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A15674 The state of the godly both in this life, and in the life to come deliuered in a sermon at Chudleigh in Devon: at the funeralls of the right worshipfull, the Ladie Elizabeth Courtney, the 11. of Nouember, 1605. And published for the instruction, and consolation of the faithfull. By R.W. minister. Whereunto is annexed the christian life and godly death of the sayd worshipfull Lady Elizabeth Courtney. Wolcomb, Robert, b. 1567 or 8. 1606 (1606) STC 25942; ESTC S106614 39,608 94

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and the god of Iaacob He sayth Exod 3 6 I am not I was to shew that hee is continually their God and as this prooues the resurrectiō of the body against the Saduces For if Abraham Izhak Matt 22 32 Quomod foelices si ex parte perituri Tertu● de resurrec carnis and Iaacob bee gods they are altogether his and they cannot be throughlie blessed if one parte of them should perish decay so it fortifieth the immortality of the Soule after death For if the faithfull are alway gods people and god is alwaye their God and Lorde they must needs liue in soule euen before the general resurrectiō for god is not the god of the dead but of the liuinge Euident is the eternity of the Soule out of that of patient Iob who in his extream affliction expressed notwithstanding his cōfidēce of immortality thogh god slay me sayth he with death of body yet will I trust in him that I shall inherit the light of euerlasting glorie And he confidently professeth his beleef touching life euerlasting the resurrectiō saying Iob 13 15 I am sure my redeemer liueth thogh after my skin worms destroy this body yet shall J se god in my flesh whome I my self shal see and mine eies shal behold and none other for me though my vaynes are nowe consumed within mee Iob. 19.25 Which wordes of his bicause of theire infallible crueth and certaintie he wisheth that all men mighte knowe And that therefore they mighte be written Iob 19 23 yea written euen in a booke and grauen with an yron penne in leade or in stone for euer When Dauid saies to God thou wilte not leaue my soule in graue neyther wilte thou suffer thine holy on to see corruption thou wilt shew me the path of life Psal 16 10.11 in thy presence is the fulnesse of ioye and at thy righte hand there are pleasures for euermore Hee declares two benefites of which both himselfe and all the Godlye should be made partakers through christ to witte the resurrection of the flesh and that moste ioyfull moste pleasaunt and eternall life And though the vngodlye ar inclosed in their own fat speak proudly with their mouthes think but of their portion in this life hauing their bellies filled with hid treasure leauing the rest of their substāce for their children yet he is vndoubtedly perswaded that after hee was deliuered out of the greate and infinite troubles of this worlde hee shoulde beholde in heauen the comfortable face countenance of god according to his promise and should perfectly bee vnited vnto God and see him as he is Psal 17.10 14 What plainer then that of Salomon who sayes that when man dyeth dust returneth to the earth as it was and the spirite then returneth to god that gaue it Eccles 12.7 As though the royall Preacher should say although the body and soule ar conioyned coupled together yet they are of dislike nature for the bodie is grosse and may be seene handled and the body is made of the earth a ponderous and corruptible elemēt and is as it were the vessell that containes the soule but the soule is subtile and not to be seene or handled and the soule hath no earthy mixture in it but beeing endewed with such skill such force and such nimblenesse shee must needes haue her beginning from heauē and although they are so neeerely conioyned in this world that the destruction of the on may seeme to be the disūpation of the other yet when death makes a diuorce separation betweene them Lucretius obitus quid assere ●et e● quod dog ●ma defendere●●os versus posu●it Cedit item ●etro de terra quod fuit ante ●n terras quod missū est ●ex atheris ●ris Id rursum ●oeli rellatum ●templa receptant Lact diu inst lib 7 cap 12. then eyther of them retourne into their owne nature the body which was of the earth is resolued into earth and that which was from the heauenly spirite alway endureth and flourisheth becaus the spirit of God is euerlasting The truth wherof is so powerful it caused the foresayde Epicurean Lucretius euen in despight of his hellish Prophanenesse to confesse it What plainer to confirme the eternall life of the soule then where Isaiah bringes in other potentates that were dead before deriding the insolency of the King of Babylon that though hee sayed in harte that hee woulde