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A40216 A New-England-fire-brand quenched being something in answer unto a lying, slanderous book, entituled, George Fox digged out of his burrows, &c. printed at Boston in the year 1676, of one Roger Williams of Providence in New-England ... : of a dispute upon XIV, of his proposals held and debated betwixt him, the said Roger Williams, on the one part, and John Stubs, William Edmundson, and John Burnyeat on the other at Providence and Newport in Rode-Island, in the year 1672 where his proposals are turn'd upon his own head, and there and here he was and is sufficiently confuted : in two parts : as also, something in answer to R.W.'s Appendix, &c. with a post-script confuting his blasphemous assertions ... : also, the letters of W. Coddington of Rode-Island, and R. Scot of Providence in New-England concerning R.W. and lastly, some testimonies of ancient & modern authors concerning the light, Scriptures, rule & the soul of men / by George Fox and John Burnyeat. Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Burnyeat, John, 1631-1690. 1678 (1678) Wing F1864; ESTC R3637 449,863 526

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Infiniteness in the Soul which cannot be Infinite in it self And G. F. Answereth and asketh the Question Is not the Soul without beginning coming from God returneth to God again who hath it in his hand which Hand goeth against him that doth Evil which throweth down that which warreth against it And Christ the Power of God is not he the Bishop of the Soul which bringeth it up unto God which came out from him and hath this a Beginning or Ending Is not this Infinite in it self more then all the World R. W. replyeth but he doth not answer G. F's Questions that he asketh but falleth a railing and saith That the Soul or Spirit of Man should be boundless or without limits without Beginning or Ending and cryeth A blasphemous Monster begotten of Hellish Pride the Father and Hellish Ignorance the Mother And thus Roger falleth a Railing instead of Answering And then thou say'st For Infinity and Infiniteness in that Sense can be no other but the Infinite and Eternal Power and Godhead transcending the Capacity of Men or Angels to receive it or conceive the Nature of it Answ. Did not the Apostles receive Christ by his Spirit in whom the Eternal Power and Godhead dwelt how did they preach Christ then both in his Flesh and Divinity But what is this to G. F's Question he doth not say That the Soul is God or Christ and his Eternal Godhead but he asketh the Question Whether the Soul did not come out from God that is from his Breath who breathed into Man the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul and whether or no the Souls of the Righteous do not return to Christ and God R. W. And thou say'st It is true in a Secondary way a Posteriori as they say the Spirit of Angels and Men are as Lamps lighted up by the most-High and Infinite Majesty never to go out or be extinguished in Joy or Sorrow c. Answ. And dost not thou call the Spirits of Men the Soul now if the Lighted Spirits of Men c. by the most-High and Infinite are never to go out as thou confessest that the Spirits of Men c. are Lighted and never go out are they not Infinite then in a Secondary way R. W. This Notion dazles the most sober and steady Eye and Brain c. If G. F's Question dazle the Eye and Brain it 's like it doth thine And then thou tellest a Story of Emperours and the Sun and Moon and Days and Nights c. And thou say'st All have their Hitherto and No further by the Infinite Eternal Arm The Quakers do not deny that And thou say'st Of all the Opinions of the Soul 's Being and Rise this of Infinity making it God himself c. and this is to destroy Souls and the Infinite God himself Answ. How can G. F's Question destroy Souls or destroy God for can he be destroyed no he is a DESTROYER of the Destroyer for G. F. in his Question doth not say the Soul is God Mag. Bine affirmeth that there is a kind of Infiniteness in the Soul but what kind of Infiniteness it is R. W. hath not explained whether it be Infinite in it self or Finite And Job 22 5 Is not thy VVickedness great and thy Iniquities Infinite R. W. will not say that this Infinite VVickedness was God because he useth the Word Infinite And Habbakuk saith Ethiopia and Egypt were her Strength and it was Infinite Nahum 3 now thou canst not say that this was God because he useth the Word Infinite neither canst thou say The Soul is God because M. B. saith There is a kind of Infiniteness in the Soul And G. F. asketh Whether it be not Infinite in it self and more than all the World And doth not Job say In whose Hand to wit the Lord's is the Soul of every living thing and the Breath of all Mankind Job 12.9 And is not Christ called the Bishop and Shepheard of the Souls of the Saints 1 Pet. 2 25 and if Christ be the Shepheard and the Bishop is not he both the Nourisher and Feeder of the Immortal Soul And what dost not thou confess the Soul is Immortal and that which is Immortal is not that Everlasting and now would it be well for G. F. to conclude and to say that R. W. saith The Soul is the Everlasting God acording to thy own Argument nay G. F. hath more Charity And doth not R. W. acknowledge the Soul to be Immortal and the Souls of the Godly going unto Jesus and their Bodies uniting to the Spirit in Eternal Life Well then what doth R. W. make of the Bodies of the Saints who is so offended at G. F's Question because he asketh whether the Soul be not Infinite in it self and yet R. W. saith We use to say Hyperbolically that such and such a doing is Infinite Pride But if G. F. should have said Thou makest Pride God thou wouldst have been offended who art offended at this Question who asketh Whether the Soul be not Infinite and thou callest him a Blasphemer and yet thou say'st Pride is Infinite And we know that the Word Infinite properly belongeth to God David saith His Vnderstanding is Infinite and thou say'st God proclaims his Infinite Power and VVisdom c. Now my Question is to R. W and the Priests of New-England VVhether the Prophets and Apostles of God did receive any of his Infinite VVisdom and Power by his Spirit from above though God be Infinite and Incomprehensible in himself in all his VVisdome and Goodness and Justice And did not God say That Job was Perfect though he abhorred himself in Dust and Ashes And thou confessest that God is not only Infinite but Infinity it self Omnipotency it self VVisdome it self Goodness it self Justice it self in all their Eminencies c. But G. F. doth not say the Soul is so and if thou didst own this in deed and in truth thou wouldst not speak against the Quakers And a great deal of Rambling thou makest concerning the Soul but thou hast not Answered G. F's Questions Whether the Soul be in God's Hand Whether Christ be the Bishop of it And whether the Souls of the Righteous Christ brings to God or whether the Soul did come out from God's Breath R. W. bringeth R. S. who saith The Mystical Body may be sometimes subject to Distempers and Humours and VVants And G. F. answereth and questioneth Are you Judges can you judge of the Mystical Body which the Saints are Baptized into are there Humours Wants and Distempers in the Body which the Saints are Baptized into are not the Wants Distempers and Humours in your Bodies Do you here in this divide the Word aright or distinguish things in the Ground and speak right of things and yet ye would not be judged and say Judge not and is not Mystical Spiritual R. W. replyeth and saith W. Edm. affirmed God was a Spirit literally and properly Answ. Wilt thou say That God is not a
A NEW-ENGLAND-Fire-Brand Quenched Being Something in ANSWER UNTO A Lying Slanderous Book Entituled George Fox Digged out of his Burrows c. Printed at Boston in the Year 1676. of one Roger Williams of Providence in New-England Which he Dedicateth to the KING with Desires That if the Most-High please Old and New-England may Flourish when the Pope Mahomet Rome Constantinople are in their Ashes Of a DISPUTE upon XIV of his Proposals held and debated betwixt him the said Roger Williams on the one part and John Stubs William Edmundson and John Burnyeat on the other At Providence and Newport in Rode-Island in the Year 1672. Where his Proposals are turn'd upon his own Head and there and here he was and is sufficiently CONFUTED In Two Parts AS ALSO Something in Answer to R. W.'s APPENDIX c. WITH A POST-SCRIPT Confuting his Blasphemous Assertions viz. Of the Blood of Christ that was Shed its being Corruptible and Corrupted and that Salvation was by a Man that was Corruptible c. Where-unto is added A CATALOGUE of his Railery Lies Scorn Blasphemies And His TEMPORIZING SPIRIT made manifest Also The LETTERS of W. Coddington of Rode-Island and R. Scot of Providence in New-England Concerning R. W. And Lastly Some TESTIMONIES of Antient Modern Authors concerning the LIGHT SCRIPTURES RULE the SOUL of Man By GEORGE FOX and JOHN BURNYEAT Printed in the Year MDCLXXVIII To the READER Christian Reader and all Sober People that have Read Roger Williams his Book and may come to Read this Answer THough we are sorry we have this occasion that R. W. hath given us to give forth this Reply and Dispute with him of his Slanderous Proposals we cannot look upon them otherwise but so and therefore for Truth 's sake as it is in JESUS and for the Name of Christ and true Christianity have we been constrained to Answer him as we have done both in Dispute and in this Yet we have so much Charity to believe that all the Professors in New-England are not of his Iudgment and those that are they are like to bear their own Burthen whether they are Priests or Magistrates But of all the Books I ever read I never saw so much Foul Language and Contradictions which would swell up a Book too much if we should let the Reader see them all distinct And also so many false Conclusions Inferences that he hath made and Invented Words and Principles to be ours which we never Heard of before neither ever were in our Thoughts and then when he hath done he Raileth at them and us If a Man had sold himself to Work Wickedness and Inspired with a dark Power and Spirit to invent Falshood against an Innocent and Suffering People Roger Williams hath done it who abuseth his Pen abuseth the Press abuseth his Neighbours and he living in a Peaceable Government Which when the People called Quakers had the Government they never molested him AND so 't is not only the Quakers but other Sorts of People that he flies out against which we question whether ever he had so much Modesty as to speak to any of their Faces But this has been his Work to defile Peoples Minds with his Lies Slanders Falshoods and Forgeries of things against us which we do Abhor as may be seen in his Book And that which we desire is That the Lord may give him REPENTANCE and all that join with him if it be his Will and it be not bid from his and his Consederates Eyes And let but the Reader read Roger Williams's former Books and compare them with this that he hath written now and see how he Contradicts himself and see what a great Occasion he and his Brother take against J. B. for calling him Old Man or saying He would not bear upon the Old Man because of his Age and that he pitied him c. when he brought his false Charges against us and could not make them good But let the Reader see all his foul Language in his Book who stiles himself an Orator to the King and let the Reader judge whether he is worthy of that Title out of whose Mouth are come so many Corrupt Words Accusing or Blaming us for saying in pity to him That he was an Old Man But let the Reader see if such Language becomes Gray Hairs together with his Forgeries that he has Forg'd and Publish'd against an Innocent and Suffering People And if the New England Priests and Governors have tolerated and aided and assisted him in the Printing of his Book against us we cannot expect any otherways who have been our Persecutors and some to DEATH and so we must leave him and them to the Lord and Vengeance is his and he will Reward every one of them according to their Words and Works Which certainly he will do and none shall escape the Omnipotent Hand of God And our Hope and Trust and Confidence is in the LORD the Living God and we do not fear what Man can do unto us for had we we had never stood your WHIPPING-STOCKS your GALLOUSES to DEATH whose BLOOD Cries to God through the Nations and your CUTTING OFF EARS and your HOT BRANDING-IRON and your Cruel Mockings and Threats and SPOILING of GOODS and besides all the Lies and Slanders and Forgeries that have been Forged against us So that Christ's Saying is fulfilled among you They shall speak ALL MANNER of EVIL for his Name 's sake against his People so it 's not One Manner but ALL MANNER But we can Triumph in the Love of God and the Lord IESUS Christ and desire the Lord to Forgive you if it be his Will for all your Wickedness that ye have done and spoken against us and that ye may all come to see your selves Whose Servants ye have been and Whose Work ye have been doing and Whom ye have followed And what Spirit ye are of not to be of Christ's who came to Save Mens Lives and not to Destroy them And we must further Declare that we cannot Trust our Bodies and Souls in the Hands of such that do not know what Spirit they are of themselves and have not Power over their own Raging and Persecuting Spirits who are Like unto a City whose Walls are broken down But our Trust is in Christ who is the Chief Shepherd whom we are turn'd to who Feeds us in his Pasture of Life Our Bishop to Oversee us and our Prophet that God hath raised up like unto Moses whom we do Hear c. And our Councellour and Leader that God hath given us our Priest that hath Died for us and Risen for our Justification and at the Right Hand of God who is our Mediator the Man Christ Jesus betwixt us and God and is the Author and Finisher of our Faith And is our High-Priest over the Household of Faith and doth Sanctify us and Wash us with his Precious Blood that he may present us to God without Spot or Wrinkle or Blemish o● any
4 5 6.153 The Pope and Mahomet whom some of you may live to see flung into the Lake that burns with Fire and Brim-stone Pope and Turk 118. 153. pag. Id. 12 16 Prayer Being cut off in the Midst by the sudden Prayer of one c. 26. pag. Id. 17 Pride I have proved and will prove That Spiritual Pride c. that the King Eternal will hardly open his Gates to proud and scornful Dust and Ashes 180 188. pag. Id. 10 Principles Their Principles and Practices are Hypocrisy pag. Id. 115 Q. QUaker The Name QUAKER was given to them c. pag. Id. 27 R. RAiling How instantly do they Rail Revile 86 132. pag. Id. 131 Rantism their Vgly Child and Daughter 177. pag. Id. 29 Reason The Rule must be my own Reason c. pag. Id. 81 Receive He forbids to Receive into their Houses pag. Id. 199 Religion They are far from the true Protestant Religion and Burning c. 188. pag. Id. 171 172 Repentance is a turning from all Sin c. 74 89 128 133 136 140 173 201. pag. Id. 131 Respect They Disrespect Superiors c. See Honor. pag. Id. 157 Resurrection see Heaven and Hell pag. 134 135 185 139 Revelation Nor are we to wait for a further Revelation to us to be given forth than the Scriptures for c. 7 44 94 146 212 213. Thomas Moor. pag. 77 78 Rome pag. 21 44 101 151 136 186 S. SAints May not Men be True Sáints in their Persons R.W. pag. 206 Salutations pag. 223 224 Salvation It is an Error to say Christ is the Means to Salvation Sanctification 133 150 166. Josh. Miller pag. 101 103 Satan Their bowing down to Satan and owning him as a Light and Christ and Spirit within c. 93 132. R. W. pag. 129 SCRIPTVRES This Word of God in the Scripture was the Ground of Christ 's Faith 132-134 Fr. Duke pag. 110 113 That there are above a 1000 Faults in the Scriptures pag. 148 They do not own the Holy Scriptures 12 90 94 99 148 149 182 213 215. R. W. pag. 90 The Scripture is the Judge of Doctrines Manners S. Eaton pag. 210 This Record is the Outward and External Light Judge Rule c. 81 87-89 148. R. W. pag. 91 They call the Scriptures a Dead Letter 100. pag. Id. 148 That the Light within them is Scripture pag. Id. 93 What Light have the Papists Jews and the Devil when he and they bring Scripture pag. Id. 108 Scriptures the Means of Faith of Salvation 102 103. pag. Id. 148 A Pardon Written and Sealed and Iustification pag. Id. 216 The Pope lifts up himself as God over the Scriptures pag. Id. 183 Search the Scriptures The Spirits of the Prophets c. pag. Id. 87 They say The Spirit was above the Scriptures 90 91. pag. Id. 89 They make use of the Scripture as a Sword to run through the Heart Bowels of Scripture God Christ himself pag. Id. 99 The Scriptures to be the only Weapon where-by Christ over-threw the Devil 33. Enoch Howet pag. 108 110 The Word of God is contained in the Scriptures 118. Jeremy Ives pag. 198 The Sure Word of Prophecy the Apostle speaketh of is the Prophecy of the Scripture Hosanna c. pag. 103 107 It is horrible Blasphemy to say The Scriptures are not the Word of God and to say The Soul is a part of God 57 147 207. Alexander Ross. pag. 161 162 Scripture-Language I have used some sharp Scripture-Language R. W. pag. 8 Silent Why should they not sit Silent waiting c. 223 87. pag. Id. 130 Sin We are Conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity 7 8 69 200 201 206 221. E●d and Mess. pag. 145 Son One called him the Eternal Son of God R. W. pag. 18 Soul God breathed c. and Man became a Living Soul 139. pag. 162 SPIRIT The most-Holy Spirit of God so horribly torn in pieces by this Foul Spirit A Black Familiar 21. 19. pag. Id. 15 Though all the Saints have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them which is Eternal and Infallible yet that this Spirit should do all c. and should Iudge after an Infalliable Manner all this we deny 18 32 33 150 185 139. S. Eaton pag. 79 80 The Spirit is given by External Means 74 77. pag. Id. 75 Sufferings pag. 12 194 196 197 Supper Baptism Supper pag. 38 63 121 127 T. TEaching God doth not intend Immediate Teaching nor to give out any Immediate Voice in After-Ages which should Direct and Guide Men in the Way of Salvation 82 c. Samuel Eaton pag. 211 212 Thee and Thou Why should they say THEE and THOV to the Aged Learned Holy and High 106 173 181 191 223. R. W. pag. 130 Tindal pag. 94 Trembling They are far from Trembling at the Word of God in the Scriptures 27. pag. Id. 29 30 Try Spirits see Spirit V. VOice To Hearken to to Turn to to Listen to any Voice or Motion within in Heavenly Things in Matters of Supernatural Light is as proper as in Matters of Law to go for Counsel to a Cheating Thief or Rogue c. 6 7 61 91 93 115 146 154 160 185 189 190 207 211 212 223. R. W. pag. 84 85 W. WEapons They prate against Carnal Weapons 63 154 226 231. pag. Id. 175 Was for Were The Churches Was to Hear instead of Were c. 218. pag. Id. 203 Whipping The Papists whipping themselves c. 231. pag. Id. 174 Within What is meant by the Word Within pag. Id. 83 Whore The painted Quaker should follow the Drunken Whore of Rome Drunk with the Blood of Jesus c. pag. Id. 191 Word That he Preacheth an External Word R. Baxter pag. 75 The Word is a Light to our Feet c. R. W. pag. 211 The Prophets and Apostles drew People to an Outward Word Samuel Eaton pag. 75 That the Word and Spirit are not one R. W. pag. 86 They tread upon the Word 85. Id. pag. 86 Word of Prophecy see Scripture Work Paul Wrought with his Hands not these c. in all their Travails pag. Id. 152 Works They maintain a Covenant of Works 138 141 215-217 John Bunyan pag. 143 Worship Doth not the Angel forbid John Worshipping of him 115 185 188-190 R. W. pag. 106 AN INDEX OF THE Priests Professors R. W.'s False Principles Assertions With other Matters contained in the Second Part OR ANSWER to R. W.'s APPENDIX Part II. A. AMERICANS The Grace of God never appeared to the Americans George Johnson pag. 167 168 Anointing G. F. writes That they Know all Things 160 161. R. W. pag. 1 2 Anti-Christ The Protestants maintain That the Pope is the Anti-Christ pag. Id. 1●8 The Pope maintains That Anti-Christ is not yet come pag. Id. 137 B. BAptism I know they make Baptism c. but Ceremonies 32 33. R. W. pag. 120 Battle The Scripture maintains a Battle between the Flesh and Spirit all their Days Blood of Christ see
And R. W. brings in Alexander Ross G. F. fol. 273. saying It is horrible Blasphemy to say The Scriptures are not t●e Word of GOD and to say The Soul is a Part of God G. F's Answ. The Scriptures are the Words of God Exod. 20. and in the Book of the Revelations and Christ is the Word in whom the Scriptures end and he fulfilleth them And it is not Horrible Blasphemy to say The Soul is a Part of God to wit of his Breath for it came out from him and that which came out from him is of him and rejoiceth in him And these four Books of the Revelations was a Mistake in the Printer though that which was the four Books of Moses was Revealed to him R. W. Replies G. F. imagins such a God and Godhead as maybe d●vided into parts and pieces c. And this is Answered in the Appendix p. 108.109.110 but nevertheless something we shall say to it Answ. And doth the Apostle divide God into parts and pieces when he saith There is One God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Ephes. 4. And dost not thou confess The Soul is immortal and sayst It 's true in a secondary way â Posteriori as they say The Spirits of Men and Angels are as a Lamp lighted up by the Most-High and Infinite Majesty never to go out pag. 49. And John Stubs read the Words of G. F. and said The Reason was to be weighed which G. F. used which was For it came out of him to wit out of his Breath and that which came out of him is of him and rejoiceth in him And to this End he desired the words in Gen. 2. might be viewed which he turned to and read viz God breathed into Man the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul And then Samuel Garton said If it be affirmed that God can be divided and that Man was a part of God the Godhead was destroied and the Soul of Man But we say no such thing neither doth G. F. say any such Words But doth R. W. and Garton say That it cannot be a part of his Breath by which Man became a Living Soul and is not the Soul called the Breath of Life and doth not Robeson say That the Soul properly is the Breath of Life which God did breath into him at his First Creation that is his Immortal Soul which is his Principle of all Breath Motion and Life in him p. 150. And there is no such word in G. F.'s Answer of the Divine Essence as the Reader may see And all the Scriptures that speak of the Soul we own and Christ's saying They may kill the Body but not the Soul yet God is able to cast both Soul and Body into Hell Who is to be feared And we own God who is over all and in us all as well without us as within us God who is a pure holy Spirit and Christ at the Right Hand of God who hath all power in Heaven and Earth given unto him we own him without and within and his Kingdom as well without as within who is God over all who is blessed for ever And we own the Angels who behold the Face of God and where and in what Book did ever R. W. read that we said The Angels were within us for if they be Ministring Spirits they must Minister to our Souls within us For are they not Ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister to them who shall be Heirs of Salvation Heb. 1. And Resurrection and Judgment and Heaven and Hell we hold without us as well as within us according to the Scriptures And we must tell thee all these Lies thou hast of the Father of Lies as well without thee as within thee R. W. And thou tell'st us a Story of One desirous to give Thanks at Dinner asked roundly To whom should I give Thanks c. And thou sayst Calvin relates that one Quintinius a Leader this Way being demanded how he did c. answered resolutely How can Christ do but well and yet at that time he was Sick Answ. Now Mark Instead of proving R. W.'s Charges he is telling of Stories which may be as false upon them as his Charge is upon us But R. W. saith In his time a Leader this Way to wit the Quakers c. But the Lord knows and his own Conscience whether he doth not wrong us and Wm. Edmond might well reprove him And then thou sayst Thou wouldst not trouble us with Proofs but out of our own Writings and yet thou canst not keep out of these Old Stories Then R. W. Bringeth Magnus Bine G. F. Fol. 88.89 and this is Answered in the Answer to the Appendix where he bringeth it there in his page 47. And well might Wm. Edmond say to R. W. Let G. F.'s Words and thy Meaning alone and keep to his Words And R. W. saith The Fulness of God is one thing and another thing our and all his Works and Creatures Partaking of that Fulness c. Answ. Who saith to the Contrary But must not the Saints grow up to a Perfect Man therefore and unto the Measure and Stature and the Fulness of Christ R. W. And thou say'st To partake some Drops of the Ocean of his Wisdom Power Goodness c. is not to become the Ocean of the Power c. it self Answ. But they may come into the Power But let the Reader see how he perverts G. F.'s words all along and his Meanings And we do believe thou wrongest Sam. Fisher as well as thou hast us R. W. And when G. F. speaketh of the Fulness of the Godhead dwelling in Christ thou say'st He means the Body of the Quakers c. Answ. Let the Reader see if there be any such words in G. F.'s Answer And that 1 Tim. 3. God is manifested in the Flesh we own as the Apostle speaketh it and S. Fisher's Book neither thou nor J. Owen could ever answer it though some of you pervert some of his words R. W. And thou bringest Magnus Bine c. which is also Answered in the Answer to the Appendix p. 108. And thou sayst In these few Lines let him that hath his Senses make Common Sense and English of some of them Answ. But let the Reader see in R. W.'s if he be finding Fault with others how he spells Bishop with Bist in his page but I can look over such words and never heed it R. W. Thou goest on in thy Railing and sayst The old Serpent has taught them in so much that these bewitched Souls say and print that this World is God and the Godhead c. Answ. The Reader may see there is no such word in G. F.'s Answer neither did we say any such word at the Dispute at Providence the people knows it And then thou call'st us Horrible and Blockish thou might'st have applied this to thy self and to that which thou assertest upon us
Spirit the Finger or Power of God Answ. Here thou seems to help off thy Brother J. B. but thou hast made it worse with thy Confusion Thou say'st He takes it not for the Light of Peace and Joy c. called in Scripture nor the Preaching and Offering of a Saviour to poor lost Sinners c. and here thou mistakes thy self and J. B. For it was the true Convincing and Saving or Condemning Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the world which John came for a Witness to bear witness unto to poor lost Sinners and the Light which Paul turned People to from darkness that our discourse was about And is not the Awakening and saving Light the Light of Peace and Joy and Prosperity called in Scripture Light And is there any Light but the Light of Christ that lets people see their miserable Conditions and their damnable state by which Light they see their Saviour that saves them from their Sin and by believing in the Light they are grafted into Christ that dyed for their sin And doth not the Scripture say As the Law came by Moses Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ and is not that within in the heart And thou say'st Of Grace and Mercy applyed to a soul by the good News of a Saviour some way heard of and the holy Spirit and Finger or power of God And what must we understand from thy words here Thou hast heard of the News of a Saviour and the Finger or Power of God and this must be applyed to a soul. And wilt thou come no nearer to Christ nor his Grace Mercy nor the Spirit nor the Power of God but thy Applying But doth not the Apostle say He that hath not the Son of God hath not Life and doth not he say If any Man hath not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his and They that are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God And as many as receive Christ he gives them power to become the Sons of God And it was Grace that established their hearts and seasoned their words and it was the Grace that was their Teacher and brought their Salvation And may not all the Papists and others that thou speaks of apply to themselves as much as thou do'st and yet be Reprobates and hear the News of a Saviour c For first People may hear the News of a Saviour but then to receive him as Christ saith He that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me And John saith He that hath the Son hath Life and he that hath him not hath not Life and then what good doth thy Applying the News of a Saviour to thy lying slanderous Spirit And John saith The Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding and we are in him that is true even in his Son Jesus Christ and this is the true God and Eternal Life Glory to his Name for ever R. W. And thou say'st that G. F. saith That the saving Light is in all Man-kind only persons do not mind it and so Jesus Christ is Crucified and Slain in them and God and Christ and Spirit and Light c. are all captivated and hindred from working yea altogether Killed and Slain in them because the Soul doth not mind them and hearken to Christ in them And then R. W. when he has invented the aforesaid words himself cryes Ah poor simple bruitish Imagination that ever it should enter into the thoughts of Men professing to be Christians or of Men professing to know more then the Wolves or Foxes in the Wildernesses Answ. Christ Lighteth every Man that cometh into the world with the Life in him the word and saith he is the Light of the world and saith Believe in the Light that ye may become Children of Light and he that believeth is saved and he that doth not is Condemned And the Condemnation is the Light that is come into the world which Light is Saving to them that believe in it and Condemning to them that do not believe in it but hate it whose deeds be evil c. Joh. 3. But R. W. is a Forger of many Lyes for where ever did he read in any of the Quakers Books or in G. F.'s Answer to J. B. that the Quakers should say that God and his Spirit and his Light c. and Christ who has all power in Heaven and Earth given to him and fits at the Right Hand of God and dyes no more and death has no more dominion over him that we say That God is Slain and Crucified and Christ and his Spirit and Light is slain and Crucified yea altogether kill'd and slain in us c. and Captivated and hindred from working and the reason is that the Soul doth not mind to hearken to Christ within Now we charge these upon R. W. to be Horrid Lyes For Christ was Crucified according to the flesh but the Scripture doth not say that the Eternal God dyed nor his Eternal Spirit And David when he sinned was afraid that God would take his holy Spirit from him and therefore we charge R. W. with these Lyes and Slanders which were never in our thoughts And Christ saith to John Revel 1. I am he that liveth and was Dead and behold I am alive for Evermore and have the Keys of Hell and Death though we say as the Apostle said of some that Crucified to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame like R W and as Christ says to Saul why persecutest thou me c. and as Christ saith Math. 25. I was in Prison and naked and sick and hungry c. and I say unto you In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of my Brethren ye have done it unto me c. And as for poor simple bruitish Imaginations and Men professing Christianity or Men professing to know more then the Wolves and Foxes in the wildernesses These Expressions R. W. may keep at home for it suites his own Abusive spirit the best and not the People of God called Quakers And R W. confesses that there is something of God in the Disobedient and Reprobates we do believe it doth Judge him sometimes and its like it might struggle with him before he brought forth this Birth of Confusion R W. Thou say'st There is something of God that is from the power and wisdom of God in the fallen Spirits the Devils themselves Answ. But R W. has not proved this doctrine of his by Scripture The Wisdom of God is gentle and pure and the power of God is pure and holy and something of God is pure Is this something of God of his divine being wisdom and power in the fallen Spirits the Devils R W for thy words are There is something of God that is from the power and wisdom of God in the fallen Spirits the Devils themselves but no proof from Scripture thou hast brought For Christ said unto the Jews Ye are
G. F. answereth Fol. 330. Here any may read thy Confusion but I say unto thee He that believeth doth not commit Sin but Vnbelief is Sin Rom. 12 20 And Christ is the End of the Law to every one that believeth for Righteousness sake Rom. 10 4 and yet thou puttest both Believers and Vnbelievers under the power of the Law R. W. replieth and telleth How the Devil sinneth and Saul and Judas and Robbers and Murtherers and saith It is not so with the Regenerate or New-born Answ. who saith it is But thou say'st That the Seed of all Sin is in the New-born Append. pag. 96. and here thou say'st They can no more touch Sin unless deceived or circumvented then Fire can delight in Water or Light in Darkness How is all their Seeds in the Newborn then if it doth not touch them for mark thy words are In the New-born For the New-born are born of the Spirit are they not New-born Babes are born of the Immortal Seed of God how proveth R. W. with the New-England-priests that all the Seeds of Sin are in the New-born and yet it doth not touch them no more then Fire can delight in Water R. W. And further thou say'st That the Protestants have proved from the Scripture and Experience of all true Saints that Sin and Grace the Flesh and Spirit the Law of the Spirit and the Law of Sin may and do continue in the Regenerate or New-born contrary to that proud Perfection of Papists and Quakers in this Life c. And G. F.'s silly Shift saying that Paul was perfect and thanketh God for Victory c. Answ. We never read in the Scripture of such a Doctrine till R. W. New-England's Oratour hath publisht it That Flesh and Spirit and the Law of Sin should be in the New Birth in this Life This is contrary to the Apostle for he saith With his mind he served the Law of God but with the flesh the Law of sin so this was in the Flesh or Old-man Unmortified or put off so this Law of Sin and Flesh and Spirit was not in the Regenerate part or New-Birth as Doting R. W. saith but in the contrary Birth the Old Man And Paul did cry out Wretched man who shall deliver him and he saw no Man but Christ Jesus and thanketh God through him who gave him the Victory and was not Paul Perfect when he said As many as are perfect be thus minded But why cannot R. W. read as well Rom. 8. as Rom. 7. where the Apostle saith There is no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit and the Law of the Spirit of Life maketh him free from the Law of Sin and Death so the Apostle saith he was a free Man from the Law of Sin and Death but R. W. giveth him the lye and saith There is a Combate with the Law of Sin in the New-born in this Life And so as for Silliness and Ignorance of the Saints Life R. W. and his New-England professors and priests may keep at home R. W. And thou say'st They are to strive after Perfection and Holiness c. as a Child going after his Father the Scholar or Maidens following their Copies and Samplers though they never come near the full Exactness and Perfection of them Answ. R. W. doth confound Reason among men and Short of the Truth What! shall the Scholar never learn his Lesson nor the Maidens learn their Samplars to be as perfect as their Masters and Teachers So the Children shall never come to an Exact Perfectness of Copies and Samplars nor a Child never to come to go as his Father doth nor to be in the Strength and Knowledge of outward things as his Father then what do all these learn their Copies and Samplars for if they never be to come near the full Exactness and Perfection of them But what shall we understand from R. W.'s Words and Doctrine in this That they that learn of Christ shall not be perfect as their Heavenly Father is Perfect as Christ commandeth and that the Saints shall not be sanctified throughout Body Soul and Spirit whil'st they be upon Earth and That Christ doth not sanctify his Church without Spot or Wrinkle and Blemish or any such thing and present them to God as on this side the Grave as Ephes. 5 But what doth R. W. and the New-England priests say to John 1 Joh. 2 He that abideth in Christ ought himself even also to walk as Christ walked and in another place So as he is so are we in this present World but let the Reader see what a silly Reply he hath given to G. F. here he speaketh nothing of Rom. 10. and 11. to the contradicting of them that which G. F. hath asserted R. W. bringeth in from G. F.'s fol. 338 John Nasmith Priest from Scotland saying That the Evil Spirits are both Sinful and Reasonable G. F. answereth This is a Lye for Reasonable is not Sinful Vnreasonable is Sinful 1 Thess. 3 They have not the Faith And if the Evil Spirit be Reasonable and the Good Spirit they are both One who then is Vnreasonable if the Evil Spirit be Reasonable Thou puttest no Difference betwixt the precious and the vile thou hast the Mark of a blind Guide and of a false Prophet in thy Fore-head R. W. Replieth and beginneth with Railing and saith First The filthy rash Fury of his Mind and Pen and saith 2dly This proud Pharisee will appear to be a Sadducee also and to bold no Angels nor Spirits It 's true they pretend to own Scripture Christ and Resurrection they with the Jesuites-Equivocations name Angels and Spirits but the bottom as some of them and that in Print discover is They hold there is but one Spirit which is in all into which all return and the Soul of Judas is as Happy as the Soul of Peter Answ. Reader this is nothing to G. F.'s Answer neither hath he nor can he make out any of these False Charges which he hath forged which be not our Words against us and therefore we can say When he speaketh a Lie he speaketh of himself and is the Father of it For where did ever any read in any of our Books or is there any thing in G. F.'s Answer that we hold There is but One Spirit in Man R. W. and the New-England-Priests have not we often told you that you have vexed and grieved and quenched the Spirit of God And we never said That Judas's Soul was as Happy as Peter's it was not like for Peter had fed the Lambs of Christ and Judas betrayed him to the Chief Priests as thou art doing now in his Saints who hast Crucified him to thy self a fresh And Christ and Scripture and Resurrection we own according to Scripture Really without any Pretence or Equivocation that is thy own Condition And R. W. thou say'st They hold neither Angel nor Spirit then again thou
is because there is no Light or Morning risen in him see his Works pag. 249. Again Others know no other Touch-stone nor Trial no other Light by which they judge of Truth then Scripture thus putting it in the room of the Spirit which is Light and the greater Light For they say they cannot know Truth till they bring it to the Letter for Tryal thus making an Idol of the Letter setting it up in the ●oom of God Ibid pag. 248. Testimonies concerning the RULE IRenaeus pag 242 384 389 The Writing in the Heart is the Rule Again l. 5. c. 8. The Word giveth his Spirit to All to Some according to Condition And l. 4. c. 30. The Fathers being Iustified by the Righteousness of the Law of God in them therefore had no need of Reproving Letters W. Perkins Works Vol. 3. pag. 220 The Light of Nature and Grace teacheth To do as we would be done to Pag. 221. It is the Fulfilling of the Law the Rule to Iudge Scripture That of God made the Rule something in the Conscience Happy Times if Men would follow it Bishop R. Sanderson De Obligat Conscientiae p. 127. saith A Rule of Discerning without the Scripture Regula discernendi extra Scripturam T. Collier saith The Spirit of God who is God is the alone Rule of a Christian Gen. Epist. to the Saints Chap. 12. The Spiritual Man Iudgeth all Things by the Rule of the Spirit ibid. The Law of the New Testament is Written in the Heart ibid. Testimonies concerning the SOUL TErtullian De Animâ pag. 297. Asserts the Immortality and Divinity of the SOUL D. Fagius in Gen. 2.7 Rabbi Nehamanides hath observed That he that Breatheth on any contributes something of his own to it whence Christ our Saviour when he would Communicate his Holy Spirit to his Disciples he did it by Breathing upon them signifying that he contributed to them something of his own that was Divine The Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifies something Divine and Heavenly something 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because the Immortal Soul of Man is a certain Divine Thing Peter Martyr speaks of the Soul thus in Psalm 94 We are Taught not to with-draw from the Divine Nature those Things that are Perfect and Absolute in us pag. 12. And pag. 122. They say saith he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Soul doth chiefly signify that which is Divine and Reasonable which God doth give unto us H. Bullinger saith The Soul is a Spiritual Substance poured of God into Man 's Body in his 4. Decas 10. Serm. Augustine saith It is felt in the Life it is Vnutterable Breathed into Man 's Body from the Secret Power of God Henry Ainsworth Annot. in Pentateuch brings the Rabbines saying The Form of the Soul of Man is not Compounded of the Elements c. but is of the Lord from Heaven Therefore when the Material Body which is Compounded of the Elements is separated and the Breath perisheth because it is not found but with the Body and is needful for the Body in all the Actions thereof this Essential Form is not destroyed but continueth even for ever and ever This is that which Solomon by his Wisdom said And Dust shall Return unto the Earth as it was and the Spirit shall Return unto God who gave it Id. in Gen. 2 7. The Lord Animated or Inspired him with a Living and Reasonable Soul or Spirit which presently appeared by Breath at his Nostrils For the Soul of Man is not educed derived or fetched out of any Power in the Matter of the Body nor made of any Matter at all as the Body is but as it is a Spirit Material and Immortal so it had its Immediate Original from the Father of Spirits Hebr. 12 9. Walter Rawleigh 's Hist. of the World pag. 18. Man is said to be after the Image of God in respect of his Immortal Soul only because as God is Invisible so the Soul of Man is Invisible as God is Immortal and Incorporcal so is the Soul of Man Immortal and Incorporcal and as there is but one God which Governeth the World so but one Soul which Governeth the Body of Man and as God is Wholly in every Part of the World so is the Soul of Man Wholly in every Part of the Body Henry More Philosophical Writings pag. 37 The Specifick Nature of the Soul of Man is an Immaterial Substance endued with those two Eminent Properties of Understanding and Power of Moving Corporal Matters Peter Charron 's Wisdom pag. 22 The Immortality of the Soul is a Thing Vniversally received throughout the World I mean by an Outward Profession seriously and Inwardly not so witness so many Epicures Libertines and Mockers in the World Iohn Smith 's of Queen 's Colledge in Cambridge Discourses pag. 87 The Soul of Man acting upon it self and drawing forth its own Latent Energy finds it self able to tame the Outward Man and bring under those Rebellious Motions that arise from the meer Animal Powers and to tame and appease all those Seditions and Mutinies that it finds there Ibid. p. 92. There is a Naked Intuition of Eternal Truth in the Soul which is always the same which never Rises nor Sets but always Stands still in its Vertical and fills the Whole Horizon of the Soul with a Mild and Gentle Light There are such Calm and Serene Ideas of Truth that shine only in Pacate Souls and cannot be discern'd by any Troubled or Fluid Fancy Plotinus En. 4. l. 8. c. 1. pag. 99 The Soul of a Divine and Immortal Being c. Id. Ibid. When he shall behold his own Soul fixt in an Intelligible and Pure Nature Contemplating Things Eternal looking into the Intellectual World being it self made all Lucid to wit Light Intellectual and Shining with the Sun-Beams of Eternal Truth borrowed from the First Good which perpetually Rayeth forth his Truth upon all Intellectual Beings William Robertson in his Key to the Hebr. Bible sub Lit. Nun 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Soul a Noun Primitive from which is derived the Verb in Piel 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Nippesh he Breathed because the Soul is the Principle of Life and Breath c. Henry Moor 's Philosophical Writings of the Immortality of the Soul libr. 2. cap. 1. pag. 58 There is such an Immaterial Substance in Man which from the Power it is conceived to have in actuating and guiding the Body is usually called the SOUL Id. Ibid. Cap. 3. pag. 72 No Essence in it self can vary its Modification For there is an Essence in us what-ever we will call it which we find endued with this Property as appears from hence that it has Variety of Perceptions Id. Ibid Cap. 11. pag. 109 The Soul is a Substance distinct from the Body and her very Essence is spread throughout all the Organs thereof Lactantius The Soul whereby we Live comes as it were from Heaven from God G. F. J. B. ERRATA I. Part. Pa.
