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A09620 Phisicke for the soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the agonie of death, and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons, aswell for those, which are in good health, as those, which are endewed with bodily sicknesse. Translated out of Latine into Englishe, by H. Thorne. John Chrysostom, Saint, d. 407. De patientia et de consumatione huius sæculi, de secundo advento. aut; Thorne, Henry, fl. 1567-1584. 1567 (1567) STC 19893A.7; ESTC S106667 56,136 144

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diligently to be thought vpon and earnestly to be beaten into our mindes by often repeticion Thus doth saint Paule teache vs 1. Thes 4. that we strengthen one another with such communication of the resurrection that we mought thereby be comforted There can be none more certaine nor more plentifull consolations giuen vnto vs than those which we seeke out of the testimonies of holye scripture for the approbation of the resurrection Wée declare not the wordes of man but of God which surely and mightily will performe and bring to passe all that he hath spoken No man can alter the the will of God no man can let or hinder his purpose and counsell His power cannot be measured he is true and faithfull his goodnesse and mercie is endlesse Therfore let no man doubt thereof The testimonies of scripture for the resurrection of the deade Math. 23. THe iust men shall shine as bright as the Sunne in the kingdome of there Father Ioan. 5. Verily verily I saye vnto you hée that heereth my words and beléeueth on him that sent mée hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into damnation but is escaped from death vnto lyfe Ioan. 6. This is the will of him that sent me that euery man which seeth the sonne and beléeueth on him haue euerlasting lyfe and I will rayse him vp at the last day Ioan. 8. Verily verily I saye vnto you if a man kéepe my sayings he shall neuer sée death Ioan. 11. Christ sayde that Lazarus did sléepe which notwithstanding had yéelded vp the ghost whose deade body was committed vnto the graue But Christ restoreth the dead vnto lyfe againe and calleth those things which be not as though they were Therefore he addeth this saying I am the resurrection Rom. 4. Ioan. 11. and the lyfe He that beléeueth on mée yea though he were deade yet shall lyue and forthwith after those wordes hée raysed vp Lazarus which had layne foure daies in his graue being putryfied and smelling And bicause we are fearefull and faint-harted by nature in those agonies that we maye haue the better helpe to beléeue that there shall be a Resurrection many were restored from death to lyfe in the dayes of the prophets and the apostles Christ raysed vp from death to lyfe the wydowes Luc. 7. He raysed vp also the maister of the Sinagoge his daughter Iairus was hir father Luc. 8. He restored Lazarus vnto lyfe Ioan. 11. Act. 9. Act. 20. 4. Reg. 4. Peter likewyse made Tabytha aliue again Paule reuiued Eutychus Helyseus the prophet reuiued his Hostes dead sonne Helias the prophet reuoked the womans childe of Sareptha to lyfe againe 3. Reg. 17. God also assumed and tooke vnto him that two most holy Gene. 5. 4. Reg. 2. mighty men Enoch and Elia rapt alyue both body and soule togithers out of this frayle and wretched world that he might by them giue vs some taste and signification of the true lyfe to come least we also shoulde beleue that no parte of vs remayneth after this miserable lyfe according to the opinion of the heathen gentiles and Epicures Furthermore the faint harted sick body is to be admonished that he remember and thinke what that greatest and mightie lord both of lyfe and death Iesus Christ sayed in saint Luke his gospell Luc. 8. Iairus daughter Wéepe not for the damsell is not deade but sléepeth Mans reason harde of beléefe not vnderstanding the secrete mysteries of God did laugh these wordes to scorne But Christ making it true verifying his words restored the dead mayden vnto life againe as soone as he had spoken the wordes The very same lord Iesus Christ wil receiue thy soule and will preserue it and in the last day he wil restore thy body vnto thy soule againe will couple them vnto eternall lyfe Ioan. 5. The time shall come when al they which are in there graues shall heare the voice of the sonne of God and they that haue done good shall come forth vnto the resurrection of lyfe If so be that the spirite of him that raysed vp Iesus from death dwell in you euen hée that raysed vp Christ from death Rom. 8. shall quicken your mortall bodies bicause that his spirite dwelleth in you God hath raysed vp the lorde Christ and shall rayse vs vp by his power The .xv. 1. Cor. 6. chapter of the first epistle to the corinthians is full of most sweete and effectual consolations hereof no golde is to be compared vnto them Saint Paule in the same chapter so knitteth and fasteneth our resurrection vnto the resurrection of Christ that it maye not be pulled or seperated from it as by this reason Christ is risen againe from the deade the which thing is most certeine Therefore without all doubt wée also shall ryse againe For Christ is our heade Ephe. 4.5 Ioan. 12. and we are hys members mystically This head is not wtout his members neyther doth he leaue and forsake his members Where Christ is Ephe. 5. there shall we be also For we are members of his bodye of his fleshe and of his bones Who can sufficiently declare according to the worthynesse thereof that vnmeasurable glorie of inestimable vnspeakable grace and mercy that God descending from heauen into the lowest partes did vouchsafe to become a mortall man that this frayle and bryckle nature of man vnited vnto his deuine nature mought be brought vnto euerlasting life being made partaker of the heauenly kingdome by the infinite and incomprehensible might and efficacie of his diuinitie and godhead If we beléeue that so great riches were bestowed vpon vs and that so blessed a lyfe remayneth for vs how I praye you can we be false harted or troubled in minde The nature of all faithfull people which haue béene both before and also since Christ and those which are yet to come without all question hath put on immortalitie in Christ being perfite God and perfite man The comfort therfore of Christ his resurrection is most plentiful and effectuall wherewith saint Paule doth strengthen the mindes of the Corinthians 1. Cor. 15. where as he sayeth Christ is risen from the deade and is become the first fruites of them that sléepe For by a man came death and by a man came the resurrection of the dead For as by Adam all dye euen so by Christe shall all be made alyue and euery man in his own order The first is Christ than they that are Christs Here saint Paule maketh a similitude of naturall things whereby the resurrection maye be the more cléerely and manifestly perceyued And the similitude is taken of drie seede which the husbandman casteth into the earth It dieth rotteth after a fashion Yet notwithstanding that which is committed vnto the earth doth not vtterly perishe but it commeth forth of the earth againe freshe and new with a pleasant hansome ioyful forme and shape And euen so shall our
