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A06507 A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete sent vnto the Germanes at such a time as certain great princes went about to bryng alienes into Germany, [and] to restore the papacy; the kingdom of Antichrist. [Et]c Now tra[n]slated into English for a like admonicion vnto all true Englyshe harts; wherby they may learn and know how to consider [and] receiue the procedinges of the English magistrates and bishops. With a preface of M. Philip Melancthon. ...; Warnung an seine lieben Deutschen. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Melanchthon, Philipp, 1497-1560.; Eusebius Pamphilus.; Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564, attributed name. 1554 (1554) STC 16981; ESTC S107599 41,783 111

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or of other mēs infyrmities vtterli haue denied and reiected the true doctrine and religion and yelde to Idolatry supersticion as our yea rather Christes aduersaries would haue vs now to do Why do not y e higher powers the Ioly prelates and the faut spiers labour to redresse and refourme suche offences as they se in any of thē that haue professed the sincere Religiō Or why at the least did they not labor to restore the true discipline of y e gospel that therby such offēce giuers might haue ben redressed brought to an open Christē penaūce for the welth of theyr own soules a good exāple vnto mani other ▪ Why did thei not this I say ●hy Mary because some of them feared least they them selues might paraduenture be the fyrst vpon whom the true discipline ought to be exercised Let them fyrste examyne theyr owne consciences and then tell me whether I haue saide any thyng ▪ ●ut the truthe or no No no the true discipline if it myght haue bene frely restored wolde not haue suffred suche offenses to haue raigned neyther in high nor in lowe neither in the spiritual nor yet in the lay sorte as the aduersaries haue found faute with and pretended for the onely causes which haue kept them from the same profession The godly preachers haue testified sufficiently in their open exhortations that such disorder dissolutenes of lyfe slaūderous exāples mispēding of y ● time with vngodli vnprofitable pastymes as haue bene vsed of the gentlemen disars and the lady carde-plaiers as wel in the Court as in the countrey wer not agreable to the professiō of Christes gospel What could thei do more but openly rebuke such enormities seing thei wold neuer suffer theim to exercice the true ordre of discipline vpon any transgressors If this discipline which hath long bene earnestly called for mighte haue bene optained a nombre of vnpreachyng prelates of idle belly byshops should not haue bene suffred to loiter as thei did and to spēd the patrimony of the Church vnprofitably But nowe we may se that thei plaied the dissēbling lurkers gapyng workyng and practisyng for a Day wherin thei myght shew them selues as thei wer and as thei now appeare wher as the ryght order of discipline wold haue brought them to the true profession of sincere Religion and also to the practise therof in theyr vocation And so would it haue done also my Lordes and gētlemen scrap●alls which vsed the Gospel for a cloke of theyr couetuousnes In summa we lacked nothing but discipline to haue refourmed al the enormities w t whatsoeuer they haue bene that our aduersaries haue found fau● with in the profession of our true Religion But let them lay al the faults infirmities and offenses which they haue marked espied in y e professors of the gospel vpon one heape they al together if ther wer a thousād mo of them are farre inferior and incomparabli lesse then the manifold errours impietie and Idolatry of the Masse of the latine seruice of the inuocation of saintes of the filthy and abhominable pretensed chastitie that is of y e Sodomitical single life of priestes and of such other hipocrisie and supersticion ▪ as our aduersaries go about with fire and fagot with tooth naile to maintaine to set vp for the seruice of god For notwithstanding that among the membres of the true church and among the professors of the true religion ther raigne mani and diuers infyrmities and enormities which they espie daily in them selues yet the true godly sort do conceiue true and harty repentaunce for theyr weakenes and thei remain nor continue not therin as the spiritual professors of single life do in theyr hordome and filthy abhomination And what soeuer infyrmities thei haue otherwise Yet this horrible vyce haue they not thankes be to God to maintaine Idolatry wyttingli to persecute y e truth nor to murther the godly professours of the gospel These detestable vices murther blasphemy and Idolatry whiche are the most true and infallible tokens of the papistes