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A68595 A briefe and piththie summe of the Christian faith made in forme of a confession, vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto. Made by Theodore de Beza. Translated out of Frenche by R.F.; Confessio Christianae fidei. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Fills, Robert, fl. 1562. 1565 (1565) STC 2007; ESTC S101755 149,544 418

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wordes of the Apostle seconde sermon Item in the sermon made to the children as Beda reciteth in his collection Item 3 booke of the Trinitie chap. 4 10. Item agaynst Fastus xx booke chap. xxi Item of the citye of God Item vpon the 54. Psalme Item vpon xxvi homily vpon Saynt Iohn Item vpon Saynt Iohn xxvii treatise and 6 chapter and 30 treatise xxi chapter xxv Item vpon saint Iohn tract xx and ▪ 30. Item against Adamantus chapter xi● Item 3 booke of the doctrine of a christian chapter 16. Item in the epistle to Boniface and in the epistle to Dardanus and in manye other places Leo Pope in the Epistle wrytten to the clergie and to the people of Constantinople Cyrill vpon Saynt Iohn 4 booke chap. 14. Item in the Epistle to Calo●●rius Theodorete in the first and second dialogue against the heretickes touching the verye bodye of Iesus Christe Hesichius the twentye booke vpon the Le●iticus the eyght chapter ▪ G●la●●us agaynst Eutiches Bartram in the booke of the bodye and bloude of the Lord. 1. Corint 11. In that we take and eate the breade and after drincke of the cuppe is a witnes of that which is interiorly done truly by the vertue and power of the holye ghost For he can thorowe the bonde of faith ioyne and binde those things together which of themselues be farre deuided a sunder concerning the distance of the places that is to say y ● as verelye as we take and eate the bread and drink y e wine by a naturall maner the which in continent after by digestiō turneth into our substance nourishment of our corporal life likewise as verily although by a spiritul and celestial maner not with mouth téeth is Iesus Christ him selfe which is now in heauen on y e right hande of his father cōmunicated to vs that we may be flesh of his fleshe and bones of his bones that is to saye being knytte and incorporated with him by faythe oure soules and oure bodyes doth attaine to eternall life yea euen whylest we be in this world his spirite doth sanctifye and gouerne our bodyes and soules to dedicate and sacrifice all our lyfe to his seruice and to the charitie of our neyghbours for the loue of him Finally in that we take all of one breade and of one wyne corporallye and visibly so on the other parte spirituallye and inuisibly by faith we come al to participate bee partakers of Iesus Christ onelye the same I say sheweth to vs the bonde and knot whiche ought to bee betweene vs all as the mysticall bodye of Iesus Christ our heade according to the publike and common protestation which we do make The conuenaunce agréement of the thinges signified with the signes ceremonies is very euident and plaine by this which we haue already sayd namelye that as one loafe is made of manye graynes gathered and ioyned into one loafe or peece of breade and lykewise the Wine being made of many grapes declareth vnto vs the agréeing of the sygnes with the signifycation whereof wee haue spoken heretofore that is to saye the knotte and vnyon whiche we haue with Iesus Christ and the mutuall charitye with all the faythfull in Iesus Christ theyr head the worde that is to saye the ordinaunce and promyse of the Lorde whereunto the signes doth sende vs bee suche as saint Paule hath expresslye touched togeather left to vs according to the Euangelists The Lorde Iesus the same night in the whiche hee was betrayed tooke bread and when hae had geuen thankes brake it and sayde take eate this is my bodye which is broken for you do this in the remembraunce of me likewise he tooke the cuppe after hee had supped sayinge this cup is the newe alliaunce or Testament in my bloud do this as ofte as ye drynke it in the remembraunce of mee for as ofte as ye eate this breade and drinke of this cuppe ye shall shewe foorth the Lords death tyll he come The meanes to receyue Iesus Christ as wee haue sayde afore is fayth and therefore sayde saincte Augustine he that is not of the bodye of Christe eateth not the bodye of Christe and as he sayde in an other place the heretykes which be withoute the Churche maye wel haue the sacrament but not y ● benefyte of the sacrament from whence it foloweth ▪ that a man must proue hymselfe according to the doctryne of the Apostle that is to saye enter into our selues to see if we haue suche sorowe for our sinnes as it appertaineth and suche certaine and sure trust in our God accordinge to hys worde by Iesus Christ our onely mediatour And yet is not requyred such a perfyte sayth as no imperfection can bee founde but suche a fayth as is true and not fayned In those then that be suche the vnyon and coniunction whiche they haue obtayned with Christe by their faythe is more and more confirmed and sealed by the holye ghost in receyuing the signes and sure seale of this coniunction and knot as it is sayde that y e circumcision was in Abraham a seale of the righteousnes of faith the other on the contrarie in despysing that which is offered to them that is to saye Iesus Christe and dishonoring the signes and ceremonies instituted of the Lorde bring themselues culpable and guiltie of the bodye bloude of Iesus Christ from the which continuallie more and more they recoyle and fall backwarde The declaration of the death of Iesus Christ consequentlie of all that which he dyd for vs with thankes geuing for the benefites receyued and the examining and prouing of our selues be of the substaunce of the supper therfore cānot be left out nor peruerted or altered without great sacriledge Wherevpon followeth that the Supper of the Lorde ought not to be communicated to those which can not proue nor examine themselues because they haue not the vse of reason as younge chyldren and such lyke nor to those which haue not made profession of theyr fayth or which be Iudged vnworthylie that is to saye excommunicated by the right iudgment of the Churche the whiche shalbe spoken of hereafter 50. The conclusion of the matter of the Sacramentes THese thinges considered it foloweth that the sacramentes be not onely ordayned to offer to God geuing of thanks which also is called a sacrifice and acceptable offring but rather that we shoulde receiue of his grace and liberality the which is more precious then heauen and earth that is the confirmation of our faythe and to be the nearer vnited and ioyned to Iesus Christe into eternall life 51. Wherefore the holye ghost is called the consolator or comforter and to vvhat purpose and ende the afflictions of the faithfull serueth FInally it is easy to perceue for what reason the holye ghoste is called the comfortor a Because his office is to ioyne vs to Iesus Christ
