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A34209 The Concurrence & unanimity of the people called Quakers in owning and asserting the principal doctrines of the Christian religion demonstrated in the sermons or declarations of several of their publick preachers ... / exactly taken in shorthand as they were delivered by them at their meeting-houses ... and now faithfully transcribed and published, with the prayer at the end of each sermon. 1694 (1694) Wing C5715; ESTC R29314 126,065 208

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a Saviour and that thy Life is hid with Christ in God It is Gods infinite goodness to Men that he will hide pride from them and humble them under his mighty hand This is the Condition of poor Creatures that are slain by the hands of the most High How may I know when I am slain and baptized and come to have sincerity They that have this Baptism enter into the Heavenly Life if you love the light of Christ Jesus it will be thus with you God will make short work in the Earth He will set thy Sins in order before thee and make thee watchful unto Prayer and lead thee to holiness of Life and Conversation and make thee abhor thy self and despise all the Pomps and Pleasures and Vanities of the World when he hath adorned thee with his Graces then watch for the Light and in the Light of Christ thou shalt see Light and that all thou hast done and canst do is but thy Duty All this thou oughtest to do thou art Gods Creature and all this will not justifie thee in order to thy Eternal Salvation for these services thou owest unto God If thou diligently wait thou shalt see more light then the Sword that proceeds out of the mouth of Christ who is called the word of God will cut thee off from all thy hopes of Salvation from any thing thou hast done from any of thy qualifications from any thing that thou canst do so that thou wilt be a hopeless Soul nothing in thy own sense and apprehension the power of the first Adam must die before him and thou wilt cry out I am a dead lost and undone Creature but there is a Life hid with Christ in God for me but I can never have it 'till I be slain into the will of God and become as a little Child and be stript of all my own Excellency that I have attained I must come to a sense of my own misery and fall down at the foot of God when I am become as a little Child humbled and slain as to my own will and confidence in my own righteousness I will not then question but I shall live a Holy Life but I will give all that Life I had for that Life which is hid with Christ in God O! there is none come so far that ever miss of Eternal Life All Shuffling People that would have Salvation by Christ and will not let him exercise his Heavenly Power his Princely Glorious Power to Baptize them into his Death it is they that come short of Salvation but all those that yield themselves up to Christ to be Redeemed through Judgment and are become as little Children these are sn a happy state You know that our Lord Jesus Christ took a little Child in his Arms and said whosoever becomes not as a little Child cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven you must all of you become as little Children and depend upon the Mercy and Free Grace of God you must all come to a Holy resignation of your selves to Gods disposal If you come to Christ as little Children and depend upon him you cannot miss of Salvation it is entailed upon such Souls as hear the Voice of Christ they that hear the Voice of the Son of the God shall live I Stand here as a Witness for the God of Heaven I never heard the Voice of Christ as his follower till I was slain and Baptized and lay as a little Child under his Heavenly Chastisements as soon as ever my Soul was brought to this in my Humiliation O then the dreadful Judgment was taken aaway and the Book of Life was opened unto me and the Lord spake comfortably to me I have lov●d thee with an Everlasting Live and I was made a Christian through a Day of Vengeance and of burning as an Oven and the haughtiness and Pride of Man in me was brought low Now in this conformity to Christ's Death People may die into Life and Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord for they rest from their Labours and their Works do follow them Away with all your own Wills and your Pride and Haughtiness and your Hypocrisie and Deceit and all depend ancy upon any qualification of your own you must come to have your Life seperated from you else you will all perish Those that will die with Christ and be willing to die for him he is revealed as a Saviour to them He was before us in the Days of his flesh and complyed with his Father's Will he was Nailed to the Cross The Son of God when he was come to the depth of his sufferings what was his cry My God My God Why hast thou forsaken me This was for thy sake and my sake and every Man and Woman's sake that do believe in him he drank the Cup which his Father gave him to drink If it was done thus to the Green Tree What shall be done unto the Dry He went before us and when he cometh again he will take us to himself and take us from the filth of Sin that we may be made New Creatures Now except we be born again we cannot enter into the Kingdom of God and there is no becoming new Creatures tell we be slain to the Old man Thou must be slain to thy Pride and Haughtiness and the corruption of thine own Will and all selfishness thou must have God to burn it np in thee The Holy Ghost will destroy and burn up nothing in thee but that which will bring an Eternal fire upon thy Soul shew me thou whom my Soul Loveth where is the Path of Life the footsteps of the Flock of thy Companions Why should I be as one that goes aside Now every one that lives at home in the bosom of self take this with you though you profess the truth and live in an outward conformity thereunto yet if you secretly indulge your corrupt wills and live a Flesh-pleasing Life and consult with Flesh and Blood and are not rent off from your Lusts you cannot enjoy the Lord of Life While I am at home in the body I am absent from the Lord. The body of Sin is as a Loadstone to draw you from the Life of God and from Glorying in the Cross of Christ This is flesh and blood and flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God For the Lord's sake for your Soul's sake and for the sake of your Eternal Happiness put not off this work but persue it and it will be perfected See how Christ is revealed in you by the Holy Ghost and with fire God will Redeem you by the Spirit of Judgment and burning It is not ranging abroad with your minds but you must know Christ is in you except you be Reprobates If he hath set your Eyes and Hearts upon himself and made you to Water your Couch with your Tears If he hath broken your sleep so as you have cry'd out I shall be damned and never come to Salvation This
Marrying my Soul to himself seized upon me and did work effectually in me There is the Testimony of Christ in me he hath Sealed up my Soul to the Day of my Redemption here is a certain passage and a certain way which never any miss of that lose their Lives for Christ If you be not ready and willing to lose your Lives for Christ you shall never come here The Gate is strait and the way is narrow none come hither but those that die into an Heavenly Oneness with Christ O Friends let us empty our selves that Christ may fill us let us be nothing in our own Eyes that we may be all in him and receive of his fulness Now I commend you to God's Witness that you may remember what hath been spoken among you but consider if you do not harken to it it will follow you and be a plague to you to all Eternity if you will not yield up your selves to Christ this day that burns like an Oven this Fire you must dwell with when out of the Body there will be no quenching of this Fire for ever but if you be so wise for your Souls as to resign your selves up to Christ and come to him as little Children this will not hinder your Earthly concerns though the World may account thee a Fool yet thou hast that part of Heavenly Wisdom to do what thou dost as unto God thou carriest to thy Wife as in the sight of God that she may be Sanctified to thee and thou to her and thou carriest becomingly to thy children and Servants and thou wilt abound in Grace and in every good work which will be for thine Eternal wellfare O I beseech you People for the Lord's sake wait for the light of Christ to guide you learn of him to be meek and lowly then happy are you for he dwelleth with the humble but he beholdeth the Proud afar off This New Birth which is a true work a sincere and heavenly work it will make you for ever O make room for Christ in your Hearts or else he is never like to dwell with you he loveth to dwell with the poor and humble and contrite Spirit he abhors the Proud he will empty your Souls that he may fill them And so I commend you to God I have been long held in durance under great weakness and I was restless till I could come up to this Great City of London to Preach the Everlasting Gospel among you and you see I am among you here pray every one of you turn Inward let not these Words passing through a mean Vessel be as a bare empty Discourse of Truth to you which you only hear and take no further care of your Salvation Take heed of despising the light that shines in the midst of you and be pressing forward to the Heavenly work that is laid in the Power of Christ Jesus even through Judgment into Death and then he will give Eternal Life the Lord confirm this that it may rest upon your Hearts that you may be dead to the things of World We are not come to Mount Sinai that gen●ers to bondage but we are come to Mount Sion the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innume●able company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the first born which are wr●tten in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just Men made Perfect and to Jesus ●be Mediatour of the New Covenant and to the blood of sprinkling that speaketh better things than that of Abel This is the Inheritance of the Redeemed of the most High blessed be the name of the Lord let us rest in hope till he bring us to Humility and Lowlyness of mind that he may cloth us with Heavenly Glory according to his Promise I will Beautifie my House with Glory saith the Lord. This is the Portion of a Poor People that cast down themselves before the Lord that he may lift them up and be all in all to them In whose blessed Presence they shall have of Joy and Rivers of Pleasures at his right hand for ever more The Prayer after Sermon BLessed and Glorious God thy presence and power is with thy People every where and thou art stretching forth thy Almighty Arm for the Salvation of thy chosen ones and thou art Influencing their Souls with thy Grace and Spirit in all their solemn meetings and Assemblies we desire to extoll and magnifie thy great and excellent Nause for all thy M●rcies and blessings we pray thee bow down thy Heavenly Ear and 〈◊〉 ken to the Cries and supplications of thy People that are breathing forth the desire of their S●uls to thee that art a God hearing Prayers supply their wants and establish their Spirits and uphold them with thy free Spirit Crown all thy chosen ones with thy loving-kindness and tender mercy rend the Cloud of darkness that hangs over us and take away the Vail and bow the Heavens amongst us and visit us with thy Salvation and reveal the mysteries of thy Truth unto us and in all our ways let us acknowledge thee and do thou lead us in the way everlasting Righteous God of Love while we live on Earth let our Conversa●ion be in Heaven where Christ our Mediatour sits a● thy Right-hand let us follow his Example who was Holy Harmless and undefiled that we may sit in Heavenly places with him Be thou a Sun and Shield to us in our earthly Pilgrimage whom have we in Heaven but thee and there is none on Earth that we desire besides thee let us walk before thee in sincerity and truth and do thou conduct us in the way of truth and righteousness by thy blessed Spirit Blessed be thy Name for the light of thy saving truth that hath shined in our minds and the light of thy Countenance that hath been lifted up upon us in our meetings thou hast furnished a Table for thy People as in the days of old we cannot but Admire thy great love and condescention towards us and extol and bless thy Holy name for thy abounding mercies and the Riches of thy Goodness to us we desire to give thee honour and renown and praise and Thanks giving for thy renewed mercies and Spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus for whom we bless thee and in whom we desire to be found not having our own Righteousness to him with thy self and thy Holy Eternal Spirit be Glory for Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. GEORGE WHITEHEAD At Grace-Church-Street Octob. 4. 1693. THE Great God who made Heaven and Earth the God of our Salvation he hath prepared a Sacrifice for himself in the hearts of a Remuant whom he hath gathered by the Arm of his Mighty Power and he hath kindled that Sacrifice that is of his own preparing and this to a Remnant is a manifest Token of the Love of God and of his Divine and special Providence for their safety and preservation that trust
