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A97281 The Britannian magazine: or, A new art of making above twenty sorts of English wines viz, of apples, pears, peaches, cherries, plums, sloes, damasins, quinces, figgs, goosberries, mulberries, currens, blackberries, elderberries, roses, carnations, cowslips, scurvy-grass, mint, and balm, &c. More pleasant and agreeable to the English constitution than those of France. With the way of making brandy and other spirits: as likewise how to make artificial clarets, rhenish, &c. The second edition. To which is added, the foundation of the art of distillation: or the true and genuine way of making malt into low-wines, proof-spirits, and brandy-wines, compliant to the late act of Parliament concerning distillation. By W.Y. M.D. Y-Worth, W. (William) 1694 (1694) Wing Y214; ESTC R230793 82,523 252

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advantage and here some Mens excellency out-does others as may be seen by many examples in their improvements but still all this must be perform'd with abundance of more pains and labour than originally they were A Third Observation is seeing the excellency of Man was such as to be adorned with Wisdom and Vnderstanding to know things in their Primitive state as they were so now he is deprived of the same and 't is impossible for him to arrive to any degree of Perfection therein either to rule or dispence aright of his Office except he ask it of the Lord as Solomon did to rule the Kingdom of his Father that it might be for the Glory of God by dividing and adjusting things according to the ballance of Truth sound Reason and firm Judgment this was so acceptable to the Lord although his Petition was great yet that he asked was small in comparison to what the Lord bestowed on him for to him was not only given Wisdom but Riches Honour and Length of days and in so great Superiority to others that there was none either before or after him that were to be compared to him and this proceeded from his right asking Now this Solomon in all his Writings prefers Wisdom before any other Gift for he says That all things are but dung and dross in comparison of it and O Man One of the principal Seals of Wisdom is to know thy self aright and in doing that thou wilt know from what thou wast Created and for what end thou wilt also know the difference between the Primitive and Fall'n State also by what Power thou art upheld and from whence Wisdom must proceed and what that Power is that flows into the Center of thy Soul that carries a transmuting Power with it of changing the vilest of Sinners into the best of Saints and in knowing this thou wilt certainly know thy Office and Power and what Degrees and Measures are so to be taken in thy exercise thereof for now thou wilt know the right use of the Creatures and in such a way that God may be Glorified For as the Apostle saith concerning such The recompence of reward was before their Eyes looking towards a City which was not made with hands but the builder and maker thereof was the Lord they know that in all states Man hath the excellent Principle of Immortality in the Synterrisis of his Fabrick which was to be dissolv'd from thence and to receive the reward of her Deeds c. This will cause every Man to consider with himself how he may walk so as to walk aright For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and to harken unto Truth that is Understanding therefore I heartily wish that every Man might know the station the Lord hath placed him in and how to improve his Talent aright for we are not to be like the slothful servant that tyed up his Talent in a Napkin and buried it in the earth and when the Lord examined the reason thereof he complains that he was a hard Master but this I can testifie that God requires of no Man more than he hath given him For where much is given much is required some had five some ten and others fifty here the improvement was to be according to the principles for the right use of five Talents had the same reward as the improvement of fifty for the Widows mite mention'd in the Gospel was accepted by the Lord as a deed of great importance for that she had cast in her all Now I shall examine by what hath been said how the Inhabitants of this Land do proceed in improving their Talent or prising the great and manifold mercies bestowed on them In our opinion the returns are very small for very few there be in comparison to the multitude that are found that do rightly consider the greatness of the mercies bestowed on them but on the contrary are swollow'd up as I may say in the excess of abomination the intemperance is such that they turn the grace of God into wantonness as is too too evidently seen by the grand debaucheries this Age aboundeth with for the Sons and Daughters of Men delights too too much to inhabit the wrathful sphere and from thence send forth principles and practices agreeable to such a Nature for they are not satisfy'd in their negligence in giving their obedience to the word of God but daily start up new Atheism and Schismatical Doctrines to plead for and maintain their damnable lust which indeed flows into the Pit of Destruction these have the Austere and Lustfull principles so kindled by their intemperance that there ambition is such that they lust at all and are never satisfy'd without they could enlarge their Tents and Borders to the greatest of dignities they are for building and enlarging their Barns and Store houses which points forth the end of their desire which can be nothing but to Eat and