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B07393 The doctrine of the Bible: or, Rules of Discipline. Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture, by waie of questions and answers.. 1608 (1608) STC 3024; ESTC S91084 142,227 493

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seperated from his folly An. No not if you bray him in a morter with a pestell verse 22. Quest What is the duty of a Pastor An. To know the state of their flock and to be watchfull ouer them vers 23. The doctrine of the 28. Chapter Question WHat is the terror of a guilty conscience An. To flie though no man pursue Qu. What is the security of innocency Ansvv To be confident as a Lyon verse 1. Qu. What causeth the change of many Princes An. The transgression of the Land verse 2. Qu. For whom doth the vsurer gather his wealth An. Not for himselfe but for some other that will vse it better verse 8. Qu. Who shall obtaine mercy An. He that confesseth his sinnes Qu. VVho not An. Hee that hideth his offences verse 13. Qu. Is it good to set a wicked ruler ouer the people An. No for hee will behaue himselfe like a roaring Lyon or hungry Beare verse 15. Qu. Shall goods euill gotten prosper An. No they shall vanish vers 20. and Chap. 20.21 Qu. Shall a man that rebuketh find fauour with the rebuked An. Yes in the end more then hee that flattes him verse 23. Qu. What is he that robbeth Father or mother An. Beside a theefe a destroyer verse 24. The Doctrine of the 29. chapter Question WHat is it to stand against correction An. Obstinacie a disease vncurable verse 1 Qu. What comes by the authority of the righteous An. Ioy and comfort Qu. VVhat when the wicked rule An. Sorow and sighing verse 2. Qu. How is a kingdom preserued An. When the magistrates are iust Qu. How is it brought to ruine An. When the Magistrates take bribes verse 4. Qu. What is the end of flattery An. Deceipt verse 5. Qu. How is the foole knowne An. By his lauish speech hee powreth fourth his mind at once Qu. Hovv is a wiseman knowne An. By his taciturnity hee will not speake but vpon occasion verse 16. Qu. How doth wickednes increase An. With the number of them that commit wickednesse verse 16. Qu. What doth to o much lenity An. Make a seruant presume to be as a sonne verse 21. The doctrine of the 30. chapter Question VVHat is the danger pouerty may fal into An. Theft Qu. What is the danger wealth may fall into An. Forgetfulnesse of God Qu. VVhat kind of life must wee then pray for An. A competent neyther too much nor too little verse 8.9 Qu. What kind of people are those whose teeth are as svvordes and whose iawes are kniues to eat vp the poore An. Vsurers and extortioners ver 14 Qu. Which be the foure things that are neuer satisfied An. The graue the barren wombe the earth for water and the fire for fewell verse 19. Qu. VVhat are the three thinges that are hid the fourth that cānot be knowe An. The way of an Eagle in the ayre the path of a serpent ouer a rock the course of a ship in the Sea and the haunt of a man with a maid verse 19. Qu. Which are the four things that cōmonly abuse the state whereunto they are called An. A seruant put in authority a foole at a banquet a hatefull woman married and a handmaid the heyre to her mistresse verse 23. Qu. Which are the four small creatures that giue check to men for vvisdome An. The pismire that prepareth meate in summer against winter the Cony that builds his house in the rock the Grashopper that obserues order hath no ruler the Spider that takes holde in Kings places verse The doctrine of the 31. chapter Question WHat learne you in this Chapter An. To be chast and temperate verse 3. Qu. Chast as hovv An. In these words Giue not thy strength to women Qu. Temperate as how An. To refrain from drinking of wine verse 4. Qu. What learne you else An. How to know a vertuous woman Qu. How is a vertuous woman known An. By her painfulnesse shee seeketh wooll and flaxe and laboureth cheerefully verse 13. By her watchfulnes shee will rise while it is yet night verse 15. By her prouidence with the fruite of her hand she planteth a vineyard verse 16. By her charity shee stretcheth out her hand to the poore verse 20. And by her faith in the later day she shall reioyce verse 25. Finis Prouerbs Ecclesiastes or the Preacher Question VVHo writ this booke Ans Salomon Qu. VVhy is it called by the name of the Preacher Ans Because Salomon by waye of exhortation labors to instruct all men how to hate the vanities of this world and to affect nothing but heauenly blessednesse Chapter 1. Question WHat are the pleasures of this life An. Vanity of vanities verse 2. Qu. Is there any thing vnder heauen a man may say this hath not been before An. Nothing verse 10. Qu. Is wisedome likewise vaine Ans Yes and vexation of spirit v. 17. Chapter Question VVHerein then consisteth happines in mirth and ioy An. No verse 2. Qu. In banqueting An. No vers 3. Qu. In presumptious building An. No verse 4. Qu. In gold and siluer An. No. Qu. In multitude of seruants An. No vers 8. Qu. In authority An. No verse 9. Qu. What is the reason An. Because they are all transitorie and leaue behind them vexation of spirit vers 11. Qu. Wherein is the soole and wise man alike An. In death vers 16. Quest What are the dayes of man An. Trauaile and sorrow verse 23. Chapter 3. Question VVHat is here set downe An. The mutability of time Qu. What learn we by that An. First that nothing in this world is petmanent Secondly not to bee grieued if wee haue not all thinges at once nor enioy them so long as wee would from the 1. to the 8. Qu. VVhy can we haue nothing but by painfull trauell An. Because thereby the Lord will humble vs. verse 10. Qu. Are the conditions of men and beastes alike Ans Yes touching the death of theyr bodies vers 19. Qu. How do they differ An. The one is partaker of reason the other is gouerned by sence the one perisheth body and soule the other liueth eternally Qu. How both in body and soule An. Yes after the resurrection of the flesh Chapter 4. Question HOw doth he further proue vexation of spirite An. In that the innocents are still oppressed and no man comforteth them verse 1. Qu. How is the poore man preferred before a king An. By wisedome verse 13. Qu. What is the bond of friendship Ans Society Qu. What is the benefit of society Ans Mutuall comfort and helpe one man to another verse 10.11.12 Chapter 5. Question IN speaking to God what must we auoid An. Temerity and multitude of words verse vers 1. Qu. Who seeth the oppression of the poore An. The Lord Quest Who shall redresse them An. He that sees them verse 7. Qu. What learne we by this An. Not to be astonyed at the malice of the world since our reuenger liues Qu. How is the desire of the
Qu. How doth she thinke to satissieber desire An. By seeking after him Qu. When An. At all times and in all places but especially in the time of trouble and persecution verse 12. Qu. Will he heare her An. Yes and deliuer her making her rise out of the wildernes of affliction like a pillar of smoak petfumed with Myrth and incense Qu. How is that An. Triumphantly Qu. What will he then doe An. Shew her his place of rest the guard set to atttend it and his crowne of glory verse 7 11. Qu. What be those An. First quiet of conscience Secōd ly protection of Angels Thirdly eternall happinesse Chapter 4. Question VVHat doth Christ in this chapter An. Set forth the beauty of his spouse Qu. Hovv An. By comparing her to diuers pretious and pleasant things Q. To vvhat doth he compare her eies An. To a payre of Doues verse 1. Qu. To vvhat her hayre Ans To a flock of Goates looking downe Gilead verse 1. Qu. To vvhat her teeth An. To the wooll of sheep new washt vers 2 Qu. To vvhat her lips An. To a threede of scarlet or the dropping of the hony combe ver 3.11 Qu. To what her neck An. To the Tower of Dauid vers 4. Qu. To vvhat her brests An. To two young Roes feeding amongst Lillies verse 5. Qu. To what her loue An. To the pleasure of wine or the sauour of sweet spices verse 10. Qu. To what her whole body Ans To a Garden planted with Pomegranates Spikenard Calamus Cynnamon Myrrh Aloes and all other chiefe Spices verse 12.13.14 Qu. The Church or the soule of the faithfull being compared to a garden what doth she An. Call vppon her Bride-groome Christ Iesus to be vnto her a fountaine of liuing water and to breath vpon her with the breath of his holy spirit that she may fructifie Qu. In what An. In loue and true obedience Qu. Why is the Church of Christ compared vnto these earthly perfections Answer Because of our weake capacity that by these visible beauties wee may in some measure apprehend the inuisible glory of Christ and his Elect Chapter 5. Question WHat doth Christ in this fift chapter An. Call the faithfull to a banquet of Spices hony milke and wine Qu. VVhat is signified thereby An. His bounty in heaping his graces vpon the faithfull verse 1. Qu. Are we ready to come when he calls An. No sleepe that is the cares of this world detaine vs verse 2. Qu. Doth he then straight forsake vs An. No he stands without calling still till his lockes be wet with the dewe of the night Qu. VVhat vnderstand you by that An. The long patience of the Lord toward sinners verse 2. Qu. But if we abuse that patience what shall be fall vs Ans We shall seeke the Lord and hee will not be found verse 6. Qu. In his absence what successe haue we An. We fall into the hands of cruell watchmen Qu. Who be they An. False teachers Qu. How do they handle vs An. Wound our consciences with their traditions vers 7. Qu. What marks doth the Church diliuer of Christ to find him out An. She saies his head is of goulde ver 11 His eies are like Doues verse 12. His cheekes are as beds of spices and sweete flowers verse 13. His lips like Lyllyes dropping with Myrrh verse 13 His hands as ringes of golde set with the Chrysollte ver 14 His belly Iuorie couered with Saphites ver 14. His legs as pillars of marble set vpon sockets of gold vers 15. His countenance as Libanon ver 15. His mouth as sweete things verse 16. Qu. What is signified by these comparisons An. The infinite giftes and graces which the presence of Christ brings to the faithfull Chapter 6. Question HOw is the church assured of the loug of Christ An. By his words Qu. What are they An. I am my beloueds and my beloued is mine verse 2. Qu. How many churches are there An. But one true Church as there is but one Christ the head therof Qu. How ought that Church to bee affected An. Chastly and without pollution Quest How her aspect An. Fresh as the morning fayre as the Moone Cleare as the Sunne And terrible as an armie with banner verse 9. Chapter 7. Question HOvv many are the speciall vertues of the Church An. Faith and good workes Qu. How are they exprest vnto vs An. By the Similitude of the Palme tree verse 7. Qu. What are the Properties of the Palm tree An. The leaues are alwaies greene and the fruit continuall Qu. Apply An. As the tree is alwayes greene and full of fruit so ought our faith bee flourishing and our good deedes with out ceasing Chapter 8. Question OF whom will the Church be taught An. Of Christ alone vers 2. Qu. By whome is she vpheld An. By the strength of his handes vers 3. Qu. In vvhat sort doth shee desire Christ to manifest his loue tovvard her An. By setting her as a seale vppon his heart and a signet vpon his arme verse 6. Qu. What is his loue An. A burning zeal not to be quēcht verse 7. Quest Hovv is his iealousy