and aduersaries of Christ are not to be found amōg them For these workes are the speciall workes of the deuyl whiche he practiseth and worketh in his membres wherby he declareth and speweth out his poysō malice and hatred agaynst God as it is written Ye are of the deuil whiche is a lyar and a murtherer These are synnes whiche all men oughte specially to ●lee and dayly to pray earnestly vnto God that he wil preserue them that thei fal not into any of these abhominations And he that loketh vpon the life of the professors of the Gospel and also of the papistes And by reasō of the infirmities which he seith in both theyr liues standeth in dout to which of thē he may ioyne himselfe he ought to remembre and to consider this that he ought in no wyse to take parte wyth them which are Idolators maintayners of blasphemies persecutors and murtherers of the true membres of Christ. And though they should venter their liues therupon and goo the same way that Abell went Yet haue they this notable comfort that God heareth their praiers and wil be merciful vnto them For all other synnes shal be forgeuē but the manifest blaspheming of God by idolatry that is to saye he that either mainteineth or helpeth to maintaine idolatry or false religion is a persecutor and a murtherer of the true professors or a fautor of such murtherers shall neuer be forgeuen And God knoweth manye of the contrary part which do refrain from persecuting of the true doctrine for non other cause but to thintent to auoide these .ii. pointes blaspheming of God and murther for Gods honor for theyr own saluations sake And it is manyfest inough y t dyuers of thē thākes be to god haue sought neither pleasure nor mony nor dignitie nor yet any other thyng that the world estemeth but rather haue suffered much sorow misery opprobrye Now if such should spend theyr lyues as Abel did and suffer death thervpō such a death should be more acceptable vnto them then al the lyfe pleasure of Cain then all the pompe and riches of the Cardinals and bishops For al mē are detters vnto death not withstanding But this must euerye one of vs alwaies consider howe we may stand after this lyfe before the iudgement of God and of his whole churche at the latter day euerlastinglye And as we haue before our eyes the ensamples of Abel Ieremy Iohn the Baptist Christ him selfe Paule other of the Apostles how thei al wer murthered of tyrannes euē so let thē be sufficient wytnesses vnto vs that after thys lyfe another euerlastyng iudgement shal be holden and kepte And therfore let al men take it for an high honor and for a singular grace to put theyr liues in ieopardy for the confession of the true faith religion of God as Christ saith Fear not thē which can do nothing but slea the
body as for the soule thei cānot slea c. And for asmuch as it mai wel appear that this is the scope end of al practises of the Lords Bishops by theyr procedings to bring in the bishop of Rome again to establish his idolatry errors wherbi they mai raigne and abuse the people agayne as they haue done in times past and to bring our countrey to a perpetuall destruction it is most certaine that al honest and true hartes may laufullye refuse to obey them and ought in any wise refuse to helpe or to ayde them And where as they wyl obiect saye that subiectes ought to obey al cōmaūdementes procedynges of theyr magistrates although it may be briefely answered vnto thē that the Bishops Prelates which are the chiefe workers of this miserye are not the Magistrates whom the inferiour people are boūd to obey yet let thys answer stay al mens consciences that the regiment of the cōmon welthe is suche an ordinance of God wherin the magistrate hath his apointed boundes as wel as the subiect And for asmuch as God is the hyghest Lorde if the worldly magistrate attempteth any thing against him the inferiour sorte may laufully refuse to obeye him alledging for thē selues that thei cānot nor may not disobey God to obey to serue thē As for an exāple Abdias did very wel in keping the prophetes priuely in dennes secret places cōtrary to the cōmaūdemēt of his king which cōmaūded thē all to be slayne And in like maner the Armeniās dyd wel nothing but rightfully in detēding theyre church theyr countrey against their Emperour Maximiane Victorinus was a great prince which in y e tyme of Gallienus had y e Emperors autority in y e gouernmēt at Coley did gouerne ther very laudabli yet was he laufulli slain of his owne secretarie which foūd him abusing his wife Marius also a noble prince did pardō a yong souldier set a crowne vpō his head because he s●ew his captain which captain notwithstanding was Marius high frende because he did it in his own defēse Such factes in Christen mē ar right lauful do please God wel Yea they are speciall