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A08620 The fift lampe of virginitie conteining sundrie forms of christian praiers and meditations, to bee vsed onlie of and for all sorts and degrees of women, in their seuerall ages and callings ... A treatise verie needful for this time, and profitable to the Church: now newlie compiled to the glorie of God, & comfort of al godlie women, by the said T.B. Gentleman.; Monument of matrones. Part 5. Bentley, Thomas, student of Gray's Inn.; Abergavenny, Frances Nevill, Lady, d. 1576. 1582 (1582) STC 1893; ESTC S101563 134,473 221

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and make choice or ordinarie election and that thy counsell standeth not in anie mans power neither can anie man alter or diminish thy purpose Wherfore I most humblie beseech thee most mercifull father that if this coniunction of our minds and loue be thy worke and counsell that thou vouchsafe for the glorie of thy name to giue vs some token and true certificate thereof by the increasing and stedfastlie stablishing our godly loue in thee that thou wilt performe the same in vs in thy good time to thy glorie and our comfort that we may the more perfectlie loue and rightlie serue thee But if it be a false persuasion or temptation of the enimie to deceiue vs and to drawe vs from thee then good Lord for thy deere sonne Christes sake I beseech thee so to alter our loue and change our minds so order and guide vs that we may soone be certified thereof that thereby we may flie all occasions of euill and the more zealouslie cleaue vnto thee and in our trie●g to stand stedfast in patience so that neither selfe-will nor the lusts of our corruptions doo deceiue vs and if it be for chastening which I confesse we haue not onlie deserued but sore and greeuous punishment for our manifold and greeuous sinnes yet for thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake oh deere God which hast said that thou delightest not in our destruction I most humblie beseech thee that we may by thy mercie come againe into thy fatherlie fauour and after our great sorrowe and heauines we may obteine perpetuall ioie and consolation and be receiued into the fellowship of thy faithfull fruitfull seruants and Saincts Grant this deere father for thy beloued sonne Iesus Christes sake our onlie peace and mediatour So be it Another praier to be vsed of anie woman before the solemnisation of hir marriage I Beseech thee O father which art neither made nor begotten marrie me now and for euer vnto thy sonne marrie mee vnto him in righteousnesse and iudgement in godlinesse in mercie and in compassion marrie me I saie vnto him in faith that I may trulie knowe thee my Lord and God which wilt not the death of a sinner but rather that he repent and liue O thou onlie begotten sonne of God ioine me now I beseech thee vnto thy bodie that ingraffed in thee I ●ay drawe from thee the iuice of life and of heauenlie wisedome Defend me O holie Ghost and thine whole Church against the rage of Sathan the world the flesh and the diuell and let all things that I doo please thee for thou O glorious Trinitie art my husband which louest me my God whom I worship and the head whervnto I am subiect To thee be glorie and praise both of men and Angels now and for euer Amen Another praier to be vsed of the man or woman a little before they be married O Eternall Father of thy welbeloued sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ which art the maker and king of all creatures we thanke thee from the bottome of our harts for that thou hast not cast mankind fallen from thy grace through sin into euerlasting destruction as thou didst the diuell but of thine vnspeakable goodnesse and secret counsell thou broughtest foorth thy sonne Iesus and madest him an husband that hauing taken our flesh vpon him he might marrie the faithfull vnto himselfe Immortall praise and glorie to thee for reuealing this thy couenant to mankind from time to time by teachers and for calling vs to his heauenlie marriage by thy ministers we beseech thee by and for the same thy sonne so to change and confirme our hearts by thy spirit that adorned with the wedding garments of righteousnesse faith holie loue chaste minds and good conscience and without all hypocrisie dissimulation and without the sinne against our owne conscience wee may approch to this honourable estate of matrimonie and be found in the number of thine elect Let vs now trulie be espoused in faith and vertue to thine heauenlie spouse and be ingraffed in his flesh Let vs be two in one flesh and so cleaue to him that we may be one spirit and so drawe the heauenlie motion of faith comfort ioie and eternall life from him that alwaies we may be though two bodies yet but one soule Finallie our troublesome race beeing finished bring vs with thine elect vnto thy visible companie that for euermore we may remaine in the spouse of the vniuersall Church in eternall companie and comfort Amen Another meditation and praier declaring how Christ adorneth the nuptiall feast with his bodilie presence O Eternall true and almightie God which at the first creation of the world after thou hadst made man an image of thy wisedome and goodnesse bearing such shape as thine eternall sonne at a time determined did take vpon him and afterward of thy secret counsell through thy word didst vtter these words It is not good for man to be alone Thy will it was that from a few euen two the whole multitude of mankind should proceed and a sacred Church honouring thy name religiouslie and sincerelie deliuering vnto posteritie to come the true knowledge of thy word should proceed Thy will it is that both our weake nature may liue purelie in the lawfull state of marriage and thy Church multiplied more and more through the generation of the godlie O gratious God which art pure from all spot of impuritie and wouldest that the cleere vnderstanding of holinesse should shine in vs that approching vnto thee in praier we might discerne thy goodnesse from the nature of incestuous and polluted gods By thy chaste and holie spirit we humblie beseech thee purge our harts that in an holie and chaste conuersation we may be coupled togither to serue thee vtterlie renouncing thine enimie the diuell which is the author of incestuous lawes contrarie to thy commandements forbidding men to marrie for none other end but that both the one by licentiousnesse of life might be forgotten and flocks of wicked men through their lewd conuersation be withdrawne from thee to eternall miserie Be it far from vs O God that so much as in thought we should either so dishonour thy sacred maiestie or hurt our selues And we beseech thee strengthē vs weak ones with thy diuine power that we neuer be drawne from thee our God through sinfull desires of the flesh which hinder our praiers the onelie comfort of the Saincts distressed in this miserable life neither forgo the sweetnes and ioie of a godlie conscience through hardnesse of hart and horrible blindnesse wherewith lewd liuers are commonlie punished nor when the course of this mortall life shall be cut off we feele not those torments appointed for the wicked according to that terrible threat Euerie soule which shall commit these abhominations shall perish from among the people And thou O sonne of God which hast ordeined the loue of married folks to be a mysterie of a woonderfull and heauenlie thing instill into our minds and breasts
contrariwise both reioice and hast great delight and pleasure to be resident and dwell in chaste pure cleane and virginall mindes I thine humble handmaid meekelie beseech thee both for my selfe and all other virgins and maidens that as through thy benignitie and gentlenesse we beare and carrie about in this our weake fraile and earthen vessels the same most excellent and notable treasure so through thy goodnesse and fauour we may keepe and preserue it safe and whole vnpolluted or defiled anie manner of waies as we ought Make vs gladlie to reuerence our elders and by the good motherlie admonitions and sincere honestie of the best and most godlie women to institute frame and order our trade of liuing Cause vs also to bridle our lusts and appetites and continuallie to exercise our selues with labour both of bodie and mind in patience and sufferance that we may be apt and fit both for maidenlie and hus●ifelie affaires Let vs not giue our selues to much idlenesse deintie fare euill companie and dissolute pastime and in all the recreation of our spirits let vs beware of intemperancie and lightnesse and alwaies vse reuerence shamefastnesse and modestie Take from vs O God all nicenesse wantonnesse prodigalitie and lasciuiousnesse especiallie in the presence of our elders Let vs euer both in time and place remember our selues to be women and not beasts yea yong women and not babes and therefore to take heed that our manners and conditions exceed the manners and properties both of beasts and of babes neither let vs thinke our selues women or matrones wise enough of our selues to teach our selues but being free from all selfe-weening selfe-loue and presumption let vs rather knowe that we lacke as yet manie instructions and godlie lessons and giue vs grace to learne them at their hands whomethou doest appoint ouer vs to gouerne and teach vs that so we dailie more and more pleasing thee with pure harts and vndefiled bodies may with those wise virgins come vnto that blessed life which knoweth no corruption in the which thou togither with the Father and his Sonne my louing Spouse and heauenlie Bridegroome liuest and reignest one immortall and inuisible God blessed and praised for euer and euer Amen Another praier to the same effect MOst sweet Lord Iesu Christ my heauenlie spouse which art the glorie of the Father and the brightnesse of the euerlasting light I thine vnwoorthie handmaid beseech thee for thine incomprehensible diuine Maiestie that thou wilt giue vnto me a godlie preparation of mind puritie of hart simplicitie of spirit and cleannesse and chastitie of bodie Oh kill I beseech thee sweet Iesu and vtterlie extinguish in me all inordinate lusts pull out and plucke vp by the rootes what vice soeuer is in me and take quite awaie whatsoeuer displeaseth thee in me So rule temper and dispose all both mine outward and inward senses as also all the force and powers of my mind that through thy grace I may refraine preserue and keepe my selfe from all vniust and naughtie workes from all euill cogitations and thoughts from all wicked and peruerse purposes willes intents and affections which fight against thy holie and blessed commandements Grant moreouer that I may loue thee aboue all things that nothing may delight or please me but thou alone that I may seeke will desire and couet nothing that is contrarie and repugnant to thy heauenlie will and good pleasure Finallie grant O most gentle Iesu that heere in this world I may so godlie liue and vertuouslie behaue my selfe both in this my single life and afterward that in the last daie of my life I may be found readie with the wise virgins pure holie cleane and vndefiled and so through thee the celestiall Bridegrome most happelie enter and be caried into the celestiall countrie of ioies eternall Amen A praier to be said for all virgins and maids generallie O GOD the former of our bodies and the inspirer of our soules which neuer despisest anie age reiectest no sexe nor esteemest anie estate or condition vnwoorthie of thy grace but art the Creator and redeemer of all defend with the shield of thy protection all those thy seruants and handmaids whom it hath pleased thee to indue with the gift of continencie and virginitie that they which yet be free from the sweet yoke of matrimonie by the helpe of thy grace subduing all sinfull motions and concupiscences of the flesh and being giuen to all good works and holie exercises both of the bodie and mind may be vnseparablie vnited to the loue and obedience of thy Sonne their spouse Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ We beseech thee also O Lord minister and giue thou vnto them weapons of defence not carnall but spirituall that thou gouerning both their members and senses sinne and wickednes may neuer be able to beare rule in them nor preuaile against their bodies or soules and that they alwaie liuing in thy feare grace and fauour Satan the friend to the bad and so to the good may not be so bold to claime them as his whose vessels thou hast consecrated to glorifie thy name in puritie of life O let the dew and moisture of thy heauenlie grace quench and asswage their naturall heate and let the fire of perpetuall chastitie inflame their harts and minds Let not their modest ●nd shamefast faces be blotted with anie reproch neither let securitie or negligence at anie time be hurtfull vnto them Take from them all occasions of offence and suffer them not to endure anie open infamie but let there be in them a warie chastitie adorned and inarmed with a liuelie faith firme hope and sincere charitie that their minds by thy gift being thus prepared to continencie their vertue by the power of thy grace may be of force to incounter with the suggestions of Satan vanquish all his mightie assaults and that by despising things present and transitorie they may euer followe with desire and at the last obtaine the ioies to come Finallie make them O Lord alwaies to prefer abstinence and temperance before banketing or bellie-cheere and cause them to giue themselues to the reading of holie scripture to diuine contemplations and meditations before feasting wantonnes and excesse or riot that being fed with praieng filled with instruction and illuminated with watchings and holie exercises they may purelie performe and fulfill the office of true virginitie in this their state of single life and become meete spouses for the bridegroome And lastlie grant O gratious God that thou thus defending and shielding these thy seruants both externallie and internallie with the spirituall weapons of thy grace and holie vertues they and euerie of them may be well able to passe through the pikes of Satans host and run their race in all holinesse puritie and honestie without anie offence to thee or the world to the confusion of Satan and the exaltation of thy glorie through the same Lord Iesus Christ their euerlasting spouse and our most blessed redeemer to whom
and people slandered but deere God giue mee perfect patience I beseech thee and cause thou me to plucke mine eies from this my husband and yokefellow in too narrowlie beholding his infirmities and make me to behold thee my God in this thine holi● ordinance and to looke vpon my selfe and the wallet before me that I may see mine owne slips and faults and learne to pull the beame out of mine owne eie first before I find fault with the mo●e in his Grant I saie that we may louinglie and with the spirit of meekenes beare one anothers burthen and that I for my part may quietlie beare the frailtie infirmities and faults of my husband with more patience mildnesse and modestie than hitherto I haue so that mine example may be to the comfort and commoditie of other to doo the like Oh Lord thou seest the great corruption of my nature and the pronesse thereof to sin and my weakenesse infirmitie and vnablenes to stand in temptation laie no more on me therefore deere father than thou wilt make me able to beare nor suffer me not to be tempted aboue my strength but in the middest of my temptations make such a waie and issue for me to escape out of dangers that may happen by the instigation of Sathan or his members as shall seeme best to thy diuine prouidence and wisedome so as the same may be to the furtherance of thy glorie the profit of the Church and the comfort of my conscience by Iesus Christ mine onlie mediatour and sauiour So be it A praier to be vsed of the wife for hir husband before or in his trauelling by land TO thee O Lord Iesu Christ I commend my husbands going foorth and his comming in his iourneie and his returning beseeching thee happelie by the hand of thy grace to leade him the way he is about to go or ride and purposeth now to take gratiouslie defend him O good God from the crafts deceits and lieng await of all his enimies as well bodilie as ghostlie Mercifullie keepe and preserue him from all perils both externall and internall and finallie by thine ineffable clemencie grace bring him safe whole and vnhurt home againe from all danger So be it Another O Lord which art the waie the truth and life thou hast promised in the holie scriptures that they which put their trust in thee and looke for helpe at thy hand and take thee for their mightie defender and strong castell shall be preserued harmelesse and walke in all their iourneie safelie and without danger for thou thy selfe wilt take charge of them and shadow them vnder thy mercifull wings so that none euill shall chance vnto them Yea as thou didst send thy holie Angell with Abraham and Tobit and with other thy faithfull