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A73502 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler cōmoditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates. 1542 (1542) STC 2968.3; ESTC S124410 239,766 422

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hym a question temptynge hym and sayeng Mayster whych is the great commaūdement in the lawe Iesus sayd vnto hym Thou shalt loue the Lorde thy God wyth all thy harte and wyth al thy mynde Thys is the fyrst and great cōmaundement And the seconde is lyke vnto it Thou shalte loue thyne neyghbour as thy selfe In these two cōmaūdementes hange all the lawe and the prophetes Whyle the pharisees were gathered together Iesus asked them sayenge what thynke ye of Christ Whose sonne is he They sayd vnto hym the sōne of Dauid He sayde vnto them howe then doth Dauid in spirite cal hym Lorde sayeng The Lorde sayde vnto my Lorde syt thou on my ryght hande tyll I make thyne enemyes a footestoole Yf Dauid than call hym Lorde howe is he then hys sonne And no man was able to answere hym any thynge neyther durst any man from that day forth aske hym any mo questions THe Gospell red in the churche thys daye good christen audiēce doth reherse vnto vs how the pharisees Hierom hearynge that Iesus Christ had confounded the Saducees whych as saynt Hierome noteth were of contrarye opinions wythin themselues and as it were enemyes one to another yet they come ioyne together agaynst Christe to thintent as Ihon Chrysostome sayeth they myghte ouercome hym by multitude Chrysostome whome they coulde not cōuince wyth reasons And so sayeth he they confessed themselues to be naked of the trouth whych armed thēselues with multitude They come than all together And one amonge them a doctour of the lawe speakynge for all the reste to thintent yf that one ouercame they myght al seme to haue the vpperhande in tēptynge our Lorde Iesu Christ dyd put thys question vnto hym sayenge Mayster whyche is the greatest commaundement of the lawe Here you maye se what fashions these false foxes and ypocrites had Fyrste they called Iesu Christe mayster whose disciple for all that they had no desyre to be And they dyd demaunde hym of the greatest commaundement as Chrysostome sayeth which neuer had accomplished the least Chrysostome but rather by theyr cursed and auaricious constitucions had transgressed all the lawe of God And they thought that it was ynough for to dispute the one agaynst the other by pryde and vanitie for they dyd not desyre but all only to be sene and praysed of men yet for all thys the swete Sauiour desyrynge theyr saluation doth gyue them here true and sounde doctrine and healthfull correction answerynge them mekely that they ought to loue God with all theyr thought the whych they dyd not and theyr neyghbour as themselues but they dyd cleane contrarye For he whych was theyr God theyr neyghbour in as much as he was man they wold put him to death In whych he shewed them to be synners ypocrites that is to saye counterfayted holy transgressours of all the lawe and of the prophetes And accordynge vnto saynt Marke in the .xij. chapter they wyst not what to answere but theyr owne doctoure gaue sentence agaynst them sayenge Mayster in truth thou hast sayd well For there is one only god and ther is none other but he And to loue hym wyth all the harte wyth all the vnderstandyng wyth all the soule and with all the strength and the neyghbour as hymselfe is a greater thynge then al the brentofferynges and sacrifices made vnto God Here maye you se howe he hymselfe gyueth iudgement agaynst the couetousnes of the scribes pharisees whych loued so well the sacrifices for the profyte that came therof vnto them And on the contrary syde he approueth the answere of Iesu Christ the whych they thought to haue interrupted and checked Thus it appeareth that the craftye be taken in theyr craftynes and that ther is no coūsell against god And then fynally our Lorde demaunded of the pharisees beynge all there together whose sonne Christ was And forbycause they were carnall they knewe nothynge in Christ in Messias but flesh and they answered hym that he was the sonne of Dauid And then oure Lorde wolde shewe them and teache theyr saluatiō For it was not ynough for to beleue that he was a man cōmen of royall bloude but also it must be beleued that he was God vnied vnto humayne nature for to make the redemption of men And therfore he sheweth them by the wytnesse of Dauid selfe that he is God Psal xix where Dauid sayeth in spirite The Lorde god hath sayd vnto my Lorde Syt on my ryght hande vnto the tyme that I put thyne enemyes a foote stoole to thy feete Dauid calleth Christ hys Lorde syttynge on the ryghte hande of God whych is to vnderstande as the auncient doctour S. Remigius other doth expoune it not that God is corporall that he shulde haue a ryght or left syde but to syt on the ryghte hande of God Remigius is to remayne in the same honoure and dignitie egall wyth the father so that herby he cōfesseth that he is God And this the pharisees vnderstode not to be sayd of Christe but they were those whych the spirite of god calleth the enemyes of Christe for to be put vnder hys feete Than my brethren let vs not tempt Iesu Christ Let vs beleue that the greatest and the fyrst commaundement is to loue God wyth all our hart wyth all our thought and wyth all our soule that he is true God and that he is true mā And we shall be of the nombre of the chosen for to laude the heauenly father and our Lorde Iesu Christ syttyng on hys ryght hande Vnto the whyche wyth the holy goost be glorie wythout ende The Epistle on the .xix. sonday after Trinitie The .iiij. chapter to the Ephesians Th argument ☞ How we ought to put of our olde Adam and put on the newe BRethren be ye renewed in the spirite of youre mynde and to put on that newe man whych after God is shapen in ryghtuousnes and true holynes Wherfore put away lienge speake euery mā trouth vnto hys neyghbour for as much as we are members one of another Be angry and synne not let not the Sonne go downe vpon your wrath neyther gyue place vnto the backbyter Let hym that stole steale no more but let hym rather labour with hys handes the thynge which is good that he may gyue vnto hym that nedeth MY welbeloued frendes in our sauiour Christ ye shall vnderstande that in the texte immediatly goynge before thys epistle of thys present daye the Apostle doth admonysh vs for to leaue the olde mā that is to say our fyrst natiuitie or byrth by the which we be borne chyldren of the yre and wrath of God we be fulfylled wyth synnes wyth euel desyres and wyth concupiscences the whych woll turne vs vnto corrupcion and eternall death After in our epistle he exhorteth vs that we shuld be renewed not accordynge vnto the body but in the spirite of our soule For it is the spirite of God that wyl inhabyte there and
the resurrection of Iesus Christe from death to enioye an inheritaunce immortal that shal neuer perysh whych is reserued in heauen for them that be kepte by the power of God thorowe fayth Thus hath hys resurrection wrought for vs lyfe ryghtuousnes He passed thorowe death and hell to put vs in good hope that by hys strength we shall do the same He payde the raunsome of synne that it shulde not be layde to our charge He destroyed the deuell and all hys tyranny and openlye triumphed ouer hym and toke awaye from hym all hys captiues hath raysed set them wych hymselfe amonges the heauenly cytesins aboue Ephe. ij He dyed to destroy the rule of the deuell in vs and rose agayne to sende downe his holy spirite to rule in our hartꝭ to endow vs wyth perfyte ryghtuousnes Thus is it true that Dauid songe Veritas de terra orta est iustitia de coelo ꝓspexit Psalm lxxxiiij The truth of goddes promyse is in erth to man declared or from the earth is the euerlastynge veritie goddes sonne rysen to lyfe Eph. iiij Captiuā duxit captiuitatem the true ryghtuousnes of the holy goost lokynge out of heauen is in moost lyberall larges dealt vpon all the worlde Thus is glorye and prayse reboundinge vpwarde to god aboue for hys mercy and truth thus is peace come downe frō heuē to mē of good faithfull hartes Luce. ii Thus is mercye and veritie as Dauid wryteth met together Psalm lxxxiiij Misericordia et veritas obui auerunt sibi c. thus is peace and ryghtuousnes embrasynge and kyssynge themselfe together Yf thou doutest of so great felicitie that is wrought for the O man cal to thy mynde that therfore haste thou receyued into thyne owne possession the euerlastynge veritie our Sauiour Iesus Christe in forme of breade to confirme to thy conscience the truthe of all thys matter Thou hast receyued hym yf in true fayth and repentaunce of harte thou haste receyued hym yf in purpose of amendement thou haste receyued hym for an euerlastinge gage and pledge of thy saluation Thou hast receyued hys body which was ones broken and hys bloud shed for the remission of thy synne thou hast receyued hys body to haue with in the the father the sonne the holy goost to dwell wyth the to endowe the wyth grace to strength the agaynst thy enemyes and to comforte the with theyr presence Thou hast receyued hys bodye to endowe the wyth euerlastyng ryghtuousnes to assure the of euerlastynge blysse and lyfe of thy soule For wyth Christe by true fayth arte thou quyckened agayne sayeth saynt Paule from death of synne to lyfe of grace Eph. iiij and in hope translated frō corporall and euer lastynge death to the euerlastynge lyfe of glorye in heauen where nowe thy conuersation shulde be and thy harte and desyre set Doubte not of the truth of thys matter how great excellent so euer these thynges be It becommeth god to do no lytle dedes how impossible so euer they seme to the praye to god that thou mayest haue fayth to perceyue thys greate power of Christes resurrection that by fayth thou mayest certaynly beleue nothing to be impossible with god Only bringe thou fayth to Christes holy worde and sacrament Lu. xviij let thy repentaūce shewe thy faith let thy purpose of amendement and obedience of thy harte to gods lawe herafter declare thy true beleue Endeuoure thy selfe to saye wyth saynte Paule from henseforth Phil. iij. our conuersation is in heuen frō whence we loke for a sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christ whych shall chaūge our vyle bodyes that they may be fashioned lyke to hys glorious bodye whyche he shal do by the same power wherby he rose frō death and wherby he shal be able to subdue al thynges vnto hymselfe Thus good christen people forasmuche as ye haue herde these so great and excellent benefytes of Christes myghtye and glorious resurrection howe that he hath raunsomed synne ouercome the deuyll death and hell and hath victoriously obteyned the better hande of them all to make vs fre and saufe from them and knowynge that we be by thys benefyte of hys resurrection rysen wyth hym by our fayth to lyfe euerlastynge beynge in full suretie of oure hope that we shall haue oure bodyes lykewyse reysed agayn from death to haue them glorifyed in immortalitie and ioyned to hys gloryouse body hauynge in the meane whyle hys holye spirite wythin our hartes as a seale and pledge of our euerlasting inheritaunce by whose assistence we be replenyshed wyth all ryghteousnes by whose power we shall be able to subdue al our euel affections that ryse againste the pleasure of God These thynges I saye well cōsydered let vs nowe in the reste of oure lyfe declare our fayth the we haue to thys moost frutefull article by conformyng vs therunto in rysynge dayly from synne to ryghtousnes and holynes of lyfe For what shall it auayle vs sayeth S. Peter to be escaped and delyuered from the fylthynes of the worlde thorough the knolege of the Lorde Sauiour Iesus Christe yf we be entangled agayne therwyth be ouercome agayne ij pet ij it had bene better sayeth he neuer to haue knowen the waye of ryghteousnes than after it is knowen and receyued to torne backewarde agayne from the holy cōmaundemente of God gyuen vnto vs. For so shall the prouerbe haue place in vs wher it is sayd ☜ the dogge is retorned to hys vomyte agayn and the sowe that was washed to her wallowynge in the myre agayne What a shame were it for vs beynge thus so clerely and frelye washed from oure synne to retorne to the fylthynes therof agayne What a foly were it thus endowed wyth ryghtousnes to lose it agayne What madnes were it to lose the enherytaunce that we be nowe set in for the vyle and transytory pleasure of synne And what an vnkyndnes shulde it be where our Sauiour Christ of hys mercy is come to vs to dwell wythin vs as our geste to dryue hym from vs and to expell hym violentlye out of our soules in stede of hym in whom is all grace and vertue to receyue the vngracyouse spirite of the deuyl the autor of al naughtynes and myschefe How can we fynde in our hartes to shewe such extreme vnkyndnes to Christ which hath now so gently called vs to mercy offered hymselfe vnto vs and he now entered wythin vs. Yea howe dare we be so bolde to renounce the presence of the father the sonne and the holy goost nowe receyued in thys holy sacrament for where one is there is God al hole in maiestie together with al his power wysdō goodnes feare not I saye the daūger peryl of so traytorous a defiance Good christē brethrē systers aduyse your selfe cōsyder the dignitie that ye be now set in Let not foly lose the thynge that grace hath so preciously offered
