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A14608 [Summarie and short meditations touching sundry poynts of Christian religion] [gathered by T.VV. and now published for the education and profit of Gods saints]. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1610 (1610) STC 24919.5; ESTC S4955 21,971 56

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SVMMARIE AND SHORT MEDITATIONS touching sundry poynts of Christian Religion gath●●●● by T. VV. and now publi●h●d for the ed●●●cation an● profit of Go●s Saints Lord Iesus begin and make an end TO cloake sin seeing it runneth vp and downe in eu●ry mans mouth that we are all sinfull is dangerous and damnable Dangerous because the holie Ghost saith he that hideth his sin shall ●ot prosper And damnable because it caus●●h men to lie weltring and wallowing in iniquitie without repentance But humblie and vnfainedlie to conf●sse it is a readie way to obtaine pa●don and forgiuenes of the same at the hands of Almightie God because the Scripture telleth vs that if wee acknowledge and forsake our sinnes wee shall finde fauour And againe If wee confesse our sinnes God is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and the blood of Iesu● Christ shall purge vs from all iniquitie We haue sundrie true and vnpartiall witnesses both within vs and without vs against our selues to proue this truth vnto vs that we are miserable sinners First the stinging testimonie of our own conscience which though we many times bleere and blot out yet doth it sundrie times tell vs yea almost euery day when wee rise vp and euery night when we lie downe wee haue done many things that wee ought not to haue done and haue omitted many things which we ought to haue done Secondly God himselfe who beside that in his infinite knowledge he is able to charge vs with a thousand transgress●ons for euery one that wee know by our selues or others is also greater than our heart and conscience to condemn● vs because he knoweth all things Yea this eternall God doth by his iudgements conuince vs to bee sinners whether they be generall or particular By the generall his wrath being made manifest from heauen against all vngodlinesse and vnrighteousnesse of all men and against all the creatures themselues And by the particular whilest he manifesteth them either against some Nations as Israel Iuda c. or some Cities as Sodom Gomorrah Ierusalem c. or els priuate persons as Cain Ham Iudas and such like Beside these iudgements the Lord our God hath his blessed word which is pure and holy as himselfe to conuince vs of sinne which straightly chargeth vs first with the sinne and fall of our first parents Adam and Euah as guiltie therof vnto euerlasting condemnation Secondly with the sinne wherein we are conceiued and borne which we call originall sin which if we had no more vpon vs and in vs but that maketh vs the children of Gods wrath and displeasure Thirdly with the fruites of that originall sin which are all manner of disobediences inward and outward against Almightie God and our neighbours By al this we may see that al mouthes and hearts are iustly stopped and shut vp frō cleering themselues by thought word or otherwise and that all men are made subiect vnto the condemnation of God which that wee may the better feele it shall be good for vs first rightly to compare the horrible filthinesse that is in vs both outward and inward of bodie and soule with the wonderfull holinesse that is in God himselfe and he requireth of vs in his law Then to consider the greatnesse and notoriousnesse of our offences which may bee iustly aggrauated by looking into the qualities of the parties offending as Magistrates Ministers c. and the parties offended as Gods most excellent Maiesty and our deare brethren together with sundrie other circumstances of time place manner of doing● c. Thirdly to thinke vpon the multitude of our iniquities whic● are more in number than the haires of our head and being as the sand of the Sea both for multitude and weight are become as a burthen ouer heauie for vs to beare Lastly to weigh Gods fearfull iudgements both temporall and eternall which our sinnes haue deserued to bee powred forth vpon vs and for our terrifying are set down in his word and manifested in the world which are many indeed but chiefly these First his heauie hand lying sore vpon his creatures for our transgressions which should so much the more terrifie vs and humble vs indeed by how much themselues are subiect thereto not for any sinne of their own which they haue not but for our ini●uities Secondly the aduersities and afflictions of our life which are either bodily as sicknesses or spirituall as anguish of soule and torment of conscience which also the more heauily they are inflicted vpon vs the more mightily they s●ould cast vs downe and work vnderstanding in vs least otherwise God should haue iust cause to complaine that hee hath stricken vs in vaine Thirdly naturall death it selfe which is the parting asunder of the soule and the bodie for a time and