seruants to be their guide and defender and to make their iournie prosperous so wilt thou send thy blessed Angels with them that wholie depend on thee and with strong faith commit themselues to thy most godlie tuition which shall safelie keepe them in all their waies yea and sooner hold them vp with thine hands then they shall dash their foote against a stone This thine accustomed gentlenesse towards thy seruants and these thy louing promises encourage methine handmaid greatlie at this present to come vnto thy maiestie and according to my dutie most humblie to beseech thee that as my husband now in thy name hath taken this his iournie vpon him so thou wilt vouchsafe him thy mercy and grace both in the beginning entrie gate and ending of this his trauell and iournie and that thou which art our God wilt keepe him both going out and comming in and direct his feet that he erre not in his waies O Lord I beseech thee giue thine holie Angels charge ouer him to keepe him in thy faith and ●eare wheresoeuer he goeth to take care for him to defend him from all misfortunes and to bring him prosperouslie to that place where his busines lieth Let them guide him I saie O Lord too and fro throughout all his iournie euen as Tobit the yonger was guided of the Angell Raphaell vnto Gabaell habiting in Ragis a Citie of the Medes O Lord our God direct thou his steps that he fall into no perill either of soule or bodie Blesse thou him I saie in this his iournie and preserue him both from the clawes of theeues and murtherers and from the iawes of deuouring beasts Let him find fauour wheresoeuer he commeth and let him honestlie be intreated in all places and his busines being happilie ended and his iournie prosperouslie finished doo thou vouchsafe to bring him safelie home againe of thy mercie and goodnesse that I may praise thee In all his waies be thou present with him as thou wast with Iacob trauelling into Mesopotamia and descending into Egypt Likewise as thou didst conduct the Israelites through the red sea and through the vncomfortable and perillous wildernesse going before them by day in a piller of a cloud and by night in a piller of fire so be thou with my deere husband alwaies in all places and leade him in all this his iournie and bring him home againe in safetie Be thou both his companion and conducter O Lord for into thy hands I commend both his life and all that he hath Finallie graunt that I continuing his faithfull trustie and louing spouse heere at home he may find both me and all his in good health and peace both of bodie and soule at his returne through our Lord Iesus Christ which liueth and reigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie spirit a God for euermore Amen A praier to be vsed of the wife for hir husband being a Captaine or Souldiour and gone a war-fare ALthough O most sweet Iesu there is nothing more commended and set forth vnto vs in thy holie scriptures than peace vnitie quietnes and concord vnto the which also not onlie Moses and the Prophets but thou and thine Apostles also doo therein diligentlie exhort and contrariwise vehementlie dehort and dissuade all men from discord enmitie malice and war bicause nothing is more seemelie for man than to embrace amiable peace friendlie concord and quiet amitie yea the verie creation shape birth of man proueth euidentlie man to be formed and made vnto peace yet such is the monstrous malice of Sathan that old enimie of mankind that he goeth about like a roaring Lion seeking whom he may deuoure and with all manner of labour sweateth to banish peace from the children of men and in sted thereof violentlie to thrust in discord tumults seditions wars bloud-sheading man-slaughter destruction of realmes and countries cities and villages intending by this meanes to make hauocke of all togither so that he furiouslie raging in his members prouoketh manie times thy seruants for the defence of their countrie and the safegard of their wife children families and people to go on warfare and to wage battell with their enimies I therefore most humblie beseech thee to assist my
greeuouslie tormented for my sins Consider O Lord how I am troubled how my wombe is disquieted and my hart wambleth within me for anguish Wilt thou haue no compassion on a wretch Wilt thou cause me thus to trauell still in paines intollerable and greefe vnspeakeable Wilt thou not bring foorth that which thou hast formed that I may be deliuered of that which I haue conceiued Alas O Lord alas my God yea my deare and onelie God wilt thou not heare the lamentable cries and regard the inward teares of a wretch that trauelleth laboureth so sore with child euen the wofull voice ● mournfull lamentation of thy hand-maid and daughter I saie though vnworthie that thus all the daie long sigheth crieth and stretcheth out hir feeble han●● vnto thee in heauen calling for thy heauenlie helpe and succour Oh Lord spare me oh deare God haue mercie vpon me and my babe Shall I be the graue of my child Shall I giue death the fruit of my bodie for the sins of my soule and my first second or third 〈◊〉 for the transgressions of my youth Alas shall that perish in the wombe which is conceiued by thee or shall it die in the birth and not be borne which thou hast so mightilie fashioned Hast thou shut vp the doores of my wombe in thy displeasure and couered me with the shadowe of death that the birth may not come out Wilt thou cause that to die in the birth I saie which is the woonderfull worke of thy almightie hand God forbid oh God forbid Oh saue me and my babe I beseech thee and let it not be as a thing borne out of time either as an infant which neuer sawe the light neither let it perish or be slaine so soone as it commeth out of the wombe but open thou the wombe and bring it foorth safelie that I may set it on my knees and giue it sucke with my brests Oh finish the thing mercifullie which thou hast begun so gratiouslie in me and let me reioice rather that a man-child is borne into the world els why am I in this plight Wo is me now that euer I sinned for how shall I be able to endure all the sorowes and pangs of a trauelling woman which are now or hereafter shall be iustlie laid vpon me O Lord thou seest my hart fainteth my face looketh pale yea sounding with a sighing and gasping soule I crie out and saie Alas that euer I sinned Wo is me that euer I offended so louing a God so mercifull a Sauiour so deare a redeemer so holie and blessed a sanctifier Alas for this daie which is so dreadfull that none may be likened vnto it And out alas for the time of this perplexiti● of this sorowe and griefe which I now sensiblie feele and endure both in bodie and mind for it is like the daie and time of Rachel My sorowe and trouble may be compared to Phinees wiues trouble my state and condition seemeth to me and others to be not much vnlike vnto theirs I saie from the which neuerthelesse for thy great mercie sake good Lord I beseech thee deliuer me and saue me and my ●abe from the graue as my trust is in thee Amen Another O GOD make speede to saue me O Lord make hast to helpe me Make no long tarieng O my God least I be like to those that go downe into the pit How long Lord wilt thou forget me How long shall I bee plucked a sunder with these griping greefes and pinching pangs of deadlie throwes How long shall I a wretch expect thy gratious comfort and readie helpe How long wilt thou forget thy creatures O Lord for euer How long wilt thou hide thy face from thy hand-maid thus being in miserie Shall my greefe euer continue my paines neuer cease What is my power O Lord that I should endure such pangs Or what is my strength that I may abide such throwes Surelie O God thou knowest my strength is not the strength of stones neither is my flesh or bones made of brasse or iron For in troth there is in me no helpe nor in anie mortall creature anie reliefe or succour yea all strength is vtterlie taken from me and there is none that I can find to helpe me therefore without thy helpe strength and patience it is impossible for me to continue in this perplexitie Oh spare me therefore a litle that I may recouer my strength before I go hence and be no more seene O Lord cast not awaie thy seruant in thy displeasure but let it be thy good pleasure to deliuer me Make hast O Lord to helpe me Wilt thou absent thy selfe for euer or hast thou shut vp thy louing kindnes in displeasure Is thy mercie cleane gone and thy promises come vtterlie to an end for euermore Chasten me O Lord and correct me but giue me not ouer vnto death neither shut vp my soule with the wicked in the graue Let not mine enimie saie So so I haue deuoured hir For I come vnto thee with those good women in the Gospell and falling downe at thy feet in trembling and feare I humblie beseech thee saieng O sweet Iesu O sonne of Dauid O Lambe of God that ta●e ●t awaie the sinnes of the world haue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon me that am grieuouslie vexed with nipping throwes Lord helpe me Lord heare me and vouchsafe to grant me the thing that I long for and destre that is that thou my maker and preseruer wilt speedilie come and comfort me mitigate these griefs now after the time that thou hast plagued and tormented me with all thy stormes and in great compassion haue mercie vpon me and my seelie infant that it be not like the vntimelie fruit or like the birth that dieth and is borne togither After this night and houre of calamitie ouerpassed let the pleasant morning of comfort luckilie shine vpon me that by time I may heare and feele thy goodnes and mercie in obteining at thy hand a comfortable issue and deliuerance for in thee onelie is all my trust Quicken me O Lord for thy name sake and for thy mercie and righteousnes bring my soule and bodie out of this distres and ease me of these paines for I am thy seruant O come and comfort me thy weake creature in these mine afflictions with the presence of thy holie spirit that euen in death I may find life For vn●er thy protection and defence mercie and fauour doo I wholie repose my selfe Lord into thy hands I commend my spirit preserue and keep me relieue ease and speed me O Lord thou God of truth for thou hast redeemed me Thou hast beene my succour leaue me not now nor forsake me O God of my saluation What profit is there in my bloud when I go downe to the pit Shall the dust giue thanks vnto thee or shall the graue declare thy truth O therefore haue mercie on me good Father for thy holie name sake euen for thy
deere sonne Iesu Christs sake I saie haue compassion vpon a wretch that calleth vpon thee in his name and vouchsafe now yet at the length to shew some good token of thy fauour and mercie vpon me and that for my good and speedie deliuerance that they which hate me may be ashamed they that loue me be comforted and praise thee togither with me because thou O Lord hast had mercie on me and holpen me and sent me a speedie deliuerance of this burden and made me a ioifull and glad mother of this child to thy glorie So shall my soule magnifie thee O Lord and my spirit shall euer reioice in thee O God my Sauioue yea so shall I be ioifull in thy saluation and I will not cease to celebrate thy name among the saints and sing vnto thee the sugred songs of Sion to the perpetuall praise of thy renowmed name and erernall glorie of thy most sacred maiestie world without end Amen Amen Praiers and thanks-giuings to be vsed of women in child-bed after their trauell and deliuerance and at their churching or purifieng as they call it O My Lord God I thanke thee with all my heart wit vnderstanding and power for that thou hast vouchsafed to deliuer mee out of this my most dangerous trauell and hast sent into this world out of my wofull wombe this child a creature of thine owne fashioning forming and shape like vnto the rest of the children of thy creation for which I am not able worthilie inough of mine owne fraile nature to giue to thee condigne thanks praise honour and glorie for thy so great benefits shewed vnto me in pulling me out from the pit-brinke of death easing and releeuing all my wofull sorrowes labours pangs and most greeuous throwes bitter anguishes vnspeakeable paines which I could neuer haue escaped without out thy most singular aid helpe releefe and succour Wherefore I thy most humble hand-maid with stedfast and pure hart and hands doo powre out before thee my Lord God and onlie sauiour these my simple praiers of thanks-giuing the fruit of my faith hope trust charitie and assured confidence which I haue in thee assertaining my selfe that now thou hast preserued me for a further triall of my vocation and seruice towards thee in this vale of transitorie life wherin I may haue time by thy diuine permission and sufferance to direct all my steps in thy waies and to honour and glorifie thee in my soule and bodie with condigne thanks in reioising in thy holie name according to thy most blessed word wherein thou hast declared that a woman as long as she is in trauell of hir child-bearing she is sorrowfull heauie and full of anguish and intollerable paines but as soone as the child is borne she learneth straight-waies to forget all hir paines not remembring them anie longer and to reioice for that she hath brought foorth a child into the world Euen so O Lord fareth it with me thy poore humble and obedient seruant now reioising in that it hath pleased thee to make me a glad mother in bringing foorth this my child whome now I doo present before the face of thy diuine Maiestie with an earnest zeale of a godlie spirit and most pure affection praieng and beseeching thee O euerlasting God heere to preserue this child according to thy most holie will that it may enioie the benefit of all thy heauenlie sacraments to loue and serue thee in purenes of life as a faithfull member of the christian congregation wherein thy name by it may be glorified honoured and praised world without end Amen Another praier and thanks-giuing to be said of euerie faithfull woman in child-bed after the time of hir deliuerance vsed of the vertuous Ladie Francis Aburgauennie HOW much and how greatlie am I bound to laud praise and extoll thee O my Lord God Euen now was I assailed in my bodie being a wretched and sinfull woman with sundrie and diuers dolours and greeuous gripes of perillous pains in such sort that my agonies abounding death himselfe seemed to me to knocke at the gates of my bodie the rod of iustice laie so heauie vpon me so that I iudged my selfe a creature more meet for the graue whose clamour I thought still sounded in mine eares than to reape the benefit of life By my paines Lord God in this my trauell I am forced to confesse and acknowledge that thou art iust in thy promises and readie to punish sin and iniquitie By this my safe and sure deliuerance I am bound to acknowledge that with thy iustice thou alwaies frequeatest pitie commixing thy mercie and iustice togither in such sort that I must needs confesse thee to be most righteous and mercifull I can not O my God but protest that thou hast dealt fauourablie with me and those paines which I abode were laid vpon me for my sin and wickednes and yet hast thou not dealt seuerelie with me neither giuen sentence against me in thy furie which haue iustlie deserued the same For hadst thou O Lord respected my deserts I had perished euerlastinglie and beeue vtterlie confounded My greeuous groanes throwne foorth vnto thee pearsed the verie bowels of thine annointed sonne Iesus Christ who beholding mine agonies and bitter paines became an intercessor to thee for me through whose earnest intreatie and louing meditation thou conuertedst thy displeasure to mercie and for his sake alone that died vpon the crosse for mine offences thou hast asswaged my torments and in the fulnes of thy bountie and louing kindnes thou hast giuen me a liuing soule to glad my hart for the which I am bound of right to giue thee hartie and humble thanks humblie beseeching thee being now faint and feeble in bodie to strengthen me in soule mind and hart that my tongue may be the organe that may continuallie publish foorth thine euerlasting praise Grant this O gratious God for the loue of thine onlie begotten Sonne Iesus Christ to whome with thee and the holie Ghost be giuen all laud power and dominion for euer and euer Amen Another praier of a woman in child-bed after deliuerance OF dutie O Lord I lift vp mine eies and mind vnto thee and giue thee most humble and hartie thanks for thine infinite goodnes which hast not onelie beautified and blessed me most abundantlie with common rare and woonderfull gifts and benefites but euen now also hast vouchsafed of thy free mercie to send me safe deliuerance and to giue me this infant and child as a token of thy loue towards me the which so great a treasure and blessing though I be not able to deserue yet most louing father for Christs sake I beseech thee that thou wilt confirme thy fauour more and more towards me And take this infant into thy tuition defence whom I offer present vnto thee with hartie praier and neuer suffer him to fall into such vnkindnes wherby he should loose the force of thy grace but that he may perceiue thee continuallie to be
