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A16859 The Christians guide For his better, and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world, vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan, the kingdome of glory. Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers seruing to that purpose. Alliston, Joseph. 1614 (1614) STC 376.7; ESTC S115949 163,621 588

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God what a shame is it to honour a slaue and to dishonour the Master what a folly is it to labour to serue him and to fulfill his lusts with the losse of their owne soules yea to preferre him before the eternal and most glorious God of heauen earth the author of all our good oh what a haynous and horrible fact is it what greater abomination can be deuised And yet thus doth euery one that liueth in sinne willingly He placeth the Diuell before God hee selleth himselfe from God to the Diuel for a few transitory pleasures profits and preferments of this wicked world nay hee doth as it vvere put God and the Diuel together in one and the same ballance God in the one Scale and the Diuel in the other and at last makes the Scale wherein the Diuell is to weigh heauiest preferring him before the Lord of glory A wonder of wonders it is that any should be thus foolish thus sottish and senslesse and a thing vvhich one vvould thinke incredible if we did not see thousands continually thus blinded and bewitched by Sathan Consider yet further the cursed and wofull effects of sinne and wonder how thou canst delight in it any longer It cast the vvicked Angels from heauen to hell 2 Pet. 2.4 from the height of glory to the depth of misery Gen. 3.24 It turned our first Parents and all their posteritie out of Paradise whereas before they were in a most blessed and happy estate made them of all creatures next vnto Sathan himselfe most miserable odious and abhorred of God and subiect to infinite euils in this life Deut. 28. Leuit 26. Psal 32.10 Pro. 24.20 Isay 6.10 and 57.20.21 Ephes 2.2 and in the life to come infinite sorrowes plagues miseries and most fearefull iudgements blindesse of minde hardnesse of heart deadnesse of spirit horror of conscience vexation and anguish of soule bondage vnder Sathan the Prince of darknesse and banishment from God the fountaine of all blisse 2 Thes 1.9 and the hope of the glory of his heauenly Kingdome It defaceth Gods Image disfigureth the soule and makes men monsters Isay 1.3 worse then the bruitish creatures All these are the fruit of sinne besides the many and grieuous maladies and diseases with which the body and outward man by meanes hereof is afflicted and oppressed who is able to rehearse them or who is there that doth not often complaine of them and grone vnder the burthen of them And finally it openeth a gate into hell and setteth it wide open for men to enter in at to their eternall confusion Mat. 7.13 The Diuell is the Porter as it vvere standing continually at the gate ready to receiue them in and sinne is the key that vnlocketh the dore Pro. 21 1● and leadeth vnto that place of destruction the Congregation of the dead and damned And such is the folly and extreame madnesse of wretched and sinfull men that they daily knocke at hell gates and call as it were for the Porter to let them in yea as though that were not enough they bring the key and open the dore themselues which leadeth vnto the fearefull place of endlesse desolation Who is there so blinde so hard-hearted so void of Grace yea Reason and common vnderstanding vvith whom all these motiues should not be of force to cause him to lothe all manner of sin and vtterly to forsake the same and to giue it an euerlasting farewell Eph. 5.11 how pleasing and delightful soeuer it hath seemed heretofore yea that should not thinke it too much that hee hath done heretofore 1 Pet. 4.3 and bee ashamed of it Psal 119.106 and purpose and resolue willingly neuer to doe the like hereafter O mercifull GOD discouer vnto mee daily more and more the cursed nature and vvofull effects of sinne and iniquitie let the filmes and scales which Sathan seeketh to draw ouer mine eyes to blinde and delude me be taken away from me Let not those faire shewes and counterfeit glosses of sinful pleasures profits honour and the vaine and deceitfull things of this world vvith which hee seekes to bleare mine eyes any longer deceiue me as they doe the most But let me see daily more clearely in the Chrystall glasse of thy Word the ougly and deformed image of sinne the wretched nature and fearefull and damnable effects of it how haynous and grieuous it is in it selfe how exceeding offensiue vnto thee and how pleasing and delightfull vnto Sathan how it alienateth and estrangeth men from thee Isay 59.2 defaceth thy Image and transformeth them into the likenesse of Sathan Iohn 8.44 1 Iohn 3.8 maketh them his slaues and vassals how it depriueth them of thy grace of all good things Ier. 5.25 and bringeth all euill and mischiefe vpon them both in their bodies and soules in this life and in the life to come Let me see these things and wisely consider of them and so bee brought to a true hatred and thorow dislike and detestation of all manner of sinne and wickednesse how pleasing soeuer it hath been vnto my nature heretofore and howsoeuer it seeketh with deceitfull pretences to draw me vnto it againe O let me not bring so great a blot and so foule a staine vpon my soule by doing that which is such an abhomination vnto thee and would bee a cause of so much woe and miserie vnto mee But teach mee to auoyd it and to flye from it whensoeuer it first presents it selfe to me in what shape or disguised forme soeuer it seeks to inchaunt mee yea the more closely and couertly that it seekes to winde it selfe into me and to finde intertainement within me the more let me abandon it and forsake it hating it euen vvith a perfect hatred as thou hatest it And let my vvhole delight bee in seeking to please thee more then euer I haue displeased thee heretofore Let it be the ioy of my heart to walke continually before thee with a pure and a sincere and vpright heart in all the wayes of righteousnesse and holinesse and to cleaue fast vnto euery good thing vvhich thou commaundest that so I may not onely be freed from thy wrath and from the euils and miseries which sinne bringeth vpon the vvicked and vngodly but also be receiued into thy loue be made partaker of the riches of thy grace and glory thou mayest take pleasure in mee and reioyce ouer me thy poore creature to doe mee good all my dayes the Angels in Heauen Luk. 15.10 those glorious attendants of thine may reioyce and sing to see thy name glorified by mee and at length may translate mee into that blessed kingdome of thine there to liue and reigne with thee and with all thy elect and holy Ones in fulnesse of glory and happinesse for euermore and that onely through the merits of Christ my Sauiour who with thee and thy Spirit bee blessed and praysed both now and alwayes Amen Another most
and vvound them for so bloudy a crime yea that they reioyce and glory in it many of them and make a sport and pastime of it O horrible impietie Pro. 10.23 and 14.9 How are the consciences of such seared and their hearts hardened yea how like are they vnto Sathan their father who was a murtherer from the beginning Ioh. 8.44 and delights in nothing more then in hunting after the precious life of man and wounding his soule vnto death by entising and drawing him vnto wickednesse O blessed Lord farre be it from me at any time to commit so great a sinne against thee against my neighbour against the life and soule of any vvhich ought alwayes to be most deare vnto me Let me not be a meanes to wound the conscience of my brother by giuing him any iust offence by walking before him in any scandalous course let me neuer be an occasion of death vnto the soule of any by seeking to draw him to the commission of any sinne or to the practise of any kinde of vngodlinesse by any meanes whatsoeuer O farre be this from mee yea O Lord let me be as much afraid of this as much abhorre it as the murthering and destroying of the body of any which is so horrible a sinne that euen the Heathen themselues by the light of nature haue seene and iudged it to be worthy of the sharpest and most cruell death And let me seeke by all meanes rather to saue and preserue the liues and soules of men yea Iam. 5.20 of mine enemies by keeping them as farre as in mee lyeth from sin which is the cause of destruction and by turning their feete out of the waies of death and shewing them the path which leadeth vnto euerlasting life and happinesse and walking therin before them that so we may at length reioyce together Luke 15.9 10. and be made partakers of that glory of thy Saints in the highest heauens Amen What ought to be the maine care of euery one in this life THe Heathen Orator could say that none is so foolish Demosth so sloathfull as to neglect his owne safetie This is true indeed of the safetie of the body He is a monster in nature that doth not seeke by all good meanes the preseruation of it there be but few that may be complained of in this regard But the eternall saluation of the soule who seeth not how little it is regarded of the most how strangely neglected how faintly sought after yea of many scarce thought vpon O folly of follies and desperate sloathfulnesse yea extreame madnesse of men vvho are so sottishly carelesse of that which of all things most nearely concernes them For what would it aduantage them to game the vvhole vvorld Mat. 16.26 and to hazard the losse of their owne soules yea of soule and body for euer O blessed Lord let the counsell of the vvicked seeme foolishnes vnto mee and preserue me and all thine from the same both now and euer Let mee euer be most carefull of that vvhich is most necessary Luk. 10.42 more solicitous of the eternall saluation of my soule then of the safetie and preseruation of this mortall and corruptible body vvhich is shortly to be turned into the dust and made foode for the crawling wormes or baser vermine Aboue all cares let mee be carefull of this to seeke by all means and to vse all diligence to make my Calling and Election sure 2 Pet. 1.10 that so I may haue comfort in this that I am ordayned to life and shall be preserued by thy mighty power 2 Tim. 4.18 1 Pet. 1.5 vnto that glorious saluation vvhich is prepared to be shewed in the last time vvhen thou shalt be glorified in thy Saints 2 Thes 1.10 and made marueilous in them that beleeue yea that so soone as the earthy house of this tabernacle is dissolued 2 Cor. 5.1 and this vveake and fraile body turned into the earth out of vvhich it vvas taken I shall be receiued into those heauenly habitations those celestiall mansions and be made partaker of that rich that immortall vndefiled and neuer-fading inheritance purchased vnto mee by the bloud of thy Son and reserued for mee in the highest heauens vvhere thou raignest in endlesse and vnspeakable glory blessed for euermore Amen Christians often ill Iudges of themselues and their owne estates THe Children of God who are marked out by GOD himselfe vnto life and saluation are oft-times ill Iudges of themselues they discerne not aright of their owne estate because they measure themselues by an vncertaine and deceiueable rule viz. not by the Word of GOD which is of infallible trueth but by sense and feeling and by present apprehension of things offered vnto their thoughts vvithout due consideration of the wise and gracious dispensation of the Lord in his dealings with his children Sometimes hee filleth their hearts with ioy Psal 30.5.11 Isai 66.11 2 Cor. 1.3.4 1 Pet. 1.6.8 and causeth them to feele the sweetnesse of his diuine and heauenly consolations that so they may haue a taste of his goodnesse yea of the exceeding riches of his grace and mercy wherewith he imbraceth them in Christ Iesus Psal 10.1 13.1 2. 119.82.143 1 Pet. 1.6 2 Cor. 6.10 Sometimes againe he seemeth to hide his countenance from them for a while and vvithdraweth those comfortable and glorious feelings vvherewith they vvere before vvonderfully refreshed and wherein their soules reioyced in vnspeakable manner that thus they may be the more humbled in themselues knowing that all is from him and not from themselues and become the more earnest suiters vnto him for the enioying of that Psal 34.4 wherein they see their blessednesse consisteth as also that he might vveyne them the more from this wretched vvorld and cause them to aspire vnto that heauenly life where these comforts shall be alwaies present with them in more excellent manner Psal 16.11 6.8.9 without any intermission or alteration O blessed Lord teach me alwaies to iudge rightly of my estate not according to feeling or the present disposition of my vnsetled minde but according to the rule which thou hast giuen vs in thy vvord which neuer fayleth Though thou dost not alwaies cause me to taste of that heauenly Manna Reuel 2.17 vvherewith sometimes thou dost refresh me though thou dost not alwaies looke vvith a cheerefull face and vvith a smiling countenance vpon me causing thy light to shine in my heart but makest as though thou vvert angrie and much displeased vvith me and gauest no eare to my humble supplications which I powre out in silence before thee yea Psal 22.2 sufferest me to be exercised with many and grieuous temptations and to indure many a hard and doubtful conflict with that deadly enemy and aduersary of mine who thereby seeketh to make a prey of me yet let me alwaies lift vp my heart vnto thee Psal 27.14 Iames 1.2 and
they what they do whē they do ill vnto thee they strike against the Rock which will dash them in peeces q Isay 8.15 they kicke against the pricke r Act. 9.5 Touch not mine annoynted s Psal 105 15 saith the Lord those that are annoynted with the heauenly graces of my holy spirit yea which is more touch not harme not those that are vnited vnto mee that are as neare vnto me as mine own flesh bones the t Zachar. 2 8 apple of mine eyes most deare and tender vnto me Christ cannot indure this he will not suffer it to goe vnpunished O it is a fearefull thing to be an enemie to the least of Christs redeemed ones Feare v Isay 8.12.13 not therefore the feare of any man that in opposing thee setteth himselfe against Christ thy Sauiour but let them feare and tremble whiles they doe it and trust thou in the Lord and cleaue fast vnto him in all things And seeing he hath linked thee vnto himselfe so neare making thee his Spouse and professing himselfe to bee iealous of x Exod. 20 5. Hos 2.2.7 thy loue see that thou preparest thy selfe so as thou mayest alwayes be ready to bee presented vnto him as a y 2 Cor. 11.2 pure Virgin that so hee may delight z Prou. 8.31 Cant. 4.10 in thee and in thy loue continually O mercifull LORD doe thou vvorke and frame my heart vnto these things daily more and more I humbly beseech thee especially inflame my frozen and benummed affections and kindle in me the sparkes of true and vnfained loue vnto thee who hast dealt so exceeding graciously with me aboue all merits or deserts of mine Oh what a vvonderfull and vnspeakeable loue is this of thee my GOD and Sauiour that thou shouldest picke and cull mee out of the a Gal. 1.4 vvorld a sinnefull vvretch a forlorne person not worthy of the least degree of thy loue a branch of that cursed b Rom. 11.17 5.12 17. roote the sonne of Adam the childe of vvrath perdition for so I must needs confesse I was by c Ephes 2.3 Tit. 3.3 nature as well as others and vnite me so nearely d Ephes 2.13 vnto thine owne selfe as to bee flesh of thy flesh and bone of thy bone one with thee as thou art one with the Father O the depth e Ephes 3.18 of thy loue and infinite compassions towards me It cannot be conceiued it cannot bee expressed vvhat a marueilous degree of loue this is It is vnsearchable boundles bottomlesse O let the meditation of it euen rauish my heart and soule and cause me to breake forth vncessantly into praise and thankefulnesse vnto thee and to seeke by all meanes to shew my loue vnto thee who hast magnified thy Grace Mercy so richly towards me in making me of so wretched a creature so blessed and glorious though the vaile be yet so spread before mine eyes that f Col. 3.3.4 1 Ioh. 3.2 I cannot perfectly see or discerne what my blessednesse and glory is but shall haue it fully manifested both vnto my selfe and others vvhen thou who art my life and hope shalt appeare in glory and be made marueilous in g 2 Thes 1.10 all them that beleeue in thee How Christians are to liue in regard of that neere vnion that is betweene them and Christ THE bodie of euery true beleeuer is a member of Christs a 1 Cor. 6.15 body How carefully therefore ought they alwayes to keepe them from being the instruments of sinne or the weapons b Rom. 6.19 of vnrighteousnesse sith Christ thereby is so greatly dishonoured Shall the members of Christ be made the limmes of Sathan Shall his tongue speake vvickednesse his eyes see vanitie his hands worke iniquitie or any part of his mysticall body be made an instrument to commit sinne and vnrighteousnesse God forbid Blessed Lord seeing it hath pleased thee of thy free grace through faith to vnite me vnto Christ my head and blessed Sauiour to ingraffe me into his body and to make euen this weake and fraile body of mine a true member of his mysticall body graunt I beseech thee that I may labour continually to keep this vessell of mine holy and vndefiled free from all pollution and defilement of sinne and from being an instrument to commit any wickednesse lest thereby I should dishonour my head shew my selfe vnworthy c 2 Cor. 6.14.15 to be ioyned vnto him in so neere and happy a vnion yea let it bee my endeauour alwayes to preserue my body in puritie and holinesse and to giue all the parts and members thereof seruants vnto righteousnesse yea to serue thee continually both in body d 1 Cor. 6.20 and spirit that so honour and glory may redound to Christ my Sauiour who with thee O Father and thy Spirit be blessed both now and for euer Amen How Christians are to be affected one towards another in regard of their vnion to Christ and each to other ALL that are true Christians being vnited vnto Christ their head are a 1 Cor. 12 members of the same body vnder Christ their head vnited each to other as they are all to Christ members one of another b Ephe. 4.4 liuing by the same Spirit and looking for the same glory c 1 Pet. 1.3 Ioh. 17.24 euen that immortall and neuer-fading inheritance reserued in the heauens for them where they shall dwell vvith Christ their Sauiour for euermore How then should they enuy hate and maligne one another and seeke to procure what mischiefe they can each to other What an vnkinde and vnnaturall thing is this Doth one member of the body euer hate d 1 Cor. 12.20.21 or enuie another yea the basest and meanest though indeed euen the basest and vncomliest haue not onely a vse and conueniencie for the rest but also a kinde of beautie and comlinesse in themselues howsoeuer in the present estate of this sinneful life couered with the shew of indecencie and morall dishonestie yea doth not one care for the other e 1 Cor. 12.25.26 suffer with the other and reioyce vvith the other So is it with all that are true Christians naturall and liuely members of that mysticall body of Christ Iesus There is a mutuall sympathy betweene them They are as it were of one heart and of one f Acts 4.32 soule They cannot but loue and affect those in whom they see euident or likely signes to perswade them that they are true Christians grafted vvith them into the same stocke they can not hate them from the heart they can not vvish or procure their euill but desire and seeke their good in all things and so much the more will their loue abound towards them as they see that they are more nearely vnited vnto Christ their Head and Sauiour Eyther therefore shew thy entire and Christian affection vnto all the Saints the members of Christ or else
