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A16588 The hurte of hering masse. Set forth by the faithfull seruau[n]t of god [and] constant marter of Christ. IhonĖ„ Bradforth, whe[n] he was prisoner in the Tower of London Bradford, John, 1510?-1555. 1561 (1561) STC 3494; ESTC S109668 38,185 86

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harte praye with dauid oh lorde knytt and enforce my harte truelye to feare thee c As nowe out of the furste table I haue shewed that euery commaundemendemente their in is broken by hearinge seynge Masse for there is no cōmaundemente broken but the fyrst commaundemente is broken to fore so could I shew out of the second table that it is a breach of all and euerye commaundementes there it confyrmeth the magistrate in hys euell when he seeth men wythout gaynesaying obeye his lawe as though it were good and godlye so that they whiche heare masse at the commaundemente of the magistrate ar partakers also of the magystrates euyl by their disobedience to god in this point confyrmyng y e lawe for if they wold disalowe it and obeye god more then man giuing theyr heades to the blocke rather then to heare or see masse it wold not be but as the wycked lawe wolde be infyrmed so the magistrates wold call the matter into a further inquirie and so the truth to take place Agayne it is a murtherynge of the soule and the masse mungers are procurers and a betters of other to faule into the destrution of their soules Moreouer theyr baudes to bring the spouses of Christe to be come Sathans whores Besydes this they that are masse-hunters are receyuers and concealers of thefte and spoylinge of christ and his glorye yea vndoubtelye they are treatours giltye of hygh treason ageynste god Last of all they are false wyttenesses againg their neighboures against goddes church as though the masse church were y e catholyke churche yea ageinste Chryste and hys warde by theyr going to masse therebye wyttenessynge the masse to be a true seruyce of god and a badge of hys churche wher there owne conciences saye they lye and so condemneth them As for the laste commaundement of lustinge in that the same is an inwarde thinge as the furste commaundemente is and this whiche I spake of namelye goinge to the masse is an outward acte I can not therfore well applye it to thē albeit to saye the truth ther is no synne counted outwardlye but these .2 comemaundementes the fyrste and the last are broken before the synne come to the knowledge of any man And thus it is playne enough I trow the hearinge or seynge of Masse although in spirite it be aborred is no smale synne but suche a synne as breaketh all goddes lawe generallye and euerye commaundemente perticularlye oh then howe greuouse a synne is this looke well on it my deare brethren to whom thys my semple counsell shall come in the tender mercies of god I beseche you If he that contineweth not in all thinges wrytten in goddes lawe be accursed Halas howe terriblie is he accursed that contineweth in nothing but is a transgresser in all thynges And suche be popyshe protestauntes masse gospellers or as they woulde be called bodelye masse mungers and spirytuall gospellers Now although this which I haue occasioned to be marked out of the decaloge or ten commaundemētes be enough for this matter yet wyll I hear to adde some moo reasons or at leste occasion men so to do by collectinge and gatherynge dyuers sentences in suche breuytie as I can 1 He that is not wyth me is againste me sayeth our sauioure and he that gathereth not wyth me scattereth abrode Now in that the masse is neither christ nor in any poynte wyth hym but of all thinges on earth most a geynst hym as before I haue shewed lette them marke what they doo by this sentence of christe that goo to Masse and if they bee not wylfull blinde they shall see y t they arr against christ that is antichristes in this pointe and gather with y e deuel 2 Woo be to him sayth the truth by whom an offēce doth come that is whiche doth or sayeth any thing wherby ony are iustlie occasioned to euell letted to do good or confirmed in ther naughtye doctringe and customes It were better for suche yf chryst saye trulye to haue a mylstone hanged aboute theyr necke and to be cast into the bottome of the sea And wyll you yet go to masse then to occason others to go wyth you to let the godlye whiche wolde not goo yf you wente not to