hir instant desire must now being preuented with vntimelie labour and birth through perillous trauell needs drinke of the cup of Rahels and Phinees wi●es potion and go the waie of all flesh then O Lord thou in whose hands are the harts of all flesh arme hir we humblie beseech thee with thy perpetuall grace peace patience and perfect confidence in thee increase hir faith helpe hir vnbeleefe annoint hir with the oile of gladnes in thee ease hir of hir extreme paines be thou nigh vnto hir and driue the diuell far from hir aid hir with thy holie angels giuing hir grace so quietlie to take this thy fatherlie chastisement and visitation in good woorth that in this hir painfull life yea and in the verie end thereof she with perfect memorie sure trust commending hir selfe wholie to thee may in hart ioifullie still saie and we hir deere sisters and faithfull freends and neighbours for hir as followeth When she is departing and yeeldeth vp the ghost then adde and saie this that followeth FEtch now againe Lord God Father into thy holie hands that which thy puissant might hath shapen command thy holie angels now to aid hir and safelie to bring hir to thee and now place thou hir amongst thy chosen children and blessed heirs in thine eternall kingdome prepared for them that are written in the booke of life Fetch now againe Lord God sonne that which thou of thy meere mercie hast so wiselie gouerned and bought with thy pretious bloud now ioifullie receiue hir and saie vnto hir as thou saiedst vnto the penitent theefe This day shalt thou be with me in paradise Take againe now Lord God holie Ghost that which thou of thy onelie fauour hast louinglie kept and guided in this region of sinne and vale of miserie and now louinglie leade thou hir with Rebecca and Lazarus to eternall ioie and rest This grant hir O holie and most blessed Trinitie good Lord almightie three persons and one verie God vnto whome be all honour praise and glorie for euer and euer Amen Amen Another praier while she yeeldeth vp the ghost THE mightie God of angels and former of all things visible and inuisible in whose hands is onelie life and death light and darknes and all the motions of the soule and bodie without thee most mightie God all things had beene nothing and of nothing all things are made by thee without thy Christ and thy blessed spirit which is one coeternall Trinitie all flesh were accursed all consciences molested and all soules vtterlie damned from light into darknes from freedome into euerlasting reprobation but by Iesus Christ thine onelie sonne we thanke thee deere father of all mercie that now it hath pleased thee to take to thy mercie at this present time our deere sister S. B. whom thou hast elected consecrated and now she shall by thy mercie and pitie be sanctified vnto thee in the death of Christ to be a citizen of eternall glorie Now we perceiue that flesh and bloud doth forsake hir and all hir worldlie strength faileth hir now are the organes yeelding vp the heauenlie sound hir soule commeth now vnto thee good Lord receiue it to thy mercie into thine euerlasting glorie where as Abraham Isaac and Iacob Sara Rebecca Rahel and the blessed virgin Marie are continuallie To thee oh heauenlie Father be incessant honour glorie for euer and euer Amen After hir departure let the women kneele downe also and giue thanks as followeth ALmightie God with whom doo liue the spirits of them that depart hence in the Lord and in whom the soules of them that be elect after they be deliuered from the burden of the flesh be in ioie felicitie thou I saie O mercifull God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ who is the resurrection and the life in whom whosoeuer beleeueth shall liue though he die and whosoeuer liueth and beleeueth in him shall not die eternallie who also taught vs by his holie apostle S. Paule not to be sorie as women without hope for them that sleepe in him we giue thee hartie thanks for that it hath pleased thee to deliuer this woman our sister out of the wofull miseries of this sinfull world meekelie beseeching thee O Father to raise vs from the death of sinne vnto the life of righteousnes that when we also shal depart this life we may rest in Christ as our hope is this our sister doth and that it may please thee of thy gratious goodnes shortlie to accomplish the number of thine efect and to hasten thy kingdome that at the generall resurrection in the last daie we with this our sister and all other departed in the true faith of thy holie name being found acceptable in thy sight may haue our perfect consummation and blisse both in bodie and soule in thy eternall and euerlasting glorie and receiue that blessing which thou O Christ shalt then pronounce to all that loue feare thee saieng Come ye blessed children of my Father receiue the kingdome prepared for you from the beginning of the world Grant this we beseech thee O mercifull father through Iesus Christ our onlie mediatour redeemer and sauiour Amen A praier and thanks-giuing to be vsed of the mother or women about hir after the child is baptised ALmightie and euerlasting GOD who hast vouchsafed to regenerate this infant by water and the holie ghost and hast giuen vnto it forgiuenes of all his sinnes and receiued it into the number of thy children and heires of eternall life I thanke thee for thy gratious goodnes fauour mercie towards it And I humblie beseech thee also O Lord to strengthen it so with thy holie ghost the comforter that it may lead the rest of his life according to this good beginning Let thy fatherlie hands I praie thee be euer ouer it and blesse ti dailie increase it with thy manifold gifts of grace giue it the spirit of wisedome vnderstanding the spirit of counsell strength the spirit of knowledge and true godlines fulfill it with the spirit of thy holie feare faith and praier and so lead this child in the knowledge and obedience of thy holie word that being euer defended with thy heauenlie grace it may continue therein for euer and dailie increase in thy holie spirit more and more vntill in the end he obteine the gift of euerlasting life in thy celestiall kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen If the child or yong infant be verie sicke and lie sore pained with anie greefe or whensoeuer else it be visited with anie dreadfull disea●e praie ouer it and saie as followeth Lord heare our praiers And let our crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Mercifull Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the onelie begotten Sonne of the liuing Father redeemer of all men through all ages whose nature is pitifull not onelie to the strong and stout but also to the weake and simple as babes infants and children we here assembled most hartilie desire and praie
this world and for euer shall praise thee might be gathered and chosen And forasmuch O Lord as a prudent a wise and a godlie man commeth from thee and is thy gift who onlie triest the harts and reines and knowest the verie secret cogitations and conditions of all men prouide I beseech thee and giue me vnto a man of vnderstanding of sound and Christian religion of wise gouernement and behauiour of a good life and vertuous disposition euen such an husband I say as may be faithfull constant gentle honest tender and louing vnto mee and godlie zealous sincere and religious in thy sight but from an vnwise irreligious vnfaithfull and wauering minded man from an hastie testie rash heddie furious bitter angrie vnthriftie and couetous husband good Lord for thy holie name sake deliuer me and grant that obteining at thy fatherlie hands a good husband euen according to mine or rather thine owne hart and being holilie coupled togither in Christian loue and puritie we may both liue togither vertuouslie and quietlie in thy feare without sinne or shame and also die in a good age godlie and Christianlie in thy faith without eternall death and condemnation through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another LOrd thou hast commanded by thine holie Apostle that wee should abstaine from fornication and that euerie one of vs should knowe how to keepe our vessell that is our bodie in holinesse chastitie and honour and not in the lusts of concupiscence and vncleannes as doo the heathen which knowe not God I beseech thee giue me grace to behaue my selfe according to this thy holie commandement that in this my single life and state of virginitie I defile not my bodie with whoredome adulterie fornication or with anie other filthinesse and vncleanenesse but so order my selfe with all honestie sobrietie chastitie and purenesse of life that I may glorifie thee my Lord God both in soule and bodie Amen Or praie thus ALbeit most mercifull Father mariage is honourable among all persons and the bed vndefiled yet forasmuch as partlie for the tendernesse of mine age I am not apt for holie wedlocke and partlie through thine exceeding and aboue naturall gift for none can liue chaste except thou giue hir that gift I liue yet free from the sweet yoke of Matrimonie I hartilie praie thee that as I haue receiued of thee the gift of continencie and virginitie so I may haue grace from thee to bridle my selfe from lusts from all foolish appetits and to frame my life in all godlie vertuous exercises both of the bodie and mind yea so go foorth I praie thee to continue and increase this thy gift of chastitie in me that I may the more freelie and quietlie in all godlie patience and sufferance serue thee and care for those things that please thee and pertaine to thy glorie and also that I passing ouer the time of this my yong age in thy feare in godlie trauels vertuous labours and maidenlie behauiour may eschew all euill lusts riotous resorts and wanton companie that when it shall please thee to call me to the holie and honourable order of blessed wedlocke I may bring with me a cleane chaste and vndefiled bodie and so be apt and fit to liue in that godlie state of Matrimonie auoiding all fornication whoredome and vncleannesse all dissention strife and debate that thou maiest blesse me and my mariage prosper my godlie trauels send me good successe in all my doings and make me a ioifull mother in seeing my childers children according to thy holie promise which liuest and reignest verie God world without end Amen For the grace of Gods holie spirit to resist all sinfull motions and keepe pure the state of single life praie OH Lord the king of glorie and God of all power and might which hast promised to powre thy spirit vpon all flesh vpon virgins maidens and yong women and to giue the holie Ghost to thy children whensoeuer they shall aske the same of thee in thy Sonnes name in their praiers and allowest none to be pure virgins and thy children indeede but such as keepe themselues vnspotted of the world and walke before thee in the rule of thy lawes and obedience of thy commandements Oh Lord thou knowest I would faine walke with thee from my virginitie in righteousnesse and holinesse My desire is to walke before thee in a pure conscience chaste mind and vndefiled bodie But alas deere God I confesse the corruption of my nature polluted in the first woman Eue in Paradise is such and my weakenesse and vnablenesse to stand in temptation is so much and the custome of sinne hath gotten such dominion ouer me that I am not able of my selfe so much as to thinke a good thought much lesse to doo anie thing that is good and acceptable in thy sight Wherefore oh most louing Father take not thy grace and holie spirit from me thine handmaid leaue me not to my selfe neither forsake me for then I am vtterlie ●ast awaie For thou seest O Lord that if thou doo but shadowe thy selfe a little and depart from me into how manie grieuous and horrible sinnes I fall how much more then Lord if thou shouldest vtterlie forsake me leaue me to my selfe and take thy grace and holie spirit vtterlie from me Therfore oh most intreatable God I beseech thee consider my manifold imperfections womanlie weakenesses miserable corruptions which dailie turne me out of the waie and drawe me from thee and powre downe thy grace and holie spirit plentifullie vpon me thine humble handmaid Yea giue vnto me also thy most holie word thy patience loue meekenesse integritie righteousnesse iustice temperaunce sobrietie chastitie peace long-suffering faith goodnesse holinesse and all other thy vertues fruites of the spirit and ordinarie meanes whereby I may be so instructed taught and guided gouerned protected and defended in this my single life and state of virginitie that I neuer offend against thy diuine Maiestie or mine owne soule and b● die but that I may haue power and strength from thee continuallie to stand against all the secret assaults and open temptations of mine enimies both bodilie and ghostlie yea grant O deere Father that I may through thy mightie power working in my weake vessell haue continuall victorie ouer all hellish hagges and also triumph ouer them in all their assaults and temptations as manie holie virgins and women haue done in all ages so that togither with them I may walke before thee in the purenesse of my virginitie with a good conscience in perfect righteousnesse and true holinesse acceptable in thy sight all the daies of my life according to thy will through Iesus Christ our Lord and onlie Sauiour and redeemer So be it Another praier in the behalfe of all Virgins or single women for the keeping of obedience modestie chastitie puritie and cleannesse of liuing O Diuine spirit God the holie Ghost which abhorrest despisest and fliest from all vncleannesse filthinesse and dishonestie and which dooest
me wretched woman for thy beloued sonne Iesus Christes sake who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holie Ghost one God euer world without end Amen God the Father of all comfort and consolation blesse keepe and defend me from all the illusions and suggestions of sathan now and euermore also giue me grace to walke in thy feare Amen Reade more of this in the Quéenes meditation page 10. and 16. 17. c. in the second Lampe A praier of Marie Magdalens repentance O Good Iesu the onlie hope of the penitent person which opening the bowels of thy compassion and to declare and shew a token of thy great loue didst gratiouslie giue absolution and pardon of all hir sinnes to Marie Magdalen that greeuous sinner and sinfull woman at what time she touched with great remorse and sorrowe stood weeping before thee and powring foorth abundance of teares washed thy feete and kissing them wiped them with the heare of hir head in token of hir hartie repentance and sorrowe for hir forepassed sinfull life spent in adulterie and vncleannesse O despise not me also I beseech thee most mercifull Iesu which am a more sinfull woman and now likewise most humblie with great remorse of conscience and sorrowe for my sinfull life past doo prostrate my selfe before the feete of thy mercie washing them with the inward teares of contrition and kissing them with the lips of deuout earnest praier And vouchsafe O sweet Christ to make me meete to heare thy voice so full of loue and compassion so full of elemencie sweetnesse and mercie which the same Marie Magdalen was made woorthie to heare that as hirs so also my manifold sinnes and offences committed against thee and thy whole Church and mine owne bodie and soule may quite be forgiuen and washed awaie by thine onlie grace and merits O blessed Sauiour Iesu Amen Another praier of the woman taken in adulterie O Most tender harted Iesu which so gentlie deliueredst the woman taken in adulterie and so mercifullie sentedst hir awaie in peace and vncondemned of thee from hir accusers Behold my adulterous soule standeth heere before thee which so often hath forsaken thee hir true and faithfull spouse as she hath consented to the vile suggestions of the adoulterous and corrupt enimie Alas my conscience accuseth me yea and all my lewd works and wicked actions doo all bewraie and condemne mee But O Lord enter not thou into iudgement with them I praie thee neither doo thou remember mine old or new offences to plague them as they deserue but deliuer me also a most sinfull wretch and a woman corrupted and abused in adulterie Deliuer me I saie a woman altogither giltie of horrible iniquities from mine accusers and being fullie persuaded in my conscience that I am freelie forgiuen of thee and from this and all other my crimes and offences absolued pardoned and quitted before the tribunall seate of thy iudgement let me now depart in peace and vncondemned For it is thy propertie alwaies to haue mercie and to spare sinners that repent and turne vnto thee as I doo heare at this present vnfeignedlie yea there is no end of thy mercies and compassions to such as forsaking their old sinnes doo vnfeignedlie seeke and cleaue vnto