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A26259 Averroeana being a transcript of several letters from Averroes an Arabian philosopher at Corduba in Spain, to Metrodorus a young Grecian nobleman, student at Athens in the years 1149 and 1150 : also several letters from Pythagoras to the King of India, together with his reception at the Indian court, and an account of his discourse with the King, and his gymnosophists, and his rules and precepts : his account of the power and efficacy of numbers, and magical uses thereof : to which is prefixt, a Latin letter by Monsieur Grinau, one of the Messieurs du Port Royal in France, to the ingenius Monsieur Gramont, merchant at Amsterdam, concerning the subject of these papers, and how they came to his hands : the whole containing matters highly philosophical, physiological, Pythagorical and medicinal, the work having been long conceal'd is now put into English for the benefit of mankind, and the rectification of learned mistakes.; Correspondence. English. Selections Averroës, 1126-1198.; Pythagoras. Correspondence. English. Selections. 1695 (1695) Wing A4271; ESTC R1981 54,271 185

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finds it This is that that opens the great Fountain of Benignity 'T is the Practice of Goodness that unites Mens Souls to God These O King are the Considerations that mov'd us to prohibit Violence and Cruelty to keep our Hands clean from the Blood of Animals and to commend to our Disciples a Friendly Conversation with all things to represent to them the Deformity of Vice and the Beauty of Vertue and Gentleness being well assured by the Universal Voice of God and his Law in Nature that an Hecatomb of Bulls cannot be so acceptable a Sacrifice to him as an unpolluted Mind and a Will wholly prepared to follow his Directions and submit to his Providence 'T is to a strict and severe imitation of him that we solicite our Followers who is not delighted with Cruelty but is extreamly pleased with the practice of Justice when Men have Learnt the Art of doing to others as they would be willing to have others do to them For no Man was made to be a Tyrant and an Epicure to domineer at pleasure upon his Fellow Creatures who at all times and in all respects answer the end of their Creation better than himself ●ut being hurried by the Spirit of Igno●ance and Error he is become the common Disturber of Nature's Harmony putting her whole Frame in Tumult and Combustion If Men pass out of the Body in this wrathful Disposition what Regions must they enter into and what Bodies must they be cloathed with And since by the secret Power of the Eternal Law every Spirit or Soul does naturally attract such matter for a Body as is suitable to its self Those that have lived in the Power and Operation of the Lion Tyger and Dog and so far brutified their Nature as to resemble those Animals must they not expe●● to be cloathed in such hideous Forms and Shapes As on the contrary the Virtuous and Compassionate shall be adorned with the Garments of Innocency and Light The first step to Vertue is to do no Hurt the next is to do all the Good we can even to the least of God's Creatures What Creature soever you show kindness to the same doth naturally call upon the Fountain of Benignity for a Blessing upon you so on t●● other hand the Cries of Oppressed Innocence take the deepest Root both in the Fountain of Love and the Fountain of Wrath. The Good attracteth and praiseth the Good and the Evil the Evil. Every Thing and Principle delights in its like This is demonstrable in all Natural Things that proceeded from the Immaterial World and is in all its Particulars Forms Figures Qualities and Operations And whoever does understand the outward cannot be ignorant of the inward for in the great depth they are both one The understanding whereof is of infinitely greater moment than your Men of War for they are Sons of Violence which do naturally attract the Malignity and Evil out of all things and the Curse of all Creatures takes place in them Therefore O King be pleased not to suffer any false Reports to Exasperate your Royal Inclinations against us who have no design of stirring up Sedition to the Embroilment of your State or Kingdom but only to communicate that Innocent and Benign Light Heaven has darted int●●ur Souls to as many of the Great Maker of the World's Creatures as we can perswade to embrace it that they may by perusing the Precepts of true Vertue and Philosophy become Dutiful and Peaceful Subjects in their present State and Blessed and Happy Spirits in the future As we doubt not O King shortly to make apparent when we ●●all have the Honour to be admitted into your Royal Presence Second Letter Most Noble Prince YOur desire I shall answer so far as I may The Vertues and Efficacy of Numbers are wonderful in their Operation when aptly and properly applied as the most Eminent Philosophers do unanimously confirm and teach Now Number is nothing else but a repetition of Unity for Unity doth most simply go through every Number and is the common Measure Foundation and Original of all Numbers and contains every Number joined together intirely the beginner of every Multitude always the same unchangeable It is the highest Number in Musical Harmony where all Forms and Qualities stand in equal Weight and Measure and may justly be called Concord therefore from Unity all things proceeded nothing was before it nor nothing is after it and all things that are desire the One because they all proceeded from the One God Creator of an Creatures which do endeavour to return to that One Fountain whence they proceeded All Clemency Mercy Softness Compassion and doing unto all Creatures as we would be done unto proceeds from the Unit● and Concord and is the Fountain from whence all true Knowledge and Religion arises Unity and Harmony is the Preserver of all Creatures Light and Loye are the Off spring and Sons of Concord All those are most happy that obtain it and all Creatures are most miserable without it Equality and Order are the Sinews and Health both of the Body and Mind not only in this World but in that which is to come For this cause Order and the proper practice and use of Numbers do mightily fortifie men against the Temptations of evil Demons and at the same time most powerfully attract the holy Powers and Communications of good Angels For in what Creature soever the natural Qualities stand nearest equasity or have made themselves so by observing God's Law in Nature they make that Creature most happy He that Sins against God's Law breaks and violates the Unity of his own Principles By all the Philosophical Mediums and Circumstances in Religion the first Founders intended to draw Men into some order that they by degrees might through the Forms obtain the Unity That those People are most happy that taught their Followers to live an innocent harmless Life which bears the nearest Relation to Unity and Concord For we do affirm That no inequality nor evil inclinations can or do arise or proceed from the Soul or Mind of that Man whose properties and inward qualities keep equal weight and measure All Evil proceeds from the many that is from the inequality of the inward Powers of Mens Souls therefore Harmony is the highest state of the Soul and the compleatest composition of the Senses Is not order the Original which is nothing else but a compleat Number the very Fountain whence all good Government proceeds both in the Celestial and Terrestrial Worlds Let us consider the Heavens Stars and Elements with their wonderful and amazing variety of Creatures wherewith the Four Lower Worlds are endued more especially the Celestial where the holy and various Powers of good Demons are beyond all humane number and all act and work in that exact Order and Number which the great first Being created them in therefore all the Beasts Fishes and Fowls of Heaven are more innocent and consequently more happy than Men because they