of it and waite and expect continually for the comming of those vnto whom it is promised that so being e Heb. 11.40 consummate the number of them fully accomplished they may reioyce together in most glorious manner for euermore O blessed Lord thou seest what a heauie yoke is now vpon me vnto how many miseries and grieuances both of body and minde I am continually subiect by reason of my sinnes f Psal 38. I am in a strange land g Exo. 2.22 Hebr. 11.13.14 where I haue many enemies alwayes warring against mee and euen seeking to oppresse mee with that bondage and seruitude which they vvould bring vpon mee My dayes are h Gen. 47.9 few and euill full of trouble and affliction full of griefe and sorrowes many feares and dangers many distracting cares earthly vanities doe breed me continuall annoyance and great encumbrance and vvould make this life of mine yrkesome and burdensome vnto mee if I had not hope of a better i 1 Cor. 15 19. O doe thou giue me patience to vvait vpon thee and in expectation of the accomplishment of thy free and gracious promise to passe on the rest of my appointed time in this vale of miserie cheerefully comfortably and contentedly Graunt that I may set my face alwayes towards heauen the place which thou hast prouided for me and that I may continually lift vp mine eies vnto that crown of endlesse vnspeakeable glory vvhich all the afflictions of this present time are in no sort to be accounted worthy of k Rom. 8.18 and which thou that art the righteous God infinite in mercy and truth and vnsearchable in thy loue and kindnesse towards thy elect and chosen ones vvilt in due time l 2 The. 1 6.7 1 Pet. 5.10 euen after that I haue suffered here a while on earth freely vouchsafe to bestow vpon me to the praise of the glory of thy grace through the merits of thy Sonne and my onely Sauiour who with thee and thy Spirit is blessed now and euer Amen III. From the benefit that comes thereby it being Phisicke to the Soule VVEE vvill take downe bitter pilles sowre and loathsome potions for the good of our sicke and diseased bodies and for the procuring of our decayed health Is not the soule of more vvorth then the body Is not the health and good estate thereof more to be respected more regarded and sought after then of the other Surely I thinke there is none so voyd of sense and reason but will freely acknowledge it O mercifull LORD thou seest what a sicke and diseased Soule I haue how exceedingly it is distempered euen in all the powers and faculties thereof O then let no affliction though neuer so bitter in it selfe when I first taste of it seeme grieuous vnto me since thou sendest it for the health of my Soule which is so corrupted with sinne yea let mee willingly cheerefully and thankefully drinke downe the bitterest cup which thou shalt offer vnto me knowing that for the present tartnes I shall finde much sweetnesse in the end a Heb. 12.11 yea being assured that it vvith all things else shall worke together for my good b Rom. 8.28 euen for the increase of thy grace in me and for the furtherance of my Saluation hereafter Another IF thy Phisition cures thee of some dangerous disease thogh he vse many sharpe medicines and puts thee to much paine for the while yet thou both thankest and rewardest him Wee are all of vs by nature sicke most dangerously a Isa 1.6 euery one of vs is diseased with a most grieuous malady the issue whereof will be death b Rom. 6.21.23 if it be not looked to in time If the Lord then the sole and soueraigne Phisition of our sicke and diseased Soules take the cure of thee vpon him if hee apply many sharpe and bitter medicines which although they be grieuous smarting for the present yet heale thee at length when as thou art in so desperate an estate that there had beene no helpe if this remedie had not beene vsed vvilt thou complaine saying that hee deales hardly vvith thee and so become impatient and discontented vvhiles thou art vnder so gracious and mercifull a hand Is this the thankefulnesse which is due vnto the LORD for so great a benefit vvhich he vouchsafeth vnto thee for so great a cure vvhich he intendeth hereby to vvorke vpon thee Is this the recompence is this the reward that thou giuest vnto that good Physition who tendred thy wretched and miserable estate and sought to heale thee of that grieuous disease which were deadly if he should not cure it O my God who seest how I am sore diseased how many and how dangerous maladies I am continually subiect vnto haue mercy vpon me worke thine owne worke vpon me Loe b 2 Sam. 15.26 here I am Cut me launce me giue me the bitter potions of many troubles and afflictions and let me drinke daily of them rather then that I should not be healed and cured rather then that my disease should proue mortal and deadly O Lord correct me but in mercie c Iere. 10.24 not in wrath and indignation deale graciously with me as thou art wont to doe with thy children whom thou louest and whatsoeuer it shall please thee to doe vnto me since I know it is and shall be for my good let me with patience subiect and submit my selfe wholly therein vnto thy gracious and fatherly care and prouidence yea seeing that I cannot make any other recompence vnto thee for this mercie and goodnesse of thine towards me grant that I may now and alwaies returne vnto thee true praise and thankfulnesse with faithfull and constant obedience which are the things thou only requirest and which I vnfainedly desire to performe vnto thee Lord helpe me in my weakenesse and strengthen me with thy grace whereby I may be inabled for the performance of them for euen this is thy gift also who art the author and giuer of euery good thing all is from thee to thee be glory for euermore Amen A further inlargement of the benefit thereof THE benefit which Winter brings is not perceiued till it be past and ouer and the Spring approching and drawing on but then when we see the hearbs flowers fruits and trees begin to reuiue and to recouer their decayed life to waxe greene and to flourish in most pleasant and delightfull manner then we can easily say as the truth is that without Winter this had neuer beene thus that if there had not beene such hard weather such cold and nipping frosts we should not haue had such a goodly spring nor that hope of a plentifull haruest which now the earth promiseth and we with ioy expect All see this in naturall things few see or acknowledge it in those things which are spirituall and yet thus it is in them yea much more in them then in these Whiles affliction
THE CHRISTIANS GVIDE For his better and more comfortable passage through the wildernesse of this troublesome world vnto that promised rest in that heauenly Canaan the Kingdome of glory Consisting of diuers holy Meditations and Prayers seruing to that purpose PSAL. 107.43 Who is wise that he may obserue these things PROV 9.9 Giue admonition to the wise and he will be wiser teach a righteous man and he will increase in learning LONDON Printed by T. S. for Samuel Man and are to be sould at his Shop in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Ball. 1614. TO THE RIGHT HONOVRABLE ROBERT Lord RICH Baron of Leez c. increase of all true honour here and euerlasting happinesse hereafter Right Honourable HOW needfull it is to haue alwayes at hand diuers helps and furtherances to godlinesse and to be often conuersant in Meditation and Prayer and such like holy and religious Exercises none can be ignorant who is eyther priuie to his owne naturall indisposition and vntowardnesse vnto that which is good or otherwise a diligent obseruer of the sundry occasions whereby the affections are distracted and with-drawne from that on which they ought chiefely to be placed or lastly not forgetfull of the subtiltie and stratagems of that old and malicious enemie in seeking by all meanes eyther to keepe men from entering into the right way or else to diuert them from it being once entred into it by laying many stumbling-blocks in the way or insnaring them with the alluring baites of the lying and deceiueable vanities of this fading and perishing world with which many are so strangely inchanted that whiles they fondly thinke therein to finde felicitie they runne on head-long vnto vtter ruine and destruction Hence it is that many moued with the zeale of the glory of GOD and the good of others the welfare of whose soules was deere vnto them haue imployed themselues in seeking to remedy this euill by seasoning the affections of men with wholesome instructions and to preserue them from that danger which otherwise they were like to fall into through the craft and malice of that deadly aduersary who desires nothing more then to make a prey of them and to drowne their soules in perdition without all hope of recouery And this indeede it was that first induced mee being also moued thereunto by the often and importunate request of godly wel-disposed friends to publish this Treatise for the benefit of others and to proceede in the course which vpon the like considerations I had formerly enterprised The Worke I acknowledge to be slender yet such as I hope may not be without profit to those that are sincerely affected and not sicke eyther of that euill disease of vaine and fond curiosity which raignes among too many or else of that spirituall surfet which is a cause of much hurt not to a few whose distemper causeth them to loath better and more sauory dishes then this which I here set before them not hauing indeede any relish in any thing which is not fitted to their Aguish and disordered appetite Whatsoeuer it be I presume to send it forth into the light vnder your Honourable Patronage Why I should vse this boldnesse among others this was not the least incitement namely considering that your Lo hath not onely beene a Patron of the Labours of diuers in this or the like nature but also an Honourable and worthy Instrument for the entrance of many into that chiefe and maine worke of the Ministerie dealing therein with much sinceritie and faithfulnesse a thing so rare in this decayed and corrupted age wherein eyther Flattery or such like sinister respects or which is worse Briberie and Simonie haue so much defiled and defaced the Lords Sanctuary to the losse of many soules which haue perished by meanes of such execrable and sacrilegious impietie I thought it my dutie to take occasion hereby of ioyning with others in publishing to the world your sincere and religious care herein towards the Church of God which shall no doubt in due time be more abundantly recompenced a 1 Cor. 11.15.58 Gal. 6.9 not so much to stirre vp your noble and generous minde to continue in that honourable and worthy course vvherein I know right well your Christian and constant resolution and forwardnesse as to prouoke others of your or inferiour order to whom that great and weightie businesse is committed to follow your steps that thereby they may participate with you in the like deserued praise and so the Church fare the better for them which they ought to account as it is indeed their greatest glory being that wherein Christian Princes and Emperours in former times haue much reioyced striuen who should therein exceede and surpasse others Besides this generall respect which together 〈…〉 THE CHRISTIANS GVIDE PROVER 19.20 Heare counsell and receiue instruction that thou maiest be wise in thy latter end 2 TIM 2.19 Let euery one that calleth on the name of Christ depart from iniquitie What preparation and reuerence is to be vsed in Prayer and other holy and religious Exercises IF men be to come into the presence of an earthly Prince to put vp a supplication Mal. 1.8.9 vnto him for something which they are desirous to obtaine of him or to heare him speake vnto them of somewhat vvhich nearely concernes them how carefull will they be to prepare themselues in the best manner that can be afore-hand With what reuerence will they present themselues before him O then what care what preparation what reuerence is to be vsed of all men when they are to come before the King of glory 1 Tim. 1.17 Dan. 2.47 Isa 40.15 the Lord of heauen and earth the great God of the whole vvorld at whose feete all Princes and the mightiest monarchs in the world are to cast their Crownes and their Scepters and to humble themselues with all reuerent submission both of body and soule Isa 45.23 acknowledging themselues to be nothing vnto him yea the brightnesse of whose glory is so great that those glorious Creatures the Angels themselues are faine to veyle and to couer their faces in his presence Isay 6.2 Exod. 3.5 and 34.8 Psal 95.6.7 Mat. 26.39 Acts 20.36 Gen. 18.27 in what a holy and reuerent manner ought they to present themselues before his Maiestie eyther vvhen they are to speake vnto him in Prayer or to heare him speake vnto them out of his Word or to meditate vpon his holy and righteous wayes and workes or to be acquainted with any part of his vvill so as may concerne his glory or their good They can neuer vse too much diligence when they prepare and addresse themselues vnto this great and waighty businesse But alas a griefe it is vnto one that hath his heart well affected who doth not see how exceeding carelesse and negligent most men are in this duetie yea how strangely and irreuerently they rush often into the presence of God Eccl. 4.17 without all
now shine so clearely so comfortably vpon vs in the face of Christ Iesus our Lord seeing that we being holden vnder sinne and Sathan and sitting in the shadow of death vvere neuer able in any wise by any meanes whatsoeuer procured by our selues or others Angels or any creature else to haue recouered our selues but should haue lyen rotting in that vvoful and damnable estate and so haue perished eternally if God of his meere loue had not vouchsafed speciall grace and fauour vnto vs and that vvhen vve were his enemies Rom. 5.10 Isay 49.9 Luke 1.79 and freed and redeemed vs from that miserable bondage and thraldome yea from the power of darknesse euen death and destruction it selfe and translated vs into that glorious libertie of his Saints in light and this by no smal or ordinarie meanes 1 Pet. 1.18 but by the shedding of the precious blood of Christ his deare son our blessed Sauiour who loued vs and according to the determinate counsell and decree of God gaue himselfe to be crucified slaine for vs euen for vs that had dealt most treacherously and rebelliously against him made our selues altogether vnworthy of the least mercy and fauour of his O mercifull God heauenly father giue me to see vvhat and how great this benefit is which I haue receiued from thee in and through thy Christ Let me euer be mindfull of it and vnfainedly thankefull vnto thee for it yea as this bountifull and inestimable goodnesse of thine towards me so sinfull a wretch and so vnworthie a creature as I am and haue beene deserueth all praise so let mee indeuour by al meanes to set forth and to publish the same vnto the glory of thy grace whereby in the riches of thy loue through thy beloued thou hast done so great and wonderfull things for me for which I can neuer be sufficiently thankefull nor returne that praise which is most due vnto thee Oh that thou wouldest draw me yet neerer vnto thee cause me euen to melt in loue towards thee my God and Sauiour and with heart voyce and life to magnifie and extoll thy name yea to giue vp my selfe both body and soule and all that is within me vnto thy seruice and to the aduancement of thy glory both now and euer Amen Thankefulnesse to God for all his fauours towards vs especially that wonderfull loue of his in our redemption IF GOD had giuen vs nothing but our being wee ought to be stirred vp with the remembrance of that alone to be thankeful vnto him and to acknowledge his mercie and goodnesse towards vs herein But now seeing that hee maketh vs Lords of all these senselesse and vnreasonable creatures Psal 8.6 whereas hee might haue made vs bruitish and voyd of sense and reason like vnto them 21. for wee were all made of the same common matter vvith them and were in his hands as the clay in the hand of the potter to bee wrought to what forme and fashion it pleased him the Creatour of all things 42. seeing he hath preferred vs before all these visible creatures making them to serue vs whereas he might haue subiected vs vnto them and in euery creature both in heauen and earth doth sparkle towards vs his loue with innumerable benefits yea which is the summe of all in Christ vpon the Crosse casts forth the flame of perfect charitie and of his infinite vnspeakeable mercie and kindnesse towards vs sure our hearts are frozen and euen dead within vs if vvee be not moued to loue him with an entire and vnfained loue How should vvee bee affected vvith these things O blessed LORD touch my heart with a true and liuely sense and feeling of the riches of that endlesse incomprehensible loue of thine towards me inlarge this narrow heart of mine that I may be able in some measure with all thy Saints to comprehend the bredth Eph. 3.18.19 length depth and height of that wonderfull and vnspeakeale kindnes of thine towards me in thy Christ which passeth all knowledge Inflame my affections with the meditation thereof and let mee be constrained thereby to loue thee with all my heart with all my soule with all my strength euer to acknowledge thy free grace and marueilous goodnes towards me and for the same to sing prayses vnto thee continually who onely art worthy to be praised and magnified now and for euer Amen Who are the redeemed of Christ THey that are Christs are led by the spirit of Christ that dwels in them rules them Rom. 8.9.14 gouernes sanctifies them thorowout It freeth them from the law of sinne and death and causeth them to liue the life of grace and holinesse Rom. 8.2 they are crucified with Christ in regard of their corrupt and fleshly nature and the sinnefull lusts and affections thereof Gal. 2.19 5.24 1 Cor. 3.16.17 2 Cor. 6.16 so that they liue not now as they did before but Christ liueth in them maketh them a mansion and a holy temple fitted and prepared for the blessed and glorious God to rest and to abide in for euermore This is a truth that the Scriptures of God haue sealed and therefore cannot be denied or once doubted of except we will giue the lie vnto the spirit of truth it selfe who hath spoken it Whose then are they that are led altogether by the spirit of the vvorld euen that vvicked spirit that worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience by the spirit of enuie Ephes 2.2 maliciousnesse vncleannesse prophanenesse c. walking after their owne lusts following the sway of their owne corrupt and sinnefull nature and delighting in fulfilling the will of the flesh and of the minde resisting the spirit of grace and rebelling against Christ Luk. 19.14 and that light which hee hath reuealed vnto them in his word so that they will not haue him to rule ouer them Surely Luk. 19.14 1 Ioh. 3.8.10 they are exceeding blinde and marueilous full of selfe-loue and vaine presumption if they can thinke that they are Christs redeemed by his bloud and iustified by his grace nay if they can once imagine themselues to be otherwise then of Satan the god of this world such as if they continue in that estate wherein they are he will cause to be slaine before his face Luk. 19.27 Rom. 8.13 when hee shall appeare in the brightnesse of his glorie yea Psal 2.9 2 Thes 1.8 Matt. 25.46 bruise and crush them in pieces as it vvere with a rod of yron and cast them into hell where they shall be kept for euer in chaines of darkenesse with the rest of those damned spirits because they haue taken part with Sathan against Christ and shewed themselues to be enemies to him in refusing to beleeue obey his blessed Gospell Let not therefore their owne hearts which are very deceitful nor Sathan who hath beene a lyar a murtherer from the beginning deceiue delude
him to be that which he hath declared and reuealed himselfe to be and bound himselfe by promise Exod. 34.6.7 Mal. 3.17 to shew himselfe to be vnto his whom he hath chosen vnto himselfe and vpon vvhom his delight is set yea it were to derogate from his glory seeing he will be glorified as well in the acknowledgement of his goodnesse and mercy towards his children that feare him Pro. 8.31 as of his iustice and seueritie towards the vvicked and vngodly that know him not Blessed Lord and gracious Father thou knowest the desire of my heart Psa 119.40 thou seest vvith how many weaknesses and infirmities I am compassed about continually how many lets and hinderances are cast before me in the way of godlinesse which leadeth vnto life and saluation thou discernest perfectly vvhat I am made of Psa 103.14 how fraile and feeble my nature is euen as the dust or as the withering hay into what forme and mould I am cast yea that I am nothing without thee and thy quickening and strenthening grace ready to sinne against thee euery houre euery moment O be thou mercifull vnto me spare me as thou hast promised as a Father doth his little ones in vvhom hee delighteth Pardon my sinnes heale my infirmities accept my weake and imperfect endeuours giue me a continuall supply of thy heauenly grace and a greater measure of strength and abilitie to walke before thee vvith a perfect heart and to serue thee with chearefulnesse and alacritie and in truth and sinceritie all my dayes vntill I come at length vnto that perfection both of grace and glory whereof I shall be made partaker in thy Kingdome for euer Amen Good Motions EVery good motion arising at any time in the heart of any one is the voyce of God himselfe Isay 30.21 speaking inwardly vnto the soule and conscience of man and therefore neuer to be lightly accounted of much lesse to be smothered or wilfully resisted and gainsaid for that is a most fearefull thing Ierem. 6.16 18.12 euen rebellion against God and the voyce of his spirit vvhich speaketh in them and vnto them but alwaies diligently to be harkened vnto and by all meanes to be imbraced and cherished that so it may become effectuall and not die and vanish away without fruit or profit to the hardening of the heart and the making of it the more vncapable of grace and goodnesse the ordinary and most fearefull iudgement which the Lord vsually bringeth vpon men for so great a wickednesse Rom. 1.28 Psal 106.15 81.12.13 1 Thes 5.19 Good Lord suffer mee not at any time to quench thy spirit to resist that heauenly voyce of thine speaking vnto me according vnto thy word least thou giue me ouer to hardnesse of heart Cant. 5.2 but whensoeuer thou doest knocke at the doore of my heart and soule Reue. 3.20 let me be ready presently to open vnto thee and to giue thee the best entertainment that I can by yeelding my selfe euery-waies pliable and flexible vnto thee vvhensoeuer thou doest inspire me with any good motion or holy desire grant that I may vse all meanes whereby the same may be quickened and increased that so thine owne worke may daily be more and more perfected in me Yeelding to the wicked motions and desires of the heart THe vaine and wicked desires of the heart can neuer be satisfied yea Isa 57.20 the more that any doth feed them the more insatiable shall he find them He can neuer be filled neuer haue enough of them Who seeth not this most clearly in the couetous the voluptuous the ambitious yea in all such as giue the reines vnto their owne sinfull and inordinate affections It is as it were a fire in their bones which will neuer be quenched till the fewell which ministreth continually new matter vnto it be quite taken away It is as it were the flame of hell kindled by Sathan himselfe to the scorching of the conscience which is drowned in these earthly these sinful these sensuall delights It is like a greedy worme which continually lies gnawing vpon the soule and in time will eate out the very heart intrals if the euil be not timely preuented O blessed Lord withdraw my heart I beseech thee daily more and more from these lying and deceitfull vanities which can neuer yeeld me any true contentment but rather be a cause of torment and vexation vnto me robbing me not onely of thy grace but of my peace also seeing my minde can neuer bee satisfied with them And grant that the desires of my heart may be set wholly vpon thee who art the fountaine of all goodnesse of all true blisse and happinesse that so I may be satisfied and replenished with the plentifulnesse and abundant riches of thy grace and heauenly blessings Rom. 2.10 Gal. 6.6 and haue thy peace and mercy resting vpon me and abiding vvith me all my daies Amen How fearefull a thing it is for a man to be left vnto himselfe and to his owne desires THere can no greater euill befall any man in this world then to be left vnto himselfe Psal 81.12 Isai 1.5 63.17 vnto his owne will and waies and to the corrupt desires and affections which are most pleasing to his wicked heart and vnsanctified nature Of all iudgements which the Lord doth suffer to come vpon men in this life it is the greatest and most dangerous though thorow the marueilous blindnesse and sottishnesse that is in men least eyther discerned or feared of the most Better were it for them by any meanes to be restrained from those things which their corrupt nature is prone vnto yea better were it for them to bee held downe continually with some painefull sicknesse and grieuous disease or to be laid fast vp in close prison all their liues long and to endure the greatest outward misery that can be vnto their dying houre O blessed Lord giue me not ouer vnto the waies of mine owne heart an insensible but of all iudgements the most fearefull leaue me not vnto my selfe suffer me not at any time to wander and goe astray from thee by following those things which are good in mine owne eyes and pleasing vnto carnall and corrupt reason O let me neuer fall into so great an euill but be thou mercifull vnto me to order and dispose all my affections to guide and gouerne me with thy spirit and to direct my steppes according vnto the rule of thy holy and blessed word that so being kept and preserued by thee from those sinnes vvhereunto of my selfe I am prone and inclinable and established in euery good vvay and vvorke I may glorifie theein my life and find ioy and comfort in my death and after death liue and raigne with thee eternally in fulnesse of all glory and happinesse through the merits of Christ my Sauiour The many differences betweene a naturall and a spirituall man one that is truely sanctified VVHat difference
