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A77952 The Principles of truth being a declaration of our faith, who are called Quakers, whereby all that wants peace with God may return into their first state, through the operation of the light and power of God in the great work of regeneration / written by E.B., J.C., W.D., H.S. Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662.; Crook, John, 1617-1699.; Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688.; Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.; Smith, Humphrey, d. 1663. 1668 (1668) Wing B6019A; ESTC R42820 61,240 151

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to receive the Spirit by it then to be led into all Truth and so being first led into the Truth then in the same Truth to worship God in Spirit who is a Spirit And whether there be now any true Worship standing which God accepteth but only this And whether this alone be not agreeable to Moses Christ and Scriptures And whether all other Worships now upheld be not contrary to this true Worship of God and contrary to Moses Christ and Scriptures and indeed chiefly opposite to the Spirit of God whereby he is grieved And if so whether all such Worship Way Practice Performances Duties and Ordinances so called be not better left undone then performed until Gods Spirit be received to guide therein Thirdly Concerning the Ministration of the Spirit which abideth for ever MOses and his Ministry were visible and Christ in the form of a Servant and so like unto Moses was visible and so were his Miracles and that which is visible to the natural eye the carnal mind can come to profess and contend about but the blessed eye which God openeth with the light cometh to see the one done away and the other finished by Christ the Light and Life And the Spirit is that which first moved and yet moveth and moved unto and led through the visible Ministration and this Spirit is invisible as it is written the invisible only wise God whom no eye of flesh hath seen or can see and this moving invisible Spirit of God which is without limit or end is that which all people should be led unto by all its outward visible appearances ministrations and dispensations and this Spirit was that which gave forth and ordained the Ministration of the Law which was glorious in its time though to be done away but how much more glorious is the Ministration of that Spirit of Life it self from which the Ministration of the Law came which Spirit abideth for ever And the second Adam is made a quickning Spirit and the Spirit which is the Word was with God and was God before the body of flesh was made and that Spirit abideth for ever as is heard out of the Law He shall abide for ever And this is that which ever liveth to in●ercede And this for ever blessed invisible Spirit was before time and is to be when time shall be no more and is without limit an eternal lively Substance giving life from it self and secretly covering it self from the carnal part of man not seen nor understood but by such as by its secret motions come to be led to see through that which shadows it forth and by the image form shadow or figure to discern the Substance which is the Life where Immortality dwelleth for in the most innermost and secret of all is the Life of all being covered over with that in which it lies through which it breaking forth in any discovery of it self is that whereby the beholders might be drawn through the discovery unto it self which in the discovery broke forth for the discovery was still too short of that from whence it came and that which was discovered forth in any shadow form or image was not to be idolized nor set up for the very thing or substance of Life from whence it proceeded and herein hath been much mistake by such who came not by that which opened in the visibles to that from whence it came in that to have their understandings opened and thereby to be made sensible of that which is eternal by it to be brought in where its indwellings abide for ever whose breaking forth in the visible which was to draw to that invisible refreshed the soul invisibly in an unexpected manner and time but being after sought for in the visibles and not in the eternal withdraws it self out of the visibles and out of the sight and reach of that which seeks it there that thereby that which is to live for ever with it may come through all that which it appeared in unto the very thing and invisible Substance it self which is the Life of all and the true Center of the living Motion which moveth of it self and gave forth all things good as they proceeded from it by vertue of its gradual and various motions and this being come opens it self in them that find it and live therein and this maketh Darkness Light before the people whose dwelling is with God and the crooked comes to be made streight by the thing it self and dark sayings of old come to be opened and secret things revealed But to write more plain for the sake of the weak of this glorious indwelling Spirit which in the fulness of time cometh forth in flesh laying hold of the Seed of Abraham the most glorious Appearance that ever was being thus appeared was the express Image of God who dwelleth in his People whose bodies are flesh and earthly tabernacles but by the operation of the sanctifying cleansing Spirit which the Father sendeth are made fit habitations of God and so Coheirs with Christ and Members of his Body Flesh and Bones which Spirit quickneth to God and being thus received and obeyed is felt to live for ever though the shadowings-forth of it be done away and this is Eternal and never endeth but abideth with such for ever and the Ministration of it is Life it