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A74987 The glory of Christ set forth in several sermons from John III.34, 35, 36 and V.25 : and The necessity of faith in order to pleasing God, from Hebrews XI.6 / by Mr. Thomas Allen, late pastor of a church in the city of Norwich. Allen, Thomas, 1608-1673.; Finch, Martin, 1628?-1698. 1683 (1683) Wing A1046; ESTC R43595 136,370 269

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There is an Emphasis in the words The Father loveth the Son that is He loves him most eminently transcendently And hath given all things into his hand He hath made him the great Commander and Governour of the World By the Son here we are not to understand Christ as God as the Second Person in the Trinity but as God-man Mediator Indeed the Father loved the Son as he was God equal with him of the same Substance and Eternity But when it is said that the Father hath given all things into his hand we must understand it of Christ as God-man Mediator For consider Christ as God he had all things in his hand as the Father had but it is as he is God-man Mediator that the Father hath put all things into his hand Doct. 1. That Jesus Christ is beloved of the Father above all Creatures above Men or Angels It may be some may think there is no great matter in this point but truly it is of great concernment to us that we may more confidently look to Christ for our acceptance with God through him Mat. 3.17 This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased Paul speaking of him Ephes 1.6 saith that God hath made us accepted in the Beloved Others are beloved but Christ is the Beloved And again Colos 1.13 Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness and hath translated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son Christ himself often makes mention of the Fathers love to him Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life Joh. 15.9 As the Father hath loved me so have I loved you Joh. 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world 'T is said indeed vers 23. I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one that the world may know that thou hast sent me and that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me It is true the Father loves the Elect people as really and truely as he loveth Christ but he doth not love them so abundantly not in the same degree neither can they be loved with that kind of Love every way that the Father loveth the Son as will appear in the opening of the Point First Let us enquire wherein the Love of the Father towards Christ doth transcend and exceed his Love to all other Creatures Men or Angels 1. The Father loveth Christ as he is the only begotten Son of the same Divine Essence with himself Believers are the Sons of God by Adoption but Christ is the Son of God by an Eternal and Unutterable Generation Joh. 3.16 God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son Therefore must the Father needs love Christ above Men or Angels because he is the only begotten Son and though they be two distinct Persons and so they are spoken of in the Text the Father and the Son yet they are one Essence And though the Son hath now taken upon him our Nature yet he is God still and so continues for ever and is an adequate and every way fit object of the Fathers Love in the highest degree to Eternity 2. The Father loveth Christ above all other creatures Men or Angels upon the account of his being the Redeemer and Saviour of the Elect people whom he hath given him to bring to Glory The glory of God's Grace Wisdom and Justice is made known in such a wonderful manner by the Lord Jesus as Mediator that the Father loves him upon that account Joh. 10.17 Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my Life Vers 18. This Commandment have I received of my Father That the Son consented to be Mediator and to take upon him the Nature of man and to dye and suffer to satisfie Justice for Sin this is highly pleasing to the Father Heb. 10.5 6 7. Wherefore when he cometh into the world he saith Sacrifice and Offering thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me in Burnt-Offerings and Sacrifices for Sin thou hast had no pleasure Then said Lo I come in the Volume of thy Book it is written of me to do thy Will O God The Father loveth Christ not only as his Eternal Son but as he condescended to be Mediator for his People Phil. 2.6 7 8 9. Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a Servant and was made in the likeness of men and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross Wherefore God hath also highly exalted him The Father delights in Christ not only as he is the Eternal Son but as he is his Elected one Elected to be the Head and Saviour of his Body the Church Isai 42.1 Behold my Servant whom I uphold mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth I have put my Spirit upon him he shall bring forth Judgment to the Gentiles That the Son took upon him the form of a Servant that the Glory of God might be made manifest in him and that he should bring back and lead the Elect people to God makes the Father to love him and delight in him as Mediator He freely undertook the work and has faithfully discharged it Joh. 17.4 5. I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And now Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the Glory which I had with thee before the world was Secondly Let us enquire wherein the Father hath shewn and expressed such a great and transcendent Love to Jesus Christ 1. The Father had an unspeakable complacency and delight in Christ from Eternity and that not only as his Eternal Son and God equal with him but as he had consented agreed to be Mediator for them whom he had appointed to be Heirs of Salvation Prov. 8.23 24 25 26 28 29. I was set up from everlasting from the beginning before ever the Earth was Then was I by him as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight rejoycing always before him 2. There is the most intimate Fellowship and Communion between the Father and him in all that the Father doth As to the works of Creation All things were created by him and for him Col. 1.16 All things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made Joh. 1.3 And as to the work of Redemption he was the great Instrument of the Father t is said God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself 2 Cor. 5.19 That in the dipensation of the fulness of times he might gather together all things in Christ both which are in Heaven and which are on Earth even in him Ephes
people righteous before God Christ was sent to fulfill the Law for his people by his Active and Passive obedience He came to do and procure all that is required to the compleat and perfect salvation of his people In a word Jesus Christ was sent into the World not meerly as a Prophet to teach the Mind and Will of God or to be an example of holiness but he was sent to be a Priest in a proper sense to make atonement and satisfaction for the sins of his people and to obtain eternal redemption for them Application Use 1. We may see here that the work of Redemption was a great work Not the highest Angel of Heaven nor all of them put together were able to perform this but God sent his Son about this work Use 2. We may see here that the heart of God the Father was in this great work of redeeming and saving the elect The Father himself loved them for he sent his Son he gave his only begotten Son that they might live through him Use 3. We may see here the love of Christ unto those that the Father had given him That he was willing to be their Mediator for as he is often said to be sent of the Father so he is said to come Heb. 10.7 Lo I come to do thy will O God Christ was so sent as that he came freely came with alacrity and chearfulness for his delight was with the Sons of men his heart was in this work Lastly Let this encourage sinners to come to Christ to venture their souls upon him Do not question whether God will accept of you by anothers righteousness discharge you by a payment made by a Surety deliver you from going down to the Pit upon a ransom given by another for all this was the contrivement of the Lord himself to glorifie both his Justice and his Mercy for ever Therefore let sinners cast themselves upon Christ and fear not this Rock will never fail that Soul that is built upon it I come now to the next words where it is said that Christ speaketh the words of God for God giveth not the spirit by measure unto him Doct. 2. That Jesus Christ our Mediator hath the spirit given him by the Father without measure This is a great and glorious truth and very sweet and comfortable to the Saints that the Lord Jesus their Mediator hath a fulness of the spirit Psal 45.7 Anointed with the oyl of gladness above his fellows Christ hath the spirit above what any of the Saints have and see Isa 61.1 Isa 2.11 And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of council and might the spirit of knowledg and of the fear of the Lord. And you have a visible fulfilling of those Prophecies John 1.32 And John bare record saying I saw the spirit descending from Heaven like a Dove and it abode upon him And so Acts 10.3 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed with the Devil for God was with him And in another place It pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell All fullness of the Spirit all fullness of Grace dwells in Christ Three Things for the opening of this point 1. What is here meant by the Spirit 2. How the Spirit is said to be given to Jesus Christ seeing he is God How can any gift be said to be conferred upon him seeing he is God and infinite in himself 3. How it may be said that the spirit is given unto him without measure 1. What is here meant by the spirit 1. The Gifts and Graces of the Spirit these are given to Christ not by measure but without measure 2. The Spirit it self Luke 4.14 And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit full of the Holy Ghost Believers have not only the Gifts and Graces of the Spirit but the Spirit it self Rom. 8.9 If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you v. 11. And if the Spirit be in Believers and dwells in them much more in Christ himself 2dly How can Christ who is God and so infinite and uncapable of addition be said to have the spirit given unto him I answer briefly in a word or two It is true that Jesus Christ as God is infinite and as God he is not capable of having the spirit given unto him but the spirit was given unto Jesus Christ as man the spirit was given to his humane nature which he took upon him 