is there betweene a carnall and naturall man and him that is spirituall and truely regenerate How opposite and contrary are they in their thoughts desires inclinations proiects purposes and practises in briefe in the vvhole course and carryage of their liues It is wonderfull to obserue and see how exceedingly they differ what a marueilous contrarietie there is betweene them the naturall man doth alwayes eye those things which are visible and temporall the spirituall 2 Cor. 4.18 Heb. 11.1.27 those things especially which are inuisible and eternall The naturall man doth delight altogether in the creatures and in fulfilling the wicked lusts and vaine desires of his owne heart Mat. 24.38 1 Pet. 4.4 Gen. 19.9 and therefore neuer grieueth more then vvhen hee is most crossed in those courses vvhich hee so much affecteth Psal 33.21 Psal 37.4 and 95.1 1 Sam. 30.6 but the spirituall mans chiefe delight is in the Creator the fountaine of all true pleasure and delight and in feeding his soule vvith good thoughts 1 Pet. 1.3.6 blessed hopes holy desires and diuine and heauenly meditations Psa 119.97 vvith which hee can neuer bee satiated vvhereas for all earthly vanities hee hath a great distaste Gal. 6.14 and a base esteeme of them or at least hee looketh ouer them vvith a kinde of holy disdaine he doth not so much affect them but that hee doth earnestly desire and endeuour to restraine his minde from the sinfull and inordinate loue of them and neuer thinkes himselfe better at ease then when hee can most weane his affections from them Eccle. 2.17 and crucifie that corrupt nature of his with the wicked motions and concupiscence thereof Gal. 5.24 then which he findeth nothing more grieuous and burthensome vnto him or from which hee hath a greater desire to be altogether freed Rom. 7.24 The naturall man is led vvith the spirit of Sathan Ephes 2.2 and of this vvorld vvhich ruleth and raigneth yea rageth in him the spirituall man is led by the Spirit of Christ and of God Rom. 8.9.14 that holy and sanctifying Spirit of grace vvhich dwels in him rules gouernes and directeth him and leadeth him forth into the vvayes of righteousnesse and holinesse The naturall man doth vvholy vved himselfe to the vvorld Hosea 2.5 Iames 4.4 and therefore sauours nothing but the things of this earth Ioh. 3.31 Rom. 8.5 dotes fondly vpon them and lyes groueling vpon this slime and baser molde like a Mucke-vvorme vainely supposing that there can be no greater happinesse then to enioy abundantly the pleasures honours preferments profits and commodities thereof and therefore being foolishly enamoured Phil. 3.19 2 Pet. 2.19 or rather strangely besotted with the vvhorish loue of it doth in a base and sordid manner euen deuore himselfe to the seruice of it But the spirituall man doth not so loue the world but that when hee hath his eyes in his head hee flyes from it as farre as vvith conuenience hee may knowing the vanitie and the exceeding both danger and deceitfulnesse of it 1 Tim. 6.9 10.17 Eccles 1.2.14 1 Cor. 7.31 Psa 119.19 Heb. 11.9 Phil. 3.20 Gal. 6.14 he vseth it as if hee vsed it not maketh himselfe a stranger to it and had rather vtterly renounce and giue it ouer and be diuorced and quite separated from it then bee so much yoaked vnto it as hee seeth others are or tyed vvith so straite bonds of loue and amitie as that seeketh to chaine and fasten him vnto it and so to draw him to a more neare and entire vnion vvith it then he desires yea so contrary is it to his minde to be matched or ioyned in any league vvith it that he accounteth himselfe most happy vvhen he hath least to do vvith it and most freed from the encumbrances of it that so he may soare aloft and haue more fellowship and communion with God and greater liberty wholy to deuote himselfe to his worship and seruice assuredly perswading himselfe that herein and in nothing else consisteth true felicity and happinesse and therefore vvisely maketh it his chiefe treasure that vvhich he esteemeth farre aboue all other things The naturall man seeketh for comfort and contentment onely in sensible and externall things the spirituall Eccl. 11.9 Luk. 12.9.29 16.19 Psal 4.6.7 37.4 in the inward graces of Gods Spirit and in the assurance of his loue and fauour vvhich is a greater ioy and refreshing vnto him then all other things whatsoeuer Yea the sweetnesse of the world is bitternesse to him in comparison of this Phil. 2.21 The naturall man seeketh his owne priuate good that which may be most for thee aduancement of his outward state in the world his owne credit honour profit and commodity vvithout any respect vnto others the care of whom he thinks litle or nothing appertaineth vnto him if they be not such as nature hath linked and chained vnto him by such bonds as the verie Heathen themselues would not breake But the spirituall and regenerate man seeketh the good of others 1 Cor. 24.33 1 Cor. 13.5 as well as his owne yea he doth rather desire if he may conueniently do it to benefit many others then himselfe alone since he knoweth well that he was not borne for himself but for others also and that he is no lesse bound to others then to himselfe Iames. 2.8 and therefore not onely to wish but as farre as he can to procure their good with the same affection that he doth his owne The naturall man cares not how much or how oft he offends or prouokes others so that hee may please himselfe and satisfie his owne lustes yea it 's a pastime to him many times to grieue disquiet and molest others and those especially that are most innocent and harmelesse Psal 56.5 97.4 Psal 59.3 64.4 neyther thinking nor speaking much lesse working any euill against him but rather praying for him and seeking and desiring his good The spirituall man on the contrary is very loth to giue offence vnto any yea to the meanest and simplest ones 2 Cor. 6.3 1 Cor. 10.33 1 Ioh. 2.20 Rom. 15.2 1 Cor. 8.13 2 Cor. 6.3 2 Cor. 13.5 he seekes to please his neighbour as wel as himselfe and had rather doe or suffer that which would be some waies inconuenient to him then that his weake brother should be displeased or offended at him he is very wise and wary this waies so farre is he from delighting to grieue or prouoke others that he is much grieued when he seeth that others take occasion where there is none giuen to be grieued and displeased with him or by meanes of him and seekes presently in a louing affection towards them to heale that wound and to salue that sore which they haue rather brought vpon themselues then taken from him The naturall man doth scarce loue his best friends except it be carnally in worldly respects Psal 41.6.9
bloudy voice of Caine once proceed out of my mouth or the least thoght of it once lodge in my breast Am I my brothers keeper Gen. 4.9 O let not the bowels of compassion euer be so wanting in mee that I should as farre as in mee lieth suffer any of thine to perish through the neglect of that dutie vnto which thou hast so straitly bound mee but let mee alwayes bee ready with all wisedome and Christian affection both to exhort and admonish others Pro. 15.31 Heb. 13.22 and to be rebuked and reclaimed my selfe whensoeuer I shall wander and goe astray from thee and from thy wayes A Preseruatiue needfull in these corrupt and infectious times THey that liue in a bad ayre or infectious places will be carefull to prouide themselues of preseruatiues that so they may not receiue that hu t thereby which otherwise cannot bee well auoyded What poyson is so infectious as sinne vvhat ayre so corrupt and dangerous as the example of the wicked and prophane multitude and what age more contagious then this in which wee liue wherein vertue is become odious yea as a thing monstrous amongst many Zach. 3.8 pietie accounted simplicitie and foolishnesse a reproach and disgrace vnto men so that the most are halfe ashamed of the very profession of it and vice and vngodlinesse aduanced and much made of as though it were a speciall grace and ornament vnto those that haue put it vpon them How trulie may we say with the Wise-man in this regard Eccle. 6.7 I haue seene seruants on horseback Princes walking as seruants on the ground bruitishnes and base seruile courses extolled and set in great excellencie and the most princely and heroicall vertues and graces of the minde debased and troden vnder the feet of the vile and contemptible Assuredly Iob. 30.8.9 1 Ioh. 5.19 the world lieth in vvickednes the very dregs and sinke of former times is falne into this last and worst age the venime whereof spreads it selfe daily more and more to the corrupting of others How needfull therefore is it for euery one in such infectious places and in so contagious an aire to get the best preseruatiues whereby they may bee kept from that poysonous steame with which most are corrupted and vvhich in the end will proue deadly if it bee not timely preuented O LORD seeing it cannot be auoyded but that I must liue for a time in this present euill world Ier. 9.2 vvhere vertue and true godlinesse is contemned and vice and wickednes gets the vpper hand the examples vnto goodnesse so rare vnto vngodlinesse so many abounding euery where seeing there be so many occasions to infect and poyson my soule and to draw me from that simplicitie godly purenesse which thou requirest Psa 51.6 2 Cor. 1.12 O giue mee grace by all meanes to prouide my selfe against the danger of this euill by vvalking wisely and circumspectly yea Eph. 5.15 do thou so preserue mee vvith thy grace that I may neuer be corrupted as others are nor fall from my vprightnesse and sinceritie but carefully auoiding all occasions of sinne as the very bane of my soule be free from those deadly diseases into which others fall without recouery and so die and perish in them Delight in sinne what folly it is I Can neuer maruell enough to see the extreame folly of the most who finde so much sweetnesse Iob 20.12 13 and take so great pleasure delight in those things which they know will be as bitter in the end as gall and wormewood nay as death it selfe Pro. 20.17 Iere. 2.19 Eccl. 7.10 Poyson though it be sweet yet because it is deadly is carefully auoyded but sinne which is the bane of the soule how greedily is it swallowed Rom. 6.23 because it is pleasant to the taste Lord suffer me not to eate of the dainties of the wicked lest I perish with them but cause thou my soule to loathe and abhorre them that so I may liue for euer Amen How dangerous it is to take liberty vnto ones selfe in any one sinne HEe that giueth himselfe libertie in any one sinne is as one that lifteth vp the sluces or breaketh vp the damme 2 Sam. Matth. euen flouds will ouer-flow and ouer-runne him many great and dangerous waters will breake in vpon him and ouer-whelme him if hee looke not to it in time Good Lord suffer me not vvillingly to yeeld vnto any sinne at any time but grant that I may be carefull alwaies to stoppe it at the beginning least it get a head and preuaile against me yea doe thou make vp the manifold breaches of my soule least I be drowned in perdition and perish with the world of the vngodly Another ONe rotten member vvill hazzard the whole body if it be not in time cut off and so the danger thereby preuented This is true in the body much more in the soule one sinne will bring death and destruction both of body and soule Ezek. 18.31 if there be not a timely preuention Lord if my right eye cause mee to offend Mat. 5.29.30 let mee not spare but pluck it out and if my right hand cause me to offend let mee not delay to cut it off and to cast it from mee Let no sinne bee so deare vnto mee as that I should be loath to be ridde of it yea not willing to cut it cleane off from mee though with painefulnesse rather then thereby to perish euerlastingly Custome in sinne how dangerous it is AS hard is it to plucke vp a tree by the rootes as to cause him to leaue his sinne Ier. 13.23 who hath a long time beene accustomed vnto it Experience euery where giueth too euident proofe of this in the vncleane person the drunkard the couetous worldling c. The longer that any hath continued in any sinfull course the more is he daily rooted and setled in it and with the more difficultie drawne from it vnto goodnesse His minde becommeth euery day more blind his conscience more seared his heart more hardened his vvill more crooked his affections more disordered and himselfe faster tyed and bound Act. 8.23 as it were vvith many cords and chaines vnto his iniquitie so that it is impossible for him to be loosed and to be pulled out of the snare of Sathan 2 Tim. 2.26 except the LORD vouchsafe an extraordinarie grace and worke as it vvere a miracle vpon him So dangerous a thing is custome and continuance in any sin in any kinde of wickednes O Lord although through weaknesse and frailety I fall daily into sinne Eccl. 7.22 1 Ioh. 1.8 and cannot doe other-wise yet let mee neuer lye or continue in the same but seeke presently to recouer my selfe and to arise speedily out of it that so howsoeuer I am subiect vnto many sinnes yet not one of them may at any time haue power and dominion ouer me Another SEest thou how it is
can be named Is it not the Diuell I know thou vvilt and needs must say so For his very name doth affright men and vvhen vvee haue named him vvee thinke that we haue reckoned the worst and the most loathsome hatefull thing that can be yet I tell thee that euen Sathan himselfe that hellish Fiend is not so filthy so loathsome and deformed as sinne is Maruell not at this as though it could not so be but consider throughly of the matter and thou wilt easily perceiue and willingly acknowledge it to be so For vvhat is it that makes the Diuell so much abhorred both of God men and Angels Is it not sinne and sinne onely yes doubtlesse it cannot be denyed For who knowes not that knowes any thing that those damned Spirits euen all the Diuels in hell Iude v. 6. were at the first more glorious excellent louely and amiable Creatures then any mortall man whatsoeuer yea that they were like Starres Angels of light shining and glistering with puritie holinesse and righteousnesse before they vvere stained and defiled vvith the loathsome contagion and infection of sinne and transgression Sinne onely it was that blemished that goodly beautie Sinne onely it was that darkened that vvonderfull brightnesse and that resplendent glory vvherein they vvere at the first created and wherein they should for euer haue continued had they not sinned against the Maiestie of GOD their Creator Sinne onely it vvas that dimmed all their light and damped all their glory the beames vvhereof vvould haue dazeled any mortall eye Sinne onely it vvas that of Citizens of that Royall palace that heauenly Paradise that celestiall Ierusalem 2 Pet. 2.4 the Presence-chamber of the Lord of glory made them wretched bond-slaues and most miserable captiues in that deepe dungeon and darke prison of hell vvhere they are kept in euerlasting chaines of darknesse vnto that great damnation Sin onely it vvas that transformed them into damned Spirits cast them downe from the brightnes of heauenly glory into the darknesse of hellish misery and of bright-shining Starres as it were made them most ougly and loathsome Diuels In briefe Sin and Sinne onely it vvas that made them as loathsome as euer they vvere louely as ougly as euer they vvere amiable as greatly abhorred of God and of all his holy and elect Angels as euer they were loued of them before And were they freed from sinne they vvould become Angels of light glorious creatures Now then if sinne doth make others yea such glorious creatures as the Diuels once were so vile and loathsome yea odious vnto all other creatures oh then how vile and loathsome a thing is sin it selfe Surely so hydeous a monster is this monstrous Monster I know not how to tearme it of Sinne that those vvhose eyes GOD hath once opened that they are able rightly to discerne of the same vvill vnder-goe any torment 1 Ioh. 3.8 any sorrow any punishment whatsoeuer rather then once vvillingly commit the same as wee may see in the examples of many holy Martyrs Heb. 11.35 36.37.38 and godly Professors who haue endured the losse of their goods lands liuings yea and life it selfe and willingly suffered all kinde of tortures and torments that their cruell Aduersaries and bloudy Persecutors could deuise or imagine rather then they vvould be brought to that one sinne of denying the knowne truth or dissembling their profession Notable to this purpose is the saying of that auncient and religious Father that he would wish rather to be torne in pieces with wilde beasts then willingly and vvittingly to commit any sinne And from a more heroicall and diuine spirit Anselme was that speech of him that professed that if hee should haue the choyse eyther to burne in hell fire continually or to sinne any sinne willingly hee vvould rather choose those endlesse vnspeakeable torments then yeeld consent to the other so vile and monstrous did sinne seeme vnto him What should I say more Men would bee much afrayde if the Deuill should appeare vnto them in some shape yea the very naming of him strikes a deepe impression of feare into many But could these once behold sin it selfe which makes the deuill so odious if they could view it as it is indeed they would be wonderfully flaited and affrighted at the very appearance of it it vvould make their hearts to tremble within them and their haire to stand vpright on their heads they would flie from it more then from the most poisonous Serpent or venimous creature in the vvorld yea as much as from the Deuill himselfe They would neuer shake hands with it as they haue done heretofore they would neuer keepe company with it they would neuer be quiet till they were freed from the dominion and slauery of it It would bee euen death vnto them to haue any fellowshippe therewith as no doubt it is to the godly man who because hee seeth he cannot be fully rid of it in this life therefore is constrained often to crie out as one that were stabbed at the heart Woe is me that I remaine in Mesheth Psal 120. and dwell in the tents of Kedar or as one that had the pangs of death vpon him Rom. 7.24 O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from this body of death So it is with the religious soule vvhen it is ouerswaied with the corruption of it owne sinfull nature or carried away violently in a sort with the forcible blasts of Sathans temptations Oh so far it is from doing it willingly or from taking ful delight in it that it rather complaines and mournes bitterly though secretly oftentimes for it It gals that man at the very heart for it it is as it were a pricke in his eyes or a thorne in his side yea euery sinne vvhich hee commits when hee once knowes it is as an Awle at his heart it stingeth and woundeth his conscience and maketh him to mourne like a Doue and chatter like a Swallow In a word the very consideration of this that he should commit so filthy a fact and so foule an offence causeth his heart and soule euen to bleed within him Neither hinders it any thing at all which some might bring with some colour for the gaine-saying of this What is sinne so vile and loathsome a thing as you make it How comes it to passe then that it seemes so sweet so amiable and pleasant as it doth vnto the most How commeth it that it allureth enticeth and draweth men vnto it causing them to follow it to loue embrace ioy and delight in it yea to serue obey it with all greedinesse and to spend all their time their strength vvit and vvealth in the seruice of it Can sinne be so vile and deformed a monster and yet bee sought after vvith such great care and diligence and pursued vvith so great delight and cheerefulnesse as if it vvere some excellent pretious thing vvhich might vvell cause all to be enamoured
pleasures profits riches and reuenues of the whole world Behold the base estate and condition which he tooke vpon him for thy sake Behold the shame and reproach which he sustained for thee and for thy sinnes Behold his face whom the Angels Heb. 1.6 those celestiall creatures doe reuerence and adore spitted vpon for thy cause Behold him who is the Authour of blessednesse become accursed for thee that he might free thee from that curse which was due vnto thee Behold him Isa 66.1 whose Throne is in the highest Heauens the Lord of Glory and Maiestie descended downe into the earth and abased to the lowest degree of humiliation becomming as one of no reputation Phil. 2.6.7 Psal 22.6 a worme not a man that so he might exalt thee and raise thee from shame to glory from Hell to Heauen from the depth of miserie and wretchednes to the height of endlesse and euerlasting blessednesse What should I say Behold the Lord of life dying vpon the Crosse that hee might bring thee from death to life and make thee of a childe of wrath and perdition an Heire of glory and Saluation See his Head crowned with thornes his body sweating drops of blood for the anguish that he was in for thy sinnes See the bloud streaming forth out of his side to vvash and cleanse thee from thy wickednesse See the fountaine of his loue his grace and mercie set vvide open vnto thee Zach. 13.1 All these cry loud vnto thee and are as a shrill voyce in thine eares to call thee from thy sinnes and to cause thee vtterly to abandon all thy former vvickednesse euen that vaine conuersation vvherein heeretofore thou delightedst And wilt thou yet continue therin God forbid O heart more harder then the Adamant or flintie Rocke if these things doe not moue thee and cause thee to relent if nothing else will neither remembrance of the vilenesse and loathsomnes of sinne the fearefull and wofull miserie and bondage vvhereunto it bringeth thee the stingings of conscience wherewith it vvoundeth the soule and maketh it to smart grieuously oftentimes vvhen none perceiueth it nor the many iudgements which it exposeth thee vnto both here in this life and much more in the life to come in hel fire for euer If none of these will yet let this this I say euen the due and serious consideration of the great and vvonderfull things that Christ hath done for thee to redeeme thee from thy sinnes and to loose the bonds of thine iniquities 1 Ioh. 3.8 O let this draw thee from the same in a forcible maner yea let his infinite and boundlesse loue and mercie towards thee herein euen breake thy stonie and steely heart and cause it to melt into teares for thy sinnes past to grieue to sorrow to mourne and lament for the same and to purpose and resolue vvith thy selfe neuer willingly to offend him hereafter though thou mightst gaine thereby a thousand worlds Let thy heart be sooner plucked out of thy body then thou drawne from this godly purpose and Christian resolution vvhich vvell becommeth all that are Christs redeemed 2 Tim. 2.19 1 Ioh. 3.9 and vvill bee in thee if thou beest a true Christian indeed and not in vvord and shew onely O blessed Lord and Sauiour when I looke vp vnto thee and consider thy marueilous Loue and Bountie in that great and gracious vvorke of thine in redeeming mee from that miserable estate into vvhich I vvas plunged as vvell as others vnto that glorious condition of thy redeemed ones how thou abasedst thy selfe to become man for my sake to be accursed that thou mightest free me from the curse which I had brought vpon my selfe to dye that so shamefull a death and to be buryed in the earth that thou mightest raise me out of the graue of my sinnes and bring me from sinne death hell and damnation vnto grace life and euerlasting saluation in that blessed and glorious kingdome of thine vvhich thou reseruest for mee in the heauens when I looke vp vnto thee and call to minde how wonderfully thou hast dealt with me in these things and on the other side cast mine eyes vpon the vvhole course of my life past how vile how sinfull it hath beene and view my estate present how many and grieuous the sinnes are vvhereby I haue prouoked thee daily euen since thou calledst mee to the knowledge of that sauing grace of thine my heart faileth vvithin mee I am ashamed and confounded in my selfe that I should haue beene found so vnkinde vnto thee who hast beene so exceeding kinde and gracious vnto me O doe thou cause mee daily more and more to see and bevvaile the greatnesse of my sinne herein and heale my soule in whatsoeuer I haue offended thee O let thy loue thy goodnesse thy grace and bountie in redeeming mee so wretched so vnworthy a Creature by thine owne bloud from so fearefull and vvofull a condition into so blessed and glorious an estate O let it constraine mee to loue thee vnfainedly let it dissolue me into the teares of true and vnfained repentance for all my sinnes and transgressions vvhereby I haue displeased thee my God and Sauiour and let it vvorke in mee a perfect hatred and loathing of all kinde of vngodlines and a continuall desire and endeuour to please thee and to shew forth my thankfulnes vnto thee by walking carefully before thee in all the duties which thou commandest me that so I may be euery day more assured that I am one of that small flocke which thou hast redeemed with thy precious bloud for whom thou hast prouided that glorious Kingdome in the heauens Drawing others vnto any wickednesse a bloudy and fearefull sinne MVrther is abhorred of all men and that most iustly for it is a fearefull and a crying sinne committed Gen. 4.10 nor approued of any but such as haue lost in a manner the very nature of man and become as it were bruite and sauage creatures yea monsters such as are to be driuen out from the company and societie of men and to be depriued of this light which they doe enioy and are no wayes worthy of Deu. 19.13 But yet behold a strange thing and much to be vvondered at to murther the soules of men by drawing them to wickednesse by ill counsell Pro. 18.21 or by corrupt example of life or otherwise is slightly accounted of not had in that detestation among men that the other although as it is more common so it may well be sorted and rancked with it Is not the soule more pretious then the body Mat. 16.26 the life of the soule more vvorthy and farre more to be regarded then the life of the body Why then is not the murthering of this accounted as wicked as haynous as the other why is it not as much abhorred of all men vvhy are not such esteemed rather monsters then men and how is it that their owne consciences doe not accuse
in his wayes but scorning and hating them that seek to bring them to a holy submission vnto him Psal 1.1 Prou. 1.22 29. and to his blessed ordinances Some againe though not so bad as they yet bad enough seeme to make some profession outwardly and would be called and accounted Christians and yet liue like Heathen Pagans Turks Infidels if not worse hauing their liues stained very fouly with many enormious crimes yea such whereof the very Heathen vvould haue beene ashamed and which cause the sacrilegious Turks and Mahometans to blaspheme our religion to scorn our most holy profession in disdainful maner It were infinite to reckon them vp Rom. 1.29 fornications adulteries murthers vsury oppression pride maliciousnesse and many such like cursed fruits which neuer sprung from that Religion which those that practise them vniustly make profession of Others againe make indeede a goodly shew and a glorious profession 2 Tim. 3.5 hauing the forme of godlinesse but denying the truth and the power thereof viz. all glozing hipocrites and counterfeite dissemblers with whom the Church of God hath beene alwayes pestered to the wounding and disgracing of true Professors Mat. 23.14 their condemnation is the greater Thus if wee goe thorow all sorts of those that are outwardly called yea amongst vvhom the true Religion wherein saluation onely is to be found is entertayned vvee shall see that euen the number among them that shall be saued is but small Mat. 7.21 Not euery one that saith Lord Lord not euery one that is an outward professor shall enter into the kingdome of Glory Now then if the number euen of Christians and professors who haue the way of life and saluation plainely described before their eyes and called vpon daily to walke therein yea encouraged vvith many and forcible reasons and allurements to set forward therein with all speede that may be if the number of them that are saued is but small as it is so cleare a truth that none neede once to doubt of it nay cannot except hee vvill gaine-say him vvho is the Truth it selfe vvhat then I beseech you is their number in comparison of the whole vvorld which is so vvide and spacious and of so large extent that it makes them that haue any discerning of it to vvonder at it Sure they are but euen a handfull to speake of Luk. 12.32 a little flocke as the shaking of an Oliue tree Isay 24.13 or as the grapes when the Vintage is ended The number vvhen it is cast vp vvill be gathered into a short summe Rom. 9.28 In a vvord as there are more Nettles then Roses more Weeds then Flowers more Brambles then Vines more Earth and baser Mettall then pure Gold or Siluer so the number of them that shall be damned is farre greater then of those that shall be saued and made partakers of the blessednesse of the Saints in glory Oh therefore how great is the securitie of the most that goe on so boldly in their wicked and vngodly courses neuer thinking of this narrow way to life How is it that they are so carelesse of their estate seeing so few shall be saued so many damned How hath Sathan bewitched and besotted them that though they heare and know these things yet they dare presume to goe forward in that broad way because they see so many vvalking in it more blinde then blinde Balaam Numb 22.23 that saw lesse then his Asse or if not as blinde yet as desperate rushing forward to their owne destruction when God causeth though not his Angell yet his Ministers and Messengers vvho are also called his Angels to stand in that broad way Reu. 2. vvith the drawne sword of his threatning sentence Rom. 8.13 to turne them out of it that they perish not vvith the multitude and to inforce them in a manner to take the narrow vvay vvhich is before them telling them oft that the number of them that shall be saued is but small in regard of them that shall be damned eternally How should this terrifie them how should it amaze them yea how should it awaken all of vs and quicken vs in the way which leadeth to life and saluation making vs to walke wisely and circumspectly Eph. 5.15 not once daring to set our foote in the wrong vvay If wee were assured that all in the world should be saued except some one how ought euery one to looke about and to prouide so that hee might not be that one how much more behooueth it vs now to bestirre our selues whiles this soundeth in our eares that the fewest shall be saued the most damned If we vvere to goe ouer some high or steepe mountaine where there were a narrow bridge or a strait passage and that very slippery and dangerous insomuch that we saw the greatest part of them that went before vs for want of heedfulnesse and sure footing tumbling downe in fearfull manner among the craggy rockes vnto the bottome of that deepe gulfe that was vnder them to their present and irrecouerable destruction how carefull would wee be except wee were desperate and mad-men to looke with all diligence to our footing that we slip not and to take the surest course that possibly vvee could How much greater care and diligence should wee vse in seeking to goe forward in the safest manner that may bee in this straite passage to life especially seeing that so many thousands doe miscarry therein and that the danger of missing it is tenne thousand times more then the falling from the toppe of an high mountaine into a deep valley that being onely the beating out of the braines or the bruising of the body to a temporall destruction this the vtter ruine and confusion both of body and soule for euer Or if wee were to passe thorow a field or a high-way wherein many theeues lye lurking on euery side so that few escaped vvith their liues would we not be much afraid of the imminent danger and therefore seeke to prouide for our safetie in our iourney as much as possibly wee might Doubtlesse wee would Well then being now all of vs to passe thorow the vast Wildernesse of this sinfull and dangerous world wherin the Diuels euen many thousands of damned Spirits our most cruell and malitious enemies and deadly aduersaries the very Cut-throates of our soules who alwayes seeke by all meanes to worke our destruction lye continually in waite for vs as it vvere so many troopes in secret ambushment against vs so that few escape eternall death and damnation and come to life and saluation ought not we much more to be afraid and to bee carefull by all meanes to escape that great danger and to come vnto that exceeding glory Haue wee any cause to be carelesse and secure as the most are Is it meete that vve should giue ouer our selues to our vaine pleasures and sinfull courses eating drinking playing sporting as those in the dayes of Noah Luk. 17.26
27.28 and of Lot did when their destruction was at hand and euen drowne our selues in such dangerous loosenesse and securitie as the most doe whiles our enemies cut our throates 1 Thes 5.6 Is it meete I speake to them that are of any vvisedome or vnderstanding to discerne vvhat I say is it meete that vve should be thus vaine thus negligent thus desperate euen vvith the vvicked of the vvorld letting goe the hope of life and plunging our selues into the depth of euerlasting confusion and condemnation in so vvretched a manner O consider of this all yee that forget God and casting away the meanes of grace vvhich hee offereth runne on headlong in a violent manner as you are led yea driuen by Sathan vnto your own destruction Thinke of this What doe you O men blinded and deluded by that deceiuer vvho as he hath beene alwayes a murtherer so now seeketh to murther your soules yea Ioh. 8.44 soules and bodies for euer Will you still suffer your selues to be mislead by him Will you needes barre your selues out of heauen yea out of all hope of heauen and happinesse Will you needs for the sweetnesse of a fewe transitorie pleasures profits and delights depriue your selues of so great glory those full and euer-flowing streames of all heauenly pleasures and delights which if I had the tongue of men and Angels 1 Cor. 2.9 I were not able fully to expresse Will you needs be so foolish and vnwise as for the obtayning of these fading perishing things in a sinnefull manner to cast away your selues for euer Will you needs set vpon your selues the brand of eternall perdition the notes and markes of a reprobate so that they that see you may say Loe there goes one that walkes in the broad way to hell and destruction Or do you thinke that walking and continuing in that broad way it is possible for you euer to be saued and to enter with that smal number into that glorious kingdom Ioh. 3.3 or to escape that fearefull pit of endlesse confusion O be not so secure so foolish and vnwise in that which so greatly so nearly concernes you O bee not so great enemies to your owne soules so cruell and mercilesse to your selues Doe not so desperatly depriue your selues of so great glory and happinesse in comparison of which all the things of this world pleasures Matt. 16.26 profits honours and whatsoeuer else is most highly accounted of in the world are but draffe drosse dongue dreams and fancies vaine and transitory things not worth the speaking of Doe not so vnwisely doe not I beseech you in the feare of the Lord and in the bowels of Christ Iesus cast away your soules in such a carelesse manner vvhich he came to saue with his pretious bloud yea and sweat drops of water and bloud that hee might redeeme the same 2 Cor. 5.20 Christ Iesus himselfe intreateth and beseecheth you in the mouthes and by the meanes of his owne Ministers in and by whom hee speaketh to you to leaue the broad way Luk. 13.24 2 Pet. 1.10 Phil. 2.12 vvherein you walke and to striue to enter in at the narrow gate to giue all diligence to make your calling and election sure to work out your saluation vvith feare and trembling O therefore heare his voice whiles it is time and let not Sathan stoppe your eares and delude and bewitch you as hee hath done heretofore and as hee doth the greatest part of the vvorld to their vtter ruine and euerlasting confusion both of body and soule Oh his sleights and pollicies how many and how treacherous they are O let him not keepe you any longer from vvalking in this narrow way to life and cause you to walke on in that broad and crooked way the end and issues whereof howsoeuer they seeme pleasing to you Pro. 12.15 14.12 are death and endlesse vvoe and miserie If the feare of loosing heauen happinesse which the enioying of all the things of this vvorld cannot recompense will not moue you let the danger of falling into hell and damnation amaze you and cause you to stand at a stay and to goe no further in so fearefull a way but speedily to recall yourselues and to turne out of it The very bruit beast will not runne into a deepe pit or any danger which it seeth before it in the way wherin it should goe but vvill turne aside vvith Balaams Asse and seeke by all meanes to escape and auoyd it and vvill you be more vnwise then the brute and vnreasonable creature taking rather the way of death and destruction then the way of life and saluation If you will needs be so brutish and senselesse and vvill by no meanes be reclaimed go on as those who are destitute of vnderstanding and all true spirituall vvisedome and fulfill the measure of your vvickednesse till you perish in it and complaine vvhen it is too late of your great folly in making so bad a choise and following so vnwise and dangerous a course though you vvere often forwarned of the wretched end of it But Lord though others be so carelesse and secure yet let it not be so vvith any of thine let them shake off all slothfulnesse and negligence in so weightie a matter as concernes thy glory and their owne euerlasting either wealth or vvoe yea let them neuer be at quiet neuer at rest till they know certainely and vpon good euidence that they are picked and sholed out of that great number that shall perish and be damned for euer to be of that little flocke that shall liue with thee eternally And make me truely thankefull I humbly pray thee for this gracious worke of thine towards me O mercifull Lord how great is thy goodnesse which thou hast vouchsafed vnto me herein in that it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy grace through Christ to make me one of that small number for vvhom thou hast prepared a kingdome that thou hast caused me to vvalke in the narrow way which leadeth to life and saluation vvhen as thou sufferest the most to runne on headlong in that broad and crooked vvay which leadeth to death euerlasting destruction What am I or vvhat is there in me more then in others that perish that thou shouldest shew this fauour vnto me more then vnto them It is onely thy loue and thy vndeserued kindnesse which it hath pleased thee of thy bountie and goodnesse in thy Christ to vouchsafe vnto me O let me neuer be vnmindful of the same But let the oft and serious consideration thereof draw my heart and all my affections vnto thee causing yea euen constrayning me to loue thee entirely and vnfainedly aboue all things to feare thee to stand in a holy awe and reuerence of thee continually and to seeke by all meanes to glorifie thee And let me neuer be discouraged vvith the straitnesse of the passage or the many difficulties which I shall meet with
the Church his Bride i Reuel 21 2. 22.17 his loue k Cant. 1.8 5.1.2 his doue his vndefiled Spouse a pure Virgin l Psal 45. 2 Cor. 11 2. prepared for him and in whom he greatly pleaseth and delighteth m Psal 11.13.15 himselfe We know how neare and strait the vnion is between the husband and his deere and louing Spouse they are according to Gods owne ordinance but one flesh n Gen. 2.14 Ephe. 5.30 31. Such is the vnion in this spirituall mariage betweene Christ and his Church and euery faithful member of the same Thus then thou seest what a neare and strait vnion and coniunction there is betweene Christ and the true Christian euen all that are iustified by his grace and sanctified by his spirit They are in him and he is in them Hee is their head they are his o 1 Cor. 6.15 12.27 members flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone they are ingraffed into him and become one with him p Iohn as he is one with the Father He dwelleth in them and they in him q Ephe. 3.17 1 Cor. 6.17 Iohn 6.56 But lest thou shouldst conceiue of this amisse consider seriously what manner of Vnion this is how it is wrought A heauenly meditation and vvorth thy best attention First then know that this vnion is not carnall but spirituall not naturall but supernaturall and mysticall It is not a carnal or a corporall vnion as if Christs body vvere turned into our bodies as the Papists faine in that new-deuised Transubstantiation and strange metamorphosis of theirs nor ioyned vnto them in a locall or bodily manner Thou must not imagine any such matter for that were with the Capernaits r Ioh. 6.41.52 to conceiue grossely of Christ our Sauiour and vvith Nicodemus s Ioh. 3.4 to shew thy selfe altogether carnall inconceiuing these heauenly mysteries It is against the nature of Christs body which is t Eph. 1.20 4.10 ascended into Heauen and there sitteth at the right hand of God in glory therefore cannot be vnited vnto vs in that maner being on earth so many thousand miles distant from him But it is a spirituall and heauenly vnion It is not a reall transfusion of the substance of Christ vnto vs as some Heretikes haue dreamed but an essentiall communication of himselfe and his graces vnto vs in a spirituall manner More distinctly First the faithfull are vnited vnto his flesh and to his humane nature then by meanes hereof vnto his diuine u Ioh. Hebr. 10.10.20 nature His flesh is as it vvere the vaile by which they haue entrance into the holy of Holies and became in a sort partakers of his diuine x 2 Pet 1.4 nature Their whole person is vnited vnto Christ whence they are sayd to be his flesh and his bones not as they are men but as they are Christians and ingraffed into him and so with him make one body vvhereof hee is the head they the members Whole Christ is vnited vnto them both his humane his diuine nature and they are wholy vnited vnto him both their soules and y 1 Cor. 6.15 bodies their whole person For to giue some proofe of this which some otherwise happily may doubt of they are coupled to Christ the second Adam as He●ah was ioyned to the first Adam for that vnion betweene them was a type of this spirituall vnion betweene him and his Church his Spouse Now the whole person of Euah was ioyned and vnited to the person of Adam whence they are said to be no more two but z Ge. 2.24 Ephe. 5.31 one flesh Againe not the soule onely or the body onely of euery beleeuer is redeemed and saued by Christ but both and therefore not one but both must needs be ioyned and vnited vnto Christ for out of him there is no saluation a Acts ● 12 neither for one nor other Moreouer the whole person of the Sonne of God assumed and vnited vnto himselfe the vvhole nature of man not his flesh only or his soule onely but both and therefore by vertue of that vnion the whole nature of man must be vnited vnto him Lastly Christ whole Christ in his diuine nature and in his humane nature in his soule and body euen consisting of these together ioyntly and not seperatly is the b Eph. 5.23 head and and Sauiour of all his faithfull members and therefore their whole person must of necessitie be vnited to him otherwise how shall he be the head of both and the Sauiour of both euen of the whole man Thus then there is a true a reall an essentiall and entire vnion betweene the faithfull and Christ if wee respect the things vnited viz. Christ and his members but if wee regard the manner of this vnion it is wholy spirituall mysticall and supernaturall farre aboue the reach of the natural c 1 Cor. 2.14 man yea of any man fully to conceiue and comprehend it nay it is a great and a vvonderfull mysterie firmely to be beleeued as an article of our Faith and not curiously in a carnall and sensible manner to be searched into And therefore the Apostle shadowing it out vnto vs by the vnion which is betweene Man and Wife coupled together in mariage-bond breakes forth into this d Eph. 5.32 speech This is a great Secret or a * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 great Mysterie viz. this vnion beweene Christ and his Church It is a great mystery not to be comprehended by sense and carnall reason but to be beleeued and apprehended by faith onely which is that supernaturall light by which we see things that are e Heb. 1.11 invisible cannot be otherwise seene or discerned Happy are they that haue felt by comfortable experience what it is that we say Hauing seene what this vnion betweene Christ and the faithfull is it is next to bee considered how it is wrought in them This vnion therefore and spirituall coniunction is wrought by the spirit on Christs part and by faith on our part These are the two bands of it First the spirit through the effectuall operation and working thereof knitteth them vnto Christ As the nerues or sinewes being diffused from the braine into all the parts and members of the body doe ioyne and vnite them al vnto the head from whence they receiue life and action So the Spirit of of Christ proceeding from him who is the head of the Church is diffused as it were and communicated vnto his whole body which is the Church a 1 Cor. 12 27. and vnto euery member of the same euery particuler beleeuer and so knitteth and vniteth them vnto Christ their head so that they haue communion with him and receiue from him all spirituall grace b Ioh. 1.16 life and motion according vnto their measure c Rom. 12.3 1 Cor. 12.11 Ephes 4.7 yea it knitteth them
vnto him in a more strait and neare vnion then the members of the naturall body are knit and vnited vnto the head For they may be seperated from it and so perish but there is no seperation no diuision no dis-vnion possibly to be made betweene d Rom. 8.39 Christ and any one of his members much lesse the whole Church Againe for I had rather bee too plentifull then too sparing in the illustration of this so excellent and so heauenly a truth as all the members of the body are vnited vnto the head and quickened by one and the same soule vvhich animates them and conuayeth naturall life vnto euery one of them So all the faithfull vvhether they be in Heauen aboue or in Earth below of the Church militant or triumphant are ioyned and vnited vnto CHRIST by one and the selfe-same Spirit vvhich comming from the Head CHRIST IESVS giueth spirituall life quickening and motion vnto them so that the vvhole body being coupled and knit together e Ephes 4.16 by euery ioynt receiueth increase of grace by degrees and groweth vp daily more and more till the body of CHRIST vvhich is his CHVRCH bee fully perfected and consumated receiuing the f Ephes 4.13 accomplishment of all Grace and Glory in the highest heauens This is the first meanes whereby this vnion is made betweene CHRIST and the faithfull euen this sacred bond of the Spirit And from this efficacie and operation of the spirit vniting vs vnto CHRIST it is said by the Apostle that wee euen all beleeuers haue drunke into the same g 1 Cor. 12 13 Ephes 4.4 Spirit And againe that wee are baptized into one body that is wee are made one Body vvhereof Christ is the Head Now that other bond by vvhich they are tied and vnited vnto Christ and that on their part is Faith For the Spirit of God hauing begotten a true and liuely faith in vs by the preaching of the Word by meanes of this excellent grace we are vnited vnto Christ For thereby we lay hold on Christ with all his merits and h 1 Cor. 1.30 2 Cor. 3.18 Phil. 3.21 1 Ioh. 3.2 Gal. 2.20 benefits and apply them in particular to our selues and so become one vvith him all vvhich he hath done for mankinde being made as proper vnto vs as if it were our owne And hence it is that Christ is said to dwell in our hearts by i Ephes 3.17 Faith Faith is the hand as it were whereby vvee receiue Christ being offred vnto vs in the Word by meanes of it Christ is made ours and we his by an inseparable vnion And thus wee haue at large described that spirituall and mystical vnion vvhich is betweene Christ and the faithfull his members So neare and so strait a vnion that the holy Ghost in Scripture giueth sometimes as was sayd the name of Christ himselfe vnto the Church and calleth it by his owne name euen as the name of the husband by reason of that vnion betweene them is giuen vnto the Wife and she called by his name As k 1 Cor. 12 12. the body is one saith the Apostle hath many members euen so is Christ that is the Church of Christ Such is the nearenesse and efficacie of that spirituall coniunction of Christ and the faithfull that he cals them not onely Christians as sometimes they are l Acts 11.26 named or his Spouse his Sister his m Cant. 5.2 Loue his Doue his Vndefiled c. but euen Christ his owne name Whence also it is that that vvhich is done to the Church or any member thereof he accounteth it as done to himselfe whether it be good or euill The workes of Loue and Charity done to his poore members in the day vvhen hee shall sit vpon his Throne to iudge the World he will pronounce them to haue beene done vnto himselfe I was a hungry n Mat. and ye gaue ME meate I thirsted and yee gaue ME drinke naked and yee clothed ME sicke and ye visited ME c. In as much as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these MY Brethren yee haue done it vnto ME. And when Saul persecuted the poore Saints of God and breathed out threatnings slaughter against them Christ looking downe from heauen and beholding him cries out vnto him with a loud voice o Acts 9.4 Heb. 4.15 Zach. 2.8 1 Cor. 12.26 Saul Saul why persecutest thou Me The Foote is wounded on earth and the Head feels it and complaines of it from Heauen The persecution or wrong done to his Church or any member thereof he esteemeth it as done to himselfe O my soule raise vp thy selfe vnto the oft and serious consideration of this spirituall and mysticall vnion of the faithfull with Christ their head and Sauiour Oh how full is it of sweetnesse much comfort and inward solace Thinke of it and beleeue it without all wauering and doubting Say not as carnall men are wont and as Nicodemus did in a point of like nature How can this be p Iohn 3.9 6.42 How can Christ being in heauen so farre distant from vs in regard of bodily presence be vnited vnto vs Reason not so as flesh and blood will suggest vnto thee but beleeue this stedfastly and assuredly as if thou beest spirituall and not carnall thou wilt and canst not doe otherwise The trueth of God hath sealed it the Scriptures in many places ratifie and confirme it and it is a great measure of infidelitie to denie it or to doubt of it Thou seest it not vvith the eyes of thy body What then vvilt thou beleeue nothing but that which thou seest with thy bodily eyes then thou wilt not beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene thy soule and thy body for thou seest it not with thine eyes and yet if it were not thou wert a dead man and a liuelesse carkasse Thou wilt not denie but that there is a Vnion betweene man and wife though they be distant in place yea though the one of them be in this country and the other in that for it is a receiued Maxime or rule granted of all that distance of place dissolueth not the marriage-bond both Gods law and mans law so determineth it and wilt thou be so faithlesse as not to beleeue that there is a Vnion betweene that heauenly bridegroome Christ Iesus though he be in heauen and his faithfull members many of them on earth Shall not faith be of more efficacie then nature Thou wilt not denie that which experience teacheth thee except thou beest blinde that the sight of the eye of thy bodie in a moment of time as it vvere and in an instant doth reach vnto the Starres in the firmament and is in a sort vnited vnto them though so many thousand miles distant from thee and wilt not thou graunt much more that faith which is the eye of the soule and of a farre more powerfull and piercing nature may
neuer deceiue g 1 Ioh. 4.20 thy selfe with the vaine dreames of thine owne braine but know thy selfe and confesse as the trueth is that thou art not yet vnited vnto Christ that thou hast no part in him but art a stranger from him from that life of grace and glory which flowes from him yea that thou art of that serpentine h Gen. 3.15 seed which is alwayes at enmitie with the redeemed of Christ one of that vvicked race and of Sathans brood i Ioh. 3.10 a childe of the curse and an heire of perdition k Phil. 1.28 who could neuer abide the sonnes of the promised l Gal. 4.29 If thou sayest thou art in the light thou giuest God the lie m 1 Iohn 2.9.11 nay thou art couered vvith darkenesse and walkest like one blinded vnto thine owne destruction in that place of vtter darkenesse and euerlasting desolation Gracious Lord as thou hast in the riches of thy mercies vnited me vnto CHRIST and so through him to all that are his making vs all members of one body vvhereof he is the Head so vnite my heart and soule I humbly pray thee in an entire loue and affection vnto thee and vnto thy Sonne my blessed Lord and Sauiour and in him and for his sake to all those in vvhom I can see any signes or euidences that they are ingraffed into that mysticall body together with me children of the same Father brethren of the same Sauiour and Heires of the same grace and glory which thou hast freely promised to all thine O let mee neuer hate despise or vvrong the least of them in any sort for thereby I should shew my selfe to be very vnnaturall but let mee loue them delight in them n Psal 16.3 and seeke to doe o Gal. 6.10 them vvhat good I can by any meanes Let mee root out of my heart all sinister conceits and wicked surmises which are the very bane of true Christian loue and Charitie and let me bend my selfe alwayes to thinke the best of p 1 Cor. 13 them and to doe the best for them according to their necessitie and my ability yea let them alwayes bee deare vnto mee and precious in mine eyes and so much the more as they shall appeare to be more neerely and firmely vnited vnto thee that thus I may please thee and haue assurance that I am a liuely member of CHRIST IESVS the Head of his Church and my blessed LORD and Sauiour to whom with thee and thy Spirit be all prayse and glory both now and euermore Amen A wicked life and the profession of Religion how ill they agree AS is a precious Pearle in the dirt or a Iewell of Gold in a Swines snout so is the name of a Christian or the profession of Religion in one of a wicked and prophane life How vnbeseeming a thing is it How ill doe they agree How is the glory and beautie of the one stained and blemished by the vilenesse and basenes of the other Either therefore let men neuer take this honour vnto themselues to be called and accounted Christians and to weare the badge and cognisance of Christs holy and redeemed ones or else let them as it is meet they should cast away the cloaks of shame wherewith they haue couered themselues heretofore and abandon all their former sinfull and euill courses wherein formerly they haue walked to the dishonour of God a Rom. 2.24 the disgrace of their profession b 1 Pet. 2.12 Tit. 2.5 yea and to the increase of their owne condemnation if they continue in their wickednesse c 2 Pet ● 21 O blessed Lord as it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy mercies to call me to the knowledge and the acknowledgement of thee to the profession of thy glorious name euen of thy Christ to be called a Christian and to stand vpon the priuiledges and royall prerogatiues which belong vnto those that are indeed his redeemed ones bought with his most precious bloud so I humbly beseech thee to make my life and conuersation euery way answerable to my calling and profession Let me consider oft and seriously of the dignitie and excellency whereunto I am aduanced aboue those that are aliants from thee strangers from thy couenant d Ephes 2.12 without Christ without God and without the name of Christianity and godlinesse children of the night e 1 Thes 1 5.5 and of darkenesse and let me alway be ashamed to doe any thing whereby I may in any sort bring a staine vpon that which is and should be my glory or a dishonour to that blessed and glorious name after which I am called causing others through my folly and wickednesse to speake euill of thee and of thy grace and truth yea let the very thought of this that I should be so ouertaken at any time as Lord thou knowest what my fraily and weaknesse is if I be not continually strengthened and supported by thee let it euen cause me to blush within my selfe and to hang downe my head with griefe and sorrow and withall to stirre vp my selfe to walke more carefully f Ephes 5.15 and circumspectly all my daies striuing and indeauoring as to haue the name of a Christian so to follow the example of Christ g 1 Pet. 2. to tread in his steppes and to walke as he hath walked setting him alwaies as a patterne and president before me as to haue the shew so likewise the power of godlinesse in my whole life and conuersation and to walke worthy of the vocation h Ephes 4.1 wherewith thou hast honoured mee shining forth as a light in this sinfull world i Phil. 2.14 1 Pet. 2.9 and shewing forth the vertues of thee my Lord and Sauiour who hast called me out of the darknesse of sinne and ignorance into that maruellous light of thine both of grace and of glory that thus they that are enemies to thy trueth and seeke by all meanes to bring reproch vpon that glorious profession vvith vvhich thou hast graced thy seruants hauing nothing concerning me to speake euill of iustly thy great name may be glorified thy Gospell adorned that worthy calling vvhereunto thou hast called me beautified my soule and conscience comforted and both bodie and soule eternally saued in that great day vvherein thou hast appointed to iudge the world in righteousnesse by him vvhom thou hast ordayned Lord of all things Christ my righteousnesse to vvhom with thee O Father and thy blessed Spirit be all praise and glory both now and for euermore Amen A Christian eyther the best or the worst of all men most happie or most miserable A CHRISTIAN is eyther the most happie of all other men or the most miserable Most happie if he hath the trueth of that vvhich hee beareth the name of being a Christian not onely in outward profession but also in inward affection manifesting it selfe by action and outward conuersation Most miserable if
grace here and glory hereafter Thus the loue of God entering into their spirits doth purge and purifie them throughout it doth presently void out that filth and corruption both of originall pollution actuall transgression vvhich was before in them and smothereth vp their carnall earthly and sensuall loue by a greater force at least it striueth so to doe for the old man will not be quite dead as long as they liue in this vvorld It vvorketh mightily and very forcibly in them and is of marueilous efficacie for the clensing of them from all sinne and fitting and preparing them both in body soule to be temples and mansion-places for the holy Ghost the glorious spirit of God to rest and to dwell in What should I say They hauing tasted of the bounty and superabundant loue of God in Christ their Sauiour towards them and hauing in them the holy Ghost testifying r Rom. 8.16 vnto them assuring them that they are the sonnes of God yea sealing this vnto their soules and consciences haue such a sincere entire and pure loue kindled in their breasts that they doe desire vnfainedly to abstaine from all sinne which they know is so displeasing vnto him and to please him in all things and vvhen they are sollicited either by Sathan or their owne corrupt nature to the commission of any thing which is euill they say with righteous Ioseph s Gen. 39.9 How can I doe this great wickednesse and so sinne against God who hath beene so good and gracious vnto mee Hath the Lord loued mee with so great a loue and shall I not loue him againe and manifest my loue towards him by a care to keepe his Commandements This is such a flame that it cannot but breake forth out of the heart into the life This is such a fountaine as cannot but send foorth the streames of pure water into the actions of the life This in a word causeth them to leaue and to abhorre that which is euill and to cleaue vnto that which is good to desire and endeauour in trueth and sinceritie to keepe all the righteous Commandements of God The loue of God shed abroad into their harts kindleth inflameth their hearts towards him and so maketh them to hate euill because hee hateth it and to loue righteousnesse because hee loueth it yea their hearts are so heated and so inwardly affected with the sense of the loue of God which the spirit of grace stirreth vp in them that they euen melt in loue and entire affection vnto God and desire vnfainedly to please him in all things and to shew themselues zealous for his glory because hee hath so commaunded them euen for the loue which they beare vnto him who hast shewed himselfe to be so louing and gracious a God so kinde and tender a Father towards them in CHRIST IESVS Nay they desire that others also should haue experience of that which they haue felt euen of the vnspeakeable loue of GOD in CHRIST towards those whom hee imbraceth in him They desire vvith the t Ioh. 4.28 29 vvoman of Samaria that euery one should taste of that which they haue had so comfortable experience of in their soules and spirits and that others also as well as they might abstaine from all kinde of sinne and wickednesse they mourne and groane within themselues their hearts are grieued and their eyes v Psa 119.136.139 drop down teares in abundance when they see it is otherwise As they haue no x Ioh. 3.4 greater ioy then to see God honoured by the diligent keeping of his Commandements so there can be no greater griefe vnto them then to see him dishonoured by the neglect and contempt thereof Oh this is a vexation and euen a torment vnto their soules as it was vnto righteous Lot y 2 Pet. 2.7 when hee beheld the abhominations of the cursed Sodomites It is as it were a hell to them to be in the company of such as blaspheme the name of the Lord and set themselues to worke wickednesse to the prouoking of his glorious Maiestie And hereby it doth appeare that they loue God in truth and not in word and tongue onely as the most doe If it be thus with vs we haue cause to blesse God and to reioyce in the assurance of this that our hearts are sincere and vpright before him and that wee loue him and are z Pro. 8.17 and shall euer a Ioh. 13.1 be loued of him But if this be not in vs at least in some measure our loue which wee professe towards him is but a counterfait and hypocriticall loue vvhich he hateth yea if we be not thus affected if vve say that wee loue him wee are lyars and thee is no truth in vs our words fight with our actions like vnto them that strucke CHRIST saying b Ioh. 19.3 Haile Master wee are so farre from louing him that vvee doe not so much as c 1 Ioh. 2.4 know him by an effectuall and sauing knowledge neither are knowne or in any sort approued of him yea he loaths vs and so much the more as we dissemble vvith the vvorld and make shew of that loue towards him vvhich is not in vs. O blessed LORD how vnspeakeable is thy loue how vnsearchable are the riches of thy grace and mercy toward mee in CHRIST IESVS in whom thou hast imbraced mee with an infinite and an euerlasting loue before all worlds yea thou still louest me and wilt loue me vnto the end for thy loue is as thy selfe vnchangeable d Rom. 11 29. Euery day thou * Lam. 3.23 renewest thy compassions vpon me Thou vouchsafest to giue mee many pledges and sure euidences therof yea thou sealest the same to my soule and spirit by the testimony e Rom. 8.16 2 Cor. 8.16 of thy blessed Spirit and by that inward ioy whereby thou causest mee to reioyce euen in the midst of mourning f Psa 94.19 2 Cor. 1.4 Oh that thou wouldst draw g Cant. 1.3 my heart vnto thee and cause mee to loue thee againe entirely and vnfainedly O that thou wouldst inflame these frozen affections of mine and cause mee euen to melt and to burne in loue towards thee O that it would please thee to change all that carnal that earthly and that sensuall loue and affection of this vvorld and the things thereof vvhich is yet remaining in mee into a holy and spirituall loue of thee my GOD and Sauiour my kinde and tender Father in CHRIST IESVS that so I may loue nothing but thee or in thee and for thee And let this loue of thee cause me to hate all sinne which thou hatest with so great and so infinite a hatred to hate it to abhorre it and vtterly to forsake it though neuer so pleasing to my corrupt nature neuer so profitable or gainfull to me in any respect and to loue all righteousnesse vvhich thou louest and wherein thou delightest that thus
to ouerturne all Religion and Pietie * Tantum abest quin decorum ordo nisi ista politia moderatione obseruari possit vt praesentissima impendeat Ecclesiae perturbatio ruina si dissoluatur j. In briefe The neglect of the Sabbath day is the ruine of the Church Caluin Instit lib. 2. cap. 8. sect 32. A notable politie of that wilie serpent And a marueilous eyther blindnes or presumption in them who are so bewitched by him For what God hath hallowed how should man once dare to prophane or to accoūt common vnhallowed But those vvhom God who is the light of our eyes hath caused the light of his sauing grace to shine more clearly vnto are otherwise minded otherwise affected They acknowledge it not only a iust equal thing that the Lord should haue one day of many dedicated wholy deuoted to his seruice a shame it were that any should deale sparingly with him herin who hath bin so prodigal to them but also they accoūt it a great argument and euidence of Gods speciall care ouer them and singular goodnesse towards them vvho in this estate of their frailetie and weakenesse hath in mercy appointed so excellent a helpe and so necessary a meanes for them to gather spirituall strength and increase of grace vvhereby to stand out against Sathan their deadly foe and to walke on cheerefully comfortably and constantly through the wildernesse of this troublesome vvorld to that promised rest that heauenly Canaan yea they reioyce greatly in it g Isai 58.13 finde much sweetnesse and delight in it long for it before it comes and when it is come solace themselues in it exceedingly And no marueile for they see and finde that it is the market-day of their soules vvherein according to Gods appointment they gather that heauenly Manna that bread of life vvhereby they are nourished and strengthened all the vveeke after and increase daily in that spirituall life of grace and godlinesse till they come vnto that measure vvhich GOD hath allotted vnto them They see how hereby they recouer themselues from sinnes past arme themselues against sinne to come grow in knowledge increase in faith hope patience and all other Christian vertues haue the inward man repaired and in a word vvhereas on other daies their mindes are troubled and distracted vvith worldly businesse this day they haue libertie to recall themselues as it were to draw neere vnto the Lord and sweetly to repose themselues in him who is their peace rest and happinesse and therefore they ioy reioyce herein Againe their Sabbath-day heere on earth as it doth expresse * Ambros in Psa 119. calleth aeternam vitam magnū Sabbathum August lib. 22. de ciuit Dei ca. 30. Sabbathum maximum where he saith it prefigureth the rest of the bodie and soule so it doth put them in minde of that eternal Sabbath which they shall celebrate for euer in the heauens that peace that ioy and that perfect rest and happinesse vvhich they shall shortly bee made partakers of for euer in those glorious mansions those celestiall habitations It is as it were a mappe or an Embleme to them of that Angelicall life which their soules longeth after and the very remembrance vvhereof doth vvonderfully refresh their grieued minds and languishing spirits vvhiles they vvander in this wearisome vvildernesse where they haue so many enemies continually assayling them so many difficulties with vvhich they are continually incumbred The sanctifying of this day doth bring them as it were from Aegypt to Canaan and from Babell vnto Sion i Heb. 11.10.16 It cals them home to their owne countrey giues them a view of it though a farre off and affords them a tast of that spirituall and heauenly life vvhich afterwards they shall liue for euer in glorious manner How therefore can it bee but that they should reioyce in it and in no vvise thinke it burdensome vnto them as carnall and worldly men doe O my God forgiue me that I haue had no more care of this dutie heretofore and teach me to be more mindfull of it hereafter As thou hast appointed this day to be wholly bestowed vpon thee and thy seruice so I humbly pray thee to guide me therein vvith thy grace and spirit that it may be my delight to consecrate it as * Isa 58.13 glorious vnto thee O let me not by any meanes pollute it by doing mine owne waies nor seeking mine owne will no not so much as speaking a vaine word but let me giue my selfe therein wholly to the duties k Act. 16.13 Psal 122. Nehe. 8.8 Act. 17.11 Psal 92.1 145.5 Mal. 3.16 1 Cor. 16.1.2 vvhich thou requirest of me both publique and priuate as hearing thy word preached with all reuerence and carefull attention reading the same prayer meditation and godly conference whatsoeuer else whereby I may be furthered or a means to further or helpe forward others in the wayes of grace and godlinesse that thus being obedient vnto thy commandement vnto which I am tied by so many bonds thy blessing may be vpon me thy spirit may dwell with me I may daily more and more be built vp in sauing knowledge and true holinesse I may grow strong in thy feare finding the powers of sinne and Sathan euery day more and more weakened in me and after that I haue at thy appointed times indeuoured to keepe a holy and religious Sabbath heere on earth I may hereafter keepe an eternall Sabbath with thee in the heauens praysing and magnifying thee vncessantly and enioying that perfect rest and happinesse which thou hast promised and I daily expect and hope for that only through the merits of thy deare Son my blessed Sauiour to whom with thee thy spirit be all praise now for euer Prophanenesse how fearefull the end of it will be THe Fig-tree a Math. 21 19 was accursed because it had leaues onely but brought forth no fruit how much more they then that haue cast away the leaues also hauing not so much as the shew and outward profession of religion and godlinesse It 's a heauie and dreadfull sentence which is to be pronounced against the vnprofitable seruant that hath not improued the Lords talent which he gaue vnto him and made the best vse of it for his masters aduantage so as might be most for his glory and the good and benefit of others amongst whom he liued b Math. 25 30 Cast that vnprofitable seruant into vtter darkenesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth O then what shall become of those that are not onely fruitelesse and vnprofitable in their course but prophane and openly euill so as the world doth point at them and cri● shame vpon them though they are so hardened many of them that they neuer blush for it c Ier. 5.3 6.15 nor will be ashamed but d Hose 7.10 glory in it that doe not onely omit that which is good setting themselues
God conuerted themselues from the crooked and dangerous wayes of sinne and wickednesse wherein before they walked a Tit. 3.3 together with others seeke not to bring others into the right vvay with them that so they may both escape that danger which was ready to fall vpon them Good LORD as it hath pleased thee in the riches of thy mercies to recall me out of the by-pathes of sinne and iniquitie wherein I haue a long time wandered and gone astray and the end and issues whereof are death and perdition so giue me thy Spirit I humbly pray thee whereby I may be stirred vp daily as to renue my conuersation and repentance so also in a b Iude 22.23 Psal 51.13 compassion of others to seeke by all meanes to winne them and to bring them out of the wayes of destruction into the wayes of life and saluation by labouring their speedy and vnfained conuersion vnto thee that so we may ioyntly with one heart and c Luke 15.31 1 Tim. 1.17 voyce praise and glorifie thee both now and euermore Amen The miserable estate of a wicked and vnconuerted person O How fearefull and miserable is the estate of euery wicked and vngodly man both in life in death after death and for euer As soone as he commeth into the world hee is as a loathsome a Leuit. 13.45 Iob 14.4 Psal 51.5 Ezek 16.4 5.6.8 Leper in the sight of God stript b Rom. 3.23 of all righteousnesse and holinesse and altogether stayned and defiled with the filth and contagion of originall sinne and corruption There is no c Esa 1.6 whole part sound in him He is borne a d Ezek. 16.3 Iob. 11.12 limme of the old Adam yea the childe of e Eph. 2.3 wrath and of the curse subiect vnto hell death and damnation f Rom. 5.12.16 And the longer hee liues the more he increaseth this miserie and wretchednesse of his wherein hee was borne Euery houre addeth moment thereto so that he becommeth at length the childe of the Diuell g Ioh. 8.44 1 Iohn 3 8. seauen-fold more then hee was before The curse of the Law and the wrath of God seazeth more and more vpon him h Ioh. 3.36 Galat. 3.10 His person is not i Rom. 8.8 Psal 5.5 accepted of God yea he hates k Pro. 15.8 21.27 him nay his best seruices vvhereby hee vainely thinketh that he meriteth much at his hands as his Prayers Almes and outward morall vertues are an abhomination vnto him hee loaths and abhorres them they are as stincking l Esa 1.13.14 carrion in his nostrils burthensome vnto him He hath no right nor interest vn●o the things of this m Hosea 2.9 world which hee enioyeth but is an vsurper and intruder into other mens n 1 Cor. 3.21.22 possessions and standeth indited in the Court of Heauen for theft and robbery howsoeuer hee be free in the Courts of men yea and shall one day in the presence of the whole world hold vp his hand at the Bar of Gods Iudgement-seate and answere o Luk. 16.2 for the vniust vse and possession of the things that were not his owne but others from whom hee detayned them Hee is a drudge vnto the world and a slaue and vassall p Ioh. 8.34 Rom. 6.20 2 Pet. 2.19 to sinne and Sathan Hee euen that cursed Fiend q Ephe. 2.2 who ruleth in the hearts of the children of disobedience hath set vp his Scepter in his heart and ruleth and swayeth him altogether as it pleaseth him yea in most wofull manner tyrannizeth ouer him and layeth many and heauy bonds and fetters vpon him vpon euery part of his soule and body and so hauing dominion and power ouer him leadeth r 2 Tim. 2.26 him as it were in triumph after him as a most miserable thrall and bondslaue captiuated to euery vile lust wherewith it shall please him to insnare him Pride Couetousnes Vncleannesse Maliciousnesse Enuie c. Nay there is no thraldome no bondage like vnto that vnder which hee is held by Sathan and by the s Eph. 6.12 Powers of darknesse The bondage of the Israelites of old vnder that cruell and hard-hearted Tyrant t Exod. 1.11 c. 2.2.23 3.7.9 Pharaoh or of the poore captiuated Christians now vnder the barbarous Turke is but a shadow thereof yea but a dreame of a shadow in comparison of it For here not the body onely but the soule also and the whole man is bound yea laden and pressed downe with many heauie chaines and irons and that which maketh his miserie so much the greater whiles hee seeth v Isay 6.9.10 Rom. 11.8 Reu. 3.17 not nor feeleth that misery and wofull estate whereinto hee is plunged but reioyceth and x Prou. 12.15 14.12 glorieth in it thinking himselfe to be as y 1 Cor. 4.8 Iohn 8.33 free as any yea he thrusteth himselfe daily more more into the very depth of bondage and miserie and such is his extreame sottishnesse wherewith Sathan hath euen infatuated him thinking them to be his greatest z 1 Kin. 21 20 enemies who are his best friends seeking to pull him out of the clawes of Sathan and to free him from the power of death and darkenesse euen from that wretched bondage and slauery into which the prince of this world that deadly enemie of mankinde hath brought him Hee is a dead man whiles he liueth dead in trespasses a Eph. 2.1 Col. 2.13 and sinnes and lieth rotting and putrefying in the graue of his corruptions neither hearing the liuely sound of the voyce of the Sonne of God nor hauing any b 1 Cor. 2.14 taste or feeling of things spirituall and heauenly Hee hath no true sound constant ioy c Iob 20.5 or comfort in his life time no d Isay 57.20.21 perfect peace but onely fl●shings of carnall and worldly ioy which is as the crackling e Eccles 7.8 of thornes vnder the pot and the f Prou. 14.13 end whereof is heauinesse and much anguish of minde and spirit yea terrour of soule and conscience g Iob. 15.21 27.20 which is his hell in this life and the fore-runner of those infernall torments and hellish pangs which he shall endure for euer in that place of woe and torment prouided for him euen in the h Prou. 21.16 congregation of the dead and damned where hee shall take vp his restlesse resting place for euermore He lyeth open continually al to the plagues and iudg●ments i Prou. 24.20 Psal 27.9.30 of GOD and may well feare that the Lord will strike him dead euery houre euery moment as hee did k Acts 5. Ananias and Saphira and make him a fearefull spectacle of his wrath and iust vengeance vnto others causing eyther the waters to ouerflow and drowne him as they did the old l Gen. 7. world or the Earth to open the mouth presently and to
dealing so vnkindly yea so rebelliously with him who hath shewed himselfe once yea often and that many waies so kinde and gracious vnto them Oh it should euen inforce them to come e Ier. 3.22 vnto him presently without all delayes it should winne their hearts and cause them to refuse his grace no longer to stand out no more against him but to bow and bend themselues vvholly to his will in all things and to desire by all meanes to recompence their former vnkindnesse and exceeding ingratitude and vnthankefulnesse towards him vvith so much the greater care and conscionable indeuour to walke humbly dutifully and thankfully before him in time to come studying how to please him and to returne glory vnto him This effect it should haue in all of vs. How sottish therefore are those that thereby become the more obdurate f Rom. 2.7 and hard-hearted vvho the more kinde and gracious the Lord is in bearing with them for their sinnes past doe become the more vnkinde and rebellious against him not onely continuing in their former sinnes and wickednesse but also adding thereunto new and greater sinnes daily and so growing euery day worse and worse the more that hee extendeth his goodnesse and patience towards them O faithlesse and stiffe-necked people men of stubborne and rebellious hearts and eares Doe you so reward g Deut. 32 6 the Lord for his great mercy towards you when you were altogether vnworthy of it yea deserued nothing but that the viols of his wrath and furie should be powred out vpon you Is this your kindnesse to your God vvho hath so exceeded in his grace and bounty toward you Is this your dutifulnesse your loyaltie your requitall of his fatherly compassions ouer you Doe you so answere him O how fearefull yea monstrous a thing is this that men should be made worse by the goodnesse of God how miserable are they that will make the mercies of God an occasion of their owne miserie and how ingratefull are they who the more kinde the Lord is towards them shew themselues the more wicked and rebellious against him We would blush and be ashamed to deale so with men and shall wee deale so with the euer-liuing and most glorious God that great God of the whole world who made vs when we were not and is able presently to cast vs both body and soule into hell-fire there to bee tormented for euermore Farre be it from me O Lord so highly to offend thy maiestie O let me neuer abuse the riches of thy bountie and patience least thereby I heape vp vnto my selfe wrath against the day of wrath and vengeance but let thy long-sufferance be saluation h 2 Pet. 3.15 vnto me euen a meanes to mollifie my heart to draw me daily nearer vnto thee and to cause me to walke more humbly dutifully obediently before thee yea as thou striuest continually by thy spirit to winne me vnto thee and euen to ouercome me with thy gracious and mercifull dealing towards me so let me striue and endeauour with all my strength and with all the powers of my soule and bodie to returne all thankefulnesse vnto thee and to testifie the vnfained thankefulnesse of my heart by entire and constant obedience vnto all thy lawes and commaundements and the more thy kindnes is inlarged towards me the more let me increase in loue and dutifulnesse vnto thee than thus I may at length see that promised saluation of thine in the hope and expectation vvhereof I doe and vvill rest continually A looking Glasse whereby to see what our estate is whether we be true Conuerts or no. THere be many that thinke they are conuerted vvhen indeed they are not a Prou. 12.15 14.12 but lye still in the state of sinne of death and of condemnation So b Ier. 17.9 deceitfull is the heart of man and so guilefull that arch-enemie of mankind Sathan who in a malicious and vnsatiable manner hunteth c Iob. 1.7 1 Pet. 5.8 continually after the liues and soules of men that oft times hee bleareth the eyes of men and deludeth them with counterfait semblances with vaine imaginations and shadowes of things that are not that so hee may cause them to rest carelesly and securely in that fearefull dangerous estate wherin they are till in the end he maketh a prey of them so that none is able to deliuer them out of his hands or to plucke them out of his iawes It is good therefore for euery one to take sure triall of himselfe d Lam. 3.40 2 Cor. 13.5 and to see that he standeth vpon firme e 1 Cor. 10 12 ground lest otherwise he perish vnawares and fall downe sodainely into the pit of euerlasting destruction vvhen he thought he vvas farre off from it and finde himselfe in the depth of hell vvhen as before hee dreamed of no such matter but deemed himselfe to be in as good estate as any though now too late hee bewaileth euen with f Luke 16.24 Hebr. 11.42 teares his great folly and marueilous securitie vvhich hath brought him to that place of vvoe and torment which hee thought not of till hee found himselfe in it and out of which hee cannot now recouer himselfe g Luke 16.26 though he had a thousand vvorlds to giue for his ransome Lest therefore thou beest as others haue beene vvho now grone in hell for it beguiled by the deceitfulnesse of thine owne corrupt heart and the subtilties and illusions of Sathan h 2 Cor. 2.11 vvho seekes nothing but thy ruine and vtter ouerthrow looke diligently into this Glasse which out of the Word of GOD I set before thee whereby if thou hast not a mist before thine eyes thou mayest rightly discerne vvhether thou art yet a true Conuert or no or else lyest still rotting and putrefying in the corrupt estate of nature not hauing as yet the worke of grace vvrought in thee howsoeuer heretofore thou hast flattered thine owne soule and thought that the vvay wherein thou vvalkest was right when as the end and issue of it is death and destruction i Prou. 16.25 First therefore vvhere true repentance is and vnfained conuersion there is a true knowledge k Psal 51.3 sight of a mans sinnefull estate and the wretchednesse and miserie vvhereinto he is plunged a knowledge of the sinne vvherein hee was conceiued l Psa 51.5 and borne viz. the sinne of Adam imputed m Rom. 5.12.18 to him as his owne and his owne inherent n Rom. 7.24 and inbred corruption together with his many and grieuous actuall transgressions of the most holy and righteous lawes and Commandements of GOD for vvhich the curse of God hath seized vpon him so that he is the o Eph. 2.3 childe of wrath and perdition Hee seeth himselfe of himselfe to be most wretched and miserable being assoone as hee came into this vvorld as a most loathsome leper in the eyes of God
altogether stained and p Ezek. 16. Iob 9.30.31 defiled both in soule and body with the filth and contagion of that originall corruption and pollution which cleaueth fast q Heb. 12.1 vnto him and couereth him as the flesh wherewith he is couered on euery side so that there is no sound part either in soule or body yea nothing but wounds r Isa 1.6 swelling and sores full of corruption Hee seeth that as hee was borne thus sinnefull by nature so that hee hath continued therein euer since he had his being in this vvorld yea that he is become euery day more corrupt s Gen. 6.5 8.21 Iob 15.16 more vile and abhominable his whole life hauing beene nothing else but a multiplying of sinne vpon sinne and transgression vpon transgression by the violating and breaking of the commaundements of God Hee seeth himselfe heereby to bee accursed t Gal. 3.10 Ioh. 3.18 hauing the Law continually thundering out that fearefull sentence against him vvhereby hee stands as a condemned wretch before God subiect to all plagues and v Deut 28.15.16 c. miseries in this life and to euerlasting x Mat. 25.41 Ioh. 5.29 torments both of body and soule in the life to come yea that he is pressed downe by that fearefull condemning sentence of that most iust and righteous law euen to hell-gates and that the dore is ready presently to be opened vpon him y Iob 21.13 Isa 5.14 euen assoone as the messenger vvhich continually attendeth vpon him readie to execute the law of his Creatour and most iust Iudge shall knocke at the same by death that so he may haue entrance into that place of torment prouided for him the congregation of the dead z Pro. 21.16 and damned vvhere he shall receiue the wages a Rom. 6.23 and due deserts of all his sinnes and rebellions against that infinite and glorious Maiestie for euermore Being thus brought to the knowledge and sight of his sinnes and wretched estate by the same and that through the preaching b Rom. of the Law whereby it is discouered and made cleere vnto him as in a Glasse hee knoweth vvithall seeing the vvord of God which shall stand for euer hath sealed it c Exek 18.4 Ioh. 8.24 that if hee die in that estate hee must needs perish and be damned eternally vvithout all hope of recouery and therefore is marueilously humbled in himselfe being cast downe vvith the sense and feeling of his owne wretchednes and that vvoful estate into which he is plunged so that although heretofore hee reioyced in it and made a mocke of it d Pro. 14.9 vvhen hee vvas put in remembrance of it by others yet now hee hangeth downe his head with e Rom. 6.21 Ezra 9.6 shame and sorrow like a guiltie and condemned person ready to goe to the place of execution yea he is vvholly possessed with the spirit of bondage f Rom. 8.15 Isa 66.2 which filleth and striketh his soule with much feare anguish and exceeding horror and amazement so that his heart quaketh his conscience is wounded within him and his flesh trembleth for feare g Acts 16.29 9.6 of Gods vvrath and vengeance vvhich euery moment is ready to seize vpon him yea he groaneth vnder h Matt. 11.28 the heauie burthen that lieth vpon him and oppresseth him in most grieuous manner It causeth him to grieue to sigh to sorrow to mourne and lament for the miserie vvhich is come vpon him and to desire i Act. 2.37 16.30 Rom. 7.24 aboue al things in the world to be freed from it to be let loose as it were out of that hell into which in a sort hee findeth himselfe plunged being in his owne apprehension as a forlorne and condemned wretch Being thus broken-hearted thus wounded and humbled vnder the mighty hand of GOD and cast downe vvith the sight and sense of his sinne and of the curse and vvrath of God and all those horrible iudgements of his hanging ouer him for the same feeling himselfe to be as a damned creature dead and lost both confessing it k Luke 15 21. Iob 31.33 39.36.37 Pro. 28.13 and complaining of it vncessantly and seriously bethinking l Luke 15.17 himselfe how hee might if it vvere possible come out of it he heares by the preaching of the Gospell m Luke 2.10 of the meanes how to be deliuered from that so miserable and vvoful estate and condition in which for the present he is inwrapped and to be restored vnto full and perfect happinesse viz. n Isa 53. Matt. 3.15.17 the absolute obedience and satisfaction of CHRIST IESVS the promised Messiah vvho being the Sonne of God deare vnto his Father became Man o Gal. 4.4 Rom. 8.3.4 1 Pet. 2.24 subiect vnto the Law and fully satisfied the iustice of God by taking the p Gal. 3.13 curse vpon him and fulfilling the Law of God and so deliuered the prisoner q Esa 42.7 61.1 Luke 4.18 out of the prison-house and let them that were bond goe free by his death freeing them from sin death and condemnation r Rom. 8.1 3.24 5.19 2 Cor. 5.21 Hebr. 9.26 28. Ioh. 1.29 and restoring them to righteousnesse life and euerlasting saluation and happinesse so that nothing can euer after bee layd vnto their charge Hauing attained to the knowledge of this great and glorious worke of mans redemption vvrought by CHRIST Act. 13.38 1 Ioh. 5.9 and knowing that there is no other meanes to be saued s Acts 4.12 Rom. 8.3 there is bred in him a marueilous desire and vehement longing to be made pertaker of the same a hungring and thirsting t Esa 55.1 Mat. 5.6 after Christ and his righteousnesse and the redemption and saluation purchased by his death and bloudshed euen as a man that were ready to die for thirst v would desire drinke Iudg. 15.18 or a man condemned to die some cruel death would long for a pardon and withal a prizing x Matt. 13.44.46 of it at a high rate far aboue all other things in the vvorld whatsoeuer yea y Phil. 3.8 a base account of all other things in comparison thereof esteeming this the onely treasure on earth that which if hee may obtaine he would thinke himselfe a happy man and can neuer rest satisfied by any meanes till hee finde that hee as well as others hath his portion in it and therefore willingly forsaketh his sweetest sinnes and denieth himselfe * Luk 9.23 that he may obeaine it Heereupon followes faith in Christ in and by vvhom this great benefit is receiued an earnest seeking and suing vnto him for the obtayning of this grace and mercy at his hand that is knowing what the promises of the Gospel are z Matt. 9.13 Reuel 21.6 22.17 Isa 55.1 Mat. 11.28 Ioh. 7.37 how that Christ cals and inuites graciously all that feele the spirituall heauenly full of beautie and excellencie farre aboue that wee are able to conceiue or thinke their bodies which haue lyen in the dust and beene subiect to much basenesse q Iohn 11.39 Iob 10.21 22. 