as well to die as to be borne And one of the seven sages Thales saith that they are both indifferent But to Christians they are both profitable for Christ in life and death is advantage Philip. 1. 21. If it please the Lord we live let us employ our life well for it is a talent given to us for the use of our Master if to die what need we to fear for all these who are gone before us cry out Come come after us there is no danger in death all the hazard we incurre and jeopardie wee run into is in our lives Is not this life a continuall miserie a perpetuall tempest a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a common hostage and receptacle of all calamities and our death is an issue of these miseries the harbrie mouth leading us to the most sure haven the heaven of heavens the bridegroomes chamber 1 Object Death is most dangerous and so most fearfull because it is the way to hell from the which there is no regresse Answer To the wicked indeed it is such but to the godly it is the gate to heaven and hither you must make your progresse 2 Object It takes away my life which is so near and dear unto me Answer Upon a condition to give a better which shall never bee taken from thee 3. Object But my losses are great Answer Let me never hear that of thee againe that it is a great losse of such a mans life or that thou losest any thing in death that is an idle querimony to the which Socrates answereth O dii boni quantum lucri est emori O what great gaine is it to die for ye may leave an earthly possession for an heavenly patrimonie uncertaine goods for a certaine treasure the company of the wicked for Saints and Angels earth for heaven basenesse for glory unsufficiencie for alsufficiencie 4. Object But there are paines in death Answer There is nothing without paines and the better the thing be the greater paines but to speak properly it is the remnant of thy life that tormenteth thee and not thy death for what is it but a not being in this world for when we are death is not and when death is wee are not Now a not being hath no dolour for as when wee were not at all wee found no dolour so when we shall not bee wee shall finde none Wherefore then fearest thou the day of death for every day of thy life is a preparation to it and that last period of dayes is not properly thy death allenarly for every day contributeth to it And as the last drop emptieth not nor filleth the bottle and the last path wearieth not nor the last stroake cutteth downe all the trunke of the tree but every one helpeth another so every day we go to death and the last wee arrive at it So that it boats with us it rideth behinde us and leaveth us no more then the shadow of our bodies till at last it cut the thred of our desires and lives and take us from the world and from our selves So that we die at all houres and all moments and if we desire to live long we enjoy a languishing death victorious in many assaults So that Epictetus answered well to Hadrian demanding this question Which is the best life he answered The shortest And Solomon saith That the day of our death is better then the day of our nativitie for this is the beginning of our dolours and that is the end and our accesse to supreme happinesse for then this body shall returne to the dust and the spirit to God the giver with whom we shall enjoy a full life and our passions shall be buried and our reason enlarged and the whole man placed in his owne element the heaven his countrey from the which hee was banished Furthermore did not Cicero Seneca and before them Theophrastus Crantor Xenocrates leave rare monuments and documents against immoderate dolour in death as also against the fear thereof but thou art better taught then those that death is the very entry to that eternall day nunc stans feast Sabaoth with the Ancient of dayes and that the separation of the soule from this body is nothing but an union and communion with God And shall naughtie souldiers under their temporarie captaine hazard their mispent life at the mouth of the canon in a furious skirmish for the pennie-pay and thou not lay down this tedious life for the kingdome of heaven whereunto thou hast undoubted right by thy triumphing generall the captaine of thy salvation the Lord Jesus the Lord of Hosts 5. Object But the pangs of death are insupportable who can abide these cruell and deadly wounds Answer That same Jesus by his glorious and meritorious death hath sweetned seasoned sanctified them to thee in such fashion that they shall be unto thee like the launcet of a Chirurgion which pricketh and healeth together like worme-wood or the potion of a skilfull mediciner which is sowre but wholesome 6. Object But the feare of judgement after death maketh me afraid Answer That same Lord Jesus judge of judges thy eldest brother shall be thy