was laid vpon our first parents and in them vpon vs as a part of that iust deserued punishment that they and we procured to our selues because we are all standing and falling together with them and in them And lastly the curse of the eternall God pronounced in his law vnto euerlasting condemnation both of bodie and soule without vnfained repentance and heartie turning to the Lord this most fitly sorting both for infinitnes and weight with our infinite and innumerable transgressions Whosoeuer fe●leth himselfe in such a miserable case must of necessitie as other good men heretofore haue done vnl●sse hee will wittingly refuse comfort and willingly cast away himselfe seeke some both sure and spe●die remedie least continuing in that lamen●able estate they bee swallowed vp of despaire and ouer much heauinesse If wee seeke to Angels and would worship them as some haue done heretofore they cannot stand vs in steed for howsoeuer they be excellent creatures yet they haue not that of themselues yea God should finde imperfection in thē if they were not maintained by his power and besides as they were not ordeined or created for such a purpose so they are iustly our enemies for sinne as whose nature is so pure that they cannot abide it and the armed souldiours of the Lord by his special appointment to our destruction for our vngodlines If we would looke to dead Saints as in time of superstition and Popery wee were taught and did as I feare me many men yet doe they cannot fitte vs any whit at all as well because the dead know nothing at all as also for that they themselues haue continually confessed of and against themselues that they haue alwaies stood in need of a Sauiour and if th●y could not saue themselues much lesse others If we cast our eies vpon men vnregenerated and yet liuing the scripture telleth vs there is none that doth good no not one nay th●y are all by nature the children of wrath and firebrands of condemnation not only vnapt and vnable to good workes for themselues but most fitte to all
euill both against themselues and others If to them in whom regeneration is begun yea and it may be also much aduanced and who are in the word indeed called the Saints of God they accuse themselues of wonderfull euils and manifold imperfections saying from a free heart that all their righteousnes are● as filthie and stained clouts and againe the good they sho●ld doe that they doe not the euill that they should not doe that doe they and therefore are not so much as willing to take such an office vppon them though wee would a thousand times giue it them If we would giue al that we haue vnto the Lord for a ransome for our own s●ns or others yea if wee would giue our first borne for our transgressions and the fruits of our bodies for the sinne of our soules as many idolators haue done heretofore it will not auaile vs for it is nothing nay as a polluted thing in his fight and besides it hath no power to purge away sinne or to purifie conscience If wee would cleaue to outward and feigned holinesse as the Pharisees haue done and the hypocrites of all ages do wee must make this account of it that though it bee neuer so glittering and glorious in mās sight which is not able to discerne of spiritual colors or things yet it is abbomination before God to whom and before whom both wee our selues and all our actions must stand and fall If we stand vpon the perswasion or practise of superstitious and idolatries deuised by man we must needs fall for besides that they are so many corruptions and defilings of Religion and seruice that we performe vnto God which is and ought to bee pure and simple as himselfe God himselfe also reiecteth them as things vile and displeasing in his blessed presence Whither shall we then goe to Christ onely we must needes come and why to him First because in him dwelleth the fulnes of all goodnes yea chefulnes of the godhead bodily and God hath giuen him to vs to the end that beleeuing in him wee should not perish but haue e●erlasting life How shal we know that By the Lords own word and voice from heauen who hath said and therefore we may nay we ought to beleeue it that he is his welbeloued sonne in whom he is well pleased Secondly because our Sauiour himselfe so graciouslie calleth vs saying Come vnto me all ye that trauaile be wearie and are heauy laden and I will ease you But when we come we shall find nothing in him Yes verilie for through him apprehended and appropriated to our selues by faith we shall find eternall peace to Godward and life and immortalitie brought vnto the beleeuers In this our Christ let vs for our comfort instructiō cōsider first the names and titles giuen him which are not bare or idle or expresse graces in and for himselfe onely but are full of fruit and efficacy and that for vs and our good specially for spirituall comfort here and eternall saluation in the life to come He is called Iesus that is to say Sauiour because he alone and no other doth and shall saue all his people from their sinnes He is called Christ that is