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A03862 Seuen sobs of a sorrowfull soule for sinne comprehending those seuen Psalmes of the princelie prophet David, commonlie called PÅ“nitential / framed into a forme of familiar praiers, and reduced into meeter by William Hunnis ... ; wherevnto are also annexed his Handfull of honisuckles, The poore widowes mite, a dialog betweene Christ and a sinner, diuers godlie and pithie ditties, with a Christian confession of and to the Trinitie. Hunnis, William, d. 1597. 1583 (1583) STC 13975; ESTC S4710 56,081 186

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beleeue confesse and acknowledge thee to be of the father and of the sonne neither made nor created nor begotten but from God the father and from God the sonne proceeding equall with the father and the sonne without beginning of time and without end in like power might glorie maiestie and deitie as is the father and the sonne all three in one and one in three one verie GOD euerlasting not three Gods euerlasting of one essence or being euer perdurable or during without measure not changeable almightie one substance and in one nature simple I Doo beleeue confesse and acknowledge ech one of your persons to be equall to the other in all maner of perfection and ech one person to be omnipotent or almightie and to be one beginning of all things and that togither you made created all creatures visibles inuisibles spirituals and corporals and that by almightie vertue from the beginning of time you three togither did create and that of nothing the creature angelike and the worldlie nature and then you made man common to the first two natures for man is of bodie corporall and of soule spirituall ALso I doo beleeue confesse and acknowledge that thou the father art one other and thou the sonne art one other and thou the holie Ghost art one other For thou ô father maiest not be the sonne nor the holie Ghost nor thou ô sonne maiest not be the father nor the holie Ghost nor thou ô holie Ghost maiest not be the father nor the sonne but to you three persons is one being and one nature common the which is the beginning of all things and out of this beginning there is no beginning ANd I beleeue confesse and acknowledge that thou ô father art no greater nor of greater power than is the sonne nor than is the holie Ghost For the vnitie of your diuine being is equall or alike togither for such as thou art ô father such art thou ô sonne and such art thou ô holie Ghost And thus thou holie and blessed Trinitie art one God the first beginning without beginning fountaine of all mercie grace goodnesse and vertue which by thy knowledge dooest knowe all things present and to be hereafter ANd further I doo confesse acknowledge and stedfastlie beleeue that thou ô sonne of God art without beginning coëternall with GOD the father and with God the holie Ghost And by the whole consent of you three in one and one in three and by the ouershadowing of the holie Ghost thou ô holie and most blessed sonne of God didst enter into the wombe of the most vnspotted amongst women the blessed virgine Marie in whom was no blemish of sinne after the salutation of the angell Gabriel when she had by the working of the holie Ghost answered these words of meeknesse Behold and see I am the handmaid of the Lord be it vnto me according to thy word THus thou blessed sonne of God diddest not forsake or leaue thy Godhead but didst take flesh or manhead of the blessed virgine vnto thy Godhead being still perfect God with the father in Godhead and perfect man also In which manhead thou wert lesse than the father but yet equall with the father touching thy deitie or Godhead as after thy most blessed natiuitie thou didst prooue in thy humanitie to bee perfect God FOR without anie teacher or schoolemaister thou hadst all perfect knowledge of sciences learning Thou changedst water into wine Thou gauest sight to the man borne blind Thou openlie saidst to the Iewes and Pharisies I which speake to you am the beginning Thou feddest manie thousands of people with a few loaues of bread and with a few fishes The wind and sea obeied at thy commandement Thou raisedst Lazarus from death vnto life which was foure daies dead and stinking in his graue In this ô God and in manie more excellent miracles thou didst shew thy selfe to be perfect God ANd also thou didst shew thy selfe to be perfect man for thou didst eate drinke and sleepe and so tookest increase of nature as man dooth Thou weptst thou fastedst thou sufferedst all the miseries of man sin onelie excepted IT also well pleased thee to fulfill to performe and to accomplish all the words and saiengs of the holie patriarchs and prophets which they had vttered and spoken of thee long time before thou tookest our humane nature vpon thee And so to fulfill the prophesies thou sufferedst that thine humane nature should be betraied and taken by the kissing of thine vnkind disciple Iudas THou also suffredst cruell persecutions of the Iewes after maine punishments they blasphemed thee and cried vpon Pilate to haue thee crucified and so vnder Ponce Pilate thou didst suffer to be crucified and vpon the crosse didst die touching thy humanitie and after wast thou taken downe buried and by the power and might of thy deitie descendedst into hell according to the scripture ANd I beleeue notwithstanding that thy sepulchre was made fast and sealed also watched and kept by certeine soldiers therevnto appointed that the third daie by thy Godhead or diuine power thou didst arise in thy humanitie And fortie daies after thou didst ascend into heauen in the sight of men of Galile and in faith vnto vs that be where thou doost remaine perfect GOD and perfect man sitting on the right hand of the father from whence thou shalt come and iudge both the liuing and the dead By the dead I vnderstand the bodie which is mortall and by the liuing I vnderstand the soule which is spirituall and immortall ANd also I acknowledge confesse and stedfastlie beleeue that I shall among all thy reasonable creatures arise from death to life and with them shall stand and behold thy diuine maiestie face to face thou sitting in the throne of thine eternall iudgement And thine elect and those whom thou hast shewed mercie vpon shall be seuered from the wicked reprobates as lambes from woolues the saued sort vpon thy right hand and the other vpon thy left where we shall all receiue our last and finall iudgement The which iudgment ô Lord I doo most humblie beseech thee may be vnto me not after my sinnes and wickednesse but according vnto thy great and vnspeakable mercies Grant this ô thou most holie and blessed father of heauen which art with the sonne and with the holie Ghost the worlds creator and haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me Grant this ô thou most holie and blessed Iesu the onelie sonne of God the worlds Sauiour and redeemer and haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me Grant this ô thou most blessed and holie Ghost which art togither with the father the sonne the worlds comforter and haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me Grant this ô thou most holie most blessed most glorious and euerlasting Trinitie and haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me haue mercie vpon me Amen A praier for the Queenes most excellent Maiestie O Almightie and mercifull GOD creator gouernour
