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A40196 The great mistery of the great whore unfolded, and antichrists kingdom revealed unto destruction in answer to many false doctrines and principles which Babylons merchants have traded with, being held forth by the professed ministers, and teachers, and professors in England, Ireland, and Scotland, taken under their owne hands, and from their owne mouths, sent forth by them from time to time, against the despised people of the Lord called Quakers, who are of the seed of that woman, who hath been long fled into wildernes ... in this answer to the multitude of doctrines held forth by the many false sects, which have lost the key of knowledge, and been on foot since the apostles dayes, called Anabaptists, Independents, Presbyters, Ranters, and many others, who out of their own mouths have manifested themselves not to be of a true descent from the true Christian Churches : but it's discovered that they have been all made drunk with the wine of fornication received from the whore which hath sitten upon the beast, after whom the world hath wondred / by George Fox. Fox, George, 1624-1691.; Burrough, Edward, 1634-1662. 1659 (1659) Wing F1832; ESTC R18020 590,130 408

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of the light and so out of unity and seeth not the Saviour the Redeemer the substance of all types figures Parables the end of the Law that goes upon the man of strife And so being out of the light out of the unity out of the Covenant with God In the light is the Covenant of God Pr. He saith the whole soul and body of Saints and every faculty of the soul and member of the body there is some presence of sin in them all their dayes Page 113. Ans The Saints are sanctified and washed and cleansed body soul and spirit and they are made free from sin and then can live no longer therein and the body of sin is put off And they witnessed the darkness was past so then the works of the true light shined and the day was come and they was of one soul And they witnessed as he was so was they in this present world And he that is in Christ is a new creature And where Christ is within the body is dead because of sin And he that is born of God doth not commit sin And the Saints was upon the earth when they was made free from sin and not all their dayes sin in them as thou speakes of Prin. He saith sin dwells in the Saints if any Saint think otherwise he knowes not himself and if he be one really sanctified he is under a strong delusion and drousie dream Page 119. Answ He that is sanctified is sanctified from sin and washed and cleansed and he that is out of this sanctification is in the drowsie dream For who are in sanctification are in Christ the righteousness of God and they are awakened to righteousness out of the fall in the second Adam and drowsiness and dreames and delusions that come in the first Adam And sin and drowsie dreams and delusions dwells in them that pretend that they are sanctified ones and not really Pr. He saith it is a Popish Tennent that sanctification is wrought within men and Justification or a believers being justified from sin and ungodliness and not in it but the mystery of iniquity lies in this qualification pag. 120. And they that are justified by their sanctification it is a falshood And that none are justified but Saints perfect in holiness is a notorious contradiction Page 121. Answ He that is the sanctification is the justification and so by their sanctification are they justified it is one and the same that which sanctifies justifies And every man that cometh into the world having a light that cometh from Christ the sanctification redemption justification but them that be not in the light are with it condemned And such as be in the light they come into perfect holiness and their sins are not imputed to them But them that doth not believe in the light the spirit of truth that leads the believer into all truth reproves them for their unbelief and their righteousness and their judgement and so doth not justifie them but reprove them And the justification within roots out all Popery and all contradiction But to speak of justification and sanctification without and not manifest within ye are yet in the first Adam in the Popery where ye must have a Puratory to cleanse and not the righteousness of Christ within and sanctification within and Justification So such be reproved that can talk of it without sanctification without so there is the old Adam in the sin and transgression And all falshood is among them that can talk of justification without them and not witnesse it within them For who witnesse Christ within them they witnesse justification there and sanctification for Abraham believed and it was im●uted to him for righteousness and his belief was within and he saw Christ his glory And such as believe they come to witness the imputation But such as come again to witnesse that they are nearer then when they did believe and to witness that they have received Christ within is the end of their belief there they witness the righteousness it self without imputation which is the substance that which the promise ends in and all the fathers hoped for who stood in the imputation and all the believers in him But Christ being come the end of mans belief the righteousness it self here is a justification alone without the imputation Christ the righteousness of Gods blessing and glory for ever And a believer that is j●stified he is a new Creature and is past from the death which came by the sin comes to enter into his rest where sin is not And all the falshood and the contradiction is without the possession of justification and sanctification which reprobates talk of it in the mystery of iniquity and unbelievers in the mystery of iniquity which have the sheepes cloathing the outside the clothing of the Saints yet ravened from the spirit inwardly These have not been like to own justification within or sanctification there that inwardly ravened from the spirit of God which all must come to that which they ravened from and they themselves before they feel the justification sanctification Christ within them and have received the substance the thing the Scripture speakes of which not believing in the Light and going from it though they get all the sheeps cloathing yet are they not thereby justified though they get all the good words and the forme of godlinesse and obey not the Gospell the power of God for none obeys the Gospell but wh● obeys the Light within And who are justified it is by the faith of Christ Jesus and without faith they cannot please him And who are in the Faith are the believers in the Light and so the Justification and the Faith doth qualifie from their old nature and mindes Pr. He saith They are not justified because they are new borne nor for their believing page 122. And I can say I am crucified with Christ and yet I have a corrupt rotten heart and an old lying heart as before he saith and Christ lives in him and there is a body of sin and death dwels in him And the life that he now lives in the flesh is by the faith of the Son of God Page 124. Answ Where Christ is within the body is dead because of sin and where the saith of the Son of God is lived in it gives victory over sin And the life of Christ is out of Adam in the Fall in sin and transgression And the Circumcision comes to be witnessed that puts off the body of sin And where the life of Christ is lived in the new Covenant is there the new heart rotten corrupt lying is put off the old man and his deeds with his deceitful lusts And he that believes is borne of God is justified and he comes into the faith by which he pleaseth God and he that doth not believe is out of the faith and it is impossible he should please God and is out of that which should justifie him Pr. He saith Christs
the Law of God the types and shadowes and figures which they was to rest on a sign of rest But when Christ came who gives rest to the day from the inward burden that men were bound the Apostle that Preached him who was the body Preached the end of the shadowes types and figures that took off the nature which caused the oppression and transgression and so the Disciples which was in the rest Christ in the body they was in the sanctification and the Apostle no where speaks that the Disciples did sanctifie the seventh day and bid people do it but thou dost not sanctifie the seventh day that bids people make a fire and so art a breaker of it and Preaches up that people should break that which thou affirms should be kept holy Pr. Thou sayes there 's already many signes of displeasure upon Sabbath breakers against the Oracle of God labouring wtih all their might against it in the Birth upon Quakers yea the Galileans were great sinners but I tell thee except you repent ye shall all likewise perish and thou compares them to the sow wallowing in the mire that goes from the Sabbath of the Lord. Ans This thou mightest turn upon the Apostles who brought the people off from types figures signes and shadowes to the body Christ and to the end of the Law and told them all things must become new Mark all things become new what wouldst hold up any old thing what a new Sabbath then and hath the Quakers been persecuted as thou cals examples and signes for witnessing the body Christ is he persecuted They go in the wallowing mire like swine and like the Prodigal feeding upon the husk as goes into the signes and shadowes and from the body Christ the life the substance and comes not to the rest the body and holds not the head and so they satisfie the flesh and runs into the mire and wallowes there and are satisfying it and such are the intruders worshipping Angels will worshippers without the body Pr. Thou sayes the seventh day is a perpetual royal rest established by precept and president for Gods praise and Saints priviledge the unchangeableness of the seventh day Sabbath Ans It was so to the Jewes in their generation perpetual to them in the generation where they was and so was circumcision and so was the offerings but Christ by whom the world was made came to end the offerings who is the rest to weary souls and takes of all burdens is the everlasting rest and restores the creation and ends the Jewish signes given as a sign and shadow of the body Christ him by whom the world was made before it was made and so he changes the covenant and Priesthood ends the Law ends the shadowes the body Christ who believes in him are entered into his rest and there 's the Saints priviledge Pr. Thou sayes when will the the new Moons be gone that we may sell corn and the Sabbath day that we may set forth wheat All the Discipline of the Gospel cals for self-deniall as this weekly duty of the holy Sabbath The Christian complains for want of spiritual injoyments with Christ and acquaintance with Christ the Sabbath opens the door of the Holy of Holies and is as a spring of the spiritual joyes Ans In the time of the Law and Prophets they was crying up new Moons and Sabbathes which were shadowes types and signes But the Saints denyed themselves and was come to the body and did not set up weekly duties of the Holy Sabbath but said they were shadowes and came to see the end of Sabbathes and new Moons and witnessed the body Christ before the day was made in whom is the rest and the Christian complaining for want of spiritual enjoyments and acquaintance with Christ are such that is among thee that is in the shadowes and come not to the body Christ in whom there 's Communion and life for the body is the light of the world the body is the life given for the life of the world in whom there is rest yea to them that had the true Sabbath which was the sign which they was to rest on a sign a shadow is of something that is to come therefore the sign and shadow is not the thing and they that lives upon the sign and shadow and cryes up them keepes from the door of Holies where all the springs of Spiritual Joyes are in which all the signes and shadowes and types and figures ended in Christ before they was in Christ by whom the world was made before shadowes and types was And a great deal more confusion is there in thy book not worthy mentioning but will fall into the mire and the dirt with thy self therefore now thou hast time prize it and give over deceiving the people for thou art wallowing in the mire thou speakes of and would bring people thither into the shadowes from Christ the body the substance and Life John Burton and John Bunian cals themselves Ministers of the Gospel in their Booke called Some Gospel truthes opened Their Principles are as Followeth Pr. THey say To witness Christ manifest in our flesh is to deny Christ come in the flesh and saith that Christ saith he shall be absent from his Apostles touching his body Ans Contrary to Christ who said that they might eat his flesh and contrary to the Apostle who said that they were of his flesh and bone so they do not divide the word aright and to witness Christ within is not to deny him come in the flesh but to witness him and such are not absent from him Pr. And they say Others have been depending upon something that they call the righteousnesse of Christ within and Christ within them and this they say is opposite to Christ without and this they call the spirit of the Devill Ans Which is not agreeable to the Apostles doctrine but contrary to the Apostle who said he was manifest in his flesh to condemn sin in the flesh that he through him might become the righteousnesse of God and this is not opposite to Christ that dyed at Jerusalem but it is the same that 's manifest and not the spirit of the Devill but that which destroys him For the Devil and Reprobates may talk of him without but the Apostle said that Jesus Christ was in them that 's the Emanuel God with us except they be reprobates and none knows righteousnesse but within Pr. And they say This is one of the Devills lyes to deceive to bid people follow the light Answ That 's contrary to the Prophets Christ and the Apostles who bids them walk in the light and Christ who bids them believe in the light And I will give him for a Covenant of light a leader of the people And Christ said I am the light he that followeth me shall not walke in darknesse but shall have the light of life And that 's the Devill and the Lyar that leads people from the Light
Apostles by the Beast and the false prophets and the great whore which have been in the power of the Devil that went out of truth and that the Saints was not subject to But now Christ is come to reign the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory and the higher power is owned that is higher then all the transgressors upon earth that reaches to the soul and the transgressed principle of God in every man upon the earth for the Beasts power hath set up your Tythes Temples and Colledges and compeld men to worship which the Saints could not and therefore have suffered by it that have worshipped God in the spirit and truth that the devil is out of and such was in the higher power Pr. He saith there is a kinde of Infiniteness in the soul and it cannot be Infiniteness in it self Pag. 103. Ans Is not the soul without beginning coming from God returning into God again who hath it in his hand which hand goes against him that does evil which throwes down that which wars against it And Christ the power of God the Bishop of the soul which brings it up into God which came out from him hath this a beginning or ending And is not this infinite in it self and more then all the world Pr. He saith the soul is a creature and yet it is a noble power and an Essence and is the appetite fancy c. Again he saith he knowes that the soul is a spiritual thing and cannot be divided into parts and powers as being one single entire essence Page 107. Ans The soul being in the death in transgression so mans spirit there is not sanctified and the soul is in death And fancy and the appetite and anger and pleasure c. which thou saith is taken for the soul usually and called the soul are them that wars against it so thou divides the soul into parts which is one and art ignorant of it and yet thou said it cannot be divided So thou art in the Babylon and confusion So the living of the soul and the spirit sanctified that diligent hearkening is come to where the Counsel of God is stood in his voyce heard his hand felt that the soul comes up into that comes from him from God that 's living and Immortal and gives a Creature its feeling and sencibleness through things and so the Covenant of God comes to be received wherein the soul lives the Bishop of it which is immortal and then the new creature born is known whereby the spirit of man is sanctified whereby the God of the spirits of all flesh is known Now where the power and life guides up to God the Father of life that works down and directs the mind up to God where the soul hath the issue the immortal to the immortal whereby light springs in Christ is known the soul praiseth God the Saviour the low estate that God hath regarded and reached down to it Now where the light is hated that of God within transgressed that doth pertain to the righteous Law of God and answers it the spirit of man is not sanctified and mans understanding darkened the higher power is denyed the soul comes into death transgressing of the Law is known the witness buried which should guide the mind whereby the soul should live in the diligent hearkening thereby comes man to be defiled and his spirit and body and minde whereby he glorifies not God in his body and soul and spirit and glorifies not the God of the spirits of all flesh thereby he comes to be an alien and a stranger to the life of God and his wayes and Covenant and thou sayes the soul is a spiritual thing and yet a creature an appetite and fancy And every man that cometh into the world having a Light from Christ the second Adam though they be in the first Adam the Bishop of their souls So every one being turned to the Light which Christ the second Adam hath enlightened them withall they shall see the Bishop of their souls Christ the power of God which is immortal brings the immortal soul into the immortal God Christ their sanctification who sanctifies their spirits and bodies and brings the soul up into God from whence it came whereby they come to be one soul For in the lusts of the world and the affections of it is the war against it and there is the powers of wickedness the soul must be in the higher power higher then the flesh which stains the man spirit and body and powers of wickedness So the light being turned to he receiveth the spirit of God which sanctifies him the spirit of Sanctification in Christ Jesus the Sanctification and Redemption So every man that cometh into the world having a light from Christ Jesus the way out of the fall the second Adam receiving the light they receive their Redemption and Sanctification whereby their spirits bodies and souls are sanctified Pr. He saith The binding of Sathan shall not be by a personall reigne of Christ in a body He saith the Quaker denies the light written in Scripture And he saith when yee that pretend most love to Christ within and light within ye deny the Lord that bought yee And the high talke of a Light within goes out for ever into utter darkness Ans The Light within and Christ within who owns this and are come into it owns the Lord that bought them Christ and no other and they that receive not this within are Reprobates without him and deceives him yet talk of him as the Devils false Prophets and Deceivers And they that go from the Light within go into utter darknesse and stumble and do not know whether they go and wants the garments and the Lambs cloathing And so the Light within he that believes in it hath the witnesse in himselfe abides not in the darknesse nor in the condemnation but hath the light of life And the light within that shines in the heart gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And who knows Satan bound and false Prophets and Antichrists and Beasts and mother of Harlots taken and cast into the fire and Christ reign and know his bodily presence they know his flesh and are of his flesh and of his bone and his spirit and minde and power who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him over the Devil over the A●tichrists false Prophets Beast and mother of Harlots reigns above their power triumphs tramples above their power and this is known by the Light within And now doth Christ reign in his Saints and the Paradice of God is known and Eden where all things are sanctified and blessed and good where there is no curse but blessing and he that went out of this did transgresse and disobeyed which brought the death upon all his posterity earthly Adam But who are come in through the obedience of another the second Adam Christ Jesus who
which cometh from Christ with it they shall see a Saviour Christ Jesus from whence it comes And the light shining from the East to the West and the coming of the Son of man and receive Christ and so come to the Rock And so people having been from the Light which every man is enlightned withall that cometh into the world they have been all brought on heaps But now they are coming to the Rock And thy words Thomas Collier shall be thy own burthen and for them thou shalt receive judgement And this is the word of the Lord God to thee and thy time is not yet past John Billingsley who calls himselfe Mr. of Arts Minister of the Gospell and Pastor of the Church at Chesterfield in his Booke called Strong COMFORTS for weake CHRISTIANS His Principles follows c. Pr. HE saith He would have the Mayor and Aldermen of Chesterfield to shew themselves to be really affected to the cause of Christ and his blessed Sabbaths c. Ans In this thou hast shewed thou art one that keeps people in darknesse and not a Minister of the Gospel of Christ and the new Covenant but of the Law and in the signes and shadows For the Sabbaths the Apostles did bring people off of them and they met together on the first day of the week and denyed the Jewes Sabbath and still it is your practice and yet thou cryest up to shew themselves for the cause of the blessed Sabbath what blind and dark stuffe is this For never did Pastor or Minister of Christ preach up such a Doctrine as to stir up Aldermen and Mayors and great men to shew themselves zealous for the Sabbath And thus thou hast shewed thy selfe to be one of them the Apostles was afraid of that observed the dayes which he brought the people off to the substance which they met together on the first day of the week which Christ rose on and so was a crosse to the Jewes who met together on the seventh day And Circumcision was on the 8th day on that day Christ rose Pr. He saith The Scripture and the Spirit are unseparable which he calls the Word Page 7. and that the spirit is alwayes in the Scriptures Again He is in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity who calls the spirit a dead Letter page 9. Ans Every one that hath the Scriptures cannot say he hath the spirit that gave it forth for the Devill may have Scripture who is out of the spirit And the Apostle which said the Letter kills and was old was not in the gall of bitternesse and bond of iniquity And the spirit was in them that gave forth the Scriptures And the Scriptures are the words of God which ends in Christ the Word who fulfils them Pr. He saith Prize the holy Scriptures through which is all our hopes of eternall life communicated to us And I wonder what any soule hath to shew for eternal life but the Scriptures So I call it Gods warrant Page 13. And in the midst of thoughts prize the Covenant of free grace And if ye would have substantial comforts from the Covenant do not lay hold of Covenant comforts Page 12. Answ Thou cannot speak a word to the wearied who art in the presumption thy selfe and to be brought down who art applying the promises to the wrong nature And many may have the Scriptures and many have the Scriptures and all ignorant of eternall life untill they all come into the life as they was in that gave forth the Scriptures For the Scripture communicates not the life but God of whom they learned that gave forth Scripture it is it that testifies of eternall life And the souls comfort is Christ which it speaks of Pr. He saith The Apostle to the Philippians speaks of Saints as Citizens our trading is in heaven Now Citizens great trading is Mercandize as ships go from London to India c. So thousands of soules go towards heaven worth nothing a poore empty creature See page 15. Answ The merchandize is in the earth in Babylon and there thou and you are all The soule is worth more then all the world which goes to heaven it goes richly full of all attire and fruitfulnesse and not empty Is not an empty creature that which God breathed into man the breath of life whereby it became a living soule And he hath all soules in his hand and Christ is the Bishop of it the power of God and therefore it is not empty for the Saints had the heavenly treasure in earthen vessells Pr. He saith The Sacrament and Baptisme is a most refreshing cup for we walke by faith and not by sight page 18. I can say frequent mention is made of salvation by Christ without mentioning any act of faith in us c. page 19. Answ Sacraments and sprinkling Infants called Baptisme who walks after them walks after sight not by faith for these things are seen and they follow their owne traditions and not the Scriptures for them either sprinkling Infants or Sacrament And who walks by faith and not fight comes off the things that are seen For things that are seen are temporall but things that are not seen are eternall saith the Apo●●le And he that believeth shall be saved he that believeth not shall be condemned this is the doctrine of Christ to the Apostles they are condemned already And where the belief is there is faith and salvation seen and known but where belief is not there is condemnation there salvation is not known and every one that is saved believes Pr. I do not say that there is perfect victory against every corruption But that grace will be eating out and curbing sin in the heart page 21. And there is no peace nor comfort that is miantained without warring and constant combating c. Yea peace and war against sin are alwayes inseparable companions page 22. All true comfort hath its foundation from the written Word they are fancies and flashes rather then comforts from pretended immediate revelations page 23. Answ None knows true comfort but who comes to the immediate Revelation that is to the spirit that reveals the things of God If men have all the Scriptures the written words and not the word in which they end they have not comfort neither can they do any thing without Christ neither have the wearyed rest neither is the Bishop of the soule known neither is the burthen and the old yoak gone off though they have all the Scriptures but as every one doth come to the life that gave forth the Scriptures with which they see Christ the end the substance of them him by whom the world was made before it was made these have comfort of the words And the Scriptures are words not the Word and such as are here comes to know peace and the end of war and the occasion of war taken away And sin and corruption is separated from the precious and contrary to the Just with it
sacrifices did type out Christ but the Sabbath did never type out Christ and therefore never to be abolished nor changed Answ Ezekiel saith the Sabbath should be for a sign which is spoken of among the Statutes Cha. 20. and the Apostle sayes let no man Judge you in meats or in drinks or in respect of an holy-day or of the new Moon or of the Sabbath day which are all shadowes mark of good things to come but the body is Christ Colos 2.16 17. Now they are called shadowes here the Sabbath called ● shadow the body is Christ and Ezekiel calls them signes and such as rest in those things in the shadow may beguile people in a voluntary humilitie and worship●ing of Angels intruding themselves into those things that they never saw not holding the head and neglecting the body to the satisfying the flesh which would live in the signes and the shadowes for the Sabbath in the beginning it was not a command to men to keep it as to Adam and Evah you do not read it was a command given to them but in the transgression and fall when the children of Israel came out of Egypt then to them the Lord gave the Sabbath as a sign the Lord said unto Moses speak to the children of Israel and say nevertheless keep ye my Sabbath for a sign between me and you in all your generations Now in all the generations of the Jewes in the first Covenant here was a sign between them and the Lord and he that defiled it was to die the death Now the body is Christ the end of the sign and the shadow Christ the sanctification so he that goes from Christ goes from the rest from the sanctification and he dies for he that hath not him hath not life he shall die the death and shall be cut off from the people so when the children of Israel came out of Egypt then was the Sabbath given to them as a sign not commanded to Adam and Evah the Scripture doth not declare it before the fall but given to the children of Israel after they came out of Egypt who received the Law added because of transgression upon the transgressors to such was given the Sabbath as a sign amongst them that had the offerings and such was to keep it and to sanct●fie it but before the fall when the Law and power was in man before the transgression there was no mention of a Sabbath to keep it Now Christ came which was the end of these offerings and the end of these Sabbaths which are the shaddowes for the Apostle sayes except any will dare tell him he lies he sayes the body is Christ and who are not Judged concerning such things in respect of Sabbaths and meats and drinks but are come to the body Christ which ends all those things and before those things were to him by whom all things was created and made Christ the sanctification and are come to him in whom there 's rest as the Jewes was to rest upon the seventh day is come into Christ the body the head the substance they are come into the rest the sanctification and the glorification who was glorified with the Father before the world began where no changing nor shadow nor variableness is need not have a shadow nor a sign or change who is come to the body Christ the substance now if thou sayes Christ was a sign yes but he ends the sign and shadowes to the unbelievers he was a sign as the people of God was signs formerly to such as stood in outward things so Christ the body the end of the shadow the head known and felt him that is Lord of the Sabbath Christ which is a mystery so they that be out of him be out of the life and dies as they died that went from the Sabbath so do they that turn from Christ the souls rest and peace and life and this Sabbath was to be observed in the Jews generation for an everlasting Covenant and he that did any work upon the Sabbath day was to dye the death now this Covenant which stood in shadows and types Christ came to take away The End and he that believes in Christ hath entered into his rest and ceased from his own works as God did from his And the Apostle said the first Covenant was to decay as in Heb. Pr. Thou saith Such as obstruct the Gospel-priviledge of Gods Sabbath rectified by the Son and observed by the Saints Answ But did ever Christ or the Apostles give a command to the Jewes that they should observe it strictly as it had been in the Law before the substance was come the body which was Christ Nay you read no where that among them the Apostles preached the Gospel that they laid any command upon the Saints that they should keep the Jewes Sabbath day but t●ld them they were shadows and the body was Christ and said Let no man judge one another in such things Now are you not come under the judgement of such things and so the Lord of the Sabbath that ends the types in him and in the Saints and so are come to him who is the substance the body and head Christ Jesus Read Colos 2. And so whereas thou speaks of changing of Lawes or Sabbaths this thou mightest have charged on the Apostles who told the Saints no where of keeping the Sabbath-day but told them they were shadows and told them such as was there was in their will-worships neglecting the body for the body and substance was Christ and such were intruders and so thou art comprehended to be one of the intruders into those things thou never saw which will puff up thy fleshly minde not holding the head and the Lord of the Sabbath The Son of man is come and the Saints go not about to blot out the name of the Sabbath for the pure Sabbath the sanctified day was a signe and a figure of the pure Christ the sanctification by whom the day was made and which day the people was to rest and the beasts which was to be sanctified the pure day the pure Christ who was before the day was the sanctification in which all the Lords people have rest who is Lord of the Sabbath before the day was made fulfills the type the shadow the signe the body is Christ the head is held So you that are running to observe dayes and times are them that the Apostle speaks of that he was afraid of that his labours he had bestowed in vain and so gone from the body into the shadow and the signe Neither do you keep it as you ought to do and professe a Sabbath your Horses and your Cattell is doing work drawing you to your worships your making fires through your Congregations your bearing burthens your gathering your meat on that day as you call your Sabbath Now to all people you are dissemblers to what you professe and pretenders to a thing to which you are not faithfull and so by
