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A07678 A godlie mans guide to happinesse A manuell of necessary motiues, holy meditations, and godly prayers, to stirre vp the hearts of men vnapt to pray. To the great comfort of all, that with due and holy attention will practise this most godly and Christian dutie. Written for his owne, and published for the comfort of them that long for trv[e] happinesse. by I.N. Norden, John, 1548-1625? 1624 (1624) STC 18608; ESTC S100057 58,821 306

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A GODLIE MANS GVIDE to Happinesse A Manuell of necessary Motiues holy Meditations and godly Prayers to stirre vp the hearts of men vnapt to pray To the great Comfort of all that with due and holy attention will practise this most godly and Christian dutie Written for his owne and published for the Comfort of them that long for trv● happinesse By I. N. LONDON Printed by A M. for Iohn Marriott and are to bee sold at his Shop in Saint D●nstons Churchyard in Fleetsheet 1624. TO THE HONORAble Sir IAMES FVLLERTON Knight one of his Highnesse Councell of Reuenues c. I Know Sir that I shall be censured very rash in attempting more vnaduised in publishing and most improuident in making your selfe the Patron of so weak a Pamphlet for the first I may excuse me in that I haue bin long vnwillingly idle and loath to lose the benefit of the inforced intermission of mine accustomed former imployments I could conceiue no fitter or better passe-time then in this interim to seek some inward consolation in my outward discomforts for the Second I acknowledge that imparting these weake Meditations vnto some seeming wel affected to the best things I was incouraged to lay them down to the pleasure of the Printer who not without examination allowance hath brought the same to publike view And as touching the Third and last in making choyce of your name among so many of that Honourable Societie whom I most humbly and sincerely honour and reuerence I cannot but acknowledge the reason to be no other then that I haue bene longest knowen vnto your selfe And you best know how I haue past many yeares in Seruice and attendance commanded by that Honorable Table These no fained excuses may in honourable fauour free me from the censure of rashnesse in attempting it of presumption in publishing it and of neglect or respect of persons in patronizing it So shall I think mine idle time not altogether lost though gaining little outward profit whether happy or vnhappy in gaining the one or loosing by the other I am so much the more doubtful to iudg by how much I obserue that men are heere censured happy vnhappy not in respect of inward or outward qualities bee they good or bad but according to their present prosperitie or aduersity glory or basenesse riches or pouertie which as a sea often ebbes and flowes As variable winds blow and waues tossed are lifted vp and come low wherein some sayling with a full gale of glory thinke themselues in highest felicity who yet forgetting or neglecting to steere aright the huge bulke of their conceiued happinesse rush many times vpon the rocke of Disgrace more grieuous then their former fortunes were glorious He that seeketh and thinketh to finde true felicitie in the inconstant things of this life is as happy a man as hee that dreameth that hee hath sound great store of golde and seemeth to reioyce beyond measure in his good fortune and when hee awakes hee findes it a dreame So may men dreame of happinesse here but it is onely reserued for such as make least account of this worlds glory who haue their conuersations in Heauen while they liue in the earth where yet no man can iudge of a truely happy man At yours and to the rest of their Honourable Commaunds euer ready IOHN NORDEN To as many as long for true happinesse IT is not to be doubted but that euery man that liueth desireth to liue a happie life but euery man taketh not the right course to be truly happy For as there is in euery man a double life the one in this world the other in another the one perishing the other permanent so are men carnally or diuinely qualified and accordingly bend their indeuors to visible or inuisible things are commonly most affected to things visibly seene and sencibly felt tasted or heard But as for inuisible things few attaine to know them much lesse to seeke them least of all to enioy them No although their bodies bee ouerwhelmed with millions of maladies their minds with cares griefs infinite passions which nothing can cure or releeue but some speciall inward spirituall working yet seldome or neuer looke they vp aboue these earthly things but in whatsoeuer outward or inward hard estate they are they seeke helpe here below if they finde it they ascribe it to the visible meanes and acknowledge them happie in finding it in sicknesse to finde a Phisition to heale them in pouertie to haue a friend to enrich them is imputed happinesse how much more happinesse were it then for a man neuer to be sicke to be rich to be glorious in the eyes of all men to be reputed the wisest man in the world and to enioy what his heart could thinke here Would not all men admire this mans happinesse And would not all men desire and couet to bee in his like estate And admit hee attaine vnto it is this the happinesse he aymes at No hee must haue peace and long life to enioy it else the very consideration of death and to forgoe this faigned happinesse would be vnto him as if a sword hung ouer his head by the haire of a horse taile euerie minute readie to fall on his head Alas what shall a man then so much struggle and striue for the happinesse of this life that consisteth onely of such things as the getting of them requires labour somtimes lies the hauing of of them enuie the keeping of them feare and the losse of them sorrow Which yet is not all there must bee finally a redde rationem an account a fearefull reckoning which if men would dulie consider in the time of their greatest supposed happinesse it would make their hearts to tremble and their knees to knock one against another like Balteshars for feare of the infelicitie to come If then the greatest happinesse that man can attaine vnto in this life be thus accompanied where is that true happinesse that absolute felicitie finally promised Such a happinesse there is but what it is no man can declare it for the eye hath not seene it the eare hath not heard neither can it enter to mans heart what God hath prepared for those that loue him But by examination of the chiefe things wherein man in this life can repute himselfe most happie and comparing them with what things wee shall futurely enioy it will appeare that mans happinesse doth not onely consist in the enioying of good things but in the freedome from euill things The happiest man in this life hath causes of mourning griefe and vexation of spirit his life requireth labour labour brings wearinesse wearinesse couets rest and rest presupposeth the bodies infirmitie and consequently decay and death And death precedeth eternall saluation the happinesse of the soule and bodie or damnation of both This is the portion of all men mortall how happie soeuer hee seeme to liue heere where they haue hunger thirst heate and cold want of things
of thy blessed Spirit testifying vnto my spirit that thou art the whole and sole disposer of all these and that all things worke together for the comfort of all that loue thee knowing and being assured of thy presence and prouidence I will not feare whatsoeuer befall mee for all troubles crosses and miseries I finde to bee but holesome medecines tempered and gently prepared by thine owne hand for the cure and preseruation of my sicke and sinnefull soule from eternall death I humbly therfore deare Father pray thee so to moderate my troubles and afflictions as by the helpe and aide of thy holy Spirit I may with patience and an heauenly kinde of alacrity vndergoe them And according to thy good pleasure continue the health of my body the vse of my senses limbs peace with thee my God and with all men as becommeth mee still guided by thy Spirit that I abuse none of thy blessings through 〈◊〉 corruptions And while I liue here in this earthly pilgrimage as a stranger vouchsafe me with thy heauenly Spirit to giue mee a competent portion to sustaine me and those whom thou hast cōmitted vnto my charge both in spirituall and corporall sustinance Let not too heauie tentations ouer-presse me let too much want and too heauy crosses ouer-afflict me but lay vpon mee what thou wilt and neuer take from me thy holy spirit so shal I be able to beare what soeuer thou thinkest fit to be laid vpon me for by the strength of thy preuayling spirit I shall vndergo what thou in loue as indeed it is shalt lay vpon me By promise thou carest for me and hast willed mee to cast my care vpon thee which I haue done euer since it pleased thee to reueale thy selfe vnto mee in thy beloued Son and thou hast not deceiued me for I haue euer found thee true in performing whatsoeuer thou hast promised euen in sending that Comforter who hath euer assisted mee in reuealing thy Son in whō thy continual fauour I haue euer found most certaine secret sweet so