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A73836 Seuen godlie and fruitfull sermons. The six first preached by Master Iohn Dod: the last by Master Robert Cleauer. Whereunto is annexed, a briefe discourse, touching, 1. Extinguishing of the spirit, 2. Murmuring in affliction Dod, John, 1549?-1645.; Cleaver, Robert, 1561 or 2-ca. 1625.; Winston, John, fl. 1614-1634. 1614 (1614) STC 6944; ESTC S109731 185,148 341

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The soundnesse thereof both which are more fully laid open in that which goes before Thus much concerning the meaning and order of the words now let vs consider of such instructions as may thence arise for our learning Vers 11. And I will poure vpon the house of Dauid c. the Spirit of grace c. In that the Lord hauing promised that his Church shall bee brought to wonderfull excellencie doth set downe this as the meanes whereby he wil effect it that they shal haue the Spirit in great plenty powred downe vpon them this shall be the doctrine That the way to all happinesse and blessednesse Doct. 1 is to haue the Spirit of grace bestowed vpon vs. The Spirit of God is the author of all happinesse Whosoeuer hath not this though he bee neuer so great in the world hee is altogether wretched and miserable subiect to the curse of God and to continuall vexations and discontentments and on the other side whosoeuer hath this holy Spirit dwelling in his heart is an happy and blessed man though hee be neuer so much deiected and cast downe through outward afflictions and tribulations This point is euident in the prophecy of Isaiah Isa 32.13.14 c. where it is shewed that so long as the Spirit of God is withheld from men they haue grieuous ruines and desperate decaies among them and they still go from ill to worse being ill without and ill within but how long doth this continue Vntill the Spirit bee powred vpon them from aboue And what then The wildernesse shall become a fruitfull field That is those men and women that were like a wildernesse before bringing forth nothing but brambles and briars nothing but pride and worldlinesse and such like fruites of the flesh euen those men and women shall be as a fruitfull field being beautified and adorned with the vertues of Christ and with the graces of his Spirit and not onely so but likewise enriched with all good prosperity which the Lord seeth needfull for them Now the reasons why the Spirit maketh men so happy Reasons are these First Reas 1 because it doth mortifie and crucifie the flesh that is originall corruption Rom. 8.13 with all the lusts and fruites thereof It doth not lye still where it is suffering the soule of the party to be vnder the dominion of sinne but it abateth and consurneth it by little and little till at length his soule and body bee as cleare from sinne as Adams was before his fal So that looke how the Israelites did by degrees weare and wast the Canaanites out of the land till it was wholly brought in subiection vnto them so doth the holy Ghost destroy and root out the enemies of our soules not making them tributarie as Ioshua did some of the cursed Canaanites but spoyling them of their strength by little and little and at length vtterly consuming * This is to be vnderstood of the time of their dissolution as it appeareth by diuers other Doctrines of Master Dods as that on Isaiah Doct. 4. and Doct. 8. that God lookes not for perfection in this life See also the 3. vse of this Doct. Ephes 2.1 Rom. 8.11 1. Iohn 4.4 them so that they shall haue no place at all within vs. And as it killeth sinne so it quickeneth the dead soule and maketh the whole man apt and fit for euery good worke That Spirit which raised vp Christ Iesus from a naturall death doth also raise vs vp from the death of sinne to the life of grace and putteth more spirituall strength into vs then the flesh the world and the diuell can bring against vs. Further more in the third Chapter of the second to the Corinthians Reas 2 there are three speciall reasons to shew the happinesse of him that is endued with Gods Spirit the first whereof is this That whereas all men naturally are like the Iewes who as it is there said when they come to the meanes of saluation haue a voile vpon their minds 2. Cor. 3.14 so that they can see nothing to saue their soules to further their repentance to cause them to beleeue in Christ Iesus and to place their hope and happinesse in him as soone as euer the Spirit of grace entreth into them this blindnesse of minde and hardnesse of heart is remooued and then they are enabled soundly to vnderstand and truely to applie the word preached vnto their owne soules Verse 16. Againe it is said in the selfe same place That where the Spirit of the Lord is there is libertie Vers 17. Till such time as that doth set men free they are held fast in the cordes and chaines of iniquity and are miserable slaues vnto the vilest slaue that is euen vnto Satan himselfe who is an Apostata and a reprobate and in the most wretched slauerie that can be imagined viz. to serue sin in the lusts thereof and which is the most grieuous of all the rest they shall haue the worst wages that may be euen the curse and vengeance of God while they liue and eternall damnation of body and soule after they are dead Now when the Spirit of Christ taketh possession of vs it causeth vs to disclaime the seruice of Satan and to become seruants vnto the liuing God Rom. 6. it filleth vs full of good meditations of holy desires and spirituall affections it furnisheth vs with ability to performe the duties of religion of our callings in a word it maketh vs willing and able both to do all maner of good and to resist all manner of euill So that after wee haue receiued the holy Ghost into our hearts we shall not say This is my nature and I cannot doe otherwise but with the Apostle Paul I can doe all things through Christ that strengtheneth mee I wil neuer bee in bondage vnto my corruptions any more for grace shall haue the vpper hand of nature and the Spirit shall master the flesh and get the better of it Lastly it is added in the same place that by vertue of the Spirit wee see the glory of Christ in the Gospel and are changed into his image from glory to glory that is from one measure of knowledge and holinesse into another verse 16. Wee would thinke no price too great to be giuen for such a looking glasse as would make one that is deformed to become beautifull by the very beholding thereof how much then should wee esteeme the holy word of God which through the operation of the Spirit is made effectuall not to change the naturall visage which is a smaller matter but to alter the forme and shape of the soule and to make it very beautifull and amiable in the sight of God and of his holy Angels which was before time a most vgly and deformed creature This must needs be a maruellous great benefit for if the defacing of Gods Image be the cause of all our woe then the repairing thereof must of necessitie be the
a sort the torments of hell that they might partake of the ioyes of heauen the sound meditation thereof cannot but wound the hearts of such as haue any sparke of grace in them When it was told Dauid that Abner was slaine by Ioab though he had formerly been a rebell and was now newly reconciled vnto him yet hee mourned for him till the euening because he was a worthy man albeit he himselfe was altogether guiltlesse of his death Oh then how much more should the Saints of God lament ouer Christ Iesus who was not a worthy man but infinitly more worthy then all both men and Angels and not murdered by the treachery of another but killed by the sinnes of their soules the sins of their lips and the sinnes of their hands and if he had not been so killed they had been euerlastingly damned Put case that a man had one onely sonne which was to bee the heire of the family and hee of a sudden should find him starke dead would it not inwardly touch him and strike cold vnto his heart especially if he himselfe had vnwittingly been the cause thereof yes certainly it would go through his heart euen like a sword and such will be the griefe of those who through their transgressions haue slaine their blessed Sauiour as this very text witnesseth when they by the eye of faith doe see him heauy vnto the death crying vnto his Father in the bitternesse of his griefe being ful of torment in his bodie and fuller of anguish in his soule and that for their sakes euen for their sinnes they cannot but be exceedingly moued hereat And a little to presse the other comparison vsed in this text if the people of God did so bewaile the death of their worthy king Iosiah who yet died vnwillingly and without any intent to benefit them thereby how much more bitterlie should wee lament the death of our blessed Redeemer who was a farre greater and excellenter king then Iosiah was and yet willingly and freely laid downe his life for our sakes that he might free vs from eternall death and destruction both of our bodies and soules Questionlesse if wee haue any spirituall life and sense in vs this will make vs loath our sinnes that brought our deare Sauiour so much woe and miserie and cause vs heartily to mourne for the same euen as a man would do at the sight of a knife or sword or some such like instrument whereby at vnawares hee hath slaine his child or wife or any that was neere and deare vnto him Especiallie if wee consider that God out of his meere loue gaue his onelie Sonne vnto vs when we deserued nothing at his hands but his heauie curse and vengeance to be executed vpon vs Iohn 3.14 and that the Son of God was content from the aboundance of his loue to bee so abased and vilified so afflicted and tormented for our offences this must needes worke vpon our soules if wee haue but the least drop of goodnesse in vs. But here some man may obiect and say Obiect Indeed if al this had been done for me alone you say wel if my heart were not altogether flinty and vtterly hardened I could not but relent at the consideration hereof but all Gods elect were the cause hereof as well as I. This doth nothing diminish the loue of God and of Christ toward you Answ and therefore it should no whit lessen your good affection towards him for your Sauiour suffered as much for your iniquities as if he had suffered for no mans else for your sinnes alone required an infinite satisfaction Againe Obiect it may be asked how the consideration of Christ his death can make vs mourne sith it is the happiest thing that euer fel out since the foundations of the world were laid and therfore may seeme to bring with it greater matter of ioy then of sorrow The answere hereunto is easie Answ because ioy and sorrow may very wel stand together as may plainly appeare in this similitude If any of vs had committed some notable offence and were thereupon apprehended and condemned and now going to the place of execution there to endure whatsoeuer torture the wit or malice of men could inflict vpon vs and at this instant some deare friend of ours in singular compassion toward vs should intreate that the execution might be staied that we might be set at libertie and hee come in our steed to suffer whatsoeuer our ill deeds haue deserued we could not but be glad that we speede so well in being freed from so much miserie and yet withall if we had but naturall kindnesse and common humanity in vs it could not but grieue our soules that so good a friend of ours should be put surety should be content to sel his lands and goods for the discharge of our debts we had iust cause to reioyce thereat and yet reason requires that wee should be touched with inward griefe for that we had been such bankrouts and prouided so ill for the state of our suertie Euen so the case standeth betwixt Christ and vs he did vndergoe those punishments which were to bee inflicted vpon vs and discharged those debts which otherwise should haue been charged vpon vs in regard of our freedome wee ought to take comfort and in regard of that which our Sauiour did and suffered for vs wee must bee humbled and grieued Which serueth for the great terrour of sundrie gracelesse persons Vse 1 who being rebuked for their sinnes will confesse that indeede they haue their faults and infirmities but did not the Sonne of God die say they to redeeme vs from the same Hee did so indeed if you belong vnto him and wil you crucifie him again by your wretched and sinfull behauiour Did Christ weepe and cry and sweate droppes of blood for sinne and will you make no better vse thereof then to turne the grace of God into wantonnesse and to take your swinge in sinning because Christ hath made himselfe an offering for the same You proclaime vnto all the world that you are not led by the Spirit of grace and that you haue not a liuely faith in the merites of the Sonne of God for if you were a true beleeuer you would bee so farre from continuing in sin because Christ hath redeemed you by his blood that you would therefore abhorre it and eschue it because it cost him so deere Euen as one that hath any sparkle of ciuilitie in him if his friend haue endured great tortures to free him from the imputation of treason or haue been at great charges to deliuer him being cast in prison for debt will walke more circumspectly and aduisedlie all the daies of his life and will be so farre from aduenturing vpon those bad courses againe that hee will bee so much more carefull to auoide them by how much more paines and cost his friends haue been at for his redeeming Secondlie Vse 2 let this teach vs to exercise our thoughts often
of husbands and wiues that they shall lament apart euen they that are linked in the nearest bonds and might with most conueniencie lay open their harts each before other yet they should not content themselues with those seruices which they performed together vnlesse God and their consciences might somtimes meete in secret And as our Sauiour chose for himselfe priuate and solitary places where he might with more freedome pray vnto his Father so doth he giue the like aduice vnto others Matth. 6.6 When thou prayest saith he enter into thy chamber and when thou hast shut thy doore pray vnto thy Father which is in secret Whereby chamber hee meaneth any secret place where a man may freely lay open his wants before the Lord. Hence was it that Peter after the deniall of his master is said to goe out and there to weepe bitterly Now the cause why we must do thus is First because it wil be a witnes vnto our soules that we do duties in truth and not in hypocrisie for in secret albeit we shed teares aboundantly for our sins none can accuse vs of vain-glory neither will our owne hearts charge vs therewith whereas in publicke there may be some such suspicion in others or doubt arising in our selues And as our sorrow wil thence appeare not to be hypocriticall so will it also bee cleare vnto vs that it is not naturall nor for company such as may be in a ciuill man who seeing a great many weeping and mourning can hardly refraine himselfe from teares but will bee apt and readie to lament with them Secondly there is no man or woman but hath some sinne or other which is not meere for them to acknowledge before their nearest friends because such is the corruption of their nature they will be ready to thinke the worse of the party The most louing and wise husband that is if his wife should discouer vnto him all her thoughts and ill affections would entertaine somewhat a harder conceit of her then before he did and therefore God would haue many sinfull cogitations and motions laid open onely vnto himselfe who is infinitely mercifull and pittifull and not vnto any creature in the world beside This doctrine serueth for the iust reproofe of many professonis Vse 1 who are all in the Church and nothing in the familie or if they haue prayer and reading of the Scriptures twice a day publicke with their whole family they imagine that they haue gone as farre as they need to do though they neuer throughout the whole week performe any seruice vnto the Lord in secret neuer conscionably meditate on the word neuer earnestly bewaile and confesse their hidden corruptions neuer feruently cry vnto the Lord for the sauing graces of his holy Spirit nor performe any such duty apart as all Christians are bound to do Such kind of persons may assure themselues that their hearts are not right with God and that they are not led by the Spirit of grace which drawes those in whom it reigneth vnto the performance of good duties apart as well as with companie in their closets in their chambers in the fields or in some such priuate places or other as well as in the Church or with the whole societie where they liue How much more are those to be condemned who are so farre from seruing the Lord in secret that they either refuse to do it in publike or if they affoord their bodily presence yet they are idle or profane or wanton in their lookes and in their gestures letting all that are neare them see the vile disposition of their hearts by their leaud and abominable carriage These sinfull wretches are so farre from being excused by being at religious exercises that they are much to bee condemned for that in the land of righteousnesse as the Prophet speaketh they worke wickednes and in the places where they