contyrme the papystes in their Idolatrye 3. Paule wylleth vs to gloryfie god in oure soules and our bodies aswell requyringe the bodye to be applyed to the settinge fourth of goddes glorye as the soule and no meruel for god hath made it is temple that his holye spirite shulde dwell therin and gaue hys preciouse bloude also therfore that it myght be in eternall felycitie wyth the soule yea he hath coupled our fleshe in hym selfe vnto hys god hedde to be one person one chryst god man so greate is the dygnitie therof and therfore full worthely warneth paule that we shuld kepe our selues clene from all that which wolde stayne not the spirite onelye but y e flesh and bodie also so that a man w t halfe an eye maye see the masse sayers and seers in bodye though the spirite be absent lytle to consyder what they do 4 Paule wolde not allow a christē to come to y ● table in the idolles temple lest therby the weake brother might perish And wolde he allowe commynge too masse trowe you whiche is an other maner of mater 5 If that the thing were indefferente or lawfull to be presente at masse in bodye in mynde disalowing it yet in that thende of our lybertye is not what wee maye dooe but what is best to be done what most edyfyeth seynge y t goinge to masse is so farre from edifyeng that it destroieth easely maye wee se that it is not to be vsed 6 But halas this is farre from lawfull It is a bee hauen an house of iniquitie paule wylleth that they that cal on the name of the lorde shulde departe frō iniquitie and how then shuld they com to masse if they shuld departe from it 7 If I shulde buylde vp agayne that whiche I pulled downe I thē shuld make my selfe an offēder saieth the apostle what be they then y t now by going to masse build it vp againe which by goig from it and speking against it haue holpen to pull it downe 8 What agremente is there betwene lyght and darkenes what concord is w t christ and belyall wyth the Chrysten and the popes minion the masse I meane wyth the temple of god and ydolles sayeth paule wherfore come awaie from the masse sayeth the lord and separate your selues from them that come to it and I wyll receaue you 9 Paule wolde haue the Corinthians to shoone the companye of whoremongers and Idolatriers ▪ and wyll he lycence now them to come and company with massers in theer chefest Idolatrie This were to make paules preachinge not yea yea and naye naye but yea and naye 10 If any man come vnto you sayth S.
Iohn and bringe not this doctrine with him you shal not so much as great hym lest you be pertakers of hys euell And what doctrine is more contrarye to god and his gospell then is the masse The masse sayers then and approuers shulde not wee seke to which maye not receiue them if they shuld seke vnto vs excepte we wolde comunycate wyth theyr euyll 11 No man that putteth his hand to the plough and looketh backe is mete for gods kingdome muche moore then are we vnmeate therfore if wee I saye not loke backe but runne and go backe to see and heare that whiche iustlye we haue forsaken 12. What happened to Core and his allowers that he shuld take on hym the preisthode withoute callyng and wyll nothing happen to our arrogante massers that without callyng take vpō thē Christes preisthode to such as allowe and seme to allowe them Rede the historye Numery 16 13. Ihon the Euangelyst durst not tarye in the house where Cerinthus y t Heretike was whiche denyed chrystes manhod and indede the house fell and flewe hym all that euer remayned in the house with hym And shall not wee feare goddes vengaunce to be in companye at Masse with her mynions which denye christ both god and man making ther owne handie worke as good as he yea he hym selfe saye theye 14 Oh deafe eares that wyl not hear the blast of y e Angells trompe warning vs to come frō amonges theis whorishe Babylonians bellie god massemōgers lest we peryshe with them 15 Lothes wyfe looked but backe and was turned in to a salte stone And so are the hartes of our popishe protestaūtes I feare me hardened from fearyng god in that that they looke yea go backe agayne to theyr sodomiticall minion 16. The good father Mathathias wold in no poynt dissemble as though he had worshipped but our Masse Gospellers are farre vnlike to hym 17. We praye to be delyuered frō euel Libera nos a malo and yet we knowing the masse to be euell resort vnto it 18. What so euer is not of faith is