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A27395 A collection of certain espistles & testimonies of divine consolation, experience and doctrine written by that faithful, patient and long-suffering servant of Christ, William Bennit. Bennit, William, d. 1684. 1685 (1685) Wing B1891; ESTC R301 142,078 218

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Christ down from above or to descend that is to bring Christ from beneath c. but the word to wit Christ is nigh thee in the heart and in the mouth to be obeyed and done and this is the Word of Faith that Paul preached nigh in the heart Even Christ in them ●he living hope that was as an Anchor to their Souls sure and stedfast the hope of Glory And Paul exhorted the Corinthians to examine themselves and to prove themselves whether they were in the Faith whether they knew not Christ to be in 2 ●or 13. 5. them except they were Reprobates And John in his writing to the Saints reminds them of that within which they had heard from the beginning and says to them Let that remain in you to wit The word which was in the beginning which you have heard from the beginning and if it shall remain in you ye shall continue in the Son and in the Father and tells them That they should not need that any man should teach them but as the anoynting which they had received of God abiding in them should teach them which was the Truth to wit Christ the Truth in them the anoynted the ano●nting And as he had and did teach them so they were to abide in him so they knew Christ in them witnessed the Power of God within the Truth wit●i● the Word nigh in their hearts the Spirit of God in their inward parts by which they were led guided taught an● instructed For so many as are the Sons of God saith Paul are led by the Spirit of God and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is none of his and this gave them an understanding in the things of God even the Spirit of God For no man knows the things of God saith Paul but by the Spirit ●f God through which he was made anable Minister of the New 1 Cor. 2. 10 11 12 Testament not of the Letter but of the Spirit which giveth life And he Preached the everlasting Gospel Christ the Power of God the Word nigh in the heart and said If our Gospel be hid it is hid from them that are lost in whom Mark in whom the God of the world the Prince of the power of the Air that wicked spirit that worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience hath blinded their minds lest the light of the glorious Gospel Christ Jesus should shine in and unto them But God who commandeth light to shine out of darkness hath shined Mark in our hearts to give us the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus and we have this treasure in the Earthen vessel that the glory may be of God and not of us so the Saints Preached up Christ the Word of Life the Light the Truth within and Rom 1. 19. 1 Cor. 12. 7. Tit. 2. 11. said That which is is to be known of God is manifest in them and Paul says That the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withall and the free Grace of God saith he Mark that bringeth Salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that we denying ungodliness and worldly lusts should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world And the Saints they witnessed their reconciliation and were born again they felt and knew that in themselves of which they were born again even Christ 1 Pet. 23 24 25. in them the Seed incorruptible the Word of God which lives and abides for ever by which they were begotten again unto God and quickened by the Word of life even they who were once as dead stones were raised up as living Children unto Abraham and so they came to taste that the Lord was good and gracious to taste and handle of the Word of Life and to seed upon the Bread 1 Cor. 12. 13. of Life and to drink of the Cup of Blessing and so by one Spirit were baptised into one body and were made to drink into one Spirit wherein they worshipped and served the Lord God and had Unity with the Lord in and through the Eternal Spirit and Unity one with another which united their Souls unto each other and unto the Lord God over all blessed for ever Ah dear people you in whose hearts there is true desires and secret thirstings after the living God where-ever ye are scattered among the many Sects and people towards you doth my soul yea my tender soul yearn and stream with love and good-will and for your sakes dear people doth my Soul travel in the womb of Supplication that you might come to enjoy that which you are seeking after and come to possess that you are thristing for and for your sakes mostly is this written in tender bowels of unfeigned love and pity to your souls And dear people you that have true desires in you after the Lord and hath been seeking of him where you cannot find him and hath been running from Mountain to Hill and from Hill to Mountain from one broken Cistern to another from one dead Form to another but still are unsatisfied and are sensible that you still notwithstanding your long profession and confession of God and Christ in words and notwithstanding your practicing some things that you read of which the Saints once performed in obedience of the Spirit of Truth which led them thereunto want the feeling enjoyment of the Love and sweet Peace of God and go groaning daily under the burden of the bondage of sin and corruption and desires to be set free therefrom Oh dear people retire retire with your minds inward you who have been seeking a God a far off and hunting after the Lord without retire to within and wait to know the Lord God near you to know his pure Truth in your inward parts his pure Spirit in you to lead and guide you to teach and instruct you for God is a Spirit and his teachings are spiritual he must be known in Spirit worshipped in Spirit and in Joh 4. 21 22 23 24. Truth not at the Mountain neither at Jerusalem not in this set Form nor in the other Form As lo here and lo there but in the Spirit is the Lord God known and worshipped aright by them who are born of the Spirit And so the spiritualized people who are born o● the Spirit and lives in the Spirit and are taught and led by the Spirit of Truth these are the peculiar people who Worship the God of Truth who is a Spirit in the Spirit and in the Truth and these are acceptable Worshippers with the Lord who own no Worship but his own which he teacheth his people by his Spirit and they that is ignorant of the Spirit of God they are ignorant of the true Worship of God which is in the Spirit and although such may seem to Worship God yet their Worship is not of God nor accepted with God It is the purified Sons of Levy who have passed through
Lord God is her Dowry and blessed for evermore is the soul that is joyned with her in a perpetual Covenant never to be broken We all in this Prison who suffereth upon Truth account are in a measure of Health at present through the Love and Goodness of our God blessed and praised be his Name for evermore whose tender Compassion faileth not towards them who love him therefore are his people not Consumed but preserved as Lambs in the midst of devouring Wolves by him the good Shepherd of Israel who stopeth the Mouths of Lyons and chaineth up the Beast of Prey for his little Flocks sake whom he so dearly loveth that they may behold his Power and admire his Love and trust in his Name and return the Praise unto him whose Mercies are over all his Works glory to God in the highest my Love salutes you all farewell dear Friends W. E. SOME Prison Meditations OF AN Humble Heart Given forth from a Child in Israel whose soul very dearly loveth his Heavenly Fathers Children much desiring and travelling in Spirit for their Prosperity in the Truth even as for his own soul and the Author hereof believing and knowing that this following Treatise may if the Lord will be of service unto many of the tender honest simple single upright-hearted ones who are following on to know the Lord in the footsteps of Righteousness and who desireth to pass over on to the end in the strait way of Holiness therefore even for their sakes is this following Treatise Published from a constraint of Gods love in singleness and simplicity of Heart OH Oh my Soul be not unmindful of the large mercy and goodness of the Lord shewed towards thee neither forget the exceeding loving kindness of the Holy One manifested unto thee oh my Soul oh let the sence of what the Lord thy dear tender pitiful compassionate God hath done for thee continually be fresh in and upon thee oh my Soul for the Lord thy God hath freely done that for thee which none besides him the mighty one could do Oh my Soul the Lord hath brought thee out of the Pit even out of the horrible Pit and out of the Mire and Clay wherein thou once stuck so fast as that thou couldst never have been able to have gotten out by all means possible thou couldst have invented but must have sunkdeeper and deeper therein and so have perished for ever had not the Lord God of infinite mercy helped thee who did cast his eye of pity and compassion upon thee and out of his meer mercy love and free grace stretched out his hand to help thee oh my soul when none besides him could help thee and by his arm of his loving kindness lifted thee up out of the horrible pit out of the mire and clay and hath set thy feet upon a Rock which stands sure and can never be moved and thereon he establisheth thy goings praises pure living righteous praises to the Lord thy God be rendered by thee oh my soul even forever and for evermore Oh my Soul remember thou wast once even like a poor filly Sheep without a Shepherd wandering upon the barren Mountains and dry Heaths in the Wilderness and solitary places full of Trouble Sorrow and Perplexity and knew not the way to the Fold of Rest oftentimes mourning and weeping alone as a Dove without her Mate when no eye saw thy sorrow but the Lord alone often saying in thy heart whose State and Condition is so miserable as mine who so Poor and Desolate as I none knowing how it is with me but the Lord alone And indeed the Lord then saw thee and knew how it was with thee oh my soul and he the tender God of unfathomable bowels of Compassion behold thee in that day when thou didst eat thy bread Weeping and mingled thy drink with Tears and he the compassionate one heard thy secret crys and knew thy secret desires and thy sighing and groaning entred into his ears and thy tears which thou dropped upon his Alter laid open unto the view of the eye of thy tender merciful God and his tender bowels was moved with pity towards thee and for his own Seeds sake he had compassion upon thee oh my soul and helped thee in the day of thy Trouble and delivered thee out of Distress who freely reached forth his Arm unto thee and took thee by the Hand and brought thee out of the Wilderness and desolate Places and set thy feet in the right way which hath led thee to a City of Habitation and to the Fold of Rest and now the Lord who both sought thee and found thee out and brought thee out of the Wilderness and from off the barren Mountains he is become thy Shepherd oh my soul and how canst thou want any good thing he oftentimes feedeth thee and even causeth thee to lie down in green Pastures leadeth thee by the still Waters even Shilc's brook which runs softly and he spreadeth thy Table in the sight of thy Enemies and anointeth thy Head with the oyl of Cladness and causeth thy Cup to overflow with new Wine and hath brought thee to sit under thy own Vine and under thy Fig-tree and none shall make thee afraid oh my soul Oh the Goodness of the Lord oh the Kindness of the Lord oh the Mercy of the Lord oh the Pity of the Lord oh the Compassion of the Lord God of tender Bowels is even Unutterable Unspeakable Unfathomable and Incomprehensible Oh the Heighth oh the Depth oh the Length oh the Breadth of the Love of the Lord Oh my soul truly when thou meditatest of the goodness of the Lord and considerest of his loving kindness and mercy shewed towards thee oh how can but the sence thereof pitch thee even upon a stand of admiration Oh surely surely when thou oh my soul lookest back into his Works considerest how much he hath wrought in thee and for thee thou canst see no end of his praises oh praises oh living praises holy righteous praises unto the pure holy righteous Lord God be ascribed by thee oh my soul for ever and for evermore Oh my Soul as thou art kept in the fresh sence and remembrance of the great Loving Kindness the great Mercy the great Pity and unspeakable Compassion of the Lord thy tender God which he hath and daily doth manifest unto thee oh my soul oh how canst thou but in the sence of Gods unspeakable Love abound in Love in Pity in Mercy in Kindness in Tenderness and Compassion towards all People but especially towards all Souls who are Seeking Thirsting Hungring Breathing Crying and Painting after Righteousness Peace everlasting Rest and eternal Happiness Oh my soul the Lord thy God knoweth the frame of thy Spirit the Lord knoweth the tenderness of thy Bowels and the openness of thy Bosom towards all the Seekers after Righteousness towards all the Travellers to Sion and towards all the Mourners therein Oh my soul remember how that at
pity tenderness and compassion to your immortal Souls have I cleared my Conscience in giving you warning to Repent and turn from the evil of your own ways unto the Lord while you have a time before the door of Mercy be shut against you forever and time unto you be no more From one that tenders the Eternal happiness and good of your Immortal Souls a Sufferer in Bonds for the Testimony of a good Conscience William Bennit To those that are seeking the Living God in the Dead Forms Having a Form of godliness but deny the Power thereof from such turn away c. Why seek ye the Living among the Dead he is not here but is risen c. Know you not your selves how that Christ Jesus is in you except you be Reprobates 2 Tim. 3. 5. Luke 14. 5 6. 2 Cor. 13. 5. AND all dear People that are scatered among the many Sects and Heaps who have honest sincere desires and thirstings after the Lord oh love and compassion is in my Heart towards you and my Soul pities you and the more because you are seeking the Living God among the Dead Forms Shadows Carnal Ordinances Beggerly in comparison of the Life of Truth Elements and Rudiments of the World but cannot there find true lasting peace rest comfort and satisfaction for the immortal Souls Oh Christ is risen he is not there his Appearance is now more hidden more invisible more inward therefore stay not in Shadows rest not in the Likeness without Life pitch not your Tent in the Form without the Power Come come away you thirsty Ones from the Wells of man's digging which can hold no Water that will rightly and kindly satisfie your thirsty Souls and wait to know the Spring opened in your own Hearts which cometh from Christ the Fountain of living Water and drink thereof and be satisfied and go no more forth to the broken Cisterns but wait within in the Light for the Springs of Life to refresh your thirsty Souls Oh! come out of the Shadows to the Substance Christ the Light in you except you be Reprobates Oh! the Spirit and the Bride says Come and he that drinketh says Come and let him that is athirst come and drink of the Water of Life freely why do you spend your Time for that which is not Bread and your ●abour for that which doth not truly satisfie your Souls Oh! feed no longer upon the Husk upon Words without Life upon Knowledge without Power for that will puff you up in your own Eyes and elevate you in your own Conceits and shut you out from the Tree of Life and though you may seem to grow Rich and increase with Goods and want nothing yet when your Eyes come to be opened you will see your selves Poor Blind and Naked for he that covereth himself with a Covering of Words and Knowledg and a Profession without Life his Covering is not the Fine Linnen whit● and clean which the Wife Virgins that follow the Lamb are cloathed with who have Oyl in their Vessels the Light Life and Substance in themselves but they that only get Words and Knowledge into the Comprehension and grow rich in the Brain and have their Religion in their Head and know not the pure undefiled Religion in the Heart such are Foolish Virgins that have Oyl only in their Lamps and though such may blaze and give a seeming great Light in Words yet such one day will want Oyl and their Lights will go out the Lord will dry up all standing Waters that have no Spring he will blast all Professions out of the Light all Gatherings out of the Name and Power of God the Lord will scatter therefore come away from among them you Unsatisfied and Thirsty Ones whose Souls pant after the Lord and are weary of the Husks and hunger after the Substance And deceive not your own Souls by creating to your selves a false Peace by applying the Promises to your selves and acting Faith as you say upon a Promise but seriously consider in the Fear of the Lord and examine your own Hearts with the Light of Christ in your own Consciences whether you be in that State and Condition that the Promises of Life Eternal are unto yea or nay There is great Difference between man's applying the Promises forcing him to believe they belong to him and God's applying them and sealing them to the Soul by his own Spirit The Promises of God are Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus the Covenant of Light and Life and those that are converted into him pertake with him of the Promises of Life eternal but he that is in Christ is a New Creature the old things are passed away and all things become new and such walk not after the Flesh but after the Spirit and so come to be Heirs with Christ of that Kingdom that is without End But for any to set themselves to believe that they are elected in Christ Jesus unto Life eternal and so count the Promises of God are theirs when they are not become New Creatures in Christ but are in their Sin such deceive their own Souls for Vnless a man said Christ be born again he cannot enter into God's Kingdom So all you hungry Souls turn in your Minds to the Light of Christ Jesus in your Consciences and wait in it to know Bread in your own Houses Christ in you the Bread of Life which the living Soul feeds on and lives by that you may know the fresh and green Pasture and with us feed therein and drink of the still Waters and rest with us in the Light in the Fold that so we may all know and have one Shepherd and be all of one Sheepfold To those that are backslided from the Truth Remember therefore from whence thou art faln and Repent and do thy first works c. Return oh backsliding Israel c. I will heal thy backsliding c. But if you will not hear my Soul shall weep in secret c. Because the Lord's Flock is gone into Captivity Rev. 2. 5. Jer. 3. 12. Hosea 14. 4. Jer 14. 17. AND you who have tasted of the Power of an Endless Life and were convinced of the precious immutable Truth of God and had in measure received it in the love and obedience of it and by it were in part set free from the bondage of Sin and Corruption and redeemed out of the pollutions of the World but now are Apostatized from the Lord and have forsaken his precious Truth and People and like Demas embraced this present World again and are turned like the Dog to his Vomit and like the Swine that were washed to wallow in the Mire again and have made ship-wrack of Faith and a good Conscience and have proved treacherous both to God and his People and have denyed the Womb that bore you and the Brest that gave you suck and have turned from the Grace of God into wantonness and done dispite to the Spirit of Truth and hath trampled