Ans Cruell like the graue verse 6. Qu. Where is the dvvelling of Christ Ans In his Church Qu. Hvv must it be fortified for his presence An. VVith a wall and a doore Qu. What is vnderstood by these tvve things An. Fidelity and Constancie The Prophet Esaiah Question HOw was Ejaiah descended Qu. From the linage of kings Qu. Who was his father An. Amoz brother to Azariah King of Iuda Qu. Hovv long did he prophecy Answ Threescore and foure yeares from the time of Vzziah to the raign of Manasseh Qu. Who put him to death An. Manasseh Qu. Vpon how many pointes dooth the doctrine of the prophets consist An. Vpon three Qu Which bee they Ans Instruction reprehension and cosolation Qu. Instruction how An. To teach them to knowe theyr sinnes Qu. Reprehension how Answ To rebuke them for sin Qu. Consolation how An. To comfort them vpon their repentance Chapter 1. Question VVHat was the first sin Esaiah reproued An. The ingratitude of the Israelites Qu. Wherein stood their ingratitude An. In forsaking their God that had nursed and brought them vp Qu. How doth he shew them their ingratitude An. By the example of bruit beastes the Oxe and the Asse knowe their Masters cribbe but Israel forgets his God verse 3. Qu. What was the second Sinne Esaiah reproued Ans Obstinacie or stubbornnesse of heart Qu. How were the Israelites obstinate Ans In that beeing plagued they continued still in their wickednesse verse 5. Qu. vvhat is threatned to such kinde of people An. Desolation to their land destructio to themselues verse 7.8 Qu. VVhat is the third sinne Esaiah reproued An. Hypocrisie Qu. Wherein were they hypocrites An. In thinking to please God with their multitude of sacrifices notwithstāding that they neither had faith nor repentance Qu. To pray then or doe any other sernice
Qu. How did Christ confute the obiections of the Iewes An First by saying he was the way the trueth and the faithfull shepheard and therefore did not seduce the people chap. 14.6 and 10.11 Qu. How secondly An. By saying what he did he did by the inspiration of the Holy ghost and power of God the Father and therfore did not blaspheme chap. 1.32 and 10.30 Qu. How thirdly An. By protesting openly that what was due to Caesar ought to bee giuen vnto Caesar and therefore was not enemie to Caesar Qu. How fourthly An. By shewing he came to enritche them with all the treasure of happy life and therefore was no theefe like Barrabas ch 6.48 and 7.38 Qu. Were they not satisfied with this An. No not though Pilate the chiefe Magistrate before whome hee was indited did certifie them from the iudgement seat that hee found no fault in him chap. 18.38 Quest VVhy did not Pilate set him free An. Because hee respected more the displeasure of the people then the discharge of his owne conscience wherein he shewed himselfe a bad magistrate Qu. What are the true marks of a good Magistrate An. VVisedome Valour Impartiality not to bee humerous not to bee couetous nor cruell Qu. When is he wise An. VVhen he discerneth rightly betweene falshood and trueth Qu. VVhen valiant Ans VVhen he feares not to execute the tenoure of the Law Qu. VVhen impartiall A. VVhen he neyther respecteth the rich for their authority nor disdaines the poore for their basenesse and inferiority Qu. How is he without humour Ans VVhen hee executeth instice for the loue of vertue not for hate enuy or a malicious stomacke against the party called in question Qu. How is he not couetous An. When hee doth not buy or sell iustice for reward or bribes Qu. What is iustice An. The square of life attributing to euery man that which is due Qu. VVhat is iniustice An. The disorder of life withholding from men the iust measure of their deserts Qu. When is a Magistrate cruell An. When he is wholly set vpon seuerity without any thought of pittie or compassion Quest Was Pilate altogether without compassion when hee gaue iudgment vppon Christ An. No he had a kind of compassion but it was counterfait and therefore though he would wash his hands neuer so often he cannot cleare himselfe from the guilt of innocent bloud Qu. How many sortes of crueltie are there An. Three Qu. Which bee they Answ The first is of such as procure it who neuerthelesse will not execute it themselues and this was the cruelty of the Iewes the second is such as deuise not themselues to be cruell but when the sword is put into their hands or the meanes giuen vnto them do not spare forth-with to execute it with all immanity and brutishnes of heart and this is the cruelty of tyrantes and wicked men put in authority The third is of such as neglect their duety towards them that are in danger necessitie or tribulation whome they both ought and might saue and help if they would and such was the cruelty of Pilate and is the cruelty of all such as see the innocent and guiltlesse wronged and will not helpe and succour them Qu. How many waies may we help the distressed An. Fiue manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. Either in person when we trauell and labor for their deliuerance or with our goods in releeuing their wāts or with our good words to comforte them or with our counsaile to direct them or with our power quite to deliuer them Qu. Had Christ any such friends An. No nor did he neede them because he wold haue deliuered himselfe if it had pleased him Qu. VVhere were his Apostles An. Fled from him Qu. Peter boasted he would dye for him and did he now forsake him in this extremity An. He did not only forsake him but he flatly forswore he knew him Qu. How often An. Three times the same night that Christ was apprehended chap. 18. Qu. What learne we by this An. The inconstācy of flesh bloud and the ficklenes of worldly friends Qu. VVhat became of Iudas that betrayed him An. As of a pernitious conspirator Qu. How was that An. He hanged himselfe Qu. Who gaue him that iudgement An. His owne guilty conscience Qu. How many offices of torment doth a guilty conscience include An. Foure Qu. Which be they An. Of an accuser a juror a judge and an executioner Qu. How of an accuser An. In laying our sinnes to our charge Rom 2.15 Qu. How of a iuror An. By giuing in euidence againste vs. Qu. How of a Iudge An. In condemning vs. Qu. How of an Executioner An. By inflicting deserued punishment Qu. What is it to haue a guilty conscience An. To liue in continuall torments and hell of minde Qu. What was the manner of Christ his execution An. The death of the Crosse Qu. What extremity did hee suffer before he was nailed vpon the crosse An. He sweat water and bloud was falsly accused buffeted spit vpō scourged reuiled crowned with thorns and his garments parted before his face Qu. What extremitie did he indure vpon the crosse An. His hands and feete were nayled his side pearced with a speare he drank vinegar and gall was for saken of God and reiected of the world Qu. For whome did he suffer all these torments An. Not for any offence of his for he was immaculate but for our sins which were infinite Qu. To what end did he suffer them An. To the satisfaction of the iustice of God and the redemption of our soules Qu. What learne we by that Ans His obedience to God the Father and his loue towards vs. Qu. Wherein appeared his obedience towards God An. In two things Qu. What be they An. In performing all God had commaunded which is called actiue obedience and in patient bearing all that was imposed vpon him which is called passiue Qu. Wherein appeared his loue towards vs An. In giuing his life for vs when we were yet his enemies Qu. What is that An. The power and vigor of the soul expressed by the instrument of the body Qu. What are the opinions of Atheists touching life An. Some thinke because a man liueth no longer then he breatheth that the life of man is nothing but a puffe of winde Some againe Because the losse of much bloud bringeth the losse of life therfore they esteeme the life to be nothing else but bloud And other some because in death they perceiue no difference between men and beasts therfore they hold our life to be as the liues of bruite beastes vanishing without immortality of soule but all these opinions are cotrupt and lewde Qu. VVhy so An. Because they are grounded onlie vpon the corporall senses Qu. How doe you prooue the soule immortall An. Because it is the image of God which is a spirit and eternall for there must alwaies bean agreement betwixt the image and the thing wherof it is
an image Qu. VVhat part of Christ then did suffer death An His humanity Qu. Of vvhat doth his humanity consist An. Of body and soul like vnto ours sin onely excepted Qu. Did his soule suffer death An. It did Que. Why then the soule is not immortall An. There be two kinds of death one corporall which is a dissolution of the soule from the body another spirituall which is a separation of the soule from the presence of God And in this sence it is said that Christ his soule did die insomuch as for a while it was excluded from the presence of God Qu. What part of Christ did not suffer An. His Deity by which he did ouercome death Qu. How did his victory ouer death appeare An. By his resurrection Qu. When was that An. Vpon the third day Qu. What benefit haue we by his resurrection An. The assurance of the immortality both of soule and body and that sin death nor hell shall haue any power ouer vs so long as we beleeue in him Qu. How prooue you that An. By his owne wordes I am the resurrection and the life hee that belieueth in me though he were dead yet he shall liue chap. 11.25 And againe hee that beleeueth in the Sonne hath life euerlasting and he that beleeueth not in the Sonne shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth in him chap. 3.36 Qu. What kind of people held opinion that there is no resurrection Ansvv The Saduces and therefore they tempted Christ with the question of the woman that had seuen husbāds whose wife she should be at the day of the resurrection Qu. How doth Christ answer this question Ansvv By saying that in the kingdom of heauen they neither mary nor are maried but are as the Angells of God Qu. What are they called that amongst vs deny the resurrection An. Atheists Qu. How many sortes of Atheistes are there An. Two Qu. Which be they An. The one that perswade thēselues the soule is mortall aswell as the body the other that albeit they haue some opinion of the immortality of the soule yet they thinke there is no hell nor punishment for sinne after this life Qu. How doth the scripture disprooue the first An. By saying that whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ shall not perish but haue eternall life chap. 3.5 Qu. How the second Ans By the words that God shall say to the wicked at the day of iudgement depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the diuel and his Angels Mat. 25.41 Qu. How many sorts of Angels bee there An. Two good and bad Qu. Of what substance are good Angels An. Not of the nature and essence of God nor immortall of themselues but haue their immortalitie of GOD who both giues it vnto them and preserues them in it could take it from them if he would Qu. What difference is there betwixt the spirits of men and Angels Ans The spirits of men are ioyned vnto bodies the spirits of Angels are not Qu. Are not the spirits of men celestiall Ansvv Yes not in respect they are drawne from the nature of God but in respect of the agreemente that is betwixt them Qu. What difference is there betwixt soule and spirit An. A soule is common to all men liuing