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B00400 An exercise for a Christian familie; contayning a short sum of certayne poyntes of Christian religion, with certaine godly prayers, psalmes, & thanksgiuings, both before and after meales. Very necessary to be vsed in euery Christian familie. / By R.M.. R. M. 1585 (1585) STC 17145.7; ESTC S94072 37,971 246

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An exercise for a Christian FAMILIE Contayning a short sum of certayne poyntes of Christian religion with certaine godly Prayers psalmes than●●giuings both before and after meales ¶ Very necessary to be vsed in euery Christian Familie By R. M. AT LONDON ¶ Printed by Robert Walde-graue 1585. ¶ A short SVMME OF THE cheefe groundes of christian religion set down in fiue speciall points Sanctify the lord God in your hearts 1. Pet. 3.15 be ready alwayes to giue an answere to euery one that asketh you a reason of your fayth that with meekenesse and reuerence Keepe the true patern of the wholsome words which thou haste heard of me in faith and loue 2. Tim. 1.13 which is Iesus Christe I Beleeue and confesse first Rom. 10.10 that there is * one God onelye who * is a spirituall nature Ioh. 45.5 without any bodily or visible sharpe Ioh. 4.24 1. Tim. 6 16. Exo. 34.6 Psa 95.4 * of infinite power wisedome * goodnesse and glory creator and gouernour of heauen and earth that this one god is distinct into * three persons the father Iohn 5.7 the son and the holy ghost Secondly that the same God did in the beginning * make mankinde in an excellent state of all perfection happines Gen. 1.26 euen according to his owne * holinesse righteousnesse Eph 4.24 Thirdly that we fell afterwards through the disobedience of Adam into a cursed kind of al misery Rom. 5.12 euen * into the wrath of God and eternal damnation of body and soule Fourthly that the deliuerance and redemption from this misery is fully wrought by * Iesus Actes 4.12 Christ onely both God man who hath * suffered all the punishments of our sinns Rom. 13 4 that we might not bee damned for them 1. Ioh. 1 7 1. Pet. 2 24. * hath perfectly kept the * ten commaundements for vs which we could not do to bring vs again to the * loue of God Rom. 5.19 21 and to eternal life Fiftly that they onely are partakers of Iesus Christe and * this great worke of our redemption Math. 7.7 which do earnestly and faithfully praye for the grace of his holy * Spirite Rom. 10 11 that thorough the * preaching of the Worde Iohn 3.36 there maye bee wroughte in their heartes a * stedfast fayth Iam. 2.18 21. to be saued by his sufferings and holinesse onely and that their fayth may be shewed and iustyfied by continuall repentance and a Godly life that is Deu. 12 12. by * shunning those thinges which hee forbiddeth and dooing those thinges which he commaundeth This is lyfe eternall Iohn 17.3 to knowe thee to bee the onelye true God and him whome thou haste sente Iesus Christe Ioh. 17.3 Iesus sayd take heede and beware of the leauen of the pharisees saduces Mat. 16.6 12. which is their doctrine Cast away prophane and old wiues fables 1. Tim. 4.7 exercise thy selfe vnto godlinesse I will pray vnto God Psal 55.16 and the Lord shall saue mee euening and morning and at noone day will I pray and he will heare my voyce Prayers for the morning necessary to be vsed of all housholders in their families MATH 26.41 VVatch and pray least ye enter into temptation O moste mighty God our heauenly and mercifull father we most wretched sinners humblye confesse vnto thy maiesty that all good thinges wee haue doe come from thy onelye mercy that we are most vnworthy of them and yet altogether vnable heartily to pray for the continuaunce thereof yet seeing thy dear son Iesus Christe hathe commaunded vs in his name to pray and that with assurance to speed and to be heard wee beseeche thee for his sake to prepare oure heartes by thy holye spirite to put oute of our mindes all worldlye thinges and vayne fantasies and to stir vs vp earnestly to cōsider what greate neede wee haue of thy continuall help both in our soules and bodies O Lord we haue through our manifold sinns deserued thy wrath and eternall damnation of body soul yet by the vertue of the great sufferinges of Iesus Christ and the shedding of his precious bloud forgiue and wash away al our offences wee are vnworthy of thy fauour either in this life or in the life to come yet thorough his holines receiue vs vnto mercy make vs heirs of thy blessed kingdom and so increase in oure hearts euery day vnfained repentaunce for our former wickednes in that we haue neither worshipped thy maiesty nor liued towardes others accordinge to thy worde Strengthen our faith O Lord in Iesus Christe for the forgiuenesse of our sinnes and for thy tender mercy sake powre into our hearts the grace of thy holy spirite which may stirre vp in vs a more hearty loue vnto thee and thy blessed worde that by it we may learn to worship thee aright and to liue faithfullye truelye towardes all men in our callings striuing cōtinually against all sinne chiefly in our selues and then also in others so that whensoeuer it shall please thee to call any of vs out of this short sinfull life we may willingly deliuer vp our soules into thy blessed kingdome and may come with ioy as louing children to thee our heauenly and merciful Father O lord make vs thankful for all thy corrections giuing vs grace by them to fear thee more carefully to sorow for our sinnes more heartily Make vs also thankfull for all thy benefites namely for the sweete sleepe and quiet rest wherby thou haste this nighte refreshed vs wee beseeche thee now in like manner O gratious God for Christs sake to receiue vs this day into thy blessed keeping preserue vs frō al perils dangers frō sinn frō the wicked cares of this life and the vaine desires of the flesh shinning into our hearts by the grace of thy holy spirit and the true knowledge of Iesus Christ the true light of the worlde that wee may guid al ourthoghts words deeds according to the same and walk painfully and truly in our callings to the glorye of thy blessed name the good example of al others and the great assuraunce of our own saluation through thy deare Sonne Iesus Christe our onely sauiour in whose name we pary for these and al other graces as hee hath taught vs saying Our father c. Another Prayer for the Morning ALmighty God and moste mercifull Father Dan. 9 we do not * presēt our selues heere before thy maiesty trusting in oure owne merites or worthinesse but in thy manifolde mercies which hast promised to heare our prayers and * graunt oure requests Iohn 16. which we shall make to thee in the name of thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lorde who hath also commanded vs to assēble our selues together in his * name Math. 18. with full assurance that he will not onely bee amōg vs but also be our mediator
