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A06676 Paraphrasticall and devout discourses vpon the Psalme Miserere, composed by Ch. M. Kellison, Matthew. 1635 (1635) STC 17130; ESTC S102830 80,842 304

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te Thou hast made vs ô Lord to thee and our heart is neuer quiet till it rest in thee Seeke then ô my soule for true riches true beautie true pleasure true contentement but seeke for them in God where they are not in creatures where they are not seeke for vvhat thou seekest but not where thou seekest If thou seeke still for thē in the creatures thou shalt alvvaies seeke and neuer finde if thou seeke for thē in God there thou shalt finde them for that there they are in their prime cause and fountaine there they are in their prime perfection 7. Returne then ô my soule to thy Lord God and remember vvhat ioye and solide consolation thou enioyedst when thou louedst and seruedst him Thē thou spakest not but of him thoughtst not but of him dreamedst not but of him louedst nothing but him or for him reioicedst in nothing but in him or for him this brought thee such ioy and consolation that thou enioyedst a kind of Heauen in earth and hadst a tast feeling of the ioyes of Heauen vvhich there are laid vp in store for them that feare God loue him and serue him 8. This a wordling vvill not easelie conceaue for he hauing or esteeming no other Heauen but this vvorld and proposing to him selfe no beautie but corporall beautie no riches but vvordlie riches no pleasure but carnall pleasure is a sensuall man 1. Cor. 2. which perceaueth not those thinges that are of the spirit of God But a spirituall man vnderstandeth vvhat I saye knoweth by experience that it is true For if the bodie as it is animated by the sensuall parte of the soule hath its delights if corporall beautie please the eyes of the body if musicke of mens voices or instrumēts please thr eares if worldlie riches content in some sorte for a tyme vvhat delight hath the soule according to her reasonable and superiour parte vvhich is more noble and hath more pure noble obiectes what delight taketh the deuoute soule in the contemplation of Heauenlie thinges in the exercise of morall and supernaturall vertues If vertue could be seene sayth one as to the spirituall mans eye it is seene mirabiles excitaret amores it would straūglie enamour vs If a beautifull creature draweth and as it vvere enchanteth our affections vvhat delight taketh the deuout and contemplatiue man in the loue and cōtemplation of God the creatour fountaine of all beautie riches pleasure perfection if the good vve find in creatures though finit and imperfect not pure but mixt with something that is displeasing in it doth so allure vs hovv doth the goodnes of God in vvhom God and good is all one vvhose goodnes is the fountaine of all that is good in creatures rauish and transport the deuout and spirituall man 9. O sweet Lord render me this ioy of thy saluation so called because it is the effect of iustifying grace caused by the merite of thy sacred passion our redemption and saluation If thou now render it to me againe it vvill be after my disgust discontentement taken in sinne and in the seruice of the vvorld as a greate benefite so far more gratefull and pleasing then it vvas before my sinne For euen as the good cheare the Prodigall sonne made after his returne to his Father and after the huskes he had eaten Lucae 15. seemed more delicious then euer it did before Or as peace is more vvellcome after vvarre sweet more pleasing after sower and heate after cold light after darkenes sight after blindnes health after sicknes libertie after seruitude rest after labour is more gratlull so the manna of spirituall consolations vvherewith novv I shall be feasted vvill seeme more delicious after my hoggish fare in sinne and the peace of conscience after vvarre vvaged against God by sinne the sweetnes of vertue after the sower tast of sinne the heate of grace charitie after the nipping cold of sinne the light of grace after the darkenes and blindnes I endured in sinne my spirituall health receaued by grace after the mortall sicknes of sinne my libertie of spirit and grace after the slauerie of sinne the rest and quietnes of minde after my drudgerie in sinne will be more pleasing gratefull and delightfull then euer they vvere before my sinne 10. Render me then ô Lord this ioy of thy saluation and doe not onelie render it but conserue it to my dying daye that I may carrie it vvith me to the eternall ioyes of Heauen and that it may be thus conserued in me I beseech thee to confirme me with thy principall Spirit the holie Ghost the principall Spirit and fountaine from vvhich all create spirits of grace doe flowe let this Spirit conserue this ioy of my saluation so constantly that I may neuer loose it so pure that it may neuer be mixed vvith any ioy of thy creatures which is not pleasing to thee let this Spirit be my guide my directour my conductour my protectour in all my vvayes actiōs and proceedinges that I may neuer loose againe by sinne thy iustifying grace purchassed by penance and consequently may euer conserue this ioy of thy saluation this ioy of conscience the effect of this grace 11. The Apostles and Martyrs by this principall Spirit and the spirit of grace vvhich it giueth vvere so confirmed and hartned that all the tormentes vvhich they suffered of the cruell Tyrants and persecutors could not daunt them but they so ioyed in their persecutions and tormentes that either they felt them not or they ioyed in feeling them for thy sake Their persecutions were of themselues the bitter vvaters of Mara Exod. 15 but by the vvood of the Crosse dipped in them that is by consideration of thy passion suffered on it they became sweet They vvere of themselues bitter pills but being wrapped in the sugar of this ioie of saluation they seemed not bitter but pleasing to the taste of the soule this thy principall Spirit did so fill their heartes with ioye that there was no place for greefe or sorrow but vvhen they vvere scourged persecuted they wēt frō the sight of the Councell reioicing because they were accounted worthie to suffer reproch for the name of IESVS Act. 5. And if thou vouchsafe ô Lord to confirme me vvith this principall Spirit by the grace it giueth I shall neuer be separated againe from thee by sinne I shall neuer forsake so good a God as thou hast beene vnto me either for feare of persecutiō or death it selfe or for loue of whatsoeuer the world cā afford but rather shall so ioy in all temporall sufferances and losses for thee here on earth that I shall be made worthie to ioy and reioice vvith thy Angells and saintes by thy cleare vision and fruition for all eternitie Docebo iniquos vias tuas impij ad te conuertentur I will teach the vniust thy wayes and the impious shall be conuerted 1. A Scarr spott or blott in the
before a mercifull father doe neither deny nor excuse nor extenuat my fault thy prophet Nathan 2. Reg. 12. thy vnder Iudge hauing condemned me as guiltie of no lesse then adulterie and murder myne owne conscience hauing pronounced sentence against me crying in my name peccaui but stāding before thee as a cōdēned person I bring in no witnesse to defēd me no slightes nor excuses to hide my faultes as who can hide any thing frō thee whose eyes doe penetrate the most secret corners of our hartes onelie I pleade begge and clayme thy mercie crying Miserere mei Deus Haue mercie on me ô God Psal 119. for if thou shalt obserue iniquities ô Lord Lord who shall susteine it And therfore Psal 142. enter not into Iudgement with thy once seruāt Dauid examine not his case and cause according to the order of iustice but according to thy mercie I confesse all I haue nothing to say for my selfe but Miserere Haue mercie I hide not my fault nor can I it is too well known vnto thee onely I can saye Miserere Haue mercie 4. Deale not with me ô Lord sayth Dauid according to thy Iustice that would cast me in all lawe but according to thy mercie by that onelie I can be saued Thou art it is true soueraigne Lord of heauen and earth to whom euen Kings and potentates are but vassals but Lords also doe pardon their seruantes vvhen with teares of eyes sorrow of harte they demaund pardon I demaund it in the same manner Apoc. 5. Thou art a a Lion a Lion of the Tribe of Iuda but Lions also will spare them who prostrate themselues before them I prostrat both body soule vnto thee 5. I confesse that by sinne I am become Psal 31 Sicut equus mulas in quibus non est intellectus as a horse and mule which haue noe vnderstanding And my brutish appetites to which I haue been a slaue haue metamorphized me made me so brutish that I am in life and conuersation rather a brute beast then a reasonable creature Psal 35 but yet Men and beasts thou wilt saue ô Lord and in the law deliuered by Moyses though it be a lawe of terrour thou hadst pitie euen of brute beasts and therefore woldst not permit the Iew to plough with an oxe and an asse Deut. 22. Exod. 23. Deut. 14. least the asse should be ouer laboured nor to seethe the kidde in the milke of his damme that seeming crueltie nor in a nest to kill or take the old bird with the younge ones Deut. 22. nor to moosel the mouth of the oxe that treadeth out the corne Haue mercie then on me though by sinne more a beast then they 6. If I were the onelie sinner ô Lord thou shouldst haue lesse reason to pardō mee but seeing all haue sinned and transgressed Psal 13 seeing that all haue declined and that there is not that doth good noe not one if thou shouldst exercise iustice onelie on sinners thou shoulest finde none on whom thou couldst exercise thy mercie If thou shouldst punish all sinners thou shouldst haue none to pardon and so thy most gratefull attribute mercie should neuer showe it selfe And yet none of thy diuine attributes is so gratefull as thy clemencie none doe make thee so popular as thy mercie neither hath thy diuine nature any thing greater then that thou canst remitte sinnes nor more pleasing to men Angelles then that thou wilt If no sinner ô mercifull Lord had euer obtained mercie and pardon at thy handes then might it seeme arrogancie in me to demaund mercie but if many and verie grieuous sinners haue found mercie at thy hands then doe thou vouch safe to pardon me whom by pardoning others thou hast caused to hope for pardō and be not displeased if the burden of my dolefull sonnet be still the same Miserere mei Deus haue mercie on me ô God ô most mercifull God And thou ô Christian soule who hast sinned with Dauid cry peccaui I haue sinned with him cry miserere mei Deus haue mercie on me o God 7. Rue the day and hower yea the many dayes and howers in which thou hast offended God and acknowledge therein thy to too greate ingratitude because in offending him thou hast offended thy creatour by whom thou hast thy naturall being by whom thou liuest and breathest thou hast offēded thy Redeemer who to rāsome thee from death the deuill and sinne became man for thee and suffred the most shamefull and most painfull death of the crosse to giue to thee here in this life a spirituall life and being by grace and in the next life an eternall life and being by glorie Saye vnto him I ought my selfe wholie vnto thee for my creation and I ought my selfe again wholie vnto thee for my redemption and so I but one am twise thine and twyse due vnto thee And if I owe my selfe and consequentlie my all for my creation what shall I giue thee for my redemption What shall I render to our Lord Psal 115. for all thinges that he hath rendred to mee I ame lesse ô Lord then ether of these benefits of creation and redemption yea then the least of thy graces and fauours How vngratefull then was I to offend thee and thereby as much as lay in mee to take from thee who can neuer giue thee sufficient to iniure thee disgrace dishonour thee who can neuer render thee sufficiēt for the least of thy benefitts though I giue all I ame and haue yea though I could giue ten thousand tymes more then I am and haue But seeing I owe more then I am and haue and yet haue also beē so vngratefull as to offēd thee what wilt thou expect of me Thou knowest ô Lord that of an ill vnable debter thou canst expecte nothing but an acknowledgement of the debte an humble demaund of pardon for the offēce and remission of the debte as I doe in Dauids dolefull crye Which I repeate after him Miserere mei Deus Haue mercie on me ô God 8. And ô my not onlie ingratitude but impudencie who being not so much as a vile worme compared vnto thee ô Lord durst offend thyne infinite Maiestie and was not ashamed to commit those my heinous offences not onlie before thee but also against thee which I wold haue shamed to commit before my seruaunt or in presence of the poorest begger as though I had thought there had been no God or that thou vvho madst the eye didst not see or that thou who art euery where hadst not been present I sayd then in effect as the fornicatour or adulterer did in Ecclesiasticus Ecclesiastici 23. Who seeth me darknes compasseth me and the walles couer me and no man beholdeth me whom doe I feare The Highest will not be mindfull of my sinnes O Good God where was then my vnderstanding that I could thinke that I could hide
