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soul_n body_n eternal_a spirit_n 5,952 5 5.0650 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07677 The schoole of good manners. Or, A new schoole of vertue. Teaching children & youth how they ought to behaue themselues in all companies, times, and places. / Translated out of French. By W.F..; ABC ou instruction pour les petis enfans. English. 1595 Phiston, William. 1595 (1595) STC 10922.5; ESTC S92539 28,539 81

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and placed them in their beings and which gouernest all thy creatures according to thy good plesure Looke mercifully I beseech thee on mee that am the work of thine own hands And as it hath pleased thee of thy great louing kindnes to keepe saue and defend me from the manifold dangers of this night past for the which I yeeld vnto thine excellent Maiestie all due humble and heartie thankes so let it bee thy good pleasure to keepe and defend me this daye and euermore from all euils both of soule and bodie Be thou my protector my guide and my soueraigne Lord and Gouernor Graunt O Lord that as the night of darknes is now past and the cleare day-light doth appeare so I maie by thy gracious assistaunce learne to cast off all darknes of wickednes error and ignorance and haue my soule and vnderstanding more and more lightned with true faith wisedome godlie knowledge Let thy holie spirite bee my instructer and chiefe teacher which is able to lead me into all truth Make mee deere father apt to conceiue and diligent to practise whatsoeuer good and vertuous documents shall be taught me by my parents schoolmasters or wise elders Keepe stubbornnes and disobedience farre from me but make me delighted in that which is good that I maie with all patience and dutifulnes be readie to encline my heart to all wise and godlie precepts And forasmuch as both naturall dutie bindeth me to be mindfull of the weale and prosperitie of the Prince and Magistrates vnder whose protection I liue in safetie as also for my parents and frends whome thou hast giuen to be the authors of my life nourishment and maintenance and for that also Christian charitie bindeth me to be carefull of the good of all Christians in generall yea and to praie that still moe maie dailie be added to the Church I therfore for them all euen as for my selfe doo beseech thee to extend forth thine aboundant mercies to euerie one in his place that they maie liue die to thy glorie their owne saluation concluding with that holie and perfect praier which thine onelie sonne Christ Iesus hath taught vs saying Our Father c. A praier to be said of children at euening before they goe to bed O Lord God our most gracious heauenly Father I most humbly thanke thee for thine vnspeakable mercies bountie shewed me at al times hitherto and namely for keping me this daie past in thy fatherly protection defending me from all euills and bestowing on me cōforts necessarie both for my soule bodie O Lord now that the darke night is come which is a signe of horrour death and woe and that I am to lye sleepe on my bed which is an image of the graue wherein my bodie after thys life is like to rest let thy holye spirite so guard protect direct and comfort me that neither terrours of conscience assaults of Sathan suggestions to sin fleshly concupiscence idle sloathfulnes nor fearfull dreames may trouble me but that sleeping waking my soule minde and spirit may wholly be meditating on thy precepts and maye still awaite to attend to doo thy will that I may learne to die vnto sinne and liue vnto righteousnes my rising in the morning may put me in hope of the rising to euerlasting life Grant this to mee and to all thy Church for Christes sake In whose name c. Euerie creature of God is made holie vnto vs by his word and praier 1. Ti. 4.5 A Praier before meate WE humbly beséech thée O heauenlie Father to forgiue vs all our sinnes and to blesse vs and these thy good giftes which we receiue from thée through Iesus Christ VVhen thou hast eaten art full thou shalt blesse the Lord thy God A praier or a grace after meate O Lord we beséech thée to make vs thankfull for these and all other thy benefites bestowed vppon vs miserable sinners but specially for thy holy word and our redemption by Iesus Christ Amen Tvvo other praiers for morning and euening made by a zealous and learned minister of Gods word Morning praier VVatche and pray least yee enter into temptation Mat. 26.41 O Most mightie God our heauenly merciful father we most wretched sinners humbly confesse vnto thy Maiestie that all good things we haue do come from thy onely mercy that we are most vnworthy of them yet altogether vnable heartily to pray for the continuance thereof yet seeing thy deare sonne Iesus Christ hath commaunded vs in his name to pray and that with assurance to speede and to be heard we beseech thee for his sake to prepare our hearts by thy holy spirite to put out of our mindes all wordly things and vaine fansies and to stirre vs vp earnestly to consider what great neede we haue of thy continuall help both in our soules and bodies O Lorde we haue through our manifolde sinnes deserued thy wrath and eternall damnation of body and soule yet by the vertue of the great sufferings of Iesus Christ and the shedding of his precious bloud forgiue wash away al our offences we are vnworthy of thy fauour either in this life or in the life to come yet through his holinesse receiue vs vnto mercy and make vs heires of thy blessed kingdome and so increase in our hearts euery day vnfained repentance for our former wickednesse in that we haue neither worshipped thy Maiestie nor liued towards others according to thy worde Strengthen our faith O Lord in Iesus Christ for the forgiuenes of our sinnes and for thy tender mercy sake powre into our hearts the grace of thy holy spirite which