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A12475 The communion of saincts A treatise of the fellowship that the faithful have with God, and his angels, and one with an other; in this present life. Gathered out of the holy Scriptures, by H.A. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1607 (1607) STC 228; ESTC S118775 187,194 518

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Apostles with power from on high sent them to teach al nations to observ al things whatsoever he had commauned them and he had made known to them al things that he had heard of his Father and they faithfully performed their charge keeping nothing back but shewing mē al the counsel of God for Christ spake in them so that now we have the mind of Christ and the word is neer vs even in our mouth and in our hart neyther may we admitt of any other doctrīe though it should be taught by Angels from heaven but that which we have we must hold fast til he come And Christ it is that hath alwayes reveled Gods wil vnto the world synce the begīning He it was that preached in Spirit to those that were disobedient in the dayes of Noe he sent Esaia● to preach vnto Israel and furnished him with giftes graces for that work and stil he sendeth his messengers dayly for the gathering together of the Saincts the work of the ministery and edification of his body til the worlds end they are his glorie Finally the heavenly Spirits ar also his messengers for this end and purpose when he seeth meet so to imploy them as it is written I Iesus have sent my Angel to testify vnto you these things in the churches Thus opening vnto vs by al means the secrets of his Gospel our souls ar comforted for he bringeth vs into his wine celler and Love is his ●anner over vs. 6 To assure the world that he was both the wisdome and power of God he confirmed his doctrine ●y signes and wonders doing such works as no other man did even as his words were such as never man spake his enimies being judges He gave also of this power to such as beleeved in his name and wer his witnesses himself working with them confirming the word with signes that followed 7. Vnto this outward administration Christ annexeth his inward grace by divine power making even the Dead to heare his voice and live for he hath the words of eternal life he openeth the harts and causeth attention he openeth the mindes and causeth men to vnderstand the scriptures he giveth them also a mouth and wisdome which al their adversaries are not able to speak against nor resist 8. Now all this life and grace doth Christ cōmunicate with the Saincts being their Head they his members For first the Ministers of the word how great gifts or authority soever they have they al are ours and we Christs and Christ Gods we are to trye their doctrine by the scriptures for they have not dominion over our faith but are helpers of our joy and in declaration of the truth are to approve themselves to every mans conscience in the sight of God Secondly the Word it self even al the scriptures are given vnto vs and written for our learning and comfort this not onely to know for our selves but to teach exhort and edifie one another Therefore is the word sayd to be graffed in vs and what by it we do beleeve we also may boldly speak and freely practise even all that Christ hath cōmanded that as he is a faithful and true witnes so we also that are the Lords witnesses with him his chosen servant as sayth the Prophet may bear a good testimonie vnto the truth having his word dwelling in vs plenteously in all wisdome may thereby our selves vnderstand righteousnes judgement and equitie and every good path and be preserved from the evil way and vnto others may impart the honey and milk of Gods graces that are vnder our tongue and having the high-acts of God in our mouth and the two-edged sword of his word in our hands may execute vengeance on the hethen corrections among the people binding their kings in chaines and their nobles with fetters of yron this honour is to al his Saincts who holding forth the word of life do shine as lights in the world Christ illuminating them with his glory continually and making his Church by his Prophesie the vallie of Vision as of old it was named 9. Touching his Priesthood and our communion therewith two things ar to be considered First What of his grace in his own person he hath wrought and worketh for vs to weet the things perteyning to God as the Apostle speaketh which are the Offring of a sacrifice to make reconciliation for our syns and Intercession which as our Advocate he maketh with the Father for vs. Secondly what by his mighty power he graciously worketh in vs and applieth vnto vs whiles he maketh vs also Priests vnto God his Father and communicateth with vs his obedience death burial resurrection ascension so causing the Blessing of God to come vpon vs as he is that seed in whom al families of the earth shal be blessed and giving vs comfort and peace Vnder these two heads are all thinges comprehended that perteyn to our Iustification Sanctification in the sight of God 10. These three things of Reconciliation Intercession and Blessing the Priests of Moses law in shadow figure of him performed of old for Israel The first whiles at the brazen altar they offred Burnt offrings and For-syn made attonement obteyned forgivnes at the hands of God for the synners but chiefly when the high-prest sanctified the Most holie place with blood of the Sacrifice made an attonement for the children of Israel for al their syns once a yere The secōd whiles at the golden altar he burned sweet incense every morning and evening and once a yere also made recōciliatiō vpon the hornes therof with the blood of y● Syn-offring entred with in the veil putting incense on the fyre in the cēser before the Lord that the clowd of the incense covered the Mercy-seat The third when having finished his ministerie the Sacrificer lifted vp his hād towards the people and Blessed them as he was separated of God to blesse in his name for ever and to put his name vpon the childrē of Israel that he might blesse them as he had promised 11. The truth of these three are fully performed by the Apostle and Highpriest of our profession Christ Iesus For that he might reconcile vs vnto God because it was vnpossible that the blood of buls and goats should take away syns neyther would his Father accept other sacrifice or offring then the body which he had ordeyned his Son therefore through the eternal Spirit he offred himself without spot vnto God and gave his sowle for the ransom of many bare our syns in his body on the tree and by his own blood entred in once vnto the holy place not the holy places made with hands but
damned spirits are of the bottomlesse-deep which they desired Christ that he would not command them into and fearfully they exspect from his hand torment the effect of that curse which is come vpon them to the vtmost and shal be executed in vnspeakeable manner mesure in that day when having fulfilled the mesure of their sin they shal be cast into the lake of everlasting fyre brimstō prepared for them so without end or relaxation of their miserie be separated from the Lord and al his Saincts from hïs life light and blessed communion for ever and yet 4. Men that had ben made in the similitude of God holy just happy immortal without any want or imperfection in sowl or body not cōtinewing in this honour but making shipwrack of faith by beleeving the word of Satan of good conscience by obeying his counsel acting the same wheras they were promised to be as Gods knowing good evil fel by this means into corruption and miserie and became like divils without God in the world subject to the horrour of his wrath and eternal damnation Whose woeful estate is to be considered first in regard of sin which stayed not in one actiō but fretted as a canker and overflowed all secōdly of punishments for sin Both of these are in sowl and body and their ful mesure or accomplishment is of the one in this world of the other in the world to come 5. The first sin of man was as venim that soddēly spred it self into al the powers of sowl body subdued thē al vnder death corruption so soon as the serpent had bittē him And as he was the root of al mankind so did the contagion also spread into al the branches his children By his disobedience many wer made synners and became ● dead even by the one offence of that one man was the evil propagated vnto al men to condemnation who now being evil by nature could neyther speak nor doe good but dayly wexed worse So that when the Lord from heaven looked down vpon the son●s of Adam to see if ther wer any that did vnderstand that did seek God behold al wer gone back al wer corrupt none that did good no not one yea even the children from theyr birth conception vnclean and sinful 6. The corruption and nakednes of man in sowl is to be seen in the Vnderstanding which perceiveth not neyther can know the things of God yea though light shine into this darknes yet doth not the darknes comprehend it the hart knowes not the ey sees not the ear hears not after much instruction mans wisdom is but foolishnes and whatsoever he savoureth in mind is enmitie against God and death to himself The hart of man which is the fountayn whence al the actions of life do flow is crooked crafty deceitful above al and wretched desperatly sick even vnto death so that every fiction of the thoughts of his hart is onely evil every day even from his childhood And as the mind is without the knowledge of God or forgetful if it hav known him so is it otherwise corrupted in the faculties therof caried with vanitie The Conscience which al mē hav within them to bear witnes of their works this also is defiled togither with the mind and through custom of syn Satans effectual working is seared as with a hot yron and bcome without remorse or feeling The Wil is also alienated from God and from his correction counsel or hearing the same Al the other affections in like manner corrupted by cruel hatred one of an other even of own brethren of that which is good yea even of God himself the love and delite being set on vanitie wickednes Finally the sowle of