from the body which is Christ and so brings them into dayes and shadows and types where the vaile is over their hearts and the false Christian may run into signes and dayes that be out of Christs life and the Apostles But who be in the life of Christ and the Apostles that be in the body out of the signes and shadows and offers up the spirituall sacrifices such be in the rest and have the High Priest the everlasting Priest Christ Now if ye have the Sabbath ye must have the offerings the Priest to offer and your Altars and to offer upon that day which the Christians that witnessed the body Christ Jesus the one offering comes in the volume of the Book to do the will of God this substance that the shadow and signes and figures gave forth ends them all and brings people to see to the end of the shadow to Perfection Christ Jesus Pr. Thou sayes We should not grudge to give God every first day as an addition to Gods seventh-day-sabbath Answ The Priests call it a Sabbath and you call it a first day and you would have a Sabbath besides Now this is your cover but the life takes away all your shadows 'T is true the Saints did meet together every first day on the week And the Saints do so though they do not say it was a command And so the Apostles that brought people off their observing of dayes and times and told them the body was Christ and the Sabbath was a shadow of good things to come Thou mayst say the Apostle was the little Horne that changed times we finde no where he commands the Saints to observe it but brings people as you may read in the Romans from the Law being justified by the Law for if they keep the Sabbath they were justified it not they were condemned So Christ the body the end of types figures signes and shadows is the Justification without the works of the Law and the Sanctification it selfe and sanctifies man to God and so the Christians no where as you may read through the Epistles did observe the dayes the shadowes that was believers in Christs that ownes the body Prin. Thou sayes since the blessed Creator celebrated the seventh day Man thinks to be wiser then his Maker in altering and disobeying pretending spiritual observances poor worm dust and ashes who in expounding his own Law sums up all in this be ye therefore perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect that is in quality not in quantitie Answ He that is perfect as his heavenly Father is perfect is perfect as he is perfect if thou or any have an ear to hear let them hear and lay away thy qualities and quantities and take the words as they are and all that are come into Christ are come into life from the dust and ashes and are the spiritual men But him that talkes of celebrating dayes and Sabbaths are celebrating signes and shadowes and be in their own works from the body of Christ and keeping others and such if they do not all the works contained in the Law are accursed Pr. And thou sayes Christ confirms the seventh day Sabbath and assures us it shall continue every jot and title and Paul sayes he established the Law which cannot be ceremonial therefore let such as slight the seventh day Sabbath take warning and make sure work that it be not broken in no point of the Law which every jot and title is established by Christ and his Apostles when the Lord of the Sabbath and the Saints endeavoured to observe every jot and title of it to the ●●d of the world and our Redeemer particularly ownes the Sabbath above all other dayes by his works and Miracles and great wonders on that day and God forbid that Saints should side with evil seducers and reproach our Saviour for putting on his glory on that day but rather let that Sabbath be celebrated Answ Christ came not to break the Law the Apostle said the Law was good in its place and he established it yet the Apostle sayes that the Sabbath was shadowes and the body was Christ and he brings them to the Law in the heart in the mind and there he established it and Christ did not come to break one jot or title of it but Mark to fulfill it and he said not one jot or tittle of the Law should be broken until fulfilled and Christ which is the rest to the Jew which had the Sabbath day a sign of rest Christ the rest give the people rest on that day often that was bound that was burthened or that was wearied of that day and Christ that did give them rest on that day and the Apostle which establishes the Law which was good in its place neither of them doth bid keep the Sabbath day he doth not say the Sabbath day must be kept after him the Apostle no where commands it but sayes it was a shadow and the body was Christ and so them that came to the body Christ in the dayes of the Apostles was come to the end of the shadowes in that age in their dayes and for example thou may see it for some did observe a day and some did not and they was not to judge one another about those things and Christ giving rest on that which the people was to rest on was a figure of the everlasting rest and of the Restauration who did the work of God on that day and gave rest to the burthened on that day that signifies an inward rest that Christ was the rest and Lord of the Sabbath and of rest both to the people of God and them that celebrate the Sabbath day must celebrate a sign and live in the shadow and keep them from the body and so from the Church which Christ is the head of and who are celebrating Sabbaths must also bring their offerings and then they must have the first Priesthood to offer and deny the body that doth the will of God the everlasting Priesthood and the one offering and holds with the first Covenant that must decay in which those things stood and deny the everlasting Covenant and he that blotted out Ordinances and ends types and shadowes and so Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes in every jot and title and print in it and signes and shadowes that was held up by the Law Christ is the end of that yet the life of the Law the power remaines though the outward changing shadowes and things end the body is that that ends them all Pr. Thou sayes the Sabbath was honoured with the conversion of souls on this day and the day before did they break bread together Ans Was that the Sabbath day that Christ and his Disciples brake bread together on did the Apostles and the Saints establish the Sabbath day when they said it was but a shadow and brought them to the body which is Christ Pr. Thou sayes the Sabbath is mentioned with new
stirring up the blinde zeale where it is against Christ where he is in his Saints such as keepeth his Testimony whose thirst is after blood and persecution who would stop the Presse that Truth should not be published to the Nation Shewing yee have not the spirit that is able to gain-say nor able to contradict the spirit that is in the Quakers Therefore do you beg with your Petitions and feigned humility for the powers of the Earth them to stop But where the spirit of wisdome and of God and of a sound minde is ruling the intents of your minds are seen such as was then in all ages that brought upon heaps and stirred up tumults and made Insurrections among people and casting mists before Magistrates eyes whereby they might be blinded and turned against the just For which cause brought Gods judgements upon such as you and Magistrates both and rebuked KINGS for his Anointeds sake John Toldervyes Booke called The Foot out of the Snare His Principles And these whose names were subscribed to the Book viz. Thomas Brooks Thomas Jacomb George Cockayn William Adderley John Goodwin John Tombes William Jenkins and Matthew Poole Priests WHom the Priests and his intent is to father the work of the imagination that was in John Toldervy upon the spirit of the living God and of Christ that is in the Quakers But all their work and imaginations is with the Light and the spirit of Truth judged and him and his Priests and all them their feet fast in the snare And all that is in this Book which is contrary to the truth and the Scriptures is judged but all that is truth is owned And here is some of their Principles as followeth John Toldervy and the rest in the Book entitled The foot out of the snare he and they would lay all his actions upon the Light but they split themselves against the Rock and he himselfe hath split himselfe upon the Rock which made him recant again and deny all his foolish actions and so these great high Priests come off with shame Pr. He saith the declaring against all sin is nothing of the mystery of the Gospell of Christ See page 3. Ans Ignorant are you for that which makes manifest sin is the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ the mystery all his will-worships and his will-actings his self-righteousnesse and obediences and motions and fancies which he followed the Priests would lay it upon the Covenant in the heart and Christ within and doth not clear the Covenant and Christ within from all those actions which was destructive to the creature which Christ the Covenant preserves and the creation and brings the creature into the liberty of the sons of God and here your madnesse and blindnesse appears without distinction Pr. He saith Not to call any one Master nor to pull off the hat to any one not to you any one but to use the word thee thou to a single person not to use any Complements or greetings to any not to bow to any man to honour the Creature not drinking to any and to pull off the points and ribbons from his knees band-strings and hat-hand and buttons that was unnecessary on his Coat and other things and burned divers books c. And call this that put off all these things which were unnecessary they calls it seduced perswasions c. See page 15. Ans Now all these that have born record with thee under the life are ye come and judged which abides and remains and for ever with it judged For to instance as for not calling men Master that is the command of Christ As for the not fashioning your selves according to the world in your former lusts of ignorance that is the command of the Apostle And as for the forsaking of gorgeous apparell naughtiness and superfluity they are corrected by the Scriptures and judged by the spirit And as for drinking to one another and tempting one another with Beer and bowing the Hat and respecting and honouring the Creature which is earthly Adams honour in the Fall which Christ receiveth it not the second Adam And as for respecting of persons they that do so commit sin and are convinced of the Law as transgressors And now see where thou wast and all the Priests in your seduced perswasions and judgeth good of evill and evill good And thou and the Priests may see that all this that which thou did from thy own perswasions is thy own will But that which led thee from sin and from the world to righteousnesse was owned that shall be recorded for ever against thee and all the Priests and stand a witnesse against you though now thou art in the flower of thy age And it will be hard for thee John the Priests to get in that which ye have spread abroad and the weight and the feeling the burthen of all thy words and your words ye are not yet come to feel But when the fire and the heat enters into your flesh that ye are scorched with the vehement heat then remember every word that ye have given forth comes pat upon you a burthen From a lover of your soules and a cherisher of truth And John and the Priests all the Actions which was done in thy will and set forth in the same to the view of the world by the Priest which abused the power and that which was of God rising in thee to the sight of the world crucifying afresh the Son of God and so puts him to open shame Thou wilt suffer and the Priests and that which was done in thy presumption which abused the power of the Lord God that was never accepted of the Lord God nor never owned by the men of God But there is a thousand I do believe in the Nation that can see and do see what thou and the Priests have recorded to the world and are able to judge when the power moved thee and when there was imaginations and see that the Priests took thy part and are one with that nature in thee which betrayed the just even Judas like and mind and take notice those that Judas betrayed Christ to as thou betrayed the just too See what friends they were to Judas and what friends they will be to thee after that Judas has done and after that thou hast done now come to the just principle in thee John thy flight was in the winter And as for the word Thee and Thou spoken to a particular shews they have forgotten the Latine books that which they call their Learning for is it righteous to call one many or many one That is a sound speech which cannot be condemned And all people upon the earth that have run out in their imaginations whereby truth comes to be hurt if they have done it willingly the greater shall be their punishment they shall be whipt however But all you that have bent your wills and given your strength to the adversary of God whereby the way of
These he calls Errours Ans All your Temples set up imitating the Temple of Solomon built since the dayes of the Apostles are Idols for God never commanded them And have not the Papists had them And have they not been Masse-houses Beast-houses and are they not Is God worshipped in Temples made with hands Is not he worshipped in the spirit and in the truth And the Scriptures are words of the Prophets and Apostles and Christ they are words and so called in the Scripture they are not called the written word but words and Christ the Word cometh to fulfill them And all you that doth not speak from the Word if your Declaration be not from it you are the spirits gone out into the world apostatized from the spirit that was in the Prophets Christ the Word and the Apostles that doth not speak from Christ the Word in you And the Letter written in paper and inke now paper and inke is not spirituall but that which it speaks of is spirituall And thou to a single and you to a single makes it appear that neither thou nor you never learned your Accidence yet neither are perfect of the Bible what it saith For neither the Bible nor the Accidence teacheth to speak any such language as you to a particular Therefore ye are pittifull men to go to instruct the Nations cannot endure sound righteous words and simplicity of speech but stumble at it And again God will dwell in you and walk in you and your bodies are Temples of the holy Ghost And Christ is in you except you be reprobates saith the Apostle And again God breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soule For that which came out from God was the cause that man became alive a living soule and is not this of God And God who hath all soules in his hand and Christ the Bishop of the soule And is not that of God which comes out from God Is not that of his being the soule which he hath in his hand and so divine and is not Christ in man And doth not Christ say they must eate his flesh And so if they must eate his flesh is not his flesh in them and have they not the spirit And how can any eate Christs flesh if his flesh be not in them And doth not the Scriptures say that he was manifest in the Apostles flesh And how can ye call him Christ in man without the man be there And sprinkling Infants which the Scripture doth not hold forth but a thing got up since the dayes of the Apostles not witnessed by Scripture they cannot shew by the Apostles that it was one of his marks but a tradition of men an invention of men and then they may all see such as say they have not a command to do it if it be not a mark of that beastly spirit that is erred from the Apostles who is out of the power And Christ saith be not yee of men called Master it is his command for yee have one Master even Christ and ye are all brethren So thou that opposest the commands of Christ and teacheth men to practice the contrary thou and you are Antichrists and shew your spirit of errour from Christs spirit Now let all read and see if this man divides the word aright to people Pr. He saith They have an unction need not that any man teach them And waiting for the Spirit to come down upon them by inspiration and give them utterance And he saith they sit silent and not whisper among them And they do not own Davids Psalms to be sung See page 12 13. these are errours saith he A. Was it not the Apostles Doctrine that they need no man to teach them but as the same anointing teaching them that abide in it And was not they seducers that drew from it 1 Joh. 2. And did not the Apostles wait for the receiving the Holy Ghost the Comforter the Spirit of truth And did not the holy men of God speak as they were moved by the Holy Ghost and so the Gospel and the things of God was revealed to them what they had heard and seen and was revealed to them and spoke as the spirit gave them utterance and prayed for a door of utterance and others was to pray that they might have a door of utterance given to them when they was to Preach And to sing Davids Psalms without Davids spirit people sings not with the understanding now in all these things have not ye shewed and made manifest your spirits to be all the false spirits gone out into the world from the Apostles Spirit holy-mens spirit that spoke forth the Scriptures as they were moved and waited for the Spirit which led them into all truth and revealed to them the things of God so you that be out of this Revelation and Preach against this you have Preached up your spirits out from the Apostles and declared your folly to all the Nation And then because they wait in silence and not a whisper among them Is not that agreeable to the Apostles Doctrine and the Prophets Is there not a learning in silence And was not whispering forbidden by the Apostle And doth such things as these offend thee and so thou hast shewed thy spirit Pr. He saith they meet in the night and they make their object of their teaching of Ministers and Tithes and of the pure light that is in every man that cometh into the world And for any man for to know what is in him by looking at him or upon him or discern his soul this he suspects to be an evil eye And he saith that the learned men and Ministers and Physitians to be in the power of Satan c. page 16. 17. 18. Ans Here again ye have made manifest your power who are gone forth from the Apostles into the mystery of Iniquity which hath wrought long since their dayes And now is the power of God made manifest which breakes down the mystery of Iniquity and raiseth up the mystery of godliness that of this power neither the learned men Physitians or Ministers are able to Judge of it but as they do own Christ the power of God Formerly in the dayes past as the learned Rabbies Judged of Christ so do they Judge of the power now so not strange to us And the Saints met in the night yea till mid-night And we do deny the Ministry that takes Tythes and say the Priesthood is changed and the Law is changed by which is was made and the Commandment disanuled that gave tithes and the Priesthood changed that took them Heb. 7. And we say Christ is come a Priesthood after the order of Melchisedeck the similitude and likeness who ends the similitude and likeness in Christ is the end of similitudes and liknesses and wars in whom is peace So no tythes paid to the similitude and likeness But all is to come to the Son and to hear the Son and honor
Nay the power of God that wo●ks out the salvation with fear and trembling brings off from the Covenant of works and brings above all the powers of wickedness and so that is it which brings the people of God to be persecuted and hated to live in the power and the seed of God and no one knowes salvation but who knowes fear and trembling Pr. It is a delusion with you for one to witness an Immediate call and others to witness with them that they are so called Ans Was not the Apo●tles and Saints written in one anothers hearts and one anothers Epistles there and called immediately and witnessed one another as it is now Pr. And ye say some of them go naked And another to come and say he had a call Immediately from heaven to take away the Priests hour glasse And of their mean apparrel And the forsaking the world though they neglect their families And they run up and down in places and streets or Steeple-houses to vent their Doctrine c. Ans These are the marks they give to us whereby they give to their books the name of perfect Pharisees And the Apostles Preached as they went up and down in Townes and Markets and Synagogues and those was not Pharisees but those was Pharisees that held up Synagogues and Tithes and Temple and Priests so ye have the mark of the perfect Pharisee The name is entered into your bowels and hearts And as for any being moved of the Lord to take away your glasse from you by the eternall power it is owned And to take away your limmit carnal limmit to your earthly spirits that are gone out into the world from the Apostles from the spirit And if any have been moved of the Lord to go a signe among you to put off their cloaths to shew you are naked and want the covering of the spirit And as for any going in mean apparell and forsaking the world and come off from cos●ly attire was not this the Apostles doctrine Are ye like unto the Apostles the messen●●rs of Christ or the messengers of Satan crying up the world and its glory and costly attire And who are come to forsake the world are come out of the sinfull neglect of their families into the wisdome of God that preserves the creation and not destructive And as ye are speaking of Perfection so far as men are perfect they are perfect in glory and changed from glory to glory and witnesse perfection upon earth and see an end of it as David did who had out-stript all his teachers but among all yours that are kept under your teaching there is no talk of perfection among you nor your hearers so fall short of coming to see the end of it And the one offering and the blood of Christ and the new Covenant that perfects blots out and cleanseth from all sin And as for all the rest of your unsavoury and hard expressions in your Book the judgements and sorrow ye will feel for them and in the day you are judged the witnesse in you shall answer Thomas Pollard a member of the Church about Litchfield in his Book which he calls The Holy SCRIPTVRE clearing it selfe from Scandals His Principles follows Pr. HE saith It is a cavill to say thee and thou to a single person Ans Which shews that he never learned Accidence nor Bible the Language that the Saints spake one to another Pr. He saith It is wickednesse to call the letter of the Scripture and what is gotten from the Scripture to be brain knowledge page 4. Answ The letter paper and inke the letters are carnall and what is gotten from it is brain knowledge without the spirit But the Scripture the thing it speaks of is spirituall the Word is spirit c. Pr. He saith the Lord never said to us as he said to David that you are after his heart or any of your way or that ever went in your way and do not destroy all by your Doctrine page 7. Ans No David had out-stript all his Teachers so have we many of us who have trembled as David did witnessing the new covenant Christ Jesus in which we need not say know the Lord And who witnesseth this witnesseth the Tabernacle of David built Again our Doctrine destroys but mens and transgressors and doth not destroy the smoaking flax and bruised reed and we can say we are after his heart and God hath said we are after his heart Pr. He saith And how people may finde rest to their soules take the Law and Testimony See page 9. Answ They that had the Scriptures and have the Scriptures denyed the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and say prophesie is ceased so then they may say the spirit is ceased it is all one For the law is light saith Solomon And the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesie Now cries the world the Law and Testimony is the Old and New Testament which many may have the Old and New Testament and yet deny the Law and Testimony which is the light and spirit of prophesie for the Law and Testimony was before Matthew Mark Luke and John and the Epistles and Revelations was written in the dayes of Isaiah And so they that be not according to the Law and the Testimony they be out of the light and the spirit in the darknesse though they have all the Scriptures which the Law and Testimony ownes in their places And many may have the Scriptures given forth from the spirit of God and yet not have the comfort and rest to their souls till they come to Christ that the Scriptures testifies o● Pr. He saith Try the spirits whether they be of God for many false Prophets are gone out into the world page 11. And Satan transforming himselfe into an Angell of light and false Apostles and Ministers of unrighteousnesse transforming themselves as the Ministers of righteousness And he saith If they bring another Gospell and Doctrine then what is preached receive them not into your houses nor bid them God-speed Ans That which ye tell people is the Gospell now which ye preach is the 4 Books of Matthew Mark Luke and John you say c. As instance Priest Shaw of Aldingham in Lancashire said so Contrary to the Scriptures which saith the Gospell is the power of God And many may have the four Books of Matthew Mark Luke John c. the forme but deny the power and so deny the Gospel which is the power of God And so they that deny the power have put the four books for it and they that have not the Father and the Son are not to be received into their houses as saith the Apostle John for they would come in the form and deny the light as you do but he that hath the Son and the Father he is in the power the substance of the form Again the Devill transformed himself as an Angell of light before the Apostles
seed of God and defiled the flesh and darkned the understanding the sense and reason and warred against the soule ye have shewed your ignorance of that power that throws all these down and that which defiles the spirit and the body whereby the body the soule and the spirit comes to be sanctified And before this be so ye must know a bodily trembling and shaking and he cries away with it before ever he came at it lest he should be tormented before his time who is one of them who ever was against the holy men of God but the power of the Lord God has overtaken thee and with that are ye comprehended and ye are in the presse and your cluster is full and the sickle is gone out Pr. He saith The Priest-hood is changed but not the Tythes abolished by the coming of any substance and they that keep back tythes of God he hath preferred his mammon before his God is guilty of the sin of Ananias And denying to pay tythes is weakning the hands of the Ministers and God in wisdome hath required by an outward Law in the absence of the inward for the maintenance of the Ministery by tythes or other maintenance and so they owe a tribute unto God and so they must pay tribute and custome to whom custome is due Again he saith custome tribute Tithes c. love will teach thee these things are due therefore covet not anothers portion Ans When the Apostle had spoken of tithes before the Law to Melchisedeck like unto the Son of God and spoken of Tithes to the Priesthood made by a Law had a command to take them he saith the Priesthood was changed the Law was changed the command was disanulled that gave them Tithes the Son of God was come the end of the similitude and the likeness before the Law Now saith he of the things for tythes were things before the Law and in the Law of the things which we have spoken this is the sum Christ a Minister of the Sanctuary which God hath pitched and not man So there is the sum of the things and the substance and the plentious Redemption that leads men out of the earth that brings them to lay down all at the feet of the Apostles which is beyond tenthes which was to the service of the Lord due Here the earth cometh to be known to be the Lords it is given up here and man Redeemed out of it of this glorious Gospel are ye all ignorant and so Tithes is not as Annanias to be compared with Annanias not now and not as a tribute but as a custome which since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy that the Nations have drunk the whores cup there have been Queens and Kings that have made Lawes that is gone out of the power of Christ which the Apostles was in into the beasts power and made Schools to make their Ministers and have set up Tenths So this custome of the sin hath taken away the sence of it that people have been hardened that they have torn people spoiled their goods and cast into prison and taken treble dammages and kept them in prison and haled them before Courts and Sessions Assizes and Benches which is not like the Ministers of Christ for the law is changed of God that gave tenths and since that was changed the Law in the heart and a new Covenant And since the apostacy from that men have got the sheepes cloathing ravened from the spirit wolves whose fruits declare it who have deceived Nations and the world and have got up a Law from man and a command from man the Pope being the Author and the Law of God is changed and the command of God is changed that gave tithes and they have got up this to take them the Law of man the command of man and the Law of God and his command is denyed spoken by the Apostle Heh 7. which all that be in the wisdom of God sees over these things and feels over them and Judges you all and executes Judgement and is in the power and Authority to execute Judgement and convince all and are in the honour of Saints So your Ministry if Tithes fall is weakened but the Ministry of Christ came in when Tithes fell and that Ministry fell that held up tithes and that Priesthood which the Priests lips was to preserve the peoples knowledge So by the fall of that Ministry that took Tithes the Ministry of Christ came in is the rise of this Ministry since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy that is made by Kings Bishops Popes Schools and Colledges in the fall this Ministry that takes tithes which Tithes falling say they and saith thou the hand is weakened of the Ministry it is not the power that strengthens the hand but the earthly Now I say in the fall of this maintenance which weakens this Ministry weakens you Ministers in the apostacy ye have shewed what ye are covered withall in the rise of the Lamb and his Ministry in the Preaching of the everlasting Gospel and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to them that dwell on the earth which is the power of God and though the Devil and the beast and the false Prophets and the Kings of the earth do make war against the Saints and the Lamb yet the Saints and the Lamb shall get the victory and that 's come to that the Apostles were in before you was and so in your fall this rises Pr. He saith Christ without the Church doth not comprehend all the Elect and we are not elected though we receive Christ because we are elected in him c. Page 80. Ans Thou art medling with things too weighty for thee Christ is the Elect who God upholds and the election obtains it the victory and Christ knowes his and said he had other sheep and he knew all the Elect and is the wisdom of the Father the Light the Life and the power of God the offering the sacrifice for the whole world the Redemption of man-kinde and who receives him and are in him are the Elect and out of their own works and have possessed him and his Image and glory and are come to the throne of grace who is in all and over all the salvation to the ends of the earth and who are elected receives Christ and are in him Pr. He saith thy denyal of sin and Satan and Antichrist to be where they are in power and part is the old trick of the evil one c. page 83. Ans Who are come into the Lambs power they are come out of the power of the beast sin and Satan into the City the midst of the Paradice of God where no unclean thing enters but the tree of life is the food and they are a top of sin Satan and Antichrist and all thy tricks and witness against all sin Pr. He saith when the dissolution comes he bids farwell to all the Saints of God pag. 94.
