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A10825 The crovvne of life Containing the combate betwixt the flesh and the spirit, with meditations and prayers in time of afflictions, directing to liue christianly, and die blessedly. Also a comfortable and heauenly dialogue betweene Christ and the soule. Written to comfort the afflicted consciences of all those that groane vnder the burthen of their sinnes. Robertson, Bartholomew, fl. 1620. 1618 (1618) STC 21097; ESTC S103183 116,851 548

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cum g●mi●u fugit indignata sub vmbras And therefore there is nothing contained in their records but miserie and complaint of the shortnesse of life as that Totum quod est homo miseria that is All that a man is is nothing but wretchednesse King Xerxes beholding his armie and seeing the number and considering their man-hoode and courage wept bitterly that after an hundred yeares there should none of them be l●ft aliue And great Aristotle Omnium ●erribilium terribilissimum est mors That death of all terrible and dreadfull things was the most terrible and powerfull Sundrie of them haue sought and busied themselues for a remedie against the feare and terrour of death but could not come farther then to make it familier vnto them as it is indeed that they might meete it when it approached As Seneca saith De nat quaest Effice mortem tibi cogitatione familiarem vt si ita sors tulerit poss●s ill●●buiam ire that is Make thy selfe a●quainted with death that when it commeth thou mayest meate it Hence is it that the Aegipt●●ns custome was in banqueting and greatest mirth to cause the image of death to be borne with this inscription In hun● intuens Herod in enter bibe fis animo hilari post mortem enim talis e●is that is Loe heere drinke and be● glad and remember alwayes that death shall make thee like this picture And this was all the● preparation to a foreseene death And so Agag the King of the Amalekites when Samuell was to cut him in peeces said 1 Sam. 15.32 truely the bitternesse of death is past as if he would say I must once dye rather now then another time it must once bee done and then it is gone The secure Soule at her last time grudgeth and fretteth both against God and Heauen for after her vtmost endeauours and trauell she can come no farther then this Ego tenta●us rebus omnibus nihil inuenio in quo quiescam After all my manifolde tryals and searches I cannot finde any one ●hing whereon to rest and repose my selfe And when she perceaueth the certaintie of death she breakes out into these words O te dementem oblitum fragilitatis t●ae Sen. de ●●tur quaest si nunc timeas mortem cum to●at Foole hast thou not remembred thy weaknes that now thou art affraid of death when it thundr●th And as concerning eternall life Plato Cicero and others vex and greeue themselues for they acknowledge that mans Soule is immortall but yet neuer dreamed of the resurrection of the body Yea and Cicero ioyeth in this that once hee should come to the assembly of Soules but whither he did not know O praeclarum diem Cic. de sen. ●●m ad illum animarum concilium coetumque propr●ficiscar cum e● hac turba colluuione de●edam That is O happy day in the which I shall take my way to the assemblie and conuent of Soules shall depart from this vile and mischeeuous world And seeing they lacked faith the earnest of the spirit and hope and constant confidence in God they held ●hemselues vp with foolish magnanimitie full of distrust and doubt For that excell●nt Romane Oratour could speake of the immortality of the Soule but farther light knowledge had he not Quod si hic erro quod hominum animas immortales esse credo libenter erro Cic. de s●n non mihi hunc errorem quo delector dum viuo ex torqueri volo That is If in this poynt Ierre because I beleeue the immortalitie of the Soule I am an heretike with all my hart the which ●rroneous opinion so long as I breathe no man shall be able to root out of mine heart or constrain me to forsake And farther did no Ethicke come neither had more prepaparation and resolution against deaths approaching euen as the Hypocrites and Infidels in these our dayes which haue no faith in Iesus Christ our Redeemer And therefore all these wicked and profane creatures must vnderstand that their condemnation shall bee the greater in the last day then those Ethick Philosophers for they haue a greater occasion and more ample matter by the light which now shineth abroad by the Gospell yet they will not rectifie their liues by true repentance conformable thereto And therefore they haue their noluerunt for so saith Christ Matth. 10.14.15 whosouer shall not receiue you nor heare your words when ye depart out of that house or that city shake off the dust of your feet Truely I say vnto you it shall bee easier for them of the land of Sodome and Gomorrha in the day of iudgdement then for that Citie He that hath eares to heare let him heare Reu 2.11 And therefore aboue all things we must consider of the difference betweene a Christian mans life and conuersation hauing faith and repentance and the life of the Infidell Hypocrite and Vngodly to the end we may feele and sensibly apprehend Gods eternall and euerlasting mercy bestowed vpon vs Christians that we may I say seriously and earnestly meditate night day vpon the goodnesse and fauour of our God in this specialty shewed vnto vs. Psal. 1. As for the first the Hypocrite hath no familiarity with God nor sight of heauen but vseth the precious gifts of God after the same manner as doth the swine the akornes vnder the tree being neuer mindefull that there is a God i● heauen nor giuing him thankes for his temporall food health welfare and felicitie much lesse meditating vpon that eternall food but he taketh his pleasure and fleshlydelight remaining on the earth yea true it is that vnreasonable beasts haue a better life then such a reasonable creature although hee be created according to Gods similitude But contrarily the Christian faithfull and hopefull acknowledgeth God his Creator reioyceth in him vseth all his gifts with thankefulnesse loueth God which hath done all things so wisely wonderously well vseth himselfe in those both night day commeth to the Lord his God and brayeth after eternall life Secondly the Infidell it may bee hath heard that God will punish an vngodly and wicked life with a wretched and miserable death Yet neuer giueth place to penitency and contrition vn●till death liueth still in sinne yet can say with the Pharisie I thanke thee O my God I am not like th● man Luk. 18 1● an extortioner vniust adulterer or euen as this Publican and therefore it may bee concludeth hee shall haue eternall happines because of his outward politicall demeanour although hee hath not faith in Christ the art to die aright neither hearty repentance nor anie testimony of redemption no sweet hope that God will accept of him much lesse is he exercised in the preseruation of faith and a good conscience to the end 1 Tim. 1. 19. The Hypocrite while hee is in good temporary estate will brag of Chris●ianitie will bee a teacher of others to learne patience
42. Haue mercy on me ô God 51. And so according to the seuerall constitutions of thy Soule and as thou findest thy tentation to encrease or bee diminished thou mayest make election of this or that Prayer or Psalme in the Scripture And if it be so that thou growest exceeding weake and that thy speech begin to faile thee these sentences which are but short thou mayest remember Lord now lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace Luk. 2.29 Luk. 25. Father into thy hands I commend my spirit Psal. 31. Into thy hands I commit my spirit thou hast redeemed me Lord God of truth Lord Iesus receiue my spirit Act. 7.59 Abide with vs Lord Iesus Luk. 24.29 for it is towards euening and the day is farre spent I desire to bee dissolued Phil. 1. and to be with Christ. Flesh. What shall they then doe that stand by when as they see the sicke take his last goodnight from this world and to depart comforted in Soule and to attaine a blessed end Spirit They are to lament and mourne seeing it is a thing very naturall it cannot bee forbidden but thou must not sorrow euen as others which haue no hope for we that are Christians must admit comfort ought to bee constantly and certainely perswaded that our dead are not dead but sleepe that they doe not perish neither are lost but deliuered from this wicked world and gone home to the Lord and would not for the price of this whole world if it were possible to returne hither againe and therefore wee should rather be thankefull vnto God for their happy dedeparture and learne of them to liue regiously and Christianly and remember them who haue spoken vnto vs the word of God whose face wee should follow considering the end of their conuersation Heb. 13.7 and therefore falling on their knees they may pray as followeth The Prayer of those that are about the sicke person when hee is departed We thanke thee Lord Iesus Christ thou euerlasting Prince of life for vpholding this thy creature in true confession and constant faith and for granting him a blessed departure O how gloriously shall his soule bee carried to heauen to euerlasting rest and ioy by the Angels to Abrahams bosom thine owne celestiall spirits attend at his beds side although with our carnall eyes wee do● not apprehend them now doth hee repose himselfe in the Lord Iesus armes now hath all displeasure and greefe an end now shall the Lord wipe away all teares from his eyes Reu. 21.4 and giue him euerlasting peace and comfort with ioy and s●luation Now euerlasting ioy shal be vpon his head hee shall obtaine ioy and gladnesse Esa. 35.10 and sorrow sighing shall flie away O thou blessed Soule ô deere and sweet friend happy is the case thou art in thou hast borne Christs yoke now art tho● dead but yet thou liuest ô Lord Iesus haue mercy vpon vs that are liuing and as yet remaine on the earth and teach vs to runne out the course of this irkesome misery to the end that we may imitate such faith and constancie daily and hourely to bee prepared that wee as this thy creature hath done may make a blessed good-night and follow him with peace and ioy To raigne with Abraham Isaak and Iacob in heauen for euermore Amen CHAP. IX Declaring where the immortal soule goeth after death the resurrectiō of our body the ioyes of eternall life and paines which the vngodly haue in their destruction Flesh. NOw seeing the soule is immortall what becommeth of it or whither goeth it after this worldly death Spirit Heareof speaketh the Scripture in these and other places full of comfort and consolation Feare not them which kill the bodie Mat. 10.28 and are not able to kill the Soule but rather feare him which is able to destroy both Soule and bodie in Hell I desire to bee dissolued Phil. 1.22 and to be with Christ which is farre better The Theefe on the crosse when he was to giue vp the Ghost sayd Luk. 23.43 Lord remember mee when thou commest into thy kingdome and Iesus sayd vnto him To day thou shalt be with mee in Paradise The Soules of the righteous are in the hands of God Wisd. 3.1 and there shall no torment touch them In the sight of the Wise they seemed to dye 2. and their departure is taken for miserie And their going from vs to be vtter destruction 3. but they are in peace Though the righteous be preuented with death Wis. 4 7. yet shall they be in rest There remaineth therfore a rest to the children of God Heb. 4. Luk. 16.22 And it came to passe that the Begger dyed and was carried by the Angells vnto Abrahams bosome But now he is comforted and thou art tormented Vers. 25. Ioh. 14 2. In my Fathers house are many Mansions if it were not so I would haue told you I goe to prepare a place for you And if I goe and prepare a place for you I will come agayne and receiue you vnto my self that where I am there may you bee also For wee know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolued 2. Cor. 51. wee haue a building of God an house not made with hands eternally in the heauens Therefore wee are alwayes confident knowing that whiles wee are at home in the bodie wee are absent from the Lord. But yee see mee Ioh. 14.19 because I liue yee shall liue also Set your affections on things aboue Col. 3.2 not on things of the earth But Hierusalem which is aboue is free Gal. 4.26 which is the mother of vs all Ps. 16.11 Thou wilt shew mee the the path of Life in thy presence is fulnes of ioy at thy right hand there are pleasures for euermore A meditation of the Soules departure and blessednesse after death Behold deare Soule these speeches ful of comfort proceeded out of Gods mouth to witnesse that there must be a seuerall consideration had of mens soules for the Soule is a Spirit as are the Angells and Immortall and when the Soule of the righteous shal be sundred from the bodie it shall be taken by the Angells and carried to God to liue with Christ in Paradise aboue in the Heauens where it shal bee in glorie and rest in Gods hand farre from sorrow or griefe for whē the Soule is seperated from the bodie it is at freedome and can doe much more without the bodie than when it is ioyned vnto it and imprisoned therein because the bodie in this life is verie he●uie and hindereth the Soule frō seeing heauens comfort while it is here vpon ear●h it can prayse God honour and serue him reioyce and comfort it selfe therewith while it is in this mortal and miserable bodie much more can it perfect and doe when it is without sinne and natiue corruption and hath no such let and
tossed with the troublesome waues of this life p. 230 A prayer for health and Gods blessing on our labours p. 232 4 What may moue a man willingly to dye p. 234 A prayer for obedience vnto the will of God and willingly denie himselfe p. 237 5 How a man shall keepe his heart constant against the pleasant course of this World p. 239 A prayer to be kept in the way of life p. 242 6 By what meanes a man may comfort himselfe when h●e sha●● leau● Wife Children Friends c. in miserie pouertie and distresse p. 249 The dying-mans prayer bequeathing all his charge into the hands of God p 255 CHAP. VI. DEclaring how a Christian shall willingly giue himselfe to dye ouercome the bitternesse thereof and how in constant perseuerance hee may continue to the end 1 How the faithfull Soule shall pacifie the terrours of death and willingly wi●h ioy commit himselfe vnto Death p 260 A meditation of the soule agains● the sorrowes of Death p. 263 The Sickemans prayer and faith in Christ. p. 265 2 How the faithfull heart shall comf●rt himselfe that hee with patience shall abide constant to the end p. 272 A meditation of the Soule of faith in Christs promises p. 274 The Sick-mans prayer and comfort in Christ. p. 277 3 How the Christian may be● comforted when the streng●h of his faith beginneth to wauer and doubteth whether he be one of the elect to saluation or not p. 27● A meditation of the great comfort the children of God haue in this world p 282 A prayer for stedfast faith in Christ. p. 290 CHAP. VII COntayning spirituall consolations and instructions that eyther the Soule or conscience of man now readie to die can obiect 1 Consolations against the horrible shape of death p. 294 A prayer against Death p. 296 2 Comfort against that fearesull name of death graue rottennesse and corruption p. 297 A prayer against the terrours of the graue p. 300 3 Comfort against the taste of Death p 301 A prayer for the me●cies of Christ. pag. 306 4 Consolations against groaning and sighing at the last agonie of Death p. 307 A prayer to Christ to keepe vs from a troublesome death p. 309 5 Heauenly and experimentall phisick against the bitternesse and sting of death p. 310 A prayer of the Christians stedfast hope of heauen p. 316 CHAP. VIII COmprehending remar●able sentences of Scripture with some earnest prayers to bee powred out for them that are in present perill of death as also how they shold behaue themselues that are present with the sicke person 1 Containing comfortable speeches and sentences of holie Scripture which may bee vsed to the sicke or those in perill of Death p. 319 A meditation of the Soule 336 A prayer for a diligent and stedfast faith in Gods word 339 2 Some short and compendious ayds the Sicke-man may haue in his mouth at the verie time of death p. 340 3 What should bee their dueties which stand by the sick or dead person who haue alreadie ioyned theyr Prayers with him pag. 343 A prayer for those that are about the partie departed 345 CHAP. IX DEclaring where the immortall Soule goeth after death the r●surrection of the bodie the ioyes of eternall Li●e and contrariwise the paynes which the Vngodlie shall haue in their destruction 1 Whether the godlie Soule and in what estate it is after death pag. 348 A meditation of the soules departure and blessednesse after death pag. 352 The Christians most earnest praier to leaue this World and to bee with Christ his Sauiour p. 355 2 If the blessed soule long for the resurrection of the bodie that they may be vnited and glorified both together p. 358 A prayer of the faithfull Soule for her dissolution p. 362 3 Of the resurrection from the dead p. 365 A meditation of the Soule on the resurrection p 367 4 Of eternall Life and euerlasting blessednesse p. 372 A prayer for the ioyes of heauen pag. 385 5 A consideration of the paynes of Hell and condemnation of the Vngodlie pag 384 A prayer for a safe deliuerance from the paynes of Hell and to liue with Christ for euer pag. 290 The Soules Request or a Dialogue betwixt Christ and the Soule Fol. 1. Sig. A. AN ADMONITION to the Christian Reader declaring the difference betwixt the reprobate and true Christian in their life and death and likewise of the vse and benefit of this Booke IT is true deare Brother that all the worde of God compriseth nought else but that wee should liue as his children according vnto his word and dye Christs brethren and faithfull seruants Now therfore I haue compiled the most spirituall doctrine first of a christian life and secondly of a blessed death Of the which the man that saw God had his greatest regard Lord saith he Psal. 90.12 teach me to number my daies that I may apply my heart vnto wisedome So did also another Eccles. 7 3● What●oeuer thou takest in hand r●m●mber thy end and thou shal● n●uer do amisse For what is a christian life but a continuall meditation on Gods fauour a life in true repentance exercised in faith keeping of a good conscience so it cannot go astray and that a man should neuer suffer himselfe to be in such euill state wherein he might not bee blessed yea and happily dye What is it then to dye blessedly Euen this when a Christian not onely consid●reth that hee is mortall and neuer free from death but also is resolued that hee must depart hence and that he shall bee inheritour of euerlasting saluation This is that high Science and Arte which Moses speake●h of which is not elsewhere to bee had but in Gods word As if he should haue said Teach vs to rem●mber that we shall dye to the end wee may bee wise that by thy holy Spirit and grace and practise of thy holy word wee may so liue that wee may haue life euerlasting This holy Art to dye aright was neuer knowen by Phylosophers and as yet is hid from all those that know not Iesus Christ the Redeemer Indeed Cicero gessed at it Orat. pro. Publ. Quin. where hee saith Vita turpis ne morti quid●m ho●estae locum relinquit that is An honest life goeth before an honourable de●th Yet there is an vnspeakeab●e difference Inter v●●am honestam Christianam mortem honest●m Christianam seue salu●arem that is Betweene an honourable life and a Christian life betweene an honourable death and a Christian and sauing death Augustus Caesar desired euery day 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to wit that he might dye well but hee vnderstood not by what meanes only he hunted for name fame and renown and euen so it was with the rest of the Ethickes and Heathens they knew that they should dye but neuer apprehended the christian vertues faith and ●ope but onely infirmitie corruption and distresse and so departed as hee speaketh of Tur●us Virg. Aen. Vitaque
teares as a well cease not neither leaue off for the Almighty is angry for thy sinnes Lam. 2. pardon them ô Lord I bese●ch thee and grant that when I shall sleepe in death my bodie may rest temporally and my soule may liue with thee eternally for Iesus c. Flesh. Shall man then in such sorrow doubt and despaire for his sinnes Spirit No God forbid but he should embrace the second part of Christian repentance which is faith in our Lord Iesus Christ who hath satisfied for our sinnes and reconciled vs to God his heauenly father Rom. 5. in this case raise vp encourage thy selfe learne comfort after this manner ô most louing Iesus Christ thou most sweet Sauiour and Redeemer how heauy is my hart how sad is my Soule in my brest Ps. 43.5 Esa. 38. My God thou hast broken all my bones like a Lyon I beseech thee that thou wouldest not despise my contrite and broken hart my Redeemer Ps. 51.17 giue mee thy mercifull hand and draw mee out of this heauinesse and suffer me not to sinke and perish of too much sorrow O my God I thanke thee thou hast touched my heart in making mee vnderstand my sinnes and giuing mee thy mercie to bewaile thē vnfainedly O I am become godly sorrowfull not to my hurt for godly sorrow worketh Saluation 2. Cor. not to be sorrowed for where else might I haue found comfort for my disquieted Soule of what other shold I haue found rest for my broken heart but of thee onely ô most dearely beloued Sauiour for thou camest into the world to saue miserable sinners 1. Tim. 1. therefore is thy name Iesus Mat 1. to saue thy people from all their sinnes Here am I ô Sauiour although a verie great yet a Penitent sinner Loe I heare thy comfortable voyce Mat. 11. Come vnto mee all yee that are laden and we aried I will refresh you B●hold my God I come and bring with mee a sorrowfull broken Ps. 51.17 and contrite heart O reuiue my dead soule O heale my sinful● wounded conscience O Lambe of God that takest away the sins of the world take from mee my sinne Ps. 51.9 and the guilt thereof and forgiue all mine iniquities Thou art my Redeemer and the onely sacrifice by which God thy Father and I am re●conciled Ioh. 3. for as Moyses exalted the Serpent in the wildernesse so wast thou exalted on the Crosse to the end that I and all that beleeue in thee should not perish but haue euerlasting Life Mar. 9. I beleeue Lord helpe my vnbeleefe yea Lord thou knowest all things thou knowest I beleeue in thee Ioh. 21. albeit with a weake faith neuerthelesse by the same little small faith I put all my trust and confidence in thee and beleeue doubt not I beleeue and know well that all my bitter and grieuous sinnes are surely and verely satisfied for and remitted by thy bloud and death I know and beleeue I am assured and persuaded ô my Redeemer that thy pure conception cleanseth my sinfull conception thy vndefiled birth purgeth my vncleane birth thy holie life sanctifieth my sinfull life thy humiliation is my exaltation thy hellish sorrowes are my heauenly comforts thy bonds are my freedome thy contempt is my honour thy sores are my salue the expulsion of thee is the in-bringing of mee thy smart and payne is the ioy of my Soule thy desert is my Redemption thy passion and death is a sacrifice for all my sinnes thy obedience is satisfaction for all my wickednesse thy descending into hell is my deliuerance from the Deuill power and force of hell Rom. 4. thy resurrecti●on is my righteousnesse and thy ascending into heauen is a seale and assurance that I am heire of eternall Life and that through Thee I haue alreadie right title and possesion of the kingdome of heauen Yea Lord Iesus all these hast thou merited for me giuen and bestowed them freely vpon mee and thy heauenly Father accepts of them and accounts them to mee in such maner as if I had deserued all the same in my owne proper person and as if euerie faithfull ones Redemption had beene purchased by himselfe Mat. 9. bee joyfull therfore comfort thee thy sinnes are forgiuen and thou reighteous before God thou hast a mercifull Father in heauen thou art heire of eternall Life thou hast the earnest of thy inheritance in thy heart which beares witnesse vnto thy spirit that thou art the Sonn● yof God Who will craue ought here is Christ that hath payed and satisfied for thee Who will accuse thee Rom. here is God that pronounceth thee Iust and Holie Meditation of the Soule of faith in Christ. Doest thou meditate on that hurt thou incurredst by the first fall doth that corruption deriued vnto thee from Adam grieue thee O giue thankes and praise to the Lords name for thou hast obtayned more in Iesus Christ thy Redeemer than thou hast lost in Adam the trespasser ô miracle of all miracles who can comprehend such things bee glad ô my soule and consider narrowly what thou losest in the first what was gotten in the second Adam againe Behold how Sathan is disappointed of his purpose for hee minded to draw thee altogether and finally from God and to draw thee in the pit of Gods euerlasting displeasure but contrarywise Christ thy Lord hath not onely reconciled thee with thy father quenched his wrath and anger and purchased mercy to thee but also hath aduanced thee to such vnspeakable promotion Heb. 2. that thou art become Gods kinsman for he hath taken thy flesh bloud vpon him thou couldest neuer haue come to higher promotion and preferment vnlesse thou hadest beene euen God himselfe And Sathan bethought him to driue thee out of the garden of Paradise and so bereaue thee of the companie and societie of the holy Angels but quite contrarie Christ thy Sauiour not only brings thee to that healie Paradise and eternall life but exalteth thee aboue all Angels and maketh thee most honourable in that he took not the Angels but mans nature vpon him Heb 2. Sathan also intended to take from thee the food of life and it so happened for the Lord God excluded man by reason of his transgression that he should not eat of the tree of life in Paradise Gen. 3. but now Christ is that nourishment Ioh. 6. and tree of life farre more excellent and good then that first which extends and dilateth his boughes and branches whereby wee come vp to heauen hideth vs vnder him feedeth vs of him and wee are satiate and shall haue vnder his shadow quietnesse and rest for euermore Againe Sathan would haue carried thee from thy righteousnesse cast thee deepely downe into sinne spoyled thee of thy originall justice wherein without sinne thou wert first created to Gods similitude but on the other side Christ thy Lord freely giueth thee a