enabling me to speake vnto thee as when I haue offended thee by my sinnes I haue felt the pardon of them in my conscience by the blood of that Lambe testified vnto mee by thy blessing and sanctifying Spirit When I haue been sicke thou hast healed me I haue been in mortall danger and thou hast preserued me I haue had enemies and thou hast defended mee and often haue I been in distresse and want and thou hast without my desire or desert plentifully releeued mee yea Lord thou hast giuen when and what I haue not asked thou camest and soughtest mee first Lord I sought not thee thou aboue all shewedst thy selfe most louing vnto me in sending me thy heauenly spirit without whose ayd I could neither aske nor receiue I could neither seeke nor find comfort neither could I knock or deserue to enter into thy fauour By his presence I haue felt the fulnes of ioy and gladnesse And therefore as thou hast graciously begun Lord so continue thy grace in mee and thy loue towards me alwayes in all places among al men in all my labours iournies and lawfull and godly endeauors for thou hast commaunded mee while I liue ●eere not to rest idle but to bee doing that which is good Thou hast giuen mee a calling wherin without thy blessing I may labour and yet lacke I may ayme by good intent and yet erre without the gracious direction of thy Spirit I am ignorant of and dull to performe that which may bee either well pleasing vnto thee or truly profitable to my self But by the blessing of thy holy spirit I shall please thee in Christ who pleaseth thee for mee and then whatsoeuer I thinke speak or doe shall prosper and yeeld mee supply in all my wants both spirituall and corporal and that from day to day which by thine owne promise shall be sufficient for the day O holy and heauenly Father hold me euer in thine ●bedience shelter me vnder ●he shaddow of thy protecting wings stop the whole course of sinne in mee and continue thine holy spirit euermore in me that he being my guide in all mine actions I may finish the course of this my pilgrimage in all sinceritie sanctitie and safetie and in the end obtain the glory which thy Sonne my Sauiour hath purchased for mee by the shedding of his blood vpon the Crosse and that euermore while I liue I may hunger and thirst for righteousnesse vntill I become a perfect man in Christ Iesus that leauing this mortall life I may ioyfully enter into that euerlasting rest Amen Amen in Christ my hope my strength and my assured and faithfull Redeemer Lord euermore increase and confirme my faith and continue that holy spirit in mee A motiue to begin the day with Prayer IT is a dutie not so much required by God for his owne sake of vs as necessary and profitable for our selues to begin the morning with Thanksgiuing and Prayer The first God requireth of vs as due vnto him for preseruing vs and giuing vs rest and sleepe and safetie the night past The second namely Prayer most necessary for our selues for without the helpe fauour power protection and prouidence of God wee can expect no comfort or safetie or good successe the day following wherein doe lye hidden many dangers of our bodies many bayts allurements and tentations of Sathan the world and our owne corruption for our soules much weaknesse and ignorance in our selues to performe the works of our owne callings besides ill successe in our labours without his blessing And shall we think that God will giue a blessing to our labours safetie to our persons or defence from these spirituall enemies vnlesse we recommend our selues to him in the name of his sonne No no we may not flatter our selues that because we are lustie and strong our senses good our wit and vnderstanding quick we may goe from bed to businesse and walke in our owne wayes vntill the euening either forgetting or neglecting God who with-holding his help and hand infinite are the dangers wee are subiect vnto both spirituall and corporall Therefore looke vp powre out thy p●ayers as a sweet morning sacrifice to God in the name of Christ and then goe on thy lawfull occasions and prosper And for want of thine own abilitie to discouer thine owne necessities and to craue Gods blessings and to declare thy thankefulnesse vse the helpe of the labours of such as haue framed prayer for this holy purpose Or this howsoeuer weake prayer following wherein thou mayst finde comfort and so with inward ioy thou maist from day to day the more cheerefully follow thy vocation A Prayer fit to be vsed euery morning O My God my God and my most louing Father in thy best beloued Christ Iesus I yeeld thee vnfained thankes for thy wonderfull mercies and vndeserued fauors vouchsafed vnto mee all my life and especially for electing creating and redeeming mee and for all
and by sinne I offend and displease thee and in thy displeasure is death O preuent me Lord therfore from sinfull feeding my foolish mind with false felicitie as to repose my happinesse in the things of this life in health riches honour beautie carnall friends worldly wisdome pleasures delights ease which are not worthy in respect of true happinesse in deed to bee the least esteemed Giue me therefore here O Lord euen in this life an entrance into true happinesse send foorth thy Spirit and breath life into my dead soule transforme me into thine own image from glory to glory by thy Spirit withdraw me from delight in the vanities of this life for as long as I delight in the pleasing things of this world I am farre from happinesse and it lies not in my power to restrain my heart from that which naturally I affect I cannot subdue the corruption of mine owne nature but that which is impossible to mee is possible with thee declare therefore thy great power in mercy vpon me I am by nature wretched miserable and poore and naked a most vnhappy man yet such is my blindnesse that I see it not I feele not mine owne vnhappinesse Lord remooue that darknesse from me and graunt that seeing I may see mine owne errour and in hearing I may vnderstand and take the right way to felicitie work faith in my heart that I may taste how gracious thou art in working in me a new heart a new mind and new affections holy and heauenly the beginning here of happinesse to come Make mee to feele the peace of a good conscience let my faith be seen through obedience vnto thee let me feele in my soule through faith the merits of thy Son working the assurance of the remission of my sinnes and assured hope of the enioying of my finall felicity and endlesse happinesse in heauen None are truly happy or blessed but such as thou dost chuse cause to come vnto thee for none can come vnto thee but whom thou callest and they onely are iustified whom thou iustifiest them wilt thou glorifie and whom thou glorifiest are and none else truly happy Carry me therefore gracious Lord carry me by the wings of thy mercy and by the strength of thy fauour in Christ my Sauiour into that heauenly Canaan the inheritance of them that are in Christ Iesus elected to saluation Let me euen here in this base outward forme of an vnhappy man behold thee through faith in thy word let mee behold thy face in righteousnesse for in the liuely beholding of thee is the fulnes of ioy and highest happinesse in this life O that the time would therefore speedily come wherein I being dissolued may see thee my Sauiour face to face when this my mortall body shall be quickened and made like vnto thy glorious body for I know thou wilt keepe vnto the end that which I haue committed vnto thee both my soule and body to bee glorified and made happie though I yet see not what I shall be and therfore when thou wilt I will willingly lay down my life and commit my soule vnto thee my God through Iesus Christ as vnto my most faithfull Creator and louing Redeemer to whom with the holy Ghost bee all glory for euer Amen The consummation and full perfection of our happinesse shall be When wee shall bee made partakers of the diuine Nature 2. Pet. ● v. 4. When Christ shall tran●forme our base bodies that they may bee like the glorious body of Christ Phil. 3. v. 21. When she shall perfectly enioy those things which eye hath not seen nor the eare heard nor euer entred into the heart of man to co●ceiue which God hath prepared for them that loue him 1. Cor. 2 11.9 Who then or what shall seperate vs from the loue of Christ in and by whom wee haue firme hope to attaine vnto this so great happinesse neither tribulation nor anguish nor persecution nor famine nor nakednesse nor perill nor the sword Romanes 8. verse 35. Which God for his Christes sake graunt to whome with the Holy Ghost be ascribed all glory for euer Amen The principall things contained in this Booke A Meditation or Consultation what are the best things that men in this life should principally ayme at to attaine vnto highest happinesse c. Fol. 1. A motiue to Prayer against the temptations of Sathan c. 18 A Prayer for Gods holy assistance against Sathan 23. A Meditation to stirre vs vp when wee are vnapt to pray 29. A Prayer to God for the helpe of his holy Spirit and other blessings spirituall and corporall c. 35. A motiue to begin the day with Prayer 54. A Prayer fit to bee vsed euery morning 57. A motiue to Prayer before a man 〈…〉 