of God or of Christ his Servants ye are to whom you obey Now consider whose Servants you are whether you are Servants of sin or bought by Christ Jesus and Redeemed from an ungodly life and from a vain Conversation We cannot serve two Masters where there is such a contrariety as Light is to Darkness you cannot serve them at one and the same time there must be a cleaving to the one see that you cleave and joyn your selves to that which is good to that Principle that God hath placed in your hearts and this will season your Souls this will leaven you to God Luke 13. 21. The Kingdom of God is like leaven which a Woman took and hid in three Measures of Meal ' till the whole was leavned God doth give to every Man a measure of Grace that brings Salvation This Grace hath appeared to all Men teaching us that denying ungodliness and Worldly Lusts we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present World yet too many People have not had regard to the grace of God given to them but rather trample upon it and do despite to the Spirit of Grace the Grace of God in Christ Jesus is extended to all the Children of Men without respect of Persons God is no respecter of ●ersons but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh Righteoasness is accepted with him Acts 10. 35. Now my Friends we cannot work Righteousness but by the ability and assistance of the grace of God now this grace is from Christ Jesus I John 17. For the Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ that grace came by Christ that worketh sanctification Now the Law did not make the comers thereunto perfect nor purge the Conscience but the bringing in of a better hope did by which we draw nigh to God There is no drawing nigh to God but through Christ Jesus no Redemption but through him he is a compleat Saviour he doth not only redeem in part but he saveth to the uttermost all that come unto God by him he is a compleat Saviour he that hath begotten good desires in our Souls whereby we breath after him and are raised to pant and desire after that which is good and as there is a giving up to him that hath begotten these good desires in the Soul the Lord in his good time will answer these desires see that ye be of humble and meek minds and lie low before him and wait on him and he will in due time perfect the work which he hath begun Friends I testifie among you at this time there is not a living desire in the Soul to that which is good but Christ is the Author of it he is the Author of Eternal Salvation to as many as obey him It is he that begun the work he met with us by his Power and Spirit when we were strangers to God For we as well as others were in the broad way going hand in hand with a multitude to do evil and we did not seek God till he did first seek us we did not desire the knowledge of his ways till he raised desires in our Souls he met with us in the way of his Judgments causing terrour to take hold of Transgressors so that we could not take delight in vanities and pleasures as we had done because his terrours took hold of us blessed be the name of the Lord. It was good for us that we were afflicted before we were afflicted we went a stray but now we have learned his Right●●●s Judgments Judgments upon the unjust we have found to be Mercy to the just Blessed be the name of the Lord that did seek us out that met with us that put a stop to us in our way that we could not delight in vanity as we had done The Lord brought us to a consideration of our ways and doings He manifested to us if I live and die in this way I am in I am undone for ever I am miserable for ever if I do not know Redemption and Salvation by Jesus Christ The Lord manifested to us by the shining of his Divine Light in our hearts that we were in the Broad way that leads to destruction we read of the Narrow way that leads to Life and of the Broad way that leads to destruction We read of the narrow way but we did not know our selves to be in that way when we saw the Broad way that leads to Destruction this begat a breathing in our Souls and an earnest desire that we might know the way that is pleasing to him And there being many Opinions in the World many of us were hurried in our Minds and where we saw any thing of sobriety and weightness of Spirit we were willing to try them all that we might know the mind of God Friends God raised a travel in our Souls and appeared farther to us God that Commanded the Light to shine out of Darkness shined into our hearts whereby a discovery was made of that which is good and of that which is evil This the Lord discovered to us by the shining of his Divine light and grace in our inward parts so that we need not look abroad we retired inward we saw that we had business enough at home we saw that when we had grieved the good Spirit of God we had trouble for it and when we answered the breathings of the Spirit we had peace within us so that we must distinguish between that which gave acceptance with God and that whereby the Spirit of God was grieved from day to day Now my Friends we came under a travel God by his light and grace discovered to us his way so that now we are come to a certainty of the way Christ is the way to God and if any man be in Christ he is a New Creature he is born again born of the Spirit you should all of you be concerned and consider what you know of a change wrought in you by the power of God whether you have received vertue from Jesus to stop the bloody issue of Sin It is an easie thing to make a profession and to call your selves Christians but it is a weighty thing to be a Christian to be so in reallity united unto God through Jesus Christ to be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ in the way of Regeneration and self-denial except a Man be Regenerate and born again he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God There are many People would go to God's Kingdom when they die but do not mind being prepared for it many have been pleading for Sin in their life but would go to God's Kingdom when they die where must People be cleansed from sin but on this side the grave there is no Repentance in the Grave nor no Redemption out of Hell This is the day of your Visitation God hath prepared means whereby we may be accepted of him consider of it the gate stands open that leads
a profitable Evidence that there is fruit brought forth not the Fruit of Sin What fruit have you of those things whereof you ●e now ashamed for the end of those things is Death They that are sensible of this know that the wrath of the Lord is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the Truth in unrighteousness Rom. 1. 18. The Work of Repentance stands in this not only in denying all Ungodliness but in abstaining from all appearance of evil Therefore stand upon thy guard against thine Enemy that he may not prevail against thee by his Assaults If sinners intice thee consent not to them go not in the way of evil men turn aside from it and pass away Learn Self denial which our Lord Jesus Christ doth declare to be of necessity Except a many Deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me he cannot be my Disciple Thou may'st appear to take up a Cross and deny thy Self but there must be a daily Cross a denying thy self continually not giving way to our Carnal Wills to our own Carnal Minds for to be Carnally minded is Death and to be Spiritually minded is Life and Peace Here is a Work that produceth profitable Fruit that will not bring Reproach and Shame and Confusion upon us the Work of the Spirit of the Lord hath not that tendency but will bring the Soul to possess Vertue to inherit Glory Righteousness that exalts a Nation but Sin is the Reproach of any People Sin brings a man to shame and confusion of Face because there is a sense comes upon a man that God will bring every Work into Judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil Eccles 12. 14. We must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ saith the Apostle that every one may receive the reward of the Deeds done in his Body according to that he hath done whether it be good or bad O this brings shame and confusion of Face over a man many times the Lord appears in his displeasure and the weight of his Anger is let forth sometimes so that it appears intollerable Sometimes men are brought under great terror and affliction of Soul and Spirit because of it God afflicts men sorely sometimes and this is in Mercy that we may fear to offend him and be brought to the doing of our Duty and come up in Obedience to what the Lord requireth of us and hath made known to us He bath shewed thee O Man what is good Micah 6. 6. Wherewith shall I come before the Lord and bow my self before the High God shall I come before him with burnt offerings with Calves of a year old will the Lord be pleased with Thousands of Rams or with ten thousands of Rivers of Oil shall I give my first born for my transgression the fruit of my Body for the Sin of my Soul He hath shewed thee O Man what is good and what doth the Lord require of thee but to do Justly and to love Mercy and to walk humbly with thy God This the Prophet tells us is more effectual and efficacious than Sacrifices under the Law Be faithful my Friends to what God makes known and give up in Obedience to the Works of Righteousness and live to the Glory of God and in Obedience to the Truth This tendeth to establish the Soul in a Divine Hope and Confidence which made Solomon to say the Righteous is as bold us a Lion why so Because the Lord is his strength He is strong in the Lord and in the Power of his Might Friends see to this every one in your own particular that you put off concerning your former Conversation the Old Man with his Deeds which are corrupt and put on the New Man which after God is Created in Righteousness and true Holiness then you shall find the happy effects of this the constraining effect and efficacy of the Love of Christ as the Apostle did 2 Cor. 5. 14. The Love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge that if one died for all then were all dead and that he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which Died for them and Rose again And therefore the Apostle comes to declare of those to this effect He that is in Christ is a new Creature old things are passed away behold all things are become New How is he a New Creature He is the Workmanship of God Created in Christ Jesus Oh the Work of the new Creation How precious is it to be Witnessed to All things are of God who hath reconciled us himself by Jesus Christ and hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation And saith the Apostle to the Ephesians Eph. 2. 14. For he is our peace having made both one and hath broken down the Wall of Partition between us having abo●ished in his Flesh the enmity even the Law of Commandments contained in Ordinances for to make in himself of twain One new man so making Peace here is Peace upon a sure Foundation upon a certain Bottom This is the Peace that Christ leaves as a Legacy to his Disciples Peace I leave with you my Peace I give unto you not as the Woald giveth give I unto you What is the difference The Worlds Peace is uncertain and attended with pain and trouble but the Peace of Christ maintains it self in those Souls that are gathered into the sense of his Power and under his Banner Isa 9. 6. saith the Prophet For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be upon his Shoulder and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace of the encrease of his Government and Peace there shall be no end And saith the Prophet Jeremiah 23. 5 6. Behold the days come saith the Lord that I will raise unto David a Righteous branch and a King shall Reign and Prosper and execute Judgment and Justice in the Earth in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel dwell safely and this is his Name whereby he shall be called the Lord our Righteousness Friends It is the desire of my Soul that you may come to know the precious effects hereof to your Souls that you may know Christ Jesus to be your Lord and submit to him and take his Yoke upon you for they that come to Christ must know what it is to be under his Dominion for he is a King and shall Reign and Prosper and execute Judgment The Lord is our Judge the Lord is our Lawgiver The Lord is our King and he will save us Therefore my Friends Be every one of you resigned in your Minds and Spirits and live in a dependance upon him that you may feel his Power overshaddowing you from Day to Day then you will say as it is in the Revelations Chap. 19. 1. Halleluja Salvation and Glory and
all Sin from all unrighteousness and from all filthiness of flesh and Spirit That so the end of the Labour Travel and Testimonies of all the Faithful Messengers and Servants whom the Lord hath raised up in this our Day and sent to turn Men from Darkness unto Light and from the Power of Satan to the power of God that their Labour and Travel I say may not be in Vain that we may all come to believe in the Light that we may be Children of the Light and of the Day that so we may come to walk in the Light And then my Friends we shall all come to be brought into an Heavenly Fellowship If we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ the Dear Son of God cleanseth us from all Sins And this is a Work that will be profitable for all to know seeing no unclean thing shall ever enter into the Kingdom of God Friends Our Justification that is indeed in and through and by the Lord Jesus Christ for his sake not our own Any thing that we have done or can do will not have a tendency to make our Peace with God seeing that we can do nothing our selves that is aceeptable and well pleasing to God Therefore we cannot in the least as hath been unjustly charged upon us diseteem or put a light esteem on what the Lord Jesus Christ hath done for us in his own Person without us nor upon what by his own Power and Spirit he hath wrought in our Hearts But we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ both as to his outward Appearance as he was God manifest in the Flesh and also in his Inward and Spiritual Appearance in our Souls We believe in him that hath appeared by his Light and Grace and Truth in our Hearts and we know the Effectual Working and Operation of his Divine Power to Sanctifie and Cleanse and Purifie our Souls And thereby we come to have a real sense of the benefit and Advantage that the Souls of the Children of Men have in and by Death and Sufferings Resurrection and Ascension of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Till People come to believe in his Spiritual Appearance by his Light and Grace and truth in their Hearts and to receive him and entertain him and let him have a place in their Souls that he by his Power may purge away Sin and Transgression While Men remain Rebellious and stubborn and will not let him in when he stands and knocks at the Door of their Hearts that he may come in and sup with them and they with him When Men Rebel against his Heavenly light within them and turn away from his Divine Grace and Holy Spirit and turn the Grace of God into Wantoness Lasciviousness and run into Uncleaness Drunkenness Pride Envy Malice and bitterness and into those things that are abominable and Evil in the sight of the Lord These men have no real Advantage or beneby the Death and Sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Satisfaction and Attonement he hath made for our Sins by that one Offering and Sacrifice of himself and they do not truly know the blessed end and design of his Appearance and coming into the World For this purpose was the Son of God manifested that be might destroy the Works of the Devil that he might finish Transgression and make an end of Sin and bring in Everlasting Righteousness My Friends the end of the Working of the Invisible Power and Spirit of Christ is that he may have a place in all your Hearts and that you may entertain him For the Lord will draw a Line of Judgment upon all that go under a Profession of Christianity and own what the Lord Jesus Christ did without them but will not receive him entertain him and believe in him as he doth spiritually Appear and shine in into their Hearts by hi● Divine Light Grace and Spirit My Friends Remember the sore Judgments Miseries Calamities and distress that came upon the Jews because of their rejecting Christ in his outward Appearance in that prepared Body in which he came to do his Fathers will They would not own him in his Bodily Appearance but rejected him and set him at nought they Crowned him with Thorns and Crucified the Lord of Life and Glory He said unto them except ye believe that I am he ●● shall dye in your Sins And if ye dye in your Sins whether I go you cannot come And thus he spake to Jerusalem O Jerusalem Jerusalem Thou that killest the Prophets and Stonest them which are sent unto thee How often would I have gathered thy Children together even as a Hen gathereth her Chickens under her Wings and ye would not Behold your House is left unto yo● Desolate for I say unto you ye shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the Name of the Lord. He tells them of the Calamity and distress that should come upon them and overtake them and so it came pass because they rejected the Love of God which in Christ Jesus was extended to them when he would have gathered them and brought them into a state of Reconciliation and peace with the Living God but they would not So now my Friends In this day of Christs Inward and Spiritual Appearance you have had the Testimonies of those that have been sent to you in the Name and Power and Spirit of the Living God and yet many will not believe in the Lord Jesus Christ nor receive him Inwardly and Spiritually appearing in their Hearts nor give way to him nor wait and attend upon him to do that work in them and for them which they cannot do for themselves What work is that The Work of Sanctification For none come to be Justified freely by the Grace of God through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ as the Apostle speaks Rom. 3. 