turne vnto the best 18 But contrarie to those that spend the day and night In exercise of wickednesse and take therein delight 19 For they in conscience feele such businesse broile and strife That for to thinke vpon their sinne a hell is to their life 20 O Lord among those sort my selfe haue gone astraie And from the face of anger thine could neuer flee awaie 21 Yet thou hast suffred me and giuen me grace at last For to acknowledge all my faults and wicked life now past 22 My bones were void of rest by reason of my sin And all my bodie grieued was without and eke within 23 Sinne may well be compar'd vnto a serpent vile Which with his bodie head and taile doth manie one beguile 24 For where the serpents head to enter dooth begin There all the bodie with the taile apace comes sliding in 25 The motion first to sinne vnto the head applic And when the hart consents thereto then is the bodie nie 26 The fact once being done then is the serpents taile With head and bodie entred in where he must needes preuaile 27 For why this serpent sinne so high himselfe doth reare Aboue my head the weight of whom is more than I can beare 28 And this by sufferance came by licence that I gaue This serpents head into my soule his entrance first to haue 29 For now hath he brought in his bodie taile and all And therewith dooth surcharge my soule that she is like to fall 30 The burthen is so great that manie times alas She is compeld to doo the thing she would not bring to passe 31 Too hard it is for me this serpent to expell It must be thou o ● mightie King the strength of Israë●l 32 Thou that the diuels drau'st foorth out of the men possest Vouchsafe this serpent to expell and set my soule at rest 33 Thy grace must worke in me to be contrite in hart And this from thee to me must come withouten my desart 34 My bones corrupted are and putrifide so sore By reason of my follies past that wo is me therefore 35 The marks of my oldsinnes doo rotten waxe againe And fresh and greene they doo appeare to further more my paine 36 By reason of my sinne I am a wretch becomme Setting my mind on earthlie things like beast both brute and domm● 37 And crooked am I made vnto the verie end The day throughout continuallie with wo and griefe I spend 38 Because I am throwne downe and not compeld thereto No violence did me enforce thus wickedlie to doo 39 It was my will which led intelligence awrie And that which reason willed me the same did I denie 40 Will is the middle part Lord of my soule I knowe And I my will for to exalt did reason ouerthrowe 41 Whereby my loines are full that is my flesh to say Replete is with illusions that me deceiue alway 42 Ah wicked flesh of mine that dooth my soule entise Thou hurt'st thy selfe offend'st my God by thy lewd exercise 43 And by this lust of mine no health is in my flesh For sinne my soule and bodie grieues still day by day afresh 44 My soule tormented is by sight of mind vncleane My bodie weake and feeble brought through lust made bare and leane 45 Thus I afflicted s●re and verie low am brought And am a bondman vnto sinne in word in deed and thought 46 This sinne so setled is that it will not depart Which causeth me To roare and crie with sorrow from my hart 47 O Lord the great desire that doth proceed from mee And mourning much that I do make not hidden is from thee 48 Thy sight is of great strength for end thereof is none And be the distance nere so far thy power and strength is one 49 Thy sight ô God attaines to distance all that bee And makes no change of more or lesse as is with vs we see 50 My hart is troubled sore my strength is gone me fro Likewise the sight of both mine eies from me is gone also 51 The tribulations great wherewith my sinfull hart Is vext and troubled night and daie about in eu'rie part 52 Is Lord for feare of thee and of thy punishment which thou shalt render vnto me for this my life mispent 53 O Lord remooue from me this cloudie mist of mine And with thy grace and mercie mixt annoint my dusked eine 54 That I the way may see wherein thou hast delight And in the same my steps direct to walke both day and night Amen The second part MY wretchednesse ô Lord is more than may be said It 's not alonelie griefe of hart that maketh me dismaid 2 Ne feeblenesse of strength deprest with vices all Nor in the blindnesse of my soule which readie is to fall 3 But otherwise it coms and still increaseth more That is where I thought comfort find is turned to my sore 4 My friends and neighbours Lord in whom I put my trust Against me altogither stoode and shewd themselues vniust 5 And they that stood me next farre off got them awaie And such as waited for my life set on me as a praie 6 The force of wicked fcends ô Lord is verie strong No earthlie power is like to theirs if thou them suffer long 7 To exercise their force on sinners all that bee Not one among ten thousand shall be left aliue to thee 8 They studie to deceiue by worldlie pleasures vaine And ioies such as the flesh desires to bring vs endlesse paine 9 These Lord haue sought for me and wrought me ill the while And with deceitfull vanities did dailie me beguile 10 Lord manie times I feele when I thus tempted am Such pleasures spring I ioie thereat not looking whence they cam 11 Or at the least ô Lord I would not vnderstand Ne see the snares for me were laid to bring me vnder hand 12 The pleasures of the flesh so sweete founds in mine eare That what is spoken there against I lift not for to heare 13 But as one being dease with silence passe away And as a man that dumbe is borne haue not a word to say 14 In deede I must confesse my selfe I haue not fought Nor spake against my wickednesse in sort such as I ought 15 But as one deafe and dumbe that sinne no time would blame Ne open would mine eares to heare how to auoid the same 16 Yet true it is ô Lord let man his faults confesse With sighes and sorrow from his hart he did thy lawes transgresse 17 Yea let him doo his best and satisfaction make And yet if he be void of hope thou wilt him sure forsake 18 For Iudas sorrow made when he had thee betraid And did restore the siluer backe and downe againe it laid 19 He openlie confest he sinned grieuouslie In that he had falslie betraid the innocent to die 20