68 Flames They will give up their Lives to the Flames See Martyrs Trial. pag. Id. 200 Form You call all Men Dead and Carnal in the Serpent's Nature in what Form so-ever they differ from you Hen. Haggar pag. 209 Fulness of the Godhead see God G. Garments Their Crying out against Ornaments of Garments R. W. pag. 158 GOD It is said That God hath shined in our Hearts pag. Id. 84 They hold no God no Christ no Angel c. 162. pag. Id. 161 The Fulness of God is one thing and our partaking of that Fulness c. 164 166 187 219. pag. Id. 163 God manifest in the Flesh c. 167. pag. 56 God speed see Receive Godly They will call the Godly Vipers Serpents Pharisees c. 8. pag. Id. 207 Gospel They predicate a False and Hellish Gospel c. pag. Id. 192 The Gospel is the Letter Samuel Eaton pag. 213 See New-England pag. 214 215. Government Their Spirit tends to bring in Arbitrary Government 226 230. R. W. pag. 224 Grace sufficient 126. see Angel Growth see Leaven Guide see Scriptures J. Green asking c. R. W. pag. 161 H. HAnd Their new way of Feeling the Hand instead of Kissing 222. pag. Id. 157 Hat Their Noise about the Hat and Knee Lace Painting c. 181-183 pag. Id. 151 HEAVEN and Hell To witness Heaven and Hell and Resurrection within is the Mystery of Iniquity 51 J. Clapham pag. 169 To say The Heaven and Glory is within Man which was before Man was they are Sottish and Blind 163. pag. Id. 170 Heavenly Places 39● 121punc Heathen G. F. Exalting his Heathen-light above the Scriptures 118. R. W. pag. 76 Hebrew The Hebrew Word of Everlasting Father the Father of Ages R. W. pag. 57 They want Hebr. Greek Latin Helps 204 205. pag. Id. 177 Henry IV. of France That he was Stab'd by a Friar pag. Id. 229 Heresy The Quakers Religion is Heresy and themselves Hereticks pag. Id. 126 Hitchcock pag. 69 71 138 Hope They overthrow the Nature of Hope pag. Id. 137 Humane Nature God the Father never took upon him Humane Nature 155. the word Humane 208. Chr. Wade pag. 167 I. IMage Their new up-start Image 34. ●●fallible see Spirit Inspiration see Revelation R. W. pag. 14 Interpretations They allow of no Interpretations of Scripture 184 pag. Id. 149 Invisible They affirm the Church Ministers Baptism and Supper Invisible 40-44 61-63 189. pag. Id. 127 Judaism There is much Judaism in their Religion pag. Id. 156 Iudgment see Spirit 115 155 160 168 169 230. pag. Id. 139 Justification It is an Error to say We are Justified by that which Christ doth in us 150 144 Josh. Miller pag. 141 It is not Faith and Works that Justify in the Sight of God but its Faith and Good Works which Justify in the Sight of Men only c. See Faith John Bunyan pag. 215 K. KINGDOM The Kingdom of Heaven that is in the Saints is not in the Pharisees Jam. Brown pag. 124 126 The Kingdom is not come nor the Refreshing from the Spirit of the Lord. Thomas Collier pag. 168 They profess Christ and Spirit and the Kingdom of Heaven in the Pharisees the very same the Saints have R. W. pag. 117 They deny that Visible Kingdom and Church of Christ. pag. Id. 62 Korah pag. 106 L. LAw God wrote Laws for Israel c. See Government item Magistrate pag. Id. 224 Leaven Can there be such a Mustard-Seed or Leaven and yet not grow pag. Id. 125 126 Liberty 11 24 183. Liberty to Do 225. Liberty to Speak Robert Williams pag. 71 Lie R. W. 's Lies p. 1 2 3 4 8 c. 16 17 18 and Children saying Thou Liest c. R. W. pag. 157 Lifted up The Quakers and Papists Lift up themselves against the Children of God c. pag. Id. 184 LIGHT Their pretended Light pag. Id. 185 He makes the Light to be Natural and Born with every Man 31 32 211. pag. Id. 84 Isa. 8. They have no true Light within them pag. Id. 140 They maintain That the Light within is that Great Prophet pag. Id. 61 What Simplicity is it to stoop down to Pen and Ink when the Light is sufficient pag. Id. 58 M. MAgistrate The Magistrate is not to Level the Law with the Light in every Man 's Conscience John Stallam pag. 119 120 That the Magistrate ought to subject to his Light c. R. W. pag. 229 Martyrs As the Martyrs Fire grew Hotter so their Prayers c. 176 196 199. pag. Id. 94 Means They talk of no Means but Immediate Revelation 74 78 81 82 102 103. pag. Id. 146 Meetings Their Dumb Meetings c. Singing c. pag. Id. 87 Ministry There is nothing in Man to be Ministred unto but Man Enoch Howet pag. 76 77 Murther God may suffer him to Murther me c. R. W. pag. 21 Musick They cry down Musick the Gift of God Musicians pag. Id. 158 N. NAked They appear in Publick Streets and Assemblies stark Naked 28 32 87 224 174. R. W. pag. 9 W. S. going Naked pag. 196 Name His most-Holy Name trodden in the Dirt by Satan c. 23. pag. Id. 24 The Papists change their Names c. pag. Id. 152 New-England Church Actual Believers True Disciples and Converts Living Stones c. this was and I hope is the Principle of the New-English Church 4 190. pag. Id. 63 64 65 New-England Priests R. W. proves himself and his New-England Priests Hipocrites and one with Mahomet and with the Papists pag. 193 New-England Priests and Professors Gospel needs a ROPE-MAKER'S-Shop c. pag. 192 O. OAths The Pope dispensing of Oaths Marriages R. W. pag. 183 Offices They deny the Person of Christ and his Offices Over-seers 62 63 111 127. pag. Id. 61 Old Man Your saying often Old Man Old Man Rob. W. pag. 72 Oracles of Hell 4. Apollo's Oracles R. W. pag. 185 P. PArnel J. Parnel's Imprisonment Sufferings Death 229 pag. 95 Paunch Peter tells us Satan's End is to fill his Hellish Paunch with Souls R. W. pag. 7 8 Pendleton vow'd c. and yet to Mass he went pag. Id. 232 Perfection The Spirits of Iust Men made Perfect the Quakers say here we say in the Life to come pag. Id. 73 They know not Absolute Perfection that are admitting of Measures and Degrees 150 186 220. Hosanna c. pag. 120 Surely they cannot be Perfect in Equality but only in Quality 220. Daniel Gawdry pag. 165 To say that any is Perfect and without Sin is the Devil speaking in Man Richard Baxter pag. 219 Persecution The Quakers and Papists are Fire-brands both in the Matter of Persecution c. 184 229 -232. R. W. pag. 153 Persecutors pag. 11 13 14 24 94 118 178 179 pag. 199 202 Pope and Mahomet If the Most-high please Old New-England may Flourish when the Pope and Mahomet Rome and Constantinople are in their Ashes 16 pag. Id. 4 5 6 153 Pope 121 182 183. pag. Id.
Protestants pag. Id. 136 Body Fol. 93. The Mystical Body may be sometimes subject to Distempers and Humors and Wants Rob. Simson pag. 110 111 Books They slight Reading and Studying Books yea God's Book R. W. pag. 132 C. CArt with Sheaves They mean God himself pressed down as a Cart with Sheaves R. W. pag. 11 CHRIST They maintain Christ's Second Coming to be Spiritual 38 39 147. pag. Id. 128 Christ's Blood 126 127. pag. 144 They have Christ and the New Covenant within them 18 19. pag. Id. 21 It is a Scripture of the Devil 's making to apprehend this Crucified Christ within 27 116 117 134. J. Burton pag. 133 Christ is Distinct from every one of us and without us and our particular Persons Fol. 136. 126-129 Thomas Moor. pag. 126 Christ the Door pag. 94 146. It is not properly nor in a full Sense That God is manifested in the Flesh of his Saints Fol. 135. 123 124 126 127 144. pag. Id. 122 They are Christ and God himself 39 125-128 R. W. pag. 125 Christ Sick c. 129. Christ pag. 143-145 Their Christ within whose Name is now Light Motions within c. 21 68. pag. Id. 67 Men are Saved but not by Christ within us W. Thomas pag. 116 Condemn They Condemn others 6 10. R. W. pag. 35 Congregation They disown not their own Visible Congregations and Assemblings Church in God 90 91 92. pag. Id. 93 Conscience The Scripture plainly denyes That Conscience can Iustify though it may Condemn Fol. 11. 20. J. Bunyan pag. 3 4 Consciences and Hearts sprinkled c. pag. 5-7 Conversion I ask Where Souls have been truly Converted by any such Notion and not by some External Means and Outward Hearing 34 36 40-44 46 89. R. W. pag. 87 If God please to appoint the Words his first Apostles used to be still the Means of Conversion c. -47. pag. Id. 40 Contradictions of R. W.'s p. 14-16 28 42 43 47 48 52 53 59 72 76-78 82-84 92 95 97 102 132 141 145 170 172 181 182 184 189 190 pag. 196 203 Covenant The New Covenant c. an Heart of Flesh in which the Law was written c. 14 17 19-21 168. pag. Id. ●19 First Covenant pag. 194 Creation How should they know a Creation but by Scripture 51 52 96. pag. Id. 95 D. DEvil The Devil is manifest in their Flesh. 11 34 70 148. See Vnclean Spirits R. W. pag. 125 Devil 11. and Anti-Christ pag. 202 Discern see Judgment Trial. Doing all Things Phil. 4 I can Do all Things pag. Id. 2 Duty The most Faithful Messengers of Christ have acknowledged they came short of their Duty Robert Tuchin pag. 198 199 E. ELection God hath Ordained to Eternal Life all that shall be Saved before they had a Being in the World c. 16 17-19 Tim. Travers pag. 177 178 Enlighten Christ doth Enlighten none but those that do Receive him 14-16 21 72. Hugh Archbal pag. 185 Iews Gentiles 180 181. Enquirers pag. 89 90 Enter Some will Endeavour and Seek to Enter Jews c. and shall not be Able R. W. pag. 101 F. FAilings Peter 's Failing in Denying his Master c. 67 192 193 198 R. W. pag. 199 Faith How clear the Scripture is Faith comes by Hearing and not by Minding the Light within G. F. Fol. p. 75. 22 28 85-89 117 157. Unbelief 101. Thomas Weld pag. 84 Salvation and Faith are the Gifts of God distinct from Christ. 27 28. Fines 130 131. Hosanna c. pag. 143 Fire-brands Jesuits and Quakers they both carry Fire-brands in their Tails Fire-ships 164. R. W. pag. 45 Form You call all Men Dead and Carnal in the Serpent's Nature in what Form so-ever c. 30-33 44. H. Haggar pag. 163 Fulness The Saints are neither in the Fulness of the Godhead nor in Part Away with this Blasphemy that saith This is 107. Magnus Bine pag. 103 104 G. GAllowses That follow the Mediator from his Cradle and Manger to his Cross Gallowses with us c. R. W. pag. 102 Gifts of God c. Gift of Tongues 98 180. Gifts of Nature Solomon's Temple Moses's Tabernacle c. pag. Id. 53 God Man is not Able to Discern the Things of God till he be Born again 141 142. Hosanna pag. 140. Then shall we know in the next Life in the Heavenly State to come what is God c. 141. R. W. pag. 200 201 They say They are one with God and Christ and know all Things and can do all Things c. 24 49 106 107 138. see Christ. pag. Id. 1 2 There is something of God that is from the Power and Wisdom of God in the Fall'n Spirits the Devils themselves pag. Id. 11 They say They Live in God Dwell in God 105 152. pag. Id. 93 God 's Government 80. The Right Hand of God 117 124 134 God is a Spirit 149. A Spirit as Literally Properly c. 111 Stabbing God and Christ c. R. W pag. 202 203 God's Temples p. 125. The Word pag. 55 Godhead By the Creation some knew the Eternal Power and Godhead 50 95. pag. Id. 52 I find that there is generally in all Mankind a Conviction of an Invisible and Omnipotent and Eternal Power and Godhead and doth arise from the Creation 50 75 95 163. R. W. pag. 61 62 The Sight of the Godhead without Faith in Christ is the Foundation of all False Worships Thomas Higginson pag. 61 Gospel To say The Gospel is the Power of God is a Metaphorical Speech And The Gospel is no more the Power of God than the Rose-Cake that lay in his Window 142. Richard Mayo pag. 173 174 Grace is something but reacheth not Home c. 9 67 89. R. W. pag. 90 H. HEaring What Warrant have you to go out to the Quakers Shall a Man go and Hear the Jews and Papists Mass because Paul bids Try all Things Sam. Hammond pag. 129 130 131 No Reading or Hearing can do a Soul any Good until God by the Power or Finger of his own Self or Spirit make the Means Powerful and Effectual 74 79 84 85 87-89 95 96. See Conversion R. W. pag. 203 Men and Women in the World who never Saw nor Heard of any Glimps of the Sun of Righteousness 9 10 17 18 20 74 145. R. W. pag. 180 181 Heathen-Philosophers The Wise Heathen-Philosophers had a greater Measure of Light in them which is the First Adam than I can think any Man hath now 52-54 95 111 200 201. Heathen 151. Joshua Miller pag. 50 51 Heaven and Hell It is known Error to say That a Man was in Hell and in Heaven Fol. p. 64. Jer. Ives pag. 76 G. F. knows how the Papists get a world of Money with these Notions of Heaven and Hell R. W. pag. 77 Not believing these Fables he fancies that Hell is some Apprehensions in the Mind of Wrath to come c. 79 80 99. pag. Id. 78 Heavenly Places His Sitting in Heavenly Places c. 206.
Record That tell us They have all by the Spirit and need no Record are Thieves and Robbers 25 26. Id. pag. 47 48 Regeneration Natural Man perceiveth no Spiritual Matter but when he is Born Again pag. Id. 72 The Seed of all Grace may be in the New-Born and yet the Seed of all Sin c. remaining 186 187 193 199. See Sin pag. Id. 172 The State of the Soul in this Life is three-fold Creation Corruption and Regeneration Samuel Palmer pag. 170 171 Religion Their Religion is so easie Changing one Devil for another 68. R. W. pag. 34 The Sechemites for hope of Gain will be of any Religion or Worship pag. Id. 64 The Protestant Religion is a Religion protesting against the Bloody Man of Sin the Pope 166. pag. Id. 165 Resurrection Notwithstanding thy passing through the First and Second Resurrection there remains a Torment for thee at the Last Day and Wo. 127. M. Bine pag. 99 100 Revelation The Prophets are more certain than any other Revelation 28 46 91 200. Iosh. Miller pag. 54 Revilings Their Rash Revilings c. R. W. pag. 39 Revolt Korah Dathan and Abiram's Revolt applied to the Quakers pag. Id. 165 The Quakers are Revolted from the Protestant Religion c. a sullen proud and dogged Conversation Id. pag. 166 167 Righteousness If the Righteous Man turn away from his Righteousness his former Righteousness shall be no more Remembred The Meaning is They thought they had been Righteous c. 179 199. Hen. Foreside pag. 191 192 193 G. F. 's Reason 190. Evil Spirits Sinful and Reasonable R.W. 188. Repentance 60 67 101. Respect pag. 152 S. SAlvation 9 21 23 28 90 94 116 126 127 143 154 167 168 177 178. Sanctification pag. 28 65 176 SCRIPTVRE They cry Burn up the Scriptures 45. R.W. pag. 27 A Blessed Candle Lanthorn or Torch sent down from Heaven to Guide us into the Saving Knowledge of God 26 46. pag. Id. 23 The Devils may have the Scripture the Word of God in their Hands and Mouths for may not a Choice Sword be in a Mad-Man 's Hand 118 183. pag. Id. 161 They make Vse of the Scriptures for their Ends. 183. pag. Id. 23 They say The Scripture is but a Declaration of the Saints Faith c. 25 27 28 pag. Id. 22 The Scripture speaketh of God after the manner of Men. 206. Thomas Hodges pag. 200 This Immediate Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures c. 97-99 R. W. pag. 160 They say The Scripture is but a Dead Letter 29 195. pag. Id. 147 They deny the Scriptures to be the Word of God calling them a Dead Letter 29 150 159 170 195. pag. Id. 194 To say The Light in every Man gave forth Scripture and will open Scripture to us is palpable Darkness and contradicteth Scripture Part I. p. 33 58 91 92 100 112 149 208. Iohn Stallam pag. 31 If God hath appointed the Holy Writings as Means c. of Faith 22-24 27 28. R. W. pag. 23 Men make Merchandize of the Scriptures Sophisticate Adulterate and turn it into a Lie 163. Id. pag. 162 163 Which Mysteries they have only from the Scriptures 72 95 145. pag. Id. 25 Slighting the True Pardon without c. a Written Pardon pag. Id. 25 Is it not a Writing or Record of Heaven 26 46. pag. Id. 25 G. F. objects That the Spirit was afore the Scripture and gave forth the Scripture 160 195. pag. Id. 159 To Stab the Holy Scriptures and God and Christ and Spirit also c. pag. Id. 202 The Devil's End is To tear down the Sun-Dial c. 46. pag. Id. 149 The Written Word is the Sword of the Spirit and he maketh another Rule besides the Scripture false 157 158 161. Christopher Wade pag. 155 156 A Touch-stone or Weights so perfect for the Trial of all Spirits c. R. W. pag. 160 They Trample under Feet the Scriptures 194 pag. Id. 183 All Truth concerning God and our selves is to be Learned from the Holy Scripture the Word of God I. Owen pag. 169 They would be glad that there were not such a Person called the Word of God nor such a Writing 26 29 45 150. R.W. pag. 30 They say The Scriptures are Words not the Word 169 195. pag. Id. 29 This was the only Sword with which the Lord Jesus fought and vanquisht the Devil It 's Written It 's Written c. pag. Id. 156 Scripture-Words They would be rid of all Scripture-Words and Learning also pag. Id. 177 Seed G. F. saith There is a Seed though but as a Grain of Mustard-Seed to which Christ the Word is preached c. abusing Scriptures 12 71 179. see Regeneration pag. Id. 73 We know they make themselves the Seed c. pag. Id. 178 Sin The Believer is not in Sin as the Vnbeliever is he Sinneth not as the Vnbeliever doth And in another place he saith That the Law is the same to the Believers that it is to the Vnbelievers James Dorram pag. 186 We are Conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity 135 136. Eld. Mess. pag. 134 I find in all Mankind a Conviction that God is Iust and Powerful and doth bring Plagues and Punishments for Sin 70 146. R. W. pag. 63 The Papists and Quakers are not Cleansed from their own Filthiness 125. pag. Id. 139 God hath put out the Remembrance of your Sins and the Corruptions within you wherein you must Fight all your Life-time 14 196 197. Catech. Holland pag. 195 It was not Paul that Sinned but Sin that dwelled in him R.W. pag. 199 The Regenerate or New-Born can touch no more with Sin than Fire can delight in Water 34. pag. Id. 186 Repent c. as they say in Contradiction to He that is Born again cannot Sin 60. pag. Id. 66 67 Sin and Grace c. The Law of the Spirit and the Law of Sin may and do continue in the Regenerate or New-Born 13 14 19 172. See Regeneration pag. Id. 187 They cry out That the Protestants plead for Sin Term of Life 172 173 196. pag. Id. 171 None ever could find how Sin c. came into the World c. pag. Id. 63 Sitting His Sitting with Christ in Heavenly Places 205. pag. Id. 206 SOVL They have a Mad Fancy of their Souls going into God and becoming more God c. 49 179. pag. Id. 79 There is a kind of Infiniteness in the Soul which cannot be Infinite in it self 12 110. M. Bine pag. 108 109 SPIRIT They are far from the Spirit of Christ Jesus R. W. pag. 165 The Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man in the Church to profit withal and not to every Man in the World Timothy Travers pag. 180 181 Vntil the Spirit of God truly Change the Heart and whole Frame of Nature we are Vnprofitable c. 41 42 46. R. W. pag. 184 The Evil Spirits are both Sinful and Reasonable 190 191. Part I. 180. Iohn Nasmith pag. 188 Lying Peor tell us That all the World
not to turn away from him that speaketh from Heaven c. Heb. 12 25 26. R. W. And further he saith As also in Order to this to know what man is to the utmost now by Nature and what the true Lord Jesus is and other Controversies discussed in this Book not unworthy this your serious Weighing as Mary did in the Hearts and Spirits c. Ans. He may see by the Scripture how the Apostle hath made known what man is now by Nature in his fallen State to wit d●ad in Sins and Trespasses Ephe. 2. and what a Wicked mans State is and how man is Saved And Moses declares how Man and Woman were before they fell as may be seen Gen. 1. And Christ himself declares how he and the Father is known by Revelation wherein Christ said I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth for thou hast hid these things from the Wise and Prudent and hast revealed them unto Babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight And no man knowes who the Son is but the Father and who the Father is but the Son and to whom the Son will reveal him Luk. 10 21 22. And mark it seems we must weigh R. W's words as Mary did Christs and in our Hearts and Spirits Nay Roger we shall not make thy words equal with Christ's for they are easily savour'd to come from another Spirit then Christs as thou hast manifested in thy Book R. W. And when thou hast told us what the Jesuites and the Pope do then thou say'st Satan pretends to exalt and deifie you under the Name of God and Christ and the Spirit c. but his end is as Peter tells us to exalt himself and fill his Hellish Paunch with Souls Ans. This R. W. had better have kept to himself who pretends so much of God and Christ and the Spirit c. for it suits his own Condition the best and not the Quakers But Roger where doth Peter use any such Expressions in the Scripture as Satan to fill his Hellish Paunch with Souls this is the first time it was Scripture Where doth Peter use any such Language is not this to abuse Peter's Scripture and that blessed Spirit from whence the Scripture came thou shouldst not charge such Vnsavory words upon Peter and tell us that Peter tells you so Therefore do not belye Peter a Holy Apostle as thou hast done us And we charge thee to mention the Chap. and Verse where Peter has told thee and you New-England Priests such words as Satan to exalt himself to fill his Hellish Paunch with Souls for we do not read that ever Peter spoke these words but they are of thy own forging R. W. Thou say'st I have used some sharp Scripture-Language but not as commonly you do passionately and unjustly I sometimes call you Foxians as Nicolaitans from Nicholas ● because G. F. appeared the greatest Writer and Speaker c. among you Ans. Here hast thou not given thyself the lye is this Scripture-Language to call the People of God Foxians And how darest thou parallel the People of God in scorn called Quakers with the Nicolaitans whose Principles and Practices we do abhor but this is thy Passion and Vnjust Dealing But if we should tell thee thou art a Scoffer and a Mocker and a Nick-namer this is not Passionate nor Vnjust when we find thee so doing And when we have told you Persecuting Priests of New-England who Hanged and Banished and Cut off Ears that you were in Cains Nature and Jezabels and the Beast and the Whore that drunk the blood of the Saints and killed the Lords People this was just and true enough to tell you what you were and whose work you are doing to wit the Murderers and not Christ's for your works show it R. W. And thou say'st Sure it is that he subtily run for it to wit G. F. he ordered that my Letters to our Deputy Governour in which my Proposals to G. F. were should not be delivered to the Deputy until G. F. was some hours under Sail that he might say he never saw my Paper though it is as clear as Noon-day that he knew all matters by Copies Letters and Relations perfectly many days before his departure Ans. Here is the manifestation of a wicked lying Spirit First that he is sure G. F. run for it And next that G. F. ordered that his Letters should not be given to the Deputy Governour till G. F. was some hours under Sail and thirdly that G. F. might say he never saw his Paper and lastly that it is as clear as Noon-day that G. F. knew all matters by Copies of Letters and Relations perfectly many dayes before his departure These are four great Lies for G. F. knew not what was in thy Papers Roger neither had G. F. seen the Copies of those Proposals neither did G. F. hinder their being delivered to the Governour Nor did G. F. ever receive any Letters from R. W. or go away for fear of him or them nor was it a likely thing that he should when he knew nothing of them for as I said before when I was at Providence where this Roger lives he came not at me And if he had any thing to have spoken to me he might easily have done it or have written to me and have sent the same Copies to me he sent to Captain Cranston and not have made a clamour against me belying of me to the world behind my back when I was gone But this is like the Fruits of his Spirit but not the Spirit of Christ and his Disciples R. W. And whereas thou say'st G. F. knew that I was furnished out of his own Writings with Artillery Ans. This is notoriously false for G. F. never knew that thou hadst any of his Books as before R. W. And thou seemest to flatter John Stubs and John Burneyat and rail'st against W. Edmondson and say'st W. E. was nothing but a bundle of Ignorance and Boysterousness but J. S. and J. B. were Ingenuous Ans. Yet all these three were Constantly on thee at once as thou say'st where was their Ingenuity then here is thy Contradiction and Confusion R. W. And thou say'st often over that John Stubs said in Publick That thou did'st not interrupt us And thou say'st You shall never perswade Souls not bewitched that the Holy Spirit of God should perswade your Women and Maidens to appear in Publick Streets and Assemblies stark Naked Ans. We do believe thee in that dark persecuting bloody Spirit that thou and the New-England Priests are bewit●hed in you cannot believe that you are Naked from God and his Cloathing and Blind And therefore hath the Lord in his power moved some of his Sons and Daughters to go Naked yea and they did tell them in OLIVERS days and the Long Parliament's That God would strip them of their Church-profession and of their Power as Naked as they were And so they were True Prophets and
the Honour of Christ for thou say'st My Spirit rose up within me and I believe the Holy Spirit of God c. quickned my Spirit to the present Vndertake c. Answ. If thou did'st believe in the Holy Spirit of God thou would'st not be Against it in God's people nor Blaspheme it nor Tell Lyes nor Call for Fire from heaven R. W. And thou say'st Therefore for his Holy Name 's sake after my Spirit was quickned c. I undertook this Service and for the Name of the most-Holy Only Begotten the True Lord Jesus the God-man and Mediator c. and for the Honour of the Most-holy Spirit of God so horribly torn in pieces by this foul Spirit of the Quakers Answ. How darest thou take the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus or God into thy Mouth and the Mediatour c and his Holy Spirit into this foul Mouth and speak so despitefully against him in his people this is not an Honour to Christ Jesus And is not this Blasphemy in thee to say That the most Holy-Spirit of God can be torn in pieces by a foul Spirit for where did ever the Prophets or Apostles use any such Expressions It 's said They Resisted the Holy Ghost but where is it said They Horribly tore the most-Holy Spirit of God or Jesus Christ the Mediatour in pieces We do charge R. W. to make it good and all the Persecuting Priests in New-England by Scripture where-ever Christ and the Prophets or Apostles said That the most-Holy Spirit of God c. could be so horribly torn in pieces by a foul Spirit For R. W aggravateth the words to the hight and as high as he can for his Words are these The Most-holy Spirit of God c. so horribly torn in pieces by this foul Spirit of the Quakers First we say he is a BLASPHEMER till he bring a proof out of the Scripture for it which we know he cannot do Secondly we deny his false Charge For we own the Lord God and the Lord Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit to be our Helper and there is none but he that hath been our Preserver to this day that hath upheld us in all our Persecutions both with Tongue and Hand and this we can say is good and acceptable in the Sight of God our Saviour who would have All men to be saved and come to the Knowledge of the Truth R. W. is far from the Apostle's mind who desireth in his Epistle That Rome and the Pope and Mahomet and Constantinople may be turned into Ashes and that R. B. and J O. may live to see them cast into the Lake that burneth with Fire and Brimstone but we are of the same Mind with the Apostle who saith There is one God and one Mediatour betwixt God and Man the Man Christ Jesus who gave himself a Ransom for all to be testified in due Time Which is testified to us the people of God called Quakers Glory to God forever who can love our Enemies and pray for our Persecutors R. W. it is thy Foul Spirit that is torn in pieces and therefore thou hast brought forth this Shattered Birth which thou blasphemously Fatherest upon God's Spirit and let the people Judge whether it was the Spirit of God in R. W. that saith That the Spirit of God can be Torn in pieces by a foul Spirit this is to set the foul Spirit above the Spirit of God and how can the Spirit of God mortify it R. W. And further thou say'st For the Vindicating of many of the precious Truths of the Old Christian Purity and for the sake of so many precious Souls lying slain and bleeding before me I made this Offer to G. F. and his Followers c. Answ. Thou hast not Manifested that Spirit to Vindicate the precious Truths of the Old Christians Purity but thou hast Manifested the Spirit of the Chief Priests and Pharisees against Christ and his Spirit which is manifest in his people And thy Spirit hath not so much care of Slain Bleeding Souls but is the Spirit that doth SLAY and maketh to BLEED And for thy Making an Offer to G. F. when thou never spoke to him nor writ to him is not this a shame for such an Old Man that is above Three-score Years Old to publish such Lyes to the World I tell thee Roger This Lying Spirit will never Vindicate the precious Truths of the Old Christians Purity but is against that Spirit that Vindicateth them for it is Impare And thou dost Confess that G. F. was at Providence and spoke publickly and thou say'st It was free for thee to have heard him and opposed him But why did'st thou not seeing thou livest at Providence where G. F. was but there thou kept in thy Horns R. W. And to Excuse the Matter thou say'st But going the last year to one of their General Assemblies at New-port and having begun to present some Considerations about the True Christ and the False and the True Spirit and the False and being cut off in the midst by the sudden Prayer of one and the Singing of another c. Answ. So here thou may'st see it was Thy Spirit that was Cut by the Spirit of God that led them to Pray and to Sing in Order and this thou callest the Spirit of Confusion and thus thou judgest of things thou knowest not with thy Doting Spirit For the True Christ we know who is our Shepherd and the False Spirit or Christ is easily savoured in thee which was Cut off by the Spirit of Prayer and the Spirit of Singing from the True Spirit of Christ. R. W. And then thou say'st I resolved to try another way and to offer a fair and full Dispute c. To this Purpose I drew up my Thoughts in 14. Propositions and knowing that Newport was the Chief Town on Rode-Island and Providence on the Main and that G. F. had spoke on both places and bewitched many with his Sorceries I sent this Paper following to G. F. at Newport Answ. R. W. here are more of thy Lyes which proceed from thy Father of Lyes which was a Lyar from the beginning and abode not in the Truth For thou say'st pag. 4. This Paper above said to wit of thy Lying and Scandalous Proposals I sent inclosed in a Letter to my Kind Friend Capt. Cranston Deputy-Governour and yet thou say'st pag. 2 Thou-sent this Paper following to G. F. at Newport Thy Offer of a Dispute on 14 Propositions now Let all the Honest-hearted see if thy own Pen and Spirit doth not give thy self the Lye And as for thy slandering Tongue in saying That G. F. bewitched many at Providence with his Sorceries Roger as for Witchery and Sorcery thou may'st keep it at home it 's thy own spirit For G. F. did turn many to the Lord Jesus Christ both at Providence and Newport and to Hear him with whom God is well-pleased and they might know Christ to be their Shepherd to Feed them and
God for his Presence c. and thou say'st a little before in the same page when thou hast made a speech of Nicholas Davis being drowned c. Some of these Blessed Ends it hath pleased God to propagate by this Occasion all this Colony over and all of us round about have put forth our selves in Disquisitions and Searchings after the true Grounds of Christian Religion and Worship Answ. If this was the Cause of your Searching after the true Grounds of Christian Religion and Worship what hast thou been doing all this while Roger how could'st thou go to Dispute of such things and hadst them to Search for which we do believe thee thou hadst them Then and hast them Yet to seek and canst not find them with this Dark Envious Spirit and thy Thoughts which thou Thought to Begin with Exercise of Prayer c. but thou knew'st very well that the people of God called Quakers could not receive thy Prayers from thy Many Thoughts they were not like from a Lying Slandering Spirit R. W. Thou say'st Thou hast Cause to Judge that the Word QVAKER was given to us from that strange Possessing of our Bodies of Quaking and Shaking Answ. Gervase Bennet Justice of Darby gave us that Name because I and we bid him and his Company Tremble at the Word of God in 1650 when he cast G. F. and others in prison R. W. Further he saith It is true that they are to wit the Quakers the Off-spring of the Grindletonians in Lancashire Answ. This is also false the Grindletonians and the people in Lancashire know it R. W. And R. W. saith The Ranters are but the Quakers Daughter And pag. 29. thou say'st That some Parliament-Men told thee that they themselves went to one of the Quakers Meetings about Charing Cross but they were so frighted with the Shaking of their Bodies of the Chairs and Stools c. and callest it Satan's Counterfeit Motions Answ. These are Two Horrid Lies for all the Ranters and people up and down England know this Charge of thine is false and is like the rest of the Lies of thy Book For many of the Ranters are come to be Sober in the Fear of God and are turn'd to the people called Quakers but not the Ranters come from the Quakers neither Are they their Daughter this hath been the spirit of the Devil that moved thee and not the Most-High And thy Book that is so s●uft up with Lies it will do little hurt where we are known here in England The 2d Lie And the Quakers never had any Meeting about Charing-Cross this is another Forgery that thou hast published the people that liveth about Charing-Cross will testifie against thee R. W. And thou bringest John Toldervy and Theora John and thou say'st The horrible Shaking of the Quakers We are tossed and tumbled up and down c. pag. 29. Answ. As for Th. John all people that knew him know he was no Quaker and John Toldervy the priest did give forth a Book in his Name wherein they much abused him as thou dost now but J. Told hath cleared himself in his own Book which is an Answer to the Priest that abused him called The Foot out of the Snare And doth R. W. think to feed the Sober Christians in England with such Lying Stories as these Nay they may serve his New-England persecuting Priests And R. W. Thou often mentionest the Father of Spirits and the Most-high who stir'd thee up to this Work but thy foul Mouth is not worthy to mention the Name of the Lord. R. W. The People called Quakers are not True Quakers according to Scripture Answ. The Lord God of Heaven and Earth knoweth that thou speakest falsly of us here And thou hast made a great Noise but provest nothing but hast brought several Lies to prove thy own as thou may'st see pag. 27.29 For the same Word of God and Power by which all things were made have we known the Operation in our hearts of it and Tremble at it which thou hast not konwn for if thou hadst thou would'st not have brought this false Charge out against us R. W. Thou say'st The Tumultuous Spirit of the Quakers 〈◊〉 Disputing and the Reason is That Three of the Speakers consulted openly and whispered and uttered themselves one immediately speaking after the other and sometimes all together as one man against me pag. 26. Answ. The Auditory knoweth whether thou speakest Truth in this and what must not Whisper one to another before R. W R. W. Thou say'st Thou wast first commanded this Work from Heaven pag. 25. Answ. We desire all that read thy Book to mind thy Many False Charges and thy Vnsavoury Expressions and then they may Judge whether Thy Command came from Heaven or from Hell for No Lie is of the Truth nor cometh not from the God of Truth but from the Father of Lies The First Part of thy Work thou undertook was To prove us No True Quakers according to the holy Scriptures Which thou did'st not then in the Dispute as I am satisfied the Generality of the Hearers can bear Witness neither hast thou yet done it in all thy Writing by the Scripture nor yet by any Sound Argument but goest on to Charge and Accuse us as if One of thy Accusation must prove Another unless this way can prove it so No Proof R. W. And with this thou beginnest in pag. 28. and say'st Thou wast the more confirmed when thou sawest our foul spirit to transport us not only in Lying Doctrines but also in Lying Quakings and Tremblings and Lying Preachings through the Streets Repent Repent c. Answ. Now let all Observe what he calleth Our Lying Preachings as if to preach Repentance by the Command and Power of God now were a Lying Preaching which is one of the things that Christ sent His forth to preach and let the Wise consider whether our Days and Generations do not need this Preaching Yea of Nay And this is still a false Charge to say He saw our soul spirit to transport us into Lying Doctrines But hath not yet made out these Doctrines and again With Lying Quakings and Tremblings but hath not proved it so it 's but still his False Charge And further as thou did'st then in the Dispute so now thou makest a great a do with our Men and Women going Naked We told thee then we own'd no such Practice in any unless they were called unto it by the Lord as a Sign of the Nakedness of the Professors of Our Age who want the Covering of the Spirit And though thou would'st exclude Signs Christ being come was not Agabus a Sign to Paul when he took his Girdle and bound himself with it R. W. And thou further Chargest us That Rantism is our Ugly Child and Daughter and rose from our Bowels and with the Practice of the Ranters in the Streets and in their Religious Meetings Answ. Now let all consider whether this be a proper Way