3dly If the spirit was given to the humane nature of Christ how can the humane nature hold the fullness of the spirit the humane nature is finite how can it receive an infinite how then is it said that God hath not given the spirit by measure unto him I answer The expression in the Text is not to be understood without any limitation as if the Spirit were given to the humane nature of Christ in an infinite manner and as if the humane nature were of an infinite capacity the Divine nature of Christ is infinite but though the Divine and humane nature in Christ are eternally united yet they are not confounded This then I say that the spirit was given to the humane nature of Christ beyond all comparison beyond all the Saints on Earth or in Heaven and above all the Angels put them all together The spirit is given to Christ as man incomparatively and transcendently beyond what ever men or Angels have had or shall have It pleased the Father that in him all fullness should dwell which cannot be said of any other Object It is said that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man Luk. 2.52 How had he such a fullness of the Spirit and yet is said to increase in Wisdom I Answer The Word being made Flesh he was full of Grace full of the Spirit from his very birth but he is said to increase in Wisdom in respect of the effects and opperations expressions and declarations of his Wisdom One Question more How comes it to be so that the Lord Jesus is so filled with the spirit in his humane nature Answer 1. One reason is taken from the nearness of his humane nature to the Divine Brethren Jesus Christ is the Son of God the natural Son of God he hath the very essence of God the nature of God and the humane nature of Christ is brought very near to the God-head It is brought as near as our Bodies to our Souls and therefore it is said that in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily that is personally The Sun is the Fountain of light and the nearer we come to the Sun the more we partake of light so the humane nature of Christ being brought so near to the God-head as to be taken into
The Application 1. That by Nature we are spiritually dead You read of some that are dead whilst they live 1 Tim. 5.6 And saith Christ Let the dead bury the dead but follow thou me As the Body without the Soul is dead So we now being without Christ are dead men and women 1. We are dead men in regard of the Sentence of Death and Condemnation past upon us by the Law Gal. 3.10 Cursed is every one that continueth not in every thing that is Written in the Book of the Law to do it Rom. 5.12 By one man sin entred into the world and death by sin for that all have sinned All our first Father Adam's house are but dead men before the Lord we are all guilty before God Though we are not executed yet we are under the Sentence of Death by the Law and the Sentence of the Law will be executed at last if we be not pardoned in Christ 2. We are dead men as to the life of Grace and true Holiness Our best works are but dead works Heb. 9.14 The carnal mind is enmity against God for it is not subject to the Law of God neither indeed can be Though indeed before Conversion we may do things that are good for the matter yet we do nothing from a right principle and to a right end Joh. 15.5 Without me ye can do nothing Except we have Spiritual Sap and Life from Christ we can bring forth no true fruit but are like a dead and withered Branch that hath no life in it 2. What that Life is that Christ gives to dead Sinners 1. The Life of Justification When we are united to Christ the Sentence of Death by the Law is taken off We use to say that of a Malefactor when the Sentence of Death is passed upon him that he is a dead man But if once a Pardon come that makes him a living man then he cannot be executed Rom. 8.1 There is therefore now no Condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus There was a heavy Sentence of Condemnation passed upon us by the Law but now we are in Christ we are pardoned in Christ and now there is no Condemnation Now as Paul saith Gal. 2.20 I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me 2. We have from Christ the Life of Sanctification the life of Grace and Holiness too whereby the Soul hath a Spiritual Inclination and Disposition to act towards God according to that Hebr. 8.10 I will put my laws into their mind and write them in their hearts Ezek. 36.26 27. A new heart also will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you and I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you an heart of flesh And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes The Preaching of the Life that Christ giveth is to them that perish foolishness Some are fit to make a mock at Life and Justification by the Blood and Righteousness of Christ And so likewise at Conversion at the infusing of Grace into the heart wherby we come to live unto God But as these things are plainly revealed in the Scripture so to them that believe these things are precious 3. Let us enquire what we are to understand here by the Voice of the Son of God 1. The Gospel may be called the voice of the Son of God as it is an Instrumental means to make dead Souls to live The Gospel is called The Word of Grace Acts 20.32 The Word of Christ Col. 3.16 The Word of Life Phil. 2.16 By the Dispensation and Preaching of the Gospel Christ conveyeth himself into our Souls The Letter the Law killeth seeing we are sinners the Law is the ministration of death to us 2 Cor. 6.7 It tells us we are dead men cursed men it revealeth the wrath of God due to us for our sins The Law through our default cannot give us Life because we have not a Righteousness that the Law requires in our selves But it is the Gospel that reveals to us the new way to Life that shews us an Attonement and Righteousness in another We can neither be justified by the Law nor be sanctified by it We cannot be justified by it because we cannot fulfil it We cannot be sanctified by it because it only commands us to obey but giveth no new strength now we have lost the Holiness we had in Adam 'T is the Gospel that reveals to us how we may be justified before God and may have the Image of God renewed upon us But to make us spiritually alive there must be more than a bare Declaration of the Gospel many hear the Gospel Preached many years and yet never hear the voice of the Son of God and Live Therefore here is more to be understood 2. By the voice of the Son of God is meant the Secret Efficacy and Power of the Spirit of Christ so put forth as to turn the heart to the Lord. As the Lord Jesus did say to Lazarus when he was Dead Lazarus come forth and at the same time put Life into him So when the set time is come for the conversion of any of the Elect people there goes forth such a Power of Christ as to put Spiritual Life into them Ministers may speak and spend their strength in calling to dead Souls to come forth but except the Lord put in with them so as to effect the work men will still abide in death Object Hearing presupposeth Life Therefore how is it said That they that hear the voice of the Son of God shall live Can they hear before they live Answer This hearing the voice of the Son of God and living Spiritually are both at the same time As Lazarus when Christ bad him come forth he heard and lived at the same time Christ speaking to the heart with such Power as to turn the heart to himself goes before Spiritual Life in order of Nature but not in order of Time Conversion is a work of Spiritual Creation and so is not like other things The Lord saith live and the Soul liveth 4. Let us enquire what the Lord works upon a man dead in trespasses and sins to make him live Spiritually I shall not stand to speak of what the Lord doth by way of Preparation for the Souls receiving Christ this must be supposed that the Lord doth set our sins in order before us convince us of Sin and of Judgment to come But the very thing by which we are translated from Death to Life is the Lords giving us his Spirit to unite us to Christ whereby we receive the Life of Justification and Sanctification from him The Lord gives the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation Ephes 1.17 God who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the light of the knowledg of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 The Sinner was convinced of his lost estate before
you may have boldness to stand before him and not be ashamed and confounded at his coming Therefore I say now come to him as a Saviour before whom at last you must come as a Judge Use 3. Seeing all things are given into Christ's hand let not Believers fear these black storms of Persecution that may come upon them in this world The same Jesus that shed his Blood for his People he hath the ordering over-ruling and disposing of all things Know that nothing can come upon you but it must pass through the hand of Christ therefore fear not Not only men but Devils also are subject to his Power yea he hath Power over our Lusts and Corruptions therefore they shall not have dominion over us And in the worst times fear not that the People of God will be rooted out no Christ sitteth upon the floud he sitteth King for ever Object But if the ordering of all things is given into Christ's hand it seems strange that he suffers many times his Enemies to be the chief in Power and his People to be low and persecuted Answer Christ suffers it yea orders it so that he may have the greater Glory in carrying on his work against so much opposition The Gospel never prevailed more in the world than when the Rulers were Heathens and Persecutors and Christ hath Glory too in punishing his Enemies here and hereafter And as for the People of God they are the more Spiritual and Heavenly and Courageous in times of Persecution Use 4. Seeing all things are given into Christ's hand this may assure us of the perseverance of Believers What should hinder it Christ is above Satan above the corruption of their hearts and seeing the Father hath given them to him he will keep them unto the end Joh. 17.12 Those whom thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost save the Son of Perdition And as for Judas called here the Son of Perdition he never was a Believer in the sense that the rest were Joh. 6.64 but a Devil vers 70. Though Judas was given to Christ to be an Apostle for a time and given into Christs hand as the very Devils are so as that he shall punish them for ever yet Judas was never so given to Christ to redeem to save to bring to Glory to be a Member of his Mystical Body For those that are so given to Christ not one of them can be lost seeing Christ hath taken the charge of their Salvation and wants neither Wisdom nor Faithfulness nor Love nor Power to bring them safe to Heaven Now I come to vers 36. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life And he that believeth not the Son shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him Here you have the Conclusion of this Heavenly Sermon or Speech of John the Baptist He had set forth Christ's Glory and Excellency as the Churches Bridegroom vers 29. He that hath the Bride is the Bridegroom but the friend of the Bridegroom which standeth and heareth him rejoyceth greatly because of the Bridegrooms voice This my joy therefore is fulfilled He had shewn how he must increase and be glorious in the eyes of all that he came from above from Heaven and is above all that the Father sent him and gave him the Spirit above measure that the Father loved him and hath given all things into hand And now he comes to make the Use and Application of this That men would believe on the Name of the Son of God This Duty of Believing on Christ is pressed by two strong Arguments or Motives The first Argument is taken from the great benefit that comes by believing on Christ He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life This is a great benefit indeed Life is very desirable especialy everlasting Life yea for further encouragement to believe in Christ he saith That he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life Not only that he shall have it but he hath it already he hath everlasting Life The second Argument is taken from the contrary namely The great Danger the great Evil and Misery that will be the portion of all those that do not believe the Son And this is set out not only Privatively he shall not see Life but Positively as an addition to that misery The wrath of God abideth on them Doct. 1. That he that believes on Christ the Son of God hath everlasting Life Doct. 2. That he that believeth not the Son that believeth not in the Lord Jesus shall not see Life but the wrath of God abideth on him Doct. 1. That whosoever believeth on Christ the Son of God hath everlasting Life This is much spoken of That he that believeth on the Son is delivered from the wrath to come Joh. 3.14 15 16. As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Wilderness so must the Son of Man be lifted up that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have everlasting Life Joh. 6.40 This is the will of him that sent me that every one that seeth the Son and believeth on him should have everlasting Life And vers 47. Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting Life He speaks it with an Asseveration Verily verily he that believeth on me hath everlasting Life Joh. 20.31 But these things are written that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have Life through his Name 1. Let us enquire what is meant by this everlasting Life that is the Portion of every one that believeth in Christ 2. What is this believing this Faith upon which a Man or Woman comes to have everlasting Life 3. To give you some Demonstrations or Arguments to prove that he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life Because possibly some may Question it 4. Shew you in what Sense he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting Life already for the Text saith such an one hath everlasting Life 1. Let us enquire what is meant by this everlasting Life which is the Portion of every believing Soul By everlasting Life here we are not to understand that Life that consists in the Union of Body and Soul No Brethren though our Bodies and Souls should be everlastingly united and never be seperated by Death yet that is not the everlasting Life here spoken of yea and the Damned at the Resurrection shall have their Bodies and Souls united together and shall so continue to Eternity and yet they never see this everlasting Life This everlasting Life in the Text is the greatest hapiness that we are capable of It consists in Two things 1. Freedom from all sin and from all evils whatsoever called 1 Thess 5.9 The obtaining of Salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ 2. The enjoyment of all that is Perfectly Good Grace and Glory Psal 84.11 this state is called the better Country even an Heavenly Heb. 11.16 God is the Believers God and he hath prepared for
know that you are elected until you believe in Christ by this you may know your Election if the Gospel of the Grace of God come to your heart with such Power of the Holy Ghost as to draw and fix your heart to Jesus the Mediator Though God's Eternal Election be a great Truth which you may find of great use for your establishing in the Grace of God afterwards yet that which now concerns the convinced ●●●er is to cast himself upon Christ to belie●●● Christ and when you have received him 〈◊〉 are in a state of acceptation with God through him then you shall know in due time that this great Love of God towards you is not of yesterday but that he ordained and appointed you to obtain this Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord before the Foundation of the World was laid Use 4. This Doctrine concerning believing in Christ may teach us our great Blindness and Ignorance of the way of Life and Salvation until some Gospel-light shine upon us Men are more easily convinced that it is their Duty to pray to God and to live soberly and righteously than they are convinced of the necessity of going out of themselves to Christ that they may have Everlasting Life by believing on him The way of the Gospel is new and strange until the Holy Ghost convinces us of this way of Righteousness and Life Therefore study the Gospel study upon Jesus the Mediator hear him Preached and the Lord draw our hearts effectually unto Jesus Christ that so believing on the Son we may have the beginning of Everlasting Life here and the full enjoyment of it in Heaven SERMON II. John V. 25. Verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live I Shall spend but a little time in the coherence of these words only take notice of two main things in this Chapter 1. A Narration of a great Miracle that Christ wrought in healing a man that had an infirmity thirty and eight years vers 8 9. 2. Christ's Apology that he made for himself against the Jews for what he had done It being upon the Sabbath-day that Christ healed the man they pretended that Christ had broaken the Sabbath Vers 16. And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus and sought to slay him because he had done these things on the Sabbath-day The men of the world will always make some pretence to persecute Christ and his People but Christ Justifies his Action in making the man whole upon the Sabbath-day and though he might have Justified the act as being a work of mercy which may consist with the most strict observation of the Sabbath yet our Saviour vindicates himself upon a higher Ground and Reason namely by asserting his Divine Nature and God-head Saith he Vers 17. My Fath●● worketh hitherto and I work Therfore the Jews sought the more to kill him because he had not only broken the Sabbath as they Ignorantly thought he had done but said also that God was his Father making himself equal with God Our Saviour sheweth that the Father worketh upon the Sabbath-day in doing good shewing mercy and kindness yet with perfect rest in himself and so doth the Son He sheweth how he being the Son of God and equal with God doth co-operate with the Father in all his works which the Father doth Vers 20. yea and that as Mediator God-man the Father hath committed all unto him He raiseth Dead Bodies and he raises Dead Souls Verily verily I say unto you the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall Live In the 28. Vers Our Saviour speaks of his raising those that are dead in their Graves But in the Text he speaks of raising those that are dead in their Sins You have this great work of Christ in raising dead souls set forth by Four circumstances 1. By the Time when The hour is coming and now is 2. By the Means and way by which he would do this great work of raising dead Souls and that is by his voice The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live 3. By the Certainty of it I say unto you I that am the Truth 4. By an Attestation and Asseveration Verily verily It shall be so I attest it Verily verily I say unto you The Hour is coming and now is Christ did always gather and call and make alive the Elect people But the time was now come when he would send forth his Apostles to Preach amongst the Gentiles to gather the Elect people that were scattered abroad And therefore he saith The hour is coming and now is when the dead even amongst the Gentiles shall hear the voice of the Son of God and live And our Saviour speaks to the same purpose Joh. 10.15 16. I lay down my Life for the sheep And other sheep I have which are not of this fold which are not of the people of the Jews them also I must bring and they shall hear my voice Doct. That those that are spiritually dead dead in trespasses and sins by hearing the voice of the Son of God are made to live Ephes 2.1 And you hath he quickned who were dead in trespasses and sins that is the estate of all men by nature But Christ can make dead Souls alive He can do it by a word and as easily as we can speak a word You read of several that Christ raised up from bodily Death when he was here upon the Earth and he did it by speaking to them Mark 5.41 one was Jairus his Daughter And he took the Damsel by the hand and said unto her Tabitha cumi which is being interpreted Damsel I say unto thee arise And straightway the Damsel arose And the Widows Son Luk. 7.14 15. And he came and touched the Bier and they that bare him stood still and he said I say unto thee youngman arise and he that was dead sate up and began to speak And so Lazarus Joh. 11. when he had been dead four days vers 43 44. He cried with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and he that was dead came forth And as Christ raised up those that were bodily dead by his Voice by his Word So if he say the word if he say to one that is dead in sin Rise up Come forth the dead Soul shall live Verily verily the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live For the opening the Point 1. That by Nature we are Spiritually dead 2. What that Life is that Christ gives to dead sinners 3. What this Voice of the Son of God is by which dead sinners are made to live 4. What the Lord doth work upon those that are dead in sin when he makes them spiritually alive 5.