Lord before my toong thy righteousnesse can raise My lips and mouth thou open must whereby to shew thy praise 11 For else vnseemelie praise will be where lips be lickt with sin And where the mouth with wickednesse is stuffed full within 12 Good Lord the Prophet Esaie when he thy glorie sawe Confest his lips to be vncleane and there●ore stood in awe 13 Vntill such time a Seraphin thou sent'st with burning cole His lips to touch and therewithall he by and by was whole 14 I meane that his vnrighteousnes was then forgiuen him quight And all his sinnes and wickednes was cleane put out of sight 15 O Lord my God in such a sort vouchsafe my mouth to tuch That I thy glorie may set foorth to little and to much 16 To offer sacrifice to thee or offrings burnt were vaine No pleasure Lord hast thou in them nor ought in them remaine 17 They were but figures of that thing which now to passe is come That is the liuelie sacrifice of Iesus Christ thy sonne 18 To offer gold to thee ô Lord or treasure of the land It needeth not sith all the world is thine and at thy hand 19 And yet I will not emptie come but offer vnto thee An humble spirit with hart contrit● for mine iniquitie 20 This sacrifice ô Lord I knowe thou wilt no time despise But it behold and looke thereon with thy most gratious eies 21 And Lord for y● there nothing should be left behind in mee Both bodie soule and all hir powers I offer vnto thee 22 And as a liuelie sacrifice as Ezechias did Such time as he thy fauour got and health rcouerid 23 The same did Marie Magdalen offer in humble sort The theefe also vpon the crosse to his endlesse comfort 24 Great numbers mo vnspeakable by this thy fauour wan And I through grace now penitent although a sinfull man 25 Doo claime no lesse of mercie thine for to be shewd to me Bicause thou art as then thou wast and euermore shalt be ●6 To Sion Lord likewise shew foorth thy fauour and thy grace That is vnto thy faithfull flocke disperst from place to place 27 Such as depend on thee alone and doo themselues forsake Vpon the walles of this thy fort thou Lord must vndertake 28 Watchmen to set continuallie the same for to defend Least that the en'mies vnawares bring all to wofull end 29 Thou knowst ô Lord of what small force mankind hath euer bin Since first our father Adam fell when he committed sin 30 Helpe vs therfore most mightie God so with thy heauenlie grace As we in building Sion here by faith may see thy face 31 So shal we then through mercie thine be squared stones meet found To building of Ierusalem whose walles doo still abound 32 With liuely stones of thy true church heere militant in earth Where thine elect still offer shall while thou shalt spare them breath 33 Such offrings burnt as thou best lou'st which is of thanks prai●e We shall not spare the same to doo while life shall length our daies 34 This sacrifice of iustice is which all thy creatures craue To giue the same onelie to thee most worthie so to haue 35 This is the bullocks of our lips whereof the Prophet saies We shall with lips vnto thy name confesse most condigne praise 36 Which shall to thee accepted bee ten thousand times much more Then were the bullocks great and fat offred in time before 37 Lord grant we may in number be of thine elected sort which shall this sacrifice present vnto our soules comfort 38 And that as burning incense sweete thou wilt receiue the same Vpon thine altar which is Christ our meane for sin and blame Amen Domine exaudi Psal. 102. The first part OBlessed and most mightie God of grace the fountaine spring Of mercie great and plentifull most rich in euerie thing 2 Thy blessed sonne in power with thee is euen the same thou art In wisedome knowledge and mercie alike in euerie part 3 Thou didst not spare him down to send from heauenlie throne aboue To suffer death mankind to saue so ardent was thy loue 4 Thou mad'st him poore was rich before to make vs rich thereby For now is he made one with vs through power of Deitie 5 Good Lord my praier hearken t● and let my dolefull crie Come vnto thee and pearse the eares of thine high Maiestie 6 Shew foorth ô Lord thy countenance of delectable showe And with the eies of pitie thine some fauour on me throwe 7 And in the daie of trouble mine thine eare bow downe to mee And turne not thou thy face awaie when I shall call on thee 8 But chee●lie at the point of death giue eare and me defend And let thy grace procure and worke in me a ioifull end 9 In whatsoeuer daie I call ô Lord with speed giue eare And me deliuer from the greefs of troubles and of feare 10 In speedie calling on thy name ô Lord thou tak'st delight And answer thine more readie is than anie may recite 11 Wherfore in hast make speed ô Lord in hearing when I praie As I by need am driuen to craue thi●e aiding helpe and staie 12 For why the time of life is short that I haue here to bide And am vncerteine of the time when time from me shall slide 13 At first thou Adam didst in due when he created was With life of immortalitie but sinne brought death alas 14 Which death from him is due to vs that beareth life this daie So that my daies like to the smoke consume and waste awaie 15 Age ouertaketh youth I see and youth by stealth dooth flie As dooth the smoke vanish awaie aloft vnder the skie 16 Yea manie times it chanceth so ere age come vs vpon That death by stroke such wound dooth make that life with speed is gone 17 Thus passeth foorth my time of life more swifter I may sa●e Than is the ship good vnder saile or eagle after praie 18 My bones are waxen verie drie as is the fierbrand Or as the pot of claie which dooth in flaming fornace stand 19 As bones of mine doo well susteine the flesh the bodie keeps So dooth the powers of soule susteine the soule that neuer sleeps 20 Which being moistned with thy grace shall quicke and liuelie bee And able for to worke those works most pleasing vnto thee 21 But if thy grace be still withdrawne then all shall drie remaine Both bodie soule and al their powers in euerlasting paine 22 Full well may man be likened i● the grasse or withered ha● My hart is striken with remorse bicause I went astray 23 So long as man by gift of grace dooth liue and worke aright So long is he greene flourishing and liuelie in thy sight 24 But when that sinne makes entrie in which causeth man to fall Then by and by he withereth and barren
Bicause thou Lord hast Sion built thou wilt be seene therein In glorie and great maiestie with mercie for our sin 33 Wherefore most louing father deere regard our humble sute And not dispise the plaints we make nor doo our sinnes impute 34 As thou beheldst the sacrifice that Abel gaue to thee And as the praier ludith made so cast thine eie on mee 35 With those same eies vouchsafe to looke vpon vs when we praie Whereby the fame of mercie thine may wirtten befor aie 36 For those that after vs shall come by faith that borne shall be To render thanks due laud and praise vnto thy Maiestie 37 This mercie sure annexed is to nature thine diuine When all was lost through deadlie sin yet didst thou make vs thine 38 Thou Lord aloft from heauenlie throne didst view all things alowe And wouldst vouchsafe vpon the earth thy gratious eyne to throwe 39 To see and heare the plaints we make that ●ettered be in thrall And sent'st thy deere beloued sonne from sinne to loose vs all 40 And he thereby put downe the diuel of death that victor was And death in vict'rie was consum'd this hath he brought to pas 41 For why his sting of deadlie sinne thou Lord hast pluckt away To make vs thinke of goodnesse thine wherein reioise we may 42 And th●t in Sion we may shew the glorie of thy name And likewise in Ierusalem with praise to doo the same 43 That is when we togither meete in faith with one accord As well the kings as subiects poore to serue and praise the Lord. 44 Thou art ô Lord in substance one and yet in persons three To whom all powers in heauen earth obeisance giue to thee 45 Thou sendest downe thy dews of grace vpon vs for to light That we therwith good works may shew to eu'rie bodies sight 46 I answere may by no meanes else good works be wrought by me But by the vertue and the grace that dooth proceed from thee 47 Thorough thy might thy laws we kepe not of our selues we knowe But by the measure of thy grace thou didst on vs bestowe 48 And yet ô Lord I faine would know how short my daies shall be And eke how long mine enimies shall triumph ouer me 49 Which is thy Church