thee to whome therefore with the Father and the holie Ghost be blessing praise power and dominion now and for euer Amen Of this matter reade more in the latter end of the sixt Lampe and in diuers places of the seuenth Lampe A praier to be said of anie damsell daughter or maiden child O Most mercifull God and heauenlie Father which hast commanded mee to honor my parents by whome I was borne and doo liue for such obedience doth please thee for thy beloued Sonne Iesus Christes sake and thou hast promised to reward the same with long life manifold benefits and heauenlie blessings I humblie beseech thee O Lord giue to my parents and all other that I am bound vnto in this world a long life and protect them from all miseries hurt and danger Also grant mee grace to obey them and all others which haue authoritie ouer me in deed and in word and in all patience that I may haue thy benediction and blessing Let mee helpe my parents in their age and neuer greeue them as long as they liue and if their vnderstanding faile let me beare with them and neuer in my lustie youth despise them Imprint in my mind the paines which my mother hath endured for my sake not onlie before I came out of hir wombe but also till I was of anie discretion for which cause be it far from me that I at anie time make hir sad or out of quiet through anie my lewd behauiour and disobedience Furthermore O mercifull God and heauenlie Father I beseech thee forgiue me the sinnes of my tender age and youth whereby I haue and do still offend both thee and my louing parents Pardon them I saie O Lord for thy mercie sake Remember not my rebellions make me both to knowe my follie and to be hartilie sorie for mine offences Place before mine eies continuallie the example of our sauiour Christ which in his childhood was obedient vnto his parents thereby both teaching and shewing to all children what their dutie is Keepe me O Lord from the wicked companie of vngodlie men and when they shall entise me let me not walke in the way with them Refraine my feete from their paths least I come into the dangerous and suspicious iudgements of other folke and hazard therby mine honestie chastitie and good name and vertue to the perill and hurt both of my selfe and my parents Increase O Lord not my yeares onelie but also my wisedome chastitie shamefastnesse sobernesse temperance and all kind of vertue and obedience requisite in a godlie child that I may growe in fauour both with thee and all good men and women through thy beloued Sonne our Lord and sauiour Iesus Christ Amen Another verie necessarie praier to be said of anie daughter or maiden child FOrasmuch as in thy holie word O almightie God and heauenlie Father it is said that a wise daughter is an heritage vnto hir husband but she that liueth dishonestlie bringeth hir father to heauinesse againe A daughter that is bold or past shame dishonoureth both hir father and hir husband and the vngodlie shall regard hir because she is not inferiour vnto them but both hir father and hir husband shall despise hir because of hir foolishnesse I beseech thee therefore take from mee a stout stomach an incorrigible hart an impudent mind an vnshamefast eie and a bold countenance with all other vices and marks of a reprobate and disobedient child and in stead thereof giue vnto mee a gentle spirit a meeke hart an humble mind a demure looke a sober countenance an affable and seruiceable bodie with all other good graces and comelie conditions of a chast virgin and godlie child towards hir parents Oh suffer me not to be of the number
of those shamelesse children that sticke not to reuile and cursse their father and mother to their face nor of those stubborne and wicked daughters which as the Prophet complaineth doo rise vp and rebell against their owne mothers setting their commandements at naught vtterlie refusing to be corrected by them for their amendment Yea far be it from me O Lord with Lots two daughters to make my father dronke to vncouer his shame neither with curssed Cham let me not reioice or laugh at the dishonour of my parents especiallie sith I knowe that my honor commeth by them and that their reproch is in deed my dishonour And though my parents forsake me and count me as a stranger yet giue me grace neuer to forsake them vtterlie nor to saie of them as Leah and Rahel said of Laban their father We haue no more portion or inheritance in our fathers house but rather make me through the gift of thy grace obedient and verie willing to suffer for thy sake my parents to worke thine and their willes in me yea though it be to my losse if thou thinkest it so good without anie resistance striuing grudging or deniall euen as Isaac did to his father Abraham Iepthaes onelie daughter did vnto him Lots two daughters vnto their father and the seauen children of the woman in the Machabees vnto their mother c. that with these vertuous and godlie children I may be blessed and haue mine obedience crowned and rewarded Moreouer because thou O Lord in the old law hast straightlie commanded that the daughter which looseth hir virginitie and plaieth the harlot in hir fathers house should be stoned to death yea though afterward she be married to an husband which beastlie vice of filthie whoredome fornication and vnchastitie how greatlie thy sacred maiestie doth abhor and detest by this lawe besides other examples of thy iudgements mentioned in the scriptures it may and doth easilie appeare Assist me therefore I humblie praie thee that by watching and praier temperance holie exercises moderation and abstinence from superfluous meates and drinks and ouermuch fi●e fare which makes the mind waxe wanton and ouerlustie I may so tame this my bodie crucifie my flesh and bring it into subiection to the spirit with all the affections and desires thereof that I may neuer with Thamar pollute my fathers house nor sin against thy maiestie my friends and mine owne soule and bodie by ouerpassing the prescribed limits and bounds of honestie and chastitie Giue me grace that I follow not the concupiscence of the flesh neither prouoke my senses by vnbrideled libertie with Dinah to abuse my selfe and trespasse against my parents and friends to their harts griefe against my selfe to mine owne publike shame and reioicing of mine enimies and against thee and my country to other euill example and ouerthrowe Sanctifie me I saie O holie father that I defile not my selfe with carnall vices riotousnesse bellie-cheere nor vnlawfull pleasures Suffer me not to cast off thine holie spirit thereby to make my bodie the house of filthie feends which carrie awaie and cast headlong all intemperat vnchast and secure or retchlesse persons into euerlasting destruction but driue far from my hart all euill thoughts from my mind all wicked concupiscence and from mine eies all vnchast lookes yea be thou euer so mercifull vnto me O Lord as to helpe me continuallie with thy diuine power that the holie spirit which thou didst powre into me at my baptisme may beare the rule in all my members and so preuaile ouer the flesh and all the mordinate affections of the same that being renewed dailie after thy holie spirit I may the better walke in the spirit and serue thee in righteousnesse obedience and true holinesse all the daies of my life to the honor of thy sonne which is the most excellent floure and crowne of all pure virginitie Finallie if heereafter it shall please thee not to continue in me the gift of virginitie or single life or that my father or friends thinking it vncomelie for me to passe the floure of mine age to auoid all other further inconueniences shall iudge it needfull for them respecting mine infirmitie to marrie me and so to performe that weightie matter and ease themselues of so great a charge care and burthen by dooing their dutie betimes and not neglecting their authoritie and office as Iudah did towards his daughter in lawe Thamar to the perill and hazard of both their good names and honestie then grant I beseech thee O deere father that I for my part not so much as desiring mariage much lesse to shew my selfe to long therefore by anie meanes may be content to leaue all the care and charge of that businesse wholie vnto my parents or friends who no doubt loue me no lesse than I loue my selfe And let me be fullie persuaded that they will prouide no lesse diligentlie for me than they would for themselues but much better that all whisperings close communication sinister practises and priuie contracts being of me vtterlie eschued as a thing most vngodlie and in deede far vnbeseeming anie Christian child yea as things abhorred euen among the Infidels I may after the good examples of Rebecca Leah Sarah and such like holie virgins obedient daughters most willinglie allow and approue the authoritie power and pruiledge of my parents and friends ouer me heerein and resigning all my will to their wils be verie well content to be ruled by them in all things they shall doo in thee as becommeth a well nurtured and obedient child labouring also by all earnest and feruent praier to further the matter that I may bring a chaste mind in a chaste bodie vnto a vertuous husband to thy glorie And grant that my parents and freends also for their parts as thou hast commanded Deuter. 7 3. may carefullie endeuour by all possible and studious diligence to prouide for me their daughter a man of vnderstanding wisedome pietie and honestie euen such an husband Lord as is no Idolater or irreligious woorshipper of God no Atheist Infidell or vngodlie man nor one that shall let or hinder me from vertuous liuing but such a one as is both wise godlie vertuous holie and religious one that serueth thee O God sincerelie and liueth in thy feare christianlie and will gladlie prouoke exhort and helpe me to liue accordinglie Finallie grant I beseech thee that my parents or freends without anie respect of their owne gaine or commoditie may seeke me an honest husband and marie me in thee O Lord neither let them with couetous Laban sell me to their seruants in recompense of their seruice as Leah and Rebecca were nor yet with that hypocrite Saule giue me vnder pretence of fauour to snare and betraie the innocent as Michal and Merab were giuen to Dauid But considering that the knot of marriage cannot be lightlie loosed or dissolued sauing onlie by death let them with great studie and deliberation with good aduisement and counsell
the wicked world and the vnlawfull lusts of fraile flesh and so consequentlie the horrible iudgements of eternall damnation if so be that we now inseparablie liue togither according to thy holie ordinance and our promise made each to other before thee and all the Angels but also by this our happie coniunction we presentlie enioie and feele to our great comfort the ioifull iewell of a quiet conscience free from all euill delights in filthinesse of sin and occasions of offence we therefore thy humble seruants heere prostrate on our knees according to our bounden dutie with pure and thankefull minds acknowledging this great benefit to be in deed thy singular gift doo meekelie render vnto thy diuine maiestie most humble and hartie thanks euermore praising thee therefore and saieng Blessed art thou O our God and heauenlie father which art the author of our marriage and of this our coupling togither and blessed be thy most holie and glorious name for euermore yea let heauen and earth the sea and all the creatures therein praise blesse extoll woorship and magnifie thy sacred maiestie both now and hencefoorth for euermore Amen And now O mercifull father considering with our selues what need we haue to be very circumspect carefull and watching to doo our duties seeing how woonderfullie subtillie and despitefullie the diuell in these most perillous daies deludeth scorneth forbiddeth and enuieth this holie state and how few matrimonies there be without chidings brallings tantings repentings bitter curssings fightings and diuorcings which things vndoubtedlie the more is the pitie are commonlie almost euerie where committed among all estates through the instigation of the ghostlie enimie Sathan and his impes who take great delight therein forsomuch also as we are not ignorant how busie that old aduersarie of mankind is to banish the sweet loue inuiolable constancie and pleasant concord which to our continuall comfort should alwaies be betwixt vs and how in stead thereof he busilie laboureth and bendeth his principall craft to bring in horrible hatred dreadfull dissention vnpleasant strife irkesome lothsomnesse and bitter discord euermore as it were from aboue ho●ering in the aire assaulting our nature and condition and neuer ceasing to laie craftie traines to catch vs and still assaieng to attempt all things that may interrupt and hinder ou● harts desire and godlie purposes if we giue him neuer so little entrie intending by this meanes either by voluntarie separation or compulsorie diuorcement vtterlie to breake and dissolue this godly knot so fast knit by thee to most godlie vses either else at the least continuallie to encomber it with diuers displeasures great greefes and manifold miseries to our alas no little anoie and perill both of bodie and soule to others offence by euill example and most of all to thy high displeasure and great dishonour and slander of the Gospell which we O deere God professe We therefore thy humble seruants being verie desirous to auoid all these miseries and snares of Sathan our ancient enimie and to liue peaceablie holilie and comfortablie togither in this holie state of wedlocke as becommeth vs in the feare of God first confessing our owne infirmitie weakenes and vnablenes in anie thing to resist or withstand as we ought so vehement mightie and strong assaults inuasions and temptations of the diuell and secondlie knowing no other waie or meanes how to preuent the spitefull malice of so deadlie a foe but onlie in flieng by earnest and continuall praier vnto the throne of thy promised helpe and mercie euen through the hope we haue christianlie conceiued in the promise of so readie releefe and happie helpe made by thee to all that call vnfeignedlie vpon thee in the name of Iesus Christ thine onelie sonne our sauiour We I saie thy poore seruants in this faith presume and are bold to present our selues now before the sacred seate of thy most high maiestie most humblie crauing and hartilie begging of thee that for the same thy deere sonne Iesus Christes sake thou wilt vouchsafe in mercie fauourablie to behold and visit vs and by thine omnipotent power and puissant might so represse bridle and restraine thou the violent force and piercing power of our ghostlie enimie and mortall fo which thus continuallie seeketh to deuour vs and most maliciouslie endeuoureth and spitefullie practiseth by all possible meanes to banish our loues to exile our ioies to abandon our comforts yea especiallie to dissolue our vnitie to cancell our bonds and breake our concord that this our marriage thy gratious aid and readie assistance alwaie furthering the same and prospering it may happilie be free from all the wicked suggestions cruell assaults and vngodlie temptations of our deadlie aduersarie and also deliuered from all those euils mischiefes miseries inconueniences troubles and calamities which Sathan so busilie laboureth to infect fester and intangle this our holie state withall Giue vnto vs I saie O good Lord the holie helpe of thy grace and Angelicall aid of thy diuine spirit so to rule and gouerne our hearts and to knit and conioine our minds and willes togither in perfect loue vnitie and concord that we be at no time by anie diuision or bitter discord disseuered or diuorced one from another but may continuallie be vigilant and carefull both by dailie inuocating vpon thy holie name and also by all possible diligence and earnest indeuours on both parts to striue and fight valiantlie against all the temptations of Sathan and other the enormities euils mischances and miseries whatsoeuer may happen vnto vs by his pernicious instigations wicked motions and most perillous suggestions Grant O deere God that as we are now of necessitie compelled by thy holie ordinance to liue inseparablie togither being conioined by thy word in mutuall loue and felowship as one bodie one flesh so we standing in awe of thee and setting thy holie feare euer before our eies may through the working of thy grace liue togither holilie godlie chastlie purelie peaceablie quietlie louinglie agreeablie and comfortablie in all happie felicitie perfect ioie sweet amitie perpetuall charitie and continuall concord all our liues long and that good Lord we praie thee without anie hate debate chiding bralling tanting threatning disliking repe●ting vpbraiding irkesomnesse lothsomnesse abhorring detesting diuorcing finallie without anie deadlie dissention bitter curssing and vnnaturall fightings or other vnchristian and vncharitable behauiour because in deed it is one of the three things that so greatlie pleaseth thee a man and his wife to agree louinglie togither O Lord let not the wicked vices of stiffe stubbornenesse wilfull will froward fiercenesse comberous testinesse mallipert checkings sharpe words and selfe-loue be found to reigne in either of vs neither suffer vs we praie thee at anie time to giue place vnto the prouocation of wrath and hot hastie furies of the mind least thereby we begin vnhappilie to wea●e to our selues the web of all wo sorowe and calamitie as manie now adaies doo by promoting the wicked purpose of the diuell or by setting forward