24. but they are also Sanctified by the Spirit of Christ and made partakers of the Divine Nature So that is absolutely necessary for us to know Christs Power and Spirit to renew and sanctifie our Souls and purifie and cleanse us When we come to believe in the Inward and Spiritual Appearance of Christ and to know the Work of Sanctification we cannot have a slight esteem of nor dis-believe or undervalue what the Lord Jesus Christ hath done with us in his Person For we shall come to find the Benefit Gain Advantage and profit of it redounding to our Souls through that one offering when he offered himself through the Eternal Spirit as a Lamb without spot He offered himfelf once for all and we have the benefit of it when we come to receive him live in Obedience to him and Answer his requirings and walk in the Spirit And then as the Apostle saith If we walk in the Spirit we shall not fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh for all that is in the World the Lust
whereby they may be supported through all Tryals and Adversities and through all Oppositions and Temptations that they may meet withal for the tryal of their Faith and for the exercise of their Patience that all their Afflictions and Exercises may be sanctified to them for the bringing them nearer and nearer to thy self and into a more lively inward and single Dependance on thee and thy Divine Grace and Truth which thou hast made known by Christ Jesus our only Mediatour by whom alone we have access to thee and whereby we are made capable of beholding the light of thy Countenance and partake of thy Divine goodness and blessing and of those pretious promises which thou hast left upon Record and Impressed upon our Minds and Hearts Thou hast poured into us a living and inward sense of that pure Life of thy Dear Son whereby we may be enabled to live to thy Praise and O Blessed Powerful Lord God those that are not convinced and persuaded of thy Way and blessed Truth that are not come into it and to partake of the Life of it that are not yet come to live to thee and to live in Obedience to thy Blessed Son the Lord Jesus Christ who are not come under the Power of his Cross that they may be Crucified to the World and have the World Crucified to them Lord awaken them utter thy Voice that shakes the Mountains rend the Vail and draw in their Hearts and Minds and Affections from earthly and fading Objects that they may come to breathe after thee and feel that Spirit in them wherewith thou dost Inspire thy People whereby they may supplicate thee for relief for strength and Victory over the Spirit of the World and over the Temptations of the Devil and the Flesh which do easily beset Men and whereby many are led Captive who cannot yet make mention of thy Name and walk in thy Truth Lord awaken them by thy Powerful Voice and incline their Hearts to seek thee while thou art to be found and call upon thee while thou art near that thou mayst be known in thy glorious Visitation The Cords of thy Love thou hast extended that they may lay hold thereon that they may be drawn out of the Pollutions of the World and of Sin and Sathan that have brought Death over them let the fear of God take place that they may be affraid to offend thee as knowing that thou art a Jealous God and thine Eyes are upon all the ways of the Sons of Men thou art the Heart searching God there is no secret can be hid from thine All seeing Eyes Vnder that Consideration O Lord let many come unto thee and reverence thy Great Name and not provoke thee to Displeasure against them And O blessed God thou hast been graciously pleased to begin a good Word a glorious Work of Righteousness in our days and tim●s Blessed God and Father we humbly pray thee carry it on and make it prosper Prosper the Souls of thy People in it that they may be a growing thriving and increasing People in thy Holy ways and in thy blessed Work and as thou hast sown a precious seed and Planted a Noble Vine by thine own Almighty hand and given us a Root of Life the Foundation of our Faith Love and Obedience which Foundation thou hast laid in Zion Lord keep thy People sensible of it that they may mind it and wait upon thee and be preserved in that Root of Life wberein thy Blessing is that thy People may partake of thy Blessing and gr●w up into the Nature of that Life to bring forth Fruit to ●hee to encrease in Faith and Love in Obedience and Humility and Meekness that the Life of true Christianity may be Promo●ed and Inc●eased among thine Heritage that they may live in it and shine forth in it as thy Workmanship which thou hast Created in Christ Jesus unto fruitfulness unto all good Works that they may walk in them That so Powerful God and living Creator they may live unto thee and Act intirely to thy Praise H●n●ur and Glory in their Day Age and Generation and that their bright shining forth in the Light if Truth and Righteou'ness may appear more and more as an Invitation to th●se that are afar off That in this thy Day wherein thou art setting up ●be Tabernacle of David the Kingdom of thy Bel●ved Son and Repairing the Ruins and wast Places thereof Lord God Eternal grant that the Residue of Men may seek after thee and be sensible that thou art at Work and raising an H●use for thine Honour and promoting the Kingdom of thy Son which is a Kingdom of Righteousness that of his Government there may be no end that all those that desire after Peace and after Happiness in the Kingdom of thy Dear Son may wait to see him Rule and Govern to see him Reign whose Right it is That Sin may not Reign in their Mortal Bodies that Sinful Lusts and Vile Affecti●ns and an Earthly mind may not have Power over them and prevail against them that so their Souls may be lifted up to thee That Blessed Eternal God they may wait upon thee and Renew their Strength and Renew their Thankfulness for the Renewing of thy Mercies and the Incomes of thy Love which are fresh and New every Morning That they may fear thee and wait upon thee and Diligently seek after thee and have sweet Communion with thee in the Enjoyment of thy Presence And Blessed be thou O Lord God Eternal for all thy Mercies Preservations and Encouragements so frequently Afforded to thy People whose Eyes and Hearts are towards thee Our Souls are deeply engaged to thee and we have cause to Bless and Praise and Honor thy Great and Excellent Name and through t●y Dear Son to offer up praise and Thanks giving to thy Great and Excellent Majesty for thou alone O God art worthy to Receive the Honour and Praise of all thy Mercies Benefits and Blessings by all the ●iving here and elsewhere who art God only over all Heaven and the whole Earth Blessed and Praised for Ever and Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. WILLIAM DEWSBERY At Grace-Church-Street May 6. 1688. My Friends Except you be Regenerated and Born again ye cannot inherit the Kingdom of God THis is the Word of the Lord God to all People this day this lies not in airy Profession and in vain Imagination and whatsoever else it is that you deck your selves with all you must every particular Man and Woman be born again else you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven This was the Doctrine of Christ in that prepared body wherein he appeared in the World and Preached to Nicodemus That standing Doctrine to this moment of time and will be so while any man breaths upon the Earth there is no other way no other gate to enter into Life by but this great work of Regeneration Now to enforce People to come to this great Work and to set forward
from Earth to Heaven all being driven out of Paradice by the Cherubim set with a Flaming Sword there is no returning to that Blessed Life but by the loss of that Life that did grieve the Spirit of God and which did cause Man to be driven out there is no other way of return again but by this New Birth As you are all driven and forced out of Paradise and the Flaming Sword and the Cherubims are set to keep the way of the Tree of Life so you must return into the favour of God again by the Light of Christ and you have Line upon Line Precept upon Precept here a little and there a little to direct your minds to the Light of Christ Jesus As the first Adam was made a living Soul so the second Adam is a quickning Spirit This know for certain no Man or Woman can be quickned and raised up into the life of the second Adam till the life of the first Adam be taken away from them So now let every one of you deal plainly with your own hearts how you came to be a slain People to the life of the first Adam in which life there was a working of the Mystery of Iniquity in every part of Man One cries lo here is Christ another lo there is Christ and every one is following his own imagination about the Letter of the Scripture this is still but the vain Spirit of Man running and striving to recover himself and this is the cause there is so much profession of God and so little of his Nature appearing among the Sons and Daughters of Men. Now all of you that come to be regenerated you must come to the light of Christ there is no other way to it He will search your hearts and try your reins and set your sins in order before you and trace out the iniquities that compass you about therefore you must see your selves a lost People a sinful People and so come to feel the weight of your Sins upon your Consciences there is no other way to come to life you will never complain of Sin till you be burthened with it 'till you have a Trumpet sounding in your ears to awaken you that you may arise from the Dead that Christ may give you light there is no other way Dear People you must bring your deeds to the light of Christ and abide the sentence of Condemnation if you save your lives you lose them if you will lose your lives for Christs sake there is no danger of your Eternal Life John the Baptist Christ's fore-runner declared I indeed Baptize you with water unto Repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I the Latchet of whose Shooes I am not worthy to unlose he shall Baptize you with the Holy-Ghost and with Fire whose Fan is in his hand and he will throughly purge his floor and will gather his Wheat into his Garner but the Chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire What is it the better for you to read the Scripture if you know not this fiery Baptism which all must know that are regenerated deceive not your selves Christ will appear in flaming fire and take vengeance on all them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ I stand here as a Witness of the Lord of Life this day there is no way for people to come to Salvation but they must know Christ revealed in all their hearts What is he doing but rendring Vengeance upon the carnal mind self-pleasing and all inordinate Affections he comes with Vengeance to take away thy Life he will Baptize thee with the Holy Ghost and with Fire If thou knowest not this thou art not a true Christian Thou wilt never look Death in the face with joy nor go down to the Grave with Triumph If thou livest at home in the body and flyest for thy life and wilt not be willing to lose thy life for Christ if thou art called to it and if thou wilt not have Christ to wash thee some for shiness and some for self-love will refuse this if Christ doth not wash thee thou hast no part in him you must come to Christ to purifie you in the fiery furnace the Day of the Lord shall burn as an Oven as the Prophet speaks this is a dreadful day a day of Vengeance the day of the Lord Jesus Christ who Redeemeth his People from their Sins Zion is Redeemed with Judgment and Established with Righteousness Do not make the way to Heaven easier in your minds and imaginations than indeed it is and think it not sufficient to live in an outward observance of the ways of God If your own wills be alive and your corruptions remain unmortified the Judgment of God will be your Portion therefore in the Lord's name come along with me I am come to declare what I have heard and seen of the Father Come and examine thy Conscience hast thou brought thy deeds to the light then thou hast received Condemnation upon thy self and thy haughtiness is bowed down and laid low and thou seest thy self a poor miserable wretch before the Eternal God Whatsoever thou knowest of the mind of God hast thou reformed thy ways come along with me and tell me what is the ground of thy Faith and thy considence is it thy obedience and qualifications because thy obedience is right and thy qualifications right what use dost thou make of tnem read the Book of Conscience hast thou no ground for thy Faith thou hast put on the Reformed Faith and livest an unreformed Life search and try thy self Man or Woman Dost thou watch over thy self and keep in a sense of thy dissolution notwithstanding all thy qualifications and partial Reformation Dost thou strive to enter in at the strait Gate and the narrow way here is the lost Sheep thou seekest the life of thy will the life of the first Adam the justice of God will not suffer thee to make a Saviour of thy Duties and Qualifications and to take God's Jewels and to deck thy self with them thou canst not be saved without the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus What saith thy Conscience art thou brought to this change of thy Mind and of thy Conversation Are you all willing to part with your Sins with your Pride and Haughtiness Are you willing to part with your vile Affections this is the work of Gods grace upon you dost thou place thy confidence in thy Duties and Qualifications and takest God's Jewels and Oraments and deckest thy self with them Thou tookest my Jewels saith the Lord and didst play the Harlot if thou return to the Lord and humble thy self and get through this difficulty thou wilt be happy for ever This Judgment of God this Flaming-Sword that turns every way will keep thee from returning to Sin and bring thee to Christ and cut thee off from all hope of Salvation but by him and make thee to see the absolute need of