Humane Soul or Body is no more but such a Soul and Body as all Mankind have c 1 Corin. 10. Answ. We charge R. W. and all his New-England-Priests where ever the Prophets and Apostles give that name HVMANE to Christ's Body and Soul And the word HVMANE is not a Bugbear nor Odious to G. F but for thee and the priests to give such Names to Christ our Lord and Saviour which the Scriptures do not give and yet say the Scriptures are the Rule that is Abominable And there is no such word in 1. Corin. 10. that calleth Christ's Body and Soul HVMANE and whether is Christ's Body Celestial or Terrestrial or which Glory doth he bear seeing there is a Glory of the Celestial and a Glory of the Terrestrial Body 1 Corin. 15 14. And G. F. doth grant and all the Quakers that Christ was made like unto us Sin excepted and had a Body and Soul or else how could he suffer and is risen the same that did Descend is Ascended as the Apostle saith And Christ said he was from above and ye are from beneath and ye are of this world and I am not of this world Joh. 8 and his Light within thou callest here Dagon their Monstrous Horrible Idol of a Christ called Light within O! this Light and Christ within R. W. cannot endure to hear of that Evil Spirit that dwelleth in him maketh him thus to blaspheme it But we must tell thee None knoweth Christ but as he Revea●eth himself by his Light within for Christ saith No man knoweth the Father but the Son and he to whom the Son will Reveal him R. W. bringeth Daniel Gawdry in G. F.'s folio 282. saying we shall not see Christ as he is until he come to Judgement and then and not before we shall see him G. F. Answ. You where you are see him not nor know him as he is we do believe you but the Saints the true Church whom he is Head of whom he is in the midst and in whom he is And Christ told his Disciples They had known him and they knew the Son of God and had the Son and they had the Father also and he that hath not the Son hath not Life and they had handled and seen him And the Hope in it self is Pure and that is it which purifieth man and maketh him pure as He is Pure c. Answ. And are not these Christ's and the Apostle's words but R. W. putteth in an IN more than G. F. and then he crieth Non-sence and Silly Lines and he Leaves out as you may see pag. 282. in G. F.'s Book where he leaves out Daniel Gawdry's words how he contradicteth himself For after D. G. hath said We shall not see Christ as he is till he come to Judgement then and not before we shall see him and then D. G saith Every man that hath this Hope purifieth himself And what Hope is this is not this Christ in him the Hope of Glory and dost not thou see him And when R. W. saith He was not desirous to trouble the Auditors with more Quotations but still they urged Hast thou any more so it 's like thou wast Gravelled but dost not thou Contradict thy self before thou saidst how thou Vrged'st them to bring out the Book R. W. And thou say'st That G. F. affirms c. That Christ Jesus is as much now seen visibly as ever he shall be seen c. and then he falleth a Railing and crieth out Deluded Soul But let the Reader read G. F.'s Answer to G. D. and see if there be any such words there as R. W. hath forged who saith G. F. affirmeth c And thou Observest in G. F. 's Answer That he cannot keep out of his Burrow of confounding a Visible Eye and a Spiritual a Visible and an Invisible Seeing and then fallest a Railing Answ. But let the Reader see if there be any such Confounding in G. F.'s Answer that R. W. speaketh of But Christ saith No Man knoweth the Son but the Father nor the Father but the Son and he to whom he Revealeth him Is this Revelation or Sight a Visible Eye seeing Christ saith Flesh and Blood hath not Revealed the Son of God to Peter but the Father that is in Heaven R. W. Thou say'st Though we use to please Children and Fools with the Words of Christ dying at Jerusalem we see him in the midst of us he is the Invisible Head of the Church in God c. Answ. Roger these are Words of thy own That we use to speak so as to please Children and Fools for we do Really own Christ's dying at Jerusalem And why dost-thou scoff at Christ he being in the Midst ●f his People by his Spirit and is that Visible or is Christ in the Midst of People upon the Earth as a Man Visible or is he in his Church by his Spirit Ruling and Ordering it who is the Head of it And doth not Paul tell thee That the Church is in God and why dost thou scoff at this and say We please Children and Fools with such Speeches for God's Saints being walking upon the Earth how doth Christ exercise his Prophetical Office his Kingly Office his Priestly Office c doth he it Visibly or by his Power and Spirit and so we do own Christ as the Scripture setteth him forth R. W. Bringeth Richard Mayo G. F.'s Folio p. 276. saying That he did believe in a Christ that died at Jerusalem but not in a Christ within G. F. Answ. He that doth not believe in a Christ within doth not believe in a Christ that died at Jerusalem and he that doth not believe in a Christ within and preach Christ within is a Reprobate according to the Apostle's Doctrine Col. 2. 2 Cor. 13. And he is not in a True Belief of Christ without who believeth not in Christ within but is in the Devil's Belief and believeth as the Devil 's do R. W. Replieth A humble Soul may see how this Subtle Traitor under the golden Name of Christ and Christ within in the Heart he Stabs at the Heart of the True Lord Jesus who suffered for poor Man-kind in Man 's own Nature at Jerusalem Secondly I observe his Virulent Venemous Mind and Pen stabbing damning and reprobating all that truly believe in the true Lord Jesus whom he confesseth to have been a Real Man dying at Jerusalem c. except they can believe that he is now no where to be found but in Every Man's Heart that cometh into the world that is No where Answ. Let the Reader see if there be any such words in G. F.'s Answer to R. M And what must we Observe from R. W.'s words here If Christ which is in Heaven that doth enlighten every Man that cometh into the World and dwelleth in the Hearts of his Saints of them that Receive him yet He is No where as R. W. saith and Preaching Christ in people except they be Reprobates as the
do and should say all that Saints say and should judge for them both Persons and Things after an Infallible Manner and that they should neither Say nor Do any thing by any Vnderstanding of their own but the Spirit All this we deny G. F. Answ. Which is Contrary to the Apostle who saith As many as are the Sons of God are led by the Spirit of God And Christ saith That he Acteth all in them and for them who saith Without me ye can DO NOTHING and The Fruits of the Spirit c. and The Spiritual Man judgeth all things And that is it which leadeth the Saints to divide and discern all things both Temporal and Spiritual the Spiritual Wisdom of God which giveth them Spiritual Vnderstanding which Men must Rule withal but not with their own which cometh to nought And ye which have not that which is Infallible to Judge in you know not the Spirit of Christ neither can ye Judge of Persons or Things that have not the Infallible Judgement nor have the Spiritual Man to wit Infallibly Neither have ye the Word of God in your Hearts nor Christ which is Eternal and Infallible All which the Quakers have to Judge Persons and Things But R. W. hath le●t out many of the Priest's Words as followeth He saith That which is within them is not Eternal or Infallible When the Quakers asked him Whether it was so or no he said Nay that which Judgeth in them is not Eternal and Infallible and They Ass●rt no such thing as that concerning Themselves So let the Reader see how this Priest Contradicteth himself And further this Priest saith There is an Immediate Voice which we never heard which is Within this R. W. leaveth out And he saith The Gospel is the Letter this he leaveth out Fol. p. 4. The Priest saith Though we believe that the Spirit of Christ dwells in the Saints yet we assert That the Spirit of Christ be distinct from the Saints Fol. p. 1. These Contradictions R. W. never medleth withal And S. E. saith Such a Voice which cometh Immediately from Heaven we have not Heard and such an Inspiration as this from God we have not Received nor do we wait for it Fol. p. 3. Now how can these Men have the Spirit of God then which R. W. striveth to maintain their Doctrine against G. F and instead of proving That We have not the Spirit of God he proveth himself and his Priests without it that he seeketh to Defend But R. W. Replieth and beginneth with Railings Mahomet c. and runs on and saith These Foolish and Filthy Dreamers c. And are these the Fruits from the Spirit of God and tells us a great Story Preaching upon what Mahomet saith and of Masters of Ships and Navigation and Families and Princes and Governours c. Answ. What is all this to the Spiritual Man that Judgeth all Things and to prove That We have not the Spirit of God And the Saints are led by the Spirit of God to Divide and Discern all things about both Temporal and Spiritual and the Spiritual Wisdom of God which giveth them an Vnderstanding which Men must Rule withal that be in it Doth G. F. therefore say That Natural Men do nothing with those Spirits And because Natural Men do something with these Spirits must therefore the Spiritual Man that Judgeth all things be denied the Immediate and Infallible Spirit of God to Judge of Persons and Things For was not the World made by the Word and Wisdom of God yea all the Natural Things or Temporal and I ask R. W. and his New-England-priests Whether they can know them without the Wisdom of God or Judge truly of their own Persons both Before the Fall and In the Fall and in the Restoration After the Fall without the Infallible Spirit of God And doth not Christ make All things New R. W. And whereas thou speakest of the Meanest Youth or Wench of the Quakers if but a pretended Quaker what-soever they say or do is by an Infallible Eternal Spirit c. but how horribly their Spirits c. Miscarriages in many Sinful Practices and Apostacies c. and so going on a-railing Answ. These Fruits shew some of thy bad Spirit Doth G. F. speak of Lads and Lasses that run into Miscarriages and Sinful Practices and Apostacies to favour those their Ill Actions with the Infallible Eternal Spirit of God Nay this is thy own Lie R. W. thou may'st take it thy self for all such Evil Sinful Actions both in our selves and others we deny as being erred from the Spirit of God the Spiritual Man Judgeth all such things And did not John Stubs say well Ye have an Unction and need not that any Man teach you ye KNOW ALL THINGS R. W. And then R. W. replieth and telleth of a Leading of a Beast by a Halter and the Leading of Man with Reason Answ. But what is this to the Leading by the Spirit of God and Vnction that is beyond thy Dark Reason and Judgement and Doting Spirit And with thy dark Reason thou can'st not Judge of false Prophets and Seducers but receive them it 's the Spirit of God and the Anointing that must Judge of such things And what 's all thy Preaching good for R. W. Now he can not prove That we have not the Spirit of God he falleth of asking Questions and saith Whether this Leading or Anointing or Teaching of the Spirit be by means of Praying Preaching Reading c. Answ. The Spirit is the Means of the true Prayer and true Preaching and opens to Man what he Readeth as the Spirit of God opened the Scriptures to the Eunuch through Philip. And the Apostle saith The Spirit helpeth our Infirmities R. W. And thou say'st If Motions without the use of these be pretended Reason tells us that a Rational Soul must be able to Try whether the Spirit pretending be true or a lying Spirit and that it must have some Rule or Touch-stone c. Thou further say'st That the Rule must be thy own Reason or some Testimony of Vnquestionable Witnesses satisfying my Reason or some Heavenly-Inspired Scripture or Writing which my Reason tells me came from God Reason also tells each Rational Creature that it is very Suspicious to be a false lying and Devilish Motion which slights the Holy Scripture c. Answ. Here thou hast made thy Reason both Rule and Judge to judge both Rule and Touch-stone and to Try them and hast not thou said The Scripture was the Rule and Touch-stone And dost thou not Admire the Devil for his great Wit and Reason Append. p. 108. and was that Reason in the Devil that tempted Christ to Worship him and to Destroy himself or Unreasonable seeing thou Admirest the Devil's great Reason and say'st Reason must be Judge and makest no Distinction betwixt thine and the Devil's And had not the Pharisees and Chief-Priests so much Reason as thou and yet judged Christ to be Beel zebub and said
By the Prince of Devils he casts out Devils And the Apostle telleth thee That the Natural Man doth not perceive the things of God And had not Pilate so much Reason as thou think'st thou who asked Christ Wha● was Truth And if the Holy Scripture was the Means the Rule and Judge to try Motions then Abel En●ch Abraham Isaac Jacob and Moses had none Now an Heavenly-Inspired Scripture which thou speakest of that is by the Spirit by which they are known again and not by the dark Spirit and Reason for No Man knoweth the Things of God but by the Spirit of God which Reason thou here settest above both the Spirit that Inspireth and the Scripture Inspired or given forth by it and so hast made the Reason the Chief Judge which the Apostle did not but the Spirit R. W. Thou say'st It is best to take James's Counsel If any Man want Wisdom let him ask of God c. If so then Reason tells us that except we suffer our selves to be led ●s Beasts by Satan as the poor Quakers are we must come to the Vse of Means or a Mediate Leading and Teaching and then what 's become of these Hellish Fancies of only Immediate Teachings and Inspirations Answ. This is R. W.'s Proof to prove That we have not the Spirit of God And R. W. calleth the Immediate Teachings and Inspirations of God Hellish Fancies Now would not he have dotingly said this to the Apostles had he been in their Dayes And so what must we understand from R. W.'s words He and his New-England Priests must come to REASON and a Mediate Leading and Teaching c. and to Mediate Means So it must not be the Inspiration and the Immediate Spirit of God the Holy Ghost to Lead into all Truth So his Leading is Mediate his Means are Mediate and his Teaching is Mediate and not Immediate and yet he must Ask Counsel and Wisdom as James did from God and yet it must not be Immediate and Inspired into him but Mediate And if Evil Spirits have such a Great Reason as R. W. saith Append. p. 108. and he Admireth them so and Reason telleth R. W. that except we suffer our selves to be led as Beasts by Satan c. and yet Evil Spirits have great Reason and let the Reader see what Distinction thou hast made between Satan's Reason and thy own and the New-England-Priests and who is thy Leader And as for the Poor Quakers the Light and Spirit of God which proceedeth from the Father and Son is their Comforter and will lead them into all Truth And so Hellish Fa●cy thou may'st apply at home who fightest against God's Immediate Teaching and Inspiration And what dost thou talk of the Spirit of Wisdom or Knowledge and talkest of Reason that must be Judge Isa. 11. Luk. 11. And as for Dreamers thou may'st keep to thy self And R. W. I must tell thee None know the Scriptures and the Mysteries of Christ by their own Spirits nor their dark Reason but by the Spirit of God R. W. And thou say'st The Scripture in John Ye know all things we expounded Literally c. and say'st Then why are not the Quakers Omnipotent and Almighty as well as Omniscient or knowing all things Answ. Why doth R. W. take James's words Literally and not John's As for Omnipotent and Almighty and Omniscient or knowing all things as God the Quakers hold no such thing and there is no such saying in G. F's Answer Yet the Saints know all things concerning their Salvation and Election and concerning the Devil and his Angels that will deceive them and they knew knew all things so that no man needed to teach them and they knew God and Christ and J. Stubs's words will stand And did we speak no more to thee but the four Lines thou settest in page 83 Why could'st not thou put down our Words And why canst thou not take John's words Literally as thou takest James's who saith The Light which Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World which is Life in the Word c. which Light thou Blasphemously callest an Idol R. W. And thou say'st I desire to know what is meant by the Word WITHIN Answ. That which Paul preached Rom. ●0 which is as a Fire and hammereth down Sin and Evil sharper then a Two-edged Sword which was the Word of Faith which he preached and we And thou comest to learn of us What is meant by the Word Within It openeth the Vnderstanding it openeth the Eye of the Soul and changeth the Affections where it is lo●ed and done as James telleth thee but if thou be a Sayer of the Word and Dost it not thou deceivest thy own Soul And how now R. W is this thy Proving That we have not the Spirit of God To come and learn of us What is the Word of God within this is quite beside the Matter and well might W. Edmundson call thee back again when thou wast Rambling on beside the Matter R. W. Now thou say'st It is said that God hath shined in our hearts Answ. But thou dost not speak as the Apostle doth who saith God who commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our hearts to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 4 6. Now what must we understand from R. W.'s meanes or meanings here from the Scripture That God shineth in the Heart to give the Knowledge of God if we had said so would not he have cried out Blasphemy and God commanded God to shine out of Darkness O! R. W. take heed of such dark means R. W. And then thou contradictest thy self and say'st The Seat of the Light and Knowledge of God c. Further thou say'st Though Fox makes it the Light to be Natural and born with every Man c. and goest on a railing callest it Their Natural Hellish Darkness and upon this thou makest false Conclusions upon thy own Invented Words which G. F. hath not spoken Answ. Let the Reader see if G. F. any where hath made the Heavenly Light of Christ Natural c. John the greatest Prophet born of a Woman maketh not the Light Natural that came for a Witness to be a Witness of the true Life in the Word which was the Light that Lighteth every Man that cometh into the World For R. W. may read such as he is of the same Spirit saying John hath the Devil and such were not like to own the Light no more then R. W. which he bore Witness of R. W. Thou say'st That to hearken to to turn to to lissen to any Voice or Motion within in Heavenly things in matters of Super-natural Light is as proper as in matters of Law to go for Counsel to a Cheating Thief or Rogue in matters of Health to a known Cheating Mountebank as to turn within to a Man's Heart which is the Arrantest Jugler and Cheater in the World Answ. Why
say'st R. W. That we are Saved by Hope Faith c. Answ. But doth not Paul tell thee That this Hope is Christ and Faith he is the Author of And thou say'st R. W. Saved by Baptism Answ. And what without FAITH And R. W. Women are Saved by Child-bearing Answ. But what without Faith by Christ And what are all Women Saved by Child-bearing all that are in the World with their Bastards for thou dost not say Some Women and thou dost not put in FAITH But can they grow up in Christ the Saviour without Faith And then thou say'st R. W. All these Subtilly and Wickedly G. F. setteth at Variance with the Meritorious Salvation by Jesus Christ. Answ. G. F. Setteth them not at Variance but he saith again There is no Salvation in any other Name under Heaven but in the Name of Jesus Christ And thou that say'st There is givest the Apostle the Lie and dost not own the True Lord Jesus R. W. Thou tellest of a Man saving his Brother by a Rope and a Mid-wife saving a Woman in Child-bed Answ. What is this this is Outward from a Natural Death but it is Christ Jesus that Saveth his People from Eternal Death through Faith in him which is more than from Outward Death And R. W. Thou say'st To talk of this Immediate Christ and Spirit without Scriptures without Preaching and other Holy Means is as Silly as Impious as Blockish as Blasphemous and as Bedlam and Frantick as Wicked and Anti-christian Answ. R. W. hath not described what his Means are But Reader is not the Means the Faith in Christ Jesus and is not that Revealed and is not the Means the Holy-Ghost that Proceedeth from the Father and his Son that leadeth all True Believers into all Truth And they are not the True Preachers that are not in the same Holy Ghost that gave forth the Scriptures and all their Means are good for nothing seeing the Apostle saith That no Man knoweth the Things of God but by the Spirit And so as for thy Ungracious Words Silly Impious Blockish Blasphemy Frantick Wicked Anti-christian and Bedlam thou may'st keep to thy self and so all thy Means that hast No Motion of Heavenly Things And all they that be in the Faith of Christ and the Holy Ghost that leadeth into all Truth which the Ministers of the Spirit they have their Means from Christ in whose Name is Salvation and Preach Christ and not themselves and such we are One withal and such cannot but own the Scriptures So the Holy Means are in the Holy Spirit but what is this to the Means of all your Priests and Thee who ownest not the Light of Christ but callest it an Idol And thou talkest of an Immediate Christ without the Scripture Will R. W. say That Christ and the Spirit is in the Scripture is not Christ in Heaven and the Spirit of God was in them that gave forth Scripture And Christ saith Search the Scriptures for in them ye think ye have Life but ye will not come to me that ye might have Life But we tell R. W. We and whosoever else owneth the Lord Jesus Christ own the Scriptures and cannot deny them nor none of his True Preachers which carry their Message from Christ for the Good of People and such the World receiveth not that come in the Name of the Lord but such as come in their own they will Receive R. W. And again thou bringest a Comparison of the King's Pardon sealed with his Broad Seal to a Condemned Rebel which thou often bring'st over and over Answ. What dost thou think to prove by this That the Scripture is the Pardon or is the Evidence if it were then the Papists that thou Comparest us so often to and many Wicked Men might have Pardon and Remission But is it not the Spirit that Sealeth according to Ephes. 1 23.4 30 and is it not Christ that Bringeth the Glad Tidings of Life unto the Soul and by his Holy Spirit beareth Witness according to Rom. 8. and is not the Assurance thus known R. W. bringeth Hosannah c. G. F.'s Fol. pag. 221. saying The Sure Word of Prophecy the Apostle speaketh of is the Prophecy of Scripture G. F. Answ. Doth the Scripture shine in a Dark Place until the Day Dawn and are they them that must be Taken heed unto as to a Light Can any see the Scripture or know the Scripture but by the Light within cannot a Cain a Balaam a Korah bring Scripture that is gone from the Spirit of Prophecy within and then put the Letter for it R. W. Replieth and beginneth with Blasphemy and Railing and saith I know that Fox maketh their Idol Within called Light to be the More Sure Word of Prophecy and his Vsual Proof is The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy c. And why must all the Prophets or Messengers of God who from the Beginning of the World were God's Mouth and Pens concerning the Birth Life and Death of Christ c. here be ●ast out from the Word of Prophecy Answ. What! cannot R. W. endure to hear talk of the Scriptures are not John's Words in Revelation The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy and thou deniest it both Scripture and Spirit who say'st I Vsually bring this Proof And Peter's Saying We have a more Sure Word of Prophecy which ye do well to take heed unto as unto a Light that shintth in a Dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-star arise in your Hearts This the Apostle lets them see the Sufficiency of that Light till they came to the Day-Dawning and the Day-star-Arising And what is this Day-dawning and Day-star-arising in the Heart if it be the Outward Scriptures of the Prophets prove it by Scriptures And is this Day-Star-Arising in the Heart and Day-Dawning and Idol as thou callest the Light within an Idol a More Sure Word of Prophecy than the Voice which was Heard in the Mount And this is not to Cast away the Prophets and Peter who directed the Saints to this Sure Word of Prophecy the Light that shineth in a Dark Place did not Cast out the Prophets that Prophesied of Christ's Birth Death c. as thou Dotingly speakest no more do we but own them all And Luk. 1. and Rom. 16. and the Apostles that had this Light shining this More Sure Word of Prophecy they saw the Fulfilling of the Scriptures in Christ Jesus which none doth without the Light of Christ by which he is seen And R. W. Thou say'st The Written Word or Prophecy of the Prophets is a more Sure Word and Evidence to us c. than the Voice from Heaven of which Peter here speaketh c. Answ. Now what must we Observe from R. W.'s Words here That the Written Word or Prophecy of the Prophets shineth in a dark place Now R. W. saith that the Scripture is the Rule and Touch stone We do Charge him and the New-England-Priests to make
This was the true Light which he bore witness to that Lighteth every Man which was the Life in the Word and R. W. with all his Evil Speakings witnesseth against it and calleth it a Fantastick Light a Childish Vapour and Whispering and Peeping but he might have kept this at home And The Father of Lights he saith proclaimeth us to he Children of howling Darkness and that there is no Light in them Answ. The Father of Lights proclaimeth no such thing nor his Son but saith Every One that doth the Truth cometh to the Light and every one that doth Evil hateth the Light and will not come to it because it reproveth him And this is R. W.'s Condition R. W. asketh What Light have the Papists Jews and the Devil when they bring Scripture to Christ and so falleth a railing Answ. But if the Jews and Papists do hate the Light like R. W. yet I never heard the Jews and Papists call it an Idol and a frantick Light as R. W. doth and we say neither he nor the Papists or Jews can see neither the Scriptures nor Christ without the Light And we never did say That Christ did enlighten the Devil himself with his true Light for Christ saith There is no Truth in him but R. W. saith That there is something of God that is from the Power and Wisdom of God in the fallen Spirits and the Devils themselves which we Charge R. W. and all his New-England-Priests to give us Scripture for those Words as in his Append. p. 5 and therefore why doth R. W. ask G. F. What Light hath the Devil himself And thou say'st The Devil bringeth a pertinent Scripture and Promise to Christ Jesus as ever the Papists or Quakers This R. W. might have kept at home with the Jesuitical Diabolical Reservations and venemous and poisonous with his Unsavory Ungratious words R. W. bringeth Enoch Howet G. F. Fol. p. 14. his sayings The Scriptures to be the Only Weapon whereby Christ overthrew the Devil G. F. Answ. Who bruiseth his Head to wit Christ was before the Scripture was yet the Scripture is for Correction and Doctrine furnishing the Man of God in his place And Christ the Seed was before the Scripture was and all that have Scripture and not Christ cannot Overcome the Devil ye and the Papists doing his Work For they that Overcome him it is with the Power of Christ for Christ saith Without me ye can do nothing and those have the Scriptures of Truth which the Devil is out of R. W.'s Reply How doth Christ's bruising of Satan's Head and being before Scripture was disprove c. and so falleth a-railing Who sees not Fox in his Burrough Answ. R. W. doth not or will not state G. F.'s words right as he hath spoken them as the Reader may see viz As Christ who bruiseth his Head being before Scripture was who bruiseth his Head by his Power and destroyeth Death and the Devil the Power of Death who is manifest in Time c. And R. W. saith As for G. F.'s saying They that have the Scripture and not Christ cannot overcome the Devil And R. W. Replieth What News doth he tell the World which no body denieth and yet thou say'st again How doth this deny that Christ Jesus overcame the Devil by Scripture which is the Sword the Only Sword and is called a Sword Append. p. 88. Answ. But R. W. thou must show us a Rule for it in Scripture Chapter and Verse That the Scripture is the Sword the Only Sword and yet thou say'st Append. p. 94. That it the Scripture doth not avail without the Spirit of God And how doth this hang together R. W That they that have the Scripture without the Spirit cannot overcome the Devil and yet The Scripture is the Sword and the Only Sword by which Christ overcame the Devil and The Scripture doth not avail without the Spirit and yet it is thy Only Sword and in thy Book called Experiments Epist. to Lady Vane the Younger 1652 thou say'st That the Two-edged Sword is of his God's most Holy Spirit which pierces between the very Soul and Spirit c. But these things are Answered more Largely in the Appendix R. W. saith Is all Scripture or Writing given forth by Inspiration of God and is profitable though G. F. alledgeth the Scriptures by Halves for Correction and Doctrine c. and Then it clearly follows that as Christ Jesus overcame the Devil by the Scriptures so c. Answ. Christ was the Power of God and the Devil brought Scripture to him and said It is written but Christ overcame him by the Power who is the Substance of the Scriptures And Christ through Death destroyed the Devil the Power of Death and was that by Scripture And G. F. doth confess he doth not write all the Scriptures which thou Scoffingly callest Halves neither doth R. W. write all the Scriptures nor half neither And Christ did not Overcome the Devil by the Scripture when he corrected him by Scripture in his Power and Spirit And the Apostle saith All Scripture given forth by Inspiration of God is profitable for Doctrine Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect and throughly furnish'd to all good Works 2 Tim. 3. and this he doth not say to the Men of the World that be in the Evil Work like R. W. and his New-England-Priests and Professors are R. W. And thou say'st So by the same Weapon this Suttle Fox and all other of Satan's Foxes must be corrected confuted catch'd and destroyed except they repent for ever Answ. What! must the Scripture destroy us and that which is of no value without the Spirit of God R. W but this is Answered as I said afore Largely in the Appendix R. W. And with Scoffing words to no purpose thou say'st How he runneth in and out of his Holes c. As for the Quakers Power here pretended in Opposition to the Scriptures c. and Thus sometimes a Devil of Drunkenness Swearing Stealing runs away from the Sermons of the Quakers as a Naughty Devil sometimes as the Chiding and Conjuring of a good Witch that he may get the faster hold by c. Self-Conceit and Contradiction to the Scriptures by Will-worship and superstitious Inventions against the Holy Institutions and Commands of the true Lord Jesus Christ. Answ. R. W. and his New-England-Priests and Professors might have all those Vngratious Vnsavory Words kept at home But what is this good Witch he speaketh of for we own the Holy Scriptures and the Commands c. of the true Lord Jesus Christ and his Worship in Spirit and Truth And if thou had'st Overcome the Devil by the Only Sword of the Scripture we should never have such Railing Expressions from thee which proceed from him And thou tell'st a Story of the Devil and how a Child lieth down and crieth but thou might'st have kept this at home with all the rest of
the Ground of the Saints Faith and yet he saith The Scripture availeth nothing is of no value without the Spirit c Append. p. 94. And further we say If the Scripture was the Ground of the Saints Faith and the Scripture availeth nothing without the Spirit How was it that the Pharisees and the Papists whom thou mentionest so often had not Faith from that Ground for they all say they believe Scripture But what must we Observe from R. VV.'s Words here That the Scripture is the Ground of Christ's Faith and yet he will acknowledge Christ was before Scripture and Abraham Isaac and Jacob Abel Enoch and Noah had Faith before Scripture was written And now if Christ be the Author and Finisher of the Saints Faith and they are to look unto him I query Whether he be Scripture if it be the Ground of the Saints Faith And the Spirit of God which lead his Saints to give forth Scriptures leadeth into all Truth of them And the Spirit and the Scriptures are not at Odds one with another neither did we ever set them so as thou us in Effect chargest neither can the Children of God know the Scriptures given forth by the Spirit of God but by the Spirit of God within which thou scoffingly callest a Secret Whispering Voice within contrary to Scriptures And the Voice that owneth not the Scripture is not the Voice of the Spirit of God that gave them forth both before Christ's Coming in the Flesh and since And R. W. As to the Spirit 's Leading into all Truth the Sons of God thou answerest and say'st Is not Fox here in his Burrough not distinguishing betwixt the Extra-ordinary Leading of the Holy Apostles appointed to be the Eye-witnesses of Christ's Death and Resurrection c. Answ. What must we Infer from R. W's Words That because the Leading of the Apostles and Preaching the Resurrection of Christ Jesus by the Holy Ghost that others therefore were not reproved by the holy Ghost and must not every Son of God be led into all Truth to know Christ and his Resurrection but G. F. doth not say that all were Messengers and Apostles c. 1. Cor. 12. And thou ●urther sayst Yet all God's Children are Regenerated and Sanctified and dost thou not say in another place They must have a Combate all their Life and thou sayst That God's Children are Guided and Built up together an Habitation c. And then R. W. must not the Spirit of God be within and if so then thou ownest the Quakers Principle and confessest that which thou all this while hast been fighting against And as for what David said if he had been in thy Day thou wouldst have cried against him as thou dost against us who said I have hid thy Word in my Heart R. W. And this is the Devil's the Old Fox his Devilish Subtlety to make the Cloak of the Spirit 's extra-ordinary Assistance c. and the Angels Extra-ordinary Protection a Ground of Christ Jesus and his Servants flinging themselves down from the Pinnacle of the Temple and thou pretendest to tell us from God that this will be the Break-neck of the People called Quakers without Repentance every Soul of them Answ. How now R. W hast thou not here given rash Judgement against the Assistance and Protection and Sufficiency of the Spirit of Christ and his Grace which God saith is Sufficient to Paul in his Trouble And hast not thou broken thy own Neck here and falln down from the Pinnacle who dost not look at the Grace of God and his Light and Spirit to be Sufficient Is it sufficient to condemn them that Erre from the Spirit and turn the Grace of God into Wantonness And God sent an Angel and brought the Children of Israel out of Egypt and Exod. 23 20. Behold I send an Angel before thee to keep thee in the Way vers 23. For my Angel shall go before thee and bring thee c. and Chap. 22 24 And behold my Angel shall go before thee And was not this Angel sufficient to bring them into the Land of Canaan if they hearkened unto him and is not Christ Sufficient by his Light Power and Spirit to bring us out of Spiritual Egypt and Christ saith to his Sheep that hear his Voice I give unto them Eternal Life and they sha●l never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my Hand John 10 28. But R. W. how canst thou say Thou passest thy false Judgement upon us from the God of Truth and yet sayst There is no Voice nor Motion within to be lissen'd or hearken'd unto in Heavenly Things in Matters that are Super natural pag. 83. R W. Thou say'st Our Principles and Practices are f●ll of Contradiction and Hypocrisy Answ. Our Principles and Professi●n are Holy and Pure and Contradictions and Hyppocrisy thou might'st have kept at Home for we Profess the Lord Jesus Christ and all the Prophecies and Things in the Law that Figured them forth and the Things in the Law as truly as the Prophets and the Apostles did Profess him and own all that is Written in the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation And we own the Worship in the Spirit and Truth and are in it that Christ set up Sixteen-hundred Years since and the Religion that the Apostle describeth above Sixteen-hundred Years since which is Pure and Vndefiled before God And the One Faith which Chri●t is the Author of and the One Baptism and the One Spirit into One Body and One God and Father of All who is above All and through All and in you All as the Apostle speaketh And the Lord Jesus Christ who was Born of the Virgin Conceived by the Holy Ghost c. and Preach'd and Suffered under Pontius Pilate before whom he made a Good Confession and Died and Rose again and is at the Right Hand of God and remaineth in the Heavens till all things are Restored c. who will Judge the World in Righteousness and Reward every Man according to his Works and therefore no Salvation in any other Name but in the Name of Jesus c. And let New-England-Professors see if our Principles and Practice Life and Doctrine hath not Out-stript theirs let the Witness of God in them Answer And R. W. saith He told us of False Gods and Worships and Prophets c. but this is nothing to the Purpose to prove his False Charge for we are Not to Believe thee and the False Prophets but to Try them but thou say'st We must Try them with Fire it self Answ. Yea R. W. Ye and the New-England-Priests did Try us God's True Prophets with FIRE whom ye Tried with your HOT IRON when ye BRANDED them and your GALLOWS when you HANGED them And so ye are TRIED not to be in the true Principles and Profession of the Apostles and of Christ. And didst not thou say afore That the Scripture was to Try and what R. W is the Scripture now become a FIRE where
set themselves in the place of God and call themselves Holy and High but it is himself that is the Aged And was not our patience manifest in bearing thy Cankcred Spirit which utter'd forth all these railing words against us let the people Judge R. W. And thou say'st Why should they not s●t Silent even Scores and Hundreds of them possessed with a dumb Spirit as in a Form and Order of Christian worship waiting for the Spirit Answ. R. W. Had better been Silent who hath brought forth such an Evil work and to have VVaited upon Christ as we do who speak as the Spirit giveth us Vtterance Which was the practice of the Church of the primitive Times which thou art erred from and now scoffingly callest Dumb Spirit because thy Railing Spirit were not fed with words according to thy Will And this is a False Charge of thine VVe wait for the Spirit But we VVait for the Signification and Motion of the Spirit for the Holy men of God spoke as they were Moved by the Holy Ghost But thou say'st There is no Voice nor Motion within that is to be turn'd to lissen'd to or hearken'd to in Heavenly Things as page 83. And now Is not R. VV. gone into the Darkness and from the VVay of all the Holy Prophets and Holy Apostles and Holy Men of God that Spoke when they were Moved by the Holy Ghost And is not R W. in the Steps of the Jews that Christ speaketh to that had neither heard the Voice of the Father at any time nor seen his Shape R. W. Thou sayst The Protestants both English French and Dutch have manifested against the Papists and therein against the Quakers That Repentance is a Turning of the whole Soul from all Sin as Sin to all of God as God Answ. What must we infer from his words in this place If that R. W. and his New-England-Priests and others be Turn'd so from all Sin by the Repentance to God as God that they are as Pure as God as Holy as God as Righteous as God and yet he findeth Fault with this in the Quakers But we must try R. W. by his Fruits and his Protestants especially in New England if their Repentance and his be not like to the Papists and how dare R. W. speak of this Repentance when he Blasphemeth so much against the Light of Christ and calleth it an Idol and a Frantick Light But that which he casteth upon us is come upon himself who like the Pharisees of Old their Conversion and Sin is from one Sin to another and their Swelling Pride of a Dropsie and Tympany c. as he scoffingly speaketh of of his Conceited Faith Repentance Justification Sanctification Mortification c. all this he might have applied at home and to his New-England-Priests who all along proveth himself and his New-England Professors to be the very people in the things he Chargeth upon us And it were well if ye could see nothing but Hell and Damnation in your selves as thou speakest of but this ye cannot See until ye come to the Spirit and Light of Christ which thou callest Blasphemously an Idol and a Fancy and therefore art not like to See the true Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ and his Light And thou sayst R. W. How do they Superciliou●●y and Pope-like belch out as from Hell God I thank thee that I am not like these Publicans Answ. R. W. and his New-England-Priests might have kept this at home with his superciliou●●y as he calleth it if he had found such a word in G. F.'s Book he would have roar'd and made some work at it and shewn it in print but Roger hath not hit our Conditions but himself And R. W. Thou sayst How instantly do they rail revile condemn and curse breath out Fire c. as Fire Brimstone from the mountains in Sicily c. against all that oppose them far from the Teaching of Christ and his first Messengers as Lambs c. Answ. Let the Sober Reader look in R. W.'s Book and see how he Condemneth himself and his Practice But how doth R. W. Rail against the Papists and Mahomet yea Protestants too as Formal and hath not R. W. and his New-England-Priests done more than Breathing out Fire from the Mountains of Sicily who have Hang'd and Burnt with an Hot Iron O! he and they might shame if they had any in them thus to upbraid the People of God called Quakers and to tell them they be in Cain's Nature and Core's and Balaam's and the Pharisees and Jezabel's and the Whore's that drinketh the Blood of the Saint's when Y● have done it and persecute for Religion like Nebuchadnezar this is not Railing And to tell R. W. when he calleth the Light of Christ an Idol and a Fancy and tellest him he is a Blasphemer this is not Railing And when R. W. saith A Bowing to Christ his Light and Spirit is a Bowing to Satan as in pag. 116. to tell him he is a Blasphemer against Christ's Light and Spirit this is not Railing But we do not matter what he and the New-England-Priests say against us but it woundeth our Souls and Spirits to hear the Son of God in whom he is well pleased to be thus blasphemed by such that falsly calleth himself a Christian And Christ did not Rail when he cried Wo against the Blind Scribes and Pharisees calling them Whited Walls and said They were of their Father the Devil nor the Apostles who called such as he Evil Beast and Slow-Bellies and cried Wo against such as went into the Way of Cain Neither did they Rail against Elymas and Simon the Sorcerer which Spoke Truth unto them But thou that givest us Names to the Lambs and Children of God and hast no Motion within of Heavenly things of Supernatural Light art degenerated from the Spirit and Practice the Saints were in in the Primitive Times I and J. B. do maintain and preach true Repentance towards God and Faith in Christ Jesus as the Apostles did And thou sayst He continued above half an hour though not so long as W. Edmondson in preaching this Doctrine But why did'st not set it down and thou confessest They delivered many holy Truths of God p. 119 R. W. Thou goest about to Prove Our Faith is False Answ. But we shall see if R. W. hath not prov'd his own and his New-England Priests and professors Faith contrary to Christ's and the Apostles and the Faith of God's Elect which Christ Jesus is the Author and Finisher of And is not R. W. erred from this Doctrine and Faith who maintaineth with Fr. Duke The Scripture to be the Ground of Christ's Faith and the Saints pag. 102 103 104. and so erred from the Apostles in the Primitive Times who said Look unto Jesus the Ground Author and Finisher of Faith He did not bid them Look to the Scripture the Ground Author and Finisher of Faith but to Christ. And R. W. thou sayst That thou wouldst demonstrate
