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A52034 The way of life revealed and the way of death discovered wherein is declared man's happy estate before the fall, his miserable estate in the fall, and the way of restauration out of the fall into the image of God again ... : also the by-pathes, crooked wayes, wiles, snares, and temptations of the enemy of man's soul discover'd ... the utter end and final destruction of all false professions prophesied ... : also a call in the tender bowels of the love of God shed abroad in this day, age, and generation to all the scatterrd sheep upon the barren mountains of profession to return to the true shepherd Christ Jesus ... / Charles Marshall. Marshall, Charles, 1637-1698. 1674 (1674) Wing M746; ESTC R26188 27,827 35

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God they obtain'd it and not through meer Notions upon the Words of their Brethren the Prophets of which Victory through Faith and Obedience unto and in the eternal Spirit of Holiness they were made Partakers and thus was it that they came to put off the old Man which indeed is a Work and to put on the new Man which is a real Change Translation out of Satan's kingdom from under his power into the Kingdom of the dear Son of the living God and so to be under his Power But the Enemy of your Souls turn'd you from this free Grace of God which was that which stirred in you and wrought in you in your day of Tenderness by drawing your Minds up into an airy notional Profession of this Grace and that by it you were saved not considering that the immortal Souls of such lie in Bondage whose Faith stands in Notions and not in the Power of God or whose Faith is no other then a Belief of what is done for them without not coming experimentally to know the Work of God in themselves and the Obedience of Faith which purifies the Conscience and makes alive unto God And such was the soaring up into Imaginations of some called Gifted Men for the Ministry that they presumed to teach and hold forth the free Grace of God after such a manner as that the Understandings of many were confounded and thereby many were defiled and corrupted by admitting a Liberty unto the fleshly Nature and avoiding the Cross of Christ contrary to that holy Liberty which through the Operation of the Grace of God is known For though it is true that as the Apostle saith By Grace we are saved yet whosoever holds forth this Grace so as to creat a Belief in any that they are thereby saved from Condemnation whilst they are found Transgressors against that Righteous Law of God of which not one jot nor title passes away unfulfil'd in them that walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit such I say divide not the Word of God aright but teach for Doctrine the Conceptions of their own Brains for it s not a bare Belief or Assent of the Mind to the Power of the Grace which can give Satisfaction to the immortal Soul or true Assurance of eternal Peace with God but there must be also a Conformity in the inward Man unto the Power thereof and so man comes to be created in Christ Jesus unto good works to be sanctified throughout both in Body Soul Spirit And indeed I have found that instead of preaching up Conformity to the Power of the Grace they have not only preached up free Grace which indeed is an Expression in it self proper enough to be held forth for that the Grace of God is freely extended unto all but also therewith they have preached up a Justification of sinful unsanctified Persons by Imputed Righteousness even in such a manner as many have from thence concluded themselves in a State of Salvation while Sin hath had its reign in their mortal Bodies which I cannot but testifie is as great an Error and as contrary to the Gospel-Ministration and the End for which Christ was manifest in the Flesh which was to save people from their Sins so as to live no longer therein as the Error of the Scribes and Pharisees was when they were seeking and believing Justification by the Works of the Law without the Righteousness of Faith And thus hath it been that many have turned the Grace of God into Wantonness or turned from the Grace of God into Wantonness so that in a little time how did many Professors grow light and vain and ran with the very Prophane into the same excess of Riot lifted up in the Flesh and so came to be much in Shew but little and light in the Ballance And here you Professors of all sorts that have gone from the spiritual Appearance of Christ Jesus within into a Profession of the Saints Conditions and Performances without the Leadings and Guidings of the same Spirit Power lost your Way and went out from your Guide which would have lead you up to the Substance Christ Jesus and thousands of ignorant people have been lead here through the cunning Sleights of men into an empty Profession and when the Manifestation of the Spirit of God which is given unto every man to profit withal hath stirred in the Heart and Soul to draw the Mind out of the Ways Spirit and Nature of the World then the transforming Enemy of Mankind has lain near to betray deceive by pointing directing people to run into this Profession or the other or take up this outward Performance or the other Shadow under the specious Pretences of the Ordinances of God and Christ And hereby the subtil Enemy that will admit of the peoples being in the outward Practice of outward things whilst that he can have his Place Seat and Throne in the Heart of mankind has lead thousands aside out of the straight Way of Salvation through his drawing them from the true inward Guide the Grace of God that brings Saivation that hath appeared unto all men into the outward Observation and here the Fear of thousands towards God is taught by the Precept of men who know not the Leadings and Guidings of the Spirit Power of God and so have heal'd the Hurt of the Daughter of Zion deceitfully and have daubed with the untemper'd Morter And now all you scatter'd Ones upon the barren Mountains of Professions give ear hear the Counsel and Call of the Lord Turn you Prodigals who have spent your