17.14.16 and loathsomnesse being now euen like vnto the glorious body of Christ r 1 Cor. 15 49. Phil. 3.21 1 Iohn 3.2 himselfe vnto whom then they shall be made conformable shining as the Starres s Dan. 12.3 yea as the t Mat. 13.45 Sunne in brightnesse for euer and euer The wicked on the other side shall rise in a most base and ignominious manner euen to shame and perpetuall contempt v Dan. 12.2 They that haue had the greatest beautie and excellencie here being not inferiour to proud and aspiring Absolon like vnto vvhom in all Israel there was not any for goodly feature from the sole of the foote vnto the crowne of the head there being no x 2 Sam. 14 25. blemish in him shall there be abhorred of GOD y Isa 66.24 and of all his Saints and Angels There can be no greater deformitie then that wherewith their bodies shall then be couered that they may be loathed of all yea of their owne selues being altogether disfigured with the vgly Image of Sathan so that they shall not be able to lift vp their heads for shame but stand like z Gen. 4.6 Caine or worse with flaited hellish and deiected countenances euen confounded in themselues and wishing that they were cast presently into the darkest corner of Hell where they might not behold themselues much lesse eyther see or be seene of others especially of those bright eyes of that glorious Iudge who is so * Hab. 1.13 pure that he cannot behold euill without great detestation Oh who is able to conceiue the shame and confusion with which they shall then euen wholly be ouerwhelmed And finally whereas the godly shall bee made partakers of euerlasting life a Ioh 5.29 Rom. 2.7 and happinesse in the highest heauens they shall bee deliuered vp to euerlasting death and condemnation b Mat. 25.46 Psal 11.6 Reue. 21.8 in the lowest part of hell where they shall be tortured with endlesse and vnspeakeable torments for euermore being banished for euer from the blessed and comfortable c 2 Thes 1 9 presence of the Lord. Gracious Lord teach me daily more seriously to consider vvith my selfe of the great difference that shall be betweene thy children and those that are seruants to Sathan and corruption Seeing that the one shall be raised vp in the last day to that ioy glory and happinesse which is vnspeakeable the other to end lesse wretchednesse and miserie O therefore let me be stirred vp to endeauour my selfe to haue alwaies a cleare conscience towards d Act. 24 15 16 thee and towards men and to abound euery day more and more in the works which thou hast appointed e 1 Cor. 15 58 knowing that my labour shall not be in vaine in thee And neuer let me enuie f Psal 37.1 at the flourishing estate and vaine supposed felicitie of the wicked in this world seeing the day is comming and hasteneth on a pace g 1. Pet. 4.7 wherein they shall bee cloathed with shame and dishonour and cast out of thy presence for euermore receiuing according to that which they haue done in their bodies g 1. Pet. 4.7 and eating the fruit of their owne vvaies h 2 Cor. 5.10 which they shall finde to be more bitter then death it selfe i Isai 3.9.11 howsoeuer now the remembrance of these things by reason of their ignorance k 1 Pet. 3.5 blockishnesse and cursed infidelity doth little or nothing at all affect or moue them The second death how exceeding fearefull and dreadfull it is MANY eye the first death much and are flaited and almost affrighted at the sight yea at the thought of it it striketh a feare and a terror into them But they looke but seldome and scarce with halfe an eye vpon the second death a Reue. 21 8 which begins where the other ends and is farre more dreadfull to all those that haue a right discerning and true apprehension of it Alas that is nothing to this no more to be compared to it then a little sparke to a great flame or a small droppe of water to the whole wide and vast Ocean For the first is of the bodie onely the second both of the body and soule b Math. 10 28 The one for a short time the other without all end of time of as long continuance as eternity c Math. 25 41.46 it selfe The one oft-times not so grieuous as the fits and pangs of many diseases the other more dolorous and painefull then all the sicknesses and diseases in the world though they were all laid together vpon one man In briefe the one is finite and such as many haue sustained d 1 Sam. 15.32 with vndanted courage and resolution the other infinite and vnsupportable not able to be borne or indured of any creature without hellish miserie Wilt thou behold the gastly face of this dreadfull enemy yet more clearely and fully discouered vnto thee Heare then hearken and beleeue that which the word of GOD which shall indure for euer e 1 Pet. 1.25 hath sealed and which all must beleeue that will not shew themselues to be no better then the heathen and infidels In this second death first there is a separation of the soule yea of the whole men both soule and bodie from the gracious presence f 2 Thes 1.1 of that glorious God without whom there can be no true blessednesse an vtter separation and banishment from him g Math. 7.23 13.41 25.41 and from that ioyfull and comfortable societie and fellowship of all his elect Saints and Angels a finall depriuation of all hope of entrance into that heauenly Canaan that new and celestiall Ierusalem the Citie of the euerliuing God of which so glorious things are spoken and the losse wherof will not lesse vexe torment the soule of the damned as that ancient and golden-mouthed Father not vainely supposed then all the paines and tortures of hell Chrysost Be sides this there shall be paines and torments vnspeakeable vnsufferable such as may dampe the stoutest champion and the most yron-hearted wretch in the world if he shall but enter once into a serious through consideration of them if eyther he regard the place of torment vvhere that wofull miserie is to be indured the pangs and tortures themselues the company with whom they are to remaine in the suffering and induring of them Or lastly the time which they shall indure them Euery one of them is enough to strike a terrour into a man and to make his heart to quake to thinke of them i Esai 14.9 34.9.10 Reue. 1.18 20.13.14 1 First the place is no other then that
deepe prison h Deut. 32 22 Pro. 7.27 and darke dungeon of Gods wrath appointed for the execution of his dreadfull vengeance vpon all the children of disobedience vvho vvould not know him nor what should be their happinesse that darke and dismall place that burning lake that fiery furnace i Mat. 13.15 and bottomlesse gulfe of deepe despaire the pit of hell that Tophet prepared of old for them large and deepe according to that k Isai 30.50 propheticall description thereof in briefe a place of vnspeakeable horrour and terrour worse then the most stinking prison or the most loathsome dungeon in the world there is no comparison the sight yea the very thought of it were enough to flait a man The darknesse of Egypt was fearefull and full of amazement and astonishment yet nothing to this The paines and torments there to be indured are shadowed out vnto vs in Scripture by l Psal 11.6 Mat. 13.42 25.41 fire and brimstone storme and tempest the worme that neuer dieth m Esai 66.24 Mark 9.46 chaines of darkenesse n 2 Pet. 2 4 Iudde 1 Mat. 8.12 22.13 and blacknesse of darkenesse All fearefull and dismall names and yet but semblances it may be and shadowes of those more grieuous tortures and that dreadful and hellish miserie vvhich then shall be powred out both vpon their bodies and vpon their soules and all the seuerall parts and members thereof in vnspeakeable and most wofull manner Tribulation o Rom. 2.9 anguish and great astonishment shal seize vpon euery one of them and wholly possesse them yea swallow them vp as it vvere with open mouth They shall haue a hell without them and a hell also within them euen their owne guiltie and disquieted consciences vvhich like a worme p Mark 9.44 shall continually lye gnawing vpon their soules vvith the remembrance of their fearefull sinnes past the great blessednes glory which through their folly they haue depriued themselues of and the extreame woe and miserie into which they are plunged yea their consciences shall vvound them in most fearefull manner the nips and pangs thereof shall be vvorse then the bitings of the venemous Cockatrice or the stingings of the poisonous Scorpion yea vvorse then death it selfe VVee see how that euen in this life when the Lord sometimes doth but suffer that worme to beginne to nible q Pro. 18.14 Esa 57.20.21 at the soules and consciences of vvicked men and cause them but as it vvere a farre off to behold the flashings of hell fire vvith which afterwards they shall be tormented for euer that euen this vvhich is but the beginning and forerunner of their sorrowes doth make them to rore out nay driue some of them to make away themselues eyther by hanging their owne selues as that great politician r 2 Sam. 17 23. Achitophel and that couetous and treacherous s Matt. 27.5 Iudas did or by drowning themselues or cutting their owne throats as others haue done as vvee haue knowne by wofull experience Oh then how vvofull and how grieuous shall it bee vnto them vvhen that worme of conscience shall continually lye fretting vpon them and biting in sunder as it vvere their very heart-strings nay gnawing in most fearefull manner vpon the most inward tenderest parts of their soules vvhiles they shal lye frying in the fiery flames being scorched on euery side with the fury of Gods wrathfull indignation which then shall be kindled against them and burne to the bottome of hell Then doubtles they shall desire to die but death shall flie far from them They shall curse and banne themselues and those that were companions with them in wickednesse by whose meanes a greater measure of wrath is powred out vpon them they shall cry out against their former sottishnesse and securitie that they had no more care to keepe themselues from comming into that place of torment t Luk. 16.28.29 though they were so oft admonished and forewarned of it by others who had more pittie of them then themselues O the remembrance hereof it will cut their hearts it will pierce their soules it will cause them to curse themselues and the day and houre wherein they were borne the time wherin they forsooke GOD and gaue themselues ouer to the seruice of sinne and Satan yea it will cause and constraine them to crie shame vpon themselues and their folly and madnesse in suffering themselues to be so deluded so deceiued through the deceitfulnesse of their crafty and deadly enemies who now when it is too late they see in all those pleasing courses wherewith they delighted them sought nothing but their vtter ruine and ouerthrow Neuer did v Iob 3. Iob in that weakenesse and extremitie of his curse the day of his birth as they then vvill the day of their birth and entrance into the world nay as they shall the time wherein they liued in the world and wherein they gaue themselues to the seruice and slauery of sinne and Sathan who hath now rewarded them x Rom. 6.23 to the full as they were oft before told that he should except they looked to themselues in time and shaking off all societie and fellowship with him returned vvillingly speedily and vnfainedly vnto the Lord. O the depth of miserie vvhich then shall come vpon them Their countenances shall waxe pale and wanne their hearts faile them and their soules euen rend in pieces vvith horror and amazement whiles they shall lie howling crying and shriking and in vaine powring out their mournefull complaints Woe woe is vs y Esa 33.14 Who is able to dwell with this deuouring fire Who is able to indure these fearefull burnings But to leade thee on yet further to the viewing of their companions with whom they shall abide in that place in those torments Their company what shall it bee None but hellish ghosts and damned creatures like themselues who as it were so many furies and barking hell-hounds appearing each to other in dreadfull apparition shall send forth such fearefull and hideous noises such horrible outcries such yellings and rorings as shall make that hollow vault that infernall prison to shake and their hearts to tremble within them yea euen to breake in sunder vvith the most dreadfull apprehension of their hellish miserie If the very appearance but of one of those damned spirits as we haue heard of some is sufficient to affright a man and to scare him out of his wits Oh then how fearefull how wofull will their estate be when they shall be thrust into the company of Sathan and constrained to dwell remaine and to lodge as it were with him and the rest of that hellish crue and viperous brood euen all the Deuils reprobate and forlorne wretches the number of whom cannot be numbred z Mar. 5.9 To this adde the time how long they shall indure such wofull miserie in that place of torment euen for euer a fearefull word for euer
a Esa 66.24 Matt. 25.41.46 2 Thes 1.9 vvithout any intermission any ease or hope of recouery It will not be for a yeere a hundred a thousand no nor a hundred thousand yeres that they shal indure those torments but for euer yea for euer and euer It swallowes vp my conceipt when I thinke of it If they might indure them but so many yeeres as there bee sands on the shore Fishes in the Sea Starres in the Firmament or grasse piles vpon the ground it vvere some comfort though God knowes very small considering the grieuousnesse of the torment in that time to be suffered the bearing of vvhich but one houre one moment were enough to quaile the greatest Champion that euer was and to dampe the stoutest courage in the world though neuer so hardie but yet when so many thousands of yeeres and ages are passed ouer their torments alas shall bee as fresh and new to beginne as euer they vvere and as farre from an ending as at the first beginning For there shall be no end of them but as long as the Sunne and Moone lasteth as long as Heauen and Hell lasteth yea as long as God is God so long shall they endure those torments in that wofull place of vvoe and torment If it vvere not for hope wee say the heart would breake Sure then their hearts may breake vvell enough for they shall be out of all hope It vvill be in vaine for them euer to looke for any ease any comfort any succour no not for the least refreshing that may be were it but so much as that rich glutton b Luke 16. desired euen one small drop of water to coole their tongues vvhich together vvith all the parts of their bodies and faculties of their soules shall be for euer tormented in that flame Though they should neuer cease crying c Matt. 7.22 Lord Lord they could not obtaine it at his hands for then the Lord will be deafe to them d Prou. 1.28 hee will not heare them he will not be intreated of them Nay I say yet more though e Ezek. 14.20 Noah Iob Daniel yea all the Saints and Angels in Heauen should with one consent put vp their earnest suite and make continuall supplication for them vvhich notwithstanding they shall be farre from rather f Psa 58.10 64.9 reioycing in the vengeance that shall be powred out vpon them for euermore yet if it could be imagined they might be brought to doe this for them they should nothing preuaile for the release or recouery no not for the mitigating of the paines of some one of them in the least manner but after thousands thousands yeres gone and past they should still lye frying in that g Mat. 13.42 fiery fornace that scorching fire in comparison of which our fire is but a painted fire yea no fire lye bound and fettered hand and foote h Mat. 22.13 hauing the flames of Gods wrathfull indignation scorching their soules the worme of conscience lye gnawing vpon their consciences for euermore their pangs horror and miserie rather increasing euery day and growing to greater extreamities then any wise abating or diminishing in any manner Yea so farre shall any be from helping or succouring them in that vvofull condition into which they shall be plunged that there shall be none to pitie them or to take any compassion of them If children should cry to their parents vvho whiles they liued with them on earth were most tender-hearted towards them being no lesse affected vvith their miseries then with their owne yet then they should be moued with no pitie towards them And if Parents should make their mone vnto their Children they would not once be touched with it they would not regard it for i 1 Cor. 15 24.44 nature and all naturall affection shall then be quite taken away there shall eyther be no knowledge or at least no respect of Parents Children Brethren Sisters Kindred Friends or Acquaintance as they are such but Gods glory shall be onely eyed and regarded of all those that shall be made partakers of his glory in the heauens They shall haue no pitty no compassion towards those who though they were their friends in this world and neare vnto them in many respects yet now they see to be Gods enemies k Luke 19 27. such as hauing before cast him off are now iustly separated from him and cast out of his presence for euer and therefore not loued but hated of him and all that are his who shall loue onely where hee loueth and hate where hee hateth yea so farre shall any be from pittying them or being affected with their misery that they shall be laughed at on all hands God shall laugh them to scorne l Psal 2.4 Prou. 1 2● and haue them in exceeding derision The Angels shall laugh at them All the Saints shall laugh at them and m Psal 58 10 reioyce in their miserie seeing the glory of Gods Iustice shining forth in their iust and deserued condemnation O fearefull and lamentable estate and condition And if it be so feareful to heare of these things which shall befall the wicked vvhen they shall be cast into that place of torment prouided them in the congregation of the dead and damned how dreadfull shall it be for euer to endure them Tremble at this O yee carelesse and secure ones Be amazed and astonished at the very remembrance of it O yee prophane and vngodly wretches that liue and wallow in your lewd and sinfull courses blasphemies prophanations of the Sabbath contempt of Gods ordinances adulteries vncleannesse or any other wickednesse whatsoeuer vnrepented of Tremble and be amazed at it as doubtlesse yee would if your eyes were not blinded by the deceitfulnesse of Sinne n Heb. 3.13 and your hearts hardened through the suggestions of Sathan and your soules euen bewitched and inchanted by that euill Spirit which driueth you on head-long to that wofull place of endlesse torments neuer letting you see the dreadfulnesse of it till you be plunged so deepe into it that there is no hope for you of any recouery out of it What will you doe when these things shall come vpon you yea like a raging Sea with great violence rush in vpon you to your euerlasting confusion Of all the wonders in the world this mee thinkes is the most strange and wonderfull that men men otherwise of wisedome and vnderstanding knowing considering with themselues as the word teacheth that there are such things prouided prepared for the wicked and impenitent liue notwithstanding as if they neuer feared any such matter but boldly and most presumptuously continue in their former vngodly vvayes delighting in sinne and wickednesse and euen hastening forward vnto that place vnto those torments the very thought of the enduring of the least of which if it were but but for one houre vvere enough to amaze and astonish a man and to make his heart to