to the Holy City there is none can enter into God's Kingdom in their desilements their hearts must be purged their minds purified they must know the work of Sanctification if they will enter into God's Kingdom Now the preparation of the heart and the answer of the Tongue is from Lord. I do not question but here are many tender hearted ones that have tender desires and breathings of Soul after God that desire to know peace with God and reconciliation with their Maker Now my Friends there is not another Mediator besides Jesus Christ he is the alone Mediator and Redeemer it is he gave himself a Ransom for us it is he that reconciles Man to God and we must be found in him if we will come to have acceptance with God So let every one of you consider with your selves how far you are broken off from your evil ways we are all by Nature Children of wrath consider how far you are broken off from the Wild Olive-Tree from that which is corrupt by Nature and whether you be grafted into Christ If thou beest grasted into him thou receivest strength and nourishment and ability from him and for this end we have waited after we have believed we have waited for power many a time we have travelled many Miles to a silent Meeting People have wondred what encouragement we could have to travel to a silent Meeting indeed we have had great encouragement to meet together and we have travelled in great hazard and jeopardy yet we have met together and the Lord hath made us living Witnesses of the fulfilling of that promise that where two or three are gathered together in my Name I will be in the midst of them this was that which beautified our Meetings and we were willing to wait there was a disposition of Soul in us that if the Lord did hide his face from us we were troubled if we did not enjoy the Lord and find him in the midst of us it brought a great concernment upon our Minds and Spirits and we were willing to reflect upon our selves and examine within our selves what was the matter that the Fountain did not send forth its living streams as at other times and what the reason was it was with-held from us Friends this was a great exercise upon our Minds but the Lord graciously manifesting himself appeared to us causing the Cloud many times to vanish away and the light of his Countenance shined on us and our Spirits were revived and we were comforted and this was a great encourrgement to us to wait upon God seeing our own weakness to perform that which is our bounden duty which God required of us of necessity this brought a constraint upon us to wait upon the Lord that we might renew our strength seeing our own weakness insufficiency and infirmity there was a necessity that constrained us to wait for a Saviour for a Redeemer Isa 40. 31. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint My Friends we have need of Supplies from God every day we have need of our daily bread and God gives bread to the hungry Soul he filleth the hungry with good things this is that we labour and travel for now it is those that are hungry that God takes notice of and gives bread to he hath promised that those that hunger and thirst after righteou●ness shall be filled See what you are hunting after this day what is it that your Souls do desire you have presented your bodies here at this time what is it for is it to hear what a Man can say to hear Eloquence of Speech to hear some novelties or is it your end to wait upon God I would have every one of you to wait for your selves you that have been acquainted with the manifestation of the Spirit wait in it feel your minds exercised towards God wait at his Footstool this was Maries choice when Martha was cumbred about many things Mary attended at the Foot-stool of Jesus her attendance was upon him So Friends let us all look unto the Lord and wait upon him wait for his appearance and for his Salvation to be manifested to us Wait that you may know that arm of Power that wrought tenderness in you and did beget desires in your Souls after that which is good wait that you may be strengthned in that power that you may be a growing People that you may grow in Grace and Vertue that you may grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ there are degrees of grace and there are several statures and degrees of growth you may read of several statures 1 John 2. 13. Children young Men and Fathers I have written unto you Fathers because ye have known him that is from the beginning I have written unto you young men because ye are strong and the word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one I write unto you little Children because ye have known the Father Now you that make a profession of the truth see how far you are grown into the Life of it see how far it hath prevailed so as to season your Souls and to make you savoury to God that you may not only stand in a profession and be Professors of Life but Possessors of Life of the Life of Jesus that you may receive life and ability from him every day so as to be enabled by his power to perform what he requires of you Now there is no more required of us but faithfulness according to the ability of grace given the Lord God hath been free in his Love and hath communicated to us a Tallent or Tallents Now it is those that are faithful in a little that he will commit more unto but do not expect a greater Tallent or more to be communicated till you have been faithful in a little which hath already been faithful in a little which hath already been made manifest to you see that you be every one concerned for your selves mind your Travel Lay aside every weight and burthen and the Sin which doth so easily beset you and run with patience the Race that is set before you looking unto Jesus who is the Author and will be the Finisher of your Faith If thou dost give up thy self to him he that is the Author will be the finisher of thy Faith to the Joy and Comfort of thy Soul he will Perfect the Work he hath begun in thee I would have neither Old nor Young to satisfie your selves with an outside Profession of the truth of God but see that you be Converted that you be broken off from the Wild Olive and Ingrafted into Christ see that there be a through Reformation wrought in your Souls and that you be separated from that which is Evil what doth an outward Separation signifie if there be not an
Inward Separation 2 Cor. 6. 17. Wherefore come out from amongst them and be ye seperate saith the Lord and touch not the unclean thing and I will receive you and will be a Father unto you and ye shall be my Sons and Daughters saith the Lord Almighty Wait upon the Lord and know an Inward Separation for what will it signifie to change the Name and retain the Corrupt Nature the Old Nature and to live in Pride Vanity Lust Covetousness and other Abominations What doth it signifie to make a profession of Christianity while People live in these sins from Day to Day Consider how it is with you how you stand related to God I do not Question but that all here make a profession of God and Christ and true Godliness that are too much like to some that profess God in Words but in Works deny him being abominable and to every good Work Reprobate I would have better hopes of you that are here present There are many that make a profession of Christianity that are vile in their Lives and ungodly in their Conversations more like Heathens then weighty sober solid Christians their Lives do not speak them to be Christians they have the name of Christians they are called so but their Lives speak them to be otherwise Now Friends I hope and believe that many of you here present do abhor those Abominations that are acted among many that are called Christians you that hate and abhor these Abominations do not you retain that which is Evil in the least degree but now there are some that may abhor to be seen in abominable Pride and yet there may be something of that Nature that doth in secret remain and though they may seek to hide it from Men in their Profession yet God will find them out If I regard Iniquity in my Heart God will not hear my Prayers See that you be a clear People a People Redeemed to God do not halt between two Opinions that so you may come forth clear for God you whose Understandings God hath opened see that you be Preaching for God Do not keep correspondency with the Spirit of the World though we may have Commerce and Dealings among Men Be Watchful keep your selves from the Evil of the World as Christ Prayed for his Disciples 17. John 15. I Pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the World but that thou shouldest keep them from the Evil. So that we must have a care that we partake not with them in their Sins least we p●rtake with them in their Plagues Take heed of mixtures this was an Abomination in Israel they were not to Sow their Land with mingled Seed or Grain nor to wear Garments of Linnen and Woolen Take heed of the Spirit of the World Do not mix with it least you be Corrupted by it and the Enemy prevail Sin will harden a People the longer they go on in a course of Sin and the longer People take liberty in that which is vain the harder they will grow and the more stupid and benummed if they answer not the call of God to come out of the Abomination of the World God calleth us to Purity and Holiness for without Holiness saith the Apostle no man shall see thee Lord they shall not see God to their Comfort to their Joy and Consolation see that you be found in that Holy way which God hath cast up many Men have been casting up ways their own devising but God hath cast up a way for the Ran●omed of the Lord that the way-faring man though a Fool shall not err therein the Unclean Beasts have not trod in this Way The Ransomed of the Lord those that are Redeemed from their Vain Conversation these are they that walk in this pure and Holy way the way of Righteousness and truth see that you be joyned to the Truth and that will be for your good not that God hath need of us but we have need to be reconciled to him Man hath need of Reconciliation to God his Maker for he hath gone astray from him and hath been seperated by reason of Sin and had need be Reconciled Friends I would have you to prize the Mercy of God and the day of his Visitation he hath stretched forth his hand and his Love and Mercy have been extended to us There are many good People zealous People that have desired to see the Days that we now see and have not lived to see them but have died in the Faith of this that God would send forth more of his Light more of his Grace to the Children of Men and that the light of the Moon should be as the light of the Sun and the light of the Sun as the light of Seaven days many good People that are gone to their Rest have died in the Faith of it though they never attained to see the days that we have seen God hath stretched forth his hand to the Nations and sent forth his Servants to declare the glad tidings of Peace and Salvation to be prefected through Christ Jesus the Mediator Now God hath made us partakers of this Grace and Blessing Blessed be the Lord our God who hath made a Remnant partakers of it that have given up their All that they might enjoy Truth and be Professors of the Truth and the Lord hath preserved this Remnant through many Tribulations ever since we have been a People the Love of God and his Almighty Power hath surrounded us and he hath gathered us to be a People many of us have living experience of the tender Mercies and Blessings of God We cannot say that he hath been a bad Master he hath not laid hard things upon us he hath fe● his Flock like a Shepherd he hath gathered the Lambs with his Arm and carried them in his Bosom and doth gently lead those that are with Young Isa 40. 11. The Spirit of the Lord hath led us on gently and hath Instructed us according to our Capacities he hath not laid hard matters upon us when we were as weak Children but he hath nourished us by degrees and fed us with the Sincere Milk of the Word that we might grow thereby that we might grow in Grace and in Vertue and Goodness that you may be strengthened in your Inward Man the Outward Man cannot long subsist without Food but the Body without Food will grow Weak and Feeble nor can the Soul live unto God except it receive strength and nourishment from him who fills the hungry with good things and sends the Rich empty away Wait upon God that you may be strengthened and enabled to perform your Duty and what God requires of you Obedience is better then Sacrifice and to obey the Voice of the Lord then the Fat of Rams It is in Christ alone that we have acceptance with God and he is the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that obey him Acceptance with God is of great value and much to be desired O