of his worke or finallie by following his di●elish temptations and the wrath of our harts in giuing place without anie resistance to euerie thing preiudiciall and hurtfull to this our blessed state and honourable degree But giue vs grace rather good Lord we entirelie beseech thee before all things to take heed that by no meanes we giue anie occasion to our ghostlie enimie to let or hinder our praiers and holie exercises through dissention or discord and diligentlie to applie our selues stoutelie to resist euill and to weed out by little and little the noisome w●eds of vncomelie demeanour vnchristian behauiour rude maners churlish conditions euill dispositions and vngodlie extremities out of our hearts and minds with the wholesome precepts of thy diuine word the which giue vs grace diligentlie both to heare reade meditate and imitate day and night that in time we dooing our duties each to other as therein we be taught of thee may reape and feele the fruit thereof hourelie to both our comforts in Christ and thy glorie And because it cannot otherwise possible be but that offences shall sometimes either be giuen or taken betwixt vs by reason of the manifold discommodities that come with this commoditie suffer vs not good Lord we beseech thee to stand stiffe at anie time in our owne opinions faults or wilfulnesse or to mainteine impudentlie and incorrigiblie our errours by friuolous excuses and vngodlie reasonings neither yet busilie to find fault each with others calling each for others dutie towards our selues and in the meane time neglecting our duties both to thee our selues and others yea rather giue vs the grace of thy holie spirit to acknowledge our faults and follies each to other with charitable forgiuing one another and mutuall reconciliation that we may be well pleased and contented one with another and in all things each of vs beare and forbeare others infirmities and weakenesse Grant that either of vs may doo our best diligentlie to performe our duties one to the other as becommeth and we haue vowed and promised as namelie to praie hartilie and often one for another to labour to the vttermost of our powers to frame vse and occasion our selues to softnesse meekenesse gentlenes lenitie and long sufferance bearing well in worth such ouersights as chance and passe in our life and conuersation and still drawing during life the sweet yoke of our fellowship equallie in one concord of hart and agreement of mind so shall it come to passe that all strife and debate shall be cleane banished and pleasant loue sweet amitie and continuall concord shall be embraced of vs so shall we haue our harts staied in stable truth and comfort in all perils and necessities and most happelie passe through the dangers of the troublesome sea of this wretched world in great ioie and peaceable quietnesse to our comfort our neighbours profit and thy glorie which God grant Finallie if thus we doo godlie and christianlie vse our holie state of matrimonie we shall not onlie be armed on euerie side the better to escape the snares of the world the flesh and the diuell but also enioie the ioifull iewell and most singular benefit of a quiet conscience yea so shall all discommodities worldlie or ghostlie be taken away from vs and all things both spirituall and temporall turne to our commoditie and pleasure To conclude so shall our praiers be heard and gratiouslie granted vnto vs and God euen our owne God continuallie followe vs with his benediction and blesse vs both within and without at home and abrode and giue vnto vs all those his good gifts and benefits perteining or needfull either to our bodies or soules which he hath so often promised in his word to powre vpon all such as loue feare serue him both heere and in the life to come the which good things that they may the better be fulfilled and more effectuallie happen and come vnto vs heere present in the due time as thou seest need and we hartilie wish and desire we humblie praie thee O most excellent father who art in deed the verie authour of our marriage to be now and alwaies present with vs by thy grace and holie spirit plentifullie powred into our harts which may perpetuallie continue loue concord and charitie betweene vs and luckelie defend keepe and mainteine vs in this honourable estate that neither we be ouercome with anie temptation nor with anie aduersitie Finallie grant vs thy blessing fauour and protection in this world and in the world to come endlesse ioie and eternall felicitie through the onlie merits of our sauiour Iesus to whome with thee and the holie Ghost our maker redeemer and sanctifier be euerlasting praise honor and glorie both now and for euer Amen Another praier to be vsed of married folkes to liue chastlie and purelie in holie matrimonie and to auoid the filthie lusts of whored●me FOrasmuch as O heauenlie father we trulie acknowledge thee an holie and righteous God our onelie God and maker the knower most trulie of our weakenes and infirmitie our readie and gratious helper our guide and director to holinesse and the onlie author of the blisfull state of matrimonie whereby all thy chosen children might liue in chastitie and holinesse and auoid the vnchast life of whoredome and vncleannesse Grant vnto vs we beseech thee that being called by the spirit vnto that holie state for our lawfull remedie to saiue our weakenesse to quench the raging lusts of old Adam and in holines to beget children for the increase of thy kingdome we may liue togither therein in thy faith feare and loue dutifullie louinglie and peaceablie with modestie in lowlinesse and chastitie all the daies of our liues that both our conuersations togither in all respects being coupled with feare and framed with one consent according to thine holie will and to the godlie edifieng of others representing by it in all points the mysterie figured betweene Christ and the congregation thou maist haue pleasure in our godlie behauiours Blesse vs in all our enterprises and make vs fruitfull and ioifull parents And to the increasing of our ioie O Lord in thee we humblie praie thee that thou wilt of thy great mercie giue both vnto vs and to the offspring of our bodies lawfullie begotten thine heauenlie grace that as we most christianlie endeuouring our selues to traine them vp in thine holie nourture and doctrine so they likewise by the infusion of thine heauenlie grace may haue their hearts prepared to receiue and hold sure for euer the onlie word of righteousnesse that lightneth clenseth best ruleth and most trulie directeth the soules of the righteous to the plaine and most pleasant path that leadeth to the life euerlasting through the merits of Christ Iesus thy sonne our Lord Amen Another praier to be vsed of such married couples as where the woman is not past child-bearing O Mercifull Lord and heauenlie father which by thine almightie power hast made all things of naught which also after other
things set in order didst appoint that out of man created after thine own image and similitude woman should take hir beginning and knitting ioining and sanctifieng Adam and Eue togither in marriage didst teach that it should neuer be lawfull to put asunder those whom thou by matrimonie hadst made one O gratious God which hast consecrated the state of matrimonie to such an excellent mysterie that in it is figu●ed and represented the spirituall marriage and vnitie betwixt Christ and his Church looke mercifullie with thy fauour from heauen vpon vs thy poore creature● whome it hath pleased thee in mercie to call from single life and to ioine by free consent togither in this holie state of honourable wedlocke And as thou O eternall God the giuer of all spirituall grace and the author of euerlasting life didst send thy blessing vpon Abraham and Sara to their great comfort so vouchsafe to blesse vs O Lord and to send thy benediction vpon vs thy seruants yea so sanctifie vs twaine and powre plentifullie vpon vs the riches of thy goodnes so sowe the seeds of eternall life in our minds and fill vs with all spirituall benediction and grace that as Isaac and Rebecca liued faithfullie togither euen so we carefullie keeping thy commandements diligentlie obeieng thy holie will and pleasure and alwaies guided by thy good and gratious spirit may trulie performe and surelie keepe the vow and couenant betwixt vs made before thee and the congregation and may euer remaine persist and abide in perfect amitie stedfast peace and continuall concord vntill our liues end Grant also that we may profitablie fruitfullie learne our seuerall duties either towards other and both towards thee out of thy holie word and in deed fulfill the same to the furtherance of vertue and auoiding of all offence that so seruing and pleasing thee both in bodie and soule as those godlie men and women did to thy glorie and their perpetuall renowne we as persons highlie in thy fauour and shrowded alwaies in safetie vnder the comfortable wings of thy mercifull protection may most happilie prosperouslie and ioifullie like fruitefull parents seeing our childrens children vnto the third and fourth generation liue long togither vnto our perfect age in thy holie loue and all godlie honestie to our comfort and thy glorie and at the last rest with them in the bosome of Abraham Isaac and Iacob and be fellow-heires of the euerlasting kingdome in eternall life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier for all wedded folkes generallie O Most holie God and mercifull father which of thy singular prouidence and woonderfull wisedome didst ordeine matrimonie in Paradise and that in the time of innocencie for the multiplieng and conseruation of mankinde thereby togather vnto thy selfe continuallie out of godlie families an holie Catholike Church which may rightlie acknowledge serue and celebrate thine holie name for euermore and deliuer the true vnderstanding of thee vnto posterities by one generation to another This thine institution did thy sonne God coequall with thee and coeternall confirme and adorne in Cana of Galile by turning water into good wine A notable honouring of marriage doubtlesse for Christ not onlie to be present himselfe at the nuptiall feast but also to set out the same with the first miracle that he wrought after his natiuitie Likewise the holie spirit doth witnesse by the word deliuered vnto vs and saith that marriage is honorable among all And the same thy spirit reioiceth in three things which are commended both before God and man viz. in the concord of breethren in the loue of neighbours and in a man and his wife that agree well togither for such as be at variance can neither call vpon thee as they should nor please thee as they ought O eternall God it is sufficientlie apparant with what a rage and insatiable hatred Sathan the most deadlie enimie to all thy works doth labour and set himselfe to the breaking off and ouerthrow of this thy sacred ordinance wherefore we beseech thee impart thy fauour as vnto vs heere present so vnto all married folks else-where that both we and they may acknowledge thee to be the author and institutor of this knitting togither in wedlocke and beleeue stedfastlie that we and they are in a good estate wherein we may please thee for hauing this comfort we shall more willinglie and cheerefullie discharge the duties of our calling in true confidence and calling vpon thy name But such as doubt of their kind of life hauing their consciences wounded and minds troubled can neither call vpon thee trulie nor cheerefullie go about and finish their affaires Grant therefore vnto vs and vnto all and euerie married bodie that in true faith and confession we may retaine the indissoluble chaine of wedded state and the strong bonds of godlie felowship that we may loue one another and in the sweate of our browes eate our bread and bring vp our children which thou shalt giue vs or hast giuen vs in all godlinesse through instruction and information of the Lord and neuer feare the crosse which accompanieth this kind of life O worke thou so good Lord that Sathan by no meanes weaken and ouerthrowe this thine ordinance nor that we married folks wearied with the troubles of wedded life raise no mortall hatred among our selues and so detest and abhorre this thine holie institution and seeke vnlawfull separations and di●orcements for else by this engin of incredulitie and snare of mistrust being comprehended we shall easilie rush headlong into enormous offences by casting off the yoke of the Lord and be carried through dissention into horrible confusions of concupiscence to adulterie whoredome wicked forsakings so long till polluted with filthie spots defiled with most horrible staines we and they bring our selues headlong into euerlasting torments Grant therefore O most mercifull God that all being now at debate may come quicklie to amitie and be reconciled in thy name and beeing mindfull of the knot of marriage and mutuall bond made betweene them may dwell and liue from hence forward peaceablie and louinglie togither in true faith and feare of thy name Grant that husbands abusing their authoritie ouer their wiues doo not exercise tyrannie ouer their wiues but rather loue them and dwell with them according to knowledge giuing honor vnto them as vnto the weaker vessell euen as to them which are also heires of grace and life Likewise grant that matrons and wines contemne not their husbands denieng subiection but rather studie by chaste obedience and holie conuersation and lowlinesse to ouercome them Let neither hate other extreamelie and so violate the state of marriage and bring themselues out of thy fauour through their discord and contention whereby their praiers be interrupted for where neither part do their dutie there must needs ensue first pouertie subtiltie lieng and all impietie afterward a wounded conscience and last of all vtter despaire O most chast God which didst therefore institute the order of