self to the soul and more to be valued and desired than all that ever was seen before it And as the Lord took of that Spirit which was upon Moses and put it upon his Brethren the Elders of Israel whereby they might rule and judge with him so saith Christ The Father shall take of mine and give it unto you even of that Spirit of Love Life Power Valour and Virtue which was upon and in him that was like unto Moses is ministred into and put upon such as are truly his Brethren and Friends whereby with him they thus gifted sanctified and qualified judge the World for all Judgment is committed t● the Son and of that which the Son hath and is committed to him doth the Father give unto his Members and so from Christ the Head they come to receive power over the World and its Way Worship and Fashions and over unclean spirits And that is an unclean spirit which will lead into any sin and it is an unclean spirit in which sin standeth and which pleadeth for the continuance and upholding of that which is unclean and that is of the world which the Saints judge And as those Elders of Israel who were of the Church in the Wilderness were not made fit to Judge or Rule in outward matters by all the writings and words of the Law though received by disposition of Angels until the Lord himself took of that Spirit which was upon Moses and put upon them So those that profess to be Elders in the Church now or any other person whatsoever are much less made fit to Rule or Judge in spiritual matters by all the reading
of what thou comprehendest to be Truth from the Letter of the Scripture under what form name or title soever thou be thou art a dead man and a dead woman and the wrath of God abides on thee though thou see it not Rom. 7.9 there Paul witnesseth saying I was alive without the Law once but when the Commandment came sin revived and I dyed Friends every one in particular deal justly with your hearts see what you can witness of your death with Christ by the powerfull Word of Truth which enlightens the Conscience and condems sin in the flesh for every one would ascend with Christ to be partakers of the Life and Glory with him but he becomes a stumbling-stone to be baptized with him into his Sufferings and Death to descend with him into Hell and this thou must witness before ever thou come to sit with him in heavenly places for it is they and they alone that shall reign with him who suffer with him and they that are dead with him shall live with him It is the dead that hear the Voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Arise thou that sleepest in the dust of the Earth securely in thy serpentine wisdom thy mind feeding upon the dust of the Earth created objects which will perish Arise stand up to Judgment that Christ may give thee Life This is required of thee O man To do Justly love Mercy and to walk Humbly with thy God Examine thy heart and deal justly with thy own Soul There is a Light in thy Conscience which Light is of Christ minding it will let thee see the Mystery of Iniquity that lodgeth in thy heart which is deceitfull and desperately wicked and this Light in thy Conscience which discovers unto thee the evil of thy heart is of the eternal Word of God and was from the beginning according as it is written in the outward Testimony of the Truth In th● beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word is God and the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made in him was Life and the Life was the Light of men And the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not Every one arise out of your earthly wisdom and mind the Light in thy Conscience and wait on the Power of the Lord in it and it will bring thee to judgment before the Throne of the Lamb where the righteous Law will be opened in thy heart that will cry through thy earthly heart for Righteousness and Judgment and the Book will be opened in thee where thou shalt see all written that thou hast done in the body and shalt give an account for every idle word and receive thy reward for what thou hast done and thy reward is Wrath and Condemnation which will pass upon thee from the presence of the Lamb for thy disobedience and breaking of the righteous Law which must be fulfilled and what way soever thou turnest to get life in outward forms and observations the flaming Sword which is the righteous Law that goes out of the mouth of the Lamb 't will turn every way and meet thee and cut thee down and cast thee into Hell where there is weeping and wailing for want of the presence of God and thou canst do nothing to pacify the Wrath of God which is gone out against thee Now wouldst thou hide thy self as Adam did when he appears in thy heart thy fig-leav'd garment of prayers tears forms outward observations according to thy comprehension of the Letter will not cover thy nakedness it served to cover thy nakedness from the sight of men but now when the Lord appears in thy heart thou canst not stand before him Now comes Cain in thee to be driven from the face of God to be a Fugitive and a Vagabond in the Earth notwithstanding all his Sacrifices and Esau in thee reprobated never to have the blessing though he seek it with tears and the Bond-woman and her son cast out and the first Adam now slain with the sharp Sword that goeth out of the mouth of the Lamb and art made to give up thy soul to God whose it is to do with thee what he will if he destroy thee for ever he may and if he save thee from eternal death it is his free Love Now art thou baptized with Christ into his Sufferings and Death where thou liest sealed down under the Eternal Judgment of God and there perishest for ever for any power or help thou hast in thy self and this is the