testimonies of y e iudgemēt of God against vnlawfull violence and intolerable pride and presumpcion of Tyrannes And what is it els but tyrannye to go about to set vp manifest idolatry to separate godly mē from their lawful wiues to bring in straūgers whiche shal subuert the state of the cōmō welth and such like For it is easy to perceiue that if the Spaniardes and theyr traine maye once beare rule in the Cities Dukedomes Lordshyps of our countrey whiche God of hys mercy forbid that euer they shuld do wher as hetherto thorow gods mercifull prouidence the auncient lawes and good ordinaunces of our cōmon welth haue bene preserued they wyll go about to abolish to subuert thē ▪ and at length brede much inconuenience and misery in our natiō Against the which inconueniences all godlye parentes housholders with theyr wiues childrē and families ought with most harty sighinges cal and cry vnto god that for the furtherance of his knowledge and for the glorye of hys owne name he wyl preserue his true religion amōg them and that he will not suffer these churches and naciōs ▪ wherin his truth hath bene confessed and preached to decay nor to be subuerted And that such praiers may be made the more earnestly with out let or hindraūce we al ought to amēd our liues in the feare of God in true faith and in al other vertues remembryng the sayeng of the Lorde in the prophet Turne vnto me and I wyll turne vnto you Doutles the matter is waighty and end how it will ther is lyke to be a wonderfull alteracion in y e cōmon welth and also in religiō that is most sure And I wōder much that wise mē which know and se wel inough what wil be the end of suche procedynges wyll notwythstanding seme to be workers and furtherers of suche matters as they do not allowe in theyr consciences But surely it is no mans deuise nor working but it is the diuils in hel which rage and raue because they wold gladly woorke an vniuersal destruction and miserye in al Christēdome Wherfor it wer best for such as be in authority and of any power not to be hasty in folowing satisfieng y e lustes of princes and the practises of wicked bishops and Prelates Antichristes impes For seyng the malice and spite of the Diuel and of the idolatrous sort is so feruēt and great it wil minister occasiō to a wōderful alteracion which paraduēture they them selues shall repent But I besech al godly hartes that they wyll earnestly pray vnto God that he wil graciously preserue the cōmonwelth and auncient lawes of our countrey and specially hys owne churche that hys true worde and religion may cōtinually sound therin Last of al let al Christen harts bear this wel in rememberaunce that euery one in his degree and to the vtterof his power is bound to apply hys vttermost indeuour towards the preseruation of Christes true religion likewise towards the defence of their coūtrey and the auncient priuilegies of theyr naciō That is the special end of our lyfe in this world and no better thing can we do in thys lyfe And forasmuche as the state of oure tym● nowe is muche like vnto the state of the Machabes and euē the like practises and subtelties now pretended attempted as were than euerye one mai take good and profitable instructiōs out of the same bokes and story Our Lorde Iesus our onelye true shepherd head captain defend hys Church against assaults which y e diuell Antichrist and his impes nowe deuise practise ther against Amen A faithfull aduertismēt of a certain true Pastor to his deare countrymen the Germanes Trāslated into Englyshe for a lyke aduertisement to the Englyshe nation MOst earnest supplication and intercession hath bene made to the high Potentates both of the Spirituall and of the laye sort that they woulde not bende them selues so earnestlye against the true Religion and doctrine of Christ ▪ but would shewe them selues more equal and moderate suffre the Gospel freely to be preached And agayne that thei would not consent to bryng straunge princes into our coūtrey to bear any Rule or to haue any gouerment therin The which thing both I and many other godly heartes haue most hartely praied and sighed vnto god for But forasmuch as nether our most faithfull praiers vnto God neither yet the earnest intercession made vnto them could any thyng preuayle with them it is easye inoughe to perceiue what it betokeneth nameli euē●hys that beyng peruerse obstinate blinded geuen ouer of God as such as haue euer thirsted for innocēt blod and bent them selues to maintain the blasphemyng of Gods name and all abhominations God thinketh them