synfull man is fraught w th al vnrighteousnes wickednes maliciousnes wrath envie debate covetousnes inordinat lusts ambition pride vnmercifulnes and deep hypocrisie with al other vices being empty and destitute of every good grace virtue he hath neyther fear of God nor reverence of man yea that there is no God be al his cogitations 7. The body which is the earthly tabernacle sheath of the sowl and al the members of the same ar fit instruments to fulfill the evil thoughts of the mind be given over in like weise to the service of vncleānes iniquity The evils which lust hath conceived inwardly ar by Satans help and these instruments brought forth and effected Herevpon doth man commit al iniquity with greedines his hands execute wickednes and crueltie his feet run to evil and make hast to shed blood his eyes ar full of adulterie and cannot cease to syn defiled with haughtines and mockinge with murder and maliciousnes his thorat is an open sepulchre the venim of aspes is vnder his lips his mouth full of cursing and bitternes his tongue an vnruly evil ful of deadly poisō a world of wickednes defiling the whol body setting on fyre the wheel or course of nature being it self set on fyre of hell wherwith he curseth men blasphemeth God His carkesse he decketh clotheth with pride his belly he pampereth filleth with excesse for it is his God he is powred out into al lasciviousnes Neyther is ther any vncleannes fornication vnnatural filthines or beastlines wherwith he abuseth not his own body no trecherie theft murder Witchcraft worship of idols yea even of Divils which he committeth not And these things he doth with an high hand obstinat hart til he becom most abominable fiilthy drinking iniquitie as water making it a pastime to doe wickedly refusing not any evil but for to glutt himself with his lothsom delites addeth syn vnto syn and drunkennes vnto thirst groweth past feeling and after his hardnes hart which cānot repēt heapeth vp wrath against the day of wrath and of the revelation of the just judgement of God vnto whom he hath sayd depart from me for Idesire not the knowledge of thy wayes who is the Almighty that I should serv him and what profit should I hav if I should pray vnto him 8. So men that would themselves be Gods ar fallen to such impietie that they ar not far from the lothsom nature of divils which our Saviour signified when he caled Iudas a Divil and the Iewes the Divils children And now God abhorreth al wretched mans works even his most religious actions which his troubled ignorāt hypocritical cōscience causeth him to perform The Lord regardeth neyther him nor his offring his sacrifice is an abomination his prayer is turned to syn al his worship is vayn his works of mercy vnprofitable and nothing is pure vnto
him his labour his revenues ar vnto syn he himself lieth dead in syns the sowl of God doth hate him Therfore his eyes shal fayl his refuge shal perish and his hope be exspiration of sowl for he offreth the sacrifice of fools and knoweth not that he doth evil he is reprobate concerning faith abominable and vnto every good work reprobate 9. The reward of syn vnto man from the iust hand of God is fearful vengeance curse and death begun in this world to be fulfilled in the next His vengeance and curse God inflicteth sometime by his own powrful hand vpon the bodies and sowles of sinners sometime he vseth his creatures to torment them yea often he vexeth one man by an other and even by himself For man in himself hath confusion and is ashamed of his own body and members his reason wil and affections ar often at warr one with another his concupiscences fight within him rankerous envie fretteth and consumeth him carking covetousnes pierceth him through with many sorrowes his own inordinate lusts doe vex and make him sick and lean generally his whol life he leadeth in vanitie and vexation of spirit al his dayes ar sorrowes his travail grief his hart taketh not rest in the night for he is like the raging sea that cannot rest whose waters cast vp mire and dirt ther is no peace vnto him Again he is often troubled in minde for his misdeeds guiltie fears do torment his conscience and he is condemned of his own hart dispayring of al help mercy at Gods hand wher vpon men dread oft-tymes wher no dread is and the sound of a leaf shaken doth chase them away they flee as from a sword and fall no man pursuing them a sound of fear is in their ears that in their prosperitie the destroyer shal come vpon them neyther beleev they to return out of darknes So that in this miserie lothing longer life some lay violent hands on their own bodies and murder themselves And man to man doth all manner mischief and outrage that they are as beasts vnto themselves by reproching blaspheming robbing defyling captiving and murdering one an other both secretly and openly not sparing their own brethren wives children or dearest freinds in their savage wrath hatred and crueltie The Lord moreover afflicteth their bodies with many greevous and noysom sicknesses their bowels ar inwardly tormented with payns their ioynts and lims with aches silthy leprosies sores and botches do vex and deform them burning pestilent fevers do afflict consume them neyther is ther any part or member from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot which is not smitten wounded even the mind and vnderstanding with phrensie and madnes and the bodies somtime devoured with lice and vermin whiles they ar yet alive 10. The creatures all ar executioners of Gods iust iudgments vpon wicked men The heavens somtyme with-hold their dewes and rayn and become like brasse somtime they send down stormie tempests with haylstones and fyre and other evil influences to destroy the earth the inhabitants fruits therof The Sun smiteth them by day the moon by night the stars from their bulwarks fight against them The earth eyther yieldeth not her fruit but is like yron or bringeth forth thorns and thistles and venemous weeds yea somtimes openeth her mouth and swalloweth men vp alive Honger and famine do afflictt them that for want of food they ar enforced to eat the flesh of their own children The wild beasts prey vpon devour them even the smallest and vilest creatures as frogs flies lice and the like ar ministers of wrath and vengeance vpon the disobedient The syre breaketh out burneth them with their substance the water overfloweth drowneth them The Angels of the Lord do pursue scatter and destroy them And the Divils vnto whom wretched men yield homage obedience do tyrannize over their goods their bodies and their ●owls tearing and tormenting them casting them into fyre and into water depriving them of reason sence and speech having them also in horrible bondage vnder syn working effectually in them and holding them as in a snare vnto their own wil. So that the benefits of God towards them wicked men do abuse to further lic●nciousnes and presumption by his punishments also they are not bettered but increase impiety as it is written Men blasthemed the name of God which hath power over these plagues and they repented not to give him glory they blasphemed the God of heaven for their payns and for their sores and repented not of their works 11. Therfore after a few evil dayes on earth which also for his sins a● shortned the man being broken decayed and worn out with miseries is caused at last to goe to the King of fears death feazeth vpon him and separateth the sowl from the body neyther can any man redeem his brother or giv his ransom to God that he may liv stil for ever and not see the grave but terrours take him away as waters a tempest stealeth him away by night God casteth vpon him his plagues spareth not though he would fayn slee out of his hād as a whirlwind that passeth so is the wicked no more For his spirit departeth he returneth to his earth then his thoughts perish his form bewty consumeth as he himself so his Name also shal ●ot His sowl being fetcht away from the body wherin it lived and joyed but a litle while in the momentany plesures of sin is brought to the prisō of hel wher al dāned ghosts fearfully exspect their final doom at the great day of God when the sowles being again ioyned with their carkesses which the Lord wil rayse out of the dust the seas and death and hell having delivered vp the dead which were in them they shal be iudged every mā according to their works done in the body the books shal be opened and all things brought to light that were hid in darknes the counsels of the harts made manifest the heavens shal declare mans wickednes and the earth shal rise vp against him account shal be given of every evil work and idle word and God wil render to these sinners indignation and wrath they shal be cast into the fyrie lake prepared for the Divil and his Angels with thē be tormented in those eternal flames being for ever separated from the presence of the Lord from the glorie of his power from his comfort life and light Death shal feed vpon them the fyre that is not blowen shall devour them Then shal be weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth with too late repentance and