Drink and be merry and enjoy themselves in the pomps and pleasures of this World but let them remember what was said to one in the Gospel Thou Fool this very Night thou must or shall dye and it may be in his Sins too and what must be his portion seeing there is a Woe pronounced against such that dye in their Sins and 't is a very hainous one not to use the mercies of God aright for that which was design'd to them as a Blessing they turn to a Curse and thus are guilty of depriving their selves of the great benefits design'd by the bountifull God for their Temporal and Eternal Welfares and so may expect at the final end the dreadful Sentence of Depart from me ye workers of Iniquity and the Body Soul and Spirit as they rise again to be east into the wrathfull Fire there for ever to remain for as the Prophet saith the Worm never dies nor doth the Fire go out Therefore while ye have time prize it and esteem not the Shadowy Fig leaves beyond the covering of God's Spirit nor the forbidden Fruit more than obedience to God's Command for who would willingly loose the comfort of a matchless Paradise for a dreadful portion amongst Dogs and Sorcerers without the Walls of the Holy City which every true Christian both Man and Woman ought to labour to be delivered from so indeed ought all so to do by Temperance Humility Fasting and Prayer and by a stedfast Faith in Jesus Christ by whose merits and by the blood of the Covenant we are so bountifully redeemed c. Thus much for such general Considerations I shall now come to lay down some Benefits as they arise from Temperance and other disadvantages that proceed from the neglect hereof First the benefits that proceed from Temperance are many and wonderful as may be in part discern'd from what hath been already said for then the body is more free and the judgment more sound to discern things aright for the illuminating Spirit acts most freely in pure Tabernacles for
as Moses that chosen Prophet of God laid down Temperance through his Four Books as a main hinge of Salvation 't is the very same in the great World for a Temperate Season makes a Fruitfull Harvest and in some sence the whole Creation stands in an Harmony both in the greater and lesser World having a Sympathy and Fellow-feeling together so that if any one part rejoyce or suffer as 't is a member of the great body that will feel of the effect And if it be so as really it is why should not Temperance be observed in the right and moderate use of the Creature by which means health is wonderfully preserved and long Life expected for why the Spirits or the Chariots of Life being kept brisk serene or free and not burned with stupifying and obnoxious Vapours retain their power in preserving the qualities in a due and equal Temperature thence the Archeius and internal fire have power Spagirically to exereise the office in disso●ution fermentation seperation purification distillation exaltation digestion and maturation of the alimentary parts by which the fabrick of the body is supply'd in all its parts and maintain'd in due decorum nay by this means the Spirit Soul and Body are strengthned the mind so fitted and qualify'd as to search into the most obstruce Secrets of Nature and such by consequence may sooner expect to obtain Vniversal Science than others and understand what is delivered by Moses concerning the original Chaos viz. In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waters with a lux fiat which soon proclaims its embassage and separated all the distinct natures that lay unfruitfully hidden in the Pavillions of Confusion such was the activity of the All searching Spirit of God as to exalt from thence a World of substantial Harmony adorning every part with unexpressable beauty from which words it is plain to be conceived that the Original of all things was a Chaos void and without form yee a confused Mountain of Water which was potentially all things yet actually nothing from whence did not only proceed the World as is said but also that Fountain and Vniversal Spirit which preserveth nourisheth and maintaineth multiplying and succouring being to this very day from hence also proceedeth by the Fire of Conflagration the Chaos Magical the true Exaltation of which is the greatest of Spagirical Operations that ever the great God revealed to mankind For out of that proceeds not only the Authors Sal Panaristos but also Paracelsus's Sal Enixum and the Sal Mirabilis of the wise together with the Liquor Alkaest and Vniversal Mercury of the Philosophers with their Aurum potibile and grand Panacea as also the perpetual lights of the Magi with their Malleable Glass their Tyron purple and Crimson dye and other such like Mysteries which are only ordain'd for the wise in heart to enjoy For such by their temperate Life are not only fitted for a search but also when obtain'd know how to make a right use thereof and for their reward they have not only Wisdom but also Riches Honour and length of days so that Temperance is a virtue highly to be esteem'd of seeing it is an inlet to many others and such as will produce the most blessed Fruits that are to be enjoy'd on this side Immortality therefore recommended to all as a most precious Jewel which if received and practised that will find the wonderfull and effectual Virtues thereof and thus I shall conclude Temperance to be the cause of much good Now as to Intemperance it is on the other hand the cause of as many Evills For we see by experience that the Glutton never esteems the Benefies that proceed from Temperance for that he is never