ascend into heauen and exhalt his throne aboue the starres of God and ascend aboue the height of the clouds and bee like the moste high yet he was become weak by death aswell as they and his pompe and the sounde of the violes was broughte downe to the graue and the worme was spreadd vnder him and the wormes did couer him Isai 14 9. For hee woulde not attribute this scorninge to the deade if ther were the same ende both to man beast What plainer for to stop the mouths of Atheists the contradict the immortality of the soul then the saying of Christ our Lord in the Gospel Fear you not thē saith be which kill the body but ar not able to kil the soul but rather feare him which is able to destroy both soule body in Hell If the soul cānot be slain Mat 10 28 and if it may bee punished in hell after this life it is euerlasting can neuer dy And therfore excellently spake the Martyr that sayed thus to the tormenter thou blody tyrant thou art deceiued if thou suppose to destroy me by renting my body which is subiect to deth Erras cruente meam Te rer● poenam sume re quum membra morti obnoxia Dilancinata interficis Est alter hic intri● secu● violare quem nullus p●test Liber qui etus integer Expers doloru● tristium Prudent perist● phan de vincētio Gen 5 24 ther is on within thou canst not wrong which is free quiet intire and not to be payned with torturs this body which thou endeuourest to destroy with such force and furie is but a brittle and earthen vessell which maye be easily broken into shiuers but assaye now to cut and punish him that is within and that regardes not thy rage prouoke him and search him thou shalte find him inuincible vncōquerable an vnderling to no calamities and subiected to God alone Could Enoch walk with god after this life if soul body dye● together Could Saul desire the Pithones to raise vp the prophet Samuel vnto him 1 Sam. 28 11 if the soule and body dyed together Coulde Dauid mourn so bitterly for his rebellious soun Absolom when hee cryed out O my sonn Absolom 2. Sam 18 33 my sonne my sonne Absolom woulde God I had dyed for thee O Absolom my sonne my sonne Would he haue so bitterly lamented his death if the soule and body dyed together For Augustine saith De doctrina Christi Non
hath found Christ she ceaseth not from seeking God is not sought by feete but by affection and the happy finding of him dooth not shake off but encrease an holy desire Is the consummation of ioy a consumption of desire No it is rather as oyle vnto it for this desire is a burning flame sayeth Bernard And what caused the saints and Martirs whome the world was not woorthy of to suffer mockings and scourgings bōds and prisonment to wander vp and downe in sheepe skinnes and in goats skins in wildernesses ●idetur legen●um esse epuras ●hesan ●cremati sunt ●un in parall and mountaines and caues and dennes of the earth to endure to be stoned and hewen asunder and burned and slayn with the sworde and yet in the mids of tortures to say with the Christian poet Tormenta carcer vngulae Stridensque flammis lamina ●rudent periste ●han de Vincēt Atque ipsa poenarum vltima Mors Christianis ludus est Tormentes and prison and torturing cooles and burning plates of mettall and death it selfe the last punishment of all these are but a sporte and pastime to those that beleeue in Christ What caused them so patientlye to endure these tribulations and fyrie tryalls but the full assurance of the inualuable treasure of heauen For then shall the righteous stand in greate boldnesse before the face of such as haue tormented them and shall receiue a glorious kingdome and a beawtifull crown of the Lords hand but the vngodly shall bee scattered and ouerthrowne with thunderbolts and lightnings and floods ●s 5 1 16 21 Out of all this it appereth that the soules of the faithfull after death are in eternall ioye and felicity Neither is there any mean place to stay them in for their sleeping as some dreame or for their purging as some fantasie but as the soule of Lazarus was presently carried by the Angells into Abrahams bosome assoone as it was vnfettered out of the bandes of the flesh Luke 16.22 and as the soule of the theefe was with Christ in Paradise within fower howres after he desired to be remembred of Christ so our Sauiour sayth generally of all the faithfull that hee that heareth his worde Luke 23 43. and beleeueth him that sent him hath eeuerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation Ioh 5 24. but hath passed from death to life And that we might the sooner beleeue that there is no interim and space between the death of the body the eternal life and ioy of the soule hee confirmes his speach with a double affirmation or rather oath saying verily and verily I say it ●s so Reu. 14 13 