strong crying and tears sweat like drops of blood trickling down to the ground the shadow of death being vpon his eyes But because it could not be but he must drink for therfore came he to that howr and the Lord God had opened his ear that he was not rebellious neyther turned back he willingly gave vp his body for a sacrifice bore the wrath of God due for our trespasses he which knew no sin was made sin for vs and powred out his sowle vnto death 8. Then came Satan the Prince of this world to see if he could hav conquered him but he had nothing in him yea his own time was now come now was he to be cast out Christ being lifted vp from the earth would draw all men to himself The serpent beset him with the snares of death and with floods of Belial to make him afraid but he sayd vnto death I wil be thy death and vnto the grave I will be thy destruction so he spoyled the Principalities and powers of that kingdom of darknes made a shew of them openly triumphed over them in the same crosse destroyed through death him that had the power of death that is the Divil 9. They for whom he suffred all these things regarded not the rock of their salvation but iudged him as plagued and smitten of God humbled He trode the winepresle alone and of all the people there was none with him his own disciples had all forsaken him and fled that he by himself might purge our syns He looked for some to have pitie on him but there was none for comforters but none he found there was not any that would know him al refuge fayled him none cared for his sowl His own people betrayed him and denyed in the presence of Pilat when he had iudged him to be delivered they denyed the holy one and the iust and desired a murtherer to be given them Then was the Lord of glorie misused suffred much speaking against of sinners they opened vpon him the mouth of deceyt and compassed him about with words of hatred they rewarded him evil for good and hatred for his friendship they spate on his face buffetted him they crowned him with thornes and scourged him he became a reproch vnto them they that looked vpon him shaked their heads yea rebuke did break his hart and he was ful of heavines for doggs did compasse him about the assemblie of the wicked inclosed him they peirced his hands and his feet and gored his side they slew hanged him on a tree so was he made a curse for vs for the curse of God was on him that was hanged 10. But in his trouble he caled vpon the Lord cried vnto his God why hast thow forsaken me thow art my hope my portion in the land of the living Deliver me out of the mire that I sink not let me be delivered frō them that hate me out of the deep waters let not the water flood drown me and let not the pit shut her mouth vpon me deliver my sowl fom the Sword my desolate sowl from the hand of the Dog In the end he commended his spirit into the hands of his Father confirmed the Testamēt by his death and vnto the dust of death he was brought his grave was with the wicked 11. But the sorowes of death were soon losed because it was vnpossible that the Lord of life should be holden of it for as he had power to lay down his life so had he power to take it again this commandmēt he had received of his Father who shewed him also the path of life and brought againe from the dead this great Shepheard of the sheep Wherfore the third day he rose vp alive he rose vp and his enemies wer scattred and they that hated him fled from before him now behold he is alive for evermore Amen and hath the keyes of hel and of death death hath no more dominion over him for it is swallowed vp in victorie 12. Thus Gods hand was with the man of his right hande with the son of man whom he made strong for himself the Lord heard him in the day of trouble and sent him help from his Sanctuarie remembred al his oblations and turned his burnt-offring into ashes gave him according to his hart fulfilled all his counsell that we might reioyce in his salvation and set vp banners in the name of our God when the Lord had performed al his petitions For he having thus through the eternal spirit offred himself without spott vnto God obteyned eternall redemption having drunk of the brook in the way he therfore lifted vp the head He ascended vp on high with triumph leading captivitie captive and approched vnto the Ancient of dayes who set him at his right hand in the heavenly places far above all principality power and might domination and every name that is named not in this world onely but also in that which is to come made al things subiect vnder his feet gave him dominion and honour and a kingdome that all peoples nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shal never be taken away his kingdome shal never be corrupted and this is the name whereby we must cal him Iehovah our iustice 13. And now the gates of the heavenly Paradise wer opened to the sons of Adam and the tree of Life better then that from which the Cherubims sword had kept man was given him by Christ to eat of and live for ever Now felt men the effect of that heavenly oracle that came out of Caiaphas mouth It is expedient for vs that one man die for the people and the Whol nation perish not for loe the wrath of God kindled for mans syn was appeased by the death of this man Christ Iesus who gave himself a ransom for all men and bare our syns in his body on the tree being the suretie of the Testament It pleased the Father by him the Prince of peace to reconcile al things to himself to set at peace through the blood of his crosse both the thinges in earth and the things in heaven For it was his beloved son in whom he was wel pleased his chosen one in whom his sowl delighted that had given himself to be an offring and a sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour to God who smelled here a savour of rest sweeter then that in Noahs sacrifice which caused him to say in his hart that he would curse the ground no more for mans cause though the imaginatiō of mās hart wer evil frō his
not to offer their offrings of blood nor make mention of their names with our lips not to frequent their assemblies nor eat of their sacrifices though they cal and invite vs thereto for even the word of God and all other holy things are polluted among them their prayers turned to syn and their sacrifices abomination to the Lord. 8. And not in hart and mynd alone are we to mislike eschew their idolatries other evil actions but to keep our bodies as wel as our spirits pure because Christ hath redeemed both with both we must glorify God We may not therfore swear by their idols nor make any other religious mention of them with our lips We may not kisse them nor bow the knee nor do any other signe of reverence vnto them We may not present our bodies at their holy feasts in their hallowed places nor suffer our mouthes to eat of their delicates much lesse repayr to any such places for the repast or feeding of our sowles We may not eyther at allurement of parents brethren or most dear friends or by the example or entisement of the multitude or by the commandment of the Magistrate do these or any of these evils but following the word of God to separate our selves touch no vnclean thing clense vs from all filthines of the flesh and spirit so grow vp vnto ful holines in the fear of God Finally we may not joyn our selves in mariage with any that are no● of the same faith and fellowship with vs in the Gospel of Christ. 9. The causes of this restraynt separation from the wicked are First the will glorie of God who to the end we might be his hath severed vs from other people and vpon this condition hath promised to accept vs marie vs vnto himsef in faith that we should giv our selves alone to him and to his service and not run a whoring after strangers And hath made this our refreyning from communion with the wicked one expresse special part of his covenāt with vs. Secondly it is for our own good least by familarity with the wicked we should learne their wayes receiv destruction to our sowls as others before vs by and for like cariage hav done Therfore a●● we warned not to wander in their pathes nor let our hart decline to their wayes for they go down to the chambers of death and if we be partakers in their syns we shal receive also of their plagues Thirdly it is for the good of those wicked men themselves if such be the grace of God towards them or for their more certayn just condemnation that seeing vs to separate from them and thinking it strange that we run not with them vnto the same evils hearing our reproofs and witnes against them are eyther drawen to consider their wayes and turn their feet vnto Gods testimonies or els blaspheming persist and are hardned in their evill course vnto judgment Fourthly it is for the overthrow of Satans throne and kingdome which the words and works of the Saincts do beat down dayly discovering his errors and abominatiōs keeping themselves and drawing others from his deceipts and snares whereas by cōmunicating in those evils they should both honour and advance that enemy and strengthen the wickeds hands that they should not turne from their impietie 10. But though we may have no communion with the wicked in their religion nor any other evil action against either table of Gods Law yet in civill affayres we are taught of God to converse with them in peace As to eat and drink with them buy sell make covenants of peace shew kindnes to them pity their estate love them relieve their wants and receive from them for our relief pray for them labour by all gentle demeanure to convert them from their evil way and do any good we can to their sowles or bodies or any thing that is theirs And if we live in their policies and dominions we ought to be subject to al civil Magistrates high or low and that of conscience pay thē their tributes customes other like duties for their common wealth to bear their exactions oppressions persecutions patiently without rebellion or resistance and even pray for them that shal so misuse vs that thus as much as in vs lieth we may do good vnto have peace with al men in all things except syn be perfect as our father which is in heaven is perfect CHAP. X. How the Saincts are called out of themselves taught to forsake their owne wayes and works that they may have communion with God in Christ. FOrasmuch as al mē bear in their bosomes naturall corruptions bred with them in the womb brought vp with them from the cradle wherby they ar al alike children of wrath our separation from other wicked wil litle availe vs vnlesse we be also separated from our selves and learn to renounce the lusts and affections yea even the fayr-seeming works and wisdom of the flesh For what ar we the better for avoiding outward pollution by others if a fretting leprosy cleav to our flesh bones and our own clothes do make vs filthy 2 To draw vs therfore quite out of the miry pit of corruption the Lord hath caled vs from the love and liking of our selves also as being naturally both his enemies and our own teaching vs that our wits are vncapable of his heavenly mysteries our reason enmitie against him his Law our thoughts purposes evil our affectiōs brutish our wisdom foolishnes al our glorious grace as the flour of grasse and that therfore we must be turned and become as litle children even born againe or els we cannot see the kingdom of God 3. In matters of religion we must not do what seemeth good in our own eyes nor choose our own wayes nor forge things out of our own harts nor make to our selves any similitude of things in heaven or earth nor walk in our own counsels for what is man that he should invent services of God or do any thing which the Lord requireth not at his hands The things of God knoweth no man but the spirit of God of him therfore we must learn his fear what he commandeth that onely must we doe we may not put to it nor take ought from it For when Israel set their own thresholds and posts by the Lords they defiled his holy name with their abominations 4. The mysteries of his faith we may not measure by carnall reason or our own shallow vnderstanding but learn with reverence to beleeve all his words knowing that the things which eye hath not seen neyther