Christ in the Saints the Hope of Glory hath not been yours his Nature neither appeareth in R. W. nor in the New-England Priests Professors R. W. And thou sayst Can the Eternal God in any Literal Sense be called the Hope of Israel Jer. 4. Answ. Doth not Jeremy call him the Hope of Israel and the Saviour and was he not so and was not God Israels Saviour and was not his people to Hope and Trust in him for it and the Hope of Israel to wit God is the Hope of all his peoples Comforts and Mercies c. And the Saying of the Apostle If in this Life only we have Hope c. is own'd and so we have both the Hope in this Life and that which is to come R. W. And when thou hast utter'd a many false Charges thou sayst It 's true they will pretend to own Scriptures Christ Resurrection Judgment Faith Hope Repentance c. and as true and sound as any Protestants Answ. Pretended is thy own Thrust-in for we do really and more truly own Christ's Resurrection Judgement Faith Hope Repentance and Scriptures then such Protestants as thou and the New-England-Priests do And R. W. thou sayst It was reported that some of us at our Death have used these words Lord Jesus receive my Spirit and some have Judg'd Charitably of i● our going presently to Christ Jesus but R. W. saith But as to the Truth and Bottom however they blind the World and weak Followers c. and so thou goest on railing with more false and lying Charges which we never thought on Answ. Here R. W. hath manifest his false Love and false Charity for when a man is Dying in a sense of the Lord and desireth the Lord Jesus to receive his Spirit doth he think that men will dissemble at this Time and do it in Hypocrisy what a senseless Man is R. W. and what a Malitious Spirit hath he manifested here And we own the Resurrection as the Scripture speaketh And is not the Soul a part of God's Breath which he hath breathed into man and hast not thou confest thyself That it goeth unto God R. W. And thou say'st This Saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit is no more then Lord Jesus receive thy self Answ. These are R. W.'s Forgeries for where doth he prove it out of any of our Books and so goeth on with Railing and scoffing at God's people on their Death-beds when they say Lord Jesus receive my Spirit and therefore thou sayst their saying is Lord Jesus receive thy self Well R. W. thou mayst do the Work that thy Father setteth thee about but we do abhor thy forged Words R. W. bringeth John Bunyon G. F. Fol. p. 127. his saying It is a Counterfietlng as thou callest it of a New Birth to follow the Light wherewith Men coming into the World are enlightned G. F. answereth Which none cometh to the New-Birth but who cometh to the Light wherewith every Man that cometh into the World is enlightned which believing in is a Child of the Light by believing and receiving Christ they come to receive Power to be the Sons of God And R. W. quoteth his Book for G. F.'s fol. 127. where there is no such thing in that page but we have so much Charity to overlook R. W.'s mistake and not rail at him as he doth at G. F. But this is fully Answered in the Appendix where he bringeth it again in his page 5 6. As for the Word Counterfieting whether it be the Printers or the Orator's Mistake we shall leave that But thou confessest here that Christ is the Author and Finisher of Faith and in another place thou sayst with F. D. That the Scripture is the Ground of Christ's Faith and the Saints pag. 102 103. in thy Book And thou askest If this Light be Christ the Mediator Answ. We tell thee Christ enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World and John telleth thee that This is the True Light which enlightneth every Man that cometh into the World which is the Life in the Word which became Flesh c. And thou art no Believer according to Christ's words until thou believest in his Light R. W. And thou sayst Fox saith this Turning to the Light within is the New-Birth and callest it Our New Light as they falsly and foolishly prate But Isa. 8. they have no true Light but a false and painted Light within them Answ. Thou abusest Isa. 8. as well as us He doth not say of a False Painted Light within but read the Margent and thou wilt see it saith There is no Morning in them and there is Light before they come to the Morning But thou callest it a New Light and a false New Birth Here thy Malice appeareth against Christ's Doctrine So thy Doctrine is false and thy Preaching For Christ saith Believe in the Light that ye may become Children of the Light so its clear thou art no Preacher of Christ nor Messenger nor knowest not Repentance that speakest so much evil of them that turn people from Darkness to Light as the Apostle did and believest not in the Light so thou art no Child of Light but art in thy own false Birth And so it 's thou countest it false and foolish Prating to bid thee Repent and believe in the Light that thou mayst become a Child of Light But the Light is true thou shalt find it that believest not in the Light but callest it a Fancy which will be thy Condemnation R. W. And he bringeth G. Willington's saying That he is Justified by Faith alone without Good Works G. F. Answ. Fol. p. 44. What! without the Faith that Worketh by Love hast thou concluded those Works the Works of Popery which are the Works of Faith that worketh by Love which Faith giveth the Victory For Faith and Works by Love is owned and he that believeth is ceased from his own Works as God did from his and hath entred into his Rest. And Faith giveth Victory over all the Popish Murthering Spirits and both thine and their Works are out of it R. W. Replieth and falleth a railing That G. F. maketh true Justifying Faith to be not one hairs breadth more than the Faith that may be to God in the First Covenant Answ. In this thou wrongest G. F.'s words as the Reader may see And Rom. 3. Therefore we conclude that a Man is Justified by Faith and not by the Works of the Law but R. W. leaveth out James's who saith Shew me thy Faith by thy Works and these are the Works of the Gospel But R. W. thou believest There is a God and the New-England-Priests thou dost well the Devils also believe and tremble For as the Body is dead without the Spirit so Faith without Works is dead Jam 2. And so it 's clear R. W. and his New-England-Priests and Professors profess Faith but it 's Dead without the Works of Faith which Worketh by Love and purifieth the Heart but your Dead
Blood And so our Doctrine of true Repentance and Faith Love Hope Joy and Peace is according to Scripture and the Primitive Church and not R. W.'s nor his New-England-Priests And we have Examin'd Our selves and prov'd ourselves by the Light of Christ Jesus found him within us and he is come and we are no Reprobates and hath given us an Understanding and we are in him Glory to God for ever And as for Counterfeit Christ painted Faith and Hope and dolefully Counterfeited perishing Salvation c. R. W. might have kept at home for it will fail him in the End which he speaketh of And this is thy own Condition that thou speakest of the others such as believe Lies for Heavenly Truths R. W. And thou sayst Thou hadst purpos'd to have shewed how the Quakers have followed the Cerdonians the Priscillians and Valentinians the Old Gnosticks and Manicheans Answ. R. W. might have kept these for himself who calleth the Light of Christ Jesus a Fancy and an Idol but where did any of those call it so for we follow Christ Jesus and neither him nor them And R. W. thou sayst Thou confinedst thy self to the Terms of thy Position and declaredst the Quakers to be Down-right Papists in many points Answ. Well we shall see what Points they are and see whether he and his New-England-Priests are not nearer to the Papists then the Quakers are R. W. Bringeth from G. F.'s Fol. p. 214. the Elders and Messengers of the Churches saying We are conceived in Sin and brought forth in Iniquity And G. F. Answ. David doth not say YE who are conceived in sin but I and R. W. saith John was sanctified from the Womb and the Scripture speaketh of such as were Sanctified from the Womb and Children that were Clean c. and this is fully answered in Answ. to App. pag. 134 135 And R. W. saith That the Protestants say that their natural Births and Conceptions are all defiled with Sin Answ. And so say the Papists But what doth R. W. and his New-England-Priests say to Paul For the Believing Husband is sanctified by the believing Wife and the unbelieving Wife is Sanctified by the believing Husband For else were their Children Vnclean but now are they Holy I ask R. W. and his New-England-Priests Whether or no there be any such Believers in New-England or Whether they believe this Doctrine of the Apostle or preach this if not then are they degenerated And this doth not deny the New Creating of the Soul and Spirit in Everlasting Vnchangeable Holiness and Righteousness after the Image of him that Createth him after him c. But R. W. if the Papists confess They are born in sin and Paul saith The Believers Children are Holy How do the Quakers and the Believers and the Apostle here Jump into one thing with the Papists R. W. thou sayst The Quakers are in one step with the Papists as to the power of Nature in spirituals and that every Man c. in the World hath a Sufficient Light within him to see God and Christ c. Contrary to the Protestants who from the Holy Scripture maintain Natural Blindness and Darkness and Man's Natural Deadness and that our Wisdom cannot discern any Spiritual thing c. and that our Wisdom is Enmity to God Answ. Did ever the Quakers say to the Contrary but that ye and the New England-Professors were in this Condition and ye might have taken the Papists with you and not to have join'd them with the Quakers And in this Condition and Birth ye are still though ye may make a Profession of God and Christ the Fruits of that Birth show it self forth And indeed how can ye be any other ways who call the Light of Christ Jesus a Fancy and an Idol which John bear witness to and Christ said Believe in the Light that ye may become Children of the Light So here it 's clear that your Birth is not Changed but as thou sayst your Wisdom is Enmity and ye are in Natural Blindness and Deadness as to Spiritual things But we never heard that the Papists did own the Heavenly Light of Christ Jesus that lighteth every one that cometh into the World the Life in the Word for they persecuted us for preaching of it as the New-England-Professors have done And whatever Christ hath profer'd you still how can ye see it except ye believe in the Light And thou comparing us with the Papists thou hast but manifest thy own Folly for thou say'st R. W. The Papists speak more like Men and yield that Men and Women have left them since Adam fell power to listen to c. and sayst The Quakers talk like Brutes of no Means but Immediate Revelation of the Spirit and the Protestants affirm that we have not a good Thought but from God c. Answ. Let the Reader Judge who speaketh like Brutes for if the Papists listen to that which is left them in Adam as thou sayst and ye say ye have not a good Thought but what ye have from God how have ye any thing that is Good from God but by that which Revealeth it from God which thou grantest is the Quakers Means For the Apostle saith No man knoweth the things of God but by the Spirit of God 2 Cor. 3. Phil. 2. Rom. 10. 1 Cor. 4. And so now thou that deniest the Immediate Revelation of the Spirit of God to be the Means and the New-England Professors ye are as dark as the Papists and so thou hast prov'd thy self a Nearer kin to them then the Quakers And thou confessest That God open'd Lydia's Heart Act. 16. Was not this by his Immediate Spirit and Revelation by which she received the Gospel And this is the Quakers Means but not R. W.'s it seemeth who saith There is no Voice to Motion within to be lissen'd to as often hath been quoted And dost thou and the New-England-Priests believe There was no Motion nor Voice in Lydia's Heart when the Lord open'd it by which she gave Attention to the Gospel and received it from Paul R. W. Thou sayst The Papists and Quakers maintain a Falling away from Grace Answ. And yet thou sayst The Truth is none of them seemeth to know it experimentally Then how canst thou maintain They fall away from that they do not know Experimentally But as for the Papists let them Answer for themselves R. W. And thou sayst of the Protestants Though they grant great Fallings and Desertions of the Children of God yet they hold the holy Seed of God the Holy Spirit and Word of God that Incorruptible and Eternal Seed of which they are begotten never finally and totally to be Eclipsed Answ. Where did ever Quakers say that the Holy Spirit of God or his Eternal Seed ever fell away of which his people are begotten or that they fell away that came to that State for I tell thee If the Righteous fall they shall rise again But neither the Papists nor thou
read the Fourth Charge as willing to be out of Pain Answ. R. W. thou appearest to be Light Frothy Scoffing and Scornful and not like an Aged Man that should be a Good Example to the Younger And so thou hast plainly proved thy self and the New-England Priests to be the Swellers thou speakest of in the Third false Charge at Providence exercised with Pride and that your Religion Principles and Practice rise no higher than what a Reprobate may attain unto Who hatest and scoffest at the Light of Christ and callest it an Idol which thou must believe in before thou art a true Christian or else it will be thy Condemnation R. W.'s Eleventh False Charge The Religion of the Quakers is more Obstructive and Destructive to the Conversion of Souls and People than most Religions that are at this Day extant in the World Answ. Our Religion is the pure Religion and undefiled which was in the Apostles Days and thy Religion and the New-England-Priests that callest the Light of Christ a Fancy which John was a Witness to and Christ said Believe in is Destructive to people both to Conversion and Salvation For how can they see Christ their Salvation without the Light of Christ And how can they see the True Religion from the False without the Light of Christ And therefore we tell thee without the Light of Christ thou knowest neither our Religion nor thy own nor others in the World which in thy Darkness thou would'st seem to be a Judge of AND then to prove thy false Charges thou bring'st us a great Story and Tale of the Pagans and the Pope's and Mahom●ts Worship and the Jews Who art as Ignorant of theirs as thou art of the true Worship Christ set up above Sixteen Hundred Years since R. W. And thou tellest How the Protestants have revolted and separated themselves from the Papists and have cried up the Lord Jesus in the Scriptures Answ. But how is R. W. and the New England-Priests revolted and separated from the Popes when they are found in their Envious BLOODY Spirit And how doth R. W. cry up Christ in the Scriptures Is Christ in the Scriptures to wit in the Writings Christ saith They testify of him and what Sense is this to say Ye cry up Christ in the Scriptures The Apostles and the Quakers Preach Christ at the Right Hand of God which the Scriptures testify of And Christ saith And it is Written of me he doth not say He is in the Scriptures And the Apostle doth not say Christ is in the Scriptures if he doth let us see where it is Written and keep to the Form of sound VVords R. W. And then thou tell'st us a Story of the Episcopalians and Presbyterians and Independants c. Answ. As though R. W. was a Judge of all these and many others and yet denieth any Voice or Motion of Heavenly things within himself and calleth the Light of Christ an Idol Yet in all this he hath not discovered his own Religion and what he is of himself for we do not understand that he is setled or joined with any of these Protestants Religion in any way of VVorship except by his Slanderous Book he may get into Favour with some Loose and Persecuting Spirits R. W. And thou say'st Those Religions differ each from the other as the Quakers do from the Papists Answ. And doth not R. W. himself differ with them all And R. W. if the Papists and the Quakers differ dost thou say so which wa st making us one all this while R. W. And thou say'st That we are more Destructive to the Souls of Men than the Papists who wildly profess all Ordinances and Ministers to be Invisible and yet are found to be as Visible and Open as any Answ. Here is a false Charge we never profess'd but the Bodies of the Saints and Ministers were Visible but being Able Ministers of the Spirit the Spirit is Invisible And we do believe thou hast more Love to the Papists than to us and that we are more Destructive to thine and your Hypocritical VVay and VVorship than the Papists But as for Destructive to the true Religion and the Souls of People this the New-England-professors and thou might have applied at home who call'st the Light an Idol by which Light they should see their Sins and know their Saviour that died for their Sins and saveth them AND it is in vain for thee to tell of Repentance and Faith and Saving of Souls and the VVorship of God in the Spirit and Truth and knowest of no Voice nor Motion of Heavenly things within thee to be hearken'd unto All thy Religion and thy VVorship and Profession hath been but from the Lips and the Mouth not from the Heart And we never Crack't of Quaking and Trembling as thou scoffingly say'st but we do VVork out our Salvation with Fear and Trembling It is God that worketh in us both to will and to do according to his pleasure And all that come to VVorship God in Spirit and in Truth they must come to the Truth in their Hearts the Spirit of God there to mortify their Evil Nature c. and this they will not find Easie. R. W. And then thou say'st The Turks and Papists to thy knowledge take more pains in their Religion than the Common Protestants and thou Confessest they do all but paint and gild over Nature's old and rotten Posts Answ. This is thine and New-England's Condition far of a true Faith and Repentance and that thou and you cannot see that callest the Light of Christ a Frantick Light and a Fancy And did Paul that turned people from Darkness to Light c. turn them to a Fancy And R. W. Thou say'st The Quakers come not near that Care of New-England I am sure at first for the personal true Repentance and Holiness of their Churches and Congregations and in the Margent thou say'st That the Quakers Conversion is not comparable to the VVay of New-England Answ. What ever their Conversion was at the first this we know that the Church in New-England are not now true Converts they are not turned from dead Works to serve the Living God Nay they are not turned from the Cruelty Persecution and Envy of the Vnconverted Jews and Heathens as their Fruits at large have manifested it Then they are degenerated from what they were at first Therefore the Comparison will not hold between the Quakers Conversion who like Lambs have suffered even unto DEATH and yours who Cruelly have persecuted even unto DEATH Therefore their Conversion is made no Conversion R. W. And then thou fall'st a-Railing again at our speaking THEE and THOV c. and bowing down to a dumb Image and Worship c. and that we say we are God and Christ. Answ. Which is Answered over and over and thy false Charge denied for we never of our selves said any such thing but God and Christ dwelleth in us AND why art thou angry so much at THEE and
the Word of God abiding in you for whom God has sent him Ye believe not John 5. But thou wilt feel it a Hammer and a Fire the Pharisees and all The Jews might have said so to the Prophets Christ and the Apostles who preached the Word to the Persecutors they might have said It is a Painted Hammer and a Painted Fire for it doth not burn us nor it doth not break us But what is become of those Jews And what will become of R. W. and of those New-England-Priests who do not Resist only but Persecute And Peter and Jude telling the Saints of Clouds without Rain and Trees without Fruits and Wells without Water and Wandring Stars and Waves of the Sea casting up Mire and Dirt This R. W. and the Church in New-England might have kept to themselves and truly applied For what else have they brought forth And he might have put in Korah Balaam and Cain who Killed his Brother about Religion And the Reader may see what Abundance of Mire and Dirt he hath Cast up in his Book against God's People from the Wave of his Sea And we do believe Christ and his Spirit is New to him who calleth his Light an IDOL R. W. And again thou bring'st Theora John and say'st Let that Monster of Delusion be viewed whose Bodily Raptures and Frantick Writings of the Quakers Principles and of the Jews c. Answ. R. W. hath brought this Man oftentimes over to stuff up his Book as though he wanted matter and it 's known to all in London that knew him that he was never a Quaker And yet this R. W. who hath sold himself to work Wickedness and given up himself to Lie often bringeth this Theora John as a Quaker which is known he was no such Man So with one Lie he bringeth to prove another But R. Williams the Lord will reward thee And as for John Chandler thou hast produced nothing out of his Writings R. W. And thou sayst Thou hast read Nicholas and Naylor Howgil Burrough Farnsworth Fox Dewsberry Pennington Whitehead and Bishop Answ. It 's like for an Evil End out of them and G. F.'s thou hast not proved thy false Charges And so the Old Serpent thou speakest of hath been too Crafty for thee and brought thee to the Brim of the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone which thou appliest to us and thou hast Stuff enough to kindle it R. W. R. W. And G. F. saying Fol. p. 282. You where you are Sees him not instead of See and page 19. The Churches Was to hear instead of were Answ. What a great piece of Business of one Word was for were and one Letter s is too much And this R. W. hath found out in a Book of 374. pages This was and the single s he hath made a great Clamor about it up and down the Book though he hath committed the same Error in his Twenty Nineth page of his Book where he saith Till these Gusts was over instead of were over And R. W. dost thou not think that these two small Faults might haue been overseen in the Press Which had'st thou had either Modesty or Charity thou might'st have past it over and not cried out against it in thy Book so often over Lame Non-sense Silly c. And we could make a Catalogue of Errors and Gross Errors in thy Book both of False Spelling and Non-sense and let thee see how thou hast Spelt several of our Friends Names and other Names and Matters in thy Book as instead of Jerem. Ives thou hast spelt Jewes here are two Letters wrong in one word which hath but four in it p. 178. Which are so many that we shall not trouble the Reader with them But let the Reader read and he may find enough whether it be his own Fault or the Printers we shall leave that AND for these Two small things that thou hast found out in his great Book thou scoffingly callest Proud Brute Proud insulting Souls and Spirits and Boys English and G. F.'s Ignorance of English And this thou hast publish'd to the World that all may see thy Folly But we shall not rail so at thee I will Instance one or two Passages in the same page where R. Williams is reproving of G. F. for false English with all those foul Expressions where thou say'st speaking of the Kingdom of God It consists in Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirits Where it should be Spirit And in the same Line thou say'st As they Impiously and simply speaks instead of speak We instance but these because it is the very same page where R. W. is throwing all those Names upon G. F. for Two Literal Mistakes And so thy Proud Insulting Soul and Spirit is thwarted and crost in thy own page and whether this be ●oys English or no let the English Judge And what thou bring'st from page 300. and 110. of G. F.'s Fol. is false for there are no such Scriptures in those places BVT thou hast not only wronged the English but the Hebrew and the Greek which thou boastest so much of and more Materially then G. F. As the Reader may see B. p. 112. Where instead of Metapuroteresios which is ●alse Greek thou should'st have said Meta parateresios 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And whereas thou say'st in the same page viz. The Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in some of the Margents is rendred Among that is Unto you Upon you as Luke 11. If I by the Finger of God cast out Devils surely the Kingdom of God is come upon you But the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is not in that place cited by thee to wit Luke 11. but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 And the proper Signification of the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is Within and not Among Scapula in his Dictionary bringeth divers Authors proving that it signifieth INTRA that is Within but none that it signifieth Among c. And thy Ignorance of the Hebrew thou hast shewed pag. 200 c. asserting That the Hebrew and Greek signify no more Thou than You c. Whereas it is known they both distinguish the Singular from the Plural and do not mean ye or you when they say thou nor thou when they say ye or you as those that skill those Languages do know c. AND it is not proved that G. F. or we ever despised any that were Good or Godly as the Scripture speaketh R. W. Thou say'st There is no God no Christ no Spirit but what is within them Answ. Thou say'st so often over and over in thy Book but these are not our words but thy own Forgeries For we own One God as we have often said the Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Ephes. 4. And G. F. and we are in the True Love and Fear of God c. and do not puff at any that be in the Knowledge of God and the
all things and yet this sense which literally is so proud and Blasphemous c. Answ. Roger Why dost thou abuse the Quakers For where doth G F or any of the Quakers write and say They know all things as God or that they are Omniscient or Omnipotent And why dost thou find fault with G F who brings the Apostles words to the Saints But ye have an Vnction from the Holy One and ye know all things c. and Let that therefore abide in you which you have heard from the beginning and If that which ye have heard from the Beginning shall remain in you ye also shall continue in the Son and in the Father And These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you but the Anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and ye need not that any man teach you but as the same Anointing teacheth you of all things and is Truth and is no Lye and even as it hath taught you ye shall abide in him c. Here John explains his own words better than R. W. can do and such as continue in the Son of God they continue in the Father and know the Antichrists and the Seducers to shun them 1 John 2. And dost thou not wickedly bring That the Devil pretends that he knoweth all things and offers to reveal so much to his Conjurers and dost not thou bring this in Opposition to John's words who exhorted the Saints to the Anointing within them which will teach them to know all things and had'st thou been in John's days thou would'st have said as much in Opposition to him as thou hast done to G. F. who bringeth but John's words And John saith That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you that ye also might have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ and must not this Fellowship be witnessed by the true Believers in Christ Jesus But it 's like thou art more acquainted with the Devils pretences and what he reveals to his Conjurers then with that which the Apostle John did declare which he had seen and heard and therefore I believe if R W. declared nothing but what he hath seen and heard from the beginning as John did he would have little to say 1 John 1. And as for Paul's saying I can do all things as R. W. brings but R. W. has left out Christ for the Apostle saith I can do all things through Christ who hath strengthened me and so can all that walk in his Spirit for without Christ they cannot do any thing that is good And Christ saith I am the Vine and ye are the Branches and he that abideth in me and I in him the same bringeth forth much fruit for without me ye can do nothing John 15 5. And thou say'st to take the Apostles words he can do all things c. and the Saints know all things according to John's doctrine and say'st Yet this sense which literally is so Proud and Blasphemous c. Here thou hast judged the Apostles to be Proud and Blasphemous which directed the Saints to the Unction within from the Holy One which taught them all things And the Apostle could do all things through Christ that strengthened him R. W. And thou say'st Doth not the Spirit of God Prov. 28. open this to us saying Evil men understand not Judgment but they that seek the Lord understand all things ver 5. that is God Answers their Prayers and enables them to do all that he calls them to when the proud and scornful are rejected Answ. It 's well thou wilt confess so much though thou hast added to Salomon's words But I question much whether ever thou heard God or Christ's Voice immediate from Heaven by his Spi●it For Salomon's words are true as he speaks and gives a better sense then thou canst R. W. Thou say'st Therefore I believe it is that the most Holy most Just and Wise Lord leaves these poor proud scornful souls to seek Wisdom and not to find it to be ignorant knowing nothing as God's Spirit speaks and to discover their ignorance in so many fundamentals of Christianity and in so many practices immodest irrational more then Savage as I have proved against them Answ. No such proofe hast thou proved And here thou fall'st a railing in thy false judgment but as Christ saith With what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged Thou think'st thou art plucking a Mote out of our eyes but sees not the Beam in thy own and truly Roger thou hast hit thy own Condition and mist us As for proud scornful and savage c. and immodest practices these are but thy railing Expressions a wave of the Sea which thou had better have kept at home and applyed to thy own Spirit for we can praise God through Jesus Christ for what he hath revealed unto us And I strange that thou darest take the most-Holy Just Lord in thy mouth and utter such foul Languages against his People And who those many are that practise Immodesty which thou tell'st the World of thou hast neither mentioned their Names nor their Immodest practices therefore it is a slander And wherein are we Ignorant of the fundamentals of Christianity seeing we believe all that is written in the Scriptures concerning God and Christ R. W. And thou say'st The Quakers confest their Light to be Conscience and J. Bunion denyes plainly that Conscience can justifie And R. W. replyes and saith That Conscience looks back of a mans mind or spirit upon it self in point of justification or pardon of sin and Conscience looks upon a cursed rotten nature And J. Bunion calls the Light Conscience A poor Dunghill-Creature that will convince of sin as in G. F's Folio pag. 10. Oh how doth R. W. J. Bunion contradict each other the one says It will not justifie the other says In point of Justification or pardon of sin And thou says that Adam and Eve's Conscience● condemned them they confest the Fact and thou say'st That poor Conscience which every man Jew or Gentile Civilized or Pagan comes into the world with c. and the first man and woman their Consciences condemned them c. and thou further say'st Could this their Condemning Conscience especially with mincing of sin as all natural mens Consciences do I say could t●is Conscience or Confession pardon their Sin renew their Hearts and be their Justification or clearing and Salvation Answ. Hast not thou Answered thy self in the Second page Do'st not thou say that Conscience in point of justification looks upon a mans mind and spirit c. in point of Justification or pardon of sin and yet thou call'st it a Natural Conscience and Adam and Eve and every man has it thou say'st that Abimelecks Conscience justified him from the Fact of Abraham 's Wife and Joseph's Conscience justified him c And thou wrong'st the Quakers in saying that
declare against the vain Formalities either in Prayer or Preaching yet they own the true Preachers which are able Ministers in the Spirit and true Pray●ng in the Spirit and the One Baptisme Ephes. 4. And as the Apostle saith to the Corinthians They were Baptized by one Spirit into one body 1 Cor. 12 13. R. W. And thou say'st This is Treason and Rebellion in any Atheists or whomsoever but more abominable Hypocritical in these Pharisaical Quakers who cry out against the Apish Imitatours and yet themselves practise Preaching Praying Congregations Singings Conventings and Addings to Castings out c. full well as the Lord Jesus speaks abrogating the word and appointments of God that they may set up and establish their own Traditions c. Answ. Thou hast not told the Reader what our Traditions are which Christ told the Jews But here of all thy Abusive Expressions we are clear of thy Treason and Rebellion and abomin●ble Hypocritical and Pharisaical which words suit thy own Spirit and thou may'st apply them at home And our Religion and Way and Preaching and Praying and Singing is according to Scripture and we are gathered in the Name of Jesus Christ where we find him in the mid'st of us a Prophet a Priest and a Bishop and a King to rule in our hearts who exerciseth his Offices in his Church And if any professes the Truth and doth not walk in it such we deny and the Believers are Added to Christs Church daily praised be the Lord. And why dost thou and you Priests of New-England separate your selves from the Papists and call her the bloody Whore of Rome when you are found in her Spirit and not in the Spirit of the First Primitive Christians R. W. And whereas thou say'st G. F. crys out against all Scriptures and common Sense and against all Forms Answ. These are more of thy Vntruths For he owns all Holy Scripture and doth not cry against all Forms but such as have the Form of Godliness and deny the power turn away from such And he and the Quakers own God's ways and manners of Gods worship in Spirit and Truth R. W. And thou say'st G. F. cryes up a Christ within a Scripture within and a Church within and Ministers within and Baptism and Supper within yet practises the most of these so many as their Idol requires will serve his turn as outwardly visibly as any in the world Answ. Is not Baptism of the Spirit within that burneth up the Chaff within how dark art thou and have not the Ministers of the Spirit the Spirit within And doth not the Apostle Preach Christ within the Saints and doth not Christ say I stand at the door knock and if any man will hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and will Sup with him and he with me Revel 3 But where did ever the Quakers say in any of their books that the Church or Congregation was within them and these are thy own forged words not ours and is not the Spirit and the Truth within in which God is worshipped R. W. After thou hast commended R. Baxt●r our old Persecutor thou say'st It hath been his Observation viz. that the Churches of the Independents and Baptists have been the source and spring whence have flown the Generation of the Quakers And then thou contradicts him and say'st For my self I have observed the contrary in these parts Answ. Nay the Quakers spring is from that Fountain of Life which the Primitive Church was in Glory to the Lord God for ever who are built upon the Rock and Foundation Christ Jesus And R. W. do'st thou say That the Quakers sprung from the Ranters and Grindletonians what Babel is this R. W. And whereas thou say'st Although some rotten Professors or weak souls though true have been bewitched by these Soul-Witches yet generally where they have any Liberty the National Church fills up their numbers Answ Here thou judgest others as well as the Quakers but it is best to pply it to thy own Spirit and to see thy self first and your own Rotten profession at home And where they have any Liberty thou say'st but we know thy Spirit and the New-England Priests and Professors that call Light Darkness and persecute the Truth that is it you would not have to Have Liberty and call it the Soul-witches and therefore the Soul-witches thou may apply at home R. W. And thou say'st W. Edmonson boasted of their Numbers viz. their Religion is so Easi● never coming near the Roots of Rotten Nature but so wonderfully agreing with it and changing one Devil for another Answ. If the Quakers have Changed one Devil for another as thou say'st they are changed from your Religion of New-England and them that upheld it and from thee then thou do'st acknowledge that thou and the New-England Profession was a Devil and the Independents and the Baptists according to Baxter but thy Fore fathers the Jews said That Christ Jesus our Lord and Master whom we are Changed to that he had a Devil and by the Prince of Devils cast out Devils And as for the Roots of Rotten Nature that thou and you may apply to your selves which your Religion is made up of which thou would'st accuse the People of God withall which are in the pure Religion James 1 26 27. but thou hast manifested thy Religion with thy Unbridled Tongue And W. Edm. did not boast of our Numbers for that is the Abuses of thy Tongue but we can praise the Lord through Jesus Christ who adds to his Church daily R. W. And then thou say'st Thou adorest the Infinite power c. that they were not ten thousand-fold more c. then they are and then thou say'st I can demonstrate that if G. F. for all their Hypocritical prating against Carnal Weapons get a Sword as Mahomet did most of the Popish and Protestant and Pagan world will easily be brought to dance after him Answ. This is from thy Evil Thoughts and Cains Fear G. F. and the Quakers abhor thy words But this is your Condition in New-England and because the People of God will not dance after them therefore they have Hanged them and Banished them and Spoiled their goods For the Lord and his Son knoweth that Our Weapons are Spiritual that he hath armed us withall and if ever thou had'st set foot in the pure Religion which the Primitive Church and the Quakers walked and walk in thou would'st not say It is so easie But thou speakest Evil of that which thou knowest not and utterest forth the malice and envy of thy heart And we do pray to the Father to send forth Labourers into his Vineyard and that is his Work and not Mens and can praise the Lord at the Conversion of Sinners And as for Hypocritical prating that is thy own R. W. And thou say'st to M. B. Was there ever a Child of God in this world but he was a Nazarite separate from worldly