he coulde suffer nothing and if he were only man he should sinke vnder the burden of Gods wrath Because he is God and man therfore he was able to dye and vanquyshe death in dying Moreouer for asmuch as be is man most pure and most holy conceiued by the holy ghost this purity being perfect pleaseth God Wherefore we haue in Iesus Christe a man agréeable pleasing vnto God Nowe out of this puritie springeth two Ryuers as out of the fountayne or spring that is to saye a perfect righteousnesse and a whole and perfect abstayning from sinne ▪ For Iesus Christ very man bath fulfilled all the wyll of God for as much as hee neuer sinned in any manner wyse Therefore be is most iust righteous before God aswel because of this naturall puritie as of the fruites sprynging out of the same purity and cleanes Wherefore we maye with good ryght conclude that we doo fynde onelye in Iesus Christ perfect remedie against all the euyls that doth or mought feare our conscience or let vs from comming to the glory of God or might cause vs iustly to be condempned to eternall death But yet neuertheles we must ioygne a condition to this that is to saye if we doo take or ioyne to vs these remedies in Iesus Christ For as it profiteth not a sicke person to haue a good medicine except bee vse it nor a hungry man to be at a tables end garnished with plenty of good meats except he eate of them lykewise be there medies of Iesus Christe against y e wrath of God and eternal death set before vs in vain except we vse them Now we cānot vse them except first we knowe by what maner after what sort it may be done Wherefore first we must see how Iesus Christ is may be applied to our profit aduantage Then to declare how Iesus Christ may be applied to our saluation eternall lyfe we wyl vse this preface As it is not in our power to finde a medicine of saluation ▪ so cā we not find the maner how to vse this medicine For as in the sicknes of the body the sick person is past al hope of health vtterly dispaired then it is needful for the Phisition not onely to find and prepare the medicine but also to dispose the sick person so as he wyl may vse this medicin and y ● he may vnderstād howe to vse it so the sicknes of the soule which is most precious aboue althings in the which mankind is not onely ignorant but also enemies of their owne saluation then we must vnderstande by the Phisition of the soule what is the medicine then after what maner it must be vsed yea in such wise y ● the same Phisition do prepare make vs apt and meete y ● we both will and cā vse those remedies which he prepareth and apoynteth to vs. God then is he which in the beginning of the world spake by his Angels to y ● first man y ● is to say Adam and others vntyll Moses declaring to them the only remedy of saluation as before is declared that is to wéete Iesus Christ in whom onely we find all y ● is needful and requisit to saluation And after the reiecting of al other natiōs people made apoyntment w t the posterity of Abraham multiplied them exceedinglye expoūded to them his wyll most abūdantly as it is cōprised in the. x commaundementes of God also ioyned therto certain sacrifices and ceremonies the which dyd not only deuyde the people of God frō al other nations but also were certain testimonies of Christes coming ▪ of all the things that he should suffer for to delyuer vs from the wrath of God so y ● they myght certaynly trust and beléeue in hym whiche they hoped shoulde come Moreouer because God knewe that the diuel would moue styrre vp false Prophets which woulde spreade foorth theyr lies as the true cōmaundements of God he wylled Moyses and the Prophetes to wryte all that God reuealed to them to the ende that the false Prophetes shoulde not so easily deceyue the people But in the end when y e tyme was come which he had eternally appoynted according to his eternall infinite wisedome he sent downe and presented from Heauē his promise that is to say his eternall sonne the which tooke vppon him a verye humaine body by the vertue of the holye ghost of the substance of the virgin Mary of the séede of Abraham and of Dauid with the whiche body God conioygned a most pure and most holy soule created by the same force of the holy ghost He was made the very mediatour as is sayde before and hath truly fulfilled accomplyshed all that was necessary to be fulfilled for to reconcyle man vnto God But in the ende when all these things were fulfilled Iesus Christe ascended vp into heauen and wylled this doctrine not onelye to bee preached by mouth of the Apostles Euangelists but also that theyr handes shoulde wryte it in suche wyse as the Church should haue to the ende of the worlde one certayne doctrine vppon the which she might stay rest and also by it might separate moste clearely the lyes of the false Prophets and Antichrists from the only verity of God which is comprehēded wholy and perfectly in the bookes of the olde and new testaments so that it is not lawfull to chaunge any thing eyther adde to it or take from it Moreouer this doctrine had bene written in vayne if it were not preached and declared faythfully And man cannot endure nor sustayne the face of God or of Angelles And God hauing pittie of the seede of man in this poynt hath ordained and constytuted Pastours and Teachers in his Church by whome he wylled that this doctryne shoulde be faythfully declared and applyed to the necessyties of the Church publykely and partycularly that man shoulde not alledge any ignoraunce of the wyll of God Wherefore to the ende I may comprehende all these things in few wordes we learne by the mouth of the faithfull Ministers of God which declare his woorde to the church al that we haue heretofore declared to be necessarie to vnderstande our myserie and our saluation And for as much as when the word of God is preached vnto man it is as if they spake vnto insensible stones therfore we must know that as God worketh to the external senses by his woorde pronounced by his Ministers euen so hee worketh inwardly by his infinite power that is to saye by hys holy spirit whose office consisteth in these effectes here following Fyrst that as this parte of Scripture which is called the law testifieth to our eares that wée bée most myserable sinners deseruing eternal death euen so the holy ghost teacheth the same and sixeth it in our consciences whiche otherwyse were dull and insensyble and maketh that we bée touched with the true perfect féeling