which was made on hygh alredye And vnto them to whome they wolde not remytte here in erthe they shulde not be remytted nor pardoned in heuen And this that they did not pardon them was signe that they were not pardonyd on hygh S. Cyprian Surely it is not man of him selfe that forgiueth but God For as saynt Cypriane sayth Non potest seruus remittere quod in dominū commissum est that is to say the seruant can not pardone the thinge that is trespassed againste the maister S. Ambrose And therfore saint Ambrose sayth in his boke of Cain Abell that synnes be forgiuen by the worde of god wherof the prest is as an interpretour and certain executour But who were they whome they dyd not forgyue Truly all those which dyd not giue feith and credence to their wordes Nowe in thys apperinge Thomas called Didimus was not present Wherfore when the disciples dyd shewe hym that they had sene our Lorde rysyn agayne to life whyche had shewed vnto them bothe his handes and hys syde percyd he answered that he wolde not beleue them onles he myghte se him and put his finger in to the holes of the nailes and hys hande into hys syde So eighte dayes after oure Lorde the dores beynge shutte dyd againe apere in the myddes of them as he had done before and gaue them for gretynge hys peace accordynge to the vsage of the Iues Pax vobis by whyche is vnderstande quietnes of conscience and all goodnes And nowe Thomas was there also vnto whome he sayde answering hym vnto the wordes whyche he had sayde by hys vnfeithfulnes beholde my handes and put thy finger into the holes hold forthe thy hande and put it into my syde Be no more feithles but faythfull hereby declaringe vnto hym that he seeth all that he heareth all that he is in all places and that he maye do all Whiche done Thomas did confesse hym to be his Lorde and his God And truly not so much Thomas as the spirite of fayth whiche wyth the fayth entred into hym At that tyme oure Lorde gaue witnesse of fayth vnto Thomas whiche hathe beleued in seynge of hym but he dothe gyue farre greater prayse and cōmendacion vnto them whiche haue beleued and yet haue not sene hym in person corporally but only spiritually with the eye of feyth or mystically in forme of breade in the moost blessed sacrament of the aulter and also vnto them whiche shall beleue him Then let vs beleue him by seynge him spiritually and so doyng we shal be more happy then Thomas in thys that he hath sene hym corporally Now sayth the Euangelist al these thinges be wryten vnto vs to th ende that we shulde beleue that Iesus is Christ the sonne of God The vse of miracles and in beleuyng this that we shulde haue euerlastynge lyfe by his name For asmuch as the ende and vse of all the sygnes and miracles of Christe is that by them we shulde be broughte and allured to the true fayth in Christ which thyng shal make vs to enioye euerlastyng blysse through his name that is to wit by his word Rom. i. For verely Gods word is the vertue power of God vnto the helth saluation of al that beleue on Christ Iesus our Lorde redemer To whō with the father holy goost be glory praise for euer Amē The Epistle on the seconde sondaye after Ester The .i. Epistle of Peter the .ij. Chapter Th argument ☞ The Apostle saynt Peter doth exhort vs here to folow Christ in al thynges euen as shepe folowe theyr shepherde MOst derely beloued brethren Christe also suffered for vs leauing to vs an exemple that ye shuld folow his steppes which dyd no synne neyther was there gyle founde in his mouthe whiche whan he was reuyled reuyled not agayne whan he suffered he threatened not but cōmytted the vengeaunce to hym that iudgeth ryghtuously whiche his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body on the tree that we beynge delyuered from synne shulde lyue vnto ryghtuousnes By whose strypes ye were healed For ye were as shepe goynge astraye but are now turned vnto the shepherde and byshop of your soules THe Epistle of thys daye good christen people whiche be the wordes of saynt Peter doth put before our eyes the liefe of our Lord Iesu Christ to this intent purpose that we shuld folow hym as a perfecte president and exemplar For it is he whiche dyed for vs which hath done no synne according to the sayeng of the prophete Esaye in whose mouth hath bene founde no gyle nor deceipte Esa lij And whiche when any sayde harme by hym he sayde no harme agayne When he suffered he dyd not threaten but commytted the vengeaunce vnto hym that iudgeth iustly that is to wit vnto God the father No doubt God iugeth ryghtly neyther regardyng mens persons as doth the worlde neither only after the outwarde workes but after the hart outwarde workꝭ to And therfore is gods iugement according to the trouthe as Paule sayeth Rom. ij Furthermore it is Christe whiche hath borne our synnes on the tree of the crosse that our synnes myghte be so by hym taken awaye and we beynge deade vnto synne shulde lyue vnto iustice But what iustice Truly vnto the iustice or ryghtuousnes that procedeth of fayth which is frō aboue For we be healed of our synne by hys woundes by his passion by his sacrifisyng for vs. Wherfor this is the final vse of our deliueraunce or iustificacion by Christ that we shulde no lōger lyue vnto synne but vnto iustice vertue As though saint Peter wolde saye Ye wol be christians whō Christe hath redemed ☞ than go to it shall not become you any longer by disobedience towardes youre rulers superiours to lyue vnto sinne but vnto ryghteousnes to thintent ye maye be obedient vnto them and suffre persecution vexaciō yea and dethe of them yf occacion be gyuen euen as Christ dyd And thys is euen the right vse of Christes passiō to lyue a newe lyfe to become iust rightuous in al our lyuyng For as the Apostle saynt Paule witnesseth writyng to the Ephesians Ephe. ij we be the workmanshyp of God created made to do good workes But to returne to the texte S. Peter allegeth here vnto you good people the workes of the prophete Esaye where he sayeth Esa liij that by the strypes woundes of Christe ye were healed O moost comfortable wordes Bytter verely were these strypes to our Sauiour Christe but they were swete to vs so swete that wythout them we shulde haue ben in moost paynfull misery anguyshe Let vs than neuer put out of our myndes thys moost comfortable tydynges thys swete mery Gospell that Christ bare our synnes in hys body on the tree Thys treasure I meane the knowlege of this thyng who so wanteth is moost nedy pore yea he hath nothynge at all For this is no doubte
whych the gospell teacheth He doubtles neuer slepeth though we slepe neuer so soūdly carelessy but lyke a roryng lyon he runnyth and leapeth about seakyng whome to deuoure as thapostle S. Peter doth testifie in the ende of this firste epistle i. pet v. But forasmoche as the power of desires and lustes is so greate yea that after iustification receyued saynt Peter vseth certein warlyk wordes wherwith he expresseth the strength and power of these carnal worldly desires which he sayth do warre againste vs and as the greke worde purporteth do dayly exercise with vs a pyched felde militant whych thing the scripture otherwhyles calleth the conflycte of the fleshe and of the spirite agaynst whych no outwarde workes can do any good As the holy fathers also haue confessed and complayned of themselues Note thys exemple of saynt Hierom For saint Hierom hymselfe when he sought euery where a present remedy agaynst the desyres of the fleshe at last after longe delyberation departed into the woode trustynge that by thys meane he shulde eschue and shake of from hym hys carnal and fleshely desyres but it wolde not be for euen in his very mysery and vexation of hys body whych he toke vpon hymselfe for that purpose he yet thought he satte at Rome amōges the Romane ladies and fayre wenches and that he daunced wyth them Wherfore syth here in thys lyfe it is not in our powers vtterly to do awey carnall desyres the holy fathers and prophetes desyred wyth hygh lamentation that they myghte be lycenced to departe out of thys vale of teares to the heauenly and perfyte ioyes For here they thought themselues onely straungers and as pylgrimes or wayfarynge men Whych thynge thapostle Paule in hys seconde epistle to the Corinthians doth wonderfully well declare wrytynge on thys wyse We knowe ij cor v. sayeth he that yf our erthy mansion of thys dwellynge were destroyed we haue a buyldynge of God an habitation not made wyth handes but eternall in heauen And therfore sygh we desyrynge to be clothed wyth our mansion whych is from heuen so yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked and so forth Now suche straungers S. Peter here wylleth vs to be whyche ought continually to loke vp to contende and laboure thyther settynge asyde all earthly thynges all cares and worldly desyres and euer to stande redy in hope to be delyuered out of thys our earthly tabernacle or hostrye and to enioye the euerlastynge inheritaunce Howbeit yet in the meane season good people we teache not as do these Anabaptistes that he that hath ryches shulde cast them awaye but that he cleaue not in harte vnto them lyke as other places of holy scripture do teach vs and namely thys present epistle of S. Peter whych by a similitude of straungers or pylgrimes doth declare vnto vs that in the hostrye of thys present worlde we shulde be in loue with nothynge we shulde vaynly ambiciously require nothynge that is in our hoostes house whych is the worlde euen none otherwyse than a straunger a pawmer or wayfarynge body doth whych knoweth that nothinge in hys ynne or lodgynge doth pertayne vnto hym ☜ but only maketh hast homewarde into hys owne cōtrey Now they whych be in loue admiration with any thynge in thys worlde they can not be called forenners straungers or pylgrimes but cytizens and inhabitauntes of thys worlde Wherfore it is great folly now amonges christen men to be in loue wyth the thynges of the worlde to seke pleasure in carnall desyres What be carnall desyres syth suche thynges belonge no more to christians But I praye you what vyces doth saynt Peter cal here desyres Surely not only those grosse faultes but also the inwarde croked affections which doubtles be the very causes of those outwarde and grosse vyces Saynt Peter therfore wrytyng especyally to the Iewes whych were disperpled abrode in dyuers countreyes and by them vnto vs Englyshe men and to all others ryght tēderly exhorteth them callynge them hys moost derely beloued brethren to absteyne as forenners and pylgrymes from all fleshly lustes that is to wit all vices whyche of nature do stycke to the fleshe whych vices do kepe continuall warre and batell agaynst the soule and spirite of mā that euer more tendeth and laboureth to do the wyll of God And he wylleth them that they haue honest conuersacion amonges the Gentyls or paynems whych worshipped false Goddes amonge whome at that tyme when saynte Peter wrote thys epistle the christen men lyued Saint Peter therfore wyll not that christen men shulde departe from the panyms but that they shulde lyue honestly amōges them to thintent that where as they backbyte them as euyll doers they myght se theyr good workes myghte prayse and glorifye God in the daye of visitation In the daye of visitatiō that is to saye that the paynyms beynge more ryghtly instructed and taught by the honeste lyfe of the christians myghte by gods visitation be called also to the Gospell and so to haue a better opinion and iudgement of gods worde whych thynge in dede came to passe in the primatiue church by the godly exemple of the good Apostolicall fathers and christen people in Rome and els where Where as now the paynims and infidels as be turkes Iues be rather plucked frome the Gospell then allured vnto it by thexemple of those that woll neuertheles be called the successours of Peter and Paule and the vicares of Christ Wherfore it is to be feared leste God wyll visite them not by heapynge vpon them hys benefytes and graces whych they refuse neglecte but by pourynge vpon them hys iuste yre and vengeaunce accordynge to theyr desertes Be you subiecte therfore good christen people to the worde of God Obeye hys commaundementes prescribed in the same Let your lyght shyne before mē and namely before the proude Pharisees infidels whych thynke there is no God that they may se your good workes and honest conuersacion and glorifye your father in heauen Submytte your selues Mat. v. according to Peters counsayle here vnto euery humane creature that is to saye vnto all maner ordinaunce or power whych humane creatures do administer and that euen for the Lordes sake For it pleaseth the Lorde ye shulde so do lest your conscience shulde be polluted and defyled wyth synne through disobedience And euen here maye ye lerne good people that when ye obeye the publyke ruler and magistrate ye do please God by thys obedience Be obedient therfore sayth S. Peter whether it be vnto the kynge as vnto the chefe head or vnto rulers as to thē that are sent of hym for the punyshmēt of euel doers Ro. xiij And surely as wytnesseth S. Paule whoseoeuer resysteth power resysteth the ordinaūce of God For he is the minister of God to take vengeaunce on them that do euell Wherfore ye must obeye sayth Paule not only for feare of vengaunce but also bycause of
