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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03632 A godly confession and protestacion of the christian fayth, made and set furth by Ihon Hooper, wherin is declared what a christia[n] manne is bound to beleue of God, hys Kyng, his neibour, and hymselfe Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1550 (1550) STC 13757; ESTC S117853 21,202 64

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haue built no aulters of ydolatry if they be in doubt of me in any thyng not to kyll by hearesay nether before they haue heard me speake Thus I pray God both thei and I may serch alwaies to liue in his feare to obeie oure Kinge and to be profitable and true members of this Realme of Englande So be it The .xx. day of December in the yere of our Lorde God a. M. D. fiftie To the Reader Assone as I perused this confession and protestation of my faythe after the prynt I perceyued wordes and sillables euil placed And in y t letter G. the sixt face and syxte lyne both agaynst my copye and the state and argumante of my matter ther is printed Saynt Paule confesseth for s. Paule confuteth an affirmatiue for a negatiue as thou mayst vnderstande by the place howe the worde prynted semeth to affirme that the place denieth But suche faultes escapeth some times contrary aswel to the Printers as the authours mynde Thus the Lorde be wyth the pardon al our faultes for the death of Christ. At London the. xxvi Decem. An. M. D. l. The Confession and protestaciō of Iohn hoopers Fayeth I Beleue accordyng to the holy Scripture to bee thynges wythout time and before time Also to bee thynges wyth tyme and made in tyme. The thynge wythout and before tyme is God only and soly iii. in diuersitie of persōs and one in essence and equalitie of the godhead The father the sonne and tholygost Not. iii. Gods but one God Thinges wyth tyme and in tyme be al thynges that euer was now is or euer shal be created in heauen or in yerth vntly the day of the last generall iudgement when as both body soule shal begyn together for the soule euer lyueth immortalitie and ioyes wythout tyme of such as be ordayned by God to eternal saluation and of such as be appointed and haue deserued it to eternal damnacion to begyn eternal paynes and so to endure without tyme. I beleue the sprites both good and bad and lykewyse the soules of men and women created by God to be immortal and from their creaciō to lyue for euer and neuer to dye I beleue al thīges created by God as concernyng their creaciō to be perfect and good wythout hatred displesure grudge cōtumacie rebelliō disobediēce or pryde against their maker I beleue that thynges created by God part of them by grace and gods fauour hath euer shal perseuer and cōtinue in the perfecciō and excellencie of their creacion as the spirites or angelles that neuer fel nor hereafter shalfal through the meanes of Christ. I beleue that parte of these creatures whyche God made in theyr perfeccion nowe to be subiecte parte of theym to immortall paynes parte to mortall paynes parte vnto bothe as the deuyl and manne that fel into thys ruin and perdicion of theym selues althoughe diuers wayes To say the deuyl by pryde and Arrogancye whyles he would be lyke vnto God Man by ignoraunce and by crafte of the deuyll deceyued and not by anye imperfeccion of goddes partie in theyr creacion not by any force compulsion or violence of goddes parte that compelled them to euel For I beleue God to be the author of lyfe and saluacion and the wyll of the deuyl and of man to be the occacion of both theyr losse I beleue al the people of the world to be eyther the people of GOD eyther the people of the Deuyl The people of God be those that wyth hearte and mynd knowe worshippe honour prayse and lawde GOD after the Doctryne of the Prophetes and Apostels The people of the Deuyl be those that thynke they worshyp honour reuerēce feare laude or prayse God anye other wayes besydes or contrary to the doctryne of the Prophetes and Apostles I beleue that this people of God which be the very true churche of God to haue a certaine doctryne that neuer was is or hereafter shalbe violated by time or any mannes authoritie Thys doctrine onely and soly is comprehended in the sacred and holye Byble And I beleue this doctryne of the Patryarckes Prophetes to be sufficient and absolutely perfect to enstructe me and al tholy churche of our duties toward God toward our neibours Of God it teacheth that he is but one almightie maker of all thinges merciful iust al thynges that good is And seyng we knowe nothinge of God nor can iudge nothing of God as touching our saluation but after his worde we must iudge of hym as we be taughte therin as well of hys diuine nature as of the diuision of the persons in the deuyne essēce so that we be compelled by thaucthoritie of gods worde to cōfesse the pluralitie of persōs the Father the Sōne and the holy ghost in the vnitye of one deuine godhead and essence I beleue as touchyng the father of heauen as much as holy scripture teacheth vs to beleue is set furth by partes in the .iii. Credes the Crede commōly called the Apostles Crede where as we saye I beleue in God the Father almightie maker of heauen and of yearth and so furth wyth al suche thynges as the crede of Nece beleueth after the faith Crede of Athanasius in this behalfe I beleue the second person in Trinitie to be one God with the Father in godhead and diuers in persō I beleue hym to be the very substaunce image and figure of God wythout begynning or ending with al other properties and conditions that the hollye scripture of God or the decree or doctryne of any of the thre former creades affyrme I beleue that the mercy of the father the sonne and the holye ghost pitied had compassion vpon Adam the loste man and was prouoked to ordeine the sonne of god second person in Trinitie to debase and humble him self vnto the nature of man and also to become man to redeme and saue the loste man For euen as he was by externall malyce and craft of the deuell broughte to confusion to sinne and so to death both of bodye and soule nothynge hauynge in himself as touching his fyrst creacion that prouoked styrred intysed or allured hym to euell Euen so after his fal was there nothynge in hym or euer after coulde be in his posteritie that myghte or maye allewer or prouoke hym or anye of hys posteritye to the meanes or helpe of his or theyr saluacion But euen as he was loste by malyce and deceyte of the Deuyll so is he and so shall all hys posteritye be saued by the mercye and merites of Chryste The Deuil and Adams wyl wrought synne and death goddes mercye and Christe hys merites wroughte grace and lyfe The wyll of Eaue and Adam strayinge and wanderynge abrode vpon the fruyte an obiecte and matter forbydden of God that they sholde not eate of brought them into death Iesus Christe the seade of the wom●●e applying both bodye and soule to the obedience of God deserued lyfe
I thīk of all gods Sacramentes in the ministery of the churche And of Baptisme because it is a marke of our Christian church this I iudge after the doctryne of Saint Paul that it is a seale and cōfirmacion of iustice either of our accepcion into the grace of God for Chryst for his innocencye and iustice by fayth is ours and our sinnes and iniustice bi his obedience ar his wherof baptisme is the signe seale and cōfirmatiō For although frely by the grace of god our synnes be forgeuen yet the same is declared by the Gospel receiued by faith and sealed by y e sacramentes whyche be the seales of gods promises as it is to be sene by the fayth of the faythfull Abraham Baptisme hath hys promises as is a fore sayd hys elemente the water his proper cōmaūdemēt hys proper ceremonies washīg in y e water As for other mens opinio●s that saye Circumsicion was the seale not onely of Abrahās acceptation freely into the grace of God by faith but also of hys obedience and proper iustice I beleue it not to be trewe for S. Paul confuteth it in the same place as an errour sayīg Abrahā had nothīg wherof he mighte glory before god If he had nothīg god confirmed that he gaue him not that he found in him for S. Paul saith that Circumcision was the seale of the Iustice that cā by faith not by workes They be out of the way that haue the lyke opinion of