ye my deare coūtrey men do in no wise harken to any such cōmaundement nor in any wyse obeye hym For in such case no man ought to obei nether King nor Keiser but shuld offend and disobey God and should cast both his body and soule into perpetual peril and daunger if he should obei For the Emperour or ani other prince what so euer he were in so doing shuld do manifestly against god and against all right And that no mā should thinke that this coūcel spryngeth of mine owne braine fansye I wil shew the such strong reasons and arguments that thou shalt fele at thy fingers endes that it is not onlye my councel but Gods owne earnest and most straight cōmaundement whose heauye displeasure al men oughte to feare and to tremble therat as they must do at lenght The fyrst cause why no mā ought to obey Emperour nor kyng in such case specially in the cause of religion ●s thys Euerye particular man hath promised and vowed in his baptisme ●euen as wel as the Kayser hym self to kepe and maintaine the Gospell of Christ not to persecute it or to work any thyng ther against Wherfore to the cōmaundement of the Emperour or of thy prynce whatsoeuer he be y u maist make this answer Most noble Emperour or prince if you did keepe your othe or vowe whiche you made in your Baptisme you should be my most dere and liege Lord and I wold obey you with al my hert ▪ But if you wyl not kepe your promes and christian couenaunt made with Christ in your Baptisme but persecute y e same obey who wyll I will not blaspheme my Lord nor be one of them that shal help to persecute his word so runne and cast my selfe headlonges into the pitt of hel with you for your pleasure This is the fyrst cause which comprehēdeth in it many other great and weightie causes For whosoeuer fighteth or draweth his sword against the Gospel the same doth fighte drawe his sword against God himself against Iesus Christ our onli sauior against the holy gost against the precious bloude of Christ agaynst his death against Gods word against al the Articles of the Christian fayth against y e true ministraciō of al the Sacramēts against al the Doctrine and Religion which is geuē confyrmed and approued through y e gospel And to be short against al Angels and saintes against heauen and earth and against al creatures For he y t striueth against God must nedes also striue against all that belōgeth vnto God or holdeth of him And against al these shal thy obediēce minister ayde and helpe and so shalte thou begiltie before God of all these thinges befor rehearsed And therfore what reward thou shalt haue therfore of God at length thou mayest easely gather thi selfe And this maketh also the matter y e more greuous forasmuch as y u shalt do al these thynges wittingly against thyne own conciēce ▪ And in this case thou shalte do worse than al Turkes Tartarians Iewes and Panimes For where thei doo obaye theyr heades in persecuting the Gospel they do it of ignoraunce and know not what they do so doest no● thou Wherfore thou must needes be much worse suffer ten tymes more greuous damnation them ani Turke or Paname Now although it be an heuy and a miserable thyng to consider that the matter is come to this poynt among Christen men that they shoulde haue any nede of ani such aduertisment as this And though thei thē selfes knew not what a terrible heuy thing it is to resist agaīst gods word or to shew any obediēce or token of obediēce in such things as are cōtrary repugnāt iniurious to the same for it is a manifest token y t euen in Christēdom among Christiās ther ar worser Turkes thā are either in Turky or in hel Yet such as be true Christiās in dede althoughe there be fewe of them do know wel inough thē selues what to do in such case haue no nede of any such admonicion as this But the papistes which bear the name shine of Christiās yet are ten tymes worse than Turkes must be admonished warned If it will do thē any good it is wel if not yet shal they haue y e lesse to excuse them selues with and must looke for the more greuous damnacion Now to the second cause The second cause why men ought not to obey in such case is this Though our doctrine were not right as it is most right and true yet ought this to feare men frō shewing them selues obedient in such case for as muche as by such obedience they should make them selues giltye partakers before God of all the abhomination that is al ready cōmitted or shal hereafter be co●mitted in the whole Papistri This cause cōprehendeth infinite abhomynacions al wickednes sin daūger y e a man in maner can reken In sūma in this cause is hel it selfe with all the sins that are therin wherof thou shuldest make thy self partaker if y u shouldest obei ether Keiser or King in such case And to the intent that y u mayest more plainly see what they be I wyl here rehearse some of thē For the papistes pretende suche an holinesse as though they were angels they wil● not heare of any of these abhominacions so they neuer repent for thē nor neuer amend thē First y u shalt make thi self partaker of al their filthi