of God and coūteth the blood of the newe Testament an vnholie thing But some haue not onely troden vnder foote but also mocked despised and most cruelly brent the Testament and woorde of the eternall God and also tormented and shamefully murdered his true and faythfull seruauntes and preachers the deere members of Iesus Christ his sonne And most blasphe ▪ mously contemning the holy sacraments truely mynistred and all godly ecclesiasticall orders and discipline To redresse of these enormities must come by y ● magistrates for they are powers ordayned and exalted of God for the same entent ▪ If they be not redressed and that short ▪ lie in stéede of the comfortable promises of God wée shalbe oppressed with the terryble plagues whiche hée threatneth to the breakers of his lawe As dearth warre pestilence and other his scourges as wée be threatened now of late by the punyshmente of our neyghbours in Fraunce Happy are those that can bée admonyshed by the fall of others and amend I would thinke my labour well bestowed if I mought obtayne of your honor and other that be of a godly meaninge to reade this ouer with good delyberation and Iudgement And also suche as be in doubte whiche is the true religion And those that thinke we be in an errour I would to God they woulde vouchesafe to reade and conferre it with the scriptures and doctours as is noted in the margine And in reading to put a syde disdayne contempte and all singular and pryuate affections And then I doubte not but God wyll open vnto them further knowledge and mooue them to be more studious in Gods word and also haue a better opinion of the true religion I haue for my Countryes sake translated this godly and necessarye woorke wherevnto I haue added nothyng of myne owne but symple and playnelye according to my small vnderstanding I haue kepte the wordes and meanyng of the authoritie as neare as our English wyl suffer mée rather shewing mee selfe homelye and playne then by ouer muche fynenesse to dissent from the mynde of hym who in the feare of God and for his Bretherns sake set it foorth Humblye beséechynge youre honour and all godlye Readers to take this my small labour in good parte and accept my good meaning which tendeth to the profite of my Country men and especiallye to the glorie of God and aduauncement of his kingdome Who prospere and maintaine your honour in his feare long to continue enrytching you with all good blessinges and gouerninge you and yours by his holye spirite vntyll he shall call you to come vnto him selfe there to continue in his glorious kingdom for euer and euer Amen This vvhole Worke or confession consisteth of .vij. principall poinctes The first number signifieth the article The second the leafe THe fyrste poinct intreating of the Trinitie contayneth these thrée articles 1 Of the vnitie of God Folio 1 2 Of the Trinitie of personnes distinct in one vnitie of substance Eodem 3 Of the eternall prouidence of God Eodem ¶ The second poinct intreating of God the Father containeth these fowre articles 1 Of the person of the Father fol. 2 2 How the father is creatour and preseruour of all thinges Eodem 3 Of the creation of Angelles Eodem 4 The works of y e trinity are inseparable eodē ¶ The thirde poinct intreating of Iesus Christ the onelye Sonne of God containeth these 26 articles 1 Of the diuinitie of the Sonne fol. 3 2 The Sonne onely mediatour betwéene God and his elect eternally ordayned Eodem 3 God is perfectly iust and mercifull Eodem 4 God is immutable Eodem 5 The counsell of God doeth not exclude the seconde causes Eodem 6 Man was created to declare the Iustice and mercy of God Foli 4 7 Why it was necessarye that the fyrste man should be created good and pure Eodem 8 It was necessary that man should fall from his puritie Eodem 9 How God hath created men good Foli 5 10 How mā brought himself w t all his posterity culpable of the first seconde death Eodem 11 The way which leadeth to y ● first death Eodē 12 The fyrst death can not be eternall Eodem 13 The way which leadeth to y ● secōd death eodē 14 What free wyll remayneth in man after sinne Foli 6 15 A briefe summe of originall sinne Eodem 16 Howe God turneth mannes sinne to his glorie Foli 7 17 Iesus Christ the onely mediatour ordained and promised Eodem 18 The agreement and difference of the olde and new Testament Foli 8 19 Wherefore it behoued Iesus Christ to be a very naturall man in body and soule without synne Eodem 20 Wherfore was it néedeful that Iesus Christ should be very God Folio 9 21 Howe the mistery of our saluation was fulfilled in Iesus Christ Foli 10 22 The two natures were vnited and knitte in one personne from the fyrst instaunt of the conception Eodem 23 The Vyrgine Marye is Mother of Iesus Christe God and man Eodem 24 The summe of the accomplishment of our saluation in Iesus Christ folio 11 25 Howe Iesus Christe beinge ascended into heauen is neuerthelesse here on earth wyth his flocke Fol. 12 26 There can be no other true Relygion then this Folio 13 ¶ The iiii poynt intreating of the holye ghost containeth the 15. Articles 1 Of the person of the holy ghost Folio 13 2 Of the effectes properlye consydered in the holy Ghost fol. 14 3 The holy Ghost maketh vs partakers of Iesus Christ by fayth onely Eodem 4 What meanes the holy ghost vseth to create and maintaine faith in vs. Eodem 5 How necessary faith is what faith is fol. 15 6 What is the obiect of the true fayth and of what force it is Fol. 16 7 How this is to be vnderstand which we say as Saint Paule sayth that we be iustified by onely fayth Eodem 8 To be assured of our saluation by faythe in Iesus Christe is nothing lesse then arrogancie or presumption fol. 17 9 Faythe findeth in Iesus Christe all that is necessary to saluation fol. 18 10 Of the remedy which faith findeth in Iesus Christ only against y e first assault of y e first tēptation groūded vpon y e multitude of our syns what assuraunce there is in this case eyther vpon the saints or vpon our selues Eodem 11 The remedy which only fayth findeth in Iesus Christe onely against the second assault of the first temptation grounded vpon this that we be vnfurnished of the righteousnesse which God requireth of vs. fol. 22 12 The thyrde assault of the same temptation grounded vppon the naturall corruption of originall sinne which is within vs. Fol. 23 13 The remedy against the seconde temptation whether we haue faith or not fol. 24 14 Those do slaunder vs falsely which say that we disalow good workes fol. 26 15 The first differēce in the mater of good works is which be good and which be euyll fol. 27 16 Which be
