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A06477 A dreame of the diuell and Diues most terrible and fearefull to the seruantes of Sathan, but right comfortable and acceptable to the children of God : plainely described by way of dialogue, verie necessarie to be read aduisedly, and heard attentiuelie, both of rulers and inferiours, rich, and poore, younge and olde, wise and simple, that wish rather to dwel in heauen, then in hell. Lupton, Thomas. 1589 (1589) STC 16947.5; ESTC S108956 49,122 110

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estate is most dolefull as I haue tolde you before Theo. Is your Dreame ended or haue you any more to say therein Eu. Yea that I haue therefore mark me well Diues said further if I were on the earth againe as I was I would doo all that I could to make enimies friends and where men were most at debate and contention I woulde endeuour my selfe to set them at concorde and quietnesse for Christ saide Blessed bee the pearce-makers for they shall be called the children of God And so I should be blessed and the child of God Then said the diuell to Diues if Peace-makers be the children of God then peace-breakers must needes be the children of the Diuell and so I am sure I haue moe children then GOD hath for there are more peace-breakers then peace-makers A great rable there is on the earth that if they see two loue faithfully then either for spight and enuie or els to picke a thank or to get some rewarde or gifte will inuent such spightfull tales that the one of them shoulde speake against the other that they will set them togither by the eares and so make them greater enimies then euer they were friends and so these peace-breakers are not onely become my deere and louing children but also these two friendes that were before in peace and the children of God are become my deere darlings and the curssed children of the diuell and for their peace-breaking and contention strife though God forsake them yet I will not refuse them but they shall dwell with thee Diues and me in my fierie kingdome of hell for euer and that is long enough yea and these lustie Cutters that for euery trifling quarrell standing so in their reputatiō of their manhood wil make fraies fight and kill yea though they be killed or hanged for their labour are my Curssed Deere and louing children vnlesse that fighters be peace-makers they shall dwell with mee for euer in the fierie flames of hell if they proceede on as they do and there I wil tame them wel enough though nowe on the earth they be lusty and liuely Laddes Then saide Diues it is a straung matter that they will aduenture so desperately to obtaine the terrible torments of Hel but they will not aduenture their life nay haue their finger feele the fire for Christs sake there by to inherite the endlesse ioyes of the kingdome of heauen Marke what fonde fooles these fighters bee though they neither kill nor be killed neither yet bee hurt or maymed yet they are Peace-breakers and are in hatred with their brother and so they are accursed and are become the Children of the diuel whose estate is most miserable horrible and terrible but if they be killed their spightfull minde hath made them loose their life which they esteemed aboue any earthlie treasure but if they died vnrepentantlie which in their furious fighting is to bee feared then their enuious minde hath wrought the death both of their bodie and soule for euer in the fierie flames of hell fire And if they doo kill their enemie with whom they fight than they are in daunger of hanging and so they shall loose their life which is their greatest earthly treasure for satisfying their spightfull and enuious mind one halfe houre but in that he hath fought being therby a peace-breaker he is become the cursed childe of the diuell and if hee repent not and call not to God for mercie then shall the bee damned for euer in the bottomlesse pit of hell with me and the diuelles for euer And if either chance too to be wounded or maimed then the pleasure of their short fighting will not counteruaile the long griefe or sorrow of their hurt Therefore what fooles are these enuious and lusty fighters that for so smale pleasures nay rather a deuilish satisfying of their wicked minde will hazard themselues into such a daunger Then said the deuill I set them on I tickle them to it and I set one or other to whisper in their eare saying sir you are a lusty gentleman you are counted a man of your hands if you suffer this you wil neuer be wel though of therefore if I were in your case I would not put it vp thus and and then the other is on a fire vntill he be a fighting and so many giues wages gifts to set themselues forward to the deuill And thus both peace-breakers and such sighters I account as mine own accursed children but if they once dye in their peace-breaking trade and in their enuious and furious minde then they are my children in deede for euer and they shall neuer goe out of my kingdome nor company Then sayd Diues woe be to them if they once come to thy kingdome and company if I were in the worlde agayne as I was I would by Gods grace suffer all iniuries and neuer resist them doe what they would whereby I should be y e blessed child of God and so enioy the euerlasting ioyes of heauen Which suffrings were they a whole thousand yeeres are farre vnworthy thereof whereas if I should reuengs mine owne wrongs beare mallice and spight though they bee my mortall enimies God woulde cease to reuenge my cause for hee wyll reuenge no causes but such as are committed to him then I shoulde be a peace-breaker and so become the cursed childe of the diuel as I am alredy Therfore most happy are they that suffer wronge and are patient in Christe for they shal enioy the kingdome of Heauen Theo. A woefull thing it is to walke in the way to hell as it may appeare by Diues wherein such furious Fighters Quarrellers Peace-breakers enuious persons and breeders of strife and contention doo walke yea and are in greate daunger thereof For if they that say Thou foole are in the danger of hell fier then they must needes bee in greate daunger of hell that kill men that are so enuious that desire the destruction of their neighbor and that are Peace-breakers and other such mischieuous malicious persons Eu. In-deede you say true but what say you to them that thinke there is no hel nay that say there is no hell Theo. Forsooth I say it is to be feared that such shall feele that there is a hell what doo they not thinke there is a Christe that said there is a hell or doo they think that Christ did not make mention in the Gospell of hell or doo they thinke that he lied when he spake of hell If they search the Gospell they shall finde many places that make mention of hell And in the same Chapter where he saith they shalbe in daunger of hell fier that say Thou foole hee maketh mention twise of hell saying It is better for thee that one of thy members perish then that thy whole body shoulde be cast into hell And likewise immediatly in the same place he saith the like wordes So that no
neither would I giue him one scrappe thereof though the preacher threatned me with Diues which therefore went to hell My garments made me proude my wealth made me stout I disdained them that were poorer then I and I enuied the prosperitie of mine enimy and to say the truth I was rather worse after I had heard the Sermon then I was before Therfore say what they listed and preach what they woulde all my whole minde was still in getting worldly wealth pampering my bodie and feeding my fancie making no account of heauen nor hell nor of God nor the diuell Theo. Though you in that case made no account of the diuell yet doubtlesse the diuell made some account of you Eum. Bee sure of that yet I knowe certainely hee is deceiued but if God had made no more account of mee then I did of my selfe the diuell had not bin so deceiued of me as he is nor I so out of his daunger as I am for I was in the very high way to hell none went faster to the diuel then I though you diuers other willed me to forsake that way but all that would not serue Theo. Then who caused you to turne backe again or to forsake that euill way you walked in Eu. Who turned S. Paul from going to persecute the saintes Theo. God who els Eu. Euen so it was onely God that caused me to turne out of the way to hel Therfore me thinketh that they are in a very erronious opinion that affirme they haue Free-will yea and haue power of themselues to do such good deedes as may bring them to heauen for if Saint Paul and I had no power to do that euill we pretended which is our natural inclination then it is farre vnlike that any should haue Free-wil or power to do well which is cleane contrarie to their naturall disposition Theo. That is most certaine for who hath power to awake when nature constraineth him to sleepe who can remember all things that he will and forget nothing Who hath free will to performe to go to any place and at any time that he will appoint who hath free will to be healthfull and not to be sicke or to haue his wits perfitely and neuer to bee made Or what healthfull man can fast foure or fiue daies and will not bee hungry None on the earth I am sure Now if we haue not free-will to doo the workes of men and earthly thinges then howe is it possible that we should haue free-will to doo the woorkes of God or heauenlie things Therefore I may say that they are rather dolts then Doctors lewd then well learned and wicked then wittie that hold or beleeue this fonde or ridiculous opinion of the power of mans free-will But I pray you tel me for I am very much desirous to knowe after what sort or by what other meanes hath God changed your minde Eu. Seeing you are desirous to know I will not be vnwilling to tell you it chaunced that of late I a sort of wicked worldlings that neuer loued God nor feared the diuell did sup altogither where we lacked neither fine fare daintie dishes plentie of wine pleasant musike nor any thing els that might make vs merry If you had seene our vnreasonable quaffing our abhominable talking and heard our detestable swearing you would haue taken vs for diuels correspendent to my name in the likenesse of men And when we were in the middes of our cups one of our Minstrelles gaue vs a Song touching Fasting Praying and Almes deeds and reprooued swearing drunkennes and other sinnes but he might haue sunge it to the wall as well as to vs and then one of my company saide to him that sunge the Song Sirra this Song is more meete for a Church then a Tauerne few come to Tauernes to fast pray and giue Almes I meane not saith hee to weaken my body with too much fasting I will eate fast and drinke fast and that is the fast that I meane to fast Then saide an other I meane not to wast my goods with giuing of Almes I will not maintaine a sort of idle knaues Drabs with my goods I haue got it my selfe and why shoulde I not spende it on my selfe Let the sermon runners and pitifull protestantes releeue them marry when I am at the point of death and when I see that I can keepe my goods no longer perhaps I wil appoint by my will that some poore folkes shall haue halfe penny dole or a halfe penny loafe but surely as long as I liue they get none Thē said the thirde you are not so vnwilling to giue Almes but I am as vnapt to pray and to say truely what neede a man pray for any thing that lackes nothing I haue health wealth and liberty what would one haue more Therefore if I pray I should pray for nothing for I lacke nothing but what mad man wil pray for nothing therefore least I should be counted a mad man I will not pray at all Then said another of our company Sirra your Song is against drinking which you call drunkennesse but I will not leaue driming for al your song for drinking wel ouer night maketh me to sleepe soundly all the night after and my sound sleeping maketh me haue a good memory Sir said the Minstrel you are happy that such a good commodity commeth vnto you by drunkennesse which you count quaffing or drinking for I haue bin drunken diuers times which I fore repent and thereupon I haue slept soundly but I could neuer perceiue that it brought me any good memory For I remembred not my sinne committed to God through my drunkennesse which in deed had bin a good memory for thereby perhappes might haue growne repētance for the same so that I cannot thinke that any such fruite as good memory is can grow out of quaffing and drunkennesse Howe like you this Minstrell said I hath he not made a good argument against you I will haue no moe such minstrels in my company said he at my handes therefore he shall fare the worse and his reward shalbe the lesse And now let both Ministers and Minstrels say what they will I will quaffe and drinke whiles I may mary some say it will make me blind before I am halfe old but that is no matter for I were as good drinke mine eyes out while I am aliue as haue the wormes eate them out when I am deade Thus euerie one said something in commēding or allowing the sinne that he liked and when we had thus wasted the time in surfeiting too much drinking vaine sporting and sinfull talking to the hurting of our bodies and mispending of our goods to the euill example of our neighbours to the griefe of the godly to the daungering of our soules and to the high displeasing of God wee euery one tooke our leaue of other But some I may say to you was enforst to be lead home And so I for my part
do as they would be done vnto and then they cannot doo amisse and not to pamper their paunches but to pittie the poore nay to spare from themselues and to giue it to the poore O howe many poore might I haue releeued with that which I haue spent in vaine and what am I the better nowe for any thing that I did spend on my selfe Therefore I would to God that I had bestowed al my riches treasure and landes in releeuing the poore for then I should haue beene repayed at Gods hand hereafter whatsoeuer is giuen to the poore is lent to the Lorde and hee will repay that truely in the kingdome of heauen with no small aduauntage But whatsoeuer we spend in vayne on our selues and on the ritch it is lent to the Deuill and hee will repay vs again in hell with endlesse paines and torments And for that I haue lent my money to the Deuill I looke to be payd the same at his handes in the euerlasting flames of hell fire Theo. Oh what a lamentable talke was this of Diues his wordes doe pearce my heart his remedelesse case maketh my heart to bleede Howe happie are we that may be warned by him but how vnhappie is he that is such a warning to vs. He could be content now to be as a fire log to burn a thousand yeeres on the earth for the loue of Christ that he might escape the endlesse fire of hell but now it will not be Eumen. Yea but I thinke there is not now one among ten thousand that willingly will suffer the paynes of burning one halfe houre for Christs sake to shunne Hel and thereby to enioy the endlesse ioyes of heauen Theo. Well as there haue bene many that haue bene content to doe so euen so no doubt there are and will be many that will doe so if they be vrg●● vnto it but not without the great comfort and ●ssistance of God But what fooles are they that ●●●use to doe it These short earthlye paynes bring euerlasting ioyes and these vaine and shorte earthly pleasures bring endles torment and paine But now goe forward with your dreame I beseech you For I thinke your dreame did not ende where I caused you to stay your tale Eumen. No that it did not therefore now I will proceede with my dolefull dreame Diues furthermore sayde O how hapy are they that are on the earth for that they haue time to repent and to liue godly to whom the Deuill answered yea but how vnhappy are they that will not repent but liues most abhomiably and wickedly Then saide Diues if their hearts were not hardned and their mindes bewitched they woulde not doe so they I perceiue make little account of that precious Iewell the Gospell which teacheth them the high way to Heauen and so to shune the fiery flames of hell Oh if I were a liue againe it should neuer goe out of my hand Then said the deuill many cary it in their hands but very fewe in their hearts Then said Diues yf they that haue the gospell walke in the way to Hell then it is impossible for them that know it not to walke in the way to heauen But I damned wretch y t I am if I were aliue againe as they are would not onelye dayly read it but also in my liuing practise it Al worldly affaires are vaine in comparison to it for the best that one can bring is but shorte worldly pleasure but the other doth bring most heauenly and endlesse ioys Then sayd y e Deuil to Diues if thou werte on the earth againe aliue as thou wast yet I doe not beleeue thou wouldst doe as thou saist thou wouldest play rather as many theeues do that are condemmned to death which wil promise with vehement othes that if they might haue ther pardons would liue honestly ciuilly and obserue their princes lawes but when they haue got their pardon they forget either oth or promise and doo fal to theeuing as fast as euer they did O no no saide Diues though they are carelesse yet I would be kareful for they haue not tasted of y e death of their body due for their faulte as I haue tasted of the death of my soule due for my sinnes yea and if these worldly theeues were as sure to bee cast into prison and to be hanged for their theift as I am sure to be cast into the prison of hel and to hange their in cruel tormentes for euer and euer for my offences to God they I think would leaue off their stealing and would liue honestly and orderly as I would cease from vice and wickeddesse and liue vertuously and godly Theo. Truely this your talke maketh my heart to morne for the case of Diues that is without all hope of remedy therefore it standeth vs greatly vpon to liue warily and vertuously in this life where the time and place is of the amendement of our liues and the hope of our saluation Eume. You say true But howe much am I bound vnto God that of his meere mercy hath called me to repentaunce and amendement of lyfe by this doleful Dreame of Diues whereby I shal not onely auoyde through Christ my sauiour the Dungeon of hell but also enioy the endlesse and vnspeakable ioyes of heauen And now mark me wel for I will goe forwarde with my dreame where I left Oh sayd Diues if I might liue on the earth agayne as I cannot I would be humble of body and meeke of minde as I was not I woulde speake gentle and mildly and then as Christ saith I should be happie and blessed Yea saide the Deuil but because thou wast proude in thy apparell and hawtie of minde and disdayned thy poore brother Lazarus now thou accurst and vnhappy and shalt dwell with mee for euer in the fierie flames of Hell Then said Diues there is no remedy I must needes doe so woe bee to me therefore Oh if I were aliue on the earth againe sayd Diues as I was I would be mercifull and then I should obtaine mercy and so I should be happye and blessed Then sayde the Diuill but because thou wast a mercilesse wretch thinking all to little for thine owne backe and bellye and fared diliciously and was clothed sumtuously suffering poore Lazarus the member of thy christ to dye at thy Gate for wante of foode who had to little thou to much of which thy too much if he had had but a little his life might haue beene saued and thou the more healthfull therefore thou accurssed and exempt from the prescence of GOD and shalt dwell in my companie and my fellow deuiles for euer How saist thou diues hath not thy mercilesse minde thy aboundaunce of fine fare thy proud apparell and thy greate riches and welth brought thee into a good case Then sayd Diues if these greedy pittiles and mercilesse rich men now on the earth knew my case vnlesse the
Deuill were on them they woulde auoide my case Then sayd the Diuell I am not onely on them but with them and in them nay they are as thou thoughtst thy brethren were they must haue one come from hel to tell them newes that thou art heere or els they will not beleeue For I haue so hardened their hearts that they will not beleeue it though one should come out of Hel to tel them thereof For though Christ had come downe from the crosse at the wicked Iewes commandement yet they would haue beleeued in him neuer the more Thy case is preached vnto them dayly out of the Gospel but they are no more sterred thereat then a milstone is mooued with a blaste of ones mouth For when these rich gluttons come from the Sermon wherein the preacher dooth threate them with thy being in hel for thy vnmercifulnesse to poore Lazarus and thundring out vnto them that if they bee not mercifull to their poore Brethren and releeue theire needy necessity they shal with out all doubt bee companions with thee in hell they for all that doe goe shrinking away or looking disdainfully on their poore naked and hungry brethren without giuing them one penne or any mercifull or comfortable wordes or causing any reliefe at al to be prepared for them Which makes me hope verely that I shal haue them here in hel with thee ere it be long Then sayde Diues Oh but if I were in their place and case I woulde make no account of any thing that I shoulde haue al my minde shoulde be in shewing mercy and pittie to the needie For Christ at the last day when hee shal come to iudge them and vs al wil say Come my blessed to the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning for when I was hungry yee gaue me meate when I was thirstie ye gaue me drinke when I was naked you clothed me c. Hee wil not say you had ritche furred gownes vpon your backes you had goodly gold Chaines about your neckes and you had riche houses and costly buildings and so because you were riche on earch I wil make you richer in heauen No no it is not money but mercy not pride but pittie not lofttnesse but loue nor gay clothes but charitie that then wil serue their turne For if honour wealthe costly building riche attire and dainty feeding would haue brought men to heauen I should not haue gone to hel for I lackt none of all that Nay patient pouertie is the thing rather through Christ wyl doe it as may appeare by poore Lazarus which hath the most greatest pleasure and ritchest treasurs that can be wished or desired Thoe Diues said most truely herein which he knoweth too well by proofe as as these riche greedy and wicked worldlings shall feele themselues in hell hereafter if they bee not more mercyfull to the poore then they bee and haue a greater care for them then they haue But they are so drowned in wealth that they had rather die then to giue any parte thereof to any good or godly vse Eu. Yea but when their abusing mispending or hourding of their riches shal drown them in hel with Diues and when they shal be tormented with the deuils in y e fire flams of hel for euer then they wil crie out of their ritches then they wil lament the mispending of their goodes and then they will repent that they hourded their goods and that they kept it from the poore as Diues did But now I wil goe on with my doleful dreame then said the Deuil to Diues Lazarus hath gotte for shorte paines endles pleasure but thou for thy short plesure hast got endles paine they that are on the earth may auoide these thy paines if they will for they are yet in the place of repentaunce and mercie but thou canst not if thou wouldest for thou art out of the place of repentaunce and mercy To whom Diues aunswered the more doulful is my case Oh what bewiched fools are these wicked rich men that so little regard their vtter distruction of both body and soule If I were on the earth againe as they are I wold goe from house to house to releeue the poore I would feede the hungrie prisoners and would releue them that are in misery according to my power I would not banquet the rich nor feede the flatterers but the most poore and miserable wretches Yea the lame the blinde and the sore that lye in the streets I woulde sende for and they should be my guests and they should fedde on my foode and if my rich neighbours disdained me for it yet Christe that is richer then they would not mislike me for it My purse should neuer be shutte from the poore and I would alwayes bee ready to lende to the needy and I woulde be most glad that I had it to serue theyre turne when they lacked for that would bee the next way to make God to serue my turn when I lake if one were promised to bee a duke and to haue a Dukes honour and liuing at y e end of two yeeres would he think much to giue Cockleshelles Oystershelles or stones to them that did aske him during that time especially if the not giuing thereof would make him loose his dukedome I thinke not nay hee would haue such a reioysing in y e Dukedome y t he should haue at y e two yeers end y t he would little regard Cockleshelles Oistershelles or stones Then what fooles and noddies are they that will refuse to giue in this short life to them that lacke Syluer Gold Iewels or other their worldly goods seeing they are promised the endlesse ioyes and kingdome of heauen the not giuing whereof may make them loose that worthy kingdome which Siluer and Gold of theirs is more vile without comparison to the endles kingdome of heauen then Cockle-shelles or stones are to an earthly dukedome Therefore I should and so would they if they were wise haue such a ioy and pleasure that I should haue such an endlesse and ioyfull kingdome that I should regard the giuing of my siluer and golde no more to euery one that should aske me then these rich earthly worldlings do now regard or esteeme cockle-shels oistershels or little peeble stones in respect of a dukedome Then saide the diuell I must needes grant that many haue proud hearts stately countenances and mercilesse mindes for if a cockleshel or little stone would doo a poore blind or lame man pleasure that sits by the way as they go they would not once stoope to giue them one of them nor yet stay one step therefore Then said Diues yea but perhappes they will stay and stoope to a gawdie and vaine woman whome God doth detest for her pride and giue her some Iewel or other thing worth no small peece of money yea and that vnrequested and though they disdaine to stoope for a cockleshell to giue the
poore yet perhaps they wil not thinke much friendly to imbrace a flattering varlet yea and to giue them three or foure peeces of Gold that shall priuily vndermine them and seeke their spoile and ouerthrow and though they thinke scorne to stay and stoope for a little stone to deliuer to the poore if it would doo them good yet perhappes they will not onely stoope and stay to some noble man or other but also giue them if they wil take it an hundreth or two hundreth pounds to put a poore man out of his Farme thereby to vndoo him his wi●e and children And if these wicked and stately worldlings will not stay or stoupe to take vp an oistershel for the poore if it would do them good yet perhaps they wil both stoupe and stay to Lawiers and fee them largely to plead against the truth to hinder the poore mans cause yea and to bribe the Iudges if they wil be bribed to stande against a true matter or to delay Iudgement of the same when