of rayment even that fine-li●●n pure and shining which 〈◊〉 the righteousnes of the Sainct 10. The chastisements 〈◊〉 God ar an other good means to ●umble our stubborne nature baptised harts making vs to 〈◊〉 trie our wayes and turn 〈◊〉 to the Lord to crie vnto 〈◊〉 our distresse to hav care to 〈◊〉 and keep his word By them he proveth vs to know what is in our harts and letteth vs hav experience both of our own infirmities and of his power grace By them he bringeth vs to an humble confession sorrow for our syns and so delivereth our sowles from going into the pit By them and our weaknes in thē he teacheth vs to trust in him not in our selves Thus the rod and correction giveth vs wisdome and wee are chastened for our profit that we might be partakers of his holines 11. And thus God calleth vs out of our selves from the vnbeleef blindnes hypocrisie hardnes of hart pride wantonnes all other inordinat affections that do possesse vs that we may beleev love feare and obey him alone that we may remember and doe al his cōmandements and be holy vnto our God He teacheth vs to deny vngodlines and worldly lusts even such as fight in our own members that our old man being crucified with Christ the body of syn may be destroyed we serve syn no more But having our sowles as weanlings with vs withdrawn from all carnal pleasures and having cast off every thing that presseth down and the syn that so easily compasseth vs about may delight in the Lord in his law depending vpon him alone for life succour and salvation neyther dispayring for our evill deeds nor boasting of our good but by faith taking hold vpon Christ and saying Whom have I in heaven but thee and I desire none in the earth with thee my flesh faileth and my hart but God is the rock of my hart and my portion for ever Then bidding farewell to the world and meekly taking our crosse vpon vs as men hateing our own life heer to follow the Lamb whither soever he goeth and shall bring vs to mountaines or deserts to hunger or thirst to cold or nakednes to trouble of body or grief of mynd to feares or terrours or even to the dust of death knowing that in all he wil susteyn vs in the end wipe al teares from our eyes after we have gone into fyre and into water he will bring vs out into a welthie place in our weaknes he wil strengthen vs in our wants he will reliev vs in all our cares doubts dangers distresses he will guide vs by his counsel and after receive vs to glorie 12. But these things ar so hard vnto flesh and blood that the natural man chooseth rather to remayn stil in his woeful state and injoy the momentany pleasures of syn then in such streights and difficulties to folow Christ. For it is a heavy thing to renounce and forsake his own affections to condemne his own wisdome for foolishnes to rest wholly vpon Gods word and promises when nothing is seen but present want calamitie to abandon pleasures to tame and subdue his wanton lusts to bear cheerfully the reproches and persecutions of the world and whatsoever els God shal bring vpon him oftentimes to the loste of friends wife children goods lands and life it self Therfore this state is in deed a Denial of our selves carying of our crosse dayly a Mortification of our earthly members even a dayly dying and breathing out of the ghost As the sacrifices given vnto God were killed salted and sent vp in fyre so wee that must give vp our own bodies for a living sacrifice must also be salted with fyre as Christ hath sayd And as himself fulfilling the figure of the syn offrings which were burnt without the camp that he might sāctify vs with his own blood suffred without the gate of Ierusalem so must we likewise go out of the camp bearing his reproch which we never do willingly til he draw vs. For this our new birth is not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of God who regenerateth caleth and sanctifieth his Israel increasing them with men like a flock and as the flock of holinesses as the flock of Ierusalem in their solemne feasts so filleth he desolate cities with flocks of men which being by the ministery of the gospel offred vp for sacrifices are acceptable being sanctified by the holy Ghost 13. When thus we be changed by the power of Gods grace and have got the victorie of our selves subduing and ruling over our own spirits which as Solomon sayth is better then if we wan a city whē we have hearkned to the crye of the Voyce that al flesh is grasse al the grace thereof as the flower of the feild and when we have found our grasse to be withered and flower faded because the spirit of the Lord hath blown vpon it when the strong hold of our imaginations is cast down and every thought brought into captivity to the obedience of Christ when we have discerned our syns felt the smart of them in our consciences pined away for our iniquities and judged our selves worthie to be cut off for all our evils when we have renounced al cōfidence in our selves reiected all our righteousnesses as filthy clouts and being humbled vnder the mighty hand of God do with Iob abhorre our selves repent in dust and ashes then will hee look vpon vs and turne our captivitie and bring vs into his promised rest into which we entring by faith shall there keep the true Sabbath of God cease from our own works as he did from his wholly give our selves to work the works of God which is to beleev in him whom he hath sent euen Iesus Christ our wisdome justice sanctification and redemption who caleth vs with a holy calling from the fellowship of Satan Syn this world and our own corruptions to the happy communion with himself and with his Father by fayth a while on earth til we shal behold his face in justice and when we awake be satisfied with his image O Ierusalem wash thine hart from wickednes that thou mayct be saved how long shal thy wicked thoughts remayn within thee Ier. 4. 14. CHAPT XI Of the Communion that we haue with God in general God having graciously freed vs from the captivity of Satan and caled vs out of the world from our own corruptions doth after this take vs neer vnto him bestoweth more graces and blessings vpon vs and accepteth again the fruits of his own spirit in vs. For he hath separated vs from others to receiv vs vnto himself and he wil be a Father vnto vs and
sake and that blessednes cometh on vs which is written Blessed ar they whose iniquities ar forgiven and whose syns ar covered blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not syn Yea God ●as he imputeth not but pardoneth syn so doth he impute justice or righteousnes to vs without works of ours because Christ fulfilled al righteousnes for vs that beleev and we shal be found in him not having our owne justice which is of the Law but that which is through the Faith of Christ even the justice which is of God through Faith To teach vs this the first man whom Moses mentioneth to have beleeved the Lord he presently adorneth with this grace that God imputed that to him for iustice And he being made the Father of al beleevers that is written for vs also vnto whom Beleef shal be imputed for Iustice in like weise Thus are we justified by Faith without the works of the Law yea Faith is come in place of al good works as Christ hath sayd This is the work of God that ye beleev in him whom he hath sent this also is his commandement that we beleev in the name of his Son Iesus Christ whom he that hath hath Life he that hath not the son of God hath not Life but who so trusteth to his own righteousnes and committeth iniquity shal surely die as sayth the prophet Thus live we by faith in Christ and that heavenly oracle is fulfilled The iust shallive by his faith 12. This Life and grace is one condition of that everlasting covenant which our God hath made with vs and sayd I wil be merciful to their vnrighteousnes and wil remember their syns and their iniquities no more And being thus justified by faith we have peace towards God through our Lord Iesus Christ whom he hath given to be our covenant and our light he hideth his face from our syns and wipeth away al our iniquities and sayth deliver them that they goe not down into the pit for I have found a ransom Yea now he seeth no iniquitie in Iaakob nor transgressiō in Israel the Lord his God is with him and the joyful showt of a king is among them though the syns of Iudah be sought for they shal be no more found for the Lord is merciful to them whom he reserveth he hath washed the filthines of the daughters of Sion their transgressions are put away as aclowd and like a mist their syns ar al cast into the bottom of the sea For this the Saincts doe triumph and say who shal lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen it is God that justifieth who shal condemn we wil goe forward in the strēgth of the Lord God we wil make mention of thy Iustice even of thyne onely And thus is fulfilled the saying of the prophet The whole seed of Israel shal be Iustified and glory in the Lord. 13. Yet is their also further grace perteyning to life and godlines given vs of God even our Sanctification whervnto he hath caled vs and which we attayn vnto by fayth in Christ. For the grace of God that bringeth salvation vnto al men and hath appeared doth teach vs that we should deny vngodlynes worldly lusts and that