full What is thys to saye that by Christ our sinne beynge taken away our conscience maye be quyet and sure of euerlastinge lyfe whyche is a ryght perfecte ioye Let vs praye that we maye be taught openly and playnly wythout prouerbes or parables that is that we maye receyue the holy spirite of cōforte into our soules whych in gods worde maye instructe vs of all trouth Whych graunt vs God the father of heuen Qui viuit et regnat in secula seculorum Amen A sermon in the Rogation weke or a briefe instruction for the weake in the faithe what they ought to do in these dayes of Rogation GOod people thys weke is called the Rogation weke bicause in thys weke we be wōte to make solemne and general supplycatiōs or prayers which in Greke be called Lytanyes litanies Nowe therfore I exhorte you and in the Lordes name I require you that in al your Litanies or supplications ye wol so do that the thynge maye agre to the name and that this oure Litanye thys our supplication and rogation may be made wythe such true and ernest fayth that we may admonishe god and put him in mynde of hys fatherly promises He that wyll not endeuour hymselfe to do this let hym tarye styll at home let him kepe him and absteyne from thys holy processiō lest he happen to iritate and to angre god more then other men shal be hable to pacifie and styll hym The abuse of these dayes Albeit alacke for pitie these solemne accustomable processions and supplications whyche we vse commonly as in this weke to make be now growen into a ryght foule and detestable abuse so that the moost parte of men and women in these solemne dayes of supplication do come forth rather to set out shewe themselues and to passe the tyme wyth vayne vnprofytable tales and mery fables than to make general supplications and prayers to god for theyr necessities I let passe the other enormities and vices whych on these dayes be customably perpetrate and done I wyll not speake of the rage and furour of these vplandysh processions and gangynges about whych be spente in ryottynge and in bely chere Furthermore the banners and badges of the crosse be so vnreuerently handled and abused that I maruayle greatly God destroye vs not all in one yeare What shall I say Surely they are now growen into such abuse that there be farre greter causes to take them awaye and vtterly to abrogate them wyth the other holydayes than ther were in tymes past to institute and ordeyne them And assuredly it is the parte of byshops of parsons of vycares and curates yea also of the prophane Magistrates to se that those vnchristen and vngodly abuses be auoyded and taken awaye or yf the thynge be past remedy vtterly to abolish and abrogate these letanies and supplicaciōs thus abused For assuredly it were much better and more christian lyke ☞ that christian men and women were gathered and assembled together in the church there to make theyr supplications prayers to god than after such an hethē vnruly fashion to mocke God and his holy sygnes And no doubt such as be curates and herdmen of Christes churche shall rendre a sharpe rekenynge and accomptes to God for wynkynge at these abuses Now in these Rogation dayes What is to be demaūded in supplications two thynges are to be asked of God and prayed for The fyrst is that God of hys goodnes and clemēcy woll defende and saue the corne in the felde and that he woll purge the ayer to thintent that not only the lappe of the earth may be replenished wyth seasonable rayne and that the ayer maye be tempered to the vtilitie and furtheraunce of the corne but also that it be not infected that by the eatynge and drynkynge therof neyther we nor our bestes do catche any pestilence poxe feuers or other diseases i. Timo. iiij For as testifyeth saynt Paul in hys fyrst epistle to Timothie gods creatures as meate drynke corne ☜ and such other thynges be sanctifyed by the worde of God and by prayer For frō whence come pestilencies the other kindes of diseases and of syckenesses than that the noysome spirites do infecte the aier And by reason herof cōmonly our corne and grayne be peryshed infected and blasted and so we God permyttynge the same by eatynge and drynkynge our owne grayne do gette vs death and greuouse affections of the body For this cause be certayne gospels redde in the wyde felde amōges the corne and grasse that by the vertue and efficacie of gods worde the power of the wycked spirites whych kepe in the ayer may be broken and the ayer made pure cleane to thintent the corne maye remayne vntouched not infected of the sayd hurtfull spirites but serue vs for our vse and bodely sustenaunce Wherfore my deare brethren we oughte to make these solemne processions wyth ernest myndes and wyth all reuerence in especiall we oughte to handle and to heare the worde of God wyth deuoute and religiouse myndes Thus doynge doute we nothynge but that gods worde wol vtter and execute hys vertue vpon the corne and ayer that those noysome spirites of the ayer shall do no hurte at all to our corne Seconde thys is also moost of all to be desyred humbly to be prayed for in these rogation dayes that God woll vouchsaue to blesse hys creatures not only as before is sayd for the cōmoditie of oure bodyes but also for our soules helth lest our miserable soules do herby catche vnto themselues pestiferous infection and damnable contagion I meane as thus The poyson and infection of the soule is synne Now whan God poureth vpon vs plentyful croppes and increase of all thynges forthwyth we beynge moost ingrate and vnkynde persons do vylaynously gyue oure selues to dayly bankettes and feastynges and to moost beastly fyllynge of our pāchies herof by by ensueth ydelnes of it sprynge whordomes adulteries blasphemies cursynges periuries murders warres and all myschiefe so that it were much better for vs yf our corne and cattel dyd not so happely and plenteously prosper and take So the thynge that we demaunded in our processions and supplications we do fynde for god maketh vs here aboundauntly in this behalfe to enioye our requestes and desyres and doth minister al thynges to the bodye wyth a large blessynge whyche thynge neuerthelesse is moost present poyson and pestilence to the soule and it is the occasion of great myschefe For doubtles surfettynge and ydelnes of all noughtynes be the rotes and the fountaynes of all euels But alake alake thys goostly infection we nothing at all regarde we passe not of it No man regardeth the spirituall pestilence The pestilēce which noyeth the body we eschue it with great care and we study to dryue it awaye wyth often prayers and supplications laynge vnto it all the medicines and remedies we can deuyse But in thys
spirituall pestilence we go styll on and procede wythout care or thought and euen for thys purpose as it semeth we desyre of God large sustentacion and aboundaunce of al thynges and to be delyuered from the corporal pestilence and infections that we maye the more frely and aboundaūtly endure after a delicate sorte in the spirituall infection But assuredly my frendes almyghty god the sercher of hartes whyle he seyth vs slepynge in such careles wyse and that we nothynge regarde thys so pestilent a pestilēce he also winketh at our destruction accordynge to our owne vowes requestes he graunteth vs copye and aboundaunce of all thynges and so blyndeth vs wyth the prosperous successe of all thynges and drowneth vs in the synke and puddell of synnes tyll at last oure synnes by longe vse runne into a custome and that the name of synne be forgotten Wherfore moost dearely beloued brethren and systers albeit euery day we ought to exhibite supplications and prayers to the Lorde wyth a rough chastisement of our body to dryue awaye frō vs so horrible floudes of all myschefe namely in thys region moost addict and gyuen to cōmessacions to bankettynges to reuelynges to surfettynges to ydelnes to the vyces that ensue of them to thintent that god ones at laste maye lyghten vs wyth hys grace that we maye vse his gyftes to the helth of our soule and to the holsomnes of our body in suche sorte as these goodes of the contrey I meane our corne and cattel myght be auaylable aswell to the tuicion and defēce of our body as to our soules health But as I haue sayd and saye agayne God hath made vs so blynde and so vnsauery The abuse of goddes gyftes that we are waxen playne Epicures vtterly voyde of all feare or care of God mooste shamefully abusynge hys gyftes to the ryot of the body and destruction of the soule And for asmuche as thys our detestable wickednes and abuse of this godly institucion is not amended but waxeth yerly worse and worse therfore God hath gyuen vs vp in to a disalowed mynde so that we make these letanyes and rogation dayes by our sinnes vtterly vnprofytable and vnfrutfull vnto vs. Rom. i. Beholde how angrye and how sore displeased God is wyth vs neyther is there any to aswage and appeace hys fury syth our letanyes our supplications processions prayers wherewyth we rather mocke god thā worshyp hym spendynge our tyme and abusynge hys benefites in thys wyse be rather kyndlynges and nouryshmentes of goddes indignation and vengeaunce thā mitigacions and swagynges therof God graunt therfore and be presently at hāde assystent to vs good people that ones at last we may come home againe to our selues and to returne to the hart and that we may beynge instincted and kyndled wyth ernest and sure fayth put from vs hys wrath and displeasure to whome be prayses and glory in secula seculorum Amen The epistle on the Ascension daye The fyrst chapter of the actes of the Apostles Th argument ☞ Christes Ascension into heauen is here described IN the former treatyse Deare Theophylus we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teach vntyll the daye in whych he was taken vp after that he thorow the holy goost had gyuen commaundemente vnto the Apostles whome he hadde chosen Ioh. xx to whom also he shewed hymselfe alyue after hys passion and that by many tokens appearynge vnto them fourtye dayes and speakynge of the kyngdome of God lu xxiiij and gathered them together and commaunded them that they shulde not departe frō Ierusalē Ioh. iiij but to wayte for the promise of the father wherof sayth he ye haue herd of me For Ihon truly baptysed with water Ioh. i. but ye shal be baptised wyth the holy gost after these few dayes Whan they therfore were come together math iij they asked of hym saynge Lorde wylt thou at this tyme restore agayne the kyngdom to Israel And he said vnto them Math. xxiij lu xxiiij It is not for you to knowe the tymes or the seasons whych the father hath put in hys owne power but ye shall receaue power after that the holy goost is come vpon you Ioh. xv And ye shal be wytnesses vnto me not only in Ierusalem but also in all Iewry and in Samary and euen vnto the worldes ende And whā he had spokē these thynges whyle they behelde he was taken vp an hye Mar. xvi and a cloude receaued hym vp out of theyr syght And whyle they loked stedfastly vp toward heauē as he went beholde two men stode by them in whyte apparell whych also sayd Math. xxiiij mar xiij Apoc. i. ye men of Galilee why stande ye gasynge vp into heauen Thys same Iesus whyche is taken vp from you into heauen shall so come euen as ye haue sene hym go vp into heauen WElbeloued brethren and systers in our Sauiour Christe thys daye is called the Ascension daye because that as thys daye Christe our Sauiour and redemer mounted or styed vp to heauen after hys resurrection leauynge hys Apostles and disciples vpon the earth whych thynge is one of the articles of our Crede or beleue And albeit saynt Luke the holy Euāgelist doth ascertayne vs of this thing in the ende of hys Gospell whych he wrote of the actes and lyfe of Christ yet for asmuche as he touched the thynge but brefly and lyghtly there therfore he doeth here in the lesson of thys daye whych is the begynnynge of an other boke that he wrote for our instruction of the dedes and actes of the Apostles intreate the mater more at large Fyrst therfore ye shall marke and obserue good people that the Euangelical histories do paynt out Christ vnto vs as yet couered wyth the burthen of the fleshe ☞ as yet not glorifyed how be it in the meane season he declared hymselfe aswell by hys heauenly doctrine as by many hys myracles which he shewed that he was very God But in the actes of the Apostles he is described and set forth vnto vs as one that nowe raygneth is glorifyed Thus therfore saynt Luke begynneth hys description In the former treatyse or boke whych I wrote dearly beloued frēd Theophilus whych by interpretation sygnifyeth a louer of God we haue spoken of all that Iesus beganne to do and teache Theophilus He sayeth not of all that Iesus began to teache do For our Sauiour Christe fyrst dyd practyse and worke such thynges as he afterwarde taught He wente to Ihons baptisme Mat. iij. He wythdrewe hymselfe for a season out of the company of the worlde afore he wolde take vpon hym to preache and to teach other Mat. iiij The spirite led hym into wyldernesse where he fasted fourty dayes and fourty nyghtes He suffred there moost sharpe honger to arme hymselfe wyth abstinence and pacience He there endured the mooste bytter assaultes and temtacions of our goostly enemye the