65. A Prayer for a man before hee goes to hi●●●ghtly rest 70. A most comfortable incouragement to all poore and distressed men to vndergoe whatsoeuer trouble with patience c. and may serue as a motiue to some prayers that follow viz. 77. A generall Prayer in whatsoeuer troubles and affections with a conf●ssion that sinne is the cause of them 103 A Prayer for a man hindred by 〈…〉 kind of 〈…〉 lawfull takings c. 114 A consideration or consultation touching the estates and conditions of seuerall men c. necessary for all men that hope of any blessing vpon their labors Trauels Professions Artes Trades or Jmployments 124 A Prayer that God will blesse and prosper our labours and endeauors in whatsoeuer calling 139 A Prayer for a man whose Calling requireth Journeyes by land or sea 149 A motiue to a Prayer for patience in godly Parents that are aff●icted in minde for the disobedience and vngodly liues of their children c. 150 A Prayer for the reformation of vngodly and disobedient children and for patience in Parents c. 166 A Christian incouragement to all that feare God act to bee 〈◊〉 at the threats 〈◊〉 and policies of whatsoeuer enemies c. To which is added a Prayer for Gods holy protection and defence of his in whatsoeuer danger 173 A Prayer to God that hee will defend vs from our strongest enemies with Thankesgiuing to God for our former deliuerances 189 A necessary motiue to stirre vs vp to a holy desire to resort to the Temple of God to pray vnto him with the Congregation and to heare his VVord c. 198 A Prayer to God that hee will prepare our hearts to the visiting of his holy Temple to heare his Word to pray vnto him and to praise him 219 A Prayer for true happinesse which shall be consummate only in heauen 226 FINIS
not consult with our owne fantasies and so vnsanctifiedly to rush vpon the holy Throne of Iehouah but with the Word of God wherein is layde downe the persons to whom the manner how and the things for what we should pray These things being vnderstood it behooueth vs also to looke into our selues whether this great worke of diuine prayer bee within the compasse of our owne vnderstanding what to pray for Saint Paul was a man Diuinely qualified and yet hee accounteth himselfe of the number of them that know not what to pray as hee ought what then Should wee not pray at all because wee know not how or what to pray as we ought God forbid wee haue a promise that the Spirit of God shall helpe our infirmities and shall make request for vs vnto God How then can our prayers but bee heard and answered seeing they proceed from Gods own Spirit that dwelleth in vs The truely faithfull in deed haue a promise that if they open their mouthes God will hil them And what is it but to assist them in their prayers And therefore not euery one that seemeth to pray prayeth in the Spirit yet this promise may also appertaine vnto and in time be felt of them that yet want him Therefore let euery man indeuour to be assured that the Spirit of God is in him which hee shall finde by the feruencie of his heart in prayer although he be not at all times a like powerfull in vs but retires himselfe for a time to make vs to acknowledge the want of him and to thirst the more eagerly for his presence againe which euery faithfull soule exercised in this diuine dutie apparently apprehendeth for the Spirit by degrees as it were mooueth our dull spirits and at length sheweth himselfe strong and powerfull in vs for when we finde a will and an inclination to pray though wee be dull not able to open our mouthes if we continue in desire lifting vp our hearts to God wee shall feele and that sensibly the Spirit to beginne to worke and to touch our hearts that at length we shall not onely bee able to speake with our tongues but the same Spirit will frame such an holy forme of words that of our selues wee were-neuer able to vtter which I confesse to the praise of God I haue found by most comfortable experience and therfore to my more effectuall motiue I haue framed by the ayde of the same Spirit this Meditation and Prayer following which may bee also vnto others that delight in this holy exercise some meane to suppresse their dulnesse and to stirre vp their affections to an vnexpressible zeale A motiue to a prayer against the tentations of Sathan who alwaies endeauoureth the hinderance of prayer and all other diuine and holy exercises in the children of God wherby their happinesse may bee made certaine IT is impossible that any man be he neuer so deuout and religious that takes any action in hand tending either to Gods glory or his owne soules saluation that can p●rforme it but that Sathan that malicious enemy of mans saluation will endeauour to peruert it or altogether to hinder it As when Iehoshua the high Priest was standing before the Lord to pray Sathan stood at his right hand to resist him Zach 3.1 And therefore shall any man thinke that though he be strong in faith and feruent in zeale to pray vnto God for any holy and heauenly gift that he shall haue no opposition by this ougly Dragon and subtill inuisible Serpent nay the more faithfull the more zealous and the more strong a man seemeth or indeed is in any holy and diuine exercise so much the more mad and malicious is Sathan to oppose him especially when he betaketh himselfe to holy prayer whereof no true child of God is or can be ignorant he cannot but find that Sathan thogh vnseene standeth at his right hand at his elbow laying before the eye of his mind infinite idle and vnholy thoughts not to be nūbred or declared either to peruert or vtterly to hinder his faith zeale that sometimes with seeming though counterfeit diuine thoughts As when in the mayd he spake seeming commendably crying of Paul and other Apostles saying These men are the seruants of the most high God which shew vnto you the way of saluation Act 16.16 17. But what intended he by this his flattery onely to hinder Paul the rest from prayer a worke that offends him most and makes vs most happy Therefore when he flattereth a man most as perswading him that hee hath graces and holy giftes enough hee needs seeke no more of God he may saue his labor of praying he may take his case and betake himselfe to his wonted worldly affaires he needs not bee so curious in reading the Word or hearing Sermons he hath knowledge sufficient and in the right way to happines and may take more pleasure and delight in many other things to his better content And thus are too many ouermuch lulled asleepe by these most dangerous inchantments of Sathan especially when he coueteth to deceiue by his crafty vndermining men vnder his counterfet shew of being an Angell of light Hauing then such a dangerous enemy more malicious then the red Dragon more wi●y and subtill then the crooked Serpent and more strong then the roaring Lyon We had need to craue wisedome to preuent his subtilties and strength to withstand his forces for being ignorāt of his stratagems and weake to encounter his malice we can neither speake vnto God in our prayers which are the principall weapons to wound and put backe the force of this enemy nor with true desire attentiue eare a feeling heart constant resolution firme faith heare God spea●e vnto vs by his holy Messengers and Ministers the life of our soules and truest happinesse It behoueth vs therefore to labour to haue the eyes of our minds inlightned and to be filled with all spirituall prudence and wisdome that wee may bee able to discouer his deceiuing intisements to auoyd h●s forged ●la●teries and to withstand his deadly tentations let vs indeauor by continuall prayer to God that in vs may be created and confirmed a strong and liuely faith p●rfect and constant zeale to serue the liuing God and an holy iealousie ouer our selues lest Sathan cir●umuent vs with his secret and subtill intisements in stealing away our mindes and estranging our thoughts from heauen and heauenly things from God in Christ in our holy Meditations and Prayers A Prayer for Gods holy assistance against Sathan who indeauoureth to hinder our most godly prayers fit to bee said in all tentations O Holy mercifull louing and most powerfull Lord God who sittest in the heauens and extendest thy power ouer all the powers in heauen earth who hast the rule and absolute gouernment of all thy creatures and to whom all Principalities Powers Angels and spirits doe obey Consider I humbly pray thee the malignity and malice of that reprobate