Portions and lost much of your Sincerity and Tenderness and that secret Injoyment you had of the Lord inwardly years ago and who for a long season have endeavour'd to fill your Bellies with Husks and the Profession of the Saints Injoyments my Heart earns on you and for you are my Bowels turned my Soul is often bow'd down in the Sence of your Estates yea often my Heart is pained within me when I behold your Wanderings up and down from Mountain to Mountain seeking Rest and finding none but what is polluted and your Souls are lean for want of the Fatness of God's House and you have not the Injoyment of it my Soul is even many times distressed for you God that made Heaven Earth bears me record whom my Soul cryes unto even Night and Day to visit you with an Out stretched Arm Return return unto that which will shew you all that ever you have done and that will hasten you to the Father's House where Bread of Life is and no longer spend your Money protious Time Labour for that which is not Bread of Life but a Profession a Talk of Bread which cannot truly satisfie your Souls And now in the Name Authority and by the Motion of the Spirit of the Eternal God Behold I sound the Trumpet of the Lord God Almighty in your Ears Prepare prepare to meet the Lord Jehovah in the Valley of Decision and all you who have any Tenderness in your Hearts and Breathings inwardly after the Lord amongst all Professions of what Name or Denomination soever Come out come out of Babylon and be you separated touch not any longer the unclean that the Lord may receive you who stands ready to receive all that come in Truth and Righteousness unto him who now will mark all that mourn because of the Sins of the people which are great and the measure thereof filling up apace and the day time is hastening of the pouring out of the Vials of the unmixt Fury and Indignation of God who lives forever and ever And therefore stee flee for your Lives out of Sodom 's Nature and stick not in the Profession of things neither the one nor the other whilst the Ground of thy Profession did not or doth not spring from the immediate Work of God and daily Operation of his eternal Power in thy Heart but come down into pure Obedience to the pure still Voice of the Spirit and Gift of God in thy own Heart and Soul which will as thy inward Ear is attentive direct thee in the narrow Way of Life eternal in which thou shouldst walk So coming here you come to that which moved in the Hearts of many years since God-wards which was that which wrought many into the Tenderness before spoken of herein walk and be faithful and it will ●●ad to the Fountain of Blessedness from which it came and unto the Horn of God's Anointed and to Shiloh shall be the Gathering of Thensands through the Nations Tongues Languages and People and the Mountain of the Lord's House shall be exalted through this great Day of Tryal Tribulation and Anguish upon the top of all the Mountains So the Lord God Almighty by the Arm of Strength reach all Hearts that have any breathing panting Desires after him amongst all Professions and pull many as Brands out of the Fire So breathes my Soul who am a Travailer for the universal Visitation and Deliveraence of the Seed of Jacob and raised up to Prophesie of the things which come to pass and shall be fulfilled in their Time and Season Charles Marshall THE END
THE WAY of LIFE REVEALED AND THE VVAY of DEATH DISCOVERED Wherein is declared Man's Happy Estate before the Fall his Miserable Estate in the Fall and the Way of Restauration out of the Fall into the Image of God again in which man was before the Fall Also the By-Pathes Crooked Wayes Wiles Snares and Temptations of the Enemy of man's Soul discover'd who has and doth go about as a Roaring Lyon seeking how he may ensnare and devour those who are in any measure escaping out of his Wayes of Death and Destruction The utter End and final Destruction of all false Professions Prophesied which have had their Rise in the Night of Apostacy through the Loss of the Ancient Eternal Power of the Mighty God by which the Gatherings to the Lord have been through Ages and Generations Also a Call in the tender Bowels of the Love of God shed abroad in this Day Age and Generation to all the scattered Sheep upon the barren Mountains of Profession to return to the true Shepherd Christ Jesus that so into the One Fold they may be gathered Charles Marshall Go through go through the Gates prepare ye the Way of the People cast up cast up the High Way gather out the Stones lift up a Standard for the People Behold the Lord has proclaimed unto the End of the World say ye to the Daughter of Sion Behold thy Salvation cometh behold his Reward is with him and his Work before him Isa 42.10 11. Printed in the Year 1674. To the READER BE serious when thou takest in hand to read this following Treatise and have a single Regard unto the inward Estate of thy Immortal Soul and let thy Spirit bow down to the Measure of the Spirit of God given thee to profit withal that by it the Eye of thy Understanding may be opened so wilt thou see the things herein contained which concern thy own Eternal Welfare and let not thy own Thoughts and Imaginations in the Wisdom from below which is sensual and earthly be Judge herein but stand still out of thy own Comprehendings Ascendings and Descendings and let a true and diligent Regard be had to the Word in thy Heart and Mouth there placed that thou mayst obey it and do it so will thy Heart be truly opened to read with Delight the Things herein opened by the Spirit of Truth which searches all things yea the deep things of God and the Travel in Spirit which is for the opening the Eyes of the Blind and unstopping of the Ears of the Deaf will be answered and the Lord God Almighty will have his Honour from his own Workmanship and thou the Benefit which is the Desire Travil and Breathings of him who is a Traveller for Sion's perfect Deliverance Bristol the 7th of the 2d Moneth in the Year 1673. C. M. THE Way of Life REVEALED AND THE WAY of DEATH DISCOVERED c. IN the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth and after he had made all things on the Earth he made Man in his own Image formed him of the Dust of the Ground and breathed into him the Breath of Life and Man became a Living Soul and the Lord planted a Garden in Eden and there he placed the man whom he had formed and out of the Ground the Lord God made every Tree pleasant to the Sight good for Food to grow the Tree of Life also in the midst of the Garden and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil And he that made man in this Estate gave him a Law to preserve him therein as the Scripture of Truth witnesseth saying And the Lord God commanded the man saying Of every Tree in the Garden thou mayst freely eat but of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil thou mayst not eat for in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely dye Now God saw every thing that he had made and behold it was very good the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was good but not for Food And man was indued with that Divine Wisdom that when the Lord God brought of every Beast of the Field and Fowl of the Air to Adam he gave Names unto them and whatsoever Adam called every living Creature that was the Name thereof So here was man's Station in the Image of God a Living Soul a Noble Plant wholely a Right Seed filled with Divine Wisdom and Virtue cloathed with Innocency covered with Glory adorned with celestial Beauty in the continual Enjoyment of the Love and Favour of the Eternal Being of all Beings having his daily Conversation with him that made him no Death no Darkness no Sorrow no Occasion of Tears no Transgression no Knowledge of Evil dwelling in the Innocent Life it self placed in the Garden into which came the River out of Eden that watered it Oh blessed State Oh happy Condition Oh unexpressible Enjoyment undeclarable Beauty and Glory 'T is beyond the Tongue of Man to declare fully that blessed happy Estate of Joy Peace Virtue Purity Holiness Righteousness and Fruition of Life which man was in before he transgressed the Royal Law of God c. Man's Miserable Estate in the Fall BUt now he who kept not his first Habitation neither abode in the Truth envied man's Happiness in the Truth and therefore as a Serpent more subtil then any Beast of the Field which the Lord God had made came to the Woman who out of the Man was made and said Yea hath God said Ye shall not eat of every Tree of the Garden The Woman said We may eat of the Fruits of the Trees of the Garden but of the Fruit of the Tree which is in the midst of the Garden God hath said Ye shall not eat neither shall ye touch of it lest ye dye And the Serpent said to the Woman Ye shall not surely dye for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your Eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as Gods knowing Good and Evil And here the Serpent got an Entrance And when the Woman mark saw that the Tree was good for Food and that it was pleasant to the Eyes and a Tree to be desired to make one Wise she took of the Fruit and did eat and gave also to her Husb and with her and he did eat and the Eyes mark of them both were opened Here the God of the World prevailed so as to open an Eye that saw Evil pleasant and to Blind the Eye in these Children of Disobedience that they should no longer behold the Glory of God c. And here they became naked having lost the Robe of Righteousness and Garment of Innocency and then made Aprons of Fig leaves to cover their Nakedness and they heard the Voice of the Lord God walking in the Cool of the Day and Adam and his Wise hid them elves from the Presence of the Lord God and the Lord God called unto Adam saying Where art thou And the Man said I heard thy Voice in the
Garden and I was afraid because I was Naked and I hid my self And the Lord God said Who told thee that thou wast naked Hast thou eaten of the Tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat Who began to excuse himself saying The Woman thou gavest to be with me she gave me to eat and I did eat And the Lord God said to the Woman What is this that thou hast done And the Woman said The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat And the Lord God said unto the Serpent Because thou hast done this cursed art thou above all Cattel and above every Beast of the Field on thy Belly shalt thougo and Dust shalt thou eat c. And I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy Head and thou shalt bruise his Heel So the Lord sent him forth from the Garden to till the Ground c. and placed at the East of the Garden of Eden Cherubims and a Flaming Sword which turned every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life Oh miserable Change Oh deplorable Alteration Oh lamentable State undeclarable undone Condition unexpressible Fall What! he that was in the Image of the Incorruptible Being a Living Soul inhabiting in the Garden of the Lord where the Tree of Life was and the Splendor of the Glory of the Divine Being was known and enjoyed drove from all into the Earth and not only so but the Cherubims and Flaming Sword that turneth every way placed to keep the Way of the Tree of Life Be astonished oh Heavens at this and be horribly afraid oh Earth The Lord God brought up Children and they Rebelled against him Now what was the Cause and Ground O ye Sons and Daughters of Adam that brought this horrible Change that brought man into this deplorable State and Condition Was it not Disobedience to the Righteous Law of God Did not Sin enter into the World through Disobedience and Death by Sin And is not Sin continued in the World through Disobedience Is there any other Way by which Sin enters now then it did then and Death by Sin which has reigned over all and reigns over all who are in the fallen Estate from God even over them that have not sinned according to the Similitude of Adam's Transgression For all have not sinned according to his Similitude who was deceived with an Expectation of an higher Estate then that in which the Lord God had placed him But all Iniquity of what Similitude soever is one in the Ground and becomes a Separator of man from