is upon them that leave the Scriptures to look to the light within them Page 9. And many deceivers should come into the world that confesse not Christ come in the flesh receive them not into your houses And the man Christ is testified against by the light Pag. 13. and he saith they publikely deny the resurrection of the dead body And he saith Christ in the flesh his sufferings was but an example and a figure Ans Christ ended all figures in suffering and examples and paterns yet he is the Saints patern and example as the Scripture witnesses and there is no other example nor patern to be heeded but Christ alone which they are to learn of but to say he is nothing but a figure for that thou and you all will be judged for he ended all figures and is the resurrection and the life both and thy dead body shall live with my dead body this is Scripture and they that said the resurrection was past in the dayes of the Apostles overthrew the faith of some That which overthrowes the faith denying the resurrection kept the seed in death where it hath been in you all since the dayes of the Apostles for who are of faith are of Abraham of Christ according to the flesh and so if the dead arise not their Preaching is vain and their faith is vain So I say mortal must put on immortality and corruption must put on incorruption the first man was made a living soul the second was made a quickening spirit there is earthly bodies and heavenly bodies and there Is a resurrection of the just and unjust the one to eternal life the other to condemnation And the Judge is the man Christ Jesus to Judge the quick and the dead who both dyed and rose again that he might be God of the dead and the living And the light which every man hath that cometh into the world doth not testifie against Christ And the light doth not bring to deny the Scriptures but to own them And none ownes them aright nor Christ but who are in the light which cometh from him And all that do deny the light that doth enlighten every man c. are the wolves and the false Prophets and Antichrists that have gotten the sheeps cloathing and such cannot be received into the houses of the Saints that are from the light which every man is enlightened withall And none confesseth Christ come in the flesh but who is in the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall And so now is all Professors and teachers upon the earth and Kings of the earth ravened inwardly from the light which Christ enlightened them all withall standing against the light and the Lamb and the Saints that be in it and are not to be received into the houses of the Saints neither to bid them God speed for they be out from God that be out of the Light which Christ the Son hath enlightened them withall Pr. And he saith Christ hath a humane reasonable soul Again Christ the Eternal Son of God distinct from the Father Eternally before he was made flesh his spirit was distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternitie and not onely when he was manifested by descending on Christ in the likeness of a Dove or by falling upon the Apostles like cloven tongues c. page 17. Answ Christ saith he is in the Father and the Father is in him and he will send them the Spirit of Truth the Comforter that proceeds from the Father and the Son and Christ saith he was glorified with the Father before the world began and yet ye say the Son is distinguished from the Father from Eternity and the Son saith he is in the Father and the Father is in him and you say the spirit is distinguished from the Father and the Son from Eternity and Christ saith it proceeds from him and the Fathers and he is the God and Father of the spirits of all flesh and the substance of all things And is not a humane soul earthly for you say that Christ had a humane soul and is not humane earthly and hath a humane body and is not a humane body an earthly body Is not his body of the seed of Abraham according to the flesh and is not his body a glorified body was not the first man of the earth earthly and had an humane body the second man the Lord from heaven And is not the soul immortal which cometh out from God which is immortal and goes into God again and is not humane or earthly mortal And are there not three that bear record in heaven the Father the Word and the Spirit and are not they all one how then are they distinct and three that bear record in earth the spirit the water and the blood which agree in one And Christ saith I and my Father are one and I in the Father and the Father in me and he is in the Saints and so not distinct Pr. He saith it is impudency in the Quakers to deny the word Trinity and three Persons And the Church ever denyed such as denyes the Doctrine of the Trinity Page 18. 19. Ans As for the word Trinity and three Persons we have not read it in the Bible but in the Common-prayer Book or Masse-book which the Pope was the Author of but as for Unity we own and Christ being the brightness of the Fathers glory and the expresse Image of his substance of the Father we own That we own which agrees with the Scriptures and for that which the Scripture speakes not which men speak and teach for Doctrine their own words that the Scriptures speakes not nor teacheth such the Scriptures shut out and we deny Pr. He saith that is the weak ignorant dark and the wicked Sect of the Devil that maintains an equality with God the soul to be one being with God or part of God And saith the Quakers say there is no Scriptures speakes of a humane soul and the soul is taken up into God and God is all in all Answ The Assembly or Synod of Priests put forth a Catechisme and say that the Holy Ghost and the Son is equal with the Father in power and glory and this they put forth that people should learn it what then if any come to witness the Holy Ghost they come to witnes that which is equal in power and glory with the Father what if any come to witness the Son of God revealed in them which he that hath not him hath not life do they not come to witness him who is equal in power and glory with the Father this is your own Catechisme and is it blasphemy to confesse your own words that ye have given people to learn God breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soul God who hath all souls in his hand And is not this that cometh out from God which is in Gods hand part of God of God and from God and to
is the eight day and so not one in seven And if the Saints-sat in heavenly places with Christ Jesus And if the Saints in heaven must have a glorious body and Christ an humane body which I say is earthly how doth this agree with Scripture that says Christs is a glorious body And is it an earthly body the Saints eats when they eat the flesh of Christ And is not people in their first state in the earthly before they come to witnesse a spiritual body like unto his glorious body How do you divide the word aright and they that have the spirit of Christ their spirits are in heaven and they have unity with the Father Pr. We have no such immediate converse with God now as to see him face to face page 42. Ans We do believe you have not who are gone from the spirit that the Prophets and Apostles were in ravened from it since the dayes of the Apostles in the apostacy and so are not in the counsell of God and are out of his teaching and instruction and so farre off of having fellowship with God for who have fellowship with him comes to see him and you are not of Abrahams seed who saw God face to face but are of the Pharisees stock who never saw his shape John 5. Pr. And you say In the last dayes false Prophets should arise and shew signes and wonders and if it were possible they should deceive the Elect. And the coming of the man of sin is after the working of Satan with all power and signes and lying wonders c. page 44. Answ Christ said they should come the false Prophets and the Antichrists which John saw were come yea many Antichrists were gone out into the world And the Apostle Paul saw the man of sin before his decease the coming of him with the lying signes and wonders which since the dayes of the Apostles in this night of Apostacy they have rul'd and reign'd the man of sin with his lying signes and wonders and these are not the true signes but lying And when they were ravened from the spirit of God they got the sheeps cloathing inwardly ravening wolves which if it were possible they would deceive the very elect which went forth from the Apostles in the apostacy and since they have deceived the Nations the wolves the inwardly raveners though covered with the sheeps cloathing And here these things have been among you in the apostacy And the Apostates have reigned and rul'd and have had the dominion since the dayes of the Apostles But now with that which ye all have ravened from are ye made manifest and comprehended So this man of sin with his lying signes and wonders who ravened from the spirit of God as the Devill did who went from the Truth is he that compels all his members to plead for the body of sin while they be upon earth and so to keep them out of the faith of Gods Elect that gives the victory over the world And such he cannot deceive nor none of his members that ravened from the spirit of God Pr. He saith The Quakers the despising the fashions of the world contemning the honours and pleasures thereof and their sober carriage and deportment among men and willingnesse to suffer all these he calls wickedness See page 49 50. Answ But it seemeth this practice sobernesse denying the fashions of the world and contemning of honours and pleasures thereof and the sober carriage offends him and the world and the rest of the Priests and Professors and to deny their lusts which they be in Pr. He saith The Devill is not an Adulterer page 51. Answ Did the Devill abide in the Truth And did not he go out of it Are not all that go out of the Truth of him Adulterers who begets his own image and is the foundation of adultery Pr. He saith The light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is a naturall light or law page 56. Ans Which light is the end of the Law Christ Jesus before any naturall light was made or created for all things that was made was made by him and he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world who is the end of the Law Pr. He saith the light will not bring men to salvation page 56. Answ The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is Christ the salvation to the ends of the earth Pr. He saith again The light is not sufficient to lead men to salvation page 60. And to witnesse Sanctification within and Justification there is to confound justification and sanctification And grace and justification is a created thing and the sight within is meer darknesse which the Quakers speak of See page 61. Ans The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightned withall comprehends all darknesse and leads out of it and there is no occasion of stumbling in it for as many as receives him to them he gives power to become the sons of God And the light is not darknesse but he that saith the light is darknesse is out of the light in the darknesse And Justification and Sanctification within doth not confound it without but is the same that is within as is without And grace is the gift of God and Sanctification both Christ Jesus who was before any creature was created and the grace comes from the Throne Pr. He saith They are the unstablished people that are running after every way of errour that owns the Quakers in these Nations page 62. Ans In that the Nation will witnesse against thee for them that own the Quakers it 's known that they have been the most knowingest seeking people that have been in the Nations and the most sincerest people and none comes out of errour but who comes to the Quakers light which they follow which is Christ Pr. He saith That Christ hath a humane created soule See page 63. Again and the light in the conscience to be Christ is a false Doctrine And the Quakers seeke to bring people from all other teaching but the light within them page 65. Answ The soule of Christ is witnessed But to say it is humane earthly and created when the Scripture doth not teach us that doctrine we cannot own your words nor believe but deny them And Christ is the light in the conscience which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world who was before any creature was which he that receiveth it comes to him to be his Teacher and feels him reign And every man must come to the Light which Christ hath enlightned them withall c. who is the Covenant of God to feel the Law written in their hearts and in their mindes to bring them off all other Teachers whereby they need not teach one another nor to say Know the Lord. Pr. He saith Men may be called of men Master and it is but a cavill to deny it And they may deny to be called
those got the sheeps cloathing and so with the good words and fair speeches deceive who was inwardly ravened from the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and such have good words and fair speeches but deceive the hearts of the simple And gather people into forms and heaps and sects and wayes and opinions one against another which are nothing but the Beast and his names and all against the light that doth enlighten every man c. and so are making war against the Saints of the Lamb but the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory who will slay with his sword the words of his mouth And judgement is come through unto victory and set in the earth And so the Deceivers and Antichrists are telling people now is the last times now are they come and bidding them come to Matth. 7. Matth. 24. which indeed Christ did say they should come but John said they was come whereby they knew it was the last time And in the Revelations he saith That all Nations have drunk the Whores cup and the Kings of the earth have committed fornication with her and the Inhabitants of the earth are drunk with the wine of her fornication and the earth is corrupted as ye make it appear your fruits declare it And this is that which hath brought the Nations to waters and Peoples to waters and Tongues to waters and Multitudes to waters which ravened inwardly from the spirit of God yet have gotten the sheeps cloathing to deceive the Nations Such as drunk the blood of the Saints the Prophets and Martyrs did make war against the Saints and overcame them But now the Saints and the Lamb have the victory glory to the Highest And to that which they ravened from are people now come William Dell's Booke called A Stumbling Stone His PRINCIPLES followeth Pr. HE saith The carnall Church is a great enemy to Christs Church And they are offended at Christ because in him there was no humane nor earthly thing page 13. He saith It is the greatest errour that raigns under Antichrists Kingdom to affirme that the Vniversities is the foundation of Ministers And Peter undoubtedly taxeth the Vniversities with such men to be false Doctors false Prophets out of which proceeds all the Teachers in the world in their Towns and Cities under the whole Kingdome of Antichrist which have such Doctors and Teachers in the Vniversitie for the whole world page 27. Answ The rest of the Priests and Teachers which are come from the Universities and such as have set up themselves to be Teachers as in this book ye may see They say that Christ in heaven hath a humane body and others say that he hath a humane soule and thou saith there is no humane or earthly thing in him And for as much as thy saying it is the greatest errour under Antichrists Kingdom to say the Vniversities is the fountains of Ministers That is a true word it will be well for thee if thou be not catcht in this fountain among these errors maintaining of them for such are they that quench the spirit and speaketh the Scriptures in that spirit which came not by it And these are them that have deceived the whole world And all such as make Ministers in their wils quench the spirit limits the holy one despiseth prophecying makes a trade of Scriptures which came not by the will of man for the satisfying of their owne wils And happy would Dell have been if he had lived in what he spoke Gyles Fermin called Pastor of the Church at Shalfor in Essex his Book called Stablishing against Shaking His Principles are as followeth c. Pr. HE saith take away learning and England becomes a dunghill Ans Peter and John was unlearned men yet was no dunghill Pr. He saith true teachers pleads hard for their peoples ears The Quakers say we are not Ministers because we Preach for hire and are covetous and divine for mony and the Apostles took wages and maintenance and saith they eat and drunk c. and he saith the Lord did ever be team● his Ministers honourable wages Pag. 5. and he saith the labourer is worthy of his hire Page 6. Answ When the Apostle speakes of taking wages of eating and drinking to them that examined him he speakes this among the Saints gathered out of the world from among Jewes and Gentiles This was not spoken to such as held up Temples Tythes and Priests but a gathered seperated people from them And the Gospel they Preached the power of God it opened the hearts of the people to give unto them and not by an outward Law And the great work of the Apostles was not to wrangle about their maintenance as it is the great work of the Ministers now in the world made by men in our age and such as do Divine for mony and prophesie for mony And hire was ever looked upon to be the false Prophets wages without the spirit of God that gave forth the Scriptures and the false spirits in the earth for the Spirit of God would never value equal or measure his gift with the earthly things And when the Apostle speaketh of the labourer is worthy of his hire he saith who goes a warfare at his own charge and they that was taught they was to communicate every good thing to them this still was spoken among the Saints this was not spoken in Temples and Synagogues and them that took Tythes for those was warred against by them that was in the substance and the warfare was to bring people to the substance out of the first Adam to the second and out of the shadowes And that whereby the Ministers had the double honour it was in the life and in the power such as measured not a gift with earthly things which brought them to lay down all their estates at the Apostles feet which was more then Tythes But this Gospel we see not among you nor this power the power of God neither Preachers nor hearers and the Apostles did not bid the Gentiles nor the Jewes that was in their forms and inventions and traditions that had Elders among them he did not bid the people obey them that had rule over them but they brought them from under those Rulers from those Elders to Christ the substance the Elder Brother and so who was in the life grown more then another was the Elder and he watched over the weak And it doth make it manifest that you never received the gift of God whose work is thus to Jangle for outward things For the gift of God which is perfect would break through the unperfect and raise up the witness to give freely Pr. He saith No man can be a good text man unlesse he have attained to the Languages which hath cost us so much and he cannot know the errours but by learning And he saith he may thus speak for the necessity of Arts without which men cannot be sufficient Ministers
which since their dayes they have had the reign over the world But now to that which they ravened from and into the truth the Devill abode not in is the Saints com● and the Lamb reigns that is the substance of the Scriptures the end of the Scriptures that hath domin●●● Glory in the highest for ever And as for all the reviles lyes slanders vilifyings hard expressions in thy Book they will fall upon thy selfe and to thee they will be sad and thou shalt feel every one of thy owne words shall be thy burthen and they shall come home unto thee cramed into thee again for thou must eat thy own dung and drink thy own pisse that comes from thee for all that in thy book is but dung in the day of thy Judgement the witnesse in thee shall answer All along thou hast shewed thy ignorance of the spirit that is poured upon all flesh that 's infallible for whosoever prayes or hath a humility or sings and not by the infallible spirit they sing not with the understanding nor pray not with the understanding And under the Judgement of God thou hast brought thy self and all thy generation Thomas Collier his Booke called a Dialogue between a Minister of the Gospel and an Enquiring Christian In it his Principles are as Followeth Pr. HE saith that the Scriptures is the absolute rule of Saints that are endued with the spirit and faith page 7. Answ Such as were endued with the spirit and faith before the written Scripture was they had a rule and they knew the seed and they knew the promises and they knew Christ more then the Pharisees that had the Scriptures nay more the the Apostates since the dayes of the Apostles that have the Scriptures and the Epistles and Revelations For by faith they saw the glory they was in the Foundation they saw Christ the everlasting Covenant and that is the foundation still Christ Jesus him by whom the world was made before it was made and all that have the Scriptures and have not him they can do nothing And that which ruled the Saints before the Scriptures was written is the Saints rule after the Scriptures is written to know the Scriptures what is written and to know God of whom they learned that gave it forth or writ it with that they know to what state and condition it was spoken And the spirit is the record and he that hath all the Scriptures and wants the true record which is the spirit he cannot know all things Pr. And the Scripture is the New Testament of the Saints rule and the rule of Judgement page 10. Answ The Scriptures given forth from the Spirit of God people knowes not to what state they were spoken but as they come into the spirit that gave them forth And besides the Epistles was written to the Saints in several conditions according to their growth and some of them grew higher then others for some of them the day-star was not risen in their hearts and some of them was children of the Day So that still was the rule that led them to give forth the Epistles and revealed to them the states and conditions of the Saints and to ages and to generations and to Nations and the condition the world was in and should come upon it that was the rule and is the rule by which all these words are seen again and there is the record of the Spirit of God And he that hath found the true record the Spirit of God with that he shall know all the Scriptures and is come within the book where all things are written and which writes all things forth the spirit Pr. He saith the Scriptures is that word which makes the Devils to stand in aw and tremble The written word for after generations by which mens souls are brought to Christ pag. 14 15. again that the Scriptures is the sword of the spirit pag. 16. Answ The Pharisees had the Scriptures which Christ said was of the Devil and was swallowed up in his power and they stood against Christ the life the substance The Devil came with Scriptures who is out of the truth to tempt Christ the Word but the Word the substance of Scriptures hammerd down the devil and Pharisees that had got the Scriptures but were out of the life that gave them forth And they have the sword that have the word of God which was before the Scriptures was given forth and they be in that the Devils be out of So if the Devil and wicked men bring Scriptures they hammer them under and redeem the Scriptures out of their ungodly mouthes And the written word brings no soul to Christ the life but who comes to the life that the written words speak of and so it testifies of him the ●i●e that brings them to Christ that gave it forth Pr. God is willing that all should be saved but he worketh not all into a saving condition page 21. He saith it is true there is a spirit and life in the Scriptures pag. 22. Answ The spirit and life is not in the Scriptures but the spirit and life the Scriptures testifies of and the light Christ Jesus the salvation to the ends of the earth doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world with a saving light And the light which every man hath that cometh into the world is saving but many hating the light and not coming to it which hath enlightened them they neglect their salvation and slight their salvation and not believing in it they walk in darkness and come not to the light of life But they that believe in it come to the light of life and abide not in the darkness And the grace of God which brings salvation hath appeared to all men such as turns it into wantonness and walkes despitefully against the spirit of grace ownes it not for their teacher but sets up teachers according to their own lusts so turns against that which brings their salvation and walks despitefully against it and followes their own lusts and tramples upon the Covenant of grace and the blood of the new Covenant And all that see the Bishop of their souls Christ Jesus the Saviour of their souls it is with the light that cometh from him and God wils that all men should be saved Pr. He saith to use Christs name to catch souls when indeed it is but Jugling and to stab him and crucifie him a fresh pag. 42. If Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world c. If this were truth then Christ died in vain and in vain hath Christ spoke of himself saying I am the way the truth the life the light c. pag. 45. Answ Such as do not believe that Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world are such as mentions his name and haters of the light that cometh from him these be in the Jugling state deceivers of souls and people And none sees Christ the one offering but
for for their own bellies and these cause divisions among all people Do not these serve their bellies And are not people come to mark them what a division they have set among people yea for Tythes and maintenance and persecuting and prisoning for it and haling before Judges and Justices by Writs into Courts and at Assizes and Sessions Doth not these serve their bellies that makes all this division and not Christ but they deny the light which doth enlighten every man c. and so deny Christ the Lord that bought them And the light that every man hath that cometh into the world and the light that shines in the heart it gives the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus and brings all off from serving their bellies and leads out of the lusts in the fall which came by Adam in the transgression Pr. He saith To speak the Word of God immediately and that which I speak I speak it immediately I am strengthened against that and admonished by God to hold fast the form of sound words And that which is able to make men wise unto salvation through faith And Timothy was to stir up the gift of God that was in him mediately and the putting on of the hands and the neglecting not the gift that was in him And God hath published his last dispensation and nothing more to be added or altered page 15. Answ It thou art strengthened by God against speaking his Word immediately or if thou speaks immediately thou being strengthened by God against this as thou saith In this thou shews thou never knew him who ever is strengthened of God it is by his power and that is immediate who ever speaks his word that lives and endures for ever it is immediate In this thou and you all have shewed your selves to be Ministers of the Letter and not of the Word of God which is immediate which lives and abides and endures for ever and is immortall and fades not away and this thou and you speak not immediately and therefore have ye indeed put the Letter for it that be from the Word of God in your hearts not born again of the immortal seed the Word of God And whosoever stirs up the gift of God in them it is immediate and by the immediate And who ever holds fast the form of sound words the Scriptures they are made wise unto salvation by them through the faith they are in the immediate gift of God and gift which brought Timothy to lay on the hands upon the Presbytery and see and divide the word aright and kept him out of partiality it was immediate and the immediate Word of God that he was to preach in season and out of season And since the dayes of the Apostles from this have you all been apostatized and asleep in the night of apostacy in the great City though there hath been Pipers among you and sounding of Trumpets and the voyce of th● Brid●●●d the grinding of Mills and the light of Candles And the time is coming that B●●ylon shall fall and become the habitation of Devils and the Saints shall rejoyce and sing over her c. Pr. He saith It is not properly and absolute in a full sense that God is manifest or glorified in the flesh of his Saints page 29. Ans The Saints are the Temples of God and God dwels in them and walks in them and they come to witnesse the flesh of Christ and they glorifie him in their souls and bodies and the Lord is glorified in their bringing forth much fruit And they witnesse the seed the one offering for sin and transgression to be manifest within and such are not Reprobates yet witnesse the one offering Christ Jesus and them that have not him within they are Reprobates Pr. He saith The body is dead because of sin yea it is yet in it selfe is but a wretched vile body page 30. And Christ is in or among believers the hope of glory And that person Christ is personally absent from the believers And we do not possesse the glory of this glory Christ in us page 32. Answ I do believe you that are not come to the Light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world ye do not possesse the hope of glory in you ye are ab ent from Christ and do not feel him But the Saints in the light receive Christ the hope of glory and so he is not absent from them for they have unity with him and the Father and knows a change in them from glory to glory and witnesse Christ in them as believers in the light which walks not in darknesse that have the light of life And where the body of sin is destroyed and put off they glorifie God in their souls and bodies and spirit which is the Lords and those are not wretched Prin. He saith CHRIST is absent from us while wee are in the mortall body Answ Contrary to the Apostle who saith the life of Christ is manifest in their mortall flesh Pr. He saith Christ is in heaven with a spirituall body Answ And Priest Higginson saith he is in heaven with a carnall body And thus ye are confused and discerned who are from the Light and can speak of the body of Christ by the Letter and tell where he rose by the Letter as the Priests of old could tell Herod where he sh●uld be born but Christs body is glorified Pr. He saith The first Resurrection we desire not to account our selves to have apprehended page 44. Such as magnifie their belly to be some eternall operation and making it withall deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse in them that perish glorying in their shame minding sensuall earthly things All since the Apostle have not the Ministry of the Gospell immediately but mediately from the person of Christ in their believing through their word page 46. And the Text saith not the word of faith in the heart Answ Rom. 10. The word of Faith which they Preached was in their mouth and in their heart nigh them even in their heart And all since the dayes of the Apostles we do believe you have not received the Word immediately from Christ as the Apostles did who have erred and apostatized from them So none are Preachers of the Word in the Truth but who are Preachers of it immediately and such all are the false Apostles and such as serves not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies which mind earthly things sensually and are in the deceivablenesse of unrighteousnesse deceiving the people with the good words forcing and taking maintenance of people they do no work for and keeping of them all from the immediate teachings of God they themselves being out of it and concluding all under their own dominion and shall all agree in one against the immediate teaching And they that be out of the immediate teaching is under the power of the Beast and Antichrist and the great whore the mother