AMEN ¶ Imprinted at London by Richarde Bankes and are to be solde in Fletestrete at the sygne of the whyte Harte Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ❧ THE EPIstles and Gospelles with a brief Postyll vpon the same from Trinitie sonday tyll Aduent drawen forth by dyuerse learned men for the singuler cōmoditie of al good christians and namely of prestes and Curates Christus Mat. iiij Poenitentiam agite appropinquauit enim regnum coelorum Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ANNO. M.D.XL THE COPY OF THE KINGES GRACIOVS PRIVILEGE HEnry the eyght by the grace of God kynge of England and of Fraūce defensour of the faith lord of Irelande and in earth supreme hed immediatly vnder Christ of the church of Englande To al Printers of bokes wythin thys our Realme and to all other our officers ministers and subiectes these oure letters hearyng or seynge greatyng We let you wete that we of our grace especiall haue gyuen priuilege vnto oure welbiloued subiecte Richarde Bankes that no maner parson wythin thys oure Realme shal prynte any maner of bokes what so euer our sayde subiecte shall prynte first wythin the space of seuen yeares nexte ensuyng the prynting of euery suche boke so by hym printed vpon payne of forfeture the same Wherfore we wol and commaunde you that ye nor none of you do presume to prynte any of the sayde bokes duryng the tyme afore sayde as ye tendre oure pleasure and woll auoyde the contrary The Epistle on Corpus Christi day The fyrste epistle to the Corinthyans the .xi. chapter Th argument ☞ The institution of the most blessed sacrament of the Aulter is here by S. Paule described vnto vs. BRethren that which I deliuered vnto you I receyued of the lorde For the Lorde Iesus the same nyght in whych he was betrayed toke breade and when he had gyuen thākes he brake it and said Take ye and eate this is my body whych is broken for you Thys do ye in the remembraunce of me After the same maner also he toke the cup whē supper was done sayenge Thys cup is the newe Testament in my bloude This do as oft as ye drynke it in remembraunce of me For as oft as ye shal eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shal shewe the lordes death tyl he come Wherfore whosoeuer shall eate of thys breade and drynke of this cup vnworthyly shal be gylty of the body and bloude of the lorde But let a man examyne him selfe and so let him eate of the breade and dryncke of the cup. For he that eateth and drynketh vnworthely eateth and drynketh hys owne damnation because he maketh no difference of the lordes body ☞ The exhortacion vpon this epistle ye shall fynd immediatly before the Epistle on Easter daye The Gospell on Corpus Christi daye The .vi chapiter of Iohn̄ Th argument ☞ Christ is the true breade of lyfe IEsus sayde vnto his disciples and vnto the company of the Iues. My fleshe is meate in dede and my bloud is drinke in dede He that eateth my flesh and drynketh my blod dwelleth in me I in hym As the lyuing father hath sent me and I lyue for the father Euen so he that eateth me shall lyue by the meanes of me Thys is that breade whiche came downe from heauen not as your fathers dyd eate Manna and are deade He that eateth of this bread shall lyue euer IN this present Gospel good people our sauiour Christ which is the true shepherd and feder of our soules goeth about to shake of frō oure myndes the fylthy cares of thys corporall life willyng vs rather to apply our selfes and to labour wyth the gredy desire of the heuenly and gostly ryches to obteyne euerlasting life He biddeth vs caste out of our myndes the worldy breade wherwith our bodyes be fedde and couet that heuenly brede which giueth and conferreth vnto vs euerlastinge and immortall lyfe of the soule Thys breade is taken by faythe and fayth is to be obteyned and gotten of almyghty god For it is vndoubtedly hys gyfte Whosoeuer therfore beleueth in Christe he alredy hathe euerlastyng lyfe inasmuche as he hath the foūtayne of immortalitie I am sayeth Christe the breade of lyfe As who shulde say I am that same fode whiche gyueth lyfe not only corporall but rather the lyfe of the soule and eternall The Iues amonges whom Christ was conuersaūt and vnto whom he had this cōmunicacion bosted muche in the Manna that was sente downe from heauen vnto theyr auncestours But what sayeth Christe vnto them Your fathers dyd eate Manna in the wyldernes and dyed Austin Your fathers sayeth S. Austine bicause you be lyke them murmuryng fathers of murmuryng chyldren For assuredly this people in nothyng offended god more then in grutchyng and murmuryng agaynste God Now they therfore dyed bicause they beleued sayeth S. Austin the thynge that they sawe ☜ but the thyng they sawe not they beleued not nor yet vnderstode O sacramentum pietatis o signum vnitatis The wordes of saynte Austine o vinculum charitatis Qui vult viuere habet vnde viuat accedat credat incorporetur vt viuificet O wonderfull sacrament of godlynes o wonderfull token of vnitie o wonderfull bond of charitie He that wyl lyue he hath wherof he may lyue let him drawe nigh let him beleue let him be incorporated that he may be quickened Let him not departe for the frame of the membres let him not be a rotten mēbre worthy to be cut of nor yet croked whereof he may be ashamed Let him be a fayre mēbre open sounde cleauing to the body Let him lyue to god Let him nowe labour in earthe that he maye afterwarde lyue in heauen The sacramēt of this thing saith this holy doctour that is to saye of the vnitie of the body and bloude of Christe is taken at gods bourde of some men to their saluatiō and of some to their damnation ☜ The thynge it selfe is ordeined to the saluation of al men and to the destruction of none For my fleshe sayeth Christe is very meate and my blode very dryncke Thys breade cam downe from heuen and hath an heuenly power of workynge gyuen it of god that who so euer worthely do eate it shall lyue eternally and neuer dye Wherfore good christen people we haue no nede to demaunde from heuen any Manna sythe we haue the very heuenly breade in dede that is to say the body of our sauiour Christe ready vnto vs to gyue vs euerlasting lyfe if so be we wol take it worthely with fayth For vndoubtedly Christ is that heuenly breade whiche gyueth immortalitie to our soules whych for oure sakes was betrayed and crucifyed He is the worde of god in whom who so euer stedfastly woll beleue shall haue euerlasting lyfe Who so euer shall conuey thys heuenly breade into the bowels of his soule shal be nourished and growe vp to euerlastinge lyfe For assuredly thys is the lyuely
thre therfore the fathers haue founde out the worde person for the auoydynge of many errours Why the feaste of Trinitie was institute And hereof for discernynge the sayd persons is the name of Trinitie come into the church wherby we sygnifye not .iij. vnegall persons but thre persons coequal of one in diuisible substaunce and essencie And as touchinge the vse of thys feast oure predecessours thought it good to haue some certayne tyme appoynted in the church wherin they myght intreate of the offices of those thre persons egall in godheade And bycause the fourth chapter of the Apocalyps semeth to sette forth wonderfully well the maiestie of God and not obscurely to touche the mysterye of the Trinitie the church of Englande condescended to haue the same red in the church thys daye whych brefely God wyllynge we shal declare vnto you Thus it beginneth After thys I loked and beholde a dore open in heauen and the fyrst voyce I herde was as of a trōpe speakynge wyth me sayenge Come vp hither and I shall shewe the what shal be done herafter Thys dore whych saynt Ihon sawe open no doubte is the intraunce and commynge to the new and heauenly lyfe whych Christe oure Sauioure hath made vs as the Epistle to the Hebrues the .x. phil iij. chapter wytnesseth For our cōuersacion ought now to be in heauē And saynt Ihon doth here describe the Iudicial power of Christe gyuen hym of the heauenlye father wherewyth he defendeth hys churche from the power of the aduersaries And he sayeth There was a seate set and vpon it a sytter wherby he sygnifyeth the stabilitie of Christes raygne For hys seate or trone is as Dauid sayeth worlde wythout ende And he that satte vpon thys glorious and princelye trone or seate was to loke vpon lyke a Iaspar stone and a Sardyne stone Psalm lxxxiiij By thys is vnderstanded nothynge els but a certayne heauenly royall bewty shewynge aswell the maiestye as the power most excellent of the iudge Christ For the cloth of estate royall seates of kynges be wont to be moost rychely decked and furnyshed for the settynge out of theyr Maiestye and authoritie Nowe the Iaspar stone they saye beareth the semblaunce of water and the Sardyn stone of fyer wherby is vnderstanded that the Lorde is wont to make hys iudgementes in water and in fyer as appeareth Gen. vij and .xix. Exo. xiiij and in the seconde Epistle of Peter the last chapiter and in many other places of scripture The raynebow And a raynebowe was about the seat in syght lyke to an Emerald The raynebowe is a token that god the father is made at one wyth vs by Christ and reconciled to mankynde emerald as appeareth Gen. ix Nowe the Emeralde they say is of such grenenes vertue that it maketh all thynges aboute it to floryshe and growe Lactantius Euen so by Christ the world is renewed and it reflorysheth as Lactantius doth very elegauntly and well declare in a certayne Hymne And aboute the seate were .xxiiij. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiij. elders syttynge clothed in whyte raiment and had on their heades crownes of gold Saint Ihon doth here allude to the maner of a realme well ordered where kynges and princes whyche are to gyue sentence in maters of weyghte woll not do it wythout the assistence of certayne auncient personages that haue good experience of thynges and knowlege of the best lawes lest they myght seme to condempne any man of theyr owne priuate lust and pleasure Wherfore by this allusiō he declareth that God is a moost iust iudge whose sentence all iuste persons shal approue and prayse as moost ryghtful and true By the .xxiiij. elders ye shall vnderstande aswell the patriarches and prophetes of the olde synagoge as the Apostles Euangelistes doctours of the new Testament Exod. xxiiii Nu. xi Act. xx and also the godly kynges iuges of both peoples For they in scripture be called Elders Now by the syttynge of these Elders is vnderstande the felowship of the iudiciall power with Christ accordynge to Christes owne sayenge Mat. xix Ye shall also syt vpon the .xij. seates iudgynge the xij trybes i. cor vi Also saynt Paule wytnesseth that saintes shall iudge of thys worlde By theyr whyte garmentes or robes wherewyth they were clothed is sygnifyed purenes of mynde innocencye and indifferent iudgement wythout affection Exod. xviiij By theyr crownes of golde vpon theyr heades I vnderstande the mooste pure sense of faith wherby they shal iuge of al accordynge to the arbitrement of God so that what so euer they shall iuge vpon earth shal be ratifyed also in heauen accordynge to that sayng of Christ Mathew xviii What soeuer ye bynde on earth shal be bounde in heuen and what soeuer ye louse on erth the same shal be loused in heauen Furthermore they sygnifye the felowshyp of the victories and raygne of Christ Cap. xi accordynge to that in the Epistle to the Hebrues The sayntes haue vaynquyshed realmes by fayth It foloweth in the texte And out of the seate proceded lyghtenynges and thonderynges and voyces And there were seuen lampes of fyre burnynge before the seate whyche are the seuen spirites of God The preachynge of the Apostles and of men apostolical is compared to lyghtenynge and thondrynge bycause by it is proclamed the fearfulnes of gods iudgementes the whych hange ouer the heades of infideles and such as beleue not By the .vii. lampes of fyre brennyng before the trone I vnderstande the septiforme spirite of God that is to wyt the fulnes and perfection of the heauenly graces wherwyth the kyngdome of Christ is furnyshed Esa xi i. cor xij It foloweth And before the seate there was a see of glasse lyke vnto Crystall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde about the seate were foure beastes full of eyes before and behynde c. My frendes the calamities of thys worlde wherwyth the stynch of the fleshe is repourged and the naughtye affectes of the same vtterly mortifyed muste nedes be passed ouer of vs euen as it behoued the people of God to passe the red see before they coulde entre into the lande of promission Wherfore those heauenly and spiritual waters be here sygnifyed wherwythal the pourgynge of the soules and the spiritual regeneratiō is made Ioh. iij. i. Pe. iiij For onles a man be borne agayne of water and spirite he can not se God And he calleth it a see after the Hebrues fashion whych be wont to call al gatherynges of waters sees as in the thyrd boke of kynges it is called the brasen see wherin the prestes in theyr ministracion washed and in certaine other places Now glasse is a bryght thyng wherby is meant that the water of baptisme purifyeth and maketh bryght not so much the bodye as the hartes yea euē in the outwarde conuersation of maners according to that of Christe Let your lyght so shyne before
the louyng kyndnes and mercy of Christ towardes vs wretched synners and lost shepe vnto whome only thys gospell is propouned for a synguler comforte For the pharisees scribes whych be blynded with theyr owne proper iustice be not only no partakers of thys moost comfortable Gospell but more ouer they vtterly vnderstād it not Yea whan they se that Christe bestoweth hys Gospell vpon synners they grudge therat inuye that they shulde haue such fauour and grace at hys handes The publicanes then that is to saye customers Publicanes tribute gatherers or baylyfes whych amonges the Iues and namely amōges the religiouse pharisees were counted vnholy persons and the other notorious and open synners resorted to Christe to heare hym They had herde much of hym and what wonders and myracles he had shewed amonges the people and namely they had herde of hys comfortable doctrine Wherfore they come now knowyng them selues synners and therfore not quyet in theyr cōscience to seke rest to theyr soules and to heare Christ whome forthwyth he louyngly receyueth and lyke a tender and a good phisician goeth about to laye his medecine and salue to theyr diseases All hys pacient hearers and humble suters he healeth not onely in body but also in soule But the moost holy and religious pharisees and famouse doctours of the law and scribes are nothynge content herew t they murmoure they grudge they snouffe at hym and what saye they Lo thys felowe whyche is reported to be the sonne of God and whych maketh himselfe so perfyte and holy a persone receyueth synful persons in to hys company and eateth drynketh wyth them But he put forth this parable vnto them c. Good people ye shal vnderstande that our mayster Christ bycause he wolde not gyue a iust cause of offense to the pharisees scribes studyeth to heale them wyth two feate parables by whych he teacheth that not without cause he receiueth synners and eateth with them Yea he declareth that hys office requyreth to preache glad tydynges to the poore not to breake a broused rede nor to quenche the smokynge flaxe as Esay had prophecyed of hym Esa xl Moreouer that hys offyce and feate was to feede hys flocke lyke a shepeherde to gather together the lambes with hys arme to releue them in hys bosome Ezechi xxxiiii also such as be lost to seke vp such as go astraye to brynge agayne suche as be wounded to bynde vp suche as be weake to make stronge and so forth Al these offyces of Christ be euery where recorded in scripture and he doth expresse them here in the parables insuynge to thintēt he wolde shewe that he doth not amysse in that he receyueth synners and taketh meate wyth them In dede Christ myght haue made answere to the pharisees and scribes wythout parables euen wyth open textes out of the prophetes concernynge hys offices But thys he doth not that hearynge they shuld not heare and seynge they shuld not se but at last shuld peryshe by the iust iudgement of God And in these parables lyeth hyd the ryght dradfull iudgement of God agaynst these proude religious and holy pharisees that woll euermore iustifye themselues which shal be reiected and shaken of wyth theyr iusticies where as the penitent and lowly synners shal be receyued What man of you sayth Christe whyche yf he haue an hundred shepe and fortune to lose one of them wyll not forthwyth leaue the fourescore nyntene in wyldernesse and go after that whych is lost vntyll he fynde it And whan he hath founde it for ioye he layeth it on hys shulders and he cōmeth not so sone home but he calleth together hys frendes hys neyghbours and desyreth them to reioyse wyth hym for the fyndynge agayne of hys lost shepe So sayeth Christ ioye shal be in heauen ouer one synner that repenteth more then ouer foure score and .xix. persons whych nede no repentaunce My frendes what meaneth thys parable The declaraciō of the parable who is thys sheperd or shepemayster Surely it is our mayster Christ he fedeth hys shepe he teacheth all men in the wylsome deserte worlde of these shepe one strayth abrode and is lost the other in theyr owne conceytes and iudgement erre not but be styll in the ryght waye and therfore they nede not to be sought and to be redemed And truly good people the nomber is very smal of them that shal be saued for the rest of the people thinke themselues iust and ryghtuous persons by the merytes of theyr owne workes The shepe that goeth a straye sygnifyeth them whych know themselues synners these doth Christ seke vp yea he came for these mens sakes that he myght redeme them Here then ye se the fynall cause and vse of Christ Esa xlij The sonne of man came to seke and saue that was lost he came in to thys worlde to saue synners So then there be .ij. sortes of iust or ryghtuous persons in the worlde He that knowlegeth his synnes vnworthines and beleueth on hym that iustifyeth the wycked is iuste by fayth and he is the true iust and good person The other is he that woll be iustifyed made good by the workes of the lawe Iustice pharisaicall thys iustice is called the pharisaicall iustice Of thys iustice Christ speaketh thus Onles your ryghtuousnes passe the ryghtuousnes of the scribes and pharisees ye shall not entre into the kyngdome of God Math. v And in the .xvi. chapter of Luke he sayeth Ye be they which iustify your selues before men but God knoweth your hartes The seconde parable of the woman whych had lost a grote and after much sekynge founde it agayne meaneth the same thynge that the other parable doth In dede the woman is a weake vessell ☞ So Christe applyeth hymselfe to the weake and vnperfyte persons The woman lyghteth a candell swepeth her house seketh diligently her coigne that she hath lost she neuer ceaseth tyl she hath foūde it agayne Euen so carefull and desyrous is our Sauiour Christe to call synners to repentaunce ☞ Now yf ye woll knowe the cause of our repentaunce ye shall vnderstande that it is not our owne worke nor our owne meryte and deseruynge but bycause Christ our shepeherde seketh vs yea we shulde vtterly perysh strayenge in the wyldernes yf Christ our herdmā sought vs not vp But how doth he seke vs Truly by hys worde whyche beynge preached vnto vs reproueth vs of our wandrynge and strayenge abrode whyche knowen we be brought agayne by Christe our pastoure and shepeherde to the flocke that is to wyte we be made the true members of the true church And after we be ones reduced and broughte home agayne to the flocke we be not set in a felde alone by our selues where we alone shall fede but togyther wyth that rest of the flocke and vnder our shepeherde we seke all one and the same fode and do the same that the rest of the shepe do
into the depe and let slyppe your nettes to make a draught And Simon answered and sayd vnto hym Mayster we haue laboured all nyght and haue taken nothynge Neuertheles at thy commaundement I wyll louse forth the nette And whan they had thys done they inclosed a great multitude of fysshes But theyr net brake they beckned to theyr felowes which were in the shyp that they shulde come and helpe them And they came and fylled both the shyppes that they sonke agayne Whan Simon Peter sawe thys he fell downe at Iesus knees sayenge Lorde go from me for I am a synfull man For he was astonnyed al that were wyth hym at the draught of fysshes whych they had taken and so was also Iames and Ihon the sonnes of Zebede which were parteners with Simon And Iesus said vnto Simō feare not from hence forth thou shalt catch men And they broughte the shyppes to lande and forsoke all and folowed hym IN thys Gospel good people Christ teacheth the vertue and power of hys worde to thyntent to cōfirme the fayth of hys disciples that he is the true Messias God an man Furthermore he taketh care for theyr bodelye sustenaunce sygnifyenge that nothyng can wel prosper onles he furthereth and putteth hys hande thervnto Now thā after that Christ had preached in Galilie as in the chapter before is mencioned it came to passe when the synfull people whych were troubled in conscience wyth theyr offenses preassed vpon hym to heare the worde of God that theyr conscience myghte be healed by the medicine therof he stode by the lake of Genezareth which is a water of Galilie and he saw two shippes stande by the water syde but the fyshermen were gone out of them and were washynge theyr nettes For they had laboured al nyght in vayne and had caught no fyshe Wherfore they now vtterly despayred to take any there and therfore they were about to haue left worke But our Sauioure Christe knowynge all wythin hymselfe sekynge herby occasion to shewe hys power for thā is god wont moost of al to helpe when man can do no good entred into one of the shippes whych pertayned to Simon whome afterward Christ named Peter And Christ Rogauit eum wheras he was the sonne of God and had all in hys hande and myght haue commaunded and taken awaye all yet he dyd none of all thys but mekely and gently prayed this Symon that he wolde thurst out his shyppe a lytle from the lande to thintent he myght the more quyetly syt hymselfe downe and teache But ye wyll aske Sedens docebat why Christ sat whan he taught Surely syttinge is a sygne of a meke and peacible preacher he was not a busye and braggynge stryuer or contender as many preachers be but he taught in moost quyet and sober wyse And whan he had lefte speakyng he bad Simon launche out into the depe let slyppe theyr nettes to make a draught Here ye shall marke ☜ that Christ fyrst feadeth the soule wyth hys preachynge or euer he feade the bodye wyth meate for els forthwyth whan he had sene the fyshermen washyng theyr nettes he myght haue wrought the myracle folowynge But Christ is euer wonte to preferre the fode of the soule before the thynges pertaynynge to the sustentacion of the body Mat. vi and therfore he wylleth vs fyrst to seke the kyngdome of heauen and the iustice therof and all shal be cast vnto vs. Wherfore after he had fedde the people wyth preachynge he confirmeth it wyth a myracle The vse of myracles For the vse of all myracles is that by the same the doctrine of Christe shulde be confirmed Now thys myracle tendeth hervnto that all our labour trauayle for our bodely sustenaūce is in vayne onles the blessynge and helpinge hande of God be put therto Wherfore these fyshermen bycause they fyrst sought the kyngdom of god be now bydden to laūche out into the depe and to let slyppe theyr nettes to make a draught And albeit that Simon Peter dispayred that the lettynge downe of the nettes coulde do any good seynge they had laboured