Spirit or Demon comes Love Pity Mercy Compassion c. as also Temperance Chastity Sobriety and Philosophy And from the third proceed mixed Thoughts various and wanton Discourses Laughters and Merriment and all that is called Phantastical They labour hard to make their Children understand the Nature and Operation of each of them that they may be sensible which hath the reigning and predominant power in them They call the second Spirit the good Demon and with great earnestness inculcate to their Children that they should be Governed by its Dictates and observe its Directions They teach them that it was from this good Angel that their Seers and Holy Men received the Law of Innocence They inform them that it is a great Blessing and a Token of being a particular Favourite of Heaven to avoid Violence and Oppression especially towards those Inferiour Creatures that cannot defend or help themselves That the greater part of Mankind are govern'd by the Counsels of the other Demons from whence proceed Wars Murder Destruction and all manner of Mischief From Three Years old to Seven they Instruct them in the Precepts of Moral●●● setting before them the Excellence o●●ertue and the Reason of their Duty Above all things they commend to them a strict and severe Justice which they never depart from for these Instructions are so early graffed in them and so plainly represented to ●●em that they become as it were incorporate and grow up along with them insomuch that they are no longer Moral Precepts but have in them the force of Nature They also very Vehemently and Pathetically set before them the Ugliness of an Idle Life Nay they say Idleness is inconsistent with Life for Life in the very Expression implies Activity and Motion They greatly commend to them moderate Labour and Exercise and frequently put them upon the Practice of the same even in their very tender Age. They are very Exact in teaching them the Art of Numbring and acquaint them with the Method of God's Works 〈…〉 Worlds viz. The Heavens Star● and Elements the Amazing Varieties 〈…〉 Vegetations and Minerals how they were all made and are wonderfully sustained by the Invincible Power of the Omnipotent Creator They teach them the Motions of the Celestial Bodies their Courses and Distances Postures and Configurations and Influences 〈…〉 they keep them continually 〈◊〉 in what either Employs their Understanding or Improves their Manners always accustoming them to the Exercise of Patience and the E●●●rance of Hardship Having therefore such an Early Education and continually before their Eyes the Examples of their Parents and Associates the Notions of these Truths do a● it were enter into their very Natures by repeated habits that nothing can remove them Having been Instructed that every word in their Law proceeds from God and at the same time having imbibed a true Apprehension of the Excellency and Justice of that ●eing they look upon it as his positive ●ommand and dare not disobey Thus a● Esteem of their Law is planted in them that no Avocations of Business nay nothing but invincible Necessity can exempt them from a punctual compliance with the same I shall here insert one passage of their nice exactness to the Rules of their Law It is held Sacred amongst them to keep themselves undefiled from any thing they think unclean and if such an Accident happen they a●● compell'd to repair to a certain pla●● of Purgation where they are to undergo all the Discipline of that Mystery before they must enter on their Bus●●ess Some of that Religion who were Factors came to Surat to Buy up a Commodity to be Transported into Persia The Europeans having notic● thereof and knowing the Obligation these People lay under one of their Merchants came near the Place where they sat and unawares took off one of his 〈◊〉 and touched them Immediately ●● great Cry was heard for the 〈◊〉 ●ound themselves polluted ●nd 〈◊〉 forced to leave their Business 〈…〉 to the Place of Purgation to the designed Satisfaction of the European Merchant If any of their Princes at any time desire their Daughters for Concubines they lo●e their Longing for they will submit to the Severest Tortures rather than break their Vow They are never to be Engaged in the Armies of their Kings for as much as they abominate all manner of Violence c. Nor can they ever be prevail'd with to become Servants being extreamly Jealous of their Original Liberty In all Revolutions of States they are free and enjoy under all Governments an undisturbed Exercise of their Religion on account of their Peaceable Deportment They abhor all strong Liquors their most customary Drink is Water They lye upon hard Quilts oftentimes on the bare Ground They neither Invade nor Covet any Man's Property they are tenacious of the Customs of their Ancestors and remain secure in the Satisfaction of their own Vertue and Integrity Dated Corduba 1150. Metrodorus THere is one thing more that will 〈◊〉 me with Matter for another Letter and that is Their Opinion of the Transmigration of Souls which shall be the last concerning these People that I shall trouble you with hoping that my over-forwardness in this matter shall be understood as an Evidence of my Willingness to embrace any Occasion of signifying the Respect I bear to a Person of your Character and ● Lover of Vertue All our Philosophers and Seers both Indians and others do firmly believe That God hath made Man in his own Image or Likeness which all acknowledge but few have so well considered it as they ought And that Man does contain the Principles and Properties of all things Corporeal and Incorporeal Also 〈◊〉 ●e is endued with an Elementa●● 〈◊〉 ●●pable Body which Body is 〈◊〉 enlivened or informed by an Et●●rial Spirit and so answers to the great Body of this World from whence the same is taken and therefore is an Abridgment or Epitomy thereof And as he does contain all the true Properties of the gross Elements viz. Earth Air and Water that nourish and sustain the Body He has also the Principle of Fire and Light that is an Immortal Soul and Spirit which gives Life and Motion to the Body of Flesh and answers to the Soul of the great World or that mighty Spirit which is the Moving and Vivifying and most wonderfully Creative and Conservative Power in this vast System of Things which we call the World and which does preserve and maintain every part thereof in Beauty Splendor and Harmony Now in this Illustrious Estate Man was Created and in him all Forms Qualities and Powers stood in equal Weight and Measure and if Man had continued in this 〈◊〉 then he would have imitated his 〈◊〉 in all well-doing and Governed all the Host of Heaven in Love and have been a Preserver and Guide to all inferiour Creatures which would have powerfully attracted not only the sweet and benevolent Influences of Heaven but also the Prayers and good Wishes of all the under-graduated
Compassion Fellow-feeling or Mercy And if Men Die in this savage brutish state they shall in the Internal World when the Soul shall be reinvested with a new Body we say such polluted Souls will naturally attract such Matter out of all things as the Spirits are capable and have a simile with Bu● on the contrary 〈◊〉 those that in their Lives have observed the Rules of Justice and refrained all Viole●ce Oppression Killing Intemp●●●●ce and Discord and who have introduced their Wills and Desires into Innocency Mercy Compassion and doing unto all Creatures as they would be done unto all such shall not only immediately pas● into the Regions of Peace and 〈…〉 but be cloathed with more perfect ●● beautiful and more glorious human● Shapes and Forms For 't is not to be doubted and our Antient Seers and Philosophers do confirm that in the beginning when the great and most wonderful Creator moved himself and had a desire to manifest the hidden Mysteries of the Internal Worlds he cloathed all the vast numberless variety of Creatures in each Climate and Countrey with Corporeal Bodies according to the Nature and Property of the Spirit for each Spiritual Substance had power to attract out of all things such Corporeal Matter for a Covering or Body as had a simile with its own Nature as appears most manifestly by the Shapes Forms Inclinations and Dispositions of each Creature and as the Internal Property and Disposition of each Creature did vary and where the fierce Wrath did predominate and had the Ascendant in the Spirit there sprang ●● wild savage Beasts and cruel na●●●ed Birds of prey but where the ●●●lities of the Internal Nature were 〈◊〉 equally mixed there were framed more benign and friendly Creatures as Beasts and Birds more humane tame and tractable called clean Beasts and Birds also where the Spirit was more noble and equal so the Bodies and Frames were accordingly And as Man was in his Primitive Properties and Qualities greater and more noble than any other of the Creatures visible so the great Creator gave him a proportionable Body above all the rest of the Lower Creation for all departed Souls who in their Lives keep the holy Laws of Humanity and Innocency have appeared to their 〈…〉 humane Forms and Shapes The 〈…〉 to be understood o● the good Daemons and Heavenly Powers whensoever they have had occasion to cloath themselves with Terrestrial Bodies they have appeare● in humane Figures and Shapes it ●●●ing the Ind●●●●nsible Law of God a●● Nature for every Spirit or 〈…〉 Power to cloath it self with a Bod●●●●table to its own Nature therefore 〈◊〉 Seed as Men sow in this 〈◊〉 Life such a Body they shall be 〈…〉 with in the Internal World 〈…〉 they have introduced their Wills into Wrath Fierceness Oppression and Violence c. such a Body the Soul may greatly be expected to have in the other Life the Truth of this the whole Universe and the numberless number of Creatures both in the ●nimal Vegetable and Mineral Worlds do Testifie and Witness Here Metrodorus you have a tedious yet imperfect account of the Doctrine of the Metempsych●sis first 〈◊〉 as they report by Pythagoras 〈◊〉 hath since been embraced by Men of Eminent Learning and Vertue It seems to be founded on the Notion of Natural Justice the exactest Measure of Retaliation I leave it to your better Judgment to determine the Point but to me the Hypothesis seems probable till a more Certain and Divine Revelation shall be pleased to acquaint us with a better Dated Corduba 1150. The In●●●● King's Letter to Pythago●●● upon his Arrival into that Country Pythag●●●● WE have been informed by our Officers in the Provinces thro● which thou hast Travelled that thou art a very Learned Man which is a Qualification we have always esteem'd and cherisht But it seems to us that thou art not so Wise as thou art reported to be Learned in that thou goest about spreading New Doctrines and Superstitious Observations perswading my People to forbear following the Customs of our Ancestors preaching up an Abstinence from Flesh The Great Creator of all things as he made the World for an Habitation for Men so no doubt the Creatures are subjected to their Dominion and ordain'd for their Use and Convenience Wherefore we Charge you upon Peril of our Royal Displeasure that upon sight of this our Letter you forthwith repair to our Palace Royal that we may hear what Thou hast to alledge in behalf of those New Opinions thou hast vented in several Parts of our Dominions Farewel Pythago●●● 〈◊〉 First Letter to the ●ndian ●●ng Most Renowned King OUR Religion recommends Abstinence from Flesh Your Majestie would in your Letter seem to blame me on that account as if I had taught an unreasonable Doctrine and for this reason that as God had given the World for an Inhabitance so the Creatures for Subsistence I acknowledge not only your Slaves but the Beasts of your Territories are your own and you may use them as you please But as the Notion of Tyranny is unreasonable so the Practice is unfeisable and whoever puts it to the push will quickly find the Effects for all the Philosophers in the World can never perswade us that we are Slaves nor all the Rhetorick in the World convince the Brutes that they are of another Opinion The Gods have made your Majesty a King Soveraign of a Numerous People committed to your care to be Preserved and Maintain'd not to be Pillaged and Destr●●ed So it is with the Universe i● 〈◊〉 ●●eatures are our Subjects they are 〈◊〉 our Slaves Nature hath provided a many ways to continue its Species without being beholden to the Slaughter-house However I shall say no more than what an Epistolary Latitude will allow me and assign my Reasons and make the best of my way to your Court. What I have Preached O King in your Dominions is no Upstart Opinion nor Phantastick Humour but what I am able to abide by and make good For the Antiquity of our Course of Life and the Innocence of our Doctrine may be prov'd of equal date with the Foundation of the World The Jewish Doctors teach That Adam the first Man was placed in a Garden and that Herbs and Fruit were his 〈◊〉 And all Philosophers agree that in the Golden Age the Eating of Flesh was never tolerated It was the Corruption of Mankind introduc'd the Vice Tho' afterwards in the World's Degeneracy the Precept happen'd to be not so inviolably observ'd yet the best Spirits and most virtuous Inclinations tied themselves up to the strictness of our Rules and Discipline It is alledged by your Teachers That we oblige our Followers to the Observation of things frivolous and vain as not to kill any kind of Vermin c. for fear of being guilty of Murder Whereas the reason of this Prohibition in its nicest severity is only to take Men off from their Natural Fierceness and Barbarity lest by accustoming themselves in Cruelty towards
have kept their Law and Unity but Man has broken it in the highest degree All Peace and Happiness is comprehended within the Limits of Equality and Concord and on the other side All Misery and Evil is within the Bounds of Inequality and Discord so that there is a necessity that every Man should govern himself according to Order and Number or some body for him for such as have not prudence to govern and to give necessary Orders for themselves ought to be governed by others there being but few that have Minds that are able to govern themselves most being contented with the Rules of Custom be they better or worse therefore it is one of the greatest Evils in the World to be a Teacher and an Inventor of evil Customs and on the other side it is one of the greatest Blessings to Teach and Invent innocent Customs and good order of Living for Man hath broken himself off from Unity and Order to that degree that few incline to Vertue except the greatest number go before them and that it become a Custom to be Innocent and Vertuous Therefore the Brachmans praise God and his holy Powers that they have not given the World any precedent of Violence nor brought any evil Custom for Tradition and v●in Customs rule over most Nations and Men are so highly graduated ●● them that most of them will not only Kill others for not observing their Customs and believing in their Prophets but they will die themselves rather than leave an evil Custom to embrace a good one so far are Mankind degenerated from Unity and Concord For this cause we Teach our Followers to be careful that they in their common Communications do not utter or speak words that proceed from Fierceness and Wrath nor to give themselves Liberty to Complemental Jesting or Flatteries nor suffer the Tongue and the Heart to Rencounter each other and for the better observation and distinguishing from what Center and Quality all Words and Discourses proceed they divide the Soul and Mind of Man into three Parts Powers or Spirits which some of our Philosophers call Qualities or Principles they being the Grounds or Foundation whence all Imaginations Inclinations Words and Works do arise and p●●●eed viz. The first Power in Man's Soul is fierce severe and wrathful and when this Power does obtain the Ascendant the Imaginations Words and Works are harsh bitter surly bold and fierce filled with Envy and Malice tending to Violence and Hurt But when the second Power governs in the Center of the Soul then the Imaginations Words and Works are signed with the Character of Modesty with a Mild Friendly Courteous Behaviour filled with Mercy and Innocency always tending towards Unity But if the third Power or Quality have obtained the upper Region of the Soul and Heart then the Imaginations Words and Works are frivolous frothy mixed with wanton Jestings and Laughters between Jest and Earnest always tending to evil But oftentimes there is a mixture of these Q●●lities or Powers which run so high that no Humane Number can penetrate into or comprehend them which is done by the help of Art and Reason which do mightily ●eceive such to whom such Discourses are directed that do break the Unity and make a great Tumult and Discord in the Soul Upon which account we esteem it unlawful to shew Anger to our Children nor do we allow them to see vain phantastick Plays and Games nor when Men who are worse than Dogs that cause one fierce Beast to fight with another neither do use them to Jest with or Jeer one the other being well satisfied that in their green Years every thing takes deep Root that the Essences and Qualities thereof do never depart and the Concord being broken so early it proves a work of great difficulty for such either to distinguish the Good from the Evil or to obtain the Harmony of Nature or of their inward Powers For let Men know for Truth that the middle Spirit or Power is given unto Man by his Creator that Man might by its sweet and friendly Influences qualifie the Fierceness and Wrath of the first and the phantastick Folly of the third and so bring them all three into an equal Tone or Concord We believe that the Knowledge Power Operation and Government of these three Spirits and to be able to distinguish them is of absolute necessity for if we do not distinguish the nature of these Powers we cannot have any true Knowledge and where there is no Understanding there is no Order and where there is not Order there cannot be any Concord or Unity Therefore we do as much as in us lies advance Temperance and Order and do prefer the use of Numbers believing that God hath made all things according to Measure Weight and Number and the more we imitate him the nearer we draw and fitter we are to be joined to the uniform Powers of God in our selves Therefore the Brachmans when they prepare or administer Physick make use of certain Numbers and Words according to the present Dictates of the Harmonical Powers of their Souls always observing to make use of the first Number that arises in the Soul as being most simple intire and free from the multiplicity of Thoughts and stands nearest unto Concord which some of our Fathers call the Good Genius or Good Spirit but the Jewish Rabbies entitle it the Oracle which being diligently waited upon and its Dictates observed it reveals in Mens Souls the great Mysteries of God and makes known the Secrets of Nature and all the degrees of Temperance and Cleanness It is this good Demon that teaches the proper use of Numbers and all things necessary For this cause when any that are Distempered desire a Medicine this good Spirit or Power is ready and does immediately Dictate unto the Physician what Methods Herbs Words or Numbers he shall observe and administer But for the most part we observe the Numbers and Method of Words following viz. The Unity which in Medicine hath great Power and Vertue when it arises intire and unmixed with the Imagination or multitude of variety of Thoughts then we are directed by our good Demon to some one simple Herb and also how to prepare and apply it to the Sick Person and when we gather it we do turn our selves to the most glorious Eye of Heaven and utter words to this purpose O thou one only Power Creator and Preserver of all things and who hast endowed this Herb that I now gather with an inward and secret Vertue bless the Vse thereof to A. B. that he may by its sweet Influences and thy Blessing be restored unto perfect Health of the Body and Soul But note that our Physicians or Brachmans do not keep nor observe a constant Method either of Numbers nor Words they always vary according to the Dictates of the good Demon for the Oracle of our Souls will always imitate God and Nature whose variety is not to be comprehended by any
humane Number in which wonderful variety consists the highest degrees of unity Therefore Man should not put Locks on the Doors of his Spirit for nothing hurts the holy Powers so much as to fix them in constant methods For this cause Herbs and Medicines have not such efficacy and power to Cure Diseases and Infirmities as some of the Philosophers and Physicians talk of they fixing certain Vertues in them and so they administer them having no regard to the power of the Soul nor to the present Dictates of the good Demon its Son so that the Herb or Medicine is dead and without Life and Spirit But on the other side when he that administers observes the Voice and Dictates of the Spirit or Light of Mens Hearts then the Medicine or Herb becomes full of Life and hath a wonderful Operation and Cures to an high degree This is the method we and our Followers observe in the Practice of Physick always following the Directions of our good Demon which leads us into as great variety as there is of Creatures in the Animal Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms or four Worlds And though we Cure even to a Miracle with Sage or Balm yet for the same or like Distemper we are led or directed to some other Herb or Thing at another time by our good Angel therefore we esteem it a great Sin to observe certain methods and to kill Men by outward Authority No all our Authority and Power is from our Souls and good Angels which Men ought to consult in all difficulties We do also make great use of the Number three as being a holy Number and a Number of Perfection and most powerful not only in Medicine but also in Religion We also prefer the Number Four it being endued with great Power and Vertue being as it were the Foundation and Root of other Numbers as well of Artificial Things as Natural and Divine The Number Five stands us in great stead in all our Magical Operations this Number is as it were the Birth of the Son and Daughter of Light and a Flame of Love and is the wonderful Perfection and Virtue in all Operations and some of our Fathers have entitled it the Number of Wedlock and of Justice This Number does contain many great Mysteries which aptly used are of good success The Number Six is also of great use and is a Number of Perfection in all the Magical and Sympathetical Operations of Nature Also the Number Seven has no less Vertue and Power than the other and of which all our Fathers have made great observation in Sacred Things in which Numbers all Mysteries are most compleat The Number Eight our Fathers have made great use of and they call it the Number of Justice and Fulness Note also that the Number Nine is of great Vertue both in Medicines and Religion and in all Magical Operations There are also many other Numbers that are of great use and benefit to all that live Innocent Lives and observe God's Law in Nature for Man is in Nature and therefore he must work and penetrate into the inward Mysteries of God's Law by the power of his Soul and light thereof This O King is some part of our methods in the Practice of Physick We dare not in this place discourse of our Secret and Divine Magick nor of the wonderful things that are performed by the power of Sympathy and Antipathy the publishing thereof is forbidden us but this is sufficient to the wise and he that understands how to practice and apply these Rules and Methods here set down is not far from the great and most Secret Knowledge distinguishing the good Powers of God the true understanding of which is the highest degree both of Divine and Natural Magick An Extract of some of the Precepts and Rules that Pythagoras Recommended to his Disciples and Followers O Thou doubly compounded Man fram'd of an Earthly Body influenced by an Immortal Soul convert the Eye of thy Understanding inward study thy self and thou shalt know the wonderful Powers and Qualities God has implanted in thee Thou art the Similitude the Resemblance of all Powers Worlds and Elements In thee the true Natures and Properties of all Created Beings are contained Thou art the Son and Off-spring of all Worlds both Material and Immaterial whereby thou Vertually containest and Symbolically representest the Essences and Qualities of them all For the Great Creator has indued every Being with an Influential Vertue and Vice but more especially thee O Man By which means there is a Secret and Sympathetick Operation and Working of one Body on another For which cause we Command and Recommend to our Disciples and Children I. Temperance and an Abstinence from all Hurtful Things in Eating Drinking and Communication That they keep themselves Clean and Unpolluted Besides we have a particular regard to the great Law of Retaliation to which man must submit either in this or the other World This is the Law of Justice by which all must be tried and none can be exempted Which is the Original Ground and Reason of our Prohibition of Killing Living Creatures and Eating Unclean Foods II. The Gods are not only the Creators but the Preservers of all Creatures and none can enter into the Regions of Bliss but such as observe the Rules of Justice and in all Things imitate them For whosoever opposes them must be compelled to undergo the Severity of Retaliation seeing every thing is moved by a Sympathetick Motion and Inclination and not according to Sence as some vainly imagine but according to God's Eternal Law in Nature and her secret Operation III. The Heavens Sun Moon Stars and all the Elements distil their genuine Influences and prolifick Vertues on all Creatures The most inferior have an equal share in the benefit of those Immortal Preserving Powers according to the Capacity of their Nature So that to obtain their Favour we must of necessity be like them in our Works and Communications IV. We likewise forbid all manner of Violence and Murder not only of those of our own Kind and Species but likewise of all inferior Animals For no Man can do the Work of the Spightful Powers but he must at the same time enter with his Will into their Qualities which have an innate power to advance all kind of Cruelty darkening the Soul and rendring it apt and ready to receive and embrace the Suggestions and Impressions of evil Demons making it a Companion of all the Rapacious Beasts of the Wilderness which we call a double and treble falling from the heighth of Good to the fathomless Abyss of Evil cloathing the Soul with a Bestial Body the Essences whereof will stick to it in Eternity For this Practice is contrary to the Laws of Creation and Preservation 't is Man only by a whimsical Conceit that makes the distinction and not the holy Powers for the Imaginary Security of himself and the Maintenance of Society V. Houses and Hospitals sufficiently endowed must be
down the Inhumane Doctor 's nasty Pills 〈…〉 ●renches Cordials Jul●●●● and 〈◊〉 when the Cur●●●ight abundantly better with more Ease and less Charge be effectually Accompl●sht The Indian Physicians did strictly forbid this Abominable Practice And the Wise Brachmans ●●d Bannians do in all such cases advise Fasting and 〈◊〉 their Patients to take very little if any thing besides Conjieu which is nothing but Water and Rice boiled together which Liquor the Sick constantly drin●● they adm●● not of any sor● of Fruit 〈◊〉 Currans and interdict the use of all sorts of Spice as permcious to ●●e Stomach by reason that they heat the Blood and are hard of Digestion But what shall we say These are so inveterate by Custom and strengthened by Interest that it is hardly to be expected that Reason shou'd convince the worst part of Mankind Thus Metrodorus you see the Vanity of an old Man who had at any time rather be thought Impertinent than Ungrateful which has been the only reason of venturing thus far on this Subie●t If the Gods give Life and Leisure to write to you again you shall have an Account of the Opinions and Prescriptions of a certain sort of People to whom a greater Respect is due than to my self It hath been my Folly to venture hitherto who am look'd upon as an Infidel where I live and am alone beholden to the favourable Opinion of some Persons who have surmounted the little difficulties of Prejudice and common Education and by their own single Vertue establish'd to themselves a Character above the common Level for all the Reputation I possess For to deal plainly with you my Friends have better Sentiments of me than I dare own and such as would make me blush but that I have Learnt the difference betwixt Affection and Flattery Farewel Dated Corduba 1150. Metrodorus HAving of late had some Respite from Business I remembred my Promise to you which I have at last performed I have here sent you an account of the Practice of the Indian Brachmans They are a sort of Philosophers for whom I have ever had a great Esteem for as much as I have observed them very nearly to follow Nature in most of her Prescriptions A Method that I highly Approve and shall therefore Recommend to you some Observations of theirs perhaps not unworthy your Meditation First then for the Method they use with their Women during the time of their Impregnation Lying in and giving Suck Their First Precept is That they be very Exact and Punctual as to the quantity and quality of their Food and that they drink nothing but pure Water as it comes from the Spring They command them to eat at set Meals viz. about Eight in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon For when the Worlds great Eye the Sun that Centre of Heat hath mounted the Meridian they command all Labouring People to rest and abstain from eating and drinking especially Women with Child For that the Sun does forcibly open the passages of Nature exhaling the Spirituous Vertues from whence proceed Wind and Vapours c. but about Four Afternoon they allow a greater Liberty for a full Meal for the Evening being cool they have a considerable time to digest their Food the greatest part of that time being allotted for Rest They likewise advise a due Fasting and at some times to abate in the quality and at others increase it again Also to give Nature that which is most like her self viz. variety of Foods but this at several Meals and not all at one time seeing that the Humane Nature is allied to all things and compounded of Variety On the other hand they affirm That a due Abstinence infinitely conduces to an healthy and happy Life It fines the Spirits cleanseth the passages frees the Circu●●tions from gross Matter and Obstructions confirms the Faculties of the Mind rendring them fit for the Contemp●ation of Wisdom and Vertue They command their Women to Labour and Exercise gently Morning and Afternoon in regard that it will contribute as much to their Off-springs Health as their own and deliver them from the trouble of all Windy Diseases and Vapours with which many Women are so extreamly afflicted They Recommend Silence to their Women as a Noble Vertue It makes the Mind sedate grave and thinking strengthening all the Powers thereof whereby they become more considerate and better able to endure the Inconveniences they may meet with For the Spirits of Women are naturally more Volatile than those of Men so that much Talking doth spend and wast them weaken the whole Constitution and beget swelling angry Humours equally prejudicial to the Child as to the Mother For there is an extraordinary Sympathy between them upon which account the greater care is to be taken They also commend Chearfulness a Pleasantness both of Mind and Manners to their Women for they affirm the Composition of the Elements in Women are of a more fine and softer Nature than in Men for which cause they are more subjected to Passions apter to Love or Hate and consequently sooner and more deeply wounded both in Mind and Body Wherefore their Priests teach them several Divine and Moral Songs Hymns of Praise c. Believing that Musick hath a certain secret power of moderating and composing the Pathetick Motions of the Soul rendring the Mind more equal in their Operations If any of their Women chance to have 〈◊〉 swelled ●r●●sts or Tumors they r●ach them to make this following Po●●tice which they esteem to have an Universal Tendency and Effect Viz. Ta●● Rice and boil it in Water and when it becomes thick and soft they take a bitter Herb called Tantaraboys cut it small and mix it with the Rice adding to a Quart of this Two Ounces of good Sugar and apply it to the Sore Ten or Twelve times in Twenty-four Hours which gives Ease the first time and in a few Days heals the Distemper They have a great Opinion of Sugar taking it to be one of the greatest Balsams in the World if mixed with proper Ingredients and will often apply it alone to Cuts Sores and Wounds When the Brachmans do administer any Inward Medicines they do it all by Numbers affirming That God hath made all things by Number Weight and Measure Thus you see Metrodorus I have hinted a few Observations of the Brachmans in reference to their Women I shall only subjoin somewhat concerning their Method of Educating their Children and so endeavour to bring this Letter to a Period The first Thing they suggest and insinuate into their Children after they can speak is That God hath Endued Mankind with Three Demons or Spirits that like Three Kings make War and are in continual strife who shall obtain the Dominion over the whole Body which they properly call an Inward Warfare The first Spirit is of the Nature of that Great Celestial Body called Saturn from whence Originally proceed Avarice Calumny Malice Pride Envy Violence c. But from the second