cometh into the world that gives him the knowledg of the Son of God of the author of his faith and the taste of his fulness and to become a perfect man Pr. He saith The Scriptures is the meanes whereby the righteousnesse is revealed from faith to faith page 82. Answ The Pharisees had the Scriptures read every Sabbath and the form of godlinesse denyed the power and was reprobate concerning the Faith and the righteousnesse of Christ Jesus And God it is that reveals the faith and gives the faith and the righteousnesse and many have the words and yet not it who hath it hath the word in their hearts and the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures and seeth God the original of all good and the Scriptures cannot reveal it but they testifie of it and all must come into the spirit before they know revelation or know the Scriptures either Pr. He saith New Jerusalem is not come down from heaven and be will make all things new not hath made page 83. He saith The body is dead because of sin yet there is a remainder of the old man in the members page 84. Answ Where the body is dead because of sin and that put off by the Circumcision of the spirit If the root be holy the branches are holy also and such comes to glorifie the Lord in their bodies and soules which are the Lords who hath redeemed them out of the sin So they that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts and all things are become new And the new Jerusalem is witnessed come down from heaven among the Saints for who witnesseth Christ and know Christ knows the Tabernacle of God and knows the new Jerusalem and knows the place where there is no curse And many knows their Mother now and that which had led captive is gone and going into captivity Pr. He saith The Apostles gave the last and full revelation of the Gospell to all Nations And Timothy learned Doctrine mediately and since none may expect to receive so immediately as Paul did but all mediately page 88 89. Again God now gives and teacheth mediately and spiritually by the testimony of him mediately page 90. It is a little necessary to shew the vanity of their pretence of immediate revelation from Gods spirit page 91. Answ All them be in a pretence and in vanity that are from the immediate revelation of the spirit of God And if all people have all Pauls Declaration and if they have it not immediately revealed to them by the spirit of God as Paul had they have not the comfort of Pauls words neither have they the comfort of the revelations And John saith the everlasting Gospell must be preached to them that dwell upon the earth since the apostacy from the Apostles mark that And that which Timothy preached who was in the faith the gift of God and spoke his word and divided it aright it was immediate But since the dayes of the Apostles hath the immediate been lost and I know yee cannot expect it in the state ye all stand in inwardly ravened from the spirit of God and truth But now is the Saints come to that which ye ravened from and the Apostles were in who witnessed the immediate teachings of God and Gods teaching is immediate and the testimony of Jesus is immediate which is the spirit of prophecy but many have that which testifies of him and be from the immediate spirit as was in them that gave forth the Scriptures And all upon the earth that be from the immediate spirit of God as was in them as gave forth Scriptures and their Ministry be but mediate and they be but in the mediate they are all Ministers but of the Letter made by man and what they have it is but from man and not from God immediately Such have nothing but the sheeps cloathing and inwardly ravened from the spirit of God in them And here is Babylon the mother of Harlots and the Beast and his names but over all have they victory that be in the immediate in that which the Apostles was in and answer that in them all which they ravened from Pr. He saith Even now in the dayes of their adversity while the person of the Lord the fountaine of their teaching for whom they waite is personally absent from them Page 92. Answ All they that hate the light sees not Christ the fountain of teaching and these be them that inwardly ravened Such have their teachers in corners and are in the dayes of adversity and eate not the flesh of Christ nor drink his blood and are not of his flesh and bone and receives not his spirit But all who wait in the Light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every man that cometh into the world withall Every man that cometh into the world with which light he hath enlightned them their eyes shall see their Teacher that cannot be removed into a corner Salvation they shall see and dayes of adversity shall end and his guiding they shall know and come to be in unity with Christ and eate his flesh and drink his blood and be of his flesh and bone which thousands do witnesse this and the Prophet raised up the end of the Prophets and they that heare him not are to be cut off And none lifts up the Son of God but who be in the Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world and that brings him to understand the Scriptures and the substance of them Pr. He saith The grace of God that brings salvation it is a fancy to say it is stirred up in them but is a thing wrought in another for them And to say the Word of the Lord is within and the spirit within is mens following their own brain and visions of their own hearts And he saith whereas they imagine of a light within them all that knows God shewes the light in them to be darknesse it selfe See Post-script Answ All that knows God owns the Light within them to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus which light shines in their hearts And all that knows God owns the Light that doth ●●lighten every man that cometh into the world Christ Jesus and believes in the Lig●● and hath the witnesse in themselves And all that be from the Light within them be in the darknesse and stumbles which have been in this night of the apostacy from the Apostles Doctrine And all Gog and Magog and the Beast and false Prophets and the Kings of the Earth are making war against the Light that doth enlighten every man c. but the Light shall get the victory And all that be from the Word of God within in their hearts and their mouths though they speak of the Scriptures without yet they use their tongues and follow their own dreams and visions of their own hearts and brains and be from the Word of God that lives and abides
and endures for ever And all that ever witnesse the grace of God that brings salvation they feel it in their hearts stablishing of them and seasoning of their words and knows the throne of grace from which it cometh And this doth not deny what Christ hath done but owns him all along from the foundation of the world and what he wrought and what he did and what he said for us And all upon the earth that have the Scriptures and are out of the spirit that gave them forth they are all in a confusion here and on heaps about words And the Word of God within and spirit within it leads people from following their own dreams and following fancies of their own brains which all have done many hundreds of yeares past in the apostacy since the dayes of the Apostles And as for all thy lyes and confusion in thy Books they will be thy own burthen and the witnsse in thy conscience will answer in the day of thy judgement thou shalt feel a smart work thou hast to go through who art now in the pack and body of confusion buryed under the body of iniquity But thy folly is discovered sufficiently to the Nation and thy spirit is now tryed who art one of the heads risen up against the Lamb in his day and his Light but it is thy condemnation Matthew Caffinn In his Booke called The Deceiving QUAKER Discovered His Principles are as followeth c. Pr. HE saith Nothing will cure the soule but the knowledge of salvation which is made known by outward meanes because the will of the Lord in order to soules peace and rest was discovered by outward meanes page 4. Answ The Pharisees had outward meanes Reading praying and expounding and yet knew not the soules comfort and peace For Christ bid them come unto him that their soules might have r●st all that was weary and heavy laden So if people have all the Scriptures upon the earth hearing and praying and all the outward meanes and be not in the power which is the Gospell which is immediate not outward they have not their souls comfort and rest And if they be not in the life that gave forth the Scriptures for the soule is in the hand of God and Christ the Bishop of it and the Minister of the spirit watcheth for it and they that hearkned what the Spirit said their souls lived and this was not outward But when men stop their ears and close their eyes to that of God in them as the Jewes did and all the inwardly raveners false Prophets and Antichrists in the apostacy since the dayes of the Apostles such hearken not diligently and their soules live not And all such as deny the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world seeth not Christ the Bishop of their souls nor their salvation Pr. And he saith The Quakers cry wait upon the light within you and this is another report then that of the Scriptures And he saith I do not finde where it is spoke that God spoke in this people pag. 5. And t●● Apostle which was to go to preach to all Nations did not turne the people to a teacher within t●em to teach them all things And the Apostle affirmes that they was to give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God c. and not their teacher within them page 8. Answ It was the Lord that spoke in his Prophets by their mouths and in his Son and they were the mouth of the Lord. And where God dwels in his people he speaks And the Apostles were to go into all Nations to preach the Gospel and preached the Covenant of God which who came into it the thing they preached the Law written in their hearts needed not any man to teach them nor needed not to teach one another saying Know the Lord as it had been in the first Covenant people had been taught to know the Lord and the Priests lips was to preserve the peoples knowledge But who are come into the Covenant of God Christ Jesus the second Covenant they are come into the treasury of wisdome and knowledge And the Apostles told the Saints that the light which shined in their hearts would give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus and this is not another report then the Scriptures but this is the Scriptures report And John told the Saints that the anointing which abideth in them would teach them all things and the word was in their hearts and in their mouths to obey it and do it and this was the Ministers work and to the hearing of Faith which Christ is the author of whereby they receive the spirit And the Apostle brought the people to their Teacher within them which is the Light and turned people from the darknesse to the Light and from the power of Satan unto God which light shining in their hearts it gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God c. See 2 Cor. 4. Chap. Now light shines in the darknesse they being turned from the darknesse to the light it gives knowledge So such come from under the power of Sathan unto God for while they be in the darknesse they be under the power of Sathan and nothing gives nor makes manifest the knowledge of the Saviour but the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world which shines in the darknesse and they being turned from the darknesse and from the power of Sathan such the God of the world cannot blinde But they in whom this light shines and they in the darknesse the God of the World blindes and the light of the glorious Gospel they do not know Pr. Saith Antichrist If you will believe in the Light within you it will lead you to Christ To wait upon the teacher within there will be such an eternall light that will make known all things page 9. And the Quakers exhort all ignorant people in the world to depend upon a light within them Wherefore be counselled not to be carried away with strange doctrines page 11. Answ The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is not a strange Doctrine the light to the Gentiles the teacher of the Gentiles the salvation to the ends of the earth the new Covenant to the house of Israel and Judah And this was a strange Doctrine to the Jewes and to the Gentiles though to them is had been promised So this light shines in the darkness and the darknesse not comprehending it such are ungodly wicked men and they must be turned from the darknesse to the light before they come to retain God in their knowledge or come to that which must give them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And all that come to witness their Teacher within Christ are possessors of the Prophet Christ Jesus raised up the teacher of
the Father is one the Father is in him and he is in the Father and the Father and the Son dwells in the Saints who are out of the transgression of his Doctrine and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life and he that hath the Son of God hath life eternall really in possession and such perverts not the right way of the Lord but such as have not the Son of God they are all in the first Adam in the crooked wayes and crooked by-paths in the world n● witnessing life but standing against the Light which shineth in the Darknesse which their darknesse cannot comprehend which are all the inwardly raveners since the dayes of the Apostles among whom hath been the apostacy and the Apostates from w●om the light of life hath been hid But he that followeth the Light he cometh to have the light of life And he that receiveth the light receiveth life eternall and to receive the Son of God And he that receiveth the Son of God hath eternall life in substance and possession Prin. He saith Death which hath passed over all men is not a spirituall Death page 51. Answ Thou and all you shall feel it as a spiritual Death before ye know life and immortality come to light and the spirituall wickedness wrestled against whose weapons are spirituall and not carnall that wrestles not against flesh and blood but spirituall wicke●nesses in high places And that is it which causeth the life of all creatures to groan and oppresseth it whereby life and immortality is hid from the eyes and the power transgressed whereby the spirit and soule of man must be sanctified before he witnesse thorow purification before he come from under the death and spirituall wickednesses For sin brings death and that is the spirituall wickednesses that is to be wrestled against and transgressing the pure Law of God the commands of God brings death And so he entertains the spirituall wickednesse which brings death upon his life so comes oppression on his body and on his spirit and his soule burthened and wearyed and unsanctified and polluted which Christ gives rest to who is the Sanctification and Redemption and Justification which the Law goes upon man agreeable to that of God in him but Christs body makes free from the Law and redeemes from under it So as the power of God the Gospel is known and Christ known the creature comes from under the bondage of corruption and life and immortality comes to the light through the Gospell whereby the death is known which who believes shall never dye and the life is known which shall never dye Pr. The Quakers deny Water-baptisme and slight it and call it a carnall thing Answ Outward water is not spirituall but it is a carnall thing as it is in it selfe and it is the spirit alone that baptizeth into the body which brings off of things that are seen which are temporall as the Apostle said while we look not at things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporall c. and water is seen Pr. He saith False Prophets and Antichrists should come in sheeps cloathing Answ These Christ said should come to his Apostles And before the Apostles decease they saw they were come And the Apostles saw before their decease the Devill transform himselfe into an Angell of light and Satans Messengers and Ministers come up such as had a feigned humility and will-worship got up and the abstaining from meats neglecting the body and such as Jannes and Jambres that crept into houses which had the sheeps cloathing the form of godlinesse and such were the seducing spirits the doctrine of Devills which ran into the strange delusions bringing in the damnable heresies which went in Cains Cores and Balaams way and they saw the coming of the man of sin and the Apostles all saw by the spirit of God before their decease which Christ said should come which inwardly ravened which since the dayes of the Apostles the world hath gone after them All this which Christ said should come which the Apostles saw was come and coming before the coming of the just One But the Just One now is come who hath revealed it the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world Cain Core Balaam false Prophets Antichrists such as goes into strong delusions and brings in the damnable heresies and forbidding the eating of meats and Marriage these all inwardly ravened an● these all have been up since the dayes of the Apostles and these have been covered with the sheeps cloathing and the false Prophets and Antichrists they inwardly ravened and the Devill the man of sin he went out of the Truth and abode not in it which Truth which he went out of all they that have the sheeps cloathing and he and they all can get Scriptures but inwardly ravened and gone from the spirit of Truth in their own particulars such are the destroyers of the creatures and of the Creation But with that which they all ravened from are they all manifest and discovered which to that are now people come and coming which these inwardly raveners have had the sheeps cloathing which have been the Beast and false Prophets Devills messengers and Ministers out of the truth which have reigned since the dayes of the Apostles having had the sheeps cloathing which have long deceived the Nations But now the Devill Beast Antichrist and false Prophets are all discovered with the light and life which they all went from and the truth And the place is seen where there is no Curse and the Beast and the false Prophet is taken that they shall deceive the Nations no longer and is cast into the lake of fire under whose dominion thou art whose words shall be thy burthen Pr. He saith Let us minde the Law and Testimony Answ Then ye must all minde the Light for the law is light saith Solomon then ye must all minde the spirit for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy which many may have the Old and New Testament yet be from the Law and Testimony for the Law and Testimony was before Matthew Marke Luke John the Acts Epistles and Revelations was written as in the 8. of Isaiah which the Prophet minded And they that say the Old and new Testament is it shews themselves to be ignorant of the spirit and ignorant of the Law and Testimony And the Law and Testimony doth not deny the Scriptures but owns them in their place and sees the fulfilling of them with the Testimony of Jesus they see Jesus who was afore Scripture was and comes to fulfill it William Jefferies his Booke called ANTICHRIST made known In which these PRINCIPLES are following c. Pr. HE saith Men are mistaken in saying the Romish Whore of Babylon is Anti-christ And the chiefe City of this great Whore the mother of Harlots is the City of Rome the Pope Cardinals Bishops and Clergy And the spirit of Antichrist denies
Christ come in the flesh and say the light within them is Christ when at the best it is but the light of nature And this is the spirit of errour and darknesse and their light is become darkness See page 63 64. 68. Ans The light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is Christ and none can confesse him in Truth nor see him nor lift him up as the Serpent was lifted up in the Wildernesse but who be in the Light which cometh from him And by this thou hast overthrown thy self for them that confesse the light in them to be Christ which Christ saith he is the light these doth not deny Christ come in the flesh And the Devill may confesse the Son of God and the Jewes may confesse him he is come as the Apostates confesse him he is come But none of all these knows him in the flesh confesse him come in the flesh or knows his flesh or the flesh of the Son of Man but who be in the Light that comes from him that doth enlighten every man c. which light was before any naturall created lights was made glorified with the father before the world began and in the light walking it leads into the day where there is no night which light is Christ the Covenant of God and such here cometh to know darknesse past Now I say neither Apostates nor Jewes whose cares were stopt eyes closed to that of God in them and the Apostates that are inwardly ravened having sheeps cloathing which are Babylon which are the Harlot who ravened inwardly from the spirit of God brought the world after them which was the mother of them all None of all these can confesse Christ come in the flesh but onely from the Letter for these knows not his flesh the Devill is out of the truth and truth is a top of him The Jewes eyes must be opened and their eares unstopt before they know his flesh The Apostates must come all to that which they have ravened from inwardly before they come to know Christs flesh and are of his flesh and eate his flesh and confesse that Christ come in the flesh who is the offering and the sacrifice of the whole world that makes the peace between God and man and perfects for ever them that are sanctified The top-stone layd a top of all sin and transgression Death Hell and Grave bruised the Serpents head Here is no Babylon nor here is no Antichrist and this the Quakers confesse with the Light within them And all upon the earth are Antichrists and knows not Christ not Christ come in the flesh that be from the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and owns not that but denies it And all Sects Bishops mother of Harlots Antichrists Popes Cardinals and Clergy Babylon Romish Whore which is gotten up since the dayes of the Apostle inwardly ravened having had the sheepes cloathing they are not like none of these that are ravened to own the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world And so Babylon and so Harlots and so waters and so from the Rock Pr. And he saith the Whore will confesse Christ come in the flesh Satan transforming himself into an Angel of light he maketh the fountain of waters bitter the sweet promises the water of life which maker glad the City of God like wormwood and changeth the taste of them Page 72 74. Answ Antichrist the mother of harlots false prophets which went forth from the Apostles as in Johns Epistle These will confesse Christ come in the flesh as ye do and all Sects upon the earth else ye could not deceive the Nations but as ye get the sheepes cloathing So ye have brought the Nations tongues people Languages and multitudes to be like waters But these are the waters which now begins to grow bitter for neither the Devil nor Antichrist nor false prophets nor mother of harlots who are gone from the Truth and are inwardly ravened though they may have the sheeps cloathing they cannot touch the waters of life nor the fountain to make them waters better that makes glad the City of God For ye that inwardly ravened which got the sheepes cloathing are as the Devil which went out of the Truth get Scriptures and their confession of Christ is as his is which since the dayes of the Apostles the world hath been after them The inwardly raveners have gotten the Scriptures who are out of the Truth which the Devil who is out of the Truth the deceivers of the Nations And there the beast false prophets Antichrist mother of Harlots deceivers man of sin Devils messengers and Ministers damnable Heresies their tongues are waters their peoples are waters their Nations waters and multitudes waters all on heapes about Scriptures destroying one another about the prophets words the Apostles words Christs words Ministers maintenance Now the Devil the Beast false prophets and Antichrist is taken and mother of Harlots and cast in the Lake of fire and Babylon confounded and the everlasting Gospel shall be Preached to every Nation kindred tongue and people And as for all the rest of the stuffe in thy book thy pack of confusion Babylons children it will fall heavy upon thy self and be thy own burthen and presse thee under which in the day of thy Judgement thou shalt remember that I am a friend to all soules There is neither Jewes that professeth a Christ was to come nor Christians that professeth a Christ is come nor none upon the earth though ye have all the Scriptures knowes the flesh of Christ but who ownes the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world For the Jewes knew not the flesh of Christ though they had Scriptures but crucified him whose ears were stopt and eyes closed to that of God in them the Gentiles knew not the flesh of Christ who was astray from the life of God neither do those called Christians know the flesh of Christ who are inwardly ravened from the spirit of God in them though they have gotten all the sheepes clothing and talk Christ is come and died at Jerusalem as the Jewes could say of him to come and to be born at Bethlehem yet they could not confesse him come in the flesh nor did not know his flesh no more do these Christians know his flesh though they have all the form of godliness But who cometh to the seed Christ himself they know it in them then they shall know the one offering a top of all the worlds Sects for the sins of the whole world which none knowes the flesh of Christ nor Christ nor as God was in Christ but as every one comes to the light with which they are enlightened which who hate it knowes him not but it is your condemnation and that ye shall all feel at last So the one offering which is Christ is set over the whole world and his flesh the world knowes not nor
minded earthly things But how can ye reprove these things and live in the things your selves one to reprove another and be in the same thing himself this will stinck among all sober men and set you all on heapes among one another as ye are So how can ye or they know any thing of the foundamentals of Religion or salvation or your people either that deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world Christ Jesus the foundation of God the wisdom of God the end of the Prophets and the Law types figures and shadowes ye have denyed the very key that opens to it Therefore ye all come short of the glory of God and Teachers and people are all fallen into ignorance since the dayes of the Apostles in the Apostacy but now Christ is come and coming to reign Pr. They say upon the sad experience of mens ignorance we have been brought to consideration of our neglect c. And our hearts have been brought low to think how we have wronged Christ least God should require your blood at our hands Pag. 19 Ans Repent repent for ye have long deceived the people and the blood will lie upon you and the blood of many that hath been shed in the Nation and have dyed in prison and whipt and stockt and beat through your means the blood lies upon you all Repent the Judgement of the great whore is come The Magistrates begin to see you and you shall not ride upon them And your ignorance and all your hearers you may well cry out of them Repent and come to the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one withall that comes into the world to give you the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus out of the ignorance which none cometh to the light of the knowledge of the glory of God c. but who comes to the light that shines in their hearts yea in darkness Christ hath enlightened them withall Where it shineth out of darkness it gives them the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus And all are ignorant who are from the light and wrongs Christ and you have all wronged him that have denyed the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world who are inwardly ravened from it and have had the sheepes cloathing and so have kept people in ignorance blindness and darkness But now the true light shines the day of glory is dawning Christ and the Saints is reigning and have the Kindom glory to the Lord for ever Pr. They say Alas that any reasonable soul should be so bruitish most of their lives is spent in ignorance and worldliness living in the flesh c. Page 24. Ans Here is the fruits of your Ministry Are not ye ashamed to manifest your fruits thus now to the whole Nation Is this like a vineyard that your people that you have taken maintenance of and the Magistrates that they should give you maintenance all this time and your people spend most of their lives in ignorance worldliness and the flesh Is this like the fruits of the Ministers of Christ or the fruits of the false prophets that have not profited the people at all Did not the Apostles keep them from them that bewitched them and would have brought them into the flesh And ministred to the spirit got out the wheat and the corn And are not you ashamed to publish such a thing to the Nation you 58. Ministers To say a reasonable soul should be so bruitish can that which is reasonable be brutish that which is bruitish Warrs against the soul But this is but to discover your Ministry and what ye minister to and that the soul ye are ignorant of it Pr. They say Is it not pity that God should have any reasonable Creature that knowes not his maker or his Lawes or his own happiness Is it not pity that after all that Christ hath done and suffered for the world that any that calls themselves Disciples should so little know him and the salvation and should set so light by him Pag. 26. Answ In this you all Pastors and Teachers have shewed your work what doth not the creatures yet know their Maker what are they heathen yet what do not the creature yet know Gods Lawes what worse then the Jewes heathen and them that call themselves the disciples of Christ and Christians so little know him after Christ hath suffered for them what hath been your work all this while what have ye been doing what have ye had wages for that they so little know him that hath suffered for them and their salvation and should set so light by him how can they prize him or see any light from Christ when ye keep them from the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world which none seeth salvation but with it and by it and none seeth Christ that suffered but with it and by it and none cometh to see and know Christs end and the end of Gods Law and prize him and set much by him but by the light And doth not reasonable creatures know the Law of God Are not reasonable creatures in the faith are not the unreasonable out of the faith now that knowes not their Maker nor his Law nor little of the suffering of Christ or their own happiness and little know their salvation and set light by Christ Are not all these your fruits Are not all these your hearers that ye complain of to the Nation Have not ye now discovered your selves in this that have the form of godliness but denyes the power that keepes people alwayes learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth But such as be led away by with diverse lusts and laden with sins And now are ye complaining that your people serves the lust of the flesh and the earth not knowing their Maker nor knowing his Lawes nor their salvation and setting light by Christ this ye may complain of with shame who are such as crept into houses before the Apostles decease and since ye have gone over the world But now ye are discovered with that which gives to see the end of the Apostacy and Apostates which gives to see before the world was made Prin. They say if the Gospel be hid it is hid to them that are lost whom the God of this world hath blinded their minds of them that believe not least the light of the glorious Gospel should shine unto them who is the image of God And the people perish when visions fail c. Page 28. Answ Who believes not in the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world the God of the World blinds their mindes Every one that cometh into the world is enlightned that through the light they might believe And every one that believeth in the light hath the witnesse in himselfe and abides