all the nyght before in vayne yet anone he beleueth Christes worde and applyeth hymselfe by faith to the byddynge of Christ So they dyd cast downe theyr nette and caught an excedynge great nombre of fyshes Here we be exhorted to labour and also to fayth that we shulde beleue the worde of god which yf we do there shal be no doubt at al for our lyuing but it shall folow not skasely but plētyfully so that it shal be ynough for Peter ☞ that Peter maye gyue parte to other Now whan Simon Peter sawe the great myracle that Christ wrought here wyth hym he fell downe at Iesus knees sayenge Lorde go frō me for I am a synfull man Here good people we be taught what we owe to the Lorde for hys benefites and large blessynge of foode Fyrst to be thankefull vnto hym accordynge to thexemple of Peter Secondly that we shulde acknowlege oure vnworthynes how we be farre vnworthy that God shulde bestowe so hygh benefytes vpon vs. Repentaunte harte And thys vnworthynes ought to sprynge of the knowlege of our sinnes as Peter here lyke a good penitent person said Lorde departe from me for I am a synfull man Thus a man to shewe hys kyndnes and to knowlege hymselfe a synfull person before God the scripture calleth it the sacrifice of prayse moost acceptable to the Lorde of heauen ☜ But what dyd our Sauiour Christ answere agayne vnto Symon Peter Feare not from hence forth thou shalt catch men Here we be warned by thexemple of Peter Iames Ihon to set all thynges behynde the studye of the Gospell and yf by the state of oure lyfe we be called to the offyce of preachynge to obey our callynge But mans reason as it woll rule all so it is here also very busye whych whan it heareth Obiecti ¦ on that these fyshermen left altogether and folowed Christe forthwyth gathereth Then after the receyuynge of the gospell we must forsake wyfe chyldren landes and all that we haue To thys I answere that thys conclusion can not be applyed to the exemples of these fyshermen Solutiō For they chaunged not the condicion and state of theyr lyfe For the Euangelist doth not expresse that But admytte they chaunged the state of theyr lyfe Ye muste consyder that they were called to an other state for they were called to catche men that is to saye to preach gods worde Howbeit here is not prescribed in these Apostles a commaundement for vs to folowe the same albeit they left al that they had The fayth of sayntes or holy persons is to be folowed of all men generally ☞ but it is not necessary that the workes shulde be egall in all For els we shulde be compelled to become fyrste fyshermen and afterwarde to leaue fyshyngcraft as these disciples dyd Ye must vnderstande then that
out of our soules the hole body and lompe of synne viciouse nature wherin we be borne In dede so to mortifye synne that we shulde fele no motions therof so lōge as we be in the body it can not be but yet by goddes holy spirite yf we take good hede we maye so lyue that we shall not serue synne and be led wylfully vnder the dominion therof Wherfore they whyche so loue theyr euell affections that they stryue not agaynst them to subdue them to God wante goddes spirite the gage of theyr saluation and so serue synne as theyr lorde and mayster and therfore be vnder the daunger of synne and deserue the stypende therof whych is euerlastyng deth Rom. vi but he that with good hart and wyll studyeth to resyst and fyght against synne and the motions therof and laboureth to kyll it dayly more and more is now iustifyed from synne that is to saye delyuered from the daunger and penaltye therof Rom. ix For saynt Paule sayeth playnly to the Romaynes Yf ye mortifye the dedes of the fleshe and lustes of the corruptible body ye shal lyue in this epistle he sayeth the same that yf we be folowers of Christ in his death that is in dyeng to synne we beleue certaynly that we shall lyue wyth hym Christe ones was rysen frō death and dyeth nomore death shall nomore haue power of hym for in that he dyed sayeth oure epistle he dyed ones for all and by hys ones dyenge he destroyed synne for euer He dyed ones to synne and after he was ones deade he was neuer assauted of synne after but quyte discharged of it and nowe lyueth to God and euermore shall he enioye the lyfe whych he is now attayned vnto and shall neuer dye agayne Euen so suppose you youre selues deade to synne that is to saye thynke youre selues so to be discharged from synne that Christe hath destroyed the power therof for you as ye conforme your selfe to the lyfe of vertue In baptysme ye dye to synne and promyse to lyue to ryghtuousnes and therfore yf ye kepe youre promyse you be deade to synne and synne is vtterly deade in you so that ye folowe not the lustes therof Euen so the lyfe whych you now lyue is to God and to hys pleasure Ye lyue now by your fayth in ryghtuousnes which commeth by Iesus Christ our Lorde not of any workes of ryghtuousnes whyche we haue done sayeth S. Paule lest we shulde glorye in our selfe for thys lyfe of grace wherin we lyue before God Titū iij But of his mercy hath he saued vs thorow the foūtayne of baptysme wherin we be new borne agayne and renewed by the holy goost to lyue thys newe lyfe acceptable before god And as by the mercy of our Lorde we be set in thys lyfe of grace and strenghthed by hys gracyouse spirite to contynue vs therin no more to retorne and fall to synne and to the lustes therof euen so is the lyfe of glory which we now tary for in hope the gyfte of almyghty God thorow the merites and purchasynge of Christe Iesu Rom. vi i. cor i that all myghte be of God and no fleshe shulde glorye in his syght but he that wyll glory let hym glorye in the Lorde Nowe my frendes these thynges afore rehersed wel consydered let vs diligently laboure wyth oure selues to mortifye and subdue the euell desyres of our fleshe Yf we wyll haue any parte of Christes death and resurrection let vs kepe batayl wyth the flesh and beware we be not subdued therof We do boast of Christ in vayne yf we serue the desyre of synne For it is not ynough to say that we be christen men and that we pertayne to Christe i. Io. ij for he that sayeth he abyde in Christ as wryteth saynt Ihon must in such wyse walke in hys lyfe as Christ walked in hys for it is not he sayeth our Sauiour whyche sayeth to me Lorde Mat. xij Lorde that shal enter into the kyngdome of heauen but he that doeth the wyll of my father whych is in heauen How much then are they deceyued whych in such wyse do fansye of Christ and hys death that they care not into what synne they fall continue in only trustyng vaynly vpon the merytes of the same where here saynt Paule affirmeth that we shall neuer lyue wyth Christ excepte we mortifye our euyll affections and desyres and lyue in ryghtuousnes Heb. xi For though God requyreth fayth as the fyrste entre to come to Christe yet he requyreth also that out of thys fayth shulde springe good and vertuouse lyuyng Fyrst he sayeth in the gospel of saynt Marke Marc. i. Repent and beleue the Gospell It is no fayth that hath not repentaunce It is a vayne repentaunce wherin be espyed no workes of repentaunce Nowe the workes of true repentaunce be feare and drede of God hatred of synne purpose of amendemente diligence to watch agaynst the euell motions of syn Surely ther is no fayth where the spirite of God is not And there is not the spirite of God but the spirite of the deuell where such frutes be raygnyng as be adultery fornication wantonnes hatred stryfe enuye wrath cōtention sedition partestakyng Gal. v. murther dronkennes and excesse The doers of these yf they repent not shall neuer be inheritours with Christ how much so euer they boast of Christ And agaynst these must we dayly fight to subdue them yf we wil be of Christes flocke For as saynt Hierom wryteth Ne semel putemus ardorem fidei posse sufficere Hiero. suꝑ mathe x. semper crux portanda est vt semper Christum amare doceamur Ita apostolus portabat iugiter carnis mortificationem in corpore suo quod qui facit omni tempore semper orat semper poenitet c. Let vs not thinke that the feruentnesse of fayth can ones suffyse euermore must the crosse be borne that so we maye be taught euer to loue Christ Thus dyd the apostle beare cōtinually the mortification of the fleshe in hys body August ad Iuli. lib. iiij cap. iij whych thynge he that doth dothe praye alwaye and repent alwaye Also saint Austine sayeth Whosoeuer is wythout the fayth which worketh by charitie though he seme to repent doynge it but faynedly is an euel tree and of such a tree what sayeth saynt Ihon baptyst Mat. iij. Euery tree whych bryngeth not forth good frute shal be cut vp and cast into the fyer Let vs my frendes all vayne presumptions and false trustes cast awaye labour to performe our promyse whych we made at the fount stone let vs I saye renounce the deuell and hys suggestions and serue Christ our Lorde and mayster by the true workes of ryghtuousnes Let vs watch daylye agaynst oure euell dispositions that we maye lyke obedient chyldren of God glorifye God in oure lyfe i. Ioh. iij In so doynge we shall persuade oure owne hartes that we pertayne to hym
and that we haue the true fayth whych is of value before God To whome wyth the sonne and the holy goost be prayse for euer and euer Amen The Gospell on the .vj. sondaye after Trinitie The .v. chapter of Matheu Th argument ☞ Christ correcteth the false doctrine of the pharisees and teacheth the true iustice IEsus sayd vnto hys disciples Verely I saye vnto you except your ryghteousnes excede the ryghteousnes of the scribes and pharisees ye can not entre into the kyngdome of heuen Ye haue herd that it was sayd vnto them of the old tyme Thou shalt not kyll who soeuer kylleth shal be in daunger of iudgement But I saye vnto you that who soeuer is angrye wyth hys brother vnaduisedly shal be in daunger of iudgement And whosoeuer saye vnto hys brother Racha shal be in daūger of a councel But whosoeuer sayeth thou fole shal be in daūger of hell fyre Therfore yf thou offrest thy gyfte at the altare and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the leaue there thyne offrynge before the aulter go thy way fyrst and be reconciled to thy brother then come offre thy gift IN thys Gospell good people our sauiour Christ correcteth the corrupte doctrine of the Scribes and Pharisees and vtterly disproueth theyr ryghtuousnes and teacheth vs whych is the true ryghtuousnes sayenge Onles youre ryghtuousnes passe the ryghtuousnes of the scribes and pharisees ye can not entre into the kyngdome of heauen As who shulde saye onles your cōuersacion your good lyuynge in loue and charitie your studye and zele to folowe gods commaundementes be aboue the pharisees thynke not to come to heauen Fyrst ye muste marke the difference betwene gods cōmaundementes and mans whych is touched in thys selfe chapter a lytle before where Christ sayd Whosoeuer shal breake one of these lest commaundentes shal be called the leste in the kyngdome of heauen that is he shal be sure neuer to entre into heauen Here ye may not gather that these be lytle or small commaundementes of God For Christe speaketh here after the iudgement of the people For the scribes and pharisees had so taught and entysed the people to folowe the lawes and constitutions of men that gods lawe was lytle or nothynge regarded So that Christe there dyd speake after the maner and reputacion of them But surely he that shal teache so shal be called the lest in heauen that is he shall not come there at all For the pharisees had auaunced the lawes commaundementes ceremonies tradicions and inuencions of men aboue the lawes and commaundementes of god Howe Christ expouneth the lawe Christ therfore expouneth the lawe accordynge to the mynde and sentence of God whych requyreth euē moost pure affections of the harte wheras the pharisees thought it ynough to fulfyl the lawe in outwarde worke after theyr exposition Ye haue herde sayeth Christ that it was sayd vnto them of the olde tyme. Non occides Thou shalte not kyll c. My frēdes fyrst ye muste note that it is the father of heauen that speaketh these wordes and that he speaketh them to euery one of vs. Nowe what meaneth he by these wordes Surely he meaneth playnly herby that thou mayst not slee neyther wyth thy body nor wyth any member But seynge these wordes were spoken to man let vs consyder wherof man is made Euery one of vs is made of body and soule To the bodye longeth the heade feete armes and the other mēbers In the soule or mynde of man do raygne affections as rancour malice hatred grudge wrath and enuie To the bodye I saye perteyne all thy mēbers Then thou mayst kyll noman wyth thy heade that is thou mayest gyue no token to any other man to kyll nor yet gyue counsayll to any other to do it Nor thou mayest kyll noman wyth thy