annointed and sealed by his father to be our King Priest and Prophet By his kingdome establishing his double gouernment one inward in the hearts of his children by his holy spirit and the other outward in the Church by the scepter of his word and his owne discipline By his Priesthood offering himselfe vp once for all as a full and sufficient sacrifice for all the sinnes of his people And his Prophecy he being become the only law-giuer to his Church so as the godlie now are not to hearken to anie ●oice doctrine or spirit but to him a●one and those that speake according ●o his truth Secondly let vs consider his person which consisteth of these two natures ●he Godhead and the Manhood As he is God● he hath power in him●elfe to doe whatsoeuer pleaseth him both in heauen and earth and all deepe places yea to ouercome all our enemies specially spirituall which are so manie and mightie as none can encounter with much lesse vanquish but God onely alone belongeth mercie and forgiuenesse of sinnes ● as the scripture saith And as he is man hee is both sufficiently able and also very willing to endure and suffer for vs whatsoeuer was for our sinnes to be laid vpon him yea and also willing to haue compassion on th●● that are ignorant and that are out of the way ●●●ng made man like vnto vs in euery respect sinne only excepted and therfore being both compassed with infirmity and tempted himselfe is the better able to pitie and succour them that are infirme or tempted So that God manifested in the flesh iustified i● the spirit seene of Angels preached vnto the Gentiles beleeued on in the world and receiued vp into glorie is hee that wee must cleaue to alone for the peace and comfort of our consciences and the saluation of our soules because there is none vnder heauen giuen vnto vs whereby wee must bee saued but onely the same of Iesus Thirdly let vs earnestly behold what ●ingular effects he worketh in his children what wonderful graces he free●y bestoweth vpon thē He is the Lambe of God that alone taketh away the sinnes of the world he is he alone in whom it hath ●leased God to reconcile the world vnto himselfe he is he that is made of God vnto vs wisdome righteousnesse sanctification and redemption Wisedome because he is the eternall wisedome of the Father from before all beginnings and because comming out of the bosome of the Father he hath declared vnto vs all the councels of God concerning our instruction and comfort and that in far greater both plenty and plainnes specially plainnes than the Fathers before his comming had Righteousnes for these respects first ●ecause he hath fu●●y satisfied the iustice of God being wou●ded for our transgressio●s and broken for our iniquities carrying also the chastisement of our peace vppon him and healing vs with his stripes bearing vpon his backe and shoulders the course of the law due to vs for our sins and ouercōming the same in redeeming vs from it and secondly because that through his obedience and fulfilling of the law wee haue iustification imputed vnto vs before God and i●●choated in our selues and before men in the world and so obtaine at the last the blessing of the law which is eternall life Sanctification or holines because it pleased God the Father in the riches of mercie to send his owne Sonne in the similitude of sinfull flesh and for sinne cond●mned sinne in the flesh and not onely to impute vnto vs his holines and to cloath vs with the same but also through the mightie working of his holie Spirit to frame vs to walke in
must carefully striue by al holy meanes and the diligent and often vse of the same with earnestnes to pursue them and to bring them to good effect But we cannot performe these holie duties That is true indeede for we are not sufficient of our selues as of our selues to thinke a good thought much lesse to doe any good deede but all our sufficiencie is from God to whom alone we must haue recourse by earnest supplications and heartie prayers that by him we may be made able not onely to know what that good holy and acceptable will of his is but also be strengthened from him from whom alone commeth euery good and perfect gift to accomplish and performe the same And because wee are very dull and sluggish to performe this as all other holie duties the Lord hath ●ot onely giuen vs certaine sharpe spurres to prouoke vs thereto as his holy commandement which wee ought carefully to obey his comfortable promises which wee ought stedfastly to beleeue the pledge of his blessed spirit which assureth our spirits that wee are his children and stirreth vp in vs those groanings that no tongue is able to expresse a true taste and feeling of our owne miseries and wants and of the miseries and wants of our brethren both in respect of our bodies and of our soules but also hath taught vs such a short and yet notwithstanding so sufficient a forme of prayer as doth briefly comprehend in it al such points and matters as be meet and lawfull for vs to demaund therefore wee should continually labour rightly to vnderstand