increase the number of them place ouer euerye Church a painfull watch man remooue all idle lubbers confound the power of Antichrist tourne the heartes of the people that they may be obedient to thy trueth Blesse the two Vniuersities Cambridge and Oxenforde and all the Studentes of the same with all Schooles of learning Beholde all those that bee afflicted with any kind of crosse that they may profit by thy correction in newnesse of life Lastly for our selues heere gathered together wee heartily craue at thy handes that it woulde please thee to make vs thankfull vnto thy maiestie for all thy louing kindnes shewed vnto vs euen from our infancy especially that thou haste this present night deliuered vs frō all dangers both of body and soule wherinto many haue fallen as we in like maner shoulde haue doone if wee had not beene stayed with thy merciful hand that thou hast also graunted vnto vs so sweet comfortable reste and haste now presently brought vs to the beginning of this daye For these thinges good Lord we yeelde vnto thee moste harty thanks besehcing thee to make vs more more daylye thankfull vnto thy maiestye for thē pardon oure vnthākfulnes And as thou hast safely preserued vs vnto this presenthowre frō all the daungers of this life so we beseech thee continue thy fauor towardes vs this day the whole course of our life Defend vs O lord that we now entring into the affayres of this daye bee not drawne away with the vayne alluremēts of this world to sinn and wickednes that we walk not in the shadowes of death that we be not intangled in the snares of sinne that wee stumble not at the blockes of iniqnity that we finallye fall not into the pit of death and destructiō but being shadowed vnderthy wings we may cheerfully and constantlye goe on forward to the end of our course Graunt vnto vs O Lorde our God that this good time which thou grantest vnto vs in this life bee not idly or vainly of vs consumed but that euerye one of vs maye bee diligentlye exercised in his calling this day and all our life long being assured that thou wilt once call vs to yeelde an account of our stewardship Indue vs we besech thee with those giftes and graces which bee needfull for vs in our calling that with a pure and sincere conscience we may vse them to the benefite of our brethren and discharge of our own consciences before thy maiesty We beseech thee O Lord that in all oure confultations words works this day and the whole course of oure life wee maye alwayes haue thee present before our eyes knowing that thou seest euen the very deepe thoughts of our harts which alwais maye bee as a brydle to pull vs backe that wee neither do nor yet consent vnto anye sinne or wickednes but that alwayes we may be so exercised in the affayres of this life that we loke still to the ende of our course when it shall please thee to bring vs through the pilgrimage of this life to our euerlasting reste with thy deare Sonne IESVS CHRIST oure Sauiour In whole name for these mercies and what soeuer thou knowest to be needefull for vs and for the whole Church we pray vnto thee as he him selfe hath taught vs in his holye worde saying Our father c. The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lorde make his face to shyne vppon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lorde tourne his fauourable countenaunce towards vs grant vs his peace The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ the loue of God the Father the moste comfortable fellowshippe of the holye Ghoste be with vs preserue and keepe vs this day and euermore Amen A CONFESSION of sinnes with faith and repentance O Merciful and Heauenlye Father wee thy seruaunts do humbly prostrate our selues before thy maiestye acknowledging heere in thy sight our hainous offences committed against thy maiestye seeing and beholding thy heauye wrath againste them wee feele oure selues laden O Lorde our God with a huge companye of horrible sinnes wherof euen the verye leaste beeing but conceiued in thought is sufficient in iudgement to throw vs down to the euerlasting burning lake Our owne consciences O Lorde do beare witnes against vs of oure manyfolde transgressions of thy blessed law of our security sencelesse blindnes running head-long to destruction committing sinne after sinne although not notorious to the world yet horrible before thine eye The thoughtes of oure hartes rise vp in iudgement against vs the vanity of our talke before thy maiestye condemneth vs the wickednes of our deedes from thy sight reiecteth vs al our wicked thoghts words and deeds with the inward corruption of our nature do altogeather as it were a whole lump and loade of sinne lye heauie vppon vs and with their intollerable weight do euen presse vs down to hell Wee do daylye grone vnder the burthen of them inwardly lamenting our owne folly so greedily running into them In Heauen Earth or Hel wee see none able to sustaine the weight of them but euē the dearlye beloued Sonne Iesus Chrst who in mercy infinite and compassion endlesse hath sustained and ouer come that endlesse punnishement due vnto them in him therefore in him most meeifull father through him wee come to thee being fully assured according to thy promise that thou wilt accept and take that ful recompence which hee thy deere Sonne hath made for vs as a iust raunsome for all the sinnes of all those who with a true faith take houlde on him In him therefore we see thine anger towards vs appeased thy wrath satisfied and our debts payde Increase in vs good Lord we beseech thee this liuely and feeling faith for wee feele it oftentymes in vs verye weake troubled with many doubtes increase it in vs O Lorde that wee may through thy holy spirite bee assured that the punnishement of our sinnes is fully in thy sonne discharged Make vs O Lorde our God to feele this same in our soules and consciences that IESVS CHRIST is ours and all that hee hath done that we are graffed into his body and made one with him and therfore fellow heires with him of euerlasting life Let vs not onely haue these wordes in our mouthes good Lord but through thy holye spirite lette vs feele the comfort of them in our heartes fully sealed and setled in vs that we feling our selues inwardly before thy iudgment seat discharged and our consciences towardes thee appeased may bee swallowed vp with an vnfained loue towarde thy heauenly Maiestie and towardes thy brethren for thy sake Make sin to dye in vs dayly more more that we may hate detest vtterly abhor all sin and wickednesse in all men but especiallye in oure selues that wee maye strongly thorough thy holye spirite sette our selues in open warre defiance against all sinn and wickednesse that we please not ourselues in our sinnes but straitlye examining sin
by the iust rule of thy holy Lawes wee maye vtterly from the bottom of our hearts condemn euen the leaste sinne in our selues hauinge our whole ioy comfort and consolation vppon those thinges whiche bee agreeable to thy blessed will alwayes beeing afrayde to doe any thing contrarye to the same that we may euen from the bottom of our hearts examine and try our thoughtes before thy presence that they be vpright vnfayned not hipocriticall in outwarde shew onely and appearance but that euen all corners of our harts being opened and disclosed before thee we maye euen as though it were openly before the face of the whole worlde bring them in shewe knowing that a dubble hart is detestable in thin eyes and that we may walke alwaies as before thine eyes not only before the eyes of man beeing more careful to walke circumspectlye in this respect that wee haue thee to be a vewer of our doinges a thousande folde more then the eyes of man that thus we maye walke as becommeth thy children not onely in outwarde shew but also in sincerity of hart abhorring euen the least sinn in our selues stryuing resisting and fighting against sinne not delighting our selues in sinne nor norishing the same in our brest but earnest lye embracing and studiouslye seeking after those thinges which be pleasant in thine eyes that neither the feare of man nor losse of goods life landes possessions or friends draw vs away from thee to doe anye least thing contrarye to thy will and pleasure neither the fauoure or friendship of man nor yet the flattering entice mentes of this worlde nor the vaine promotions of the same doe moue vs any whit from the true and endles ioy delighte and pleasure which we ought to haue in those thinges which be agreeable to thy wil and the constaunt performance of the same but that alwayes to the end of our lyfe we may continue in thy pathes growing and increasing from faith to faith from strength to strength till at length we shall come to thy euerlasting rest A FORME OF MORning praier necessarye for this present time for godly christians to vse in their houses and families WE most humblye thank thee O heauenlye Father for the sweete quiet rest that we haue had this night for the louing and fauourable deliueraunce out of all dangers both of bodye and Soule which we iustly deserue to be throwne into for our manyfolde sinnes for that thou haste raysed vs vp this morning we pray thee to goe before vs and for as much as thou seest our sluggishnes and drowsines it woulde please thee good Lord to pull vs after thee