infernall spirit that falsely pretendeth dominion in the earth and in the ayre and how he enuieth and opposeth as much as in him is euery good dutie and seruice which thy dearest children owe and endeauour to performe vnto thee and aboue all other duties tending to thine owne glory and mans saluation he seeketh to hinder none with more bitter violence with greater enuy more wicked and subtill wiles then this of diuine prayer and endeauoreth to draw thine owne dearest children into manifold sinnes But Lord as thou hast commaunded vs to call vpon thine holy Name to pray vnto thee for faith repentance obedience and other graces and blessings So according to thine holy ordinance I fall downe prostrate vpon the knees of mine vnfayned heart praying thee to prepare mee to this holy dutie thou sayest Open thy mouth and I will fill it O Lord open thou my mouth and fill it with heauenly words furnish and fill my heart with a strong powerful and liuely faith constant and firme obedience that without wauering and straying thoughts I may at this time make my prayers supplications vnto thee through thy Spirit And thou O inuincible Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah stand vp for me against my most mortall and most malicious enemy satan who among his own is strong and powerfull but where thou my Captaine Christ Iesus appearest he is weake he cannot enter the house where thou dwellest O fortifie therfore O Lord and barre vp the doore of my soule that hee enter not nor preuaile against it with the fire of his tentations Lord thou knowest hee is enemie to thee how much more vnto mee Hee tempted thee but preuayled not but his tentations flesh and blood cannot withstand Therefore arme thou me against him with heauenly weapons and hee shall neither stoppe nor hinder mine intended prayers as he desireth and laboureth to doe Let my spirit O Lord bee strongly assisted by thy Spirit and my prayers shall be faithfull my heart shall entertaine no wandering wauering vnholy or prophane thoughts euill cogitations or wicked motions though I bee an vnholy lumpe of my selfe by nature prompt and more ready to thinke or doe euill then good yet by thy Grace Satan shall slie sinne shall die and thy Spirit shall be liuely in mee and my prayers powerfull and effectuall to thee in my mediator Christ Iesus O let thy heauenly helpe Lord in Iesus Christ descend into all the powers and parts of my soule and body that in speaking vnto thee I may feele the worke and operation of thy Grace so sufficient in my heart that I may obtaine a victorious conquest ouer satan sinne and mine owne corruptions and bee assured through Christ Iesus my Sauiour to bee either freed from his preuayling tentations or to bee able to resist them that all my prayers at all times may bee such as thou maist Fatherly accept them in thy beloued Sonnes mediation for mee howsoeuer weake and imperfect they bee in respect of my selfe who am full of imperfections which I humbly pray thee to grant for his sake who hath conquered him that couets my finall destruction Amen Lord euermore strengthen and increase my faith in Iesus Christ. A meditation or motiue when wee are dull to pray a most necessary preparatiue to prayer AS it is my griefe O Lord to consider the hardnesse of my heart my faintnesse and dulnesse to pray So can I not but comfort my selfe in the consideration of thy great mercie towards mee in often remouing my dulnesse and in steed thereof to giue mee thy holy Spirit and by him power effectually to call vpon thy holy Name which effectuall fauour of thine I haue oftentimes found and felt when I haue had an inward motion tending to a desire to pray and yet no power or ablenesse to open my mouth or aptnesse to mooue my tongue which hath caused mee many times to thinke that thou my God hast beene angry with me and in that thou hast with-holden thy Grace so long that thou hadst forsaken me So that I haue bee●e info●ced oftentimes to keepe silence when I would haue prayed and to close my lippes when I would haue spoken Thus good Father haue I beene many times as I am presently troubled and inwardly greeued euen in my soule at the hardnesse of my heart and dulnesse of my spirit And yet at length I haue felt as it were the fire of feruent zeale so inflaming my heart as I haue suddenly spoken with my tongue I haue prayed vnto thee and thou hast heard me This holy and heauenly worke of diuine Prayer I finde to bee farre from mine or the best mans owne power it is the onely worke of thine owne spirit which I haue many times formerly discerned for when I haue beene most dull and most vnapt to pray thou euen then euen in my silent musing and meditation hast enabled mee to breake forth into words through faith which haue pierced the very heauen of heauens euen vnto the Throne of thy great Maiesty where Christ my mediator stands at thy right hand presenting in my behalfe my weake Petitions euen in his owne name and obtayneth mine humble desires according to thine owne will which worketh bet●er things for mee then I can wish or will I am not therefore discouraged good Father thogh I seeme dull in spirit and as it were cleane destitute of faith for I know thy guifts are without repentance and though I feele not this heauenly worke of thy holy Spirit at all times a like in mee yet doe I assure me hee is in mee and will worke againe the same heauenly effects for where thy blessed Spirit hath once taken habitation and once sanctified the soule that soule is so effectually possessed by that ●pirit and that Spirit so possesseth that soule that he may be assured neuer to bee absolutely dispossest of the same howsoeuer hee may for a time seeme absent It is but to mooue mee to seeke him finding the want of him to long for him Though therefore deare Father my heart bee hard by nature and my spirit d●ll to euery holy and heauenly dutie so that I cannot outwardly vtter what I inwardly conc●iue and desire with such earnestnesse and feruencie of spirit as I would but weakly and coldly yet doe I assure my selfe that thou considerest mine inward desires and hearest my most secret sighes as plainely as if I cryed vocally and aloud vnto thee I cannot therefore but confidētly assure my selfe that according to thy promise thou wilt heare and consider that I hunger and thirst for thy Grace that my dulnesse being remooued I may conceiue in my heart and frame with my lippes mine humble Petitions which thou hast promised to heare especially such as thine owne Spirit composeth in mee Deny not therefore good Father thy holy Spirit to me that faithfully craue him onely to be enabled effectually to pray vnto thee for thou hearest not the best man nor the best ma●s best prayers for his
or his prayers sake but for thy best beloued So●nes sake and such onely prayers as proceed from thine owne Spirit Fulfill therefore good Father all my godly desires through Christ Iesus Amen Let vs pray that wee may pray A Prayer to God for the helpe of his holy Spirit and other blessings Spirituall and Corporall comprehending the most needfull blessings fit at all times for all men to bee desired GRacious Lord God and most louing in Iesus Christ thou hast of thine owne free fauour willed all men in all their troubles dangers and wants of Spirituall and corporall things to come vnto thee to aske in the Name of thy Sonne and they shall receiue whatsoeuer they faithfully pray for to seeke helpe of thee and they shall finde it in due and conuenient time to knocke and they shall be admitted into thy holy presence But good Father as thou hast thus commanded me worke in me power truely to performe what thou commandest to pray I am of my selfe dull to seeke I am by nature blinde to knock I am weake and therefore thou seemest to command things to mee impossible to be effectually performed say therefore vnto mee and performe it namely that thy Spirit may bee a sufficient helpe vnto me Thou well knowest mine insufficiencie Lord for I cannot of my selfe thinke a good thought how then can I of my selfe pray and obtaine seeke and finde what I want or knock and bee heard This sacred vertue none by nature hath it is of thine owne free Grace and they onely to whom thou vouchsafest thine owne Spirit to helpe their weakenesse such in deed can faithfully aske such can dilligently seeke and constantly knock they onely obtaine what they aske they finde what they seeke and they are heard and admitted into thy presence when they knock Oh! admit me Lord into the number of them to whom thou hast vouchsafed this blessed priuiledge for they belong onely to the truely faithfull to such as thou hast chosen of thine owne purpose whom thou hast made fit to aske apt to seeke and constant to knock Apt I am to aske many things because I want manie and I know thou art able and willing to grant euery good thing But I am ignorant so to aske as I may obtaine for I know not what to aske as I ought and therefore though I often aske I receiue not because I aske amisse tending my prayers rather to the obtayning of carnall then Spirituall and heauenly riches and finde them not because thou seest the granting of them rather hurtfull then profitable vnto me Send therefore deare Father send downe thine holy Spirit who onely knoweth how and for what to pray though I bee ignorant of hee knoweth thy will though I bee weake he is powerfull and though I be corrupt He is holy as thou art holy ●ee onely knoweth my wants and how they may bee supplied Therfore none but he Lord can make my Petitions effectuall none but he can speake for me with me and in me Good Father denie him not vnto me leaue mee not destitute of his helpe When he commeth he shall teach mee all things fit for mee to learne hee will prompt and tell mee what is fit for me to aske he will prepare my heart hee will rectifie mine affections he will abandon my darkenesse deadnesse and dulnesse he will vntie my faultring tongue and open my closed lippes hee will inlarge my knowledge and