synn 〈…〉 his glorye SO nowe there remayned nothing but that all the whole world should runne to ruine and destruction but that God beinge not onely most rightu●us but also moste mercifull had eter●ally ordained a meane to cause al those ●hinges to tourne to his greate glory to ●ete to the greater declaration of his ●●finite goodnes towardes those whiche 〈…〉 hath also ordained and chosen eter●allye to be glorified in their saluation and likewise to the declaration of his p●wer d and wrath by the iust iudgemen● and condempnation of the vesselles 〈…〉 wrathe prepared to destruction For a 〈…〉 S. e Augustine sayde vearye well if a● were deliuered that which were dew● to synne by iustice should be secret an● hidde and if none were deliuered th●● shoulde not be séene whiche grace ha● geuen and graunted 17. Iesus Christ the onely med●atou● ordained and promised THis one and all onely meane is th● misterye of the incarnation of th● sonne of god with all that which foloweth it who was from age to ag● promised euen from a Adam vnto sain● Ihon was published and preached b● the patriarkes as prophetes was all fygured diuers wayes vnder the law as is at large contained in the bokes 〈…〉 the olde Testamente to the ende tha● man moughte be saued by faythe 〈…〉 Iesus Christ for to come 18. The agrement and difference of the olde and nevve testament THer was neuer but one couenant of saluation betwene god man if we consyder the substance ther 〈…〉 which is Iesus Christ a But in con●●deration of the circumstaunces there ●re two testaments or couenantes wher●f we haue the names and autentike re●isters called the holy Scripture and ●orde of god The one is called the old The other the newe b which is the bet●er abolyshing the olde for as much as ●e olde did not propound and set foorth ●esus Christe but a farre of and hidden ●nder shadowes and fygures whiche ●ere abolished by his comming 19 vvherfore it behoued Iesus Christ to be a verye naturall man in bodie and soule vvithout synne IT behoued the Mediatour of this couenant and reconciliation to be a veryman without any spot of origi●all sinne or other for those reasons folowyng First for as muche as God 〈…〉 iust and man was bound and endette● to his wra●he by his naturall corruption as we haue declared heretofore i● the fiftenth Article it was méete ther● shoulds be a very man in whome thi● ruine and decaye shoulde be thorowly● and perfectelye repayred for to pleas● God Secondlye man is bound to accomplishe and fulfyll all the righteousnes which god requireth of him for to be glorified then there must be a man for to accomplyshe perfitelye all righteousnes to please god Thyrdly all men be couered with an infinite nūber of synnes as well inwardly as outwardly therfore culpable of y ● maledicton of god of necessity there must be a man which should satisfie fullye the iustice of God for to please him Forthlye no man beyng corrupte coulde in any wyse beginne to doe the least of these thynges but rather shoulde haue néede of a ●edemer euen for him selfe muche lesse then coulde he redeme or deliuer other men or do any thyng whiche shoulde be pleasyng or acceptable to God It was néedfull then that the Redemer and Mediator of man shoulde be a verye man in bodye and foule and yet neuerthelesse perfectlye and altogether pure and cleane from all synne 20. wherfore it was needfull that Iesus Christ should be very God IT was of necessitie y ● this Mediatour shoulde be verye God and not onlye man for these reasons folowing First if he had not bene very God he shoulde not haue bene a Sauiour but shoulde haue néeded a Sauiour for himselfe Secondly there muste be before the iustice God proporcion betwene the faulte and the payne thereof the offence or faulte is infinite for as muche as he is infinite against whose maiestie it is committed therefore it was nedefull to haue satisfaction that is infinite and consequently that he which should● do it as very man should also be infinite that is to saye verye god Thirdlye d for that the wrathe of god is infinite there was no strength of mā or Angell which coulde haue bene able to beare suche a burden but it should fal be ouerwhelmed vnder it therfore it was néedefull that he which should rise againe hauing the victorye ouer the deuill synne the worlde and death ioyned with the wrath of god should be not onelye perfect man but also very god Fynally god the better to declare his incōprehensible goodnes woulde make his grace not onelye equall e with our offence but woulde that it should exceede and surmount the trespasse For this cause euen as the f firste Adam the auctour of oure offence though●e he were created to the Image of god yet notwithstanding was earthy as his frailty and weaknes hathe well declared so on the cōtrary Iesus Christ the seconde Adam by whom we be deliuered is in such wife perfecte and very man that he is also heauenly that is to say very god for as much as the fulnes of the godheade dwelleth in him bodily So that if the disobedience of Adam doth astonishe or make vs afraid y e righteousnes of Iesus Christ should muche more comfort and stablishe vs and that we shoulde hope for a lyfe obtained vs by Iesus Christ much better then that which we haue lost in Adam yea so much better as Iesus Christ is aboue Adam 21. Howe the misterie of our saluation was fulfilled in Iesus Christ WE confesse then that for to fulfyll the couenante promised to the auncient fathers and prophesied by the mouthe of the prophets The trew and only eternal sonne of God in the time ordeined of the father toke on him the forme of a seruaunte that is to say a very humane nature with the infirmities of the same sinne excepted beinge conceyued in the wombe of the blessed vyrgin Mary by the vertue of the holy ghoste without any operation of man 22 The tvvo natures vvere vnited and knitte in one person from the first instaunt of the conception WE confesse that from the first instāt of this conception the person of the son was inseperably vnited with the nature of man in suche sorte that there be not two sonnes of God nor two Iesus Christs but one onely sonne of God Iesus Christ very God and very man yet neuerthelesse bothe these natures abyding and remainyng in their seueral properties For the diuinitie seperated from the humanity or the humanitie deuided or pluckte from the diuinitie or the one confused with the other woulde serue vs to no purpose 23 The virgin Marye is mother of Iesus Christ God and man IEsus Christ verye God and verye man that is to say hauyng a very trewe and humaine soule and a very humain