may stir vp in vs a more hartie loue vnto thee and thy blessed word that by it we may learne to worship thee aright to liue faithfully and truly towards all men in our callings striuing continually against all sinne chiefly in our selues and then also in others so that whensoeuer it shall please thee to call any of vs out of this short and sinfull life we may willingly deliuer vp our soules into thy blessed kingdome and may come with ioy as louing children to thee our heauenly and mercifull father O Lord make vs thankefull for all thy corrections giuing vs grace by them to feare thee more carefully and to sorrow for our sinnes more hartily Make vs also thankefull for all thy benefits namely for the sweete sleepe and quiet rest whereby thou hast this night refreshed vs we beseech thee now in like maner O gracious God for Christes sake to receiue vs this day into thy blessed keeping preserue vs from all perils and dangers from sinne from the wicked cares of this life and the vaine desires of the flesh shining into our hearts by the grace of thy holy spirit and the true knowledge of Iesus Christ the true light of the world that we may guide all our thoughts words and deeds according to the same and walke painefully and truely in our callings to the
their body subiect to the palsey dropsie gowt and infinite other diseases their bodies drowsie and vnapt to all goodnesse they waxe olde in young age and are in daunger of destroying both body and soule euerlastingly Swallowe downe that which is in thy mouth before thou drinke and before thou put also the cup to thy mouth wipe the same well with thy table napkin and after thou hast done doo the like It is an vnmannerly part to looke aside or backward when thou drinkest Thanke him gently that drinketh to thée and make semblance to pledge him setting the cuppe to thy mouth and making as though thou didst drinke though thou drinke little or nothing But if any bee so rude and voide of good manners that he would force thée to pledge him more than is necessarie refuse it modestly desiring him to pardon thée In drinking let thy drinke goe downe leysurely and easily not gulping it in or swallowing it gréedily like a brute beast When thou eatest pottage thou maiest not bite thy bread and so put it in neither wring it a péeces in with thy hands for that is clownish but cut it on thy trencher in small morsels and then put it into the pottager And beware thou soupe not thy pottage but eate it leisurely with a spoone without taking it into thy mouth gréedily forcibly drawing thy breath with it as some clownes do vse sounding at the receipt of euery spoonefull Slurrop Beware also that thou spill no pottage nor sauce either on the table cloth or on thy clothes Some there be that can scarce abide till they be set at the table but they will fall to their meate like gréedie wolues or cormorants but be not thou too hastie though it be among thy equals for so thou maiest be noted of arrogancie and immodestie and by putting a morsell too hoate in thy mouth thou maiest be driuen quickly to voide out the same againe than the which nothing can be more slouenly and make thée more laughed to scorne A childe must stay a while before he begin to eate though he be hungrie that he may learne to moderate his affections therfore Socrates when he was olde would not drink assoone as his cup was filled although he were very thirstie If a childe sit at table with his betters he must be the last that shall put his hand in the dish and scant do that vnlesse he be bidden but must be contented with that is giuen him A childe must not vse dipping his hand in the sauce but if he be willed to vse sauce with his meate let him take the meat on his knifes point and dip it therin To turne the dish choose where to cut is a lickerish and vnmannerly part but cut on that part next thée how euer it fall Leauing the daintiest morsels alwaies for thy betters Thou must neither lick nor pick the meat nor lick the sugar from about the platters side Beware thou offer not to eate of any dish whereof thy betters haue not first eatē Much lesse maiest thou presume to touche those dishes first which should be last Whensoeuer thy betters shall offer thée any meate reach out thy trencher and take it but remember that presently thou bow thy body reuerendly to him that gaue it thée If a dainty péece of meat be offred thée make a reuerend shew of refusall as if thou hadst rather that the partie should kéepe it to himselfe but if thou bee earnestly willed to take it receiue it with like modestie as is aforesaide and of such dainty péece giue alwaies part to him next thée or to two or thrée by thée if the portion will extend so largely That which being offred thou canst not receiue conueniently according to manners with thy fingers receiue the same with thy trencher or plate If a peece of Pye or of Tart bee offered thée receiue that on thy plate or trencher not with thy fingers If Custard or such like meate bee offered thée receiue it on thy plate or trencher and wiping the spoone wherewith it was deliuered thée with thy table napkin deliuer it againe with humble bowing of thy body to him that gaue it thée if he be thy superior It is vnmannerly and euill to licke thy fingers being moistned with the fat of meat or to wipe them on thy clothes and as vnséemely and also vnholsome is it to swallow downe whole morsels without chewing like Storkes and Herons If thou séest one cutting meate that thou likest it is ill manners for thée to offer thy trencher before he make any offer thereof to thée for thou shouldst so bee iudged a lickorish gréedy gut When thou receiuest any thing at the table with thy hande lay holde of it with no more but thy thumbe and two forefingers the hinder fingers being bowed in mannerly In eating thou must put thy morsels of bread and meate beeing cutte leysurely and