as well Infidells as others but spirit is properly in those that are regenerate and borne anew by faith and the holy ghost Qu. To whome did Christ first appeare after his resurrection An. To Mary Magdalen and afterward three seuerall times to his Apostles Q. How long was he vpon the earth after his resurrection An. Forty daies and then hee was taken vp on high and a cloude receiued him Acts 1 3.9 Qu. Where vvas Christ when hee was taken vp An. Vpon mount Oliuet The end of the Gospell The Actes Question AFter that Christ ascended into heauē whome did hee leaue on earth for the building vp of his Church An. His eleuen Apostles Qu. Hovv did he strengthen them An. By sending the holy ghost vnto them chap. 2.4 Qu. In vvhat likenesse did the Holie ghost appeare An. In the likenesse of fiery tongues chap 2.3 Qu. With vvhat did it indue them An. With the knowledge of languages Qu. To vvhat end An. That they might preach to all nations Qu. Was that their office An. Yes Qu. Who enioyned them thereunto An. Christ chap 1.8 Qu. Vpon hovv many poynts did theire of fice consist Ansvv Of two Qu. Which be they Ansvv To baptize and to instruct Qu. How did they baptise An. In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy ghost Qu. How did they instruct An. Two manner of waies Qu. VVhich be they An. By testifying the death resurrection and ascension of Christ teaching of faith repentāce good works chap. Qu What power had they giuen them to confirme their doctrine An. The power of working myracles as making the same to goe healing the sick and raising the dead chap. 3.6 and 9.34.40 Qu. Who stood against them An. The practise of the Diuell Qu. Who defended them An. The prouidence of God Qu. How did the Diue practise against them An. By raysing vp conspiracies tumults commotions perse cutions slanders and by bringing them to imprisonment stripes and death Qu. To vvhat purpose and end did the diuel do this An. To ouerthrow or at the least to stop the course of their preaching if it had bin possible Qu. How did God defend and preserue them Ans He reuealed the conspiracies against them chap. 9.24 He pacified the tumults commotions chap. 19.35 to 41. He sent them refuge in time of persecution chap. 14.6 Hee conuerted the hearts of their slaunderers chapter 2.37 He deliuered them out of prison chap. 5.19 He comforted them when they were beaten chap. 5.41 and 23.11 and in death hee gaue them life chap. 14.19 Qu. Who conspired against them An. The Iewes Qu. How An. When Paule was imprisoned by them some fortie of them and more tooke an oath that they would not eat nor drinke vntill they had slain Paul Acts. 23.12.13 Qu. Vnder what colour would they execute their malice Ans Vnder colour to haue him brought forth to be examined they by the way would murder him Qu. How did God reueale this conspiracie An. Pauls sisters sonne ouer-heard it and was sent to tell the Captaine of the castle of it chap. 23.20.21 Qu. What did the captaine when he heard it An. Sent Paule with a power of men for his guard to Caesarea to Faelix the chiefe gouernour Qu. Who raised tumult against them An. The Iewes and one Demetrius a siluer-smith at Ephesus Qu. Against which of the Apostles did Demetrius raise a tumult An. Against Paul Gaius and Aristarchus Pauls companions Qu. Why An. Because they spoke against Images by making of which hee got his liuing Qu. What was Demetrius intent by this commotion An. To haue Paul and his disciples supprest Qu. How did God preuent
armed thereunto An. With boldnesse as Gods Embassadour and by shewing himselfe an example of good works and integritie of life chap 2 7 15. Qu. To whome An. To all whome he taught Qu. Who vvere those An. Both yong and old Qu. How doth he teach the old Ans The men to bee sober honest discreete sound in faith loue patience chap 2 2. The women to be holie and not giuen to wine Qu. How doth he teach the young An. The men to bee sober minded women to be chast obedient to their husbands and no gadders abroade chap. 2.5 Paul to Philemon Question FRom whence was this Epistle written An. From Rome Qu. Vpon what occasion An. Onesimus a seruant to Philemon being fled from his Maister Paule winneth to Christ and sends him backe a gaine Qu. By what entreaty An. That Philemon wold receiue him Qu. How Ans As if Paul himselfe were present verse 17. Qu. For what reason An. Because he was now not onelie his seruant but his brother in the Lord. Qu. How An. In that he professed the gospell The Epistle to the Hebrewes Question VVHo writ this Epistle An. It is not knowne Qu. What is handled in it Ansvv The difference betweene the priesthood of Christ and the Leuiticall Priesthood Qu. How do they differ Ans In fiue points Qu. Which be they Ans As touching the office the temple the sacrifice the ceremonies and the effect su How do they differ as touching the office Ans The Priesthood of the Leuites was externall and after the order of Aaron the Priesthood of Christ is spirituall and after the order of Melchisedec Qu. What is it to be a Priest after the order of Melchisedec Ans To be a Priest a Prophet and a King not for a moneth a yeere or an age but for euer chap. 7.3 and 23. Qu. Why are all those three titles attributed Ans Because he sanctifies vs from sinne teacheth vs by his wisedome and gouerns vs by his power Qu. How do they differ as touching the Temple An. The Temple of the Leuites was built with handes and not to endure but a tiem The Temple of Christ is built by the holy ghost in eternity cha 8. Qu. How doe they differ as touching their sacrifices An. The Leuites did offer the bloud of Goates and Bulles But Christ his owne precious bloud Qu. How touching their ceremonies An. The ceremonies of the Leuites were corporall as the attyring of the body and other externall obseruations but the ceremonies in the Gospell are spirituall as the vertuous disposition of the soule Qu. How thouching their effects An. The sacrifices of the Leuites though many times offered did scarce sanctifie the bodie the sacrifice of Christ but once offered sanctifies both body and soule chap. 9.14 and 28. Qu. In whome An. In all that haue faith Qu What is faith An. The grounde of things which are hoped for and the euidence of things which are not seene chapt 11. verse 1. Qu. How do the temples of Moses and Christ agree Ans The Temple of Moses had three separations as the holiest of all whereinto the high Priest onelye entred and that but once euery yeere the Tabernacle of the Congregation where the Leuites remained and the open courte where the people had resort So in the temple of Christ there is the spirit the soule and the body Qu. What difference is between the spirit and the soule An. By spirite is vnderstod regeneration through faith in Christ and by soule is vnderstood man in his first corruption liuing according to the rule of reason without the knowledge of gods word or faith Qu. Being once grafted in faith what is it to fall from it Ansvv Sinne against the holy Ghost which is vnpardon able chap. 6.4 and chap. 10 26. Qu. Hovv may we fall from faith An. If when we haue once receiued the knowledge of Christ we afterward deny him Qu. VVhat therefore are the Hebrewe counselled to doe An. To keepe the profession of their hope without wauering chap. 10 23. Qu. How must that be An. Through patience Qu. Wherein An. In esteeming light the troubles of this life by setting before our eyes the ioy of the life to come Qu What haue we to encourage vs An. The words of our Sauiour Qu. What are they An. My sonne faint not when thou are rebuked for whom the Lord loueth hee chasteneth and scourgeth euery son that he receiueth chap 12 5 6. Qu. Is there nothing else required but patience An. Yes the sacrifice of a Christian Qu. VVhat is that An. To praise God alwaies and distribute to the poore chap. 13.15.16 The general Epistle of Iames. Question VVHy is this called the general Epistle of Iames An. Because it is not writ to any one man nor country but generally to all the Iewes dispersed through many countries Qu. What doth it containe An. The effects of our iustification as Paule to the Romanes declared the cause Qu. What is the cause of iustification An. Faith Qu. What are the effects An. Good workes chap 2 24. Qu How is faith diuided An. In to tvvo parts Qu. VVhich be they An. A liuely faith and a dead faith Qu. What is a liuely faith An. Faith made knowne by good workes Qu What is a dead fayth An. Faith without good workes and so the diuell is said to haue faith chap. 2.17.19 Qu. What be the good works S. Iames exhorteth vnto An. Patience prayer loue to beware of ambition swearing and contention to bridle the tongue and rule the affections not to speake euill one of another not to be friends of this worlde c. Qu. From vvhence proceed good woorks An. From God chap 1 17. Quest From whence euill An. From our owne concupiscence chap. 1 14. Qu. What saith S. Iames of patience An. Blessed is the man that endures temptation for when hee is tryed hee shall receiue the crowne of life chapt 1.12 Qu. What saith he of prayer An. Let him that asketh aske with faith wauer not ch 1 6 Qu. Of loue vvhat saieth he An. He that loueth his neighbour as himselfe fulfilleth the Law chap 2 8. Qu. Of ambition what An. God reiecteth the prowd giues graces to the humble chap 4 6. Qu. What of swearing An. Before all things my brethren sweare not ney ther by heauen earth nor any other oathe but let your yea be yea and your nay nay least ye fall into condemnation chap. 5 12. Qu What of contention Ans Where enuying and strife is there is all manner of euill works cha 3.16 Qu. What of the tongue An. That it is a fire and a worlde of wickednesse defiling the whole body if it be vngouerned chap. 3 6. Qu. What of euill speaking An. If a man speake euill of his brother he speaketh euill of the law chap. 4.11 Qu. VVho are the friends of the world An. Such as esteeme more of riches honors and such like then of the word of God Qu. What saith Iames