sinn but to goo see or hear masse though but in bodye is not of faith for fayth hangeth on goddes word and goddes word is not herefore Therfore it is synne 19. Happie is he that condemneth not hym selfe in that thing which he alloweth marke by the cōtrarie whether our masse gospellers are not vnhappye and accursed by Paules iudgement 20. Halting sayeth the Apostel hindereth yea bringeth out of the waye And what other thing is it to go to masse in bodye and to be awaye in spirite but a playne haltynge a seruinge of two masters whiche noone can doo if Chryste be trew 21. Yf Iohn were iudge theis bodelie Massers shuld drinke w t theyr brethern the Baalites Read the historye and see whether he iudged not of their outward comming whose seruaūtes they were 22. Ae that denieth christ before men shalbe of hym denyed before god But masse hearers denye christe before men in faict dede although in tongue they professe otherwise Therfore I aduise them to take better heede rede Titus 1 and there shall you see y e denyeng christ is in faicte as well as in wordes 23. S. Paule to the beleife of the hart requireth the confession of the mouth houbeit our popishe protestauntes thinke this nedes not But yet Christe saith he that is asshamed of me that is of my true religion gospell before this faith lesse generation I wylde asshamed of hym before the Angelles of god in heauen Oh heauy sentence 24. He that toucheth pitche shalbe defiled ther with saieth Salomō And shal not there bodyes be somthyng smytted with the fylthynes of the masse that honest it with theyr presence 25. If in thold lawe the touching of a carion defyled hym that touched it at the least for a dayes space In that ther is noo caryon so stynkynge in goddes syght as the Masse let them that goeth to it how soeuer he be mynded knowe y t he is defiled so foule that all y e holye water in Rome Parys and London cannat purge hym ther from 26 Vnto these our Popishe protestātes I can not but saye as Helias sayd how long wil you halte on both knees if god be god folow him if the Masse be god goddes ordynaunce followe it 27 When Helias lamented y t all was gone a straye but he all were defyled w t Baal although in hart ther were many hated bal as thei thought wold haue cōfessed if Iezabell had not bene God said y t he had left .7000 which had not vowed ther knee to Baal he saith not which in harte hate Baal but which hath not bowed their knee to baall of y e outward signe demonstratinge his seruauntes And so now let vs not thinke good brotherne any to be his true worshipers but suche as not onelye in hart but also in dede deteste the Masse 28 S. Paule willeth vs to seperat ourselues from such as teach other doctrin and wyll not consent to the sounde doctrine of our sauiour Iesus christ wherfore in that the Massers teache an other doctrine thē christ or his Apostles euer taught and by theyr Massinge departe from the sound doctryne of Iesus christ by godddes commaundemēt we must separate our selues from them as no part of christes catholike church bragge thei therof neuer so muche 29 Peter wold that we being an holie people shulde be pure not in a peece but in all our conuersacion Paule wolde that we shulde absteiue ab omni specie mala from al apparaunce of euel being as light or Lanternes in the meddest of a froward generatiō and not darkenes as y t be And how maie this be for south by holding fast the worde of god and folowing it for so he teacheth there Rede the place 30 Azarias his .ii. companions knew they could not but displease god if with any owtwarde shewe they shulde haue semed to allowe the Idol Nabugodonozer caused to be set vp and therfore hazarded the fyer which our Masse gospellers will not doo to altar and turne the Quenes harte as by theys .iii. not obeyng Nabugodonozers precept god turned his harte 31 The bodye shal not be partaker of y e sentence geuen to the soule in iudgemēt of that wherof in this lyef it is not partaker with the spirite and soule This is Tertullians reason liber de resurrrexcione earnis 32. Yf thyne eye be single and trewe fayth in thyne harte then all thy bodye and actions can not but be pure But if they be darke it is a token thine eye and light with in thee to be darkenes This argueth saith to faith in thē which file theyr bodies in beyng presēt at the masse for as it is impossible light to be in an house and not to shewe it selfe at the slyfiers doore and wyndowes