we should live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world and not continew still in syn that grace may abound VVe are the people of Gods holynes and he wil be halowed among vs he the Lord doth sanctify vs he powreth clean water vpon vs that we may be clean sprinkled in our harts from an evil conscience and washed in our bodies with pure water he taketh away the stony hart out of our body and giveth vs an hart of flesh he putteth his spirit within vs and causeth vs to walk in his statutes to keep his judgements and doe them that we be polluted no more with our abominations nor any of our transgressions and saith vnto vs ye shal be holy for I the Lord your God am holy And this is an other condition of his gracious covenant with vs as it is written I wil put my lawes in their minde and in their hart I wil write them I wil be their God and they shal be my peaple 14. Of this Sanctification ther be two parts which they that long after Life and to see good dayes must seek 1 to eschew evil 2 to doe good The way to attayn these is by the death burial of the old man the corruption of nature and the resurrection of the new that so being dead vnto syn we may be alive vnto God in Iesus Christ our Lord. The old man or body of syn is the whole man sowl and body as he is born by nature even al flesh al the grace and glory therof which the Spirit of the Lord must blow vpon and cause to fade as the flower of grasse that the man may be born again and made a new creature even born of God To work this wondrous change in vs the Lord giveth two special graces the 1 Fear 2 Love of his name by the one to restreyn vs from evil and by the other to allure vs vnto good 15. The Fear of the Lord as it is the beginning of wisdom so did Davids for fear of the Lord and we being afrayd of his judgements His mercies also are shewed vs to this end as it is written Mercy is with thee that thou mayst be feared This grace God giveth to his Saincts to humble them that they be not high-minded but may walk in reverence before him and their harts be in his fear continually that it may go wel with them and with their children for ever for he that feareth the commandement shal be rewarded By this grace hav his people commuinon with him and feel his goodnes for the eye of the Lord is vpon them that fear him trust in his mercy he delighteth in them he wil fulfil the desire of them and nothing shal be wanting vnto them as he hath promised by his prophet their sowles shal dwel in good their seed shal inherit the land and the secret of the Lord and his covenant shal be revealed vnto them Wherfore vnto man he sayth Behold the Fear of the Lord is wisdome and to depart from evil is vnderstanding the reward of humility and the fear of God is riches and glory Life Vnto this therfore let vs take heed for in it is an assured strength by it we shal come out of al extremities that are either too much or too litle and to fear God and keep his commandements is the whole man this leadeth him vnto Life and being filled therwith he shal continew and not be visited with
have fellowship with the Lord in spirit who having thus decked vs with the garments of bewtie and glorie with mercy and salvation through faith in his name doth then seal vs with that holy spirit of Promise which is the earnest of our inheritance vntil the redemption of the possession purchased the ful redemption of al Saincts vnto the prayse of his glory For as he hath chosen vs in Christ before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love so having effectually caled justified and sanctified vs of his vnspeakable grace he giveth vs also certainty and assurance of our election that we shal never fal from nor be forsaken of him For the seed wherwith we are born anew is an immortal seed which can never die this seed remayneth in vs to keep vs from syn and if we syn we have an advocate with the Father even Iesus Christ the just who maketh intercession and prayeth for vs that our faith fail not he also giveth vs repentance vnto Life and worketh in vs godly sorow for our misdeeds so we ar renewed by repentance dayly and revived by faith knowing that God hath stablished to himself his people Israel to be his people for ever he is their God his gifts and caling are without repentance he that hath begun his good work in vs wil perform it vnto the day of Iesus Christ for he hath made an everlasting covenant with vs that he wil never turn away from vs to doe vs good and hath put his fear in our harts that we shal never depart from him and hath sayd concerning vs by his prophet My people shal never be ashamed Thus the hope of salvation is for an helmet vpon our heads for that God hath not appointed vs vnto wrath but to obteyn salvation by our Lord Iesus Christ and we rejoyce with joy vnspeakable glorious being perswaded that neyther death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things presēt nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to separate vs fiō the love of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. 23. Our God it is which thus stablisheth vs in Christ hath anoynted vs and also sealed vs and given vs the earnest of his spirit in our hartes even the spirit of adoption whereby we crie vnto him Abba Father and of vs he sayth This people have I formed for my self they shal shew forth my prayse And being thus furnished with his graces we find feel the sweetnes of that fellowship and communion that we hav with him in Christ Iesus and by his Spirit 24. This communion the scripture setteth down by similitude of walking and dwelling together For God hath promised I will walk among you and I wil be your God ye shal be my people and for his habitation although he filleth heavens and earth the heavens of heavens ar not able to cōteyn him being cōsidered in his infinite majestye yet abaseth he himself to converse with vs that dwel in houses of clay as he sayth by the Prophet I dwel in the high holy place with him also that is of a contrite humble spirit to revive the spirit of the humble and to give life to them that are of a contrite hart Which grace that all the Saincts might take knowledge of the voice is written which was heard out of heaven to say Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwel with them and they shal be his people and God himself will bee their God with them This Tabernacle is the bodies and sowles of the Saincts as the Apostle sayth Ye are the Temple of the Living God even as God hath sayd I will dwell in thē walk with them your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost On the other side wee are sayd to walk with God as did Enoch Noah and as the Lord requireth of every man that he humble himself to walk with his God we dwel in his tabernacle for ever our trust is vnder the covering of his wings as the Apostle Iohn sayth He that keepeth his commandements dwelleth in him and he in him 25. This grace is so heavenly and supernatural as it cannot be comprehended by the carnal man nor embraced walked in with comfort by synners hypocrites The naturall man thinketh the dwelling of God is not with flesh the vnbeleeving among the Saincts in day of their distresse do say Is the Lord among vs or no The synners and hypocrites 〈…〉 Sion are afrayd saying who among vs shal dwel with the devouring syre who amōg us shal dwel with the everlasting burnings And indeed the throne of iniquitie hath no fellowship with him but the pure of hart edure as seing him who is invisible they sing The Lord of hosts is with vs the God of Iaakob is our refuge they serve him and see his face his name is on their foreheads they say It is good for vs to draw neer vnto God Lord lift vp the light of thy countenance vpon vs. 26 This conversing of the Saints with God is spiritual and mystical we walk by faith and not by sight faith which is the evidence of things not seen He that is joyned to the Lord is one spirit sayth the Apostle Again Gods walking with vs is strange and vncouth to the world for he bringeth vs into many tribulations his way is in the sea his paths in the great waters and his footsteps ar not knowen he leadeth vs through the wildernes through a desert and wast land and by the shadow of death where fyry serpents are and scorpions and drought without water to humble vs and to prove vs to know what is in our hart that he may doe vs good in the latter end he bringeth vs through the fyre and fineth vs as the silver is fined and trieth vs as gold is tried yet he sayth It is my people we do say The Lord is our God 27. And hence ariseth the comfort of our harts that alwayes we behold God with vs yea feel him within vs and answer Amen by faith to al his promises He sayth Fear not for I am with thee be not afrayd for I am thy God we say again Though I should walk through the vally of the shadow of death I will fear no evill because thou art with me He sayth of every of his Saincts I wil be with him in trouble I wil deliver him and glorify him they testify say I beheld the Lord alwayes before me for he is at my right hand that I should not be shaken gather together on heaps ô ye people and ye