diuine sight 8. But although this sacred bloud and passion of Christ be the generall cause of all remission of sinnes yet there are many other particular causes which in vertue of that doe also remitte sinnes as Baptisme and other Sacraments in the new Lawe and the water of contrition in all Lawes And this lauer of Christs bloud Dauid by faith forsawe and desired to be washed and bathed in it and to be cleansed frō the filth of sinne by it 9. We are defyled in generall by twoe sinnes to witt originall and Actuall or personall sinne and because originall sinne is contracted not by our owne personall acte or will but by the will of our first parent Adam Rom. 5. in whome as S. Paule saith All haue sinned therefore to wash out the fylth of this sinne no personall acte of ours is required as children are not capable of any such acte but in the Lawe of nature the faith of the parents manifested by some externall signe was sufficient in the Lawe of Moyses circumcision and in the new Lawe Baptisme doth suffice But because our actuall sinnes are committed by our owne proper Willes a lauer and Baptisme of contrition called by the Diuines Baptismus flaminis baptisme of the Spirit was euer in all Lawes necessarie And for this water Dauid cryed when he sayd Wash me more amply from myne iniquitie 10. And almightie God out of compassion of the thirst Dauid suffered in this kind stroke the rocke of his stony hart hardened by sinne and made the waters of contrition to gush forth in that aboundance and with that impetuositie that he saith in an other place Psal 118. myne eyes haue gushed forth issues of waters and he will not weepe once onelie for his sinnes he will weepe day night and this lauer of teares where in he desireth to wash his soule shall not be a torrent which runneth impetuously but for a tyme it shall be an euer running fountaine Psal 6. for saith he I will euery night wash my bed I will water my couche with teares See Genebrard on this Psalme And the Hebrew text by an hyperboly explicateth yet more the aboundance of his teares for whereas our vulgar Latin text hath Lauabo per singulas noctes lectū meū I will euery night wash my bed The Hebrew hath natare faciam I vvill make my bed swimme with the floudes of my teares S. Marie Magdalen though beautifull in body by sinne vvas become so lothsome a creature in soule and in the sight of God that she durst not looke Christ in the face but Standing behind besides his feete Luc. 7. began to vvater his feete vvith teares yet being bathed in this water she became as white as driuen snowe S. Peter what a sinne did he wash away by this lauer He had denied his master Christ Iesus three tymes and not at the threatning of a Tyrant but at the voice of a wooman and she a wench an hand-maid and he had also abiured him Mat. 26 Mar. 14 Luc. 2. with oathes curses most vnworthely and vngratfully considering his masters loue vnto him and yet goeing forth and weeping bitterly this great sinne vvas vvashed so cleane avvay as if it had neuer been 11. Say then ô sinfull Wighte vnto thy mercifull God If Dauid Manasses Marie Magdalene other great sinners haue been vvashed cleane frō their sinnes why should I dispare to be vvashed from the filth of my sinnes I Confesse that I am a great sinner and cōsequently defiled and polluted from top to toe but I desire thee ô Lord to vvash me in the vvater of contrition vvhich hath vertue from thy bloud for then I make no doubt to be cleansed I cry ô Lord vvith Hieremie the Prophete Who vvill giue vvater to my heade Hier. 9 and to myne eyes a fountaine of this vvater that I may vveepe day and night For lesse vvill not serue to vvash my defiled soule 1. Par. 11. I cry vvith Dauid ô that some man Christ Iesus God and man vvould giue me vvater of this cisterne of Bethleem Gen. 6. This vvater of contrition is an other Noes floud vvhich drowneth sinnes and saueth soules to vvhich vvater if the sinners of the world at that tyme had had recourse they had neuer beene drowned in the deluge It is an other redde sea Exod. 14. redde vvith the bloud of Christ from vvhich it hath its vertue which drowneth the Egyptiās the deuill all his hellish troupes of sinnes but saues soules and the true Israëlites by vvhich out of Egipte that is out of the state of sinne vve passe to the land of promise heauen the home of our soule and the land of the liuing and blessed This vvater is distilled in the limbecke of our hart by the Holy Ghost the fyer of charitie vvhich maketh it to ascende to the eyes and thence to Heauen because it is Ioan. 4. Aqua saliens in vitam aeternam vvater vvhich stringeth to life euerlasting 12. O Lord I demaund not vvith thy blessed virgin-mother for wine for the Bride I cry onelie for this vvater that vvasheth away the fylthe of sinne cooleth the heate of concupiscence mollifieth our stony hartes and like an heauenly raine maketh fertille the soyle of our soule and causeth it to bring forth the florishing plantes and sweete herbes and flowers of all māner of vertues which setteth a new glosse on our soule and maketh the Image of God therein engrauen to appeare most amiable to God and his Angels and Saintes asswageth God his ire indignation and extinguisheth the fyre of hell Giue me this vvater ô Lord and I shall esteeme it aboue the most precious vvines It shall be meate and drinke vnto me and I shall say vvith our Royall Prophet Fuerunt mibi lacrymae mea panes die ac nocte Psal 41. my teares haue been breads vnto me day and night the gratefull refection of my soule 13. And giue me ô sweete God a vvaterie ground aboue and a vvaterie beneath Iudie 1 as Axa asked of Caleb Water I beseech thee vvith this water of contrition not onelie the eyes of my bodie but also the eyes of my foule and not onelie the inferiour parte of my soule but also the superiour If the eyes of my soule superiour part be vvatered vvith this heauenlie vvater it is sufficiēt although the eyes of my body should be drye but I desier thee to vvater both that not onelie my hart and eyes of my soule may weepe but that also the eyes of my bodie may gush forth vvith teares for that one helpeth the other many tymes the sorrovv of the superiour part redounds to the inferiour and vvhen the hart sorroweth the eyes shed forth teares I desier not teares for temporall losses I defier to behold them vvith drye eyes and if I should vveepe neuer so much for such losses vveeping would not helpe me giue me grace to weepe
and wouldst take away the stony heart out of their flesh and giue them a fleshy heart This promise I challenge ô Lord and this heart I desire myne old heart hetherto was by sinne fowle and vncleane giue me a cleane heart It was by sinne become as hard as a stone not apte to receaue thy good inspirations nor plyable to any good giue me for hereafter a fleshie heart a softe heart mollified by thy bloud and by the waters of contrition an heart as softe as waxe easie to be formed and figured by thy Diuine hand and to be framed to what thou wilt apt to receaue thy Diuine inspirations apt to melte in thy loue apt to be mooued passionatlie for myne owne sinnes and compassionatlie for the sinnes miseries of others Giue me a new heart a cleane heart cleane washed from the abominable filth of sinne by the water of grace which floweth from thy holie passio through the channelles of the Sacramentes 5. Demaund thou also with Dauid ô penitent sinner a cleane a new heart Say vnto thy God Thou commandest me ô mercifull God by the vvise Salomon Prou. 4 with all garde to keepe my heart because life proceedeth from it but because I haue not well looked to it nor haue set a watch or garde ouer it by continuall vigilancie I desire thee to take it to thy care Psalm 126. for vnlesse thou keepest this Citie he watcheth in vaine that keepeth it not to permit any vncleane thing to enter into it It hath hetherto lodged the world the flesh and the Deuil by inordinate affection expelle them I beseech thee out of it It is or ought to be thy mansion place thy cabinet thy Temple let none else enter into it Giue me grace to adorne this Temple with chast and holie cogitations that thou onelie in it maist be loued thou onelie worshiped thy prayses onelie may be daylie sung in it to thee onelie the sacrifice of a contrite harte of prayse and thankesgiuing may be offered And seeing my old vncleane heart is not fit for this create in me a cleane and a new heart 6. Thou commandest me to giue my heart vnto thee and thou beggest it of me in those enchanting wordes Praebe fil●mi Prou. 23. cortuum mihi my sonne giue me thy heart And if thou please to create it new for else it is not worth the giuing nor vvorthie the acceptance I giue it thee frankelie and freelie and in so doeing I shall but giue thee that vvhich is thyne ovvne by creatiō redemption for to redeeme this heart thou dyedst sanctification I doe not onelie lend it thee for a tyme as I did heretefore when I liued well for a tyme but after by sinne vvrested this my heart out of thy possession and gaue the Deuill the keyes of this Citie but I giue it thee for euer neuer intending by thy grace to take it from thee againe 7. O Eternall Father thou gauest vnto me by Incarnation thy litle one Isaie 9. so stiled by the Prophet Esaie litle in his temporall birth and as litle as a sucking babe but greate in his eternall natiuitie litle in his humane nature greate and immense in his Diuinitie vveake as a child in his litle bodie but omnipotent and of infinite povver in his Diuinitie contained and restrained in a narrovv crib in respecte of his bodie but filling Heauen and earth containing all thinges contained of nothing in regard of his Diuine nature I giue also vnto thee my litle one my heart one of the least members of my bodie in quantitie greatest in vigour force and vertue as vvhich is the fountaine of life imparting motion life ad vitall spirites to the rest of the membres Thou gauest vnto me by Incarnation thy sonne the middle personne in Trinitie I giue vnto thee my heart vvhich is my middle because it is placed in the middest of my bodie that it may the better imparte heate life to all the other partes thereof Thou gauest vnto me by Incarnation thy first and onelie begotten sonne I giue vnto thee my first borne that is my heart which is the first liuing and last dying in me And this I hope vvill be pleasing vnto thee thou like the Eagle desiring to feed on the heart by a complacence vvhich thou takest in it and thou esteeming the heart if it be cleane and Sanctified aboue all the mansion places in earth and desiring rather to dvvell in it by charitie 1. Ioan. 4. for God is charitie he that abydeth in charitie abydeth in God and God in him then in the richest Pallace on earth yea then in Salomons Temple 8. And hauing giuen this my heart vnto thee henceforth it shall not be myne but thine thou shalt possesse it thou shalt gouerne it thou onelie shalt rule it I vvill not meddle with the gouernemēt of it but vnder thee according to thy commaundements counsell and direction And although this heart heretofore hath beene the rendeuous and Receptacle of the Deuill the world flesh thy svvorn enemies yet if thou please by thy grace to cleanse it and adorne it they shall be sent packing thou onelie shalt be entertained and it shall be at thy disposition readie to beleeue in thee to hope in thee and to loue thee aboue all thinges and to doe thy will and pleasure in all thinges For all this my old harte was altogether vnapt create then in me a new heart by the nevvnes of grace 9. To this nevv heart sayth Dauid giue for hereafter a new spirit renew a right spirit in my bowelles After the earth and vvorld vvas drovvned and ouerflovved vvith that Deluge and generall inundation of Noes fludde Gen. 2. thou broughtst a Spirit or winde vpon the earth to drye it Giue to the litle vvorld and land of my soule and heart a spirit of grace vvhich may dry it from all concupiscence and from the Deluge of sinne for that Osea 4. 5. this is a right Spirit Ridde me of the vvrong spirit of fornication and of all carnall delightes free me from the vncleane spirit of lust from the spirit of lying and dissembling from the Spirit of pride and enuie for that these are not right spirites and renevv in me the right spirit of charitie chastitie humilitie pouertie renevv in me and create a nevv those seuen graces and spirites of the Holie Ghost the spirit of wisedome and vnderstanding the spirit of counsell and strengh Isa 11. the spirit of knovvledge and pietie the spirit of the feare of our Lord of vvhich euerie one is a right Spirit is thy good spirit Psalm 142. which will conduct me into the right vvay to saluation The former spirit wherewith I was lead heretofore was not a right spirit because it ledde me out of the way it was a crooked spirit because though my bodie be made to looke vp to heauen yet the euill spirit vvhich before ruled
in the right way let me not range out of it any more novv that by the same grace I am vvashed from my sinnes let me not defile my selfe againe now that I am by this grace cured of my disease of sinne let me not fall into it againe novv that my mortall woūdes are healed by this grace let me not renew them For vvhat vvould it auaile to be risen vp if I fall againe the after fall vvould make my rising more difficult What to haue vvalked in the vvayes of thy commaundementes if I loose this vvay againe I shall the more hardlie finde it What to haue been vvashed cleane in the lauer of penance and by thy grace if like a swine I vvallovv my selfe againe in the puddle of sinne the stayne vvill more hardlie be gotten out better it is for me to say vvith the Spouse Cant. 5 I haue washed my feete hovv shall I defile them What vvill it auaile to haue beene cured of the ague of sinne if I admitte an other accesse of it Recidiuation is more dangerous then the former sicknes What to haue been healed of so many mortall vvoundes as mortall sinnes if I renevv them againe the renevving makes them harder to be cured then before Wherefore turne not thy face frō me by vvithdrawing thy grace for then I shall fall againe into all those miseries to haue vvell begun is a small thing how many good beginners are novv in Hell perseuerance is that vvhich maketh vs goe on to the end and the end crowneth the vvorke And therefore ô Lord take not thy holy spirit from me Take not from me the create spirit of grace by vertue of vvhich I may perseuer to the end yea ô Eternall Father ô Eternall Sonne giue me your increate spirit the holy Ghost vvho proceedeth from you both and vvho is equall coequall and consubstantiall to you both and who is your mutuall loue and eternall knotte of freindship take not frō me this your increate Spirit So long as this Spirit supporteth me I can not fall Heauen vvill sooner fall then I so supported can fall 4. And thou ô penitent Christian desire almightie God to turne his face from thy sinne but not from thee it being thy onelie comfort in this life to haue its benigne aspect and the light of grace which proceedeth from it and vvhich illuminateth thy vvay vvhich thou art to vvalke Desire him also not to take avvay his holy Spirit from thee vvithout vvhich liuing thou art dead liuing in bodie dead in soule vvhich if thou fall will raise thee if thou stand vvill so direct thy steppes as thou shalt neuer fall againe Ioan. 1. This Spirit houered ouer the waters in the first creation gaue them fecunditie to bring forth fish and fowle The same spirit houered ouer the waters of Baptisme when thou vvast regenerated of water and the holy Ghost Ioan. 3. and gaue it force to this day to bring forth Spirituall fishes to vvitt Christ●ans who are spawnes and young fishes of the great fish CHRIST IESVS Tertul. lib. de Baptismo Aug li de Ciuit ca. 18. stiled by the Sybille in the first letters of her Greeke verses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth a fish because in the riuer of Iordan vvhere he was Baptized by S. Iohn Baptist he like a fish did as it vvere swimme and thereby gaue vertue to the water of baptisme to regenerat Christiās whereas Christiās haue their origin frō the water as fishes haue This Spirit againe houered ouer the vvaters of contritiō the Sacramēt also of penāce whē it inspired into me the Spirit of cōpunction and contrition by which from my sinnes committed after Baptisme I vvas againe vvashed and rose againe from sinne to iustifying grace Let it giue me also ô most mercifull Lord the grace and guift of perseuerance vvhich is all in all and without vvhich all is nothing Do not take this Holie Spirit from me and I shall perseuer to the end against all tentations maugre all the Deuills in Hell 5. S. Peter before he vvas fortified by this Spirit vvas so frayle fearfull and cowardlie that he denied his Master at the voice of a Maide-seruaunt a woeman dashed him out of countenance but after he vvas armed fortified by this Holy Spirit he feared not the Tyrants of the vvorld nor all the tormentes that cruell heartes could deuise but like a rocke vvithstood the boisterous windes of their persecutions vvhich did but breake wast themselues mooued not him And he the rest of the Apostles vvho fled vvhen their Master vvas taken and vvho euē after his death and resurrection assembled themselues together and shutte the doores Propter metum Iudaeorum for feare of the Ievves Ioan. 20. after they had receaued this Holy Spirit they feared not the Tyrants of earth nor all the Deuills in Hell Yea they but twelue set vpon all the vvorld and not iointly neither but singlie and made a conquest of a greater world then euer Alexander the Great did subdued not onelie their bodies as he did but their vvilles and vnderstanding subiected the Empire to the Churche the Scepter to the crosse made philosophie stoupe to Christes doctrine Matth. 