that concerning afflictions First although all kinde of afflictions and also death bée entered into the worlde thorowe sinne yet God when he punisheth vs hath not euer respecte to our sinnes as it appeareth in the history of Iob and z many other places but in scorging vs he hath diuers respects tendynge to his glorye and our profyte as shalbe sayd hereafter in the laste artycle of the fowrth poynt Furthermore although god ▪ doth afflict his elect for their sinnes vntyll they feele y e very paines of death yet is he not angry with them as a Iudge to condempne them but as a Father chastising his chyldren to preserue them from perishing or geue other example 11 The remedy which onely faith fyndeth in Iesus Christ onely against the second assault of the fyrst temptation grounded vppon this that we be vnfurnyshed of the righteousnes which God requireth of vs. THe second assault which sathan may make against vs because of our vnworthines is that it is not sufficient to haue lyued without sinne or to haue satisfied for our syns but is required furthermore y ● man should fulfyll the whole lawe that is to saye that he hath loued God perfectly and his neighbor as him self Bring forth thē this righteousnes or els how wilt thou beare y ● curse of the law and the maiesty of god Now what can al the righteousnes of man helpe vs against this assault For here is spoken of a perfect obediēce according to y ● lawe whiche was neuer founde but in Iesus Christ only Let vs learne here again to appropriate to vs by faith another treasure benefite of Iesus Christe that is to say his righteousnes For we know that it is he that hath fulfilled al righteousnes hauing perfectly obeyed God his Father perfectly loued his enemies so y ● he became accursed for them as s Paul sayth that is to wete he did beare the iudgement of the wrath of God for them to the ende y ● we being ●lad with this perfect rightousnes which is imputed to vs by faith as though it were properly our own we may be made acceptable before God as brethren and coheyres with Iesus Christ Now for this poynt Sathan must perforce haue his mouth stopped so that we haue y e fayth which maketh proper to vs Iesus Christ with all the riches and treasures which he hath to communicate to those which beléeue in him 12 The third assault of the same temptation grounded vppon the naturall corruption or originall sinne whiche is within vs. SAtan hath yet remaining one assault in the temptation of our vnworthynes which is this Although thou hast satisfyed for the payne of thy sinnes in the person of Iesus Christe that thou art also clothed with his righteousnesse yet art thou corrupted in thy nature wherein alwaye remayneth the roote of all sinne How darest thou then appeare before the maiestie of God enimy to all vncleanes and also which séeth the botome of thy hart Now cōcerning this poynt we fynde yet one easie remedie in Iesus Christ only vpon whom we must staye But we be yet so enclosed in this mortall body that wée doo not the good whiche wée woulde and yet doo féele the synne that remayneth in vs and the flesh that striueth against the spirit by reason whereof we be yet defyled in body and soule concerning our selues but for as much as by fayth wée be vnyted incorporated rooted and grafted in Iesus Christe by whome our nature hath bene from the first moment of his conception more fullye restored sanctified and made more pure then euer it was created in Adam for asmuch as Adam was made but accordinge to the image of God and Iesus Christ is very God who hath taken vpon him our ●iesh conceyued by the vertue of the holy ghost this sanctification of Iesus Christ is imputed to vs as our owne then cannot y ● naturall corruption which resteth partly yet in vs come in accompt for as much as it is couered cloathed with the holynesse of Iesus Christe who is much more able to sanctifye and cleanse vs before God then the natural corruption is to defyle and corrupt vs. 13 The remedye against the seconde temptation whether we haue faith or not IN the second temptation Sathā shall replye vpon this that Iesus Christ is not deade for all synnes for as muche as all shall not be saued Then let vs haue recourse to our fayth and answere him that true it is none but the beléeuers doo receyue the fruite of this passion satisfaction of Iesus Christe But this in steade of desmayinge vs doth rather establishe vs. For that we do know in our hartes that wée haue faith wherby it is already saide in the thyrd article of this fourth point it is not inough only to beléeue that Iesus Christe came to saue synners but we must particularlye euerye man applye and appropriate Iesus Christ to himself in such wise that he doo conclude with him selfe I am in Iesus Christ by faith and therfore I cānot perishe but am sure of my saluation so then to be assured that we haue ouercome Sathan in these thrée assaults of the first temptation and also to resist the second wée must examine our selues whether we haue this faith or not The meanes is to ascend by the effectes vnto the knowledge of the cause which worketh them Nowe the effectes which Iesus Christe worketh in vs when wée haue apprehēded him by faith be of two sortes The first is the testimony which the holye spirite bringeth to our spirites that we be the children of god and which maketh vs cry abba father in a certain assoraunce Secondlye we must vnderstand when we do ioyne appropriat to oure selues Iesus Christe by fayth it is not by a certaine vaine or folish fantasie Imagination but really and in déede although it be spirituallye in such wyse y ● as the soule bringeth foorth her effects and woorkes being naturallye vnited to the body so when by faith Iesus Christ is geuen to vs to dwell in vs his vertue then bringeth and sheweth forth his force vertues The which is vnderstād in the Scripture by this worde regeneration because they make vs become newe creatures concerninge the qualities And this regeneration hath thrée partes For as the naturall corruption holdeth our personnes captiue bothe in body and soule working in vs bothe synne and death Lykewyse the vertue of Iesus Christe commeth and taketh possession in vs and bringeth to vs thrée effectes that is to saye mortifycation of this corruption which the Scripture calleth the olde man the burying also thereof and finallye the rysynge and restoringe of the newe man as S. Paule describeth these thinges The mortyfication of our corruption and synne is the worke of Iesus Christ in vs wherby hée quencheth and