modestly into thy mouth with the thumbe and forefinger of thy left hande the other thrée fingers beeing bowed in one beneath the other If one offer thée meate that thou louest not or goeth against thy stomacke deny it not churlishly as Clitipho answered his mother saying I will none of it But giue him thanks shamefastly if hee still offer it say Pardon mee Sir I loue it not or it is not good for me Let Children also learne howe to carue meate for there is one manner of caruing the leg of flesh another of the shoulder another of the brest c. one manner of cutting vp a Capon another of a Fesant another of a Partridge another of a Ducke another of a Conie c. all which must bee learned by daylie experience Beware that in cutting thy meate at the table thou handle or tutch no parte of the meate more than thou cuttest for thy selfe For auoiding of which euill the Italians and Germanes vse little forkes of siluer or stéele with their kniues in cutting meate It is a most slouenly thing to offer to gnaw anie bread or meate at the table And as euill is it to offer vnto another that which thou hast alreadie halfe eaten To bite meate or bread and then dip it in the sawce is verie clownish and as vnmannerly to take anie thing chewed out of thy mouth and lay it on thy trencher If by chance thou haue got into thy mouth anie stinking or vnsauerie morsell of meate which thou canst not swalow turne thy face aside and with thy napkin couer thy face and so rid it away secretly that it be not séen or perceiued To take vp againe to eate the fragments from thy trencher is no good manners Throw not downe thy bones to file the house or make dogs fight nor lay them on the cloath but put them on a voyder or on a corner of thy trencher Picke not the meate out of an egge wyth thy fingers nor licke it with thy tung Let no grease hang about thy lips but kéep thy mouth clean with thy
glory of thy blessed name the good example of all others and the great assurance of our owne saluation through thy deare sonne Iesus Christ our onely Sauiour in whose name we pray for these and all other graces as he hath taught vs saying Our Father c. Euening praier The Lord is nigh vnto all them which call vpon him euen vnto all such as call vpon him faithfully Psal 145.18 WE most humbly beseech thee O gratious God and heauenly father euen for thy deare sonne Iesus Christes sake to pardon forgiue vs all our sinnes in thought worde and deed committed against thy holy lawes and commandements to turne away from vs gratiously all those plagues which we most iustly haue deserued for them both in this life in the life to come working in our hearts euery day by thy holy spirite more true and vnfained sorow for them with greater care euer hereafter to know thy blessed will reuealed in thy worde and to order all our opinions and doings according to the same and so much the rather O Lord because of thy manifold blessings wherby thou dost daily moue vs herevnto for the which O heauenly father make vs more heartily thankefull specially for our creation at the first after thy owne holinesse and righteousnesse for our redemption by Iesus Christ when we were vtterly lost for that knowledge of our Sauiour which by the preaching of thy blessed Gospell through thy holy spirite thou hast wrought in our hearts for true repentance for faith hope loue for watchfulnesse in our doings and all other gifts of thy grace perteining to our saluation all which graces O Lord are very weake in vs because of the great wickednes of our harts striuing against thy holy spirite so as in thy wrath thou mightest iustly forsake vs vtterly yet O Lorde let it be thy gratious pleasure to increase them in our harts euery day euen so long as we liue in this world as of thy goodnes thou hast begun that therby the assurance of our saluation may be more certainely sealed vp vnto our owne consciences that so we may also learne to be more truely thankfull vnto thy maiestie for the benefits of this life namly that thou hast hitherto euer since we were borne giuen vs those things that were needfull for our bodies as health foode apparrell and such like that thou hast kept vs from many dangers comforted vs in all our troubles and strengthned vs in all our weaknes and giuen vs grace this day to labour faithfully and truely in our callings hauing brought vs safely past all the dangers thereof vnto this present houre O Lord forgiue vs the sinnes of this day and of our whole life and specially our great vnthankfulnes for these thy manifold blessings and in Iesus Christ thy deare sonne continue them towards vs euer hereafter both in soules and bodies specially this night receiue vs into thy blessed keeping preserue vs from all dangers from sin from all vngodly dreames and fansies granting vnto vs comfortable rest so as we may be the better strēgthened to serue thee faithfully in our calling and giuing vs grace alwaies both sleeping and waking to be ready when thou shalt call vs out of this miserable world Last of all because thou hast commanded vs to pray for others also we beseech thee good Lord be mercifull to all natiōs specially to those churches where thy gospell is truly preached continue thy mercy towards this realme preserue our Queene blesse her counsaile and all in authority with necessary graces increase the number of faithfull preachers strengthen the godly lighten the ignorant conuert the wicked be mercifull to all schooles and places of learning to all our friends and kinsefolkes and others afflicted in body or in soule graunting to euery one of them as to our selues those necessary graces which thou knowest to be needfull for euery one of vs in our seuerall estates and callings to the glory of thy name and the better assurance of our saluation through Christ Iesus in whose name we aske of thy maiestie as he hath taught vs. Our Father which c. FINIS