quake within him for the greatnesse of the horrour thereof Heare O yee foolish yee of stiffe neckes and stony hearts how long vvill you be thus blinded how long shall your owne vvicked hearts deceiue you o Ier. 17.9 how long vvill you suffer your selues to be deluded by Sathan that deadly enemie of yours vvho seekes to make a prey of you for euer how long will you suffer your selues to be so bewitched and inchanted by that enuious p Mat. 13.28 and malicious Spirit that the remembrance of these things should no more moue you no more affect you vvorke no more vpon you then it doth Are you afraid of the first death and doe you not much more feare this second death which of all euils is the most fearefull the most dreadfull yea in comparison of which the other is scarce a shadow of death though a fore-runner of it and a way and entrance vnto it to those that shall perish Doth that astonish you and shall not this much more Are you so secure so stupid so senslesse Assuredly a very strange thing it seemes vnto mee and may well be so esteemed of all that consider of it how prophane gracelesse and vngodly persons when they heare or when they thinke of these things should not be terrified and affrighted with them and drawne with the feare and dread thereof from all their wicked and sinfull courses which heretofore they haue liued in the Swearer from his oathes and blasphemies vvith which hee hath pierced the heauens the Drunkard from his drunkennesse that bruitish and sottish vice the Prophaner of the Sabbath from his prophanations thereof the filthy person from his filthinesse and vncleannesse and shamefull pollutions the couetous Vsurer and Oppressor from their couetousnesse vsury and oppression of their poore Brethren and neighbours among whom God hath placed them to the very q Deut. 5.11 Mat. 26.11 end that they should shew mercy and compassion vnto them and not crueltie and rigour in a word euery impenitent sinner from the sinne and vvickednes wherein they haue heretofore liued and delighted and continued from time to time carelesly securely boldly and presumptuously as if all were well as if there were no cause of feare no such danger imminent or ensuing and ready euery moment to seize vpon them for nothing holds them vp from falling into the depth of that bottomlesse gulfe but onely the small twine-thread of their fading and vncertaine life which is ready to be cut in sunder euery minute euery breathing while O that they were wise r Deut. 32 29. Hosea 14.10 to vnderstand and consider of these things O mercifull LORD who art mighty in power and terrible in thy Iudgements doe thou strike their hearts with the horror of thy wrath and vengeance to come Smite their soules that they may tremble before thee and fall downe groueling vpon the earth in the apprehension of the greatnesse of their miserie that is to come vpon them if they doe not conuert and turne vnto thee Those that will not be drawne with the cords of thy mercy patience and long-sufferance to come vnto thee by true and vnfayned repentance doe thou euen constraine and compell them and driue them forward with that rod of iron euen with the feare of thy most fearefull and yet most iust and righteous Iudgements O doe thou giue them a sight of that dreadfull and vvofull miserie which shall ouer-whelme the wicked for euer Let them haue a right discerning and a true apprehension of it Let them beleeue it and tremble at it and be drawne thereby to turne out of all the wayes of wickednesse vvherein heretofore they haue vvalked being deceiued with the deceitfulnesse of sinne and Sathan let them so feare it that they may preuent it flye from it and be preserued from perishing in that great deluge with the world of the wicked whom thou hast ordained s Rom. 9.22 of old vnto destruction and euerlasting confusion And raise vp the heart of thy seruant both now and alwayes I humbly intreate thee to vnfayned thankefulnesse for that thou hast in some measure touched my hart with the consideration of thy iudgements prepared for the wicked and hast caused the feare and dread of them to be t 2 Pet. 3.15 saluation vnto mee humbling mee thereby and causing mee to stand in awe of thee and to flie from the wrath and vengeance to come vnto the throne of thy grace and mercie in Christ Iesus my Sauiour and Redeemer who hath giuen himselfe to death for mee to free and deliuer mee from that death and hell O doe thou continue still good and gracious vnto me Let thy mercy and vnspeakeable kindnesse so freely vouchsafed vnto mee in thy beloued Sonne be the principall motiue euen to force and constraine mee to hate all sinne and to abandon all iniquitie but let mee also be mindfull of thy dreadfull iudgements to be inflicted yea powred forth vpon them that forget thee v Psal 9.17 and are disobedient x 2 Thes 7.8 vnto thee and to that heauenly voyce of y Heb. 3.7.8 thine whereby thou daily callest them if they had eares to heare or hearts to vnderstand let mee alwayes feare the second death which is the death both of the body and soule more then the first death which is the end of this short and transitorie life and yet let mee liue so as I may not be in a slauish feare of eyther not of the first death because it shall be no death vnto mee but an end of my miserie and wretchednesse vnto which I am and shall be continually subiect as long as I liue in this valley of teares this place of mourning as one in exile and banishment out of his owne Country and a meanes of entrance into life and glory euen of that glory which is endlesse and vnspeakeable Not of the second death because through the riches of thy grace and mercy I am already passed from it z Ioh. 5.24 8.51 Rom. 8.1 Eph. 2.5.6 that so howsoeuer it may shew it selfe vnto me in a dreadfull shape yet it shall neuer haue power ouer me being one of thy redeemed ones to whom death a 1 Cor. 15.57 and Hell it selfe is subiect The blessednesse of the life to come how much to be desired THE life present how sweet doth it seeme vnto men how much desired is it of the most how loth are men to part vvith it what will they not doe that they may preserue it But the life to come how little is it affected of the greater sort how faintly desired how willingly parted with for euery sinfull lust euery fruitlesse vanitie the deceitfull pleasures and transitory profits and commodities of this fading and perishing vvorld Oh the sottishnesse and bruitishnesse of men the vvicked off-spring of prophane Esau a Gen. 25.35 Heb. 12.16 that for a small portion of these temporall things sell away all their hopes vnto that eternall
of Spirits i Heb. 12.9 euen the vvhole Trinitie that great and glorious God the splendor and brightnesse of vvhose Maiestie is so great that the eye of no mortall creature k 1 Tim. 6 16 now were able to behold the same Hence vvhen Moses not throughly vveighing his owne vveakenesse besought the Lord to see his glory hee receiued this answere from the Lord l Exod. 33.18.20 Thou canst not see my face for there shall no man see me and liue But they then shall see his face that is the fulnesse of his glory as farre as the nature of man is able to comprehend the same for neither man nor any creature else can perfectly discerne his whole nature for that is infinite they finite and limited vvith certaine bonds which they cannot passe They shall see him not as in a glasse m 1 Cor. 13.12 as they doe in the time of this life here vpon earth darkely obscurely and as it vvere a farre off but euen as hee is n 1 Ioh. 3.2 yea they shall haue his name written vpon their foreheads o Reuel 3.12 22.44 they shall liue with him in that glorious mansion hauing as farre as their nature is capable fellowship and communion vvith him reioycing in his presence vvith ioy vnspeakeable and glorious nay p Reuel 3.20 Ioh. 14.23 dining and supping with him in a manner at that heauenly table being continually fed with that pleasant Manna the food of Angels and refreshed vvith those pure waters which flow vncessantly from the throne of God wondering at the glory the might Maiestie of their Creatour yea wondering and admiring at their owne blessednesse which is farre aboue that the heart of man q 1 Cor. 2 9. now is able to conceiue or the tongue to expresse Our vnderstandings are too shallow to comprehend these things It is a light which our dimme and weake eyes are not able to behold without dazeling All earthly things are but toyes and trifles and dreames of imaginarie fancies compared thereunto yea vaine vanities r Eccl. 1.1 The Queene of Sheba s 1 Kin. 10 8 counted them happy that might stand euer in the presence of king Salomon Oh then how blessed and happie are they that stand continually in the presence of that glorious God seeing and admiring his wisedome his glory and vnspeakeable Maiestie yea liuing raigning and triumphing with him in fulnesse of ioy and happinesse for euermore who doth not wonder at their blessednesse If Peter was so rauished when hee saw Christ in his transfiguration on the Mount vvith those two worthees of his Moses and Elias attending vpon him that he forgat his home his wife and familie breaking forth into that speach Master it is good for vs to be heere t Mat. 17.4 Le ts make this our mansion place Let vs here builde vs Tents and Tabernacles to dwell in How much more must all the Saints needs reioyce yea be euen swallowed vp with ioy and admiration when they shall behold the diuine and glorious Maiestie of the Sonne of God yea of the whole Trinitie the great God of Heauen and Earth not onely haue a glance or glimpse of his glory but fully behold it as much as the nature of man is able when they shal enioy the presence of that glorious Maiestie when they shall haue such heauenly companie and societie euen the companie and societie of God himselfe the Father of lights v Iam. 1.17 of Christ Iesus their Sauiour of the Holy Ghost their comforter of all the Saints and Angels their fellow-brethren x Reuel 22 9. yea of the whole Court of Heauen who together with them make vp one family y Ephes 3.15 What a life is this Who doth not admire at it What a change is this from the estate wherein before they were For whiles they continued here vpon earth as Pilgrims and Strangers z Heb. 11.13 from their owne Countrie they were constrained to liue amongst the wicked of all sorts Sathans imps children of Beliall a Iudg. 19.22 who did continually vexe molest them b Prou 6.12.14 2 Pet. 2.8 vvith their prophane and vngodly courses being as the Cananites vvere to the Israelites prickes in their sides and thornes in their eyes making their hearts to ake within them and causing them to complaine with the holy man of God d Psa 120.5 Wo is me that I dwel in Meshec and that I haue my habitation among the tents of Kedar Or with that other who was led by the same spirit e Ier. 9.2.20 Oh that I had in the Wildernesse a cottage of wayfaring men that I might leaue this people this naughtie and crooked generation * Phi. 2.15 and be gone farre off from them Oh that I might once leaue this drie barren wildernes wherein there bee so many cruell and sauage beasts on euery side Lions f Nahu 2.11 Psal 22.13 2 Tim. 4.17 Tygers Wolues g Mat. 10.16 Foxes h Luke 13.32 i Pro. 17.12 Beares c. which are ready to prey vpon mee and to deuoure me Thus it was with them whiles they liued in this wretched and sinnefull world k 1 Ioh. 5.19 Mat. 13.41 1 Cor. 5.10 where there is a mixture of all sorts But now it is farre otherwise with them in steade of these they are receiued into the company and fellowship of all the Saints and Angels yea of God himselfe l Psal 16.11 in whose presence is fulnesse of ioy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for euermore I might lead thee further to a more ful distinct view of the maner of that blessed and glorious life which the Saints together in the presence of God shall enioy in that place of glory happines into which they are to be receiued yea I might euen wilder both my selfe and thee whiles I wander with thee in the varietie and plentie of matter which here doth offer it selfe vnto me and put me to a stand knowing better where to beginne then to end To keepe within some limits The life which they shall there leade is marueilous glorious in regard of the exceeding glorie which shal be put both vpon their bodies and vpon their soules They shall bee glorified in both First their bodies to let passe the fruitlesse and vncertaine speculations vvhich some haue broched with more curiositie of speech then euidence of truth their bodies no doubt shall bee very glorious farre aboue that our hearts now are able to conceiue yea so glorious that if now whiles wee are in the flesh wee should see the glorie of one of them euen the meanest of them as it shall then be vve could not be able to looke vpon it but wee would be amazed at the beholding thereof as the Israelites were at the shine vvhich was vpon Moses face when hee came from the Mount after that God had talked vvith him m Exod.
34 29.30 For they shall shine as the brightnesse of the Firmament n Dan. 12.3 as the Starres yea as the Sunne it selfe o Mat. 13.43 when it shineth in his greatest strength and dazeleth the eyes of all the beholders Nay as the Sunne of righteousnesse p Mal. 4.2 CHRIST IESVS himselfe VVee know how glorious his body was in his transfiguration vpon the mount q Mat. 17.2 when he gaue those three Disciples but a glimpse of that resplendent brightnesse wherewith his bodie doth now shine most gloriously Such as was then yea such as is now the glory of his body in the highest heauens such then also shal theirs be For their bodies shall be made conformable vnto his s Phil. 3.21 Now we are the sonnes of God saith that beloued Disciple of Christ Now we t 1 Iohn 3.2 are the sonnes of God euen all the faithfull but yet it doth not appeare what wee shall be But wee know that when hee shall appeare we shall be like him They shall be made like vnto him in glory though not equall They shall haue the same kinde of glory put vpon them though not the same degree and measure As their bodies were some-wayes comformable vnto his in his humilitie and abasement in regard of their sufferings as the Apostle speakes of himselfe v Gal. 6.17 I beare in my body the markes of the Lord Iesus and in regard of their manifold weaknesses and infirmities whereunto they are now continually subiect so then they shall be made conformable vnto his glorious body being beautified with the same glory and shining with the same brightnesse Such as is the Head such shall be the members As the Sunne giueth light vnto all the other Lights of heauen so shall CHRIST vnto all the Saints by communicating his owne glory vnto them Or as the Ayre being inlightned by the light of the Sunne is so transformed into the brightnes thereof that it seemes not so much to be lightened as to be light it selfe so the bodies of the Saints being inlightned with the beames of the glory of GOD and his Sonne Christ Iesus which shall shine vnto them x Ioh. 16.22 and in them shall be euen transformed into the glorious Image of God shining clearely with the brightnesse of that glory which is in the Son of God himselfe When the glory of the Lord reflected vpon Moses vvhiles hee was with him certaine dayes vpon the Mount it made his face to shine so brightly as it was formerly said that the people could not behold him but were afraid to come neare him for the glory of his y Exod. 34.33 2 Cor. 3.7.13 countenance so that hee was faine to put a couering vpon his face and to vaile himselfe because otherwise they were not able to talke with him and to heare that Message which hee had vnto them from the Lord Oh then how glorious must not onely their faces but their whole bodies be who shall not be certaine dayes or yeares but continually in the presence of God in his heauenly Mountaine vvhere hee shall cause all the beames of that vnspeakeable brightnesse and glory of his to be euer reflecting euer shining vpon them Adams body in his integritie was glorious and had a kinde of Maiestie vpon it so that all the Creatures stood in awe z Gen. 2.19 20. Psal 8.6.7 and reuerence of his presence much more shall theirs when liuing in that coelestiall Paradise they shall be made like not that earthly but that heauenly Adam CHRIST IESVS our blessed Lord and Sauiour whose Image they shall then a 1 Cor. 15 48.49 beare The Sunne that glorious creature vvould not so much dazle our eyes if wee should looke full vpon it in the greatest brightnes thereof as the bodies of euery one yea of the least of the Saints would if wee should now behold them in the glory wherewith then they shall be inuested in a wonderfull manner What should I say more The tongue of man is not able to expresse the greatnesse of their glory In briefe then to inlarge this no further whiles the bodies of the wicked like loathsome carkasses shall be vile contemptible inglorious full of shame and confusion yea an abhorring to all flesh b Isa 66.24 theirs shall shine in that brightnesse of glory which is vnspeakeable and rather with comfort to be expected then with words sufficiently expressed They onely who shall be made partakers of it shall know what it is And as their bodies shall be made thus glorious so much more their soules Nay the glory hereof shall as much exceede the other as the Soule it selfe doth excell the body which they that are of any vnderstanding vvill grant to be exceeding much Great yea marueilous great shall the glory thereof be They shall be changed and renued and of a farre more excellent condition then they now are changed I say not in regard of their essence for that shall remaine the same without any difference any alteration but in regard of their qualities which shall be refined and much altered from that they were before of a new stampe and impression as it were inriched with new endowments new ornaments yea the glory of them shall be wonderfull farre aboue that wee are able to thinke or conceiue of them More particularly The Image of God c Eph. 4.24 Col. 3.10 and of Christ which now through sinne is much defaced in them shall then shine forth in them in most glorious manner It is begunne in them here d 2 Cor. 3.18 it shall be perfected there Their Vnderstandings shall bee inlightned to know whatsoeuer may make for their happinesse Whereas now they are ouer-shadowed with much darkenesse then they shall shine most clearely most brightly They shall vnderstand perfectly the whole Mystery of e 1 Tim. 3.16 Godlinesse They shall know God yea see him as he is euen face to f 1 Cor. 13.12 face as much as the nature of a finite and humane creature is able to comprehend the glory of so infinite and so glorious a Maiestie There shall be no darknesse of error or ignorance in them for they shall liue alwayes in the light yea where hee that is the Father of lights g Iam. 1.17 shall continually cast forth his shine vpon them illuminating and inlightning their vnderstandings with the bright beames of his Spirit and making them partakers of the rich treasuries of all heauenly vvisedome and true spirituall knowledge and vnderstanding Great was the knowledge which Adam had in Paradise before his fall when as at the first veiw hee was able to giue vnto euery h Gen. 2.20 creature both Fowles of the Ayre and Beasts of the Field a name according vnto their nature but it was not so great as that which the Saints shall haue in Heauen I list not here to feede the curious Reader with nice speculations of things not reuealed i Deut. 29 29.
as whether the Saints in glory shall know one another the father the sonne the mother the daughter one neighbour another or one friend the other c. So much onely I will say hauing ground for it out of the Scriptures that no manner of knowledge shall bee wanting vnto them which may make for the increase of their happines neyther shall the knowledge of this be wanting vnto them if it will make them the more happy But to proceede Their Wils also shall be perfectly sanctified so that they shall will onely that which is good that which God willeth and not possibly be once moued or inclined vnto that which is euill that which GOD willeth not They shall not onely haue a will not to sinne but also an impossibilitie of willing that which is sinfull otherwise then it was with Adam in his greatest perfection Their Affections shall bee rightly ordered and tempered yea in an excellent frame and harmony without any vnpleasing discord They shall onely affect that loue that ioy and delight in that which is pleasing and acceptable vnto God and making most for his glory and so much the more ioy and delight in it as they shall know it to be more pleasing and delightsome vnto him Yea they shall haue that measure of holinesse infused into them both into their Wils and Affections and all the faculties of their soules that they shall be holy according vnto the capablenesse of their nature euen as God himselfe is holy pure as hee is pure righteous as hee is righteous For then is the time and not before as some foolish Heretiques haue fondly dreamed when the Church that glorious Spouse of Christ and euery member thereof shall be without spot or wrinckle k Eph. 5.27 without staine or blemish as it becommeth the vndefiled Spouse of that heauenly Bridegroome the Lambes wife l Reu. 19.7 Their soules shall be so purified so purged with those cleane waters which flow out of the Sanctuarie that they shall not onely be free from all sinne but which is more not so much as once subiect to the least sinne nor any fit subiect for sinne to worke vpon They shall be pure and Angelicall In briefe they shall shine most gloriously glistering with all heauenly graces of the diuine Spirit for they shall be made partakers of the diuine nature m 2 Pet. 1.4 in more full manner not that the diuine essence shall be infused into them but that those diuine and heauenly qualities of wisedome glory righteousnesse holinesse puritie c. wherein the Image of God consisteth shall bee communicated vnto them in plentifull and abundant manner so that if their bodies as the Truth it selfe hath said shall shine as the Sunne then their Soules shall shine no doubt farre more gloriously O how excellent shall the brightnesse thereof be who is able to conceiue it Blessed are they that shall be partakers of it Thus the Saints shall be glorious in their bodies glorious in their soules yea both in body and in soule they shall bee clothed as it vvere vvith long white n Reu. 3.4.5 7.13 robes of glory and dignitie hauing Palmes in their hands in signe of victory and triumph ouer Sinne Sathan Death Hell and Damnation and Crownes on their heads in signe of royaltie sitting also with Christ Iesus in his throne o Reu. 3.21 euen as he sitteth with his Father in his throne They shall liue like kings yea raigne and triumph like Emperours hauing conquered the World p 1 Ioh. 5.4.5 and the Prince of the World q Iohn 12.31 Sathan and his infernall host r 1 Cor. 15.55.57 Rom. 16.20 Keu 20.13 There shall be glory without measure in the presence of that glorious God yea all the glory of the most glorious things in the world is nothing vnto it All the pompe royaltie and magnificence of all the most Princely Potentates and mightie Monarchs in the whole earth with all their glorious glittering shew though euery one of them were as glorious yea more glorious then Salomon was when he was at the height of his glory were nothing vnto that glory but euen as dust no more to be compared to it then brasse to the finest Siluer or Copper to the purest Gold To be briefe for words cannot expresse these things to the full Paul when being rapt into the third heauens hee had a view thereof said that hee saw things s 2 Cor. 12.4 that cannot be vttered where that great Apostle is silent who can speake To be briefe therefore so glorious shall their estate then be that in an holy admiration they shall euen wonder at it for indeede marueilous and wonderfull it shall be farre aboue that which they expected whiles they lay crawling like Wormes vpon this lower earth and had their habitation in these baser cottages these houses of clay yea as Luther that hammer of Antichrist said of Abel so it may be said and shall be verified of euery one of them They shall be in better estate and condition then if they had the possession of a thousand worlds with all the riches and glory thereof And hence to leade thee on yet further with mee for I am as one in a Maze I know not where to get out such varietie offereth it selfe on euery hand in this diuine Meditation for the minde that is heauenly affected to exercise it selfe in Hence I say from the fruition and apprehension of the greatnesse of that glory and happinesse of theirs shall arise and spring forth vnto them and in them abundance of peace and ioy They shall be filled and replenished vvith true peace and vvith spirituall and heauenly ioy euen that ioy vvhich shall rauish their hearts and soules They shall liue a heauenly and an Angelicall life singing and reioycing hauing that new song continually in their mouthes which they with the rest of that celestiall quire euen all those blessed Angels and glorious spirits shal continually sound forth Haleluiah praise and glory and wisedome and thankes and honour and power and might be vnto our God for euermore Amen They shall haue fulnesse of ioy in the presence of God and be euen satisfied with those pleasures of his right hand for euermore a Psal 16.11 yea all pleasures and delights which this world can afford are but vaine shadowes smoake trifles for children and babes yea no pleasures no delights in comparison of those sweet pleasures delights wherewith the Saints shall be refreshed in that glorious Kingdome They shall feed daily vpon that Manna b Reuel 2.17 of diuine and heauenly consolation and all spirituall comforts which the heart of man can desire nay more then the heart of man can thinke of They shall drinke downe the cup of saluation and gladnesse c Isai 12.3 and draw waters of life out of the riuer of his pleasures vvhich shall flow forth abundantly vnto them Then they shall indeed tast d Tim.