of him be great who still do here abide Yet in our God we are compleat while we in Truth reside In which the living God preserve and from the World defend All those that put their trust in him and keep them to the end That in the closur● of our Da●s our Heads in peace may ly And fill d our Mouths may be with Pray'rs unto the Lord on hy Who over all is worth and only prais'd be he That never ●axeth old nor ever Changed can be Walton the 30th of the 8th Month 1684 Edmond Cross Six Verses writ by another Hand WAs ever Dust more Dignified while t' was a House of Clay For heavenly Life did there abide its Vertue to display An Humble Meek and Harmless Soul within this Dust did dwell Which all the Glory of this World abundance did excell This Dust on Earth it had a Name whilst it on Earth did move But that same Life which mov'd the same theirs few do know or Love The Dust is left the Soul is gone in Life for ay to dwell From sight of every mortal one in Glory to excell Thy Dust within the Earth do ly my Dust shall ly by thine Our Souls in Life shall dwell on high our Fellowship divine And though by Death we leave our Dust our Souls remain forever And from the Spirits of the Just no worldly Power can sever William Peart HIS TESTIMONY CONCERNING William Bennit Reader MAny has been the faithful Witnesses which God hath raised in his day blessed be his holy Name that hath been truly honoured with his Power and living Presence in which they have gone forth in his Work and Service in order to the gathering in of his numberless Number which he is a gathering from the ends of the Earth to Inhabit in his new Jerusalem that heavenly City come down from God the City of the Saints Solemnity where the living Praises are continually Sung to the God of Zion the King of Saints to whom be ascribed all Honour and living Praises as is due saith my Soul forever Amen Now Friends many of these Embassadors and Agents for the King of Heaven it hath pleased his heavenly Majesty to end their Commission by calling them home to that place of rest prepared for the Faithful where the oppression of the Oppressor ceaseth and not so much as his voice heard himself being forever shut out the Memorial of them is blessed their Names will be honorable in Ages yet to come and the Children yet unborn will bless the Lord on their behalfs much might be writ in a general way as to those worthy Witnesses before mentioned but that which is before and chiefly at this time upon me is to leave a Testimony to Prosterity that lives in my Heart concerning that faithful Servant of God and of his People and worthy Minister of Christ Jesus dear William Bennit a man indeed of a meek Moses like Spirit in whom the Lord had in a large measure fulfilled his Promise viz. to make a man more pure then fine Gold yea then the golden Wedg of O●●er for indeed the Lord had tryed him in the Furnice of Affliction and had in a large measure purified him from the Oare or earthly mixture and made him a chosen Vessel fit for his own use for saith Solomon When the Silver is refined from the Dr●ss there is a Vessel for the Refiner as this good man was a Vessel of honour fitted for that use whereunto the Lord had called him which was to bear a living Testimony for his Name in which he was found very faithful not in Word and Doctrine only but i● Life and Conversation also in which he shined as a Light upon a Candlestick which gives a Light to all which be in the Room so was the godly Life of this ever blessedman of which I am Treating it gave a Light easie to be discerned by all who are of the Family Houshold of Faith nay his and Truth 's Enemies see it and were made oft-times to confess it and say that he was a man of an Honest Godly Upright Life such a Luster Brightness did it cast that Truth was greatly honored by it not only in the Town of Woodbridg where he dwelt but where ever he came or was known his Life preached Truth his Carriage was Innocent his Words were very Savoury savouring of what his Heart and inward parts was filled with which ministered Grace to his Hearers And as to that Testimony that God had given him to bear for his Name in Word and Doctrine he was very faithful in it and was oft-times drawn in the Love of God to travel upon the account of it in great Weakness and Infirmness of Body which for the most part possessed him but great was the Strength and Vigor of his inward man which oft-times as it were swallowed up the weakness of the outward man I have often seen him go into a Meeting when it was thought he had more need have been in Bed such many times was his Weakness and Illness but strong was that Love in which he was drawn forth to serve the Lord his God which oft-times in the Assemblies of God's People flowed from him as sweet streams from a pleasant Fountain to the great refreshment of the right Seed and nourishment of the true Birth in the sence of which his Heart was often filled with that strength of Life and heavenly Courage that he would appear like a Gyant greatly refresht with new VVine ready to run a Race where there was no appearance of the bodily weakness as before but when his Testimony hath been ended and Service for that time over he hath been like on● ready to give up the Ghost his before-mentioned weakness again repossessing his earthly House of Clay by which I have often observed how in a wonderful manner as to the outward man the mighty Power of God attended the blessed Testimony and acceptable Service of this Servant of Christ he was a worthy and honorable Instrument in the hand of the Lord and many were turned to the Lord by him for the Lord of the Vinyard imployed him therein both to Plant and VVater he being very well accomplished and fitted for both being thereunto educated by the Power of God in the School of Christ He delightd much in breaking up of untill'd Ground often having Meetings where there was never any by Friends before and the Lord very much blessed and prospered his Labour in that very respect in adding to his Church thereby He was indeed the Father of many Children who were begotten by him into the Faith of the Lord Jesus Christ God had given him a ready Utterance his Tongue was as the Pen of a ready Writer often minding Friends of the day wherein they first received the Truth to remember their first Love that though they had known much experienced much had witnessed a large encrease in the Riches of God's Kingdom yet to
remember that in which God first appeared viz. the measure of Gods Gift or Grace in their Hearts there to stay their Minds often mentioning the command of God to Jacob who after many Tryals Travels and Exercises and after God had given him great encrease of Riches as Flocks and Herds VVives and Children which he devided into three Bands in order to meet his Brother Esau admiring the goodness of the God of his Fathers who had given him all that Riches who only with his Staff did some time before travelled over Jordan yet after all this God commanded him to go to Bethel the place where the Lord at first appeared to him when he fled from his Brother Esau there to dwell and erect an Alter and call upon his Name He often had it upon him to put Friends in mind of speaking the true Language to say thee or thou to a single Person without respect of Persons the contrary being false and so out of the Truth it was likewise much upon him to exhort Friends to feel the concern of Truth upon their Spirits that in the true sence thereof they might feel the drawing of the Love of God to Meet and Assemble themselves together in his Name and Fear and that they might truly know and understand the end of their meeting and what God therein requires of them that they might not go to Meetings as many People go to their Church as they call it to be a little serious while they are there and when they are gone thence let their minds out as if they had left their God behind them such a coming to meetings would not stand any one in stead in a time of Exercise or a day of Tryal much might be writ as to the good Exhortations Admonitions Advice and good-Counsel which oftentimes opened in his Heart in the Meetings and Assembles of Friends but I must refer my friendly Reader to the persual of his Cordial and Soul refreshing Epistles as in the Life they are Read by which they were given forth for his or her further satisfaction only I cannot pass by as not to mention his frequent wrestlings in Prayer with the Lord for the good of all but more especially for those of the Houshold of Faith not forgetting the Sufferers of all sorts whether in Body or in Mind particularly such as suffer Imprisonment for the Testimony of a good Conscience he often prayed that God would be pleased to make the Prison as a Pallace to them through the incomes of his heavenly Life and blessed Presence in and to their Souls and such as lay upon a Bed of Sickness that God would be their Comfort such as travelled by Sea or Land in the Work or Service of the Lord that he would be their Support and by his living Power and Presence them accompany that their Service might be effectual they enabled with cheerfulness to undergo what it should please God to permit or suffer to befal them for their Testimony sake he often interceeded with God for his very Enemies having learned that Lesson to love Enemies that it would please the Lord to turn their Hearts and to open their Eyes that they may see against whom they are striving and against whom they are setting themselves in battle aray as Bayers Thorns against consuming Fire that they might behold him whom with their Sins they had Pierced whom in his Members they had Persecuted that they might mourn over him and if it were the will of God Repent Return be Converted and Healed he oft remembred this the Land of his Nativity in his Suplications to God that it would please him if so it seemed good in his sight to prevent those impending Judgments that hang over it ready like a dreadful Tempest to break and fall upon it by its speedy Repenting and breaking off from those great Sins and Evils that abound and superabound in it which in Nature seem to Equal if not Exceed the Sins of Sodom and that it would please God if that it seemed good in his sight to frustrate confound and bring to nought the devices contrivances and consultations of that wicked Spirit and those wicked Instruments that device contrive and consult its Overthrow and Destruction Thus did the Love of God flow from the Heart of this Servant of his not only to Friends but to Enemies having so learned of his Master Christ Jesus whom he faithfully served in his Generation and with whom he forever resteth Now Friends having hinted something of the Testimony this good man bore for God in Life and Conversation and also in Word and Doctrine having a dispensation of the Word of Life committed to him to declare to others he being an able Minister of the same now it remains to speak something of his Testimony he bore for God in Suffering it was not only given him to Believe but to Suffer for the Name of Christ in which by the permission of God he had a large share especially by Imprisonment which many times was long and tedious had he not been supported by the Power of God for whose Cause he Suffered and in whose Will he was truly contented to undergo what wicked men were permitted to inflict upon him for his Conscience sake towards God eying the Will of God in all in which was his Peace and true lasting Satisfaction the principal places of his Imprisonment were at Yar●oth Norwich-Castle Blibro Melton Ipswich and Edmonds-Bury in the last of which he remained a close Prisoner scarce setting his Foot over the Threshold in five Years time he was several times a Prisoner in Melton Goal as likewise in the County Goal at Ipswich where he breathed his last Breath in which two places latterward my self with several of our Friends in and about Woodbridg were Prisoners with him as particularly in this Persecution which began five Years since by Edmond Brume Priest of Woodbridg but committed by Justice Bacon and Justice Bohon for refusing to take an Oath where he remained Prisoner about half a Year but after some breathing space our old Persecuting Adversary Priest Brume began afresh to breath out his Threatnings like the Persecutors of old and getting a Justice for his turn began to stir up the Town Officers and disturb our Meeting who of themselves might be unwilling and upon the 12th day of the 6th month 1683 there came to our Meeting the aforesaid Officers wher● our dear Friend William Bennit was upon his Knees in Prayer to God from which he was violently haled away by one Robert Chapman a Constable being put forward thereto by John Firman Church warden and with several others of us taken out of our peaceable Meeting at Woodbridg and carried before Edmond Jenny of Bredfeild Justice who committed us to Melton Goal for being at a Quaker-Meeting which is contrary to Law as saith the Mittimas at which this innocent man greatly rejoyced that the Lord see it meet for him to bear his Testimony in
it worketh not without the Soul 's yeil●ing obedience thereunto so far as to work its translation yet not the Soul's work but the work of God in and upon the Soul for though Christ is come a Light into the World and is the Salvation of God yet they that believe not in him he is their Condemnation and yet sufficient Salvation to them who believe in him and obey him for as the Light manifesteth Evil yet if the Creature yeild not obedience thereunto he cannot have ●ower over the Evil but if he yeild obedience to the Light it gives him power over Evil yet not the Creatures Power but the Power of God which begetteth th● Will and ●h● 〈◊〉 also therefore perfect obedience to the Light the Lord requireth of every one and daily to Watch and Wrestle ●gainst that which is condemnable by the Light for so long as the Creature knowingly lives in that whether in Words ●● Deed● that it seeth to be reprovable by the Light it cannot injoy perfect peace with God for the peace of God is enjoyed i● the Light and truely if that Condemn surely the Lord doth not Justifie though many believe they are Justified in the sight of God through Christ although the Witness of God le●s them see that they are yet in their Sins and condemns them for Sin and this Faith or rather Unbelief which leads them to believe that they nor none else can be made free from all Sin on this side the Grave and yet they imagin that they are free from it in the sight of God but beware of that Faith for it is accursed and is not the true Faith which is the gift of God which through Christ saveth from all Sin for that Faith admits of Sin but the Faith of Gods Elect sets free from all Sin for where the Wicked one hath seated this Faith or Perswasion in the Heart it is hard indeed for such a one to come to Live in the Life of Truth which is holy for as the Light doth let the Soul see it is in its Sins and brings Trouble and Condemnation upon the Mind for Sin and begets a desire also in the Heart to be freed from Sin for it feels it lie as a weighty load upon its Conscience behold even then the Wicked one who hath begot this perswasion in the Creature that it cannot be freed from all Sin here though freed from Sin in the sight of God and this perswasion causes the Creature to do dispite to the Spirit of Grace and strive to quench its Reproofs and so get at ease in that cursed Faith and in that wrong Believe and sit down short of the Peace of God so that which begot desires in the Creature to be freed from Sin comes to be vailed and slain and many Thousands are in this State who are large Boasters who are boasting that they are Justified by Christ and that Christ hath done all for them and if they can believe it that is sufficient and yet still in their Sins Now the Apostle Paul saith If while we seek to be Justi●●ed by Christ we our selves be found Sinners Is Christ therefore the Minister of Sin God forbid and he saith Shall we continue in Sin that Grace may abound God forbid for how can we who are Dead to Sin Live any longer therein and he said They who are Justified by Faith through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus which Redemption is a redeeming out of Sin and their Faith gave them power over the World and did not admit of Sin as the Professors Faith doth who believe they can never be free from all Sin in this Life Oh in tender Love I beseech you to beware of that Delution and Perswasion of the Wicked one for it is very dangerous and a broad way which the Creature is prone to run into now there is a great difference betwixt such who with the Light seeth much Sin which they are addicted unto yet to be subdued and it is their sore Burden and they in the strength of the Light wrestle against it and so feel it daily decrease and that Faith bego● by which they see and believe that they shall be made Conquerors over all as they abide faithful to the Light which lets them see Sin I say there is a great difference betwixt such as are there in that State travelling out of Sin out of Egypt where the Bondage is towards Sion where the Freedom is and such as are sate down satisfied in a false Confidence and in a wrong Belief continuing in their Sins and believe they shall not be free from it here but you know otherwise therefore in the Life of what you know abide for truly it is the Life that must make alive and keep alive to God which Life is the Light of men the true Light which lighteth every one tha● cometh into the World and is the Salvation of God and therein wait and feel your Minds exercised in its operation for this changeth the Mind the Thoughts the Affections and Desires for as they have been Earthly so they become Heavenly and it becomes the Souls delight to answer the end of the Lord and to endeavour to walk worthy of his Love and it becomes its Life to do the Will of God and to follow the Leadings of his Spirit which leadeth out of Evil but before this be witnessed the strait and narrow Way must be known felt and lived in and there must be a passing through the Fire through the Water through the one Baptizing which baptiseth into Death and so translateth into Life in which Life it will become your Life to do the Will of God Oh dear Father and Mother keep I beseech you to the Gift of God in your own particulars and be obedient to its Leadings and therein watch diligently continually and with it try your Thoughts and Words and Intents before you bring them forth and if they be reprovable give the● up to the Light the Fire to be consumed dear Hearts it is in unexpressible Love that I write thus unto you and be very wary of spaking things by contraries which you are addicted to for there is no Lye of the Truth and he that abideth in the Truth is preserved out of the Lye he that loveth the Light bringeth his Deeds to the Light to try them whether they be wrought in God so be not forward to utter Words but feel the Light of Christ to guide and lead you and bring your Thoughts and Words to it to try them whether you may speak them yea or nay now if they be reprovable by the Light then they are to dye and not be brought forth for if they be this grieveth the Righteous Spirit of God and breaks your Peace with the Lord for if his Witness Condemn he doth not Justifie so the Creature keeping low in the pure Fear and Dread of the Lord it dare not do that whether in Thought Word or Deed which it