increase my faith If I pray without the helpe of this thy blessed Spirit I doe but vtter a bare voyce O Lord which cannot come into thy presence nor returne any comfort to mine owne soule but speaking in and by him I shall assuredly bee heard for when I pray sinceerely and effectually in deed it proceedeth not from mee but from thine owne Spirit that speaketh in mee and beareth the greatest burden of my prayers though the words passe thorow my lippes they are not mine but his Holy Father euer louing louing in Iesus Christ inkindle mine inward godly desires through the heauenly heate of that Sacred fire touch my tongue with that celestiall cole from thine Alter then shall my heart be prepared then shall my lippes be opened then shall I speake with my tongue according to the meaning of thine owne Spirit then shall mine vnderstanding be inlarged then shall I app●ehend thy mercie and fully enioy thy fauour in Christ my Redeemer then shall I finde and feele in my heart an assured testimony that my prayers are come vp into thy presence then shall my guilty conscience burdened with sinne be eased and all my wants spirituall and corporall outward and inward bee fully and timely supplied and all my feare bee remooued and all things howsoeuer seeming contrary shall worke together yea together to my perpetuall peace and comfort in thee Then shall I receiue in this corrupt and weake vessell of dust the Image of my Redeemer bring forth the fruits of his Kingdome and euen here feele and be assured to bee sealed vp in the number of thine Elect Saints and enioy the glorie of that future Kingdome in full which heere I partake and know but in part according to that measure of knowledge which it hath pleased thee through thy holy Spirit to reueale vnto mee in this mortality where yet I finde the merits of my Redeemer preuayling to the washing away of my sinnes I heare his voyce and heere desire to follow him and to obey thee in him submitting my selfe to vndergoe whatsoeuer crosse for his sake as hee endured the death of the Crosse for mine euermore looking for longing to be dissolued freed from this worlds vanities and to bee partaker of the glory which by his death hee hath purchased for all that in faith and holy desire Looke for his second comming for which all that are guided by that thy Sacred Spirit inwardly and dayly cry Come Lord Iesus come quickly and end these dayes of sinne In the meane time thou knowest louing Father that I am inforced to bee combred about manie things of fa●re inferiour condition following the things of my worldly calling which much hinder mee in the performance of better things and which often hinder the liuely working of thy holy Spirit in me I am much and often oppressed with the strength of mine owne inherent corruption often assayled by that my deadly enemie Satan who seeketh by all meanes to stop the course of thy Spirit in mee But thy Grace is sufficient to preuent him for me Thou knowest also deare Father that I am much and often afflicted heere and stand subiect to many and seuerall tryals as to Sicknesse of the body danger of the decay and losse of my Limbes and the vertue and vse of my Senses vnto Pouertie Enimies and Persecution for the constant profession of thy sincere Religion vnder the burden and feare of these ineuitable miseries I should faint but that I know thee and whome thou hast sent Iesus Christ and haue the assistance
other thine vnspeakeable fauours from time to time bestowed vpon mee touching my corporall comfort which I neither can expresse with tongue nor conceiue with my heart Accept I humbly beseech the merrits of thy Sonne and his obedience in stead of my thankfulnesse for I am corrupt and sinnefull not worthy to take thy glorious Name into my mouth nor to heare that sacred Word from thine I am dull in hearing thee speake vnto mee and slower in practise of the good things thou commandest but prone and apt to doe the contrarie Such is my wretched condition that what I should doe in answer of thy will I cannot doe it But what thou forbiddest I cannot but doe it A wretched creature deare Father I am by nature yet grieued in heart that I am thus yoked that when I would serue thee I finde a law in my members rebelling against thy Spirituall working in mee and am cast downe in my Spirit finding so strong an enemy in mine owne flesh that still fighteth against thy Grace working in me striuing to hinder euery good and holy motion arising of thy Spirit So that when I would doe good euill is present with me when I would pray dulnesse and drowsinesse nay to my shame O Lord meere infidelity seemeth so to possesse my heart that I cannot open my mouth vnto thee Thou giuest mee many occasions through the infinite tokens of thy loue to mooue mee to thankefulnesse and yet I rest vnthankefull I feele also in my selfe as many occasions through mine owne corruption and wants to hūble my selfe before thee in prayer yet I rest often-times altogether mute and can neither pray nor be sufficiently thankefull The comforts which thou daylie and hourely vouchsafest mee I receiue and enioy yet doe I not shew my selfe so forward to acknowledge these thy mercies as I am ready to receiue them They are infinite my selfe not worthy the least of them And such is thy loue and Fatherly prouidence ouer mee that euery day and euery night and euerie minute in them doe testifie vnto mee that thou art euer my mightie God in defending mee from dangers and my most louing Father in cōtinually supplying all my wants Thou mayst Lord iustly with-hold from mee my food in the day and my rest in the night because in the day I neglect to serue thee and in the night I forget to call vpon thee Thou canst not but obserue that I haue not so thought and meditated of thy louing kindenesse and mine owne dangers this night as to affoord the least breach of my sleepe to thanke thee I layde me downe I haue slept my sleepe and by thy power risen againe O that mine vprising from my sleepe might through thy Grace worke mine vprising from my sleepe in sinne Gracious God and full of loue grant me thy loue that I may render thee loue which I confesse deserueth not the name of loue in comparison of thine though for thy loue I should giue my body to be burned yet such is thy mercie that thou acceptest the least mite of true obedience as a great measure of my loue so full of humane and spirituall infirmities which haue ouerspread as thou knowest all-offending Adams issue Holy Father I know thee and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ hee it is that hath taken away that heauie burden of my corruption by his most perfect Righteousnesse and the guilt and punishment of my transgressions by his owne al-sufficient sufferings Therefore though I be slack in thankfulnesse for thy blessings and fauours formerly bestowed vpon mee Let mee euen this morning as I newly enter into the light of the day so by thy Grace grant Lord that I may enter into the light of new and sincere knowledge and obedience Humbly praying thee to bee vnto mee this day following a God to preserue a Captaine to defend mee a light to guide me and a louing Father to releeue me Let thy blessings bee plentifully powred vpon mee let heauenly knowledge abound in mee let faith more and more increase and be strengthened in me and the power of sin and Satan more more be weakened in mee So shall mine obedience towards thee my God more and more appeare in mee and then shall all that I take in hand this day and at all times prosper which grant good Father in Iesus Christ sake Amen Lord increase my saith this day and euer A motiue to prayer before a man goes to bed IT is commonly obserued that hee that forgets to giue God thankes when hee beginnes the day for the rest and saftie in the night past will not be well disposed to commend himselfe to God when hee goes to rest in the night yet is the night the most dangerous time when darkenesse ouer shadowes the house wherein wee sleepe and when our eyes are shut vp by the drowsinesse of our spirits what comfort can there then appeare Though wee may lie downe in some artificiall light wee are suddenly be cloud●d with naturall darkenesse wherein all that intend wicked and secret mischiefes are most apt to attempt most dangerous plots vpon such as are secure without God And Satan himselfe findeth the darkenesse of the night the fittest time to present vnto our wandring thoughts some euill imaginations our mindes being then at seeming quiet free from externall obiects And what that malignant enimie suggesteth in darkenesse the man not hauing faith and the feare of God longeth for the light to put that euill in practise that Satan hath in the darke mooued him vnto Besides we see by dayly experience that many haue layd themselues downe to rest in the night in seeming safty that could not say with Dauid J rose againe in safetie for the Lord sustained me for some haue beene preu●nted by sudden death some by sickenesse So that if the Lord sustaine vs not if hee defend vs not if hee watch not ouer vs if his Angels garde vs not especially in the night wee cannot but be subiect to manie ineuitable perils And how can wee thinke to enioy quiet rest in safty if we cal not vpon him that is our keeper and the giuer of rest sleepe and health For where God is not in the minde there are the thoughts wandring vpon things offensiue to God pleasing to Satan hurtfull to our soules and distempering the body which in a moment may seperate the vnprepared soule from the wretched body What and how diff●rs the man that lies downe to sleepe not calling vpon God from brute creatures which couet and take there rest and sleepe as man and rise vp to feed Should reasonable man so neerely resemble vnreasonable creatures who in their kinde praise God and man to dishonour him by vsurping the benefit of rest and sleepe without acknowledging them his owne gifts And how can he acknowledge them his gifts without thankesgiuing vnto him for them and prayer to him to enioy them Let no man be so stupid sottish and bruitish as to goe to