teach him to Judge as before And as for his terming of us like Mugleton with his Curses when a little before in the same page he saith A Cursed Rotten Nature are the Quakers Converts and art not thou of the same Spirit as Reeve and Mu●leton who have been as great Enemies to the Quakers as thou art R. W. And thou say'st It 's true there is a Lawful judging not according to the rashness or pride as the Quakers is but according to the righteous Judgment And say'st The Spiritual man judgeth and discerneth all things that looketh into the Cause and Nature of things Times and Persons but what is this to the Natural Death of all Mankind Answ. Reader hath G. F. mentioned any thing but the Apostles words doth he mention the Natural Death of all Man-kind or shewed any Rash Judgment here or called the World before the Bar of Judgment as R. W. saith who hath puft out a great deal of Air about it and when he has done he beats it But it seemeth he grants That the Spiritual Man judgeth and discerneth all things but who it is and where he judgeth he hath not manifested or declared and yet he findeth fault with G. F. for saying so page 80. And as for Pride and Rash Judgment he might have kept that at home and not applyed it to the Quakers And the Apostle said O Death where is thy Sting O Grave where is thy Victory the Sting of Death is Sin and the strength of Sin is the Law but thanks be to God who hath given us the Victory through Jesus Christ. R. W. And thou say'st I know the Foxians will turn this Scripture and that Golden Chain Heb. 6. the first Christian principles and Eternal Judgment into Mysteries Answ. Here again thou wrong'st us For we own Heb. 6 as it speaketh and we do believe they are Mysteries to thy Lying Spirit For sometimes thou say'st we take them literally and now thou say'st we turn them into Mysteries thus thou Contradicts thy self R. W. And that they now judge the secrets of Men by Paul's Gospel Rom. 2. Answ. Is there any such word in G. F's Answer to E. B. Priest For the Apostles words are In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel and this thou wickedly applyest to the Quakers out of thy dark airy mind and then thou beatest the air R. W. And thou say'st Therefore by looking on a man to wit the Quakers they can discern the Inward parts what each person is Answ. The least Child of God may easily discern what thou art by what cometh out of thee what is in thy Inward parts And doth R. W. think that the Saints did not know one anothers hearts when they were of One heart mind and soul c and were the Epistles of Christ c. written not with Ink but with the Spirit of the living God in fleshly Tables of the heart c. and God that given his Church a Discerning with the same Spirit in our day as he did in the Apostles R. W. And thou say'st The Lord is no● come saith Enoch and Jude in Ten Thousand of his Saints and now is the day appointed in which God judgeth the world by that Man Christ Jesus which Man they are of which the Word of God hath approved in that they are raised from the dead in souls and bodies to keep the Eternal Judgment though thou say'st some of their young Schollars will not believe it but they spare not to own their High Court of Justice Answ. Where did'st thou ever read in any of the Quakers Books any such Language that say the Quakers are the Man Christ Jesus this is thy Forgery for let the Re●der see if there be any such word in G. F's Answer to E. Bradshaw in thy 15th page And thou say'st They are the Man Christ Jesus to wit the Quakers but hast shewed no proof for it but how canst thou make the Saints to be the Man Christ Jesus Yet for all thy Lyes we cannot deny that Christ is in us and has quickned us which were dead in Sins and Trespasses as Ephes. 2. and Christ quickning our mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in us Rom. 8. and by his Spirit we can judge of such a Spirit as thine is by its fruits whose Spirit is Eternal which we received from Christ which thou Scoffingly callest High Court of Justice And Christ that ruleth in the hearts of his Saints he giveth them a Judgment and Discerning to forsake the Evil and cleave to the Good R. W. And then thou tells a Tale in Hartfordshire and termest us Like a Company of Drunken Sots that kept a Court there and had like to have brought themselves to the Gallowes Answ. But this may sute thine own and the New England Spirits best that have been Drunk with the Blood of the Saints the Quakers are clear from thy Lyes and Slanders and they do not touch them And thou shalt know Christ coming to Judgment who will reward thee according to thy works R. W. Thou say'st That the Quakers confess that Christ was a Real Man as any of us c. and thou say'st They could not give an account what was become of him at Newport Answ. There are more of thy Lyes For we tell thee as we told thee He is risen and at the Right Hand of God Luk. 22 6 9. Act. 2 25 23. Act. 5 31. Act. 7 35 36. Rom. 8 34. Ephes. 1 20. Col. 3 1. Heb. 1 3 13. Heb. 8 1. Heb. 10 12. 1 Pet. 3 22. and if thou wilt not believe those Scriptures thou wilt not believe us where the Man Christ Jesus is and yet Christ ruleth in the hearts of his Saints and this is a Mystery to thee And it 's like he is not Come unto thee for how should he when thou art so Ignorant of his Light which he ligheth every Man that cometh into the world withal for how can any come to Repentance and be Converted and hate the Heavenly Light of Christ R. W. And then thou runs on and hast proved nothing and say'st That their Pride Scornfulness rash Revilings rash Cursings Superstition new Inventions their Blasphemies and Hypocrisies Inhumanities Impudencies c. are such Answ. This R. W. and his Fellow-Priests might have kept at home for he hath made a great Noise with words but nothing signified Did not the Patience of the Lambs of Christ manifest otherwise when they Hanged them and Burned them and Cut off their Ears and Whip'd and Banish'd them did they not suffer like Lambs What was their Reviling Languages why did'st not thou and the Priests of Boston Print them for if they had Reviled it 's like we should have heard of it before now R. W. And thou say'st such that render them so far from being the High Saints and Judges of the World that they fall under the Judgment of all sober and modest persons Answ.
Christ but climb up another way to know the Scriptures then by the Light and Spirit of Christ. R. W. And thou bringest I. Deacon who saith The Enjoyment of Immortality is not till they have put off this body G.F. 's Fol. pag. 40. And G. F. Answereth That Immortality was brought to Light through the Gospel and the Word of God and Christ was in them and was not that Immortal And the Apostle saith Christ Jesus who hath abolished Death and hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel 2 Tim. 1.10 R. W. Upon G. F's words saith That G. F. affirmeth an Immortality that is A Not-dying of the Soul and Body Answ. Now let the Reader see if he have not abused G. F's words and whether he saith any such thing or no for Christ saith They cannot kill the Soul though they may kill the Body Yet R.W. saith again that the Quakers and others say All flesh is grass speaking of the body and yet he saith that G. F. affirmeth The Body cannot dye what Contradictions are these R. W R. W. And whereas thou say'st As for the Body the Quakers say When the Soul is gone into God yea the Soul of Judas as well as the Soul of Peter as some of them say c. Answ. But what some of them are thou hast not quoted though over and over thou maliciously speakest this in thy Book Neither do I believe that ever thou heard any of them say so may be some Ranters said so which he Fathereth upon the Quakers for if thou had'st thou would'st have quoted the Book or have named their Names as thou hast done G. F's and belyest his words therefore we have good ground to believe thou wrongest others And thou usest many words to no purpose about that what others say R. W. And thou say'st What-ever these Foxians brutishly fancy of no distinction between God and themselves their Light and his c. Answ. This is a False Charge For we make a Distinction betwixt God and our selves for by his Gospel and Power Life and Immortality is brought to Light in us by which we see over the Devil that hath darkned us so In the Light of Christ we see Light R. W. And thou confessest That Christ hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel In this thou contradictest I. D. the Priest and say'st But this is but the joyful Condition of the Souls and Bodies of the Godly their Souls and Bodies raised up with Jesus to a spiritual holy Life in this world and the Souls going to Jesus and their Bodies sleeping in Jesus c. Answ. Here thou hast made a pretty good Confession in words if thou knewest what thou say'st But how do'st thou mean when thou say'st The Body sleepeth in Jesus and yet It turneth to Rottenness doth that which sleepeth in Jesus Rot And the Apostle saith Thou Fool that which thou sowest is not quickned except it dye and that which thou sowest thou sowest not that Body which shall be c. but God giveth it a Body as it pleaseth him 1 Corinth 15. Thou confessest That Life and Immortality is brought to Light through the Gospel and because G. F. saith so thou say'st He affirms an Immortality that is a Not-dying of the Soul and Body The Soul is Immortal but G. F. doth not speak of the Body there R. W. saith As to this Immortality of G. F. all that can be known of his mind is H. Nichol's and the Nicolaitans mad fictions and fancies of their becoming God and Christ. Answ. Reader see if there be any such words in G. F's Answer to I. D. that he should number us with the Nicholaitans mad fictions and fancies as he calleth it he had had better to have kept it at home if this be his Charity And this Love that he hath to some of us is not like the Love that David had to Absolom but more like Ahitophel's which thou speakest of who neither Loved David nor Christ Jesus this Spirit of thine cannot in Sincerity that hath spoken so Evil of God's people R. W. And thou say'st I fear instead of their fancied Immortality before the Grave they will meet with a dreadful Mortality or Death of Soul and Body to all Eternity Answ. This thou fearest not for good as thy words do manifest in thy 119. page But do'st thou not say before That the Souls of the Godly going to Christ Jesus c. and now do'st thou fear the Souls of the People of God called Quakers shall meet with a Dreadful Mortality or Death of Soul and Body to Eternity It 's like thou would'st have it so but we tell thee and all our Envious Persecutors with tongue and hand That Christ hath brought Life and Immortality to Light through the Gospel and our Souls rejoyce in him and can magnifie God our Saviour blessed be his Name for ever Hallelujah But Roger Williams take heed that which thou fearest of the Quakers come not upon thy self for it will be much if it do not for thou wilt find Misery before thou dye for thy hard speeches against God's People R.W. And thou bring'st I. M. which saith The wise Heathen Philosophers had a greater measure of Light in them which is the first Adam then I can think any man hath now And G.F. Answereth Which sheweth that he knoweth nothing of Christ the Second Adam the Quickning Spirit He knoweth no New Creature for they who are in Chirst are New Creatures nor None of Christ the Covenant of God of Light of Life of Peace who was Glorified with the Father before the world began which is beyond the first Adam and hath shut himself forth not to be as high as his Heathen-Philosophers And many witness Christ In them in this Age as in the days of the Apostles which is above the Heathen-Philosophers And R. W. replyeth to G. F. and saith It pleased God in all Ages to stir up the spirits of some Men as the Philosophers amongst the Greeks c. to improve that Excellent Light of Reason c. above other men Answ. What is this to the Light of Christ in Opposition to the Second Adam in this Age R. W. And thou say'st The Question then followeth If this Light of Knowledge were Christ as God and King and Mediator why is it that None of these Excellent men knew Nothing of God nor Christ nor Spirit c. but only of the first Creation Can such a Court be kept a Palace furnished and such Royal and Heavenly Guests be Entertained and no body know any thing of it c. Answ. What are all these words to the purpose but that thou grantest I. M's Argument That the Wise Heathen Philosophers had a greater Light which is the first Adam then you or any man can have by the Second Adam if not why do'st thou Oppose G. F And thou confessest that All Jerusalem was moved and on an uproar when Christ was born
of R. W. And thou say'st Hence according to G. F. 's Opposite all Man kind have invented so many false Gods false worships c. yet out of no more Love to God then the Lamb beareth to a Lyon c. and then thou quotest the Philistines Samaritans and Sechemites c. Answ. Thy words are General All Man-kind all the world over What! did Methuselah and Jared and Lamech and Abraham and Moses and the Prophets and the Apostles Invent did they Invent any False Gods for thy words are All Man-kind have Invented so many false Gods and Worships all the world over What! is there no part of the World free hath not God his Seven Thousand still as he had in the days of the Prophets that Do not bow their knee to Baal 1 King 19. And did not all those that Invented all those false ways and worships go from that of God In them which God had shewed unto them R. W. And then thou say'st The Sechemites for fear of Lions or hope of Gain will be of any Worship or Religion as most this day in the World will be yea all and every soul except to whom in and from the Holy Scriptures the Holy Spirit Revealeth the Incomprehensible Mystery of a Mediator Answ. Then they are not All Man-kind And as for Being of any Religion for hope of Gain that thou and the Priests might have kept at home for the Gain that Gods Servants got that were sent to preach the Gospel among you was Gallowses Whips Prisons and bad Language And they that own the Holy Spirit to Reveal Christ the Mystery the Mediator which Holy Spirit leadeth into all Truth they will own us and not them that talk of it and live out of it R. W. And then thou bring'st I. H. his saying The Justification and Redemption by obeying the Light within is a Mystery of Iniquity G. F. Answ. He that believeth is justified from all things and cometh not into Condemnation for he hath the Witness in himself and that lets him see to wit the Light of Christ the Redeemer the Saviour the Light which walking in it he is cleansed from all sin So no Mystery of Iniquity for the Mystery of Iniquity is out of the Light and none seeth Justification and Redemption but with the Light which cometh from Christ who hath enlightned them To this R W. Replyeth and beginneth with his Foul Language and saith This is subtle but being examined it will be a Mystery of Hellish Iniquity and lighter then Vanity it self Answ. Poor Man he might very well have kept this at home And then he goeth on and saith G. F. confoundeth Justification and the Light of Christ and Faith and Obedience after his Babilonish wont all in a Juglers Box within together so that the English of it is Faith is Christ Obedience is Christ Justification is Christ c. And then thou say'st It is true Figuratively Answ. If it be True Figuratively why do'st thou call it Babilonish and Juglers Box and Lighter then Vanity and Hellish Iniquity but G. F.'s words are plain enough as they speak but thou that art in the Hellish Iniquity and the Juglers box c. may'st Cavil at them R.W. And because that G.F. saith None see Justification Redemption which cometh from Christ who hath enlightned them but with the Light within R. W. saith That G. F.'s words may be in plain English thus rendred None sees Christ and Christ but with the Christ within which cometh from Christ who hath Christed him Answ. Now Reader see if G. F.'s words speak as he Maliciously saith For can any see Christ Jesus their Sanctification Justification and Redemption but by the Light which Christ hath enlightned them withal for with the same Light they see their sins and Christ their Saviour and Redeemer c. And thou say'st It is a Mystery or a subtle Trick of Hell to call Faith Obedience and Obedience to the Light Justification c. Reader read G. F.'s words and see if G. F. hath either mentioned the word Obedience or Faith p. 29. So R. W. Inventeth words and then he called them a Mystery and a subtle Trick of Hell to call them as he hath invented them which is his own subtle Trick of Hell for there is no such word in G. F.'s Answer And then he calleth it True sense and saith True Sense as Mony answereth all things but we cannot deny the Apostle's Doctrine how that Christ is made unto us Wisdom and Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption and thy Distinguishing of Heavenly matters is like thy Distinguishing of G. F.'s words as hath been shewed before in thy Contradictions R. W. And then thou say'st It is another Gospel and yet not another but is a Dream and dead Picture of an Image or an Idol to put-in our Obedience and Working Answ. What Contradictions and Confusions are these and what work makest thou about Obedience for G. F. hath not mentioned the word Obedience but thou fightest with thy own words but seeing thou makest such work with Obedience read Rom. 1 5.6 16.16 19. and 2 Cor. 7 15.10 5 6. 1 Pet. 1 2. R. W. And then thou say'st I know they Father this Bastard upon the most-Holy God himself saying It is His Obedience His Righteousness and His Working in the room of the Death and Blood-shedding the Sufferings and Merits of the Lord Jesus Answ. I did never hear so many foul words and such Perversions from any man in my Life the Reader may see in R. W.'s own Book there is not the word Obedience in G. F's Answer which he replyeth to And we do say that Christ Jesus was Obedient unto Death even the Death of the Cross Phil. 2 and the Apostle saith As by the Disobedience of one Man many were made Sinners so by the Obedience of One to wit Christ many were made Righteous And the Saints are Obedient to Christ's Faith and Spirit c. R. W. And then thou goest on and tellest of Laban changing wages c. and then thou tellest us of the Papists and Jews c. and the Bargain of Do this and Live and a Bargain of Saving our selves and a Bargain of Flying out of our selves only to Gods Mercies in the Mediation of Christ Jesus and then again render our selves so Holy so Obedient so Righteous so Loving so Chaste so Meek so Patient so Temperate that in thought word or deed we sin not And this our Holiness is Christ and God and Spirit and Justification c. Answ. Reader did'st thou ever hear how he hath jumbled things together here Where did Christ and the Apostles use these words as Making of Bargains with his People it's like R. W. thinketh he is Wiser then they that gave forth the Scriptures and their words are too simple for him to speak but R. W.'s Scoffing Expressions here do not touch us he may apply this at home And this we say Every one that followeth Christ must Take
up his Cross and deny himself he that will be his Disciple and they must Die with Christ if they Live with him and suffer with him if they Reign with him and his Spirit teacheth Temperance Patience and Holiness yea to deny that which is Unholy both in Word and in Thought And the Righteousness of Christ Jesus is our Fine Linnen and it is God and Christ that doth justifie by the Spirit who art thou that dost Condemn And where did we say that Our Holiness is Christ and God though we cannot deny Christ to be Our Holiness c. who deny Self-holiness R. W. And thou say'st I know the Writers of the Quakers make this high Obedience to be the Crown of some high Saints among them as the Papists do and that others come not so high are taken by the fleshly Spirit and Repent and Confess and be more watchful as they say in a Contradiction of J. Naylor Answ. These are most horrid Lyes and Reader see if G. F. speaketh any of these words in his Answer to T. H. as to the Crowning of high Saints like the Papists for their Obedience or Making their Obedience a Crown for it is the Lord Jesus Christ that Crowneth his Saints that believe in his Name and grow up in his Grace and Truth And as for a Fleshly Spirit and Repent and Confess this you may apply at home for we own no Repentance nor Confession but what is made by the Spirit of God in which we have Unity and for Exhorting to the watchful that is Christ's Doctrine And it is no Contradiction to say He that is born of God cannot sin for the Apostle John explaineth this in his Epistles better than thou can'st which the Quakers own which thou makest a great Jumble about For the Apostle saith He that believeth is born of God and overcometh the world and is not that the world in mens hearts and he writeth to Young-men and Fathers which had Overcome the Wicked one and to Little Children that they sin not and if any man sinneth we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous and he is a Propitiation for our sins and not for our sins only but for the sins of the whole World 1 Joh. 2. R. W. Thou say'st Yet again in a horrible Mystery of Iniquity they exclaim against the Protestants for saying A Child of God cannot fall from the true Grace Finally or Totally Answ. Here are no such words in G. F.'s Answer to T. H. Or how hangeth this together thou say'st They say He that is born of God cannot sin then how Can they Fall from the true Grace But what say'st thou to them that Crucifie the Son of God afresh and do despite against the Spirit of Grace and turn it into Wantonness and these are such as do not Own the True Grace of God which is their Teacher though it hath appeared to them nor do not Believe in the Light of Christ Jesus but hate it And If the Righteous Fall they rise again but the Wicked Fall into Mischief R. W. And thou say'st Here is a Mystery of Hellish Iniquity in that they confess such a Man Christ to have been and his Blood-shedding the Types and real Predictions and Figures of him a real Death Resurrection and Ascension yet upon the point by a Devilish Chymistry evaporate all these and leave nothing but a Christ within as God and Man whose Name is now Light c. Motions within Answ. As for Hellish Mystery of Iniquity and Devilish Chymistry thou may'st keep at home for according to the Scriptures of Truth we do believe Christ Jesus his Birth Sufferings Resurrection and Ascension who fulfilled the Prophets and the Types and Shadows of him And what must we not call God and Christ as the Scriptures call them for God is called the Light and Christ saith I am the Light And though Christ is Risen and Sitteth at the Right hand of God yet he doth dwell In his Saints his Temple according to the Apostle's Doctrine as you may see 1 Cor. 6. and 2 Cor. 6. And what must not God's people Obey the Motions of the Spirit of Christ and his Light and to take heed to it by which they may see Christ their Saviour and Justification and Salvation and the Lord their Righteousness and the Apostle stirred up to Perfection and to Holiness which all the Saints are to follow R W. And thou say'st It is a Hellish Mystery of the Devil to Cosen poor souls with a Notion of the Difficulty and Hight of their profession and of Worshipping God in Spirit and Truth which they say no body in the world doth but they Spirit within Answ. Our good Profession which we make is of Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour who hath enlightned us to follow him and his Worship that he hath set up in Spirit and Truth and they that quench the Spirit and hate the Light and will not come to Truth cannot worship God in Spirit and Truth John 3.4 And this Truth and Spirit of God is Within people and thou or they that draw people from the Truth in the Inward parts and Spirit within you draw them into the Hellish Mystery and Cosen poor souls as thou speakest of for coming to Christ and his Worship And whereas thou say'st Thou toldest them of an Image in the Bed but David was gone c. but this is thy own Condition And then thou say'st That their Religion is one of the Easiest in the world Nay thou never trod the Path thou do'st not know what it is the Gallowses and Goals and Whip-Stocks manifest whether Our Religion be Easie. R. W And whereas thou tellest us What will delight our Ears and Minds to wit various Tunes of Musick c. Answ. But that which Delighteth Vs is the Lord Jesus Christ and his Holy Ghost and the Joy of the Lord is our Strength And that which thou applyest to Us thou may'st keep at home it 's thy own and none of ours R. W. And thou say'st If a poor soul give way an Inch and lets in one thought of yielding to the Voice of a Spirit within they are filled and ravished with Curious Notions of Justification Holiness and Righteousness God and Christ and the Spirit within them Answ. How endlesly do'st thou speak against the Voice of the Spirit of God in his People And the Apostle exhorteth Not to walk after the Flesh but after the Spirit Rom. 8 1 2 5 6 9 10 11 13 16 26 27. Rom. 12 11. and 1 Cor. 6 20 34. 1 Cor. 12 13. Gal. 5 5 16 18 25. Eph. 4 3 5 9. Phil. 1 27 That you stand fast in one Spirit Phil. 2 1 If any fellowship of the Spirit c and those are the Poor souls that do not hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches And they that Obey the Voice of God and Christ must Obey the motions of the Spirit and the Holy Spirit leadeth to Holiness
and the Apostle's Doctrine and plead for it And why should the Parliament and all Lawiers search well and appoint a Committee to examin if their Laws upon New appearances from Heaven have not need of Rectifying c. And as R.W. saith If Swearing be a part of God's worship c then did not R. W. Sin in not Swearing in the Chancery in England in leaving off a part of God's worship which he saith Swearing is But in this you may see how R. W. Contradicts himself and hath manifested what Love he hath to Christ and his Apostles who perverteth their words as he doth G. F's and Slights their Doctrine who saith Swear not at all R. W. And thou bring'st T. Moor saying It is not properly nor in a full sence that God is manifested in the flesh of his Saints but Roger hath quoted no page for this G. F. Answ. The Saints are the Temples of God and God dwells in them and they come to witness the Flesh of Christ and they glorify him in their Souls and bodies and the Lord is Glorifyed in their bringing forth much fruit and they witness his Seed to wit Christ the one Offering for Sin to be manifested within And such are not Reprobates that witness the One Offering Christ Jesus and they that have not him within they are Reprobates R. W. replyeth and saith A great designe of the Devil in all Ages hath been to Cavil at and hinder God's Love to mankind Answ. What! doth this hinder the Love of God to mankind and to have Christ manifest within them which is God's Love to the World And is it not the Devil's designe to deceive Man and keep his house and will suffer him to talk of Christ as long as he will but will not suffer the strong one to be bound and cast out And they that are Married to Christ who bruiseth the Serpent's head are they not of his flesh and of his bones and they that have the Son can praise God for his Love to fallen mankind R. W. And thou say'st Against this Lord Jesus Christ this old Serpent hisseth and rageth before his birth at his birth and after his birth c. Answ. We who have Christ formed in us have felt the Rage of the Old Serpent in this Age both in R.W. and the New England-Priests and professours as Christ and the Prophets and Apostles did in their Age by the professors of Christ in words as the Jews professed him to come in words And whereas thou rank'st the people of God called Quakers amongst the Libertines Manicheans Adamites Ranters c. these R. W. and the New-England-Priests might very well apply'd at home who have manifested your Order in the Dragon's power thou speakest of persecuting with Tongue and Hands as Michael the Arch-Angel when Contending with the Devil he disputed about the Body of Moses durst not bring against him a Railing Accusation but said The Lord Rebuke thee And now art not thou with thy Railing Accusations disputing about the Body and Flesh of Christ as thou may'st see in Jude and Zach 3. R. W. And whereas thou tell'st us What the Arrians hold But thou had'st better to see what thou held'st and did'st possess of Christ thy self And thou say'st But with Christ's Man-hood and the Scriptures the Devil and the Papists and the Quakers for the most part of them could with all their heart make an Everlasting parting The Devil 's End is to destroy this Saviour and Salvation to poor lost man she Quakers pretend their End to be the Exalting and Glorifying God in the Flesh of his Saints Answ. As for what the Papists and the Devil do thou may'st apply that at home who so often hast the Devil in thy Mouth And as for parting Christ Jesus from his God-head that is not our work for he is called the heavenly man the Second Adam a quickning Spirit And the Scripture we own and also are to Glorify God with our Souls and bodies which are his And we tell thee the Devil cannot destroy our Saviour Christ Jesus for he destroyeth the Devil and his Works but it 's like he may destroy your Imaginary Christ or Anti-Christ and set up another for Christ was dead and is alive and liveth for Evermore Revel 1 18 R. W. And thou say'st that G. F. plays upon the various meaning of the word Flesh he plays also upon those holy Scriptures viz God is glorifyed in the Souls and bodies of his Saints c. Answ. As for saying G. F. plays that thou might'st have applyed at home for his words are Scripture-phrases For must not all the Children of the New Covenant witness their bodies the Temp●es of God and him to dwell in them and wa●k in them by his Spirit and they to bring forth fruits of his Spirit and to Glorify God in their bodies and Souls c And we do know what the Protestants do hold and what you do hold in words concerning Christ who persecute us that do possess him and you had better possess him and let him Rule in your hearts by Faith and not the Dragon the Old persecutor For we own Christ in the promise in the prophecies who was born of a Virgin his Sufferings Resurrection in whom the fullness of the God-head dwells bodily and of his fulness have we Received Grace for Grace Col. 4 R. W. And thou say'st That G. F knowes his Opposite intends such a manifestation of God in the Flesh that renders the one Single person Christ Jesus the head of the Church and that they hold there is as much difference between that one Individual person Christ Jesus the Head and his Followers as between our heads and our bodies c. Answ. If you hold this this is a Nighness betwixt Christ and his Church but do you possess it And G. F knoweth his Opposites in the other Power 's days it was a wonder to them to hear of Christ's dwelling in people so G. F. knew their meaning very well And must not God that was manifested in the Flesh of Christ that one Single person must not he and his Father be manifest in his people by his Spirit and he to dwell in them Now as he did in the Apostle's days R. W. And thou say'st How poor and lame is it that because the Saints are God's Temple therefore they must be God himself Answ. Let the Reader see if there be any such words as these in G. F's Answer for G F's words are The Saints are the Temples of God and God will dwell in them as 1 Cor. 6. and 2 Cor. 6. G. F. doth not say The Saints are God as thou hast falsly forged And doth not the Apostle Exhort the Saints that Christ may dwell in their hearts by Faith Eph. 3. and therefore thou say'st They say they are Christ himself Let the Reader see if there be any such word in G. F's Answer and whether he has not abused G. F's words here
and know them to be in the same Persecuting Spirit that the Jews and Papists were in R. W. And thou say'st Thou wast stopt by a Sudden Spirit of Prayer in a Woman at Newport and an Unseasonable Spirit of Prayer in a Man which forced me to stop and occasion'd me to take this way and Dispute with them Answ. And why could not R. W. have had Patience to have stayed till they had done Prayer but he hath shewed his bad Spirit against Prayer who calleth it unseasonable And I do believe that the Spirit of God that led the Man and Woman to pray stop'd thee and therefore thou hast brought forth this bad Birth of Lies and Slanders which thou hast cast upon God's People and before thou comest to try False Worships or Prophets or Preachers thou must deny the False Spirit in thy self R. W. And thou say'st I ask May any Soul out of Curiosity go to hear a Strange Preacher in whom I have not Faith that he is sent from God especially if there be not a Free Liberty for my Quaeries and Objections and Searchings as the Bereans did Answ. Doth not R. W. find fault with G. F's Sense of English who saith I or any Soul but others may have Liberty to go where thou hast not Faith But if R. W. and the New-England Priests and Professors do practise this Question which he asketh then why do not they practise the Royal Law To do to another and let them have the same Liberty as they would have themselves which G. F's Opposites which R. W. seemeth to maintain would not grant for Tho. Good-year was cast into Prison for saying HVM when R. Baxter was Preaching in Oliver's days And why is there not so much Liberty then amongst the New-England Professors and Meeting-Places but they must be FINED for not going to hear a Preacher on whom they have no Faith nor Liberty to object and quaery nor search as the Bereans did if R. W. and the New-England Priests granted this Liberty to others as they would have themselves their Foundation had been down ere now and they needed not to have made Laws to HANG WHIP BANISH and IMPRISON And we do take heed what we hear and how we hear and what we join unto with the Light and Spirit of God though we are commanded to try all things and hold fast that which is Good And why dost thou say it was the Vnseasonable Spirit of Prayer because it crossed thee in thy Imaginations and Evil VVork then which thou now hast brought forth R. W. And thou say'st What do we mean by the Spirit 's Quenching can the Spirit of God be Really quenched Answ. Hast not thou often quenched the Motions of it by following thy Imaginations and thy own dark Spirit and not being led by it and therefore doth the Apostle Exhort the Saints Not to quench the Spirit And when thou comest to obey it either in Praying or Prophecying or Rejoycing or Giving of Thanks or Proving all things with it then thou wilt know what it is to quench it and to see thy self in the Spirit of the Jews who were so much against Christ and his Apostles and thought they did God Service in so doing and that Light of Christ which thou hatest and the Spirit of God which thou quenchest will be thy Condemnation except thou Repent But if the Thessalonians should have asked Paul Can the Spirit of God be quenched as thou dost they that go from the Motions of it quench it as to themselves and come to be led by an Evil false Spirit as leadeth thee and such come to err from it and grieve it but they that obey the motions of it do receive from God his Heavenly Refreshings and are sealed with the Spirit of Promise Ephes. 1 11. R. W. And thou say'st Why do these Lazy Souls so horribly slight Reading and Studying Books yea God's Book as one of their Chief said to me laying his hand upon the Bible of Junius Art not thou past these yet Answ. What this One is he hath not named if this One had been a Quaker it 's like we should have had his Name in Print and so this is like the rest of his Lyes And we do read the Scriptures if he do mean that to be God's Book and also may be some of us have Read other Boo●s as well as he and as for his Scornful Expressions of Proud and Lazy Souls and Horrible Slighting these are the Fruits of his bad Spirit which he may apply at home And what good hath it done R. W. all this time Reading and Studying Books or God's Book and bring forth no better Fruits R. W. And thou say'st And why do they worship a Dumb Devil in their Dumb Meetings and stand still and listen and lie upon their Beds of Laziness for Revelations and Notions c. Answ. Let the Gentle Reader see if this be not from R. W's malicious Spirit For first he hath not proved that we VVorship a Dumb Devil in Dumb Meetings for he saith page 64 and 65 That at the General Assembly of the Quakers at New-port he was stopt by a VVoman's Praying and a Man's Praying Now is not this a plain Contradiction and hath not R. W. confounded himself here and his Evil Birth he hath brought forth We do Wait upon the Lord God in his Spirit and Light who Revealeth his things unto us by his Spirit and he doth Teach and Instruct us in the Night-season and gives us of his Songs and to stand still and see our Salvation and to worship God in the Spirit and Truth which thou and the Devil is out of and to Look unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our Faith And why dost thou scoff at our Listning unto the Lord for doth not the Lord say Listen O ye Isles unto me and hearken unto me ye People afar for the Lord hath called me from the Womb from the Bowels of my Mother hath he made mention of my Name c. Isai. 49 1 And as for Lazy Revelations and Notions thou must keep that at home for they are none of ours who are Diligent in serving the Lord. And G. F. doth not slight any Old Authors who hath laboured in God's Service and broken the Ice as thou falsly say'st but such as draw People from the Light of Christ within that they should see withal and then stuff People with Old Authors and Lies which they Print abroad as thine is here And thou say'st W. Edm. did frequently call thee at Newport Old Man Old Man which it seems thou countest as a great Disgrace to thee but that is not to be compared with all thy soul and ungracious Words in thy Book against us And dost thou see thy self and how thou callest thy Neighbour White Devil and what Abusive Names thou hast given to the People of God in scorn called Quakers R. W. And thou bringest in John Burton Fol. 206 saying It is a Scripture of