help even to those that could not speak a vvord in season to them but have daubed them up vvith untempered Morter and have endeavored to heal their vvound deceitfully and have preached Peace to that vvhich is for judgment and so thereby they have gotten some kind of satisfaction for a time until the Lord vvounded them again with the Sword of his Righteous Judgments then their seeming rest fled away as smack before the wind and sorrow trouble took hold on them again as pain on a Woman in travel and then they have run again unto that which could not remove the very cause of their trouble and sorrow they have run to the Scriptures of Truth and therein have found a promise and this they have applied to themselves for to get peace and rest thereby when alas poor hearts they have not been in that state and condition which that promise which they applied to themselves was unto and so not for them and then they have read what the Saints once did and performed and they set themselves to do the like and to imitate them and so hereby for a time they have gotten some satisfaction some kind of rest and peace until the Lord God did thunder again with Dread and uttered his Voice with Terror which caused the Earth to tremble and their habitation to fall and then dissolation came upon them again and their Fig-leave garment came to be rent and their wound greater then ever it was before and thus they have run from Mountain to Hill from one Physitian to another for healing but they were unto them as Physitians of no value for none of them could rightly heal their wounds until at last they said in their hearts We will seek no more unto man for vain is the help of man But we will return unto the Lord God who hath wounded us and he will heal us who hath broken us in peices and he will bind us up and so returning to the light of Christ Jesus in their own hearts with which the Lord hath wounded them for their sins and brought trouble and sorrow upon them for their iniquities waiting therein in patience upon the Lord God in the way of his Righteous Judgments which was set up in their hearts they came to feel through their believing in the Light and loving the Light by which they were wounded for sin the cause of their sorrow and trouble and wounds taken away by the Blood of Jesus which is his life which they came to feel i● them cleansing of them from their sins and washing of them away and so the very cause of their wound being taken away and the corruption purged out then he the tender pitiful compassionate God of Mercy that in mercy towards them had wounded them healed them with the sweet Oyl of joy peace and gladness and now these that vvere mourners do rejoyce and they that vvere heavy hearted are made glad and beauty is given them for ashes and the oyl of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness and are become Trees of Righteousness the Lords own planting bringing forth fruit to his glory and praise vvho hath thus set them free from their sorrovv and trouble These can say Good it is to wait upon the Lord God in the Isa 26. 8. 2● 9. way of his Judgments Lo this is the Lord whom we have waited for this is our God we have waited for him come let us rejoyce in his Salvation wherewith he hath saved us he hath redeemed us out of the horrible Pit out of the miry clay hath he brought us and set our feet upon a Rock and doth establish our goings who filleth our Souls with the fatness of his house and causeth us to drink of the River of his Pleasure and to suck and be satisfied with the Consolation of the Brest and to milk out and be delighted in the abnundance of the sweetness of its vertue Oh what what shall we render unto the Lord unto the Lord our God for his benefits oh what shall we render unto him for his Mercies what shall we render unto him for his loving kindness Oh! let us take the Cup of his Salvation and drink thereof abundantly and in the strength of the vigour of its vertue let us in the meekness of our hearts and in the lowliness and contriteness of our Souls praise praise the Name of the Lord our God who is worthy of all Glory and Praise for ever and for evermore A few words more unto you dear people who desire more after the love and peace of God then the glory and pleasures of the world Dear people take heed unto that which discovers unto you what are your thoughts whether they be good or evil for that is it which must redeem your minds unto God and wait to come to know it to be a stay to your minds and a stop to your thoughts and a bridle to your tongues and to cause a watch before your mouth and to raise a holy fear in your hearts of offending the Righteous God of Righteousness in thought in word in deed And dear people who have so much depended and relied upon man for teaching retire you with your minds inward to the manifestation of the Spirit of God in your own hearts and wait in it to come to know the Lord God to be your Teacher ●hat if you should be separated from those that have been your Teachers and put into a Hole a Dungeon or Cave of the Earth for your Consciences towards God and so be separated from all your teaching outward you may then feel find and witness the Lord to teach you to instruct you counsel and direct you comfort and refresh you even by his pure Eternal Spirit in you for all the children of the Lord shall be taught of the Lord and established in Righteousness and great shall be their peace in the God of their Salvation unto whom unto whom be glory glory honour and praise for ever and evermore for he is vvorthy he is vvorthy vvorthy saith my soul unto whom be glory in the highest Amen So dear people for your sakes mostly was these foregoing lines written in obedience to the tender spirit of love in my heart vvhich drew me thereunto and in tender unfeigned love and pure good-will to your souls vvho have had and still have true desires in your hearts after the Lord and have been and still are thirsting and hungering after the vvay of Truth and Righteousness and have been and still are seeking and hunting among the husks shells and shadows for to find the substance but still fail of your expectation and cannot find true and perfect satisfaction but secretly in your hearts are panting and thirsting after the living vvater and are vveary of feeding upon the husks and begin to say within your selves to each other Come vve have been long vvandering abroad hunting after the Lord afar off seeking of him in
and at the remembrance of Sion and in the sence of thy separation from her thou didst pant oh my soul thou didst pant after Sion the Land of thy nativity Oh! as the Hart pan●eth after the water brooks crying in the anguish of thy sorrow how long Lord how long shall I be a captive in a strange Land with longing d●sires in thy heart after Sion thinking in thy heart oh when shall I walk with the ransomed of the Lord upon the Mountain of Sion and travel with the Lords redeemed in the streets of Jerusalem and in that day oh my soul the Lord for his own Seeds sake had regard unto thy cries and thy tears and sorrows was not hid from the view of his tender pitiful eye and in tender mercy and bowels of compassion towards thee he through his free love unto thee brought thee forth out of Babilon the Land of thy captivity and set thy face towards Sion thy desired rest oh my soul But oh oh my soul how oft wert thou bewildered in thy going even after thy face was turned towards Sion travelling thitherward saying in thy heart oh I will go joyn my self unto Sion in a perpetual Covenant which shall never be broken losing thy way some times wandering as it were in the wilderness in the deserts and solitary places hungry and thirsty my soul even fainting with weakness and then didst thou cry unto the Lord in thy distress and he helpt thee out of all thy troubles he took thee by the right hand and brought thee into the right way in which thou mightest come to thy desired rest oh my soul And now oh my soul thou art come to Sion with songs and everlasting joy upon thy head and thou hast obtained joy and gladness and thy sighing and mourning is fled away And now oh my soul thou that wert in a desert doth rejoyce and as a wilderness are made glad and as a solitary Place doth blosom as a Rose as a dry heath now as a fruitful valley as the parched ground now as the moist mould that drinketh in the rain that comes upon it Now oh my soul thou in truth canst say the wilderness doth rejoyce and the desert and solitary place is made glad and blossom as a Rose water comes forth out of the wilderness and streams in the desert the parched ground is become a pool and the dry heath springs of water now the mourner rejoyces and the heavy hearted is made glad and beauty is giving in stead of ashes the oyl of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness now oh my soul is thy horn exalted in the Lord in whom thy mouth is enlarged over thy enemies ah the Lord maketh rich and he maketh poor he woundeth and he maketh whole he killeth and he maketh alive he bringeth down and he raiseth up he raiseth up the poor out of the dust and the beggar from off the dunghil and setteth them among Princes and causeth them to inherit the seat of Glory Yea the full he emptieth that they hire themselves out for bread and they that were hungry and empty he filleth with good things yea the barren he causeth to bear seven and she that hath had many children is waxed feeble this is the Lords doing and it is morvellous in thy eyes oh my soul Oh! my soul my soul thou canst in truth say thy winter is in measure over and gone and the stormy wind is fled away and the cold parching frosts are dissolved and the spring and summer is come and the Sun with its warm beams breaks forth and the gentle showers descends and the time of the singing of birds is come and the turtle is heard in thy land oh my soul and the vine putteth forth her tender grapes and the fig-tree with her pleasant figs give a goodly smell And now oh my soul thou canst set under thy vine and under thy fig-tree with thy beloved and who shall make thee afraid with whom thou canst walk into his pleasant garden of delights among t●● beds of spices and feed among the lillies and there solace thy self in the bosome of his love For oh my soul oh my soul there was a time when thou oh my soul hadst lost thy beloved and thou soughtst him by night upon thy bed and in the broad ways but thou foundst him not and therefore sorrow compassed thee as a wall about and mourning covered thee as a garment and thou couldst have no rest until thou hadst found thy beloved crying fiercely in thy heart saying in thy ardent desires after him oh oh thou art hid from me as in the clifts of the rocks and as in the secret places of the stairs let me see thy countenance and let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comely and when he did some●imes shew himself unto thee behind the wall or as through a lattice and put his fingers in by the hole of the door thy bowels were moved for him But now oh my soul thou dost enjoy his presence which is sweet and pleasant to thee he is as a bundle of myrrhe he is thy joy thou sits under his shadow with great delight for he is a bower of spices unto thee and his fruit is sweet to thy taste he hath brought thee into his banketting house where his banner over thee is love where he comforteth thee with the flaggons of his love he causeth thee to drink of his spiced wine which is as the liquor of life and the juyce of his pomegranates which is as honey to thy taste Oh my soul he filleth thee with good things that so thou mightest become as a watered garden and as a spring of water whose water fails not that thy bones might flourish as an herb and thy kidneys be covered with fatness and thy belly become as an oily Brook thus hath the Lord thy tender God thy merciful God oh my soul set thee free from the yoak of bondage And now oh my soul rejoyce in fear and trembling and dread and fear continually in the holy presence of the Lord thy God and watch watch watch oh my soul diligently watch in the lowly fear and godly jealousie over thy own heart trembling in thy bowels lest thou oh my soul in the joy the great joy in the sence of what the Lord hath done for thee and in a sight of thy good state thou art advanced to should be lifted up above what is meet and thereby come to lo●s and a fall wherefore oh my soul to prevent such mishaps coming unto thee unawares keep thee watchful and low in fear and humble and contrite in heart and meek and chaste in mind tender and broken in bowels poor and needy in spirit waiting and depending upon the meer preserving grace of the merciful hand of thy merciful piti●ul compa●●●onate God of infinite loving kindness that whatever thou dost or suffers through his strength for him thou mayst not
be in the lest degree exalted above him but still keeping low in him dwelling beneath him at his footstool and whatever thou receivest from him when he calls for it return it back to him and be nothing without him but what thou art in him alone knowing that what thou art it is by him and what thou hast it cometh from him Therefore be nothing without him and return his own to him for he is worthy that his own should praise him And in the belly of a humble lowly broken contrite spirit dwell oh my soul where thou mayst serve God with thy tears dwelling in the sence of the freeness of his love and mercy in what he hath done for thee that the remembrance thereof may rend thy bowels before him passing thy pilg●image here in fear and trembling before the Lord thy God unto whom unto whom unto whom be glory glory glory praises praises praises thanksgiving honour and eternal renown be rendered unto his eternal name who is blessed blessed blessed for ever and ever Amen Amen Halelujah in the highest Amen glory glory ah glory Halelujah in the highest Amen Amen saith my soul Oh my soul where didst thou begin but in the sence of Gods dear tender precious most excellent love stirring in thy heart and there must thou end and rest satisfied and lay thee down quiet in peace with Gods most dear Babes and tender innocent Lambs unto whom thou cleavest as flesh to their bones towards whom thy bowels thy bowels thy tender bowels do unspeakably yearn with secret pantings in thy inward parts through the weight of love that abides in and upon thee oh my soul my soul my soul William Bennit To Gods Lambs in Prison Greeting DEar Friends and suffering Lambs shut up together in nasty holes oh you dear Suffering Tribulated Conscientious ones of the tender God of love life and power I whom am your dear and tender Friend and Companion in th● pure patience and long suffering of the Seed incorruptible do most dearly greet you and intirely salute you and sweetly imbrace you in the love of the Lord your God who hath not only counted you worthy to believe in him the mighty God but dear ones he hath also counted you worthy to suffer for his holy name sake because of your Faithfulness and for your Obedience unto his most sweet excellent everlasting Truth ah dear Lambs the witness hereof feel in your selves yea I believe my dear Friends that you know and feel the holy witness of the holy God of holiness in your own hearts bearing a true testimony to your own souls that your such confinment and sufferings is because of your obedience to the Lord your compassionate God of infinite bowels wherefore ye Lambs ye dear Lambs of the Lord God of power in him be ye comforted in the middest of your sufferings for him and be refreshed in the middest of your afflictions and consolated in the middest of your tribulations and be you made glad and rejoyce in the middest of your tryals even in the middest of all glorifying praising and honouring your tender God for his rich mercy towards you to be partakers of the sufferings of his seed oh my dear Friends my tender bowels is at this time opened unto you and my soul streams with streams of love of dear intire love towards you which f●oweth forth in the true sence and feeling and simplicity that my soul hath of your sufferings of which I partake in spirit and in the sence of your Faithfulness my soul is refreshed and bound thereby to praise your God and my God on your behalf Dear Lambs I believe that the sweet comfortable presence of the Lord God Almighty is with you and doth so accompany you as that your cup of sufferings is made sweet unto you so as that you can drink it off with gladness knowing and seeing that it is the will of the Lord to permit it to be given unto you whole will and not your own your innocent souls desire to do Ah dearly beloved Friends what shall I say unto you that ye might thereby be comforted that my soul in the sence there of might be made glad well dear Babes the fountain and fulness of everlasting joy and gladness is the bosom wherein you are to be wraped up and to repose together for evermore if you keep the faith to the end The streams whereof I know do often refresh your souls which overcomes you with its sweetness and lifts you up above all your sufferings and even make hard things become easie unto you ●lory glory and pure praises in spirit be shouted out unto the mighty God of worm Jacob the everlasting Jehovah of Israel unto whom dearly and beloved Friends I commit you all most intirely and fervently desiring that he the only Lord who is your tender God may for his own seeds sake minister to all your necessities and supply all your wants and cause your strength power wisdom and love with pure patience content and long suffering in him to abound daily more and more Amen saith my tender soul So dear ones read and savour my love in the Word which is more pretious then all words whatsoever wherein dear Lambs repose together and the milk thereof dear Babes suck and be refreshed thereby Farewell dear Lambs I am your dear Friend and Brother in the Lord. WILLIAM BENIT To Friends in the Love of Truth Greeting MY dear and tender beloved Friends in the love of God and in his pure pretious everlasting Truth whereof he hath in the freeness of his pure grace and endless love made us pertakers with the rest of his dear Babes and Children and whereof he hath made us witnesses in our measures in this his blessed day spring from on high which is come and coming which is brook and breaking forth in great glory so that its brightness shall reach unto the utmost dark corners of the Earth even to the exstinguishing of the Night and to the expelling the darkness which hath covered the Earth and the gross darkness which covered the People Ah dear hearts the blessed beams of the brightness of this blessed day spring from on high hath reached unto our souls which were once sealed up in the Darkness under the shadow of the Night and hath and doth shine in our hearts giving of us the true knowledg of the true and living God and thereby hath guided our feet out of the crooked slippery paths of darkness wherein we once walked stumbling as the blind into the paths of peace even into the path of the just which as a shining light shineth more and more until the perfect day for which the Lord our dear and tender God is worthy worthy to receive pure living praises from the breath of his own life in our souls who is worthy that his own should praise him for its sacrifice is acceptable and pleasant unto him who is God over all blessed for evermore Dear hearts in
Glory and Renown of his eternal powerful Name and to your endless Joy and everlasting Peace in him your tender God in whose pure tender unseigned Love doth my soul kiss you imbrace you clasp you about saying in spirit Oh the Lord the mighty God gird up your Loins with Courage Strength and Valour daily and spead over you all the mantle of Faithfulness keep you all in the pure patience and sweet contentedness and in true submission to his holy heavenly will which is your Sanctification whose will may be done in you all that indeed the Power the Glory the Kingdom and Dominion may be his and he alone may Reign in you whose right of due it is who was Dead and is a Live and lives forever and evermore unto whom be glory in the highest for evermore Amen Oh the holy living presence of the Living God of Holiness be in with and among you all in whose Love Life and Truth in my measure my soul is united and closely cleaveth to all the Children of the most high God and they are very dear unto the soul of him who is your Friend Brother and Companion in the innocent Love and Life of God over all blessed for evermore farewel dear Lambs T is 1665. William Bennit Dear Friend IN that which is Eternal and unchangable doth the unfeigned Salutation and tender Love of my Soul extend towards thee who art oft in the remembrance of my Soul which is in some measure sensible of the many Troubles Crosses and Tryals which thou hast been in and now art exercised with and truly dear Heart my soul desireth that th● Lord may inable thee to wade through them all in the pure Patience and true Contentedness and that thou mayst find the strong arm of Gods mighty power in the beating down keeping ●nder that part which would complain and murmur against the Lord and count him a hard Master and freet its self because the Wicked Flourish and the Ungodly spread themselves like a green ●ay-Tree and the workers of Iniquity are set up ●n●●●e P●oud Lord it over the Meek of the Earth and ●●ea● upon the Righteous as Di●t in the Streets Killed all the day 〈◊〉 a●d Oppressed like a Cart with Sheaves I say needful it is to feel that part which would freet it self because of th●se things chained down by the Meek Lowly Lamb like Patient Peaceable Spirit of the patient pitiful long-suffe●ing God of Forbearance and Mercy and to feel it curting and beating all Prejudice and Enmity that would be springing up from the murmuring fretting part against those who are ●●struments of Iniquity and Servants to that Spirit that Persecutes and Oppress the Innocent and behold this Spirit of meekness keeps in coolness gentleness and patience and gi●●●h dominion over that Spirit which in haste yet as it th●n●s in a Zeal for God crys for Fire to come down from Heav●n to devour those who are Instruments of Cruelty Iniquity and Oppression and indeed this Spirit of Love inableth to love Enemies to Bless and Curse not and seeks no Revenge but makes willing to leave all to the Lord unto whom dear Heart let us commit our Cause and sure I am he will plead it with his and our Enemies in his own time even to their Destruction and Calamity and to our Joy and Comfort in the end in the mean while the Lord keep us in contentedness and in dominion over that Spirit that would limit God to mans time and counteth that God is slack concerning his Promise who indeed is not slack as that Siprit counts slackness but is a God long suffering desiring not the Death nor Destruction of a Sinner but that rather he may repent and Live Oh that all those that profess his Name may be like-minded with him according to our measures and growth in him the Living God who is blessed forevermore My dear tender hearted Friend my Soul doth likewise desire fervently that thee and I and all the rest of our heavenly Fathers Family may be kept close unto the measure of the free grace and love of the Lord God in our own hearts that by it we may continually be kep● in the lowly fear and pure aw of him who hath called us out of Darkness into his marvelous Light wherein let us watch carefully over our Thoughts Words and Works lest in haste through carelesness for want of watchfulness we should speak or do any thing that may grieve the holy Seed and wound the Just one in our selves and bring a burden and load upon our own Souls wherefore dear Heart I cannot but desire that I with thee and all who love Righteousness may be kept watchful in the ●●wly Fear close unto the grace that keeps humble out of the many words in the fewness of words that so in sweet stilness peace and quietness we may possess our sou●● and injoy the sweet incomes of the sweet Love and sweet pure refreshing streams of the Fountain of Life according to our measures that so even in the midst of our Tryals and Sufferings our he●rts may be made glad in the Lord and our souls may rejoyce in him over all the Rage and Cruelty of the Wicked that we may keep our standing on the Rock against which Gog and Magog and the whole Host of the powers of Darkness is not able to prevail and herein the Lord keep us saith my soul for evermore So dear Heart I leave thee unto the Lord in whom my Love is dear unto thee and my Soul simpathize with thee in thy Tryals and Sufferings and desire the Lord may bear thee up above them all in the bosom of his Love and Patience and minister daily unto thee what he knoweth is meet for thee and keep thee in a contentedness with his heavenly will that so thou mayst say with thy whole heart Lord not my will but thy will be done and submitted unto in all things whose will is our Sanctification So dear tender Heart in the innocent Love which drew me forth to write these lines unto thee I rest and remain thy dear Friend in the Truth William Bennit 1665. To the Magistrates of Edmonds-Bury Friends I hope your Nobillity and Moderation will be so far made manifest as to read over these following Lines with Patience and I desire you may Seriously consider of them and Sollidly to weigh them in that equall Ballance the Light of Christ in your Consciences before you Judge of them VVE whom the World in scorn call Quakers are a People that liveth in the pure fear of the Lord God and without boasting we can truly say we are a People who are led and guided by a peaceable Principle of Love which we have received of God who is the Fountain of Love by which Principle of Love we are made to live peaceable with all men as much as in us lies and fervenly to desire and seek the good and welfare of all People even from him