desires to know how long she shall abide Beset with cruell enimies about on euerie side 50 To whom thou hast an answere made by Christ thy blessed sonne That still thy power with hir shall bee vntill the world be donne 51 And we hir children thee desire to bring vs to the end Of this short time that we with thee may to the heauens ascend 52 And til that time good Lord vouchsafe thou wilt continue still Thy grace and fauour towards vs according to thy will 53 And not to leaue me anie time in middle of my daies But by thine aid bring all my time to end vnto thy praise 54 That after these my temporall daies I may behold and see Thine euerlasting daies and yeeres which cannot numbred bee 55 For all times heere doo swiftlie passe as time that is vnsure But yet time of Eternitie for euer shall endure 56 For why ô Lord Eternitie is verie substance thine Which substance who so seekes to know no reason can define The third part WIthout beginning Lord thou wast and yet beginning gaue To heauen and earth and all therein which that creation haue 2 Thy hands them wrought which is thy power thy word them made also And at the last They perish shall and motion theirs forgo 3 Their substance stil they all shal kepe yet all shall changed bee For heuen and earth shall new be made of glorie great to thee 4 Likewise the bodies of all men shall perish with the rest And in another sort shall rise to thee as seemeth best 5 But thou Lord trulie shalt endure in thy high glorie great In maiestie omnipotent sitting on mercie seat 6 When all shall wax and weare awaie as garments old to see And as a vesture new put on we all shall changed bee 7 As garments to the bodie are to couer them withall So be the bodies of the soule their vestures and their pall 8 But thou art euen the selfe same one which euer doost abide That is to saie omnipotent and so is none beside 9 Inuisible thou art likewise immortall eke withall And as thy yeeres shall neuer faile so euer bide they shall 10 So shall the soules of thine elect immortallie remaine In ioie and great felicitie not knowing anie paine 11 The soules of those that wicked are immortall be also But they contraire shall endure continuall paine and wo. 12 And Lord The sonnes of seruants thine togither they shall dwell Likewise their seed shall in thy sight still prosper and doo well 13 Thy seruants Lord the prophets were Apostles thine also From whom by faith we haue receiu'd as we beleeue and know 14 And now vouchsafe most mightie God to send vs of thy grace That in this life our faith by works may shine in euerie place 15 That they to all may signifie how we thy seruants bee And that both soule and bodie may remaine and rest with thee De profundis Psal. 130. O God thou art the guide of those th●t blinded bee and vnto 〈◊〉 that are opprest a succour sweet we see 2 A comfort to the weake as ease to those in paine A life vnto the dead in graue that sleeping yet remaine 3 O Lord this makes me bold though wicked I be found And ouerwhelmed deepe in sinne and therein being dround 4 To call and crie to thee from depth of miserie Where none but thou can raise me vp and safe deliuer me 5 I can but mourne and weepe fetch sighs lament and crie As dooth the woman great with child whose hower draweth nie 6 She no time can take rest till she deliuered bee Nor I till that my conscience feele to be forgiuen of thee 7 It is not distance long that keepes my praiers backe Thou Lord doost heare before we call and giuest what we lacke 8 Ionas was in the sea and in the fish three daies And from the deepe he cald on thee and streight thou didst him raise 9 Out from the deepe likewise of sinne and wickednesse To thee I call Lord heare my voice and free me from distresse 10 And let thine eares sweet Lord to heare attentiue bee The voice and praier of my plaint that now I make to thee 11 And since that Christ thy sonne hath suffered for vs all From endlesse death to which by sinne we bounden were and thrall 12 Let not my sinnes then Lord to me be stop or staie Whereby by plaint should not be heard nor voice when I shall praie 13 But rather wipe awaie my sinnes for euermore The burden of the which I feele
haue and space 5 And lay not to my charge good Lord the sinnes that I haue donne But them forget and me forgiue for Christes sake thy sonne 6 And cause thy mercie to be heard of me before the prime For I in thee haue put my trust alone from time to time 7 Most blessed Lord grant that I may thy mercie sweet obtaine And that right soone thou me release from my deserued paine 8 With great repentance doo I call my hope assureth mee Thou wilt forgiue me all my sinnes bicause I trust in thee 9 I knowe that thou art nigh to all that call vpon thy name And wilt direct their steps aright that craue of thee the same 10 Wherefore good Lord shew me the waie I ought for to walke in For I my soule haue lifted vp to thee with all my sin 11 Lord manie times indeed thou hast directed me the waie And I haue purpos'd in my selfe no more to go astraie 12 Yea when I haue repentant bin and vowed in my hart Thy lawe for to obserue and keepe and neuer to depart 13 The diuell my deadlie enimie contriu'd the matter so But his deceit ere I was ware gaue me the ouerthrow 14 And Lord without assistance thine he vanquish will ere long All the kingdomes vpon the earth he is become so strong 15 Deliuer me from all my foes for vnto thee I flie And giue me strength my God to doo thy will effectuallie 16 For of my selfe no power I haue to doo the good I should Ne for to wish or thinke the good that verie faine I would 17 Thy mercie onelie Lord it is by which I must preuaile For man without thy helpe and aid of purpose needs must faile 18 Thou hast with reason and with will indued me I knowe But will of force without thy grace must reason ouerthrowe 19 Wherfore Lord let thy holie spirit conduct me in the waie Vnto the land of righteousnesse I thee beseech and praie 20 Where thine elect and chosen sort thy brightnesse shall behold With such heauenlie felicitie as cannot here be told 21 Not that I haue deserued Lord for to possesse the same But for thine endlesse mercies sake and for thy holiename 22 Thou wilt not Lord the death of him that dailie dooth offend But that he rather doo conuert and so his life amend 23 This is thy will this is thy mind though I a sinner bee If by repentance I doo turne then wilt thou turne to me 24 And then shall I receiued be and be reuiu'd againe And through thy equitie be freed of euerlasting paine 25 For whereas I by sinne am dead spirituallie to saie I shall be thinke me of the same and for thy mercie praie 26 My bodie now by nature weake shall then in strength arise And shall in glorie shine more bright than dooth the sunne in skies 27 Where now the same â Lord is giuen to lust and lewd delight Shall then arise all spirituall and yeeld to reasons might 28 No grosenesse then but that it may pearse through the thickest stone And as for things corruptible it shall haue mind of none 29 Immortall it shall euer be impassible withall Betweene the bodie and the soule shall then no strife befall 30 Thus Lord Thou shalt bring foorth my soule from troubles all that bee And shalt mine enimies destroie through mercie shewd to mee 31 Thou shalt them vtterlie confound that doo my soule molest For I by grace thy seruant am and in thy mercie rest 32 