pleasures for evermore How shall we then conclude but with a hopefull and eternall farewel till it please God that wee all meet together on that great day on Sion hill and go into these everlasting tabernacles of the temple of the most High in the holy citie supernall Jerusalem amongst the Hierarchies of that innumerable companie of Angels the generall assemblie and church of the first borne written in heaven by the finger of God and the bloud of the Lambe When and where they with us and we with them and the whole multitude of the militant and triumphant Church reunited under Christ the head shall bee fully and finally glorified O fooles that we are wee long with a vehement desire to see our earthly princes coronation in this earthly kingdome I pray you let us wish with an holy impatience redoubled sighes unfained groanes to be dissolved and to bee with Christ that wee may see our owne glorious coronations in that kingdome of glory For O what solemnities O what festivities O what exultations O what exclamations O what triumphs shall be there when the heavens and earth shall clap their hands for joy Why do these base minds of ours creep any more like wormes on earth and soare not with the wings of heavenly contemplation that our conversation may be in heaven Why do we not flie with the golden feathers of faith hope to embrace in the armes of our souls our gracious redeemer who is at hand stretcheth forth his powerfull hand unto us O let us lift up our heads open the everlasting gates of our souls that the king of glory may enter in and finde roome therein howbeit the heaven of heavens is not able to containe him who is the joy of the heavens the hope of the earth the light and life of the world the ease of the oppressed the comfort of the afflicted the advocate of sinners the reward of the just our only Saviour O let us set our affections upon him and behold him whose love shed abundantly in our hearts should swallow all other love who is the wisedome of God and ours before the world set as a rose of starres upon our head when others shall bee confounded Therefore bow downe the knees of your hearts with your voices your hands and eyes unto heaven saying O come thou whom our soules both love and long for Lord Jesus yea come quickly and tye us unto thy selfe by the band of perfection the coards of thy unspeakable loue Wee die wee divine after thee O sweet life O dear love Tarrie not while we are ready but take us to thy selfe and cover us with the banner of thy love and present us holy harmelesse acceptable before thine heavenly father that wee may dwell with thee and in thee eternally and through thee possesse the things which neither eye hath seen nor ear hath heard nor the heart of man was ever able to conceive Now to this Jesus our redeemer to the Father our Creator to the holy Ghost our comforter one GOD in three persons let us render from the bottome of our soules all Honour all Praise all Glory for ever and ever AMEN AMEN VIRI NOBILIS JOANNIS CRAFORD II D. KILBVRNII aeternae memoriae sacravit hoc epicedium Ninianus Campbellus SIccine Kilburni florentis stamina vitae Ante diem rupit Parca severa tuae Attamen exultas quoniam mens inscia fati Praepetibus pennis caelica templa subit Haurit ubi puros latices Nectaris uvas Caeleftis diâ vivit Ambrosiâ Ponite luctificos gestamina tristia cultus Ponite funereas vos pia turba faces Vivit quem fletis votum super omne vigetque Despectans oculis inferiora suis Non est mortalis quantum mutatur ab illo Qui colit aetherei culmina celsa poli Atque Dei vitam degit felicibus ausis Humano major nomine voce vice Idem hoc nati patris matris qui uno eodemque mense obierant Epitaphium POst natum Genitor post hunc dulcissima Mater Hoc gaudent tumulo corpora trina simul Natus praecessit Genitorem funera Mater Tertia subsequitur Mensis unus erat Felices animae quibus his excedere terris Sic datur vitâ jam potiore frui VIRI CONSULTISSIMI SCAEVOLAE SAMMARTHANI Galli memoriae sacravit hoc carmen NINIANUS CAMPBELLUS VMbrosas Heliconis inter oras Pimplaei nemoris