should shew al manner of holines they expresse such notable profanenes These are euen like Iudas who was plotting to betray his master euen then when he was at the Lords table to bee partaker of the holy Sacrament and they shall speede euen as hee did for when affliction and misery seazeth vpon them as come it wil sooner or later if they preuent it not by hearty repentance then shall they not bee able to stand before the Lord nor before the face of their accusing consciences but shall be ouerwhelmed with horrour and amazement and be moreready to lay violent hands on themselues then to seeke vnto the Lord for mercy whom they haue so hainouslie and presumptuously offended Secondly let vs hence learne to bee the same alone for matters of godlinesse as we are in company and to do duties when no body sees vs euen because God beholds vs as well as when many eyes are cast vpon vs. This will be a testimonie vnto our soules of great sincerity and vprightnes and these priuate exercises of religion wil maruellously fit vs for the publike And thence it comes to passe that many are so loth to appeare before God in the congregation or in the family and do feele the seruices of God so tedious and wearisome because their hearts haue not been exercised therewith in secret for he that deales with his owne soule alone shall find so many defects in himselfe that he will be very desirous of the helpe of the Saints in publike assemblies Therfore let vs tie our selues euery day to spend some time in meditating on the word in searching our harts in hūbling our selues for our offences past presēt in praying to the Lord to strengthen vs where we are weake to resolue vs where we are in doubt to shew vs our errours and to direct vs in the right way to let vs see our wants and to supply them of his rich grace let vs I say constantlie performe these and the like duties in secret and then shall it bee plaine vnto our soules that wee are guided by Gods good Spirit And howsoeuer the diuell will obiect that wee are not sincere because we haue many times more in shew outwardly then wee haue in substance inwardly yet hereby shall we be able to approue the sinceritie of our hearts that albeit we haue not that within vs which wee seeme to haue yet wee desire to haue it and striue to attaine to it and he only is an hypocrite which neither hath nor desires to haue that which he maketh semblance to haue The end of the first Sermon vpon the twelfth of Zechariah THE SECOND SERMON VPON THE SIXTH OF LVKE LVKE 6.47 c. Vers 47. Whosoeuer commeth tome and heareth my words and doth the same I will shew you to whom he is like 48. He is like a man which built an house and digged deepe and laid the foundation on a rocke and when the waters arose the floud beate vpon that house and could not shake it for it was grounded vpon a rocke 49. But he that heareth and doth not is like a man
of them that because they liue a ciuill life and pertake of the word and the sacraments thinke they haue gone farre enough and account themselues very good Christians this is but to be a builder one of the ill grounds one of the fiue foolish Virgins and therefore as yet their case is wofull Secondly if those that goe so farre be notwithstanding miserable then how cursed are they that haue not proceeded so farre that are not builders but destroyers of themselues and others by their corrupt speeches and by their leaud example and course of life that are not arable grounds but altogether a wilde waste that are not Virgins but doe still commit spirituall whoredome and that in the sight of all the world against the Lord God of heauen that is a iealous God If their fall shall be horrible and fearefull that build and that with the good word of God because they build on an ill foundation how terrible must their iudgement needs bee that come so farre behind such in any shew of goodnesse and goe so farre beyond them in euerie kinde of grosse wickednesse If these grounds that made shew of fruitfulnesse be accursed because they bring not forth ripe fruite then what shall become of them that will not endure any plowing at all but bring foorth bryars and brambles and all maner of poysoned weeds And if it went so hard with those that were Virgins and went with their lamps to meet the bride-groome then what must their doome be that are not Virgins but adulterers and adulteresses that loue the earth more then heauen and earthlie things more then heauenly things that would rather bee at a table of good cheare where their bodies may be pampered then at the Lords table where their soules might be fedde vnto eternall life Certainly these mens iudgement sleepeth not and when it ouertaketh them woe vnto them for their case will be most lamentable Neither neede they cry out against hypocrites for they are tenne times worse then hypocrites and their punishment must be sutable Thirdlie this is for instruction that sith hypocrites seeme to draw in the same yoake of sincerity with the Saints of God therefore we should search our hearts and our thoughts and not onely build aboue ground Ier. 17. but looke whether our foundation be good for the heart is deceitfull aboue all things yet the word of God tryeth it that setteth it as it were vpon the racke and is as a two-edged sword that diuideth betweene the heart and the reines and findeth out all shifts and excuses whatsoeuer But that we may more plainely perceiue the way how to get a sincere heart let vs obserue these directions following The first shall be taken out of the text namely How to get and tr●e an vpright heart that we must digge and search into our consciences and when we find any corruption therein we must cast it forth It is not sufficient to say indeed I find an ill foundation but there is no remedie I must build vpon it nay a good builder will not doe so but throw out euery thing that might endanger his foundation And so should wee deale with sinne and thereby may we try our plainnesse if we can soundly iudge our selues and be glad to be admonished of others it is a signe that there is vprightnesse in vs as it is an euident token that he minds to haue a good foundation that when his neighbour comes with a spade and tels him I see you haue much adoe heere and that you neede helpe I will ioyne with you is glad of this newes and thankfully acceps of him and of his labour This is contrary vnto the Scribes and Pharisies practise who had little to say against the gifts of Iohn Baptist and of Christ but when they came to digge at their pride and couetousnesse and cruelty they could not endure it Secondly another triall is at whose sinnes wee grieue most An hypocrite is the sorest and busiest digger of all but it is in other mens ground but he that would haue a good foundation must be most industrious in purging his owne soule from iniquitie That was a complaint that Ieremie made Ier. 8.6 that no man said What haue I done but all the stirre of hypocrites is what others haue done Whereas if we could come to this I haue liued in this sinne I haue broken promise I haue been vnfaithfull in Gods seruice what way may I take to get peace vnto my soule This were the way indeed to get a sound heart and this is a good argument of a sound hart when the sinnes of our owne soules doe more vexe vs then all the iniuries that men haue done or can do against vs and therefore we are euer busie in searching out the hidden corruptions that lye lurking within our soules that so our foundation may remaine still vnmoueable for this is the difference betwixt an earthly house and a spirituall that the one needeth but once to haue a sure foundation laid but the other requireth daily looking too There is some one corruption or other that must be cast forth so that Christians are searching and digging builders who albeit they seeme to themselues to bee very blind yet they get the greatest measure of knowledge and though they be very dead in their owne feeling yet they carrie away the life of God and the life of grace Verse 47. Whosoeuer heareth my words and doth the same c. is like a man that built an house and digged deepe or as it is in Matthew is like a wise builder who before he be at any cost wil be sure of a good foundation or else all his labour is lost Now the foundation of a Christian is his practise whence ariseth this point that They are the blessedest hearers of the word Doct. 2 that are the best practisers of the same Hearing and doing must go together Therefore is it that Christ Iesus pronounceth such blessed as heare the word and doe it Luke 11.28 Yea more blessed then the virgin Mary was for bearing Christ in her wombe for that alone could not haue saued her whereas the word of God heard and practised is sufficient to bring the soule to euerlasting life and not so alone but it also giues the parties right vnto and the enioyment of all manner of outward blessings whatsoeuer as is shewed at large Deut. 28. Leuit. 26. The reasons why such are blessed are these Reasons 1 First because they shal be able to stand it out in all manner of temptations so that though all the diuels in hell were turned loose vpon them they should be more then conquerours ouer them all Secondly this maketh for the increasing of their happinesse that they shal still grow in knowledge For our Sauiour saith Iohn 7.17 If any one wil do his wil he shal know of the doctrine whether it be of God or no. You shall haue many who before the receiuing of
cause of all our happinesse A fifth reason why their state is so happy that are endued with Gods spirit is because that is it which comforteth and strengtheneth them in all their temptations and troubles Those that are destitute of this holy comforter when aduersity lighteth vpon them do either fret or faint either fall to murmuring or to desperation but those that haue their hearts replenished with the holy Ghost doe then most strongly reioice when tribulations and miseries lye most heauily vpon them as the Apostles when they were most grieuously persecuted are said then to be filled with the holy Ghost Acts 4.31 And what of that Acts 5.41 Then they reioyced that they were counted worthy to suffer rebuke for Christ his name And as Pauls sufferings did abound 2. Cor. 1.5 so did his consolations in Christ abound also So that when comfort is comfort indeed and when life it selfe would go vnlesse comfort came then doth the holy Ghost most plenteously refresh the heart with inward ioy and contentment 1. Pet. 1.6.8 according to that saying of the Apostle Peter Now for a season yee are in heauinesse and yet reioyce with ioy vnspeakable and glorious Hitherto the reasons alleaged haue tended chiefely to his euen to shew what good the Spirit of grace bringeth vnto our selues Now further there is a sixth reason for the confirmation of this point which is that it doth also make vs exceeding profitable vnto others which is a very great addition vnto our blessednes Al the wit learning and art in the world cannot make a man to bee a constant and conscionable doer of good but Gods spirit alone must doe that and therfore goodnesse is set downe as a fruit thereof Gal. 5.22 And in the sixth chapter of that Epistle ver 1. the Apostle saith If any man be ouertaken by any offence ye that are spirituall restore such a one not ye that are wittie or learned c. For no man can be a good Physitian vnto others but he that hath first wrought a cure vpon his owne soule in which regard the Apostle Paul saith 2. Cor. 1.4 We are able to comfort others with the consolations wherewith wee our selues haue been comforted Looke then who is most spirituall and wee shall find that he doth alwaies most good Therefore was it that when the Apostles were to conuert the whole world and to batter downe hell gates vpon Satans head they had the Spirit plentifullie poured downe vpon them Acts 2. which filled them so ful of heauenly wisdome and courage and zeale that they did that which al the Kings and Monarches of the earth could neuer haue effected by all their power and policie So also when Christ was to doe the greatest good that euer any creature did the Lord saith that his Spirit shall rest vpon him and thereby was he fitted to go through with the great worke of our redemption Isai 11.1 For as it is in that place the Spirit of the Lord is a Spirit of wisdome and vnderstanding making those that haue it to be of a sound iudgement and able to search into the hidden things of God a Spirit of counsell to guide and direct them and of power to strengthen and confirme them though they were neuer so feeble and weake a Spirit of knowledge and of the feare of the Lord to make such as are indued therewith prudent in his feare as there the Prophet speaketh Now seeing it is cleare by these reasons that the hauing of this holy spirit is the way to al happines First of al Vse 1 this may serue for the iust reproofe of those that would faine liue happily and comfortably and yet neuer had any feruent longing nor made any earnest request for Gods Spirit and the graces thereof they plainely manifest themselues to be ignorant and carnall persons that do not yet know what true happinesse meanes Secondly here are those much more sharply to be rebuked who thinke it best not to be led by the Spirit but rather by the lusts of the flesh and the lusts of the eyes imagining in their folly and madnesse that if they can heape together a great deale of wealth and aduance themselues and theirs to great places in the world then they shall be happy men and leade a merry and cheerefull life albeit they neuer take any care nor vse any endeuour to get the spirit of grace into their hearts but rather think them to be out of their wits that labor to be spiritual Wil these men know what their estate is the Apostle telleth them Rom. 8.9 If any man haue not the Spirit of Christ the same is not his and if hee bee not his 2. Cor. 13. he is for the present a bondslaue of Satan and in the state of a reprobate and if such can bee happy men then are they happy otherwise not If it were possible that for their outward condition of life they could be equal vnto Adam in paradise yet must they needs be very miserable as he was when the spirit of God was taken from him it was not the gardē of Eden that could then yeeld him contentment but he was in farre greater miserie and perplexity in that place then many theeues are in the dungeon or vpon the gallowes when they are ready to be turned ouer He that hath the spirit of God as Paul had shall find a heauen in prison in sicknesse in death it selfe whereas he that hath it not shall find a hell though he liued in as good a place as the very paradise of God was Thirdly here is an vse of instruction viz. that wee should search and try whether wee haue the Spirit or not for it is not a matter of small consequence but such as neerely concerneth vs. If then we would be resolued of this point How we may discerne whether we haue the spirit or not Gal. 5.17 let vs first examine whether there be in vs that continuall warre and conflict mentioned Gal. 5.17 between the flesh and the Spirit which al godly men do find and feele in themselues more or lesse for as the Apostle there speaketh The flesh lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh Now this combat is generall throughout all the powers and faculties of the soule as to giue instance in the chiefe of them First in the vnderstanding part there is a conflict betweene carnall reason and the iudgement rightly informed by Gods word as in this particular A good man is railed vpon and vndeseruedlie traduced and vilified in this case reason will thus play its part Why should you beare it at his hand are not you his better haue you not him at an aduantage Why should you not take him downe and giue him as good as he brings Nay saith the Spirit you must not render euill for euill Rom. 12. Matth. 5. but rather ouercome euill with goodnesse and blesse them that curse you and