me with thine oile of gladnes put vpon me the robes of righteousnes and couer me with the glorious purple adorne mee with the pretious stones of vertue and place vpon mine head glorie and honour that all mine ornament may be inward and that I may please thee through liuing in thy faith and ●eare and hoping in thy mercie For thou O sweet Iesu Christ art mine husband which tenderlie louest me my God whome I worship my head wherevnto● I am subiect and my bridegrome with whom I hope in heauen to reigne eternallie Amen Another praier to be said of anie noble woman ladie gentlewoman or modest matrone married FOrasmuch as it hath pleased thee O heauenlie father of thine inestimable mercie to bring me to this high estate of dignitie and to put me in possession of a place of honor as a matrone for other women to behold grant vnto mee I humblie beseech thee that in all my dooings I may followe the example of all vertuous and graue matrones which are specified and described for our example in the holy scripture that is to be as louing and obedient vnto my Lord and husband as Sara was to Abraham as Susanna was to Ioachim and as humble loiall and wise as Abigaell was to King Dauid Hester to King Ahesuerus or the blessed and noble virgin Marie was to Ioseph Grant also I beseech thee that I be neither proud presumptuous ambitious disdainefull of others in comparison of my selfe high-minded nor a boaster in mine owne bloud kindred beautie wit or dignitie but with the noble Queene Hester to saie Thou knowest my state O Lord and that I hate this signe of preeminence and worship which I beare vpon my head what time I must go foorth to be seene and that I abhor it as an vncleane cloth and that I weare it not when I am quiet alone by my selfe that bearing alwaies an euen mind and hauing an humble opinion of my selfe as she that knoweth hir selfe to be but dust and ashes and en●bled by thee from whome alone commeth the true nobilitie and gentrie to so manie as are borne of thee and made thy children through faith I may laie awaie all pompe and pride nicenes tendernes and disdaine and euer set more by others than by my selfe yea and thinke my selfe worsse than anie other in thy sight to the end I may alwaies liue vertuouslie holilie shamefastlie soberlie and chastlie in all meekenes gentle behauiour discreete conuersation prudence wisedome learning vertue and puritie both in bodie and soule both before thee and all men as becommeth a christian and faithfull woman and such a one as will be a true imitator of Rebecca Hester and the rest of those holie matrones and noble women mentioned in the scriptures that all other seeing my good example of life may praise thy name and be encouraged thereby to glorifie thee in their vertuous conuersations world without end Amen A praier to be vsed of the wife that hath a froward and bitter husband as a present remedie against the mischiefe of di●orcement and separation O Most wise and prouident GOD which in the beginning didst create man in thine owne image and out of him didst make the woman and didst bring hir vnto the man that she might be an helper vnto him and therefore thou causedst him to saie and confesse that she was flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones thereby teaching him not onlie the holie and indissoluble band of loue vnitie and mutuall societie that ought to be betweene man and his wife as for whose sake he ought to leaue father and mother and to clea●e vnto hir but also the most s●cred and blessed coniunction and knitting togither of our Lord Iesus Christ his sanctified Church and people so that no man can breake or despise that bond and vnitie but he must needs be giltie of presumption against God and of the wilfull breach and contempt of his ordinance Wherefore oh Lord sith it hath pleased thee to match me in this most honourable state of marriage according to thy diuine prouidence I beseech thee to make him an head vnto me and my selfe an helper vnto him according to my creation and as thy holie institution requireth And because thy holie word is the onlie rule and ordinarie to gouerne and direct our liues I hartilie desire thee oh good God giue this mine husband thy grace and holie spirit and so open thou his wits and senses that hauing by the light of thy grace the true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy holie word in all discretion he may knowe how to walke in his vocation both towards mee his poore wife and yoke-fellowe and all others as becommeth him and thereby become vnto me not so bitter a despiser and hater but a true louer sweet freend and godlie gouernour Thou O good father seest the great lacke and necessitie that I thine handmaid haue of a wise guide graue counseller holie instructor and continuall comforter O therefore I beseech thee looke vpon my trouble which I endure consider my reproofe and reproches that I beare in my bosome pitie my miserie ease me of so great a burthen and releeue my great need and necessitie Make this my husband I saie O deere God a head a vaile and defence vnto me for my preseruation and safetie for if we thus bite and deuour one another it cannot possible be but we shall be consumed one of another Make him therefore tender carefull and comfortable vnto me thy weake creature if it be thy good pleasure and grant that according to his promise made before thee and as thou hast commanded else-where in thy holie word he may with perfect and holie loue cherish nourish and loue me as his owne flesh and as Christ loueth his Church and as she that is heire togither with him of the grace of life that our praiers and godlie exercises to the benefiting of our soules and bodies be not interrupted or hindered Grant that he forsaking all other may cleaue onlie vnto me as becommeth without separation and that he may dwell with me as a man of knowledge and christian behauiour and gouernement to thy glorie my comfort and others edifieng But alas I must needs confesse vnto thee my God that I am most vnwoorthie of so good a be●efit for I haue not walked in this most honorable state purelie and holilie according to thy diuine ordinance whereby I haue made my selfe much more vnworthie to haue so pretious a gift at thy fatherlie hands and if it be thy good pleasure with frowardnes bitternes and vnkindnesse yea the hatred and disdaine of my husband thus to correct me for my fault I most hartilie thanke thee for it And I beseech thee so to order me in all things in thy great mercie that I neuer murmur or grudge impatientlie against thee for the same nor doo anie thing either against thee or my husband whereby thy maiestie may be displeased my husband offended or thy Gospell
to helpe and deliuer vs and thy people from the crueltie of our enimies And although our sins haue instlie deserued to be punished with the sword of thy vengeance yea though we women for our abhominable pride and filthines haue merited to haue all violence vsed against vs in all vncleannesse by the enimie as our virgins to be rauished the wombe of our maidens opened and defiled the thighes of our wiues and daughters discouered and their wombs polluted and all generallie to be put to shame reproch and confusion yea to the slaughter and to haue our beds and bodies bathed in bloud yet looke mercifullie vpon vs with the eies of thy fauourable pitie who trulie and earnestlie repent vs of our sins and forget our corrupt and most filthie o●fences O let our contrite and sorowfull harts be a meane to mooue thee to haue pitie and compassion vpon vs our husbands and children and to vanquish thy displeasure iustlie conceiued against vs and our husbands children and families people and countrie Be thou present I saie O almightie God with vs our husbands thy souldiers in this time of our wars great necessitie and trouble fight thou their battels for them set thy hand to helpe and assist them against the enimie be present with vs I saie in this time of perill and danger Go thou foorth with our armies and hoasts and fight thou on our side then shall we be assured to preuaile Let not the multitude of our furious foes dismaie vs anie whit for victorie we doo knowe consisteth not in the power nor strength of manie men neither yet in the strength of horsses armour nor weapons but it is thou O mercifull father and mightie God that giuest the conquest where and to whome thou pleasest To thee therefore in this great perplexitie and bloudie battell doo we flie and appeale beseeching thee of thine inestimable loue and kindnes for the loue of our sauiour Iesus to looke vpon our true repentant harts and in the fulnes of thy miserations and pities to saue our liues from the sword and our goods from the spoile and deliuer vs and set vs free from the hands and power of our raging enimies abate their pride asswage their malice confound their deuises and to pardon all our sins and greeuous offences that being armed with thy defence and preserued by thee from all imminent perils we vow and dedicate our harts and minds wholie to walke in integritie and newnes of life to glorifie thee the onlie giuer of all victorie which grant good Lord through the merits of thine onlie sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ to whom with thee and the holie Ghost be attributed all praise power and dominion for euer and euer world without end Amen A praier to be said of anie wife or daughter for hir husband or father being a Merchant-venterer or otherwise making his voiage by Sea O Almightie Lord God and most mercifull father maker of all things who by thine insearchable wisedome didst create that mightie globe of the world the heauens earth sea and all things else therein conteined vouchsafe I beseech thee to be mine husbands or my fathers aid and defence in this his dangerous voiage which he hath presumed to take reposing his onlie trust and confidence in thy mightie mercie to be deliuered and preserued from all manner of dangers and ieopardies that may happen either vpon the sea or on the drie land Thou knowest O Lord and most mercifull father that all those that trauell by sea are subiect to the hazard of diuers calamities either to be tossed at the pleasure of the wind and waues either to be dashed violentlie vpon the maine rocks or to sticke in the quick-sands or to be despoiled both of life and goods by the tyrannie of pirats but yet what crosse or affliction soeuer happen vnto him grant that he may acknowledge freelie that it is but a iust punishment for his and mine offences because from the first houre of our natiuitie we haue beene more apt and prone to followe the filthie appetites of our owne desires than to exercise our selues in the true waie of thine vndefiled lawe Notwithstanding what crosse soeuer I saie thou shalt thinke good to laie vpon him yea though thou suffer him to be drowned of the waues and swallowed downe into the deapth of the whales bellie with Ionas from which good Lord deliuer hun yet let him not despaire of thy mercie for thou art the same God foreuer thy right hand is not shortened neither is the greatnes of thy power diminished When Ionas laie three daies and three nights in the whales bellie in the sea yet didst thou at last O mighties God deliuer him safe and sound and sentest him to preach thy name to the great citie of Niniue Thou art yet the same God I saie thou wast at that time neither is thy power abridged at all and therefore although my husband or father be neuer so shaken with winds turmoiled with tempests tossed with the waues yea although he were vtterlie deuoured of the whale-fish in the bottome of the sea yet I confesse and so let him acknowledge that thou art able to deliuer him from all these dangers yea from the verie iawes of death To thee therefore doo I thine vnwoorthie handmaid make my humble supplication and intercession for my husband or father T.B. now passing the seas vnto thee doo I his seelie poore wife or child S.B. powre foorth my feruent and hartie praiers in my deere husbands or fathers behalfe because thou onlie art the castell of both our comforts and his bulwarke his watchman his keeper and defender his sure rocke and hope of his salnation To thee onlie and to none other doo I commit and commend him wholie bodie and soule goods ship fraught and all that belongeth vnto him Uouchsafe I beseech thee to blesse him preserue and keepe him in health and giue him grace so to behaue himselfe in this his iournie and at all times that in no part he offend thy diuine maiestie or prouoke thee to be angrie with him Direct his course safelie vnto the hauen mart Protect him and saue him and all his from the crueltie and force of the water-flouds Leade thou him foorth and bring thou him in Be thou O God his onlie staie and defence whether he sleepe or wake liue or die sinke or swimme vpon the waters as well as vpon the land and brieflie in all places and in all times and seasons shield and preserue thou him as my trust is in thee Thou knowest O Lord that this trade is not of his deuising nor yet proceeding of anie humane inuention but thou O father of thy meere mercie didst reueale the mysterie thereof to thy seruant Noah in commanding him to frame an Arke that might fleete vpon the flouds wherein he and his familie onlie to the number but of eight persons were saued in the great deluge or floud when all the world else for the greatnes
openlie in the multitude of people and I will performe my vowes in the sight of them that honour thee The poore shall eate and be satisfied they shall praise the Lord that studie to please him and as manie of you as continue still such your harts shall liue All the ends of the world shall consider these things and be turned to the Lord and all heathen nations shall submit themselues and doo homage vnto thee my God For the Lord hath a power roiall and an imperiall dominion ouer the heathen The most mightie greatest of all them that dwell on the earth haue eaten and after that they haue tasted the spirituall gifts of the Lord they haue submitted themselues and made humble suite vnto him Yea and all the dead which are buried in the earth shall kneele and make reuerence in his honour because he hath not disdained to spend his owne life for them They that shall come after vs shall honour and serue him These things shall be written of the Lord that our posteritie may knowe and vnderstand them That they also may come and shew these things to the people that shall be borne of them that the Lord hath done these things which be so maruellous The praier in long and dangerous trauell of child to be vsed either of the woman hir selfe or by the women about hir in hir behalfe HAue mercie vpon me O Lord haue mercie vpon mee thy sinfull seruant and wofull hand-maid who now in my greatest need and distres doo seeke thee behold with grieuous groanes deepe sighes I crie vnto thee for mercie Euen now while thy heauie hand in chastening is vpon me doo I powre out my soule and make my pitious mo●e and humble supplication vnto thee my God for mitigation of my miserie For lo thou seest how I pant with paine and grone through griefe and trauell in sore labour before thee togither with all thy creatures sighing in my selfe and waiting for thy readie helpe and my speedie deliuerance foorth of this distres Oh Lord am not I now that wofull wight who with all the sorrowes of a trauelling woman am oppressed in thy sight Yea thou seest in what pitifull plight I am drawing nigh towards my trauell and hearest me sorrowfull wretch crieng out in my pangs as she that is destitute of all mortall helpe Alas how tediouslie doo I trauell of this child how pinching pangs doo I iustlie suffer for my sins I haue a long time O Lord held my peace suppressing my throwes so long as my womanlie strength will suffer I haue beene quiet and still and refrained my selfe I saie as much as I am able but now alas such and so intolierable is my greefe so manie and vehement are my throwes yea so continuall and tedious is my trauell that without thee I can not possiblie anie longer forbeare but am forced through bodilie paine and inward greefe to shrich and crie alowd vnto thee and that with teares for speedie comfort and heauenlie helpe that she which is in sore labour may find mitigation of hir paines through thy mercie and being readie to bring foorth may be deliuered through thy power For except thou O Lord make a waie out that which is conceiued can not be borne Oh Lord this daie is a gloomie daie a bitter time and terrible houre a daie or night of anguish and tribulation of sorrowe and perturbation vnto the verie soule of thine hand-maid for the babe is come vnto the place of the birth and lo it seemeth that thou for my sins hast shut vp the dores of my wombe and caused the babe to stand still like to be stiffled What shall I saie O my God what shall I doo Haue mercie vpon mee O Lord haue mercie vpon me and helpe me Make a way out for my deliuerance for in me there is no helpe no strength nor power to bring that foorth that I haue conceiued It is thou onlie O Lord my God which hast fashioned it in my wombe that must doo it Oh therefore put foorth speedilie thine almightie hand and helpe me and giue me strength and patience to endure whatsoeuer for my sins it shall please thee to laie vpon me in this my sore labour O good God thou that hast promised to intreate those gentlie that beare yoong haue mercie vpon thine hand-maid and vouchsafe to shew that tender care and fatherlie fauour vnto mee that am full weake feeble helpe me speedilie that stand in great need thereof For without thee I confesse there is no deliuerance nor saluation in the earth to be expected neither can anie worldlie meanes preuaile anie thing at all heere in this action Oh Lord thou art he that hast drawne me out of my mothers womb long since and hitherto hast had a tender care ouer me so that thou hast caused me to looke vp vnto thee when I did hang yet on my mothers breast so soone as I was borne and came foorth into this world I was committed vnto thee and euen then thou didst declare thy selfe to be my God and father Now then O Lord when so great miseries doo approch and enuiron me I beseech thee be not thou far from me neither forsake me which am destitute of all manner of succours besides Come holie Ghost and regard the sorrowes of thy hand-maiden for behold he that is mightie hath humbled me greatlie O blessed trinitie come visit a wretch that now as thou seest is entred into hir secret chamber and hath shut the dores about hir to hide hir selfe for a little while vntill thine indignation be ouerpassed Come I saie O glorious and almightie God come speedilie and through thy diuine power worke thou all our works for vs heere in secret that we may praise thee openlie For thou art my God and my soule hath greatlie longed for thee both daie and night Yea with my spirit within me doo I hartilie and earnestlie seeke thee earlie and late oh would God that I might find thee whome my soule loueth For in the waie of thy iudgements O Lord doo I wait I constantlie abide in mi●e aduersities wherewith thou dooest woorthilie afflict me and put my trust onlie in thee from whome I expect speedie deliuerance in thy good time Thy sweet name O Iesu and the remembrance of thee is now the thing that my languishing soule so much longeth for● O come therefore vnto me at the last and comfort me satisfie my longing to the full and deliuer thy faithfull hand-maid and sorrowfull seruant out of this extreame sorrowe and easelesse paines that I may no longer crie and saie Why is my heauines continuall and my paines so intollerable How is it Lord that for no intreatie thou wilt not deliuer thine hand-maid from such indurable greefes How long shall I suffer the paines of the birth and the anguish of the trauell Now long Lord shall my bowels thus sound like an harpe my bones and sinewes be racked asunder and mine inward parts be thus