Notwithstanding we accepte all those as faythfull which make exterior profession if it appeare not to vs the contrary leauing the iudgemente of the Hypocrites to God which shall reueale them and iudge them in his good tyme and pleasure 48. For what causes the younge children of the faythfull be baptised COncernynge younge Children because theyr fayth is vnknowne to vs and we haue sayde before it is requisite that they be partakers of the fruites of the sacraments and it is not very likely that they haue faith because they haue not the vse of vnderstanding excepte God do worke in them extraordinarilye the which appeareth not to vs neuerthelesse we cease not to communicate to them Baptisme Fyrste for as much as there is now the same cause in Baptisme which was sometyme in Circumcision which is called by S. Paule the seale of ryghteousnesse which is by fayth and also by expresse commaundement of God the male children were marked the eyghte day Secondlye there is a speciall regard to be had to the infantes of the faythful For although they haue not faith in effecte suche as those haue that be of age yet so it is that they haue the seede and the spring in vertue of the promise which was receyued and apprehended by theyr elders For God promiseth not vs onely to be our God if we beleeue in him but also y ● he wil be the God of our ofspring and seede yea vnto the thousand degrees that is to the last ende Therfore sayde S. Paule that the chyldren of the faythfull be sanctified from their mothers wombe By what right or title then do they refuse to geue them the marke and ratification of that thing which they haue and professe alreadye And if they alledge yet further that although they come of faithfull elders or parents it followeth not that they be of the number of the electe and by consequent that they be sanctifyed For God hath not chosen al the children of Abraham and Isaac The answer is easy to bee made that it is true all those bee not of the kingdome of God which bee borne of Faythfull parents but of good right we leaue this secret to God for to iudge which onelye knoweth it yet notwithstanding we presume iustly to be the children of God all those which bee issued and discended from faythfull Parents according to the promyse For as much as it appeareth not to vs the contrary According to the same we baptise the younge children of the faithfull as they haue vsed and done from the Apostels tyme in the Churche of god and we dout not but god by thys marke ioyned with the prayers of the Church which is there assistant doth seale the adoption and election in those which he hath predestinate eternallye whether they dye before they come to age of discretiō or whether they liue to bringe forth the fruits of their faith in due time and according to the meanes which god hath ordeyned 49. Application of all that goeth before of the Sacrament of the Supper and the right vse thereof THe signes of the sacrament of the Supper be bread and wine The substanciales ceremonies accordinge to this holy worde to the whiche no man hath anye more power to adde or diminishe then to make new promises of newe Sacramentes be concerninge the minyster who representing Iesus Christ after the rehearsinge and expounding the ordinaunce of the lord with inuocation and publyke prayers then to breake the bread and distribute to the people and lykewyse the cuppe Also for those which receyue the supper with the minister particulerlye in hys office it is for them to take eate and drinke and finallye altogether to render thankes with one hart and with one monthe The thing signified is the same which the doctrine presenteth and declareth to vs ordinarily And of Baptisme likewyse ▪ that is to say Iesus Christ conceyued borne crucified dead buryed rysen ascended into heauen to be made for vs the entrie and perfecte sapience righteousnes sanctification and redemption So thē we doubt not but according to the promise of our God the verye body and the very blood of the Lord ▪ that is to say Iesus Christ himself with all his goodnes and treasures is offered to vs verily and withoute fraude to be receyued of vs inwardly in fayth by the vertue of the holye Ghoste into euerlasting life euen as verely as is offered to our outwarde sences the breade and the wyne for our corporall sustenaunces and lyfe whiche for this cause is called the body and bloud of Iesus Christ that is to say they be the very exterior signes and corporall markes of that which the Lord offereth spirituallye on his parte that is to say of the very body and blood of Iesus Christ For it is an accustomable maner of speaking in the matter of the Sacramentes to geue to the signe the name of the thing signified by it As it is sayde that the Cup is the new alyaunce or couenaunt that is to say the marke and true signe of the new couenaunt which is made by the sheddyng of the precious bloode of Iesus Christe So is sayd also that the Circumcision is called the alliaunce that is to saye the very signe and ratifycation of the alliaunce Also the Lambe is the passage or passeouer Item the stone in the Desert was Christ that is to say verely representing Christ Also it is sayd of S. Paul concerning this matter that the breade is the communion of the bodye of Christe that is to saye the true signe or gage of the communion which we haue with Christ And this exposition is not forged by vs but expressely and playnely obserued by all the auncient Doctours of the Churche as foloweth in that the bread is broken is represēted to our senses the passion of our Lorde which was broken with dolour and sorrowes of death and the iudgement of God in his bodye and soule for vs. In that it is distributed and the cup lykewyse to all the Communicantes representeth to our senses that Iesus Christ him selfe with all his treasures and benefites is geuen to vs of God the Father into eternall lyfe ¶ These places followyng be alledged by the Fathers touching this exposition Irene agaynst the Valentians Tertulian agaynst Martion Origine vpon the booke of numbers hom 16. Item vpon s Mathew 15 26 chap. Item vpon the Leuit. homely 7 ● 9. Item against Celius 8 booke Cyprian 6 epistle of the first booke and the 3 ▪ epistle of the second booke Item in the sermon of the supper Athanase vpō s Mathew chap ▪ 12. Ambrose vpon the first to the Corin and fourth booke of Sacramentes Chapter 4. Chrisostome vpon saynt Mathew in the perfecte worke homely 11. Vpon the 2 Corint hom 27. Vpon the Psalme 22. Item in an epistle to Celarius Augustine vpon the Psalme 8 89. Item August vpon the