that The lusts of your father yee will do As those that are willing to do the workes of God are assuredly the children of God euen so they that are ready to doe the workes of Satan are without doubt the children of Satan and if they will pray vnto their father they must pray vnto the Diuell Againe in that very place it is said that the Spirit helpeth our infirmities Rom. 8.26 for wee know not what to pray as we ought but the Spirit it selfe maketh requests for vs with sighes that cannot be expressed where it is euident that the best of Gods seruants without the helpe and assistance of the holy Ghost are ignorant both of the matter and manner of prayer but the Spirit doth informe their minds what to aske and frame their affections how to aske in an holy and acceptable sort so that albeit sometimes they want words to expresse their meaning yet they are ful of inward sighes heauenly desires But what are they the better for them will some say if they cannot poure them foorth before the Lord in an outward forme of prayer They are much the better because as it is in the 27. verse He that searcheth the harts knoweth the meaning of the spirit and he so knoweth it that he approueth of it and delighteth in it If there bee neuer so many good words and those vttered by the very Saints of God themselues yet if they proceede not from the Spirit but from the flesh as sometimes they may they are not pleasing vnto the Lord but abhorred of him And on the other side albeit there be no words at al as many times it fals out when the hart is oppressed through extremity of griefe yet if there bee a multitude of holy desires in the soule stirred vp through the powerful working of the holy Spirit they are accepted of him and shal bee rewarded by him for as it is added in the place aboue named The Spirit euē at such times maketh requests for the Saints according to the will of God And therefore their suits according with his will he cannot but yeeld vnto the same Againe Iohn 16.8 it is the proper worke of the Spirit to conuince the iudgement of sinne and to humble the heart therefore without which there can no faithfull prayer be made vnto the Lord. Bring neuer so strong reasons to adulterers or gamesters or Sabbath-breakers or any that liue in the continuall practise of such dangerous and damnable sins and presse them neuer so forcibly to cause them to forsake their leaud and wretched courses and yet can they not see why they should leaue them but rather imagine that they may lawfully follow the same still And no maruell for till the God of heauen do set downe their carnall reason it can neuer be set downe and till he stop their mouthes they will neuer be silenced but still haue somewhat to say for their wretched and vile behauiour Seeing then it is euident Reasons collected from the former places that Gods Spirit alone can perswade vs of the loue and fauor of our heauenly Father towards vs that so we may be in case to pray vnto him and withal must furnish vs with the matter and helpe vs in the manner of our praiers and humble vs in the sight of our owne miserable wants that so we may bee more earnest and feruent in the requests that wee make the point now in hand may hence bee strongly concluded to wit that none can make a faithfull prayer without the speciall aide and direction of the holy Ghost which serueth First for the confutation of those senselesse people Vse 1 that will bee talking and bragging how they pray day and night They that know what it is to lift vp a feruent prayer vnto the heauens doe easily discerne that they are but meere braggers and boasters and that indeede they neuer made one faithful praier since they were borne because they are and still haue been sensuall and carnall and vtterly void of any sanctifying grace of Gods spirit and therefore so farre are they from hauing any cause of reioycing in regard of their good prayers as they cal them that they haue great cause to be humbled for them as being workes of the flesh and not of the Spirit such as doe rather prouoke the Lords displeasure against them then pacifie his anger or any way procure his fauour towards them Such are the prayers of all blind and ignorant Papists who pray in an vnknowne tong to whom it may bee said as it was by our Sauiour vnto the sons of Zebedeus Ye know not what ye ask They may speake what they list of their often praying and how readily they can go through with their stint and taske but they that vnderstand what it is to bring God and their owne soules together in earnest requests and feruent supplications cannot but iudge them to bee bragging Pharisees who thinke that the Lord is beholding vnto them and indebted vnto them for such prayers whereas in truth he may iustly condemne them vnto hell for the same and wil do so if they be not humbled for them as well as for the rest of their iniquities And therfore they that haue indeed the Spirit of prayer are of another mind for when they haue vsed the best preparation that possibly they can they find so many defects in their prayers that they are driuen to make a new prayer for the pardoning of those their wants and are stirred vp heartily to praise the Lord whē they can in any poore measure powre out their soules before him as knowing that it is not from any strength that they haue in themselues but from the help and furtherance of his good Spirit Secondly let this be an instruction vnto vs that if wee would pray aright and speed accordingly wee labour as Iude exhorteth to pray in the holy Ghost Iude vers 20. For those be the petitions that pierce the heauens and bring peace and comfort vnto the conscience But how shall we know whether ●ur prayers proceed from Gods Spirit or not for our sinfull hearts are apt to deceiue vs on both sides viz. either to make vs thinke through Satans suggestion that wee doe not pray in the holy Ghost because we haue so many frailties when in truth we doe or that we pray as wee ought to doe because we haue matter and words at will when indeed there is no such thing but onely a naturall gift of vttering that which is in our mindes and memories in apt and fit tearmes and in a fluent manner of speech Therefore if wee would know what it is to pray in the holy Ghost it is this First Rules for prayer wee must haue a warrant for the things that wee aske and that from the word of God where the Lords will is reuealed 1. Iohn 5.14 according wherunto all our petitions must be framed In which regard we must acquaint our selues with
saith the Prophet Zephany Zeph. 1.14.15 In the great day of the Lords wrath the strong man shall cry bitterly Now crying is an argument of great perplexity and anguish and of basenesse of mind when it proceedeth from outward causes and yet the Prophet saith that the strong men and such as did professe fortitude should cry and that bitterly and the more couragious they had been in sin the more cowardly they should bee when the Lord did visit them for sinne Lastly Obiect there are others that thinke to cary out their vile practises by reason of their noble parentage their high places the multitude of their attendants the largenesse of their substance c. If they say the word who can hinder the deed who dare controll them or crosse them If any thinke himselfe wronged say they let him take his aduantage and seeke his remedy c. See the haughtinesse of flesh and blood when once it is set on horse-backe Answ but suppose that men dare not encounter them doe they imagine that the Lord will be afraid of their bigge words and bigge lookes if they do they are much deceiued Pharaoh Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzer were as great and as proud as most of these braggers yet did not the Lord strike them with horrour and amazement and make them see and know that hee was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords Satan hath all that worldly men can haue and a great deale more both of wit and wealth and company and courage and command and yet for all this the very consideration of Gods indignation maketh him to tremble according to that of the the Apostle Iames Iam. 2.19 Thou beleeuest that there is one God the diuels also beleeue and tremble And how then can they thinke to escape the terrours of the Lord who though they be great in the world yet come farre behinde the Prince of the world in greatnesse Let experience speake in this point Note when the Lord tooke away our gracious Queene and there was likelihood either of a ciuill dissension or forren inuasion howbeit the Lord miraculously deliuered vs from them both who were then least troubled with feares those that were great in the world or such as were great in Gods fauour And now that the Lord doth visit our cities and townes and villages with the pestilence who are they that are most couragious surely those that truly feare the Lord they think it the safest course to exercise themselues in the workes of their callings and not to runne hither and thither and to come vnto the publike assemblies of the Saints and not to neglect the feeding of their soules for feare of endangering their bodies whereas the wealthie and great ones of the world hide their heads in a corner being very vnwilling to aduenture vpon any good work that either God or man calleth them vnto if there bee but the least appearance of any perill Therefore in the second place if we would be void of those terrours that wicked men are subiect vnto Vse 2 and be able with boldnes to hold vp our heads when Gods iudgements are abroad in the world then let vs obserue these directions following First Remedies against hellish feares 1. Feare to offend See M. Duds booke Com. 1. Psal 112. let vs beware of all manner of sinnes that no iniquitie haue entertainment with vs and labour to bee at one with the Lord that so our consciences may be at one with vs which if wee can attaine vnto we shall be strongly fortified against all vnnecessary feares According to that in the Psalme Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord c. He shall not be afraid of euill tidings c. Where the Prophet sheweth that hee is an happie man that is truly religious and sheweth it forth by fearing of God and delighting in his commandements and by performing the duties of loue and mercy towards his brethren for as hee shall bee freed from all hurtfull euils so shall hee bee exempted from all passionate feare thereof Note Many wicked men haue not the plague in their houses and yet are plagued with the feare of it and many godly men haue their families visited therewith and yet are not perplexed with such terrors and the reason is yeelded in that place because their harts are fixed and established and beleeue in the Lord. That is the foundation whereupon they build their courage and confidence euen the Lord himselfe who is a sure stay to those that relie vpon him His children know that nothing can befall them without his prouidence that nothing shall betide them but he will support them vnder it and make them to profit by it and what cause then haue they to be distēpered If therfore we desire to haue stil quiet harts when others shal be euen at their wits end then let vs get the brestplate of righteousnesse and innocencie for the righteous is bold as a Lion Let vs feare sin before it be committed Prou. 28.1 and when we are tempted therunto say with Iob Are there not strange punishments for the workers of iniquity Iob 31. Will not the Lord be angry with me if I should commit this wickednesse will not mine owne heart be discomforted will not my spirit be made sad within mee how shall I bee able to looke the Lord in the face if hee should lay his hand in any feareful manner vpon me or mine when I haue so prouoked him to his face c Thus if wee could fright our hearts from offending the Maiestie of God wee should bee as bold as Iob was when the waues of aduersity flow in vpon vs on euery side The Lord saith he hath giuen Iob 1.21 Iob. 13.15 and the Lord hath taken blessed be the name of the Lord. And in another place Though the Lord should kill me yet will I trust in him He feared sinne which is the sting of crosses and therefore were his crosses lesse terrible vnto him when they came and so will they be vnto vs if we carefully eschew those corruptions which otherwise will enuenome and poyson them vnto vs. this is the first means to arme vs against feares viz. to take heed of sinne before it bee committed But if it be committed Repentance for offences committed the next remedie is to stand in awe of Gods iudgements due vnto the same and so to be led on to true repentance The best way to escape desperate feare is to fright our soules with an holy feare For if we iudge our selues we shall not be iudged of the Lord. Excellent for this purpose is that answere of Huldah the Prophetesse vnto good Iosiah Because thine heart did melt saith she and thou hast humbled thy selfe before the Lord 2. King 22.19.20 when thou heardest what I spake against this place and against the inhabitants of the same to wit that it should bee destroyed and accursed and hast rent thy cloathes wept before
me I haue also heard thee saith the Lord. Behold therefore I will gather thee to thy fathers and thou shalt bee put in thy graue in peace and thine eyes shall not see all the euill that I will bring vpon this place And agreeable to this is the speech of Habakkuk When I heard my belly trembled Habak 3.16 my lips shooke at thy voice rottennesse entred into my bones and I trembled in my selfe But what benefit had he by that That I might haue rest in the day of trouble So that wee see the best way to bee quiet and peaceable in our selues in troublesome times is to be disquiet in our hearts for sinne before troubles do approach A third remedy is Feare of Gods iudgements to feare Gods iudgements when wee behold them vpon others and if wee haue been sinfull before yet then to seeke a reconciliation with God before his displeasure arife against vs. It was the wisdome of the Gibeonites Iosh 9. when they saw Ierico and Ai vanquished and destroyed not to stand it out with Ioshuah but to make a league with him if they could deale so prouidētly with him for their bodies much more should wee with the Lord for our soules When the wise captaine came vnto Elijah with his fiftie men considering how the two former captaines had been consumed with fire from heauen hee humbleth himselfe and saith O man of God 2. King 1.13 I pray thee let my life be precious in thy sight In like manner when we heare that the people of the land are taken away by hundreds and thousands seeing wee are guiltie of the same sinnes that they were we should cast downe our soules before the Lord and beseech him that our liues may bee precious in his sight but especially that our soules may bee spared that though our bodies should perish yet our transgressions being pardoned our better part may be preserued See the second Sermon on Lament 3. v. 57. Feare not and euerlastingly saued This is the best receipt that any can take against the venome of the pestilence that he may be sure it shall neuer hurt him And thus much of the remedies against hurtfull feares Because God is in the generation of the iust This is one reason why it must needs goe hardly with wicked men that are deuourers and spoilers of Gods people because the Lord himselfe is among them to take notice of all the iniuries and indignities which they sustaine and to reuenge their quarrel vpon their enemies that are stronger then they Doct. 2 whence ariseth this point of doctrine that the Lord is euer present with all righteous men Good men neuer want good company A good man neuer wanteth good company for whersoeuer a Christian is there God himselfe is with him and in him and round about him so that none are so neare vnto one another as the Lord is vnto his people Now that hee is alwaies thus present with his children Reuel 1.13 appeareth in the Reuelation Where Christ is said to walke in the middest of the seuen golden Candlesticks that is of the seuen Churches so that it is his ordinary walke to go in and out amongst his seruants Neither hath hee a generall care of the whole Church onely but hee hath an eye also vnto euery particular member as will appeare in seuerall examples When Iacob was all alone trauelling towards Padan Aram there being no towne neare and the night drawing on he was faine to take vp his lodging in the open field but that night the Lord shewed himselfe present with Iacob and he saw that hee had acquaintance euen in that solitarie place for God tooke notice of him and renewed with him his couenant made vnto Abraham and Isaac Gen. 28.15 and made him a promise to be with him whithersoeuer he went c. So that that night was one of the comfortablest nights that euer Iacob had The like we reade of Eliiah that when hee fled from Iezabell there was one knew him in the wildernesse and brought him his dinner euen an Angell sent from God 1. King 18. and afterward when hee was vpon mount Horeb the Lord tooke knowledge of him and called him by his name What doest thou here Eliiah Yea Ionah found fauour from God where no body else could come vnto him euen in the bottome of the sea Whence it is euident that the Lord is euery where with his people How God is present with his And that First by his wisedome to giue them good direction To direct them in which regard Christ that is called a counsellour Isa 9. is said to be in the middest of the seuen golden Candlestickes cloathed with a garment downe to the feete as was the manner of counsellours in those times Reuelat. 1.13 So that he is euermore ready to resolue vs in our doubts to aduise vs in our actions and in our speeches and to direct vs what and how to do and speake according as occasion shall be offered Secondly he is present by his power as a gracious protector of his children To defend them Isa 53.1.2 according to that of the Prophet Isaiah When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the flouds that they doe not ouerflow thee When thou walkest through the very fire thou shalt not bee burnt neither shall the flame kindle vpon thee Where we may see that the Lord promiseth to be with his Church in a wonderfull manner and to bee a defence and safegard vnto them in the most perillous times euen when they should passe through fire and water Thirdly he is present with his children by his Spirit as a comforter To comfort them to refresh their hearts in all extremities Christ foretelleth his Disciples that in the world they should meet with many sorrowes which should cause them to mourne when others did reioyce but withall hee promiseth to send them the comforter euen the blessed Spirit of grace Ioh. 14.6 which should minister vnto them abundance of consolation euen in the middest of the persecutions and sufferings which they endured for Christ his sake And that which was promised vnto them all the members of Christ shall feele in themselues for God is he that comforteth the abiect 2. Cor. 7.6 one as well as another without exception By this now which hath beene spoken it may easily bee discerned how the Lord is present with his seruants viz. by his wisdome to direct them by his power to preserue them and by his Spirit to comfort them and that God hath been and is thus present still will be very euident if wee consider the state of the Church what it is what it hath been namely still beset with many and mighty aduersaries that haue vsed and doe vse their wit and wealth and power and friends and all meanes that possibly they can deuise for the razing and vtter ouerthrowing of Gods people Note and