10. and Idolatrie to Christian religion And whereas they were sent as sheepe amongest vvolues yet these sheepe strengthened by this Holy Spirit were to hard for the wolues and as fire cōuerteth all into it so they inflamed vvith this Heauēlie fire consumed sinne and Idolatrie and like so many walking fiers set all the world on fire conuerted all to Christ and made all like themselues that is Christians 6. I ô Lord request at thy bountifull handes with Dauid a guift of this Holy Spirit Act. 20 and this Heauenlie fire which descended on the first Christians in the forme of fierie tongues corroborate and encourage me by this Holy Spirit inflame me with this heauenlie fire and harden me with it that no assaults of the Deuill world or flesh may be able to ouerthrowe me that for feare of persecution I may not deny thee but as now as I hope I am risen by thy Holy Spirit and grace of iustification so by thy guifte and grace of perseuerance the proper effect of it I may neuer fall againe by mortall sinne from thy grace fauour face and eternall vision the blisse of the blessed which is onelie graunted to them who perseuer to the end Redde mihi letitiam salutaris tui Et spiritu principali confirma me Render vnto me the ioy of thy Saluation and confirme me with thy principall Spirit 1. I Remember ô Lord saith Dauid say the same ô penitent soule with him what ioye peace of conscience and comfort I enioyed in thee and in thy seruice before my sinne and when I was enriched with thy grace the fountaine of true peace and ioye Then I tasted and sawe how sweet thou art then I experienced Psal 33 how great is the multitude of thy
inflamed with charitie so he inflameth that he with an hot cole taken from the Altar may touch my mouth Isa c. 6 and purge my lippes from all filth of sinne See S. Thom. Lyra. Hector Pintus and Sāctius on the sixt chap. of Isai● that is that he vvith the burning cole of charitie taken from the Altar of the crosse or CHRIST his passion endured on the crosse for that is the source of all grace and charitie may purge my hart and lippes as gold in the fornace from all drosse of sinne that my hart may thinke nothing my mouth and lippes may speake nothing which is not pure chast and holie For then my mouth vvill be apt to shew forth thy praise Or else send ô Lord one of thy Priestes who by office is a Seraphin instituted and ordained to illuminate and inflame the heartes of the people by preaching and administration of the Sacramentes And let him either by the burning cole of thy word for thy word is fired exceedinglie or by that sacred burning cole of CHRISTS holie bodie in the Eucharist burning continuallie vvith the Diuinitie Ps 118. yet not consumed taken from the holie Altar vvhere it is offered daylie in the Church of God may inflame my heart purge first it and then my lippes vvhich are the interpreters of the heart from all filth of sinne Or else ô my svveet God send vnto me one of thy Seraphins one of thy Priests vvho ministeriallie by meanes of the Sacramēts vvhich he ministreth giueth the Holie Ghost that he by the hot cole of this holie Spirit proceeding as ardent loue from God the father and God the sonne coequall and consubstantiall vnto them vvho in the day of Pentecoste descending fom heauen in the forme of fierie tongues inflamed purged th' Apostles and first Christians may inflame purge my heart lippes from all filth of sinne and so may make me fitt to shew forth thy praise for vntill I be purged from sinne Ps 49. I am a sinner to the sinner thou sayst why doest thou declare my iustices and takst my Testament by thy mouth And Ecclesiasticus telleth me Eccleisastici 15. that praise is not comelie in the mouth of a sinner 3. But open my mouth ô Lord stopped by sinne and purge my lippes polluted by sinne and then not onelie my mouth shall be the trumpet to sound forth thy prayses vvhich thou ô penitent sinner must say after him but my soule shall say to her selfe Ps 102. My soule blesse thou our Lord and all the thinges that are within me my vnderstanding my vvill my memorie my heart and all that is in me shall blesse and prayse God yea my body and all the senses and partes of it as myne eyes myne eares the rest of my senses my heade my hādes my feete in imploying thēselues in thy seruice shall be so many trumpets to sound forth thy praise 4. And not onelie vvith bodie and soule I vvill praise thee but I vvill coniure all people and natiōs to ioyne vvith me in thy praise for I vvill crye vnto them Ps 1●6 Praise our Lord all the Gentiles praise him all the peoples yea I vvill coniure all thy creatures asvvell reasonable as vnreasonable sensible as vnsensible to praise thee and confesse thee to be their Creatour and to say as they doe say euerie day to those that haue intelligence He made vs Psa 99. and not we our selues I vvil vvith Sidrach Dan. 3. Misach Abdenago call vpon all creatures to praise thee I will sing daylie their Canticle and Benedicite All workes of our Lord blesse our Lord ye Angels of our Lord praise and superexalt him for euer ye Heauens blesse our Lord praise and superexalt him for euer All waters that are aboue the heauens blesse ye our Lord praise and superexalt him for euer Sunne and Moone blesse ye our Lord praise and superexalt him for euer In the like manner I vvill inuite the starres planets the showers and dewes the vvindes and tempests fire heate frost and cold yce and snovv and the rest vvhich are inuited to the praise of God in this Canticle for that all those creatures though many of them be deuoide of reason many also of sense doe praise God in exciting men by consideration and contemplation of these admirable vvorkes of God to the praise of him 5. For as vvhen vve see a picture vvell dravvne or a statue cunninglie carued we by and by commend not onelie the picture statue but also and especiallie the painter and Caruer so vvhen vve looke vpon the Heauens and those euer shining lights vvhich may be ouershadovved but neuer are put out and the goodlie order and disposition of the Heauens elemētes and creatures in thē vve praise not onelie them but much more the Creatour And in this fence the Heauēs though they haue neither reason nor sence are sayd to shew forth the glorie of God Ps 18. vvherefore hence forth with thy grace ô Lord all my actions shall be directed to thy honour glorie euerie morning so soone as I rise or awake both they and all I am haue shall be offered designed for thy honour and so by vvord and worke I will euer shew forth thy praise and I vvill neuer cease frō singing praises vnto thee till I come to sing Sanctus Sanctus Sanctus Holie Holie Holie vvith the quire of thy Heauenlie musicians thy Saintes and Angels Quoniam si voluisses sacrificium dedissem vtique Holocaustis non delectaberis Because if thou wouldest haue had sacrifice I had verilie giuen it with holocaustes thou wilt not be pleased 1. I Promised thee ô Lord saith Dauid that my mouth should shew forth thy praise Ps 4● because I take the sacrifice of praise to be more pleasing vnto thee otherwise if thou wouldst haue had sacrifice to vvit the materiall corporall sacrifice of brute beastes I would verilie haue giuen it And thou knovvest ô Lord that in such sacrifices I haue not beene vvanting but I know they are not pleasing to thee nay vvith Holocaustes vvhich were the best kind of externall sacrifices as being wholie burnt and consumed to thy honour thou art not delighted as they are taken in themselues vvithout the internall sacrifice of the minde Salomon in the dedication of the Temple 3. Reg. 2. offered of oxen tvvo tvventie thousand of sheepe an hundred tvventie thousand and yet all these sacrifices taken nakedlie in thēselues without the inward sacrifices of the minde were not pleasing to God Mich. 6. For as Micheas sayth Nunquid placaripotest Dominus in millibus arietum can our Lord be pacified with thousāds of Rammes Or as thou ô Lord thy selfe sayst will I eate the flesh of oxē Ps 49. ibid. or will I drinke the blood of buckgoats Immolate to God the sacrifice of praise and pay thy vovve to the highest 2. And vvhat
any thing from thy all seeing eyes That I could Imagin or could behaue my selfe as though Thy eyes were not brighter then the sunne Ecclesiastici 23. beholding round about all the vvayes of men and the bottome of the depth the hartes of men Or if I did know or thinke that thou didst see the sinnes which I committed in the darke or in the secret closet of my harte how impudent and shameles vvas I Who feared not to doe that before thy diuine eyes and in thy diuine presence vvhich I should haue shamed and blushed to doe in the presēce of the poorest begger howe couldst thou ô God endure this impudencie of so vile a sinner O yee blessed Angelles who carrie the sword of God his iustice how could you hold your hands seeing your Lord Prince so contemned by so vile malapert and saucie a varlet But vvhat shall I doe ô Lord If my sinnes past could so be recalled as not to haue been I vvould reuoke and recall all my offences But seeing I can no more recall my former euill actions then the daye or hower paste I can onelie vvish that I had neuer sinned and be hartily sorrie that I haue sinned and that I doe and so doing I can not but hope that thou vvilt forgiue and forget my sinnes for so thou hast promised by thy Prophet Ezechiel I take thee at thy word And this is thy promise Ezech. 18. But if the impious shall doe penaunce from all his sinnes which he hath wrought c. liuing he shall liue and shal not dye All his iniquities vvhich he hath vvrought I vvill not remember them In this thy promise I will hope because I know thou art veritie it selfe and so canst not deceiue or be deceiued thou art goodnes it selfe so vvilt not deceiue On this promise I will relye because I know thou art able and willing to forgiue their sinnes who are penitēt for them If thou wert able onlie but not vvilling I could not easilie hope nor could I if thou wert willing onelie and not able but seeing that thou art both able and vvilling I vvill hope for pardō for my sinnes and I vvill neuer let my hold goe of this hope it being grounded in thy promise but as Iob sayd Iob 13. Although thou shalt kill me I will trust in thee and animated and encouraged by this hope though I be a greeuous sinner and a great offendour I dare craue mercie vvith Dauid and crye Miserere mei Deus Haue mercie on me ô God 9. I intend ô Lord to leaue the state of sinne and to amend my life for hereafter and seeing that thy mercie is the source beginning of all thy workes I desire that by thy mercie this vvorke of myne amendement may be begunne Mercie vvas the beginning of creation for vvhen vve vvere nothing we could not deserue any thing and so it was thy mercie of nothing to make vs something and thy great mercie to make vs the greatest and noblest thing after the Angels Mercie is the beginning of the greate grace of predestination vvhich distinguisheth the elect from the reprobate as appeareth by those thy vvords to Moyses alleadged by thy Apostle Exod. 33. Rom. 9. See S. Aug. ep 105. ad Sixtum I will haue mercie on vvhom I vvill haue mercie and I vvill shevve mercie to vvhom I vvill shevv mercie Whence S. Paule inferreth That it is not of the vviller nor the runner but of God that sheweth mercie And a litle after therefore on vvhom he vvill he hath mercie and vvhom he vvill he doth indurate to vvitt permissiuelie And so it is not to be imputed to any merit of ours that vve are predestinated but to the onelie mercie of God Though to the reprobate also he giueth grace sufficiēt to be saued Mercie vvas the beginning of the Incarnation vvhich is the ground of all mans grace merit and glorie because it vvas decreed and effected by God S. Th. 3. p. q. 1. ● 3. not for mās merit but out of God his mercie and compassiō he tooke on mans miserie into vvhich by Adams sinne he vvas fallen and it being the beginning of all grace and merit could not be preuented by the merit of man but onelie by the mercie of God Mercie is the beginning of our redemption for although to Christ his passion and its value and merit our redemption vvas due by right of iustice yet that he did suffer for vs and suffring redeemed vs it was his mercie not our merit Mercie is the beginning of our Iustification and remission of sinnes because vve are iustified gratis Rom. 3. by his grace and grace is giuen gratis for no merit of ours but onelie for God his mercie for as S. Paule sayth Rom. 11. If by grace not for vvorkes or merits othervvise grace vvere not grace Mercie also is the beginning of our glorification for although glory be giuē for our merits and so in that respect be a reward Vide Aug. ep 105. ad Sixtum Rom. 6. yet our merits would not be merits if they proceeded not from grace which is giuē gratis therefore S. Paule sayth The grace of God life euerlasting And so I vvith Dauid desiring iustificatiō frō my sinnes and after it glorie and life euerlasting doe humblie craue thy mercie the ground of both saying vvith Dauid Miserere mei Deus Haue mercie on me ô God Secundum magnam misericordiam tuam According to thy greate mercie 1. IT is not so proper to the sunne ô Lord to illuminate and giue light nor to the fier to vvarme and giue heate as it is to thee to haue mercie because it is but an accidentall proprietie to the sunne to illuminate as it is also for the fire to heate but thou ô Lord art essentiallie mercifull and mercie it selfe therefore if thou wilt shew thy selfe to be thyselfe haue mercie on my sinfull soule and because thy mercie is infinite Haue mercie on me according to this thy greate mercie Litle miseries as sicknesses and diseases of the body require but litle mercie and may often tymes be healed cured by Physitians but sinne if it be mortall is a greate miserie as vvhich depriueth the soule of her life of grace makes her odious and deformed in the sight of God makes her an enemie to God and his Saintes and a freind onelie to the deuill depriueth her of life euerlasting and of the cleare vision and fruition of God if she repent not in tyme tumbleth her headlong into hel and into that inextinguible fier for euer where the damned shall euer burn neuer be consumed where they shall be dying and neuer dead where tormēts shall be without ease miseries without end and therefore requireth a greate and an infinite mercie and can not be pardoned but by God or by special power and authoritie from him which he onelie graunted to his Apostles their lawfull successours Mar.
of the world who hath nūbred so may I say my sinnes of mouth harte deed my many sinnes of my fiue senses of the bodie of the faculties powers of my soule vvhich I committed euery day and night euerie hovver and moment in this place in that place and in all places who can recken they are so many that I my selfe can not number them thou onelie ô Lord hast thē all in thy coūt-booke which one day will be produced against me if in the meane time by my sorrow with thy grace they be not cācelled And whilest I thus multiplied my sinnes vvhat patience vvhat mercie ô Lord didst thou shevv vnto me when I prouoked on my part more and more by often sinning thy wrath and indignation thou extendedst thy patience and mercie for when thou mighst haue iustly takē me in my sinnes for thē by sudden death mighst haue sent me presently to hell there to receaue my iust punishment as thou hast dealt with many no greater yea lesser sinners then I yet thou graūtedst me lesure and grace to repent and whilest I contemned thy goodnes patiēce and longanimitie thy benignitie expected me to penance wherfore resoluing by thy grace to multiplie my sinnes no more yea neuer to adde any one mortall sinne to my former I desire thee to pardon my former sinnes and because they are very many to haue mercie on me According to the multitude of thy commiserations and mercies 2. And thou ô Christian who hast multiplied sinnes vpon sinnes vvith Dauid peraduenture more then he desire God vvith him to haue mercie on thee according to the multitude of his mercies 2. Reg. 12. Say vvith him Thou forgauest penitent Dauid penitent Ezechias and penitent Manasses thou pardone●st S. Peter S. Paul S. Matthew S. Marie Magdalene and thousands other great sinners pardon me also ô sweete Lord accordinge to these thy so many mercies Psal 88 commiseratiōs Where are thyne old mercies ô Lord which thou shewedst heretofore to sinners Psal 21 In thee our forefathers though sinners as we haue hoped they haue hoped thou didst deliuer thē They ried to thee were saued they hoped were not cōfounded I cry ô Lord with them heare me as thou didst them I hope with them for mercie let me finde mercie at thy hands as they did and let not me be confounded Are all thy mercies spent are none left for me May I say vnto thee as Esau sayd to his Father Isaac Genes 27. Hast thou not reserued me also a blessing a mercie Hast thou one onelie blessing Father Hast thou no moe blessings nor mercies left for me no I can not say so Thou art ô Lord infinitelie more rich in mercies then Isaac vvas in blessings Thou hast bestowed thousands millions of mercies on sinners and yet thou hast infinite mercies reserued for other sinners that cry vnto thee for mercie Thy mercies are infinite and an infinite number can not be exhausted thy mercies are aboue the sandes of the sea Thy mercie is a sea which can not want the cooling waters of mercies sooner may the sea be dryed vp then the Ocean of thy mercies drawn drye Wherefore I cry with Dauid Haue mercie on me ô God according to thy great mercie because my sinnes are great and according to the multitude of thy commiserations and mercies because my sinnes are many as he cryed peccaui for his sinnes so vvill I send forth from hart and tongue many a peccaui and day and night and howerlie and whensoeuer my sinnes occurre to my memorie I vvill cry peccaui 3. And because I can not safely enough rely in my opinion on my peccauies not knowing whether they proceede from a truly cōtrite heart or no I vvill haue recourse to thy infinite mercies ô Sonne of God which are merites in respect of thee as which deserued of thy Father our redemption but in respect of me vvho deserued them not they are mercies And I shall offer vnto thee all the steppes thou vvalkedst on earth for me all the howers thou liuedst for me all the wordes thou spakest all the praiers and exhortations thou madst all thy Theandricke or humane-diuine workes and operations all thy miracles all the drops of sweate thou swetst for me in the garden all those lashes thou enduredst for me at the Piller all the prickes thou feltst in thy coronatiō with thornes all the pearsinges of the nayles all the panges on the crosse all that shower of bloud which rained frō the heauenly cloude of thy sacred humanitie yea all the drops of that shower of which euery one vvas a mercie to me of which euery one was such a merit in respect of thee that the least vvould haue been sufficiēt to redeeme a thousād worlds And according to this multitude of thy commiserations and mercies take away myne iniquitie And take our all the staynes and blottes which sinne hath left in my soule and crosse and cancell by thy death and passiō out of thy booke of accountes all the Items and debtes I owe take away my sinnes from my soule from thy eyes from thy memorie that they may not onelie be forgiuen but also forgotten and so buried in perpetuall obliuion 4. For although thou canst not forget any sinnes cōmitted against thee no not S. Marie Magdalens sinnes which were vvashed avvay with many teares of eyes and harte yet when sinnes by true repentāce and hartie sorrowe are remitted quite effaced and taken away thou doest no more impute them nor doest thou punish them at least with eternall payne as if thou hadst forgotten them therefore thou hast promised and this promise is my comfort that vvhensoeuer a sinner shall repent himselfe of his sinnes Thou wilt not remember them Ezech. 18. that is so as to punish them or to be offended vvith the sinner for them because by contrition and the grace thereof they are taken away as if they neuer had beene Amplius laua me ab iniquitate mea à peccato meo munda me Wash me more amplie from myne iniquitie and cleanse me from my sinne 1. A Fowle cloth and especiallie if it be also stained requireth much washing and no lesse rubbing and a soule that hath much sinned requireth much washinge by the teares of contrition and much rubbing by the austere workes of pennance King Dauid hauing cried peccaui Domino 2. Reg. 1● I haue sinned to our Lord for his great and manifold sinnes deserued to heare from Nathan the Prophets mouth Dominus quoque transtulit peccatum tuū our Lord also hath taken away thy sinne and so by that peccaui spoken vvith sorrow of heart the malice of his mortall sinnes was washed away yet he not attending so much to Nathans reuelation as to the greatnes of his sinne cōmitted desireth to be more amplie washed to vvitt not onelie from the malice of his mortall sinnes of vvhich he vvill not be secure and of vvhich
one can not by grace and contrition be remitted vvithout the rest grace being equallie opposite to all but also from his veniall sinnes and the temporall payne due to mortall sinne remitted For although the eternall payne due to mortall sinne be alwaies remitted with the sinne yet not the tēporall payne vnlesse the contrition be extraordinarie as it vvas in S. Marie Magdalene And therefore after that Nathan had tould Dauid 2 Reg. 12. that our Lord had taken away his sinne he tould him also that because by his sinne he had made the enemies of our Lord to blaspheme for this thiag the sonne that is born to thee dying shall die Yea Nathan tould Dauid that the sword should not depart from his house 2. Reg. 13. 2. Reg. 18. 3. Reg. 1 2. Par. As indeed three of his owne sonnes Ammon Absalon and Adonias were slaine as vvere also many others of Dauids race and familie Finally Dauid in desiering to be more amplie washed desired to be cleansed from all the reliques of sinne 2. But thou ô sinfull Christian because thou hast not that reuelation which Dauid had to witt that our Lord hath takē away thy sinne 2. Reg. 12. Desire him to vvash thee cleane euen from the malice of sinne yea and to wash thee more amply that is frō the payne and reliques of sinne Say vnto thy mercifull God ô Lord how often haue I wallowed in my filthie pleasures and in the fowle puddle of sinne by which I haue polluted body and soule yea the earth on which I haue vvalked and the ayre in which I haue breathed in so much that I haue defiled by sinne the Image of God engrauen in my soule and haue caused my soule to sauour so ill to thy diuine senses and to seeme so vglie to thy diuine eyes that thou hast turned thy face from me 3. And if it seeme strange to any that sinne should pollute the soule which is of a spirituall immortall incorruptible substance he must know that then a thing is polluted or defiled vvhen it is vnited or mixed with a baser thing then it selfe See S. Tho. 2.2 q 7. ar 2. in corp then graced or embellished vvhen it is mixed vvith a thinge more noble then it selfe And so siluer is defiled vvhen it falleth in the durt or into moltē leade but when a siluer ring falleth into molten gold it is guilded and graced And seeing that by sinne our soule auerteth it selfe from God and conuerteth and vniteth and as it were mingleth it selfe by inordinate affection with creatures as corporall and beastly pleasures of the body the trash and pelfe of the world baser then she and inferiour to her she is contaminated and defiled but when she conuerteth her selfe to God the creatour by charitie and loue then is she graced and adorned because then she is vnited to a more noble substance then her selfe And therefore as one can not touch pitch Eccl. 13 coales or other filthy thinges but he shall file his hands so a sinner can not touch creatures by inordinate affection but he shall be defiled in soule 4. S. Tho. 1.2 qu. 86. ar 1. 2. Hence it is that Diuines doe affirme that euery mortall sinne leaueth behind it maculam a spott or blott which blurreth staineth and defileth the soule and maketh her odious in the sight of God Wherefore God by Hieremie the Prophet telleth the Iewish Synagogue which had defiled her selfe by many sinnes and euen by Idolatrie Hier. 2. If thou shouldst wash thy selfe with nitre and multiply to thy selfe the hearbe borith thou art spotted in thine iniquitie before me And of our Blessed Ladie because she vvas free from all sinne at least actuall Cant. 4 the Spouse saith in the Canticles Thou art all fayre my loue and there is not a spott in thee Ephes 5 And S. Paule saith that Christ so loued the Church that he deliuered him selfe to death for it that he might sanctify it and cleanse it by the lauer of water in the word that he might present to him selfe à glorious Church not hauing spott or vvrinkle 5. And this spott and filth of sinne is the filthiest of all filthes for corporall filthes doe onelie pollute and defile bodies and cannot defile any spirituall substance And therefore if an Angell or a mans soule should paste through the most filthie puddle that is it would not be defiled and hence it is that in a lepours body the soule of man is not a vvhitt contaminated but sinne is so fowle and filthie that it defiled Lucifer the Angells that followed him in his rebelliō against God and it blurreth spotteth and polluteth our soules as I haue shewed And therefore God vvho hath created all thinges euen those which seeme to vs foule and vncleane and yet neuer defiled his handes and who is in all thinges by essence power and presence S. Tho. 1 pa q. 8. ar 3. and yet is no more contaminated by them then the sunne is when he shineth on the puddle or dunghill yet if he could create or be Authour of sinne he should be contaminated and therefore he can not be Authour of it because he can not be contaminated 6. From this filth Dauid cryeth to be washed cleansed But what water ô penitent Dauid wouldst thou haue to wash cleanse thee from this filth the filth of sinne is so abominable that neither the water of the Cistern of Bethleem which thou once so greedilie desiredst nor the Probatica Pond 1. Para. 11. Ioan. 5.4 Reg. 5. Luc. 4. which being stirred by an Angell cured the corporall lame and blind nor the riuer of Iordan in which Naaman was cleansed frō his leprosie can wash away this filth of sinne or take out the stayne thereof And therefore most wiselie ô Royall Prophet thou specifiest none of these vvaters but onelie demādest that vvater and lauer vvhich hath force to wash out the filth of sinne and leauest to God to fynd out the vvater at vvhich also by faith thou thy selfe aymedst 7. And vvhat is this lauer it is the bloud of the Lambe CHRIST IESVS vvhich he shedd for all sinners Apoc. 1 1. Ioan. 1. and in which he hath washed vs from our sinnes By vertue of this Bloud all the sinnes that were euer remitted from the fall of Adam haue been vvashed and our soules haue been cleansed frō them And therefore this lambe of God is sayd to haue been killed from the beginninge of the world Apoc. 13. Not onelie because he vvas in figure killed in Abel but also because all vvho haue had remission of their sinnes from the beginninge of the world haue had it by faith in Christ and by vertue of his sacred bloud which was shed for vs. O Lord sayth Dauid wash me and rinse me in this holy bathe and lauer of thy bloud that I may be cleansed from all fylth of sinne and appeare gratefull hereafter to thy