ones for so saith the Redeemer Take eat this is my body Matth. 26.16 Mar. 14.22 Luk. 22.19 Cor. 11.24 which is giuen for you to the remission of sins and againe Take and eat all hereof this cup is the new Testament in my bloud which is shed for you Meditation of the Soule for the receiuing of the Communion Now heare my Soule what delicates the Lord thy Sauiour presenteth before thee in this his table truely not bare and naked bread and wine but his body and bloud for the bread which wee breake is it not the Communion of the body of Christ and the cup of blessing which we blesse is it not the Communion of the bloud of Christ 1 Cor. 10.16 therefore beleeue I and know that my Lord Iesus Christ both God and Man according to his institution is present to my Soule giues his body and bloud to bee eaten and drunke spiritually by a true and liuely faith wrought in me by his holy spirit and applying the merits and benefits of his death vnto mee the manner and way being best knowen vnto himselfe yea Lord Iesus thou thy selfe art here my host and I thy guest heere come I poore creature out of the wicked wildernes of this world fraught with trouble and misery and bring with mee an hungry thirsty and languishing yet a faithfull heart reuiue me my Lord Iesus by this thy table and strengthen mee by this nourishment that I may bee satiate and safe Approach heereunto my Soule to strengthen thy faith and quicken thy heart Ioh. 20.27 and bee not longer faithlesse but faithfull be●hold the Lord thy Redeemer assureth thee as with a true token and pawne that thou of meere grace and mercy art appoynted heire of all his blessings and hee imputes vnto thee whatsoeuer he hath procured by the sacrifice of his body and bloud to wit the forgiuenesse of all thy sinnes Rom. 4.8 that righteousnesse which is accepted before God and eternall life all these shall a● certainely be thine as if thou in thine own person hadst hung vpon the crosse and there merited them yea and he witnesseth heereby that thou for his sake art counted before God as righteous holy and as beloued as Christ himselfe is and moreouer by the same Sacrament through the holy Spirit he giueth himself vnto thee Reu. 3.20 to dwell with thee and sup with thee neuer to depart frō thee but worke a new life ioy light yea Lord Iesus so am I in thee Ioh. 17.23 Eph. 5.30 and thou in mee and I will sticke vnto thee my Redeemer as a liuing member to a liuing body as a bride vnto her bridegroome for I am a member of thy body Ioh. 15.4 of thy blood and bones yea I am in thee as the branch is in the vine and as a bough receiueth continuall sap vertue from the trees roote so doe I draw comfort life and quickening from thee and so by a true faith both in soule and body abide in thee and thou in mee by thy holy spirit that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor nor things present nor things to come nor hight nor depth nor any other creature can separate me from thy loue A prayer when thou hast receiued the Communion Praised bee thou O God my Sauiour for thy fatherly care ouer me for preparing this heauenly banquet for me whereby I may quench the appetite of my hungry soule and mittigate the thirst of my heart so that now by this meanes I depart emboldened and established in grace and faith will follow thee my Redeemer with courage Heb. 13.9 will abide constantly with thee and remayne in perseuerance with thee through thy spirit vnto the last gaspe Amen Meditation of receiuing the holie Communion Thou hast said Doe this in my remembrance O my God how holie is the memorie of that how inwardly am I comforted therewith for by this sacrament I call to minde many other Festiual daies and times for in thy Table I remember thy Natiuitie for it testifieth vnto mee that thou in verie deed hast taken my human nature vpon thee and art farre neerer joyned vnto mee than vnto the Angells for thou in no sort tookedst vpon thee the Angells nature but thou tookest the seed of Abraham it likewise represēteth vnto mee that thou art the true Sacrifice for sinnes and therefore doe I eate the right Pasouer 1. Cor. 5.7 euen Christ which is sacrificed for mee as also I beleeue and trust seeing I am thy member and that thou art risen from the dead and liuest so shall I also so that thou wilt not leaue my Soule in Graue neyther shall death haue power ouer mee but I shall rise and sing vnto the Lord in the land of the liuing and possesse that place where thou my head Iesus Christ liuest world without end And all these things are engrafted and sealed in mee by thy holie Spirit of Promise 1. Eph. 13.14 which is the earnest of my Inheritance for the redemption of that libertie purchased vnto the prayse of his glorie whereby also peace and joy is kindled in my hart for I receiue the spirit of adoption whereby I crie Abba Father the same Spirit bearing witnesse to my Spirit Rom. 8.15 16. that I am the Sonne of God And not onely that but I participate the whole Trenitie the Father Sonne and Holie-Spirit who come vnto mee Ioh. 14.23 and dwell with mee so life euerlasting shall be bestowed vpon mee after this transitorie where I shall continually behold my Lord my God face to face and finally I haue here an vnion and fellowshippe with all the Saints for as hee sayd He that eateth my flesh Ioh. 6.56 and drinketh my bloud abideth in mee and I in him so hath hee sayde also that they all may bee one as thou O Father art in mee and I in thee euen that they may be also one in vs for we that are many are one bread and one bodie because wee are all partakers of one bread how joyfull am I of this heauenlie companie how glad am I of thy Saints to whose number thou hast adopted mee for the which I giue thee thankes honour and prayse for euermore Besides this it is written as oft as you eate of this Bread and drinke of this Cup ye declare the Lords death vntill his comming againe wherein deare Soule I am rauished to the contemplation of the Third-heauen with Paule whereof this thy last Supper is as it were an entry and beginning for in thy Fathers Kingdome I shall sit downe with Abraham Isaack and Iacob and there feed vpon Thee the Bread of Life eternally and therefore sigh I from the bottome of my heart saying euen so Come Lord Iesus come quickly my Redeemer and tarrie not and therefore I am taught to powre out hartie thanksgiuings for all thy blessings wherewith thou hast blessed mee in heauenly things in
Christ both for soule and bodie as for thy creation manifestation in the Flesh Tim. 3.6 assumption of humane nature redemption for thy holie word for the Faith thou hast endued my Soule with for thy holie Spirit which thou hast enspired into my heart for thy holie Sacrament for Temporall and Spirituall gifts and benefits Luk. 1.4.9 How can I in this my weakenesse comprehend the great things which thou hast bestowed vpon mee Another Prayer after receiuing the holie Communion Helpe me Lord Iesus my Redeemer that I may frequent this holie communion and joyfully embrace that remembrance of thee behold I am thy brother and fellow-heyre and haue right to thy kingdome where should I goe but to thy own table succor me my Sauiour that I may greedily desire this thy great Feast let my mind neuer loose remembrāce of Thee but that my repose quietnesse and faith and greatest joy may bee in Thee and euermore giue Thee thankes with feruencie from the groūd of my heart for all thy goodnesse and graces so plētifully showred down vpon mee but more specially for that after this perishing world shall decay I am ordayned to eat that Bread of Life with all thy Saints in the Heauens for euermore And therefore beloue● Soule when thou drawest thither forget not thy neighbour that eateth and drinketh with thee and sitteth by thee for hee is the member of Christ no lesse then thou therefore thou oughtest to loue him from thy hart for his sake that loued thee and be ready to do him all kindnesse as vnto thy selfe and therefore deare Soule haue respect and care of the needy poore and cast not thine eyes from thine owne flesh but forasmuch as hee nourisheth thee with that bread and giueth thee drinke of that cup should I not minister vnto my brother fellow-heire with mee my bread and refresh him with that thou hast giuen mee gouerne me ô Lord Iesus by thy holy spirit that I euer may dearely loue my neighbor be touched at my heart with the miserie of the poo●e and distressed to giue the hungrie meat the thirsty drinke the stranger lodging to cloth the naked to visit the sicke and come to them that are in prison according to my power and measure of thy blessings bestowed vpon mee that I may heare that comfortable voice proceede out of thy mouth at the last daie verily I saie vnto you insomuch as you haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren yee haue done it to mee and verily I say vnto you inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these you did it not vnto mee Matth. 25.40.45 Let not therefore ô my God my charitie grow colde but that I may extend it with a fellow-feeling cōpassion to my empouerished neighbours members with mee of the mysticall body of thy son the Lord Iesus Christ to whom with thee and thy holy Spirit bee rendred all honour and glorie power and dominion now and euer Amen Flesh. Shew mee the fourth meanes how to attaine to a Christian and godlie life concerning the tolleration of the Crosse and aduersitie thereof Spirit Fourthly deare Soule prepare thee euerie day for the crosses and chastisemēts which the children of God in this world must beare after their Mr. for we must throgh many afflictions enter into the kingdome of God Act. 14.22 yea my Soule that doctrine of the Crosse is one of the most secret and hid mysteries into the which mans iudgement and knowledge cannot reach but both it and all other concealed matters are manifested in Gods word onely out of which word we ought to be edified in this poynt Now hereof it commeth beloued Soule that the crosse is heauie for vs to beare wee are greatly affrayd of it euen as though the Lord had left vs or as if hee were our mortall foe deadly enemie A prettie and pithie similitude hereof we haue in the Two Desciples Luk. 24 13 which went from Ierusalem to Emmaus in perplexitie and sorrow to whom the Lord manifested himselfe in another forme so that their eyes were held that they could not know him Loe deare soule this is a figure of the crosse in the which the Lord so clotheth and couereth himselfe that hee appeareth to be a stranger yea euen to his most beloued children and so doth take solace in the compasse of this earth Pro. 8.31 and delight with the children of men yea sometime hee seemeth so farre against them that they imag●ne God hath forgot all loue and goodnesse to them Esa. 64.9.12 but Hee will make himselfe knowne in conuenient time and fill their harts with gladnesse and no man shall take their ioy from them Ioh. 16.22 and therefore thou must learne in this verie high poynt how to behaue thy selfe and diligently to consider these seuen following rules cō●cerning the crosse and thy griefe shall not bee so vehement Flesh. I pray you shew mee thee first rule concerning the bearing of the Crosse. Spirit All true Christians are thereto appoynted of God for whom he knew before he also predestinated to be made like to the image of his Sonne that he might be the first born among many brethren so wast thou ordayned to Anxieties Crosses not onely before thou wast born of thy mother Rom 8.29 but also before the foundation of the world was layd that thou mightest resemble the Lord Iesus Christ yea thou art flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone shall thou not then suffer with him Eph. 6.30 he is thy Maister and thou his desciple he thy Bridegroome and thou his Bride he is thy Head and thou art his Members why wilt thou then desire to bee in better cōdition than he was Looke on the Lord as on the Prince of the Crosse and consider how all the Saints and faithfull ones haue euer followed him Mat. 11.29.30 Christ goeth first making way with the most heauie Crosse vpon his shoulders and the godlie tread on his footsteps for euerie one beareth his owne yoake Rom 8.37 neuerthelesse in all troubles they are more than conquerours through him that loued them and because they are conformable vnto Christ in suffering so shall they bee conformable vnto him in glorie also Prayer willingly for to follow Christ in all crosses and afflictions O Lord God thou who hast prouided thy son for mee to beare the burden of the crosse giue mee a wise heart that I may perceiue thy wonderfull purpose and counsell heerein that I may take it vp willingly and follow my Redeemer cheerfully and so shew my submission and obedience to him heere for a short time but heereafter eternally to raigne with him euerlastingly to God the Father Sonne and holy Ghost bee giuen of mee and all true Christians all honour power and glory Amen Flesh. Shew me the second rule of bearing the Crosse Spirit This is the Lord Iesus Christs cōmandement Matth. 11.30
thy word doe I hope My Soule wayteth for thee O Lord more than they which watch for the morning if it be thy pleasure O Redeemer and profitable and necessarie for my selfe that I should liue be preserued from death and destruction because that I may liue hereafter a godly holie and Christian life to my last end but if it shall not be thy will to prolong my dayes but that I must depart out of this world thē come Lord Iesus Christ my Redeemer receiue my soule into thy hands and giue me place and possession in Paradise in Abrahams bosome with the blessed Angells and all Saints Amen Flesh. Shew mee how I should vse the ordinarie meanes of Physicke in time of sicknesse Spirit Fourthly thou mayest conueniently vse ordinarie meanes and physicke then giue place to the physitian for the Lord hath created him Let him not goe from thee for thou hast need of him but beware that thou haue not recourse vnto the Physitian before thou come vnto the Lord for so did King Asa ● Chr. 16.12 when hee was diseased in his Feet therefore the Lord gaue no blessing vnto his Physicke and so he dyed But especially take heed that you vse no forbidden means and aske not counsell of Witches or those which doe helpe by the meanes of the Deuill through the abuse of Gods holie name 2 Kin. 1.6 for so did King Ahaziah consult with the Idoll of Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether he should recouer of his disease Is it because there is not a God of Israell that thou sendest to inquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron therefore thou shalt not come off from that bedd on which thou art gone vp but shalt surely dye Be circumspect also and seeke out the best practised and skilfullest Physitians for mans bodie is the pretious creature of God and should be honoured and no wayes neglected Another Prayer for the Sicke I thanke thee Lord Iesus Christ true Physitian of my soule that thou hast cured my heart and clensed it from sinne by that heauenlie medicine from aboue I earnestly intreat thee who hast made all things that thou wouldest blesse these outward helpes and meanes which thou hast ordayned Mat. 8.2 Lord if thou wilt thou canst make mee whole and by these ayds restore mee to health but if thou wilt not those cannot helpe mee Loe here I am doe with mee according to thy will and pleasure so that euer respect bee had to thy glorie my weale and saluation Graunt these blessings vnto mee for Iesus Christ thy sonnes sake in whose name I pray vnto thee saying Our Father which art in Heauen c. Flesh. Shew mee how I may obtayne the gift of Patience in the time of sicknesse Spirit Fiftly deare Soule see thou alwayes lay hold on patience and request the Lord that he would prese●ue thee from impatiencie O how pretious a thing is patience to trust alwaies in the Lords help for it is of the Lords mercie that wee are not consumed Lam. 3.22 because his compassions fayle not they are new euerie morning great is his faithfulnesse for faith and patience cannot bee disseuered Heb. 6.12 Be not therfore slothfull but bee a follower of them who through faith and patience inherit the promi●e ●o if we rejoyce in the hope of the glorie of God we● must also glorie in tribulations knowing that tribulations worke patience and patience Experience Rom. 5.2.3 4.5 and experience Hope an● hope maketh not ashamed Behold and immitate thy Sauiour Iesus Christ Pet. 2.21.24 who hath left vs an example that we should follow hi● steps who his owne self● b●re our sinn●s in his own bodie on the tree and euer committed himselfe to him that iudgeth righteously so must wee take all ●hings patiently for this is acceptable with God and in this must wee ●esemble euen our young ones who when their headakes come and make their m●anes to their mothers layes downe their heads in their mothers laps and crie for helpe euen so do thou my deere Soule make thou thy lamentation before the Lord cast thy burthen vpon him and hee shall sustaine thee Euening and Morning Ps. 55.22 vers 17. and Noone pray and crie aloud and let him heare thy voyce and exspect him with patience And aboue all things flie impatience for it destroyeth and corrupteth all Christian vertues it offendeth God our Lord it hindereth letteth praier and maketh vs the longer that it holds the more vehement we are so as Patience is a pretious and powerfull hearbe so Impatiencie is venimous and poyson to the heart The Sicke persons prayer for patience Take from mee Lord Iesus that noysome offence of impatiencie keep mee that it neuer haue dominion ouer mee least I make the crosse thereby heauier but plant Christian patience in my heart that I may continually attend thy blessed time and leisure for thy time is the right and thy season the true season Indeed truely make mee continually be stedfast in Hope and put my whole confidence in th●e 1. Cor. 10 1● for thou art true and wilt suffer none to be tempted aboue his strength And this I intreate thee for Iesus Christ thy Sonnes sake Amen Flesh. Shew mee some comforts if sickn●sse continue long with mee that so I may not despaire in Gods mercie Spirit Sixtly deare Soule if thy sicknesse abide longer time than thy expectation was thinke not that the lord hath forgot thee but vnderstand that in the greatest crosses thou art dearest vnto him Ps. 55.19 but the wicked because they haue no changes therefore they feare not God But as for thee no more than a mother can forget her child can hee forget thee Esa. 49.15.16 for behold he hath grauē thee vpon the palmes of his hands yea the sicker the child is the greater is the mothers loue and the more diligently watchfully doth she attend and so doth the Lord with thee speakes he not consolation in thy heart and saith Art thou not my deare Sonne and beloued child Ier. 31.20 I haue loued thee with an euerlasting loue therefore with louing kindnesse haue I drawne thee thy Soule shall be as a watered Garden 12. and thou shalt not sorrow any more at all I will satiate thy Soule with fatnesse 14. and thou shalt bee satisfied with goodnes saith the Lord and therefore the Lord is mercifull and gratious slow to anger and plenteous in mercie Ps. 103.8 9 10.11.13 he will not alwayes chide neyther will hee keepe his anger for euer Hee hath not dealt with vs after our sinnes nor rewarded vs according to our iniquities for as the heauen is high aboue the earth so great is his mercy toward them that feare him like as a Father pittieth his children so the Lord hath pittie of them that feare him Loe deare Soule thy Father nor mother haue such pittie towards thee as thy Sauior and therefore thou oughtest to
thy dearest friends then say Hide not thy face farre from me Psal. 27.9 10. put not away thy seruant in anger thou hast beene my helpe leaue me not neither forsake mee ô God my saluation When my father and my mother forsake mee then the Lord will take mee vp In another place Psal. 73.25 26. whom haue I in heauen but thee and there is none vpon the earth that I desire but thee my flesh and my heart failes but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for euer If Sathan say thou must yet neuerthelesse die answer blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Reu. 14.13 and if hee proceede and say thou shalt neuerthelesse be condemned for hee will not depart at one repulse then mayest thou with all boldnesse and courage of Spirit say Thou li●st Satan for thou art a lyer from the beginning for none that beleeue in Iesus Christ shall perish but shall haue euerlasting life The sicke persons prayer for comfort and victory ouer all tentations of Sathan O thou Lord Iesus Christ Almighty destroyer of hell death and condemnation and eternall victor and conquerour for mee strengthen mee in all my weaknesse by thy holy Spirit that I may take vnto me the whole armour of God Eph. 6.13 that I may be able to withstand in the euill day and hauing finished all things to stand fast my loynes girded about with verity 14. and hauing on the brest-plate of righteousnesse and my feet shod with the preparation of the Gospell of peace 15. 16. hauing the shield of faith wherewith I may bee able to quench all the fierie darts of the wicked 17. the helmet of saluation and sword of the spirit which is thy word 18. and pray alwayes with all manner of prayer and supplication in the Spirit and watching thereunto with all perseuerance That thus being in armes like a valiant champion and Christian souldier I may manfully fight vnder thy banner and hauing ouercome may through thy grace bee crowned with glory wherethou art at the right hand of thy father in the heauens blessed God for euer and euer Amen Flesh. Shew mee how I may conclude my dayes and cōmend my spirit to God Spirit As for the ●ighth and ninth point beloued soule looke to the end of thy sicknesse and if thou shalt perceiue that thou canst not liue long then with all patience thou mayest say Act. 7.59 Lord Iesus Christ receiue my Soule I desire to be dissolued to be with thee Into thy hands O Lord I commend my spirit And continue herein euen to thy last gaspe and when words and motions of thy outward members shall begin to fayle thee then betake thee to thy inward and most heauenly contemplations as of the place whether thou art going of them that are there before thee of the Saints to whom thou shalt be welcome and of Iesus Christ the Doore and Way by whom thou shalt enter with whom thou shalt be blessed eternally But if it shall so bee that God shall restore thee to thy wonted health then thanke him all thy life time both in heart and word and deed and giue diligent heed seeing thou art made whole Iohn 5.14 that thou sinne no more least a worse euill come vnto the● Wherfore fall vpon thy knees and oft and diuers times recite this Prayer following A thanksgiuing after sicknesse I thanke thee Almightie Lord God that thou so kindly fatherly hast visited and chastised mee for my offences it is good for mee that thou hast humbled mee that I might learne thy precepts O my God how often remēbred I thy deare seruant king Ezekiah who sayd I shall not see the Lord Esa. 38.11.12 euen the Lord in the land of the liuing I shall behold man no more with the inhabitants of the Earth my age is departed and is gone from mee as a Sheepeheards Tent I haue cut off like a Weauer my life from day euen to night thou wilt make an end of mee But I now vnderstād O Lord that this my sicknesse is not vnto death but for the glorie of God that thou Son of God mightest be glorified thereby for thou hast had mercie vpon mee thou hast cast all my sinnes behind thy back Thou louedst my soule and deliueredst it from the pit of corruption how comfortably hast thou turned my sicknesse into health I thanke thee my God yea I thanke thee from the bottom of my hart that thou hast raysed mee from my bed that I may visit and frequēt thy house walke in my calling and perfit my actions Lam. 3 22. It is of thy goodnesse and mercies that I am not consumed because thy compassions fayle not O how oft should I remember this thy rod of correction how wisely should I walke all my dayes that I may eschew thy wrath assist mee my God that with the new health of my bodie I may begin to lead a new life graunt that I may alwayes praise thy name gouerne mee by thy holy Spirit that I may glorifie thee by my life and not giue my membersweapons of vnrighteousnesse to serue sinne for thou hast deliued my soule from death which hath waited for me thou art my help and my shield my heart shall reioyce heereafter euery moment in thee for thou hast compassed me with songs of deliuerance I will praise thee in the congregation in the midst of the people I will sing vnto thee ô Lord To whom be praise and glory now and for euer Amen CHAP. V. Containing a spiritual confutation of all worldly fleshly thoghts which molest-men when as they intend the Art to die well Flesh. FOr so much as the Christian in his sicknesse or in any other estate should daily aduise himselfe on the houre of his death yet notwithstanding there are many terrours in mens hearts whereby they are afraid of Death Spirit That is naturall deare soule for our nature in the beginng was not created to dy but to liue but death is come into the world by sione for death is the wages of sinne Rom. 5.12 Yea beloued Soule like as death is a consumer of all that haue life so all that haue life are foes enemies to death for seeing man of nature hath but a short time to liue it is no maruell neither yet sinne nor to bee discommended in any man to be af●aid of death and to auoyd it by all meanes possible Wee haue a remarkable example in our Sauiour Iesus Christ hee began to bee sorrowfull and very heauy before death Mat. 25.37 for hee knew that his howre did approach for albeit there were many causes of his sorrow and sadnesse vpon the mount of Oliues yet was this one because hee was a very true man and had in him all our naturall conditions and affections and therefore while the God-head which is the Word rested it selfe and held it selfe quiet in that anguish of his