THE DOCTRINE of the Bible Or RVLES of Discipline Briefelie gathered through the whole course of the Scripture by waie of Questions and Answers The knowledge of holy things is vnderstanding by it Kings raigne and Princes establish Iustice LONDON Printed by Richard Bradocke for Thomas Pauier and are to be sold at his shop at the entring in of the Exchange 1608. To the Reader Iudgements are prepared for Scorners Prouerbs 19 29. If any man long after life and to see good dayes let him refrain his tongue from euill 1 Pet 3 10 As you would that men should doe to ●●u so doe you to them Luke 31. L●●e couereth the multitude of f●alts 1. Pet. 4 8. Hee that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue 1 Iohn 4 8. The Doctrine of the Olde and New Testament Question WHat is Doctrine Answ Precepts for the finding and racing out of sinne Qu. VVhat is the effect of doctrine An. Faith and vertuous liuing Qu. How manifold is doctrine An. Two fold either diuine or morall Qu. Diuine as how An. In our duty towards God Quest Morall as how Ans In our duety toward our selues and our brethren Qu. How many sorts of men may we call brethren An. Foure Qu. Which be they An. Such as are of one parentage one country one religion or of one mind by friendship Qu. How is morall doctrine deuided An. Into rules of duetye toward our superiors parents kinred of-spring family and inferiors Qu. How may this duty be infringed An. By the corruption of the flesh and all other actuall sinnes Qu. How many waies doth God teach An. Four manner of waies Qu. Which be they Ans By his word by his workes by his punishments and by his blessings Qu. Are these performed alway in his owne person An. No but more often by h. chosen Ministers Que. How are they intituled Ans By the names of Patria●kes Captaines Iudges Kings Prophet● Euangelists and Apostles Quest Which call you Patriarches Ans The first fathers of the church as Adam Enoch Abraham Isaac Iacob c. Quest Which call you Captaines Ans Such as had the leading of the Israelites from Aegypt to the land of Canaan and gaue directions in time of battle as Moses and Ioshua Quest Which call you Iudges Ans Such as executed Gods iudgements vpon the enemies of the church and did administer Iustice amongst his people at Ehud Shamgar Samson Gedeon Iphtah Samuel c. Quest Which call you Kings Ans The annoynted of God and soueraigne rulers of his people as Saule Dauid c. Qu. Which call you Prophets An. Such as by inspiration of the holy ghost did foretell the ruine of sin and the reward of vertue and were interpreters between God and man Qu Which call you Euangelists Au. The writers of the Gospell of Iesus Christ Que. Why are they called Euangelists Ans Because their workes containe the glad tidings of saluation to all that beleeue Qu. Which call you Apostles Ans The chosen Desciples of Christ as Simon Andrew Peter Iohn c. Chap. 1. to 15. Question WHat doe we learne by the creation of the world An. As touching the Creator three things Qu. VVhich be they An. His omnipotencie in creating all things of nothing His bounty in furnishing the world with all necessarie ornaments And his loue in giuing man dominion ouer all chap. 1.20 Qu. What do we learne as touching our selves An. three things Qu. Which be they An. The obseruation of the Sabaoth chap 22. Humility of minde in being made of the dust of the earth chap 2 7 And the reuerence which wee owe ●o mariage Qu. Why ought wee to reuerence mariage An. Because it was instituted of God himselfe and in Paradice cha 2.23 Quest How ought a man to loue his wife An. As himselfe being flesh of his flesh Qu. Where was man placed after his creation An. In Paradice Qu. Did he continue there An. No he fell Qu. Hovv An. By the malice of the Diuell Qu. What was his sinne An. Disobedience Qu How did God punish him An. He cursed him and his posterity wherein hee shewed his iustice chapter 3.13 Qu. How did he comfort him Ans By promising forgiuenes by the seede o● the woman Christ Iesus chap 3.14 Que. What did that shew An. His mercy Qu. How many waies did the curse of God extend vpon Adam Ans Foure manner of waies Quest Which be they Ans First the earth was made barren for his sake Secondly his posterity aswell as himselfe became bondmen to hell Thirdly all the dayes of his life he was to eate his bread in the sweat of his browes And fourthly he was thrust out of Paradice Qu. How vvas Eue punished An. Two manner of waies Quest Which be they An. First to bring foorth her children in sorrow And secondly to liue in subiection to her husband Qu How was the serpent punished An. Three manner of wayes Qu. Which be they An. First he was made the most cursed of all creatures Secondly he was to goe vpon his breast And thirdly to deuoure the dust of the earth Qu. Which was the second sinne of the world An. Murder Qu. Who committed it An. Caine. Qu. Vpon whome An. Vpon his brother Abel chapt 4.11 12. Qu. What vvas their quarrell An. About their sacrifices Qu. Why An. Because Abels was accepted and Cains was not chap 4 4.5 Quest Why did not God accept Caines Sacrifice Ansvv Because he did it more vpon custome then conscience Qu. Who taught them to sacrifice Ans Their Father Adam Quest How could he do that and the Law not giuen Ans The law of God is two foulde naturall imprinted in mens heart and traditionall pronounced from God written in the Bible Qu. VVhich of these two had Adam Ans The first Q. What was the punishment of Cain for killing his brother Abel Ans He was cursed of God and condemned for a runnagate Qu. Whome did God raise after the death o● Abel to build his Church vpon An His brother Sheth chap. 4. verse 25. Qu. Did the example of Caines punishment admonish the succeeding age to beware of sin An. No● as the world grew in yeeres so it grew in iniquity Qu. Jn vvhat manner An. It was wholy corrupt and full of cruelty chap. 6.11 Qu. By whom did God reprooue them Ans By Noah Q. How Ans In making it knowne hee would drowne the world by his preparing of the Arke Qu. Were the people reformed An. No they laughed at it and remained secure till the waters came vppon them Qu. Were all destroyed An. All but Noah and his family and some other for the preseruation of their kinne Qu. What mooued God that hee would not spare so much as the bruite beastes An. His detestation to sinne chapter 6.7 Qu. Who was the first figure of Christ An. Enoch Qu. How was he a figure of Christ An. In being taken body and soule vp into Heauen as Christ was chap. 5 24. Qu. Who was
Qu. How was he punished An. God gaue all that wealth afterward into the hands of the King of Babel for a pray 2. Kings chapter 20 ver 17.18 Qu. What else An. Not to mocke or ieaste at the preching of the word of God Qu. By the example of whome An. Of Zedekiah and his subiectes that mocked and despised the Prophets that were sent to forewarne them of their destruction 2. Chron. chap. 36.19 Qu. What was their punishment An. Zedekiah himselfe for despising the light of the soule lost the lighte of his body his eies were pulled out his sonnes were slaine before him and hee and the people carried into captiuitie to Babylon Qu. What vertues do we learne by the liues of the kings of Israel and Iuda An. To haue a sure confidence in the prouidence of God Qu. By the example of whome An. Of Eliah the prophet to whome in time of famin God sent meat by Rauens 1. Kings chap 17.6 Qu. What else A. To be charitable to the distressed Qu. By the example of vvhome An. Of the widdow of Sarepta whose oyle and meale the more she spent the more shee had for her kindnes shewed to Eliah 1. Kings chap. 17.16 Qu. What else An. To be zealous in prayer Qu. By the example of vvhome An. Of Eliah who in time of greate drouth called faithfully vpon the lord and he powred downe raigne vpon the earth 1. Kings chap. 18 4.5 Qu. How many be the degrees by vvhich prayer ascends into heauen Ans Six Qu. Which be they An. First humility in shewing reuerence with the members of the bodie as kneeling c. Secondly deuotion in hauing mind on nothing else when we pray Thirdly faith in beleeuing to obteine that wee pray for Fourthly integrity of heart not to aske any thing but that is iust Fiftly conseruation of life that our maners answere our deuotiō Sixtly perseuerance that is neuer to be faint or weary of so good an exercise Qu. What vertues learne we else An. Not to doubt of our resurrection Qu. By the example of whome An. Of Eliah that was taken bodye and soule vp into heauen 2. Kings chap 2.11 Qu. What else An To be faithfull Qu. Why An Because where faith is nothing seemes impossible Que. By the example of vvhome An. Of Elisha that raised-the dead to life eured Naaman the Leaper and made yron to swimme vpon the waters 2. King chapter 4.35 chap. 14 and chapter 6.6 Qu. What else An. Not to distrust the omnipotency of God Qu. By the example of vvhome An. Of the destruction that fell vpon the Aramites that lay before Samaria without any stroke of mans hand 2. Kings chap. 7.17 Qu. What else An. To assure our selues of Gods help howsoeuer we are forsaken of mē Qu. Why An. Because millions of Angells incampe about the faithfull 2. Kings cha 6.17 Qu. What else An. To aduance true religion Qu. By the example of vvhome An. Of Iosiah King of Iuda that put downe Idolatry and commanded the Law of God to be read in the Temple 2. Kings chap. 23.2 Qu. What else An. Not to spare our owne parentes in case of religion Qu. By the example of vvhome An. Of Asa King of Iuda that deposed his owne mother for Idolatry 2. Chro. chap. 15.16 Qu. VVhat else An. To prouide liuing for the Ministers of God Qu. By the example of whom Ans Of Ezechiah King of Iuda that commanded the tithes of corne wine oyle and honey to be brought to the Priests 2. Chr. chap. Qu. What else An. Not to doubt of forgiuenesse if we repent Qu. By the example of whome An. Of Manasseh King of Iuda whom vpon his hearty repentance God deliuered out of captiuity 2 Chron. chapt 33.13 Finis Kings and Chronicles Ezra Question WHo writ this booke An. Ezra Qu. Of what Nation was he An. A Iew of the family of Aaron Qu. How many things doe we generally learne out of this booke An. Foure Qu. VVhich is the first Ans The truth of Gods mercy Qu. How An. In that according to his promise after seauenty yeares were expired he deliuered his people out of captiuity Qu. By the fauour of whom An. Of Cyrus King of Persia chapter 1. Qu. Who brought them home An Zerubabel and Ezra chap 1 and chap. 7 Qu. Which it the second thing we doe learne out of this booke An. The thankfulnesse which ought to be in vs for Gods benefits as was in the Israelites after their returne chap. 7.27 Qu. VVhat is the third An. The care that we ought to haue to establish true religion by the example of the Israelites that neuer ceased till they had built the Temple of the Lord and published his lawes chap. 6 15. Qu. VVhat is the fourth An. When we are once planted in peace and haue the vse of true religion to labour as the Israelites did for the preseruation of humane societie by seeing good Lawes executed chapter 10. The end of Ezra Nehemiah Question VVHat was Nehemiah Ans A Iew and in greate fauour with Darius Qu. What was his disposition An. He feared God and desired the good of his country Qu. How did that appeare An. First by his daily prayer next by the lamentation hee made for the misery of his country-men chapt 1.4 and lastly by obtaining meanes to help them Qu. He did not then as many will in these daies say God helpe onely and so forget the misery of threir brothren but he laboured to giue them succour An. He did Qu. In what manner Ans Hee procured a licence of the King to get prouision for the repayring of Ierusalem chap. 2.8 Qu. VVho hindred him in his worke An. Sanballet the Horonite and Tobith the Ammonite Qu. For what cause Answ Vpon malice Qu. VVhat do we learne thereby An. That the diuell and his instruments still lie in waite to hinder vertuous exercise Qu. How did they binder the Iewes An. By raising war vpon them Qu. Did the Iewes then leaue off their enterprise An. No they laboured with one hand and held the sword in the other chap. 4 17. Qu. What doth their diligence teach vs An. In repairing the new Ierusalem of our soules as they did their old Ierusalem of their earthly habitation to practise the deedes of charity with one hand in the other to hold the shield of faith to keepe off the assaults of the diuell and his instruments Qu. What did Nehemiah repayre in Ierusalem An. The walls of the broken buildings Qu. What else An. Decayed religion and corruption of manners chap. 13. The end of Nehemiah Ester Question VVHat was Ester Ans A poore maide Qu. Hovv was she aduanced An. To be the wife of a King Qu. By vvhat meanes Ans By the prouidence of God and her owne vertue Qu. To vvhat end An. To protect the Iewes her countrimen Qu. What vices do we learne to shun by the contents of this Booke An. Not to feast in oftentation of our riches Qu.