the Father of spirits So who have not it the spirit have but Letters and are Ministers of the Letters and not of the Spirit And the Kingdome of heaven is within you saith Christ in Luke 17. to the Pharisees and thou saith with or among them And I say that is the Kingdome within them which never consented to sin and in you all which one day ye shall witnesse which the gazer and observer abroad his eye and eare is closed and stopt too which he must come to before he be as a little child and know the leven that levens up the new lump and knows the Kingdom which is like unto a grain of mustard-seed and where the diligent waiting is the soule comes to live and the everlasting Covenant felt And thou that brings souls to be prepared for death thou art more like to do that then to present them to God a slayer and executioner so not a servant to the Bishop of soules where the soule liveth and rejoyceth and comes out of death and magnifies God the Saviour And so all the Ministers of Christ their work is to prepare souls out of death for life Pr. He saith The Bible is the soules physick And people must depend upon the spirits speaking in the Scriptures He saith the person of Christ is not his man-hood and the naturall light the Quakers call Christ within and nature grace And he saith The body of sinne is in the believer till he lay down the body Epistle Answ The souls refreshment is Christ and Physitian Christ Many may have the Bible and not know it and the Scriptures as the Pharisees had The soules Physitian is that which the Scriptures speaks of which many may have the words the Bible and yet have not the thing it speaks of and they that have the thing it speaks of have both And many holy men had their souls Physitian before the Scriptures was written and printed and they that had the spirit that gave forth Scriptures they had the souls Physick and they know all the springs is in God and the Lord who in his hand was the souls And such as are in the spirit they depend upon that and they come to see the Scriptures by the spirit given forth from it and such comes into the unity of the spirit and the light which is Christ within by which all things was made and created was before the naturall Lights was and Nature For all the Naturalls that was made was made by the Light Christ Jesus the wisdome who is the wisdome of God by which all things was made with which wisdome we see over the naturall Lights and over Nature And the grace that comes from the Throne that brings salvation which is the Saints Teacher teacheth not to call Nature grace And he that believeth is borne of God and he overcometh the world and entereth into his rest and shall never dye And he that believeth hath victory yea while he is upon the earth he cometh to witnesse the Circumcision that puts off the body of sin and makes free from it which the synagogue of Satan cannot witnesse Pr. He saith The Scriptures are the Word of God page 4. And the Spirit is given by the Letter And he saith the spirit proceeds from that which is put within the Book or Bible page 5. And I judge them that pretend the spirit without the Scriptures And the Scripture is a more sure rule then visions and revelations pag. 7. And God that gave the letter gives the spirit with it and by it page 9. Answ God gave the spirit before he gave forth Scriptures And the Devill and wicked men may get Scriptures but they have not the spirit nor none have it but as they come to feel it given from God as it was given to them that gave forth Scriptures And so people are to finde the spirit of the Father speaking in them as it did in them that gave forth Scriptures then the spirit answers to the spirit that gave forth Scriptures then there is an unity with the words and with God of whom they learned which many may have the Bible and not know the spirit that spoke it forth but be erred from it And the Scriptures are the words of God of truth God spake all these words He that adds to these words the words of God is pure Christ is the Word his name is called the Word of God who was before the words were spoken forth who comes in the volume of the Booke to fulfill the words And the spirit was before the Scripture was given forth for it led them to speak it all forth the words of God as they had learned of God So the spirit comes not by the Letter but the Letter comes forth from the spirit And many had the Scriptures and knew not the Revelation and judged the Revelation of the Son of God and judged Christ who was come the end of the vision which was for an appointed time So therein thou hast concluded thy selfe to be among them that have the Scriptures and sets up that beyond the Revelation of the Son of God which is the end of Scriptures which none knows the father but the Son and he to whom the Son reveals him though they may have all the Scriptures And the things of God is revealed by the spirit of God Pr. And he saith The Scriptures is the rule and the guide of Saints And saith the old administration of the Covenant of grace is abolished page 13. He that understands Matth. 11.2 27. of immediate revelations onely shuts out all mediate revelation by the Scriptures and falsely accuseth the Lord of the Scripture page 14. And the Apostle saith not that the spirit reveals the deep things of God If we should deny the Scriptures to be the rule we should deny the Scriptures of God page 18. Answ The Saints rule was the spirit that gave forth Scriptures and the Word of God which fulfills the Scriptures without him they can do nothing if they have all Scriptures And the spirit of truth shall lead into all truth And none knows the Scriptures nor God nor can be a Minister of the spirit by a mediate Revelation but a Minister of the Letter for who are Ministers of the spirit are immediate and are in the immediate revelation of the Scriptures to them by the spirit that gave them forth and these ministers to the spirit and brings people to God the Father of spirits that they may know what to reveal to others they minister to And all they that have the Scriptures and not the spirit that gave them forth they are on heaps about words and wants the rule And the Covenant of grace which is the end of the old Covenant is witnessed and stablished and cannot be abolished which ends the decaying Covenant And as for abolishing the Covenant of grace thou dost not know what thou speaks of And the Apostle said the deep things of God was revealed
works in us are not to be joyned with our faith in Christs works for that brings into the wildernesse page 131. And to say that men are justified no farther then they are sanctified is to deny Protestant doctrine c. Answ Men are justified by the believing and in the faith and by the faith and in believing they overcome and have victory and there is Mortification and Sanctification and Redemption and Justification all possessed together in the one which is Christ and this to the particular satisfaction And all Protestants or whatsoever that have a Justification and Sanctification and they in the unmortified state unsanctified they are out of the faith that purifies out of the belief that is born of God who hath past from death to life and so is out of the substance that justifies and is without Christ and so are reprobates but where Christ is within there is Justification Sanctification and Redemption And they are they that blaspheme the Tabernacle of God and them that dwell in Heaven that call good evill and evill good and leads into snares and into the wildernesse that go about to confound the Justification but split themselves upon the Rock that denies the Light and Christ is the offering for the sin of the whole world who doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that all men might believe in him the offering and they are justified in him from all things which the Law could not do And here is the Covenant of God to the Jewes and Gentiles the light of the Gentiles the glory of Israel the new covenant to the Jewes the Law in the heart and in the minde by which the people should not need to say Know the Lord for all should know him from the least to the greatest the salvation to the ends of the earth where the way of redemption is the way for the ransomed to walke in in which the fools shall not erre in it in which way there is no wildernesse nor slippery places but the path of life the way of the Just and of holinesse and the way of Sanctification and the way of Redemption and Justification Pr. He saith Christ was a sinner by imputation page 132. A. The Scripture doth not speak such kind of words but that he knew no sin no guile was found in his mouth A Lamb without spot or blemish though it pleased the Father to lay the iniquity upon him by his stripes we are healed And by the one offering perfected for ever them that are sanctified made himselfe an offering for the sins of the whole world who breaks down the partition wall bewixt Jewes and Gentiles slayes the enmity among men reconciles in one unto the Father by his body his death upon the Crosse Of his body are all the Professors Protestants Papists upon the earth ignorant of this seed that breaks the enmity therefore be all in the enmity one among another having sheeps cloathing but the sheep in you is not put forth but the Wolfe is ravening abroad against the sheep tearing them where the seed is risen Pr. He that throws off imputed righteousnesse may go shift for his justification where he can get it and Christ shall profit him nothing though he be in faith or love and self-denyall page 133 And it is not the work of Christ in us that justifies and reconciles our persons I can detect this for an errour that Christs works in us is that which justifies our persons before God page 134. Answ Christ works in us Faith and is the Author of it and by faith is every one justified in the blood of the seed the flesh of Christ the Lord from heaven shed for the sins of the whole world And this faith in this blood of the seed not of the first Adam nor the Beasts but the blood of the seed Christ the precious blood which is the life of Saints and his flesh which is the food of Saints which whosoever eats it and drinks it hath life in the Son of God and lives in him as he lives in the Father And this is wrought within and no one knows it but as it is wrought within by the faith in the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world the great sacrifice for the sin of the whole world overthrew Death and Hell bruised the Serpents head Devill and sinne the sacrifice for the whole world the blood shed upon the Crosse for the sins of the whole world The blood of the seed which is the life that cleanseth and this blood is felt within for it purgeth the conscience from dead works to serve the living God And here is the great mystery of God and the wisdome of God which covers all the wisdome of the earth the knowledge and the wisdome of the understanding ones of the earth The seed and the blood of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world which sacrificed and offered up the body prepared who fulfilled all types figures offerings ends them and all other bloods whom Death and Grave could not hold dead raised again set at the right hand of God manifest in the Saints and in the midst of his Church singing praise was dead and is alive and lives for evermore manifest in the Saints And he that hath him hath life and he that hath not him hath not life And whosoever witnesseth Christ within they witnesse the end of Imputation they witnesse the thing it selfe the end of their belief and they possess the sanctification and such comes to know faith and love And such as may have all the Scriptures and preach of Justification and Sanctification without them and not within them be as the Jewes be as the Witches and Reprobates They are reprobate that witnesseth not Christ within them nor Sanctification there nor Justification there and so witnesseth not faith and love nor the faith that works by love and they be in the errour and shifts thou talks of and Babylonish and none comes to witnesse the reconciliation but who witnesse Christ within So out of Justification and Sanctification there if he be not within they cannot witnesse reconciliation If they be not believers in the Light of Christ they cannot witnesse justification but condemnation B●t in the light in Christ Christ received in them justification sanctification reconciliation is received Christ Jesus the Light that which reconciles to the Father Pr. He saith The body of sin is the naturall body consisting of flesh and blood and bones and the living soule is immortall page 140. And sin will dwell in the house untill the house be pluckt down over its head which is the naturall body And there is not one Saint that is absolute free from the in-dwelling and working power of sin page 140. To plead for Perfection is inherent holinesse and to serve under Antichrists colours and to make voyd the suffering of Christ He that holds the Saints perfectly fulfilling all the Law in all
degrees of obedience and conformity to it in this life before death hath drunk Antichrists cup. page 144. Answ The Saints after they witnessed the body of sin put off and made free from sin they glorified God in their bodies souls and spirits And so the body of fin is not the creature for that causeth the creature to groan before it cometh into the liberty of the Sons of God that causeth the body of sin the cloathing that comes upon the Creature the old man which cometh by transgression the first Adam that leads out of transgression brings the creature into the liberty of the sons of God and so who is in Christ is a new creature And old things passe away and the body is the Temple of God a holy Temple And the living soule is immortall yet many of thy generation say it is humane that is earthly yea that Christs soule was humane as ye may see in this Book in the rest of your Principles of them that call themselves Teachers and Pastors whose soules are in death and life And immortality not come to the Light through the power of God which is the Gospell and so have sh●wed your ignorance of the soule And whosoever witnesse the perfect holinesse and preacheth up that they come from under Antichrists Kingdome They that preach up Imperfection they weare Antichrists livery and his colours and sounds the Trumpet of Antichrist and who be in the righteousnesse are in the perfection it selfe without a thing meritted by man in his will And who loves God keeps his Commandements and to him and them they are not grievous And this was the seed that kept the Commandements of God that Antichrist Beast mother of Harlots and false Prophets made war against as you may read in the Revelations But this seed is a burthensome stone unto yo● all t●at keeps the commands of God that loves God and they that be born of God doth not commit sin And the naturall body which is flesh blood and bone is not the body of sin it was never read so in the Scripture that that was the body which was to be put off for the Saints had bodies after they witnessed the body of sin put off and made free from sin Pr. He saith That R. F. is against the doctrine of sin continuing in the godly till death page 148. Answ That doctrine of Sin was never preached up by the Apostle that it should continue in the godly till death I say it continues not in the godly for the godly are like God out of sin it continues in the ungodly that is not like God And he that is in Christ is at the end of the Law and the Precepts and the Statutes and the Ordinances and the Commandements and is in the substance Gods righteteousnesse Pr. He saith The Letter is no dead letter and it hath life in it selfe And if there be but this letter or Ministry it is Christs two-edged sword page 153. 155. It serves unto his designe of searching hearts And the Apostle would take people off from the conceit of perfect attainments pag. 162. And may not filthy hearts transform themselves in the fancy of perfection as the Devill into an Angell of light Answ The Devill transforming himselfe into an Angell of Light or into a similitude is like unto all the filthy hearts who fancy perfection without them not within th●m and speaks of Christ without them not within them as the Devill did But the Doctrine of the Apostle who preached Christ the Covenant of God and brought people off of that which made nothing perfect to that which was perfect and bid them be perfect and of one minde and he spoke wisdome among them that were perfect so he did not bring the people from it but to it And the Letter it selfe is dead as it is of paper and inke And all Ministers of Letters and Books written in paper and ink and speaks from letters of paper and inke and have not received from God what they preach are Ministers of the Letter and they are the Ministers of death though they minister all the Letters written in the Scripture and have onely but the sheeps cloathing and begets not to God but only making Proselytes as the Ministers did in old time as the Jewes did But they that were Ministers of the Spirit that gave forth the Scriptures they have the sword of the Spirit which the Jewes the Ministers of the Letter had not Nor they that be out of the spirit though they have all the Scriptures given forth from it they that be out of the spirit be out of the spirituall weapons And that which searcheth the heart is that which gave forth the Scriptures which led all the holy men of God to speak them forth who is the Lord the searcher of the hearts which spirit owns all the words of the Scriptures of truth declared forth from the spirit but the spirit was before the Scripture was given forth Pr. He saith Men that are redeemed from all earthly worships perfectly justified before God sincere in their sanctification yet they are in concupiscence and blemishes and conflicts page 166. And the Word of God doth not abide in them that say they have no sinne page 179. Answ Who are redeemed out of all earthly worships and sanctified they are redeemed from the blemishes from the conflicts from the concupiscence and by their redemption they come to witnesse the Kingdome of God that stands in righteousnesse peace and joy in the holy Ghost out of the conflicts and who are in the spirit they are in that which mortifies sin And the Word of God it makes clean where it dwels they are sanctified by the Word and made clean It comes and finds the sin and takes it away and makes clean and hammers it down cuts it down burns it up reconciles to the Father which sin and iniquity separated from Pr. He saith Sacramentall water and sprinkling Baptisme and water c. shewes our being ingrafted into the body mysticall p. 176. 178. which consists of a signe of a thing signified Answ Sprinkling Infants is a signe of your own making and Sacramentall water which the Scripture doth not hold forth but it is a thing presumed above what it written And that signe a tradition doth not bring into the body mysticall but leads from it neither doth any elementary thing But that which baptizeth into the body is the spirit whereby all cometh to be one And that baptizeth not into an elementary body but into a glorious body the spirituall body For there is lying signes come since the dayes of the Apostles which is out of the Apostles practice You can shew nothing for your sprinkling with your Sacramentall water but the Baptisme that the Scripture declares of and the spirit is owned in its place Pr. He saith Bread and Wine are spirituall Institutions and is not carnall in a sense as set in opposition to spiritual Institution and that
is not meer carnal bread and wine after Christs institution to be used nor an ordinary bread and wine And he saith In the Lords Supper is Christs body and it is his blood page 188. And this is my body and blood the word of a Command do this page 191. And Christ fed not the soules with wheat bread and red wine c. Answ By all this what differ ye from the Papists have not ye laid their foundation and layd their ground Bread and wine is but bread and wine a temporall thing a thing seen and may turn to ashes but the body and blood of Christ will not do so And the bread is not spirituall and the wine is not spirituall but is a thing seen and visible And who eats the flesh of Christ and drinks his blood hungers no more and thirsts no more but who eats temporall bread and wine hungers more and thirsts more And Christ did say as often as ye do eat this bread drink this cup ye shew the Lords death till he come And that which the Apostle had received of the Lord he delivered to the Corinthians As often as they eate that and dranke that they were to do it in remembrance of him shewing the Lords death till he come But then saith the same Apostle to the same Corinthians in his last Epistle Examine your selves Know you not that Christ is in you except ye be reprobates And said while we looke not at the things which are seen for the things that are seen are temporall So bread and wine are things that are seen are things temporall but the things that are not seen are eternall Now bread and wine is but bread and wine not spiritual after consecration it is but the same bread as it was before and it is no nearer the body of Christ after they have consecrated it then it was before Who is in the life and power of God that gives every creature its being and causeth every creature to come forth is in the life and vertue of all creatures and the being of all creatures and the wisdome of all the Creation that is spiritual He giveth every creature its being and causeth every creature to come forth and gives the sense and feeling of all creatures that is spirituall And there comes up the soule to be known and the seed CHRIST his body and his blood Pr. He saith The worship of God in the spirit stands out of mans will and they must waite in the light to feele the Spirit but let all lost souls beware of this counsell And to bring people to the commands of the Spirit is opposite to the Scripture Letter page 204. Answ All true worshippers of God that he seeks to worship him is in the spirit in the truth that which the Devill is out of and in the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures that is that which mans will is out of where all poor souls comes to worship God aright and magnifie God and glorifie God and to pray in the spirit and to stand in the counsell of God For no prophecy of the Scriptures came by the will of man It was that which led them to speak forth Scriptures which was beyond mans will So mens will getting the Scriptures which no prophecy of it came by it they cannot worship God in the truth nor in the spirit but in their own wills But who be in the spirit and truth that led them to speak forth the Scriptures that learned of God the Father of spirits and God of all truth this is not will-worship Now will-worship is among them that have the Scriptures given forth by the spirit of God in their owne wills which no prophecy of it came by it and can sing pray preach read in their own wills and be out of the spirit that gave it forth they are in a will-worship out of the worship of God in the spirit And such are opposite to the Scriptures and cannot agree with the letter of the Scriptures that are fighting about words falls into sects and heaps about the words which the worship of God is in the spirit that gave forth Scriptures which learned of God the Father of spirits owns all the Scriptures in their places and nor opposite to it Pr. He saith Never was Psalms sung as they ought to be but had some musicall tune or Poetry page 205. And the holy Ghost made overseers and Elders over the Church but that was not immediate page 207. That no man can read out of Scripture that Paul was free from covetousness c. Answ Paul saith Let not covetousnesse be once named amongst you as it becometh Saints And no covetous one should enter into the kingdom and hee saith it is idolatry And the Apostle lived the life of the Son of God through the faith and witnessed he was made free from the body of sin and had victory over it thanks God and said there was no condemnation to them that were in Christ Jesus and Paul was in Christ where there was no condemnation which covetousnesse is out of And the holy Ghost is immediate that makes the officers in the Church It is the same as was in them that led them to speak forth Scriptures And the holy Ghost that leads men to speak forth the Scriptures and makes Elders and overseers in the Church these are not made by men but these see the fulfilling of the Scriptures and comes into that which fulfils it and are in it And your singing your Psalms and your Poetry and setting them in frame and a musicall way these are come up since the Pope as Tunes Organs since men have ravened from the spirit and gone from that they got up this Poetry and turned Davids conditions into a Meeter and given them to a people who are ignorant of Davids conditions And Psalms are spirituall songs and all are ignorant when they are from the spirit of God that led the holy men of God to speak forth the Scripture with which spirit of God all the Psalms and Spiritual Songs and Hymns are seen which from it was given forth and all the Scriptures and in that is the singing in the spirit And the Ministers maintenance which the Apostle said Have not I power to eat and power to drinks And as Christ said freely ye have received freely give This was not spoken to the Heathen nor Jewes nor Gentiles who were unconverted but spoken among the Saints who was a Vineyard and spirituall things sown and to such as they were made partakers of their hope which hirelings and those that taught for filthy lucre the love of money that minded earthly things that seek for their gain from their Quarter that beare rule by their means was all out from this judged with the Prophets Christ and the Apostles to be such spirits and have got the forme and taught for the earth and made the earth a Wildernesse and such got not out the Wheat nor plowed but
mouth goes the unclean spirit But that is stirr'd and stirring and rising in people which ye all ravened from and went from with which ye are all comprehended And the judgement of the great Whore is come and her garments shall be plucked off and that which ye all ravened from high and low shall answer the judgement and it is set a top of you all For such as ravened from the spirit of God inwardly got the sheeps cloathing but turned against the Saints and the woman fled into the wildernesse but now the Lamb and the Saints shall get the victory Though now the Beast and false Prophets and mother of Harlots and the Devill and the Kings of the Earth●●ake war against him He that was dead is alive and lives for evermore The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world who rides on conquering and to conquer who slayes with the sword and kills with the sword which is the words of his mouth Now wo to the Dragon and false Prophets Beast and mother of Harlots and them that worship the Beast the unclean Spirits Woes Vials Thunders Plagues Earth-quakes is come and coming upon you And he is manifest and come that treads the Wine-presse alone without the City who is the Wonderfull Counseller the Prince of Peace whose name is called the Word of God With him are the Saints singing victory over the Beast and the false Prophets great Whore mother of Harlots Babylon Antichrists Babylon is fallen the Lamb and the Saints shall have the victory The body of witch-craft in it thou art found that all that reads thy Book that be in the spirit of discerning may see whose body is redeemed and reigns over thine in the glory and victory Ralph Farmer his Booke called The great mystery of Godlinesse and Vngodlinesse In which these PRINCIPLES are following c. Pr. HE saith The soule is of an immortall and spirituall nature And GOD hath made man to serve him in an outward and visible way of worship Answ Christ saith God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and is the Spirit without and visible the Spirit that makes all that is contrary to bend in that is God worshipped And others that say they are Teachers as ye may see in this Book say that the soule is humane yea the soule of Christ and thou saith the soule of man is immortal and a spiritual nature Now the soule that gives the sense and feeling of all things is spiritual and immortal as it comes out from God which is in Gods hand whom Christ is the Bishop of the noble Principle that guides it is the light and life Prin. He saith the eternal word enlighteneth all men with the common light of nature Answ The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall is not natural For the light was before any thing was made and all things that was made was made by it which lighteth every man that cometh into the world though he be in the first Adam in the sin and transgression which light to him doth make it manifest which cometh from Christ the second Adam the way to the Father who was glorified with the Father before the world began to restore that which the first lost and this is the obedient Son and the other the disobedient one which brings the death upon him and all his posterity and all his house So the sons of Adam in the transgression may say and do say that the light which Christ the second Adam the Redeemer and the Restorer the salvation to the ends of the earth doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world withall say this is natural And so that is to deceive people to keep them from the light with which they might all see their salvation and come to receive Christ by which they might have power to become the Sons of God Pr. The measure and degree it must be without thee And it is a cheating to tell people of God within and Christ within and a word within and they are without which he calls a mystery of meer confusion and emptiness Page 27. Answ The degrees and measures was in the Saints which spoke forth Scriptures and knew the Scriptures But those that have the Scriptures and are from their degree and measure in themselves are without them And Jesus Christ is within except ye be reprobates And where Jesus Christ is within the word is there and God is there And this is the great mystery of godliness And where the power of God is set the Crosse of Christ is felt for the Crosse is the power of God And if it be not the same Christ as did ascend it is Antichrist it is against him and false which now many hundreds and thousands do witness Christ within him the Apostles preached who have their Joy and reward who do possesse that which they long looked for And all that stands against Christ within and God within and the word within and the Crosse within the power of God they be reprobates and in the mystery of confusion Pr. The Apostle bid Timothy to Preach the word in season and out of season c. not immediate Revelation pag. 32. And the time will come they will not endure sound Doctrine but after their own lusts they will heap up to themselves teachers having itching ears turning to fables immediate Revelations Page 35. Answ There is none can Preach the word in truth but who Preach it immediately and by the immediate spirit and knowes immediate Revelations And all that be in the Faith as Timothy was they be in the immediate Revelations the gift of God But the Apostle seeing such as would not endure sound doctrine would get up teachers after their own lusts as covetous and minded earthly things and evil beasts that serve not the Lord Jesus Christ but their own bellies Such the Apostle bid Timothy and Titus examine before they Ministred prove them and lay hands on no man suddainly and keep himself clear not preferring one before another And such as went into their own lusts got up heaps of teachers lost the immediate Revelation and the immediate word of God and erred from the faith that purifies the heart and gives victory in which people have unity And such now that are got into the lusts that cannot endure sound doctrine lost the Revelation and speaking the word immediately have ruled and reigned of whose generation thou Farmer art And people have heaped to themselves teachers after their own lusts and that is the cause of all the strife and wars amongst them and teachers denying the immediate Revelation and Preaching the word of God immediately have declared your selves to be the false prophets openly to the Nation that never heard the voyce of God nor Christs voyce nor the voyce of the spirit nor Ministry of the spirit which all s●eak immediately And the Apostle saw them come up before
his decease Therefore he chargeth Timothy to Preach the word in season and out of season which word is immediate And so since the dayes of the Apostles ye have reigned of Timothy and Titus and transformed your selves as Apostles as the Ministers of Christ and gotten the form the sheepes cloathing the outside but no immediate Revelation we do believe you really it is so So you are all Ministers of the letter in your own lusts for the word of God is immediate And ye are ignorant of the grace of God which is brought at the Revelation of Jesus And ignorant of the Son of God who reveals the Father And ignorant of the spirit of God which reveals the deep things of God to the Minsters of the spirit But Revelation is ceased say you and the rest of your generation do discover it And thou sayes they went after the fable● itching ears immediate Revelation Nay they that went from the immediate Revelation and turned into fables they had itching ears as all whole Christendom may witnes the itching ears how are they itching abroad their ears without and cannot endure sound Doctrine and all inwardly ravened from the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world whereby with which every man might see the Authour of his faith in which is the unity And how have you broken into Sects and heapes and into fables and heapes of teachers after your own lusts and there burning after them and broken wedlock with Christ and ready to burn and prison one another about Ministers maintenance Churches as whole Christendom discovers it But I say it is better to marry then to burn Pr. He saith That this God who is the Creator is eternally distinct from all creatures pag. 53. That Christ being God onely in one mans person remains a distinct person from all creatures and Angels Page 55. Answ This is contrary to Scripture The Saints bodies are the Temples of God and he will dwell in them and walk in them and he will be their God and they shall be his people and this is to them that witnesse the new Covenant and Christ in you the hope of glory and he is within you except ye be reprobates And them that eat not his flesh and drink not his blood have no life in them and they that eat his flesh have his flesh in them And the Saints are not distinct from him for they sate with him in heavenly places and he is in them and they in him And Christ in you the mystery the hope of glory and he is the head of the Church and so not distinct Pr. He saith God is distinct in his being and blessedness from all Creatures And that God who is the Creator is eternally distinct from all creatures Page 62. Answ God is a spirit and he dwells in his Saints and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him In him we live and move and have our being who is in all and through all and over all God blessed for ever And the spirit of the Father speakes in the Saints and he makes his abode with them And the Saints have fellowship with the Father and the Son so not distinct so these keep people from unity with God and out of his knowledge which the knowledge of God shall come to cover the earth as the waters cover the Sea And while any are separated from the Lord it is their misery and distinct from him they are from the Spirit of God in their own particulars and are not Saints But such as come to walk in the spirit they have fellow-ship with him and lives in his presence and seeth his face and behold his glory and stands in his Councell and hears instruction and they are one he that sanctifyeth and they that are sanctified are all of one And so God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself though sin and iniquity had separated who breakes down iniquities bonds and brings light life and immortality to the light through the power which is the Gospel whereby fellowship and unity comes with God and not distinct and his blessing and blessednesse felt for they that have unity with God they have unity with his blessing and they that have fellowship with God know his blessedness Pr. He saith if any man that cometh into the world have a sufficient light within him to lead him unto salvation then there is no absolute need of a Saviour and this is to offer violence to Christ Page 73. 74. Ans Every man having a light from Christ the Saviour of the soul him by whom the world was made before it was made which none sees the Saviour but with the light which comes from him And none seeth the offering and the blood of the offering but with the light which cometh from him the blood of the second Adam the Lord from heaven And all that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world knowes not Christ nor salvation But they being from the light and out of the light which Christ hath enlightened them withall they are out of the truth as the Devil is And so he can confesse Christ without as they do not within now none seeth salvation the Saviour Christ Jesus but with the light which he hath enlightened them withall that is within Pr. That the holy Scriptures is the rule of knowing God Answ The Pharisees had the Scriptures but knew not God knew not Christ nor none doth but who be in the life that they was in that gave forth Scriptures with which they learned of God the Father of life and stood in his Councell Pr. He saith Christian wouldst thou have another righteousness then that of Christ wrought in thee I know thou wouldst and must have if ever thou be saved then the righteousness of Christ wrought within thee for thy sanctification but to rely upon another righteousness for thy justification the righteousnes of Christ without thee p●g 70. And it is a blasphemous opinion and filthy puddle for to say the righteousness of Christ within And I had rather be a Papist then a Quaker Answ The righteousness within sanctification within hath been lost since the dayes of the Apostles in the Apostacy amongst you and the Papists And they that witnesse a righteousness within sanctification within they are not in the blasphemous opinion raking in a puddle And I know that thou hadst rather turn to the Papists then to the Quakers for they was your root which ye came from the Papists who first erred from the faith and so lost the righteousness within and justification and sanctification And I say none comes to witnesse salvation and to be saved but who witness Christ within their sanctification and justification and redemption and the others are reprobates And all upon the earth that can talk of a righteousness without them and sanctification and justification without them and a Christ without them and not within them they
to make our reconciliation to God to be wrought by our improving the light within and renewing the image of God in us is damnable doctrine to take men off from going to the fulness of Christ at the right hand of God and send them to look to a light within which they say is in every man is a damnable doctrine this is to forsake the fountain of living waters and dig to themselves broken Cisternes dangerous principle is that of perfection by improvement of the light within Answ The imputation to a believer is owned and this imputation is within for he that believes is born of God and hath the witnesse in himself now Abraham believed and the Romans and to such the imputation was spoken in the belief and Abraham saw his glory who is Christ Jesus the righteousness it self and the Apostle sayes ye are now nearer then when ye believed and again he sayes Christ is in you and God will dwell in you and walk in you so such as hath Christ in them they have the righteousness it self without imputation the end of imputation the righteousness of God it self Christ Jesus No man knowes the reconciliation and his reconciliation made with God but by hearing and doing the word of God that 's in the heart and mouth which divides thy bad words Hammond and thy bad thoughts that 's the word of God and cuts them down and Hammers them down and burns them up that 's the word that sanctifies and reconciles to God and makes clean and the word is Christ called the word of God and Christ is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and that is it that renews man into the image of God for the light that comes from Christ is the Image of God the light of the glorious Gospel which is the Image of God and so this is within and thou that knowes not this within and feels it not thy lips are polluted and art in the damnable doctrine and the light that shines in the darkness and thou cannot comprehend it and indeed thou art too proud high and loftie and thou must be brought down the Lord God will abase thee and no man comes into the image of God and renewed and hath reconciliation with God but which comes to the Light which Christ the Word hath enlightened him withall and that 's within and they that believe in it have the witness in themselves and they that do not the light condemns them And the light that every man that comes into the world is enlightened withall doth not take them from Christs fulness at the right hand of God but the light le ts see him lifted up and there 's none upon the earth comes to Christ at the right hand of God to receive of his fulness but who comes to the light which Christ doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world withall that 's the eye the light with which he sees Christ and in that he receives him and comes to be engrafted in him in the Vine Christ Jesus And so thou that drawes men from the light within which Christ hath enlightened every man that comes into the world withall thou drawes them from Christ at the right hand of God that they cannot receive this his fulness and so thou takes away the key of knowledge from people who art in the doctrine that 's damnable that 's from the light to be condemned and none comes to the Fountain of living mercies but are all broken Cisterns that are from the light within them which comes from Christ the Fountain of living mercies which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that with it all might come to see the Fountain and believe in it so they that do not are condemned And no one knowes perfection nor comes into the perfection of Christ but are in the dangerous estate where thou art which doth not come into the light which doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world for the imperfection comes by the first Adam and Eve and the Devil going out from the truth the perfection comes again by Christ to destroy the Devil death and his works and sanctifies man and reconciles man again to God which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world that in the light all men might see the perfection of God Christ Jesus which none doth but such as come to him the Light Pr. That there is so much light in every man that will reveal Christ and save them that believe in it and that an Indian hath it and to send to this to lead to perfection and to neglect the Fountain of wisdom at the right hand of God is a soul-destroying principle Ans The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall is saving to them that believe in it t●ey are saved them that do not are condemned and this leads to perfection the light to the Fountain of wisdom Christ Jesus the light of the world to know the Bishop of their souls and all that are not come to the light in their own particular which comes from him that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world their principles are destroying which are thine that stands against the light thou art Antichrist kicking against the light with which Christ hath enlightened thee wi●hall no man knowes a Saviour nor sees salvation but as every man comes to the light wi●h the same light they come to see Christ the light and Saviour to save them from their sins and that light is sufficient I will give him for a Covenant of light to the Gentiles and I will make a New Covenant with the house of Israel and Judah them that had the old and here 's all the world and he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth and the Gentiles was heathen call them Indian or what thou wilt I will give him for a Covenant to the Gentiles a leader of the people which many Gentiles have found their leader the Covenant of light and in this light Jew and Gentile are one and in unitie if ye walk in the light as he is in the light then have ye followship one with another and this breaks all your Sects the Covenant of light Between Jew and Gentile and brings them to one in believing in the light Prin. That light that is in every man is the Reliques of the first Covenant of works which cannot reveal Christ as Mediator Answ The light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall which is Christ by whom the world was made ends the Covenant of works the creation was made by him and he was before it was made so he is not a created light But that by which all things was created and thou art in thy works the Covenant of works and thy created lights that calls the light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world Christ Jesus a Covenant
seemed to them as idle tales The first day was finished before they believed and so they could not have faith to do any such thing Answ The Scriptures speaks no such thing and tells us no such conceit that the Disciples did celebrate the first day to be the Sabbath but this is thine and your imaginations got up among you that owns not the body Christ that ends all signes types and shadows Christ who was before dayes was and who lives in him doth not celebrate dayes Pr. Thou saith John intends a single day it 's much like it was the Sabbath day and he speaks of the Lords day Iudgement-day and this he calls the day and this day he must shew unto John in the vision The ancient Christians who call it the Lords day did never terme it the Sabbath But religiously celebrated the 7th day with it Answ Iohn doth not call it the Sabbath-day nor the Christians did not celebrate the Sabbath with it but said the old was signes and shadows the body of them was Christ But since the dayes of the Apostles and the Apostacy ye have wanted the body Christ and yee have fell into the dayes for Christ saw those as should come up and draw people into the dayes And the day of the Lord is light and in the day of the Lord was Iohn Pr. Thou saith Old things are passed away and all things are become new Answ Then the Sabbath was a thing and it must passe away and it was a rest and must have a new rest and the Sabbath was in the old time given as a signe and a command and given by God to be kept since the Fall Pr. Thou saith There remains therefore the celebrating the Sabbath to the people of God Answ But the Scripture the New Testament doth not say so The Apostle sayes there remains therefore a rest for the people of God such as come off the signes to Christ the body the soules rest there remains in him a rest for the people And such as celebrate the Sabbath rest in the shadow and doth not come to the body Christ and such are not the Believers that do enter into the rest Christ And such as rest in the signe and shadow and there remains celebrating the Sabbath come not into the body Christ the rest of Gods people Pr. Thou sayes Christ rested or ceased from his great worke and entered into his rest and this is laid down as a Gospel-reason why the Sabbath remains to the people of God And hee layes the Believer under a double engagement to sanctifie the seventh-day-sabbath Answ Christ speaks no such thing nor the Apostles neither that they should sanctifie the seventh day he speaks no such thing to the believers But the Apostle brings them off of the shadows off the signs and shews them the body of all and he doth not mention a double engagement and the Sabbath the Jewes was to rest on which was death if not kept was a figure of the redemption Christ Iesus the rest who was put to death on the sixth day Man was made on the sixth day and he was put to death on the sixth day and he was crucified through the means of them that had the shadows the outward day the outward rest from which day they should have come from the signes and shadows to the body Christ who was the rest and restauration of the Creation Pr. And thou saith To hold forth the passage over of that rest which prevented the women of the application of their spices that was the Sabbath and I am satisfied the seventh day is the Sabbath day Answ Now though the women did rest on the Sabbath-day and came with their Spices on the first day there was many of them did question whether this was the man that should redeem Israel and so that 's no ground at all to hold up the Jewes types and shadowes for Peter denyed him therefore that 's no ground But what did they do after the Holy Ghost was come to endue them with power from on high And what sayes Paul he brings them off from the signes and shadowes to Christ the body though there 's much more to be said to this for while the questioning stands the questioning part doth pertain to the shadow and types which the body ends and with that is felt and seen there 's no changing nor shadow nor variableness nor altering and that overthrows the questioner unbeliever stumbler The great stumbler was the Jewes that's resting in the shadows types and signes they stood against the body Christ Jesus Pr. Whereas thou saith The seventh-day-sabbath is one of the lively Oracles Israel received from Sinai given to us O Christian Remember it and love it in thy bosome A. Here thou wouldst bring the Children from her Mother above which is Jerusalem to Jerusalem below and Sinai and so to Hagar into the shadow and the Christians witnessed the end of the shadows and Sabbaths and witnessed the body Christ Jesus and Ierusalem that 's above and come to Christ the end of the Law and into God by him from whence the Law came and so Christians cannot put signes in their bosomes no type shadow or figure in their bosome that have Christ within them and cannot touch the Doctrine Commandements Ordinances of men which have a shew of wisdome in the Will-worship and that which the Jew the outward Jew had types shadows and figures the Jew inward witnessed the substance which is the true Christian the Law in their hearts and circumcision there and the end of the Law comes into and enters into the rest Christ Jesus that is not an outward seventh day but entered into his rest ceased from his works as God did from his which man enters into his rest and ceased from their own works the type the figure the seventh-day-Sabbath Do no worke thou nor strangers nor the Cattell and so the Sabbath was a rest from all This was a type and God gave them the Sabbath for a signe who hath ceased from his own works enters into his rest a figure of the restauration of the creation of Christ the rest the Restorer Redeemer and Saviour that brings peace on earth And so they that believe hath entered into him into the rest Christ the rest to all wearied soules and helps all creatures upon the earth man and beast and destroys the cause of all oppression and so many is come from Hagar And though the seventh day the Law was a rule among the Jewes a true type yet the Apostle that preaches Christ the end of the Law brings people to the body Christ Pr. Thou saith Circumcision nor Vncircumcision but keeping the commands of God viz. of sanctifying GODS Sabbath And thou saith The seventh Angel sounded forth the Ancient of glory the Lords Sabbath swearing that time should be no longer Answ Circumcision was a command of God and so was the Sabbath and they that love God keep his Commandements And did
speak in that degree of the holy Ghost as the Prophets and Apostles did that spoke forth Scriptures Answ Then thou must take heed of exalting thy self above thy measure for thou canst not know Scripture but by the same degree of the spirit the Prophets and Apostles had Pr. And he saith He hath no command in Scripture to sprinkle Infants and he holds it not absolutely necessary he hath no command in Scripture against it and he hath a commandement of the Governors and so he is subject to every Ordinance of man Answ An ordinance of man that is not of absolute necessity consider what it is and that which the Scripture no where commands nor thou hast no example for it consider what that is and to say the Scripture no where forbids it it forbids all the traditions and doctrines of men so that is judged by the spirit of God that is set up by men Pr. Thou saist The Lord may give with the outward washing the spirit to the childe Answ Can man receive the spirit of God by following traditions of men and outward things Was not they all from it and from the spirit and doth it not judge them for setting up such things God never commanded Pr. And he speaks of Davids Psalms given to the world sutably Answ The world must repent and be in the spirit for it lyes in wickednesse before they can know Davids singing for the Prophet saith their songs must be turned into howling and Davids condition is not the worlds Pr. He saith men may respect persons in their places Answ That 's contrary to the Apostle who said God was without respect of persons and that the Gentiles should be accepted as well as the Iewes He that doth righteousnesse is accepted with God who holds the faith of Christ it is without respect of persons it is in the unity and they that be out of that be out of the unity So thou hast pleaded for that which art out of his Doctrine He that respects persons commits sin and is convinced of the Law for a transgressor as saith the Apostle W. P. thy works are tryed and weighed and found too light and condemned for the fire the witnesse in thy conscience shall answer but now in thy security thou art asleep but the wrath of the Lamb shall finde thee out And as for all thy lies and slanders thou heaps up in thy Book they are not worth mentioning but will come upon thy own self for they are thine own covering which is judged the witnesse in thee shall answer The Elders and Messengers of the severall Churches of Ilston Abergevenny Tredingnoge Carmarthen Hereford Bredwerden Cledacke and Liangors Meeting at Brecknocke whose Book is Titled An ANTIDOTE against the Infections of the TIMES Which hath shewed your selves full of poison and such as infect the Times but with the spirit of Truth ye are comprehended and judged Your Principles are as Followeth Pr. YOu say you are conceived in sin and brought forth in iniquity Psal 51.1 Answ David doth not say you who were conceived in sinne but I and W. P. saith John was sanctified from the womb and the Scripture speaks of such as were sanctified from the womb and children that were clean And so you do not speak as Elders and Messengers of true Churches or men dividing the word aright but you are one against another though you are all against them you call Quakers that be in the truth Pr. They say They observe the designe of Satan to cast down the walls of Sion and to remove the living stones thereof from the sure foundation the rock of ages the Lord Jesus Christ and draw them to build upon the sands Answ Is this like that the Elect should be deceived living stones should be drawn from the sure foundation the rock of Ages the Lord Jesus Christ for these living stones to be built upon the sand and drawn from the Rock of Ages this Doctrine doth not sound like men of understanding For the living stones are the spirituall houshold and the royall Priest-hood and there 's the foundation that stands sure the Rock the Devill is out of and the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it you in your Notions let living stones alone for none can pluck them out of the Fathers hand Pr. And they say No man can redeem the soul of his brother Answ Solomon saith the fruits of the righteous ●s a tree of life and he that wins souls is wise And he that saves a man from his evill wayes saves a soule from a multitude of sins Again thou saist No man the greatest of men can redeem the soule of his brother Ye should not have left out Christ the Saviour the Redeemer the man Christ Jesus the elder Brother so you are a company of blinde Pastors contrary to them that gave forth Scriptures Pr. To say heaven and glory is in man which was before man was they are sottish and blinde Answ There 's none have a glory and a heaven but within them which was before man had a being Pr. Wherefore take heed of depending upon any righteousnesse within you or any righteousnesse done by you Answ This is a strange Doctrine that men must take heed of any righteousnesse done by them or within them This is contrary to Scripture which saith the kingdome of heaven is within that stands in righteousnesse peace and joy in the Holy Ghost and the fruits of the spirit is righteousnesse and goodness and this is that which ends the righteousness of the Law and he that doth righteousness is righteous and Christ the righteousness of God is with them Prin. Man hath received a light from Christ as a creature but not as a Redeemer Answ That 's false For whosoever hath received a light from Christ hath received a Redeemer and a Saviour and he that doth believe in it is saved and he that doth not is condemned Pr. And they say If you love your souls beware of such delusions least ye perish eternally that say it is the true light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world following it it is sufficient to bring men to heaven which light is natural reason and conscience Answ The light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall cometh from the salvation Christ which is the way to the Father whose throne is in Heaven and Christ saith believe in the light that ye may become the children of the light and he that believes in the light shall not come into condemnation All men is enlighened that through the light they might believe so you are not able to divide the word aright and all that be from this light are lo here lo there and so are in the natural reason and conscience which the light is not the light was afore they was Pr. They say none should never have known a Justification nor a Sanctification if it bad not been written Answ I do believe you had not
eight and that was before Matthew Mark Luke and John or any of the Epistles was written and as for the rest of thy lies slanders and hard speeches they shall fall upon thy self and be thy own burthen the witness in thy conscience shall answer me in the day of thy judgement And they that have not the Eternal Spirit are none of his Thomas Weld Richard Prideaux Samuel Hammond William Coles and William Durant their Book called A discovery of a generation of men called Quakers In it are their Principles as followeth Pr. FIrst That the soul is a part of the Divine Essence Asw That which comes from God which God hath in his hands which Christ is the Bishop of is of God and Divine and immortal which many of the Priests say is appetite lust and pleasure and the soul of Christ say they is humane which is earthy and so you that are come from one mother are not agreed here among your selves and people begins to see you the time hath been they knew not which of you to believe but now they believe in Christ who is the Bishop of their souls Pr. There lies a Mystery of iniquity for to say The world calls them so by such and such names or gives them their Christian name Answ There are names given by the heathen the heathen outwardly which men are called there is a new name which the world knowes not written in the Book of life here is the new man known after God in rigteousness created and true holinesse Now who is this new man and this new name the world may call him by the old So it is not a mystery of iniquity to say the world calls him so Pr. It is a sinful neglecting of their families to wander up and down And the forsaking of apparel changeable he calls it monkish holiness Answ When people runs into transgression from the life of God into the earth Then comes up the lusts of the eye the lusts of the world and the pride of life which leads them into all the fashions of the world which is not of the Father but of the world Now the lusts and the affections must be mortified which have outwardly transgressed the pure principle of God within whereby the minds hath gone out into the creatures and things without whereby it falls under the creatures and so comes to worship the creatures thereby more then the Creator who is God blessed for evermore being gone from the Principle of God in their own particulars that is it which mortifies the world when men turn to it and this brings off all the lusts of the world and excess and affections and professions whether they be such as thou cals monkish or notionists or whatsoever it brings into the possession into the life which mortifies for this which thou calls monkish holiness is like unto your own who have not the spirit as they lived in who gave forth the Scriptures so all holiness which stands out of that is self righteousness And the Apostles and the faithful in all ages that wandred up and down did the will of God spoke the word of God were commanded and moved of the Lord forsooke all for Christ Christ did not teach men sin And he that doth not forsake all is not worthy of him House Lands wife children whatsoever he that esteems any of those more then Christ he lives still below he lives still not given up he is not worthy of him and they that do not forsake all and come out of all are in the sinful neglect of the family of the Lord of heaven and earth and they stick below in their own cieled houses habitations nests holes and rocks falling into the mountains and there garnishing the Sepulchres and living in all fashions customes honours and pleasures of the world And the Priests work hath been this to teach the people to keep in the lust and not to forsake and come out of all their lusts to Christ who are not worthy of him and if any do they look upon them to be sinful neglecters of their family which wisdom was before all things were made and is the preserver and finisher of all things and not the destroyer but tha it rebukes and in this are men ordered to Gods glory Prin. The Quakers deny the imputed righteousness prayer baptisme Church-government Ministery Answ That ever ye five that are called Ministers should ever thus publish your lies to the Nation The higher powers the one government the Church the Pillar and ground of truth The Ministry that is in the spirit that Ministers to the spirit in the prison baptized with the spirit into the one body prayer in the spirit the Lords Supper who dwells in the Saints and walkes in them and Sups in them the Gospel the power of God imputed righteousness to the believer Abraham believed and it was accounted to him for righteousness and Christ come and Christ in you who is the end of the belief who is the justification it self and righteousness it self nigher then when they did believe And so here is justification it self without imputation the righteousness of God here the belief ends And all these things are owned according to the Scriptures but all such teachers that be in the earth and teaches for money and means we deny and baptiseth and sells your prayers and Preaching and Supper for mony we deny Pr. Will a discerning of the Gospel mysteries prove a power to discern the state and condition of souls what it shall be to all eternity is not this a large ignorance Answ The Ministers of the spirit did watch for the souls the Prophets and Apostles knew its state and knew Christ the Bishop of it and saw when the soul was in death and saw when God had pleasure in it when it lived and saw the soul in Gods hand for who have the mysteries of the Gospel which is the power of God which gives liberty to the captive to the soul and all that is imputed in man this is glad tydings to the Just this is a true work-man that divides his work aright and is not ashamed of his work of his building but presents the soul to God and knowes when it is in death and when it is living And so who are come up into the Bishop Christ they are one soul they know the hand of God which the soul lives in which is the power and so knowes it from eternity to eternity And so ye Priests which do not discern the soul and its state to eternity and from eternity ye are not in the mystery of the Gospel which gives liberty to it neither have ye it for ye are stumbling at the light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world which comes from Christ the Bishop of the soul so your darkness cannot comprehend that and so what fellowship hath the light with darkness it is not a strange thing It hath no fellowship with it for