handes So in lyke wyse of the mynde thou mayst not be wroth nor out of charitie wyth thy brethren nor desyre or wyll them any hurte by corrupte affections of thy mynde yf thou doest thou surely breakest thys cōmaūdement Now the Iues pharisees dyd not vnderstande theyr lawe but toke it carnally For they thought yf they did not kyl outwardly wyth sword all was saufe But bycause they were so blynded wyth ignoraunce therfore Christe expouneth them thys commaundement sayenge But I saye vnto you that whosoeuer is angry with hys brother wythout cause shal be in daunger of iudgement Racha is a signe or a gesture of an angry person and who soeuer sayeth to hys brother racha shal be in daunger of counsayll But who so euer sayeth foole shal be in daunger of hell fyre Surely my frendes to beare malyce and yre in hart secretly agaynst thy neyghbour is not so greate as to speke it also as to cal thy brother Racha as who shulde saye ah or well For vndoubtedlye it is a token of a greater malyce whan it breaketh out and is spoken But it is a more offence to speake it wyth a greater violence as to saye foole to thy brother in despyte and malyce wyllynge hym hurte and it is vndoubtedly ryght damnable and so be they al thre but yet there be degrees For loke how the grefe of the offense be spoken and done so shall the payne be distributed I saye they be all damnable but the one is deper then the other The greater the offence be the more paine in hel But now a dayes we go further then to saye foole For we call in despyte hooremayster thefe horeson vilayne yea traytour heretique pharisee infidele and not alonly in speakynge but also intendynge to auenge and execute our malicious mynde Oh what a depe damnation hangeth ouer these men How hygh a presumption is thys to compare wyth God to auaunce oure selues in gods rowme and to auenge our selues whych thynge only perteyneth to hym For he sayeth Let me alone wyth vengeaunce and I shall paye it It foloweth Therfore yf thou offerest thy gyfte at the aultare and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the leaue there thyne offerynge before the aultare c. Good people I praye you marke well thys maner of speakynge that Christ vseth He byddeth vs leaue there our offeryng He differreth no tyme but sayeth go by and by and reconcile thy brother or els I hate the and thy offerynge Therfore fyrst reconcile thy brother and then come and offer vp thy gyfte Reconcile By recōcilyng of thy brother is meant to make hym at one whan thou haste brought hym out of charitie or hast seperated him out of Christes flocke and made hym the chylde of euerlastyng dāpnacion And thys makynge at one in to brynge hym agayne into Christes flocke to make hym the chylde of saluation Furthermore yf thou perceyuest thy brother offended and angrye wyth the though thou hast gyuen hym no cause yet thou arte bydden here of Christ to go and make him at one and then come and offer vp thy gyfte After
Math. vi Forgyue vs our trespasses as we forgyue thē that trespasse agaynst vs. And by these wordes sayeth saynt Austine humblynge oure soules we cease not after a maner to do dayly penaunce But it is to be feared lest many of vs playe rather the pharisees parte thynkynge our selues hyghly in gods fauour and in the meane season despysynge our neghbours whych by theyr humble submission and penitent hertes shall get vp before vs. Heauen is gyuen not to such as iustifie themselues by their owne dedes but to such as mekely and penitently call for mercy pardon and grace wherby they maye afterward worke that maye be pleasaunt in gods syght Who wol surely in heauen crowne them wyth glorye immortall To whome be honoure and prayse for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the .xij. sondaye after Trinitie The .ij. Epistle to the Corin. the .iij. Chap. Th argument ☞ The ministration of the gospel is here praysed BRethren such trust haue we thorow Christ to godwarde not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke any thynge as of oure selues but yf we be able vnto any thynge the same commeth of God whych hath made vs able to minister the new testament not of the letter but of the spirite For the letter kylleth but the spirite gyueth lyfe Yf the ministracion of death thorow the letters fygured in stones was glorious so that the chyldren of Israel coulde not behold the face of Moses for the glorye of hys countenaunce whych glorye is done awaye why shall not the ministracion of the spirite be much more glorious For yf the ministrynge of condemnation be glorious much more doth the ministration of ryghtuousnes excede in glorye FOr bycause that saint Paule welbeloued brethrē in our sauiour Christe had a lytle before the begynnynge of the epistle of thys daye praysed the Corinthians sayenge vnto them that they were hys epistle in Iesu Christe in asmuch as they had receyued hys gospell and had wrytten and imprinted his fayth in theyr hartes by hys administration preachynge Ministred by vs sayeth he not wryttē with ynke but by the spirite of the lyuyng God Not written in tables of stone as those that Moses had but in tables of flesh in the harte therfore to thyntent to gyue them none occasion that they shulde waxe therwyth proude and to hope and glorie in themselues and not in God and also for to holde them in humilitie vnder the sauegarde of God saynt Paule sayeth We haue truely such hope in God by Christ not that we are sufficient of our selues c. As yf he had sayd Thys that I saye I do not speake it arrogantly presumynge of myne owne wyttes but I haue such hope in God by Iesu Christ that thys that I say is true and shall abyde true I do not saye it of my selfe as of my selfe for we be not sufficient to thinke any thynge of our selues as of our selues but oure sufficientnes and all that whyche we maye thynke speake and do touchynge goodnes cōmeth and dependeth from God whych is begynnynge myddes and ende of all goodnes The whych hath made vs and gyuen vs power to be ministers and preachers of the new testament of the new and good promises whych are by Iesu Christ He hath gyuen vs authoritie and commission to be a preacher not of the letter but of the spirite for the letter sayeth saint Paul sleeth the soule and the spirite doth quycken it We ought here to note well the difference that there is to preache the letter and the spirite For vnto the tyme that the lyuely worde of God be by feruēt fayth rooted in our hartes vnto the tyme I say that we serue God nomore wyth euell wyll but ioyfully and frely what studye or lections soeuer we take yea yf we knewe the olde and new testament by rote of harte yet folowe we the letter But the spirite of God the spirite of scripture the spirite of the which S. Paul speaketh of here is out of feare it serueth in lybertie For where the spirite of the Lorde is there is lybertie fredome Saynt Paule now after that he bare the lyght of God I meane the worde of Iesu Christ beynge desyrous and wyllynge not to hyde it vnder a bushell but exaltynge it and settynge it vp to be bruted and praysed of angels and of men commeth to compare the eternall gospell vnto the transitorye lawe of Moses He calleth the lawe of Moses the executynge or administracion of death damnation Not but that the law is good and holy yf it be vsed lawfully but forbycause the Iues haue abused it to theyr damnation And for the same cause by occasion it is called administration of death He sayeth than yf the administration of death that is to saye yf the auncient lawe was delyuered and gyuen in lyght in puissaunce and in glorye what shall the lawe of the gospell be whych is the administration of the spirite of lyfe and of iustice But forasmuche as dyuerse heretikes and vnlearned persones haue mysvnderstanded thys wrytynge of saint Paule in thys place therfore I thynke it not amysse brefly to make a faythfull reapport vnto you of S. Austines wordes concernynge the interpretacion of thys place Thus he wryteth in hys seconde boke agaynst the aduersary of the lawe and prophetes The lawe albeit it be holy iust and good The wordes S. Austine yet it bryngeth death to the transgressours and breakers therof whome the grace of God helpeth not to fulfyl the iustice of the lawe For it behoued that in the olde testament a lawe shuld be layde vpon the proude and stubborne Iues and on such as trusted vpon the power of theyr owne wyll whych lawe shuld not gyue them ryghtuousnes but shulde commaunde vnto them ryghtuousnes and so beynge wrapped and in tangled wyth the death for transgression that they myght fle to grace which grace not only cōmaūdeth but also helpeth thys grace in the new testament is reuelate and opened vnto vs. And of thys occasion do these blasphemours of gods worde thynke that the lawe was nought whych was gyuen by Moses bycause it is called the ministration of death fygured in stony letters They consyder not that it was so called bycause of them whyche thoughte by theyr owne fre wyll to satisfye the lawe not holpen with the spirite of grace were holden gyltye of transgression vnder the letter of the same lawe For assuredly the transgression or breakinge of the lawe shuld not be euell onles the law it selfe were good What maruayle is it than yf it be called the ministracion of death where the letter kylleth in prohibitynge euell whych is done and in commaundynge good whych is not done and on the contrary syde that the other is called the ministracion of the spirite whych quyckeneth that we mought ryse from the death of preuarication and rede not gyltie in tables ryghtuousnes ☞ but beynge fre might haue it in our hartes and maners that is to
lazers or lepers whome at that tyme our Lorde clensed of theyr leprye and of hys large mercye made them hole But what sygnifye these .x. lazers or lepers vnto vs Truly in the lawe of Moses God had forbydden that none shulde kepe company with them whych were infected and sycke with bodely leprye but commaunded that they shulde be put forth from amonges them and from the company of the rest lest they shulde infecte and pollute other as it is redde in the boke of Numeri where it is wryttē in this wyse Num. v The Lord god spake to Moses sayenge Commaunde the chyldren of Israell that they put out from theyr tentes all lazars or lepers But certaynly we ought a great deale more to take hede that we do not communicate nor kepe company wyth such as be lazars spiritually The spiritual lepry is infidelitie heresie and ignoraunce of God For lyke as the bodely leprye doth corrupt al the body euen so doth infidelitie corrupt all the soule and by the stynkynge breath therof that is to say by the wordes and conuersacion of suche as be corrupted therwith be other corrupted the company wyth them accordynge to that sayenge Corrumpūt bonos more 's colloquia praua that is to saye euell communicacions do corrupt good maners Wherfore al such ought to be eschued and fled from as lepers and lazars they must be excōmunicate and put out of the assemble and congregacion of christen people Yet thys notwythstandynge there is no sycknes no maladie no lepry so greuous but that the moost excellent phisician and surgeon our Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus both can heale and wyll heale yf he be faithfully sought and called vpon as by exemple is well shewed in thys gospell But I say it is our partes to seke and call vpon hym it is our offyce to go and mete Iesu Christ yf we woll be cured We must crye afarre of after hym we muste wyth depe lowlynes and humilitie of harte pray vnto hym and say Iesus Sauioure and mayster haue mercy on vs take pytie and compassion ouer vs. By this meanes after that we haue ones offred and presented our selues vnto the prestes whych haue authoritie and power of God for to discerne and iudge ☜ accordyng vnto the scripture betwene the lepry and not lepry that is to saye betwene heresye and veritie betwene vice and vertue and accordynge vnto the scripture to assoyle as saynt Paule dyd assoyle a synner of whych is made mencion in the seconde epistle vnto the Corinthians ij cor ij we shal be receyued agayne into the nomber of the faythful euen into the flocke of Iesu Christ But after that we shal be assoyled of God in trouth and of men in sygnes we muste yet beware that we be not ingrate churlysh nor vnthankfull to God as the .ix. lazars were whyche dyd not retourne for to yeld thankes and prayses to Christ and for to gyue glorye vnto god for the great benefite and goodnes that they had receyued of hym Let vs be lyke the lazar Samaritane which fygured the christen gētyls and let vs saye that whych the spirite of God sayeth by the prophete Dauid in the .cij. psalme My soule blesse thou the Lorde God and do not forget all hys rewardes whych maketh hole all thyne iniquities