by you I count not my Life too dear to part with for the Testimony of my God in whom is my Confidence Trust and Hope who hath formed me for his praise whose I am unto you my Conscience I have cleared and whether ye will hear or forbear I am clear of your Blood who am a Friend to your Souls and Bodies and desire the welfare of both and am one who loveth righteous Government and Governours who are for the punishment of evil doers and for the praise of them that do well and such Rulers I truly honour in my heart though not with the vain custom of the Hat neither with the deceitful flattering titles of this World This is from a true lover of your Souls who des●reth your everlasting welfare and tranquility in the Lord who is a Sufferer by you but not for evil doing but for doing well the Lord is his witness that this is true whose Servant he is whatever he be by you or any accounted of Edmonds-Bury common Goal this 8th Month 1665. William Bennit To Friends of Truth in the Town of Colehester Greeting DEarly beloved Friends and Brethren who have tasted of the love and goodness ●f the Lord and of the sweetness and pretiousness of his unchangable Truth the virtuous workings and powerful opperations whereof you have felt in your hearts whereby you witness and experience in measure your Souls set at liberty from the bondage of Sin and Corruption to serve the living God in holiness of Life to the praise of your God who hath raised you out of the dust by his Power and quickned you by his Life and formed you by his own Wisdom and given you his good Spirit to guide and lead you teach and counsel you comfort and refresh you oh he hath given you a taste of the Word of Life and power of the World to come oh he hath living Witnesses of his Name and Truth whereof you are made partakers and that which you have seen and known felt and tasted of the same you have through the strength of the Lord born Testimony unto even by Word by Deed by Life and Conversation and through great Sufferings manifold Tribulations and Afflictions all which the Lord your tender God hath inabled you to wade through and hath kept you from fainting unto this day who hath been with you in six Troubles and in the seventh dear Babes he hath not left you but in all your Afflictions for his Name-sake he hath been afflicted with you and the Angel of his presence hath been your defence on the right hand and on the left oh how hath he carried you in his tender Bosome and born you up in his Arms and lead you gently when you were Weak Young and Tender and made the Crooked strait and the Rough smooth before you and thrown down many a high Mountain before you and removed many a lofty Hill out of your way who hath made a way for you in the Wilderness and a path through many a Thickit and hath made the hard things easie he hath been a Shelter to you from the Heat and a Refuge to you from the Storm and many a time hath been unto your Souls as the shadow of a Rook in a weary Land who hath given you Bread when you were Hungry and Water to satisfie your Thirst who Strengthned you when you were Weak and Inriched you when you were Poor who Healed you when you were Wounded and bound you up when you were broken to Pieces who Comforted you in the midst of Sorrow and hath Refreshed you when you have been heavy hearted and lifted up your heads when they were bowed down because of the Oppression of your Enemies Oh how exceeding large is the love of the Lord your tender compassionate God of endless bowels of tenderness oh your own experience of his Love his Mercy his Pity his Compassion his Goodness his Kindness and his Tender Fatherly Care and Dealings towards you is much larger then what I can demonstrate with words oh how can you then but still trust in his Name rely upon his Arm and depend upon his saving Health and hope in his tender Bowels who is the same yesterday to day and for evermore who hath been with you when Trouble hath compassed you round to keep you from Dispair and with you in the midst of Perplexity to keep you from being Distressed and with you in the midst of Persecution to Sucker and Cherish you and refresh your hearts as with New Wine and oh surely dear Babes he is with you still to Comfort you still to Refresh you still to Feed and Nourish you still to Strengthen you still to Uphold and Support you still to Keep and Defend you and surely he will never leave you nor forsake you if you forsake him not but will cleave unto you as you cleave unto him and will still be your God and you shall be his People still and rest in him for ever when in this World you shall be no more Oh dear Friends my soul loveth you wherefore I cannot forget you but often remember you especially since the Lord hath been pleased to visit that place with such fore Affliction and to give it to drink so deeply of the Cup of his Righteous Judgments and oh my soul desires that the Lord may keep and hide your Souls in the hollow of his hand whatever Affliction he suffers to come upon your Bodies and oh that he may inable you to wade through all and to bear all with Patience and Contentedness and think not any of you the Lord cares not for you or that he dis-regards you ●ecau●e he doth or may permit the Beesom of his Righteous Ju●gements which he hath sent forth to sweep away the W●cked to sweep away many of your Bodies from off the Earth neither murmur against the Lord who may do what pleaseth him and yet all his doings are Equal and Righteous altogether and how strange soever his doings appear to the carnal reasoning fleshly part yet assuredly he intends good in all his deallings towards all the honest simple innocent upright hearted ones and it is inwardly well with such whatsoever outwardly the Lord suffereth to befall them and it shall be well with their Souls eternally whatever the Lord permits to come upon their Bodies and truly the sence of these things I know doth cause Joy to spring inwardly in the midst of outward Sorrows and Comfort in the midst of Heaviness Rest in the time of Trouble and Content and Satisfaction in the midst of Affliction and maketh that soul to bear all with patience without murmuring against the Lord and makes such to say The will of God be done well it is the Lord that suffereth it thus to be and why should I murmur against him seeing he knoweth what is best for me and will not suffer any thing to besal me but what through his Love and Mercy shall work for my good as I cleave
to him and am faithful unto him though my Earthen Vessel may be broken to peices and be turned to the dust and be taken away as the Wicked are who know not God yet nevertheless I know it shall not be with my soul as it shall be with the Wicked for it shall go ill with them that Die and be cut-off in their Sins but through the love of the Lord it is and shall be well with my soul for that shall Live and never Die whatever comes upon my Earthen Vessel wherefore I will not say in a murmuring way Lord why is it thus that as to outward appearance thou takest away the Righteous with the Wicked and cu●est off them that fear thy Name vvith them that fear thee not as if thou hadst no regard to thy people nor respect to them that call upon thy Name nor care over those vvho serve thee vvith an upright Heart but I vvill be still and knovv that the Lord he is God and may do as seemerh good in his Eye vvhose vvorkings are Mysterious and his doings very Strange and his actings very Marvellous in the eyes of many vvho is even to vvonderful for his people unto vvhom he intends good altogether for oh he loveth them and they are dear unto him as the Apple of his Eye they are his Portion vvhich he hath chosen and his Inheritance for ever vvhich he hath purchased for himself vvho is God over all blessed for evermore Oh dear Friends Brethren and Sisters my dear unfeigned Love extends to you all in the Truth of our God vvherein my soul salutes you vvho Love and Serve the Lord vvith a sincere and upright Heart and in Spirit I am vvith you though outvvardly separated from you for the Seeds sake and truly my soul simpathiseth vvith you in your Tryals Afflictions both invvardly and outvvardly and oh that I could help you saith my soul but vvell I can cry unto him vvho is able to help you unto vvhom dear Babes I must leave you who knoweth how it is with ever one of you all and is not wanting in his Love Mercy Pity Tenderness Compassion and Care towards you who loveth him and watcheth in his holy fear whose tender bowels is more largely open towards his tender innocent hearted ones then their weakness is able to comprehend Oh the Lord Almighty be with you and the Arm of his Power incompass you about and bear you up and keep you from Fainting and Falling as some have done to the dishonour of the Lord and grief of your Souls and preserve you unto the end of your Daies that you may finish your Course with Joy and lay down your Heads in Peace and rest from all your Troubles Sorrows Tryals Sufferings and Afflictions and receive the reward laid up for the Faithful who abide to the end this is the desire and breathing o● my soul to the Lord for you who is your Friend and Companion in the Faith Patience and long Suffering of Jesus and one that wisheth that Grace Mercy and Peace Joy Comfort and everlasting Refreshment with Strentgh Wisdom and Might may be augmented unto you all and that the love of God may abound and super-abound in all your Souls and surpass all your Sufferings that thereby your hearts may be kept open towards God and one to another in a large manner and that you continue tender affectionated one to another in the Truth and be as meet-helps one to another both outwardly and inwardly to your Comfort and to the Praise of the Lord God Almighty into whose hands I commit you dear Babes and the Lord be with you and Comfort the Mourners amongst you and Refresh the heavy hearted ones and lift up the bowed down and heal the Wounded and comfort the Languishing with love and lift up the weak Hands and confirm the feeble Knees and not suffer that which is Lame to be turned out of the way but rather heal it that the Halting may go upright and the Lame may leap as an Hart and the Tongue of the Dumb may sing of the goodness and loving kindness of the Lord and make mention of his Mercy and declare of his Doings and magnifie his Name in the the Land of the Living Amen Halelujah From your Friend and Brother in the Truth who hath often had you in remembrance and also longed to visit you with a few Lines but desirous to wait the Lords time read and feel my love in that which is more precious and excellent then all Words whatsoever wherein we are hid together Farewel dear Lambs William Bennit Edmonds-Bury Goal the 3th Month 1666. THE original of the foregoing Lines was chiefly write to Friends in the Town of Colchester but having freedom in the Lord and even pressed thereunto by his Love I thought meet to send Copies thereof to go among Friends in Suffolk Norfolk or elsewhere as Friends have freedom to Communicate them one to another And dear Friends let this signifie unto you that my soul loveth you and have a remembrance of you and a Brotherly care and affection towards you in the Truth wherein I desire your Prosperity Tranquility and Preservation in this day of Tryal in this hour and power of Darkness even as I desire for my own Soul the Lord my God even your God is my Witness desiring that I and you with all who love the Lord in Sincerity and that make meation of his Name in Truth and Righteousness may all be kept close in Heart and Mind unto the Lord standing upon our watch in the Light with the loines of our minds girded up unto God having on the Brest-plate of Righteousness and the Helmet of Salvation to guide stear and order us aright that we may not be Bewildred in this day of Storms and Tempests and especially to have and hold fast the Shield of Faith by which we may be able to quench and send off all the Fiery Darts of the Wicked within and without yea to have on the whole Armour of Light being fitted for the Fiery Tryals and Tribulat on s that so nothing may come upon us unawares before we be fitted for it oh that it might not be with any of those who profess Righteousness as i● was with the People in the daies of Noah who were Eating and Drinking and Sporting themselves Marrying and giving in Marriage and knew not till the Flood came and swept them away but oh that we may all stand upon our Watch-Tower and all hold fast our Integrity in the Lord and keep close to our first Love and none to deale unkindly towards the Wife of his youth by casting her off and going after other Lovers but all be tender over her and still love her with your whole Hearts and cleave unto her for she is a Spotless Virgin and never was Defiled with the alluring man of Pleasure she is very Beautiful Amiable and Comely in the Eyes of the pure in heart and the Glory of the
thee again and it shall bring thee unto his holy Hill and to his Tabernacle and then shalt thou go to the Altar of God of God thy exceeding joy and upon thy Harp shalt thou praise the Lord thy God thy Delight and Joy oh it is good for thee both to hope and quietly to vvait upon the Lord for the Lord is good to the Man that vvaits upon him unto the Soul vvhich seeketh him and cannot be satisfied vvithout him oh vvait patiently upon him even as a Servant vvaiteth upon his Master and as a Maiden at the hand of her Mistress so do thou vvait for the Lord and even as the Husbandman vvho sovveth his Seed in the Earth hath long patience for it until he receiveth the early and latter Rain so do thou vvait patiently upon the Lord vvho vvill be unto thee as the early and latter Rain in due season wait upon him he who is to come will come and will not tarry and his reward will be with him even fulness of Joy Comfort Peace Rest and sweet Satisfaction unto thee for surely surely the Lord will never leave thee nor forsake thee if thou forsake him not indeed he may seem to hide his Face from thee for a time but without doubt he will appear again to thy Comfort who cannot live without him oh my soul the Lord heareth thee often saying in secret alass What is the Glory of the World unto me what is the Honour and Praise of the World unto me what is the Favours Friendship and Estimation of the World to me what is the Vanities vain Sports Delights Pleasures of the Sons and Daughters of Men to me oh surely all these things are but as Drofs and Dung unto me in comparison of the Lord my God who is the Fountain of everlasting Joy Delight and Pleasure oh if I enjoy him fully I have enough he is the joy of my Heart the rejoycing and glading of my Spirit the strength of my Reins the girdle of my Loines wherefore how can I live without him oh my soul the Lord intends good unto thee by all his dealings with thee if he withdraw for a time and hide his Face from thee for a season it is thereby to let thee see what thou art without him how Poor how Weak how Feeble how Foolish how Empty how Dead how Dry how Cold how Barren and Unfruitful art thou without the Lord that so thou being made truly sensible of thy own Weakness and Inability may be the more sensible of the needfulness of the supporting Power and upholding Arm and saving Grace of the Lord thy God and the more to relie and depend upon the Lord oh my soul though the Lord withdraw his presence from thee thou comest the more to know what the want of his presence is and comest to learn to prize the sweet enjoyment of his presence the more and to hold him fast and cleave unto him and to be very vigilent and careful thou dost not grieve him nor do the thing that may cause him to withdraw himself from thee oh my soul Oh my soul thou must learn to know how to Want and how to Abound how to be Full and how to be Empty how to be Rich and how to be Poor and in every Condition to be content and not to murmur against the Lord the Lord can open and none can shut and he can shut and none can open the Lord ean open the windows of Heaven and shower down abundantly upon thee oh my soul and even make a Plenty in thy Land even cause thy Store to abound with Corn and thy Fat 's over flow with new Wine and he can also shut up the windows of Heaven for a time make a Famine in thy Land if he pleaseth and thou must not say unto him in a murmuring way why dealest thou thus with me for indeed he may do vvhat he vvill do and yet all his doings are Just Righteous altogether and in all his dealings vvith thee he thy dear tender nursing Father intends good unto thee oh my soul Oh my soul vvhen the Fountain openeth and the great Deep overflovveth and fills thee vvith plenty of all things needful for thee even then oh my soul dread and fear thou before the Lord and take heed of being lifted up in Heart of being puffed up in Mind of being exalted in Spirit and bevvare of a false Ease and vvrong Liberty and false Security vvhich may soon steal upon thee at such a time if thou do not abide upon the Watch and dread the Lord and drink the draughts of Joy in the pure fear and trembling never departing there-from in vvhat ever thou enjoy of the Lord or receive from the Lord or do and suffer for the Lord keep lovv in Heart meek in Mind humble in Soul tender in Bovvels contrite in Spirit and then oh my soul thou art in a safe condition truly my soul vvhen thou appearest Wise Strong Rich and Full enough even then thou art rather in greater danger then vvhen thou appearest Weak Poor and Empty in thy ovvn eyes although thou art not then vvithout danger but hast cause to fear and vvatch in all conditions oh my soul vvhen thou appearest Weak Poor and Feeble in thy ovvn eyes even then take heed of distrust and doubting but hold fast thy Trust in the Lord and let thy Confidence in his Name be firm and Hope in his tender Bowels be sure and constantly relie and depend upon him and honour him in believing in him and if he kill thee yet trust thou in him and never leave him for alas whether shouldst thou go he hath the word of eternal Life who is worthy to be Glorified Magnified Honoured and Praised Feared Served Loved and Obeyed forever and for evermore Oh my soul thou dearly lovest thy Fathers Children oh the Lord knoweth how near and dear his dear Babes and tender Lambs are unto thee oh my soul oh thou knowest them in the Spirit of Love wherein thou delightest to Imbrace them even those whom outwardly thou never saw and in spirit to clasp them about and kiss them with a Kiss of Peace and hug them in the Bosom of Indearedness ah thy Bowels thy Bowels is open unto them and thy Love is dear indeed towards them as the Lord thy God knoweth and oh that love might abound in thee more and more and in the hearts of all the Children of Light it may abound one towards another as in Days past and Years which are gone that it may appear to all we are of God who is Love and that we all are true Disciples of Christ in that we love one another not only in Shew and in Word but in Deed and in Truth loving one another fervently with a pure heart Oh my soul thou defirest to simpathize vvith thy Fathers Children in their Tryals Sufferings and Afflictions and in spirit to bear a part vvith them therein oh thou desirest even to Mourn