your darkness cannot comprehend it though it shines in your darkness So for you to talk of Saints judging the world and medling with such things who are to be judged with the Saints who are that darkness that cannot comprehend the light that shines in you who have not light to comprehend the Saints that be in the light who have the just weight measure and balance who are the Judges of the world reaching measuring answering agreeable to that of God in every man And are stumbling at such as are become the Sons of God Adopted Sons and heirs and of the flesh and bone of Christ and of his mind and spirit who are in the possession of the Scriptures the durable life of the Saints which makes you darkness that cannot comprehend the light in your own particulars to rage which none comes to witness Sons-ship heir-ship Sons of God but who comes to the light in their own particulars and receives it and with it comprehends darkness It expels it away sees over the night and are the children of the day And you five Priests have shamed your selves that do not know the soul from eternity to eternity Pr. It is blasphemy to say the soul is a part of the Divine Essence Answ Ye may read in this Book how the rest of the Priests that are called Ministers some of them say Christ is humane the soul is a creature some again say it is part of the Divine Essence it is immortal and again it is appetite and pleasure and in this now is their confusion made manifest The soul is that which came out from God and is in Gods hand which hand goes against him that doth evil and transgresseth against the Principle of God that is in him which goes against the lust which Wars against the soul which hand the soul being in praises God the hand felt the power felt that turns against that which Wars against it here the soul magnifies God and the soul rejoyceth in God the Saviour the soul praiseth God here is Gods pleasure The living Lord taketh pleasure in the living soul and appetite and pleasure are humane these are not immortal which the soul is and so you five have judged your selves to be blasphemers who said the soul was part of the Divine Essence and yet 't is blasphemy to say so Pr. Christ is to rule as a King but in all he doth not Answ Those and you that hate the light will not hear him nor have him to rule over you and them such are for the sword and to be slain before him Pr. And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world is not sufficient to salvation nor gives a light sufficient to bring to the Gospel know the Mediator and that light which hath enlightened all men withall is not the way but a created light by Christ Answ The light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world all lights were made by it and created and this is the eye of the soule which gives to see Christ the Bishop of it from whence it comes and this light is the Covenant of God which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and this light doth let see the Mediator the salvation the Gospell And all that be from the light are out of the truth they that went out of the truth the god of the world hath blinded their eyes lest the light of the glorious Gospel should shine in them which is the image of God So created Lights were created by it and none knows the truth but by this light and all mens professions be but from that nature that be from this light which hath enlightned every man that cometh into the world which all men must come into before they come into unity with God And none can know the Mediator nor Christ by the created and made lights which were made by the light Christ but as they come into the Light by which they were made that gives them the wisdome of the Creation and lets them see how they were made and so they that hate the Light receive not the spirit of God but remain in their natural state and what such know they know as naturall from Books Authors and Studies So men come not to the Author of their Faith Christ who hates the Light Pr. How ridiculous is it to say Christ dwels in all so in all Answ Christ is the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and the Scripture saith Christ he is searching the hearts of the wicked and trying their reins and bringing to them their thoughts to the light that shines in the darknesse and the darkness comprehends it not He was in the Saints and the Saints were in the light so he is in all over all and through all and blindnesse darknesse comprehends it not who fills heaven and earth If thou goest to the utmost parts of the earth he is there if thou goest to the deep and to the nethermost hell he is there where wilt thou flye from his presence Have not the holy men of God found this Are all ye Ministers of the Letter so ignorant of the Letter so short and come short of the state that gave it forth And I say such as sit under the shadow of darknesse shall feel if they do but hearken listen and such whose hearts be bad shall feel him searching of them and knocking such as go down to the nethermost Hell and to the utmost parts of the earth they shall feel him if they never stirred forth present and should not need to wander for a habitation but should feel their hab●tation Such then should come to know their soules progresse which is an inward travel before it come into its Bishop Christ the rest him by whom the world was made before it was made and was glorified with the Father before the world began Pr. And it is an errour to say that the righteousnesse of Christ justification sanctification and redemption that this is all within Answ If Christ be within if not they are Reprobates and reprobates can talke of Christ and them that be out of the truth and the life they can talk of Christ and bring the Scriptures but who have Christ within they have sanctification redemption and justification they have the wisdome and power of God for Reprobates are talkers without for he that hath Christ hath all the other redemption sanctification wisdome righteousnesse is spoken to man and the work is known within as he comes out of the fall of the first Adam Pr. Its errour to say the light that discovers sin justifies Answ The light which is the Covenant of God that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world discovers sin makes it manifest blots it out justifies sanctifies redeems and condemns them that hate it Pr. It 's an errour that the light within men will bring men to the feare of God and lead men
to justification sanctification and righteousness Answ None comes to Justification to Righteousnesse who are out of the fear of God nor to receive his righteousnesse but who comes to the light within which comes from Christ the righteousnesse the wisdome the justification and sanctification and ye be in the errour that be not in this Light that leads too and le ts see it Pr. Perfection in holiness cannot be attained in this life for Adam was under such a Covenant he had no Mediator upon the breach of the command Ans God said to Adam the seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents head Christ the Promise the Mediator made the way which was the way in again to God of mans redemption and got down the Serpents head which got up in transgression that Christ the head should bear rule that the seed of the woman should have dominion the second Adam the seed Christ Jesus the Lord from heaven Perfection is not to be attained to by the life ye live untill ye come to the principle of God in you but the life that David lived in saw an end of all perfection And all who come to Christ the second Adam they come to perfection and all who attain to him they attain to perfection in the life of God out of the first Adam but who deny the light that enlightneth every man that cometh into the world and rest in the first Adam the life they live in denies perfection and never owns it in the life they live in But who comes into perfection comes into Christ a new life out of Adam in the Fall in transgression All Physitians to sick men are to make them perfect And do yee say make none whole make none perfect make never a man perfect For being made whole they are made perfect for sin wounds for the Ministery of God was to bring people to the perfect man to present them perfect These were Physitians of value and of worth whereby the body soule spirit and all were cured and they glorified God in the body and spirit Now yee that say they shall not be perfect and that none shall be without sin upon the earth no perfection in the life we live in These are Physitians of no value yee are not worthy to have the name of Physitians Ministers nor Teachers Thomas Weld Richard Prideaux Samuel Hammond William Cole and William Durant for yee are pleading while men be upon earth they must have a body of sin and he that saith otherwayes is a deceiver and so ye keep them in their wounds and sores putrifying and imperfect and not makers up of the breach and binders up of the wound And the Lord saith Though their sins be as red as crimson I will make them as white as wool and will blot out sin and transgression And this tender love and kindnesse of the Lord and mercifulness to sinners transgressors hath the Lord made manifest amongst them which the world in scorn calls Quakers and it is not a strange thing that you would not have people to forsake the fashions of the world who are thus hung about with ribbons and cuffs and scarfs and your double Boot-hose-tops and more like unto Stage-players then Ministers Pr. Perfection is a fancy those were not words of true Physitians who brought men to a perfect man to the growth up in perfection amongst the perfect ones who speak wisdome They say It is no where said that the Law is fulfilled in any Saints in this life Answ They that love God keep his Commandements Christ is the end of the Law to every one that believes and who be in him be in the end of the Law And all that dwell in love dwell in God and love is the fulfilling of the commandement who are of the seed of God keep the words of God which the Beasts and false Prophets since the dayes of the Apostles who have inwardly ravened and turned against the royall seed of God and keep the Commandements of God and so none of you that raven from the spirit of God cannot keep Gods commandements though ye have all the Saints words for the Saints witnesse the end of the Law and witness perfection and a perfect man and spoke wisdome among them that were perfect and growing up to perfection Pr. That Christ gives to every man a saving light we utterly deny Answ He is the true light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world saith John the Minister of God and he is salvation to the ends of the earth and they that hate the light neglect their salvation and turns the grace of God into wantonness and denies the Lord that bought them And every one that hath heard and learned of the Father cometh to the Sonne and none heareth or cometh to the Father that cometh not to the Son But who comes to the thing that is transgressed in them and the light that every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall nor hears nor learns of the Father nor comes to the Son but by that and the light that lighteneth every one that cometh into the world is the salvation to him that believes and he that doth not it is his condemnation Pr. But how dare these men lift up themselves in their blasphemous pride to say they are pure as God Answ Doth not Christ say Be ye perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect is that blasphemy and to be holy as I am holy is that blasphemy whose Ministers are you is not this the work of Christ and the Apostle without Holiness ye shall never see God and as he is so are we in this present world Pr. The word of God is contained in the Scriptures Ans The Scripture saith God is the word and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him are ye not more like void of reason then Ministers whose ignorance thus appears of the Scriptures which saith God is the word and the Scripture is the words and Christ is the word who fulfills them Pr. The Scriptures were given forth some more darkly some plainer Answ They which gave forth Scripture and they that be in that in which it ends to them the Scripture is not dark but such as be from the Principle of God in their own selves they be darkness so darkness happens to them which blinds their minds and the Scriptures was not given forth darkly but in the light but you who be from the light be dark Pr. The Apostles ordained them elders by a mediate call and we are convinced clearly of a mediate call to the work of the ministry and of the word Answ That which made the Officers and overseers in the Church amongst the Saints before the Apostasie It was the Holy-Ghost which holy men spoke Scripture from that made them Overseers that was not mediate but immediate that did oversee in the Church of God And we do believe that you Elders and Members called Ministers are all mediate and
to the house of Israel and Judah which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world a leader of the people a leader of them from death to life to God out of the fall the first man Adam a bringer in of righteousnesse peace and joy and truth and grace to all that believe and receive him but them that hate the light it is their condemnation The light Christ the Covenant of God is the leader of the People out of the fall out of all deceit unto God and it is sufficient It is the end of the Prophets and the Apostles teaching the fountain of life in which every one sees life Pr. Hath every man a light sufficient to bring him to God when none comes to God but by Christ If there be a light sufficient within for the enjoyment of life For direction to the Father the fountain of life the holy Ghost saith Ye shall teach no more every man his neighbour ye need not that any man teach you He doth not speake absolutely and strictly Answ Jewes and Gentiles who witnesse the new Covenant of God promised the Law in their hearts it is absolute they need not say to one another Know the Lord in the Covenant of life and peace with God in him by whom the world was made before it was made But they that have these words in a form are they that set to themselves heaps of Teachers And the teachings of the Apostles to all Nations were Ambassadors of this Covenant declaring the substance to the bringing of people off all Teachers that they needed not be taught by any man to know the Lord and the light Christ which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world is sufficient to guide to eternall life and he that believeth in it shall not abide in darkness but shall have the light of life and shall come out of condemnation and he that hates it abides in darknesse and knoweth not whether he goes And it is sufficient to let every man see his salvation For I will give him for a covenant of light saith God he shall be my salvation to the ends of the earth the Covenant of light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world Pr. What Christ and the Apostles saith swear not at all neither by heaven or earth or any other oath They did not mean as they spoke but that men should swear and they did not speak against all swearing And the Quakers may blush for it is as if God should speak as he meant by Moses in the Law Answ Christ and the Apostles meant as they spoke to what state and condition they spoke the words was truth to that state if it was by parables or patterns or figures Now Christ being the end of Oaths and Types saith Swear not at all who is the Covenant of God the end of the Prophets of Abraham of David of Solomon of Jacob of Joseph Oaths and swearing and Angels which must bow to him who s●ith swear not at all And the Apostles preached this Covenant this Oath of God Christ Jesus and the Apostle that was in the Doctrine of Christ bid them above all things my brethren swear not at all but in all your communication let your yea be yea your nay nay for whatsoever is more cometh of evill And they spoke as they meant for they came into condemnation that broke the doctrine of Christ Now Apostates and Hypocrites and false Brethren may swear that be out of the light the Covenant of God that have the form of godlinesse and denies the power and such be Antichrists against his doctrine and wrest the Scriptures to their own destruction and say that Christ and God and the Apostles did not mean as they spoke which God did mean as he spoke when he spake to Abraham And Christ meant as he spoke when he said swear not at all And the Apostle meant as he spake my brethren above all things swear not at all Pr. We are Ministers under the new Covenant and have the allowance of the Gospel and the tythes being onely designed unto us we may with a good conscience take it And the tythes are not in themselves Ceremoniall Abraham paid tythes to Melchisedeck If there be not a maintenance setled out to the Ministery we know we cannot subsist to do service to their soules without a worldly support a sufficient maintenance They call us greedy dogs because nursing Fathers and Mothers have provided for our nourishment a maintenance for us To work or to beg are two straits whereof the world might be ashamed but especially the Saints Answ The world would not be ashamed nor the Saints to see you work who have taken the peoples bread for whom you do no work and the Saints do witness against you The Prophets Christ and the Apostles declares such to be greedy dogs that can never have enough And Christ came to put an end to tythes before the Law to Tythes in the Law to a Priest-hood made by the Law which had a command to take Tythes who is a Priest-hood for ever after the order of Melchisedeck who was the similitude and likenesse and not after the order of Aaron who continues a Priest for ever And so when the first Priest-hood was ended Tythes and all ended and the command that gave them and the Priest-hood and the Law which was made when Christ reigns over the house of Jacob who asore Abraham was I am that Abraham paid tythes too the similitude and likenesse which Christ is the end of here the Rock and the substance This is my beloved Son hear him saith God who was in the bosome of the Father So they that know him come to preach the Gospel and live of the Gospell who breaks down the earthly part and opens the hearts of people who breaks down the earthly part and reaches to the seed And as for your nursing Fathers and Mothers such as give you maintenance else you could not continue your Ministery without a worldly support That is it which hath held you up long and who are fain to fly to the old worship among whom the Tenths were payd and so roving up and down in sheeps cloathing for your owne ends to get maintenance and if that falls your Ministry falls And your nursing Father and Mother was the Pope the Pope was the Author that set forth your Tenths at the first since the apostacy from the Apostles and the Apostles doctrine hath been lost Therefore that life the Apostles were in is people now come to by which ye are seen and comprehended And a worldly support is not that which holds up the Ministery but Christ which is with them to the end of the world and they that preach his Gospel live of it and they are far above shaming the Saints or the world either for maintenance but ye have both shamed your selves and the Saints are ashamed of you and many of the world and your own
of glory Pr. He saith It is a Devillish doctine not to forsake quaking and trembling Answ So in this thou mayest say it is Devillish doctrine to say salvation must be wrought out by trembling and quaking so thou shewest thou never knew salvation for before men have salvation wrought out they must know trembling and quaking and so thou hast shut thy selfe out from Moses and Davids condition and such as the Lord regards and trembles at his word Prin. He saith Flesh and bone cannot be a measure in one and a measure in another Answ Whereas the Apostle saith we are of his flesh and of his bone Here thou art contrary to the Apostle and that was more then one that had the flesh of Christ and his bone and his spirit Pr. He cries Oh Luciferian pride to save souls Answ What good doth all your preaching do Here thou spoilest all the rest of the Priests and shews thy selfe to be contrary to the Apostles who watched for the soul and saved souls that turned people from a multitude of sins Pr. He saith God the Father never took upon him humane nature Answ Contrary to the Scripture who saith God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himselfe and art ignorant of the great mystery God manifest in the flesh and his name is called the everlasting Father As for the word Humane which is from the ground it comes from thy own knowledge which is earthly and Christ took upon him the seed of Abraham and David according to the flesh and this is Scripture-Language Pr. He saith The holy Ghost is a person and that there was a Trinity of three persons before Christ was born Answ Thou knowest not him that is in the Father and the Father in him glorified with the Father before the world began And the Scriptures doth not tell people of a Trinity nor three persons but the Common-prayer-Masse-book speaks of three persons brought in by thy father the Pope and the Father Son and holy Spirit was always one Pr. He compares immediate revelation from heaven like unto the false Prophets dreams And again he saith the Scriptures is the word of God Answ Here he fights with the rest of his fellows who saith Scriptures signifies writings and writings are not God but the Scriptures of truth are Gods words which Christ the Word fulfils They are not the word of God which thou hast blasphemously affirmed but Christ is the word of God and they be out of the feare of God and the spirit and knows not the Son nor the Father that denies Revelations but are among the false Prophets and false Dreamers Pr. He saith The Scriptures are the Word except you dare to deny Christ is God And he brings a Scripture Let the word of God dwell in you richly Answ So he makes the Scripture Christ and God and he doth not say let Christ dwell in you but means the Scripture and God dwels in you And the Apostle said Let Christ dwell in your hearts by faith and God will dwell in you but thou saith Christ doth not dwell in them personally Doth not Christ dwell in his Saints as he is in the person of the Father the substance and are not they of his flesh and of his bone Pr. They that hear the Word of God do not hear the Son the holy Scriptures are the mediate Word of God Ans Now all people where ever did you read of a mediate word of God Doth not the word of God endure for ever and is it mediate And that he calls God heavenly Father and never heard his voyce nor his Sons and denies immediate teachings and he that knows the spirit that gave forth Scriptures hears the Son Pr. He saith God limits the supream holy one by the inspired writings of the Apostles and that is his third dispensation of his minde to men And he saith they are taught by inspired Scriptures which is mediate not by Letter which is litterally the Letters or Letter Answ Inspired Scriptures and yet mediate the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and the Spirit inspires which the Letter doth not and Gods teaching is by his spirit and the holy one is not limited by the words of the Apostles who fulfils them and many words the Apostles spoke which he did not write Pr. And he calls the Devill the tutor to say not made Minister of the Letter Answ So we speak the Apostles words and he makes the Devill the Apostles tutor who said the letter killeth but the spirit gives life who was not a Minister of the Letter but of the spirit said and sayes this that makes the Devill the Apostles tutor which is a lye and his own and the Devill is the Tutor of the Ministers of the Letter and not of the Spirit who can run into it who is out of the truth Pr. He speaks of a morall Law Answ Which he hath no Scripture for the Scripture speaks no such thing but darkens counsell by his words Pr. He saith The Scripture contains the mediate inspired teachings written word of God that was and is God Ans Which the Scriptures say the heaven of heavens cannot contain him and God and Christ was before any written words was and the mediate teaching of the whole Scripture-letter he speaks of which he calls God and Christ and all the mediate teaching is carnall and the Scriptures doth not continue the immediate teachings of Gods inspiration but testifies of those things Pr. He saith The written word is the sword of the spirit And he makes another rule besides the Scripture's false Answ Which we say is the spirit that gave them forth whereby peace is known upon the Israel of God And the Pharisees had the Scriptures but had not the sword of the spirit the Scriptures testifies of the sword of the spirit Pr. He saith It is a lye to say the Saints shall judge the world Answ So he would make Christ and the Apostles lyars and would take the judgement from the Son and make Christ at a distance from the Saints so he is ignorant of the Saints and Christ both and knows not the time of the Saints judging when the Lord is come but stands in the counsels of his own heart and in the hidden things of darknesse Pr. He saith No Saint can be a judge of the world Answ Contrary to Cor. 6. where the Apostle saith Do ye not know the Saints shall judge the world And they abide not in the truth that affirms it as thou saith so hast shewed thy ignorance and one of them that is judged by the Saints Pr. He denies the Son of God to be revealed in man onely by adoption and cries against equality with the Father Answ And that is contrary to the Apostle who had the Son of God revealed in him And the Assembly of Divines gave forth a Catechisme which children old and young was to learn and said the holy Ghost and Son was equall in substance
from the spirit of God you had not known there had been a father or spirit or grace or worsh●p if the scripture had not declared it but they that had not scripture had faith had the Ho●y Ghost had the Father knew the Father knew Christ knew the spirit they that had the scripture the Pharisees knew not the father knew not the holy Ghost nor the Redeemer but resisted as it was in Steven knew not father nor Christ the author of it knew not him that was borne of the spirit Now they that had the scriptures knew all these things that had the spirit that gave them forth they that had the scriptures and not the spirit knew not these things they that had the spirit of error that were in heaps about the saints words now they had the scriptures the Pharisees walked in darkenesse had not Davids Lanthorne to their feet and so could not see Christ as David did saith the Apostle their table was their trap there they struck David that had the life that gave forth the scriptures who had the lanthorne to his feet and had not they a lanthorne before the scripture was written Abraham Enoch what led them all to give forth scripture are not all they that have the scripture and out of that that they was in that gave them forth out of the light and out of the Lant-horne and they had a rule of obedience before the scripture was given forth the word of God that lives and abides and endures for ever that is the word of faith in which the scripture the words of God ends And man had the scripture and knew not Christ that was from the life that they were in that gave forth the scripture Pr. The Gospell is the scripture Answ Many may have the Scripture and deny the power of God which is the Gospel many had the Scripture and the form and stood against the Son of truth Christ Jesus the power of God the Gospel And as for thy other lies and slanders which are not worth mentioning which comes from thy drunken spirit when the spirit is awakened that suffers by it thou shalt feel every word of thy own thy burthen and thou that doth set the Scriptures above Christ and God and the spirit art a heathen THOMAS LEADGERS Antiquakers Assertions His Principles in it as followeth Pr. HE saith The Divine nature is without mixture of sin but it doth not destroy wholly the sinful nature that is in us and the being of sin dieth not until the body die and sin hath been in us to humble us Answ Sin is that which doth not humble but lifts up That which humbles people which brings down the sin Is the humilitie which bears the sin and iniquity which is Christ And the Saints were made free from sin while they were upon the earth and had the body of sin put off And the Divine nature they which have received it knoweth it and have escaped the pollutions that is in the world and the lust of it and so the Divine nature destroyes sin in its being Prin. Again he saith The Scripture is a quickening spirit the wisdom of God the power of God unto salvation the words of the blessed Scriptures every Line of it I have had saith he the righteousness of God revealed in my soul I have had the love of God the grace of Christ the Communion of the Holy Ghost manifest in me but I trample upon all attainments the highest as dung Answ Many had the Scriptures and stood against the wisdom of God and stood against the power of God yea killed and persecuted the Lord of glory of life They that had the dead Letter without the life and many got the form and denyed the power and denyed the quickening spirit and the Spirit of Christ doth not bring to trample upon attainments not the love of Christ nor the righteousness of Christ the love of Christ the grace of Christ the righteousness of Christ this was never esteemed on as the dung trampled upon as the dung such as was transgressors was as dung and they trampled upon the love of Christ the righteousness of Christ but who comes into this tramples upon their own notion Pr. He saith again that perfection is a golden dream and the Scriptures is the word of God Answ Perfection is over all dreams be they never so golden and it ends them all and is above them all and Christs name is called the word of God and the Scriptures are the words of God which Christ the word of God by which all things were made came to fulfill A Book called A serious review of some PRINCLES of the QUAKERS Pr. NO man hath reason to say that the spiritual substance is in the creature the Divine Essence is subject to change as is the soul of man and every one is enlightened that comes into the world by the light of Christ and this he cals a natural light and that some persons are come up out of the fall is an errour I do not own a perfection without sin and it is an errour to say there is any perfection without sin Answ All erring is in the fall and that which is come up out of the fall is come out of the errour into the second Adam where no errour is which many witness for all errour is in the first Adam in the fall and in him that tempted And the light which doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world by which the world was made which was before the world was made by which all things was made and created in whom is life and this life is the light of men which men being in the light which they be enlightened withall they coming by the light to him from whence the light doth come they come into the perfection out of sin for all sin and imperfection is in the first Adam in the earth And perfection is in the second Adam Christ Jesus who bruiiseth the Serpents head the Author of imperfection And who be in him are in a perfection without sin and there is no sin in the perfection nor any errour in the perfection of Christ and all who be in the unreasonableness are ●gnorant of the spiritual su●stance and power of God and Holy Ghost the spirit of truth the Spirit of Christ the nature that dwels in the Saints which all this is substance and not shadow and the Divine power and the power of the Lord God and G●d doth not change nor his spirit nor the soul nor his power so read thy self God doth not change in his being neither doth that which comes from him that which he hath in his hand and in his power Pr. H● saith That which is imperfect can be reconciled to God and that they are poor blind creatures that say the light doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and needeth no light and discovery to help and the Scripture doth no where call Christ