Administration of Moses where thou liest condemned for ever under the righteous Law without any help or hope until the Administration of the Prophets that prophesie of a Christ that hath satisfied the righteous Law of God for thee who art lost and condemned under the power of the Law of Moses And now there is a secret hope raised up in thy soul and thou lookest up from under the condemning power of Moses for a Saviour And the Prophets are until John and of all that were born of women there was not one greater then John for he is a burning and shining Light that lets thee see the filthiness of thy heart and the Law shines in its purity to condemn the earthly man in thee but he strengthens the hope in thee that was raised up by the Prophets to see the beauty and excellency of Jesus Christ which ravisheth thy lost condemned soul that thou art willing to sell all for him the Scripture now being fulfilled in thee who witnesseth this from the dayes of John even until now The Kingdom of God suffereth violence and the violent take it by force now is every Mountain and Hill laid low in thee and crooked wayes made straight and the rough way in thee made smooth and thou waitest in the Wilderness and lost condition of thy self for the Salvation of God to be manifest to thee in Jesus Christ and in the appointed time of the Father the Son of man comes to thy soul as a thief in the night as the Lightning from the East to the West so is his appearance in thee and causeth thy dead soul to hear his voice which witnesseth to it eternal Life freely through his own blood and thy soul hears his voice and by the word of his Power is made to live and is sealed up by the holy Spirit of Promise the Spirit of God bearing witness with thy spirit that thou art his child Now comest thou to witness the second Adam to be a quickening Spirit and Isaac the promised Seed to be Heir for ever And that the wages of Sin is death but the Gift of God is Eternal Life And that by Grace thou art saved through Faith in the Lord Jesus not of works lest any should boast and he that hath Hope in him purifieth himself as he is pure and the love of Christ
endeavours to blind the mind not the brain-knowledge but the hearty-feeling sence within in the mind lest the Light within should so shine as God should heal them and all the buslings of Satan with his gifts are but to blind the mind within lest God should heal the soul that complains to him from the true sight and sence of his Misery as in himself By this Grace and Gift within we believe That to Vs though in the world there be Lords many and Gods many there is but ONE GOD the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ witnessed within man only by the Spirit of Truth that manifests both the Father and the Son and yet these three are one and agree in one and he that honours the Father honours the Son that proceeds from him and he that denies the Spirit denies both the Father and the Son and is Anti-Christ but he that believes in the Spirit and is led by it is the Son of God Rom. 8.14 As many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God We believe The Scriptures bare witness unto and testifie of Christ but they say The Witness of God is greater than them The Spirit it self bearing witness with our spirits that we are the Sons of God for it is not the Scriptures without the Spirit nor the Spirit contrary to the Scriptures but the Spirits discovering the Will of God in the heart or opening of the Scriptures in its own time and way and not in or by the will of man but as it self pleaseth who searcheth all even the deep things of God and manifests them unto the Soul which giveth the perfect sound and saving knowledge for said Christ The Spirit shall take of mine and shew them unto you And as holy men gave forth the Scriptures 2 Pet. 1.21 so holy men and they only come truly to understand them and not proud and ungodly men because their hearts and lives do not answer the hearts and lives of those that gave them forth a● face answereth face in a Glass And this we believe to be the reason why so long preaching by men of corrupt minds who have and do handle the words deceitfully for selfish ends and filthy lucre sake hath brought forth so little fruit and been to so little purpose except to their Purses and Bellies for had they believed and therefor● spoken and stood in Gods Counsel they shoul● have profited their Hearers Jer. 23.21 22 23 to the end Through this Gift we believe Tha● Christ Iesus the Son of God was manifest in the flesh in the fulness of time And this we know by the same Spirit by which our Fathers believed he should come and Abraham saw his day by the same we do believe he is come and do see his day as also by the Prophets and Apostles Writing which twofold Cord is not easily broken We believe also according to the Scriptures of Truth That this same Jesus hath God highly exalted and given him a Name above every name that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have Everlasting Life and that there is not another name whereby man can be saved than this Name of Jesus Christ nor is Remission of Sins to be preached by any other name But as we do not believe that the outward Letters and Syllables are that Name that is to be bowed to by the outward knee no more than the Letters or Syllables in the words God or Spirit seeing the Scripture saith Vnto God who is a Spirit every knee shall bow Isa 45.23 but the Name which saves is the Power and Arm of God that brings Salvation from Sin and makes every Soul that names it to depart from Iniquity This is that Name which was preached and which is preached through Faith in which Name Remission of Sin is obtained Therefore was the