Good Christ which gau'st thy life for me and suffredst on the tree Preserue my bodie and my soule and mercie haue on mee Amen FINIS A Handfull of Honisuckles Gathered by VVilliam Hunnis one of the Gentlemen of hir Highnesse Chapell and Maister to the Children of the same Prepard with faith confirmd with hope and furnished with loue Approch and praie so thou beelowe shalt please the Lord aboue Newlie printed by Henrie Denham 1583. Prou. 15 verse 29. The Lord is absent verie far from such as be vniust But ●●●coth heare the righteous praie Bicause in him they trust Certaine short and pithy Praiers vnto Iesu Christ our Sauiour The day shall come saith Christ and that shall manie see Who calles vpon my name shall surelie saued bee O IESV meeke ô IESV sweet ô IESV sauiour mine most gratious IESV to my call thy gratious eares incline I know good IESV ere I speake thou know'st what I would haue Iesu thy grace I know it is that bids me mercie craue O Iesu deare whose pretious bloud was shed on crosse of tree Sweet Iesu for thy passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu sweet grant that thy grace alwaies so worke in mee I may desire the thing to doo most pleasing vnto thee O Iesu meeke thy will be mine my will be thine also And that my will may follow thine in pleasure paine and wo. O Iesu what is good for mee is ay best knowne to thee Therefore according to thy will haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu deare doo thou with mee euen as thy will shall please Sweet Iesu put me where thou wilt to suffer paine or ease Iesu behold I am but thine where I be good or ill Ye● by thy grace I readie am thy pleasure to fulfill Iesu I am thy workemanship most blessed maist thou bee Sweet Iesu for thy mercie sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu meeke grant that I may repose my trust in thee For thou sweet Iesu art the peace and true tranquillitie Thou Iesu art the verie peace and quietnesse of mind The onelie rest vnto the soule that shall thy fauour find Wherfore sweet Iesu doo vouchsafe my soule this peace may see And for thy painefull passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu if thou doo withdrawe thy comfort for a time Let not despaire take hold on mee for anie sinfull crime But giue me patience to abide thy pleasure and thy will For sure thy iudgements all are right though I be wicked still But yet a promise hast thou made to all that trust in thee According to which promise Lord haue mercie now on me Amen O Iesu deare giue me that grace I gladlie suffer may What euer so thy pleasure be vpon me for to lay O Iesu meeke what thanks ought I to giue vnto thy name Which for my sinnes to set me free hast suffered death and shame O Iesu sweet my wickednesse I doo confesse to thee Wherefore as thou hast promised haue mercie now on me Amen O Iesu sweet a little thing sometime doeth vex me sore And makes me slowe to giue thee thanks ah wo is me therefore Iesu againe sometime I thinke still stronglie for to stand But when a little trouble coms I streight fall vnder hand Thus I susee a small thing makes temptation great to be My weakenesse Iesu doo behold and mercie haue on me Amen O
Iesu Christ in all things now assist me with thy grace And make me strong with heuenly strength while life I haue and space Iesu let not mine enimie the feend ne yet the flesh Preuaile though still they me assaile from daie to daie afresh But Iesu strengthen thou my spirit it may the victor be And for thy tender mercie sake haue mercie now on me Amen O Iesu who shall giue me wings of perfect peace and loue That I therewith from hence may flee and rest with thee aboue O Iesu when shall I ascend and feele how sweet thou art And leaue the earth and loue thee best with all my soule and hart Sweet Iesu when thy pleasure is the time is knowne to thee Both now and then ô Iesu deare haue mercie Lord on mee Amen O Iesu king of glorie great the comfort of vs all Wee wander heere in wildernesse and euerie day doo fall Sweet Iesu come and visit mee my heauie soule make glad Which now through sinne in prison lies all heauie sicke and sad Good Iesu with thy presence set my soule at libertie And for thy bitter passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu oft it greeueth mee and troubleth sore my mind That I so weake and fraile am found to wander with the blind O Iesu deare thou lasting light whose brightnesse doth excell The clearnes of thy beams send downe within my heart to dwell O Iesu quicken thou my soule that it may cleaue to thee And for thy painefull passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu grant I may resigne my selfe vnto thy will And that I may my selfe forsake and cleaue vnto thee still O Iesu grant that I may haue of ioie and inward peace And of the paines I haue deseru'd Good Iesu me release Sweet Iesu giue me inward ioie my soule to feed on thee And for thy tender mercies sake haue mercie Lord on mee Amen O Iesu sweet I knowe I am but vanitie and sin Vnconstant as the wind that blowes and euer so haue bin Whereof then Iesu may I brag or what haue I to say Shall I of men seeke to bee prais'd or yet extold for ay No Iesu sweet the true praise is for to be prais'd of thee Wherfore good Iesu weigh my case and mercie haue on mee Amen O Iesu thou my glorie art in thee will I reioice And not good Iesu in my selfe nor yet in that mans voice That worldlie honour may mee giue to set mee vp on hie To rule among the sonnes of men and sit in dignitie These are but shadowes to compare to glorie that 's with thee Sweet Iesu for thy glorie sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu heere in earth we liue and soone deceiued are With vaine delights the world doth yeeld wherein we runne too farre But yet sweet Iesu if I could behold my selfe right well I should good Iesu plainelie see and thereby trulie tell The troubles that are falne on mee were for offending thee For which offense I pardon craue haue mercie Lord on mee Amen O Iesu Christ vnder whose power is both the sea and land Arise and helpe me to defend by power of thy strong hand From such as lurke and lie in wait and seeke to doo me wrong Sweet Iesu see how weake I am and how that they be strong Iesu make hast and come with speed my trust is all in thee And therefore Iesu helpe me now and mercie haue on mee Amen O Iesu comfort mine exile asswage my dole and greefe With thee to bee is my desire mine onelie cheefe releefe Iesu the pleasures of this world they may not long indure And he that puts his trust therein shall find them all vnsure Sweet Iesu grant that I may haue mine onelie ioie in thee And for thy bloudie passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu Christ that hast mee made and with thy bloud mee bought Suffer mee not to be condemn'd whom thou hast made of nought O Iesu mild in time of need thy mercie doo bestowe And in thy iustice iudge mee not nor doo thy rigor showe O Iesu in extremitie I doo appeale to thee Wherefore sith that I trust in thee haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu sweet for heauenlie things I often seeke to find But then affections of the world doo backeward plucke my mind Againe I seeke for to subdue th' affections that doo rise But to my spirit they will not be subiect in anie wise Thus Iesu meeke thou seest I striue and all to bee with thee Wherefore