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A07026 The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.; Byencorf der H. roomsche Kercke. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.; Stell, John, fl. 1580.; Gilpin, George, 1514?-1602. 1579 (1579) STC 17445; ESTC S119818 327,751 730

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yeres in Purgatorie at last there came an Angel who did bid the soule choose whether it would tarie yet one short Winters day in Purgatorie or that it would returne into the worlde againe and there doe a maruellous hard penance to witte for one long hundred yeares space shoulde goe barefoote and treade still vppon sharpe yron nailes eate nothing else but browne bread and drinke bitter gall mingled with vinegre and weare a cloth made of Camels haire next the skinne a stone vnder the head in place of a pillowe This soule did choose much rather to doe all that same harde penance in earth than to tarie one daie longer in Purgatorie Consider nowe what a sharpe biting sauce mustard is for as it is written in the Decrees There is no earthlie paine or martyrdome to be compared to the paines of Purgatorie yea that holie man Thomas de Aquino saith That the paine of the fire of hell and the fire of Purgatorie is all one and that they differ nothing at all but that the one is but temporall and the other is eternall So that it was not without iust occasion that Virgil set a partition of yron and other metall betweene those two fires although some men be of opinion that the partition was but a pale made of wainscote which because it was of wood was long agoe burnt away so that nowe Hell and Purgatorie enter in both at one hole and are both but one fire Which is the occasion that some take vpon them to say that The fire of Purgatorie is pist out although there be other learned men which bring in another occasion whereby it is happened that there is now no partition betweene Hell and Purgatorie but that they are ioyned together For it is written in a certen historie That there was a good holie Pope which was verie desirous to know of his Secretarie being a good wittie learned man whether as he thought he might giue a general pardon at once for all such soules as were then in Purgatorie and ioyntlie withall pardon alike all such as should hereafter be condemned thither so that after there shoulde be no more neede of Purgatorie Whervpon his Secretarie did demaund of him this question againe Whether hee did not verilie thinke that if it were so that he had such power if he did not thē verely beleeue that all his Pope predecessours haue had the like authoritie in their time Wherevnto the Pope answered Yes surelie considering that all his power and authoritie came from them Then the Secretarie did demaunde of him againe Whether that of so manie Popes and holie Fathers which had possessed that place before him there were not one of them so mercifull and louing towardes the poore soules that had taken vppon him to doe that charitable deed if his power did so farre extend Vnto this the Pope answered As touching that he knewe not Wherevpon the Secretarie gaue him a full resolution saying I can tell then certeinlie Once our Lord Iesus Christ chief Bishop of all Bishops Pope aboue all Popes had full power and authoritie to doe the same for that he was almightie and hee had also the will to doe it for that he was most mercifull and did likewise beare an infinite affection and loue vnto all mankind in so much that he did effectuallie and fullie accomplish that matter So that it is not needful for anie man to trouble him self anie more about that matter seeing hee hath by offering vp of his bodie obteined a pardon of God the Father and sealed the same for euermore with his owne pretious bloud for the redemption of all faithfull soules past present or to come So that nowe there falles no more condemnation or iudgement vpon them neither shall they neede to feare Death Hell nor Purgatorie but depart out of this life directlie into euerlasting life as he him selfe doeth plainlie testifie by Iohn the Euangelist in his Gospell Nowe see out of this will some men mainteine That Purgatorie is cleane taken away euer since this great and generall pardon came in so much that diuelles are come to dwel there haue now brought Hell and Purgatorie all into one kitchen where they broile their soules and turmoile them at their pleasure And for that likewise that good Catholike Doctour Barnardus de Bustis doeth defende this case with the testimonie and witnesse of Gregorie That the fire of Hell and Purgatorie are kindled together saying Nam vt inquit Gregorius sub eodem igne electus purgatur damnatus crematur that is to say For as Gregorie saith with one fire are the elect purged and the damned burned And therefore it is that our deare mother the holie Church in the prayer called Offertorium which she singeth commonlie vpon All Soules day in the Anniuersarie doth put no difference betwixt Hell and Purgatorie for these are the wordes which shee doeth vse Domine Iesu Christe Rex gloriae libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de manu inferni de profundo lacu libera eas de ore leonis ne absorbeat eas tartarus sed signifer S. Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam c. That is to say O Lord Iesu Christ King of glorie deliuer thou all faithfull soules out of the power of hel and out of that deepe lake deliuer them out of the mouth of the lion that they sinke not downe into hell but that thy standard bearer Saint Michael may bring them into that holie light c. Wherein they nowe plainlie call Purgatorie Hell. And in an other Collect which they doe sing vpon the same daye they call it Regiones tenebrarum that is to say The region or place of darknesse praying vnto God that S. Michael will or may doe so much as to deliuer them from thence In summe they make but one hole and one lake of those twaine Howsoeuer it happeneth whether the pale that was betweene them be burnt or that Purgatorie is pist out I wote not it is to profounde a question for vs and therefore we will commit the disputation of that matter to the Doctours of Louen They may perhaps tipple out a flaggon of wine or twaine in the matter before they agree vppon it It is inough for vs that we haue proued Purgatorie sufficientlie not onelie by plaine textes of holie Scripture but also by inheritance and possession and so established it as there is nothing to bee saide against it The ix Chapter Intreating of indulgencies and pardons prouing and establishing the same by the Scripture NOwe it doeth followe that we intreat of pardons and indulgencies which of necessitie must proceede out of the foundation of Purgatorie especiallie if you do minister vnto it a glister of parchement waxe and lead for that hath a wonderfull operation in it sithence it doth refresh againe our deere mother the holie church of Rome and maketh her lustie
necessitie must followe that the Church hath a full and resolute power ouer the expresse worde of God aboue the cōmandement ordenāce of Iesus Christ and aboue all the scriptures of the Prophets Apostles But what neede is it I pray you to bring so many and diuerse ensamples one by one for the deference of this matter Sithence we see euidently that shee in all her deuotions Gods seruices and ceremonies doth alter the expresse wordes of the Scripture yea doeth openly and wilfully ouertread it euen as though it were done in spite and anger of the holy Scripture in the Bible For by the holy Scripture it is openly and vpon great paynes earnestly forbidden That in the seruing of God first no commandements traditions nor deuises of men shall bee vsed nor take anie place but to rest wholy and onely vpon the special commandements of God and to do thereafter Finally to turne neither to the right hand or to the left Secondarily not to make or haue anie Image or similitude ▪ carued or molten nor shall vse the shape or likenesse of anie such thereby to shewe or set forth the spirituall forme and incorporable maiestie of God by earthly things and dumbe and dead creatures Thirdely that no man shall vse anie witchcraft sorcerie or inchantment of anie creature to the intent to giue to the creatures that be senselesse and voyde of life anie might or worthinesse other then by nature is prescribed vnto them Which thing is likewise by all Councels and Synodes as well Iudiciall as Canonicall openly and straytelie forbidden Here agaynst notwithstanding hath it pleased our dearely beloued mother the holy Church of Rome to vse her full and inestimable authoritie and power and so without hauing anie respect at all to that which is aboue written hath to beginne withall sette vp a certaine kinde of seruing of God which is altogether contrarie to the good opinions traditions and ordinances of all men For besides that the blessed Masse is by diuerse Popes Cardinals and Bishops at sundrie times and in sundrie places raked vp in a huge heape with many peeces patches of mens deuises like to a beggers cloke sowed together besides so many traditions of idle heades which the holy Church of Rome hath receyued for a perfite seruing of God as fasting dayes yeares of grace differences and diuersities of dayes of meates of clothing consecrating of Churches of altars of candles pilgrimages Letanies Kyrieelesons Images Processions holy ashes holy Paceegges and flanes palmes and palme boughes Albes Copes Maniples Vestmēts Miters Staues fooles hoods Shelles and Belles Paxes licking of rotten bones carying of the Pixe about and