should wee esteeme of them though they be as mighty as Zenacherib was for when he sent a disdainfull and scornefull message vnto Hezekiah and the rest of Gods people hee was indeed ignominious because he was impious and blasphemous he was vile in Gods sight and hee made him appeare vile both before men and Angels Isa 37.22 according to that of Isaiah The virgin daughter of Sion hath despised thee and laughed thee to scorne Thirdly let vs consider as what they are for the present so what they shall be hereafter and that the same Prophet Isaiah sheweth saying Feare yee not for the reproch of men Isa 517.8 neither he yee afraid of their rebukes For the moath shall eate them vp like a garment and the worme shall eate them like wood But wil some man say what great matter is this Obiect 1 shall not the wormes consume the good as wel as the bad Yes surely Answ that cannot bee denied and yet there is an euident difference betweene the wicked and the godly Note euen in this respect for though righteous mens bodies become wormes meate yet it is not in any displeasure from the Lord nor for any hurt vnto them for they are still pretious in his eyes as their soules are which euen then enioy celestiall happinesse and besides euen those bodies of theirs shall be restored and bee made euerlastingly glorious together with their soules all which things are farre otherwise with such sinfull persons as delight themselues in scoffing and deriding of the Saints of God their bodies are at best when they are deuoured by wormes they can neuer expect better but that which is farre worse shall surely come vnto them Fourthly that we may be inabled in conscience to swallow vp such reproaches as are cast vpon vs Meditate on the reward let vs seriously meditate on the reward which is promised vnto them that can so doe Mat. 5.11.12 Blessed are you saith our Sauiour when men reuile you and persecute you and speake all manner of euill against you for my names sake falsely Reioyce and bee glad for great is your reward in heauen And againe 1. Pet. 4.14 the Apostle Peter saith If yee bee railed vpon for the name of Christ blessed are ye for the spirit of glory and of God resteth vpon you This made Moses to esteeme the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt for saith the holy Ghost hee had respect vnto the recompence of the reward Heb. 11.26 Therefore when wee finde our hearts beginning to bee dismaied at the bitter taunts and iests of prophane scoffers let vs animate our selues vnto patience with these or the like considerations why should I bee discouraged at these things sinfull men seeke to vilifie and disgrace mee but doth God thinke euer the worse of me I am base and contemptible in their eyes but doe the Angels of God or any of his Saints conceiue any whit more hardly of mee in that regard Nay doth not the Lord himselfe and such as haue his image most liuely shining forth in them esteeme me so much more honourable by how much they labour to make me more vile and abiect in regard of my well doing Why then should I faint vnder the burthen of reproch wherewith they doe still load me especially seeing that this momentanie disgrace which I sustain for Christ his cause shall bring vnto me an eternal and inualuable weight of glory Of the poore From which words note this Doctrine Doct. 4 The godly vsually afflicted that the estate of Gods people is commonly a poore and afflicted estate Therefore in the originall the word poore is not vsed in the Plurall number but in the Singular and carries this sense ye haue made a mocke of the counsell of that poore one implying thereby what is the common case of al namely to bee full of calamities and distresses through many tribulations to enter into the kingdome of God Act. 14.22 Rom. 8. and to be conformable vnto their head Christ in afflictions and sufferings And this the Lord in his wise prouidence will haue to be so for these reasons First Reasons that thereby the flesh might bee discountenanced and haue no cause to reioyce before him 1. Cor. 2. Secondly that men might embrace religion for it selfe and in conscience vnto God not in any outward respects Whereas if most of those that are Christians were of great place many would make a shew of being religious Note that they might thereby grow to aduancement in the world and so seeke earthly things in spirituall exercises Thirdly that his children might grow in nearer acquaintance with him who otherwise would be strangers vnto their owne father Hos 5.15 In their affliction saith God they will seeke me diligently Before that time they would rather sue vnto any then vnto the Lord therefore was hee driuen to break them with one breaking vpon another that so hauing no other refuge to betake themselues vnto they might haue recourse vnto him This is cleare in the example of Manasse who being in bonds and in irons humbled his soule before the Lord and praied vnto him for fauour and mercy and found it at his hands whereas before such time as hee was pressed downe with grieuous misery hee obstinately refused to hearken vnto the Lord and to his messengers and was so far from calling vpon his name that hee dishonoured it by al manner of abominations 2. Chron. 33.2 which he committed with an high hand euen to anger the Lord. Fourthly God would haue his people often to taste of aduersities troubles that so they might learne to trust in him whereas otherwise they would make the arme of flesh to bee their stay and confidence This the Lord himselfe auoucheth in the prophecie of Zephanie saying Zeph. 3.12 I will leaue in the middest of thee an humble and poore people and they shall trust in the name of the Lord. This point maketh for the confutation of an errour which withholdeth diuers from the profession of the Gospell Is this the word of God Vse is this your holy ministery say they and are these your good men that doe embrace the same a companie of simple base fellowes of poore Artificers and the like who can imagine this to bee the truth which such kinde of men as these doe giue credence vnto How many Gentlemen or Noblemen or men of learning and policie are of their minds and for those that are haue they not manifold afflictions in their hearts or vpon their bodies and estates This is iust the cauill of the Pharisies against the doctrine of our Sauiour Neuer spake man like this man say the officers that were sent to take him Ioh. 7.46.47 but did not Then answered the Pharisies Are yee also deceiued Doth any of the Rulers or of the Pharisies beleeue in him but this people which know not the law are accursed Therfore let not vs bee
and thither without any warrant as a masterlesse hound but let him follow his businesse with a quiet heart and looke for comfort from aboue and he shall bee sure not to misse of it We reade in the 11. chapter of Iohns Gospell Iohn 11.7 that when Christ was about to goe into Iudea his Disciples disswaded him saying Master the Iewes sought lately to stone thee and doest thou goe thither againe as if they should say haue you no more care of your owne safety but to runne euen vpon the swords point and to cast your selfe into the Lions mouth But Iesus answered are there not twelue houres in the day if a man walke in the day he stumbleth not because he seeth the light of this world as if he had said though wicked men goe about to kill me yet seeing God calleth methither for all their madnesse they shall not be able to hurt me for I walke in the light all the while that I goe about my fathers businesse and as there is no danger of stumbling so long as a man hath the day light to guide him so is there no perill to bee seared from men so long as a man hath the light of a good confcience to assure him that hee is about those works which God calleth him vnto Indeed if a man be otherwise imployed then he walkes in the night as our Sauiour speaketh and then he may dangerously indeed Psal 91.11.12 But so long as men keepe in their waies the Lord will haue an eye vnto them to preserue and keepe them and his Angels shall carrie them in their hands that they hurt not their soot against a stone And there is good reason why it should be so Reason for so long men doe much honour God as they keepe themselues within the limits of their owne callings and therfore he cannot chuse but watch ouer them in goodnesse Now that they doe honour God thereby appeareth by that of our Sauiour where he saith I haue glorified thee vpon earth How proues he that I haue finished the worke which thou gauest me to doe Here then are those to be reproued Vse 1 that when any trouble is neare them doe busie their heads and disquiet their owne hearts as if by their carking toiling they would do wonderfull things but the Lord hath made this proclamation that your strength is to sit still and therefore it is your weakenesse to be ouer busie at such times and to exceede the bounds of your calling in vsing vnwarrantable shifts To giue instance in some particulars many are so afraid of pouerty that they wil not be content with that employment which God hath giuen them but will haue an oare in euery boate and bee dealing in this trade and in that wherein they haue not been trained vp but what comes of it they cast themselues into farre greater arrearages then they were in before and intangle themselues in such sort that they know not how to winde out Besides that the cares of the world and the desire of riches doe choake the word that it cannot bring forth ripe fruit in them and marueilously hinder the peace and comfort of their consciences Oh but their meaning was good they had an honest care to prouide for their wife and children an honest care nay it is a sinfull care that make men to be such busie bodies and iust it is that they that will not trust God with their wiues and children should by tumbling and tossing vp and downe the world spending all as these Iewes did and feele that which they feared lying heauie vpon them So others are afraid of the Pestilence and what doe they to preuent it cast about where they may dwel in safety as they imagine in being many miles off from the places infected though in the meane while they neglect their callings shew little regard of their wiues children and seruants and least of all of their own soules whereas their strength had been to sit still and neuer to forsake the workes of their vocations nor the ordinances of God especially and then either the infection should not come neare them or if it did it should bee a meanes of great good vnto them either for the perfecting of their graces or for the ending of their miseries the beginning of their eternall happinesse The like might bee said concerning feare of the sword or of famine or of any other iudgement they are here sharpely to be rebuked that do leaue those places wherin God hate set them for the auoiding thereof Secondly Vse 2 let vs hence learne when dangers are neare at hand to make it our first care to consider what vocation God hath placed vs in and what worke hee would haue vs doe and therein let vs continue Oh but there are many euils towards what of that your strength is to sit still cast your care on God 1. Pet. 5. for he careth for you Waite on the Lord and keepe his way and he shall exalt you to inherit the land for the saluation of the righteous shall bee of the Lord Psal 37.34.39 he shall be their strength in the time of trouble Whether their meanes be great or small it is all one vnto the Lord. Though our money and our friends and our strength faile vs yet will hee neuer leaue vs nor forsake vs therefore let vs wholly cast our selues vpon him and neuer be dismaied at any crosses for so long as wee serue him in our places our case is very good and very safe Let our little children bee our teachers in this point and make vs ashamed of our vnbeleefe for what if they be hungry and none will giue them a morsell of bread to refresh them what if their apparel be neere worne and they know of none that will giue them so much as a ragge to hang on them yet will they comfortably depend vpon vs and bee merrie and cheerefull assuring themselues that their parents hauing mercifull hearts wil neuer see them want any thing that they can prouide for them can they be thus confident vpon the kindnesse of their naturall parents and shall not wee much more boldly rely vpon our heauenly father who knowes all our wants and pities vs vnder them and is able and willing to supply the same let vs condemne our selues if we cannot doe this and in all straits and extremities say vnto our hearts as Moses did vnto the Israelites at the red sea feare not but stand still and behold the saluation of the Lord. Exod 14.13 Which if we cannot doe wee shall finde by experience that he is alsufficient to minister helpe and comfort vnto vs and that in sicknesse as well as in health in warres as well as in peace in scarsity as well as in plentie and in a word in the want of all things as well as in the abundance of all things Rules But now if we would be sure of this comfort let vs obserue
in the Israelites to renounce their alleagiance to Rehoboam and to stand vp in armes against him being their lawfull King and Gouernour albeit hee threatned to impose vpon them rigorous and sharpe lawes 1. King 12.14 to make his yoake more grieuous then his fathers so that whereas Salomon had chastised them with rods hee would correct them with scourges how hainous then is their offence that doe refuse to submit their neckes vnto Gods yoake who is a more absolute King then euer any was or shall bee to the end of the world whose lawes are perfectly good and righteous all of them tending not alone to his owne glory but to the present and eternall benefit and comfort of such as doe obey the same Secondly those are the most vile traitors that doe rebell against their Soueraigne that hath bin very bountifull and gratious vnto them which was it that made Achitophels treacherie against Dauid more inhumane barbarous now what Kings fauours can stand in the ballance against Gods fauours which he vouchsafeth to the basest of the sonnes of men for he it is that giueth them life and being Acts 17. and all things in him they liue and moue and haue their subsistence and without him they could not continue to breath so much as one houre nay nor one minute of an houre much lesse enioy the comfortable vse of any creature vnder the Sunne and therefore seeing the bounty and kindnesse of the Lord is so exceeding great their rebellion that doe lift vp themselues against him and cast of the obedience of his lawes is of all men most worthy to bee condemned and abhorred Thirdly their case doth hence appeare to bee very wofull and miserable that the punishment appointed for them is both very grieuous and withall vnauoidable First the grieuousnesse thereof is euident by this that whereas earthly Monarches can proceed no further against the most notorious malefactors but to the torturing and killing of their bodies the confiscating of their lands and goods and the defaming of them and theirs for a season so that if there bee vnfaigned repentance in the parties offending as there was in the good thiefe on the crosse their soules may be saued and their names healed and both body and soule eternally glorified i● is otherwise with the great King of heauen who will plague those that are traitors against his Maiesty with all manner of iudgements in this life and when hee hath done with them here will call them to a reckoning againe at that great Assises at the last day and there expose them to perpetuall shame and infamie and inflict vpon their bodies and soules such torments as shall bee easelesse endlesse and remedilesse Secondly for the vnauoidablenes of these punishments we must know though rebels against worldly Princes when they haue cast themselues into danger may by flying or hiding of themselues escape or if they bee apprehended make notable defences and apologies to serue their present purpose and so winde themselues out of troubles it is no boot to deale in that sort with the Lord for whither can they goe from his presence Psal 139. but hee will finde them out and what wittie and cunning deuices can they haue for the colouring of their treacherous practises but hee will descry and discouer the same and that to their greater shame and punishment Which being so Isaiah 29. the vse shall be First Vse 1 for the conuicting of many to bee notorious rebels that esteeme themselues as honest men as any in the countrey and will defie him that shal charge them with treason what say they to this Doe they not vsually take the holy name of God in vaine Doe they not prophane his Sabbaths doe they not defile their soules and b●dies with many horrible pollutions And whe as they haue been often told of these faults and sharpely rebuked for them doe they not for all that continue still in them and vndertake the defence of them Yea doe they not fret and fume and chafe at such as seek to reclaime them from their leaud courses If their consciences doe accuse them of these and the like crimes vndoubtedly they are guiltie of high treason against the Lord of heauen and earth they carrie the diuels badge and fight vnder his banner as professed enemies vnto God and his truth and whatsoeuer they thinke of themselues such the Lord will esteeme them to be and proceed against them accordingly Secondly let this teach vs to bee most fearefull of transgressing the sacred lawes of our heauenly King and if we be at any time put to that straite that wee must either violate the commandement of our earthly gouernours or of God himselfe let vs chuse rather to obey God then men and with a meeke spirit and peaceable cariage submit our selues to their censures rather then incurre the Lords displeasure and so become liable to his iudgements Thirdly this is for singulas comfort vnto Gods people who are charged to be factious and seditious vnquiet and vndutifull persons yet so long as their consciences tell them that they are willing to attend to holy and wholesome doctrine whereby their sinnes may bee reproued and their hearts and liues reformed and bettered they may be sure that God accounteth them good subiects and those that are such vnto him are of all other most loyall and dutifull vnto their rulers and gouernors neither indeed can any be truly faithfull vnto men that hath not first learned to be faithful vnto God Let vs not therefore be dismaied at the clamors of those that doe vniustly charge vs with disloyalty Athaliah cried out treason treason 2. King 11.14 but in truth she was the traitor her selfe and the like may be said of many that are so ready to traduce others in that sort whatsoeuer their outward behauiour towards Magistrates and such as are in authority be they are miserable and wretched rebels before the Lord and such they shall appeare to be in the end if they doe not in time submit themselues vnder his gratious gouemment THE SIXTH SERMON ISAIAN 30. Vers 9.10 Vers 9. And children that would not heare the law of the Lord. 10. Which say vnto the Seers see not and to the Prophets prophecie not vnto vs right things but speake flattering things vnto vs prophecie errours WE haue heard in the former words that notwithstanding the Iewes did professe themselues to bee the onely people that stood for God and for his worship yet the Lord doth proclaime them wicked rebels against his Maiesty Now in these words the Prophet goeth forward to proue them to be such and that hee doth by two maine reasons viz. First from their ill affection that they had both to the word of God which appeared in this that howsoeuer they did by occasion heare it yet they would not haue heard it Vers 9. if they could haue done otherwise for shame and also to the Prophets of God which brought
to performe in his familie and the like we may boldly say except the Lord conuert this mans heart certainly he will neuer make conscience of performing these duties Now for the effect which they shall find from the Lord it is this that he will deale with them as with wicked and vngodly ones both in this life and afterwards 2. Thes for because they receiue not the loue of the truth that they might be saued therefore God wil send them strong delusions that they should beleeue lies That all they may be damned that beleeue not the truth but take pleasure in vnrighteousnesse This doctrine maketh First for the terror of Papists Vse 1 and all such as are popishly affected as being liable to this iudgement and heauie stroake of God because they refuse to heare the word of the Lord and will rather hearken to erroneous and heretical doctrine then to the truth of God contained in the holy Scriptures and rather lie in prison amongst malefactors then bee in the Church amongst true Christians But though they doe not heare the word preached Obiect 1 yet will some say they pray very much What of that Answ doe they imagine to haue any benesit by their prayers if they doe they will bee much deceiued Prou. 28.9 for Salomon saith He that turneth away his eare from hearing the law euen his prayer shall be abominable Let them pretend what they will for their wilfull absenting of themselues from our assemblies as namely that wee corrupt the word and misinterprete and misapply the same yet they shall finde that they haue refused to embrace the loue of the truth 2. Thes 2. and haue beleeued lies and that therefore the Lord hath iustly giuen them vp to bee deluded by Satan and so to bee damned with him euerlastingly Secondly for the iust reproofe of many among vs who will come vnto the Church and sit before the Preacher as men and women desiring to obtaine the knowledge of Gods waies whereas in truth the Lord and their owne consciences can witnesse that they are altogether vnwilling to receiue any wholesome admonition and instruction and that no charge is or can bee more vnpleasant and distastfull vnto them then that of the God of heauen when he straitly enioyneth them with all speed to get out of their sins and to turne their feet into the way of his testimonies And because they will bee very loath to acknowledge thus much but are ready to harbour too good an opinion of themselues as if none were more forward hearers then they are let their owne hearts bee iudges what preparation they make before hand for the fitting of themselues for such a great worke what attention they vse when they are present and what meditation and conference they haue concerning it when they are departed Of which points if they would without partiality examine themselues they should easily discerne a great deale of backwardnesse in their nature and in their practise If a man should protest that hee goes to the market with a great desire to buy food for himselfe and his family yet if he alwaies played the vnthrift with his money and neuer brought home any prouision we would not giue credit to his words but account him a meere dissembler and the like censure may wee passe on such as pretend they are willing to reape benefit by the word to the intent they may bee able to helpe both themselues and their families and yet neuer carrie away any thing to the purpose but if they aske them what points were handled they can say nothing but this surely wee heard a very good Sermon God be thanked but my memory is very short or I cannot vtter all that I haue in my mind my heart I hope is as good as the best though I cannot talke of the Sermon as others doe what is this but to deceiue their owne soules with vaine words for certainely hee that hath a heart willing to heare will haue a tongue readie to vtter in some tolerable sort that which hee hath heard though not all of it yet a good part of it as God hath giuen to euery one the measure of grace Another sort are here to be reproued who doe in a more palpable and grosse manner manifest their vnwillingnesse to heare in that they wil take euery sleight occasion to absent themselues and that not onely on the weeke daies but on the Lords day also so that when the Lord commeth euen to their dores and offereth to powre downe his graces abundantly vpon them they refuse his gracious offer Act. 13.46 and so iudge themselues vnworthie of eternall life Thirdly this is for our instruction if we would be freed from the accusation and condemnation of impious and prophane persons then let vs labour to be willing and well affected hearers and come with a better appetite to the food of our soules then wee doe to the food of our bodies and be more desirous to get an encrease of spirituall graces by the one Remedies against vnwillingnesse to heare the word then of naturell strength by the other Now to the intent that we may do so we must vse these remedies following First purge our hearts by true and vnfained repentance from the venome of all grosse and presumptuous sinnes yea from the allowance and liking of the least infirmities for otherwise if our soules bee clogged with poysoned humours of sinne wee shall find no manner of appetite or affection to our spirituall food Wherefore the Apostle Iames exhorting the twelue tribes to receiue the word with meekenesse prescribeth them what course to take for the preparing of their hearts thereunto Iam. 1.20.21 viz. to put away wrathfull and violent affections to lay apart al filthinesse and superfluity of malitiousnes And the like direction the Apostle Peter giueth in his first Epistle and second chapter vers 1.2 thereby implying that it is in vaine for men to imagine that they can bee profitable hearers and receiuers of the doctrine of Christ till they haue done their best endeauour to cleanse their hearts and their hands from all manner of iniquitie Secondly let vs consider of the excellency of the word and meditate on the strange and admirable effects that it worketh as namely how pure and holy and perfect it is euery way Psal 19.7 c. how it enlighteneth the mind and giueth wisedome to the simple how it conuerteth the soule and frameth the affections vnto obedience 2. Cor. 10. Act. 26.18 how it casteth downe the strong holds of the diuell setteth men at libertie from the power of darkenesse Iam. 1.21 and translateth them into the glorious kingdome of Iesus Christ and in a word is able to saue their soules that doe in a conscionable manner attend thereunto and treasure it vp in the secret of their hearts Which things being well considered will set an edge on our affections Psal 119. and cause vs
to haue as great delight in Gods statutes as in all manner of riches Thirdly and lastly when wee feele within vs a great vnwillingnesse to hearken to the word as the flesh will alwaies bee vnwilling to that which will mortifie and kill the sinfull lusts thereof let vs say with the Prophet Dauid Psal 119. part 5. Lord encline my heart vnto thy testimonies Neuer discourage our selues by thinking surely I shall neuer bee able to master my affections and to bring my heart with cheerefulnesse to listen vnto holy things but goe vnto the Lord that is greater then our hearts and stronger then our sinnes and beseech him to giue vs a good affection to his testimonies and if wee aske in faith and humility wee shall bee sure to obtaine our hearts desire Psal 25. for the Lord hath promised to teach the humble his way and if hee vndertake it it is neither our sinfull nature nor Satans malice that can hinder his worke but he will by degrees accomplish the same in vs a●●ee hath done in all his elect from the beginning of the world euen vnto this present time And thus much for the helpes that wee must vse that wee may become willing and cheerefull hearers of the word of the Lord. Vers 10. Which say vnto the Seers see not c. THe Prophet had charged them that they were vnwilling to heare Gods word but they might obiect Wee are as forward to heare as any other yea saith he you heare indeed but what doctrine are you most desirous of would you not be flattered rather then reproued would you not haue falshood preached vnto you rather then the truth Doe you not say vnto the Seers see not and to the Prophets prophecie not vnto vs right things but speake flattering things vnto vs prophecie errours not that they were so brutish as in words to say thus much vnto the Seers that is to their faithfull teachers which had an insight into Gods will but their actions testified so much for they would vilifie and persecute such as dealt faithfully with them Whence obserue Doct. 3 that the more wholesome and holy any doctrine is The most holy doctrine is most distastfull vnto vnholy persons the more grieuous is it vnto the wicked sinners As any man of God preacheth more soundly and commeth nearer the conscience so is hee more abhorred of vngodly men This we may see euidently in sundry examples of Scripture as first of all in those of whom mention is made in the Reuelation where it is said Reuel 11. that there were two witnesses that is a competent and sufficient number of faithfull Preachers which were like Oliue trees Vers 4. to distill the oyle of grace into mens hearts and like Candelstickes to hold forth the light vnto those that liued in darknesse and ignorance but what was the effect of their preaching Vers 10. It is said that these two Prophets vexed them that dwealt on the earth that is all earthly minded men all such as were ignorant and proud vnchast and couetous so that they could neuer be well till they had killed them and cast out their corpses into the streets of the city but then they were glad and reioyced and sent presents one to another in token of their ioy hoping that now these two witnesses were dispatched out of the way they should go on merrily in their leaud courses and liue at hearts ease So Ahab professeth that hee hated the Prophet Micaiah and could not abide him how came that to passe he could like well enough of those foure hundred false Prophets that were entertained at Iezabels table this was the very true cause Micaiah neuer prophecied good vnto him 1. King 21.20 but euill Hee would deale faithfully in deliuering Gods message and not flatter him either for feare or fauor but when God proclaimed warre against him as hee must needs being an impious Idolater hee would let him heare of it and giue him no allowance in his wicked enterprises whereas those foure hundred dissembling hypocrites had learned to frame themselues to the Kings humour and to speake not true but pleasing things vnto him and by that meanes they insinuated themselues into his fauour And as he was affected towards Micaiah so was hee also towards Elij●h Hast thou found me O mine enemy saith he 1. King 21.20 Now what was the reason he should professe such emnity against him euen this that the holy Prophet of God came euer furnished with sharpe rebukes and terrible threatnings from heauen which hee was to denounce against him for his monstrous impiety against the Lord and cruelty against his seruants The like may be seene in Paul who for deliuering the holy and powerfull doctrine of the Gospell was counted a pestilent fellow Act. 24. and a troubler of the whole world not of the Saints that were in the world but of such as were men of the world who could not endure to haue their ignorance their Idolatry their hypocrisie the ill gouernment of their tongues of their affections and of their families laid open and disgraced and the reformation of these corruptions vrged and pressed vpon their consciences To this same purpose we may obserue further how mad and outragious they were against Steuen Acts 7. when hee came with sound doctrine to their vnsound hearts Act 7.54 c. it is said when they heard the things that hee deliuered their hearts brast for anger and they gnashed at him with their teeth and so giuing a shout with a loud voice and stopping their eares that they might not heare him any longer they ranne vpon him with great violence and carrying him out of the city stoned him to death Reasons The reasons why pure and holy doctrine is so vnpleasant and vnwelcome vnto impure and vnholy persons are these First because it doth maruellously crosse their wretched lusts and goes against those euill affections and actions which they are determined to follow they would bee proud but the word tels them Iam. 4. that then the Lord will resist them and at length confound them bodies and soules they would bee alwaies rooting in the earth and scraping together the pelfe of this world Reuel 22. but the word tels them that such swine shall be without that is excluded from the heauenly Ierusalem and haue their portion in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone for euer Now when they are resolued to bee proud still and to bee rooters still and the Ministers of God are euer and anon grating vpon their consciences for the same they are much imbittered and incensed against them and their doctrine and if they can worke them any mischiefe they shall be sure not to misse of it Secondly such kinde of doctrine doth much disgrace both their courses and persons for it is the square whereby such crooked peeces are discerned and the touchstone wherby wicked mens vnsoundnes is discouered Hence is it