maye none kysse and yet chryst bad them all drynke of it so is his wyll But our papystes haue an other wyll whiche the masse mongers wyll more wyllinglye followe then goddes wyll Christ neuer mente that one shuld receyue the sacramente more for an other then he wolde one shulde be baptysed for an other I wolde wyshe the masse preistes were a while in corporal fode so serued as they serue theyr brethren in spirituall foode I meane that the people shulde dyne suppe for them a nother whyle to see if that wolde feede them Oh that men had as great a feelyng of the hunger of the soule as they haue of the hungre of the bodye surelye they wolde not then be thus mocked But bycause herein I wolde but touche and goo this shal suffyce to the dyligente for an occasion to see y e masse to be a let yea an ouerthrow of Chrystes institucion concernynge his supper For now people thinke they serue god in comminge to se the sacramente But if they knewe they despleasyd god yf they gaue not them selues to the often and diligente receyuing it wyth reuerence as dyuers canons cōpell and the doctors crye out therof the masse whiche marreth all coulde not be in place For it can not be but either the masse must dryue awaye the ryghtvse of the Lordes Supper or the lordes supper ryghtlie vsed must dryue awaye the masse For the lordes supper rightly vsed is when the congregacion gatherred together receyueth the sacramente in both kyndes as christ instituted But the masse is when one prieste lyke a churle choppeth vp all alone and blesseth the congregacion wyth the emptie chalice saynge Ite missa est After the popes ordynance The one of these two can not but drye awaye the other as experience teacheth vs agayne heare in Englande a iust punishmente for oure vnthankfulnes and horrible contempte of suche an heauenlye banket we were but swyne and therfore not meete that suche a perle shulde longe be put before vs. The stynkyng masse wyth the garlyke and onyons of Egypt were a thousande partes more mete for vs then goddes pure manna wherin was all kynde of heauenlye taste Oh lorde forgyue vs be mercifull vnto vs and when thi good wyll shalbe ones more put vs in trust with thy māna againe we wyl no more murmur good lorde but w t thankfulnes and diligence fyl vp our Gomerres daylye tyll wee come into the lande of promyse thy heuenly rest and ioye I wyll not nowe speke how that the sacrament in the masse vsed to an other purpose and ende then christ ordeined it yea to an ende cleane contrarie as alredye I haue shewed is no more christes sacramente but a deuelyshe Idoll euen as if a man shulde carye aboute w t hym or before hym the water of baptisme as though the holye goste were there enclosed and so nowe new mē to worship the water This which hitherto I haue spoken shall serue to geue men occasion to waye with them selues how great detestable an euyll the masse is We see plainlye that it is ageinste christ him selfe ageinst his preisthode so his kingdome ageinst his death sacrifice so ageinst our redempcion ageinst his worshippe true seruice ageinst faith ageinst praier repētaunce y e ministeri of gods word ageinst his ordinaūce instituciō cōmaūdemēt gospel I pray you what cā be worse thē such an one if euer ther was idoll who seeth not this to be beelzebub the cheife of al ydolles If euer Antichrist had chylde or doughter this masse is y e moste pestilence and perniciouse vnder the name of chryst it destroyeth christe vnder the tytle of goddes seruyce it destroyeth goddes seruyce vnder the colour of the churche it destroieth the churche If Christ be deare yf his death be deare yf his kyngdome and presthod be deare yf his seruice be deare yf faith be deare yf his worde commaundemente mynysterye be deare In that this y e masse I meane is agaynst thē all horreblelye it can not be deare or tollerable in anye wyse but detestable and monstruouse vnto vs all that loue Christ and be christians in dede and that so muche more horrible execrable monstruouslye and vtter detestablye by howe muche it vnder the coloure of a frinde to Chryste and hys Churche is a mooste rancke and cruell enemye and therfore of none shulde be allowed no of none shulde be but detested not onelye in spirite for y t is well knowen but also in bodye as nowe I wyll proue by goddes grace Furst out of the .2 commaundement Thou shalte not make to the c. This