buylding not beyng restrayned to any certayne Church or place as they haue dreamed of Saint Peter who by this meanes they haue made bishop in stéede of Apostle But being sent to preach thorowe out y ● worlde according as the spirit of the Lord conducted lead them as the historie of the Actes of the Apostles declared And not as these falle legendes full not onely of folyes and lyes but also of blasphemies wherwith Sathan hath stuffed and fylled the church the Euangelystes were as coadiutors of the Apostles whome they followed as we sée of Sylas of Timothe and of S. Luke and others which ordinarelye accompanyed Saint Paule and were sent foorth and appointed by him as the necessity of the churches dyd requyre The Prophetes were restrained more to certaine places who had syngular giftes for to expound the secreetes of the scriptures and sometymes they had the gyfte to vnderstande and reueale thinges to come for to approue and confyrme by those myracles the doctrine of the Apostles in these first beginnings of the Church Then remaineth nowe to declare of the pastors and doctours whose office is necessarie and perpetuall in the Church of God in such measure as it pleaseth God We shall speake of those here particularly 15 Of the offyce of pastours and doctours THe charge and offyce of those in generall and namelie of pastors is to be diligent take he de to their doctrine vnder the which also we comprehend the sacraments to praier vnder the which also we vnderstand the blessing of mariages of the faithfull accordyng to the auncient custome of the Church although often tymes the deacons haue supplied that office of the administration of the sacramentes and also that which concerneth mariages al the which things Iesus Christe dyd vnderstande by byndinge and lowsynge shutting and opening and by the keyes of the kingdome of heauen which is a matter verye euyll vnderstoode as yet much worse practised For asmuch then as Heauen is proposed and set open to vs as a perpetuall dwellyng place and there is none other waye to go nor other gate to enter in then Iesus Christe And for so muche as the onelye meanes to haue Iesus Christe is fayth the which is created and preserued in vs by the holy Ghost thorow the preaching of the Gospell and the Sacramentes as it hath bene sayde heretofore Behold then wherfore it is sayd that the pastours or doctours to whome this worde and administration of sacramentes is committed haue the keye of the kingdome of heauen Because that by theyr preachings the worlde may be brought to eternall life hauing in their mouthes the word of reconciliation and trueth Moreouer because that our sinnes hold vs bound And the preaching of the Gospell annexed with the Sacramentes declareth to vs the delyuerance from sinne from death and from the deuyll For this cause it is sayde that the Ministers haue power to loose and to bynde with the authoritye of God But here must be noted the poynts that foloweth 26 The difference betweene Pastors and Doctours THe fyrst dyfference betwéene Pastours and doctours consysteth in this that the doctours ought to expounde the scriptures symplie truly ▪ for to haue the true vnderstanding and sence and also to examine the Cathacuminie that is to saye those which be yet learning the principles of Christian religion As Origen dyd in the Church of Alexandria But the pastors office extendeth yet further which is to minister true doctrine by preaching for the necessitye of the Church to teach to reproue to comfort and exhort accordyng as is requisite publikely and particularly making common prayers and also watchinge daye and nyght ouer theyr flocke whiche they be charged with to feede publykely● and particularlye with the worde of lyfe 27 The pastours and doctours bee but instrumentes by the which God conducteth the ministerie of his worde THe second is that neither of them dyrectly doo eyther bynde or lose nor open nor shut the kingdome of heauen for it appertaineth to god only which hath made our harts to chaūge them and to drawe them it is hée onelye that geueth remission of sinnes ▪ to saue and dampne bodye and soule But for as muche as hée is serued with men to declare his worde and mynister his Sacramentes who be as troonckes or conduites thorow whom he destilleth and powreth his grace into the hartes of his electe so it appeareth that this is the cause that so excellent tyttles and testymonies haue bene attrybuted to the faithfull ministers of the Gospell Christe him selfe sayth He that despiseth you despiseth me hauing respect to him that worketh in them and by them As for the ministers being considered a parte by them selues it must come to this which Saint Paule sayde he that planteth he that watereth is nothing but God which geueth the encrease ther must also be a respect that the Ministers of God ve not despised and on the contrary not to extol them into Gods place nor set them in his steede as men do often times Yea euen those which be nothynge lesse then the Ministers of God how shall we do then Let vs follow S. Paule who in speaking of Pastors and doctors saide let euery one so estéeme of vs as the ministers of Iesus Christ and distributers of the secretes of God 28 The marckes and tokens of false doctours and pastours THe thyrde poynte lyeth in thys which S. Paule ioyneth in y ● same text the whiche is required also on the Ministers parte that euerie of them be found faithfull Now we accoumpt not them for faithfull and so by consequent worthye of the honour due to the ministers nor yet to be accepted as ministers which haue not receyued y e office and charge of the Lord that is to say those which haue bene thruste in without consent as is appoynted by the Church And namely when the Lord geueth this grace in the worlde that there is a Churche erected excepte God doth stur vp some one or two extraordinaryly as he hath alwayes done when it séemeth good to him For howe shall they preache sayth Saynt Paule if they bée not sente And to saye trueth what earthly Prince is there that woulde allowe those thinges within his Realme which bee done without his commaundement Wherefore we doo exhort all faithfull to take dillygent heede and beware of those whiche contempne the ordynarie meanes of a lawfull and godly election which importeth a true and free examination of manners learning and doctrine without ambition or wicked meanes whensoeuer it shal please God to erect his order in any place of the world For when this order by gods iust iudgemēt cānot be kept it wilbe folly to hope for any reformation confirmed by them who be the very enemies of the Church Also all extraordinarie vocations ought to be suspected and