Pharoah's House and out of Egypt's Land and took us by the hand and led us peaceably to walk by the Rivers of Gods Pleasures I say see to it this day that you may answer the great Love of God that the Lord doth vouchsafe his Heavenly Presence in the midst of you and lift up the Light of his Countenance upon you that ye may be found answering his Love in his renewed Blessings that as he reneweth his Mercies you may renew your Obedience and as he renews his Loving kindness you may renew your Thankfulness that your Souls may be filled with high Praises for it is a Day of Praises for the Lord they who have obtained a Deliverance by Gods mighty Arm and Power that brought his People out of Egypt's Land into the Wilderness and through the Red-Sea and over Jordan's River unto the Banks of Salvation they who have received a marvellous Deliverance from their Spiritual Enemies they do not hang their Harps upon the Willows but Rejoice and Praise the Living God they resolve with the Prophet Although the Fig-tree shall not blossome neither shall Fruit be in the Vine the Labour of the Olive shall fail and the Fields shall yield no Meat the Flock shall be cut off from the Fold and there shall be no Herd in the Stalls and altho ' there be Plague Sword Fire Desolation and Destruction Yet we will rejoice in the Lord we will joy in the God of our Salvation Is it so with you this Day Are you come into this Divine Fellowship into this Intimacy with the Lord have you this Holy Frame of Soul O ye Sons and Daughters of the Morning the Everlasting Day of God hath dawned upon you that you may look into your Hearts and see how it is with you and see your experiences see the things that your Eyes have seen and your hands have handled You have tasted the good Word of God and known the Operation of his Power these are things that they have that are Children not empty Notions but Experiences If we travel on we shall be enabled to overcome and if we take unto us the whole Armour of God we shall be enabled to stand in the Evil Day and having done all to stand and what is the reward of them that overcome they shall eat of the Fruit of the Tree of Life that grows in the Paradise of God as many as are fed from this Tree they are not to be standing Idle but Work the Works of God and are brought into the Paradise of God and enjoy the Delights of God in the Presence of God and the Lord will fill and satisfie them with his Divine Goodness and they shall grow and encrease in the Divine Life more and more Consider how doth the Work go on Consider the Lord Jesus he came in our Natures before he cometh into our Hearts Now Christ Jesus within us is the Hope of Glory and the Mystery that was hid from Ages and Generations is now Revealed in us Christ is now come not only into our Natures bu● into our Hearts into our Inward man and all those at the Door of whose Hearts he hath knocked If they have opened to him and received him He hath come to Sup with them and he hath given them the Bread of Life and the Cup of Salvation and they have come into Divine Fellowship with him and so they have eaten his Flesh and drunk his Blood and fed upon that Bread that comes down from Heaven and all that open the Door and let him in they come to eat of this Bread and they come to see him that is the Desire of all Nations and the Light of the World and they walk in his Light This is an Ancient Testimony when you were first turned to the Light of Christ it was not a Natural but a Divine Light that you were turned to the Light of Jesus manifesting himself in us in this Light you received him and I desire to know what you have tasted what surther Joy is there What more excellent object what more excellent mark than this then the Light of the Nations that we are come to walk in Here is Divinity here is that which was before the World began here is made known the Divine Nature It is testified here that you might be partakers of it that you might be a chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood a Holy Nation a Peculiar People that you should shew forth the Praises of him who hath called you out of Darkness into his marvellous Light see how this Work advanceth in every one of you that you may be faithful and improve your Tallents that you may be able to give up your account to the Lord with Joy and not with Grief When you shall hear a Voice saying Come come away There is no more Time the Glass is Run then how joyfully wilt thou hear that Voice if thou hast not been Idle but Working out thy Salvation and answering the Call of God and adoring him for his Love to thy Immortal Soul thou art not like Martha cumbred about many things but mindest the one thing needful that good part that shall not be taken away from thee If you thus Work out your Salvation it will be said unto you Well Done not Well Taught not well Disputed but Well Done good and faithful Servants enter you into the Joy of your Lord My Friends Time goes apace and we are wearing off and in a little while we shall be here no more Time will be gone and the Day of your Visitation quickly over the Thought and Consideration of this hath affected me many a time Look Friends that you be all travelling on in your Heavenly Journey as a faithful people and that the Work of your Salvation is carrying on and that is Christ is a Redeemer to you and that he doth deliver you from the Dominion of Sin and the Bondage of Corruption Art thou free who hath made thee free If the Truth hath made thee free If the Son of God hath made thee free then art thou free indeed If thou art made free thy Knowledge will be accompanied with experience and not notions only you want not notions but Possession of Inward freedom and liberty Doth your knowledge of Truth make you free from Sin Oh the tumblings and tossings that thy Soul was in Oh the Covenant making and the Covenant breaking there was no Peace no Rest because you were fallen and because you did not know Dominion and Victory over Sin which is only by the Life and Spirit of Christ Jesus which will lead you into the Path of obedience then you will know that in Christ there is Life and this Life is the Light of Men and the Light shineth in Darkness and the Darkness comprehendeth it not you have Life only in Christ and you have it in him as in the Fountain this you must know that you may be delivered from sin By this saving knowledge of Christ and
and thou hast made thine to grow up as the Lilly of the Vallies and as the Rose in Sharon and watered us as with the streams from Lebanon Lord God of Glory We do thankfully acknowledge thy wonderful Care over us and Love towards us and to all the Children of Men And we desire to offer to thee Praise and Glory through Christ Jesus the Son of thy Love who art worthy of all Honor Glory and Renown Power Blessings and Praise who art God over all Blessed for Ever and Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. RICHARD ASHBY At St. Martins Le Grand Feb. 16. 1693. THE Testimonies and Declarations which are given forth in obedience to the Lords requirings are to bring every one of you to a sense and feeling of the Inward Testimony of Truth in your own Bosoms to the feeling of the Work and Operation of the Lords Spirit upon your Hearts to give to every one a clear sight and understanding of those things that tend to their Souls profit and to their Spiritual advantage and a Divine growth in Grace If any of us are satisfying our selves in sitting down in an outward Gathering and only exercising our natural faculties to hear and to understand and come not to know and be acquainted in our selves with the Inspiration of the Almighty the Word of Truth we are Strangers to it and the good and excellency of it is hid from our Eyes So that it is matter of great concernment for every one to know what it is to be inwardly retired and to know the Operation of Gods Gift upon their Souls and to be acquainted with the Work of Gods Spirit in their inward parts else we shall be deficient in learning what we ought to know and fall short of certainty in our knowledg and we shall be among the number of those that are always Learning and never come to any stability and come not to the power and to know the Substance of all such are in the Dark they are groping for the Wall they are at uncertainty and tossed too and fro and have not a stability of Mind and Spirit attending them and they come not to know a true Exercise though there may be some inward desires yet for want of keeping to that Power by which they are begotten their desires seem to fail O my Friends that every one of you may be ponderous and weighty that in your minds you may feel the operation of that Power and the inward Work of Truth that is begun in the Soul as the Foundation of Eternal Happiness that is laid that we may know the Instruction and feel the Power of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Heavenly Gospel in which he is carrying on the Work of our Salvation that we have an Eye unto Jesus and our expectations from him and be waiting truly upon him for Experience to come to know him that is the Author and Beginner of the Work of Faith in our Souls and lays the Foundation of Eternal Felicity These are such as walk on gradually and persevere to the end they look unto Jesus the Author and F●●●sher of their Faith the great searcher of their Hearts and manifester of the Thoughts and Intents thereof They come to know him in his Offices as he discovers and makes known to man and sheweth unto him what it is that doth obstruct and prevent his enjoyment of Peace They that come to be sensible of this come to know an Inward Travel of Soul and are brought to a Spiritual exercise that hath a profitable tendency so that now they discover those things that are pleasing to the sight of their Minds not those things that please the carnal desire and bring reproof unto the Soul Here is the proper effect of Faith when there is Impressed upon the Soul a sense of Sin and of the Works of Unrighteousness and here is a Foundation laid for true Repentance towards God and Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ for saith the Apostle Him hath God exalted with his own Right Hand to be a Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance and Remission of Sins He gives Repentance to those that come to feel their Need of a Phisician to heal them he makes such a discovery to their Souls such a sense he gives of their Sin and Transgression as makes it appear exceeding sinful These are such as come to reflect upon themselves and see their woful state this will lay low their Minds and bow down their Spirits these are they that come to Self-abhorrence and to have a Travel in their Spirits and they come down into a lowly state according to what the Prophet Jeremy speaks Lam. 2. 29. He fitteth alone and keepeth silence He putteth his Mouth in the Dust If so be there may be hope Wherefore doth a Living Man Complain a Man for the Punishment of his Sins It is of the Lords Mercies that we are not consumed because his Compassions fail not They that come to be acquainted with the Lord as a Judge and as a Reprover here is a Decision made in the Soul and a Separation from Sin after it is discovered and the Judgment of God takes hold of the Sin and Trangression and a man comes under Reproof Here is a time of suffering and here is sorrow taking hold of him here is that which affects the Soul with grief and brings it into a state of Mourning and he is brought under a sense of Gods dealings with him and he comes to know that sorrow that hath an Inward effect upon the Soul to take away Iniquity and make the Heart better He submits to the discovery of that Deceitfulness that is lodged in the Heart For saith the Prophet The Heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it I the Lord search the Heart I try the Reins even to give to every man according to his ways and according to the Fruit of bis doings The Apostle speaking to some of the Heart being turned unto the Lord said then the Vail shall be taken away As God inwardly appears to a man there must be an humble submission to his searching of the Heart therefore faith the Psalmist Psalm 19. 12. Who can understand his Errors cleanse thou me from secret faults and he knew a cleansing Work in his own Heart Psalm 51. 10. Create in me a Clean Heart O God and Renew a right Spirit in me Cast me not away from thy Presence take not thy Holy Spirit from me restore unto me the Joy of thy Salvation and uphold me with thy free Spirit The Psalmist was in a Spiritual Travel and came to an experience of this Work upon his Soul and he prays the Lord to uphold him that what he had done might not be marr'd again therefore he begs of God to uphold him with his free Spirit You should all labour to go on in this Inward Travel that will bring you to a Repentance not to be Repented of and to have
Honour and Power unto the Lord our God The Power of his Christ is Revealed to us O Friends that you may feel that you are gathered under his Power into his Pavillion that he may be a safe hiding place to you and that you may experience and witness his Power from Day to Day then your Peace shall be as a River O that you may every one find this in your own particular and not rest satisfied in outward Forms and in an outward Profession that you may feel the substance feel the Life and possession and have Heavenly Treasure in your Earthen Vessels then will you be witnesses of Immortal Life that is brought to Light by the Gospel then you shall be of the Number of those that have fought a good Fight of Faith and laid hold on Eternal Life and you shall be sensible of the Visitation of the Lord Giving Spiritual Life unto the Soul Thus the Psalmist experienced and declared All my Fresh Springs are in thee Here is an Evidence and Testimony of this Life O Labour to have a Testimony of this Life that ye may have fresh Springs from the Lord and Draw Water out of the Wells of Salvation These are renewed in the Soul from time to time It may be said that the Stream is but small to some Oh keep to the Streams and partake of them though but in the lowest degree that thou may'st feel the risings of them The Prophet Ezekiel was led into the Temple saith he The Hand of the Lord was upon me and he brought me thither and behold there was a Man whose appearance was like the appearance of Brass with a Line of Flax in his hand and a measuring Reed and he measured a thousand Cubits and he brought me through the Waters and the Waters were to the Anckles Again he measured a thousand and brought me through the Waters and the Waters were to the Knees and afterward the the Waters were to the Loyns And afterward saith He measured another Thousand and it was a River that I could not pass over for the Waters were risen Waters to Swim in a River that could not be passed over My Friends here are Divine openings upon the Soul in feeling fresh springs of Love and Life and you may come to know and witness Refreshings from the Presence of the Lord you are not strangers to the Fruits of the Heavenly Canaan and the fruits of the Tree of Life When you come to pertake of them you will say His fruit was sweet unto my tast you will find that the Lord will abundantly open his bountiful hand and satisfy his poor with Bread Let your waiting be continually upon the Lord and Bread will be given to you and your Waters will be sure then you will see the King in his Beauty the King of Glory discovering himself Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty We all with open face beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord. Here is a precious Object indeed O the Beauty of Holiness how affecting is it to the Soul The Soul is overcome with God When the Soul comes to the acting of its Faith and Trusting in the Lord and Depending upon him continually to beholding the Glory of the Lord which is of an affecting nature this raiseth desires in the Soul according to the Testimony of the Psalmist Psal 17. 