and now there comes a powerful Light into the heart to reveal Christ so as to enable the Soul to see Christ held forth in the Promises and to receive him The Apostle saith 1 Tim. 1.15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Now the Soul saith It is so indeed 't is worthy of all acceptation the Soul now is wrought by the Spirit to approve and like this way of Salvation and heartily close with it Now the Understanding is enlightned and the Will rectified and brought to embrace Christ It is the Lord that makes this change He worketh in us to will and to do Phil. 2.13 Every one that is converted receives Christ Joh. 1.12 But to as many as received him to them gave he power to become the Sons of God even to them that believed on his Name Though it may be that the Souls receiving Christ at first is scarce discerned but afterwards by renewing acts of Faith upon Christ and by the effects of Union with Christ we may come to see that we have received Christ and are made partakers of Spiritual Life There is a certain moment of time when a man hath Spiritual Life put into him he heareth the voice of the Son of God and liveth But the work is so secret and mysterious that it is hard for us to say that just such a day such an hour we heard the voice of the Son of God and lived Though some may be able to know the time yet not all that are made alive by Christ But we find by degrees the acts and effects of Spiritual Life whereby we may know that we have heard the voice of the Son of God and live When we receive Christ then we are made alive indeed for wheras we were under the sentence of death by the Law now we are forgiven all trespasses and have the Righteousness of Christ imputed to us And those that receive this gift of Righteousness are not only freed from Hell but shall reign in life by Jesus Christ Rom. 5.17 When we truly receive Christ we are sanctified also Together with the Faith that the Lord gives us to receive Christ for our Justification he also gives his Spirit to work in us a Principle of Holiness and new obedience that we may be both in repect of Justification and Sanctification alive from the Dead Application Use 1. Here we may see the miserable estate that every man and woman is in that hath not heard the voice of Christ. Brethren and beloved do you believe this that dead sinners are made alive by hearing the voice of the Son of God Then those that never yet heard the voice of the Son of God they are yet dead in Trespasses and Sins If you never yet heard the voice of Christ then you are dead men all your sins are upon you you are under the sentence of death by the Law and if you never come to hear the voice of the Son of God this sentence of Death will be upon you for ever And if you never yet heard the voice of Christ to put spiritual life into you then you are dead also as to any Life of Grace and Holiness Those works that you are ready to be proud of and glory in they are all but dead works and you do not truly serve the living God But you will say we hope we have heard the voice of Christ we have heard many able Ministers many good Sermons we have had the Word opened to us Answer This is a Priviledg indeed to have the Word Preached to you but it is not the voice of a man no nor of the Angels of Heaven if they should speak to you that can put Spiritual Life into you except withal you hear the voice of the Son of God Therefore If you never yet heard the voice of Christ to make the Preaching of the Gospel effectual to your Souls I say unto every such person as God said to Abimilech Gen. 20.3 Thou art but a dead man thou art a Sinner and the wages of Sin is Death thou art a condemned man and thou hast no Life of Holiness neither Therefore consider your case and condition Examine your selves Whether the Word Preached hath had that power upon your hearts to draw you to Christ and to turn you from your Iniquities Objection If that we hear the Word Preached by men yet you say that except we hear the voice of the Son of God we cannot live then to what purpose should we attend upon the Preaching of the Gospel Answer It is your Duty to hear what God the Lord speaketh by his Servants and Ministers and though the Word Preached cannot Convert you without the Voice and Power of Christ yet it may please the Lord at one time or other to make the Preaching of the Word effectual upon your hearts as he hath done to others Use 2. See the exceeding greatness of Christ's Power He is able to make dead Souls to live he is able to quicken those who are dead in Trespasses and Sins a work which neither Men nor Angels can do Yea know and take notice That it is no labour no difficulty to Christ to make dead Souls live He can do it easily and suddenly He can do it with a word He can do it as easily as you or I can speak a word The Text saith That the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Use 3. Of Direction to those that have heard the voice of the Son of God and are now quickned and are made alive 1. Bless and praise the Lord stand and wonder at what the Lord hath done for you If any of you had been dead and in the Grave and Christ had said to you as he did to Lazarus come forth and so you had been raised but from a bodily death to live again this had been a great wonder But this is a far greater wonder O! therefore bless the Lord say this my Soul was Dead and is alive I was under the Sentence of Death for the Breach of the Law and now I am pardoned I was without any life of holiness and now the Lord hath given me a new Heart a new Spirit Thus when I lay in my Blood the Lord said unto me Live 2. Love the Lord Jesus who hath delivered your Soul from Death Love him because he first loved you and said to you when you lay in your Blood Live Love him and love the word of his Grace by which he quickened you Never forget his Word the Word of his Grace by which he hath quickned your Souls Love his Word and Ordinances wherein he hath put forth the Power of his Grace to you● Souls 3. Trust in the Lord to perform all things for you If you have heard the voice of the Son of God and Live then you have had experience of the Power of Christ indeed
that give Alms they perform the very same Duty the one gives as much alms as the other and yet what the one doth may be accepted with God and pleasing to him and the other not whence comes the difference One doth it in Faith and the other not Abel and Cain brought their offerings to God God had respect to Abel and his Offering and God had not respect to Cain and his Offering what was the ground of the difference saies the Apostle By Faith Abel offered a more acceptable Sacrifice than Cain Well but what Faith is it then whereby a Soul and his Duties and Services come to be pleasing unto God Answ Brethren do not mistake your selves it is not that Faith whereby a man or Woman gives his consent to and believes all that is written in the Scriptures all that is revealed in the Gospel concerning Christ a man or woman may believe all this and yet this is not the Faith whereby he comes to be accepted as you know the Devils believe all this and yet are not accepted So a man or Woman may believe all that is revealed in the Gospel and yet never please God But what Faith is it whereby a Man and his Duties and performances come to please God and without which it is impossible to please God Briefly there is a three-fold Faith required for the acceptance of a mans services and performances with God that God may be pleased with them Mind it I pray for it is a thing of great concernment and possibly that which very few have considered 1st There is required saving Faith in Christ that which we call justifying Faith such a believing in Christ whereby a Soul comes to be in Christ and Christ in the Soul whereby Christ becomes the life of the Soul the very principle of Life in the Soul a justifying saving Faith in the habit the principle of Faith the grace of Faith infused into the heart whereby a Soul comes really to be united to Christ and have an Interest in him to be in Christ as you know the Scripture frequently speaks I shall not stand to give you Scriptures for that you see Brethren here how Abel and how Enoch came to please God it was by Faith What Faith It was this true Justifying Faith this Faith in Christ that was to come for it was by their Faith in Christ that they came to be accepted and their Offering was accepted and pleasing unto God by Faith Abel was accepted and his Offering and Sacrifice was accepted Cain he offered his Sacrifice but it was not accepted because he had not this justifying Faith Enoch he pleased God and whence was it It was by his Faith and saies the Apostle thereupon he had his Testimony that he pleased God it was by his Faith his justifying Faith in Christ whereby he came to be accepted his person was accepted of God and consequently his services came to be accepted of God a man or woman must first have a principle of Life before he can live a Spiritual Life now Christ is a Christians life and how comes Christ to be the Life of a Christian Namely by his Faith when he comes to believe in Christ then Christ is his Life the principle of his life the Spirit of Christ now is in the Soul that is a plain word which the Apostle hath in Rom. 8.9 If any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his And saies Christ in John 15.5 As the branch cannot bring forth Fruit of it self except it abide in the Vine no more can ye except ye abide in me And without me mark without me ye can do nothing Nothing that is pleasing to God the word without me holds forth not so much without Strength from Christ though that is true too but the word signifies properly in the Original without me that is separated from me not united to me that is the word in the Greek just as when a Branch is cut off from the Vine the Branch cannot bring forth Fruit without ful disputations for one believeth that he may eat all things another who is weak eateth Herbs Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not and let not him that eateth not judge him that eateth for God hath received him And again at verse 5. One man esteemeth one day above another another esteemeth every day alike What then Let every Man be fully perswaded in his own mind if he do venture to eat any kind of Meats let him be fully and clearly perswaded in his own mind that he may do it and then he eats in Faith and if he do not observe those days if he be fully perswaded in his own mind then he doth it in Faith in the two last Verses he calls this Faith Hast thou Faith Have it to thy self before God Hast thou Faith that is hast thou a perswasion that it is lawful for thee to eat any kind of meats or it is Lawful for thee to forbear the Observation of those Days Hast thou Faith have it to thy self But mark Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing that he alloweth and he that doubteth is damned if he eat because he eateth not of Faith He that doubteth that is he that questioneth whether it be lawful for him to eat this kind of meat or no he that doubteth whether he shall do well to observe this day or no He that doubteth is damned if he eat because he eateth not of Faith That is he is not fully perswaded in his own mind for whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin whatsoever is not of that perswasio● that it is according to the Will of God o● not contrary to the Will of God if he do it without that perswasion then it is not of Faith and so is a damnable sin though the thing be Lawful in it self yet if he doth the same thing doubtingly it is a damnable sin that he commits without this Faith this perswasion in his Mind that what he doth is according to the Will of God and this Faith is requisite to the pleasing of God So here in the instance before us in Abel and also in Enoch Abel pleased God by offering up a Sacrifice he had this Faith not only a Justifying Faith but he had this Faith he was perswaded that what he did offer up in Sacrifice was according to the Will of God and so Enoch he walked with God and had this Testimony that he pleased God that in the course of his Lise the steps of his Life was according to the Will of God he walked with God the actions that he did he was perswaded was according to the Will of God and thus he pleased God and this is a Second Faith that is required to the pleasing of God 3dly There is another Faith that is required further to the pleasing of God without which though I be a Believer and have a justifying Faith and though I be perswaded that what
by a false Compass and so steers his Course wrong Truly thus it is with many Professors they perform Duties they go on with full sail in Duties they perform Duties every day and they attend upon the Lord as they have opportunity to hear the Word and read the Word daily they go on amain Ay but still they steer a wrong Course they sail by a false Compass and certainly they will never come to the Haven of Rest but will run upon their own ruine at last Therefore observe it the Devil will allow a Professor to go on in a course of Duties to pray every day in his Family and Closet he will allow him to go on in a course of Ordinances attending upon God daily so long as his Duties and Services are not touched with the Loadstone if they be not done in Faith he knows what will be the Issue of them he lets him alone because he knows he doth but deceive himself and delude his own Soul he looks to come to such a Haven but he will perish and miscarry for ever Therefore Brethren I pray consider whether it be not a matter of very great concernment for every one of us to look to it and be careful that all our Duties and Services be done in Faith or else we can never please God Well This is the Question How shall we so perform our Duties and Services in Faith as they may be pleasing unto God Answ In answer to it there are some Directions that I shall lay down that may be of general Concernment and reach all the Duties that we are to perform and shew you how we shall perform them in Faith that they may be pleasing unto God And then afterward we shall come to lay down more particular Directions how we may perform every Duty as Prayer in Faith and hearing the Word in Faith and partaking of the Lords-Supper in Faith how we may perform every Duty in Faith that so we may please God in what we do First Then for the General Rules that we may make use of in all Duties for the performing of them in Faith that so they may be pleasing unto God 1. First then take this for a general Rule that may be of concernment for every Duty Let us look especially that we be Believers that we have a Faith in Christ for if we be not Believers we can never perform any Duty in Faith we must first believe in Christ before we can perform any duty in Faith Therefore I say Let us be sure of that that the work of Faith be wrought effectually in our hearts that we do really and truely believe on Christ be sure of that lay that for a foundation and the more clear that is the more sure we are of that that there is a real work of Faith wrought in our hearts we may be the more easily perswaded that what we do we do in Faith though that alone is not enough neither But without that it is impossible for us to do any thing in Faith so as to please God it is by Faith that our persons come to be accepted without Faith our persons are not pleasing unto God No It is through the beloved that we must be accepted in our persons Ephes 1.6 And if our persons be not accepted nothing that we do can be accepted No we may pray day by day and cry aloud and we may perform extraordinary Duties too and none of these accepted if our persons be not accepted through Faith in Christ there must be the foundation of all For Brethren it is by Faith that our hearts are purified and made holy now if so be that we be not holy we cannot please God by any thing that we can do for he is a holy God and whatsoever is pleasing to God must be holy Now it is by Faith that our hearts come to be purified Act. 15.9 By Faith we come to have an habitual Holiness wrought in us though there may be and there is still a body of sin but still there is a Principle of Holiness by Faith wrought in the heart whereby we come to be made holy in Gods account For if so be that we be not made holy through Faith then all that ever we do is unclean all that comes from us is unclean look as the Fountain or Spring is so is all that issues from it every drop of water that comes from it is accordingly Can you bring forth a clean thing out of an unclean None can do it Does a bitter fountain send forth sweet water No it cannot be The fountain must first be made clean and sweet or else all the streams will be according as the fountain is A corrupt Tree cannot bring forth good fruit make the Tree good or the fruit cannot be good All that comes from a man or woman that is in a state of unbelief is unclean and whatever Duties or Ordinances he touches is unclean and polluted and therefore cannot please God Look as it was under the Law if one that was Legally or Ceremonially unclean touched any thing it was unclean Hag. 2.12 13. If one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his garment and with his skirt do touch bread or pottage or wine or oyl or any meat shall it be holy And the Priests answered and said no it shall be unclean So now whatever Duties be performed under the New-Testament if we be not Believers if our hearts be not purified by Faith truly then all that we touch is impure and unclean to us as the Apostle saith Tit. 1.15 Unto the pure all things are pure but unto them that are defiled Who are those he explains it in the very next words and unbelieving is nothing pure They can do nothing that the Infinite Holy and Pure God can be pleased with Now there is no way for a Soul to be made clean to lave an habitual Holiness but through Faith wrought by the Spirit of Christ and the application and sprinkling of the Vertue of the Blood of Christ upon the Conscience So a man or woman comes to be made clean In Heb. 9.13 saies the Apostle there For if the blood of bulls and goats and the Ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifie to the purifying of the flesh that is The Holy Water under the Law that being sprinkled upon the unclean did purifie him and make him clean and if the sprinkling of that water did purifie from Ceremonial Uncleanness How much more shall the blood of Christ verse 14. Who through the eternal Spirit offered up himself to God purge your Conseiences from dead works to serve the living God Two things the Apostle doth plainly hint to us in this Scripture Namely 1. That all our Works that we perform before we be cleansed by the Blood of Christ they are all but dead works unholy and unclean And then 2. it implies thus much That we come to be cleansed from our dead works by the sprinkling of
the Blood of Christ upon us and that by the Eternal Spirit the Spirit of God This is the way and the only way whereby a man or woman comes to be habitually clean and holy by Faith in Christ whereby the Soul is not only justified from the Guilt of sin but there is the Spirit of Christ conveyed and communicated to the soul whereby there is a principle of Holiness of Habitual Holiness put upon the Soul Well this is now the first general Rule and therefore I say Brethren and Friends it is of great concernment to us to look to that if we would act Faith in our Duties so as to please God we must first of all look that there be a work of Faith wrought in our hearts that we do truly believe on Christ and to that end we should be venturing to lean the weight of our Souls upon Christ and upon his Blood and Righteousness as it is tendred and held forth to us in the Gospel and to this end also let us wrastle with the Lord and beg for the Spirit of Faith to be given out to us Christ hath promised that our Heavenly Father will give the Holy Ghost to them that ask him This is the first Rule to look that we be true Believers 2. Secondly As Faith does possess the Soul with Habitual Holiness so it is by Faith also that a Soul comes to be cleansed from actual Guilt Therefore the Second Rule to act in Faith in our Duties and Performances is to put away all Guilt all sinful Uncleanness from us when we come to perform any Service or offer up any Sacrifice to the Lord If a Man or Woman come before the Lord in the guilt of any known sin that he lives in if he do not put that away it makes all his Duties unclean and not pleasing to God A man cannot act in Faith so long as he comes knowingly with any guilt upon his Conscience living in the neglect of any known Duty or living in the commission of any known sin if he live in it he cannot act in Faith Faith will purge and cleanse the Soul from sin that he will put away all guilt when he comes to draw near to God See what is said in Job 11.13 14 15. If thou prepare thine heart and stretch out thine hands towards him If Iniquity be in thine hand put it far away and let not wickedness dwell in thy tabernacle for then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot c. When you come to stretch out your hands towards God in Prayer or when you come to draw near to him in any Duty Then saies he if there be Iniquity in your hand put it far away Do not come to God in Prayer or in any Ordinance in any known Sin that you do allow your selves in for if you do you cannot perform those Duties in Faith and so they cannot be pleasing unto God Therefore be sure that you put away all evil from you As now for Example to shew you the Application of this Rule that you may know how to make use of it for every Duty suppose now you go to prayer if you would pray in Faith so as to please God you must not allow your selves in any known sin No says David in Psal 66.18 If I regard Iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear me I cannot make a Prayer in Faith If you have made a thousand Prayers though you be a Believer in the main yet all those Prayers that you have put up in such a way with the guilt of any known sin upon you that you allow your self in and go on in your Prayers have not been put up in Faith and so God will not regard them Therefore be sure of that when you come to pray see that you do not allow your self in any known sin So if you come to hear the Word if you would hear in Faith so as to please God in it you must put away all evil out of your hands In Jam 1.21 says the Apostle there Lay aside all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness and receive with meekness the ingrafted word which is able to save your souls Do you desire to hear the Word in Faith so as it may be a saving Word to your Souls Then Lay aside all Filthiness and Superfluity of naughtiness Allow your self in no known sin when you come to draw near to God in any Ordinance So the Apostle Peter 1 Pet. 2 1 2. saies the Apostle there Laying aside all malice and guile and hypocrisie and envy and evil-speaking as new-born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby Do you desire to hear the Word so as you may please God in your hearing Then let there be no Envy nor Malice nor Hypocrisie allowed in your hearts for else you cannot receive the Word so as to be milk to your Souls so as to grow and profit by it And so also if you come to any other Ordinance as to the Lords-Supper you must come in Faith to it and partake in Faith or else we cannot please God by it Now this is one way whereby we come to partake in Faith namely by cleansing our selves Saies the Apostle 1 Cor. 5.7 8. speaking by way of Allusion to the Passover Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us let us therefore keep the Feast not with the old leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth If we draw near to God in this Ordinance we must cleanse our selves in Jam. 4.8 Draw near to God and God will draw near to you And how shall we draw near to God so as God may draw near to us Mark what follows Cleanse your hands ye sinners and purifie your hearts ye double-minded Here is the way for us to draw near to God in a way of Faith for it is properly the work of Faith to purge the Heart and to purge the Hands That is the second Direction that may serve as a General Direction to help us to draw near to God in any Duty or Ordinance so as to please God 3. The Third way to perform Duties so as to please God is this It is the proper work of Faith to empty the Soul of it self Now if you will draw near to God in any Duty or Ordinance so as to please God then come with Self-emptyings for Faith is a self-emptying Grace that is the proper work of Faith to empty the Soul of it self Now there are two things that Faith does empty the Soul of in the performance of holy Duties The one is It empties the Soul of the sense of its own Sufficiency and Ability to perform holy Duties and also it empties the Soul of the sense of its own worthiness to receive any Mercy from the Lord in any Duty or Ordinance These two things Faith doth empty the Soul of and so you shall find it that where Faith hath been acted and
the Soul hath been praying in Faith and God hath heard his Prayer though he give him not the particular thing he prays for yet he is made to submit to the Will of God This was just the case of Christ Christ prayed that the Cup might pass from him the Cup did not pass from him yet in his Prayer he was brought to submit to the Will of God Nevertheless not my will but thy will be done So possibly the Soul could not be satisfied with the dispensation of God he comes and commends himself and his case to the Lord and upon Prayer the Soul is brought to submit to the Will of God and to say not my will but thy will be done This is the first Secondly When the Soul is brought into a composed frame upon Prayer possibly the Soul was all in a hurry and royl before it met with something that was matter of affliction and perplexity and it was like the raging Sea the Soul could not rest night nor day well when this Soul comes and commits its self and case and condition to the Lord in Prayer and now there is a great calm and quiet in the heart and all is allayed on a sudden here is now the Power of Faith the spirit of Faith hath prevailed and God hath come in and answered that Prayer tho' not in the same kind and way that the Soul desired yet it is a sign it is a Prayer of Faith and God hath answered it because now the heart is quieted and composed after such a storm This was the case of Hannah Hannah was in a royle at first when she was upbraided for barrenness she goes and commends her Case to the Lord before she told Ely she was a woman of a troubled spirit 1 Sam. 1.15 I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink but have poured out my soul before the Lord. And when she had gone before the Ark and commended her self and case to the Lord by Prayer it is said at Verse 18. That she went her way and did eat and her countenance was no more sad And so likewise this was David ●s case David was exceedingly troubled and perplexed and disquieted because of the sickness of his Child 2 Sam. 12. He fasted and prayed earnestly a long time and though the Child died yet David's spirit was calm and composed and when he heard the Child was dead then he anointed himself vers 20. and went into the House of the Lord and worshipped and he went also into his own House and did eat and drink as he used to do to the wonderment of his Servants about him God had composed his heart and though he had not the thing he prayed for yet he had his Prayer answered and his Prayer was a prayer of Faith Object But you will say May not another that hath no faith at all pray and find his spirit quiet how is this then the work of faith one that never had any faith at all possibly he may pray and have his spirit quiet and is never troubled at all wherein lies the difference Answ Mark I pray such a one that is not at all troubled about his condition he is after Prayer just as he was before Now I say this is an evidence that Faith hath been at work upon the heart namely when the spirit was all in a royle and commotion like the raging Sea and then upon Prayer it is calmed and quieted this is an argument that this Prayer is a prayer of Faith Thirdly It is an argument that a Soul prays in Faith when as the Soul is made to persevere in Prayer notwithstanding the