Gen. ca. 26. If God keepe not promise wee haue done with saluation but God will keepe it and not lye And therefore albeit our h●arts doubt wee must haue our recourse vnto him who will not change for the Lord speaketh so of himselfe I am the Lord and lye not And againe Gods gifts and callings are without repentance Consider this deare Soule and hold thee fast by Gods word He appeareth to be angry but is well pleased 1. Ioh. 3.20 for God is strong and his Word much more sure than thy owne heart And therefore learne to vnderstand the Lords Customes his delight is with the children of men hee ieast● and dallieth with th●m as Fathers with their children yea hee withholds his hands a little from them to prooue them not for their hurt and destruction but that they should not lean to themselues 1. Cor. 1.9 but on him who rayseth the dead and can make the weak and feeble strong and valiant Hee hath no pleasure in presumption but his will is that we should serue him with feare Ps. 2.11 and reioyce with trembling And we may see in Peter and Thomas what it is to bee too much confident and to build vpon our own courage and strength Ier. 17.9 No man knoweth himselfe aright but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we haue to doe And therefore pray continually that mercifully hee would vphold thee to the end and bee persuaded if at any time thou hast felt comfort that God will certainely come again to thee and if that at any time he hath ioyed thy heart that hee certainly oftner oftner will doe it for thy comfort Yea if in all thy life time thou hadst receiued but onely one drop of comfort yet doubt not but pray beleeue hope and haue patience Hab. 2.3 the Lord will certainely come and will not delay vnlesse thou bee altogether stifnecked and vnwilling Remember the example of the Cananitish woman Mat. 15.21 Behold how her Lord ieasteth with her how he dismisseth her yea euen thrice First hee holdeth his peace and answereth not a word Secondly hee heareth but that hee is not come for her good but for the benefit of the Children of Israel but the third time he calleth her a Dogge as vnworthie of his comfort but what doth shee for the first in that Christ was silent she meeteth him with a patie●t heart which well could stay and trust For the second she answers with a faithfull heart that shee must haue some portion of his promises For the third she meeteth him with an humble heart and willingly wil be a Dogge desiring that which appertayned to him that is the crums which fal from the table that is a verie small helpe a little deale of comfort wherewith shee and her daughter would bee contented Here the Lord cannot hide himselfe longer from her but presenteth a copious measure of mercie vnto her saying O woman great is thy faith be it vnto thee euen as thou wilt But if thou shalt now say behold she was strong in Faith and I am weake thou must vnderstand that our faith is resembled vnto a Fencer who is in the lists against another for he is euer in feare that he shall be ouercome and be too feeble against his Enemie euen so is it with Faith for when we wrastle and fight wee thinke that wee are weake and shall loose the Victorie But it shall not fall out so for victorie belongeth vnto faith let it incline whether it will it appertaineth euer vnto her yea and a weake Faith shall win the field and through the Lords strength power we shal be kept through faith vnto saluation 1 Pet. 1.5 readie to bee reuealed in the last time Remember also the Patriarch Ia●obs wrastling how he straue with God and stucke hardly vnto him and let him not goe but sayd Gen. 32.26 I will not let thee goe except thou blesse mee A Prayer for stedfast Faith in Christ. Now Lord Iesus Christ thou knowest I beleeue although but with a weake faith yet by the selfe same I put my whole trust and confidence in thee reach mee thy comfortable hand and draw mee to thee O Lord I am weake increase my faith stand not farre off from mee for thou art mine onely hope to whom else can I goe Kindle that little sparke in my heart by thy holie spirit that I may euermore doe thy will Behold to will is present with mee Rom. 7 18. but how to performe that which is good I find not Yea lord Iesus thou art my Life my Hope and Saluation for hauing thee I haue all things Now haue I thee although by a weak hand now haue I thee albeit my hand be weake thine is strong Let me not goe from thine hand to the end that I let thee not go from mee Looke chearefully vpon mee as thou didst vpon Peter Marie Magdalen the woman of Canaan the holy Patriarch Iacob driue away darkenes from my heart let me enioy the consolation of thy mercies here am I as a poore Dog and stay for the crums which fal from the table of mercie Behold I thus wrastle with thee by praier O thou strong Lord insinuate thy selfe into my hart for by thy strēgth I striu● with thy selfe giue thy selfe vnto me I wil not le● thee passe by any meanes before thou blesse mee I will not desist before the s●n of consolation rise brightly vnto me now thou Lord Iesus Christ who hast praied for Peter dost sit at the right hand of thy father Intercessor for me that my faith shall not decay Arise O Lord still the tempest of my heart and rages of temptation that in a liuely sēce I may see and rast the sweetnesse of thy word and holy spirit that thereby I may learne that inward ioy and freedome from sinne and power thereof by the death and passion of thy deare Sonne my Sauior the Lord Iesus Christ to whom with thee and thy holie Spirit bee rendered as most due is all honor power and glorie of all true Christians from this time forth for euer Amen CHAP. VII Contayning spirituall consolations and Instructions against the terrours that eyther the Soule or the conscience of Man now readie to dye can obiect Flesh. It may bee neuerthelesse euidently seene that euerie man is mortall and yeeldeth vnto death Spirit Men dye truely and loose their liues by reason of sinne but they that haue the true comfort of the heart infused by Iesus Christ and rejoyce therein They account death nothing else but a passage frō this miserable world to their owne natiue inheritance for Christ that dwelleth in them hath tasted death for them taken away the power therof and broaken her sting so that death can doe no more but disseuer the Soule from the body and bereaue vs of this transitorie Life Yet it shal serue as all other things doe to
Soule at the very poynt of death Spirit First euery Christian must diligently learne to comfort himselfe by reciting the articles of our faith which is the compend and summe of all doctrine and comfortable speeches but especially hee must learne the three last articles I beleeue the forgiuenesse of sinnes resurrection of the body and life euerlasting So the faithfull soule must apply the whole articles to himselfe in particular and so appropriate them vnto himselfe as if there were none in the world but hee alone which should haue benefit thereby Thereto the Lord hath appointed the Sacraments to confirme that our faith as faithfull and true seales and mercifull tokens whlch hee hath appointed to these articles Here thou maiest apprehend thy holy baptisme wherein thou hast receiued and concluded with God an euerlasting and inuiolable band and couenant of mercy and so art washed and cleansed by the blood of Christ Next maist thou comfort thee by the holy Supper because thou as the Son of God art nourished and refreshed at thy Fathers Table and thereby assured that thou art a true member of Christ a righteous heire to whatsoeuer Christ with the sacrifice of his body and bloud hath merited Besides these things ●hou mayest cause to bee ●ead or sayd these or such ●ike sentences of the Scripture The seede of the woman shall bruize the head of the Serpent Gen 3.15 and the Serpent shall bruize his heeles 1 Ioh. 3.8 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the workes of the Diuell Esa. 35.10 And the ransomed of the Lord shall returne and come to Sion with songs and euerlasting ioy vpon their heads they shall obtain ioy gladnesse and sorrow and sighing shall flie away Thy dead men shall liue together Esa. 26.19 with my dead body they shall arise awake and sing yee all that dwell in the dust for thy deaw is as the deaw of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead Come my people enter thou into thy chambers Vers. 20. and shut thy doores about thee hide thy selfe as it were for a little moment vntill the indignation bee passed ouer Naked came I out of my mothers wombe Iob 19·25 and naked shall I returne thither the Lord gaue and the Lord hath taken away blessed bee the name of the Lord. I know that my Redeemer liueth Vers. 26. and that he shall stand at the latter day vpon the earth and though after my skinne wormes destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my selfe and mine eyes shall behold and not a stranger Is not Ephraim my deere sonne Ier. 31.20 is hee not my pleasant childe for since I spake against him I doe earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely haue mercy vpon him saith the Lord. So verily as I liue saith the Lord I haue no pleasure in the death of a sinner but that hee should turne from his euill way and liue I will ransome them from the power of the graue Hos. 13.14 I will redeeme them from death ô death I will be thy plagues ô graue I will bee thy destruction As the Hart panteth after the water brookes Psal. 42.1 so panteth my soule after thee ô God My soule thirsteth for God for the liuing God 2. when shal I come appeare before God Why art thou cast downe ô my Soule 5. why art thou disquieted within mee hope thou in God for I shall yet praise him for the helpe of his countenance Whom haue I in heauen but thee Psa. 73.25 and there is none vpon the earth that I desire beside thee My flesh and mine heart 26. faileth but God is the strength of mine heart and my portion for euer Wisd. 3.1 The soules of the righteous are in the hands of God and there shall no torment touch them 2. In the sight of the wise they seemed to die and their departure was taken for misery 3. and their going from vs to bee vtter destruction but they are in peace Hee that endureth to the end Mat. 24.13 shall be safe Mat. 11.28 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauy laden and I will giue you rest Behold the Lambe of God Ioh. 1.29 which taketh away the sinnes of the world Ioh. 3.16 God so loued the world that he gaue his onely begotten Sonne that whosoeuer beleeued in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life Verily verily I say vnto you Ioh. 5.24 hee that heareth my word and beleeueth on him that sent mee hath euerlasting life and shall not come into iudgement but hath passed from death to life I am the bread of life Ioh. 6.35 he that commeth to mee shall neuer hunger and hee that beleeueth on mee shall neuer thirst All that the Father giueth mee shall come to mee vers 37. and him that commeth vnto me I will in in no wise cast out And this is the will of him that sent me vers 40. that euery one that seeth the Sonne and beleeueth on him may haue euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the last day Vers 47. Verily verily I say vnto you hee that beleeueth on mee hath euerlasting life Ioh. 8.12 I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walke in darknesse but shall haue the light of life Vers. 51· Verily verily I say vnto you if a man keep my saying he shall neuer see death My sheep heare my voice and I know them Ioh. and they follow mee and I giue vnto them eternall life And they shall neuer perish neither shall any man plucke them out of my hands My father which gaue them me is greater then all and no man is able to plucke them out of my fathers hands I and my father am one I am the resurrection vnto life Ioh. 11.25 he that beleeueth in mee though hee were dead yet shall I liue In my fathers house are many mansions Ioh. 14.2 if it were not so I would haue tolde you I goe to prepare a place for you And if I goe and prepare a place for you 3. I will come againe and receiue you vnto my selfe that where I am there you may be also I am the way the truth 6. and the life no man commeth vnto the father but by mee Iohn 17.3 This is life eternall that they might know thee the onely true God and Iesus Christ whome thou hast sent verse 24 Father I will that they also whome thou hast giuen me be with me where I am that they may beholde my glorie which thou hast giuen me for thou loue●st mee before the foundation of the world Neither is there saluation in any other Acts 4.12 for there is none other name vnder heauen giuen among men wherby
impediment Behold therfore deare soule what is more acceptable and pretious who will now bee affraide of death but on the contrarie the Soule of the Vnfaithful and Vngodlie is deliuered to Sathan and caried incontinent to payne as wee may see in that Rich-mans Soule where it shall remayne in trouble and miserie Luk. 16. anguish and smart and Woe vnspeakable without all mercie and comfort for euer in stinke and darkenesse where there is weeping and guashing of Teeth to the last day at what time their miserie shall first begin to be exceeding great and neuer shall cease The Christians most earnest Prayer to leaue this world and to be with Christ his Sauiour Lord Iesus Christ my Hope and Ioy how heartilie longeth my soule for thee yea ●uen as the Hart pāteth for the water-brooks so panteth my Soule after thee O God my Soule thirsteth for God Ps. 42.1 for thee O God the Liuing-God When shall I come and appeare before thee O how weary am I of this loathsome vale of misery in the which I endeuour to serue thee my God in great weakenesse I may say Phil. 1.23.24 I am in a strait betwixt two hauing a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is farre better Neuerthelesse to abide in the flesh is verie profitable that I may bring forth fruit yet what I should chuse I know not Lord Iesus thou euerlasting wisdome which knowest my time my dayes are in thy hands euen come take mee to thee when thou wilt my heart longeth for rest yea for that euerlasting quietnesse from this darknesse to light from sorrow to ioy from the troubles of this world to peace from loathsome miserie to glorie from imperfection to an accomplished perfection Lord Iesus thou knowest all things and doest know that my soule doth heartilie loue thee and hath an inward desire to behold thy countenance Behold most louing Redeemer the teares of loue which fall from my eyes and consider how I weep for meere ioy my heart is sicke for loue it sighes Song 8 6. Song 2.5 groa●es and longeth to be at home with thee to rest it selfe in thy bosome O my Lord and God how well shall I bee then How highly shall my soule crie out greatly ioying and prai●ing thee Mat. 17.4 Luk. 23. saying Lord it i● good for me to be here Lord remember mee in thy Kingdome and say vnto my soule thou shalt bee with mee in Paradise there to rest for euer Amen Flesh. Doth not the soule then long for the body seeing it knoweth it is rotten in the cold ground and expecteth the day of resurrection and euerlasting life for it Spirit I must confesse that such thoughts often make men sorrowfull but wee must vnderstand that our soules after their departing are with Christ and must haue much more vnderstanding and knowledge and farre cleerelier know Gods wonderfull righteou● counsell and will and therefore are perswaded that no mischaunce can befall thei● bodies in the earth but that they shall plea●antly and softly sleep and rest and all their bones dust and ashes shall bee so kept through the Almighty power of God that they shall neuer bee consumed brought to nought but shall questionlesse and wi●hout all doubt rise againe Secondly the soules of the godly are in such place and ioy where is no vnquietnesse or vvretched desire foralthough they bethink them of their bodies and would haue that righteous day of doome approch Reu. 6.10 saying How long O Lord holy and true doest thou not iudge and auenge our bloud on them that dwel on the earth Yet such thoughts are without sorrow and appertaine to their ioy Gods glorie and praise vnto the which they alwaies submit their wils and as the children of God in this wretched life they long for their dissolution and sigh for the comming of Ie●us Christ and hee that doth not so hath not a sound and true loue to Iesus Christ yet the blessed soules which are with Christ. desire that all sinne in the wo●ld should come to end and that euerlasting persecution shold then beginne but that their desire should carrie sorrow or any painefull longing vpon them it is not possible for they rest with the Lord our God and from this world for there is no time nor difference of day and night and where there is no time there can be no heauie longing for Psal 90.4 because a thousand yeares in his sight ar● but as yesterday when it is past and as a watch in the night And againe One day with the Lord is as a thousand yeares 2 P●t 3. ● As one day therfore deare soule let such thoughts passe and cast thy selfe vnder Gods powerful hand who is thy Creatour thy hope and rest defendor and contenting perfection both in this life in that eternall which is to come A Prayer of the faithfull soule for her dissolution 2 Tim. 4. Now Lord Iesus Christ thou who seest and knowest that I haue earnest loue of thy manifestation I request thee with all my power that thou wouldest through thy defence abate the vngodly and sinnefull waies of the world and shew righteous doome vpon Sathan and all our aduersaries and let that euerlasting glorie of our ioy come when thou shalt bee all in all 1. Cor. 15. Yea Lord Iesus Rom. 18.20.22 the whole creation groaneth and trauaileth in paine together wayting for the deliuerance from the bondage of corruption and vanitie vnto the which it is made subiect waiteth I say for the manifestation of the Sonnes of God when they shall be deliuered vnto the glorious libertie of the Children of God Should not wee then verie earnestly long for the loosing of our bodies but if it bee thy holy will O Lord Iesus and that thou hast so concluded in thy counsell that I shall here abide to thy ioyfull comming againe euen so bee it my God and my Redeemer O with what ioy of heart shall I heare thy trumpet how gladly shall I leape and meete thee in the cloudes but if thou call mee from hence before and take my soule vnto thee to that peaceable Paradise Loe here am I and willingly come and shall not cease with all comfort to crie vnto thee and say Amen euen so come Lord Iesus R●u 22.20 come to iudge the quicke and the dead Amen Flesh. Thou beleeuest then certainely that this our bodie shall rise againe and liue with the soule eternally Spirit Yes truely that I beleeue and therefore confesse in the articles of my faith and say I beleeue the resurrection of the bodie and life euerlasting For when our Lord Iesus shall come againe vpon that last day to iudge Mat 25. ●3 and all the holy Angels with him then shall he set vpon the throne of his glorie and before him shall be gathered all Nations liuing and dead small and great Reu. 20.12 good and bad shall stand before him and the Sea shall
Faith and not by feeling I teach thee humilitie and not to glorie but in infirmi●ies 2. Cor. 11.30.31 for Paul for all his Reuelations was afraid of Aretas and let downe in a basket Elias who commaunded as it were the Heauens to rayne and not to raine hid himselfe in a caue from Iesabell 1. ●i 19.9 Iacob was afraid of his brother Abraham of Pharoah and the Philistims in Gerah O how dearly loued I them but when the starre appeareth againe Mat. ● the wisemen reioiced with an exceeding great ioy Rachel had Labans gods which made him more eager to seeke them I may frowne for a while yet not alwaies retaine my anger No truely Ps. 103.9 I am not angrie at all as a Iudge to punish but as a Father to correct a brother to admonish I cannot cease to loue my owne members Doth anie man strike his owne fl●sh at any time Thou art one of my members ingrafted in my body by my Spirit and a liuely faith I haue said and doe not repent thou that beleeuest in me art deliuered from the power of darkenesse by my Father and art translated into the kingdome of Mee his deare Sonne The SOVLE THe wordes that thou speakest sweet Redeemer of Mankind are Spirit and Life but thou speakest of affections reformed which I find not How cold are my Prayers O how hard is my hart it cannot powre it selfe out like Water before Thee it cannot admit any impression of thy Word or finger of thy spirit my wauering faith is not confirmed by it I lacke that heauenly light to discerne of my troubles and crosses aright Finally I haue little or no comfort in thy Word wanting the apprehending apply●●g faith the hand of my Soule O Sonne of Dauid haue mercy vpon me miserable sinner O sweet Samaritan take mee vp which am halfe dead CHRIST THou hast redemption in my bloud Col. 1.14 euen the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes for they shall neuer bee imputed vnto thee neither heere nor elsewhere neither doe they raigne in thy mortall body but thou hast a serious reluctation against them neither thy vnworthines maketh thee vncapable of the greatest mercies they are of my meere and free loue and grace thou art not the obiect of thine owne faith but I my merits obedience who am by faith vnited vnto thee as a head to a member then look vpon mee I am in thee and thou art in me that which God hath conioyned who can separate it or who can plucke thee out of my fathers hand my father and I am one and my Spirit which hath wrought in thee that desire of profiting by the Word whereof thou so heauily complainest will make thee reape manifold fruits of the immortall seed of the Word in due season which is sowed in the furrowes of thy hart I do feed thee for a time with a sparing hand to sharpen thine appetite wait and trust on me and I will comfort thy heart Psal. 27.16 truly flesh and bloud hath not reuealed the hardnes of thy heart vnto thee but my spirit which worketh the sight of thy corruptions Esa. 63. ●7 I which haue begunne this good worke will performe it Phil. 1.6 It is good for thee that thou bewailest thy defects and wants quench not these motions of my spirit in thee prayer is my gift it is I that worke both the will deede Lam. 1.22 it is I that mark thy many sighs the faintings of thy heart yea my spirit doth make request for thee with sighs that cannot bee expressed when thou holdest thy peace or little knowest of it The sacrifice of God are not words Psal. 51.17 but a contrite spirit a contrite and broken heart I will not despise I know thy thoughts before thou thinke them Psal. 1 39.2 thy sighing is not hid from me I doe hea●e thy desire Psal. 38.9 Psal. 10.17 it is I that doe put vp as Mediator betwixt thee and my father thy prayers vnto the golden viols which are full of the precious odours of my merits thereby perfumeth and maketh them an offring of sweet smelling sauour vnto him Reu. 5.8 and purgeth their corruptions in my bloud and vnto my throne there is a purple ascent the perfectest bewty is the perfectest mixture of red and white afflictions staineth not but adorneth the beautie of my graces The SOVLE I Am not so washed I see in the lauer of regeneration but that there remaineth in mee slaines of that scarlet engrained die of my corruption I am not wholly spirit as the carnall man is wholly slesh but 〈◊〉 at ciuill wars within my selfe In the spirit I serue the Law of God in the flesh the law of sinne O deare Iesus grant me thy spirit grace 1 Thess. 5.22 that I may auoid the occasions of sinne I may make conscience of my l●ast sinnes I may carefully watch ouer my heart that I be not surprized at vnawares I may rest in thy promised assistance and not in mine owne power and haue recourse vnto thee by feruent praier crauing thy ayd that I may bee enabled to stand in the daie of temptations but alas deare Sauiour it vexeth mee greatly that I doe not much Lord thou knowest feele my faith nor the fruits thereof which maketh mee I know not what to thinke that I haue no true faith or if I haue it is yet in the infancy thereof CHRIST FAith is the eye hand and foot of the Soule for by it it commeth seeth and layeth hold on mee seeke light in the Word which is Truth by praier that thou bee not deceiued and follow the same light so farre as thou shalt be warranted thereby the conscience maketh the assumption but examined it by my word lest thou fall in errour and for to learne deere Soule to discerne betwixt the punishment for sinne and trial of thy faith patience and purging of Sinne for I often afflict inwardly the soule with deep sense of sinne and the bodie with crosses outwardly not to prosecute sinne in thee Ier. 51.7 for then it should follow that as the wicked mine enemies exceede in sinne so should they exceed in afflictions also but thee I lead as a louing Spouse with cords of aman Hos. 11.4 euen with bands of loue for whom I loue I rebuke For I am good a strong hold in the daie of trouble and know them that trust in me Nah. 1.7 Nourish this in thine heart it is more certaine and durable then heauen and earth The SOVLE O My sweet Sauiour thou hast taken my feet out of the mire I stucke i● Psal. 4.1 Luk. 1.49 and put me at more large liberty of minde thou that art mighty hast done for me great things and holy is thy name thou wilt performe thy worke toward me O Lord Psal. 138.8 thy mercie endureth for euer forsake not the worke of thy owne hands thou hast deliuered me from