vipers to make me cry oftē to thee for mercie to make me lament my miserie to endeuour alwaies to pacifie thee for my offence and to satisfie thee by vvorkes of penance for the iniuries I haue done against thee Tibi soli peccaui malum coram te feci vt iustificeris in sermonibus tuis vincas cu● iudicaris To thee onelie haue I sinned and haue done euill before thee that thou maist be iustified in thy wordes and maist ouercome when thou art iudged 1. I am an absolute King and soueraigne Prince made so by thee ô Lord and by thy goodnes authoritie so I haue no iudge nor superiour on earthe vvhome I need to feare or vvho can call me to an account or punish or pardon me and so in this sence I haue sinned against thee onelie because none but thou can call me to an account none but thou can Iudge punish or pardon me and therefore to thee onelie I confesse my sinne and cry peccaui and of thee onelie I craue pardon 2. I confesse I haue offended against Vrias in causing him to be murdered and against him and his Wife in violating her yea and against Ioab also in cōmanding him to expose Vrias to daūger 2. Reg. 11. yet thee onelie I haue offended principallie because I haue transgressed thy lawe vvhich forbiddeth murder adulterie all sinne yet thee onelie I haue offēded principallie because that which most aggrauateth my sinne is thy diuine maiestie vvhich I haue not feared thy diuine goodnes which I haue not regarded thy infinite power vvhich I haue contemned though thou onelie couldst by thy omnipotencie annihilate me by thy Iustice punish me euen vvith hell fier and by thy goodnes and mercie pardon me And so although I haue sinned against men yet my sinne especially shewed its malice in that by it I haue offended thee so great and so good a God who hast created me and all men who hast redeemed me and all men and vvho hast made me in particular King of thy people and hast taken the crowne frō Saul his head to put it on myne hast depriued his familie of the scepter to bestowe it on myne 3. To thee onelie haue I sinned because Vrias knew not of the wrong I did him Bersabee vvas consenting and not offended my sinne vvas done secretelie in my secret chamber none but thou ô Lord didst knowe of it and so in this sense also I offended thee onelie But ô inconsiderat vvretch that I vvas vvho chose to cōmit this sinne because men saw me not vvheras I should haue feared to commit it because thou sawest me should haue more feared to commit it before thyne eyes then in the sight of all the vvorld But thou hast dealt Iustly vvith me because the sinne vvhich I thought to conceale from the vvorld thou hast diuulged to all the vvorld according as thou toldst me by the Prophete Nathan Thou hast done this secretlie 2 Reg. 12. but I will doe this word in the sight of Israël and in the sight of the sunne 4. And thou Christian vvho hast sinned with Dauid say also vvith him To thee onelie I haue sinned and do●● euill before thee That is to thee onelie I haue sinned principallie for although I haue sinned against men as against my superiours by disobedience and breach of their commandements against my neigbour by detracting from his good name stealing his goods or killing or wounding his bodie and against myne owne body also by carnall sinnes in vvhich as S. Paules saith wee sinne against our bodie 1. Cor. 6. yea and against myne owne soule also in killing it spirituallie by mortall sinne vvhich depriueth it of the life of grace because as the vviseman saith Sap. 1. the mouth that lyeth to vvitt perniciously and to the notable dommage of an other killeth the soule Yet in all these sinnes I sinned principallie against thee vvho forbadst these thinges and my sinne is much more aggrauated in that it is against thee and thy infinite maiestie then in that it is against men of vvhatsoeuer dignitie they be the circomstance of the person against vvhom vve sinne aggrauating the sinne Say also ô Christian soule vnto thy God To the onelie I haue sinned and done euill before thee Whē in my secret chamber or in the darke night I sinned and hid my sinnes from the sight of men but not frou thy all-seeing eyes To thee onelie I sinned when in the secrete cabinet of my hart by thought consent resolution or vvill to sinne I offended thy diuine Maiestie for voluntas reputatur pro facto the vvill before God is reputed for the deed To thee onelie I then sinned because thou onelie vvast conscious of these my sinnes vvhich I could cōceale from men but could not hide them from thy all-pearcing eyes 5. But seeing that ô Lord in all my sinnes euen those that I committed against men I haue principally offended against thy diuine Maiestie hovv shall I dare to appeare before thee and thy dreadfull Tribunall vvho as thou art the partie cheeflie of 〈◊〉 so thou art the Iudge and vvitnes and accuser of all Thou art the supreme Iudge euen of Kinges and Emperours because thou art the soueraigne Lord and King euen of Kinges How shall I auoide such a Iudge vvho is so vvyse that he can not be deceaued so vpright that he vvill not be corrupted how shall I defend my selfe against such a witnes vvho knoweth the truth and neuer saieth but the truth how shall I excuse my selfe against such an accuser vvho because he knoweth all can prooue all he saieth I vvill therefor cōfesse all so auoid all because confession of the fault is a vomit vvhich maketh the sinner cast vp all the fylth of sinne it is a lancing of the sore of sinne vvhich maketh the filthie matter runne out confesse before men and thou art condemned but cōfesse before God and thou shalt be repriued yea quite pardoned 6. I will lay open my faultes that by thee ô Lord they may be couered I vvill confesse all that thou maist pardon all I vvill accuse my selfe that thou maist excuse me I vvill Judge condemne my selfe that thou maist not condēne me according to the promise made by thine Apostle 1. Cor. 11. If vve did Iudge our selues we should not be Iudged that is condemned 7. I vvill make myne owne processe against my selfe that shall be to accuse my selfe to beare vvitnes against my selfe and to condemne my selfe and for my selfe I will pleade onelie Miscrere haue mercie vvash me more amplie from myne iniquitie that thou maist be iustified in thy vvords and maist ouercome vvhen thou are Iudged That is that thou hauing promised mercie forgiuenes to all repentant sinners maist iustifie and shew thy selfe to keepe thy promise in forgiuinge me vvho do so hartelie repent my selfe of my sinnes that I rue the tyme and moment that euer I sinned and so maist
ouercome vvhen thou art presumptuously Iudged not to haue kept this promise Or vvhen thou art Iudged to be so iust in punishing sinners as that thou are not also mercifull in pardoning them vvhen from the harte the sinner crieth for mercie thou maist ouercome Or els vvhich perhaps vvas also Dauids meaning pardō me ô Lord and doe not forsake me and my familie for this sinne as thou forsookest Saul and his familie for his disobedience that if any presume to Iudge that thou vvilt also forsake and cast me of as thou didst him not vvithstanding that thou hast promised to establish the Kingdome of Iuda and Israel in my familie thou by pardoning this my fault maist prooue thy selfe true in thy promise and so maist ouercome Psal 88 those rash Iudges Thou hast svvorne to Dauid thy seruant Ibidem for euer will I prepare thy seed Thou hast said I vvill put his seed for euer and euer Ibidem and his Throne as the dayes of heauen Ibidem And againe once haue I svvorne to my holy if I lye to Dauid his seed shall continue for euer And againe Our Lord hath svvorne trueth to Dauid he will not disappoint it of the frute of thy vvōbe I vvill set vpon thy seate Keepe these promises ô Lord notvvithstanding my sinne that thou maist ouercome those vvho thinke that for my sinne thou vvilt forsake me my familie Or lastly vvhen any doe rashly Iudge that thou sometimes punishest sinners in this lyfe to rigorously as thou punishedst Dauid seuerly partly in him selfe permitting his sōne Absalon to rebell against him and to abuse his wiues and concubines partly in his children Royall issue Thou maist ouercome vvhen thou art so Iudged thy iudgmēts being often secret neuer vniust 8. And saye thou ô Christian sinner vnto thy God I for my part ô Lord doe confesse that thou art Lord of life and death and maist vvithout any iniustice punish or annihilate euen the Innocēt at thy pleasure and no man can iustly saye vvhy didst thou so For Sap. 12. as the wiseman saith Who shall impute it to thee if the nations perish vvhich thou hast made much more maist thou punish those vvho dare offēd thy so great maiestie One mortall sinne deserueth an eternall Hell much more doth it deserue all temporall punishment of this lyfe and therefore ô Lord say what temporall punishment thou vvilt on me I shall neuer complaine of thy iustice but shall thinke thou dealest fauorably with me so thou sparest me eternally Hic vre hic seca vt in aternum parcas Here burn me here cutt and lance me that thou maist spare me eternallie 9. I desire thee Sweete Lord to giue me true pennance vvhich may quite vvash away my mortall sinnes change the eternall paine due to them into tēporall paine although temporallie thou punish me for it as thou punishedst Dauid yea though thou shouldst chastice me all my lyfe tyme I shall crie Psalm 118. Iustus es Domine rectum iudicium tuum Thou art iuste ó Lord and thy iudgment is right And seeing I haue begun to speake vnto thee Gen. 18 though I be but dust and ashes haue aduētured to begge of thee that repentance vvhich may wash avvay the malice of my mortall sinnes the eternall paine due vnto them I vvill not be affrayd to aske of thee also thou being so liberall a Lord such a repentance such a floud of teares as thou gauest to that penitēt sinner Marie Magdalen by which I may not onelie vvash away all the malice of my sinnes but also all the paine euē temporall due vnto thē And if after both my sinne and paine due to it be quite abolished thou shalt think it good to punish me for that I haue sinned I shall not complaine of thy seueritie but shall kisse thy rodde as being layd on by a louing Father for that will be for my greater caueat and better warning for my encrease of grace merite and vertue as also for my greater securitie Yea I will be content to vveepe daylie for my sinnes forgiuen and to exercise my selfe in workes of pennance and satisfactiō as fasting prayers and almesdeedes and according to the counsaile of the wiseman Eccl. 50. of sinne forgiuen I vvill not be vvithout feare But following the example of S. Peter S. Marie Magdalene other penitent sinners and conforming my selfe to my Sauiour IESVS-CHRIST vvho though he neuer did nor could committ the least sinne yet ledde a most austere life I will spēd the rest of my dayes in weeping and satisfying for my sinne past though peraduenture quite pardoned Ecce enim in iniquitatibus conceptus sum in peccatis concepit me mater mea For behold I was conceiued in iniquities and my Mother conceiued me in sinnes 1. THat I may the better facilitate my pardon ô Lord and induce thee the more easelie to mercie I desire thee sayth Dauid to consider of vvhat stocke and and race I am descended If the roote of the tree be infected sound fruite can not be expected of it if the sowne seed be tainted the corne must needs tast of it if the fountaine be muddie the riuer can not runne cleare if the foundatiō be ill layed the howse builded vpon it can not chuse but totter with euery blast of winde and if one be borne lame he can not but halt or goe awrye all his life time So it is with me ô my mercifull God the verie roote and beginning of my life was infected vvith originall sinne in the vvhich I vvas conceiued pardō me then if my vvorkes vvhich are my fruites be sower infected vvith sinne they proceeding from this infected and infecting roote Quis potest facere mundum de immundo conceptum semine Iob 14. Who can make cleane him that is conceiued of vncleane seed The foundatiō of my life ô Lord vvas ill layde not by thee for thou laydst a fundation of an innocent and happie life in Paradise by originall iustice but by Adams sinne who being our head infected all his members being our first parent transfused his sinne and the infection vvith it to all his posteritie Pardon me then ô mercifull God if I shake at euerie tentation of the world flesh and deuill yea if I fall at the puffes and blastes of these vvyndes my foundatiō being not firmly layed And seeing I vvas borne yea cōceiud lame crooked euen in soule not through thy default for thou createdst Adam and vs in him right vpright in soule and bodie in so much that by originall iustice his bodie was subiecte and obedient to his soule his sensualitie to reason and the inferiour part of his soule to the superiour but through Adams sinne vvho brake this goodlie frame made the first discorde in this heauenlie harmonie And vvheras thou madst man the first man right he hath intangled him selfe with infinite questions and oppositions betwixt
not haue conserued me but rather annihilated me and so preuēted this my miserie better had it been for me that thou hadst not preserued me from corporall dangers of fire vvater and the like then to preserue and conserue me so giue me the tyme to fall in to a greater domage to vvitt of sinne vvhich offendeth thee maketh me miserable and exposeth me to hazard of hell it selfe 5. Thou hast heretofore iustified me and cleansed me from originall sinne by Baptisme from Actuall sinne by contrition the Sacrament of penance and other sacramentes Great are these benefites but if thou doe not againe iustifie me by thy grace and remitte these my last sinnes it vvill be little benefite to me rather thy former grace of iustification vvill aggrauate my sinnes committed after it and these my sinnes hauing depriued me of the grace of iustification haue mortified also my former merites done in grace so all will be lost vnlesse thou againe take mercie on me and againe remitte my sinnes 6. Thou hast redeemed me and didst bind thy selfe to thy eternall Father to pay no lesse ó the deare bargaine for my ransom then thy precious bloud and death And wilt thou now cast me of who cost thee so dearlie Trulie all this is lost in me I vvith it vnlesse thou againe forgiue me by thy grace apply this price paid for me vnto me and so againe pardon me 7. Thou hast called me to be a Christian and hast reuealed vnto me as thou didst to Dauid many hidden mysteries as the sacred Trinitie the sōne of God incarnate his life death Resurrection and Ascension and many other mysteries the secrets of thy wisdome vvhich thou didst hide from the Philosophers Sages of the world And hast thou done all this for me and vvilt not doe this one thing for me to vvitt pardon my sinnes without vvhich all the rest vvill not profite me but rather will augmēt my damnation Thou saidst ó Lord Matth. ● Luc. 5. that thou camst not to call the iuste but sinners to penance And behold I confesse my selfe a greate and grieuous sinner and I harken to thy call desiring thee to harken to my petition vvhich is haue mercie on me according to thy greate mercie which I hope thou vviltt not deny thou hauing bestowed so many other benefites on me vvhich yet are all lost vnlesse thou adde this also vnto them 8. Or else I also ó Lord might aleadge with Dauid that I vvas conceiued borne in sinne thereby contracted a propension to sinne And I might adde therevnto my corrupt nature myne euill complexion and disposition my euill customes and ill companie vvhich haue allured me to sinne but because I know thou louest truth and sinceritie of harte I confesse ingenuouslie and I truly acknovvledge that notwithstanding all this I might with thy grace which is neuer wanting to them that demaunde it or vvill accept and vse it haue resisted all these alluremēts and incitements to sinne therefore I vvill not vse any such excuse for these might excuse as diuines say A tanto non à toto from parte but not from all but plainlie trulie and sincerlie confessing my greeuous sinne I fly onelie to thy mercie and vnder the shadovv or winges of that I desire onelie to shroude my selfe All I haue to say is peccaui as Dauid said and I beseech thee to speake those comfortable words to me which thou vtteredst to him 2. Reg 12. And our Lord hath taken away thy sinne Asperges me Hyssopo mundabor lauabis me super niuem dealbabor Thou shalt sprinckle me with hyssope and I shall be cleansed thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter then snowe 1. I Cry not saith Dauid to Moyses nor Aaron nor the Preistes of the old lavv vnder vvhich I liue but to thee ô Eternall sonne of God God and man the Messias and Redeemer of the vvorld to sprinkle and washe me and cleanse me from the fylthe of my sinnes They could vvash the bodie from legall immundicities but not from the fylthe of sinne from vvhich I desire to be cleansed nay they could not cure the corporall leprosie but onely could pronoūce a declaratiue sentence Leuit. 