aduenture vpon such places and such companie where the winde of false doctrine or of diuellish counsell and perswasion may blow vpon vs. Men will yeeld that the flesh is fraile but why then will they rush vpon the occasions of falling if the flesh bee so subiect to euill why doe they not crucifie it by prayer by applying the threatnings of the word to their owne soules by keeping good companie and the like This is it that maketh a number to fall into Poperie into Brownisme into some such dangerous sects or other that when they giue themselues to the profession of the Gospell they finde it to bee crosse and contrary to their corrupt and finfull nature and therefore they are full of contradiction and gainsaying and at length fall to reading of the bookes of Papists or Brownists or the like and then they are carried vnto their opinions with such eagernesse and violence as a ship on the sea that goes with winde and sale Now what is the reason hereof because the flesh is neuer strongly bent vntill it meet with an ill obiect but then it passeth on amaine without any stop or let Therefore let vs bee carefull that wee doe not rush vpon any such inducements vnto Idolatrie or schisme or any manner of impiety for otherwise wee shall be sure to bee intrapped and insnared Oh but this is too much nicenesse and scrupulositie Obiect will some say I hope we are not so weake nor so simple but we can chuse the best and leaue the worst be present at any popish worship and yet keepe our hearts to God conuerse with any company and yet continue honest men still Haue you so good a perswasion of your flesh Answ certainly you doe thereby giue mee iust occasion to haue an ill perswasion of you and to suspect that in truth you doe not much care of what religion or of what conuersation you be Others haue bin as well conceited of themselues as you and thereupon haue been bold without any calling or warrant to trauell into strange countries and being there to see Images and to heare Masses and to vse familiarity with men of all sorts But what hath been the euent thereof they haue returned home either of no religion or of a false religion This lamentable experience doth shew to be most true in many young Gentlemen of the greatest houses in this our land whose atheisticall and prophane carriage should bee a warning vnto others not to presume vpon their owne strength nor to tempt the Lord by casting themselues vpon the occasions of euill Thirdly this may serue for a caueat vnto vs that when we finde our selues very eager and forward vnto any thing wee make a stay and a pause examining whether the thing be lawfull good yea or no and if it be so yet let vs search whether our flesh be not set a worke in that spiritual action which we are about whether there bee not in it some mixture of corruption and some caruall respect or other that maketh vs so nimble and ready in the performance of it let vs I say looke well vnto our hearts in this behalfe for all is not fire from the altar that seemes to bee such it is a rare thing for vs to bee truly zealous of good workes and much of our heate proceedeth rather from our owne flesh then from Gods spirit and therefore when wee perceiue our violence and eagernesse to arise rather from some inordinate lust then from any good and holy affection let vs curbe and restraine the same and beseech the Lord to moderate our desires that wee may doe all our workes in meckenesse and modestie and with that good temper which beseemeth Christians Fourthly sithence there is in euery mans nature such pronenesse vnto sin and iniquitie this should be a singular comfort vnto Gods childrē when they finde many motions vnto euill and much dulnes and backwardnes vnto that which is good they need not be dismaied hereat if so bee they see their corruption and bee grieued for it Rom. 7. and striue against it But why should Heretikes bee able to cleaue more earnestly Obiect and firmely to superstition and idolatrie then wee can to true religion and pietie There is good reason for that Answ because they haue all helpes that Satan the flesh or the world can affoord them and we haue all the hindrances that may bee from them all for it pleaseth the Lord that while we haue a natural life we should haue also naturall corruption and albeit the flesh bee in part crucified yet will it still rebell against the Spirit and the diuell and the world will take part with it But what then is the difference between Gods seruants and the seruants of the diuel Obiect seeing there is in them both an vnwillingnes vnto that which the Lord commandeth and a pronenes vnto that which he forbiddeth Herein standeth the difference Answ that the godly take notice of the corruptions of their nature bewaile them and labour to suppresse them not fulfilling the lusts of their flesh either for the omission of holy duties or the practise of any manner of euill Galath 5. for they haue the spirit in them which doth alwaies resist the sinfull motions of the flesh so that as they cannot doe the good which they would because the flesh lusteth against the spirit that is against the regenerate part in them so neither can they doe the euill that sometimes they would because the spirit strugleth and fighteth against the lusts of the flesh Now concerning wicked men they are altogether fleshly and therefore when they haue vile motions from nature or bad suggestions from Satan they like of them and nourish and cherish them and if meanes and opportunity be offered proceed to the execution of them Herein then may Gods children reioyce that they are farre vnlike the limmes of the diuell in that they mortifie the deeds of the flesh by the spirit Rom. 8.13 and therefore shall liue whereas others walke after the flesh and satisfie it in the lusts thereof and therefore shall die In the meditation whereof they should raise vp their discouraged hearts and fainting spirits to sound ioy and due thankfulnes for that the Lord hath by his good spirit and powerfull word wrought a change in their hearts and made them that were naturally set on mischiefe and did drinke in iniquitie with delight euen as beasts drink water to be in any measure tractable vnto holy duties and to carrie a perfect hatred against all impiety and vnrighteousnesse albeit they cannot get that masterie of their sinfull lusts as they should and as they would This is a wonderfull worke of God for which we cannot sufficiently praise his name and therefore we should doe as the Prophet Dauid did when the Lord had put it into his heart and into the hearts of his subiects to bee liberall towards the building of the Temple 1. Chro. Now therefore our
secure therby that they haue little mind to powre out their soules before God in prayer but when once they are throughly pinched and pressed with miseries and calamities then they begin to renue their acquaintance with God and so bringing before him abundance of holy and heauenly prayers hee replenisheth them with store of sweet and celestiall comforts A third reason hereof may bee taken from the end of Gods afflictions which is as hee himselfe testifieth in the booke of Deuteronomie that hee may doe his children good in the latter end that hee may make them partakers of his holinesse Heb. 12.10 and so by consequent of the consolations of his spirit Whē God will doe his enemies a notable displeasure hee setteth them aloft in slippery places Psal 73. that so their fall may bee more fearefull and vnrecouerable euen so on the contrary when hee purposeth some extraordinarie benefits vnto his seruants hee will lay them full low and afflict them full sore as he did Ioseph and Dauid that so they may bee more capable of his fauours Here commeth to be reproued that faint-heartednesse that is in many of Gods children in the daies of their affliction Vse 1 who seeing that they haue many and great and strange crosses lying vpon them begin to be cleane out of heart and out of hope and to make these or the like desperate conclusions Surely I shall neuer winde out of these distresses my state is past recouerie I neuer looke to see ioyfull day more These are base and naughtie and vnbeleeuing speeches which doe dismay the soule and cause the parties that vse them to desist from seeking vnto the Lord for helpe and reliefe and wretched is that sorrow that driueth vs from hope and from prayer What can the Lord wound and can hee not heale can hee cast downe and can he not raise vp can hee kill and not make aliue shall our faults bee more forcible to procure his displeasure then Christ his merits to recouer his fauour Away with these vnbeleeuing conceits and distrustfull thoughts and speeches for he that saith hee shall neuer liue a comfortable life more doth in effect say thus much that either he is no true Christian or the Lord no true God of his word who hath said Psal 97.11 that light is sowne for the righteous and ioy for all that are vpright in heart Why then should wee not sustaine our selues with the expectation of deliuerance to come and why should we not sweeten our present teares with the hope of future comforts The Apostle Iames presseth the example of the husbandman who though his barne bee emptie and his seede that he hath cast into the earrh not yet appearing aboue ground Iam. 5.7.8 yet he waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth and hath long patience for it vntill he receiue the former and the latter raine And what of this Be ye also patient therefore saith hee and settle your hearts c. And indeed all Christians haue reason so to doe for they are good seeds-men that are euermore sowing prayers and teares in the bosome of Iesus Christ and therefore they haue a crop growing that cannot possibly miscarrie howsoeuer it fall out vnto others they shall be sure to speed well and to haue an happie issue out of all their temptations Oh but my crosses and trials are strange and extraordinarie Obiect What of that were not Iobs so Answ in so much that no instance could bee giuen by him of any of the Saints that had endured the like yet the Lord made a good and happie end of all his distresses and miseries and so will he doe of yours if in faith and patience you can waite vpon him And in truth it is a great dishonour and indignity that we offer vnto the Lord when wee imagine that hee can doe somewhat for vs in small and light afflictions but if our case bee any thing extraordinarie that then there is no hope of helpe and succour from him for thereby wee make the Lord such a Pilot as can doe somewhat vpon a shallow riuer where there is little or no danger but vpon the maine Ocean especially if the Sea begin to swell and rage wee dare not trust vnto his skill what vile and base vnbeleefe is this The Prophet Dauid was otherwise affected when hee saith Psal God is our hope and strength a helpe in troubles ready to bee found Therefore will we not feare though the earth be moued and though the mountaines fall into the middest of the Sea Though the waters thereof rage and the mountaines shake at the surges of the same And therefore let vs be ashamed and grieued that wee haue been so heartlesse and hopelesse in great extremities Secondly is it so that all the perplexities and anguishes of the righteous shall end in ioy Is this a priuiledge and prerogatiue peculiar vnto them then how wretched and wofull is the condition of al the vngodly ones of the world whose sorrow shall end in sorrow and who shall goe from their present paine and griefe vnto perpetuall tortures and torments in hell fire let them make merrie and bee as iocund as they will for a time and seeke to put away melancholie fits as they tearme them they haue a crop growing as well as Gods children but what is that euen a crop of shame and horrour and anguish which shall seize vpon their soules at vnawares and that to their euerlasting ruine and the vtter destruction of their bodies and soules for euermore And therefore as the godly are to bee exhorted not to enuie the prosperity of the wicked though they flourish for a season so are the vngodly to bee admonished that they doe not esteeme Gods Children to be miserable albeit they be in heauinesse for a time 2. Cor. 4. for their light and momentanie afflictions shall be recompensed with a farre most excellent and eternall weight of ioy and of glory whereas the short and vaine delights of wicked sinners shall bee infinitely ouerpeised and weighed downe with the vnsupportable miseries which if not in this world yet in that which is to come they shall most certainely meete withall Thirdly heere is matter of very great consolation to all such as are mourners in Sion though they be weeping when others are reioycing and fasting when others are feasting yet a time shall come when sorrow and trouble shall flie away and comfort and peace shall succeed in the roome thereof God hath said it and they shall finde it that it shall goe well with the righteous Isaiah 4. Psal 37. and that the end of such men shall be peace But if we would be assured of this good effect of our afflictions wee must practise these two rules The first is to search whether the crosses that lie vpon vs doe come for any speciall sin of omission or commission whereof we are guilty and if wee vpon examination finde it to bee so
spirit of God is in him indeed The third note and effect is the bringing on forward of this work vnto iustification Iustification for when the spirit hath brought vs thus farre then doth it begin to open vnto vs a doore vnto the grace and fauour of God It doth put into our mindes that there is mercy with God and therefore stirreth vs vp to seeke mercy at his hands afterward it doth let vs see how Christ suffered to take away the sinnes of the world that in the righteousnesse of Christ we may looke to be iustified before God And this it doth not let vs see only but doth effectually worke a sure perswasion of it in our hearts Effects of iustification and confirmeth the same by two notable effects The first is a ioy most vnspeakeable and glorious 1. Ioy. 1. Pet. 1.8 Rom. 5.2 wherewith our hearts must needs be wholly taken vp and rauished when we see our selues by the righteousnesse of Christ of the free mercy and grace of God redeemed from death deliuered from hell and freed from the fearefull condemnation of the wicked The second is the peace of conscience 2. Peace Rom. 5.1 Philip. 4.6 which indeed passeth all vnderstanding While sin and the guilt of sinne remained there was no peace nor rest nor quietnes to be found but feare within terrours without and troubles on euery side but when once sinne is nailed to the crosse of Christ when the guilt thereof is taken out of our consciences and the punishment thereof farre remoued then must needs ensue great peace because God is at one with vs and for this we haue the warrant and testimony of the spirit for flesh and blood cannot worke in vs this holy and heauenly assurance And hereof doth arise a fourth note 4. Readinesse to doe good to wit the life and nimblenes that is in vs to doe good for when a man doth finde fauour from God for the forgiuenes of his sins then the loue of God constraineth him and that ioy which hee conceiueth enforceth him and putteth life into him for the performance of those things which are pleasing vnto God Then he beginneth to finde himselfe not only reclaimed from euill but also framed to that which is good Then is his vnderstanding enlightened to see into the mysteries of godlines then is his iudgement reformed so that he is able to discerne betwixt truth and falshood betwixt that which is good and that which is euill 1. Thes 5.23 Then are his affections in some good measure altered his desire is set not vpon earthly but vpon heauenly things his ioyes are not in earth but in heauen his anger is wasted and spent not vpon his owne priuate cause and quarrels but his owne sinnes and vpon whatsoeuer hindreth the glory of his God This is the life of God in him Ephes 4.18 Rom. 8.2 thus he liueth that hath receiued the spirit and thus he leadeth his life continually for they that haue receiued the spirit are led by the spirit and doe liue accordingly Gal. 5.22 bringing forth the fruites of the spirit But this hath frailtie ioyned with it and men through weakenesse may soone fall therefore if notwithstanding that we will know whether we still retaine the spirit wee must try ourselues by these rules First if through infirmitie wee haue fallen Iam. 3.1 Notes of the spirit after slips 1. Hatred sinne as who doth not and will know whether thereby wee haue lost the spirit of God or no let vs examine what liking or misliking we haue of sinne for if wee still hold our former hatred of that and the oftener we fal the more thoroughly deadly hatred wee conceiue against it vndoubtedly that frailty hath not as yet depriued vs of the spirit for this holy detestation of sin is a fruit of the spirit Secondly 2. Sorrow for sinne 2. Cor. 7. consider how it standeth with thy sorrow for so long as thy sorrow for sin encreaseth it cannot be that the spirit should bee quenched in thee Thirdly 3. Care to auoid it trie thy care and if thou find thy selfe more carefull both to fight against sinne and to preuent it by auoiding the occasions of it then know Rom. 7. that not it but grace hath dominion in thy heart But the last is most certaine 4. Greater zeale in well doing 2. Cor. 7.11 Ephes 4. and that is this when thou art carefull to redeeme that which by thy fall thou hast lost and hast a care to runne so much faster forward by how much more thou hast been letted by thy fall then it doth appeare that the spirit is in thee yea it is liuely and mighty in operation and such as shal neuer be taken from thee vntill the day of Christ Now further when the Apostle saith Quench not the spirit he implieth that the spirit is in some respects like vnto fire therefore if wee doe but a little consider of the nature of fire we shall a great deale better iudge of the spirit First of all it will consume things that are combustible The properties of the Spirit whereby it resembleth fire Rom. 8.13 and therefore lighting vpon straw stubble c. it bringeth all to ashes so doth the spirit in our soules waste and at length bring to nothing all noysome lusts whatsoeuer Secondly fire doth purge and purifie things and so doth the spirit purge vs from the drosse of sinne daily more and more Ioh. 15.2 Act. 159. that we may bee holy temples for him to dwell in Thirdly fire giueth light euen in the darkest places and so is the spirit a shining lampe 1. Ioh. 1.5.6 euer giuing light vnto vs in the midst of the darknes of this world And last of all fire giueth heate and withall doth as it were put life into those things which are capable of life for whilest a man is frozen and starued he is numbed and as it were without life but being brought to the fire hee is reuiued and cheered Colos 2.13 Ephes 2.1 and then becommeth actiue and nimble euen so doth the spirit set vs on heate and inflameth vs with a zeale of Gods glory with a care of our dutie and with a loue of all mankind yea withal it putteth life into vs to walke in that good way which leadeth vnto life Thus we see what likelihood there is between the spirit and fire for which cause it is sometimes called fire as Matth. 3.11 Therefore as truly and certainly as we may say there is fire where we see straw or sticks consumed gold or siluer purged great light in darke places or great heate and liuelinesse in bodies that were benummed before so truly may wee say and so certainly may wee perswade our selues that the spirit of God is in vs when wee see our corruptions consumed our soules purged our hearts inlightened and made hot in walking and working according to that light The second question