th●e to his glory and these to thy vse Octob. 16. 1617. The table and order of of the speciall heads and doctrines with the meditations and prayers contained in the Crowne of Life CHAP. I. WHerein is contained that men are not only mortall but also altogether ignorāt when how ●r in what place God will call them out of this present life 1 That a Christian may learne only out of Gods Word to liue well and die blessedly pag. 1. A meditation of the Soule to liue foreuer pag 2. 2 What a Christian life is p 2. The Christians godly prayer p. 4. 3 What is called a Christian death p. 5. A pr●yer for a happy departure p. 5 4 That euery man must die p. 6. A meditation of the Soule that we must but once die temporally pag. 6. A prayer vnto God that he would seriously put into our hearts that the time of our death is vncertaine p. 8. 5 That God hath not manifested vnto vs the houre of death that we might prepare vs euer to die pag. 9. A praier for a blessed preparation pag. 10. Foure meditations concerning the vncertainty of our death First the time when pa. 11. A prayer of mans vanitie pa. 13. The second meditation the place where pag. 15. A praier that we may ioyfully meet death pag 16. The third meditation the state in what pag. 17. A short praier to forsake the world pag. ●8 The fourth the manner how p 19 A prayer of the misery of sinne and to follow Christ. p. ●0 A meditation of the Soule not to delay repentance p. 22. A prayer when first wee fall sicke pag. 23. CHAP. II. WHerein is comprehended the true and right art to die well And first of Christian repentance p. 24. 1 Because we cannot bee exempted from death wee should learne that Science and Art to die happily p. 25. The young mans prayer p. 27. 2 How a man by sound and true repentance pre●are himselfe to die blessedly p. 2● A meditation of the Soule for earnest repentance p. 29. Another prayer for spee●y repentance p. 30 3 What true repentance is in three heads p. 31. Another praier for repētance p 32 4 An instruction of the first part of true repentance p. 33. A pray●r bewailing the corruptition of nature p. 34. A meditation of the Soule vpon the acknowledgement of sin pag. 36. A prayer for the confession of our sinnes p. 37. 5 A declaration of the second part of true repentance p. 44. A meditation of the Soule of faith in Christ p. 51. The sinners prayer to relie on Christ. p. 59. 6 Declaring the third part of true repentance p. 61. A most excellent prayer to be vsed at all times p. 62. 7 That our whole life ought and should be a continuall repentance A prayer for true repentance pag. 73. CHAP. III. COntaining six points belonging to a Christian life p. 76. The Christians prayer for a holy life and blessed death p. 79. 1 Point diligently to heare the Word of God learne to vnderstand it and to diuide and conueniently vse and practise it pag. 81. A prayer to the same effect p. 93. 2 Point daily to comfort himselfe in his Baptisme p. 96. A Meditation of thy Baptisme pag. 97. A prayer for a new life and faith in Christ. p. 99. 3 Point often to repaire to the Lord● Supper with due examination p. 102. A Meditation of the Soule for the receiuing of the holy Communion p. 10● A Prayer when thou hast receiued the holy Communion p. 108 Another meditation of receiuing the holy Communion p. 109 Another prayer after the receiuing the holy Communion p. 115. 4 Wisely to behaue himselfe in all crosses and aduersities handled in seuen rules p. 120. 1 Rule concerning the crosse pag. 123. A prayer willingly to follow Christ in all crosses and afflictions p. 126. 2 Rule of bearing the crosse pag. 127. A prayer for obedience in the crosse of Christ. p. 128. 3 Rule how to beare the crosse of Christ patiently p. 129. A meditation of the Soule concerning the comfort which Christ doth giue vnto all those that suffer for his sake p. 130. A Prayer for stedfast faith in all afflictions p. 131. 4 Rule concerning the crosse of Christ. p. 132. 5 Rule concerning the crosse of Christ. p. 135. A prayer when we haue obtained faith in Christ. p. 138. 6 Rule concerning the crosse of Christ and the crosses of this life p. 139. A prayer for a true and liuely faith in Christ. p. 143 And last rule concerning the crosse of Christ p. 145 A meditation of the crosse of Christ. p. 146 A prayer for continuance in Faith p. 148 5 Poynt of a godlie and Christian life is to abide in his calling and vocation p. 149 A meditation of the frailtie of this Life p. 152 6 And last is the Soules meditation diligently to call on Gods name by earnest and feruent prayer p. 158 A most comfortable prayer to God for the gifts of the Spirit of prayer and accepting of our prayers p 163 CHAP. IIII. COntayneth how a Christian should behaue himselfe when God sendeth sicknesse vpon him p. 167 A prayer against sudden death p. 171 1 He m●st learne the true cause of his sickn●sse which is ●inne p. 173 A meditati●n of the Soule learning to know the cause of sicknesse p. 175 A comfortable prayer in time of sicknesse p. 178 2 Diligently to fe●ke for remission of sinne and to be reconciled vnto God p. 180 The sicke persons prayer and confession p. 181 3 To call on Gods name himse●fe and to cause the Saints a●d Congregation to doe the same p. 183 The si●k● persons prayer and protest●tion p. 186 4 Not to contemne the ordinarie mean●s of physicke the Lord hath appointed p 188 Another pra●er for the patient p. 190 5 To bee p●tient if thy sicknesse continue p. 192 The sicke persons praier for patience p. 195 6 To comfort himselfe in his greatest extremitie that he is the Lords deare and adopted Sonne p. 196 The sicke persons prayer for comfort in affliction p. 200 7 To resist Sathans assaults by a liuely faith p. 204 The sicke persons prayer for consolation and victorie ouer all temptatious of Sathan p. 212 8 To render and submit himselfe to Gods good will and pleasure when the houre of death shall approach and to offer vp praises and thankes-giuing from thy very heart if thou beest restored to thy former health againe p. 214 A thanks-giuing after sicknesse p. 216 CHAP. V. COntayning a spirituall confutation of all worldly and fleshly thoughts which molest men when as they intend the art to die blessedly 1 How a man should be strengthened against the feare of death p. 220 A prayer against the feare of death p. 222 2 That manie for diuers causes doe long for death p. 224 A prayer for patience in trouble p. 227 3 If a man with a good conscience may pray for long life p 229 A meditation of the Soule
at euery occasion and minute I may bee ready to take my leaue of this world and raigne with thee my Lord and Sauiour eternally in the world to come Amen Meditation of the fourth the manner Concerning the fourth thou art ignorant deare soule by what kinde of disease the Lord will call thee from hence whether it shall happen by pestilence maladie in the head ague c. by shipwracke or fire and it may bee God hath appointed thee to be ouertaken by robbers wilde beasts or some such casualtie yea O soule many neuer intend repentance in all the time and space they haue health and prosperitie vntill some languishment and sicknes seize vpon them but who knoweth whether at any time hee shall haue sicknesse and leisure together Haue wee not daily examples how many decease by palsie by sword and sudden death through sundry other maladies of body and before they were euer sicke or diseased or that God suffered them to haue the benefit of their bed and rest A praier to forsake the world and follow Christ. O God how foolish are wee miserable and fond creatures how smal heed and attention giue wee to daily occurrences The fowle is an vnreasonable creature yet when it seeth another to bee killed beside it shee presently swingeth and flieth away and when it spieth a man to bend his bow aime at it there is no longer staying but quickly conueieth it selfe thither where it may bee secure and safe Euen so O soule death breakes in all places many mens hearts and they do fall on euery side then feare O soule and flie from sinne to righteousnesse from hell to heauen from this damnable and deceitfull world to Iesus Christ that then thou maist boldly say Now shoot death when thou wilt for although thou bereaue mee of this transitorie and momentanie life Heb. 13. yet by a strong and constant faith I possesse the kingdome of heauen which shall giue mee infinitely more then thou canst take from mee Meditation of the soule not to delay repentance Delay not O soule thy repentance vntil thou be sicke Eccl. 12. but worke thy conuersion euen now with-all diligence put not off from day to day thy amendment of life neither continue in wickednesse vntill deaths vncertaine houre approach A praier when first we fall sicke O Iesus Christ my Redeemer preserue me from a painfull sicknesse violent and hastie death ouertake mee not in my sinnes and suffer mee not to die without repentance and giue vnto mee if it be thy pleasure a quiet and patient departure that without great paine and griefe I may in my right wits attaine a blessed end confessing thy most holy name vntill the last gaspe and so to commend my soule and spirit with my whole heart carefully into thy mercifull hands my most gratious and louing Sauiour and Redeemer to whom with God the Father and the holy spirit be rendred from the bottome of my heart all honour power might maiestie and dominion now and for euer Amen CHAP. II. Wherein is comprehended the true and right art to die well and first of Christian repentance Flesh. BEcause wee neuer are vnpursued by death it is very needfull therefore that both Young and Old Great and Small Rich and Poore should learne the art of dying blessedly Spirit Yes truely daily examples may teach vs so for consider thy neighbour like as he is dead so shalt thou bee yesterday was his this day for thee Eccl 38. to day a King to morrow dead yea ô Soule death is like a Mower Eccl. 10. which walkes in a greene meadowe cutting with his Sithe all he commeth at and maketh no account whether it be grasse thistle or rose neither considereth hee how old how beautifull or how pretious the hearbes bee there are none too strong for him none too young no castle for height nor bulwarke for securitie can hold him backe he wil not be corrupted with siluer and gold yea if it were possible that thou couldest giue him the whole kingdomes and riches of the world hee would not hold off a minute to abide thy time nor waite a moment for the performance of thy pleasure and will now this should be our daily meditation diligently to marke and carefully learne the day both to liue in Gods feare and dye in his faour The young mans prayer O my God how is man verely as nothing how goeth all beautie away as a shadowe and wretched man knoweth not whether he shall dye old or young neither can any by his riches strength and powre Ps. 144.4 deliuer himselfe or his brother helpe mee my God that from my youth vpward I may constantly giue heed to walke vpright in my wayes Ps. 119.1.9 according to thy word gouerne me by thy holie Spirit that my heart goe not a whoring from thee that my youth neuer puffe mee vppe to bragge thereof Ps. 73.27 and that I put not my trust in health strength honour riches or beautie graunt that I may in my inward mind heare the end of all which is to serue thee and keepe thy commaundements Eccles. 22.13.14 for this is the whole duetie of man for thou wilt bring euerie man vnto iudgement with euery secret thing whether it bee good or euill Lord write this same in my heart and giue me thy grace not onely to vnderstand the same but also to rectifie my life and conuersation thereby vnto my last end and graunt that I may die vnto sin and liue vnto righteousnesse to the glorie of thy holy name through Iesus Christ my sauiour Amen Flesh. How may I then prepare my selfe to die blessedly Spirit The right preparation to a happy death is in the cōstant leading of a Christian and righteous life A Meditation of the Soule for earnest repentance Wouldst thou then dye blessedly beloued Soule make earnest and serious repentance and continue stedfast therin to thy last for God accepteth well conuersion from sin Wis. 12. Ma● 24. and who so abideth to the end he shall be saued A Prayer for speedie Repentance Praysed bee thou my God who hast no pleasure in our death and destruction but rather that wee should turne from our sinfull waies and liue Ezek. 18. Ezek. 33. helpe me Lord Iesus that I delay not my conuersion to thee and shift not ouer my repentance from day to day for thou hast promised me thy mercie but that I might deferre my repentance vntil the morrow second or third day thou hast not promised vouchsafe therefore thy mercie on mee this verie day Ps 95. Tit. 3. that I may redeeme the time lost by an earnest repentance and not bee taken in my sins and trespasses the day following graunt this for the glorie of thy blessed name through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauior Amen Flesh. What is then true and Christian repentance Spirit Repentance is nothing else then that a man rise from his sinne and turne with all his
constanter surer and better righteousnesse which is his merit and satisfaction by Faith imputed vnto thee Philip. 3. and is that Righteousnesse which God onely accepteth of Sathan moreouer by Adams sinne hath blotted and defaced Gods Image in thee and deadly wounded thee in all thy powres and operations and left thee lying halfe dead Luk. 10. so that there was no desire or motion left or remayning in thee to satisfie Gods will and therefore shouldest die ●ternally but on the contrarie Iesus hath not onely clothed thee with his owne righteousnesse Gal. 3 27. Esa. 55. Col 3.10 healed thy soares and wounds by his stripes and death begot thee againe by the holie spirit and imprinted his image of new but also he will at the last day cleare thy mortall bodie and make it like to his glorious bodie To be short Sathans course was to take all thy gifts and heauenly ornaments from thee and throw thee head-long to euerlasting perdition but Iesus Christ opposed himselfe and ayded thee in such wayes that not onely hee tooke this flesh and bloud vpon him satisfied for thee made attonement for thee reconciled thee with his Father obtayned eternall remission for thee gaue thee his righteousnesse his holie spirit and euerlasting life but also he promoted thee to bee accounted righteous holie Gods child Gods heyre his brother his cousin his bride and bed-fellow heyre the Temple and habitation of the holy and glorious Trinitie Now mayest thou say deare Soule Omnia benefecit Mar. 7. He hath done al things well and therefore ô Lord thy name be praysed and glorified for euer euer ô my God how gratiously hast thou comforted me how mildly hast thou refreshed my drowsie and drooping Soule how sweete is thy consolation wherfore now I am quiet and setled in mind and will say truly thou art that mercifull Gate and Ladder to eternall Life Ioh. 14. Gen. 28. Thou art the Way Veretie and Life no man commeth vnto the Father but by thee thou art the Way and there is Saluation in no other Act. 4. for there is no other name giuen vnto man vnder heauen in the which wee shall be saued but in thy name Thou ar the Truth for he that abideth not in thy learning hath not God but he that abides in thy learning hath both the Father and the Sonne Thou art Life for hee that beleeueth in thee hath eternall Life but he that beleeueth not in thee shall not see Life but Gods wrath shall abide on him The Sinners prayer to relie on God O Iesus Christ Ioh. 1. who art that right and heauenlie doore without whom none can come to the Father graunt that by a true and constant faith I may euer depend and relie vpon thee by thee mount vp to heauen and there be possessor of that euerlasting inheritāce of glorie prepared by thy Son my Lord and Sauiour in whose name I call vpon thee saying as hee himselfe hath taught mee Our Father which art in heauen c. Flesh. Seeing that now by Christ I am reconciled vnto the Father and iustified before him by Faith and in my hope alreadie blessed may I doe what I will vntill the day of death Spirit No by no meanes beloued Soule for if true Faith be in thy heart Rom. 8. and thou made a new creature by the holie spirit thou must think for other wise for the regenerate delighteth in a new life attentiuely watcheth that hee fal not into sinne and is grieued in his heart for his owne and other mens vngodlinesse Pro. 24.16 abhorreth and hateth sinne eagerly and if the faithfull man be miscarried and seduced by Sathan or fall by inborne and naturall infirmitie hee daylye repenteth and comforteth himselfe in Iesus Christ whose seede abideth in him therefore there is no condemnation to him Rom. 8.1 seeing by the hand of Faith hee alwayes apprehendeth Iesus Christ and therefore did I call new obedience the Third part of Repentance which declareth it selfe in a iust sober godlie life and conuersation both to God and man in thankefulnesse and loue so mayest thou daylie exercise thy selfe in forme following A most excellent Prayer for all times to be vsed I thanke thee my God heauenly father for creating me according to thy similitude and likenesse Gen. 1. and when I had fallen away by sinne and therby became the childe of wrath thou didst bestow and freely giue thy well-beloued sonne to bee my redeemer what shall I render vnto the Lord for all his benefits towards me Psa. 116.12 gouern me by thy holy spirit that I may take pleasure in thy Law for in vaine serueth man thee Matt. 15. by mens lawes and traditions grant that I doe no more liue after the flesh Rom. 8. but after the spirit so that I may fight that good fight alwayes keeping faith and a good conscience 1 Tim. 1. teach mee euer to bee of the minde that Iesus Christ my Lord was of who hath left me an example that I should walke in his foot-steps Phil. 1. 1 Pet. 2. Ephes. 6. Rom. 12. Ioh. 2. Gal. 5. strengthen my faith and hope that I may withstand Sathan and not fashion my selfe like to this wicked and euill world for her course tends to destruction giue mee thy grace that I may euer crucifie my sinnefull flesh mortifie and daunt the sinnefull lusts and concupiscences thereof that I may daily die to sinne and exercise my selfe in all goodnesse and vertue 1 Cor. 9. helpe me my Lord euer to feare thee from my heart to loue thee with all my power Deut. 6. and with all my strength that all my ioy and pleasure may be in thee Psal. 18. grant that I thy creature may aright know thee my creatour and bee found faithfull manfull couragious in seeking thy glory 1 King 19. and in all humility euer call on thee I may desire thy word more then gold yea more then fine gold and bee obedient to thy commandements Ps. 19.8.10 for in keeping of them is great reward Ezek. 19. ô Lord Iesus Christ enflame my heart with thy loue Psal. 73.25 that I may esteeme thee aboue the greatest treasure and that I may consider what it is to loue this wretched world bow my heart to thee my redeemer that I may repute this earth and the glory thereof to bee as it is indeede nothing and that I may long and groane for that eternall Kingdome to come ô Lord keepe me from immoderate sollicitude and care for worldly sustenance and cause mee neuer giue trust to this temporary life Grant vnto mee ô my redeemer stedfast patience vnder the crosse of all afflictions constant magnanimity fortitude and faith in all tentations and that in the crosses of this life I despaire not grant gracious father that I may humble my selfe in greatest prosperity encline my heart to godlinesse and make my will conformable to thy
their wheat and wine did abound Psal. 4.7 and these words cannot deceiue thee Psal. 89.33 for he will not fal●ifie his truth Vpbraideth hee thee that thou art wretched sicke and desolate c though I bee mayst thou say poore and needy Psal. 40.17 the Lord thinketh on mee therfore if I can haue but thee my God I account of nothing in heauen and in earth suppose my flesh faile and my heart Psal 73.25 thou God art the strength of my heart and my portion for euer relie ô my soule all thy life time heereon for hee will not alter the thing that hath gone out of his lips Psal. 89.34 If the diuell doth affright thee with death gainstand him with a stout and faithfull heart and say thy dead men shall liue Esay 26.19 euen with my body shall they liue awake and sing ye that dwell in dust for thy deaw is as the deaw of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead And so I beleeue the remission of my sinnes resurrection of my body and life euerlasting this is verily true and hereon I repose my selfe for heauen and earth shall passe away Luk. 16.17 but his word shall not fall so that all they that leane to the word shut themselues in the word shall with the word and in the word endure for euer A Prayer to the same effect Lord Iesus Christ King of euerlasting Triumph helpe that I may continually haue thy Law and Gospel before mine eyes and rule all my Thoughts Words and Deeds according to them teach mee by thy holy Spirit at euerie occasion to put them in practise that in thy Law I may perceiue my Sinne and Vildnesse with true comfort in my hart that in all miserie and griefe I may haue these sweete speeches in fresh memorie that they may bee my weapons and a●mour To kill my Foe Pro. 30.5 and my Sheild and defence a●gainst the Deuill Psal. 23.4 thy rodde and staffe to hold mee vppe my food and refreshing in al● trouble and anguish grant I may wholly betake mee to thy Word both sleepe and rise therewith that I may liue and die according to thy Word and if at any time my heart through weakenesse shall distrust assist mee then O Lord that I neuer despaire for neyther thou nor thy Word will deceiue mee I know and doe beleeue it O eterna● true God that thou wilt keepe thy Word ●herefore shall I be preserued I beleeue and know thou canst not lye therefore s●all I not bee deceiued and although that my heart shall doubt and denie yet art thou constant in thy promise because thou art greater than our hearts and knowest all things therefore shall I neuer be confoūded 1 Ioh. 3.20 because I put my trust in thee Psal. 25.2 To thee O God the Father Sonne and holie Ghost bee all honour dominion power and glorie now and for euer world with out end Amen Flesh. What is the second point that concerneth Christian life The second poynt Baptisme Spirit Secondly deare Soule meditate daily in thy baptisme and let it comfort thee because God thy Lord in it hath purged thee receiued thee to be his child and in it sealeth with thee that mercifull couenant that he will be thy gracicious God and father and thou shalt be his deare Son and heire yea ô my soule thy Lord Iesus in thy holy baptisme hath called thee by thy name 1 Pet. 3. Esay 62. Ier. 14. Esay 45. before thou knewest him and hath giuen thee a new name that thou shouldest bee called a Christian to witnesse that thou wert brother to Christ and fellow-heire Rom. 8. that thou shalt enioy and bee paticipant with him of all whatsoeuer hee hath bought and merited by his bloud as of remission of sinnes righteousnesse and eternall life Meditation of thy Baptisme Therfore so often as thou shalt heare or recite the Creed I beleeue in God c. I beleeue in Iesus Christ c. I beleeue in the holy Ghost c. heere is thy surmounting consolation that thou art in the number of those of whom it is sayd he that beleeueth and is baptized Mark 16.16 shall bee saued and heereby art separated from Turks Iewes Atheists and all Infidels and other vngodly persons of whom it is said but hee that will not beleeue shall be damned and finally in thy baptisme thou obligest thy selfe not to liue after the flesh Rom 8.12 Luk 1.75 to fulfill the lusts and desires thereof but to serue the liuing God in righteousnesse and holinesse all the daies of thy life Tit. 2.12 according to his pleasure Prayer for a new life and faith in Christ. I thanke thee my good Lord Iesus Christ for this thy vnspeakable goodnesse in that thou hast not onely taken mee aliue out of the wombe but when I was dead in sinne made me be baptized Psal. 22.9 Ephes. 2.1 and thereby enrolledst and registeredst mee in thy mercifull couenant band didst regenerate me by thy holy spirit Eph. 2.12.13 accept mee to be thy sonne and inheritor of blessednesse 1 Pet. 3.21 not that I loued thee first but thou louedst mee before I was ô my Redeemer Tit. 5.5 how can I render thankes for all thy benefits towards mee I will take the cup of saluation and call vpon thee Psal. 116.12 I beseech thee therefore vphold mee by thy holy spirit that I may stand stedfast in this couenant of grace whereunto I haue had this accesse reioycing vnder the hope of the glory of God comforting my soule therewith confirme my faith that I may cleaue vnto thee alwayes and abhorre and detest Infidelitie and Atheisme seruing thee zealously in the spirit in whatsoeuer calling or condition of life I shall liue yea my God seeing through baptisme I am dead vnto sinne and borne againe Rom. 6.4 grant me thy grace that I may walke in newnesse of life that my conuersion and giuing my members as weapons of righteousnesse vnto God may beare record before thee and men that I haue reciued that Sacrament to my weale and saluation conduct mee safely through this wearisome valley of misery neuer leaue mee vntill thou hast brought me to thy fathers Kingdome which is those riches and treasures thou hast promised mee in my baptisme and thereof assured me and sealed vp the same in my heart by thy spirit giuen vnto me Grant me gracious father forgiuenesse of all my sins that so I may walke before thee in true repētance and amendment of life that so I may liue in thy feare and die thy faithfull seruant Amen Flesh. Shew me the third means whereby a Christian life is maintained The third poynt the Lords Supper Spirit Thirdly deare soule repaire diligently and of ten to the Lords S●pper for that is the table the Lord hath prepared for his regenerate children that is the food wherwith hee strengtheneth and refr●sheth his new purged