it and carefully to put it in practise all the daies of our liues But before wee enter into this or any other prayer it shall bee good for vs to consider some circumstances and to obserue certaine rules to the end that we and our prayers may by that means be foūd more acceptable in Gods ●ight As first how great and wonderfull our wretchednes miserie and pouertie is without the which as wee may easily be puffed vp with pride in our selues so cannot our prayers be piercing because a full belly despiseth a ho●y combe as the holy Ghost saith Also what is the excellencie maiestie power and goodnes of Almighty God to whom we pray for if that be not setled in our hearts we shall without re●erence yea in a certaine kinde of hypocriticall and superstitious boldnes rush into his maiesticall presence as the horse doth into battell The earn●●t and deepe weighing of both which points may work in vs true and vnfained humbling of our selues in his presence and also a certaine assurance that our prayers and requests shal be granted so farre foorth as shall bee expedient for his glorie and our comfort because wee come to him that hath the fulnes of all will and power in himselfe to performe any thing that we shal demaund according to the same Besides wee must know and beleeue that wee must pray vnto this alsufficient God onely as well because hee alone knoweth the things wee stand in neede of as also because he alone can help vs and yeeld reliefe and supplie when and as best pleaseth himselfe And that our prayers must bee made vnto him in the name of his dearely beloued Sonne Iesus Christ onely because it pleased the Father by him alone to reconcile all things to himselfe both which are in heauen and in earth● and to appoint him to be the onely Mediatour betweene God and vs. Also that wee must aske good things onely for it is vnreasonable yea irreligious to make the most good and holie God a slaue to satisfie our corrupt affections now wee haue said before that nothing is good but that hee alloweth and liketh of by his will reuealed in his word And we must aske these good things to good and holy vses onely as the aduancement of his glorie the helpe and comfort of our brethren and our owne good and not to consume them on our lusts as wantonnes gluttonie drunkennes enuie abominable idolatrie and such like And lastly that we must not pray only with our mouth and lips after the manner of hypocrites but must yeeld consent to the same in our vnderstandings hauing indeede the summe of euery petition in our hearts as we readily haue the words thereof in our mouthes otherwise all that we do in this behalfe will be but lip-labour yea lost labour For outward behauiour in our prayers it is seemely and meete that wee should order our selues reuerently and religiously in humble kneeling vpon our knees in stedfast holding vp of our hands and earnest lifting vp of our eyes to heauen ward and in disposing euery part and member both of our bodies and of our mindes in such sort that wee our selues may feele and others that be present with vs may sensibly perceiue that wee reuerence his Maiestie before whom we appeare and rightly vse that exercise that hee hath enioyned vs as a special peece of his seruice euen for our owne health and welfare as well ●s for his glorie Vnderstand me as I meane My purpose is not to tie men to that forme of prayer alone or to te●●●●hem to vse only those gestures aboue prescribed for that were to limit the Spirit and to represse occasions and prouocations giuen vs from God and felt in our selues to holy prayer but that euery one shuld striue because of that rebellion that is in our harts as much and as effectually both in word and deede to humble our selues before God as possibly wee can least otherwise God resist vs for he resisteth the proud and reiect our prayers Now let vs come to a short opening of that prayer which the Lord himselfe hath taught vs. The preface or beginning thereof is this O our Father which art in heauen Out of which words wee may learne many things as first in this word O the earnest affection that ought to bee in them that pray who must bring with them mindes not onely farre remoued from earthly and carnall things but so sted●astly set vpon those heauenly and spirituall graces that at that present they demaund that they minde nothing but those alone Secondly in 〈◊〉 word our the vnfained loue and feeling that ought to bee amongst Christian brethren no man praying for himselfe onely but praying as carefullie for others as for themselues Thirdly in this word Father his fatherly prouidence and assured fauour and good will towards his children in Christ on the one side and their sincere loue and hearty obedience towards him on the other side according to that of the Prophet If I be your Lord where is my honour and if I be your father where is my loue Fourthly in these words which art in heauen the exceeding Maiestie power and glorie of God aboue all things which if wee respect not in prayer and feele in our selues to appertaine to vs