a parti in posterum vt vulgata translatio amodo i. statim Also the voice taught Iohn the Diuine that whosoeuer dye in the Lord and ●n the faith of Christ they are blessed and ●est from their labours and receiue the ●eward of their workes and when Heere●fter presently immediatly after they are called out of this mortall life This stops the beastly and blasphemous mouth of the Sadduces ●cts 23 8 and fully puts them to silence who affirmed that there is no resurrection nor Angell nor spirit and of Epicurus the belligod Philosopher who was a most detestable defender of pleasure ●actant diuin ●stit l. 3 c. 17 and thought that Man was onely borne to enioy pleasure and sayd that the Soule dyeth after the death of the body and of Plinie who was not ashamed to write ●mnibus à su●em a die eadē●uae ante primū●ec magis à ●orte sensus ●llus aut corpo●s aut animae ●àm ante na●lem Plin. lib ● cap 55. that it fares with all men after the last day as it did before the first day and that there is no more sense and feeling eyther of body or minde after we are dead then there was before we were borne and of Lucretius a far swine of Epicures stie who impudently opens his vncleane mouth against heauen and sayes Quod si immortalis nostra foret mens Non tam se moriens dissolui conquereretur Sed magis ire foras nestēque relinquere vt āgnis Gauder et If our soule did liue for euer saith he shee would not in death complaine of hir dissolution but rather she would reioyce to depart out of the flesh and would be glad to leaue the garmēt of the body as the snake is ioyfull for the vncasing from his oulde skin But Lactantius dooth most acutelie and learnedly confute him saying how can it be known that any doth vnderstand that he is dissolued or els set at liberty sens the tung is dumbe when a man dyeth For while he vnderstands and can speake hee is not yet dissolued when he is dissolued hee can neither vnderstand nor speake So that complaine of his dissolution either yet he cā not or now he cānot But saith Lucretius before he be dissolued he perceiues that he shal be dissolued What shold I say that we see many in death not to complaine of their dissolutiō as Lucretius saieth but to testifie that they do goe and departe walke out of the body and either declaring this by gesture or vttering it by wordes if they can speake so long By which it is euident that there is no dissolution but a separation which declars the remayning of the soul after death Lactant diuin instit l 7 ● 12. For as a candle while it is in the lanterne it enlightens the lantern if it bee taken out although the lanterne bee lefte darke yet the candle shines more cleerly then it did before so while the soul is in the body it is the light and gouernor thereof and when it forsakes the body although the body be left dead and insensible yet then the soule enioyes her proper vigor and brightnesse Damnable are all the assertions that maintaine the mortality of the soule for if shee did perishe with the body and had no sense feeling after death how can the godly after death bee in Gods presence and serue him day and night in his temple and haue God dwelling among them bee fedd gouerned ledd to the liuely fountains of waters and haue all teares wiped from their eyes as the Angell here affirmeth Cleere is that speeche of Moses for the eternitye of the soule when hee sayes that the Lorde god made the man of the dust of the grounde ●en 2.7 breathed in his face breath of life In which words the man of god puteth a plaine difference between the foule of man and the soule that is in other creatures for the soule or life of beasts proceeded from the same substance and matter whereof their bodies were made but the soule of man is a spirituall and diuine thing which because it proceeded from god must needes remaine for euer Manifest is the saying of God to Moses in the burning bushe I am the God of Abraham the god of Isaac
orbitatem filii doluit Dauid dum luget Absolonem filium sed quia nouerat in quas poenas tam impie adultera et parricidalis anima raperetur Dauid was not so much greeued for the death losse of a sonne when hee bewailed his sonne Absolom but it was for that hee knew how greuously that soule was punished after death which in this life was giuen to such impiety adultery hainous murther Could Elias El zeus and Christ and the Apostles raize vp the dead 1 Kings 17 ●● Kings 4 13 Mat. 9 Luk. 9 Iohn 11 Act. 9. 