Thess 5.17 while wee are heere call vpon the Lord in all thy actions seek for help and counsel of him in all thy redresse and sorrow feare God hope in him beleeue in him and stay for his comming so shall mercie and grace blessings and life compasse thee euerie where round about for non● euer was ashamed that put their trust in him Rom. 10.10.11 or yet that had called rightly on his name Ps. 145.18.19 for the Lord is neere vnto all them that call vpon him to all that call vpon him in truth hee will fulfill the desire of them that feare him hee also will heare their crie and will saue them A most comfortable Prayer to God for receiuing and accepting our Prayers I thanke thee my Lord and my God for these thy vnspeakable benefits that thou hast not onely commaunded vs to call vpon thy name in all distresse but of thy fatherly loue and kindnesse hast giuen vs to vnderstād that thou willingly wilt heare and graunt in conuenient season whatsoeuer is good and profitable eyther to the soule or bodie I beseech thee my good God powre out on me thy holie spirit Zach. 12.10 that Spirit of Prayer Grace and Supplications that I may delight and take pleasure in calling on thee and euery day bow the knee of my heart before thee my Father who art the right father ouer all thy children in Heauen and in Earth Helpe mee daylie to ap●proach more and more vnto thee with all confidence and trust on the name of Iesus Christ my Lord that I may call on him as a good child doth on his beloued father Graunt I may lift vp holy hands without wrath and doubting that all my Prayers yea the meanest thought of my heart is certainely heard of thee Lend me patience whensoeuer my helpe is delayed Hab. 2.3 for I cannot prescribe vnto thee time or maner though thou tarrie I may waite for thee because thou wilt surely come and wilt not tarrie Heb. 10.38 that I doe not slide backe but still liue by faith Let mee haue thy Grace whereby I may serue thee acceptably Heb. 12.28 with reuerence and godly feare for the Lord taketh pleasure in them that feare him Ps. 147.11 in those that hope in his mercie gouerne mee my God and make mee remember by thy holie spirit daylie to bethinke mee of my mortallitie that I may euer bee in readinesse and may pray at euerie occasion from my heart for a blessed seperation from this world graunt this mercifull father for Iesus Christs sake in whose blessed name we call on thee saying Our Father c. CHAP. IIII. Containeth how a Christian man should behaue himselfe when God sends sicknesse vpon him Flesh. How then shall a Christian man behaue himselfe when God shall visit him with sicknesse Spirit Thou knowest not deare Soule whether God will visit thee by sicknesse or suddainely witho●● bodily disease call thee hence The faithfull Soule should euer remēber the vncertainetie of death Therefore often haue I aduertised thee that thou shouldest not delay repentance till thou beest sicke but daylie call on God yea the selfesame time thou art in bodily health stand stedfastly in the faith and good preparation wherein thou needest not stand in feare of safetie thinke vpon that rich foolish drunken Naball how hastily the Lord smote him that he● died Sam. 25.38 Remember that rich man who denied to Lazarus the crums which fell from his Table how short Luk. 16.22 his being here was Forget not that wretched wealthie man of whom it is sayd Thou Foole this night thy Soule shall bee required of Thee then whose shall all those things be which thou hast prouided Luk. 12. ●0 And what should I say more wee are daylie taught by euident eye-sight that innumerable numbers dye before euer they be diseased truly before God thou art of no better account than other nor knowest thou what chance he will permit to ouertake thee but if it shall so happen the Lord should call thee from hence by bodily sicknesse and cast thee downe on thy bed thou mayest thus learne to dispose of thy selfe 1 Learne to know the causes of thy sicknesse which is sinne 2 Seeke remission of thy sinnes and reconciliation with God 3 Pray to God for a gratious departure and cause the congregation to pray for thee 4 Contemne not the ordinarie menanes and physicke so thou canst haue the opportunitie of it 5 If thy sicknesse continue striue to be patient and beware of impatiencie 6 Haue euer this full assurence in thy heart that thou in thy greatest malladie and weakenesse art Gods deare child 7 If Sathan assault thee resist him by Faith so will he depart from thee 8 If thy time and houre be come giue the● ouer vnto Gods will and pleasure 9 If the Lord shall restore thee to thy health agayne bee thankefull euen from thy heart vnto his gratious Maiestie for thy recouerie A Pray●r against sudden death Preserue mee O Lord Iesus Christ if it bee thy will from a sudden death suffer me not to dye in my sinnes but that I may d●y and night bethinke mee on the hour of my death euer prepared in a sauing repentance in strong faith and stedfast hope that I may blessedly sleepe from hence when it shall please thee but if so be thou do not call mee by bodily infirmitie here am I in all lowlinesse before thee for I know thou art so mercifull and good that thou dost suffer nothing to betide mee but which shall be good and sauing for mee Graunt me but this that I may alwayes bee in readinesse as a good patient that both sicknesse and death may redound to thy glorie And this I craue at thy hands for Iesus Christs sake and in his name I call on thee saying Our Father c. Flesh. Now open vnto mee those nine f●resayd heads that I may bee taught how to vse my selfe in my sicknesse Spirit First remember well that as death is the wages of sinne so likewise are all sicknesses Gods punishments whereby hee brings vs to him when wee haue gone astray by sinne Doe not O soule as the couetous and vngodly and In●idells doe who when they are ●icke beginne to wrastle and lament therefore that their costs are spent and they cannot haue health to earne more or else they begin to meditate how it happened them whether they haue Eat any vnwholsome Meats or Drunke any hurtfull Drinkes or if by other means their maladie hath taken them But remember what the Prophet saith Ier. 2.19 Thine owne Wickednesse shall correct thee and thy back-sliding shall reproue thee Know therefore and see that it is an euill thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God and that my feare is not in in thee saith the Lord of Hostes and therefore he who sinnes against his maker shall fall into the hands of his flesh A Meditation of
the soule learning to know the cause of sicknesse Hearest thou ô Soule in this poynt thou shouldest bee singularly attentiue for when the Lord shall intend to call thee all outward meanes must obey him for whē we his creatures will not know the diseases of our soules then doth the Lord send sicknesse of body that wee might haue greater cōsideration of our soules and bee alwayes in repentance and as our children sometimes me●it the rod and correction so do we dese●ue sicknesse and punishment at Gods hands ô thou merciful God if thou shouldst visit vs so often with sicknesse as wee deserue wee should not bee one twinckling of an eye in perfect health but it is but now and then that thou chastizest vs to the intent wee should euer remember and feare thy holy name And often it commeth to passe thatinfants and young ones are chastized of the L. so that they make the elder in yeeres sorrowfull and are mooued to lament and pity the poore distressed soules 2 Sam. 12.15 for sicknesse is an Ambassadour sent of God counselling vs to rise from sinne and not to perish in our wickednesse lest it bee sayd Woe vnto their soules Esay 3.9 for they haue rewarded euilto themselues marke deare Soule how insolently and carelesly men lead their liues that are not touched with the crosse or any sicknesse at all they regard not the word of God neither the Sacraments they forget both faith in Christ and prayer then are their soules in greatest danger for the lesse a father corrects the more disobedience groweth in his children so is it with mankinde the greater health and wellfare they haue the more negligent wax they and secure A comfortable Prayer in time of sicknes Lord Iesus Christ here lie I full sicke and acknowledge that it is thy fatherly pleasure that it should bee so for there cannot perish an haire of my head without thy will how then should I lose the precious gift of my health but by thy pleasure behold Lord thou hast euen made me such an one as thou willingly wouldst looke vpon and as thou in thy passion wast a worme and not a man Psal. 22.6 ●uen so hast thou made mee like vnto thee Psal. 39 11. ô my God when thou with rebukes doest correct man for his iniquity like a moth thou makest his beauty to consume away I thank thee my God that thou hast corrected mee for I know that it is for my weale my God thou louest mankinde well and faithfull are the wounds of a friend helpe me my God Pro. 27.6 that I may bee mindefull of this chast●zement all the dayes of my life and may feare thee and depart from euill which shall bee the health to my nauell Pro. 3.8 and marrow to my bones make mee circumspect ouer sin that some danger or other a great deale worse then this befall not euen for my Sauiour Iesus Christ sake to whome be all honor and glory now and for euer Amen Flesh. Shew me how I may haue remission of my sinnes and be reconciled to God Spirit Secondly seeing that now thine outward sicknesse affrayes thee and thou art sicker where thou feelest it not giue di●igence aboue all things to apply physicke thereto thy true health is repentance and stedfast faith in Iesus Christ by which thou mayest attaine forgiuenesse of sinne and a mercifull father in heauen for by faith thy hart is purified and accoūted righteous thou receiuest peace and ioy in conscienc so that thou art reuiued although thy body be weak and diseased The sicke persons prayer and confession that his sinnes are cause of his sicknesse I confesse before thee my Lord Iesus Christ with a broken and contrite heart that I haue procured this my sicknesse by my sinnes and am greeued from my soule and heart that I haue offended thy Maiestie and brought my selfe to this mishap yet ô Lord thou settest not light by a sorrowfull soule looke therefore vnto my miserie Psal. 147.3 and heale my wounded heart ●orgiue me all my trespasses and cleanse mee from my wickednesse wherby I haue kindled thy wrath against me ô Lord my Redeemer who speakest alway peace vnto thy p●ople and consolation to the perplexed Comfort my Soule say vnto my hart ioyfull words Sonne be of good cheere Matth 9.2 thy sinnes are forgiuen thee how am I thereby refreshed in my soule life marrow and bones Yea Lord Iesus if thy holy word were not my trust then should I perish in my weaknesse I beleeue and am perswaded that by thee Iesus Christ attonement is made for mee reconciliation with thy father purchased and I am ordained to that heauenly blessednesse to which thou of thine infinit mercy bring mee for Christ sake to whom bee glory and honour Amen Flesh. Shew me how I may pray for a gracious departure in time of sicknesse Spirit Thirdly in time of sicknesse we should haue our recourse vnto our God Psal. 41.3 the Lord will strengthen vs vpon the bed of languishing and make our beds in sicknesse and therefore my sonne in thy sicknes be not negligent but pray vnto the Lord as did Ezekiah and he will make thee whole Esay 38.2 leaue off from sin and order thy hands aright and cleanse thine heart from all wickednes and see thou communicate thine inward sorrow and greefe Eccles. 38.9.10 vnto the congreg●tion of the Saints of God that they may ioyne with thee in praier for many stickes make the greater fire Verily verily I say vnto thee saith our Sauiour that if two of you shall agree on earth Mat. 18.19 as touching any thing what they shall aske shall bee done for them of my father which is in heauen for where two or three are gathered together in my name Vers. 20. there am I in the midst of them and if it be that thy sicknesse bee so vehement and thou so weake that thou canst not pray with thy mouth make then sighes and groanings of a true heart to ascend vnto the Lord for the spirit helpeth our infirmities for wee know not what wee should pray for as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh intercession for vs Rom. 8.26 with groanings which cannot bee vttered perseuer therefore in inuocating on Gods name by thy voice thoughts and cogitations and by the Church and delay not before that the Lord doe looke vpon thee and helpe thee The sicke mans Prayer O LOrd Iesus Christ thou hast sent thy messenger which is sicknesse vnto me to waken vp my repentance be hold my Lord I know it is thy will thou wouldest haue me obedient and conuerted vnto thee I haue nothing to direct vnto thee but my prayers and the poore sinfull and imperfect sighes of my heart out of the deeps therefore I haue cried vnto thee Lord heare my voice let thine eares bee attentiue to the voice of my supplications I wayte for the Lord my Soule doth waite and in
euerie man generally that willingly he may giue himselfe to dye Spirit Obedience wherein we are obliged vnto God for of him wee haue our Life and God may rightly clayme the same agayne of vs no man of himselfe came here into the world and no man can stay longer than it pleaseth him for it is hee that turneth man to destrction Psal. 90.3 and saith Returne yee Children of Men. A Meditation of the Soule for obedience to Gods Will. But beware deare Soule least when thy time is come thou dye against thy will and fret against God say not I am constrayned I would rather liue so doe the Infidells which build onely vpon this miserable life and it fareth so with them as Christ saith Ioh. 12.25 He that loueth his life shall loose it and hee that hateth his life in this world shall keepe it vnto eternall life therfore shew thy selfe obedient to liue as long as hee will and dye when it is his pleasure Let nothing detayne thee nor hinder thee of all that are in the world and thou must reckon this life and all the sufferings of this pre●sent time Rom. 8.18 are not worthie to bee compared to the future Coelestiall glorie which shall bee reuealed in vs. A Prayer for obedience vnto the will of Christ and willingly to forsake this world O Lord Iesus Christ thou who wast so resolute and ready to thy passion and so obedient vnto death euen the death of the crosse and didst say Phil. 2.8 father not as I will but as thou wilt I request thee my Redeemer giue me a submissiue heart that when the day of my dissolution shall approach I may willingly condiscend to thy will for thou knowest my infirmity and that flesh and bloud is afraid to vndergo it Lord bow mee to thy word and conduct mee in thy footsteps that I may euer commit my selfe and my life vnto thy trust my Lord and God and most comfortable Redeemer thou art God and all that thou doest is good thou neuer didst disappoint any that put their hope in thee heere I am Lord in thy mercifull hand If I liue I liue vnto thee If I die Rom. 14.8 I die to thee whether wee liue or die wee are the Lords For I know and am assured Vers. 9. that to this end Christ both died reuiued that he might be Lord both of the dead and liuing In whose name I pray vnto thee as hee hath taught Our Father c. Flesh. It is yet notwithstanding pleasant to bee in the world for beautifull is this earth which wee see who would not rather abide heere then depart Spirit All the children of the world sing that song but deare Soule be not thou conformed to this world say not this is the course and custome of the world but remember that the course of the world tendeth to hell but wee are the children of the faithfull and looke for a life which the Lord will giue vnto them that abide constantly in faith before him But as for the world the Scripture determineth of it and saith that the whole world lyes in wickednesse Ioh. 5.19 and therefore commandeth that wee should not loue the world nor the things that are in the world 1 Ioh. 2.15 16.17 for if any man loue the world the loue of the father is not in him for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life is not of the father but of the world and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doth the will of God abideth for euer And againe striue to enter in at the narrow gate for wide is the gate Matt. 7.13.14 broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there bee which goe in thereat because straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leadeth vnto life and few there bee that finde it Now mayst thou cleerly see and as in a glasse what the course of the world is and whither it tendeth and marke how wide and farre off it goeth from the way of life Pray therefore vnto the Lord thy God that hee would translate thee from the way of the world and place thy feet in the gate of life that thou mayest be transformed by the renuing of thy minde that thou mayest prooue what is that good Rom. 12.2 that acceptable and perfit will of God A Prayer to bee kept in the way of life Now Lord Iesus Christ open thou mine eyes and teach my hart that I may accept this true aduertisement and rectifie my selfe according thereto Alas thou knowest my God how altogether my heart hangs vpon this world how easily it suffereth it selfe to bee miscarried from that ●ure way of life and Sa●●an rests not but kindlet● lust and concupiscence in my heart and ministreth one opportunity after another to sinne and pursueth me on euery side to the end he may deuoure my soule O my Sauiour enlighten mine eyes that I may find thy way lead me by thy holy spirit that I goe not amisse confirme my hart by the power of faith that I may abide stedfastly in thy knowen truth that neither sweet nor sowre Matt. 7.33 miserie nor death disseuer me therefrom yea thogh life were therefore to bee lost that I may rather chuse to be diuided into 1000. parts then giue ouer Lord hepe me that I may ouercom and keep the victorie O God help mee manfully to wrestle that in death and life I may continue with thee for euermore Amen Flesh. It may so bee yet it is very hard when one hath goods and money enough and swims in honour and beautie liues in pleasure and mirth that hee should forsake all these things and part from them Spirit Yes truely it is hard to the children of this world who are enclosed in their owne fat Psal. 17.10.14 and haue their portion heere in this life and whose belly God hath filled with his hid treasure for so saith hee elsewhere O death how bitter is the remembrance of thee Eccl. 41.1 to a man that liueth at rest in his possessions vnto the man that hath nothing to vex him and that hath prosperity in all things Yea vnto him that is yet able to receiue meat But it is farre otherwise with the children of God for although they haue many of his blessings and goods and many are exalted to glorious places and great honours and haue the benefit of the ground in ioy and pleasure Esay 1 19. yet doe they not make an Idoll thereof Psal 6● 10 and if riches encrease they doe not set their hearts thereupon but thank God vse the same aright for they know they are but worldly goods which are current heere onely before this world but not before God and vncessantly meditates on his most pure word what helpeth it any man if hee possesseth all the goods in the
faithfull and godly affaires yea and as thy mother was left a widdow so wast thou also fatherlesse for Ioseph liued not long with thee therefore thou knowest both estates yea what is hid from thee ô thou searcher of hearts yea ô Lord Iesus thou becamest fatherlesse for all the poore orphans sakes I deliuer vnto thee now my fatherlesse children there receiue thou them it may well be that both I they shall praise and thanke thee therfore vpon that last day Blesse and replenish their hearts with true godlinesse their bodies with soundnesse according to thy will their life with Christian education and grant them whatsoeuer may comfort them in this world or in the world to come Satiate them with a long life and shew them thy saluation ô thou horne of my saluation Thou gouernest thy children maruellously Psal. 91.16 thou teachest and rulest them euermore they know thy voice and follow it grant them patience and mercie that they neuer separate themselues from thee and neuer desist from obedience and true loue to thee and their neighbours vntill thou shalt receiue them into those eternall and euerlasting habitations to be with my Sauiour in heauen for euermore Luk. 16.9 Amen CHAP. VI. Declaring how a Christian man shall willingly giue himselfe to die ouercome the bitternesse thereof and how in constant perseuerance hee may continue to the end Flesh. I Pray you shew mee how I may quiet the feare of death to the end I may willingly adayes which speech i● had of death Tush sa● they a stout heart will ouercome death A Meditation of the Soul● against the feare of Death But deare Soule these are nothing else but fleshly and miserable cogitations for our owne courage shall neuer carrie cōfort to the hart nor hope of eternall life For these wicked mens hearts are notwithstanding replenished with perplexitie and griefe for they know not to whom they should come to render their Soules O but the children of God haue a farre more forcible and pithie physicke against the feare of death yea a notable secret reuealed vnto them from aboue which is in true faith and cheerefull confidence in our Lord Iesus Christ which whosoeuer hath and thereby shall lay hold on him hath a preseruatiue and antidote against all the terrors and feares of death And why wilt thou O my Soule be afraid of death knowest thou whose thou art and what thou art thou art ●arth and must returne to earth but Iesus Christ is thy Life Col. 3.3 why mistrustest thou Death is thy Life knowest thou whither thou shalt goe Col. 3 3. Iohn 14.6 Behold Christ is the Way and Ladder to Heauen attend therefore thou must and kisse his Sonne and thou shalt not perish from the way Ps. 2.12 for blessed are they that put their trust in him for hauing him thou hast all things and without him all other things are naught The Sick-mans prayer and faith in Christ. Yea my Lord Iesus Christ thou diedst for my sinnes thou hast reconciled mee with thy father thou hast ouerthrowne death and meri●ted eternall life for them that constantly beleeue and hold out vnto the end Now therefore there ariseth mirth and joy in my heart and rest and peace and I count nothing of death for by thee Iesus Christ I haue remission of all my sinnes and am pure and righteous before God O he is a good mercifull father vnto mee I am his deare child and heauenlie heyre and now Lord Iesus I am thine own peculiar whom thou hast redeemed not with corruptible things as siluer and gold but with thy precious bloud as of a lambe without blemish and without spot And hast deliuered mee from hell yea I am thy brother and fellow heire and all that thou hast is mine yea I am thy beloued deere bride thy pleasure and thy joy thy treasure which thou hast dearely bought I am likewise the temple and habitation of thy holie spirit by whom I am sealed vnto the day of redemption yea Lord Iesus thou hast so reconciled and vnited mee that I am Bone of thy Bone and Flesh of thy Flesh yea all thy creatures should rather come to naught thā that I should bee seperated from thy loue what then can death worke vpon mee surely nothing else but that I may more nearely approach vnto thee my God Therefore respect I not death but haue life in my thoughts and mind and speake of nothing else but life for Christ is vnto mee both in life and death againe yea I will sing and say with faithfull Iob Iob. I know that my Redeemer liueth and that he shall stand at the later day vpon the earth and though after my skinne be perished wormes destroy this bodie yet in my flesh shall I see thee whom I shall see for my selfe and mine eyes shall behold and not an others Though my raynes bee consumed within mee Lord Iesus Christ thou knowest that I both beleeue in thee and by my faith remaine with thee eternally yea and I also know that I beleeue in thee and feele the sweetenesse of my faith taste of euerlasting life in my heart Thou art mine and I am thine and I am possessor of all that thou hast as life with euerlasting peace and joy what account I then these transitorie things Hauing thee I haue all things I could wish both earthly and heauenly A way with this temporall pleasure and beautie of this life and all other fading and perishing things for thou Lord Iesus art my comfort alone my goods and wealth my honour delight and euerlasting riches I haue trusted in thy mercie my heart shall rejoyce in thy Saluation O how dearely loue I thee Ps. 13.5 Ps. 18.1 Ps. 28.7 ô Lord my strength ô Lord my rocke my sheild the horne of my saluation and strong defence Such faith such loue burneth in my heart to thee Lord Iesus the which hath so possessed mee and incouraged mee that I am affraid neither of death nor distresse for I am sure that death it selfe and all things shall worke together for my best Now come Lord when thou wilt come I say I am certainely and surely persuaded that in thee and by thee I shall haue life and euerlasting contentment then come Lord Iesus ●ho● true God conclude this life destroy thou the last enemie which is death place me in my fathers inheritance whereof I haue thy bloud sprinckled on my heart an vndoubted pawne I am far from home heere and a forr●iner in a strange countrey take me home to mine owne that there I may sit at thy table with Abraham Isaak and Iacob that as Iohn enclined on thy bosome at the last Supper so I may rest my wearied soule on thee my God for euer Amen Flesh. I haue truely conceiued comfort and and life in mine heart if I could constantly keepe it but I am afraid my faith will decay in time of triall Spirit Thou hast thine owne