his rest without recommending himselfe to God his body his soule and all that hee poss●ss●th for it is hee onely that keepeth Israel namely all that feare him hee is euer watchfull ouer his for he neuer slumbreth nor sleepeth To his power prouidence and protection then let vs recommend our selues confessing our sins and crauing pardon ●n the m●rits of his Sonne so shall we lay our selues downe in peace to rest and rise againe in safetie for the Lord himselfe will sustaine vs. A Prayer before a man goe to his nightly rest O God powerfull and louing in Iesus Christ I thanke thee that thou hast safely brought mee to the end of this day wherein I thankfully confesse I haue receiued at thy most bountiful hands through Christ many cōfortable blessings not worthy of the least of them but rather of punishment for this dayes sinnes though committed in the light yet are they the works of darknes Good Father disperse dispell the darknesse of my sinning minde as a mist and send mee the light of thy sauing grace to enlighten mee now in the darknes of the night which with thee is as the noone day but to me it is fearefull without thee for that in it many dangers lye hidden to mee vnknowne and if I knew them vnable I am without thee to preuent the least of them But thou that hast made the blacke euening hast made also the bright morning and in both thou art a like watchfull ouer those that are thine I doe therefore humbly recommend my selfe my soule and my body into thy most powerfull protection The darknesse of the night doth as well declare thy glory as doth the clearest rest day Though to mee weake creature the night is most dangerous but that thou art my light and my saluation what or whom therefore need I to feare Thou art the strength of my life of whom or of what should I be afrayd Thou art to mee a strong rocke a house of saftie in the night for weake is the strength of the strongest materiall house vnable to preuent the dangers which thou permittest to befall many But Lord I trust not in houses of clay I trust in thee my strength to thee I come for succour defence this night withhold not thy helpe lest I perish in the darknesse I trust in thee let my darknesse be turned into light and let the light of thy sauing coūtenance cheere mee in this nights darknesse for without thy fauor I liue in darknesse in the most cleare day light and hauing thee my light the darknesse of the night shall bee light vnto mee Lord abandon from my heart all vnholy thoughts this night and giue mee a watchful heart though my body sleepe mine eyes shut vp and all thy visible creatures all carnall obiects be taken from my sight let the eyes of mine vnderstanding be alwayes open to behold to my comfort thy brightnesse and glory The Heauens declare thy glory and the Firmament sheweth the work of thine hands these and all other thy creatures shew thy greatnes and the preseruation of them sheweth thy goodnes and mine owne continuall preseruation I cannot but to my shame and condemnation confesse to thy praise and glory Giue me therefore holy Father a thankfull heart for thy mercies this day past and a fearefull heart to offend thee sleeping by euill and corrupt dreames or waking by euill and vngodly thoughts and vnholy imaginations that sleeping and waking I may feele the working of thy Spirit either in holy Meditations or faithfull Prayers that euen as the day requireth mee not to bee idle in well performing my lawfull labours so I may not spende my night-wakings in idle fantasies but in holy thoughts And let mee not be ouercome as Samson with sleep who lost his strength least Sathan finding mee so sleeping should depriue me of my faith in thee which is my strength the strength of my life but that I may so watch as whether I wake I may wake to thee or whether I sleepe I may sleepe in thee Lord let me not sleepe in my sinnes ●et mee not carry the guil● of my transgressions past vnto my bed but through the merites of my Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus vouchsafe mee pardon for all my sinnes and be thou pleased to bee reconciled vnto mee through his Blood So will I lay mee downe to take my rest beseeching thee so to watch ouer mee that I may rest in peace and rise in peace and let the words of my mouth that I shall vtter this night and the meditations of my heart bee acceptable vnto thee O Lord my GOD my Strength and my Redeemer Amen Lord increase my Faith this night and confirme it in mee for euermore Amen A most comfortable incouragement to all poore and distressed men to vndergoe whatsoeuer trouble with patience by the example of most holy men that haue been in greatest affliction and may serue as a generall motiue to sundry seuerall Prayers following TRouble comprehendeth all the miseries that man endureth in this life aduersitie enemies sicknes pouertie persecution and all kindes of afflictions and sufferings infinite in number grieuous in qualitie and irksome to flesh and blood and befalleth on men diuersly either for the punishment of sinne past or for the preuenting of sinne to come God sendeth affliction vpon his owne dearest children to weine them from the loue of the vanities of the world that they perish not with the world But vnto the wicked as the beginning of their sorrowes and to terrifie his own from committing like sinnes by example of their punishments Gods children are forewarned that they must suffer He that will liue godly in Christ must suffer affliction yet by promise not aboue their strength for God putteth to his hand to make their burden light with a promise also of future comfort and though their troubles seeme great and grieuous faith in God maketh them more easie to them that suffer then they conceiue that beholde them with carnall eyes Great indeed are the troubles of the righteous but God deliuereth them out of all Sorrow heauinesse may endure for a night namely during this life but ioy commeth in the morning after this death and at the resurrection of the dead glory for euermore Troubles are but for a moment and then commeth comfort therfore doe the children of God with ioy and patience vndergoe them But contrary the comfort of the wicked is here short and momentany but th●ir future misery will be perp●tuall The patient suffering of the children of God is a manifest token of the righteous iudgement of God as Saint Paul saith to the Thessalonians whose patient suffering he commended imputing it a glory vnto them that they were accounted worthy of the kingdome of God for which they suffered Whereby it appeareth that euery suffering euen of the godly is not glorious such as befall them for their transgressions But if we liue godly in Christ and for that suffer
trouble wee may comfort our selues and beare it with patience by whom or howsoeuer we are afflicted for we may be assured that God in his Iustice will recompence tribulation to them that wrongfully trouble vs and to vs that are so wrongfully troubled rest and peace in the end But affliction befalls Gods children oftentimes for seeming other causes then for righteousnesse sake as when the wicked mis-conceiue of their actions iudge of them as wicked doers without iust caus● as did Jobs friends accusing him of hypocrisie and as Shimei rayling vpon Dauid the wicked iudges falsly accusing Susanna though it proceeded not from these wicked men as of malice against them for that they were godly but instigated by the malice of Sathan to abuse them because he saw their integrity and holy conuersation towards God therefore made hee them his instruments to afflict them which trouble of theirs may be also sayd to be for Christes sake forasmuch as Sathan did what hee could to shake their faith in God so to fall from their holy conuersation And thus worketh hee against the dearest children of God at this day Sathan cannot endure with patience any that liueth in the true feare of God to passe in so holy a conuersation but that he will endeauour to blemish them at least seeking all possible meanes by afflicting them to make them doubt whether by Gods permitting the wicked to afflict them they stand in the fauor of God or no that if it were possible he might draw them from their obedience to God and their dependance vpon his prouidence and to seeke some sinister or vngodly means to free themselues He saw that Iob serued God truly that God