as himselfe hath vsed with all those which haue wyllinglye done their duetie as Salomon Ezechias Iosias other faithful Kinges and Emperours 33 Howe far they are bounde to obey the magistrate AS there is no faythfull man exempt from the obedience whiche be oweth to Iesus Christe reigning in his Church be it king prince or subiect so ther is none from the greatest to the least which oweth not voluntarie obedyence to his Magistrate as ordayned of God Yea although the Magistrate were a tirant except in one point onelye that is to saye if he commaunde to doo things which were against Gods woorde For in this case as the Apostles said we must rather obey God then mā for otherwise we extol mē aboue God It is not then rebellion to disobey Princes when they woulde cause vs to doo that which God forbyddeth or to defend● or forbyd that which God commaūdeth But in this poynt● there must bee suche a meane kepte that they doo not passe or excéede their vocation For the Apostles obeyed not to those which for bad and defended them to preach Iesus Christe as also they tooke to them no weapon or armour which appertayned not to them Also we must note that there is difference betweene doing wrong to another and to suffer wrong done to vs. Nowe for the firste it is forbydden vs ▪ neuer to doo wrong But especially commaunded vs to suffer the iniuryes done to vs for the honour of GOD as much as maye or can bee done wythout preiudice or against our vocation as we reade that Iesus Christe although hee were free neuerthelesse payed trybute wyllynglye It is then a manyfest and false slaunder to saye that the doctrine which we teach and vse bringeth men to bee sedicious and disobedient to kinges and superious But cleane contrarie the Gospell establisheth their power But this is impudently done of those which haue notoriously exempted themselues from the subiection of Princes which do vnderstand no otherwise by the lyberties of the Church then that which they haue vsurped vpon Princes against all right both diuine humaine and yet haue no shame to burdē vs with that wherin they them selues be notory●●slie culpable and offenders Of the last Iudgement The. vi poynt 1. VVhat it is that we do beleeue and hope of the last iudgement FInally we beléeue according to the worde of God that in the tyme ordayned of God the which tyme the verie Angels know not ▪ Iesus Christe seeing the number of his elected accomplished and fulfylled shall come from heauen corporallie with his diuine maiestie this olde worlde beeing consumed by fire And then shall appeare before him all mankynde whiche were from the begynning of the worlde and all those whiche were deade before shall bee vnyted and ioygned with the same body from whiche the soule was seperated and those which shall be lyuing at the howre of his comming ▪ shalbe chaunged in one momente chaunged saye concerninge the corruptible quallitie of their bodyes and then the Lorde shall Iudge the one and the other accordinge to hys woorde and those whiche belieued as shall appeare by the fruites of theyr faith shall hee made partakers of the kingdome of GOD not onelye in theyr soule the whiche euen before and after the fyrste death hath beene in the Ioye of hys Lorde GOD but also in theyr bodyes the whiche shall bee vncloathed from all imperfections and infyrmities and agayne cloathed with incorruption and glorious immortalytie For to behold that which neuer eye coulde sée nor hart coulde thinke and in briefe to receyue fullye the fruite of theyr fayth and hope by the onelye goodnesse of God in Iesus Christe And on the contrary the wicked condempned and vanquished by the testimony of their owne conscience shal be made immortall eternallye to suffer the payne prepared for the Diuell and hys Angels ¶ A briefe comparison betwene the doctrine of the Papistes and this of the holy catholike Church The. vii poynt 1 The Papistes worshippeth a false God which is neyther righteous nor mercifull WHo so euer knoweth what the Popyshe Relygion is and consydereth well this here aboue wrytten shall easelye knowe whether it be with good right and iust occasion that we be separated from them and ioyned vs to this Churche of God according to his woorde And moreouer they shall fynde those men to abuse them selues verye muche which thinke that our dyfference onelye lyeth in certayne lyght abuses concerning the maners of lyfe But so it is that the principall dyfference is concernynge the substaunce of the doctryne wherein consysteth our saluation the which I wyl sh●we plainly by the way Although the matter requyreth well a Treatyse wholy by it selfe ▪ for to be dylated as it requireth ▪ I saye then that the blacke is not more contrarye to the whyte ▪ then the Relygion of the Papistes is to this Religion of the Churche of God And to declare the same I wyll not staye nor grounde mee vppon the fylthie stynking lyfe of those of their owne Church from the least to the greatest But I wyll come directlie to their doctrine And when there shall bee none other thinge to declare and shewe that theyr Relygion is proceeded from the Prince of darknesse but this one that they wyll not ha●e the woorde of God to bee vsed and vnderstande of all people and also that they Iuggell foorthe all their mysteries in an vnknowen tongue to the moste parte of the people yea to themselues namelye that vttereth them This shoulde bee a suffycyente testymonye of my sayinge to all menne of an vpryght iudgement but we wyll go further with them Fyrste concerning GOD I saye ▪ that where as they doo set foorth the meryts of any creature to pacifie his wrath they spoyle and robbe him of his perfyte righteousnesse the which by this meanes can not bée perfyte if hee take for payment eyther all or part of that which maye procéede from a sinner Although I denye not but the good lyfe of a faythfull person is acceptable to God but not to obtaine saluation and eternall lyfe by this tytle Item they robbe and spoyle hym in so dooynge of hys perfyte mercie For consider if we can satisfie to GOD in any part or péece it followeth that he doeth not quitte or forgeue vs all but the rest which remayned Wherefore I conclude that in steade of the true God who is perfitely ryghteous and perfitely mercifull in Iesus Christe onely as wée haue declared they worshippe a dreame and fantasie of their own bead to whom they haue geuen the name and tytle of God 2 If the doctrine of the Papistes bee true it foloweth that Iesus Christe is not verie man ITem concernyng Iesus Christe by whome only we haue saluation whether wee consider his person or that we regard his office of mediator I saye that in steade of the true Iesus