and to shewe vs those wayes which thou hast appoynted vs to walk in And as thou renuest this morning so renue thy mercies and as thou causest the Sun comfortablye to shine to our bodilye eyes so vouchsafe wee praye thee to be Sunne vnto our bodyes and to our soules by the beames of thy holy Spirite and Starre of thy blessed Word shining into the middest of our harts to driue away all the night and darknes of all prophanenesse to chase awaye all want of true feare of thy good Maiesty and in place therof bring in loue towardes thy glory zeale of thy house loue also towardes our brethren especiallye those that thou aboue the rest cōmendest vnto vs that we may loue them with that loue wherewithall thou hast first loued vs which is pure vncorrupt vehement and euerlasting and therfore we praye thee to ridde our hartes of all naughtye and corrupt loue and whatsoeuer is vnmeete to bee in those vessels that are to serue such a mightye Prince as thou arte and in those houses wherein it pleaseth thy maiestye by thy holye Spirite to dwell and therefore on the other side good Lord chace away from vs all rancor and malice all pride enuiousnesse disdaynefulnesse vncharitablenesse vnnaturalnesse vnkindenesse and whatsoeuer is contrarye to that loue wherof thou hast giuen vs a liuelye example in our saniour Iesus christ vnto the which example grant good Lord that wee may alwayes haue oure eyes lifted vp and therein holden and caused thereby to profit vntill such time as we come to that perfection wherunto thou hast appointed we shall come Vouchsafe more ouer by the comming of the selfe same Spirit to scatter in vs all the night and darknesse of ignoraunce and forgetfulnesse and of all those things which pertaine to the clearer and fuller knowledge of thy truth Take from vs all negligence all want of iudgment and discretion deliuer vs from al those thinges which thou knowest to bee hinderaunces to vs either to walke in that great callinge of Christianitye whervnto thou hast called vs or in those seuerall and particular callinges wherin thou hast placed euery one of vs that we maye walke so good Lorde both in the one in the other that thy name maye be glorified in both We praye not onely for our selues O moste merciful Father but for all those that thou hast appointed to eternall life beseechinge thee to gather the number of those that are to bee gathered those that thou haste alreadye called thou wouldest alwayes keepe and to this end good Lorde rayse vp faithfull ministers both of thy church and common weale whose heartes thou wouldest fyll with all graces of thy holy spirit meete for their callinges meete also for these dangerous times roote out from among thy church al rauening and deuouring beasts which to fyll their own bellies distroy thy flok ease thy selfe of all hirelings idle shepherds which haue no care nor skil to feed thi flok with the holsom food of thy blessed worde nor to rule them with that equitye wherewithall thou wilte haue thy people to bee ruled those Pastoures that thou haste giuen it woulde please thee to increase the number of thē those that are falne a sleepe caried away with the corruptions of these times that thou wouldest awake letting them vnderstande the charge that thou haste mitted vnto them the trust that thou hast put them in and the accōpt that thou wilt take at their handes Be gratious O Lord vnto this land of ours and enter not into iudgemēt with the horrible sinnes of it namelye the contempt and light esteeming of thy holy word so many yeares offered vnto vs and wee beeing trusted withall so manye Nations better then we being passed by whiche woulde haue brought foorth the fruite therof more then weehaue done and we not onely haue brought foorth no good fruite but rotten and vnsauourye to prouoke thy Maiestye withall notwithstāding all these our sinnes it woulde please thee in that loue wherewithall thou hast first loued vs when we hated thee in that long patience wherein thou haste hitherto borne with vs and doest yet beare and tarriest for ourrepentance to grant vs heartie and earnestrepentaunce our heartes being effectually touched with thy holye Spirite strikinge theserockye hearts of ours that thei maye bee resolued into riuers of
their craft and oure simplicitye their watchfulnesse and oure sluggishnesse their long experience and our rawnesse their preparation our nakednesse and that wee haue not only nothing to helpe vs but also to carry about vs our own concupiscences readye to betraye vs into the handes of our enemies it maye please thee to furnish vs from aboue giuing vs the strength of thy holy spirit in the inner man reaching vnto vs the compleat harnes of thy grace wherewith we beeing armed on both sides maye be prepared at all assaies against all assaults of our enemies And forasmuch as in this weakenesse wee oftentimes giue backe and sometimes runne away wee pray thee O Lord that with the hand of faith wee may lay holde on the victory of our Sauiour Iesus Christ that albeit we be not able to ouercome in our owne persons yet notwithstāding we may ouercom in his who hath ouercommed for vs all so bee partakers of those promises that thou hast knit vnto that glorious victory And we most humblye thanke thee also for those graces both of the bodye and soule which pertaine to this present life desiring thee to increase them vppon vs and in vs so farre foorth as thou seest wee haue neede of to thy glory the commodity of others and our owne comforts therfore we beseech thee Lord to teach vs with thy holy Spirite the lawfull vse of thē that thou wouldest not suffer our harts to bee rooted in them but that at all times we maye be willing to part from them And whensoeuer it shall please thee to call for vs wee may willingly goe vnto thee as childrē to their deare Fathers strangers vnto their own Country and members of the body vnto their Head and so much the gladder by how much thou Lord art better then all the men in the worlde and the kingdome that thou hast prepared better then all the kingdomes thereof We pray not only for our selues O most mercifull Father but for all those that thou hast appointed to eternall life beseechinge thee to gather the number of those that are to bee gathered those that thou haste alreadye called thou wouldest alwayes keepe and to this end good Lorde rayse vp faithfull ministers both of thy church and common weale whose heartes thou wouldest fyll with the graces of thy holy spirit meete for their callinges meete also for these dangerous times roote out from among thy church al rauening and deuouring beasts which to fyll their own bellies distroy thy flok ease thy selfe of all hirelings idle shepherds which haue no care nor skil to feed thi flok with the holsom food of thy blessed worde nor to rule them with that equitye wherewithall thou wilte haue thy people to bee ruled those Pastoures that thou haste giuen it woulde please thee to increase the number of them those that are fallen asleepe and carried awaye with the corruptions of these tymes that thou wouldest awake letting them vnderstande the charge that thou haste committed vnto them the trust that thou hast put them in and the accōpt that thou wilt take at their handes Be gratious O Lorde vnto this lande of ours and enter not into iudgement with the horrible sins of it namely the cōtempt light esteming of thy holye worde so many yeares offred vnto vs and we being trusted withall so manye nations better then we being passed by which woulde haue brought foorth the fruit thereof more thē we haue don and we not onely haue brought forth no good fruit but rotten vnsauory to prouoke rhy Maiestye withall notwithstanding all these our sins it would please thee in that loue wherwithall thou haste firste loued vs when we hated thee in that long patience wherein thou hast hitherto born with vs and dost yet beare tarriest for our repentance to grant vs heartie and earnest repentaunce our heartes being effectually touched with thy holye Spirite strikinge these rockye hearts of ours that thei maye bee resolued into riuers of teares for oure