good Iesu make mee strong and mercie haue on mee Amen O Iesu many times I praie and call vpon thy name When that my heart is farre away alas I more to blame And that good Iesu coms to mind that custome often brought Whereby the praiers that I make be vaine and turne to nought Sweet Iesu pardon and forgiue when I so praie to thee And for thy endlesse mercie sake haue mercie Lord on mee Amen O Iesu be not long away nor in thy wrath depart But mortifie that flesh desires and lighten thou my hart Send foorth the burning flames of loue cleane to consume for ay The cloudie fansies of my mind which trouble me alway Good Iesu gather all the powers of my poore soule to thee And make me to refuse the world and mercie haue on me Amen O Iesu mild thine eare bow downe and ponder my desire Deale not with me as I deserue to punish in thine ire But me defend ô Iesu meeke through mercie great of thine From dangers such as may befall this sinfull soule of mine O Iesu hide not now thy face from him that calles on thee But Iesu for thy bitter death haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu sweet with mercie now reforme that is amisse And with the strength of thy great grace send light where darknesse is Good Iesu from my secret faults doo make me cleane and bright And from presumptuous sins ô Lord defend me through thy might Good Iesu cast my youthfull sinnes behind thy backe to bee And for thy tender mercie sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu shut not vp my soule with those that run astraie But let the shadow of thy wings my soule protect alwaie Good Iesu turne thee vnto me and cleanse me from my sin Sweet Iesu Christ doo not behold how wicked I haue bin But thinke vpon thy mercies great though I vnworthie bee And for thy pain●full passion sake haue mercie now on mee Amen O Iesu sweet giue me an hart that is contrite and pure A bodie chast that humble is and constant to endure A mind that is with heauenlie ioies replete through thy great grace A soule likewise to magnifie thy praise in eu'rie place O Iesu for thy mercie sake let these proceed from thee And then no doubt I shall be sure thou mercie hast on mee Amen Certaine blessings promised by God vnto all those that doo loue and feare him Deut
the same in mee So worke thy will that in my life thy name may hallowed bee Thy kingdome come THy kingdome euerlasting is in truth and equitie In fauour loue and righteousnesse to all in miserie Bow downe thy heauens ô mightie king whereby thy grace may fall That this thy kingdome might descend into the harts of all So shall our sinnes be driuen away our flesh made tame also And we found righteous in thy sight a perfect life to showe Vouchsafe to grant ô heauenlie king this blessed worke may bee Thy kingdome still to dwell in vs and we to dwell in thee Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen THy will is good our will is nought thy will be therefore donne Such was thy will that Iesus Christ thy deare and onelie sonne Should teach thy will to sinfull flesh our wicked lusts to kill And he thy will vpon the crosse the same did there fulfill O heauenlie father let thy will in earth fulfilled bee Among vs men as with thy Saints in heauenlie Hierarchie And grant thy will so worke in vs that we thy will confesse In word in life in faith in loue and perfect holinesse Giue vs this daie our dailie bread THy word thy truth Christ thy son is bread that we should haue Vouchsafe our soules may feed thereon most humblie we doo craue For man dooth not by bread alone passe foorth his vitall daies But by ech word thy mouth proceeds vnto thy endlesse praise Sink in our harts thy sweet sonnes death and such impression make As we thereby may cheerefull be to suffer for his sake Such crosse as pleaseth thee to laie vpon our backes to beare With shield of faith to bide the brunt against all worldlie feare And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. WE knowe forgiuenes is at hand when we for mercie call If we ech other doo forgiue thou wilt forgiue vs all Such promise hast thou made ô God from which thou wilt not swerue And yet it lie not in our power the same for to deserue So weake is man so feeble too not able once to mind The thought that 's good or do the deed that might thy mercie find This will thy grace must worke in vs our brethren to forgiue Which grant ô God that we therewith in rest with thee may liue And lead vs not into temptation ANd though temptations needfull be thy seruants strength to trie And that our sinnes and wickednesse by faith awaie doo fsie Yet Lord thy grace the same doth worke whereby we stiflie stand Against the world the flesh the diuell winning the vpper hand Thus of our selues alas too weake temptations aie too strong Thy grace it is must vs defend else are we throwne along Grant when by sin through want of grace great falles we doo sustaine That then thy grace might visit vs and reare vs vp againe But deliuer vs from euill FRom euill that we by sin deserue most mightie God defend And rid vs free from filthie fall of miserable end Withhold thy seuere punishment and let thine eie of grace Take vew vpon th' afflicted sort and helpe our wretched ca●e From surging Seas of worldlie waues wherewith we be opprest Discharge and set our soules on shore in port of quiet rest So shall we then our praiers make with conscience safe and sound And by thy grace shall able be our en'mie to confound Amen The Christian faith ONe God in persons three and three in Godhead one I doo beleeue my sauing health dooth rest in him alone The first the Father high Creator of vs all The second is his onelie Sonne the Word whom scriptures call The third the holie Ghost of both who dooth remaine In mightie power and Deitie coequall with the twaine The word of loue to vs flesh void of sin became Of virgins wombe by power diuine most pure he tooke the same And then for sinfull flesh his flesh was sacrifis'd By bitter sharpe and shamefull death as cruell Iewes deuis'd His flesh with whips was rent his head becrown'd with thorne His bodie naild on crosse of tree his hart with speare was torne Thus all his bloud he shed to death his life made thrall To pacifie his fathers wrath procur'd by Adams fall He died and was buried descended downe to hell From death to life he rose againe he loued vs so well When fortie daies were come to heauen ascended hee In sight from men of Galilie in faith to vs that bee From whence I doo beleeue he shall againe descend To iudge all flesh and of the world to make a finall end The dead from graue shall rise the quicke shall changed bee And eu'rie eie shall face to face behold his Maiestie By grace who hath done well with him in heauen shall raigne By sinne who hath done wickedlie in euerlasting paine FINIS COMFORTABLE Dialogs betweene CHRIST and a SINNER touching the soules health Humble sutes of a sinner for mercie in miserie A Lamentation touching the follies and vanities of our youth A Psalme of reioising for our spirituall redemption A Christian confession to the blessed Trinitie Praiers for the good estate of the Queenes Highnesse c. Gathered by W. Hunnis one of the Gentlemen of hir Highnesse Chapell and maister to the children of the same 1583. A Dialog betweene Christ and a Sinner CHRIST Arise from sin thou wicked man before the trump dooth sound Least thou among the guiltie