all thy syckenesses Thys let vs do to thintent oure Lorde maye semblably saye vnto euery one of vs. Ryse vp and go thy waye thy true ernest and catholyke fayth hath preserued and made the hole Hense forth se thou synne nomore walke nomore after the flesh but after the spirite Yf we thus do my frēdes doubt we not but we shall haue the rewarde of euer lastynge blesse whych is endles ioye in the heauenly Hierusalem wyth the father sonne and holy goost To whome be all glorie and imperie in infinita sesecula Amen The Epistle on the .xv. sondaye after Trinitie The .v. and .vi. chapter to the Galathians Th argument ☞ An exhortacion to good workes BRethren yf we lyue in the spirite let vs walke in the spirite Let vs not be desyrous of vayne glorye prouokynge one another enuyenge one an other Brethren yf a man also be taken in any faute ye whyche are spirituall helpe to amende hymin the spirite of mekenes consyderynge thy selfe lest thou also be tempted Beare ye one anothers burthen and so fulfyll the lawe of Christ For yf any man seme to hymselfe that he is somwhat whan in dede he is nothynge the same deceyueth hys owne mynde Let euery man proue hys owne worke and then shall he haue reioysynge onely in hys owne selfe and not in another For euery man shall beare hys owne burthen Let hym that is taught in the worde minister vnto hym that teacheth hym in al good thynges Be not deceyued God is not mocked For what so euer a man soweth that shall he al so reape For he that soweth in hys fleshe shall of the fleshe reape corrupcion But he that soweth in the spirite shall of the spirite reape lyfe euerlastyng Let vs not be wery of well doynge For whan the tyme is come we shall reape wythout werynes While we haue therfore tyme let vs do good vnto all men and specially vnto them whych are of the housholde of fayth WElbeloued frendes in our Lorde Iesu Christ ye shal vnderstande that our Sauiour in the Gospell of saynt Mattheu sayeth mat viij that euery tree is knowen by hys frute for a good tree beareth good frute but an euell tree bryngeth forth euell frute Therfore the holy Apostle of God saynt Paul doth in thys epistle admonyshe vs christen folke that yf we be good trees we ought to bringe forth good frutes and yf we lyue in the spirite as christē mē ought to lyue that we must walke also in spirite For surely it is not ynough for vs to be called christen folke onles we do also the dedes and workes of christen folke It is not ynough for the to saye I haue receyued the holy goost or I haue fayth ☜ yf thou shewest not worthy workes and frutes of the spirite Nowe one of the fyrst and principall frutes of the spirite is loue and brotherly supportacion or bearynge of one another whych thynge saynt Paule doth admonysh vs here of that we shulde kepe where he sayeth Let vs not be desyrous of vayne glorye c. Certes it is not possible for a man or woman that is vayne gloriouse and that loueth to be auaunced and praysed of the worlde eyther to supporte or to forbeare much an other man for he wyll alwayes couet to be herde afore all other and to be obeyed in all places wheresoeuer he goeth or rydeth Certaynly my frendes vayneglorie is an appetyte or luste of all lustes the moost daūgerouse and the moost subtyle and secretest that may be ymagined in so much that those persones whych be estemed for moost spiritual most holy moost godly be oftentymes infected therwyth Let vs sayeth Paule not
thys is the name that they shall call hym euen the lorde our rightousnesse And therfore beholde the tyme commeth sayeth the lorde that it shall nomore be sayde the Lorde lyuethe whyche brought the chyldrene of Israell oute of the lande of Egypte But the lorde lyueth whyche broughte forth and led the sede of the house of Israel out of the northlande and frome all countreyes where I had scatered them and they shal dwel in theyr own lande agayne THis prophecy of Hieremie good people which we rede for our epistle in the churche thys daye doth shew vs that the dayes of the comming of messias our Sauiour Iesu Christ be at hande accōplyshed This is the trew braunche which God shal rcyse vp vnto Dauid And when shal this braunche be takē Of a vyrgyn descendyd from Dauid He shal be trewly iust for he shal be the iustice of all iust and he alonly ought of his owne purenes to be conceiued borne among men without syn But who shall reyse him vp vnto Dauid God alone and no tany man And therfore he shal be God and sonne of God And wherfore vnto Dauid Forbicause that god shall reyse him vp and make him to be borne of a virgyn descēdyd of Dauid He shall reygne kynge For he shal be kyng of kynges It is he which sayeth in the person of kyng Dauid in the seconde psalme Psal ij But I am constituted kyng by him ouer Sion his holy moūtayne preachyng his cōmaundement And he shal be wyse not without cause for he is the wysdome of god He shall do iustice and iudgement in earth for he shall condemne synne and the prynce of synne and shall iustifie by him selfe which is the sacrifice the redēpcion and iustice of pore synners And by this father he shall iustifie the synners In those dayes Iuda that is to saye those that shall confesse in faith shal be saued and Israell that is for to saye those that shall knowledge there strengthe to come from God shall liue in greate suertie and trust Iudas signifieth cōfessyng laudinge and thankyng and Israel strong in God And the name of messias shall be thys The Lorde God which is the greate name of God Wherby Hieremie in spirite giueth to vnderstande that he shall be the greate God hys name also shal be oure iuste Oures forbycause that he shall be made man for vs and in such wyse iust that he shall iustifie vs al that shal beleue in him as in God and man therfore he shal be ours and his iustice ours and for this he shuld come For as Esaie sayeth the lytle is borne vnto vs and the sonne is gyuē vnto vs and for this cause in the tyme of Messias one shall not affyrme any more in saieng The lord liueth which hath with drawen the chyldren of Israel out from the lande of Egypte But it shal be affyrmed in one hole witnes The lorde god lyueth that hath drawen out the sede of the chyldren of Israel from the lande of the North and from all other places where they were cast The lorde god is the Messias of whome Heremie sayde the dayes of his cōmyng is at hāde The which whē he shulde be comen shulde renewe al thinges al shadowes and all figures shulde cease and then shulde truthe reygne none shulde affyrme more accordyng to the olde lawe in fygure but according to the newe in truthe The chyldrē of Israel were deliuered from the lande of Egypte and Pharon in fygure But in the tyme of Messias the sede and chyldrē of true Israel which shal be sede and chyldren of faythe shal be delyuered in all places where they were caste before by god as enemies of the lande from the region and puissaunce of the greate Aquilon from whence dependeth all euyll which is the croked serpent the diuell of hell the prynce of darkenesse And they that shal inhabite in their lande of lyuinge people by the Messias which is our lorde Iesu Christ Striue we then my brethren with all our strength to be of the sede of fayth of the trewe Israel whiche is the onely stronge in our lorde Iesu Christ that hath vainquished the greate Aquilon which hath drawen vs out from the puissance and tyrānye of the same from all places from all nations And then he shall leade vs with hym into the lande of the lyuyng men eternally And we muste be all wel assured of this for this sayeth the lorde god almyghty Vnto whom be glory honour and myght eternally AMEN The Gospell on the .xxv. sondaye after Trinitie sondaye which is the nexte sonday before Aduent sonday the .vi. cha of Ihon. The argument ☞ Our lorde feadeth fyue thousande men with v. barley loues and two fyshes WHen Iesus then lyfte vp hys eyes and sawe a great company come vnto him he sayth vnto Philip whence shal we bye bread that these may eate Thys he sayde to proue him for he hym selfe knew what he wolde do Philip answered him two hundred peny worth of bread are not sufficient for them that euery man maye take a lytle One of hys disciples Andrew Symon Peters brother saith vnto hym There is a lad here whiche hath fyue barlye loues and two fyshes but what are they among so many And Iesus sayd Make the people syt downe There was moch grasse in the place So the men sat downe in nombre about fyue thousand And Iesus toke the bread And when he had geuen thankes he gaue to the disciples and the disciples to them that were set down And likewyse of the fyshes as much as they wold When they had eatē ynough he sayth vnto his disciples gather vp the brokē meate which remayneth that nothynge be lost And they gathered it together and fylled twelue baskettes wyth the brokē meate of the fyue barly loues which broken meate remayned to them that had eaten Then those men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd said thys is of a trueth the same Prophete that shulde come into the worlde THe royal prophete Dauid welbeloued audiēce knowing that the fedyng and meate as well of the body as of the soule is gyuen and distributed vnto men by the only goodnesse and grace of god howbeit more diligently neuerthelesse that of the soule then that of the body he maketh this request vnto god Lorde I haue had my refuge to the teach me to do thy wyll And in another place he fayth The lord god doth noryshe me and I shall lacke nothyng he hath set me in the place of the fedyng whiche is the place of the fedyng of god my frendes Trewly it is the holy scripture in whiche is declared vnto ss the wyll of this greate lorde and with the whiche euery christen soule is spiritually and ghostely fed reueled and nouryshed And this is it whiche at this daye is represented vnto vs by saynt Iohn in his .vj. chap. where as he sayeth that whē Iesus had lyfte vp his eyes and sawe that so greate a multitude was come vnto him he sayde vnto his disciple saynt Philippe wherwith shall we bye breade that these folkes here may eate He spake not this that he knewe not perfetly what he wolde do but he proued his fayth for it is he as sayeth Dauid that gyueth meate to beastes and vnto smale rauens that call to him and for to confyrme it and to giue knowledge vnto him and vnto the other that he was god Take we then doctryne of this place my frendys that our Lorde Iesu Christ is only gouernour of al thinges what so euer they be not only as towchinge the bodye but principally as towching the sowl And let vs not be as Philip and Andrew which not hauing yet stedfast fayth beleued not that he which by his only worde had made and created all the worlde myghte lykewyse by hys worde create and gyue noryshynge by fyue loues two fyshes vnto so great a multitude But what signifieth vnto vs the fyue loues and the two fyshes Suerly my frendes the fyue loues the whiche as S. Iohn sayeth were of barly represent vnto vs as S. Austine and other holy expositours thynke the fyue bokes of Moyses Austine For as barley outwarde hathe a huske very prickyng euen so haue the bokes of Moyses for as touchyng the lawe whiche they conteyne they be merueilous rough and rygorous but if they be spiritually vnderstandyd which can not be without faythe they gyue norishyng vnto the soule For as sayeth the prophete Abacuc Abac. ij The rightwyse man shall lyue by fayth And the two fyshes may sygnify the olde and newe testamēt The newe testament as touchyng the euangelicall apostolicall wrytinges wherin the christen mans faythe is lyuely described The olde as touchyng the other bokes and prophecies ☜ For euē as the fyshes can not lyue without water so lykewyse without faythe none hathe bene is nor shal be saued These fyue loues therfore and two fyshes spiritually vnderstanded haue bene distributed vnto al christen people And if ye aske by whom Surely it is to be answered by the apostles they which be sent from god For this cause my frendes take ye the refection and fode of the soule in the fyue loues and two fyshes spiritually vnderstanded that is to say in the holy scriptures and in fayth And vnderstande that the worldly doctrines can nat nourishe your soules but rather slee thē for our lorde sayeth that for nought we honour him in kepyng the doctrine of men namely if it be not grounded of gods worde but rather made to ouerwhelme subuerte and darken the same Let vs then desyre with instant and feruent peticions this heauenly fode of almyghty God and he wyll without doute gyue it vs aboundantly To whom be all honour glory prayse thankes for euer and euer Amen Finis ¶ Imprinted at London by Richarde Bankes and solde in Fletestrete at the synge of the whyte Harte by Anthony Clerke Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum