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A02448 The enimie of securitie or A dailie exercise of godly meditations drawne out of the pure fountaines of the holie Scriptures, and published for the profite of al persons of any state or calling, in the German and Latine tonges, by the right reuerende Maister Iohn Auenar, publike professor of the Hebrue tonge, in the famous Vniuersitie of VViteberge; In Englishe by Thomas Rogers Maister of Artes and student in Diuinitie.; Christliche Gebet. English Habermann, Johann, 1516-1590.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1579 (1579) STC 12582.3; ESTC S120167 142,030 389

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with al the affections and desires thereof for the better seruing thee and walking in the Spirit For we are debtors not to the flesh to liue after the flesh but the deedes of the flesh being mortified to liue renued after the holie Spirit in righteousnes and true holines Sanctifie vs holie Father that we defile not our selues with carnal vices with riotousnes bellicheere nor by vnlawful pleasure casting of thine holie Spirit that we make our bodies the houses of filthie feends which carie awaie and cast headlong al intemperate and secure persons into euerlasting destruction Be it far from vs that we make our members the members of harlots whereby thy holie Spirit is banished and man becommeth a denne for theeues and a sink of filthines Gouerne vs that we may shun the works of the flesh and be careful to doe the works of the Spirit as thy chosen seruants And forasmuch as the flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit contrarie to the flesh for they are contrarie and continuallie striue together be thou merciful vnto vs O God helpe vs with thy diuine power that the holie Spirit which thou didst poure into vs at our baptisme may beare the rule in our members and preuaile ouer the flesh and al the affections of the same Extinguish the flames of carnal desires and represse our raging lustes so shal we auoide enormous offences and shun the wicked actions of our owne inuentions And if at any time being subdued by flesh and blood we shal wander from the path and direction of the Spirit to something vnseemelie for our calling impute not we praie thee that fault vnto vs but remember that we are flesh and conuert vs by thy diuine power And seeing that flesh of itselfe is vnbridelie and wilde not abiding correction but is like a fat wanton calfe which is not vsed to labor put thy yoke vpon vs tame our flesh by thy Spirit that walking soberlie and modestlie we may bridle the same and humble it vnder thy commandements by withdrawing of delicious fare For with ouermuch fine fare our mindes waxe wanton and ouerlustie Aide vs that by temperance moderation abstinence from superfluous meats drinks we may bind our flesh to the direction of the holie Spirit and mortifie our bodies of sinne so shal we praise and magnifie thy Name which liuest in vs worlds without ende Amen 8. Euening praier on Friedaie WE wil praise thee O eternal God Father of our Lorde IESV Christ for maruelous things hast thou done for vs thou hast deliuered our soules from death and our feete from falling Blessed be God which hath heard our praiers and brought vs out of the lake of miserie out of the myre and claie which set our feete vpon the rock and ordered our goings which hath saued vs this daie from al perils and comforted our soules Wherefore we wil extol thee and celebrate thy Name euerie daie and at night wil we talke of thy righteousnes We wil magnifie the Lord our God and bow our selues at his footestoole for he is holie We wil praise thee O Lord because thou hast set vs vp and hast not made our foes to triumph ouer vs Thou hast brought our soules from hel and saued our liues from them that go downe into the pit Wherefore we wil sing praises vnto thee and yeelde thee thanks for a remembrance of thy holines O most louing Father here prostrating our selues before thy feete we beseech thee in the Name of thy Sonne who suffered for vs a most cruel death blot out al our transgressions whereby we haue offended thy Maiestie and especiallie those which this day we haue committed Be merciful vnto vs O Lord for thy Name sake For greatlie haue we sinned and our offences are mo than the sande of the sea We haue prouoked thee vnto anger and done euil in thy sight But now we bend the knees of our hart requiring thy mercie O Lord we haue sinned we acknowledge our sinnes with griefe and sorow Pardon O pardon our sinnes and destroie vs not together with our iniquities neither reserue euil for vs for euer but of thine infinit goodnes saue vs miserable and most vnworthie men For thou O Lord according to thy wonted mercie hast promised forgiuenes of sinnes to al repenters Therefore we wil praise thee continuallie al the daies of our life al the host of heauen praise thee worldes without end Who is such a God as thou that pardonest wickednes and forgiuest the offences of the remnant of thine heritage Thou keepest not thy wrath for euer for thy delight is in mercie Thou turnest againe and art merciful vnto vs thou puttest downe our wickednes castest al our sinnes into the bottome of the sea In this euening now the Sunne is gone we praie thee O God depart not from vs which art the Sunne of righteousnes neither let thine aide be far from vs but abide with vs O Lord for it draweth toward night and the daie is far spent Forsake vs not O Lord our God neither depart from vs for tribulation is at hand and there is none to helpe O GOD of our saluation make haste to helpe vs haue a regard to our defence redeeme our soules in peace from those that war against vs. Deliuer vs from such as marke our goings Plucke our feete out of the snare and leade vs in the path of righteousnes that our feete slip not and we take a fal Guide vs by thy wisedome that when we walke it may leade vs when we sleepe it may keepe our feete and when we wake we may talke thereof And therefore sleeping we wil not feare but rest quietlie and our sleepe shal be sweete we wil not quake at the sudden terror neither at the ranging of the vngodly when it happeneth The Lord shal be on our side and protect our feete that we be not taken yea the Lord shal be our light and saluation in darknes He is our hope which hath appointed vs so high a refuge Let none euil come vnto vs neither suffer the whip to be nigh our tabernacle O Lord be thou our watchman and protector that trobles vaine cogitations doe not inuade vs and neither the feare of death ouerwhelme vs nor the sleepe of night alter our thoughtes and vnderstanding when we should take our rest and ease in our chambers but grant vs a good quiet sleepe and after the same to rise vp in the morning and to render due thanks and praise to thee our most merciful protector For our helpe is from the Lord which hath made both heauen and earth He wil not suffer our feete to be mooued and he that keepeth Israël wil not sleepe to whom be praise now and euermore Amen 1. On Saturdaie Morning praier O Lord God maker of al things which art feareful
the testimonie of a good conscience knowing that we are punished vndeseruedlie not as murtherers or theeues or euil doers or busiebodies in other mens matters And suffering as Christians let vs not be ashamed but glorifie God on that behalfe Giue vs grace to account it for exceeding ioie when we fal into diuers tentations and afflictions and to glorie therein For affliction bringeth forth patience patience experience experience hope and hope maketh not ashamed And let their example which before vs did suffer the like in their bodies be a comfort vnto vs For so did the vngodlie persecute the Prophets which were before vs. And especiallie thy steps which are left to be followed are aboue al to be allowed of For thou diddest saie The seruant is not greater than his maister if they haue persecuted me they wil persecute you also Finallie giue grace that respecting the vnspeakable reward which of thine onelie mercie thou diddest promise to al which perseuer vnto the ende by thine assistance we may ouercome al the greeuousnes of affliction For blessed dost thou pronounce them which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen that when they are prooued they may receiue the crowne of life which thou hast promised to such as loue thee Wherefore indue al in affliction with thy fortitude from aboue that with a bolde and stoute courage they may reioice that they are counted worthie to suffer shame and al kindes of affliction for thy Name Make them constant in the true confession that through the consideration of cruel punishment they depart not from the faith and forsake the profession of true religion Likewise shew forth thine omnipotencie with thy mightie hand deliuer them from the power of Tyrans from the mouthes of Lions and violence of fire And as concerning such whose bodilie deliuerance were not best but are fittest for martyrdome those strengthen in the middes of paine that they feare not such as kil the bodie but cannot kil the soule that being afflicted according to thy wil they may commit the keeping of their soules to thee with wel doing as vnto a faithful Creator and so though they leese as may seeme their soules in this world yet shal they find them safe and blessed in another life which is eternal where thou liuest and raignest with the Father in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God for euermore Amen 6. A praier for Widowes and Orphanes O Most merciful and faithful God father of orphanes iudge of widowes Looke downe from heauen thou which considerest our labor and sorow and in whose hands al our saluation doth consist The poore is left vnto thee for thou art the helper of the fatherles The Lord doth heare the desire of the poore thou preparest their harts and thine eare harkeneth thervnto to helpe the fatherles and widowe vnto their right that the man of the earth be no more exalted against the miserable We beseech thee O most righteous auenger haue thou a consideration of al widowes and orphanes and prouide for them by ministring clothes nourishment vnto them haue pittie on them in al their perils and necessities stretch out thine helping hande and deliuer them as thou didest that widowe whose pitcher of oile by the Prophet Elias thou didest so encrease with thy blessing that not onlie she deliuered hir children in bondage for debt out of the hands of hir creditors but also of the oile she sold had wherewith to sustaine both hir selfe and hir children For thou art the Lord which carest for strangers and relieuest the fatherles and widowes but destroiest the waies of the vngodlie Thou art touched with a care of the afflicted and despisest not the desires of the fatherles nor the widow when she poureth out hir praiers before thee For the teares running downe the cheekes of the widow ascend vp into the heauens and hir crie against him which wringes it out Grant therefore merciful God that in the sight of al gouernors and iudges they may find fauor and haue equal iudges and patrones of their matters that the iudgement of the stranger and fatherles be not peruerted nor the cause of the widow neglected but that iudgement may be sought according to thy lawe the oppressed holpen iudgement giuen for the orphane and the widowe defended For thou hast giuen a straight commandement vnto al iudges saieng Keepe equitie and righteousnes deliuer the oppressed from the power of the oppressor doe not grieue nor oppresse the stranger the fatherles nor the widowe and shed none innocent blood For thou art the God which wil auenge thine elect that crie vnto thee thou keepest truth for euer and euer doing iustice to the oppressed with wrong Now deliuer O Lord the fatherles and widowes out of the pawes of rauening theeues which eate vp the houses of widowes vnder the pretence of godlines and colour of right Deliuer them out of the hands of wicked iudges which faine and inuent lawes to suppresse the poore and to hurt the cause of the base among the people that widowes may be a praie for them and that they may●rob the fatherles such peruerse iudges O God in the daie of their visitation and calamitie from a far thou wilt vtterlie destroy Appoint vnto orphanes and widowes faithful patrones which wil be touched with an earnest care of their welfare Also giue vs willing mindes to pleasure widowes and fatherles children according to our habilitie to deliuer the poore when he crieth and the fatherles which hath none to helpe to helpe him that is readie to fal to comfort the widowes hurt euermore to be as fathers to the fatherles and from our tender yeares to minister instruction to the widowe and suffer them neuer to perish but in blessing to blesse them and to fil them with bread For pure religion and vndefiled before thee O God our Father is to visit the fatherles widowes in their aduersitie and to keepe our selues vnspotted of the world For he which is merciful towards the orphane as a father sheweth himselfe as an husband towards his mother in taking the defence of their cause vpon him he shal be as an obedient sonne of the Hiest and thou God wilt more fauor him than a mother can pittie hir sonne But they which despise the sight and teares of the widowe keepe back their loafe that the fatherles eate not thereof and suffer them to perish for want of clothing and apparel yea which lift vp their hands to afflict them shal greuouslie be punished their shoulders shal fal from their ioints and their armes be broken from the bones of them O merciful God extende thy fauor vpon al widowes that at al times and in al afflictions they may trust in thee the liuing God and continue
likenes and breath into him the breath of life the which through thy goodnes continues at thy pleasure Thou hast made of one blood al mankind and assigned times and length of our life in this worlde Thou giuest life to the people on the earth and breath to the walkers therein which if thou take away they shal depart and be turned into dust We blesse thee heauenlie Father and with al our harts giue thee thanks not onelie for sauing vs this daie from dangers but also from our cradels for defending both our soules and bodies from death Wherefore magnifie the Lord O our soules and our spirits reioice in God our Sauior For he hath looked vpon the basenes and affliction of his seruants He that is mightie hath done for vs great things and holie is his Name Wherfore we wil praise the Lorde for euermore because his mercie endureth from generation to generation on such as feare him We wil shew forth his power in the euening and when we go to bed we wil remember his mercie Arise now our soules in the night praise your God In the beginning of the watches poure out your harts like water before the face of the Lord. The Saints wil be ioieful with glorie and sing loude vpon their beds We wil praise thee continuallie and wil confesse thy name for euermore for thou art the God which delighteth our harts and maketh merie our soules Therefore in the night we wil thinke vpon thy benefites and our spirits shal consider of them For thou hast commanded that thy mercie be celebrated in the day time and thy truth in the night O our Lord and God of mercie gentlenes patience pittie truth which shewest mercie vnto thousands and blottest out al our offences we lift vp our soules vnto thee and from our harts we pray put not before thine eies the horrible confusion vncleannes and wickednes of our mindes being replenished with lothsome darknes and ignorance ful of doubtings and errors our harts and wil are turned from thee our God and al the powers and strength both of our soules and bodies are defiled and filthilie weakened But Lord of thy great mercy blot out our offences looke vpon the trobles and dolor of our harts and forgiue al our sinnes For lo our soules are wounded and can not be holpen but onely through mercie There is no health in our flesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in our bones because of our sinnes For our iniquities haue gone ouer our heads and as an heauie burden haue pressed vs downe Our wounds are putrified and corrupt because of our foolishnes Asswage thine anger and turne from thine indignation pardon our faults remit al punishment and restore in vs the light of thy goodnes which was lost O Lord heare O Lord forgiue harken O our God for thine owne sake for thy Name is called vpon by vs. O God of heauen and earth in this euening tide doe we cal vnto thee that remitting our sinnes thou wouldest receiue vs into thy protection and keepe vs this night that the diuel haue no power ouer vs. Be thou watchful ouer vs O eternal Sauior least the subtil tempter apprehend vs For thou art made for vs an euerlasting protector For behold whether we sleepe or wake whether we liue or die we are thine thou art our creator and redeemer Stand therefore on our behalfe in the watch with the armie of thy celestial warriers thine Angels which being filled with perfect goodnes and perpetual integritie behold thy face alwaies in the heauens Expel from vs and our houses wicked spirits which be our mortal enimies that they damage vs in no case and deliuer vs from persecutors which laie snares for our destruction Turne not away thy mercie and truth from vs. O God assist vs that peaceably we may rest and sleepe in quiet We wil lay vs downe in peace slepe for thou Lord alone makest vs to dwel in safetie without danger Hide vs in thy Tabernacle O Lord that sitting in thy secret place and abiding vnder the shadowe of thy wings we may saie vnto thee Lorde thou art our keeper and our refuge O God we wil trust in thee and wil feare no danger And although we were in extreeme darknes yet wil we not feare Though we should walke in the mids of the shadow of death yet wil we dread none euil For thou art with vs thy rod and thy staffe they doe comfort vs. Let thy mercie O God follow vs al the daies of our life that we may dwel in thine House in longnes of daies praising thee euermore with the Sonne and holie Ghost one true God raigning worlds without ende Amen 1. On Mondaie Morning praier BLESSED be the Lorde God which alone doth woonderous things and blessed be the name of his Maiestie for euermore which hath set the Sunne to lighten the daie and ordained the Moone with the course of stars to go before the night O most hie God the day is thine and the night is thine thou hast framed the light and the Sunne By thine vnspeakeable wisedome thou hast distinguished the daie and the night and so hast thou decreed that while the world shal last this course of times and daies shal neuer haue an ende so that man in the night may rest and againe when daie comes go about his busines and labor vntil the euening O Lord thy truth endureth for euer thou laiedst the foundation of the earth and it endureth by thine appointment the daie doth last for al are thy seruants For these and al other thy benefites we praise thee greatlie giue thee thanks for thy exceeding glorie euen as it becometh vs euerie daie to preuent the Sunne rising to blesse thine holie Name and to worship thee at the appearing of the daie star We extol thine infinite goodnes in like sort for keeping vs this night past both from the power and tyrannie of Satan from the snares subtiltie of al our enimies and finallie from dangers both of soule and bodie For of thy singular goodnes and fatherlie care thou hast made vs quietlie to sleepe and rest this night againe thou hast suffered vs to awake and opened our eies giuing them power to see and behold the morning light which now appeareth Therfore we wil sing of thy power praise thy mercie in the morning for thou art our defence and refuge in the daie of our troble O our helper we wil praise thee with al our harts and glorifie thy Name for euer For great is thy mercie toward vs thou hast deliuered our soules from the lowest graue Hadest not thou bin our defence innumerable euils had ouerwhelmed vs so that we should not haue risen to praise thy Name Had not thy word bin our comfort we had without doubt perished in our
those things which delighted our sences and fantasies For by nature we were the sonnes of wrath euen as others But now thou O God which art rich in mercie for thy great kindnes sake wherewith thou louest vs gouerne vs by thine holie Spirit that we neuer forsake the faith which thou hast giuen vs but perseuering in the rase begunne may attaine through thy grace to the saluation of our soules Take awaie from vs that which is deformed by our corrupt nature continue that which thy grace hath wrought within vs that sin raigne not in our mortal bodies neither we obeie it in the vnlawful lustes therof Assist vs with thine aide that being deliuered from sinne we may be the seruants of righteousnes and obeie that doctrine from the hart wherevnto we are brought giuing our members seruants of righteousnes vnto sanctification so shal we serue thee our true GOD here in the kingdome of grace herafter in the kingdome of glorie which liuest with God the Father and the holie Ghost for euermore Amen 8. Euening praier on Tuesdaie BLessed GOD and Father of our Lord Iesu christ of thine abundant great mercie hast thou preserued vs miserable men this daie from the crueltie and tyrannie of Satan and from sondrie perils and calamities Thou hast shewed vs great trobles in our life notwithstanding thou returnedst and diddest reuiue vs tokedst vs out from the depth of the earth Thou hast encreased our honor and returning didst comfort vs. Strangers rose vp against vs and vnto vs. Admonish our soules of miseries to come Euen as thou diddest arme the Patriarches and Prophets by dreames and visions in the night when sleepe came vpon them from dāgers nigh at hand through thine heauenlie oracles so gouerne and preserue vs in sleepe that our soules come not into danger neither fal vpon the sword and pit of perils Defende vs this night from vncleane and troblesome Spirits let not their rushings ragings and misrule disquiet vs Kepe vs good God from sights of Satan from snares and illusions of the Diuel O thou maker of al things according to thy woonted goodnes be thou our watchman and keeper so shal no vaine apparitions and dreames of the night troble vs nor the Diuel disquiet vs. For in the waie of thy iudgements we doe looke for thee O Lord the desire of our soule is to thy Name and to the remembrance of thee With our soules haue we desired thee in the night and with our spirits within vs wil we seeke thee in the morning Our soules waite on the Lord more than the morning watch watcheth for the morning Heare our crie O God giue eare vnto our praier From the endes of the earth we wil crie vnto thee when our harts be opprest bring vs to the hie rock for thou art our hope a strong tower against the face of the enimie We wil dwel in thy tabernacle for euer we shal be protected vnder the couering of thy wings Lengthen our daies and yeres according to thy good pleasure for thy mercie and truth shal keepe vs. O Christ our defender beholde represse our enimies gouerne thy seruants which thou hast bought with thy precious blood be mindful of vs O Lord in this heauie bodie thou which art the defender of the soule be present with vs. To God the Father and to his onelie Sonne with the Spirit the comforter be al praise and glorie for euermore Amen 1. On VVensdaie Morning praier O Almightie and merciful GOD which gauest the people of Israël in charge euerie daie both in the morning and at night to offer vnto thee a burnt offering for a sweete sauor in thine eares that thereby they might glorifie thee and giue thee thankes for the benefite of their protection both night and daie rising this morning we offer vp vnto thee the sacrifice of thankesgiuing We glorifie thee O eternal God for breaking the chaines of the darknes of this night We wil offer vnto thee a sacrifice of praise and cal vpon thy Name We wil praise our God which brought vs out of darknes and the shadowe of death and brake the bonds wherewith we were tied this night he hath deliuered our soules from perils by bringing vs safe and sound to the morning light Wherefore we offer before thee the calues of our lips for a morning sacrifice and with our tongues doe we praise thee O Lord. Our mouthes shal be filled with thy praise and with thy glorie euerie daie Our tongues shal talke of thy righteousnes and saluation euerie daie Our lips shal speake of thy praise and our tongues shal entreate of thy worde Our soules shal be filled as it were with fatnes and with the lips of reioicing shal our mouth extol thee We wil praise thy Name with songs and magnifie thee with thankesgiuing which please thee better than either oxe or calfe that hath hornes and hooues Wherefore let the sacrifice of our mouthes which we offer vnto thee now this morning and the meditations of our hares be grateful in thy sight O Lorde we beseech thee accept the free offerings of our mouth and teach vs thy iudgements that we may doe thy wil according to thy good pleasure Vnto thee O Lorde we wil crie and earelie shal our praiers come before thee In this morning doe we beseech thee by the resurrection of our Lord Iesu Christ thy welbeloued Sonne that as he was raised from the dead by thy glorie so thou wilt raise and lift vs vp this morning that rising out of the filth of sinne and leauing the beds of vnrighteousnes we may put on the newe man which is renued in knowledge after the image of thee which didst create him and giue not ouer our selues to sleepe and snorting Awake now our soules which sleepe rise from the dead Christ wil lighten yee For certes it is hie time that we should arise from sleepe the houre of our watching being nigh and our saluation neerer than when we beleeued The night is passed and the day is at hand Grant therfore merciful God that casting of the works of darknes and putting on the armour of light we may walke honestlie as in the daie not in gluttonie and drunkennes neither in chambering and wantonnes nor in strife and enuieng but may put on our Lord Iesu Christ by true faith and good works which may smel of him that tasting of his sweetenes at no time we may be separated frō him Wherefore we beseech thee O Lord continue thy goodnes toward vs and grant that al our praiers and workes may both begin from thee and ende through thee Vouchsafe O Lord to keepe vs this day without sinne Let thy mercie be vpon vs as we trust in thee O Lord keepe our tongues from euil and our lips that
to thy worde By this shal men know that ye are my disciples if ye loue one another Which loue ought to be the rule of al our actions For al things are to be examined by the rule of charitie which being banished al other gifts are corrupt and profite nothing We besech thee by thine hote burning and abundant loue enflame our cold harts with the affection of vnfained good wil that we may loue thee the Father and the holie Spirit in one eternal and inseperable essence aboue al things with our whole hart with al our soule and with al our strength and keepe that commandement which againe peculiarlie thou didst commend vnto vs saieng A new commandement giue I vnto you that yee loue one another as I haue loued you that euen so ye loue one another Thou likewise O Sonne of God when thy death was nigh didst beg that the loue where with the eternal Father loueth thee may be in thy seruants Expresse in vs the similitude of thy good wil and turne vs into such a shape that our soules by the light and motion of the holie Spirit may be coupled with thine eternal Father and that the image of like integritie knowledge righteousnes and affections may shine in vs as doth in thee which art the brightnes of the eternal Father in the most pleasant and perpetual harmonie Raise vp in vs a desire of brotherlie and entire good wil that euery one may haue a care to helpe his brother euen as members of one bodie haue a mutual compassion ech of other so we may loue among our selues vnfainedlie and abounde in mutual friendship one towards another that our harts may be confirmed and vnblameable in holines before God. Giue grace that our loue may be perfect wanting no part due vnto the same not fained false or hypocritical not waiward tedious disdainful nor hunting after profit Grant therefore that we may abhor that which is euil and be affectioned to loue one another with brotherlie loue Make vs patient bountiful not enuious no boasters not puffed vp not proud no seekers of our owne not easie to be moued vnto anger no thinkers of euil no reioicers in wickednes but reioicers in the truth to suffer al things beleeue al things hope al things and so to loue one another mutuallie not in word and tong onlie but in deede and truth not abusing christian libertie as an occasion vnto the flesh but by loue to serue one another Inflame our brests that after thine example we may vnfeinedlie loue euen our verie enimies and blesse them that cursse vs doe good vnto them which hate and hurt vs leauing reuengement alwaies to thee O lambe of God which takest away the sinnes of the worlde take from vs al bitternes anger and wrath and crieng and euil speaking with al maliciousnes For he which loueth not his brother knoweth not God but abideth in death and doth vainlie boast against the truth Grant therefore to vs which are translated from death to life that retaining the studie of concord we may loue one another and put away bitter emulation forgiuing al men euen from the hart euen as thou hast forgiuen vs. Let not the sunne go downe vpon our wrath giuing place to the Diuel but let vs be quiet putting on tender mercie kindnes humblenes of minde meekenes and aboue al charitie which is the bond of perfection the ende of the commandement the fulfilling of the law so that by loue our faith may be fruitful and we at no time seuered from thee For thou art loue and he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in thee and thou in him so that no creature can separate such a man from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesu which liuest and raignest with the Father and the holie Spirit a true and one God in the loue of the perpetual vnitie worldes without ende Amen 4. A praier for the frute of the earth O Lord God almightie King of heauen and earth which of thine aboundant goodnes dost adorne and replenish the earth with al kinde of frute and graine whereby the life both of man beast is sustained We beseech thee euen of thy free mercie that thou wouldest vouchsafe to blesse our fields and ground and to make them prosperouslie to yeelde their corne and encrease For without thy blessing and fauor neither can the earth of it selfe bring foorth any whit nor we by our paines make the same to prosper Wherefore grant to al thinges springing from the earth a meete temperature of aire that luckilie they may take and encrease Keepe our frute vpon the face of the earth from al infection of the aire from thunder haile from vntimelie showers from too great drines and ouermuch heate from wormes hurtful beasts deuouring it before their prime and from al other corruption that our lande in thine anger be not desolate and denie vs frute enioieng hir woful Sabbaoth Shut not vp the heauens in thine indignation for our sinnes that it be not as iron nor our earth as brasse whereby it cannot be tilled ploughed nor sowed and so come to a verie plaine and vtter wildernes but of thy goodnes giue vs both the earelie and latter raine that we may haue abundance of al frute and a ioieful haruest with a plentiful vintage O God send a gracious raine vpon thine inheritance and giue thy blessing that our grounde may bring forth hir frute Cause thy raine to poure downe in due season that it may be raine of blessing whereby both trees may giue their frute and the grounde yeeld forth hir graine Grant also that the aier be pure from infection our bodies free from sickenes to our whole realme peace and quietnes that safelie without troble we may enioie thy gifts Driue away and repel from vs malediction and the destroier Giue vs not in steede of raine dust and ashes but open thy good treasure and visit the land with thy blessing make it drunken and enrich it abundantlie Thy riuer O Lorde is ful of water prepare our corne dispose our earth to prosper water abundantlie the furrowes of the same and cause the raine to descend into the valleies thereof make the same soft with showers and blesse our buddes Crowne the yeare with thy goodnes and let thy clowdes drop fatnes Let them drop vpon the pastures of the wildernes and make the litle hils reioice on euerie side Let the plaines be replenished with sheepe and the valleies with corne that the inhabiters of the earth may reioice and be merie O Lorde thou causest grasse to grow for cattel and herbes for the vse of mā thou bringest forth bread out of the earth and wine to make glad the hart of man
and honestie Likewise vnto the Philippians he saith be careful for nothing but in al things let your petition be manifest vnto God in praier and supplication with giuing of thankes By which words we are not onely pricked forward vnto the Godly exercise of praier but admonished besides that there be foure kinds therof al necessary to be vsed euery day The first are Deprecations whereby we beg at the hands of Almightie God either altogither to turne away his heauie displeasure conceaued through our sinnes or at the least to mitigate the punishments due for our offences Supplications are called requestes wherby we craue such things as are necessarie either for the sustentation of this present life or for our euerlasting comfort in the worlde to come Intercessions are praiers made in the behalfe of others By thankesgiuing we praise God and celebrate his holie name for al benefites conferred both vpon our soules and bodies In this my Booke I haue had special regarde vnto these foure kinds of praier For first for euery day of the weeke I haue made a morning praier containing both a thankesgiuing for the blessed rest receaued and a deprecation for the escaping of al euils which may happen in the day time Afterwarde followeth a thankesgiuing for some singular benefite receaued Then two supplications or petitions for blessinges aswel eternal as temporal Next vnto them are placed two intercessions for men of euerie state or degree After them ensueth a praier against the sondrie enimies of Christs Church And last of al an euening praier containing a thankesgiuing vnto God for his preseruing of vs in the day time a deprecation that no euil hurt vs in the night and a petition of his fatherlie protection is annexed And this manner I haue obserued in distinguishing the praiers for euerie day For it is our partes daily in al our necessities to cry vnto God as our Sauior teacheth to this purpose Praie alwaies be not wearie And Saint Paule willeth the same saieng Praie continually in al things giuing thanks For this is the wil of God through Iesu Christ toward you Againe be not let to praie alwaies and be not let vnto the death to exercise thy selfe in righteousnes Thus did the kingly prophet Dauid which of himselfe saieth seauen times a day doe I praise thee because of thy righteous iudgements And certes it is a goodly worke to cal vpon God in praier and to enioy his familiar speech The which also Saint Ambrose witnesseth saieng To praie much and often is a worke grateful to god Howe excellent a thing it is for man to intermingle his talke with God no man is ignorant and that excellencie is attained by praier onely which ioineth vs to the societie of Angels through ascribing due praise and glorie vnto Almighty God as their office doth binde them Hence doth the Psalmist say In the sight of Angels wil ● sing praise vnto thee I wil worship toward thy holy temple and extol thy name For in other things there is much difference betweene their condition and ours whether we respect their nature or their kinde of life their wisedome or their vnderstanding but to praie is a worke common both to Angels and men For praier doth seperate vs from brute beastes and associate vs with Angels Yea an easie matter is it for one to attaine to their nature dignitie wisedome and vnderstanding if al his life time he giue himselfe wholy vnto praier and the seruice of god For if they which frequent the companie of wise men by reason of their continual meetings in short space are so changed that they represent the wisedome of such as they company withal what shal we saie of them which dailie talke with God in praier Wherefore it behooueth vs obeieng the wil of our Heauenlie Father to spende our life time in the lauding of God and in deuout meditations But he which neither wil praie nor praise God neither yet delight in this diuine communication surelie liuing he is dead without life without ●ense or vnderstanding as witnesseth Saint Chrysostome The frute and profite coming by godly praiers doth Saint Iames expresse on this manner The praier of faith shal saue the sicke and the Lord shal raise him vp and if he haue committed sinnes they shal be forgiuen him c. Againe The feruent praier of a righteous man auaileth much Elias was a man vnder infirmities euen as we are and he praied in his praier that it might not raine and it rained not on the earth by the space of three yeres and sixe moneths And he praied againe and the heauen gaue raine the earth brought forth hir frute By these words it appeareth that the praier of faith can obtaine and bring to passe al things belonging either to the safetie of the bodie or saluatiō of the soule As that king and Prophet Dauid by praier repelled the horrible crewe of his mortal enimies So in like maner Ezechias the King of Iuda Ierusalem being besieged by Sennacherib King of the Assirians gathered not a company of soldiours but onely went against his enimies in praier preuailed against them and preserued the Cittie with the vtter ouerthrow of his aduersaries Likewise by his humble praier he escaped death and faithful supplication prolonged his daies This made Saint Augustine to saie The praier of the righteous is the keie of heauen The praier of the godlie doth ascende and the mercie of God doth come downe So that knowing the dignitie of this familiar talke with God and considering the commoditie which cometh thereby me thinkes nothing should dismay a Christian from calling vpon god For notwithstanding it exceede the power of man to reason with God yet doth the holy spirit dwelling in the faithful helpe our weakenes and not onely emboldeneth vs to approche before his Maiestie but also maketh intercession for vs with groanes vnspeakeable As we reade that women being of nature weake vessels oftentimes by praier haue apprehended God detained him as may appere in the woman of Canaan Finally so many occasions are there to mooue and stir vs daily vnto praier that sufficiently they cannot be expressed And if at any time often praier were needeful I perswade my selfe that nowe in this last and olde age of this doting worlde wherein as more grieuous and wofull wickednes doth raigne than at any time so it is to be feared that in the Church more horrible punishments and in common weales more miserable confusion wil ensue than euer did it should be practised which euils can by no other meanes be auoided but onely by dailie earnest and faithfull praier The fountaine of al true wisedome and learning God almightie continue among vs for his Sonnes sake the puritie of his worde together with the studie
of good letters maintaine peace and concorde in his Church and make vs al continually to addict our selues to aduance his glorie both in deede and worde and to benefite his Church to the vttermost of our power that liuing alwaies in his feare we may die in his fauor and rise againe to euerlasting blessednes Amen A Praier to be saide at the comming into the Temple O ALMIGHTIE God and heauenlie Father in the multitude of thy mercie we wil come into thine house and in thy feare wil we worship towardes thine holie Temple Direct our step● in thy worde Bring vs into the path of thy commandements For thou art the God of our saluation Lorde we haue loued the habitation of thine house and the place where thine honor dwelleth O Lorde of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles Our soules long yea and pine away through the desire to come vnto thy court Wee wil acknowledge thee in a great Congregation we wil praise thee among much people Come let vs worship fal downe and kneele before the Lord our maker For he is our God and we are the people of his pasture and the sheepe of his hande Exalt the Lorde our God and fal downe before his footestoole for he is holie We wil go vnto the altar of God euen vnto the God which comforteth our soules and in an acceptable time doe we make our praier euen in the multitude of thy mercie O God heare vs in the truth of thy saluation Amen An earnest petition for the assistance of Gods holy Spirit that our praiers may be zealous and effectual O Almightie and merciful God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ forasmuch as it is thy wil and plesure that in al our necessities we should cal vpon thee our God worship thee and with yeelding hartie thankes extol thine holie Name and therwithal hast promised to heare our petitions we are emboldened to direct our praiers vnto thy diuine Maiestie But considering the weakenes of our nature to be such that we knowe not how to aske as we should and thou alone both wiselie doest knowe and effectually canst grant not onely what we doe desire but a great deale more than we can thinke vpon our praier shal be vnto thee our God that according to thy promise thou wilt poure vpon vs the Spirit of grace and praier which may with vnspeakable groanings make intercession for vs that not with lips onely our harts being far from thee but with minde and mouth together we may vnfeinedlie as becometh true worshippers in spirit and truth with a burning affection of the hart cal vpon thee which art the true and eternal God and offer the grateful sacrifice of thankesgiuing Prepare thou our minds to praier make them zelous least otherwise we be like such as praieng tempt god Therefore in our praiers let vs not dissemble like Hypocrites neither boast of our wel doing like Pharisees to be seene of men but onely set forth thy glorie and aduance thine holie Name Turne our harts from beholding either images or strange Gods or else dead Saints but let vs worship 〈◊〉 onelie serue thee in our praiers which art our Lord God Creator of al things sercher of the hart rich towards al that cal vpon thee Instruct our minds that we desire not foolishlie vaine and transitorie things But let vs alwaie craue corporal things according to thy wil with this condition If they bring none hurt vnto our soules and euermore prefer celestial things which are to be asked without al exception before worldelie that our ioie may be perfect in the heauens Grant therefore almightie Father that we may certainely perswade our selues that whatsoeuer we shal aske at thine hands through faith we shal obteine the same and let vs neuer doubt of thy fatherlie affection towarde vs or bring thy willingnes to grant our petitions into question but through a liuely faith and firme confidence let vs constantly beleeue that our praiers shal effectually be hearde through and for thy Christs sake in whom al thy promises are yea and are in him Amen Furthermore if at any time our praiers be not granted speedilie according to our wish giue vs a strong faith that wee faint not but may through patience expect thine aide knowing that coming it wil come and thy truth wil not linger Gouerne therfore our harts by thine holie spirit that we appoint not a time manner or limits of helping vs but may in al thinges submit our selues to thy most heauenlie pleasure and commende our praiers vnto thee in hope silence for thou wilt not misse an houre but wilt come at a time conuenient Likewise illustrate our mindes with thy light that we cast not forth our praiers trusting in our owne righteousnes but in thy manifolde mercies through Christ by whome we haue boldnes by faith to approch vnto thy throne to cal thee Abba Father Couerne our harts and mindes that in praieng we neither presume nor trust vpon our owne worthines so through pride contemne others but let vs humblie and louinglie like brethren praie one for another that we al may be saued Take away from vs al babling and superfluitie of words that we be not as Ethnikes which for their long speach thinke to be hearde Assist vs also that the sight and remēbrance of our owne vnworthines doe not terrifie vs from praier and that we be not let by other causes from ernest crieng vnto thee night and daie that the wil of thy seruants and reuenge of thine elect may be fulfilled Now therefore heauenlie Father and eternal God giue grace that in al places we may praie lifting vp pure handes without wrath or doubting and saie Forgiue vs our trespasses and with deepe sighings sure confidence continuallie persist in making of supplications praiers intercessions and giuing of thankes for al men that according to thy promise we may receiue as wel temporal as heauenlie benefites For this is the confidence which we haue in thee that whatsoeuer we shal aske according to thy wil thou wilt grant vnto vs. And hearing al our petitions we doubt not but that our requestes which at this time we haue made vnto thee by Christ our Lorde shal in like manner be granted who liueth and raigneth with thee in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God now and for euermore ▪ Amen A dailie praier for the perpetual happines of our sacred and most gratious Soueraigne and Queene Elizabeth OAlmightie GOD King of Kings and Lord of Lords in thine hands is al power both in heauen and earth thou confirmest kingdoms and againe dost alter them according to thine heauenlie pleasure We praise thee we magnifie thee we extol thine holie Name for that it hath
but that which may please thee and tend to the aduancement of thy glorie and health of our soules Gouerne thou our vnderstanding and wil and so direct al the cogitations of our hart that we may wholie be thine and sauor of nothing besides thee our God and Redeemer Teach vs the waie of thy Commandements O Lord and we wil keepe it vnto the ende Giue vs vnderstanding to keepe thy lawes and to loue thee our Lord God with al our hart with al our soule and with al our strength and let al thy restimonies be our delight and Counselers Comfort the soules of thy seruants for vnto thee O Lord haue we lifted vp our soules For thou Lorde art good and gentle and of great kindnes to as many as cal vpon thee Behold God earelie now this Morning we doe offer our selues a Morning sacrifice vnto thee a trobled spirit a broken and an humble hart O Lorde thou wilt not despise Make vs fit that we may likewise We see the workmanship of thine hands the Moone and Stars which thou hast ordained and we wil signifie thy glorie vnto al nations and among al people wil we declare thy wonderful things For thou art mightie O Lord and worthie to be praised great is thy virtue and thy power wonderful We thanke thee holie Father God of heauen because thou hast created by thy worde of power the vniuersal worlde with al the creatures and whatsoeuer is liueth or mooueth in the same By thy wisedome thou doest gouerne and by sending of thy Spirit as yet doest vpholde and cherish the same For al woods fruteful trees stones graine flowers herbes and al the grasse of the fielde hast thou ordained for the vse of man. We magnifie thee O God most wise for creating the sea springs of water by the power of thy worde and for giuing them virtue to bring forth fishes of al kinde to be eaten of man. We blesse thee O eternal God for making the superior and lower regions of the aier with al birdes and fethered foules of sondrie kindes for the foode of man. We glorifie thee for giuing the whole frame of this earth with al the creatures in the same vnto mankind and setting man ouer the works of thine hands hast subiected al things vnder his feete Al sheepe and oxen yea and al the beastes of the field The foules of the aire and the fish of the sea which walke through the paths of the sea Especially we praise thee our Lord and maker for making vs thy creatures reasonable men according to thine owne similitude for giuing vs reason and al the senses and for preseruing vs hitherto Thou didst nourish vs that wonderfully being within our mothers wombe and out thereof hast thou brought vs sound in al parts without imperfection and yet continuest thy fauor and dost keepe vs against al dangers and deliuerest vs from al euil and al these things dost thou of thy fatherlie and diuine goodnes without any merit or desert of ours for al which we are bound to thanke thee to praise thee to serue honor and obey thee We extol thy sacred Name O God most high for separating from the rest a Sabbaoth daie that so men cessing from their handie labor the better might serue and celebrate thine honor Who is he that can recite al the power of the Lorde or declare al his workes who can number out al his praises No man can vtter al his benefits Notwithstanding although we be miserable men and wretched sinners and therefore most vnmeete to extol thee according to thy deserts yet wil we not be stil we wil praise thee euermore to the vttermost of our power We wil declare thy iustice and mercie and while we liue wil we remember thy goodnes and at no time forget thy benefits O our soules praise the Lord we wil praise the Lord during our life we wil sing to the Lorde while we haue breath We wil be mindful of our maker euen from our youth and seeke him euermore yea euen vnto our old age and graie head O God forsake vs not vntil we haue declared thy power vnto al nations that are to come Praise the Lord al ye nations praise him al ye people For his louing kindnes is great toward vs and his truth endureth for euer Praise ye the Lord in his sanctuarie praise him in the firmament of his power Praise him in his mightie actes praise him according to his excellent greatnes Let euerie thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lorde 3. A praier for the remission of sinnes RIghteous and merciful God which art cleere from spot and sin al thy waies are mercie and truth We miserable folkes and wretched sinners acknowledge the horrible corruption of our nature and with humble and sorrowful harts bewaile our filthines whereby we haue polluted that image imprinted within vs at our first creation We openlie confesse that manie and great are our sinnes our offences wonderful our transgressions are infinite euen as the sand of the Sea which cannot be numbred For al the cogitations of mans hart are prone to euil euermore O Lord who knoweth his sinnes or who can recite al the transgressions of man Behold we confesse our offences and our sinne is alwaies before vs. Against thee onelie we haue sinned and done euil in thine eies that thou maiest be iust when thou speakest and pure when thou iudgest Behold we were borne in iniquitie and in sin did our mothers conceaue vs and those our sinnes haue we multiplied in our dailie transgressions and therefore haue deserued thy iust displeasure with paines eternal Notwithstanding we appeale vnto thy mercie O Lord beseeching thee not to enter into iudgement with thy seruants for no flesh is righteous in thy sight For if thou streitlie obseruest iniquities O Lorde who shal stand If thou wilt contend with m●n he shal not be able to answere thee one for a thousand For what is man that he shoul be cleane and he that is borne of a woman that he should be iust Behold thou foundest no stedfastnes in thy Saints yea the heauens are not cleare in thy sight How much more is man abominable and filthie which drinketh iniquitie like water Behold Lord we are al become vncleane and al our righteousnes is like a filthie cloute Wherfore we humbly beseech thee haue mercy vpon vs O God according to thy great mercy and according to the multitude of thy compassions doe away our iniquities Wash vs throughly from our iniquities and clense vs from our sinne For thy Name sake O Lord be merciful vnto our iniquitie for it is great Remember not the sinnes of our youth nor our rebellions but according to thy kindnes remember thou vs
cold and vnfruitful ground may become profitable let vs both outwardlie embrace thy doctrine with a care and inwardlie feele the operation therof in our minds and so rushing out of the bowels of the earth and deliuered from tentation bring out plentiful fruite to the glorie of thine holie Name Worke so within vs that the Diuel take not away the seede of thy word sowen in our harts let it not waxe barren neither let vs be forgetful nor like vnfruiteful hearers which heare thy word to their iudgement and greater condemnation Furthermore keepe vs in thy faith and feare that come what crosses and aduersities there can we may continually stick vnto thee in al our miseries Likewise aide vs O God of our saluation that the seede of thy word be not choaked among vs through cares riches and pleasures of this world And finallie assist vs that we be neuer found in the companie of mockers into whome the Diuel hath entered and blinded their minds and therefore make a so of at the preaching of thy word which walking after the lusts and desires of their owne flesh doe wrap themselues in the horrible confusion of their owne desires and shameful wickednes whereby like mad men they cast themselues headlong into euerlasting destruction O Christ Sonne of God fountaine of al mercie and compassion which art the Lorde of the whole flock and chiefe Byshop of our soules worke thou effectuallie by thy ministers speake within vs vnto our harts the voice of thy Father grant that we may truelie discerne the same and distinguish it from the howling of woolues For thy doctrine is pure conuerting the soules the testimonie of the Lord is sure and giueth wisedome vnto the simple Grant therefore that al of vs hearing thy word may receiue the same to our learning amendment comfort and instruction which is in righteousnes and in an honest and good conscience that hauing heard the same we may keepe it bringing forth fruit with patience and continue in the same al our life time and neuer be tossed or carried about with euerie winde of doctrine And thou holie Spirit eternal God kindle our cold harts with the fire of thy loue cherish vs with thine healthful heate and purge the filthines of our corrupted nature keepe vs in thy lap and worke within vs righteousnes and a life acceptable in thy sight Regenerate and transforme vs into newe men make vs diligent in the study of thy word beate into our minds a true feare and loue of thy name that al vncleannes and superfluitie of malice being cast off we may receiue with meekenes thy word ingrafted which is able to saue our soules in this world by inchoation hereafter in ful perfection Amen 7. A praier against false Prophets MErciful GOD louer of mankinde which hast forewarned vs of thine vnspeakeable goodnes to take heed of false Prophets comming vnto vs in sheepes clothing being for al that inwardlie rauening woolues And forasmuch as in the latter daies wherein we liue it was prophecied there should be perilous times wherein the Diuel doth transfigure himselfe into an Angel of light and false teachers with subtile workemen hauing put on the person of Christ and of his Apostles doe transforme themselues into the ministers of righteousnes carrieng the shew of godlines but denie the power therof And besides sith by thine holie Spirit thou hast foretold that the wicked man the sonne of perdition should come and carrie awaie many vnto eternal death and perpetual damnation Grant merciful God that embracing the loue of thy truth we may shun al spirits of lieng together with al errors and shew of falshood and at no time be carried away from the true sense of thy worde neither wander from the scope of our saluation but perseuering constantlie and firmelie vnto the ende in thy word may abide in the vnitie of the true catholike faith Christian religion and be neuer deceaued any waie neither by signes nor miracles nor lies neither by anie deceaueablenes of vnrighteousnes through the craft and subtiltie of men whereby they beset vs but following thy truth simplie in loue may continue salfe from al corruption and constant in the profession of the truth Keepe vs omnipotent and eternal God from al fanatical opinions from seducing spirits which sowe errors and deadly contentions in thy Church from false teachers which priuilie bring in pernitious heresies and denie euen the Lord which hath dearelie bought them By whom the waie of the Lorde is il spoken of and which make sale of their hearers through couetousnes Keepe vs from greeuous and greedie wolues which spare not the flock but cruellie deuour thy beloued sheepe through the poison of their liues and erronious doctrine From men speaking peruerse things to draw disciples after them and to engender schismes to the tearing in peeces the vnitie of the Church From men of wicked and corrupt opinions raising dissentions sondrie offences From tares which the enuious man which is the Diuel soweth and scattereth among good wheat ▪ From false Prophets which speake the visions of their own hart not from the mouth of the Lorde which preach their owne dreames and fancies seducing the people with lies From theeues and robbers of soules which kil both bodie and soule and cast them headlong into hel fire Deliuer vs from the rage of the Diuels thine enimies which in their members vtter out most horrible outcries against the truth and departing frō the rule of thy doctrine propose the fained opinions of their owne inuentions manifestlie repugnant to thy Commandements Keepe thine elect in this most wicked world that being seduced into foule errors they swarue not from the truth Shorten the euil daies of this dangerous and troblesome time Dispatch that sonne of iniquitie by the breath of thy mouth and cut him of through the brightnes of thy comming Cause thy word O God to sound in our eares purelie and syncerelie and make vs to follow the same with our whole hart true faith Christian obedience and throughlie to vnderstand the manifold precepts of thy pure word that so approuing the good we may shun the waies of strangers leading from the right waie Be thou our shepherd O eternal God so shal we want nothing put vs in the places of thy greene pasture and bring vs vnto the waters of comfort leade vs in the pathes of righteousnes for thy Name sake that we may haue hope and not be confounded in that daie when thy Sonne our Lord shal appere which liueth with thee and raigneth in the vnitie of the holie Spirit a God for euermore Amen 8. Euening praier on the Lordes daie O Almightie and eternal God Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ which together with thy Sonne and the holie Ghost didest create man after thine owne
thee and may be thine properlie abiding in thy kingdome serue thee with a willing minde in righteousnes and true holines so that at length in the latter daie we may rise againe with our bodies vnto a blessed life and so both in bodie soule being redeemed from al euils in perpetual blisse happines may triumph with al thine holie Angels Patriarches Prophets and al thine elect and endued with vnspeakable and euerlasting ioie may praise thee our Sauior which hast ascended aboue al the heauens sittest at the right hand of God the Father almightie with whom thou liuest and reignest for euermore Amen 3. A praier for Faith. O Eternal God and heauenlie Father which art Alpha Omega the beginning the ending thou art the cause and absolute perfection of our life and saluation the euerlasting and infinit good from whom proceedeth euerie good giuing and euerie perfect gift to wit from the Father of lights with whom is no variablenes neither shadowing by turning We beseech thee in the Name of our Sauior Christ thy Sonne that through thine holie Spirit thou wilt plant in our harts a true knowledge of the same thy Sonne and keepe vs therein euermore make it plentiful and prosper euerie daie that replenished with the knowledge of thy wil in al wisedome and spiritual vnderstanding we may walke worthie the Lorde pleasing thee in al things being fruitful in al good works and encreasing in thy knowledge strengthened in al might through his glorious power vnto al patience and long suffering with ioiefulnes and may abounde in faith and word and knowledge and al diligence For this cause we bowe our knees vnto thee Father of our Lorde Iesus Christ of whom is named the whole family in heauen in earth that thou wilt grant vs according to the riches of thy glorie that we may be strengthened by thine holie Spirit into new men that Christ may dwel in our harts by faith being rooted and grounded in loue may be able with al Saints to comprehende the true knowledge of thine essence and wil according vnto thy word reuealed No man hath seene thee O God at anie time neither hath anie behelde the countenance of thy Maiestie For no man knoweth the Sonne which is of thy verie substance but thou the Father alone neither hath any knowen thee but the Sonne he to whom he doth reueale thee Wherefore we beseech thee of thine infinit goodnes and mercie draw vs vnto him let him bring vs vnto thee Giue the knowledge of saluation to thy people by the remission of their sinnes through thy tender mercie that in thy Sonne we may find righteousnes euen remission of sinnes reconciliation and newnes of our mindes through the holie Spirit whereby we may become heires of eternal life being iustified by the grace of Christ in whom we beleeue which was offered for our sinnes For he taking our punishment vpon himselfe did satisfie thy iustice fullie and washed vs by his pretious blood from al our iniquities and reconciled vs in the bodie of his flesh through death to make vs holie and blameles and without fault in thy sight Make vs therfore strong in faith and constant to resist al the ingins of Satan and proceeding from faith to faith to attaine that righteousnes which is auaileable before thee by the redemption which is in Christ Iesu whom thou hast appointed to be a reconciliation through faith in his blood that iustified by his grace we may haue peace of conscience and free accesse vnto the Father Holie and merciful God we humblie beseech thee which hast raised in vs the sparkles of true faith make perfect this good which thou hast begon in vs and bring it vntil the daie of our Lord Iesu Christ wherby abounding more and more in knowledge and in al iudgement we may allow the better and be pure without offence vntil that daie filled with the fruite of righteousnes which are by Iesus Christ vnto the glorie and praise of God. Wherefore appoint thy strength establish O God which thou hast wrought in vs that fighting a good fight we may retaine faith a good conscience least vnder persecution and aduersities being tossed we make shipwrack of our faith Helpe our weake and feeble faith which is like the graine of mustard seede within vs that encreasing dailie more and more it may take deepe roote and remaine firme alwaies and immoueable and neuer vanish awaie among so many sectes and diuisions in this worlde Extinguish al the doubtings of thy wil sticking in our corrupt nature let vs not mistrust thy promises of eternal and temporal benefits but applieng thy promises vnto our selues alwaies giue credit vnto thy worde and so depending wholie therevpon contrarie to al sense of humane reason we shal obteine a crowne of immortal glorie Grant likewise heauenlie Father that our faith be not barren vaine or dead without good workes and fruites of the Spirit but effectual working by charitie that we may receiue the ende of our faith euen the saluation of our soules and behold thee whome we now see by faith as it were in a glasse darklie in another world looking vpon thy Maiestie face to face in Christ our Sauior our Lord and God Amen 4. A praier for the Kingdome of God. MErciful and gratious God which hast called vs vnto thy kingdome and glorie and of thy fatherlie and good pleasure enioined vs this care that first and afore al things we should seeke thy Kingdome and the righteousnes thereof We beseech thee through and for thy Sonne our Lorde and Sauior Christ his sake teach our weake minds gouerne our wil and harts that without inuerting this thine appointed order we may first seeke that thou maiest shine within vs apprehende thy righteousnes by a true and liuelie faith and be vnited vnto thee our eternal King. Grant therefore that thy worde may be preached euerie where plainelie and purelie without fraud and that we may cast downe al our imaginations and euerie hie thing that is exalted against thy knowledge and leade our vnderstanding captiue to the obedience of the worde which thou hast deliuered and obey thy Gospel in al simplicitie of faith according to the good plesure of thy wil to the praise of the glorie of thy grace Assist vs O our Father which art in heauen that both thy word may be purely and sincerely preached we thereby as becometh the sonnes of God reformed in our liues Giue vs thine holie Spirit that we may beleeue thy word through thy grace and so leade a godlie and virtuous life in this worlde and liue hereafter with thy sonne in eternal blisse Breake thou of and hinder al the consultations and deuises both of the diuel the worlde and the flesh which do neither sanctifie thine
thy beck do al things bow both in heauen and in earth at thy voice doe both wind and seas obey confessing thy Maiestie Euerie knee boweth vnto thee both of things in heauen things in earth things vnder the earth meete it is also that we obeie thee which hast commanded al Subiects to giue due obedience and reuerence vnto their lawful Magistrates which subiection thou hast inioined vnto vs not onelie to auoide punishment but especiallie to keepe and reteine a good conscience For al auctoritie is ordained by thee that the world euerie where may be godlie and quietlie gouerned For much more safelie doe we liue vnder lawes and iudgement than if euerie man had the bridle at wil to roaue as he list We beseech thee therefore O eternal God that first of al in euerie thing and in al things we may obey thee our most high and mightie God King of the whole world before any creature and that in true faith and godlie feare Next that al Subiects and priuate persons with al singlenes of hart in al thinges which are not contrarie to thy worde may obeie their publike Magistrate hauing power auctoritie ouer them and submit themselues to euerie ciuil ordinance for thy sake not to the King onelie as to the chiefe but to other inferior officers sent from him for the punishment of euil doers and for the praise of the good Let them alwaies remember that this subiection and obedience thou requirest to be showen as to thine owne ordinance whereby the safetie of mankind is maintained Wherefore bend thou our harts and guide them that we enuie not the honor due to our Superiors neither obraie nor backbyte them but rather honoring them most dutifullie may both praie for them and paie with willing mindes whatsoeuer by the ciuil law and by nature we are bound to doe Be it far from vs O Almightie God that any of vs should despise raile or in his hart wish euil vnto his Prince or Superiors For thou hast vouchsafed them the title of Gods in the holie Scriptures because they rule in thy steed here on the earth Hence it is that whosoeuer resist their Superiors and forsake the yoke of obedience are said to resist thine ordinance and shal receiue to themselues iudgement running into the foule crime of treson against thy sacred person and staining their conscience with the filthie spot of obstinacie and disobedience giuing an occasion vnto the wicked to slander thy Gospel Grant also that inferiors subiects be not burdened with ouer great new exactions vnlawful paiments and intollerable tributes neither oppressed with greeuous seruitude or pilled by any other violence or tyrannie And if in any place Lions and woolues shew their crueltie toward thy seruants their godlie Subiects plucking their skinnes from them breaking their bones and deuouring thy people none otherwise than if they shoulde eate bread giue patience vnto thine afflicted members that they may quietlie susteine their miserable seruitude as a crosse sent from thee for a trial of their faith and patience Aide vs with thy comfort whereby we may with patient minds suffer the trobles which in this last and doting age of this world more and more encrease remembring that thou God hast prepared thy throne in iudgement to iudge the worlde in equitie and thy people with righteousnes to be a refuge for the poore and an helper in due time euen in affliction For the poore shal not alwaie be forgotten the hope of the afflicted shal not perish for euer Wherefore listen thou vnto the praier and sighes of thy seruants which crie vnto thee aide them as thou didst the children of Israël whose miserie calamitie and bondage thou didst behold deliuering them frō the greeuous seruitude of Egypt and bringing them out of the yron fornace of Pharao through thy mighty and stretched out arme Keepe vs also from vngodlie and idolatrous Magistrates that we be not vnder the yoke and gouernement of Infidels Ethnikes which wil be vnto vs and our posteritie in steede of thornes and prickes offering continual occasions of Apostasie reuolting from true religion Suffer not the rod of the wicked to rest vpon the lot of the righteous least the righteous put forth their hand vnto wickednes Breake in peeces the scepters of the wicked and deliuer vs from the yoake of sinne that wee offer not our members as instruments of vnrighteousnes and that wickednes rage not in our mortal bodies to the suppressing of the soule and bodie which liuest and raignest in al eternitie Amen 7. A praier against the enimies of Gods truth O God most hie whose dwelling is aboue the cloudes and rulest al things both in heauen and earth Why do garde the workes of thine handes therefore destroie and ouerthrowe them so that they neuer be able to arise againe O God of Sabbaoth fight thou against them that fight against vs laie hand vpon thy shield and buckler stand vp for our helpe bring out also the speare and encounter with them which persecute vs that we may knowe thy saluation on the earth Giue the victorie ouer thine enimies vnto our Magistrates capitaines and conductors of thy people Blessed be the Lorde our strength which teacheth the hands of our soldiors to fight and their fingers to war. For thou art our aide and the defence in whom we trust thou destroiest al our enimies For the victorie commeth from heauen and is not gotten by the multitude of an host The King is not saued by the multitude of warriers neither is the mightie man deliuered by his great strength An horse is a vaine thing and shal not deliuer anie by his mightie bones But thine O Lord is the power Thou canst aswel saue by a fewe as by manie Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and his blessing is vpon the people Wherefore breake thou the arme of the vngodlie weaken their strength bring al their counsailes to naught destroie them which trust in their multitudes and in their chariots in their speares shields and arrowes For thou art our God which breakest the battels the Lorde is thy Name Lift vp thine arme as thou didst in the beginning breake their strength with thy power Ouerthrowe their force in thy displeasure which vowe to violate thy sanctuarie and to pollute the Tabernacle of thy most glorious Name Grant Lord that with their owne sword their pride may be cut of Let them al be confounded which hate thee let thē be broght to shame which deale wickedlie Let them be as chaffe before the wind and let thine Angel scatter them Let the enimies of thy Chuch blush and be trobled greatlie let them be turned back and brought to speedie confusion that thy Name be not blasphemed among the Gentiles Amen
so diuers strokes and assaults of the Diuel Vnles thou O most mightie protector defend vs alas we perish For thou knowest we are too weak to resist no strength is in vs no aid prudence or policie is in our nature against so strong and subtile an enimie Beholde our nature is accursed vncleane our flesh is weake our life transitorie and we alas therefore be cowardes and without armor giuen to sleepe and slothfulnes and endeuor not couragiouslie to withstand the fraudes of the Diuel Wherefore expel from vs this deepe sluggishnes of ours open the eies of our mindes that we may behold how great the power endeuors strength and malice of this aduersarie is with whom we are to encounter For we wrestle not against flesh blood but against rules against powers against gouernors and rulers of the darknes of this world against spiritual wickednes in heauenlie places O thou Sonne of God which art that blessed seede broozing the head ▪ of the most subtile serpent bring and brooze our enimie Satan vnder thy feete Thou which didst appere to destroie the works of the Diuel driue awaie from vs lieng Spirits that they hurt vs not Thou our chiefe champion which of thine owne accord enteredst into tentations that so thou mightest as it were hand to hand wrestle with our enimie and purchase a triumph for vs by thy victorie hold him fast bound that he exercise not his deuises vpon vs as he desireth make vs partakers of thy victorie that euen as thou in thy bodie ouer camest the diuel so thou wilt vtterlie dispatch him in thy members And therefore giue vnto vs thine whole armor that like right soldiors we may resist in the euil daie and vanquish our enimie Girde vs with the truth put vpon vs the breast-plate of righteousnes and let vs be shod to the propagation of the Gospel of peace Aboue al things giue vs the shield of faith which can extinguish al the fierie darts of wicked spirits Bestow vpon vs the helmet of saluation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God that through thee we may encounter valiantly and gloriouslie attaine the victorie And holie Spirit almightie God comfort thou and strengthen our minds against so diuers conflicts of Satan which besetteth vs by manie snares and especiallie then most of al doth he seeke our destruction when we seke deliuerance by other meanes than by thy word reuealed grant therefore that leauing thy worde deliuered vnto vs we looke not after new reuelations or violent rauishings but may resist the Diuel by thy word so wil he flie from vs Amen 8. Euening praier on VVensdaie O Lorde God which art our life and the length of our daies our vpholder protecting vs from our youth we thanke thee this euening and with our lips wee extol thy woonderful goodnes because thou hast defended vs this daie against al aduersities both of bodie and soule O Lord vnto thee doe we crie heare vs harken vnto our voice when we crie vnto thee Let our praiers be directed in thy sight as the incense and let the lifting vp of our hands be an euening sacrifice For thou delitest not in the offering of Buls and Rams but the sacrifice of thankesgiuing shal honor thee Who so keepeth the Law bringeth offerings enough he that holdeth fast the commandement offereth an offering of saluatiō He that is thankful to them which haue wel deserued offereth fine flower and he that giueth almes sacrificeth praise Therefore in this euening-tide doe we offer vnto thee the continual sacrifice of thankesgiuing praising thy goodnes for thy merciful protection and defence We wil commend thee for thy truth and sing of thee O thou most Hie Our lips shal sing of thee and our soules which thou hast redeemed yea and our tongues shal dailie speake of thy righteousnes because they are confounded and put to shame that sought after our soules We wil giue thankes vnto thee O Lorde with our whole hart because thou hast heard al the words of our mouthes In the sight of the Gods we wil praise thee We wil worship toward thine holy Temple and celebrate thy Name because of thy great mercie truth For thou hast magnified thy Name and thy word aboue al things Whensoeuer we called vpon thee thou diddest heare vs and enduedst our soules with much strength And now we crie vnto thee O Lorde with our voice yea in thy sight doe we poure out our praiers and in our troble doe we vtter them before thee that thou maiest pardon al our offences and those especiallie which we haue committed this daie Bring not into thy iudgement O Lord al our idle and vaine words pardon our babling vaine speech and impute not our foolishnes vnto vs. Be merciful vnto vs O Lord for we are greatlie pensiue for our sins our harts be trobled within vs and the feare of death is fallen vpon vs. Fearefulnes trembling are come vpon vs and an horrible dread hath ouerwhelmed vs. But O Lord absolue vs from al our sinnes through thy worde bringing vnto vs the ioieful tydings of gratious deliuerance O comfort the harts of thy seruants for vnto thee Lord haue we lifted vp our soules For thou art milde gentle and of much mercie to as manie as cal vpon thee Blessed be the Lorde which hath heard the voice of our humble petitions O God thou art our strength and our shield our harts trusted in thee and we are holpen therefore our harts doe daunce for ioie and in our songes we wil praise thee We cried vnto thee O Lord and saide Thou art our hope and our portion in the lande of the liuing Consider our complaint for we are brought verie lowe O deliuer vs from our persecutors for they are too strong for vs Bring our soules out of prison that we may giue thanks vnto thy Name O holie Trinitie and perpetual vnitie protect vs this night that the Diuel haue no power ouer vs. O Father gouerne vs by thy power O Sonne reuiue vs with thy wisedome and lighten vs O holie Ghost with thy virtue O Creator be thou present with vs O Redeemer aide vs O our Comforter abide with vs. The Lord blesse vs and keepe vs The Lorde make his face to shine vpon vs and be merciful vnto vs the Lorde lift vp his countenance vpon vs and giue vs peace This blessing of God be this night and euermore a safetie protection against al enimies both visible and inuisible that they hurt vs not anie waie Euen as the piller of cloude in the desert stood betweene the tents of the Egyptians and the tents of the children of Israël that none hurt might come to the people of Israël so be thou O Lord the protector of our soules and liues be
and liue For thou art merciful ouer al because thou canst al and dissemblest the sinnes of men for their amendment Thou louest al things that are and abhorrest nothing which thou hast made neither hast thou ordained any thing which thou doest hate but sparest al because they are thine O Lord louer of our soules Therefore doe we certainlie beleeue that the promise of free reconciliation is vniuersal and belongeth to al conuerted O how good and pleasant is thy Spirit Lord in al things therefore dost thou manie times punish such as go astraie that being warned of their faults they may depart from their wickednes and beleeue in thee Thou callest offenders into the waie by affliction and by iudgeing dost thou by little little giue place for amendment knowing fulwel what the generation and corruption of man is and how it may be reduced O thou masterer of power with great moderation dost thou iudge mankind and after this maner dost thou teach thy people that they should be righteous and hast made them children of a good hope Moreouer for a caution and instruction to vs thou doest many waies scourge our enimies that thereby we may consider of thy goodnes also being iudged may trust in thy mercie Vnto thee most merciful God do we crie which knowest the hardnes of our harts that through original sinne our harts being hardened we haue no power of our selues to returne and rise vp Conuert vs O Lord and we shal be conuerted because thou art our God and being conuerted we wil doe penance Shew vs our offences that striking our thighes we may be hartily sorie for our sinnes committed Heale vs O Lord and we shal be whole saue vs and we shal be saued for thou art our praise Behold we are as a sheepe wandering and readie to perish seeke thy seruants O Lord that we forget not thy commandements Circumcise the foreskin of our vnderstanding that our harts be not hardened O Iesu Christ looke vpon vs with thine eies of pittie euen as thou lookedst back vpon the sinful woman in the banket which prostrating hirselfe at thy feete bitterly did bewaile hir wickednes Likewise fauor vs as thou didst the Publican standing a far of in the Temple without lifting vp his eies vnto heauen for shame but striking his brest onelie saide Lord be merciful vnto me a sinner Grant that among the feares and terrors of conscience we may take hold of thee by a liuely faith which hast redeemed vs from the curse of the Lawe and art made for vs wisedome and righteousnes and sanctification and redemption and may not in the fight of conscience yeeld our selues and dispaire but vpholden by the voice of the Gospel may flie vnto thee our Mediator and iustified by faith may haue peace with God. Restore also in vs the right of thy lawe so that from our harts we may obeie thee our Redeemer walking in newnes of life Thou which hast suffered for vs in the flesh giue vs grace that likewise in the same minde we may be armed for the mortification of the flesh that henceforth we liue not after the lustes of men but after the wil of god For it is sufficient for vs that we haue spent the time that is past of the life after the wil of the Gentils walking in wantonnes lusts in excesse of wynes in excesse of eating in excesse of drinking and abominable Idolatries Mollifie our harts that they may repent and esteeme greatlie of the riches of thy goodnes Moreouer represse hypocrites which flatter their affections and extenuate the inner euils sticking in our nature and iudge falselie of thy lawe not knowing that the lawe is spiritual accusing euen our inclination to be euil Keepe the Diuel vnder that he compel not the trobled consciences of some to desperation either by heaping and reaping vp their offences or extenuating thy mercie but grant that al sinners may come vnto thee by hearing thy worde to repentance that the Angels in heauen may continuallie haue occasion to reioice Amen 4. A praier for Christian patience O Omnipotent and eternal God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ which art the comfort of the afflicted the ioie of the trobled of the forlorne the stay and our refuge in the time of troble the God of patience and consolation Thou knowest the weakenes of our flesh that we are by nature feareful of no courage so that in crosses and calamities we are not able to stand of our owne strength Wherefore vnfaine dlie and from the hart we crie vnto thee Keepe vs vnder miseries and crosses in faith sound stedfast in hope and in patience constant that with quiet mindes and a valiant courage we may suffer al iniuries and aduersitie and neuer being broken with sorow attempt that which is contrarie to thy commandements but by acknowledging thy wil may beare al sortes of calamities with calling for thine assistance Poure into vs godlie cogitations so that we imagine not that the miseries and afflictions in this worlde light vpon vs by chance against thy wil but that the Church is gouerned by thy prouidence and without thy permission that none euil of punishment commeth but thou sendest the same Gouerne thou our minds that we imagine at no time thee to be our enimie when we are pinched with aduersitie but may beleeue that we are chastined of thy good and fatherlie purpose for the remnants of sinne abiding in this corrupted nature of ours thereby to be stirred vp and confirmed in the exercises of contrition faith confession patience and other like virtues Certes it is to be accounted for an exceeding benefit that thou sufferest not sinners to followe their owne minds but thou withdrawest them by punishment from their impietie least that liuing after their owne minds and doing al things as they list they perish in their wickednes And therefore doest not thou wink alwaies at our sinnes O GOD as thou dost at the offences of other nations which thou sufferest to fil the measure of their iniquities that so afterward at the ripenes of their offences thou maist be reuenged vpon them and destroie them vtterlie in the daie of iudgement and of reuengement But our iniquities thou dost visite by by with the rod of correction and our wickednes with the whip of affliction Notwithstanding thou wilt not vtterlie take awaie thy mercie from vs Though thou punishest with aduersitie yet dost thou not forsake thy people Furthermore it is expedient that our coltish flesh be humbled and brought vnder and kept in awe For otherwise hauing the head it wil waxe ouerlustie and cast of the yoke of the Lorde being of it selfe slowe our life fraile and prosperitie wearieng our minds and making euen the wisest and most godlie many times sluggish and headdie But the trobled soule is nigh vnto
and merciful God before thee doe we sigh beseeching thee by the death and burial of our Lord and Sauior Christ thy welbeloued Sonne that thou wouldest vouchsafe to couer and burie al our misdeedes whatsoeuer from our infancy vntil this present houre either wittinglie or ignorantlie we haue committed and especiallie those which this weeke we haue done in thought word or deede against thy diuine maiestie and commandements al which to thee alone which knowest al things we confesse with broken harts and lowlie spirits beseeching thee to pardon them and to forgiue al our sinnes whereof thou knowest we are guiltie and to deliuer vs from al euils both present and to come O Lord heare the voice of our praier encline thine eare vnto vs in the daies of our necessitie when we shal crie vnto thee The snares of death haue compassed vs about and the straightes of hel haue taken holde of vs we haue lighten vpon sorowe and troble Notwithstanding we wil cal vpon the Lord O Lord deliuer our soules Gratious is the Lord and righteous yea our God is merciful The Lord preserueth the simple we were in troble and he helped vs. Turne then againe vnto your rest O our soules For the Lorde wil blesse ye Thou wilt deliuer our soules from death our eies from teares and our feete from falling that we may walke before thee in the lande of the liuing O Christ God and Sauior of the worlde saue vs Lord watching keepe vs sleeping that in peace we may both rest and wake Be thou our light in darknes then shal our life be as cleere as the noone daie and shine forth as the morning so that with confidence and securitie we may lie downe and sleepe none shal make vs afraid because thou art our protector O Sonne of righteousnes and brightnes of perpetual charitie lead vs into the vision of thy light where thou shalt euerlastinglie shine vpon vs and thou God be our glorie The Sunne there shal not go downe neither the Moone be hid but thou Lorde shalt be our euerlasting light that our sorowful daies may take an ende Grant likewise that leauing this place of darkenes we may be translated into the true and new light which we now looke for through faith vntil the perpetual morning appeere vnto vs that we may beholde thee in a cleere light face to face where shal be no night and we shal neede no candle neither light of the Sunne but thou Lorde wilt lighten vs. O holie Spirit God be thou a light vnto vs At our last gaspe when our harts pant our strength faileth our sight departeth our hearing is deafe our mouth dōme when our feete cannot go nor our hands feele when al our senses forsake vs giue vs some sense of eternal life that we may taste in this world the beginnings of thine euerlasting ioie and at our departure out of this world behold by faith thy diuine presence and so sleepe quietlie to eternal life Amen Here follow certaine peculiar praiers for some special persons A praier for anie Preacher or Shepherd of soules O Eternal God which of thy great mercie hast vouchsafed to cal me a miserable and most vnworthie man to the ministerie of thy Gospel and hast appointed me to be a feeder of soules and a fisher of men and now at the length segregated me according to thy good pleasure to preach the word of saluation vnto this flock and people committed to my charge With lowlines of spirit sighes vnfained I beseech thee O Christ which art our chiefe shepheard and Archbishop make me an able minister of the newe Testament a chosen vessel and profitable instrument for the carrieng of thy message before the nations and Princes of this world as it becommeth the minister of Christ and faithful dispenser of the mysteries of God and neuer let me proue an idol or idle shepherd Worke thou effectuallie through me and grant good successe vnto my doings that fruitefullie I may vtter to mine auditors the healthful and heauenlie foode of their soules which is the syncere preaching of thy gratious worde without al corruption or deprauing of the same Take not fro my lips the word of truth and let me not speake either the imaginations of my foolish braine or the vaine perswasions of my owne hart but may vtter thine heauenlie worde and minister according to the virtue which thou dost grant that in al things thy glorie may be sought of me That I follow not after couetousnes feeding my selfe and forsaking my flock but giue me such an earnest care of their wel doing that without constraint cheerefullie and gladlie being bounde therevnto I may discharge mine office That I be not desirous of filthie lucre but with a willing minde may profit the Church neither as an exerciser of auctoritie ouer my flock but that euen through an hartie zeale of thine holie Name I may feede and make fat in the plentiful and godlie pastures of thy pure worde thy sheepe committed to my trust That I may retaine a diligent consideration of the weaker sort and helpe the feeble heale the sick strengthen the bruzed that I may bring home that which is seduced and seeke that is lost and carefullie prouide for that which is strong that I labor not in mine office negligentlie nor accomplish the worke of thee my maister with deceipt O almightie God whose dwelling is aboue the cloudes which hast appointed me a keeper and watchman for thy people to forewarne the simple that they be not through the subtiltie of vaine teachers deceiued seduced and made a praie and spoile for the beasts of the field make me so watchful and careful ouer thy flock that couragiouslie I may withstand and beate awaie those rauening wolues which teare and scatter thy flock and by reprouing and refuting their heresies ouercome false prophets Giue me that vtterance and wisedome which none may resist or gainesaie Grant me a learned and eloquent vtterance to diuide thy word rightlie and wisedome distinctlie and in right order to propose the same and to be able and readie to admonish and to comfort the weake and if anie offende through weakenes to wyn him vnto weldoing by the spirit of meekenes and modestlie to rebuke such as may be recouered but those which openlie doe sinne without blushing to take vp before the congregation not regarding the person that the rest by their example may feare and forsake their wickednes O Sonne of God our continual Intercessor which hast ordeined me to be a voice crieng endue mee with the grace of thine holie Spirit that I may exalt my voice like a trumpet and declare their wickednes vnto thy people and neuer shewe my selfe as a domme dog which cannot bark so shal I not be partaker of their
sinnes nor guiltie of their condemnation neither wilt thou require their blood at mine hands Wherefore againe and againe I beseech thee assist me euermore that through an open and bold reprehending of their wickednes I may deliuer my soule in the daie of wrath and teach thy waies vnto the wicked whereby the vngodlie may repent Finallie so blesse me with thy fauor that I may walke in thy feare as it becommeth me and be an ensample of good life vnto my flock least while I preach vnto others my selfe proue a castawaie that in no case through my wicked conuersation I giue occasion to anie man of blaspheming thy worde and that in trobles and persecutions I faint not but may suffer patientlie the reproch of this world and the manifold trobles that Satan stirreth vp to disquiet thy Church Grant also to as manie as shal heare thy worde from my mouth that they may firmelie with me beleeue the same and be the followers of me as I followe thee and haue consideration of such as walke so as becommeth Christians that together we may continue in faith and patience euen for thine owne sake Amen A praier for anie hearer of Gods worde I Giue thee most hartie thanks O eternal God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ for that it hath pleased thee of thine vnspeakable mercie and goodnes in al ages continuallie to sende into the worlde men wonderful in thy gifts and knowledge of thy wil to be renuers and spreaders forth of thy truth Like thankes I ascribe vnto thy sacred Maiestie for allowing vs shepherds and preachers in these our daies for the gathering together of thy Church out of al mankinde to the building of the bodie of Christ. Humblie I beseech thee gratious GOD continue alwaie among vs thy pure worde through thy ministers gather vnto thy selfe an euerlasting Congregation so instruct mine hart with thy Spirit of truth that vnfainedlie I may assent to thy wholesome worde proue a liuelie member of thy bodie and be incorporated into that societie which both in this world doth syncerelie confesse thee and euermore extol thine holie Name Keepe those Preachers which thou dost and wilt giue in the certaine knowledge of thy blessed wil that they may from time to time both open vnto vs thine intent concerning the repairing of mankinde the saluation and redemption of our soules through thy free mercie and also teach vs how to liue in new obedience and to abstaine from carnal desires which fight against the soule Inspire thy ministers and preachers of thy word with thine holie Spirit that they may vtter thy wil purelie as they haue receiued it from thine hands retaining the forme of wholesome words and sounding onlie that doctrine which is vttered by thy Sonne out of thy bosome For otherwise departing from the order of faith and the rule of thy worde they wil greatlie obscure the light of thy doctrine and obtrude vpon vs the vanitie of their owne inuentions Wherefore let them speake thy word not deceiptfullie but syncerelie euen as from thee and in thy sight Grant also that by transforming thy ministerie into policie they Lord not ouer thine elect neither contend about superioritie and primacie in thy Church but onelie to seeke the glorie of thy Name and the saluation both of themselues and vs. Giue them libertie of speech boldlie without feare to blame and rebuke al false doctrine blasphemous superstition and abuses in thy Church Open vnto them the doore of vtterance that they may speake the mysteries of Christ and manifest them as they ought to doe so shal their doings be profitable vnto the godlie Assist them also with thine especial grace that they disgrace not their doctrine by impuritie of life but let their conuersation answere vnto the doctrine which they teach and preach Especiallie for the shepherd of my soule frō whose mouth I learne thy blessed wil I hartilie praie that thou wilt keepe him in religion syncere and pure from enormous offences in outward conuersation endue him with a long and healthful life if it be thy good pleasure that manie a good daie and yeere he may continue in preaching the gladsome voice of thy gratious Gospel among vs without contention and strife And O Sonne of God which art the Lord of al the flock worke thou effectuallie by thy preachers speake thou within vs to our harts the blessed wil of thine eternal Father and confirme thy doctrine in our minds by thine holie Spirit Grant that we may truelie know and discerne the same from the houling of wolues and from the inchanted songs of seducing hirelings and grant that we may know thee euen as thou knowest thine heauenlie Father and to walke religiouslie and righteouslie in thy sight shewing our selues to be of that holie seede which praiseth thy Name for euermore Come holie Spirit open mine hart and eares that I may conceaue the profite of thy wholesome doctrine and the sweete comfort reuealed in thine holie word by the preaching of the Gospel O Lorde I acknowledge with teares my sluggishnes carelesnes in seeking thy truth and bewaile the wretched coldnes and hardnes of mine hart beseeching thee to endue me with an vnfained longing and an ardent desire of holie Sermons Grant that in this life I may worship the feete of the preachers of peace and reuerence the true dispensors of thy mysteries thy faithful ministers with doble honor and none otherwise to obeie their godlie sermons than I woulde if a voice should sounde from the heauens Let me not for the blemishes and imperfections of some particular men vnreuerentlie conceaue of thine whole ministerie Worke also within me that despising thy word deliuered vnto vs I neuer seeke after strange reuelations or violent rauishings both besides and contrarie to thy worde but bearing alwaies in minde the order which thou hast appointed may constantlie embrace thy word manifested in the Church Finallie impart such grace vpon vs that we may imitate and folowe the good workes of holie men casting of the old man by putting on the new which is created after God in righteousnes and true holines Amen A praier for a Prince or Magistrate BLessed art thou Lord God of Sabbaoth For to thee appertaineth al magnificence and power and glorie to thee belongeth al honor and auctoritie For whatsoeuer is either in the heauens aboue or in the earth beneath it is thine Thine O Lord is the kingdome thou art aboue al Princes Kings Riches are thine glorie is thine and thou art Lorde ouer al. In thee remaineth virtue and power greatnes and gouernement O God of my Fathers Lord of mercie which hast made al things by thy word and by thy wisedome appointed man to rule the creatures which thou hast made and to gouerne the world with equitie and iustice I praise thee and extol thy glorious Name for appointing me
adorne me with the pretious stones of virtue and place vpon mine head glorie and honor that al mine ornament may be inward and that I may please thee through hoping in thy mercie For thou art mine husbande which louest me my God whom I worship and the head wherevnto I am subiect Giue me grace that I neuer delight in mine owne fairenes and so plaie the harlot following mine old louers which promise me bread and water wol flaxe oile drinke O God the holie Ghost which maintainest the loue of married folkes within our brests I humblie beseech thee inflame the heate of chaste affection betweene al married folkes Giue me wisedome discretelie to dwel with my wife considering alwaies that naturallie she is weake and for that cause I must beare with much foolishnes and swalowe vp manie sorrowes when I shal perceiue the weaknes of hir affections And for asmuch as I am the head of my wife giue mee grace with iudgement godlie both to instruct hir and to bring vp my familie in the knowledge and feare of thy Name Let me neither ouer nicelie bring them vp nor to roughlie entreate them but gently vse them that they may both continue in thy feare and yeeld me due obedience but especiallie liue godlie in thine eies Blesse thou my wife that she may proue a sweet companion vnto me louing mee vnfainedlie from the hart without dissimulation so that I may safelie trust in hir and she may render vnto mee good for good not euil for good O God which art a chaste minde make me with a chaste bodie and pure affectiō to serue thee in chaste matrimonie and neuer with a wicked eie to beholde the wife of another man to lust after hir neither yet to forsake my proper bed with the losse of my soule Driue awaie Satan the mortal enimie to this thine ordinance that he sowe not contentions braules betweene vs. Cut of al occasions of debate and sinister suspicions that so in a true conioining together of minds we may in this world liue virtuouslie and hereafter in the worlde to come raigne eternallie according to thy worde Amen Reade the praier for wedded folkes afore pag. 108. A praier for children OEternal and euerliuing God Father of our Lord Iesu Christ maker of heauen and earth which hast inioined vnto vs children that with due obedience we honor our parents which thing not onelie true religion doth exact but also natural reason doth binde vs vnto Besides thou art maruelouslie delighted with such obedience of children towarde their parents for thy Sonnes sake our Lorde And that the more willinglie we may obeie them thou hast made a singular promise of long life vnto vs. And as the obedience of children which they owe and shewe to their parents is exceedinglie grateful in thy sight so contrariwise obstinacie and disobedience is most vnsauerie and displeaseth thee The which may be gathered by the horriblenes of punishment which thou denouncest against stubborne and disobedient children I beseech thee therefore most humblie euen for thy Sonnes sake in whom onelie thou delightest lighten the eies of mine vnderstanding that aboue al I may truelie and syncerelie acknowledge thee my principal Father of whom al the familie both in heauen and earth is named and in true inuocation and thankesgiuing obeie and in true holines and righteousnes serue thee my God and heauenlie Father from whom I drewe vital breath my soule and bodie with al the faculties and powers that I haue For which cause I am bound rather to obeie thee my maker than men and to be occupied in those things which belong to thee my Father which art in heauen and cheerefullie to go about that which thou hast enioined me Secondlie giue me grace to honor mine earthlie parents in deede and word in al patience and neuer to be a cause of their sorow and griefe of minde And when their vnderstanding shal faile through age be it far fro me that I doe either disdaine or deride them albeit I am beautified with neuer so excellent gifts of nature but make me to beare with the weaknes of their age as I am bound both by thy word and in conscience to doe so shal I be blessed For he which honoreth his parents shal haue ioie of his owne children and when he maketh his praier he shal be heard O Lord forgiue thou my sinnes whereby I haue offended my louing parents O remember not the sinnes of my youth nor my rebellions but according to thy mercie remember thou me euen for thy goodnes sake O Lord. Let the example of thy Sonne my Sauior Christ which in his childhoode was obedient vnto his parents be depainted and fixed alwaies in my minde the better to obeie them which begat and haue brought me vp and to relieue them being weake either through age or sicknes For he which forsaketh his father shal come to shame and he that angreth his mother is cursed of God. Likewise let it please thee to giue me a willing hart to obeie my teachers and betters and to omit no part of dutie and reuerence which I owe so that I may alwaies declare my selfe to be a decliner from euil and a doer of good a seeker of peace and a follower of the same O Christ Iesu which hast giuen to weake yeeres the benefit of docilitie giue likewise to the towardnes of my nature the aide of thy grace that I may learne good nurture and liberal artes seruing to the aduancement of thy glory wherby the more easilie I may attaine to the knowledge of thee whom to know is perfect happines and felicitie For thou art the fountaine from whence al wisedome vnderstanding proceedeth without whom al our studies lacke good successe Wherefore at thy hands doe I beg wisedome which giuest liberallie without reproching any man. Lighten thou mine vnderstanding with thy grace that hauing learned the liberal artes and the tongues I may applie them to those endes wherevnto they serue that according to thy sacred infancie I may profite as in yeeres so in wisedome and virtue both afore thee and man O God the holie Ghost purifie mine hart by a liuelie faith that I spend not my time in vaine pleasure cockering mine affections Extinguish in me the flames of doting and filthie loue and let me neuer serue the lust of the flesh like horse and mule which haue none vnderstanding Thine hands O Lord haue made and fashioned me O giue me vnderstanding that I may learne thy Lawe I am smal and of no reputation yet wil I neuer forget thy righteousnes For thy righteousnes is a perfect righteousnes and thy Lawe is truth Amen Vse the praier for yong folks which you shal finde afore pag. 114. A praier against the Turke or anie other foraine Tyrans O Omnipotent eternal God Father of
waie where we shal not deale with mysteries as in this worlde but shal beholde thee face to face when thou hast deliuered the kingdome to God the Father and so God shal be al in al Amen A thankesgiuing after the receiuing of the holie Communion O Iesu high and eternal Priest sitting on the right hande of the throne of maiestie in the heauens gouernor of the Saints Thou art an high Priest of good things to come which by a greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with handes that is to saie not of this building neither by the blood of goates calues but by thine owne blood didst enter once into the holie place and founde eternal redemption when through the eternal spirite thou offeredst thy selfe a pure sacrifice without spot to God purging our consciences from dead workes to serue the liuing God I yeelde thee hartie thankes for suffering vpō the altar of the crosse a most shameful death for our sins and that of thine owne accorde mooued therevnto by a singular affection of good wil towards vs. I blesse thee for instituting this Sacrament of thy bodie and blood in remembrance of our euerlasting redemptiō that at no time it might slip out of our minds but be an holie signe and testimonie of thy perpetual friendship and a seale of the confirmation of the newe and eternal couenant which thou hast entred into with vs concerning the free remission and forgiuenes of our sinnes I magnifie thee also with al reuerence of mind for bidding vs miserable men and sinners both vnto the participation of thy most holie supper and also to the receiuing of al celestial riches wherein thou bestowest and appliest particularlie to euerie of vs al the merits and good things which by thine obedience and death thou hast purchased on our behalfe that we may become partners and fellow heires of eternal blessednes O sacred banket wherin heauenlie dainties are set afore vs which reuiue the soule and thou lambe of God after a wonderful and mystical manner giuest thy selfe to refresh the inwarde man. We diminish thee not in eating thee but thou endurest whole perpetuallie And although the visible signes are consumed yet canst not thou be deuoured Thou art the meate of the soule not of the bodie and fattest our minds not our bellies Thou changest the eater into thy selfe and yet art not changed into the eater as other corporal foode is changed commonlie So that we participate of thy diuine nature and thou no whit art altered into our sinful flesh I humbly beseech thee Sonne of God by thy most sacred blood shed for vs giue me grace that participating of this visible Sacrament I may withal finde and feele in mine hart the inuisible working of thine heauenlie grace which is conteined in this mysterie that this supper may be as some refreshing vnto my bodie so a special medicine of my soule Quicken and raise vp in me by this blessed Sacrament a continual remembrance of thy bitter passion make me to retaine the same firmelie and fresh in my minde and shew it foorth as an onelie and sufficient ransome of my redemption vntil thou returnest Let me neuer doubt of the forgiuenes of my sinnes which thou assurest me of by thy bodie blood in thine holy couenant concluded in thy last supper by the breaking of bread and giuing foorth the cup to thy chosen Disciples and by them to as manie as are incorporated into thy Church through Baptisme That as often as Satan assaileth vs with his deadlie tentations we may runne to our sanctuarie as it were to a strong anchor of defence apprehending the promise ratified by the seale of this couenant and neuer giue ouer in fight but stil be refreshed with newe virtue from aboue nor breake our harts through the consideration of sundrie misfortunes which the vngrateful worlde by the instinct of their capitaine the Diuel woulde bring vpon vs but calling into minde thy death into the which we are baptized may escape from al calamities So that no tribulation nor anguish nor persecution neither hunger nor nakednes neither perils nor sworde neither death neither life may separate vs from our head wherevpon being made fast by this holie Sacrament receaued we as liuing members doe depende And finallie may knowe that we are fed and refreshed by thy flesh and pretious blood that washed therewith we should not hereafter giue our selues to carnal pleasures nor feede vpon the leauen of malice and wickednes but resisting them liue in al sinceritie truth as it becommeth such as doe eate of the immaculate Paschal lambe whose life is hid with thee but when thou shalt be reuealed then shal we also appeare in glorie For this blessed meate doth truelie witnes that our bodies sprinkled with the virtue of thy quickening flesh as it were with celestial dewe shal rise againe vnto immortalitie and euerlasting glorie Wherefore giue grace that al thy Saints participating of the bread of eternal life may be replenished with the fruition of thy blessed sight for euermore in thy celestial paradise Amen Another thankesgiuing after the receipt of the holie Communion I Thank thee O Christ lambe of God for offering thy selfe vpon the altar of the crosse to thy father an offering and a sacrifice of a sweete smelling sauor to God for our sinnes to reconcile vs vnto him for certaintie whereof and confirmation of our faith thou hast instituted on our behalfe this holie Sacrament of thy supper that as often as we receiue the same we may celebrate thy memorie and with thankesgiuing remember the merite and frute of thy passion I beseech thee by thy bitter death stir vp our minds that by often receiuing this thine ordinance and institution we may consider howe bitter a death thou didst suffer on our behalfe and how great the loue was which draue thee to take so cruel and shameful a death to saue vs and withal continuallie yeelde as we are bounde hartie thanks vnto thee for the same and after the like sort answere to our power that vnspeakeable good wil by our good life and careful obseruation of thy commandements and may when either through frailetie of our flesh or by any other fault preuented we sinne runne by and by vnto thee by repentance and through consideration of this new and eternal couenant touching the remission of sinnes made with vs be erected and vpholden vnto a liuelie and constant hope O sweete Iesu grant that being fast linked vnto thee by this holie mysterie I may receaue power and strength from thee beleeuing thy promises and be wholie addicted therevnto without any doubting that so my conscience in feare and trobles may haue perfect consolation Suffer me not to be separated from the members of thy bodie which is the Church whereof thou art head fulfilling al in al but grant that abiding in thy word and kingdome I may