sort a damned soule be found My sheepe why doost thou persecute my lambs why dost thou kill My selfe why dost thou cru╌ci╌fie and guiltles blood thus spill Arise I saie arise arise SINNER What fearefull thundering voice is this that soundeth in mine eare Which bids me rise and brings my soule and all hir powers in feare CHRIST It is the voice of him thy iudge that shall thy iudger bee Which bids thee rise while sunne dooth shine that thou thy selfe maist see For after sunne be set in shade and darksome clouds appeere Too late is then for to a╌rise if thou arise not heere Arise I saie arise arise SINNER O Lord by grace I now behold wherein I did offend CHRIST What made thee thus against my saints such crueltie extend SINNER It was my fault through ignorance by which I might not chuse CHRIST And yet I saie thine ignorance shall not thy baults excuse SINNER By grace I am re╌pen╌tant made Wil t thou not mercie haue CHRIST If thou by grace re╌pen╌tant bee yet must thou mercie craue SINNER O Lord blot out my fyl╌thie deeds and clense mee from my sinne CHRIST Aryse and walke thou art made cleane as thou beleeu'st therein Another dialog betweene Christ and a Sinner to be soong as the former CHRIST AWake from sleepe and watch awhile prepare your selues to praie For I mine angell will send foorth to sound the iudgement daie That mine elect and chosen sort might find my saieng true How that the time I shorten will for
them and not for you Awake I saie awake awake SINNER And yet ô Lord the little whelps would licke the crums that fall Thy chosen sort are verie few but manie doost thou call CHRIST I call to you that will not heare I stretch mine armes at large For to imbrace such as doo come and all your sinnes discharge Wherefore if you refuse to come I will you then forsake And to my feast will strangers call and them my children make Awake therefore and rise from sleepe awake I saie awake awake SINNER Not so good Lord thy mercie far aboue our sinnes abound CHRIST And yet I will a iusticer in iustice mine be found SINNER Thy promise is to pardon sinne and therein art thou iust CHRIST Your sinnes repent and praie therefore in vaine is else your trust SINNER O Lord thy grace must this performe or else it cannot be CHRIST My grace you haue the same applie and blessed shall you be SINNER Through this sweet grace thy mercie Lord we humblie doo require CHRIST By mercie mine I you forgiue and grant this your desire AMEN An humble sute of a repentant sinner for mercie Giue eare ô Lord to heare my heauie carefull cries And let my wofull plaints ascend aboue the starrie skies And now receiue the soule that puts his trust in thee And mercie grant to purge my sinnes mercie good Lord mercie My soule desires to drinke from fountaine of thy grace To slake this thirst ô God vouchsafe and turne not of thy face But bow thy bending eare with mercie when I crie And pardon grant for sinfull life mercie good Lord mercie Behold at length ô Lord my sore repentant mind Which knocks with faith hopes therby thy mercies great to find Thy promise thus hath past from which I will not flie Who dooth repent trusting in thee shall taste of thy mercie Mercie good Lord mercie mercie ¶ Another to the same effect Behold ô God the wretched state my sillie soule is in How sore opprest and ouerchargde with foule and filthie sinne Behold likewise the prison foule I meane my baned brest Where wickednes and sinne abounds and breeds my soules vnrest Behold ô God how oft my soule dooth lift hir selfe to thee As one in dungion darke and deepe desiring light to see Behold also how faine it would doo that might please thy will But cruell sinne with his affects doo drawe me backward still Behold I doo not that I would as lawe of thine requires But I doo that I would not doo contrarie my desires Such is the working of the feend such be his wilie waies With ●ust to set my hart on fire whereby my health decaies Such pleasant baites laies he abroad with pois'ned hookes of sin And traines my senses all thereto and drownes my soule therein But mercie is with thee my God for such as mercie craue Among the which I humblie aske some mercie for to haue For light offense thy mercie small may soone appease thine ire But mine offenses manifold thy mercies great desire And since by mercie I must win thy fauour and thy grace From my misdeeds and sinfull life with mercie turne thy face ¶ Another to the same purpose My soule ô God doth now confesse a wicked life long led in sinne And how the same to thee is knowne ere that my lips to speake begin Such is the fruit such is the tree with mercie Lord deliuer mee Shall I ô Lord for this despaire of hope of helpe and health at last Or shall I thinke thou seek'st reuenge vpon my sinfull life that 's past No no my faith dooth witnes mee Thy bloud from sin hath set me free AMEN A Lamentation touching the follies and vanities of our youth ¶ Alack when I looke back vpon my youth that 's past And deepelie ponder youths offense youths reward at last With sighes and sobs I saie ô God I not denie my youth with follie hath deseru'd with follie for to die But yet if euer sinfull man might mer╌cie mooue to ruth Good Lord with mercie doo forgiue the follies of my youth In youth I rangde the fields where vices all did grow In youth I wanted grace such vice to ouerthrow In youth what I thought sweet most bitter now I find Thus hath the follies of my youth with follie kept me blind Yet as the Eagle cast's hir bill whereby hir age renut'h So Lord with mercie doo forgiue the follies of my youth Amen A psalme of reioising for the woonderfull loue of Christ ratified by his meritorious death and passion for our spirituall redemption LEt vs be glad and clap our hands with ioie our soules to fill For Christ hath paid the price of sinne with mercie and good will By his good will he flesh became for sinfull fleshes sake By his good will disdained not most shamefull death to take By his good will his blood was spilt his bodie all to rent By his good will to saue vs all he therewith was content By his good will death hath no power our sinfull soules to kill For Christ hath paid the price of sinne with mercie and good will Since Christ so dearelie loued vs let vs from sinne refraine For Christ desireth nothing els in lieu of all his paine And that we should each other loue as he vs loou'd before So shall his loue abide in vs and dwell for euermore Let then our loue so dwell in him our wicked lusts to kill For Christ hath paid the price of sin with mercie and good will AMEN A praier for the good estate of Queene ELIZABETH THou God that guidst both heuen and earth on whom we all depend Preserue our Queene in perfect health and hir from harme defend Conserue hir life in peace to reigne augment hir ioies withall Increase hir friends maintaine hir cause and heare vs when we call So shall all we that faithfull be reioise and praise thy name O God ô Christ ô holie Ghost giue eare and grant the same AMEN A Christian confession of and to the Trinitie O Thou almightie omnipotent and euerlasting God the father of heauen I doo beleeue confesse and acknowledge thee to be the God of all power and might yea the almightie power it selfe and to be of nothing going before neither made created nor begotten but to be a thing before all things giuing beginning vnto euerie thing thy selfe being without beginning and without ending O Thou sonne of God which art the word of the father and second person in Trinitie I doo likewise beleeue confesse and acknowledge thee to be of the father without beginning before all worlds neither made nor created but begotten and art equall with the father in power might glorie maiestie and deitie and to be as thy father is the fountaine and well-spring of all wisedome grace and mercie O Thou God the holie Ghost and third person in Trinitie which art with the father and the sonne the giuer of all comfort vertue and goodnesse I doo also