sacros recessus Me jam Pierio calore raptum Cerno dum me ditor polire carmen Cultum nobile molle delicatum Indictum ore alio beatiori Venâ progenitum sinuque Phoebi Quo te prosequar omnibus canendum Seclis magne senex tuique dotes Vrbani genii facetioris Docti judicii politioris Aequem Sceptrigeri polo Tonantis Si fas sit numeris phaleuciorum Te laudare virum disertiorem Phoebo Mercurioque gratiisque Quem circumvolitat novena turba Longaeva Themis severa Pallas Testes aetherii tui caloris Cujus fama vigens virûm per ora Doctorum advolat aureis quadrigis Ast nobis cadis ah tuis ademptum Lumen proh dolor orbi universo Extinctum jubar aurei nitoris Ni jam stellifero polo micares Despectans humiles soli jacentis Tractus ut simul omnibus renatus Es lux fulgidior priore luce Quâ nostros oculos rapis sequaces Et totos animos sereniori Perfundis radio tui decoris Fulgens clarior hespero recenti Multò pulchrior imminente lunâ Vt diam nequeam videre lucem Quam praebes tremulis meis ocellis Et toti patriae tuae decorae Ex quâ nasceris alma fax futuri Secli gloria orbis universi Cui tu perpetuum diem reducis Aut mentis faculâ benigniori Dicatae sophiâ secretiori Sermone aut nitidam indicante mentem Cui cedunt veneres Catullianae Et limphâ liquidâ suaviores Melliti latices Terentiani Cum vis vincier aspero Cothurno Et cedunt lyrici canora plectra Et grandes numeri Maroniani Et fervens genius Lucretianus Quicquid Gallia parturit decori Quicquid Graecia protulit venusti Et quicquid Latium dedit politi Id vincis Licet invidae Caemaenae Certent ambiguam facis coronam Cunctis vatibus stupente Phoebo Cingis tempora Laureâ perenni Vt corpus jaceat licet sepultum Fatali tumulo O beate vivas Auctor maxime carminis tenelli Limati sapidi aurei politi O quantum tibi nominis paratur Dum cantaberis orbe note toto Nullis Scaevola conticende linguis Sed quò tendimus alta musa Siste Gressum Quove rapis novâ tumentem Laude aut insolito furore plenum Sustollis modo vitreo daturum Ponto nomina caetibusque centum Misces Mercurialium virorum Quos mens ardua vexit ad bicornis Montis culmina Pegasique celsos Pennis vestiit Ast apis sagacis Jnstar libo rosas amoeniores Et gratas violas Thymumque dutce Propter
he climbed up to the heavens The other was my dear honourable father who before his departure out of this mortall life delighted much in reading hearing meditating on this discourse and hoping that others should get instruction direction and consolation thereby commanded me to publish it So that I could not disobey him who was Gods instrument to bring me unto this world to train me up in the fear of the Lord and who both in and out of the country did prosecute me with his tender fatherly affection in my painful travels and dangerous expeditions for the golden fleece of vertue whose life was a clear mirrour of Christian charity yea above his power oftentimes which he did recommend to his children for the Lord blessed him with abundance to the end and in the end crowned his former favours with a pleasant and peaceable death which he oft craved at Gods hands and which was a matter of greater contentment to me then if he had left me heire of whole territories which with the rest of the toyes of this perishing world have but transitorie joyes like clouds rising in the morning but dissolving ere night without any memorie of them at all Neverthelesse honourable birth good education the patterne of worthy acts and the immortall fame of renowned ancestors either in church or policy communicated to the emulous posteritie for imitation is not the least portion of humane inheritance and he who follows their famous examples ingraven with letters of gold in chests of cedar or in tables of marble in the never-decaying temple of sacred memory he I say is not only in the way to worldly honour and preferment but also their footsteps lead him from grace to glorie which is the most precious purchase a Christian can acquire Without the which all is but dung and drosse for one drachme of goodnesse is better then a whole world of greatnesse even as a little pearle is of greater worth then a big rock of flint or as the sun is higher esteemed then the whole body of the firmament spangled with stars every one striving with another in beautie To be short then it is no inbred opinion of my self who am conscious of many infirmities in this body of death that maketh me to acquaint thee O Christian Reader with this