bodye rise againe not corruptible bryckle fraile feeble as now it is but faire cleane beautifull strong of perfite force and immortall vnto euerlasting lyfe This is the way by thys corporall death vnto true and eternall lyfe into oure true countrey 1. Cor. 15. Flesh and blood cannot inherite the kingdome of God wherein is nothing but lyfe and therefore this mortalitie must put on immortalitie Esac 25. Oseae 13. Then shall the saying come to passe which is written Death is swalowed vp into the victorie they nowe whiche beléeue in Christ haue ouercome sinne death and hell They therefore contemning death being strong and bolde in Christ will say Hell where is thy victorie Sinne is the sting of death the lawe is the strength of sinne But prayse be vnto God which hath giuen vs the victorie through our lorde Iesus Christ We wyll adde also other sentences of scripture conteyning plentifull comfort 1. Cor. 4. HE that raysed vp the lorde Iesus Christ from death shall rayse vs vp also Phill. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for a sauiour euen the lorde Iesus Christ which shall chaunge our vile bodies that they maye be fashioned like vnto his glorious bodye according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things vnto him Colos 3. Yée are dead and your lyfe is hidde with Christ in God When Christ which is our lyfe shall shewe himselfe then shall ye also appéere with him in glorie I woulde not brethren 1. Thes 4. haue you ignorant concerning them which are fallen a sléepe that ye sorrow not as other do which haue no hope For if we beléeue that Iesus Christ dyed and rose againe euen so they also which sléepe by Iesus will God bring againe with him And saint Paule doth comfort Tymothe his scholar in the articles of the resurrection by these wordes Remember sayeth he that Iesus Christ being of the séede of Dauid rose againe from death 2. Timo 3.2 according to my gospell If we are dead with Christ we shall also liue with him If we suffer with him we shall raigne with him Saint Paule sayeth that Christ Hebr. 2. by the grace of GOD should taste of death for all men And in the same place he sayeth also that Christ was made partaker of our flesh and blood that is to saye hée became perfite man that hée might put downe through death him that had lordship ouer death that is to wit the diuell and that he might delyuer them whosoeuer through feare of death were all there lyfe time in daunger of bondage God saued vs 2. Timo. 1. and called vs with an holy calling not according to our déedes but according to his owne purpose grace which grace was giuen vs through Christ before the world was but is now declared openly by the appéering of our sauior Iesu Christ which hath put away death hath brought lyfe and immortalitie to light 1. Ioan. 3. We know that we are translated from death vnto lyfe bicause we loue the brethren 1. Ioan. 4. In this appéered the loue of God to vs warde bicause that God sent his onely begotten sonne into the world that we might liue thorow him Iob. 19. I am sure that my redéemer lyueth and that I shall ryse out of the earth at the last day and that I shall be clothed againe with this skin and sée God in my fleshe yea I my selfe shall beholde him not with other but with the same eyes He that diligently doth meditate thinke vpon these testimonies of scripture cannot choose but take much comfort and great ioy therof Saint Paule may be a most euident example thereof vnto vs which hartily reioyseth in his owne behalfe that he knoweth Christ Phill. 3. and the power of his resurrectiō whereby our death is slaine Now therfore death is dead vnto all them which beléeue in Christ there is nothing now in death terrible which is to be dreaded and feared besides the onely ymage and shape thereof Euen as a serpent being kylled kéepeth notwithstanding that his olde and fearefull figure but hath no power in him to doe harme Num. 21. and euen as the lyue serpentes died when the brasen serpent was looked on which Moyses set vp in the wildernesse by the might of the power of God and the Iewes could not be infected with venome of the lyue serpentes Likewise also our death his dead and made harmlesse and nothing to be feared if we looke vpon and beholde the liuely death of Christ wyth the eyes of our fayth And to be short death is like the verie ymage and shadowe of death yea more rather she is the beginning and enteraunce into the true lyfe Christ which is the veritie it selfe sayeth Ioan. 24. Ioan. 8. If a man kéepe my wordes he shall neuer sée death How I pray you may this be I will showe you howe A man that trusteth in the mercie of Christ by the fayth which he hath taken out of the gospell is so incorporated as I may so terme it and so vnited and coupled vnto his lorde and mayster Christ which is the true lyfe Ioan. 14. that he may not be pulled or separated from him This body therefore is sundred and deuided from the soule in moste sure hope of the glorious resurrection vnto euerlasting lyfe For within short space the body shal be restored againe vnto the soule that they maye both enioy felicitie And he that thus beléeueth in Christ shall not sée eternall death of body and soule that is to witte perpetuall damnation which is the true death The death of godly men is a going forth into the company of the elect For the death of godlye men is a going forth and departing out of this mortall life into immortalitie vnto Christ vnto the angelles and vnto all the saints What is to bee done when hell or eternall damnation comming in our minds doth feare vs. THe malignant spirite maketh man verie solicitous pensiue about his predestination putting those cruell and horrible thoughts of predestination in hys mynde What if thou shouldest not please God What if he hath vtterly cast thée off How knowest thou that thou art one of the number of them whome God hath elected and chosen vnto euerlasting lyfe These and the lyke temptations are most bitter and doe most gréeuously torment and vexe the minde Wherefore thou must here stande fast on both féete as the prouerbe is and it is needefull that thou constantly defend thy selfe in this conflict But it thou wouldest obtaine the victory in this battell thou must set vpon him by this policie craft Forthwith as soone as these temptations come vnto thée from the Diuell beware thou enter not into disputation with him beware thou deale not with him neyther answere him againe But put him off from thée chased awaye with these wordes and cogitations Sathan get thée hence depart
Phisicke for the Soule verye necessarie to be vsed in the Agonie of death and in those extreme and moste perillous seasons aswell for those which are in good health as those which are endewed with bodily sicknesse Translated out of Latine into Englishe by H. Thorne Quid prodest homini si vniuersum mun 〈…〉 tur animae autem suae detrimentum pa 〈…〉 MATH 16. What shall it man auaile if all the worlde he gaine And after that of his owne soule he do the losse sustaine Pervsed and allowed according to the Queenes Maiesties Iniunctions IMPRINTED AT LONDON by Henry Denham Phisick for the Soule very necessary to be vsed in the Agonie of death and in these extreme and moste perilous seasons as well for those that are in good health as those which are endued with bodily sicknesse Translated out of Latine into ●●●lishe by H. Thorne DIseases troubling our bodies and corporall death shak● our mindes with ho●rible feare 〈◊〉 much that of● 〈◊〉 wee tremb●● 〈◊〉 the recy●●●cion of them Mans natur● 〈◊〉 had leauer not to bee at all 〈…〉 cannot but waxe pale 〈…〉 when these sicknesses doe ap● 〈◊〉 déede no calamitie can b● 〈◊〉 more cruell none more horrible none more houge then the sicknesse of the soule and the death and destruction therof Euery man abhorreth euery man detesteth and escheweth by Sea and lande punishments pitifull labors