synnes making them soft and meeke to receiue the print of thy holy word and seale of thy blessed spirite writing with thy fynger thine own laws in thē so that thou maist read thine owne hande acknowledge thine owne seale so passe by vs when thou shalt bring thy iudgement vppon the face of the earth for the iniquities thereof whereof thou haste giuen and still giuest frō time to time diuers tokens which we beseech thee may be profitable vnto vs whilste first of al we acknowledge thy hande striking vs and thy counsayle callinge vs thereby to repentaunce that thy heauier iudgementes doe not fall vpon vs to our vtter destruction Moreouer we thank thee O Lorde for that it hath pleased thee to be the watch-man and as it were the spie of this Church and common wealth and haste foreseen al the stormes and treasons comming againste it and againste ●hine annoynted oure SOVERAIGNE whome thou in mercye hast appoynted to rule ouer it and haste scattered them and broughte them to naught and haste pursued certayne of thyne Ennemyes and ours vnto death be seeching thee to continue this watchfull and carefull eye ouer vs still to doe vs good and to pursue the rest of thine enemies and ours vnto the graue giuing notwithstanding repentāce vnto them vnto whom thou haste left place of repentaunce And to this ende raise vp the harts of our most gratious QVEENE her honourable Counsell thy Magistrates that as they sit in thy seate and are called by thy name so they maye execute thy iustice which thou so well approouest of whereof also thou wilt require a straighte accompt at their hands Wee desire thee also to shewe these thy graces to all other Churches of thine namely thy Church of Englande that it may enioye that peace that thou hast giuen it and graunt that the same be referred to that end wherfore thou hast giuen it namelye to the ful establishment of the throne of thy dear sonn our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST to the building of his Kingdome there Wee besech thee also for the churches which thi hād hath plāted long since especiallye those from whō we haue receiued knowledge in time of our ignorāce places of refuge in time of persecution that it woulde please thee to continue thy louing kindnes towards them and therefore cause them to continue their faith toward thee obedience towards thy holy worde And whensoeuer it shal bee thy pleasure to try them with any kinde of affliction it woulde please thee to graunt vnto them that they maye put their truste in thee hauing regarde to the truth of thy promises and to the good experience that they haue of thy helpe in tymes paste and thereby conceiue comfort hope O Lorde euen of life in death and of saluation in destruction We praye thee also good lord that we may haue the feeling of the miseries of our brerhren as members of the same body those that liue by the same spirite
and offences hath carryed with him into the Heauens the Theefe whiche was crucified with him vppon the crosse But if the tyme by thee appoynted bee come that hee shall depart from vs vnto thee make him to feele in his conscience O Lord the fruite and strength of thy grace that thereby he may haue a new tast of thy Fatherly care ouer him from the beginning of his lyfe vnto the end of the same for the loue of thy dear sonne Iesus Christ our Lord. Giue him thy grace that with a good heart and full assuraunce of faith he maye receiue to his consolation so great excellent a treasure to wit the remission of his sinnes in CHRIST IESVS thy Sonne who now presenteth him to this pore personne in distresse by the vertue of thy promises reuealed vnto him by thy woorde which he hath exercised with vs in thy Church and congregation and also in vsing the sacramentes which thou hast established for confirmation of al their faith that truste in thee vnfaynedly Let true faith O lord be vnto him as a moste sure buckler thereby to auoyde the assaultes of death and more boldly walke for the aduancement of eternall life to the end that he hauing a most liuely apprehension therof may reioyce with thee in the heauens eternally Let him be vnder thy protection and gouernāce O heauēly father and althogh he be sick yet canst thou heale him he is cast downe but thou canst lift him vp he is sore troubled but thou canst sende redres he is weak thou canst sende strength he acknowledgeth his vncleanes his spots his filthines iniquityes but thou canst wash him make him cleane he is woūded but thou canst minister moste souerain salues he is fearefull trembling but thou canst gyue him good courage and boldnesse To be short hee is as it were vtterly lost and as a strayed sheepe but thou canste call him hoame to thee againe Wherfore O Lord seeing that this poore creature thine own workmanship resigneth him wholly into thine hāds receiue him into thy merciful protection Also we poore miserable creatures which are as it were in the field ready to fight til thou with draw vs from the same vouchsafe so to strengthen vs by thine holye spirite that we maye obtayne the victory in thy name against oure deadly and mortal enemye And furthermore that the affliction and combat of this thy pore creature in moste greeuous tormentes maye moue vs to humble our selues with all reuerent feare and trembling vnder thy mighty hande knowing that we muste appear before thy iugement seat when it shal please thee to appoint But O lord the coruption of our fraile nature is such that wee are vtterlye destitute of anye mean to appeare before thee except it pease the to make vs such as thou thy selfe requirest vs to be further that thou gyue vs the spirite of meeknesse and humility to rest and stay wholye on those thinges which thou only commaundest But for as much as we be all togeather vnworthy to inioye such benefites wee beseech thee to receiue vs in the name of thy deare Son our Lorde maister in whose death sanctification standeth wholly the hope of our saluatiō It may also please thee O Father of comfort consolation to strengthen with thy grace those which imploye theire trauell and diligence to the ayding of this sick persō that they faint not by ouermuch and continuall labour but rather to go heartily and cheerefully forward in doing their indeuours towards him if thou take him frō them thē of thy goodnesse to comfort them so as they may paciently bear such departing and prayse thy name in all things Also O heauenly father vouchsafe to haue pition al other sick persons and such as bee by anye wayes or meanes afflicted also on those who as yet are ignorant of thy trueth appertaine neuertheles vnto thy kingdom In like manner on those that suffer persecution tormented in prisons or otherwise troubled by the enemies of thy veritye for bearing Testimonye to the same finally on all the necessityes of thy people and vpon al the ruins or decayes which satan hath brought vpō thy church O father of mercy spread forth thy goodnes vpon all those that bee thine that we forsaking oure selues may be the more inflamed and confirmed to rest onely vpon thee alone Graunt these our requestes O our deare Father for the loue of thy deare sonne our Sauiour Iesus Christ who liueth raigneth with thee in vnity of the holy Ghost true God for euermore PRAYERS AND thankesgiuinges to be said before and after meat A Prayer before meate O Lorde our God and heauenly Father in thy beloued sonne Iesus Christ worke in our harts true repentaunce with increase of a true and liuelye faith make vs thankefull vnto thy Maiestye for all thy benefites whiche wee continually do receiue at thy mercifull hande Graunt vs the grace that we may at this present with thankful harts as from thy handes receiue meat and drincke for the sustenaunce of our bodies with moderation vse them to thy glory and through thy blessing receiue by thē perfect nourishment aboue all wee craue at thy hands good Lord the heauenlye foode of our soules which neuer perisheth that through thy gratious goodnes we maye be nourished and strengthened both in soule and body to eternall life through Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen A THANKESGIVING after meat ETernall God and mercifull father we yeelde vnto thee moste harty thankes for al thy benefites so plentifully bestowed vppon vs especially that thou hast at this present fed and nourished oure mortall bodyes with meate and drinck we beseech thee in like manner let oure soules feele the sweete taste of thy heauenlye food that we being fed and nourished at thy handes both in soule body maye in this lyfe walke as it becommeth thy children and in the life to come be receiued to thine eternall kingdome of glory through Iesus Christ our Lorde and sauiour Amen A PRAYER BEfore meat O Mercifull and heauenlye Father who giuest food to euery liuing creature and with out whom nothing can liue blesse and sanctifie our meates drinckes whiche wee are now about to receiue that they maye turne to the nourishment of our bodies wherevnto thou hast appointed thē that we acknowledging thy gratious goodnes in prouiding so liberallye for our bodyes maye with cheerful harts be lifted vp earnestly to long after the food of our souls wherby we may be fed eternally through Iesus Christ our sauior Amē A THANKESGIVING after meate O Heauenly Father for these thy benefites wherewith thou haste nowe sufficiently fedde our bodies wee beseeche thee make vs thankful as we feele the sweetnesse of them pleasant to our bodies so wee beseeche thee good Lorde that the food of our soules may be as pleasant cōfortable vnto our soules that wee maye with as carefull hearts prouide for the nourishment of our souls
* aduocate towardes thy maiestie 1. Tim. 2. that we may obtain * all things which shall seem expedient to thy blessed will for our necessities 1. Ioh. 3. Therefore wee beseech thee most mercifull father to turne thy louing countenāce towards vs Psal 32. and * impute not vnto vs our manifolde sins offences whereby wee iustly deserue thy wrath sharp punishment but rather receiue vs to thy mercy for Iesus Christes sake accepting his death and passion as a iust recompence for all our offences in whom only thou art pleased through whome thou canst not bee offended with vs. And seeing that of thy great mercies wee haue quietli passed this night grant o heauēly father that wee may bestowe this day wholly in thy seruice so that all oure thoughtes wordes and deeds may redound to the glory of thy name and good example to al men who seeing our good works may glorify thee our heauēly father And forasmuch as of thy mere fauour and loue thou hast not only created vs to thine own similitude likenesse but also haste chosen vs to bee heires with thy dear sonne Iesus Christ of that immortall kingdom which thou prepa redst for vs before the begining of the world wee beseech thee to increas our faith know ledge to lighten our heartes with thine holy spirit that we may in the meane time liue in godly conuersation integrity of life knowing that * idolaters Gal. 5 adul terers couetous men contentious personnes drunkardes gluttons such like shall not inherite the kingdome of God And because thou haste commaunded vs to pray one for another we doe not onely make request O Lord for our selues and them that thou hast already called to thee true vnderstanding of thine heauenly will but for all people * natiōs of the world Actes 10. 1. tim 2. who as they knowe by thy wonderful workes that thou art God ouer all so they may be instructed by thine holie spirite to beleue in thee their onely sauiour and Redeemer But forasmuch as they can not beleeue except they * hear Rom. 10. nor cānot hear but by preaching and none can preach except they be sent therfore O lord raise vp faythfull distributers of thy misteries who setting aparte all worldly respectes may both in their life and doctrine only seeke thy glory Contrarily confounde * Sathan Rom. 16. Antichrist with all hirelings and papistes whō thou hast already cast of into a reprobate sense that they may not by sects schismes heresies and errours disquiet thy little flocke And because O Lorde wee be fallen into the latter dayes 2. tim 3. and daungerous times wherin ignorance hath gotten the vpper hand and Satan with his minysters seeke by all meanes to quench the light of thy Gospell we beseeche thee to maintaine thy cause against those * rauenous wolues Mat. 7 and strengthen all thy seruauntes whome they keepe in prison bondage Let not thy long suffering bee an occasion eyther to increase their tyranny or to discourage thy children neyther yet let oure sinnes and wickednesse bee an hynderaunce to thy mercyes but with speede O Lord consider the greate myseries and afflictions of thy poore Church which in sundry places by the rage of enimies is greeuously tormented and this we confesse O Lord to come moste iustlye for our sinnes which notwithstanding thy manifold benefites whereby thou doest dayly allure vs to loue thee and thy sharp thretnings wherby we haue occasion to feare thee and speedily to repent yet continue in our owne wickednes and feel not our hearts so touched with the displeasure of our sinnes as we ought to do Therefore O Lorde create in vs newe heartes that with feruent minds we may bewaile our manifolde sinnes earnestly repent vs for our former wickednesse and vngodly behauiour towardes thee and wheras wee can not of oure selues purchase thy pardon yet wee humblye beseeche thee for Iesus Christes sake to shewe thy mercies vppon vs and receiue vs again to thy fauour Graunt vs deare father these oure requestes and all other thinges necessary for vs and thy whole Church according to thy promise in Iesus Christ our Lord in whose name we beseech thee as hee hath taught vs saying Our Father which art in heauen hallowed be thy name c. A GODLY PRAIER to be sayde at all times HOnour and prayse bee giuen to thee O Lord God almighty moste deare Father of heauen for all thy mercies louing kindnesse shewed vnto vs in that it hath plesed thy gratious goodnesse and freely of thine own accord to elect chuse vs to saluatiō before the begining of the world euē like cōtinual thanks be giuē to thee for creating vs after thine own image for redeeming vs with the precious bloude of thy deare sonne when we were vtterlye loste for sanctifying vs with thine holye Spirite in the Reuelation and knowledge of thyne holy word for helping and succouring vs in all our needes and necessities for sauing vs from all daungers of bodye and soule for comforting vs so fatherly in all our tribulations persecutions for sparing vs so long and giuing vs so large a time of repentaunce These benefits O most merciful father like as wee knowledge to haue receiued them of thine onely goodnesse euen so wee beseech thee for thy dear son Iesus Christes sake to grant vs alwais thine holy spirit whereby we may continually growe in thankfulnes towards thee to bee led into all truethe and comforted in all oure aduersities O Lord strengthen our faith kindle it more in feruentnes and loue towardes thee and our neighbors for thy sake Suffer vs not most dear Father to receiue thy word any more in vain but graunt vs alwayes the assistaunce of thy grace and holy spirite that in heart word and deede we may sanctify and doe worship to thy name helpe to amplify and increase thy kingdome that whatsoeuer thou sendest we maye be hartely well content with thy good pleasure and wil. Let vs not lack the thing o father with out the which we cannot serue thee but bless thou so all the workes of our handes that we may haue sufficient and not to bee chargeable but rather helpfull vnto others Be mercifull O Lorde to our offences and seeing our debt is great which thou haste forgiuen vs in Iesus Christ make vs to loue thee and our neighbors so much the more Be thou oure Father oure captaine and defender in all tentations holde thou vs by thy mercifull hand that we maye bee deliuered from all inconueniences end our liues in the sanctifiing honor of thy holy name through Iesus christ our Lord only Sauioure so be it Let thy mighty hande and out-stretched arme O Lorde bee still our defence thy mercye and louing kindenesse in Iesus Christ thy dear Sonne oure saluation thy true and holy word oure instruction thy grace and holy spirite our comfort and consolation vnto