so well satisfied as when he is gormondising himself making his Belly his God as I may truly call it for that he riseth in the Morning and scarce ever ceaseth lifting his Hand to his Mouth untill he hath made himself drunk and absorb'd all his Faculties in the excess of the abomination of the Bestial nature nay worse than the Beast of the Field for they answer the end of the Creation taking that in Nature which is sufficient for their subsistence their general sauce that agitates them is the penetrating power of the Air they commonly have no other Bed but Earth or Canopy but Heaven when as the sensual Glutton hath all that is needfull even to a Superfluity he lies upon his Couches of Ivory and Beds of Delight and heeds not Mercy and is unmindful of his fellow Creatures even the cries of poor Lazarus which would accept of the Crumbs that fall from his Table and lies at his Gates the Dogs licking his Sores till he died The cruelty and unmercifulness of this Intemperance is so abominable that I want place to resent it therefore shall pass it by here only recommend it to their consideration the difference of the future Estate of these Two Lazarus was carried by the good Angels into Abraham's Bosom But Dives by the evil into Hell to be tormented c. Now there is another sort of Intemperance which in some sence may be said to be like that of the former viz. The Miser's Intemperance which is the making his Money his God caring not how he pines his Body so that he may be rich nor who he destroys so that he may but attain his end he will gripe it in with a thousand Lies taking all advantages catching and over reaching and out-witting by circumventing Bargains yet will wipe his Mouth with this That he is a wise Dealer and that these are lawful Profits and certainly the Blessing of God attends because he is so rich and so calls Riches that are gotten by such abominable ways God's Blessings and will further conclude that consequently he must be the Servant of God when alas he is a Bondslave to Satan who hath lull'd him asleep and thus puff'd him up with Pride which causes him to despise his Fellow-creatures which are not of the same Abilities with him let their acquirements be what they will they are esteem'd not worthy of his Converse and if they are exercis'd in their Spirits through the multiplicity of Care that attend this Life so as to cause some various changes in their Actions then for certain they are supposed to be Ideots Maggots or some pitiful Fellows that have committed some secret and hainous Sins for which they are attended with such Internal and External Judgments but I thought it convenient to let such rash Judgers know that they may for certain be mistaken for all this for as the Scripture says Whom God loveth he chastiseth and David said It was good for him that he was afflicted for before he was afflicted he went astray and the Gospel Commands are That we should hoard in Treasure in
Original Nature Variation and Cure of Diseases may therefore as we before said be comprehended and understood in a three-fold respect First in the Knowledge of the Microcosmical structure and how Diseases arise in human kinds so as to assault the Animal Life and sensitive Soul for we find that all the Diseasy Idea's are conveyed in the vehicle of the Spiritual Juices to the constitutive parts Secondly In knowing the proper Indications of Diseases and how changes and variations are made in simple and complicate ones for 't is very necessary that the concurrences in the Nature and Eventual accidents thereof be praeominated Thirdly these being understood we may boldly insist upon the Cure of Diseases by a Judicious Administration of proper Medicines and by such variations as are requisit for removing the Cause thereof But before we proceed to lay down the Rise and Nature of Diseases we think it convenient to make our Intention the more plain first to define what a Disease is a Disease therefore is defin'd to be an assault made upon the Spiritual Life in human kinds in order to make a breach of its natural Harmony For 't is plain to us that Diseases have their first Existence in the very principles of Life and sensitive Soul by which they are conveyed to the Archaeus who is as we say the central vital Spirit exalted to the highest state in the Microcosm which distributes a vital ray of which Ares is Specificator to all the parts and Members of the body which being assaulted by the Diseasy Idea's whether Superior Influences Epidemick Venoms or other accidents causing Terror Fury and Amazement whereby Nature becomes unmindful of her own office and admits of Diseases and sometimes death without resistance Because by such preternatural actions the wrathful quality is stirred up which otherwise lay silent in the Centre of the body for as we have said in our Medicina Rationalis the feed of Life and Death is placed and originally existeth in the Center of every Body and of Man in order to subdue him to fear and reverence his Creator for as the Apostle saith From Adam death reigned upon all men Now this Archaeus hath such a pure Central Life that it is immediately put into fury and distraction by those clouds the diseases Idea makes which being antipatherical to its purity it cannot but oppose endeavouring so long to cast them off till enraged thereby and so neglecting its own office many times immediately admits of death but if not so soon these untoward guests take place captivating and destroying and as they have admittance assume Matter and become corporeal whence according to its