it is plainly proued on the poore mans side Then saide the diuel I like both such giuers and takers I hope verely to haue them in my kingdome of hell and then the one wil wish they had bestowed their gifts better and the other wil wish to haue refused the giftes Then saide Diues they wil so I warrant them if they once come where I am If I were nowe a Land-lord on the earth said Diues as I haue bin I would not racke my rents or take such fines as some Land-lords do that now dwel on the earth for all the good in the world Theo. I thinke when Diues liued there was no such racking of rentes nor taking of fines as bee nowe if there were any at all for some so racke their rentes nowe that the tenants are not able to keepe hospitallitie nor releeue the poore as they were wont and their fines are so great that they are constrained to sell their stocke which should be the maintenance of their Farme that during their whole lease they are not able to recouer the same and so at the last when their lease is expired they are thrust out of their Farme for that they are not able to paye a newe fine for their Farme and so diuers of them their wiues and their children liue very poorely or are driuen to begge Eu. Yea and what doo these proud and greedie cormorantes with their racked rentes and their vnmercifull fines whereby they impourish their tenants They consume it in excessiue fare in proud and sumptuous apparell in playing at Cardes Dice or other games and in other worldly vanities and whether will all this vaine spending thereof leade them Forsooth to the dolefull dungeon of hell where Diues is out of which they can neuer get out if they be once in and then they will cry out that euer they tooke such rentes or fines For if they liue as wickedly as Diues did and vndoo their tenants by racking their rentes and excessiue fines more then euer Diues did then vnlesse they speedily repent how can they auoid the endlesse fierie flames of hell where Diues is Theo. I pray you tell mee what the diuell said to Diues when he had said that he would not racke his rents nor take such fines of his tenants for all the good in the worlde as some Land-lords doo Eu. Forsooth the diuel then said no more would they if they knewe the gaines they should haue thereby and the place that it will bring them vnto but I will say this one thing to them said the diuell I will be better to them then they are to their tenants for where as they will not let a litle Farme to their tenants for xxi yeeres without a great rent and an vnreasonable sine I will giue them a whole kingdome my kingdome of hell to be their owne inheritance for euer without paying any rent or fine at all Then saide Diues woe woorth these rackt rentes and vnreasonable fines that shall purchase such a kingdome I would to God I might change my estate of that kingdome with the most vilest and basest Cotage on the earth When they come hither they will crie out and say woe worth the time that euer we had lands or liuing woe worth the time that euer we rackt our Tenants or tooke such fines to impouerish them woe worth the time that euer we were so greedy of money and wo worth the time that euer wee consumed the same in gluttonous and excessiue fare in proud and sumptuous apparell in playing at Dice Cardes or other games and other worldly vanities wo be to the time that we made our sonnes rich by making tenants poore But cursed be the time that we haue made our sonnes Lordes and Gentlemen on the earth with the euerlasting damnation of our owne bodies and soules in hell That Prouerbe may bee truely verified in vs which is Happie is that childe whose father goeth to the diuell This will be their song when they do come hither but thē they shal be without remedy as I am Then saide the diuell to Diues I will make so much on them when they be here in hell with mee that I will not let them go from hence And those fine fellowes that are in their furs and these minsing mynions that swim in their silkes and these lofty lookes that cannot see the poore as they go and that will not once stoupe for a litle stone to giue to the poore if it might doo them any good much lesse wil stoupe to put their hands into their purse and to giue thē a piece of Golde such small account they make of heauen and such haste they make to hell and yet they will not sticke both to stoope and stay to Lawiers and to fee them largely with golde to pleade against the truth or to hinder the poore mans cause yea and to bribe the Iudges if they wil be bribed to stande against a true matter or to delay iudgement of the same when it is prooued they I say thereby shall purchase a hote kingdome for euer with me in hell where they shall burne continually in fierie flames and whereas they were loth to stay a minute of an houre to giue one penny to releeue their poore brother they shall then for al their Iolytie stay with mee in hell for euer and euer world without end and shall not haue one droppe of water to quench their thirst though they cry and cal for it neuer so much This wilbe their gain for their ouer-looking and disdaining of the poore and for their haste-making and their vnmerciful dealing with the poore I think they shall not get so much good by the one as they shall get harme by the other And as for these Lawiers that take such fees for defending of wrong and the hinderance of right they shall get neuer a Lawier for any thing at the last day that shall