Lord Iesus Christ an Almighty promiser and powerfull performer vnto thee for saith he all the father giueth me Ioh. shall come to mee and him that commeth vnto mee I will in no wise cast out for I came downe from heauen not to doe mine owne will but the will of him that sent me and this is the fathers will which hath sent mee that of all which he hath giuen mee I should lose nothing but should raise it vp againe at the last day and this is the will of him that sent mee that euery one that seeth the Sonne and beleeu●th on him may haue euerlasting life and I will raise him vp at the last day Heare then deare Soule what comfortable speeches these are out of the mouth of Verity it selfe Wouldest thou haue more to glad thine heart and stirre thy courage Heare the Lord him selfe witnessing who cannot lie thy faith s●all not decay thou shalt not bee lost but abide constant to the lad end And againe I haue prayed for thee Luk 22.13 that thy faith faile not for my sheepe heare my voyce and I know them saith hee and they follow mee Ioh. and I giue vnto them eternall life and they shall neuer perish neither shall any man plucke them out of my hand my father which gaue them me is greater thā all no man is able to pluck thē out of my father hand I and my father am one And againe Mary hathchosen the good part Luk. 10.42 which shall not bee taken away from her A Meditation of the soule of faith in Christs promises How could the Lord giue vnto thee greater security thou hast his promise that he by the power of his holy Spirit shall giue his word for thee thy faith shal not decay and will not his father heare him when he prayed for Peter and for thee that thou shouuldest not be pluckt out of his or his Fathers hand and that the good part in thine heart should not bee reft from thee Now therefore art thou sure both of eternall life and of thy constancy and perseuerance thereunto and that thou through his mercie mayest stedfastly abide vnto the end hee will not leaue thee and thou shalt not leaue him yea thou shalt apprehend him o●●hom thou art apprehended Therefore bee of courage and comfort thy selfe and say with Paul I know whom I haue beleeued 2 Tim. 1.12 and am perswaded that h●e is able to keep that which I haue committed vnto him against that day And in another place I am perswaded that nei●ther death nor life nor Angels nor principali●ies nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any creature shall bee able to separate vs from the loue o● God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. The sicke mans Prayer and comfort in Christ. O Lord Iesus Christ Thou alone art my eternall Portion and Part which I haue chosen and am certaine that euen when mine heart shall breake it shall not bee taken from mee ô Thou Almighty Redemer who can doubt of thee ô Thou powerfull Sheepheard who shall pluck me out of thy hands ô Thou louing Sauiour 1 Ioh. 4.8 who art loue it selfe who will separate me from thy loue Thou hast kindled and raised in mine heart already a taste of the sweetnesse of the euerlasting habitations and thou hast made me haue experiēce therof by many and ioyfull deliuerances Yea Lord I perceiue the witnesse of thy holy Spirit in mine heart which witnesseth vnto my spirit that I am the childe of God and so fellow-heire with thee thou art the vine and I am a branch in thee thou art the tree of life and I am engrafted in thee thou art the Bride-groome and I the Bride wedded vnto Thee made one with thee and ioyned with thee by an euerlasting indissoluable couenant that neither the Diuell or distresse shall weaken crosse or infirmity loose and breake for euer For I am betrothed vnto Thee in righteousnesse Hos. 2.19.20 in iudgement and in louing kindnesse and in mercies yea I am betrothed vnto Thee in faithfulnesse and I doe know thee my Lord. O how burneth my heart to thee Psal. 42 2. O when shall I come and appeare before thee my God in heauen there to liue with thee for euer Amen Flesh. What shall the Christian doe when hee shall not finde such assurance of faith but great imbecillity coldnesse and drowzinesse oftentimes doubting whether he be one of the Elect or not Spirit Hee should not suffer such doubtings and weaknesses to lodge in his hart but remember that the Kingdome of Heauen suffereth violence Matth. 11.12 and is gotten by force and the violent take it by force yea thou shouldst bee mindefull of the Apostles admonition 2 Tim. 1.6 I put thee saith he in remembrance that thou stirre vp the gift of God which is in thee and he will comfort thee with these words A bruized reede wil he not breake Esay 42.3 and the smoaking flax shall he not quench and hee shall reuiue thy soule by that comfortable promise be not afraid onely beleeue Matt. 9 29. thy faith shall make thee safe for according to thy faith it shall bee vnto thee And therefore be of good cheere Matt. 9.2 thy sinnes be forgiuen thee For daily experience doth teach that the more one resorts to the word of God and pondereth vpon the comfortable sentences of the Scripture in his minde he obtaineth the greater comfort in his heart but especially when he meditates vpon this heauenly summons and citation of the Lord Mat. 11.28 Come vnto mee all you that labour and are heauie laden and I will giue you rest A Meditation of the great comfort the children of God haue in this world O perceiue deere soule how mercifully and louingly the Lord cals vpon thee how he gathereth thee euen as a hen gathers her chickens vnder her wings Matth. 23.37 or as a good sheepheard goeth after that which is lost Luk. vntill hee finde it and when hee hath found it hee layeth it on his shoulders reioycing and when hee commeth home hee calleth together his friends and his neighbours saying vnto them rejoyce with mee for I haue found the sheepe which was lost Consider therefore that thou art euen one of these who are wearied and burthened to whom the Lords Proclamation belongeth and therefore wheere hee saith Seeke my face continually answer thou in thy heart and say I will seeke thy face continually Thus the Lord will looke vnto him that is poore Esay 66..2 and of a contrite Spirit trembleth at this word Knowest thou not deare Soule that the Lord receiues him that is weake in faith For a weake faith is a true faith when as it wrastleth striues and leaues not off but sticketh vnto the word wherein in the promise is contayned And therefore is it well sayd by Luther In
our good for we rest from our labors and enioy happinesse because the righteous mans Soule is in Gods hands Wisd. 3.1 and there shall no torment touch it And Christ himselfe professeth that hee will come againe and receiue vs vnto himselfe Ioh. 14.3 that where he is there we may be also Hearken therefore and learne what it is to dye for it is nothing else than a passage and home going to rest yea the death of the faithfull is Christs taking of them vnto himselfe A Prayer against Death O Lord Iesus Christ thou eternall true Light inlighten my heart that as a new creature I may looke vpon Death with new eyes and not esteeme it for a hurter of mee but for a messenger by whom thou callest mee from this wretched world and translatst me to the kingdome of thy Sonne from this valley of darkenesse Euen so Come Lord Iesus with that Chariot of Elias and take mee from hence Now let thy Seruant depart in peace Luk 2.29 who longeth for quietnesse rest through Iesus Christ my onely sauiour Amen Flesh. Yet Death is verie terrible cold and euill fauored wee become stiffe and so must rot in our graues Spirit That is also a punishment which God inflicts on the bodie for sinne but the children of God look not to the present shew and shape of Death but looke further off consider how pleasaunt how soone how beautifull how cleare and honourable their bodies shall rise vp at the last day and corruption shal put on incorruption 1 Cor. 15.53 this mortallitie shall put on immortallitie Then shall be brought to passe the saying that is written Death is swallowed vp in victorie and by this the holie man Iob comforted himselfe for he knew that his Redeemer liued and that he should rayse him vp from the earth O how beautifull shall our bodies bee there is no starre in heauen shall be so cleere neuer shined the Sunne or the Moon so perfectly as when the Lord shall change our vile bodies that they may be fashioned like vnto his glorious body according to the working Phil. 3.21 whereby he is able to subdue all things vnto himselfe for wee are the Lords wheat ● Cor. 15.37 Ioh. 12.24 sowen in his ground which shall rise againe and beare euerlasting fruit So also is the resurrection of the dead it is sowen in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sowen in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sowen in weaknesse it is raised in power it is sowen a naturall body it is raised a spirituall body there is a naturall body and there is a spirituall body A Prayer against the terror of the graue Strengthen mee ô my Lord Iesus Christ that I bee not amazed at the fearefull sight of dead members nor when I thinke vpon the rottennesse in the graue and that I shall turne to dust and ashes but helpe mee that in a ioyfull hope I may behold the beauty and cleerenesse which shall not onely bee in my soule but euen manifest in my body that I may bee encouraged thereby gladly to meet thee when euer thou shalt please to call mee to that spirituall wedding from this life vnto life eternall through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour Amen Flesh. It is very terrible neuerthelesse to taste of death ye● to be put in that darke hole in the graue couered with earth full of rottennesse and corruption Spirit That feare ariseth of the sense of sinne for death is our enimy and God created man to bee immortall and made him to be an image of his eternity neuertheles Wis. 2.23.24 throgh the enuy of the Diuell death came into the world and he●rein is a figure representing the de●sert of sin for the breach of Gods Law in that wee not onely die temporally heere but must eternally perish be thrust downe in to the darke dungeon of hell and there bee ouerspred with the flames of perpetuall fire with the riuers of brimstone if that our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ had not come to our redemption And of this comes that terrour and hangs on vs vntill wee come to the graue Euen as a man that had been pluckt out of a great fire or out of some deepe and dangerous water so oft as hee thinkes vpon it hee is afraid so is it with vs wee are greatly astonished and amazed when wee bethinke vs on that miserie wherein wee should haue beene destroyed had not the death of Iesus come betweene by whom our attonement is made with the Father But yet all the children of God should l●●rne a new language and attend how the holy Gospell speaketh heereof for it calleth the death of the faithfull a sleepe and their graues chambers to sleepe in for as Iesus Christ hath taken the punishment of death from vs and suffered the paines of hell fulfilled Gods righteousnesse and procured eternall life for vs so the holy Spirit in his Gospell doth take away the harsh and hard names of death and doth comfort the Lords Elect with a new tongue Esa. 26.20 as when he saith Come my people enter thou into thy chambers and shut thy doores abou● thee hide thy selfe as it were for a little moment vntill the indignation passe ouer And in another place Dan. 12.2 Many of them that sleepe in the dust of the earth shall wake some to shame euerlasting contempt and some to euerlasting life And againe our friend Lazaru● sleepeth Ioh. 11.11 but I goe that I may awake him out of sleepe Also the childe is not dead Matth. 27. but sleepeth and there arose many that slept and so in infinite more places Heere hast thou then thy death changed into a soft sleep and thy graue vnto a warme bed When thou diest thou art said to goe to sleepe because he that betaketh himselfe to his rest is in expectation that the next day after he shall rise and when they beat the earth of the graue with the shouell it i● called to shut the dore and when we rot in the earth w●e are sayd to rest and to hide vs vntill wrath passe ouer our soules A Praier for the mercies of Christ. O Lord God holy Spirit take thou my heart and replenish it with the comfortable mercies of our Lord Iesus Christ teach me to put due difference betwixt the Law Gospell abolish terror and feare for death and learne me that new language of Canaan that I heare it not onely with mine eares but pronounce it by my mouth that I may beleeue and in experience prooue that when the time of my dissolution shall draw neere I shall not die but sweetly sleep vntill it shall please thee by thine Arch-angell and trumpet of God to awake and raise me vp and so do I lie downe now Lord Iesus in thine armes as a childe in the mothers lap and commit my soule vnto thee and sleep as long a time as it pleaseth thee
Grant ô God that my soule may liue and raigne with thee eternally Amen Flesh. Thou sayest well yet I see when men are in the agony of death their eyes turne in their heads they become blackish and they sweat for paine Spirit That is not onely to be spied in the children of this world who depart with out repentance but euen in the verie faithfull and Saints of God for so the sinnefull and deadly body must feele the sting of death and vndergoe the the punishment and wa●ges of sinne and although wee see in the children of God such anguish and smart it is nought for so they easily ouercome all the miseries and bitternesse thereof for the comfort of Iesus Christ is so great that he is insteede of all things vnto them and that name Iesus so sweet that it consumeth all the acrimonie and bitternesse in death and causeth the faithfull in the verie period of death to taste euerlasting ioy and saluation A prayer to Christ to keepe vs from a troublesome death Lord Iesus Christ thou who tasted st the bitter vinegar of death vpon the Crosse due vnto my sin and hast greatly complained and bemoaned thy selfe and in the daies of thy flesh didst offer vp prayers and supplications Heb. 5.7 with strong crying and teares vnto him that was able to saue thee from death and wast heard in that thou fearedst I beseech thee keepe me from a troublesome and paine full death Fill my heart with liuely faith and a rich hope that I be not greatly affraid of death nor terrified for the sting thereof O Iesus let thy deare and sweet name neuer depart from my heart and memorie vnto my last breth that I giue vp the Ghost and commit my soule vnto thee to rest for euermore Amen Flesh. Is there no kinde of phisicke then a man may vse that hee should not taste the sharpe sting of death Spirit Yes verely Ioh. 8.51 for so the Lord thy redeemer hath said Verily verily I say vnto thee if a man keepe my saying hee shall neuer see death Thou must then learne rightly to applie this phisicke which is Iesus Christs word not the word of Moses which is Gods law nor mans word diuels or witches but the mercifull preaching of the Gospell in the which hee promiseth vnto all belieuers remission of sins righteousnesse which is accepted before God the holie spirits consolation and life eternall And this is the word which the Lord giueth to the hearts of the Saints the which vpholdeth them and whereon they relye both in life and death and finde Christ and consolation therein with the which they are so detained and comprehended that they taste not the bitternes of death because of that sweetnes that is in his promise and comfort that is in his word For Christ is in his word and the word carrieth Christ and his power he who wil haue the Lord must haue his word and hee who hath the Lord himselfe the sweetnesse of his grace and comfort shall neuer see death th●t is shall neuer be agashed or tast the smart of death and so the Lord himselfe expoundeth it Verily Mat. 6.28 verily I say vnto you there be some stāding here which shal not taste of death till they see the Son of man comming in his kingdome And again Luk. 9.27 But I tell you of a truth there be some standing here which shal not tast of death vntill they see the ki●gdome of God that is they build vpon his true word taste Christ and his comfort in the word yea they winde themselues in the word as a dead corpes is wrapped in his winding sheete and so it commeth to passe they feele Christ and his mercie in his word and thereby taste in their hearts euerlasting life O thou pretious pleasant and excellent doctrine which art certaine and cannot deceiue What would you haue more O deare Soule and for what stayest thou Rom. 3.4 Receaue that heauenly doctrine in thy heart vse it well keepe it daily yea euerie moment Behold how bosting and bragging the world is hauing found phisicke for an ague tooth-ach or for the eyes how costly and pr●tiously doe they esteeme it How much more should wee glorie in this our redeemer Heauenly and diuine phisicke which hath taken away death the father ouer all sicknesses Thou needest not inquire of the trial proofe hereof behold the examples of the faithfull which haue vsed this phisicke and by the benefit thereof haue felt no griefe in their vnspeakeable paines as Saint Stephen Act. 7.56.59 Who being full of the holy Ghost and faith in Iesus Christ looked vp steadfastly into heauen and saw the glorie of God and Iesus standing on the right hand of God they stoned him calling vpon God and saying Lord Iesus receaue my spirit And Paul hauing this preseruing phisicke durst daily bragge against death I desire to depart and to bee with Christ. So did Ignatius and so Policarpus and S t. Laurance with S t. Vincentius and infinite numbers of others A prayer of the Christians stedfast hope of Heauen O Lord Iesus Christ thou hast the words of eternall life Ioh. 6.68 how doth my soule thirst and long after thy consolation yea my redeemer He that meditates on thy word diligentlie he hath that true heauenlie phisicke which shall neuer faile in time of death but fetteth it selfe against the gates of Hell O Lord Iesus feede my hungrie heart with thy word and ouer-sprinkle mee altogether and at all times with thy comfort for thy worde and thy truth abideth for euer therefore shall I by the meanes of faith in thy word be preserued for eeuer for hee that belieueth thy word belieueth in thee and hee that keepeth thy word hath thee and hee who hath thee hath eternall life and hee who hath life neither can nor shall taste of eternall death for thou art the resurrection and the life Ioh. 11.25 he th●t belieueth in thee though he were dead yet shall he liue and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in thee shall neuer die Beleeuest thou this my soule yea Lord Iesus thou knowest all things thou knowest I beleeue in thee and haue thee in mine heart and that I do comfort me in thy word rest and repose my selfe therupon therefore am I certaine that I am one of those which shall neuer see death taste his bitternesse or feele his sting Grant me this Lord Iesus Christ for thy true holy words sake For vnto thee doe I commit both soule and body helpe mee therefore euen for Iesus Christ his sake to whom bee giuen all glory and honour now and euer Amen CHAP. VIII Comprehēding remarkable sentences of Scripture with some earnest praiers to be powred out for them that are in present perill of death as also how they should behaue themselues that are present with the sicke person Flesh. I Pray thee rehearse some sentences of Gods holy Word wherewith I may comfort my
we must be saued To him giue all the Prophets witnesse Act. 10.43 that through his name whosoeuer belieueth in him shall receiue remission of sinnes Where sinne aboundeth Rom. 5.20 grace aboundeth much more If God be for vs Rom 8.31 who can be against vs. Hee that spared not his owne Sonne but deliuered him vp for vs all how shall he not with him giue vs all things who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect it is God that iustifieth who is hee that condemneth It is Christ that dyed yea rather that is risen againe who is at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for vs. I am perswaded that neither death nor life Rom. 8.38 nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come c. Rom. 11.32 God hath concluded all in vnbeliefe that hee might haue mercie vpon all Rom. 14.7 None of vs liueth to himselfe and no man dieth to himselfe for whither we liue wee liue vnto the Lord or whether we die we dye vnto the Lord whither wee liue therefore or die we are the Lords 1 Cor. 15.22 For as in Adam all dye euen so in Christ shall all bee made aliue 1 Cor. 10.13 God is faithfull who will not suffer you to bee tempted aboue that you are able but with the temptation also will make away to escape that you may be able to beare it Phil. 1.20 ●1 ●● 23 Christ shall be magnified in my bodie whether it bee by life or by death for to me to liue is Christ and to die is gaine but if I liue in the flesh this is the fruite of of my labour but what I shall chuse I wot not for I am in a straight betwixt two hauing a desire to bee with Christ which is farre better Our conuersation is in heauen Phil. 3.20 from whence also wee looke for the Sauiour the Lord Iesus Christ. This is a faithfull saying 1 Tim. 1.15 and worthy all acceptation that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners of whom I am chiefe I am readie now to bee offered 2 Tim. 4.6 and the time of my departure is at hand I haue fought a good fight I haue finished my course I haue kept the faith Henceforth there is layd vp for me a crowne of righteousnes which the Lord the righteous iudge shal giue me at that day and not vnto me onely but vnto them also which loue his appearing 1 Tim. 6.12 Fight the good fight of faith lay holde of eternall life whereunto thou art also called I know whome I haue beleeued 2 Tim 1.12 for I am perswaded he is able to keep that which I haue committed vnto him against that day We are kept by the powre of God through faith vnto saluation 1 Pet. 1.15 ready to be reuealed in the last time The bloud of Iesus Christ Gods Son cleanseth vs from all sinne 1 Ioh. 1.7 In this was manifested the loue of God towards vs because that God sent his only begotten Sonne into the world that wee may liue throgh him here in his loue not that wee loued God but that hee loued vs and sent his Sonne to be the propitiation for our sinnes Here haue wee no continuing Citie Heb. 13 14 but wee seeke one to come As many as I loue I rebuke and chasten Reuel 3.19 Bee thou faithfull vnto death Reuel 2.10 and I will giue thee a crowne of life To him that ouercommeth will I graunt to sit with mee in my throne Reuel 3 21 ●uen as I also ●●ercame and am set down with my father in his throne Reu. 12.11 And they ouercame him by the bloud of the Lambe and by the word of their testimonie and they loued not their liues vnto death Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth Reu. 14.13 yea saith the spirit that they may rest from their labours and their workes do follow them Meditations of the Soule Of these and many other comfortable speeches and sentences deare Soule choose and select some which best may comfort thee Make them as familiar vnto thee as the Lords prayer and as some vse to prouide thei● winding sheet some yeres before they die against the time there shall be occasion of it that their bodies may bee enfolded therein Euen so picke thou out some remarkeable sentences and learne to vnderstand them to the ende that in time of death thou mayst wrappe thy soule therein for at that time it happeneth that the vnderstanding is mightily lessened the memorie taken away long Sermons cannot bee heard Mat. 4 4. Deut. 8.3 there is no attention giuen to perswation nor Rhetoricall allurements but one comfortable word which proceedeth out of the mouth of God reioyceth gladdeth nourisheth refresheth the heart life and soule But time is too short to learne these things when thou art on thy death bed And therefore acquaint thy selfe diligentlie with Sermons and preachings reading and meditating on Gods word that thou mayest haue these spirituall weapons in the houre of thy greatest combate Make diligent vse of thy going to Church and euerie time see thou learne that wherof thou wast ignorant before so shalt thou encrease in the knowledge of the Lord Iesus Christ corroborate thy faith kindle thy loue augment thy hope and be prouident against that greatest and last assault of Sathan A Praier for a diligent and stedfast faith in Gods word O Lord Iesus Christ open my heart by thy holy spirit that I may giue place to thy word ponder th●reon and weigh it diligently and make it familier vnto my soule and not be as a vessel that is crackt and can holde no liquor H●b 2.1 Illuminate my vnderstan●ding and confirme my memorie that I may euer call thy ioyfull comfort to minde and bee that good portion of ground which in an honest and good heart may heare and keepe thy word and bring forth fruite with patience vnto the end grant this O Lord God for Iesus Christs sake to whom be all glorie and honour Amen Flesh. What else is behoouefull to comfort the sicke on his bed Spirit I haue set downe euery where prayers for thee which thou mayest vse as occasion serueth and the disposition of thy sicknes requires but the most speciall is the Lords prayer which heere also thou shouldest remember saying Our Father which c. sundry Prayers and Meditions mayest thou haue out of the learned and godly Fathers as Augustine and Bernard and out of holy latter Writers as also out of the booke of Psalmes in the which thou mayest vse these most frequently O Lord rebuke me not in thine anger c. Psal. 8. The Lord is my Sheepheard c. 23. Vnto thee ô Lord doe I lift vp my Soule c 25. Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiue● 32. As the Hart panteth after the water brookes