the kingdome And what should I speak of al the Iudges as of Othoniel of Gedeon of ●ephte of Samson vpon whom the Spirit of the Lord came clothed them strengthned them and prospered vpon them whereby they went boldly vnto great battels overcame their enimies and ●ent the wilde beasts that roared vpon them The Prophets also Apostles were caried and guyded by the Spirit in their wayes words and works taught whom for to goe to and from whom to refreyn and had great intelligence of things for to come and in every citie the Holy Ghost witnessed such thinges as Gods wisdom saw good to revele So that the help which the Spirit ministreth to the Saincts is infinite and incomprehensible and they may saye to the Lord with the Prophet whishal I goe from thy Spirit for loe the wisdom of God powreth out her Spirit vnto them maketh them vnderstand her words this Oyntment they have from him that is holy do know al things through the power of the Holy Ghost they abound in hope by the comfort of the Holy Ghost they and the Churches of them are multiplied and by him the offring vp of the Gentils by the ministery of the Gospel is sanctified and whatsoever good thing is done among Gods people is not by an Army nor strength but by the Spirit of the Lord of hosts without which no man can say that Iesus is the Lord. 19. Thus ar the Saincts of God advanced to honour dignitie above al peoples on the earth being themselves the Temple of God having his Spirit dwelling in them injoying a most holy and happy cōmunion with the Father and with his son Iesus Christ and with the Holy Ghost the grace and peace and comfort whereof passeth al vnderstanding and can no way be sufficiently expressed by the tongue or pen of man And this holy cōmunion with his people God shewed of old by his prophet in these gracious words I am with you sayth the Lord of hosts with the Word by whom I covenanted with you when you came out of Aegypt and my Spirit remayning among you Fear you not Al thy works prayse thee ô Lord thy Saincts blesse thee Psal. 145. 10. CHAP. XIIII How the fores●yd communion and peace between God and his Sainsts is somtimes interrupted by their syns what vnrest trouble they then feel in themselves and how their ancient peace is renewed B●cause ther is no man just in the earth that doeth good and sinneth not and whiles men dwel in these howses of clay they be compassed about with their own infirmities tempted of their own concupiscences and besett with Divils that alwayes lie in wayt to entrap and devour it falleth out that the Saincts of God ar not only assaulted but oftētimes foyled by their enemies and do fal into snares and loathsome trespasses wherby God is dishonoured the Divil delighted their own harts wounded and distressed 2. For our knowledge in this life is but in part so that through error ignorāce we oft do amisse neyther can any man vnderstand or discerne those errors Our affections lusts are not fully subdued but do yet warr in our members the flesh lusteth against the spirit and these lusts fight against the sowle ar as a law in our members rebelling against the law of our mind and captivating vs to the law of syn which is in our members Our strength is infirme and though we would do good yet find we no means to performe it Our enemy Satan is both subtile and strong and seeketh dayly to circumvent vs often prevaileth through our weaknes and vnheedines that in many things we syn al no man can say I hav purified my hart I am clean from my syn 3. Sometime the pleasures of the flesh do bewitch and drawe vs into greevous offences drunkennes adultery fornication murder and idolatrie it self sometime the blessings of God vpon vs do make vs prowd our harts are lifted vp we commit vainglorious actions forgetting our selves and God that begate vs even forsaking the Rock of our salvatiō sometime our affections are so stirred that we fal into intemperance both in word work not onely against men but even God himself somtime feares doubts dangers threatnings and afflictions do daunt and discourage vs making the hart to faint the tongue to deny and forswear the truth the hands to work impietie our faith to quaile that we forsake Christ and flee away Yea Gods children have in error and blind zele persecuted the truth and professors thereof even killed Christ himself crucified the Lord of Glorie as the example of Saul sondrie other elect Israelites doth manifest These and many like greevous syns do the Saincts sometimes fall into through their infirmities God withdrawing his hand leaving them to themselves besides their ignorances defaults which multiplie dayly so as they surmount in number the hayres of their heads And many times such mē lie sleeping in their syns long forgetting themselves in their voluptuous delights til God awakeneth them of his grace least they should sleep the death and perish for ever 4. He awakeneth vs somtime by the sound of his word knocking at the door of our harts and by his Spirit wherewith he striveth in vs somtime by corrections punishments for our misdeedes inflicted vpon our bodies sometime by striking our consciences with dread dismay and terrour for our syns and withdrawing the cheerful light of his countenance from vs so as we feel not the joy of his spirit neyther have peace in our selves but the comfortable cōmuniō betweē his Majestie vs seemeth quite to be disanulled brokē 5. For he withdraweth his face and favour from vs kindleth his anger against vs coūteth vs as his enemies the horror of his wrath is as fyre sent from above into our bones the curse written in the law is powred vpon vs and is as the arrowes of the Almightie the venim wherof drinketh vp our spirit He setteth our iniquities before him self our secret syns in the light of his countenance he setteth them also in our own sight and our syn is before vs continually with his hand he bindeth the yoke of our transgressions with them being wrapped layd vpon our neck he maketh our strength to fayl bitter things doth he write against vs make vs to inherit the iniquities of our youth so as ther is nothing found in our flesh because of his anger neither is ther rest in our bones because of our sin our wounds stink and ar corrupt our reynes ar ful of burning our hart is as waxe it melteth in the mids of our bowels our bones are parched like an
is renewed and we lift vp the winges as the Eagles our flesh is as fresh as a childs strength is increased in our sowles and being now as widowes divorced frō our syns delivered from that law and returned to our Fathers howse like the Priests daughters we eat of our Fathers bread as we did in our youth we shal feel no more hunger nor thirst neyther shall the heat smite on vs nor the sun God wipeth al tears frō our eyes there is no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor payn for the first things are passed 10 Having thus after long seeking found him whom our sowlloveth we take hold vpon him and leav him ●ot til we hav brought him home vnto vs and after this nights wrastling with the Angel we wil not let him goe vntil he blesse vs and giv vnto weak Iaakob the new name of Israel for that by strong faith we have power with God prevaile having wept and prayed vnto him And now he putteth in our mouth a new song of prayse vnto our God our tongues sing joyfully of his justice our sowles do bless him which hath pardoned al our iniquities healed al our infirmities redemed our life from the pit and crowned vs with mercy and compassions And because we beleev therfore we speak and say We shal not die but live and declare the works of the Lord the Lord hath chastened vs sore but hath not delivered vs to death Wherfore after our agonies conflicts with death terrors within and fears round about we repose in Christ our redemer who hath taken away our syns vāquisht al our foes put Satan to flight renewed our peace and quieted our consciences and then we reioyce and say My soul return vnto thy rest for the Lord hath been bountiful vnto thee 11. Then giveth he vs to see how in all these troubles and torments we have most neer cōmunion with Christ and are by them made cōformable vnto him for he was wounded for our transgressions he was broken for our iniquities innumerable troubles compassed him the syns of the elect which by imputatiō were his took such hold vpon him that he was not able to look vp for the Lord layd vpon him the iniquitie of vs al though he had done no wickednes neyther was any deceyt in his mouth yet the Lord would break him and make him subject to infirmities so that he felt terrour and anguish and heavines in his sowl even vnto the death his sweat in his agonie was like drops of blood trickling down to the ground and his cry vnto his God was why hast thou forsaken me And we in our afflictions do but drink of his cup and are baptised but with his baptisme that after we have suffred with him we may also reign with him by many tribulations must we enter into his kingdome And he that was thus smitten of God humbled even to the death thus troubled in sowl and left of his Father for a seasō foūd an yssue out of al tentations not for himself alone but for vs whose surety he was who therefore have this hope for an anker to our sowles that as we now suffer with him so shal we also reign with him notwithstanding that for the present we are brought into the dust of death 12. After this admiring the mercies of our God and the vnserchable depth of his counsels who worketh turneth al things even our own syns vnto our good who leadeth vs in such wayes and wildernesses wher fyrie serpents and scorpions are drought without water which maketh vs folow him when his way is in the sea and his pathes in the great waters and his footsteps ar not knowen in al which dangers he defendeth vs afterwards bringeth vs into his rest we say the Lord dwelleth in a dark clowd Verily thou ô God hidest thy self ô God the saviour of Israel how vnserchable ar thy judgements and thy wayes past finding out Then minding our frayl estate in this flesh how we are sold vnder syn do trespasse against God every day and cannot do the good that we would we abase our hornes vnto the dust and by repētance do die dayly washing Christs feet with our tears knowing that notwithstanding the communion that wee have with him here by faith yet are we but strangers and pilgroms on earth and whiles we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord whiles our flesh is vpō vs we shal be sorowful and whiles our soule is in vs it shal mourn Therefore strengthening our weak hands and comforting our feeble knees we make streight steps vnto our feet being careful circumspect least Satan further circumvent vs seeking to make an end of our salvation with fear trembling giving all diligence to ioyn vertue with our faith and to make our caling and election sure for behold the righteous have for their syns recompence in the earth and are scarcely saved where then shal the vngodly synner appear but we which beleev in Christ exspect with patience our ful redemtion as we have cast our burden on the Lord and cōmitted our poor selves vnto him so we are perswaded that he is able to keep that which is cōmitted vnto him against that day even to keep vs that we fall not and to present vs faultles before the presence of his glory with joy where we shall alwayes behold his face and being quite freed from our syns from al possibilitie of ever synning more shal perpetually serve and honour him with his Angels at his right hand where pleasures ar for evermore He that walketh in darknes hath no light let him trust in the name of the Lord stay vpon his God Isa. 50. 10. CHAPT XV. Of the cōmunion that the Sainctes have in this life with Angels The name of Angel which is in English a Messēger is in the scriptures attributed 1. to our Lord Christ 2. to the spiritual creatures in heaven 3. and to some certaine men on earth imployed in the message and service of God 2. Christ is the Angel whom God sent to bring Israel out of Aegipt in whome Gods name is and is therfore caled the Angel of his Face or Presence even the Face of God it self the Angel of the Covenāt whom the Israelites desired the Angel that delivered Iaakob from al evil the Angel that dwelt in the bush whiles it burned and was not consumed who was the God of Abraham Isaak Iaakob the Angel Iehovah who emboldned Gedeon to battel against the Madianits and was with him in the same the Angel with the golden censer that giveth many odours to the prayers of all Saincts and out of whose hand the odours with the prayers goe vp before God in his throne