14. As for me I will behold thy Face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy Likeness The Apostle speaks of beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord and being changed into the same from Glory to Glory as by the Spirit of the Lord. You that know the Revelation of God in you you will find this change from Glory to Glory and a coming up to the Beauty of Holiness Then my Friends here is a pure Communion a Communion with the Saints the Lord Reveals himself and makes his Spiritual abode in the Soul these are those that come to know Fellowship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ They that come to know this know God to be with them and do know Gods Power and Presence in the midst of them Then though man may frown the Light of Gods Countenance shall be lifted up upon us And If God be for us saith the Apostle who can be against us He that spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all How shall he not with him also freely give us all good things The Lord will bless us with all Spiritual blessings in Heavenly Places in Christ Wait upon the Lord and he will bless thee and encourage thee that thou mayst know additional blessings in thy Soul This is the intent design and import of these Declarations that are found among you that you may all know a being gathered unto the Lord and may feel his Power and know the Lot of your Souls Inheritance and know that the Lord will continue his mercies to you and will make good his Promise that if you cast your care upon him he will take care of you they that do this may know the Lord to be their Portion and the Lot of their Inheritance to be in him In times of distress and tribulation the Lord will be with them Israel of Old tho' they did all partake of an outward Canaan yet all had not their Lot in Shilo They that come to sit with Christ in Heavenly places they have their Lot in Shilo in a Peaceable Saviour the Prince of Peace Take a view of your inward state and condition see is the Lord Jesus your Lot and Portion then you shall not want but if you are Strangers to this and live in the state of carnal security sorrow will overtake you The Prophet saw some to do so It is as when a Hungry Man Dreams of Refreshment but when he awakes his Soul is empty and faint If you have not the feeling of the Power of Gods Spirit and are at ease a terrible Day will overtake you Therefore Friends while you have time give all diligence while the Manna falls about your Tents and are humbled in the sence thereof know that the Lord will preserve you from day to day then your Bread will be sweet and your Water sure O Friends The Great Prophet hath been sent to you Behold I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come into him and will sup with him and he with me Friends He will bless you and you shall know your Provisions which are made for you the Lord Christ will bless your store for the Treasures of Heaven fail not where Moth and Rust doth not corrupt nor Theives break through nor Steal and therefore Friends have respect to the manifestation and Spiritual Appearance of the Lord Jesus that you may feel his Power overshaddowing you from day to day that you may be kept by the Mighty Power of God We must wait upon the
was made known in that dispensation only there was a Vail over the Hearts of the Jews and they did not see so clearly and there was an outward Sign of it too amongst them for in their Worship and Solemn Assemblies they had an outward Vail to cast over them but there is an Inward Vail too which comes over the Hearts of People that Ecclipseth the Glory of Christ and the excellency of Christ and till that is Rent and done away by an Almighty Power for there is nothing outward can do it when this comes to be taken off Peoples Hearts then they can see Christ as he is And what if I should say comparatively there is a Vail over the Hearts of many that are called Christians that hinders them from seeing the Beauty and Excellency of Christ they do not know the Power of Christ nor the Government of his Spirit in their Hearts for People may profess Christianity as long as they will if they do not know Christ to Govern them they are not true Christians For one of the Prophets among the Jews could Prophecy and Fore-tell of him Let us consider it and find out a right and true Interpretation of it and apply it unto our own Souls Isa 9. 6. For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be upon his Shoulder and his Name shall be called Wonderful Consellor The Mighty God The Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace Of the Increase of his Government and Peace there shall be no end The Government shall be upon his Shoulder All these Appellations and Titles are ascribed to Christ Jesus he hath the Government upon him to Lead and Guide them in the way wherein they should go Government is an extensive Word It imports Government and Authority and Rule This is applicable to Christ and teacheth that Dignity that was conferred upon Christ and was really due to him No Man can parallel it by any expression there is Reason in it there is Justice in it there is a Right and Equity in it Christ hath right to Reign and Rule for ever I do not speak of outward Government but of the Government of Christ in the Souls of Men and here the Devil was the first Usurper He usurped Authority in the Hearts of the Children of Men and Christ he was Forsaken and Deserted People went from him for Christ was in the beginning of the World the World was made by him Christ's Divinity was from Eternity He was before Abraham was The World was made by him and when he was in it the World did not know him And when he came into the World many were not willing that he should Reign over them said the Jews We will not have this Man to Reign over us Now if we should find this among Christians you would think it more wonderful and strange It is now too common among the Children of men I pray God set home upon all our Hearts that we may let him Reign whose Right it is We will not have this Man to Reign over us say the Jews Do any Christians say so Did you ever know a Christian say so This is but Discourse you will be ready to say But let me tell you where People live in Disobedience to the Laws of Christ this they do with a Witness But some may say If we had lived in the Jews time we would not have Crucified the Lord of Glory and yet they Crucifie Christ after the Spirit For a Man to live in Swearing Drunkenness Pride Ungodliness this is a Crucifying of Christ and a Rebelling against Christ men are not willing that Christ should Reign over them So that Religion and Christianity is a plain thing People might Run and Read it if they would but consider it if People were but weighty and considerate in these great Affairs they might come to know under whose Government they are The Apostle he described a People that were under the Power of Satan the Prince of Darkness under Satan the Prince of the Power of the Air that some were under his Government and some under the Government of Christ and his Spirit One would think these were two Propositions so Intelligible that if People did but know and consider they would for Interest sake escape the evil and cleave to that which is good Now Friends I would have you deal Candidly with your own Souls and see which Government you are under The Prince of the Power of the Air that Rules in the Hearts of the Children of Disobedience or the Government of Christ He that is disobedient to God to his Spirit and Light and Grace he is under the Government and the Power of the Prince of Darkness This is fulfilled in the Prophecy of the Messiah and it was the great Iniquity of the Jews and their great unhappiness and misery that when the Messiah came into the World they would not be governed by him Do not you think it much more ungrateful if we that are called Christians will not suffer Christ to Reign over us It is unreasonable and unchristian and unequal therefore that you should all consider it I would speak a little of the Government of Christ with some Evidence and Demonstration and in a twofold manner that you might more easily distinguish There are some Christians that expect that Christ shall come and Reign on the Earth and then they hope to be under his Government and it may be they are not so careful to mind the present time and to know his Reign and Government now There are another sort of People whom God in his Infinite Mercy hath reached to their Consciences and Convinced them that Christ hath a right to Reign now He had a Right to Reign from the beginning he always had a Right never forfeited it never was deprived of it He hath a twofold right to Reign over the Sons and Daughters of Men. 1. The first is by the Right of Creation he Created us none deny I hope that the World was Created by Christ therefore he hath right to Govern in it This is an undeniable Argument no man can gainsay it but that there is Right and Justice belongs to him to Rule and Govern that which he hath made therefore it is the most ungrateful and unnatural thing for men to oppose the Reign and Government of Christ Secondly Christ hath a right to reign over the Sons and Daughters of Men on the account of his Purchase He did not only Create them but he did also Purchase them at the dearest rate with the Price of his own precious Blood we were not Redeemed with corruptible things as Silver and Gold or House Land or Earthly Treasure but with the Precious Blood of Christ as of a Lamb without blemish and without spot He gave himselfe to be a Ransom for Mankind He tasted Death for every Man One would think that every Mouth should be stopped so there is a twofold Right that
that which will destroy my own Soul The Lord Christ he is come to turn me from Sin and save my Soul Why should I not close with him He hath stood knocking at the Door of my Heart till his Head is filled with Dew and his Locks with the Drops of the Night Many Souls have known these Wooings and Intreaties of Christ knocking at the Door of their Hearts and have let him In and closed with his appearance by his Light grace and good Spirit and found the benefit and comfort of it Why should not I do so Why should not I esteem him as the chief of Ten Thousand as the Beloved of my Soul He will be the chiefest of all to that Soul that hath chosen him for the chiefest Good Though there may be some comfort in the enjoyment of the things of this World yet though they be useful and necessary for my present supply If I lose them all and find Christ and be found in him and hold him fast I shall count them as nothing but despise them in comparison of him who is the Beloved of my Soul You that are come to the Knowledge of Christ and have embraced the Light of Truth in your own Hearts do know the benefit you have by it in walking in the Light as the Children of Light and of the Day and in Obedience to Christ who is the Light and shines in your Hearts Friends I would not be mistaken I do not Preach Christ as the Light of the World in opposition to his outward appearance and being manifested in the Flesh in that preapared Body wherein he did his Fathers will when he was on Earth All true Christians do esteem and reverence Christs appearance in the Body wherein he suffered death and became a Sacrifice for our Sins as the Apostle saith Eph. 5. 2. Christ hath loved us and hath given himself for us an Offering and a Sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling Savour If I esteem the Appearance of Christ in my own Heart I shall be so far from having a light esteem of his Bodily Appearance and his being manifest in the Flesh that I shall admire and reverence that Great Mystery of Godliness and bless God for the record given thereof in the Holy Scriptures which the light of Christ is a Key to open Even the Great Mysteries of the Kingdom which men by their parts and acquirements cannot attain to For God hath not made known these great things to the Wise and Prudent as we may gather from Christs own Prayer Mat. 11. 25. I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and Earth because thou hast hid these things from the Wise and Prudent and hast revealed them unto Babes Even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight My Friends walk in the Light more and more that by the Spirit of the Lord you may be acquainted with the divine operation of the Power of Christ which will bring you from under the bondage of Sin and Corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God wait to know this Power in your own Hearts that you may be sanctified throughout in Spirit Soul and Body and Justified freely by his Grace through the Redemption that is in Jesus Christ Rom. 3. 24. Walk in the Light and in Meekness and Humility and in the Truth 1 John 6. 7. If we say we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we Lie and do not the Truth But if we walk in the Light as he is in the Light we have Fellowship one with another and the Blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all Sin Many of you have known the beginning go forward and continue to walk in the Truth that you may know the Blood of Cleansing that as the Apostle saith Rom. 6. 22. But now being made free from Sin and become Servants to God ye may have your Fruit unto Holiness and the end Everlasting Life His Prayer after Sermon Most Powerful Everlasting God of Life who art Almighty in thy Power and canst do whatsoever pleaseth thee we have cause to bless thy Great Name for thy Goodness and Mercy which thou hast extended to thy People in this Day of thy Power Thou hast extended a Blessed Day of Visitation to many that were strangers unto thee and unacquainted with the way of Life and Salvation Powerful God we have great cause to bless thy Name for thy Goodness and that great Love which in and through thy Dear Son Jesus Christ thou hast extended to us Thou first lovedst us before we loved thee Thou it was that through the Visitation of thy Love didst beget and raise desires and breathings in the Souls of many after thee and the knowledge of thy living way And blessed Father of Life not only so but thou hast answered the desires and breathings that thou hast raised in the Souls of many and brought them to the knowledge of the way of Life and Salvation And Powerful God thou hast been near to all thine unto this day that have been truly given up in faithfulness to thy Will and to answer thy Holy and blessed Requirings Living God they that have waited and depended upon thee to be made partakers of that help and strength that comes from thee have been thereby enabled to do thy Will and this is that we wait for and from time to time draw nigh to thee for we wait upon thee that we may come not only to know but to do thy Will and Answer thy requirings Blessed God of Life we have great encouragement from time to time to draw nigh to thee for that comfortable presence of thine which we have enjoyed in the midst of our Assemblies many a time the Hungry have been satisfied with Bread And the Fountain of living water hath been opened and the Thirsty have been Drinking of it Praised by thy Name for ever that thou hast appeared with us and hast given us some sensible injoyment of thy living Presence O Lord go a long with thy People let thy blessing be with us that we may hold on through the whole course of our lives in this World and live to the praise of thy blessed Name thou hast given us to see our own weakness and inability and that we had need depend on thee every day for fresh supplies of strength that we may able to hold on in thy holy way and lay hold on the hope that thou hast set before us There are many Tryals Tribulations and Afflictions that thy Children and People meet with and the grand Adversary the Devil like a Roaring Lyon is going about continually seeking whom he may devour Thy People have nothing but thy self to depend upon and there is a secret help and power that thou givest thine whereby they are enabled to withstand the Enemy in all his Wiles and in all his Temptations Living God What we are it is by thee it is by the Assistance of thy Grace and good Spirit that