liuīg ▪ y t they haue led yet leade For they neuer purpose to amēd ani part therof And al y t shouldest thou help to defend maintain by thy obediēce And by that meanes should light vpon thi neck al the whordom filthines that is vsed in theyr Colleges cathedrall churches And thy cōsciēce shuld haue thys to reioyce to triumphe of that thi obedience hath holpē to maintain the most abhominable whormōgers villanes vpō earth and to defend the most abhominable liuing that can be thought Yea and if the Emperour or any other prince should attempt any war for the matter if thou shouldest take part with him thou shuldest vēter thy lyfe and bloud for such abhominable wretches Oh thys were a goodly thing for thi conscience to triumphe of Furthermore thou muste make thy selfe also partaker of the chastitie of the Pope and of his Cardinals which is a wonderful chastity aboue al other Ecclesiastical chastity which they cal in the Italian tounge Puseronen that is such chastitie as y e Sodomites and Gomorrhianes dyd vse For so suffereth god his arch enemies the Pope his Cardinals to be blinded aboue other that thei can not be cōtent only to offend with woman kinde but according to theyr well deserued reward they defyle thē selues and theyr own bodies one wyth another most beastli ar so depely drowned in y t horrible vice so blynded in
their hardened harts y t they coūt that abhominacion for no synne at al but make a iesting a laughing matter of it as though ther were no more peril nor danger therin thā in a game at tables or cardes Go thi wai now defend maintain w t thi obedience these beasts past al shame repētāce which make but a iest a christmas game of such an horrible vice ▪ And it is no lye that I wryte here in thys matter for such as haue bene at Rome do know wel inough that more abhomination is there vsed than any man cā reherse or beleue Whan the general counsell called consilium Lateranēse was holden at Rome in the tyme of Leo the .x. among other decrees that were there concluded vpon determined to haue ben setfurth this was one also which shuld haue bene setfurth as a decree of y t coūcel y t men shuld beleue the soule of mā to be immortal Wherby euery man may iudge that they made than at Rome but a very sporte and mocke of euerlastynge lyfe For it is an euident testimony that their commō belefe was there that there was no euerlastyng life And therfore they would teach them the contrary with a Bull and decree of theyr councell And yet besides that ther was set another prety decree also in the same bull whiche was this That from thence furth the Cardinals should not kepe so manye male stewes as thei vsed to doe But pope Leo commaunded that to be striken out least al the world shoulde suspect as they might wel do and haue knowledge howe opēly and without al shame the Pope and his cardinals did maintain Sodom euen at Rome And ther is no Pope cardinal bishop doctor preist nor religious man that ●uer went about to punish or reforme this abhomination but colour it yea laugh iest it out and moreouer doo b●witch prouoke and set on kynges and princes to defend and mayntain them to practise theyr fylthye and deuilish liuyng stil freely without repētaūce or reformatiō And to the maintenaunce of al this shal thy obedience serue and helpe and so shalt thou procure al these horrible sinnes vpon thy necke whosoeuer thou art that shalte obey ether Emperour king or prince in these proceadinges and be an occasion that the terrible vse of such more than beastly vices shal come into thy country for the punishment whereof than we must dayly loke and wayte that the earth shal sinke vnder vs and swallowe vs vp Let them once bryng in y e pope agayn as doutles the Spaneyardes wil labour to the vttermost to do and thā shalt thou se how these horrible blasphemous vices shall raigne in thy natural countrei And shal not then thy obedience be well spent ▪ to helpe to bryng such geare into thy countrey ▪ And yet moreouer y u shalt● also make thy selfe partaker of al the thefte and robberye of the whole papacy The infinit treasure which they haue falsely and deceiuably gotte● w t theyr pardons is it not very abhominable theft and robbry throughout al christendom That innumerable money that thei haue procured gotten through theyr stinkyng fained purgatory is it not very theft robbry thorowout the whole world The infinit treasure y t they haue gotten w t Masses mounthmyndes trentals such other massmarchādyse is it not abhominable theft and robbri throughout the whole worlde The wonderful riches that they haue gotten with buls for whitemeate with pilgrimages Images and an infinit swarme of such gear is it not very abhominable theft robbri throughout the whol world How haue y ● pope ▪ cardinals bishop● colleges ▪ c. come by their lādes