discouragements and difficulties it meets withal for this is the proper work and effect of Faith to go on against discouragements and not to be taken off by difficulties As now the woman that had the bloody Issue she would fain have come to Christ but she met with impediments there was a great throng about him that she could not tell how to get near him but her Faith did carry her on against all the discouragements and impediments that she met withal she would press into the throng and if she could but touch the Garment of Christ she would be satisfied the throng should not keep her from Christ Mark 5.28 And so the blind man in Mark 10.46 c. that sate by the way-side begging he heard that Jesus was passing by and he cryed out Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and he made such a noise that the people were offended at him and charged him to hold his peace and it is said vers 18. That he cried out a great deal more and Christ took notice of his Prayer and called him to him and said What wilt thou that I should do to thee verse 51. Lord said he that I might receive my sight Go thy way says Christ thy faith hath made thee whole It was a prayer of Faith and Christ did hear it and he was kept on praying against discouragements and impediments that he met with And so the woman of Cannaan came to Christ for her Daughter Matt. 15. she intreats Christ to have Mercy upon her Christ turns a deaf ear to her and and answers her never a word she goes on still and Christ denies her I am not sent says he but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel Here was discouragement upon discouragement she goes on still and says Christ It is not meet to take the Childrens bread and cast it to dogs Yet she would not be discouraged but went on till she had obtained the Mercy So I say when a Soul is drawn out to go on in Prayer notwithstanding discouragements and objections and temptations to the contrary it is an argument that it is a Prayer of Faith and God will hear it and answer it in his own time 4. I might have added a fourth which is this namely when a Soul is made to wait upon God still for an answer and return of his Prayer though the Soul have not yet an answer and doth not meet with a return yet notwithstanding the Soul is made to wait and to go on in waiting to wait and to persevere in waiting truly this is an argument that that Prayer is a prayer of Faith when the Soul is made willing to wait the Lords time and the Lords way for an answer of that he prays for and expects this is an argument of the exercise of Faith Says David when the Lord had promised him to give him the Kingdom Saul was then alive and he sought David's life David sometimes had Saul at an advantage as in 1 Sam. 26. and one of his Worthies that was with him said to him at ver 8. God hath delivered thine enemy into thine hand this day now therefore let me smite him I pray thee with the spear even to the earth at once c. No says David stay the Lords time vers 9.10 11. Destroy him not As the
there stood by me this night the Angel of the Lord whose I am and whom I serve saying Fear not Paul thou must be brought before Cesar and Lo God hath given thee all them that sail with thee Wherefore sirs saies Paul be of good cheer for I believe God that it shall he even as he told me Paul had a promise that none that were in the Ship should be drowned but that all should come safe to shore now did Pauls Faith make him careless in looking after the means for his preservation no for mark now the Mariners and Seamen they thought their case was desperate and they under pretence to make use of the Boat did intend to have gotten away Now Paul knew that the ordinary means for their preservation was to have the Mariners to stay to look after the Ship and when they under colour as though they would have cast Anchors out of the foreship let down the Boat into the Sea and were about to flee out saies Paul to the Centurion and to the Soldiers vers 31. Except these abide in the Ship ye cannot be saved What! had he not a promise that they should be all saved Yes but yet saies Paul if you do not use the means dilligently and carefully you cannot look to have the Mercy Faith puts us upon diligence in the use of means whereas presumption doth take a man off from the use of means and make him careless and slothful about the means but Faith doth make a man diligent in the use of the means to attain the end which is the blessing that God hath promised So in this case God doth require in order to our right participation of this Ordinance that we should prepare our selves before hand for this Ordinance now it is the proper work of Faith to set us to work to be diligent in our preparation for it in those ways and means which God hath appointed and what are those Briefly amongst others this is one Namely self-examination saies the Apostle Let a man examine himself and so let him eat c. Examine himself about what Briefly let a man examine himself if he will partake worthily especially about three or four things First What are the special ends of this Ordinance and this indeed is to discern the Lords Body for if so be we do not understand wherefore we come to this Ordinance we do no discern the Lords Body that is we do put no great difference between the Bread and Wine in this Ordinance and common Bread and Wine and so we do not discern the Lords Body therefore I say this is one thing in the examination of our selves consider and examine what are the special ends for which Christ hath appointed this Ordinance And amongst the rest they are these 1st Christ hath appointed this great Ordinance to have us to keep in remembrance his Death his laying down of his life for us his shedding his Blood for us we are very apt to forget this great kindness of Christ and therefore Christ hath appointed this Ordinance for this great end amongst others that we may remember his death 1 Cor. 11.26 As often as ye eat this bread and drink this cup ye do shew forth the Lords death till he come It is a memorial of the Death of Jesus Christ 2dly Another end of it is this namely that we might have Communion with Jesus Christ in his Death and in the merits of his righteousness It is appointed for that end The Bread which we break saies the Apostle is it not the Communion of the Body of Christ and the cup of Blessing which we bless is it not the Communion of the Blood of Christ Hereby now we profess that we have Communion with Christ and it is appointed for this end we must understand this or else we do not discern the Lords Body we must examine wherefore we come to partake of this Ordinance 3dly Another end is for the sealing up of the Covenant of grace to us it is a Seal of the righteousness of Faith as Baptisme and Circumcision was and it seals up that righteousness to our Faith that is held forth through Christ 4thly Another special end of this Ordinance is to profess our near union with all Believers our love to and our union with all Believers Saies the Apostle We are all but one Bread 1 Cor. 10.17 All moulded up into one Body and Christians should be of one heart and one Soul when they come to partake of this Ordinance Now I say if we would come in Faith we are to prepare for it by examining our selves concerning the ends for which Christ hath appointed this Ordinance 2ly We are to examine our selves not only about the ends of this Ordinance but also concerning our Faith whether we do truly believe in Christ or no or what grounds we have to hope that we do truly believe in Christ or that we have an interest in Christ we are to examine our selves concerning that and also about our acting and exercising Faith on Christ and if so be we find our Faith weak as I said it may be so weak as that there may be nothing sometimes but hungerings and thirstings and desires after Christ therefore we should search and examine what our Faith is the weakness of it and thereby be the more desirous to come to this Ordinance that our weak Faith and weak Graces might be strengthened and confirmed And so 3dly Again We are to examine our selves concerning our repentance Namely concerning our judging of our selves for former failings and miscarriages we should be mourning and humbling of our selves for our turnings aside and warping from the Rule and Law of God and so we should desire and endeavour and resolve through the strength of Christ to walk more closely with God and uprightly for the time to come this is the nature of true repentance as to be humbled for sins past so to resolve through the strength of Christ against sin for the time to come And then 4thly Again We are to examine our selves concerning our charity and love to all to consider wherein our love is defective and whether we can be truly reconciled and at peace with all whether we have no grudgings nor no envyings for private and particular offences against one or another and that we are ready to go and seek peace and reconciliation with them that have offended us we are to consider our Love with the weakness of it wherein we are defective in it these things are required of us before our coming to the Lords Table in a way of preparation Now therefore if you would act and exercise Faith remember this Direction which Faith will put us upon namely to be diligent in the use of those means that are required of us in order to the right participation of it And if we be not diligent to prepare according as the Rule doth require we do not act in a way of Faith in it 5thly and