diseases and this bodily death But we ought much more to endeuor our selues to auoide and leaue off the occasions of those euilles that is to wit sinne and wicked●●sse and that we ought to dread the heauie 〈◊〉 of God which wée prouoke against 〈◊〉 ●ers and manifold offences 〈◊〉 ●our bodily health is ympaired we straigh● wayes poste vnto the Phisitiō here we spare for no charges we lesse estéeme all things then the safegarde of our life we procure medicines remedies at a great price 〈◊〉 the intent that this oure earthen vessell 〈◊〉 ●otsheard mought be againe repaired 〈◊〉 ●●thin short space after notwithstan● 〈…〉 ●die to breake Why doe wée not 〈…〉 ●die and carefulnesse desire and 〈…〉 ●ies against the diseases and 〈…〉 Soule béeing farre more 〈…〉 ●ore perillous For what 〈…〉 ●an take if he did abounde 〈…〉 ●s of the whole worlde and did liue a thousand yeares togithers a●● ioyed continual and most exquisite pleasu●● of this lyfe and were not incumbred wi● any trouble of sicknesse or other calamiti● But yet in the meane while his soule 〈◊〉 infected with the deadlye gilt and poys● sinne and oppressed with the cruell tir● of Sathan God was displeased at him 〈◊〉 he most certainly knewe that after the 〈◊〉 of this life hée shoulde suffer eternall de● and damnation both of body soule Therfore Christ said Watch. For ye know ne●ther the day nor yet the howre in the wi●● the sonne of man shall come And le● 〈◊〉 shoulde followe light friuolous 〈◊〉 things the good most profitable no ●ded he showeth vs a most compendi●●taine and sure way to aspire vnto tr●● 〈◊〉 citie where as he sayeth Séeke ye 〈◊〉 kingdome of heauen and the righteou● 〈◊〉 thereof and all these things shall bée ●stred vnto you The cares of lyuing and 〈◊〉 establishing of oure wealth other 〈◊〉 yea many times foolishe bruckle 〈◊〉 ●ting which nothing preuaile vs b● 〈◊〉 ●ten the occasions of verie greeuou● 〈…〉 and most wicked offences 〈…〉 〈…〉 vs night and day But in the séeking getting of heauenly ●●ches what thing is more flow thē we are ●●hat more negligent what more vnadui●●●● what more foolish What blindnesse or ●●●●nesse I pray you ought more to be fea● 〈◊〉 Whilst wee liue in good health scarce 〈◊〉 ●uch as one little thought at any time 〈◊〉 ●meth in our mindes of the lyfe to come 〈◊〉 of that our temporall death But when 〈◊〉 we lie downe and are sicke death nowe as 〈◊〉 were knocking at oure dores when wée ●●ould stande vp in the front and fight then 〈◊〉 ●ast we begin to thinke of the taking 〈◊〉 ●r weapons against Sathan and of 〈◊〉 ●endment of oure life These things 〈◊〉 ●ufficient argument to prooue that we 〈◊〉 ●dued with a slender and weake fayth 〈◊〉 ●at we are little exercised in the christi● 〈◊〉 ●arfare God be mercifull vnto vs. ●ut truely euerie age is méete to amend ●●d no repentance commeth to late so that it 〈◊〉 ●ne before the ende of this lyfe Yet I 〈…〉 ●ll and earnestly giue admonishment 〈◊〉 ●●an do linger and deferre the doing 〈…〉 ●e vntill this last and most bit●● 〈…〉 ●or euen they which are strong and in good health all their life 〈◊〉 haue prepared and furnished the●●e ●gainst this howre of departing they 〈◊〉 and with much adoe scarcely defende ●selues from the deceiptes guiles 〈◊〉 and inuasion of that most passing 〈◊〉 subtill enimie what shall bée d●●●● those which beeing voide of al feare of 〈◊〉 knowing not howe to repent haue li●●●● filthie and dissolute and naughtie life 〈◊〉 I besech you shall they fight how shall th● resist Now therfore seeing that there is a gr●●● multitude and aboundance of people eue●● where and séeing that the Ministers of 〈◊〉 Gospell are not néere at hand in all pla●● neyther are able to performe their dilige●● or office alwaies and vnto all men we of good and godly minde willing to profite a men haue written this waye and forme● comforting instructing and admonishin● the sick collected out of the worde of God 〈◊〉 their commoditie profite especially which● are yet ignoraunt and not instructed suffi●●ently in the Sentences of holy Scripture 〈◊〉 such occasiōs that they hearing those thing read vnto them maye thereof conceiue tru●● 〈◊〉 ●●solation or comfort least they 〈…〉 ●alse hearted should dispaire and pe●●●in the bitter Agonie of death 〈◊〉 is chiefly necessarie for the Sick 〈◊〉 ●de the paines of the body and 〈◊〉 temptations wherwith he is pestered MAn therefore lying on bed by vehemencie of sickenesse and béeing in daunger of death is assayled and ouerwhelmed with dyuers and gréeuous tēptations against 〈◊〉 which he must contende and striue And 〈◊〉 of all this is a most bitter temptation 〈◊〉 ●hen the most horrible Image of death bée●●g as it were before our eies wée thinke ●at we must forsake and leaue the most de●●ctable and pleasaunt light of this lyfe and ●●ll our deare kinsfolkes and friends Finally ●hat wée muste héere forgo all our pleasant 〈◊〉 welbeloued things And anon our sinnes ●●mmitted against the will and commaun●●ment of God doe present themselues vn●o 〈◊〉 vs rushing in with a great violence are cléerely renued and waxe raw againe and they séeme to be many moe in number and more gréeuous then euer they did before so that they maruellously torment vexe and trouble our conscience Here death Gods iudgement Hell damnation feare and trembling like an hoste gathered togither torment our olde man with moste violent and troublous stormes of verie great dolors and terrors and doth assault and shake our
heauenlye father which loueth thée earnestly according to his good purpose and zeale towards thée doth withholde brydell and mortifie thine olde man by this sicknesse like as it were tyed with chaynes that thou mayest the more gladly and with the better good will as it were fasten thy body vppon the crosse as a sacrifyce offered vp with Christ Therefore this thy disease wherewith thou art troubled is a fatherlye correction sent vnto thée not for that purpose that thou shouldest be lost or cast away but that thou shouldest be made the better and be quickned God thy father peraduenture doth sée that thine olde Adam waxeth vntractable immoderate and vnruly and ouermuch giuen to affections not able to gouerne neyther to inhabite or withhold himself Therfore he layeth this band or collar vpon him he bindeth him fast with these fetters and chaynes he shutteth him into this pryson and dungeon he tyeth him with this clog that he may bridel that he may kepe down and restreiue him that he do not seduce and cast thy most déere and precious soule into perill The flesh and blood doe resist are more strong in thée than the spirite here God is present with thy spirite doth ayde him against the fierce and vnbrideled will and rebelling fleshe that he maye subdue vanquishe and bring it in subiection If so be that thou shouldest haue good and perfite helth of body perchaunce the fleshe as it is prone and ready vnto nothing but euil had brought and seduced thée into many gréeuous sinnes against GOD whereby his wrath stirred vp prouoked against thée should make a waye for thy soule vnto hell and malediction Thy heauenly father preuenting this dammage and peril carefull and prouident for thée and thy saluation doth kéepe downe and restraine as it were with putting on a bridell vpon thy fleshe leadeth it away captiue raging rebelling against the spirite by all meanes possible that it be not tumbled into the sinck puddle of sinne but that it be brought vnder and become obedient vnto the spirite Seing that this is the will of thy moste louing father and seing that all things shall redownde vnto thy profite and saluatiō take very good héede that thou striue not against the good will of God and that thou be not contrarie to him but suffer thou paciently and pray that his fatherly will bée done that hée vse thée at his pleasure and that thou wilt nothing but that shall séeme best vnto him that al things may bée done vnto the lande and glorie of God that thou mayest haue his grace quietly and moderately to suffer his crosse layed vpon thée Rom. 5. For pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed Here thou hast matter and occasion to learne and exercise pacience in all afflictions and troubles First thou doest learne that God afflicteth and punisheth thée with a fatherly correction and that thou learnest by experience For except thou shouldest knowe by proofe experience how wholesome a thing it is for man wholy to commit himselfe vnto GOD and to be obedient vnto his good will and pleasure Euen as Dauid sayeth Psal 119. it is good for mée that I haue béene in trouble thou were not able to conceiue certaine and sure hope of him thou shouldest not know his fatherly loue good will towards thee which is hidden in secret if thou diddest not proue it before by this crosse and rodde But when thou hast learned it before by experience and hast now some tast of that matter alreadie thou doest not faint and fall into desperation by any afflictions but thine hope moreouer encreaseth when thou hast oftentymes tyred Gods present ayde and helpe And although he sometime for a season as it were winking at the matter doe suffer thée to sticke fast and sinke into daungerous places yet at the length not withstanding he reacheth thée his helping hande he taketh thée vp and doth preserue thée He suffereth thée sometimes to swim and to be ouerwhelmed with waues of this lyfe but he will not suffer thée to be vtterly drowned Hereby thou mayst ascerteine thy selfe that he will not forsake thée or cast thée awaye seing that he hath so often preserued thée when thou wast in daunger Therefore by afflictions thou doest learne to conceiue and nourishe sure and vndoubted hope of God that thou mayest trust vnto him in most gréeuous diseases punishments where there appéereth no succour at all being now instructed after what meanes he delyuereth preserueth his seruants Thou hast learned that God sendeth afflictions vpon thée not in his wrath but in his fatherly loue The which thing when thou art thorowlye perswaded and art taught by experience thou mayest paciently looke for Gods ayde and succour and not dispaire but constantlye trust that in the ende he will help thee although he hide himselfe prolonging and deferring thine ayde and deliuerance neuer so long And by this meanes thou shalt perceyue and vnderstande at the last that disease or affliction is not sent vnto thée for that purpose that thou therby shouldst be destroyed but that the glorie of God mought be manifestly shewed and that all things mought turne vnto thy saluation He that can after this maner commit and giue himself wholy vnto God beleuing trusting in his promises shall neuer die The which thing euen Christ himselfe affirming with an othe least happily we should somwhat doubt doth say Verily verily if a man kéepe my worde Ioan. 8. he shal neuer sée death And in an other place he saith I am the way the verity and the life Ioan. 14. Ioan. 21. He that beleueth on me shall lyue although he were dead And whosoeuer lyueth and beléeueth on mée shall neuer dye Sée that thou diligently kéepe these words of Christ fastened in the bottome of thine hart and herewith thou shalt lift vp and strengthen thy wauering minde He that beleeueth on Christ shal not taste of death He that beleueth on me sayth Christ hath eternall life and this is eternall lyfe Iohn 17. that they acknowledge thée to be true God and him whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ Eternall lyfe beginneth in this worlde Eternall lyfe first beginneth in this worlde † Ioan. 14. For he that hath Christ hath the true life For Christ is lyfe and is the victoritie it self Therfore he will not deceyued vs † 2. Corin. 1. but all the promises of God in him are yea and are in him Amen And to the ende that thou shouldest nothing doubt but that God wil performe his word and make his promise good he hath assured and bounde himselfe vnto thée by a certeine peculiar league and signe put and added vnto thy body For he coueted and desired thy saluation Iohn 3. when he sent his sonne into the world to the intent he should offer himselfe vnto death for thée He did foremake and assure a league of
23. Luc. 19. thou shalt finde the theefe hanged on his right hande thou shalt finde the publicane Zachaeus and many others whom he receyued with marueilous kindnesse pronounced them free from all their sinnes were they neuer so gréeuous For Christ is verie grace it selfe mercie aide consolation life ioy and saluation to all them which desire those things of him and doe put their trust and confidence in him God which is veritie and cannot lye hath promised al these things for Christ his sake vnto vs. He therefore will neuer deceiue vs beguile vs nor forsake vs. Furthermore it will come into thy minde also when thou art in daunger of death if thou haue hurted or endammaged thy neighbour by any meanes as if thou eyther haue stollen or taken away any thing from him or if thou haue slaundered him Here thou shalt doe euen the same thing which Christ did hanging vpon the Crosse Luc. 23. thou shalt praye for all thine enimies and shalt forgiue them from the bottome of thine hart all the wrongs they haue done vnto thée If any thing of thine be stolen from thée thou shalt not violently requyre it agayne If thou haue taken awaye anye other mans good restore it againe if thou maye or prouide that it may be restored againe neyther shalt thou kéepe any thing priuie but shalt confesse it vnto God and aske forgiuenesse of the same and be sorie that thou hast so offended If so be that thou be not able for thy pouertie to repaie the thing thou hast wrongfully taken it shall bée sufficient if thou forgiue others which haue done eyther wrong or violence to thée in body or goods or haue takē away thy good name If I say thou forgiue them with all thine hart there is no cause why thou shouldest be carefull Be of good comfort and doubt not but God will forgiue thée the wrongs which thou hast done vnto others Truely hée can not but release his sinnes which forgiueth his neighbour For he himselfe hath taught vs this order and way of recompensing Math. 6. and loosing If yée shall forgiue other men there trespasses your heauenly father shall also forgiue you Whether the sick may lawfully seeke the phisitions help and vse phisick or no. THe sick body shall neyther despise the phisition his help nor haue it in admiration Let his chéefe hope be stedfastly fastined vppon God which as he alone did put the soule into the body So he onely taketh it awaye when it pleaseth him Sometime notwithstanding the phisition is to bée sent for least we shoulde séeme to tempt God For séeing medicines of themselues neither can restore health nor cause diseases yet notwithstanding when they are ministred of a naturall wise phisition well exercised in reasonable rules thei are wholesome and worthily called the handes of God as Herophilus witnesseth the which thing also holye scripture testifieth For it is written Honor the phisition Eccle. 38. For the most highest hath created him for necessities sake The most highest hath created medicine out of the earth and the prowdest man will not abhorre it Tellers of destinies inchauntours wicked coniurers and deceyuers which pretende to cure the sicke with false prayers and orisons are to bée driuen awaye and eschued as the pestilence For witches are the handes of the diuell and not of almightie God by whose worde and power all things ought to bée gouerned What is to be done when death bringeth terror and feare vpon vs. THou shalt thinke that death is conquered and vtterly destroyed by Christ And except Christ hauing compassion on vs had suffered death for vs the feare of death woulde haue troubled vs with great and horrible heauinesse and intolerable tormentes of minde But death béeing ouercome and destroyed by Christ the soules of them which trust in him can not dye and perishe but they go straight wayes vnto Christ after their departing out of this bodye As the théefe béeing in extremitie heard it sayed vnto him Luc. 23. This daye thou shalt be with me in paradise The body in the meane season resteth in sure hope to rise againe in the last daye vnto that most blessed immortall lyfe with great glorie magnificence and honour as renewed and clarified that it may liue togither with the soule for euer with Christ and all his elect amongst whom we shall finde many which were either our fréendes or kinsfolks here in this worlde The death of godly mē is called a sleepe Therefore holy Scripture calleth the death of godly men a sléepe For the verie same our brickle fraile weake mortall and corruptible body shall be raysed vp in the last day as a man stirred out of his sléepe and forthwith death extinct and abolished it shall appéere incorruptible glorious beautifull sounde helthfull immortall whole pure perfite spirituall as it is written vnto the Corinthians 1. Cor. 15. Psal 116. And hereof the psalmist sayeth Right déere in the sight of the lorde is the death of his saints Waighe those things diligently in thy minde déerely beloued that thou mayest not be seduced with the wicked world which supposeth vs vtterly to dye the body togither with the soule to decaye and perishe and that no part of vs shall remayne after the departing out of this lyfe But they are farre out of the waye and greatly deceyued therein Our body is not so vile and so little regarded in the sight of God but great honour glorie and saluation is prepared and appointed for it For the verie same body which we carie about with vs and the same which lyeth vpon the bedde afflicted and tormented the verie same body I say renewed and glorified shall liue togither with the soule for euer If so bée that wée shoulde léese our body and neuer recouer it againe the death of saintes were not precious and honorable but vile horrible and most cruell Wherfore these things considered diligently thou shalt support and holde vp thy wauering mind erected by sure hope in the sentences of holy scripture Beléeue them and doubt nothing at all For it is vndoutedly true that I tell thée As the body of Christ béeing buried euen vntill the thirde daye rose againe the thirde day vnto a new and eternal life neuer to die againe so the bodies of all them which haue slept in Christ that is to say which haue beléeued on Christ doe rest in there graues onely for a time to rise againe in the last daye in sure hope of the most ioyful and glorious resurrection into a new and perpetual life where shall bée neyther sinne nor anye death calamitie or any other thing Apoc. 21. than righteousnesse innocencie lyfe ioy blisfulnesse and saluation worlde without ende God which is of infinite power and veritie it selfe hath promised those things They shall therefore come to passe vndoubtedly Therefore trust thou stedfastly vnto hys promises Furthermore the testimonies of scripture for the resurrection of the fleshe are
gréeuously feare what thing can more cruelly vexe and torment his conscience ouerwhelmed with sinne then when he doubteth of the mercie of God when he dreadeth least God be his aduersarie and will reiect him when he is not able to conceyue this fayth of his mercie and doth imagine himselfe to be cast awaye as a drie member that is cut off Be present here O Iesus Christ with thine aide and helpe here we haue néede of thy comfort let not this black violent and horrible tempest of troubles ouerthrowe and drowne wretched man But there is no cause why we shoulde doubt Christ is true he will make his promises to appéere he will helpe vs and refreshe vs. Therfore where as thy fayth is not strong ynough where as thy hart is striken with feare and trembling where as thou féelest thy selfe to doubt of Gods mercie and hast well néere no faith at all straight wayes call vppon God bewayle thy miserie and lack of beléefe before him seeke for his ayde and succour by feruent prayer and hée will both helpe and refreshe thée and by this meanes thou shalt glorifie him He hath taken vpon him thus to do and he will bring it to passe But take héede especially thou cease not to call vpon God 1. Cor. 1. Beséech thou without all ceassing the father of all consolation and comfort with sighes comming from the bottome of thine hart that he turne not his face from thée Laye thy weakenesse vpon him and poure out into his bosome al other things which trouble and torment thée Crie out with his disciples Luc. 17. Math. 9. O lord increase my faith Lykewise say thou with the father of the lunatike childe Lorde I beleue help thou mine vnbeléefe Make hast O lorde to helpe me before that I oppressed with this weight be drowned Thy mercie is aboue all thy workes O most mercifull O most bounteous father O lorde God of my saluation Psal 143. my succour and refuge enter not into iudgement with thy seruant Christ is my righteousnesse redemption and innocencie which suffered most bitter and cruel death for my sake Let those things moue thée O father of all compassion Haue mercie on me for this thy sōnes sake Confirme and strengthē mine hart by faith in Christ Comfort mée with the consolations of the holy ghost that I may enioy the true ioyes in Christ for euer If thou after this maner laboring stryuing and fighting with thine imbecillitie and weakenesse accusing and bewayling thine incredulitie and faint courage doe take holde vpon Christ and sticke fast and sure vnto him once taken desiring and beséeching his ayde with continuall and earnest prayers that he will vouchsafe to fulfill all things lacking in thée substituting himself in thy roume if I say thou thus doe then all shall be in good case all things shall go well with thee and there shall be no perill For truely these two things to beléeue in Christ and to cal for faith by earnest praier doe not much differ one from the other Although thou be weake and endued with a féeble minde let this thing notwithstanding comfort and aduaunce thée againe that God hath commaunded and wylleth that we shoulde call vpon him and that he hath promised to héere beneuolently Psal 45. and to helpe vs when we call vpon him Furthermore as nothing is more iustly desired of God than true fayth euen so he héereth no prayer sooner more wyllingly than that wherein man finding no goodnesse in himselfe acknowledging his infirmitie hys weakenesse and miserie accuseth his vnbeléefe bewayling and lamenting the same desiring to haue faith with plentie and wofull sighes earnest prayers These sighes these prayers this smale faith be it neuer so little is in déede a godly and a bright sparkle and the séede of God which neuer riseth without the efficacie and working of God in vs which speaketh of Christ by the prophet Esay Esay 42. A brused