Hearts and is the Body and Soul and Root and Branch of their whole Religion Answ. Truly R. W. we may use the Proverb and say Thy Tongue is no Slander for thou art given up to Lies and abusest us with them Neither do we abuse the Scriptures but esteem of them and as for the Pope c. thou should'st have gone to Rome and told them these Words And as for Worldly Advantages and Religion rooted upon It is not our Religion but hath been the Religion of New-England as witness their SPOILING of our Goods worse than ever did the Papists R. W. Bringeth from G. F's Fol. p. 243 Richard Sherlock's saying We must not look for an Immediate Extra-ordinary Miraculous Teaching from the Lord. G. F. Answ. Yet he saith All Men are Taught Of God what Confusion is here The Grace of God which bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto all Men and this he calleth an Outward Teaching by the Lord Jesus Christ is that which bringeth Salvation Outward all in the Truth may judge this and try thy Spirit And the Teachings of the Lord are not only Mediate but Extra-ordinary also above all Yours which are Men got up since the Days of the Apostles R. W. replyeth and saith Although I have spoken before of their Immediate Inspirations yet seeing how greedily and boastingly this Deluded Soul with Scorn and Contempt of all his Opposites sucks in the Poyson of Devilish Inspiration instead of the pure Wine and Milk of the Christian Truth and milks out this Poyson into the Mouths of his Poor bewitched Followers Answ. Let the Reader observe what Railing Expressions he giveth in the Front of his Reply that God's Teaching in his Covenant of Grace and by his Spirit he calleth B●●sting Deluded Souls Scorn and Contempt a Sucking-in of Poyson and the Devil's Inspiration bewitching his poor Bewitched Followers that follow God's Teaching as though God's Teachings were not pure Wine and Milk and Christian ●r●ths but God's Immediate Teaching is Poyson to R. W. R. W. saith That G. F. affirmeth That the Teachings of the Lord are not Mediate but Immediate and Extraordinary c. Contrary to the whole Stream of the S●●●●●tes and Experience Contrary to Psal. 9. Contrary to God's Teachings in every Man's Nature and God 's Teaching the Fowls and Abraham's Teaching his Children and the ordinary Teaching and Feeding by Shep-herds and Contrary to the Teaching of the Holy Scriptures written by the Immediate Breath of God This great Wrester of Holy Scriptures saith They shall be all Taught of God and Contrary to the Ordinary Teachings of the Priests and Levites c. Answ. The Teaching of God in his New Covenant is as the Apostle saith Heb. 8. The Lord saith I will put my Laws into their Minds and write them in their Hearts and I will be to them a God and they shall be to me a People and they shall not Teach every Man his Neighbour and every Man his Brother saying Know the Lord for all shall know me from the Least to the Greatest c. and Isaiah saith Ch. 54. All thy Children shall be Taught of the Lord and Christ saith Joh. 6. All thy Children shall be Taught of God and this of God's Teaching in the New Covenant is above Nature's Teaching and Outward Mediate Teaching and the Priests and Levites Teaching in the Old Covenant And this is not Contrary to the Scripture nor true Experience but according to it and not Wresting the Scriptures which saith They shall be all Taught of God And as for Abraham's Teaching and that in Psal. 9. and the Apostle's Teaching what are your Teachers to them who are got up since the Apostles And if the Scriptures were written by the Immediate Divine Breath of God and they were made Ministers by Divine Revelation can any understand the Scriptures but by the Divine Spirit and is that Mediate or Immediate And doth not Moses say A Prophet will God raise up unto you c. and him shall ye hear and he that will not hear this Prophet shall be cut off R. W. Saith What is there in G. F's wild Notion Can that which bringeth Salvation be Outward c. Answ. The Grace of God which hath appeared to all Men which bringeth Salvation Teacheth us that denying Vngodliness and Worldly Lusts and to live soberly and Godly c. Tit. 2. and this thou callest a Wild Notion but that is thy own and wilful Ignorance And is this Grace of God Outward which bringeth Salvation And as for our Men and Women-Apostles their Teaching it is in the Power and Spirit of Christ and they turn People from Darkness to Light and so to God and Christ's Teaching and to the New Covenant and do not keep People always under Teaching saying like the New-England-Priests But thou wouldst see a Sign and a Miracle like the Adulterous Generation the Priests Scribes and Pharisees thy Fore-Fathers And as Assisted by the Devil's Doctrine R.W. this suiteth thy own Spirit best and thou hast proved nothing against us but thy self to be a Liar and Ignorant of God's Teaching in his New Covenant R. W. Thou say'st While they cry out Light Light there is none as Isaiah speaketh not a Spark of Light within them Answ. Here thou wrongest Isaiah's Words and thou bringest them in Opposition to the New Covenant and givest the Apostle the Lie who saith God who commanded Light to shine out of Darkness hath shined in our Hearts to give us the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ which we and all true Christians have and witness in our Hearts And what must we Conclude from R. W's Words That he and the New-England-Priests have not a Spark of the Light within them that the Apostle speaketh of John telleth you Your Darkness cannot comprehend it Then thou and you are Pitiful Blind Teachers Disputers and Oratours and ye are like to be no other that call Light Darkness and Darkness Light R. W. Goeth on to his 43 Instance where he brings-in Christopher Wade G. F. Fol. p. 247. saying The written Word is the Sword of the Spirit and he maketh another Rule beside the Scripture False G. F. Answ. Which we say is the Spirit which gave them forth whereby Peace is known upon the Israel of God And the Pharisees had the Scripture but had not the Sword of the Spirit the Scriptures testifie of the Sword of the Spirit R. W. saith I reply and affirm The Spirit of God cannot here be the Sword intended 1. This Spiritual Furniture being a Similitude taken from War-like Furniture Helmet Breast-plate Shield Shoes c. and every one applyed to Gifts and Means flowing from God's Spirit as Faith Hope Sincerity c. it were most improper then to bring in God or the Spirit to be the Sword or any of the other Pieces 2. There is no more Reason to make the Spirit of God to be the Sword than the Shield 3. It seems
of Christ's mouth that which is not of him was not that of Christ that he breathed upon his disciples when he said Receive ye the Holy Ghost what was that a Figure of if not of a Participation of his own Breath Life and Spirit and if so it seemeth this that cometh out of Christ's mouth must be his breath By the Brightness of his Coming and the Breath of his mouth he shall destroy the man of sin that is by his Spirit what now Roger is it not Christ's Breath that goeth out of his Mouth that destroyeth and is it not his Breath his Spirit doth not both the Hebrew and the Greek say so wherefore the Sword with Two Edges that cometh out of Christ's mouth is the Spirit by which he destroyeth and will destroy the man of sin and all such scornful men as thou art if you repent not R. W. The●e great Interpreters are confounded in themselves for in Ephes. 4. the Spirit must be the Sword but in Hebr. 4. Christ must be the Sword with two edges being the Word of God and not the Spirit Answ. Thou writest as if thou ravest there is no such passage in Ephes. 4. Next for Hebr. 4 there is no such thing as making Christ the Two-edged Sword For the words are That the Word of God is sharper then any Two-edged Sword but that the Scriptures are not Christ and the Spirit as thou wouldst have it neither can they pierce even to the dividing asunder of soul and Spirit and of the joynts and marrow nor are they a discerner of the Thoughts and Intents of the Heart this were to make the Scripture a Spiritual and Invisible Being yea an Omnipresent one yea God For they declare that he that searcheth the Heart and trieth the Reins and telleth unto man his Thoughts the LORD OF HOSTS is his Name Thou art like the Apostate Jews that by thinking to Honour the Scripture dishonour God Christ Spirit and Scripture too But thou callest us Juglers for shifting from Christ to Spirit and Spirit to Christ again what Vnsavoury Words hast thou Is not Christ Jesus called the Word of God and is he not called the Quickning Spirit and is not the Spirit Christ's Spirit and can Christ be separated from his own Spirit but thou art Ignorant of that Vnion being in the Death and Alienation from Christ and his Spirit R. W. But it is Objected by G. F. That the Spirit was before the Scripture and gave forth the Scripture I answer What then G. F. is before his Book and gave it forth is it not therefore G. F's Word and Writing but G. F. himself Or is not the King's Majesty before his Declaration to the World is it not therefore the King's Word or is it the King himself Answ. What I say is true and R. W. shall not be able to deny it if he own plain Scripture For before the Scriptures were the Word was it was In the Beginning so were not the Scriptures The Word was with God and was God so were never the Scriptures All things were made by it that were made but nothing was ever Created by the Scriptures therefore not the Word of God but Words Again the Word of God that came to the Prophets was not the Written Word yet the Word therefore the Written Word was not that Word but a Declaration of that Word and came from the Word so that which was before the Scriptures and from whence they came is the Word and not themselves So that what thou Alludest to confoundeth thy self G. F. is before his Writing and the Writing is not G. F the King is b●fore his Declaration and the Declaration is not the King In like manner the Word is before the Scripture and the Scripture is not the Word but a Declaration of that Word and the Words of that great Word So we are for the Form of Sound Words that proceed from that Divine Word that dwelt in Enoch Abraham and the Patriarchs before the Scriptures were and in the Holy Prophets and Apostles before they gave forth the Old and New-Testament-Writings which they directed the Antient Saints to and desired that it might dwell richly in them R. W. Thou say'st This Immediate Inspiration of the Holy Scripture from the Spirit makes it a Word so powerful a Standard Touch-stone or Weights so perfect for the Tryal of all Spirits Writings Doctrines Religions Worships Actions c. Answ. The Immediate Inspiration of the Holy Scripture is no Scripture-saying neither can the Scripture Inspire Thou bringest-in From the Spirit if thou meanest that they are Given forth by Inspiration we own it if thou intendest more 't is Erroneous for Inspiration is by the Spirit of God only Now the Scripture is a S●aled Book to thee and thy Generation neither knowest thou the Meaning of it for it is only given to the Spiritual Man to Discern he that is lead and guided by the Spirit but thou shuttest the Spirit out the Scripture is sufficient Wherefore thou art ignorant of the Scriptures for they are not to be learned but by the Spirit that gave them forth they are shut up from all the Wisdom of this World therefore the Jews understood them not but persecuted Jesus by them as they d●rkly imagin'd as thou dost us and thought in them to find Eternal Life and not in Christ whom they discerned not as thou dost not the Children of Light But do the Scriptures try Spirits they say the Anointing is to do it whom shall we believe But Roger Tryal of Spirits is more than Tryal of Doctrines Writings and External Truth What! if a Man profess all the Doctrines of the Apostles and were outwardly not to be condemned in his Conversation yet might have a Deceitful Spirit to gather to himself and endeavour to supplant the true Servants of God and an all occasions use the Words of the Prophets and Apostles and say Thus saith the Lord but God never spoke by him how wouldst thou try this Spirit and this Power what Chapter or Verse would give thee a Savour and Discerning of the Spirit of this Deceiver this Wolf in the Sheeps-Cloathing to try not the Words but the Nature Life and Spirit that useth them But it hath ever been the Devil's Way in his Instruments since the Scriptures were given forth to pretend to Stand up for the Scripture when the Design is to war against and undervalue the Power Spirit and Anointing endeavouring to bring it into Disgrace But the Lord beholds these things and he will overtake such Evil Instruments with his Judgments and his Power and Spirit and Seed of Life and Holy Anointing which the Scriptures of Truth testifie of shall appear more and more and go over all R. W. Thou say'st further But the Pharisees saith G. F. had the Scriptures but they had not the Sword of the Spirit I answer The Jews had and have and so the Turks have had much of it the Papists and the Quakers
Preaching nor Baptism nor the Supper nor Afflictions avail except the Spirit of God set them home upon us and many have the Scriptures and yet know not Christ. So that this Answer is so Loose and Childish that none but Fools and Children and Frantick Persons can find any Savour in it Answ. The Reader may see how R. W. Contradicteth himself He saith The Scripture doth not avail except the Spirit of God set it home upon us and Many have the Scripture and yet know not Christ and yet The Scripture is the Sword the Only Sword and is counted the Sword with which the Lord Jesus vanquished the Devil and the Touch-stone and Judge and Tryer of Spirits and the Ground of Christ's and the Saints Faith saith R. W. And thou say'st This Choice Sword may be put in a Mad-Man's Hand whereby he may mischief and wound and kill himself and others pag. 88 89 and pag. 94. he saith The Scriptures do not avail except the Power of God set them home upon us and confesseth Many have the Scriptures and not Christ. Now R. W. and ye New-England-Priests how can the Scripture which will not avail without the Spirit in the Hand of the Wicked or Mad-Men Wound and Kill themselves and others and be the Only Sword and the Means to resist the Devil and yet will not avail which Scriptures they may have and not know Christ is this your Great Oratour that must steer the Church of New-England's Helm see his Contradictions And as for Fools Childishness Poyson Frantickness and no Savour nor Tast in my Answers this he might have kept at home with his Contradictions with his False Birth he hath struggled to bring forth R. W. For further Answer to this thou bidst Read Owen's Writings how he proves the Scriptures every Title of them to be the Word of God Answ. The People of God called Quakers never denyed the Scripture to be a Declaration of the Will or Mind of God and so R. W's and Owen's Work is Childish and Vain to prove that against the Quakers which they never denyed but maintain And Owen and R. W. how cometh it to pass that you have not written against the English School-Master which doth not tell us that the Scripture signifieth the Word but the Scripture signifieth Writing and put it down and called it in before now R. W. Thou bringst Samuel Palmer from G. F's Fol. 264. saying The State of the Soul in this Life is threefold Creation Corruption and Regeneration G. F. Answ. In Regeneration the Life is changed from the Life which is in the Fall So Regeneration and Corruption is not one in the New Life R. W. Replyeth and saith Regenerations and Corruptions are not one in the New Life Answ. But must they have this New Life while they be upon the Earth without Corruptions if so then how have the Saints a Battle and a Warfare all their days as in thy pag. 68. is not this a Contradiction R. W. saith What a foul Trick is this of a False Man to impute this to his Opposite which he abhorreth I guess or he means that in Regeneration there is a Perfection and no Sin or Corruption left Answ. Dost thou Abhor and J. O. a Sinless Regeneration without Corruption and Sin what Regeneration is that that must have Sin Corruption and Imperfection and what are People Regenerated from and are not they Regenerated and Born again c. R. W. Thou say'st Hence the poor Frantick Souls cry out that the Protestants plead for Sin Term of Life Answ. Dost not thou make it good and maintainest a Battle betwixt Flesh and Spirit all the Days pag 68. and how therefore canst thou call us Poor Frantick Souls for declaring that which thou maintainest And bringest Paul to prove it when Paul telleth thee The Law of the Spirit of Life hath made him free from the Law of Sin and Death Rom. 8. and that he had Fought a good Fight and kept the Faith then he was not FIGHTING when he had FOVGHT nor Crying nor Complaining nor Wailing as thou say'st from Rom. 7. And callest us Foolish poor Souls with Simple Answers and this thou might'st have kept at home who dost not understand Paul's Condition for Paul was not all his Days Complaining Crying and Bewailing in that Condition for he Preach'd the Gospel and bid others to rejoyce and rejoyced himself R. W. Thou say'st The Devil deals with Us as Pirates do with Ships he makes no Opposition against such he hath taken and is possessed of Answ. R. W. Thou and the New-England-Priests might have kept those Railing Words at home who do the Devil's Works not Christ's nor God's For thou and they out of the Light of Christ and his Spirit would gather all to your selves but Christ is Risen and is gathering People to God by his Light and Spirit that maketh thee to rage whose Ship is split in the Sea R. W. So that no question but the Quakers may be freed from many Transgressions and Temptations to them which others are assaulted with Answ. But R. W. how can the Quakers be freed from many Transgressions and Temptations to them which others are assaulted with when the Devil deals with them as the Pirate with Ships and he hath taken them and doth possess them and is possest of how can these be freed from Transgressions and Temptations dost not thou herein Contradict thy self R. W R. W. It is a great Mystery which neither Jews Turks Atheists Papists or Quakers know how the Seed of all Grace may be in the New-Born and yet the Seed of all Sin Answ. This is R. W's Mystery but he hath not proved it by Scripture That the Seed of all Sin is in the New-Born and the Seed of all Grace we charge R. W. and all the New-England-Priests to make this good by plain Text of Scripture as in his 96 Page And the Apostle saith If any Man be in Christ he is a New Creature Old things are past away behold all is become New 2 Cor. 5 and the Apostle saith Put off the Old Man which is Corrupt according to the deceitful Lusts and put on the New Man which after God is created in Righteousness and true Holiness Ephes. 4. Now is it not Blasphemy for R. W. to say The Seeds of all Sin are in the New-Born and the Seeds of all Grace so R. W. hath masht all together For there are Seeds of Sin in the Old Man which is to be Put off for John saith 1 Joh. 3. Whosoever is Born of God doth not commit Sin for his Seed remaineth in him and he cannot Sin because he is Born of God And whosoever is Born of God overcometh the World and this is the Victory that overcometh the World even our Faith Whosoever is Born of God Sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself that the Wicked One toucheth him not So the Seed of Sins are not in the New-Born but in the Old
but God's Election cannot be destroyed Is not Christ called the Elect and are not all his Saints Elect in him and dies no more and they cannot pluck them out of his Father's Hand but thy Knowledge of this is like the Skill of Men framing of Books Houses and Ships which thou callest Vanity And as for the Scriptures the Light of Christ is not Contrary to them but owneth them which Light and Spirit we are in blessed be the Lord for ever which leadeth into all Truth of them R. W. Thou say'st As to the Seed and Election we know they make themselves the Seed and Election 2. They make Christ the Seed that is themselves 3. They make God and the Spirit of God the Seed the Seed in every Man which they Preach to by them the Imprisoned Seed and when one turneth Quaker then God cometh out of Prison c. They make no Distinction between God and Christ and Spirit and Themselves as Fox in his Book plainly tells us c. God himself is hearkened to then the Soul so Hearkening becomes God Deified with God and God with God c. whose Infinite Being and Essence these poor Proud Bruits have not so much Sight of as the Devil Answ. These Words are R. William's own Blasphemous Words and Forgeries from his Lying Imaginations let the Reader see if there be any such Words in all G. F's Book to T. T. the Great Ranter which R. W. is joyn'd withal against us But is not Christ called the Seed and how the Promise was to the Seed not to the Seeds as many but one and to thy Seed which is Christ Gal. 3. And is not Christ called the Seeds-man that soweth his Seed upon all Grounds and are not these Grounds in the Heart of Man and were not the Apostles Ministers Sowers to the Spirit and was not the Spirit in Man of which they reap Life Eternal but R. W. and his New-England-Priests it seemeth Sow to the Flesh in Man of which they may Reap a great Crop of Corruptions And is not this Seed Spiritual that Christ Soweth but is not the Seed in the Prison in thee or under the Clods which Christ soweth as scorch't or choak'd that thou railest so much at it where it bringeth forth Fruits to God who is a Spirit in the Good Ground And we do not make Our selves the Seeds-Man God and Christ and Spirit as thou belyest us for we make a Distinction the Lord knows the Seed teacheth us to deny our selves and to follow Christ the Seeds-man And do not I make a Distinction between God and Christ when I say often that God did not dye but Christ according to the Flesh And never did we say By Hearkening the Soul became God or God Deifyed and God with God for God who breathed into Man the Breath of Life and he became a Living Soul is not that part of his Breath And when thou hast framed a Meaning of thy own Words which are not of ours thou callest it our Ignorance and say'st We are fallen like the fallen Spirits and we have not so much Sight as the Devil and yet pag. 74. thou say'st That God hath endowed me with Excellent Natural Parts and many of us yea with the Light of the Holy Scripture a Light of Experience and Common Motions from God's Holy Spirit so R. W. see how thou Confoundest thy self But blessed be the Lord we are in Christ Jesus who bruiseth the Devil the Serpent's Head who is the Author of these Lies and Forgeries against us in thee and they touch us not And we never said as thou wickedly say'st That God was in Prison or cometh out of Prison it is He and his Son that putteth us out of Prison R. W. bringeth Tim. Trav. the Ranter's Words Fol. G. F. 326. saying The Manifestation of the Spirit is given to every Man in the Church to profit withal and not to every Every Man in the World G. F. Answ. The Manifestation is given to Every Man to profit withal WITHOVT DISTINCTION the Apostle saith I will pour out of my S●irit upon ALL FLESH saith the Lord and the Spirit of Truth shall lead the Saints into all Truth and he shall Reprove the World and that which Reproveth the World is manifested to the World R. W. replyeth G. F. is like a Cow with a Kettle on her Head giving every one warning to stand clear he boldly slanders on and tumbles Heaven Earth and Hell together Answ. Let the Reader see what vain wild frothy Words this Old Doting Man uttereth forth scornfully and see if there be any such Words as his are in G. F.'s Answer And we do charge R. W. and his New-England-Priests to make this good by Scripture and let us see where it is written that Heaven Earth and Hell can be tumbled together according to R. W.'s Doctrine that he hath Published to the World in Print R. W. Thou bringest 1 Cor. 12. and Rom 12. Ephes. 4. and tell'st How God bestowed Gifts and Endowments on such whom he pleaseth and how he gave his Gifts and Ministrations to his Church c. and then thou say'st But this Prophane Mouth has something to say for it self and then thou say'st Was this as he speaks without all Distinction done Actually was it Vniversally so with all the Individual Men in the World c was not there a wonderful Wall of Separation between Jews and all other Nations c. And further thou say'st Thou observest how vainly this Deluded Soul cheats himself and others with the Term of All Flesh Every Man All the World and so with the Term Light Christ Spirit c. and thou askest Whether all the Believers had these Gifts to wit Prophecies and Fiery Tongues belong they to all the Men and Women in the World who never saw nor heard of any Glimps of the Sun of Righteousness c. Answ. The Scriptures 1 Cor. 12. Rom. 12. Ephes. 4. we own and the Order and Practice of the Gifted Men in the C●urch of God but the Apostle he maketh no Distinction he saith in plain Words The Manifestation of the Spirit of God is given to Every M●n to profit withal he doth not say Only to the Saints So he maketh no Distinction not only the Saints the Corinthians And the Separation betwixt Jews and Gentiles Christ hath broken down and of Twain maketh One New Man and doth not Christ Enlighten the Jews with his Divine Heavenly Light which is the Life in the Word as well as the Gentiles and saith Believe in the Light they that Believe in the Light are One in Christ and if not with the Light they are Condemned And we do not say that All the Churches had the Fiery Tongues c. there is no such thing in my Answer to T. T and so neither have all the Men and Women in the World these Gifts belonging to the Church how should they if they hate the Light of Christs and quench a●d err
from his Spirit and resist the Holy Ghost But thou say'st The Men and Women in the World have never seen or heard of any Glimps of the Sun of Righteousness What! have they never heard of Christ the Sun of Righteousness I believe there is Millions of Men and Women in the World that will say thou art a Lyar. For were not the Apostles to Preach the Gospel Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousness to all Nations and doth not the Apostle say The Gospel was preached to EVERY CREATVRE VNDER HEAVEN whereof he was made a Minister Col. 1 23. and the Apostle saith Have they not all heard YES VERILY Rom. 10 and the Prophane Mouth thou speakest with is thy own If they hate the Light of Christ and quench his Spirit that God hath poured upon them and erred from his Spirit then they are not like to See him indeed and will not Hear him in the Spirit and his Light they will not See him nor Hear him like the Pharisees and thou R. W. And why dost thou fret thy self about the Light and the word ALL and EVERY MAN but thy Spirit is the Sect-maker and would not have ALL nor EVERY MAN who art opposite to the Prophets and Apostles Doctrine Peter saith It shall come to pass in the last Days saith the Lord I will pour out my Spirit upon ALL FLESH to wit Sons Daughters Young-Men Old Men Servants Hand-maids Joel 2. Act. 2 and John saith This is the true Light which was Life in the Word which lighteth EVERY Man that cometh into the World And Paul saith to Titus The Grace of God which bringeth Salvation hath appeared unto ALL MEN and Christ bid his Disciples To go into All Nations to Preach the Gospel unto Every Creature and the Apostle saith That the Gospel was Preach'd unto Every Creature under Heaven But R. W. saith Men and Women in the World who have never seen or heard of any Glimps of the Sun of Righteousness and yet thou say'st pag. 28. I find in all Mankind a Conviction that God is IVST and Powerful and again I find all Men confess that the Will or Word or Mind of God is PVRE I find that First There is Generally in all Mankind in the World a Conviction of an Invisible Omnipotent and Eternal Power and Godhead and pag. 102. Men and Women in the World have never seen or heard any Glimps of the Sun of Righteousness thou say'st how now R. W. dost not thou Contradict thy self here dost thou Divide the Word here as thou accusest me is this New-England's Great Oratour And so as for Vnclean Beast and Proud Fancy and Vainly and Wickedly deluding and Soul-Cheating thou might'st have kept this in thy own Bottle R. W. Thou say'st G. F's 2d Answer here is to wit The Spirit of God shall lead the Saints into all Truth and R. W. saith I observe here how like a Skittish Jade this Wild Soul runs in and out c. before he brings in the Spirit of God poured out upon the Common World and now he brings in the Spirit leading the Saints the next word he concludes is Every Man in the World to have the Spirit c. Answ. Dost not thou confess that the Holy Spirit testifieth that he is the Comforter of the Saints and is he not the Leader also and dost not thou confess that the Spirit is the Reprover of the World p. 102 103. then hast not thou made thy self the Skittish Jade thou speakest of and Running in and out are not these Vnsavoury and Vnseemly Words out of an Old Man's Mouth that professeth Christianity And if the Spirit of Truth doth Reprove the World and God hath poured his Spirit upon All Flesh then is not this the Common World and if it be upon All Flesh is not Every Man come into the World else how will God Judge the World in Righteousness according to the Gospel Thou confessest That the Holy Ghost is a Reprover of the World and that he Reproveth the World in his Threatnings and Judgments and doth not he then Reprove the World for its Unrighteousness Judgment and Unbelief also and if thou didst not Resist it it would Reprove thee for thy Vnrighteousness False Judgment and Vnbelief as Christ saith R. W. Dost not thou say The World mocks at this Holy Spirit Banisheth Imprisoneth and Murdereth such in whom the true Spirit of God appeareth And further thou say'st It is Lying Peor tells us That all the VVorld without Distinction have the Manifestation of the Spirit of God to profit withal There have been Persons professing the Order of the Holy Ghost yet are far from the Savour of the Holy Spirit Answ. This is thy own Condition R. W. and thy own New-England-Professors who Resist it as Stephen saith Act. 7. and Mock at it and BANISH IMPRISON and MVRTHER such in whom the Spirit of God appeareth this hath been the Practice of the New-England-Priests and Professors to the Dishonour of Christianity And doth not the Apostle say God will pour out his Spirit upon all Flesh WITHOVT DISTINCTION as Peter saith and is not this All the Men and Women of the World what Flesh dare say but they have the Reproofs of God's Spirit when they do Ill except it be such as R. W. and R. W's Professors that quench it and have erred from it so thou may'st take thy Lying Peor to thy self And so it is thou that art resisting and fighting against the holy Spirit of God And can any profit in the things of God without the Manifestation of the Holy Spirit that is given to profit withal and Peter and Paul say to All flesh and to Every Man so it is their Doctrine thou oppossest not with the Spirit but with the dark fleshly mind And thou tellest a story of Babilonish Orders and of Absolom which if thou did'st see that thy own Condition in the Light of Christ thou hatest it would be better for thee R. W. Thou say'st Oh! what Reproofs of God's Spirit hath G. F. and others of their Leaders had in and by so many Excellent Opposites and Scriptures and Arguments which G. F. here trampleth under his Prophane Feet without any Savour of the Spirit of God Answ. R. W. thou highly extollest the Ranters here Tim. Trav. the great Ranter one of our Opposites but thou hast manifest thy Spirit and what thou takest part with-al against the People of God And we have a Savour of the Holy Spirit of God and in it can Savour our Opposites or Old Persecutors Spirits not to be of Christ and it hath been the Evil Spirit is in thee and them that hath stroven against us And we know you may bring Scripture to a wrong End as the Devil did to Christ and the Lord hath given us Power over the Devil's Spirit blessed be his Name for ever and he hath blasted it and brought down which was up in Oliver's Days that Persecuting Spirit And we do own the Scriptures let●it
and Writing deny the Scriptures to be the Word of God and only that Frantick Light of Christ imagin'd by them to be in all Mankind to be the only Word of God yea is it of any use or more Value to them that have the Scriptures in their hearts as they say then a Dead Letter and an Old Almanack c. and thou say'st They undermine the Scriptures Answ. As for Face of Brass R. W. might have kept for himself his Face of Brass and Frantick Spirit he speaketh of we do not in no place in any of our Books or Writings as the Reader may see deny undermine or slight the Scriptures but do esteem them with the Spirit that led the Holy Men that gave them forth who learned them of God And they are called the Words of God and Christ is the Word of God who lighteth every man that cometh into the World with the Light which is the Life in the Word And this we must own if we own God and Christ and the Scriptures and are not a shamed of it afore men to wit of Christ the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the World which thou callest Blasphemously that Frantick Light or Christ but Roger it will be thy Condemnation And we never compared the Scriptures with an Old Almanack or esteemed them so in that thou belyest us and we cannot give the Titles to Scriptures which are belonging to God and Christ for the Word became Flesh and so not the Scriptures And Christ doth not say that the Life is in the Letter but in him and they testify of him who is the Life But R. W. is the Life in the Letter and is the Letter Living seeing thou say'st The Scripture availeth nothing except the Spirit of God set them home upon us pag. 94 and dost thou not say then The Word is good for nothing as thou callest the Scripture without Life and what sense is this R. W And can any people know the Scriptures except by the Spirit of God which leadeth into all Truth of them which we say in Truth and Sincerity as Christ and his Prophets call them to be the Words of God and thou that say'st otherwise dost not thou Add to the Scriptures and read thy Portion Revelat. the last And when thou hast forged many Words of thy own then thou makest a Reply to them and fall'st a railing at them and dost not reply to G. F's Words and the Reader may see there is none of these bad Words in G. F's answer as thou here falsly assertest R. W. quoteth a Book from Holland G. F.'s fol. 356 saying That God hath put out the Remembrance of your sins and the Corruptions within you wherein you must fight all your life time G. F. Answ. Whilst the Sins you are fighting with-al are not blotted out in your own Particulars this is not the Life of the Saints that are not fighting all their Life-time but come to the Kingdom of God witnessing Sin and Iniquity blotted out and the Everlasting Covenant of Peace and Life with God R. W. replyeth and falleth a railing with many Vnsavoury Words and saith He shews no Knowledge of the Hebrew and Greek whence our English Scriptures come from them as a Daughter from the Mother and falls short of many English Writers who scorn to disgrace their Mother English by so much Bastard and False English c. Answ. Here R. W. would seem to be some Body in his Hebrew Greek and Latin and let the Reader see if he hath not Condemn'd himself in Judging G. F though some Words may have been mist in the Printing or in Paging as many have in his but he hath not shewn which is the False English in this Place R. W. saith further If ever any poor empty Soul have talked of God without God and the Holy Spirit within without them or any true Savour of them and of the Holy Writings c. without them or any true Reverence of them and Love to them of Light without any Spark of true Illumination c. Answ. How angry and furious is R. W. here this is thy own Talk R. W. and not G. F's And Poor Empty Soul thou mightst have kept at home for can any Talk of the Holy Spirit within and have not a Savour or Sense if it be truly there within which we witness and we do Reverence the Scriptures and God and Christ with his Holy Ghost by which the Holy Men of God did speak them forth But how now R. W. do I Talk of the Light without any Spark of true Illumination and yet so great a Talent of Wit and Reason which the Father of Lights hath given me what hast thou forgotten this in thy App. p. 108. R. W. Thou say'st That no Sin is blotted ou● until there be no more Root or Seed of it in the Soul to Fight against and these are thy own Words of which thou makest a large Reply and not mine for my Words are The Saints are not Fighting all their Life-time And thou bringest Paul and the Galatians to Combate with Flesh and Spirit Gal. 5. and Paul did not the things that he would c. and Eph. 6 and Luk. 21 and 2 Cor. 7. c. and Christ speaking to the Churches to Watch to Overcome to Repent c. Answ. What is all this to the purpose to prove That the Saints were Fighting all their Life-time and had a Combate all their Life-time all these Scriptures do not prove it nor Paul's Warfare For Paul as I said before to thee said He had FOVGHT the good Fight and he was made free by the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus from the Law of Sin and Death though the Apostles and the Saints went through many Conditions before they came to this And the Prayer of Christ to Pray against Temptations c. so it is not a Sin to be tempted but a Sin to Enter into Temptation is owned And Christ's Prayer Forgive us as we forgive others c. if New-England-Priests and Professors had minded the Practice of this Prayer they had not CVT OFF THE EARS nor WHIPT or BANISHT SPOIL'D Goods and HANG'D God's People And doth not the Lord say I will blot out your Sins and your Sins and Iniquities I will remember no more and must not the Saints witness this upon the Earth in Growth in Grace and in the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the New-Covenant of Light R. W. saith If all that are in their Fancied Kingdom are freed from Sin and come to Peace and Joy why then do they themselves still confess to be subject to Quaking and Trembling as if they were at the Foot of Mount Sinai which indeed they are And then thou tellst of a False Peace Joy False Repentance Mortification Sanctification and Salvation c. Answ. R. W. that is thy own and Priests and Professors in New-England Condition and not ours And to Mount Sinai the
