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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A27125 An epistle general containing wholsome exhortations and good counsel from the spirit of truth unto all such as are or may be under the judgment or sentence of banishment, for the testimony of Jesus Christ ... / by ... W.B. Bayly, William, d. 1675. 1664 (1664) Wing B1524; ESTC R16452 13,699 16

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Nation will he anger the mighty and wise men of the Earth and provoke many people to jealousie and the Time is come that whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord in truth shall be saved Therefore resist every appearance or thought to the contrary in the light and strength of God as a Temptation of the enemy And remember the Serpent Tempted in Paradise to break the Command of the Lord and is yet neer to betray the Innocer into the sinners hands whose mercy will be sound cruelty for he is not wanting at this day to strive every way to make you fall from you stedfastness neither is his subtilty abated to beguile the simple to draw them into his own state of Condemnation of which all have been are and ever will be partakers who hearken to his voyce and obey his Temptation And this lyes on me to warn you of For if he get you to bow a little he will get more strength against you and more hold and ground in you by his fair flourished baits and cunning crafty allurements whereby your faith would be weatned and even faile till he cause you to make shipwrack there of and of a good Conscience through the tossing your minds to and fro in the Sea of Temptations and this would be an horrible day of Tempests unto you The Lord my God by his eternal power keep open your understandings that ye may perfectly see discern him in all his wiles and cunning craftiness by which he lies in wait to deceive both within and from without that so ye may be able to resist him in every appearance and quench all his fiery darts in the living faith that not a place be given to him for if ye give him place he will get more room and matter to work on till he becomes a strong man armed to keep the house against every motion and appearance of God in you thereby endeavouring to dwell at peace but all his strong 〈◊〉 must be stormed and his peice overturned and the league and covenant with death and hell shall be broken by the pure Life and Seed of God his head bruiser let him do what he can and then ye will perceive he was a false Prophet and hath deceived you Therefore my dear Friends watch and pray continually that ye enter not into temptation but that ye may see every appearance of evil and abstain from it so shall the God of Truth and Peace sanctifie you wholly in Body Soul and Spirit whereby ye shall become fit habitations for the Lord to dwell and walk in and have his Testimony in your selves that you are his Children being taught of him and preserved by him to his praise and your everlasting comfort and peace So keep your eye open in the Eternal Light in which ye will see over time and all things comprehended in it and through the end of all temptations and over all the stormes and tempests of the wicked who at this day are like the troubled Sea and cannot rest for there is no peace to the wicked saith my God But he is your peace and resting place who rebukes the Winds and walkes upon the Sea and calmes the Stormes at his pleasure though in the World ye have Tribulation and Persecution for his Name sake it 's but for a moment in respect of the Eternal Life if it should be so all the days of your Pilgrimage on Earth and but Light Affliction in comparison of the exceeding Weight of the Glory ye shall be partakers of as ye abide faithful to the End So the Eternal God of Life and Peace be with you and preserve you by his Power and keep you all valiant for his living Truth in the pure sense and enjoyment thereof in all your hearts to the End And my dear Friends who are in Bonds Prisons and Holes for the same Testimony of Jesus Christ where ye are oppressed and thronged as sheep appointed for the slaughter without Mercy from your Adversaries be ye not discouraged but lift up your Heads in the pure Life of your Testimony for this is a day in which the Lord will glorifie himself in the eyes of all Nations and get himself a Name above every name that every knee may bow to him and that all flesh may dread and tremble before him and become as the grass and as the flower that fadeth away at the majesty and glory of his presence who hath touched the Mountains and they smoak and the smoak of their torment ascends night and day because of the everlasting burnings with which he is melting the Hills like wax and consuming the ungodly like the fat of Lambs and folding them up as thornes and stubble for the fire Great is the work which the Lord is doing and cutting short in righteousness yea such a day is approaching as many will not believe though it be and hath been declared unto them in which the Lord will plead with all flesh by fire and sword and with plague and pestilence famine and earthquakes in divers places and dreadful stormes and fearful sights within and without so that all flesh shall be pained and wax feeble before him for the terrors of God within and without shall set themselves in array against the ungodly and compass the wicked as with snares of fire till they are consumed and the very stars in their courses shall fight against them yea he will make his wonders known upon them as in the dayes of Egypt And this I am bold to proclaim in the Name and Authority of the Everlasting God for I have seen the consumption determined and how it will come to pass which is coming upon them as swift as on Eagles wings and it shall not tarry nor be prolonged and he that will come to reward every man according as his work shal be will come quickly Blessed are they that wait for him Therefor my dear Friends seeing our God is no respecter of persons but is risen as a Giant to the Battel to plead the cause of his elect Seed and to exalt his Name over all the Earth and seeing we look for such things which will certainly come to pass and be fulfilled in their season which hastens What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness and what need have we of diligence watchfulness and readiness that we may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless The God of all mercies whose long-suffering and kindness hath been exceedingly manifested to us-ward keep you exceeding still quiet and low in your minds and spirits fearing to offend him in thought word and deed at all times and seasons And take heed of Discourses among your selves which are unnecessary for the enemy hath a secret end to effect among such things to draw out your minds from the living sense of the precious tender Seed of God in you which preserves the mind joyned to it in the humbleness and watchfulness against
who shall give glory to God in their behalf So in his Truth the Lord God of all mercies and everlasting blessings keep you all Amen In whose blessed Will I lye down with all the faithful and upright in heart dayly waiting in his pure Light which makes all things manifest to know more of his counsel and to be obedient thereunto in whatsoever he requireth of me in which I exhort some that they suffer not a motion of that spirit of Core or Eliab to rise in their hearts lest thereby they endanger themselves for what was Moses and what was Aaron and what are all that bare a pure Testimony this day for the Name of the Most Holy dreadful God but such as hazard their Lives and are your servants for Christs sake therefore let such be very careful and tender in this matter for cannot we say to them as little to David his brethren Is there not a cause Do not the care and zeal for the honour of the great and holy Name of our God dayly increase in our hearts I Can truly say The zeal of thine house hath even eaten me up That his living Truth and People may be kept blameless and spotless in this great and notable day of Tryal is the travel of my breathing soul day and night and I seek not mine own honour but the honour of him that hath had mercy upon me who hath opened mine eyes and given me of his free Spirit eternal Power and all I have I have received from him and I have nothing to boast of but in the Lord and his Mercies which endureth for ever in whose Salvation I rejoyce and in his fear I delight and Lord let me never forget thy Name nor the multitude of thy Mercyes toward me and toward all thy People but let me ever give thanks to thee in the lively remembrance of them who is setting a Remnant as watchmen upon the walls of Jerusalem who cannot hold their peace for her sake day nor night till she is made the Praise of the whole Earth and so much the more as they see the day approaching though their life is in great stillness and I could be content to be silent but I must obey his requirings or I cannot be clear in his sight And I know to this end hath he preserved me to this day and hour in the secret of his Pavilion blessed be his Name for ever Into whose hand I freely commit my soul and body and all that he hath given me and all his dear people every where to be disposed at his good will and pleasure in which I feele my reward with me and my witness is in heaven and the true joy of the Lord is in my heart as an open fountain which none knows but the redeemed from the earch and yet I am dayly a man of sorrowes and well acquainted with griefs for the redemption of his seed in Captivity and for the whole Creation that groaneth under the bondage of corruption but in all estates I have learned to be content knowing the Lord is with me and hears and in due time will answer the breathings of his own to whom be the glory dominion and praises now and for evermore Amen I am your dear Brother and Companion who suffer with patience for the everlasting Truth of God which must spread over all the Earth and be established on the top of all Mountains in which I bid you Farewel W. B. From Hertford where I remain a Prisoner for the Testimony of Jesus Christ the 26 of the 6th Month. 1664.
and this shall arise and break the hearts of thousands who are yet afar off when they shall hear of your patient innocent sufferings only for your tender Conscience and the Worship of your God to whose Name and Power many shall confess as the King in Daniels day that he is the Living God and stedfast for ever and his Kingdom that which shall never be destroyed and his Dominion shall be even to the end he delivereth and rescueth and he worketh signs and wonders in Heaven and in Earth And thus is our God who is the same doing at this very day though the ungodly see it not as shall hereafter be confessed and published as this was after the beloved Daniel was tried and proved and not before mark that and then woe will be to your Persecutors as it was to his when the Seed shall arise in the Nations and witness for you and against them who shall curse the hour in which they were born and the moment in which they breathed in the World and the womb that bare them that ever they should be so blind to bring swift destruction upon their own heads for the lucre of a moment of pleasures Therefore my dear Friends let your minds be stayed and your hearts fixed on the Lord that ye may be alwayes kept and preserved in the pure sence of the weight and ponderousness of this his great and honourable Work which he hath called you into that so ye may be patterns and pure examples of righteousness gravity truth and holiness to the Nations even as Lights in a dark place and as a City set on the Everlasting Hill of God above all the fury and rage of your enemies or their most subtillest Temptations or provocations which ye may meet withall in your Travails and dayly exercises From which my God deliver you and keep you stedfast in watchfulness wisdome and fear to the end that ye may be preserved out of all the snares of the Enemy to the honour of his great Name and the comfort and peace of your own souls for its the endurer to the end that shall be saved And dear Friends Take heed and beware of letting in the spirit of this world into your hearts which naturally draws from God into its own Center to look after the riches ease and glory thereof for it was not in vaine that the same Spirit that now dwels in his Children exhorted his Disciples in Ages past to take heed and beware of Covetousness for a mans life consisteth not in the abundance of the things of this world which he may possess For whosoever shall let forth his mind after these things and imbrace and entertain those subtill Contrivances which may arise in the mind as Temptations and shall follow the whisperings thereof and so let that be his Guide which leads to seek self his own honour riches and glory and not the things of Jesus Christ the Truth and its glory only such a one will be destroyed and not preserved And this I have received from my God to warne you of it in tender love to your souls and to the honour of his everlasting Name which must and will be exalted over all the Earth And though a Thousand should fall on the right hand and ten Thousands on the left hand yet the Lord shall be glorified and all people be left without just excuse So the Lord God of Heaven direct you and preserve you chast and single unto himself for his Name sake and for his tender Seeds sake which is very dear and precious to him in every Nation And this is the breathings of my heart and soul for you all in the true and living sense of the marvellous work and wonderfull things he is bringing to passe in these latter dayes for its the Life must confound Babel as in the dayes of old and build up Zion whose walls is salvation and gives praises for evermore Therefore in the retired watchfull pure light and life of God it self all dwell alwayes eying his eternal power and presence to go before you this was Moses's mind Carry us not hence except thy presence go with us for that is it by which the Lord wrought wonderfull things and preserved his people in all ages who were obedient thereinto and this hath preserved us who hath been led and guided thereby to this day and will preserve us to the end as we are faithfull to obey its requirings and no otherwayes can any be preserved or saved out of Temptations and from the wrath to come And this I do affirme from certain experience For Transgression against Gods requirings was and is the Ground and cause of the separation and alienation from him and from his Covenant of promise and is the breach of the peace and unity between God and man So that there is no peace to the wicked neither can there so long as the whoredomes and witchcrafts of Jezabel remains and disobedience is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is Iniquity and Idolatry so that none can enjoy perfect peace with the holy God but them whose feet are guided by his light and holy Spirit in the way of peace which all the world that lye in wickedness in Transgression are ignorant of the way of peace they know not But the Children of the Lord shall be all Taught of him and great shall be the peace of his Children So my dear Friends mind the Light of the Lord and let it be your Guide and Teacher and your dwelling place for them of the Nations that are saved must walke in the Light mark though they are saved yet they must still walke in the Light of the Holy City and to it shall the gathering of the people be who shall stock thereunto as the doves to the windowes as was prophesied and is now fullfiling in this our day blessed for ever be the Name of the Lord. And take good heed to your Wayes Words and Carriages amongst all people where-ever you come as ye love the honour of God and the peace of your own soules in whose Name in bowells of love I lay it upon you all for many will be the eyes that will be sharply fixed upon you both for good and for evil even to mark all your steps in every path which you shall tread with your feet Therefore keep your feet in the way of peace and walk with God as Enoch that ye may be more and more translated and taken up out of the sight of all that watch for your halting so shall ye have the Witness in your selves that your Wayes please the Lord as he had and as many of his dear children have at this day with whom ye will have pretious Unity as ye walk in the same steps and mind the same things that are eternal And walk in lowliness in the fear of God and in love and tenderness one towards another that men seeing your good Works blameless conversation may glorifie the