réede shall hée not breake and the smoking flaxe he shall not quench Wherefore see that thou beleue constantly on Christ or beséeche him at the least wise with hartie prayers that thou mayest beleeue bewayling thine vnbeléefe before God If thou doe those things thou shalt nothing doubt but thou art reckened righteous before God and to be his childe which not without consideration nor in vaine did laye our weakenesse Esay 53. and all our sinnes vppon Christ his onely begotten sonne Math. 5. Christ himselfe sayeth in saint Mathew Blessed are the pore in spirit For theirs is the kingdome of heauen Blessed are they that mourne For they shal receiue comfort Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousnesse For they shall be filled These wordes were spoken vnto thée also they doe well agrée accorde in thée Thou doest mourne and art sorie for thy wicked lyfe it gréeueth thée from the bottome of thine hart thou doest thirst and hunger after righteousnesse haue a good hope and be of good comfort and thou shalt obtaine the things which thou doest desire and nowe thou art reputed iust before God through Christ For that cause Rom. 4. thou shalt commit thy soule into the hande of God the father after the example of Christ and saint Stephan saying these wordes Acto 7. O most mercifull father I giue and commit into thine handes my spirite yea rather thy spirite seing that thou hast giuen it me ioyned vnto my body for a season seing that it is thine owne ymage lykenesse Gen. 1. 2. made after thine owne similitude seing that thine onely begotten sonne did shed his moste precious blood for the redemption thereof O most fauorable father O God of all mercie compassion I eftsoones commend this my spirit into thine handes I am thine whatsoeuer I am Receiue thine I beséech thée preserue him and giue him eternall life through our Lorde Iesus Christ thine onely begotten sonne Amen Of the making of a testament and confession of sinnes vnto God THe testament is to be made of all them that may lawfully make a will and giue legacies when there yet cōsisteth and remayneth perfite minde and memorie in the body Least if they prolong that businesse vnto the last moment of lyfe they bée preuented by death Therfore it shal be wisdome for him that hath lawfull heires to referre all the care of making his testament vnto them If so be that he haue borowed money and be indebted to any man he shall openly declare it and prouide for the payment of that he oweth This being done let him remoue and put from him all them which trouble hym wyth matters of this worlde Wherein many men doe offende which bring in doubtes vnto him which is now at the point of death of his testament and other externall things and sometimes doe compell him to subscribe that against his will being readie to dye refusing and detesting there importunitie which will not suffer him quietly to die then
greater then all and no man is able to take them out of my fathers hand And I and my father are one Wherefore O déerely beloued in Christ commend thy soule vnto God thy father which loueth thée singularlye Crie out with thy brother Christ Math. 27. Luc. 27. hanging on the crosse Into thy handes O father I giue and commend my spirite God the father of all mercie bring thée vnto euerlasting lyfe and preserue thée vnto the most ioyfull resurrection of his last iudgement Amen The ende of the fourme and methode or right order to comfort the sick ¶ A prayer to be sayde vnto God for the sick ALmightie euerlasting and most mercicifull God which art woont amōgst thy sundry disciplines and manyfolde chastisements wherewith thou doest prouoke and allure vs vnto thée to bridle our fleshe with diuers diseases the securitie thereof taken awaye by perillous sicknesse and doest both admonishe vs of the ende of oure naughtie lyfe past and also of ymminent death through paines which are hir fore messengers and likewise of thy iudgement in the last daye and of the eternall lyfe to come which shall be reserued for the good and godly vnto glorie and felicitie but for the euil vnto shame and condemnatiō of hell fyre Of the which things fleshe being let runne at hir owne will hath no remembrance But now we perceyue this seelye man is layed on his bedde by his impayred health vnto whome is stirred vp the féeling of his sinnes and the ymage of death often flyeth as it were before his eyes We wretches therefore which looke for the lyke houre of aduersitie acording to the condition of our nature doe beseeche desire thée togither with him that thou practise not righteous iudgement with him for his deserts for our lord Iesus Christ his sake which hath made satisfaction on the crosse for the offences of this sicke body and vs all But rather graunt hym as to one redéemed grace and strength of mind that he maye quietly take this thy fatherly discipline and visitation paciently beare it and that he may suffer wyllingly with perfite obedience himselfe to be subiect and obeysant vnto the good will and pleasure of thée his punisher Succour him in all his aduersities and be thou vnto him a refuge and a defence against this instant daunger wherewith he is now in perill especially of his reueled conscience the secret sinnes of his hart doe accuse him vnto thée Therefore set thou against it for his preseruation the moste bitter torments and voluntarie sacrifice of thy sonne Christ which did beare our infirmities 1. Pet. 2. and accomplished the paine due vnto vs beeing made sinne for vs 2. Cor. 5. Apoc. 1. Rom. 4. whilst that he died for our sinnes which he washed away with his precious blood and rising from the deade for our iustification was made our perfite redéemer Let him perceiue through faith the force of these fruits and benifites Let him being oppressed in this misery féele thine aide and let him tast in this moment of time some fruite of suche benifits and gifts in Christ Bring to passe euen nowe by true fayth that there maye be offered vnto him so great a treasure of felicitie that is I meane the forgiuenesse of his sinnes for Christ his sake which by the misterie of the preaching of his worde as is before saide and the vse of his sacramentes frequented in the church is offered vnto him that he maye effectually and of a suertie receiue it to his comfort ayde and defence against the troubles of his conscience gréeuously accusing him and the subtiltie of the deuill And also that the same faith maye be vnto him an armour wherewith he being defenced may enter through death into lyfe ●●●●n he taking hold may enioy the same for euer Therefore O heauenly father we doe wholy commit him vnto thée for thou shalt heale him bicause he is sicke Hée is weake thou shalt strengthen him he lyeth a long thou shalt set him vp he acknowledgeth his spottes and vncleanesse thou shall washe him he is wounded thou shalt cure him he is feareful thou shalt giue him courage And for bicause thou knowest all things and canst bestowe according to thy wil thou shalt satisfie him For he is greatly gréeued with hūger and thirst after thée Imbrace him For he straight waye flyeth vnto thée and make hym constant to fulfill thy commaundements And to be briefe forgiue him all things wherwith he hath prouoked thy heauie displeasure against him Graunt him in the steade of death life with thée in glorye But if we shall néede him in thy vineyarde in this mortall life and that he maye be imbettred vnto the example of Christ then preserue him vntill that he be increased with more ample benifites Thy will notwithstanding which