them as a pillar of Fire by night and a pillar of a Cloud by day c. and yet behold they are drawn back again by the Enemy of their Soul through their yielding unto his Temptations and receiving his P●o●fers and are turned as the Dog to his Vomit and as the Sow that was washed to her wallowing again in the mire and hath even mad● Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience and are proved treacherous Children denying their Father who begat them and casting off their Mother who travelled in pain to bring them forth and hating the Womb that bore them and the Paps which gave them suck and this hath come upon them through Carelesness and Sloathfulness and through Reasoning and Consulting with the Enemy of their Souls and through looking at the Trouble Tryal Sufferings Streights and Difficulties which appeared in their way and through lusting after the Flesh-pots of Egypt through looking back into the Ease Pleasure Riches and Honour of this World which hath carried them away captive again into Egypt into the house of Bondage again wherefore oh my soul watch watch and stand fast in that Liberty which the true Christ the Power of God hath brought thee into and take heed thou be not intangled again in the yoak of Bondage Oh my soul if there be some who once were in some measure Fresh Green Tender Living and Fruitful unto God who now have lost their Freshness Greenness Tenderness and Fruitfulness towards God and now Coldness Deadness and Barrenness is come upon them to God-ward and their Love and Zeal for the Lord waxed cold oh my soul if it hath thus happened unto some oh how canst thou but fear before the Lord least the same should happen unto thee also And if some there be whose minds are gotten into a full Liberty and are at ease in the Flesh living above the Cross of Christ Jesus which Crucifies to the World and grown Careless and Negligent spending their time often with vain Talking foolish Jesting and needless Communication how ought all to spend their time in waiting upon the Lord in meditating and exercising themselves in the things of God being very watchful over their Thoughts Words Works and Actions having the pure fear of the Righteous God fresh in their hearts standing in awe of him always least they should Sin against him in Thought Word Deed lying down rising up in his pure fear Eating Drinking and doing all things in the pure fear of the Lord knowing a stay to their Minds a stop to their Thoughts a bridle to their Tongues a watch before their Mouth and a fearing in their Hearts least they should not be watchful enough over their Lives and Conversations yea even over their very Carriage and Gesture their words being very few sober and savoury even savouring of the grace of God in their hearts they desiring and endeavouring to walk so as that they might in Life Carriage and Conversation be as holy Patterns and righteous Examples of Love of Peace of Holiness and Purity of Meekness and Lowliness of Tenderness and Pity of Mercy and Compassion of Patience and long Suffering of Sobriety and Gentleness c. that so they might walk as becometh Saints B●a●eless and Harmless as Sons of God without rebuke in the midst of a crooked and perverse Generation amongst whom to shine as Lights to the adorning of the Truth of God professed by them and to the Glory Honour and 〈◊〉 of the Lord God and to the Joy Comfort Refreshment Peace and Consolation of their own Souls Oh this condition is very sweet blessed and happy wherefore ●leave cleave and keep close unto the Lord thy tender compassionate God and then assuredly the Lord will cleave unto thee and will not leave thee oh my soul wherefore lift up thy head in the strength of the Lord and look up unto the holy one whose dwelling is on high in the holy place and with thee oh my soul as thou art kept humble in H●art contrite in Spirit meek in Mind and trembleth at his Word and look not at thy own Weakness Feebleness and Inability but keep thy eye unto the Lord and trust in his Name relie and depend upon his Arm and hope in his tender Bowels who maketh the Poor Rich the Weak Strong the Simple Wise wait thou patiently upon him and look not out at the greatness of others measures neither look thou at the smalness of thy own least Faintness Weariness and Discouragement should thereby come in upon thee and thou murmur because thy measure is no greater but be thou contented and truly satisfied with thy portion and be faithful unto the Lord in thy measure and being faithful in the little thou shalt be made ruler over much and enter into the joy of the Lord wait upon him who hath freely given in thee what thou hast of him and he can give thee more there was nothing in thee that was of thee which induced the Lord to communicate that measure of his fulness unto thee which he hath dispensed to thee but of his own meer mercy tender love and free grace who of his own free will hath begotten thee again unto a living hope so that thou well knowest that it is not he that willeth nor he that runneth but God who sheweth mercy Oh thou hadst not awakened out of the sleep of Sin and Corruption had not the mighty God thundred from his dwelling place upon thee and awakened thee oh my soul surely thou hadst never been raised out of the dust of Sin and grave of Iniquity had not the Lord of his own free will raised thee up and brought thee forth by his own Almighty power Oh my soul surely thou hadst never as of thy self turned unto the Lord had not the Lord of his own free will turned thee and after thou wast turned thou Repentedst and after thou wast Afflicted thou smotest upon thy Thigh yea thou wast consounded because thou borest the shame of thy youth and surely my soul after the Lord had turned thee in measure to him thou hadst not followed him in the narrow and strait Way through the Cross in the Self-denial had not the Lord thy God drawn thee after him by the cords and woings of his tender Love and surely thou hadst turned back again from the Lord into the Mire and Durt again and hadst never Stood untill this Hour but must have Fainted and Dyed ere this Day had not the Lord of his own free will Kept thee Preserved thee Upheld thee and Supported thee by his own almighty Power whose Grace hath been sufficient for thee both in the day of Prosperity and in the day of Adversity in the time of Tryal in the hour of Temptation and so let all Flesh be silent in thee oh my soul and the Lord only Exalted and the Boaster for ever Excluded and God alone have the Glory and self wholly slain and the Lord alone Honoured and Praised and his
the high and mighty one the holy one of Israel is their Shepherd and he even continually watcheth over them and greatly careth for them and he it is who hath giving bounds to the raging Sea and he limits the proud Waves thereof and shutteth up her Floods as he pleaseth he can let forth the Wind and suffer a Storm and he can make a Calm when he pleaseth he can cause the Sea and the Wind to obey him and therefore the Children of God need not to fear none besides the Lord who will suffer nothing to besal them but what shall work for good to all his chosen fai●hful ones wherefore it is good for all the Children of the Lord confidently to trust in the Lord and not at all fear though their Enemies pursue hard after them and say in their hearts Come come we will pursue them we will overtake them our Lusts shall be satisfied upon them we will have the desire of our Hearts concerning them we will draw our Swords and our Hands shall destroy them and we will try whether their Gods in whom they say they trust be able to deliver them from the stroke of our Hands Well let not Israel heed the boasting and threatning of his Enemies nor regard the p●rposes of his Adversaries though they pursue hard after him and say We will bring them back again into Egypt or else we will totally Destroy them Yet let not Israel fear for the Lord his God is between him and his Enemies and fights for him against his Adversaries and he in his Anger will look down upon them and trouble their Host and take off their Chariot wheels and will blow in his Wrath upon them and the Sea of his righteous Indignation shall cover them and they shall sink as Lead in the bottom of his righteous Judgments and he will get himself a Name through the destruction of Sion● Enemies and Honour and Magnifie himself through the deliverance of his Chosen who will work wonders for his Redeemed insomuch as the Dukes of Edom shall be amazed and even trembling shall take hold upon the mighty men of Moab and all Nations shall shiver and quake before the mighty God of Israel who is dreadful in Holiness fearful in Praises doing Wonders Oh let Israel honour his God in believing in him and in trusting in his Name in relying and depending upon his Arm of everlasting strength and patiently without murmurings to wait upon the Lord for he that is to come will come and wil● not tarry whose work is before him and his reward is with him even Joy for the Mourners in Sion and Beauty for Ashes Gladness for the heavy hearted in Jerusalem Freedom for Bondage Freedom from Weights Burdens and grievous Oppressions Oh let all the Children of the Lord wait without fainting upon the Lord for yet a little while and the voice will be heard saying rejoyce and even sing for joy ye Saints Servants and Prophets of the most High and triumph in the Lord Almighty over the Beast and false Prophet and over the Whore which hath corrupted the Earth who hath long sat as a Queen and said in her heart she should never see Sorrow with whom the Nations of the Earth hath committed Fornication and she hath made Nations Kindreds Tongues and People drunk with the wine of her Fornication who hath long deceived the Nations with her golden Cup which hath been filled with Abominations and in her is found all the Blood of the Martyrs and Servants of J●sus which hath been shed upon the Earth and she hath rid upon the Beast that rose out of the Sea who received his seat great power and authority from the Dragon who persecuted the true woman that was clothed with the Sun and had a Crown of twelve Stars upon her head who sought to devour her Man-child and made war against the remnant of her Seed who keep the Commands of God and have the Testimony of Jesus these cannot worship the Beast nor his name nor receive his mark but these worship God alone and are followers of the Lamb through many tribulations whose garments are made white in his Blood by whom they are redeemed from amongst men these the Beast and false Prophet have sought to Kill Persecute and root out from off the face of the Earth but wo wo wo to the Beast false Prophet and the Whore for the day of their Judgment is come Misery Calamity Distress Destruction is coming upon them she the mother of Harlots the mother of Witchcrafts the Abominations of the Earth shall utterly be Destroyed and totally Burnt with Fire for strong is the Lord God Almighty who Judgeth her and now sing O Heavens and rejoyce ye who live therein over mystery Babylon the great for it is fallen it is fallen as a mighty Milstone into the bottom of the Sea never more to arise again Amen Hallelu●ah And the Lord will thunder from Heaven upon thy Enemies oh Sion and will break thy Adversaries to peices and will give strength to thy King and exhalt the horn of his Anointed and he shall Reign and Rule and Prosper and execute Justice and true Judgment in the Earth in his days Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and sit under his own Vine and none shall make him afraid then shall it be said to Jerusalem fear not and to Sion let not thy hands be slack the Lord in the midest of thee is mighty he hath saved thee he hath set thee free from thy Trouble he will rejoyce over thee with Joy he 'll joy over thee with Singing then it shall be said sing oh Daughter of Sion and shout oh Israel and rejoyce withal thy heart oh Daughter of Jerusalem for the Lord hath taken away thy Judgment he hath cast out thy Enemies and thy Warfare is acomplished and thy great Travel is finished and now thou shalt rest from thy Labour and they who have Laboured and Mourned with thee and for thee shall rejoyce for Joy with thee and suck and be satisfied with the sweet consolation of thy Breast and milk out and be delighted in the abundance of thy Glory oh the Lord thy Husband thy maker the God of hosts is his Name will extend Peace Joy Comfort everlasting Refreshment as a mighty Stream and endless Consolations as a River oh then shall they be Comforted in thee after their Sorrow and be born up upon thy Sides and dandled upon thy Knees for as a Woman comforteth her only Son so will the Lord comfort Jerusalem in the sence whereof her Children shall rejoyce and their Souls be right glad and flourish as an herb and their Spirits shall praise and sing glory unto him who is Lord and King of Heaven and Eart● who is worthy worthy of all Glory Praise and Honour for ever and for evermore Amen saith my soul The thing which the Lord hath purposed must be accomplished in his season and the thing that he
hath determined must be fulfilled in despite of all the powers of Darkness Oh that all thy Babes and Lambs may willingly wait thy appointed time O Lord God Almighty oh dear God keep all thy people retire in thy Name that so what ever thou suffers to befal their Bodies their Souls may be safe bundled up in the bundle of Life wrapped therein for evermore for a terrible day is like to be upon all Flesh and who can be able to abide it Oh dear God increase the Patience of thy People strengthen the Faith of thy Chosen oh support the Weak and uphold the little Ones which cannot go alone oh that none of thy Flock may faint nor grow weary oh that all thine might stand in the day of Tryal and be kept in the hour of Temptation and born up under all Sufferings that so in the end they may come forth as Gold seven times refined in the Fire that they may shine as Stars in the Firmament of thy Power making mention of thy Goodness Graciousness and Kindness O Lord God Almighty declaring of thy mighty Acts and sing of thy Mercies and wonderful doings and Glorifie Magnifie Honour and Praise thee thou mighty everlasting and powerful one who art from all Eternity to all Eternity whose Throne is established of old whose Scepter beareth sway in Righteousness whose Kingdom is Everlasting glory and hallelujah to thee in the highest for ever and for evermore yea praises praises pure living praises every minute be rendered unto the Lord Almighty saith th● s●ul of W. B. OH arise arise thou holy righteous Seed of the Covenant of Life Eternal Arise arise thy Light is come and the Glory of thy God is risen upon thee Oh thou lovely one Nations shall come to thy Light and Kings to the brightness of thy Rising Ah thou beautiful one thy Sons shall come from far and thy Daughters from the ends of the Earth Arise arise thou beautiful one who art altogether lovely Oh how sweet is thy Love thou lovely one oh how excellent is thy Love thou choice one oh thy love thy love is more precious then Rubies more sweeter then Hony oh thy love is better then Wine Oh how hath thy love overcome the hearts of many and won them unto thee oh thy love draws many after thee oh how doth thy love cause many to cast off all their other Lovers to follow thee thou lovely one oh thou art become unto many Souls who loveth thee thou lovely one even the chiefest of ten thousands whose eyes are opened to see thy Beauty and to behold thy Comeliness thou beautiful one oh thou art hid from the Polluted neither can the Unclean behold thy excellent Beauty the Vulture's eye cannot perceive thy Comeliness nor they who hath eyes full of Adultery and cannot cease from Sin and have hearts exercised with coveteous practises and are gone a whoring after many Lovers oh from these thou art hid thou lovely one even as a Garden inclosed as a Spring shut up as a Fountain sealed from them Oh arise thou choice one and let thy Beauty appear unto those who have not seen thy Beauty and let them taste of thy Love that so they may cast off all other Lovers and follow thee cast off all and cleave unto thee with their whole hearts Oh arise arise thou beloved one and shine forth in thy excellent Glory that even the Nations may be ravished with thy Beauty and Kingdoms overcome with thy Love and be drawn after thee that a blessing in thee they may obtain Oh arise and let thy Fruitfulness appear thou precious one and let Joy and Gladness fill thy heart thou lovely one for the days of thy rejoycing is come and coming and the days of thy mourning oh Sion is fleeing away Oh thou beloved one thou hast been even as a Woman forsaken and grieved in Spirit and few or none of the Sons or Daughters of Men hath looked upon thee with an eye of pity oh thou hast been as the Owle in the Desart and as the alone Sparrow upon the house top and as the alone Quail in the stubble fields and as a Dove mourning alone without her Mate who hast set solitary alone as in the Wilderness and none among the Sons of Men to comfort thee oh thou beloved anointed one thou hast been like unto a man of Sorrow and very deeply acquainted with Grief often Smitten often Grieved often Afflicted often Wounded often Pierced and Oppressed even as a Cart that is pressed with Sheaves and yet the Sons and Daughters of Men hath not esteemed thee although indeed thou patient one thou hast been wounded by their Transgressions and grieved smitten and pierced and bruised by their Iniquities and hath born the weight of their Sins and the burden of their Transgressions even while they like Sheep have gone astray every one following his own way Feasting themselves as for a day of Slaughter whilst thou hast been Mourning because of the Iniquity of the People Eating and Drinking and rising up to Play whilst thou hast been Weeping and Groaning in secret because of the multitude of their Transgressions who hath heaped Sin upon Sin and Iniquity upon Iniquity and hath loaded thee therewith which hath been as an impress of ten thousands upon thee thou tender one and unto thee they had no regard they took no notice of thy Sorrow and Burdens But oh thou beloved one thy God thy tender God who hath loved thee with an everlasting Love took notice of thy Sorrow and he saw thy Grief and beheld thy sore Weights and Burdens and took cognizance of thy grievous Oppressions and he heard the voice of thy Weeping and thy Tears which thou droppedst upon his Alter lay in the view of the eye of his pitiful Soul and he beheld thy great Travel and thy Sighing and Groaning entered into his Ears and his tender tender Bowels of infinite Love Mercy Pity and everlasting Compassion was and is moved towards thee and he hath determined to comfort thee with an everlasting Comfort thou patient suffering one and the Nights of thy Sorrow shall vanish away for ever and the Days of thy Mourning shall be over Oh thou beloved one lift up thy Head lift up thy Head in the strength of thy God and gird up thy Loines with Courage in the power of his Might for thy Winter is almost over and gone and shall no more come the Storms are vanishing away and shall no more appear the nipping Frosts are dissolving by the Sun of Righteousness who is arisen upon thee with healing in his wings Ah lift up thy voice like the sound of a Trumpet and shout like the voice of a King and sing for joy thou beloved one for thy Spring is come thou lovely one thy Summer is come thou lovely one the singing of Birds is come thou beautiful one and the voice of the Turtle is heard in thy Land thou delicate and choice one let thy heart