the Glorie of God did enlighten it and the Lambe is the light thereof 24. And the Nations of them which are saued shall walke in the light of it and the Kings of the earth doe bring their glorie and honour to it And the Gates of it shall not be shut at all by day ●5 for there shall be no night there And they need no candle neyther the light of the Sun Reu. 22.5 for the Lord giueth them light and they shall shine for euer and euer These words beloued Soule are short but replenished with vnspeakable comfort and although the Scripture had beene more large herein yet our weake and infirme hearts are such and our vnderstanding so small that wee could not comprehend it and therefore the holie Spirit by these speeches openeth but a little windowe through the which wee may see a little glance to the end wee may know what wee should beleeue and hope for and what to comfort and reioyce vs withall But when we shall come thither and possesse such ioy and such gladnesse then shall wee say one to another as old Elizabeth sayde vnto the Virgin Marie Luk. 1.45 O blessed art thou that beleeuest for there is a performance of those thing● which were told thee of the Lord. O eternall Life O pleasant Life O perpetuall Ioy and Peace O euerlasting Hierusalem Citie of the holie God O how pretious how beautifull art thou vnto mee thy pulchritude surmounts there is no blemish in thee My heart longeth for thee yea for Hierusalem my Mother For Hierusalem my natiue Land and for thee Iesus Christ thou which art hid there my Life Lord and euerlasting Sheepheard O holie Life O blessed Life which the Lord hath prepared for them that loue him in the which shall be no death for man shall see God face to face for our hearts shall be superaboundantly satiate with the food of Life Oh the oftner I thinke vpon thee the sweeter thou appearest vnto mee O how well wilt thou be my Soule when thou shalt bee loosed from this earthly body and so passe in freedomevnto heauen how welcome shalt thou bee how kindly shalt thou be receyued thou shalt come to great rest and securitie thou needest not stand in feare of any foe or dea●h Thou shalt euermore beholde the face of thy God and Redeemer Ps. 45.2 the bea●tifullest among the childrē of men hearest thou not him my Soule calling on thee Song 2.20 Rise vp my loue my fayre one and come away for loe the Winter is past the rayne is ouer and gone Arise my Loue my fayre one and come away Come vnto mee my Elect I haue pleasure in thy beautie come and reioyce before my face with the Angells whose societie I haue promised thee Come out of all thy distresses and feares and enter into thy Fathers rest O reioyce my Soule and be glad thou beautifull daughter for the King hath pleasure in thee O thou sweet Life shew me thy Ports and thy gates ●hy walls and thy manifolde Mansions Reu. 21. ●8 19 Thy Walls are of pretious stones and thy gates are costly Pearle and the ●treet of the Citie is pure ●old as it were transpa●ent glasse in the which is sung perpetually a Halleluiah thy light is God the God of light the Son of Righteousness● neuer go●th downe in thee There is a feast and banquet where all wearied Pilgrims refresh themselues Ioh. 17.24 O how pleasant is the harmonie which shal be heard there O then shall I find the accomplishment of that promise Father I will that these that thou hast giuen mee should be with me where I am that they may behold the glorie which thou hast giuen mee for thou louedst me before the foundation of the world A Prayer for the ioyes of Heauen O thou Fountayne of Life O springing Well of all comfort when shall I drinke aboundantly of that Water of Life which is thy consolation when shall I appeare before thy ioyefull countenaunce when O LORD shall I see that day of saluation Ps. 118.24 wherin I may reioyce and be glad O how light cleare and ioyfull shall that day be wherein there shall be no euening Math. 25. Enter my soule into thy fathers rest where I shall haue that holy Tri●nitie one euerlasting God in three persons Come my light and Redeemer and deliuer my soule from from this miserable prison O euerlasting peace Phil. 1.4 which passeth all vnderstanding wherein the holy ones soule doth repose it selfe there is that eternall life which is to know God our Lord and to see God face to face happie are they for euer which are disburdened of this cumbersome and miserable life and are come to that heauenly eternall and ioyfull life to liue with Christ for euer Amen Flesh. What shall then become of the reprobate and vngodly Spirit They shall enter both soule and bodie into euerlasting paine Of the paines of Hell for as the ioy of the godly cannot be expressed so neither can the paines of the wicked and condemned bee shewed for there is such poenarum multiplicitas acerbitas ●eternitas that is first the paine of the condemned shall bee so great and manifold that none can declare it for they shall be cast into vtter darknesse Mat. 22.13 where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth They shall be tormented in the flame Luk. 16.24 The Lord shall raine vpon them snares fire and brimstone and a horrible tempest this shall be the portion of their cup their wormes shall not dye neither shall their fire be quenched Esay 66.24 and they shall bee an abhorring vnto all the people A Meditation of the soule on the paines of hell Behold with these and such like phrases the Scripture giueth vs to vnderstand that vnspeakeable and vnconceiueable miserie the wicked shall come to with that grieuous societie of the diuel who shall ioye in tormenting them which the religious should often meditate vpon Secondly there shall be Poenarum acerbitas for that their paine shall bee so bitter and hard that the condemned cannot endure and yet they must needes suffer it eternally for they shal seeke death Revel 9.6 and shall not finde it and shal desire to dye and death shall slie from them for there shall be neither life nor death but betwixt life and death shall they bee tormented for euermore Euen as a red hot coldron vpon a flaming furnace so shal they be in fire vnspeakeably tormented and abide in such case for all eternitie Thirdly Poenarum aeternitas for their manifolde and bitter torments shall at no time come to an end for so it is said they shall goe to euerlasting paine Mat. 25. for were it of a long continuance and so haue an end would bee some comfort in their expectation but eternitie is endlesse Esa. 34.89 for it is the day of the Lords vengeance and the streames shall bee turned into pitch which
shal not bee quenched night nor day yea their plagues shall ascend in all eternitie Reuel 14. and shall haue no end day nor night Consider deare Soule that if one should lie in a costly bed or well-ga●nished hall and there be delicately entertained with nourishment if hee were notwithstanding tyed to his bed and should neuer come from it truely hee would not desire to liue in that condition But the damned as they haue no pleasure but swimme in the euerlasting fire of hell in eternall anguish and woe in terrible stincke and darkenesse in the which they shall not receaue one drop wherby they might coole or refresh themselues O then hearken thou poore miserable childe of the world meditate hereupon thou louest the world and pleasures therof and sayest it is good to bee heare behold the time commeth and truely is not farre off when thou shalt say with the rich man Oh I am greatly tormented in this flame yea thou shalt lament and say with a blasphemous mouth It is not good to bee here but there yet must thou stay and that euermore euer burning neuer consumed from the which God of his infinite mercie deliuer vs. A Prayer for a safe deliuerance from the paines of hell and to liue with Christ for euer O Lord Iesus Christ giue me eares to heare an heart to vnderstand that I diligently hearken vnto thy true seruants messengers to the rectifying and bettering of my life and alwaies separate my selfe from the children of darkenesse Helpe me that I conforme not my selfe to this wicked world so be cast downe to the lowest hels torment gouerne teach and lead mee by thy holy spirit that I may learne christianly to liue and when it shall please thee to dye blessedly that I come not in the place of euerlasting paine and torment but with thee Lord my Redeemer thy Angels and all thy Saints may enioy and possesse that endlesse and euerlasting life purchased by the bloud of thy Son our Lord Iesus Christ as of a Lambe vnspotted and vndefiled to whom with thee and the holy spirit in the Church be euerlasting glorie praise and dominion for euermore Amen FINIS ¶ A Morning Prayer for Christian families O Lord God deare Father in Christ we do acknowledge that this night we haue receaued one of the greatest temporall blessings that can bee bestowed vpon Mankinde the fast sleepe sound rest of our bodies entreating thee this day and euermore our mindes do not sleepe in sinne and darknesse of the world from that second sleepe in the graue Restore vs wee beseech thee to euerlasting life that both body and soule may be together partners of blessednesse O thou true light which enlightenest euerie man which commeth into the world shine in vs that wee may see thee and walke as the children of life in all our wayes that as thou hast raised these our heauy and burdensome bodies so lift vp our minds to thy knowledge that wee may liue the rest of our liues in all lowlines meeknes chastity charity patience godlines warines and circumspection as to render an ac●ount vnto the● who shall iudge the quicke and the dead and the world with fire Strip vs therfore out of the olde corrupt Adam cloath our soules with thy righteousnesse make our ●yes to be fixed setled on that thy great and free mercie in electing vs to be thy children before the foundation of the world when others as good as we by nature are reiected in that thy hidden counsell which is made knowne vnto our spirits by thy holy spirit working faith in our hearts to beleeue and so to be iustified before thee O thou our life Iesus Christ worke more and more the death of sinne in vs and giue vs freedome of conscience that we may labour to serue th●e with perfect heart and willing mind casting aside carelesnesse and vnfeeling of our sinnes dulnesse and deadnes of soule we may see and sigh for our offences with a continuall remembrance and effectuall con●●deration we shall not alwaies liue heere in this wretched world but must appeare before thy tribunall seate of iudgement and receaue according to our deeds good or bad giue vs feeling of that vnspeakeable and eternall waight of glory which shal follow our seruing of thee heare Yea set before our faces the dreadful and fearfull torments of the pit of hell which the disobedient and wicked shall fall into To the end we may haue a true hatred of sinne and loue to righteousnes this day and all the dayes of our liues Blesse thy word with fruite vnto our soules and send out faithfull labourers into thy haru●st grant that wee may bee prepared when hearts with open consciences there to giue an account of whatsoeuer we haue thought done or sayd when the faithfull and obedient shall possesse the kingdome prepared for them but the sinfull and carelesse liuers shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of thee the God who is a consuming fire and the smoake of their torment shal ascend for euerm●r● Father of heauen knit our hearts fast vnto Thee an● while we haue time giue vs grace rightly to meditate and thinke thereon continue the word of thy grac● among vs and make it bring for t fruit according to this pleasure that we may striue to reforme our wicked liues thereby Keepe vs from hardnesse of heart security and hypocrisie stay our inordinate affections and peruerse perturbations and renue vs more more againe to thy image lost in Adam Oppresse vs not deare Father with the vnspeakable and infinite weight of our sins in the time of ignorance willing and knowne offences Preserue thy Church vniuersall the great and m●ine member therein our deare and dread Soueraigne K. IAMES the Queene● Maiestie Prince and th●ir Royall progeny blesse the nobles and magistrates cloath them with righteousnesse as with a garment increase in this thy Israel true Leuites giue them wisdome and discretion to cut thi● word aright bring the remnants which are thine to thy fold bee gratious to our friends kindred in the flesh lighten them with the knowledge of Thee and thy Son that they may glorifi● thee all the dayes of their liues Comfort thy afflicted members whereso●uer and in whatsoeuer crosse Grant peace in 〈◊〉 dayes if it bee thy pleasu●e And because gratious God the night ●s now vpon vs which thou hast appointed 〈◊〉 rest in let the bed strike i● our hearts that the graue is almost readie for vs which of vs can tell whether these eyes of ours once closed vp shall euer open any more Now therefore into thy hands we commend and bequeath our bodies and soules and bee thou present with vs before vs by the insight of our minds that we may not be absent from thee no euen in our sleepe with all puritie and cleannesse that nothing disquiet or disturbe this rest but all things may bee still and calme through that peace of
thine in Iesus Christ in whose name wee call vpon thee as hee hath ●aught vs saying Our Father c. FINIS THE SOVLES REQVEST OR A most sweet and comfortable Dialogue betweene CHRIST and the SOVLE full of heauenly and spiritual consola●ion● to 〈◊〉 vp the heart cast 〈◊〉 for sinne and sence of Gods wrath PSALM● 27.8.9 When thou saydest seeke my face 〈…〉 said vnto thee thy fa●e Lord I 〈…〉 Hide not thy face farre from 〈…〉 seruant away in anger c. LONDON Printed by Edw 〈…〉 Iohn Marriot and are to be 〈◊〉 at his shop at the White flowe● 〈◊〉 ●uce neere Fetter●lane end in Fleet-street 1618. TO THE WORshipful his approued good Friend M r. William Howpill grace mercie and peace in our Lord Iesus Christ. LVke the Euangelist writeth his Hist●rie of Christ God Luc. 1.3 and Man and dedicated it to Theophilus a louer of God 2 Iob. 1.1 Iohn the Apostle writeth to the elect Ladie of Chri●stian loue And who should haue more interest in this my small Dialogue of spirituall comfort then they by whome the bowels of the Saints are so often refreshed Phi● 7. Life it selfe is tedious where the taste of the assurance of mercie is absent what peace can please where the peace of conscience raigneth not and that loue of God is not shed abroad in the heart Rom. 5.5 by the holy Ghost which is giuen vs wher forgiuenes of sin is not sealed in the soule filled with ioy which no man can take away what dainties can like when wee eate not that fatted calfe Luc. 15.23 1 Cor. 5.7 Mat. 22.12 Reuel 2.17 and pascall Lambe Iesus Christ that cl●athed with his righteousnesse as with a garment we may enioy that hidden Manna and tree of life which is in the middest of the Paradice of God Ibid. vers 7. quenching out thirst with those pure waters of life Of the which according to the measure of grace giuen mee I haue briefly written which I recommend vnto your Worship And I beseech the God of all comfort according to the riches of his mercie hee would make you feele and fill you with all heauenly consolation that you may glorying in the Lord looke for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God Tit. 2.13 and our Saui●ur Iesus Christ to your immortalitie To whom be all power and praise in the Church for euer 2 Tim. 4.8 Amen Your Worships in all christian duties Bartholl Robertson THE SOVLES REQVEST OR A most comfortable Dialogue betwixt Christ and the Soule full of spirituall and heauenly consolations to raise vp the heart cast downe for sin and sense of Gods wrath CHRIST O My Beloued Soule why art thou so sad frettest in thy breast knowest thou not that thy afflictions are so sanctified by my spirit● that euen thereby thou art made partaker of my holines Heb. 12.10 Heb. 12.14 1 Thess. 1.6 Gal. 6.14 enioyest the sweet fruit of righteousnesse and obtainest a greater measure of ioy in the Holy Ghost that thereby thou art crucified to the world and the world vnto thee haue I not put sweet wood in these bitter waters to make them sauoury destroyed that death that was in the pot of thy troubles by the meale of my mercies greeueth it thee to wade in the waters which I haue swimmed in The SOVLE O Sauiour giue mee that most precious dearest giue of all thy Holy Spirit the Comforter that I may offer a voluntary and free sacrifice of obedience to thee Giue mee that thou askest and aske what thou wilt Alas as of all other kinde of sinne so haue I in my selfe sufficient matter and seede to breed this corruption for in my feeling I cannot see comfort in my sufferings in so exceeding great measure is my vnderstanding corrupt and affections disordered CHRIST I Worke the sense of sin and mercy by degrees in my children and the yeelding to one draweth on another Take heed least at any time there be in thee an vnbeleeuing heart to depart from mee the liuing God Heb. 3.12.13 lest thou be hardned through the decei●fulnes of sinne To see the length height bredth and depth of my mercy is to behold thy sinne and naturall pollution but let not thine ●eart bee eaten vp with greefe Looke alwaies to my mercies thine enemy indeede is a Lyon and so am I and that of the Tribe of Iuda of thine owne flesh he is a Serpent I am that brazen Serpent to sting all the fiery inuasions of sinne death and condemnation if I be heere so to help thee what shall I doe in glory when I come with thousands of Angels hast thou no knowledge of saluation fearest thou thy sinne is there nothing but doubtfulnesse dulnesse and deadnesse in thee thou must know whatsoeuer knowledge experience and power is in mee the same is made thine 1 Cor. 1.30 I am my Fathers counseller and am thy wisdome the Teacher and the thing taught I haue no holinesse in my selfe by the flesh by being borne of my mother yet do saue great sinners seek then righteousnesse out of thy selfe in mee who being no sinner was accounted a sinner and punished as a sinner for thee that thou hauing no righteousnesse mightest bee accounted righteous and rewarded as righteous through mee who am thy righteousnesse Hebr. the authour and finisher of thy saluation so that albeit of thy selfe to perseuere it seemeth impossible yet with mee it is both possible easie And as for the multitude of thy sinnes whereof thou complainest and thou doest well Marie-Magdalen had seuen Deuills yet first honoured with the sight of my Resurrection Moreouer Mathew a notorious and infamous Sinner crowned with the dignitie of an Euangelist and Paule whos● clothes tooke a Purple-dye and Crimson colour in the bloud of the Saints is one of the chief and glorious Apostles Thy naturall corruptions I doe chaunge into the power of a supernaturall grace thy wounded spirit vnto a peace of mind I am the Lord of the whole earth and the heyre of heauē yet had not wherwith to helpe my necessitie A Lord of Libertie and yet put in Prison and yet am thy Redemption who will not suffer thee to be ouercome and wil wholly free thee from sin and anguishes in the life to come I cannot lye beleeue my Word whereby I am euidently set forth Gal. 31. and crucified before thy heart Attend Prayer which worketh a feeling of thy faith in mee To Heauen I tell thee I haue a two-fold title one by Inheritance which I reserue to my selfe alone another by purchace and conquest which I haue giuen thee freely and wilt thou not relie on these my Mercies The SOVLE LOrd Iesus I doe often call to mind the things thou hast done for thy glory and my Soules health the matter of my thankfulnesse but I do perseuere in sinne and deserue not the least crumme of Mercie that fall from thy Table anie more
CHRIST IS there nothing to bee obtayned of Mee vnlesse thou bring of thy own to present mee withall Is not this to discredit my Mercie to bring credit to thy Merits and rather to binde Mee to thee than thee to Mee Is there not with mee plentifull Redemption If thy sins be great my redemption is greater thy merits are beggarly my Mercie is a Rich Mercie If thy perill bee not come euen to a desperate case and past hope of recouery there is no prayse of redemption for herein is the power of it that when all sins haue gone ouer thy head and all creatures Sun Moon Heauen and Earth c. come as it were in iudgement against thee yet a cleare and full ransome shal be giuen in thy hand therewith to purchase thy deliuerance beyond all expectation and so as it were to fetch something out of nothing And when I put to the ordinarie meanes it is not to withdraw my helpe in vsing the means but traine vp thy faith that after I may make knowne vnto thee I haue a helpe beyond all helps for I come to them that calleth not for mee the possessed that would not doe I cure and the dead that cannot doe I rayse Beleeuest thou this The SOVLE LOrd my sight is verie dimme to behold Thee that Serpent exalted in the Wildernesse my Faith is as smoaking Flax Blow on it I pray thee by the wind of thy Spirit an● make it burne more cleare My sins and conscience arrest mee and summon mee before thy iustice thou my Iudge art greater who knowest all and righteous are thie iudgements CHRIST THou poore Soule pourest out the sence of thy inward sight on the wrong object Thou gazest on Sathan the false accuser of the brethren and on S●nne thy guilt but beholdest not Mee the Lambe of God that taketh away thy sinne I am not come to call the ●ighteous but Sinners ●o Repentance Mat. 9.12 If thou be grieued for sinne I am for thee The whole need no Physitian but the sicke I will bind vp thy sores and heale all thy woundes Soule be of good comfort thy sinnes are forgiuen thee I inuite all the Wearie and Laden to come to mee and I will ease them Mat. 11.28 Feelest thou the burthen of thy sinne I am for such as thou art with a troubled and aking conscience Esa. 44.22 for I put away their transgressions as a thicke Cloud and Sinnes as Mist I doe cast them in the bottome of the Sea Mic. 7.19 Esa. 43.25 I put them away I say for my owne Mercies sake for what art thou but dust and ashes yea a wind that goeth and returneth not But I thy Aduocate with thy Father euen thy owne Iesus Christ Heb. 7.25 the righteous who am perfectly able to saue all those that come vnto God by Mee who am Euer-liuing to make intercession for thee For by my owne bloud I haue once entered the Holie-place and obtayned eternall redemption for thee Heb. 9.22 Why lookest thou to thy sinne and wages thereof I euen I was made sinne for thee who knew no sinne that thou mayest bee made the righteousnesse of God in Mee 2. Cor. 5.21 I was wounded for thy transgressions and broken for thy inquities the chastisement of thy peace was vpon mee With my stripes thou art healed Esa. 53.5 and now I doe require this Who d●th lay any thing to thy charge Rom. 8. it is I that iustifie thee Who shall condemne thee it is I that died or rather which is risen agayne for thee who am at the right hand of God and maketh request for thee Haue not I lead captiuitie captiue Col. 2.25 spoyled principalli●ies and powers and made an open shew of them and triumphed ouer them in my Crosse 1 Co● 15.25 O Death I will be thy Death O Graue I will be thy destruction yea O Death where is thy Sting O Graue where is thy victorie O but I pittifully complaine Ps. 81.13 O that thou wouldest hearken vnto mee for then thy prosperitie would bee as the floud Esa. 48 18. and thy righteousnesse as the waters of the Sea Hos. 6.4 and now what shall I doe vnto thee How shall I entreat thee What can I doe vnto thee that I haue not done I beseech thee 2. Cor. 5.20 I beseech the I say be reconciled vnto God for my father so loued the World that hee hath giuen Mee vnto it that whosoeuer beleeueth in Mee should haue euerlasting Life And I my selfe trust Me haue set out my loue to thee that when thou wast a sinner I died for thee much more beeing now iustified by my bloud thou shalt be saued from wrath by Mee Rom 5.8 When thou wast an enemie thou wast reconciled to God by my death much more beeing reconciled thou shalt be saued by my Life I was partaker of thy flesh and bloud yea and became a Worme Ps. ●2 6 for all creatures almost to treade vpon mee For thee I was made obedient to death yea to the death of the Crosse Manie more degrees did I The Sonne of righteousnesse goe backe that thou maiest be certified of eternal life than the Sunne did in Ezechias time to assure him the lengthening of his temporall Life Let nothing shake thy faith how weake soeuer it be Come to Mee haue Milke and Honie and of the Well of the Water of Life freely Reu. 21.6 Take here Eye-salue that thou mayest see and amend that blindnesse thou art in and looke to my euerlasting mercies that endure for ●uer sinnes past cannot hurt thee if sinnes present doe not like thee and in finne thou takest no pleasure The SOVLE O T●y lips are full of grace thy words sweeter then the hony the honycomb O that I might eat them thy word spoken to me now is like an apple of gold with pictures of siluer Pro. 25 11. I wash my garment in thy bloud by it that hand-writing that was against me is cancelled and anulled but this scruple rest that I doe euermore yet sinne this body of sinne dwelling in me is so pregnant and powerfull I feare it will bring forth the fruit of the flesh which is death and euerlasting condemnation CHRIST WHy doest thou attribute ●o much strength to thy poysoned nature and derogatest srom mine infinite mercy and grace thou wilt not nor canst not denie but God hath giuen mee a perfect Redeemer vnto thee hee hath sealed on thee the assurance therof by his holy Spirit the Word and Spirit haue begot faith in thee by which thou hast begotten ioyes in heauenly things This ioy hath wrought a sincere heart and well willingnesse to please God accompanied with loue vnfained to my father aboue and brethren on earth thou hast a care t●● obey the Commandements and a renewed feare to please God ●hy sinne rebuked worketh I know in thee a mourning spirit are not thy ●eare● in my