regard and receive but if one come in the Name of the Lord him you put out so you will not have the Lord nor his Christ to reign neither his servants to labour in his Vineyard Pr. Ministery is like a mighty tree whose fruit the Lord hath appointed for the healing of the Nations Answ But your Ministers and the Papists hath been them got up since the days of the Apostles that brings Nations all into heaps and into blood and doth not heale the Nations but wounds and burthens and kills and casts into prison as this your fruit declares it who casts into prison such as you doe no work for Pr. To the Law and to the Testimony pray to the Father of lights that he would enlighten us with his truth and shew us the way that he would have us to walke in and pray for us who watch for your soules as those that must give account Answ The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy And the Law is light and the Law and Testimony was before Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn and the Epistles were written and the Revelations which outward Books you call Law and Testimony which the Scripture saith the testimony of Iesus is the spirit of prophesie and the Law is light Prov. 6. Are you them that are the makers of Ministers and Ministers who watch for the soules of people and yet do you bid people pray to the Father that he would enlighten you with his truth and shew you the way that you may walke in it How can you present soules to God that doth not know the way and are yet to be enlightned and yet to have the way shewed so you that you might walke in it Is this your conclusion of all you Ministers in Ireland Now I say Christ hath enlightned every man which comes into the world which is the way and though your darknesse cannot comprehend it and yet you pray that he would enlighten you When John saith he doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world and that is the true light Have you the light to seek and the way to seek and truth to seek and yet watchers for souls And the soule you that are called Ministers saith it is humane yea the soule of Christ the soule of man is appetite and lust and pleasure and humane from the earth from the ground Is Christs soule from the ground and appetite lust and pleasure wars against the soul in them that be in the unreasonablenesse You that have the light to seek truth to seek and way to seek are in the earth and so gives the soule the name of that which comes from the ground Now the soule is immortall God breathed into man the breath of life and he became a living soule It is that which came out from God who hath all souls in his hand that 's his power which hand goes against him that doth evill And Christ the power of God which is immortall is the souls Bishop which is immortall from whence it hath its nourishment and the immortall which is able to save the immortal soul And as for all the rest of your ignorance and non-sence in your Book which comes from your confused earthly spirit who are found in the nature spirit and stock of your Father the Pope who hath apostatized since the dayes of the Apostles with all the rest of your stuffe which is but fuel for the fire in that day of your account the witnesse in all your consciences shall answer it John Stillom his Book called Margent Notes His Principles as followeth Pr. HEe calls it the Quakers adoring their own light magnifying the light of nature The Church is ashamed of your doctrine and walking saith he Ans The Quakers light is Christ the truth in whom they worship God which light was before naturall lights were and this the Church owns and is not ashamed of in which stands the Doctrine by which light the Church is gathered up unto God the Father of light but the imitated Churches in the Apostacy are ashamed of it Pr. Not any man knows him speaking of Christ to be God till he finde him in Scripture and saith as deep things as the spirit hath revealed they are all in the Scripture Ans Many knew God and knew Christ and yet had not written Scripture to tell them of those things as Enoch and Abel and many again hath Scripture speaking of God and Christ and yet doth not know God and Christ and doth not finde him in Scripture As instance the Pharisees knew not God and Christ which had the Scripture and had not life untill they came to Christ the Scripture speaks of and many things the spirit did reveal which was not written in the Scriptures and was spoken to the Saints Pr. John meaneth not that there was any substantiall truth necessary to be known to salvation which is not revealed in the written Word but the spirit that ordered the Copies and mysteries of the Gospell to be contracted within a narrow compass of lines Answ Many knew their salvation as in the dayes of Noah Enoch and David which had not the written Scriptures And though people have the Copies that speaks of the Gospel of the mysteries of the Gospel put together and compassed and contracted into lines yet they do not know the Gospell nor the mysteries of it nor the Word though they testifie of these things and the Pharisees did not that had Scripture which Scripture doth not tell us of written words but that the Word is Christ and God which was in the beginning before words were given forth And Gospell and salvation and the mysteries of it is known by the Spirit and the Light which come from Christ Jesus which none knows it but by that Pr. Stillom adds not onely heart rising prophesie n●r breast-prophesie in the minde but written downe in books The Apostle excludes not heart-prophesie so he includes Scripture-prophesie but till the day-star did arise in their mindes by the reading and heeding of the Scriptures that is plain meaning Answ The Scriptures were given forth by prophesie and the spirit of it and no man knows but by the same spirit and the Apostle did not exclude heart-prophesie and the Day-star doth not rise in the heart by mens reading and heeding the Scriptures in their own wills and having them in books written down but as men do come to the life and spirit as they were in that gave them forth and heed that with that they heed Scripture and knows Scripture and with that they know the Day-star and Christ who is the end of them and so men must come to take heed of the light that shines in a dark place before they know the Day-star arise For the Jewes had Scripture and did not heed that for the spirit within of prophesie doth not deny any tittle of the Scripture without And in thy Principle thou hast confounded thy selfe who saith Not heart-prophesie heart-rising
Apostles and Christs words and minister of unrighteousnesse transforming your selves into the true ministers words whose soules is under the horrible delusions and misterious deceits under the observances o● the world who would beguile the soule that is not stablished but light is broke forth that few you can deceive and thy New-years gift is judged and proceeds from Cain and is his sacrifice from the earth for t●e Apostles saw such as was transforming into the false Apostles and false ministers he brings the saints to the light that shined in their hearts to give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ Jesus which you deny to the false transformed into their words and judged with their spirit which brought people to the light within and you bring them from it so from that which should give them the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Chri●● Jesus Pr. The Devil is called the Prince of darknesse because he lives in the darknesse as to the apprehention of divine love an enemy to all the Image of God which is light and purity and the devil transformed himselfe into the likenesse of God under a faire pretence heavenly words selfe-denyall actions righteous conversations Answ This is like your fruits who hath deceived the people but is your divine love to the devill who is out of truth doth not Christ come to destroy him and his works and there is none that can apprehend the divine love of God but who be in the truth And the Devill cannot transforme himself to be like God not in his image nor in his righteousnesse that is out of truth and his conversation that is out of truth is altogether unrighteous and is but in the pretence of selfe-●enyal● but is not the thing though he and you may get the words that be heavenly and stands against the light and Image of God and purity it selfe for all you be of the devil that doth deny the light that doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world for you come not into the truth which the devill is out of nor into the pure conversation which is in heaven and purity Pr. Thou saist Thou hast many occasions offered by the Quakers upon thy poor weake and sinfull heart the Lord hath filled my heart with moderation in giving my own once uncomfortable experiences Ans We believe thee that thy heart is weak and sinfull and a weak and sinfull heart is not filled with moderation and thy experiences which are uncomfortable are not the experiences of the Saints for the Saints experiences are comfortable and their heart is a pure heart that is filled with moderation and the Quakers will torment all sinfull and corrupt hearts for such the Lord is against and so be his Saints not to take his words into their mouthes Pr. Thou saist Thou hatest hypocrisie when thou livest in the light life and power of the first Adam and because the Quakers say they know my conscience better then my self I see they are acted through delusion I am able to to speak this truth from my own heart which is better known to me I do know that a naturall man may make a large progresse in the Gospel profession and conversation and that which the Quakers call back-sliding is my turning to my God Ans In the light and life and power of the first Adam as he was in the beginning thou art not in which he was in before the fall and the Apostles knew the state and condition of Jewes and Gentiles and people better then they did themselves and so doth the Quake●s that be in their spirit and this is not delusion and thy owne heart yet thou dost not know as thou oughts nor the truth but first thou must come to the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world which is the truth and a naturall man doth not make a progresse into the Gospell nor doth not come into the conversation of it whilst he lives in the naturall estate and thy God thou art turned too which is the God of the world as all hirelings and diviners for money and teachers for filthy lucre did that went forth from the spirit of the Apostles and prophets and Christ and back-slided from them and so went from the true God and thou serves the God of the world for love of thy benefice and see if thou will not look upward and downeward and curse thy God Pr. I would have all the world to observe how that the Quakers that Anti-Christ hath cast that blindnesse upon their understandings for their reproving men sharply and rebukeing them crying woe to the hypocrites it s the devils policy to keep close to the scriptures I used arguments to people to look for the glorious way and discovery of the divine light and power to be brought forth among all the children of the most high O mystery Babylon of this delusion Ans Hears thy confession for the spirit of God where it is doth rebuke reprove sharplie and tell them that are hypocrites the woe is to them and the Quakers ante-christ cannot blind them they are come from under his power and authority but you are them that cannot feare reproof and the Lord may send a man as he did Philip to such a place and he not know what he shall do nor whom he shall speak to till he come to such a place and the devil is out of the life that gave forth scriptures though he and you may pervert the words who may get them but not own them as they speak and thou calls good evill and evill good for the children of the most high doth waite for the most glorious discovery of divine light and power which delusion and mystery Babylon is out of and so the Quakers is come to that which ante-christ is ravened from with that they comprehend him Pr. And thou saist These people that thou callest the Quakers will send most rayling accusations against the pillars of the Chu●ch of Christ Ans That is false but antichrists Church and his pillars which are waters which you call tongues which is your originall that Iohn calls waters the Quakers do judge according to truth and declare it in full power and majesty and can make it good which you call rayling which they deny for a company of greedy drumb dogs can never have enough that will prison and pesecute men till death for speaking to them and for meanes such as are apostatized from the true church and is a false Church who hath transformed themselves into the true Churchs words but now the true Church hath discovered you to be the false apostatized from the true and reigned since the daies of the Apostles Pr. I see no conviction the Quakers hath wrote by their speaking or any subjection of fear or love or any such thing wrought by them and to tell such that be praying reading or in meditation to say it is the power
who comes to the Kingdom of heaven in them comes to be perfect yea to a perfect man and that is above any degree and thus thou art blind and ignorant of that wich the Scriptures declare Pr. Thou wouldst have it proved that they are false prophets that declare the true Prophets words Answ They that make Merchandice of the true Prophets words were the beast false prophets and great Whore but they that speak freely as they had received was the true Prophets and true Apostles and such in all ages was distinct each from other known by the spirit of the Lord who had received from the Lord what they spoke and declared freely and who had got the Saints words and had not received them from the Lord but spake them forth for money these were distinct one from another A Paper I have received the Title of it is A form of sound words containing the first Principles of the Oracles of God framed for the use and benefit of the Inhabitants of two adjacent Parishes in the County of NOTTINGHAM Their principles in it as followeth Pr. WHen for the time you ought to be Teachers you have need that one teach you again which be the first Principles Answ How can you teach the first Principle of pure Religion when you deny the light that Christ hath enlighten every man that comes into the world withall And this may whole England witness and so your Doctrines that you have taught them and commandments are such as perisheth being not men sent of God so have not profited the people at all Pr. And you say False teachers this age is too full of and that you may henceforth be no more children tossed two and fro and you intreat to except a word from us your Ministers for what profiteth a man to gain the whole world and lose his own soul Answ Who hath tossed people more up and down then you and carried them about with your windy doctrines and so the multitudes of the false teachers the world have been too full of you since the dayes of the Apostles who is more for gaining the whole world then you that calls your selves Ministers hath not and doth not your fruits declare it to the whole Nation in prisons there lies your fruits for where may people see the Priests fruits but in prisons And how your Congregations be all on heapes when any comes in the Name of the Lord amongst them and hath shewed that your Exhortation hath not profited the People at all Pr. We intreat you to take heed of that dangerous deceit in hoping to be saved by your own works or in any thing in our selves Answ He that believes hath ceased from his own works so not sayed by them and he that believes is saved and this belief is within him in Christ And the ingrafted word is able to save the soul and Christ the Saviour revealed and manifested within Pr. Out of the holy Scriptures Old and New Testament which it the word of God we may learn the true knowledge of God Answ The Jewes had Scriptures and did not know God nor Christ nor did not know themselves And the Scriptures is not the word but the words of God and so you teach Parishes and your children to lie as you may read in Exodus God spake all these words and said And whosoever shall add to these words Revelations and Christ saith my words And would you make people believe the Scriptures were but a word when they say they are words And Christ is the word as in the Revelation And so that which brings to the knowledge of God is the spirit And the Son reveals him Christ Jesus who is the light which doth enlighten every man that comes into the world and every man that comes into the world receiving the light Christ will reveal the Father to him Pr. There is three persons Father Son and Holy Ghost And we intreat you to take heed of the natural Popish conceit Answ The word three persons is the natural Popish conceit which is out of thy Father the Popes Canon-books where thou hast learned it but Father Son and Holy Ghost that is sound Scripture but thou canst not take it as it speakes but thou must add three persons to it so brings the plague upon thee Pr. There is many that have share in that salvation purchased by Christ Answ Christ was the offering for the sin of the whole world And he gave his body for the life of the whole world And he came a light into the world and doth enlighten every man that comes into the world he that dyed for the sin of the whole world was an offering for the sin of the world that all through this light might believe And so many are condemned for not believing that which they should believe in condemns them Pr. God works faith in us inwardly by his spirit and outwardly by his word Answ Here thou goest about to make the spirit and the word not one is not the word spiritual and Christ called the word who is the Author of the faith which mystery of it is held in a pure conscience and is not this word of faith in the heart Pr. The whole word of God in general is summed up in the Apostles Creed Answ Where hast thou been for the word Creed but out of the Masse-book and Popes Canon-book not out of the Apostles Epistles And the Apostles Epistles declares of the word and the Saints writings and saith it was in the beginning and saith the Letter kills for the Jewes had Letter and did not find the word in it but stood against it and you have the Letter the Apostles words but you do not find the word in it it speakes of the word the word was in the beginning and in the heart before the words Pr. Brethren be perfect be of good comfort no man can be made free from sin in this life Gods children have sin in them Answ The Devils doctrine is that men shall not be perfect while they are upon earth and all his Ministers but you that say they must be perfect and yet must have sin that makes them unperfect And the children of God that was born of God did not commit sin neither could they because the seed of God remained in them and they were made free from sin and had put off the body of sin as in Romans the 6. and John the 3. Pr. No man is able to keep the commands of God perfectly we break them dayly in thought word and deed And in all our best duties we are unprofitable servants Ans Here you shew that you do not love God for who loves God keepes his Commandments and love fulfills them and all your best duties and deeds be but unprofitable servants in that we do believe you So your Preaching is unprofitable praying unprofitable so you judge your selves out of your own mouths singing instructing praying all is unprofitable and they are
him by true faith Ans Salvation is purchased to all men that perished in Adam though they do not believe it for he is the Saviour of all men especially of them that do believe and an offering for the sin of the whole world mark the world and doth enlighten every man that cometh into the world that all through him might believe and he that believes not is condemned by Christ the light the life the sacrifice the offering that through death that which in them was the power of death the Devill he destroyed and his power and so entred into his glory all that believe in him have life and all that doth not and receive him not hath not life but are condemned through unbelief Now if if you say that in Adam all dyed I say yes and in Christ all shall be made alive to the Justification of life I say yes as in Adam all dyed as in Christ they come to be made alive so them that are the believers are the holy so the believers children a new creation a new generation new creatures out of Adam in the fall the believers passed from death to life that came by Adam and so in that is a cleane creation and holy generation Pr. All things contained in the Gospell is summed up in the Apostles Creed Ans The Apostles doth not tell us of a creed but the Popes Canon-book and common prayer book and many things the Apostles had to say which was not lawfull to utter and many things Christ had to say they could not beare but the Gospell is the power of God and that the scripture speakes of but doth not say the Epistles is it Pr. God hath manifested himselfe in his word that these three distinct persons are one Ans The word nor the scripture doth not tell us of three distinct persons but it tells us of Father and of Son and of Holy Ghost but indeed as I said before the Popes canon book and Masse-book doth so for the Holy Ghost is not distinct from the Son and the Son is not distinct from the Father but they are all in one Pr. Having our chief hope placed in God being assured that nothing may with draw us from his love Ans Yet you say you are not able to keep the commandements of God perfect then you are drawne from the living God and you are from the chiefest hope Christ for who loves God keepes his commandements and such have the chiefest hope Christ in which the commandement ends here the love goes forth out of the pure heart but is not riches your hope and doth not riches and the glory of the world and the fashions thereof drew your hearts away and your love and hope stand in them and hath taken up the possession of your hearts more then God therefore who keeps them not perfectly keeps them not at all Pr. You say Christ hath ransomed your bodies and your soules from sin and by that one sacrifice of his body he hath redeemed you Ans Are your bodies redeemed and your soules that are immortall and your spirits sanctified and do you glorifie God in your bodies soules and spirits which is the Lords and is there not sin in your bodies and are not your spirits corrupted now who witnesses redemption of the body and soule from sin these are out of the first Adams state and are the holy ones and these be in the end of the law and that which fulfills the Law Christ Jesus but now if you come to say that you have sin in your bodies and the fruits will shew it selfe to persecute or envy rage malice pride or such wickednesse this shewes not the fruits of Redemption Pr. You say That God in Christ hath put out the remembrance of your sins and of your corruptions within you wherein you must fight all your life time Ans Whilst the sins you are fighting withall are not blotted out in your own particulars this is not the life of the Saints they are not fighting all their life time but come to the kingdome of God witnessing sin and iniquity blotted out the everlasting covenant of peace and life with God Pr. You say You are righteous before God through faith though your consciences accuse you for your trespasses against the commands of God being prone to evil yet notwithstanding imbrace the benefits of Christ as if you never had committed any sin or corruption and this is as if you your selves had perfectly compleated the obedience Ans Where the conscience accuses it is impure and that the true faith is out of for the mystery of faith is held in a pure conscience and that is it that receives Christ and which is not prone to evil nor transgresseth the commands of God but you are out of the perfect obedience and out of the faith both and are in the corruption are not the lovers of God nor come to Christ the end of the commandements which is loved in a pure heart and whereas you talke of conscience accusing and yet faith that is your ignorance for faith is held in a pure conscience the conscience doth not accuse but the unsanctified Pr. Not that we please God through the worthinesse of our faith for our works the best of them are imperfect in this life defiled with sin Ans It is faith that brings men to please God which Faith comes from him and gives victory over that men have lived in and not pleased God so faith there is a worthinesse in it it is the gift of God by which men please God and have accesse to to him and they are justified and through it they overcome and subdue mountaines and raise the dead your best workes being imperfect and defiled with sin in this life then they are not wrought in God but out of him in the darknesse they are works of darknesse unperfect defiled with sin are not the workes of darknesse to be condemned for the fire and to be out of the Law and Gospell but the works the Saints works that are in the Faith wrought in love are perfect wrought in God created to good works these are distinct from the unperfect defiled with sin and these good workes the Saints witnessed when they were upon the earth which is the works of Faith which works by love Ans Infants that are baptized belong as well to the covenant and Church of God as they of full age they by baptism being grafted into the Church of God so discerned from the children of Infidels so this baptisme succeeds Circumcision Answ Then by this all Christendom that are baptized are the Church and grafted into the Church Papists and Protestants and all and how is it that your Church is so much in confusion then for you say they are grafted into the Church of God and in the Church of God there is no confusion it is the Pillar and ground of truth without spot or wrinkle and how is it there is such killing
Errors and found in them did not they set up the Tithes and the Masse-houses and the Colledges where thou wast made a Minister and give you the names of Rectors and Curates and your means to your Colledges and old Masse-houses art not thou found in them and among them their errors false Church great whore since the true Church went into the wildernesse among them that drinks the blood of the Saints with sheeps cloathing having not the spirit as the sheep had nor in the nature so in the Error Pr. Thou saist The Scripture speakes of God after the manner of men Ans The Scripture speakes of God after the manner of the Spirit and to the spirit whereby men might receive him and know him by the spirit which naturall men cannot Pr. Thou Queries to know whether the Holy Ghost be a distinct person and the worship of God in three persons Ans Art thou going about to confute the Papists errors and hold them up and justifying of them which the scripture doth not Mat. 28. but the Papists common prayer book and old Cannon book speaks of three persons but the scripture speakes of Father Son and Holy Ghost and thou speakest of Christ but yet are not come to the Light which Christ hath enlightned every man which comes into the world withall and thou speakest of Adams being the Image of God and yet art not come to Adams state as he was in the beginning so therefore knowes not redemption and knowes not predestination nor election but found in Adams state in the fall and reprobation thou speakest of Ordinances and yet art a transgressor of the commands of Christ who art called of men Master and an imitator of the Pharisees doctrines thou speakest of the Church but art found one of those that are dressed with the whores rags since the true Church went into the wildernesse thou speakest of the Magistrates yet not in the higher power which goes over all sin and transgression which answers the transgressed in every man upon the earth thou speakest of Dogs and evil workers seducers and Hereticks who are doing their work as your Goales and prisons may witnesse in the Nation and whole Christendome the fruits of Dogs and evill workers and seducers and hereticks which was not Christs worke nor the Apostles Thou speakes of the Common wealth but yet art out of that which is the generall good to all men Christ the light of the world who is the saving health all power in heaven and Earth is given to him in whom men have wisdome by which all things was made and created to order the things by the wisdome by which they were created thou speaks of Souldiers and yet art not come to Iohn a man sent from God but art one from the Colledges the Papists houses since the Church went into the wildernesse and men made by the will of man who have been set up by the dragons power so art not come to the Light that Iohn came to bear witnesse to that did enlighten every man that comes into the world so art short of rectifying solderie who stops up the eye by which they should see thou speakest of the error of the Quakers who art found in the error thy selfe not come to see that which must be shaken before that do appear which cannot be shaken nor come to the trembling of the Devills not knowing the strong man bow himselfe that hath kept the house who is at peace who is the author and ground of the error and not he that is stronger then he that kept the house made the Devil tremble shake the Earth where he hath had his foundation yea and the heavens also thou also speakest of the first birth whose habitation is in the earth and propriey there who made me a divider of mens inheritances me who am the end of the Law for the Law is just among you to devide to every man his right but I who am the end of the Law redeemes you from under the Law and out of the earth but you who are found in this first birth in the earth have set up your tenthes and keeps people in the ninths your greediness of it your presence declares thou speaks of mine thine in collections so selfe you are found in and your coldnesse incollections the blind and lame Fatherlesse and widdowes the streets in London declares you and the countries abroad yet you are all Christians and baptized and you weare rings and scaries and points and others crying for bread thou speakest of buying and selling c. who art arming thy selfe to hold up the honour of the beast which was simple words spoken and as for your buying and selling the fruits of the great whore hath declared it selfe made merchandize of souls and all other things out of the Law of equity which who acts in acts in the will of God thou speakest of good morrow and good evening and would blind the world though thou broughst scripture for it and makes them believe it is the Quakers error to say the contrary the morning is good and the evening is good and all is good that God created and made as it was in the beginning but by transgression they come to be vile and evill going out of the truth as things were created and standing in the truth are all blessed thou speakest of giving of thanks and craving a blessing and yet you say you must have a body of sin whilst you be upon earth so your thanks and your blessings is from the unclean lips in the mouth that blesses and curses and so proceeds from the bad fountain thou speakest of Christian Magistrates and higher powers and thou speakest of saluting and honoring and bowing downe before men who art not come to Christ the power of God who hath all power in heaven and earth given to him being not come to the light that doth enlighten every man that comes into the world and hath all power who subjects all Magistrats to himselfe who doth enlighten them to see him and you are not come to the Angels state that said to Iohn see that he did not bow to the Angel but worship God Iohn who saw all the World worshipping the beast in the old time they had bowed to the Angell but Christ is come to whom the Angels must bow and who is in him hath life and worship and that is honourable which is in the truth for who honours God God will them honour but honour to a fool is not seemly but like snow in summer and thou speaks of Christs Freemen and thy choosing it rather then to serve Idolatrous Masters and these Freemen that have chosen their freedome and cannot serve you Idalaters who are spirituall Egypt to worke in the earth for you to make you brick to set up your building you persecute them as Idolaters you Imprison who have the forme of godlinesse and denies the power who will talk of the words but deny the