praying to a lumpe of doaw fasting vpon certaine speciall dayes creeping vpon knees before a Crosse of wood buying of Bulles and pardons mumbling of Pater nosters and Aue Maries by tale vpon a paire of Beades before a dumbe image shauing of crowne and beard to giue blessing with two fingers and ten thousande more such prankes Yet aboue al this is by the holy Church as it were in spite of God and his word ordeyned That euery man being a good Catholike maye appoint and choose for himselfe a Saint and patrone erect a new image and specially build a new chappel and an altar set vp a newe and particular religion weare a peculiar or special kinde of garment assume and take a seuerall vse of meates and ceremonies finally and to conclude doe what soeuer his good meaning and intent persuadeth him vnto Secondarily it is so that our deare mother will not set vp any seruing of God but shee must of necessitie haue therevnto all sortes of ymages as well carued as painted and worship the same by kneeling and praying with burning of candles with kissing and licking with pilgrimages and other such like deuotions And in setting vp the sayde images in all high wayes in all streetes and in all corners euen as for an euident token and protestation that they neither do once thinke vpon Gods commandement set forth in the holy Scripture neither wil be subiect or bounde to the same Thirdly all her diuine seruice all her ceremonies and deuotions and all her holinesse is grounded in cōiuring of creatures and worshipping the same and in flat sorcerie and witchcraft in working whereof they speake vnto the dumbe creatures as though they had as much vnderstanding as the Priests themselues and so do abuse the blessed name of God and the textes of the holy Scripture openlye and without respect The water is by them exorcised or coniured by these wordes I coniure thee thou creature of water In the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost to the ende thou become a chosen water to take away all the power of the diuell and that thou mayest driue awaye and confounde the diuell him selfe with all his wicked Angels c. The oyle and the balme are coniured and bewitched with much mumbling blowen vpon with many breathings with three times crying All haile holy oyle three times All haile holy annoyntment and three times All haile holy baulme And then it is kept for a most holy thing in a fine vessell therefore made and so caried along the streets by the Priests with great deuotion and prayer The salt is coniured in this maner I do coniure thee thou creature of salt by the liuing God by the true God by the holy God and by the same God which commanded Helias to cast thee into the water to take away the vnwholesomnesse of the water that thou mayest become an exorcised or coniured salt to the saluation of the faythfull and to worke the preseruation both of bodie and soule to all them which shall enioy thee and that all the subtiltie wilinesse and filthie intents of the Diuell and that all wicked spirites maye flee from that place where thou art scattered and cast abrode And then is this salt mingled with the foresayde water to be the right purger and sanctifier of the people wherethrough all the power and might of the diuell is withstood our daily sinnes therewith finely cleansed Nowe besides all this shee doeth exorcise and coniure certeine hearbes vpon certeine dayes to the health both of bodie and soule and to driue away all daungerous hurt all diuelish bewitching all pestilence vnwholsomnesse and corruption of the ayre Shee doeth coniure and exorcise the candles the waxe and the tallow to the qualifying and extinguishment of thunder and lightening Also she doth exorcise and coniure beads of wood of stone of corrall and of all other stuffe whereby they receyue great power against sinne the diuell and hel And which is more shee doeth not let these thinges be thus coniured by the Pope and Priests onely but the Pope may whensoeuer it shall please him giue the like power and authoritie to whom soeuer he will be it man or woman This may well appeare and be perceyued of all men by the example of