ouer vs for our offences what must we do An. Hide our selues vnder the shadow of Gods mercie by calling vpon his name Qu. But what do the foolish at such a time An. Goe on still without repentance and are punished verse 3. Qu. To make children prooue vertuous old men what shall we doe An. Instruct them therein in theyr youth verse 6. Qu. Why is borrowing grieuous An. Because the borrower is seruant to the lender vers 7. Qu. Who kindles strife An The scorner Qu. How must we quench it An. By casting out the scorner verse 10. Qu. Whose familiarity ought Princes to vse Ans Such as are pure of heart verse 11. Qu. VVhat will the Lord doe to them that rob the poore An. Spoyl the soules of them as they spoyle theirs verse 22.23 Qu. With vvhome is it dangerous to conuerse An. With the angry and furious man verse 24. The doctrine of the 23. chapter Question AT the table of a ruler what must wee remember An. Sobriety verse 1 2 3. Qu. What is correction to a child An. Deliuerance from destruction verse 14. Qu. Is enury forbidden An. Yea euen against sinners Qu. How An. Not to vexe our selues at theire prosperity nor grieue in that wee are not like them verse 17. Qu. Why An. Because they shall be cut downe like grassen and wither but our hope shall continue Psal 37.1 Qu. Why must wee not keepe company with drunkards and gluttons Ans Because their life is odious and their end pouerty verse 21. Qu. What part of our bodies must wee dedicate to wisdedome An. Our heart vers 26. Que. Why is a whore comparèd to a deep ditch Ans Because shee deuoureth the soules of many verse 27. Qu. To vvhome is woe sorrow wounds and rednesse of eyes An. To them that tarry long at the wine and seeke out mixt wine verse 30. Q. What other īnconueniences followes drunkennesse An. Though it be pleasant at the first it biteth like a serpent in the end it inkindleth lust and makes a man sencelesse of wrong verse 22 23 25. The doctrine of the 24. Chapter Question HOw is war to be enterprised An. Aduisedly and with counsell verse 6. Qu. When is mans courage tried An. In the day of adueisity verse 10. Qu. What must we do when wee see the innocent oppressed Ans Deliuer them Qu. But if we doe not are we excused to say we knew it not Ans No for God which searcheth the heart sees the contrary verser 1 12. Qu. What danger is he in that reioiceth t another mans fall An. to turne the wrath of God from the other vpon himselfe verse 17 18. Qu. Who is to he abhorred of the vvhole world An. He that saies to the wicked thou art righteous verse 24. Qu. Who is to be reuerenced of the whole world An. Hee that boldly rebuketh the wicked verse 25. Qu. In what state is the fielde of the slothfull An. Ouergrowne with thornes and nettles verse 21. Qu. What instruction receiue we therby An. To beware of the like sin Qu. VVhat are the words of the slothfull An. Yet a little sleepe a little folding of the armes or there is a Lyon without c. that so he may still cherish his lazy humour verse 33. The doctrine of the 25. Chapter Question VVHen is a Prince a meet vessell for the Lords vse An. When he is purged from vice the corruption of lewde councellors verse 5. Qu. What are words spoken in fit place compared vnto An. Apples of gold set in pictures of siluer verse 11. Qu. VVhat is a faithfull messenger to him that sends him An. As colde in extremity of heate verse 13. Qu. To what may wee liken him that boasteth of false liberality An. To clouds and winde without rayne making a great shew without any performance verse 14. Qu. How must we taste the pleasures of this vvorld Ans As we would honny moderately least we surfer verse 19. Qu. What is bee like vnto that beareth false vvitnesse against his neighbour An. A hammer a sword or the sharp rrow Qu. VVhy An. Because his words bruise and wound verse 18. Qu. VVhatis the vnfaithful like to in the time of trouble An. A broken tooth or a sliding foot verse 19. Qu. To take a mans garment from him in winter what is it like An. Vineger powred vpon Allome because as the Vineger dissolueth the Allom so doth such cruelty vndoe the needie verse 20. Qu. Must vve hate him that hateth vs. An. No but giue him breade if hee be hungry and drinke if hee bee thirstie and so by noting our curtesie his own conscience shall reclaim him ver 21.22 Qu. What is hee like that cannot bridle his owne nature An. A city without walles subiect to any danger vers 28. The doctrine of the 18. Chapter Question IS honor vnmeet for a foole An. Yea as inconuenient as snow in haruest verse 1. Qu. Neede wee to feare a curse that is cauflesse An. No more then the sparrow doth the Fowler when shee is in her flight vers 2. Qu. To vvhome belongs a spurre or a whippe Ans To the horse Qu. To whom the rod An. To the foole vers 3. Qu. What is it to giue honour to a foole An. Euen the same as to hide a Pearle amongst a heape of stones verse 2. Qu. Of whom is there lesse hope then of a foole An. Of him that is wise in his owne conceipt verse 12. Qu. What is it to meddle in a braule An. As much as to take a curst dog by the eares verse 17. Qu. VVhat doth the deceitfull man in his rage An. Mischiefe and saies it is a ieast like him that is madde throwing firebrands abroade and must bee borne withall because he is mad verse 18.19 The doctrine of the 27. Chapter Question OF whom must we be praised An. Not of our selues but of others verse 2. Qu. VVhat is anger An. Cruell Qu. VVhat is enuie An. Not to be stood against verse 4. Qu. VVhy may we not boaste of to morrow An. Because we know not what the successe of the day will be verse 1. Qu. What are the wounds of a louer An. Faithfull Qu. VVhat are the kisses of an enemie An. Dangerous verse 6. Qu. VVho despiceth delicate meates An. He that is full Qu. Who thinketh bitter things sweete An. The hungry soule verse 7. Qu. Is the hearty counsaile of a friend pleasants Ans Yes as an oyntment of perfume so doth it reioyce the heart verse 9. Qu. In time of extremity what must we cleaue to An. Rather a neighbour neer hand then a brother farre off verse 10. Qu. Can a contentious woman be concealed An. No more then the winde verse 16. Qu. Ought not he that attendeth be recompenced An. Yes as hee that keepeth the Figgerree shall eate the fruite thereof verse 11. Qu. May the eies of a man be salisfied Ans No more then the graue which is neuer full verse 20. Qu. May a foole be
couetous An. Insatiable vers 9. Qu. For vvhat is the night appointed An. For rest vnto all creatures Qu. Hovv rests the couetous man An Vnquietlie Qu. Hovv rests the poore labourer An. His sleep is sweet vnto him ver 11. Chapter 6. Question HOvv is the rich man miserable An. In that God hath giuen him much treasure wealth he wanteth the power to enioy it vers 2. Qu. How commeth that to passe An. Eyther by parsimony losse or sodayne death Chapter 7. Question WHy is the day of death better then the day of birth Ans Because our birth is the entrāce to sorrow and affliction and our death the gate to ioy and happinesse verse 3. Qu. Why is it better to goe to the house of mourning then to the house of laughter Ans Because in the house of mourning we shall behold the iudgement of God and thereby learne to amend our liues verse 4. Qu. Why is it beter to heare the rebuke of a wise man than the song of a foole Ans Because the one is instruction the other losse of time Qu. VVhat is the peruersenesse of the world Ans That the iust sometime perish and the wicked man continueth long in his malice verse 17. Qu. When wee are admonished to leaue vvickednesse what must vve do An. Come at the first call vers 19. Chapter 8. Question VVHom doth a tyrant hurt An. Himselfe as wel as others verse 9. Qu. Doth God punish sinners An. Yes Qu. VVherefore An. To their greater iudgement Qu. Doth God afflict the righteous Ans Yes Qu. Wherefore Ans For their trial and to their greater comfort verse 12.13.14 Chapter 9. Question DOe Prosperity and aduersity teache vs whom God loueth whom he hateth An. No. Qu. VVhy Ans Because they happen indifferently both to the righteous and vnrighteous verse 2. Qu. What is the difference then An. The righteous are assured of Gods fauour by faith so are not the other verse 4. Qu. What is the opinion of Epicures An. They had rather bee abiect and liue then honorable and die which is meant by the liue dog and dead Lyon verse 4. Qu. Why vvere they of that opinion Answer Because after this life they thought there was no other beeing Qu. How doth the world deceiue her favorites Ans By making them think they are blessed of God when they haue wealth and good successe in this life Qu. Are not those then the blessings of God An. Yes to them that vse them to his glory and the benefite of the poore otherwise not Chapter 10. Question HOw are the deedes of the wise An. Discrete Qu. Hovv are the deedes of the foole An. Rash and absurd verse 4. Qu. What vanity doth Salomon else note in this Chapter An. That the worthy are displaced the vnworthy a duanced vers 6.7 That the land is miserable whose Prince wanteth wisedome and whose Nobles are giuen to their owne lustes and pleasures verse 16. Qu. What treason doth God condemne in a subiect against his Prince An. Not only treason in act but treason in thought verse 20. Chapter 11. Question TO whom must the rich be liberall An. To the poore Qu. When An. In this life because after death there is no further power Qu. Hovv must they be liberall An. In dispersing their alms to many Qu. By what example are we taught to be charitable An. By the cloude that powreth raine By the Sea that casteth vppe her increase By the earth that yee Ideth variety of fruites by the Sunne that casteth out his beames from East to West all which are not thus seruiceable and gracious for themselues but for the benefit of others Qu. How shall the charitable man be rewarded An. With plenty on earth and treasure in heauen Qu. If vanity be forbidden why doth Salomon in the 9. vers of this chap. counsaile vs to follow the lusts of our owne harts Ans He doth it in derision as if hee should say goe to yee worldlings glut your selues with all manner of vanitie but remember that one day you shall come to iudgement for all verse 9. Chapter 12. Question TO whom must wee dedicate our youth An. To the Lord. Qu. VVhy An. Because in age we shall be more vnapt verse 1. Qu. How shall we be more vnapt An. By reason of the weakenesse of the body which is set downe in the 7. verses Qu. Whither returnes the body in death An. To him that gaue it verse 7. Finis Preachers The song of Salomon Chapter 1. Quetion VVHat is contained in the song of Salomon An. A liuely description of the mutuall loue between Christ and his Church vnder the names of Bride and Bridegroome Qu. What is vnderstood by the Church An. Euery faithfull soule Qu. To what doth the faithfull soule compare her Bride-groome Christ Iesus in this first chapter An. To the sauour of a sweere oyntment because of his gratious benefites toward her verse 2. To the Chariots of Pharaoh because of his power and strength vers 8. To a bundle of myrrh because of his holinesse verse 12. To the grapes of Engedie for his sauing health verse 13. Qu. Can the soule aproache neere vnto Christ vpon her owne accord An. No not except she be drawne that is incited by his holy spirit vers 3. Chapter 2. Question VVHere doeth the Church desire to rest An. Vnder the shadow of Christ comparing him to a tree verse 3. Qu. With what will she be fed An. With the fruite of his doctrine verse 3.5 Qu. To what doth Christ compare his Church An. To a Rose and Lillie amongst thornes Qu. Why An. First for her beauty and pleasure Secondly for her excellencie aboue all other things in that all other things in respect of her are but as thornes verse 2. Qu. How doth she figure the comming of Christ An. Vnder the name of a Roe or young hart looking through the grates of a window Qu. VVhat is vnderstood by that An. The diuinity of Christ shining through his humanity verse 9. Qu. Cannot he then be perfectly knowne in this lise An. No no more then one that stands behind a grate can be wholly or perfectly seene to our bodily eies Qu. What did Christ after he came An. Called to his beloued the Church verse 10. Qu. Did she appeare at his calling Ans No she hid her selfe in holes of the rocks verse 14. Qu. VVhy did she so An. Because of her sinnes Quest How did he comfort her An. By telling her the winter was past that is sinne was killed and the cheerefull spring appeared that is grace and saluation was come verse 11.12 Quest VVhat is the Church compared vnto An. A Doue Qu. VVhy An. Because of her meeknesse v. 14. Qu. VVhat are the enemies of the Church compared to A. To Foxes Qu. Why An. Beause of their malice and craft ver 15. Chapter 3. Question VVHat is the desire of the Church An To be ioyned inseparably with Christ verse 4.