Creatures which was the station he was made and ordained for and to be a Co-worker with his Creator in all Friendliness Love Compassion Mercy and doing unto all as ●●ch would be done unto But Man departing with his Will and Desires out and from this Glorious State of Unity and Concord into all the contrary qualities viz. into inequality discord fierceness and wrath by which he forfeited the Grand Charter or Law of his Creator and so quickly dispossessed himself of all the good Properties and Powers his Creator had endued him with by which he is now become an Enemy not only of himself but also of all ●reated Beings He Curses and Destroys all and all Creature Curse him and the Evil Wishes ●f these Creatures do not proceed fr●m them causlesly and therefore they very often take effect and powerfully draw down the Thunder-bolts of Vengeance on their guilty Heads For that Great and Natural Law of Retaliation will have its Operation and take place either in this World or that which is to come whatever some may vainly fancy to the contrary Therefore they do Command all their Disciples and Followers to forbear all Violence Oppression and Killing for the Infinite Deity delights not in Man-slaughter Strife Wars and Contention enter not into his Tabernacle Our Creator does accept of the Practices of every one that does well and imitates him in well-doing for he is equal in all his Methods and causeth the blessed and glorious Body the Sun to shine on the Just and Unjust and commands the 〈…〉 of the Celestials to 〈◊〉 ●pon all The Blessings of the Four Worlds are equally distri●uted to all Creatures Inferiours have a● equal Privilege ●●th the Superiours he only preserves and ●ustains the Universal System of Nature by the Hand of his 〈◊〉 s●read Providence 〈◊〉 they 〈…〉 all 〈◊〉 in them lies to be like him God will not Oppress nor Kill therefore they will not He gives Life and does also preserve that Life his Love a●d Compassion are by his good Powers 〈◊〉 unto all 〈◊〉 this cause th●● will not strike hurry hunt oppress kill 〈◊〉 violate any of those good Laws God has ordained for th● preservation of his Off-spring firmly believing That if they do by their Practices of Life precipitate themselves into Oppression and Violence that they must undergo the severe Law of Retaliation either in this Life or that which is to come If they do wrong or unlawfully take any thing from their Neighbour they are obliged to return threefold which is a full pardon for the Injury done And the great Law of Nature is thereby fulfilled and consequently the Sin pardoned 〈…〉 hunt oppress or kill any of 〈◊〉 Creatures what Satisfaction can we 〈◊〉 in this World Therefore th●●● great Evils that cannot be recom●en●e● here must of necessity be 〈◊〉 on the Soul and Spirit in the World to come there to be recompence● according to the Merits of the Evil ●nd therefore they believe that all that have unjustly Ruled in this World shall certainly in the Life to come be punished with a Bestial or Servil● state and condition and they that have polluted themselves with the Blood of their own kind their Souls shall enter violent furious Men of untractable Dispositions that shall Live Miserably and Die by the Fury of War and Humour of Princes But such as have by continual Violence Oppressed and Killed the Unrevengeful Animals their Souls and Spirits shall be precipitated and revolved into the most Sava●e ●nd Brutish Bodies All such as 〈…〉 in the Wrathful and Sensual 〈…〉 do in the next World arise wild Beasts all according to the Nature of the 〈…〉 what qualities soever it 〈…〉 such a Body it attracts ●nd cloaths i● self with Therefore none in the Life to come arise Men but only such as have retained Humane Property that have been Merciful and done Justice unto all Creatures such pass immediately into the Regions of Glory and Sing the holy Songs of Peace others who have Lived mixed Lives compounded of good and evil who have been Merciful to Man and Beast and at other times they have committed Evils and Oppressed God's Creatures so that for the good which they have done they enter into middle Regions where they are purged from those Evils they le●t unrepented of in which time they make full Retaliation Such Souls the Prayers and good Wishes of Innocent Men do mightily help and comfort and consequently shorten the time ●● Retaliation For the Prayers of good and 〈◊〉 People have power to break open all Principles and whensoever it find● 〈◊〉 simile it incorporates and the good Powers a●● strengthened thereby For all God's Powers both in the Internal and External Worlds are moved by Sympathy or Likeness for Inequality and Discord cannot move Equality therefore the good Wishes and Prayers of Obstinate Revengeful and Contentious Men do not avail the Deceased Soul who is past into the middle Regions for Purgation and who with great earnestness presseth towards the ●ood and therefore no Prayers nor Wishes can profit such Souls but only such as proceed from Innocent Just ●●en for every Word Wish and Prayer hath power only to penetrate into and open the Gate of its own Fountain that is Evil Mens Wishes and Prayers penetrate and open the Fountain of Wrath and strengthen it and on the co●●rary the good Wishes and Prayers of the 〈◊〉 Innocent Man have 〈…〉 into Heaven and all good o● whatever ●● like it self for the Celestial Powers and Properties of 〈◊〉 Internal Nature are not only moved ●●●ned ●● incorporated by sence and ●●●son as amongst Men no but by Concord Equality and Harmony And for this cause we do so earnestly and with so great pains and diligence press our Children and Disciples to enter with their Wills and Desires into Innocency and Well-doing being confirmed in this great Truth viz. That Men cannot draw nigh nor become one with the Fountain of Benignity nor be heard of the Soveraig●● Being but as we become like unto him for every Like is moulded by its Likeness Blood requires Blood 〈◊〉 the Merciful shall obtain Mercy from the God of Peace and Compassions For these and the like Reasons we have for many Generations totally abstained from all Violence Oppression and Killing either of Men or Beasts for every thing both in the good and also in the evil do as naturally and as pow●●●●lly stir up and strengthen its own ●r●perty as the Loadstone attracts Iron We do likewise firmly believe and it is one of our principal Points of Doctrine which we teach our Disc●●les viz. That if any Man do suffer his Will and Desire to enter into the Practice of Vanity Oppression Violence and Killing both Men and Beasts be it under what pretence it will such do precipitate themselves into the divided Powers of Nature viz. into harshness fierceness wrath and savage bestiality by which they lose Humane Property and grow hard-hearted cruel and sordid having no