precepte forbiddeth al kinde of outward Idolatrie to this ende that goddes true worshyppe inwardlye and outwardlye myght be obserued But now the masse is an outwarde Idoll and the seruice of god thear vsed is Idolatrye Therfore they whiche are presente at the masse honesting it wyth theyr corporall presence as all they do whiche being there do not in open and exterior faicte publyklye dysalowe the same theye I saye are open and manyfest Idolatrers and incurre the daunger of Idolatrye that is goddes heauy wrath and eternall damnacyon whiche thinge I trowe be notryfie but to foolles whiche make sinne a thinge of nothing how be it I thinke best to make this more playne That the seconde commaundement Thou shalte not make to thy selfe anye grauē Image c. speaketh of outward Idolatrie as the fyrst Thou shalt haue noone other goddes c. Speketh of inwarde Spirituall Idolatrye I truste all men of any knowledge easely perceyue For when god in the furste commaundement hath tolde vs what he is vnto vs euen oure lorde and oure god wyth all that euer he is and hathe for he that gyueth hym selfe to be ours geueth all that euer he hath to be ours also then of equitee he requireth that we shulde be content wyth hym and geue oure selues to hym to be hys wyth all that euer we haue and therfore fyrste we shulde haue none other goddes but he that is we shulde trust in none loue none feare none cal vpō none worship none but onely hym which El Schaddai an omni sufficyent god Iehouah vnto vs. Nowe bycause man consisteth of .2 partes the soule and the bodye in that the lorde doth geue hym selfe wholye vnto vs to be oure lorde and god he wyll that we gyue our selfes hoolye vnto him to be his people And therforeas in the fyrst commaundemente he wholye demaundeth the soule wyll vnder stangynge and harte that is our fayth feare loue thankefulnes inuocasion inwarde adoracion or worshippynge to be gyuen to hym onelye and for hys sake as he shall appoynte So in the seconde commaundement Thou shalte not make to thy selfe c. He generallye requereth for the outwarde seruyce of hym that we shulde followe his worde in seruinge of hym and take it no lesse thē Idolatrye or Image seruice what soeuer
take the name of the Lord thy god in vayne Here out we maye well gather that to be at Masse and not as in harte so in word opēlye to reproue it it is a breach of this cōmaundemente terme y e sinne as we wyll For thende of this commaūdemente is not onelye to enforme oure tongue how that we shulde abstene frō taking gods name in vayne but muche rather how we shulde vse the name of god in prayer confession of gods truth and religion thankes geuing and preaching purelye the gospel 〈…〉 nisters yf wee be none 〈…〉 three prayer confession an●● gyuinge perteine vnto vs of wha● 〈…〉 soeuer we be Nowe what vsinge of the tongue in thankesgyuenge is in them whiche are presente at that whiche ouer throweth vtterlye the true worshippinge of theyr christ and god without reprouinge it what confessing of relygion dothe their tongue exercise whiche holde ther pece and withe there presence doo honeste that whiche setteth vppe an other saluacion thē that which Christ brought and bought dearlye by the sheding and pryce of his preciouse bloude what vse of theyr tongue in trwe prayer haue they which in holding ther tōgue saie Amē to al the blasphemouse praiers of of the Masse yf in dede their Christe be betwene the preistes handes if y t which the preist doth be the selfe same sacrifice whiche christ did on the crosse him selfe for our redempcion then let them holde their tongue a gods name do as they do But if theyr Chryst be in heauen on the right hande of the father cōcerning the corporall presence of his Humanite as he is euery whare by his vertue gra●● 〈…〉 diuinitie if christes sacrifice 〈…〉 be but one and neuer more to be ●●●●erate in that god hathe geuen them tongues and now commaundeth them not to vse the same in vayne lyeng then to their ●eet●b when he wold them vsed and exercised in confessing hym before men I wolde they wolde tell me whē they are mute playe mōe at thys horrible dishonore doone to their soueraigne lorde why take they his name beinge called on them as on his people in vayne The name of the lorde oure god is called appon all that be his people and that not in vayne but to be called apon praysed and confessed of them all when aither his glorye or their brothers