death And finally we most humbly thanke thee for that it hath pleased thee to keepe vs this daye and all the dayes and times of our liues beseeching thee that thou wouldst receiue vs this night in to thy holye keeping that we may haue quiet rest not of bodies alone but of our soules also restinge from all those thinges that are contrarye to thy most holy wil atēding while thou raisest vs vp in the morning to do al those thinges that thou hast appointed vs. These thinges wee desire of thee all other things which thou knowest to bee more needfull for vs and thy whole Church better then we ourselues do know for Iesus Christes sake saiing the same praier that hee hym selfe hath taught vs. Our father c. A forme of euening prayer necessary to be vsed of all christians in their houses and families Psal 55. vers 16. I vvill call vnto GOD and the Lord vvill saue me Euening Morning and at noone will I pray make a noise and hee vvill he are my voice VVE mostehumblye beseeche thee O gratious God and heauenlye Father euen for thy sonne Iesus Christes sake to pardon and forgiue vs all our sinnes in thought worde and deede committed against thy holy lawes and commandementes to tourne away from vs gratiouslye all those plagues which we most iustlye haue deserued for them both in this lyfe and in the lyfe to come working in our harts euery day by the holye spirite more true and vnfayned sorrow for thē with greater care euer hereafter to know thy blessed wil reuealed in thy worde and to order all our opinions and doings according to the same so much the rather O Lorde because of thy manyfolde blessinges wherby thou dost dayly mooue vs herevnto for the which O heauenlye father make vs more hartely thankfull specially for our recreation at the firste after thine owne holinesse righteousnesse for our redemption by IESVS CHRIST when wee were vtterly loste for that knowledge of our Sauiour which by the preaching of thy blessed Gospell thorough thy holye Spirite thou haste wrought in oure heartes for true repentaunce for fayth hope and loue for watchfulnesse in oure dooinges and all other gyftes of thy grace pertayninge to oure saluation all which graces O Lord are verye weake in vs because of the greate wickednesse of oure heartes striuing against thy holy spirite so as in thy wrath thou mightest iustlye forsake vs vtterly yet O Lorde let it bee thy grations pleasure to increase them in oure heartes euerye daye euen so long as we lyue in this worlde as of thy goodnesse thou haste begun that thereby the assuraunce of oure saluation maye be more certaynelye sealed vppe vnto oure owne consciences that so wee maye also learne to bee more truelye thankfull vnto thy MAIESTIE for the benefites of this lyfe Namelye that thou hast hitherto euer since wee were borne giuen vs those thinges that were needfull for oure bodies as health foode apparrell and such like that thou hast kept vs from many daungers comfort vs in all our troubles and strengthen vs in all our weaknesse and giuing vs grace this daye to labour faithfully truelye in our callinges hauing brought vs safelye paste all the daungers thereof vnto this present howre O Lorde forgiue vs the sinnes of this daye and of oure whole life and speciallye our great vnthankfulnesse for these thy manifold blessings and in IESVS CHRIST thy deare sonne continue them towardes vs euer hereafter both in soules and bodies and speciallye this night receiue vs into thy blessed keeping preserue vs from all daungers from sin frō al vngodly dreames and fansies graunting vnto vs cōfortable rest so as wee maye bee the better strengthened to serue thee faithfully in our calling and giuing vs grace alwayes both sleeping and waking to bee readye when thou shalt call vs out of this miserable worlde Last of all because thou hast commanded vs to pray for others also wee beseech thee good Lorde be mercifull to all Nations specially to those Churches where thy Gospell is truely preached continue thy mercy towards this realme preserue oure Queene blesse her Counsell and all in aucthoritye with necessarye graces increase the number of faythfull Preachers strengthen the Godly lighten the ignoraunt conuert the wicked be merciful vnto al scholes and places of learning to all our friendes and kinsfolkes and others afflicted in bodye or in soule graunting to euerye one of them as to oure selues those necessarye graces whiche thou knoweste to bee needfull for euery one of vs in oure seuerall estates and callinges to the glorye of thy name and the better assurance of our saluation through CHRIST IESVS in whose name we aske of thy maiesty as hee hath taught vs. Our Father c. Euening prayer for priuate houses and families O Gratious God and louing Father according to thy cōmandement wee doe heere presente our selues before thy maiesty humbly prostrating our selues before the throne of mercy acknowledging and confessing frō the bottome of oure heartes that we be miserable sinners daylye breaking thy commandementes bothe in thought word deed wherein wee iustly deserue euerlasting damnation and to be vtterly thrown from thy presence yet O Lorde we see thy goodnes again towardes vs who not suffering vs thus to perish in our sinnes haste sent thine owne deare son Iesus Christ to take vppon him whatsoeuer is due to reconcile and make vs at owne with thee agayne In hym therefore good Lorde through him do wee come vnto the beseching the for his sake that wee feeling the greeuousnesse of our sinnes and groning vnder the burthen of them maye feele the release ease of them in that wee be through thy holy spirit assured and steadfastly beleeue that Christe hath born the burthen of them eaueu for vs. Graunte O Lorde that we beeing assured hereof in our consciences maye through thy holy Spirit bee renuee in the inner man to hate detest and abhorre sinne and to studie to liue accordinge to thy blessed will duringe our whole life Wee do not onelye pray for our selues but also for all thy whole Churche especiallye such as bee persecuted for thy worde graunt vnto them that whether it bee thy death or life they may glorify thy name to their liues end Be merciful to this Church of England Irelande wee beseeche thee good Lorde to preserue euery part and member of the same especially thy seruant ELIZABETH our queen graunt her all such gifts as bee needefull for so high a calling to the aduauncement of thy glory and benefite of this common wealth to the establishishing of a perfect gouerment of thy Church according to the prescript rule of thy blessed word to the rooting out of al superstition and reliques of Antichriste to the gouerning of her subiects in al peace and tranquility Defende her O Lorde from all conspiracies treasons and rebellions and so worke in the heartes of all her subiectes that knowing her authoritye
dothe come from thy heauēly maiestye they may with obedient heartes humblye obey her in thee and for thee Preserue the whole Counsayle and all the magistrates of the realm that being lightned through thy holye spirite they maye defend thy truth suppresse wickednesse and maintaine equitie Beholde all the Pastors and Preachers of the worde blesse their labors increase the number of them place ouer euery Churche a paineful watchman remoue all idle Lubbers confound the power of Antichriste and turne the heartes of the people that they maye be obediēt to thy truth Blesse the two Vniuersities Cambridge and Oxenforde and all the Studentes of the same with al Schooles of lerning Beholde all those that bee afflicted with any kinde of crosse that they may profit by thy correction in newnesse of lyfe Lastly for our selues here gathered wee render most hearty thanks to thy maiestie O Lord which hast hitherto frō our infancye preserued vs by thy mercie from all perils and daungers both of soule and body whervnto fraile man is subiect that thou haste sent vno vs all thinges necessary for this presēt life as health foode apparell and suche like which manye of thy dear children do want being notwithstanding as