thing I find to be matter of Complaint against us is our practice of Singing contrary to common Usage and Custom nor do I know any grounds for Admiration except that the Consent and Joyfulness of our Sufferings may create Wonder in our Persecutors We are perswaded that the Soul of Man when rightly tuned that is not misguided by Passion nor swayed by Interest is a perfect Composition of Harmony Musick is endued with wonderful Excellencies and equal Parts not only of the Celestials but also of the Terrestrials For numerous Sounds digested into pleasant Songs do wonderfully quicken the inward Faculties and by a soft and natural Inclination and Sympathetick Attraction allure and unite all the Vertues and good Powers and its influence is so great when it proceeds from a well-tuned and composed Mind that it does not only change the Affections Intentions Gestures Motions Actions and Dispositions but it imposeth its own Harmonious Properties both on the Singers and the Hearers It pacifies the disorder of the Spirits not only of Men but even affects Birds and Beasts Wild Indian Elephants are tamed by Melodious Voices yea the Elements themselves submit to their power Do not labouring People sing to mitigate the Toil of their Employments for Harmony chears and refreshes the Animal Spirits causing an equal Operation of all the Qualities which in all respects forrifie Nature and at the same time chase away dull sordid Thoughts and Saturnine Humours rendring the Body and Mind capable to receive Divine Impressions Musick is a sure and constant Friend to Health and many times we have known Diseases give place to its salutiferous strains by a Magical Power and Sweet Violence raising all that is good into equality by moderating the Affections and composing the Mind Harmony is the true Musick of the Spheres acquainting Mankind with the Sympathetical Concord of the Universe that Golden Chain which unites Heaven and Earth It is the true Entertainment of Man's Soul fitting and preparing the Mind to understand both Divine and Humane Mysteries likewise our Preservation and Salvation in this World and in that which is to come do consist in a Harmonious Disposition of Parts Now our Songs are both Prayers and Praises to our Creator for his Infinite Goodness and Mercy Sleep is as it were a transitory Death during the Body's natural repose having shaken off for that time the Fetters of the gross Senses And while the Spirits are upon the Wing and as it were in the Suburbs of Eternity the holy Demons or good Angels and Spirits have their secret Intercourses with our Souls by whom as we are found worthy they open and communicate the Divine Mysteries to such as have submitted themselves to the Government of the Innocent Harmonious Powers as I said before Sleep is a transitory Death in which state there is no progression or passing of time perceived by our Senses and if we pass away into Eternal Regions we esteem it a Blessing and all our Fathers say That an easie Death is a Favour from the Powers of Heaven as being nearest equality therefore we sing out our Prayers and Praises to our Creator and as much as in us lies do keep our selves sensible and mindful that we may expect to be called out of this World every moment also that our Dreams may be Equal and Harmonious for Dreams and Visions are the greatest and clearest Arguments of the Immortality of our Souls and the only way and means whereby our Creator does vouchsafe to reveal and communicate his Secrets to the Sons of Wisdom It is also to be noted that our Songs being composed of equal Parts and being impregnated by the Vertue and Power of our Minds they do by a mutual Consent and Agreement compose and unite all that is good by a Sympathetical Inclination which renders us capable of the holy Unity These are the Reasons O King that mov'd us to Recommend Musick and Singing to our Disciples the good and innocent Effect whereof we have oftentimes and abundantly experienc'd An Account of a Personal Discourse between Pythagoras the Indian King and his Gymnosophists asserting the Truth of his Doctrine as 〈◊〉 as found in an Ancient Latin Manuscript attested by Averroes own Hand AS soon as the King of India heard that Pythagoras was come to Court he ordered his high Chamberlain to provide convenient Lodgings for him and his Companions and assigned him a Day when he would give him Audience of what he had further to alledge in defence of those Doctrines he had Preached in his Kingdoms particularly touching that Precept of his forbidding to eat Flesh or use any other manner of Violence towards these innocent and harmless Creatures The appointed Day being come and the King seated on his Royal Throne with many of his Courtiers and Gymnosophists about him Pythagoras was order'd to approach and the King received him after this manner Pythagoras we are assured as well by thy Letters to us as also by the reports of divers Persons that thou art a very Learned Man we have therefore thought fit to send for thee to our Court that we might have some Personal Discourse with thee We declare unto thee that we do not approve of taking up things upon Trust and are utterly unwilling to encourage a Practice meerly because it has been customary But to us it seems strange that thou shouldst teach our People absolutely to abstain from eating of Flesh and to forbear that Noble and Ancient Pastime of Hunting the first Exercise of Young Heroes and that which fits them for the attempting all Warlike and Glorious Actions contributing as well to the Improvement of the Mind as to the Strength and Agility of the Body calling it a Cruel and Inhumane Recreation altogether unbecoming the Dignity of Humane Nature Let us then freely hear thy Reasons convince us if thou canst Pythagoras and we our selves shall readily become thy Disciple After which Pythagoras thus began his Discourse May it please your Majesty we have in our defence two potent Enemies to Encounter Common Opinion and Ancient Custom I am not at all insensible how difficult it is to prevail upon prejudiced Minds and to perswade Mankind from the Practice of those things they have ever believ'd and used But what we are now about to prove is not Built upon the Authority of any Tradition but is the result of pure Truth and Light darted upon the Understanding by the Friendly Operation of the Creator's Spirit viz. upon the Souls of as many as have learnt to preserve the Original Principle in them in observing the Dictates of God's Law ●n Nature The Composition of Man at first was all Love and Sweetness it was by the malicious Suggestion and powerful Instigation of the Evil Demon that Wrath Contention Fierceness and Cruelty set up their Throne in the World For Man having estranged himself from the Fountain of Benignity became a violent Enemy to his Fellow-Creatures and having by his evil Practices degenerated from