his mercifull Father through thine holie spirit working in his hart by whose diuine power he may so preuaile against Satan that in the end obteining the victorie he may be exalted vnto the libertie of thy kingdome Amen Heere you may saie or sing to the glorie of God and your owne edifieng the 103. the 30. and the 116. Psalmes of Dauid A praier to be vsed of a woman at hir purification or Churching O Eternall father of thine onlie sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ which in the common-weale of Israel ordeinedst according to thy wisedome adornedst with excellent statutes necessarie for the state of man-kind and signifieng secret and heauenlie things didst make diuers lawes concerning vncleannes and the keeping of women with child and an other for the first borne and that not onelie to put vs in mind of order in this life and thankfulnes towards thy Maiestie but also to teach that this our giltie and polluted nature like the fowle menstruous cloth of a woman is washed by the blood of thy sonne which is the first borne thy substantiall image and the word sounding thy will whom from the heauens thou commandest to be harkened vnto Gouerne me by thy first and onlie begotten sonne and giue vnto me thy most defiled amd polluted hand-maid thy holie spirit that earnestlie I may bewaile mine vnworthines vilenes and vncleannes aske helpe at thy mercifull hands be this day purified both bodie and soule by the blood of thy Sonne and be redeemed by him vnto true pietie holines and in●egritie which pleaseth thee that through him I may be presented vnto thee with a pure and cleare mind and for his sake I may be adopted into thy children find fauour in thine eies Amen Or you may giue thanks and praie as in the booke of common praier and saie to your selfe or with the Minister as followeth FOr-as-much as it hath pleased thee O almightie God of thy goodnes to giue me safe deliuerance and hast preserued mee in the great danger of child-birth I therefore heere in the Church and congregation giue hartie thanks vnto thee O God and saie Psalme 121. I Haue lifted vp mine eies vnto the hils from whence commeth my helpe My helpe commeth euen from the Lord which hath made heauen and earth He will not suffer my foote to be mooued and he that keepeth me will not sleepe Behold he that keepeth Israell shall neither slumber nor sleepe The Lord himselfe is my keeper the Lord is my defence vpon my right hand So that the sun shall not burne me by day nor the moone by night The Lord shall preserue me from all euill yea it is euen he that shall keepe my soule The Lord shall preserue my going out and my comming in from this time foorth for euermore Glorie be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Let vs praie Lord haue mercie vpon me Christ haue mercie vpon me Lord haue mercie vpon me Our father which art in heauen c. O Lord saue me thy sinfull seruant which put my trust in thee Be thou vnto me a strong tower from the face of mine enimie Lord heare my praier and let my crie come vnto thee Let vs praie O Almightie God which hast deliuered me thy most vnwoorthie handmaid and sinfull seruant from the great paine perill of child-birth I hartilie thanke thee and humblie praise thy holie name for euer and euer Grant me now also I beseech thee most mercifull father that I through thy helpe may both faithfullie liue and walke in my vocation according to thy will in this life present and also may be partaker of euerlasting glorie in the life to come through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Praiers to be said for women with child before or in trauell by the Mid-wife husband or anie other man or woman THou O Lord art woonderfull in all thy works and whatsoeuer thy good pleasure is that dooest thou easilie bring to passe neither is there anie thing impossible with thee that thou wilt haue done And albeit this thine almightie power sheweth it selfe abundantly in all thy works yet in the conceiuing forming and bringing foorth of man it shineth most euidentlie At the beginning O heauenlie Father when thou hadst made man and woman thou commandedst them to increase multiplie and replenish the earth if through the subtill entisements of Satan they had not transgressed thy commandements by eating of the forbidden fruit the woman whom thou hadst appointed the organe instrument and vessell to conceiue nourish and bring foorth man through thy woonderfull workmanship had without anie labour paine or trauell brought foorth hir fruit But that which thy goodnes made easie sinne and disobedience hath made hard painfull dangerous and if thy helpe were not impossible to be brought to passe so that now all women bring foorth their children in great sorrowes paines and troubles Notwithstanding thou shewest thy selfe vnto thy creatures a father of mercie and God of all consolation For that which through their owne imperfection and feeblenes they are not able of themselues to bring to passe thou thorough thine vnspeakable power makest easie in them and bringest vnto a fortunate end Wee therefore being fullie persuaded of thy bent and readie goodnes of thy present helpe of thy sweete comfort in all miseries and necessities knowing also by the testimonies of thy holy word how great and intollerable the pains of women are that trauell of child if through thy tender mercies they be not mitigated and eased most humblie praie thee for Iesu Christs sake thy sonne and our Lord to assist and helpe as all other women else-where in like case so especiallie this thy seruant S. B. here now in trauell labour that by thine almighty power both they she may safely bring foorth that by thy goodnes they or she hath conceiued and that thy louing kindnes may make that easie and tollerable which sinne hath made hard and painfull Ease O Lord the paines which thou most righteouslie hast put vpon hir and all women for the sinne and disobedience of our grand-moother Eue in whome all we haue sinned and giue both vnto thy seruant here present and vnto all such as haue conceiued and be with child strength to bring foorth that which thou woonderfullie hast wrought in hir and them Be present now with hir them in their trouble according to thy mercifull promise helpe hir and them and deliuer them Let thy power be shewed no lesse in the safe bringing foorth than in the woonderfull framing or fashioning of the child Make perfect that which thou hast so gratiouslie begun in hir them so that it may come vnto good succes Make hir and them glad and ioifull mothers that she and they through thy goodnes being safelie deliuered and restored to their old health and strengths may liue and praise thy blessed name for euer Amen Another praier for a woman with child IN the beginning of the world
O father of heauen after thou hadst formed man of the slime of the earth and yet prince ouer all creatures it pleased thee of thy goodnes to create a woman of his side aswell for his solace as for the continuance of his seed it was thy word vnto them Increase multiply This increase was easie but mother Eue hath made it hard by passing the bounds of thy will to all hir posteritie so that the woman conceiueth and bringeth foorth in great paine and painefull trauell the fruit of hir wombe In so great paine O Lord in such extreme pangs that vnlesse thou quench the flame of hir sorrowes with the water of comfort it it impossible for hir to beare that into this vale of miserie which thou of thy goodnes hast framed and she conceiued Wherefore thou God of woonders and father almightie of heauen as thou hast by the slaughter of thine onelie Lambe taken awaie the sinnes of the wicked world and condemned sinne in the flesh so take awaie the pangs of child-birth the fruit of sinne from all womankind especiallie from this woman that bearing ioifullie that which she hath conceiued fruitfullie and thou hast fashioned gratiouslie she may glorifie thee most carefullie and praise thee most thankfullie the onelie staie of hir estate both now and euer Amen Another O Good true harted Lord Iesu Christ like as thou didst comfort and deliuer thy disciples and all elect and chosen men and women in all their need martyrdome and paines which they suffered of the tyrants wrongfullie and didst also cure and heale them of their wounds paines and smart through hope of the crowne of euerlasting life euen so vouchsafe thou which art the helpe of all them that call on thee in trouble and need to deliuer this poore weake vessell which is heere bound with a fruit after thine owne similitude and likenes notwithstanding that she hath deserued in transgressing of thy holie commandements to bring foorth hir children in paines and wo that she may be made a glad and ioifull mother through the new creature with good speed that the child may haue name and Christendome and that the mother may be purified to thy honour and to hir health Amen Another praier for a Queene being with a child O Almightie father in whose fauour the virgin Marie was highlie blessed among women by the birth of Christ thine onlie Sonne our Sauiour who also by thine omnipotent power didst safelie deliuer both hir and hir cousin Elizabeth and also so mightilie deliueredst the Prophet Ionas out of the whales bellie amids the foming sea Defend O Lord we beseech thee likewise thy seruant R. our Queene with child conceiued and so visit hir in and with thy godlie gift of health that not onlie the child thy creature within hir conceiued may ioifullie come from hir into this world and receiue the blessed sacrament of baptisme and enioie therewith dailie increase of all princelie and gratious gifts both of bodie and soule but that also she the mother through thy speciall grace and mercie may in the time of hir trauell auoid all excessiue dolorous paine and abide perfect and sure from all perill and danger of death with long and prosperous life through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Another praier for a Queene Noble woman or Ladie with child O Most righteous Lord God which for the offence of the first woman hast threatned vnto all women high and lowe a common sharpe and ineuitable malediction and hast enioined them that they should conceiue in sin and being conceiued should be subiect to manie greeuous throws and torments and finallie be deliuered with the danger and ieoperdie of their life we beseech thee for thine exceeding great goodnes and bountifull mercie to asswage and mitigate the straightnes of that lawe and to embrace into the bosome of thy fauour and mercie our most gratious souereigne Ladie Queene R or our most deere sister A. P. C of P. being now at the point of hir deliuerance so helpe hir now O Lord that without danger of hir life she may ouercome the sorrowe and paine and in due season bring forth a child in bodie beautifull and comelie in pregnant wit notable and excellent in mind noble and valiant so that afterward she forgetting the trauell may with ioie laud praise the bountifulnes of thy mercie and togither with vs praise and blesse both thee and thy holie name world without end This O Lord we desire thee we beseech thee and most hartilie craue of thee Heare vs O Lord and grant vs our petitions Amen A generall forme of praier for all women with child and in child-bed O Most wise God eternall Father of thy beloued Sonne our Lord and sauiour Christ Creator and keeper of all thy creatures which through thine excellent wisedome and counsell hast enioined to woman-kind that in paine sorrowe they should bring foorth children whereby not onlie this world is replenished but a Church which doth celebrate thy name for euer is gathered vnto thee And for-as-much as the paine of a woman in trauell is most extreame which makes the Prophets manie times to repeate the same in exaggerating the afflictions of punishments which the holie spirit doth threaten vnto the impenitent we beseech thee in the name of Christ thy Sonne be mercifull vnto all women either with child or in child-bed giue them grace to call into mind the decree and pleasure of thine heauenlie will Let them neuer striue against thee through impatience but in true faith and inuocation of thy name suffer thy crosse quietlie knowing that by the seed of the woman which hath broken the head of the old serpent they are reconciled vnto thee In this seed which is Christ the cursse is cleane taken awaie and blessing restored vnto vs that we may receiue the promise of the spirit and the inheritance of eternall life O almightie God conuert now the sorrowes of women in trauell into gladnes that they remember not their paines with mourning for ioie that a man-child is borne into the world Comfort them in the midst of their anguish and helpe as well the mother as the babe speciallie in the danger of deliuerance For if thou blessed God be not present they perish vndoubtedlie all the world can not helpe them in that extremitie O eternall God which of the seed of man framest the liuing infant in the mothers wombe and nourishest the same congealed in bloud that the flesh within the time of ten moneths may take shape drawing nourishment from the mother we are all the woorkmanship of thine hands we giue thee thanks Lord for fearefullie and wonderfullie are we made maruellous are thy works and that our soules knowe right well Our bones are not hid from thee though we were secretlie made neither our substance in the inner parts of our mothers wombe Thine eies did see our substance being vnperfect and in thy booke were all our members written Thy hands haue made vs and
groanes incident therevnto for hir sins and be thou present with hir O blessed God to helpe both hir and hir babe in this hir sore labour O comfort and ease hir in the midst of this hir anguish and greefe for without thine assistance vndoubtedlie she must needs perish for vaine is the helpe of man we nor all the world can not helpe hir O come quicklie therefore we beseech thee good Lord and helpe thou hir in this hir great need and extremitie worke thou all our works for vs to thy glorie and hir comfort Defend hir from this imminent danger of deliuerance Keepe hir in perpetuall peace hope patience and safetie Strengthen hir faith and womanlie weakenes and visit hir O Lord according to the time of life as thou didst Sara Rebecca Thamar Hanna and Elizabeth thy holie hand-maids Blesse hir and preserue hir we beseech thee O Lord that no waie being terrified frighted or troubled extreamelie she neither murmur against thy works and saie with Rebecca Seeing my greefs are so great why am I thus with child Neither faint through sorrowe nor be vntimelie or vnluckilie deliuered but grant that in true faith and continuall inuocation of thy holie name she may be saued and now suffer thee quietlie to worke thy good will and pleasure according to thy diuine decree and secret iudgements vpon hir either for hir sins or for thy glorie and our example vntill according to thy promise in thy good time she do receiue comfort for hir sorrowe mirth for hir mourning gladnes for hir sadnes ioie for hir woe euen by mitigation of these hir miseries ease of hir anguishes release of hir labours dispatch of hir pangs deliuerance of hir burthen and speedie birth of hir babe borne into the world through the might of thy mercie and power of thy compassion to the glorie and high exaltation of thy name as both she and we most hartilie wish long for e●pect and desire yea and with teares and sighs doo vnfeignedlie cra●e of thee and that through the onlie mysterie of Christ his holie incarnation blessed birth and painfull passion So be it For a woman that trauelleth before hir time and is in great perill praie as followeth ALmightie God which in thy secret iudgements diddest once strike the wife of Phinees being great with child with such a sudden fright and feare when she heard that thy arke was taken by the enimie and both hir husband and hir father slaine by thee with sudden death that thou causedst hir presentlie through grieuous pangs and bitter paines that came vpon hir in that instant to bow hir selfe and trauell before hir time wherein with great sorrowe she died We beseech thee in the name of thy deere sonne our sauiour Iesus Christ be mercifull vnto this wofull woman thy hand-maid and humble seruant whom now in thine vnsearchable iudgments thou hast visited also as it seemeth with the wofull chance of vntimelie trauell to the triall of hir faith hope and patience in thee And let not this time of hir sorrowe we praie thee be vnto hir as the time and houre of Rachel and Phinees wiues trouble was vnto them but by thy mightie power and mercie deliuer