preciousely boughte with the precious blod of thy deare Sonne as we be yet lye in mysery and calamity oppressed with pouertye nakednesse imprisonment and banishment in which case also dear Father thou mightest haue brought vs saue onelye that thou dealest heerein more fauourably with vs then with them For the which thy louing kindnesse we giue thee harty thanks desiring thee that as thou hast hitherto thus fauourablye in mercy preserued vs by thy protection and euen presently this daye haste brought vs past al the dangers thereof so we beseeche thee good Lord in like fauour behold vs this night that we taking our naturall rest and quietnesse may thorough thy protection bee defended that our bodyes resting our souls may be occupied in beholding thy fauor and mercy toward thy children stil looking for the comming of Lorde and Sauioure hs IESYS CHRIST for oure full redemption Grant that our sleepe bee not immoderate according to the lust of our fleshe but as much as is sufficient to refreshe oure weake nature that being thus refreshed both the body and the mind maye bee more able to do their seuerall office and function in that vocation wherein thou hast placed vs. Graunt that we laying our bodies downe to rest maye bee thereby put in mind of oure long rest of death that as we do now lai down our bodies in bedde so wee maye bee thereby admonished that hereafter they shall bee laid downe in graue to bee consumed to Duste Earth and Ashes from whence they were taken That wee hauing this before oure eyes maye bee styrred vpp in minde warelye to walke in this our pilgrymage not knoweing when the time shal be of our departure but alwayes to bee founde ready with our lampes of our pure faith clearely burning that we may bee accepted to meete the Bridegrome when our mortal earthly and corruptible bodies shal be made like to the glorious body of our lord and sauiour Christ Iesu there to raigne with him in perpetuall ioye and consolation togeather with all the elect children of God continually lauding with all the heauenly multitude the glorious maiesty of thee our Lord God heauenly Father in our Lorde and sauiour Iesu Christ For these and whatsoeuer else thou knowest to be needfull for vs and thy whole Church we praye vnto thee as he him self hath taught vs saying Our Father c. The Lorde blesse vs and saue vs the Lorde make his face to shine vpon vs and be mercifull vnto vs the Lord tourne his fauourable countenaunce vnto vs and grant vs his peace The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ the loue of God the Father the moste comfortable fellowshippe of the holye Ghoste be with vs preserue and keepe vs this day and euermore Amen A forme of euening prayer necessary to be vsed of all christians in their houses and families O Lorde prepare our hartes to pray bow down thine eares deare Father and heare vs open thine eyes looke vppon vs for thy deare Son Iesus Christes sake and receiue our humble confessiō that we make to thee againste our selues which haue broken all thy lawes and therefore deserue to hauethy heauy iudgments powred vpon our heades to our vtter destruction if thou shouldest enter into iudgement with the leaste of oure sinnes whereof wee haue so great and infinite thousands notwithstanding we praye thee to turne away thy face from our sinnes and for IESVS CHRISTES sake to forgiue vs all that is past and graunt that we may haue the assurance of the forgiuenes of our sinnes sealed vp by thy holy spirite in our consciences whereby we knowing that we are at one with thee maye haue our harts kindled with thy loue so feruently as it maye waste in vs all that is againste thy holy will And for this cause we beseech thee good Lord to go forward with the work of our new byrth that thou haste begunne in vs and neuer take away thy hande vntill such time as thou hast made an end of it and to this end we beseech thee to slaye in vs euerye daye more and more the old man with his concupiscences nailing them to the crosse of thy deare sonne Iesus Christ and causing vs to feele the power of his passion in our bodies and in oure soules that we beeing partakers thereof maye come also to the felowship of thy holye resurrection not onelye in that we shall once appeare before thee hauing these our base bodies chaunged and made like vnto his glorious bodye but also that wee maye in the mean time rise from the death of sin to all newnesse of life and that our good works may so shine before men that they seeing them may glorify thee our heauēly father not only they that are of the self same Religion with vs but but those also that are enimies vnto thy truth may rather in the time of their calling by the voyce of thy Gospell yeeld themselues to be one sheepfold with vs. And we moste humbly thank thee O Heauenly father for all thy louing kyndenesses bestowed vppon vs from time to time and especially for that olde and ancient Loue wherewithall thou hast loued vs before the beginng of the worlde for that also that thou calling vs by the voyce of thy Holye Gospell in that good tyme that thou appoyntedst for vs hast giuen vs faith hope and loue and all other graces which thou knowest to bee needfull for vs which we beseeche thee to increase in vs with mighty increases according to that thou seest we haue neede of hauing regarde to oure manifold enemies that wee haue to wrestle with and that we haue not to striue with fleshe and bloud but againste the Diuels themselues And therefore considering their strength and our weakenesse
And therefore we pray thee that according to the manifold troubles that thou shalt visite them with it woulde be thy good pleasure to measure out thy grace in such plentifull maner that thy children maye patiently beare ioyfullye attende for the good howre wherein thou wilt pul them out of all their troubles And specially we pray thy maiesty for our brethren that are afflicted for thy Gospell sake namely those that suffer imprisonment or otherwise in any nation for the clearer testimony of it that it woulde please thee to giue thē patience in all theire troubles wisedom and mouthes to defend thy cause against all those that rise vp againste it that thou woldst blesse their trauels and sufferings for that for which they are taken which is to giue a freer course of thy gospel into al places And therewithall wee beeseeche thee for the churches of France and Flaunders which are so miserably racked and torn in sunder and which are almost consumed with these fierie trials that it wold plese thee to locke vpon the sighings and gronings the teares that fall from their eies continually the bloud that is shed in all partes of the Lande the bodies that lye vnburied to bee meate to the foules of the ayre and Fishes of the Sea the lonenes of wiues lacking ther husbāds children their fathers euery frend his freind And for asmuch as those thynges are come vppon them for thy names sake let it be thy good pleasure to hepe them considering that they are forsaken of al their friends roūde about and therefore praye thee that thou wouldest not looke vppon our sinnes nor the sins of our forefathers wherby we deserue not onelye this correction but vtter destruction as Sodom Gomorrha but rather to look vpō thi mercies which were before them whereby thou hast sayde that although we do offende and thou doest correct vs yet thou wilt not take away thy mercyes from vs but wilt leaue a remnant which thou wilt multiply and make as the starres of the heauen and as the sandes of the Sea Looke also O Lord vpon the outragiousnes and cruelty vnfaithfulnes and blasphemy of the enemies wherewithall they blaspheme thee and prouoke thee to thy face and therefore in thine owne cause and for thine own sake take the matter into thine owne handes and pay vnto the Bosomes of thine enymies double and treble of that they haue giuen to thee Notwithstanding those amongest them that belong to thine holy election hasten their calling that afterward thy iudgement may hasten vpon the earth and the inhabitants therof may learn to knowe thee by thy iudgementes that would not vnderstand and