Lastly If we would exercise Faith in our participation of this Ordinance then our Faith should be imployed about the Sacramental objects and actions before us for this is the nature of Faith to make a particular application of such things to our selves Now then in the things about the Sacra●ent and the actions in the Sacrament in this Ordinance Faith is to be found acting and making a particular application as for example to help you a little when we see the Bread and Wine set in order and readiness for the administration now Faith should act this way namely that God the Father hath prepared a spiritual feast for me and God hath invited me now to this marriage feast as you know we read in Matthew 22.4 He sent out his servants saying tell them which are bidden I have prepared my Dinner my Oxen and my ●atlings c. Thus a Soul should act in a way of Faith now God the Father hath called me to this great feast I am unworthy that ever I should partake of it and yet God the Father hath invited me and called me and hath shown me the preparation that he hath made and these things God hath called me to and invited me 〈◊〉 and hath prepared them for me and Oh the wonderful rich Grace of God towards me And then again when you see the elements prepared the Bread and Wine before you here now is occasion for your Faith to consider of the Love of God the Father and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ that God the Father should prepare Jesus Christ his own Son for me set out by these elements here is the infinite love of the Father to me and here is the wonderful love of the Lord Jesus Christ to me that hath prepared these things for me that Jesus Christ should set out himself as Bread for me Oh! the Love of the Father and the Love of the Son that is held forth to me And again when we see how the Bread is sanctified blessed and broken by him whom Christ doth appoint to do it according to his own Institution saying Take eat this is my Body which was broken for you now Faith should act as if Jesus Christ himself did speak to you from Heaven saying take eat this is my Body broken for thee For Christ hath appointed and Ordained him to do it in his Name and doing it in his Name and according to his Institution it is all one as if Christ himself did it Now then Faith should act as if I did hear Christ speaking from Heaven to me This is my Body broken for you so also when we see the Cup or the element of Wine and hear those words also pronounced This Cup is the New-Testament in my Blood which was shed for many for the remission of Sins truly now we should take these words as spoken from the Lord Jesus Christ himself to us this is my Blood shed for you for the remission of your Sins as if Christ himself did speak from Heaven to us And so again when we do eat the Bread and drink the Wine take them down into our bodies according to Christs Institution now our Faith should act particularly Namely thus in resting and leaning and relying upon Jesus Christ for acceptance in the sight of God and for remission of Sins and for Salvation this acting of Faith is eating and drinking Saies Christ in John 6.56 He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him And what is this eating the Flesh of Christ and drinking the Blood of Christ but acting and exercising of Faith in our eating and drinking the outward elements So that when we eat and drink with our Bodies we should act Faith with our Souls and eat with our Souls leaning and resting upon Jesus Christ for acceptance in the sight of God for remission of Sins and for peace with God and for everlasting Life and Salvation this is eating and drinking by Faith this is that which Faith doth Now if you would partake of this Ordinance in Faith then Brethren particularly apply the Objects and actions of this Ordinance to your own Souls and thus now I have given you some few Directions about exercising of Faith in this Ordinance of the Lords Supper without which not only without the habit and grace of Faith but without the exercise of Faith you cannot partake worthily you cannot partake so as to please God for without Faith it is impossible to please God even in this Ordinance I thought to have spent some time in speaking to another head namely how we should exercise Faith in our particular Callings and occasions and matters that concern this life for we must act and exercise Faith in all or else we do not please God in what we do even in our very outward occasions and business I am unwilling to make another discourse upon this subject and therefore I shall if you please to give me leave only give you four or five heads of things that might have been further inlarged upon by way of Direction How to exercise Faith in our particular callings and several conditions that we may be in in this life I will but name them you may enlarge upon them in your own private Meditations Briefly then 1st In the first place Would we exercise Faith in our particular Callings and Stations and Relations and condition that we are in then be careful to eye the hand of God leading and bringing of you into this or that calling condition and course of Life that we may be able to say as Paul did 1 Cor. 1.1 Paul called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ through the Will of God It was the Will of God that brought him into that state and course of life so must we be able to say or else we cannot act and exercise Faith in our particular Callings Stations and Relations we must be able to say that God hath led me into this or that or the other course of life or into this and that change of Condition Faith doth not lead a man to make haste to be over hasty for any thing I have a mind to such a thing I have a strong fancy to it and and therefore I must enter into such a Calling or enter into such a change of Condition but Faith doth put a Soul upon this Namely to be solicitous to understand the Mind of God and therefore observe it Faith will put a Soul upon earnestness and frequency in Prayer to seek counsel of the Lord whether this or that be according to his Will or no and also to advise with Christians about it that so he may understand the Mind and Will and Counsel of God about it That is the first Rule Secondly Another Rule is this we should be careful to walk with God in that particular place and station and relation wherein God hath set us according to his Will for otherwise we do not exercise Faith in it and therefore when a man is led into such a Calling such a way and course of life it is not for him to act and walk according to the example of others to make the practices of others his rule No but we must look what the Will of God is and make that our Rule As now if a man or woman be brought into a change of condition into a Married condition it is not for that man to say Well I will carry it towards my Wife as she carry it to me or for the woman to say I will carry it to my Husband as he carry it to me no this is not a rule to walk by the examples of others but let us look to our own duty what the Will of God is concerning a Wife or a Husband Remember this is a Second rule To walk in our particular calling and station and relation according to the Will of God Thirdly Another rule and direction is this if you would act and exercise Faith in your particular callings then be frequently looking up unto the Lord for his guidance and help and assistance in your occasions and business Let us look up frequently to the Lord that he would guide us and assist us and help us for we must have Strength and Wisdom and Spirit and Grace from God day by day to walk with God in our places and stations we had need therefore be frequent in looking up unto the Lord for guidance and assistance and help in the places and stations wherein he hath set us And Fourthly Look up to the Lord for pardon through the righteousness of Christ and the merrits of his Death for the pardon of our failings and miscarriages in our callings and places and stations we had need to be frequently looking up for pardon that God would pardon our miscarriages and sailings and weaknesses in our places and stations that we do not walk so according to the Will of God as we ought to do we had need look to the Grace and Blood of Christ to be pardoned And then Fifthly and Lastly This might also have been further spoken to namely to leave the Issue and event and success of our endeavours with the Lord to leave all wholly with him all our burthens and cares leave them all with the Lord Let us be careful to do our Duty and to walk with God according to his Will in our places and relations and leave the event with the Lord. Cast your burthen upon the Lord Psalm 55.22 and he shall sustain you And so the Apostle Peter 1 Pet. 5.7 Casting all your care upon the Lord for he careeth for you So should you do and thus walking in our particular Callings and stations and places and relations we shall come to exercise Faith and thereby so walk as to please God O! that now you have heard this point and truth opened that for the future the Lord would help us to be careful to exercise Faith in all our Duties in our praying in our hearing and in our partaking of the Lords Table and in our particular Callings and relations otherwise we cannot please God for the Apostle says here Without Faith it is impossible to please Him Thus much for this Text and this Time FINIS