we know a perserving and holding on in thy way Living Father we pray thee let us feel every day the Conduct of thy Grace and good Spirit that we may admire thy love and praise and glorifie thy great and excellent Name O Powerful God thou blessest the Assemblies of thy People that meet together in the Name of thy Dear Son Jesus Christ for the enjoyment of thy Comfortable Presence Lord blessand Prosper all the Meetings of thy People every where and the labours of those whose mouths thou hast opened to refresh the sorrowful and to bring glad tidings to the poor distressed Needy and weary Souls that would be glad of Rest and deliverance and those in whom thou raisest desires and breathings after the knowledge of thee and thy blessed ways Lord bear up the Hearts of those and strengthen all those good desires and breathings which thou hast begotten in any that they may come to the know ledge of that blessed Rest where thou makest thy Flock to lie down at Noon and feedest them with living Bread and openest a living Fountain to refesh and satisfie their thirsty Souls that they may praise thy great an excellent Name which is pure and precious above every Name Thou hast brought many to the knowledge of it Let thy Truth be exalted and thy Everlasting Gospel be still Preached in the Land of our Nativity and in other Nations for the Day of Grace the time of love is now come and the Day of thy Power is broken out in the midst of us Arise O Lord in thy Power more and more and send forth thy Light and thy Truth that many may be Called and Converted and brought from far from the utmost ends of the Earth to the knowledge of thy self and thy Son Jesus Christ whom to know is Life Eternal and let many arise and praise thy excellent and Glorious Name from the Rising of the Sun to the going down thereof Blessed Father of Life make thy Dear Son Christ more and more known to the World that they may be no longer Enemies but be reconciled to thee by Jesus the Great Mediatour of the New Covenant Lord the way is thine and the work is thine Let truth and Righteousness be brought in more and more and bring down the Kingdom and Man of Sin and the Power of Darkness and make thy Jerusalem the Praise of the Earth We have seen the beginnings of thy glorious Work and the light of thy glorious Heavenly Day thou hast raised and brought in many to walk in the Light and to love thy Holy ways blessed Father of Life our Eyes are unto thee and our dependance is upon thee Whom have we in Heaven but thee And there is none upon Earth that we can desire in comparison of thee Therefore our cry is What shall we do in this World without the enjoyment of thy self In thy presence is fulness of Joy and at thy right Hand are pleasures for evermore Lord thou hast afforded us thy refreshing presence in this our Solemn Meeting Glory and Honor and Living Praises ascend to thy Name which is as a precious Ointment poured forth therefore our Souls do love thee O thou that didst open the Heart of Lydea open the Hearts of all thy People before thee that they may go away with a sense of thy love and kindness towards them Blessed Father of Mercies bless this opportunity to us all that are here before thee and extend thy blessing to the Meetings and Assemblies of all thy People where ever they are one may Plant and another Water but the increase is from thee Our Eyes are towards thee we wait upon thee whether can we go but unto thee who hast the Words of Eternal Life Lord God of Life go a long with us when we are separated one from another and let the sense of thy mercy remain upon our Spirits and be an obligation upon us to walk in Faithfulness Meekness and Humility before thee that being led by by Spirit we may when we have finished our Pilgrimage lay down our Heads in Peace and know an abundant entrance into that Everlasting Kingdom which thou hast prepared for them that love and fear thee And for thy Mercies and Favours Benefits and Blessings which thou hast made us partakers of in and through our Lord Jesus Christ thy Dear Son and our alone Mediatour all living Praises and Glory be rendered to thee for thou alone art worthy who art God over all Blessed for Ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. JOHN VAUGHTON At Grace-Church street April 1st 1694. IT is a great mercy and kindness that God hath been pleased to open the way of Life and Salvation unto the Souls of many People that in this our Day and generation were in great distress for want of the knowledge of it and this knowledge is given unto us through the blessed appearance and Revelation of the Power and Spirit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to which my Friends Blessed be the Name of the Lord we have been turned in our Day and Generation For the Message and Testimony that God raised up his Servants to bear among us in our Day and time who came in the Spirit and Power of our Lord Jesus Christ having been made the Monuments of Gods mercy through Faith in him that died for our Sins and rose again for our Justification That Blessed message and Testimony which they bare among us was in the Evidence and Demonstration of the Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus For they came indeed to Preach the Gospel of Life and Salvation and the way they took to Preach the Gospel to us in our Day was the same way that the Holy Apostle Paul in his Day was sent to Preach the Gospel who said we are sent of God To turn People from Darkness unto Light and from the power of Satan unto God The Holy Apostle he proposed the end for which they were sent to turn the Sons and Daughters of Men from Darkness to Light and from the Power of Satan to the Power of God that they might receive remission of Sins and an Inheritance among them which are Sanctified through Faith which is in Christ Jesus O Friends This Faith in Christ it is a living Faith it is a Faith of the operation of God God worketh it in us by his own Spirit and Power there are many that pretend to have Faith in Christ that are strangers to the operation of the Power and Spirit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and so do not know nor are made partakers of that Faith which worketh by Love that giveth them Victory over the World and preserveth them and keepeth them out of the Evil of the World Now Friends it is my desire that you may turn from Darkness unto Ligh● That you may all believe in Christ and walk in him that you may be sensible that the Blood of Jesus Christ the Dear and Blessed Son of God cleanseth from
a peculiar People to thy self Zealous of good Works O Eternal God of Power let the Souls of the Children of men come to enjoy thy Presence that their Bodies may become Living Temples for thee to dwell in O Eternal God of Life exalt thy own Name and Truth and make thy self known more and more to the Nations of the Earth that they may come to believe in thy Dear Son Christ Jesus and that they may come to know Redemption and Salvation and the things that belong to the Everlasting Peace of their Souls O Lord we pray thee be with the Families of thy Children and People in all their Exercises in all their Afflictions and in all their Temptations be thou near to them to preserve them and keep them and uphold them by thy free Spirit that thou may'st guide them by thy Consel and afterward receive them into Glory O Eternal God of Life be with the Young Generation of the Children of thy Servans that they may serve thee in their Day and keep their Hearts O Lord by thy mighty Power and let them receive the Word of thy Truth in the Love of it and seal them by thy good Spirit to the Day of Redemption And O Blessed God of Life let thy Work prosper in the midst of the Earth and subdue all that is contrary to thy pure Mind and Heavenly Will and exalt the Kingdom of thy Dear Son and let his name be known and trusted in among all the Nations of the World that they may believe in him who is the Author of Eternal Salvation to al them that obey him that so Glory and Honour and Everlasting Renown and Pure praises and Living Thanksgivings may Ascend to thee and let all thy sensible Ones offer them up to thee through Christ the Dear Son of thy Love in whom thou art well pleased for thou alone art worthy to receive all Glory and Praise who art God over all Blessed for ever and ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. JAMES PARK At Ratcliff April 19. 1694. THEY that come to wait upon the Lord and draw nigh to him and diligently attend upon him they shall receive Wisdom and strength from him and Power to enable them to do the Will of God to fear the Lord and call upon his Name to love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity and to Work Righteousness in their Time Day and Generation knowing him in whom thay have believed and whom a Remnant are come to and are Baptized into him and walk in him as they have received him and by whom they have been taught All are to receive the Lord Jesus Christ and to Walk in him who is the Lords Anointed the Judge of Quick and Dead all are to have a certain knowledge of him by receiving and embracing him Did we ever know God aright and the Lord Jesus Christ his only begotten Son till we received him and knew him to be in us the Hope of Glory Many of us have received the Lord Jesus Christ and walked in him as we have received him and then we came to know the witness of him in our selves such as know him experimentally can set to their Seals that God is true We have known God the Father at Work in us and his Son Christ Jesus Working mightily by his Almighty Power in and through whom we come to Work out our own Salvation with fear and trembling This causeth a great fear of God to come upon Man I have known in my time a great Trial to come upon Man and then he came to serve the Lord with Fear and that is good service and that undoubtedly will manifest a good servant when a man comes to serve the Lord with Fear and to rejoice with trembling not with an exalted Mind not with a puft up Mind keep out of that beware of that Friends I beseech you all in the Name of the Lord and in the Fear of God wait all in Gods fear and then you will be capable of drawing nigh to God It is Written in the Epistle of James Draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you then will you feel the Lord to work in you mightily and to wash you and make you clean and then by the help of the Spirit of Lord you will put away the Evil of your Doings cease to do Evil and learn to do well and endeavour to please God in all things The Children of God are all taught of him and their Peace is great and they are established in Righteousness and they have a living Experience of that Promise of the Lord by the Prophet They shall be all taught of God their Heavenly Teacher and you that are taught of him shall find him near you that Teacher cannot be removed into Corners There shall be an Invisible Eye● an Heavenly and Spiritual Eye opened to you that you may see the Lord near you Draw near to him in Faith and with a true Heart and with fuil Assurance and you will certainly know and you will see clearly that God is no Respecter of Persons but that in every Nation he that feareth God and Worketh Righteousness is accepted of him God is no Respecter of Persons his Love is of large extent with respect to the Sons and Daughters of Men Those thou gave s● me saith our Saviour I have kept and none of them is lost but the Son of Perdition that the Scripture might be fulfilled The Mercy of God through Christ Jesus the Son of his Love reacheth all there is Good Will towards Men Luke 2. 9 10. The Angel of the Lord came upon the Shepherds abiding in the Field and watching over their Flock by Night and said unto them Fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great Joy which shall be to all People for unto you is born this Day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord and suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the Heavenly Host Praising God and saying Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth Peace Good Will towards men And the Prophet Isaiah tells us For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be upon his Shoulder and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor the Mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of Peace You shall have Christ Jesus for your Lord and King and Counsellor and Instructer Christ Jesus the Son of the Highest he will instruct you and Counsel you safely and then great will be your Peace who can disturb the Peace of such a one or bereave him of it Such a one is also established in Righteousness and Christ is made to them of God Wisdom Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption that they may be all endued with that Wisdom that is from above which is pure and peaceable and gentle and easie to be intreated Let the same mind be in you saith the Apostle which was in Christ Jesus that great Lord and