for thy Wicked Words here And for all thy Wicked Words and Blasphemies we cannot deny but must own the Apostle's Doctrine of the Spirit 's Teaching Really without any pretence and so G. F. meaneth as he speaketh and how the Ministers of the Spirit sow to the Spirit and Know ye not that Christ is in you Except ye be Reprobates and Christ is in the Saints the Hope of Glory whom the Apostle preached that he might rule the peoples hearts by Faith who doth rule now And all thy Railing Words are little to us We know that the Devil doth rage against Christ dwelling in his Saints and may persecute him in his Members but he is risen far above the Devil at the Right Hand of God and so he is too high for the Devil and his Journey-men to stab him as thou Wickedly say'st And we charge R. W. and all his New-England Priests to shew us where it is written in Scriptures that the living God and his Son can be stab'd and to prove these Horrid Blasphemies which we deny R. W. And thou say'st G. F. knows that we do affirm that no Reading or Hearing no Meditation no Afflictions c. can do a Soul any good until God by the Power or Finger of his own self or Spirit make the means Powerful and Effectual Answ. And R. W. dost not thou say pag. 88. that the Scripture was the Sword and the Only Sword and what R. W Reading Meditating Hearing will do the soul No Good until God by his Power and Finger and Spirit make the means Powerful and Effectual and what a Contradiction is this R. W. for pag. 88. thou say'st The Scriptures are the Only Sword by which Wicked men may kill and do hurt withal and now here It is of no Value without the Spirit and yet The Scriptures are the Ground and Author of Christ's and the Saints Faith and now thou hast overthrown thy own Assertions in thy Book withal Then R. W. thou grantest the Immediate Means of this Power and Spirit of God which thou hast been Fighting and Opposing all this while against us R. W. And thou tellest us of a Story or Proverb of a Sow Teaching the Goddess of Wisdom Answ. And this thou applyest to us but thou must apply it at home with all thy Mystical Filthiness thou speakest of and we can declare the Wisdom which we have received from Christ and God our Teacher and tell thee The Fear of God is the Beginning of it R. W. And thou runnest over and over about the Immediate Teaching of the Spirit of God within and art quarreling with the Immediate Spirit of God to G. F.'s Answer to T. H. And thou say'st again R. W. Their Spirit will tell us That God and Christ c. New Covenant and Faith and Holiness c. are all in Prison in every Man Answ. How often hast thou spoken this over and over in thy Book which are thy own Forged Lies aud not my Words as the Reader may see in my Books there is no such thing in my Book or Writings for they are Words I never heard afore For Christ is ascended far above all the Heavens and sitteth at the Right Hand of God you cannot Imprison him or his Father though his Light ye may hate and his Spirit ye may grieve and quench but as I said before it will Judge and Condemn you And we do confess The Spirit of Truth will lead us into all Truth and to God and Christ from which it cometh though thou Scoffingly say'st Round in a Conjuring Circle That Christ brings to Christ c. which yet thou confessest To be True What! hast thou brought thy self into the Conjuring Circle howbeit the Light that cometh from Christ doth give us the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus and this is Scripture the Apostles Doctrine R. W. saith The Lord boasts of his Servant Job to the Devil to be a Perfect Man as the Quakers urge Job 1. but God School'd him for his Pride and Impatience c. by Elihu and his own Voice and Job Confessed his Pride and Ignorance and abhorred himself and professed he would prate no more and abhorred himself as in Dust and Ashes And G. F. in his Book abhors the Term of Dust and Ashes c. with a many more Railing Words Answ. That is False for G. F. no where in his Book abhorreth Dust and Ashes as the Reader may see And R. W. what an Ill Garb hast thou put God's Words in here I charge thee and the New-England-Priests That God and Elihu did School Job or that God boasted let us see Scripture for this Doth Job mention the Word PRATING thou canst not speak Scripture-Language who art out of the Fear of God and Reverence of his Words for if thou did'st thou wouldst not Add so to them and speak that which they do not speak to corrupt Peoples Minds For the Lord saith That there is none like Job in all the Earth and Vpright and a Perfect Man one that feareth God and escheweth Evil Job 2. and it is said In all this Job did not sin with his Lips in all this Job did not charge God foolishly in his Sufferings Job 1 22.2 ●0 But thou say'st God and Elihu School'd him for him Pride but thou hast not shewed us Chapter and Verse for it so they be thy own Words Job saith no such thing of God That he School'd him for his Pride and Impatience though Job did Humble himself and what he said we own and God to him R. W. Thou say'st If it please God to shew him to wit G. F. and me truly what Sin is and what Justice is and what an Infinite Price must pay for the least Evil Thought c. if it please God by any of these Means he useth to imprint these and other such Heavenly Considerations upon our Souls we shall then for all our Pretences cry out with Peter Depart from me for I am a Sinful Man and with Job in Dust and Ashes But I fear G. F. is so taken up with with his Sitting with Christ in Heavenly Places with Immediate Dictates of his supposed Holy Spirit that God's Speaking thus to Poor Worms after the way of Men and by these Outward Means stinks in his Nostrils which if so and so Irrecoverably I desire and desire all that love God and their own Salvations to flee from him as from Korah's Pride and his Plagues for his Vial is pouring on him in Spiritual Judgments and shall be pouring out on him in Spiritual and Corporal Torments to all Eternity Answ. How now R. W Is R. W. got up in the Seat of God like Muggleton turn'd a Reeve and Muggletonian doth not Christ tell thee Thou must not Judge lest thou be Judged and Thou must Pluck the Beam out of thy Own Eye before thou pluck'st it out of thy Brothers And hast thou forgot thy self that thou werest Praying to God
for G. F. thy self a few Lines afore for To let thee and him see what Sin is and what Justice is and what Infinite Price must pay for the least Evil Thought and then presently after thou say'st The Vial is pouring out on him in Spiritual Judgments and shall be on him in Spiritual and Corporal Torments to all Eternity How canst thou say It shall be and is and yet art to be shewed to thee What Sin is and the Price to pay for the Evil Thought what Confusion is this And is not this thy Doting in Darkness with a Reven ful Malicious Spirit that can'st pass Sentence upon another who dost not yet truly know what Sin is nor the Price how shouldst thou when thou hatest the Light of Christ who dyed for Sin and hath bought us with a Price I know the Price and am to Glorify God with Soul Body and Spirit which are his It seemeth thou dost not truly know what Sin is nor God's Justice nor Infinite Price paid for Evil Thoughts and Natural Disposition on the Old Score to wit of Sins and those Gratious Means of Christ Jesus are not yet imprinted in thy Heart by the Light of Christ and his Spirit and thou hast not cryed out with Peter for thou hast not that Heavenly Consideration upon thy Soul as he had being out of his Light and Spirit And how shouldst thou since thou dost not truly see what Sin is nor the Price thou hast not felt the Blood of Christ to Sprinkle the Conscience as we and the Saints have done nor the Light of Christ to shew thee thy Sin and Christ from which it cometh to save thee from thy Sin Neither hast thou seen Job's Condition Once have I spoken yea Twice and abhorred himself c. and if thou hadst thou wouldst never have uttered so many Lies and Slanders and False Judgments upon me and God's People which toucheth us not And as for thy Spiritual Judgments Plagues and Vial and Spiritual and Corporal Torments to all Eternity it is Absolutely turned UPON THY OWN HEAD This Sentence thou canst not Cast upon me for it is from a Presumptuous Envious and Malicious Spirit in thee for how should'st thou pass such a Sentence when thou dost not know truly what Sin is nor the Price c. on the Old Score and hast No Voice nor Motion in thy Heart to listen to of Heavenly Things And therefore R. W All will come upon thy self and what Measure thou measurest to me or another it will come to thee again and will press down and run over thou wilt have it Poor Man and it toucheth not me And as for Korah's Pride thou may'st look at home and if thou had'st minded Job's Words Once I have spoken and Speak no more c. thou had'st never given forth this Lying Slanderous Book against me and God's People And God speaking to Poor Worms after the Way of Men c. by his Spirit Men by his Spirit understand hear and obey him So All the Means and Ways of God I do esteem and they do not Stink in my Nostrils as thou scornfully and scoffingly speakest and against the Immediate Dictates of the Spirit which thou callest Supposed Holy Spirit which Word SUPPOSED we deny for we own the Holy Ghost Really and have the Comfort of the Holy Ghost and Fellowship And thou Scoffingly say'st I fear G. F. is so taken up with his Sitting with Christ in Heavenly Places with Immediate Dictates of his Supposed Holy Spirit I fear his Case And thou that Sittest not in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus where dost thou Sit R. W. and ye New-England-Priests and Professors where do ye bring People to Sit in Sin and Death and Old Adam The Apostle saith Even We when we were Dead in Sins hath He quickned us together with Christ by Grace ye are saved and hath Raised us up together and made us Sit together in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus that in the Ages to Come he might shew the Exceeding Riches of his Grace in his Kindness towards us through Jesus Christ Ephes. 2. And now R. W. THESE AGES ARE COME and God hath quickned his People which was Dead in Sins and Trespasses and hath Raised us up together and made us Sit together in Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus So these Exceeding Riches and Kindness is manifest to us in these Ages through Jesus Christ that was Manifest to the Apostles GLORY TO GOD FOR EVER And thou that Sittest not here in this Heavenly Place in Christ Jesus art yet Dead in thy Sins Vn-quickned and read thy Sitting thy Life and Conversation Ephes. 2 2 3. And neither R. W. nor ye New-England-Priests can Pluck us out of the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus where God hath Raised us up by his Spirit above your Sin and Death where thou and the New-England-Priests Sit and Rail and Scoff and Persecute them that Sit in the Heavenly Places in Christ Jesus the AMEN who is the First and the Last GLORY TO GOD FOR EVER MORE through Jesus Christ G. F. I. B. The 5 th Month 1677. POST-SCRIPT ANd R. W. thou and the People know'st that thou brought'st G. F.'s Fol. 56. at the Dispute at Newport to prove That G. F. said The Blood of Christ was Corruptible and that it was like the Blood of another Man and from thence thou didst endeavour to prove That our Christ was not the True Christ and G. F. a Blasphemer But when the Place was read in G. F.'s Book it was found to be the Priest's Sayings and not G. F.'s to wit That the Blood of Christ was Corruptible and so like the Blood of another Man for G. F.'s Answer to the Priest is That the Blood of Christ which cleanseth from all Sin is Incorruptible as the Reader may read Fol. 56. And so R. W. seeing it were the Priest's Words and not G. F.'s which he brought to Condemn G. F. and us with-al in the Face of the Country and to prove That our Christ was not the True Christ he seeing that it was prov'd to be the Priest's Words out of G. F.'s Book and not G. F.'s he turn'd about to maintain the Priest's Words to wit That Christ's Blood was Corruptible and asserted as followeth Which was taken then in Characters and we do not question but that the Sober-minded Vnprejudiced People then there may remember the Words viz. 1. R. W. said I affirm That the Blood of Christ that he Shed was Material as another Man's and was Corruptible 2. R. W. said I say That the Blood of Christ was Corruptible and Corrupted with many other Vnsavoury Words John Stubs answered Take heed Roger what thou say'st We do not deny but Blood came out of his Side but yet we say That the Blood of Christ is Incorruptible and we say That we were never Able to pay or satisfy God yet Christ leadeth his People by his Spirit and reconcileth them to his Father c. And
F. and for which thou did'st condemn us and the true Lord Jesus Christ in whom we believe thou Justified'st in him and then asserted'st further as is before signified What Credit is to be given to such an one that will Condemn a thing because such a Man or people holds it and again will Justify the very same thing because an other in Opposition holds it Is not this the Case in this very Point as it is in very many things in thy Book As may be seen by all that read it how thou Judgest Condemnest and Opposest the very Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles because held forth by us wherein thou shewest rather Malice than so good as a blind Zeal And further we may tell thee That thy Memory hath either greatly failed thee or thy Malice hath transported thee far beyond the Government of it in thy Narrative in not Dealing faithfully in thy Relation For which with many others of thy false Charges the Lord will Judge thee For in this one particular thou may'st see how thou hast condemned thy self in the thing thou hast allowed And so in Judging another Condemnest thy self being guilty of the same for which thou hast condemned others which were Clear Men. G. F. I. B. A CATALOGUE OF R. W.'s Envious Malitious Scornful RAILING STVFF false Accusations and BLASPHEMIES which he Foully and Un-Christian-like hath scattered and dispersed throughout his Book and calls it Scripture-Language as followeth A Lantskip of a Battle Popish and Arminian Opposites the Quakers their Smoke out of the deep Pit Pope and Quakers their Enthusiasms and Impostures and their Cheatings the Oracles of Hell in their Mouths If the Most-High please Old and New-England may flourish when the Pope and Mahomet Rome and Constantinople are in their Ashes Epistle to the King Peter telleth us Satan's End is to fill his Hellish Paunch with Souls Is this thy Scripture-Language thou pretendest to use and art thou an Orator at the Throne of Grace with this Language W. E. a bundle of Ignorance and Boisterousness Samuel's Mantle Insolent bewitched filthy Dreamers the Whore The Holy Spirit of God that speaks and acts in you is Samuel's Mantle Spiritual Pride is the Root and Branch of your whole Religion The King Eternal who did cast out proud Angels out of his Palace will hardly open his Gates to proud and scornful Dust and Ashes Epistle to the Quakers The Devil by the Claws of this Wily Fox hath tore at the Heart of the Son of God Foxians Fancy is but a Feather to Pope and Mahomet whom some of you may live to see flung into the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone Epistle to Baxter Cheated Souls Anti-Christian blasphemous scornful p. 1. A new-Vpstart Image the Spirit of God so horribly torn in pieces by this foul Spirit of the Quakers bewitching many with Sorcery p. 2. Their Deceitfulness Foxians Iuncto His Holiness p. 4. A Leger de main-Trick proud and Insolent poor bald and biting with infectious Teeth A suttle Trick of the suttle Fox J. T. first gave Fire Which seemeth fired R. W.'s Combustions that maketh him to rage so in his bitter Language p. 5. My Antient Loving Friend J. T. and p. 15. he calleth I. T. a White Devil Quakers Spirit a Ditch or Gulf of proud and self-conceited Children of pride loose fading profane Atheists the wild and foolish Notions of the Devil's Whisperings under a Cloak the Fuel for the Quakers Fire of Hell p 6. Brutish Simplicity p. 7. That Whorish and Monstrous unnatural and brutish Impudency of yours p. 9. Their Dogged Barkings A Black Familiar that haunts the Quakers may by some Immediate Revelation employ some Malitious Soul to Murder me that foul and slanderous Spirit I. T. blasphemous p. 22. A dumb Spirit p. 23. Their grivous Insulting p. 24. A Braggadocia their vapor and gusts grievous Satan cheats them His Most Holy Name trodden in the Dirt by Satan clothed with Samuel's Mantle pride deceives them p. 25. Baalites p. 26. That strange and uncouth possessing of them of quaking and shaking comes upon them from the Spirit and Power of Satan They are but a New-Upstart Faction the Off-spring of the Grindletonians and the Nicolaitans Poison of those Libertines raised up by Satan from the Ruins and Rubbish of the Old Manicheans and Gnosticks and other Swarming Blind Guides p. 27. It is the Old proud Spirit in so many foul Lies a deceived and deceiving foul Spirit lying their lying Quakings lying preaching lying and abominable Their ugly Child Rantism rose from their Bowels the Ranters are the Quakers Daughter Adamites Their Quakings and Shakings the quaking and shaking Motions of the Quakers p. 28. The Horrid Shaking of the Quakers their horrid and monstrous Motions their notorious strange horrid Motions proceed from Satan to delude and cheat The Quakers affrighting shaking Chairs and Stools and strange Counterfeit Motions of Satan his Servants the furious Motions of the Baals-priests and of the Possessed Their Angry Gusts p. 29. The Devil an Ape of Counterfeit Quaking a Bastard Quaking p. 30. Ridiculous palpable and gross prodigious and monstrous evil Spirit of the Quakers p. 13. Pope and Quakers one Pope and Quakers the Pope and Quakers Pope and Quakers Quakers Monstrous Ru●●●ans God p. 32. The most-fierce Rage of the Devil a profane bloody Wretch in Ireland who found a Bible and with Indignation the same which I believe is in most Papists and Quakers c. p. 33. Who so Notoriously conspire against Christ in their dark and suttle Hellish Contrivings and Imaginations so upbraiding craftiest Foxes in their proud Surmises p. 34. G. F's prodigious Folly and Impiety in asserting The Light lets them see the Scriptures c so Cunning and Cheating Dens of Thieves painted Tombs full of Dead mens Bones and Rottenness p. 35. This subtle Fox their horrible and Simple profaning and wresting that willingly blind profane tumultuous Spirit suttle and impudent Foxes and Jesuits like dying drowning men ridiculous and uncivil p. 36. The Debate c. I knew they had as much mind to this work no not any guilty Soul as Bears to be tied to a stake to be baited And yet they came to look after him as he saith p. 23. viz They J. S. J. B. c. came to my house 6 or 7 together to tell me that they accepted of my Offer and had appointed a Day for it c. But of the 2d Day 's Dispute R. W. saith of himself p. 42. viz I heartily wished that I might rather have kept my Bed then have gone forth to a whole Day 's fresh Dispute with such reputed Able and Noted Champions And where was the ●ear then to be Tied to the Stake to be baited Foolish clamorous W. E. but a Flash of Wit a Face of Brass and a Tongue set on Fire from Hell of lies and Fury p. 37. The Popish and Arminian and Qs. cursed Nature I told them they were a Sect to be
Holy Spirit is no other but Satan himself The Spirit by which the Quakers are acted is but the Spirit of Satan the arrantest Iuggler and Cheater in the World this Juggler out-juggles the Jugglers he catches the craftiest Foxes that catch so many others is the great Cheater who cheats all Cheaters p. 84. Bold Babilonical Notorious a Cloak Irrational unruly spirit senceless Frantick the Devilish Inquisitors Monks and Friars exceed them not in spattering out Diablo possest by a blasphemous reviling foul Spirit p. 85. Notorious Cursing wicked rotten foul-mouth'd spirit their Impudency stinks up to Heaven unnatural dumb Spirits dumb Meetings dumb foul dumb Spirits which the Lord Jesus will cast out and tumble down to Hell from whence they came Their Monstrous notorious monstrous p. 86. False Iugglers gall'd Horse false and juggling Spirits escaping in a mist by dark Lanthorns running into Thickets and Burrows notoriously wresting uncouth barbarous false lying murtherous Spirit to be cast unto the Lake that burns with Fire and Brimstone Their Cuckoe's Note and Fools-bolt shot cursing no less then Reeve and Muggleto● and boast p. 87 Jews Papists and Quakers rotten absurd monstrous p. 88. Their Abomination's a Negro slave or Laquey Jews Papists and Quakers horrible slighting dissembling subtle Trick Equivocation Jews Papists Common Protestants Quakers p. 89. New trick to the burrow revilings cursings abominations p. 90. Craking p. 91. Bastard-Children and Wolves swelling empty Words as in Jude G. F. vapours their Spirit Light Christ but Hellish Darkness the Spirit of Satan and a false lying Christ blasphemous praters blasphemous fancies fancy within The Devil the great Thief with the Pharisees Jesuits and Quakers The spirit breath or wind of the Devil in the lips of Atheists Jews Papists Quakers Ranters puffs and blows p. 92. Devil and his Messengers p. 93. Barbarous dark Spirit Papists and Quakers lying spirit crys out fiercely thick fogs of Hellish Ignorance impudent horrible Papist Atheist Quaker proud presumptuous impudent p. 94. Miserably and after the Devil's Method they make use of Scripture as a Sword to run through the heart and bowels of the Scripture and the Saints and Christ and God himself Counterfeit Christ Lies and lying Spirits Jews Pharisees Papist Quakers Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers fling Dirt Papists and Quakers p. 95. What Simpletons Notorious Covenant-breakers damnable wretched Juggler subtily confounds p. 96. Juggler Imaginary Christ within suttle wicked silly impious blockish blasphemous Bedlam Frantick wicked Anti-Christian p. 97. Their Idol a Fore-head of Brass and Adamant Satan's Followers a simple Image a meer Babie and Child's Puppet of their Immediate Word of Prophecy Madness cursed Opinions horrible bloody p 98. Devilish Lights and Spirits the workings of Satan by Spirits and Inspirations immediate Whisperings The Devil and the Quakers lying Spirit the Old Fox and Serpent Counterfeit picture Devil's Cheat horrible Wickedness Devil their lying Father Lie poison ugly spider Madness in this blind Dreamer p. 99. Suttle Foxes whisperings peepings vapourings pratings Children of howling Darkness Horror and Amazement Fantastick Filthy Jesuitical Diabolical dark Souls called Quakers The Devil Papist or Quaker Papists Jews Quakers venemous poisonous p. 100. Simple Sophister Fox in his burrough this subtle Fox and all other of Satan's Foxes must be catch'd and destroied his holes poor childish souls Devil a Fox A Devil of drunkenness of swearing stealing runs away from the Sermons of the Quakers as a Naughty Devil sometimes as the Chiding and Conjuring of a good Witch Pride Hypocrisy p. 101. Conceit superstitious Inventions ridiculous notorious brutish notorious Lies lame childish Aged doting Womens-Talk idle Repetitions brutish impious horrible Sophistry Deceivers p. 102. Mad Fancies of Christ Cloak and Cover Iugglers Abomination Whispering within Fox in his burrow p. 103. The Devil 's the old Fox his Devilish sutlety to make the cloak of the Spirit to fling themselves down from the Pinnacle of the Temple and this will be the Break-neck of the Quakers without Repentance every Soul of them Hypocrisies false spirits false prophets counterfeit Coin The Devil himself as black a Fiend Samuel's Mantle Judas the Traitors Kiss depths of Hypocrisy p. 104. Lies in Hypocrisy wicked Devilish Soul-deceivers Judas Sechemites Idolaters R. W. saith further I told them viz. I. S. W. E. I. B. my Charity bid me hope that the Quakers and themselves present were not of the first but of the second Sort to wit Soul-deceivers blind Guides blind Followers given up to believe Lies false Christs and Spirits and to do many things against Jesus of Nazareth and as Christ foretold them they shall think to do God Service to Kill himself in killing his Servants and that their Principles and Professions were full of Lies and Contradictions and of Hypocrisies and Dissimulations and then he saith I wondred that my Opposites and Auditors bare all this Load so silently Now if this be Charity let the Sober Judge more notorious Equivocators p. 105. Their Hypocrisies and Dissimulations more and more prodigiously ●bominable Iuggling of the Quakers jugglings dissimulations monstrous dissimulations p. 106. Pharisees He-Apostles She-Apostles boast pervert and poison Souls Deceitfully deceitful deceitful exalting the Spirit in the Philistian and Egyptian Sorcerers their persecuting principles p. 107. Dark Zealous Persecutors the Quakers peremptory Doom p. 108. Monstrous Pride Pope and Quakers Some of them say they are not only perfect as God in Holiness but also in power Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient Contradiction lie The old Romans with their lesser Gods and the Papists and Quakers all one foolish and blasphemous Souls p. 109. Silly Talk boast fallacious blockish blasphemous Fallacy contradiction fallacious juggling Souls p. 110. with a Fox-tail equivocating an Adulterous Wretch this Whorish Brood of Foxians Fire-brands Arrows and Death Horrid delusions juggling deceivers jugglings and Dreams Hocas Pocas juggling Horrible Egyptian Canting Language How the Devil calls Christ Beelzebub the Treacherous Revolters and Apostates from thee They call thy self and thy Saints Revolters and Apostates They boast with the bloody Papists and other Traiterous Rebels against thee c. these poor Apostates and Revolters p. 111. they break down thine Altars burn thy Temples scoff at thy Institutions cry up a false and Hellish Christ within Christen him with the Name of Light though he be thy Conquered Slave the Devil telling us he is thine Angel of Light who with his Counterfeit Soldiers of Light crucify thee and pierce and mock and curse thee the only true Son of God and Son of Man as ever Herod and Pilate the Priests and Judas the People and Soldiers did a part of R. W.'s Prayer The Hypocritical cursed Pharisees and your selves their Successors will find your selves when you wake in horrible Quaking and except ye repent Hell-Flames about your Ears Those whited Walls and painted Sepulcres horrible and hypocritical pharisees p. 112. Quakers and Pharisees stinking proud pharisees fools and blind monstrous abominable Lies in hypocrisy fools and
blind Mustard-trees stunted blended with the black Weeds Cockle and Darnel of Idolatries prophaneness pharisaism Hypocrisy abominable Lies Hypocrisy wonderful pride covetousness extortion excess cruelty hypocrisy Blasphemy rottenness dead Mens Bones stinking and ruling all within whited painted garnished without your selves their Hypocritical Off-spring this wretched G. F. yet within and without Idolatrous Superstitious inhumane passionate fierce cursing most-impudent worse than barbarous your impudently monstrous and avowed p. 113. Quakers Heresy Hereticks Hereticks more Heretical than Papists p. 114. These wandring Souls are Hereticks obstinate their notorious false Anti-Christian Abominations Papists do not so differ from a true Protestant and true Christian as do these wilful ignorant and wandring Souls Quakers Heresy Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers Shew and Colour p. 115. Notorious flagitious craking quaking bowing down to Satan owning him as a Light and Christ and Spirit within Possessed with a dumb Spirit Papists and Quakers Satan and Quakers Pharisees Converts turn from one Sin to another from one Image to another from one Devil of Drunkenness or Swearing c. to a Devil of pride horrible pride the worst of all prides in Earth or Hell to wit a spiritual Pride swelling with the Dropsies and Tympanies of their conceited conceited conceited horrible p. 116. Despising How do they superciliously and Pope-like belch out from Hell they rail revile condemn and curse breathing out Fire of Damnation as fire and brimstone from the Mountains in Sicily or Hell it self Ravenous Popish Devilish Lions and Eagles Devil of Worldliness over them exalting Self a Self-Christ greedy gaping raking muck and dung fanciful Notions Ranting the Spirit that haunts the Quakers is a proud Melancholy Devil's to turn them into Gadarens Swine Murthering their Heresy Obstinacy Quakers and Papists false repentance false faith confounding p. 117. A meer Babel Chaos Non-sense Confusion common burrow horribly confounding Monstrous Non-sensical Quakers and Papists painted Glass-eye The Quakers Transubstantiation worse than the Fantastical Transubstantiation of the Papists A meer Fiction dream Imaginary Christ a Popish transubstantiated Christ juggling away the Flesh of Christ a trick of the Father of Lies Iugglings beyond that Monstrous Fancy of the Papists Transubstantiation devouring Foxes p. 118. The Papists monstrous blasphemous and bloody Fancy of Transubstantiation not more monstrous c. than the Quakers A Transubstantiated Christ into a Spirit by an Hellish Chymistry that lying Spirit within furious Anti-Christian Quakers and Papists Iugglings of Quakers and Papists as thieves jugglers counterfeits their impudent paints of Whores and Harlots p. 119. Devilish Devilish fancies of Papists and Quakers Fantastick craking grand deceits and lies painted painted spiders webs painted spiders web Impiety Non-sense painted p. 120. Great blunderer false fraudulent suttle hypocritical deceived most-juggling and deceitful p. 121. The Quakers Bait by which Satan takes them their woful black filthy Spirit the Devil's bait their Apostacy and Heresy a blockish Devilish Fancy mad cursing reviling p. 122. Painted painted Quakers pictures of Christians pictures of Men peep and mutter false painted Light within Immediate fantastick Spirit Anti-Christian Quakers dream false foolish p. 123. Black blasphemous Fancy Atheistical Anti-Christian suttle Quakers meer Jewish and Popish poor Bancrupts p. 124. Suttle Fox deluded Pate wresting jumbling blending all together in a Babilonish Mystery Babilonish suttle bruitish Fancy Arrows from Hell blowing up Christ c p. 125. The Qs. Popish Jewish Popish Pharisees Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers proud souls p. 126. Suttlety cheating boasting counterfeit painted counterfeit painted dolefully counterfetted perishing Salvation Old Heresies rotten rotten the Devil will have his Chappel Wind-fals revolving Rebels Hypocrites listen to Lies followers of the Cerdonians Priscillians Valentinians Old Gnosticks Manicheans down-right Papists p. 127. Rotten dead rotten nature Papists nearer Truth than the Quakers Papists Quakers the Devil 's or Papists superstitious Fancies the Quakers jump into one step with the Papists p. 128. Papists and Quakers bruits Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers p. 129. Phantastical impious Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers Confederates Papists Quakers base Insul●ations Papists and Quakers Quakers brutish p. 130. Boast Frantick Mad boast Papists and Quakers Papists Pope and Quakers Quakers more brutishly O the black deaf dumb lazie Spirit Monopolizers Quakers and Papists Quakers and Papists p. 131. Papists and Quakers Quakers crake Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers no better than the Devil Papists and Quakers and the Devil the Devil deceives them Papists and Quakers shake hands in the most Hellish Doctrine Papists and Quakers unite against the Blood of Jesus Papists Quakers bogle at their superstitions they crake Quakers are Papists p. 132. Pope and Quakers differ horrible contradictious Quakers Quakers are Papists this Spirit came from Hell Quakers Popish Papists and Quakers dreams Popish Quakers a foul Popish Devilish Spirit haunts them Papists and Quakers one Papists Quakers Quakers simple insignificant idle Popish Trash and Trumpery Papists and Quakers are brethren in Iniquity p. 133. Papists and Quakers agree the Pope's Humane and Devilish Fiat the Quakers guided by the same Hellish Spirit and Fancy horrible pride Quakers and Popish Monks and Nuns all one Papists and Quakers feigned Monkish lying Apostles Papists and Quakers cursing spitting belching out Fire from one Fire of Hell p. 134. Papists and Quakers hunting Papists and Quakers are Fire-brands the Persecuting Spirit of the Papists and Quakers their Corruptious and Corrupt Principles Papists Quakers bitter cutting tongues p. 135. Arminias and Quakers Papists Arminians Pelagians Semi-Pelagians and Quakers Confederates Quakers and Arminians one Quakers Socinus and Socinias brethren Quakers and Socinians one Christ but a fancy nothing but a fancy p. 136. He bogles starts at as at a Rattle-snake vanished spirit ghost Quakers Devilish Jesuitical Trick Sabellians and Quakers one their Judaism they put their own dirt and dung Swines-blood and Dogs-necks upon God's Altar Quakers Jews or Papists Traditions Quakers Traditions Inventions p. 137. Vn-Christian Vnnatural Inventions horrible dumb Meetings dumb worship dumb deaf Spirit bruitish immodest uncouth immodest bruitish proud monstrous barbarous Vn-Christian Fantastical p. 138. Monstrous p. 139. Deceived and deceiving Souls p. 140. Brutish Diana Dark Lanthorn Insulting p. 143. Boggle insultings p. 144. Quakers Blasphemous Hel-Fire horrible and blasphemous gross conceit dog-like beast-like high blasphemies unreasonable p. 146. This Devilish pride Satan's bait this Iuggler perks up to the Eternal power and Godhead p. 147. Poor self-conceited brutish notion brutish this worst and most-blasphemous Opinion the Old Serpent hath taught these bewitched Souls Quakers Old Manichaeans horrible blockishness Quakers and Manichaeans one bruitish beware of Foxes bruitish bruitish fancies bruitish barkings and blasphemings horrible p. 148. Infinitely blocks and beasts Quakers Obstinate in horrible Fancies Blasphemies their horrible blasphemous black and Hellish Juice his flinty Impudency an horrible monstrous Brat of Hellish Blasphemy hatch amongst them Their Cheek by Joll with God Stinking simple Bauble
Slaves Curst Cows Short horns Iaws of Satan The Devil a Fisher longing for troubled and bloody Waters the Devil 's bloody Waspish Prophets and Propheteses false lying Prophecies extreamly poor lame naked swell'd up of boasting and vapor Their heaps of Chaff Dreams Fancies p. 181. A painted fire painted hammer high Clouds of an Imaginary Christ and Spirit high swelling words Frantick dross dreams fancies poor lame How poor and lame naked The old Fox the old Serpent too crafty for all the deluding Foxians and hath brought them to the brim of the Lake that burns with fire and brimstone p. 182. A scornful ridiculous proud bruit dreaming proud insulting Souls and Spirits runs thwart and cross their shins His Ignorance A Devilish black-line horrible contradiction impious simple Ignorance p. 183. Quakers Image Crucifix dolefully false proud p. 184. Proud vilifying nullifying Half an Eye of Mahometans Papists Protestants will see their Impiety subtilty dirty filthy bloody Lips dropping Wormwood Gall Venom Poison of Asps. Deceitful destroying notorious p. 185. A loose and wild Spirit leaps and skips like a wild Satyre or Indian catching and snapping simple Tautologies insulting wild devouring Soul high haughty proud Bladder big with Simon Magus This proud Soul their bloody Devilish pride An Imperious insulting bloody Julian the Apostate Duke the Alva and Wolsey wild p. 186. A flood of Fire and Brimstone horrible Fire-brands and arrows of Death bold blind Bayards barkings she-Apostles brutish and ridiculous without humanity or modesty His brutish ridiculous Song bitter craking vapouring boasting p. 187. Sisera and his Midianites Goliah and his Philistines the Types of these Children of pride their vapors notorious false black and foul their lame stark-naked Grand Alcoran knock out the Brains of all these proud Fancies Proud pratling Children noise about their Bibs Aprons and Muckingers p. 188. Blockish blasphemous Non-sense he simply boggles at as Pharisees in a futtle fancy p. 189. Pope and Quakers infallible Spirit an arrant Cheater and Juggler then cheating most when he calls all others Cheaters p. 190. Quakers Diabolical Laziness fling off all means and listen to the Devil's Whisperings Papists and Quakers superstitious Inventions are from a Satanical Spirit Quakers Diabolical darkness as Children and Mad-folks p. 191. Proud Lazie Souls their strong delusions believing Lies Satan's Whisperings lame cunning simple suttlety of this Deceiver the trick of these old Cheaters and Iugglers p. 192. Their Cheating in the bushes and thickets of words Fox's trick all their tricks horrible Cheat that one cheating Fancy called Light Bewitched Souls their Idols This poor deluded and deluding Soul Fox a mischievous suttle beast suttle and pernicious impiously and frantickly hunting after Souls p. 193. Counterfeits deceivers imaginary Christs bewitched Souls cheat chaff cheated souls called Quakers your Cheating Familiars Quakers and Papists Quakers cheated of the arrantest Cheater in the World Raging Romane Popes and Quakers p. 194. Lame Quakers Papists Arminians Socinians agree Proud Souls Papists Arminians Socinians and Quakers our subtle Simpletons Blind soul proud and Popish Blasphemies Popish frantick Madness p. 195. Proud Quakers Canting Gypsie Devil and Quakers filthy hellish poison hellish Blasphemy p. 196. Brutish Non-sense like the Devil 's at Delphos a simple and destroying Liar Fallacy that the Devil knows p. 197. G. F. and his Foxians Satan having possession all is in peace Simple impudent Quakers most-foolish and fierce p. 198. Proud and lofty their pride Open Enemies presumptuous audacious irreligious uncivil barbarous p. 199. Foxes they lie hypocritically proudly simply barbarously uncivil and inhumane simple extreamly ridiculous extreamly and insufferably proud and contemptuous Punishing of these Incivilities though pretending Conscience is as far from Persecution as that it is a Duty and Command of God p. 200. Barbarous and unciviliz'd dogged proud and sullen Pharisees p. 201. Their Monstrous Incivility Popish Saints in a Procession Barbarians very Barbarians Quakers and Indians Indians and Quakers one their brutish Spirit Quakers worse than Indians the Quakers brutish Spirit the Indian Bruits abhor such a brutishness p. 202. Quakers Monstrous p. 203. Satan stirs up his Instruments pretending Spirit their malice ridiculous malice p. 205. Bloody Sophisters Wolves and Foxes malicious p. 206. My Lord Edmundson's ignorant impudent upbraidings angry insultings persecuting So many Quakers so many Popes They mope or equivocate p. 207. Papists and Quakers so reproaching so reproaching so reviling The Tongue of the Quakers is the Viper's as fierce and cruel a Cheating heart insulting up●raiding p. 208. See further R. W.'s Railery Lies Scorn and Blasphemies from his APPENDIX as followeth POor lame naked p. 1. Gross Devil Conjurers proud blasphemous the Quakers proud the proud and scornful these poor proud and scornful Souls ignorant their ignorance immodest irrational and more than savage p. 2. Cursed rotten Nature the Canting Language poor Beasts Traitors to the King of Heaven Cursed Nature p. 3. Their Treasons and Rebellions against the God of Heaven Cheaters trick p. 4. Poor simple brutish Imagination Wolves and Foxes in the Wilderness dirt and filth flung in the Face of the Majesty of Heaven the Serpent p. 5. Wilful Ignorance runs round like the Windmil Sails runs into his burrough a Counterfeit New Birth Counterfeit Christ Counterfeit Salvation p. 6. The two great Bargains of God with Man-kind p. 7. A Monstrous Dream of the Quakers monstrous the New Bargain the Quakers monstrous p. 8. The Fox for prey Soul-cruelties An Aking Tooth of the Old Serpent and all the Wolves and Foxes p. 9. Simple wild throwing Spirit wild wild who toss and throw God and his only Begotten Son in their wild Fancies as if they were the Wool and Feathers of Lambs and Chickens which these Foxians have devoured Devilish Heads and Horns p. 10. Jesuitical or Foxian Equivocations blind guides Jews Papists Quakers cry crucify hang burn Wild Souls meer Babel p. 11. Mad Fancies fools franticks audacious blockishness foul Spirit wild bellish Spirit fools Mad-men p. 12. Shameless treason rebellion Atheists these abominable hypocritical Pharisaical Quakers gross hypocrisy Idol p. 13. Rotten bewitched Soul-Witches rotten nature changing one Devil for another their hypocritical proud p. 14. Quakers Papists and Arminians cursed rotten nature Painted poor lame trick of the great Juggler pride juggling p. 15. Counterfeit pride scornful revilings railings rash cursings superstitious new Inventions blasphemies impudencies inhumanities p. 16. Wild Frantick Inferences Mad Soul throwing God over board and his own reason and brains in a mad proud Frolick p. 17. Frantickly barks Jesuits and Quakers carry Fire-brands in their Tails c. Soul-thieves The Scriptures the great Box to Jesuites and Quakers Horrid filthy Words Yet he confesseth the Papists own Scripture and thus he abuseth the Quakers who delight in Scripture The Devil's Image p. 19. Lying Thieves and Robbers Dreams Brutish Fancy p. 20. Sputters out beastly brutish Fancy Fancied mad Fictions and Fancies p. 21. Madness of a Fancy in his hole cheated Dreamers p.