the children of wrath of cursing and of death yea iustlie may be called the verie enimies of god Out of this they conclude That in the wide world there is no mea●e nor counsell to be found for the payment accomplishment of our satisfaction but that all must be discharged to the vttermost farthing which is as much to saie that all people are vnder the eternall wrath curse damnation of God considering that the sentence of God being once pronounced must endure for euer and a man being dead and once taken away from life can neuer restore him selfe againe to life And thus say they there is no more to be said but al fleshe are debters vnto god But hereby is the mercie of GOD made manifest that the punishment of our sinnes is laide vpon our Sauiour Iesus Christ the vnspotted lambe of God that he hath suffered for vs and taken vpon him our sinnes that hee being become man and hauing put on our nature hath borne the burthen of this curse this wrath of GOD this death and this hell and damnation and through his diuine and eternall power for that hee also was the onelie Sonne of God yea euen God him selfe and the verie authour and well spring of eternall life hath ouer come and clearelie taken away the same and hath freelie and without deserte by his meere mercie giuen vnto all those which doe faithfullie beleeue in him life and iustification In so much that they nowe in the person of Iesus Christ as partakers of his bodie boldlie appeare before the Diuine Maiestie of GOD being assured that God is their good mercifull and most louing Father and doeth no more charge them with the burden of their sinnes but most mercifullie forgiueth them their olde and odde debtes and pardoneth them of the punishment which they haue deserued not thorough anie of their good workes merites or desertes but through the power of the merites and desertes of our Sauiour Iesus Christ wh● hath made restitution for that which he neuer had and hath not only taken vpon him to discharge our debtes but also to suffer our punishment and hath borne the same wholie in his owne person so that hee is iusti●e called Our raunsome Our Pastour Our pledge Our full satisfaction and the costlie p●ice of our saluation without whom there is no saluation no raunsome nor redemption in the worlde And therefore say they That who soeuer will beginne to account or reckon with God a newe and make satisfaction or payment vnto him whether in whole or in parte ▪ of that which they are indebted vnto him those are wholie quite of Gods mercie and binde them selues soule and bodie to the full obseruing of the Lawe and doe clearelie take away and renounce as much as apperteineth vnto them the merites of Christ notwithstanding that by the iust iudgement of God sinne is so abhominable that it can not by anie meanes bee recompensed or fullie satisfied but onelie by eternall death and damnation or els by the sweete and most pretious offering of the bodie and bloud of Iesus Christ which is before God the Father a sufficient satisfaction and remission for the sinnes of all those that haue their full trust and confidence therein And also they doe acknowledge That God doth in the meane space correct his children in this worlde and proueth their faith by manie and diuerse troubles crosses afflictions partlie for that they shall learne to knowe verie well their miserie and calamitie and thereby be prouoked the rather spedilie to flie to his mercie for succour partlie that thereby they may become like vnto their maister head Christ Iesus and with him die from sinne and rise vp in newnesse of life and hereafter liue and reigne with him eternallie but they will in no wise consent that these troubles crosses afflictions should serue anie thing for satisfaction or remission of sinnes no not so much as for the least sinne that can be thought vpō And likewise they clearely dissent disagree from vs saying That al the good works that anie man can do during all his life can not serue him to anie purpose for the remission of the least sinne that euer he committed considering that al men without exceptiō are of meere dutie bound to obey God to loue him with all their hearts with all their might with all their power in body and soule with thanks in all that lieth in them to loue their neighbours as thēselues in such maner as though they had accōplished al this which is impossible for anie man to doe for that we are dead in Adam and that all the thoughtes of mans heart all the conceites of his mind are meere mischiefe and malice against God euen from the beginning in so much that they should yet remaine vnprofitable seruantes and should haue done no more than they of verie dutie were bound to do So farre doeth it differ that they should be able thereby to satisfie God make amends for any such offences as they heretofore haue committed For if they should come in reckoning by works then wee must make a perfect reckoning not halfe a reckoning say they otherwise works were no works but contrawise when men do seeke for mercie not for iustice then must they with Paul forsake all their works all their righteousnes their holines all whatsoeuer they haue done accompt the same as nothing to obteine iustification by faith through God mercy for otherwise mercie were no mercie And after this they proceede on further conclude in this forme and manner Now seeing God will not accept any iustificatiō by those works which he him selfe commanded