20 Acts. 7.59 if the soule and bodie died together Could Stephē say at his stoning to death Lord Iesus receiue my spirite If the foule body died together Coulde Paule rauished with a desire to come to the kingdōe of felicity and therefore abhorring this wretched and calamitous life crie out earnestly and saie O wretched man that I am Rom 7 24. who shall deliuer mee from this body of death if the soule body died together But why labour I so much amōg Christians to prooue the eternity of the soule who doe firmely assent to the Symbole of the Creed that shews vs life eternal specially since the most soūd profound Philosophers amongst the Ethnicks haue in euery age with one mouth and one minde subscribed thereunto Of which let one Seneca speake for them all Sen lib 10 suasoriar nothing decayes but our bodye which because of the weake frailty thereof it is obnoxious to death subiect to chaunces exposed to proscriptions But the soule whose beginning is diuine is harmed neyther by old age nor death and when shee is loosed from her burthensome bands shee speedily repaires to her proper place and to the starres that ar of the same nature It were shamefull therfore for Christians not to houlde fast the blessed hope of immortality not to cleaue thereunto as to a sure anchor since heathē men haue so euidētly taught the eternity of the soule by groping after it in the darkenesse of errour onelye by the direction of the naturall lighte and infallible principles remaining in mans minde after Adams fall and chiefly since the godly and faithfull are at no rest in this mortall life 1 Cor 15 19 if in this life onelie they had hope in christ they were of all men the moste miserable Wherefore dooth Sathan and the flesh and the worlde allure vs to withdrawe our shoulders from bearing the sweete and easie yoake of Christ and our feete from walking in the path of Gods lawes and to enioye in this worlde the pleasures of iniquitie for a time the sacred scripture dooth plentifully teache vs that our soules liue for euer the godlie in heauen the vngodly in torment and therfore how readie ought wee to bee to denie vngodlinesse and worldlie lustes and to liue soberlie and righteously and godlie in this present world knowing this that one day wee shall bee called to an account how we haue imployed our talents and stewardship Doth the carelesse Christian perswade vs to runne with him in the same excesse of ryot of drūkennes of carnall security of swearing of incontinency of hypocrisie of malice of couetousnesse of forgetting of God of contempte of his worde and despising his kindnes long suffering not perceiuing that his bountifulnes leads vs to repētance Let vs answere that we seek eternall life not eternal death that we wil flee sin and liue in the awe and worshippe ef God because the end of the vngodly is to be destroyed and rooted out at the last but godlinesse hath the promise of the life present 1 Tim. 4.8 and of that is to come And howsoeuer some wallow in their sensuality and freeze in the dregs of prophanenesse yet let vs that are a chosen generation and a royall priesthoode and an holy nation and a peculiar people shewe forth the vertues of him that hath called vs out of darkenesse into his meruelous lighte and as straungers and pilgrimes let vs abstaine from fleshly lusts that fighte againste the spirite and let vs haue our conuersation honest among all men that by our good works which they shall see they maye glorifie God in the day of visitation ●et 2 9 c. Dooth sicknesse or sorow or pouerty or flaunders or daungers or any affliction or tribulation pres vs so as being therewith surcharged we are likely to sinke and be dismayed Let vs encourage our selues with the contemplation and meditation of heauenly ioies and let vs be stedfast vnmoueable aboundante alwaies in the worke of the Lorde forasmuch as wee know that our laboure is not in vaine in the Lorde When terrible and ghastly death woulde discourage vs let vs remember that death is swallowed vp into victory through the death of Christ and therefore we may confidently say Cor. 15.54 ô death where is thy sting ô graue where is thy victorye and that death is made vnto vs a doore into eternall glory and that when we depart hence our souls shall passe into heauen as into the common city and dwelling place of all beleeuers because wee are no more straungers and forreiners but citizēs with the saints aod of the houshold of god and are builte vpon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets Iesus Christ himselfe being the cheefe corner stone For wee knowe that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed wee haue a building of God Ephes 2.19 2 that is an house not made with handes but eternall in the heauens 2. Cor. 5.1 Our departure hence is a going out of prison and an entrāce into life that knows no death Our fathers are all gone before and all their offspring shall followe What runner when hee hath begonne his race doth not houlde on cheerefullie till hee attayn to the goale What Marriner in the darke night and tempestuous seas refuseth