14. vvhen it vvas healed but thou canst euen heale and cleanse my soule from the leprosie fylthe of sinne and therefore my hope is that thou vvilst sprinkle me not with the Cedar wood Leuit. 14. scarlet Num. 19. Vide Augu. to 4. q. 33. super Numer and hyssope dipped in the blood of the immolated sparow nor vvith the ashes of the redde cowe but vvith the blood of thy sacred humaine nature ruddie by its passion and prefigured by those figures by this blood shed in thy passion and sprinkled by the meanes of the humble hyssope of the crosse I hope thou shalt sprinkle me and I shall be whiter then the snowe 2. In this bloud is my hope because this onelie can take out the staine of sinne this onelie can wash away the fylthe of sinne wherewith my soule is defiled The blood of goates and oxen and such like sacrifices sprinkled saith Dauid can vvash avvay legall immundicities but it can not vvash avvaye the fylthe of sinnes but thy blood ô Blessed Sauiour can sanctifie and mundifie our soules from all filth of sinne 3. I forsee saith Dauid by faith in Christ that by the Sacraments of Baptisme and penāce in the new lavve and by cōtrition in all lawes soules are vvashed from the filthinesse of sinne but yet by the bloud also of the lambe Christ Iesus from vvhich they take their vertue Thy bloud ô Blessed Sauiour is the generall cause they are particular causes appointed to applie that thy bloud and passion is the principall morall cause of grace and remissiō of sinnes they are but instrumētall causes vvhich vvorke in vertue of that principall 4. And although now by wallovving my selfe in the puddle of sinne I am in soule more foule then the hogge that vvalloweth himselfe in the mire yet this lauer of thy bloud ô Lord vvill vvash me so cleane that I shall be whiter then driuen snowe And although my sinnes vvere as scarlet Isa 1. they shall be made vvhite as snovve And if they be redde as vermilion they shall be white as vvooll and my soule vvatred vvith this bloud and heauenlie rayne vvhich rayned out of the cloude of thy sacred humaine nature shall be made fertile and apte to bring forth the greene plantes sweete hearbes and flovvers of all manner of vertue and bathed in this bathe it shall recouer its former lustre beautie of grace vvhich it had lost by sinne and of a vessel of base seruice which it yelded to the vvorld flesh and Diuell it shall be a vessell of honour Because take avvay the rust from siluer Prou. 25. and there shall come forth a moste pure vessell a goodlie piece of plate fit to be set on thy cup-boord
thē not to be any more displeased with me for thē nor to thinke of punishing me at least eternallie for thē but to be haue thy selfe towards me hereafter as though thou diddest no more remēber thē as though thy face eyes wese turned frō them and so to loue me hereafter so to behold me and with such a mild aspect countenāce as though I had neuer sinned for so thou beholdest all truly penitent sinners and turning away thy angrie face from me behoulding me with a mild countenance wype away all my iniquities 3. Thou promisedst ô sweete Lord Ezech. 18. by the Prophet Ezechiel that if the impious shall doe pennance of all his sinnes c. ehou wilt not remember them that is so as to punish them at least eternallie Forget ô Lord my sinnes also in the same manner Thou promisedst by thy Prophet Micheas Michea 7. that thou wilt cast our sinnes into the bottome of the sea that is of the sea of thy mercie that they may be seene no more cast my sinnes into this sea that they may be drowned hidden from thy face Thou dist cast all the sinnes of Ezechias behind thy back Isai 38 cast also myne and turne thy face from them 4. I also ô Lord say so ô penitent sinner haue sinned with Dauid and I feare with him to appeare before thy face or to come in thy sight or presence And therefore as my first Parentes Adam and Eue did Gen. 3. I desire to hyde my selfe from thee if it might be in some bush or thicket Gen. 4. and as Cain had no sooner sinned but his countenance was abated and fallen so I guiltie of many and greeuous sinnes dare not looke thee in the face I count my selfe with Manasses vnworthie to looke vp to the height of Heauen Orat. Manaes Lucae 18. and with the penitent Publican I dare not so much as to lifte vp my eyes tovvards Heauen where thou art Wherefore ô Lord I cry to thee with Dauid to turne thy face from my sinnes It is not conuenient that thy Diuine eyes should cast their light and beames on so vile obiectes It is not conuenient they should looke on such filthines least they prouoke thee to disdaine to Indignation and anger remember them no more so as to be displeased with me for them remember them no more so as to punish me at least eternallie for them but as thou remembrest S. Marie Magdalenes sinnes and yet since her repentāce art not depleased with her nor doest punish her for them so deale with me and in this sence turne thy face from my sinnes and behaue thy selfe towards me 5. But let myne owne eyes ô Lord and cogitations be euer fixed on my sinnes not to approue thē not to take delight in them nor yet thereby to dispaire of thy mercie towards me but as oft as I thinke of them to deteste and abhorre them to humble my selfe and to take notice of myne owne frayltie by thē to thinke into what danger of damnation they brought me how gratefull I should be to thee who hast deliuered me from this daunger To take heed hereafter least I fall againe into them to weepe for them and to crye thee mercie for them so oft as I thinke on them and by so fixing myne eyes and cogitations on them to cause thee to turne thy face and Diuine eyes from them and by thy grace and mercie to vvipe avvaye all myne iniquities Cor mundum crea in me Deus Spiritum rectum innoua in visceribus meis Create a cleane heart in me ô God and renevv a right Spirit in my bovvels 1. THere is no merit or desert in me ô Lord sayth Dauid on which as on a subiect thou maist worke my Iustification from sinne and cleanenesse of heart but as thou createdst the whole world of nothing so thou must create a cleane right and iust heart in me of nothing that is myne that is of no precedent merite of myne because the grace of iustification by which my heart is to be cleāsed from sinne is not giuen for any precedent good worke or deserte of myne For if by grace Rom. 11 I be Iustified then not by vvorkes othervvise grace vvere not grace no free guift but a reward 2. The almes I gaue to the poore the fasting wherewith I chastised my bodie my many prayers then made to thee ô Lord and whatsoeuer good worke I did whilest I was in the state of mortall sinne were dead workes the workes of a dead man dead in soule by sinne and so could not merite my Iustification and therefore hauing nothing in me which could merite my Iustification cleanenesse of heart thou ô Lord out of thy mercie for the merite of thy sacred passion must iustifie me and not for any thing in me and so thou must create my heart thou must create me a new creature of nothing of myne but onelie of thine that is of thy grace and mercie A sinner as a sinner is no creature of God and therefore in the Canticle Benedicite where all creatures euen to windes tempests dew snow yea and brute beastes are inuited to prayse blesse God the sinner is not inuited because he as a sinner is no creature of God but a mōster of his owne peruerse will yea a nothing sinne being no reall thing if it be true as it is most true which the wiseman saieth feare God and obserue his commandementes ●cclesiastes 12. for this is euery man then a sinner who is not this because he nether feareth God nor obserueth his commaundementes must be no man nothing and consequentlie if God will make him of a sinner iust and an obseruer of his commaundementes he must make him of nothing and therefore Dauid vseth the vvord create which signifieth a productiō of nothing as when God created the world of nothing And seeing that as cold is not expelled but by heate nor darkenes but by light nor any contrarie but by its contrarie my heart sayth Dauid can not be freed from the darkenes of sinne but by the light of grace nor from the filth of sinne but by the cleane and cleansing qualitie of grace and therefore I desire thee ô Lord sayth he to create in me this grace of nothing of myne that thereby my heart may be mūdified and renewed 3. A peruerse heart is abominable to our Lord saith the vviseman Prou. 11. and therefore ô Lord create in me a new heart which shall be cleane and pleasing vnto thee my old heart was become by sinne old was clothed in the old habit of the old man the first Adam and the first sinner of mē take this oldnesse of sinne from me and from my heart and create in me a new heart a cleane heart 4. O Lord thou promisedst that thou wouldst giue to thy people a new heart Ezech. 36. and wouldst put a new spirit in the middest of them
me did crooken my soule made it looke dovvne to the earthlie pleasurs not vpward to thee and to the blisse of Heauen Giue me therefore ô Lord the former seuen Spirites and guiftes of the Holie Ghost vvhich are right Spirites and vvhich doe put my soule in a right posture tovvards thee Heauen and doe make my soule in all her actions to ayme principallie at thee and thy honour and doe eleuate her to Heauen by contemplation by which shee conuerseth in Heauen with thee and thy-Angelles and Saints Engraft this Spirit in me ô Lord and then as the graft of a peare tree grafted on a thorne tree beareth not thornes but peares so this spirit grafted on the thorne of my carnall and corrupte nature vvill make me henceforth to beare not the fruites of the flesh but of the spirit This is the right spirit I desire to haue for my guide and conductour and directour in all my actions In this thy spirit now is all my delight not in the spirit of the vvord or flesh and how good and sweete is this thy spirit Sap. 12. ô Lord in all 10. And I beseech thee sweet Lord to renew and innouate this spirit this right spirit in my bowels Permit not the spirit of Hypocrisie to dominere in me because that spirit doth all to the outward shewe and hath a faire outside but a fowle and filthie inside That spirit mooueth to fast to seeme holy to pray to seeme deuout to giue almes to seeme charitable but I desire a spirit which may worke inwardlie vvhat it sheweth outwardlie and therefore I desire it maybe innouated in my entralls in my heart that vvhen I pray it may not be with lippes onelie but vvith heart also vvhē I giue almes it may not be out of a desire to please men but out of charitie and compassion to please God O Lord giue me this right heart this right and invvard spirit for if the spirit of my heart be right all my actions vvill be vpright not crooked nor bēding to the world If my heart be cleane all my cogitations purposes and euen my outvvard actiōs will be cleane but if the hearte be crooked or vncleane all my actions vvill be crooked and vncleane because if the fountayne be muddie the riuer can not runne cleare if the roote be poysoned the bowes and fruites vvill be infected will infect If my heart be dead all my actions euen the best vvill be dead and not meritorious of life euerlasting but if my heart be liuing by the life of grace all my good vvorkes vvill be liuing and meritorious And seeing my former heart ô Lord was vncleane by sinne crooked by a crooked spirit tending to earthlie thinges yea vvas dead by mortall sinne which depriued it of the life of grace giue me a cleane heart fit for thee to dvvell in giue me a right heart vvhich may allvvaies ayme at thy glorie giue me a liuing heart vvhich liuing here by grace may liue in Heauen by glorie the fruite and haruest of the seed of grace Ne proijcias me à facie tua Spiritum Sanctum tuum ne auferas à me Cast me not avvay from thy face and thy holy Spirit take not from me Aug. l. 1. de libero ar cap. 16. lib. 2. c. 19. lib. contra Socundinum Manich c. 15. 