was his continuall protector and refuge therfore did he maligne Iob tryed his vttermost infernall stratagems to cause him to distrust God he slew his dearest children he raised the Sabeans and others to rob him of his goods hee brought vpon his person loathsome diseases he drew vpon him extreame pouertie when none of these could withdraw him from his faith in God hee caused his own wife to be an instrument of deepest malice against him What greater affliction could befall a mortall man yet in all this was not Iob vnfaithful but depended still on God knowing that though God was pleased to permit Sathan to punish him in this so strāge a manner God had his ende therein for Iobs good contrary to Sathans purpose for where Sathans ayme and end was to haue confounded Iob body and soule God notwithstanding Sathans malice turned Iobs miseries into vnspeakable comfort heere and future eternall saluation and caused his story to be written for our imitation of Iobs constancy and patience Heere is matter of comfort for all Gods afflicted children in what manner soeuer they be afflicted for this holy man Iob suffered all kindes of tryals losse of goods sicknesse of bodie pouerty slander vpbrayding rayling on of his owne wife and what not By which we may learne that Satan is skilfull in the art of afflicting if one kinde will not serue hee hath a second a third and infinite yet can hee doe no more then God permits him who according to his promise giues to the faithfull a comfortable issue in all their tentations It is the cognizance of Gods Children to seeme most abiect in the world and so they are to the world tossed hither and thither with the tempestuous waues of diuers tribulations Dauid a man chosen after Gods owne heart how was he vexed on all sides inward and outward both before he came to the Crowne by Saul and his malicious and vngodly retinue as also after by forraigne enemies the Philistims the Moabites the Edomites the Amonites the Amalekites and others by his owne subiects by them of his owne house as by Achitophell his owne priuie Counseller and by Absolon his naturall or rather vnnaturall sonne In all which troubles he fainted not but rested still in hope not seeking reuenge of his enemies but onely craued ayde of God who neuer fayled him nor forsooke him God neuer forsaketh his though for a time hee suffer them to taste a little smart that their deliuery may be the more sweete None of the dearest Children of God haue liued and died free from one tryall or trouble or another onely by Satans malice yet to their owne good Hee beganne first with innocent Abell causing cursed Kayne to kill him for the sincere worship of the liuing God Faithfull Abraham was not free from tryals and afflictions from doubtings and feares Hee was commanded of GOD to offer his Sonne Isack in Sa●rifice in whose seed the blessing was promised a heauie tentation being affraide of his life for his wiues sake was driuen to faire an vntruth both to Pharaoh in Egipt and to Abimelech in ●●ran hee had trouble by Lot his brother he had griefe for the destruction of Sodom and many other troubles befell that holy man Izaake for feare to bee slaine for Rebekah his wife exposed her chastetie to the will of a Heathen king Hee was afflicted by the Philistimes hee was crossed in his desire of preferring Esau before Iaakob And thereat striken with great feare to obserue the prouidence of God so to preuent his will Iaakob was inforced to flie out of his owne Country and from his friends and to bee a seruant in a strange Land for feare of the wrath of Esau his brother he was deceiued by Laban his vnkle and hated of his neerest kinsmen Labans sonnes he was inforc●d to flie from them and was pursued and threatned by Laban whose purpose was to doe him violence but GOD the Protector of his preuented him Hee was incountred by a man in the night the Angell of God who wrestling with him all the night shooke him fearefully and lamed him hee marched on with paine of his thigh and in great feare and perplexity with his wiues his children and his droues towards his offended brother Esau Who came against him with foure hundred men Hee was miserably tormented for the losse of Ioseph his dearest sonne whom hee thought to be murdered He was much and greeuously perplexed at his sonnes murdering his neighbour Sechemites Ioseph was sold by his bretheren for a slaue into a barbarous and prophane Nation he was falsly accused wrongfully imprisoned Yet God turned all to worke together for his good as he doth euen at this day for his How many tryals crosses troubles and afflictions had that most meekest man Moses He was like to be slaine by the Angell of God in the Inne for not circumcising his sonne whom Zipporah his wife withstood and at last circumcised him her self and cast the foreskinne of her sonne at Moses feete saying Thou art indeed a bloudy husband vnto mee A heauie tentation that shee that lay in his bosome should so vpbrayde him especially for executing the strict command of God Besides this how was hee troubled by the peoples Idolatry murmuring and rebellion Being threatned
remember so consider what correction is fit for my reformation for I am thine and vnder thine owne hand doe with mee what it shall please thee onely strengthen my faith that whatsoeuer thou layest vpon mee I may still trust in thee Yet Lord let not thy corrections be ouersharpe or ouer heauie or ouerlong for mee to beare for I am weake And therefore as thou increasest thy corrections so increase my strength to beare them And as my sinnes by thy Grace shall diminish so Lord with-draw withhold thy correcting hand that in what measure soeuer my troubles and tryalls bee my faith may bee so confirmed as I may bee able to beare whatsoeuer thou shalt be pleased to lay vpon me Hetherunto good Father as I haue felt thy correcting rod so also I haue found thy supporting hand thou woundest and thou healest nay rather Lord thou curest the wounds which my selfe haue made for there is no sharper sword to my soule then mine owne sinne and thy chastisements do abate the edge thereof As thou knowest my sins Lord so thou knowest my troubles I am in danger deliuer me I am in want relieue mee I haue enemies defend mee In thee I trust for there is none besides thee whom I may trust Thou art that mighty Iehouah that omnipotent God of Hostes who hast infinite meanes to helpe releeue comfort and defend those that are thine though they bee beset with a thousand miseries with sicknes with pouertie with enemies with slaunder backbiting enuy malice strife of tongues imprisonment and with what else soeuer misery that Sathan can deuise against them thou hast yet more infinite meanes to deliuer them out of all And therfore Father if all troubles crosses trialls and callamities should meete and combine in one against me I shall not assisted by thy grace be ouermuch moaned or dismayd Though trouble and affliction bring sorrow and sorrow heauines for a time yet is my heart restored againe at length as it were to life againe by thy grace nay Lord I often find ioy in thy fauour euen in the midst of misery for as thou Lord continuest not long in thine anger so is not my heart in continuall heauinesse But as by thine holy aid I increase in faith euen so decreaseth my grief and sorrow and in my greatest troubles the apprehension of thy blessed presence with mee causeth my heart to leape for ioy within mee though by nature I am weake and prone to stoope and droope vnder the least affliction yet I finde thy grace euermore ready to support and strengthen me Therefore doe I yeeld thee all honor praise thanks together with my Lord and Sauiour Christ Iesus and thy heauenly Spirit that euermore doth comfort me confirm my faith in thee Lord euermore encrease my Faith A Prayer for a man hindred by sicknesse or any kind of infirmity of his body or limbes whereby hee is disabled to follow and performe his lawfull calling fit especially for such as cannot maintaine their poore estates without performance of their honest labors O Great and most gracious Lord God mercifull and louing Father in Iesus Christ thou hast created me formed and framed me with all compleat limbs and lineaments in the beginning with all my senses perfect and aboue all with a measure of the knowledge of thee thy Christ wherein for that I haue not so walked as becommeth a sonne of so gracious and great a father but haue too much neglected my dutie and thankfulnesse erring estraying and ranging to and fro from one vanity and sin vnto another abusing al the parts and powers of my soule and body contrary to that light which thou has● giuen me defiling my selfe and polluting those parts of my corrupt flesh which thou first createdst in mee clean and free from any of mine owne actuall pollutions Thou in great mercy hast inflicted these infirmities vpon my corporall parts to cure my diseased soule my spirituall and best part imprisoned inthrall●d in a most filthy and lothsome dungeon of dark and detestable impieties Lord I doe confesse my else worthy of greater punishments for my grieuous sinnes But thou art so mercifull and so commiserate a Father that as thou knowest the qualitie of my sinns so