had been driuen to confesse Psal 106. yet did they wish to returne to their former bondage rather then to be brought to such straits but notwithstanding the grieuousnesse of this their sin many now adaies come nothing behind them for their eyes are so vpon their wants that the want of one thing which they doe desire though it be but small doth more disquiet them then manifold blessings do comfort them to make them thankfull But this discontentment we must bee armed against which wee shall bee if wee can receiue the fauour of God for it selfe though it come alone yea though trouble doe come therewith for hauing it wee haue all things and wanting it wee haue nothing Againe if wee haue it no misery can make vs miserable and if wee haue it not in greatest prosperity we are most miserable But the Israelites here dealt after a cleane contrary manner for the want of bread in the wildernes being but for their bodies did make them to despise their great and wonderfull deliuerance out of Egypt which was vnto them a signe of their spirituall deliuerance And this is the nature of all worldlings they had rather forgoe many spirituall benefits then one corporall commodity they grieue more at the losing and reioyce more at the hauing of wealth then of godlinesse But to returne to the point in hand sith murmuring is so great a sinne it shall be profitable to consider of some remedies against it Now for as much as impatiencie proceedeth from infidelity Remedies against murmuring the remedie therof must be fetched from faith in Gods mercies in the merits of Christ in the hope of the resurrection and in Gods fatherly prouidence First I say Gods rich mercy and fauourable dealing with vs being duly considered cannot but worke in vs patience fo●seeing that the Lord forbeareth vs and that when for the ripenesse of our sinnes he might confound vs hee doth rather heape blessings vpon vs this cannot but bridle vs from murmuring though all things fall not out according to our hearts desire Especially seeing that the Lord will deale with vs still as he did with the Israelites that when ordinarie meanes failed had extraordinary prouision made for them the clouds giuing them bread and the rocke water to teach vs that man liueth not by bread only as Moses applieth it Deut. 8. but by the word of God A second remedy is to haue a liuely faith in the worke of our redemption to wit the remission of our sins the imputation of Christ his righteousnesse and inherent sanctification First then if we can stedfastly beleeue that God for Christ his sake hath freely forgiuen vs all our sinnes and giuen his sonne that in him we might be blessed we cannot but be assured Rom. 8. that with him he will giue vs all things For seeing sin which is the cause of all miserie is taken from vs wee may bee sure that no crosse shall euer hurt vs. Againe if wee could beleeue that as God doth lay our sinnes vpon Christ so he doth impute his righteousnes to vs how should we doubt of food or raiment c For by this meanes hee is made our mercifull and louing father who is for power able and for will readie to helpe vs in all extremities And thus doth he abide for euer and is neuer changed To these two former must be added the second part of our redemption namely the sanctification of the spirit which if we feele in our selues may be a great helpe vnto vs against impatiency for it is a greater thing to sanctifie a sinner then to worke wonders in nature Therfore if we can beleeue in our hearts that God is able to make of sinfull and wicked men iust righteous of whoremongers chast persons c. and that he is able and willing to deliuer vs from all our corruptions be they neuer so strong by nature or custome if I say wee can giue credit vnto this why should wee euer doubt that hee will faile vs in outward things Further if we can beleeue that God hath prepared a kingdome for vs and that he will raise vs vp at the last day in body soule to enioy the same how can wee but bee assured that hee will giue vs lesser matters euen the things of this life Another thing to stay our hearts vpon when murmuring doth assaile vs is faith in Gods prouidence which is either generall or particular The generall prouidence of God must be considered first in the creation of all things secondly in the preseruation of them Doe wee then beleeue that the Lord made all things of nothing and shall we doubt of his ability to prouide for vs When God created light before the Sun Gen. 1.3 the Moone or the Stars and caused grasse to grow vpon the earth before there was either raine or dew to water it he did thereby teach vs first that we should not put too much trust in them whilest we haue them and againe that rather then wee should suffer hurt by the want of light grasse or other such things the Lord both could and would prouide for vs without them Yet now if wee should not haue the Sunne wee would thinke that light were taken from vs and if wee wanted raine wee would soone thinke wee should neither haue grasse nor corne but the Lord hath ordained these meanes to serue his prouidence not for himselfe for without them hee can easily helpe vs but for our weakenesse who otherwise could not easily be assured of his goodnesse Secondly we must beleeue that God preserueth all Matth. 10. so that a sparrow doth not fall to the ground without his prouidence and hee hath a great care of beasts and fowles Matth. 6. doth the Lord prouide for these and will he not prouide for man for whom these were made and are are preserued Hereunto we must ioyne the particular prouidence of God Hath he made our bodies and will he not cloathe vs hath he giuen vs life and will hee not minister vnto vs food for the sustaining thereof He could prouide for the Israelites in the barren wildernsse fortie yeeres together yea he could preserue Moses and Elias fortie daies without any meate at all which euidently proueth that Gods blessing is all in all whether there be meanes or no meanes Dauid obserued by experience that the righteous seed of the righteous was neuer forsaken Psal 37. nor begged their bread and if wee could bee righteous as then many were wee should find the same true in our owne experience as he did These things well considered will worke in vs a patient minde the properties whereof are First Properties of a patient mind Philip 4.11 to be contented with whatsoeuer the Lord sendeth alwaies acknowledging godlinesse to be great riches for we ought not to seeke great matters nor suffer our desires to bee carried after high things Ier. 45.4 for this did the Prophet Ieremie rebuke in
children of wisedome iustified by the infinitely wise God whatsoeuer slanderous and reproachfull imputations carnall men doe lay vpon them he saith that the feare of the Lord is the beginning of wisedome Prou. 1.7 and that those that obey his commandements are the onely wise people vnder the Sun Deut. 4.6 Verse 13. Wilt thou that seuen yeeres famine come vpon the Land c. Heere commeth an obiection to be answered Obiect It is said 1. Cor. 11.31 that if we iudge our selues we shall not be iudged of the Lord how commeth it to passe then in this place that Dauid confessing his fault aggrauating it and asking pardon for it hath notwithstanding such a heauie iudgement denounced against him as the famine or the sword or the pestilence 1 Though such as iudge themselues Answer shall not be iudged yet must they be cured and that was Dauids case here this stroake was not laid vpon him in wrath but in fauour he had set vpon a good worke euen the pulling downe of his pride by this meanes the Lord furthered him in the good worke made a speedier way for abūdāce of grace which was after bestowed vpō him 2 Againe the people were not so reformed as they should be at this time and therefore God in this plague doth aime at their humbling thrusting Dauid out of the gappe as it were who had formerly by his prayers teares stood in the breach to keep of the Lords wrath from them so that all this while beeing intangled with his own matters he could not so freely deale for them Now in that Dauid must haue such a sharpe corasiue to consume that proud flesh that had growne about his heart Doct. 6 by reason of his mightie forces and the largenesse of his dominions It is hard to beat downe mans pride the Doctrine is that it is a wonderfull hard thing to take downe the pride of mans heart it is no small affliction that will doe it as is plaine Iob 33.14 c where is at large shewed that God vseth all meanes and that againe againe and yet men will not profit thereby then he findes out the cause of it to be pride verse 17. and so laieth corrections vpon them sutable thereunto smiting them with sorrow vpon their beds so that the griefe of their bones is sore pinching them with grieuous sicknesses and diseases and making their bones to clatter so that their soules draw neere to the graue and their life to the buriers Now when these or the like wofull distresses haue tamed and maistered their vnruly affections then doe they begin to be somewhat more tractable and whereas neither dreames nor visions nor any of Gods ordinances would doe any good vpon them before after that if God send vnto them a messenger or Interpreter one of a thousand they will begin to hearken vnto them and to learne how they may obtaine mercy and reconciliation with God that they descend not into the pit of destruction Further we may obserue what a great deale of woe Dauid sustained by reason of the hautinesse of his heart and his earthly confidence which is a signe thereof when he thought his mountaine so strong Psalm 30.6.7 that he should neuer be mooued for God turned away his face from him and he was troubled and euen ready to goe downe into the pit Verse 9. to descend vnto the dust c. Neither did God minister vnto him a stronger purgation then he needed but his pride required full as much affliction as the Lord laide vpon him this was also the case of vzziah who being in a moderate estate did exceeding much good both for the Church and the common wealth but when he was growen mighty and strong his heart was lifted vp and then he could not content himselfe with his kingly dignitie but he would needs take vpon him the office of the High-priest also and so went into the Temple of the Lord to burne incense vpon the Altar of incense but what came of this presumptuous fact of his When the admonition of the Priests of the Lord would not preuaile with him but he grewe wroth with those that withstoode him the Lord louing him did forthwith smite him with Leprosie and so he was driuen to liue apart all his life long that so the hautinesse of his heart might bee throughlie cured 2. Chron. 26. The like may be seene in Paul 2. Cor. 12. who albeit he were a man of wonderfull graces had beene continually exercised with many and great afflictions so that he had no great need of further humbling as we would haue thought yet had he Satan turned loose vpon him to buffet him and to beat him blacke and blew as it were that so hee might not bee lifted vp with the multitude and excellencie of the reuelations that he had receiued Hee had beene in the third heauen and was indued with exceeding rare gifts and the Lord knew that if he were not taken downe hee would bee very conceited of himselfe and then all had beene lost he would be vnfit to receiue or doe good altogether vnprofitable and vnfruitfull and robbe God of his honour and men of their due and therefore to preuent this hee giueth Satan libertie to worke vpon his originall corruption and to exercise him with strange temptations which was a speciall preseruatiue against pride and loftinesse of minde Lastly wee may note in the 8. chap. of Deuteronomie verse 2. what a great adoe the Lord had with his people the children of Israel to helpe them against this vile corruption that was in them hee was driuen to keepe them fortie yeeres in the wildernes and there to exercise them with manie and grieuous crosses and iudgements and all to humble them as there it is saide and certainly if fewer and easier afflictions would haue done it the Lord would neuer haue handled them so roughlie and sharplie for mercie pleaseth him neither doeth hee afflict willinglie Micah 7. Lament 3. Now the reason why the pride of mens hearts cannot easily bee remooued is First because it doth wonderfully harden them and makes them euen like a Flinte so that they are verie hardly wrought vpon either by instructions or by afflictions This is euident in Nebuchadnezzar who notwithstanding that diuine dreame that God had sent vnto him Dan. 4.24 and the holy instructions and exhortations that Daniel had giuen him after his interpretation thereof yet continued in his arrogancie still and was full of boasting and bragging in so much that the Lord was faine to strippe him of his wittes of his kingdome of his soode of his apparell and of the societie of mankinde and to cause him euen for seuen yeares together to liue as a beast among the beasts of the fielde and all little enough to take downe the stoutnes and loftines of his finfull heart Dan. 5.20 Secondly as pride maketh men vnteachable and vncapable of good by any meanes that