afflictions ar more then conquerours through him that loved them For they account the suffrings of this presēt time not worthy of the glory which shal be shewed vnto them they consider Christ their head who for the joy that was set before him endured the crosse and despised the shame and is set at the right hand of the throne of God who when he was both in name power a Lion appeared as a Lamb killed yet behold he is alive for evermore Amen and hath the keyes of hel and of death And he it is that raiseth vp his children fiō death he wil prophesie and their dispersed bones shall come togither sinewes and flesh shall grow vpon them breath shall enter into thē they stand vpō their feet an exceeding great army For in their tribulations they have but washed their garments white in his blood and this is al the fruit the taking away of their syn and the more the adversaries vex them thinking to root them out the more they multiply grow by patient suffering they triumph and by dying dayly they attayn to life eternal And God who hath chastened thē with rods for their good will turn his hand vpō their enemies scourge thē with scorpiōs they shal wring out and drink the dreggs of this cup of wrath he that made them wil not have compassion of them and he that formed them will have no mercie on them the beasts shal be destroyed and given to the burning fyre the righteous shal have dominion over them in the morning The zele of the Lord of hosts wil performe it The Lord preserveth the sowles of his Saincts he wil deliver them from the hand of the wicked Psalm 97. 10. CHAPT XXI How the peace and communion of the Church is disturbed by troubles syns within it self BVt it is a smal thing for Satan thus to molest the Saincts with troubles from abroad for he hath meanes and instruments many in the church it self to work the woe yea often the ruine of the same he most delighteth to kindle contentions among brethren knowing that such things are most offensive vnto God heavie to his people give to the enemie occasion of reproch The means are two that he chiefly vseth herevnto 1. the infirmities of the Saincts who though they would do good yet through syn that dwelleth in thē oft times doe the evil which they hate 2. the iniquities of false brethren and hypocrites who alwayes are corrupted in themselves and seek to bring corruptiō into the whol body of the church 2. For whē the faithful through cōmune ●iaylty defyle their precious sowles and bodies through the remaynders of ●yn both the enemies without take occasiō to blaspheme and the brethren within to stumble contend as Moses was murmured against by his owne sister and brother because he had maried an Aethiopian wife And God himself is often angry with the whol church and punisheth many for the fault of a few as whē David synned in numbring the people God in displeasure plagued Israel that of them there died seventie thowsand men Again the home-bred warrs and dessentions are heavier to the brethrens harts then al forreyn troubles many weak ones are offended no lesse then was Rebekah who feeling the childrē to strive in her bodie made question of her conception and sayd If it be so why am I thus But above al the hypocrites in hart doe increase wrath oft-times molest the church of which they ar not though they be in the same like the Apes peacocks in Solomōs ships being in deed the serpents seed and apperteyning to an other kingdome then Christs yet are thrust among the Saincts through Satans malice for to annoy them God also permitting this for the trial of his elect By these means the litle bark of Christs church hathever been tossed as with winds and tempests and is like ever to be so l●g as it is on the seas of this world that none may look for Angelical perfection or absolute peace vpon the earth 3. The Saincts ar subject if they be not wary hav their wits exercised to discerne good and evil to be caried about with divers and strange doctrines to fal into errors heresies idolatries Satan rayseth vp even among the teachers of the church some speaking perverse things to draw disciples after thē and the people many of them ar through their owne corruption prone vnto vice even set on mischief The children of Israel living in Aegipt defiled themselves with the abominations and idols of that land being brought out into the wildernes and informed in the statuts of the Lord they ther rebelled against him sinned stil provoked the most High tēpted God and limited the holy one of Israel made them a molten calf sayd this is thy God ô Israel that brought thee out of the lād of Aegipt cōmitted great blasphemies When they were entred into the good lād promised to their fathers there also they mingled themselves among the hethen learned thir works and served their idols which were their ruine False prophets ther were many among them that seduced the people to errour and idolatrie strengthned their hāds in evil preached peace to the wicked put pillowes vnder their armes but smote the righteous grieved and killed what in thē lay the sowls of such as should not hav died False teachers the Apostle sayth ther wil be also amongst vs which privily shal bring in damnable heresies evē denying the Lord that hath bought them The primitive churches had woful experience herof whiles in Galatia they wer soon remooved away to an other gospel being bewitched by their misleaders who vnder pretence of the law of God abolished them from Christ and made them fal from grace And in many other churches false doctrine fretted as a canker and destroyed the faith of certayn whiles some taught the resurrection was past already some with Iezabel Balaā perswaded to eat of things sacrificed to idols and to commit fornication with other hateful doctrine of the Nicolaitās idolatrous doctrine of worshiping Angels Christ the head being let goe the grace of God turned to wantonnes God the onely Lord our Lord Iesus Christ denyed Antichrist even many Antichrists entred in to deceyv destroy mens sowles 4. By such seducers much trouble discord was wrought amōg the people some of ignorance some of wilfulnes receiving and walking in their errors by whom the way of truth was evil spoken of others opposing against them and earnestly contending for the faith once given to the Saincts Especially the Apostles and other trustie ministers of Christ to whose care the sowles of men were cōmitted set themselves against those falsers by the word of truth by the
church of Ierusalem not to do the like nor partake in her sisters evils but when they became both after one sort the Lords hart forsook them both alike and because Ierusalem walked in her sisters way therfore God gave the others cup into her hand the cup of destruction and desolation For the Lord being exceeding wroth with Israel and having put them out of his sight that none was left but the tribe of Iudah onely yet Iudah not keeping the cōmandements of the Lord their God but walking after the fashion of Israel which they vsed the Lord did therfore cast off al the seed of Israel afflicted them and delivered them into the hands of spoylers vntil he had cast them out of his sight It behooveth al therfore to mind wel their communion both with their own and other churches and to nourish peace but in holynes to keep cōmunion but in light not in darknes for we must all appear before the judgmēt seat of Christ where everie one of vs shall give account of himself vnto God and every man bear his own burthē As we have sown in this flesh so shal we reap the sowl that hath sinned shall die Noah Daniel and Iob shal deliver neyther son nor daughter but their own sowles by their righteousnes And whosoever overcometh shall inherit all things and shal not be hurt of the second death Sow to your selves in righteousnes reap after the measure of mercie Hos. 10. 