outward word Jesus given him as his outward name Thou shalt call his Name JESVS for he shall save his People from their Sins Mark for he shall save c. So that which saves is the Name which is to be believed in which is that Arm of God that brings Salvation when no eye pitties neither is there any to help the Power of God that then saves is that Grace that comes from the fulness of Christ the Saviour And without this virtue Christ and Jesus are but empty names 1 Cor. 12.3 No man can say that Jesus is the LORD but by the holy Ghost We believe also That this Jesus died for or because of Sin and rose again for the Justification of those that believe in him as well as to manifest to all the world that he was the Son of God and that he thereby spoiled Principalities and Powers and triumphed over them openly and led Captivity captive in his own person yet we believe and know by his Grace in our hearts that as his Name Jesus without Vertue and Power is but an empty word so his Dying without man's Conformity to his Death or being planted into the likeness thereof or being crucified with Christ as saith the Scripture Rom. 6.2 3 4 5 6. Gal. 2.20 will not profit man as to the Salvation of his Soul no more than the naming of his outward name Jesus doth at this day make people to depart from Iniquity For we believe and are sure that man must dye inwardly as well as Christ died outwardly and must be put to death in his flesh as Christ was in his for he that is in the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8.8 neither cease from sin but he that is dead is freed from sin Rom. 6.7 And yet mans dying unto Sin and the Root and Principle of it in himself is so far from making void Christ's Death in his own person that it establlsheth it to all those ends and purposes for which it was intended of the Father As the Cures which the Physitian doth manifest and establish his skill and ability so doth mans dying unto Sin and Self and living unto God manifest and establish the Vertue and Power of Christ's Death for as man manifests his being risen with Christ by his seeking the things that are above Col. 3.1 2. so doth he manifest his knowledge of the Death of Christ by his being crucified with Christ and bearing about in his body the dyings of the Lord Jesus for as it is not an outward belief gathered from the Letter that will change the heart and life though the Judgment and Opinion it may so it is not a belief from the History or Letter only that can give man a saving-knowledge of the Death of Christ but he must have the same Glory and Power of the Father in measure working in him there to beget Faith in his heart that he may believe unto Salvation from his own filthiness and righteousness as well as confess with his mouth Rom. 10. and must have that Spirit in him quickning his mortal body as well as to believe that it was in Christ and raised
and justifies the Soul through th● virtue of this Blood received into the hear● by this living Faith which receives all it● power and virtue from Christ in whom 〈◊〉 abides as its root and object whereby Justification is witnessed from Sin not in Sin Rom. 6.22 But now being made free from Sin and become servants unto God you hav● your fruits unto Holiness and the end everlasting Life We believe That Justification and Sanctification are distinguished but not divided for as he that sanctifieth and justifieth i● one so do these go together and whe● the Soul hath the greatest sence of Justification upon it through the vertue of th● Blood of Jesus by the Living Faith the● is it most in love with Holiness and at th● greatest distance from Sin and Evil and whenever there is a failing in Sanctification there is also some eclipse of Justification in the eye of the Soul until Faith hath recovered its strength again which i● lost by sins prevailing For as the farthest and clearest sight is in the brightest day so is it with the Soul when it is most in the brightness and beauty of Holiness its Justification appears most glorious and its Union and Communion most sweet and lasting and so like two Twins as they are much of an age so they are like one to the other And what God hath joyned together let no man put asunder We also by this Light believe That Acceptance with the Father is only in Christ and by his Righteousness made ours or imputed unto us not by the creaturely skill but by the applicatory act of Gods gift of Grace whereby the Soul feels the difference between self-applying by its own Faith and God applying by its Spirit and so making Christ unto the Soul Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption So that we believe and are sure that there is a great difference between Imputation as it is the act of mans spirit and as it is the act of Free Grace without mans forcing And so we distinguish between Imagination and Imputation between reckoning or imputing that is real and reckoning or imputation that is not real but a fiction and imagination in the creaturely will and power And because we are against the latter we are clamoured upon as if we denied the Imputation o● Christ's Righteousness when it is only unto those that are not made righteous by it to walk as he also walked For as the Scripture saith It is not he that saith he is righteous by the imputation of Christ's Righteousness but he that doth Righteousness i● righteous even as Christ is Righteous 1 Joh 3.7 he that believes otherwise is deceived And yet it is not Acts of Righteousness as done by us nor as inherent in us as acts by which we are accepted of God and justified before him but by Christ the Author and Worker of those acts in us and for us whereby we know that we are in him and he in us and we hold him as