lead by him according to his will but it pearseth them thorow with many sorrowes for greedy wordlings are euer disconted and froward falling out with one and chafing with another so that those things which seeme to glad their hearts doe not indeed bring them any sound contentment because their desires can neuer be satisfied but especially because they are often times much crossed as when their sheepe or cattle miscarry their grounds prooue vnfruitfull their seruants vntrusty theeues set vpon them by violence to spoile them of their goods or subtill aduersaries by craft seeke to defraud them of the same with many such like occurrences which will neither let them rest quietly in the night nor liue comfortably in the day and the hearts of such couetous persons can tell them that manie times all other things doe them no good sithence they cannot haue some one thing which they would as the case stood with wicked Ahab in the matter of Naboths vineyard But suppose that these and the like sinnes should not bring men into snares in their life time yet at the time of their death when they must goe out of the world they will Iob. 27.8 for what hope hath the hypocrite when God shall take away his life though he haue heaped vp riches as the dust yet when God shall vnsheath his soule and put it violently from his body as a rustie sword out of the scabberd what good will all his substance doe him then It was his hope while he liued that he should still get more wealth but when death sets vpon him he is past that hope and for better hopes he hath none and therefore must needs be full of woe and full of perplexitie Then though he call vpon God he will not answer Pro. 1. ●6 8 and though he seeke him early he shall not finde him but God will laugh at his destruction and mocke when his feare commeth Because God called and he refused he stretched out his hand and he would not regard therefore when he crieth the Lord will shut out his prayer But set the case they be not in such perplexitie at the time of their death but that they die securely and goe suddenly downe to the graue as senslesse blocks or stones yet must they come before the iudgement seat of Christ and then they shall be paid home for all Ordinarily they meet with extremitie of anguish while they liue or when they die but if they doe not they shall not misse of it when they appeare before the Iudge of heauen and earth Rom. 2. but tribulation and anguish shal be vpon euery soule that hath offended of what estate and degree soeuer he hath beene Then their distresse and honour shall be such that when they arise out of their graues they shall wish to returne thither againe yea they shall desire that the mountaines and rockes might fall vpon them couer them from him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lambe Then they would thinke no paines nor torment too much so they might perish euerlastingly they could rather desire that an huge rocke or great mountaine might crush them in peeces and that they might perish as beasts than to appeare before Christ Iesus to receiue that fearefull sentence Goe ye cursed c This is the proper wages of sinne and of disobedience against the Lord it castes the committers of it into a wofull Labyrinth of distresses and miseries and good reason is there that it should be so because otherwise the hatefulnes of it and the hatred of God against it would not cleerely appeare so men would like better of the broad way than of the narrow and chuse to be rebells against the Lord rather than obedient subiects vnto him euen the best would doe this as well as the worst Which serueth First Vse 1 for instruction that we should beware of all kinds of sinne and consider what will come of it before we presume to rush vpō it let vs looke before we leape lest afterwards we repent vs when it is too late Sinne will make goodly shewes of delight and preferment and commoditie that it will bring vnto vs that if we will giue entertainement thereunto it will neuer be a meanes of any disgrace vnto vs but will hide it selfe from the view of the world But what doth the Lord say of it Doth not he tell vs that it will breake out and flie abroad at length The adulterer would haue his wretched pleasure but not the iust reproach of his filthinesse But what saith Iob Iob. 31.3 Are there not strange punishments for such workers of iniquitie And though they may hide it from the eyes of men Verse 4. doth not God behold their waies and tell all their steps If Adam and Eue had considered what mischiefe would haue ensued on their eating of the forbidden fruit they would neuer haue tasted thereof but when they would beleeue the serpent rather then God did not they and shall not their posteritie for euer smart for it The Prophet Micaiah bid Ahab take heede of his iourney to Ramoth Gilead yet he would haue his owne minde let the prophet say what he would but when the arrow was shot into his side then he saw that Micaiahs counsell had beene worth the following but then it was too late and such is the folly and madnesse of most men they must haue their owne wils and their owne waies and will neuer hearken to those instructions that are giuen them either by God or by godly men till miserie haue ouerwhelmed their soules and they be past recouerie But let their follie teach vs to be wiser and let vs take heede of Sathans baites and of his sugred poyson Math. 4. he will make vs profers as he did vnto our Sauiour of maruellous great honour and pleasure and gaine that may be gotten by such and such sinfull courses but let vs neuer giue credit vnto him Iohn 8. for he is a lyar from the beginning but Secondly Vse 2 if we haue harkned too far vnto him already and haue fallen by our iniquitie let vs withall possible speede get out of that which holds vs in bondage and wrappeth vs in miserie and chaineth vs in many sorrowes and calamities let vs get sound repentance for it and striue for a reformation of it let not sinne keepe possession in vs and then iudgements shall not long continue vpon vs He that hath committed any grosse sinne is as it were a prisoner according to that of Salomon Prou. 5.22 His owne wickednesse shall take the wicked himselfe and he shall be holden with the cords of his owne sinne There is a iudiciall proceeding against him sinne commeth as an officer and chargeth the partie to stand then it apprehendeth him and bindeth him hand and foot as a malefactor it spareth not the mightiest Monarch in the world that is found guiltie before the Lord after there is a
Lorde thou art a buckler for mee my glorie and the lifter vp of my head And in another Psalme Psal 71.10.11 Mine enemies saith hee speake of mee saying God hath forsaken him pursue take him for there is none to deliuer him These speeches no doubt pierced Dauids soule but doth hee make the same conclusion No hee is farre from that hee rather layeth faster hold on God Verse 12.13 seeing cruell men to be so violently bent against him Goe not farre from mee O God saith hee my God haste thee to helpe mee let them be confounded and consumed that are against my soule c. Indeede if mens opposing of themselues against him could haue kept him from complaining vnto God or God from giuing care vnto him his case had bene very lamentable but seeing that was impossible whatsoeuer they imagined there was safety enough for Dauid and so is there still for all the elect of God Secondly this is for instruction Vse 2 that seeing by how much lesse helpe we haue from men so much the more we shall haue from God therefore we should deale earnestly with the Lord in our distresses and wrestle with him as Iacob did Gen. 31. when his brother Esau came with foure hundred men against him hee was vnable to encounter him and therefore hee encountreth the Lord himselfe by prayers and teares and that which was his refuge must bee ours and then wee shall haue peace and safetie if once wee can lay hand-fast on God as wee may in our houses in our chambers in our beds in the night or in the day then our case is good wee shall be protected from all the violent rage of the wicked so that none of the sonnes of violence shal be able to touch vs for our hurt and therefore herein let vs take comfort that though men forsake vs and our neerest friends reiect vs yet the Lorde will gather vs vp and prouide sufficiently for vs Psal 27. as he did for Dauid neither can mens perswasions withdrawe his compassion from vs nor mens threatnings terrifie him from releeuing of vs. For there is not a godly man left c. From this lamentable complaint of his ariseth this doctrine that No outward thing comes neerer the hearts of God children Doct. 2 want of good men much to be lamented then the decay of good men It much troubleth the soules of godly men to see a small number of Christians Hence proceedeth that lamentation of the Prophet Micah Woe is me for I am as the Summer gatherings Micah 7.1.2 c or I am in case as in the destruction of the Summer fruites as in Hoseah it is said Hos 4.3 The fishes of the Sea shall be gathered that is destroyed and that this is the sense it appeareth in the words following when it is said There is no cluster to eate My soule desired the first ripe fruites that is I am as one that hath a feruent longing for them and yet can get none of them and what is the reason of this his lamentation The good man saith hee is perished out of the earth and there is none righteous among men c. So that the effect of those words is thus much that looke how worldlings would grieue if they should see their grapes and figges which were speciall commodities in those countreys to faile and their expectation that way to bee vtterly frustrate so and much more bitterly did the Prophet bewaile the losse of good righteous men That was it also that did so pierce the heart of Elias Lorde saith he the children of Israel haue forsaken thy couenant broken down thy Altars 1. Kings 19.11 slaine thy Propoets with the sword and I onely am left and they seeke my life to take it away Which losse of the Prophets was so grieuous vnto him that hee had no pleasure in his owne life and therefore hee intreateth the Lord to take away his soule Verse 4. In which regard whē the Lord would comfort him he vseth a fit remedie for his disease for whereas his griefe was that there were no godly men left but all were declined to Idolatrie Verse 18. he telleth him that he had reserued to himselfe seuen thousand that had not bowed the knee vnto Baal Yet further it may appeare what a matter of heauinesse the losse of good men is vnto those that are good themselues by that speech of Dauid who saith All my delight is in the Saints for if they be his chiefe delight Psal 16.3 then the want of them must needs be an occasion of very great anguish vnto him as is euident that it was Psalm Psal 42. 42.4 when he remembred how he had gone with the multitude and had beene as a Captaine to leade them vnto the house of God which then he could not doe this cast him into wonderfull griefe so that he poured out his teares yea and his very heart as he there speaketh being 〈◊〉 such extremitie of sorrow that he is faine to restraine himselfe why art thou cast downe my soule saith he and why art thou disquieted within me c yet godly men were not quite abolished at this time but Daui● onely taken from them and he knew that he should come againe vnto them at length and that they should be his flocke if then he were so far●e cast downe for that he might not be with them what griefe would he haue conceiued if they had vtterly beene cut off and ceased to be any longer Now the reasons why the decay of Gods people is and should be such an heart-breaking vnto the rest of the Saints are these First because the glory of God is precious vnto them Reasons 1 which is much hindered and obserued when his seruants are diminished for then there is lesse seruice done vnto him in publike and priuate there are fewer praiers and praises offered vp vnto him fewer religious exercises in vse amongst men and fewer workes of mercy performed vnto the needie and distressed And if the decay of good souldiers and of loyall subiects in any kingdome must needs be a matter of griefe to those that loue and seeke the honour of their King then can it not but goe neere the hearts of the godly when they perceiue the souldiers and subiects of Christ to goe to wracke Secondly in regard of themselues they are mooued heereat as being fellow members with them for when the godly perish they are as it were a maimed body They haue fewer friends and fellow-helpers fewer to pray with them and for them fewer to reprooue exhort and comfort them and in a word fewer to whom they may doe good and from whom they may receiue good Thirdly in respect of the publike losse they mourne for the decay of the righteous for when multitudes of all nations and of all sorts of people doe know the waies of God and praise the name of God then as the Prophet saith
the earth shall bring foorth her increase Psal 67.5 and God euen our God shall blesse vs. If there be but ten righteous men and women in a Citie or some few in a whole Country all the rest shall speed the better for their sakes how much more then if there be multitudes of them What a griefe therefore must it needs be to the wise and godly when these props and pillars of the Church and Common-wealth are taken away Which serueth First Vse 1 for the iust reproofe of those that doe carrie a deadly enmitie against the multitude of Christians that now are and doe much grieue that there should be so many that resort vnto the word in publike that read it in priuate that haue praier and singing of Psalmes in their families c. they grudge and murmur at it as if some conspiracie or mutinie against the State were towards and as if the good of mens soules and the peace of the common-wealth could not stand together These are of another spirit then Dauid was who lamented that there were so few such and these are indeed vtter enemies vnto God who esteemes his people to be his chiefe treasure vnder heauen and therefore they shall beare their iudgement whosoeuer they be that doe thus malice the seruants of God and endeuour to peruert them or to diminish the number of them Secondly Vse 2 heere is matter of cōfort for thē that are of the same disposition that Dauid was that crynight and day Helpe Lord for the godly perish c that labour with God by fasting and weeping praying that he would vphold the state of his Church If the praier of Dauid being but one man were effectuall for the continuing of Gods people how much more forcible shall the requests of many thousands be who doe vncessantly intreate the Lord with great earnestnesse to be fauourable vnto Sion and to build vp the walles of Ierusalem to saue his chosen and defend his owne heritage against the malicious plots and practises of all their enemies They speake deceitfully euery one with his neighbour Heere he sheweth what manner of enemies were against him not such as would professe themselues open aduersaries for though he had many such yet heere he dealeth not against them but such as would make shew of good will whereas indeed there was in them nothing lesse Now in that his chiefe complaint is against them the doctrine is that Deceitfull friends are worse then open and apparant foes Doct. 3 Fained friends worse then open foes Dauid had diuers professed enemies as Saul and such as were neere him yet none of their practises went so neere his heart as these mens that would pretend to be friendly vnto him To this purpose it is said by Salomon Prou. 27.6 that The wounds of a louer are faithfull and the kisses of an enemie are to be praied against for so the words must be read When a faithfull friend doth rebuke vs and seeke to wound our hearts for sinne that is exceeding profitable for vs but when an enemie vnder pretence of loue whereof by kissing they then made shew doth come against vs Indas Matth. 26.49 and seeke to vndermine vs that is exceeding dangerous and the hurt thereof much to be praied against The waters that runne smoothly and mildly are commonly most deepe and dangerous whereas that which roares is more shallow and safe The reasons of this doctrine are Reasons 1 First that such craftie foxes doe more easily come within a man and sooner deceiue him An open enemie commeth as it were before ones face and so his blowes may be better warded off but a false friend commeth behind ones backe and fasteneth a deadly blow ere a man be aware and therefore Ioab when he would speed Abner and Amasa did not bid open defiance vnto them but being therein more crafty and subtill then either godly or manly gaue them kind salutations and vnder pretence of loue most cruelly murdered them both And as it is for the outward man so is it also for the soule The most dangerous temptations are those that proceed from fained friends vnder the colour of loue and desire of our good If Sathan had come vnto Eue and told her I charge you eat of the tree in the midst of the garden whatsoeuer the danger be stand not vpon that for I will haue your husband and you to be damned she would neuer haue hearkened vnto him but when he perswaded her that he was her friend and meant her good namely that by eating thereof she might be made like vnto God himselfe knowing both good and euill then was she ouertaken by him and so being ouercome herselfe she became the instrument of the diuell to deceiue her husband in like sort And so it is with many that haue held out well against raging and violent temptations and yet haue beene foulely drawne aside and shamefully foiled by milder temptations vnto profit or pleasure or credit Secondly the false dealing of such counterfeit friends doth much more afflict the heart of a man then any iniurious actions of manifest aduersaries as we may see in that Psalme of Dauid where he saith Surely mine enemie did not defame me for I could haue borne it c. Psai 55.12.13 but it was thou ô man euen my companion my guide and my familiar c. When his words were smooth and softer then butter and yet prooued deceitfull they went thorow his heart euen as swords and this was iust vpon him because he had dealt in that sort with his faithfull subiect Vriah seeming to fauour him by imploying him in speciall seruices when he went about to take away his life that he might couer his owne iniquities First therefore let this instruct vs to take another course if we haue inward dislike let vs professe it Vse 1 if we carry a louing affection let vs make shew of it and loue not in word alone but in deed as the Apostle exhorteth Especially let vs looke vnto this in matters betwixt God and vs let vs not play the hypocrites with him pretending a loue vnto the Church of God and to the word of God when there is no such matter and drawing neere vnto him with our lips when our hearts are farre from him for in so doing we shall offer great iniury vnto the Lord and doe more hurt at length then those that are profest Papists or Atheists for such as flatter with their lips and dissemble with a double heart in things that concerne the holy religion of God if any persecution come will quite renounce their profession and betray the cause of God and grieue the seruants of God and harden the hearts and open the blasphemous mouthes of the enemies of God and make many to fall by their reuolting and backsliding Therefore let euery one that taketh vpon him the profession of Christianitie be a true not a fained friend of the same and