great dangers 2 Cor. 1.10 and doest deliuer me and I trust that yet thou wilt deliuer me Helpe mee that I giue no place to these misconstructions in my heart I will not say with Iob in his impatiency Thou hast set me as a marke against thee to shoote at Iob 7.20 and so confound this processe of my afflictions in no right discussing them I will entertaine by thy grace my priuy checks whereby thou knockest vpon mine heart ô open thou it wide and fill it ô thou that hast the key of Dauid oh my faith my small faith how feeble and weake art thou thou doest not answer nor satisfie my heart by apprehending and applying straightly into the armes of my soule O my poore soule that sauiour of mankind Iesus Christ. CHRIST REason not most beloued Soule so vnsoundly faith is in thee albeit it shew not in actions and fruits by which it is sen●ibly discerned for once wrought in thy soule it alwaies continueth a sounding man is not dead by the sicknesse of the soule in sinne or outward violence of temptations it seemeth depriued of loue hope patience c. but by prayer word and spirit it soone reuiueth weather-beaten trees in winter are naked of fruit and leaues yet liue and sucke nourishment of the earth When the sweet shewers of my spirit shall distill vpon thee as in the spring and the warme sunneshine of my Fathers loue appeare to thee thou shalt growe greene and new in holy actions Fire couered with ashes is no● extinguished Is man without reason because he hath no vse of it while hee sleepeth drousie securely hardnesse of heart and dulnesse of spirit ouertaketh sometimes my best seruants whose soules seeme so sick in the sence of sinne that there oft appeareth no signe of life Prescribe vnto mee no time but wayt my leasure and I will surely helpe thee thou ca●st not discerne now of faith and infidelity loue of me and rebellion against me betwixt sanctifications ●nd the heauie masse of filthie corruption Bee perswaded that though thou hast no present sense and feeling of righteousnesse Rom. 11.29 peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Yet if euer thou hadst them truely in any degree they are not taken from thee intermission is not ab●uption I will in my time finish my worke Phil. 1.6 The woman with child feele●h not the motion thereof alwaies but hauing once felt it shee is perswaded shee is with childe so by the seede of the word faith is begotten and sence of pardon of thy sins yet after a while thou mayest wound thy conscience by sinne for i● pleaseth mee thereby to exercise thy faith and manif●st my power in thy weaknesse yeelding to my selfe the praise of thy saluation In this case prop vp thy declining fai●h call to minde how oft I haue shewen thee my mercifull countenance so doe the Saints Psal. 77.5 ●● 11 they remember my works and my wonders of olde vpon them and in them Set before thy eyes my seruant Iob who did comfort himselfe in his greatest extreamity with his friends and in his perplexity with himselfe by calling to minde the by-past fruits of faith and wonted workes of sanctification which hee had obserued in himselfe in former times and concluded of them Behold my signe that the Almighty is witnesse for mee Iob 3.12.35 Learne wisely to distinguish betwixt the habite and act of thy faith for it is the ground of things which are hoped for Heb. 11.1 1. Cor. 2.9 and neither the eye hath seen nor eare hath heard nor heart can conceiue them Remember it is a kind of infidelity to beleeue onely things subiect to sence● vnderstandings where feeling ceaseth then faith beginneth the chiefe worke thy best faith sheweth it selfe when thou hast no sence but rather discerne and feele the cleane contrarie as to behold my loue through the vizard of my anger and say Iob 13.15 Though thou kill me yet will I trust in thee for faith is not founded vpon thy feeling but vpon my gracious promises immutable goodnesse and infallible truth If once thou hast tasted of mercy the which I know and thou art perswaded thou hast done sundry and diuers times whatsoeuer thou apprehendest in thy present feeling yet faith concludeth thou art still in fauour Ioh. 13.1 For whome I loue I loue to the end and of my own will I did beget thee with the word of truth Iames 1.18 bee not therefore faithlesse but faithfull Ioh. 20.27 The SOVLE MY spirit is refreshed as the thirsty ground O giue me more of the pure riuer of that water of life Reuel 22.1 pure as christall proceeding out of the throne of God and of thee the Lambe This water thou giuest mee is a Well of water in me springing vp to eternall life Ioh. 4.14 But O my God my God I make my moane to thee of the weakenesse of my faith I doe not fully assent vnto that I know I am not surely perswaded of my saluation but assaulted with doubting that thy promises doe not belong vnto me and that by my manifolde sins I may bee separate which God forbid from thy loue CHRIST TO haue true faith is not to haue a perfect faith neuer shaken with any temptations for there was neuer such faith in anie man in the world for the most perfect are partly Flesh and partly Spirit the fruit of the Spirit is faith the fruit of the flesh is doubting which euer fight one against another Rom. 1.17 but there are Babes in me growing from fa●th to faith Heb. 10.22 till they attaine to that f●lnesse of pe●suasion yet this weake faith is a true faith as neuer so little gold is gold and sufficient to saue the beleeuer for my promises are not made to a strong faith but to those that haue a true faith Ioh. 3.18 for hee that beleeueth shall bee saued I haue no respect to the Quantitie and apprehension but Qualitie if it bee true and liuely a little man is as truly man as a great Gyant My Apostles were ignorant in manie things as that I should redeeme mankind by my death Mat. 16. Mat. 18.20 ●8 Luk. 9 45 Luk. 24 11 Mar. 9.32 Ioh. 13.36 Ioh. 14.5 Act. 1.16 Mar. ●0 37 when I told them I should be crucified they vnderstood it not they knew not that I should rise againe and being taught it thought it a faigned thing Were ignorant of my ascension and kingdome for they dreamed of worldlie preferment See now deare Soule how weak and smal this their faith is which also is euident in that my reprehension Wherefore are yee fearefull O yee of little faith And yet notwithstanding I compared it to a Rocke against which the gates of Hell should not preuaile Yea deare Soule al the power of Hel shal neuer preuaile against the smallest measure of faith Phi. 3.13 the weaker it is the stronger is my power in
finally by Death which shall end the battle betwixt the Flesh and the Spirit The Sunne and Moone doe not perish in their Eclipses no nor loose Light for euer Neyther the sence of my goodnesse in thee shall loose his vertue for euer I found thee when thou soughtest mee not I will returne vnto my owne worke I sende blessing with cros●es least thou shouldest despaire and crosses with blessinges least thou shouldest presume Grieue thee not at my vvise Dispensation The SOVLE I Finde deare Redeemer an interchangeable condition of Sorrowe and Comfort of Faith and Feare I haue had some affection to heare knowledge of thie Will purpose of amendment in zeal● of Spirit called vpon Thee but n●w I am in such agonie and conflict of conscience that my Sinnes at all times yea in my Prayers yea while I begin to speake with thee ●ow sweet Iesus so liuely present themselues to my inward sight that I am almost ag●st and at my Wits-end CHRIST AS the sence of an aguish Man is corrupt so is thie iudgement in Temptation things that are seeme not to be or not such as they are Heb. 10.32.34 Iob. 29.3 Ps. 77.6.12 spirituall things must bee spiritually discerned When Men are diseased deare Soule it cannot thereof bee concluded that they were neuer in health none can say they are a sleepe which are so indeed Prese●● discomforts take away the sence of mercie for a time but in heauinesse and anguish of thy Spirit remember comforts past and assure thee of my returne in due time The day was when thy assurance of my fauor was such as Sa●han himselfe could not then deny the testimony which then my Spirit did beare to thie Spirit Kom 8.16 greater than eyther the testimonie of Men or Angels for I loued thee before the foundation of the World was layd Be not cruell vnto thy owne bowells Why wouldst thou conspire with Sathan against thy selfe rather resist him 1. Pet. 5.9 beeing stedfast in Faith Resist him I say and hee will flie from thee for hee cannot worke any thing in thee but by thy own consent no motion shall hurt thee whereunto thou giuest not consent in hart thou hast no sinne whiles in heart thou longest to bee free from it thou wantest no goodnesse which in heart thou couetest t● haue Rom. 7. It is Sathans nature to contradict my spirit for thus hee doth distresse and anguish afflicted soules holding them in the cogitations of their sinnes and suffers them not to see the length bredth heigth and depth of my mercies Eph. 3.18 neither to know that my l●ue which passeth allvnderstanding that thou mayest be filled with all the fulnesse of mee who shall once determine these conslicting daies where I which am in the mids of the throne shall feede thee and lead thee vnto liuing fountaines of waters Reu. 7. ●7 14 13. Heb. 10.37 and shall wipe away all teares from thine eyes Cast not therefore away thy confidence which hath so great recompence of reward And to vse thine enemies weapons against himselfe he seeketh by torment of minde to driue thee to dispaire This is the most euident and sensible testimonie of grace and fauour with mee if thou feele i● thy selfe the conflict of the flesh and spirit that is of faith against vnbeleefe and of mee in thee against his power and which is more thou must know the worke of sanctification beginnes in the heart and thence floweth into our whole life Now thoughts meditations and desires are deeds before me and the fruits of faith are testifications of my spirit dwelling in thee more pregnant and euiden then they may or dare bee by Sathan himselfe denied Striue not so to that thou hast not as thou forget that which by my grace thou hast already but assure thee of the continuance of it for ●e that beleeueth maketh no haste but liueth by faith good things to come thou must hold in hope Hab. 2.3 and pursue them in peace for yet a little while and I that shall come Heb. 10.37 wil come and will not tarry couenant made in the sprinckling of my bloud My people after their calling may fal in many foul sins for this cause haue I cōmended my mercy in the Law for many and seuerall sorts of sins Exod. 24.6.7 The Iewes in Esaias daies were as Sodom Gomorrha yet I said though their sinnes were ●s crimson Esa. 1.10 they should bee white as snow I exhorted them to turne to mee Esa. 31.6 which had deepely reuolted yea when they had rebelled and vexed my holy spirit yet I desired them to pray vnto mee and forgaue them Esa. 3.7.10 15.16 and did I not heare Ephraim bem●aning himselfe thus thou hast chastized me and I was chastized as a bullocke vnaccustomed to the yoake Ier. 31.18.20 turne thou me and I shall be turned thou art the Lord my God But since I did speake against him as now thou doest against thy selfe I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are tro●bled for him I wil surely haue mercy vpon him surely I am ●esus Christ vnchangeable was yesterday is to day and shall bee the same for euer Heb. 13.8.6 I am thy helper feare not what man can doe vnto thee whē sicknes is at the highest then there is greatest hope of diminishing hee cannot bedrowned which hath his head aboue the water I am thy head in heauen who haue bruized the Serpents head on earth The SOVLE OH I feele if thy spirit make mee free Ioh. 8.36 I shall bee free indeede create in mee a cleane heart deare I●●us and renew a right spirit within mee restore to me the ioy of thy saluation and establish me with thy free spirit let my prayer be directed in thy sight as incense and the lifting vp of my hands as an euen sacrifice Psal. 141.2 Psal. 119.108 O Lord I beseech thee accept the free offerings of my mouth teach mee thy iudgements Zach. 19.9 Reioice greatly my Soule behold thy King is come vnto thee he is iust hauing saluation he is lowly O open ye the gates of my soule and let in the Prince of glorie Thou that dwellest in the heauens doest looke vnto me that am poore Esa. 66.2 and of a contrite h●●r 〈◊〉 and I tremble at thy words I was very sore ●●flicted ô Lord quic●en me according to thy word Psal. 119.10 119 52. I haue remembred thy iu●gements of olde and haue beene comforted I liue yet not I now but thou liu●st in me thy father that gaue me vnto thee is greater then all Gal. 2.20 and none can take me out of thy hand Ioh. 10.29 To thee therefore that loueth me and washeth mee from my sinnes in thine owne bloud and hast mad● mee King and Pri●st vnto Thee onely wise God my Sauiour bee glory and Maiestie dominion and power now and for euer Amen FINIS
temporall bee enemies to sinne from our harts take pleasure in righteousnesse learne to know a●ight the misery of this sinnefull life neglect the pomp and traine of this world haue inward de●ire and constant purpose after the heauenly mansions loue the Lord Iesus Christ with all our s●●lesmind and strength and daily thirst for his second comming perseuering in a Christian calling and prepared at all times to make a happy departure from this vale of miserie And this is that heauenly preparation to a blessed death by the which we are distinguished and separated from the misbeleeuing Ethicke Turke and Iew and from the disobydient hypocrite and children of this world of the which there are a great number alas on whom the Sun of righteousnesse hath not shined but sit as yet in darknesse and in the shade of death haue neither heard nor yet can speake of Christ indeede some might haue heard but with the deafe adder they shut their eares at the voyce of the Inchanter Others doe heare sermons but yet did neuer know Christ for their Sauiour and Redeemer because the Word was not mixt with faith in the heare●s such are good lip-Christians but their harts are far from him they boast of faith but declare it not by their workes and talke of eternall life but will not learne the way to come thither And if thou wouldest gentle Reader be taught aright then must thou often read diligently heare and meditate vpon God● Word exercise thy selfe daily in it and liue according thereunto for now there is praised be God the holy Scriptures in euery mans hand and sundry and diuers comfortable and holy bookes out of that pure Fountaine which holy Fathers haue penned by the which thou maist be taught profitable doctrine liuely faith holy admonitions for a Christian life and blessed death of the which Writers some are some what obscure for the Simple-ones and full of disputations and logicall discourses And to ease thee of them I haue here set downe a plaine Treatise for thy instruction a●ter my long experience and visitation of the sicke distr●ssed and ●ss●ulted by S●tan tryall of crosses in aduersities and sense of the sting of death Whereby being long exercised of my owne proofe I do now publish vnto thee for the benefit of gods Church wherevnto I was much importuned by many godly and religious persons I was much holpen in this Worke by that reuerend Father Martinus Mollerus Preacher at Gorli●z in Silesia whose worthy works are well knowne entreating mee to set forth these comfortable rules hauing had so long tryall Which I did still intend but was hitherto hindred S●than doubtlesse enuying the benefite and publication thereof and therefore I the most vnworthy of all Christs seruants doe reioyce onely in Gods mercy and say with Paul Cor. 15.10 No● I but the grace of God which was with mee hath caused these to c●me to light trusting it shall tend to the praise and glorie of God benefite and weale of his Church and to be a spur to euery priuate man vnto a Christian life and holy death for it is the meaner and weaker sort that it is written to their ●dification and saluation For it often happeneth that sundry in a strange Countrie cannot haue the vse of Preachers neither yet in warfare nor sailing nor yet at home in the time of plague and pestilence can they haue frequent society with the men of God to bee taught by them And there are men where no plantation of the G●spel is sighing and gro●ning for the word of grace comfort and admonition In these and the like defects this little Manuell can supply the place of a Friend to speake vnto them that we be not hindred in our Christian course but constantly go foward that through the mercy of God we may make a blessed departure and glad good-night from this world which our good and gracious God g●aunt vnto vs for his owne mer●●e● sake when it shall please him to translate vs from this Hadradrimmo● and vale of miserie Amen THE CROWNE OF LIFE CHAP. I. Wherein is contained that men are not only mortall but also altogether ignorant when how or in what place God will call them out of this present life Flesh. I PRAY YOV shew mee the contents of the whole Bible and su●me of all the Sermons preached by the holy men of God Spirit That is to learne to liue Christianly Psal. 90.12 Eccl. 12.1 and die blessedly A meditation of the soule to liue for euer O Lord my God helpe mee in such wayes to liue in this world that I may elsewhere liue with thee eternally Reu. 2. 3 for what haue I in this present world but thee or what in the heauens but thee Psal. 73.25.28 It is good for mee to cleaue vnto thee Flesh. What call you a Christian life Spirit This is a Christian life that a man should rightly know first the Lord his God Ier. 9. Psal. 79. Exod. 20. Deut. 6. Mat. 28.19 Psal. 67. Ioh. 17. Ioh. 1.14 Ezek. 18. and secondly himselfe first I say the onely one God in essence or being distinct in three persons Father Sonne and Holy Ghost that the middle one of these three which is the Sonne was sent of God into the world and there hath taken our humane nature vpon himselfe to become our Redeemer and Sauiour thereto man must learne to know himselfe aright that is that we are poore miserable vile sinners in Gods sight and shall be eternally condemned vnlesse we be conuerted and lay hold by a stedfast faith on this Sonne of God become new creatures and continue in obedience to God and loue to our neighbours euen to our last end The Christians godly Praier O thou only one eternall almighty God Father Sonne and holy Ghost threefold in persons but one in substance power and glory I humbly intreat thee teach mee to know thee and my selfe truly that I may more and more increase and grow daily in this knowledge to the end that I may so addresse my short and wretched life here on earth that it may redound to thy praise and feare to the good and benefit of my neighbour and by no meanes be hurtfull to my selfe alwayes walking as in thy presence in humilitie and holinesse Amen Flesh. What call you a happy or blessed death Spirit To end and conclude the dayes of this life in true faith Luk. 2. Philip. 1. recommending thy soule to the Lord Iesus with an heartie desire and longing for a ioyfull sleeping from this world in patience to bee with the Lord. 1 Tim. 4. A praier for a happy departure Lord Iesus Christ thou only knowest my time and houre Matt. 6. Act. 7. I request thee from the bottome of my heart to vouchsafe vpon me an happy departure from hence and to preserue my soule from all anguish and annoyance that so I may rest with thee eternally Amen Flesh. Shall all mankinde
then die Spirit Heb. 9.27 Yes it is appointed all shall die and after this life bee summoned to their appearance for iudgement A meditation of the soule that wee shall but once die temporally Heare then O my soule if death shall goe ouer all Eccl. thou shalt not escape to day this man to morrow or soone must thou It is not said nor determined that thou shouldest die twice but once If that it were permitted wee should twice die then if one had not well and godly disposed himselfe the first time hee died hee might reforme himselfe at the second essay Oh but not so if thou die il once from this world thou shalt be carried to euerlasting anguish and woe A praier to God that hee would seriously put into our hearts that the time of our death is vncertaine O Lord my God instruct mee that I may deeply and seriously consider I must depart and that my life hath sure and limited bounds and I must be gathered to my fathers Gen. 25. Gen 49. Num. 20. Psal. 39.5 for behold my dayes are but an handbreadth in respect of thee and my age is nothing in regard of thee surely euery man in his best estate is altogether vanitie for what man liueth and shall not see death Psal. 90.48 shall he deliuer his soule from the hand of the graue My God Psal 90.12 teach mee so to number my dayes that I may applie my heart vnto wisdome wherby I may learne the manner and way to die the death of the righteous and blessed in the Lord my God to whom be rendred all thankes power and glory Amen Flesh. Hath not God manifested vnto vs the houre of death that wee conueniently might prepare vs thereunto Spirit There are foure things my soule most vncertaine concerning death which euery Christian daily and hourely should earnestly meditate vpon mortis tempus locus status modus for not only is the houre and point of death hid from vs but also wee doe not know in what place by what meanes and occasions by what sicknesse or manner death shall separate vs from hence A praier for a blessed departure O holy and wise God thy thoughts are not as our thoughts Isa. 55.8 neither our wayes as thy wayes Vers. 9. but as the heauens are higher than the earth so are thy wayes higher than our wayes and thy thoughts than our thoughts grant that in a full purpose of cleannesse of heart I may walke here before thy face and depart in blessed time of death with sure confidence that nothing can betide mee Rom 8. but what shall be good and profitable vnto mee Grant this good Father for the gratious mediation of thy Sonne Iesus Christ my Lord and onely Sauiour Amen Flesh. Seeing then these foure things are of so great moment how may I rightly and duly consider of them Spirit After this manner The time for the first Thou doest not know deare soule in what day moneth or yeere God will ●all thee from this world whether it shall happen in the day or in the night euen or morne God might easily haue reuealed the same Eccl. 38. if it had beene his heauenly will but it is of his diuine prouidence and great goodnesse that hee hath not so done Meditation on the sirst the time Behold my soule we wretched creatures are so corrupt by sinne and are so inamoured with this world that if the day of our death were reuealed vnto vs neuer should we thinke on God feare him or call vp●n his name neuer be stirred vp to repentance vntill at the very instant time it were appointed wee should die then would man first applie himselfe to learne repentance but come short thereof therefore it is not hurtfull but very gainfull and necessary that wee should be ignorant of the houre of our death A praier of mans vanitie O my God make mee consider how altogether man is vanitie Psal. 39.5 who passeth so swiftly away truly man borne of a woman liues but a short time and that full of vnquietnesse he commeth forth like a flower and is c●t downe like the grasse hee slieth also as a shadow and continueth not his dayes are determined the number of his moneths are with thee thou hast appointed him bounds which hee cannot passe And now my God thou who of thy great wisedome hast hid from mee the day of the dissolution of this my tabernacle of clay 1 Cor. 5.1 helpe mee that I neuer let passe any time without true repentance and seeing thou hast hid from mee the time of my departure vouchsafe on me thy mercy and grace that I may so bestow my whole life that night and day Psal. 6. yea euery houre and twinckling of an eye I may be in a Christian preparation and readinesse to die the death of the godly through Iesus Christ my Lord and Sauiour Amen Meditation on the second the place For the second The place thou knowest not in what place thou shalt end thy dayes whether in thine owne house or in a strangers in thy bed or in the field The sand-glasse of our life continually runneth out and no man knoweth no man is certified when it hath done running so death is euer present and followes vs at our heeles and ouertaketh taketh vs wheresoeuer it findeth vs it attendeth vs euery where for as the lightning commeth out of the East Mat. 24.27 and shineth euen vnto the West so shall also the comming of the Son of man be If thou therefore be a faithfull and wise seruant Luk. 12.42 in euery houre thou wouldest expect it that when thy Lord commeth hee may finde thee so doing Praier that wee may ioifully meet death O my God make mee euer and continually vnderstand that I am a poore mortall creature who can in no place preserue my selfe from death seeing it continually waiteth in all places and lurketh for me make me meet it euermore circumspectly with a ioifull and glad heart Grant this most mercifull God for thy deare Sonne Iesus Christ his sake Amen Meditation vpon the third thy state or behauiour As for the third Thy state what thou canst not tell O my soule in what state or behauiour the Lord thy God shal finde thee whether sleeping or awake merry or sad in worldly or spirituall exercise quiet or angry or howsoeuer otherwise distempered giue therefore diligent heed my soule that thou neuer bee in such case wherein willingly thou wouldest not die for death neuer loseth opportunitie neither is neglectful to take aduantage and thou knowest well what couenant thou hast with death Eccl. 14. yea moreouer deare soule as the Lord shall finde thee so will hee iudge thee hereafter A short praier to forsake the world Keepe me Lord Iesus from drowsines idlenes and slumbering in sinne that I liue not inconsiderately Luk. 19. as the vngodly which haue no hope 1 Thess. 4. but that