in his Law how much lesse will he accept these workes which other men haue deuised and fetched out of their owne heades which hee neuer commaunded As to hearing of Masse to runne from one Church to another to trudge from one altar to another to go on pilgrimage ▪ to weare hairecloth to whippe them selues to pull a Friers hoode ouer their head to make vowes which God neuer allowed with such other like workes which the holie church doeth esteeme for verie meritorious calleth them Opera supererogationis that is to say Superfluous workes for that God neuer commanded them therefore men may hereby do more than they are of dutie boūd to do These say they shall not onelie be vnacceptable before GOD for good payement but shall rather be esteemed for false coyne yea bee imputed for verie slandering and blaspheming of God and for a flat forsaking and despising of the shedding of the bloud of Iesus Christ. O what a matter is this O helpe blessed Ladie of the 7. Okes Help S. Lewen S. Rombold S. Iames of Cōpostell with all your scallop shelles and pilgrims staues helpe all you sweet men and women Saints whose relikes are deuoutly prayed vnto by our deere
deare mother the holie Church of Rome And by this you may perceiue that Pythagoras was not farre different or disagreing in beliefe from the holy Church of Romes beliefe when as he saide That mens souls departing from their bodies did enter into beastes Considering nowe that Iohn here and Dauid in other places do witnes that the creatures vnder the water yea the fishes themselues do laude and praise God and that the same is vnderstood by our holie mother the Church of Rome of the soules that be in Purgatorie she hath not without great appearaunce of trueth concluded That there is likewise a Purgatorie in the bottome of the Sea by which reasons it appeareth that the soules of drowned men place themselues in the bowels of fishes And it is possible that this was the occasion which moued Pythagoras to forbid his scholers the eating of fish considering specially withall That S. Patriks purgatorie in Ireland lies fast by the sea side neare vnto a mountaine called Hecla where our mother the holie Church of Rome doeth beleeue that the sillie soules are as ill punished in yse as in fire So that by good reason there might haue bene added vnto the same sentence of Paule That the trying and shewing openly of the workes of such as build vpon the foundation of Iesus Christ is not onely by fire but likewise by water and by yse For so the holie Church vnderstands that place where it is written We haue passed thorough fire and water And Virgil the wise Poet which had so good vnderstanding of the sacrifice of the Masse as is declared before hath likewise placed Purgatorie by a Sea or by a great water called Lacus Auernus which lies not verie farre from Rome in the Kingdome of Naples where hee describes to bee the entrie and forefront of Hell and then setteth forth Purgatorie with all the paines and torments which the soules doe suffer so perfectly and well that a man would thinke that our deare mother the holie Church of Rome hath kindeled her Purgatorie with his fire tongs and bellowes Insomuch that our Catholike Doctors did not amisse when they proued their Purgatorie by the authoritie and testimonie of Virgil. Now if it were so that there were no Scripture to proue Purgatorie by yet would the inheritance and possession of it teache vs sufficiently that there is a Purgatorie And therefore we neede not to trouble our selues much with bringing out the booke of the Machabies for a witnesse and thereby cause the Heretikes to mocke and ieast at vs For they say that that booke is so farre off from being allowed for an authentike booke of holie Scripture that the writer and Authour of the same did desire to bee pardoned and borne withall if hee had not written so sufficiently as he ought And men may further consider what account is to bee made of his writings seeing hee did so greatly praise one Razis who ripped out his owne vowelles and liue him selfe because he woulde not fall into the handes of his enimies which vnvndoubtedly was a detestable deede and directly against Gods commaundement They declare likewise that neither by Christ his Apostles nor by the whole cōgregation in three or foure hundred yeares space that was neuer esteemed nor taken but for Apocrypha to witte for the writing and setting sorth of a man and not for the vndoubted worde of god And yet they say beeside this that if they shoulde accept that Booke yet is there nothing written therein touching Purgatorie but onely a praying for the deade in respect of the resurrection and not in anie respect of satisfaction by Purgatorie And therefore wee will not breake our heades greatly about this matter but will establishe