alwayes is best be euer fulfilled Graūt all those things vnto vs and this sicke body through Iesus Christ only thy sonne our lord which is our only redeemer helper and which brought the théefe on the crosse with him into Paradyse for the example and great comfort of al sinners which liueth and reigneth with thée in the vnitie of the holy ghost one God world without end Amen ¶ A prayer to be sayd vnto Christ O Lorde Iesu which art the onlye health of all men liuing the euerlasting life of them which die in faith I giue and submit my selfe wholy vnto thy moste blessed will whether it pleaseth thée that this my séelie soule shall tary any longer in the mansion of this my wretched bodye to serue thée or whether thou wilt haue it to depart out of this world being assured that the thing cannot perish which is cōmited vnto thy mercy Willingly now I leaue this fraile and sinfull flesh in hope of the resurrection which shall restore it vnto me againe far better than now it is I besech thée that thou wilt strēgthen my soule with thy grace against all temptations and that thou wilt compasse me about and defende me with the shielde of thy mercy against al the assaultes of sathan wherewith in time past thou madest thy martyrs inuincible against horrible torments and moste cruell deathes I sée and confesse that in my selfe there is no help of saluatiō but all my hope and confidence is in thine vnspeakable goodnesse I haue no merites or good workes which I maye alleage before thée of sinnes alas I sée a great heape but through thy mercy and righteousnesse I shall be reckened in the number of the iuste Thou wast borne for my sake Thou didst suffer both hunger and thirst for my sake Thou didst preach and teache fast and praye for my sake Thou didst all good works in this life for my sake Thou gauest thy most precious bodie vnto death vpō the crosse for my sake Let all these things profite me which thou hast fréely giuen mée which hast giuen thy selfe for me Let thy blood washe awaye the spots of mine offences Let thy
righteousnes couer and hide mine vnrighteousnesse Let thy merites make me acceptable before the most high Iudge Increase thy grace in me as peril encreaseth least faith should wauer in mée least my hope shoulde stacker least my charitie should ware cold least humaine weakenesse should be ouercome by the terrour of death But after that death possesseth my bodilye eyes yet let not the eyes of my mind be turned away from thée And when death hath takē away the vse of my tongue yet let my hart instantly cry and say vnto thée Psal 3● Into thy hands I commend my spirite O lorde to whom be all honor and glorye worlde wtout end Amen ❧ A Sermon of pacience of the consummation of this world of the second comming of the lorde the euerlasting ioyes of the righteous the paines of the wicked and of other things written by saint Iohn Chrisostome patriarch at Constantinople Iohn Theophylus being the expositour thereof out of Gréeke into Latine and translated out of Latin● into Englishe by H. Thorne THe lyfe of godly men is verie notable and bright And by what meanes should it shine but through pacience Therefore imbrace pacience Pacience is the mother of Fortitude Psal 27. as the mother of Fortitude For the Psalmist giueth vs admonishment saying Tarry thou the lords leasure and kéepe his wayes And saint Paule to the ende thou shouldst possesse this vertue sayeth Rom. 5. Affliction worketh pacience which if thou exercise thou shalt finde hope the fountaine of all goodnesse For hope maketh not ashamed Be thou therefore subiect and obedient vnto the lord Psal 37. 1. Petr. 2. Iaco. 4. and pray vnto him thou shalt thereby find that thing which is not to be contemned that is to wit he will giue thée all thine harts desire Who is more happy than he which hath in possession the beneuolent eares of so mighty a king Who wisheth not to haue the iudges eares opē vnto him at his commaūdement 1. Cor. 3. Thou déerly beloued art the workman laborer of vertue Christ hath hyred thée into his vineyarde Math. 20. Gala. 6. Whiles thou hast yet time do good works Harken what sainct Paule sayeth Looke what a man soweth euen the same shall he reape Sow in the spirit and thou shalt reap eternal life Gala. 6. For he that soweth in his body reapeth corruption of his bodye And heare what another counsell giuer sayth Sowe righteousnesse for your selues and you shal gather the fruite of righteousnes Let it not lothe thée to take paines There is an hope of haruest and fruite time For where conflictes are there are rewardes Where there are contentions there are honours 1. Timo. 4 Where battell is there is a crowne also Haue thou a regard herevnto and arme thy selfe vnto pacience Let him alwayes sounde in thine eares which crieth with the sainctes Be of good courage that thine hart maye be comforted abide the lords leisure Psal 27. vse and exercise thy field This life is thy field take vnto thée a good toole I meane the old and the new instrument Hedge thy ferme with the brembles of doctrine prayer and fasting If thou haue such a hedge the beast I saye the diuell can not enter in Toile thy soule as a good vineyard And euen as the keepers of vineyards doe clap with their handes crie with their voice and with such like noises do kéepe off the wayt layers So cry thou out also with praiers sing with the melodye of psalmes and thou shalt put to flight that foxe and wicked beast as who sayth the diuell Of the which foxe the scripture maketh mention saying Take ye the foxes c. Cant. 5. Alwayes watch thyne enimy if he shoot at thine hart with vnlawfull concupiscence If he sling into thy soule filthye cogitations Ephe. 6. 1. Tessa 5. put foorth the shielde of faith turne about the helmet of hope take vp the sword of the spirit that is the worde of God And thou being thus armed shalt be able to defende thine enimy and sée that thou he not faint harted in the conflict 1. Petr. 5. 2. Cor. 2. but in al things be sober and wel aduised say thus with thy selfe We be not ignorant of his subtilties Phil. 4. Reioyce always as it is written Let your softnesse be knowen vnto all men Let the feare of God shine in thine hart that thou become not a fugitiue souldier that thou be not a fearful and sluggish labourer least thou happily léese thy crown This life is short But the sentence of gods iudgement is permanent endlesse Thou considering this mayest boldlye tell thine hart and saye with the holye prophet Be strong Psal 27. and tary thou the lords leysure and he shall comfort thine hart Follow Dauid his example 1. Reg. 17. and slea thine enimy by the casting of one stone The angels stād by thée beholding thy life 1. Cor. 4. For s Paule sayth We are become a gasing stocke vnto the worlde both vnto angels vnto men If they perceiue that thou hast the vpper hand they wil reioyce in thy well doing But if thou bée subdued they will sorowfully depart not being able to looke on thée in the contrary part the deuils wil scorne thée Therfore take vp the feare of God in the stead of a sword For the feare of God is like a two edged sworde cutting off all euill concupiscence desiers And also haue thou alwayes in minde the last day The last day when the heauens set on fire shal be dissolued For the burning elements shall melt The earth all that is thereon made Math. 24. Luc. 21. Ioel. 2. EZech. 32. Esay 13. Ioel. 3. Psal 97. 1. Tes 5. 2. Petr. 3. shal be brent when the starres shal fal down as leaues and the sunne and moone shall be darkned and shall not giue their light whē the sonne of God shall be séene and shall come downe from heauen vnto the earth and the powers of heauen shall be moued when the aungels shall runne hither and thither the sound of trumpets shall be hard fire shall burne before him and he wandring about shall purge all the world with fire and in his circuite there shal be a mighty tempest There shal be such earthquakes Psal 50. and lightnings as neuer shall be the lyke nor haue bene euen vnto this daye in so much that the very powers of heauen shall be taken with great trembling 2. Petr. 3. What maner of men deerely beloued in Christ then ought we to be at that time What feare and what horror will there then come on vs Thinke with thy selfe how the Israelites in the wildernesse were not able to abide the dimnesse and darknesse of the ayer and the voyce of God speaking out of the middle of the fire Exod. 20. but willed that he should no more speak vnto them for they were not able