our Head into whom al● things are gathered together into one even in him We further believe That God is only to be worshipped and not any likeness that man makes unto himself of God from any view sight and knowledge that he hath had of him but in every act and service man is to know what substantially as well as whom speculatively or notionally he worshippeth as is is written John 4.22 Ye worship ye know not what we know what we worship for Salvation is of the Jews And he that thus worships the Father honours the Son by the same Spirit which is one with the Father and the Son in which Spirit only God is worshipped according to the form of its own chusing and manifesting of himself in and by according unto the good pleasure of the Father who is a Spirit and limits man unto the Spirit 's Form but allows not man to limit the Spirit unto his form though it be not of his inventing originally but of the Father yet man must no more limit God unto it then he could command God to appear in it at first For as he chose it himself so he hath reserved liberty to leave it at his pleasure who works all things after the counsel of his own Will which he hath purposed in himself that the Gift of the knowledge of the Mystery of his Will might for ever be acknowledged to be of his Grace and for the riches of the glory thereof according to Ephes 1. and man be bound but God free Man bound to wait in the Light for Gods Movings but God free to move in whom to what and when he pleaseth then man is to go when he saith Go and come when he saith Come and such Servants do serve him And then there is no more Curse as in the dayes of Will-worship and voluntary Humility but the Throne of God and of the Lamb Col. 2.18 23. Rev. 22.3 4. And they shall see his Face and his Name shall be on their foreheads We believe also That this Worship is spiritual and not carnal in all its Parts and Ordinances and not to be imposed by any outward force but performed by the inward leading of Gods holy Spirit according as the holy men of God were led and guided in the days past who gave forth the Scriptures all impositions of Worship outward being only enjoyned under the first Covenant that made nothing perfect until the time of Reformation spoken of Hebr. 9.10 But Christ being come there is an end as well of such Impositions as of the Meats and Drinks and divers Baptisms and carnal Ordinances they being all but temporary and in order unto an end but all to vail to Christ the sum and substance of all the first pointed at by all and the last ending of all the Amen And he that thus worships God in Christ his Ordinances are spiritual and not carnal and his Faith carries him beyond his Works with righteous Abel and preserves him that he is not drowned in the Form like Cain neither falls he short of the glory of God nor of his assurance of Acceptance with him We believe There is one Baptism necessary to Salvation Ephes 4.5 One Lord one Faith one Baptism And this Baptism is Spiritual of which John's Water was but a figure John 1.31 That he should be made manifest to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with Water saith John and 1 Pet. 3.21 The like figure whereunto even Baptism doth also now save us not the putting away the filth of the Flesh but the answer of a good conscience towards God by the Re●urrection of Jesus Christ This one Spiri●ual Baptism into the Name of Jesus Christ ●s that which saves the Water being but a figure that Christ might be manifest to Israel who had divers Baptisms imposed on them untill the time of Reformation but Christ the Substance being come the Shadows flee away And yet where-ever any are commanded now by the same Spirit that commanded the Believers to
b● baptized in the dayes past either for th● furtherance of the Gospel or tryal of the●… Faith we judge them not But this obedience is very rare to be found and w● could heartily desire that all would consider seriously whether literal sayings observed only by outward reading hearin● by the ear or inward impulses upon th● heart by the Divine Power are the motives unto Obedience in this kind And 〈◊〉 honesty and uprightness of heart may b● heard we believe and know the man● dead souls every-where notwithstandin● their Baptisms will be as so many witne●ses against them by their grovling upo● the earth as so many slain and killed me● by the Letter while the Spirits quickning have not been known in the true Baptism into death For we find by daily experiences that most men and women live lik● Pharoah's lean Kine only to eat up the fat and to envy those that are not so lean soul'd as themselves We believe also That as there is on● true saving Baptism so there is one Bread or Body of Christ which all the Saints d● feed upon and though they be many a● to persons yet their Bread is but one and they all in it but one Bread And this we believe is the flesh that came down from Heaven John 6.33 Though the outward Jews now as then murmur at him because he said I am the Bread which came down from Heaven ver 41 42. But Christ ver 45. to stop their murmuring tells them that the knowledge of this Mystery was only revealed unto them whom God and not man teacheth and no more than are taught of God can set seal and subscribe unto this Truth in Jesus though we believe also that Jesus took outward bread and brake it and gave it to the Disciples as the Scriptures saith and this was a figure of his Body that was to be pierced and broken upon the Tree and a shew to shew forth his Death until he came And we believe he did arise again and appear unto his Disciples And all that believed were together and had All things Common c. And they continued daily with one accord in the Temple breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart praising God and having favour with all the people Acts 2.44 45 46 47. And we believe that the Apostle in 1 Cor. 11.20 saith true where he saith When ye come together therefore in one place this is not to eat the Lords Supper And all that he speaks in that chapter is not to perpetuate that outward breaking of Bread otherwise than as the Believers did that were filed with the holy Ghost in singleness of heart as before is said and yet we judge not those who break outward Bread and drink outward Wine being commanded so to do and put in remembrance thereby of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ by the Remembrancer the Spirit of Truth which is appointed by the Father to lead into all Truth But to do it by imitation or tradition only as most do it if not all at this day we know it is not an Offering unto God in Righteousness neither do we believe this to be the Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ and yet the eating of the Flesh and drinking of the Blood of Christ we believe man must know and witness or he hath no life in him Joh. 6.53 54 55. And we believe that many are striving now in their spirits as the Jews did verse 52 saying How can this man give us his Flesh to eat And not only the Jews but many of his Disciples said This is a hard saying who can bear it ver 60. and at verse 63. he tells them It is the Spirit that quickeneth the Flesh profiteth nothing The words that I speak unto you they are Spirit and they are Life And he that hears and understands these words that are Spirit and Life will not be offended at what I have spoken of the Flesh and Blood of Christ By the same Spirit and Grace we believe That Prayer is an Ordinance of God when performed by his Spirit in its words and not those which mans wisdom teacheth or without words by sighs and groanes which cannot be uttered and these so often as the Spirit it self pleaseth But the Form without the Spirit whether it be by words of other mens framing or words of man's own spirit according to his will time and manner this is not the Prayer that prevails with God And we believe that there is none so weak and infirm but this Spirit proffers his help at some time or other though man regardeth it not And the more mans mind is gathered within from all visibles the more he comes to be sensible of the Movings and Stirrings of this Spirit in its secret cryes unto God answerable to the wants of tha● man or woman in whom it moves and cryes And by the due watching thereunto we believe and know the Spirit of Prayer and 〈◊〉 Adoption that cries unto God comes to b● discerned and distinguished from a man'● own spirit and will We believe by the same gift of Grace that there are several Ministrations and several Operations according to 1 Cor. 12. and all by the same Spirit as before and after th● Law by Moses and after by John the Baptis● and Christ and his Apostles and in all thes● the Ministration had acceptance with God through the management of the Spirit an● its rejection and dislike of God for th● want thereof And by this Spirit were th● Scriptures give forth and the holy me● of God did speak prophesie preach and pra● as they were moved and for want of it th● letter did and doth kill And for the further appearance and pouring out of thi● Spirit answerable unto the work and service that God had for them to do the● were to wait as Christ commanded hi● Disciples to do at Jerusalem to receive th● Promise of the Father For by this Spiri● he that speaks speaks as the Oracle of God And therefore as it was the practice of the People of God in old time to wait for the moving and stirring of this Spirit that they might speak as it gave them utterance in the evidence and demonstration thereof so do this People called Quakers now and according to its moving in their hearts they minister according to the signification of the Spirit whereby they understand both what and when to speak and when to be silent as also who are they that minister and speak in their own wills above the Cross of Christ which the Apostle was carefull alwayes to be in subjection to lest he should make it void by speaking the words which mans wisdom teacheth and therefore as the Saints did so we do believe and therefore we speak And such Preaching and Speaking in Faith as well as Praying in Faith is acceptable unto God as his Worship and not otherwise And we further believe by the
and professing Moses Writings and Christ's Words and the rest of the holy Scriptures though they were given by the inspiration of God until the Lord take of that Spirit which was upon and in Christ who is like unto Moses and give unto and pour it upon and minister it in unto them And this is done in Gods way which is secret and time which is in his own hand to those whom he accounteth worthy thus to honour and who truly wait for it as a wayfering man for a resting place and as a Captive for deliverance And though Christ after his Resurrection said All Power in Heaven and in Earth is given unto me Go ye therefore and teach yet they were to tarry until they had the power in themselves and when that was come which they were to tarry and wait for then with that they went and so taught the Nations from the sensible feeling of that which taught them how to teach and all things else when the same Spirit and Power was upon them which was before committed unto him and so the coming forth of it from him into them and filling them therewith was to them in that work of the Ministry most effectual like as the Vertue going forth of Christ healed the woman so the Power and Vertue of the holy Spirit coming forth from Christ being sent of the Father and received