to rest in the quiet harborough What pilgrime wandering in a straunge countrie longs not to come to his owne dwelling wife friendes and children And shall wee bee so loathe to goe to heauen and Paradise the house of Saintes to GOD our Father Christe our redeemer and Brother the holy Ghoste our comforter As the sparkle of fire still mountes vpwarde and the water fleetes downewarde and euery thinge goes to his proper and naturall place of staye so our soules which came from heauen must endeauoure and striue to goe to the Father of lights whome to behoulde is life and not to see is death We trauell through colde and heate daunger and labour hills and vallies seas and lands for earthly and perishing ritches and should a thousand deathes stop vs to see so many Angels prophets patriarches martyrs and Saints in Paradise Cyprian sayth Eius est mortem timere ●e mortalit qui ad Christum nolit ire eius est ad christum nolle ire qui se non credit cum Christo incipere regnare It is for
20 cap 20 the Greeks vse that word Paradise for a place that is hedged round The glory of God is described vnder the figures of blessed things b●cause we can not else conceiue it as the punishments of the wicked are described by fire Therfore Christ cals the state of eternall life Paradise Caluin in Har. wherin ●or pleasure either plāts and trees are set ●rels beasts ar pastured and commonly it ●s vsed for a garden replenished with va●iety of delights such as was the garden of Eden in which Adam was placed And as the 70. Interpreters called the garden of Eden by that name so Christ calls hea●en Paradise for that as a Garden is ●raught with fair flowers and fragrant ●earbes and delitious fruites store of pleasures so heauen is a place aboun●ing with true blessednes and the perfec●ion of euery good thing which may bee imagined loued or desired Paul cals it Paradise or the third heauen into which he was taken 2. Cor. 12 2 Beza Piscat in eum locū heard words which cannot be spoken and which are not possible for man to vtter Where without insisting on the Empyreall heauen of which Philosophers trifle and make much disputation Mat. 6 26 Mat 24 29 wee must marke that the scripture makes mention of three heauens one in which the byrdes flye called also the aie● another in which the stars and sphears of the heauen are setled Acts 3.2 Phil. 3 20. Col 3 .. Matth 18 10 Luke 16.22 Thes 4 27 and the third called of Christ Paul Paradise in which christ lyued and the holy Angels the blessed soules of those that depart out of this life in the faith of Christ to which christ ascēded frō which he shal come to the generall iudgment that the bodyes of the faithful may be taken vp thither to remaine with the lord for euer It is calld an house of many mansions or dwelling places where our Sauiour saith to his disciples in my fathers house of my dwellinge places Chrisostome compares the actions of our life in this world Iohn 14.2 to the sportes and playes of little children that build small sporting houses and addresse counterfaite banquetings to passe the time withall Homil 24 in Matthaeum For many times they gather fishese ●hels and clay and when they haue framed therwith their imaginary cells they glory in them after their manner asmuch ●s they which haue erected lofty galle●yes and stately dining chambers But as these conceiued workes perish ●nd quickly fall and men laugh when ●hey behold children weeping for their fal ●o our buildings and complots in this life ●re ruinous and trāsitory and if we were ●ome to the perfect age of men in christ ●e should perceiue that all these are chil●ish things and we would bestow all our ●ndeuour in seeking to attaine to those ●xed and vnchaungeable dwelling places a heauen For as they that are made ●orthy to be once possessors of those dwel●ng places euer remaine and abide in thē 〈◊〉 also are they eternall and not fading 〈◊〉 earthly mansions and worldly habita●ons but they are that immortal inheri●●nce and vndefiled that withreth not ●●serued in heauen for vs. 1 Pet. 1.4 It is called rest ●●d quietnesse for so the moste hea●enly oracle cryed to Iohn Write the dead which die in the Lord from hence foorth blessed euen so sayeth the spirite for they reste from their labours and their works followe them Reuel 14 13. And the way that leades to this blessed rest from all labours is the way of peace in which old Symeon thristingly desired to departe● when he had embraced Christ Iesus in● his armes and had seene the saluation of God that he had so long wayted for W●at rest haue the godly in this worlde Luke 2 28 29 wh●● they continually labour and trauell and striue wrastle for the combate betwee● the Spirite and the flesh ceaseth not while we dwell heere in these houses o● claye