of all things whose strength is euerie where and whose power is infinite which as thou euer art omnipotent and in all thy works most gratious and ouer maruellous so vnto vs thy poore seruants grant we humblie beseech thee that ELIZABETH our gratious QVEENE and next vnder thee here on earth our gouernour may long liue and lead a healthfull quiet and peaceable life And if ô Lord at anie time the wicked through malice shall conspire and gather themselues togither against thee and hir thine annointed wee hartilie beseech thee either with speed to conuert and turne their harts or ouerthrowe their force and bring their deuises to naught And although ô Lord that we through our manifold sinnes and wickednesse doo not deserue to haue so good and so excellent a Iewell to rule reigne ouer vs yet good Lord we hartilie praie thy diuine maiestie to behold the great and vnspeakable miseries which the losse of so pretious a Pearle may bring vpon vs and our posteritie and to auert the same This ô Lord we doo humblie craue of thee that wee may long time enioie hir or else that we who faithfullie doo loue hir may with hir be dissolued according to thy good will and gratious pleasure Amen A praier to be said of euerie true Christian before the receiuing of the holie Communion O Most sweet louer of al mankind Lord Sauior Iesu I humblie beseech thee for thy bitter passion sake to remoue from me pride enuie and detraction yea wrath malice and impatiencie and all other sicknesses diseases of the soule And plant good Lord in my hart and mind true meekenesse charitie patience chastitie temperance and modestie with all such other vertues medicines and preseruatiues vnto the soule And mortisie in me good Lord all vncleane motions carnall desires and inordinate affections and reuiue in me the loue of vertues and the perpetuall exercises thereof so that in this time and all times I may woorthilie receiue this holie and blessed sacrament vnto thine honour and glorie and my soules endlesse ioie and comfort O Lord I knowe and doo confesse here before thy diuine maiestie that I am vnwoorthie and verie much vnwoorthie most vnwoorthie through my manifold sinnes and wickednes to licke the crums that fall from thy table but notwithstanding I knowe as well againe and so doo I in hart and mind stedfastlie beleeue and the same doo acknowledge in mouth and word that thou my Lord God art omnipotent and almightie and so maiest by thy power infinite if it so please thy maiestie to make me woorthie and acceptable to sit at thy table and there to taste and feed of the most pure and heauenlie viands for thou alone ô Lord maiest and canst iustifie a sinner and of a vile foule and filthie wretch make a cleane white and pleasant person Therefore gratious Lord I beseech thy woorthie maiestie for thy almightie power which I firmelie and stedfastlie beleeue and for thine infinite and endlesse wisedome which I boldlie confesse and for thine excellent goodnesse and truth wherein I fullie hope and trust and for all this togither as one frame me and make me woorthie and acceptable vnto thy godlie presence and grant me forgiuenesse of all my sinnes and the feruent flame of thy loue that I may now at this time receiue this holie sacrament with puritie of hart and cleanesse of conscience with spirituall gladnesse and heauenlie ioie O most mercifull Sauiour Iesu I humblie beseech thee for this holie mysterie of thy blessed bodie and bloud wherewith we vnwoorthie wretches be continuallie fed and dailie washed clensed sanctified and made holie and so partakers of thy most high diuinitie grant me Lord and giue me the pretious garment of innocencie with such furniture of other ornaments thervnto according as best may please thy gratious goodnes wherewith I may as in my wedding vesture in a good and cleane conscience approch vnto thy presence so that this celestiall heauenlie sacrament receiued may be vnto me health and saluation of soule and bodie vnto life euerlasting Amen A praier to be said of euerie true Christian after the receiuing of the holie Communion IN most humble most lowlie and most hartie maner with most due reuerence I thank thee good Lord most holie father and euerlasting God that by the bountie of thy mercifull grace wouldest vouchsafe thus to refresh and feed my soule through faith with the benefits of the death and passion of thy sonne our Lord God and Sauior Iesu Christ. And I beseech thine infinite goodnesse that this the sacrament of thy deth and passion which I most vnwoorthie wretch haue now receiued come neuer hereafter in iudgement condemnation vnto me for mine euilles merits and deseruings but rather good Lord it may come vnto the profit and comfort of my bodie and vnto the saluation of my soule vnto the life euerlasting Amen A godlie praier to be said before the preaching of the word NEither is hee that planteth neither he that watereth anie thing at al but thou ô Lord that giuest the increase Increase we beseech thee the seed of thy word and cause it to fructisie an hundred fold Open our eies that we may see the woonderfull things conteined in thy lawe Incline our harts to thy testimonies and not vnto vanities Euermore bee on our right hand and perfect the worke that thou hast begun among vs. Beare our most gratious ELIZABETH in thine owne bosome and set thine eies alwaies vpon hir for good let the spirit of knowledge and holines remaine in hir ministers blesse hir Councellers with wisedome and discretion hir Nobles with fortitude and courage hir Iudges with iustice and mercie hir Magistrates with diligence and faithfulnes hir People with feare and perfect obedience that we may all with one mind and one mouth saie with the prophet He that is mightie hath doon for vs great things and holie is his name Amen A praier necessarie to bee said at all times O Bountifull IESV ô sweet sauior ô Christ the Sonne of GOD haue pitie vpon mee mercifullie heare mee and despise not my praiers Thou hast created me of nothing thou hast redeemed me from the bondage of sin death and hell neither with gold nor siluer but with thy most pretious bodie once offered vpon the crosse and thine owne bloud shed once for all for my ransome therfore cast mee not awaie whome thou by thy great wisedome hast made despise me not whom thou hast redeemed with such a pretious treasure nor let my wickednesse destroie that which thy goodnesse hath builded Now whilest I liue ô Iesu haue mercie on mee for if I die out of thy fauour it will be too late afterward to call for thy mercie Whilest I haue time to repent looke vpon me with thy mercifull eies as thou didst vouchsafe to looke vpon Peter thine Apostle that I may bewaile my sinfull life obteine thy fauour and die therin I reknowledge that if thou shouldest deale with