hir there-from if it be thy will as hir onelie trust is in thee And to this purpose staie we beseech thee the furiousnes of the wicked spirits that they shew not at this time their tyrannie and malice either vpon hir or hir seelie babe and so blesse preserue and keepe both hir and it that she may be no waie terrified frighted vexed or troubled either in bodie to faint or in mind to murmur and despaire through the extremitie of intollerable paines nor at this time for anie anguish be compelled to be deliuered before hir time to hir discomfort But grant that she may yet tarrie quietlie and patientlie vntill the time be fulfilled which thou in the course of nature full wiselie hast set at which time of life and not before we beseech thee O Lord then certinlie to come againe vnto hir that she maie dulie and safelie be deliuered and hir child come to life to hir comfort and thy glorie Neuerthelesse if it shall seeme good vnto thee for all this now in thy secret iudgements either for hir sins or for thy glorie and our terrour by example to hasten through laborous pangs pinching throwes an vntimelie birth vpon hir or if it shall please thee to cause without offence be it spoken an vnluckie or vnnaturall deliuerance to happen as now vnto hir at this time as iustlie we confesse thou maist if thou respect hir and our sinnes committed against thy maiestie and not rather thy mercie promised to all that faithfullie call vpon thee as we here now doo then not our wils but thy will which is euer in all things best be now euer fulfilled done both in hir hir babe and in vs to the glorie of thy holie name Onelie we craue of thee and that in the bowels and for the tender mercie of our Sauiour Iesus Christ that thou wilt yet grant hir abundance of thy grace both patientlie to abide thy fatherlie correction faithfullie to beleeue thine infallible promises so that for no paine or extremitie of torment or anguish either in bodie or mind she may not be discouraged discomforted shrinke faint or fall from hir faith or hope in thee but thanking thee for all things that may happen vnto hir let hir feele yet in hir bodie such ease and mitigation of hir paines and in hir soule and conscience such comfort and consolation from thee that she may assure hir selfe of thy fauour and mercie in Christ to haue forgiuenes of all hir sins togither with the release of all hir miseries and so after triall this thy troubled hand-maid may take comfort hoping to be crowned and after trouble this thy afflicted seruant may find deliuerance grace health and euerlasting saluation through Iesus Christ our Lord and onelie Sauiour Amen If the woman trauelling be at the point of death praie as followeth O Most mercifull God which according to the multitude of thy mercies doest so put away the sinnes of those which truelie repent that thou remembrest them no more open thine eies of mercie vpon this thy hand-maid now in great danger of death who most earnestlie calleth vpon thee desiring pardon and forgiuenesse of all hir sinnes and offences committed against thee and thy people Renew in hir therefore O most tender harted father whatsoeuer hath beene decaied by the fraud and malice of satan or neglected by hir owne carnall will and frailenes Preserue and continue this weake and distressed member in the vnitie bosome of thy Church consider hir broken and contrite hart accept hir lamentable teares mitigate hir intollerable throwes and pangs asswage hir paines greefes and release hir vtterlie of all hir miserie and wo as shall be seene to thy heauenlie wisedome most expedient for hir and conuenient for thy Church And forasmuch as
mercifullie shewedst vpon them in their great trauels labours and paines when they fled vnto thy holie name for succour as vnto a strong tower bulworke and holie defence Go foorth O Lord to make them the ioifull mothers of manie children endue them with long life that they may see their childers children and the children that thou giuest vnto them make thou as in age so likewise in wisedome and in the abundance of thy holy spirit to increase that they may haue fauour both with thee and with all good men vnto the glorie of thy most blessed name Amen The mothers praier for hir childrens good education O Eternall God creator and preseruer of all man-kind the giuer of all spirituall grace and the onlie author of eternall life I most hartilie thanke thee that it hath pleased thy fatherlie goodnes to giue me these thy creatures the fruit of my bodie as a witnes and testimonie of thy fatherlie fauour and good will towards this most honourable state of matrimonie Oh Lord as thou hast giuen them vnto me so I beseech thee vouchsafe to giue me thy gifts both spirituall and bodilie that I may haue competent wherwith to educate and bring them vp Haue mercie on me oh Lord and giue vnto them thy grace and holie spirit and open thou their wits and senses and giue them the true knowledge and vnderstanding of thy holie word a louing affection and obedience vnto the same and a true faith in it Giue them wisedome vnderstanding knowledge and discretion docilitie capacitie and facilitie to comprehend take and receiue doctrine learning nouriture and discipline that they may be made worthie instruments of thy glorie and profitable members of thy Church to the aduauncement of thy glorie the edifieng of thy Church and the comfort of my conscience by Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen Another praier to be vsed of euerie godlie mother for the godlie proofe of hir child made for the Ladie Lettice O Most mercifull Lord God almightie onelie which art gratious and good as by thy diuine will power this my child was formed and made a liuing creature consisting of bodie and soule in the wombe of me his naturall mother from whom he is departed into this world by naturall birth weake and impotent of fraile and sinfull substance by his owne propertie inclined to ignorance and sinne and now inuironed with thousands of malicious mightie and subtill enimies both bodilie and ghostlie which waite for the seducing leading of him to perill death and destruction wherevnto all mankind is prone and were it not for thy mercifull grace and tuition soone ouercome So be it thy will O most gra●ious Lord in the abundance of thy mercies and loue for Christs thy deere sonnes sake with thy fatherlie eie to looke vpon him to blesse him powring plentifullie of thy heauenlie gifts vpon him that being preserued brought vp and nourished in diuine knowledge faith feare and obedience of thee through true profession of thy sweete sonne Iesus in the sinceritie of the Gospell he may growe rich and beautifull in all godlines and vertue in all his waies and proceedings seeking the kingdome of eternall glorie through firme abundant faith and holie conuersation in Christ our sauiour working all righteousnes filled with meeknes brotherlie loue obedience cheerfull hope desire of heauenlie things contempt of the world and mightilie armed with thy grace and strengthened by thine assistance to vanquish the power of sinfull flesh and satan that hauing victorie in the end he may ioifullie triumph in thy presence O God with the rest of thy beloued saints to giue honour and continuall praise to thy most holie name in blisse euerlasting through thy deere sonne our mercifull Lord and Sauiour Amen Another praier of the mother for hir child ALmightie euerlasting God which of thine infinit mercie and goodnes hast promised vnto vs that thou wilt not onelie be our God but also the God father of our children I beseech thee that as thou hast vouchsafed to call vs to be partakers of this thy great mercie in the felowship of faith so it may please thee to sanctifie with thy spirit into the number of thy children this infant which thou hast giuen me to the end that he comming to perfect age may confesse thee onelie the true God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ and to serue him and be profitable vnto his Church in the whole course of his life that after this life beeing ended he may be brought as a liuelie member of his bodie vnto the full fruition of thy ioies in the highest heauens where thy sonne our sauiour Christ reigneth with thee world without end Amen Another praier to be vsed of the mother for the good education of hir youth and children OH gratious God in knowledging that thou louest all things which thou hast made of thy goodnes and that thing cannot perish which is committed to thy charge now I come vnto thee with my tender children committing them into thine hands and desiring thee to couer them vnder the wings of thy prouident mercie Hew and square the rough table of their hearts of stonie make them fleshie that being softened by the deaw of thy blessings they may beare the seales of adoption in thy Sonne Christ. O Lord guide them in this darke vale of vanitie with the light of thy fauour that escaping the dongeon of sin they may walke in newnes of life and lodge alwaies in thine holie will Imprint in their harts faith hope humilitie chastitie and charitie that following thee they may be humble and meeke holie vertuous perfect and godlie as thou art Indue them with the spirit of feare that they may kisse thee in faith liuelie obedience and thou be neuer angrie with them but louing vnto them as the mother is to hir tender sucklings Amen Another praier for the godlie and vertuous life of thy childe O Lord God and Father of our Lord Iesus Christ and father of all them that beleeue which hast said by the mouth of Salomon the sonne of Dauid that an vndiscreet sonne is a greefe vnto his father and an heauines vnto his mother that bare him and that the wise sonne maketh a glad father but an vndiscreet bodie shameth his mother that it would please thee so to conduct and guide this my sonne S. in his waie that he may acknowledge and confesse that thou art the author of his life that he may serue and honor thee without feare in all truth and righteousnes and growing in age he may be mortified in spirit that he may be filled with wisedome and that thy grace be with him To conclude that by that meanes keeping thy precepts he may prolong his daies heere vpon earth obeieng vs his parents whom thou hast chosen as instruments for to place him in this world Giue vnto him O Lord such ease for the commoditie of this life that vnder colour of pouertie he doo not couet or
holie ghost be all glorie and praise euerlastinglie Amen A praier for the Euening when you go to rest O Most gratious Lord and mercifull Father I thy sinfull creature and most vnworthie hand-maid prostrate in my hart before thine high maiestie most humblie beseech thee of mercie and forgiuenes of all my sinnes iniquities that I haue this day committed against thee yea and euer sith the time that I was conceiued in my mothers wombe vnto this present instant and most hartilie I thanke thee that thou hast preserued me hitherto from all such offences as I haue not fallen in and whereinto anie other person through his owne fault and thy sufferance hath fallen into the which I also without doubt should haue fallen hadst not thou with thy grace preuented me saued me supported me and susteined me That I haue fallen manie waies my great fault and blame it is for the which in most humble wise I aske mercy and forgiuenes of thee That thou hast preserued me thy great goodnes mercie and grace it is for the which with all my hart I thanke thee And now I beseech thee most mercifull father that thou wilt no more be angrie with me neither hencefoorth forsake me but that thou wilt continuallie not onelie assist fortifie and strengthen me against the assalts of the diuel but also be my succour and defence in this night and alwaies to my liues end against all sinne iniquitie And that thou wilt vouchsafe also of thine abundant bountifulnes if it be thy will to refresh my brittle bodie so with conuenient rest this night that I may the more readilie freshlie and promptlie with all diligence serue thee to morow according to that state that thou hast set me and called me vnto so that all my life may please thee and through thine assistance be so ordered and gouerned that after this vaine and transitorie life I may attaine the life euerlasting through Iesus Christ our Lord So be it Or else praie thus before you go to bed O Lord Iesus Christ whose bottomlesse goodnesse we haue to thanke for all things who hast giuen the most cleere light of the daie time as well to the good as to the euill to go about such affaires and busines as we haue to doo and hast mercifullie giuen the louelie silence of the night for the strength of our weake and feeble bodies to be refreshed with lieng at rest and to put awaie the carefulnes of our minds and for the asswaging of our harts sorrowes whereas to all them that loue thee thou thy selfe doest much better accomplish and performe all those things within in the hart to whom towards all dueties and acts of godlie conuersation thou doest for their faith sake much more cleerelie shew the lampe of thy light than the sunne shineth bright vnto the world and whom thy promises doo not suffer at anie time to waxe weerie the comfort and consolation of thy spirit doth much more effectuallie wash awaie all heauines of hart than doth the sleepe of the bodie so that the whole man doth not in anie more safelie or more sweetlie repose him selfe than in thy mercie our most gratious Redeemer I beseech thee that whatsoeuer I haue this daie committed or done through humane frailtie and negligence that hath offended thine eies thou according to thine accustomed goodnes forgiue it me And also grant thou that this night to come thou prospering it may be luckie vnto me thou being my keeper it may be pure and thou being my defender it may be safe from all mightie illusions of the wicked spirits so that this rest sleepe which I shall now take may restore both my bodie and my soule more fresh and lustie against to morrowe to ferue thee in the perfect obedience of a Christian woman And forasmuch as this life hath not so much as anie one houre of assurance vnto vs when the euentide thereof shall come and the sleepe of this bodie and flesh shall grow vpon vs out of the which we shall not awake vntil such time as at the angels trumpet euen the dead also shall be raised I beseech thee that thou wilt at that time lighten the eies of my soule so that the lampe of my faith may not then be extinguished with the fiue foolish virgins and I sleepe in euerlasting death but contrariwise with the fiue wise virgins hauing my lampe of pure faith cleerlie burning I may be accepted and peaceablie rest in thee vnto whom euen the dead doo liue which liuest and reignest with God the father and the holie ghost for euer and euer world without end Amen Our Father which art c. Into thy hands O Lord I commit my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth Unto him that is able to keepe vs that we fall not and to present vs faultles before the presence of his glorie with ioie that is to God onelie wise our Sauiour be all glorie and maiestie dominion and power praise and thanksgiuing both now and for euer Amen Amen A Table conteining the seuerall titles of euerie particular praier comprised in this fift Lampe whereby the reader may readilie vnderstand the right vse of the same and applie them accordinglie A Praier for silence shamefastnes and chastitie Page 1. A praier to be said of single women against all euill behauiour vice and vanitie and for the obteining of modestie chastitie and all maidenlie vertues 2. Another of the same 5. Another 6. For the grace of Gods holie spirit to resist all sinfull motions and keepe pure the state of single life 7. Another praier in the behalfe of all Virgins or single women for the keeping of obedience modestie chastitie puritie and cleannesse of liuing 9. Another praier to the same effect 10. A praier to be said for all virgins and maids generallie 11. A lamentation of anie woman virgin wife or widowe for hir virginitie or chastitie lost by fornication or adulterie not vnapt also to be vsed of anie Christian sinner or sinfull soule adulterated and fallen awaie by sinne from hir spirituall spouse Christ Iesus diuided into sixe seuerall Chapters 13 15 18 20 23 24. Another lamentation of a woman that hath lost hir virginitie and chastitie or of a Christian soule polluted with sinne 26. A praier of Marie Magdalens repentance 32. Another praier of the woman taken in adulterie 33. A praier to be said of anie damsell daughter or maiden-child 34. Another verie necessarie praier to be said of anie daughter or maiden-child 35. A praier to be said of a daughter in lawe that is married 40. Another praier to be vsed of a daughter in lawe 43. A praier to be said of anie woman when she is wooed of anie man to be his wife 46. Another praier to be vsed of anie woman before the solemnisation of hir marriage 48. Another praier to be vsed of the man or woman a little before they be married 49. Another meditation and praier