1. SInne if it be mortall is an auersion of our vvill from God the Creatour and an inordnate conuersion of the same to the Creature it is a scornefull turning of the backe to God and a loving turning of the face to the creature it is a disdainfull farewell to the creatour a freindlie vvellcome to the creature And this vvere enough to cause God to turne his face from vs because vve by sinne doe turne our faces from him and our backes to him I ô Lord saith Dauid in a former verse desired thee to turne thy face from my sinnes that is so as not to be displeased with them novv I desire thee not to turne thy face from my selfe my person My sinnes are no creatures of thine but vglie monsters of my peruerse vvill and therefore thou hast cause to turne thy face from them and not to daine these viperous broods thy good looke or fauorable countenance but I my selfe though I be a sinner by myne owne malice yet I am thy creature by thy goodnes and seeing Thou louest all thinges that are Sap. 11. hatest nothing of those thinges which thou hast made yea thou sparest all because they are thine And especially thou louest soules reasonable creatures I hope thou vvilt not turne thy face from me but looke on me vvith a louinge aspect Thou hatest not the Diuell but for his sinne and vvere it not for that thou vvouldst loue him Hate then ô Lord my sinnes for I also doe hate and detest them with thee auert thy fauorable countenāce from them for I also through thy grace can not afford them a good looke But hate not me I am thy handworke and thy master-peece after the Angells hate not me I beare thy liuelie image which thou canst not hate it so liuelie representing thy selfe Hate then my creature my sinne but not thy creature auert thy face from my sinnes but cast me not from thy face conuert thy selfe to me that I may be conuerted to thee I could of my selfe auert my selfe from thee but I can not conuert my selfe to thee vnlesse thou by thy grace conuert me 2. Heretofore it vvas a pleasure to me but ô the novv displeasing pleasure to be auerted from thee and conuerted to thy creatures vvhich I loued in ordinatlie because aboue thee aboue thee because against thy commaundements but novv thy grace hath made a great mutatiō in me Psa 76 this is mutatio dexterae excelsi the change of the right hand of the Highest novv it is the greatest corrosiue to my heart to be auerted from thy face in vvhich the Angells take delight and it will be my greatest comfort if thou vouchsafe to turne thy benigne countenance to me and not to cast me away from thy face The aspect of thy countenance the verie turning and cōuersion of thy glorious face to me is a torch and light vvhich illuminateth my way and keepeth me from stumbling and falling it is the sea starre which directeth my nauigation it is the piller of fire vvhich leadeth me by night the cloud vvhich guideth me by day through the desertes of this life Gen. 13 to Heauen the land of promise 3. I heretofore vvhich now I rue tooke a fall by sinne from thee ô God from thy grace fauour frō Heauen into the depth of sinne and if thy mercifull hand had not holden me into the pit of Hell but now that by thy grace the effect of thy benigne coūtenance I am risen let me not fall againe now that by the light of thy face which is thy grace I am directed
sweetnes ô Lord which thou hast hidd for them that feare thee and hast hidden from the worldlings vvho feare thee not Sap. 12. O hovv good and sweet is thy spirit ô Lord in all Math. 11. Thy seruice is à yoke but sweet it is a burden but light And ô my infelicitie who when I sinned left thee and all this true ioye and consolation When by Iustifying grace I liued in thy house I aboūded with this bread of consolation but whē by my sinne I left the house of thee my eternall father followed the seruice of the world vvith the Prodigall sonne Luc. 15 then instead of this bread of true consolation I vvas fedd as he vvas after he left his fathers house with the huskes of worldlie consolation with carnall and brutish pleasures the hoggish fare of sinners vvhich neuer quencheth thirst neuer slaketh or assuageth hunger neuer giueth contentement 2. When I serued thee ô Lord J drank of the fountaine of liuing waters and true pleasures Ioh. 4. whilst I drank those waters I neuer thirsted after any other but vvhen I forsooke thee the Creatour and fountaine of liuing water Hierem 24. and digged to my selfe cisternes broken cisternes which are not able to hold water that is whē I thought to extinguish my thirst by my loue of creatures or create riches or pleasures I found thē to be broken cisternes which doe not containe the water of solid comfort pleasure or contētement When I serued thee I was fedd vvith Manna Num. 21. the bread of Angels which containeth in it selfe all delight but vvhen by sinne I loathed and left this foode of Angels and sought to satisfie myne appetite with worldly and carnall pleasures ô what an ill exchange I made I then sold vvith Esau my spirituall first birth-right Gen. 25 vvhich grace gaue vnto me for a messe of potage Exod. 25. I exchanged Manna for the flesh pottes yea onions and garlick of Egipt I left thee ô Lord the Creatour in whom I had true contentement for thy creatures which by reason of their insufficiencie can not content 3. Thou hast created vs ô Lord to thy selfe and for thy selfe and hast made vs capable of thy selfe by thy cleare vision and fruition and thou being rich eminēt in excellēcie aboue all beautifull most good yea a sea of goodnes hast made vs capable of all these thy Diuine attributes and perfections But because we seeke for these thinges not in thee where they are where onely they content but in thy creatures where is but a shadow of them and vvhere they doe not content we by abuse haue made this our capacitie of fruition of thee thy Diuine perfections which onely can satisfie and fill vs the cause of all our discontentement yea our vices and disorders For whereas thou hast made vs capable of thy Diuine excellencie to vvhich supreame honour is due we by abuse seeke for this excellencie and honour not in thee but in our selues desiring too much to excell others and to be esteemed aboue them this is pride ambition which is neuer satisfied Others giue this excellencie and supreame honour to creatures as to the sunne moone starres and this is Idolatrie vvhereas thou hast made vs capable of thy beautie which is the cause and fountaine of of all beautie we leauing thee doe seeke for it in thy creatures where is but a shadow of that thy beautie and this is carnall concupiscence which is neuer filled Whereas thou hast made vs capable of thy riches and aboundance vvhich comprehendeth all the riches and varieties of Sea and Land that also most eminentlie vve by abuse seeke this aboundance and varietie of all thinges in thy creatures and trouble Sea Land to procure it this is riotte and auarice vvhich is neuer contented whereas thou hast created vs capable of thy bountie liberalitie by vvhich thou shinest raynest by thy guiftes and fauours on the good and badde and castest a largesse of thy infinite guiftes and benefites on all thy creatures euē to the young rauens and crawling wormes we by abuse seeke for this bountie out of thee would be liberall not out of thy aboundance but out of our owne store and this is lauishing prodigalitie vvhich spendeth till it hath ruined the spender and his familie and aftervvard stealeth to spend more more and so findeth no end nor content in spending 4. And the reason vvhy these creatures and create perfections can not content our will or appetite is because thou ô Lord hast giuen to our vvill an infinite capacitie capable of thy selfe who art an infinite sea of all goodnes and perfection whereas thy creatures are finite and limited in perfection an so can not fill a vessell as our vvill is of infinit capacitie and thy creatures are also imperfect so doe not onelie not satisfie and fill vs but doe also by reasō of this imperfection and disproportion cause in vs a spirituall thirst and hungre vvhich vexeth and tormēteth vs. One vvorld was not great enough to content Alexander the Great nor would many worlds haue satisfied him though thy had beene as many as Democritus imagined what rich man was euer satisfied vvith riches vvhat ambitious mā vvith honours what luxurious mā vvith carnall pleasures And no maruayle no create thing is proportionat to mans infinit capacitie All create perfections are defectiue insufficient and vayne like to painted grapes and so can giue no solid satietie or consolation 5. For vvhat are the gold and syluer landes and liuinges and all the riches of the vvorld vvhich are gotten with labour kept with care and lost with sorrow but pelfe and trash and fruites of the earth and so earthlie and consequentlie improportionate to our soules appetite vvhich is spirituall what are the pleasures of the bodie but gay stinking flowers thornie roses sweet poysons delights of brute beastes in vvhich we agree vvith them vvhich so are the pleasures of the bodie that they are the greatest displeasures of the soule what are the honours and estimations of the vvorld which so daste wordlings eyes but blastes of mens mouthes or the transitory conceites of mens mindes which often are erroneous alwaies inconstant and more changable thē the vvinde passing more swiftly them the waues of the running water And as yet the man vvas neuer found which vvas satisfied vvith these painted gugawes 6. Thou onelie ô my Lord and God vvho art infinit in all perfection and goodnes canst fill the infinit capacitie of our soule Thou onelie art the center of our desires in vvhom onelie they rest The stone vvill sooner rest in the ayre before it come to the center then the soule of man in creatures before it come to thee her creatour her first efficient and last end Fecisti nos Domine ad te saith S. Austin inquietum est cor nostrum Aug. lib. 1. Confes cap. 1. donec requiescat in
hatred vvhich he committeth him selfe but also to carnall sinnes vvhich he can not cōmitt though he be guiltie of them in inticing vs. And I ô Lord doe ingeniouslie confesse that I haue beene the Deuills Agent in prouoking others to sinne either by persuasion or euill example by vvhich I haue offended thee ruined them and by the same sinne haue runne myne ovvne soule through to vvound them In this Kind preachers of false doctrine and Princes and superiours vvho cōmand or persuade their subiectes to sinne doe offend and vvho not by euill example 5. Wherefore I ô Lord as heretofore I haue cooperated vvith thy professed enemie the Deuill to peruert others thereby to ruine their soules so hereafter I will serue no such master I will be no instrumēt nor Agēt nor factour for him but as I am sorrie for the sinnes past by which I haue offēded thee and cooperated with him to the spirituall ruine of my neighbours soule so hereafter if it may please thee to giue me the grace I will be thy instrument thy factour and coadiutour will labour with thee and vnder thee for the conuersion of soules 1. Cor. 3 6. It is a greate sinne by persuasion or ill example to peruert others it is to cooperate vvith the Deuill it is worse then Dauids murder of Vrias because that killed the body this the soule And contrariewise to cooperate vvith God as his instrument and Minister to the conuersiō of sinners is the noblest office imploiment that can be It is the verie office of CHRIST IESVS the sonne of God who came not to call the Iuste but sinners to penance Mat. 9. Luc. 5. 1. Tim. 1. and as S Paule saith came into this world to saue sinners and therefore he was Incarnate borne liued 33. yeares amongest vs taught vs exhorted vs by wordes and deedes wrought miracles to confirme what he sayd and at length suffered and dyed for sinners and had not beene man S. Tho. 3 p●● 4.1 art 3. nor had descēded from Heauen to earth but to saue sinners For as S. Augustin saith nulla fuit causa veniendi Christo Domino Aug. 〈◊〉 9. de verbis Apost nisi peccatores saluos facere tolle morbos tolle vulnera nulla est causa medicinae There was no cause of Christ his comming but to saue sinners take away diseases take away wounds of sinne and there will be no cause of a medicine In this we doe Gods will and pleasure who of him selfe will all men to be saued 1. Tim. 2. and to come to the knowledge of the truth For saith he by his Prophet Ezechiel why is the death of a sinner my will Ezech. 18. and not that he conuert from his wayes and liue 7. This worke of the conuersion and Iustification of a sinner Aug. tract 72. in Ioan. to 9. S. Th. 1. 2. q. 113 art 9. is greater then the creation of the world because creation had for its effect this world which is a thing naturall Iustification of a Sinner hath for its effect grace which is a thing supernaturall that is nature this aboue nature that is temporall for Heauen and Earth shall passe in respect of their state qualitie Matth. 24. this of it selfe eternall because it is the seede of glorie which is eternall that is a participatiō of God as he is Authour of nature this as he is Authour of grace that ordaineth vs to God as he is our naturall end this as he is our supernaturall end and as creatiō is of nothing so the iustification of a sinner is of no merit of his And although glorie glorification be absolutlie greater thē the Iustificatiō of a sinner because glorie is greater then grace yet glorie is giuen to the iust vho deserue it by their merites the grace of iustification of a sinner is giuē to him that deserueth it not and so is a greater guifte fauour because not deserued And although creation iustification glorification be all great workes and doe argue Gods infinite power yet the Iustification of a sinner is a worke of greater yea greatest mercie It is a greater worke to cōuert a sinner thē to raise a dead man to life because by that miracle a dead body is raised to a tēporall life onely by the conuersion of a sinner the soule is raised from the death of sinne to the life of grace which causeth life euerlasting if by our fault we doe not loose it 8. Seeing then ô God thou hast wrought so great a worke as is the conuersion of a sinner not onely in Dauid but as I hope in me also I will hereafter say so ô penitent sinner to shew my selfe gratefull for so greate a benefite teach with Dauid the vniust thy wayes and I will endeauour to conuert the impious vnto thee They that haue liued in captiuitie doe most cōmiserat captiues and prisoners they that haue liued long in banishement take greatest compassion on the banished they that haue beene greeueouslie sicke doe take most pittie on the sicke And I who haue beene a great sinner who haue experiēced the miserie and daūger sinne bringeth with it will hereafter take compassion on sinners I will enflame my selfe with Dauids zeale of soules Ps 68. 3. Reg. 19. This zeale of soules did eate Dauid and cōsumed Elias it shall consume me for I will employ my selfe my talētes my labours my endeauours and all I am and haue for the conuersion of sinners 9. This zeale of soules Greg. Hom. 12. super Ezech. as S. Gregorie saith is a most pleasing sacrifice to God it is an holocaust because it consumeth all we are and haue to gaine soules It is Dionys lib. de Eccles Hier. as S. Dionysius the Areopagite saith Diuinorum operum diuinissimum of all the Diuine workes the most Diuine The cōuersion of soules was the office of the sonne of God of his Apostles and all Apostolicall men who haue consecrated themselues to the conuersion of Countries it shall be my office whilst I liue for if I can not cooperate to the conuersion of sinners vvith CHRIST IESVS the principall Sauiour and conuertour of them by preaching teaching or writing of bookes as the Apostles did and as Doctours Pastours the learned ought to doe I will at least doe my indeauour herein by my coūsell good examples knovving that he which maketh a sinner to be conuerted from the errour of his waye Iacobi 5. shall saue his soule from death and couereth a multitude ofo his owne sinnes Dan. 12. Knowing that they who instruct others to iustice shall shine as starres vnto perpetuall eternities This is now my mynd this mind by Gods grace I will carrie to my dying day Libera me de sanguinibus Deus Deus salutis meae exultabit lingua mea iustitiam tuam Deliuer me from bloodes ô God the God of my saluation and my tongue shall