necessitie requireth it But to omytte the necessite to oure brethren in this case whyche nyppeth the conscience I trowe where doth goddes glorye more require that we shuld confesse his name and true seruice then in y e masse whiche of all thinges that euer was is most horrible aduersarye to it Conclude therfore I well maye that it is a thorough out breache of this commaundemente and a takyng of goddes name in vayne to be at masse and not reproue it And what the punishmente of this commaundemente is god sheweth when he sayeth that he wyll not hold hym giltlesse that taketh his name in vaine loke wel her● ō gylties though you be before the magistrates here if in bodelye presens you honest it yet you ar not gylties before god Chose now therfore whose handes you wyll fall into if into goddes handes that is horrible and none can delyuer you yf into the hand of man suerlye they can not pull as muche as one here of your heddes further thē your good father wyl y t is then shall make to your eternall ioye Let vs nowe goe to the fourth cōmaundement of the sanctifieng of the Sabboth daye and we shall see no lesse occasion then we haue done to gather goinge to the masse and not dysalouynge it puplykelye in worde and dede to besinne and a breache of this commaundemente Also for in it the Lorde requireth reste from bodely laboure to the ende of sanctificacyō except we shulde put no difference betwene thende of reste on the sabbothe daye appoynted to man from that whiche is appointed to the beest Thende therfore I say of the rest in the saboth to man is sanctificacion that is man is commaunded to rest frō bodelye labore and other exercises that he maye wyth diligence and reuerence heare goddes worde in his ministerye lerne his lawe vse his sacramentes and ceremonies as he hath ordeined conuent to comen prayer in the place appoynted and other holye exercises helping to the conseruacion of the ministerie propagacion of the gospell and encrese of loue and charite one towardes an other al whiche thynges styll remaine to vs commanded in our resting tymes from our trauailes and labors for this lyfe althoughe the Iewes vii daye be abrogated and takē awaye This consydered who can not but see the masse whiche maketh to the prophanacion and vnhalowing both of bodye and soule to be for bydden if the ende of my rest shulde serue to sanctifycasion thē can it not serue to the masse which is abhominacion yf I may not vse my rest simplie for the pleasure of my bodye whiche god alloweth excepte I looke to an other end namely y t I ma be more hable to endure the workes of my vocacion more to gods glorye my neghbors cōmoditie muche more then I maye not vse my rest for the pleasure of an other in that whiche god dysalloweth But to make this more euident No man of any reding or godlie consideracion of the scriptures can not but see y e principall thing god in this commaundemente did respecte was the minestere of his worde and sacramentes by the whiche god gathereth his churche encreaseth hit and conserueth it and therfore of all thinges he could wurst away with the breach of this commaundemēt rede how he commaunded the man to be stoned to death for gathering stickes on the Sabboth daye and in the prophettes how he cryed out all was marred when this commaundemente was broken Now the masse before I haue shewed is the onelye weedynge worme rooting sowe of the gospel and sacramētes for beyng trulye preached and minystred so that wher soeuer the one is the other can can not be True preachinge and massing true vsinge Chrystes supper and syr Iohn massers dyner be as contrarie as lyght and darkenes wherfore as the masse is the ende of Sathās commaundemente and dyrectle impugneth the ende of goddes cōmaundemēt berre as the masse doers greuouslye offende so the masse herers and seers w tout disalowynge it openlye runne into the same perrell and vengeaunce of god that is to the gatheringe of stakes to be burned in hell fyre looke well therfore hereon The pope his prelates sayt yf thou come not to here Masse but dysalow it thou shalt frye a fagot in smith feld God almyghtye sayeth if thou kepe the not from the masse or if thou come to it and do not openly dysalowe it thou shalte frye a fagot in hell fyre Choose now whether thou wylte take hede in flyeng frō the smoke thou shalt into the fyre make not man thy god but feare the lorde sanctifie hym in thyne