continuance proceed chronick diseases or such as be of difficult cure For this matter as we have said in our Spagirick Philosophy asserted is by degrees dissolved and spread through the Body and so universally assaults the whole Fabrick or at least wise some principal part or organ thereof whence somtimes proceed Obstructions Hypocondriack Melancholy and many others for the Humors especially the predominant have thereby power to overflow thence Diseases from the inequality of Humors which often are remotely promoted by the six Non-naturals We therefore assert these to be the accidental not the original or Procafarctick Cause of diseases as many will have them and that by these Nature is deprived of her own State and Office and led into that which is contrary to her which prevails so long as the Anatomia Essata hath power to Dart forth her venom in order to extinguish the Fountain of Life We shall therefore state this as a general Aphorism in Physick that if the Spirit the Fabricator and Conservor of Human Bodies stands clear and undefiled being not infected by the clouds of Diseases the Body which is the Receptacle of the Spirit must needs remain in a vigorous activity for no morbifick Matter can exist therein but by the Spirits Error which afterwards forms Matter and becomes corporeal For as Christ says Mat. 12.28 How can one enter into a strong Man's House and spoil his Goods except he first bind the strong Man In reference hereunto the Spirit may be said to be a strong Man and the Arche as the Watchman of the Microcosme which examins all therefore must be first bound and captivated before the House or Body can be destroy'd Thus much in general concerning the Original of Diseases and their forms impress'd by the Diseases Idea on the Spirit through which they become corporeal we shall now consider by what Medium they act We say then as the external Air of the Macrocosm is the Medium between Heaven and Earth containing the universal Spirit by whose Power Life proceeds from Generation to Generation and by the deprivation thereof Death Corruption and Destruction for being darkned corrupted and infected with divers Spiritual Forms whether Superior or Inferior by exhalation of corrupted Fumes for 't is a Matrix that receives all till over-burthen'd or infected thereby it sends forth its venom both on Man and Beast as is too too evident in Pestilential times c. So 't is in the Air of the Microcosm where the Spirit acts that being the medium between Life and Death and consequently the effective Instrument of Health and Diseases for that being over-burthened either by the superior Influences or Spirituality of the different exhalations proceeding either from a subsequent Cause or the immediate Passions and exasperation of the Mind by Anger Grief Fear or the like or of the Body by suddain motion or Cold by which the Spirit is too much inflamed or contracted or from the superabundance of Meat or Drink taken For althô these are the handmaids and nourisher of Life yet when taken in excess they many times become the very instrument of Death like as the most choice Panacea which by a ray of its light is able to cure all Diseases yet too many rays thereof will overpower the natural one and so extinguish it wFor as Sandivogius says a great Fire soon extinguishes a small one and that many of the Philosophers have destroy'd themselves by not knowing the right use of the grand Panacea for we are to receive things in Temperance so as to strengthen the natural heat and not to overcome it as we have touched at in the Preface 'T is no wonder indeed why there should be such variation in Diseases and so many new and complicate ones arise if we rightly consider how great the excess and intemperance this age abounds with is for from thence proceeds a debilitation of the Spirit a defect of the Spiritual Juices and an inlet to cacochamick ones and from thence corruption and this being united with the Debaucheries receiving from each other the Spiritual vapour of their poisonous Venom 's the Grand Pox is contracted which being not timely cured corrupts and stains the Vessels with its Diseases Malignancy and is often sent forth to the superficies of the Body and internally stains the radical moisture causing
to our experience in our Medicina rationalis and briefly in our Spagirick Phylosophy asserted and therefore omitting here We shall therefore conclude that diseases are invenom'd poysonous Idea's either more or less corporify'd and so emitting their various effects and symtoms and by degrees working upon the radical Moisture or vital Spirits till they are exhausted and then by consequence death ensues Now seeing 't is a duty incumbent upon every Physitian to endeavour by true Specificks to heal those breaches and inrodes made upon Nature whilst the Oyl remains in its determin'd Pondus unexhausted To the end our mite may be contributed we shall thus demonstrate the Therapeutick part as follows Finding therefore that Diseasy Idea's are dismal Clouds whereby the Spirit of Life is stain'd in order to produce death for Diseases are its Messengers we shall therefore recommend to your Consideration the search of such Arcana's or suitable Medicines such we mean as will emit some rays of light whereby the sensitive Soul or Spirit of Life in human bodies may be illuminated and which being rightly apply'd have power to remove the Cause and restore Nature to sanity Of which number are all those that are Spagirically prepared from the Chaos of the Adepts and more especially their grand universal Tincturing