funerall meditation which perhaps may live when I am dead In the mean time I wish it may teach thee me and other mortall men our Christian duety in this point rest with us familiarly at home warne us in our journey remember us of our present mortalitie guard us against our last enemie prepare us for that future immortalitie and full happinesse of soul and body conquered to us by the victorious death and meritorious passion of the only son of God our only Saviour In whom I rest ever Thine to power N. C. Ad Lectorem SI procul obscuri tenebris ab inertibus Orci Sit tibi propositum succinctae stamina vitae ' Ducere per virtutis iter dum fata diesque Suppeditant animam ne mors inopina labantem Auferat incauto neu formidabile Lethi Imperium quod cuncta domat terrorve sepulchri Vltricesve mali furiae aut quascunque sinistro Nox genuit faetu pestes quodve horridus Orcus Spirat inexhaustum flagranti pectore sulphur Solicitent miseram trepid â formidine mentem Huc ades en Campbellus opem tibi praebet anhelo Ante ferens gressus Vt quae velut orba carina Remige Jactatur variis impulsa procellis Fortunae instabilis tandem mens edita coelo Assuescat patriam paulatim agnoscere sedem Ille etenim ingenii nixus pernicibus alis Judicioque nitens memori quae docta vetustas Naturae ê tenebris hausit ratione sagaci Et quae sancta cohors patrum quos inclyta virtus Reddidit aeternos veriquoque fontibus hausta Mandavit scriptis quae ter maximus orbis Conditor indulsit divina oracula terris Hoc except a tulit tenui comprensa libello Ex quibus instructus triplici penetralia Ditis Agmine perrupit saevi mortisque ferocis Spicula contundens vinclis dare colla coêgit Qud tu magnanimo superat â morte volatu Aethereas subeas sedes lautaeque Deorum Accumbas mensae factus novus incola coeli PATRICIUS CAMPBELLUS A preface before the Sermon YE are all here conveened this day to performe the last Christian duties to a respected and worthy Baron with his honourable Lady who both have lived amongst you in this land and whose embalmed corps both yee now honour with your mourning presence and happy farewell to their grave I am here designed to put you all in minde by this premeditate speech that the next case shall be assuredly ours and perhaps when we think least of it Therefore that I may acquaint these who need information in this point with the nature and matter of such exhortations let them remember with me that there are two sorts of funer all sermons approved and authorized by our reformed churches in Europe The first whereof I call for orders sake Encomiastick or Scholastick because it is spent in the praise of the defunct and only used in schooles colledges academies and universities by the most learned And this is ordinarily enriched with pleasant varietie of strange languages lively lights of powerfull or atorie fertile inventions of alluring poesie great subtilties of solid Philosophie grave sentences of venerable fathers manifold examples of famous histories ancient customes of memorable peoples and nations and in a word with all the ornaments of humane wit learning eloquence Which howbeit I might borrow for a while yet I lay them down at the feet of Jesus and being sent hither not by man but by God whose interpreter and ambassadour I am I prefer before them the smooth words of Moses the stately of Esay the royall of David the wise of Salomon the eloquent of saint Paul and the ravishing of saint John with the rest of divine writers Gods pen-men out of whose inexhausted treasurie of heavenly consolation and saving knowledge I wish to be furnished with the secret preparation of the sanctuarie and to be accompanied with the full power and evidence of the spirit of my God For there is another second sort of funerall sermons which I call Ecclesiastick or popular viz. when the judicious and religious preacher only for the instruction and edification of the living frequently assembled at burials and earnestly desiring at such dolefull spectacles to be rejoyced in the spirit of their mindes taketh some convenient portion of scripture and handleth it with pietie discretion moderation to his private consolation the edification of his hearers and the exaltation of the most high name of God So that having no other ends but these three and taking God to be my witnesse that I abhor all religious or rather superstitious worship given to the dead and being naturally obliged to come here and oftentimes