man spareth bis Son that serveth him The Lord will bave mercy upon Sion and spare his People in the Day of his fierce Anger until his Indignatioa be over-past The Walls of Sion are the Walls of Salvation and they are a Bul wark to Gods People when did these Walls and Bulwarks fail you Have you not been preserved in your Day and Generation if these Walls of Salvation had failed we had not been preserved in Christ Jesus we had not now been a Pe●ple we have stood the Brunts we have been kept safe in the strong City where Salvation is for Walls and Bulwarks And so I shall commit you to the Lord Jesus Christ the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the World I desire you all to look to him and fix your Hearts upon him who is the Author of Eternal Salvation to all them that believe in him and obey him to him be Glory Praise and Dominion who is God over all Blessed forever Amen His Prayer after Sermon MOST Blessed Lord God thou art Lord of Heaven and Earth Infinite in Love and Life and Glory the God of the Spirits of all flesh in whom we live and move and have our Being who art nea● to every one that draweth near to thee and call upon thee in Truth Thou openest thy bount●ful hand and refreshest our Hearts with thy Mercy and Blessing O Lord God of Power thy Mercies are manifold and they are over all thy Works and the Works of thine own hands do all praise thee and thy Saints bless thee and magnifie thy excellent Name thou art pleased to magnifie thy Law ●nd to send forth thy Light and Truth and to make it honour able in the Hearts of many in the Day of thy Love in the Day of thy Power Thou art Redeeming thy People from Iniquity and purging away all their dross and taking away all their Tin O Lord God of Life and Power Let all that believe in thy Son Jesus Christ be purged and purified more and more let them be washed and sanctified that all that may be done away and removed out of their Hearts that is contrary to thy self that the Glory of thy Truth may arise and shine in their Souls and let all feel the Power of thy Truth and be sensible of it and believe it and obey it that they may follow the L●adings of thy Holy Spirit and answer thy requirings and glorifie thy name and do thy Will on Earth as it is done in Heaven Let us all receive our daily Bread from thee and have the Light of thy Countenance to shine upon us Comfort the Hearts of all thine every where be thou their strength and stay and a pres●nt help in trouble and solace their Souls with the sense of thy L●ve which is better than Wine and with thy favour and loving kindness which is better than Life Strengthen the weak hands that hang down and co●firm the feeble knees and succour those that a●e tempted and com●ort them and relieve them O Righteous Lord of Heaven and Earth make known thy Mighty Power in working upon the Hearts of thy People here and every where make known by Name and Glory thr●ughout the Wh●le Earth Let thy glorious everlasting Gospel be sounded forth and Preached in all Na●ions of the World And let thy renown go forth and thy fame be spread abroad in all Nations let all the enemies of thy Pe●ple be scattered and all that make opposition against thy Truth be conquered and overcome by the Power of it and submit themselves least ●hey perish in their opposition And let thy People receive thy Truth in the Love of it and become willing in the Day of thy Power to serve thee in the Beauties of Holiness and gird up the Loyns of their Minds and be kept sober and vigilant and hope to the end and live in love and unity with one another and keep themselves in the love of God and by Patient continuance in well doing seek for Honour Glory Immortality and Eternal Life Let us delight our selves in thee that thou mayst give us the desire of our Hearts whom have we in Heaven but thee And there is none upon Earth that we can desire besides thee Thou hast many times refreshed us with the sense of thy Love in Christ Jesus and thou hast brought us into thy Banquetting House and thy Banner hath been spread over us we have been satisfied with the Fatness of thy House and drunk abundantly of the Rivers of thy Pleasures we have sat under thy shaddow with great delight and thy fruit hath been sweet to our tast Bless us and all thine every where and mind us of our latter end that all the Days of our Appointed time we may wait till our change come and be so prepared for our great account that we may give it up with Joy and not with grief Now Blessed God of Heaven and Earth for all thy Mercies and Favours that we have received and the Blessings and Benefits which thou hast bestowed upon us and continued to us and for preserving us from time to time by the Arm of thy Power and for opening our Hearts at this time to receive the Word of thy Truth and the Influences of thy Spirit take thou the Honour and Glory Thanksgiving and Praise which we humbly and sincerely offer up to thee for to thee it doth belong and thou alone art worthy who art God over all blessed for ever and ever Amen A SERMON Preached by Mr. FRANCIS STAMPER At Devonshire-House May 3. 1694. God hath laid help upon one that is Mighty to seve to the uttermost all that come unto God by him THis Mighty One that the Almighty Lord Jehovah hath laid help upon for Man it is the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of his Love and they are blessed of God that come to partake of the help that is in him who said to his Disciples and Followers in the days past without me ye can do nothing Friends This is a deep and a very near word and it stands us all upon to consider whether we have him or no for we all owe Service a Duty and a Worship to the Everlasting God and of our selves we cannot perform it without the help and assistance of his Beloved Son the Lord Jesus Christ and the comfort of all that believe in him and love him is this that he is not only able to help but willing to help Blessed be the Lord God for ever may all you say that have been made partakers of his Vertue and of his Power and Life that have found a willingness in him to assist you in all your troubles in all your exercises in all your afflictions in all the bowings of your Souls and Spirits before the Lord who have said in your Prayers and Supplications Lord lend me thy help let me have thy gracious aid and assistance Without this help of the Lord Jesus Christ we cannot do that good that sometimes
this City of the dreadful Judgments of God that he will certainly bring upon the wicked and hard-hearted and upon the stiffnecked and Rebellious and I hope that through the Divine workings of the Divine Spirit and Power of the Lord Jesus Christ and through his Divine and Heavenly light that hath attended these warnings and testimonies many will be stirred up to Repentance And I have this more to say that the Lord God in the opening of his Divine Word hath commanded me This say to my People in the City of London and elsewhere where I have ordered thy Lot Be of believing hearts for the Vials of my wrath shall be poured out upon the Transgressors Therefore charge the Daughters of Sion that they touch not with the Daughters of Babylon and tell them that if they partake with them in their Sins they shall partake with them in their Plagues and in the punishments that God will pour down and execute upon the workers of Iniquity and greater will be their Condemnation if they do not repent and believe than of those that have not had such opportunities Therefore Children of Sion look unto the Lord Jesus Christ that Mighty one upon whom help is laid in whom is Divine strength and Power and from whom you may have Divine Assistance that we may perform the good that is required at our hands and that is incumbent upon us and that we owe to our Creator that we may Worship him from day to day and from one time to another they that perform this service in the strength of Christ they will feel the savour of his life upon them and find the sweetness of joy and peace in their Souls and when we are in our Imployments and Callings and Business we shall feel the savour of Divine Life going along with us and in all our Converse and Communion one with another and in our Families we shall instruct and correct and direct our Children and bring them up in the fear of the Lord that they may not do as the Children of Israel when some of their Judges were dead every one did that which was right in their own eyes Let them do what they will saith Joshua chuse you this day whom you will serve as for me and my House we will serve the Lord. O get your wills subjected to the will of God that you may obey his Righteous Law and feel your selves engaged in his service and have the powerful working of his Holy Spirit in your Souls God will by his own Almighty Arm and Heavenly Grace enable you to do what he requires and is pleasing in his sight he will work in you both to will and to do of his own good pleasure By Grace ye are saved saith the Apostle not of your selves it is the gift of God To this Divine Gift we are all recommended Now the Lord God Almighty gather you all into a sense of it The Apostle when he wrote to the Churches he committed them to the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ for Guiding and Governing them in the whole course of their Conversations that they might live in the pure fear and love of God and obedience to him and in Love and Concord one with another that God in all things may be glorified and Praise and Honour and Thanks givings may be offered up to him through Jesus Christ his Beloved Son and our alone Saviour who alone is worthy who is God over all Blessed for ever and ever Amen The Prayer after Sermon BLessed God of Life who art the Fountain of all our Mercies the God from whom we receive all the good we enjoy our eyes are unto thee and we wait and attend upon thee thou art pleased O Lord to give unto us all things that we stand in need of which should engage us always to have an eye unto thee for thou never failest any that put their trust in thee many a time O Lord have thy People cryed to thee in the sense of their wants and have bowed before thee and lifted up their supplications to thee and Lord thou hast had regard to them many a time and for the cry of the Poor and the groaning of the distressed thou hast risen and been a present help unto them So that O Lord we have had encouragement from time to time to draw near to thee for that thou dost appear in the midst of the Assemblies of thy People that do meet together in thy Name and in thy Holy fear O Powerful Father of Life we have cause to bless thy Name for that we have had a real tast of thy Goodnefs and of thy Mercy to our Souls Thou O Lord it was that didst appear in the time of thy Love and visitedst the Souls of many that were strangers unto thee and unacquainted with the way of Life and Salvation Thou O Lord it was that hadst mercy upon us in the day when there was none to help us when there was none that could save and deliver then didst thou make bare thy Almighty Arm and didst bring many to the knowledge of thy living way and all thine whose eyes have been to thee thou hast Crowned them with thy loving kindness and tender mercy Praises Praises be to thy Great and Excellent Name who livest for ever and for evermore Living God of Life let all thine be preserved by thy Eternal Arm of Power that they may live in the World to the Honour of thy Great Name Powerful God of Life our eyes are unto thee and thou hast given us to see thee and to have the light of thy Countenance lifted up up●n us Father of Mercies we are not able to keep our selves and preserve our selves but the eyes of all thine are unto thee that they may be acquainted with thee and have that Divine help and strength which thou affordest to thy People and to thy Children that they may be enabled to run on in that Race that thou hast set before them that at the end of their days they may come to lay down their heads in peace and have an abundant entrance into that Everlasting Kingdom which thou hast prepared for those that love and fear thy Name Blessed God of Life be with all thy People here and every where draw off their minds from the love of this World and the Spirit of it that they may be brought nearer and nearer to thee in their Love and Affections Blessed God of Life we have been waiting upon thee and thou hast graciously appeared in the midst of us blessed be thy Name Thy living presence is the comfort of all thine that wait upon thee How poor and empty and hungry and thirsty have we come into thy presence yet thou dost not send us empty away but thou hast filled the hungry with good things and opened a Living Fountain that the Thirsty Souls have known the Drinking of Our Souls are constrained to offer Praises to thee this Evening that we have found Comfort and Refreshment from thy Blessed Presence Lord God of Life go along with us and bless us and keep us in the fear of thy Holy Name that we may live in the World to the praise of thy Name Lord bless the present opportunity to all that are here before thee that we may go away rejoycing in the sense of thy love and goodness to us and be engaged to walk in humility before thee Lord let our cry come up to thee keep us every day and preserve us and pity and help all those that are crying to thee that are under Exercises Temptations Afflictions Tryals and Weaknesses of Body and Mind Be near to them to help them in their distress and save and deliver them and us from the Enemy of our Souls that goes about like a Roaring Lyon seeking whom he may devour O Powerful God of Life be with all thine every where and bless them and keep them while they are in the World from the evil of it that Living Father of Life both they and we for all thy Mercies and Blessings which in the dear Son of thy Love thou hast bestowed upon us from time to time may render Living Praises unto thee And for thy affording us thy Presence at this time and for all the Seasons and Opportunities we have enjoyed for the benefit and advantage of our Immortal Souls we desire to return thee Praise Honour and Glory through thy Beloved Son Jesus Christ in whom thou art well pleased for thou alone art Worthy Worthy Worthy who art God over all blessed in thy self for ever and evermore Amen FINIS ADVERTISEMENT There is newly Publish'd THE General History of Earthquakes or An Account of the most Remarkable and Tremendous Earthquakes that have happened in divers parts of the World from the Creation to this time and particularly those lately in Naples Smrrna Jamaica England and Sicily With a Discription of the famous Burning Mount Aetna and the several dreadful Conslagrations thereof for many Ages To which is added an Appendix containing several other late strange Accidents and Occurences As I. A Surprizing Account of Angels Singing Psalms In the Air over the Ruins of the Protestant Church at Orthez a City in the Province of Bearne and other places in France in the year 1686. with the Words they Sang in the hearing of many hundred Auditors at once Papists as well as Protestants II. The Life of a Great Person of near an Hundred years old who is now an Hermit in a Forrest in France with the Devotions Cloathing Diet and Subsistance of him and his Companions c. III. The wonderful Army of Locusts or Grashoppers that were seen near Breslaw in Silesia Septemb. 7. 1693. and in other parts of Germany which in their March took up 16. Miles devouring every Green thing IV. Three Miraculous Cures wrought by Faith in Christ in 1693. As 1. Of Mary Maillard the French Girl suddenly healed of an extream Lameness 2. The Wife of Mr. Savage Cured of a Lame Hand 3. A Shepperd near Hitchin in Nartfordshire instantly healed of the Kings Evil under which he had languished Twenty Years Price one shilling FINIS