baptisme for S. Paul disputeth not in that place whether works plese god but sheweth that our saluacion cōmeth by grace and not bi workes Ther be other that think Sacramēts to be the cōfirmatiōs not only of our fre acceptacyon into gods fauour by fayth but also of our obedyēce towardes God hereafter And because Infantes and young babes cannot professe obedience nor put of the olde man nor put on the newe thei would exempt and defraud the young chyldren of baptisme Saynt Paule cōfesseth also this opinion in the same place Abrahā saith he beleued God and it was accōted vnto hym for iustice and sayth not Abraham professed obedience Therfore God cōfirmed his owne infallible truth and promises to Abraham by circumcision and not Abrahams obedience For if he had he had confirmed the weke and vncertayn infirmitie of man and not hys own infallible truth For Abrahā wyth all hys obedience was infyrme and vnperfect wythout Christ Yet was boūd to work in a godly life As for those that say Circumcisiō and Baptisme be like and yet attribut the remission of originall synne to Baptysme whyche was neuer gyuen vnto Circumcision they onelye destroye not the similitude and equalitie that should be betwene them but also take from Christe remission of synne and translate it into the water and element of baptisme As for the supper of the Lord which is the other Sacrament whereby the church of Christ is knowne I beleue it is a remembraunce of Christes death a seale confyrmation of his preciouse body geuen vnto death wherwyth we are redemed It is a vysyble word that precheth peace betwene God and man exhorteth to mutual loue and godlye lyfe teacheth to contemne the world for the hope of the lyfe to come when as chryst shall appeare and come downe in to the cloudes whyche nowe is in heauen as consernynge hys humanytye and no wher elles nor neuer shalbe tyll the tyme of the generall resurrection I be leue that this holi sacrament hath his proper promises proper elementes proper commaūdemēt and proper Ceremonies As concerning the ministers of the churche I beleue that the church is bound to no sort of people or any ordinary successiō of bishops Cardinals or such lyke but vnto the only word of god none of thē shuld be beleued but whē thei speak y e word of god Althogh there be diuersitie of giftes knowledge amōg men some know more and some know lesse And if he that knoweth lest teache Christ after the holy scriptures he is to be accepted he that knoweth most teacheth Christ contrary or and ther wayes then the holye scryptures teache is to be refused I am sory therfore wyth all my herte to se the churche of Christ degenerated into a ciuil pollicy for euen as kinges of the world naturally by descent frō theyr parentes must solow in ciuil regiment rule and lawe as by right they oughte euen so must such as succede in the place of Bishops and priestes that dye possesse al giftes and learning of the holly gost to rule the church of Christe as his godly predecessour had so that tholy ghost must be captiue bondman to byshops seas palacies And because the holye gost was in saint Peter at Rome and in mani other godly men that haue occupied bishopprickes and dioses therfore the same gifts thei sai must nedes followe in their successours althoughe in dede thei be no more like of zeale nor diligence then Peter and Iudas Balaham and Ieremy Anna Caiphas to Iohn and Iames. But thus I conclude of the mynysters of what degre or dignity soeuer thei be thei be no better thē recordes testymonyes mynysters and seruauntes of goddes worde and gods sacramēts Vnto the whych they shuld nether adde demynish nor chaunge any thyng And for their true seruyce and dyligēce in thys part thei shoulde not be onely reuerenced of the people but also honoured by the magistrates as the seruauntes of god And I beleue that as many soules as perish by their negligēce or contempt of gods word shalbe required at theyr handes Of the people thus I beleue that they owe their dutye and obebience to god to them kyng and magistrates vnto theyr neighboures and vnto them selues Vnto god they owe both bodye and soule to laude and prayse him according to gods boke To