thou well knowest what quantity of correction may be sufficient to reforme me And therefore I doe wholly and in all submission commit my selfe vnto thy mercy knowing that thou hast power to mitigate or totally to remoue the paine and misery which my sinns haue iustly drawne downe vpon me Good Father remember that thou hast promised that whatsoeuer wee shall aske of thee in the name of thy beloued Sonne Christ and wauer not we shall receiue Lord I beleeue that thou art able to cure me of whatsoeuer infirmitie let not the weakenesse of my faith hinder thy good work vpon mee let not my former sinns preuent thy mercy for I constantly assure me that thou cāst help me such is thy power and that thou either wilt helpe mee or so mitigate mine infirmities as I shall not onely bee able to beare them with patience but in a measure sufficiently follow my vocation such is thy mercy Father I haue a Mediatour with thee and such a mediator as is not ignorant of though neuer tainted or touched with any humane infirmitie he hath taken vpon him and satisfied for my sinnes and for my sinns I do acknowledge this mine infirmitie is fallen vpon mee Therefore Lord my sinnes being once sufficiently punished in him punish not me ouer-heauily for them againe I am vnfainedly sory for that I haue offended thee and doe heartily repent me of my sinnes and thou hast promised pardon to the penitent and mercy vnto such as are truly sory for their sinnes This being thine owne promise Lord and thou knowing my faith though weake and my repentance what should hinder thy mercies in forgiuing my sinns and my sinnes being forgiuen what should hinder that thy sweet saying Be thou whole and I shall be whole Lord as thou canst do all things by thy word without meanes so by blessing whatsoeuer meanes that which thou wilt shall bee done the very clay in the street openeth the eyes of the blinde thou giuing a blessing vnto it which in humane opinion should rather make blinde them that see But such is thy great power and vertue of thy word as things most contrary to humane reason obey thee and worke the effect wherunto thou appointest them as the cluster of figgs healed Hezekias and the washing in Iordan cured Naaman the Syrian of his leprosie Thou Lord art the great Phisician curing Phisicians that cannot cure themselus howe much lesse others without thee Therefore I know that nothing can hinder thy healing of mee but mine owne vnbeliefe sin which are the chiefe diseases of my soule that thus pollute my body so that soule and body being sicke I come an humble patient and petitioner desirous only to touch the hem of thy garmēt for
neuer wearieth the soules of such as delight in the liuing God whose beautie Dauid saw as neuer satisfied with the contemplation of the glorious Maiestie o● Iehouah whose beautie the more the Spirituall minde beholdeth in his word his workes his fauour power and prouidence the more is hee mooued with desire to see more and more And thinkes no happinesse comparable to the happinesse of a heauenly life Much were the Disciples mooued at the sight of Christs transfiguration in so much as they desired to haue built there Tabernacles to haue enioyed that blessed sight Still to desirous was Dauid still to behold the beautie of the Lord and to visite his holy Temple Where God is truely heard and duly called vpon by a holy congregation nay by one particular faithfull Christian there appeareth the glorie of God There is the Arke of the Lord the presence of the mightie God of Iaakob whose glorie filleth the Temple which onely the Spirituall man seeth with a supernaturall eye Though the carnall man bodily present apprehendeth it not Paul at his conuersion saw Gods glorie but they that were with him heard onely a voyce but saw it not Such beautie shineth in the hearts of the deere Children of God by the operation and illumination of the Holy Ghost by whom Stephen saw the glorie of God in the heauens and Christ sitting at his right-hand which none 〈◊〉 can see but such onely a●are inlightened who take such surpassing sweet delight in the beholding the face of God not onely in the Word wherein hee is in part seene but especially through faith that their soules are euen rauished and as it were transchanged by the splender therof as it were into the Image of the glorie of the onely begotten Sonne of the Father ●od commanding the light to shine out of darkenesse shineth in our hearts to giue light of the knowledge of the Glorie of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Let vs therefore indeuour to exercise our selues in puritie and sanctitie clensing our consciences from all counterfeit sincerity and labour to become in deed such as wee would seeme to bee And not to neglect the visiting of the materiall Temple to heare the Word of GOD and to pray vnto him if wee hope to be happie for there is none happie but they whom GOD loueth and who loue GOD if wee loue God wee will delight in him to heare him often for our instruction and confirmation of our faith and to seeke him by our prayers for he is ready to bee found of all them that are true of heart who shall heere behold his beautie and hereafter enioy his glorie A Prayer vnto God that he will prepare our hearts to the visiting of his holy Temple to heare his Word to pray vnto him and to prayse him GRant O most gracious Lord God according to the riches of thy grace that I may bee strengthened by thy Spirit in the inner man that Christ may dwell in my heart by faith and so my whole spirit soule and bodie may bee kept blamelesse to the comming of the Lord Iesus for thou Lord knowest what I am by nature a man vnworthy to take thine holy Name into my mouth or to come into thy presence being inclynable to no good dutie but apt to euery vanity I come therefore vnto thee heauenly Father in the Name of Iesus Christ thy Sonne in whom thou hast promised to receiue them that sincerely seeke thee heare the voyce of my petitions O Lord when I crie vnto thee and when I lift vp my hands towards the mercies seat of thy holy Temple reiect me not vnto thee O Lord I lift vp my soule crauing pardon for my sinnes and that thou wilt admit me into the holy societie of thy Saints and that I may delight to dwell in thy holy Temple vnder the shadow of thy protecting wings for euer Let my heart bee euer vpright in thy Statutes and faithfull euer before thee for thou hast pleasure in righteousnesse and hee is blessed in whose heart are thy wayes knit my heart vnto thee that I may feare thy Name giue me a holy desire to seeke thee and to walke euer vprightly as in thy presence Indue me with thy Spirituall knowledge leade me by thy right hand to thine holy Temple shew mee thy glorie and thy beauty that I may be comforted through thy presence Open mine eares that I may heare thee and thy Word by thy holy Ministrie and prepare my heart to receiue knowledge and vnderstanding and open my mouth and fill it with thy prayses and let my prayers in thy Sons Name bee acceptable vnto thee Shew me thy way and giue mee vnderstanding that I may learn thy Commandements and walke in them My hearts desire Lord is to dwell with thee to haue the full free fruition of thine house and the place where thine honour dwelleth that I may serue thee with a pure affection and giue thee prayse in the congregation of thy Saints Turne thy face vnto me O Lord that I may see the beautie of thy countenance and bee changed into the same Image by thy Spirit and in the same Spirit bee admitted to visite thine holy Temple with faith and assurance of thy presence wherein I know is libertie and life protection and plentie of all good things Make my heart stable vnblameable before thee in holinesse that I may serue thee with a sincere and pure conscience and vndefiled that I may not come into thine house only to bee seene and to seeme seruiceable or dutifull vnto thee but may inwardly hunger thirst for thy Word the food of my soule the bread of life and imprint the same so effectually in my soule that it may prooue fruitfull in ●ee and that I may sh●w it in my 〈◊〉 holy conuersation to thy Glorie that being filled with the comforts proceeding from the beautie of thy countenance I may euer pos●sesse my soule in that peace which passeth all vnderstanding euer-more reuerencing thy glorious Mai●stie that euer-more fille●h both the heauens and the earth fill my heart O Lord with thy Spirit that I may draw neere vnto thee and to thy Holy place my strong Rocke to thee will I alwayes resort Make mee to heare ioy and gladnesse and that I may more abound in hope and be strengthened to euery good work through the power of the holy Ghost by Iesus Christ my Lord and onely Sauiour Lord increase my faith The Conclusion A Prayer for true happinesse which shall bee consummate onely in heauen O Lord what am I the son of dust and ashes that I should presume to come into thy presence to seeke and desire felicity and happinesse here in this wildernesse of so many vanities miseries and troubles as are among the children of men As for me Lord thou knowest wherof I am made thou remembrest that I am but dust what happinesse therfore Lord can I look to obtaine here where sinne dwelleth in my mortall body