be filled with Melody thou blessed one who art cloathed with Chastity and keepeth thy Virginity in the Chamber of Purity oh thy beloved is come and into his Banqueting-House he is bringing thee where his Banner over thee is Love where he will stay thee with Flaggons and comfort thee with Apples and cause thee to drink of his spiced Wine and of the juice of his Pomgranets oh Sion rejoyce thou in his Love for the days of the glading of thy heart is come thou tender one who hast been tossed with tempest not comforted thou hast been termed Desolate and Forsaken thou hast been as one Barren and Unfruitful but now arise arise lengthen thy Cords and strengthen thy Stakes and enlarge the Curtains of thy Habitation for lo thou fruitful one thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left and thy Seed shall inherit the Gentiles and thy Off-spring the People the North shall give up and the South shall not keep back they shall come from the East and from the West flock unto thee as Doves to the Window thy Sons shall come from far and thy Daughters be nursed at thy sides thou shalt cause many wast places to be Builded and many Buildings to fall and desolate plaees to be Inhabited and Inhabited places to be laid desolate and barren Mountains to become fruitful Valleys and fruitful Places to become barren Mountains and the Wilderness become a Vinyard of sweet Grapes the Forrest as a City of Habitation the parched Ground to become a Pool and dry Heaths springs of Water oh arise arise thou beloved one and let thy Fruitfulness be manifested to the Nations break forth in thy excellent Glory shine forth in thy glorious Beauty as clear as the Morning without Clouds fair as the Moon and bright as the Sun that thou mayst appear as a royal Diadem in the hand of the Lord and as a Crown of Glory in the hand of thy God that far off Nations may see thy Beauty and remote Kings may see thy excellent Glory and be won by thy Love unto thee that they who hath Hated thee may Love thee bccause of thy Love that did extend to them even whilst they hated and rejected the woings of thy Love oh my soul loves thee in thy Love th●u lovely one oh kiss me kiss me with the Kisses of thy M●uth for thy Love is better then Wine oh thou beautiful one thy Love overcomes my heart thy Love draweth me after thee oh thou art ple●sant unto me thy presence is more desirable then all things my heart can desire oh if thou hidst thy Face thou bountiful one then am I bowed down for the smiles of thy comely Countenance is the rejoycing of my Heart and the glading of my Soul the refreshing of my Spirit as marrow to my Bones and strength to my Reins oh thou art my Joy in Sorrow my Comfort in Mourning my Help in Need my Strength in Weakness my Riches in Poverty my Bread in Hunger my Water in Thirst my Refuge from Storms my Shelter from Heat and as the shadow of a Rock to me in a weary Land oh how can I but love thee in thy Love thou lovely one oh thou art my Mother who hath travelled in great pain to bring me forth thou art the Womb that bore me and the Paps that gave me suck the Cradle of my rest and the Bed of repose oh can I forget thee how can I forget thee who hath done so much for me even that which no man could do oh thou lovedst me first before I loved thee thou lovely one and with thy Love thou woedst me and by thy Love thou overcamest my heart and drew it after thee and now thou amiable one the desire of my soul is unto thee and unto the remembrance of thy Love oh my Soul desireth thee in the Night season and in the Morning I will seek thee early thou art as a cluster of Campire and as a bundle of Mirrh unto me thou shalt lie all Night between my Breasts oh thou lovely one let me repose in thy Bosom and fold me in thy Arms oh thy Love thy Love ovcrcomes my Heart thy Beauty even makes me sick of Love oh let me remember thy Love more then Wine it is the upright loves thee and it is the pure in heart who seeth thy Beauty and beholdeth thy excellent Comeliness oh let thy Love still draw me after thee oh let me never leave thee oh that I may never forsake thee nor be unmindful of thy Love which I have known to be stronger then Death and him who hath the power of Death oh thou art a Tree of Life to those who take hold on thee and blessed is every Soul that retaineth thee Oh thy ways are ways of Pleasantness and all thy paths are green and delightsom to those who love thee oh in thee is my rest in thee is my peace in thee is my joy in thee is my comfort in thee obtain I blessing and happiness thou art my Joy and the Crown of my Rejoycing for ever and for evermore Oh wherefore hold me hold me with thy Love thou Lovely Blessed One and let me never depart from thee and then I know thou wilt never depart from me but I shall be thine and thou shalt be mine in a perpetual Covenant which never shall be broken Oh thou Comely Beautiful Choice One thy Riches is durable for the Glory the glory the glory of the Lord thy God is thy Dowry for evermore Unto whom be ascribed all honour and glory eternal praises and renown and everlasting dominion for evermore so be it saith my Soul and Amen saith my Spirit Oh come Lord Jesus come quickly and take unto thy self thy great power to Reign for thou art worthy worthy saith my Soul glory to thee in the highest for evermore Amen Written in Edmonds-Bury common Goal in the year 1665. William Bennit This to go among Friends to be Read among them when assembled together in the pure Fear and Wisdom of God DEarly beloved Friends and Brethren Sheep of the Lords Pasture Lambs of the Lords Flock and Lillies of the Lords Field the comely beautiful Garment of Innocency Meekness Love Truth and Righteousness which doth cover many of you even affecteth my Heart and induceth my Soul dearly to love you and Spirit to travel for your Welfare Tranquility and Preservation even in every particular respect desiring the Lord God of Blessings may Bless and Prosper you in Truth and Righteousness and that his Grace and Love Mercy and Peace with Joy and Consolation Strength and Wisdom may be augmented and multiplied in and unto all your Souls that so the encrease of him the fulness of all durable Riches to your Souls you may witness and that the Fountain of Life with whom is the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledg may be inlarged unto you that of his fulness you daily may receive whereby your Hearts may be opened and enlarged
Babes we had need continually to stand upon our watch Tower having the Loins of our Minds girded up unto God with the Girdle of Truth having on the Breast-plate of Righteousness and the Shield of Faith the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit the Word of God that we may be able to send off the Fiery Darts of the Ememy within and be able to shun his Wiles and to keep out of his Snares that we may never be betrayed of the simplicity and innocency of Truth as it is in Jesus Oh how hath he prevailled over some and drawn them into a self separation and particularily from the Body which is joyned unto Christ the Head from whom the Body receiveth Vertue whereby every Member is Nourished and all comes to supply its Plaee and Office in the Body and so is of service to the Body as it keeps its Order and so every Member being in unity one with another are as meet helps one to another and so the Strong in some things may help the Weak and the Weak in some things may help the Strong so that the Hand cannot say unto the Foot I have no need of thee but every Member to be as Servants one to another and all in Subjection to Christ the Head that the encrease of the Body may be witnessed unto the Edifying of it self in Love Dear Friends if some who under pretence of ceasing from Man and Words and Forms c. doth absent from the Assemblies of the Righteous and withdraw from the Meetings of the People of God c. yet I hope the Lord will preserve you from that Spirit and I hope the Love and Power of his Truth will stir up your Hearts and constrain you to be very diligent and faithful in meeting together in the holy Fear and Name of the Lord God to wait diligently upon him in the measure of his Light Life and Truth received that so ye may daily receive Teaching Counsel and Instruction from the Lord and receive of his heavenly Dew and Vertue whereby you may daily be Quickned Warmed and Inlivened in the inward man and be kept alive unto God Green and Fresh as the Willow by the Rivers side as the Lillies in the Vallies and as a watered Garden giving a sweet smell and delectable savour that the Blessings from on high may be showred down upon you more and more that your Fruit may encrease to the praise of his holy Name So dear Babes I commit you unto the Preservation and Protection of the Lord God who in this the day of great Tryals hath mightily stopped the raging Sea and hath limited the proud Waves thereof and hath shut up her Floods as he hath seen meet oh let every poor little tender honest hearted one put their trust in the Lord if they be never so Poor Weak and Feeble in their own Eyes let them cast their care upon the Lord for he careth for them and rely upon the arm of his Mercy and hope in his tender Bowels and he will be Strength to thee who without him art Weak and he will be Riches to thee who without him art Poor believe and trust thou in him and hearken not to the false Accuser neither joyn to the Consulter but be still and know the Lord is God al-sufficient for thee and all those that lean upon him for Help and that depend upon him for power he is able and ready to save in the hour of Temptation to support in the day of Tryal to uphold in the greatest Storm and to keep in Patience until it be over and gone and a Calm comes again Dear Friends and Brothren in that Love which is unspea●able doth my Soul dearly salute you and imbrace you simpathising with you in your Tryals desiring to Mourn with all them that Mourn and to Rejoyce with them that Rejoyce and unto him you are left who is able to Comfort the Mourners among you and is ready to left up the Light of his refreshing Countenance upon the heavy hearted and bowed down under the burdens of the Righteous Seed to strengthen the feeble Knees and to heal the Wounded and bind up the broken in heart that they that hath or doth sit in the solitary place of Mourning may be filled with the Joy of the Lord and that they that yet are bowed down with the false Accuser of the Brethren and lie mourning in the pit of Distrust Unbelief and Desparation may mount upon the wings of Faith unto th● holy hill of Zion thereon to stand with the Lamb and to sing the new Song which none can sing but the Redeemed of the Lord so be it saith my Soul From your true Friend and Companion in the Faith and Patience and long Suffering of Jesus who is often with you in Spirit though in Body Separated and Confined from you being still close shut up in Prison with several of the Lords Lambs whose good Pres●nce is with us blessed be h●s Name upon whom we wait for Deliverance believing that the Almighty God who delivered Just Lot from the Wicked Sodomits whose Ungodliness vexed his Righteous Soul from day to day and who delivered his People of Old out of Egypt and freed them out of the Hands of oppressing Pharaoh and who delivered David out of the Paw of the Lyon out of the Paw of the Bear and from the hands of the uncircumcised Philistine who delivered Jeremiah out of the low miery Dungeon and Daniel out of the Lyons D●n who delivered the three Children out of the Fiery Furnace and Paul and Sila● out of the Prison-House he the Living God who changeth not whose hand is not shortned that it cannot save will at this day deliver his People out of all their Sufferings and free them of their Burdens Weights and grievous Oppressions in his own time Blessed are all they that durst not look out at time as some have done to their one hurt but wait pariently upon the Lord who can change Times and Seasons as he pleaseth who dwelleth in the Heavens and also ruleth over the Kingdoms of men and setteth up and throweth down as he pleaseth who seeth all the Works of the Sons of men and pondereth all their doings he is a God of Knowledg and by him actions are weighed he excelleth in Strength Power Wisdom and Mercy and his Throne is from everlasting and his Kingdom without end who is God over all blessed for evermore Let none get into a false security because of the present Calm the Lord can suffer a Storm and make a Calm again when he pleaseth let all Watch and Pray and Fear before the Lord and wait upon him to be fitted for-Tryals that so no Storm may come upon you before you are aware of it and before you be ready for it Dear Babes Read and Feel my Love in the Truth and therein let not your Love be wanting one to another but live in Love Unity and Peace and the God
of Love and Peace be with you and his Blessings rest upon you Farwel dear Friends William Bennit E●monds-Bury common Goal this 25th of the first Month 1667. A Testimony to the True Light that lightens every Man that comes into the World The People that did sit in Darkness have seen a great and glorious Light and unto those that were under the Region and Shadow of Death is the Light of Life arisen and the Blessed Day sprung from on high and shineth in their Tabernacles and that which they have seen heard felt and tasted of the same they have and do bear Testimony unto though few there be that have received their Testimony For who hath believed our Report and unto whom is the Arm of the Lord Revealed But come ye O House of Israel and let us walk in the Light of the Lord. THE Light revealed within is the narrow Way to Life Eternal and the Door into the Fold of Everlasting Rest The Light-is the Entrance into the fresh and green Pasture wherein the Lord feedeth his Elock and causeth them to lie down in peace and quietness out of the reach of the Beasts of prey The Light leads and draweth those that obey it out of Darkness and from under the region and shadow of Death into the Land of the Living there to dwell under the region shadow of Light and Life The Light breaks the Bonds of Sin in pieces and snappeth ●he Cords of Iniquity asunder and sets the Soul free from the Bondage of Corruption to serve the Lo●d in the Life of Righteousness The Light draweth and leadeth those that believe in it and obey it out of the Alienation and Separation from God into the Everlasting Covenant of Life and Love where the Soul is in unity with the Lord The Light searcheth the Heart and operateth in the secrets of the Minds of those that obey it and like unto Leaven worketh the Heart and Mind into its own nature frame and quality The Light is Pure Holy and Undefiled and hath no unity with the least impure Thought Word or Work but Judgeth and Condemns it The Light is Meek Contrite Lowly and Humble condemns that honour that is corrupt and is from below and standeth in respect of Persons and it seeketh the honour of God only The Light Baptizeth self into Death slayes the Boaster puts Flesh to silence that God may speak in his Temple who is not to be denied the Mouth to speak by The Light is the heavenly Treasure in the earthen Vessel that brings honour and glory unto God The Light hath no fellowship with Darkness he that saith he is in the Light and hath unity with the Light and yet loveth and walketh in Darkness lyeth and the Light hath no room place or entertainment in his heart The Light teacheth those that love it to love Enemies its fruit is Love no Envy no Malice no Hatred no Bitterness no Enmity no Prejudice no Discord no Backbiting no Reviling no evil Whispering proceedeth from the Light the Light condemns it all and that ground from whence it springs The Light hath no unity with any unfruitful works of Darkness but reproves them The Light teacheth to render Good for Evil and to forgive Enemies and to pray for Persecutors and to have love and good will to all People and to seek and desire the Eternal good and wel-fare of all Souls he that hates and envies his Enemies abideth not in the Light Envy is of the Evil-one he that saith he walketh in the Light and hates his Brother lyeth and errs from the Truth The Light teacheth to love God with thy whole heart and thy Neighbour or Brother as thy self He that saith he loves God and hates his Brother is a Lyer he that loveth him that begetteth doth also love those that are begotten of him Love thinketh no Ill to Enemies much less to Brethren The Light leadeth his Children into Love Peace and Unity with God and one with another in the Life of Righteousness oh the unity the unity of Brethren in the Light Love and Life of God is exceeding precious and comely it s compared like to precious Oyl poured on the Head that runs down on the Beard even Aarons Beard that went down to the skirts of his Garment and like the dew of Hermon and like the dew that descended upon the Mountain of Sion where the Blessing is and where the Lord maketh unto his People a Feast of fat things The Light teacheth and maketh to be of one Heart of one Mind of one Soul and in all those that walk in it begetteth one consent to serve and worship the only wise God in the one Spirit and one Truth The Light giveth a good Understanding a clear Discerning a sound Judgment The Light leadeth not into strife and contention nor into rents divisions and parties nor into a particularity and self-separation from the Body nor into self-conceitedness nor into high airy notions nor into a climing up in imaginations after high discoveries and so slight the day of small things and neglect thy obedience to the present gift through an expectation of something greater to come yet unrevealed and such like Lucifer mounts high in their Conceits and Imaginations but will fall to the side of the Pit but the Light condemns all this and judges that Spirit that leadeth thereinto which Spirit soweth Discord among Brethren which is Abomination and that Spirit leadeth some to speak evil of Dignities and to dispise Dominion and to rebel against the Order and Government of the Lamb The Light judgeth that Spirit that setteth up and keepeth up out of the comly descent order of Truth that thing that tends to strife and breaking unity among Brethren The Light teacheth those that love it to seek and endeavour for Love Peace and Unity among Brethren with all Self-denial The Light teacheth to take away the occasion of stumbling in thy Brothers way The Light teacheth to be very wary and careful of giving Enemies advantage to strengthen themselves against Truth and the Wicked occasion to reproach it and those that live in it The Light teaches to live and walk in a holy godly Life and blameless Conversation as becometh the Gospel of Truth and as becometh Saints of the Most High The Light in those that love it crucifieth the Flesh with the lusts and affections thereof and teacheth those that love it how to possess their Vessels in Sanctification and Honour The Light crucifieth the Heart unto the World and worldly things and redeemeth the Mind from the Earth and earthly things and teacheth to use the World as if thou usedst it not The Light draweth the Mind out of the many things where all offend into the one thing needful which giveth not nor receiveth an offence but judges the offences and that ground from whence they come The Light is Supernatural and is to over-rule the Naturals and to keep them within the bonds of the Government of Truth