come to thee by the louing callinge of thy Gospell Wee pray thee O Lorde for our brethren that are vp in arms in both those coūtries that thou wouldst goe before them and come behinde them and on euerye syde of them couer their heads in the daye of battell teache their handes to fyght their fingers to war giue them wisdom valiantnes and good succes in al their enterprises strike a dizinesse maze of spirite into the enimies hearts and take away from them al force and disappointall their counsels And vpō our brethren in Flāders wee beseeche thee that thou wouldest comfort them ouer al their troubles that they haue receiued and breaches that haue beene made in vpon them where there are new forces euery day gathered new sleights inuented to destroy thē it maye please thee to scatter their forces and bring their sleights to nothing Yea grant also O lord that that whiche they haue deuised against thy children may come vppon their own heades And for oure Brethren in Fraunce wee beseeche thee O Lorde what straights soeuer they be in thou wouldest deliuer them and althogh they be forsaken in the iudgement of all the world and in their own iudgementes notwithstanding thou that hast the issues of death in thine owne handes deliuer those that are appoynted to death And finally we most humbly thanke thee for that it hath pleased thee to keepe vs this daye and all the dayes and times of our liues beseeching thee that thou wouldst receiue vs this night into thy holye keeping that we may haue quiet rest not of bodyes alone but of our soules also restinge from all those thinges that are cōtrary to thy most holy will attending while thou raisest vs vp in the morning to do al those thinges that thou haste appoynted vs. These thinges wee desire of thee all other things which thou knowest to be more needfull for vs thy whol church better then we our selues do know for Iesus Christs sake saying the same praier that he him self hath taught vs. Our father c. A PRAYER FOR the Euening O Lorde God Father euerlasting and full of pitty we acknowlege and confesse that we be not worthye to lift vp oure eyes to heauen muche lesse to present oure selues before thy maiesty with confidence that thou wilt heare our prayers and graunt our requestes if we consider our owne deseruinges for our cōsciences do accuse vs our sinnes do witnes against vs and we know that thou art an vpright Iudge which dost not iustifie the sinners and wicked men but punni shest the falts of al such as transgresse thy commandements yet most mercifull Father since it hath pleased thee to Commaunde vs to call vpon thee in all our troubles aduersityes promising euen then to helpe vs when we feel our selues as it were swallowed vp of death and desperation We vtterly renounce al worldlye confidence flye to thy Soueraigne bounty as our only stae and refuge beseeching thee not to call to remembraunce our manifold sinnes and wickednes whereby we continuallye prouoke thy wrath and indignation against vs neither our negligence and vnkindnes which haue neither worthely esteemed nor in our liues sufficiently expressed the sweet cōfort of thy Gospell reuealed vnto vs but rather to accept the obedience death of thy sonne Iesus Christ who by offering vp his body in sacrifice once for all hath made a sufficient recompence for all our sinnes Haue mercye therefore vppon vs O Lorde and forgiue vs our offences Teach vs by thy holye spirte that we maye rightly weigh them and earnestly repent for the same And so much the rather O Lord because that the reprobate and suche as thou hast forsaken cannot praise thee nor call vpon thy name but the repenting hart the sorrowfull mind the conscience oppressed hungring and thirsting for thy grace shall euer set foorth thy praise glory And albeit we be but wormes and duste yet thou art our Creator we be the worke of thy hands yea thou art our Father and we thy children thou art our she p-heard and we thy flock thou art our redeemer and we thy people whō thou hast bought thou art our God we thine inhertiance Correct vs not therfore in thine anger O lord neither according to oure deserts punish
as we are care ful for the nourishment of our bodies till it shal shall please thy maiesty to bring vs to the place where wee shall neuer hunger nor thirst more but liue eternally thorough Christe our Sauiour Amen A PRAYER BEFORE meate O Lord our God and heauenlye Father which haste prouided meate and drinke for the nourishment of our bodies giue vs grace to vse them reuerentlye as from thine handes with thankfull heartes And as we doe greatlye hunger and thirste for this foode of oure bodies so we beseech thee good Lorde that oure soules maye earnestlye hunger after the lyke food and nourishment that with earnest minds wee maye seeke to haue our soules fed and refreshed eternallye thorough our onely Lorde and sauiour Iesus christ So be it A THANKESGIVING after meate VVOnderful is thy prouidence O Lorde in preseruing all liuing creatures Grant vs grace we besech thee that with thankful harts we maye acknowledge thy bountifull goodnesse so liberally giuing vnto vs all things needful especially feedingvs so plētifully at this present with thy manyfold blessings wherof agreat many of our brethren are destitute as in like manner wee should be if thou didst not deale more liberalitye with vs graunt vs therefore gratious Lord that we maye bee thankfull for this thy goodnesse and to be mindful of them which haue not such aboundance to releeue them that beeing all members of one body we may at length raign with our head Christe to whom be al honour and glory worlde with out end Amen A GODLY PRAYER FOR the Morning And may be sung to the tune of the third Psalme O God which art my part lot my comfort my stay I haue decreed and promised thy law to keepe alvvay Mine earnest heart did humbly sue in presence of thy face As thou therefore hast promised Lord graunt me of thy grace My life I haue examined and tride my secrete heart VVhich to thy statutes caused me my feete straight to conuert I did not stay nor linger long as they that flouthfull are But hastily thy lawes to keepe I did my selffe prepare The cruell handes of wicked men haue made of me their pray Yet vvoulde I not thy lavve forget not from thee go astray Thy righteous iudgement shewde toward me so great is and so high That euen at midnight will I rise thy name to magnifie Companion am I to all them vvhich feare thee in their hart And neither vvill for loue not dread from thy commaundement start Thy mercyes lord most plenteously do all the world fulfill Oh teach me how I may obey thy statutes and thy vvill All laud and prayse be to the Lorde Oh that of might art most To God the father and the sonne and to the holy ghost As it in the beginning vvas for euer heretofore And is novv at this present time And shall be euermore A GODLY PRAYER FOR the Euening And may be sung to the tune of the third Psalme ACcording to thy promise Lord so hast thou with me dealt For of thy grace in sundry sorts haue I thy seruant felt Teach me to iudge alvvaies aright and giue me knovvledge sure For certainly beleeue I do that thy precepts are pure Yet thou didst touch me with thy rod I erred and vvent astray But I vvill keepe thy holy vvord and make it all my stay Thou art both good and gratious and giuest most liberally Thy ordinauces hovv to keepe therefore O Lord teach me The proud and vvicked men haue forgde against me many a lye Yet thy cōmandements still obserue vvith all my hart vvill I. Their hearts are svvoln vvith worldly vvealth as greace so are they fat But in thy lavv do I delight and nothing seek but that VVho so vvith reuerence doth thee seare to me let them retire And such as do they couenats knevv and them alone desire My heart vvithout all vvauering let on thy lavves be bent That no confusion come to me vvherein I should be shent All laud and prayse be to the Lorde Oh that of might art most To God the father and the sonne and to the holy ghost As it in the beginning vvas for euer heretofore And is novv at this present time And shall be euermore FINIS