by the Disciples who with much desire waited for that impowered them to do that which before they were commanded to do after they were endued with Power or had the Power in them and so what they were comcommanded to do they were to wait to receive Power in themselves from God to perform and Christ did intend to give them power to do that which he commanded And as he commanded them to go and teach he also required them to tarry and so not to go until they had received power so to do and so it was the Power of the holy Ghost in them which made them Ministers and these were and such are truly Ordained Ministers And after they had received Power from on high even the Spirit or Life of Truth and were filled therewith and so had it in them then they went to do that which was commanded them then they went to teach the Nations and converted tho●sands and turned sinners and brought souls to God and then they were called Christians and then were People brought to be of the True Church which Christ buildeth upon that which flesh and blood revealeth not And this is the entrance into the Church in God 2 Thes 1.1 the receiving of the Spirit and in this God is worshiped and not else for this hath excluded all other Worship and these only are the true Worshippers who come in thus by the door which is Christ the Light and Spirit o● Truth sent into the heart from God And if all the prudent learned Divine● so called in Europe or all or any o● the wisest Orthodox men so called i● any other quarter of the whole World can prove by the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament any other true Worship of God who is a Spirit now exta●● among men and to be performed especially among them called Christians with acceptance to God but only that which the Spirit of Truth leadeth such unto as receive it then let them bring it forth th●● we may see it and prove it by plain u●deniable truth of Scripture or otherwise I shall look upon their proofs words wayes actions practises performances duties and several Worships as things of no value Or if there be any other entrance into the true Worship of God then this Spirit that God sendeth or the Light which leadeth to it or if there be any other Worship which God doth or will accept to be after this spoken or prophesied of in the Scriptures of Truth whereby this shall ever be done away or ended from being the true only and alone Worship of God whilst men have a being upon Earth then let the wisest of the sons of men bring it forth and produce their strong Reasons therein that we may plead together and that the entrance into and the true Worship it self of the onely true invisible God may be declared over all the World for the satisfaction of every tender heart concerning this For this I am satisfied in that Christ Jesus who is the end of the Law and who finished his work when he was upon the Earth is made a quickning Spirit and is the Way and Truth of Life which bringeth into the Worship of God and he is the beginning and the end and he leadeth to the beginning of Gods Worship and he is the end and the Rest of all the Faithfull in whom all the Promises are Yea and Amen and without him all is as nothing and all that comes before him are Thieves and Robbers and he it is that abideth a Priest for ever and his Spirit of Truth is it which all People and Professors whatsoever should first wait to receive thereby to be led into that true spiritual Worship which alone God accepteth lest they and their worship and building fall together in a day when there is none to deliver And then thus I query If Christs own dear Disciples who had forsook all and followed him not Priests or Baptists did not come to receive this Spirit by hearing all the words which he spoke unto them but by waiting after the words were ended Then whether those that have not forsaken all nor so much as the Worlds fashions do now come to receive the Spirit by reading hearing or professing the same words of Christ now written or any other part of the Scriptures Or whether a Proud man hath received this Spirit or a Lyar or Prophane Person or any Wise or Prudent man whatsoever by any means or way of his And whether any such ever did have or can or may by any industry or other way or means attain to this Spirit which leadeth in the true worship of God but as it is freely given forth from God and then whether all people are not to be led by that Spirit which God freely giveth into the Worship of God because Christ said the Spirit should lead which indeed doth lead into all Truth and nothing else doth so And they that have not received this from God to lead them are not yet come to be led by that which the Sons and Children of God were and are led by And the Ministration of the Spirit which all are now to be taught by is inwardly to be known in the nearest secret invisible manner and is more out of the sight comprehension and reach of mans wisdom then any other Ministration and it is given forth from the clear Fountain it self unto the soul-satisfaction of man when he is come to the end of words or having heard much or all the words that can be spoken of it remaineth unsatisfied in a restless longing desire to find receive