Rend and Devour in the tender Love of the great Shepherd and Bishop of your Souls is my heart opened to you to visit you with a few Lines and in the name of my God and your God my Father and your Father I say unto you he whom you serve hath seen your Afflictions and hath beheld your Sufferings and hath took notice of your Burdens and cognizence of your grievous Oppressions and hath heard your Groanings and hath beheld your Tears he assuredly will in his own time rebuke your Enemies and plead your innocent Cause with your Oppressors and ease you of and free you from your great Afflictions therefore dear suffering Lambs of my heavenly Father lift up your Heads in the Name of the Lord God and take Courage and be Strong in his Power and Truth which is in you and with you and on your sides and it is the Truth that shall prevail against all its Enemies and its Opposers shall be Confounded and the Truth of our God shall Flourish over all therefore dear Hearts still cleave to the precious Truth of God made known unto you and let nothing separate you from it oh blessed be the Lord that he hath begotten such a Love in you to him and his Truth that such is your love thereunto that you are willing to undergo Reproaches Abuses and spoyling of your Goods Imprisonment and to be separated from your Friends and Relations for Truths sake oh dear Lambs great is your Reward if you abide to the end and faint not in well doing oh my heart is open to you in the tender Love and Bowels of Emanuel and my soul is refreshed in your Faithfulness and though many of your Faces I never saw yet I am one with you in your Sufferings wherein my soul simpathiseth with you and hath unity with your Testimony for the Lord and my spirit doth praise the Lord the God of your Salvation on your behalf in that he hath so mightily upheld you and born you up in his Arms in the midst of your Tryals though you of your selves are Weak yet the Lord is Strong whose Strength you know by experience is manifested in Weakness therefore trust hope and depend you upon the Lord forever who is and will be your exceeding great reward cast your care upon him for he your God careth for you and yours he is a Father to the Fatherless and a Husband to the Widow he is the Comforter of the Comfortless and gladeth the heavy hearted Oh be still quiet patient and contented in your Minds and wait upon the Lord and be not at all terrifyed by your Adversaries but in the lowly fear of the Lord God rejoyce in that he hath counted you worthy not only to believe but to suffer for his Name sake oh your Reward no man can take away as you continue faithful to the Lord dear Lambs my Bowels yearn towards you and in the Fathers love I salute you desiring that Grace Mercy and Peace may rest upon you and the blessing of the most High distil upon you as dew upon the tender Herbs that you ye tender Plants may grow and be like Willows by the Water Courses and as Cedars by the Rivers side that your Leaf may not wither neither cease bearing Fruit so dear suffering Lambs as none is to be through Joy Exalted above what is meet so none through Sorrow is to be Dejected or cast down but every one in all Conditions is to learn to be Contented with the will of the Lord and none to murmur against the Lord because of the Prosperity of the Wicked and Advancement of Sions Enemies for though they seem to Fl●u●ish like a green Bay-Tree yet they will become like Grass upon the House top that withereth before it is grown up So unto the Lord God I commit you who careth for all his and is a present help in the time of need and leaveth not his Sheep and Lambs when the Wolves come to Devour but he the mighty God standeth by his People and sighteth for mount Sion and defends the Hills thereof and will put to flight her Enemies and with the Breath of his Mouth expel and scatter the Clouds Fogs and Mists that ariseth out of the bottomless pit of Darkness that then oh Sion thy Glory may appear as the Morning without Clouds and as the Sun in its Brightness thy Beauty may shine forth and thy Enemies be Astonished and Confounded forever This is the salutation of my Love who am your Fellow Sufferer and Companion in the Patience and Tribulation of Jesus the Lord God be with you and support the weak and little ones among you and keep you all Faithful to the end and preserve you in Love and Unity one with another Amen saith my soul Bury Goal 1669. William Bennit Dearly Beloved FRiends Brethren and Sisters in the Heavenly Spiritual Relation of the Immortal Incorruptible Seed of Life Eternal of which you are born again and become Heirs of an Inheritance that is Everlasting by Faith in Christ Jesus in and from whom Joy and Peace Mercy and Grace be multiplyed in and unto all your Souls Amen Blessed be God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who through his abundant Mercy and free Grace hath called us and with the Arms of his Everlasting Kindness hath gathered us and by his Almighty Power hath raised us up to be unto him a People to live unto him in his Life and to walk before him in Truth and Righteousness and to Serve and Worship him in his own Way and Spirit and to bear Testimony thereunto and against the contrary in Word and Doctrine in Life and Conversation and for our Testimonies sake the Nations are angry with us and the Earth is moved and the Waters troubled and swell against us as if we should be swollowed up and wholly over-whelmed with the Floods of the Wrath of the Dragon who seeks to drown the blessed and glorious appearance of the man Child who is to rule the Nations in Justice in Mercy in Judgment in Righteousness and Truth well my dear Friends though at this day we are a suffering People and as it were Killed all the day long and appointed Sheep for the Slaughter and are set as a prey for the Beast of the Field and Lyons of the Forrest and though the Jaws of Death and Gates of Hell seem to be opened wide against us as if we should be swallowed up quick and be extinguished from being a People yet notwithstanding we can rejoyce in the Lord our God because our sufferings are infflicted upon us not for evil doing but for well doing and our Enemies have found no just Cause given them of us thus to give us up to the Spoylers and into the hands of Wicked Ungodly Unreasonable men but altogether without a Cause given of us have they taken an occasion against us as Daniel's Persecutors did against him concerning the Law Commands and Worship of our God so that at
this day our God knows it Angels and Men know it and our Enemies one day shall be made to know it to their sorrow that we are a Suffering Persecuted People singly for our Conscience towards God and for our Obedience and Faithfulness to him therefore my dearly beloved Ones rejoyce in the Lord and lift up your Heads in his Name over all the Wrath and Cruelty of the Ungodly and think not strange concerning the Fiery Tryals that are come to try you and to prove your Love to God his Way and Truth as though some strange thing had happened unto you but rejoyce in the lowly fear of the Lord inasmuch as you are made partakers of the Sufferings of the Seed that when its glory shall be more and more revealed in and upon your Souls you may rejoyce with exceeding Joy in that you suffer on Gods account not as Murderers and Evil doers but as true Christians and Followers of Christ Jesus and true Worshipers of the God of Daniel in Spirit and in Truth And my dear Friends if ye suffer the spoyling of your Goods Bonds Banishment or Death for meeting together in the Fear and Name of the Lord to wait upon him and for performing you Duty and Obedience unto him and for keeping of your Consciences void of offence towards him truly the Cause is good and worth the suffering for it is not our own Cause but the Lords therefore let us commit it unto him unto whom we c●n make our Appeal and spread our Complaint before him and pour forth our Cries unto him who se●th our Troubles and beholdeth the grievous Oppression and manifold Burdens Afflictions and Sufferings of his Poor Abused Tribulated Persecuted People whose innocent Cause he the Almighty Jevovah of worm Jacob will assuredly plead for them against their Enemies and wo will be to the Oppressors and Spoylers of Gods Heritage Dear suffering Lambs cast your Care upon the Lord he careth for you and for your little ones and hold fast Faith and a good Conscience whatever you suffer hold fast the Truth you have received that none may take your Crown of Joy Comfort Peace and Blessing from you and keep in the meekness patience and long suffering of Jesus suffering the spoyling of your Goods Joyfully glorifying the Lord in suffering according to his will giving him Thanks and Praise instead of Murmuring that he hath counted you worthy not only to Believe but also to Suffer for his blessed Name sake knowing in your selves you have in Heaven a far better induring substance therefore cast not away your Faith Hope and Confidence which hath such great Recompence of Reward but truly Friends you have need to abide in the patient long suffering Spirit of Jesus that after you have done the will of God and suffered for the same you may receive the Promise if any man faint and turn back he looses his reward of his sufferings but I hope my dear Friends you are not of the number of those that turn back unto Perdition but of them that believe and receive the end of your hope even the Salvation of your Souls And dear Friends take Courage and put on Strength and lift up your Heads in the Name of the Lord who is with his People and from them he will not go he is on our side and taketh our part we know it and our Enemies will feel it to their sorrow he will fight for us let us hold our peace and be still from reasoning with Flesh and Blood though he suffer us to be tryed as Gold is tryed in the Fire yet not wholly to be Destroyed after he hath done such great things for us and appeared on our behalf and hath manifested himself to be our God and we to be his People and after he hath Blessed us and Prospered us and Preserved us through all the Wrath and Cruelty of men hitherto and now hath made us a Family like a Flock and put his Jewels upon us and Cloathed us with the Garment of Salvation and Arayed us with the Robe of Righteousness and Beautified us with his Comliness and Betrothed us unto Himself in Mercy in Judgment in Righteousness and in Truth will he now suffer us wholly to be extinguished from being a People shall our Enemies have their full desires of us to root us out wholly from amongst them that they may blaspheme our God and say he was not able to Deliver them out of our hand surely no remember what Balack King of Moab had Consulted what Balaam Son of Beor answered him even from Shittim unto Gilgal that you may know the Righteousness of the Lord who keepeth Covenant with his People neither doth his tender Compassions fail unto the House of Jacob therefore let us trust in the God of our hope who delivered Just Lot from the vexation of the wicked Sodomits and his Poor Oppressed Israel out of the hand of cruel Pharaoh who delivered David from the paw of the Bear and the paw of the Lyon and from the hand of the uncircumcised Philistine who delivered Daniel out of the Lyons-Den and the three Children out of the Fiery Furnace good Jeremiah out of the low miery Dungeon and ●●ul and Silas out of the Prison-House he the Living God whose Arm is not shortned nor abated in Strength Power and Might will assuredly deliver his oppressed People at this day in his own time when he hath tryed them throughly and hath Purged his Gold and refined his Silver and separated the Chaff from his Wheat and made up his precious Jewels and manifested the approved in his sight then will he arise as in Mount Paron and be wrath as in the Valley of Gideon to bring to pass his Work his strange Work at the hearing thereof the Ears of many doth and shall Tingle and the Heathen be Astonished and Confounded and fall before the glorious Majesty of the God of worm Jacob then shall ●ion Rejoyce and Israel be right Glad and the Mourners be Comforted and the heavy Hearts be Refreshed and the Oppressed Delivered from the Yoak The Lord God Almighty hasten the Accomplishment of his own Work in his own time to his own Glory and Renown Amen So my dearly beloved Friends my heart is open to you and my Soul simpathises with you in your Sufferings and my Crys and Prayers are to the Lord for you knowing that great and many are your Tryals that doth att●nd many of you poor hearts how willingly could I help you But unto the Lord the Great Shepherd and Bishop of your Souls the Keeper of the Flock of Israel I must commit you and resign you up to him who careth for you and watcheth over you and intends good unto you for he loveth you though he suffers hard things to befall you which will work for your good and bring many of you more neerer to the Lord and make you more and more like him that though the Hills shall be removed and the Mountains depart
can make afraid for indeed it was Rest my Soul wanted and true Peace in God my Soul many a time longed for and panted after for oh I was oftentimes wounded wounded wounded because of Sin and for want of the enjoyment of the Love and Peace of God I went many a time bowed down in Spirit day after day with an a king Mind grieved Soul and wounded Conscience with my Eyes full of Tears and my Heart full of Sighing thinking in my Heart there was few if any in my State and Condition sometimes wishing and saying in my Heart Oh that I were in a desert solitary place outwardly for so was my condition inwardly where no man inhabits where I might have Mourned and Wept out my fill and have poured out my Tears unto the tender God of tender Bowels of Mercy and have spread my Complaints before him whom my Soul did then sometimes in measure long thirst and pant after even as the Hart panteth after the water Brooks And many a time I did get into a solitary place to ease my Heart a little in pouring out my Tears and Complaints to the Lord for in those daies many were my Prayers and Tears for great was the burden and load which I oftentimes went under day after day which made me cry Night and Day to the Lord for Peace and Rest yet I then not knowing that it was the Light of Christ in my Conscience that did break my Rest and Peace in Sin neither knew it to be a stay to the Mind and a bridle to my Tongue I many a time got into a false ease and liberty in idleness and wildness of Youth but it was broke again and Sorrow and Trouble would take hold on my Mind and true Desires would again be Renewed in me after the Lord and breathing and thirsting after Righteousness and oh my Heart and Soul was many a time made tender and soft and oh pity pity and tender bowels of compassion was in me towards any that I thought was in my condition and a tender love was hid in my Heart towards those that I then thought were the People of God and I can truly say my Bowels and Heart is open still and oftentimes Pity Love Compassion and Tenderness issues forth in me towards those that now are in that condition I then was in oh my Soul my Soul cannot but in some measure simpathize with them and in Spirit bear a part of their Burdens and Sorrows in my Bosom that not without some secret cries in my Heart unto the tender God of Bowels of Pity on their behalf and partly for their sakes is this published hoping that if the Lord will it may be of service unto some of them and if the Lord order it so to be to them or any then will my end herein be answered thereby And in those daies I frequented the Meetings of the People called Independants viz. William Bredges's Congregation in great Yarmouth whom I then thought were the People of God and yet I then saw that many of their Lives and Conversations even some of the chief of them were not consistant with what they professed in words and when I have been amongst them in the time of their singing Psalms the pure Witness of God in my own Heart hath as it were stoped my Mouth that I could not Sing with them but my Heart in the time of their singing was broken into tenderness and many were the tears of my Eyes and verily my outward ●an or earthen Vessel hath quaked and trembled this was before I was by Scorners called a Quaker or had seen any of those People and shaken like a Leaf that is shaken with the Wind which might be a sign of that shaking which since the Lord hath suffered to come upon ☞ them which hath almost shattered and scattered them who will shake all sandy Foundations and blast all Professions that are out of the Light and Power of God by the working of the Light and Power of God in my Heart though I then knew not that it was the Power of God that brought such a trembling upon me and that did in some measure let me see that it was not then a time of singing for me for I was the● in a strange Land in the Land of Captivity and could not sing the Song of Sion which I may truly say not in the least enmity towards the People for my Soul beareth love and good will towards all men and desire to tender and own the least true appearance of God in any they were ignorant of who were then singing what others had prescribed and made ready for them I then wanted the enjoyment of the Love Joy Peace and sweet Presence of God which maketh glad the Hearts of the Righteous and causeth the lowly meek and upright to sing in the Spirit with understanding for joy not that Song or Songs or Psalms which men have invented by their human Wisdom from which Wisdom the Mysteries of God's Kingdom is obscured and concealed but the new and living Song which the Dead cannot sing but the Living that are raised and redeemed out of and from the Earth and from amongst men even the ransomed of the Lord that are returned from Babylon unto Mount Sion whereon they stand with the Lamb whom they have followed through many Tribulations and have not loved their Lives unto Death and have washed their Garments and made them white in his Blood in and by whom they are become Virgins and have cast of all old Lovers and are not defiled with the Woman Jezabel but through the Lamb have gotten Victory over the Whore Beast and false Prophet and in the Heavenly Dominion of the Lamb by whom they are made more then Conquerors do they stand on the Sea of Glass mingled with Fire with the Harps of God and can sing a new Song of praise and thanksgiving unto him that was dead but is alive and lives for evermore And in all the times of my trouble of mind and travel of Spirit I never made known how it was with me nor declared my condition to any Creature though never so intimate with them but kept it secret in my Heart pouring out my complaints to God but not unto any man yet I could gladly have had some to have known how it was with me but I was straitned in my self and kept it in obscurity and in those dayes I knew not what it was that wrought and strove with me and did so frequently judge and reprove me for Sin and gave me power over many Evils which others were overcome withal and raised strong desires in me after the Lord and discovered unto me the thoughts of my Heart I say I knew not then what it was I was then not sencible that it was the Light of Christ Jesus or a measure of the Spirit of Truth neither did I then know I should have taken heed thereunto as unto a Light shining in a
dark place untill the Day had more and more dawned and until Christ the Day-Star had arisen in my Heart over all my Enemies but my mind was still gazing abroad and imagining a God afar off and he was very nigh me but I knew him not but was hunting abroad in my Imaginations for that which was within me the Pearl of great Price was hid in my Heart but I knew it not the Kingdom of God was at hand but I was gazing for it abroad whilst it in measure was working in my Heart like Leaven hid in three measures of Meal c. the Door into the Fold the Entrance into Rest was within but I was seeking it abroad my Saviour was nigh but I imagined him afar off and knew him not nigh neither did any man in those dayes direct my mind unto the Light and Gift of Christ in my own Heart And as for the Teachers of the People even they in the highest Profession of God in words were ready they being so ignorant and unsensible of the Gift of God in themselves to speak Blasphemy of the pure spiritual Light of Christ within as many Professors do at this day yet notwithstanding make a large Profession and Confession of Christ in Words though in Works deny him and to say that which troubles a man for his sins is a temptation of Sathan and thereby instead of directing the mind to the Light draw away the mind more from the Light and such are blind and are under the wo that call Light Darkness Good Evil and are in that Spirit they were who though great Professors said concerning Christ He is Mad and hath a Devil why hear ye him but as some then replyed and said Are these the works of him that hath a Devil Can the Devil open the Eyes of the Blind so I may say Is it the Devils work to discover Sin and judge condemn and trouble a man in the unconverted state for Sin or is it not his work to lull People a sleep in Sin and to cry peace to them in their Iniquities and to keep them satisfied with a profession of God without the possession of a holy undefiled Life Is it his work to destroy his own Kingdom which is Sin surely no that is only and alone the Work of Christ the Light of the World made manifest within to destroy the Devil and his works he brings Trouble upon the Transgressor and ministers Judgement against the Evil doer he kindles a Fire in the earthly Heart and raiseth Trouble Wars and great Tribulation within before he be known to be the Prince of Peace the Sabboth the everlasting Rest for the Soul And now I know infallibly that that which in those dayes did bring trouble upon me for my Sins and checked and judged for Evil and begat good desires in me after the Lord was the pure Witness of God the manifestation of his Spirit the Light of his Son Christ Jesus a measure of his free Grace and Truth in my own Heart and if ten Thousand should assert or affirm the contrary I know their Testimony will be a Lye But oh alas for me after all this long Visitation of the Love Goodness and Mercy of the Lord to my Soul and after all this trouble of Mind travel of Spirit desiring and seeking after the Lord I got oh I got into a false ease in the fleshly Nature and in a wrong liberty and false security as it is with many Professors at this day who once were low broken and tender in Heart mourning under the load and burden of of Sin having sincere desires to serve God in holiness of Life who are now gotten into the form and likeness of that they then hungred and thirsted after and are therewith satisfied and feeding themselves with others Words and without Knowledge without Life and so are gotten at ease in the Pride Fashions and Vanity of the World and are at liberty in the Flesh counting it their Freedom to do those things that once was their Burden and Bondage and I became careless and by disobedience I quenched the strivings of the Light of Christ in me insomuch as the Burden Trouble and Sorrow which once lay heavy upon my Mind I felt little of although the Original and real cause which occasioned the Burden Sorrow and Trouble which was my sins was not taken away but augmented and I through Rebellion had almost murdered the just and holy one in me and had so grieved and wounded the Spirit of the Lord that it had almost ceased striving with me though at sometimes it would bring former things to my remembrance and then some trouble and sorrow would seize upon me for a time but I soon got over it again and turned from the Grace into Wantonness and so forgot the Lord whom I had formerly desired and sought after and my Heart ran a whoreing after my old Lovers with my Face turned back again to Egypt the Land of Darkness Wickedness the Bondage-House of Sin and Corruption which before was partly turned towards Canaan the Land of Light Life and Rest and so ran into such Evils as I had formerly been kept out of by a secret Power which I then knew not and I grew wanton careless and wicked and my Mind and Heart taken off seeking the Lord and run into and after the Vanity Pleasures and Idleness of the World delighting much in Musick and Dancing Sporting and Gaming and so made merry over the pure Witness of God by sinning and rebelling against it and by rejecting its reproof and strivings Oh oh the patience and long-suffering of the Lord was large towards me in that day who long waited to be Gracious to my Soul Day after Day Year after Year who in his Justice might have cut me off in my Sins and Rebellion and even have made me an Example of his Wrath but oh his mercy his mercy and long-suffering was exceeding large to me which by my Soul is not to be forgotten but in and by the Spirit of Truth which brings former things to my remembrance and sheweth things to come am I to be kept in a living sence and remembrance of the great mercy long-patience long-forbearance and long-suffering of the Lord God of Compassion towards me and in the sense thereof he is worthy to be praised and honoured by my Soul who would not that I should perish from his presence forever For after all this the Lord the tender God of tender bowels of compassion was pleased to visit my poor Soul again even for his pure Seeds sake which he had not forgotten but he remembred the Poor and Needy the Captive exile to deliver him out of the hand of him that was too strong for him and to loose him that he might not wholly die in the Pit and perish in the miery Clay and Gods precious Truth pure Way of Righteousness and everlasting Gospel of Light Life and Peace I heard preached and declared by his
