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A63798 Tryon's letters upon several occasions ... by Tho. Tryon. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1700 (1700) Wing T3184; ESTC R27544 228,706 258

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Inclination to continue a miserable Life doth not only proceed and arise from the sense Men have of Sin and the breaking of God's Law for which eternal Punishment is threatned though this seems to be sufficient cause to be the Root of each Man's fear of Death which doth not consist in his Transgressions but from that eternal Life and invisible Spiritual Power that supports and dwells in the Body which in all Creatures doth with the highest diligence imitate that Fountain from whence it proceeds 〈◊〉 it is not to be doubted that if a number of Men should be Educated and 〈◊〉 up and under Custom and Meth●… that did not teach 〈◊〉 believe the Immortality of the So●… 〈◊〉 Rewards for Virtu●… nor Punishments for Vice neverthel●… the fear and dread of all Violence Oppression and Death would be the same as now it i●… and with other Creatures for God's eternal Laws in Nature are the same yesterday to day and for ever or from Eternity to Eternity and Man makes Laws and imitates Customs that are varied and changed out of Evil into Good and out of Good into Evil but God's Law and 〈◊〉 in all the Operations of the Spiritual Powers are in a cons●… fix'd Method and it is clear that the greatest Evil and 〈◊〉 thing that can be done to Man or any other sensible Creature is to put a Period to the Life before it hath obtained its highest Limit and this sort of Violence doth in all its Circumstances Diametrically oppose the Creating and likewise the Preserving Power of God and the greatest breach of Unity Now that which will make Death and the Thoughts thereof easiest is a clean harmless sober temperate and innocent Life Living within the Compass and Bounds of God's Law that is to do unto the whole Creation and Creatures as a Man would be done unto and if this was done nevertheless every one would Live eternally in this World if they could because the Spirit which is the Life of the Body hath an eternal Original and would be cloathed with a proportionable Body for no Spirit nor Spiritual Power can be known to it self or be a Self-subsisting Individual Creature or be capable of Joy or Sorrow neither in this World nor in that which is to come if it be not comprehended within the Circle of a Body and therefore the Philosophical Apostle Paul tells us that if the Dead rise not or if there be no Resurrection that is new Bodies they were the most miserable of all Creatures which is as if he had said that if after the Death of these Mortal Bodies if the Eternal Spirit or Immortal Soul did not obtain or cloath it self with a suitable Body that is an Immortal one then their Works and good Deeds could not follow them neither could the Holy Men and Saints be capable of enjoying those eternal Blessings promised to all those that observe the Laws of their Creator and keep his Commandments for if there be no new Bodies then the Soul and all the Spiritual Powers that circled and dwelt in this gross Body must of necessity at Death mingle themselves into and with the eternal Fountain and thereby be eternally Annihilated ●…s to Individuality or of being known to it self and consequently not capable either of Joy or Sorrow And note that according to the Disposition and Complexion of the Spiritual Powers such Bodies they are cloathed with and therefore it is not to be doubted but that every Man in the World to come shall be cloathed or obtain a suitable Body proportionable to the Spirit and Soul and such as in the time of the Body did freely immerse and enter into all kinds of Fierceness and Violence Killing those of their own kind and all under-graduated Creatures their new Bodies shall obtain a Figure or Form in proportion And therefore the Scripture doth say and speak of the Heavenly City and Angelical Powers without the Gates are Bears and Dogs for the Spirit is the Original of the Body and not the Body of the Spirit and according to the Equality or Ine●…ality of the Spirit or Spiritual Powers such a Figure or Form that obtains for the great and wonderful variety of Forms of Bodies and Figures of things do arise and proceed from the variety of the Spirits and Spiritual Powers which could not have been manifested but only by means of the Body nor be known to themselves It is likewise further to be noted that Death doth at once obliterate and put a period to the five great Princes or Councellors called Senses in which by and through whom the living Powers and Spirits of Eternity do manage and transact all material things in this Visible World or Corporeal Body and at the same time Buries them in the great Abyssal Mystery separating the loving Husband from the affectionate and tender Wife and all other visible things that are near and dear to the Senses and innate Affections and all that claims an interest to the outward Corporality the sensitive Body and Spirit of this World have a right unto and are necessitated to plunge or leap into the grand Mystery of Eternity and that which doth increase and multiply the fear and dread thereof and makes it so exceeding timerous to pass through or over this Sea into Eternity is First Mens living and acting contrary to Gods innocent Laws of Nature and the embracing of evil Customs and Traditions most of which do diametrically oppose all the innocent uniform Powers and Laws of Concord the ignorances thereof being the greatest evil in this World for it is almost impossible for any Person to obtain the Unity if he doth not distinguish the Power of God in himself and the Principles of his own Nature and Composition and for this cause many of the Justest and best of Men that have no●… only been soberly and religiously inclined but have as it were transacted all their Affairs with softness and equity according to the settled Religion and Custom of the Nation and Place they are Educated in nevertheless those great and unnatural Evils Violences and Oppressions most or all Nations commit against God and his Holy innocent Law do so strong and powerfully spring and boil up in the center of Mans Soul so soon as the Eternal Spiritual Powers do see and feel that their body or circle of Corporality shall be taken away or they separated from them 〈◊〉 there is a great and wonderful Consternation or Tumult all the Centers Powers and Principles being awakened and as it were grating or rubbing one against another occasioning great Disorders and Agonys between the Nature Spiritual Powers and Principles all being unwilling to shift or quit their Body or natural ●…tation and be put to seek a new one and being as is mentioned before altogether ignorant of then doth arise in the Center of the Soul various Accusations of their not doing this or the other thing or of some mis-spent time or neglect of the ●…mon Duty of
of Candle which doth make a Sick and Dying Bed still more uneasy and burthensom more especially when the Sick Person shall think and consider of the Methods of his Life great Agonies do arise and spring up in the Soul feeling its self almost naked or uncloathed of all the Pleasures of Life most of which Perplexities are Originalliy occasioned by the vain Educations and wicked Customs of Natons more especially among the Christians What vain empty frivolous Discourses do all Mothers Nurses and Maids use to their Children the first 6 or 7 years of their Age always discoursing between Jest and Earnest great part thereof Childish Banter with a hundred odd Tricks and Postures which doth take such deep root awakening their Similies so that those Vices become essential that neither Time nor Correction is ever able to obliterate them Is it not common where 5 or 6 Children are with a Mother Nurse and Maid the whole House is filled with a great noisom Crying others Laughing their Governesses Whipping and Threatning of them and it is but little amended when they come to 18 or 20 years of Age when 6 or 8 of these meet what a strange variety of Notes are heard as loud Obesence Laughter Jesting Lying and Jeering one another each endeavouring in vain talking to move that vain and ridiculous posture of Laughing nay our Gray-Hair'd Senators are not free from these Vanities it being common for ancient People to please and delight themselves in telling long Stories of their Youthful Wickedness and Follies and that too in the hearing of young People and in the presence of their own Children for Histories tell us that Christ never Laughed whilst he was Cloathed with the Humane Nature and to this day it is esteemed a very odd thing for any Person to Laugh in the Eastern Countreys Nowthese things considered no marvel that most Men on Dying Beds are under such perplexity and horror of Mind which doth occasion thousands to make Solemn promises to the Lord to amend and redeem their times if he pleases to continue their Lives for a very little season longer which very few do perform for those grafted evil Methods do quickly get head and there the evil Powers become strong and potent which doth verify that Proverb That which is bred in the Bone will never out of the Flesh Few or none ever consider that those Childish Evils or Venoms most suck in their Childhood and Youth do naturally improve in riper years even to old-Age as all Trades Sciences and other Learning do so that most or all Man's days are worse than trifled away The truth of this appears by the general Conversation of Mankind go amongst a hundred sorts of People of all Pretences and Religions and observe their Converse and Discourse their Nature and Tendency and upon the whole a Man shall not hear one word among many that is edifying useful and proper or that tends to the benefit of Mankind neither in the observation of that which makes them Men and is the support of the Body Soul and Spirit or the knowledge of God first in our selves and then in all other Creatures or how Mankind may render himself capable of discharging that great duty to his Maker viz. to govern himself and all the undergraduated Creatures in Good-will Love and Harmony which is the true method of doing unto all Gods Creatures as a Man would be done unto no no not a word of any such necessary Truths but most or all frothy vain and fantastick Now if Mankind spends all his Childhood in sucking in and learning Vanity and their strength of years in the practice of those Evils and Intemperances which often cuts Man off betimes when these things are considered it is then no marvel that the Dying or Sick Bed becomes so uneasy there being hardly any sort of People in the World that their Disciples do Dye with that great trouble or pain of the Mind and Body as the Christians more especially that part called the Reformed which comes to pass for the reasons before mentioned The Eastern People in General Live and Dye peaceably and easy more especially the People called Bannians who perhaps are some of the strictest Observers of Gods Law viz. doing unto those of their own kind and to all inferior Animals and Creatures as they would be done unto having a severe and particular regard to maintain Unity and Humanity that they may in the Resurrection or next World when New Bodies shall be given them arise in Humane Forms and Shapes for it is their undoubted Faith that if Man lives in Gods Law and leads an innocent harmless Life shewing Mercy Love and Compassion to all the sensible Creation that then they shall not only obtain an Angelical form of Body but have an Eternal Blessed Unity to live with God and his Holy Angels in the spangled Regions of Eternity But on the contrary those that live in the practice of Violence Oppression and Killing whose Minds Spirits and Souls are precipitated into those furious fierce Principles they shall be Cloathed in Eternity with suitable Bodies for without the Unity or Holy City of Innocency are Dogs Bears Lyons and the like Beasts of Prey saith St. Iohn in the Revelations there being nothing more true and certain he that breaks the Unity both in himself and in all other Creatures doth immediately divide himself from God and breaks forth into Discord Perplexity and Trouble let his Religion Custom and Laws of his Countrey be what it will And on the other side that Person that keeps the Unity in himself unviolated by living in innocent harmless methods has Peace both in his Living and Dying It is a Proverb amongst the Eastern Philosophers and Bannians that nothing makes the Life of Man pleasurable and the Dying-bed easy but an innocent Life and to imitate God who is the Creator of all Beings and the Preserver of all his Works This they say is the true Worship of God and joins them to the Fountain of Benignity Innocency hurts nothing nor nothing that those Eastern Sages or Philosophers have great Veneration for Silence is one of the most necessary and useful Vertues because most Men know but very little and therefore they ought to talk or discourse in proportion to their Understanding for this cause where there is much talk there is a like proportion of Ignorance and Folly uttered as the Wiseman saith A Fool is known by his much talking Therefore Pythagoras and many other Eastern Philosophers taught their Disciples and Scholars Silence as the first and principlest Precepts which the People of those Countreys do observe to this day time and practice hath made it easy and natural to them so that amongst them when several Ages are together viz. Children Young Men and Women middle Age and Old Age there is not any noise as talking altogether but all stand silent and sedate each Age speaking in their turn according to their Degrees which doth not
of Unity whereby the Virgin Birth is obtained Let this serve to whet your Appetite after the improvement of Wisdom and Knowledge and remain a Memorial of the unfeigned friendship of Your Humble Servant T. T. LETTER XIX Of Flesh-BROTHS SIR I Have received yours wherein you desire my judgment of Flesh-Broths or Pottages their Nature Operation and Nourishment and likewise Pottages and Gruels made of Vegetables as Fruits and Herbs without Flesh and which of the two doth afford the best finest cleanest and healthiest Aliment to the Body and Mind This Question we have answered in several of our Writings nevertheless shall endeavour to gratifie your curious Philosophical Mind and longing desire after Wisdom And first shall give you an account of Pottages made with Flesh and of the Fat Gravy and Blood of Animals THe flesh of all Animals and Beasts is gross succulent and full freighted with many impurities and uncleannesses as we have demonstrated in our Book Entituled The Way to Health c. And to say nothing of the Bestial and revengeful passion of their Mind which after Deaths painful stroke centers in the Blood and Spirits and those violent incroaching Spirits do never fail to incorporate with their Similies in the Eaters it being the natural Law of God and the way of Nature which no Art can prevent For as Man is the compleat Image and Likeness of all things Creatures and Powers on the other side all Created Powers are an Epitome and likeness of Man so that in one Degree or another Man answ●…s to all things and all things to him and as all Meats and Drinks are made and compounded both of Body and Spirits even as Man so from our Foods our Bodies and Spirits are continued made and sustained all according to the goodness badness cleanness or uncleanness of our Meats and Drinks for from the body of the said Foods Mans Body always is Created and made and from the Spirits Mans Spirits are from time to time generated and supported and so Nature still goes on for from the Spirits are made and do proceed Inclinations Dispositions Words and Works and they better or worse clean or unclean according as the Meats and Drinks and their respective Natures and Originals are Qualities always maintain and generate their like for the Children cannot but partake and be endued with the Principles Forms and Dispositions of the Father that begot them and from whence they proceeded and though they may alter as to the degrees some stronger some weaker yet are they the compleat Image of the Father which is the eternal and unalterable Law of our great Creator So that there is nothing more clear and manifest than that all Meats and Drinks are endued with an influential Vertue and Power to generate strengthen and maintain their own form and quality having in their own Bosom a Key to open all the secret Doors and Cabinets of Nature and there to incorporate joyn and reinforce all such forms principles and powers as are most agreeable to themselves So that it is the highest degree of Blindness Ignorance and Depravation for Man to imagine and think that there is little or no difference in the Nature and Operation of Meats and Drinks and that one thing is as good as another which deplorable and miserable Estate and Condition of Mankind is much to be lamented and highly pityed for so long as this Blindness and deepest Stupidity overwhelms People there can be no inclination to true Vertue Innocency and Regeneration viz. to be made better for all things both in Body and Spirit are better or worse vitious or vertuous according to the materials of which they are made and compounded To this all Men agree that a clean thing cannot be generated or proceed from an unclean nor a strong thing from a weak This is generally understood by every Man in his own Science Art Trade and Employment and in particular this is wonderfully demonstrative in Husbandry Painting and Manuring the Earth Yet this great and valuable Truth is not understood nor at all regarden in the Cultivation and Manuring their own Earth viz. their Bodies Souls and Spirits What a strange and unheard of Paradox is it that he who pre●…nds to have Skill and Judgment and to manage and govern the World and all things therein should be so ignorant and know so little of himself or of the powers and principles of his own Composition Will not the Husbandman tell you that such and such Land or Earth will bring forth and bear such and such Grains Seeds Herbs Trees and Fruits better than others And will not the Lime-makers and such as are Skill'd in Mortar and Building tell you that strong Lime cannot be made of Chalk and that a strong thing cannot proceed and be made of a weak one but strong binding Lime must have a strong firm Original that is hard strong Stones wherein the Sal Nitral qualities of Saturn and Mars or the original Forms are powerful And will not the Husbandman tell you that if you will have your Cattel or Horses endued with the greatest strength and agility then you must give them the finest and cleanest Foods and such as by the Sun and Elements are purged from their gross flatulent juices for in such Foods the Spirits are clean free prompt and ready not being overwhelmed and drowned in gross matter and of all such Corn hath the first place And will not Drivers and Keepers of Horses tell you that dry clean Foods will enable them to go through more Labour without damage and hurt than Grass And do not Butchers and Tallow-Chandlers agree that Cattel fed with Corn and Hay their Flesh will take Salt better and keep longer and the Candles made of such Fat will not only burn best but also endure longer and are harder and more firm The like is to be understood in all other things every particular Species carries along even through all things its original Seeds both of vertue and vice strength and weakness always enduing their Children or Off-spring with their own original qualifications so constant so true are the ways and methods of Gods Law in Nature and who dares deny these Grand Truths Now my Friend if you understand and distinguish what here we have hinted at then you will easily make a judgment between Flesh-Pottages and those made of Herbs Fruits and Grains However for your satisfaction I shall give you a more particular account of them Flesh-Broths or Pottages are various better or worse according to the sorts they are made of and the season of the Year and the Food the Creature is fed with which our Writings give a particular account of as touching that Therefore I shall not enlarge The Fat Blood Gravy or Juices of all Beasts are exceedingly crude full of gross matter and dull heavy purblind Spirits with contaminated dolorous Species and when it comes into Boyling Water the Water immediately penetrates the whole substance and naturally draws forth
and imbibes all the flatulent gross juices and bloody matter and as it were incorporates it into its self so that it becomes one Body and the less water such flesh is Boiled in the more impure gross and fulsom the Pottage is the more water the better it is both for the Flesh and Pottage too Now this cleansing liquid Element doth by an innate disposition purge cleanse and draw forth as is said before all the frothy slimy evil juices of the flesh and leaves it more clean and the Broth is thereby endued with all the malignant qualitys and the more such Pottages are Boiled the worse and more stagnated gross and heavy they become for Fat 's cannot be altered changed or purged from their original impurities as Vegetables can The Oily Sal Nitral qualitys are so knit together that there is no art can alter or change their forms or purge them from their grossness Besides Fat 's or Oils will not admit of Boiling for the longer they are Boiled the stronger grosser and heavier they become as the Tallow-Chandlers and Melters of Fat observe and therefore they Boil it as little as possible but run it off as it melts and rises in the Copper and that which rises up first is the cleanest and finest and the Candles made thereof are better and Sold for more than the other that comes up last and for this cause they Boil as little as they can only as much as will dissolve the matter for if they should not try and separate the watry crude grosser parts the Candles would not burn clear and the Light would not only be dim but they would run and sputter And if you would be farther satisfied what vertues and vices Flesh-Pottages do contain then look into the bottom of Tallow-Chandlers Melting Coppers and take notice of the black contaminated sulphurous substance called Greaves which many buy to give their Dogs with the very same all your Fat 's and Flesh you eat is as plentifully furnished as the Tallow and some of it much more for Candles for the most part are made of the cleanest of the Fat viz. that which is called Suet great quantitys thereof being eaten in Pudding Now there are several parts of the Creature where the flesh is much more unclean and foul than Tallow or Suet as the Neck Sticking-piece and the Head that contains great quantities of black Blood and glandulous Matter which many People make Pottages of such Broth doth never fail of conveying all those stinking bloody voracious unclean qualifications to the Eaters which generates Nourishment of a heavy slow dull melancholly nature and operation the Spirits proceeding therefrom are impure glimmering morose and churlish the Complexion and all the Inclinations and Dispositions are followed and endued with a proportionable Nature Also all Pottages made of Flesh are the very Channel Sink and Common-shoar that dreans and draws forth or attracts all the unclean dregs or bloody stinking matter which the flesh is endued with or subjected to For this cause all Flesh-Pottages do prove unhealthy to all People but more especially to the Sick and therefore the Eastern Physicians forbid the Diseased all Flesh-Broths or Pottages and eating of Flesh. And it is not to be doubted but in all places where most of Peoples Food is Flesh that the Diseases for the most part take their birth from their gross unclean juices so that there can be no greater evil than to eat those fulsom dregs and lumpish Pottages which cannot but by simile increase and encourage the Disease by augmenting the offending matter and all this is done for want of understanding and distinguishing the Principles Fountain-spirits cleanness and uncleanness of things and their respective Operations both in the Macrocosm and Microcosm and the concatenation of things how every thing works and joins forces with its likeness which is the highest joy and satisfaction of all Beings Nor can any Man make an happy choise of things till he can distinguish betwixt the intrinsick and extrinsick vertues and vices of our selves and all other things and no sooner is the Divine Eye opened but immediately Man sees that Meats and Drinks are the very substance of our Bodies Souls and Spirits and that all the Dispositions spring from thence Now on the other side there are a great number of clean Pottages made of Grains Seeds Fruits and Herbs which are all noble and fragrant viz. Water-gruel Rice Conju Wheat Chocolate and various sorts of Candles made of Wine Ale Beer Cyder Oatmeal and Sugar likewise divers Spoon-meats made of Milk and Water and such as these may have Butter mixed with them viz. Gruels and Paps which is many degrees finer than the Fat of flesh not only as it is the noblest Fruit the Creature affords to Mankind without any manifest pain violence or oppression to them but it is also far cleaner than other Fat and will endure and keep longer and will likewise bear more Boiling than other Fat 's that is such as we Eat and make Candles of The Sal Nitral Vertues or oily Body in Vegetables is not only more clean sweet and fragrant but much easier separated in the Stomach and doth administer both dry and moist Nutriment in a clean and easie Method begetting their Similies and doth with the highest diligence withstand all the encroaching Powers or Humors for such as is the Food such is the Body Soul and Spirits Cleanness and Equality begets Children like themselves And the more simple and equal your Meats and Drinks are the more equal are your Humors also the calmer and purer is your Blood which is the Source whence the Spirits are Generated and from the Spirits as we said before arises Dispositions Imaginations Inclinations Words and Works both equal or unequal according to the foundation or first matter This being granted what great care ought Mankind to have in all the methods of Life for Meats and Drinks being the radix of all Nourishment both dry and moist are by the curious Art and Chymistry of Nature higher graduated from whence all the nobler faculties take their Birth wherefore we urge the grand necessity of Prudence in the choice of our Foods because hence are the Generation of all Essences Forms Dispositions and Temperaments and thence the Seed in Man doth arise proceed and take its Birth and Generation And this Seed contains the true Nature and Properties of the whole and so becomes a compleat Image and Epitome of all Forms and Powers and as the Qualitys Forms and Powers are in the Father either equal or unequal so they are in the Seed and as they are in the Seed so they are in the Son For this cause Unclean and Bestial Bloody Gored Foods and such as are procured by violence do contaminate and sully the very Original of Man so that the unclean violent evil Essences are conveyed from Generation to Generation and therefore it is no wonder Mankind grows worse and more violent and unclean in
have on all the Faculties of Nature no Wise man will or can deny as is before sufficiently demonstrated besides there is still another Ground and deep Original for the conveyance and generation of a great multitude of Diseases but more especially this fiery Distemper viz. the Seed being the compleat Image or Epitome of all the Properties Forms and Powers both of the Body Soul and Spirit and for this cause Man is called the Son or Off-spring of God or his Image The same is to be understood of Man when he Generates a Child is he not his Son and doth he not bear the Image and true Signature of his Father is he not endued with all the principles and powers of Body Soul and Spirits and if the Seed did not contain the true Nature and Property of the whole Father then the Fathers power or part thereof would not have an Essential Being in the Son neither would the Son be his true Image this being true as no Wiseman can doubt Then by the same rule Virtues and Vices of all Kinds are Sowed in the Seed and according as the Father and Mother are qualified and tempered in their Order Sobriety Temperance or Intemperance in their Meats Drinks and Employments Communications Imaginations Inclinations Dispositions Words and Works such is the Seed and the Fruit that is Generated Begotten and brought forth and is in Body Soul and Spirit the very same in all the principles and powers This being true what Conduct Temperance and Order what Cleanness Self-denial and Wisdom ought Parents to be endued with seeing they entail all their Virtues and Vices on their Posterity Now Mankind hath so far estranged himself from all those fore-mentioned Virtues by his gross Evils Violences Oppressions and Uncleannesses that he is run into the deepest degree of Depravity Blindness and Ignorance so that most do live under and are governed by the divided powers and forms of their own Composition where every quality and principle are at Enmity with each other so that he is hunted out of one evil into another Fierceness Violence and Oppression being his chief Delight and as it were the Pleasure and Pastime of most Men viz. Great Men study how they may destroy ruin and kill those of their own Kind and Species and the lower Ranks in hunting oppressing and killing the inferior Graduates and all the innocent harmless Inhabitants of the four Worlds and in Conformity and Proportion to these rapacious Employments are the principal Foods of Man so that there is a Concatenation and Sympathetical Agreement and Concurrence of all sorts and kinds of wrathful fierce Violence contrived and managed by the inbred fierce encroaching spiteful envious Powers which have not only sullyed but as it were obliterated the Noble light of Understanding and hath sunk Man into the deepest and darkest ignorance of himself and all that is good so that he neither sees hears nor understands any thing as he ought and thereby becomes subject to and is acted and governed by the fore-mentioned tyrannical Spirits Now there is no way or means to prevent those violent Diseases and other Distempers but by the wholsom rules of Order Temperance and Cleanness in Meats Drinks Communications Employment Words and Works which doth oppose all the fore-mentioned Customs as much as Light doth Darkness or the Day the Night by which the Observers may obtain a better Seed which will produce a Healthy and Virtuous Off-spring viz. The Foods material and suitable for this purpose are as followeth Bread and all Foods made of the Flour of Corn have the first place both for Cleanness Virtue and good Nourishment as Bread and Water-gruel Flour-pap boil'd Wheat boil'd Barley Hasty-pudding boil'd Bread and several sorts made of the Flours of Seeds and Corn Next to these are Milk Butter Cheese Eggs and a great number of other Exhilerating Foods made thereof The principal Drink alotted and ordained by God and the Law of undefiled Nature is pure clean Water Next to these are Communications which have great power over the Imaginations Inclinations Dispositions Words and Works either to encrease or advance Virtue or Vice and these Employments are very material viz. All such as are Humane free from Oppression or Violence either to Man or Beasts likewise all sorts of Husbandry or any Business in the open Air more especially such as is on or near the Water and to Travel in rainy moist Seasons Thirdly Thin or moderate Cloathing airy clean sweet Houses and Beds observing a mean in all things for Temperance and to understand the proper Measure both in Quantity and Quality are the Sinews of Health both of Body and Mind which to distinguish and understand in a Man's self is the Spring-head of all Blessings for whatsoever may or can be understood of God and of his unalterable Law is compleatly and entirely contained in Man Therefore the greatest Calamity the most miserable melancholy and deplorable Condition in the World is for a Man to be Ignorant of himself not to understand and distinguish the Powers of God and his own Composition for want of this inward true Knowledge he Judgeth of all things as a Blind Man doth of Colours and a Deaf Man of Musick all is done by Chance Trade or Custom so great and so deep is the Depravation of Man SIR Yours to Command T. T. LETTER XXIII Of EDUCATION SIR I Réceived yours of the 20th instant wherein you desire me to give you an Essential Method of Educating and Bringing up your Children they being all Young and of tender Age by which they are rendred capable of being taught and moulded into any Form Method and Government First I referr you to our Book entituled A New Method of Educating Children which I desire you would Read However I shall endeavour to gratify your Desire with those Talents the Lord hath given me not doubting but they will be thereby improved by your Prudent Conduct therefore please to observe these following Rules and Methods 1. YOU ought to understand and endeavour to be sensible that our Creator hath made Man in his own Image and a compleat Epitome of all Principles Qualities and Powers both of the Corporial and Incorporial Worlds all things have an Essential Being in Man's Soul viz. Virtue true Light and Darkness Love and Hate and if Men once come to be sensible of their own Composition and to distinguish between Good and Evil Virtue and Vice and from what Principles each takes its Birth they would hate and lament their ill Conduct both of their own Methods of Life and the bringing up of their Children it is impossible any Man should be capable to avoid the Errors of Educating Children if he doth not distinguish the two Grand Fountains of Good and Evil in himself and how the various Powers Qualities and Inclinations which do all arise and proceed from these two Fountains are to be Qualified Allaied and United for all sorts and kinds of Knowledge and Learning though it
the Father and Mother the Son or Fruit cannot but must partake and bear a Simile of its Parents whence it proceeded for if the Foundation of any Creature be Evil the end must centre in the same for most of the great Out-rages Evils and Calamities that fall on and attend Mankind do arise and proceed from his acting and living under the Government of the disunited and self-ful Principles and Powers of his own Composition as was hinted before Therefore that Man should have the Knowledge of future Events either of this World or of that which is to come it would be a great addition of Evil and Misery to him seeing he transacts the Affairs of his Life under the conduct of such violent evil Principles and mischievous Methods Traditions and Customs But if Mankind had but one grain of true Wisdom and did see ever so little into themselves or own Magia then a Man would easily guess what Events such violent oppressive Methods of Life would produce and bring to pass both in the Evil and also in the Good for Nature and God's Law is always one and the same and true for ever for every Principle and governing Quality begets and brings forth Children like it self and endues them with all the Qualifications of the Father both in Body and Mind Soul and Spirit and where he is willing to presage or promise unto himself or Posterity any Good he must Live first and transact all the Methods of his Life in harmlessness and innocency avoiding Violence and all sorts and kinds of Oppression either to Man or Beast using all the Creatures to a good end and purpose and above all not to do or enter on any Action of Life without applying ourselves and taking the Advice of that Divine Power Principle and Advocate that dwells in the Centre of every Man's Soul whose Rule and Prescriptions if obeyed will render our present Momentary Lives comfortable and Dying-Beds easy and our future State most Happy My Dear Friend I doubt not when we shall meet in the Heavenly Regions but that we shall have a most undoubted Confirmation and Illustration of those Truths and wonderful Mysteries we have discoursed of in our Writings which the Ages to come will have cause to Praise God for who is the Giver of Gifts and the Revealer of Secrets to the Sons and Daughters of Wisdom from whom this Knowledge hath proceeded which undoubtedly in future Times will draw many into the innocent Method of God's Law which if Mankind Lived in would quickly ease the Soul of that great dread and fear of what shall happen after Death for nothing can hurt or perplex that Soul that hath lived a harmless Life neither in Time nor Eternity all Dread Fear and Srrrow comes in at the Door of Violence and Hurtfulness as also our not governing our selves nor the Creatures according to the Right of Nature and the one only Original Law and this great violent tormenting Monster doth first take its Birth in Man's Meats Drinks Exercises and Employments Words and Works are the Fruits that are generated from the central Powers and natural Spirits so that those evil Principles and Qualities are conveyed from one Generation to another the Children being Essentially endued with all the Principles Dispositions and Qualifications of the Father and that which makes another considerable addition to those Grand Fountains of Evil Violence and the breaking of God's Holy Union is the evil and preposterous Education of our Children and the wicked Examples and Precedents of Fathers Mothers and all concerned in Bringing them up so that what evil Qualifications are wanting in the Seed are made up and compleated in their Education which hath and doth take such deep root that every Generation are more and more Wicked notwithstanding the continual Preaching Teaching and Admonishing of the Clergy of all sorts and their threatning the Evil-doers with eternal Damnation and Happiness to those that do well and the Severity of the Magistrates too nevertheless all will not do because Precedents Examples and the continual practise of all Violence and Wickedness do take deeper root and make far greater Impression than Words and Precepts What great matter can be expected for Men to hear two or three hours Discourse of the excellency of Virtue and at the same time both Teachers as well as the Hearers do practise Evil and Violence all the Week Now when these things are understood and well considered how is it possible that Mankind can arrive at the Haven or Port of Rest or what satisfaction can that Soul have whose Methods of Life hath been in opposition to true Innocency and Virtue having lived and acted by and under all selfish violent and tyranical Spirits and Customs and though many of them be tolerated by Religion Laws and Tradition as those supream and highest Evils are viz. The Oppression and Killing those of our own kind and all the rest of the innocent Inhabitants of Heaven and Earth and Eating their Flesh too those violent Practises of Life the poor Soul can never excuse it self of or get over at the hour of Death when all the Natural or Spiritual Powers must be separated and the Soul left Naked to its Works which attracts a new Body to cloath it self with there can be no true satisfaction or content in that Soul that hath lived in Oppression and whose daily Practise hath been to break the Union both in himself and in all other things The Customs of Nations Laws of Princes and Ignorance will not obliterate those Evils that diametrically oppose God's eternal Law both of the Creation and his Divine Providence of Preservation whence do arise in Mens Minds and Souls in Sickness and at the hour of Death great Horror Trouble and Anxiety and through Blindness and Ignorance do place the cause of their dissatisfaction on some inferior Evil which they are guilty of too as was mentioned before Therefore he that would Live well and Die in Peace must first know God his Law and himself secondly do no Hurt thirdly do all the Good he can fourthly Live and Sustain his Life with harmless and innocent Meats and Drinks fifthly practise all innocent Employments sixthly observe the Rules of Justice Mercy and Clemency seventhly to Educate their Children in all Submission Honesty and Innocency and give them no Examples of Evil Violence or Oppression for in their tender Age the true and lasting Foundation of Unity true Virtue and innocent Methods of Government and Life are laid it being impossible for Mankind or any particular Person to act in a true and regular Method in Inclinations Words Works and Employments if he be ignorant of God's central Law planted in himself and the Qualities and Principles he is made and compounded of If this great and necessary Knowledge be wanting and not distinguished this Secret and wonderful Mystery of our selves being not known all Thoughts Inclinations Words and Works of Life are either done by chance or proceed
any perswade a Turk to become a Christian after 20 years of Age Or on the other side a Christian to be a Turk and so of all others by which this great Truth doth appear over all that Customs Examples and Living Precedents have far greater power and influence over Mankind than the Constellation any Person is Born under Besides the wonderful and amazing Varieties both of the Animal Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms are such that the Births of all Created Beings are in one degree or other manifestly unlike many Men have been curious in this matter but no Man could ever find two things in all Circumstances alike or of one dimention or complexion And the original cause of this Wonder is hid from the Eyes and Understanding of the greatest number of Men the blindness ignorance and wickedness of Mankind is so great that the Sons of Wisdom are forbid discovering of this secret Wisdom for the Unlearned would not only trample Pearls under foot but also make an ill use of them no Man doubts but according to the old Maxim of Wisemen and Naturalists that Man in Soul Body and Spirit is a compleat Epitome or Image of the Great Immense Creator and Father of all Beings and therefore in him is contained the true nature and property of all material Things or Elements and he may be fitly and properly likened or compared with the Earth in which are the Seminary Seeds and powers of all Herbs Grains Fruits and Trees of which there is amazing variety even beyond Humane number only this difference is to be understood the Sal Nitral forms and four grand qualities stand in their several respective degrees in some things one form and quality is strong another weak which doth occasion the great difference of Earths which by the understanding Husbandman and his Cultivation can be made capable to bring forth all kinds of Herbage Corn Seeds Fruits and Trees by his encreasing and decreasing of qualitys which by his Dressing Dunging and Manuring he changeth the complexion of the Ground by his apt mixtures making weak qualities strong and strong properties weaker Now can any understanding Man imagine but that there will be the like great difference in the Humane Nature for Mens Employments together with their Communications are able to vary their Complexions abating and lessening their sanguine tractable Tempers and advancing their fierce invading Tempers which before their conversing with things of the like nature could hardly be seen or known so that there is nothing more true than that every particular Trade Employment or Practice doth incircle all such that enter into such Business having a Key that opens all the secret Doors and Gates and the Complexion or Nature of that thing is never satisfied till it hath found out its Similie which in a little time and practice doth strengthen and advance by which weak Dispositions and fainty Inclinations become strong and powerful and on the other side strong Inclinations and Dispositions are mightily weakned and grow languid and drooping as if they had a Consumption Now if every Man and Woman did not contain the true nature and property of the whole then this could not be done for every particular thing must have a Friend or a Confederate in the Humane Nature or else it could have no power to encrease decrease strengthen or weaken Forms Principles and Qualitys and mould them into their Natures by impressing their Dispositions and Inclinations in a great degree alter and chang them Now if this be true of Exercises and Employments which are but External and managed with the motion of the Members of the Body then what power and influence must Meats and Drinks have on the Soul Spirit and Body which are as it were the Original or Seminary Seeds and Substance of the Humane Nature whose Operations are all Internal from which are generated Blood Spirits Inclinations Words and Works either clean or unclean better or worse all according to the nature of the Foods If Mankind and those skill'd in the Astrological Science did understand and had Wisdom to distinguish these things they would be far more afraid of the malignant influences of the Stars and Constellations that rule in that part of the Globe called the Earth that is evil Education unclean Meats Drinks Exercises Trades Employments Communication Tradition wicked Customs and Examples than from the Male Configuration of the Heavenly Bodies not but Men do by their Uncleanness and Sinful Methods most powerfully attract and draw the venemous Nature and Dispositions out of all the Stars Elements and all Undergraduated things for as is mentioned before Man is like all things and all things like him and so he is rendred capable to influence all things and all things have power to influence him either for better or worse So wonderful hath our Blessed Creator made all Creatures and Beings enduing them with an influential Power and Energie and more particularly the Humane Nature for it is not to be doubted but that Mankind is endued with an innate Power and thereby is not only rendred as capable to move and influence the Starry Coelestial and all the powers of the Elements as they are to move and influence him to that or the other thing whether it be Virtue or the contrary for the Princes Governors Magistrates of all kinds together with the Priests Prophets and Advocates are the great Stars Planets and Constellations that Govern and under whose influence all Men and other Creatures and Things are subjected to in this Sublunary World there being nothing more true and manifest that they are the Lord●… of every Mans Ascendant for by the power and vertue of their Commands Laws Customs and Traditions they make all bow before them let them be of what Constitution Nature or under what Constellation soever all Configurations both good or ill must yield Obedience to their Methods as we have before shewed by the Memorials Laws Customs Traditions and Religions of all Nations for this cause that which is esteemed true Virtue and Religion in one Country is Evil or Vice in another Now can any Person that wears Eyes in his Head be so ignorant as to think or believe that the powers and influences of the Coelestial Bodies are the prime Cause and Promoters of those vast Variety and Difference there is in the Religions and Manners of Mankind no no the true Original of all this amazing variety of Sentiments and Methods are the Or●…cles Prophets and Gods each Country doth Observe Adore and Worship be they either good or evil all both the Wise and the Simple fall Victims to their power Would not Swearing as is mentioned before and all other evil Words be they of what nature soever be as unknown and altogether as hard and impossible as for Children to learn Hebrew Greek or any other Language they never heard any speak no the Coelestial Stars and great illuminated Bodies whose Orbs or Circles they move by our demonstrative Guesser The
Delight and in its stead is felt trouble and pain So that this Sense is not only the Center of both Joy and Sorrow but of all the other Senses and natural Powers and therefore whensoever any of the other Senses commit any evil or uncleanness the smart thereof falls on this Sense of Feeling Likewise when the Mind is by evil principles influenced or misled on which there do often follow great troubles or perplexitys This Sense by Natures Law must bear and endure all So on the other side this Sense doth enjoy all the pleasures of Temperance Cleanness Wisdom Innocency Charity Order and Union This is the House wherein all the good and evil influences do dwell and inhabit This Sense first felt the miserable Fall and Depravation of Mankind the Eating the forbidden Fr●…it the Dis●…ion within and amongst the intelligible Powers immediately puts the Body and the natural Powers and Spirits into Disorder and puts out the Divine Eye and then the inv●…ding wilfull fierce wrathful Powers command all the great Guides and Councellors the Senses all the qualities and properties of the Body and Mind to obey and observe their Laws and Edicts which were all Created and Coined from the disunited forms and fountain Spirits who had obtained the chief government in the Heart and Soul then the eye of Unity Temperance Cleanness Order and prudent Conduct was blinded or as it were quite put out So that all the intellectual and also the outward Senses lose their Native Right viz. their distinguishing faculty so that most or all things are either done by Chance or ignorantly This was the original Fall and is the present state of Mankind at this day which most or all Men feel by woful experience and this lost state of Union and being divided from God cannot be again felt seen heard smelt and tasted but only by undoing all that our forefather Adam and we his Children did and daily do commit viz. by the turning the eye of Mankinds Will and powerful Desires into Temperance Cleanness Order Humility Charity Justice cleanness in Meats and Drinks Inclinations Dispositions Words and Works by which Holy Vertues Man may be again reinvested and render himself capable of knowing and distinguishing all the operations of the great and wonderful commanding powers of his own composition which is called and truly stiled the knowledge of a Mans self and then and no ●…before this great Power and Sense of Feeling will again obtain its primitive state of Purity true Pleasure and Unity 〈◊〉 likewise all the other four which will then be again installed in their proper stations and rule command and direct-accordingly The Innocence and true Harmony of Mankind did Originally and doth chiefly consist in the unity of this Sense called Feeling both Corporeal and Incorporeal The first false step that Adam made or any of his Posterity hath and doth at this day make the evil Influences are felt by the disharmony this Sense falls into and on the other side this is the Sense that all the sweet Influences and harmonical Operations of all the other Senses and great Powers both of the Body and Mind can center and there are no Passions committed either in Love Hope Fear or Hate but the Effects and Fruits thereof center and fall into this great Magazine and Store-house The Sense of Feeling and the chief business and work of all the other fourSenses is to raise up ripen and collect all its works and productions and fix them on this Sense that they may thereby obtain the Lost unity for in the divided operations of the Sensual Powers there can be no Pleasure for in this state one Form Sense Property or Power doth use the highest industry imaginable to strengthen it self and to invade all the Provinces of its neighbouring Princes which do perplex and break the Union of the whole And therefore many great Evils and Mischiefs fall on Mankind for want of true Wisdom and distinguishing Understanding for if Man hath lost the Knowledge and Divine Sight of himself then he cannot penetrate nor distinguish between the two roots from whence Pleasure Pain and Trouble take their original birth so that each Sense Form and Power both of the Mind and outward Senses do all things in a blind self-ful method and use all ways and means to obtain the unity in the use and practice of extreams and each particular Property doth imagine to be self-subsisting and compleat without being concerned with its Brethren or at least consulting them by way of Advice For if the great inward and outward Counsellors or Senses be blinded or corupted then all the Incorporeal Powers of the Soul and Mind are likewise misled into all Errors and gross Stupidity So then if any of the Senses represent any Object or material thing to these purblind intellectual Powers and blind Principles of the Soul and Mind which do draw or attract the use of them so Powerfully that the disunion of the Microcosm Man is more and more increased and by this means that which was intended by God's Law as a Blessing and if used as it ought would have been so has produced an Evil or Curse as Instance that noble and wonderful Sense the Sight beholds a curious Beautiful Creature or Object whose place and office is to represent the same to all the invisible intellectual Powers Principles and Qualities which by this glance or Ray of Light the Mind Will and desires are so kindled and as it were wounded with this Object that all the still sleeping Magick Powers are in a moment stirred up and awakened so that the disunion and disquietness of the Mind is encreased notwithstanding the Fruition of the desire be obtained The like is to be understood in all the Operations of the other Senses when they bring or present their Fruits to the unthinking blind Intellect or Mind which comes to pass by this means viz. all the inward and outward Guides and Powers of Life and Understanding as is mentioned before having left their Primitive Light and Unity each Property doth with the highest industry imaginable strive to obtain a particular fierce exalting power aiming at nothing else all this while butt hereby to obtain its lost Pleasure and Union which it misseth and instead thereof falls into a greater disunion and disturbance never considering this great truth that Concord cannot be accomplished but only by the Agreement of all the Principles and Qualities the thing or Creature is compounded of It is likewise observable that every small Passion or pleasu●… that doth in any degree exceed the limits and bounds of Temp●… rance Order and Innocence do produce and multiply a gre●… deal of pain disorder trouble and perplexity so that whatsoever doth endeavour to encrease any of the Pleasures of th●… Senses by indulging and advancing any one of them doth at th●… same time augment and multiply displeasure perplexity pai●… and disorder even to an hundred degrees and according to th●… Proverb for a
momentary Pleasure the poor Sense of Feeling is compell'd to endure many of years pain here and eternally hereafter So that the four outward Senses and their passions and intemperances do not only add perplexity to the Body and Feeling Power but the five inward Senses of the Soul and Intellect do still suffer greater misfortunes viz. perpetual Discord and Anxiety and therefore there is no method nor way to obtain the true and natural Pleasure of this noble great and universal Sense and Power of Feeling but only by Temperance Order and cleanness of the other four Senses which method of Life will by degrees open an Intellectual Eye of distinguishing the Compounded Powers of a Mans self and the two grand Fountains of Eternity Love and Light Anger and Fierceness how to avoid the one and Embrace the other For Cleanness Humility Self-denial and Temperance do wonderfully advance and strengthen the Unity and Eye of Understanding and there is nothing does so much disperse and dissipate the thick Clouds of Darkness and depraved Understanding as Cleanness Innocence and the avoiding all oppositions and violences which was are and ever will be the forbidden Fruit the eating thereof became the Substance both of the Corporeal and Incorporeal Powers of Man which did immediately open the Gates of their own Principles and by degrees did Captivate all the innocent harmonical Powers and Properties and then the fierce wrathful invading and unclean Spirits and Principles obtained the Government This was and is called mans Fall or degeneration from Unity then and not before was this Sense perplexed with pain then Man was hid or Captivated in those fierce dark invading turbulent Principles and Powers and the Divine Principle or Eye of Wisdom or Distinguishing was hid from Man and he was a●… it were stript of all his Ornaments being left Naked he was forthwith invaded by all the disorders and evils both of the Body and Mind This was the depravation of Mankind and the Original of the opposition and contrary Will in Man which deplorable state and miserable condition cannot be cured but only by 〈◊〉 Medicine Compounded of Innocency Charity Humility Temperance Cleanness and Order in Meats and Drinks Communications and Imployments which are only capable to reinvest all the great and wonderful Senses and Councellors unto their Ancient or Primitive State of Pleasure and Unity where each Sense and intellectual Spiritual Power doth See Hear Smell Taste and Feel both in a Corporeal and incorporeal Consort of Love in Innocency and harmless operation each Principle and Power bringeth all its Works Fruits and productions into the Magazine or great Power of the Sense of Feeling in which all the united Powers of the Michrocosmical World rejoyce that they feel themselves Centered in the Blessed Fountain of God's Eternal Love and Light Which is according to God's Eternal Law every Principle and Quality does its own business and Eternally goes on in its own Method both in the Evil and in the Good For Time and Eternity are one notwithstanding the most Learned as they call them are of another opinion And therefore those that in the time the Soul dwells in the Body do enter with their Wills and Desires into this or the other thing or Principle must dwell in the same Quality to Eternity if it do not uncloath it self of all Stupidity Uncleanness Violence and Wrath for it is these evil Qualities that do Torment this great and wonderful Power of Feeling both in Time and Eternity the trouble and anxiety of the Soul being both the same in the Body as in the Invisible World whatever some may judge to the contrary and it doth suffer both Corporeally and Incorporeally And therefore all that would enjoy the true Pleasures both of Time and Eternity and know the Riches true Delight and Union of this universal Sense the Feeling must Redeem their Time and Cloath themselves with their Original Cleanness and Inocency and live in the simplicity of their Ancient Law not contenting themselves with a groundless hope as most men do some more some less for no Man hopes for what he enjoys or Lives in but for those things he is Ignorant of and is far from seeing or knowing whether the thing hoped for will ever come to pass Therefore he who hopes always fears for hope and fear are brethren dwelling in the House of Darkness and Death And though this be a hard Chapter for some to Read nevertheless it is Matter of Fact for had not Man broken the Law of his Maker then had he not lost his way and by Consequence had had no Cause or Reason to hope to find it nor to fear he should not for the true State of Mans Intellect and Mind is to Understand Distinguish and Enjoy And there is nothing more true than where Hope Fear Joy and Grief Dwells all the Intellectual Powers of the Mind are Ignorant Dark and Blind they being turbulent Passions of the Mind that come in with Mans Transgressions Hope is a Deluding Inticing Airy Thin Quality and if a Man catcheth or layeth hold on it he cannot hold it but it leapeth forth no Bounds nor Limits can Master it If a Man's hopes chance to come to pass it is so Volatile that it inclines the Mind to some other thing which the desire of obtaining doth mightily stir up all the Silent or Magick Powers of the Intellect thereby causing great disquietness of the Soul and hard Pain and Labour even to the hazard both of Health and sometimes of Life and if it be obtained the Diseases of the Body or Mind are no nearer the Cure or Satisfaction No this is a slippery Spark much like the Philosophers Mercury which is almost impossible to Fix which hath deluded many thousands who have been deceived in their Imaginations and fallen into many Calamities without any Satisfaction How many have been deceived by being well Stocked and Freighted with this Airy Notion Hope which is endued with such a Magick Spell or Power that few or none escape its Charms but it leads Mankind with great inclination out of one thing into another which tire the Body and perplex the Mind always running before standing at a distance but never out of sight enticeing Mankind with her Airy Baubles and Novelties that Man doth not need never arriving to a quiet and fixed Harbour And when a Man hath for many Years or perhaps all his Life thus been perplex'd and disquieted he is no nearer a Fixation or Satisfaction than at first but many times farther off and must pass into the Eternal Regions altogether unknown And therefore there is no greater Character or Mark of Man's Depravation or Fall than this night of Hope and various Desires after that which when Attained we are as far or farther from Union and Content than before Therefore he that would enjoy the Illuminating Truth with a clear Sight and distinguishing Understanding must neither possess himself with Hope nor Fear Joy nor Sorrow for they
Thinking to you will be as prejudicial as hard ●…king will be to another In my Opinion the best Method 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 settle your Affairs limit your self to a convenient Comped●…y and spend your days in such Company as is most suitable 〈◊〉 your Humor and Disposition and as much as you can avoid 〈◊〉 being Agitated and Suspended between the Extreams of 〈◊〉 and Fear I mean as to the Affairs and Business of this World for when those Passions have got the Possession of Weak 〈◊〉 Crasy Natures they not only wound the Health continue 〈◊〉 advance Diseases but becloud and darken the Minds Intel●… Powers and pure Spirits for when the Human Properties 〈◊〉 Weak and Distempered the Natural Spirits are in proporti●… Weak and Languid This Sir with my best Respects be pleased to accept from Your assured Friend T. T. LETTER XIII Of Faith Hope and Charity SIR I Have yours of the 8th instant and shall Answer the Contents as well as I am a●…le your desire is to know the Original and True Ground of Faith Hope and Charity and which of the three is most Essential to Man and most like unto God Now Faith Hope and Charity have three Grounds or Originals fro●… whence their variety doth proceed viz. From the grand Fountains or Principles in Mens Souls the first carries in i●… Power Courage Fierceness Violence Covetousness c. from the second arises Love Good-will Mercy Compassion c. a●… this has the Name and Nature of Goodness Virtue c. From the third proceeds Wordly-Mindedness Intemperance Disorde Vain-Games Laughing Jesting c. Now according to the Custom of each Country or Place and as these three have obta●…ed the Government in the Soul from thence springs Faith Hope and Charity if the Inclinations of a Man be kindled in the first then such an one hopes to Kill Destroy and Oppress his Fellow Creatures but if the Divine Fountain of God's Love and Li●… obtains the Government then such do Hope Will and De●… not only the Preservation of themselves but also the Peace a●… Well-being of the whole Creation but if the Soul be kind●… with the Spirit of this World and subjected to its Governm●… then a Man's Hopes are Worldly and Selfish from this Deg●… racy of Man from the Unity of the Original Forms Princip●… and Powers and his not distinguishing the Nature and Opera●…on of each doth not only arise the wonderful Varieties and Co●…fusions in Opinions but also the variety of Faith Hope a●… Charity each according to the Power of that Form that has ●…tained the Ascendant in the Soul together with the Custom 〈◊〉 Countries and the Dictates of their Priests and Teachers every Quality or Principle that has obtained the Government Labouring with its highest diligence to accomplish its own Work 〈◊〉 strengthen its Victory by violently Resisting and Opposing 〈◊〉 that is contrary to its self if it were not so how is it po●… for a Man to believe he doth God good Service and hope fo●… Reward in this World and another for Killing those of his 〈◊〉 Kind and Oppressing all others and at the same time 〈◊〉 Death for a Vain Idle or empty Opinion Faith or Hope Ig●…rance and Living under base Customs and divided Forms 〈◊〉 the Original of most Mens Faith and Hope they are Airy Principles and of evil Consequences if they have not their Birth from Love and Light Charity is an Essential Power o●… Divine Virtue Nothing does so much Resemble God and recommend Man to him for he gives freely to all his Off-spring without Respect of Person and receives nothing Charity is the only thing whereon our Eternal Happiness as well as Temporal depends as is clear by the Judgment pronounced on the Goats on his Left Hand by our Saviour Christ he doth not Condemn them because they had not Faith nor Hope or that they were Turks Iews Infidels Christians or distinguisht by any other Name or Modes of Religion but their Sentence was possitive for not having Charity not rightly and liberally disposing their Gifts the Lord had endued and entrusted them with and made them Stewards of I was an Hungry Naked and in Prison and you relieved me not c. Charity is Substantial the first and last true Step in Religion 'T is a cheap and easy Religion that consists in Faith Hope and a few good Words but Charity touches to the Quick and trys what Metal a Man is made of by this you shall know you are of God if you Love one another all the rest is but a Lip-service a vain ●…rivolous Dream and Shadow of Worship having no Agreement with God nor Foundation in Nature being Invisible Qualifications as St. Iames 〈◊〉 Faith and Hope are dead without Works Jesus Christ in the State of his Humiliation Taught nothing more than this Do●…ne as his whole Practice was doing Good so his Preaching 〈◊〉 a continual Inculcation of Love and Charity for in whom●…ver these Essential Virtues dwell and enjoy-their free Exer●…se and Vegitation no Question is to be made but such have 〈◊〉 sufficient Portion of those Invisible and Sublime Virtues of ●…th and Hope I am Sir Your Unfeigned Friend T. T. LETTER XIV Of GOD's Permission for the Eating of Flesh. SIR 〈◊〉 ●…m extreamly pleased that my Answer to your last met with 〈◊〉 so good a Reception which encourages me to hope you ●…ll find no less satisfaction in what I shall briefly observe concerning the Question you make how those Scriptures which intimate God to have commanded or permitted Beasts and under graduated Creaturs to be Killed and Eate●… are to be understood In Answer whereunto it is to be considered that Man had long before such Command or Permission Eaten of the T●… of Knowledge the Tree of Good and Evil whereby he had separated and estranged himself from the Unity of God's Light and Love so that the Spirit of his Understanding became Blind and he grew an utter Stranger to himself and his own Composition which is called a Degeneracy or Fall which subjected him to the influence of the divided Powers or Forms and became totally Ignorant of the Primitive and Original state of Unity wherein he was Created by which means Wrath and Violence gained the Ascendant over Man's Will and Affections according to the Dignification and Power of each calling Good Evil and Evil Good subduing all the Desires and Faculties of the Soul 〈◊〉 the Tyranny and Obedience of the Wrathful Fiery Envious Powers and Forms where each Quality or Principle Industriously oppose and domineer over one another till the prevailing and superior Quality issues forth its Command which may in o●… Sense be called the Command or Permission of God given i●… Wrath and Fierceness as a Punishment for the Violation of his Pure and Primitive Law of Love and Light It is manifest th●… all the Cruelty and Barbarity we see daily Exercised in destro●…ing the Peace and Well-being of one another And Inferior Creatures who were Created for
his Imaginations Words and Works for every Tree bears Fruits according to its Qualifications and Original Principles If Man would be so wise to stand still and give himself the leisure to consider these things then might he see into his own Essences and Qualitys and how every particular thing is supported by its Simile and that from hence springs such direful inclinations after these Bloody Bestial Meats and Foods Must it not be from the insulting Powers and divided Forms and Qualitys and proportionable Essences in the Central Powers for every Inclination and Desire doth proceed and arise from some Central Quality that wants Food to support it and according to the nature and quality of the Essences such a Mouth it hath and such Food it calls for Now if Men did in the least see into the Mysteries of themselves and understood any thing of this we should not need Arguments to convince them of the truth of what we have in several of our Writings endeavoured to make them sensible of viz. their deplorable State and Condition YOURS T. T. LETTER XX. Of the Right and Left Hands SIR I Have yours and also considered your Question viz. for what cause and reason Mankind in most Nations do teach their Off-spring not only to distinguish their Hands by the terms of Right and Left but all Parents as Fathers Mothers Nurses and Tutors do industriously accustom and teach them to use on all occasions one Hand more than the other that is the Right Hand which is a true Sign and Manifestation of mans Depravity and that he hath lost his way acting in the Dark without any true consideration sight or from Principles as we have more largely treated and shewed in our Writings For Nature nor Gods Law knows nothing of neither Right nor Left but they are words or terms by which the Antients distinguished good and evil Principles and not the Hands or Members of the Body as in the Cases of the Ninivites where it is said there were so many Thousands that did not know nor distinguish their Right Hands from their Left that is good from evil which to do is the greatest Blessing and highest degree of Illumination whatever some dull Souls may imagine to the contrary Now man is the only visible Creature that doth contain the true nature and property both of the visible and invisible World as being a compleat Image of God and of Nature being most wonderfully made and in him is contained all Mysteries both of Time and Eternity And so much as any Man doth truly know of himself and to that degree as he doth distinguish the Principle and in Words Powers and Operations of his own Composition so far he is capable to penetrate into and know of all Created Beings so that it is most clear and true that Man is compleat in all the Spiritual and Corporal Powers Principles and Properties there being nothing wanting to compleat Mans external and internal Happiness and Union but true Wisdom Sight and Understanding and to distinguish the use of the powers and principles he himself contains that is to understand the right from the wrong the evil from the good and how to compose unite and bring the great and most wonderful variety of his Nature into Unity or an equal Temperature this being wanting all his Actions and Methods of Life are done by chance or rather left-handedly that is from evil principles dulness and horrid Stupidity all