For though we delight in the law● of God concerning the inner man wee see another law in our members rebelling against the law of our minde leading vs captiue into the lawe of sinne s● that though we would do good yet we are so yoaked that euil is present with vs and though to will be present with vs yet w● finde no meanes to performe that which is good for in vs that is in our flesh dwe●leth no good thinge wee cannot allo● that which we doe Rom. 7.15 for what wee woulde that we doe not but what wee hate Rom. 7.15 ● that doe we What is there in the world but a perpetuall fight against sathan and sinne and a dayly conflict against darts weapons Cyprian de mortalit 4 We haue a dayly continuall and troublesome contending with couetousnes with incontinency with anger with ambition with worldly and fleshly cares snares Our minds are so straightlie be fiedged with an army of vices as that it is hard to resiste and withstand all iniquity Whē couetousnes is ouerthrown lust riseth vp when lust is subdued ambition comes in place when ambition is chased anger gaules the minde pride pufs vppe drunkennesse tempts enuy breaks concord suspition disioynes friendship The godly mind thus daily suffering thus daylye pressed Illa nostra pa● illa fida tranquillitas illa s●bilis firma et perpetua securiras thus dailye standing among the swords of Satan how happy is she when she mounts to the rest of heauen where our peace is our sure tranquility our stable firme and euerlasting security It is called the heauenly and new Ierusalem Gal 4.26 Reu. 3.12 to expresse and represent vnto vs the vnspeakeable vnconceaueable ioyes therof For although the old Hierusalem was a most beautiful place euen the glory of the whole earth being invironed with strong walls defended by the inuincible mount Sion enriched with infinite treasure decked with all externall brauery yet it lost her glory and her pomp perished and it be came an heape of stones and it was forsaken of God and made an hissing and contemptible by-worde to euery nation vnder heauen But in this heauenly Ierusalem the sacred trinity will abide for euer and those foundations of the wall garnished with pretious stones those gates which are pearles that pretious shining as the Iaspar and Christall those streets of pure golde as shining glasse and that brightnes that needs no sunne nor moone to shine in it and that pure riuer of water of life and that tree of life which gyues fruite euery month Reu. 21. 22 whose leaues serue to heale the nations with do vtterly obscure and eclipse and extinguishe the glorious dignity of the old Ierusalem Last of all it is called that city which the faithful seeke after for we haue heere no continuing city but we seeke one to come sayeth the apostle ●eb 13 14. The Greekes call
him to feare death who woulde not goe to Christ it is for him to bee vnwilling to goe to christ who beleeues not that after death hee shall beginne to raigne with christ When our friends are taken from vs by death let vs not thinke that they are lost and vtterly perished but that they are gone before vs into the place and palace of rest and therefore let vs not mourne as they doe which are voyde of the hope of the resurrection and immortall life for as wee beleeue that Iesus is dead and risen euen so they which sleepe in Iesus are liuing in ioy and god will bring them againe at the last daye with Iesus and let vs comfort our selues one another with these wordes When wee see the godlye in this worlde 1 Thes 4.14 1● as it were forsaken now and then and contemptible to the eyes of men but the vngodly oftētimes sprowting as the green Bay tree let this supporte and proppe vs vp that one day Lazarus shall be comforted and Diues tormented When wee consider the inconstancie of worldlie ritches and honour and fauoure and promotion and friendshippe in this life let vs learne hereby not to loue the world neither the thinges that are in the world for the luste of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life and all that is in this worlde passeth away but hee that fulfilleth the will of God 1 Iohn 2.15 16.17 abideth for euer and let vs solace our selues with the stable permanent and vnchaungeable ioyes of heauen for the state of the godlie and vngodly after death cannot bee chaunged there is a greate gulfe sette betweene heauen and hell Luke 16 26. so that they that woulde goe from blisse to punishmente cannot neither can any come from tormente to blisse Finallie when wee are soliciced eyther by the suggestion of Sathan or the allurements of pleasure or the perswasion of Atheistes or the weakenesse of the flesh to imagine that there is no life after death and that the soule vanisheth awaye into nothing when a man dyeth let vs call to minde that heauen and earth shall sooner passe then the worde of the Lorde shal fall to the grounde which teacheth that after bodylie death the souls of the faithfull and righteous are in the handes of the Lorde and enioye eternall comforte and if wee cannot remember all that hath beene now deliuered let vs alway carrie the summe and quintessence of this one place of Scripture imprinted and ingrauen firmelie in our heartes in which the Angell declares vnto blessed John that all faithfull soules that in this life haue washed their long robes and made them white in the bloud of the Lamb and haue onelie relyed on the merites death and passion of Iesus Christ they are after this life in the presence of the throne of God and serue him continuallye in the temple of heauen and dwell eternally with God God with them they hunger and thirste no more they are molested and accumbred with the heate of the Sunn no more and afflicted with tribulation no more for Iesus Christ the Lambe of God which is in the middest of the Throne shall feede them and rule them leade them to the liuelie fountaines of waters and GOD shall wipe awaye all teares from theyr eyes Thus much for the interpretation and explication of this text of holy Scripture And although I haue already very much exceeded my vsuall manner The christia● life and god● death of the Lady Court ●ney in that I haue so long and largely insisted on the thinges proposed and thereby tediousnesse perhappes may beginne to creepe vpon you yet I must a little longer pray your attention while I breeflye speake some thinge of the life and death of this right worshipful and deuoute gentlewoman which is now to be buried and which hath occasioned me at this time to vnfold vnto you this portion of Gods word The virtues and graces wherewith shee was adorned as they merited greate commendation so I am sorrie that they may not now be blazed by the eloquence of Aaron or the tongue of Angells ●al Max. l 8 ●1 For as Alexander the greate forbade anye to painte him but Apelles and to carue him but Lysippus leaste his excellencie shoulde bee abased by vnnoble Artificers so the woorthinesse of this religious Ladie deseruedlie craues to bee described of some one endued with singular guifte of speaking who mighte counteruaile her worthie workes with aunswerable wordes Howsoeuer it bee this comfortes mee that I speake not before straungers vnacquainted with her godlie qualities that therefore woulde aske a more copious declaration of the thinges they knowe not but before those who hauing had very long experience and triall of her godlinesse eyther wil supplie the defecte of the Speaker through theyr own manifould knowledge or els by one worde wil coniecture what the whole sentence meanes And for that the life of a true Christian consisteth in beleeuing and liuing I wil beginne firste with the sinceritie of her faith She was not like many lukewarm Politicians that either are Atheistes of no religion at al or els Chameleon-like turne with the time and iump with opportunity but shee embraced the ancient and apostolike fayth cleauinge to the sound doctrine deliuered in the word of God and abhorring the superstitious ceremonies of mens deuises This fayth was not hypocriticall but true not temporarie but permanent not idle but working not deade but liuing springing foorth with the abundance of all good workes euen as a good tree brings foorth good fruite and a wholesome well yeeldes out wholesome water Her earnest loue of Gods word great measure of knowledge of Christs gospell of which she hath alwayes been an affectionate hearer and a diligent performer sufficiently declare what these workes of fayth were For she was not onely painefull in resorting to the Church to pray with the congregation to heare the word of God as long as strength of bodie permitted but euen since age weakenes debarred her of the custome she hath ordinarily dayly caused prayers to be vsed the scriptures pure expositors of them to bee reade at home making the worde of God a Ianc-horne to directe her feete and Manna to sustayne her soule so passing her time for many yeares that her life might be deemed a meditation of death and a preparation for entrance into the life to come What shoulde I speake of the christian gouerning of her househoulde and of her especiall care that those which were about her might bee taughte the lawes of the Lorde to walke as it becommeth the professors of the gospell What shoulde I speake of her patience that beeing in sundry wise tossed and tryed with the crosses of this life yet like a rocke beaten on by the swelling floods shee stoode constant rendring thankes to God aswell for aduersitie as for prosperity and taking euery affliction in good parte as proceeding