to all People oh that you your selves did tender and seek after the Salvation of your Souls more then you do Remember when sometimes you have been in great jepardy of your Lives at Sea and the Lord hath in Mercy delivered you how little have some of you Eyed the Mercy and delivering Hand of the Lord therein but have been ready to ascribe the honour of your deliverance to the Anchor Cable and Man-hood c. More then to the Lord and when you have been in great danger of your Lives and saw no way but you must perish have you not then cryed to the Lord to deliver you and the Guilt of your Iniquities being hung upon your Consciences have you not been ready to make Promises in your distress to the Lord that if he spared your Lives you would repent and return unto him and fear and serve him and forsake the Evil wayes and when the Lord hath answered your desires and in mercy hath given you your Lives for a Prey when you came to Land have you then performed your Vows and Promises to the Lord or have you not gone on in Sin and Evil still let Gods witness in every Conscience speak for unto that I make my appeal Consider seriously how it stands between God and your own Souls and how greatly it concerneth you Sea-men and so it doth all other People to mind their latter ●nd and to be ready for sudden death it is a blessed thing to be fit to dye and to feel peace with God Dear People your Souls are immortal and must hereafter be in a sence and feeling of Joy Peace and Rest or else of Sorrow Misery and Torment even to all Eternity wherefore it concerns every particular one to mind above all other things and seek-after the eternal peace and happiness of your Souls in time before it be too late it is Sin Wickedness Unbelief and Hardness of Heart that doth separate People from the Lord and that draws down the wrath and curse of God upon them wherefore people must first be separated and clensed from that to wit Sin which separates them from the Lord and from his Love Peace and Blessing before they can witness their Reconciliation unto God in his Son and enjoy his Love Peace and Blessings Oh dear People I beseech you do not deceive your own Souls by being satisfied with a talk of being saved and redeemed by Christ c whilst you remain in your Sins for whom Christ saves he saveth from their Sins not in their Sins and they that witness Christ to be their Redeemer are redeemed from a vain Conversation and have their Consciences purged from dead works and their Hearts clensed and washed in his Blood which is his Life and Light from Sin and Corruption that so they might serve him in newness and holiness of Life Therefore consider be still serious and ponderous in Heart and retire your minds inward to the pure Light of Christ in your own Consciences that true and faithful Witness of God which keeps a Record of the deeds done in the Body and according to his Record must every man be judged according to his works so take heed unto the Light it will shew you your conditions and how it stands with your poor Souls to Godward that will deal plainly with you will not deceive you though indeed your Teachers who preach for Hire divine for Money have do deceive you by crying Peace to you lulled you asleep in your Sins have as it were daubed you up with untempred Morter and as it were sewing Pillows under your Arm-holes so long as you put into their Mouthes give them hire help to maintain their God which is their Belly But wo to such Teachers that feed with the Fat and clothe with the Wool and for filthy Lucre and Gain from their Quarters will cry peace unto the Wicked unto whom while they remain in their wicked state there is no true peace saith the Living God oh they are Blind Leaders of the Blind and how many are faln into the Pit of Perdition that have been led by them Therefore dear People cease from your Teachers who have not profitted you at all but keep you ever learning but never able to bring you to the knowledg of the Truth which until you do come to know freedom from the bondage of Sin and Corruption you cannot witness therefore to the Light in all your Consciences come for that is Truth and love it and obey it and you will by it receive power over Sin and be enabled to cast off the Yoak of Iniquity and to take up the Yoak of Christ and embrace that Cross which crucifies to the World and worldly things unto the Lust and Wickedness thereof and such are true Disciples of Jesus that learn of him who is meek and low in their Hearts and that do deny themselves and take up the daily Cross to their own Wills Thoughts Words Works Desires and Affections and follow him through many Tribulations in the narrow way of Holiness for it is not he that calls Lord Lord but he that doth the Will of God that inheriteth the Kingdom of God not the Sayers or Knowers of the Will of God are justified but the Doers of the Will are justified not they that only confess with the Mouth day after day that they are miserable Sinners c. as both Priest and People do and yet still Year after Year remain the same if not grow worse shall find mercy but they that not only confess but forsake and turn from the evil in Heart Life and Conversation unto that which is good shall find mercy and forgiveness and remission of Sins Oh mind the good thing in you which is grieved and burdened with the evil and turn in your minds to it and it will let you see those things that are reproveable Drunkard turn in thy mind to the Light in thy own Conscience and it will shew thee judge and reprove thee for thy Drunkenness Swearer turn into the Light and it will judge thee for Swearing for Lying Pride Envy Malice Reviling Cheating Defrauding Covetousness Fornication yea All things that are reprovable are made manifest by the Light and that which maketh manifest is Light thou that hatest the Light and lovest thy Evil deeds and wilt not come to the Light because it will reprove thee there thou hast learned thy condemnation For this is the condemnation of the World that Light is come into the World and men love Darkness rather then the Light because their deeds are evil but they that do good love the Light and bring their deeds to the Light to try them whether they be wrought in God and such are justified by the Light So while you have the Light believe in the Light that you may become Children of the Light so unto the Light in all your Consciences I am made manifest and in true unfained love and bowels of
the Blood of the Covenant wherewith you were in measure sanctified under your Feet as an unholy thing and have slain the Just and crucified the Righteous in your selves Oh poor poor Hearts my Soul pities you and mourns in secret over you and cannot but lament the sadness and deplorableness of your Conditions oh better you had never known the Truth then after you have known it to turn from it to your old Lovers again Oh whither will you go you Backsliding ones where and in what will you hide your selves from the Lord now you are departed from him if you go from Sea to Sea he will find you out and what can defend you from his wrath oh where and in what can you find true Peace Rest and happiness for your Souls seeing you have forsaken him in whom alone it is to be enjoyed Oh are you not sensible that you want true Peace Oh you that have forsaken the Father's House of plenty and are gone out among the Swine who feed upon the Husks oh poor Hearts do you not sometimes a little come to your selves and then remember the Father's House and do you not then find some inclination and desire to return again if you do return how know you but that he will have compassion on you and receive you into his House again though you have been spending your Portion among Harlots and have deal so treacherously by him and so much wounded and grieved him and his Children yet notwithstanding if you can throughly return unto him with your whole Hearts he can and will receive you and heal your Backslidings blot out your Sins forgive you your Transgressions against him and love you freely Therefore return return you backsliding Ones why why will you die and perish forever oh repent and do the first Works turn your minds inward to the pure and just One in your selves which you have grieved wounded and oppressed as a Cart is oppressed with Sheaves Oh that you might look upon him whom you have pierced and behold him whom you have wounded and even mourn and lament over him Oh to the pure holy faithful Witness of God in your own Consciences which you were at first turned unto you must come and the righteous Judgment of the Lord you must own and wait in yea a dreadful Cup you must drink before you can enjoy true lasting peace in God Oh that you could be willing to drink it and to pass again through the Fire and Sword yea through Death to come to eat again of the Tree of Life and live forever Oh that all you that are betrayed like Sampson of their strength by the Adulterous mind so as that the Philistine the uncircumcised Nature hath prevailed over you and put out your Eyes that you are become Blind and cannot see that beauty and comeliness in the Lord and his Truth which you once saw oh that the Lord would be pleased to visit you again that like as the Hair of Sampson grew again his strength increased so that he slew more of his Enemies at his Death then he did in all his Life so the Seed of God may be raised again in your Hearts and the strength therein and thereby may be renewed and grow that by your dying again unto that which is contrary to the Will of God you may witness greater Victory in the Lord over your Enemies and know more of them slain then ever you did Oh! you that find and are sensible that the Lord hath not wholly given you over but is yet striving with you by his pure Witness in you to return unto him his Truth and People again Oh! return before it be too late and before the Door of Mercy be forever shut against you for then if you seek the Blessing with Tears as Esau did you will not obtain it and though you call Lord Lord open unto us we have Eaten and D●unk in thy Presence and in thy Name we have cast out Devils and have had power over unclean Spirits and have done many great Works yet notwithstanding he will say Depart from me ye Workers of Iniquity I know you not Therefore be sober and serious and ponderously consider and let these things take deep Impression in your Hearts which are wrote in true Love Pity and Bowels of Compassion to your Immortal Souls by a Mourner over you and a Travailer in Spirit for your Restoration To those that profess the Truth yet walk contrary to the Truth in Life and Conversation For many walk of whom I have told you often and now I tell you we●ping that they are Enemies to the Cross of Christ c. Phil. 3. 18 19. ANd all you who make a Profession of the Light and Truth in Words but in Works deny it whose Conversations are loose and vain and not consistant with your Profession nor answerable but repugnant to Truth you do not conduce to the honour of Truth but produce a dishonour thereunto by your loofe disorderly walking whereby you also give the Enemies of Truth advantage against the Truth for them to reproach the Truth and those that walk and live in the Truth and also you are a stumbling Block in the way of the simple-hearted that hath a Love and Desire towards Truth and a Grief and Burden to the Faithful that love the Truth and live in it and seek the Glory and Honour thereof and also you deceive your own Souls by being satisfied with a Profession of Truth without the possession thereof and you have no true peace where you are nor unity with the Lord nor fellowship with his People for the unity and fellowship of the Saints is in the Light and holy Life of God and they that are out of the Light though they profess it are out of the unity of Faith and fellowship of the Sons of God and such are but gotten into the outward Court where the Gentiles the uncircumcised in Heart can come but blessed are all they that do the Will of God and keep his Commandments and have right to the Tree of Life and enter through the Gate into the City where no unclean thing can come So all you that profess the Truth and walk contrary to the Truth come to be faithful and obedient to the Truth that in the Way of Truth and Righteousness you may walk as becometh Truth and that in the Light you may shine as Lights in your holy Lives and blameless unspotted Conversations to the praise and glory of God and to the peace rest comfort and happiness of your own Souls verily no Hypocrite in Sion can be hid from the Lord who giveth the Churches to know that it is he that scarcheth the Heart and tryeth the Reins who saith I come quickly and my reward is with me to give to every one according as his work shall be To all those that are Convinced of the Truth but still remain in the World's Ways If you know these things happy are you
Earth have cause to speak well of the Lord and to trust in his holy Name we are the People for mightily and wonderfully hath the mighty God done and wrought for us though the blind World sees it not Oh! how have we been as Lambs among Lyons and yet not devoured but wonderfully preserved by the secret Power and invisible Arm of the Lord our Shepherd who hath been our Defence when the Beasts of the Forrest have come forth to Devour and the Wolves have been greedy of their Prey then hath the Lord sought for Mount Sion and defended the Hill thereof and though some said We 'll pursue we 'll overtake our Lust shall be satisfied on them we 'll draw our Swords and our Hands shall destroy them yet how hath the Lord blown in his Wrath upon them the Sea of his Judgment hath covered them and they are sunk as Lead in the bottom of the mighty Waters and we yet through mercy are alive and have a being among the Living to speak well of the Lord and to make mention of the Goodnes● of our Good and to declare of his Kindness and to praise him for his Works which are marvelous in our Eyes Oh! his Love his Mercy and tender fatherly care over and towards us extends beyond the demonstration of Words and oh let the sense thereof be engraven upon the table of our Hearts that it may humble us and keep us low before the Lord and be an Obligation upon every Soul of us to bind and engage us unto the Lord and his Truth forever How mightily hath the Lord limitted and quieted the raging Sea and made a Calm oh that all Friends might take notice of the great Mercy and Love of the Lord to us in this particular and mind the end of the Lord therein and let us all take heed we Sin not because Grace and Mercy to us abounds lest it provoke the Lord to Anger and be a moving cause to induce him to let forth the Wind and suffer a Storm again Oh that none might get into a false ease and liberty and wrong security because of the present Calm but all to keep retire in that which fitteth and maketh ready for Tryals when they come in by and through which we have been upheld preserved hitherto even by the secret Power Arm of the Lord which is not shortned that it cannot save but is the same that ever it was and it hath been our Helper in six Troubles and in the seventh has not been wanting to us to help us when there hath been none to help and to support and uphold us when there hath been none to uphold but Loads Burdens and Oppressions have been heaped upon us and to comfort us when nothing but Sorrow and Trouble from the World compassed us about and when we have had nothing as from men but the Bread of Adversity the Water of Affliction even then hath the Lord our tender God been the Comforter of our Hearts the Refresher of our Souls the Rejoycer of our Spirits and the Lifter up of our Hands when we have been bowed down with the Oppressions of our Enemies his ●resence hath been with us in the Prison-house and in the low Dungeon and hath not left us to this day and assuredly never never never will leave us if we leave not him but will be with us until we have finished our Course and fulfilled the dayes of our appointed Time and our Change come So dear Friends unto the Lord I commit you who knoweth how it is with all his Babes and Children and beholdeth all their Tryals Straits and Sufferings inward and outward and his ear is open to the cry of the Poor and groanings of the Needy who is God all-sufficient for all those that trust hope relie and depend upon him and able to keep them by his power through Faith in his Name unto his heavenly Kingdom So the Lord be with you all and the Almighty protect and defend you and keep you from Evil unspotted from the World and preserve you in Love Peace and Unity with himself and one with another in his innocent unfained Love in his Light Life Power and Truth and make and keep you all of one Heart and one Mind and one Soul that you all with one consent may still worship and serve the Lord God in the one Spirit and the one Truth in which I dearly greet salute and embrace you all and remain your Friend and Companion in the Patience and Tribulation of Jesus Farwell dear Friends William Bennit Dear Friends IN the Love which waxeth not Old neither is subject to Change which God hath shed abroad in the hearts of those that believe in the Light through the operation of his Eternal Spirit in this Love which openeth our Hearts unto the Lord and one another doth the unfeigned Salutation of my Soul reach forth unto you as in which Love Iabide I cannot forget the Family of Love and Houshold of Faith neither can length of Time nor distance of Place ●onds nor Tribulations extinguish the remembrance of you whom the Lord ●ath chosen out of the Elect Seed from out of the Fa●ilies of the Earth to place his Name among and to mani●est his Power and Glory in and through you his People to the praise of your God in your Generation dear Friends who are called to be made pertakers of the Blessed Everlasting Inheritance of the Saints in Light and through Faith in the Light of Life you are called and raised up to bear Testimony unto him whom the Nations Despise but unto you that believe in him he is Pretious and you that have seen his B●auty and beheld his Comliness and have tasted of his Love and have savoured the sweetness of his pre●ious Oyntment which hath healed your Wounds and cured your Diseases and with which your Souls have been Bathed Warmed and sweetly Refreshed unto you that have tasted of his Divine Vertues who is the Light of ●he World he is the chiefest of ten Thousand who hath called and chosen you out of the World to follow him in the Regeneration and to bear his Image before the World and to shew forth his Testimony against the World therefore do the World hate you and desire and seek your Destruction and would tempt you and by cruelty force you from the beloved of you● Souls but dear Hearts every one cleave in spirit unto the Lord and hold fast his bless●d Tru●h received into your Hearts that the Enemy within nor his Instruments without by all their Tempta●●ons and Cruelty may never move you to decline nor degenerate from that blessed Testimony which God hath given you to bear for him in the midst of a Wicked and U●godly Generation who must fill up the measure of their Iniquity that Judgment may come upon them to the full and the measure of your Sufferings must also be fulfilled therefore dear Lambs hold fast Faith and a good Conscience and p●t