lordships and manors that they are equal to the mightiest Emperours and princes Is it not altogether vnmesurable abhominable theft and robbri What are they nowe elce ▪ than the greatest robbers and theues vpon earth And yet there is no repentaunce nor amēdment in them No ther is not so much good bloud in theyr bodies as to doe but some part of theyr office wherby they might seme to enioy suche reuenewes vnder some shine or pretēce of honesty But thei do rather the cōtrary and condemne blaspheme and persecute the name worde and working of God Now come thy way such manifest theues and robbers shalte thou defend and maintain with thy obedience that thei maye not onely continew and go forward in theyr wickednes without repentaunce or reformacion but also that they be strēgthened and encouraged to continew therein Se now what daūger thou shalt cast thy self into by such obediēce For of al this robbry and theft shalte thou be giltie of and a partaker before God if thou doest obeye these proceadinges whiche tende to the settyng vp and restoring again as all men may e●selye perceiue of the popes authoritie and iurisdictiō And so besides al this also thou shalte charge thy self with al the innocent bloud that the pope hath hetherto or shal hearafter shedde throughe his practises and also with all the sorow heauines ▪ y t he hath wrought or shal hearafter worke in this nation to mayntain his kingdom Howe many thousandes haue bene murthered by his tiranny and are lyke hearafter to be murthered if he may o●tain his vsurped iurisdiction which doubtles the godles Spanieyardes wil labour to restore out of hand Alas how wil● thou be able to bear vpon thi necke so muche innocent bloude wherof thou shalt make thy selfe partaker by thi obedyence seyng it is an intollerable thing to be gyltie of one mans bloud I wil not here rehearse other abhominations of the papistes what poyson treason malice and spite they vse and practise daily I thyncke no tong vpō earth can rehearse al the abhominacions of the papistry but by these pointes nowe rehearsed and by the dayly ensamples that thei practise we maye easly gather the rest And if it wer not that the Pope must nedes be the very Antichrist his adherentes Antichristes impes whiche in al thinges must euermore be contrarye to Christ men might meruel and wondre howe thei could so continually vse so muche abhomination But seyng it is so can no notherwyse be it must nedes consequently folowe that lyke as Christ did lead and teach a most pure sincere excellent chast sobre holy and godly lyfe Euen so contrary wise must this Antichrist the pope and his adherēts leade teach maintain a most shameful blasphemous filthi curssed beastli abhominable hellish life how could he else in al pointes declare himself to be the enemy of Christ and the verye ryght Antichrist And yet al theyr abhominaciōs might the better be born if they did not so earnestli defend thē wold make al the world beleue perforce y t they did nothing but wel and right in al theyr doinges And yet not withstanding al this if al these abhominaciōs that I haue rehersed were tolerable to
euer pleased him to be named good godly that must nedes so be so that he must be a most dredful Lord ouer the whole world ouer bodye soule lands goodes ouer purgatory ouer hel ouer the diuell ouer heauen ouer angels ouer God ouer altogether Heauen was opē or shut to whō soeuer it pleased him And so was hel like wise Whō soeuer it had pleased him shoulde haue kept or lost hys bodye ▪ goodes estimacion landes heritage ▪ wife childrē house mony and al such things Yea if this abuse of the keyes had not bene what had the papacye bene And al this haue thei done of very wilfulnes force against all ryght and reason euen for very pompe and for theyr bellies sake misusing most wretchedly the holy name of god for the maintenaunce therof For vnder the name and pretense of God haue they wrought al their detestable mischiefe and tirannye For the whyche they neuer once minde to repent but like obstinate beastes cōtinue styl in theyr wickednes defending mainteinyng it what so euer any mā hath said or written neuer so truly there against It were litle wonder if heauen and earth shuld open or vtterly burst for such abhominacion or that God wold suffer such continual wretchednes spite misbehauour any longer vnreuēged I thinke that if the great Turke knew him selfe to be so wiked such a wretch as the Papists know them selues to be desperate caitiues he wold not be so obstinate nor so desperately and spitefully defi god with his abhominaciō And I think also y t the great Turke wold neuer say We Tukes wer neuer good as y e papistes shame not to make theyr boast sayīg We Priestes were yet neuer good But it is the veri diuel that possesseth them who knoweth his works