doctrine from each of them and not itterate any thing Ans Deuide the whole historie of Christ into foure parts and euery parte into foure branches Que. Content what are the foure branches I shall despure with you vpon in the Gospell after Matthew Answer These Christ his birth his persecution baptisme and election of his Apostles Doctrine out of the Gospell after Mathew Question VVHat was Matthew by profession An. A publicane Qu. What were the Publicanes Qu Those kind of Iewes which in the name of the Romanes did gather vp the taxes and tallages imposed vpon the people Qu. How came he to be an Apostle An. Christ called him as hee was fitting at the receipt of custome who presently notwithstanding the scandales and bad reports which the Iewes had giuen out of Christ and that hee himselfe was exceeding ritche left all and followed him Qu. What doth Mathew first set down An. The comming of Christ vnto the world Qu. How is that Ans Two manner of waies Qu. Which be they An. Once in the flesh many times in the spirite Qu. How comes he in spirite An. Two manner of waies by grace to inspire vs as when the spirit of God fell vpon the 70 Elders Num. 11.25.26 And vpon the Apostles Actes 2.3.4 Or by faith to assure as Saint Paule faith the same spirit beareth witnes with our spirit that we are the children of God Rom. 8 25 26. Qu. By what example doe wee learne Christs comming in the spirit An. By the example of Gods appearance to Eliah Qu. How was that An. First came a mighty winde and tore the rocks but God was not there then rose an earthquake but God was not there then came a fire but god was not there at last came a soft and still winde and God was not there 1. Kings 19 15.12 Qu. Doth Christs spirite after the same manner descend into vs An. Yes Qu. How An. First there comes the breadth of his threatning voice to breake our stony hearts then an earth quake that is a trembling at his iudgementes Thirdly a fire to try if wee repent aright Last of all a soft voice of happie tydings which is the Lambe Christ Iesus Quest Hovv was his comming in the flesh An. He was conceiued by the Holy Ghost and borne of the Virgine Mary Matth. 1.18 Qu. Is this all the times he shall come in the flesh An. No hee shall come at the latter day Qu. In what manner An. With power and great glorie Math. 24.30 Qu. What to doe An. To iudge the world with righteousnesse and the people with equitye that is to giue to euery one according to their deeds Math 16.27 Qu VVhy did Christ take vpon him our flesh An. To satisfie for our sinnes Qu. Hovv An. In suffering vnderneath the iustice of God what wee had deserned Qu. What was the first euill that Christ suffered An. Persecution Qu. When An. As soone as hee was borne Qu. By whome An. By Herod king of the Iewes Qu. What learne we by this An. That a christian life in this world from the day of our birth to the houre of our death is nothing but crosses and afflictions Qu. How came Herod to be king An. He bought it of Caesar for a great summe of money Qu. How did he behaue himselfe in the kingdome An. Like a bloodie Tyrant hee slew all that were of the linage of king Dauid and burnt their Pedigrees because he feared to bee driuen from his seate and authoritie by one which hee heard should spring of that familie and therfore likewise he flew his sister and her husband that was a Iewe and put to death his owne sonne which he had begot vpon a Iewish woman Qu. How long was it ere he could seate himselfe in the kingdome Ans Thirty yeeres continually making warre vpon the Iewes so hardly did they endure the gouernment o● a stranger Qu. Why was Ierusalem troubled whe● newes was brought of the birth of a new● king which was Christ knowing they were weary of the gouernment of Herod An. First to flatter him because they would seeme to be affected as hee was for he was greatly troubled Matth 2.3 And secondly because they feared there would arise a newe occasion of bloudshed by the contention of these two kings Qu. What was the end of Herods malice towards Christ A. As it is of all persecutors of Gods people his owne ruine for Christ was deliuered from his rage Mat. 2.13 Qu. Did his rage so end An. No when hee saw himselfe mocked of the Wise men that promised to bring him word where Christ was hee most cruelly slaughtered all the young children of Bethlehem and the coastes thereaboutes thinking so to be sure of his destruction Math. 2.16 Qu. What do we learne by the massacre of so many innocents Christ onely reserued An. That tyranny may destroy the body of Religion but not the soule Qu. Was that no fault in the wisemen to breake promise with Herod An. No it is lawfull to break promise in any thing wherein the honour and seruice of God may be hindred Qu. How was Christ preserued An. By flight into Aegypt Qu. Why did Christ beeing God giue place to the fury of Herod Ans To shew that it is lawfull for vs to flee from persecution and saue our liues so it may be done without scandall to the Gospell Mat 10 23. Qu. Why did he flee into Egypt rather then into any other country Ans For 2. causes first that the scripture might bee fulfilled according to the prophet Ose Out of Egypt haue I called my Sonne And secondly to shewe that hee woulde forsake the Iewes for their ingratitude and receiue the gentiles Q. Wherein consisted their ingratitude An. In stoning the Prophets and men of GOD which were sent vnto them for their soules helth Mat. 23.37 Qu. How doth Christ prophecy their ingratitude should be punished An. By threatning vnto them a spirituall and a corporall plague Qu. What was their spirituall plague An. Famine of the word and scarcity of teachers Qu. What was their corporall plague An. Ruine of their citie desolation of their Temple and a generall dissipation and scattering of their whole nation at whose hands shal be required the bloud of all the Saintes from Abel to Zachary the son of Barachia whome they slew between the Temple and the Altar Qu. How many were the henefites of God bestowed vpon the Iewes An. Innumerable but these especially he saued Noah from the flood Abraham from the Caldeās hee brought thē afterward out of Aegypte through the red Sea he fedde them in the wildernesse with meate from heauen and water from the rocke fortie yeares space their garments neuer waxed old heeled them dry shod ouer Iordan hee gaue them possession of one and thirtie kingdomes he instructed them in his true seruice he built them a temple he supplyed them daily with prophets to be their guides and finallie sent his only begotten Sonne amongst them to be
a physitian both of theyr bodies and soules whome they most cruelly put to death Qu. What did first make knowne the birth of Christ An. A starre Mat. 2.2 Qu. How did that starre differ from other starres An. In three respects first as touching the place being lower fixed then other starres Secondly as touching the motion moouing directly forward and not circularly and thirdly as touching the time it shone as well by day as by night Qu. To whom did the star appeare An. To the wise men of the East to conduct them where Christ was borne Qu. What is signified by that star An. The spirit of God which must illuminate our harts or we shall neuer find the way vnto Christ Qu. When the wise men found Christ what did they An. As all men must doe when they haue once got the knowledge of him Qu. VVhat is that An. Acknowledge our loue seruice to him by our externall oblations Qu. What was their oblations Ans Gold frankinsence and myrth gold as he was a King frankinsence as he was a Priest and myrrh as he was a Prophet Mat. 2.11 Qu. But in stead of these three things what do we Christians learn to offer vnto him Ans For gold purity of life for frankinsence praier and thanksgiuing and for myrrh patience in aduersity Qu. In the eleuenth chap. of this gospel Christ saith I thank thee Father that thou hast hidde the knowledge of thy will from the wise and prudent and hast shewed it vnto babes yet bere he saith the wise men came to worship him What difference is there betwixt the wise men he speaketh of there and those mentioned here Ans By the wisemen there he vnderstandeth such as arrogantly depend vpon their own knowledge and measure all things by humane reason By wisemen in this place he vnderstands such wise men as in things that belong to the honour of God and our iustification reiect the power and wisedome of man and cleaue onely to the grace of God through Christ and the sincerity of his word In which sence they are also called babes Matth. 11 verse 25. Qu. In professing of Christ what comfort haue we An. A threefould comfort first wee knowe he is our Lord and can and will defend vs from all our enemies Matth. 28 18.20 Secondly he is our teacher and wil instruct vs in all things necessary to saluation And thirdly our spirituall phisitian that calls vs vnto him to comfort and heale our afflicted consciences Math 11.28 Qu. Where is the end of the Old Testament and beginning of the new An. In the Baptisme of Christ for by that god doth as it were point vnto vs and shevv that hee is the true Messias and Sauiour of the world Qu. By what signe An. By the visible appearing of the holy ghost the voice that was heard This is my dearely beloued Sonne in whom I am well pleased Matthew 3.17 Qu. How many things are required in Baptisme An. Three the visible element which is water the worde and a promise of grace Que. What was the difference between the baptisme of Iohn and the baptisme of Christ. An. Iohn did baptise with water to repentance but Christ did baptise with fire that is by his holie Spirite wor. king in our hearts to the remission of sins Qu. Why is Iohn saide to prepare the way of the Lord An. Because his doctrine was repentance no man can come vnto Christ except hee first confesse the damnable state he is in through sinne be hartily sorie for the same faithfully beleeuing onelie by the merits of Christ to be deliuered from thence Qu. Whom did Christ first call to his seruice An. Poore fishermen Qu. VVhat doe we learne by their calling An. Two things Qu. Whch be they An. First an example of charity in Christ that of his meer mercy grace chose such poore simple men to bee the chiefe Pastors and pillars of his Church Secondly and example of faith and obedience in them who no sooner were called but straightway left al they had and followed Christ Matthew 4.22 Qu. How did they follow him An. Not as many Christians nowe adaies doe in outward shew and seeming holines but with that resolutiō that they willingly vnderwent pouerty scorn slander and death itselfe to shew themselues worthy schollers of so worthy a maister Besides they were but once called vpon and they came but we are many times exclaimed vpon yet we come not Qu. How led Christ his desciples An. Two manner of waies bodily spiritually Qu. How did he lead them bodily An. By iniuring his body to trauell by sea by land in citie field mountaine valley for the publishing of the gospell and worke of their saluation Qu. How did helead them spiritually An. By manifesting vnto them great signes and arguments of humility patience loue fortitude and all other vertues of the minde so that what hee was such he would haue them al that insist vpon his holy name to bee Qu. Why did not Christ choose his disciples amongst the mighty learned rich men of the world An. Because the mighty stand vpon their reputation the learned are obstinate in their opinions and the rich enthrald with couetousnesse Qu. Was there none of this sorte came when Christ cald them An. Yes but they were very few as of rich men Zacheus Mathew of gentlemen the Centurion Ioseph of Arimathea and of the learned Nichodemus Gamaliel Saul Qu. Did these men leaue all and follow Christ. An. They did Qu. How then had Mathew a house to banquet Christ in after ward Mat. 9.10 An. To forsake all is vnderstoode not cleane to depart from all which they had but to make no reckoning of their goods otherwise then they might serue to the glory of God and the reliefe of his poore distressed members Qu. VVhy doth Christ call his Apostles and Ministers the salt of the earth Mat. 5.15 An. Because as the property of salte is to bite purge and preserue so their doctrin ought to testifie reprooue and instruct Qu Why are they called the light of the world An. Because in doctrine and conuersation they must be as shining and glorious guides to the darke minds of the ignorant Qu. What is the end thereof An. The glory of God Qu. Is it not then inough for them to preach the Gospel openly and with boldnes of heart Ans No they must likewise bring forth fruits of good life hy their deedes of charity Mat. 5.16 Qu. In how many things consisteth the testimony of a good life An. In three things Qu. Which be they An. In holinesse which belongeth to God in righteousnes which belongeth to our neighbour and in sobernes that belongeth to our selues Qu. For how many causes are we boūd to serue God An. For three causes Iure creationis because he created vs Iure redemptionis because he redeemed vs and iure amoris because he loued vs. Doctrine out of the