the spirituall and inward sacrifice is more pleasing to God then are externall sacrifices yea in respect and comparisons of the inward sacrifice God as it were dispiseth the externall sacrifices as we haue seene aboue 7. And hence it is that in the nevv lavv vvhich is of Christ all those externall sacrifices of the Jewes are abrogated vvith their lavv now there is no proper externall sacrifice but the bloodie sacrifice of christ offered on the crosse for our Redemption and the vnbloodie sacrifice of the same christ which he offered at his last supper for applicatiō of that Matth. 26. and vvhich is repeated daylie in the office of the church and at the Altar of vvhich also Malachie prophecied vvhen he saith that instead of the sacrifice of the Ievves a cleane oblation should be offered in all places Malac. 1. vvhich prophecie can not be vnderstood of the sacrifice of the Crosse that beeing offered but once and in one place nor of anie externall sacrifice of the Iewes such sacrifices beeing in that place of Malachie reiected nor of improper sacrifices of prayer good vvorkes c. they being many this sacrifice mētioned by Malachie being one and they being improper sacrifices this of which Malachie speaketh being proper as vvhich is by him opposed to the Ievves proper sacrifices but of the sacrifice vnbloodie offered at the Altar which is a cleane oblation vnbloodie whether we regard the externall signes the accidentes of bread and wine or that vvhich they cōtaine which is the bodie blood of Christ offered in them by the Priest in an vnbloody manner and vvhich by ancient fathers councelles is called a sacrifice and euer in the church hath beene esteemed and offered on an Altar as a sacrifice 8. Wherefore now we are not to sacrifice oxen and calues or lambes as the Iewes did now we are sayde to immolat the calfe whē we sacrifice by austeritie our ovvne flesh now we sacrifice the lambe when we suppresse our ovvne furie and anger and shevv our selues meeke gentle to those who haue wronged or offended vs novv vve sacrifice the goate vvhen vve represse lasciuiousnes now the turtle vvhen vve keepe our chastite vndefiled novv the young pigeon vvhen vve liue in charitie vvith all God novv vvill not haue vs sacrifice brute beastes but our brutish passions and sensualities not other liuing creatures but our selues so that God novv taketh no pleasure in the externall and carnall Iewish sacrifice but in the inward and spirituall sacrifices of Christians and as I sayd in the externall sacrifice of his sonnes sacred bodie and blood on the Altar 9. And amongest all the inward and spirituall sacrifices the afflicted spirit a contrit humbled heart is that which especiallie pleaseth God When Dauid considered his sinnes against God his heart vvas contrit that is rent broken with sorrowe and vvhen he considered that his sinne vvas not onelie an offence of God but also a miserie to himselfe vvhich made him more odious to God his Angells then the vilest toade or serpent then it humbled his heart and at the same time made it Cor contritum humiliatum a contrit or broken and humbled heart His heart vvas broken with sorrow vvhen he considered how good a God how clement a Prince how tender a Father hovv great a benefactour hovv louing a friend he had offended it humbled his heart vvhen by his sinne he experienced his ovvne frayltie savv into vvhat danger of eternall damnation he was fallen it brake his heart whē he considered that sinne is the greatest disease that is greater then any ague palsey or leprosie for that these are but diseases of the body sinne of the soule And it humiliated his heart to see himselfe become by sinne a Lazar and a foule leper it brake his heart when he considered that sinne is the greatest wound that is greater then a stabb through the bovvelles of the body for that onelie woundeth killeth the bodie sinne stobbeth vvoundeth yea killeth the soule by depriuing it of the life of grace therefore the vviseman biddeth vs to flye from sinne as from the face of a serpent Eccl. 21. because saith he the teeth of a Lion are his teeth killing the soules of mē It humiliated him to see himselfe thus vvounded and by so base a thing as his sinne vvas a filthie brutish pleasure and a traiterous murder It brake his heart vvith sorrovv vvhen he considered that sinne especiallie if it be mortall is a greater euill then Hell it selfe for that hell is onelie malum paenae the euill of payne sinne is malum culpae the euill of fault offence of God vvhich is the greatest euill Hell is but malum poenae an euill of paine it is an effect of God his iustice inflicted by God sinne is no effect of God nor creature of God but onelie a bastardly Impe of the sinners peruerse vvill It humiliated him vvhen he considered that he vvas oppressed vvith the greatest euill that is that God could not lay so great an euill on him though he should heape vpon him all the paynes in Hell as he layde on himselfe by his sinne It brake his heart to consider that he had sinned it humbled his heart in that he vvas sure he had sinned and had wepte for his sinnes and yet vvithout reuelation he could not tell whether his sinne was forgiuen or no Eccl. 9. whether he was worthie hatred or loue and though it was reuealed to him that his sinne vvas forgiuen 2. Reg. 12. by Nathan the Prophet yet it was sufficient matter of humilitie to haue sinned and therefore S. Paule though he vvas sure his sinne of persecuting the first Christians vvas forgiuen him 1. Tim. 1. and that he had obtayned the mercie of God because he did it beeing ignorant in incredulitie yet because he had persecuted the church of God he thought it a sufficiēt matter of humilitie 1. Co. 15 and a motiue euer after to thinke himselfe an Abortiue and the least of the Apostles not worthy to be called an Apostle onelie because he had heretofore persecuted the church of God And therefore Dauid not content that the Prophet Nathan told him 2. Reg. 12. that God had taken away his sinne weepeth still bevvayleth and lamēteth that he did sinne breaketh his heart with sorrovv humbleth it knowing that a contrite and humbled heart God vvill not despise 10. O Dauid vvho art thou vvho thus filleth the aire with cryes throbbes sobbes and lamētations vvho art thou vvho fetchest from thy heart so deepe and so dolefull sighes vvherevvith thy heart is broken rent and humbled I am a criminall saith he and a guiltie person condemned by God and by his Prophet Nathan yea and by myne owne conscience vvhich forceth me to crye peccaui of no lesse sinnes then murder and adulterie vvhat meruaile then if my heart breake vvith sorrovv my mouth sound it out
Church of Christ more then of the first 10. Dauid therefore fore-seeing by faith the glorie of this temple Hierusalem and Church of Christ desireth almightie God that it may be built And why Dauid ô saith he then and not before thou shalt accept the sacrifice of iustice And what is that the sacrifice of the Crosse to wit of Christ Iesus offered by death on the crosse This sacrifice is the fountaine of all grace receiued euer since Adams fall this sacrifice appeaseth God his wrath and satisfieth his iustice in paying the great price of our Redemption by this sacrifice God vvas more honoured then by all the sacrifices that euer before were offered by this sacrifice vve were reconciled to God and his Angels By this sinne vvas cancelled the Deuill vanquished Hell that is limhus Patrum was ransacked and all those prisonners enioyed a iayle deliuerie death vvas despoiled of his sting yea vvas put to death finallie by which onelie hoste once onelie offered our redemption was consummated Hebr. 9 10. for as S. Paul saith by one oblation hath he consummated for euer them that are sanctifyed 11. And peraduenture Dauid beeing a Prophet and hauing a more explicite faith then the other Ievves had Matth. 26. alludeth also to the sacrifice which Christ instituted and offered at his last supper which is repeated by the Priest daylie in the Church And this in respect of the thing offered which is Christ differeth not from the sacrifice of the crosse because in both sacrifices the same Christ the same bodie and blood of his is offered though in other respectes they differ because that of the crosse was a bloodie sacrifice this vnbloodie that was offered in it's owne forme this in the likenes of bread wine that was a reall mactation and killing of Christ this mysticall onelie that was our Redemption this an application onelie of it that was an vniuersall cause of all grace and remissiō of sinnes this is a particular cause as Baptisme is vvhich determineth the vniuersall cause to determinate effectes that impetrated grace by its ovvne vertue this by vertue from that that because it vvas a bloodie sacrifice and contained the full price of our Redemption vvas offered but once because a bloodie sacrifice is but once killed a ransome or Redemption is but once payed this because it is a mysticall mactation and an application onelie of that price of our Redemption is oftentimes offered That vvas offered immediatlie by Christ this novv immediatlie by his Priest at the holy Altar 12. This veritie of the vnbloodie sacrifice Catholique vvriters doe prooue by all those kind of arguments as I my selfe haue in some bookes of myne by vvhich the greatest mysteries and articles of our faith are prooued as by Scriptures Councels fathers and practice of the Church but because I intend in this my Paraphrase to abstaine from controuersies and onelie to stirre vp sinners to repentance I vvill omit all such argumentes and vvill returne to our penitent king and Prophet And vvhy Dauid doest thou so much desire that the vvalles of this Hierusalem and the temple of the Church of Christ should be built out of my zeale saith he of God his greater glorie and saluation of others for then saith he shalt thou accept sacrifice of iustice then and not before shalt thou accept the bloodie and vnbloodie sacrifices of the sonne of God the true sacrifices of iustice because the bloodie sacrifice satisfied thy iustice in paying the price of our redēption the vnbloodie applieth the price then by these sacrifices thou shalt be infinitlie more honoured then by all the sacrifices of the old lawe then thousands more both of Ievves and Gētils shall be saued then vvere in the old lavv then shall be layd on thy Altar not calues and oxen but the sacrifices of thy sacred bodie and blood the verities of those figures 13. In a tropicall or morall sēse Hierusalem the temple doe signifie the soule of man and in this sence Dauid desireth that the walles of his Hierusalem the forces of his soule lost by sinne may by grace be repaired Desire thou also ô penitent sinner vvith this penitent king and Prophet that the forces of thy ruinous Hierusalem of thy soule cast downe by sinne may be repayred that faith the foundatiō of this spirituall temple may be renewed if it be lost or strengthned if it be not lost that the walles of thy hopes by which this Hierusalem and tēple riseth and is raised may be erected fortified that Charitie the toppe and roofe may couer it that this temple may be cleansed from all sinne and that by all Christian vertues it may be adorned by God his grace and guiftes of the holie Ghost embellished and that in it daylie spirituall sacrifices of prayer praise thankesgiuing of a contrite heart of all good workes may be offered to God his honour glorie 14. Lastlie in the Anagogicall sense Dauid desireth that the walles of the celestiall Hierusalem may be built that is that the Heauēlie Hierusalē ruined in part by the falle of Lucifer and his rebellious followers may be repayred and their seates filled For he knew by faith that there vvas a Hierusalem in Heauen farre more glorious then that in earth Apoc. 21. and vvhich by S Iohn his description is built of no vvorse materialls then pearles gold and pretious stones thereby signifying the splendour riches and maiestie of it S. Paul calleth it a mount Sion Heb. 12. the Citie of the liuing God Heauenlie Hierusalem and the assemblie of many thousand Angels the Church of the first borne vvhich are vvritten in the Heauēs This is the true Hierusalem that is the true vision of peace vvhere all seeing God face to face doe all peaceablie aggre in louing praising honouring and seruing him 15. In this Hierusalem euerie Saint and Angell is a liuing stone which cōposeth buildeth vp this Citie euerie Saint and Angell is a courtier of this Court euerie Saint and Angell is a miniō and fauorit of the Heauenlie king euerie Saint and Angell is a Quirester of God his Chappell euerie Saint Angell is a king of a kingdome of no lesse extent then the Kingdome of Heauen 16. In this Heauenlie Hierusalem there is peace vvithout vvarre securitie vvithout feare contentement vvithout disgust satietie without glutting ioy vvithout sorrow rest with without labour light vvithout darkenes morning without euening day vvithout night spring without the falle of the leafe summer vvithout vvinter youth vvithout old age health vvithout sicknes life without death happines vvithout miserie and one happier then an other vvithout all enuie because euery one reioyceth in an others happines as if it vvere his ovvne no sinne against God all iointlie louing him no falling out vvith one an other because all in God doe loue one another and no end of this felicitie but a perseuerance in all this for all eternitie O vvorld