22. Foolish foolish p. 23. Feigned Non-sense p. 24. Cheated Fancy Quakers Quick-sands p. 25. Idol-Goddess blind Quakers p. 27. Foolish foolish p. 28. Lame subtle mystery of Hellish Iniquity vain Juggler's Box Babilonish Wont Babilonian Iuggling and Egyptian Canting p. 29. Horrible profane subtle Trick of Hell mystery of Iniquity dream dead picture Image Idol mystery of Iniquity suttle churlish Laban delusion foolish Bargain horrible Mystery of Iniquity p. 30. Mystery of Hellish Iniquity Quakers Devilish Chymistry and many more foul words are in this page p. 31. Devil in Samuel's Mantle Dragon Devil of Darkness Satan's ●hains of Darkness vapouring swaggering cloak and color vaporings crakings cheatings blasphemous Wretches p. 32. Horribly abusing lying Cheats p. 34. Prophane Parret's Teaching Parret's Pater-Noster Parret's Religion Parret Lame cheating his burrough p. 35. Papists Fables Elementary Kitching-fire Atheistical Foxes fables Popish Foxes the Devils fancies flashes of pride flashes of Hell and Heaven the Fox's mad fancy cheated Souls Dream Satan p. 36. Proud vanities mad fancy proud foolish G. F. his journy-man a fit Instrument to destroy all a Dull proud dogged confusion Babel within p. 37. Notorious Clamour p. 38. Notoriously childish ridiculous frantick Fancy impious impudent childish prating A distracted aged Woman boasting of a straw the picture of the Quakers a scepter of straw this mad Soul his Babel his mad Fancy p. 39. Quakers cheated by Satan with Tympanies of wind and water and Fancies This false Conception false Faith false Christ false Light shall vanish in shame and grief as did Queen Mary's These self-Confidents p. 40. Ridiculous He and She-Apostles one of the most impudent Fooleries that Fox or any Dog could be impudent in their Fox-like and Dog-like impudency p. 41. Notoriously silly and impudent proud idle prating silly p. 42. This poor notorious Cheater prates the Old Serpent and Fox acts to foist and whisp in Hellish malice to their damnation Proud Ignoramus blind horrible blind p. 43. A lazie Spirit their horrible Crime proud Laziness lazie Fool Shameful deceitful Foxian Spirits wild Spirit the Devil his Inspirations the Devil's subtilty in Revelations shameful Ignorance p. 44. Proud quaking mad vaporing Revelations bruitish Foxes cheated Fling off the Lazie Devil and study Tongues the Devil can speak all Languages p. 45. In the burrow wrests and winds wicked hearken to a Familiar Spirit their elevated King Agag's Dream hang their Souls upon the Hedge p. 46. Drowning Souls in the pit of Eternal Rottenness and Howling The Quakers no otherwise then O thou Capernaum which art exalted and exaltest thy self unto Heaven thou shalt be brought down to Hell c. For Tyre Sidon Sodom Gomorrah c. the poor Jews and Mahumetans yea the Papists and Common Protestants shall have an easier Cup to drink off than these Foxians c. that are so high and pure and lofty and yet abound with Luciferian Filthiness Their Hellish mouths and pens p. 47. These bruitish and blasphemous vile worms of the Earth yesterday creeping out of their holes Slaves and Hell-hounds horrible against Heaven vapouring horrible Egyptian darkness these feigned Goshenites grosly abusing deluded Converts the horrible pride and haughtiness of the Quakers Korah Dathan Abiram the most-high Potter will be Infinites Eternals Omnipotents Omniscients with the Devil is it not enough for a proud Rebel to be fetch'd from the Gallous p. 48. Perfect in dirt and stink and filth of death and Hell crawling like Monsters of pride and self-conceitedness A blasphemous Monster Hellish pride Hellish Ignorance p. 49. Horrible Murthers Murthers and destroys the Soul the Infinite God himself It is a wonderful Devilish lifting up proudly to abhor themselves in dust and ashes p. 50. The Devil sends out his Old Spirit of pure Immediates pure Worshippers in Spirit and Truth this Spirit being Cozen German to or Sworn Brother in Hellish Equivocation with the Jesuits They childishly vapor p. 52. Their wild cursings Apostacies and Idolatry That the Spirit of the Quakers tends to Incivility and Barbarism to sudden Assassinations Murthers and Persecutions Foolish haunting the Quakers notorious pride and lazie ignorance the Sir and Dame of most of these wild Monsters Proud their scornful pride robbing all Mankind p. 53. Robbing all the World a juggling Hocas-Pocas a Back-dore rob all others their foolish Self Pope and Quakers the dogged and scornful Quakers Spirit prouder than the Papists Pharisaical Popish and Foxian the Popish and the Foxian the Pharisaical or Popish or Foxian a cover p. 54. Simple subtle Burrow confounding Popish Vbiquitary Fancy most fanciful Frantick p. 55. A Clamorous Whore the Devil in Samuel's Mantle his old Song p. 57. Conjurer lame simple they hearken to Samuel within them a most-simple unChristian Atheistical Whimsy The proud Pharisees Papists and Quakers prate gross Fancy bruitish barkings Fancy p. 59. Rotten design of the Devil to cavil the Old Serpent hisseth and rageth The Devil's work stirs up Anti-Christs Satan's Emissaries p. 60. Simon Magus and his followers Arrians Gnosticks Cerdonians Manicheans the Anti-Christ of Rome the new Manicheans Spirituals Libertines Adamites Ranters Quakers the Devil 's and the Quakers End Suttle fancies coined p. 61. Poor lame They are Christ and God himself c. Their proud and Devilish Flesh. The Devil is manifest in their Flesh condemn'd of the Holy Spirit of God abhorred of the Heavenly Angels the World shall abhor their Memory and except repentance they shall descend with all the Enemies of the true Lord Jesus into the Lake that burns with unquenchable Fire and Brimstone A Face for the Devil for Anti-Christ Hellish bewitching and Impudence p. 62. Their horrible pride their Herods A man may feel this Lie with a pair of Mittins Poor filthy Dreamers filthy Dreams simple monstrous blasphemous frantick Spirit p. 63. Proud lazie Souls horrible worship a dumb Devil in their dumb Meetings and listen upon their beds of Laziness The Scornful pride their New Fancies p. 65. The Fore-head of a Reprobate and Devil what a forehead of Hell p. 66. Deluded Soul Popish and Arminian poison in his burrow Papists Arminians or Quakers Devil Accuser Reproacher Slanderer p. 67. Dead and rotten filth and Exorements That great Fox the Pope of Rome and little Fox his Lurry Heresies false damnable Heresies Foxes their burrows p. 69. The Devil to raise the Pope the Cerdonians c. Manicheans the Nicolaitans and Quakers Little Fox great Boaster proudly Servants of Corruption and Rottenness p. 70. The great Fox the Pope and Quakers Horrible pride Burrow of Equivocation Clouded pride malice envy hang him The proud Ignorance of these Cheaters p. 71. Devilish proud foolish proudly foolishly Papists and Quakers filthiness p. 72. Their Images and Idols pride ignorance railings cursings will drink the blood of Hereticks Reprobates Devils With Amazement this hardned daring Soul playing away his own Light rakes and flings reproach lies and poison to murther himself and others p. 73. Prate as the Devils do and tremble vain
foolish the Devil's Sight whatever Papists Arminians and Quakers talk This Woful Cheater p. 74. Lifted up as Capernaum up to Heaven will down to Hell with the greater Condemnation Suttle Whore-Monger horrible ungrateful Monsters p. 75. Papists and Quakers p. 76. Frantick proud souls Papists and Quakers Christ Papists and Quakers mud talk idly The first Bargain they pride themselves in their filthy menstruous clouts and rags their Christ within them p. 77. They boast of These poor deluded Souls proud ignorants p. 78. The Song of the great Deluder Satan's cunning with the Quakers Hearken to Satan be guided by him The noise of a Fenny-bitter in hollow Canes common Traps and Engines of Satan cheating the Quakers The Whisperings Blindings and Cheatings of the Devil in Samuel's Mantle p. 79. The Devil the Old Serpent the great Design of Satan p. 80. The Shameless Wickedness of the Quakers shameless monstrous fancy dream a meer Whimsy and Devilish Imagination Revelations Visions and Dreams the Devil 's wonderful cheating These more suttle hunting Foxians p. 82. Their scornful pride a proud trick of a Pharisee ridiculous fancy Pharisees this Heathenish Soul p. 83. Non-sensical Fancies phantastical conceited a Kin to the Popes in this fancy the suttle Foxes p. 84. The Pope's Cardinals and Jesuits pride the root and branch of their whole Religion the Quakers How greedily and boastingly this deluded Soul with scorn and contempt sucks in the poison of Devilish Inspirations and milks out this poison into the mouths of his bewitched followers p. 85. Great wrester wild notion p. 86. Satan chained up assisted by the Devil as Magicians p. 87. Confounded Iuggler's shift confound and beguil The Jews Turks Papists Quakers and other Blasphemers and the Devils themselves horribly mad p. 88. Sophisticate adulterate and turn into a lie whose teeth are as swords Papists and Quakers are the Generations here intended Papists and Quakers of a damning and damn'd Spirit come roundly to the Pope with the Papists their Idol The Papist and Quaker like fire-ships burn and blow up bow down to an Image p. 89. Korah Dathan and Abiram's Revolt applied to the Quakers p. 90. Revolted Quakers sullen proud dogged Conspirators the Conspiracy of the Quakers Quakers Arrians Papists or Mahometans hardened p. 91. Korah and the Quakers fierceness proud confident desperate Notoriously guilty Earth and Fire to consume and devour these famous proud Conspirators I spare Applications p. 92. The Bargain This blind Soul bow down to a new black Image Their Idol poisoned and bewitched with Hellish Sorceries Pervert false Light false Christ infect childish p. 94. Loose childish fools and franticks Atheists Papists Jews and Quakers A fo●l Trick false frantick Souls The Devil deals with them hath taken and is possessed of These poor Souls foolishly and extream simply p. 95. Jews Turks Atheists Papists or Quakers The Quakers Devilish pride Papists and Quakers full of pride ambition blasphemies against Heaven the Whore The great Fox the Devil thirsts after the blood of the Quakers he whispers Devil's bloody Craft p. 96. Frantick Souls in Bedlam the Devil 's two sorts of Soldiers Papists Quakers c. blinded p. 97. The Devil and the Jews all Atheists and these refined Atheists the Quakers p. 98. Proud boasters the Devil would be rid of all their horrible unclean and foul Spirit would fain be rid of all the cheating Sound Eternal Darkness p. 99. G. F. destroys the Working of the Father and the Son Invented blasphemously Arminians burrow these rooting swine root and tear up become Goddified these poor proud bruits have not so much Sight as the Devils have p. 100. They lie and slander like a Cow with a Kettle on her head he boldly slanders on and tumbles Heaven Earth and Hell together to every unclean and lousy beggar p. 101. This prophane mouth full of prophaneness and simplicity how vainly and wickedly this deluded and deluding Soul cheats himself and others proud fancy Most odiously most notoriously guilty as ever was filthy Camel or any of the unclean beasts A skittish Jade wild Soul wonderful confusion p 102. This lying Peor prophaner Babilonish proudly tramples profane feet p. 103. Hating in a Bone fire hating devouring Foxes amongst the true Lambs Proud Boaster p. 104. Proudly foully simply abused p. 105. The Papists Arminians and Quakers p. 106. Proud Papists and Quakers G. F. his ●●lly shift fa●tastical wofully p. 107. Simple and foul filthy rash Fury silly This Proud Pharisee a Sadducee the Quakers are Pharisees and Sadducees Jesuitical Equivocations Burrow of the wild Foxes in the woods horribly p. 108. Proud and deceitful Quakers join to Papists and Arminians Arminians Papists and Quakers abusing Papists and Quakers Papists and Quakers infallible Chair wonderful monstrous Papists Arminians and Quakers one more gross blasphemous abhorred of all p. 109. Barking Fox perverting feigned Papists Arminians and Quakers horribly abuse grosly defile Rotten stinking wonted burrow foolish boasting bargain p. 110. Papists and Quakers Face of Brass horrible frantick Light or Christ. Devil's poison vomited out Jews Turks Anti-Christians Quakers The Devil and the Quakers abhor bewitched Souls p. 111. Horrible simplicity and hypocrisy proud ignorance suttle Mountebank wonderful Scaffold-tricks bastard and false poor Mountebank Impious unsavory poor empty Cask loud Boaster Pharisees the Devilish pride of these high Pharisees p. 112. Their fancied Kingdom at the black and burning foot of Mount Sinai Doleful high p. 113. Prouder and prouder worse worse deluded worse worse to all Eternity vapours upon the Dunghil in Chains of Darkness p. 114. High Boasters willingly ignorant Souls proud fancy boasts of p. 115. Papists and Quakers New Gods shame filth nakedness hight of pride conceited betwitched and bewitching poison Venom Proud Conceits highest proudest Souls foul-mouth p. 116. Poor wild-Asses Colt Iuggler's box Devil's Inspirations This little Thief and Fox or the great Thief and Fox the Devil blow out that the Father of Lies and Murders may be heard by his Whisperings as he hath been heard in the Grecian Oracles in Mahomet and the Mahometans in the Pope and Papists Devil's Trade the suttle hunter his Iourney-men ly in wait trim his pits and gins with green leaves the subtilty of the Devil and his Agents fair leaves green boughs of Christ within c. on which the Old Serpent twineth in a frantick purpose to stab the Holy Scriptures and God and Christ and Spirit also Satan drives at Immediate Inspiration with a damning p. 117. The Sow teacheth the Goddess this filthy Sow wallows in the mud and dunghil of Mystical Filthiness proud simplicity wresting and racing This Riddle monstrous Riddle of the Quakers round in a Conjuring Circle elevated high Fancies p. 118. If it please God to shew me and him what sin is and the prize to pay for the least evil Thought on the Old Score c. and then he saith For his Vial is pouring on him in Spiritual Iudgments and shall be pouring on
him in Spiritual and Corporal Torments to all Eternity AND let the Gentle Reader see how that above 12 times he mentioned NAKED over over how often over over he mentioneth SAMVEL'S MANTLE and above 110. times he scornfully saith FOXIANS that he might fill up his Book with such scornful Expressions and Vngratious Language And there are not many pages where he doth not call us one bad Name or the other or compareth us with Papists or some others to make us Ridiculous Such Vngratious Language and Unwholesom Words we have never met with in any one 's Writings for a Volumn to be so stuft with such Abundance before as may be seen by what is here before written And pag. 85. and p. 117. of his Book the Reader may Observe how he judgeth and condemneth us to be as Far from the Ministers of Christ as Lambs and Doves are from Ravenous Popish and Devilish Lions ond Eagles and likewise he judgeth from as he saith the Irrationality and Vnruliness of our Spirit and saith It is apparent from our bitter and frantick Revilings c. and so compareth us to the Devilish Inquisitors Monks and Friars c. Now if these be certainly Fruits of a Wrong Spirit to wit Bitter and Frantick Revilings Vnruliness Irrationality Unwholesom and Ungratious Words as they are and do manifest a Man to be Contrary to Christ's Messengers as far as Doves and Lambs do differ from Lions and Eagles Then hath he largely manifested himself not to be one of Christ's Messengers but the Contrary as all Sober Readers may see by his Language given in his Book upon us R. W.'s Temporizing Spirit made manifest AND the Reader may see how R. W. flattereth the King in his Epistle to him and saith Charles the Great was one of the Greatest Princes of that Name in the World and Charles the Fifth both Emperours had his Wonderful Trick at Helm also but both and all turn into the Cabbin of Rottenness Charles the Fifth in his 58. Year Charles the Great in his 72. Year But were every drop of Water between your Old England and New a Million of Years yet Mors ultima linea Death the last Line and it is but Momentum unde pendet Aeternitas a Moment whereon dependeth Eternity c. And R. W. in his Book of Experiments in the Epistle to Lady Vane 1652. saith How hath he Crowned the Memory of those his Second Zealous Servants in King Henry the Seventh his Days with a most Eminent Blessed Succession of such Names and Spirits at this Day Cromwel and Lambert c. Is not here R. W.'s Flattery and Temporizing Spirit made manifest let the Reader judge And R. W. who hath now so much flattered the King in his Epistle in his Book 1676 and would have us to be punished but let R. W. read his Book called The Bloody Tenant c. 1652. and his Epistle to the High-Court of Parliament what he saith there of the King R. W.'s words are as followeth The late King Charles his Conscience to oppress the Consciences of others no small Occasions of the Ruin of him and his So Roger read thy words in thy Book 1652. and those in thy Epistle to the King now in 1676. against the Quakers And in Bloody Tenant p. 186. the Reader may see how R. W. there flattereth the Parliament who saith as followeth The Drawing of the Sword of Justice against such Tyrants I believe hath prevailed in Heaven for the Parliament's Succes● and Prosperity c. and a great deal more to the same Effect in this page And R. W. in his Letter to Governour Indicot saith Had it not pleased the God of Heaven who bound the Insolent Rage of the Furious Ocean to raise up a Second Cromwel like a Mighty or Merciful Wall or Bull-wark to stay the Fury of the Oppressor whether English Scottish Popish Presbiterian Independent c. And now here thou flatter'st Cromwel in thy pag. 305. and seemest to be against Persecution yet in this Book 1676. when thou flatterest the King thou would'st have us persecuted And thou say'st in thy Epistle to the High-Court of Parliament The Act of Civil Engagements of great Necessity c. SO see Roger what a FLATTERER thou hast been of the Parliament and Oliver and now the King and once wast against Persecution and now would'st have us punish'd and yet we must not call it Persecution as thou may'st see thy Book in 1676. p. 200. AND so the Reader may see how R. W. is Changed in his Book of Hireling Ministry none of Christ's in 1652 see his pag. 18. where he saith The Civil State never made a Good Woork in Spirituals NOW what say the Governours of N. England to R. W. in this hath not he Judg'd you here who have given so much Money for Printing of his Book And doth in the 17 page tell you How you Priests are like the Pharisees in the Vpper-most Rooms in the Synagogues and Feasts and of their Titles and Salutations And yet would not he have the People of God called Quakers Persecuted because not Giving Titles and is offended because he hath not their Salutations As ye may read what R. W. saith of them that came to his House J. Stubs and J. Burnyeat c. and did not give him a Salutation when they were in Dispute with him And pag. 16. of the said Book of Hireling Ministry c. doth not R. W. Cry against the Priests How they are fitted in the Way of Prentiship to set up the Trade and Way of Preaching and calleth them Spiritual Merchants a Trade of selling God himself Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit Heaven and Hell too their own Souls and the Souls of Thousands HOW now Roger Wast thou of this Trade And are the New-England-Priests of this Trade who served Apprentiship But if they Sold God himself and Christ Jesus and his Holy Spirit and Heaven and Hell and their own Souls and the Souls of Thousands more Then what is left But R. W. Who hath bought them The Scripture speaketh of Judas selling his Master But the N. England Magistrates may see what the N. England Priests are and others and what they have bred them up to do according to R. W.'s Doctrine in 1652 whom now ye have given Money to print his Book And further R. W. saith p. 14. in the Margent Universities as to the Ministry of Jesus Christ are none of his Institutions the Title SCHOLAR appropriated to the Ministers is a Sacrilegious and a Theevish Title robbing all Believers and Saints And pag. 15. in the Margent he saith Universities in Order to Christ's Ministry are but Refined Monasteries And Batchelours of Divinity or Godliness and Doctor of Divinity are so Clearly and Expresly Opposite to the Command of Christ Jesus and in the Margent Pharisaical and Popish Titles NOW what think ye now ye Magistrates of N. England and ye Priests of R. W.'s Doctrine here Hath not he paid you off
should believe in For it is Christ that Lighteth every Man that cometh into the world and saith he is the Light of the World and is to be followed in his Light and thou and they that hate it and give it other names with it are Condemned R. W. And then thou tell'st a story of the Indians how they will confess when they are falsly charged of stealing c. And then thou say'st If this be all G. F. saith he beats the Air and hath no Enemy and say'st No no it is a Conscience Justification within a. Christ shedding his Blood within in a subtil Op●osition to a pardon without from the King of Heaven for the sake of his Son without us and this is the business which these Traytors to the King of Heaven aim at c. And this their present honesty shall pay the old score of a cursed Nature and millions of Treasons and Rebellions in Omissions and Commissions against the God of Heaven Answ. Roger W. What an envious malicious Spirit appears in thee here and what wickedness hast thou uttered forth to the world When did ever any one hear any of the Quakers who confesse the Blood of Christ sprinkled in their hearts and Christ reigning in their hearts by Faith say this in opposition to Christ that dyed at Jerusasalem and shed his Blood there for sin who is our Justification Sanctification and Redemption But this I say to thee Thou that art against Christ's being within his Saints and he sprinkling their hearts with his Blood by which they are washed as the Apostle saith so I say to thee Thou art a Reprobate And so for Traitor and Treason and Rebellion c. I say thou may keep them to thy self in whom reignes a Rebellious Spirit For the Apostle bids the Corinthians Examine themselves c. and Prove your own selves how that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates 2 Cor. 13. now the Apostle here did not deny Christ dying and shedding his Blood without the Gates at Jerusalem no more then the Quakers and thou may'st read thy Condition in Heb. 6. of such as Crucified the Son of God afresh and put him to open shame And as for the Indians Plea I believe many of them are more Innocent than thou art and have less to answer for at the day of Judgment And as for thy telling of G. F's beating the Air thou might very well applyed this at home in whom the Prince of the Air rules which has led thee to utter forth so many Slanders and Lyes against God's People and Christs true followers And if all be justified that confess Christ dying at Jerusalem without he be manife●t within them and yet the Apostle saith They are Reprobates if Christ be not within them come R. W. how canst thou answer the Apostle here And the Apostle saith By one Offering Christ hath perfected for ever them that are Sanctified and so it is Christ that doth perfect and sanctifie who offered up himself without the Gates of Jerusalem for Sin who rules in the hearts of his People Glory to God for ever And so He it is that hath bought us with his price his Blood And as for all thy Lyes and Vnsavory words that thou hast mentioned here indeed they are not worth mentioning and it would be well if thou did see thy self in that Cursed Nature thou speaks of but thou art so full of Enmity which blinds thy eyes that thou cannot comprehend the Light though it may shine in thy darkness R. W. And then thou tells us of a Story or Similitude of Q. Elizabeth and then in thy Application thou say'st The old Friend is Conscience who will go with us but can be a thousand Witnesses against us c. It followes then clearly that the young Prince is the true Lord Jesus Christ and not vanish'd away in a Light in every dark Dungeon in the world but Conscience saith he is literally ascended up into Heaven and will as literally make his speedy return again to judgment Answ. Here thou hast extoll'd Conscience very highly But what will a ●ear'd Conscience do will a ●ear'd Conscience do this or the Jews Conscience or all Mens Consciences in the World or a poor Dunghill-Conscience as J. B. speaks of and hast not thou set up Conscience here above the Light of Christ which lighteth every Man that cometh into the world which Christ saith is the Condemnation of them that hate it And is it not Blasphemy in thee to say That the Light of Christ may vanish away in every dark Dungeon in the world For as the Apostle saith The Light which shines in their hearts gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus which Light is Life in Christ the Word and by it Christ is known and it comes from him the true Lord Jesus who suffered and rose again and remains in the Heavens till all things be restored as the Apostle saith And as John in his Revelation speaking of Christ saith Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every man according to his works And so it is clear that the same Christ is seen by the Light that suffered and is risen who will judge the world in Righteousness and so take heed Roger for the Judge stands at the door Jam. 5 9 for he will return to judge thee for all thy hard speeches And the Apostle saith He commanded us to Preach to the People to wit Christ and to testifie that it is he that was ordained of God to be Judge of the quick and dead Act. 10 42. because he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained whereof he hath given Assurance unto all men in that he hath raised him from the dead to wit Christ and we have this Assurance Act. 17. And this Light is the condemnation of the world of them that hate it and do not believe in it and this thou shalt know to thy Condemnation though thou may'st Blasphemously call it an Idol and say It will vanish away R. W. And thou say'st that G. F. takes not the Light in the same sense his Opposite doth to wit J. B. the common trick of Cheaters and further saith that I. B. his Opposite takes it not for the Heavenly Light Sun Moon c. nor the Earthly Light nor Fire c. nor precious Stones c. nor a Metaphorical Light in Peoples minds differing from Beasts c. nor the Light of Peace and Joy c. called in Scripture Light c. nor the Light of the Holy Scripture and Preaching and Offering of a Saviour to poor lost Sinners but for that awakening and saving Light convincing all Mens Conditions to be Miserable and Damnable of Grace and Mercy offered and applyed to a Soul by the good News of a Saviour some-way heard of and the holy