his God So the Ground of all Iniquity and Transgression that ever was is or shall be is man's Disobeying the Righteous Law of God Disobedience whereunto bringeth Death But what was that which in Adam dyed and what was the Death seeing that the Lord said In the Day thou eatest of the Tree before mentioned thou shalt surely Dye and yet though he did eat thereof he lived outwardly and had Children It was the Inward Man that dyed which was so made by the Living Breath of the Almighty for man going out of the Counsel of the Lord by his Disobedience came to be alienated from the Life of God and so became insensible of that primary Life in which he was wholely a right Seed and a noble Plant In his Degeneration he became inwardly dead the inward Senses of the inward Man were lost the inward Ear was stopped the inward Eye was blinded the inward Sence of tasting how good the Lord is the inward Feeling after the Divine Virtue who is all Power Life Love and Joy the inward Sence of Smelling his Garments that smell of Myrrh and of the Spikenard Spiritually were all lost and instead thereof an Ear opened that hearkened to the Voice of the Stranger and an Eye opened that saw the forbidden Fruit pleasant and desirable the Heavenly Cloathing of Innocency Meakness and Resignation lost and thus he came to be without God in the World and here in this Estate Man was altogether out of a Capacity of abiding in the Garden or partaking of the Heavenly Tree of Life that was in the midst thereof and in this Estate are all the unconverted Sons and Daughters of men notwithstanding all Fig-leaf-Coverings of Professions But as the Law of the Spirit of Life breaketh forth in its Manifestation and the Sons and Daughters of men come with it to be awakened they will have the Sight and true Sence of their inward Estate and Condition which will indeed cause a Cry to arise in the Soul Oh wretched Estate Oh miserable Condition And here the Entrance of Sin comes to be seen which hath brought Death for the Wages of Sin is Death which was the Death that came over Adam and over all since that have disobeyed the Righteous Spiritual Law of God which is just holy and good and was before Transgression which Law bringeth to Christ the Promised Seed the Gift of God which is Eternal Life Now man being thus departed out of that Nature Image and Seed in which man had his Being before Transgression is become the degenerate Plant of a strange Vine before the Lord God that made him And from the Sons and Daughters of men as they stand joyned to this Nature and Seed of the Serpent which hath defiled Man in Soul Body and Spirit proceed these Branches and Fruits of Iniquity to wit Pride Envy Emulation Strife Variance Debate Hatred Wrath Anger Murder Inordinate Affection Concupiscence Lasciviousness Wantonness Vanity Uncleanness Fornication Adulteries Love to this World Drunkenness Revelling Idleness Swearing Cursings Cheating Defrauding Double-dealing Evil-speaking Back-biting Covetousness Idolatry Witchcraft Man being thus fallen from God into this miserable deplorable State the infinite Being in his Endless Boundless Fathomless Loving-kindness hath opened a Way by which Mankind might be restored up to himself again which Way is the promised Seed concerning whom he said to the Serpent I will put Enmity between thee and the Woman and between thy Seed and her Seed it shall bruise thy Head and thou shalt bruise his Heel So herein was the tender Mercy of the everlasting God extended unto Mankind in leaving a Seed else all would have been as Sodom and like unto Gomorrah which God destroyed with Fire in his Wrath So this is that one Seed on which he hath laid Help who is mighty to save who is the Image of the Invisible God the First-born of every Creature in which Image Man was before the Transgression who was glorified with the Father before the World began This is He of whom in the Name of the great Jehovah I give Testimony That He is the Way of Life and Salvation and that there is no other Name by which any man can be saved then by him who was and is and is to come who was from Everlasting to Everlasting the Rock of Ages which followed Israel and was in the Church in the Wilderness as Stephen
same came for a Witness to bear Witness of the Light that all through him might believe He was not that Light but was sent to bear Witness of that Light that was the true Light which lightneth every man that comes into the World c. And to this agrees the Testimony of Just Simeon who came by the Spirit into the Temple and took the Child Jesus into his Arms and said Lord now lettest thou thy Servant depart in Peace according to thy Word for my Eyes have seen thy Salvation which thou hast prepared before the Face of all People a Light to lighten the Gentiles and the Glory of thy People Israel This is He of whom we Testifie whose Light is the VVay to Life And this is the Condemnation that Light is come into the World and men love Darkness rather then Light because their Deeds are Evil For every one mark that doth Evil hateth the Light neither cometh to the Light lest his Deeds should be reproved but he that doth Truth cometh to the Light that his Deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God Now this Light which the Servants of the Most High testified of is that which hath been spoken of and denominated under several Names For this Manifestation of God in man is sometimes called the Word the Spirit the Law the Grace of God now the VVord Light Grace Law Spirit are all one in Nature although diversly named Moses called it the Word and directed to this Word in the Heart and in the Mouth which Paul that illuminated Man rehearsing saith Say not in thy Heart mark Who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring Christ up again from the Dead But what saith it The Word is nigh thee even in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that is the Word of Faith that we preach This is the sure Word of Prophecy unto which Peter directs to take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place until the Day dawn and the Day-star arise in the Heart c. This Light is the Law of the Spirit of Life where-with Paul was acquainted that warred in his Mind against the Law of Sin and Death which was in his Members This Light is the Law in the Heart and the Spirit in the inward parts the New Covenant of God Almighty This is that which converts the Soul which Law Paul delighted in according to the inward Man This Law is Light of which the Scriptures of Truth plentifully testifie This is that Grace that Paul declared brings Salvation which hath appeared to all men which Law Light Spirit Grace Gift hath in measures as God's Talents appeared unto all men which teacheth all that are lead taught and guided by it to deny all Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts and not only so but also to live Soberly Godly and Righteously in this present Evil World This is that Grace which the Lord the Giver thereof said to Paul was sufficient for him to deliver him from the Temptation the Thorn in the Flesh of which the same Apostle said unto the Ephesians By Grace ye are saved c. And this is the Manifestation of the Spirit spoken of by Paul which is given to every man to profit withal And this is that good Spirit of the Lord given to Israel who rebelled against it as the old World did unto whom the Lord said My Spirit shall not alwayes strive with Man of which ●ord Law Light Grace and Spirit given to be the Leader and Guider of Mankind out of Sin Death and Darkness into which Man fell through disobeying the Righteous Law of God as is afore declared the holy Scriptures give clear and full Testimony as hath been demonstrated But now that which is ready to arise is an Objection in some whose Understandings are not opened whose searchings to comprehend and Inquiries after the Way of man's Salvation stand in that Wisdom that is from below and in the Will and Reason of Man degenerated from the Life of God which is VVhether the preaching up this Word Light Law Spirit and Grace of God manifest within hath not a Tendency to make Christ Jesus his Appearance in the Flesh his Sufferings Death Resurrection and Ascension to be Invalid Unto which I answer Nay Forasmuch as no Persons ever did do or shall truly see discern know understand or enjoy the Benefit of Christ Jesus his Manifestation in the Flesh but as their Hearts were are or shall be opened and Understanding illuminated by the Light which is a Measure of the Divine Fulness that dwelt in him and is communicated to and placed in all Immortal Souls as the Universal Love of God extended in the Son of his Love to all the Families of the Earth as the Revealer and Discoverer of the VVill of him from whose Divine Fulness it comes and issueth forth it self universally for the Scripture thus witnesseth that No man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of a man which is in him even so the things of God knows no man but the Spirit of God The Hearts of the Jews not being seasoned with this Grace of God and ignorant of the Gift of God which is Eternal Life they neither discerned loved nor received Christ Jesus when manifested in that outward bodily Appearance but rejected him notwithstanding they professed Love Honour and Regard to the Prophets and were in Expectation of the Fulfilling their Prophecies of the Coming of the Messiah who in due time came and yet they did not receive him but instead thereof set themselves against him taking Counsel from time to time how they might slay him though in Words they profest an earnest waiting for him So in this Day Age and Generation there are many who by their words do profess they believe his Coming in the Flesh and his Sufferings Death Resurrection and Ascension but yet having their Faith consisting in outward Notions and having no inward Experience of the End of his Coming nor of the Virtue of his Sufferings Death Resurrection c. they are Enemies in their Minds to his second Appearance and coming without Sin unto Salvation So there is a Necessity for all the Sons and Daughters of men to come to and obey this Divine Spiritual Principle which is placed in their Consciences by the Living Eternal God that thereby the Eye which hath been blinded through Disobedience by the God of the VVorld may be opened for until this in some measure be effected the Mystery of Godliness which is great can neither be seen nor understood and therefore Christ said finding the Woman of Samaria ignorant of himself who was and is that great Mystery and the Gift of the Father's Love If thou knowest the Gift of God and who it is that saith unto thee Give me to drink thou wouldst have asked of him and he would have given thee Living Water The Travail in Spirit of
the Messengers and Servants of the Most High in Ages past was the same as now is viz. To turn People from Darkness unto Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of the Living God thereby in no wise invalidating Christ Jesus his Manifestation in that Bodily Appearance neither his Sufferings Death Resurrection or Ascension but brings all People guided thereby unto that which will open the Eyes of their Understandings whereby they all come unto such a Condition and spiritual Understanding as to see and know their Benefit by that Appearance of the Saviour of the World for this we testifie All are perfected by that one Offering that are sanctified But here ariseth another Objection by some who may come so far as to own and confess That there is a Principle or Light in man that discovereth Sin and teacheth man to do Justly and Equally which some call Morality but That this Light or Principle in man is of a Saving Property and of the Nature and Quality of the Divine Being many for want of Understanding do deny and so are found Opposers of Truth it self and stumble at the Corner-stone which indeed in all Generations hath been to many men a Stone of Stumbling Rock of Offence which Thousands giving themselves up to be guided by their own Wisdoms and Prudence reject yea those accounted the Wise Master-Builders Professors of God and Christ being ignorant of the Root and Off-spring of David have and yet do reject this Corn ●-Stone Now for the sake of all who do or may desire after the true and saving Knowledge of Christ Jesus it is on my Spirit yet further to open and manifest the Original Nature a●● Property of this Principle and Light whose Original and Foun●●●n is the Eternal Being and Everlasting Ocean of Divine Fulness and its Nature and Quality is one with this Fountain from which it comes John testified In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God c. In him was Life and the Life was the Light of men He also testify'd That he was not that Light but came for a Witness to bear witness that that was the True Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World So the Original of this Light is Christ Jesus the Word But some may query thus Is Christ the Light in every man To which I answer Christ doth appear by his Light in every man and the Light which cometh from Christ is in every man as is clearly demonstrated from the Scriptures of Truth And though I account it unnecessary to answer the curious Inquiries of such who seeking to know much do not walk answerable to what they know yet for the sake of such whose Understandings are not open'd and yet are inquiring the Way to Sion I add this Similitude The Natural Sun is placed by the Creator to lighten the Outward World and doth extend from its Body a Measure of its Light and Natural Property shining on the Just and the Vnjust and so doth daily give forth of that Vertue which is inherent in its self when the Sun shineth on an Object whatsoever we sometimes say the Sun there appears and other times we say there is the Sun the Propriety of either of which manner of Expressions I suppose none will question for Light in that Appearance is seen and Vertue is felt penetrating to the Refreshment of our Natural Bodies and this Light and Heat is inseparable from the Fulness and notwithstanding it daily shineth and displayeth its Vertuous Life into and over all the Earth and its Inhabitants yet its Body is not any way exhausted or altered through Ages and Generations And so I say that Christ the Vniversal Fountain of Life the Sun of Righteousness the Ocean and Fulness of Spiritual Light Life and Vertue from whence is communicated a Measure of his Nature Property and Quality is given of the Father to enlighten all the Sons and Daughters of men who accordingly are all enlightened with his Spiritual Appearance and though this Appearance cannot be call'd the Fulness yet being a Measure of that Fulness it is one in Nature Property with and inseparable from the Fulness And though through its Virtue Life is daily communicated unto the Sons of men who waiting for the Appearance thereof as for the Morning-Light cannot live unto God without it yet doth he admit of no Diminution Alteration or Change but all Fulness of Divine Light Life and Glory doth and shall through every Age and Generation remain with him And albeit the Vail of Darkness hath over-shadowed the Hearts of some so as when we give Testimony unto the Universal Appearance of the Sun of Rightcousness in the Hearts of all the Sons and Daughters of men they are ready to say Such a Testimony leads to the Diminishing of that Glory and Honour which belongs unto him as he is the Fulness and sitting at the Right Hand of the Father inferring from such our Testimony as if whilst we testifie to his Appearance in our Hearts we exclude his Presence to be else-where which Inference I say is as irrational as it would be for any to conclude That because we say of the shining and Appearance of the Sun there is the Sun or the Sun there appears therefore we exclude the Being of the Sun else-where For its Virtue is communicated to our Natural Bodies every one having in measure some Enjoyment of the Virtue or Light of the Natural Sun which is Light to the Eye even as the Outward Eye is Light to or of the Natural Body and whosoever they are whose invisible Senses are quickened by the influencing Virtue which proceeds from the Eternal Sun of Righteousness do thereby see and discern that these things are according to the clear Manifestation of Truth in their inward parts and from a true Sence thereof can of a Truth give this certain Testimony That Christ the Lord by his holy quickening Spirit hath appeared in them to the quickening of their immortal Souls and that through believing in the Light and Obedience to his Appearance being come out of that State which is reprobated by the Lord can of certain experimental Knowledge say Christ is in 〈◊〉 the Hope of Glory And so when we direct People to this Word Light Law Grace and Spirit we do not thereby intend that Christ Jesus the Light of the World and Gift of God is not the true Saviour Redeemer and Reconciler of Mankind unto God Now this Word Light Law Grace and Spirit which is one in Nature doth lead and guide the Souls and Spirits of all such as obey it up to God the Fountain from whom it comes and no man comes to see its Nature and Original but such who are led by it for in the Light of the Lord alone man cometh to see Light to have an Understanding of the Original from whence it springs before this be seen or understood the Mind of man must be brought down
out of all its own Willings and Runnings Comprehendings Searchings into the Principle of Light therein to see a Death to his own Will and be comprehended into this Light and so man comes to have an Understanding to know him that is true and to be in him that is true Now as any are convinced of and converted by this Heavenly Principle which is placed in the Conscience there given to be a Guide and Leader unto Mankind they are led thereby out of Darkness wherein they have been while yet the Light shone in Darkness in which Darkness no man ever comprehended this Light or Heavenly Grace which sometimes moves through the Darkness on the Depth of man's Understanding reproving and discovering Darkness causing man to hear its small still Voice moving in man God-wards so daily continues without Change reproving man whilst he remains in Rebellion and Disobedience all the time of his Visitation and approving and giving Peace unto man when he is Obedient This Principle of Light remains intire in its own Purity and although man may change and alter and go from it and rebel against it and thereby become one of them of whom Job speaks that rebel against the Light and thereby knows not the Way of it but gives way to the Working of the God of the World to be drawn out into the fading perishing things yet this Principle remains immutable in it self being of and from the Immutable Unchangeable Being and remains with man until it be taken from him and he be cast into utter Darkness The first Operation of this heavenly Light amongst those who are convinced by and turned to it the Gift of the Father which Christ Jesus in his Parable to the Jews compared to a Grain of Mustard-seed and to a little Leaven which a Woman took hid in three Measures of Meal until the whole came to be leavened is to shew man his in ward State and Condition and the first Step in the Way of Life is to be turned to this holy Principle that teacheth the Obedient to know God savingly and when by this Principle man comes to have a true Sight and Sence of his fallen Estate and sees how he hath transgressed against that Eternal Being that gave him Life and Breath who notwithstanding in his Long-Suffering waiteth long to be Gracious and knocketh at the Door of the Heart and hath striven by his Divine Light the true Sight and Sence hereof will break the Heart and tender the Spirit before the Lord and under the weighty Sence of the great Burden of Sin and Iniquity there will be a crying out My Sins they are too heavy for me to bean and mine Iniquities are gone over my Head as Paul did saying Oh Wretched Man that I am who shall deliver me from the Body of this Death And here comes the Eye to be opened that seeth him whom man in his Disobedience hath pierced afresh and put to open Shame and then there will be Dayes of Mourning and Wailing because of him and this is truly the Day of Jacob's Trouble And in the Sence of this Deplorable Fallen Estate and the Long-suffering of the Lord and the Long-striving of his Spirit thou wilt see that in the Justice of God Eternal Death might be thy Portion but that which brings into this Sence begets a secret Cry in the Immortal Soul after a Deliverer and Saviour and will also give a true Sence and Sight that there is no way for thy Soul to be ransomed but in and through the tender Mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ which thou wilt see can no other way be effectually begun in thee but in the Way of the Judgments of the Lord For 't is through Judgment that Zion is redeemed and her Converts with Righteousness And here also thou wilt see that the Measure of the Sufferings of Christ yet behind must be filled up in thee for no other Way can any man pass unto Life Peace and Joy with the Father of Spirits but the Way the Captain of Salvation passed which was through Death and here thou wilt begin to arm thy self with the same Mind For none ceaseth any farther from Sin but as they suffer in the Flesh the crucisying of the Affections and Lusts thereof and here the End of the Gospel's Preaching comes to be known and witnessed which was and is that all man might be judged as men in the Flesh that so they might live according to God in the Spirit and in this spiritual inward Sence Exercise the Lord God Almighty will bow down his Ear Answer the Cryes of thy Awakened Soul and manifest his Word of Power which all in this State and Passage will know to be sharper then any Two-edged Sword piercing to the dividing asunder of thy Immortal Soul from the Spirit and Nature of Transgression and its Working daily as Subjection and Obedience is yielded unto it dividing and making a Separation between Joynts and Marrow giving thee daily a Discerning of the Thoughts and Intents of thy Heart And as the Soul Mind and Heart gives up in Love to God freely to follow him in the Way of his Judgments and gives up to the Sword of the Lord that which is for the Sword and that which is for Destruction to be destroyed thus will the pretious Work of the Lord prosper And although this be a Time of Sorrow and a Time of Trouble Travail and Anguish yet notwithstanding it is a Good Day therefore strive not to get from under it neither to make haste for the true godly Sorrow worketh the true Repentance which is never to be repented of and after the true Repentance follows the true Knowledge of Remission Forgiveness and so thy Inquities by the Judgments of the Lord God Almighty come to be blotted out and then the Times of Refreshment come from the Presence of the Lord and from the Glory of his Power c. And as there is a faithful abiding in inward Watchfulness and continual Obedience to this Heavenly Light in which the Beginning of the Work of God was known there will be a going on from Step to Step in the Foot steps of the Flock of Christ Jesus and a growing from Strength to Strength over Sin and the Nature thereof and from one Degree of Grace to another and as there is a faithful Perseverance in this Divine Principle the Eye of the Understanding will be single and here every thing which hath or doth let will be seen and the Soul never start aside from an inward Travil until that which hindereth be taken out of the Way and until thou seest all the Rule and Authority of the Enemy to be subdued under the Feet of the Lord 's Anointed and the Government in the Soul upon his Shoulders whose Right it is to Raign over all And here Salvation Redemption and Restoration is effectually injoyed through the Effectual Working and Operating of the Almighty Power and Arm of God Almighty
of the power and spirit of Darkness that hath exalted himself sitting in the Temple of God as God and Ruler but blessed forever be the Name of the Almighty God the great Red Dragon and the Beast that arose out of the Sea the Beast that arose out of the Earth and Mystery Babylon are and shall be manifest The Wisdom that is pure peaceable numbers these Appearances and the Judgment of the great Whore is come coming who rides upon the first Beast for now the Angel of God's Presence is come down from Heaven having great Power who lightens the Earth with his Glory the mighty Cry is now going over the Earth utter'd with a strong Voice saying Babylon the great is fallen is fallen become the Habitation of Devils c. All Nations have drunk of the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornications the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication with her the Merchants of the Earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her Delicacies and the Voice is now uttering from Heaven Come out of her my People that ye be not Partakers of her Sins and that ye partake not of her Plagues for her Sins have reached unto Heaven and God hath remembred her Iniquities and now is the one day dawning over the Earth wherein her Plagues Mourning and Famine come and she shall be utterly burn'd with the Fire of God's Jealousie for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her And now in the Name of the eternal everliving blessed God the Creator of all things I prophesie of the perpetual Destruction utter Desolation of the Religions Inventions Ways Worships Prescriptions Orders Decrees and Imitations that have been setting up this many hundreds of years and not by the eternal living Power of the living God nor Directions Leadings Guidings of his quickning Spirit of Life that led guided the Apostles in their Day Age and Generation Root and Branch Head Tail and the whole Fabrick of the Babylonish Building shall be utterly consumed razed down and confounded forever and all the Worshippers of the Beast and the Image shall drink of the VVine of the VVrath of God which is pour'd forth with out Mixture into the Cup of his Indignation and these VVorshippers shall be tormented and have no Rest Night nor Day who worship the Beast and his I age and whosoever receive the Mark of his Name c. A Call in the Tender Bowels of the Love of God shed abroad in this Day Age and eneration unto all the Scattered Sheep c. HEarken give ear all ye scattered Ones upon the barren Mountains of Profession who having lost the living Sence that was on many of your Spirits years ago are now se●king the living amongst the dead Professions your Bread in desolate Places Remember the days moneths and years past call to mind the days of your Tenderness when the Light of God so shined on your Tabernacle that by it you saw your selves in Darkness and in Separation from the Injoyment of your Creator which Sence brought a Day of Mourning bitter Lamentation on you which was the Cause of your Fasting Praying and earnest Seeking after the Lord with multitude of Sighs Groans and Tears which caused you to put many Days and Times apart to meet together to pour forth your Souls in seeking the living God for his Appearance Breaking forth by his eternal Power and for the Revealings of his ancient Arm and Horn of Salvation And in that Day how did many of you retire your selves into your Closets secret Places to mourn before the Lord And how did your Cries Breathings and Pantings after the Lord prevent the Morning Watches And in that Day was it not Substance it self that you sought after even the Revealings of the Son of God's Love in your Souls Let me now come near and expostulate with you in the Name of the Mighty God even with you amongst all Professions that have any Tenderness or Breathings after the Lord remaining in you What was it that stirr'd up your Hearts many years since thus to seek after the Lord What was it that gave you the sence of your own inward Conditions What was it that made Sin appear exceeding sinful What was it that you felt in your Minds that war'd against the Law of Sin Death in your Members What was it that in some mea●ure open'd the Eye of your Understanding to see Idolatry and Superstition VVhat was it that was drawing your Hearts out of the VVorld that even made those things of light esteem in comparison of that which your awakned Souls sought after VVhat was it that inwardly upheld you in Sufferings VVhat was it that you retired your Minds unto when the Wicked raged as the Waves of the Sea when you were mocked for the Plainness of your Apparel and for your Severity in your Families Remember your many signal Deliverances How did the Lord answer you in the Day of your Tenderness VVhat was it that exercis'd you inwardly moving on every one of your particular Souls and Spirits for a Reformation was it not the free Grace of God was it not that Light which shined on your Tabernacle Did not this shine in your Hearts and move on your Spirits God wards and began the inward VVork of the Lord in you VVhy did you start aside from following on toward the Lord in the Way of his Judgments when a little Prosperity attended you VVhy did you seek to get from under the Judgment before it was brought forth into Victory Be awaken'd and come back you Professors of all sorts that have thus turn'd aside for a thing of nought which has caus'd you to wander from one Mountain of Profession to another and from one exalted Hill of Imaginations and Conceivings to another until you have spent all your Portion and are in nature return'd to Babylon the City of Confusion out of which the Lord God Almighty thus calls you Hasten hasten to come forth and partake no longer with her in her Sins lest ye partake with her of her Plagues which are now hastening to come upon her and upon all that shall be found within her Borders Open now your Eyes and behold where you miss'd turn'd aside through which your foolish Hearts have been and are darkned for the Enemy that goes about as a Roaring Lyon seeking whom he may devour wrought in you to turn you from this pure immortal Principle of the Divine Being that in the dayes moneths and years by past awakned you and began to work the Work of God in you into a Profession of the Words States Conditions whereof the Saints wrote left on record behind them who attain'd thereunto through passing from Death to Life in Obedience to the Grace of God that is given to every man to profit withal who knew the holy War and fought the good Fight and so obtain'd the Victory through the effectual Workings of