Gospell after Marke Question VVHat was Marke An. A disciple of Peters of whom be had learned the Acts of Christ Qu. What are the branches to be handled in this Gospell An. The tempting of Christ his fasting praier and miracles Qu. When was Christ tempted An. As soon as he had receiued baptisme Whereby we learne that the spirit of God begins no sooner to worke but it is as soon crost and ouer th warted by the spirit of the diuell chap. 1.12 Qu. What is the difference bet weene these two spirits Ansvv The spirit of God is louing gentle meeke not forcing nor threatning the spirit of the diuel is subtile cruel false and full of terror Betweene these two spirits the spirite of man is continually tossed the one working to our saluation the other to our damnation Qu. Who did tempt Christ An Two sorts of creatures Qu. Which be they An. The diuell and the Iewes Qu. From whence fetcheth the diuell his argument wherewith he tempreth Ans From three things eyther from the wit reason of man the customes of the world or from the corruption wresting of the Scriptures as in this place it appeares Qu. What doth the Deuill tempt vnto Ansvver Sinne. Qu. What is the nature of sinne Ans To destroy Qu VVhat followes sinne An. A twofold iudgement the one inward as torment of conscience and decay of gifts the other outward as cōtempt and reproach of the world Qu. How many kindes of temptations are there An. Two Qu. Which bee they An. Bad which proceed from the Deuill and his instruments good which proceede from God Qu. How doth God vse to tempt Answ Two manner of waies by trials on the right hand and by trials on the left Qu. How doth he tempt vs by trials on the right hand An. By offering vs temporall blessings as wealth promotion and such like to if we will take hold on them iustly or after an indirect and sinnefull manner Or by bestowing vpon vs teporall blessings to try if wee will dispose of them according as hee hath commanded and as his vpright almoners Qu. How doth he tempt vs by trialls on the left An. By suffering heresies to rise vp amongst vs to see if they can seduce vs or by common corruption of manners when many slanders scandales and iniuries are offered to prooue our constancie patience and loue Qu. Hovv did the Iewes tempt Christ An. By friuolous questions to intrap his life as whither it were lawful to giue tribute to Caesar or not ch 12.14 Qu. VVhat is our comfort in temptation An. That if wee abide faithfull and constant God at the last will send his Angels to deliuer vs as he did vnto our Sauiour chap. 1.13 Qu. Why doth God suffer vs to he temted An. For fiue speciall reasons Qu. Which be they Ans First to try whether we be faithfull Secondly to make vs seeke vnto him for helpe Thirdly the better to manifest his power and loue in deliuering vs. Fourthly to create in our harts a thankfulnesse for our deliuerance And fiftly that we may be made like vnto our Sauiour Christ Qu. Is it in the diuels power to tempte vs when be pleaseth Ans No hee cannot doe it by the example where the vncleane spirite which Christ had cast out of the man in the country of the Gadarens coulde not enter so much as into the heard of swine before hee had asked leaue of Christ chap. 5.12 Qu. VVhat doth this infer Ans That we ought alwaies to pray that wee be not led into euill temptation Qu. After Christ was deliuered from the temptation of diuell what did he An. As we ought to doe in the like case most cheerefully endeauoured to perfor me the will of his Father Qu. What may wee therefore liken the temptation of the diuell vnto An. A blow or w wound which dismaies not the good christian but rather stirres him vppe mere forcibly to withstand the assault of his enemie Qu. What opportunity did the Diuell watch to attempt Christ An. When hee was alone in the wildernes and opprest with long fasting Qu. How long had he fasted An. Forty daies and forty nights Qu. What company had he An. None but the wild beasts Qu. VVhat may we vnderstand by the wildernesse An. The world Qu. What by the wild beasts An. Inward and outwarde daungers thereof Qu. Inward dangers of what An. Of ones owne rude and vntamed affections Qu. Outward dangers of what An. Of the vanities wherby we continually fall Qu. What is a good remedy against these dangers An. Fasting and not as some suppose forty daies but so long as we liue in the wildernesse of this wicked world Qu. What is fasting An Sobriety of life Qu. How many kindes of fasting are there An. Two Qu. VVhich be they An. Corporall which is a refraining from meate and spirituall which is an abstaining from sinne Qu When are we said truely to fast An. When wee keepe our eies from looking after vanities our tōgues from cursing swearing and euill speaking our hearts from meditating mischiefe our hands from practising vnlawfull actions and our feete from treading in the way of scorners Qu. VVhat is the propertie of true fasting Ans It must not bee done for vaine-glory but to mortifie the bodie that it may be in subiection to the spirit and to the intent wee may haue the more prouision for the relieuing of the poor Qu. VVhat are the effects that followe fasting Ans Health perfection of memorie sharpnesse of wit long life and happinesse of soule Qu. What is the opposite to fasting An. Intemperance Qu. What is Intemperance An. An ouerflowing of voluptuousnesse against reason and the health of the soule seeking no other contentation but the delight of the senses Qu. What are the effects that follow it An. Disorder impudency vnseemlines negligence imbecility of body and destruction of soule Qu. Where in consists intemperance An. In sumptuous feasting Qu. Is it not tollerable for Christians to feast Ans Yes if it be done with moderation and thanksgiuing as it appeares by the exāple of Matthew who feasted our Sauiour Christ chap. 2.15 Qu. VVhom must we feast An. Not our ritche neighbours least they bid vs againe and so recompence be made but the poore maimed lame and blind and God shall reward vs at the resurrection of the iust Luke 14.12.13 Qu. May not man both feast and fast at one instant An. Yes so in the middest of his delicates he be able to temper his affections Qu. What must be ioyned with fasting to make it acceptable An. Repentance and prayer Qu. What is repentance Ans A hearty sorrow for sinne with a firme resolution neuer to offend again so that it is not enough to bee grieued for our sinne except we likewise a mēd Qu. Giue me an instance A. It is our Sauiours words Repent and amend for the kingdome of God is at hand Qu. What goes before Repentance An. Admonition Qu. What followeth An.
their purpose An. The Towne Clarke pacified the people and the men were let goe cha 19.35 Qu. Who was the Diuels instrument to persecute the Apostles An. Herod in Iudea and the vnbeleeuing Iewes in Iconium Thessalonica and other places Qu. Whom did Herod persecute An. He killed Iames and put Peter in prison chap. 12.2.5 Qu. Who was Gods instrument to deliuer Peter Ans An Angell Qu. How was Herod punished for his cruelty An. he was eaten to death with worms chap. 12.13 Qu. Whom did the vnbeleeuing Iewes persecute at Iconium An. Paul and Barnabas Qu. How were they deliuered An. God gaue them knowledge of their dangers Qu. Whither went they for refuge An. To Listra and Derbe Citties of Licaonia chap. 14.6 Qu. Who were persecuted in Thessalonica An. Paul and Sylas Qu. How escaped they An. Their friends sent them away by night to Baerea chap. 17.10 Qu. Who are the Diuels instruments to slander the Apostles A. The Iewes Qu. Where Ans At Ierusalem Qu. In what manner An. By saying when they spoke all manner of languages that they were drunk with new wine chap. 2 13. Qu. How did God make them repent their slaunder An. By touching them with remorse of conscience Qu. Who vvere the Diuels instrumēts to imprison the Apostles An. King Herede the Iewes and the Romane substitute Qu. Who vvas Gods instrument to deliuer them An. An angell and such men as hee raised to be their friends chap 5.19 Qu. How did God comfort the Apostles when they were beaten An. By speaking to them in visions chap 23.11 Qu. To which of them did he giue life in death An. To Paule Qu. In vvhat manner Qu. When Paul was stoned by the men of Listra and caryed out of the citie for deade God raised him vp again cuē in the middest of the desciples that stoode about him chap. 14. vers 19.20 Quest What learne we by the sequele of this discourse An. That God by simple men in spite of all tyranny replenished the whole world with the sound of his gospell Qu. But Paul as we reade in the eight chap. persecuted the church consented to the death of Steauē how came he then to be an Apostle An. The spirit of God in whose handes are the hartes of all men converted him frō a persecuter to a preacher so that amongst all the Apostles none was more zealous nor added more Soules to the Church then hee did Qu. How doth that appeare An. By his painefull trauell through many countries his stripes imprisonment stoning danger by land and Sea which he ioyfully suffered for the loue of Christ Iesus Questi Why did God suffer his chosen seruant to be so iniuriously handled of the world Ans For three reasons Qu. Which be they An. That he himselfe might bee the more glorified by their deliuerance their enemies more iustly condemned and his seruants more worthy of their reward in heauen Qu. As they were painfull to teache were the people as ready to followe their doctrine An. Many were of those whose harts were prepared for that calling but otherwise they that were not refused Qu. It appeareth then that faith is the only gift of God Ans It is and increaseth in vs by hearing of his word as appeareth by Lydia the woman of the Thyatirians whose heart the Lord opened that she attended to the doctrine of Paul chap. 16.14 Qu. What strange conuersions were there made by the Apostles An. The conuersion of the Aethiopian Eunuch of Cornelius of Eneas and Pauls Iaylor Qu. Why did the conuersion of these men seeme more strange then the rest An. Because in the eye of the world both for their Calling and quality they seemed more vnlikely to be conuerted then any other Qu. How An. The Eunuch was of the heathen that worshipped strange Gods ch 8.37 Cornelius a souldier whose stearne profession might seeme to harden his heart against the first impression of Christian faith chap. 10.5 Elymas a coniurer and one that practised with the diuell and the laylor a forward minister to execute the cruelty of such as persecuted Christ and his Church Qu. How did the conuerted shew themselues afterward to be Christians An. By their good works Qu. VVhat were they An. The Eunuch planted the Gospel in Ethiopia Cornelius vsed much praier and almes-deeds and the Iaylor drest the wounds of Paul and Sylas and refreshed them with meat Qu. It is not then inough for vs to be Christians in name but we must also be so in nature An. True for otherwise we shall be sure to vndergoe the wrath of God Qu. By what example An. By the example of Ananias and Saphyra and of Eutichus Qu. What were theyr faults An. Ananias and Saphira after they were receiued into the Church did not with their whole hart addict themselues to the seruice of God Qu. VVherein did they fayle An. In that whereas it was accustomed amongest them to imploy all their goods to the benefyt of theyr brethren they kept backe a parte to theyr owne priuate vse Qu. How were they punished Ansvv VVith sodaine death chap. 5 5 10. Qu. If God shewed such seuerity vppon them in that they distributed not they re whole substance to the maintenance of christian charity what ought they to feare that will bestow nothing not so much as the superfluity of thyer riches to the releeuing of theyr distressed brethren An. Not onelie death of body in this world but destruction of soule and body in the world to come vnlesse they amend Qu. Wherein did Eutichus offend A. Being of the congregation of the faithfull as he sate with others to heare Paule preache neglected his doctrine as at many Sermons with vs wee may see the like and fell into a sleep Qu. Hovv did God punish him An. He made him an example to the whole assembly by suffering him to fall from the third loft so that hee lay for dead till Paul reuiued him Qu. But our Christians sit low and in their Pewes and therefore need feare no such danger An. True they need not feare falling to the ground but they may fit in dread of a greater fall Qu. What is that An. From the top of heauen to the bottome of hell if when they shoulde heare the word of God they suffer sleep to stop their eares Saint Paules Epistle to the Romanes Question VVHat was the cause the Apostles writ Epistles An. The variety of nations whom they had converted with whom they could not alwaies in person be conuersant and therefore they sent their minds vnto them in writing Qu. To vvhat end Ansvv To cherish their yong faith which otherwise like a greene tree that hath not taken deep roote might bee shaken with contention and errour Quest VVas there any such thing in Rome at such time as he sent this Epistle thither An. Yes Qu. VVhat was it An. The Iewes began to despise the Gentiles and the Gentiles the Iewes Qu. Wherfore did the Iewes despise the Gentiles An.