our Purgatorie strongly by inheritaunce and possession Besides that I leaue the Priestes purses vnspoken of which is a souereigne soking and a drawing Purgatorie as euerie man may both say and feele And yet besides this we finde by certeine vndoubted testimonies of our auncesters that many soules haue appeared haue plainly said that they were extremely punished in Purgatorie and therefore haue heartily desired that men would helpe them out of it with Masses almes pardon letters and bulles as it is written of Pope Benedict 8. himselfe and as the Legend and other Catholike bookes testifie which are full of such worthie matters and notable examples so that there is no occasion to put any maner of doubt concerning Purgatorie And further we do finde diuerse euident and very true histories of Odilions Purgatorie in the kingdome of Sicilia in the mount Aetna which flames continually where the sillie soules are burnt and broyled like dried herring or like Westphaling hammes or gammons of Bakon whiche haue houng seuen yeares long in the smoke And this was the occasion that moued Pope Iohn 8. through the great pittie that hee had vpon the sillie soules and by the good and ripe aduise and counsell of the foresaide Odilion which was a holie Father and Monke of an Abbie called Clunie to commande and ordeine that alwayes the next day after Al-hallowes day a solemne day of deuotion should be kept for all christen soules which order is very precisely followed obserued by our dere mother the holy Church of Rome and many yeares of pardon giuen graunted to all those which vpon that day doe deuoutly visite the Chantrie priests Masses of Scala Coeli vsing their purses liberally for that purpose and to haue a trentall of Masses a sackfull of seuen Psalmes and three or foure pokes packt with Pater nosters and Ane Maries all well measured filled whereof to make a present to the sillie soules in Purgatorie for that is euen fitte meat for their mouthes and they are as wel refreshed with those dainties as though they were wrapped about the head with a wet clout in a cold morning And yet beside all this the holie Churche of Rome hath sought all maner of meanes wayes to refresh coole ease the pain of the silly poore soules which lie in the great heat of Purgatorie gaping for aire as a Carpe doeth for water all which meanes she hath digged out of the holy Scriptures For to beginne she hath appointed burning Candles which must bee set vppe to light the poore soules in the darke places of Purgatorie because it is written Christ is the true light and whosoeuer doeth followe him walketh not in darkenesse And therefore hath our holie mother practised that at euerie corner of the hearse a candle shal be set burning for that the dead should be forgiuen and pardoned of foure sundrie manner of sinnes which hee hath committed to witte in thinking in speaking in doing and in suffering Secondarilie she doeth succour the poore sillie soules with censing for thereby they are released of the horrible stinke which is in Purgatorie Thirdlie shee doeth relieue them with holy water which must be
not onlie all crosses but all figures likenesses of the crosse are worshipped reuerenced kist and lickt in reuerence of that onelie crosse whereon his bodie did hang. But it hath thus pleased our louing mother the holie church and not without most great and waightie occasions for without doubt the likenes of the holie crosse is of of such great power singular vertue that the deuill doeth take it for a bulbegger and flies from it as a dogge doeth from a piece of bacon Like as euidentlie appeareth in the golden Legend of Saint Christopher and in a number of other legendes where almost for feare hee beraied his breech so soone as a crosse was made And it is also the cudgell wherewith he was once beaten like as wee may plainlie see on all altars in processions where our Sauiour is counterfeited knocking with a crosse vpon the gates of hell at which all the deuils runne awaye as though they were possessed Moreouer it is the token with the which God hath created heauen earth and that is it which Esai would say according to the expositiō of our holy mother the church saying thus Who hath holden the waters in his fist Who hath measured heauen with his spanne hath comprehended all the worlde in their measures Who hath wayed the mountaines hilles in a balance Which is to say that God did with three fingers make a crosse when hee created heauen and earth Item our holie mother the church saith besides That Moses did with the figure of the crosse change the bitternes of the waters in the wildernesse and caused the water to flowe out of the stonie rocke And although the scripture doth not make mention of anie crosse but onelie of a rod wherwithall Moses did strike