Sulphur against which no reasonable man dare object seeing there is such an unanimous concurrence in the writings of the learned and Judicious Spagiricks For they maintain the Possibility of one Medicine to have virtue sufficient to cure all Diseases And 't is no wonder it should be so seeing 't is an Essence of such Purity as to have Predominancy over the Elementary and corrupting powers being a Domicile wherein the first form of light is concatinated in the Effl●viums of Life and thence having a central Homogeneity preserves the fewel of the Lamp from being stained with the Diseasy Idea's and Nature from erring in its Harmony and when it doth err 't is a sure Panacea to restore it again to sanity maintaining the Microcosmical Wheels in due Decorum till the appointed time of Death there being an Irrevocable degree pass'd against which there can be no Balme c. Furthermore 't is to be observed that all Arcana's proceeds from the Power Action and Virtue of this Chaos general as also the Menstrum Alkabest which is the Medium by which Medicines are prepared and indeed without which there can be no true Essences Elixirs Magistrys c. whatsoever high names are given to many extant Moreover 't is to be observed that by the help of this general Spirit we open the body of Tartar uniting the extreams so as to bring it to act in a succedanous way and Spagirically to operate on most inferior bodies and thereby to obtain their true Specifick virtues which Medicines are esteem'd the succedanous ones and short of these there are very few that will raise any considerable advantage to the Sick let the commendation imposed by the makers thereof be ever so soaring and 't is daily confirmed by experience that there be all-to-few Medicines that by far answer what is attributed to them because there be no Specificks but what are prepared through a dissolving Agent of which number is Tartar which is of such a Nature as to coagulate upon the body dissolved but 't will obtain from the Concret its Caracteristical Powers and hidden Specifick Vertues and on the other hand the Concret obtains from the Dissolvent an abstersive Nature and by the action and passion the points centre into a Globical or Balsamick Ens which is agreeable to our constitutive Principles and so operate in those pure Effluviums as to perform real Cures to the comfort and satisfaction of the Patient and Honour of the Honest-hearted Physitian Therefore this Consideration must not be omitted viz. That 't is necessary to observe variation in their administration according to the alteration of the Disease for our Ten Years experience shews us that 't is necessarily required in Practice to make a Judicious variation in the Dispensation of Medicines if we design that they should fully answer For the way and Method we observed 5 years ago must be alter'd in the Prescriptions of this present year For tho' the Method was certain then in the Disease of the same kind or species yet such have now other Twiggs Branches and Symptoms which necessarily require to be prun'd off For these and such like reasons the Author would not willingly out speak the vertue of any single Medicine yet his experience is such that he will thus much boldly declare for the encouragement of the Diseased that if these do not demonstrate their Virtue on them in 30 or 40 days so as to give a grounded belief of a real Cure he advises such Patients to desist from means except the Physitian that follows him can demonstrate that he is in Possession of the Grand Panacoea or Universal Medicine otherwise the Cure is highly to be doubted Those true Sayings have been found by experience by such that have not been willing to regard our Advice but would be tampering and spending their Money and yet alas the Disease hath remained until the Eyes have been closed and they have given their last farewel to the World Of this we are ●ble to give undeniable proofs The last Observation is that these Sovereign Specifick Medicines are more certain in their Operation where the Patient observes with heedfulness the methods prescrib'd and is temperate in exercise Meat and Drink and yet we allow all things in Moderation so far that the most curious Pallate may be pleas'd with such variety as Nature affords Now for the satisfaction of all that are truly desirous to promote Art I shall now come to demonstrate and lay down the Basis we go upon and the manner observ'd in preparing these our Medicines viz. by the Medium of Tartar as before hinted which must be the pure and fixed Salt truly volatized whereby it becomes a pure fermenting Medium an opener of Bodies by Vertue of the reconciler of Extreams and the very key for preparing true Specifick and succedanous Medicines Therefore observe as follows The fixed Salt of Tartar is to be volatiliz'd three distinct ways viz. by acid Spirits and then being distilled over into a middle Spirit they assume the name of Arcana Pontissitata also by urinous Oyls and Spirits and then they assume the name of Arcana Microcosmica also by essential Oyls and vinor Spirits and then they assume the name of Arcana Samick not undeservedly because of its friendly Balsamick Nature homogenious to and in the preparing of Medicines therefore I shall touch at that and omit the others seeing we have distinctly laid them down in our Spagyrick Philosophy's Triumph where we have treated of the Mineral work to which I refer you for more ample satisfaction and proceed to lay down the ground on which the Arcanum Samick depends c. Circulatum Minimum or the least Keys opening the