feel and enjoy the thing it self which the words declare of and that which satisfieth the true thirsting-thirsting-soul comes clearly from God to the refreshing of the inward parts of man and filling of the empty barren hungry spirit which cannot be satisfied without Gods in-dwellings and thus the Disciples were led along and at last in a foolish way to the great Professors they waited among them in Jerusalem and the Lord had regard unto them and sen● his own Spirit unto them and then they were filled with the Holy Ghost And the secret invisible hand of God whose Power was and is felt in my heart having out of the sight of flesh and blood in the hidden counsel of his secret Wil● led me by the vertue of the operation an● drawings thereof through those thing which thereby I come to leave behinde and to receive and feel that which no● goeth before and is my Leader in whos● Covenant of Life Eternal my soul is no● satisfied and so by good experience o● the Lords leadings and from an experimental knowledge sensible feeling an● present enjoyment of the incomes of th● Spirit of Truth and Life which filled the inward parts with the Holiness of i● self and giveth power to do the thing required before of God even from th● right and good understanding thereof i● this written That where it meets with the like condition in a weary Traveller i● may answer its own and be helpfull to th● weak and feeble that such may not giv● over pressing forwards nor faint in their long travel though many Mountains on which they did nourish themselves for a time will not yeeld them Bread now yet that they may with me and the rest of the Followers and Friends of Christ past and present always continue following the Spirit as it leads until the inward man be filled therewith and so power and strength from God come to be known and received in every particular For thus it is with Christs Followers now they are not satisfied until they are filled with that which they have heard of and their souls thirsted after and so it was with them then and they were filled with what they wanted before and then from that which they were filled with they spoke forth and so they did teach the Nations and brought People under the Power of God and baptized them into that and dipt them into the Name of the Father and brought them under that which saveth from Sin and plunged them into the holy Spirit and as they teach'd they did this baptizing as they did teach and plunging them as their doctrine went forth into that which washeth and purifieth the Conscience from the filth and guilt of Sin of which the outward Baptism wa● a figure of this which saveth and so their Doctrine was from an inward Life and proceeded from that which was invisible and so reached to that which wanted life in the Hearers and so brought up the Power of God over them and them under it and into it for the Word is Into and they were to bring people into the Name not Water and they were to bring or baptize them into the Name as they did teach Go ye and teach baptizing into Baptizing is in the Present Tense when they did teach and so here the spiritual and inward Baptism goes along with the Preaching of the Word of Life which is inward and brings man into an inward enjoyment of God being baptized into his Name which is a Strong Tower which preserveth from the power of the Devil and we all who are brought into this and are come in here are all by one Spirit baptized into one Body and so worship God in the Spirit having the heart sprinkled from an evil Conscience by the washing of Regeneration in the Ministration of the Gospel of Peace whereby there is a drawing nigh to God being brought into his Name and a free access to the Throne of ●hat Grace which saveth from and out of ●ll filthiness of flesh and spirit Humphrey Smith The Discovery of Mans return to his first Estate by the Operation of the Power of God in the great work of Regeneration ALL Men and Women behold and see in what estate you were created And God said Let us make Man in our Image God created Man in his own Image and in the Image of God created he him male and female created he them And the Lord took Man and put him in the Garden of Eden to dress and keep it And the Lord God commanded the Man saying Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayst freely eat but of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for i● the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt sur● dye the death The Serpent was more subtile than 〈◊〉 beast of the field which the Lord God b● made he said unto the Woman Ye shall n●● surely dye for God doth know that in the d●● you eat thereof your eyes shall be opened a● ye shall be as God knowing good and evil And when the Woman saw the Tree w●● good for food and that it was pleasant un●● the eyes and a tree to be desired to make 〈◊〉 wise she took the fruit thereof and did ea● and gave also to her husband with her 〈◊〉 he did eat And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig-leaves together and made th●● Aprons And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the Garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his Wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord among the Trees of the Garden and the Lord God called unto Adam and said unto him Where art thou And he said I heard thy Voice in the Garden and was afraid and because I was naked I hid my self and he said Who told thee that thou wast naked hast thou eaten of the Tree wherof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat And the Man said The Woman whom thou gavest to be with me she gave me of the Tree and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the Woman What is this that thou hast done The Woman said The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the Serpent Because thou hast done this thou art cursed above all Cattel and above every Beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the dayes of thy life And I will put enmity betwixt thee and the Woman and betwixt thy seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel And the Lord God said Behold this Man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from whence he was taken and he drove out