12. The conclusion SEeing thē we hav received such grace from God so many as beleev in the name of his son Christ as that we are raised vp from the graves of syn wherin we al lay naturally the children of wrath ar caled with a holy caling from the servitude of Satan and syn and al cōmunion with the wickednes of this world to serv the Lord in freedome of spirit and newnes of life according to his word are conjoyned in a holy societie with himself after a wonderful incomprehensible manner apprehended by fayth and one with another in the fellowship of the Gospel being through his mercie made a chosen generation a kingly priesthood washed frō al our syns in the blood of Christ and reigning with him on earth by mortifying subduing our earthly members and seing we hav in this estate al the promises of life blessing and salvation the presence and protection of him our God the guard and assistance of his holy Angels whatsoever thing is good for our help joy and comfort whiles we live on earth What remayneth thē but that we purge our selves from al filthines of the flesh and spirit so grow vp vnto ful holines in the fear of God making streight steps vnto our seet rūning with patience the race that is set before vs fighting the good fight of faith and of afflictions resisting syn both in our selves and others nourishing mutual love and peace making an end of our salvation in fear trembling That after we hav ended this warfare in the flesh and hav so fought as we win the victory and none other get our crown when our sowles shal flit out of these earthly tabernacles our bodies may sleep and rest in their beds til our chāge come our sowles not sent to the spirits in prison but received among the spirits of just and perfect men we may so rest from our labours and wayt for the ful redemption of our bodies at that day when our Lord Iesus shal shew himself from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming syre to render vengeance vnto them that know not God nor obey the Gospel of our Lord Christ punishing them with everlasting perdition frō his presence from the glory of his power and to be glorified in his saincts and made marveilous in al them that beleev which al shal be wher himself is see the blessed face of God there enjoy that heavenly communiō in the great assembly of al Saincts with everlasting joy vpon the 〈…〉 heads wher sorow and mourning shal be forgotten and al happines pleasures possessed for evermore For desire of that day the spirit the Bride say Come And let him that heareth say Come The faithful and true witnesse sayth Surely 〈…〉 quickly Amen Even so come Lord Iesus He that is a Sainct let him be sanctified stil Rev. 22. 11. Of the three sorts of mē al diversly affected in things concerning God Men are eyther OPEN WICKED HYPOCRITES SAINCTS ●icentious and profane livers professed enimies of the law of the Lord. Iob. 21. 14. 15. outwardly religious but inwardly wicked hating Gods law and the true righteousnes Isa. 29. 13. Mic. 3 11 that rightly beleev obey Gods word with their vtmost power the friends of the Lord. Psal. 119. 3 5 10. 11 c. These are born but after the flesh therfore savour they onely the things of the flesh ād remayn as they ar by nature Children of wrath Ioh. 3. 6. 1 Cor. 2. 14. ●●h 2. 3. These seem to be renewed born again of ye Spirit they are inlightned and boast of heavenly grace yet continew they stil in their old naturall corruption vnwashed from their filthines Heb 6. 4. Isa 65. 5. Ioh. 8. 41. 42. Pro. 30. 12. These are born a new not of blood nor of the wil of the flesh or of man but of God therefore they savour the things of God and mind heavenly things being children of Wisdome Iohn 1. 13. 3. 3● Luk. 7. 35. These ar neither chosen of God nor called being neyther of the church nor in the saine Psa. 11. 5 Rev. 22. 15. 1 Cor. 5. 82. These are caled but not chosen ar in the church for a a while but not of it Math. 22. 14. 1 Iohn 2. 19. These are called and chosen of God ar both in of the Church and so continew Ephes. 1. 4. c. Iob. 17. 9. In these syn dayly increaseth inwardly ād outwardly til righteousnes in them be vtterly extinct Psal. 36. 1. 2. 3. 4. In these righteousnes increaseth outwardly but sin liveth inwardly and aboundeth Isa. 1. 11. c. Ier. 3. 4. 5. In these syn dyeth and righteousnes rev●●eth dayly both inwardly and outwardly 〈◊〉 6. 2. ● 4. c. To these the Law if it be sent cometh in tables of stone for such is the nature of their harts but they receiv it not the tables ar broken before they come at them for these dance as it were about the goldē calf of their own impietie I●●●w not what is becom of Moses they break and violate all Exod. 32. Yet vnto such the law is given mid lieth vpon them as a ●urse and condēnation 1 Tim. ● 9. Deut. 27. 15-26 To these God giveth the stony tables and they receiv them but Moses face so shineth that they can not look vpō him vnlesse heveil
into very heaven and obteyned eternal redemption So the Lord took away the iniquitie of his land in one day as he had promised for the ransom was most precious even of infinite value effect seeing by the vnion of the God head with the manhood in this our High-priests person it was the blood of God himself as the scripture speaketh wherewith we are purchased Thus Christ hath reconciled vs that were enimies vnto God by his death and hath put away syn by the sacrifice of himself for he was the ‡ Lamb of God that taketh away the syn of the world and the prophesie of Abraham was fulfilled God wil provide him a Lamb for a burnt offring my son 12. Touching Christs Intercession as he prayed for his church when he was on earth and his Father heard him alwayes so now being ascended and set at the right hand of God he stil maketh request for vs being therefore entred into very heaven to appear now in the sight of God for vs. Whose prayer as it is pure and perfect so prevaileth it with God and is of vnspeakable efficacie to make vs to be accepted For the Father loveth the Son and accepteth him better then he did his servant Iob when he prayed for the trespassers This is that Angel the Angel or messenger of the covenant that hath a golden censer much odours which he offreth with the prayers of all Saincts vpon the golden altar that is before the throne the smoke of which odours with the prayers of the Saincts goeth vp before God out of the Angels hand and vnto his requests which hee maketh for his afflicted people the Lord answereth good and comfortable words Thus our high sacrificer having the names of the whole Israel of God as it were graven vpon two precious stones and embossed in gold beareth vs vpon his two shoulders for a remembrance and presenteth vs pure holy just before the Lord. 13. The things towards vs which ar his Blessing and the fruits that folow he graciously communicateth as a merciful faithful high priest touched with the feeling of our infirmites being raysed vp vnto vs of God and sent to Blesse vs in turning every one of vs from our iniquities And as at the end of his ministery vpon earth he lifted vp his hands and blessed his disciples and then was taken from them into heaven so continewing stil a priest for ever after the order of Melchisedek who met Abrahā blessed him he stil blesseth the children of Abraham giving and applying the promises of the Gospel vnto the harts and consciences of his people even the favour protection of God the light of his countenance and his peace So the blessing of Abraham cometh on vs through Christ Iesus who is that promised seed in whom al nations ar blessed and whom God hath set to be Blessings for ever Thus Christ by Sacrifice hath merited by Intercession obteyneth and by Blessing bestoweth and distributeth vnto vs the love graces of God his Father even all things perteyning to life and godlines that we being partakers of his peace may again blesse God even the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which hath blessed vs with all spirituall blessings in heavenly thinges in Christ as the Apostle sayth 14. The cōmunion of this Blessing is more particularly to be discerned in that honour of Priesthood which is given to al Christians the seales of Gods grace and love towards vs in Christ. For he hath made vs Priests vnto God even his Father and we as lively stones are made a spiritual howse a holy priesthood to offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Iesus Christ. For first applying him vnto our selves by Faith his suffrings death burial are ours his righteousnes resurrection and glorious victory over syn Satan Death and Hel ours so that we by the blood of Iesus may be bold to enter into the holy place though the Levitical Priests might not enter into the shadow thereof at al times by the new living way which hee hath prepared for vs through the veyl that is his flesh even boldly may we goe vnto the throne of grace that we may receiv mercy and finde grace to help in tyme of need Presenting vnto God his Father and ours this Lamb that was slayne for our syns who is our surety and our sacrifice by whose stripes wee are healed by whose death we are restored to life by whose body once offred we are sanctified vpon whose head wee have layd the burden of our syns and by whose curse we are made the heyres of blessing and of all the riches of Gods grace 15. We also giv vp our own bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable vnto God which is our reasonable serving of God so the heavenly Ierusalem is filled with the Flocks of men as the earthly once was with Flocks of holinesses or sacrifices external Our spirits being contrite our harts humbled and broken for our syns ar the sacrifices of God also which he wil not despise By Christ we offer the sacrifice of Praise alwayes to God that is the fruit or calves of our lips which confesse his name and magnify him with thanksgiving this also pleaseth the Lord better then oxe or heiffer that beareth hornes that parteth the hoof Our almes and offrings for relief of the poor especially the ministers of the Gospel of Christ are an odour that smelleth sweet a sacrifice acceptable pleasant to God Finally if we be powred out as a drink offring vpon the sacrifice service of the faith of Christs church do resist vnto blood striving against syn we have cause to rejoyce for precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his Saincts the ‡ soules of such rest vnder the altar til the Lord holy and true doe avenge their blood on thē that dwel on the earth 16. This honour of Priesthood which no man can take to himself nor any other thing except it be given him frō heavē Christ giveth vnto vs of his rich grace by his word spirit For as by the preaching of the Gospel he is dayly described in our sight and among vs crucified so we by the ministerie of the Gospel are made an acceptable offring vnto the Lord being sāctified by the Holy Ghost His word is a sharp two edged sword and divideth a sunder the sowl and the spirit the joynts and the marow by it we are taught to mortify our members which are on earth his spirit is as fyre where with we being baptised doe also mortifie the deeds of the bodie that we may live give our selves vp vnto God for a living sacrifice The afflictions