to be naught therefore defendeth thē the more ernestly And so doth the Pope and hys adherentes Were it not wel done nowe of thee what soeuer thou beist if thou hast any Christen bloud in thy hart to helpe wyth thy obedyence to aide or maintaine such arrant soule murtherers And what shal I say of their dānable diuelish lieng false Relikes and pilgrimages Lord god what deuilish craft haue thei vsed therewith Dead● bones rottē ragges haue they made the people beleue to be the bones and vestures of holy saintes And w t suche deuylyshe subtiltie haue they seduced the sīple soules and perswaded theim ●o run hether and thether to viset and to kisse theyr rotten relikes And thys gere is maintained of y e pope byshops priestes monkes Friers to be godly and holy and al wyth craft to pike mens pursses to robbe and spoyl thē of theyr monye and goodes vnder a cloke of holines to mayntayne theyr idle bellies theyr with And it myghte the better haue bene borne if thei had not ther with ledd the people vtterly from Christ and taught them to putt and fyxe theyr trust and to build their saluation in such works of theyr own inuencion For there was none that euer sought any relike or pilgrimage but that did put his trust and affians of saluation therin contēnyng Christ and the true faith in him as a thing of no importaūce And this contempt vtter renouncyng of Christe ●nd of the true faythe in hym haue the Papistical byshops and priestes not only neuer spokē against but also thei had a pleasure and delight therin and procured pardon for such as did beleue in such beggery and so pilled and polled al the worlde to fede and pamper thē selues in idlenes Christ speaketh of an abhominatiō in the holy place If the papaci be not such an abhomination let euery man iudge that hath indifferent iudgemēt Not only for vsyng of such abhominations as I haue rehearsed but specially for mayntainyng of them and contineuing in them so desperately For bi that meanes thei do not only sinne in very dede against them selues but also thei confyrme that sinne of theirs with vnrepentaunce wherby it becōmeth a sinne against the holye goost which is the most highest most greuous heauy synne that can be For the deuyl himselfe can commyt no higher nor more greuous synne Nowe se these are the Ioly rutterkyns that wil be lordes controllers ouer gods word and which dare attēpt to moue vs to recāt and reuoke our doctrine and to reuerence and receiue all these abhominaciōs for the wordes workes of God and as for them selues to remain vnreformed what els And in no wyse to admit any new alteracion beware of that how so euer they do They speake and prate muche of styrryng vp of sedicion and vprour but if thys doing of theirs be not the next way to styrre vp sedicion vpror I cānot tel what cā more stir vp sedicion vpror Yea what can more prouoke y e pestilence extreme dearth the inuasiō of y e Turke warres murther and al the plages and vengeaunce of God vpon our neckes than these mis●heuous abhominacions that I haue reckened I say and wil abide therby that nothyng so much Here must I leaue vnrehersed for auoidyng of tediousnes a nomber of abhominaciōs whych I haue not yet spoken of as vowes to pilgrimages brotherhods ▪ byeng and selling of theyr woorkes ▪ and of theyr cowles and such lyke Now to the thyrde and last cause ▪ why no man ought to ayde or obeye Emperour Kyng or Prince in thys case which is this If thou shuldest obey or aid the Emperour thy King ▪ thy Quene Prince or Magistrate in such case forasmuch as they mind by such procedinges of theirs to stablish Antichristes kingdom thou shalt not onlye by thy obedience aide make thy selfe partaker of al these abhominacions before rehersed but thy obedience aide also shal serue help to subuert and to roote out al the good ▪ that hath bene done or wrought by y e gospel For these archecaitiues ar not content to maintaine these abhominacions but also they labour all that they can vtterly to abolysh to roote out for euer al the goodnes which the doctrine of the Gospell or the Preachers professors therof haue taught wrought or brought to passe This cause cōprehēdeth much matter in it is a veri weighti cause For the doctrine of the gospel which hath ben ernestly preached taught bi vs ▪ hath wrought much good thākes be vnto God before For before the doctrine therof was preached taughte by our brethren no man knew what the gospel ment No man knewe what Christ was No man knewe what Baptisme or penaūce was No man knew what fayth or good workes were No man knew what a sacrament was No man knew what flesh or spirit was No mā knew what the X. commaundementes what the Lordes prayer or what the Crede ment No man knew what praier was No manne knew howe to bear the crosse or howe to take afflicion nor yet how to comfort