the properties and qualifications of MansMind and the Members of his Body are equally useful when known and the Harmony neither of the one nor of the other cannot be made up or compleated if any property of the Mind or Member of the Body be wanting or defaced but all goes on in a right line or method are known distinguished and practised there being as is said before no Left-hand in Gods Law This Hand comes in at the Door of Ignorance where the Union of the parts are broken and divided where each Form Quality Inclination and Disposition becomes self-ful and sets up for Mastery which is the principle of the Mind and Spiritual Powers and also in the Members of the Body is rightly called the Left Hand as taking its Birth from Selfefulness or evil Principles being by Men so understood as when any Man does a thing badly that is termed Left-handedly and when a Man meets with Misfortunes in his Business such a one will be ready to say That he got over the Left Shoulder and this word is seldom used but when any thing is done irregular or when Losses and Misfortunes happen and if Man had not lost the Knowledge of God himself and of the Law of Nature the Operation of the Left Hand would not have had any Being in him but his Mind and Intellectual Powers being divided or stray'd from their Union or Harmony then they become Left-handed that is all the Out-goings Inclinations and Actions both of the Mind and Members of the Body have their Operations and Power of Action from Inequality that is from the Influences of the Evil Genius or Left Hand And as Mankind is fallen into the highest degree of Ignorance and Blindness in the Principles of his Mind and Understanding from whence the Power of all Actions in the Members proceed or take their Birth which is the Original Foundation not only of this Error in the Use of the Hands but likewise of all the other Members of the Body for where the Eye of the Mind is put out and where Ignorance possesseth there is no end of Error and Misfortune which can never be regulated till Men distinguish in themselves the Right Hand way from the Left that is Evil from Good Right from the Wrong Union from Disunion Discord from Concord and Equality from Inequality for from the Left Hand proceeds all disasterous and extream Operations and Methods both in the Mind and Members of the Body Nothing is done well that is done left-handedly that is from Ignorance and Blindness Is it not wonderfully strange and as it were miraculous too that in so many hundred Ages as have passed that Mankind should not know the right and proper Use of their principal Members of the Body by whose Actions the Life is preserved but when any Man is endued with a distinguishing Mind and doth thereby penetrate into the gross Ignorance and Degeneration of Mens Minds and Intellects then it will appear to be no wonder that Mankind does know no better for if the Mind be Dark and Ignorant all the Commands and Directions do issue forth and proceed in proportion for all Conduct both good and evil do proceed from within and therefore such as the Mind is suitable are the Actions and Methods of Life The Virtue and Vice of every Tree is discovered by its Fruit. In a word If your Understanding and Mind be left-handed all the Actions and Motions of your Members are in proportion and as the degrees of Wisdom or Ignorance all proceeds accordingly and
going to Church and the like which is often too true but this great perplexity of the Spiritual Powers and Soul is Man 's not living in any degree answerable to that great Law of God and innocent Method of Nature but instead thereof have contented themselves to live in the Observations Customs and Laws of Tyrannical Princes and Nations which have Originally sprung from and been Midwifed into the World by the divided powers of Nature Selfish Pride and Covetousness and all under pretence of Vertue and Religion which the poor ignorant miserable People receive believe and will dye in the defence of those wicked Laws and Customs they are Educated and Taught in which doth occasion the greatest number of Mankind violently to run into the greatest Errors and consequently into Discord and Disunity which is as I have said before the grand occasion of those Troubles and perplexing Agonies most Men experience on their Dying Beds for if Men Live in the practice of Violence Fierceness and Oppression be it either to their Kind or Creatures of inferior Ranks the Equality and Union of the Powers and Principles of God in a Mans Soul is thereby broken whence doth arise and proceed those unheard of troubles many Thousands endure when the Soul and Spiritual Powers must leave and be separated from their Habitations or Bodies and therefore we would have every one understand this grand and most necessary Truth viz. He that would Dye in Peace or in Unity must endeavour by all the ways and methods imaginable to transact his Life in Innocency and being obedient unto the Voice of Wisdom or Divine Principle ●…ch dwells in the Center of every Mans Soul which is the true and powerful Advocate and is not only willing but able to unite all the Sons and Daughters of Wisdom and Innocency unto the Blessed Fountain of Benignity Union with this great Original Being is the only one thing that all Creatures both Corporeal and Incorporeal ardently seek and groan after because nothing but that can or is able to give Peace and Satisfaction so great and wonderful precious and necessary is an harmless innocent Life it being the very Center of Peace and Eternal Tranquility the Understanding and Living in and under the good powers and principles of Innocency is both the pleasure of Time and the happiness of Eternity for Innocency wounds nothing nor nothing that Union being the Center not only of every Mans happiness and quiet but the highest satisfaction of all other Creatures which no Man can pretend to arrive at this Haven of Temporal and Eternal Bliss but only by observing and living in Gods Law in all the methods of Life viz. in Eating Drinking Speaking Wearing Buying and Selling avoiding all oppressions and violences both to Man and Beast for it is impossible that any Person should see the Blessed State of Unity whereas every day he greedily and exorbitantly sustains maintains and continues his Life by the effects and fruits of Disunity and Violenc●… daily and hourly offered to his fellow Creatures many degrees more innocent and harmless than himself which miserable and melancholly condition of Man and his high and deep depravation can never be retrieved or redeemed so long as Mankind doth remain stupid and altogether blind as to the understanding of Gods Law in themselves and the particular Principles they are made and compounded of and their respective Operations for nothing is more true than he that doth not distinguish the birth of every Thought Word and Work and from what Fountains or Principles they proceed is compelled to do all things by chance Tradition and Custom they are his Projecters and Masters so that when Mankind comes to lye on a Dying Bed the Senses and all the Corporeal Powers become impotent and melancholly then most or all the actions of Life are as it were unaccountable unto the Soul and Spiritual Powers which Spirits do as it were with a rapid motion seek the cause of their Trouble and Disunion but being ignorant of Gods innocent Law they blame themselves for the neglect of some little or trivial matters many of which had they performed the Soul would have been as far from Satisfaction as otherwise and therefore to be ignorant of Gods Law in a Mans self is the greatest evil and brings on Mans Soul the greatest perplexity and trouble whatever some may think or imagine to the contrary for no Person hath any occasion to perplex and disquiet himself about what shall be his condition after Death if he spends this little part of Eternity in the observation of Gods innocent Laws for what can molest or disturb that Person that hath troubled nor hurt nothing but hath spent his few days in a calm innocent method of Life and Unity And as Blindness Depravity and Ignorance is the grand Inlet to all Violence Oppression and Disunity so it is the true Root of all fear suspicion and desparation in the Souls and Spirits of Mankind and likewise at this door comes in all wicked selfish mistaken Notions both in Religion and all other matters relating to the Soul for Mans Fall and deep degrees of Blindness and Depravation have divided and separated him from the true knowledge of his Maker and also from the knowledge of the Mysteries both of himself and all the uniform powers of Nature which stupidity and ignorance doth powerfully enclose and shut him up in the circle of Darkness having no certain knowledge neither of the things that shall be transacted in Time nor Eternity and it is well it is so seeing Mankind hath so violently and freely immersed his Will into this great Sea of Evil that he doth not know or understand future events and the sequel of things which the All Wise Father and ever Blessed Creat●… of all Beings hath wonderfully ordered for if Mankind were not limited as to the knowledge of future events of things he would be in a far worse condition and more miserable for should the Loving Mother foresee what Miseries and Calamities would befall her young and tender Child what a Melancholly condition would this fore-knowledge bring on the Parents whose affections is as their own Lives the Son runs into the Armies of Princes with a free undaunted Will rendring himself liable to all the Miseries of Life both in this World and that which is to come another Robs Breaks Houses Kills and Murders all that stands in his way or opposes his wicked practice and at last is Condemned and Hanged for his violent Crimes and furious Oppressions and an hundred other sorts and methods of Vice both the Sons and Daughters of Mankind immerse themselves into for according to what Principles govern in each Stock or Tree such is the Fruits according to the common Proverb for there is nothing more true than that Discord and Disunity begets and brings forth Children like themselves if the divided Forms and violent oppressive Customs and Principles have obtained the Government in the central Life of