workes which they haue done then shall they confesse and saye that the iudgement of God is true and righteous saying did we not héere of this and yet woulde we not be conuerted from our wicked déedes But then they shall nothing preuaile Alas that euer I was borne which am compassed about with sinnes innumerable aboue the number of the sandes I haue sinned but I turne away from them as frō many yron chaines For my hope is that I shall not see my sinnes aboue in heauen Vnto whome then shall I flie but vnto thée Oh mercifull God vnto thée I say which forgettest and art not mindefull of iniuries Psal 51. Haue mercie vpon mée O God after thy great goodnesse according vnto the multitude of thy mercies doe awaye mine offences Wash me thorowly from my wickednesse clense me from my sinne For I acknowledge my faultes my sinne is euer before mée Against thee onely haue I sinned I flie vnto thée for thy great mercie and goodnesse sake I haue prouoked thée and yet I runne vnto thee for thy méere placabilitie I haue reiected thée and nowe I come vnto thée for thy great goodnesse and kindnesse sake And I hartily beséeche thée to turne away thy face from my sinnes and blot out al mine offences Make a cléene hart in mée O god renue a right spirit within mée for thy names sake onlye For I haue nothing that I maye present vnto thée not so much as one good worke not a pure hart 1. Cor. 4. but I trusting in thy mercies do wholy commit my self vnto them that thou mayst stirre vp in me a prick of conscience that I may not lightly fal againe into sinne but that I may from this time forth serue and please thée Luc. 1. in holinesse righteousnesse all the dayes of my lyfe For thine is the kingdome the power for euer I beséech thée therefore déerely beloued which hopest to obtaine the forgiuenesse of thy sinnes that thou endeuour thy selfe to be found in peace cléene and without spot If any euill thought come in thy mind take vp this swoorde that is to wit The feare of God is a sworde be mindefull of the feare of God and thou shalt cut off al the power of the enimy And take the holy scripture in the stead of a trumpet For as the trumpet gathereth the souldiers togither euen so the holy scripture crying vnto vs doth gather togither our thoughts in the feare of the lord For our thoughts are euen like souldiours which wage warre agaynst the kings enimies And againe euen as the trumpet sounding in the time of warre stirreth vp the courage of the yong men battailing against their enimies likewyse the holy scriptures do rayse vp thy promptnesse to vertue do make thée valiant against affections Therefore enforce thy self as much as in thée lieth oftentymes to apploye the scriptures that they may gather togither thy cogitations which the enimy hath scattred abrode by his wicked subtilty ministring vnto thée noughty appetites and concupiscence or oftentimes also bringing aduersitie or somtimes giuing prosperitie making thée carelesse For he woorketh these things by his deceite guile that he may seperate man from God For oftentymes it hapneth that when we can not ouercome and subdue one by concupiscence then after he offereth vnto him other temptations thereby to blind his mynd that he may after find it an apt ground to plant in it such things as pleaseth him and in the end beginneth to minister such thoughts vnto men that they will say with an othe At what tyme I doe good I haue infortunate dayes Rom. 3. Let vs therefore doe euill that thereof may come good Then if a man be not well aduised he will swallow him vp as hell aliue If so be that he cannot thus ouercome him then will he offer vnto him felicity and securitie of lyfe and craftily extolleth him bringing in deceit an effect of all other most greeuous and troublous which is that he may make him proude and without feare This draweth the minde into the bo●●●e of pleasures This causeth the mouth to speak blasphemie against heauen Psal 73. For it is written They haue set bestowed their mouth against heauen This maketh man to bée ignoraunt of God and not to vnderstande his owne infirmitie neyther to thinke vpon the daye of death and iudgement For this truely is the way of all wickednesse He that reioyseth to walke in this waye that is to wit of prosperitie and cockering shall in the ende come into the storehouse of death This is the waye whereof the lorde sayed Wyde and broad is the way Math. 7. which leadeth vnto destruction Beholde thou hast heard wherefore the enimie endeuoreth sometime to bring vs prosperitie sometime aduersity For as he proueth the minde of man which struggeleth and striueth against him to be affected euen so by his malignitie doth he furnishe his hoste against him Therfore be sober and warie and alwayes giue thy selfe vnto reading that thou mayest learne how it behoueth thée to eschue the snares of that enimie and to take hold on euerlasting lyfe For the reading of holy scripture maketh the wandring minde to stande fast and giueth hir the knowledge of God God is knowne out of the scriptures Read for this matter the second epistle to Timothi The holy ghost speaketh in the Scriptures Thou hearest how that he which with an vnfained hart ymployeth the holy scriptures receyueth the knowledge of God Nelect not therefore thy selfe but ymploy reading and prayer that thy mind may be lightned that thou mayest be made perfite and honest in all things wanting in no point Let others boast of the fréendship of honorable men princes and kings But reioyce thou before the angelles of God speaking vnto him and to the holye ghost by the sacred scriptures † Math. 10. For the holye ghost is he that speaketh by them * 2. Petr. 1. Doe thy diligence therefore constantly to be occupied in holy scripture and prayers For looke how often thou art conuersant with God by them so often is thy bodye and soule sanctified Then take this for certeintie that when thou happenest to reade the scriptures thou art sanctified Therfore do thy good will oftentimes to imploy them Although thy handes be occupied yet mayest thou praye in thy minde For blessed Anne God is to be praied vnto with the mind 1. Reg. 1. Samuell the prophet his mother prayed and moued but hir lippes onely yet hir prayers entered into the eares of the God of Sabaoth she obtained the thing shée desired Therefore although 〈◊〉 hands be otherwise busied yet praye thou at the least wise with thy minde For God heareth euen the silent If thou haue no skill to read He that cannot reade or vnderstādeth not what he readeth must resort vnto some wise man yet resort where thou mayst heare and take profite thereof For it is written