cal vpō him in the daies of their trouble and vpon none els to cōforme both their doctrin their lyues to promote and set forth the glory of God Theyr dutye to the kynges maiestie is theyr obedience to him his lawes and the Realme for conscience sake and rather to lose bothe body an goodes thē to offende his highnes or his lawes whensoeuer any subiect be called to serue with body or goodes at home or frō home willingly thei must obei without question or farther inquision to serche whether the kynges cause be righte or wronge for whether it bee or be not it maketh the death of him that serueth in this respect nether better nor worse For I beleue suche as obeyed kyng Iosias and were slaine in the battayle againste the Egiptians wer acceptable vnto god in Christ thoughe kyng Iosias had not y ● best quarell In this case the subiect oweth his body and goods vnto this lawfull magistrate and may deny him of none of them
bothe Vnto theyr neighboures they owe good wyl and charitie helpe preseruacyon of theyr bodyes souls goodes and fame that none of all those peryshe yf they may preserue them Thetowe vnto thē felues the s●udy labour to reade and heare the scripture of God vntill suche time as thei haue laid a true foūdaciō of faith in christ Whē y t is done thei be boūd to thē selues to buyld vppō that foūdatiō al charytable workes as wel to god as to mā wyth innocēcy of lyfe After that they ow to thē selues study dylygence to make defēces for theyr true relygyō agaīst the deuyl y ● fleshe y ● world syn the wysedome of mā and supersticyous hipocrites which ceasse not to peruert destroi in mā y ● image worke of God Away away I pray you wyth thys opynyō thynketh a man to owe no more vnto hym selfe for relygyin then to learne by rote the Crede .x. cōmaundements and Pater noster S. Paule rebuketh that opynion as it is to be seene in hys Epistle We owe vnto our selues dew laboures in praying vnto God daili for the necessities of both body soul lykewise to geue him thāckes for al the goodnes he hath geuē vnto vs. Also we owe vnto our selues the exchuing a●oidīg of Idlenes ociuiti and the labours of our own handes wyth the industrye gift of reason learnyng wyt to eate oure owne breade with the sweat and pain our owne bodies according to the commaūdemēt of god Thus I cōclud my fayth the which being examined by the word of god is catholyke godli who send vs of hys grace to feare hym honoure the kyng and to loue one the other as Christ loueth vs al. So be it The .xx. of Decembre Anno. M. D. and fiftye Lorde blisse thy Church and saue our Kynge Imprinted at London by Ihon Daye dwellyng ouer Aldersgate beneth saynt Martyns and are to be solde at his shop by the litle conduit in Chepe syde Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Per septennium Offici lib. i. Exodi xxiii Gen. xiiii Ezechi iii. xxxiii Iho. xxi Marck xvi i. Corin. ix Roma xv Mathew x. Marke viii ●uke xii Mathew v. Galathi vi Iacob v. Iosi xxii Math. iii. and. xxviii Zacary iii Gene. i. Colossians i Psalme v. Ihon. vii● Iho. vi xii Rom. xv Ephe. i. ii Heb. ii ix x. Col. i. ii Luke xvi Roma xiiii Esay lxiiii Psal. cxliii Math. iii. and .xviii. Act. ii i. Corin. xii Ephe. ii iii. Ihon. xiiii Gala. iii. Ioel. ii 〈…〉 Dan. iii. Roma xiii Exod. ●xxii Romay xiii The chefest remedye agynst sedition Proue xxvi i. Reg. xvi● Deut. xvii Ps. l. c. xliiii Luk. xiii Romay xiii Daniell ii Psal. cxxvi Cxliii Prouer. xviii Parap ii Esaye i. Psalme viii Psal. lxxxii Esa. xlix Genesis ix De legivus ii Pa●ap xx Math. xxvi Esay xxxiii Iob. xi Eccle. viii Gene. i. Ierem. xxix i. Timo. ii i. Sam. xvi● ●ene ii 〈◊〉 ix Romay xiii ●eni xxiiii 〈◊〉 xii xviii Psalm ii ●roue● xxv 〈◊〉 xiii xvii Rom. i. Luke i. ii Io. x. Io. iii. i. Cor. i. Roma x Ephe. ii iiii Esa. viii lix Roma iiii Roma iiii xviii Mat. xxviii Mat. xvi Act. viii Rom. iiii ix Gen. xvii Math. xxvi Mark xiiii Luke xxii i. Corinth xi xx Ephes● iiii Gala i Ma. xxviii i. Cor. iiii ●er i. Eze. ii xxxiii ● Cor. vi x. Rom. xiii i. Timo. ii i. Peter ii ii pa● xxxv Mathew v. Luke vi Iho. xv Roma xiii Gala. v. Ihon. ii iii. Exod. xiii Deu. vi Ephe. vi Collossi i. Psal. C. xix i. Corin. iii. Psal. Cxi● Ge●es