saith I will powre my spirite vpon all flesh and your sonnes and daughters shall prophecie Kings in that we shall raigne with him eternally and Priests for that true Christians do offer the spirituall sacrifice of prayer praise and asmes deedes Hebr. 13.15.16 Qu. Are then all Christian Priests alike An. They are as touching the sacrifice aboue saide but not as touching Church-gouernment for in this sense they are not called Priests but Elders or ministers Qu. How doth he describe Christ according as he law him in vision An. By certaine properties fit for the capacitie of men as that hee was in a long robe girt with a girdle of gold his hayre was white as snow his eyes as a flame of fire his feete like vnto fine brasse burning in a furnace his voyce to the sound of many waters in his right hand he had seauen starres out of his mouth went a sharpe two-edged sword and his face shone as the Sunne shineth in his strength Qu. What gather we by this description An. By his long robe girt vnto him wee gather the readinesse of Christ in his Kingly and Princely office to execute the worke of our saluation by his white hayre his fulnesse of knowledge wisedome by his fiery eies his deepe insight into the darkest corners of the earth deepest secrets of mens hearts by his feete of shining brasse the purity and brightnes of his wayes and the power which hee hath to tread downe his enemies and therefore are his feete rather compared to Brasse then vnto gold because gold is a softer mettal and not so sit to represent his inuincible strength By his voyce compared to the noyse of manie waters wee vnderstand the sounde of the Gospell humbling some to their saluation others to theyr confusion By the starres in his right hand his faithfull Ministers by whome hee worketh which as starres should giue light vnto men by their doctrine and conuersation By the two edged sword is vnderstood the powerfull word of God cutting and cleansing the hearts of his children and thrusting through the others to their destruction and by his face shining like the sunne at the highest the vnspeakeable brightnesse of his grace whereby the Church is comforted and lightened in all trueth and sincerity Qu. Why doth he resemble the Churches to golden candlesticks An. Because the Candlesticke doeth not giue the light but the light is put vpon it so the Church receiueth all her light put vpon her from Christ for the doctrine of the Church which is the light of the Church is from GOD and not of men Qu. Vnto how many points may vve draw the doctrine of this booke Ans Vnto foure Qu. VVhich be they An. Precepts prophecies promises and threatnings Qu. Wherein are the precepts seene An. In the instructions giuen to the seauen Churches Qu. Vpon how many generall points do these instructions consist An. Vpon three a commendation a reprehension and an exhortation Quest VVhat doth Christ commend in them An. Their vertues as patience labor zeale in the church of Ephesus ch 2 2. The workes of faith repentance charity together with constancie in affliction true humility in the Church of Smyrna chap 2.9 Fortitude and valiant perseuerāce in the church of Pergamus that notwithstanding the martyrdome of Antipas a man there put to death for Religion yet they were not terrified but held fast the faith of Iesus Christ neuer forsooke it chap. 2 13. Loue and seruice toward their brethren faith and assurance in the promises of God and increasing in pietie so that the end was better then the beginning in the church of Thyatira chap 2 19. A little increase of faith keeping of the word of God and a free confession of his name in the church of Philadelphia chap. 3.8 Quest What doth Christ reprehend in them An. Their vices as the lacke of loue in the Church of Ephesus cha 2 4. Hypocrisie in the Church of Smyrna of such as said they were Iewes but indeede were the Synagogue of Sathans that is they did professe themselues Christians in word but shewed it not in deed chap. 2.9 The bearing with false doctrine in the church of Pergamus for they suffered the Nicholaitans amongst thē that as Balaam didde taught the people of God to stumble in two things causing them to commit fornication both in body and soule in body by abandoning their wiues to common vse in soule by sacrificing to Idolles for superstitions sake chap. 1.14 The like vice is reprehended in the Church at Thyatira that suffered Iesahell a wicked womā to set abroach false and abhominable doctrine tending to fornication and idolatry amongst them chap. 2.20 At Sardis their workes were sayre in outward shew but inwardly nothing but filth and rottennesse chapter 3. verse 1. At Landicea they were time-seruers who halted betweene two opinions and were neither hote nor cold chapt 3.15 Qu. VVhat doth Christ exhorte them vnto An. Repentance and amendment of life Qu. To their repentance what is annexed An. A gracious promise to bee written in the booke of life Qu. To their wilfull perseuerance in their sins what is annexed An. A heauy threatning that hee will come sodainely vpon them as a theefe and they shall not know the houre cha 3.3 Qu. Hauing learned the state of things as they stood for the present when this Reuelation was giuen what next succeedeth Ans The prophecie of things to come which is eyther generall as touching such thinges as shoulde happen to the whole world or particular but yet of more moment then the former as touching such things as should happen to the Church Qu What is the end of the prophecie of the Church Ans That the faithfull admonished before hand of the assaultes bloudy attempts which the Diuell and world should make vpon the Church might be confirmed in faith and patience to stand resolute in despite of both til the day of the comming of Christ Iesus Qu. What is the end of the prophecie of the world An. To shew the iudgements that God would execute vpon the enemies of his Church and the sealing vppe of the elect before the execution of those iudgements that they might bee kept from euill as appeareth by the 7 8 9 chapt Qu. If the elect were kept from euill to what end was this Reuelation giuen to forewarne them that they should suffer troble and persecution An. To be kept from euill is vnderstood that notwithstanding all the violence persecution offered them yet they were not ouercome or driuen from faith or the hope they had of eternall happinesse but therein they did ioye and triumphe howsoeuer the world thought them plunged in despaire and sorrow Qu. VVhat is the second vision that Iohn had Ans The vision wherein was reuealed vnto him the Maiesty of GOD the Father to giue the greater authoritie vnto this booke wherein his excellencie is likewise set foorth vnto vs aswell as the Sonnes in a description fitte
deedes of the Prophets and the whole body of the Church Qu. In how many things consisted the deedes of the Prophets or ministers of the Church An. In three things in their fighting vnder the Crosse in their murdering and in their raising vp againe Qu. When began their fight A. Presētly vpon the death of christ Qu. How long did they continue An. 1026. yeares Qu. The text saith daies chap. 11,13 Ans True but it is to be vnderstood yeeres after the example of Ezekiel Daniel who interpret their visions in like manner dayes for yeeres Qu. Who was prophecied that he should murther and almost quite extinguish their doctrine An. Pope Boniface the eight wo entred into the papacie at the expiration of 1260 yeares chap. 11.7 Qu. Hovv did be enter An. Like a Fox by subtilty who in the night by a false Oracle perswaded his predecessour Celestine to resigne his authoritie vnto him Qu. Hovv did he rule when he had got it An. Like a hungry Lion killing and deuouring the saints of God Qu. How long did he rule An. Three yeeres and a halfe during which time the church of christ seemed to be dead and lie vnburied Qu. VVhere An. In the streets of Rome Quest The text saith of Sodome and Aegypt how then doe you saie of Rome An. By Sodome Aegypt is figuratiuely vnderstood Rome by reason of the likenesse it had with those two places for the licēciousnesse and tyranny that was practised therein for Sodome was not at that time and Aegypt was a country and not a city Qu. Who raysed the Church againe An. The spirit of life comming from God chap. 11. Qu. When An. Presently vpon the death of Boniface Qu. How died Boniface An. Like a dogge in prison by the means of Sarra Columnus and a French knight called Naggaret Qu. Did the spirit of God raise vpthose that had been slaine An. No. Qu. The text saith they ascended into heauen in a cloude An. We are to vnderstand by the vse of the scripture that the church of the wicked is commonly called the world or the earth the church of the faithfull and elect is called heauen therefore when it is saide they ascended vp into heauen the meaning is they were withdrawne from the tyrannie of this wicked worlde and gathered into the celestiall church that is seeing the Temple and publique places were not open vnto them secret places were sanctfied vnto them as if it were heauen aparte from the rest of the world Qu. What effects followe this separation An. Feare and terrour in their enemies ioy and thanksgiuing in the saints of God that he did vouchsase to challenge his authoritie and soueraigne power ouer the world chapter 12 vers 11.17 Qu. Hauing touched the ministerie of the Church let vs returne to the other part of our diuision which was the whole bodye of the Church How doth the whole bodie of the Church diuide it selfe An. Into two parts into the Iewish Christian and into the Christian Catholike Church which consisteth not only of Iewes but of the beleeuing Gentiles also Qu. When began the Christian Iewish Church An. At the instant of the conception of our Sauiour Christ Qu. When began the Christian Catholike Church An. At that time when by the preaching of the Apostles the Gentils were conuerted and did embrace the glad tidings of the Gospel Qu. What doth Saint Iohn here continue for our instruction Ans The estate both of the Iewish Christian Catholike Church warfaring or as it was subiect to the assaults of her enemies Qu. VVhat is the Iewish Christian Church compared vnto An. A woman with child chapt 12. vers 2. Qu. Why An. Because like vnto a fruitfull woman it is continually to bring foorth children vnto the Lord. Qu. How is that woman described An. By her attire by her standing chap. 12.1 Qu. How was her attyre An. Of two sorts the cloathing of her body and the ornament of her head Qu. How was her body cloathed An. With the Sunne Qu. What is thereby signified Ans The inestimable glory giuen vnto the Church by God Qu. How was her head adorned An. With a Crowne of twelue starres Qu. What is thereby signified An. The kingdome of Heauen which belongeth vnto the Church Qu. Hovv did she stand An. Vpon the Moone Qu. What do vve learne by that An. That the true Church trampleth vnder her feete all variablenesse vnto which all things vnder the moone are subiect Qu. What was her conflict An. She trauailed and was in daunget to haue her child deuoured chapt 12 4. Qu. By whome An By a fiery Dragon that had seuen heades and vpon euery head a Crown and ten hornes Qu. VVhat doe you vnderstand by the Dragon An. Sathan Qu. VVhat by his seauen heads An. His woonderfull pollicie and wisedome able at once to disturbe the seauen Churches that is the vniuersall Church Qu. VVhat by his seuen crownes Ans His magnificence and authoritie euery head beeing as the head of a king Qu. VVhat by his ten hornes An. His great power sufficiently furnished to hurt the whole world Qu. What is vnderstood by the childe whome he would deuoure An. Christ mysticall that is one and entier Christ in a mystery compounded of the person of Christ as of the head of the body of the church and of all the members thereof vnited to the head by his spirite Qu. How was the child deliuered Ans God tooke it vp into heauen and prepared a place for the mother in the wildernes Qu. Did Sathans malice so end Ansvvere No hee gaue two assaults more Qu. Where was the first An. In heauen chap. 12.7 Qu. In what manner An. He accused the elect of God day and night Qu. VVhat was his successe An. Hee was throwne downe from thence by the power of Michael that is of Christ Iesus Qu. Where was his second assault An. In earth vpon the mother of the Child and vpon the rest of her seede that is vpon the Church of the Iewes and the Church of the Gentiles afterward gathered together in Christ Qu. How did the Mother that is the Church of the Iewes escape in this assault An. Shee was caried by the power of God as by the wings of an Eagle into a place of refuge Qu. What place was that An. Pella a towne seated on the other side of Iordan in a desart country Qu. How did Sathan pursue her An. With a floud of water cast out of his mouth Qu. What vnderstand you by the floud of water Ans The Romanes which destroyed Ierusalem and the sanctuary that was therein Qu. Who drunke vp that floud of water that it did not hurt the Church An. The earth that is the wicked sort of the Iews whose bloudy massacre satisfied the fury of the Remanes so that the Elect had liberty to escape Qu. When Sathan saw himselfe againe preuented how did he take it Ans Hee was wrath and made warre vpon the rest of the seed of the woman that is vpon the Christian Catholike Church Qu. How many principall things are we to note in the history of the Christian Catholike Church An. Three her combats her victory and her glory Qu. With whom were her combats An. With two kinde of beastes the one whereof had seauen heades and came out of the sea the other had two heads and sprang out of the earth chap. 13. Qu. What do you vnderstand by the first beast An. The tyrannye inflicted vpon the Church by the ciuil gouernment of the Romane Empire Qu. What by the second beast An. The persecution of the Papisticall Hyerarchie by the succession of Popes Qu. Against whom doth the Church obtaine her victory An. Against the two beastes and the Dragon before spoken of and against the whoore of the spirituall Babilon described in the 17 chap. Qu. What is understood by the whoore of Babylon An. The great Citty of Rome which raigneth ouer the Kings of the earth chap. 17. verse 18. Qu. By what meanes doth the Church get victory ouer her enemies An. By the assistance of Christ her head and captaine Qu. Into how many parts doth his assistance spread An. Into foure the preaching of his word and the workes of faith patience obedience set downe in the 14. chapter and into threatninges and iudgementes proceeding from his diuine iustice declared in the 15. and 16. chap. Qu. Wherein consisteth the glory of the Church An. In her perpetuall triumphe in the world to come ioined to her bridegroome Christ Iesus in ioye that neuer shall haue end a taste of which ioye is in some sort made manifest vnto vs in chap. 21. and 22. Qu. But what shall become of the enemies of the Church An. They shall haue their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death chap. 21.8 Qu. How many kinds of death are there incident to man An. Two the first which is a separation of the soule from the body and of this kind of death all sortes of people must taste as well the godly as vngodly and the second which is a separation of the soule and bodie from the presence of God for euer to remayne in darknesse and this is the death that the wicked onely must die FINIS