yet our mother the holy church hath thus expounded the same supposing that Moses did the like to the Bishops now who with their staffe do make a crosse so blesse the people Shee hath also fained that those which do sprinkle their thresholdes with the bloud of the Paschal lambe theron set the figure of a crosse that the striking Angel by meanes of the crosse doeth passe by it like as wee haue out of their sequences which they vpon the crosse dayes named Inuentio S. crucis signe here aboue rehearsed Besides that the same which Ezechiel doeth mention of Tau that is to say of the token or seale which is set vpon the foreheads of the elect therof hath she also made a crosse albeit that the letter Tau doth resemble the figure of the crosse no more then an aple doth an oyster for the one is written thus ת the other thus ✚ notwithstanding she doth not take the matter so neere wee must for clownes sift meale through a lattice and set them packing after the homeliest sort then may they bake their bread as they list This once is the issue that all cursing and coniuring all hallowing and blessing al mysteries and cōsecrations must be made with crosses The holy Masse is likewise ful of crosses from one end to another sometimes with two at once to saue both bodie and soule or to change both breade and wine sometime with three together in worshippe of the Father Sonne and holie Ghost sometime with fiue at once in reuerence of the fiue woundes of Christ Iesus The blessed holie water is made with crosses the waxe candles the salt the holy oyle the palmes the Agnus Dei the holie ashes and all the implementes pertaining to the Priestes are created with crosses yea the Priestes themselues without crosses cānot be made Priestes In al processions the crosse must go before Vpon all bables toyes sacrament boxes must stand a crosse least the diuell should put in his nose yea vppon all wafers trinkets vpon churches vppon steeples also vpon coine vpon Māmona iniquitatis a crosse must simper To conclude the crosse hath an oare in euerie boate and hath a place in all the ceremonies perteining to the holie Church of Rome There can not a Pageant bee plaied but shee must haue a part yea a Nunne durst scarse let a fyste but shee must blesse her selfe with a crosse And the Priestes are neuer worse at ease than when they haue neuer a crosse in their purse Therfore it is not without great vrgent occasion that our holie mother doth holde the crosse in such honour in so much as she hath for her sake ordeined and instituted three or foure holy or festiual dayes as namelie Inuentio crucis Rogationum Exaltatio crucis and other such like She hath also a speciall Masse in honour of the holie crosse which shee names Missa de sancta cruce and a seruice called Officium de sancta cruce And besides she hath more ordeined and charged that we should vpon the good Friday after Maunday thursday deuoutlie and sadlie creeping along the ground vpon our bare knees worship the crosse and there bestow a good fat offering and liberall almes to the benefit and maintenance of the poore Priestes so that they with crosses in their purses might be preserued against the diuell Wherevnto she hath franklie giuen a great heape of pardons to those which with great deuotion do the same For shee doeth esteeme and beleeue that the crosse hath no lesse force than the bloud of Iesus Christ the sonne of god For behold these are the wordes with the which shee causeth the crosse to be consecrated or hallowed Oramus te Domine sancte pater c. vt digneris benedicere hoc lignū crucis tuae vt sit remedium salutare generi humano sit soliditas fidei bonorū operum profectus redemptio animarum sit solamen protectio ac tutela contra saeua iacula inimicorum c. That is We beseech thee O Lord heauenlie father that thou wilt so blesse this wood of the crosse that it may be a healthfull help to mankind a cōfirming or strengthening to faith a furtherance to good works and a redemption of soules that it may be our comfort our safegard defender against the noysome dartes of the enimies c. What can we ascribe more to Christ Iesus the sonne of God for the helpe consolation of man than our mother the holie church doeth ascribe here vnto the crosse yea all that Christ hath euer done all the good which can be thought that hath shee in like manner attributed to the figure of the crosse For these be her wordes Ista suos fortiores Semper facit victores Morbos sanat languores Reprimit daemonia Dat captiuis libertatem Vitae confert nouitatem Ad antiquam dignitatem Crux reduxit omnia O Crux lignum triumphale Mundi vera salus vale Inter ligna nullum tale Fronde ▪ flore germine Medicina Christiana Salua sanos aegros sana Quod non valet vis humana Fit in tuo nomine c. That is to say It makes her souldiers